2/28/91 to 7/27/91 ■:v /. l^Al^LLOYB ry.^^^pfic- > vV_ ^. OF THE COLLECTION OF ETCHINGS BT CHARLES )WERyON, OF M. DE SALICIS, Deceased, late of Paris; AND A SMALL COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS BY THE OLD WASTERS, THE PROPERTY OF A. BARONET : WHICH jlStU bt 5old bu auttton, b|) Messrs. CHRISTIE, ' MANSON AND WOODS, AS rmmiR (seeat aooass, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAKE, On THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1891, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. -wrjj^^o^ May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kin^ Street^ Si. James's Square, S. W. ^v. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No persou to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Piirchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so pxirchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency Cif any) attending such re-salc shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1891, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. The following are the Property of M. DE S A LI CIS, deceased, late of Paris. POETRAITS OF MERYON. 1 Profile, in Cameo, by Bracquemond — first state, with the verses 2 The same — second state, the plate reduced 3 Meryon seated, by the same 4 Meryon mad, after Flameng (heliogravure) — proof before letters ; and another 2 5 Facsimile of a pastel, late in Mr. Burty's Collection — lithograph hy T, Chauvel 6 Impression of the brass plate engraved by Bracquemond for Meryon 's tomb — one of two impressions taken ETCHINGS. 7 The Cow and the Ass. B. 2, W. 63 8 A Soldier, after Salvator Eosa. B. 3, W. 67 — one of tvjo impressions known S A Shepherdess, after Stefano della Bella. B. 4. — the only impres- sion known B 2 4 10 The Three Pigs in front of a Hovel, after Karcl Du Jarilin. B, 6, W. 65; and the Two Horses, after tlie same. B. 7, W. 66 2 11 Le Pavilion de Mademoiselle, after Zeeman. B. 8, W. 68 12 L'Entree du Faubourg St. Marceaux, after the same. B. 9, W. 69 — in-oof before letters, with Zeeman s title in Meryons autograph 13 The same — icith letters 14 A Watermill near St. Denis, after the same. B. 10, W. 70 15 La Seine au Coin du Mai), after the same. B. 11, W. 71 16 South Sea Fishers, after the same. B. 14, W. 75— first and second states ; and Calais to Flushing, after the same. B. 15, W. 74 3 17 Entree du Convent des Capucins Frangais a Athenes. B. 16, W. 32 — proof before any letters ~7 18 The same — with letters — 19 La Salle des Pas Perdus, after Du Cerccan. B. 17 W. 76— trial proof, with three autograph letters of Meryon 4 {■ I 20 The same — the plate ait, icith the address 2 ^ ;i 21 Chenonceau. B. 18, W. 77, after the same / _^ 22 Le Pont Neuf et la Saraaritainc, after Nicolle. B. 19, W. 29— ■~ trial proof , before the shy jO^-C-l/Vv^-t 23 The same — with letters "-' -^ - •« ^ .V — 24y Le Pont au Change, vers 1784, after the same. B. 20, W. 28 — trial proof 25 The same — proof before letters 26 Map of the Naval Fight of Sinopc. B. 21, W. 7^— proof, with an autograph letter of Meryon at the back, addressed to M. Salicis 27 The same — an impression with the label of the publisher, Tanera 2 5 . 28 San Francisco. B. 22, W. 80. The Five Photographs which ' ^ ' ^ served Meryon to build up this Composition (referred to by Bui'ty in his Catologue) ; and an impression of the plate 2 ? 3 ^^^^^ 29 Ruinsof Pierrefonds, B. 23, W. 81 -O-^^/vn-^ 30 Eue Pirouette-aux-Halles. B. 24, W, 30 — xcitli the initials on (he chimney stack 31 The same — the initials erased, ivith alterations in the inscription de.; and another impression — with further alterations 2 32 Presentation to King Louis XL B. 25, W. 82— proof before ' sc' after the initials ; and another— ivith ' sc' 2 33 Clievet de St. Martin-sur-Eeuette. B. 26, W. 83 34 Passerelle du Pont au Change apres Tincendie de 1621. B. 27, W. 84:— proof loith 3ISryons autograph ; and another — with letters 2 35 Partie de la Cite de Paris. B. 28, W. 31— trial proof before the towers of Notre Dame, the sky, and much other tvork V' ' 36 The same — proof before the inscription on the sign-board, and tvith Meryons autograph 1- I "1- r '}■ 37 The same — proof before letters 'v^'u^Vv 38 The same — with letters 39 Le Grand Chatelet a Paris. B. 29, W. 85 — proof; and another — with letters 2 / ^ 40 Vue de I'Ancien Louvre, after Zeeman. B. 30, W 60 — proof, before the stamp of the Chalcographie, dated by Meryon, 3 Avril '66 r7, 41 The same — pi-oof with the stamp ; and another — with letters 2 42 Eaux Fortes sur Paris. B. 31, W. 1 — on brbion L/^ 43 The same — on Dutch paper '^ iM\i\u^^\ J 44 A Eeinier dit Zeemann. B. 32, W. 2 "^ ^\45,Ancienne Porte du Palais de Justice. B. 33, W. 3 i A Cv->.«v-«j -:(98)^\ie des Toiles, Bourges. B. 58, W. S5— first state, with the dog S A 'H^/-* 99 The same — third state, before the title 100 Ancienne Habitation a Bourges. B. 59, "W. 34 — trial proof, before much 7corJc on the houses in the distance \i^ h \/)l/U /y, 2^ 101 The same — with icorlc added . tv ' <' I „ 102 Le Pilote de Tonga. B. 60, W. 36 — first state, with the edges unfinished w*Ji4L -^^ 103 Lc Malingre Cryptogame. B. 61, W. 37 — in various states 4 ,. /^ ^ 104 Head of a New Zealand v og. B. 62, W. SS~— first state, before the ^ monogram H A ,A^__^t.^^ J- ^ V 105 The same — second state, with monogram 106 Greniers indigenes et habitations a Akaroa. B. 63, W. 39 — trial proof before any letters, icith Meryon's autograph 107 The same — with letters and monogram ; and another 2 ^- 108 Grande Case Indigene. B. 64, W. 40 — the original draicing, in Indian ink 109 The same— proo/ before any letters 110 The same — with letter and monogram, on India paper ; and one — on Dutch paper 2 — Ill Uvea : Peche aux Palmes. B. 65, W. 41 — the original drawing, in Indian ink 112 The same — proof before letters; and one — with letters 2 -" 113 La Pointe des Charbonniers. B. 66, W. 4.2— the original sketch, in Indian ink 114 The sMiio— first and second states 2 9 115 The same — third and fourth states 2 — 116 Title for the New Zealand Set. B. 67, W. iQ—the original dratcing 1 17 The same — six trial proofs, representing various states of the plate 6 118 The same — an impression on huff paper ; and one — on blue paper 2 — 119 Etat de la Colonie Francaise d'Akaroa. B. 68a, W. 4.S~the original sketch, taken on the spot 120 The same — a reduced drawing for the etching; and two impressions of the latter 3 121 La Chaimiiere du Colon Vieux Soldat. B. 68d, W. 44 — 122 Provolant des lies Mulgraves. B. 69, W. 45 — the original drawing, in pencil ~ 123 The same — a trial proof ; and two early states of the plate 4 124 The same — proof before letters ; and three others, in different states : one bears an autograph of Meryon, acknowledging a debt of 15 centimes to his baker 4 125 Le Petit Prince Dito. B. 59, W. 70 2 126 A Monsieur Eugene Blery. B. 71, W. 48 127 The same Verses — another plate, undescribed, unique impression f^ 128 La Loi Lunaire. B. 72, W. 49 : two pencil drawings ; and a trial proof before any lettering 3 —'129 Tlie same — with inscription, coloured by hand 2 130 Ditto, the smaller plate. B. 73, W. 50 : the Original Drawing' and six proofs of various states of the plate 7 131 La Loi Solaire. B. 74, W. 51 — impression with autograph corrections by Meryon ; and another impression 2 132 Ci-git la Vendetta. B. 77, W. 55 — impression with Meryon's autograph ; and another 2 133 Eebus on the Due de Morny. B. , W. 56 — impression of the plate unclcancd : and another 2 10 134 Rebus : Beranger, &c. B 78, W. 57 135 Frame for tlie portrait of a Printer. B. 79, W. 54 — eight proofs, in various states 8 136 Frontispiece for a Catalogue of the work of Thomas de Leu. B 80, W. 61 — trial proof , before some work and any lettering 137 The same — with letters 138 Le Ministere de la Marine. B. 82, W. 26 — first state, hefore any letters 139 The same — second state, with the monogram 140 College Henri IV. B. 83, W. 58 — first state, * reserve ' 141 The same — second state, with monogram and steamer, ditto 142 The same — third state 143 The same — fuurth state 144 The same — fifth state r=i 145 Bain froid Chevrier. B. 84, W. 27 — first state, hefore any lettering'^ jj.. 146 The same — second state, ivith monogram and title 2^147 The same — with verses, autograph, and dedication *."■[ j\ 148 The same — the same, with the verses printed in red 149 The same — the same, with the verses printed in gold 150 Evariste Boulay-Paty. B. 89, W. 87 ; and Pierre Nivelle. B. 91, W. 89 2 151 Fran9oi8 Viete. B. 90, W. 88 — trial proof before any letters 152 The same — with letters 153 Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigne. B. 92, W. 90— proof hefore letters 154 Jean Besley. B. 93, W. 91 ; and Rene de Burdigale. B. 94, W. 92, 2 155 Armand Gueraud. B. 95, W. M—four different states 4 156 Louis Jacques Marie Bizcul. B. 96, W. 93 ; and Benjamin Fillon. B. 97, W. 94 —proof before letters 2 II A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. 157 Various woodcuts by Hans Schaufelein, odd plates from the loork " Speculum Passionis " ; and others, byL. Cranacli 15 158 Christ on the Mount, by A. Durer, iron plate. B. 19, fine 2 159 The Virgin and the Butterfly. B. U,fine 160 The Last Supper, by A. Durer, j^ne. B. 54; and other woodcuts 3 161 The Apocalypse, odd plates ; and others, by A. Durer 9 162 Life of the Virgin, by A. Durer, some fine, complete frontispiece cut 20 163 The Virgin and Child, by A. Durer — woodcut. B. 96 ; and others 4 164 The Small Passion, by A. Durer, some fine. B. 16-52, seven plates wanting 30 165 The Trinity, by A. Durer ; and others 4 166 St. George. B. 131 ; and others 5 167 The Last Judgment ; and others — woodcuts by A. Durer 6 168 St. John the Evangelist; and others, by Durer 6 169 The portrait of Varnbiiler. B. 155 ; and others, by Durer, some rare 14 170 Designs for tapestry work. B. 140, 141, 143, rare 3 12 The Property of A BARONET. DRAWINGS BY OLD MASTERS. 171 Various Sketches — in red chalJc, Ly Andrew Sacchi ; and others 172 Female carrying Manna, by Eaff'acllc, engraved by M. Antonio ; two other drawing 3 173 The Flight into Egypt, by Carlo Maratti ; and other sketches 174 Iloman Euins, by Pannini 4 175 Mother and Child, by Carlo Maratti — from the Collection ; and others * 4 176 Various Sketches, by Castiglioni, Maratti and others 177 Decoration for a Ceiling, by Filippo Lawri ; and a Landscape, by the same artist 3 178 Assumption of the Virgin, by Murillo ; and other drawings, by Cangiasi ; &c. 8 179 Hunting Scenes, by T. Wyck 5 180 Study — in sepia, by Sir Joshua Reynolds ; and two others 3 181 Mars and Venus, by Angelian Kauffmau 182 Hunting Scenes, by J. Wyck 2 183 Heads of Children — in red chalk, washed ; St. George and the Dragon, by Isaac Oliver 3 184 Two Landscapes, by Gainsborough 2 185 Portrait of a Lady, by Thos. Gainsborough 186 Landscape, by John Woottun ; &c. 3 187 Studies of Heads, by Parmigiano ; Nymphs and Fauns dancing^ by Rysbrack 6 188 Portrait of a Lady, by Sir Peter Lely 189 Girl playing a Guitar — an important drawing, by T. Rowlandson 190 Highly tinibhcd Portrait of a Girl — in pencil, by D. Loggan 13 191 Drawing of Poultry, by Barlow 3 192 Tragedy and Comedy, by Cipriani ; and others 3 193 Drawings of Animals, Poultry, &c. — in coloured chalk, by F. Casanova 4 194 A Series of Studies — in oil, by an unknown Artist 10 195 A Wooded Landscape, by Elsheimer ; St. Cecelia, by Goltzius ; and others 5 196 Virgin and Child, by J. de Mabusc ; and A Landscape, by Elsheimer 2 197 Sketch of a Man — in red chalk; and A Man playing a Guitar: both by Watteau 2 198 Study of a Girl — in red and black chalk, by Watteau 199 A highly finished drawing, in water colours, by Watteau ; and a pen and ink sketch 2 200 Interior, with boors playing a guitar ; and another, by P. de Koning 2 201 A Landscape, with figures, by Van Goyen 202 Views in Holland, by Rademacker 4 203 Landscapes, by Both, Moucheron, and others 4 204 A Wooded Landscape, by Waterloo 4 205 Landscapes, by Poelemberg, Van Ulft, and others 7 206 Pen and ink Sketch, by Eembrandt 4 207 A Group of Figures, by F. Hals ; An Interior, by Dirk Hals 4 208 Various Studies, by William and Adrian Vandervelde 5 209 Highly finished drawings, by W. Vandervelde 4 210 Crucifixion, by J. Bellini ; and various other drawings 6 211 Study of a Figure, by Bassano ; and other drawings 8 212 Various Studies, by Delia-Bella 4 213 Study of a Figure — in red chalk, by Jacopo, Pontormo, and others 7 14 214 Drawiug in red chalk, by Baccio Bandinelli ; &c. 5 From the Richardson Collection 215 Virgin and Child, by Francesco Vanni ; and others, by Salvator Rosa ; &c. 8 216 The Decapitation of a Saint, by Guido ; and others 3 217 Various drawings, by Carracci 11 218 Virgin and St. Francis, by Guercino, from Sir Peter Lely's Collection ; and various other drawings 10 219 A drawing in jDcn and ink, heightened with chalk, by L. da Vinci ; &c. 4 220 Portrait of a man playing a bag-pipe, by Jordaens ; and two Landscapes 3 221 Landscapes, by Paul Brill, and others 7 222 A Coast Scene, by John Breughel ; and various other drawings 6 223 A Figure in red chalk, by Valentine ; and other studies, by Imperiale and others 7 224 A highly finished drawing of a battle-piece, by Raymond de la Fage ; and others, by Poussain ; &c. 4 225 Two coloured Landscapes, by Pillement 2 226 A Wooded Landscape, by Claude ; and other sketches, by Perelle 5 227 A drawing of Cupids in red chalk ; and a Landscape, by Boucher 2 228 Two Solander Cases — whole hound, and lettered " Old Drawings " 229 Three ditto FINIS. London :• Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Ci05?s. .Ti^- m 4ti £ :>^:.>.