w El Cu s.. t - y off^n<<^ C(o ? >-*- 'CM 4_ .. i » CHINESE ARCHITECTURE, ! Civil and Ornamental. Being a Large COLLECTION O F T H E Moil: Elegant and Ufeful Defigns of Plans and Elevations, £fc. FROM THE Imperial Retreat to the fmalleft Ornamental Building in C HI N A. Like wife their ; w, • * MARINE . S U B j ;e C T & The Whole to adorn Gardens, Parks, Forefts, * Woods, Canals, ^c. Confifting of great Variety, among which are the following, viz. Royal Garden Seats, Heads and "Terminations for Canals, Alcoves, Banqueting Houfes, Temples both open and clofe, adapted for Canals and other Ways, Bridges, Summer-Houfes, Repofitories, Umbrello'd Seats, cool Retreats, the Summer Dwelling of a Chief Bonza or Prieft, Honorary Pagodas, Japaneze and Imperial Barges of China. also Thofe for the Emperor's Women, and principal Officers attending on the Emperor, Pleafure Boats, &c. To which are added, CHINESE FLOWERS, LANDSCAPES, FIGURES, ORNAMENTS, &e. The Whole neatly engraved on Twenty-four Copper-Plates, from real Defigns drawn in China^ Adapted to this Climate, by P. DECKER, Architea. LONDON: Printed for the Author, and Sold by Henry Parker and Elirabeth Bakewell, oppofite Birckin Lane, Cornbill\ H. Piers and Partner, at the Bible and Crown, near Chancery -Lane, in Holborn. wdcclix. Price 6 j. J/m^>ria/ J~$ e/real/ far t_^n %so --4^z».-iji^ar:7^^a^ -t~ r - t f^=T '1 j . , r^f — ; . . *t JL t U^ve k f/aMry my t/w &rv/it #/os S2$auy/ieUnf t ^/euje. ML w '/<'///////> ^/v/iA^// 6/ as Cascade'? -,s t^iu7t7/i(/:icisn^ c: sOrtc/a^. i>.?Part> ^teS?Mila?y^ \ ' \ *\ ? \ *\ i - 1 J— ^ ' * 7J.8 r////?y &/a/ (3iu:/ ^ j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 ^+ \~ u 4- L l H~ f " 4 ~h Ki d & ■tomvsww - . ...... J.,. -L: I | ' I I j=t= I I I I I I J X % ' ' J /?/ MM*WMM*WMW,VAMWSSsWMJWAmVJR 204 t ?//yn>/7'. ^AtUnc/t/u? p/i t/te C9/7yi £rvr - • J '74 <^/ s <■ -^ * . /y. *75 t^tfjfi/gtfy a?L fta/rj awd- etAer^Zara^ / ~fejj£&> '73 -A ijznd&as i u //. ? 23 44 5a& 1 j#^ 'omantio s z>nwt (!>ir?\/ f J=4$z//h<7 nrvn^r ror (%mr6 u uaruj Uc< {/atx/en/J^&rfr. Often/ J^yizu/ia cutte UartL&ns Cra/tm jki/r ~^/)ejc^?ui &ru& -~z~~z~ rnmr r ^rr rn ' • • , ;v ,i j . ; ■ g |-| I I IE 4=£ r * c^kr ^2)ej^u afoAt?iej& C4aiA U^r J^Mivnjp7r^/ifir? &e, 1 Si '3 § {^mx/ans d&ZJ/. {2/cov^ ^ea£. --"/- t Summer t^si#r7?it&i&6 //ifrr t rtermi&i42&: \." o/ V?e f/he merit c/utf7y (Irm/i&Ja. ' iiKl/i Yfudt ffirancAtdan t% i i » ■ ■ '-*/ ' GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, PART the SECOND. irty Three DESIGNS of PALING of various Sorts, FOR Parks and Clumps of Trees, Gates, Hatches, 6^V. LIKEWISE >rs and Windows, with proper Heads to them ; Safhes of different Kinds, &c . To which are added, Several DESIGNS of FRETS for Joiners and Cabinet-Makers ; With FRETS and F R I Z E S for Smith's Work, Brafs and Iron Fenders, Borders for Marble Tables, &c. The Whole neatly engraved on TWELVE COPPER-PLATES. From the Defigns of P. DECKER, Architeft. LONDON: ited for the Author, and Sold by Henry Parker and Elizabeth Bakewell, oppofite Bircbin-Lane, in Cornhil!', and H. Piers and Partner, at the Bible and Crow, near Chancery- Lane, Holborn, mdcclix. Price 3/. ^ - . J*» m/ / ////, • /,„>,,.. „,. I . ./'', (/<<'■■ ■ \ '///<•///.r 7J//i^/ZA* an^ rfea^ /#r ^do-v?y &&. tt lA fa t^ejignj tf&ofifcaSiwkdowd o?* kJoj/uj, ±4)atmj kb&o-or ubn&ikc n w V- 1- 7 /&i )(9 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY yft W V'J» ' V > ■■ DECKER'S CHINESE & GOTHIC RCHITECTU1*.