c > life mrushin& co- A LITTLE BIRD T 0 Ld MET WALT tfVHMI A Little Bird Told Me! A Little Bird Told Me ! Pictures and Text by WALT KUHN NEW YORK LIFE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1908 Copy rig hi, 1906 LIFE PUBLISHING COMPANY British copyright secured All rights reserved The Preface “How funny! One drink from this bubbling spring has made me feel like a nestling.” . “ I say, waiter, can I have some tabasco sauce with these worms?” “No, but I can bring you a few fire- flies!” 9 I “ Be patient, dear I Breakfast will be up in a minute.” 11 “ Bet you ten bird-seeds the big one gets around first.” 13 Dispossessed ! 15 “ Where are you going. Bill ? ” “ I’m about to pawn my winter plumage ! ” I should have known better than to deposit my eggs in a bank.” 17 “Yes, my man, I’ll give you a worm if you’ll gather some twigs for the fire.” % “I thought you said that Bill was in Chi- cago?” “ Yes ; but he beat his way east on a flying- machine.” ID “ What a queer voice that bird has.” “ It’s his German accent.’ 21 “Great Scott! Don’t you know it’s dangerous to eat pins ? ” “Oh ! But these are safety pins.” 23 Mrs. Bird: The idea of you being jealous of such a bird as that! The bird on the twig : No use talking; that mocking bird is a wonder. 25 s Mrs Bird : Come away there, you old reprobate 1 Everybody happy l k Hey, you mollycoddle ! 29 M The water over in the brook is much better- it has bugs in it.” 31 “In what circus did you acquire all this acrobatic skill?” “Never saw a circus— this runs in the family.” “My! that egg must have been laid by gome bird from the tropics.” “Ha, ha! That is funny! Stepmother says to keep away from the water, or we might get our feet wet.” 35 37 ‘I always did admire tall men !’ “ That settles it I No more gas bills to pay.” “Say, Bill— how do I look in a derby? ” 41 WStAt-T KvjWN “I fear that you will spend the rest of your days behind the bars.” “And I have a premonition that you will lose your head on the block.” AT TIIE POULTRY MASQUERADE He : Why in the world are you wearing those rubber overshoes? She : Sh — , I’m disguised as a duck ! 43 “Say, brother, I’m afraid grub is going up Bird Highwayman : I tell you, Bill, I’d hold him up in a minute if I wasn’t afraid of his gun. “ Hurry up, fellows 1 Come and look at the moving pictures.” 47 “There’s no use, my dear leghorn. I don’t think you’ll ever learn to swim.” 49 “ Hey, mister ! Hitch behind I ** 51 The Rooster: I know, my dear, that comparisons are odious, but I simply wanted you to see what other folks are doing. “Yes, she laid it there for safe keeping and now she wonders 'how she’ll hatch it out.” 53 55 “ Curses on the luck I I must get this valentine off to Mirabella, and there’s my hated rival sitting on the letterbox.” 57 THE FERRIS WHEEL ON THE FOURTH “Start her up, engineer; all hands are on board.” “Don’t come near me, Bill. I just ate some tor- pedoes and the least jar may explode them I ” 59 G1 “Isn’t he the puffed-up thing?” “Yes, all his family are that way.” 7 Mrs. Whitewing : I told you not to fly over Pittsburg ! 63 “What’s the matter with those birds?” “They belong to a secret organization and are exchanging the countersign.” 65 I “There’s that disgusting old Mr. Masher, who’s always hanging around the flatiron !” 67 V “This must be a prize — I’ve always heard that collar buttons are so hard to find.” \ \ The Little One: Do you believe in polygamy? The Big One : Yes, but you mustn’t ! 69 “Gee, but I*m glad I didn't take out a lease on this place.” % 71 Lazy Dick : My— but it’s getting cold ! Now I don’t know whether to put down my ear muffs or fly to Florida ! % “Always my luck. Not a single worm in it.’* 73 “Well, how do you like your new home?” “ First rate. T only fear that we’ll have to move by the Fourth of July.” AMBITIOUS “ Set the match to it, Bill, and I’ll show these other birds that I can fly as high as any of them I” 75 / “Look here, umpire, you must bar that flamingo from the game. He covers two bases at the same time !” 77 AFTER THE RAIN “ Great Scott 1 I thought I lived on the ground floor.” “I wonder what queer Irish bird laid these green eggs.” 79 Spring has come(?) “This park is beautiful, I admit, hut I don’t think that the statuary is permanent.” St “Well, well— this must be a meeting of the aero club I ” A MATERIALIST “ Can you pick me out one with bird seed in it?” 83 * “I see you got your washing out early this morning !” 85 The Canary : How immodest to bathe out in public in this manner ! “ Why are you sporting such a get-up ? ” “ Oh, I’m tired of always wearing black ! ” 87 “Oh, hubby, look ! Baby has just got Its first feather ! ” 89 Sparrow : It’s a shame to see how these foreigners get all the good things to eat and we natives have to hustle for ourselves I The Humming Bird : I say, Mr. Tree- toad, when does this place open up ? I want to get a drink. 93 GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01034 8163