Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_83 /A 2, 'J'MhIq CATALOGUE OF A Collection of Books FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE LIBRARIES, COMPRISING WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS, TOPOGRAPHY, NATURAL HISTORY, SPORTING BOOKS, Ac. INCLUDING GOULD'S WORKS ON ORNITHOLOGY, 21 vol. morocco extra : WHICH MiiU be £o\b by auction Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, i AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Bays preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St, James's Square, S. W, CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. VIII. Books. The books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, the same may be returned within a week, or an allowance made thereon. JX. Books. The Sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the , manuscripts and autographs, all periodicals, transactions, magazines and reviews, all books in Lots and tracts in Lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections and errors o: description. The Sale of any Lot of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. CATALOGUE On WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 1 Lee (R. B.) History of Modern Dogs, illustrations, 2 vol. 1893— / Cornish (C. J.) Wild England of To-Day, illustrations 1895 ,, 2 Jacquemart (A.) History of Ceramic Art, translated by j Mrs. Palliser 1877 —- 7V —' Mrs. Palliser 1877 O 3 Pratt (Anne) Flowering Plants of Great Britain, coloured 'plates, 6 vol. 4 Hume and Smollett, History of England, 18 vol. half-bound morocco 1828 5 Surtees, Ask Mamma, illustrations by Leech, parts 6, 8, 10 and 13, 1858—Thackeray, The Newcomes, parts 2 to 12 (wanting part 6) t 6 Ruskin (J.) Frondes Agrestes, 1876—and others 7 Auerbach, Dorfgeschichten, 2 vol. Mannheim, 1849 / 8 Miscellaneous Books 1 '/ ^ '' 0 10 Leland (J.) Itinerary, edited by T. Hearne, 9 vol. in 5, old calf 1770 0 \\ Lapide (Cornelii) Commentarii in Scripturam Sacram, 9 vol. half- bound calf Lugduni, 1875 B 2 4 f- 12 //■ 13 14 Blore (E.) Monumental Remains of Eminent Persons, plates, half-bounci morocco 1826 /*/* /, // Jf* 16 J/ 17 4^ 18 4,4,0 19 20 21 22 23 vr, s OA * //+ 24 £ > /*-/ , O 25 ///' 2G ^ 27 28 / , J~, 0 29 , O 30 1826 Baxter (R.) Works, 4 vol. 1838 Bible (Holy) with Notes by Dr. Wordsworth, 6 vol.—Greek rfJ Testament, with Notes by Dr. Wordsworth, 2 vol.—8 vol. ' 1874 Macaulay (Lord) Essays, 3 vol. 1848—History of England, vols. 1 to 4, 1849—Rogers (H.) Essays, 2 vol. 1850—9 vol. Church Historians of England, edited by J. Stevenson, 8 vol. 1853—and others Ardeche (L. d’) Histoire de Napoleon, illustrations by Vernef, half¬ bound calf, Paris, 1839-—and one other Bartlett, Footsteps of our Lord and His Apostles, plates, 1852— and others Scott (Sir Walter) Waverley Novels, 48 vol. calf gilt 1856 Cervantes, Don Quixote, translated by C. Jarvis, illustrations by Tony Johannot, 3 vol. half-bound calf 1838 Moore (T.) Poems, plates, 10 vol. 1840 Hole (S. R.) Book about Roses, 1869—and others Tennyson (Lord) Enoch Arden, 1864—Idylls of the King, 1864 Byron (Lord) Works, plates, 6 vol. calf gilt, 1831—8 vol. ^ Johnson’s Dictionary, 2 vol. russia, 1785—and others 44-cc £ Shakespeare, Plays, with Life and Notes, by W, Harness, 8 vol. / with plates after Loutherbourg, dc. inserted, morocco, gilt edges // * 1830 Huish (R.) Memoirs of G eorge IV. portraits, 2 vol. 1830 Marryat (Capt.) Poor Jack, illustrations by Clarkson Stanfield , first edition, uncut 1840 Heaths Book of Beauty, plates India proofs, morocco, 1830—and others Fielding (H.) Works, 1840—Smollett, Works, 1841—Thiers, History of the French Revolution, plates, 5 vol. 1838—and one other Scott (Sir Walter), Waverley Novels, plates, 12 vol. Abbotsford, 4/4 edition, cloth, uncut 1846 ' j^TT- /A /A /A* I'L. /2 a // 5 31 Scott, Waverley Novels, plates after Leslie, Stothard, &c. 25 vol. morocco, gilt edges 1824 o' 32 British Prose Writers, portraits, 25 vol. morocco extra, gilt edges Sharpe, 1819 YY' 33 National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious Personages of the Nine- jY S /t /0 , C? teenth Century, 5 vol. 34 Morley (Lady) The Flying Burgomaster, a Legend of the Bluclt . Forest, illustrations, privately printed 1832 35 Jerrold (Douglas) Works, 8 vol. half-bound —Huish, Memoirs of f George IY. plates, 2 vol. 1830—10 vol 36 Johnson (C.) Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea, 4 vol. 1767dV —and others 37 Dibdin (C.) Songs, etchings by G. Cruilcshank, 1841—Smith (A.) The AVassail-Bowl, illustrations by Leech, vol 1. original jilpth, s uncut, 1848—and one other ?? 38 Fielding (H.) Amelia, etchings by G. CruiJcshanlc, 2 vol. 1832—and others y 39 James (G. P. R.), Book of the Passions, plates 1839—and others ^ 40 Jouy, L’Hermite en Province, 14 vol.—L’Hermite de la Chauseo pp • * ■is /JytYXJ d’Antin, 5 vol.—L’Hermite de la Guiano, 3 vol 1818—and others 41 Holbein (Hans) Life, by R. N. Woruum, illustrations 42 Muller (W. J.) Life, by N. Solly, photographs 22 vol. Paris, 1867 1875 2^ 43 TEsop, Fables, plates, 2 vol. half-bound calf Stoclidale 1793 44 Richardson (S.) Pamela, plates by Gravelot, 4 vol. 1/42 Clanssa y 7 vol. 1751—Sir Charles Grandison, 6 vol. 1754—17 vol. > old calf presentation copies, with autograph inscription “ To A fYt Mrs. Chapone, from her Admirer, Friend and Servant, the Editor, Ap. 22, 1754.’ 45 Tunbrigalia, 1719—Wine and Wisdom of the Tipling Philo- j ■ iJ sophers, 1720—and 6 other Tracts, in 1 vol. / 46 Drawings in pencil of the Coats of Arms of the English Nobilityr —and one other 6 47 Dickens (C.) Works: Pickwick Papers, 1837—Sketches by Boz, /£/ * —£? 1839—Nicholas Nickleby, 1839—Master Humphrey’s Clock, 3 vol .'portrait inserted, 1840—Martin Chuzzlewit, 1844—Oliver Twist, 1845—Dombey and Son, 1848—Bleak House, 1853— David Copperfield, 1859—Little Dorrit, 1857—Our Mutual Friend, 2 vol. 1865—Edwin Drood, 1870—15 vol. in 13, illustrations by Cruilcshanlc, H. K. Browne, &c. all first / editions (except Oliver Twist and Sketches by Boz), calf extra, - t gilt edges 48 Scott (Sir Walter) Waverley Novels: Ivanhoe ; Antiquary; Red /S'~ Gauntlet; Quentin Durward; Woodstock; Peveril of the Peak; Fortunes of Nigel; The Monastery; Bride of Lam- mermoor ; Legend of Montrose ; Abbot; Anne of Geierstein ; The Pirate ; The Betrothed; The Talisman; Chronicles of the Canongate, 9 vol.; St. Ronan’s Well; Guy Mannering; Kenilworth ; Tales of my Landlord, first series, 4 vol.; Tales^/^^^^ of my Landlord, fourth series, 4 vol.—64 vol. calf gilt, by Hayday (all first editions, except Guy Mannering, Kenilworth and Old Mortality ) 1819, &c. fZs 6 T Z* ^ Iristram (W. 0.) Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, illustra- tions by H. Bailton and Hugh Thomson, first edition, originals^s^ cloth, uncut 1888 ^ Reynardson (C.) Down the Road, or Reminiscences of a Gentle¬ man Coachman, coloured plates by Aiken, original cloth, uncut 1875 P 51 Sporting Anecdotes by an Amateur Sportsman, plates, half-bound calf gilt, uncut lgQ 4 y-) 52 Appeiley (C. J.) Life of John Mytton, Esq., coloured plates by Aiken and Bawlins, half-bound red morocco extra, uncut 1877 0 ° A PP eile y j Hunting Reminiscences, comprising Memoirs of Masters ot Hounds, Notices of Crack Riders and Characteristics / Hunting Countries, plates after H. Aiken, Cooper Henderson and Wildrake, original cloth, uncut 1843 J /* ^ A A 7 . /fa A 54 Apperley, The Horse and the Hound, plates by H. Aiken, half-bound /T^y red morocco extra, uncut lg 5 g ' ' 7 , # o 56 57 '/ --Z7 X V', * 7 - Surtees (R. S.) Handley Cross—Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour— Mr. Facey Romford’s Hounds—Ask Mamma—Plain or Ringlets —Hawbuck Grange—6 vol. coloured plates by Leech and H.K. Browne, half-bound red morocco extra, uncut I?/./?7 y Aiken (H.) A Touch at the Fine Arts, 12 humorous coloured plates, original boards, scarce 1824 Rawstone (L.) Gamonia, or The Art of Preserving Game, 15 coloured plates by T. J. Rawlins, green morocco, gilt edges 1837 Doctor Syntax, Tour through London, humorous coloured plates ^ ^ 1820 ' ^ } * . O 61 62 Dibdin (C.) Songs, with the Music, and Life by G. Hogarth, - / 2 vol. 1848—and others Sporting Magazine, from Oct. 1824 to Oct. 1834, plates, 20 vol. half-bound calf {stained ) 18-j4 34 Sporting Magazine, plates, second series, vols. 8-17 ( vols . 12, 14 ^ and 15 wanting ) ; third series, vols. 1-8, 15 vols. half-bmnd^^_^^£^j Dorat, Fables Nouvelles, vignettes and tailpieces after Marillier. 2 vol. in 1, old French red morocco, gilt edges {wants frontispiece 63 cr -c? 64 7 , O 65 6 J to vol 2) La 1773 Marguerite, Reine de Navarre, Heptameron Francis ou Nouvelles, 3 vol. plates by Longueil, after Freudeberg, fine copy, light green morocco extra, gilt edges {wants three duplicate numbered leaves, vol. 1, PP' 161-166) Berne, 1780 Discours Veritable de ce qui est advenu a Blasphemateurs du Nom de Dieu jouans aux Cartes dans un Cabaret distant de quatre^^^^ lieues de Perrigeur, printed on vellum, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Cape A Engoulesme, 1600 {Paris, s. d.) Tighe (Mrs. H.) Psyche, portrait, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, S/* with painting from a Marlborough gem on fore-edges James I. A Meditation upon tie 27, 28 and 29 Verses of tie XXVII. Chanter of St. Matthew: or A Paterae for a K.ug * 4 Inauguration, a beautiful copy in the original Imp vellum binding, with the arms of James I. ou the sides le20 * 8 /a & ' ^72 /J/, 73 74 /*?/* Novum Testamentum Grjecum, fine copy , old English blue morocco, gilt edges, with silver corners, clasps and centre pieces Am8t. Bleau, 1639 -7 , Buskin, Preterita, vols. 1 and 2, 1886-87—Notes on tlie Pictures/V^*^ in tlie Koyal Academy, 4 parts— and others Euskin, The Paths, 1859—and others aA ?— Agrippa (H. C.) De Occulta Philosophia, Lugd. 153—and others Shakespeare, Plays, plates after Stothard, 9 vol. Pickerings diamond edition, calf gilt, in case, with medallion of Shake- * 1825 75 76 77 ^ , 0,0 78 79 '?/, SO V' 81 82 */• V* 83 84 85 speare on the lid Biblia Belgice, in tortoiseshell binding, with silver clasps // • Dordrecht, 1712 King (C. W.) Antique Gems and Eings, illustrations, 2 vol. 1872 Marryat (J.) History of Pottery and Porcelain, illustrations 1850 Seymour, Humorous Sketches, calf n. d. Boaden (J.) On the Authenticity of the Portraits of Shakespeare, plates 1824 ' Berry (W. C.) Greek and Eoman Sculpture, illustrations, 1872— /'J^ " and others f Otv r / Euskin (J.) Modern Painters, vols. 1 to 4 first editions (vol. 1 . third ) 1846-66 ,yfarfC Iluish (M.) Japan and its Art, illustrations —and others Merrifield (Mrs.) Ancient Treatises on Painting, 2 vol. 1849— Labarte, Handbook of the Arts of the Middle Ages, 1855-^ . 3 VOl ‘ ' Audsley and Bowes, Ceramic Art of Japan, illustrations 1881 /&'**' Catalogue of the Bernal Collection, with the printed prices, half¬ bound morocco, 1855—Catalogue of the Strawberry Hill 4^ Collection, with the printed prices, 2 vol. half-bound morocco/' 1842—and others A\ lustier (J.) The Gentle Art of Making Enemies—and others Eider’s British Merlin for 1765, old red morocco, the sides covered with gold tooling, with clasp, in old morocco case Eogers (G. A.) Memorials of the Exhibition of Wood Carving at . j the Albert Hall, 1880, photographs, 2 vol. & 0 { 86 Wordsworth (C ) Greece, plates, 1840—and othors 87 Pennant (T.) London, plates, 1791—and others t 88 Rogers (S.) Pleasures of Memory, woodcuts after Stothard, by Clennell, printed on India paper, presentation copy to Mrs. Jameson 89 Labarte (J.) Description de la Collection Debruge Dutnenil, calf^ extra, Paris, 1847—and others 89a Miscellaneous Books 90 Molmenti (P. G.) La Vie Privec a Venise, illustrations, 7m7/*-^ bound morocco extra, uncut, Venise, 1882—and one other 91 Delaborde, History of Engraving, 1886—and others 92 Preces Pi®. A beautiful little Manuscript of the XVth Century, ^7 on vellum (3^ in. by 2^ in.) by an English Scribe, with one Miniature, and Borders and Initial Letters in gold and colours. At the commencement are 5 pp. of Prayers in English, in the old oak binding, originally covered with silk, with silver clasps Flaxman (J.) Lectures on Sculpture, plates, 1829—Illustrations of the Lord’s Prayer (2 copies ) 1835—3 vol. *94 Bewick (T.) History of Quadrupeds, ivoodcuts, uncut Newcastle, 1800 QUARTO. ? 4 Foreign Field Sports, Fisheries, Sporting Anecdotes, &c. with a Supplement of New South Wales, 110 coloured plates, half-j bound calf gilt 1814 ? C7 96 Williamson (T.) Oriental Field Sports, 40 coloured plates, half- /f*, c bound calf gilt l 1807 ^ 0 97 Aiken (H.) Symptoms of being Amused, 42 humorous coloured ' plates 1822 f~, 0 Ackermann, Microcosm of London, coloured plates after Pugin and Bowlandson, 3 vol. half-bound russia 1811 v/- 99 Musteus, Les Amours de Leandre et dc Hero traduit en Fran- ^ais, par J. B. Gail, large paper , frontispiece by Le Barbier, proof, old French morocco, silk linings, gilt edges (frontispiece cut and mounted) Paris, 1/96 V 100 Ilorsfield (T. II.) History of Sussex, plates, 2 vol. 1835 10 ' / morocco , gilt edges, with his arms on the sides Bomse, 1739 ^ 122 Yriarte (C. ) Florence, illustrations London, 1882 / L 123 La Fontaine, Fables, illustrations by Gustave Dore - 124 Walpole. iEdes Walpolianfe : A Description of the Pictures at Houghton Hall, 1752—and one other 125 Naunton (Sir R.) Court of Queen Elizabeth, portraits 1814 ^ far j 126 Gay (J.) Fables, plates after Gravelot, old red morocco, gilt edges 7 1738 / ?l 127 Beattie (W.) The Waldenses, plates, 1838 —and others - y 128 Euclide, Geometry, with Preface by J. Dee, 1651—and others 129 De Bie, Gulden Cabinet van de edel vry Schelder Konst, portraits Antv. 1662 . Cf of Painters by Meyssens, de Jode, dc. 130 Leech (John) Eighteen humorous Pencil Sketches, for Punch, mounted in an album, green morocco extra, gilt edges, with clasps 130a Bible (Holy) plates inserted ( imperfect ) B. Barker, 1603^^^^ ^ FOLIO. ^ 131 Gould (J.) Birds of Asia, coloured plates, 7 vol. green morocco /; extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges 1850-83 / / ^ 132 Gout.d, Trochilid^: or Humming Birds, v\ith the Supplement, ' ^ coloured plates, 6 vol. green morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges 1819-87 / 4 /* 133 4 „ ^ * 134 138 /V > f-T-V 145 146 117 X f' y. 118 14a Gould, Birds of New Guinea, coloured plates, 5 vol. green morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges 1875-88 Gould, Raaiphasthle or Family of Toucans, coloured 'plates, half-bound green morocco extra, gilt edges 1854' Gould, Trogonidse or Family of Trogons, coloured plates, green morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges 1875' Gould, Odontophorin.® or Partridges of America, coloured /ti* plates, green morocco, with borders of gold, gilt edges 1850 Pope (A.) Upland Game Birds and Waterfowl of the United States, 20 large coloured plates, with descriptions New Tori, 1878 Dugdale (Sir W.) Monasticum Anglicanum, enlarged by Caley, Ellis and Bandinel, plates by J. Coney , and woodcuts, 8 vol. / 1849 Lorini (Joannis) Commentarii in Psalmos, 4 vol. Venetiis, 1714 Pineda (Joannis de) Commentarii in Job, 2 vol. vellum A Colonise, 1613 Burton (R.) Description of Leicestershire, plates, uncut (UtZa— and two leaves stained) 1777 Boys (Dr. J.) Workes, 1629—and others Shakespeare, Plays, plates after Smirle, Opie, Stothard, Westall, &c. 9 vol. Boy dell’s edition, old russia 1802 Dumas (F. G.) Modern Artists, large paper, plates, India pwofs, half-bound morocco , uncut ^ Bible (Holy) 6 vol. Macklin's edition, with engravings after drawingsby English artists, very fine copy, purple morocco extra, blind tooled, ivith red morocco joints richly tooled, gilt edges, by Her ing, from the Marquis Cornwallis' Library, in a mahogany I case ■ 1800 West (B.) Engravings from his Pictures, 16 outline plates, by yf? H. Moses 1811 London Packet, or New Lloyd’s Evening Post, Nov. 26,1780, to March 13, 1789, half-bound Milton (J.) II Penseroso, designed and etched by J. E. G. and II. P. G. half-bound russia J.811 Engravings and Etchings \ ^ 150 Rogers (0.) Facsimiles of drawings by the old Masters, plates, 2 vol. 1778 f/ZisC*/^* 1*0 * 151 Johnston’s National Atlas, 1845—and others —— ;—ZJ 152 Stow (J.) Survey of London (imperfect, sold with nil faults) 1633 153 Chalon (A. E.) Recollections of the Italian Opera, 1835, 7 * portraits of Grisi , Taglioni, Lablache, Rubini and Tamburini , f 7 ^ 157 Guercino. > r & coloured 1835 ^ 154 Aquinse (St. Thomas) Distinctioues, in the original oalc binding , . 1481 ’A 155 Bible (Holy), Math (titer 156 Shakespeare, Plays, a portion of the third folio edition Engravings by Bartolozzi, after Drawings by Guer- 7 cino, 2 vol. ‘Tjf, 158 Rogers (C.) Engravings in imitation of Drawings by the Old Masters 159 Boke of Common Prayer, black letter, woodcut capitals, with the rare leaf of the prices of the volume, title mounted, otherwise a ,, fine copy, old red morocco, the sides tooled in the Harleian style, e e gilt edges Edwarde Whitchurche, 1552 The Second Issue of the Second Book of Edward VI. Extremely rare. 160 Lizars (J.) Anatomical Plates of the Human Body, coloured ^t -^7 / plates and descriptions, in 2 vol. 8vo. russia Edinburgh, 1822 161 Pine (J.) Processions and Ceremonies observed at the Installation of the Knights of the Order of the Bath, 20 plates, containing original portraits, old calf 1730 162 Meteren, Historien der Nederlanden, portraits, Amst. 1632—and others z? 163 De Wit, Nova totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula, maps, coloured /, 164 Pena et Lobel, Nova Stirpium Adversaria, woodcuts of plants, coloured 165 Mason (Finch) Sporting Sketches ~ * 166 Reproductions of Pictures in the Dresden Gallery —in twenty-y^T^^P^^**^* seven parts Dresden, 1839-41 / 167 Australasia, Picturesque Atlas of Australasia, edited by A. Garran, with over 800 illustrations by Colonial and American /fij , * Artists, 2 vol. half-bound morocco, gilt edges 1886 14 / . O 168 Flaxman (.T.) Compositions from Homer, outline plates , 2 vol. calf , gilt edges 169 Bell (R.) Art and Song, plates , 1867—Hood (T.) Poems, illus trations by Gustave Dore, 1878—and others yV75^4 170 Hakewell (J.) Picturesque Tour of Italy, 1820—and others 171 Bible (Holy) with Notes by Jamieson and Bickersteth, plates JLy 172 Views in France, Italy, &c., by Silvestre and others, half-bounty/^ ^ 173 Album containing Autograph Letters 174 Farr (E.) Jepthah, a Sacred Drama, Autograph MS.—and other MSS. by the same Author 175 Three Autograph Letters of General Gordon to Dr. Baine, ,/ 1871-1877—and Army List for November 1799 176 Autograph Letters of the Duke of Wellington, the Earl of Ellenborough—and others 177 Lawrence (Sir T.) Facsimiles of Portraits after Sir T. Lawrence FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.