'f © li Q 1 T (§ Lr\ ^ BOOK OF PEICES; FOU WORK NOT PROVIDED IN THE UNION ^OOK, By a committee. LONDON 1831 . PD Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/londoncabinetmakOOIond_0 THE LONDON CABINET MAKERS BOOK OF PRICES; WORK NOT PROVIDED IN THE UNION BOOR. By a committee. SLonUPtt : PRINTED BY J. M'GOWAN AND SON, GREAT WINDMILL STREET, HAYMARKET. 1831. ®nter«a at g'tattoner^ fi^aU. INDEX. Page. Page. Bed table J4 Gothic tops to doors 24 Boot stand 18 Half circular pedestal 25 Brackets for sofa or writing table 19 Mitering drawer fronts 24 Buhl work 20 Pollard oak work 21 Cabinet writing table on legs 11 Portfolio stand 27 Cabinet writing table inclosed 13 Reducing knees 21 Canting legs 21 Round pedestal 1 Card table on legs to turn on a Scribing moving joints 22 centre 18 Shaping inside of blocks 23 Drawer fronts to turn with desk Sideboard with round pedestals 6 hinges 23 Standards, and Box for bag frame 24 End for work or sofa writing table 15 Stump feet to blocks 22 Folding fire screen 19 Veneering fan top tables 20 Glass frame 16 INDEX TO TABLES. Table Page. Table Page. 10 Lining dining table tops 53 6 Shaping, &c. claws 43 5 Members in trusses 40 1 Shaping, ho., pillars 32 8 Members in mouldings 49 4 Shaping, &c. trusses 40 7 Mouldings 46 3 Veneering and cleaning columns 37 9 Null moulding 51 2 Veneering, &c. pillars 35 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. £. Glueing on stuff for mouldings, or clamping endways ; to form lipping on table tops, &c. ; extra from clamping, or glueing on mouldings ; per foot run 0 Letting in each dovetail key, across joints of table tops, &c. ; two inches long or under 0 Each extra inch in length 0 Coloring and polishing centre bit holes, per dozen 0 Errata. Page 4, line 2 and 3, for “ does exceed,” read “ does not exceed.” Page 7, line 18, for “ five two inches,” read “ five feet two inches.” s. d. 0 oy2 0 0 0 )^ 0 1 THE LONDON CABINET MAKERS BOOK OF PRICES. A ROUND PEDESTAL. £. s. d. All solid. Three feet one inch high, one foot four inches diameter, one door not to exceed the quarter of the circle ; nail clamped ; the top to project with square edge grooved or doweled on, the bottom rab- beted or blocked in, the inside colored and polished, a loose plinth built up in two thicknesses, or half lapped together, three inches deep 1 11 7 EXTRAS. Each inch more in diameter up to one foot eight inches 0 0 10 Each inch above one foot eight inches to two feet 0 0 11 Each inch above two feet 0 1 0 Each inch more in height, when one foot four inches diameter 0 0 m B If 2 If above one foot four inches, to one foot eight inches diameter If above, in proportion. A rim one foot seven inches diameter, two inches deep, and three inches thick, built up in two thicknesses, and sprung by the turner ; to receive a moulding, or for veneering Each inch more in diameter, to two feet Each inch above two feet, to two feet six inches If above, in proportion. Each extra half inch in depth of rim, when two feet diameter, or under Ditto when above two feet diameter Each extra half inch in thickness If glued up in more than two thicknesses, each extra thickness, three inches wide If above three inches wide, each half inch in width of joint Canting a rim to receive a moulding, three inches deep, two inches and a half long or under ; each cant Each extra inch in length, or half inch in depth of cant Sawing out and glueing on stuff for a moulding, on each cant, including a taper cooper’s joint of inch stuff or under When above inch to inch and half stuff Banding a loose rim cross way, two and a half inches wide when bevelled as 35 moulding in the Union Book ; exclusive of squares when under two feet diameter, cleaning included per foot Ditto above two feet diameter C C 0 c 0 0 c 0 0 s. d. 0 4]4 5 0 0 Ui 0 2 0 31 ^ 0 4% 0 2 % 1 6 0 0 11 ^ 0 Oif 0 3 )^ 0 3% 0 4 0 31^ Ditto s £. Ditto when fitted to the square, or carcase, when a fast rim, or moulding, at per foot extra 0 Each half inch more or less in either of the above bands 0 Veneering top side or edge of rim. See Tables 9 or 21 Union Book. Canting a solid pedestal after it is cleaned, or a ve- neered pedestal after it is veneered and cleaned. to receive a fast plinth, each cant 0 Each piece of deal planted on the cants for the turner to form plinth, three inches wide or under including joints 0 Ditto, for solid, each piece 0 If above three inches deep, to be extra per inch, for every foot in length 0 Each extra half inch in thickness, when the linings exceed inch stuff, to be extra on the shilling 0 Preparing a pedestal to receive a cellaret drawer, includ- ing a partition of inch stuff, with lining on the ends. and slips to guide the drawer, the space to receive the same not to exceed the quarter of a circle of the pedestal 0 If the space exceeds the quarter of a circle, with two upright pieces at the ends of drawer, to the sweep of the pedestal, extra 0 For the drawer, See page 195 Union Book. If the start door exceeds the quarter of a circle, each inch in width, up to one third extra 0 If above the third, each inch 0 When aframeddoorthepanel bent and ploughed in, extra 0 When the framed door exceeds the quarter of a circle, each inch up to one third, extra 0 s. d. 0 2 0 oyj 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 0 2 3 0 1 4 0 2 0 2)6 1 9 0 3 Ditto, 4 £. Ditto above one third of the circle 0 Putting in a panel with bead behind, when the door does exceed the quarter of the circle, See Table 12, Union Book. If above the quarter of a circle, and not exceeding one third ; extra from Table 12, Union Book 0 Ditto, if above one third 0 A solid shelf fitted to a round, or canted pedestal sup- ported with three blocks 0 A deal shelf coloured and polished, to be the same price as solid. Ditto, when supported by a slip, glued up in three thicknesses, extra 0 Fitting up the inside for a night stool, a solid sweep front to ditto ; the seat prepared by the turner, and supported with slips 0 For sawing out and glueing up front. See Union Book. Hinging the top when a night stool, with two dowels to guide the joint 0 A rim of inch stuff, two inches wide doweled or tongued together; made fast to the underside of top, to form fillet 0 Each extra inch in diameter 0 Each extra half inch in width of rim. 0 If the inner edge and under side of this rim is cleaned, to be extra 0 If this rim exceeds inch and half thick, to be taken from frieze rim. If this rim is rabbeted into the frieze rim, to be extra at per foot 0 s. d. 0 4 0 4 0 6 2 2 1 4 5 3 1 0 3 4 0 1 % 0 3 0 4 0 2 Each 5 £. s. d. Each moving joint in this rim, with one dowel 0 0 9 Ditto when in rim, and frieze, and two dowels 0 13 Ploughing and tonguing moving joints, in the carcase the tongue cross way, per foot 0 0 31^ Ditto, each fast joint the tongue long way ; per foot 0 0 2 Ditto, cross way 0 0 2^ A rim under the top two inches deep to form frieze, built up in two thicknesses, or one thickness half lapped together 0 4 5 Each extra inch in diameter to two feet 0 0 \}^ Ditto, above two feet 0 0 2 Each extra half inch in depth 0 0 3^ When plinth, or frieze frame is jointed upi, with twelve coopers joints, instead of building up in two thick- nesses ; to be the same price as rim under the top. If above twelve joints, for extra joints, See Union Book, Table 1. A loose frame of inch and half deal for stump feet, ploughed and tongued orput together with two dowels ineachjoint,withfourjointsandpreparedfor veneering 0 2 9 Veneering the edge cleaning included, at per foot run 0 0 2]^ An extra solid top, to pedestal with square edge, screwed or blocked down 0 2 0 For pilasters, columns, and planting on pieces to form breaks. See Straight or round front dressing chest Union Book. For drawers above door. See page 166, Union Book. For veneering carcase or door, ASeeTABLE 12, Union Book. For coopers joints, in carcase or panels, and sawing down stuff. See Table 1, Union Book. A 6 A solid rail, one foot six inches long, fitted in the space above or below door Each extra inch, in length of ditto Polishing the start size or under Every extra three inches in diameter Every extra three inches in height For other extras. See Union Book. N. B. If the inside of the carcase, is not shaped to the circle, no deduction to take place. £. s. d. 0 1 4 0 0 Oii 0 1 0 0 0 11 ^ 0 0 1 DEDUCTIONS. Each inch less in diameter, down to one foot 0 0 8 Ditto, in height, down to two feet nine inches 0 0 2)^ If the workman, has to fix pieces on the ends for the turner, to turn the shaft for veneering and the work- man to clean the veneer ; deduct per foot superficial 0 0 A SIDEBOARD with ROUND PEDESTALS. (As in Plate \.) All solid. The pedestals one foot four inches dia- meter, three feet four inches high, to stand four inches above the middle part ; one door in each, not to exceed the quarter of the circle, nail clamped, the tops to project with square edge grooved or doweled on ; the bottom rabbeted or blocked in, the inside colored and polished ; a loose plinth frame, built up in two thicknesses or one thickness half lapped toge- ther, three inches deep, the frame of the middle part four i four feet two inches long, two feet wide, five inches deep, with one plain long drawer, with a lock, two cross rails to guide ditto, two hollow end rails to fit the pedestals, not to exceed the quarter of the circle, to form a break in front the projection of the top, and screwed to the cross rails, two short end rails dove- tailed to the back, and sweep rails to give the middle a projection behind, the middle part, to go to the centre of the pedestal at the back 4 9 7 EXTRAS. Each extra inch, in length of middle part, to six feet 0 Each extra inch, above six feet 0 Each inch, more in width of middle part, when six feet long or under 0 Ditto when above six feet long 0 Each extra inch, in depth of middle part, the start length or under 0 Ditto from four feet two inches, to five two inches 0 If above, in proportion. N. B. The middle part to measure the extreme length For extra size of pedestals, or other extras. See Bound Pedestal, or Union Book. 0 51 ^ 0 6 0 6 0 0 . 7 0 8 of top. A solid, back board four feet two inches long, six inches deep, with two round corners ploughed and tongued together or half lapped to the straight part, and fitted to the pedestals Each extra inch in length Ditto, in depth 5 8 0 0 % d Ditto 0 0 0 8 £. Ditto when above five feet long 0 For rounding the back corner of the top, See Side- board Table, page 173, Union Book. A back board, with square returns fitted to the pe- destal, the start length ^ 0 Each extra inch in length 0 Each extra inch in depth 0 Ditto when above five feet long 0 Polishing the start size or under 0 Ditto each extra six inches in length, of middle part 0 Ditto if pedestal exceeds, one foot four inches diameter, for extra size of polishing, See Round Pedestal, at page 6. Polishing the back board 0 DEDUCTIONS. Each inch less in length of middle part, down to three feet six inches. 0 Each inch less in width of middle part, when six feet long or under, down to one foot eight inches 0 Ditto when above six feet long 0 CIRCULAR DINING TABLE. ( As Plate 2, Fig. 1 ) All solid, four feet six inches diameter, including four flaps, six inches wide or under ; fitted to the top, with a tongue and groove in the joint, and in the end of flaps, not grooved through : a rim two inches deep s. d. 0 5 3 10 0 0 % 0 2 0 2J^ 2 8 0 1 0 3 0 0 6 0 6]^ or d. or under, in four parts, built up in two thicknesses, or of two inch stuff, half lapped together ; eight rails screwed to the underside of the top, to guide the lo- pers ; a block at the bottom, twenty inches square, and three inches deep, prepared to receive four lopers, by eight rails glued on an inch top, and pieces fitted between as in Plate 2, Fig. 2 ; the lopers on top and bottom grooved on one side, three eights wide, and stopped by groove and pin ; four turned pillars of three inch stuff, framed to the lopers, to form a three quarter end on the block, when shut in, and framed to the under side of the top lopers ; the pillars and stump feet in one piece 4 EXTRAS. Each extra inch diameter, to four feet exclusive of flaps 0 Ditto from four feet, to four feet six inches 0 If above, in proportion. Each extra half inch in depth of rim, including lopers and rails, up to four feet diameter . 0 Ditto from four feet, to four feet six inches 0 If above, in proportion. Each extra superficial foot, above three in each flap 0 Each extra flap above four, containing three feet super- ficial, as in start 0 Each extra two inches in length of sweep joint, above two feet nine inches 0 Each inch extra length of end joint, above six 0 N. B. The flaps to be measured as square. 2 10 0 0 11 1 0 1 11 ^ 0 4h 7 0 0 m 0 m c Each 10 £. Each extra loper twelve inches long or under, with two side pieces, a tongue and groove on one side, to draw out of a rim, the side pieces cleaned, and screw holes plugged up 0 Each extra inch in length of loper, including side pieces 0 Each slider to draw out of a circular rim, one foot four inches long, one foot wide, two inches deep, or under ; to run on tongues and grooves, with two side pieces screwed to the top, and the screw holes plugged up 0 Each extra inch in length 0 Ditto in width 0 Ditto each half inch in depth 0 Each extra inch in length or width, of block ; including lopers, up to two feet 0 Ditto above two feet, to two feet four 0 If above, in proportion. Each extra half inch in thickness, when one foot eiglit inches square or under 0 Ditto, if above one foot eight inches, to two feet 0 If above, in proportion. Hollowing the sides of block, when two feet square or under 0 Each extra three inches in length of shaping, each side 0 When mouldings are introduced on the outer edge of top, and inner edge of flap, to be taken from Table 1 6 or 17 Union Book ; and charge on the shilling extra 0 Polishing start size, or under, 0 Each extra superficial foot 0 For other extras See Union Book. d. 2 10 0 1 4 3 0 0^2 0 V/j 0 Ilf 0 SVj 0 S% 0 dh 0 im 2 0 0 Oif 0 6 2 5 0 0^ DEDUCTION 11 £. .y. d. DEDUCTION. When mouldings are introduced in the top, deduct for tongue and groove per foot 0 0 A CABINET WKITING TABLE, on LEGS. (As in Plate 3.^ All solid, three feet long, one foot nine inches wide, the framing five inches deep ; one plain drawer, the back of three quarter stuff to run on tongues and grooves, and cover the top and bottom rails ; the top to slide on tongues and grooves, and worked by trammel irons, fixed to the under side of top, and the back of drawer, as in Plate S, Fig. 2 ; the end rails lined up to thickness of the legs ; a top part two feet eleven inches long, one foot five inches high, the ends eleven inches wide, and lined up to two inches thick, without a bottom ; a frieze three inches deep, the ends framed into ditto, and fast part of the un- der top ; the front to work with fan irons, as in Plate S, Fig 1, with drop rail at bottom, to raise by wedge pieces hinged, and a slip glued on the sliding part of under top to raise the drop rail, as Fig. 3, and pro- ject as No. 1, Moulding Union Book, the back grooved into the ends ; a rail in the frieze frame, either hinged with swan neck hinges, or to raise by tongues in the rail, and grooves in the frame of lower part 3 8 6 EXTEAS 12 £. EXTRAS. Each extra inch in length or width of lower part, up to three feet six inches 0 Ditto above three feet six inches to four feet 0 If above, in proportion. Each extra inch in depth of framing, start size or under 0 Ditto, if from three feet to four feet long 0 If above, in proportion. Each extra inch in height of top part, start length or under 0 Ditto above the start length, to three feet four inches 0 If above, in proportion. Each extra inch in length of ditto, to three feet four inches 0 Ditto above three feet four inches, to three feet eight inches 0 If above, in proportion. Each extra inch in width of start length or under 0 Ditto above two feet eleven inches, to threefeetfour inches 0 If above, in proportion. A case, for inside work, two feet seven inches long, eight inches wide, and one foot high, the top corner of the ends rounded, a bead worked on the edge, a plain back, the ends cut away to receive the irons 0 Each extra inch in length or height 0 Ditto in width 0 Bounding the comers of partitions with the edge rounded, each partition 0 For inside work. See Secretary Drawer, Union Book. Polishing the start size or under ^ 0 A', d. 0 6 0 7 0 4yj 0 5 0 s 0 4 0 0 5 )^ 0 3 0 4 4 4 0 0 % 0 1 0 2 1 8 Every 13 £. s. d, 0 0 2 Every extra six inches in length or width For other extras, Union Book. DEDUCTIONS. Each inch in length down to two feet six inches, or width to one foot six inches of lower part 0 0 4)^ Each inch less in length of top part, to two feet six inches 0 0 S AN INCLOSED CABINET WRITING TABLE. All solid, three feet long, one foot nine inches wide, on the top of bottom carcase, two feet seven inches high the inside coloured and polished, one fixed shelf in- side, a pair of flat panel doors, the panels ploughed in, without mouldings on the framing ; a plain drawer above the doors, the sides and back of three quarter stuff, to run on tongues and grooves, and cover the bottom partition, the top to slide on tongues and grooves, and work with trammel irons, on the drawer and top, as in Plate 3, Fig 2 ; the top part of the ends lined up crossway, to two inches thick, the top to pro- ject with a square edge ; on four turned stump feet put in with a pin, the top part as described in Writing Table on Legs 4 2 0 EXTRAS. Each extra inch in length of lower part, to three feet six inches 0 0 71^ Ditto, if above three feet six inches, to four feet 0 0 9 If above in proportion. Each 14 Each extra inch in width of ends, of lower part start length or under Ditto, from three feet to three feet six inches If above in proportion. Polishing start size or under Each extra three inches in length or width For other extras. See Writing Table on Legs, or Union Book. DEDUCTIONS. Each inch less in length, to two feet six inches Ditto, top part A BED TABLE. £. 0 0 0 0 ( As in Plate 4, Fig A.) All solid, two feet six inches long, one foot four inches wide, the framing two inches deep, of inch and half stuff, either framed or dovetailed together, one cross rail four inches wide, the frame and top to raise wdth stem and rack, the pillar glued up, a triangular block at bottom, two feet long, one foot two inches wide, and inch and half thick, glued up in two thicknesses, or framed as block page 219 Union Book ; the sides hollowed and corners canted, on three stump feet put in with a pin EXTRAS. Single one extra Each extra inch in length or width s. 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 7 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 17 3 0 2 Ditto, 15 £. Ditto, in depth of framing, start size or under 0 Ditto, above the start size 0 Each extra inch in length of bottom block, when above two feet long 0 Ditto, when glued up in two thicknesses 0 Each extra inch in width to one foot eight inches 0 Ditto, when glued up in two thicknesses 0 Ditto, when above one foot eight inches to two feet two inches, when framed 0 Ditto, when glued up in two thicknesses 0 Ditto, above two feet two inches when framed 0 Ditto, above two feet two inches when glued up in two thicknesses 0 Each extra half inch in thickness, when two feet long and one foot two inches wide, or under 0 If above, each extra six inches in length or width, to be extra in thickness of block 0 Cutting the top in three, one piece made fast, the other two pieces hinged to the frame, with a horse to each flap 0 Polishing the start size or under 0 When the top is cut in three, and to raise with horses, extra 0 Each extra six inches in length or width 0 For bottomorother work, *9^6 Union Book, or Tables &c. s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 (L s v/j 2 1 V4 P/j 2 6 1 4 9 5 1 An end for work, or SOFA WRITING TABLE. All solid, one foot two inches long, six inches wide, and three inches deep, common dovetailed together, and screwed 16 £. screwed to the end rail of a table, a top to project, with square edge 0 EXTRAS. Each extra inch in length or width 0 Ditto, in depth of frame 0 Opening the frame to receive a drawer in the end 0 Clamping the end rails, each clamp 0 Rounding the corners of the frame and top, one inch diameter or under, each corner 0 Ditto, from inch to inch and half 0 Solid circular end, extra from square 0 Elliptic extra from circular 0 Each extra inchin length or width, when circular or elliptic 0 Ditto, depth of frame 0 Opening ditto to receive drawer in the end 0 Hingeing the top, cleaning the inside, and putting in a bottom, when a square frame 0 If elliptic or circular, extra 0 For drawer, veneering end, and other extras. See Union Book. Polishing start size or under 0 Each extra six inches in length or width. 0 GLASS FRAME. A Glass frame, common dovetailed together, twelve inches square, crossbanded on thefront, with plain back 0 EXTRAS. 0 s. d. 2 0 0 m 0 2 0 6 0 2 ^ 0 S 0 2 0 0 8 0 2 0 3 0 8 2 1 0 9 0 2}6 0 1 2 0 0 3 Single one extra Each 17 £. Each extra inch in length or width 0 0 A circular top, for a glass frame, built up in two thick- nesses, or sawed out of inch and half stuff, and lapped together when sixteen inches wide or under, extra from the start 0 2 Each extra inch in width, when circular top 0 0 Single one extra when circular top 0 0 A solid square bottom one foot six inches long, eight inches wide, and inch and quarter thick, or under 0 1 Each extra two inches in length or inch in width 0 0 Each extra quarter of an inch in thickness 0 0 Rounding the corners, one inch diameter or under, each corner 0 0 Ditto, above inch in diameter 0 0 Hollowing front or back, with a plain hollow 0 0 If an elliptic hollow 0 0 Each extra half inch in thickness of shapings, to be extra on the shilling 0 0 Each square or turned standard, single tenoned into the block 0 0 Each standard, as Plate 6, Fig 2, one inch thick or under, extra from square standard 0 1 Each scroll, as No. 1, Fig 3 0 0 Ditto, as No. 2, Fig 3 0 0 For extra shapings or extra thickness, 6'ee Sofa Writing Table, Union Book; or trusses, as in Table 5. Common brass centres each 0 0 If others than common centres, to be charged according to time d. 0 % 2 1 6 6 03^ Ilf 2 3 3 4 3 8 4 5 % 73^ 2 }^ D Each 18 £. s. Each turned stump foot put in with a pin 0 0 Polishing start frame 0 0 Ditto, bottom block 0 0 Ditto, each standard 0 0 For other extras. See Union Book. N. B. The extra length of glass frame, with circular top to be the same price as extra length of square frame. d. 2 m 1 DEDUCTIONS. Each inch less in length or width of frame 0 0 03^ CARD TABLE on LEGS, and to turn on a CENTRE. To be extra from the start in the Union Book Putting in a bottom, half or three quarters the length Ditto, the whole length Fitting ditto to canted corners, each corner Ditto, each round corner Shaping frame or lipping top edge. See Union Book. 0 2 10 0 1 2 0 1 10 0 0 2 0 0 3 BOOT STAND. Start as Clothes Horse, page 300 Union Book. Each extra inch in length or width of shelf, above the start Cutting each boot hole in the shelf, with square edge Ditto, when rounded When made of three quarter stuff, to be extra on the shilling, on the above shapings Each turned peg put in with a pin 0 0 OJ^ 0 0 3 0 0 41 ^ 0 0 21^ 0 0 1 FOLDING 19 £. s. d. FOLDING FIFE SCREEN. Folding fire screen, with double rule joints, as Plate 4, Fig 1, to be charged from Union Book, page 303. EXTRAS. Each double rule joint, with two hinges, three feet six inches long or under Each extra four inches in length of joint Each extra hinge in the centre of the joint BRACKETS. Making rule joint brackets, to Sofa or Pembroke Tables, to turn out flush with the rails, each bracket with the extra framing, extra from the start bracket, in Union Book 0 0 8 For extra shaping See Sofa Writing Table, page 114 Union Book ; and Table 5. A bracket to turn on common screw, at the back of Loo or Dining Table blocks, cut on the mitre 0 10 A plain hollow or ogee bracket, let in a solid block, with a rule joint without fingers, to turn on common screw 0 19 When brackets are cut out of the pin piece 0 13 Making Loo or Dining Tables turn up, on centre screws, with a plate on the clamps, and nuts in the block, extra from the start 0 0 8 Each extra plate 0 0 2 VENEERING 0 5 8 0 0 4 0 1 9 20 £. d. VENEEKING fan top LOO TABLES, &c. Jointing veneers, on Loo or other Table tops, when the veneer is brought to the centre, the jointing to be taken from Table 6 Union Book. Bringing the veneer to a point, each point When the veneer of top is laid on quarter stuff, cut out to the grain of the top, charge the quarter stuff at per foot superficial Veneering the quarter stuff at per foot superficial N. B. Jointing the quarter stufftothecentre,after it is veneered, to be charged the same as jointing the veneers. BUHL WORK. When wood buhl is introduced, into bands, either in straight or sweep work, round corners, &c. ; to be charged half the price extra from the Table of banding, in Union Book. Ditto, in table rails, friezes, panels, round knees, claws or blocks, charge half the price extra on the respective Tables. Each joint, two inches wide or under 0 0 3 Each extra half inch in width of joint 0 0 0^ When the borders of buhl, are stamped into the veneer of tops, charge half the price of a long band, the width of the border. 0 0 2 0 0 3 ^ 0 0 3 POLLARD 21 £ POLLAKD OAK WOEK. Work veneered, with English mottled or pollard oak, to be calculated on the price of veneering and banding, and charged on the shilling extra from mahogany C Solid mottled, or pollard oak, such as shaping brackets, standards, or sunk panels, &c. to be charged on the shilling extra from mahogany C N. B. Drying and straightening veneers, filling up &c ; to be paid for according to time. EEDUCING KNEES of turned LEGS. Reducing the knees of turned legs from quarter to half inch, when the knees are two inches square, and six inches long or under each side. 0 Each half inch in square of leg, each side extra Each six inches longer, each side Each inch in thickness, each side 0 CANTING LEGS, &c. Canting legs, hexagon or octagon, when the cant is not stopped by projecting mouldings, each cant, one foot six inches long, and two inches wide or under 0 Each stop, when the cant is worked up to the moulding 0 Ditto, when a distance from the moulding 0 If sweep toe to a leg, each cant extra 0 Each extra half inch in width of cant 0 s. d. 0 6 0 6 0 \% 0 Olf 0 0^ 0 Olf 0 2 0 Ilf 0 0 % 0 0 ^ 0 0*^ Each 22 £. .V. d. Each extra three inches in length of cant 0 0 Oli Canting mouldings on ditto, each square 0 0 1 Each hollow or round 0 0 1% Each elliptic hollow or round ; or ogee 0 0 2 SCRIBING MOVING JOINT. Scribing a moving joint, in moulding five eights in rise, and half inch in projection, on drawer fronts, &c. when made to lap the rail, with No. 1 moulding. Table 16 Union Book 0 0 1 Ditto, each square as No. 2 0 0 0% Ditto, each hollow or round 0 0 Ditto, each ogee 0 0 3 Each extra quarter of an inch in rise or projecting of the above except No. 1 0 0 Oli STUMP FEET, &c. to BLOCKS. When stump feet to table blocks, to form a half circle end, the half of the stump cut off at the top, and fixed with two dowels, extra from stump foot put in with a pin, when the stump is two inches diameter or under 0 0 7 Each extra half inch in diameter of stump 0 0 1 Each half patrea sunk in the side of block, to correspond with the turning on the stump and finish of the moulding 0 0 4 Ditto, an hollow sided block 0 0 41^ Each extra half inch in diameter of patrea above two inches 001 If half patreas are oval to be extra from round ones, each 0 0 0^ When £. s. d. When stumps form three quarter circle corners, canting the stump at the top, and fixing ditto with two dowels, extra from stump foot put in with a pin, the stump two inches diameter or under Each extra half inch in diameter Each dowel more than two 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 1 ^ MAKING DRAWER FRONTS turn with DESK HINGES, &c. Making drawer fronts turn down as secretary drawer, hinged with common desk hinges, and spring catches extrafrom the start drawer, when two feet long or under 0 Each extra three inches in length 0 Hinging ditto with quadrant hinges, extra from the pair of desk hinges, the strap not to exceed four inches long 0 Each extra inch in length of each strap 0 When weights are used to flaps, &c. to be paid for ac- cording to time. 3 6 0 m 2 6 0 0 ^ SHAPING INSIDE OF BLOCKS. f' As dotted line^ Plate 6 , Fig 4.J Shaping the inside of blocks, each side one foot long. and inch and half thick, or under stop included 0 0 6 Ditto each return, including stops 0 0 4 Each extra three inches in length 0 0 1 Each extra half inch in thickness, to be on the shilling 0 0 2 }^ Veneering each side inch and half thick or under, mitres included 0 0 4 Every 2i Every extra three inches in length Every half inch more in width Veneering returns each £, A', d. 0 0 0^ 0 0 0 ^ 0 0 GOTHIC TOPS TO HOOKS. Plain Gothic top doors, to be charged from circular top door, 472, Table 43, Union Book. Each stop in ditto 0 0 Ogee top, extra from plain gothic 0 0 Each stop in ditto 0 0 Each canted piece behind, with panel fitted to ditto 0 0 1 4 1 ^ MITREING THE ENDS of DRAWER FRONTS. Mitreing the ends of drawer fronts, extra from covering the end rails, each mitre five inches deep or under 0 0 4 Each extra inch in depth of mitre 0 0 0^ STANDARDS for SOFA, CARD, or WORK TABLES, AND BOX FOR BAG FRAME. Half circle standard, as Plate 6, Fig 1, one foot nine inches diameter, three inches wide, built up in three thicknesses, or sawed out of three inch stuff, and half lapped together with two laps 0 4 2 Each extra inch in diameter 0 0 1]^ Each extra inch in width 0 0 4 Half £. s. d. Half circular standard, glued up in six thicknesses, and two and a half inches wide Each extra half inch in width N. B. A caul to be provided for the workman. A taper deal box for bag frame of a work table, one foot square, and seven inches deep, braded together, extra from plain bottom Each extra inch in length or width Ditto, in depth Dovetailing ditto together, extra Half circular deal box, one foot long, the ends one foot diameter, the sweep part of quarter stuff braded to the ends Each extra inch in length or width Ditto, in depth above six inches For other extras. See Union Book. C 0 0 0 0 HALF CIRCULAR PEDESTAL. All solid, one foot four inches long, the ends one foot wide, three feet one inch high, fast plinth with square edge, the rail in front to form the plinth, and returned across the ends, as in Dressing chest, four inches deep or under, the door nail clamped Each extra inch in length, when the ends are one foot wide, or under Ditto, when the ends are above one foot to one foot three inches wide 0 Ditto, when the ends are above one foot three, to one foot six inches wide 0 E 4 2 0 2 }^ 1 S 0 0 )^ 0 1 0 10 2 0 0 0 % 0 n 1 0 9 0 0 7 0 7h 0 8 Ditto 26 £. Ditto, when the ends are above one foot six, to one foot nine inches wide 0 Ditto, when the ends are above one foot nine inches, to two feet wide 0 Ditto, when above two feet 0 Each inch more in width of ends, when the front is one foot four inches long, or under 0 Ditto, from one foot four inches long, to one foot seven 0 Ditto, above one foot seven long, to one foot ten inches 0 Ditto, when above one foot ten inches long, to two feet 0 Ditto, above two feet long 0 Each extra inch in height, when one foot six inches long, or under 0 Ditto, above one foot six inches long, to two feet 0 Ditto, above two feet 0 A cellaret drawer, one foot two inches deep, one foot six inches long, one foot nine inches wide, cock beaded, with lock and handles, and slips prepared for the Plumber, the drawer stopped in 0 Each extra inch in length of drawer 0 Ditto, from back to front 0 Each extra half inch in depth 0 An inside cellaret drawer, scratch beaded without a lock, the slips, &c. as before described 0 The extra size of this drawer to be taken from the out- side drawer. A Plain shelf inside, with a quirk bead on each edge, or the edge veneered 0 s. d. 0 0 91 ^ 0 101 ^ 0 m 0 4 0 0 5 0 6 0 n 0 5 0 6% 6 2 0 11^ 0 0^ 0 1 5 6 1 lOj^ If 21 If quarter stuff is planted on the edge, to be charged as planting on mouldings, *966 Union Book, page S82. A loose plinth, extra from the start Polishing, start size Each extra three inches in length or width Ditto, in height For other extras. See Union Book. DEDUCTIONS. Each inch less in length, down to one foot two inches, when the ends are one foot wide, or under 0 0 7 Each inch less in width of ends, down to nine inches, when the front is one foot four inches long, or under 0 0 Each inch less in height, down to two feet nine inches when one foot six inches long, or under 0 0 3^ Ditto, under two feet nine inches, down to two feet, when one foot six inches long, or under 0 0 Ditto, above one foot six inches, to two feet long 0 0 31^ Ditto, above two feet long 0 0 Each inch less in length, of cellaret drawer, down to one foot 0 0 1}^ Each inch less from front to back, down to one foot four inches 0 0 01^ Each half inch less in depth, down to twelve inches 0 0 1 POKTFOLIO STAND. ( As Plate 4, Fig S.) All solid, two feet long, two feet ten inches wide, when open, the tops of half inch stuff, hinged with common £. .V. d. 0 0 6 0 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 01 ^ butt 28 butt hinges, two standards, of inch and half stuff, four inches wide, framed at the bottom into two cross pieces, two feet long, two and a half inches wide, and two inches thick, with a turned stretcher put in with a pin ; a piece framed on top of the pillars, to hinge the top to, two clamps to each top, of inch and half stuff, screwed to the underside, and the holes plugged up, with stumps framed on the ends, of the clamps with single tenons. A horse with two rails to support each top, hinged to the stumps, with two rows of notches ; on four turned stump feet put in with a pin 1 A single one extra 0 Each extra inch in length 0 Each extra inch in width 0 When framed tops instead of solid, the start clamps notched and screwed to the underside of frame, to form two cross rails to each frame, extra from the start top 0 Each extra rail framed or lapped 0 N. B. When lapped, each piece between two joints to be charged as a rail. ‘ Each extra inch in length or width of framed top 0 Each extra quarter of an inch in thickness of solid tops, at per foot superficial 0 Ditto, when framed to be on the shilling 0 Shaping the clamps, or stumps, when of inch and half stuff, or under ; with a plain hollow, each shaping 0 Ditto, with an ogee 0 8 6 1 0 0 3 0 21^ 4 5 0 4 }^ 0 0 }^ 0 I 0 0 2 0 Ditto 29 £. Ditto, each square 0 If those shapings are above incli and half in thickness to tyro inches, to be charged on the shilling on the above prices 0 If above in proportion. Each extra square notch, above twelve to each horse 0 If ogee notches, extra from square, each 0 If ogee notches cut in a groove, inside of cross block, instead of being cut out on the top side, each notch, extra from ogee 0 If notched in a groove inside of claws, each notch, extra from ogee notches 0 Mitreing pieces’ in corners of framed tops, each corner 0 Hollowing, each corner 0 Rounding each corner of frame 0 If block at bottom of standard exceed two feet long, each extra two inches in length 0 Each extra half inch, in width or thickness of cross block, each block 0 Each extra half inch in width of standard 0 Ditto, in thickness to be on the shilling extra on the full price 0 Polishing start size or under 0 Ditto, when framed tops 0 Every extra six inches in length or width 0 For shaping horses. See page . 119, Union Book. For other extras, See Union Book. DEDUCTIONS. s. d. 0 1 % 0 21 ^ 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 9 ,% 0 9% 0 m 0 1}^ 0 0*^ 0 lU 0 Hi 0 9}^ 1 0 1 3 0 m If claws, deduct for blocks, each 0 1 3 'V ^r? J* it. iKtS(t)bliU III tldil ywii liaii^ait)^ oia^^ii(iiiU 9 *qi!i It .•«(t .KJJ♦»<.! ..3. *f t 0 (> » "l . V* .v?.r-y-a: -U.r M ,.■ . .T,! HJ. bffiJT'v . .' '’’''’'^v'’* ii- *'*0 0 nsr « ii n i.' ' idm inoil fi'iix^ f »> V- ■, .s ?V , J' , ^5j^f f)9if?xh(>n tl - f %/t' u«)i(ntn<[ 'xri'ao Sl r' - ., ^5.“ ^ * «stC^ 'r ^'\JjfW- „ • * 'V V j » 'K'tr , r i!!t a'^.'.O!: _... air oio^ «- . > :itf»«i^‘V3 VJ(«02 4i* ‘. ovjk fm3»i BQ 0 0 ;< .IK , ^ .feVi' <: ;sg,jl,, to a^(iit) tlUitnl HI ^tjai Unil bUx'i da«M wt 0^ (i ""f i iCooM »(^8') *,3(')0M ‘ \,i O' 0 *" frr.hiiflT?. oi'^itHiITtiitUiJ'x^ ^ ' r ft . ( 'j tto )j[nHlrfU m> nt /)WKl ^ ao n n ' ^ ‘vmqftol 4^ " ' " - - ’ Wfu) f»WW M9lfw lOijK^l <» -*9 1# *v iVI'- a T I 0 0 0 •( ' *V* ■5'!^ fc " t 0 rtafto yXil'Johf io1 l?)uf>»t> *^1 TABLES. S2 TABLE No. 1. Making, Shaping, and Plinthing Pillars as in Plate 6. * Shaping extra from square or Triangle, only bears al- lusion to the first or start line. Square pillar extra from turned * Shaping extra from square pillar Trian- gle extra from turned * Shaping extra from Triangle Pillar. Each extra three inches in length of shaped pillar No. 1. No, 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Shaping, &c. pillars one foot foot six incheslong or under s, d, 1 0 s. d. 3 0 s. d. 3 10 s. d. 4 8 s. d. 1 lOi s. d. 3 0 s. d. 3 9 5 . d. 4 6 5 . d, 2 Each extra half inch above five inches square, or diame- ter above seven inches in Triangle Pillars H 3 4 5 H 24 3 3| 04 Canting pillars, each cant two inches wider or under 2 4 5 H 2 4 5 64 04 AVhen pillars are shaped, to form a regular margin with a hollow sided block, extra. 2 4 3 0 3 3 3 7 2 0 2 71 2 10 3 1 3 Each extra half inch in width 2 3 3| 3| H 21 24 3 04 Canting a turned pillar octa- gon, or hexagon, each cant, two inches wide, or under, at the base 2 H 04 Each extra half inch in width of cant Oi 1 1 A plinth at the bottom of pil- lar, of half inch stuff, two inches wide, containing four feet run or under, mitreS included 1 4 1 2| Each cant extra 34 A plinth as above when to form a regular margin, with a hollow sided block 2 10 2 6i 33 Reference to Table No. 1 . £. Canting a pillar to receive stuff for turning, each cant 0 For jointing on stuff, and coopers joints, -S'^ijTables 1 &2 Union Book. N. B. The pillar considered to be turned before it is canted. When pillars are turned with a shoulder at the bottom, canting ditto to receive stufffor turning,or carving, each cant two inches wide or under 0 Each extra half inch in width of cant 0 .Jointing on inch stuff, including one coopers joint, and a butt joint to the turned shoulder, each piece 0 Each extra half inch in thickness, when six inches long, or in width of joint above two inches 0 Each extra two inches in length of glueing on 0 Glueing on stuff for turning or carving, to fit a turned pillar, each piece six inches long and two inches wide, inch stuff or under, coopers joint included 0 Each extra two indies in length or half inch in width 0 Each extra half inch in thickness of coopers joint 0 When the canting of turned pillars, is stopped by moulding at the top or bottom, each stop two inches wide or under 0 Each extra half inch in width of stop 0 If shaped pillars are lined up at the bottom. See Table 2, Union Book. For tapering square pillar, See Table 22, Union Book. When the base of shaped pillars are canted, each cant 0 If square pillar is made as a case extra 0 If triangle pillar is made as a case extra from solid triangle pillar 0 Jointing up a hollow sided pillar for veneering, with coopers joints. See Table 1, Union Book. Double tenoning pillars into a block at the bottom, each pillar the start .size 0 Ditto triangle pillar start size 0 Each inch more or less, down to three inches in square, or four inches diameter in triangle pillar 0 Each tenon above two extra 0 Each extra six inches in length of plinth, in square or plain triangle pillar 0 Ditto on hollow sided pillars . 0 When square or triangular pillars, are shaped to a hollow sided block, under nine inches diameter, to be extra on the shilling, on the price 0 Ditto shaped pillars as No. 1 or 5 0 Ditto as No. 2 or 6 0 Ditto as No. .3 or 7 0 F .s. d. 0 ih 0 2 0 Olf 0 4K 0 0% 0 OM 0 8 0 0 0^ 0 Ik 0 Ok 0 1 0 6 0 10 0 8 0 9 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 34^ Reference to Table No. 2. d. £. No returns at the top considered in panels or mouldings in the price given for the same. Eacli extra three eighths of an inch in width of veneering quarter stuff after it is put down on sliaped pillars, per foot run 0 Ditto, flat work, See Union Book, page 464. Forming sunk panels with veneer, on flat work, to be on the shilling less than quarter stuff' 0 Ditto, when shaped as No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, or 7, to be on the shilling less than quarter stuff 0 Ditto, the square pillar, and No. 4, when shaped to form a regular margin, with a hollow sided block 0 Ditto, No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7, to be on the shilling less 0 The extra width of veneer, to be charged the same as veneering quarter stuff after it is put down. For mitres in quarter stutf, edge way. See Union Book, page 464. The mitreing quarter stuff edge way, on shaped pillars, to be charged according to time. When pillars are shaped both ways, to range with a hollow sided block, as No. 1, or 5, from nine to six inches diameter, on the side to be extra on the shilling, on the price of veneering 0 Ditto, when under six inches diameter 0 Ditto, as No. 2, 6, from nine to sixinches diameter, to beonthe shilling 0 Ditto, under six inches diameter 0 Ditto, as 3, or 7, from nine to six inches diameter, on the shilling extra 0 Ditto, under six inches diameter 0 Panelling the sides of pillars, from nine to six inches diameter, as No. 1. or 5, when shaped to range with a hollow sided block, to be on the shilling extra 0 Ditto, under six inches diameter 0 Ditto as No. 2 or 6, when from nine to six inches diameter, to be on the shilling extra 0 Ditto, under six inches diameter 0 Ditto as No. 3, or 7, when from nine to six inches diameter, to be on the shilling extra 0 Ditto, under six inches diameter 0 Veneering shaped pillars, to measure at the base. For extra length of mouldings, veneering fillets, kc. at the base of panels, when the pillars exceed the start width, Tables, of moul- dings and Table 21, Union Book. N o extra to becharged for veneering fillets when pillars are shaped both ways. vV. 0 oYj 0 3 0 41 ^ 0 SVj 0 6 0 1 0 2 0 Ih 0 2% 0 1 % 0 31 ^ 0 m 0 3 0 2 0 4 0 2 % 0 51 ^ TABLE No. 2. Veneering and Panelling Pillars, as in Plate 6. If fillets are veneered long way on flat work, deduct at per foot run, | Square pillar. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. Kach ex" three in- ches ill length. ^'eneering each side, one foot six inches long, four inches wide, or under s. d. n 6*. (L 7 s, (L H s. d. H s. d. s. d. 8 X. d. H s. d. 101 s, d. 0| Each extra half inch in width of veneer Oi Of 01 0| 1 01 Of Of Of Of Veneering each cant, one foot six inches long, two inches wide, or under 03 ^4 3f H 1 ^4 31 H 01 ^’eneering each side, when shaped to a hollow sided block 9 1 1 1 31 1 6 10 1 2 1 4^ 1 ^2 1 7 1 Each extra half inch in width of veneer 0| 1 1 H Of 1 1 H Of Forming a sutdv panel, on the side containing three feet run of quarter stuff, or un- der, three eighths wide or under f.| 1 H 1 ii| 2 3f 1 H 2 11 2 51 0| Each extra three eighths in width of quarter stuff, per foot run H H H 01 H Each extra three inches in width of panel oi Ok Of 0| 0| 01 0| C| Forming a sunk panel on the side, when the pillar is shaped, to form a regular margin with a hollow sided block 91 1 101 2 3| 2 8 101 2 01 2 Hi 2 10 1 Each extra three eighths of an inch in width of quarter stuff, at per foot run 1 * 4 2 1 H If 2 Each extra two inches in width of panel 01 0| 1 1 01 0| 1 1 Glueing on quarter round or small hollow, round the in- side of sunk panel 6 1 3 1 51 1 81 6 1 3 1 51 1 8i Of Ditto, when shaiKjd to form a regular margin with a hol- low sided block 8 1 ^ 1 H 1 101 8 i 41 1 71 1 lOf 9| Of ^’eneering quarter stuff after it is put down, long or cross way, mitres included, each panel 5 n 9 9| 5 n 9 01 Sinking a panel on the cants when two inches wide, one eighth of an inch deej), or under '2 H * 4 ^4 H H n Of Each extra eighth of an inch in depth of sunk panel 2 n 21 03 '"4 2 21 01 2| Of Glueing nulled moulding round the inside of sunk panel m 1 H 1 3h 1 I 1 O 5 1 H 1 31 1 If Ditto, when shaped to form a regular margin with a hol- low sided block 1 0| 1 4 1 61 1 81 1 0| 1 4 1 6i 1 87 I If ./#r « V ^-> 7 VMp ■ -IV: 'i > %' C /l^'l *» '.V W ■ ■',' : ii^i ^' I II 'im I Ito.? .irffUlBIsbiH L . . „L.,., Jwr, ; - '•S~' '^M^:,yi. ■ ► *:r^5to*tik»ArhT ■•:; • ^ -r: ; j j^' ' ? • V, ^ ^ ^ . F»%*-' i/j:» i i Agw tet J^.*flSi^iitj'j(n'^ii 4 j^' i6a *Mi k I ST TABLE No. S. Veneering and Cleaning Columns. In the veneering of columns, to measure at the smallest diameter up to four inches, if above four inches diame- ter to measure at the largest Inch diame- ter Above inch to inch and half diameter A hove Inch and half to two inches diameter Above two indies to two inches and lialf diameter Above two and half inches lo three inches diameter Above three inches to four inches fliaineter Above four inches to five inches diameter Above five inches to six and half inches diameter Above six and half inches to eight inches diameter Veneering quarter columns nine inches long, or under s. d. n S. d, H s. d . 6| S. (J, 6| 5. cL H S, iL 8 s, cL 84 s, d, 9| S. d. 11 Every three inches more in length H H H H H ^ 4 H 2 24 Veneering half columns nine inches long, or under 10 9| 9 9 n lOA 111 1 1 1 24 Every three inches more in length H 2 H H 2 24 24 2| 3 Veneering three quarter co- lumns, nine inches long or under 1 H 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 ^ 1 1 74 Every two inches more in length 91 2 ^4 H 2 91 2-i ^4 34 Veneering whole columns, nine inches long, or under i 10 1 91 1 8 1 8 1 91 1 11 2 1 2 4 2 7 Every inch more in length u 14 H H 14 H *4 2 24 £ . s. d, N. B, Veneering of columns above eight inches diameter, to be taken from Table 12, Union Book, and add for cleaning, per foot superficial 0 0 4^ References to Table No. 3. If no lap joint, deduct 0 0 3 Each three inches, above nine in length of ditto 0 0 0^ When the veneer of columns are jointed, instead of lapped, extra each joint, nine inches long or under 0 0 4 Each extra three inches in length 0 0 1 If veneer of columns, is jointed before it is laid. See Table 7, Union Book. If columns are veneered with hard wood, for poundage. Seepage, 329 Union Book. Veneering with curls, to be extra on the shilling 0 0 3 The poundage on curls, not to be charged on the joints. Cauls to be provided for the workman, or to be paid for according to time. * t ■if ' ■■ ! •* •'!'%>'''’■, ’j'.' _ ; « .oK 3J«, A ^ I * 'W ■4 ■■< ■ i '■r'i’S:;: * .' ^•>1^ i J €4 ■ ' J .nHM.vv.-3 4» 'H K:> ? . n ■V ' ■'.» "' i*v " I i;..Kl« t«f i‘ fs' fe* .|s= 'k* ■ f ' f ri|ff j(i; . i u r &f<3|(l ‘ llll^DLL!? V K"-^‘ h ' ‘"7|;(| f f rf rjfa i ,ji ’i r:TV'V^'^ ^ ^ i4i< TWim .*»> . - .f . »**►*•■** i U I »r iW»*n<4 4>Wi»^nJ ■■ ■ 4 mitt i , ' 1, f 4 «• ■% ;.* ,» ^mJK— :; I V- <>;• 0 :.’ *: ■* Kw « ' nift Wm him v^ihIJ *sr a4a|iifof''(hiivRif«»utoa‘io i»0ix>7 fwrfW' .. ^ « 0 0 ^ .gf rab|»w ■iSi ghtJ ?3ffcjni -’T ' < ^ ‘■.T ^ fit etui'll trial rfi &C>j^ rf"*^ tV 3 . 1 U/ 11 T *br^,j^ oia^od 9r ^intitioQ 'lo -uwia'r.H . ' ' .l^O€^f^ SoIhU^ 95* t T‘2-gw^W4 , va^twiiicx] io 1 Jb ,.T , ^ .Hootl^ vfomD V ^ ^ ;^niliiti4 OiD fto mlxa inf ol ^riw rUh^ j^mnon ,V Muhl jHf iro 3 d «i son .alma tio^^ ifga^Knort ixIT .'utr^l r>t'^tf({)rir;'>ao Tf^ bvtjj ml ol 4 h ^/racndlo^r ijdrjol InW/gjrfj^l at Rloa3 ^ Ihl 'V > ei ■•'L — ^ ' - I ■'■(?" . . 'IS. If.. ;* \ ^ ■■ t^ - :>4 * i 1^,' ' • ■■ '*" •*■ # '■* ^ • i , V ». ' 4^.' '•' »«>' ■ imI - If**' wNsi^.T^ ‘ i*' ^ ^ ’/<; '’*191 jipupt. / •» --fl^ ^ i .‘fe- Wt jBaif i ■'■■'**' ' ,.,>-A'‘f. -k I-"-' ,. A* ^ - = ... ^»,55.. ,. ..V.,, u .-C. .•■i'*' ,,,«b.5u^(js#* ^>a - @ 40 TABLE No. 4. Price of Sawing ont, Shaping, Veneering, and Fixing, truss feet, for Square, Hollow Sided, or Triangular Blocks, as in Plate 5. Five inches long, three in- ches deep, or under No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Sawing out. Shaping, and fixing, inch and half thick or under s. d. 5 5 . d, 1 Oi s. d. 1 5 . ^/. 1 4f 5 . d. 1 6i s. d. 1 H Veneering, each side, long or cross way. n 31 4 4 Shaping each side, to a hol- low sided block U -^4 H 2i Veneering each side, when above three feet diameter H 01 4| 5 5 Extra for each foot less in diameter of sweep. Oi 01 01 o-> 01 TABLE No. 5. Price of Members in Trusses, as in Plate 5. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Each extra member on the d. (/. d. d. d. (/. (/. d. d. d. (/. front, inch and half thick, or under 01 01 H H 9 i n 3 3 H 4 41 References to Tables No. 4 and 5. £. When any of the shapings in trusses are not cleaned, deduct from the price of ditto, on the shilling 0 Each extra half inch in thickness, to be charged on the full price of trusses, on the shilling 0 Each extra inch in length of truss, or half inch in depth 0 Each extra inch in length, or half inch in depth of shaping trusses, to a hollow sided block, each side 0 Getting out and glueing on stuff for the turner, as dotted line in No. I. 0 Getting out and glueing on front, as dotted line in No. 4, on No. 4, 5, or 6 0 When the joint in front of No. 1 is endvvay 0 Ditto in 4, 5, or 6 0 Glueing stuff on sides as 1, 2, or 3, each side 0 Ditto, as 4, 5, or 6, each side 0 Each extra two inches in length, or half inch in depth 0 When pieces stand up, as dotted line, in No. 4, each piece extra 0 Glueing pieces on top of solid trusses to clip the block, each piece 0 If solid trusses stand above the under side of block, by being sunk down by the workman, to be charged by time. Scribing inside of trusses, to a hollow sided block, each side 0 Extra thickness to measure the middle of truss. Jointing on piece, as dotted line members 10, and 12, each 0 When pieces are jointed on as above^ no charge to be made for member 6, in trusses at top of No. 4, 5, and 6 When shaping of trusses are left from the saw, deduct on the shilling 0 If front of trusses are veneered to be paid for according to time. A. d. 0 4 0 2yj 0 oy 0 Oh 0 2 0 2% 0 2 % 0 3% 0 21^ 0 3M 0 Oh 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 ly 0 6 G 42 References to Table No. 6. The extra length of sawing out, and shaping claws, to be charged from Table 27, Union Book. Shaped toe to claw for carving, as dotted line, in No. 6, inch and half thick or under 0 Each half inch extra thickness 0 Sinking each side, as dotted line, in No. 6, one foot long, or under 0 Each extra three inches in length of sinking on the side 0 Glueing pieces on sides, or top, as dotted line, in No. 6, to form toe, each piece 0 N. B. The price given for glueing on the top piece, is considered not to be shaped. Shaping the ends of block, to form a scroll, as in plate 4, Jig 2, for sofa, card, or loo tables, &c., to measure three inches to the under- side of block, and two inches thick at the end, including a piece glued on the underside, to form the scroll, each end, sawing out included 0 Each extra half inch in thickness 0 Each extra half inch rise of scroll 0 N. B. For size of block, to measure the extremity of the scroll. When square or triangular blocks, are jointed up the centre, as in plate Q,Jig 4, with a tongue in the joints crossway, each joint, one foot long, or under, of inch and half stuff or under 0 Each extra half inch in thickness of start length 0 Each extra three inches in length of joint, the start thickness 0 Ditto inch and half to two inches 0 Ditto above two inches to two inches and half 0 If above in proportion. If jointed as dotted line plate 6, Jig 4, each joint inch and half stuff or under 0 Ditto inch and half, to two inch stuff 0 Ditto from two inch to two and half inch stuff 0 If above in proportion. Each extra tongue in the joint, one foot long, or under 0 Each extra three inches in length of ditto 0 Shaping Blocks, with astragal ends, of inch and half stuff, or under, each end 0 Each extra half inch in depth of shaping astragal end 0 For extra members in claws. See Table of Trusses. For other extras. See Union Book. .V. d. 0 3 0 0 % 0 2 0 Oif 0 1 }^ 1 4 0 0 0^ 0 414 0 0J4 0 1 0 V4 0 114 0 4 0 414 0 5K 0 214 0 014 0 414 0 114 TABLE No. 6 ^rice of sawing out. Shaping, Veneering, and fixing Claws, for Underside of Square, or Triangidar Blocks ; as in plate 5. Twelve inches long, or under with one dowel in front, and screwed at back. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Sawing out of inch stuff, or under d. H 5. d. n s. d. H s. d. 2| s. d. 2f s. d. n Each extra half inch in thick- ness O 1 Oh 0^ 01 01 Shaping, each claw of inch stuff, or under 11 1 0^ 1 21 1 4 1 7 1 7 Each extra half inch in thick- ness H 2| 3 H Oh 31 Veneering the front longway 3 5 6 7 H H Ditto, crossway 3 5 6 7 Oh Oh Each extra quarter of an inch in width of veneer 1 H H H H Veneering each side long or crossway H 2f 3 3 4 Shaping each side of claw to hollow sided block, when above three feet diameter 3 3 3 3| 3f 31 Each foot less in diameter, each side 0^ 01 Oh 0^ 01 Of Veneering when the sweep is above three feet diameter, each side 4 H 4f 51 51 Each foot less in diameter Of Of Of 0| 1 1 '• " 'flf. ■«’''. #*^. .fl4 4’^i J ’ I »J g«»' 'W » »■■ •'. -ti!* m . 'S '4' fw r; '|l !' j, h 4 a. ■% I S. .i^—i-. ap i ' ll ' * « i » *i rM A- :s. % s^i Si^' g£.bA. Sr I *■ I'w 5 ^ Sf. ^ , Ai44- 1-' rt^' tr * . ' — •-■ V w * 2^ \ w^’ - . T *- ■ r U'^7. 'Si '#iv: - J t,. 46 TABLE No. 7. s Working Mouldings as in Plate 5 , Five eighths rise on Straight, or Sweep work, at per foot 47 References to Table No. 7. £. s. d. Forming panels with any of these mouldings, not to be reduced below two feet, either in working, or glueing on. When mouldings are planted on top, or bottom of pillars, pilasters, or legs, not to be reduced under two feet, either in working, or glueing on. N. B. If only three sides, not to be reduced under one foot six inches. When Nos. 1, 2, 6, and 7, or any similar mouldings, are introduced on circular bars of book case doors, or worked in any similar way, to be charged one half as circular, and the other as hollow work. N. B. If in circular bars of doors, to be extra from the plain fillet. Table 31, Union Book. For mitres in bars, take the price of mitres, from the table, and deduct the price of mitres in fillet, from Table 16, Union Book. Each extra quarter of an inch, in rise, or projection, of mouldings. except No. 1, to be extra per foot run, on straight work 0 0 0^ Ditto sweep work, above two feet six inches diameter 0 0 0^ Ditto from two feet six inches to one foot six inches 0 0 1 Ditto under one foot six inches 0 0 1 ^ The extra rise and projection of No. 1, to be less than the above stages, in straight, or sweep work 0 0 0^ Each extra quarter of an inch in rise or projection, of moulding on straight work, to be extra on each mitre 0 0 0^ Ditto sweep work 0 0 0% Each butt joint in circular or elliptic work in all diameters, three eighths square or under 0 0 1;| Ditto, three eighths to five eighths 0 0 1^ Ditto, five eighths to seven eighths 0 0 2^ If above in proportion. For glueing on mouldings, in straight, or sweep work, Table 13, Union Book. The mitreing, cutting, sweeping, glueing on, and working mouldings, of Pollard, or mottled oak, to be charged on the shilling, extra from mahogany 0 0 6 Ditto, plain English oak 0 0 4 For other extras, See Union Book. N. B In the dissection of No. 7 moulding, the price given, for No. 4 member, is considered to be when No, 10 member is planted on. If No. 10 member, is worked out of the solid, the No. 4 member to be extra per foot working, each side 0 0 0^ 48 Ohservations on Table No. 8. The dissections of mouldings in this Table, as shewn in plate 5, will assist in making out various kinds of mouldings, when different members are introduced, the extra rise, or projection when so added, to be eharged from the nearest comparison of mouldings in the Tables. N. B. For extra size of members, when separate. See Table 7 or Union Book. 49 TABLE No. 8. The Price of working members of Mouldings, as Dissected in Plate 5, at per foot run. On straight work On circular work On hollow work On round cornet tops, extra front straight measure each corner Work ing moul- ding on half circle cor- ners two stops includ- ed Ditto on three quarter circle cor- ners Each stop on Straight or sweep work Work- ing inotil- ding on each break one stop iucind ed No. On edges ofiable tops or plinths long- way Ditto end way Base sur- base or lop moul- dings solid or for plant- ing on Above four feet diame- ter From four feet to two feet six iiicbes diame- ter From two feet six inches to one foot six inches diame- ter From one footsiv inches to one foot diame- ter Above four feet diame- ter From four feet to two feet six inches diame- ter From two feet six inches to one foot six inches diame- ter From one foot six inches to one foot di ameter From one foot to six inches diame- ter From six inches to tW( inches diame- ter Under two inches diame- ter Not exceeding quar- ter of an inch rise or projection 1 d. d. 0| d. 01 d. Of d. Of d. 1 d. 1 d. Of d. Of d. 1 d. 1 d. Of (f. Of d. H d. H d. H d. Of " d. Of Not exceeding one eighth of an inch depth or width 2 H H H H li 2 Oi 2 21 2f 31 21 2 H H 1 If Not exceeding quar- ter of an inch rise or projection. 3 H If H n If 2 21 '^4 11 ^4 2f 3 4 2| 2 H 5 61 1 2. Not exceeding quar- ter of an inch rise or projection 4 1 n 1 H H 2 3 If 2 3 H 3 2 1 61 n Of 11 Not exceeding three eighths rise and quarter of an inch projection 5 H 2f If H 2f 21 3f 93 ''4 2f 3f 4f 3f 2f If 6f H H 91 Not exceeding three eighths of an inch rise and quarter of an inch pro- jection 6 H 2f 2 2f Ol ^2 3f 2f 2i 3f H 3f 2| If H 1 2 Not exceeding quar- ter of an inch rise or projection 7 n 2 H If 2 21 3f 2 2f 3^ 4f 3f 2f If H H Of 2f Not exceeding three eighths rise and half inch in pro- jection 8 H 2f If 2 21 '^2 3 3f 2f 3 4 5f 4f 3f 2f Of 1 2f Not exceeding quar- ter of an inch rise or projection 9 H 21 ^2 1 3 2f 21 3 3f 2f 3f H 6 3f 21 2 ’'f If 3 Not exceeding three eighths rise and quarter of an inch projection 10 2 3 2 3 H 4 5f 4 4f 5f 7 5f 4f 3f 8| H H 31 Not exceeding half inch rise and three eighths projection 11 H H 2f 3 31 H 5 31 7 Al ^2 31 21 71 H H 3f Not exceeding half inch rise and three eighths projection 12 3 H 3 4 5 5f 4f ^4 7 H 6 5 3| 101 in 2 4i Not exceeding half inch rise and three eighths pro- jection. 13 -*2 31 21 •^2 3 H 3f 4f 31 4 H H 4i 3f 2f 71 '4 8f n 3 ^ H * rj *' t *y>‘. f ^ ■' f •/■■.' f * “a: >r4^«.ini>w*t5 ■ ■''BI'V*. '> * ( t.'-' 1 iTlp ' . ‘t J' R*-, i-' tl» f ! I .- ■' «'» f ' i-- r 'Tnj£if-’'.r4-'r^-,v .i'~ri'3f -v-'t“'^'- -v'- ‘•i' i lc’T::iir'‘ii'’ ■V i: *•,*>'■ ‘" »f? tm^i r '. ■! f- i* ' V i i^:.^ i«; * t a Wir4f ■ •* ’4r- •*■ '‘•* ft "’-X"! V i -i ■ i A.' I -■« ' Swht-if’ '" ■’■r; '■V;>=y Hvi «!’!■> ' i*' Kl*"^L*?ifc- ■ r^lsvi ■ vl|W«-A' 1- ^ fi V 'J^ „il.> f r.'U,|4..l' iftUi! i*^ H 'TS J». '• j ^ jifiji-’f • - 1— R •'•■' .■ .„ :.u i ..r.,: - ,. . .. i'.:. v., .T.„ , u. . ^ Jc.u- ^-> .. -,,J“'.,| ,, ; -;-i*f .: '.‘f ■}lr.j^_' m-oK»f..: r !'■ ^1 i^i0f # ^ ^ ipwso^ ■af^r ' ^ ' w* 1^' H •s.t^ . . t' If H‘' . J8I.. ;, ^.L 51 TABLE No. 9. The 'price of Cutting out^ and Glueing on Turned^ Null mouldings at per foot run, on Straight, or Sweep work. Three eighths wide Five eighths wide Seven eighths wide Turned half null on straight work d. d. 2f d. 3 If above in proportion C’uttingout, bending, and glueing on, half null on sweep work, above four feet diameter 3 ' Each extra quarter of an inch in width of joint extra i Ditto fi'om four feet, to two feet six inches diameter Ditto, from two feet six inches, to one foot six inches diameter 4 1 J Bending and glueing on mouldings, on round or elliptic corners, extra from straight measurement 21 n 4 ► If above in proportion. When the moulding on circular work, will not bend and is cut and butt jointed, every three butt joints, in three eighths null, or each joint when above three eighths null, extra, from bending, &c. 01 oi 0^ Each mitre in half, or quarter null, on straight work H H H Ditto, in sweep work H H 2 Rounding the edge or end of nulls, per doz. 21 21 If a square between nulls to be ” extra per dozen, 1 ^d. References to Table 9. ^ Each break in planting on, extra 0 Quarter null to be extra from half null, per foot 0 Cutting out and glueing on turned mouldings, on straight or sweep work, of ebony, purple, king, coromandel, tulip, or similar hard woods, to be extra on the shilling, on the price of Mahogany 0 Mitres, butt joints, or rounding the ends of any of the above woods to be on the shilling, extra 0 Cutting out, and glueing on, turned null moulding, in straight, or sweep work of rose, satin, yew, maple, or similar hard woods, to be on the shilling, extra 0 Mitres, butt joints, or rounding the ends of the above woods, to be on the shilling, extra 0 N. B. The price given for bending and glueing on turned moul- dings is not to exceed a quarter of an inch in projection. For other extras. See Union Book. s. d. 0 m 0 OJi 0 4 0 6 0 2 ^ 0 4 DEDUCTION. If mouldings are cut by the turner, deduct per foot 0 0 01 ^ V , u\ .■>x I .7. . ^ ‘ U ' , # ) i) , f.,: 1/ 0 i '' *f) 0.0 i '^iw. k> .-j - J .'I .fl'ijcJ .aail i..j! 'fnlii.'ii . -fo .f; ' ,.■ • -li / ^ '00.7 3VoW;* -Or*^ iO ’? ‘ iti > lo , »f)?7»r'ntH !if ,3|« ■ ' < : ' •owM^t’Ulihi ' t • > r ■ . 4. k v^*'' ■' -I ' ^■_ , . . ,uy^ >''* i.:f4 '^'iui•'.^l ju H lisn VlJ/J ^71i:!([(riil ‘ih* :!(> ‘id ri a'kI«; jJ'*!') ’. i/ , '. i!j ••()i:i(!n<>-f 'i» .sijffioi ‘Mr; .:’^aiJSi/F • ' ijny!~ > i ■ •^ " -‘i erfT M i -i rl^y' ^ Vvi#j}».’Ji I v uj ica Ilf ' <" , . ' ^ Wf'j to' .vioiTuiyu .a , ' >oal ii»ii Jwil& ,T5JMijjj(Wi -/H ftn ^^tvblunmV 53 TABLE No. 10 The Price of Lining up Loo^ Dining, and other Table tops, Flaps ; at per foot run. Sweep lining to measure the out- side. straight work longway Ditto cross way Sweep work above four feet diameter long way Ditto cross way Sweep work from four feet to three feet diameter long way Ditto cross way Sweep work from three feet to two feet diameter long way Ditto cross way Sweep work long or cross way under two feet diameter Koiiiid corners extra each finm straight measure when from one foot to six inches di ameter Ditto under six inches diameter Each break Each mitre or butt joint Three quarter ma- hogany two inches wide, or under d. 3 d. H d. 4| d. H d. 5 d. d. 51 d. 6 d. H d. H d, 4| d. 24 d. H Inch mahogany two inches wide or under 3^ H 6 51 H 6 n 7 21 H Each extra half inch in width Oi Of Of 1 Of 1 1 H H Of Of If linings are above inch stuff, to be charged in the same proportion, as from three quarters to inch. N. B. One joint in two feet considered in cross linings. References to Table 10. £. ,v. d. When sweep linings are made to run the same way as the top, to be extra from the cross linings on the shilling 0 0 2 Each extra joint in linings of three quarter stuff 0 0 0% Each extra quarter of an inch in thickness, above three quarter stuff 0 0 0 I 4 When dining table flaps are lined to be extra, each joint 0 0 3 If doweled or tongued in the lining, each dowel or tongue 0 0 Crossing each moving joint, when square edge inside or out, or flat surface, each crossing 0 0 Oj^ When linings are made to project before the edge of the top, each quarter of an inch, at per foot run 0 0 0% For other extras, See Union Book. DEDUCTIONS. When linings are not cleaned on the inner edge, or flat surface, deduct for each half inch, in width or thickness, per foot run 0 0 0% Ditto, the inner edge of sweep lining per foot run 0 0 OJy FINIS. London, Printed by J. M'Gowan and Son, Great Windmill Street, Hay market. /'Ifih J 1 /‘/ule :i /■ r I SVtCiAU %+6> i!P^Lc> 1H£ GETTY CENTER