- -v m M " • ;^^ ^/r * V' m # MODERN pictures' THE PROPERTY OF JOHN AKROYD, ESQ. Deceased, late of Tunbridge "Wells (Sold hy Order of ike Executors); W. TURQUAND, ESQ. Deceased, late of Norfolk Street, Park Lane ; ALSO PICTURES BY J. CONSTABLE, R.A. THE PKOPEETY OF CLIFFORD CONSTABLE, ESQ.; AND PICTURES FROM PRIVATE COLLECTIONS: WHICH Messes. CHRISTIE, HANSON & WOODS, AT TSEIE GESiLT S@QM§, 8 KING STKEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Eing Street^ iSt. Jameses Square, S.W. LVJ bVt 7'0 CONDITIONS OF SALE. J. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less th m Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in j^roportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at tlie Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VL To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Monev must absolutely be paid on the delivery. OI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; ail Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale nhall be made good by the Pefaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. o:*X u<^nA/iA^ay^^!i^ B 2 S. LLOYD. G Dr. Butleb's Garden, Harrow /<5Tf/tt- ^JCxuM 7 DORT A. SEMBACH. X7 PEARSON AND WAINWRIGHT. 8 TiNTERN Abbey n^/.x>f~ ■ShaJMjl, ■V^A/^^p2^^xCiyyu A. CORBOULD. 18 A Highland Scene, with cattle /ox /^ I^OVttip^ A. CORBOULD. 19 Highland Cattle A. C. DODD. • -'^/^c-^-t^Tu 20 Retubned /af>3Ar ff/l^ J . C. DOLMAN, 21 Otter Hounds J. GREET. -^■ccVc.e^ffji. 22 Ratting y^^/f- ^-^t^^lJXH ' 23 Haarlem Cathedral L. HAGHE. JTo^L Lth.- MEL 24 A Greek Girl /^xy •tJcMjc-C-^A-t^ J. MERALLES. 25 The Two Artists ^K'ki. L. PRATT. 26 A Brittany Interior /oA/y. ShLMjl^ 27 The Brook F. M. TRAPPES. -^^^GtHytfCoMj TENIERS (Afteb). 28 Dutch Boors — a pair J. VARLEY. 5.-.- 29 On the Nile y^<>:y •^Oii-^tJC 8 /d J. CONSTABLE, U.A. 53 A EiYEii Scene, with cbiirch ^/k xo 54 A KouGH Sketch at Yarmouth d^;^ n-^ Miid/V ¥ /6' W. WYLD. 65 A Coast Scene: Sunset ■^^'^ 64 A Lion HEYWOOD HAliDY, 1873. W. LINNELL. /^ 65 Heather Bells and Bell Wethers 9 T. S. COOrER, ll.A,, 1884. GG Cows IN A Landscape /cti3> ^■A.JbAii,-voU DE WIT. G7 iNTEniOR OF THE Gkand Church, Amsterdam <^M . /f 69 Teawlebs, making for Port Scarborough — in water-colours PICTUKES. J. VEYRASSAT. 70 A Ferry Boat ^xy W. ROELOFS. 71 A River Scene, with angler W. ROELOFS. 72 A River Scene, with cows Q^// G. W. HORLOR. 73 Puppy and Chicks /Xx./*/- 10 R. PHYSICK. ^3) 74 Dog and Jackdaw /^;(.2-tfA4> v^ c^ 11 PICTURES. 81 Besting J. L. SWAN. fK/9 ''%hht^ H. ALKEN. p^nnyriAi 82 Hunting Scenes- -a iet of four H. DAWSON. 4 83 A Lank Scene ©Jjjjca.^ -s-^yCMlXZJv J. WATSON NICOL. 84 Embakras de Kichesse /6y^L. ^^^f^Sb^JijiJul J. SANT, E.A. Z? . 85 Courage, Anxiety, and Despair : Watching the battle T]ie property of the late A. Neate, Esq. H. ALKEN. ^ 86 Thobmanbt, winner of the Derby, 1860, with Custance fx// F. WATTS. 87 Gravel Pit, Hampstead Heath ^- '^^^/U>^t^ J. BRETT, A.E.A. 88 A Cornish Coast Study /^*. ^^^AMjl. J. BRETT, A.E.A. 89 Go van's Head, Mumbles ^x/q_^ jQ^ J^ ^2 E. G. WAEREN. 90 Haymaking in Hampshibe^)^^ "Wafted o'er a sunnv land. ^UiJ0L ^/ /x ^z> (cir / E. VEEBOECKHOVEN, 91 A Landscape, with cow, ewe and lamb B. C. KOEKKOEK. 92 A Road Scene, with figures 93 Early Morning W. MESDAG W. MESDAG. 94 The Arrival of the Boats ^■cjzMoeA ^> From the Collection of the late John Miller, Esq., of Liverpool /i-K/t^ 6-0 SV sr CHELMONSKL 96 Post House in the Ukraine H. WALLIS. AAarylr^ 97 Marten in Chepstow Castle ; and the engraving of the same — artist's proof J6xi^ 2 C. BAXTER. 98 The Coquette /^x/a- C^.^^cM 13 W. HAVELL. 99 A River Scene, with ruins, figures and cows '^ff- J. LINNELL, Sen., 1857-8. 100 The "Wood-gatherees Returning, with children ^^XxMynj G. B. O'NEILL. 101 The Favourite ^ y^/o *f7A4AaAAr P. F. POOLE, R.A. 102 A Girl at a Spring /^x/s- '^Mi^Ajt D. G. ROSSETTI, 1863. 103 Helen of Troy /Jl^/^- " Destroyer of Ships, Destroyer of Men, Destroyer of Cities." T. BARDWELL. 104 David Garrick as Richard III. YrM^rnM^ L. RIVERS. 105 Near Knowle Hill /^>^ ^-(yth. 121 Scene in the West Highlands : Winter ^ti/nAJiouj^ B. W. LEADER, A.E.A., 1873. ^ ^ 122 SUMMER TIME : between Worcester and Malvern E. LONG, R.A., 1868. 123 WANDERING THOUGHTS F. MAZZOTTA. 124 The Morning Meal /:t?<<^ T. K. PELHAM. 125 Waiting for the Boat */X/(f 0. DE PENNE. 126 A Foggy Morning /^^ /^ ^^JiybdzM' J4jL(xkAL R. REDGRAVE, R.A. 127 The Sandpit Road, Kensington J. H. SAMPSON. 128 A Hitch in the Net -2/>A2 H- ^y^ tS' Jt/ /o r 129 Berck Sands 16 J. n. sAMrsoN. J. II. SAMPSON. 'V* 130 Hauling in the Net -^x^^ 131 The Wreck J. H. SAMPSON. L. SMYTHE. 132 After Darkness Cometh Light L. SMYTHE. 133 Fair Fruit of Sunny France L. SMYTHE. 184 Brittany Girls Washing W. WEEKES, 1875. 135 Love's Confession ^-^ijr ExMhited at the Boyal Academy, 1876 A. W. WILLIAMS. 136 Tenby Harbour, by moonliglit FINIS. London : Fiintcd by Wm. CIlowes & Soxs, Limited, Stamford Street and CliarinK Cross. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00954 8377