■I Sh louul's CL.TTclvcL.. V i r i- <* p 4v Willi &77L Ujscott* lonrfon X11.4t-1U1U.OTi. 1822. Lti '■ ,''f J^J:^, m /^M> «/J/^/y JJ.^^JM /Cue tot' 7 tyi.*^ fro* /»£<„, Jt, L/£ <£• Jf t %l -&J fat : L^, «^ i£ LcduT/u^ " I Tiik Ki'.v 1 : \| icilAK I, I.ORT, m>. K K.5 ,Va..s . / //'/// • / //r/f/h /// y >S. S /,////,/,/; y r ///. A CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE AND VALUABLE LIBRARY OF THE LATE Rev, MICHAEL LORT, D.D. F.R.S. andA.S. Which will be lold hy Auction, By LEIGH and SOTHEBY, BOOKSELLERS, At their Houfe in Tork-Jlreet, Covent Garden, On Tuesday, April 5, 1791, and the Fourteen fol- lowing Days (Sundays excepted); and then the Sale to re-commence on Wednesday, May 4, 1791, and to continue the Nine followings Days (Sunday excepted). Beginning each Day punctually at Twelve o'Clock. The firft Fifteen Days to be viewed on Wednefday, March 30, and the Remainder to be viewed on Tburfday, April the 28th, 1791. Catalogues (Price 2s. 6d.) to be had of Mr. Becket, Pall- Mall ; Robson, Bond-Street; Walter, Charing-Crofs; Owen, Temple-Bar; Sewell, Cornhill; and at the Place of Sale. H. B. Immediately after the Conclufion of the Sale of the Library, will be fold 6y Auction, by Leigh and Sotheby, Dr. LORT'« valuable COLLECTION of PRINTS, amongft which are con- tained Hogarth's Work*, a vol. with Original Drawings j and a numerous Collection of English Heaps, &c. CONDITIONS of SALE. ift,rpHAT the Perfon who bids moft is the J. Buyer-, but if any Difpute arifes, the Lot or Lots be put up to fale again. 2d, That no Perfon advance lefs than Six- Pence each Bidding; and after the Lot arifes to One Pound, not lefs than One Shilling. 3d, That each Perfon give in his Name, and pay Five Shillings in the Pound (if demanded) for what he buys ; and that no Lot be delivered in $ime of felling, unlefs firfl paid for. 4th, The Boolcs are prefumed to be perfect, unlefs otherwife expreffed ; but if upon collating, at the Place of Sale, any mould prove imperfect, the Purchafer will be at Liberty to take or reject them. 5th, The Lots muft be taken away at the Buyer's Expence, and the Money paid at the Place of Sale, within three Days after the Sale is «nded. Any Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiffions executed By their mod humble Servants, LEIGH and SOTHEBY. INDEX to the DAY'S of SALE. Firft Day's Sale, Second Ditto, Third Ditto, Fourth Ditto, Fifth Ditto, Sixth Ditto, Seventh Ditto, Eighth Ditto, Ninth Ditto, Tenth Ditto, Eleventh Ditto, Twelfth Ditto, Thirteenth Ditto, Fourteenth Ditto, Fifteenth Ditto, Sixteenth Ditto, Seventeenth Diito, Eighteenth Ditto, Nineteenth Ditto, Twentieth Ditto, Twenty-firft Ditto, Twenty-fecond Ditto, Twenty-third Ditto, Twenty-fourth Ditto, Twenty-fifth Ditto, Tuefday, Wednefday, Tburfday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuefday, Wednefday, Tburfday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuefday, Wednefday, Tburfday, Wednefday, Tburfday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuefday, Wednefday, Tburfday, Friday, Saturday, April 5. April 6. April 7. April 8. April 9. April 11.' April 1 2. April 13. April 14. April 15. April 16. April 18. April 19. April 20. April x I. Mat 4. May 5. May 6. May 7. May 9. May 10. May 11. May 12. May 13. May 14. 1x4 J [ I ] Firft Day's Sale, OCTAVO fcf /»/r«. P AM P H L E T S. ? // 1 /I Parcel of Pamphlets, Natural Hiftory, 8vo. 2 j\. A Parcel Ditto, Medical, 8vo. 3 A Parcel Ditto, Mathematical, Philofophical, Agronomical, &c. 8vo. 4 Ditto Ditto, Political, 8vo. 5 Ditto Ditto, Poetical,. 4to. and 8vo. 6 Ditto Ditco, Hiftorical, 8vo. * 7 7 Ditto Ditto, Hiftorical, 8vo. Z-P 8 Ditto Ditto, Miscellaneous, 8vo. Z -, 9 Ditto Ditto, Mifcellaneous, 8vo. -2- o lo Ditto Ditto, Mifcellaneous, 8vo. . (\ I Ditto Ditto, Divinity, 8vo. /fyjiz Ditto Ditto, Divinity, 8vo. u. V J3 Ditto Ditto, Divinity, 8vo. / - 14 ToutFs Safety, or Advice to the Younger Sort of either / Sex • 1698 • 6 15 Hiftory of the Unitarians, called alfo Socinians l68r Note in this Book. This is a Defence cf them, privately printed, but difperfed with great Indufry, 16 Travels. Prenties Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Ifland of Cape Breton, 1782— — Efcape from the Turkifh Galleys, Madagafcar Two Englifh Pilgrims Travels to Jerufalem— -Life of James Albert, an African Prince, by bhirley, Bath. See a Note in this Book~- — Defcription of the Ifland of Madeira ■ - 1783 17 Tberon and Mentor ; Being Letters in the News Papers, with thofe Signatures, upon the American War; with other / Extracts from the Papers, on Political Subjects 6 18 Cards and Advertifements B 19 Advice '- // o- f * ] / PAMPHLETS. Z o *9 Advice to a Nephew, 1729 Prefent for an Apprentice, 1776 — Preftnt for a Servant Maid 175+ to Le Guide d'Icalie, Par. 1775 Maps of Roads from and to the different Places in Italy, ltal. and French' ■■ ■ Gentleman's Guide through Italy, 1787— —Manuel de 1'Etranger qui Voyage en Italie — — — Par. 1778 *J - I SI Greaves's Origin of Engiifh Weights and Meafures 1745 N.B. Not in the Edition of Greaves's ff$ris, puhlijhed by ~ / Dr. Birch, in 2 vol. 8vo. *■ ° 22 Burrows (Sir James) on Pointing, 4to. 1768 Effay on / Punctuation ■■ • ■ — ■- > *7^5 - 7 23 Sterne's Sentimental Journey ^ ° 24 Hall's Crazy Tales ' 1764 3 - 25 Norfolk Toar, Norwich, 1773— — Cowdry's Defcription of the CurioHties at Wilton, 1752— —Defcription of the Town and Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds I 771 26 De Stylo Epiftolica ex variis Autoribus, Hamb. 1614 Renaudot fur POrigine des Lettres Grecques 27 uEnigmata, Joci> &c. Le Glaneur Francois, Haye, 1736 Mufe in Good Humour, 1745 J oe Miller's Jefts, 17^5— -Cure for the Spleen, 1778, &c. &c. &c. t8 Voltaire, Lettre a Hume, avec Notes, 1766— Fufeli's Remarks on Writings and Conduct of Rouffeau, 1 767— Lettre de Rouffeau a Chriftophe de Beaumont, Amft. 1763 39 Brown's Portable Printing- Prefs Culture of the Auricula * v 30 Hutchinfon's (Bp.) Advantages of a good Language 1724 3 - 31 Southall's Treatife of Bugs - ■■■■— 1730 / , 32 Life of Benedict Jofeph Labre, 1 7*5 — Relation concernant Benoit-Jofeph Labre Avignon^ 1783 C^z BurnhanTs Triumphs of Free Grace, 1787— Banker's \ - J Antihypocritee, againft Burnham — 1 787 / I 34 Schouten's Proof of a Deity from Reafon 1787 A b 35 Trails for and againft the Stage, by Law, Bedford, &c. / 1705, &c. / 35 Lowth's (Bp.) Introduction to Engiifh Grammar 1764 / 6 37 Ohio Colony, Edihb. 1763— — Aiuiphons at Aire in Ar- tois, 1783— —Advice to Frefhmen, 1785 Sunday School?, 1785 Directions on Pronunciation and Geflure, 1770 Soame Jenyns on the Bill for pre- ferving the Drainage of the Middle and South Levels, t 777 Advantages of Early Riling — Bentley (Tho.) on At 3 • 3* / C 3 3 PAMPHLETS. on Speaking in Religious Affemblies, 1"}%6-—Medus Solium, 175 1 — &c. &c. &c. 8 Effeds of Indultry and Idlenefs, 1748— —Rake's Progrefs, a Poem, 1735 Harlot's Progrefs, a Poem, 1732— - Jofeph Gay's Harlot's Progrefs - '733 h 39 Bank of England Vade Mecum, 1782 — Statutes of King's College in Old Aberdeen, 175 3 Tucker on Lord Clare's Conduft Sir Jofhua Reynolds's Idler Paine's Duties on Paper, 1784— —Wedgwood's Ad- drefs to the Young Inhabitants of the Pottery His Addrefs to the Workmen of the Pottery 1783 40 Guides to Brighthelmiione, Margate, Southampton, &c. X &c. &c. 3 o 41 Tobacco. Thorius's Poem on Tobacco, Lat. & Eng. by Haufted, 1651— — Magneni Exercitationes de Tabaco & de Manna, 1658 — Mory, L'Ami des Pauvres, Par r f f 1767 / b 42 Beaty on Pfalmody in Scotland, 1778 Uranographie, ou Contemplation du Ciel, Par. 1771 — Obfervations on Memory, 1775— Trufler's Chronology '7^9 3 Obfervations on the three laft Volumes of Gibbon's Roman Hiftory, 1788 Letter to the Lords Spiritual of Par- liament, 1789 — Clergyman's Advice to his Parifhioners, 1769 Stanfield's Obfervations on a Guinea Voyage, 1788 Andrews's Appeal on Behalf of the Chimney- Sweeper's Boys, 1788 Hill's (Sir Richard) Short Catechifm Church Catechifm Explained, 1785- . Confiderations to Young Men and Parents *77^ '. - 44 Royal Society Difputes — — — - '784 45 Whole Difpute between Fitz Gerald and Walker 1775 ff (46 Difcourfe on Ridicule and Irony in Writing 172Q ^ ^47 Newfpaper Anecdotes of Dr. Johr.fon, and feyeral fmali , Publications of his >48 Hooker's Effay on Honour — 1 74 i f 6 49 Grey's (Zachary) Account of Earthquakes 175c y (§0 Newton's (Rev. John) Life and Sermons — 1781 * 15 1 Eugenia Stanhope's Apology for publifhing Lord Chelter- field's Letters / - 52 Letters between fome Governors of two great Hofpitals in / the City and Mr. Gardiner of Richmond 1775 3 53 Hallifax's journey from Aleppo to Palmyra, 1691— — — Ex- tracts from the Journals of two Merchants who travelled thither at the fame Time, and alfo had attempted it B 2 before I r + i PAMPHLETS. before in 1678— — Halley's Account of Palmyrt— — Wood's Preface to his Ruins of Balbec ' " 54 Specimen of Printing-Types — ^— Ox/. 1768 • 2\ ^5 Plan and Preface of the French Encycloposdiae 175a ^56 Biographia. Extracted from News Papers, Magazines, &c. &c. ' 57 Varia Neva. Printed and Manufcript Extracts from feveral / Magazines, Books, &c. -< o 58 Pamphlets, and Extracts from the News Papers, and Manu- fcript Accounts of the Riots in 1780 County Aflb- . ci.tions / 59 Difpute betwixt Dr. White and Dr. Gabriel refpe&ing White's Bampton Lediures, with Extracts from the News Papers relative to it ■ l 7^9» & c « a /\&o Shakefpear Gallery— — Barbarini Vafe * ^]6l Bulkeley's Vindication of Lord Shaftelbury on Ridicule, 1751— —Letter to the Author of the Eftimate, 1758 —Letter to Warburton, 1760— —Remarks on Jack- fon's Improvements in the Art of Criticifm, 1748 Firft Chapter of the Prophecies of the Prophet Homer, with a Letter to the B. of G. 1766 — Fofler on Mafon'a Elfrida, 1752 — &c, &c. &c. 62 Thickneffe's Various Pamphlets and Letters in the St. James's Evening Port ■ 1783, &c. &c. 63 Several Pamphlets on Drefs and Fafhion, 1757, 1767, and »77* I64 Life of Commodus, tranflated from the Greek of Hero- I dian - ■■ 1789 '65 Chefs Automaton, and Speaking Figure ■ 1783 66 Jones J s Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils, 1780— — Lef- broulTart de l'Education, Bruxel. 1783 Colomb, / Plan d'Education ■■ dvignon, 1762 ' b 67 Manufcript and Printed Papers relative to the Arts in Eu- rope ■*■ 68 Ditto Ditto, relative to Britifh Antiquities 69 Tiial of Mrs. Rudd, with Extra&s from the News Papers and Manufcript Papers refpecling her — — 1776 f/70 Original HighZ - J &C. a749> 1788, &c. n (10 1 Pamphlets pro and con on the Commutation Act, by -* - J Twining and others — — — 1786 (102 Ditto, on the Police of Britain, Roads and Trade, 1753' &c - /(103 Ditto, Political, by Bp. Shiply, Sir T. Broughton, Lord / (i\ Galloway, and Mr. Tickell ■ 1781 (104 Lord Clarendon Vindicated, by Davys, Burton, &c. 1739 / - 105 Jones on Skating, plates (106 Sharpe (William) upon Genius ■■ 1755 -v - VI07 Butler's Polygamy, 1697 — Anfwer to it — 169^ (108 Power of Climate over the Policy, Strength and Manners of a Nation ' 1774 / (109 Caufes of the High Price of Corn and Grain, by Sylveller ^ "llio Nature of Afcertaining the Shares of Proprietors on the Inclofare of Common Field* ■■ 1766 111 Vaughan's [ 7 1 PAMPHLETS. /6il Vaughan's Appeal to the Public . — — 1770 / OAliZ Letter to General Townfhend, and Anfwer to it 1760 (113 Morris's Letter to Sir Richard Alton, 1770 — His Apology / for Lord Baltimore, and Anfwer to it — 1 7 68 - 6 114 Emperor's Journal of his Vifit to Auftrian Flanders and his Regulations and Ordinances, in French 1781, 3 (115 Lloyd's (Bp.) Life of Pythagoras - 1699 5 I116 Antiquities; Browne's Hjdriotaphia, or tJrn-Buria!, 1736 —Williams's Ancient Ruins found in the Highlands of Scotland, Edinb. 1 77 7 — Queen Elizabeth's Entertain- ment at Kellingwoorth Caftl in 1575. War-wick, 1784. —Saunders's Curiofities' at Glaftonbury, 1780 — Wood- ward's Account of Roman "Urns and other Antiquities found near Bilhopfgate, 1713, very f carte — Mellen de / Urna Sepulcrale Sarmartica — — Jena, 1679 /L wj Burke, Tucker, and others on the American War, Re- form, &c. &c. ■-i n » •775 118 Pamphlets on the Militia, and Navy, by Kelfall, Sinclair, Pennant, Ramfay, &c. •■ '7^4» & c « (1 19 A Collection of Pamphlets upon Taxes — Abftrafts of Acts of Parliament — Laws of Servants » '784. / -120 Political SelecJ. Lord G. Gordon Letters figned an Engliihmar, — Letter to the Duke of Grafton — Sir James / Lowther — &c. &c. &c. being Abftrafts of News Papers, i? 121 Pamphlets relating to the £a(t Indies, by Dairy mple, an d others ■ ■ ■ 1 ■' ■— 1 781 / /(122 Ditto on Police *— 1696, 1784, &c. ^123 Homer on Preferving and Improving the Publick Roads of this Kingdom, 1767, with Letters from the Papers on the fame Subject 124 Pieces taken from the News Papers refpedling the French Revolution, in 1788 [125 Tableau de l'Eglife d« Liege, Liege, 1782 — Le Tableau J? ) Exam ne Liege, 1783 J126 Charters of the Corporation of Ipfwich, in Suffolk 1754. /U27 Dodd's Thoughts in Prifon - *777 ; Q 128 Narrative of the Deaths of the Englilh Gentlemen in the Black-Hole at Calcutta 1758 Grey's (Dr. Zachary) Character of Charles I. 1738 Prefent for an Apprentice 1759 Infcriptions on the Tcmbs, &c. in BunhilUFields 1717 J < (132 Bachftrom, 1'Art de Nager dmjl. 1741 I133 Greek Alphabet 134 Hu- /L b / . / %f i2 9 At z l 8 ] x / PAMPHLETS. Ob 134. Humours of the Fleet, a Poem, by Paget— Defcription of ^ Newgate — 1724 - 135 Six Days Tour in Normandy 1789 6 ("136 Journey to Llandrindod Wells ■ 1746 , ~ ( 137 Parcel of Pamphlets on the American War 5781, &c. J 138 A Large Parcel of Pamphlets, pro and con, on the Diflen- ters and the Teft Act — with Extracts from the News / Papers 1789, 90, &c on the fame Subject i I39 A Collection of News Papers containing Speeches in Par- liament and EiTays on Parliamentary Reform, Breach of Privilege, &c. &c. 1790 140 Chatterton's and Rowley's Poems, with every thing written pro and con upon the Subject of Rowley ; by Bryant, Mills, Tyrwhytt, Malone, Matthias, &c. &c. together with Abfbacts from News Papers, and Manufcript Papers refpecling that controverfy. 141 Pampbuts; Herbert Croft's Letter to Mr. Pitt on the New Englifti Dictionary, 1788 — Mafon on the York Lunatic Afyium — Jones (Sir W.) on Supprefiing Riots, 1782— Soame Jenyns on the High Price of Provifions, 1767— - Remarks on' Lord Chief Juliice Pratt's Letter to the City of Exeter, 1764 — Lord Garderiton's Letter to the j> People of Laurencekirk 1780 ^ - 142 Ditto; Price on Civil Liberty, and Anfwer 1776, Sec. 1 [143 Stewart's Reply to Frafer — — — 1787 { J 44 Political Pamphlets; Bute and Keppel 1762, 1781 J 45 Account of the King's Journey to Goettingen, 1 74?— Letters to the King of Pruflia, 1758 — Grey's (Zachary) Looking Glafs for Schiimaticks, 1725 — Portuguefe Jefuits to Clement XIII, 1760 — Situation of the Protec- tants aud Greeks in Poland ■ \ 767 146 Fofler's High Antiquity of Government, Arts, &c. in Egypt 1743 147 Whitfield's (John) E**moor Scolding and Courtfhip, in the Corni/h Dialect ■ 1775 ' - 148 Branche's Thoughts on Dreaming . . ■ — 1738 1 /(149 Bridgewater's Religion of a Bookfeller — — 174a 2 v^uo Johnibn's (Abraham) Lucma fine Concubitu, 17^0 — Letter to Abraham Johnfon, 1750— Vincent Miller's Man- Plant 1 < 1752 / (jri Pamphlets for and againft Dr. Rundle's Promotion to the 7-0 See of Gloucefter 1734 (152 Collection of Pamphlets on Swindlers and Infolvent Debtors, 1699, 1781, &c. See. 153 Pam- At At [ 9 ] PAMPHLETS. / I53 Pamphlets concerning the New Pvegulation at Cambridge, /t • '75° 7 / fi 54 Mifcellaneous Pamphlets 1788, 9 |«5 5 Pamphlets concerning the Univerfity of Cambridge, . 1 7 86, &c. ' 1 56 Caufes of the Alienation of the Delaware and Shawanefe , Indians from the Britiih Intereft > — — 1 799 / (1S157 Petty's Political Arithmetick ■ - 5 75? I158 Marriott's Cafe of the Dutch Ships confidered '7/8 / /1 59 Hippifley on the Pcpuloufnefs, Trade, &c. of Africa, 1764 ~ |i6o Indian Treaties ■ ■ » 1756 /?i6i Jay and Smith's Collections for New York *77i J h\l62 Col. Bradllreet's Expedition to Fort Frontenac '759 {163 Difcourfe on the Bookland and Folkland of the Saxons, / 1775 ' - 164 Political; Extracts of News Papers, Sir W. Howe, Arming A of the People J 165 Valiancy's Antiquity of the Trifh Languge, Dublin, 1772 — His Eflay towards illuftrating the Ancient Hiftory of the Britannic Ifles, 1786 — Likewife printed Extracts -7 from Books, and MS. Papers on the fame Subject , / 166 Life and Writings of Voltaire ■ 1782 ■Z b 167 Trads. Matt. Poole's Model for maintaining Students at the Univerfity, 1648 — Second Edition of the Same enlarged, 1658— — Anfwer to the Cambridge Model, 1658 — Quacking Mountebank, or Jefuit turn'd Quaker, 1655— —Vindication of Universities and of Schools— » Hall's Motion to the Parliament of England on the Advancement of Learning and Reformation of the Uni-» verfities, 1649 ■ Wilkins & Ward Vindici.2 Acade- miarum, 1654 Duigenan's Deplorable S;a;e of Tri- nity College, Dublin, Dublin, 1777 Excerpta e j Statuis Academic Cantabrigienfis Can/ab. 1732 *■ - 168 A Collection of Pamphlets relative to the Political and Civil Government of the Eaft Indies J 767, &c. &c. - 169 Defigns of Dr. Bray's Affociates, 1785 Eaft India Mil* y fionaries l 7 1 J« 1720 ' - 170 Price, Hewlett, Wales, Sec. on the Population of Eng- land ■ 1781, &c, 2 4 1 7 1 American War. Debates in Parliament, and Efiays in the - -\ Papers / / '172 Politics and Mifcellanies, from News Papers ' V I73 Kippis Barnes, Price and Rees, on the new Academical ioftitution among the Diifenters — 1786, 7, 8 C 174 Tocker'f i t !• ] PAMPHLETS. ■< J , 174 Tucker's (Dean) Pamphlets on the American Colonies' . / ' . «775» &c « $ b 175 Several Pamphlets, Political, relative to Ireland, 1732, 82, 85, &c. * - 176 Hauler's Antiquities of Killmackumpfhaugh in the County . of Rofcommon in Ireland ■ Dublin, 17 90 ' /■ 177 Arts. Sciences and Literature, from printed Books / 6 178 Profeffor Meiners's Plan for a Hiftory of all Religions 2 - 179 French and Englifh Pamphlets on the French Revolu-f , tion » '789 ' - 180 Pamphlets upon Political and other Subjects refpedling France • ■ ■ 1781, &c. &c. / - 181 Coxe's Account of Prifons and Hofpitals in Ruflia, Swe^ den, and Denmark, 1781— — Remarques fur la Baftile* Land. 1783 182 Journal de la Liberte ■ 179° / - 183 Printed and Manufcript Papers upon Foreign and Britifti Antiquities 184. Voyage to Greenland— —Hurricane in the Weft Indies, 1785 Moody's Sufferings in the Caufe of Govern- ment in America, 1776 — Lofs of the Grofvenor India- man, 1783 — Young's Account of the Lofs of his Ma- jefty's Ship Deal-Caftle, 1787 Voyage to the Ifland of Ceylon, 1754 Bofcawen's Voyage to Bombay •1750 Second Day's Sale, OCTAVO fe? Infra. PAMPHLETS. ii x n > 186 pAMPHLETS upon Botany Bay— Lord George G or- JL don — Sierra Leona 1789, &c. 87 Wales and Forfter's Pamphlets on Capt. Cook's Laft Voy- age round the World , 173 i83 A \ m* [ ii i PAMPHLETS. ' 7 188 A Collection of German Pamphlets Z. iy 189 Wharton, Berington, O'Leary, Bedingfidd, Pilling, and Carrol on the Roman Catholics 1780, 4, 5, 6, &c. A -190 A Parcel of Theological Pamphlets, by Dod well, Tucker, Manwaring, Hill, VVorthington, and others, 1745, / 81, &c. -s. o 191 Watfon's (Bp ) Sermons, and Remarks on them, nuitb a Copy of the B'Jbop's Letter fent to the Archbp. Corniuallis, * with his Sermon on the Public Fall, 1780 * * 192 On the Trinity, by Hey, Prieftley, and others, 17 19, / 72. 83 193 A Collection of Pamphlets on the Moravians, by feveral 1753, &c. 94 Biblical Tra&s -■■ 1725* &c » A. 3 195 Differtation on the Song of Solomon, 1751— Enquiry into the Senfe of the Spring in the Song of Solomon, 1772 / Sandys on the Seng of Solomon — 1641 ' O 156 A Parcel of Theological Pamphlets, by Squires, Bolton, Bluet, Blaekburne, Taylor, Juxon, and feveral others / 1741, &c. - 197 Sermons on Various Subjects, by Hammond, Mafon, Shuckford, and feveral others — - 1716, &c. ' - 198 Sermons by Charlefworth ■■— j 787, 8 / y ig8*Horneon the Hutchinfonians ■ ■■■ ] 75 3, 6 / 6 199 Wefley againft Warburton ■ 1762 . (aoo Swathe's Prayers, 1739 — Fanatic Blunders 1710 * *7yzoi Letter on the Soul of Brutes . 1721 (202 Private Cafes and Appeals ■£■ 3/ 203 Pamphlets on the Two Perreaus ■Z. ft 704 Kennicotfs Pamphlets, pro and con / /fees Modern Sermons "]2o6 Cambridge Public Examination, pro and con » (.207 A Parcel on Education ^ - 208 Police of London, a Parcel 2 J209 A Parcel, Lives and Wills / 12 I O v. Tragedies and Comedies, a Parcel ' - 211 A Parcel on DifTenters and Quakers, and Quakers Tythe X / BiI1 J V 2J2 A Parcel of Pamphlets, Ludicrous 3 - 213 A Parcel, Cheats, Impoftors, Crim. Con. Cafes and n Tryals ~ 314 A Parcel on Trade and Manufactures / ^ 215 A large Parcel of Dr. Lort's Commentary on the Lord's: Prayer ■■ - 1790 C z 216 Pamphlets £ i* 3 PAMPHLETS. 2 l\ tx ^ Pamphlets on Church Mufic V 2:7 Ditto on the Reformation of 1758,4c. )2:7 Ditto on the Reformation of Manners, by various 1788 * /f2i8 Peckhard's Trades and Sermons — — 1 756, 70 5 "")*I9 Middleton on Sherlock on Prophecy, 1750 Letter (Reflections on the) to Waterland, 1732 — Williams's on it, 1733 Middleton's Letter to Waterland, in . Anfwer to Tindal ■ 173 1 / 220 Dr. Dodd'» Trial, Life, and Sermons 1776* & c * / 6 *2i Theological Pamphlets, by Jeacock, Cowper, and Ro- / theram 1765* &c. ' v 222 Prieftiey, Stock, Wakefield, and Kiddel on Infpiration 1779, &c. Z - 223 Hey's (John) Sermons and Heads of a Courfe of Lec- tures in Divinity, 17S3, 4 Richard Hey on Gam- / ing 1783 / 6 224 Robinfon's Lectures on the Principles of Nonconformity, and feveral ethers of his Pamphlets ' 779» & c » 325 Sermons 1788, g, & 90 / X , 226 Modem Biblical Trails. Owen, Kennicott, Mawes, Kid- / der, Cruwys, and others - ■ - — 1774 227 Epifcopal Charges - '783, 90, &c. ■* -y 228 Iowth (Bp.) againft Warburton and Edwards 1766, 7 j fa 229 Primary Ordination cf Lady Huntington's Miniflers, 1783 — Macgowen's Foundery Budget Opened ; or the Ar- canum of Wefleyanifm Difcloied — ■ 1780 / - 230 Price's (Dr.) Tracts and Sermons, with Letter to Dr. Price — ' - " ■ '776, &c. ) 9 231 Kowes en the Abufe of the Talent of Difputation in Reli- y gion, 1784.- Weudred's Caufes of Error in Modern Unitarian \7&7 Whitefellow's Canons of Controverfial Writing '7$! -v -, 232 Scoit on Pulpit Eloquence, 1765 Bentham on the Study of Divinity, 1771 — Wotton's Method ofiiudy-' ing Divinity, 1734— —W hi (ton's Advice for itudying Divrnity-— — Coibatch's Cafe of Proxies payable to Ec- cletiaftical Vifitors ftated 1 74 1 233 Twells on the Demoniacs, 1738 - Thoughts on the Miracles cf |efui . 1738— Swinton on Words AAl'MfJN and AAI^-.il j, 1738 Newton (Bp ) on the De- moniacs, 1775 — Henley's Defence of Himfelf againft Nicholas, Wiliiamjlurg, 1 774 His DilTertation on the Controverted Paflages in St. Peter and St. Jude con- cerning the Angels that finned, 1778 Diflertation on the Ang 1 of the Lord and of Jefus Chrift, 1752— — Barker 3/ [ 13 3 PAMPHLETS. Barker on the Demoniacs, 1783 — Barker on the Word Satan, 1772— Farmer on the Demoniacs, againft: Wor- thington - ■ ■■-■» ■ l 77& f /J234 Clergy Cafes ■■ . 17!9> 20, 10, 79 ^ 1*35 Freind and others for and againft the Trinity 1787, &c. / /fe'}6 Lavington (Bp.) on the Moravians ■ 1 755 ' ' ; A237 Reflections on Man " 1 733 3 (7 238 Beatty's (Charles) Two Months Tour among the Indians to convert them to Chriftianity, 1768 — Indian Charity Schools — Brainerd's Journal among the Indians abridged . 1 748 — Mel Miflionarius Evangelicus, Franco/. 1711 / - 239 Gibfon (Bp.) of Vifitations, 1717 Conduct of the Englifh Clergy, 1737 DhTu alive from entering into . Holy Orders, motocco, gilt leaves ' ~z$o Toulmin's Plain Account of Baptifm, 1766— —Booth's Apology for the Baptifts 1778 < - 241 Fordyce's Sermon on Young Women - ■ 1776 ' V 242 Inglis's Letters of Papinian » 1779 o 243 A large Parcel of Pamphlets, by Wefley, Fletcher, and / others / 6 244 Jones's Zoo/ogia Ethica, 1 77 1— Jones on Life and Death 1 »77i a /C245 Sermons and other Pamphlets on Mufic 171 3, &c. ^ 6(246 Ireland. Pamphlets on the Papifts and DifTenters, and on 1 Toleration — — — — 1787, &c. 1 7 247 Lifts of Bibles \0 248 Biblical. Holmes and Wakefield 1789 249 Prieftley's Sermons and Pamphlets on Chriftianity, Church Authority, &c. and Anfwers 1787 ',250 Liturgy, pro and con, 4to. '643 / (f 251 Hunter and Philips on the Clerical Character, and on Patronage, &c. &c. — 1737, 88 j (252 Clergy, Dilapidations, Regifter Books, Dues, Curates 1732 " 1 2 S3 Lilh Pamphlets on Tkhes - 1788 / ^ 254 Englifti Ditto on Tithes ■ 1773 f (255 Contro " 322 Dalrymple's Letter to Dr. Hawkefworth on his Collec- „ / tion of Voyages to the South Sea — — 1773 ^ 3 2 3 Another Copv ■■ ■ ■ 773 Note. This Pamphlet is recalled by the Author, and is bow 'very fear ce, * (324 Ad Topographiam Anglo-Saxonicam Tentamen, MS. "^ * I325 Mul!iner's Teftimony againft Perriwigs and Perriwig- / making and Mufical Inftruments 1677 'l 326 Butler's Englifh Grammar Oxford, 1633 / t) 3 2 7 Pegafus, or the Flying Horfe from Oxford, Vifitaiion of the Univerfity of Oxford by the Earle of Pembroke and , / the Parliament Vifitors, Apr. 1 1, 1648 y l ? 328 The Englifh Ufurer, by Geo. Withers, nvith fronlifpiece V . 379 Heywood's Difcourfe of the two infamous upftart Impoftors Richard Farnham and John Bull, Weavers, ivith frontif- n piece — 16^6 330 Literary Hiftory, or Hiftory of the Human Mind and Genius, being Ab/lra3i, Printed and Ma? vf ript 331 Biography. Manufcript Extracts from Books, nvitb Re- marks '332 Morris's (Corbyn) Plan for Arranging Accounts of Landed 2 ) Eftates, Fol. — — — - 1759 A 333 Kearney's Leftures on Hiftory ■-■ ■ 1776 334 Chalmers's Life of Daniel De Foe — — 1785 D 335 The /■ l\i I 1 [ IS ] / PAMPHLETS. Z. o 335 The Way to be Rich, according to the Great Audley, who began with £ 200. and died worth £ 400,000. / 1662 $ ~ 336 Catalogue of Englifh Printers, from 147 1 to 1600 Middleton on the Origin of Printing in England, 1735 Cafe of the Free scriveoers of London, 1749 > - Tracts and other Papers on Literary Property 1773 y " 337 Hymns of Callimachus tranflateu by Alney '744 ' *■ 338 Sheridan's Lectures at Cambridge . ■■ '759 - (339 Mrs. Gooch's Appeal to the Public 1788 -I340 OJpi&n. Pamphlets pro and con, by Smith, Blair, Clark, Stukeley, &c. &c. with MS. Extracts from Books 1773 ' " 341 Jones's Welch Poetry ■ ■■ 1773 ■^ - 342 Antiquities from the Archieologia / .. 34-3 Speeches and Lilts of the Members of the Antiquarian and , Royal Societies ■ 1754, &c. / q 344 Catalogue of Pictures exhibited by the Society of Artifts, with Preface by Dr. Johnfon, 1762 Catalogues of Exhibition Pictures Sir Jofhua Reynolds's Difcourfes ^ for 1769, 1782, 1784, and 1786, 4 Bundles ~ 345 Extracts from News Papers, and other Printed and Manu- fcript Papers refpecling Somerfct Houfe, nuith twi printt u - 346 Printed and Manufcript Documents relative to the Unlver- / fity of Cambridge - b 347 Aihmore's Analyfis of the feveral Bank Annuities, from y their firft Creation to the prefent Time 1 774 - 6 348 Papers relative, to the Negociation with Spain, 1777 — Obfervations on the Papers relative to the Rupture with / Spain - ■ — — — — - 1762 7 349 Woodward on the Wifdom of the Egyptians '777 4o 250 Symonds upon an Eflay, intituled, The Hirtory of the Colonization of the Free States of Ar.tiqu ty 1778 ■x - 35 J Comparative View of the Ancient Monuments of India, particularly in the Ifland of Salfet, near Bombay, nxihb . plates ■ - 1785 ' - 352 Warton's Specimen of a Hiitory of Oxfordrtiire Kiddingto* , 1783 - {353 Grofe's Antiquities, 3 Numbers ■ 1772 * ~ ) 31:4 Plates of Medals of Mr. Wife's Book /(35> Journal of the Bombay Detachment ■ ■ ■ 1778 ■2. 0J$$6 Sayer on the Po ice of Weftminfter — — 1784. 1 357 Gebelin's Shield of Achilles, tranflated — 1784 358 Anti- [ i9 ] PAMPHLETS. O - 358 Antiquarian Trafls. Taylor de Inope Debitore in partis diffecando, Cantab. 1742— —Due de Chaulnefs fur 1c veritable Entree du Monument Egyptien, Par. 1777— Williams's Letters from the Highlands of Scotland, £<^«^. 1 777 — Smeliie's Account of the Antiquarian Society of Scotland, 1782 — — Defcriptio Anglize & Londini, Latin Verfe, fuppofed to be written in the XVth Century, 1763— — Langebek Imimatio de Colleclione Latina Scriptorum Rerum Danicarum Medii JEvi, Hafnia Hoogeveen de Caufis Productions Antediluvianorum iEtatis; Lug. Bat. 1769 P e gg e 's Curialia, part ift, / »782 7 /359 Will of King Alfred, Saxon and EngJi/h Oxford, 1788 3 d 360 Antiquarian Trails* Antique Marbles and In/criptions at Rookby, in York/hire, Drawings and Manufcript-—Loo(e Engravings of Infcriptions and Antiquities- Bryant, Analyfe de 1'Ancienne Mythologie, 1772 Bryant's Vindication of the Apamean Medal, 1775 Chifhuli Antiquitates Afiaticas, pars altera, all that iverg pub~ lijbed of the Second Part Infcriptionum Romanarum Metricarum Delettus, Lond. 1758 — Greek Infcriptions at London Marmora Arundeliana, &c. &c. ^361 Barthelemy fur l'Alphabet & fur la Langue a Palmyre / - 362 Fragmentum ex Lib. XCI. Hiftoriarum Titi Livi Patavini Hamburg.^ [773 <* - 363 Idem Liber, Hamburg. 1773 Tacitus a Falfo impie- tatis Crimine Vindicate, a Kynaftono Lond. 1765 ' -/ 364 Cole Oratio de Ridiculo — — Eton. 1780 / 6 365 Randolph de Grasca Lingua — — Oxon. J 783 '(366 Ramfdeni Oratio in Suttoni Laudem • 1780 ^367 Vivis de Licentia Poetica ■ Lcvan. 1523 368 Difquifnio de Inclyto Libro Poetico Thuerdancl, Altdorf. / ... I7 37 / _ J3^9 Rohr Pictor Errans in Hiftoria Sacra L'pf. 1679 I370 ReifFenberg de vera Atticorum Pronunciatione, Rom. 1750 Bentham de Literarum Graecarum Inftitutione Dil- fertatio ■ ■ Oxon. 1758 371 Thefes Variae — Regiomont. 1672 372 Critic*. Koehler de Nova Editione Hefiodi, Gr. Lat. Kilon. 1766 Raidelii Commentatio Critico-Literaria de Claudii Ptolomasi Geographia, Norimb. 1737—— Euclidis Editiones Wise, Lipf. 1737 — Bandinii Epif» tola de Infigni Cod. Tatticorum, Florent. 1766 — Ku- lencamp in Etymologicum Magnum, Gotting.tj6$ D 2 Schwartz / // [ *0 J PAMPHLETS. Schwartz de Florentine) Pande&o, Lug. Bat. 17^0 ■ " « Novae Editionis Tragcediarum ^Efchyli Specimen, Gr. Lat. ab Antonio Afliew, Lug. Bat. 1746 Schweig- haevfer Emendationes in Suidam, Gr. Lat. Argent.— &c. &c. Third Day's Sale. Q,U A RT O. PAMPHLETS. Z . 373 T5 EMARKS and Extracts from various Authors, rela-? Jt\^ tive to James the Firft of Scotland, MS. with print of him 374 Stukeley's Palaographia Sacra, firft and third Numbers, 1736- His further Obfervations on Caraufius, 1756 ——His Roman Amphitheatre at Dorchefter— — Ex2- ~ mination of Genebrier's and Stukeley's Caraufius 1 762 ■^ t. 37c Tallents's View of Univerfal Hiftory, Fol. '758 376 Catalogo di Monument i Scritti del Mu/eo del Signer Tomtnajo Jenkins • ■ ■ Rom. 17S8 377 Political Remarks on, and Anecdotes of, Sir Robert Wal- po!e, the Duke of Newcaftle, and Mr. Pitt, by Mr. J. C. and Lord K. Printed and Manufcript 378 Colled anea ad Hifcriam Ingenii Humani Spec! ant ia, Manu- fcript, by Dr. Lort «/ . 379 Antiquities. Papers for the Antiquarian Society— Old Dates ■——Arabic Figures — Corricles, or Leather Boats Tefielated Pavements — Alchemy St. Paul's Crofs — Painting the Fleih— Bull-running at Tutbury Fire of London, Manu/cripts Z - 380 Fac Simile of Doomefday for Worcelrerfhire, J3 plates — Webb's Account of Danegeld, MS. Notes by Mr, North of Ccdicote, I756 — His Account of Doomfday, 1756 — and / ether MS. Papers Z (} 381 Lives of Seven Bifhops of Ely, from 1438 to 1515, drawn up by the Rev. Mr. Wm. Cole of Milton, a Manufcript Account « i I [ 21 ] PAMPHLETS. *■: — Account of Dr. Edmund Gibfon, Bifhop of Lon- don '■ 1749 382 Ducarel's Tour through Normandy, MS. Notes, taken on the Spot, by Dr. Lort • 1 754 • 6 383 Some Thoughts and Conjectures upon Agricola's Life, by . / Tacitus, MS. ' to 384 Englifli Words derived from Welch, Manufcript Z -385 Cornifh Words. A. B. C. a Manufcript il 386 Notes on Twine de Antiquitate Cantabrigienfis, Mann* 387 Mifcellaneous Collection of Antiquities, Roads, &c. a, Manufcript 388 Antiquae Infcriptionis Explanatio in qua de Locatoribus Scenicorum Difceptatur — Montefalifco, 1727 389 Anfwer of the Vicechancelour, &c. of Oxford, to the Petitioners for a Reformation of certaine Ceremonies and Abufes of the Church — Oxford, 1603 390 Mifcellaneous Antiquities. Strutt's Plan for a Chronicle of England, 1776- Allen's Queries relative to a com- plete Hiftory of the County of Durham, Darlington^ 1774 — Ducarell's Normandy, 1754 Gore's Propo- fals for a Hiftory of Chefhire -■ 1773 391 Pettingal's Account of a Latin Infcription on the Copper Table found near Heraclea, 1732 ■ 176Q 392 Webb's Account of two Infcriptions on a Copper Table, in Greek and Latin, found near Heraclea in 1732 1760 7 393 Pettingal on the Tafcia on the Coins of Cunobelin 1763 6 394 Funeral of George Monk, Duke of Albemarle, 473 D e Literis Hebraicist De Charaftere primaevo Bibliorum Ebraicorum, Altdorf. — De Notis Marginalibus Mafore- „ ticis in Genefin & Excdum Wittemberg. j " 474 Prynne's Unlovelinefle of Love-Lockes 1628 -4 - 475 The Croffes Cafe in Cheapfide, Printed in the Climacleri- call Yeare ofCroJ/is, and CroJJ'e Men, For T. U. 164 2 (476 Clergy Vifitaticn, Articles, Bp. of Bangor's Charges — • -v - J Bedlory Houfes (477 London Clergy, Printed and MSS. /(aj% Bifhop Watfon's Sermons and Trails, and Anfwer to ) him (479 Dodd's Sermon* and Trafts 2 . 480 Biblical Trail* ; Baumgarten in Epiftolam Pauli ad Philip- penfes, Hal. Mag. 1746 Temple of Solomon, plates, 1725 Inquiry into Daniel's Vifion and Prophecy of the Seventy Week, ixith- MS. Notes, 1776— -Gag- riierus de Trommi Concordantiis LXX, Oxon. 1718 — >■ Bodii in prima capita Evangelii Matthasi, Hal. Sax* 1756 — &c. (481 Diffenters Difcipline and Interefls, with other Pamphlets / „ J on the Teft, 1678, &c &c. &c. (482 Symonds on the New Teftament ■ I7 8 9 483 Tie /.- f Afa l *5 ] / PAMPHLETS. 483 The Ayin Akbary, or the Inftitutes of the Emperor Akbar, »777 (484 Bills of Mortality for the Plague Year 1665 . J485 Cover's Supplement to Anfon's Voyage 175Z /V486 Owen's Confecration of Temples ■ ■■ 1706 b 487 Catalogus Graecorum Codicum in Bibliotheca Auguftanae, '595 488 A Mellen De Urna Sepulchrali Sarmatica, cum fig. Jena t 1679 489 Antonii Sanfelicii Campania ■ Rofiocb, 1580 490 Meibomius de Veteri? Saxoniae Pagis, Helmfiad. 1610 De Ritibus Nuptiarum apud Veteres Sueo Gothos, Vpfal. 1726 491 Lexicum Symphonum, Gr. Lat, Germ. Sclavonicum, BaJiL ap Freben. 1537 492 Plutarchi Quaefliones Romanae, Gr. Lot. L /l493 ^ P arce ' °f Pamphlets, Medical / 49+ ^* r J onn Pringle's Speeches at the Royal Academy, 1773, 4» 5» 6, 7, and 3 Mr. Folkes's Speech, in 174.9, t9 Mr. Harn/on, MS. ■ ■ Wilfon upon Lightning, 1 744 — — Ducarel's Letter tc Wat ion, on Botany, 1773— Innes on Subjects in Philofophy and Aftronomy, 1732 / — &c. &c. ' - 495 Pamphlets on Natural Hiftory, Chymiftry, &c. by Had- ley, Fergufon, Croker, Browrigg, Price-!— &c. &c. &c. 496 Lever's Mufe urn ■ •■ *79° 497 Catalogue of Foflils in the Woodwardian Collection at Cambridge, MS. - 498 Hartlibb's Trafts on Hufbandry and Grammar, 1 1 vol. 1652 / (499 Batty and Langley's Ancient Architecture Reftored, plates ' " (500 Falconet and Diderot's Pieces in Architecture, by Tooke / »77? - 501 Lord Mahon on Gold Coin— —Account of Gold and Silver Monies coined, from the 20th of July 1660, by Charles the Second, before the Coinage ASt, from at- tefted Copies inihe Mint, MS. »2 Privileges, &c. de l'Academie Imperiale des Beaux-Arts Peterjbourg, 1 765 (4 rf: 1 503 Storer's Optical Inventions 504 Jackfon on Engraving in Chiaro Ofcuro, plates, 1754 ■ Lambert Hermanfon Ten Kate's Beau Ideal, by Le Blon 1732 E 505 Pa> [ 26 J A / 2 / Z z 3 50s [506 |5°7 v 508 (5°9 I ■M u 520 15 2 3 5 2 + 5 2 5 PAMPHLETS. Palladio's Firft Book of Architecture, by Halfpenny, plates — - » — 1 75 1 Sibly's Illuflration of Aftrology ■ l 7%\ Pamphlets on Aftronomy and Mineralogy, &c. by Atwood, Parfons, Halley, Twyfden, Strachey, Innes, Knight, &c. - ■ — • ■ I74 8 » & c » Manu/cripts upon Logic Diggefii rtlasfeu Scalae Mathematics Lond. 1573 Habrechti Planiglobium Terreftre Argent. 1629 Roffe (Alexander) againft the Copernican Syftem Burrowes on the Load Stone ■ 1646 1614 1620 1624 H / 9 A. / r »/ 526 b, 527 b 528 (5 2 9 ■ H3° * 53* 3 / \ (53+ '535 536 $37 Melton's A ftrologafter, or Figure Caftor — Wotton's Elements of Architecture — ••*> Pamphlets, Poetical, 2 Parcels A Parcel of Poetical Pamphlets, Topographical Scott's Poems and Sermons Oriental Tales and Pcerm Kenrick's various Pieces Anfty's different Poems Peter Pindar's different Poems Virgil's iEneid, Second Book, by Theobald, plates Dante's Inferno, translated by C. Rogers 178* May's Supplement to Lucan, by Pouher 1786 Rabi Jofeph Hyflbpaeus Parpinianenfis Judaeorum Poeta ex Hebraica Lingua in Latinam tradu&us a Reuchlino Tubing. 1 5 12 Voyage to Maryland, a Poem, wants title 1785 Lambeth Fairies Ended, a Poem ■ 1641 Harlot's and Rake's Progrefs ■ 1753 Nicols's London Artillery, a Poem 1616 Weekly Preparation for Solemnizing the 30th of January, 8vo. 1718 The Princely Pelican, or Royal Refolves, extracted from Charles the Firft's Meditations — — 1649 EIKI2N A'AH'GINH ■ 1 649 Tra3s. The King's Cabinet Opened, 1645— Col. Hen. Marten's Familiar Letters to his Lady of Delight, printed by Edmund Gay ton, very /caret and curious, 1662 — &c» &c. &c. Sermons and Pamphlets on Church Mufic 1696, &c. &c. Archbp. Sandy's Sermons ■ 1606 Repertory of Records, 163 1 — Leach's Regifter of Deeds 1651 Powell's Direction for Search of Records 162* 538 Sptculum [ *7 ] / PAMPHLETS. / (i 538 Speculum Crape Goivnorum, or an Old Loocking-Glafs for the Young Academicks, new foyl'd, 1682 Good Advice to the Pulpit, 1687 — Claude's Method of Good „ Preaching ' 1701 - 539 Journal of Dowling, of Stratford, Parliamentary Vifitor under a Warrant of the Earl of Manchefter for demo- liming Superftitious Piclures and Ornaments of Churches, within the County of Suffolk in 1643 and^, Woodbridge, 1786 540 Extracts from News Papers in 177 1, 1772 541 Eflay for a Literal Englifh Verfion of the New Teftament, in the Epiftle of the Apoftle Paul, Gr. Lat. Glafg. 1779 — Eflay for a New Verfion of the Old Teftament from the Original Hebrew — ■ J 74^ 542 Sherlock's Travels, tranflated from the French 1780 543 Odes and Epiftles to Mrs. Macaulay — — 1779 544 Geddes's Profpectus of a New Tranflation of the Bible, Gla/goixj, 1786 His Propofals for Printing a New Tranflation of the Bible Land 1 ;88 545 Specimen of the Civil and Military Inftitutes of Timour, tranflated from the Perfian by Dr. White, Oxford, 1 780 546 Lord Camden's Argument in giving Judgment on the Ejectment between Hindfon againlt Kerfey 1765 547 Arguments againft Dr. Bowles for taking a Living in Wales without underftanding the Language J773 7(548 Packe's Map of Eaft-Kent — 1743 -£ V549 Mildmay's Police of France ■ 1763 J 550 Yorkfhire Freeholder, 11 Numbers, being all that nvere publijbed ■■ ■ '■ 1780 / - A- : \A / - * - -> £ x Fourth [ *8 ] Fourth Day's Sale. / . f 551 OCTAVO & Infra. BBOT's Young Man's Waming-Piece, a Sermon at j^ the Funeral of William Rogers — — 1671 ' /5j2 Abercroraby's Academy of Science;, Lat. & Eng. 1687 6 553 Abernethy's (John) Sermons, 2 vol. — 176* / . 554 Academy of Play, from the French of the Abbe Belle- cour \ /(S5S Account of Celebrated Libraries ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 739 "1556 Account of the Societies for the Reformation of Manners, / ruled, morocco, gilt haves • ^9-9 - 557 Ada Rtgia, or Account of Records in Rymer's Fcedera, 4 vol. • 1731 "* j 558 Adams (William) againft Hume on the Miracles 1752 3 6 559 Adams (George) on the Ufe of the Globes, plates, morocco , £?// leaves 1 766 -v - 560 Adamfon's Mufe's Threnodie, or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Mr. Gall, or Gail's Gabion, by Cant, / ivitb map of Perth - Perth, 1 774 / ~ 561 Adanfon's Voyage to Senegal, map • '759 ' — 562 Addifon's (Jcfeph) Remarks on Italy — 1718 y - 563 Addifon's (Joieph) Works, 2 vol. in 1 — 1721 / - 564 Addifon's (Jofeph) Freeholder — — - 1716 / - 56c Addifon's (Jofeph) Works, 3 vol. Ton/m, 1726 / .. 565 Addifon (Dr.) on the Herefy of denying the Godhead of / Chrift 1696 / O 567 Addrefles to George II. on his Acceffion, giit leaves 1727 > - 568 Adventures of Jonathan Corncob, American Refugee 1787 -v - 569 Adventures of an Author, 2 vol. ■■ 1767 ■< ~ 570 Alfred's Orofius, Saxon and Englijb, by Barrington 1773 / - 57' -Elian's Various Hiftory, by T. Stanley — 1665 ,/ _ 572 iEneai and Dido, burlefqued (The Story of), a Poem / Char left own, 1 774 3 (j 573 iEfop (Seleft Fables of), cuts, Birmingham, by Baskerviile, 1764 774 Aikin'g [ *9 J J . 574 Aikin's (J. and A. L.) Mifcellaneous Pieces 1773 / , 575 Aikin's (John) Biographical Memoirs of Medicine in Great Britain ■ 1 780 7 /_(57^ Alcoran (Morality of the Eaft, extracted from the) 1766 \ /I 577 Alcoran (The), by Alexander Rofs 1649 3 u 578 Alien Priories (Account of), map and plates, 2 vol. 1786 / _ 579 Allix's Confutation of the Hope of the Jews, 1707 / Blumbergi Fundamenta Linguae Coptics Lip/. iy 16 3 (1 580 Allegorick Dictionary to the Holy Language of the Spirit -581 Almanacs. Gentleman's and Ladies Diarys, Moore, Par- tridge, Poor Robin, Wing, and White, from 1780 to A 87, both inclufive, 8 vol. •* 7 582 Almanacs (Irifh), for 1724, 46, 64, 73, and 78, 5 vol. <* 583 Almanac (Welch), for 1789 / - 584 A Hop's Character of the Province of Maryland 1666 / - 585 Altieri's Italian and Englifh, and Englifh and Italian Grammar ■ — — 1728 / - 586 Ambulator, or Stranger's Companion in a Tour round x London ■ — — • 1787 ^ ~ 587 American War. Cornwaliis and Clinton, Lord Howe, Mef- , / chianza, &c.&c. 2 vol. — — 1780 ' 588 American Wanderer through various Parts of Europe 1783 -< , 589 American and Britifh Chronicle of War and Politics, from y 1773 to 1783 ' * 590 American Liturgy ■ ■ 1789 3 -591 Ames's Catalogue of Englifh Heads — — 1748 % 592 Amufements of the Spa, plates, 2 vol. — 1737 % L 593 Andree's Vocabulary, in Six Languages, Eng. Lat. Ital. Fr. Span. & Portugue/e ■ J 725 J _ 594 Andrews (John) on the Manners, Tafte, &c. of the two lad Centuries in England '■ - *> • ■ 1782 / |594*Andrews's (Bp.) Seven Sermons on Chrift's Temptation ,(595 Andrews's (John) Scripture Doctrine of Grace 1769 3 O 596 Andrews's (James Pettit) Anecdotes, &c. Ancient and Modern - - *7^9 A (597 Angel's Effay en Prayer n 1760 / ') 598 Angeloni's Letters on the Englifh Nation, 2 vol. 1756 / - 599 Angler's Mufeum, by Shirley — — — 1786 ' y 600 Angria (Hiftory of Tulagee) the Pyrate — 1756 6,601 Annet's Free-Thinking the Great Duty of Religion 1739 f 6 602 Annual (New) Regifter for 1780 ■ 1781 ' - - 603 Annual Regifter, with Index to the firft 23 vols. 30 vol. 1764 604 Anltey's t 30 ] /it 604. Anftey's New Bath Guide, a Poem i— ^ 1766 605 Anftey's New Bath Guide, a Poem Cambridge, 1766 / y 606 Anfwer to the Fable of the Bees -. 172c o 607 Anthems at King's College Chapel, Cambridge Cam- bridge, 1706 , 1608 Anthems at the Chapel Royal, ruled, morocco, gilt leaver \ 1769 (609 Anthems at the Chapel Royal, ruled, morocco, gilt leavei »7H 610 Ancient Ceremonies of the Church ■ 1669 611 Antiquarian Difcourfes, 2 vol. - 1773 612 Antiquity and Origin of Letters ■ 1726 613 Antiquity of the Court of Chancery ■ '654 614 Antiquity of the Parliament of England — 1658 ■* - 615 Antiquities of the Chriftian Church Gla/g. 1783 /j6i6 Apocrypha |6l7 Apccrapha — — ■ Edinb.lj6$ / .J618 Apocrypha /(619 Apocrypha y — — 1 7 30 6 649 Afplin's Alkibla, or Worfhipping towards the Eaft 1740 (650 Asfheton's Apology for the Honours and Revenues of the JJ ' Clergy 1676 (651 A file's (Mrs.) Propofal to the Ladies for the Advancement , / of their Intereft, morocco, gilt leaves — — — 1697 ' 652 Aftronomy's Advancement, or Treatife of Telefcopes, ? / 1684 < 3 653 Afylum for Fugitive Pieces, Profe and Verfe, 2 vol. /A l 7 S $> 6 (f y 654 Athenian Oracle, 4 vol. 1728 / o 655 Atkinfon's Conference between a Painter and an Engraver, / 1736 Ozell's Dialogue upon Colouring 171 1 " 656 Aubrey's Mifcellanies ■ ■ ■» 1 721 /(657 Aulicus Coquinari*. Or Anfwer to Weldon's Court and *1 ) Character of King James — 1650 (658 Auften's Chriftian Moderator, 2 parts, i6$z-—Legenda / Lignea: with Anfwer to Auften's Moderator '653 659 Auftin's (St.) Confeflions, by Watts, morocco, gilt haves, * l6 3* 660 Auftin's (St.) Confeflions, morocce, gilt leaves, Paris, 163 8 66 1 Auteroche's (Remarks on D') Journey into Siberia 177* 662 Avifon on Mufical Expreflion ■ 1753 663 Avrii's Travels into Europe, Afia, and China 1693 / - 664 AylifFe's State of the Univerfity of Oxford, 2 vol. in one, / 1723 ** - 665 Ayloffe's (Sir Jofeph) Univerfal Librarian 175 1 A » 666 Bacon's (Sir Francis) Eflaies . 1 61 3 Z. 667 Bacon's (Sir Francis) EfTayes, firft edition 1597 3 _ 663 Bacon's (Sir Francis) Remain* 1 1684 669 Bacon's A / . I 3* ] * * 66q Bacon's (Roger) Cure of Old Age and Prefervation of Youth, by Browne ■ ■ * , 68j < / •> 6nn Bacon's (Sir Francis^ Letters. Sneeches. Charorps. frr ht# 670 Bacon's (Sir Francis) Letters, Speeches, Charges, &c. by Birch ■ 1763 67 1 Babouc ; or the World as it Goes, by Voltaire, with a Letters on him ■ 1754 "^ " 672 Bailey's (Thomas) Life of Bp. Fifher ■ ■ 1740 / See a long Note in this Book, ^ 673 Baily's (Caleb) Life of Jefus . 1 ■■ 1732 (674 Baker's (Sir Richard) Theatre Vindicated 1662 J 67 5 Baker's (Thomas) Reflections on Learning 1700 (676 Baker's (Thomas) Reflections on Learning *7 2 7 677 Baker's (David Erfkine) Biographia Dramatica, or Compa- nion to the Playhoufe, 2 vol. 1 1782 In tbefe Volumes are in/erted Extracls from Nemos Papers re* fpefting 'theatrical Matters ; and a Curious Theatrical . / Lo93 Barham on the Silk- Worm ■■ 1719 3 - 694 Barker's Hebrew and Englilh Lexicon and Grammar, Carmarthen, 1766 695 Barkfdale's Remembrancer of Excellent Men, wants title 696 Barlow's (Bp.) Genuine Remains ■ » 1693 See Note in this Book. 697 Bar- / [ 33 J Z. 6 697 Barnaby's (Drunken) Journeys, Latin and EngUjh Verft 7 plates 1716 ^ ■* 698 Barnard's Letters to Prieftley on the Trinity 1789 ^ j 699 Barnard's Life of Dr. Challoner — — 1784 / 700 Barnes's Gerania, or Difcovery of Pigmies 1675 5 - 701 Barri's Painters Voyage of Italy, by Lodge, beads, 1 679 v - 702 Barrington's Mifcellanea Curio/a, plates, 3 vol. 1 726 ('703 Barrow (Ifaac) on the Lord's Prayer ■ 1 681 (7 -, 7°4 Barrow (Ifaac) of Contentment ■ 1714 . (.705 Barrow's (Henry) Difcovery of the Falfe Churches 1 707 ' - 706 Barton's Analogy of Divine Wifdom ■ '75° 1 (707 Barton's Analogy of Divine Wifdom Dull. 1750 "VI708 Barwick's Life of Barwick, large paper *7 2 4 (j 709 Barry (James) on the Gbftrudtions to the Arts in England, / . '775 710 Barry (James) Pictures in the Room of the Society of Arts, / &c. - 1783 } 711 Barry's (Edward) Sermons - — — - 3 789 712 Bajilikon Doron, or King James's Inftrudlions to his Sonne Prince Henry — — 1682 ".713 Bateman's Ecclefiaftical Patronage — 1^83 U 714 Bath (New) Guide, plates, \~ l %^-—'vjithadvertifemenis t / Handbills, 13 c. 6 715 Battely's Antiquities of Richborough and Reculver, abridged - . 1774 (7*16 Baudier's Hiftory of Margaret of Anjbu, by Carte 1737 (717 Baumgarten's Theory of Human Nature 1755 n\S Baxter's Holy Commonwealth ■■■ i 6 & 57 / 6 727 Beckford's Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painter*, 1780 J728 Bedford's Temple Mufick < - 1712 729 Bedford's Abufe of Mufick, gilt leaves ■ 1711 730 Bedford's Sermons at Lady Moyer's Le&ures »74i 731 Behmen's (Jacob) Practical Divtnitiy, by Butcher, . 1769 F 732 BeP» « r 34 ] / to. 732 Bet's (Franci?) Teftament — — Dovuay, 1632 / 733 Sell's (John) Travels into Ruffia and Afia, map, 2 vol. / . »764 *' 734 Bell (William) on the Lord's Supper — — 1780 7 735 Bell (William) on the Lord's Supper — — 1781 3 73^ BencrofVs (Dr.) Hiftory of Charles Wentworth, 3 vol. 1770 ■< - 737 Bellamy (Life of George Ann), 5 vol. wants the third vol. / 1785 ' - 738 Bellamy (Memoirs of Mrs.) « ■ .1785 X . 739 Benjamin (Travels of Rabbi) through Europe, Afia, and Africa, by Gerrans ■■' '783 740 Bennet on Clarke on the Trinity — — 1718 741 Bennet on the Common Prayer, gilt leaves 1 708 742 Bentham's Introduction to Moral Philofophy, Oxford. 1745 f743 Bentham's Introduction to Moral Philofophy, id edit, inter- leaved • ■ ' ■ ib, 744 Bentley's Sermons at Boyle's Lectures Cambridge, 1735 X, (} 745 Bentley and Boyle on Phalaris's Epiftles, with feveral other Pamphlets by Bentley, and feveral againft him, 10 vol. / 1699 6 746 Berafhith, or the full Book of Mofes, called Genefis, / trsnflated by Lookhup — — — — ■ I 74° 9 747 Berkeley's (Geo. Earle of) Hiftorical Applications, 1698 / /j 748 Berkeley's (Bp.) Adventures of Sig. Gaudentio di Lucca, n / f 793 X. 6 749 Berkeley's (Bp.) Siris, or Reflections on Tar-Water, / morocco, gilt leaves .*- ■ Dublin, 1744 6/ 750 Berkley (Memoirs of Sir John) ■» 1699 6 751 Berkenhout's Botanical Lexicon ■ 1764 752 Bernier's Memoires of the Empire of the Great Mogol, vol. 3 and 4 ■ ■ 1672 753 Berriman's Sermons at Lady Moyer's Lectures *74* /f754 Berriman's Sermons on the Trinity, at Lady Moyer's ft ) ' Lectures ■ 1725 (755 Bertram's Ethics — — — Copenhagen, 1751 * -. 70 Bethune's EfTays on Various Subjects, 2vol. Edinb. 1 77 1 U 757 Bcveridge's Tbefaurus Tbeologicus, or Syftem of Divinity. 2 vol. l 7 .I / O ~ 758 Bewick's Hiftory of Quadrupeds, voooden cuts, by Bewick, large paper •> Ntmucajllt upon Tyne, 1790 QUARTO. / 6 4 [ 35 3 QUARTO. 759 A Briefe Examination of certaine Minifters in London refufing to weare the Apparell prefcribed by the Laws of the Real me See MS. Note in this Book. 760 Acofla's Natural and Moral/ Hifiorie of the Eaft and Weft Indies • — ■ ■ 1604 761 A&s and Ordinances for abolifhing Bifhops, Deans, &c. a , . l6 57 3 762 Adair's Hiftory of the American Indians — 1 775 3 - y 763 Addington on the Penal Statutes, id edit. 764 Ady's Candle in the Dark, or Treatife on Witches and Witchcraft - ■- — * , .. 1656 *y 765 African Trade (Treatife on) — — — 1772 A 6 766 Ainfworth's Dictionary - ■■■ « 1736 /Z ~, 767 Ainfworth's Dictionary, by Patrick, large paper 1746 6 768 Albumazar, a Comedy, performed before the King at Cambridge by the Gentleman of Trinity College Alcuin on the Book of Jafher, with MS. ?wtes 1 75 1 Alcuin's Tranflation of the Book of Jafher 175 1 Alexander on the 15th Chap, of Corinthians 1766 /{] fa 772 Allan's Collections relating to Sherburne Hofpital, in the County Palatine of Durham - 1773 American Philofophical Tranfactions, 2 vol. This Book was intended for the Royal Society of Gottingen* See Note in this Book. American Traveller ■ 1769 American Library (Attempt towards laying a Foundation ofan) - ■ 1713 Ames on Printing ■ '749 Ames's Hiftory of Printing, by Herbert, 3 vol. 1785 Ames's Catalogue of Englilh Heads, interleaved, andjome MS. notes at the beginning — — '748 Archeologia y or Mifcellaneous Tracts of Antiquity, with plates, and MS. notes, &c. 9 vol. — 1770, &c. Ancient Liturgy of the Church of Jerufalem reftored to its original Purity — — ■ '74+ Anglefey (Hiftory of the Ifland) 1775 Attnalia Dubrenjia, upon the yeerely Celebration of Mr. Robert Dover's Olimpick Games upon Cotfwold-tf ills, written by Drayton, Johnfon, Marlow, and other cele- brated Poets of the Age, with thefiontifpiece 1636 See MS. note. F 2 583 Anfon't 769 770 77> 773 u 774 / - 775 1 - 776 s 1 777 778 '0 / 779 I 6 780 / ■v. - 781 782 [ 3« ] 'Z - 783 Anfcn's Voyage round the World, firjl imprejfion tf the plates ■ 1748 J (O ^784 Anftis's Older of the Bath ■ 1725 71785 Antiquar'an Repertory, plates, 4 vol. in 2 1 775, &c. /(} (j 786 Antiquarian Society (Forty Plates of Coins publifhed by / / them) < _ t 4 6 787 Antiquarian Enquiries of the firft Inhabitants, Religion, f and Learning in Europe ■■ 1758 '0 - 788 Antiquary Society (Forty Plates of Gold and Silver Coins publifhed by them) /j'789 Apocrypha (The) ^ \ 790 Apocrypha (The) , '791 Apocrypha (The) • Genet). 1560 '. " 792 Apocrypha, interleaved in folio Jize /{j . 793 Atbuthnot's Tables of Coins, with Langwith's Obferva- tions — ■■- ' ■ ■ » - 1727* &c. ^ -/ 794 Argument of the Lord Keeper Sommers in 1696 1733 9 y 795 Arnot's Hiftory of Edinburgh — Edir.t. 1779 3 ~ ygS Afcham's Englifh Works 2 C797 Afhley's Almanfor, or the Learned King of Spain 1627 I ""1798 A fh mole's Tbeatrum Cbemicum Britsinnicum 1 65 2 J * " 799 Aft'e on the Origin and Progrefs of Writing 1 784 ■< '0 y 8co Athenian Letters, or Epiftolary Correfpondence 1 781 / y 801 Atkinlbn (Chmtoph.) Cafe of, at large — 1785 802 Audley (Life of the Great), who began with £ 200, in 16 5, and dyed worth Four Hundred Thoufand Pounds in 1662 ?03 A-j£u!fus (Three Diffcrtations on the Character of) 1740 804 AyloynVs Caler.dar of Anc ; ent Charters — 1774 / $ ~. 805 Ayfcough'a Catalogue of MSS. in the Britifh Mufeum, / 2 vol. in 1 ; ■ '* <* - 1782 f 6/ Sc6 Bacpn's (Lord) 1 rinciples of Common Law /JO S07 Bacon'b Liter Re ? is 1786 808 Bacon's (Lord) Wo ks, abridged by Shaw, 3 vol, 1 787 |Jog Baret's Ho femanftiip ■ ■ > 16 1 8 'j - 81 2 Barrett's Antiquities of Briftol, plates 4 y 8s 3 Lairirgton's Mifcellanies — — — 178 1 8:4 Barrington on the Statutes •■> ■ 1766 FOLIQ< A t X [ 37 ] FOLIO. < - 815 Adams's Index Villaris, interleaved ivi/h many MS. tut is / m 1680 ^ 816 Ainfworth's Annotations on Genefis ■ '639 /(8i7 Alcoran of Mahomet, tranflated - 1688 Zy b jSiS Ally's (Bp. of Exeter) Poor Man's Librarie 1 57 1 % - 819 Anderfon on Commerce, 2' vol. in 1 ■ 1764 / [820 Andrews's (Bp.) Moral Law expounded — 1643 6 - ^821 Annet's Free Enquirer, 5 Numbers, all that were printed, ' the author being profecuted for writing them 1 7 6 1 See Notes at the Beginning. /1822 Antiquary Society (Minutes of) beginning June 1718, and fCt / ' other Antiquities, MS. . * (823 Antiquary Society, Copy of their Minutes for the four firft Volumes, MS. 824 Arms of the Noblemen and Knights living in the Reign of Edward I. and that were with him in his Warres in Scotland, and in divers other Places 5 Arnald on the Wifdom of Solomon — *744 „„6 Arnald on the Book of Ecclefiafticus — — • 1748 •2 -J 827 Arnald on the Wifdom of Solomon — — '744 ^828 Arnald on the^Wiidom of Solomon — — *744 < - 829 Arnald on the Apocrypha 1744, &c. -2 - 8 jo Art of Artillery of Caf Sim ienowicz, by Shelvocke, plates / »7 2 9 ^ - 831 Alhmole's Antiquities of Berkfhire ■■ 1736 o •- 832 Barrow's Works, 3 vol. ■ 1683 n / ($$3 Bampfield's Arts and Sciences in Scripture 1677 .. 7 834 Bafnage's Hiftory of the Jews ■ 1708 ~J.y 83; Bayle's General Dictionary, vol. 1. 2. 3. 7. 9. 10. and Index / 836 Bedford's Scripture Chronology ■ ■ ■ ■ 1730 // J 8 37 Bernier's Travels through Turkey, &c. — 16S4 a t^jS Bible, Te {lament, and Pfalms, gilt leaves, by Barker, 1639 - 839 Bingham's Works, 2 vol. ■ 1726 840 Biographia Britannica, by Kippis, 4 vol. 1778 I , A821 \82( J 82- Fifth [ 3* 1 Fifth Day's Sale, OCTAVO fc? Infra. 841 T>IBLE (Holy) and Teftament by Field, i6q8 842 I) Bible and Teftament, by Canne, London, by Bill, 1698 844. Bible (Holy) and Teftament, with Common Prayer, ruled, turkey , gilt leaves by Bill and Barker, 1 67 1 , 5 845 Bible (Holy) and Teftament — Cambridge, 1743 See a Note in this Book at the End, from Rutherforth's Letttr to Kennieott, P. 137. 846 Bibliothecac Petaviana & Manfartiana, cum pretiit, Haye, 1722 847 Bibliotheca Aflceviana, cum pretiit, chart, max. '775 848 Bibliotheca Univerfaiis Selefta 1 1786 'y 849 Bibliothecae (Catalogus) Harleianae, 5 torn. *74$ 850 Bibliothecas (Catalogus) Harleianae, 5 torn, »743 851 Bilftone Sermons — — — Oxford, 1749 852 Biographical Dictionary (Supplement to), vol. 12, wants t:tle 853 Biographical Dictionary (Supplement to), vol, 12 1767 J .81,4 Birch's Life of Prince Henry, James the Firft's Son 1760 / _J8c5 Bifie's Beauty of Holinefs - 1721 , I 856 Black on the Small Pox 1781 y 857 Blackburne on Johnfon's Life of Milton > — 1780 •< 858 Biackburne's Controversy between the Proteftants and Pa- pifts of Great Britain and Ireland, morocco 1 768 3 ' 1 ^59 Blackmore's Creation, a Poem ■ Ton/on, 1 7 15 ] 860 Blackftone's Analyfis of the Laws of England, Oxford, // . *75 8 7 861 Blackftone's Commentaries, 4 vol. London, 1778 ' 862 Blackweil's Letters on Mythology, wants title 863 Blackweil's Compendium of Military Difcipline, plates, morocco, gilt leaves • — 1 7 26 Note in :hi» Book The Plates in this Bock are by Hogarth. Capt, Grofe tells me that in this Book only is the Exercift cf the Halberd dfplaytd. 864 Elake's f f H - i.6 1 - Z X 1 6 7 / /// 6 t / [ 29 ] 864 Blake's Account of the Fire at Blanford-Forum, Dorfet- Ihire, with plan of the town < 1735 865 Blakeway'sCureof Religious Melancholy, gilt leaves 1717 866 Blancourt's Art of Glafs — — 1699 867 Blane's Means of preferving the Health of Seamen 1 780 868 Blount's (Charles) Anima Mundi, or Opinions of the An- cients concerning the Soul ■ '^79 r 1 869 Blount's (Charles) Mifcellaneous Works — 1695 I870 Blount's (Sir Thomas Pope) Natural Hiftory 1693 7 871 Bluett's Life of Job «• 1 734. 872 Bluett againft Mandeville's Fable of the Bees 1 7 25 (873 Bohun's Tithing Table ■ 1735 "1874 Bolingbroke's Patriot King >" ■ '750 875 Bolingbroke's Patriot King, with leveral Pamphlets occa- fioned by it — - — — — — — '749 Note in this Book. Thii is a very curious Colle&ion of what was wrote pro and con on the Publication of theje celc- f brated Letters. 876 Bolingbroke's Remarks on the Hiftory of England 1747 / /J877 Bontius's Difeafes of the Eaft Indies, from the Latin 1769 ( 878 Boone's (Mifs) Walker's Companion, Tunbridge-Weiis, 1787 f ° 879 Boote's Suit at Law - 1766 "* 880 Borell's Multiplicity of Worlds — 1658 88 1 Boreman's Antidote againft Swearing, morocco, gilt leaves / 7.662 882 Bom's Travels through the Bannat of Temefwar, Tranfyl- j vania, and Hungary, by Rafpe - ■ ■ '777 S83 Bos's Antiquities of Greece, byStockdale ! 77* 884 Bofluet's Variations of the Proteftant Churches, 2 vol. Antwerp, 1742 885 Bofwell's (James) Journey to the Hebrides, with plates, maps, and extracts from the news papers 1785 2 886 Bofwell's (James) Account of Corfica, map, Glafgow, 3768 // 887 Bofwell's (John) Method of Study, 2 vol. 173$ (■) 888 Bofwell's (John) Method of Study, 2 vol. large paper* 111% 890 Bott on Warburton's Divine Legation ■ ■ ■ '743 891 Boulanger's Origin and Progreis of Defpotifm, translated from the French - Amjl. 1764 Note in this Book. This is faid to have been printed at Mr. Wilkes's private pre/s. 892 Boulton's Hiftory of Magick, in anfwer to Hotchinfon, 1722 893 Bourget's {// (, C 40 3 893 Eourget's Hiftory of the Abbey of Bee, with a MS. Extra3 from Salmon's Antiquities of Surry relative to S tret bam. 1779 / 894 Bouvet's Mufcovite Empire ■ 1699 <- 895 Bowles's Anl'iquilates Sarijburienfes, plates Salijlury, 1771 / 896 Bowyer's (W.) Conjectures on the New Teftament, 177Z 897 Bowyer's (W.) Origin of Printing • 1776 Z - 898 Bowyer's Origin of Printing, with appendix, muith Printed f Extracts and MS S. Notes • 177 4, 6 -^ &/ 899 Bowyer's (Archibald) Hiftoria Litteraria 173* Z. 6/ 900 Boyer's Dictionary Abridged ■ 1738 -£. 901 Boyer's Dictionary Abridged 1 7 28 Z - 902 Boyer's Dictionary Abridged •■ ■ 1728 903 Boyer's French Grammar ■ J74 1 I y 904 Braddon's Waterman's Rules ■ 1708 Z- 0, 9°5 Brady on Boroughs . ■ 1777 / 9°^ ^ ra SS (^ r> Robert) Journey to Bath, a Poem, with head, J '778 Q 907 Bramfton's Art of Politicks, in Imitation of Horace's Art of Poetry, a Poem, 1729 Col. Forrefter's Polite Philofopner 1756 908 Brand's Defcription of Orkney, Zetland, &c. Edinb. 1703 / 'Z , 909 Brand's Popular Antiquities, ivilb extracts from Neivs Papers, Bafea's Kent, and an Account of a Cufiom at Wrexham on Marriages, a MS. by Dr. Lort '777 / - 910 Brafs (Life and Adventures of Benjamin), 2 vol. in one, 1765 [9 1 1 Bray's Bihlioiheca Parochialis ■ 1707 912 Bremner's Rudiments of MufiC, with Pfalm Tunes, Canons, and Anthems _____^ 1 763 ty 913 Brerewood's Diverfity of Languages — — 1674 914 Brett's Ancient Liturg ; es ■ 1720 See a Note in this Book. 915 Brian's Piffe-Prophet, or Piffe Pot Lectures 1737 Z - 916 Brindley's Theatre of the War in the Netherlands, map / * and plans, coloured • 1 745 v, 917 Briftol (The) and Hotwell Guide — 1789 y 918 Briftol (John) on the Union - 1641 920 Britifh l'ribunal for 1789 containing Trials 1790 92 1 Britain's (Lewis) Catholic Faith inveftigated '790 922 Brokefby's Life of Dodwell, 2 vol. ■ 17 15 023 Brokfbank's Englifh Syllabary and Moncfyllabary, 1654 His Rules for the Syllabication of all Englifh Word, 1654—— Comenius's lall Porch of the Latin Tongue, 4 [ 41 J Tongue, by Brokfbank, 1647 Brokfbank's Ortho- graphia, 1657 His Vine of Catechetical Divinity, 1656 His Saints Perfection - 1656 J - 924 Brome's (James) Travels over England, Scotland and / Wales — — — — — 1700 v 925 Brome'g (Alex.) Songs and Poems 1664 / j, 926 Bromley's. Collection of Original Royal Letters, with beads, by Sberivin, with MS. Eatracls from Wreris Parent alia t / ■ J 7 8 7 ', / 927 Brooke's (Mrs.) Old Maid, a Novel 1764 \ (} 928 Brooke's (Mrs.) Emily Montague, a Novel, 4 vol. 1769 929 Brookes's (R.) Gazetteer, maps 1762 930 Brooke's (Henry) Tryal of the Roman Catholics of Ireland, 1764 931 Broughton's (Richard) Ancient and Religious State of Great Britain 1650 932 Broughton's (Richard) Ancient and Religious State of Great Britain ■ J650 933 Broughton (Thomas) againft Tindal's Chriftianity as old as the Creation * '7Z Z 934 Brown's (John) Eftimate of the Times, 2 vol. 1758 > 935 Brown's (John) Efiays on the Chara&eriftics j 751 (y 936 Brown (John) a Painter, on the Poetry and Mufic of the n Opera Edinb. 1789 - 937 Brown's (Edward) Travels through France, Italy, Malta, / Egypt and Abyfiinia, 2 vol. — - — 1753 7 938 Brown's (Sir Tho.) Mifceltany Tratfs 1684 "* ~939 Browne's (Sir Tho.) Religio Medici ■ 1736 -\ - 940 Browne's (Ifaac Hawkins) Poems, large paper 1768 / ><94l Browne's (Simon) Sermon's > ■ - 1722 X 94 2 Browne's (Simon) Defence of the Chriftian Revelation againft Tindal's Chriftianity as Old as the Creation, / . '73* J. / 943 Browne (Richard) on Singing, Mufic and Dancing, 17 29 ^ P 944 Bruce's Travels into Abyfiinia, Abridged by Shaw, 1790 ^ _ 945 Bryant's (Jacob) Illuftration of the Analyfi?, 1778- Richardlbn on the Languages, Manners, &c. of Eaftern a Nations ■ l 777 * - 946 Bryant's (Charles) Flora Diatetica : or Hiftory of Efculent / Plants -, — 1783 0, 947 Brydal's Law of Non Compos Mentis > 1 700 / 948 Brydal's (John) Short View of London 1676 ^ 949 Brydall's Law of England Relating to Nobility and Gentry, 1675 950 Brydall's Decus 13 Tutamen — - 1679 G 951 Brydone's i> 3 6 i 6 ( 6. 1 / - k zU i\i At Z - i [ 42 ] 951 Brydone's Tour through Sicily and Malta, 2 vol. Dublin, J775 952 Buchan's Domeftic Medicine — — >774 953 Buckler's Vindication of the Mallard of AlLSouls College, 1751— —His Explanation of the Oxford Almanack for 1755 — His Sermonf, 1759 — Simpfon's Sermon 1761 y n "/ 9S4 Budgell's Family of the Boyies ■ 1737 < b, 955 Burner's Firft Truths ■ 1780 956 BufFon's Natural Hiflory of the Horfei Afs, Bull, &c. &c. 1762 957 Bulkeley's and Cummins's Voyage to the South Seas 1740, 1.1743 958 Bull's (Bp.) Works and Life, 4 vol. ■ 1713 959 Bulwer's Chirologia or Natural Language of the Hand, plates — — — — 1644. 960 Buncle (Life of John), 2 vol. ' 1766 961 Burgh's Crito, or Eflays on Various Subjects, 2 vol. in one, / ! ?66 ' - 962 Burgh's CritOy 2 vol. - ■ 1766 ' - 963 Burgh's Crito, 2 vol. 1 1 766 4 y 964 Burke on the Revolution in France ■ 1790 i) 965 Burke's Speeches on American Taxation, &c. *77S 966. Burn's (Richard) Poor Laws ■ 1764 / 967 Burn againft Reformation — Parife, 1581 (j. 968 Burnet's (Bp.) Sermons »■ Gla/g, 1742 969 Barnet's (Bp.) Life and Death of Sir Mathew Hale, 1682 A 970 Burnet's (Bp.) Travels trough Switzerland, Italy, &c. , Rotter d. 1687 ' 7 971 Burnet's (^p.) Life and Death of Sir Mattliew Haie, 1682 0/ 972 Burnet's (Bp.) Paitoral Care ■ 1692 6 973 Burnet's (Bp.) Paftoral Care ■. — . . ,.— 1736 f 974 Burnet's (Concluiion of Bp.) Own Times 1751 lj 975 Burnet's (Conclufion of Bp.) Own Times, 1751— Cornaro / on Health, 1737 ■Z 976 Burnet's (Bp ) Difcourfe on the Memory of Sir Robert / Fletcher, "of Saltoun ■ Edinb. 1665 b 977 Burnet's (Bp.) Travels through France, Italy, Germany / and Switzerland * ib. 1752 ^Z. b 978 Burnet's (Bp.) Hillory of his Own Times, nuitb MS. 1 Remarks, 4 vol. 1 753 979 Burrey's (Mifs) Evelina, a Novel, 3 vol. 1779 980 Burney's (Dr.) State of Mufic in Germany, &c. 2 vol. •773 981 Burton*s (Edmund) Antient Characters ■■ 1763 98; Burton's (Hezekiah) Sermons, 2 \J. — — 1685 983 Burrs X 6 4 [ 42 ] / [/ 6/ 9 8 ? Burr's Hiftory of Tunbridge Wells 1766 J i) 984 Burt's (Capt.) Letters frcm Scotland, plates, 2 vo!. 1760 98; Euibequius's Epiftles — — '694 / (y 986 Butcher's Survey and Antiquity of Stamford 1717 q?7 Butler's Hudibras, 2 vol. in one Glafg* 1761 / - 988 Butlers Hudibras, cuts 1 720 / . 989 Butler's Hudibras, Eng. and Fr. cuts, 5 vol. Lond.17^7 (} of the Wager Man of War, and hisDiltrelTss on the Coaft of Patagonia 1768 997 C.'s (T.) Difcourfes and Effayes ■■ ■ 16^5 098 Calcot's Principles and Practices of the Free Mafons, with Notes by Dr. Dodd ■ 1769 999 Calder's Set Forms of Prayers — — Leith, 1766 1000 California (Hiftory of), plates, 2 vol. — '759 loot Callander's Ancient .jScottilh. Poems; The Gaberlunzie- Man, and Chrift's Kirk on the Green Edinb. 1782 1002 Callander's Ccliedtion of Voyages to the Southern He- mifphere, maps, 3 vol. — ib, 1766 1003 Calliere's (De) Art of Negociating with Sovereign Princes, nviib a MS. lijl of bocks on the fame fubje3 I 7 1 6 1004 Cahhrop's Reports touching the Cuitomes and Liberties of the City of London — — 1670 1005 Calves-Head Club (Hiftory of the), cuts 1714 1006 Calves-Head Club (Hiftory of the) *7°7 1007 Cambridge (Hiftory and A ntiquites of) — 1620 loc8 Cambridge^ (Owen) Scribleriad, a Poem l 7S 2 1009 Cambridge's (Owen) War in India — 1762 1010 Campbell's (Sir Hugh) Letters relative to his EiTay on the Lord's Prayer, with the EiTay itfelf 1709 1011 Campbell's (Alexander) Sequel to Bulkeley's and Cum. mins's Voyage to the South Seas « '747 10! 2 Campbell's (Arch.) Lexiphanes — 1 767 1013 Campbell (Life and Adventures of Duncan), plates 1720 1014 Campbell's (Dr. John) Rational Amufements 17^4 G 2 101 J Camp- I [ 44 ] 1015 Campbell's (Alex.) Examination of Bolingbroke on Hif- tory — , 753 Note in this Book. A mofi virulent Libel againjl Chrijlia- 2 nhy. '/ 1016 Campbell (Geo.) on Miracles, againft Hume Edinb. ij6z ■< 1017 Campbell's (D.) Survey of the South of Ireland, plates y / Dub/. 1778 /„. G 1018 Capell's Prolufions ■ 1760 * - 1019 Caraccioli's Antiquities of Arundel — — 1766 5 1020 Card (The), a Novel, 2 vol. ■- '755 / j 1021 Carlencas's (De) Hiftory of the Belles Lettres 174I / 6 IC2Z Carlifle's (Earl of) Embaflies to Mufcovy, Sweden, and / Denmark ■ » « 1669 1023 Carlifle's (Countefs Dowager of) Maxims '789 •* - 1024 Carpenter's Architophel, or Picture of a Wkked Politi- . / cian » - 0^.1640 J 1025 Carpzovius's Defence of the Hebrew Bible, againft « Whifton, by Marcus ■■ '739 ^ - 1026 Carr's Travels into Germany, Denmark, Sweedland, &c. ■ Atnjl. 1688 Carter's (Benjamin) Sermons ■ 1729 /0 *\< 3 . / J 4 / J t J 3 6' - / 3 1 X ^ / 3 ^ /(I027 v \iOzS Carter's (Edmund) Hiftory of the County of Cambridge Cambridge> 1753 Note in this Book. This is veryfcarce. Likenuije another Note by the late Mr. Cole. 1029 Carter's (Edmund) Hiftory of the Univerfity of Cam- bridge ■ tb. 1753 See a Note in this Book. 1030 Carter's (Francis) Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga, map and coins, 2 vol. • < ■ 1777 1031 Carver's Terreftrial Paradife, map « 1660 1032 Cafaubon's Vindication of the Lord's Prayer 1660 1033 Cafaubon on Credulity and Incredulity — 1670 J034 Cafaubon on Enthufiafme - ■ 1656 1035 Cafaubon on Credulity and Incredulity — 1668 1056 Cafaus's Tears of the Indians, or Hiftory of the Mafl'acres committed by the Spaniards at Mexico, Peru, &c. by Philip*, luithfrcntijpiece - 1 65 6 1037 Cafimire's Odes, Lat. and Erg. by Hils — 1646 1038 Caflon's Specimen of Printing Types, 1785 Hay's Printing Types — Bell's Printing Types 1788 1039 Catalogue ot Five Hundred Celebrated Authors now living ■ ■ 1788 1040 Cat logue of 1 opham Beauclerk's Library 1781 1041 Cacaie^ue of Charles Bernard's Library, priced, 1710, 1 1 1042 Catalogue L 4* ] 1042 Catalogue of Dr. Francis Bernard's Library 1698 1043 Catalogue of Botanical Authors 1044 Catalogue of Bridges's Library* priced — 1725 1045 Catalogue of Bridges's Library, large paper, clajjed and priced ■ 1725 1046 Catalogue of Antony Collins's Library, 2 parts 1730, 1 1047 Catalogue of the Manufcripts in the Cottonian Library 1777 1048 Catalogue of Mr. Croft's Library, 2 parts 1783 1049 Catalogue of Mr. Croft's Library ■ 1783 1050 Catalogue of Gen. Dormer's Library, priced 1764 1051 Catalogue of Duane's Mufeum, plates, priced, and par- ch a/crs names ■ — ••• » ■ 1 785 QUARTO. 052 Barrington on the Statutes -■ ■■ 1 769 053 Bartram's Defcription of Eaft Florida, maps 1769 054 Batch's Treatife on Matrimonial Honour 1650 055 Bates's Hebrew Lexicon ■ ■ 1767 056 Batman's Doome, warning all Men to the Judgmente 1 581 057 Baxter's Errors in the Tranflation of the Pfalms in Englifh Metre — 1655 058 Beattie's EfTays ■■ ■ 1776 059 Beattie's ■ Minftrel, 2 Books — — 1775 coo Beaver on Roman Military Punifhments 1725 061 Beaumont's Poems, Lat. and Eng. Camb. 1 749 062 Beauiobre's New Verfion of the Teftament 1726 063 Beckford on Hunting, plate, with Defence, 8vo, 178 1 N. B. Tivo Plates by Hollar. 064 Benfon on the Chriftian Religion, 2 vol. in 1. 065 Bentham's Church of Ely, plates '735 »77i 1772 066 Barrow's Theological Diflercations - 067 Bible Genealogies, by F. Speed 068 Bible, Teftament, and Common Prayer^ in ants title by Norton and Bill, 1 5 2 C 069 Bible and Common Prayer, interleaved, imperfect 070 Bible (Holy) and New Teltament, blue msrecco, Oxf. 1724. 071 Bibliolbeca Biblica, 5 vol, — — 1720, &c. 072 Eigland on Parifh Regifters, with fome MS. Remarks 073 Bills of Mortality — — 1665 074 Birch's Hiftory of the Royal Society, 4 vol. 1756 1075 Blith'j 2 / > / I i fi 4 ( i i - 1 - A (i / . h Z ( > ) z ) / . 3 t rf / / - / 3 / " | 3 / 3< ^ / / // i n: / 3 ? : /* ^ > 3 , ft 2 <; / Additions 078 Blomfield's ColleSlanea Cantabrigienfia — 079 Blount's Art of making Devifes, /Aj/m — 080 Blount's Remarks on Poetry ' 1 ■■ 081 Blundeville's Exercifes . . 082 Blunt's Voyage to the Levant -. 083 Bolian's Rights of the Colonies . 084 Bolian's Co W> Anglicana lllujlratee .— — 08^ Bolts on India Affairs [ 46 ] 075 Blith's Hu(bandry . 1652 076 Blomberg's Life and Writings of Edmund Dickenfon 1737 077 Blomfield's Collections relating to Cambridge, 11 18 Brice's Geographical Dictionary — — - !759 L Ci 1 19 Brockelfby's Gofpel Theifm » ■ - 1706 *j* jlizo Burnet on the 39 Articles v '699 / 1 1 2 1 Burnet's Theory of the Earth — — 1 691 '2^o 1122 Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, with frontifpiece 1676 4* - 1 123 Burton's Antoninus ■ —■ ■ — - 1658 X y H24 Caefar's Commentaries, by Edmonds — ^95 ')o 1125 Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, 3 vol. 1732 / y 1126 Cambridge Verfes • ^v &c « 7 1 1 27 Camden's Britannia, by Glbfon, maps and /malt prints 5 pajled on the margin , large paper • ,C1 95 ; y 1128 Camden's Britannia, by Gibfon, 2 vol. naps 1773 £ b 1129 Camden's Britannia — — - — 1610 ? «- 1130 Carey's Chronology of Ancient Time — 1677 # v , 1 13 1 Carter's Specimens of Ancient Sculpture?, vol. I, com- / plete, and 8 Numbers from the Beginning of vol. 2. * y 1132 Catalogue of Sion College Library, by Reading 1724 '3 (; 1*33 Caxton's Chronicle of England, with the Fruit of Times, in- « perfecl / ~ 1134 Chamber's Defigns for Chinefe Buildings, &c. plates 1757 '^ - JI 3S Chambers's Dictionary, 2 vol. » - J738 Sixth i [ 48 ] Sixth Day's Sale, OCTAVO G? Infra. / 1 137 /CATALOGUE of Engel's Eooks Bern*, 1743 ^ in8 V ^ Catalogue of Engliih Books and Tradls 1771 / - 1139 Catalogue of Books and Trails of W. Fletevvode Efq. / . ,7 74 JO 6 1 140 Catalogue of Folkes's Library, priced, 1756 — Ditto of Rawlinfon's Library, priced, 1756 — Ditto of Folkes's Mathematical Inhruments, Gems, Pictures, &c. 1755 —Ditto of Folkes's Prints and Drawings, priced, 1756 — Ditto of Folkes's Coins, Medals, &c. priced, 1756— Ditto of Mrs. Sidney Kennon's Shells, &c. 1756 / Ditto of Battifta Gaftaldi's Library — — 1757 7 1141 Catalogue of Folkes's Library, priced ■■ 1756 '0 1} 1142 Catalogue of Fo'kes's Library, large paper, 1756—— Ditto of Gen. Dormer's Library, large paper, 1 764— Ditto of Bryan Fairfax's Library, large paper, 1 756. Note, Mr. Fairfax's Library was fold to Mr. Child, and f the Catalogue JuppreJJed. 3 II43 Catalogue of Galtaldi's Library, priced, 1757 Ditto of Rawlinfon's Pamphlets, priced Catalogue of Snelling's Library, 1774 — Ditto of Beighton's Library, 2 1772 — Ditto of Martin's MSS. — — 1773 1 144 Catalogue of Hoblyn's Library, claffcd, large paper, 1769 y (1145 Catalogue of Letherland's Library ■ '765 / " )H46 Catalogue's of Maittaire's, Duke of Cbandois, Murray's, Chriftopher Wren's, and Lewis's Libraries, Manufcripts and Medals, &c. 1748 ,3 . (1147 Catalogue of Maittaire's Library .. 1748 /)ll48 Catalogue of Mead's Library, priced 1754 Id H49 Catalogue of Mead's Library, large paper, priced 1 754 Note. Of this Book Six Copies only, in Large Paper, were . Printed. ' 7 1 150 Catalogue of Edward Rowe Mores's Library 1 779 / 6 1151 Catalogue of the College of Phyficians Library 1757 1152 Catalogue J / J z t 49 ] H $2 Catalogue of Pictures, by Foulis, 3 vol Set Note in this Book. 53 Catalogue of Pinelli's Library i 0' J 1 / > f / 3 / . / u ? J / / t / 1/ 76 1789 54 Catalogue of the Duke of Powis's Eftate in Northamp- tonshire , with maps • l 75% 55 Catalogue of Curious Ranunculuses 56 Catalogue of RatclifFe's Library, priced 57 Catalogue of Rembrandt's Works 58 Catalogues of Stukeley's, Royfton's, 1776 1752 Warburton's, Ames's, Humphreys's Wilkes's and Muriel's Libraries, 1766, &c. 59 Catalogue of Vogt's Library — Hamburgh 1747 60 Catalogues of Carteret Webb's and Gregory Sharpe's Libraries ■■ l 77** 3 61 Catalogue of Weft's Library, priced and Pur chafer* t Names — — ■ 1773 62 Catalogue of Anthony Wood's Manufcripts, by Huddef- ford Oxf. 1 761 63 Catalogues of Dr. Woodward's and Jett's Libraries, 1728, m 64. Catalogue of Englifh Writers on the New Teftament, 166 3 65 Catalogues of H. Baker 1 ?, Brighton's, Pemberton's and Webbe's Books, priced 66 Catcott's Sermons ■ Brijlol, 1752 67 Catcott on the Deluge ■ 1761 68 Caiherall's Portraiture of Socrates — Oxf.ijxj 69 Catrou's Hiftory of the Mogol Empire, map 17 C 9 70 Cautions and Advice to Officers in the Army 1760 71 Cavalier (Memoirs of a) ■ ■ Leedes 72 Cavallier's Memoirs of the Wars of the Cevennes, mop, 1726 73 Cavallier's Memoirs of the Wars of the Cevennes, map, 1726 74 Cave's (Jane) Poems ■ ■ Winchejler, 1783 75 Cenfor (The), 3 vol. in one '717 76 Cenfure of Ruddiman's Edition of BuchanaD, Aberdeen, '753 76*Cervantes's Don Quixote, by Shelton, 4 vol. 1730 77 Ceflares (Account of the) a People of South America, Note. This is a modern Utopia, in which then are many good Schemes and Hints. 178 Chalmers's Life of Daniel De Foe - *79^ 179 Chaloner's Morality of the Bible - 1762 .1S0 Chambaud's French Grammar ■■ 1779 H n8t Cham- [ 50 ] / - liti Chamberlayne's Lives of the Members of the Academy of ,, Sciences at Paris •— — l 7 l Z "II 82 Chamberlayne's State of Great Britain — 1 745 ' ~ 1183 Chamberlayne's State of Great Britain — '736 / -> 1 184 Chamberlayne's State of Great Britain j 736 (1185 Chandler's (Bp.) Vindication of the Defence of Chrif- J tianity againft Collins ' ' 1726 (1186 Chandler (Thomas Bradbury) on American Bifhops, z vol. — — ■ 1769 1 187 Chappelow's Arabian Converfations Cambridge, 1767 fji88 Character of a True Publick Spirit ■ J705 /t ll ^9 Character of Queen Caroline __— 1738 -2. 1190 Character and Manners of the French, 2 vol. '769 z . U 1 \{l\\ z /''." < IK * / J 1 191 Charity Sermons — — 1729 ^ /III92 Charles lid's Efcape after the Battle of Worcefter 1766 / fy 1>93 Charles the Firft (Aphorifms of), collected by Richard Watfon — — ■ 1661 ■* - 1194 Charter of the Borough of Carmarthen, morocco J 765 K ^ 1195 Chaftellux's (Marquis de) Travels in North America, in 1780, I, and 2, map. 2 vol. nvitb remarks J 787 ^ - 1196 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, by Ogle, 3v0l.ini, 1641 * -/ II97 Chiucer's Canterbury Tales, by Morell 1740 Z /Z b l '9^ Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, withGlofiary, byTyrwhytt, 5 vol. — — 1775 In the above Book are in/erted tnuo Heads of Chaucer, His Progeny, and a Monument of one of bis Family. 1199 Chaumont's Voyage to Siam 1687 /[1200 Chelfum on Gibbon's Rome — — 1778 $ 0-/J201 Cheltenham Spa (Tour to) T - '783 V1202 Chcfl«r (The) Mifcellany, Profe and Verfe, from 1745 to 1750 ■ 1750 Note. This Book contains a very good Account of the Rife and Progrejs of the Rebellion 1745 -* y I203 Chefterfield's (Lord) Advice to his Son 1775 J q 1204 Chefterfield's (Lord) Characters of Eminent Perfonages, 1777— His Characters Reviewed — — J777 Note. Tbefe Characters were/old by Dr. Dodd to the Book- Jellers for tool. See at the End fome pertinent Remarks o by difinguijhed Hands. ' 1205 Chetwood's Hiftory of the Stage — — 1749 / - 1206 Children's Petition againft the Severity of School Dis- cipline — — — — — 1669 JI207 China (Hiftory of), map, ctloured — — 1 755 * ]i2o8 Chiftefe Mifcellanies and Hiftory, by Bp. Percy, 6 vol. 1762 1209 Chinefe i C 5- ] < { 1209 1210 - 1 21 1 / / 1212 6 / I213 / 1214 3 1 121 5 12(6 X / 6 I2!7 12l8 ^ ^ I 219 220 221 222 223 Chiiiefe Traveller, map and plates, 2 vol. 1775 Charley's Names of the Books of the Old and New Teftament, in Verfe ■ 17 ir Chriftian Religion not founded on Judaifm, againft Collins ■ 1728 Chriftian (Remarks on) Antiquity Edinb. 1780 Chronica J 'uridicialia • • ,0 ^5 Church (The) Catechifm Explained, by Lewis, rendered into Irifti by Richardfon ________ 1712 Churchill's Apology and Night, Poems l 7&5 Churchill's Poems, 2 vol. ■ ■ Dublin, 1764. Churchill's Poems, z vol. ■ 1 769 Cicero de Finibus, by Collier ■ 1702 Cicero on Old Age, by Logan, ivith bead of Dr. Franklin, and another of Font on, handed for Forgery. N. B. This laji is an old Print of Dr. Franklin, converted into the above, mentioned Culprit. City Addreffes from 1760 to 1770 City Remembrancer, giving an Account of the Plague 1665, Fire i665, and Great Storm 1703, Compiled from Dr. Harvey's Papers, 2 vol. in one ] 769 Clagett on the Spirit 1680 Clanricarde (Memoirs of the Marquis of), large paper, 1722 Clarendon's (Lord) Rebellion, in Verfe, heads, 224 225 Clarendon's (Lord) Rebellion, in Verfe, heads, 3 vol* 1713 3 vol. 1713 1706 1703 727 226 Clarendon's (Lord) Rebellion, large letter, 6 vol. 227 Clarendon's Rebellion, Abridged ■ 228 Clarendon and Whitlock compared «— — 229 Clarendon's Rebellion (84 Heads for Lord) ofthefrft and fi^eft imprejjiens 230 Clarke's (Sam.) Sermons, fmall i2mo. 11 vol. 1749 231 Clark's (Sam.) ErTays on Baptifm, &c. — 1704. 232 Clarke (Sam.) on the Church Catechifm '73* 233 Clarke (Sam.) on the Trinity — — - 1712 234 Clarke (Sam.) on the Attributes ■■.., ... 1725 235 Clarke's (Sam.) Paraphrafe on the Evangelifts, interleaved ivith MS. Notes by Dr. Lort, 2 vol. in 4, Dublin, 17 56 236 Clayton's (Bp.) Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai — — — 1 '753 237 Clayton's (Bp.) Trails ; viz. on Prophecy, 1749 — Time ef the Mefliah's Coming, 2 Letters — — 1751 K 2 1238 Cleeve's C 52 ] *■ - 1238 Cleeve's Songs of Mofes and Deborah, Paraphrafed, and - / other Poems » 1685 1239 Cleland's Etymological Vocabulary 1 1768 ' - 1240 Cleland's Way to Things by Words and Words by . / Things - .1. 1766 ' 1241 Clergyman's Inteliigencer ■ *745 % . (1242 Clergyman's Companion for Vifiting the Sick 1719 (1243 Clergyman's fade Mecum, z vol. 1 73 1, 2 j£ z j 1244 ^l er k (Le) on Genefis, by Brown 1696 / 1245 Clerk's (Le) Account of Clarendon's Rebellion 17 10 , [1246 Clerk (Le) on Genefis, by Brown * 1696 * - -j 1 247 CockV Advice to the Clergy, in 6 Sermons 17°5 vi 248 Cockburne (Patrick) on the Deluge ■ 1750 / - 1249 Cockburne (Rob.) on the Books of the New Teftament, / . . I75 5 / - 1250 Cockburne on Rutberforth's Eflay on Virtue >747 ^ J 125 1 Cocker's Penman's Treafury ■■ 1659 /( 1252 Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate (Manner of making) 1685 J 1253 Coins (68 Prints of), Englifh and Foreign See Note in this Beck. { 1254 Colbatch's Court of Portugal under Pedro II. 1700 ~y)i255 Colden's Five Indian Nations of Canada, map 1747 3 1256 Coileftion of Sentiments, Maxims, &c. from Pamela, Clarifla, and Sir Charles Grandifon — '755 J m *2$7 Collection of Confeflions of Faith, Catechifms, &c. in the Church of Scotland, gilt leaves Edinb, by Watfon, *■ - 1258 Collection of Political Intelligence Extraord. Epigrams, &c. that have appeared in Detached Pieces 1766 Z _ 1259 Collier's (Jeremy) Prophanenefs and Immorality of the Stage, with the Defences '738 173* 1 /\ 1260 Collier's (Jeremy) EiTays / "1 1261 Collier's (Joei) Mufical 1 , t 1261 Collier's (Joei) Mufical Travels through England 1785 7 1262 Collier's (Dr.) Art of Ingenioufly Tormenting '753 3 6 I263 Collignon's Medical and Moral Trafts, Carnb. 1769 His Enquiry into the Structure of the Human Body, relative to its fuppofed Influence on the Morals of Man- kind, ib. J 77 1 — His Introduction to Anatomy, ib. 1 763 —His Medicina Politua ib. 1765 3 )' 1264 Collins's (Arthur) Life of William Cecil, Lord Burgh- Ly 1732 Afeiu Copies only printed. 1265 Collins's (Arthur) Life of William Cecil, Lord Burgh. Ley . -— 1732 * 1266 Col- 4L [ 53 ] / 1266 Collins's (Arthur) Peerage, with Supplement, 6 vol. 1735 1267 Collins's Ground and Reafons of the Chriilian Religion * y 1268 Collins and Bentley on Free-Thinking 1713, &c. Z h 120 9 Collins's Prefent State of Ruffia, plates, 1671 — Perefixe's f Hiitory of Henry IV. of France ■ 1672 6 1270 Collins's (William) Poetical Works, with Hammond's % / Elegies - - ■ Glafg.iyyx * ' v 1271 Collyer's (David) Sacred Interpreter, 2 vol. '746 ' - 1272 Collyer's (Jofeph) Youth's Guide in the Choice of a Pro- / feffion or Trade — — « 176 1 ' o 1273 Comenius's Pattern of Univerfal Knowledge, by Jeremy , Collier . 1651 ' ~ 1 274 Comenius's Natural Philofophy Reformed 1651 x /\lzj$ Common Place to Bible and Teftament — 1764 ,(1276 Communion Office (The Nonjuror's) - 1718 £ (j 1277 Common Prayer (Review of), 1734- Common Prayer Revifed, 1734 Defence of the Communion Office and Catechifm of the Church of England, by John Lewis 7 1747 ■* 1278 Common Prayer Book, for the Ufe of the Church of Scotland — Edinb. by Wat/on, 1 7 1 2 1 279 Common Prayer Reformed according to Dr. Sam. Clarke's Plan *774 Note. This is Dr. S. Clarke's Liturgy, much altered by Mr, Lindfay, for the Ufe of bis Congregation in EJJex- Street. 1280 Common Prayer (Book of), tranflated into Maris Jflt of Man, 1769 281 Common Prayer (Book of), Lond. by Barker, 1639 The New Teftament, plates, blue turkey, gilt leaves 1 / Edinb. by Rob. looting, 5636 Ob 1282 Common Prayer (Book of), in Irijb, red morocco, gilt leaves — — ■ ■■ Lond, 1712 N. B. This Book ivas Queen Anne's. 1 283 Common Prayer (Book of) Abridged, and the Preface written by Dr. Benjamin Franklin, gilt leaves, London, 1773 1 284 Common Prayer (Book of), Lond. by Barker, 1637 The Ntiv Tejlament, Lond. by Barker, 1637 — Book of Pf alms, n by Sternhold and Hopkins — — '638 y K , 1285 Common Prayer ( Book of ') — Lond, by Bart, 1 638 " I 286 Common Prayer (Book of), printed from metal blocks, Camb, / by Fenner, 1733 < 1287 Common Prayer (Book of), plates Lond. by Bajket,\y^ 1288 Common zl 1 li ^ 6 1288 # - / - m z . I A - h. 2 j J - z ~ 289 290 291 1292 '293 1294 295 296 1297 298 299 300 130a 303 304 305 1307 i 3 o8 1309 310 1311 312 '3 13 I 54 ] Common Prayer (Book of), long lines, morocco, gilt leaves Edinb. by Watjon, 1720 Common Prayer (Book of) Land, by Basket, 1729 Common Prayer (New Book of), with Alterations and A- mendments ■ - 1768 Common Prayer (Book of), or Clementine Liturgy, MS* title ... 1734 Common Prayer (Book of), Eng. and tranflated into the Mohawk Language, to which is added, the Gofpel of St. Mark, Eng. and Mohawk, plates — — 1 7 87 Common Prayer (Book of), in the Welch Language, 17C9 Common Prayer (Book of), in the Welch Language, green morocco, gilt leaves — — Land. 17 80 Common Prayer (Book of), crown otlavo, mcft elegantly bound in red morocco, border of gold, gilt leaves, Cant' br-.dge, by Baikerville, 1762 Common Prayer (Bookcf), large octavo, long lines, with border, blue morocco, border of gold, gilt leaves Cam' bridge, by Basker-ville, 17 60 Companion to the Map of the County of Peebles, or Tweed ale — ■■ ■ — *— -Edinb. 1775 Comte's (Le) Memoirs of China, plates r ^99 Concordance to the Bible Condamine's Abridgment of a Voyage to the Inland Parts of South America, map, fcarce < 1 747 Condamine's Tour to Italy ■ 176 5 Condamine's Abridgment of a Voyage to the Inland Parts of South America, map, fcarce — *747 Conduct of the late Adminiitration examined 1767 Conferences between the Danilh Miffionaries and the Malabarian Bramins Confeffiona! (The) Congrcve's Workf, 2 vol. Congreve's Work?, vol. 2 Connoifleur (Englifh) vol. Notes • • — Glafgoi firO, 1719 1770 1751 1719 interleaved with MS. 1766 Conner (Hiftory of Jack), 2 vol. in one Dublin, 1752 Constitutions of the Thirteen United States of America, with extracts from News Papers and MS. Extra£ls t Glafgow, 1 783 Conftitutions of the Free Mafons 1731 Conftitutional Society Tra&s — 1783 Contemplations Divine and Moral, by Arthur Ld. Capel, 1683 See a curious Note in this Book. »3'4 Conti [ 55 J 13H Conti (Works of the Prince of) 1315 Conybeare's (Rp ) Sermons, large paper, 2 vol. 1711 »757 1316 Cook's (Dr. John) Voyages and Travels through Ruffia, Tartary and Part of Perfia, 2 vol. Edinb. 1770 1317 Cook's (Capt.) Voyage Round the World, by Hawkef- worth, nop and cuts, 2 vol. NetvYork, 1774 f> 1 31 8 Cook's and King's Voyage round the World Abridged, 1784 ~ 1319 Cooke's Preacher's Affiftant, 2 vol. in 1 Oxf. 1783 - 1320 Cooper's (S.) Differtations on fome difficult Texts in the / New Teftament O 1321 Cooper's (E.) Mufes Library — — 174! - 1 3 22 Copy of the Charter of the Society of Antiquaries, 1 7 5 z - 1323 Cordemoy on Speech ■ 1668 - 1324 Corke and Orrery's (Lord) Letters from Italy in 1754, 5, '773 '1325 Come- waley's (Sir W.) Effayes, 2 parts 1600, z - 1326 Cornwallyes (Sir W.) Eflayei, 2 parts 1632 "1327 Coryat Junior, 2 vol. — — '769 -1328 Ccronelli's Account of the Morea, maps and plans and plates •• - 1687 - 1329 Corry on Liberty and Neceffity — — — 1761 ' 1330 Corry on Liberty and Neceffity / 1331 Cofin's (Bp.) Hiftbry of Popifh Tranfubflantiation, 1676 7-1332 Coftard's Rsfe and Progrefs of Aflronomy *7$6 o * 3 33 Coftard's Rife and Progrefs of Autonomy, large paper, 174* * 1334 -Cotton's (Sir Rob.) Pofthumous Works 1679 * 1335 Cotton's (Sir Rob.) and Sir John Hayward's Lives of Henry the Third and Fourth « 1642 (1336 Court Regiller ■ 174I "V337 Court" Regiftef ' 1733 /(1338 Court Regiiler — 1782 1339 Covent Garden Drollery, being a Collection of Songs, Poems, Prologues and Epilogues ■ , » — 1672 1 340 Coventry's Philemon to Hydafpes Glafg. 1761 1 341 Cowley's Vifions and Prophecies concerning England, Scotland, and Ireland ' -~— — — 1661 1342 Cowper's Philofophical Epitaph in Hierogliphical Figures explained ■ ■ ■■ — — 1673 QUARTO. 6 [ 56 J 3. U A R TO. * o 1343 Calmet's Antiquities, Sacred and Prophane 1727 ^1 * 1344 Camden's Remains of Britain • 1637 m " '345 Campbell's Survey of Britain, 2 vol. — — 1774 "; 7 134.6 Cambridge Graduates (Catalogue of) — 1787 * " 1347 Capell's Gloffary of Shakefpeare < - '348 Carlton's (Sir Dudley) Letters during his Embaffy in in Holland ■ 1775 / ' 1349 Cafley's Catalogue of MSS. in the King's Library 1734 / »35° Caflon's Types (Specimens of) '764 / 135 1 Catalogue of the Houghton Collection of Pictures, with n the prices of 1 heir valuation to each - ■ ■ l 7&7 / 135a Catalogue of the mod vendible Books in England 1658 ' 7 1353 Catalogue of the Public Library at Norwich '732 / 1354 Catalogue of Richard Smith's Books, nxitb prices and pur- chafers names ________ . 1682 ^'355 Catalogue of Lord Oxford's Pictures and Mufeum, with *j . ) prices aad pur chafers names, front ijpiece by Vertut I 74 z ^ ) 1 356 Catalogue of Lord Oxford's Mufeum and Pictures, with 3 front if piece by Vertue ■ ■■ 1 742 1357 Certain Sermcnes, or Homilies, appointed by the King's Ma- , jefiy Ediv. VI. 1551 ' - 1358 Charles lid's Declaration, 1683— —Form of Prayer, 1683, &c. '*n - 1 359 Chambers (Sir William) on Oriental Gardening, with the Heroic Epiflle to Sir W. C. and other Tra&s and Poems on the Subject, and Thirty-two Outlines of Spe- cies of Trees for the Ufe of Painting and Drawing, j and MS. Notes 1772, &c. / / 1360 Chandler's Travels to Afia Minor 1 775 ^ ft 1 36 1 Chapman on the Credibility of the Miraculous Powers n '75* ^ ' 1362 Charter given to the Danifh Academy of Arts, Ltile, 17 <; S "* "j 1363 Choheleth, or the Royal Preacher, a Poem 1765 > 1364 Chriftian Religion not founded on Judaifm 1728 Z. 1365 Chriftianity as old as the Creation ■ <■■ 1730 f _ 1366 Chriton's England's Grievance in Relation to the Coal / Trade ■ ■— ■■ ■ *6>£ ^O .7 1367 Chronological Tables from Univerfal Hiftory, interleaved, . quarto fix*, 2 vol. '754 / \ 1368 Chronological Tables of Chinefe Hiftory 7 - 1369 Cicero on Old Age, by Francklin Pbilad. 1744 y 1370 Clarke [ 57 ] 370 Clarke on Roman, Saxon, and Englifh Coins 1771 371 Clarke's Letters on the Spanifh Nation — '763 372 Clayton on the Pentateuch ■■■ *747 373 Clayton's (Bifhop) Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount "753 1769 1637 1776 167 1 binai 374 Cluny's American Traveller, ivith map «— 375 Coal's Holy Table, 1637 Heylyn's Anfwer 376 Code of Gentoo Laws ■ 377 Coke's State of England 378 Collection of different Pattern Marble Paper, and Variety of different Sorts of Bindings taken from Covers of old Books, 3 vol. 379 Collignan's Mifcellaneous Works 380 Columella's Hofbandry 38 1 Common Prayer, nvith Tunes to the Pfalms, wants title 382 Common Prayer by Basket, 1786 »745 ! 59 8 715 383 Common Prayer and Homilies > apptynted by the Queen's Ma~ jefiy, wants title to the prayer, and laji leaf of the homi- lies 384. Common Place Book to the Bible ■ 385 Concordances of the Holy Proverbs of Solomon 386 Concordance to the Bible 1 387 Conftitutions of the Free Mafons » ■■ 1563 1725 1612 1622 1723 388 Cortes's Pleafant Hiftorie of the Conque/l of the Weft India, how called Spaine 389 Cook's Voyage round the World, 1772, 3, 4, 5, plates feparate ■■■ ■ — 390 Coweil's Interpreter 1596 3 vol. >777 1607 1758 391 Cowley's (Lodge) Appendix to Euclid, plates 392 Cromwell (Vindication of) from the Accufations of Lud- low ' — — ■ 1698 393 Croy (De) on the Harmony of the Romifh Church 1620 394 Cruden's Concordance ■ 1738 395 Cudworch's Intellectual Syftem, 2 vol. — 1743 FOLIO. ~ 1396 Charles II. Journal of his Refidence in Holland 1660 - j 397 Chaucer's Works, by Lidgate 1687 \/0 ~, 1398 Chaucer's Works • ■ ■ ■ 1561 V7 -Q *399 Chauncy's Historical Antiquities of Hertfordlhire, with, ' Ia / plates , and other MSS. notes and colleclions bound with it l> 1400 Chinefe Dictionary 1401 Church [ si 1 y • 1401 Church Hiflory of England, from 1500 to 168S, 2 vol. / '737 ' 1402 Clarendon's 1 racts . 1727 7 - 1403 Clavel's Catalogue of Books printed from 1666 to 1695, '_ 2 vol. 1404 Comber's Companion to the Temple — 7684 1405 Common Prayer (Book of), with Archbp. Laud's Altera- tion for the Scots Litturgy, MS by Barker, 1617 1406 Common Prayer (Book ofj, v.itb MSS. notes, by Barker, 1634 1407 Ccfxmoi Prayer (Beck of) printed by Barker, 1 636 1408 Common Prayer (Book of) * 1662 14.09 Common Prayer (Book of), morocco, gilt leave:, tuled, 1562 This Beck formerly belonged to Archbp* Creigbton, 1410 Concordance to the Apocrypha 141 1 Concordance to the Holy Scriptures — — 1682 1 41 2 Cottonian Library, Reports thereon — 1732 141 3 Coverdale's Bible, 1 7 1 4 1481 Denini's Revolutions of Literature, by Murdoch 1771 1482 Derham's Aftro-Theology, /mall \zmo. plates '75° 1483 Derham's Pbyjico-Theology . '754 J484 Dering's (Sir Edw.) Life of Lady Dering 1701 1485 Derrick's Letters, from Leverpoole, Chefter, Corke, &c; &c. 2 vol. — 1767 i486 Des Cartes's Method of guiding Reafon — 1649 .1487 Des Cartes's Method o{ guiding Reafon — 1649 j 488 D'Efpagne'8 A 1 7 ■ 3 j . j . A / - f / - / I 6« ] ^ - ^488 D'Erpagne's Wonders of God in the Harmony of Times 1662 £ 1489 Devotion? to be ufrd by Primitive Catholicks at Church and at Home, blue turkey, gilt leaves Liverpool, 1 747 N. B. This is the Nonjurors Liturgy. See Note. J 1 490 De Witt's True Intereit of Hoiland, with Memoirs of , Cornelius and John De Witt, by John Campbell 1746 Z b 1 49 1 Digiti- Lingua; or. Method of Talking by the Fingers • 1698 ■2 • 1492 Dillon's (John Talbot) Political Survey of the Sacred Ro- . / man Empire — — ' 1782 / M93 Dimfdale on Inoculation » *779 / It J494 Dimfdale's Trades on Inoculation 1781 A - I495 Diogenes Laertius, by feveral Hands, 2 vol. 1696 (1496 Dilcourfe on having many Children — 1695 / -\»497 Difcourfe concerning Lent ■ 1695 /I1498 Difpute between Hume and Roufleaa — 1766 ' ° J 499 Difquifitions (Free and Candid) relating to the Church of j England — — *749 ~ 1500 Dodlor and Student (Dialogues between a) 1687 ■< - sjo* Dod's Pfalms for Charlotte-Street Chapel 6' - 1502 Dodd's Sifters, a Novel, 2 vol. - ■ • * 7J4- * See Note in this Book. ' 21503 Doddridge's Hymns - " — ■■ * - 1755 A -1504 Dodingtbn's Diary, by Henry Penruddocke Wyndham, q tuilh head — - — - - '784 . " 1505 Dcdwell on Sanchoniatho's Phoenician Hiftory 1691 ' ~ 1506 Doci^'eH's Advice for the Sufception of Holy Orders, and / his Reply to Baxter 1680,1 ' ~ 1507 Dodweli's Advice for the Sufception of Holy Orders, / / 1 69 1 • n 1508 Dodtf >ll's Ufe cf Incenfe 1711 / y 1509 Dodwell on the Soul ■ ■ 1706 3 6 IS 10 Dodweli's Lawfalnefs of Inftrumental Mufick in Holy / / Offices ■■' ■ " - 170a . •' 1511 Doglioni's Hiftorian's Guide ■ 1676 ' -. 1512 Donne's (Dr.) Poems — — Tonfon, 1719 <7 J* 5 *3 Donne (Dr.) on Suicide ■ 1700 I15 14 Downame's Funeral Sermon for Sir Philip Boteler, Lond. 1 by Kyvgflon, 1 6 07 **■ ~ 1515 Downing Hiftory of the Indian Wars, and of Angria the / / Pvrate ' 1637 ' ° 1556 Drake on Coliier's View of the Stage — 1699 / 7 S517 Dryoen's Fables, Ancient and Modern — 1721 A i> ici8 Dryden's Poems and Tranflations, 2 vol. Ton/on, 1743 15 19 Dryden's 2 / 6 3 » ; - / - / - z .. y - 2 £ f / 1 -V * . 4 / n i / -^ 6 z / 6 f , ■/ \% / / 1 . 3 J 3 . [ i* ] 19 Dryden's Fables, Ancient and Modern — 1755 20 Drury's Hiftory of Madagafcar, map and plates 1729 21 Ducarel's Repertory of the Endowment? of Vicarages in the Diocefes of Canterbury and Rochefter ijSz 22 Du Cerceau's Hiftory of the Revolution in Perfia, map, 2 vol. — 1728 23 Duchall's Sermons on the Truth of the Chriftian Reli- gion — — - I753 24 Dudley Lord North's Obfervations and Advices Oecono- mical ■ s. 1669 25 Duelling (Hiftory of) ■■ 1770 26 Dufrefnoy's Chronological Table3 of Univerfal Hiftory, 2 vol. in one — — — — • 1762 27 Duncan's Element? of Logick ■ Edinb. 1776 2S Duncan's Elements of Logick ■ Lond. 1752 29 Dunlop's Ends and Ufes of Confeffions of Faith, Edinb. •775 30 Dunn's Obfervations on the Manners, &c, of the Nations of Afia, Africa, and America, 2 vol. — 1750 32 Dunton's Athenianifm y or New Projects — 1710 33 Dunton (Life and Errors of John) ■ 1705 34 Dqpin's Method of Studying Divinity — 1720 35 Dupin's Univerfal Library of Hiftorians, 2 vol. 1 709 36 Du Pratz's Hiftory of Louifiana, map, 2 vol. '773 37 Duquefne's New Voyage to the Eaft Indies in 1690, 1691, 1696 538 Durham's (W.) I ife of Dr. Robert Harris 1660 C39 Dune's Reformed Library Keeper, Pell's Idea of Mathe- matics, Bibliotbeca Bruneuieenfis ■ ■ 1650 540 Dutens Origin of the Difcoveries attributed to the Moderns, by John White ■ 1769 54.1 Duten's Journal of Travels through the Principal Cities of Europe, by Highmore - 1782 542 Duty of Man (Works of the Author of the Whole), 1682 543 Duty of Man (Works of the Author of the Whole), frjl edition, ivitb front i/piece 1658 544 Eachard's (Dr.) Works • 1705 545 Earberry's Hiftory of Clemency, and Vindication, with plate — — 1720 546 Earle's Microeo/mograpby : or a Piece of the World difco- yered, in EfTays and Characters, by Blount '73* 547 Earle's Microeo/mograpby t by Blount — — 173* 1 5 48 Earle's C 63 ] 6 1548 Earle's Microcofmography, by Blount ■ ■ ■ 1 73 2 See a long Note in this Book. . 1549 Eaft Indies (Inftruftions for purchafing the Drugs and Spices of the) — — ■■ . . ■ '779 1550 Eaft India Company (Vindication of the), morocco* gilt leaves - 1 688 "1551 E&on's State of Queen Anne's Bounty — 1721 ' - 1552 Edmondfon's Precedency, morocco, gift leaves * - 1553 Edward's (John) Uncertainty of Human Knowledge, 1714 I 1554 Edward's (Geo.) Eflays upon Natural Hiftory 1770 / 1555 Edwards (John) on the Old and New Teftament, and Remarkable Texts of the Old and New TeflamenfJ 5 vol. in 3 ■' ■ 1696 -1556 Edwards's (Thomas) Canons of Criticifm 1753 1557 EfFendi's (Hojah) Reign of Sultan Orchan, Second King / of the Turks, by Seamen __— 1652 t) I558 Etkon BaJilike,frontifpiece and Head of Charles nvben Prince of Wales, blue turkey, gilt leaves, belonged to the King, 1648 * 1560 Ellis's (John) Knowledge of Divine Things from Reve- lation ■ '747 - 1 56 1 Eilis's (John) Knowledge of Divine Things from Reve- lation ' 1 77 1 * 1562 Ellis's (Henry) Voyage to Hudfon's Bay, map and plates, 1748 * 1563 Elftob's Englifh Saxon Homily, large paper 1709 * I564 Elfum's Art of Painting 1704 1565 Elfum's Epigrams upon the Paintings of the Mofl Eminent Mafters ■ 1 700 1 566 Elyoi's (Sir Tbo ) Cajlell of Helth, fir ft edition 1534 y -1567 Emilliane's Frauds of Romilh Monks and Priefts, 2 vol. / '7°4- - 1568 Emilliane's Hiftory of Monaftical Orders 1693 / - I569 England's Gazetteer, interleaved vuitb MS. Notes, 2 vol. in 4 1775 1570 England's Gazetteer, 3 vol. ■ 1751 - 1 57 1 England's Gazetteer, 2 vol. - J 77 8 - 1572 Eralmus on the Crede and Ten Commaundementes / 1573 Erfitine's and Bofwell's Letters — — — 1 763 1574 Efcape of the Young Chevalier ■ ■ .. '7*9 -1575 Efprit's Deceitfulnefs of Human Virtues, by Beauvoir, 1706 - I576 EfTay's on Various Subjects in the Middlefex Journal, »73* 1577 EfJays & [ «4 ] • 1577 Eflays from the Batchelor, Profe and Verb, 2 vol, 7 Dubl. 1773 "1578 Eflay on the Study and Praclice of Archite&ure, plates, n / . . . I75 6 / '579 Efpiard's Spirit of Nations, from the French *7$3 ^ - 1580 European Settlements in America, war/*, 2 vol. '757 -2 - 1581 Evans (Arife) Voice from Heaven to the Common Wealth of England, with Echo to ihe Voice 1652 <^ - 1582 Evans's (Katherine) and Sarah Cheevern's Voyage to the Ifland of Malta, with an Account of their Sufferings / in the Inquifition - '7'5 "'1583 Evelyn's Gardeners Almanac . — -*— 1691 584. Evelyn's Sculptura; or Hillory and Art of Chalcography, plates . 1755 N. B. In this Copy is the Original Head by Prince Rupert. ■4 1585 Examination of Bolingbroke's Letters on Hiftory / 1586 Examination of Robinfon's Plea for 'he Divinity of Jefus Chrift 1785 / - 1587 Extra&s from the Votes of the American Congrefs, Philadelphia ■■ . - *774 / J1583 F.'s (Sir T.) Praaice of the Exchequer Court 1658 589 Fables from Gulillan, or the Bed of Rofes, from the Perfian ■■ ■ ■ 1773 .590 Falconer's (John) Art of Secret Information 1685 3 . 1591 Falconer's (William) Influence of the Paifions upon the Diforders of the Body 1788 592 Falle's Account of the Ifland of Jerfey, map 10 94 593 Falle's Account of the Ifland of Jerfey, map and plate coloured —— — — — « • 7 3 4 J - 1594 Falftaffe (Eflay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John), '777 * 1 595 Farces (Collection of) being Supplement to Bell's Britifh Theatre, 4. vol. 1784 ' - 1596 Farewell's (Chriilopher)Ea(tlndia Colation, in 1614, 1633 / "1597 Farmer on the Demoniacs ■ ■ 1 775 1 " *59^ Farmer on the Miracles — ■ — 1771 j - 1599 Fell on the Idolatry of Greece and Rome '785 ' ") 1600 Fell on the Demoniacs 1 779 3 / 1601 Fell's (Bp.) Specimens of Printing Types given to the Univeifit) of Oxford, 1603 Caflon's Specimens of Letters, both Father and Son, are palled into this Book, together with Specimens of Balkerville's Printing, Extracts from News Papers, and a gnat Number of MS. Extracts and Remarks* 1602 Female 4-M / -. 2 u t H s .. 1602 Female (The) Captive, a Narrative 6f Facls which hap pened in Barbary, 2 vol. in one - ■ -» 1774 N. B. This is a true Story, See Note. / 1603 Female (The) Captive, 2 vol. — — — - 1769 6 1604 Female (The) War, wherein the Dreffes and Humours, &c. of the Fair Sex are attackt by the Men and defended by the Women • 1697 * 1605 Fencing, Vaulting, Wreftling, in German, by Schmidt, plates ■ ■ Nurenburg, 1749 " 1606 Fenelon on Eloquence > 1722 j£ 1607 Fielding's (Henry) Caufes of the Increafe of Robbers, / '75 ' — His Voyage to Lilbon ■ 1755 6 1608 Fielding's (Henry) Life of Jonathan Wild 1754 1609 Fielding's (Henry) Propofal for making an effectual Provifion for the Poor, with a Plan of the Building pro- propofed, morocco, gilt leaves 1 75 J ~ 1610 Fielding's (Sir John) Extracts from the Penal Laws, 1769 / 1611 Finett's (Sir John) Obfervations touching Ambaffadors, 1656 See a long Note in this Book. 1612 Finett's (Sir John) Obfervations touching Ambaffadors, 1656 ' ~ 1613 Fifher's (Bp.) Funeral Sermon of Margaret Countefs of / Richmond, with her monument ____—, 1 708 ) 1614 Fifher's (Bp.) Funeral Sermon of Margaret Countefs of Richmond, with her monument — — 1 708 / See Note in this Book, (? 1615 Fifher's (John) Sermon ■ Sherborne, 1741 1616 Flecknoe's Travels into Europe, Alia, Africa, and Ame- rica -■ ■■ • ■ 1665 j 1617 Fleetwood's (Bp.) Reafonable Communicant 1705 ) fa 1618 Fleetwood's (Bp.) Life and Miracles of St. Wenefrede, 1713 - 1619 Fleming's Cbriflology, or Difcourfe concerning Chrift, 2 vol. — — 1705 -1620 Fletcher's (Giles) Reclamation of Ifrael and S. Lee's Ecclefia Gemens and Triumph of Mercy in the Chariot ofPraife — — - — — - 1677 /See Note in this Book. 162 1 Fletcher's (Giles) Hiftory of Ruffia — — 164} See Note in this Book. -1622 Fleury's Hiftory of the Ifraehtes, by Farneworth 17^6 See Note in this Book. 1623 Fleury's Method of Study — — 1695 J? 1624. Fleury's Method of Study . ■■ 1695 K. 1625 Florence I I [ 66 ] < - 1625 Florence (The) Mifcellany, Poems written by Mrs. Piozzi, / Meflrs. Greetheed, Merry, and Parfons Florence, 1785 1626 Fontenelle's Dialogues of the Dead, by Hughes 1730 ' - 1627 Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds, frontifpiece and plate, 2 / . I737 1628 Forbes (Duncan) on Incredulity — Edinb. 1750 ' * 1629 Ford's (Stephen) Evil Tongue tryed and found guilty, 1630 Formey's Mifcdlanies on various Subjecls '759 163 1 Forme of Cury, a Roll of Ancient Englifh Cookery* about 1390 ■ — - 1780 J632 Form of Prayer, for the Ufe of a Congregation of Pro- teftant Difienters at Liverpool - 1763 See MS. Note, and Extracts from Newt Papers in this X - Bosk. x 1633 Forms of Devotion in Scriptural Language Dubl. 1780 " 1634 Fortefcue- Aland on Abfolute and Limited Mouarchy, large paper - ■ » 1 7 1 4 1635 Forties's and Love's Fort Royal of the Scriptures, or a Vade-Mecum Concordance — Edinb. \"j$i 7 - 2 . 7 QUARTO. i:i 4 - Z - 3 . / l 6 / - /o - 3 . £ . 1636 Cullum's (Sir John) Antiquities of Hawfled, in SufTolk 1784 1637 Cumberland's Banilbment of Cicero, a Tragedy 1761 1638 Cumberland*s Laws of Nature - 1750 1639 Cunninghame on the Infcription on MacdufFe's Crofs, in Fyfe — 1678 1640 Da Cofta's Natural Hiftory of Foflils, plates 1757 16^1 Dalrymple (Sir .David) againft Gibbon Edinb. 1786 1642 Dalrymple's Annals of Scotland, 2 vol. 1 776 1643 Dalrymple's Letter to Hawkefworth — 1 77 3 1644 Dalrymple's Travels through Spain and Portugal 1777 Z - 1645 Dalrymple's Voyages to the South Pacific Ocean '770 - J646 Dancer on the Expedition againft Fort St. Juan 1781 1647 Daniel's Warres between the Houfes of York and Lan- carter, 1595 — The Accedence of Armorie, 1612— — The - Soldier*s Accidence, wants title ^ ~ 1648 Danville's Map of India (Illuftration of) 1759 3 - 1649 Darrel's Defence of Himfelf, againft Bp. Kennet r6«o Z - 1650 Davies's Tables of Specific Gravities — — 1 7S° 2 -. 1651 Davys on the Art of Decyphering ■ 1737 jf* . 1652 D'Auteroche's Journey to Siberia, plates 177a 16 j 3 Deborah [ «7 ] 1653 Deborah (Song of) reduced to Metre, by William Green '7S3 - 1654 Declaration of fuch Articles as George Joy e bath gout about to refute as fal/e ■ ■ ■ — - — » I546 1655 Dee's Mathematical Preface. See Note. - 1656 Constitutions of the Mufasum Mineivse, very fear ce 1636 See MS. Note. * 1657 Demoftbenes's Orations, by Wylfon ■ 1570 i 1658 Defcription of Tangier <■ 1664 1659 Defvteux on Ecclefiaftes _—__—_ 1760 1660 Dialogues (The) of Creatures moralyfed, applyabh and c dim fica'-yfly to every mery and jocunde Master of late, tranjluled out of Latyn, and the be to Jele upon Powles Churche Yards 1661 Dictionary, Irifh and Englifti ■■ - Par, 1768 1662 Digby on Bodies — — — — 1658 - 1663 Digges's Arithmetical Warlike Treatife < '5 90 - 1664 Directory in Publick Wbrfh'p — — '644 - 1661; Doddridge's Lectures ... 1 ■ 1763 y 1666 Du Bartas's Divine Weekes, by Sylvefter li 1667 Ducarel's Norman and Anglo-Gallic Coins, plates, 1757 j 1668 Du Frefnoy's Art of Painting, by Mafon, and Notes by Sir Jofhua Reynolds 1 783 - 1669 Durell's Parallel Prophecies of Jacob and Mofes, Oxf. 1763 * 1670 Eaftern Alphabets - 1671 Ecton's Tbe/aurus — — .. *742 - 1672 Edwards's Prefervative againft Socinianifm 1698 „ 1673 Edwards's Gangrana, or Practices of Sectaries, 3 parts 164.6 - 1674 Edwards's Natural Hiftory of Birds, 4 vol. coloured Tbefe four Volumes nuere bought at Dr. Mead's Auction, for whom they were finijhed ivith the greateft Cart and Accuracy by the Author, all the Paintings in the firfi Volume are done from Prints reverfed. See the Note in tbefirft Vol. - 1675 Edwards's Gleanings to his Natural Hiftory, part 2, coloured ' 1676 Election Flights ' — — — — 1780 ' 1677 Ellis on Coffee, plates, coloured • ■ -* 1774 T 1678 Ellys's Tracts on Civil Liberty ■ 1767 (> 1679 Elftob's Saxon-Englilh Grammar — — 171$ » 1680 Enfield's Preacher's Directory — 1771 . 1681 England on the Morals of the Ancients — 1735 K 2 1682 Eui- [ 6S ] / - 168* /' - 1683 / ■ 1684 7 - ,68 5 ' f 2- 6 1686 / / i6«7 - 6 »688 Epicurus' s Morals ■■ ■■ 1656 The JLpifllti and Gofpelles, •with a brief Pcfyl Jo the fame, from Advent tyll Lew Sunday, then follotuetb Henry the Eighth's Privelege to Richarde Banket for printing thi fame, and the Dedication by Richard Taverner, no date Erudition of a Chriftien ■■ " ■■ « by Bart let, I 543 Etchings of Gems, from the Duke of Devonfhire's Col- lection, 99 plates, interleaved nvith MS. notes, 2 vol. Evans's Specimens of Welch Poetry - >7^4 Evans's Short Didtionaire of Latin and Englifh 1 999 Examtn Ltgvtn Anglia ■ 1656 4f . 4 - i Q - h J / - a . $ - tU 5' - i: 2 FOLIO. 689 Dee on Spirits, with frontifpiece ■ -■ 1659 690 Dee's Memorials pertayning to Navigation 1 577 691 Delia Valle's Travels into fcaft India — — 1665 69Z Denham's Alvearie, or Quadruple Dictionary 1580 693 Digby'sTreatife on the Nature of Bodies Par. 1644 694 Digges's Teclonicon 695 Difney on Immorality and Prophanenefs 17*9 696 Domes Day Book (Copy of), 2 vol. 697 Douland's Introduction to Singing, with notes 1609 698 Drawings of Medals 699 Drayton's Polyolbion 700 Drayton's Polyolbion, frontifpiece and maps 16 1 3 701 Drummond's Hiftory of Scotland ■ 1655 702 Drummond's Travels, plates — — 1754 703 Dugdale's Hiftory of St. Paul's, ivith MS. notes, plates' 1658 704 Dugdale's Monaficon Anglicanum, abridged, plates, 1693 705 Duhalde's China, maps ana plates, 2 vol. 1 738 706 England Happy (Future State of) — — 1688 707 Evelyn on Medals — — ■ ■ 1697 708 Evelyn on Foreft Trees ■ ■■ 167a 709 Extravagant Shepherd, a Romance, plates 1654 7 1 Fabian* s Chronicle 711 Fleetwood's Works — ■■ 1737 712 Forme and Manner of making Bijhops ■■ 1559 713 Fotherby's Athctmatnx, againft Atheifts, &c. 1622 Eighth [ *9 ] g.&® Eighth Day's Sale. OCTAVO & Infra. «7 '4 T? 0STER ' S (J ud g fc ) Examination of Gibfon's Codex, J? 1735 — Doctrine of Libels di feu fled ——Lord Chancellor Weft on Treafons and Bills of Attainder, 1716 1715 Foundling Hofpital for Wit, 8vo. 6 Numbers, with MS. and printed additions ■ *743 (1716 Foundling (New) Hofpital for Wit, 5th Part, 1722 — / \ Afylum for Fugitives, 2 Numbers, 1776 Fugitive Mifcellany, 2d Part ■ 1775 1717 Fovargue's Catalogue of Vulgar Errors, Cambridge, X'jd'j I 4 1718 Fox on the New Teftament, 2 vol. ■ 1748 * / 17 IO ru* uu uic new lciwuitm, & vu». ■ '74° Z. 6 *7 l 9 F° x (Various Sermons by John), Henry Holland, &c. at /Pauls CroJ/e • ■ -. 1589 (1720 Francks's Original and Productions of Things 1687 "1172 1 Francks's Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Meridian . of Scotland -■ ■ ■ • — — '694. / - 1722 Franklin's (Dr. B.) Philofophical and Mifcellaneous . Papers, plates —,.,,. — _ 1787 ' - 1723 Franklin's (Dr. B.) Philofophical and Mifcellaneous / Papers, plates ■ ■ 1787 " 1724 Frafer's Hiftory of Kuli Khan, map - 1742 / 1725 Frafer's Hiftory of Kuli Khan, map I742 ' b \"jzd Freart's Idea of the Perfection of Painting, by Evelyn * 1668 y * 1727 Freju's Voyage to Mauritania — 1671 ^ - 1728 Freke'sSeleft Eflays 1693 1729 Fry's Specimens of Printing Types — 1786 'This is a picked Specimen. See Letter in this Book. 1730 Fulke's Defence of the Englifh Tranflation of the Holy Scriptures, againft Gregorie Martin, Lond. by Binne- man, 1583 1 73 1 Fuller's (T.) Ornithologie iff Antheologie, or Speech of Birds 3nd Flowers -■ '■ ■ 1660 1732 Fuller's i /I / w i z _ / - 6 : - s ^ [ 70 ] 1732 Fuller's (Francis) Medicina Gymnajika — 1740 x 733 Gaffarel's Unheard-of Curiofities — ■ 1650 "73+ Gage's Survey of the Weft Indies ■ '677 1735 Gambold's Extrafts from Count Zinzendorf's Maxims and Sentences, morocco, gilt /eaves » . 1 75 1 1736 Garbutt's Demonftration of the Refurreclion 1669 1737 Gardener's Pocket Book, with confederable MS. Addi- tions, and Extra els from printed Books and Nevus Papers J738 Gardiner's (Bijhop) Detetlion of the Devil's Sophiftry, MS. title printed by "John Hertford in Alder/gate Street, at the Cojls and Charges of Robert Toye, 1546 Note in this Book. Though this Book is imperfecl, yet the remarkable Parts of it, viz. Sheet E, printed in the Greek Letter, and Sheet F in Latin, with the Roman / Letter, are not wanting. " '739 Garth's Difpenfary, a Poem, with plates, and Key, 1726, / '734 — Edmund Smith's Works - 1729 "* 7 1740 Gaflendus's Life of Peirefkius, by Rand 1657 ~ ° 1741 Gaflendus's Life of Peirefkius, by Rand '657 1 /f , 74 2 Gaftrell's (Bp.) Chriftian Iaftitutes — — 1721 /' 743 Gauden's (Bp.) Duty of a Communicant, blue turkey, ~ gilt leaves -* ■ 1 69 8 ^ - 1744 Gauden's (Bp.) Difcourfe en Artificial Beauty, withfron- , tif piece, fear ce ■■ 1 — — — 1662 ' - 1745 Gavin's Mailer-Key to Popery, 3 vol. 1725, 1726 4- - 1746 Gay's Fables, plates < ■ — — 1728 i {1747 Geddes's Trafts ■ ■ ■ 1702 //1748 Geddes's Church of Ethiopia 1696 / q . 1749 Genefis, with Notes ■ 1765 The above is a Specimen of a Pocket Bible. /l7$0 Gentleman's Calling, with frontifpiece let in, blue turkey, \ gilt leaves • • • ■ 1717 J1751 Gentleman's Ca'l ; ng, frontifpiece by Dolle, blue turkey, /\ fmall tooled, gilt leaves • 1673 7* 75* Gentleman's Calling, with two frontijpieces, 1673 Decay of Chriftian Piety, gilt leaves — '674 (1753 Gentleman's Calling, frontifpiece, 1674 — Ladies Calling, <7 frontifpiece "673 * _ *754 Gcrbier's (Sir Balthazer) None-fuch Charles his Cha- •> racier ■ ■ ■ ■ 165 1 - 1755 Gibbon's (Remarks on) Rome ■ 1778 > 1756 Gibbon's (John) Heraldry, Lat.andEng. 1682 ii 1757 Gibfon'i (John) Hiftory of Glafgow, with plan »f the city Glo fg> *777 1758 Gibfon's / C 7' 3 X 7 7 i 75 8 '759 1760 1761 1762 1763 [764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 773 774 775 1776 777 778 779 1780 1781 [782 783 1784 Gibfon's (Bp.) Charges to the Clergy of the Archdea- conry of Surry, large paper, Hue turkey, gilt leaves, 1 7 17 Gibfon's (Bp.) Directions to the Clergy of London, 1717 Gibfon's (Bp.) Three Paftoral Letters — 1730 Gibfon (Bp.) againft Swearing, Prophaneing -the Sab- bath, &c. &c. &c. &c. ■- i749» &c. Gilbert on Fleetwood on the Miracles — 1706 Gildas's Epiftles ■■ — ■ ■■» 164.1 Gillies's Life of the Rev. George Whitfield 1772 Gillies's Hiftorical Collections of the Succefs of the Gof- pel, 2 vol. Gla/g. 1754. Gilpin's EfTay upon Prints 1768 l 7 8« Giraffi's Hiftory of the Revolutions in Naples, by Howel 1650 Glanville's Plus Ultra, or Progrefs and Advancement of Learning fince the Days of Ariftotle, fcarct 1 668 Glanville's Plus Ultra, fcarce 1668 See long Note in this Book. Glanville's Defence of his Plus Ultra, againft Stubbe, 1671 Glanville's Vanity of Dogmatizing, — — 1 738 804 Green's (J) Journey from Aleppo to Damafcus, map, 1736 805 Green's (J.) Journey from Aleppo to Damafcus, map, 1736 806 Green's (Valentine) Survey of the City of Worcefter, plates - Worcejl* 1764 807 Green's (William) Tranflation of the Pfalms, Cambridge, 1762 808 Gregory's (Dr.) Father's Legacy to his Daughters, 1774 809 Gregory's (Dr.) Comparative View of the State and Facul- ties of Man 8 ro Gregory's (Thomas) Difcourfes - 1 ■■ 811 Gregory's (Thomas) Sermons ■ 812 Gregory's (G.) Life of Chatter ton — — 823 Gregory's (G.) Life of Chatterton 814 Gregory's (G.) Sermons ■ 815 Gregory's (G.) EfTays, Hiftorical and Moral g 16 Gregory's (G.) EfTays, Hiftorical and Moral 817 Greville's (Fulke) Maxims, the Poetry by his Lady, 1756 N. B. The Poetry omitted in the fubftquent Editions. 1 81 8 Greville't 1766 1696 1708 1789 1789 1789 1785 1788 I - u It / - Z , 3 - / - / / 6 i /' ^ / v t / ■*• / ^ J i l 73 ] 8j8 Greville's (Fulke) Maxims, Characters, and Reflection* i;68 819 Greville'8 (Fulke) Maxims, Characters, and Reflection* >757 820 Greville (Edmondfon's Genealogical Account of th; Nobie Family of), Earl Brooke and Warwick, plates, 17&S 821 Grew's Anatomy of Trunks, plates — 1675 822 Grew's Anatomy of Vegetables, plates — 1 673 823 Grew's Anatomy of Trunks, plates, morocco, gilt leaves, 1675 824 Grey's (Richard) Memria Technica Exeter, 178 1 825 Grey (Zachary) on Neat's Puritans, 4 vol. 173$ 826 Grey's (Zachary) Hiltory of King-Killers, 6 parts, 1719 827 Grey's (Dr. Richard) Ecclefiauical Law — '73> 828 Groome's Dignity and Honour of the Clergy 1710 829 Groos's (Le) Ladies Toilet, or Art of Head-Drefiing, Haith a great variety of figures or patterns — 1 768 830 Grofe's (Francis) Claffical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue — — '785 831 Grofe's (John Henry) Voyage to the Eaft Indies, plates, 2 vol. 1766 832 Grofley's Tour to London, by Nugent, 2 vol. 1772 833 Grofley's Obfervations on Italy, by Nugent, 2 vol. 1769 834 Grofvenor's Health, an Eflay ■ 1748 835 Grotius's (Hugo) Mourner Comforted, by Scott 1694 836 Grub-Street (Memoirs of the Society of), 2 vol. 1737 837 Gualdi'b Life of Donna Olimpia Maldachini l665 838 Guardian (The), z vol. ■ *7*9 839 Guildford (Hiltory and Antiquity of the Town of) nuitb wielu of 'the Town - — '777 840 Gunpowder-Treafon(Difcoveryofthe) with King James's Speech to his Parliament on that Occafion '679 841 Gurdon's Sketch of the Diitinguiming Graces of the Chriftian Character ■■ 1778 842 Gutch's Colledanea Curiofa, 2 vol. Oxford, 1781 843 Gwyn's Eflay on Defign • ■ '749 844 H.'s (J.) Obligation of Human Laws ■ 1671 845 Hackett's Collection of Epitaphs, 2 vol. in one, nuitb MS. and Printed additions « 1 75 7 846 Hale's of Eton (John) Golden Remains — 1688 847 Hale's (T) Account of New Inventions in a Letter to the Earl of Mar^bourgh ■ 169! Note in this Book. Many curious Particulars in this Book, more ejpecially a Prophetic Pajfagt relati-ve to the Duke of Marlborough, p. x l v i i . L 1848 Hale's [ 74 i 3 T ll ll 5 3 ;, ; A , / - Z - 7 - j / , z . i - u 3 (J ^ i 2 J i i/ J -J 3 - it 848 Hale's (T.) Account of New Inventions 1691 849 Halfpenny's Defigns for Chinefe Temples, Triumphal Arches, tic. 3 parts, nuitb a great number of plates, 1750 850 Halifax's (Marquis of) Advice to a Daughter 1734 851 Halifax's (Marquis of) Mifcellanies Glafg. 175 I H52 Hall's (Jofeph) Virgidemiarum, Satires Oxford, 1753 853 Hall's (Jofeph) Virgidemiarum, Satires *'£. 1753 854 Hall's (Jofeph) Virgidemiarum, Satires, firfl edition, fcarce, Land. 16c 2 855 Hall's (Bp.) Difcovery of a New World This Engiijh Edition of Bp. Hall's Mundus Alter fcf Idem is not eafy to be met nv'th. 856 Hall's {Bp.) Triumph's of Rome over Defpifed Prc- teftancy — — — — — — 1667 8C7 Hail's (Bp ) Meditations and Vows, gilt leaves 1621 858 Hallet's Notes on Scripture and Difcourfes, 3 vol. 1729 859 Hallifax's Analyfis of the Roman Civil Law, Cambridge, '774 860 Hallifax's Sermons on the Prophecies, at Warburton's Lecture ■ ■ ■ 1776 861 Hamilton's, of Bangour (William) Poems Edinb. 1760 862 Hammond's Practical Catechifm - 1677 863 Hanbury's Hiftory of the Charitable Foundations at Church- Langton, 1767— Hayes's Anecdotes of the five Mufic Meetings on the above Account 1768 864. Hanfomenefle (Difcourfe on Artificial) — . 1656 865 Hanway's (Jonas) Account of the Society for the Encou- ragement of the Britilh Troops, in Germany and North America, large paper ■ 1760 866 Harding's (Eliz.) Anfwer to Gordon of Glencat'3 Memoirs '734 867 Harington's (Sir John) Nuga Antiqua, 2 vol. '775 858 Harington's (Sir John) View of the Church in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James, fcarce 1653 See Note in this Book. 869 Harmer's Outlines of a Commentary on Solomon's Song, 1768 870 Harmer's Oblervations on divers Paflages of Scripture from Voyages and Travels — — 1764 871 Harmer's Obfervations on divers Paflages in Scripture from Voyages and Travels, 4 vol. »7/£> & c« 872 Harris (John) on the Deluge ■ 169/ 873 Harris's (Mofes) Englifii Lepidoptera: or A urelians Pocket Companion, 1775— Forfter's Catalogue of the Animals of North-America ■ 1771 1874 Harris r 7 i [ 75 ] ' - 1874 Harris (Jofeph) on Money and Coins, 2 parts 1757 ■? - 1875 Harris's (William) Life of James the rirft 1753 - 1876 Harris's (William) Life of Charles the Firft 1772 -1877 Harris's (William) Life of Oliver Cromwell *77 2 '% 1878 Harris's (William) Life of Charles the Second, 2 vol. " 1766 / ^ 1879 Harris's (James) Philological Enquiries, 2 vol. 1781 J^ -. 1880 Harrifon's (Michael) four Sermons ■ ■ ■ 1721 N. B. The Author of this Book cut the Types him/elf and ^ Printed it at St. Ives. '/, ~~ 1881 Harte's Life of Guftavus Adolphus, 2 vol. 1767 |£ T" j88z Harte's Amaranth, or Religious Poems, plates 1767 - 1883 Harte's Effays on Hofbandry — 1770 1884 Hartley on Millenium — — — 1764 5 Hartlib's Herefordlhite Orchards, 1657— Idea of Arith- metick, 1655 — Partridge's Art of Numbering by Rods, , 1648 K * 1 886 Hartlib's Clavis ApocalyptUa ■■ 1 65 I * - j 887 Harvey's Conclave of Phyficians — — — 1683 ' — ) I 888 Harwood on Temperance and Intemperance l 7%4 1 1 889 Harwood on Temperance and Intemperance 1774 <- - 1890 Harwood's Editions of the Claffics » 1775 3 _ 1891 Harwood's Liberal Tranflation of the TVew Teftament, , 2 vol. 1768 y - 1892 Hatzfeld's Cafe of the Learned — — 1724 ' - 1893 Hatzfeld's Cafe of the Learned, gilt leaves 1724 -c - 1894 Hawkins's Sermons at Bampton Lectures Oxford, 1787 / . 1895 Haworth's Defcription of the Duke's Bagnio and of the Mineral Bath and New Spaw — — 1683 1896 Haynes's (John) Great Britain's Glory: or Account of the Poor employed in the Woollen and Silk Manufac- tories ... 1 1 715 - 1897 Hayne's (James) Travels into Turkey, Egypt and the Holy Land ■ — — '774 1898 Heath's Glories and Magnificient Triumphs of Charles the II. 1662 "* ^1899 Heath's Flagellum, or Life and Death of Oliver Crom- well, tuith head of Cromwell > 167^ / See Note in this Book by G. North. 4 V) 1900 Hebrew Literature ; viz. Bate's Hebrew Grammar, 17;! —Remarks on the Progrefs of Oriental Learning, fince the Reformation, 1746 — The Creation the Ground Work of Revelation, and Revelation the Language of Nature, Edinh. 1750 — Aboab on Sharp'.s Eiohim and Berith, J751— Vocabula Hebraica cum paucis Chaldai- h % cisi a 3 r 7« ] » cis, lend, i 7 50-^ Brekell on the Hebrew Tongue, 1758 Drufii Alpnabetum Hebraicum, 4to. Franek. 1587 — Bennet Grammaiica Hebraea . Land. 1727 / - igol Hebrew Language (Eafy Method of Learning the) 1744 / 3 I902 Hecquet's Hiftory of a Savage Girl / >903 Henley's (Orator) Primitive Liturgy — — 1726 / - 1904 Henley's Hebrew Grammar "i ■ 1720 9 1905 Henley's Letters and Advertifements concerning Whifton, J - 1906 Henley (Sam ) on Virgil's fourth Eclogue, the Allegory in the third Georgic, and the Primary Defign of the ^Eneid, with Remarks on fome Coins of the Jews, i 7 plate ■ ■ 1788 o " *9°7 Henry and Frances (Letters between), 6 vol. 1767, 70 •*• - 1908 Henry and Frances (Letters between), 2 vol. 1757 A - J 909 Henry the VlHtVi Primer, zd edition — The A. B. C with the Pater Nojier, Ave, Credo, and X Cpmaundements in Englyjhe — _____ 1536 1910 Henry the FIHth's Primer— 'Imprinted at London by Edivard Whitchurch, 1 5 46 191 1 Heraclitus Chrijiianus, or the Man of Sorrow 1677 1912 Herbert of Cherbury's (Lord) Antient Religion of the Gentiles -•■ ■ 1705 1913 Herd's Tryal of Dramatic Genius, and other Poems, 1778 1914 Hermippus Redivi'vus, or the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave >■ '749 1915 Heron's Letters of Literature, 1785 — A Letter to Mr. Heron ■■ _____—— 1786 1916 Herport's Truths of Importance to Mankind, morocco, 1768 1917 Herring's (Archbp.) Letters to Duncombe 1777 1918 Hefiod, tranflated by Cooke — — — 1740 1919 Hefptri-nefo-graphia, or a Defcription of the Weftern Ifle, in Eight Cantos • — — 17 16 1920 Heylin's Help to Englifh Hiftory ■ 1709 * y 1921 Heylin's Help to Englifh Hiftory — — - I709 2j<> 1922 Heylin's Help to Epglifh Hiftory — — — 1709 / -. 1923 Heylin's Help to Englifh Hiftory, by Wright, platet, '773 2JUARTQ. } . J - 9 / 3 / / 3 _, / 3 Z - 9 [ 77 3 1 >. r- / a > „ ' A y / QUARTO. 1924 Falconar's Journey from Joppa to Jerufalem See Note in this Bonk. 1925 Falconer on Climates 1926 Falkner's Defcription of Patagonia •— 1927 Fergufon's Aftronomy, plates > 1928 Fergufon on Civil Society 'Ob 1 i 1751 1781 *77* 1756 1708 1930 Fefiival (The) • ■ imprefus Rotbomagi, 14.9$ In this Book (which is in Englijb), at the End of each Fef- ii-val, is a Narration of the Life of the Saint, or of the particular Fejlival. 193! Fejlival (The), with wooden cuts, compleat tmprynted by Wynken de Worde, I 508 1932 Fifher's Heart of Oak the Britifh Bulwark 1933 Fifher's Sentimental Fables — 1934. Fitzherbert on Policy and Religion f / - f 6 ]/X ? - 1764 1775 1 606 1935 Fitz-Stephens's Defcription of the City of London, 1772 1936 Folkes's Tables of Silver and Gold Coins 1745, &c. 1937 Folkes's Englifh Coins (Plates to it), with many MS. notes 1938 Forms of Prayer, from 1563, &c. 7 vol. 1940 Forfter's Hoplocrifmafpongus, or Sponge to wipe away the Weapon Salve, with Flludd's Anfwer to it, 2 vol. »73« 1 941 Forfter's Obfervations in a Voyage round the World, 1778 1942 Fouguet's Maxims of Solomon ■ ■ 1736 1943 Fowler's Desmonium Meridianum, or Satan at Noon, 1655 1944 Fowler's Damonium Meridianum, or Satan at Noon, 1655 1945 Francis's (Ann) Translation of Solomon's Song 1 7 81 1947 Gales Court of the Gentiles, odd Volumes 1948 Gaming (Art and Myftery of) detected — 1726 1949 Gardner's Account of Dunwich, plates — '754 1950 Garthwaite's Evangelical Harmonie — k ^34 195 1 Garthwaite's Evangelical Harmony — J 734 1952 Gaule's Mag-AJlro-Mancer, or Magicall-Aftrological Di- viner puzzled . - — — 1652 1953 Gedde's Book of fundrie Draughtes for Glaziers, with the Manner how to Anniel and Paint in Glafs, with figures of patterns, and MS. notes by Dr, Lort, 171 5 — Alfa a Treatife fitting forth the Art of Limning aud Paint- ing for Coats of Arms - •• 1588 1954 Genefts -/- h i< [ 78 ] V 1954 Genefis (Book of) in the Indian Language ^0 (3 195 5 George's (Barnaby) Hufbandry, 1 5 86,- wants title — Tu/ftr's Hufbandry, I 590 — The Gardiner's Labyrinth, I 5 86——— Mi/col's Art of Planting and Grafting *- ;- J956 Gilpin's Damonologia Sacra - l &77 3 / 1957 Glafi's Hiftory of the Canary Iflands 1764 /Q 1958 Godartius on Infe&s, plates — — — — ' i68z / . 1959 Gcdwyn's Mofes and Aaron ■ 1685 9 1900 Goodman's Penitent pardoned, plates • 1 679 / v 1961 Goodman's Great Myfteries of the Chriltian Religion, / , . . . ,6 53 * 1962 Goodman's Myfteries of the Chriftian Religion '653 Z - 1963 Gorden's Difcourfe of Natural Baths and Mineral Waters 1631 S y -- 1964 Gofpels of the Fower Evangeliftes, tranflated out of Latin into the vuigare Toung of the Saxons, printed by y J.Dayetitfi / " 1965 Gofpels (The Four), in the Malaye Tongue, Oxf. 1677 'u - 1966 Gough's Anecdotes of Topography ■ 1768 H^ -I967 Gough's Britifh Topography, with Notes and other Ad- , , ditions, 2 vol. •■- ■ ■ ■ 1780 ' ' - 1968 Graham againft Medical and- Chirurgical Practice, Bath, _ 1778 See Note in ibis Book, and a Head of the Doclcr himself, and a Letter from Mrs. K. Macaulay, and Extracts frtm ^ News Papers- A -^1969 Grant on the Origin of Society, &c. ■ 1785 / y 1970 Graunt on the Bills of Mortality ■ ■ 175Q X fr 197 1 Gray's Life and Works, by Mafon, _ 7 la 13 y h 7 :r ?/4 '* 7 7 t 79 ] FOLIO. 976 Foulis on Confpiracies of pretended Saints 1 674 977 Fox's Book of Martyrs, cuts, imperf, . — — 15&6 978 Fox's Battledoor for Teachers - 1660 979 French Virtuofi, their Philofophical Conferences, 2 vol. i66>, Ac. 930 Fryer's Travels to Eaft India and Perfia 1698 981 Fuller's Pifgah Sight ■ 1650 982 Fuller's Church Hiftory — ■ 1655 983 Fuller's Church Hiftory, 2 vol. ■■ 1655- 984 Fuller's Worthies of England ■ ' 1 662 985 Fuller's Holy State, heads —— — — 1642 986 Gage's Survey of the Weft Indies j 1655 987 Genealogies of the Sacred Scriptures, by Speed 988 Geographical Dictionary, interleaved ' - 20C0 HIerocles on the Golden Verfes of Pythagoras, Glafg« i . , »75 6 K ' 2001 Hildrop's Mifcellaneous Works, 2 vol. — '754 ' - 2002 Hildrop's Reflections on Reafon '■■■ — 1729 / - 2003 Hildrop's God's Judgments upon the Gentile Apoftatized / Church — — — - 1713 ' b 2004 Hill's (Tko.) Natural and Artificial Conclufions 167O Z . 2005 Hill's (Sir John) Adventures of George Edwards, a / Creole I7JI <\0. 2006 Hill's (Sir John) Foflils Arranged — — 1771 Z. q 2007 Hill's (Sir John) Foflils Arranged, 1771— His Idea of » Artificial Arrangements of Foflils • ■ ■■■ 1774 * 2008 Hill's (Abraham) Familiar Letters — 1767 ' "" 2009 Hills (Henry) on the Propagation of the Soul 1667 f . 2010 Hifioria Litter aria ; or early Account of Valuable Books, 4 vol. ■ 1731 -v - 20H Hiftorical Extracts relating to the Laws, Cuftoms, &c. of France, from Velley ■■ ■■ 1769 2 Hiftorical Collections of Britain ■ 1706 3 Hiftorical Collections of Britain ■ ■■ I706 2014 Hiflory of the Rebellion in 174$ and 1746, Aberdeen, 175? -< J 2015 Hiftory of Englilh Tranfattions in the Eaft Indies, Cambridge, 1776 ■*| y 2016 Hiftory of Charles II. ■ 1660 Z ,. 2017 Hiftory of the Man after God's own Heart, 1761 Letter to Dr. Chandler, by the fame Author 1772 ^ - 201 8 Hiftory of the Englilh and Scotch Prefbytery, ivitbfron--* . tifpiece ' — — ■ ■ ■■ '659 ' ~ 2019 Hiftory of Jewels < 1671 3 * 2020 Hiftory of Margaret, commonly called Peg, only law- „ ful Sifter to John Bull, nvttbMS. key — 1761 ** - 2021 Hiftory (Secret) of Perfia, with Key and Explanatory / Notes 1745 ■Z 6 2312 Hiftory of the Englilh and Scotch Prelbytery, ixiitb/ron- / tifpiece — • 1660 2023 Hiftory (Political) of the Devil — 1754 See Note in this Book. (201: )2or / 6 2024 Hiftory of the Englilh College at Doway, 1713 Keir's Defence of the Clergy of Doway College 1714 / 2025 Hiftory of Conformity ■ ■ ■ ■- 1704 a 2026 Hiftory of London Bridge, and other Bridges on the Thames, plates — — 1 758 " 2027 Hiftory of the Balearick Iflands, tranflated by Colin Campbell, map »> <<> ■■■■— 1716 3028 Hiflory it 2062 Howe's Devout Meditations - Ediab. 1762 See Nc:e in this Bock. < - 2063 Howell's (James) initruftions for Forreine Travell, 1642 3 . 2064 Howell's (James) Inftruclions for Forren Travell, with . bifid of Charles the Second at J 9 years eld 1650 ' - 2065 Howell's (James) Familiar Letters, from 1618 to 1650 Aberdeen, 1753 2066 Hcwel's (William) Elements of Hiftory — 1700 2067 Kowel'b (Thoma?) PaiTage from India through Armenia and Natolia, ivith map ■ ^7^7 , 2068 Boyle's Games x / 2969 Huarte go Ecucation — — * > 1734 ' ^ 3070 Hu3rte's Tryai of Wits, by Bellamy — 169S X / ' y 2071 H u brer's Political Hiilory of all Nations 1756 2 6 2072 Hues on the Globes, byChilmead — — 1659 See N&e it this Bock, y 2073 Huet's Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients, 1 7 1 7 * 2074 Hughes!* (W.) Mj-^er ?r.d Abingdon, or open Rebel- . lion there, and unha^pr' Tumult here Oxf, 1657 ' ~ 2075 Hughes's (John) Lay- Monkery — 1714 <-' - 2076 Hughes's (O,) Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Iremon- ger — - — — 1745 Sa hcte in this Book. y 2077 Hunter's (Chfiftoper) Durham Cathedral, Durham, 1733 * 7 2078 Hunter's (Tho.) Observations on Tacitus 1752 Z 2079 Hunter's (W.) Account of the Kingdom of Pegu, CW- cut/a, 1785 * V 20S0 Hunting (Efljays on) Z\ 6 20$ 1 Huntingford's Introduction to the "Writing of Greek Oxford, 1782 3 2082 Huntington's God the Guardian of the Poor and the Bank of Faith, ivith head, 1786 — with other Works of /his, and Letters to him — 2083 Hume's EiTays, 2 vol. *^— Edinburgh, 1742 2084 Hume's M J . ' 2084 • x 2o8? ^ 4 2086 ^3 , 2087 20* / >* - 2089 7/9 the 3 z I 2090 2091 2092 2093 ' 2094. 2095 - 2096 2097 •*■ ^ 2098 / 6, 2099 *2-0 2100 A — 2JOI 2IC2 v- 2103 « 2IO+ ^'2105 - 2lo6 7 2107 A 2108 6 2109 -2110 ' C? 2112 // / 2"3 6 *i.H /L 2115 [ 83 3 Hume's Effays, firjl edition — Edinburgh, 1 741 Hume's Inquiry Into the Principles of Morals I7>J Hume's Inquiry into the Principles of Morals 1751 Hume's Life of Himfelf, 1777 — Letter to Adam Smith on Hume, 1777 — Courtney Melmoth's Apology for the Life and Writings of Hume, 1 77 7 Letter to Courtney Melmoth on his Apology for Hume, Exe Hume's Dialogues on Natural Religion i Humphreys's Account of the Society for Propagating Gofpel 1736 Hurd (Bp.) on the Marks of Imitation, Cambridge, 1757 — -Hard's Idea of univeifal Poetry, 1766 -Taylor** Remarks on Hurd's Marks of Imitation, 1766— War- burton's Letter to Concanen on Poetical Imitation Hurd's (Bp.) Dialogues on Foreign Travel Hurd's (Bp.) Moral and Political Dialogues Hurd's (Bp.) Sermons on the Prophecies, at Warbur Lectures ■■■ ■ " Hurd's (8p.) Sermons, 3 vol. Hutchinfon's Works (Abftraft of John) Edinb, Hutchinfon's (Bp.) Effays on Witchcraft Hutchinfon's (Bp.) Defence of the Antient Hiflor Dubl. Hutchinfon's (Gov.) Biftory of MaiTachufet's Bay, \ Hutchinfon's (John) Confufion of Tongues Hutchinfon's (W.) Ekcurfion to the Lakes Hutchinfon's (W # ) Excurficm to tiie Lakes, plates, Hutton's fCha^) Princip es of Bridges Ne-wca/l/e, Hutton's (W.) Court of Requefts Birmingham, Hymns for Lady Huntingdon'^ Chapels Hymns (Moravian) — — - — . Hymns (Moravian) ■■ Hymns (Original Sacred) ■ Hymn's (Moravian), 2 parts ■■■ Hymns to the Supreme Being in Imitation of the E James the £rft King of Scotland (Poetical Remain Edinb. James (R.) on Canine Madnefs Janeway's (James) Life and Ueath of John Janeway, Idler, 2 vol. - ■ Jeamfon (Thomas) Artificial EmbeUifhments. or belt Directions How to Prcferve Beauty Oxf. See Note in this Book, Jefferies on Diamonds and Pearls, plates 1751 764 759 on'a 772 777 753 720 ans, 734 76s 73i 774 776 772 787 784 763 749 776 754 tern 780 o£), 783 760 690 761 Arts 665 M 2 2116 Jennings's M z 6 [ *4 J * 2 1 16 Jennings's (David) Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals — — by Bojkerville, 1764. / " 2117 Jennings's (David) Jewifh Antiquities, 2 vol. 1766 '*• - 2118 Jenynys's (Soame) Works, with Life by Cole, 4 vol. 1790 3 .2119 Jenyngs's (Soame) View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion ■ 177^ See Note in this Book. 2120 Jenyngs's (Soame) Difquifitions on Several Subjects, 1782 — Bp. Watfon's Anfwer to it, 1782 — Eflay on Valour, 1776 2121 Jenyngs's (Soame) Nature and Origin of Evil 1757 < 6 2122 Jenyngs's (Soame) Nature and Origin of Evil, 1758 — Review of it ■ '759 2123 Jenyngs's (Soame) Nature and Origin of Evil 1773 2124 Jenyngs's (Soame) Internal Evidence of the Chriftiart y. Religion ■ - 1776 x / 2125 Jefts and Stories, Epigrams, Epitaphs, and Riddles, 1630 * (f 2126 Jewifh Forms of Prayers, Hebrew and Englijh, by Meyers a, and Alexander — ■ 553° / 2127 Iliffe's Modeft Remarks on Ep. Sherlock's Sermons, 1755 . and for luhicb lliffe 739 ' - 2129 Index to the Statutes from 1763 to 1781 1782 < ' 2130 Index to the Spectators, Tatler, and Guardian '757 / - 2131 Indian (The) Gloflary -__——. 1775 2132 Indian (The) Primer and Milk for Babes, Indian and Eng, — — ■ Bojion, 1 720 7 2I 33 Inoculation made eafy . 1766 ' l> 2134 Injlitution (The J of a Chrijltn Man Londini in JEdibus ^ Tbo. Bertbelet, 1 5 37 - 1 - 2135 Inflections for Matters, Traders, Laborers, &c. 1699—. Inductions for Children, 1698 — Inftructions for Youth, 1698— Inftructions for Apprentices and Servants 1699 ^ * 2136 Inftructions for Travellers, by Rob. Earle of Eflex, Sir Philip Sidney and Secratary Davifon, 1633— Inftructions / for Young Gentlemen ■ '633 / 2J37 Inftructions and Devotions for Hearing Mafs l 7 2 S '. a Ji^D Inftructions (Secret) of the Jefuits ■ 1723 - 2139 Inftructions for a Young Lady ■ ■ ■ ■ 1777 / «. 2140 Intelligencer (The) ■ - , Dub/in, 1729 ■3 - 2141 IntereUing Letters from the Public Papers, 2 vol. 1767 / 2142 Internal Policy of Great Britain ■ '7^4 ' ) 2143 Invalidity of Proof by Similitude of Hands 1744. ■V » z'44 Joel's Introduction to Englifh Grammar l 77y See Note in this Book, 2145 Johnfon's V. [ 85 ] ' 4 3 7 /o I 7 3 Jo A 2145 Johnfon's (Henry) Introduction to Logography, 1783— Memoirs of William Ged, and his Progrefs in Black f Printing — 1781 7 2146 Johnfon's (J.) Pfalms Explained ■ ■ ■ — 1706 ' < J 2147 Johnfon, of Cranbrook's, Poflhumous Works, and Life by Brett > 1748 -3148 Johnfon, of Cranbrook's Collection of Canons, &c. of x. / the Church of England, 2 vol. — — 1720 £ ^ 2149 Johnfon's (Ben) three Flays -2150 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Rafielas, Prince of Abyfiinia, 2 vol. >7S9 % '2151 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Rambler, 4 vol. ■ 1771 ' 2152 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Life of Savage — — 1777 ^2153 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Dictionary of the Englilh Language, 2 vol. in one ■ ■ 1760 -^154 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Works, vol, 14th. '778 * *j 2, 55 Johnfon (Life of Dr. Sam.) by Sir ]ohn Hawkins 1787 /* this Book, is a Note written by Dr. John/on to Dr. Lort. 2156 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Journey to the Weftern Iflands of Scotland 1775 In this Book is contained the cancelled Part of Page 48, rela- tive to Lichfield Cathedral', like-wife the canceled Part of Page 296 refpecling the Cave at Egg, and the Tranf- aSion there ; Afo Parts of Re-vie-ws and News Papers, concerning Dr. Johnfon ; t-wo plates, MS. Copy of a Letter tf Dr. Johnfon's. And Henderfon's Letter to y Johnfon on his Journey to Scotland, 1776 " 2, 57 Johnfon (Letters to and from Dr. Sam.) by Mrs. Piozzi, n . 2 vol. 178S . .2158 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Prayers and Meditations 1785 4 21 59 Johnfon (Life of Dr. Sam.) -with head, and Extract from * Hay ley s Dialogues • ■ 1785 /-2160 Johnfon (Dr. Sam.) Political Pamphlets 1770, &c. JZ 2161 Johnfon's (Dr. Sam.) Lives of the Engliih Poets, 8vo. 4 vol, 1 - . 1 ' ■ 1781 /, See a long MS. Note in this Book, and other Matters. 3 2 1 6z Johnfon's (Sam.) Philofophic Mirrour, or View of Human Oeconomy, morocco, inlaid, border of Gold, gilt leaves, y Dublin, 1763 / - 2163 Joineriana, or Book of Scraps, 2 vol. — 1772 3 - 2164 Jones's, of Pluckley (Rev. Mr.) Journey to Paris by Way / of Flanders, z vol. — — ^— *777 4 2165 Jones (Proceedings againft Edward) Bp. of St. Afaph, 1702 — Parfons's Sermon on reading his Majefty's Order for [ 86 3 for preventing the fpreading of the Diftemper among the a Cattle — — — — 1746 2166 Jones's (Huw) Collection of Poems, in Welch, Llundain, Z >7 6 3 * ,2167 Jones's (Sir W.) Poems, tranflations from the Afiatick A / Languages ■■ " Ox/ 1772 ^ ' 7 2168 Jones's (Sir W.) Hiftory of the Life of Nader Shah, 1773 * 2169 Jones's (James) Collection of Epitaphs, 2 vol. in one, compleat, there being no more of the id vol. publijbed, X Weftminjltr, ijzj J -2170 Jones's (Row.) Circles of Gomer, with an Eiiglifti I Grammar ■■ .. 1771 - 3171 Jones's (Sir Tho.) Rife of the Society of Antient Britons, morocco, /mall tooled, gilt leaves, large paper l 7*7 / This nvas the prefect Book to the Prince of Wales. / 1 2172 Johnfton's (John) Conftancy of Nature — 1657 a * 2173 J ortin's Remarks on Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, 5 vol. 1751 ' "2174 Jortin's Sermon*, 4 vol. ■ 1771 ^ 217$* Jortin's Truth of the Chriftian Religion 1746 '0 -2176 Jortin's Remarks on Ecciefiiftical Hiftory, 2 vol. 1767 / v f 2177 JofTelyn's New England's P. rrities, cuts 1672 Z 6 217S Joflelyn's Voyages to New England 1674 3 2179 J ourna l °f tne Refolution's Voyage in 1772, 3, 4, 5, j chart and cuts — — — •■■ - ■ ■■ 1775 4 -2180 Journey into England and Holland in 1706, 7, 1711— . /. NefTel on Spaw Waters *7i4 * 6 21 81 Journey through England and Scotland with the Army to n fupprefs the Rebellion in 1746 '747 " 2182 Journey into Spain - ■■ ■ - 1670 2183 Journey through Italy, Greece, Egypt and Palefline, &c. 1739 See Note in this Book. 2184 Journey through Scotland n ' m ' «n 1723 4 -2185 Journey to the Hebrides, by a Lady, with Remarks on \ Johnfon's Journey * a 1 86 Irvin's Villare Scoticum • • < - Edinb. 1682 2187 Junius's Letters — — «■ ■■ '779 2188 Junius's Letters, 2 vol. in one — 1783 7 - 2189 Jurieu's Critical Hiftory of the Church, z vol. 11705 ] 3 3193 Kelham's DifTertation of Selden Annexed to Fleta, tranf- L lated ■■ ' • 1771 H , 2194 Kelham's Domefday Book illuftrated — — 1788 219; Kennett (B ) on the Apofties Creed — — 1705 / /1 2196 Kennett's (B.) Sermons - ■ 1715 3 _ 2197 Kennett's (B.) Antiquities of Rome, plates 1731 2198 Kennet's (White) Funeral Sermon of William Duke of Devonftiire ■ 1708 2199 Kennet's (White) Cafe of Impropriations 1704 * 2200 Kenrick on Jenyngs's Internal Evidence of the Chriftian Religion — • — • — — 1 776 2201 Kenrick's Poetical Epiftles Philofophical and Moral, plates \ executed by Dr. Kenrick him/elf • '759 •y ~ 2202 Kentifh Companion ■ 1780 ' 2203 Kerfey's Dictionary of Hard Words, ivants title 4 v 2204 Kettilby's Importance of the Hebrew Language 176a » See Note in this Book. - \ 2205 Kettlewell's Danger of Profufenefs and Prodigality, 1705 * /2206 Keys's Practical Bee-Mafter, plates ^0 2207 Keyfler's Travels through Germany, Bohemia, &c." / plates, 4 vol. - 1760 1 A 2208 Kidder on the Mefliah, 3 vol. — — 1684 ^ t0 2209 Kincaid's Hiftory of Edinburgh, plans Edinb. 1787 2210 Kinderfley's (Mrs.) Letters from TenerifFe, Brafil, Cape of Good Hope, and Eaft Indies '■ 1777 QUARTO. A J /22U Guthrie's Englifli Peerage ■ 1763 J& (1 2212 Gay's Fables, plates, by Baron, Fourdrinier, £jfr. 1727 See Note. '0 -2213 Gypfies (Differtation on), from the German, by Raper , / «787 /{' 6 2214 Ha&luyt's Voyage to America, plates, Land. byWoodcooke, 1582 2215 Hanway's Defecls of the Police the Caufe of Immora- lity l?7S 2 2216 Han way on the Defecls of the Police — 1775 * - 2217 Hardwicke's (Lord) State Papers, 2 vol. 1778 / / 2218 Harleian Mifcellany, vol, 1. ■ '744 * (l 2219 Harleian Library Pamphlets (Catalogue of the) // l . 2220 Harman's Caveat for Commencur/elors, vulgarly t ailed -va- gabonds , '■< (1 2222 Hawkins's General Hiftory of Made, plates, 5 vol. 1776 3 2223 Hearde's Sentimental Journey to Bath and Brifto),,&c. a . Poem ■ . 1 ' ■■ 1778 j f 3224 Heath on Job ■ ■ ,.,1756 * b 2225 Hendley's Defence of Charity Schools — 1725 i" 3226 Henley (Orator), a\ MS. Leclure as delivered by him , ; March 2, 1 755^ at his Chapel, Clare Market J /$* () 2227 Henry's Hiftory of Great Britain, with head and maps t / 5 vol. in rujjia • — — — 1771 " v 3228 Herbert's Lord Herbert of Cherbnry, with head 3 - zzzg Heroic Epiftle to Dr. Watfon* and other Mifcelianeous , Correfpondence ■ ■■ 1780 4 ^2230 Heylyn's Hiftory of St. George of Cappadocia,fu>;7£ head ofHeylyn — 1633 A) ^2231 Heywood's Life of Ambrofius Merlin, with his ftrang* „ Prophecies — — —— 1641 ** 3232 Highmore on the two Paintings on the Cieling at the • Banquetting Houfe, Whitehall ■ ■■ ..— 1754 ^ 2233 Hill's Urania, or Complete View of the Heavens 1754. ' ' 2234 Hill's Sermons — ■■ ■ •— ■. ^49 / ■ 3235 Hill on Gardening and Bees *574 % > 3236 Hill's Review of the Royal Society ■ - 1751 Z h 22 37 Hiil's Materia Medica 175' /) . 2238 Hiftory and Annals of Queen Elizabeth, with fronts/- n piece • — ■■■ - 1625 * / 2239 Hiftory (Famous) of Montelion, Knight of the Oracle / 6 224* Hiftory of the Church of Great Britain — 1675 5 2241 Hogarth's Analyfis of Beauty — — '75$ n ■" 2242 Homer Burlefqued . - J 77* / /0 - 324*3 Kooke's Roman Hiftory, 3 vol. — — — — ' 1738 1 2244 Hoper's Anfwer unto my Lord of Wynchefter's Booke, A Detection of Devyls Sophiflrye pryntyd in Zurich by Aug. Fries, 1547 2245 Hopkins's Difcovery of Witches, with drawing of the frontifpiece, and MS. notes, 1647 Relation of the Examinations and Confeflions of the Witches executed in Efltx, 1645 A Magazine of Scandall of two in- famous Minifters, Fowkes and Lowes, for Witchcraft, 1642 2246 Howard's (Lord) Defenfative againft the Poyfon of fup- pofed Prophecies ■ -' - 1583 2247 Howard's State of the Prifons in England and Wales, with feme Account of Foreign Prifons, plates *777 2248 Howard on Lazarettos and Prifons, plates 17^9 2249 How- W 3 Jo A / 4 /, 1 89 ] 2249 Howgrave on the Ancient and Prefent State of Stam- ford — — 1726 2250 Hutchinfonian Mifcellanies ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ '735 ' /2251 Hugh Peter's Tnle* and jells 1660 V ° 2252 Hugh Peter's Works 2253 Hume's Eflays, with MS. remarks • '7)8 2254 Hutchinfon's Letter to a Biihop, and other Trails 1735 2255 Jacklon's Chronogical Antiquities, 3 vol. 1752 ? > 2256 James's JefuitVDownial — — - — 1612 / o 225'' Jew Bill (Quellions and Reply to) • 1753 2258 Index to Campbell's Britannia elucidated, vol. 1 2259 Index to the Holy Bible 2263 Injunctions given by the King's Mojejlse, as well to the Clergre as to the Laitie of this Realme, with Sermones and Homilies * imprinted by Grafton, 1 547 G 2261 Injunctions, Artichs, and Canons of Edward VI. 1547 a?id of ^ueen Elizabeth, 1559, 1 5 71, 1 575» l<;8o. 1591 2262 Ihftru&ions to the Commiffioners for the New Code of Ruffian Laws . — ■ . •• 1768 2263 J ones,s Practical Phonograph, or Art of Spelling 1701 "* 2264 Johnfon's Dictionary, 2 vol. ■ ■ 1 785 » 2265 Juftification of the War with the Netherlands, witbfculp- tures by Hen. Stubbs ■ ■ 1672 FOLIO. 2267 Hammond's Works, 4 vol. ■ 1675, &c» - 2268 Harleian Manufcripts (Catalogue of), with Index, 3 vol. 1759 ' 2270 Harleian Catalogue (Preface to the Index of) 1763 - 2271 Harrifon's Defcription of England This" is a Part of Hollinjbed's Chronicle. ■ 2272 Heath's Chronicle - - 1676 2273 Herbert's Travels into Africa and Afia — 1664 2274 Heywood's Hierarchie of bleffed Angels, plates 1655 - 2275 Hill's Eden, or CompleteBody of Gardening, plates, 1757 2276 Hill's Account of the Ottoman Empire — 1709 2277 Hill on Timber, explained by the Microfcope, with plates. This cepv is on large taper ■ *77° ■ 2278 Holinfhed's Chronicle, vol. 1, zd edit. y 2279 Holmes's Academy of Armory ■■■■ — 1688 /; 2280 Homijh Apothecarye, or homely Phyfick Bcoke, tranf.aied by Hollybujh — imprinted at Collen, 1^61 N 2281 Hooka's L 90 ] *' /■■ 2281 Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Politie —— — . 1666 „ ^ '■' 2282 Houghton's Papers on Trade and Hufbandry, 1692, &c. **■ 2283 Horfeley's Britannia Romania, plates •• '732 / / 2284 Howe'.'s Proverbs, or old Sayd tawes and Adages 1659 '0 6 2285 Howei's Perelluitration of the City of London 1657 3 2286 Howei on the Precedence of Kings — 1664 / 2^99 King's (Bp.'W.) Inventions of Men in the Worfhip of God ••— » — ► — — 1694 A 'i •-, 2300 King's (Bp. W.) admonition to the Diffenters of Derry, > , ,694 // /• iyj\ Kirby's Suffolk Traveller, map colour ti — '764 6 2302 Kirby's Suffolk Traveller — — — Ip/iuich, 4735 }{' -/ 2303 Kir.kman's Wits, or Sport upon Sport, 'very jcarce JZ 2304 Kirkman's Unlucky Citizen, plates, with Jrontifpiece, Scarce — — — — 1673 -*■ 2305 Kirkpatrick's Sea-Piece, a Poem ■ 171 5 § . £^306 Knight's Life of Dean Colet, plates — — 1724 2397 Knowles 's / [ 9' ] 2307 Knowles's and RycautV Turkifh Hiftory, by Savage, heads, 2 vol. , ... 1701 2308 Knox's Obfervations on the Liturgy ■ ■ «7«9 2309 Knox's Extra Official State Papers, 2 vol, 1789 2 - 2310 Kew (Delcription of) Gardens and Buildings, plates /) J2311 Ladantius's Death of the Primitive Perfecutors, by Bur- _ net Amji. 1687 2312 Ladantius's Death of the Primitive Perfecutors, by Bur- net ■ ib. 1687 3 Ladantius's Death of the. Primitive Perfecutors, by Dal- rymple — . Edinb. 1782 ' ~~ 2314 Ladies Calling, gilt leaves 1675 ' -2315 Ladies Calling, 1671 — Gentleman's Calling, 1673 / / Government of the Tongue ' ■■ 1674; ■ 2316 Ladies Calling, gilt leaves • l°73 2317 Lad'-es Calling ■ — — I700 O 23 \8 Ladies L ailing, gilt leaves • 1693 23:9 Ladies Calling ., 1673 2320 Lambe's (R.) Hiftory of Chefs - *70+ 2321 Lambe's (Charles) Abridgment of Pearfon on the Creed, Z l?1 * "2322 La Motte oiv Poetry and Painting ■ - 173 1 / 2323 Lampe's Art of Mufic - 1740 Z. 2 3 2 4- Landed Property (Ancient Trads on the Management of) ■ ■ ■ «7 6 7 232; Langhoroe's Sermons, 2 vol. ■ '767 2326 Langtoff's (Peter) Chronicle, by Hearne, large paper, vol. 2d. ~ 2327 Lardner's Credibility of the Gofpel, vol. 12th. 1755 - 2328 Larkham's twelve bermons 1652 . 2329 LafTels's Voyage to Italy, by Wilfon Paris, 1670 See Note in this Book. ,2330 Lauder and Douglas, Pro and Con upon Milton, 1750, &c. See Note in this Book. ' 2331 Lavington's (Bp.) Moravians compared and deteded^cj 2332 Lavington's (Bp ) finthuliafra of Methodilt and Papilts compared, 2 vol. '749 - 2333 Lavington's (Bp.) Enthufiafm of Methodift and Papifls / Compared, 2 vol. in one 1 75 3 2334 Law Quibbles — — — — ' 7 2 4 3 / 2 335 Laws for Quebec (Plan of a Code of) — *774 This Book was never publijl^ed, only distributed to Privy n Counjellors, andfome of the Author's Friends. L - 2336 Law'« (William) Serious call to a Devout Life N 2 2337 Law's u A 6 23 1 6 6\. M. 3 Z L r Z } yo 6 i C 9 2 ] 2337 Law's (Bp.) Theory of Religion Camhridge, 1755 5 (2338 Law's (Bp.) Theory of Religion — Lend. 1759 ) 2 339 Law's (Bp.) Theory of Religion Carlifie, 1784. / d 234O Law's (Bp.) Theory of Religion Cambridge, 177 4 x is >/^.2 34.i Leake on Englilh Money, plates ■■ 1726 jfr/G * />«34.2 Leake's Account of Englilh Money, />/<2/ y 2363 Letters from the Weftminfter Journal - 1747 3 2364 Levi's Rites and Ceremonies of the Jews '784 0' - 2365 Lewis's (Richard) Robin-Hcod Society, a Satire in Verfe, , '756 > - 2366 Lewis's (John) Journey to Tunbridge Wells, a Poem, 1693 U 2367 Lewis's of Mergate (John) Hjftory of the Tranflation of the Bible, plate ■ ■ 1 739 2368 Lewi$'s of Mergate (John) Life of Wicliffe 1723 / 2369 Lewis's 7 ~] i I [ 93 ] // / 2369 Lewis's (Thomas) Antiquities of the Hebrew Republick, , 4 vol. # ■ 1724 q 2370 Library (The) or Moral and Critical Magazine for 1761, 2 vol. in one 2371 Life and Death of the Rev. Mr. Angier 1685 2372 Life of Ephraim Triftram Bates, commonly called Cor- poral Bates . s 756 * 2373 Life of Betterton, the Tragedian ■ 1710 " 2374 Life and Uncommon Adventures of Captain Dudley Bradltreet ■ ■ ■ — — - Dubl. 175 5 "" 2375 Life and Character of Count Bruhl -, 2376 Life and Writings of Chilling worth, by Des Maifeaux, 1725 7 2377 Life of Mr. Charles Churchill _~— 1765 l> / 2378 Life and Adventures of Daniel De Foe — . '719 2379 Life of Elizabeth Daughter of the King of Hungary, 1632 2380 Life of Sir Stephen Fox, 1717— Eyre's Sermon at his Funeral _— . „ 1716 " 2381 Life of Dr. Fuller 1661 * « 2382 Life of Hales of Eton, by Des Maizeaux, 1719— — « Birch's Life of Dr. Ward of Grefham College 1766 £ " 2383 Life of Sir John Holt • 1764 y s *• 2384 Life and Writings of the Rev. John Jackfon ^64 " 2385 Life of Dr. Sam. Johnfon, by Dr. Towers 1786 / 2386 Life of the Emperor Julian ■ ■■ l 7\6 3 ' 1 2387 Life and Writings of Dr. Lardner — - ■ 1769 2388 Life of Dr. George Leyburn ■ 1722 ^389 Life of Dr. Owen 1 '75$ 2390 Life of St. Paul, by the Bp. of GrafTe, tranflated by E. D. / ,6 53 ^ " 2391 Life of Anthony Earl of Shaftelbury — — 1683 . ~ 2392 Life of John Lord Somers • 1716 "* 2393 Life of Bp. Stillingfleet -- I710 / . 2394 Life and Death of George Throckmorton, 1706 — Miftris Shawe's Tomb-ftone, or the Saints Remains, 1658 — Collings's Life of Mary Simpfon, 1649 — His Funeral Sermon of Mary Simpfon, 1649— Barett's Life of the ? Rev. William Reynolds ■ 1698 ^ - 2395 Life of Tho. Tryon, Merchant, by Himfelf 1705 2396 Life and Letters of Voltaire — — — '777 2397 Life of Lady Warner ■ 1696 3 - 2398 Life cf Peter Williamfon (French and Indian Cruelty f exemplified in the) — — ■ ! 759 > - 2399 Life oi'Tho. Wilfor. of Maidftone ■ ■■ ' ■ 1672 2400 Lilly's / / 3 ? 'V i / k / & 6 [ 94 3 2400 1 ) Hiftery ofhw Life and Times, 1715 — I Vrtet — — - 1717 2401 Li! y's (Willi; ro) Irue Hiftaiy of James and Charles the Fnft • ■ ■ 1715 2402 Lilly's (William) True Hiflory of James and Charles the Firft - ■' ■ 1715 2403 Lindfey's Liturgy ■■ " ■ ■ 1 774 2404 Lindfey's Liturgy ■ ■ — 1 785 2405 Lindfey's Apology on Refigning the Vicarage of Catte- rick, 177c — His Sermon at Opening the chapel Sequel to the Apology — — — 1776 2406 Linnacus's Vegetable byftem, No. 1, — *77* 2407 Liil of the Company's Civil Servants at their Settlements in the Eaft Indies _______ 1778 2408 Littleton's Tenures, Fr. and Eng. •• 1671 2409 Littleton's (Rev. Edvv.) Sermons, 2 vol. 1735 '2410 Liturgy (Moravian), in Latin « 1555 2q.ll Liturgy, in German - Rotterdam, 164 5 2412 Liturgy, in the Armenian Language, plates, morocco, 1706 2413 Liturgia Judaica, or Jewifh Forms of Prayer 1740 2414 Liturgia Tigurina, or Book of Common Prayer at Zurick, ^ in Switzerland ■■■ ■ 1693 ■> - 24*5 Liturgy (New) of the Church of England '763 6 - 2416 Lives of Fathers Angel, Ben iet, and Archangel, c.nj>'jrgh), 2 vol. ■ 1773 (2473 Magazine (index to 27 vol. of the London) 1760 J(l y'2474 Magazine (Political) for 1780, 1, 2 and 3, 5 voL 1780 J2475 Magazine (Town and Country) for 1769, 70, 1, 2, 4 vol. 1*69 /£ (2476 Magazine (Different Numbers of the European) for 1782, ft - . r 3 and 4 I2477 Magazine (European) from 1782 to 1784, 5 vol. 1782 /£ % 2478 Magazine (European) for 1785, 1787, 1788 and 1790, fome Numbers wanting A {2479 Magazine (Odd Numbers of the Gentleman's) " ] 2480 Magazine (Gentleman's) for 1740, 1 and 1750, 3 vol. * - 2481 Magazine (Gentleman's) for 1738, 1756 and 1763, 3 vol. impf. 2. / ~ 2482 Magazine (Gentleman's) from 1733 to 1763 both inclu- five, with Index to the firfl 20 vol. making altogether 26 vol. the Years 1737, 1741 and 2, 1745, J730, and f. 1757 are wanting. ) W - 2483 Magazine (Gentleman's) from its Commencement in 1731 to the Month of September 1790 inclufive, complete^ with Ayfcough's Index 68 vol. the Year 1790 in Num- bers 2484 Magdalen (Account of the) Hofpital — — 1776 2485 Magick (Syftem of) ■■ 1727 - 2486 Mahrattah State (Rife cf the), translated from the Per- fian by Kerr -■ ■ - ■■■ — — — 1782 - 2487 Maillard'a Cuftoms and Manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets Savage Nations 1758 2488 Mainaduc's / / I I 97 ] 2 2488 Mainaduc's Cures (Account of) with Pamphlets and - Extracts from News Papers 2489 Main waring's Life of Handel ■> < * 1760 / - 2490 Mainwaring's Sermons m Cambridge, 1780 d y ,2491 Malcolme's Trac'ts illuftrating the Antiquities of Great Britain aod Ireland . 1 744. 2492 Maiden's Account of King's College, Cambridge, 1769 2493 Mai on again ft Bleeding •■■ '774 •4 - 2494 Mandeville's Free Thoughts on Religion *7 2 9 3 - 2495 Mandeville's Origin of Honour — — '73 2 - 2 49^ Mandeville's Fables of the Bees, 2 vol. — * 1724 2 - 2497 Mandeville on Hypochondriack Diforders 1711 ■* M 2498 Manki and Englifh Catechiim, by Bp. Wilfon 1707 * - 2499 Manners, tranflated from the French — — « 1752 Z . 3500 Mann's Four Gofpels and Ads of the Apoftles 1783 ^ U A R T 0. * - 250J Keith's Catalogue of Scotch Bilhops — 1755 2 ; 2502 Kempe on the Education of Children in Learning 1588 fO - 2503 Kenedy's Defcription of Wilton Houfe, plates I769 / „ 2504 Kennet's Attempt for Founding an American Library* '0 o 2505 Kenrick's Dictionary of the Englilh Language '773 & -2506 King on Ancient Caflles , ,. , -. 1782 o 2507 Lambarde's Defcription of England and Wal«s 1 730 ■? - 2508 Lamy's Introduction to the Holy Scriptures 1723 // - 2509 Laney's (Bilhop) Sermons ■ • '675 -* - 2510 Langbam's Garden of Health, wants one leaf J 597 / - 2511 Lawyers Light and Directions ■ 1629 /- -2512 Le Llerc's Harmony of the Evangelifts — 1 701 < —2513 Lee's Statute Law of Ireland Common Placed *734 / - 2514 Leigh's Accedence of Armorie 2 -2515 Leman's Engifh Etymology ■ j 781 d % . 25!$ Lewis's Propofal to the King and Parliament, or a large Model of a Bank - - 1678 / / See a long Note in this Book. 1 v 2517 Lewis's Materia Medua m 1 768 * '2518 Life of Martin Luther 1621 \7 * 2519 Lindfay's Voyage to the Coaft of Africa in 1758, map * and plates ■» . 1 7 SO ^2520 Linton's Art of Navigation -—» 1600 J ..2521 Lille's Saxon Treatife concerning the Old and New Telia* merit, written about the Time of King Edgar, by Elfricu» O Abbas, y [ 98 ] Abbas, 1623— His Ancient Faith of the Church of Eng*'« Jand touching the Sacrament, 1623 — Fart of Dubarta's r y French and Englilh, by Lille ■ ■ • 1625 y 2$tz Lithgow's Difcourfe of Rare Adventures 1640 3 6 2523 Lives and Deaths of Modern Divines, ivitb their por- ; traits ■-». 1651 3 2524. ktyff Giveddi Gyffreain a Givenidoguetb y Sacramentum . printed by BUI, 1634, " 252; Lloyd on God's difpofing of Kingdoms — 1 69 r J - 2526 Locke on the Epiilies — 1751 JZ. - 25^7 London Chronicle, 6 vol. from Beginning, Part of Firfb wanting -V 1 - 2528 London Chronicle, 6 vol. from 1757 to 1770, beginning / at the Second Volume, 26 vol. / 6 2 52fi*Loid's Difcoverie or the Seel of the Banians, with frott- tijpitce — — 1630 2529 Lowthorp's Index to Fhilofophical Tranfaclions Abridg- ed 1735 -2530 Loyalty of Prefbyterans ■ '73° ,2531 Macknigiu's Harmony of the Gofpels, 2v0l.ini 1 763 3 (j 2532 Macpherfon's lntfoduition to the Hiftory of Great Bri- . tain ■■ 1 77 1 72533 Macpherfon on the Ancient Caledonians I76& A (> 2534 Macpherfon's Fingal .. 1762 / ^2535 Magna Britannia (Introduilion to), map and cuts 172a / 2536 Matin's Report of all the Succeje of Fanagofa '572 ^ - 2 5 37 Marfden's Hiftory of Sumatra — ■ '784 / 2538 Martyr de Novo Qrbe, or Hiftorie of the Weft Indies, containing the Actes and Adventures of the Spaniards 1612 * 2539 Maryland (A Relation of), with map and charts 163 5 4 - 2540 Mafon's Englilh Garden — Eflay on Gardens, &c. 2 25 4 1 Mafon's New Art of Lying, or Jefuit's Equivocation, / 1624— — -Mafon on the Chriftian's Faft 1627 "2542 Malters's Hiftory of Corpus Chriiti College '753 / - 2543 Matty's General Index to the Phrlofophical T/anfac- , tions ■ — — 1787 4 ""2544 ftfercurius Aulicus ■■ ■ 1 64 3 ■* y 2545 Merrick on the Pfalms ■ ■ 1765 3 755 6 . 2548 Milton's Paradife Loft, Book I. with notes, Glafg.1750 2549 Milton's [ 99 ] Oh 2549 Milton's Paradife Loft printed by Bajkerinlk, ^759 >X e 55° Milton's Paradife. Regained, and his Sampfon Agohiftes . by Bajkerville, 17 59 ? 2551 Moll's Maps to the Greek and Latin Claflics 1739 ■* 2552 Morality of the New Teftament ■ I 7^5 A. - 2553 Mordecai's (Ben) Apology — — — - 1771 h 2554 Morley's Canzonets, i6c6 — Keeper (Lord) North 00 1 Mufic, 1677 — Salmon on Mufic y 255$ Morgan's Language of Arms by rhe Colours and Metals * " 1666 ^ A 2556 Mouette's Travels in Fez and Morocco during his Capti- * vity there *" 2557 Muggleton's Anfwer to William Penn the Quaker 355s Muggleton's Acts of the Witnefies of the Spirit, itiih heads MS- remarks, and notes '^99 Ludowick Muggleton, born in Bifoopgate-Street, 1609; . Put Apprentice to John Quick, a Taylor. Married a Virgin of 19, a-tat fuse 22. Another Virgin of 39, setae 32. A Third Virgin, Wife of 25, setat 53. Chofen a Prophet - - 165 — . 2559 Muggleton's and Reeves's Volume of Spiritual Epiftles, elegantly bound, nxjttb a head of Muggleton underneath a MS. note • — 1755 n M FOLIO. v - 2560 Infpeclor, or the London Advertifer and Literary Gazet- 7 teer, 2 vol. 1751, &c. ' 1. 2561 Ifaacfon's Chronology ■ • !0 33 / "- 856* Ifaacfon's Chronology, interleaved — ■■ 1 635 Q -2563 Kennet's Regifter cf Matters of Fadls ■ ■ 1728 7 - 2564 Kennet's Regifter, Ecclefiaftica) and Civil, of Matters of A Faft _— i 72 € . 2565 King's- Lynn (Port of), Hiftory of its Navigation 1725 ' , " 2566 King's Plates of Roman Coins, never published ^ 7 2567 Laud's Remains — — — ■■ 1700 4 O 2-68 Leigh on Religion and Learning ■ 1663 '0 - 2569 Le Neve Fajli Ecelefite Anglican* — — 1716 4 - 2570 L'Eftrange on the Litturgies of the Church of Eng- v land ■ ■■ l &$9 / ' 2571 Lewis's Hiftory of England • 17^9 "V, •» 2572 Lewis's Hiftory of Wales, with Notes by Hugh Thomas -^2573 Lloyd's Memorials, from 1637 to 1660 1677 O 2 2574 Lhayd's 4 t *°° J ■'<> *574 Lhuyd's Archaologia Britannica *7°7 * / 2575 Lightfoots Harmony of the New Teftament 1655 .£ O 4576 Litterary Fly (The) — — 1779 ■y „ «576*Lomatius on Painting, plciet ■■ ■ - '59* -. 7(2577 Loredano's Afcents of the Soul ■ . . .. 1 681 J 6)1578 Loredano's Agents of the Soul - 1681 // {, »j79 Lower's Voyage of Charles II, made into Holland, bead and plates Hague, 1660 N. B. A very Uncommon Book, containing many curious Par- ticulars. 2580 Machiavel's Works, by Patricke — — 1602 '0 ~ 2581 Madox'b Exchequer —— — - I7» I 2 - 2582 Madox's Index to the Hiftory of the Exchequer 174 1 /0 - 2583 Maitland's Hiftory of London — - »739 /$ . 2584 Major's Ruins of Pceftum, plates ■■ 17 08 //' h 7 5^5 Major's Ruins of Pceftum, very fine imp regions 1768 In the Beginning are MS. Observations and Letters of Dr. Lort on the Publication. Eleventh Day's Sale, OCTAVO & Infra. 4587 T\ /TANUALL of Popilh Prayers Calais, 1599 1*588 J.VX Manwood's Foreft Laws, by Nelfon 1717 3589 Marine Society — — ■ '757 *■ 7 2590 Markland's Sermons, 2 vol. in one ■ '7*9 Z 6 2591 Markland's Sermons, 2 vol. . ■ 1729 // 2592 Markland's Sermons, 2 vol. in one » 1729 / - 2593 Markland's Sermons, 2 vol. in one — — '729 / - 2594 Markland's Sermons, 2 vol. in one - '7*9 / - *595 Markland's Sermons, 2 vol. ■ ' 1729 3 ■ % 596 Marmontel's Belifarius — — - — '774 2. . *S97 M arma 'l' s (Edmund) Evidence of the Probability of a Specifick for the Gout ■ l 77<> y - 3598 Marftiall's (Jofeph) Travels through Poland, Flanders, n / Sec. &c. 3 vol. ■ — — • 1772 <■ #599 Martial (Seleft Epigrams of), Lat. and E»g. by Hay, / r '755 2600 Mar* t 'O. ] - $600 Martial's Epigrams, with Mottoes from Horace, tranf- lated, Imprinted, &c. by Scott --— 1773 - 2601 Martin's (Gregory) Difcovery of the Corruptions in the Heretic Tranflations of the Holy Scriptures, Rhemei, 1582 -2602 Martin's (M.) Voyage to St. Kilda, map, 1753 — Descrip- tion of the Jfiand of Shetland 1755 -3603 Martin's (M ) Weftern iflands of Scotland, map and plate, with MS. Notes of To/and, Copied from one in Dr. Mead's Library ■■ - ■■■ ■ *7°3 1/ -2604 Martin's (M.) Wcftern Iflands of Scotland, map and plate, with MS. Notes by Telandfrom Dr. Mead's Copy 17 16 I n / See a very long Note in this Book. a / 2605 Martyn (John) on the ^Eneid's of Virgil 1 770 VZ-o 2606 Martyn (of Sidney College Camb.) Chronological Series of Engravers, interleaved nuitb MS* Notes and a curious / engraving by Hans Baldixyn in 15 20 Cambridge, 1770 r /2607 Martyn's (Thomas) Elements of Natural Hiftory,/£. 1775 3 6 2608 Martyn's (Thomas) Catalogue of Plants in the County of Cambridge — — ■ ■ j 763 2609 Mafham's (Damaris Lady) Thoughts on a Vertuous and Chriftian Life '— 1705 \n Prefented by Lady Majham to Dr. Lort. W- 7 2610 Mafon'sfW.) Anthems York, 1782 b () 261 1 Mafon's (W.) Englifh Garden, a Poem, with Commen- . tary and Notes by Burgh • ib. 1783 ^ - 2612 Mafon (John) on Harmony of Numbers, 1749— —His Power and Harmony of Profaic Numbers, 1749 — ^'* Eflay on Elocution, 1751 — Dr. Johnfon's Plan of a / Dictionary, a Letter to Lord Chefterfield 174.7 ^ ^2613 MalTey's (James) Travels and Adventures 1 743 < ,-2614 MalTey (W.) on Milton's Paradife Loft — 1761 $ (f 2615 MalTey's (W.) Barbarous Words and Phrafes in Latin 2 Authors ■ " ■ ■ ■ 1755 J - 2616 MalTey's (W.) Origin and Progrefs of Letters 1763 K - 2617 MalTey's (W.) Origin and Progrefs of Letters, MS. addi- tions > ' '76? a Note The Additions probably by Emanuel Aujlen. 4 2618 Mafterman's (Mrs.) Anecdotes ol a Convent, 3 vol. 1771 1619 Mafterman's (Mrs.) Memoirs of Mrs. Williams, 2 vol. 1 77 f 2620 Mafters's Life of the Rev. Thomas Baker, with head from Bridges ', by Simon -.. I784 J 6 2621 Materiality or Mortality of the Soul of Man 1729 See an ExtraS in this Book from Blackburne's View of the . Controverjy on an Intermediate State. p- - 2622 Mathematicall Recreations, by Van Etten, plates 1633 2623 Mat- [ 102 ] / /\/6 '/ 4623 Matthew's (Edward) Glorious Star of King Charles If. « / '6°4 < 6 2624 Mathews's (Sir Tobie) Colle&ion of Letters 1660 Note in this Book. Tbtfe Letters are almo/l all real Letters _ that bad beenfent to different Per/ons. - 3625 Matthews's (William) Life of Thomas Letchworth, Bath, 1786 2626 Maty's Sermons ■ 1788 - 2627 Maty's Review, 10 vol. ■■ 1782, &c. / -2628 Mauduit on the German War 1760 / ^ _ 2629 Maundevill's (Sir John) Voiage and Travaile, large paper, * 1727 ^ - 2630 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerufaiem, plates, A Oxf.l 7 H 3 '2631 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerufaiem, 1721 See Not? in thh Bock. ■^ - 2632 Maxims and Reflections upon Plays, 1609 — Anderfon's Reafons that the Stage is an Unchriftian Diverfion, X £ dinb - '733 - 2633 May's Arbitrary Govenment difplayed to the Life in the o Usurpation of Oliver Cromwell 1690 "^ - 2634 Maydman's Naval Speculations and Maritime Foliticks, n «6 9 I *■ - 2635 Mayhew's Charier and Conduft of the Society for pro- pagating the Gofpel, 1763 — Seeker and Apthorpe / againft him, and both his Defences ' - 2636 Mayo's Life and Death of Dr. Staunton 1673 A *&yj Mead's (T.) Conftrudtion of Maps andjGlobes 1717 6 3638 Mead (Life of Dr. Richard), 1755— Sir Tanfield's Le- mon's Life of Dr. Richard Mead ■ 175? N. B. In ibis Book is contained various MS. Notes and Ante dotes, Legacies in his Will, and Dr. Mead's Epitaphs j for 'Judge Reeves and Mr. Topham, is'c. \ " 2639 Meadianum (Mufeuml, priced, a*d purcbi/en names, ^755 y / 3640 Meadianum (Mofeum) priced, and pur chafers names, 175? tO 2641 Meadianum (tVlufeum) and Catalogues of Picture?, Prints, and Drawing';, and Gems, all of them priced, and plates . of antiquit.es / < f 2642 Mead's different Works, large and fmall paper, 9 vol. . 1751, &c. ' ~ 2643 Medical Regifter - « 1780 ' - 2644 Meditations, collefted from the Sacred Books 1750 2 -2645 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Brit lin i'/*3. £ 2646 Memoirs of th« Life and Adventures of Tfonnonthouan, a King of the Indian Nations, called Roundheads, 2 vol. ■ ' ■ ■■■■■■ ■ 1763 2^47 Memoirs / 2647 Memoirs of Maitre Jaques, of Savoy, 2 vol. 1775 - 2643 Memoirs (Secret) and Manners of feveral Perfons of Qua- / lity, from the New Atalantis, 2 vol. — 1709 6 2649 Memoirs of Lieut. Hen. Timberlake, who came with the three Cherokee Indians to England in 1762, with draft of the Cherokee country . 1 765 - 2650 Memoirs of Mr. Des-Ecotais, Prieft and Preacher of the Order of Capucins . — — 1677 2651 Memoirs of the Portuguefe Inquifition — 1761 265a Meriton's Hiltory of England 1675 - 2653 Mercurius Rujlicm, or the Countries Complaint againft / the Sectaries, with frontifpiece 1723 6 2654 Merrick (James) on the Fourteen Firft Verfes of the Firft Chapter of St. John's Gofpel, and to the End of the Third Chapter, 2 Parts, 1764 — 7 — Letter to Whar- ton on the Compofuion of Greek Indexes 1764 2655 Mefnager's Negociations at the Court of England 1736 / J 2656 Method to Learn to Sing by Book 1686 I 2657 Mezzotinto(Hiftoryofthe Art of) Winchefier, 1786 - 205 S Michell's Hiltory of the Young Chevalier, with a bead, »74 8 See Note by Dr. lort, and another upsn the Print of the Head, iy G. North of Codicote. 2659 Microcofm (The), with frontijpiece, 40 Numbers 1787 7 2660 M>ddleton's Letter from Pome ■ 1742 O 2661 Miles's Praftical Meafurer ■ 17 40 > 2662 Milan's Coins, Weights, and Mcafures — 1747 d / 2663 Millar's Diftiaftion of Ranks in Society 1773 6 2664 Milles (Life of the Rev. Ifaac) 172 1 * 2665 Milner againft Gibbon Tork, 1781 O 2666 Milton's Paradife Loft, a Poem, 2 vol. Glafg. 1750 2667 Milton's Paradife Loft and Regained and other Poems, plates, 2 vol. . 7onfon t i7i5 2668 Miniature (Art of Painting in) 1750 ~ 2669 Minority (Hirtory of the late) . 1766 - 2670 Mirac'es (Hiitory of) Jntwarp, 1606 - 2671 Miracles (Scripture Doftrine of), 2 vol. / 2672 Mirror (The), 3 vol. ■ 1781 2673 Mifcellanecns Correfpondence ; containing Effays, &c. fent to the Author of the Gentleman's Magazine,/^™*, , 74* 2674 Mifcellanies Hiftorical and Philological 1703 - 2675 Miffionary Letters, 2 vol. 1707, 9 — Poncet's Voyage to Ethiopia ■ •'709 Note in this Book. Thefs are curious Letters. 2676 MiJEonary / / 3 . / - /" 9 rf 1 . 4 At- / . J . 3/ [ 104. ] 2676 Miflionary Priefts (Memoirs of!, 2 vol. — 1741 2677 Miflbn's Travels over England, Scotland and Ireland, 1719 2678 Molefworth's (Lord) Account of Denmark 1694 2679 Monboddo's (Lord) Origin and Prog re f> of Language, 2 vol. Edinb. 1773 2680 Monier's Hiftory of Painting Sculpture, &c. >099 2681 Montague (Memoirs of the late Edward Wortley) Ef / ,7 °9 * zyjB Owen's (N.) Britifh Remains; or Collection of Antiqui- - ties relating to the Britons » ■ '777 >2779 Oxford (The) Guide, map and plates 3 6 2780 Oxford (The) Saufage, plates, 1764 — Companion to the / Guide and Guide to the Companion - 6 2781 Oxford (Pocket Companion for) - 1768 P 2 2782 Oxford J 3> f 3 6 ? / 6 i ffi > / & V z. b z - 3 [ «o8 ] 2782 Oxford Graduates from 1659 to 1782, 2 vol. 1772, 8» 2783 Ozell's Logic, or Art of Thinking •■ 1723 2784 Paeke's (Mac) OIK.ATA, orNutihells; being Ichnographic Diftributions for fmall Villas, plates ■ 17&5 2785 Page's Art of Shooting Flying 2786 Paley's Hora Paulina _______ 1790 2787 Palmer's Four Months Tour through France, 2 vol. 1776 2788 Palmer's (Samuel) Nonconform^! s Memorial, heads, 2 vol. 1 — _ — 1775 2789 Pancirollus's Memorable Things Loll, 2 vol. in 1, 1715 2790 Paris in Miniature ■ 1782 2791 Parilh Clerks (Company of) Remarks on London and Wdlminiter ____, 1732 7 • 2792 Parker's View of Society and Manners in High and Low 3 Life, 2 vol. - ■ ■ — — 1781 / " 2793 Parker's (Benjamin) State of the Antediluvian World, 1 748 *V - 2794. Parfons's (James) Analogy between the Propagation of Animals and Vegetables 1 ■ »7?2 2/9 1 ) P ar *° ns ' 3 (Rev. Mr.) Dialogues of the Dead with the Living — --- —- — — 1779 QUARTO. •j 2796 Mulcafter's Pofitions for Training Children, written title 1 $ 8 1 2797 Nafmith's Catalogue of the MS. in Corpus'Chrilti Col- lege, nvitb bead of Nafmitb, by Ty/on — - ■ 1777 2798 Naturalifts journal 2799 New England Verfes ■ Bojlon, 1761 2800 Newton's Philofophical Difcoveries, by Maclaurin, 1748 2801 Newton's Chronology of Antient Kingdoms 1728 2802 Nichols's Anecdotes of Bowyer 1782 2803 Nichols's Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, No. I. 2. 5. 12. 19. 2C. 25. 26. 27. 36. 39. 42. 44. 45. 2804 Noble on the Mint and Coins at Durham, plates 1780 2805 Ncrdcn'* Defcription of Cornwall, maps 1728 23o6 Norden'6 Drawings of ColoiTal Sratues at Thebes I74I 2807 Norden's Middiefex and Hertfordfhire, wttb maps and MS. notes at the beginning • ■ '7*3 2808 Norden's Ruins of Thebes, plates — — 1741 *8c9 No th's Life of Dudley Noic. - ■ *744 «8lo North Pole (Probability of reaching the) difcufied 1775 «8ll Nortbbrooke's Dicing, Daunctng, Paine PL yes or Interlude, iy/<}—P.ainoid9's Overthrew cf Stage-Plays, Ox/. 1629 2812 Northern A i / / *t ■ / t A A - /* 3 -2815 Occafional Papers on the Deifh, ivith MS. index bynxhom they iK ere wrote ■■ ' ,0 97 2816 Odes and Poems on feveral Subjects — 1 745* &c. A , 2817 Ogle's Gems 3 ^,2818 Ogle's Gems — — 1737 // 4 2819 Old Baiiey Proceedings, from 1729 to 174.6 inclufive, 8 vol. /'(] a 2820 Old Bailey Proceedings, from 1761 to 1778 inclufive, 18 vol. / v 2821 Old Bailey Proceeding', for 1756, 7, 8, 62, 67, 68, 69, 6 vol. 2822 Old Bailey Tryals, from 1788, riot complete, a large Parcel 2823 Oratio Harveiana, by Sir William Browne, with his Vindication of the College of Phyficians, and his other „ / Works "y V 2824 Ordinances and Tracls relating to Prefbyterians, 1646, &c. J - 2825 Ordinances and Regulations for the Royal Houfhold, with Ancient Receipts in Cookery — «790 2826 C'Halioran's Hiftory and Antiquities of Ireland, platts t / 1772 f " 2827 Owen's Natural Hiftory of Serpents, plates >74* K , 2828 Oxford's (Catalogue of the Earl of) Collections, plates, «? - 2829 Puget on the Hereticks and Sectaries of thefe latter Times ' 1645 v 2830 Paley's Moral and Political Philofophy — 1786 - 2830*Palmer's Effay how to make our Travai'es in Forraine Countries, more profitable and honourable 1606 283! Papers relating to the Bookfellers Bill 'Z - 2832 Parke's Hijiorie of the Great and Might ie Kingdoms of . China — 1 588 ■ - 2833 Parkinfon's Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, / flates 1773 & I* 2854 Parfons's Remains of Japhet ■> - 2835 Patrick and Lowth's" Commentaries, 16 vol. / ?• 2836 Paule's Life of Whitgift ■ ■ — - 16/2 -v d 2837 Paynel's Regimen San'taiis Salerni 3 - 2838 Pe^cham's Complete Gentleman ■ ^34 ■h J 2838*Pearce's Commentary on the Four Evangelifts, 2 vol.1777 '-< - ?%39 Peck's Defieerata Curio/a ■. ■ *779 2840 Peck's 1 t /A / / C no J K 2840 Peck'# Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell — — 1740 6 «. 3840*Pegge's Diflertations on Anglo-Saxon Remains, 1756 Catalogue of Coins of Canute, plates and MS. *, notes ■ - ■■ ' '777 J* / 2841 Pegge's Memoirs of Roger de Wefcham 1761 J u. 2842 Pembroke's Englifh Coins /fr [ } 2843 Pembroke's (Earl of) Medals and Coins, with his Eng- lifh Coins, an elegant copy ■- '■ 1746 / JO ■ 2844 Pennant's Tour in Scotland and the Hebrides 17721 plates, 2 vol. — — — — 1774, &c. / 2845 Pennant's Journey from Chefter to London, plates 178a ^ 2846 Pennant's Journey to Snowden - 1781 JO - 2847 Pennant's Journey in Scotland 1769, plates, Warring' f ton, 1774 H -2848 Pennant's Tour in Wales, 1770, 1773, plates, 2 vol. n 1773, &c * -2849 Pennant's Antiquities and Scenery in the North of Scot- land, plates — — — >■ 1780 2850 Pennant's London, tuitb MS. additions, plates 1 790 $ 7 6 J J FOLIO. 2 , / 2850*Manilius's Sphere, a Poem, by Sherburne 1675 4 6 2851 Maunfeli's Catalogue of Englifh Printed Books 1595 '„ - 2852 May's Kiftory of the Parliament {640 — 1647 J "2853 Mede's (Jofeph) Works - ■ » 1677 '$ - 28*4 Melchior's Turkifh Drefles, plates Hamb. 1726 A -285 s Melvil's Memoir- — — 1683 * -2856 Memoirs of Litterature ■■ • 1712 / - 2857 Milles's Catalogue of Honor - 1610 -0 1.2858 Miller's Gardener's Dictionary, plates — 1733 / // fa 2859 Minfhew's Dictionary in Eleven 1 anguages 1 6 17 This avas the Pre/gntation Bo$k to Queen Anne. - 2860 Mexican Picture Writing, taken from Purchas's Pilgri- mage, cuts - 2861 Moliner, Bibliotheque de St. Geneve Par. 1692 - 2862 Montagu's Aft; and Monuments of the Clfurch 1642 // .. 2863 Montfaucon's Antiquities of France, plates, 2 vol. in one ■ ■ '750 J 2. , 2864 Montfaucon's Antiquities, with Supplement, 7 vol. in 5, / plates — — — 1711 '3 h 2865 Morant' Eilex, with the Colchefter, 2 vol, plates 1768 £ „ 2866 More"; (Sir The.) Dialogues, imperfeSl Emprynted at London by Rajitll, 1529 2867 Motraye r m ] 2867 Motraye (Voyage de), 2 torn. — — Haj e, 1727 - 2868 Moufeti Theatrum Infeflorum, Jig. — — 1634 - 2869 Mufes (The) Welcome 1618 - 2870 Navigation (General and rare Memorials pertayning to the perfect Art of) - 2871 Nero Cefar, or Monarchy depraved ■ 1624. - 2872 Newcaftle's (Marchionefs of) fociable Letters 1664. Twelfth Day's Sale, OCTAVO & Infra. ft - * 8 74 T)ARSONS's (Robert) Leicefter's Common -Wealth, JL to which is added, Leicefter's Ghoft, a Poem, nvith bead of Dudley Earle of Leicefter, by Marjhall 164.1 / See Note in this Book. This nvas Lord Battels. ' * 2875 Paterfon's Ecclefiaftkal State of London *7'4 ' * 2876 Patrick (Bp ) on the Pfalms — — — 1691 ^. 2877 Paul (Father) on Ecclefiaftical Benefices, by Jenkins, '/ *736 -i 2878 Paufanias (Extract out of) of the Statues, Pictures, &c. . in Greece — — ■ '758 * - 2879 Payne's (Sir Ralph) Loves of Mirtil, Son of Adonis, a #1 Paftoral, plates « 1770 H - 2880 Peacham's (Henry) Truth of our Times — • 1638 9 See Note in this Book. . ' 2881 Peacham's (Henry) Valley of Varieties — 1638 7 "j 2882 Pearce's (Bp.) Trads 1732,4c. Ay -.2885 Pearch's Collection of Poems, 4 vol, — 1775 . See Note in this Book. ~\ 2884 Pearfon's Sermons ■ 17 18 V6\ .2885 Peart's Continuation of Hudibrafs ■ ■ 1778 Note in this Book. It ivas never publijbed, only given to r his Friends ^ ^2886 Pelevv Ifiands (Shipwreck of the Antelope on the), ivitb a very conftder able MS. Remarks — «— 1 7 88 ~i 2887 Pennant's Tour in Scotland, plates > ■ 1772 * - 2888 Pennant's Britifh Zoology, plates, inttrleaved ttvitb MS. / Notes, extrafisfrctn Nevjs Paper s y lcofe prints, 2 vol. 1 7 68 28S9 Penny [ H2 ] * -tt8g Penny (The) Medley, 12 Numbers ■ 1746 ' - 2890 Percy's Key to the New Teftament - 1766 '0 - 2891 Percy's Reliques of Ancient Engiifh Poetry, ^ vol. 1767 •? - 2892 Perry's State of Ruflia, map — •> • ■ 1716 / ^2893 Perfius's Satyres, tranflated by Holyday — 1617 / 2894 Perfius (Satires of) Lat. and Eng. by Brewfler 175* / j 2895 Peters's (Hugh) Laft Legacy to his Daughter 1661 / 2896 Petty's (Sir William) Maps of Ireland / - 2897 Petvin's Letters on the Mind ■ 1 750 Z 2898 Phalaris's Epiftles, tranflated by W. D. — 1634 X. I) 2899 Phiilips's (W.) Principles of Law reduced to Praclice, 1661 2 \ 29DO Philipps's (Mich.) Difcourfes in the Royal Navy in 1756, 7 and 9 1775 J - 2901 Phillips's (Daniel) Defence of the Principles and Prac- / tices of the Quakers ________ 1703 / 6 2902 Philips's (H.) Grandeur of the Law, blue turkey, gilt / leaves • ■ 1684 ' 2903 Philological Mifcellany, vol. 1 — - 1761 J - 2904 Phipps's and Lutwidge's Voyage to the North Pole, maps and plate, 1774— Von Stshiin's Account of the New Northern Archipelago, by Heydinger, with map / coloured '77+ / Q 2905 Pietatas Oxonienfis : or Account of the Expulfion of Six Students from St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1768 Dr. Nowell's Anfwer to it, 1768 — Priefkraft Defended, a Sermon occafioned by the Expulfion of Six Young Gentlemen, from Oxford ■ 1 768 , See Note in this Book. / 2906 Pietat Rotnana cjf Parifietifif, or Account of Charities in Rome and Paris - 1687 / ./ 2907 Pike's (John Baxter) Forms for Public Devotion 1784 A . 2908 Pilkington (Memoirs of Mrs.), 3 vol. Dublin, and London, $ , »74 8 » 9 . ' 2909 Filpay's Fables, plates ~ •■■ ■ ■- *75+ ' * 2910 Pindar (Odes of) in Verfe, by Burnaby Green 1775 ^ 291 1 Pilkerton's Eflays on Medals, 1784— Jennings's (David) Introduction to the Knowledge of Medals, Lend, by ,, Bajfarviile, 1764 ^ -2912 Pinkerton's Origin and Progrefs of the Scythians or Goths, maps, nvith fe per ate MS. Remarks, and Abflrad from the / Reviews - .- 1787 29 j 3 Piozzi's (Mr«.) Anecdotes of Dr. Johnfon, iviib an Etched head of him from a drawing cf Mrs. Jack/on, and MS. Notes a nd Index, — — . _— . 1 7 8 6 2914 Pitt's t "3 ] 3 x 9914 Pitts's Account of the Religion and Manners of the Ma- hometans — — »' " ■ ' 1738 * Ste Note, from Watt ft Improvement r.f th Mind, ^ j 2915 Plague (Hillory of the) in London in 1065 and of the Plague at Marfeilles in 1720 ■ 1754 *• - 2916 Plailted journal from Bufferah to Aleppo, &c. >7S7 3 - 2917 Plaiited's Journal from Bufferah tu Aleppo, &c. maps, 1758 18 Plaiftow's Guide through France, map of J oft raadt, 17^8 [^ . *9«9 Planter's (The) Speech to his Neighbours in Pennfyl- vania 1084 f t / 2920 Plato's Apology of Socrates, by Mills, Cambridge, 1775 2921 Plato's Works, by Dacier, 2 vol. . ■■— J72O (*922 Plautus's Coinedies, by Thornton, vol. 2 *7?6 I2923 Playfere's (Th.) ten Sermons ■ 1610 See Note in this Book. u b 4 K r YO 1 •2924 Pluche's Hiftory of the Heavens, plates, 2 vol. 1752; y 7-2925 Plutarch's Lives, by Dacier, plates, 8 vol. 1727 2926 Poetical Amufements at a Villa near Bath, 3 vol. 1776 V -2927 Poets (Supplement to the Works of the Minor) 1750 $ ..2928 Pointer's Chronological Hiitory of England, 3 vol. 7 . ... ,7 ' 4 ' ,6 4 -2919 Pointers Antiquities of Oxford ■ '749 / ,. 2930 Political Characters, with Extrads from News Papers, »777 2931 Pollen's Fatal Confequences of Adultery 1772 Z - - 2 93 2 Pomfret's Life of Chriflian Countefs Dowager of Devon- , fhire ■ — -- ' 1685 U 2933 Pompadour (Hiftory of the Marchionefs de), 3 parts, 1758 934 Poncet's Voyage to ./Ethiopia ■ 1709 2935 Pool's (Matthew) Blafphemer Slain ■ 1654 2936 Poole's (R.) Traveller's Vadc Mecum, 2 vol, 1742 2937 Poor (Inftructions for cutting out Apparel for the) 1789 2938 Pope's Works, with Homer, 20 vol. not uniform, t ' I74°» & C» '2939 Pope's Works (Supplement to) < '757 / 72940 Pope's Effays, Epiilles and Odes 1775 2941 Pope's Effay on Man, MS. Notes by Ant. Purver, Dubl. "34 / ~2942 Pope and Aaron Hill's Letters — — 1751 Z *943 Pope's Effay on Criticifm, Rape of the Lock, and Ethic Epiftle ■ Aberdeen, 1 7 c 4. 5 J- - 2944 Pope's Effay on Man, interleaved with a great number of MS. Notes, ■ — — — 1748 O^. 2945 Pope'i / _ ////a [ H4 ] ^ / 2945 Pope's Works (Additions to), 2 vol. in one 1776 J V 2946 Pope's Works, plates, la>ge o3wvo, 9 vol. 1752 / > 2947 Popifti Offices - 167* / fo 2948 Popifti Prayer by Order of James II. — — 1687 / ^ *949 Popifti Hireftory -■ 1 762 Q 2950 Popifti Pagan the Fiction of Proteftant Heathen 1743 Z ~ 2 9S l Popery (State of) in England, 1723 — Eftabliftiment for relieving poor Profelytes, 1722, morocco, gilt leanjis / - 2952 Porter's (Jerome) Life of Edward the Confeffor, gilt . leaves . 171O " % • 2953 Porter's (Sir James) Obfervations on the Turks, 2 vol. n in one — — . 1768 *- ' 2954 Porteus's (Bp.) Sermon9, MS, Notes feperate 1783 / v . 2955 Porteus's (Bp.) Life of Archbp Seeker, and defence of his Letter to Walpole, on American Biftiops, Neiv- Tork, 1773 — Chandler on Seeker's Letter to Walpole, New-York, 1774 — iuith an Abundance of Extracts from i News Papers on the Jame Juhjecl. ^ "2956 Portrait of Life, 2 vol. . 177© / v 2957 Port Royal's Primitives of the Greek Language 1748 See Note iu this Book. 2958 Potter's (Archbp.) Antiquities of Greece, plates, 2 vol. 1728 2959 Potter's (Archbp.) Antiquities of Greece, plates, 2 vol. A / ,7 " fib 2960 Powell's (Tho.) Hiftory of Manual Arts, farce 1661 'v - 2961 Powell's Hiftory of Wales, by Wynne — 1697 3 2962 Powell's (W. S.) Sermons, by Balguy — 1776 2963 Pownall (T.) on the Study of Antiquities 1782 / - 2964 Practice of Piety 1638 Z - 2965 Prefcot's Saint Paul at Athens — Camb. 1770 / - 2966 Prefent for an Apprentice ■ 1742 / > 2967 Prefent for an Apprentice ■ Glafg. 1760 Q 2968 Prefent for an Apprentice ■ ib. 1750 *. (2969 Price's Diftertations on Providence, Prayer, &c. 1768 7)2970 Price's Sermons — — 1787 (2971 Prideaux's Directions for Church Wardens 1730 »»] -\2972 Prideaux Connections of the Old and New Teftament, ' 4. parts, 2 vol. — 1716 / (2973 Prieftley's Defcription of a Chart of Biography 1770 " . "^2974 Preftley's Defcription of a Chart of Biography 1767 Q - 297s Prieftley on Matter and Spirit, 2 vol. — 1777 Z - 2976 Prieftley on Education - 1765 Z 3 977 P r ' e ft' e y' s Letters to Bp. Horfley, Mr. Knowles, and Mr. Hawkins, in Defence of Unitarianifm 297 Primer- t 4 J 7 li l «'S ] ' «978 Primtr (The), in Englijb, wooden cuts, Pothomag ap, Robertum Valentinum, 1555 2979 Primtr (Tht), in Engli/h, Lone/, by Nycbolas Bourman, I 54O 2980 Primer (The), in Engiijb, Imprented at London by John Byddell, 1534. See Note in this Book. J -> 2981 Primer for the Ufe of the Mohawk Children, Eng. and Mobaivk '783 < - 8982 Prince's Chronological Hiftory of England, vol. i t Bo/ion, 1736 2983 Prior's Poems, 2 vol. ■ 1741 fr .. 2984 Proceedings in Covocation, 1554 — The Examination of "John Phiipot, Archediacon of Wincbejlre, ivith his Apology for Spitting on an Arrian < - 2985 Prologues and Epilogues (Collection of), 4 vol. 1779 Z - 2986 Proofs of the Enquiry into Homer's Life and Writings, • tranflated ■ • '748 '0 - 2987 Prophetical Warnings (A very compleat Collection of) by Lacy, Kingfton, Whitro, &c. &c. &c. 6 vol, 170^, &c. * <• 2988 Proverbs of Solomon methodized, Eng, and Latin, by H. D. 1699 ^ ~ 2989 Pruffia's (King of) Anti-Machiavel, by Voltaire 1752 - 2990 Pfalmanaazaar's Defcription of the Jfland Formofa, map and cuts ■■ ■ ■ ' 70$ J - -2991 Pfalmanaazaar's Formofa (Enquiry into the Objections n againft) with his Anfwer to D'Amalvy, map coloured * r 2992 Pfalmanaazaar (Life of) " 1 764 -<- 6 2993 Pfjlmanaazaar (Life ofj, nvith head » J764 / » 2994 Pfalmanaazaar on Miracles — 1753 / \ 2 99i Pfalms (Whole Book of) - 1 633 -)2996 Pfalms (Whole Book of) Profe and Metre, with Mufical Notes, blue turkey, gilt leases ■■■ l6iz v ^ 2997 Pfalms (New.Verfion of the), ruled, morocco, gilt leaves, / , I7 ° 9 ' *- *598 Pfalms, tranflated by Barton, in Cromwell's time 1654 7 ■ 2999 Plalms, tranflated by King James the Firft, very fcarce, blue turkey, gilt leaves Oxf. 1631 See Note in this Book, From Long's Apoftolical Communien. 3000 Pfalms, in the Irtjh Language, morocco, gilt leaves 175 3 3001 Pfalms, in the Erfe Language • — '74^ y \ 3002 Pfalms with finging Notes of Time and Tune fet to every Syllable 1688 £.003 Pfalms and Hymns for the Parifh of Cardington, Bed- ford (hire • Bedford, 1 787 0^2 3004 PfiJm* i H 3 1621 Kate in this Book. In this Book are fome Junes by John M it on, the Great Poet's Father. See P. 242. 6* < - 3006 Ffalmes, tranflated from the Vuigat. Par. 170J . See Note in this Book. ' ; 3007 Pfalms cf David ■ »7*4 / 6 3008 Pflxns (Select Collection of the) imitated or paraphrafed by eminent Englifh Poets, viz Addifon, Milton, Den- ham, Sir Thi'ip Sidney, &c. &c. &c. — 1756 3009 Pfalms, tranflated by K.James the Firft, very fear ce, 1637 Z ({ 3010 Pfalms and Piayers for the Kirk of Scotland, Edinburgh, i6i 5 / y 3011 Pfaltns of David Paraphrafed, by Mile^ Smyth 1668 / tj 301 z PLims and Liturgy, for the Ufe of the DifTenters in Liverpool, morocco, gilt leaves ■ 1763 ' - 3012* Puffendorf's Introduction to Hiftory, by Crull 171 3 - 3013 Pulteney's View of the Writings of Linnseu9, nuith head, X / I?S| J i) 3014 Quarles's Embles, cuts /■- 3015 Queries concerning the Revolution of Humane Souls, / • l68 * / - 3016 Quincy's Engiifh Difpenfatory — — 1736 J b 3 0l- 7 Ralph's Ciitical Review of the Pub!ick Building--, &c. in London and Weftminfter 1736 See in this Bock MS. Extrads from Gibbs, Hogarth, Wa pole . i£e. and other Notes- <■ - 3018 Ralph's (James) Touchftone, or Hiftorical, Critical and / Political, Sec. Lffay* ■ 1728 ' o 3 CI ? Ramazini's Difeafe: of Tradefmen ■ 1746 / -. 3 r -20 Ramfay ( 4!!a ) en :he American Conteft 1781 / j 3021 B mfay (Allan) on the American Conteft 1778 ^ / 3022 Rcmfay's (Allen) Inveiligator No. 322, 17;?— Ramfay (Alien) on Ridicule, 1753— -Armftrong's Sketches, or EjTays en v arious Subj fts -» '7$ 8 3023 Randolph's p oem , with head •• 1652 3024 Rapin's Hiftory of Erg and Abridged, heads and monu- ments, 3 vol. ■'■ '747 3025 Rapi<* 4\A [ »7 ] 4025 Rapin (James) of Garden 1 , by Gardiner, plates, large paper, id edit. A N. B. The plates of the firjl Edition are added to this. * - 3026 Rafpe's Account of German Volcanos, plates *7/6 4 o 3<>*7 Rationale of Chriftianity (Enquiry into the) Note in this Book. Tbis Trtatife hath not been publijhed. It is witten by one whofe Name begins with B. fo fays Dr. J or tin, out of whofe Collection of Books this was purcbafd by M. L. Sfr - 3028 Rawlinfon's Englim Topographer, large parger, very full of manufcript notes 1720 J 3029 Rawlinfon's Method of Studying Hiftory 1728 / See Note in this Book. J 6 3030 Ray's Collection of Englifh Words, with confiderable MS, Additions ■ ■ 1691 Note in this Book. This was Mr. Ralph Thorejby Book, and , I believe alfo all the MS. Additions in it. a 7 3030* Ray's Wifdcm of God in the Creation — 1722 3 (1 3031 Ray's Voyages and Travels, 2 vol. in one 1693 A & 3°3 2 Raymond'* Voyage through Italy, cafr, 1648 — Sir Henry Blunt's Voyage into the Levant . 1669 See Note in this Book. 4 - 3 C 33 Rayner's Hiftory and Antiquities of the Four Inns of Court, &c. 1780 — His Hiftory and Antiquities, &c. //' . 1780 'd - 3034 Reed's Repofitory of Fugitive Pieces, Profe and Verfe, 4 vol. — . • 1777 " 3°35 Reflections on Antient and Modern Philofophy 1678 7 J3°3S* Reflections on Burnet's Travels . ■ l6g8 * (3°3^ Reflections on Burnet's Travels ■ 1688 3 ._ 3°37 R e g al (The) Table, from William the Conqueror to George the Third 1780 3038 Religious Correfpondence, or the Difpenfation of Divine Grace Vindicated, 2 vol. 1775 3039 Religious (Various) Trafts, 1 1 vol. 1779, &c. / - 3040 Remaks on Clarke's Expofition of the Catechifm Anfwer to the Remarks — Reply to the Anfwer 1 730 3040* Remarks on Dodd's Bible, wants title 7 _ 3041 Renaudot's Ancient Accounts of India and China 1733 / See Note in this Book. \ 73°4 2 Renaudot's Ancient Accounts of India and China, 1733 3 5 3043 Renaudot's Ancient Accounts of India and China, 1733 2 . 3044 Rennell's Roads in Bengal and Bahar, with map of the , Roads 1778 / ^$94,5 Renneville's Hiftory of the Baftile — — 1715 3046 Renolds'f 4 [ "8 ] /i / - C 4U z / / I z - /& i 7 i fy 3046 Renolds's State of the Greateft King, in Solomon 2nd his Glory — ■ 1721 3047 Report of the Lords Committees to View the Publiclc Records — — 1719 3048 Repofitory (The) or Treafury of Politics and Literature, 2 vol. ' 1771 3049 Review of Foreign Literature for 1775 Oxford 3050 Review of Germany Literature for Sept, Oft. Nov. 1789 305! Review of Foreign Literature for 1775 Oxford 3052 Review of Bp. Warburton's Julian — — '75* See Note in this Book. / Z 3°53 Review (Englifh) or Abftraft of Englilh and Foreign Literature for 1783 to Sept. 1790 both inclufive, II vol. for the Year 1790 in Numbers 3054 Review (London) for 1775 to June 1778 both inclufive, 7 v °l« 1775 3055 Review (Odd Numbers of the Monthly), from 1782 to 1786 3056 Review (Monthly), from May 1749 to l 7%9> DOtn in- clufive, with Index, 83 vol. in 72 vol. 3057 Review (New Monthly) to Sept. 1790, July and Auguft wanting 3 . 3058 Revolution Politicks, be^ng a Collection of the Reports, Lies, and Stories which were the Fore runners of the , / Revolution in 1688 ■ 1733 3059 Reyner on Marriage — — ■ 1657 / 3 3060 Reyner'i Neceffity of Learning, for a Gofpel-Preacher, J / " ]■ l66 3 Z 5 3061 Reynolds's Letters to the Deift ■ . 1725 y. See Extracts from Dr. Watts in this Book. / * 306 i*Riccalton's (Robert) Works, 3 vol. Edinb. 1771 ) Q 3061 Rice's Remarks on the Engliih Language 1770 Z - 3°^3 Richards's John) Tour from London to Peterfburgh and Mofcow •+ — — — 1778 Z. J 3064 Richards's (William) on Noble's Memoirs of the Crom- wells Lynn, 1787 3065 Richards's (Thomas) Wellh and Englilh Dictionary Brijlol, 175 3 See Notes in this Eo'k, and Mofes Williams's Catalogue of Books in Welih, and mollly in the Welih Language, »7I7- 3066 Richardfon's (S.) Torments of Hell — — 1660 Z ~ 3067 Richardfon on the Theory of Painting — 1715 / £ 3068 Richardfoniana, vol. 1 ■ 1776 3069 Richard- h / . [ "9 ] / 6 3069 Richardfon's (John) of Emmanuel College, Canon of the New Teftament Vindicated ■ 1700 / ^ 3070 Richardfon's (John), Re&or of Annah, Hiftory of the / Attempts to convert the Papifts of Ireland 1 7 1 z 4 6 3071 Richardfon (John) of the Middle Temple, on the Lan- guages, Literature, and Manners of the Eaftern Na- . / tions ■ Oxford, 1778 307 1 "Richardfon's Clarifla, 8 vol. . 1774 3 - 307 2 Ridley and Latimer (Conferences betviene Bps.) during tbeyr Empryfonmentes, and Bp. Ridley againji Tranfubjlantia- iion , ss 6 < - 3073 Ridley (Gloceller) on Blackburne's Confeffional 1768 / See Note in this Book. ~ 3073*Ridley's (Glocefter) Sermons ■ » '743 ^ - 3074 Right of Angling in the River Thames Z _ 3075 Rimius's Rife and Progref> of the Herrnhuters, 1753— Account of Andrew Frey, 1753 Rimius againft Fa- naticifm ■ ■ ■ '751 76 Ringier's Theological Thefes, in Englifh, New Tork, 1766 - 3077 Ripley's (James) Oftler at Bsrnet, Original Letters, nuitb • / effigy °f him {78 1 / 6 3078 Ritfon on Johnfon's and Steevens's laft Edition of Shake- y fpeare • • 1783 ' " 3078*Roberts's Key to the Bible ■ 1648 Cr -3079 Robertfon (William) on the Parian Chronicle, 1788— Hewlett's Vindication of the Authenticity of the Parian Chronicle, 1789, and Gough's Vindication of it, 2 vol. 3080 Robertfon's (John) Hebrew Grammar, nuitb federal MS. notes and remarks feparaie ■ '747 QUARTO. / - 308 1 Peru (The Difcovery and Conquef of J, nvitb ivood cuts, , wants the title ■ ■ 1 7 j c y 3082 Pettingal on Juries » 1769 ■Z. i°^3 Philipps of Prae-emption and Pourveyance for the King 1663 / -3084 Philipp's Britilh Sermon on St. David's Day, Welch avd Englijb ' -* 3085 Philosophical Tranfadlions, abridged by Lowthorp, / Motte, and Gray, 6 vol. /J Q 3o85*Philofophical Tranfa&ions, abridged by Lowthorp, Jones, Eames, and Martyn, 7 vol* 3086 Philo- / 6 30; 3\( / t I20 ] / 3086 Philofophical Tranfaftions at Large, Part II. for 17850 and Part I. for 1790 3087 Philpot's Reafjn for a Regiflry of Deeds and Incum- brances cf Real Eftater, 1671 Reafon againft it, ,6 7« 3088 Pilkington's Concordance, or Index to the Bible 1749 3089 Plato, by Sydenham — The Synopfis — The Banquet— and Lefler Hippias only 3090 Pope's Eflay on Man, the firjl complete edition before its alteration ■ — — — 1734. 3091 Pope's Eflay on Man, with Comment, by Warburton 1741 »743 1729 / - 3094 Portland Mufeum Catalogue _____ 1786 -2- - 3C9;""Prefcott's Letters on Homer, the Sleeper in Horace, 1773 0" - 3096 Price's Cbfervations on S ali lb ury Cathedral, plates, 1753 f / (3°97 P'ideaux on Reading Hiftories — «68z \3°9^ Primer of Edward VI. imperfd •■■ ■ 1547 1 I I See Note in this Book. '■'Jo 3099 Prynne's Pieces, 4. vol. 1 /(3092 Pope's Dunciad, and Notes Variorum <~ 13093 Pope's Dunciad •1. ; J3 13 3 ^ 4 - i\i 3 - X . 3 13 3 3 - 3 ■ 3 3 00 P/alter (The), tran/lated into Engl'/b Metre 01 P/alter (The) printed at Canterbury by J. Mjchell, I 549" 02 PudtnelJ's Table of Fees due to the Bifliop of London and his depending Officers - ■ 1631 03 Puttenham's Arte of Engliih Poefie, ivnh head of Eliza' beth • ■■ printed by Field, 1 5 89 04 Rainolde's Th'Overthrow of Stage-Playe- '599 05 Ramfay's Ph.Iofophical Principles of ReHgion, 2 vol. 1748 16-7 1781 1631 C5*Rando!ph's State of the Archipelago — — 06 Rafpe's Eflay on Oil Painting -. ■ 07 Records (The Rcpertorie of) c8 Re'corae's Paihiva.e to Knowledge, Geometrical and AJlrono- mica!, 1 5 7 ^.—Digges's Geometrical Pradice I 5 7 I 09 Regiilrum Rega.'e, King's College and Eaton, &c. 1774 to Remarks on the Lives of the taints — '73* 11 Rennel's Memcir? of a Map of Indoftan, maps 1785 12 Reprefentative (The) cf London and Weftminfler ex- 1703 1725 »774 1764 '634 16 Rol- amined Reynold's View of Death, a Poem Richardfon's Specimen cf Perfian Poetry Richmond's Sermons and Difcourfes 1 5*Ridley 's View of Civil and Ecclenaftic.:! Law [ «*I ] 3 r m i r '0 4 116 Rollefton's Diflertation on Barley Wine 1 1 7 Rowland's Mona rfntiqua i — 1 1 S Rowland's Mona Antiqua, plates — 119 Royal snd Noble Wills 4 1 6 13 120 Ruffhead's Statutes at Large, Vol. 1 121 Rules and Orders at Woolwich Academy 122 Sadler's Rights of the Kingdom ■ ■ 123 Salifbury's Introduction to the Britifh Tongue 124 Say and Seale (Lord) Speeches, 1641, &c. &c. 125 Scotland (Certain Matters concerning), imperfed See Note in this Book. Scott on the Gofoe! of St, Matthew — — Scribleriad (The), an Heroic Poem — Selden on Tythes ■ - Selden's Titles of Honor - » • Series of Eminent Painters ■ - 1750 17*3 1766 1780 1764 1649 1567 160 J 3>26 127 128 1741 — 1751 1618 — 1614 1739 1 30* Sermons on Particular Occafions — 171 1, &c. 131 Sermons and Homilies in the firjl Year of Edward VI. by Ry chard Graft on % 1547 29 130 V p- hi H '6 - 4 A - FOLIO. 32 Newcaftle's Letters • ■ 1664 33 Newcourt's Repertorium, 2 vol. ■ 1708 34 News Papers {A Volume of), with MS. Index, 1 741, &c. 35 Nicolls'8 Papers of State addrefled to Oliver Cromwell 1743 36 Nicolfon's Englifh Hiftorical Library — 1714. 37 Nicolfon's Englifh Hiftorical Library «•*. 1714. 38 Norimberg Chronicle 38*Noftradamus's Prophecies ■ 167a 39 Ogilby's Japan, plates . > ■ 1670 40 Ogilby's China, plates ■ 1 671 41 Oxford Verfes on the Marriage of George III. and th* Birth of the Prince of Wales, 2 vol, 42 Oxford and Cambridge Verfes, 6 vol. hound in velvet 1659 1701 1701 1704 1670 1680 *747 43 Parvals, Hiftorie of the Iron Age 44 Pearfon on the Creed ■ 45 Pearfon on the Creed ■ 46 Pearfon on the Creed ■ 46*Pettus on Mines and Minerals ■ 47 Philoftratus, by Blount ■ 48 Pilkington's Harmony of the Gofpels — 49 Plates to Clarke's CaefaT's Commentaries R 3i5oPococke , s [ 122 ] 3 /3 o 3150 Pococke's Defcription of the Eaft, 3 vol. in 7, plaits, a '743 '• «* - 3151 Poor Clergy; Account of the Bounty of Queen Anne / for them ■ 1736 3152 Pope's Poems. See the Index 4 - 315 **Philips's (Katherine) Poems ■ 1667 Thirteenth Day's Sale. OCT4FO & Infra. Z - 3153 "O OBERTSON's (John) Hebrew Grammar 1757 Q 9 3154- %\. Robertfon's (William) Hiftory of America, 3 vol, J 1777 See Note in this Book, and a Letter to Dr. Robertfon from - the St. James's Chronicle. 3' 55 Robinbocd Society (Hiftory of the) >■■ ■ 1764 •* /• 3156 Rebinhood Gociety (Hiftory of the) ■ ■ ■■ 1764 2~ 6 3157 Rcbinhood Society (Tranfaclicns of the) I720 Z - 3158 Robinfon's (Bp.) Ace unt cf Sweden 1711 / -3' 59 R°binfon's (Robert) DiflVnting Minifter's Companion and Directory — — 1770 Z , 3160 Robinfon's (John) Endoxa, Anfwer to Brown's Vulgar _ Errors — > — 1658 Jf - 3160* Roche Foucault's Maxims ■■ *749 5 - 3161 Rochefter (Hiftory and Antiquities of), iviib plan and plates ' Rochefter^ 1772 / -. 3162 Rocque's Roads of Europe - 1 764 3 6 3163 Rogers's (N.) Memoirs of Monmouthfhire 1708 3 - 3164 Rogers's (N.) Merroirs of Monmouthfhire 1708 Z _ 3165 Rogers's (Robert) Account of North America 1765 / , 3166 Rogers's (J.) Knowledge of the Ancients in Aftronomy . and Optics ■ — — 1755 4 - 3167 Rolt's Hiftory of the Ifle of Man; with extra£ls from t News Papers ■ 1773 J 3168 Roman Hiftory (Uncertainty of the) for the firft 500 / Years ■ 1740 3169 Romiih Horfeleech ' 1 674 Z . 3170 Ronquillo's Idea of the Court of France 1704 3170 Rooke's ' & 3 / 'J 3 / 3 U'4 7 -3 2 -3 * -3 /:4 H-C 3 j / j Iff z z, i-> 3 -3 4^1 c3 „ [ * 2 3 J 70* Rooke's Travels to the Coaft of Arabia Felix 1784 71 Rofe's (John) Englifh Vineyard Vindicated, plate, 1666 72 Rofe's (Giles) Inftruftions for the Officers of the Mouth, 1682 73 Rofencreulz's Hermetic Romance, or Chymical Wed- ding 11 — — — 1690 74 Rofs's View of all Religions 75 Roufleau's (J.J.) Thoughts on different Subje&s, tuith bead from Gardelle, by Salvador, 2 vol. in one 1 y 68 76 Rudd (Authentic Anecdores of Mrs. Margaret), z vol. tuith mannjcript additions from an interleaved copy of Sir Tho. Frankland's •- 1776 77 Rudd's (Sayer) Negative to Clayton's Eflay on Spirit, "753 78 Ruddiman's Introduction to Anderfon's Diplomat a Scotia t Edinb. 1782 79 Ruffhead's Life of Pope ■ ■ 1769 80 Ruffhead's Index to the Statutes at Large 1762 8o*Ruggle's Ignoramus, a Comedy, Lat. and Eng. with Notes, by Hawkins • 1787 81 Rundle's (Bp.) Letters to Mrs. Barbary Sandys, by Dal- laway, 2 vol. — — 1789 82 Rum's (Sir Benjamin) Sermons on Temperance and Exercife ■ — — 1772 83 Ruffel's Second Journal from Gibralter to Sally, Mequi- nez, Fez, &c. — -— — — 1745 84 Ruffian Expedition againft the Turks, by Sea and Land, map and plate - » ■ ■ ■ 1 7 7 2 85 Ruffian Catechifm, plates 86 Ruft's (Bp.) Lux Orientalise by Collins — 1682 87 Ryan's Reliques of Genius ■ 1777 88 Rymer's Defence of Dramatick Poetry againft Collier, tuith a MS. copy of Settle's Poetical Petition to tbe Knights of the Poaji, blue turkey, gilt leaves — — 5698 89 Rymer's Short View of Tragedy ■ - 4693 90 Rymer on Critical Learning, with Reflections on the Controverfy betwixt Temple and Wotton and Bentley and Boyle 1698 90* Ryves's Mercurius Rujlicus ; or the Countries Complaint of the Outrages committed by the Sectaries, with frontifpiece » 1646 91 Sadducifm (A Blow at Modern) ■ ■ 1668 See Note in this Book. 92 Sale of Authors, tuith MS. Key » 1767 93 Salifbury (The) Guide, tuith plates • 1787 R 2 3194 Salmon's t "4 ] / - 3194 Salmon's (Tho.) Eflay to the Advancement of Muiick, / / plates, andfrontifpiece, by Faithorne ►— 167Z v (j 3195 Salmon's (Tho.) Hiftory of St. George for England, a iuith frontijpiece to Heylin's Hiftory of St. George 1704 , " 3196 Salmon's (N.) Antiquities of Surrey ■ 1736 y ' 3'97 Salmon's (N.) Survey of England, ccmpleat 1728 «/ l 3198 Salmon's Chronological Hiftorian, plates* 2 vol. 1747 / i'99 Salmon's (William) Polygrapbke, or the Arts of Drawing, Limning, Painting, &c. plates, with engraved title page, 2 , • . l675 * * 3200 Sammarco's Revolutions in Kingdoms — 173 1 3 - 3 200* Sanchoniatho's Phoenician Hiftory, by Cumberland, 1 7 20 / - 3201 Sancroft's (Archbp.) Sermons ■ '694 4 *. 3202 Sander fon's Antiquities of the Cathedral of Durham, plate - 1767 ** v 3203 Sandys's (Miles) Works, morocco, gilt leave* '634 / See Note in this Bock, b ■ 3204 Satires (Remarkable), MS. Notes ■ 1760 ■/ - 3*05 Saul and David Compared - 1699 6 K 3206 Saville's Character of Charles the Second 1750 y - 3207 Saville's Character of Charles the Second l 7S° \ - 3208 Schomberg's View of the Roman Law Oxford, 1785 / - 3209 School of Man ■ 1753 X. - 3210 Scotch Feuds and Conflicts (Hiftory of) for 1031 to 1619, Glafg. 1764 o - 32io*Scotch (The) Preacher, 3 vol. Edinb. 1774, &c. 4 - 3211 Scotch Poems', viz. The Caledoniad, ift and 3d vol. 1775 j? .. 3212 Scotifh (Selefl) Ballads, 2 vol. 1783 See Note in this Book. 3213 Scotilh Pcems (Ancient), 2 vol. ■ 1786 3214 Scotia Indiculum; or State of Scotland, frontifpieee, 1682 3215 Scoticifms, arranged in Alphabetical Order, Edinb. 1787 3216 Scott on the Trinity ' 1754 Z - 3217 Scott's (William) Effay of Drapery, or Complete Citizen, / , l6j5 / y 3218 Scougal's Sermons . . Glafgow, 1751 I 3219 Seaton's Prize Poems ■ 177a C 3220 Seeker's (Archbp.) Lectures on the Catechifm '777 3220* Seeker's (Archbp.) Sermons, 7 vol. — His Lectures on the Catechifm, 2 vol.— His Charges— His Sermon on the Rebellion — and his fourteen Sermons, together, 12 vol. — — — — 1770, &c. See a long Note in this Book. This Copy given by Bp. Porteus to Dr. Lort. Z - 3221 Secret Policy of the Englifti Jefuita — - — 1715 32a* Secret / / n / t m i / - 3222 Secret Hiftory of the Reigns of Charles and James the . Second ' — — 1690 ^ - 3223 Seed's Sermons, vol. 2 — ■ Edinb. 1763 < y 3224 Seed's Pofthumous Works ■ ■ ■ 1770 -£- 3**5 Seed's Pofthumous Works 1770 / ^ 3226 Selden's Table Talk 1716 A3 322? Selden's Table Talk 1716 3228 Selden's GEANQP^noS ; or God made Man 1661 3229 Seller's Stare of the Primitive Church — 1680 $ - 3 230 Seller's Antiquities of Palmyra, plait — — — 1696 2. _ 3230*Seleft Pieces on Commerce, Natural Philofophy, &c. &c. - / »754 < 6 3231 Selector (The), 5 Numbers ■ 1776 A - 3232 Serjeant (J.) of Devotion, blue turkey, gilt haves, 1678 See Note in this Book. * 3233 Serle on the Art of Writing • 1766 $ - 3*34- Sermons in Defence of Natural and Revealed Religion, at Boyle's Ledtures, by various, with Index by Burnet, 4 vol. ■ 1737 ~ 3*35 Sermons (Twenty-Eight Mifcellaneous) 1788 /Q -.3236 Sevigny's (Marchionefs de) Letters, by Millar, 10 vol. in 5 — — ■ Dublin, 1768 - See Note in this Book, * 3237 Seward's (Mifs) Poems - 1781 rf*- . 3238 Seward's (T.) Conformity between Popery and Paganifro, 1746 See in this Bock, a MS. Lift of Authors on the fame Subjeft. - " 3239 Shaftefbury's (Lord) Charafterifticks, 3 vol. '727 2 - 3240 Shaftoe's (Mrs.) Popiih Intrigues and Cruelty, 1750 — lq Artifices of Romilh Priefts ■■ 1 745 7 1 3240* Shakefpeare's Works, 9 vol. fmall 1 2mo. '748 -3241 Shakefpeare's Henry VIII. by Grove - 1758 3242 Shakefpeare (Second Appendix to Malone's Supplement to) j 7 8 3 „ In this Book are Extracts from News Papers, &c. - 3*43 Shakefpeare's Lear, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, and Julius Caefar, by Jennings, plates, 2 vol. 1770 3 3 a 4+ Shakefpeare's Plays by Johnfon and Steevens, io vol. 1778— Malone's Supplement, 2 vol. together 12 vol. with MS. Notes feper ate — —— ■ 1 7 80 3245 Shamrock; or Hibernian Creffes, a Collection of Poems, / , ' 774 -Y - 3246 Shanhagan's Remarks on the Exhibition at the Rcyal Academy, with Hopner's and Petert's Letters from the News Papers > 1785 3247 Sharped ; M [ '26 ] * 4 3247 Sharped (Granville) Short Iotroduflion to Mufick, 1767 •^ y. 3248 Sharp (Granville) on Congregational Courts 1786 / o 3249 Sharpe (Gregory) on Languages ■ ■ 175 1 Z . 3*5° Sharpe's (Gregory) Letter to fcp. Lowth on the Archbp. of Canterbury's Strictures in Merrick's Annotations of / the Pfalras — ■ 1769 * ® 3250* Sharp's (Sam.) Letters from Italy, 1765 * - 3251 Sharp (Tho.) on the Hebrew Tongue — 1745 Z . 3252 Sharp (Tho.) on the Rubrick, 1753 — Expofition of the n Prayers, &c. of the Church of England, Reading, 17 42 / 5*53 Sharp's (Tho ) Works, 6 vol. 1763 o 3254 Shaw's (Ferdinando) Summary of the Bible 1730 J . 3255 Shaw's (Jofeph) Travels through Holland, France, &c. / , ,7 °9 <* • 3256 Shaw (Duncan) on the Conduct of the Jewifh Sanhe- drim ■ Edinb. .1769 3257 Shaw (Duncan) Comparative View of the Several Methods of promoting Religious Inftru&ion, 2 vol. 1776 3*58 Shebbeare's Lydia, or Filial Piety, a Novel, z vol. 1769 J ~ 3259 Shelton's Tachygraphy, or Short writing, 1645— Rat- / cliff's Short Hand ■ 1711 q . 3260 Shenftcne's Poems — — Oxford, 1 737 Note in this Book. Tbit zvas the firji Publication of Mr. Sberfcne. It is very rare, becaufe be took uucommon Pains tofupprffs it. j -. 326o*Shepheard (W.) of Corporations, Fraternities, and Guilds ■■ — — 1659 < - 3261 Shepherd's (R.) Letters to Soaroe Jenyns 1768 / ^ 3262 Sherburne's Poems and Tranflations, frontifpiece 1651 2 . 3*^3 Sheridan's (R. Brinfley) Critic, or Tragedy Rehearf- ed - 1781 < . 3264 Sheridan'* (Chafes Francis) Revolution in Sweden, MS. r » votes ■ 1778 I 3265 Sherlock (W.) on Religious Aflemblies — 168* v • 3266 Sherlock'* (Bp ) Sermons, 4vol. ■ ■ - '754 Z . 3267 Shirley's (Walter) Sermons — — 1764 / -3268 Short Prayers in Hearing Mafs — — 1688 Z , 3269 Shuckford on the Fall of Man I753 4270 Shuckford's Connexion, % vol. ■ 1731 4270*Simon's State of the Dead, by Morgan 1723 J 4271 Simon's Origin and Progrefs or Ecclefiaftical Revenue* 1685 / 4272 Simona's (W.) Advantagee of Public Woifhip 1740 4*73 Simons's (W.) Sermons ■■ ■ ■ 1743 3274 Simp. 4 J lL [ 127 J 3274 Simpfon's (W.) Intereft-Book — - 1765 / . 3275 Simpfon's (F.dmund) Examinations of the Methods ufed to prevent the Growth of Popery Dubl. 1774 Z -3276 Simfon (Cafe of Mr John) Proteflor of Divinity in the Univerfity of GUfg-w - >7*7 3 -3277 Sincla tan's Invifible World Difcovered,G/a/£. 1769 / -3278 Skeile 's Fourteen Sermons — Oxford, 1740 4 -3279 SkeltonN Peifm Revealed, 2 vol. 1751 3 .. 3280 Slufh't Navy Royal, or a Sea Cook turned Projector, \/6 328o*SmaH Talker, or Feftival cf Wit , 178a 3281 Smait'. Parables of our Saviour, in Verfe 1768 5/ -,3282 Smedleys (Jonathan) Gulliveriana — — 1728 , ,7 <) 3283 Smenley's (Dean) Poems, large paper, rare 1721 Z ..5284 Smith'.-- (airTho.) Commonwealth of England 1640 ££3285 Smi'h's (Thomas) Manners, Government, &c. of the Turks 1678 3286 Smith's (Robert) Diredlory for taking and deflroying Rats, r 128 ] > 3*99 Somerville's Chace, a Poem • 1755 / 330P Sonnerat's Voyage to the Spice Iflands and New Guinea, * with Notes by Afliby ■■ 1781 ^ •* 33O0*Songs in the Night, by a Woman in AfHi&ion 1781 6 33°' Southampton Guide __—_—— 1 781 3 .. 330 2 Spangenberg's Expofition of the Dottrine of UnitasFra- /trum ' ■ I784 - 3303 Sparke's Little Dictionary of Eight Languages, tat, Fr. Low-Dutch, High-Dutch, Spanijh, Italian, Bng* . Portugal/ — '639 A ^ 3304. Speculum Britannicum ; or View of the Calamities brought on Great Britain by inteftine Divifions 1778 *" 33°5 Speke's remarkable Paflagej and Tranfaftions in the Revolution 1688 ■ 1709 ■4 - 3306 Spelman's Life of Alfred - - Oxford, 1709 / (33°7 Spenfer's (Edmund) State of Ireland Dubl. 1763 * v v, \3308 Spencer (John) on Prodigies i~ 1665 7 Li 33°9 Spencer (John) on Prodigies, large paper 1665 /£ 6 33'° Spenfer's Faerie Que.ne, by Church, 4 vol. 1758 2 33 to*Squires (Bp.) on Carte's Hiftory of England 1748 y/3311 Stackhoufe on Languages ■ 173' 3 ^ 3312 Stanhope's (ihilip Dormer) Memoirs of Afiaticus 1784 / - 33 * 3 Stanhope's (Geo.) Sermons - '705 / 3314 Stanley's (William) Faith and Praftice of a Church of England-Man ■■ ■ — — — 1692 * See Note in this Book. / {j 33 I S Statutes of the Royal Society, ivith extracts from nttut papers , ■ 1752 • See Note in this Book. ^ " 3316 Staveley's Hiltory of Churches in England, plate, 1711 (3317 Staynoe's Salvation by Jefus Chrift alone 1700 < /"|33i8 Steele's Lover and Reader ■ . 1715 / 3319 Steele's Chriitian Hero Tonfon, 1727 / (33*0 Steele's Account of the Roman Catholick Religion, 1715 * ')332o*Steel's (David) Naval Remembrancer — '785 *i . 3321 Statutes of Trinity College, Dublin, tranflated by Bolton o . P*M. 1753 < y 31.22 Stephens's (Henry) Reprefentation of Popery 1728 Z 6 3323 Stephens's (J ) Human Natu;e Delineated 1761 Z .. 3324 Stephens's (j.) Principles of the Chriitian Religion com- / pared with others - 1777 Z 6 3325 Stephens's (J.) Principles of the Chriftian Religion, / / *777 ' 3326 Sterne's Letters to Eliza ■ 1775 - 3327 Sterne'* Sermons, 4 vol. * 1760 3328 Sterne'i t 129 ] 4 7 3328 Sterne's Sentimental Journey, plaits, 2 vol. in 1 1768 $ - 33*9 Sterne's Triftram Shandy, 9 vol. in 5, with the fpurious , yth vol. added ■ 1767 Z o 3330 Steuart's (Walter) Obfervations on the Church of Scot- land ■ Edinb. 1770 3330*Stewart's (James) Art of Hair-Dreffing, plates 1782 *i -3331 Stillingfleet's Ecclefiaftical Cafes, 2 vol. 1702 / 6 333 2 Stopford's Parallel between Rome-Pagan and Rome- Chrittian ■ ■ 1675 |/ -3333 Story's (Thomai) Four Sermons at the Quakers Meet- ing ' . I7 6 4 3334 Stoive's Chronicle Abridged — ' « 1607 '/ "73335 Strachey's Index to the Records — — '739 y / 333^ Straight's Sermons, vol. 1, and part of the fecond, 174 1 3 o 3337 Strange's Rife and Eftablilhment of the Royal Academy of Arts ■ ■ Paris, 177; •? -3338 Strange's Defcriptive Catalogue of Pictures, 1769— His Rife, &c. of the Royal Academy of Arts *77J 3339 Struenfee (Trial of Count) ■ 1776 Note in this Book. Now very farce, all the Copies having 1 been bought up andfupprejfed. ' ^3340 Strype's Life of Bp. Aylmer ■ 1701 4 3340*Stuart's (Andrew) Letters to Lord Mansfield 1773 See Note in this Book. Z *334' Stuart's (Gilbert) View of Society in Europe, Dublin, 1778 / 3342 Subbes's Anatomie of Abufes, Printed at London by Richard Jones, 16. Augufl 1 583 Note in this Book. I bought this rare Book at the Auction of Mr. Jofeph Hart's Books, in May 1772, where it cojl me a s. &c. M. L. QUARTO. * v 3343 Seven Pamphlets on Women, by Kidgell, &c. &c. yi "3344 Sharpe's Geometry improved ■■ 1718 / v -3345 Shaw's Travels into Barbary and the Levant, plates, 1757 % - 3346 Shaw's Galic and Englifh Di&ionary — 1780 v -3347 Shaw's Hiftory of the Province of Moray 1 775 3 -3348 Shipwreck (The), a Poem — — 1763 * / 3349 Simon on the Old Teftament » 1682 A (j 3350 Simon's Critical Hiftory of the Old Teftament . 1682 «* v v 3350*Simon's Critical Hiftory of the New Teftament 1689 1 Simon's Co : ns, Medals, and Great Seals, plates, 1780 2 Simon's Irifh Coins, plates ■■ ■■— 1749 S 3353 Sim- * * 335°" h35a f i3° J s 3353 Simplicity's Defence againft Seven-Headed Policy, 1646 3 . 3354 Singleton's Defcription of the Weft India lflands, a / ' Poem ■ 1767 7 ^ 3355 Skene's Regions Majeflatem, or Auld Laws of Scotland / / . "77+ V 8356 Smith's Accounts of Stonehenge, plates *7T l /' 3357 Smith's Abftratts of different Accounts of Stonehenge, plaits •" ' 1771 7 335^ Smith's Sea Grammar ■ 1627 / « 3359 Smith's Specimen of Ancient Carpentry 1736 - 3360 Smith's Life of Mary Magdalene of Pazzi 1687 - 336o*Snell on the Chriftian Religion 1728 * 3 33^1 Snelling's Silver, Gold, and Copper Coinage of Eng- land, 1762. &c. — His Coins ftruck by Englifh Princes in France, 1769— —His Scotch Coinage, 1774, nuith / notes and MSS. through the whole y. 3362 Solomon's Temple (Defcription of) — — 1725 r / 3363 Solomon's Song, by Bernard Hodg'fon — 1786 ^ ^ 3364 Sommerville's Rural Games, and other Poems, 1740, &c. ^ > 3365 Sparrow's Collection of Articles and Canons 1684 /Z. d 33^6 Speed's (Samuel) King's Bench Scuffle, with the Hu- mours of the Common Side, ivith front fpie^e l°7S y ' 3367 Spratt's Hiftory of the Royal Society 1702 ' -3368 Stackhoufe's Ancient Chronology « 1770 (3369 Stanley's Hiftory of Philofophy — — 1743 'd* - V337° Stevens's Collection of Voyages, 2 vol, '7»' l3370*Storck's Account of Eaft Florida * * 337 * Stoive's Annales of 'England 1 60 1 / ] 337 2 Stoic's Survey of London ■ 1618 3 3373 Strahlenburg's Defcription of Europe, Afia, &c. &c. J plates • 1738 / 3374 Strutt's Regal Antiquities of England ///() 3375 Strutt's Manners and Cuftoms of the Inhabitants of England, plates, 3 vol. 1774 ' ' ' 337S*Strutt'8 Chronicle of England, plates, 2 vol. in 1, 1777 j -3376 Struy's Voyages to the Eailern World, plates 1683 / - 3377 Stubbe on Bacon on the Sweating Sickr.efs 1671 £ - 337 8 Stukeley's Richard of Cirencefter, with MS. additions, u "757 'J "3379 Stukeley's Palaographta Bntannica, 2 vol. '743 5 y 3380 Stukeley's Medallic Hiftory of Caraufius, plates 1757 £ 338o*Stukeley's Account of Richard of Cirencefter, map, 1757 /; . 3381 Sturdevant'sTreatife of Metallica, 1612 Rovenfon's Treatife of Metallica, 1613 He;ing againft im- poifoned Amulet?, 1604— — Difcourfe on the Water* of the Spaw 3382 Swin- [ *3 l 3 * * 358* Swinburne's Travels through Spain - '779 1642 i 7 3383 Taylor's Epifcopacy Aliened 3384 Taylor on the Liberty of Prophecying — 1647 * 3385 Taylor on the Liberty of Prophecying — 1647 ' "■ 3386 Taylor's Elements of the Civil Law ■ 1756 Z -3387 Templeman's Survey of the Globe Z 33 g 8 Tenifon on Idolatry — - — — . 1678 FOLIO. 7 7 3389 Pope's Poems * 1746, &c. /(/ (j 3390 Porta Baptifta's Natural Magick — — 1669 /A J 339o*Pownal's Topographical Defcription of North America, / with a map ■— — ■ l 77& ^ 339' Pulton's Statutes, imperfed ■ 1617 4 - 3392 Purcel's Te Deum k Jubilate, fet to Mufic '697 K - 3393 Purchas his Pilgrimes, vol. 1 — 1627 " " 339+ Quakers Epiftles from their Yearly Meetings 176b 6 K - 3395 Raleigh's Hiftory of the World ■ i6ia / -3396 Reccord's Cattle of Knowledge — '55°* ^ V - 3397 Report on the Cottonian Library — 1 73* ^ 3398 Report of the Committee to fupply his Majefty's Navy . / with Timber ■ ' 177 1 3399 R e P ort of the Committee of Secrecy on the Conduct of a Lord Orford . ■ ■ *74* " " 3400 Roe's (Sir Tho ) Negociations to the OttomanPo»rte,i740 . - 340O*SachevereH's Tryal, 'with head —— 17 10 ** /-3401 Salisbury's Mathematical Collections — 1761 4 6 3402 Sammes's Antiquities of Britain ■ 1676 /0-. 3403 Sandford's Genealogical Hiftory ■■ ,0 77 4 y 3404 Sandys's Travels, plat a ■ 1621 3 o 3405 Sandys's Paraphrafe on the Pfalms, with Tunes by Henry 6 K v 3405 Sapher's Anatomy of Man and Woman 1738 3407 Saunders's Phyfiognomie and Chiromancic 1653 J y 34°8 Saunderfon's Graphice - 1698 z o 3409 Saunderfon's Sermons — — — — > 1 674 4 "H 3410 Saxon Coins (Drawings of), -with MS. various 2> . 34{0*oclden's Tracts ■ —— 1683 S t Fourteenth r 13* 3 Fourteenth Day's Sale. OCTAVO fcf 7»/r*. 4 A 3 \ / ~. ^ j 4 - / V / „ / * t> / * X 34" QTURCH's View of the Ifle of Wight, map 1778 3412 O Sturch'i View of the Ifle of Wight 1787 341 3 Sturmy's Plurality of Worlds, morocco, gilt leaves 171 1 3414 Subordination (Great Law cf) confidered 1 7 24. -3415 Sunday Magazine, with beads of popular preachers 1781 3^16 Supplication (The) of the Nobles and Commons of Oferyke to King Ferd:na>dus in the Caufe of the Chrijten Religion 3417 Sutton's Method of Extracting Foul Air out of Ships, . |749 3418 Swedenboig's Nature, &c. of Theological Writings, 1788 3419 Swedendborg's Nature, &c. of Divine Influx, and Me- moirs of him, by Hartley ■ '784 3420 Swedenborg's Treatife of Heaven and Hell 1 784, In this Book is MSS. Notes from S-ivedenborg. - 3420*Swift's Tale of a Tub, cuts ■ 1724 /g 34*1 Swift's Works, 8 vol. . Edinb. 1759 f{ See long Note in this Book. / 6 - 3422 Swift's Pofthumous Works and Letters, by Bowyer, / Deane Swift, and Hawkefworth, 8 vol. I762,&c. &c. -0 3423 Sydenham's Works, by Pechey '734 / - 3424 Sykes's Trails — ■ 175* Z. . 34Z5 Sylvia, cr the Wood; being a Collection of Anecdotes, / Characters, Bon Mots, &c. 1786 v u 3426 Symmons's Sermons ■ ■ — '787 / .. 3427 Talbot's (Mrs.) Reflections on the Seven Days in the / Week ■ '770 - 342-8 Tare ed's Eflay for a Regulation cf the Law '7*7 *i ~ 3429 Tanning and Currying of Leather (Art of) '774 7 « 3430 Taffoni's Rape of the Bucket, lial. and Eng. by Ozell 17«5 / I343 u " * a > !U ' s l n p« jer.; wpuitu;a ■ 1684 / - Jia-ii Tnvlnr'* /Rn. I#>r ^ Difliisiiivp fi-r.m Pnncrv. and On Cofl- 1664 3432 Taylor'i r3450*Tay!or's (Bp. Jer.) Opufcu'a j 1 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) Difluafive from Popery, i ftrmation . . ■ . . 6 I 133 3 ) (3433 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) V3434 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) I Hurd 3432 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) Golden Grove, morocco, gilt leaves, 1700 Offices, or Forms of Prayer 1690 Truth of the Chriftian Religion, by — 1776 • 3435 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) Golden Grove, Hue turkey, gilt leaves ■ ■ s 7°3 - 3436 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) Worthy Communicant, morocco, gilt / leaves _____ _ , '674 6 3437 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) State of Man in this Life 1726 6 3438 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) Worthy Communicant, gilt leaves, ' 1686 3 3439 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) Holy Living and Dying, platet, 1686 - 3440 Taylot's (Bp. Jer.) Holy Living and Dying, plates, ruled, red morocco, gilt leaves, elegant, z vol. — '703 7 3440*Taylor's (Bp.Jer.) Liberty of Prophefying 1702 i Q 344 1 Taylor's (Bp. Jer.) Freedom of Thinking in Matters of Religion ■ < — — '763 See Note in this Book. 3442 Taylor (James) on the German Empire 1 745 9 3443 Taylor's (John) Scripture Doftrine of Original Sin, with Supplement _____—. '740, I 3444 Terrte-Filius, or Secret Hiftory of the Univerfity of" Ox- ford, 2 vol. ■ ■ 1726 _ 3445 Tertullian's Prefcription againft Hereticks, by Betty Ox/. 1722 ». 3446 Teftament (The New), imperf. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, 1616 , / Note. This Bookfeldom to be met voith. 'iy 3447 Teftament (Rhemifli New) — Antvjerp, 1615 (j 3448 Teftament (The New) at Geneva, printed by Conrad Bavins, I 5 5 7 Note in this Book. The firjl Englijb Tejlament with the f Dijlindion ofVerfes. 73449 Teftament (The New), with Notes, 744 /ft _ 3472 Thorefby's Hiftcry of Leicefterfhire, map and plates, 6 vol. in 3 2 , 3473 Thoughts on the Times, but chiefly on the Profligacy of our Women — — - 1779 7 3474 Thoughts on Abftrufe Subjects - 1738 / o 3475 Tiler's Hiftory and Antiquities of St, Saviour's, South- wark, plate ■ 1 765 < . 3476 Tillard againft Warburton's Legation «** 1742 See Note in this Book. / .. 3477 Tiilemont'6 Life of Apollonius Tyaneus, by Jenkyns, 170* 3478 Tim [ 135 J *■ 3478 Tim Bobbin's Mifcellaneous Work?, plates 1775 - 3479 TilTot's Difeafes incident to Sedentary People 1769 ^3480 Toland's Panthe;Jlicon t 17 51— Or at or Henley's Primitive Liturgy /-348o*Toland's Mifcellaneous Work9, 2 vol. — 1747 O 3481 Toland's Life of Milton and Amyntor — I761 jJ 3482 Toland's Life of Milton and Amyntor — 1761 > () 3483 Toldervey's Selett Epitaphs, 2 vol. with MS. Additions, 1755 - 3484 Tomkinfon's Syftem of Religion ■ ■ 1729 ~ 3485 Tooke's (John Home) Diverfions of Purley, 1786— His Letter to Dunning — - - 1778 "3486 Tooley's Index to Proper Names in the Bible l 77° -■3487 Torr's Antiquities of York City — — — 1719 -3488 Tour through Holland, Brabant, Auftrian Netherlands and part of France, map -■ ■■ 1780 ^3489 Tour through the Midland Counties of England, 177; - 3490 Tour through Ireland ■ 1 748 3 3490*Tour through Ireland ■ '748 S ^3491 Tour through Derbyihire and Yorkfhire 1778 f (I3492 Toulmin's Antiquity and Duration of the World, 1780 /> 3493 Towne againft Bp. Sherlock ■- ■ I756 3494 Towne's Opinions and Practice of the Ancient Philoso- phers . -- 1748 f -^ 3495 Trails. Tandy againft Hobbee, 1650 — Goflel's Coming of God in Mercy, in Vengeance ■ 1658 ^ 3496 Trails. A Manual, by John Arcbbp. cf York, 1672. N. B. only 20 Copies were fi r Jl printed. Periii SatyraJ, a Ceruto — — Veron. 1 597 - 3497 Trails. Sermons on Reformation of Manners, by Shower, Hew, Chadwick, Alfop, and Oldfield, 1697, 8, 99, — England's Vanity and Pride in Drefs and Apparel, plate — — — • 1683 3 3498 Trails. Lord Shaftetbury's Letters to a Student at the Univerfity, collefted by Toland, 1746— Irregular Dif- fertation on reading Du Halde's China '740 Note in this Be ok. Both iheje Trails are fcarce and curious. ^3499 Trails. Coole on Locke's Paraphrafe and Notes relating to Women's Preaching, 5716 Martin's Letter to Coole, 1716 — Code's Reflections on Martin's Letter, _ . . 1717* 3499* vr«#/. Marquis of Argyle's Inftruclions to a Son, Glafg. 1743— Secret Inftruclions of the Jefuits, Lat.and Eng. .. ■ 1 — ■- - 1746 3500 Trails. / [ '36 ] ^ (s 3500 Trails. Croufaz on Pope's EiTayonMan, by Johnfon with Notes, 1742— Warburton's Vindication of Pope's Effay - — — — 1742 2 » N. B. Extracls from Magazines and MS, Extratls. 3501 Tracls. Journey to Llandrindod Wells, ivitb MS. Key, 1746 — State of the Ifland of Jerfey, 1 735— Diftilled Spirituous Liquors the Bane of the Nation, with Ap- pendix ■ ■ 1736 4 ^ 35°* Trails. Ralph's Review of the Publ ck Buildings, &c. of London and Weflminfter, 1734— .Woodward's An- tier.t and Prefent State of London, 1723 — Computation of the Increafe of London and Parts adjacent, 17 19 — EiTay on Decorations and Embellilhments for the City of London, 1754 — Comparifm between Rome in its Glory and London as it is at prefent. Never more of this lafi Pamphlet printed than ivhat appears here. < . 3503 Tracls. Conduct of the Royal Academicians from 1760 to 1769, 1771 Strange's Rife and Eltablifhment of the Royal Academy of Arts, 1775 N. B. Extracls from News Papers, and Magazines. <- - 3504 Trails. Mauduit's Hiftory of Maflachufetts Bay, 1774 — Franklyn's Examination before the Houfe of Com- mons, 1767 — Narrative of the Horrid Maflacre in Bolton — — — — 1770 3 3505 Trails. Governor Bernard's Letter?, with Wedder- burn's Speech on them, 1774 Votes and Proceed- ings of the Town of Bolton ■— ■ '773 J 3506 Trads. Proceeding of the American Congrefs in I774 — Extracts from the Proceedings of Ditto, Sept. 1774 2 m 3507 Trads. Jones Difllrtation fur le Literature Orientale, 1771 Walters on the Welfh Language, Coaviridge, 177 j — Valiancy's Antiquity of the Infh Language, Dubl. 8772 Grammar and Vocabulary of the . Moor's Language ____— 1771 * - 3508 Trails. Lord Burghly's Precepts to his Son, by Jones, 1636 Francis Earl of Bedford's Glade wherein foule Abufes may be feeri, 1636 Judges Judged out of their own Mouth?, i6cc — &c. &c. &c. A ~ 3509 Trc-cls. Hiftoiy of Living Men, 1702 — Shorteft Way with Whcres and Roguts, 1703— —Newton's Theory of the Mcon's Motion — — — 1702 4 9 3510 Tracts. Letters from Cibber to Pope, 1742 — Blaft upon ^ Bays, or a new Lick at the Laureat, 1 742 — Another Let- ter from Cibher to Pope, 1744 — Letter from the Hon. Tho. Hervey to Sir Thomas Hanmer, — Proper Reply to [ *37 ] to Hervey's Letter, by the Duchefs of Queenftuiy, 1742 J , 3s\o*Tra<3s. Letter to Brooke en his defence of the Primi- tive Fathers, 1748 Second Letter to Brooke, 1750 — Toll's Defence of Middleton againlt Dodwell, 1749 Whilton's Account of the time when miraculous Gifts ceafed in the Church, 1749—- Examination of the Confluences of Middleton's Free Enquiry, 1750—— Confirmation of Middleton's Introductory Difcourfe Jf 35 1 1 Tragedies. Smollet's Regicide, 1749 — Irene, by John- fon, 1749 — Hecuba, by Delap, 1762 Mafon's Elfrida ■■ — 1757 Z 3 3S 12 Trails. Temple's (W.J.) Efiay on the Clergy, 1774 ■—Owen's Directions for Young Students in Divinity. 1766 — Hort's Inftruclions to the Clergy of the Diocefs ofTuam ■ ■ ■ '74* [«£ Q 35 13 Trails. Hancocke's Febrifugum Magnum, 1723—— ' Gardener's Remarks en Hancocke, 1723 Gabriel John's Flagellum, anfwer to Hancocke, 1723 — Smith's Curiofities of Common Water, 1724— — Vander Hey- den's Virtues of Cold Water, 1724 — Wine preferable to Water — — » 1724 / -3514 Traits. Church's Analyfis of Bolingbroko's Philoso- phical Works, 1755 — Bourke's Vindication of Natural Society - ■ '757 Trails. Chriftianity not founded on Argument, J743 • Plea for Human Reafon, 1730— —Clifford on Human R»afon, 1736 EiTay on the Books called Apocrypha, 1 7 40 Philosophical DifTertation on Death, 1732 EiTay on fubferibing Articles of Re- / ligion, 1719 — Thoughts on the Deity 17 14. / (f 3516 Trails. Horace to Scaeva, imitated, 1730 The Beau Philofopher, a Poem, 1736 — Harlequin-Horace, or Art of Modem Poetry, 1731 — Coke's Report , in Verfe, 1742, &c. &c &c. / „ 35:7 Trails. Letter on Warburton's Divine Legation, 1742 — Review of a Paffage in Tully's firft Tufculan Dif- putation on Pherecydes's Notion of a Future ExiHence. againft. Warburton, 174.4— —^Julius Bate againft War- burton 1745 ^3518 Trails. Grey (Richard) againft Warburton, 1744 ' Hill againft Warburton, 1758 — Stebbing againlt War- burton, 1759 — Law againft Warburton I7C7 ^ 3 3519 Trails. Word of Advice to Warburton, 1746 — Dyfon'a Defence of Akenfide againft Warburton, 1744 — Gil- T bert / 6 ss 11 . [ i3« ] bert Cooper on Warburton's Edit, of Pope, 1751—— A Defence of Hanmer — &c. &c. &c. / 3 3520 Traiis. Bp. Hare's Advice to a Young Clergyman, 1741* Bp. Green's Charge to the Clergy of the Diocefe of Lincoln, 1765 Wefley's Addrefs to the Clergy, 1756 Bp. Story's Nature of the Priefthood, 1750 Z. 9 $$io*Trafts. Parker's Ufefulnefs of Oriental Learning, 1739 ^ Bland's Majefty of the Hebrew Language, 1744 His Grammatical Verfion from the Original He- brew of the Song of Solomon ■ 171; 1 N. B. Several MS. Refenences to, and ExtraBs from, diffe- rent Authors, in this Book. Z . 3521 Trails. Richards's Gentifeman's Steward Inftrucled, 1730— —Laurence on Eftares upon Lives and Years, 1730 Fleetwood's Enquiry into the Cuftomary- Eftate and Tenant-Rights of thofe who ho;d Lands of the Church by Tenure of Three Lives, 1721 — Long's Anfwer to Fleetwoods Enquiry, 1731— — Eftimate of the Value of Leafehcld Eftatee, in Anfwer to Sir Ifaac Newton's Tables ■ 1731 / ~ 3522 Trails. Narrative of the Capture of the Ship Derby, by Angria the Pirate, 1738 Draper's Narrative of the Bofcawen's Voyage to Bombay, 17^1 Narra- tive of the Lofs of the Litchfield, Capt. Barton 1768 / 3 3523 Trails. Top's Univerfal A. B. C. 1603 Enquiry into the Origin of Letters, 1726— — — Wotton on the Confufion or Languages— —Advantages of a good Language to any Nation ■ ■ ■ '7*4 7i8 — Rea- fons for reftoring fome Prayers in Edward Vfth's Li- turgy, by Collier, 1 7 1 8— —Defence of the Reafons, 17 18— —Vindication of the Reafcns, and Defence, / 2 parts, 1718,19, 3 vol. h (3533 Trails. Zacha:y Houfel his Afiertions by Holy Scrip- 1 ture. 1697- -Vander Eyken's Faft Sermon, 171 z— - Bugg's Proofs that the Quakers are great Impoftors, J 1702— &c. &c. &c. [3534 Trails. Cadogan on the Gout, 1771 — Shebbeare on Cadogan on the Gout ■ ■ 1772 See Note in this Book. * - 3S3 > Trails. Lowth's (Bp.) Letter to the Bp. of Gioucefter, with Appendix, 1765 Remarks on Lowth's Letter T 2 to / I 140 ] to Warburton, :76c"— -Second Part of an Epiflolary Correfponcierice between Warburton and Lowth, this laft never publijhed Brown's Letter to Lowth, 1766 Anfwer to Brown's Letter Lowth's Letter to Brown Cumberland's Letter to Lowth, 1 767 ■ In this Book is contained a Letter in the Publick Papers to Dr. Browne, end fame MS. Notes - %5l$*Tra8s. Faft Sermons, by various Gentlemen, 2 vol. '717 <3 3536 Trafls. ElTay on the Action proper for the Pulpit, 1753 Mafon's Letter to a Friend upon his Entrance on the Minifterial Office, 1753 — H13 EiTay on Elocution, 1751— — Langhorne on the Eloquence of the Pulpit, 1765— &c. &c. &c. 9 3537 Traclt. Review of the Common Prayer, 1734— —De- fence of it, 1734 Appeal to Reafon and Candour / in behalf of a Review ■ 1750 " " 3538 Trac7s. The Rake Reformed, a Poem, 1718— Swift's Cadenus and VaneiTa, a Poem 1726 3539 Trails. Siege of Damafcus, a Tragedy — Anrengzebe / — CEdipus — All for Love — Fair Penitent ' 'Q - 5540 Trails. Ten on the Rabbit Woman, plates 1727 3 h 3S^o*Trai7s. Ecclefiaftical Characters, Edinb. 1763 A- pology for the Ecclefiaftical Characters, 1763 — Letters from a Blaikfmith to the Miniiters and Elders of the Church of Scotland • - 1759 Note in this Book. Thefe are fcarce and curious Pamphlets, 'which throw great Light on the prejent State and Temper of the Scotch Clergy and Church. 3541 Trails. Nine Pamphlets by Dr. Lowth, Dr. Blakiiton, Dr. Golding, and Dr. Brydale in the Controveify con- cerning the Wardenfhip of Winchefter College 1758 3 „ 3542 Trails. Letter on a Confumptive Habit— Vindication of Man«Midwifery, 1752 Chapman on a Venereal Gleet, 1751 Key's Effects of Mercury, 1747 ■ Kirkpatrick of the Putrefadion of Dead Bodies, 1751 — &c. &c. &c. ''d > 3543 Tranfactions of the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, 3 vol, 1783 ' - 3544 Trapham's State of Health in the Ifland of Jamaica, 1679 See Note in this Book. (3545 Travels from London to Rome on Foot 1718 Travels of a Philcfopher, or Obfervations en the Man- ners and Arts of various Nations in Africa and Afia, 1769 3546 Travis's zi J •"(3546 / / [ Hi ] " 3547 Travis's Letters to Gibbon ■■ 1785 a / (3548 T rebeck's Kofpital Sermons ■ — — 1735 ^13549 Trial of Count Struenfee, fcarce «— — ^77i [3550 Trinity (Difplay of the) from Divine Revelation, 1773 " 3550*Trufler's London Advjfer and Guide — 1786 / - 355' Truth brought to Light, or Hiftory of the Firft Four- teen Years of King James . 1692 7 3552 Tryon's Aphorifms, Phyfical, Moral, and Divine, 1696 3553 Tryon on Dreams and Vifions, blue turkey, gilt leaves, 7 . ,6 95 * 3554 Tryon's Letters, Domeftick and Foreign 1700 3 -3555 Tryphiodorus's Deftruttion of Troy, by Merrick, large / paper - 1739 / o 3556 Tucker (Dean) on Civil Government, againft Locke, 1781 3557 Tucker's (Dean) Sermons Glocejler, 1776 -h 3558 Tuckney's Death Difarmed — 1654. . See Note in this Book. " 3559 Turner's (John) Boaz and Ruth - 1685 Z- 3 35°o Turner's (John) Explanation of the Theology and My- thology of the Ancient Pagans ■• ■ 1687 I See Note in this Book. ' " 356o*Turner's (William) Hiftory of all Religions 1695 9 3561 Turner's (Robert) Calumnies upon the Primitive Chrif- . / tians accounted fcr ■ ■ 1727 ' " 3562 Twamley's Dairying Exemplified — . 1784 * 35°3 Twiffe's Tour in Ireland in J 775, map '776 « /J3564 Tyers's Hiftorical Rhapfody on Pope — 1782 c35^5 Umfrevi lie's Prefent State of Hudfon's Bay 1790 f? - 3566 Univerfal (Modern) Hiftory, 24. vol. — 1759 «? -3567 Univerfal (Index t:> Modern) Hiftory — 1766 < -3568 Univerfal (Index to Mcdern) Hiftory — 1 766 -3569 Univerfal (Supplement to the Englilh) Hiftory 1 754 j? 3570 Univerfal (Index to the Ancient) Hiftory f 754 2 a 3570* Unparalleled (The) Monarch, or the Portraiture of a Matchlefs Prince, expreft in fome Shadows of his High- nefs my Lord Protector 1656 Note in this Book. This ■ y ^3576 Valiancy's Collettanea de Rebus Hibernicis, or Collection of Irifh Antiquities, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 13, plates, 2 vol. — — Dublin, 1770 * 3577 Vander Heyden's Speedy Help for Rich and Poor, 1653 / (3578 Vanini (Life of) from the French, by Durand 1730 O V3579 Vareniuj's Syflem of Geography, vol. 1 1733 ( 3580 .Varlo's Schemes for the Perufal of the Legislature, 1775 2 > 358o*Vathek (Hifiory of the Caliph), an Arabian Tale, Jim . paper 1786 " 3581 Vaughan (Rice) on Coin and Coinage — 1675 / 3582 Vaughan's (Thomas) Turkifh Grammar 1709 - v 3583 Vere's Phyfical and Moral Enquiry into Hunan Nature , 1778 / - 3584. Vefpers, or Even-Song5, Lat. and Eng. morocco, gilt leaves — 1 7 25 ** 3585 Vicars's Madnefle of Aftrologers, againft Heydon's De- . / fence of Judiciary Aftrclogy 1651 * v 3586 Victor's Hiitory of the Theatres of London and Dublin, . / morocco, gilt leaves, 2 vol. ■ 1761 /'o 3587 Vigor's Widow of the Wood, MS. Key — 1755 [3588 View of Christianity ■■ ' ■ '747 / 9*35^9 View of Bolingbroke?s Philofophy - - l?5* (3^90 View of Real Grievances ■ '772 t (3590*V'igor's (Mrs.) Letters from Ruffia — 1775 " / )359 I Village Memoirs • - — 1765 / / 359 2 Villiers (Abbe) Count of Gabalis — — 1680 See Note in this Bed. 3593 Viret's World poflefled with Devils ' 1583 3594 Vitis Degeneris, or the Degenerate-Plant; being a Trea- tile of Ancient Ceremonies ■ 1668 3595 Voltaire's White Bull, an Oriental Tale *11 \ See a long Note in this Book. 3596 Voltaire's Letters on Eminent Writers Glnfg. 1769 3597 Voltaire's Candidus, or All for the Belt Edinb. 1759 3598 Voltaire's White Bull — — '774 3599 Voyage to Peru in 1745, 6, 7, 8, 9, by the Conde of St. Malo 1753 3600 Voyages for the Difcovery of a North Welt Paffage, 1782 S6co*Voyage to the Jfland of Mauritius, tranflated by Parifh / »775 O 3601 Vovage round the World, by Byron - i?68 9UJRTC* / I 2 ~ / / . / „ 2 - / 9 / 1 [ H3 ] QUARTO. o 3602 Teftament (New) Rhemifh — — 1633 / 3603 Teftament (The New) conferred diligently with the Greke > ■ Genev. 1560 - 3604 Teftament, in the Indian Language ■ 1661 - 3605 Teftament (New), by Tyndale, wants title and end. See Notes 1 r ' 6 > _ 3606 Teftament (New), byjugge, with wooden cuts, and head of Edward VI. — — - ">5 2 - 3607 Teftament, Latin and EngHJh, in Fleet Street ly Robert Redman, 1 q 3 8 - 3608 Teftament and Book of Common Prayer by Barker, I 636 - 3609 The Country Farmer 1606 3610 Thicknefle's (Philip) Account of the Four Perfons found ftarved to Death at Datchworth, in Hertfordmire, plate 1 769 , N. B. Extracts from the Public Papers, 7- 36lo*Townfon on the Gofpels ■ 1770 / 3611 Trails. Reafon and Judgement of the Life of Dr. San- derfon, 1663 — Wortley's Characters and Elegies, • 1646 — ; — England's Selected Characters '643 A 3612 Trails. Owen's Running Regifler, recording the State of Englifh CoUeges, &c. 1626 Owen's Unmafking of Romim Monks, 1628 Speculum Jefuiticum, or Jefuit's Looking-GlafTe, 163c — Doctrines and Practices ofthejefuits — • 1 630 - 3613 Trails. Colman's True State, 1768 Difputes be- tween Harris and Rutherforth, 1768 — &c. &c. ^ 3614 Trails. Fearful Newes of Thunder and Lightning in Glou- cefter, 1606- Lewys's Relation of dreadful Fighting and Groans heard in the Air in Carmarthen, 1681 — Two Letters relating the fad Accidents that fell out at Erpingham, neer Norwich, in Wiltfhire, 166; Second and moft exact Relation of the lamentable Ac- cidents which happened in Devon, 1638 — The Voice of the Lord in the Temple neer Plymmouth, 1640——^ Strange Newes from France, from a Gent, at Blois, 1678— —A Strange Wonder, or Citie's Amazement, that happened in the River Thames, 1641- Immor- tality in Morality Magnified, in Mafter Poun/ney, 1647 -j 3615 Trails. Hiftorical, from 1640101660 36 j 6 Trails. *b / c 144 ] \ - 3616 Trails. Parfons's Human Phyfiognomy Explained, tuts and MS. notes, 1747 Diflertatio de Phyfiognomia, / ,1678— &c. "3617 TraSs. Archbp. Williams, Heylin, Dr. Cole, &c. on the Holy Table, 3 vol. 1637, &c. < .. 3618 Tracts on the Peerage Bill, and Papers called the Ple- bian ■ . 1719 See Note at Beginning. Y - 3619 TraBs. Kenedy's Griuna Clarke on an Ancient Piece of Money found at Eltham North on Clarke's Remarks — Stukeley's Palaeographia Britannica, No. 3. *) nuith MS. notes 3620 Tra&s and Sermons, Mifcellaneous (20) 1700, &c. 3620*Heroic Epiftle to Sir William Chambers— —Heroic Poftfcript Epiftle to Shebbeare, &c. &c— Pettingal on St. George, and en the Garter — '753 3621 Trails. Hardy Knote, a Poem, 1740 — The Dunciad —Medea, a Tragedy New Bath Guide, 1766 Goldfmith's Deferted Village— &c. &c. &c. 3622 Trafts on the Filhery, and on Trade 1653, &c. -v „ 3623 Trails Epiftle to John Wade, a Poem — Art of Archi- tecture, aPoem,&c. &c. in the Whole 19 Pcems ' - 3624 Tracts, for and againft Bentley, nuitb MS. additions / „ 3625 Irafts. Glanvill's Animadverfions on a Book, entitled, Ne Plus Ultra, and other Tracts on the fame, by Henry Stubbs / (3626 TraBs. Sermon on the Earthquake at Lifbon, and , J others ■■ ■ - 1756, &c. (3627 Trails. A Brieff Difcours off the Troubles at Franc kf or d in Germany 1554, abowle the Book of Common Prayer and Ceremonies, 1 5 7 5 — and ctbir curious Tracls for and againft J the Litturgy •v 3628 Trails. Tovey's Anglia Judaica, or the Hiftory and Antiquities of the Jews in England, 1738 Sermon at the Jews Synagogue on the Faft Day, 1756— —P. Carteret Webb's Queftion on the Jews Naturalization / Bill, with fame MS. remarks ■£ 6 3629 Trails. Lilly's Collection of Ancient and Modern Pro- phecies on the Nativities of Strafford and Laud, 1645 Ryther's Difcourfe on the Spanilh Fleete invading England in i ^ 88 • Tragedie of King Charles, 1649 Relation of Actions of the Fleet under Pjince Rupert — &c. &c. &c. /iv 3630 Treaties en Epifcor cy ... 1641 3631 Tur.ftall /u. [ «45 ] + - 3631 Tunftall on Natural and Revealed Religion 1765 3 - 363* Tunftal on the Tendencies of the Foundling Hofpital, . in feveral Letters to a Senator • 1760 '3633 Tyfon's Anatomy of a Pygmie, plates — 1699 Z N 3634 Vallancey's Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic, or Irilh Language — . 1773 3635 Vane (Life and Death of) - 1662 t(/ 9 3636 Vaoghan's Britifh Antiquities Revived — 1 662 This Book fold at Mr. Weft's Anaion for il. No. 4521. 3637 Vaughan's Directions for Health, Natural and Artifi- cial ■ ■ 1626 -V3638 Verltegan's Antiquities, plates, wants title 1605 2 6 3639 Vertue's Catalogue of Charles the Firft's Collection of *, Pictures, with MS. notes at the beginning and end 17 57 ^ 3640 Vertue's Defcription of Hollar's Works, with MS. notes *r . . '745 / - 3641 Vicars's England's Parliamentary Chronicle, 2 vol. 1646 See Note in this Book. < - 3642 Univerfal Harmony, or Social Companion, with fongs , { fettomufic r- 1 745 * / 3643 Voyages to the Eaft Indies and Guinea •V 3644 Voyages from Afia to America by Jeffreys, 1761 / 73645 Ufher's Tradls ■ ■ - ■ 1631 2 ^ ib. 1789 o 3703*Lucani Pharfalia, Bentleii, 4to. — — ib. 1760 /j v y 3704 Tranflation from Dante, Canto XXXIII. 4to. ib. •^ ^Z. 6 3704* Walpole's Catalogue of Royal and Noble Author?, in- ter leaved, and with a conjiderable number of beads, ele- s/\ gantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves, z vol. ib. 1 75 8 v. 7 3705 For the Monument of Rofe, a Favourite Spaniel, ib. ■6 - 3706 Jonei's ( W.) Mufe Recalled, an Ode, occafioned by the Nuptials of Lord Vifcount Althorp and Mifs Lavinia // / Bingham, Daughter of Lord Lucan, 410. ib. 1781 °/ 3707 Jones's (W.) Muie Recalled, 4 to. — ib. 1781 JO 3708 Poems by Anna Chamber, Cou»tefs Temple, 4to. . . . ib '7 6 * /0 V - 3709 Copies of feven Original Letters from Edward VI. to . / Barnaby Fitz-Patrick, 4to. — — ib. 1772 a ^ 37 ! ° Fitzpatrick's and Fox's Verfes, 4to. ib. 1775 "/ 37'°* Gray's Odes, 4to. — ib. 1757 4 6 37" Walpole's Hiftoric Doubts on the Life and Reign of Rjchard the Third, with federal MS. Notes and Exit ails * from News Papers • — — 1768 ^ "J 3712 Wallh's Theory of the Earth Dublin, 1743 i" - 3713 Walter's (John) Reclor of Landough, on the Welfh - / Language • • Cowbridge, 177 1 y" 37H Wahers's (John) of Jefas College, Poems, Oxford, 1780 "* 37 1 ? Walton's (Br.) Lonfiderator Considered '^59 4 ^ 37 16 Walton's (Ifaac) Lives of Donne, Wotton, &c. beads, if , • l675 '0\ Q 37*7 Walton's (Ifaac) Complete Angler, by Sir John Hawkins, plattt — — — — — — 1760 See Note in this Book. 3718 Walton's (Ifaac) Complete Angler, by Sir John Hawkins, plates ________ - 1784 K 3719 Warburton'» (Bp.) Doftrine of Grace, 2 vol. MS. Notes, X / " '7 6 3 J 3710 Warburton (Bp.) on the Sacrament, with MS. references to other Authors and remarks ■ 1761 3720*Warburton's (Bp. ) Tranflations, Profe and Verfe, 1724 — His Enquiry into the Caufes of Prodigies and Mira- cles » ■ 1727 3721 War- A ■c I [ '49 ] J - 3721 Warburton's (Bp.) Alliance between Church and State, - >73 6 a • 37Z2 Warburton's (Bp.) Alliance between- Church and State, • / , >74» Z 6 37 Z3 Warburton's (Bp.) Alliance between Church and State, 1748 See Notes in this Book. 3 „ 3724 Warburton's Defence of hi3 Legation againft Middleton, . / Pococke, Grey, &c. MS. Notes 1744 °/ 3725 Warburton's (Bp.) Julian, MS. Notes — 1750 4 o 37 2 & Warburton's (Bp.) Sermons, 3 vol. in two, Dubl. and Lond. 1755, 67 / See Note in the third Vol. 3 (j 3727 Warburton's (Bp.) Divine Legation cf Mofes, 2 vol. in 4 1755 ■* - 3728 Ward's England's Reformation, a Poem, plates, 2 vol. / »747 6 3729 Ward's (Richard) Life of Dr. Henry More 1710 373° Ward's (Richard) Life of Dr. Henry More 1710 / C 3730*Ward's (John) DiiTertation upon Scripture 1761 6 .. 373' Warton on Pope, 2 vcl. — — 1756,1782 See Notes in both the/e Vols. 7 ^ 373 2 Warton on Spenfer's Fairy Queen, crown 8vo. 2 vol. t 1762 o -3733 Warton's Life of Dean Bathurft — 1 761 / - 3734 Wa fe on Free Schools, as fettled in England 1678^ / ( 3735 Waterhous'* Apology for Learning and Learned Men* - ' ' » 6 ?3 < -3736 Waterland againft Tindal's Chriftianity as Old as the Creation ■ ■ '730 3737 Watfon's (Bp.) Apology for Chriftianity, againft Gib- 1776 U / D ' 3738 Watfon's (Bp.) Chemical Eflays, 5 vol. 1781 ' - 3739 Watfon's (Bp.) Sermons and Tracts — 1788 4 -3740 Watfon's (Frederick) i. e. Dr. Hill, Animal World Difplayed, plates — — 1 75 4 3740*Watts's (Ifaac) Pieces ■ 1724 / £ 374I Watts (Ifaac) on Holinefs of Times, Places, and Peo- ple _ , |- /3 8 n (3 -742 Watts's (Ifaac) Thoughts, Profe and Verfe 1734 *\3743 Watts's (ifaac) Ruin and Recovery of Mankind 1742 i (8744 Watts's (Ifaac) Ailroncmy and Geography 1782 "1 374"> Watts's (Ifaac) Improvement of the Mind 1789 a . 3746 Weaver's Hiltory of Dancing »- - ■ -— 1712 3747 Webb's id z I 'jo ] 3? 47 Webb's (John) Langua:e of China the Primitage Lan- guage, nuith map of China > 1 669 See a long Note m this Book. 3748 Webb*9 Reafon> for think ng the Greek Language 11 borrowed from theChinefe - 1787 * 3749 Webb's (T.) Collection of Epitaphs, 2 vol. with MS S. and printed additions __ — '775 J 375° Weldon's Court ar.d Character of James the Firft, 1689 7 {3750* Weldon'i Lourt and Character of James the Firft, 1650 /J3751 Well-'s Ancient and Prefent Geography 1738 Q 3752 Wells'* Young Gentleman's Arithmetick 17*3 / ^ 3753 Wells's Geography of the New Teltament, maps and plates ■ 171* 2 - 3754 Wefley's Compendium of Logic, 1756 — His Reflections on the Conduct of Human Life, 1756 — His Chriftian Prudence ■ — — — x 7*9 / (3755 Wefley's Hymns ■ ■ 1739 " (3756 Wefley (Beauties of) / - 3757 Wefley's 1 iturgy — — — 1786 / - 3758 Wefley's Doflrine of Original Sin, againft Taylor of Norwich — — Brijiol, 1 7 57 "*■ ~ 3759 Weft's Guide to the Lakes .. '789 3 y ^ 3760 Weilminfter Forum (Hiftory of the), 2 vol. 178 1 / ^, 3760* Wefton's New Dialogues cf the Dead — 1762 7 a 37 i Wharton's (Sir George) Works, by Gadbury 1683 L 376^ Wately on Modern Gardening ■ l 77° 1 See No:es in this Book. 3763 Wheatlcy's (Phillis) Poems ■ 1773 ' "> 3764 W'heatley (Charles) on the Common Prayer 1 7 29 A 37^5 WhTperer (The), 23 Numbers - '770 / _ 3766 Whift (Maxims for playing the Game of) '773 £ 3767 Whift. (Treatifeon the Game of) • 1743 Z 6 37°^ Whifton's (William) Primitive New Teilament, ruj/is, / border of gold ■ ■ '745 6 3769 Whilton (William) Liturgy, morocco, gilt leaves, border of gold -— 1713 *• 377° Whifton's (Wiliiam) Preface to Primitive Chriftianity Revived — — — 171 1 ' - 3770*Whi!lon's (William) Theory of the Earth 1722 4 - 3771 Whifton's (William) Records of the Old and New Teila- ment, 2 vol. 1727 "/ 377 * Whifton's (William) Memoirs of himfelf 1753 / 3?73 Whifton's (Henry) Great Worth and belt Kind of No- bility — — — - 1661 Whitaker's Sermons upon Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell — — 1783 3775 Whitby J 3774 u [ i5« 1 / $77$ Whitby on the Chriftian Revelation — 17°5 J? 3776 White (Jeremiah) on Moderation among ChrifHans 3777 White's (Dr. Jofph) Sermons at Bampton's Lcfturej, 1784 3778 Whitehead (Mafon's Memoirs of William) Poet Laureat, York, \7%% v 3779 Whiting's Catalogue of Friends Books, written by Quakers — . 1 708 9 3780 Whitlock's ElTays and Characters ■ 1679 See Note in this Book. / (3780* Whitmill's Gardener's Calendar ■ 1757 ^)378l Whitworth's Advantages of Inland Navigation, with (plan > 1 1766 3782 Widow of the Wood, by Victor — — 1755 3783 Wilkes's North Briton, from No. 1 to 46 inclufxve, 8vo. 1761 N. B. This Edition publijhed and given away at the Ex- pence of Mr. Holds ^ - 3784 Wilkes's and Home's Letters, with feveral extracts from Neivs Papers — — ■ *77* 3785 Wilke^s Speeches in Parliament from 1774 to I777t 3 vol. in one ___— . 1777 ^3786 Wilkss's and Home's Letters 1771 o 3787 Wilkes's Speeches in Parliament, 2 vol. '777 - 3788 Wilkins's (Bp.) Beauty of Providence — 1659 - 3789 Wilkins's (Bp.) Secret and Swift Meflenger 1694 r 3790 Wilkins's (Bp.) World in the Moon, firft editiou 1640 6 379Q*Wilkins's (Bp.) Gift of Prayer and Preaching 1718 . 3791 Wilkins's (Bp.) Mathematical and Philofophical Works, 1708 3792 Williams's (Roger) Key into the Language of America, «6 4 3 Rare and Curious. See Notes in this Book. 3793 Williams (David) on Public Worlhip, Patriotifm, Ac. 1774 3794 Williams's (David) Sermons on Religious Hypocrify, 2 vol. in 1 .I, ■ '774 ? - 3795 Williams's (David) Liturgy 1776 See Note in this Book, and Letters from the Public k Papers 3796 Williams's (Benj.) Sermons • 770 6797 Williams's (William) Head of the Rock, A Wellh 7 Landfldp, A Poem ■ 1775 [3798 Williams's (William) Gofpel Hiftory — 1 776 3799 Willington's (James) Memoirs of a Proteftant, 2 vol. 1785 3800 Wil- I L 152 ] 7 /(3800 Willifon's AfHidled Man's Companion Paijley, 1772 ^ y ]38co* Wi-iis's Notitia Parliamentarian vol. 1. — I 71 5 J ^ 3801 Willis's' Notitia Parliamentarian vol. 1, with a great num- ber of MSS. notes and additions, by G, North of Codi- ^ / cote , 1730 / O 3802 Willis's Notitia Parliament arid., vol. 3 — 17$° J? - 3803 Willis's Notitia Parliamentaria, vol. 3, blue turkey, gilt f leaves, border of gold ■ '7 50 / S/ 6 3804. Willis's Mitred Abbies, 2 vol. MSS. notes by G. North 171 1 £ (3805 Wilfon's (John) Nehujhtan 1668 ~ ) 3806 Wilfon's (Bp. of Sodor and Man) Inftroftions for the Indians * ■ - 1 1740 i (3807 Wilfon upon War and Cruelty -. 1758 ^ " V 3808 Wincbefter (Defcription of the City, College, and Ca- . thedral of) y - 3809 Win? heller (Hiftory and Antiquities of), plates, 2 vol. -v . 3810 Windus's Journey to Mequinez, plates, 1725 — Jones's State of Virginia '7 2 4- 3 «, 38«o*Witjkelmann on the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks, by FuiTeli — 1765 / ^ 381 1 Winftanley's Loyal Martyrology, with plates, head, and / front i/piece — — — 1665 'V 381a Winter Evenings, or Lucubrations on Life and Letter*, 3 vol. , 7 88 ' \ * 38'3 Wifdom and Reafon, or Human Underftanding con- sidered — ■• - — — —— - 17 14 3814 Wither (Extracts from Juvenilia, or Poems by George), by Dalrymple, with head of Wither by Wm Dolle, 1785 -V « 3815 Wither's (George) Crums and Scraps, found in a Pri- foner's Balket at Newgate, Poems •— 1661 ' (3816 Witherfpoon's Sermons • Glafg. 1768 * "J 38 » 7 Witherfpoon's ElTays, 3 vol. ■ 1765 2 - 3818 Wits Interpreter : The Englifh Parnaflus 1671 / - 3 8 r 9 Wolfius's Logic 1770 Z -. 3820 Wollafton's Defign of a PartofEcclefiaft.es, in Verfe, 1691 See Note in this Book. 4 (3820*Wood's (Edward) Sermons — Oxford, 1656 "J 3821 Wood's (John) Stone-Henge, plates, and MSS. extratls from various books ■ '747 3822 Woodman's Rat-Catcher at Chelfea College, aTale,i740 '3823 Woodward's Natural Hiftory of the Earth 1695 3824 Woodward's Natu'al Hiftory of the Earth 1726 382; Wood waid on Foflils, plates • 1728 3826 Wool- it / 4 1 [ *H9 1 / 6 3826 Woolman's Life, Travels and Works — 1775 Z - 3827 Woolftcn's Fitnefs of the Time in which Chrifl was mani- , fefted in the flefh ■ 1722 / O 38*8 Wooilton-8 Moderator between an Infidel and an Im« poltor, 1 725 « His Six Difcourfes on the Miracles, 1727 r - 5829 Worcefter's (Marquis of) Century of Names and Scant- I lings, fcarce » — — 1679 See tivo long Notes in this Book. /(3830 Worthington on Redemption • 1743 I3830* Worthington on the Demoniacks againft Farmer >779 / 383 1 Worfley's Method of Tranflating the Latin Clafiics, / . '745 / ^ 3832 Worfley's Method of Tranflating the Latin Claffics, -) . , ' 74 * * 3833 Wotton's (Sir Hen ) Remains, heads 1685 J - 3834 Wotton (William) on Ancient and Modern Learning, 1705 3835 Wotton's (William) Mifcellaneous Difcourfes on the * Traditions of the Scribes and Pharifees, 2 vol. 171 8 "-3836 Wraxall's Tour through France ■ 1784 (3837 Wreath (The), a Collection of Songs — — 1753 ^3838 Wright's (James) Hijioria Hijirionica, or Account of the 1 Englifh, it?99 — Downes's Ro/cius A".?licanus, or Hirlo- rical Review of the Stage -from 166010 1706 1709 k< ^,3839 Wright's (George) Solitary Walks, and Confolations of Religion on the Death of Friends, with Poetical Medi- tations among the Tombs — — 1775 (3840 Wright's (Ab.) Sermons in five feveral Styles ; or Waies ) of Preaching — — » •■ 1656 )3840*Wright's (Ab.) Sermons — — — — 1656 ^3841 Wyche's Relation of the River Nile •■ 1673 3842 Wynham's (Penrud.) Tour through Monmouthlhire and Wales - 1/75 / " 3843 Wynn's (Sir John) Hiftory of the Gwedir Family, J 770 .3844 Wynne's (Edward) Eunomue, or Dialogues on the Law and Conliitution of England, interleaved, 4 .vol. 1774* / v 3845 Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus, by SpeLman, map, , 2 vol. - -r* 174a -3846 Xeres's Addrefs to the Jews, blue turkey, gilt leaves, 1 7 10 x 3847 Yeard's Paraphrafe upon Eccleflaftes ■ 1701 3848 Yearly (The) Chronicle for 1761 — ■ ' 1762 [3849 Yeat's Inftitutions of Entomology - ■ I77J / . 3850 Yelverton's (Sir Henry) Truth of the Chrrilian Religion, and Dr. John Twvfden on the Sibyllin; Writings, i66« *U 3851 Yonge'i ( 3 ut C »r 5 o 3 ' - 3*5' Y° n g e '' (William) England's Shame: or the Urimaffcingf of a Politick Atheift, in the Life and Death of Hugh- Peters !663 < o 3852 Yonge's (William) Life and Death of Hugh Peters, luitb front i/pitce and MS. index . ■ 1663 < . 3853 Young's (Edward) Night Thoughts, gilt leaves 1751 See Note in this Book by Dr. Lort, and Dr. Toung*s Hand- . Writing, nubo gave this Book to G. North. ' - 3854 Young's (Edward) Night Thoughts, with Glofiary and 2 Index by G. Wright - 1777 3855 Young's (Edward) Poetical Works, 2 vol. in 1 1741 4 - 3856 Young's (Dr. Arthur) Diflertations on Idolatrous Cor- ■x / ruptions in Religion, 2 vol. — — — *734- 3B57 Young's (Dr. Arthur) DifTertation?, 2 vol. 1734. 4 -3858 Young's (Arthur) Six Weeks Ton* through the Southern . / Counties of England and Wales — — — 1768 •V (7 3859 Young's (Arthur) Six Months Tour through the North - of England, plates, ill, .2d, and 4th vols. 1771 * ^3860 York (Defcription of the Cathedral Church of), plates, . / Tori, 1768 ' " 374.8 W - 3880 Widmore's Hiftory of Weftminfter Abbey 17-1 $ ^ 388o*Wi)kin^'s Dialogues of Kreefhna and Arjoon, tranflated from Brahmads Language — — 1785 * 3881 Wilis's Art of Painting, from Du Frefnoy M54 1, (3882 Williams's (Bift.op) sermons - ifcz8 ° - ^3883 Williams's Primitive Hiftory, from the Creation to Cad- 1/ mus, 3 vol. ^ — — - 1789 /? 6 3884 Wiliiams's Primitive Hillory, from the Creation to Ca«i- 2 a mus ' 3 vo1 - •* 1789 j J 3885 Wilfon on the Ornaments of Churches — 1761 ^ "A 388ft Winder's Hiftory of Knowledge, 2 vol. »745 ^ (7 3887 Winder's Hiftory of Knowledge, 2v0l.ini 1749" % 3888 Windham's Difcipline of the Norfolk Militia, plates, 1768 3 - 3889 Windham's Difcipline of Militia in Norfolk, plates, 1768 / , 3890 Winer's Sermon on the Origin and Eflence of a General Excife 7 _ 3890*Wife on fome Antiquities in Berkfhire, and other Tracts on the Vale of Whitehorfe, with plates, MS. notes and ^ / letters 1738, &c / o 3891 Withy atidRyall's Twelve Plates ofEnglifli Coins, 1756 /(, (j 3892 Wofull Ne-iues of the Flouds in Monmoutbjbire, luitb fron- tifpiece • ________ i6 7 i (3893 Wollafton's Religion of Nature _____-,' 17 ^i y ^3894 Wollafton's Religion of Nature — — - 1738 y - 3895 Womock's Pulpit Conceptions Popular Deceptions, 1662 % . 3896 Woodhead's Narration of the Life and Death of Chrilt, 7*1' , 1685 ^ "* 3897 Woodward on the Egyptians, MS. additions J _ 3898 Woodward on the Wifdom of the Ancient Egyptians, , three copies — ■ - '777 r *- 3S99 Woodward on the Wifdom of the Ancient Egyptians, < four topies . ■ « 1 7 7 7 ' - 3900 Worfley's Hiftory of the Ifle of Wight — 1781 Z - 3900*Wotton's View of Uickes's Thefaurus — 1737 _ (3901 Wotton's Elements of Architecture — — 1624 < -"J3902 Wright's Detection of certain Errors in Navigation, 1610 w J 3903 Wright's Louthiana ■■■ - 1758 !. / £3904 Varranton's England's Improvement — — 1698 ' f$9°5 Yarranton's England's Improvement — — 1677 FOLIO. *y t *'5* ] FOLIO. y -' £ 3906 Taylor's Life of Chrift ■ ■ 1657 3907 Taylor's Sermons for all Sundays in the Year '655 ~ 3908 Temple's Works, i vo!. — — — 173,1 J? y 3909 Tefiament (The New) Cambridge, printed by Buck, 1629 J [) 3910 Teftament (The New), MS. notes by North, by Barker, , 1613 6 J 39io*Teftament (The New) ■ 1656 7 ~ 39" Teftament, in Irifh »- ■ 1608 / W - 3912 Tillotfon's Works, '3 vol. - 1701 Z .Z ~ 3913 Tillotfon's Works, morocco, gilt leaves, 3 vol. 1710 ^ / 39*4 Torfhell on the Prophecie of Malachy — 1641 • ' // 6 3915 Vertue's Heads and Monuments to Rapin's Hiftory of / England, large paper, and fine imprejjions 1 7 36 ' * 39 *6 Vicars Decapla in Pfalmos ■■ ■ 1639 * - 39' 7 Vincent on the Errors in Brookes's Catalogue of N obi- / 1 lity, with MS, notes • 1622 A 6 3918 Ufher's(Bifhop) 1 ife of .. 168$ v - 39" 9 Ward's Lives of the Profeflbrs of Grefham College, 1740 /» 3920 Warner on the Common Prayer <* *754 //' - 39 21 Weever's Funeral Monuments -■ 1 1631 Z - 3922 Wefley in Librum Jobi ■ 1736 /L „ 3923 Whitby on the New Teftament ■ . ■ 1710 / ■ 3924 Whitlock's Memorials ■ 1682 /£ . 3925 Wiclif's New Teftament, by Lewis — '731 4 . 3926 Wilford'a Memorials and Characters of Worthy Perfons / »74» v * 3927 Wilkins's Real Character ■ 1668 «3 - 39*8 Wodrocphe's Marrow of the French Tongue 1625 ■<■ Z. - 3929 Wood's Athenae Oxonienfis, 2 vol. ... . . ■ 172J / £ . 3929*Wood's Athenaj Oxonienfis, 2 vol. in 1 1691 Sixteenth [ '53 J «j^;ococc03COOsreotcooocoo«cvMcooecofiocoocccoocoo«coocco(>oc«oocsoocooocoeocc}Oocooosesccooc*^y Sixteenth Day's Sale. j OCTAVO & Infra. 393° A GENDA des Auteurs — Au Parnaffe, 1755- ('393 ' ^ Allix Reflexions fur la Genefle Lotidres, 1687 9/393-2 Almanach Royal, annee 1787 13933 Almanach de la Librairie — Paris, 1781 ettre de Compt. de) Geneve, 1779 /(3954 Barri (Anecdotes fur la Compt. de) Loud. 1775 X. y 3955 Bafnage DifTertations Hiftorique fur les Duels AmjL 1720 * See Note in ibis Book. "^ 3956 Baffan Dictionaire des Graveurs, 2 torn. Paris, 1767 13957 BaiTevilie la Vie et les Exploits de Francois le Fort L>cnearPicart, ^tom. Haye, 1722 '991 Botfly Lettres fur les Spectacles — Paris, 1773 992 BonfonsAntiquitez etChofes remarquables a Paris, lb. 1 60S (3993 Bon Mots e Bon Contes lb. 1692 -. 3994 Borrelly Plan de Reformation des Etudes Haye, 1776 / fy 3995 Bordelon Voyage Force de Becafort Hypocondriaque' Paris, 1 709 See Note in this Book. /(399^ Bofle fur les diverfes Maniere de Peinture, a ,s, 1-4.S /4020 Calvet fur la Monument des Utriculaires de Cavaillon, 3 flj . . 4™& ! 7 66 J j 4021 Camufat Critique de Journaux, avec Index, Ms. 2 torn. ^«/?. 1734 4022 Cardanus, par le Blanc, avec fig. Paris, 1566 4023 Cavionne Hiftoire de L'Airique, Sec. 3 torn. ibid. 1765 (4024 Cathentarianacu Pvemarque D'riiiloire, &c, /'£/i n /t»_ i\ it k _1 j_ /"> : /•_•_ tj. '/ 4041 Chapelle (De la) l'Art de Communiquez fes Ides //>. 1762 4042 Chardin (Journal de Voyage de) a y - 4094 Delices de la SuilTe, avec fig. 4 tom. Rajle 1764 /(/ Cf 4095 Delices de L'Efpagne et du Portugal, a-vec fig. 4 tom. 1/ Zc/ac- 1707 . 5« AW f» f^.'J Book. y v 4096 D'Eon (La Vie de Madem.) par Fortelle Paris 1779 3 v 4097 D'Eon (Les Loifus du Chev.) ea Angkterre, 2 tom. en une London / ^ 4C9S Defcamps Vies des Pientures Flamands, Sec. nvec por- :... ., COjn. ill. ■ Paris 17C3 4099 Defcamps // / [ !59 ] -^099 Defcarops Voyage Pittcrefque de la Flande, a*oet \y> Par. . x 4 ico Des Gartes (I. a Vie de) — lb. 1693 9, 4101 Des Cartes, Voiage ctu Mcnde, par Daniel /£. 1691 6 4102 Dedand.es L'Art de nepoint Stennriyer Leige fj-ji I _ 4103 Deflandes fur la Marine des Anciens, avec fig. Paris ■ j-63 y 4104 EVitandes Critique de la Philofophi?, 4 torn. Atrffl, 1756 p O 4105 Dictionnaire M< ;al, 7 torn. — P<7r« i-no [_ q 4106 Dictionnaire des Arts ct Metiers, par Jaubert, 5 tora. I" .' J lb. r ""> f 4107 Dictionnaire Kiftorique-Portatif, par L'Advocat, i/np. \ ' 2 tora. ■ — — lb. 1 760 - 4108 Dictionnaire Hiftorique-Portatif, par L'Advocat, ?. torn. lb. 1760 -V4109 Dictionnaire Kiftorique-Portatif, par L'Advocat, 3 torn. Ib. --4110 Dictionnaire ffiftorique des Mxurs des Francois, 3 tom. Ib. 1767 —41 ii Dictionnaire Comiqus, Satyriquc, Critique, &c. par Le / ] ; . u x Amji . 1750 41 12 Dictionnaire des Monogramines, Sec. avec jig. Paris . *?6* - 4 r 1 3 Dictionnaire Raifcnne Diplomatique, par Vaine?, avec fig. 2 tom. ■ •— //;. ; 7 7 J. - 41 14 Dictionnaire Ph!!ofophique-Pcn-t;i tit" . - T^? / QUARTO. 41 1 5 Alvures Ahnales D'Efpagne et de Portugal, fig. J-mfi. 41 16 Art de la \ errerie traduit de L'Ailemand, aver fig. Paris 1752 -4117 Avril Voyage en Divers Etats d'Europe et d"Ai:e, fig* - Paris 1692 y 41 1 8 Eafttde Cabinet de Braamcamp v/yy". i 6f> .,.[[ 19 Beauvais dc la Maniere de Difcemer les Medailles Anti- ques, /' in/; 1739- — Rudolphus de Orname'nfi§ et lio- noribus Auguftarum, fig. Lfpf. 1733 "4.120 Bergeron Voyages faits Prineipalement en Afie, avec figures, 2 torn. . ■ Haye iy3> 41 2 1 Bemier KiMoire Cronolcgique de la Medicine Paris , / l6 95 . 6 4122 Berryat Pecucll des Meraoires Acaderniques, avec fig, 2. tom. . Dijon 1754 4123 Bochat / [ i6o ] O - 4'23 Bochat Memoires Critiques de FHiftoire Ancienne de la / Snide, 3 torn. avec figures J 747 / b 4124 Bochat Memoires Critiques, torn 3d — 1 749 / ^ 4 I2 5 Borel Recherches des Antiquitez — Pat. 1655 J ,4126 Buache Confiderations Geographiques et Phyfiques fur les Nouvelles Decouvertes dans la Mer du Sud, avec f dis cartes, ■ Pur. 1 753 ^ - 4 !2 7 Buy de Mornas Atlas Pliftoriqueet Geographique, 2 torn. * / • '' 62 / t? 4.1 2S Calmct Prolegcmenes de l'Ecretare Sainte, 3 torn. F ' - 413: Catalogue Raifone d une Collection de Medailles, lig. / • '" 4 •if _ 4' 32 Cat's Works and Emblems, in Dutch, fine plates, Amfi. 1 656 S t Note in the I': ginning X 1 (41, "3 Caylus ('Les Pierres Gravec de Comte de) /rwf/^»)r; u ^ "J 41 34 Caylus Rec'oejl d'Antiquites EgyptLennes, Sec. avec fig* , , \ . . . f"> x <^ / / _ 4 ' 35 Caylus Recueil d'Antiquites Egyptiennes, Grccs, A. v. 7 torn, avec figures Par. 1701 //41 56 Caylus Recueil d'" Antiquitez dans les Gaules, avec fig. /, {}■) Pa>. I7-0 J 4137 Choul de la Religion des Anciens, Romains, avec figure* Lyor. 1581 a / (4*1 3 8 Coins of all Nations, in Dutch — Hague i6io ^4139 Coins of all Nations, in Dutch, . -- Hague 1606 3 ~. 4H Crii'pian Jardin de Fleurs, pour les Amateurs Dicelles, * fr. et Lot. turn fig, Utreco:. <■ U ^141 Dan HLtoire de Barbarie et des fes Corfaires, avec fig. / _ P* r - 1637 r -* 4142 Danfe des Morts, gravec de 1' Original, par Merian, avec figures £ajkij$6 a (4143 D'Anville Antiqutte Geographique de F Inde, Paris if • . « I?7 * ( 4144 D'Anville M moires fur F Egypte Ancienne et Moderne, . / avec des cartes — Par, 1766 ' 4145 D'Anville des les Cotes de la Grece et FArchipel, Par. ,757 a {4146 D'Anville de F Ifle fur la Carte de F Ancienne Paleftine, ° ■ ) Par. ,763 (4147 D'AnvilFc's Geographical Analyfis of Italy. 4148 D'Arfviile * ^ 4*4-8 D'Arfviiie Navigations, Peregrinations, et Voyages, er) la Turquie, avec figures des habits Anders \ \ St?. Note in the Beginning J4149 D'Arfviiie Voj ages, Sec. avec figures 1 577 /14150 D'Eon (Chevalier) Lettres et Memoires Haye 1764 j O 41 5 1 Defcription de la Ville de Pekin, par de l'Ifle erne des / Planches Par. 170; 7 4152 Defcription de la Cathedrale de Strasbourg, avec 1' une bonne imprerhon de la Cathedral ■ i-j^ ' 4153 Dictionaire Francois et Celtique, par Roll rev: r 1732 7-4154 Duret Threibr de Langues, livre rare I'vcrd. 1619 |v 6 4'55 Dutens Explication des Medailles de Peuplcs, . 1786 K -4164 Herfchfeld Theorie de l'Art des Jardins,/?^. Leipf. 1779 7 -4165 Hiiloire des Ordres Monaftiques, a-z.ee fig. 3 torn. L Par. I 714 i -4166 Kifloire Generale' des Voyages, 510111. 1 746, &e, ? -4167 Hiftorie de PAcademie Royale des Infcriptiones, torn. $th, et 6th, i I/? -4168 Hiiloire de PAcademie Royale des Infcriptiones, 10 torn, Par. 1736 3 V 4169 Hiiloire Naturelle et General du Cabinet du Roi, 3 torn. . en 1 , orne de figures — Phje, 1750 ' 94170 Jauna Hiftoire Chypre de Jerufalcm d'Armenie . et Egypte, 2 torn. ■ — Loide 1747 » "14171 Inftruftion Paftoral de P Eveque du Puy - Puy 1763 ^ ---4172 journal de Voyage d' Efpagne Par. 1669 a (4173 Kaefter les Evenemens Fortuits — Berlin. \4174 Krafft Defcription de la Maifon de Glace Peterjl. 1741 -4175 Laiitau Mceurs de Sauvages, 2 torn. Par. 17-24 ) 4176 Lefcallier Vocabulaire desTermes de Marine, avec fig. Par. 1777 Y 41 7 7 Lett re t ' 6a ] J, 4177 Lettre de Pckin fur le Genie de la Langlie Chinoifc ' Brux. 1773, i l4i77*Liancourt Le Maitre des Armes Paris. 7)4178 Liturgie (la) de Neufchatel Bajle 1713 3 /i 4179 Mabillon fur la Reponfe au Traite des Etudes Monaf- tiques Pan 1692 (4180 Mahudel fur les Monoyes Antiques d' Efpagne, lb. 1725 .. ^4181 Maire (le) les Illuftrations de Gaule — /£. 1548 41 82 Mandements de 1' Eveque de Boulogne. 6 j. / I41 83 Maichand Hiftoire de V Imprimerie — Haye 1740 / 6*14184 Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences de Bruxelles, 2 torn. FOLIO. < - 4185 Champ Fleury auqtiel eft contenu 1' Art et Science de \k deue et vraye Proportion de Lettres Antiques et Ro^ mairies 'felon le Corps et Vifage Hainain, avec figures* Par. 152Q This uncommon Book fold at an Autlion IJZZ for tl. I 5 St S6 Bayer del Alphabeto y Langue de los Fenices 87 Bullet Memoires fur la Langue Celtique, 3 torn. a bejoncon 1 7 c 4 6 K 1 4188 Defcriptions des Arts et de Metiers, par l'Academie Royale, avec figures « Par. 1761 189 D'Herbelot Eibliotheque Orientale Meaft. 1776 [90 Duhamel Traite des Peches et de PoifTons, avec figu- res, 2 torn. Par. 1769 419! Dudin l'Art du Relieur Doreur de Livres, avec figures / / 17 ~ 2 \ / *• 4 192 Edicts et Ordonnances des Roys de France, depuisi226 Lycn ■ 1575 Note in this Book.— 1 'his is one of the fcarcejl Books 7 in French, in Europe. And Ducartl, iSc. &c. 4193 Encyclopoedie (Tables Analytique et Raifonne de), 2 / / torn. ■ ■ Par. 1780 " O 4194 Hariot MerveilleuxetEftrange Rapport des Commoditcz qui fe trouvc en Virginia, avec figures par de Bry< / Franc f. 1 ^90. -y - .4195 Harms Tables Chronologiquesdc Plus Fameux Peindures y / BronJiic 1742 ' / — » 4 l 9^ Hiftoire de Y Entree de la Reyne Mere dans la Grande Brcraigne, avec planches par de berre, very fcarce Lena 1639 4197 Jouffe ' > - k 3 / t '6 3 j oooocoQCcoooooooeooo3Q03aaoQOOftQOOO&ooot»&<' Seventeenth Day's Sale. OCTAVO fc? Infra. J - 4209 TVtCTIONAIRE des Artiftes et leurs Eftampes, *^ torn, lit Leipf. 1778 J 4210 Didier de la Ville et la Republique de Venife Par, 1680 / See Note in this Book. 3 (-) 42 1 1 Dignan fur les Politiques de l'Economie Publique Lond. 1776 In this Book are Neiuf paper Anecdotes concerning him ; his Examination for Forgery ; his Ej cape from New- / gate, &c. &c. o 4112 Dignan fur les Politiques de l'Economie Publique Lond. 1776 Y 2 42 1 3 Dif- [ i«4 ] > - A-Zij Diflertations fur divers Sujets important et err / in. in une Amji. 1740 -' '? 4214 Di :rtation fur l'Ecriture Hierogjyphiquq ib. 1762 / St'^ JV*,v ;',v .'.!/.• j#s<;£. • -J '^'4315 Diifertatiom fur les BibLiotheques Far. 1758 o 4216 Dolet (La Vic de) — ib. 1779 42 T,iL"j Voyage aux Ifles de Lipari /£. 17. "'3 -2 - 421 S D'Origny Chronologie des Rois du grand Empire drs Egyptiens, 2 torn. < ib. 17^5 * - 4 2I 9 D'Orville Hiitoirc des diffcrens Peuplcs du Monde, 2 ten. /£. 1770 i'4220 Doiiet Ad\!«au Roy ■ ib. . 4221 £?cu'ze (Les] r'ctito Prcphetes ib. 1681 A3.Z2 Dnbois Hiftoire* Naturejtt$ et des Arts ib. :--z *\ - 4225 Dufrefnoy Hiftoire Sacree et Profane, 2 torn. tiaye 1745 / Sp? Not ■ i : ibis Book. ■'> - -;2 2i. Dufrefnoy Methode pcur etudier la Geographic, ave'e charts. > torn, wanting ift taris 1756 // . 4225 DurVemey Methods peuer etudier l'llilloire, a-6o See Note in ibis Buk. > 4232 Eidons Hiftoire des Decouvertes dans les Arts Lyon 1 767 42;; et les Evangiles, avec Les Oraifons de / q I gliffe, Morrocco, gift leaves / \y e la Mothe le Vayer 4*3 j Efprit des Jonrnaliftes de Trevoujjj 4 torn. 4.236 Eliaifur les Arts en Dannemarc 4237 ElTai fur les gran. les Ev \ V / n *, (V"-.'-3 Eflkifuf L'OrigiHe des.Langues a 4-3°- l*fi*i for lesMceurs des Francois [ .: furla Pebturecn Mofaique Paris I -02 — '743 4 torn. i -■ 1 C openhag. par les retires c 1760 land. ib. 177* Pans 1768 42 f J EiTai [ »6 5 ] - 424.: Eflhi fur L'Origine ties Connoiflances Humaines Amjl, i 7 46 242 Eflai far L'Etude de la Littcrature Lovd. 1761 ' - 5243 Eftienrie Apologie four Herodbte, 3 torn, Haye .735 (4244 Etat D'Efpagne avec un Voyage D'Angleterre Fill Jr. f J W7 rj 4245 Etat du Royaume dc Portugal 1 766 Lauf. 1775 4246 Etienne Fabliaux et Genres aes Poetes Francois, 3 tom. n -is ■ 66 ^ 4247 Expedition des trois VaifTeaux dans les Indes, pai Behrens, 2 tom, en une H<*y s . -739 iVt? AW f'» th'-i (424S Explication des Ceremonies de la Fete-Dieu D'Aix, -■v avec fig. . 4™ \777 1 4249 Expbfe de la Conteftation de Hume et P,ouiTeau Load. 1.766 Note in tl s Boofi, iv ib extraSis frdm Papet . i - 4250 Ezour-Vedam oq Ancien Qommentaire de Vedam, 2 tc;n. . / 1 verd. I ■; 3 ■^ O 4251 Fabricy fur L'Epoque de L'Equitation d :s CI 3 des ,. Ar.ciens, 2 tcm. — Mar/, * --4252 Fabricy des Titres Primkifs Je la Pvevelalioa, 2. n. ' _ liens -.772 [A yl 2 5J Feynes Voyage la Chine *aris 1030 ■^4254 Flachat far le Commerce et fur les Arcs de I/Europe, / avexfig. 2 tom. . . . -? (4.256 Fleury fur les Devoirs des Maitres et des Dpmeftique 4 - J Paris 688 (4257 Fleury fur les Mceurs des Chretiens, 2 tom. ib. ; f. ■''4258 Fleury des Mceurs des Israelites etdes Chretiens 1.6 ^v 14259 Floris de la vraie Religion 4 I 4260 Fontaine (Contes.et Nouvelles, de) 2 tom. ,: / - /4261 Fontenelle fur Ja.Pluralite des Morides ) \^z6z Force (De la) Voyage de France, aZ ' " 433 . : .j Gibraltar Cadix < -,4337 Hollande (Lei Mom. -vr ijto ^ 4338 Ho *) ou Lettres d'un V03 . y lant de Parib a Spa, 2 torn. G 4339 Hop Defcription ca Cr^de Bonne-Efperar., ., av ~ . Atnft. I 77 8 / j 43-to Huet Perdees diverfes de) Amft. \~z ; "j 43-t- ; v, Penfees diverfes Paris tjzz- 43^2 Idee Generaile d'un Collection complete D'Efta;. 7. ' - 4343 Jk'nvn's Examcn dc IPE, Ucncc Intrinfeque du C". mfrne, pat Gib., erf — Lord. 1^76 /"4 344 Jr.decer.ee (De L') atix Hommes D'AccoucPer les Fe:r.- -v x "I rci-. L"M4 (4345 Imerefts (Lcs) Dc I/Angleterre mal-er.tendir-, ».°3 n S:e Nelt in ibis Bo:'-. " 434-' J' " M nbires de Gui) . 1738 ^.j 4347 JolIv\ct (Poefies Chretiennes de) JJtrechi i/08 5. - i Book. a [4348 Jones Lettres a Anquetil Perron £o»< 1771 ' ^ 4149 Joubert, La DefPnateur pour les Fabriques D'Ot ' " D'Or, &c. Paris t?6$ j / ("4150 Jordan Vie et Ouvrages de la Croze . i~ii ^ "14351 Journal Hiftorique oa Avantores de M. dc T. E. Load. / '7" ,f) 6 4^52 Julien Defenfe du Paganifme par D'Argens 7 - 4353 Karatfchatka (Hiftoire de J et des Ifles Kunlflci, 2 ~om. / . * ?6? / - 4351 Kerallio Collections de DifiFerens Mcrceaux, avec fig. / Paris / 4? ,c K.ien-Long de la Ville de V et de feS Environ?, / Poeme, par Amiot . ;;o A - 43)^ Kleeman Voyage de Vlenne a Belgrade et a Kilia Neiu ''. \~';o. Willis's Short f Crim-Tartary 1 7 • 7 In ibis Book are exirads from Magazines. 4>7 POein Obfervations contre Linn Pa 175 f ? f 4 3 c S Labipte Grarnmaire Francoife Camb. 178* I 4*159 Lacombe Abrege Chroaologique des Empires //i/. 1776 - ^4381 Lettre fur L'Emeute Populaire excitee L 74 | 5 - 6 4382 Lequien Defenfe du Texte Hebreu P7^ " 4593 ? Journal des Voyages dc) 2 torn. Paris 1677. / - 4.394 ' ations pcur la Chapelle du • 1 J 6 Iontucla Hiftoire d< atiqaes, 2 torn, ib [758 . 1*4396 Neckar fpn Compte rendu au Roi — -V - 14397 O^fervations l'Hiftoire Naturelie, de la T\ 1 furla P^inture, avecjig. — — / - 4398 Oraifon Funebre de Prince de Conty, par Maffilon ib. ■ / . * - r ?°9 / () 4309 Pacome Description du Plan en Relief de 1' , la Trappe, a 4400 Paliffy (Oeuvres de) * 777 ^ ^ 440; Perjin Defcript. des Royaulmes d'Angfeterre et d'Ei 155S — Serre de la Hiftoirc dc la Reine Ivkrc d Bretagne, iuit - / ( • *[- -j 4 • ..-., , • (Tonnel Obfei iques fur les Pe / / ' '7^i '0 Q < .7 ib. 2. - . . -'Dime, .par Silhouette I '* /'» /£« i?. ■■ J* I4408 Rei iles et des lies, pour Servir dc it, aux Recueils de :s, avec le Troifieme Supplemenl . . / / . ib - '773 / .- j de Catherine II. pour 'ration de f ; Gouvernmcnts de des 1 "* - ' ■ 1 . . . •' • ■ . Tire de 1 ,, -C - . . ■ 171 J * . .• :. le la Vie et des Moeurs des Bramines, a-vec Z>< . Amji. 1670 M 1 j\ ■ • . Moeurs des Bramines, aw^ r Z>. i ■ ;'}. 1670 A Coi>y of theft Two lajl Boiks fold at Gregory Sharp's A Sate, for 1 1. I 2 6. d les Gynopqdes ou de la Nudite des Pieds , Par. 1623 f y irs des Anciens Peuples "77° lint -Croix Examen.des Anciens Hiitoriens d'Aiiexan- \. dre le Grand Paris 1775 V !(=*■ I441 r'Afrique en Piuficurs Cartes 3 , axe (Comte de) fes Reveries, av^c fi~, 2 toin. ^ / i?57 v - le l'Apotheofe d'Homere fur un Marbre / . ■'■'-. - ''*■ ' / - 4420 Scmidt Recueii d'Antiquites de la SuifTe, gvecfigt j / Franco f 1771 ' V 4421 Serviere Recueii des Machines Curieux, twee fig. Lyo?t / ' 17*9 v > 44.22 Sorel la Science Univerfclb, 3 torn, Paris 1641 /) lj 4423 Spectacle de la Nature & des Arts, 2 Recuei , .color, Berlin 17 6 1 ^ " 44-24 Tayerniers (Voyages de}, avec fig. Paris 1679 J? ;; j Theorie et Pratique du Jardinage, avecfig.. Haye 1761 $ ._ 4426 Tilliot Memoires de la Fetes des Foux, avet Pans 1 741 — le Calendrier des Foux a Stultinomie 1738 / / Ste Notes at the Beginning and End. ^4427 Tournefort Voyage du Levant, asvecfig. Paris 171 7 J fa 4428 Truchejt Metbode pour faire une infinite Ac Deffeins dlf- ferentes, avec des CarreauX mi-partis de deux co diagonale, wvecfig. ib. a . 4429 iuccaro Dialogues de l'Exercife de Sautcr et en FAir, avec fig. ■ ib. / - 4430 Vaucanon le Mechanifme du Fluteur Automate Pt ->/' ... « '73* / tj 4431 Vinciolo Singuher et Nouveaux Portraits, pour tout fort D'ouvrage de Lingerie, avec figures de j. £5 lacis y 1 parte i - ibi 1599 Thii is a -vet j curious Book. See Notts at the Beginning 4432 Voyage de Siam des Feres Jefuites ib. 1686 '4433 Wincicelman far les Decouvertes d'Herculanum Dt 14434 Wiuckelman Dekription des Pierres Gravees de Baron ^ • de Stoch Florence 1760 Z 2 44 M - [ '7 2 J J * 4435 dg tu * de Snldanis Annone Cartetginrfe cioe vera Spifgazione at!, a « Seena de>P .it:o V delta Commedia dt Pluuto in Poenuio, Rem. 175/ — — — Antiquity of the lrijh Language Duti. 177* «j / See in this book, MS. references to others. "^ " 4436 Agrippa (Camil.o) Trattato di Saenza D'Arme, con Jig. Venet 1568 '$\- 4437 Alberti Defer iptione di tutta Italia — Venez. I 568 Note in this bock — 7 his is a very fcarce and much valued Account of Italy With another curious Note refpcQ- . in% the Author, ' ' - 4+3^ Aldrele Farias Antiguedudts de Effana, Af/iea y otras Pro- vir.cias ■■ ■ Amber es 1614. 'Note, in this hock — One of the tnofl valuable bocks of this K.nd in the Spa>Jh Language, end very rarely to be 2 net ixtth. 4479 Biancbmi la ljh,riaXJr,ivt*foU, di Barbazza Rom. if^J ** v 4440 Cccchi Jopra tin Manofcripto in Cera — Firenz. 1 746 ■v. 6 444 • Ficbrom la Bella d Qro de Far.ciullt Nobilt Rcmani, e quelltt n d* Libert ini — ■ ibid, \"]\Z *. ' 4442 Fkoroni Jopra V Anl Montfiaucon, / Venez. 1710 4462 Rofa (Ef^erimento Efiemfcraneo fatio dalla Signer a Maria) Rom. 1775 (446$ Scappi dell Arte dell Cucinare, con Jig. ^4464 Segneri Vlncredulo Senza Sc'u/a — Firenz. 1690 ^ 4465 Siatuti della Venerabile Archicenjraterhita di. S Francejco, Rom. 1677 9 4466 Velafquez fibre los Alphabetic de las Letras Dejconocidas que r Je encuentran en las mae antiguas Medallas, y Monumental de Ejpana, con Jig. . Madrid 1^52 - 4467 Veneroni DiElionaire Italien tt Francois, 2 torn, en une, Amjl. 1729 FOLIO. / V 4467*Pafquier Recherches de la France Par. 166$ L. 4468 Paulet L'Art du Fabriquant Detoffes de Soie, avec Planches 1 775 -4469 Pline Hiftoixe de L'Or et L' Argent a Durand Loud. ™_ ■ • r, I729 -,4470 Pluvinel Maneige Royal, a , ib. . f. (4495 Ltvoy Voyage D'Efpagne, en 1755, 2 torn. Paris 1 )4490 Livres des rrierres Communes, fans, Titre i regie. -V 4497 Livres de PrierresCominunes^avcc ies Pfeaumesde Da Fr, and En g. maroi les dore'eSyOxf, by B ■ 1 : a i i i 175 j y ~ — Paris : K 1 Conftitution de la Roi dc Sardaigne 1770, 2 le des Crens des ;£. 1 \ Recueii i?^; 706 /) cuction Pair — /j le) 2 torn, en une, — ^ — .que arte de 1/ ■ / r L'Herefie des 2 to., ■ k D* Anecdotes In I /( — I 'anaries, Cap-Verc ib. ce de^ An( } folitaire d J r 775 "\<4 "nn. /'£: 1777 ' _lj Septentrionaux, ««w 1697 " 4 5 - te, 2 torn. / -H — - . • - Arts 45 2 ' icgan [ '76 ] / (45 2 $ Mehegan fur les Revolutions des Arts Paris 1755 ^4529 Mehegan Tableau de L'Hiitoire Moderne, 3 torn. Paris 1766 / /(4530 Melanges de Litterature ;/;. 1726 1453 1 Melanges de Litterature D'Hiftoire et de Philofophic, . 4 torn. a /C454.4. Mezirac Problems Plaifans et Dele&ables Lyon 1624. 1 4545 Michaelis de L' Influence des Opinions fur le Langage .1 | et le contraire 1762 / — 4546 Michaelis Recucii de Queftions — FrMne, 1763 Set Note /« this Sock. I 6 {45*7 Michault de la Vie de L'Abbe Dufrefnoy Loud. 1761 } 454.8 Mirabal Voyage D'ltalie et de Grece Paris 1698 {''4549 MiiTy (De) Paraboles ou Fables d'un Citoyen Loud. 1770 4550 Moine (Le) Secularise Maguel 1677 4551 Molton Voyages Liturgiques de France Paris 1757 /I/l ''^4552 Moliere {{Envies cle) avec fig. 4 tam. i?tf/fc 1760 / (4553 Monch-iolon Dictionr.aire Abrege D'Antiquites, Paris Zl\ J , 1760 (4554 Monier Fhftoire des Arts ib. 1698 > Xf 4555 Monnoye Fliiloire de Eayle y/w/?. 17 16 / " j 4.556 Montaigne (EfTais de) Notespar Colle, 5 torn. Lond.1769 ("4557 Montamy Traite des Couleurs pour la Peinture Paris < - y »7 6 5 ( 4558 Montaufer (La Vie de) 2 torn, en une Paris 1729 4559 Montpcllier. ! { »77 3 ' / 45?9 Montefquieu (Lettres Familieres) Rome x 7 7 ;-j / 4560 Montefquieu (Lettres de) — Lond. 1767 / / 4-561 Montpellier Defenfe du Culte Exterieur de EgUffe Ca- tholique Paris 1686 V 7 4562 Morel Elemens de Critique des Textes Latin ib. 1766 - 6 4563 Morel Theorie des Jardins ib. 1776 / / 4564 Morellet Manuel des Inquifiteurs, D'Efpagne et de Port 1 Lijb. 1762 9 4565 Motion Catalogue Raifonnee, par Gerfaint, Par;.; 1744 ! / (4566 Moiiette (Relation de la Captivite de) ib. 1783 ' ) 4567 Moulinet la Vraye Hiftoire Domique de Francion, 2 torn. f Leyde / ~- 4568 Moyen de Parvenir J ^ 4569 Murr Effai fur L'Hiftoire des Poetes Tragiques Grecs Nuremb. 1 760 /(45 70 Murr fur l'Hiftoire de Poetes Grecs ib. 1760 ^J457i Nadal Hiftoire des Veftales Paris 1725 2 ^4572 Naude Confiderations fur les Coups D'Eftat, ?naroquin j et feuilles doree's ' 1667 o 4573 Naude Apologie pour les Hommes accufez de Magie Paris i6Cg ? /n574- Naudasana et Patiniana, Amjl. 1703 [4575 Necker Elogede jean Baptifte Colbert Paris 1773 Q ~4$j6 Necrologe des Hommes Celebres de France, 6 torn. Maeji. 1775 /0~ —4^77 Niceron Memoires des Hommes Illuftres, 34 torn. Paris 1, J 4578 Niebuhr Voyage en Arabie, 2 torn. Sniffle 1780 6 - 4579 Niecamp Hiftoire de la Miflion Danoife des les Indes, / 3 torn. — ■ Genev, 1 745 v 4580 Noailles (Mandement du Card) feuille s doree's Par. 17 10 / 6 4,581 Nonnotte fur les Erreurs de Voltaire, 2 torn. Lyon 1767 (4582 Noftradamus, par Guynaud — . Paris 1709 4 --,'45^3 Nouveau Teftament — 1 — Mons 1672 (4584 Nouveau Teftament, Fr. But. &f £«£•. ^;w/?. 1684 n (45^5 Obfervations fur la Conftitution Militaire /£. 1778 * "^4586 Obfervations de L'Amerique et des Americains Berlin f l 77 1 / - 4587 Obfervations fur le Mandement de Malines Lille 1783 2 J4588 Olon Relation de L'Empire de Maroc Paris 1695 ^^4589 Ordonnance du Roy pour les Reiglement des fes Monies a . _ Paris 1572 $ -4590 Origine des Loix, des Arts et des Sciences, 5 torn. ib. / . . . l 7S9 (y 4591 Origine des Premieres Societes des Peuples Amjl. 1770 A a 4592 Origny [ >78 3 4592 Origny fur L'Egypte Ancienne, 2 torn. Pari: 1-62 [4593 Oftervald Traite de L'Impurite Amft. 1707 I 4594 Otter Voyage en Turque et en Perfe, 2 torn. Paris 1748 ^4595 Ouvrages (Divers Caraclers des) Hiftoriques Lyon 1694 ^4596 Oxenftirn fur Divers Sujets de Morale Franc. 1746 (4597 Paine fur les Erreurs de Reynal Amft. 1783 4598 Pankouke de L'Homme et de la Reproduction, Paris 1761 (4599 Papillon Traite de Gravure en Bois, a ^ - 4618 Pilati Voyages en difFerens Pays de L'Europe 1774, 5, / 6, 2 torn. — Haye 1777 ~ 4619 Pline, Traduit par Falconet Amft. ijyz 5 (4620 Poefies Morales et Chretienne, 3 torn. /W.f 1740 ^4621 Poiflbn Commentaire fur Defcartes ib. 1671 ^4622 Poiffon Traite du Chant Gregojien ib. 1750 4623 Pope ( I J 79 J A ii 4623 Pope Eflfai fur L'Homme en cinq Langues Strajb. \4624 Porte (Memoires de la) — Genev. 1756 ^4625 Portes (CEuvres de Philippesdes) Paris 1587 {4626 Portocarrero (Hiftoire Politique et Amoreufe du Card) Amji. 1756 4627 Poulain fur L'Education des Dames Paris 1679 - 4628 Prades (Examen de la Thefe L'Abbe de) A?nji. 1753 4629 Prades (Apologie de L'Abbe) ib. 1753 '■£ ^ J4630 Prefontaine Maifon Ruftique de la France Paris 1763 v "14631 Prince (Le) de Conde ib. 1681 \ (4632 Progres des Allemands dans les Sciences I 75 2 /(4^33 Proprieties (Les) D'Habacuc, 2 torn Pan's 1775 6 4634 Proyart Hiftoire de Loango, Karongo, &c. ib. 1776 4635 Pfeaumes de David, par Beze, regie Gene Elegant little Piece - 4677 Robert Geographie Sacree, 3 torn, en deux Paris 174.7 / J 4678 Pvobin Voyage dans L'Amerique Septentrionale 1781 / ' Phi lad. 1782 / 6 4679 Robinet de la Nature Amft. 1761 See Note in this Book, %_U A R TO, & / i A QUARTO. 4680 Abbotti Antilogia ad Apolegeticum pro Garneto, Lond. 1613 4681 Abicht Annotationes ad Vaticinia Habakuki Prophets, Wit tern. 1732 » / 4682 Abilfedse Annales Moflemici, a Reifke . Lipf. 1754 j- ^ 4683 A&a Literaria Hafnienfis, cum fig. Hafnite 1778 j - 4684 Academias Cefareo-Leopoldinas Ephemeridis, cum fig. 2 / Noriberg, 1 7 19 . / 4689 Aebredi Opera, a Gibbono — Duaci\6$i j 4686 Aelnothus de Vita, S.JCanuti, a Meurfio Hafn. 1631 4687 Aiftingere Topographica atque Hiftorica Leonis Belgici Defcriptio, ab Anno 1559 ad Annum 1587, cum mul- tis figuris — Colon, - 4688 Aleandri Antiquae Tabulae Marmorese Explicatio, Rom. ap. Zenet. 161 6 4689 Aloyfii Apendicula ad Numifmata Grasca Populorum etUrbium, a Gefnero, cum fig. — — 1/69 4690 Alphabeta Linguarum Orienta-lium — tar. i6$6 |/ (469 1 Alpinus de Medecina /sgyptiorum Lug. Bat. 1 7 1 9 . 14692 Alpinus de Plantis /Egypti, cum fig. Pata757 v 4694 Antonini Iter Britanniarum, a Gale, cum fig. Loud. c « • . - ; I7 ° 9 4695 Antonini Iter Britanniarum, a Gale, cum fig. Lond. J 7°9 4696 Antonii Comes de Kevenhiilier, Regum veterum Nu- mifmata Anecdota, cum fig. — Vien. Aufi. 4697 Apiani (Petri) Cofmcgraphia, cum fg. Antwerp. 1545 4698 Apocalypfis S. joannis, Syr. Ebr. Gr. hat. a de Dieu, Lu '. Bat. '627 4699 Apocrypha, Greece Antn» rp ap. flan. 1384 4700 Apocrypha, a Junio, hit erf ol. i.um nptis MS. Lond, l S19 4701 Apoftolia (Michaelis) Proverbia, ex Auftoribus Grascis, Gr. Lai. a Pantino Lug. Bat. ap. Elz. . 3 n (4702 Aquilanus de Placitis Philoibphcrum, a Bruckero, "l a • • • ' u ' 7 5 6 (4703 Aragonias (Synopfis Stirpium Indigenarum) cum fig. Mafiil. : 7 79 (N 4704 Arndii Syftema Literarium Lips, et Rofiock 1714 4705 Auc- [ '8. ] < 47°5 -Audores Graeci Claflis Humanitatis in Collegii Societa- a tisjefu Duaci 1635 '4706 Auctores Varix de Agrorum Conditionibus et Conftitu- / tionibus Limitum, cum fig. Par ap.T umebum i < LipJ. 17 jo-. '\* 472^ Eellonius de Admirabili Operum Antiquorum et Rerum /- fufpiciendarum prxftantia — Par. 1.^3 Z (j i 4729 Ben Ifrael Conciliator Franco/. 1633 I 4750 Benzelius de Johanne Durxo, de aftis ejus Suecanis, Hehnji. 1744 4731 Ber- t l8 3 ] 47 J i Bergii Stromatcus Academicus Lipf. 1745 4- 32 Beverovicius de Vitae Termino Lug. Bat. 1635 4733 Beza; Icones, id eft vera? Imagines Virorum Doftrina fimul et Pietate Illuftrium, 80 /4734 Biblia Sacra, a Schmidt, cum ejus effigie, Argent. 1696 4735 Biblia Sacra, Vulgatse Editionis, Par e Typographia I Regia 1653 9 6 4736 Bibliotheca Ofterleinfe (Catalogus Librorum) olim Bryan Fairfax 1771 See Note in this Book, only twenty-jive Copies printed. 4737 Bibliotheca Smithiana • Venet. 1755 a (4738 Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum Franco/, et Lipf. 1738 /J4739 Bibliotheca Bunavianae, 6 torn. Lipf. 17SO ) (3 47^0 Birnbaum de Natura ac Ufu Studii Antiquitatum, ib. J] ,, «74» / (4741 Bifogni Hipponii Neapol. 1710 > -V474 2 Blount Cenfura Authorum Col. Allob. 1694 ( 4743 Boehmius de Bonarum Litterarum in Saxon, efflorecen- tium Statu — Lipf. et Drefd. 1758 FOLIO. v 4744 Braunius de Praecipuis totius Mundi Urbibus, figurii ca- lorat, 4 torn. / ^4745 Brodxi Epigrammata Francof. 1600 J T 4746 Bruckeri Pinalotheca Scriptorum Germanicis, Imagines a, et Elogia ■ -dug' Vin. 17 4. 1 v 4747 ^aii Hortus Palatinus Frederici Regis Boemiae, cum fi- *) / gun's a de Bry > Francof. 1620 4748 Camdeni Britannia — 1507 (4749 Cafaubon Animadverfes in Athenaeum Lugd. 1621 J J47jO Catalogus Manufcript. Collegi Corporis Chrifti 1722 M4751 Catalogus Manufcriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae I&97 >. ^(4752 Catalogus Bibliothecae Bodleiana, 2 torn. — 1738 2 v 4753 Cave Hiftoria Litterairia, 2 torn. — 17^0 ; v • 4754. Cave Hiftoria Litterairia Ecclefiaft. Genev. 1 729 Z9 4755 Chelidonii (Mariae) Hiftoria Alberti Dureri, figuris ^ Nuremb. 151 1 h >4? 56 Chifhulli Antiquitates Afiaticae — 1728 1 47 5 7 Chifhulli Antiquitates Afiaticae, cum fig. chart max. , Lond, 1728 J n i475 8 Clementis Alexandrini Opera, Gr.Lat, Colon. 1688 {4759 Clerici Harmonia Evangelica Amjl. 1-99 4760 Con- [ i84 ] < A. 6 4760 Conftantini Lexicon, 2 torn. ap.Crifpin. I 562 y - 4761 Copernicus de Revolutionibus Orbium Cceleftium / / _ ; 3«/J/ 1536 -4 6 4762 Corfir.i Notas Grcecorum, qua? in zEreis atque Marmo- t I reis Tabulis obfervantur — Florent. 1749 / // 4763 De Bris India Grientales, Pars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1601, — America, Pars 2, 3, M^4 < 2 4764 Diodorus biculus, Gr. Lat. a Weffelingio, 2 torn. Amfi. *y ... . . ' 7 4 6 / " 476^ DitmariChromcon, a Reineccio, Franc, ad Ma-n. 1580 ~ 4766 Dufreihe Chronicon Pafchale Par. 1588 J JO - 4767 Dufrefne Gloffarium ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae La- tinitatis, 6 tom. — Par. 1734 «^^ooeocM«coMco90cooocoooooo3Coo:coooc399cooosocjooeoeccoeot»eococooo9ooeceoe90tec&e3:50o^K^ Nineteenth Day's Sale. OCTAVO & Infra. / ' ' 4768 OOCHEFOCAULT(Memoiresde) Cologne i66 9 A " 47^9 Rochefoucault ( Reflections et Maximesde) Par. 1692 y v 47:0 Rollin's Hiftoire Ancie.me, "torn. Amji.x"}^ /p 4771 Rondel fur leChinix de Pythagore 7"^. 1690 5 (4772 Rondel fur un Chapitre de Theophrafle Amji. \6%6 ' \ 4773 P- 0( l ue L'Origine des Nomset des Surnoms Pan; 1681 (4774 Roque Voyage de L' Arable Heureufes, a*vec jig. Amji. 2 1716 / 4775 Rofenberg Pieces Morales et Sentimentalcs Lond. 1785 4776 Rouen (Riitoire de la Ville dej Rouen 1759 - 4777 Rouffeau (Les Plagiats de) fur L'Education, par Cajot Haye 1 766 4778 Rouffeau (Lettres de) a-vec Supplement, a - 4892 Winckleman Hiftoire de L'Art chez les Anciens, 2 torn. Amft. 1766 ' " 4894 Albrizzi Forcfiiere Illuminate dell Cilia di Vimzta, con. / Jig. — — — Venez. I74O ^ 4895 Algarotti Saggio di Lettere fopra La RuJJia Paragi. 1760 9 4896 Bartoli, U Glcrie Maefiofe del Santuario di hereto In Ma- cerata 1690 / (4897 Cavala/ca Df/crizione Ilineraria di vari Patft di Europa e ' ■" " H di qualcbe Luogo di Africa Napol. 177 1 (4898 Cevoli, II Kodo D'Amore ed Amicitia, Tragicomedia, Roma 1 ,6 5 6 / - 4&>99 Delaval, fulle cagiopi del cangiamento di Colore »e* Cor pi Opaccbi, e color ati, de Fromond Milan. 1779 J 4900 Fleury, Cofiumbres de los IJraelitas, traducidas en Caflellano por De Barry Par. 1734 / - 4901 Gioielliero (Balbi) Viaggio dell Indie Orient 'ali, Venet. 1590 See note in this book. Hall's Mundus Alter et Idem, maps. Franco/. J (4902 Guarini, IlPafior Fido, configure Parigi. 1766 .) 4903 Guattini, Viaggio nel Regno del Congo Venet. 1679 v (3 49°+ Habiti (De glij Antichi et Moderni, Raccolta di Figure delineate dal Gran Titiano, ivith additional plates at the 1 end Venet. 1590 ' - 49°5 Habiti Antichi, Raccolta di Figure delineate dal Gran Ti- tiano, en marocbino, e foglie dor at ib. 1 66 4 y \ 4906 Haym Notizia de Libri Rari nella Lingua Italiana 1726 / * } 4907 Hifiorias de las Guerras Civile s de Granada, Liber Rarus t 1606 ^ ■"" 4908 Hogarth, L 1 Analiji della Bellezza, con. fig. Livorno 176 1 ^ " 4909 Horucio (ElartePoeticade)porTriarit Madrid 177 7 4910 IJlituziont [ i8g ] / 49IO Itiiuzione Antiquario-Lapidaria Roma 1770 / (7 4911 IJlituzione jfntiquario-Numi/mauea ib. \~]iz (49 1 2 Lampeiamt Julia Cronologia atgli Antichi Elrei, Erizzi, &c* 3 - -\' Drejd. j 737 4 . •S */»■*/«. 1/37 (49 ) 3 Larramendi, Arte de la Lengua Ba/congada Salamanca 1729 49 i 4 Latere inedite D'Alctini illufiri Nomini del Sedicejimo Secolo. 4915 Letttre deW Ethiopia e delta Cina Roma 1629 ,4916 Liguoro (Rijiretto Storico di) Gene geri et Zornii, cam Jig. Alton. 1730 / k 494° Ada ct Epiitolae Apoftolorum, Graece, corio Turcico, ac . foliis dean rat is '< - 4941 Acta Litteraria, cum Ccmmentarii de Libris Minoribus, . a Klotzio, 8 torn. Allenbur. et Brema 1 764-6 / - 4942 Admiranda Rerum Admirabilium Encomia iso^io?;ia~. Bat. 1666 •V -- 4943 ^EfopicaE (Fabulas) libri duo, a Chriftio, cum Jig. Lip/. f • , I7+S , 491 4 iEfopi Fabulx Selects, Gr. Lat. Par. ap. Morel. 162^ ' / — -- 49 7 5 iEfopi et Gabria? Fabula?, Homeri Batracomiomachia, Gr. Lat. et Avieni Fabulsr, nvith MS. Tranjlation of one of JEjop' s Fables by Dr. Radcliffe, and the Batraco- ?niomachia, by Dr. Parnel, ap. *TonueRum l6o£ 4946 ^fopicarum Fabularum Delectus, Gr. et Lat, ab Al- •X fbpo Ox on. 169S . ~ 4947 iEiopi Fabulas Gr. lat. Hudfoni ibid. 171 8 / - 494 S iEfopi Fabulae, a Chriftio Lipf. '749 J 4949 iEiopi Fabulae, Gr. Lai. Lvgdun. 1698 / . 4950 Agapeti Diaconi Capita Admonitoria de Officio Boni Principis, a Brunone £'£/• 1669 J (4951 Agobardi (Sancti) Opera, a Baluzio Paris 1666 V/4952 Aimoinus de Geftis. Francorum ib. ap. Wechel. 1567 4953 Alberti GloiTarium Grxcum in Nov. Teftament. et He- fychium Lug. Bat. 1735 4954 Alithseus de Polygamia — Friburg. 1676 &6 M ( $ U A R r 0. "* 4955 Boiffardi Icones Virorum Uluftrium, cum fig. a De Brv ■ Franco f. 1 597 4956 Boiifardi Icones Virorum Uluftrium, cum fig. a De Bry, 3 torn. ib. 1598 4957 Boiifardi Bibliotheca Chalcographica, cum fig. a De Bry ibid. -4958 Bonani Obfervationes Viventia cum fig. Rem. 1691 / J4959 Bonifacius de Epitaphiis componendis RhodigH \6zg A 4960 Bonifaeii Epiftolx . — : — Mogunt. 1 605 ""■ 4961 Borrichius de Ortu et Progreffu Chemia; Hafn. 1668 ^962 Borrichii I 191 ] / - 4962 Borrichii Hermctis /Egyptiorum adverfus Conringiys, / / .... . '*• l6 7+ ' 4963 Borrichius Diflertationes de Poetis Franco/. 1683 *- 4964 Borrichius de Poetis Franco/. 1683 / 4965 Borrichii Hermetis iEgyptiorum contra Conringius, , Ha/n. 1 674 ' j 4966 Bos Scptuaginta Grseca, 2 torn. Franeq. 1709 / I 4967 Bofcha de Origine et Statu Bibliothecse Ambrofianse Hemidecas - Medial. 1672 / - 4958-Boxhornii Quaeftiones Romanae et Plutarchi Quaeftiones Romanae, Gr. Lat. a Boxhornio Lug. Bat. 1637 496S*Boxhornii Origines Gallicae, fuiaccedit-Antiquae Lingua; Britannicae Lexicon Britannico-Latinum Amft. 1654 4969 Branderi Foffilia Hantonienfia, cum fig. Lond. 1765 . 4970 Branderi Foffilia Hantonienfia, cum fig. Lond. 1766 w - 4971 Brenneri Thefaurus Nummorum Sueo-Gothicorum, cum fig. _ ^ Holm. 1731 4972 Broderi Specimen Antiquae Rei Monetarias Danorum, cum fig. Ha/n. 1701 4973 Bruclceri Hiftoria Critica Philofophiae, 6 torn. Lip/. 1742 / - 4^74 Burgo (Johan de) pupillaoculi orbis preibyteris precipue ^ Anglicanis fumme neceflaria Paris 1560 "C v 4975 Burnetius de Statu Mortuorum et Refurgentium, chart. mag. Lond. 1723 4975 CsedmonisMonachi Paraphrafis Poetica Genefeos, Anglo Saxonice conferipta, a Junio, cum fig. 2 torn. Amfi. 1 r 55 Note in thefe books. The Engravings voere made at the expence c/ Dr. Charles Ly Helton and Edward Rotv-Mores, Ej'q; they ivere never fubhjbed, but given to Friends. In the volume 0/ engravings, is a MS. Note voritten by Dr. Lyttelton, and figned by Mr. Rovj Mores ; attefting the above /ail. 497 S Caius de Antiquitate Cantabrigienfis, MS. Title, nvitb map 0/ Cambridge and Arms 0/ the Colleges, Lond. by 2 ')4979 Camdeni Britannia, Imp/. Lond. 1 600 l^fySo Camdeni Epiftolae, et Vita, a Smith, cvm ejfi^ie Camdeni ib. (691 81 Camdeni Epiftolae, et Vita, a Smith ib. \tz\ .^4982 Camdeni Epiftolas, et Vita, a Smith ib. 1691 4 (J 4^3 Camerarii Symbolorum et Emblematum ex Re Herbaria, 150,0. Ejufdem Symbolorum ex Animalibus if « Boiflardi Emblemata, cum fig. a De Bry, Franco/, ai Moen. »5oj. Camerarii Emblemata ex volatilibus et Infects, /eliir deanratis 15 6 49 3 i Cajaasrsuii 4 tli M J S* r *9 2 ] •2 ■* ^ 4984 Camerarii Operas Subcifvx, five Meditationes Hiftorica?* J\ 3 torn, in uno Franco/'. 1644. i) 49S5 Caneparius de Atramentis Rote rod. ^718 * 4986 Cannegieterus de Brittenburgo, cum fig. Hag. Com. 3/ /9 < 4 ? ; //^ ^ <7H ^987 Caramuelii Joco-Seriorum Naturx et Artis, five mague 2 Naturalis.taOT^f. »o^6 1 49S8 Cafalius de Profanis et Sacris Vetcribus Ritibus, cam fir. Francr.fi. et Hanuov. 1681 y 49S9 Cariri (Pra?fatio ad) Bibliotheca Arabico-Hifpana, Efcu- rialeniis Matrit. i;6o J^ __ J4990 Caii.ro Medicus-Politicus — Hamb. 1614 (4991 Catalogus Numifmaticus Mufci Lefroyani, not is MSS. I iburne, 1763 4992 Catalogus Bibliothecce Collegii Sionii apud Londinenfis, a Spencero Lend. 1650 4993 Catalogus Graxorum Manufcriptorum Codicum qui af- fervantur in Bibliotheca Bavaria? Ducis Ingolftad. 1602 4994 Catalogus Differtationum, qua: ad Illuftrandas Res Sue- ccias faciunt • Halm. 17^5 - 4995 Catalogus Bibliotheca; Bunaviana?, 7 torn. Lipfi.ij^o N. B. %hh copy has the pages added to the General In- dex of Titles prefixed 4995 Catalogus Librorum Bibliotheca Societatis Medii Tem- J pli, Londhni — ! 734 4^997 Catalngi Bibliotheca? Bunaviana? Specimen Lipf. 1748 < 1623 j J) 5030 Erafmi Adagia 1 559 p -» 5031 Eufebii et bozomeni Socratis Hiftoria? Ecclefiaftica;, a 1 / / Reading, 3 torn. Cantab. 1722 . 6 5032 Fludd opera Metaphyfica atque Technica,^-. a de Bry, m ' ... l6l 7 j " 5°33 Forduni Scotichronicon, 2 torn. Edinb. 1759 v 5034 Galei Rerum Anglicarum Scriptorum, 3 torn. 1684 ^ J 5035 Gangiamela Embryologia Sacra Panormi 175S. / T 5036 Geranflbn Infcriptiones Rurmicx, figures, Stockh. 1750 v - 5°37 Gefneri de Academia Georgia Auguila, Germ, et Lat. Gotten. C c 5038 Gef- W J IJ i >oi\ [ *94 ] 7 A Gefneri Numifmata Graeca Populorum et Urbium — Gef- neri Numifihata Sicffise Jtfdese Minorum Gentilium et Virorum liluitrium — Gefneri Numifmata Macedonia cum Indice et jSumifmata Familiarum et Imp. Roma- m. norum, 4 tcm. Tigur. 1738 z 5°39 Gibfoni Codex Juris Ecclefiaftici, 2 torn. 1713 ■y - 5040 Gilbertus de Magr.ete Magneticifque Corporibus, fig. Loud. 1600 (5041 Gorii Infcript. Antiquae Etrnrias, pars 2d, Florcnt. 1734. J5042 Goutoulas Univerfa H.iftoria Profana Par. 1569 J5043 Gruteri Florilegium Ivlagnum 1614 / 5044 Gyraldi Opera omnia, 2 torn, in \,figuris, I. Bat. 169O /0 5°45 Habitus Prascipuorum Populorum,^. colorat. Nuremb. . ' . . 1577 / / 15046 Hufii Regni Davidici et Solomonyei Defcriptio, ib. 1739 }5°47 Helvici Hiftoria Cbronologica — ■ 1651 o (5048 Herodoti Hiftoria, Gr. et Lat. a Weffeliiigie, Amfi. 1763 . _ - 5049 Hen art Thefaurus Hieroglyphicorum, fig. 1607 ' 7 ^ 5°S° Hickerii Thefaurus Linguarum Septentrionalium, 3 torn. Oxou. 1703 Twentieth Day's Sale. / . /V OCTAVO & Infra. 5051 ALMELOVEEN Syllabus Plagiariorum aecedit Sy- f. -* *- pefteinii de Plagiariis Epiltola Amfi. 1694 y • 5052 Almeloveen Opufcala, cum fig. — ib. 1686 * 5°53 Alnandri Hiftoriola Artis Typographies in Suecia, Ro- fioch. et Lipf. 1725 5054 Alphabetum Brammhanieum, feu Indoftanum JLJniverfi- tatis Kafi, Rom. 1771 — Alphabetum Grandonico-Ma- / , libaricum, five, Samfcrudcnicum Rem. 1772 9 5°55 Alphabetum Vetcrum. Etrufcorum et Nonnulla eorundem n Monumenta . 1771 * ■» 5056 Alphabetum Ibcricum, Rom. 1629 — Alphabetum Coph- tum, five ^Egyptiacum— Alphabetum iEthiopicum, live Abyffinum, Rom, 1631 — Alphabetum Armenum, ib, / 5°57 Altmanni Tempe Helvetica . Tigur, 173$ 5055 Arnmiani Marcellini Hilloria LugJun. 1591 5059 Amoenitaics J iteraria;, 14 torn.. Franco/, ct Lipf. 1730 < - 5060 Anacreontis et Sapphonis Carmina, Gr. et I at. a Far- biro Salman. i6So l ( E. »95 ] 5061 Anacreontis Carmina, Gr. et Lat. a Baxtero Lo?zd. 1710 5062 Anale&a de CalamitateLitteratorum, a Menckenio, Lipf. 1707 - 506 3 Analecla Trrmfalpina, 2 tern. Venet. 1762 „ J 5064. Arionymi de Geographia, a Placido Porcheron, Paris 1 c 88 j\ 906^ Anthologia Selesta, Gr, f/<^<7/. a'Zanobcttio, itbur>i.\-\-$ q 5066 Anthologia? Graco?, CY. r/ I<2/. a Conrtantino Cephala . . ... l ¥- r 754 J 5067 Anthologiam (Periculum Criticum in) Conftantma: Cc- phake, accedunt Erncndationes in Ariftotelem et Anti- gonum Caryftium, a Schneidero ib. 1772 506S Antiquitates Prioratus Majoris Malverne, a Guliclmo Thomas '-, • Loud. 1725 5069 Antiquitatum Variarum Autores Lugdiin. 1560 5070 Antonini Liberalis Metamorphofes, Gr. et Lat, a Xylan- dro et Murichero Amjl. 1676 5071 Antiquitates Ecclefia? Orientalis 1682 5072 Apocrypha Paraenetica Philologica, et Nili Epifcopi Au- rca Parsnetica, Gr. et Lat. a Glafero Ha?*b. 161 4 ^073 Apocrypha, Greece' 5074 Apollodorus de Deorum Origine, Gr. et lat. a SpOle- tino, ap Commel. 1599 — Palxphatus de Incredibilibus, Upfal. 1663 — Eunapius de Vitis Philofophorum et So- phiftarum, Gr. et at. a Junio, ap Paul. Steph. lb 16 — ■ JHciychius Milefius de Vita Philofophorum, Gr. et Lat. a [unio Antwerp, ap. Plant, i^yz 5075 APPOLLODOROU TOU ATHENAIGU GRAM- MATIKOU Sibliothexk Land. 1686 5076 Aquino (De) Mifcellaneorum Variarum Eruditionum Rom. 1 ; 63 077 Aretini (Leonardi) Epiftoke — Bajil. 1 35 50; 8 Aringhi Roma Subterranea, cum fig. Arnbeim. 1671 5079 Ariftotelis Ethica (Epitome), Gt. et J at. a Golio, Ar- gent. IC31 — Epitome Ariitotelis Politica, Gr. et Lat. a Goho, fol/i's deauratis Arcvt. IC22 *5o8o Ariftoteles de Mundo, Gr. et Lat. a Bud:eo, Giqfg. 1745 "(50S1 Ariftoteles deMundd, Gr. etLat. aVulcanio, L.Bat. 1591 15082 Ariftotelis Opera, Gr. et Lat. 2 torn. Gencv. 1607 5083 Ariftoteles de Poetica, Gr. et Lat. a Cooke, accedit Ele- gia Grayiana, Gra?ce, chart, mag. Cantab. 1785 5084 A rpe Apologia pro Vanino Cofmopol. \n\z ("508.; Arpe de prodigiolls Naturae et Artis Hamburg 17 17 f\ coS6 Arpe Theatrum Fati — ; rod. 17 16 6(5087 Arpe Feria? iEftivalis — Hamburg 1726 II508S Arfenii Apophthegmata Philofophorum, Greece C c 2 . 5089 Arte* [ »96 ] / - 5°^9 Artemonii Initium Evangelii S. Joannis Apoftoli reftitu- tum ct illuftratum, duas partes 1726 / (5090 Articuli Lambethani et Fur Praedeftinatas Lond. 165 1 3 (Wqoqi Artiiicia Hominum Miranda Naturae, in 5 ( \ 5091 Artiiicia Hominum Miranda Naturae, in Sina et Europa, ' 2 torn. — Franco/, ad Ala:;/. 1 (..5 ^ ^ 5092 Afchami Epiftolae Oxen. 1703 •/ - 5093 Afchpanus deSuperftitione Erudita, feu Litteraria, Colon. / / ... J 7 28 5°94 Aflerii Annales JElfredi Magni, a Wife Oxoh. 1722 - 5095 Athenagorae Legatio pro Chriftianis et de Mortucrum k Refurreftione, Gr, Lai. a Dechair ib. 1706 / £096 Audoeni Epigrammata Lond. 1659 • y (j 5097 Augufti (Antonini) Itinerarium Provinciarum omnium, ' Editio Princeps, Parrhifiis ap. Hen. Steph. 1512. Idem Liber, a Simkro, corio Turcica ac /oliis dcauratis « Bnfil. 1575 . ~ 5098 Auli Gellii Nodes Attica? Amfi. ap. Elz. id^i * 5 C 99 Aurelius Victor, a Grunero Coburg. 1757 / ^ 5100 Aufonii de Ambiguitate Vitae eligendae Eidyllion, a ^ Vagetio Hamb. 1637 j A 5101 Aviti Archiepifcopi Viennenfis Opera Par. 1643 ' ^ 5 102 Baconis de Augmentis Scientiarum Lib. \y.. Lug. Bat. 1645 y (5103 Baconis Sylva Syh arum An/, ap. Elz. 1661 /}5;c4 Baccnus (R) de Retardandis Senectute, &c. Oxon. 1590 3 105 Balefdens Chartiludium Logica?, five Logica Poetica, vel memorativa, cum mult is Jiguris, Liber rarus, Par. 1 929 See Note n tin Book 5106 Bandinii Specimen Literature Florentine Saeculi XV. 2 torn, in uno Florent. 1 747 5107 Barclaii Icon Animorum, a Grabenero, Dre/d. et Lipf. / f ... J 733 / s i 5108 Barclaii Satyricon Lug. Bat. 1674. / J 510; Parian Poemata ibid. 1^28 5110 Bartholinus (Thorn.) de Cruce, cum. fig. Ve/al. 1673 Z . 5 1 1 1 Bartholinus (Thorn.) deMedicis Poetis, Ha/uia , 1 669. — Ejufdem de Morbis Biblicis, Franco/. 1672. — Ejufdem de Libris Legendis cum Mantilla Poetica, Ha/nice, 1 676. / — Ejufdem de Sanguine Vctito Franco/. 167 3 ' 6 51 12 Bartholinus (Albertus) de Scriptis Danorum, a Thoma / Bartholino Ha/niee, 1 666 "51 15 Bartoli Character Hominis Literati Lugdun. 1672 9 ^ 15114 Baruick Vit. Johannis Barwick Lond. 1721 ^ ?n> Ba/Jika Dora, five Sylloge Epiftolarum, Orationum, et I j Carminum Regalium Lond. 1640 ' * 51 16 Bafinftochii Hiftoriarum Britannia: Infulac, ix. lib. Duacy 1 6 1 r 5117 Battely M A. k & [ '97 3 Y -^117 Battely Antiquitatis Rutupinaa Oxon. 1711 ' 3 5 1 1 S Baudii Epiftola: — Amfi. 1 642 1/ .5119 Baumgarten Antiquitates Chriftianae Ecclefiar, V / Hal. Mar. I 747 [<< 5120 Baveri Bibliothcca Librorum Rariorum Univerfalis, cum 4 Jupplcmcn. 6 torn. Nurnberg 1 770 51 21 Baxterus de Analogia Latinae Linguae Land. 1679 ^1:2 Baxteri Opera Pofthuma — Land. 1726 "Y5123 Baxteri GloiTarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum, corio / Turcica ac foliis dcauratis Loud. 1 733 2 '' 5124 Bayeri Opufcula - — : Halo?, 1770 ^ y 512, Bayeri Mufeum Sinicum, cumjig. 2 tom. Petrop. 17 30 5 s 26 Beckmarmus de Hiftoria Naturali Vcterum /£. *7 Getting* . . . *7^ , / 5127 Bellendeni (Fracfaticnis ad tresLibros) de Statu ton. 1 788 / 5128 Bellonii Obfervationesfingularium etmemorabilium Re- rum in Graecia, Afia, iEgypto, Sec. Sec. Sec. a Clufio, cum fie. — Ant-z: ap. Plant. 1589 y/j5i29 Bentleii Stultitia Atheifmi, a Jablonfki Berol. 1696 \5130 Bentleii Emendationis in Menandri et Philemonis Reli- n quias Cantab. 17 13 *■ ~ 5 1 3 1 Bentleii Emendationes ad Cicerenis Tufculanas / 75132 Bernardus de Menfuriset Ponderibus Oxon. 1688 / 6 ^ 1 33 Bernardus de Menfuris et Ponderibus ibid. 1688 / . 5134 Bertrami Hiftoriae Britannicae Scriptores tres, cum tab. geograph. < Haunia?, 1 7 57 5135 Beughemii Bibliographia Mathematica Amjl. 1688 5136 Beveregii Inftitutiones Chronologicae Land. 1721 5137 Beverinus de Ponderibus et Menfuris Luc&, 1711 7, 5 1 37*Beverovicius de Vita Termino Dordrecht, 1634, />6 / 5 '38 Beyeri Memoriae LibrorumjRariorum Dre/d. et Lipf,\J%^ /l. (j 5139 Biblia. Graxa et Novum leftamentum Graxum, 5 tom. Argent, ap. Cephaleum, 1 524-6 See Note in tb s Book* < « 5140 Biblia Sacra Latina, et Novum Teft. a Tremellio, Junio et Beza, lineis rubris, foliis deauratis Amjl. 1669 See Note in this Bo k, 5 141 Biblia Hebraica, et Novum Teftamentum Graecum, cum interlineari Interpretatione Latina, a Pagnino et Aria . Montano, 6 torn. ap. Rapheleng. 1613 4 - 5142 Biblia Hebraica, fine Punftis, a Leufdeno A/nji. 1 70 1 . See Note in this Book. Zf *■ 5143 Biblia Sacra Latina, 2 tom. Lutet, ap. Robert Steph. 1 5 45 "i " 5144 Biblia Sacra Vulgata Antwerp. 1572 5145 Biblii Vulgatae Corredliones, a Luca Brugenfi ib. 1603 •2 - 5146 Bibliotheca Critica, duas partes Amjf. ljyj '1547 Bid- 4 / I Oo 2 / 2. / 3 / / / Z I J / / / / / / / [ t 9 8 ] 514.7 Pibliotheea Bultel'iana, 2 torn. Par. 171 1 ^5148 • I. -lis — I gdun. 1605 "\ 5 49 Bibliotheca Riticl — . 1747 5 50 Libliothecx I Icaj Struviana?, a Kahlio, 2 torn. //V/^. 1740 rmanni (Jacob!) Vita S. IgnatH Loiolae Atttv. 1(335 . vJ.) Otia Litteraria, a Molheimio £(ji/t Bioms et Mofchi Idyllia, Gr. Zf. iy6j Bos Ellipies Grace. e, a Lei r.ero Lv*. 'Bat. 70 Bouget .Hxercitatio ad Studiuin Lingua; Hebraicse dp. Monte- 1 , ; 70 5 Bourne Poematia, let. et Bug. , Lond. '743 iusde Vera Habitus Forma a Seraphicp B. P. Fran- cifco Inftituta Dem • xi. emu fig. 662 X [s 2 °3 Cajetani in Quatuor Evangelia Par. 1542 / * I5204 Caius de Canibus, a Jebb, chart, max. Load. '.729 5205 Calmet Brcvis Chronologia Argent. 5734. Ziis. 1774 5273 Gervaiius Tilberienus de Imperio Romano et Gottorum, Lombardorum, Brittonum, Francorum, Anglorumque Regnis, aMadero, Liber rarus. helmejiad. 1673 -C274 Gibfoni Chronicon Saxcnicum Oxon. 1692 ? / See in this book Extracts from, & ieferei>ces to, other Authors, 5275 Gilbertus de Magnete, a Lochmans Sediui. 1628 (5276 Goefius Pilatus Index Hag. Com. 1 77 15277 Gore Catalogus Authoris qui de Re Heraldica Scripfe- runt, L at. Gallice, Ital. Hi/pan, German, An < /ice, tvith MS. additions Oxon. 1674 527-! Gramay Specimen Litterarum & Linguarum Univerli Orbis At hi. 5279 Gramaye Hiftoria Aliaticarum Gentium Antwerp. 1 04 5280 Grindalli ( Epifcop. ) Concio Funebris in Cvfaris Fer- dinandi, ab Fox Loud. ap. Dajuu. 1,64 I I FOLIO. i " 528 r Hollandi Herwologia, figuris — 1620 "- 5282 HofFmanni Lexico Jniverfale, 4 torn. L.Bal. 1698 T- 5283 Homeri lllias et OdyiTea-Gr • ct, 2 torn Glaf . in 8 - 5284 Hondii Nova Itali Hpdiernx cumfi^, Amfi. 1 26 — 5:8; Horatii Opera ^,5286 Jebb Vita et Rebus Geftis Marir, Scotorum Reg. - torn. ... ... . *7 2 5 5287 Ignatu Chriftophori Diarium, Itineris in Mofcoviarn, cum figuris. — I 00 Liber rarijfimus. See Note at beginning. D d 2 5 a 88 Infcrip- 7 z z I ? V I h & A 4 Jo. 1 [ 204 ] 288 Infcriptiones Sacro Sanclx Vetuftatis In G.oljlad. 1534. 289 Jofephi Opera Or. hat. ab Hudfono 2 torn. Oxon. 1720 290 Imagines XLI. Celebriorum Virorumyfj. Leidt. 291 Jonftoni Hifcoria Naturalis,_^a>//. 16(57 292 Junius de Pe&ura Veterum — Rotterd. 1634. Hjl Kircheri China Monumentis qua Sacris qua Profanis, cumji.uris. Antverpite. 1 667 294 Konigii Bibliotheca Vetus et Nova Altdorfi. 1678 295 Lainbecii iiiltoria Literaria Lipf.1710 ;2g6 Licetus de Lucernis Antiq. Reconditis, cum jig. Utitti. - 6297 Loggan Academir Oxonienfis omnium Ordinium, Ha- bituum, nuith hollars plates of Mouajiic habits to Du^ dale. - 5298 Lud. Nonnus ^omment, in Goltzii, cum fii_. Ant. 1644 5299 Maraviglia Pfeudomantia Veterum et Recentiorum ex- ploit — Venet. i£6z / 5300 Marmora Arundeliana, fun's *73 2 5301 Martini Didtionarium Etymologicum et Sacrum, a Gr.vio torn. Traj. ad Rhem. ib()j 5301 Martyni Conditiones Hiftorije, Plantarum, Rariorum, fi,uris Colorat. (5303 Math* i Paris Hiftoria — 1571 5304 Math < i Paris Hiftoria — — 1640 5305 Mazochii Comment, in Rcgii Herculanenfis Mufci, fun's — — Neapoli. 7:4 " 5306 Mazochii /Eneas Fabulas Heraclienfes Neap. 7:4 " S3°7 Mendoca Veridarium bacra et Prophanas Eruditionis Lu^d. 1649 / J z * U A - /L Twenty-firft Day's Sale. OCTAVO & Infra. 5317 r* ATONIS Difticha, Gr. I at. ab Arntzenio, Traj. ap. Rben. 1 735 53s 8 Cattieri Gazophylacium Grecorum, ab Abrefcho, Notts MSS. a Lort. . ib. 1757 5319 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius Amfl. 1686 S3ZO Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, a Maittaire, cumin- dice Lo*d. 1715 53 2 1 Ceeilius (Lucius) dc Mortibus Perfecutorum, a Nourry, Par. 17.0 53:2 Cellerii [ 2 °5 ] ' 5322 Cellarii Epiftols Seleftiores, a Walchio, Lip/. 17:5 -9 5323 Cellarii Differtationes Academics, a Walchio, ib. ijiz y (532+ Celfii Bibliothec \ ■ Stockholmienfis Hiftoria, Holm. 1751 -V - ^5323 Celfii Bibliothecae Upfalierifis Hiftoria, Up/al 74$ — *■ ' Norrelii in Bibliothec e Upfalienfis Hiftoriam, L 1 746 — Ejafdem Diatypofis Academiaram apadjudaeos, Up/al 1746 5326 Celfus de Medicina, ab Almeloveen, Rotterod. 1750 5327 Cenlurinus de Die Nataii, a 1 indenbrogio, £ u. . af. 1 642 5328 Cerceau(Du) Opera, Lai. et Fr. Par. ap. barbou, 1723 53 9 Cerceaa (Da) Carmina, at.etFr. Far. 1 05 5330 Cheffletii Sacro Sancti et CEcumenici Concilii Triden- tini Lu^dun. 1734 5331 Chreftomathia Gr ca, cum notis Lat. Cefneri, Lip/. 1731 5332 Chriftii Villaticum Libris III. Poema, -excorfus in Hif- toriam Pagi Sufeli, et in varias Litterar. nonnalli, Lip/ •746 5333 Chytrai Chronologia Pliftori* Herodoti & Thucydidis sirgent. 563 5334 Ciacconiusd'e Triclinio, cum fig. simfi. 1664 53 3; Cicero de Gfficiis 6 9 5336 Cicero de Gfficiis — Amfi. ap. Flz. 16/7 5337 v icero de Amicitia, I, at. Gr. a Petavio, t.ut. Par.%6$$ 5338 Cicero de Gfficiis, de Seneftnte, et de Amicitia, Graevii £mfi. I 69 I 5 339 Cicero de Natara Deoram Gla/. i'4-t 5340 Clarkii Lhrifxiados, five de Paffione Domini, Poema Brugis. t6;o / - S34 l Claudias de Salatationibas Veteram, de Nutricibas et 2 Patdagogis, corio turcio , ac foliis deauratis, Ultraj. 1702 ^534: C laadiani Opera, a Gefnero Lip/. . 759 / .. 5343 Clavis Eloqaenti.^ Ciceronianae, Land. 737 — Ward de 2 Ordine Land. ^713 ** - 5344 Clavis Homerica, a Patrick — *'£. 1741 " 5345 ^ leffelii AntiqaitatesGermancram,i r r««fc/'. ^Z.zj6_/^ *733 / I 5347 Clementis (Sti) Epiftolas ad Corinthios, Gr. Lat. a Co- lomefio Land. 1694 "1 9 5348 Clerice Queftiones Hieronymianae Amfi. 700 < - 5349 Clerici Ars Critica, 3 torn. — ih. 17*0 / v 5350 Clerici Emendationes in Menandram, a Philemonem, a .. . '*■ l 7 11 / 5351 Clodii Lexicon Hebraicam Sele>fiai'. •£']/*/"• '7 4 / . 53S 2 Cloppenburgii Sacrificiorum Patriarchalium Sccla Sacra, Lu . . f. «/>. is'/z. 1 S3 7 fc 9 S3 ) 3 Coelius (Apicius)deArte Cbqainana, a JLiftero,^^/?. 1 709 5355 Cohaafeni / - p - ? i Y j> j . / - i: / 5 /£ / . [ 206 ] / 6 h i / 6 / ^ / / / ^ / / / 5554 Cohaufeni Raptus Ecftaticus in Montem Parnaflum, ib. 5^j-7 Colemefii Obfervationes Sacra lond. 16$% 5356 Comenii Ratio Difciplinx in Unliate Fratrum Eohem- orum — Amfi. 1660 Orbis Senfualiufa Piftns, or Vifible World, Lat. Rug. by Hoole, ir late s t fine Imprrjjruis, with Head, ib. 6 -'9 5358. Comenii janua Linguaram Referata, a Curcellxo, Amfi, ap. Elz. 1 643 $:,;: Cotnenii Orbis Senfualium Pictus, Germ. Lat. GalL et Ital. Cl!:i 5560 C :;n LitterariumClarorumVirorum,5r«?//". i"37 5361 ConaH \ ita Marias Stuarts Scotias Kegina, with her heed, • ■ Rom. s 62 4. 5362 Connor E\angelium Medici, de Sufpenfis Naturae Legi- bus Lond. 1097 Set Ncte in thii St 5365 Conringius deKabitus CorporumGermanieorumAntiqui . L Caufis, a Burrggravo, Franco/, ad Man. 1 . 27 ' y 5364 Cornelius Nepos ■ Oxon. 1708 < j 536 Cornelius Nepos, NdiisVar.VanStaveren,Z»g-.jS«M 734 y.Q 536 Cruleii Pcemata Lond. 1668 / *■ 5^67 Cragius de Republics Laccdsmoniorum, Lug. Bat. 1670 / v, 536S Crenii Animadverfiones Philologies ct Hiftoricz, Oxon. L .. . i'99 y 5369 Crenii Differtationes Hil>. Crit. Fhilologii,/co/_''>W. 1691 % 53."° Crenii An a lee: a Philologico CriticaKiftciica,^////?. 1699 537' Crenii Opufcula qua ad Hiftoriam ac Philclogiam ia- cram fpeftant, viii Fafcicul. S torn. Rote rod. 693 '0 - 53*2 Crenii Exerekatione Fhilologico Hiftoricse, v. Fafcic. y . Lat. — Hamb. 1717 5383 Dal- /•* [ 20 7 ] ' '53^3 Dallaeus de Ffeudepigraphis Apoftilicis, foliis deauratis t / Harden . / 5384 Daman Papas (Sti) Opera etVha, a Sarazanio, Par. 0-2 ' y 5385 Dannhaweri Pr ada Urgent. 6,6 / 6 5386 D'Ai 015 Hag. Com. 1-33 Z b 5387 Davies Antiquae Lingu lies nunc dic"l Cambio dec — nd. 1611 /' /"5300 Dawes JVhiceUanea t-ritica L.antab. i',\% ' u 53S9 Dawes Mifcellanea Critica, a Burgefs Oxon. M / \ 5390 PawToniJLexicon Novi Teilamenti Loud. 1755 «. 5391 Deckherrus de Scripts Adeipotis Amfi. i< 86 / fc 5392 Dei (johan. a Matre) Adufabratio Liberorum Murato- rum, feu Francs- Maflon s itriti 1751 J 5393 Peliciarum Germai Cologn. :6dq / 5394 Deljramenta H mophobi, Lutet. ap. Rob. Steph. \6t% 3 q 539, Dernoftbenis Orationes Philippic* Duodecem, Greet, / $*l a fg' ^762 ^ 5396 Dentzleri Claris Lingua Latin's baf:l '86 / - 5 39/ Die- archi Greographica qu ..dam, Gr.Lat. &b .Henrico / ,. Stephano ■ ap. Hen. Steph. .189 " z 5 398 Dickinfoni Delphi Phaenicizantes Oxon. 1655 / S399 Dickinfoni Del] ntee, faliis deaiuatis, ib. See ti long A.- l "?5 -< *■ 5400 Di&ys Cretenfis et Daretis Phrygii Hiftoria de Bello / Troiano Lugdun ap Grypb. i^^g " 5401 Didymi Interpretation in OdilTeam, Grece, Par. ap. Coll. Sat bourns 1^30 / J 54- 02 Dillinghami et Herberti Poemata Lena 1678 ' *- 5403 Diluvii (De) Unirerfalitate, et jVIilii de Crigine Ani- malium, et Migratione Populoruro, Gen v. (667 . J r 4.04 Dinneri Epitheta Graeco-Latir.a ib 161 4 / •*■ 5405 Dionyfii Orbis Defcriptio, rati Arbronomicon, Procli r Sphera, G-ece, cum s Cepcrini Bafil, 1523 - 5406 Dioayfii Orbis Defcriptio, Gr. hat. Oxon. 17 17 Se \ bis 8 >k. 5407 Dionynus du Sicu Orbis, et Mufaeus, Gr. Lat.sb Andrea Papio Ani-u. ap. Plant. 1575 5408 Diofcoridis Opera, Gr-. fat. Par. 15 9 "■ 9,5409 DilTerlationes Critics ib. ; r oj - 54 so Dodwelli P r • lecliones Camdenian - Oxon. ,692 / y 541 i Dodwelius de jEtate halaridiset Pythagora , I. - 5413 Doiffin Scalptura, Carmen, Lat. et Fr, Paris 175$ 54 '4 Doifiin [ 208 ] "/54»4 Doiffin Scalptura,Carmen, lai.tt Fr> Par 1753 / v 54 J S Dought-. i Analeua Sacra, et Knatchbulli in Libros Novi Tcftamenti — Amft. 1694 - y 5416 Draxe Bibliotheca Scholiaftica inftruftiflirna, Lat. Ft. / / I " Lona. 1633 ^ J 5 4 1 - Eberi Calendarium Hiftoncum Vitebcrg. 11556 I541S Einari Hiftoria Literaria Iflandica Haunie 1777 C5 19 Eifenfchmidius de Fonderibus et Menfuris, Argent. 1708 " // 5420 Elegiaca Gr ca, .rcce', Oxou. - 6 5421 ElingiiHiftoriaGr.ec. Linguae Lipf. 1691 - 0.5:22 Elingii Hiftoria Gr\-cv Linguv ib. 1691 . q 542 Elis Ardculorum XXXIX. Ecclefi e Anglican 1 Defen- / fio Amft. 1 709 5424 Elly's Fortuita Sacra Roterod. 727 y, 542' Emmius de Agro Frifi^e — Griming. 1646 6 5426 Emmii VetusGracia illuftrata, 2 tom.inuno, ' . at. 1626 - 5-2? Engelgrave Emblamata Sacra, cum fig. Cologn. 655 y \ 5428 Epifteti Enchiridion, Cebetes Tabula, Theophrafti Cha- racteres, Pythagoriouin Fragmenta,u>. lat. Lwd.ap. Tortiajium. 1^89 / 54 2 9 Epifteti Enchiridion, Gr. Lat. Glafg. 1748 — Cebetes . Tabula, Gr. fat. Gla/;. 1747 / » 5450 Epicleti Enchiridion et Cebetes Tabula, Gr. Lat. Amfl. / ap. Boom i6;o 5411 Epigrammata et Poemaia Vetera Genet-. 1 96 5432 Epiftol - Pnpofitorum Generaliura Societatis Jefu, Ro?n. 1615 •L, - 5433 Epiftola Fcdinandi Romanorum Imperatoris, ad Pium IIII. Pont. Max. et Oforii Epiftola ad Elizabetam An- gli e Reginam, Co rio Turcica, acfoliis deauratis, Par. / * 5434 Epiftol jc Incditx celebrium Virorum, ab Hummelo, Norimb. i"77 "■ j 54?n Erafmus de confcribendisEpiftolis Amft 682 / v 5436 Erafmi Vita et Epiftol - , Lug. tat. T649 — Ca-lii Secun- di Curionis Pafquillus Ecftaticus et Thcologafter, Genev. 1 66 7 " J 54? 7 Erafmi Adagia Amft. ap. Elz. 1663 "9, 54; 8 Erafmi Precationes — Oxon 1704 () 5439 Erafmi Colloquia Dub/. 1711 5440 Erafmi Enchiridion Militis Chriftiani, Mo-unt. 1522 5,44 Krici Antiquitates Septcntrionales * Hafn. l~ c () J 54^2 Erndl Je Itinere fuo Anglicano et Battavo, annis 1706, et i;o-, Relatio Amft. iju )i $ y 1/6 \ ) ~6 -5. A~ A' \M r *09 ] jUjo Ernefli Inftitutio Interprets Novi Teftamenti, Lipf. 1761. / 1 u -A 451 Ernefti Archseologia Literaria ib. 1768 452 Erpenius de Linguarum Ebrsea: & Arabicaj, Ltidce, 1621 5« Note in this Book. 453 Eugobinus (Thorn. Bozius) de Ruinis Gentium & Reg- norum ■ Col. Agrip. 1 598 454 Eugubini (Auguft. Steuchi) Veteris Teftamenti ad Veri- tatem Hebraicam Recognitio Lugdun. ap. Gryph. 153 1 455 Euripidis Tragoediaj, Grace Ven. ap. Aid. 1503 456 Evangelia, Afta Apoftolorum — Rom. 1624 457 Excerpta ex Novo Teftamento — Eton. 458 Fabricii Menologium — — Hamburg. 17U 459 Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina, Ernefti, 3 torn. Lip/, 1773 460 Fabricii Confpectus Thefauri Litterarii Italiae, Hamb. 173? 461 Fabricii Codex Ffeudepigraphus Veteris Teftamenti, 2 toni. — -.- ■ ib. 1722 462 Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina — — — *'£. 1712 463 Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina Mediae & Infimae ^Etatis, 5 torn. ■ ib. 1 734 5464 Fabricii (Reimari Comment, de Vita & Scriptis), ib, 5737 <6j Facetia? Facetiarum . Pathopol. 1645 466 Falfteri Memoriae Obfcurae ■ - • Hamburg. 1722 467 Fauftii Introitus Apertus ad Occlufum Regis Palatium. Fra ncof. ad Moen. s 7 2 8 468 Feithii Antiquitates Homericae — Amjl. 1726 Note. MSS. References to other Books on the fame Su/jecJ. 469 Fernandii Dd-ifcalia Multiplex — Lugdun. 1615 470 Ferrarius de Ritu Ecclefiae Veteris Concionum, Grasvii Ultraj. 1692 471 Feverlini Supellex Libraria — Suobaci, 1768 472 Fichet Methodu* Studiorum ■■ Lugdun. 1649 473 Figreiias de Statui* Iliuftrium Romanorum, Holm. 1656 474 Eigrelius de Statuis Illullrium Romanorum, ib. 1656 See Note in this Book. . 475 Filefacus d« idololatria Magica, Franco/, ad Moen. 1670 476 Fleetwoodi Syllfge inicriptionum Antiquarum, Lend. 1691 477 Florilegium Hiftotico-Criticum Librorum Rariorum Gronirg. 1 740 478 Florus (Lucius), Notis Var. Dukeri, 2 torn. Lug. Bat. \yzz 479 Forfteri Nova Species Infeftorum — Land. 1771 480 Forilems de Byflb Antiquorum ■■ ■ ■■ /'£. 1776 E« 5481 Foftneri [ 2IO ] % 5481 Foftneri Notae Politics in Taciturn Franco/. i66f () 5482 Forte/cu de Legihus Anglia, Land, by Whitechurche • { Litiletoni Natura Brevium, Fr. ■ 1527 / 5483 Fortius de Ratione Studii ■ Rotterod. 1702 * v 5484 Fournier Geographica Orbis Notitia, 2 torn. Par. 1667 / ' 5485 Frefnoy (Du) 6c Marce Marfy de Arte Graphica & Pic- tura, Carmina, a Klotzio ■ Lip/. 1770 ' 9 5486 Froelich Animadverfiones in Veteres Numos Urbium, 1 cum numi/mat. caret t'ttulo — — Florent. 1 7 5 1 ' 5487 Fuchfii Metopofcopia &c Ophthalmcfcopia, cum fig. 1 / Argent. 1615 . " 5488 Funccii Apologia pro Phaedro Lip/, fcff Rintel. 17 47 / • 5489 Gaffarelli Curiofitates Inauditae, a Michaelio, Hamburg. 1676 Note. References to other Books on tbe/ame Subjecl. 5490 Gaillardi Melchifedecus ■ £»£. Bat. 1686 5491 Galateus de Situ Japygiae ■■ Ba/tl. 1558 5492 Galei Philofophia Generalis — — Z,o«?o Lit^rgia, Giarco-Modcrna / £571 Llwyd Britanmcx Dcfcripfjonit Commentariolum, aGu- h-lao ■ ■ ■ — Lend. 1731 5572 Loch- / 3 z ( 3 ,. / V / X 6 f 213 J - 5572 Lochneri Rhododaphne Veterum & Recentiorum, AW/wl. 1716 " 5573 Lomeierus de Veterum Genti'ium Luflratior.ibjs, cum fig. ■ ■■ Zutpban. 1 700 - 5574 Lubini Epigrammata Graec 1, caret tit. cum nt* is MS. 5575 Lucani Pharfalia, b Oudendorpio ug But. 1728 5576 Luu Brn eniis Concordantiae Bibliorum Sacrorum E- merdatae — — Lugdu'n. ,750 5577 Lucilii Satvrae, a ^oufa -— — L»g Bur. 1597 5578 Lucretius de Rerum Natua. Nardil Florent. 6$j 5579 Macarii Abraxas feu * piftop.ibis qua; eft -»nriquaria de Gemmis Bafilidianis Difquifit!O s cum jig. Aniverp. 1657 5580 Mad -us de Bibliothecu arque Aichivis Virorum Cla- riffimorum Libdli & Commen:ationes, Helmefiad. 1702 FOLIO. / >__ 5581 Mifla Gothica feu Mozarabica, liter rarijfimus, Ange- lopoli, I77O See Notes i?i this Book. 5582 Multus Liber in quo tamen tota Philofophia Hermetica n figuris Hier glvphicis depingitur . " 5583 Munfteri I'ofmographia Bafil. 1551 A y 5584 Mufei Richleriani Gemmas, Uc. a Chriftio, _/%-. *> 5585 Niapolis Anaptyxis ad Fuftos Gvidii Antv. 1538 -*V 7 5586 Oiai Magr-.i Hiltoria, figuris Bafil. 1 567 3 6 5 5 87 Opmeri & Beyerlinck Hiltoria Icone?, Sc Elogia Sum- morum Pontificum Regum, &c. cum fig. Ant. 1711 •i " 5588 Opmeri Opus Chronographicum Orbis Univerfi, a Lau- j / rentio ib. 1611 J 5589 Oratio Dominica plus Centum Linguis v - 559° Orbis Antiqui Tabular Geographical fecundum Ptolo- maeum, Amfi. 1730 — Parifii Rariora Magna; Grascia: Numifmata, a Volkamero, cum fig. - 1 683 5591 Parkerus de Antiquitate E:clefiae Britannicae '7^9 5592 Pentateuchus, Gr, Lat. Eng. interleaved, 2 vol. 5 593 Phiioflrati Opera, Gr. Lat. ab Oieario Lipfi. 1709 ii / & t t, /J5594 Pinii Trattatus Hiftorico-Chronologicus Antv. 1729 / 1 (5595 Pl>nii Hiftoria Naturalis, Harduini, 3 torn. Far. 1723 ,/. * 559^ Poli Synopfis Criticorum, 5 torn. - 1676 'j -^5597 Pontas, Diflionnsi.e de Cas de Confcience, 3 torn. Par. 1726 5598 Porta (Baptifta) Phyfionomiaj^wr/'/ Nap. 1601 5599 Ptolomssi m C *H ] /' ^ 5599 Ptolomaei Geographia, Gr. Lat. a Montano, tabulis get- o / graphic:! — — — — — — ■S'H *s 5600 Reading Bibliothecae in Collegio Sionenfi £/ 1713 5615 Grsevii Cohors Mufarum — Traj. ad Rben.ljif / . 5626 Graevii & Gronovii (Catalogus Librorum qui in The. fauris Romano, Graeco, &c. &c.) Continentur, Leida, 1725 ' 5627 Graevii Sc Gronovii (Catalogs Librorum qui in The- fauris Romano, Grasco, Sec. &c.) Continentur, ibid. 1725 N. B. Confidtrable MS, Additions. 5628 Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica ex Hickefiano, Oxon. 171 1 < - 5629 Grammatica Anglicana — Cantab. 1594 / - 5630 Gregorii Turonenfis Epifcopi Hiftoria Francorum, Par. 1610 5631 Grey Hiftoria Jofephi, Heb. & Lat. Lond. 1739 * j 5632 Grofii Magica de Spe&ris - Lug. Bat. 1656 - 6 5633 Grotius de Veritate Religionis Chriftianae, Amfi. ap. \j .... Elx ' ,6 75 - 5634 Grotius de Studiis Inftituendis, foliis deauratis, ib. ib. 1645 ' v 363 5 Grotius de Studiis Inftituendis — ib. ib. 1645 / 3636 Grotius de Veritate Religionis Chriftianae, Clerici, Hag. 1 ■* . . . ^ . Cow. 1734 3 5^37 Grotius de Veritate Religionis Chriftianae, Koecheri, / Hal. Mag. 1711 j 5638 Grotius de Veritate Religionis Chriftianae, Clerici, Hag, 1 , .... Com ' '734- / ^ 5639 Grunerus de Odio Humani Generis Chriftianis olim a Romanis Objefto ■ ■ Coburg. 1755 J. 5640 Guagninus de Rebus Polonicis - Franco/. 1584 3 6 5641 Guilandinus de Papyro, a Salmuth, L/for rema, 1764- 5650 Hartnacci Hiftoria Univerfalis Ecclcfiaftica Sc Civilis Hamburg. 1686 5651 Hafaei DiiTe.t2uones Philologies Brema, 1731 5652 Haveuionisi Aoiafiai Ove Synofura Studioforum, Ham- mipoli, 1657 — Cafelii NyxQHMEPON, a Vegetio, Ham- burg. 1 67 3 5653 Hayne Linguarum Cognatio LonJ. J 639 5654 Hayus de Rebus Japonicis, Indicis, & pervanis Epiftolae Recentiores Antwerp, 1 605 '5655 Abbas (Benedi&us) de Vita & Geftis Henrici II. 5701 Hiftoria Cultus Sinenfium ■ Colon. 1703 / 6 570? Hodannus de Libris Legendis — Hanov. 1705 X -.5703 Hodius de Graecis Illullnbus, a Jebb, cum fig. Land. 1 74? N. B. Several MSS. Notes and References to other Books. 1 5704 Hoeli Elementa Hiftoriae ib. 1671 5705 Hoffe:i Iccnes Catechefeos, & Virtutum ac vitiorum iiluftratae numeri?, item Hifloria Paflionis Chrilli efR- giati - Vtttberg.\^% « 57C6 HofFmanni Epigram mata ■ Amft. 1605 / «. 5707 Homeri Iliaaoo, Liber primus, Gr. Lat. a Sylvano / Lond. 1749 Z 6 57c / /3 57C8 Hcmeri Batiachomyomachia, Gr. Lat. Lond.ap. Bouuyer, 1721 57C9 Homo Integer & Corruptus fecundum Oracula Sacia £/// 1 753 5710 Honerti Differtationes Hiftorica ex Genef. I. II. X. 6c XL Lug. Bat. 1 738 7 5711 Horatii Carmina, a Brochardo -— Par. 1728 3 r5 5 7 J 2 Horatii Opera, corio turcico, ac foliis deauratis, Lut, Par. ap. Barbou, 1 7 5 4. *t - 5 7 s 3 Horatii Poemata, a "&ar\c\ t foliis deauratis, Aurelianis, . / TyP li Couret de Villencwve, 1767 ^ 5/54 Horatii Opera, a Juvencio Rotomag. 173^ / v 57 ! 5 Horafii Opera ■ Lond. ap.WatJon, 174O / C S :l ^ Horatii Vita, a MafTcno Lug. Bat. 1708 < „ 57 17 Horatii Opera, a Bond, interfol. cum tons manuj'o iptis Ayifl. 1630 5718 Horatii Opera, a Maittaire, cum Indice Lond. 1715 57 1 9 Horatii Opera, Volumcrj Primum, Lond. ap. Pine, 1733 9 5720 Hora; Beatiffime Virginis, in ufum Sarum, ap. Regnault, / . . '537 5721 Horni Uiyfies Percgrinans Lug. Bat. 1671 ^5722 Hothami Manududlio ad Philofbphiam Teutonicam, Lond. 1648 "\ y 57*3 Hottingeri (Joh. Hen.) Cippi Hebraici, Heidelberg, 1659 y 5724 Hottingerus (Jo. Jacobus) de Miraculis Tar /W, 1770 6 5725 Houtuyn Monarchia Hebraorum £»£. Bat. 1685 / 3 5720 Huetii Poemata, with MS. Index TJltrajecl. 17CO / /J5727 Huetius de Rebus Suis ■ ■ Amft.ijiZ ®\ J728 Huet ; us de Rebus Suis — 1 i£. 1718 9 5729 Huetius de Interpretatione — Hag. Com. 1683 / " 5730 Hugo de Scribcndi Origine, a Troiz, Traj. adRhcn. 1738 W K / 9 fc 5731 Huntingtoni Epiilae & Vita, a Smith Lond. 1704 5732 Hut:eni Opera Poetica, H38 — Fracaftorii Opera Poe- {ica, & Rutilii Itineraria, E ait to Prtnceps, Anfvtrp. 1 562 --Bovii [ 219 ] / 3 — Bovii Veronenfis Carmina, Vtntt. n6j — Reuchlini Comoedijs, Ranjfima, Colon. 1537— -Rcfas Epigram- mata -■ - Rojiock. 15 So 733 Hypomnemata DidafUca, five de Ingeniorum Difcrimine Sc Cultura ■■' * Cantab. 1690 734. Jablonfki Pantheon ^Egyptiorum, 3 torn, in duo. Franco/. ad Find. 1 750 See Note in this Book. 735 Jacotiu? Philofophorum Do&rina ex Cicerone, Oxon. 1769 736 jamefii Bellum Papale, five Concordia Difccrs Sixti Quinti, Sc dementis Octavi circa Hieronymianam Edi- tionem ■ ■ ■■■ Land. 1678 amefii Bellum Papale ib. 1673 737 738 739 740 74» 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 75' 752 753 754 755 756 amefoni Spicilegia Antiquitatum jEgypti Gla/g. 1720 amefoni Spicilegia Antiquitatum JBgypti ib. 1720 anfibnii ab Almeloveen Inventa Nov-Antiqua, Amji. 1684. arkii Specimen Hiftoriae Academiarum Eruditarum Italia; ■■■ - Lip/. 1725 datii (Epifcopi) Chronicon & Fafti Confulares, a Sir- mondo ■■ > Lut. Par. 16 [9 kenii Antiquitates Hebraicas, nuitb MS. Liji of Authors on the /ame /uljecl ■ Brcma, J 7 35 ndex Librorum Prohibitorum Rom. 1704. nfcriptiones Gra;cae Palmyrenorum, a Bernardo & Smitho — — — — St raj ad Rhen. 1698 nfcriptio Sigea, ab Chiihullo Lug. Bat. 1727 oannis Sarefiberienfis Poiicraticus five de nugis Curia- lium — — — — Lug. Bat. 1639 ohnfoni Quasftiones Philofophicae Cantab. 1741 onas Propheta, Heb. Lat. ab Happelio Bafil 1561 ofephi Decreta Romana and Afiitica pro Judasis & Suidae quasdam, Gr. Lat. a Gronovio Lug. Bat. 171* fidori Epiftolae, Graece. cum notis Schotti, Antv. 162$ ugleri Bibliotheca Hiftoriae Litierarias Sele&a, 3 torn. Jena, 1754 ulii Obfequentis Prcdigiorum Libellus, ab Oudendor- pio Lug, Bat. 1720 uliani Imperatoris Opera, Gr. Lat. a Maitinio, Par. 1583 unii Animadverfiones 8c Obfervationes Variae, Hr,g. Com. 1737 unckeri Vita Jobi Ludolfi, adjeftae funt Epiftolaj Claro- rum Virorum turn etiam Specimen Lingua; Hottintotticze LifJ. {$ Franco/. 1710 f f * S7S7 Jnftroi M I 220 J * 5757 J u ^' r, i Martyris cum Tryphcne Dialogoj, Gr. Lat, a ~ Jebb —— Lend. 1719. y 5758 Jutlini Hifioria, a lv?aituire, cum indice ib. I7»J •4 6 57 59 J u ^' n i I^aityris Apologia pro Chriftianis, Qratio Co- hortatoria, Oiatio ..d Gra:cos & de Monarchia, Gr. Lat. ab Hutchmo, chart, max, corto turcica, ac Joins deauratis 9 a Oxon. 1703 ^ v 5760 J uflini Hifioria, notis var. Gronovii Lug. Bat. 1719 ■£ 9 5761 Jufli von Einem Introductio in Eibliothecam Graecam ' Fabricii, duas partes, Magdeburg. 1734, 6 Ejufdem Jntrodutfio in Biblicthecam Latinam Fabricii, Magde- burg. 1736 — Plinii Kiitoris Naturalis Pra?fatio a Da- rando -~— .. Land. 1728 5761 Juvenalis & Peifii Satyrae Lond. ap. Brindley, 1744 y 5763 Juvenalis Sc Perfii Satyrae »- Amji. 1735 X < 5764 juvenalis & Perfii Satyrae, a Maittaire, cum Indice, Lond. 1716 / / 57^5 Juvenalis & Perfii Satyras, a Jovencio Par, 1729 V 5766 Juvenalis & Perfii Satyr*, notis war. Amji. 1684 * 5767 Kaln ari Tradati Vans, Gr. iff Heb. Z w 5768 Kannegiefllri Jnftilutiones Medicina? Legalis, a Buch- r. nero — — Kill a, Hol/at. 1777 ^5769 Kempis (Thomas a) de Imitaticne Chriili, cum Jig. corio- turcica, ac J oliis deauratis — Antwerp. 1664 •^■9 5770 Kempis (Thomas a) de Imitatione Chrifli, cum tjus effi- gies, corio turcica, acjcliis deauratis, Antwerp, ap. Plant. 1671 Note in this Bock. Rara Iff elegans editio. 5771 Keropius (Cornelius) de Frifia, cum fig. Col. Agrip. 1588 Y5772 Kempiana (Monumenta) ■ ■ ■ Lond.ij2Q " 9 5773 ^ eu ^ e 'i Hifioria Scholarum inter Chrifiianos, he/mfiad.- / ... . ,? 43 w 5774 Keyfieri Antiquitates Septentrionales & Celticas, cumfig. Hannov. 1 7 20 * J 5775 Kiliani Eiclionarium Teutcnico-Latinum, Antwerp. / r • • l599 * 577° Kitfchius de Magiftratibus Romr.nis— Bartox Abjuration , des Erreurs de l'Egiife Romaire Rocheae, 1603 * 5777 Kiefckeri Ebiiotheca Eruditorum Prascocium, Hamb. J 5778 Klotzii (Vita & Memoria Chrifliani Adolphi) ab Man- / gelfdorfio . ' ■■■■ Halt?, 1 77 2 5779 Klotzii Opufcula Nummaria Hal. Magaeb. 177* / 3 57&0 Klotzii Thefaurus Epiituiicus Gemerianus, 2 torn. in uno ■ ■ " ib. 1768 5781 Knatcb- ti\ [ 221 j / - 5781 Knatchbulli in, libros Novi Teftamenti Oxon. 1677 3 5782 Knoliii Vocabularium Biblicum Novi Teftamenti, Gr. Lat. Lipf. 1739 ft - 5783 Knoliii Lexicon Comelii Nepotis Tripartitum, ib. 1742 ' ^5784 Koecherus de Idololatria Litteraria Hanov. 1738 5785 Koehleri Nota? & Emendationes in Theocntum & in Scriptores Arabicos, Gr. Lat. & Arab. Lubec. 1767 5786 Kohlii Introduclio in Hiftoriam & Rem Litcerariam Slavorutn . Alton, 1729 / - 5787 Kohlii Hiftoria Codicis Sacri & Epbremiani Slavonic), «*. 1729 / j 5788 Kohlii Hiftoria Codicis Sacri & Ephremiani Slavonic), ib. 5729 , 5789 Kopke de Templo Salomonis ■ ■- Am/1. i6gi J 5790 Kofitzki & Mothonis Lapis OfFendiculi, Gr. Lat, Wartijla'v. 1 758 See a eurious Note in this Book. 579I Kuffelarii Specimen Artis Ratiocinandi Naturalis & Ar- tiricialis ad Pantofophiae Principia manuducen?, liber rerus • Hamburg. 1684 See Note in this Book. 1 4 V U QUARTO. ' * 5792 Maderi Antiquitates Brunfvicenfes Helmftad. 1661 *? - 5793 Maffei Or/gines Etruieae & Latinae hip/. 1731 Q 5794 Magiri Eponymologium Criticum, ab Eybenio, Franocf. S &Lipf.\68 7 v - 5795 Magnani Mifcellanea Numifmatica, cum multis figuris, . 2 torn. . -i " Rom: 1772 / 579^ Majanfii Epiftoiae Valent. Edetan. 1732 / 5797 Majmonida de Sacrirkiis, Heb. iff Lat. a De Veil, Lond. 1683 / 579S Majemonides de Jure Pauperis & Peregrini apud Judaeos Sj Heb. iff Lat. a Prideaux Oxon. 1679 / 6 5799 Majoris Hiftoria Majoris Britannia? Edtnb. 1740 •c ^5800 Maittaire Annales Typographici Hug. Com. ijig /a L 5801 Malleus Malefic arum ■ Nurburgen, 1 49 4. Note in this Book. De bac rara Editione rari Librn Vide . / E. D. Hauberi Bibliothecam Magicam. Tom. I. p. 39. / 5802 Mallinkrctus de Ortu ac Progreflu Artis Typographies 2 Col. Agrip. 1640 * V 5803 Mamachii Origines & Antiquitates Chriftianae,/?o«t. 1749 X Q 5804 Manilii Aftronomicon, cum Nctis Bentleii, Lond. 173Q 5805 Manuale [ 222 ] 1 / • 5 8o > - 5806 / 1 5807 z > 5808 A 6 5809 ) 3810 7 5811 / I ']? 5812 / 5813 I 3 5814 /z i 58,5 3 58(6 z - 5817 5818 / - 5819 / - 5820 / t / 5821 5822 - 58*3 5824 3 1 5825 5*26 *~. / 5H27 / 7c6 5852 Nicolaus de Siglis Veterum — . ib. 1703 5853 Niecampii Hiftoria Miflionis Evangel icae in India Ori- entali, a Grifchovio & Franckio — Halte, 1 747 v 5854 Nonnii Diaeteticon five de Re Cibaria Antv. 1646 5855 Numifmata Argent. Famil. Roman. MSS. 5856 Nunninghii Sepulchretum Weftphalico-Mimigardico- G en tile, cum fig. ■ Coesfeld. \"]\\ 3 U u H FOLIO. 5857 Scriecki Rodorni Monitorum Secundorom, Rerum Cel- ficarum Sc Belgicarum Opus Tpris Fland. 1615 5858 Sal- [ 224 ] / v 5^58 Salmafii Hiftorias Auguftze Sc.-Jptores, a Cafaubono, / Par. 1620 , " 5859 Salmafii Plinianse Exercitationes, 2 torn. Tr Rben.\f)%$ ". / 5860 Sanfoni Geographi* Sacra - Amjl. 1704 / to. 5861 Scapula; Lexicon Gr. ■ Lugd. J663 3 5862 Schmidii Concordaniia Ncvi Teftamenti Lip/. 1717 -4 - 5863 Schonleben Annales Carniblia Antiqua & Nova, Labac. ;*, / '7°4- y ^ 5864 Scriptores Hiftoriae Romanae Latini Veteres, turn figuris, 4 3 torn. ■ — Heideib. 1743 j 7 5865 SeldeniDominio Maris .■■ 1535 '7 5866 Senecae Opera, a Lipfio ■■ ■ Antv. 1552 ^ / 5867 Skinneri Etymologicon Lingua? Anglicanze 1671 •^ ^ 5868 Simonis Opera Theologica 1678 7 ~ 5869 Simfoni Chronicon Hillcriaram Catholiano, a WerTe- , / ling ^ ^ L. Bat. t7zg * 5870 Sinibaldi Geneanthropeia, five de Hominis Generatione / Roma, 1A42 y f 5871 Speculum Orbis Terra;, cum Jig. — Ant. 1593 \ 5872 Spelnianni Vita iEIfredi Magni ■ ... 1678 /j " 5873 Spelmanni Gleflarium ■ 1678 ** K * 5874 Spencerus de Legibus Hebraeorum, 2 torn. Cantab. 1727 < -- 587; Stephanus de Urbibus — — L. Bat. 1694 4 * $876 Siliceri Thefaurus Ecclefiafticus, 2 torn, ^/w/?. 1^82 i ' 5877 Taifnieri Opus Maihematicum — Colon. 1683 yy w 5878 Tanneri Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica 1748 ** 5879 Theodoreti Grascarum AfTettionum Curatio, Gr. 1$ , / Lat. - -— 1692 3 6 5880 Thefaurus Ciceronianuj - Ba/il.- Twenty-third Day's Sale. OCTAVO fcf Infra. ' 3 5881 T7"USTERI Diatribe Anti-Gronoviana, accedit it j J(\. Verbo Cerno ■ >■■ y^/w/?. 1712 " 5S82 Kyriaci Anconitani Itinerarium, aMehufio, Flerent. 1742 - 9 5883 Kyriaci Anconitani Itinerarium, a Mehufio, ;£. 1742 ' 5884 Labbe A C 22 5 J ' v '53S4 Labbe Notitia Dzgnitatnm Imperii Roman!, Par. e Ty~ / pografhia Rrgia, 165 I ^ 5885 Laconicarum Epiftolarum Thefaurus feipartitus, a Buch- 5 lero & Gladbach colle&us Col. Agrip. 1623 ' 5886 Laetantii Ope a Omn^a ' • Lip/. 1698 '5887 Laftantius de Juftitia, a Dalrymple Edinb. 1777 ^ - 5888 Laftantius de Epitome Divinarum Inftitutionum, a Da. * villo ■ Cantab, 1718 ^ ' 5889 Lakemacheri Obfervationes Philologies, 2 torn. .%/»- / y? s Ez 646 ^ 5 S95 Laurenbergii Gracia Antiqua, a Puffendorfio, cumtabulis / / geogrr*pbicis — •—■ ^ra/f. t66i •7 U 5896 Leibnltii Mifcelianea, liber rar us -— L>pf. 1-37 / v 5897 Lelandi Cygnea Cantio, Poema, cam comraeni, Load. 1658 5898 Lelandas de Scriptoribus Britannia's, ab Hall, 2 torn. Oxon. 1709 ^ / 5899 Lelandi Colledanea, 6 torn. — — — Land. 1770 / 6 5900 Lemnius de Miraculis Occultis Naturae Lug Bat. 1666 - 9 59°' Leonicusde Varia Hiftoria Lugdun. ap. Grypb, 153* /t> 5902 Leffii Vera Ratio Vatetudinis Confervandae, /tntvarp. ' 5903 Leufdeni Schola Syriaca — ■ ■ Ultraj. -tjz ** j S9°4 Leufdeni Compendium Biblicum, Heb. lit Lat. ib. 1680 / 5 5935 Leyferi Hiiloria Poetarum Sc Poematum Medii JEvl, . Hal. Mag. 1721 / * 5906 Liber Precum Publicarum Anglicana, foliit deauratit t . / f Land. 594 / 6 5907 Liber Precum Publicarum Anglicar.a, Loud. ap. Vau~ trolleriutn> 1574 5908 Liber Precum Publicarum Anglicana, foliit deauratis, ib 574 5909 Liber Precum Ecclefiae Cathedralis Chrifti Oxon Oxen, / ... . '7*6 j (5910 Lilien'haiius de Hiftoria Literana Lip/. 13 Roftock 1710 J .J5gii Linguarum (De) Artificio & Doflrina Par. 1751 1 5912 Linnasi Bibliotheca Botanica ■ Amft. 1736 Gg 5913 Linnsej A /A ' [ 126 j *r 5913 Linnsei Species Animalium — Lug. Bat. 1759 7\ - 5914 Linnaei Syftema Naturar, 2 torn. Holm. 1758 '^1 * ! i59'5 Linnaei Philofophia Botanica — Vindobcn. 1770 ^ / 5916 Linne Materia Medica ■ — i£. 1773 *£• tf 59 '7 Linnai Oratio de Neceflitate Peregrinationom intra Pa- triam, accedunt Browalli in Siegcfbeckianx Syftema Plantarum Sexuale, & Gefneri Differ tationes de Partium 1 Vegetationis ■ Lug. Bat. 1743 . "/ 5918 Lipfius de Cruce, tumfig. ' • Vefal. 1675 V 6 59 19 Liturgia Latina Anglicana, accedunt Forma Precum in utroque Domo Convocaticnis & Secundo die propter Londini Conflagrationem, & Forma Strumofos Attrec- / tandi, corio turcico, ac /oliis deauratis Lond. 1727 * 5920 Livelei in quinque prioresexminoribus Prophetis, Land. ap. Bijbop. 1587 7 5921 Loarte Enchiridium feu Inflruflio ConfefTariorum, / Bruxel. 1696 , * 5922 Loccenii Hiftoria Rerum Suecicarum Up/a/. 1662 " 59 2 3 Lockius de Intelleftu Humano, a Thiele Lip/. 1741 ^ v 59*4 Loefcheri Literator Celta ■ - ib. 1726 V 59 2 S Lomieri Obfervationes ad Luc. Cap. XVI. Vltraj. 1683 6 5926 Loniieri Dies Geniales •< Daventrice, [694 >f (5927 Lomierus de Bibliothecis . ■ Ultraj. 1680 "1 w ] 5928 Lomierus de Bibliothecis ■ e«. 1776 "> 593 5 Luciiii Satyrae, a Doufa ■ • ■ Patav. 1735 3 6 5936 Lucretius de Rerum Naturae, a Maittaire, cum indice, Lond. 1713 5937 Luidii Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia, a Hud- desford, cum jig. ■■ Oxe». 1760 5938 Lullii (Raymundi) Teftamentum Ce/. Agrip. 1573 9/ 5939 Lupi Epiftolae ■ /'ar. 1588 '6 5940 Lupi (Servati) Opera, a Baluzio ■ ib. 1664 < - 5941 Lupus (Rutilius) de figuris Sententiarum ac Verborum, ib. ap. Rob. Stepb. I 54 1 ' - 5942 Liirfenius de Tcmplo & Bibliotheca Apollinis Palatini, v.. Franee. 1719 5943 Lucurgus 4\. /■- [ 22 7 ] / 3 5943 Lucurgus Ttalicus, a Pifano, Sulzbaci, 1666 — Helmont Alphabet! vce Naturalii Hebraici Delinealio, cum mu.hs figure ' Sulzbaci, 1 657 5944 Lydiat ColJe&io Graecorum Epigrammatum, Gr. Lat. •s . Lond. 1696. 2 v . 5945 Mabillonii Iter G?rmanicum 8c Launoius de Scholiis Ce- lebribus, a Fabricio • — — — Hamburg. 17 17 ;' 5946 M?chiavelii Princeps, Bafil. 1580— Junii Bruti Vindiciae cnntra Tyranno* ■ 1580 " 5947 Macrcbii Opejrai not it var. — Lond. 1694 / .. 5948 Maffei Graecorum Siglas Lapidarise, a Becellio, Veron. a »746 4 7 5949 Magiua de Tintinnabalis, cum fig. Amft. 1664 :/ 6 5950 Magii Varias Lettiones ■ Venet. 1564. '■3 - 5951 Magnenus de Tabaco ■ Hag. Com. 1658 X * 59S 2 Magtieni Democritus Revivifbens Lug. Bat. 1648 / 5953 Maichelii de bibliothecis Parifienfibus Cantab. 172! • 5954 Maii Oiflertationes Sacrae Franco/". 1690 * \0 5955 M a " Vi.?. Reuchlini Phorcenfis — — ib. 1687 » 6 595^ Ma ; eri Ve a Inventa Germaniae ■ ib. 1619 / .. 595^ Malalas Hiftoria Chronica, Gr. Lat. . Oxon. 1691 1/ / 5958 Mallincrucus de Hiftoricis Graecis & Latinis, Nogarola de Viris Iiiuitnbus, Sandii in Voffius de Hiftoricis La- tinis, Hallervordi de Hiftoricis Latinis Spicilegium, a Fabricio _~— — — Hamb. 1709 ' - 5959 Mall; us de Metris & de Cornelia Nepote, ab Heuringero, . / Lug. Bat. 1766 y 59^° Manilii Aftronomicon, a Stoebero Argent. ij6y ft S9^ 1 Manilii Aftronomicon, a BurtonQ — Lond. 1783 / S962 Manlburgianum Numophylacium, a Borchmanno, Cellis, , ..... ,?6 .3 / v 5963 Manua'e Divinorum Officiorum juftaRitum, &c. V;rginis m Mariae de Monte Carmelo ■ Par. 1659 J 5964 Marbodeus de Lapidibus Preciofis, Par.ap. W Promota - ib. 1737 59-6 Maifoni (Johan.) J<»ni Templum Chrifto Nafcerate Refe- ratum ■ ■ — — Rottrod. 1700 59 MafToni (Papirii) DefcriptioFluminum Gallia, /'or. 1 5 18 5978 Matenefius de Luxu & Abufu Veftiam Noftri Temporii Colon 1 6 1 2 5979 Matthia de Litem ' Bajil 1586 5980 Max'inus (tianftus) de Charitate, Gr. Lot. ab Gbfopaeo Hago>i. 1 5 3 1 5981 Mead de Variolis & Morbiiis — Lond. 1747 See a curious Note in this Book. 5982 Meermani. us de Chartae Vulgaris feu Linese Origine, a Van \ aafien ■- ■ 1767 See Notes in this Book. 5983 Mela de Geograpbia, a Majanfio Valent. Edetan. 1768 5984 Menagii Amoenitates Juris Civilis Franeq. I 700 5985 Menandri (Infamia Emendat.) Peliquias, Lug. Bat. 1710 5986 Menandii (Infamia Emendat.) Reliquias ib. 1710 5987 Menckenius deChar!atar,eria Erudite-urn, caret titulo 5988 Menckenius de Charlacaneria Eruditorum Amji. 1727 5989 Menckenii Differtationes Academic-e Lip/. 1734. 5990 Merlini r'rophetia Anglicana — Franco/ ■ 1603 5991 Meuifii Theopbrailtis, Gr. Lat. Lug. Bat. ap. Eiz.. 1640 5992 Mi alia Diclionarium Illyricum Laureii, 1649 5993 Michaelis (M. Gregorii) Notae in Gafrarelli Curiofuates, ■turn fig. — Hamburg. 1676 5594 Mkhaebi (Joannis Gsorgii) Cbfcrvationei Sacrae, Traj. ad Rhtn. 1738 5795 Michaelis (Johannis Da^idis) in Lcwth de Sacra Pocii Kebraeorum — — Oxen. 1763 See Note in this Book. 5996 Middletonus tie iVkdicorum Romas Ccnditione, DefenfiQ Examinata ■» — Lond. 1728 CQ97 M-itoni Artis Logical ■ ib. 1672 5998 Miltoni Literae ■ « • • 1676 5999 Minucius Felix, Davifii ■■ Cantab. 1712 tooo Minucius Felix. Notts Far, Gronovii Lug. Bat. 1709 (poi Mifcellanea Lipfienfia, 12 torn. — — Lit/.x-j^x (O02 Modanefii Apologia pro Baptifta MezettO Rom. xb\7 6003 Mclani Martyroiogium Romanunj Lovan 1568 600$ M.li'ri [ 22 9 ] 6004 Molleri Hiftoria Ducatuum Cimbricorum, Slefvicenfis, Be Ho'fatici ■ Hamb. 1699 6005 Montenayii Emblemata, Fr. hat. Hi/pan. Ital. Germ. Anglice^ 13 BeUice, cum fig. GedruS. in Berlag. l6ig 6006 Ivlonterchii Maxima Numifmata Rariora, cum fig, Amft. 1685 6007 Moor El^menta Linguae Grscae — Glafg. lyyj 6008 Mortau Sen la Salernitana — — Par. 1625 6009 M reliii p;c men Rei Nummariae Antiquae, cum numifi- mat. — ib. 1683 60JO Morellii Specimen Rei Nummariae Antiquae, cum numif- mai Lip/. "95 Sp,;nhemii Fpiftolae Lipf. 1695 6011 Morefi i ' apatus feu deprevats Religionis Origo & In- cre.-mntum ~ — - ■ ■ ■ £<#«£. 1594. 601 z Mofaycarum & Roinanarum ' egum Collatio, a Pithoeo Heideld. 1656 6013 M fes Vindicate, adverfus Burnetii Archaeologias Phi- Jofophi^as ■ Amft. 1694 6014 Multifcii (Arae) Schedae de Iflandjca, Liber raruJ, Oxen. 1716 See Note in t bis Book. 6015 Munckerius de Intercalarione variarum Gentium, Lug. Bat. 1680 6016 Murray de Kinaeis, Hamb. 1718— — Halleri Specimen Bibliorum Hanovienfium Hebraicorum Hanov. 1715 6017 Mufae Anglicanae, 2 torn. — Lond. 174.1, 1698 Note in the ad Vol. Multa Poema qua: in hoc libra occur- runt in pofieribus editionibus defunt. .6018 Mufae Anglicana*, 2 torn. ■■ Oxon 1699 60:9 Mufantii Fax Chronologica ab Orbe Condito ad Annum port Chriftum natum 1 1706 6020 Mufarti Adolefcens Academicus fub Inltitutione Salo- monis, cum fig. — * Duaci, 1633 60 1 1 Mufgrave Belgium Britannicum, cum fig. Ifca Dunmon, l 7 l 9 6022 Mufgrave Be'gium Britannicum, cumfig. ^.1719 6023 Mufgrave Antiquicates Britannicae, cumfig. 4 torn. uni~ formiter compacl. ib. 171 1 , 16, ig, 20, 6024 Mylii Bibliotheca Anonymornm & Pfeudonymorura, a. Stollio, 2 torn. Hamb. 1 740 6025 Nahmmacherus de Literatura Romana, Brunftwig. ij$% 6026 Natalis Comitis Mythologiae ■• Genev. i6<;i 6027 Needhami Epiftola de Jnfcriptione iEgyptiaca, cumfig. Rom. 1701 6928 Need- 5 6 6o: [ 230 ] >28 Necdhami Epiftola de Infcriptione iEgyptica, cum fig. ib. 1761 n Set Note in this Book. J 6029 Nemei'z ln r criptiones Singulares — Lip/. 1726 / » 6030 Nomefius de Natura Hominis, Gr. Lot. ab Ellebodio, Aniv.ap. Plant. 1565— — -Clenarai Epiftolae, Antv. ap. / Piant. 1 566 » 603 1 Meuii Acceffiones ad Wheari Reledtiones Hiemales, vol. 1 ■ ■ ■ 'Tuning. i704 6031 Neuhufii Theatrum Ingenii Humani ysfoy?. 164.8 / y £033 Nevizani Sylva Nuptidlis « Franco/. 1647 ', ;- 6034 Nicofacs de Graecorurr. Luclu — — Thitl, J697 / »/ 6035 Nicalaus de Syderio yEgyptiorum Lug. Bat 171 1 ' $• 6036 Nicols de Uteris Inventis ■ ■■ ■ Z.W. .711 / 6037 Nicols de Liteiis Inventis ■ ■ ib. 1711 ^ v 6038 Nicols de Literjs Inventis, caret tiiulo, interfol. turn p.'u- 1 rimis notis manu/cnptis , J 6039 Nicqueti Titulus Sandtae Crufis — — Ve/al.xd"]^ ' 6 604O Nieupoort de Biiibus Rcmanorum Bt ol. 1751 •' 6o4r Nonii Hilpania, five Fopuioium, Urbium, ac. defcrip- , ' i\0, folns diauratis ■■ Antwerp. 1CO7 ' ' 6042 Niphus de Pulchro & de Amcre Lugaun. 1549 / J 6043 Nouiry Apparatus ad Bibliochecr.m Maxircam Fatrura Par 16^4, 6044 Ncvve'li Chridiana? pietatjs prirra Inftituio, Gr, Lut, ' Land. ap. Dayunt, '578 . y 6045 Officium Beats Maria;, /oliis deauratis Antwerp. 1686 ' » 6046 Officium SS. Urfulae & Sociarum ejus Virginum Si Mar> • >, lyrura, corio turcica, acfuliisaeauratu Par. 165? ' 3 6047 Offerhaufii Hiftorias Foederati Belgii Groning. 1763 < • 6048 Offerhaufii Compendium Hiftorias Univerfalis, 2 torn, , ' " " **. 1744* 5 / 6049 Olai Magni Gentium Septen'.rionalium Hiftoria Epitome ^jw/?. 1669 / v \6050 Olai Magni Hiftoria Epitome ' » /'£. 1669 )6o5! O earii Antiquiiati 1 Fragmenta, "Jetts & Arnftad. i6c,8 6052 Ohva,rius de Vita & Scriptis Pauli Elias Hauuia, 1741 , 6053 O iva de Scholiis Romanis . ft net, \j\Z / - 6c >54 O.iva de Marmor Ifiacum, cum fig. Roma, 171 9 / - 6055 Omologla Orthodoxa, feu Ecclefix Graecae vel Oricntalis Confeffio Fidei, Grace — Conjlantu.op^e, 176* •v 6056 Crarium feu iibellus precationum per Regiam Majelta- ttm 3c cleru latine aeditus, cumfig. ap Gra/ton, 1545 See Note ii this Book. 6057 Orarium, { [ 23' ] / 6 6057 Orarium, feu llbellus precationum per Regiam Majefta- tem & cleru latine aeditus, mm jig. — » 1 J45 Q 6058 Ordo Bapiizandi aliaque Sacramenta Admmiftranda & Officina quaednm Ecclefiaftica ex Rituali Romano jufl'u 4 Pauli Quinti, proAnglia, Hibernia, & Scotia, Lond. 1686 6059 Origenis Hexapla, Gr. Lat. a Bahrdt, 2 torn. Lipf. & Lulec. 1769 6060 Origenis Ph lofophumena, G-, Lat, a Gronovio & VVolflo a Hamb. 1706 ^ 6061 Orofii Hiftoria adverfus Paganos, a Marcodurano, Co/o«. 1582 / 6o6z Orphei Poema de Lapidibus, Gr. Lat. a Tyrwhitt Lond. 1781 !"- 6063 Othonis Lexicon Rabbinico-Philologicum, a Zacharia Alton. & Kilion. 1757 *>, U A R r 0. \ 6065 Olearii Obfervationes Sacrae ad Evangelium Matthaei, Lipf. 17 1 j " 6066 Olhoffii Excerpta ex Literis de Rebus Aftronomicis, Gidan. 1683 9 6067 Ooftovius de Defcenfu Jefu Chrifti ad Infernos, Antwerp. op. Plant. 1586 — Kortholtus de Calumniis Paganorum in Veteres Chriftianos Spatlis — Kilon. 1668 6068 Opofcula Omia Attis Eruditorum Lipfienfibus, cum fig. 2 torn. — — t Venet. 1740 T 6069 Oratio Dominica, a Chamberlaynio yfr/z^. 1715 3 6070 Ora iones Mifceilanea Z,ag-. Bat, &c. 1747, &c. - 607 I Cricellarius de Bello Italxo, chart, mag. Lond. 1724. J? 6072 Origo, Chara&eris Sclavonici 6073 Orcfii Hiftoria, ab Haver cam po Lug. Bat. 1767 - 6074 Ortelii Synonymia Geographica, Antwerp, ap. Plant* '578 .' 6075 Ov;dii Opera Ominia, a Burmanno, 4 torn. Amft. 1772 (j 6076 Owenus de Natura, brtu, Progreffu & Studio Verse Theologiae ' Franek. lyco "" 6077 Palmerii Grasciae Antiquae Defc iptio Lug. Bat. 1678 -I 6078 Pancir llus rerum memorabilium five deperdrtarum, cum comment Salmuthi » Franco/. «66o *• 6079 Panzanus de Hifpanorum Literatura Aug. Taur. 1758 "■ 6080 Parerga Hiftorica • 1782 ^ 6081 Parkhurfti Ludicra five Epigrammata juvenilia, Lond, ap. Day urn ; 1573 See Note in thii Book, 608.Z Pafchii . / i L *3 2 ] o K y 6082 Pafchii Inventa Nov-Antiqua — — Lip/. \jqq / 6083 Paterus de Germanise Miraculo Typis Literarum, ' ib. 1710 * - 6084 Pcarfoni Vindiciae Epiftolarvm S. Ignatii Cantab. 167* a See references to other Authors in this Book. * *■ 6085 Pentateuchui Copticus, Coptic, fcf Latin, a Wilkinj, Lond. 1731 6086 Peritfol Itinera Mundi, Heb. & Lat. ab Hyde, Oxon. 1691 - 6087 Petavii in Francorum curia conciliarii Veterum num- . morum, cum Jig. ■ Par. 1610 ". J 6088 Pfanneri Syftema Theologian Gentilis Bajil. 1679 / * 6089 Phileifi, Epifiola —— — fine Anno vel Loco < ^ 6090 Piccarti Theologium Gtntiiium ex Ariftot. & Platon. Excerpta, Nonmb. 1620 — Pontani Epiftola Apolegica, Amft. 1628 \y 6091 Pignorii Menfa Ifiaca ■ • ' — ib. 1669 " 6092 Pignorii Chara&eres JEgypii, cum Jig. Franco/. 1608 ,j / 6093 Pii (Pape) Cofmographia — - Venet. 1501 ■* - 6094 Placentini Grascae Palaeographiae Rom. 1735 q. (6095 Plauti Comcedia?, a Pareo — — Franco/. 1523 * " 7 6096 Plutarchus de Placitis Philofophorum, Gr. Lat. a Budaeo, Bafil. 1531 6097 Plutarchus de Placitis Philofophorum, Gr. Lat. a Cor- fino ■ ■■ - Florent. 1750 6098 Poemata Cantabrigienfis Cantab. 1603 with MS. Index of Names. 6099 Politiani (Menckenii Vita) — - Lipfia, 1736 / H J / 3 6100 Pope de Homine, Jaccbi Thomfon and Thomas Gray n Selecla Carmina, a Joanne Cofta Patau. 1775 /, 6toi Pope de Homine, ab Gottlob Vitemberg. 1743 6 6102 Popii Excerpta quasdam, a Kirkpatrick ZW. 1749 /J 6103 Porteri Compendium Annalium Ecclefiaflicorum Regfli , . Hibemiac • Rom. 1690 ' -3 6104 Prifei Hiftoria Bry tannics Defenfio, ZW. ap. Binneman, / , '573 6105 Proceflionale ad ufum Fcclefiae Sarum, Jmprejf. Lond. 1555 ^ J6106 Proceflional ad ufum Ecclelie Sarum Antwerp. 1525 ) 6107 Proverbia Ben-Sirs, & Adagia Ebraic, Heb. & Lat. a j Drufio ■ Franek. 1597 ; s 6108 Pfalmi Davidis, & Prophets, ^r*£. & Lat. Rom. 1614 / See Note in this Book, /rom Prideaux. 6109 Ptolemii Geographia, a Magino, cum tabulis giogrcpbicit, . Arr.heim, 1 61 7 ' y 61 10 Quirini (Angefi Maris) Primrrdia CorcyraE ex antiquif- limis Monumcotis illuftrata, Gr. Lat. Lycii, 1715 6111 Re- t 233 ] I I 61 1 1 Reformatio Legum Ecclefiaflicarum, ex Authorltafe Pri* mum Regis Henrici 8. inchoata Lond. 1640 6112 Reginae Palatfum Eloquentia; — Mogunt. 1669 61 13 Rei Agraria: Au&ores legefque Variae, a Goefio, cum fig. ■ — Amfl. 1674. 14 Reis Franco (A.) Elyfius JocundarumQuaefliorum Lam- pus ■ — Franco/ . ad Moen. J ^70 15 Rcfeius de Imaginibus Jefo Chrifti & de lingua Ver* nacula j Til Chrifti, cum fig. Jems, :68j 16 Relandi Palaeftina, ex monuments ve'te^ibus illuftrata, cum ig. 2 torn. Traj. ad Rben 714 17 Reuchlinus de acccntibu* & Crthog aphia, i.ingua Bebraicae " •■ Hagenn^, .18 ,; ' 18 Reufchius de Ciceronis Partitionibus Oratoriis, Helm/lad. 17*5 19 Rhodes Dittionarium Annamiticum Lufitanum & Lati- num ■ — — ■ — — Rcmtt. 1^51 20 Ridley de Syriacarum Novi Foederis Verfionum indole atque ufu, Land. 1761 — Mafley de Sacra Vernacula Epiftola ■ Land. 1733} 21 Rolfe Syllabus five Index Omnium Humani Corporis nee non Graecorum Nominum Etymon Cantab. 1724. 22 Rofenbachii Mofes Omnifcius five omnifcientia M faica. Franco/, ad Moen. 1633 23 Rofini Antiquitate3 Romanae, a Dempfterio & bchrcvelio, cum fig. — — Amfi. .685 24 Rofini Antiquitates Romana?, a Dempfterio, cum fig» 'Traj. ad Rben. 1701 25 Rubenius de Re Veftiaria, cum fig, Antwerp. 1665 26 Rudolphi Imperatoris Epiitola:, a Bernardino Comite de Pace — _— — Vitnn! *• ¥w\**% * A m ^ f /f i 4 fi t - '/I - d / /frw/tf. 1768 ^ . 6184. Phaedri Fabulaj, cum Indice, & Fabulse Graecas quae- dam & Latin*, & Avieoi Fabulae, a Maittaire, Lond* a . * 729 " J 6185 Phaedri FabulaB, cum Notis Hartinacci, Franco/, fcif / Lip/. 1696 , * 6186 Phstdri Fabulae, Johnfoni — . LoW. 1708 ' 3 6187 Phalafidis Epiftolae, Gr. Lat a Naogeorgo Ba/tl, 1558 3 (5 6188 Philelphi ipiftolaj, Tomus Primuj Florent. 1745 N«'te in thi> Book. A/««y Literary Remarks relative to the Greek Language. 6189 Phiiippi hinerarum Orientale — Lugdun. 1649 619c Phi lipps de a .theifmo — • • Lond. 17 16 - 7* 6191 Philoni' Judsi ^pufcula, Gr. Z«/. ab Hoefchelio, Y \ Franco/. 1587 y (619* Phiiogicarum Epiftolarum, Centuria Una, a Goldafto '1*1 »£. 1 6 1 o /(6193 Phocylidis Carmina, Gr. Lat a Scbier Lip/ 1751 •1 6 629; Pici Mirandui* Kpiltcia?, a Cellario C/z^, 168 z ■< > 6195 Pin^ari C pera, Gr. Lat. ■ ■■ Zona'. 1755 ^ 6, 6196 Pindari Ope a, G>ace — Gla/g. 1754 - 6 6197 Pippingii Arcana Bibliothecae Thomanae Lipfienfis Sacra . _ £/>/. 1703 / - 6198 Placcius de Arte Excerpendi, tumfig. Holm. & Ram- burg. 1689 *!/ 6199 Plantin Vindemiola Literaria, in qua Hellas fub Arclo / Vitemb. 1736 6200 Plantin Vindemiola Literaria ■ /£. 1736 6201 P'a inae Opera omnia ■ /W. 6 6202 Platonis Mcnexenus & Lyfiae Oratio Funebris, Gr. Lat. a Bufleedo, /oltis deauratis ' — — Cantab. 1696 * 7 6203 Pleihonis (Gregotii Gemilii) de iis quae poll pugnam Mantinenfem' apud Graecco Gefla funt, Gr. Lat. a t Reichardo «■ - .. — C ^'// 1 77O " 6204 Plinii Epinolae & Panegyricus, a Boxhornio, Am/l. ap. 1 / Elz. 1659 / O 6205 Plinii Panegyricus, corio turcico, ac/cliis deauratis, Par. / i . ,. ,6 *3 ' J 6206 Phmi Panegyricu*, a Gelncro — Gottjng. 1735 6207 PJiniJ •u a r 237 ] j 4 "/Ob. / 6 6107 Plinii Hiftoria Nataralis, a Millero, 5 tcm. in duq Berol. 1766 Note in this Book. The Indexes are moft admirable, far preferable to rboje in Harduin s Edition. 6208 Plutarchus de Narua Daenonum, a Camerario, Lipf. I ; - 6 De Aries ae Superfitionibus, Par. j 5 17 — Molitor deLamii & Pythonicis ■■ Par. 1561 6209 Plutarchos. de Audiendis Poetis, Gr. Lot. a Pottero, foitis deauratis Glafg. 1753 6210 Plutarchi Apophthegmata, Gr. Lat. a Pembertono Oxen. 1768 ^6211 Plutarchus de Ifide & Ofiride, Gr. Lat. Etg. a Squire, / chart, mag. — — — Cantab. 17 44. ' ^ ;62I2 Pocockii Carmen Tograi, Arab. 1$ Lat. & de Profodia t * Arabica - — Oxon. 1661 ' ' 6213 Poetas Minores Graeci, Gr. Lat. a Wintertono, notis / MS. ■ - Land. 1712 ' ' *" 6214 Pojus (Reginaldus) de Sommo Pontifke Lovan. 1569 |/ ^ 6215 Polybius de Milida Romana, a Poefchelio, cum fig. f Noritnb. 1 63 1 6216 Polybii Hiftoria, Gr. Lat. ab Ernefto, 3 torn. Lipf. 1764 62*7 Polyaeni Stratagemata, Gr. Lat. a Vulteio, Lugdun. 1589 /^ 6218 Polyaeni Stratagemata, Gr. £jC 6232 Proceflus Juri- Joco-fenus ■ Hanov. 1611 " 6253 Profperi Opera — — — - ■ Col. Agnp. 163a - 9 6234 Prudentii & Seduli Carmina, a Cellario, #a/. Magdtb. a . . »703» 4 6235 Prunaei Locutionum Graecarum Formulae Lugdun. 1588 6236 Prun feldii Laudatio Linguae Graecias & Fliitoris, Colon. 1 / ... . ' 564 * ^ 6237 Pfalmi Davidis, Proverbia Salomonis, Ecclefiaftes & Canticum Canticorum, Heb. & Lat. Pagnini & Arias , Montani, corio turcico, ac foliis deauratis J - J 6238 Pfalmi Davidis Hebraici*, a Bennet 1 62J9 Pfalmi Dav : dis Metaphraiis Graeca Serrani, Gr. Lat. eoidit tb Okely ■■■ Lend. 1770 6240 Pfa mcrum Liber, Hsb & Latin, a LeufJeno, ib. 1726 6241 Pfalmi Davids, a Bezs, Lond H ap. Vautrollttiuns, 158a 6242 Pfalmi Davidis, ab Houbigant — Par. 1755 / „ ) 6243 Pfdmi Davidis — Lugdun. ap. Elz. 1653 ) 6244 Pfalmi Davidis, Htb. & Lat- Hulfii Lug. Bat- 165Q 6245 Pfa mi Davidis, Gr. Let. juxta Exemplar Alexandri- num — Oxon. 1678 6246 Pfalmi Davidis, Ebraice, Grace, Latine, & Germanict, ab Huttero — — — — — Noriberg. 160 Z 4 " 6247 Pfalmi Davidis, corio turcico, ac foliis deauratis Lond. < ,. ap. Young, 1640 ' 3 6248 Pfalmi Davidis, Heirqice, corio turcico, ac foliis deauratit a _ Lug. Bat. i6s7 .J 6249 Puffendorfde Officio Hominis, JoliriXcni, Cantab. 1735 '' v 6250 Puffendorf de Officio Hominis, a Trevero, Lipf. & IVolfenbut. 1 7 34 6:51 Pugh Baihonieniium & Aqujfgranenfium Thermarurr, Lond. 1676 Sec Note in ibis Bock- 6252 Puteani tiifloiia. lnfubricae ■ ■ .. . ■ Loixan,. 161-4 6253 Pythagoras Carmen Aureum, Gr. Lat. a Knaurhio Dre/J. 172O 6254 Qjirini Commentarius Hifloricus, duas partes, Brixitr, f / . * 76 ' ' 6235 Raii Catalogus Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam, fini (ifauratil - ■ -j Camab. ibbo 6256 Rai? * ^ / - - i / I j / > / . / A i "9 / [ 2.39 1 6256 Rail Synopfis Methodica Animaliura Quadra pedum Lond. 1693 6257 Rame Ulyfles & Otiniis Unus & Idem Hafnia> 1702 6158 Rapinus de Hortis, a Mearfio — Vltraj. 167s 6259 Rafpe Specimen Hiftoriae Nafuralis Globi Terraquei, cum fig. — — — - Amji. 1 76 J 6260 Ratio atque Infiitutio Studiorum Societatis Jefu, Ant' •verp. 1635 See Notes in this Book, from Lord Bacon ; Bibliotbeque Cri- tique ; and Journal des Sea-vans. 6261 Regulse Societatis Jefu -■ Co/mop. 1697 6262 Reimanni Incunabula Omnium Scientiarum ex Homero, Lemgcv. 1728 See Notes in this Book, from Lord Kaini's ', and by Dr» Lort. 6263 Reimanni Hiftoria Literaria Babyloniorum, Brunfvig. cif Hildef. 1 74 1 / 7 6264 Reimanni Incunabula Omnium Scientiarum ex Homero, Gr. Lat. — 1 , Letngov. 1 7 28 In this Book, See Extradsfrom Cic. Tufc. Quaft. ; Feitbii - Antiquitates Homerices, &c. &C. 6265 Reinefii & Bofii Epiftolse Mutus, a Schimidio, Jena 3 ' ' ' 6266 Relandus de Spoliis Templi Hierolcfymitani, cum fig. I * Traj. ad Rben. 1716 ' ^/ 6267 Relandus de Nummis Samaritanorum, cumfig.AmJi. 170s \ 6 6268 Reuchlini in Septem Pfalmos Pcenitentiales, Tubing. 1512 / - 6269 Reuchlini Epiltolje Clarorum Virorum Tigur. 1558 / /, (6270 Reuchlini (Vita), a Majo, Franco/, is Spira y 1687 ) (6271 Richardfonus de Linguae Grsecae tonis Lond. 1717 9 6272 Ridderi de Eruditione Hiftoria Roterod. 1680 / v 6273 Rigaltius de Funeribus Romanorum, foliis deauratis . Brunfvig. I 66 1 •/ v 6274 Rifo (De) Orbis Terrarum Machinis Motus, cum fig, y j. Neap. 1682 ' aneq. 1698 3 1 6281 Rutilii Itinerarium, Poema, Notis Var. charta mag. 1 exemplar rarijjimum — Amft. 1687 (j 6282 Sadi Rofanum Politicum, a Gentio, turn fig. hter rams, Amft. 1655 ■— -Philoibphia Curtefiam Ultra/ 1643 In this firft Bock fee a MS. Extract from Jones's Perfian / Grammar. ' ^ 6283 Salani Gladius Scythicus 1697 * J 6284 Saldenus, de Libfts Ufu & Abufo — Amft. > 688 *- - 6285 Saligniati ItinerariiTerrec Sait3a,cum fig. llgneh, Lugdun. , / '525 JZ 6 6286 Salloftii Hiftoria Edinh.byG*d % 1739 - Sre in this Book a curious Anecdote refpecling Ged. / ' 6287 Salluit ri iiiftoria', a Grafwin<.ke.io Lug Bat. \b\Z / Q 6288 Sanfon in Pharum Galiis Antiquae Difq'jiiiciore* Geo- graphical . Ltd. Par. '647 * 9 6289 Santes Speculum Boni Principh, five Vita Alphonfi Regis ^ f Airagoniae ■ — Amft. ap. £iz 1646 6290 Santoroc. Breviarum Antiquiatum Romanarum & Grae- carum ■■■ Franco/. 1730 In this Book fee a MS. Lift of Book* on this Subjecl. 629: Saubertus de Sacrifices Veterum, a Crenio, cum fig. . Lug Bat. 1699 1/ 6292 Sauterii Praxis Eanccae-ruptorum hujuf Seculi, ib. 16 ic * y 6293 Savilii in Kifioriam Taciti Amft, ap. £lx- 1640 ► 6294 Saxii (Chrifiopheri) Giiomafticon Literarium, fire No- rr.enciator Hiftorko-^riticu., torn. Tiaj.ad Rhtn. 3 ... . "7; *^ * 6295 Saxu OnomaPiicon Literarium — — — ib. ib. 171:9 / See in this Book MS. ExtraBs and References to other Books. / " 6296 Saxius (Jofephui Amonius) de Studiis Litexariij, Me- azcl. 1729 6297 Scaligeriana, Thuana, Perroniana, Sic. Sec. 1 torn. A AmJ. 1740 y 6298 Scaligen (Julii Caefaris) Poetices ap. Commel. 1617 * J629Q Schedius de Diis Syris Amft. ap. Elz. 1648 / j 6300 Schedius de Diis Cermanis, a Keyfiero, cum Jh Hal 6333 Simeonis (Symonis) & Willelmi de Worceftre Itineraria, r a Nafmith, chart, mag. ■ . . ■ ■ Cantab. 1778 9 6334 Simeonis (Symonis) & Willelmi de Worceftre Itineraria, . a Nafmith, *£ *'£. 1778 / 6336 Simeonis (Symonis) & Willelmi de Worceftre Itineraria, a Nafmith, chart, mag. ib. 1778 6337 Simeonis (Symonis) & Willelmi de Worceftre Itineraria, a Nafmith, chart, mag. ib. 1778 6338 Simeonis (Symonis) & Willelmi de Worceftre Itineraria, a Nafmith, chart, mag. — — ib. 1778 In this copy are contained MS. memorandums, and extracls from News Papers, together with afpecimen of the original

347 Schocckii Exercitationes Variae Traj. ad Rhen. 1663 J) w 6348 Schoutenii Diarium vel Befcriptio Itineria fatti annis 1615, 1616 and 1617 cum a parte Auftralis freti Ma- gellanici, &c. totumque Orbem tenarum circumnavi- gavit, cum fig. • Amji. 1619 See in this Book an extra 8 from GaJJendi Vita Peirejkii. 6348 Schufleri [ 243 ] y 6349 Schufteri Schedion CTitico-Philologicum, in quo Genuina Indoles Linguarum IV. Cardinalium, German. Lat. / Grasc. ac Hebrseae — * y^n-r, 1737 6350 Schiitze de Cruentis Gcrmanorum Gentilium Yi&imis Humanis ■ Lip/. 1743 See in this Book a long Lift of Author t on the fame Subjeft. ^6351 Schwaizii Mifcellanea Politioris Humanitatis, Norimb. J 635* Schmidt de Germanis Antiquis See in this Book a Lift of Authors on the fame Subjeft. * 6353 Scriveneri Apologia pro S. Ecclefise Patribus, adverfus - Dallaeum ' Lond. 1672 /J6354 Seberi Index Homericum — ap. Commel. ;6o4 6355 Seberi Index Homericum, interfol. cum plurimis Notis MS, 5 torn. - ib. 1604. - 6356 Seileri Animadverfiones ad Morum Hiftoriam, Erling. »77» * 6357 Seitz Apoco'ypfis Luce and Veritate Neutiquam Defti- / tuta, cum tab. ... Amft. 1 721 ) Q 6358 Seldenus de Nammis & Bibliotheca Nummaria, Lond, / «675 76359 Seideni Fleta — — — . /'£. 1647 y 6360 Seideni Marmora Arundeliana ■ ib. 1629 ^ 6361 Sellii Kiftoria Naturalis Teredinis, feu Xylophagi Ma- rini Tubalo-Conchoidis Speciatim Belgici, cum fig. co- lorat. chart, mag. corio turcica, ac foliis dtauratit, Traj, « ad Rhen. \y 33 < • 6362 Servilius de Mirandis Antiquorum Operibus, Lubec. 1600 C 9 6363 Sepulcralia Carmina ex Anthologia M.S. Gr. Lat. a *' Leichio ■ ■• - Lip/. 1 745 ' v 6364 Severini Vipera Pythia, cum fig. — Neapol. 1643 p J6365 Sidonii (Apollin.) Opera •<• Par. 1632 I6366 Sidonii [Apollin.) Opera ■ ib. 1609 2 ^ ^367 Siegefbeck Botanofophiae Verioris Brevis Sciagraphia, _ Petropol i7 37 ' 6368 Simonis Onomafticum Veteris Teflamenti, Hal. Magdeb. * -6369 Smdone Defcriptio Hiftorica A tarum Bafilicae Vaticanae, . / cum fig. » ■■ Rom. 1 744 ' 6370 Smetii Antiquitates Neomagenfes, cum fig. Nwiomag. . Bat. 16-8 / /)j63?i Smids Romanorum Pinacotheca — Amft. 1699 \bj~i2 bpanhemii Dubia Evangelica, 4 torn, in duo, Genev. 1634 I i 2 63 •'3 Spe- U J ^ 1 : 3 K 6 & J - Z - X / »! - ? b < J h 6 [ 2 4 4 ] 9 6^73 Specimen Inaugurate exhibenj Anatomea Onginera, &c Lug. Bat. 1725 6374 Sperlingii Diflertatio de Nummis non Cufu, Amft. 1700 6375 Speriingius de Numrais Cavis, cum numijmat. Lubec. 1700 6376 Spizeiii Templum Honoris Reieratum, live lllullrium JEv\ Hujus Theologorum & Philologorum Imagines & Elogia cum otultitfiguris - Aug. Find. 1673 6377 Statuia Univerliures Oxonienfis — ■ Oxen. 1768 6378 Statuta & Diplf mata Regali- Societatis Lordini, 1776 ) 63 _ 'g Stelise InterprefamentaGemimrum, Efurt. cif Lip/. 1736 I 63 So btobaei Difta Poetarum, Gr. Lat. a Grotio Par. \6z% 6 Hi btollii Intr. ck-clio in Hiiioriam Literariam Jena, 1728 6382 Strozae de Dogmatibus Chaldaeorum Diiputatio, Rom. 1617 6383 Str'jvii Bibliotheca Ubrorum Rariorum Jtn*» 1719 6384 Suetonli Hifloria, Notis Var. & Numifmatibus, a ^atinq Traj. ad Rhen. 1708 6385 Suetonii Opera, Pitifci, 2 torn, in uno Leonard. 1714 / -3 6386 Sw.ntom Opera ■ Oxon. 1738, &c. I 6387 Swinto a Opera —• •" ■ ■ ■ ib. 1738, &c. Q 6383 Symachi Epi'iola; ■ Par. 1604 / J 6389 Syntagma Variarom Diflertationum Rariorum, ex Mufaeo ^ / Graevii . Ultraj. not 6390 Syftema Bibliothecse Collegii Pariiienfis Societatis Jefii A liber rar us ■ ■ Par J678 * 6391 Tettanuruum (Novum) Graecum, no! is MS. caret titulc, q liber rarijjitr.e - Hagenoa, 1 5 2 1 ^ * 659* Teliamentum (Novum) ex ./Ethiopica Lingua in Lati- ^ nam tranftulit, a Boaio ■■ Brun/vig. 1753 J "* ^393 Teitamentum (Novum) Graecu/n, i2mo. inter/oliaf. in 410. cum pluritnii r.oiii Ksanujcnpiis, a Lort {3 alii, 2 torn. 3 Oaps. 1675 \ 6394 Tellamentum (Novum) Graecum Gla/g. 17^9 ** *" 0395 Teftamentum (Novum) Gra; urn. interfoU Cci. Allob. ap. De la Ro'viere, tbv<) *J\ ^ 3 ^396 Teftarnentum (Novum) Grafcum ■ itzz y. \ f 397 TeslanK;,um (Novum) Grxcum Gla/g. 1759 ^ 7 (398 Teftamentum (Novum) Gracum, 2 torn. Ge.ieii. 1638 /# 6 ^399 Teflamentum (Novum) Latinum, a De!a:nc, Lend, ap, Mayler, 15^0 No;e in this Ecok. £//*r £/c rarijp.me occurnt. MANU- r us ] MANUSCPRIPTS and BOOKS effioh , blue tufoy, gilt leaves 8vo. 1717 2_ .6402 No' un Teltamentum, Greece, 8vo, richly decorated nvitb fiver gilt clafps, bands, and ornaments Lond. 1 6 3 3 N.J3. This was Dr Mead's Copy, in whofe Hand Wri» . / ting at the End are fome Notes and Illuftrations. Iq . 6403 A curicu^ MS. of Mint Affairs in the Time of Jame3 the i'ft, viz A brief Collection of the Alterations -which have bien made in the Mon-es of this Realm, fince the Time of Edward l.—A Jhort Treatife touching the Differences ;ben.ven the Waraen and the Majler of the Mint, 4tO. • 6404 Lettere de iVi^nf du Moulin a Monf. IeDuc de Bouillon, / MS 4 to. JQ 6405 Habits of all Nations— Ancient Statues, by Cavallerii, <* / 4t0 ' / 6406 Clavicula Salomonis, &c. with various Figures and / Schemes, MS 4to. ^ y 6407 Candadi Gramatum, MS. 410. X. 6 6468 Speculum fccclefiaE —Liber Edvardi ConfefToris, MS. 4to. J£ ^ 6409 Giiberi ' bbatis Weftmonafterii circa annum 1100 Dif- putatio cum Judaeo & Carmina quaedam de Rege Quae- I I f rente Uxcem, MS. very old, on vellum, 4 to. "V 6 6410 Intrcduttione di l 'ietro Magno nell Antica Repub. Ro- / mana, MS. 4*0. 64I* Oratio Joannis Ward in Collegio Grefhamienfi, 1 720, MS. 4 to. /J\6 64 '2 Various Tranfcripts and Tanflations from the Arabeck, by H. Wild, the celebrated Orientalift, with an ori- ginal Letter to him from Dr. Hunt of Oxford, MS, 4to. / 64 ? 3 Antonii .Panormitani Dialogi Varii, MS. on vellum, 4to. /(/ () 6414 Statuta Collegii de Brazen Nofe & Aulas Regis Oxon„ fn MS. on vellum, \XO. 'y - 6415 A Blank Paper Bo>k, blue turkey, gilt haves, Folio y _ 6416 A MiflaJ, one Plate, printed on vellum, Folio, Rathomag. It / l6z 5 I w 6417 Parliamentary Affairs, 1640, 1641. MS Folio 7- — 6418 Manufcript Poems, about the Middle of the Iaft Cen- tury, many unpublifhed ; amongft which, one of Dr. Earl's, Bilhop of Salifbury, Folio Twjecty- / f 246 3 Twenty-fifth Day's Sale. OCTAVO esf Infra. ft 6420 QINNERI Catalcgus Librum P4SS. Bibliotheca: Ber- O nenfis 1 Bern. 1760 y 6421 Sieidauui de Quatuor Monarches, a Meibcmio & Hor- / nio ■ ■ Z,«g. Bat. 1669 / 6 64.22 Sloperii Omnium Fere Gentium noftrasq. astatis Natio- num Habitus & Effigies Epigram mata, cum multis Jig. / Antwerp. 1572 *" ^ 6423 Smids Pi&ura Loquens, a Schoonebeeck, cum multis jig. Amft. 1695 " 6 6424 Smith Diatriba de Chaldaicis Paraph'aftis Oxon. 1662 y 9 6425 Smith de Moribus Turcarom ■■ ib. 1674 / 6426 Socrates, GraJ, ab Hinchcliffe — £oz433 Spanhemii Introdudtio ad HHtoriam & Antiquitates Sacras • Lug. Bat. 1674 ' 6434 Sperlingii Borea? ejufque Laudes Haunuc, 1707 // 6435 Spizeliub de Re Literaria Sinenfium Z.»£. 2>W. 1661 - 6 6416 Spizelii Scrutinium Atheifmi — Aug Find. 1663 6437 Spizelii Sacra Bibliothecarum Illufcrium Arcana Re- tecla ib. 1668 6438 Spizelius de Vita&Moribus Literatorum, 2 torn- ib. 1680 / 3 6439 iitanlcii Hilloia PhilofophiaeOrientalis, a Clerico, Jot/?. 1600 See in this Book an Extrafl from Mojbeim's Ecchjiafl.cal Hiftory. 6400 Stapletoni A [ 24-7 ] / 6440 Stapletoni Tres Thomae, feu Vita de S. Thomas Apof- ' toli, de S. Thoma Archicpif. Cantuarienfi & Thoma: - Mori, /cane • — — Duaci, 1588 y/ 6441 Statuta Oxonienfia, foliis deauratis Oxon. 1705 6442 Statuta Jefuitica ■ ■ Bruxel. 1 709 (6443 Stearne de Vifitatione Infirmorum. Land. 1768 6^44 StefFens Index Geographicus Europseus Ce>liJ. 1768 6445 Stein hbferi Grascia Sacra — Tubing. 1734 At ! 6446 Stellinus de Ortu & Progreflu Morurn, atque opiniorum . / ad mores pertinentium Specimen Venet. 1740 / * 6447 Steph'ani (Henr.) Schediafmata Varia, ap. Hen. Ste- phanum, \ 578 * - 6448 Stephanus (Henr.) deAbufu Linguae Greecse, Berol.} 736 — Loefcheri Literator Celta, ab Egenolf Lip/. 1726 6449 Stochaufenus de Cultu ac Ufu Liminum Antiquo, Traj. ad Rhen. 17:6 6450 Stochaufenus de Cultu. ac Ufu Liminum Antiquo, ib. ib if 26 6451 Stockii Clavis Linguae Sanclae Veteris Teftarr.enti, J&n, /• cif Lip/. 1729 < ^ 6461 Struvii Bibliotheca Hiftorica Sele&a, a Budero, 2 torn. Jena, l 740 > *"" 646a Suetonii Hiftoria, a Boxhornio £*£. i?ar. 1645: 6463 Suetonii Hiftoria, a Schilriio ■■■ ib. 1656 C464 Suetonii Hiftoria, Notis Var. Dukeii, 2 torn. tb. 1751 ' \ 646; Sydenhami Progreflus Integri — — Edinb. 1750 Z - 6466 Sylvani Scholia in duas liberals Oiationes, Gr. Lat. Lond. 1 74 1 6467 Sytrconis ) / j / / / / i? - / 6 / « [ 24$ ] y 3 6467 Symeonis Hift'nia Ecciefiae Dunhelmenfis, a Bedford / /£. 1732 y 6468 Symmachiana (Eleda) a Pareo Neapol, Nemet. 1617 . ^) 6469 Symmachi r'piftolae, '-. '•'areo ib. ib. 1617 / • 6470 Synopfis Communium L„c.orum ex I oecis Latinis Col- legia 0>-o». 17CO jj y 6471 Synopfts Rei Nummariae Veterurr. Poena, cum fig. *y " 6472 Taoti Opera — r— — L«£ Bat. ap. Elz 1640 . ' 6473 Terenti* Comcediae — /&*/?. ' s 6474 Tertulliani Apobgeticas, ab Pavercai: po, cum figuris q Lug. Bat. ; 7 J 8 f J 647 5 Tertul'ianus de Pallio, a S?lmafio — ib. 1656 jv 6476 Tertul ian ' Apoiogecicus, Havercampi. cumfig ib 1718 "^ ^ 6477 Tc^;irientnm v Novum) Grfficurn, corio turcica. ,ac foliis t aeauratis ' > "' ■ ■ Amfl. ap. Bleau, 163 3 / 8478 Teftamentum. (No"> m) Grtecum — ZoW. 169* J 6479 Tef^in'erUir ' o.u:. j G scum, 2 torn, in uno, MS. t;t. 1 — - 7—— £*#4- e/>. i?o£- Steph. 1549 / 9 6<;8o 'l'cftamcntu.n (Novum) ' Latinum, ab Erafmo, cum fig. Antverp. 1543 6481 Teftamentum (Novum) Graecum, MS. tit imperf. Par. •549 6482 Tcflamentum (Novum) Latinum, ab Erafmo, Lovd 1568 U 6483 Teftamentum (Novum) ■ Latinum, Vulgata Edit, foliis deauratis, 2 torn. Bruxel ap. Hen. Fricx, 1696 16484 Tefta:,aentUm (Nov.ira) G^ascum, chart mag. linen rubr. corio turcica, ac foliis deauratis, 2 torn. Liber rarus, Cantab. 1 700 "* 6485 Teftaffienttim (Novum) Latinum, a Beza ac foliis deauratis. — Lt end. ap Daniel, 1658 9 6486 Teftamentum (Novum), Gr. Is Lat. a Montano & Leuf- Y* deno Amjl 1717 6487 Teftamentum (Novum) Gnrcum, Textu per omnia Mil- liano, cum Divifione Pericoparum & luterpun&uia J. A. Bengel'.i, corio turcica, ac foliis deauratis, 2 torn, Oxon. 1742 6+88 Teftamentum (Novum) Latinum, ab Erafmo, Mogunt. *> 1 •- ' 5 ' 3 «C 6489 Teftamentum (Novum) Grafcum, cum varus LefUoni- > / bus, Curcellaei Amjl. 171 1 ' 6490 Ttftam.ntum (Novum), GV. Lat. ab Erafmo, Par. ap. / * £ 'S43 / f,AC\\ Teftamentum (Novum^ Graei urn. a Schoetoenin. Vra- u i / 6491 Teftamentum (Novum) Graeium, a Schoetgenio, Vra- tifiav. 1 765 6492 Teftamentum (Novum), Gr. Lat. ab Erafmo, Lipf. 1570 6493 Tefta- 9 1 249 ] 6493 T«ftamentum (Novum) Grajcum, a Bengelio, Tubing. 1776 6494 Teftamentum (Novum) Graecum, a Bowyer, 2 torn. Loud. 1763 In this Book fee an Extrail from Robert fen s Method of read " ing Hebrew ; and from tivo Grammatical Effays ad' dreffedto Dr. J. 8vo. 1768 ; and a Note of Dr. Lort's, , &c. &c. &c. ' " 6495 Teftamentum (Novum) Graecum, caret titulo, Cantab, a f / Buck, 1642 / 6496 Teftamentum (Novum), Syriace & Lat. atque Lexicon J A Syriacum, a Gutbirio ■ Francof. 1731 6497 Teftamentum (Novum) Latinum, a Beza Land. 1576 / 4 6498 Teltamentum (Novum) Lat. in Hexametros Verfu?, ab Epifcop. Bridges - ■ - ib. 1604 ,y 6499 Teftamentum (Novum) Graecum, Baftl.ap. Bebelium, 1524, / - 6;oo Theognidis Sentential Morales, Gr. Lat. a Blackwa/1 Lend. 1706 4 I 6joi Theophylus, Grace • ib. 1625 / 6502 Thefaurus Exorcifmorum atque Conjurationum Terri- / / biiium, &c. cum praftica probatifiima Colon. 1608 ;. / €503 Thefes Variae Medicae, from 1754 to 1762, Edinb. 1754 *V 6504 Thucididis Hiftoria, Gr. Lat. ■■ Clafg. 1759 [ , *^ 6505 Thura Hiftoria Litteraria Danorum Hamb. 1723 *^ 4 6506 Thura Hiftoria Litteraria Danorum — ib. 1723 *L 6 6507 Thyraeus de Infeftis, ob Moleftantes Daemoniorum ic > / Defunftoi urn hominum Spiritus, locis Lugdun. 1599 / 6508 Tiliani Tabula de Origine, &c. Veterum Philofophorum, ex Plutarcho, &c. a Wolfio ■ ■ ■■- Bafil. 1580 6509 Timareten Monument* Belgii — — Amft, 1684 65 10 Tolandi Adeifidasmon & Origines Judaicae, Hag, Com. 1709 S*t in this Book a MS. Lift of Authors agaiuft him. * - 6511 Tollii Fortuita Chymica, Amfl. 1687 — fijufdem Manu- duttio ad Caelum Chcnvcam & Promiffa Chemlca, f Amft. 1688 / 6512 Trailatus', Sol Brtannicus Regi Confecratus, Lond. 1641 "' — Plumptree Epigrammata & Homeri Batrachomyoma- chia, a Plumptiee, Lend 16 5 — Spenferi Ca'endarium Paftorale, Eng. (ff £ar. a Bathurft, Lond. 16s 3 — Whear de Methodo Legendi Hiftorias — Oxon. 1625 65 1 3 Trefchow Defcriptiones Codicum Veterum Grascorum Novi Foederis Manufcrptorcm qui in Bibliotheca Vin- dobonenfi Aflervantur ' ■ ■■■■■ Haunia?, 1773 Kk 65 < 4 Trilieri 6 Ji [ 250 ] / 3 At / 3 6514 Trilleri Obfervationes Criticae in varios Aufiores Graecos 1/1 & Latinos Franco/, ad Moen. 174.2 / 6 6515 Tryphiodori Excidium Troiae, Gr. Lat. Itai. a Salvinio & Bandinio — ■ Florent. 1765 6516 Tychfen Tentamen de Mfltis Hebraicis Veteris Tefta- menti — Roftock. 1772 6517 Tympii Quneftiones Sympofiacae, Facetae quidem, &c. Monaft. Weftpbal. 1619 6518 Tyrtaei Opera, Gr. Lat. a Klotzio Altenburg. 1767 6519 Tyrwhitt Differtatio de Babrio, Gr. Lat. Lond. 1776 ^ »■ 6520 Uhfei Lexicon, five Idea Hiftoricorum Latinorum & Graecorum ' ■ ■■ ■ ■■ Lip/. 1714 / 6521 Urfatus de Notis Romanorum - Par. 1723 J 3 6522 Urfinus de Zoroaftres, Baftriano, Hermete Trifmegifto, » &C. «i Norimb. 166 1 / 6523 Urfini Analedla Sacra, 2 torn. Franco/. & Lip/. 1713 (0 6524 Valefius de Bafilicis — — Par. 1657 / 4 (6525 Varenii Geographia Generalis Amjl. ap. Elz. 1664 ' ^16526 Varenii Defcriptio Japonic & Siam Amjl. \ 67$ k - 6527 Varronis (Terentii) Opera, a Scaligero Par. 1585 ^ ^ 6528 Vauchopius de Veteti Populo Romano, Cadom. 1595 — Adamantii Sophiltae Phyfiognomonica, Graece, Trac- , tatus rarijjimus _______ Far. 154O ' " 6529 Vavaflor de Ludicra Dictione, ejuidem Antibarbarus & Balzacii Epiftolae Seledla; ■ • Lip/. 1722 6530 Veil Ecclehaiiae Expiicatio Literalis Lend, i 68 c 6531 Vehhufeni Exercitationes Critics in Jobi, cap. xix. 23, 29 .' Lemgo'v. 1772 % J 6532 Verelii Hiiioria Gothica, a SchefFero Up/a/. 1664 I6533 Vetgilius (Polydorus) de lnventoribus Rerum, Amjl. , ap. Elz. 1 67 1 . "" 6534 Viperanus deScnbenda Hiftoria Antv. ap. Plant. 1569 "" 65^5 Virgilii Opera, Heinfii Amjl. 1 674 »y 6536 virgilii Opera, Heinfii — ib. ap. EIk. 1676 9 /" 6537 VirgiliiOpera — Lond. ap. Brindley, 1744. " 6538 Virgilii Opera, a Maittaire cum indite Lond. 17 1 5 v • 6539 Virgilii Opera, Volumen primum, cum Jig. chart mag. ap. ' " 6540 Yitruvius de Archite&ura, cum fig. et Frontinus de / Aqueduftibus • ■ ■ 1523 " 654! Vivii dt Veritate Fidei Lug. Bat. 1639 9 6542 Vockerodt Exercitaiione9 Academics; Gotba, 1704 / 3 6543 Voffius de Poematum Cantu et Vinous Rythmi, chart meg. ■ - - — — Oxon. 1673 7 6544 Vvachteri GlofTarium Germanicum £?>*. 1727 6545 Wachtea A3 9 [ 251 ] \ 654; Wachteri Gloflarium Germanicum — ib. 1727 ' v ^546 Waddelii in Virgilium, Horatium, Ovidium, et Lu- canum« — — — ' ■ Edin.yji^ J 3 6547 Walchii (Guliel Francis) Bibliotheca Symbolica, Lemgov. i7 70 6548 Walchii (Jo. Georgii) Hiftoria Critica Latinas Lingua? j 4 Lips. 1716 . 7 6549 Wal'ifii Grammatica Lingua Anglicanae Lond. 1775 ^5$° Waliifiu.' de Loquela Lug. Bat. ijzj I ' See in this book references to other authors on the fubjecl. 6551 Waltherus de Lingua Humana Harlem. 1745 ' ~ 6552 WaJtoni Introdu&io ad Linguam Oricntalium Lond. ,6 55 I ^6553 Warasi Ant^quitates Hibernkae ^ ib. 1658 //6544 Warasi Antiquitates Hibemicae ■ tb. 1654 \ v 6555 Watfoni Theatrum Varu 6555 Watfoni Theatrum Variarum Rerum Brem Franc, e/ Lips, 1724 ^ * 6580 Zoroafter Magia Fhilofophia Hermetis Trifmegifti J Poemander Hamb, 1593 9 ' 658 1 Zofimi Hiitoria, Gr. Lat, a Cellario Ciza?, 1679 "** 658Z Zofimi Hiftoria Gr f Lat, • Oxon. 1679 ^ 6583 Zouch et iErodius Jus Gentium Hag, Com* 1659, Uitraj* ,K 1671 ' ^ 6584 Zmnkl«y Mathefeos Elementaris Principia, Monafi t WtJiphaU 177* %, u j r , / turcico, acfoliit deruratit Dub* (639 ^ 6601 Valerivs (Auguftinus), de Cautioae Adhibenda in / Edendis Libiis Paiaib. 1729 ' 6626 Wekett Rcgni Arglia Religio Catholjca, Prifca, De- 1 fecata — - ' • ib. 1729 j ' 66?7 Weidleri Hiftoria Aftroromias . Vitemb. 1741 , * 6628 Wendelini Admiranda Nili Cantab 164S i - 6629 Wiideiihaufepi Biblio'heca Difputationum r l hcologico- Phiiologicarum in Vet.' & Nov. Teitamenti Lips, et , Eamh. 1710 ' " 6630 Wildvcgelius de Ba!neis et Balneatorib.as Franco/. etLips. S 6631 Willifins de Scorbuto — Oxon. 1667 , i 6632 Winkelmanni' Hiftoria Weftphalias Oldenburg. \ 6b j ' J 6633 Wiifii ^Ejiyptiaca ■ Bajil. 1 739 Z - 6634 Woifii (Chriftiani)- Oratio de Sinarum Philofophia Praftica • Franco/, ad Moen. 17 26 s, / See Note in this Book. / J 6635 Woifii (Jo. Chriftcphori), Curas Philologicae et Criticae, 5 torn* Bafil. 1741 r. See in this Book a MS. Lift 0/ other Authors. " 6636 Woltereck Ele&a Rei .Numaria", cum numi/mat. Hamb, 3 » I7 °9 6637 Wowerus de Polymaths, Gr. Lat. ap. Froben. 1603 / 6638 Wren Nomifmatum Antiquorum Sylltge, cum numi/mat. Lond. 1708 *"j 6639 Xenophon de Cyri Inftitutione, Gra-ce, inter/cl Lug. Bat, 3 i ... lb2 7 * 6640 Xenophon de Cyri Inftitutione, Gr rce Eton. 16. $ 66/j. 1 Zanolini Lexicon Hebraicum Patav. 1732 6642 Zara Anatomia Jngeniorum et Scientiarum Venet. 1615 6643 Zacharije Excurfus Literarii -*- ib. 1754 6644 Ziegleii / A [ *55 1 ) - 6644 Ziegleri Rabuliftica, five de Artibus Rabulariis, RariJT. f Drefd. (685 -j 6645 Ziervogel de Re Nummaria ■ Vpfal. I - 6646 Zimmermanni Anale&a Mifcella Menftrua Eruditionis Sacras et Prophanae * Mijena, 1673 - 6647 Zimmermanni Florilegium Philologico-Hiiioricum, cum / H> . . " . . '*• 1687 ' 6 6648 Zimmermanni Florilegium Philologico-Hiflo.icum, cum 1 fi&' . — : — T . ~T~ . . ib ' ,68 7 ' - 6649 Zimmermanni Florilegium Philologico-Hiftoricum, cum Jig, 2 torn. ■ ib. 1687 MANUSCRIPTS and BOOKS with MS. NOTES and on VELLUM, and MISSALS ILLUMINATED. " 6650 Reafons againft taking away Jenures in Capite and by / / Knight Service, MS. Folio. ' 6651 Specimen of Macklin's Bible, and Parr's Horace, and ^ BoydeFs Shakefpear Types, 4to. 9 6652 A Parcel of Manufcript and Printed Papers relative to Antiquities in Britain, and Roman Antiquities in f Britain. ' - 6653 A Parcel of Manufcripts on Painting, Prints, Architec- n ture and Drefs. y y 6654 Hartlibb's Letters, Folio, MS. , % ° 6655 Blank Paper Book, Folio. / 6656 Blank Paper Book, Quarto. V 6 6657 De Confideratione quinte elTentie res tranfmutabil. MS. V 4to. morocco, 'vellum. 1 6658 Williams's Aftrological Judgment upon the Nativity of a Gentleman, born in the Lat. of 5 1 deg. and from the Meridian of London to the Weft. 13 Min. MS. paper t morocco, gilt holies, 1 2 mo. 6659 Epiftolae Sti. Jacobi, Petri & Judae. Liber Ecclefiaftis. Liber de Dignitate Hominis, a Divo Ambrono. De Dignitate Sacerdotali. Divus Auguftinus in Librum Soliloqueorum. Omnia heec Scripto a Pe'tro Megben, I<;o6. A fine MS. on Vellum, nvith Firji Page and Initials j / illuminated, Jmall Folio. 6660 Statuta Collegii Reginalds apud CantabHgienfis, 1725, Paper MS. 4 to. 6661 Hiltory of the Bible in Meeter, by Huffy, 2 vol. Paper MS. unr.o. 6662 Hora: 'oi £ [ *5« ] / ^ *■ 6662 Horae ad ufum Sarum, cum fig. initial colo. at. Imprefs. m # n Membkana, 8vo. j - Paris, 1498 6663 Heures a lufaige de Rome, nvith fine illuminations, im- primees a Paris fur \I i\.in,fmall Folio. 6664 Speculum Humanae Salvationis. This is an Old Manu- jk fk ft*"*?* 'with curious Drawings nuitb a Pen. Folio. '0/0 — 6665 Novum Tellamentum Graecum e Codice MS. Alexan- drino, a Woide, Impress, in Membrana. corio RuJ- fico, elegant ac foliis deauratis, Folio. Lond. 1786 N. B. This is a mojl noble Book, and notiuith (landing there •were but Ten Copies printed upon Vellum, and this is One; yet, in refpeQ to its Size, this Copy may, nvith propriety be called unique. F I N I 8. m i mt