IRON FOUNDING WYLIE 5/e FRflnKLIH [HSTiTgrc LiBRflRT. Tnstitute, or by members or iioiaers oi secouu ciass istuuis., wuo xi« *v. v^,^ tained the sanction of the Committee. The second class shall include those books intended for circulation. Article VI. — The Secretary shall have authority to loan to members and to holders of second class stock, any work belonging to the second CLASS, subject to the following regulations. ' Section 1. — No individual shall be permitted to have more than two hooks out at one time, without a written permission, signed by at least two members of the Library Committee , nor shall a book be kept mit more than TM-o weeks; but if no one has applied for it, the former bor- rower may renew the loan. Should any person have applied for it, the latter shall have the preference. Section 2. — A fine of ten cents per week shall be exacted for the detention of a book beyond the limited time; and if a book be not re- turned within three months it shall be deemed lost, and the borrower shall, in addition to his fines, forfeit its value. Section 3. — Should any book be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injur}^, or replace the book, as the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more books, belonging to a set or sets, be lost, the borrower shall replace them or make full restitution. Article VII. — Any person removing from the hall, without permis- sion from the proper authorities, any book, newspaper or other x)ropeT"ty in charge of the Library Committee, shall be reported to the Committee, who ma}' inflict any fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Article VIII. — No member or holder of second class stock, whose annual contribution for the current year shall be unpaid or who is in arrears for fines, shall be entitled to tlie privileges of the Library or Reading Room. Article IX. — If an}^ member or holder of second class stock, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the foregoing rules, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to report him to the Committee on the Librar3^ Article X. — Any member or holder of second class stock, detected in mutilating the newspapers, pamphlets or books belonging to the Insti- tute shall be deprived of his right of membership, and the name of the offender shall be made public. lEON FOUNDING. AMERICAN EDITION A TEEATI8E ON IRON FOUNDING BY CLAUDE WYIjV^ '^^i TRACTICAL IRON MOULDER SUNDERLAND ILLUSTEATED WITH DIAGEAMS ^f' SUNDEELAND PUBLISHED BY AND FOE THOMAS EEED & CO 184, High Street West london : simpkix, maeshall, and co. ; hamilton, apams, and co. ; and e. and f. n. spon C4>A(S PEEFACE. This volume, although hastily prepared and consequently in many ways imperfect, the Author is induced to publish on account of the importance of the subject, and because much new ground — and that not a moment too soon — ^has been touched upon for the first time. Whilst this treatise is intended for the whole of the Engi- neering profession, it is more especially and confidently tendered to Moulders, who, the Author feels sure, will not fail to appreciate any merit it ma}^ possess ; but he begs of all parties to be lenient in regard to its blemishes. To keep the price of the book down, and so place it within the reach of all, the use of diagrams has been avoided as- far as possible ; still it will be found that illustrations have been supplied in all cases where they were really necessary. Rules for finding the weight of cast-iron in various forms- have been introduced, and will be found very useful. The author thankfully acknowledges the quotations he has. given from the following v^aluable works, viz. — Dr. Percy's Metallurgy ; Tomlinson's Encyclopa3dia of useful Arts ; the British Cyclopsedia ; the Cabinet Cyclopaedia ; Bloxham on Metals, their Properties and Treatment ; and Spretson on Casting and Founding. EEEATA. Page 31, line 13. For blow," read below." Page 100, line 3. For Sand Moulding," read ^^ron Sand Moulding." Plate Moulding" begins at page 75, and not at page 77. CON Castings in Primitive Times ^, ' . .^^:^SV . . . . o Core Sand .. .. ^'-^ . I'fi .. 10 Green Sand . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dry Sand .. .. .. .. .. 13 Loam . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Core Making . . . . . . . . 17 Venting Cores and Moulds . . , . . . 22 Scabs and Scales — their Cause and Effect . . 32 Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Cold Shot Castings . . . . . . . . 40 Mending or Burning Castings . . . . . . 41 Eamming Green or Dry Sand . . . . . . 45 Hints on Patterns . . . . . . . . 48 Punning Metal into Moulds, and the use of Flo'ers or Gates . . . . . . . . 50 The Mould filled too slowly . . . . . . 58 too quickly . . . . . . 62 The use of Flow- gates , . . . . . . . 65 Light Green Sand Casting . . . . . . 72 Work . . . . . . . . 74 Plate Moulding . . . . . . . . 75 Heavy Castings in Green Sand and Dry Sand . . 84 Bad Lifts with the Toi) Part . . • . . . 94 Dry Sand Moulding . . . . . . . . 96 Loam Moulding . . . . , . . . 98 Irregular Building of a Mould . . . . . . 105 Finishing the Mould . . .. .. .. 107 Castings Pent or Sprung .. .. .. ..109 Closing the Mould . . . . . . . . 112 Eamming Loam Moulds with Sand . . .. 114 Contents. — Continued. Making tlie Heads .. .. .. IIB The Composition of Cast Iron . . . . . . 119 Mixtures of Cast Iron for Castings .... 128 The Cupola and Air Furnace .. .. ..129 Cupolas .. .. 130 "Charging the Cupola . . . . . . . . 135 Fans or Blowers .. .. .. 136 Gathering Metal for Large Castings . . . . 139 Metal Gathered in one Ladle . . . . . . 141 Air Furnace . . . . . . . . . . 143 Chilled Castings . . . . . . . . 145 Malleable Cast Iron . . . . . . . . 147 Chaplets and their use . . . . . . ,149 Shop Management . . . . . . . . 154 The Formation of a Foundry .. .. 156 Weights of Castings . . . , . . . . 157 Cubical Contents of Eound Plates . . . . 159 yy Cylindrical Bodies .. .. 159 Strength of Eopes . . . . . . . . 161 Chains . . . . . . . . 161 General Eemarks . . . . . , . . 163 DIAGEAMS. Snugs and Flange . . . . . . . . . . 24 Scabs . . ' ' . . . . . . . . 33 Wide Joints next the Mould . . . . . . 36 Dumb Scabs on a Propeller . . . . . . 37 Cold-Shot Castings. . .. .. 40,60- A TREATISE ON IRO^^ FOUNDING. CASTINGS IN PEIMITIVE TIMES. IT seems to be generally admitted that Tubal Cain ^as the inventor of the foundry. There are some Tvho say — Not so : Geology tells us that castings in bronze were made long before Tubal Cain. Be that as it may, it is not our province to question such assertions ; but we can safely say that the evidence of bronze castings before the days of Tubal are not very plentiful, and the evidence in many cases must be pure conjecture. We can only go by what records we have ; and we find that Tubal Cain, the son of Lamech, is recorded as being the inventor of casting, and, it is believed, the ''Vulcan," or god of blacksmiths, of the heathen, (Gen. iv. 22), his brother Jubal being the inventor of Music. We have no record of what Tubal did in casting or forging ; all that we know is, that he could do both, and that he was the first we know of who could do so ; therefore we will leave him, and find the next man skilled in brass and iron working. . We find in 1 Kings, vii. 13, that Solomon sent and fetched Hiram, a widow's son, out of Tyre, and as his father had been, '' filled with wisdom, understanding, and cunning, to work all works in brass." His first work seems to have been to cast two pillars in brass. Now, the huge size of these pillars in height and diameter is amazing, B 6 A TREATISE ON and their weight must have been enormous, especially if there was no core in the casting. No doubt Hiram was cunning, or rather (it should read) smart and clever enough to have been able to cast the pillars hollow, and yet it seems strange that no notice seems to be taken of it, if such had been the case ; moreover, every thing points the other way, that is, to the assumption that the pillars were solid ; because we read that the clay-ground round Jordan was well suited for a foundry, and the brass prepared was so immense in quantity, and the workmen's integrity so tried, that it neither could nor needed to be weighed out to them, which would scarcely suit in this generation ; but from this account, we may assume that these pillars were really solid. Now let us glance roughly at what their weight would be, if solid. The height of each was eighteen cubits, and twelve cubits did compass either of them, (we would infer that to be the circumference.) Let us now see what a cubit is. The Cubit is a measure of length, used both by the ancients and in modern times. The English cubit is half a yard, or 18 inches, and is said to have been originally taken from the measure of that part of a man's arm between the point of the elbow and the extremity of the middle finger ; but the J ewish sacred cubit was a hand-breadth more, amounting to 21*888 inches, (Ezek. xliii. 13.) Some imagine the sacred cubit to have been double the length of the common one ; and that the pillars in the porch of Solomon's temple were thirty-five common cubits, and but eighteen sacred ones in height, 1 Kings, vii. 15, and 2 Chron. iii. 15 ; but these texts may be otherwise reconciled, by taking the height of one pillar to be almost eighteen cubits, and the height of both taken together thirty-five cubits. It is probable that the Chaldean cubit was but eighteen inches ; assuming, then, that the sacred cubit was only used for sacred purposes, such as immediately pertaining to the altar, we will measure the pillars by the common cubit. IRON FOUNDING. Height 27 feet, and circumference, say 18 feet ; the weight, then, of one column would be something like 175 tons. Hiram would require at least 180 tons of molten brass to complete successfully his casting. We wonder if there would be any scabs on these columns ; of course they would be cast perpendicularly. We wonder how long the casting kept in a liquid state, and if it was fed, and how the metal was run in. We would infer that it was a loam mould, as the foundry was in clay grou'id. And what shall we say of the furnaces, and how many of them ? and, last of all, what of the appliances for lifting the pillars after being cast ? Hiram was a Syrian by his father's side, but by his mother's an Israelite ; and we think that he would be cunning enough to core these large columns ; then the thought arises, had they been solid, that the difficulty of breaking them up might have been the means of preserving some portion of them even to this day. Be that as it may, from the accounts that we can glean from the work tliat ho did for Solomon's temple, Hiram was no ordinary moulder ; and he must have thoroughly understood the art of moulding. Hiram's work for Solomon seems to be the only account that we have of foundiy work in the Bible ; but we must infer that casting would be carried on in after years. The casting of bells for churches seems to have been in great favour with the ancients ; the fii'st bell is recorded as being cast at Nola in Campania, a. d. 400. Bede first mentions bells (large ones too) in England, about the year 670, and two centuries afterwards they seem to have been common. In A.D. 870, according to the historian of Croyland, one of the Abbots of that religious house, gave to the church a great bell, which he named Guthlac," and afterwards six others, which were all rung together. Lardner says, the use of bells of a small size is of great antiquity, as in the J ewish ceremonies of the tabernacle, and afterwards in 8 A TREATISE ON the temple, bells of gold were attached to the robes of the high priest." The largest bells in the world are, (according to travellers) in China and Eiissia ; and it is said, that at Nankin there formerly hung four bells of such enormous size that, although not swung, but only struck with a wooden mallet, they brought down the tower, and have long lain neglected among its ruins. One of these bells is about 12 feet high, 7^ feet in diameter, and 23 feet in circumference, its weight being com- puted at 50,000 lbs., or 22 tons, 6 cwt., 1 qr., 20 lbs. In St. Ivan's church at Moscow, there is a bell which weighs 127,836 lbs., or 57 tons, 1 cwt., 1 qr., 6 lbs. This was the largest bell known, until Boris Godunoff gave to the cathedi^al of that city a bell weighing 288,000 lbs., or 128 tons, 11 cwts., 1 qr., 20 lbs. This was again surpassed by the bell cast at the expense of Queen Anne of Eussia, and which weighs, at the lowest estimate, 432,000 lbs., or 192 tons, 17 cwts. 0 qr., 16 lbs. This is the largest bell in the world ; its height is upwards of 21 feet, circumference near the bottom 67 feet, greatest thickness 23 inches. This bell is on the ground. The local tradition is, that the beam upon which it was suspended in the tower was accidentally burnt in 1737. Travellers suspect this to be a fable ; but as writers continue to copy each other, the story continues to be rejoeated. The fact is, that the bell remains in the place where it was originally cast ; it 7iever ivas suspended. Lardner says, ''the Eussians might as well attempt to suspend a first-class line of battle ship, with all her guns and stores." It seems there is a large fracti;re in this bell, caused through a fire in the Kremlin, the flames of which caught the building erected over the pit in which the bell remained. The metal was thus heated, and the water which was thrown on it to extinguish the fire, caused a large fracture. On festival days the peasants visit this bell as they would an altar, and cross themselves as they ascend and descend the steps leading to the pit. IRON FOUNDING. 9 Messrs. Clarke and Cripps, who visited this great bell represent it as quite a mountain of metal. It is said that the Nobles threw many pieces of gold and silver into the liquid metal of which it was to be cast. The bell of which we have already spoken and which weighs 57 tons, is suspended in the belfry of St. Ivan ; its circum- ference is 40 feet 9 inches, and thickness 16^ inches where the clapper strikes ; it is only rung on great occasions, and yields the finest and most solemn tones which it is possible to hear, vibrating all over Moscow with a deep and hollow murmur, like the rolling of distant thunder. The casting of statues in bronze, although belonging to the fine rather than to the useful arts, may with propriety be mentioned here, as it seems to claim great antiquity ; speci- mens of the Greek and Roman workmanship being preserved in various European Museums. Delphos, Athens, and Ehodes, are reported to have each possessed 3000 such statues ; the latter place was particularly famous for the colossal image, which bestrode the entrance to the harbour, and which is said to have been thrown down by an earthquake, b. c. 224, and that the Saracens on their becoming possessed of the island, sold it to a Jew, who, to carry it away, loaded 900 camels with the brass. In what manner the ancients carried on their operations in obtaining casts from statues or models, we are not informed ; neither is it known exactly what was the composition of the metal they used. The Egyptian bronze we are told, consisted of f brass, and only 1 of copper. Pliny says, the Grecian bronze was made by adding lead, and J^o silver to the Egyptian metal. We find that it was in the 13tli century that bronze casting began in this country for statuary. The brazen effigies of Eleanor, the Queen of Edward I., King Edward III., and his son the Black Prince ; the first, among female figures, and the latter among armed 10 A TREATISE ON men, are reckoned the earliest specimens of their age in England. We have ample proof, then, that the art of casting in sand and loam, whether it was for a temple, statue, or a bell, was well known in mediaeval times ; and the principle of moulding must have been at least as well understood by them, as by its founder Tubal Cain. At what precise period, and in what country the art of casting in metal began, seems almost a futile enquiry. Mr. Mushet, however, fixes the date of the discovery of the art of casting of iron in this country about the year 1550, and considers the process to have been an English invention. Tomlinson also says, that cast-iron was not known in England before the above period ; and that up to that time all articles of iron were forged. In 1624, Dud Dudley invented the process of smelting iron ore with coal instead of charcoal, and from that date we may say that casting of iron in reality began. Dudley's name deserves to be recorded on the same bright page as that which contains Brindley, Watt, Ark^vi'ight, and other illustri- ous men, who have so greatly contributed to raise England to her present high position. COEE SAND. Core Sand, when made into small cores, especially where the metal round about them is light and thin, should be made of weak and ver?/ porous sand ; but it must not be so weak as to lose a certain amount of cohesive nature, to prevent the core being properly made and handled. Two reasons call for this : first, where the metal is thin, it is requisite that the air should pass from the core at once ; which, if the sand composing the core was strong and close in the grain, wouid not be the case, and consequently the metal would not He upon it, and a bad casting would be the result. Secondly, core sand in light castings requires to be open and free, so IRON FOUNDING. 11 that they may come easily out of the casting. A slight rapping of the hammer on the outside of a light casting should cause a core made of proper sand, to run out immediately. To get cores with this property, common moulding sand is freely mixed with sharp sand ; in some cases pea meal, with which grounds of porter, beer, or barm, have been mixed. This mixture is only used in exceptionally thin castings. Common moulding sand, as a rule, does well for the most of ordinary cores, and in castings of a fair thickness, where the cores are large. For heavy castings, the sand is different again. It is to be observed regarding it, that the sand must be strong and yet porous, and to get this the following is generally done : — Common sand is mixed freely with loam that has come from loam castings, a certain amount of horse drop- pings, and in some cases saw-dust ; these are put into a mill and ground for ten minutes. The result of passing the sand through the mill, is to make it tougher, or in other words, more cohesive, although with the mixture aforesaid, it still possesses the quality of being porous and open. This sand is termed mill'd sand," and is only used for large cores, where the casting is large and the metal heavy, Core sand, either for light or heavy work, must be damp, but should it be too wet for small cores, the sand will adhere to the wood or iron core-box, (more especially the wooden ones), and prevent any thing like a smooth core being made. In large cores, if the sand is too wet, it cannot be rammed properly, besides it causes the core to require a needless amount of drying. After a little experience on the part of the core-maker, the requisite consistency is soon attained. GEEEN SAND. From the words green sand," it will be obvious to the reader that it means sand in a green or natural state. Any kind of sand wiU not do for moulding, it has to 12 A TREATISE ON possess two qualities ; first, a certain cohesiveness ; secondly, it must be open and free. Belfast sand is in colour nearly red, of a fine grain, and much, used in Scotland for moulding. This sand does well by itself for moulding light work, such as balustrades, grate metal, and all kinds of ornamental work. No sand could be better. But in heavy green sand castings, it requires to be mixed with sand of a stronger nature, and for this purpose rotten rock suits well. This sand seems to be a kind of decayed rock (freestone), its properties are great strength and yet openness. The proper mixture is one of rotten rock to three of Belfast, for ordinary casting ; whilst for extra heavy castings, something like equal proportions are used. This sand is used extensively in Scotland, excej^t on the North-east Coast, where principally Erith, commonly called London sand, is used, as it is much cheaper than the sand from Belfast. Erith sand for moulding pur- poses, is much more useful than Belfast sand, as it seems to possess the proper grain for ordinary castings, and also does well for. light work. In extra heavy castings, the part that forms the top of the mould is usually mixed with a little ground fire-clay in the proportion of one to twenty ; the fire- clay strengthens the sand, but ought to be carefully mixed, as too much fire-clay might work mischief. The sand that requires to go next to the pattern is mixed with coal dust to the extent that the job requires. Heavy green sand castings, require much more coal-dust than light castings. Coal dust is used for the purpose of causing the sand to leave the casting freely. Ordinary work requires one part of coal-dust to eight or ten of sand, light work one part to fifteen. Belfast sand is all the better when mixed with one to six parts of rotten rock, in order to strengthen the facing of the mould. These mixtures being of the requisite dampness, are riddled through half inch and quarter inch riddles, and are ready for use. IRON FOUNDING. 13 DEY SAND. Dry sand derives it name, not because it is wroiiglit dry, but because it is dried in the stove after the mould is made and finislied. Little need be said of its nature. Foundries wbicb use Belfast sand, make their dry sand of rotten rock and dried loam, in the proportion of one part to ten, and where they have a pug-mill, it is easier and makes better sand to pass it through the mill for a few moments. Where there is no mill it is merely trodden with the feet, turned over, and passed through two riddles. Erith sand is done exactly the same, but dried loam broken up and riddled, would make first-class dry sand without going through the mill. This sand can be of any strength or even closeness in the grain, owing to the mould being put into the stove and thoroughly dried. No coal-dust is used in this sand to skin the castings. It is either before or after being dried, (generally before) blackened the same as a loam mould, with a coat of blacking, (this blacking will be spoken of further on) which is put on with a fine brush, or, which is better, a swab made of lint. Castings made of this sand bring a better price in the market than those made in green sand, as they are cleaner, the metal is closer in the grain, and much better suited for machinery, for reasons which will be given in describing dry sand moulding. LOAM. Loam, the Spaniards, not inaptly call fango signifying mud, being something like lime in consistency. There are three kinds ; the first called fine or facing loam, used to form the face of the moidd ; next, is core loam, presently to be debcribed ; and the third is termed common building loam. The fine (or facing) loam, commonly in use in England, is principally composed of Erith sand, and the mixture is as follows : — Five barrows of Erith to one of old dried loam, c A TREATISE ON got from moulds that have been used, termed in the foundry ^'rubbish/' and two handfuls of cow hair (the longer the hair the better, as it gives more cohesiveness to the loam), are ground together in a pug-mill, with water sufficient to bring it to the desired consistency. The hair, as it is added, ought to be teased carefully out to j^revent it running into lumps. Should the sand and loam, and loam cores in green sand. They will occur on an}- part of a casting, but seem to frequent more the round parts of a mould ; of course that will be the hollow part of the casting. When they are on parts of a casting that are not to be planed or bored, it is difficult to know what to do with them : the casting, however, may not be any worse except in ajipearance. The fii^st cause of this dumb scab is the mould not being cj^uite dry, or having absorbed moisture again, and a little steam being generated by the heat of the metal, close to the face of the mould, pressing a slight poii:ion of it out before the metal is set. It seems, therefore, that the mould is filled with metal before these scabs are made. The third kind of scab is a combination of the fii'st and IRON FOUNDING, 35 second ; it sliews itself on a casting in the form marked on diagram No. 5. At the first look of this scab, it appears as if it was one of the first spoken of, and could be chipped off, but that is not the case. The edges have no hold of the casting, as you can enter the point of a thin chisel between the scab and the casting in many places ; there is loam between the casting and the scab, and with two or three strokes of a hammer the major part of the scab will come off, shewing a dumb scab, with a thin portion of loam running completely through the metal. It will thus be obvious that when this kind of scab is found on a part of the metal which has to be planed or bored the casting will be rejected ; and when it occurs where steam or water has to pass it stands a poor chance of passing unless it suits the engineer to mend it, which depends upon whether he is really a practical engineer; if not, as is too often the case, the casting will be condemned. The same cause, in this case, but greater in degree, has been at work in causing this, the tvorst of all seals, as occa- sioned the dumb scab. The generated steam has had power to press that portion of the mould opposite to it right through the thickness of the metal, which portion thus forced off never exceeds -i~G-ths of an inch in thickness ; in fact, it requires the blade of a knife to scrape the loam out. This displaced portion of the mould seems to get wedged in, as it were, between the outside and inside of the mould, and it remains there. This takes j)lace more frequently with Erith loam, or dry sand, than with iron sand loam. This kind of scab does not occur often, but, knowing that it happens at times, it is well to speak of it. Seeing that the dumb scab, or buckle, is the most prevalent in casting, we cannot pass with- out saying something further about the causes of it. We have said already that those kind of scabs are most seen on the hollow parts of a casting ; for example, on the 36 A TREATISE ON inside of cylinders. Even wlien the mould is quite dry, and tlie material composing it good, if the core is a small one, say four feet diameter, and whole instead of half bricks have been used in building it, this core will be very liable to form dumb scabs. The joints of the bricks not being equal, a great body of loam gets next the face of the mould between those parts, and contains the most gas, which will escape by the easiest place, and that is the face of the core ; in doing so part of the core may be forced out. Again, dumb scabs may be caused by the loam being too strong and clayey ; if this is the case, large cracks will occur all over the mould, and if they are not properly filled up, dumb scabs may be the result ; more especially will this take place on the bed of a mould, because, the mouth of the crack only being stopped, the gas rushes from the bed, and forces the filling u^) of the crack into the metal ; and, should the mould be damp, the steam will co-operate with the gas, and in this way cause no small damage to the casting. It would be better that the cracks were not filled up than that it should be done imperfectly. This applies to loam moulds only, for gi^een and dry sand never crack. As wide joints next the face of a mould in loam (shewn in Figure 6,) are dangerous, this evil has to be carefully avoided in propellers, which are castings very liable to dumb scabs, especially at the curve close to the boss, the chief reason being that there is often too great a body of loam at that IRON FOUNDING, ^7 particular place. In drying the mould steam gathers bet^veen the bricks and the loam causing a slight space ; and when the mould is filled with metal, the space fills with gas, which forces the loam (as has been said already) into the metal, thereby causing those indentations shewn on the propeller blade, Figure No. 7. One word more about dumb scabs. Air or gas not getting away from the face of a mould into its proper channel may cause scabs, but dampness is sure to do it, and if both of these 38 A TREATISE OiJ combine a very poor easting is the result, more especially when the mould is cold. All persons who have had much to do with castings will have noticed in some which have been cast in loam that dark lines are all over the body of them in every conceivable shape, a perfect map in fact. If these dark lines are examined closely they will be found to be slightly hollow. The moulder gives them the name of veins,'' so called, we presume, from their resemblance in form to those of the human body. These veins are caused by the cracks that have been in the mould. Every vein has been a crack in the loam, too small to be stopped up with it. The mouths of these cracks get filled up with blacking, and the air presses it into the metal, producing thereby dumb scabs in lines. These veins occur most fre- quently on the sides of a casting ; they are seldom if ever next the bed, o^ing to the blacking being able to run to the bottom of the cracks, filling them up ; besides, there is a greater pressure of metal on the bottom or bed of a mould than on the sides. The loam, when veins occur, has been rather strong or tkich on the face of the bricks. No dry or green sand castings are veined. No casting is ever con- demned for being veined, ,but it does not looh tuell, and would certainly not be fit for an exhibition, /'.■SCALES Are mostly found on loam, and sometimes on dry sand cast- ings, but never on green sand. The blacking, and the way it is put on, is the sole cause of scales. Blacking, to be good, is made from oak charcoal, ground to powder as fine as flour. A few years ago, some blacking makers introduced into their blacking less expensive wood than oak, the result being very unsatisfactory to moulders, owing to scales on their castings, as, the wood being of a light nature, the charcoal did not IRON FOUNDING. adliere to the mould. This adulteration gave rise to mucli dissatisfaction, resulting in a patent blacking being invented, which has not been in use many years. It is composed of an article, being almost pure mineral carbon, which we under- stand is made from shale out of gas retorts. It suits well, as scales with this blacking seldom occur, unless when the clay water is very weak, or carelessly put upon the mould. This blacking is put into water which has been highly coloured with common clay, the clay being for the purpose of causing the blacking to adhere to the surface of the mould. Blacking is put into the water until it attains the consistency of thick paint. The clay water must not be too weak, as scales on the casting may be the result ; besides, in this case, it is easily brushed olf the mould when dry. Neither must the water be too strong, as the blacking, after becoming dry, cracks all over the mould, and is inclined to peel olf in many places like a skin, and scales are sure to occur. The blacking is put on with a common paint brush, or (as in the case of diy sand) with a swab. It is laid on ordinary castings until the mould has a coat equal to the thickness of heavy paper ; but where the metal is very heavy, it is all the better with a thicker coating. Care should be taken i;i blacking a mould not to put on too much at a time, and not to come over the joinings of the blacking, and it should not be applied when the mould is very hot. Scales are troublesome to the cleaner, as, being so thin, they are not easily chipped off ; and when they are chipped off, the casting has any thing but a nice appearance. In some foundries all the moulds are sleeked with tools for the purpose during the process of blacking, and scales will be caused through sleeking too hard, or continuing the sleeking after the blacking is nearly dried on, which is done by the moulder for the purpose of trying to make his casting look nice and have a smooth skin. Too hard sleeking is apt to 40 A TEE AT IS E ON slacken the liold of the blacking, especially when the mould is very dry, or a little warm. The patent blacking has a great advantage over tJie lest charcoal, as it is scarcely ever burnt off by the flame catching the mould at the time of drying, which was no unusual thing when the charcoal blacking was in use, when it would have to be blackened over again. COLD SHOT CASTINGS Are produced by three causes. (1) The mould being filled too slowly. (2) The metal being too dull to suit the kind of casting required. (3) The metal being poor. Cold shot is another word for a bad weld — a refusal of the metal to amal- gamate at the place of meeting in the mould. The green sand moulder has more reason to fear this than the dry sand or loam moulder. His mould being cold and damp, if the metal is admitted too slowly it will rise lazil}^ up the sides, getting thicker until it comes to the place of meeting, where it will fail to join, as shewn in the section of a column or pipe. Figure No. 8. Fig. 8. We are supposing the pipe to be cast horizontally, and the metal to be admitted at the end of the mould, as many are run in this way. A pipe of this kind for either steam or water would be of no use, and a column to support any weight would be very much weaker, than if sound on the top. IRON FOUXDING. Too dull metal, even when run into the mould with proper speed, will shew exactly the same fault. < Poor iron — pig iron of inferior brands mixed with rlirty lahfcL scrap, possibly some of it burnt, old fire bars, &c., will brin^'' metal out of the cupola with no life. Be it ever so hot, it will not run, it seems dead, and has scum or skin on the top of it like stagnant water. Whatever mould this metal is put into, unless put in very quickly, or the casting is of an unusual thickness, it will produce a casting that is liable to be cold shot. Even a difficulty is found in getting common furnace bars to run with metal of this description. Sulphur, silicon, manganese, and other impurities, are found in the best of metal, but in this j)oor iron they seem to be present in a greater degree, causing this skin and prevent- ing amalgamation. In boiler plates something like this is sometimes found, which is termed lamination." MENDING OE BUENING CASTINGS. When any -psLvt of a casting has been broken off, such as a flange or a snug, or a blown hole has appeared, the moulder considers whether he can mend this without injuring the casting. Mending, so as to insure success, will depend wholly upon what part of the casting requires it. The formation of the casting has also to be considered, as well as the kind of metal that has been used ; and herein lies the danger of burning or mending. It is not every casting that ^vill stand a portion of it being brought to a melting heat without splitting in some adjacent part ; it depends almost wholly upon the formation of the casting. Mending at the extremities of a casting of almost any shape is generally safe, but at the middle parts seldom a success. la our opinion, mending a casting by burning a piece on should never be resorted to,' unless it cannot be- mended otherwise,. 42 A TREATISE ON as it is often a forlorn hope. Wlien tlie casting is a bad one, owing to a fracture, blown part, &c., it cannot be made worse by burning, whicli may as well be resorted to. Burn- ing or mending a casting can only be done once on the same place ; hence the necessity of taking every precaution before beginning. When a casting has been broken, and mending the part resolved on, it is best to use the piece broken off when it can be had, and if it cannot, then one exactly the same pattern should be cast. The broken piece being laid to the casting in its place, pieces of dried loam (called cakes) are then fitted about the part, leaving about half an inch of space all along the frac- ture exposed ; these cakes to be two or three inches higher than the broken part, so that all the dirt and scum may float to the top, and clear of the fracture. Cakes of loam are also made to cover the bottom part, to prevent the metal from running right through during the mending. The broken part should then be surrounded with a fire until it becomes red hot, the dried loam cakes bemg removed before the fire is applied. The portion of the casting to be mended, as well as the piece to be burned on, being now red hot — good hot metal in readiness — the fire smartly taken away — the loam cakes and the broken part put back in their proper places — pieces of iron ready at hand to secure them there, — the metal is then run along the fracture until the casting and broken piece are thoroughly fused together. This will be easily known by travelling the point of a quarter or three-eighths iron rod bjBtween the two. When the point of the rod touches the bottom cake of dried loam, and nothing is felt but liquid iron, the mend is complete. Many castings stand the fire, but give way during the time the metal is being poured on the fracture. After the mend IRON FOUNDING, 43 lias quite set, it should be covered over Tvith hot metal, and not again touched until the whole is quite cold. The hot metal used to cover it is generally that which was used in the mending, broken into suitable pieces. Again, some castings rend in the cooling. The softest of iron No.' 1 should be used for a fracture, as it does not pro- duce the greasy scum which comes from No. 3, and it also penetrates quicker into the fracture, and is much easier chipped. The importance of mending a broken casting when red hot is obvious, as it requires less metal to be poured on the break than if the parts were black. Moreover, when the parts are black, the metal when poured seems to glide off, as if the broken part had been oiled or greased. The oil and tar from the coal cause this to be the case ; and when the fire is made with gas coke, the sulphur from it also produces the same effect. The metal for burning should be all in one ladle, it does not answer when a second has to be used, as the mend is sure to he dirty ; the refuse or slag," as it is commonly termed, from the last of the first ladle being liable to lodge in some part of the half -mended fracture. When a large casting has to be mended, it is best to put it the night previous into the stove, which should be cold when it is first put in, then fire well up till the next day. When it is taken out of the stove, put the fire at once on the place to be mended, and when that is done lose no time in return- ing it back again to the hot stove. In this way the whole casting expands gradually, and, cooling down with the stove, it contracts slowly. When a casting has been imperfectly mended, and has been done again, it will be liable to crack two or three inches from the fracture, the reason of this being that the metal two inches back from the fracture has lost all its elasticity, in '44 A TREATISE ON short it is calcined — it has become like the top or rather middle part of a furnace bar that has long been in use. The two inches of the casting next the fracture are dead ; and even should the second mend be a complete weld, if that part is struck lightly with a hammer it will be very liable to break two or three inches from the original fracture ; hence, if a mend is not properly done on the first trial, you cannot go hack to it again with success. The best thing to be done on a second bui-n being resolved on is to cut three inches off next the fracture, and in this way you come to good metal again. It may be fairly questioned — Is a burn as good as if the casting had never been burnt ? "We at once answer, (assuming the mend has been properly done, and there are no symptoms of a crack on any part of the casting,) it is equally as good as if no burn had taken place. For example, we have known the tooth of a spur-wheel burned on to stand, while some of the others gave way. Again, we have burned a large piece on propeller blades, which have come back to us again broken on the same blade, but never near the burn. Therefore, from carefully watching the results of mending castings, our impression is that the mend when properly done is equal in strength to the rest of the casting. It may again be asked — Would the burning have an evil tendency on any other part of the casting, even a considerable distance from the mend, and thus when the working strain is put upon the casting cause that part to give way ? In answer, we would say that it may and even does take place in castings of a certain structure, such as bed-plates, conden- sers, cylinders, girders, &c., where it is difficult to determine on what part of the casting an undue strain may take place, owing to a portion of it being made to a melting heat, cast iron being of such a nature that it may be on the point of flying and no one he aware of it ; but in plain castings, (and IRON FOUNDING. 45 especially when the mend is at the extremities,) we scarcely think that burning has any vital effect upon the other parts. When a mould has been cast, and an irruption takes place, however slight, if the moulder is sure that metal has been vomited out, it is well to take the top part of the mould off to see the casting. The hollow blown places can then be quickly and safely burned, the casting being in a bright red state. Sometimes a mould will blow and vomit metal out for a con- siderable time, and then after it has relieved itself of the gases it will take back quietly all the required metal, in which case the casting is seldom blown. In other cases a mould will blow violently for some time, and as far as can be seen not take any metal back, and, on the top part being taken off will shew no symptoms of requiring to be burned ; but when this does occur the soft parts of the casting are found out when it is too lato to burn it, and most likely on parts where it would be foolish and impracticable to try it. Blisters or shells on a casting are easily mended when they appear after being recently cast. They are generallj' to be found on green-sand castings, and are caused through hard rananing of the top part, and the want of the free use of the vent- wire. They are seldom above a quarter of an inch deep, two or three inches in length, and an inch broad, and very often castings are condemned on account of their presence. HAMMING GEEEN SAND OE DEY SAND. Not a great deal can be said upon the above. Both kinds of sand are rammed nearly in the same manner. Two kinds of rammers are used for both green sand and dry sand, one being called a small or pin rammer, the other a dog or flat ranmier. The first is wholly made of iron rod, three quarters of an inch round and fom^ and a half or five feet in length, with a flat part at the end two and a half inches broad, and £ 40 A TREATISE ON the same thickness as the rod. To be able to handle this rammer properly is of great importance to the sand moulder ; it is to liim what the hammer is to the smith, or the hammer and chisel to the engineer. This rammer is used for ramming the sand that lies close to the pattern, which is termed small or pin ramming. The flat or dog rammer is used for the intervening space between the small ramming and the firm ground. It is a rod of iron exactly the same as the pin rammer, with the excep- tion that on the point of the rod is cast a piece of flat iron, 5 in. X 3 J in. X 1 inch ; hence its name. For pits and places where much ramming is required, wood is substituted instead of the three-quarter-inch rod iron, and is inserted into a wrought iron socket, the point being a round or flat -piece of cast iron. Eamming wholly depends upon the nature of the work the moulder ma,y be em2:)loyed upon. Light castings, such as grate metal, balcony railings, balustrades, &c., require quite different ramming from those of heavy green sand, so much, indeed, that a light green sand moulder makes but a very indifferent hand at heavy work, and vice versa, the great obstacle being the different amount of ramming required. We mav sav here that there is no defined rule for ramming-, the experience of the moulder in the class of work being his only guide. Therefore, the question may be asked — Is ram- ming a rule of thumb business ? We answer, Xo. It is true that some jobs will stand more ramming than is absolutely needful without doing harm, more especially in dry sand ; but in the majority of cases it is not so with green sand. Any casting rammed too hard is liable to be scabbed, and if reri/ nard, it will cause the metal not to stay in the mould ; besides, great difficulty would be experienced in drawing the pattern. The ramming of a mould, then, is judged by expe- rience. The lower parts of a mould are made considerably IRON FOUNDING. 47 : -^^^U harder than those near the top, owing to the pressure of niet^^ being greater at the bottom. A moukl shoukl be Jirni, nothing more, and care shoukl be taken not to strike the pattern in ramming, which is liable to produce a scab, as it causes the sand to be too close on the face of the mould, and prevents the gas from passing into the openings made by the vent wire. Again, a mould may be rammed rather soft ; in which case, especially if there is a deep flange, or deep parts in the mould, the deep parts are sure to be swelled or strained, and are made perhaps half an inch thicker than they should be, besides being irregular and out of shape. A part or parts of a mould not properly rammed is sure to turn out an ugly casting, besides causing a deal of extra work after the pattern is drawn. The moulder may try to rectify it to some extent by firming up the soft places, but it rarely succeeds in being so well done as when the mould is properly rammed when the pattern is in the sand. Dry sand will stand much more ramming than green sand, and can always be made much firmer, the reason of this being that the drying of the mould has an opening effect on the sand, causing it to become more free in the pores by the ■exclusion of the moisture. If a dr}' sand mould be filled when it is not dry, or only partialis/ so, the metal would most certainly not stay in the mould, and this would be wholly due to the closeness of the mould. But the drying (for the reason mentioned) produces an openness in the sand which allows the gases to pass freely to the vents, and the metal lies quietly and kindly in the mould. Thus great freedom can be used in ramming dry sand, which cannot be made too hard, that is, •of course, compatibly with the drawing out of the pattern. With green sand the same liberty cannot be taken without causing bad results. Should the top part of a mould that has a plain flat surface be too hard rammed, and not extra well vented, the casting will present an appearance of being cold A TREATISE OX shot, and in some instances will be blistered, although, the metal Tvas in good condition. ■ "\Ye may close this part on ramming with the moulder's motto — Eam well, but vent well, as the venting is an antidote- to a mould too hard ratnmed. HIXTS OX PATTEEXS. A properly-made pattern is of vital importance to the moulder, and not only to him, but to the parties who have to do with the casting after it leaves the moulder's hands. A casting that is the exact shape and form of the pattern will give less trouble to those who have to work with it than 'when it has to a certain extent lost its shape and form. And how is this to be attained V Simply by making the pattern so that it may freely leave the sand. In jobbing foundries too little attention is ^^aid to this object, hence the pattern suffers by the moidder having to rap it severely to slacken its hold of the sand. A pattern has often been broken to pieces in di-awing it out of the mould, and a stranger to look at it might allege downright carelessness on the part of the moulder : but in every case he is not to blame. The j)attern must be started in the sand before trying to draw it ; and if proper provision lias not been made by the pattern maker in the shape of places set apart for rapj^ing and a certain amount of taper, also made of seasoned Avood, the pattern will be sure to suffer, and the mould also. In foundries where certain classes of work are done by machinery, such as sewing machine castings, railway chairs, telegr^iph posts, mill machinery. kQ., all the patterns are got up regardless of expense. And why ? Eecause the pattern must leave the sand without a grain being disturbed, and without it being started before being drawn. Xothing less would do. Balcony railings, balustrades, fancy gate I Fx ON FOUNDING. work, grate metals, &c., must also leave the sand perfectly undisturbed. It might be said here that such a class of work is quitQ different from jobbing work, and that it would not pay to get up jobbing patterns like the class just mentioned ; but it would be just as eas}^ to get up patterns to mould right by as it is to make them so that the}- are a trouble to the moulder. In some foundries great trouble and expense are experi- enced through ill got-up patterns, the pattern shop going upon the principle of economy in their department, which is quite commendable so long as it does not cause undue expense in the foundry ; otherwise the principle becomes very reprehensible. A pattern maker should have some knowledge of moulding, which is indispensable on his part ; and so long as he keeps that knowledge subservient to the moulder all goes well ; but when he thinks he knows more than the moulder, ichich too often happens, work between the two does not go smoothly. They are closely allied in their work, and, such being the case, it becomes them to work to each other's hands as much as possible. Tlie pattern maker can save the moulder a great deal of trouble by ver}- little exertion on his part, and so with the moulder. It becomes them, therefore, to give and take, neither to be too exacting. Should one know every thing, and act upon the principle that the other knows little or nothing, no good can ever come of it, as the ignored one is sure to suffer through working at a disadvantage. The pattern maker should be often in the foundry-, as it is there he will gain experience, and will see that all castings do not contract one-tenth of an inch to the foot, as he was taught at the bench. The amount of contraction will in a great measure be according to the shape and form of the easting. Again, loam castings, as a rule, do not contract so much as 50 A TREATISE ON sand castings, partly owing to the material that the loam mould is composed of offering a greater resistance to contrac- tion than that which sand offers, and partly because all loam moulds yield a little to the mould exjianding after being just filled. In large loam castings this occurs to a greater extent than in small or light loam work. The pattern maker by being often in the foundry will see how his work comes out of the sand, and will be able to avail himself of any suggestions that the moulder may have to offer for their mutual benefit and the interest of their employer, and in this way hard work will be made easy. The moulder on his part should take great care of his pattern, and nothing is more conducive to that than the know- ledge that his pattern is well made for moulding. Patterns that are intended to be moulded in loam should be made of as little wood as possible, compatibly with sufficient strength. The pattern maker should consult the moulder before he begins to make his pattern as to which way it would be best to mould it, and on both coming to an understanding much trouble will be avoided. The moulder in this way becomes conversant with what the different parts of the casting are sup- posed to do according to the designer's idea. AVe will close these hints on patterns for the present, as we may have to refer to them again in describing the three branches of moulding. Sufficient has been said to enable the reader to understand how essential it is for the moulder and the pattern maker to work together. EUNNIXG METAL INTO MOULDS, AND THE USE OF FLO'EES OE GATES. AVe cannot think of a more important question to the moulder after venting than — How will you run that casting ? And after that question is answered there is another — "W^at IRON FOUXDING. 51 size of runners, and how many do you propose ? From the smallest sheave of one pound weight, or a fancy little ornament, up to a casting of sixty tons, the choice of a place for running the metal in is of ^reat importance. A light job in green sand, or a heavy one in green sand or loam, may be all that a first-class moulder could desire, and yet the casting may be spoiled through being run badly ; and this is done ( 1 ) by running too quickly, (2) too slowly, and (3) by not running in the right place or j)laces, as we learnt from running a little fancy ornament or sheave when we were apprentices ; and also in running a sixty-ton casting the same principle is involved. The choice of a place or places to run in the metal will wholly depend upon the for- mation or shape of the mould. Suppose we take a fancy ornament, we examine it for the strongest place and one where no obstruction is offered to the metal running into the mould. The system of ways or gates is generally adojDted, and made by joining four or five sprays or small runners from the main one. These little branches should be opposite a slight space in the mould, so that the metal has free course to pass all over. The more sprays that are cut from the main runner the less size they will need to be, and are of course easier broken off the casting. A fruit plate could not be run in this way, as the edges of the casting are so thin and frail that no runner could be attached to them without a great risk of breaking the casting in taking the spra3^s off ; hence a fruit plate is run by the centre, because there is a flat roimd space. Sometimes a flat and sometimes a round runner is used, and one is as good as the other. In this way the metal has free course to spread all over the intricacies of the mould. Balcony railings are generally run with three and sometimes four main runners, each having upwards of twelve little sprays, as in the case of the small ornament. Balustrades are generally run from the plain end or stalk. Water-runs 62 A TREATISE ON for houses are run from the top, the convex part being cast up, and the runners (there are two) are about ten inches in length and only a quarter of an inch wide at the joint, tapering to three inches at the opening. This is what is termed a plump runner or gate, so called because the metal from the ladle falls or plumps at once into the mould. The castings could not be run at the edge, being so thin. Pots and kettles are cast exactly the same way, the runner only being much shorter, say three inches. These runners are made wide at the top, so as to enable the moulder to throw in the metal at once. This class of work is a speciality, and a good moulder at am'- other class of work would be very imperfect at water-runs, pots, and kettles. Grate metarisall run from the edge, with a great many sprays leading from the main runner, care being taken to make these sprays half the thickness of the casting, and in this way they are easily broken off. A sheave presenting a thin edge all round can be cast no other way than by a plump gate or runner. It is placed at the side of the core in the centre, and a round pin of wood is rammed up in the top part of the mould, thus forming the runner. Again, bevelled pinion wheels are run at the centre, and not from the top, the metal being admitted through what is called a worm-gate. The object in running a casting like this in such a manner is to prevent the tender teeth from being washed away by the metal, as would most certainly be the case in a green sand mould were the metal admitted from the top, as in the sheave. All small pinions of a fine pitch are generally run in this manner ; but when the moulder has no worm-runner he is obliged to run the metal from the top, in which case the mould should be slightly dried to harden the teeth, and in this way it enables the mould to stand the metal better. If only one casting is wanted he should mould two, as the risk is too great to depend upon one cast in this IRON FOUNDING. manner turning out perfect. From these few modes of run- ning small castings, it will be at once seen that everything depends upon the shape of the casting wanted as to how and where the metal should be admitted. Ordinary sand work is generally run by the lowest place in the mould, unless in the case of pipes, columns, &:c. A column that has a top and base to be turned and polished should be run in the centre of the casting, the metal just clearing the sides of the core. The end or base of the column presents at the first glance a better place to run it by, and in fact so it is when the skin of the base is not to be broken. Some moulders may think this strange, but a column run in the centre will give a clean base and top, and when run by any end will be dirty. The reason may be asked — Why is it so ? We would say that the motion of the metal caused by the runners playing down the base produces a kind of scum faintly mixed with slag, and the good metal flowing under- neath fills the other parts of the mould. This impurity rises until it touches the top, where it remains. Nothing will be seen on the rough casting to indicate any impurity, but the latter will be seen on the skin being l)roken, more especially if the metal used is dirty, and columns are often cast with any- thing but good clean metal. The question may here be very fairly put — Does no scum or slight slag gather in the centre of the column when run there, to cause a weakness in the casting ? We would say not at all, as there is no place to retain any impurity, such as the base or the top of the column offers. It is continually .getting away, and consequently cannot gather as it does in the base when run there. Were the column to be turned all over round the locality of the gates it might be found slightly dirty when the skin was broken, but no good moulder would cast a colunm horizontally that had to be turned all over. Our business at present, however, is with columns for ordinary 54: A TREATISE purposes ; tliey may be cast horizontally, and tlie best way is to run them at the centre, taking special care that the metal does not strike the core, or scabs may be made. It is safe and sure, with heavy green sand, to run at the lowest part of the mould, because in this way the metal rises quietly and kindly all over the mould, and thus in a great measure^ prevents scabs. The number and size of the runners wholly depend upon the job to be cast ; for instance, a machine bed of the heaviest kind for planing may be cast with four run- ners, two at each end. Another kind of casting, not a third of the weight, may require six runners. The heavy machine bed can admit with safety two large runners at each end, while the other job perhaps could not be done with any other than small ones, hence the need for more of them. The size of each runner depends upon the thickness of metal it is attached to. When a mould is run from the bottom the runners require to be much larger than when it is run from the top. Moulders sometimes make the mistake of furnishing a mould to be run from the bottom with the same sized gates as would be used if it were run in the ordinary way. The bottom runner or run- ners should be one quarter larger than when the casting is run. from the top, seeing that they have to press the whole weight of the casting uj) when the mould is about filled. A mould so cast will take the metal from the ladle at first with great speed, but as it fills it will gradually take it slower and slower, until when just about full the moulder will find that it is comparatively slow. Green sand castings of a few hundredweight may be and are run from the top with safety, as the metal has not far to fall, but castings from ten hundredweight up to five or six tons should be run from the bottom, that is, the lowest part, care being taken to have the runners thinner than the thick- ness of the metal, as they are less liable to scab the mould when the metal is rushing in, and prevent the edges of the casting from getting broken in separating the gates from it. IRON FOUNDING, 55 Figure 9 shews us exactly the formation of the bottom gate. The vertical gate must be at a sufficient distance from the mould to enable a strong body of sand to intervene be- tween them. Many castings have been lost owing to the pressure of the metal in the upright gate forcing in the sand upon the mould. Eighteen inches are sufficient when the sand is well supj)orted with irons. Fig, 9. It may be here asked — How do you get these runners out before the metal is admitted ? The reply is simple : After the pattern has been drawn, and when the mould is finished, the square or rectangular-shaped one is drawn to the inside of the mould, and the upright round one drawn upwards, both being tapered to suit. When a dry-sand mould is made with rotten rock and dried loam, it can be run with comparative safety from the top, especially when the mould has been thoroughly dried, the nature of the material being well adapted to resist the fall of 50 A TREATISE ON the metal upon tlie bottom or surface of the mould. We say with com2)arative safety," but in order to make the opera- tion perfectly safe it is better that the mould should be warm. A dry-sand mould made with Erith sand is very different. In this case, when the cast is run from the top and the mould is cold it is invariably scabbed ; and when a moulder hnows that he cannot close his piece of work during the time that the heat is retained in the mould, he siiould make provision ^ to admit the metal at the bottom of tlie mould. When a mould is made of the last-described material, and can be cast when the mould is hot, it can then with perfect safety be run from the top, and the mstal may fall' any height. This sand seems to have a particular propensity to contract damp after becoming cold. Every dried mould does so to a certain extent, but this sand in particular becomes cold sooner, and absorbs the damp more quickl}', than any other dried 8and of which we know. Loam castings, or, as we might say, castings made in loam, are invariably run from the top, except in sj)ecial cases, and these cases occur when the metal cannot reach or fall wpon the bottom of the mould as soon as it leaves the ladle. Some part of the mould forming a projection, the metal falls upon this fii'st, continually playing upon it until the under part of the projection is filled. The best made loam, even though of the best material, would be very liable to scab were the gates leading the metal to fall upon a projection of the mould, jnore especially if the mould were cold when the metal was admitted. The greatest number of loam moulds are run from the top. Three reasons seem to establish the superiority of this method over others. First, it can be performed with safety when no part of the mould intervenes between where the metal is IRON FO US DING. 57 admitted at the inlet or gate and the bottom of the mould ; second, it is better for any casting when the mould is run from the top, since the highest parts of the casting are filled with hotter and better iron than when the molten metal is^ run from or at the bottom ; this of itself is calculated to give the casting a sounder top than it would otherwise have ; and third, the moulder can collect all his runners or gates more compactly when he is forming his large gutter (commonly termed head ") with sand, previous to casting, than he possibly could have done had the casting been run from the bottom. Sometimes it happens in loam moulding that the formation of the casting to be made will not admit of gates or runners from the top being used in sufficient numbers or size to fill the mould in proper time, or there may be no direct and clear way for the metal to reach the bottom. When a case liko this occurs the metal is run in at the bottom, possibly with the assistance of a few gates at the top. Propellers are better castings when run as high up as possible on the boss. The top of the blades thus gets hotter metal, rendering the edges clean and sharp. This is seldom the case when the metal is admitted at or near the bottom of the boss. Cylinders require, more than any other loam castings, to be run at the toj), as this -plan has the effect of giving the casting a clean bore. The gates or runners should be all round the barrel, the distance between eacli pair not exceed- ing eighteen inches. Care must be taken to see that the metal clears the outside and inside of the mould. In casting very large moulds the moulder should take care to have his running gates properly distributed for the good of the casting, and yet not too scattered, as they have all to be connected in a large gutter, and when they are needlessly scattered in arrangement it will necessarily cause more metal A TREATISE ON to be melted than is absolutely required, and really do no good to the casting, wliile it will cause the workmen to have extra labour in breaking up the heads. A loam mould run at the top mai/ scab, but it only occurs ivhen the material is bad, or has not been properly dried. Loam too weak, too strong, or too muddy, is termed bad, and when not properly dried it is either burnt, or retains a suspi- cion of moisture. AVhen a mould is in either of these states it will scab, no matter where it may have had the metal admitted. Erith loam when burnt is much safer than iron- sand loam. THE MOULD FILLED TOO SLOWLY. AYhen the moulder has decided on the place or places at which to run his casting, his next care is to see that his run- ners or gates are adequate in size and number to fill the mould in proper time, so as to insure a sound casting. ^\Tien he is moulding an ornament, say a fruit plate, and makes his little s^^rays or runners from the main gate too small, or too few, his work will be a failure. There will be a want in the fruit plate here and there, the metal having been so slowly admitted has been ^^dead" at different places of the mould, refusing to travel — or rather not being able to travel — through the little veins or channels in the sand. The same thing happens with moulds for a balcony-, balustrade, pot, kettle, and water-run ; the failure occurring even when the metal is of the finest quality, and as hot as the fui-nace can make it. Castings of an ordinary size in green-sand suffer much when cast too slowly, no matter what their shape or form may be. Some, of com^se, will suffer more than others, such as spui' wheels, pulleys, lamp-posts, &c. Over-slowness is also very injurious to heavy work done in green sand, if it will not altogether, in many instances, be the means of prac- tically destroying the cast. IRON FOUNDING. When the mould has a large surface, and that oii^-tiLe^top, and the surface is exposed too long to the great heat of the metal during the slow process of filling the mould, there is danger of a portion of the top part being drawn down ; and even when the top part does stand good the casting on the top Avill have an ugly a^opearance ; the edges will be round and full of dirt ; cold shot will prevail all over the casting ; and the latter will have but little chance of being looked Tipon as worthy of the name. In the case of a loam mould which has retained some of its heat, but in which the casting has been done too slowly, the casting does not suffer to the same extent as in the case of a sand mould, the reason being that owing to the warmth of the mould the metal retains its lively condition much longer than it does in the cold green- sand. A loam casting, in order to shew cold shot, must have been east very slowly indeed, or the metal must have been very inferior and dull Avhilst in the ladle. The parts where it is most likely to be faulty, for a large loam casting, will bo in the different webs or plates that may intervene between the bottom and the top of the mould, and in some j)laces where it may not be easy to see it, especially where there are ehaplets. The metal rolls lazily up the sides of the mould, earrying along with it dust and particles from the mould, until it reaches the top of the first core, over which it slowly flows, and meeting in the centre, possibly no amalgamation is formed at the proper place of juncture, or if it does, the amalgama- tion is onl}^ a very imperfect one. When ehaplets are in a web of metal the metal will not elose so keenl}^ and completely round them as it ought to do. Water or steam may pass between the ehaplets and the metal, and in this way the mould is filled until the metal reaches the top. The casting thus produced may not present a very faulty appearance on the top, but other parts of it will CO A TREATISE ON probably be mucli less satisfactory than its superficial area. Take for example a casting of tlie form of Fig. 10. — ^ i I I I i Supposing tlie moulder to bare made bis gates or runners too small, and to bare placed no runner on the bigbest part, tbe metal at tlie same time being ratber dull. In tbis case tbe part marked < on tbe figure would be apt to sbew wbat at first sigbt would seem to be a crack, but wbicb, on closer inspection, would be seen to be — not a crack, but — cold sbot. Tbe reason would be tbat tbe metal bad sligbtly paused at tbis point in its uj)ward progress during tbe time IRON FOUNDING. 01 the plate was getting filled, tlie slight stoppage being enough, to produce a strong film or skin at that particular place, and thus cause a parting, as it were, between it and the metal above. Had a runner been here to keep the metal in agita- tion during the filling of the plate no harm would probably have supervened. This illustration may help the reader to comprehend how important it is to have the runners from the top and properly distributed over the mould, as he may not always be sure of getting hot iron to cast with, even apart from the contingency of his mould having been run too slowly. A propeller is sure to have an ugly look when it has not been properly filled, the top edges of the blades appearing as if rats had been eating them. A casting of this kind might likely be condemned when the metal is not run with proper speed into the mould. A piston (when large) which has been cast too slowly presents an ugly appearance on the top of the casting, so that engineers do not care about having it. The casting seems so unsound and ill-looking that they believe the steam would very soon make a serious impression upon it. Such would very probably be the case, as the casting would not possess a hard skin, and would be wanting in that essential element requisite to give it the sound surface so much needed in a piston. A cylinder cast too slowly with ordinary hot iron would be very apt to be defective in the bore, especially if the metal was not clean. The casting otherwise may appear first-class, or it may shew threatening signs of cold shot on the top, but not enough to call attention to the fault. If the metal be veri/ hot, and at the same time clean, these qualities may save the casting, even when the latter is produced slowly. But very hot iron is not the rule in large castings, and we should therefore say that the cylinder which has been cast too slowly has a slender chance of turning out a clean bore. C2 A TREATISE ON Dry sand castings fall under the same remarks as loam as regards filling the moulds too slowly. THE MOULD FILLED TOO QUICKLY. This is an evil that the moulder should guard against equally as much as against undue tardiness, since serious consequences are apt to attend it as well as the other. There are perl^^ps a few castings which msiy be excepted from this observation, that is, they can scarcely be filled too quickly. "We refer to such castings as those of runs for houses, pots, pans, and several other castings connected with sanitary pur- poses. These being so thin the metal has almost to be '(as it were) thrown into the moidd, the moulding boxes being properly secured so that no straining of the casting may take place. In casting ornamental work, when the metal is rushed in too quickly, in some instances the box may yield, and slight fins of metal will be formed on the outer edges of the casting, while the casting is webbed all over where the spaces should be. In such cases the casting is said to be strained," through the runners being too large. When the box does not yield to the undue forcing in of the metal the casting ill be liable to get broken in the process of detaching the r.mners. We may here mention, before going further, that the terms gate" and '-runner" are not at all times s^monymous. A gate (strictly speaking) conveys its own meaning, that is, an entrance. The runners are supposed to be branches made to lead aU over from the gate ; but moulders frequently confound the one term with the other, or ignore one or the other by using the term gate or runner indifferently. Eor the future, then, we shall speak of the gate as the entrance, the place where the metal enters first, and the runners as merely connecting the casting or mould with the gate. IRON BOUNDING. All kinds of ornamental and grate metal are cast much more quickly than ordinary green-sand work, but it is quite possible to over-do it, and for the casting to become slightly strained, causing a deal of extra work to the dressers in chip- ping and filing off the fins. This is the only evil that this class of work suffers from when cast too quickly. But in foundries where they cast nothing else but this kind of work every casting is run at the proper speed. In ordinary green-sand castings it is essential that the moulds should not bo filled too quickly, for two reasons ; first, the mould does not get sufficic^it time to expel the gas into the vent made by the vent-wire, especially where the mould contains a dried core, both mould and core in that case being liable to scab ; second, unless the box be carefully weighted or clamped the metal will be apt to out at' the edges, and in this way fill up the vents. Sometimes the metal gets into the vent of the dried core, and when that takes place the casting is a scrap, as the metal will then not lie at peace in the 7nould. Metal which has been rushed too quickly into a large green sand m.ould covered with a box fifty hundredweight in weiglit, and say thirty hundredweight of sand, and seren tons weight on the box, will lift the whole with great ease. We do not say that it is the metal alone which does this ; the efforts of the air to find an exit have more to do with it than the metal, although the primary cause is doubtless the too sudden admission of the metal into the mould. When this takes place with a large green sand casting the results are often very serious. A drj^-sand mould, and also a loam mould, are always bound with clamps diiring the process of casting ; and the flow gates are kept open in both, thus enabling the air that is in the mould to find a ready exit, and in this way lessening the chances of the mould straining. The flow- gates on the green-sand mould are kept closed until the metal 04 A TREATISE ON touclies the top part of tlie mould. Were they kept open, as ill the case of the loam or dry-sand mould, the air rushing out would be liable to disturb the part of the mould nearest the flow-gate, and thus create a scab. The flow-gate is there- fore kept closed with a piece of clay, and a light weight of a few pounds resting on the clay until the mould is filled, the atmospheric air finding its way out through the natural interstices of the sand and between the joints of the box. When a loam or diy-sand mould is too quickly filled a violent bubbling takes place in the flow-gates, caused not so much from any gas that the mould may generate as by the quick expulsion of the atmospheric air. This can easily be seen in casting from any dried mould that has no cores in it. When cores are in the mould the bubbling is apt to take the form of blowing, which may be described as violent bubbling. When the metal is in a hot and lively state no harm will ensue, or at all events only in rare cases, as the bubbling soon ceases, and the metal immediately falls back into its proper position. But when the metal is dull, and has little or no life in it, the flow- gate, at the first admission of metal, may set, and thus cause a hole or blown part in the casting beneath the gate. Had the mould not been run so quickly no harm would have occurred to the casting although the iron had been a little dull. It is of great importance to notice that castings, in order to be turned, bored, or polished and planed, " should not be filled too quicldy, especially large castings, owing to the difiiculty of keeping all the gates well supplied with molten metal. The gates are all connected by what is termed a *^head,"' which is simply formed of sand, and to convey its purpose more plainly we might call it a large gutter, nine or ten inches deep by seven or eight inches broad. This head or gutter is again connected with a basin of wide capacity, say three feet square, sometimes made in sand or in loam, but the- IRON FOUNDING. 05 latter is preferable. The basin receives the metal from the ladle to fill the head, the latter in turn filling the gates. This head, then, when the moulder begins to cast, nmst he kept full, to enable all the dirt and slag to float on the top, so that nothing but clean metal shall enter the mould. The moulder who is filling a large casting should have a firm hand and a quick eye when he handles the ladle, in order to detect every movement indicating how the mould is receiving the metal. But when the gates are too large, and the head cannot be kept full, what takes place ? Eefuse and dirt from the head pass into the mould ; and, supposing the casting to be a cylinder, the chances ai^e that it turns out to be bad in the bore. This is often the case. The mould may be all that can be desired, but, as we have endeavoured to shew, it may be spoiled in its last stage by the undue size of the gates. The question may here be asked — Is there no rule — no defined rule — for running castings ? AVe say at once there is not. The size and number of runners or gates must depend upon circumstances, viz. — the state of the metal, whether run from the top or bottom, the formation of the casting, the particular object for which the casting may be intended, and many other things that moulders have to contend with. The right way of working, and the right speed at which to cast a mould, are matters of vital importance to the moulder, and can only be thoroughly attained through experience. THE USE OF FLOW-GATES. As the moulder has gates and runners to admit the metal into the mould, so he has gates to let it out when the mould is full. These are technically termed ^'flow-gates,'' as the metal flows into them. Moulders engaged in light work do not use flow-gates, as OG A TREATISE ON they TTOiild serve no purpose for such AVork. Ordinary green- sand workers use them according as the job in hand may require to keep the casting from straining. For instance, in the case of a plate four feet by five, of any thickness, flow- gates would be used, as the relief which the metal experiences in passing up the outlet considerably lessens the lift upon the'bcx, besides relieving the mould from air. In sand work these flovr gates may be put on the casting, or the}^ may be made exactly the same as the running gates, according as the moulder may see necessary. Flow -gates are in use for three purppses, viz., to relieve the mould from atmospheric air, to feed heavy parts of a casting, and to shew the moulder at once when the mould is filled. All kinds of metal, when in a liquid state an.d in a heavy mass, are sure to subside, or, as the moulders term it, draw" after the mould is filled. In order to obviate this ag^ much as possible the flow gates are put upon the thick parts of ca5,tings, and according to the thickness of the part so should the size of the fiow'er be, that such parts may be fed with metal during the time the casting is gradually becoming set. Eod-irons, from a quarter up to three quarters of an inch in thickness, as the case may be, are used for flow-gates. When the mould is filled the moulder takes one of these rods, thrusts it into the gate, and satisfies himseK that it is actually in the casting. He then works the rod up and down, in order to prevent the metal in the gate from setting. The casting, gradually draws away the metal from the gate, the supply being continually kept up with hand-ladles until at last the casting becomes set in the place where he is feeding ; he then gradurclly works up the rod as he feels the hardening process going on, until it is at last out of the cast. The feeding is then complete. AVe may observe here that we are, as a rule, opposed to the plaii of feeding castings, unless in cases where it is abso- IRON FOUNDING. 07 lutely necessary, such, as the following : — Anvil blocks, sugar- mill rollers, extra heavy flanges on large castings, propellers,' and in cases when a casting may be blowing, &c. Some moulders are too fond of using the feeding rod in every casting ; but we have known more harm occur from the inju- dicious application of the feeding process than we have ever known good to result from it. Twenty years ago every cylinder that was cast had a rod passed in at every gate, the number sometimes reaching sixteen or twenty in a large casting. Strangers who came to see the cast on a dark night, and in a darker shop, would not have missed the feeding process for a great deal ; they thought it the best of the whole thing. To see upwards of sixteen men, with blackened faces, surrounded by the lurid lights coming from the vents at the end of the pipes, the red-hot metal l3'ing at their feet in the head, and each man working his rod up and down, was a sight that remained long in the memory of the visitor. Feeding cylinders, as well as many other kinds of casting in which the plan was adopted, are now things of the jDast. AVhen the moulder is obliged to feed his casting, it ought to be rightly done, that is, he should have the flow-gate of suflicient size, so that he shall have no trouble in keeping it open ; and the rod should never penetrate further into the mould than two or three inches. We remember the case of a water-press cylinder being cast bottom up, which was five tons in weight, seven inches thick on the sides, and twelve inches on the top of the core. It was fed for three quarters of an hour, and when put to use it would not hold water. "When filled at night it was found to be emj)ty in the morning. The reason of this was that the feeding rod had been kept touching (or very near) the core all the time of feeding, and that when the end of the rod was withdrawn the metal had not sufficient life left in it to thoroughly close the space left by the rod. On the flow-gate 68 A TREATISE ON being taken off the casting, a wound could be seen in the centre, as if a knife bad made it, through which the water found its way out. It would have been a better casting had a rod not been used. If the mouth of the flow-gate had been merely kept open, and a little hot iron occasionally poured into the gate, there would have been no fear of the casting not turning out a sound one. Those castings are now cast bottom down. It was this bad use of the feeding rod which stopped cylinders from being fed ; because in many instances when they were bored, the track of every feeding rod could be traced, the parts where they had been being quite spong}^ AVhen any portion of a casting has to be turned or planed, and that part to do a deal of work, it is not advisable to have a flow-gate there, as the part where the flow- gate has been is sure to be much softer (and, if it has been fed, spongy) than the surrounding parts. For example, not a few oscillating cylinders have been condemned owing to a spongy part appearing on the trunnion. The moulder, in his endeavours to make that heavy part of the casting sound and clean, put^ a large flow-gate on the top of the trunnion, and in this way spoils his casting. Cylinders of this description have been cast with large flow-gates on the trunnions, been fed, and have turned out badly. They have been cast with flow-gates, but no feeding, and have also been bad. It may here be asked — Then why put flow-gates there at all ? Would it not be better to dispense with flow-gates altogether, seeing that the trunnion is placed so far down the casting, is subject to a great pressure of metal, and therefore conducive to the sound- ness of that part, although it has an extra thickness ? We should say — Yes, that is quite true, you have exactly ex- plained the reasons why a flow-gate should not be there ; but the engineers who have ordered the cylinders desire to have a flow-gate. It is their idea. And such has been the IRON FOUNDING. 09 case. An engineer, who occupies a high position in his pro- fession, wanted a propeller made and cast from re-melted iron of his own mixing. So careful was he of his mixture that he would not trust the moulder, but sent his own man with strict injunctions to tell the moulder to put a great many flow-gates near the top edge of the blade. The moulder demurred to this, not so much on account of the extra trouble, but because of the absolute uselessness of the injunction. In due time the engineer came to the foundry himself, and demanded to know why the moulder refused to put the flow- gates on the blades of his propeller, so as to take away the dirty metal from the leading edge. The moulder informed him that owing to the construction of the propeller, and the manner in which it was cast, the top of the blades would be as clean as the bottom, because of its wedge-like form, and that putting flow-gates on the place would tend to bring about the very thing which he (the engineer) wished to avoid, viz, the eating away of that portion of the blade by the water, owing to the skin of the casting being broken. The engineer then desired to know how it was that one foundry could supply a propeller that would last much longer before shewing signs of decay on the blades than another foundry could, if it were not that the one had better metal and was cleaner on the blades than the other. The moulder endeavoured to explain that there might have been some difference in the pitch of the propellers, but the engineer would not be convinced, he said he knew better, and intimated that the moulder did not know very much. It is to bo hoped that the moulder took it all in good part, as he may have learned before this time that an engi- neer's opinion of moulders is, as a rule, not of the highest order. Flow-gates on the blade of a propeller can do no good, except that they may ease the strain of the metal when the mould is nearly filled, as in the case of the plate described in 70 A TREATISE ON tlie green-sand mould ; but breaking the skin of any easting, as a flow-gate or gates \vQuld do, tliat is subject to the action of water is to be deprecated. Flow-gates on a propeller should, like any other casting, be put on the right place, which is as near as possible on the top of the boss and above the blade where the thickest part of the metal is. Some moulders imagine that the plan of having a great many ilow-gates on a surface that is to be planed or turned (not a working part) makes a nice clean casting. AYe believe that it does tend that way, but not quite so much as is per- haps generally auj^posed, The casting may be dirty between all the gates, the clean spots shewing where the flow-gates^ were. It is a better plan to allow a little more than the usual : margin for planing and have a clean cast, a clean mould, and metal in good condition in the ladle. We should say that these precautions will produce a cleaner casting than having flow-gates. Hard metal is very apt to draw or subside. Some engi- neers wish to have castings of a certain kind cast with hard iron. Now, if the thickness of the metal be not uniform, and. a heavy part or parts be in the casting, these places vrill be liable to become drawn. AYith hard iron it may be in a very unlikely place on the casting where the moulder could not reach, even if feeding thi^ough a flow-gate could have done any good. This probably would not have taken place with ordinary metal. With hard metal the case is very different. We dislike the plan of feeding except in cases where it really cannot be avoided, because we are convinced that it is seldom carried out properly. How often has a good mould been spoiled through a moulder's heedlessness in pushing his rod roughly into a mould and thus breaking a core, the metal getting into a vent and blowing the top off the casting ! How often has the rod, when of common iron, broken oif at the j)lace where it entered the molten metal, and quietly slid IRON FO UNDING. 71 into the barrel of a cylinder, the moulder perhaps saj^i^tf^ nothing about it until the bore disclosed its presence ! And how often does a moulder keep his rod in the casting far too long, not fully realizing the necessity of gradually and very carefully working his rod out as the metal sets ! Then, to avoid feeding, except in the case of such blocks as we, have already mentioned, let the flow-gates be large where the metal is heavy ; and when the mould is cast with good iron these large flow-gates should remain long enough in a liquid state to supply the casting, they will then both set simultaneously. On the ather hand, it must be admitted that there are some castings which would be prejudiced by the imposition of extra largo flow-gates, as the process of chipping the latter oft' might endanger the integrity of the result. Sometimes a casting may require to be run by two or three large gates, such as liirge spur wheels, heavy pinions, &c. Such castings being run at the centre, and that part being heavy, recourse must be had to the device of feeding with the rod iron, as the gates of themselves, although large for runners, could not feed the casting. Again, in the case of a large cylinder, with a heavy' face, having a flange three inches thick, a flow-gate could scarcely be put on sufficiently large to feed the surface, recourse must then be had to the rod ; but the moulder should bear in mind that he is onli/ to keep the flow-gate open^ and not to ram his rod twelve inches into the casting. When the moulder finds himself obliged to feed his casting, his rod should be made red hot previous to its being thrust into the flow-gate, since a cold rod precipitates the settling of the iron in the flow-gate. When flow-gates pass through a loam plate care should be taken to have the hole in the plate made larger than the intended flow-gate, so that some portion of loam may intervene between the plate and the gates. Where there is no loam, and the metal has to flow on to the bare 72 A TREATISE ON plate, the gate may set too soon to feed the casting ; "besides, a strong gate may seriously interfere with the proper con- tracting of the casting, not to speak of the trouble which is apt to be experienced in taking the plate off when the casting is cool. The same precaution should be observed with regard to running gates ; and in green sand or dry sand an inch of sand should be between the bars of the moulding box and the flow-gates. Flow-gates are always put upon the highest part of a casting. We scarcely approve of them in any other position unless they are two and a half inches in diameter, so as to rise freely to the level of the head or highest gate. Flow-gates are good when put upon the proper part of the casting. As to their number the moulder may put on as mau}^ as he thinks fit ; they will do no harm, and not much good ; but simply have the effect of giving him a little more labour in putting them there, and of causing more labour to the cleaner in removing them from the casting. LIGHT GREEN-SAND CASTING. The phrase light castings in green-sand" might be more appropriate than the above heading. We have chosen the latter by preference simply because moulders are accustomed to use it. The sand to be used for light casting ought to be of a fine and superior quality, besides having certain chemical pro- perties which ma}' all be found in one kind of sand, or in a mixture of two or three kinds. It should be close in the grain and of a soft nature ; close in the grain, because little or no vent is required to come from light castings, the heat of the metal not being great enough to generate, or rather to ex- pand, the gases contained in the sand. It should also be fine- grained, as no tools can be applied to the moulds in order to IRON FOUNDING. 73 make them smooth. Were the sand open or coarse the cast- ings wouki be rough. The moulds of light castings are cast just as the pattern leaves them. The chemical properties contained in sand are supposed to be alumina, silica, and magnesia. Some sand may also contain a little lime. Erith sand and Belfast sand possess all the qualities which are requisite to make light and fine castings, each kind being sufficient in itself without any other mixture. One advantage — if it is an advantage — the Erith seems to possess over the Belfast sand, namely, the mould can absorb a greater quantity of water when swabbed without doing much harm to the casting. As the sand for light work is fine-grained, so has the coal- dust to be of the finest, well ground, and passed through a hair sieve, the quantity of coal-dust being determined b}^ the nature of the castings required. Too much coal-dust makes some castings blunt where they should be sharp, and also more difficult to run. We have seen castings not run up and made bad solely owing to there being too much coal-dust in the sand. This coal-dust sand is termed ^' facing sand," as it is sieved on the pattern, and forms the face of the mould. It is kept apart from the ordinary sand employed to fill the boxes. Parting sand — so called because by it the moulding-box when rammed up is separated from the pattern — when used for light work must be very fine and of a quality that will not take up moisture. It should bo free from clay or lime, and the lighter it is in colour the better. Some foundries prefer burnt Belfast sand, others fresh water sharp sand, others the sand that has formed the bottoms of large ladles after they have been used for a considerable time and have been cleaned out, while some others choose burnt sand taken from heavy sand castings. We prefer the first-mentioned kind, or that which is to be had from the bottom of the ladle. 74 A TREATISE ON Light green-sand moulding may be classed under three heads — (1) hollow work, (2) flat work, (3) .jobbing work. Castings that fall under the name of hollow work are pots, kettles, pans, water-runs, boilers, ovens, and such like castings of a hollow form. Flat work includes grate metal, castings for sanitary purposes, and balconies or balustrades to form railings. These two classes are a speciality ; they stand distinctly apart from each other in their modes of moulding, and the flat moulder would make but an indifferent hand at hollow work, and vice versa. Jobbing work comprises jobs of any kind, no matter what they may be, from a smoothing iron up to a large . lathe-bed. The jobbing sand- moulder is ready to undertake anything that ma\^ come in his way, even to making a pot, a grate, or a balcon3\ LIGHT GEEEN-SAND WOEK. By casting" is meant the process of converting fusible metal into any given form by pouring it when in a liquid ^state into a mould. There is no article capable of being pro- duced in wrought iron which the sand-moulder cannot cast in metal ; nay more, an ingenious sand-moulder can produce in cast iron what no worker in wrought iron would dare to attempt. It does not come within the scope of the present treatise to enumerate overfishing for which science and com- merce are indebted to the iron-founder ; but among the most striking may be mentioned those which have superseded the use of wood and stone — as frames for machinery, waggon- races, spandrils for roofs, columns, waggons, bridges, barges, churches, bearers, doors, and window frames ; in fact, time and paper (if we may use the phrase) would fail us to enumerate the uses to which cast-iron is now applied. Like every thing else the art of moulding has made great advances in all its branches, but more especially in light IBON FOUNDING. greGEL-sand moulding. The old adage that necessity is tlie mother of invention " has held good in this branch of industry to a marked degree. The great demand for light cast- iron work (ornamental and useful) that has taken place within the last twenty years has brought out the ingenuity of men who were not, in some instances, moulders at all, to devise some kind of mechanism to assist the moulder in this object, and the result of their inventions has been most gratifying. Suppose we speak first of light ornamental work, such as balconies as they were moulded twenty years ago. It was tlien considered to be a good tvv'o hours' work to ram the drag part of a box (bottom part) that contained an ornamental balcony 4 feet by 4 feet 6 inches, and make its parting all ready for the top part, and this when the moulder had a turning-over board to assist him. At the present time a moulder can make two such balconies ready to receive the metal in three hours. If we take balusters, it was considered twenty years since a good morning's work of three hours to mould one box of five balusters, and make the parting of the second, with the assistance of a turning-over board. A box of the same kind of balusters can now be moulded every hour. This improved plan of moulding is done b}^ what is termed ^' plate moulding." A plate sufficiently large for the edge of the box to rest upon is cast with the exact half of the required pattern, the boxes having planed edges to fit closely on the plate, where provision is made to ensure that ever}' box shall fit to a hair's-breadth in the same position, and each half of a box is also made to suit its other part to a hair's-breadth when they are joined together. The principal object in plate work is to save time in making the parting, and to facilitate by a simple mechanism the turning over of each part of a box when rammed. Herein 76 A TREATISE ON lies the whole secret of plate-moulding. "When wood turning- over boards were in use they were supposed to be quite capable of being moulded from. A rude and roughly^made shape of the desired pattern was cut into the wood to receive the exact half of the pattern, the fine ornamental parts of the pattern being unheeded after the box was turned over and the board lifted off ; then began the work of the moulder to make the parting at the proper place in the intricacies and more delicate parts of the pattern. This of a necessity took a long time, as the parting in this kind of work must be rightly and properly made, otherwise poor cast- ings are inevitable. We may say here in passing that making the parting in moulding, in all its branches, is a most impor- tant item for the moulder ; first, the best place to make the parting ; second, to make the parting correct after the place has been decided on. In some patterns the parting can only be made in one place, and that the centre. This applies to all round bodies, such as pipes, columns, round balusters, light ornamental work, &c. In other classes of heavier work the moulder's experience and taste lead him to the proper place in the pattern where the parting should be made. Hence the great necessity of something to aid the moulder in making his parting in light green-sand work, resulting in what is well known as plate moulding. This method is greatly in use for other classes of work besides the ornamental, namely, looms for mills, sewing machines, and various other articles. Some foundries use plaster of Paris for their patterns in- stead of iron, but on the same principle as the plate-moulding, with this difference, that the plaster pattern is on a box of exactly the same kind as that from which they are to be moulded, the same machine being used to turn them over when rammed up. Not only does plate-moulding make the parting, it draws the pattern as well, and far more steadily IBON FOUNDING. 77 and better than the moulder can. When a frame for a loom or a balcony pattern had to be drawn^ before plate- moulding came into use, it required three and sometimes four moulders to do it ; in this way taking the men from other work. These four men were not necessary on account of the weight of the pattern, but because each had to take a corner so as to ensure a steady draw. When the job in hand requires a large box, say five or six feet square and six inches deep, hydraulic power is made use of. The ram being down at its lowest, the half -box or plate containing the pattern is laid upon a sole plate on the top of the ram. The half -box to be rammed up is then lowered by the crane on to its place. After the ramming is complete a simple piece of mechanism fixes the box or plate together, and the ram is then raised to the proper height, so that the box may have room to turn completely over on swivels cast on the box. On each side of the ram are pillars, where pro- vision is made for the swivels of the box to catch, and the ram being lowered, the whole is turned over. The ram is again raised to receive the rammed-up box, another provi- sion being made from the pillar to retain the plate or box with the pattern whilst the rammed box is slowly lowered down to the ram's seat. The other part of the box is done in like manner ; they are then both put together and clamped, and the mould is ready for casting. The small work in plate-moulding is of course done by hand, but it is on the same principle as the above. PLATE MOULDING. This class of work is a speciality, requiring special appli- ances to enable the moulder to turn out a large quantity of work. We do not regard it as moulding proper. An apprentice brought up wholly, in the strict sense of the word, to this class of work could scarcely be termed a moulder ; o 78 A TREATISE OX he would be quite ignorant of the fundamental principles of founding, having neither vents, cores, chaplets, binding, nor different plans of running to contend with. It is a mastery of these that constitutes a moulder. In all kinds of light work made, or assisted to be made, by machinery, no expense is spared in getting up first-class patterns, which, as the moulders sa^^, would mould them- selves. In order to save ramming, boxes are made the exact shape of the pattern, but four or five inches larger all round, for the purpose of bearing, otherwise the edges are j)laned, holes for pins are bored, and pins turned. This work is expensive at first, but the quantity of castings wanted requires it to be done. The moulder, then, has little more to care for than to keep his sand in good order and ram it to the requisite degree of firmness. B}^ good order, or condition, we mean the sand to be often riddled and sufiicientl}^ damp to make it cohesive. It is better to err on the dry side than other svise for this class of work. The metal used for these castings should be of the softest and finest brand, known as No. 1 . Two reasons recj^uire this — first, the greater fusibility of the metal and adaptation for running ; and, second, the damp sand tends to make the metal hard, the castings being so light that they become in a manner chilled through losing a portion of the carbon in the metal. The apprentice who is taken from the core-bench in a foundry where no speciality is carried on in castings of the class we have just described, but where he may have had to make moulds of every conceivable shape and form, will make the best moulder, more especially if he has been a good core- maker. The little jobs which he gets to mould he may think insignificant, but such is not the case in reality. If he cannot learn to mould a small one well, he will never be able to do a large one well. In light green-sand jobbing work nearly the same routine has to be gone thi-ough as in heavy green IRON FOUNDING. 7n sand, the difference being that the appliances are smaller and not quite so elaborate. We will now consider and explain, as precisely as may be certain things to be observed in moulding light jobbing green-sand castings. First, the facing sand and sand for filling the box must be in good order ; that is, free from scraps and not too damp ; but it is impossible to state in words the exact degree of dampness required ; experience and practice alone can define that. AVe might say that the sand is damp enough when it is fit to crush into a ball by the hand ; but the fact is that sand too dry for moulding can be made into a ball with a little trouble, and the same thing- may be done with sand too damp, with only this difference, that the operation is quite easy ; a medium e