1 1 — rv\ <3aller£ Scbemm. CATALOGUE OF... PAINTINGS BELONGING TO Peter A. Schemm PHILADELPHIA. PA. 1595 . COMPILED BY P. A. SCHEMM, REVISED BY E. A. KOPP. PRINTED BY PATTERSON A WHITE, Artists Represented. -Badowski, 165. Dupre, Victor, 9. Bail, Jos., 82, 150. Duvieux, 79. Baker, W. B., 31. Bakhuyzen, J. J. Van de Sande, 63. Eaton, C. H., 57. Barbisan, 95. Eaton, C. W., 142. Baumgartner, 92. Eversen, 164. Bertas, 130. Berthoud, 36. Blommers, 85. Blume, Ed., 99. Boldini, 50. Bogoluboff, 93. Braith, 54, 58. Breton, Jules, 56. Bristol, 66. Bromeis, 144. Brown, W. M.. 76, 83. Brunin, 26. Bunn, Geo., 55. Caille, 98, 1 19. Calvert, 60. Casilear, 167. Cave, 73. Clays, 89. Coleman, 94. Collart, 80. Crane, Bruce, 19. Cropsey, 96. Davis, C. H., 3. Decamps, 7. Defregger, 61. Delobbe, 10. Delpy, 87, 155, 156. Dieterle, 112. Doll, 84, 91. Dommersheizen, 59, 67. Donat, 131, 133. Dupre, Julien, 100. Fabbi, 163. Feyen, Eug., 146. Frere, C. T., 107. Friese, 140. Gegerfelt, de, 47, 137, 154- Geiger, 115. Gerome, 65. Gilbert, Arthur, 128. Girarde, H., 71. Girard, Paul, 42. Griitzner, 77, 104. Hagborg, C., 41. Haggeman, de, 149. Harnett, 168. Harpignies, 103. Henner, 105. Herbsthoffer, 127. Heulmayer, 159. Herrmann, Leo, 13. Israels, 90. Ivanowitch, 37. Jacque, 69, 75, 135. Juliana, 97. Jones, H. B., 18. Kensett, 8, 39. Kever, 51. Knight, Ridgway, 29. 4 Koek-Koek, B. C., 134. Kotschenreiter, 43. Kramer, von, 1. Kreutzer, 78. Kuehl, 122. Kuwasseg, C., 64. Lambert, Eug., 121. Lasalle, no. Laugee, 88. Le Due, Viollet, 139. Leemputten, von F., 21. Lepage, 30. Loewe, 109. Maris, 16. Marchi, 129. Mar, de La, 120, 148. Marilhat, 118. Michel, Georges, 2, 20, 49, 86, 151. Montemezzo, 25. Moore, E., 147. Munthe, 23. Neuhuys, 81. Noel, 136. Papperitz, 38. Pasini, Al., 6. Penne, de O., 132. Perboyre, 74. Petersen-Angeln, 138. Portielje, Gerard, 116. Quinton, 33. Rasch, 166. Rauber, 48. Richards, W. T., 32. Rouzee, 22. Rollmann, 145. Sadee, 15. Schledorn, 4. Schleich, Ed., 141. Schlesinger, F., 106. Schreiber, 12, 14. Schreyer, 62. Smillie, G. H., 114. Smillie, J. D., 101. Soler, de Roig, 108. Sonntag, W. L., 102, 113. Specht, Aug., 143. Struetzel, 152. Tamburini, 46, 52, 162. Taylor, 124. Ten Kate, Mari, 17. Teniers, David the Jounger, Thors, 157. Timmermanns, 45. Tojetti, 126. Uhde, von, 70. Vernier, 27. Vernon, Paul, 44. Washington, 28. Watson, W., 40. Weber, Theo., 35. Weber, Paul, 160, 161. Whittredge, 24, 53. Wilms, 1 17. Wirkner, 153. Windmaier, Jr., A., 68. Wood, L. J., 72. Wopfner, 125. Worms, in. Zetsche, 5. Ziem, 34, 123, 158. CATALOGUE Von KRAMER, Prof. Julius i The Pharisee in the Temple MICHEL, Georges .... 2 View in the Alps, The Camp DAVIS, Chas. H. . 3 A Green Bank SCHLEDORN, ]. Vienna . Paris Fire Boston Munich 4 The Tired Musicians 6 ZETSCHE, Edward .... Vienna Columbian Exhibition, 1893 ; Austrian Dept. No. 117. 5 View in Weissenkirchen PASINI, Alberto Paris From the Jas. H. Stebbins and Potter Palmer Collections. 6 The Sultan’s Escort DECAMPS, Alex. Gabriel . . . Paris 7 The Convent’s Cook KENSETT, Prof. John F. (n. a.) . . New York 8 Rocks near Newport DUPRE, Victor * Paris 9 Landscape DELOBBE, F. A 7 Paris io Contentment TENIERS, David (The Jounger) Born 1610 ; Died 1690. 11 The Village Kirmess SCHREIBER, Chas. 12 Finishing Touches HERRMAN, Leo . 13 The Cardinal’s Siesta SCHREIBER, Chas. Antwerp . Paris . Paris . Paris 14 The Rehearsal SADEE, P. L. . 8 The Hague 15 Returning from the Wreck MARIS, Jacob .... 16 Windmills in Holland TEN-KATE, Mari . 17 The Defender JONES, H. Bolton (n. a.) 18 A Winter Brookside CRANE, Bruce (a. n. a.) The Hague The Hague . New York . New York 19 Sunset 9 MICHEL, Georges Paris 20 View in the Alps, The Old Mill Van LEEMPUTTEN, Franz . . . Brussels 21 Evening, Returning Home from Work ROUZEE, M Dieppe 22 Returning Home from the Shore MUNTHE, Ludwig .... Dusseldorf 23 Closing Hours of a Wintry Day WHITTREDGE, Worthington (n. a.) . New York 24 The Hillside Farm 10 MONTEMEZZO, Ad. 25 The Little Goose-Herd BRUNIN, Leon .... 26 The Bric-a-Brac Merchant VERNIER, C. Emile .... 27 Mussel Gatherers on the Coast France WASHINGTON, Georges 28 Resting at the Well KNIGHT, Ridgway Munich Antwerp Paris of Paris Paris 29 The Mussel Gatherer II LEPAGE, J Paris 30 An Interesting Game BAKER, Wm. Bliss .... Boston 31 Swamp-land RICHARDS, Wm. T. Philadelphia 32 Sunset after the Storm QUINTON, Clement .... Paris 33 Draft Horses at the Entrance to the Quarry ZIEM, Felix . 34 Venice, A Fete Day Paris 12 WEBER, Theo. ..... Paris 35 The Storm, Making Port BERTHOUD, B Paris From the Paris Salon, 1889, No. 231. 36 The Confirmation Dress, Swiss IVANOWITCH, P Paris 37 An Albanian Soldier PAPPERITZ, Prof. G Munich 38 The Stirrup Cup KENSETT, Prof. J. F. (n. a.) . New York 39 Landscape WATSON, Wm. 13 London 40 Sheep in the Highlands HAGBORG, Christian . 41 Coming Storm, Norwegian GIRARD, Paul 42 Waiting for Father KOTSCHENREITER, Prof. G. F . 43 The Gallant VERNON, Paul Copenhagen Coast Paris Munich Paris 44 Grande Canal, Venice TIMMERMANS, L. . 14 Antwerp 45 Steamer leaving Antwerp by Moonlight TAMBURINI, A 46 The Cook De GEGERFELT, Wm. . 47 Late Afternoon in Venice RAUBER, Prof. Wilhelm 48 Love’s Young Dream MICHEL, Georges . 49 Coming Storm Florence Pari? Munich Paris BOLDINI, G. . 15 Paris From the Wm. H. Stewart Collection. 50 Square Clichy, Paris KEVER, J. S. H. . 51 The Picture Book TAMBURINI, A. 52 The Cellarer WHITTREDGE, Worthington (n. % 53 Autumn BRAITH, Prof. Anton . Paris, No. 58. Amsterdam Florence A.) New York Munich 54 On the Way to the Pasture BUNN, Geo. 16 Antwerp 55 Marine, Off the French BRETON, Jules 56 The Communicant EATON, Chas. H. (a. n. a.) . 57 Indian Summer BRAITH, Prof. Anton . 58 Homeward Bound DOMMERSHEIZEN, T. . Coast Paris . New York Munich The Hague 59 Street in Amsterdam 1 7 CALVERT, E. S Glasgow From the 1896 Exhibition. Munich, No. 90. 60 Landscape DEFREGGER, Franz Von . Munich 61 The Love Letter SCHREYER, Ad. . Paris 62 The Reconnoitre BAKHUYZEN, J. J. Van De Sande The Hague 63 Sheep on the Dunes, Returning Home KUWASSEG, Chas Paris 64 Cascade near Grenoble, France i8 GEROME, Jean Leon .... Paris 65 The Prayer, Mosque of Caid-Bey, Cairo BRISTOL, John B. (n. a.) . . New York 66 Mount Mansfield, Vermont DOMMERSHEIZEN, T. . The Hague 67 Street in Amsterdam WINDMAIER, Jr., A Munich 68 Autumn Landscape JACQUE, Chas. Paris 69 Feeding Time 19 Von UHDE, Prof. Fritz Ritter . . Munich 70 The Discussion GIRARDE, Henri Paris 71 On the Banks of the Souldre WOOD. L. J London 72 Town and Castle in Vitre, Brittany CAVE, J. J Paris From the Paris Salon, 1896. No. 413. 73 Flowers of the Field PERBOYRE, Paul E. L. . Paris 74 The Review, Napoleon I. 20 JACQUE, Chas Paris 75 In the Fields BROWN, WM. M New York 76 Groves and Fields of New Jersey GRUTZNER, Prof. Edward . . . Munich From the Widow J. H. Loopuyt. — Tiickermann Collec- tion, Amsterdam. 77 The Game of Cards KREUTZER, B Dusseldorf 78 A Winter Sunset, Valley of the Rhine DUVIEUX, H. . 79 Venice Paris 21 COLLART, Mme. Marie 80 The Evening Hour NEUHUYS, Albert 8i The Morning Kiss BAIL, Joseph 82 The Cigarette BROWN, Wm. M 83 Inlet on Lake Champlain Brussels The Hague Paris New York DOLL, Prof. A. 84 Winter Munich 22 BLOMMERS, Berd. Joh. 85 Baby Asleep MICHEL, Georges . 86 Rain Storm in Belgium DELPY, H. CAMILLE . 87 The Banks of the Marne LAUGEE, Georges . 88 Coming through the Rye CLAYS, Paul Jean . The Hague Paris Paris Paris Brussels 89 A Calm, Boats on the Rhine, Nimegue, Holland 23 ISRAELS, Joseph .... The Hague go Moments of Rest DOLL, Prof. A Munich 91 The Snowstorm BAUMGARTNER, H Munich 92 View near Berchtesgaden, Bavaria BOGOLUBOFF, Alexis . . .St. Petersburg 93 The Queen of the Adriatic COLEMAN, H. E Rome 94 The End of the Day BARBISAN, M. 24 Venice 95 Grande Canal, Venice CROPSEY, J. F. (n. a.) . 96 Lake Champlain, Autumn JULIANNA, J. . 97 After the Duel CAILLE. Leon 98 Wash Day BLUME. Ed. New York Rome Paris Munich 99 Father’s Dinner DUPRE, Julien 25 Paris 100 Milking Time SMILLIE, James D. (n. a.) ioi A Hill Pasture SONNTAG, W. L. (n. a.) 102 Mascotte Lake, N. H. HARPIGNIES, Henri 103 Solitude GRUTZNER, Prof. Ed. . 104 Blessing the Vintage New York New York Paris Munich HENNER, J. J. 26 Paris 105 The Dreamer SCHLESINGER, F. 106 Gifts from a Friend FRERE, Chas. T. 107 On the Nile De SOLER, Roig .... 108 On the Beach at Mongat LOEWE, Mme. M. . Dusseldorf Paris . Barcelona Dusseldorf 109 Fresh Picked 27 LASALLE, L Paris no Tending the Geese WORMS, Jules Paris in Spanish Mandolin Player DIETERLE, Mme. Marie . . Paris 1 12 A Corner of the Pasture SONNTAG, W. L. (n. a.) . . New York 113 A Dream of Italy SMILLIE, Geo. H. (n. a.) . . New York 1 14 A Normandy Farm in Harvest Time GEIGER, W. 28 Lugano 115 The Poacher PORTIELJE, Gerard 116 The Schoolmaster’s Mishap WILMS, Josef . 1 17 Still Life MARILHAT, Prosper 118 Street Scene in Damascus CAILLE, Leon Antwerp Dusseldorf Paris Paris 119 The Mother De La MAR, David . 29 Amsterdam 120 Humble Industry in a Holland Home LAMBERT, Eugene 121 Kittens in Mischief KUEHL, Gotthard 122 Petit Journal ZIEM, Felix 123 Venice TAYLOR, J. Paris Munich Paris Boston 124 Spring WOPFNER, Joseph 30 Munich 125 Vesper Bells TOJETTI, V. . 126 Phoenix HERBSTHOFFER, Chas. 127 The Freebooter’s Retreat GILBERT, Arthur .... 128 A Summer Day in Surrey, Hill in the Distance MARCHI, Vincente Paris Paris London Leith Rome 129 Playing Cards BERTAS, A. 3 1 Paris 130 The Pride of the Barnyard DONAT, M 131 View near Anderheim De PENNE, O. 132 Awaiting the Master DONAT, M 133 Banks of the Marne KOEK-KOEK, Ber. Cor. 134 The Road through the Woods Brussels Paris Brussels Brussels JACQUE, Chas. 32 Paris 135 The Flock NOEL, Jules 136 Scene in Algiers De GEGERFELT, Wm. . 137 Winter Moonlight, Holland PETERSEN- ANGELN, H. 138 Marine, Sunset Paris Paris Dusseldorf Le DUC, Viollet . 139 The Old Oaks Paris 33 FRIESE, Prof. Richard Berlin 140 The Alarm SCHLEICH, Edward 141 Evening EATON, Chas. Warren 142 Twilight After the Rain SPECHT, August .... 143 In the Castle Grounds BROMEIS, A 144 A Gathering Storm, Night Munich New York . Stuttgart Berlin 34 ROLLMANN, J Dusseldorf 145 View in the Bavarian Tyrol FEYEN, Eug Paris 146 After the Confirmation, France MOORE, E New York 147 The White Cow De La MAR, David 148 Hackling Flax Amsterdam De HAGGEMAN, F. 149 Going to Market Paris BAIL, Jos. 35 Paris 150 Idle Moments MICHEL, Georges . 151 Landscape STRUTZEL, Otto . 152 A Chat by the Wayside WIRKNER, W. 153 Hard at Work Paris Munich Munich DeGEGERFELT, Wm. . 154 Moonlight, Venice Paris DELPY, H. C. . 36 Paris 155 Moonlight DELPY, H. C 156 By the Banks of the River THORS, J. 157 Landscape ZIEM, Felix 158 Constantinople Paris London Paris HEULMAYER, A 159 Sunset on the Hinter-See Munich WEBER, Paul 37 Munich 160 Franconia Notch, White WEBER, Paul .... 161 Near Oban, Scotland TAMBURINI, A. 162 Serious Work FABBI, A 163 The Cardinal Reflecting EVERSEN, A. . Mountains Munich Florence Florence Amsterdam 164 Street in Breda, Winter 38 BADOWSKI, A Rome 165 Arabs Resting at Noon RASCH, Heinrich Munich 166 Awaiting the Fishing Boats, Holland Coast CASILEAR, John W. (n. a.) . . New York 167 Summer Landscape HARNETT, Wm. M. Philadelphia 168 Still Life GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00728 1898