PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. A CATALOGUE OP A MISCELLANEOUS ColkSion of PRINTS AND DRAWINGS; INCLUDING Several Framed and Glazed PICTURES, See. THE PROPERTY OF Ay A R T I S T, Deceafed, Which will be Sold by Audtion> Mefrs. KING & LOCHEE, At Mr GREAT ROOM, No. 38, King-ftreet, Covent-Garden, On SATURDAY, DEC. 17, 1808, At Twelve o’Clock. May be Viewed on Friday, preceding the Sale, and Catalogues then had at the Room. Piloted bjr J. Barker, Great Rwflell-ftreet, Covent-Garden, Conditions of Sale i X. The higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and, if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed /hall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound, is. ; above Five Pounds 2 s. 6d. and fo on in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down ,$s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which the Lot or Lots fo purchased to be immediately pot up again and re-fold ; and all Lots to be cleared at the BHy« r ’c Expence, at the Expiration of one Day after the Sale. IV. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Pay- ment fhall be forfeited; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, lhall be re-fold by public or pfivate Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. , Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commiffions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, / King and Lochee. A CATALOGUE, &c. SATURDAY, DEC. 17, 1808. i T 7 IGHTY-F 0 UR various 3 ^ Sixty-fix ditto 3 Eighty-four ditto 4 Fifty ditto 5 Sixteen Sketches, by Morland 6 A parcel, various 7 Two Animals by Preftel, and Head by Lefevre 8 Two of Lion and Tigref9, in colours 9 Fifteen Landfcapes, Weirotter 10 Six after Kauffman and Cipriani, by Ryland 11 Two after ditto, by Burke, Cupid and Cephifa 12 Three in Colours, after Singleton, &c* 1 3 Nineteen of Animals, by old Mailers 14 Thirty-nine Landfcapes, Perelle, &C* 15 Twelve Drawings of Landfcapes 16 Five Views, in Colours 17 Thirty-five Heads, by Worlidge 18 Two Landfcapes, Preftel 19 Twelve Drawings of Landfcapes 20 Eleven ditto 21 Three in Colours, by Dickinfon 22 Four Drawings, Head? 23 Twenty Drawings, Studies, Heads 24 Eight, Bartolozzi, Tomkins, &c. 25 Five Drawings, Landfcapes 26 Thirty-eight Landfcapes, by Byrne, &c. 27 Forty, various 28 Eight Views of the Lakes, by Juke* 29 Five, Bartolozzi, Simon and Fittler 2trf ( 4 ) 30 Eleven after Walmfley, by Jukes, in colours 31 Nineteen Drawings, Landscapes 32 Seventeen, by Wood, Vivares, Landscapes, &c. 33 Brown on Flower Painting, 2 Nos, and lozzi's Drawing Book 34 Nine Drawings 35 Eight, by Vivares, Goupy, Sandby, &c. 36 Six Heads by Stubbs, Cheefman, &c. 37 Three by Bartolozzi, Turner and Knight 38 Five Heads by Pittori, Lucien, Ogborne, &c. 39 Seven after Pouffin, by Audran,the Lord's Supper 40 Seven Sketches, various 41 Five large Landscapes, Drawings, varnijbcd 42 Ditto 43 Five after A, Kauffman, Zuccelli, &c. 44 Fifteen, Bartolozzi 43 Thirteen ditto 46 Eight Heads and Figures 47 Fourteen, Demarteau, Walker, kci 48 Twenty-one various 49 Ten Studies, Drawings, Heads 50 Eighteen ditto 5t Thirty- two ditto 52 Six Audran , &c. 53 Six, Schiavonetti, Diemar, and Ward, fame in c $ - lours 54 Ditto, Blith, Mortimer, &c. 55 Eleven Views, Pillemont, Elliott, Sec. 56 Six ditto, Moireau, Benezech, &c. one an Etching 57 Nine Drawings, Landscapes, in colours 58 Sixteen ditto $9 Three Mezzotintos by Burke, Baillie, dec. 60 Four ditto, the Seafons, by Bennet 61 Three after Rembrandt, by Watfon 62 Thirteen Drawings, Landscapes 63 Twenty-five ditto 64 Four Mezzotintos, Eaton, Pether, Sec. 65 Four ditto, by Park 66 Twenty-one Drawings, Landscapes, various 67 Twelve ditto 68 Eleven ditto, old Mailers 69 Lawrance’s Collection of Rofes, coloured flam 70 Six by Mafon, Landscapes ( 5 ) 70^01111* Triumphal Arch at Tivoli, and five other 71 Five Mezzotintos, by Pether, Haid, &c. 71 Fiye Drawings of Landscapes, in colours 73 One ditto, in colours 74 Twelve Heads 79 Sixteen Drawings of Landfcapes 7 6 Seven ditto 77 Five by Haflells, in colours 78 Four Views in Ireland, by Jukes, in Water co- lours 79 Nine in colours. Landscapes 80 Seven of Heads, by Dematreaux 81 Three in colours, Tom and his Pigeons 82 A Pair in colours, Morland, by Ward 83 Five Drawings in Water colours 84 Twelve ditto, old Matters 85, Sixteen ditto. Heads and Figures 86 Thirty-feven Studies of Figures 87 Eight Drawings of Landfcapes 88 One from the Vatican a by Volpato 89 Ditto, ditto 90 Ditto, ditto 91 Ditto, ditto 92 Ditto, ditto 93 Ditto, ditto 94 Ditto, ditto 95 Ditto, ditto 96 The Taking of Damietta at the Mouth of the Nile by the Ships from Haarlem — ug 0 97 One La Madona del P*Jc*\ by Bartolozzi , a proof 98 One, a Head of Chriit, in a fingle fpiral line, Ecce Homo, by Kufel 99 A Coloured Drawing of the Rofe of Jericho, drawn by an Italian 157? too Eleven Portraits of Eoglilh Artifts 101 Six Portraits, Farinelli, &c. 102 Four Chatelain, Vivares, Pouncy, &c, 103 Six Prints, various, 3 Maps, and 1 on canvafs 104 Four Views by Newnham 105 A Pair, by Woollett, the Hogue and Boyne, on canvafs 106 Naturalifts Mifcellany, 8 Nos. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 3 Nos. and Bonnot's Itinerary 107 Churchill’s Life of Lord Nelfon, *witb beautiful plates 108 Howett's Etchings (50) 109 Swinburne's Tour in Spain , fine plates j to Selett Views in London and its Environs, 80 plates p large paper no*Thirty-nine to Ariofto, feme by Bartolozzi 1 1 1 Ditto 1 12 Forty Ditto 11 3 Ditto 1 1 4 Ditto 115 Ditto 1 16 Who Wants a Guinea, and a large Bundle of Pamphlets 1 17 II Maeftro Italiano, 1741, and 3 other 1 1 8 Lamotte’s EBay on Painting, and 7 other 1 19 Nouveau Teftament, 1735, an< * 3 °ther 120 Wathen’s Cure of the Catarad, and 4 other 1 xi Female Friendlhip, vol. II. and 5 other 122 Notice des Statues, 3 tom. 123 Recueil de Lettrcs Choifies 1774 124 Le Coufinde Mahomet, 1783, and 1 other 125 Virgile, par Segrais, 2 tom. — - 1700 126 VanSwieten’s Commentaries, 5 vol. 1773 127 CEuvres de la Fontaine, 3 vol. — 1726 128 Six Sketches in Oil, Domeftic Scenes, on canvafc 129 Four ditto, Landfcapes 130 Six ditto, Portraits 131 One ditto, after Wenall— Gleaners in a Storm 132 One Fair ditto— Landfcapes and Cattle 133 One ditto— Land fcape and Water B34 A Pair ditto of Landfcapes— Setting Sun, and Scene in Switzerland 135 One ditto. Scene Hampftead Framed and Glazed . 136 One, a highly-fini/hed Drawing in Crayon, Landfcape and Cattle 137 One, a Fainting in a gilt frame. Moon Light 138 One ditto, Portrait of a Boy with Cat, in crayons 139 One after Weftall, The Bird’s Neft, in colours, 140 One, in crayons, a Turk’s Head and a Boy’s Head 141 One ditto. Old Woman and Child Reading 14s One ditto, Children Singing 143 One ditto. Girl Returning from Harveft 144 A Pair, Cupid’s Playing, highly finilhed, gilt frame 145 One Ditto, Child and Flower Balket, gilt frame 146 One ditto. Lady Reading a Letter, ditto 147 Six Black Frames glazed 148 Seven gilt ditto, not glazed 149 Moll's Atlas, Scenes, ditto, and a piece of Canvas prepared for Painting 550 Three Mahogany Straining Frames 1 5 1 Two fball ditto, 2 fquares, a rule, &c. 152 A Mahogany Cafe, with fundry Drawing Appa- ratus, Colours, &c. 153 A Portfolio, with fundry Sketches 154 Ditto, with fundry Drawing Paper 355 Four Portfolios 356 Three ditto 157 A pair of Globes, by G. Wright 158 One Figure in a gilt frame, Harlequin and Clown 1 59 One ditto. Sea View, gilt frame 360 One ditto, Boors Drinking A pair of Glafs Girandole Circular Glafles, with Su . _ . l .t. 3 ' /If 1/ * y Barker, Printer, Great Ruflell-Street, CoTent-Chrden.