Spec* A l. >n 3 rzb.zz. yy Lo CP 3~ A T A L O G U E Of a CAP ’ITA L and VALUA BLE c O L L E c T I O N O F P 1 : c T U R E S, P U R C h a : iED ABROAD, By Mr. G R E E N W O O D, HICH WILL BE s OLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. c H R I S T I E, At his Great-Room, next Cumberland-Houfe , in Pall-Mall, on Monday the 22d of February, 1773, and the following Day. 1 ' ' *’• " - f d ^ j ? IN THIS SALE ARE Two large and superb Pictures by HONDECOOTER; A capital Picture by L. J O R D A N O, the Adoration of the Shepherds ; Angelica and Medora, very capital, by GUERCINO; The Death of the Stag, allowed to be the finest ever painted by SNYDERS; A very high-finished Picture, by G. DOUW; The most capital Marine Engagement ever done by BACK HUY SEN, being the Battle of La Hogue ; And a fine Picture by LA PURE. L. L 12-2. Also A great Number of pleasing LANDSCAPES, HISTORIES, CONVERSATIONS, Si c. by the most admired Masters. C"A I To be publicly viewed on Friday and Saturday preceding the Sale, ! } /- j Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute - https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcapit00chri_16 [ 3 3 A C A T A L O G U E, fifr. -So^^^oc^c^oijfoc^c^oc^c^oc^c^oc^oc^c^o^cJooJjooJooiJoc^t^ooJoc^t^oc^c^oc^ojjfo^Jp^Q^focJocJo^oojJoc^o tfjptijjp' FIRST DAY’s SALE. Monday , February 2 2d, 1773. Molemaar — — Marieski - Vanderfool — — F. Halls - J. Miel — — — Mola - - C Jansen — — Roos —- Teniers and Brower p. Brixl, Brughel — Ruvsdai. ■ RomANELLY — ' — A. V. de Velde - William Vernet —- Rombouts - Rigaud — - P. WcUWERMAN - Verbooms - PlLLEMENT - - Titian — - Bourdon — -- t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 14 *5 16 17 18 J 9 20 21 22 A Froft piece — Two views in Italy A moon-light, with fhipping and figures Two heads - - ■ ■ — ■ ■ Horfes and figures - A Magdalen in a landfcape ——— Portrait of a lady - — Two landfcapes and cattle - - Two conveifations — — — Two pleafing landfcapes A view in Holland, with boats, figures, &c. Two groups of boys and flowers -- Two landfcapes and cattle, highly finifhed Two pleafing fancy pictures - — A lanofcape and figures - — His own po'trait —— —- — An attack of a camp - - A landfcape and figures -- -. A landfcape, cattle and figures - The portrait of a fecretaiy to the Doge of Venice A landfcape and' figures - — Going out a hawking, horfes and figures =— High, ft. in. i 6 1 3 1 5 o 9 1 8 o 10 1 10 2 2 o 10 o 9 Wide, ft. in. 1 2 I O O 1 2 1 I 1 2 2 3 I I 1 I o I 1 1 2 O O 1 I Teniers -— Wynant -—• SCHELLINKS VOUET —■ Patel — De Wit — Cu yp — LANFRANC V. Bemmel Berghem Rubens —■ Raphael —■ Canelleti S\VANEVELT — Pa lthe —» Montan i n i Ditto — Stella Dietrich Ditto •—■ (Herself Asselin Jou VENIT - C’UYP — Loccatelli Micnard T. Wyk SwANEVELT See. Ricci Courtois Ditto Mouchergn Goltz I US Robert — Ditto — P Y N A K E R L.Bologne Ditto — Minderhout Rubens — —, L JORDANO —---__ Ditto — —-- Ru YSDAL L' & Wo L r '.V L R M A NS Teniers — -. C U YP ----- We k ; x ——- -- 23 o - - y 26 *z8 29 3° 3 1 3 2 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 4' 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5° 5 1 5 2 53 54 55 5 b 57 58 T 9 60 [ 4 ] Boors at backgammon. Ditto drinking, the companion* A lancfcape and figures -— - A landfcape, with an unlucky drole accident — A charity. Round ■ — - A high-finifhed pleafing landfcape - A church - - tlorfes and figures -— ■■ ■ — St. Jerome, finely painted *-— A landfcape and cattle High. ft. in. « 7 2 3 1 11 4 2 o 8 A landfcape and figures, &c. -- Meeting of Jacob and Efau ; fchool of - A Holy Family, after .-—■ —•• A view in Venice -- - A mountaneous landfcape, figures and cattle —■ A boy with a candle, another attempting to blow it out. A man afleep, and a boy putting a match under his nofe ; the companion—Bramcamp’s colledlion -—« A landfcape ; difciple of Salvatc r - ■ The companion -— -- The virgin -- --- A view in Germany, with figures - A ditto with female figures - Tlje portrait .of Elizabeth Serani, a painting — A landfcape and cattle - --- St. Ann teaching the Virgin to read A meadow with a group of cows, very clear and warm A beautiful landfcape, in the (Hie o( Salvator; a door piece The Virgin at devotion. Oval - An Italian fea-port, with figures and horfes, as fine as Lin- gelbach -—— -- — A pleafant landfcape and figures, finely painted — The adoration of the thepherds -—- — A landfcape in the itile of Claude, with the itory of Marfyas A ditto, -the companion'; with (hipping, &c, — A capital landfcape, with nymphs and latyrs, by Poienburg The transfiguration, afterRaphael; a very high fimfliedpidtuie The interior of an-ancient temple, with figures — Architedkire and figures; the companion --• A iar.dfcape and cattle, on copper —— The piedication of St. Bruno —— -- The companion -- - — A view of Dunkirk, with a fleet before the harbour; on the fofe is Lewis XIV. with his attendants, met by the magi. (Hates of the city ; painted with great freedom — A landfcape, figures and cattle, very fine; it is engraved Bacchus and Aiiadne; a well compoled fine painted picture E jrcpa with her nymphs ; the companion — ndfeape, the figures very fine 6 1 62 63 64 65 A Fair, with -many figures, in a pleafing landfcape 66 A landfcape, cattle and figures - 67 Dead birds and (Looting tackle, a very high finilhed fine 58 A fruit-piece, with a bird’s nefl, flowers, &c. finely coloured and highly finifhed —— —.— *68 Temptation of St. Anthony, 3 very fine pidnre on copper 1 2 3 1 1 3 4 6 1 11 2 5 Wide, ft. in. 2 2 l IO I 6 1 O 2 4 5 o 2 9 1 6 o 10 3 5 2 8 o ro 4 10 4 10 1 S 1 10 1 4 1 7 6 6 1 10 o o o 8 5 7 7 2 4 2 2 I ( 6 6 o 3 6 6 o 1 11 2 4 1 o 2 I 0 [ 5 ] P. da Cortona J. Steen —- Car. Cagliari Loccatelly — Ditto — Loir —. Claude Lorraine Stork — Borginione — Jordans of Antwerp Tilbourg — C. Maratti — HondecooteR Snyders — i i Gerard Douw High, ft. in. 69 The adoration of the fhepherds, painted on done ; a fine com- pofition ; a very brilliant cabinet picture ; it is engraved O 8 70 A mufical converfation ; men and women Tinging and playing on a variety of inftruments; a boy mimicking with a pipe on a bafs viol ; painted with great freedom, in the beft time of this mafler - - 2 1 o 71 The miraculous taming of wild hearts by St. Biafio during his million in Afia, a fine comported picture — 7 4 72 A land-ftorm with lightning, figuies, and cattle, a very ca¬ pital picture -- -- - 2 3 73 A rterene 4 a y after the ftorm the companion —— 2 3 4 A Holy Family, an agreeable comportition, beautiful charac¬ ters, and finely coloured ---- 2 9 75 A landrtcape, buildings, figures and cattle, a very agreeable and an undoubted picture - - 2 o 76 A Sea-piece, a view of the Pampus, a fhoal near Amfterdam, with the lighters dragging the fhips over the bank, a very capital picture of this mailer • 3 5 77 A battle of horrte, a rtpirited fine picture - 2 4 78 A Holy Family, painted with great force, very agreeable characters, as finely coloured as Rubens, and one of nis beft pictures -• -- 3 5 79 A Flemifh feaft with a great number of figures as fine as Teniers, a molt capital picture —-- 4 4 80 The Virgin delivering Jertus into the arms of St. Francis. The beautiful character of the Virgin, the rtweetnerts of the babe, the humble and devout mien of the Saint, the earty attitudes and carelefs flow of the draperies, joined with the harmonious colouring rank this piece among the belt of this matter -- - - 3 2 81 Birds of'different kinds painted in the beft manner of this matter - - - 11 o 82 The death of the flag in a very fine landrtcape ; this picture has ever been allowed to be the beft comported, beft coloured, and moll agreeable pictures ever painted by this 6 6 83 The infide of a furgeon’s fhop ; the operator looking at the tooth of an old countryman, his wife Teems in great anxiety, the characters are finely exprefied, and every part of this pidture is finifhed in the greateft perfection. It is in perfeCt prertervation, and an undoubted picture of the great 1 6 Wide, fc. in. O IO .. 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 2 2 2 IG 4 10 3 9 5 0 6 6 2 10 13 o I I o I 2 [ 6 ] •vet 'is/' ns/* •vs/* nfl/' •var no r ns/* •vs/* ■va/* •vs/* •vs/* *vfi/* •vs / 1 *vsr •va/' •v&r «\s/* *\ar *vpv •vsr *va/* •var *vs/* *iq^ •var ns/* ns/* GAsiAa^iAaaAssAsa^iiAa 2AsaJt9<2A»ctA92A»sA»(iAsaA3alfoaA»aAs(ifc>'i?ts>eA93As«^9 ( i^s®A9 | iA9aAaa3fo SECOND DAY’s SALE. Fuefday^ February 23d. Zeeman —- Moucheron J. Steen — Bott and Bodwin Noi.ikens — Van Alster Robert — T. Wvk — CUYP — Bassano —• Patel — Ditto — DuJardin — Old Franks Svvanvelt ——. Italian — Loccatelly Ditto — Stella —■ W Y N A n t s —■ De FI e u s c h ~ PoUSSLN -- H. Rods *— Le Sueur — R £ M B R ANT — Mo el art — WOUWERMANS- Artois —• I. E B R U N -- Both — — Mi chau -— Ditto — Jan. Lis —■ Yam Falens — A SEA PIECE A landfcape with cattle palling over a bridge The infide of an alehoufe with Steen’s portrait Two landfcapes and figures -- Two ditto nuific and and dancing --» A landfcape and figures -- — A landfcape with a water fall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A landfcape and buildings, &c. 9 A landfcape with Iheep and cattle, the firft manner of 10 A Scripture ftory -- -——- 11 A iandicape with ruins and figures --- 1 2 A ditto the companion ■ ■ . ■ 13 Jacob’s departure - -- - 14 Bellhazzar’s feaft - - - i; A pleafant landfcape with a flight into Egypt — ■ ■ ■ 16 A ditto its companion -- -- 17 A landfcape with figures and ruins - 18 A ditto the companion. -- --- 19 A Holy Family -- ——- —— 20 A landfcape with men going a courfing -- 21 A landscape with a holy family, Poler.burg -- 22 The fliepherds in Arcadia, a fine copy by a difciple of 23 A Iandicape and cattle -- - 24 St Peter railing to life Jarius’s danghter ———- 23 A boy leaning out of the window —- 26 Jeroboam’s hand withered at the altar - 27 A landfcape with horfes and figures going a hawking 28 A landfcape of cattle---— 29 The Virgin and Our Saviour, very fine - 30 A view from nature, with a flrong effedt of fun fhine. Cattle by Vunder Does - --— 31 A pleafant landfcape with a great number of figures and cattle very fine -—— -- - 32 A ditto the companion --- -- 33 The departure of Lot from Sodom, a fine finifhed piece in lii!e of P. Veronefe, in copper -- 34 A battle of horfe on the fore ground. The difiance a fine High. Wide.. ft. in. ft. in. I 0 I 3 3 6 3 0 1 3 1 10 1 0 0 8 1 8 1 10 2 0 1 8 1 I.Q 3 0 2 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 -2 6 3 a 2 1 2 6 2 1 2 6 2 2. 2 - 8 1 2 I £ 1 3 - I. 8 1 3 I 8 4 z 3 1 + 2. 3 1 1 3 1 9 2 0 2 8 1 3 1 10 3 0 4 0 1 10 2 6 2 8 2 2 2 2 1 9 5 6 6 10 1 4 1 6 2 2 3 6 1 9 1 3 2 0 2 5 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 6 1 3 1 8 [ 7 ] Ditto —- — Barrociui — Marieski — — Van Goyen MlCNARD - — WOOWERMANS - Peter Wouwermaw Titian — — Hoogstraaten — Gonzales — S. Ruysdall — Van Harp — — La Hire — Ditto — Albano — CresentiaJ — Ditto — P. Mattei — Xavery — Ditto — La Nain —■ De Vlieger — Le Brun — Vander Mee r Ditto — Le Brun —- Immenraet — - Ditto — — Lang Jan — Moucheron —r ■ Giac. Eassano — Tilbourg — CuYP - 35 Officers and ladies amufing themfelves; horfes, &c. in the Hill, and as good as Wouwerman’s - 36 The intombing Our Saviour, finely coloured, &c. 37 A view in Italy, with figures, very fine- 38 A view of Dortreght, a very pleafant picture, and capital of this mailer - - - 39 The Virgin and Child with St. John - 40 A pleafant landfcape, with a great number of horfes and fi¬ gures, in manner of - - - 41 The companion to ditto, by High. ft. in. 1 3 1 8 I 4 . a much efteemed 42 An old man playing the guitar, very fine 43 The infide of a palace, with figures, &c. mailer — ■ ■ - -- 44 A Flemilh feaft —— _ _ 45 A capital landfcape with cattle in the water, very fine 46 The difcovery of Achilles; the flory is well told, the cha¬ racters finely exprefl'ed, painted in the Itile of Rubens, of whom he was a difciple - — ■■ - 47 A beautiful landfcape, with figures in a grand itile 48 A ditto, with men a filhing -- —■ 49 Holy Family, painted with great delicacy: a neat picture 11 11 10 10 10 6 cabinet J. Mense Molenaar Rubens 50 A very pleafing landfcape; the figures St. John in the vvil- dernefs, are by P. Laura --- ■--—— 1 51 A ditto with the flight -- —- 1 52 The Triumph of Galathe, with a view of Syracufe ; a plea¬ fant and undoubted picture of his mailer - z 53 A very high finilhed landfcape with figures, and cattle a drinking, in a pleafing Itile reprefent morning-1 ^4 A ditto with Sheep-fhearing and cattle, a warm evening 1 55 A country wedding in the drefl'es of Normandy, with figures dancing, a very natural and diverting picture-2 56 A pleafant agreeable picture, a view of Schevengen—many figures - - 2 57 Alexander with his muficians, finely compofed and painted 4 58 A landfcape with figures and cattle, the morning-3 59 A ditto, the evening—thefe pictures are in the Itile and as fine as Berghem, of whom he was a difciple —*— 3 60 A Holy Family with Jefus afleep, finely painted — 2 61 A fine antique bull of Ariadne, it was found in 1771, in Hadriani’s villa at Tivoli 62 Two high repaired bronzes ofHippomene and Atalanta—on pedaltals 63 Diana and her nymphs hunting a wild boar, in a defirable landfcape - - —— .- t 64 Diana bathing her companion— thefe pictures are engraved in Colman’s cabinet — - 1 65 Abigal pacifying David - --. 4 66 A moll pleafing landfcape, a w'arm evening, the figures are exceeding fine, by A. V. de Velde - ^ 67 Carrying the crofs; St. Veronica offering her handkerchief to our Saviour, painted on touch ftone in the belt ftile of — 68 A converfation of artifts, with his own portrait, a fine picture 69 A woman milking, with figures, dogs, &c. in a natural land¬ fcape 70 A quackfalver at a wake; very fine — - f 7o The wife mens offering, in imitation of J. Romano 11 o 5 1 1 Wide ft. in. i 8 1 z 1 9 3 0 2 4 z 4 2 ? 5 6 5 6 3 6 3 3 3 o 3 0 o 10 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 o 2 o 3 3 2 9 3 6 4 9 4 1 2 9 2 o 6 o 3 6 1 6 4 2 1 II 2 7 1 7 o o Raphael P a d u a k ) n o G. Douw ■— Car. Cagliari Sagtleeven —— I-P.Pamni ■— Ditto ■— 1 [ 8 ] 7 i The Virgin, Jefus fleeping and St. John, a fine copy by Al¬ exander Veronefe after _ ’ 7z The rape of Dejanara, a fine piflure _ 73 A phiiofopher ftudymg by lamp light, a high finiihed picture 74 The ceremony of an episcopal ordination, a very capital pic¬ ture, and belonged to the convent of St. Biafio in V emce that was lately fupprefied ■ “ “ , 75 A cattle fair, with avail number of figures finely dilpoied and very highly finifhed - ~ 7 T c , 76 Antient ruins and figures exceeding fine, very highly hmlhed, ‘ in the belh time of the matter — J ~' * 77 A coilonade; a moon light with the effefl of a larnp. t e High. Wide. ft. in. ft. in. I I I 1 7 4 6 6 0 0 10 0 8 7 4 CO 00 flory of the phiiofopher fearching for a wife man ; the com- panion --“ . vreor, Ttm — -- 'rS St. Matthew writing the gofpel, an angel dictating; the cor- reftnefs of the defign, the venerable character of the faint, the great effefl of light and fliade, the natural and harmo¬ nious colouring mull recommend this piece to the atten- lion of the lovers of the art. ’Tis painted^ with all the force of Rembrant, of whom he was a difcip.e - “ T at. rent La Fjre — 7o A view in Rome with fiatues and a fountain, two confuls going to the fenate, a very capital pidlure in the flile of Poufiin a 4 4 6 4 6 Guercino Hondecooter Luca Gior d an TLudolf- Bacxhuys&n So Angelica and Medora, the charaflers are fweet and pleafing, finely compofed, drawn and coloured, a molt undoubted pifture of --- 1 7 r N- B • ’Tis the companion of the piflute icld .ait year. ^ 81 A great number of different birds very finely painted, tne largeft and belt known of by this mailer S2 The adoration of the ihepherds, compofed of 1 5 figures, molt beautiful charaflers, finely drawn and coloured, this pic¬ ture was painted when he iludied the ftile of Guido, and fo unlike and fuperior to his ufual fa prefio manner, that it has been thought of other mailers; but is a moft undoubted 1 i dlu re of his: it was lately put chafed out of the Hotel de Dieu at Diepe, and was prefented to that community by a bifhop in 1660. at which time Luca was 31 years o.d 83 The remarkable fea engagement off La Hogue, between the admirals Ruffel and Torville ; the manoeuvres of the battle ; the difpofition of the fleets ; the great number o: the fhips and figures, the effefls of light and fnade, the harmony and perfect prefervation of the whole, pronounce it the nnelt piflure of the fubjeft in the world, and merits a place in the fir ft cabinet in Enrope 3 11 3 S 4 8 5 6 8 6 6 6 13 7 6 11 F I N I. S. (\\ICVCf' 1 ■' • 3 'Jib" 1 * ILAP05-D4IIE. i