Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_52 2 <+ , 34 . 37 ^ S< £ y S , f ' 0. *f~'7 ' ' " f9 Qz. 96 . /oS-f/ZO ■ /2^. Sf’McJ d. fi'i &UfciuA . ‘ 4 ^ 2 . /5/. /&£"■ 2.0.2^.19.39. .9-3.9-?-. S3.S3". ; c 3 9 / ' M. /3L . /f 'dcoO>- 9-- Yo /. /OQ. //J. YZ/. /Z9. /3Y. SSSS*±2 / Yl/SucY. Y99-. Y$3. Jo. 6~9 , 3 - 67• . (o G . 7V— / / .?? ”"7?f . ,.?£ 6" ^ • /V- - Sj^A rCCXCi , fyLkscUu. Uf^UcI^.^ //a. //**- /2 ^- / ' ? 7 CL&t^cJt ■ &.C4-. /4^2. /JT7. S'& . £~Q 9 ^ ^ - sLlcS. /fcUcsclu* . / . G^C^-. 3 7- Uo. 3-i+ 1+3, i+o . 3~o. 3% . Sf. o 3 ■ Co- d<7. ^Sfd^.c2& . / deUcsc/Z t* U >6^UL*a-cL /O'Z. - /OS'. /oS. //£> ■ /2o. /2b /32 ■ 73 >t /3 d /3 ^- /3 9 ■ /LA ° ■ /¥ *' /4 "/ ' ^ s '- Ci^.C/rdc, Z 5'. //. /*-. /f. 21 ■ ZS'.Z^ ■ 3/ ,366 3? U-t. UZ. ./+{>. U~7. 6'/. $-± .$/.&>. (9 9 4- . V 1 .. y 2-. 7S-. . 6FZ . S. VUasU u . / r> / S 9 9 a 93 S/y^ccuzL , , / /< 0 9. ///. //Z . //$ rfEu^Airn— / //, -- /&&■ > f. /9tA.^S- ycftuJ ll.Z7.U-0- S^Lc'«J>. ftj± 9-9. Sy~. < J j\c+*^t- 'hurvt+A 2 . 967 - f&. /o3. ~/oy-. /2Z . ns-- /3o. /3 6 /3 r - /44 ^ 3 ' (XC+tM- /1+9 ■ /$/. (j^r . //^ /2<9- /-23 . /•? 3 . /SQ /U-O ■ //Lg-, /t> 5 . /$ q c /r.2/ .2ty-.3o. 3t/~ . 37. ^ ^ \) £>. 6~^ (j % • ^ ^ ^ ^ *7 ^ ' cr ^' ^Lfcfefc*4y» --- 1 C / p^r / £ q, ^a~+*4' SfolccL.c L . ZtUiSclu^ i . Q /o#~- //c> - /2 &* r ' / / k/c\^i/cSOT - /2:2. /3J . 7^4-0. A7 ■ /9-37. 6f. /<>*■ //0 - /3 ?' / ffd&lcscZ*~t4. . ' XAAJ^S. &■ Ci .C /Z £/- /3T / £/- b. / 4 ^ OA.TALOOXJ3E3 ' ' ( OF f jjj , ! 2 THE COLLECTION OF PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS OF THE LATE JOHN DAVID CHAMBERS, ESQ. Formerly Recorder of Salisbury; also PICTURES THE PROPERTY OF CAPT. SALWEY BROWNE, Deceased, REV. J. B. M. BUTLER, Deceased; and PICTURES From Numerous Private Collections and Different Sources: KStljrdj hrill b£ b£ Ruction bjj Messrs. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT TOE1B ©&KAT m©©MS» 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square , S. IV. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. 1'pon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. ❖ On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of the late JOHN DAVID CHAMBERS , Esq., formerly Recorder of Salisbury. DRAWINGS. , OX Goodwioh Castle O 2 Milan Cathedral / 3 A Spray of Flowers I 4 The Yale of Llangollen o o G. DONATE 6 Heads of the Virgin and the Saviour —chalk -2 J. MILLS. (G Port bait of an Officer 7 A Bay Scene, witli cattle and figures 8 A Bay Scene, with ship 9 Charity < 4 PROUT, 10 St. Ouen PROUT. 2 11 Cottages / ^ ' 0 / J. RUSSELL, R.A. 12 A Girl with a Rabbit —pastel DUTCH SCHOOL. 13 Heads of Old Men —crayons PICTURES. / p - /#, ij 14 The Battle of Cape St. Vincent ■ t , O 15 Portrait of an Officer / 7 .P 16 An Italian Landscape The Virgin in Glory, with a concert of Angels — on copper 7 . UNKNOWN. ' / - ° 18 Mary Queen of Scots— on panel /. /*/ , ^ 19 The Madonna add Child /7 Jr - EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. /0, / J m 3° Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, in yellow and white dress, mfli turban and veil —oval ^ Ts/fP H. HUSSEY. 21 The Gulf of Salermo tiWo /£ 5 A. KAUFFMAN, R.A. C 22 Fancy Decorating Shakespeare’s Tomb A. KAUFFMAN, R.A. ^ 23 Cupid Disarmed —the engraved subject I Z'X J WILLIAM LINTON. ( r O 24 The Plain of Sorrento and Bay op Naples, with Vesuvius SIR J. REYNOLDS. £ ? 25 Mrs. Robinson & R. WILSON, R.A. «■ C 1 26 A River Scene, with anglers ^ < J R. WILSON, R.A. 7 0 27 Ceux and Alcione WILSON. 7 f O 28 An Italian Landscape, with buildings, figures on a road r F. ZUCCARELLI. 29 A River Scene, with buildings, figures and sheep O R. ZIMMERMANN. ^30 The Stone Quarry /0 F. BOUCHER. * ^ 31 A Pastoral Scene, with shepherdess and sheep 6 CLAUDE J. & 32 A Classical Landscape, with nymphs //‘ J. 6 LANCRET. 33 A F£te ChampStre on a River MADAME LE BRUN. ^ ^^ ^34 Portrait of Madame Penthievre, in yellow dress, seated-— , on panel N. POUSSIN. ? , //?. / 3S The Dance of the Hours —on panel From the Northwich Collection RIGAUD. n / J / , & 36 Portrait of a Girl, in white dress, seated, sketching {?'/£> , (d J. YERNET. 87 A Bay Scene, with figures and fishermen $r^L/t *6 J. YERNET. /y. * t 38 A Coast Scene, with vessels in a storm, and wreck /J 't-S/t 69 An Italian Seaport, with boats and figures in the foreground EVERDIN GEN. / O 70 A Waterfall HONDECOETER. -~0 71 Peacock, Poultry and other Birds DE WITTE. ^ ^ 72 Ruins of the Coliseum and Forum B 3 A 10 MARGARET VAN EYCK. /, ^ 73 The Annunciation op the Virgin— on panel B. VAN ORLEY. 74 Head op the Madonna, in blue robe and white head-dress, pray- ^ 0 • ’ 3 J$hr ing— oval —on panel JAN SCHOREEL. /O 75 The Good Samaritan— on panel 6 Dated 1537 Jz -- *r 76 A circular box, of Irish oak, the lid inscribed “ The Corporation ^ of Carpenters to Alderman Hugh Trevor , late Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin, October 17th, 1808, presented icitli the Freedom of the Guild. Containing a lock of hair of David Chambers, October, 12, 1829 ; and a miniaturc_painting ivory of a view of a mansion 77 A copper plate engraving of an officer in uniform, witl^Tong > inscription in Russian m 0 > 1 . THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN . D R A W I N G S. J. DOWNMAN. // , O 78 Portrait op Miss Drew J. DOWNMAN. <9 79 Portrait of Lady Craven, in large hat Jbr~ PICTURES. T. BRIERLEY. / J ', o 80 Cattle in a Landscape j REV. W. PETERS, R.A. 81 Portrait of Lady Charlotte Bertie— oval ; and the Engraving, ° by Dickinson U o 82 Henley-on-Thames ’ X RATHBONE. G. NETSCHER. O 83 Portrait of the Duke of Gloucester £ RUVSDAEL. 4 A Woody Landscape, with cattle and figures J 12 The following are the Property of the late CAPTAIN SALWEY BROWNE. N. DANCE, R.A., 1773. 85 Portrait of Thomas Browne, Esq., of Compton, Ashbourne, , O Derbyshire, Garter Principal King-at-Arms, in brown dress and wig, wearing the Order of the Garter, standing in landscape, with dog 94 in. by 57J in. Engraved in mezzotint by W. DicTtinson H. HOWARD, R.A. 86 Portrait of William Browne, Esq., of The Bury, Hatfield, , O Broad Oak, Essex, aged nine years, in dark green dress, with a hoop, seated in a landscape * 50 in. by 40 in. J. HOBSON, 1843. 87 Portrait of Captain Salwey Browne, in uniform of the 68th Light Infantry— three-quarter length 50 in. by 40 in. 13 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. DRAWINGS. SIR T. LAWRENCE. 88 Queen Esther before Ahasuerus —pencil drawing LAWRENCE. ^ 89 Portrait of Sir H. Harpur, Bart .—crayon 77 JF PICTURES. A. BEGEYN. O 90 Foliage. Insects and a Squirrel: and The Companion As BAPTISTE. f O 91 A Vase of Flowers, with dog and shells DUTCH SCHOOL. 92 The Assumption of the Virgin BASSANO. PALOMINO. 0 94 A Saint with Cherubs K. DU JARDIN. Q 95 Market Peasants, in a landscape—on panel 14 CAMPIDOGLIO. , 96 Fruit and Garlands of Flowers, with boys on a sculptured 2 t / ' fount;!iu 66 in. by 51 in. on a sculptured { 2 - P. DA CORTONA. *r-/r. J 97 The Feast of the Gods ^y' ^ VERSPRONCK. 98 A Lady, in black dress with gold braid, lace ruff and cap ,2 DUTCH SCHOOL. S L> , {2 99 Poultry, Rabbits and Cat H. SINGLETON, R.A. 7 J 100 Scene from ‘Tom Jones’: an interior with six figu, ' ' ' 13^ in. by 17 in. T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. a //y jlOl Portrait of a Lady, in white muslin dress and black hat 9 / EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL. _Ai //,//. P 102 A Youth, bolding up a fish G. ROMNEY. 4 , if q ortrait of Barbara, daughter of James and Mary Best, in white dress, black ribbon and locket, holding a flower 28 in. by 24 in. SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. oxu x. LA WHENCE, P.R.A. / y $ I ortrait of Sir J. Hicks, in brown coat, seated 15 R. SMIRKE, R.A. , ^^ 105 Five Figures in a Landscape : scene from a play^^^^A^, G. MORLAND. 106 The Morning Coach; and The Night Coach —a pair 2 W. SHAYER, Sen. , /J? o 107 A Village Inn, with sportsmen regaling ^ 25 in. by 20 in. AT. / J. CROME. 108 View of a Cottage, with figures e j J. CROME. P , 109 View near Norwich SIR G. KNELLER. 110 Portrait of a Youth, in brown and green dress J . * SIR G. KNELLER. <111 Portrait of a Youth, in brown coat — ' 6 B. BUYSCB. O 112 Portrait of the Artist, holding a bunch of flowers From the Bohn Collection VERBOOM and LINGELBACH. < 4/7 6' 113 A Landscape, with figures and angler— on panel a I 1G The following are the Properly of the REV. J. B. M. BUTLER , deceased , late of Mansfield. E. VAN SCHENDEL. // J'. / 1U A Market Scene : Candle and moon light OLE BEEUGHEL. 115 A Kermesse in a Dutch Village, with a multitude of feasting and carousing —on panel -yi //> TITIAN. 116 The Madonna and Child, with St. Catherine and the Magdalene. The Donor kneeling in prayer L >h Os 'lC (( CxxJ PALMA VECCHIO. /■^a . The Eepose of the Holt Family, with St. Joachim presenting ' ^ ^ / O . O St. John to the Infant Saviour, and two female saints —on panel $ From the Northwick Collection ^ y/*, /P) 118 St. Jerome BASSANO. a/. 17 THE PROPERTY A GENTLEMAN. 119 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and wig 29 in. by 24 in. 120 A Boy Holding a Wine Fla^k 17 in. by 13 in. SIR G. KI^ELLER. 121 Portrait of a Gentleman, id brown coat SIR G. KNjELLER. 122 Portrait of Susanna Freeman, ne£ Sambroke, in white dress with blue robe dutch School. 123 A Youth, with a dog in a landscape JORDAENS. 124 Flora, attended by Nymphs a$d Cupids Signed 45 in. by G8 in. JORDAENS. 125 Harvest Figures— the companion c. sqjuT. 12G Portrait of a Man, in browr* and blue dress, with long hair, seated, his wife standing Behind him holding a string of pearls Signed and dated. 1G55 35.\ in. by 27r\ in. 18 p. bAtoxl 127 Portrait or a Gentleman, in blue coat and scarlet vest embroidered with gold, in a landscape— ichole length 83 in. by 50 in. J. ARTOIS. 128 A Landscape, with a castle, soldiers on" the march 31 in. by 46 in. / N. BEJ’CHEM. 129 A Landscape, with two peasant women, cows and goats On panel —11 ^ in. by 91, in. A. (|UYP. 130 Four Sheep, a goat and a milk-can On panel -— 13^ in. by 20 in. A. GUYP. 1°1 ^ 1 '°ad, with a horseman talking to a peasant, and two figures with a white horse on the light On panel —12 in. by 16 in. A. CfJYP. 13_ A Landscape, with two sliepjberds, sheep and goats ; a distant view with church on the lift On panel —15 in. by 2l).V in. Signed \ J. G. djYP. Portrait of a Lady, in black dress and cap, with large white ruff ! Signed JEtatis 57. J. O. Cuyp , fecit anno 1645 On panel —23 in. by 19| in. 19 / NATTIER. 134 Portraits of John Freeman and Sambroke Freeman, when children, with a clog in a landscape 681 in. by 57 in. raffIaelle. I 135 The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and St. John 54 in. by 421? in. \ REMBRANDT. . < 136 Head of an Old Man, with fur cloak 8 in. by 6 j in. jj \ REMBRANDT. II 137 Portrait of Buchanan, Poet, in brown dress On panel —9^ in. by 7^ in. i A. WATERLOO. 138 A Hilly Landscape, with travelling peasants, cavalier and dogs on a road 39 in. by 49 in. S. ROSA. 139 A Mountainous River Scene, with figures and houses 38 in. by 51 in. J I H. SAFTLEYEN. 140 A Mountainous River Scene!, with innumerable boats, figures and buildings Signed, and dated 1660 38 in. by 53 in. 20 YANDYCK. 141 Portrait of a Lady, in black dress with pearl and jewel ornaments and pearl necklace— whole length 81 in. by 51 in. S. DE VLIEGER. 142 A Fish Market, on the shore at Scheveningen, with figures, boats and horses On panel —25 in. by 33 in. LINGELBACK. 143 An Italian Coast Scene, with figures and boats 31 in. by 39 in. FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and dial ing Cross.