ST. JAMES’S SQUARE. SERVICE OF PLATE, COSTLY JEWELS, AND GEMS; i^plenbtti Collection of Boohs anti prints, IN SUPERB BINDINGS; ETRUSCAN VASES, ANCIENT BRONZES, MUSICAL BOXES, MATCHLESS FILLAGREE, CJRVIJYGS l.Y IVORY, SEVE, DRESDEN, AND ORIENTAL PORCELAIN, OR MOLU CLOCKS AND CANDELABRAS; COLLECTION OF ANCIENT & MODERN PICTURES Alabaster Vases, Statuary Figures, Wardrobe of Linen, AND VARIOUS SPLENDID EFFECTS; Also, THE CELLAR OF VERY CHOICE WINES. The Entire Property of ALEXANDER DAVISON, ESQ. CATALOGUE OF THE SUPERB SERVICE OF PLATE, WEIGHING SEVERAL THOUSAND OUNCES; WITH THE VERY precious anti Choice Assemblage of porcelain, •f the most scarce and admired Manufactories—in Dejeune and Cabinet Sets, and Vases, of the fine old Dresden, Seve, Oriental Chelsea, and Parisian ; NOBLE ALABASTER URNS AND VASES, FIGURES AND GROUPS, BEAUTIFUL AND MATCHLESS ETRUSCAN VASES, ANTIQUE BRONZES; superb OR-JfOLU CLOCKS and CANDELABRAS, borne by exquisitely modelled Bronze Figures ; CA R KINGS in I P‘0 RY; A VERY COSTLY ASSEMBLAGE OF GEMS, SET WITH BRILLIANTS, &e. GOLD WATCHES, MUSICAL AND OTHER SNUFF-BOXES, MATCHLESS FILLAGREE, Curious anU Scarce Coins; MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION of BOOKS; Ser vice of Richly-Cut Glass, Wardrobe of fine Linen; THE VERY VALUABLE PICTURES, Including the Grand Painting of the Death of the Earl of Chatham, by Copley; and the finest Works of Norland ; Beautiful ENAMELS, and superb STATUARY FIGURES. Some elegant Articles of Ornamental Furniture, Grand Piano-Forte, Sf the CELLAR of choice WINES „ lijtcb toill be §?oib bp auction, ■mnmi B y Mr. F AREB RO THER, ON THE PREMISES, On MONDAY, 21st of APRIL, 1817, and Fifteen following Days, (sun da ys excf.ptf.d) at twelve o’clock. To he Viewed Three Days preceding the Sale—when Catalogues may he had, at 5s. each for the entire Sale, or of the Books at 2?. 6d each, and the other Effects at 2s. each (without which no Person will be admitted) on the Premises i of Mr. Farebrother, Beaufort House, Beaufort Buildings, Strand; and at Garraway'g Cofte« House, CornhiU. CONDITIONS OF SALE. First ... THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute shall arise between Two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Second .. No Person to advance less than Is.—above One Guinea 2s. 6d.—Five Guineas 5s.—Ten Guineas 10s. 6d.—Twenty Guineas ll. Is. and above One Hundred Guineas 5t. 5s. 'Ihird .. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and (if required) to pay down immediately into the hands of the Auctioneer £25. per Cent, in part of Payment of tht Purchase-Money ; in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be put up again and re-sold. JVur/b.The Lots to be removed, with all Faults and Errors of Description, at the Expence of the Purchasers, within One Day after the Sale. r ts‘ - • Fifth . . As this Auction is made on Condition of Prompt Payment y the Remainder of the Purchase u ,9 Money to be absolutely paid on or before the Delivery; Sixth . . Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of Payment shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall bn made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. ARRANGEMENT OF SALE. FIRST DAY’s SALE, Monday, the 21 st of April , 1817— The Superb SERVICE of PLATE, and WARDROBE of FINE LINEN. SECOND THIRD DAY’s SALE, Tuesday the 22 d, and Wednesday the 23 d of April — . The Costly GEMS, Musical and other WATCHES, SNUFF BOXES, &c, FOURTH FIFTH DAY’s SALE, Thursday the 24 th, and Friday the 2 5th of April — The very Choice Assemblage of Seve, Dresden, Chelsea, Oriental, and Parisian CHINA, Or-molu CLOCKS and CANDELABRAS, Matchless SILVER FILLAGREE, and the very Superb and Matchless GUNS, &c. SIXTH DAY’s SALE, Saturday, the 2 6 th of April — FINE ANTIQUE BRONZES, ETRUSCAN VASES, Superb ALABASTER VASES, STATUARY FIGURES, MARBLE BUSTS, &c. &c. SEVENTH DAY’s SALE, Monday, the 28 th of April— The Valuable Collection of PAINTINGS, the Framed and Glazed DRAWINGS and PRINTS, beautiful MINIATURES, and ENAMELS. EIGHTH DAY's SALE, Wednesday the 30 th of April-— The COLLECTION of ANTIENT and MODERN PRINTS. NINTH DAY’s SALE, Thursday, the IV of May, and Five following Days — The Splendid LIBRARY of BOOKS in Superb Bindings. The CELLAR of CHOICE WINES will be Sold after the Books. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute SMITH AND DAVY, PRINTERS, 17 , QUEEN STREET, SEVEN DIALS. FIRST DAY’S SALE, M O N I) A Y, the 21st of APRIL, 1817 Commencing at Twelve o’ Clock, LOT ] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SUPERB SERVICE OF PLATE, AT PER OUNCE. ^TWENTY-FOUR double threaded table spoon* Eighteen ditto ditto Twenty-four ditto table forks Twenty-four ditto ditto Eighteen ditto desert spoons Eighteen ditto ditto Twenty-four ditto desert forks Two ditto gravy spoons A ditto soup ladle A ditto ditto Four ditto sauce ladles A ditto sallad fork A pair of ditto asparagus tongs A ditto fish knife Two ditto skewers and a marrow spoon Eighteen ditto tea spoons and a pair of sugar tongs A round tea pot and stand , chased leaf border A sugar bason and milk ezoer (en suite) s gilt inside A handsome round coffee pot, stand and lamp, with gadroon edg« B FIRST DAY’S SALE. (5 20 An elegant oval SOUP TUREEN, on a foot, chased handles and gadroon edge 21 A DITTO, to match 22 Four ditto SAUC'D TUREENS 23 Four ditto DITTO 24 A PAIR of 22-inch DISHES, and fish drainers to ditto 25 A pair of 20-inch ditto 26 A pair of 16f-inch ditto 27 A pair of 15-inch ditto 28 Two pair of 13f-inch ditto 29 Two pair of 12^-incli ditto 30 A pair of ll|-inch ditto 31 Two pair of 10|-inch ditto 32 Four 11-inch round dishes 33 Two 10£-inch ditto 34 Four octagon corner dishes and covers 35 Four pincushion ditto and covers 36 Eighteen soup plates 37 Thirty-six table plates 38 Thirty-six ditto 39 Four cassarole dishes and covers, threaded edges, chased handle* 40 41 Two pair of oval salts, on feet, threaded edges and gilt inside 42 Two pair of ditto ditto 43 An elegant cheese toaster, threaded edges and fluted cover 44 Two pair of oval threaded sauce tureens and covers , on feet 45 Four octagon threaded DISHES and COV^ERS 46 A four-glass cruet frame, scroll ends—4 ounces to be allowed for the mountings 47 A six-glass soy frame, to match, and 6 lables to ditto—2 ounces to be allowed for the mountings 48 An elegant 24-incu TEA WAITER, threaded edges and chased handles 49 An 18-inch threaded hand waiter 50 An 18-inch ditto 51 A pair of small ditto 52 A pair of ditto 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 FIRST DAY’S SALE. 7 A COSTLY and SLIPERB TEA URN, on richly chased feet, jlated body, lion's head handles and pine-apple top AN ELEGANT TEA SERVICE, consisting of a round fluted tea pot and stand , a sugar bason and cover, and a milk ewer , gilt inside A SUPERBLY CHASED ANTIENT TEA SERVICE, consisting of a tea pot , sugar bason and milk ewer A pair of round ICE PAILS and liners , on feet, gadroon edges and lion’s head handles A pair of ditto (en suite) An elegant jolly-boat stand for two decanters A PAIR OF ELEGANT SILVER GILT TUMBLERS A round chamber candlestick and extinguisher, fluted nosle and gadroon edge, and a pair of steel snuffers A ditto ditto Iwo pair of octagon fluted table candlesticks, all at An elegant chased stand, with mustard and salt castors , and spoon A pair of snuffers and stand, threaded edges Six dozen of silver handled table knives Two dozen of ditto table forks, and Four pair of ditto carvers j Twenty-four silver handled desert knives , in a wainscot case, all at Eighteen silver desert knives, motber-o’-pcarl handles, and six desert knives, steel blades, in a wainscot case Twenty-one threaded octagon bottle lables A cheese knife and a butter knife, all at Eight threaded salt spoons, a mustard and a pepper A round cruet frame with 5 cruets, all at An engraved glass milk bowl and ladle, and a sugar vase and ladle, all at Th ree pair of threaded bottle stands, all at An elegant plateaux , engraved and gilt, metal border A superb and costly engraved and gilt EPERGNE, with four branches , and four smaller side epergnes, with richly cut glasses An elegant plated venison dish, with well for hot water, silver gadroon edges Four oval plated dish heaters An elegant plateaux, in four parts, oval ends, looking-glass and enamelled bottom, and plated pierced mountings A plated argyle and 4 pair of steel doulers FIRST DAY’S SALE. TABLE AND BED LINEN. SO A very fine flowered pattern DAMASK TABLE CLOTH, 18 feet long and 6 feet wide 81 A ditto, 18 feet by 6 feet, rich flower pattern 82 Twenty-four napkins, to match 83 A fine damask sprig pattern table cloth, 18 feet long by 6 feet wide 84 A ditto, (trophies), 12 feet 6 by 6 feet 85 A ditto, (ditto), 16 feet long by 7 feet 6 wide 86 A ditto, (ditto,) 14 feet 6 by 7 feet wide 87 Thirty-six damask napkins, to match 88 A fine damask table cloth, 13 feet 6 long by 6 feet 6 wide, flower pots and bouquets 89 A ditto, trophy centre and rich border, 14 feet long by 7 feet 6 wide 90 Twelve new napkins, to match 91 A fine damask table cloth, Cupids and flowers, 16 feet long by 7 feet 6 wide 92 A ditto, ditto, 12 feet 6 by 7 feet 6 93 Eighteen ditto napkins, to match 94 A fine damask table cloth, trophy centre and rich border, 14 feet by 7 feet 95 A ditto, fruit border, 13 feet 6 by 7 feet 96 A ditto, grape and flower border, 14 feet 6 by 7 feet 97 A ditto, pine-apple pattern, 16 feet 6 by 7 feet 98 A ditto, flower border, 17 feet 6 by 7 feet 99 A ditto, bouquet of flowers, 12 feet 6 by 7 feet 100 A ditto, flower-pot centre, 10 feet by 6 feet 101 Two diaper table cloths 102 Two ditto 103 Two pair of fine Irish sheets 104 Two pair of Russia sheets 105 Two pair of ditto ; 106 Four pair of Russia servant’s sheets 107 Four pair of ditto 108 Four pair of Yorkshire servant’s sheets 109 Two pair of calico sheets 110 Two pair of Holland sheets FIRST DAY^ SALE. 9 111 112 113 114 115 110 117 118 Six fine bolster cases and a pair of large pillow cases Seven pair of fine pillow cases I liree pair of servant’s pillow eases, and 12 bolster cases A beautiful Marseilles quilt A large and fine white cotton counterpane A smaller ditto A ditto A ditto End of the First Day’s Sale. T LOT 103 104 105 106 107 108 100 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 110 120 121 l 10 SECOND DAY’s SALE, UESDA Y, the 22d Day of APRI L, 1817, Commencing at Twelve o'Clock. MEDALS IN BRONZE. r JL HREE bronze medals, Louis XVI, and Queen (scarce) Four ditto, George 111. on the Union, &c. One ditto, Gustavus III. and 1 ditto, General Suwarrow One ditto, Ferdinand IY.—1 ditto, Earl Howe, and 1 ditto, Marquis Cornwallis One ditto, Sir W. Sydney Smith Six ditto, Lord Nelson, Battle of the Nile One ditto, large, on Death of Lord Nelson One ditto, small, Lord Nelson Six beautiful pattern pieces for pennies—8 ditto for half-pence, and 5 ditto for farthings Two patterns in bronze for Ceylon Government A fine medal in silver, Boydell’s Shakespeare A large silver medal on Charles II. Two curious silver medals of Oliver Cromwell Seven silver five-franc pieces during the Revolution One silver medal, Mary Queen of James II. and l medal of seven Bishops (curious) One gilt pattern for Jubilee medals One silver medal of George 1IL Seventeen silver coins, foreign, and 30 foreign coins, base metal A large silver medal, Death of Lord Nelson, in morocco case, and a ditto, gilt SECOND DAY’S SALE. 11 122 Two fine silver medals, Lord Nelson on Battle of the Nile 123 Two ditto 124 A set of buttons of agate, mounted with gold, 18 large and 6 small 125 Three curious marked pieces of agate, a pair of paste knee buckles, 2 pieces of gold enamel from Lord Nelson’s sword, and a silver medal of the King and Queen 126 A pair of elegant chased silver gilt grape sctssars 127 A silver gilt tooth-pick case, 3 pair of elegant knee buckles, steel, silver, &c. 128 A Dutch Prayer Book, bound in tortoiseshell and silver mounted 129 The Order of Sr. George, beautifully enamelled and chased in gold 130 A beautiful cameo head of Queen Elizabeth, by Velcria Vincentino , set in chased gold as a locket 131 A curious ANTIQUE SEAL, with Greek Inscription, on bloodstone, set in fine gold 132 A curious model of a Bear, in pearl and silver gilt, and an onyx smelling bottle, mounted with silver filiagree 133 A very curious Crab, formed of fine pearl, set in gold 134 A silver and part gilt serpent, of beautiful workmanship 135 Two pieces of native gold and silver 136 A fine bloodstone broach, with figure of Justice, set in gold 137 A piece of curious enamel, on fine gold, 7 casts from gems, and a piece of agate 138 Two gold broaches, aqua marine stone, 1 moon stone, carum gorum and an amber heart 139 A silver case with 4 lancets 140 Two pair of agate sleeve buttons, gold mounted, and 1 pair of old gold sleeve buttons 141 An antique head of Minerva 142 A beautiful topaz cross, set transparent in gold CURIOUS AN 1) VALUABLE WATCHES. 143 A double case good repeater and clock watch, by Windmills , formerly the Property of John Wilkes 144 A very valuable gold repeater and MUSICAL WATCH, with gold key 12 SECOND DAY’S SALE* 145 A curious metal gilt watch , stops and seconds, and enamelled ease , by Carpenter, set round with garnets 1 46 An elegant gold repealing watch , with chased gold dial , gold ring , seal, and ley, of fine gold, formerly in the possession of the Princess de Lamhall, 147 A curious gold repeater, and gold key, and outside metal case 148 A most excellent DOUBLE-CASED GOLD TIME KEEPER and REPEATER, with seconds, by J. EM ERA of Charing Cross; 2 cases for ditto and 2 gold mechanical keys to ditto 149 A single-case gold ladies watch , by Massey 150 A very curious double-faced watch , by Pybus, with stops and seconds, tells the days of the month, &c. and set with stones 151 A curious gold watch , with stops and seconds, shews the motions, and set with stones, and gold key 152 A metal gill watch , capped and jewelled, by Pocock, and gold key 153 A curious self-winding gold watch, with seconds, and gold key 154 A capital eight-day watch , jewelled, silver gilt cases, and gold key 155 An elegant LADIES GOLD WATCH, by Berguer , gold face, jewelled, and a gold Venetian chain to ditto 150 A double-eased gold waleh , by the celebrated George Graham 157 A curious ancient silver watch , by Richard Bower, in chased case 158 An elegant small ladies gold watch, enamelled and gold dial, and a small gold seal, engraved with the head of Leander JEW ELS, &c. 159 A set of very curious and delicate necklace and bracelets, of silver SERPENTS 1G0 Five dozen of silver fill agree buttons 161 A curious India ivory fan , with carvings of animals 162 A ditto 163 A crystal snuff box , mounted in silver gilt, and a piece of curious striped agate 164 A very curious piece of mechanism of a mouse, formed of fine gold 165 A highly valuable and beautiful, piece of curious mechanism, in a gi itar of gold enamel , set with diamonds , with uancing figures, &c. SECOND DAY'S SALE, 166 A carious toilet box , cut out of solid cornelian, mounted with gold 167 A scent bottle in the shape of a Pear, richly chased and gilt 168 A gold enamel Bow and Arrow, set with small diamonds 169 A gold stock buckle * 170 A pair of MATCHLESS ANTIQUE CAMEOS, in high relief of most beautiful workmanship , (subjects from Homer) set as broaches, with large and fine brilliants, unique 171 A MATCHLESS GEM, A CAMEO ON SARDONYX, the head of Alexander the Great on one side, and of Darius on the reverse, set round with large and fine BRILLIANTS, of the purest lustre— This costly gem was a present from the Nabob of Oude to the President from the East India Company 172 A curious and unique gem , formed of chrystal and enamel portraits , formerly Mary Queen of Scots , from the cabinet of Cardinal de York 173 A VERY LARGE AND FINE AMETHYST 174 A tooth-pick case of fine oriental agate, mounted in gold, and $ diamond buckle 175 A SUPERB SINGLE-STONE BRILLIANT PIN, of MATCHLESS lustre, in a green shagreen case 176 A costly locket for hair , set round with sixteen large and fine brilliants, and five small ditto 177 A magnificent diamond locket broach, composed of eight large and superb brilliants, of the very first water 178 A square shape broach, composed of FOURTEEN large and fine BKILLIANTS 179 An "legant chrystal snuff box, set with gold 180 A large and tine pink topaz broach, set round with brilliants 181 A pair of beautiful half-hoop BRILLIANT EAR-RINGS 182 A large and fine spread EMERALD, set as a pin 183 A round broach, studded with fine brilliants , set transparent 184 An amethyst broach and a curious amber ditto 185 An antique cameo broach, Philip King of Macedon 186 A chased gold locket, a curious moclio broach, and a gold hair ditf* 187 A gold (arrow) pearl broach, a pearl pin and a bugle locket 188 A gold Venetian chain, and a magnifying glass D 14 SECOND DAY’S SALE. CURIOUS AND MATCHLESS SNUFF BOXES. 189 Two snuff boxes of lava from Mount Vesuvius, one silver gilt 190 A French horn snuff box, mounted in gold, and an agate box *91 A curious tortoiseshell snuff box, the property of the late Sir Francis Drake 192 A silver snuff box, with a portrait of Admiral Van Tromp , and a Naval Engagement on the reverse side 193 A curious antique silver gilt chased snuff box, Cock and Hen 194 A valuable Amazoni stone snuff box , gold mounted 195 A beautiful gold snuff box, in the shape ot a shell, with a very tin# enamelled portrait of VOL 1 AIRE 196 A fin e gold box, with mosaic top of Fox and Pheasant 197 A small gold round box, with fine intaglio, on amethyst, the Head of Hercules 198 An oval shaped box, formed of petrified wood, mounted in rich chased fine gold 199 A MOST MAGNIFICENT CHASED GOLD SNUFF BOX, bean - tifully enamelled in rich colours 200 A round tortoiseshell box, with an elegant enamelled portrait of His Majesty 201 A round tortoiseshell box, lined with gold, on the top of which is an exquisitely chased medallion of the Prince Regent , surrounded with emblems 202 A square box of fine old Dresden china, mounted with gold, and beau¬ tifully painted with Battle Pieces 203 An octagon GOLD ENAMELLED SNUFF BOX, on the top of which is a fine enamel of a landscape, after Claude, set round with BRILLIANTS 204 An octagon shaped box, of very fine marble, mounted in gold 205 A curious octagon shape ivory box , exquisitely mounted in fine gold , with carving representing the f east of the Gods 206 A la rge s qua re gold snuff box, of exquisite workmanship , beautifully chastd with military emblems , on the inside of which is a very fine miniature of MATiLDA, Queen of Denmark , and presented by Her to Admiral MackbriJe SECOND DAY'S SALE. 15 207 A superb oval shape box, blue enamelled, and set with large and fin« PEARLS, with medallion on top of Children playing at Blind Man s Buff, in the interior is an exquisite specimen of MECHANISM of a musical bird, made by Malliardat 208 A massy and richly chased large gold snuff box , with medallion from the antique , representing the Judgment of Paris , Jupiter , Mars y Sfc. of the fine taste of the fifteenth century 209 A vert/ curious travelling watch, repeater and alarum, in silver gilt and tortoiseshell case , silver studded 210 A silver gilt toothpick case, gold locket and 3 pair of knee buckles 211 A silver comb, a yard measure and an oyster knife 212 A piece of fine antique Mosaic and serpent, formed of yerd antique marble 213 A s< t of imitative pearl necklace and ear-rings, gold snaps 214 A ditto 215 A ditto 216 Five curious tobacco pipes, silver mounted, and a snuff box, formed #1 a shell, and silver mounted 217 Five silver gorgets, 5 shields and 10 collars 218 A curious Chinese compass , in a japanned case, inlaid 219 Three large and fine magnitying glasses 220 Four opera glasses End of the Second Oafs Sale , THIRD DAY'S SALE, WEDNESDAY, the 23d Day of APRIL, 1817, Commencing at Twelve o'Clock. ANTIQUE GEMS, SET AS RINGS. LOT 221 Fine cameo of Hebe, set as a ring 222 A fine cameo head of Mecenas, set as a ring 223 A curious intaglio, composed of 5 different heads 224 A fine cameo head of Marcus Aurelius 225 An intaglio on red cornelian, Adonis 226 Ditto ditto Mars as a ring 226 Ditto 227 An intaglio on red cornelian, Sacrifice fo Priapus 228 A fine cameo of a black’s head, set with diamonds 2^9 An antique intaglio of the head of a Homan .Emperor 230 A cameo of a black’s head, a lemale 231 An antique cameo of Socrates’ head 232 An antique intaglio, Hindoo 233 A cameo of a Monkev’s head, in Labrador spar 234 An antique intaglio, 3 figures 235 A fine antique head , Bacchanalian 236 A cameo head of Flora 237 An antique cameo head of Philip of Macedon 238 A fine antique intaglio, Venus bathing 239 A cameo head of Marcus Aurelius 240 An ant : que intaglio on red cornelian 241 A small cameo head, female 242 A cameo head of a Monkey, on Labrador spar THIRD DAY’S SALE. 17 £43 A cameo of an anatomical head 244 A cameo of a Black’s head, set with diamonds 245 A veri/fine intaglio of three heads, on sardonyx, set with/we brilliants 246 An antique head of a King, in coral 247 An antique cameo of a female Tiger 248 An antique intaglio on amethyst of Minerva 249 A fine intaglio head on red cornelian 250 A ditto ditto, figure setting 251 An antique intaglio on cornelian of Wolfe and Child ~52 A cameo on blood-stone, head of Seneca 253 A small cameo head of Vespasian 254 A ditto, Socrates 255 An antique intaglio, set in gold as a locket, with chain , four figure* of Warriors, and a female figure of Victory, very fine 256 A small fine antique intaglio, a Head 257 An antique intaglio of a Buffalo 258 A cameo of Jupiter and Leda 259 A fine antique intaglio, Sardonyx 260 A small antique cameo, Dying Gladiator 261 An antique seal, head of Minerva 262 A cameo on amethyst, head of a Magdalen, set as a broach 263 A cameo head of Charles I. in gold, set with diamonds 264 A curious oriental ring, set with gems 265 A ditto on red cornelian 266 A ring with 2 fine antique intaglios 267 An antique cameo, Cadmus and the Dragon 268 A BEAUT1TUL ANTIQUE INTAGLIO, on a very fine sardonyx , Battle of the Centaurs 269 A small antique cameo, set with diamonds 270 A curious cameo head, set in gold and ornamented with diamonds, (a pin) 271 An antique intaglio, set as a seal 272 An inlaglio of the Wise Mens’ Offering, on a plumb pudding stone, curious 2/3 A fine small intaglio head on red cornelian 274 An antique intaglio of Diamede and the Palladiam , on fine sar¬ donyx, of square shape as locket E 18 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 THIRD DAY’S SALE. A large cameo head, female, set as a broach A fine antique cameo head of Minerva, on calcedony onyx A large cameo head of Omphale, set as a broach A fine antique intaglio, set as a broach, Cupid and Venus , on sar¬ donyx n antique intaglio of Cupid in a Garden, set in a broach A large cameo head of Neiio, on cornelian A curious antique cameo of Cleopatra , on lapis lazuli, set as a locket A broach with two heads, Hercules and Omphale , in cameo A fine cameo of a blaciCs head, on sardonyx A shell (ameo with 3 heads, and a fine antique intaglio ring of a head A large and fine cameo head of a Warrior A cameo head of a Cherub, on white calcedony A cameo head of a Cupid, and an Egyptian onyx (unset) An intaglio head of Eeander, and a ditto of a Roman Emperor (unset) A xery fine antique cameo of a Bacchanalian, in a black case A curious head in sardonyx for a seal (unset) A curious antique seal, formed of bloodstone, fine gold and enamel , set with diamonds A ditto seal and vinegarette A ditto seal, antique head , on red cornelian A curious antique bishop’!, ding, enamelled, and set with emeralds, rubies , Sfc. A SUPERB NECKLACE, composed of TWENTY-FOUR AN¬ TIQUE INTAGLIO and CAMEO GEMS, set in FINE GOLD, a matchless and beautiful gem A GIRDLE CLASP, formed of THREE BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE E(i\ I HAN CAMEOS, ol Cleopatra, Omphale, and a Stork, with rich massive gold Venetian chain A MATCHLESS NECKLACE, formed of SEVEN ANTIQUE GEMS, viz. a cameo head of Omphale, an intaglio of Julia Pia, an intag io on cornelian , a Bacchanalian Dance, a fine cameo of Marcus Aurelius on lapis lazuli, an intaglio of Minerva in ame¬ thyst, a head of Brutus in sardonyx , and a cameo head of Jupiter de onicus, superbly set in gold , with Venetian chain and clasp , set with turquoise , rubies , sapphires , and amethysts THIRD DAY’S SALE. 19 BEAUTIFUL SEALS, RICHLY SET IN COLD. 29S A very fine intaglio of Lions, on red cornelian, set as a seal 299 A very curious gold seal, fine engraving of a Fox Chase 390 A beautiful intaglio head of Neptune, on red cornelian 301 A ditto, head of Achilles, very fne 302 A ditto, Hercules and Omphale £03 A fine intaglio on sardonyx, by Frewin, of a Sportsman 304 A ditto ditto, of Hope 305 An fine antique intaglio on sardonyx, Bacchanalian Dances 300 A BEAUTIFUL INTAGLIO of Medusa’s head 307 An intaglio on red cornelian, Jupiter and Hebe 308 A BEAUTIFUL INTAGLIO HEAD of KING EDWARD V I 309 An intaglio head ot Hymen on cornel an 310 An intaglio on red cornelian, Providence 311 A seai with credit and cypher JV1. N. 3! 2 A fine intaglio of a Stag Hunt, on red cornelian 313 A ditto on red cornelian, Triumph of Venus 314 An intaglio of a Mail ('oath, set in gold as a seal, on sardonyx 315 A fine antique intaglio, set in gold as a seal, Chariot drawn by Lion* 316 An intaglio on red cornelian, ( upid on a Lion 317 An antique head of Minerva on a seal 318 A gold seal with engraving of a Plough 319 A fine intaglio of Justice, by Frewin 320 A ditto chrystal, Cupid comm attain g the Heart 321 A fine intaglio head of Achilles, on red cornelian 322 A cl it to on red cornelian, Mars 323 A VERY BEAUTIFUL ANTIQUE INTAGLIO OF JUPITER set in fine gold 324 An intaglio head of Charles Fox , very pine 325 A ditto of Mr. Pitt 326 A small amethyst seal, Grasshopper 327 A dido, Dove 328 A seal on white cornelian of Justice 329 A fine intaglio of a dying Gladiator, on white cornelian 20 THIRD DAY’S SALE. 330 An intaglio on red cornelian of Hegia 331 A ditto, Cupid with a Torch 332 A ditto of an Eye 333 A ditto of a Pointer 334 A small gold wafer seal, and a ditto* Hope, on amethyst 335 A ditto, Truth, a small antique seal, two Flies, and a mourning ring, a Vase 336 An intaglio on blood stone, set in fine gold 337 OLIVER CROMWELL’s SEAL, cut in steel by the celebrated Simon RINGS. 338 A fine antique head of a Black , set as a ring 339 A ditto, two figures 340 A cameo of a Ball, set as a ring 341 A five cameo of Medusa's head, a beautiful gem 342 A large curious intaglio of three heads , very spirited 343 A fine antique intaglio > a whole length figure, with Greek letters 344 A beautiful ditto of Jupiter and Led a, very fine 345 A fine antique intaglio on Nicola onyx 346 A fine antique ditto, HEAD of CICERO 347 A fine cameo of a Black's i/fad 348 A beautiful antique cameo , HEAD of HOMER 349 A ditto on red cornelian , a Female head 350 A ditto cameo head on onyx, a Female, very fine 351 A m ag n ificent large CAMEO HEAD, by Birch, of Philip King of Macedon , A MA I CH LESS GEM 352 An antique cameo head of \ f.spasian 353 A fine intaglio of Venus nursing Cupid , by Harris, red cornelian 354 A ditto on red cornelian, two heads 355 An antique intaglio of Jupiter and Ganymede 356 An antique intaglio of Victory 357 A ditto of Junius Brutus, very fine 358 A fine intaglio head of Shakespeare 359 A beautiful intaglio of Promethus , on red cornelian 360 A fine antique intaglio 361 A ditto, Hercules, on red cornelian 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 THIRD DAY'S SALK. 21 A ditto, Minerva, fine A fine cameo of a Fox An intaglio of Cupid riding on the Sea , a curious gem A fine large emerald with curious oriental inscription, formerly Tipp# Saib’s A fine intaglio of Andromache A SUPERB INTAGLIO OF ACHILLES, by Birch An intaglio on white cornelian of Hegia A ditto on red cornelian of Achilles A ditto on blood-stone, Cock A ditto on ditto, Cupid in a Chariot An intaglio on amethyst, set as a rin* A small fine cameo of a Female head A ditto, a Female A ditto, a head An antique intaglio ring, curious A fine antique intaglio on jacinth A small antique intaglio, a head An ANTIQUE INTAGLIO of a WoLF A ditto of a Sow Six mourning rings of standard gold Five ditto ditto An antique cameo head as a ring, of maljkitm A gold ring, set with pearls, and a paste ditto Two small intaglios, set as seals End of the Third Day's Sale FOURTH DAY’s SALE, THURSDAY, the 24tli Day of APRIL, 1817, Commencing at Twelve o'Clock. MAGNIFICENT SEVE, DRESDEN, and ORIENTAL PORCELANE, MATCHLESS FILL AG REE, CANDELABRAS, &c. SMALL DRAWING ROOM. LOT 386 A Pair of small bronzed lamps, with serpent handles, fioin the an¬ tique 387 A curious specimen of Dresden china, in a tea pol, the shape of a Phea¬ sant and a ditlo goat milk ewer 388 A pair of paper pressers, gilt lions 389 Two curious Statite Indian figures 390 A pair of elegant or-molu candlesticks, with glass shades 391 Two French porcelane cabinet cups and saucers , painted in bistre, with landscapes, &c. and gilt 392 A pair of trench porcelane vases, with spliynx handles 393 A pair of elegant bronze and or-molu table candlesticks, richly ornamented with group of female figures , 8?c. 394 A pair of bronze cupids on marble plynths, or-molu mounts 395 A pair of French porcelane flower pots and stands, richly gilt, painted in boquels of flowers, and glass shades to ditto 396 A pair of bronzed Egyptian female figures, supporting or-molu single lights , on marble stands 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. An elegant or-molu eight-day clock, by Bourelle a Paris, supported by mermaid figures, and ornamented with eagles, doves, &c. and glass shade to ditto A pair of vases of French porcelane, painted in compartments, with oriental figures, green ground, richly gilt A pair of very curious vases, supported by a gilt figure, a boy stand¬ ing on three lions, and surmounted by a small time piece, by Cox, richly studded A PAIR OF MOST BEAUTIFUL AND HIGHLY VALUABLE DRESDEN FIGURES, of Voltaire and his Niece, with glas> shades to ditto A very fine Mandarin china two-handled VASE, sea green ground, painted in medallions of Landscapes (20 inches high) A set of fjve-h a ft deed vases of the fine old Dresden china, richly gilt, in or-mat and painted in medallions , with heads from the antique A PAIR OF ELEGANT CANDELABRAS, WITH FEMALE BRONZED FI¬ GURES , mounted on an or-molu stand, and supporting three lights, with glass shades to ditto beautiful silver fillagree. A silver fillagree ship, of beautiful workmanship, glass shade, and or-molu mount A pair of silver fillagree toilette boxes and covers, gilt inside and glass shades A PAIR OF COSTLY AND HIGHLY ELEGANT TOILETTE TREE CANDLESTICKS of silver fillagree, partly gilt and ornamented with birds, &c. and glass shades to ditto A MAGNIFICENT SILVER FILLAGREE VASE, on chrystal pil¬ lars, rich bird handles , enamelled in flowers and gilt, and a glass shade to ditto A large and very fine agate bowl, silver gilt stand and handles A beautiful model in si'ver of a Man of Har, and glass sha ?e A very curious India ivory jewel casket , beautifully painted with figures and landscapes, am mounted in fine gold FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 14 411 A PAIR OF SUPERB SILVER GILT FILLAGREE VASES AND STANDS, ornamented with insects, flowers, &c. arul glass shades to ditto 412 A SUPERB ESSENCE VASE, of the fine old Dresden china, on a ric h stand, beautifully painted in groups of figures) and richly gilt , and ornamented with a wreath of RAISED FLOWERS, blue mazarine ground US A MATCHLESS VASE OF THE FINE OLD DRESDEN POR- CELANE, mazarine blue ground) richly gilt) painted in bouquet of JlowerS) and medallion of Cupids 414 A PAIR OF MAGNIFICENT SILVER FILLAGREE VASES, covers and stands, with handles, richly ornamented, with insects and flowers, and surmounted by a richly enamelled bird 415 An elegant ebony and or-molu ink stand , rich cut glasses, and bronze can¬ dlesticks 416 A BEAUTIFUL MODEL OF A ClIINESE JuNK, IN FINE GOLD 417 A most magnificent CANDELABRA (or centre for a table) for three lights) formed of bronze and or-molu , and rich chased scroles, mounted on a rich enamelled stand 9 and presented by the American States to Louis XVI . 418 An OR-MOLU CENOTAPH, to the Memory of the late Lord Nelson) surmounted by eighty-four guineas, which are sup¬ ported by four weeping Figures— -the guineas were in his Lordship’s Pocket when he was Killed at the Battle of Trafalgar 419 A curious and beautifully carved India ivory ladies work basket 420 A COSTLY PARISIAN ECRETOIRE, of fine mahogany , commode front, richly ornamented with chased or-motU) fitted with drawers) and surmounted by a cabinet and bookcase) fitted with drawers, rich or - molu pillar front, $?c. made by Rysner , and formerly the Propirty of the late QUEEN OF FRANCE LARGE DRAWING ROOM. 421 A pair of French porcelane flower stands , beautifully painted in bouquet of flowers and gilt 25 FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 422 A pair of marble essence vases , on bronze tripod stands , richly mounted in or-molu, ami glass shades to ditto 423 A BEAUTIFUL FRENCH CLOCK, of rich or-molu, with a figure of Cupid in a Chariot drawn by Horses, enamelled wheel, on a black marble plynth, with glass shade 424 A PAIR OF ELEGANT FRENCH UORCELANE FLOWER STANDS, painted with boys, and scrole , awd richly gilt 425 A pair of marble essence vases, ow bronzed tripod stands , richly mounted in or-molu, and glass shades to ditto 426 A PAIR OF MAGNIFICENT CANDELABRAS, for four lights, ornamented by finely modelled bronze female figures, supporting richly chased and gilt three-light branches, mounted on marble plynth*, with or-molu, and glass shades 427 A PAIR OF COSTLY TWO-HANDLED VASES AND STANDS, sumptuously gilt, and INIMITABLY PAIN TED IN BIRDS, &c. 428 A costly eight-day clock by Sauvage, a Paris, on a marble plynth, ornamented with or-molu, and two finely modelled bronzed figures , and a gilt figure of cupid, with wreath of flowers , SfC. and glass case to ditto 429 A pair of elegant or-molu candelabras , for three lights , sup¬ ported. by Egyptian bronze figures, marble ply nths, and glass shades 430 A BEAUTIFUL DEJUNE SERVICE OF THE FINE OLD DRESDEN CHINA, blue mazarine ground, richly gilt in or-mat, and enamelled with Portraits of the Roman Emperors and Empresses; consisting of plateau, tea pot and cover, coffee pot and cover, sugar bason and cover, milk pot and cover, tea caddy and cover, and 2 cups and saucers 431 BEAUTIFUL fyllagree, costly tables, PLATE, CARVINGS, &c. 432 A MOST MAGNIFICENT SILVER FILLAGREE CABINET, with drawers, ornamented with ESSENCE BOTTLES, &c. and representing a Rock, surmounted by a Cock Crowing, and various de¬ vices, gilt, &c. forming a MOST SPLENDID AND MATCH¬ LESS GEM G 2fi 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. A COSTLY CUP AND COVER, HEWN OUT OF A SOLID ROCK OF CHRYSTAL, richly mounted in chased silver, by Bennevento Celieni, and set with PRECIOUS STONES AND LARGE PEARLS A PAIR OF RICHLY CHASED SJEYER GILT CANDLE- SIICKS, supported by female figures, formerly in the Possession of QU E i N A NN E, at per oz. A pair of chased and richly gilt medal ditto, to match the preceding lot A very curious cup, formed of a cocoa nut, curiously carved and mounted in chased silver, gilt A very fine India Statite Figure, on a pedestal A pair of elegant pier tables, supported by lichiy e arced and gilt female figures, and statuary marbb tops An elegant pier table, supported by handsome and richly carved and gilt pillars, nimble top and shelf, and trellis work back and sides A ditto to match A small satin wood table, neatly inlaid Two nound tables, on tripod feed, metal gift pillars, and borders. A pair of costly tripod fire screens, with mounts of Military Trophies, superbly carved and gilt A very curious bason of ('racklin china, richly inlaid with mother-o'pearl, and glass shade to ditto An elegant Parisian ink stand, with bronzed female figures, or-molu mounts A beautiful oriental agate cup and cover, richly mounted in fine gold, and enamelled, and glass shade A pair of richly chased and gilt pillar candlesticks, ornamented with figures and masks, on bronzed feet A pair of French poreelane flower pots and stands, painted in compart¬ ments, with bistre figures and landscapes , richly gill A PAIR OF MOST MAGNIFICENT TRENCH PORCE- LANE T ASES, inimitably painted in groups , r>presenting the VILLAGE DANCE, after TENIERS, and richly gitt, and glass shades to ditto A pair of French porcelane vases, red ground, richly gilt and painted in compartments, with landscapes, flowers, &c. FOURTH DAY^S SALE. 451 A pair of very superb candelabras, for six lights, of bronze urns, sup¬ ported by or-molu Sphr/nx's , on marble plynths, and richly orna¬ mented, wi(!i glass shades to ditto 452 A pair of Trench porcelane uses, yellow ground, painted in land¬ scapes and figures, in bistre and gold 453 A pair of MOST BEAUTIFUL SEVE CHINA BEAKERS, blue ami gold stripes, beautifully painted in arabesque ornaments, in ot-mat, and glass shades 454 A pair of elegant SEVE CHINA URNS, blue and gold stripes, painted in rompaitincnts, with subjects from Natural History, and superbly gilt, with or-mat handles 455 A MOST MAGNIFICENT VASE, (with handles) of the fine old Chfasfa china, painted in liistoricals, in compartments, scarlet ground, and richly gilt 456 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL VASES, an stands of the Medici shape, riih/jf gift, and beautifully painted in compartments, in sub- jeets from Natural History, landscapes and figures 457 A LARGE AND VERY FINE FLOIVEII VASE AND SI AN I), Hue mazarine ground, men t.v gut and enamelled in flotvers, landscapes and figures, from Teniers 458 A PAIR OF B FAUTI FULLY CHASED VASES, COVERS, AND HANDLES, OF THE FINE OLD SEVE POR- CP. LA V K, richly gilt 459 A MO-T MAGNIFICENT CARVED IVORY CUP, AND COVER, WITH GROUPS OF FIGURES, by the cele¬ brated John de Bologne, lined and mounted with silver gilt, and o/ a ss cover 460 A SUPERB SILVER GILT CHASED CUP AND COVER, copied from the preceding lot, at per oz. 461 A MATCHLESS CABINET CUP AND SAUCER, of the fine old Seek China Pour fa anf.. mazarine blue ground , enamelled in imitation of various PRECIOUS STONES and PEARLS, and, richly gilt 462 A cabinet cup and saucer, blue and gold «8 fourth day’s sale. BACK DRAWING ROOM. A beautiful dejuke sERricE , of the fine OLD DRESDEN FORCE LANE, inimitably painted in Views of the different Sea Ports in France, by VERNET ; consisting of a plateau, coffee pot and cover, tea pot and cover, cream pot, sugar bason, two coffee cups, two tea cups and saucers, and one spoon, chased handies, and richly gilt 464 A cabinet cup and saucer , of fine OLD SEVE PORCELANE, mazarine blue ground, and enamelled in Bacchanalian figures, after the designs of Bouchardon 465 A ditto, light blue ground, Venus and Adonis 466 A vase and cover , enamelled in moonlight landscape, in bistre and gilt, and one other 467 A pair of MATCHLESS BOTTLES AND COVERS . three feet high, of the FINE OLD MANDARIN CHINA , sea green ground, richly enamelled with dragons , fish, flowers, SfC. 468 A PAIR of large and truly unique ORIENTAL CHINA VASES AND COVER, (2 feet 8 high) richly enamelled with RAISED FIGURES of BlRDS, BEASTS , £?C. 469 An elegant dejune , of French porcelane, consisting of a plateaux, tea pot and cover, cream pot, coffee pot, sugar bason and cover, four cups and saucers, exquisitely painted in subjects from Cuyp, Paul Potter, Berghem, and others 470 A pair of cabinet cups and saucers, of SEVE PORCELANE, enamelled with subjects from the antique, and medallions of land- scapes, and richly gilt 471 A pair of large French Porcelane VASES , with two handles, beautifully painted in landscapes, from designs by Berghem and Teniers, mounted on pedestals, enamelled and painted with land¬ scapes on pink ground, and richly gilt 471* A PAIR OF MAGNIFICENT CANDELABRAS , four feet high, ornamented by finely modelled bronze female figure*, support¬ ing richly chased and gilt branches, mounted on marble plynths , with or-molu and glass shades t 472 473 474 475 470 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 * 29 / FOURTH DAY’S SALE. A beautiful ewer and bason , of fine old Dresden china , richly gill, and enamelled in birtre, in subjects from Ovid's Metamorphoses A cabinet cup and saucer of French porcelane, painted with landscapes and figures from Vernet, on pink ground, and richly gill inside A ditto with subject from the antique A beautiful ewer and bason, of French porcelane, light blue ground, and gilt, and painted with Venus and Cupid in medallion A PAIR OF VERY CURIOUS SILVER FILLAGREE ESSENCE BOXES , in the shape of FISII , with stands to ditto, enamelled in gilt, and glass shades and stands A MAGNIFICENT DEJUNE SERVICE , of the FINE OLD DRESDEN CHINA y richly painted in landscapes from Wou- verm a ns, Vernet, Claude, See. splendidly gilt, and consisting of two cups and saucers, sugar bason and cover, tea pot and cover, tea canister and cover, slop bason, (and a plateau, of English china) A MAGNIFICENT BOTTLE AND COVER , three feel high, of ORIENTAL CHINA, green ground\ richly enamelled in flowers, insects , Sec. A very choice and beautiful specimen of SILVER FILLAG REE, in a work basket and cover, richly studded with insects, &c. and glass shade and stand to ditto A MAGNIFICENT VASE , WITH STAND, of the oriental jade stone, inlaid with gold , and set with precious stones A broth bason, cover and plate, of French porcelane, painted in wreaths of flowers, and richly gilt An elegant BROTH BASON , COVER AND STAND, painted in Subjects from Natural History, and gilt A pair of bronze Sphynxes, mounted on marble ply nth s, and gilt, sup¬ porting a richly chased and gilt TWO LIGHT CANDEL.A- BRAS A pair of flower pots and stands , of French porcelane , blue and red ground, and gilt, and painted in compartments of Shipping, after Vernet A Vase and Dish of the Jin e OLD RAP IIA EL WARE, enamelled with subjects from the OLD TESTAMENT H SO fourth day’s sale. 486 A cabinet cup and saucer and cover, of Seve china, arabasque ornaments '487 A ditto 488 A flower basket, supported by Cupid, in Seve bisquit 489 A beautiful rose-wood table, banded witli Botany-Bay wood, on carved pillar and claws, and lion’s feet castors 490 A ditto 491 A ditto tea table , banded with ebony and socket castors End of the Fourth Day’s Sale, 31 FIFTH DAY’S SALE, FRIDAY, the 25th Day of A P RI L, 1817, Commencing at Twelve o'clock. LOT 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 CHINA. A Tea and coffee service of blue and gold, Worcester china, con¬ sisting of 12 tea cups and saucers, 11 coffee cans, bason and plate A tea and coffee service of French porcelane , barbeaux sprig, consist¬ ing of 12 tea cups and saucers, 8 coffee cans, tea pot, milk ewer, sugar bason, a plate and bason Two quart mugs, white and gold, painted in medallions, in commemo¬ ration of the Victory of the Nile Three pint ditto Ten French china plates, sprigs and gold edges, and 5 various Twenty-two china plates, variously ornamented Sixteen ditto, painted and pencilled in roses, and gilt edges A desert service of china, consisting of a pair of ice pails and covers, 2 sugar tureens, covers, stands and ladles, l centre, 14 compotiers, and 23 plates, blue and gold flowers and rich gilt border A sandwich set, in mahogany tray, painted in wreaths of flowers and gilt, and 8 plates Forty-eight French china plates, painted in wreaths of flowers, and gilt edges A desert service of china , in imitation of the Old Japan, richly gilt, consisting of 2 ice pails, covers and liners, 2 centre pieces, 20 com¬ potiers, 2 cream bowls, covers and stands, and 59 large plates o >> 03 504 505 506 507 508 50.9 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 FIFTH DAY’S SALE, Two blue and white India quart mugs, a ditto water bottle, 3 half-pint lettered mugs, a cream ewer and an egg stand with 5 cups, painted in sprigs CUT AND PLAIN GLASS. Two quart, 4 pint and 2 half-pint fluted decanters, II champagne and 7 ale glasses Five quart decanters, 6 pint, 2 water bottles (fluted) and 8 Anger glasses Two pair of cut quart ring-neck decanters and 6 water bottles Two Dair of ring-neck fluted claret decanters and 6 ditto water bottles Two pair of richly cut quart decanters, with mushroom stoppers, and a pair of pint ditto Two pair of ditto and a pair of ditto Eighteen DIAMOND CUT wine glasses and 16 liquere ditto Nineteen fluted half-pint tumblers Twenty-four fluted monteiths and 12 ditto finger glasses Eight VERY RICHLY CUT HANDLED MUGS Six richly cut handled mugs , (diamond border) and 1 other A rich diamond cut water jug , a sugar tureen and cover on foot, and a milk ewer, silver gilt mounting Seven rich cut diamond tumblers Six fluted water bottles, 10 Aided custard glasses, and 12 jelly glasses A pair of diamond cut magnums, a pair of fluted ditto and an antique shape water bottle Thirty-one wine glasses and 11 champagne ditto Eleven fluted wineglasses, 22 liquere ditto, a pair of fluted pint decanters, a pair of ring neck quart decanters and a water bottle Ten wine glasses and 2 tumblers, engraved border, and 14 fluted liquere glasses, gilt edges Eighteen green hock glasses, 2 tumblers and 4 liquere glasses, gilt edges Four cut liquere bottles, in a leather frame, 2 engraved tumblers and a cut sugar bason A pair of fluted ice pails and a curious two-handled cup and cover Two cut butter basons, covers and stands, and a soy frame with 4 cut glasses FIFTH DAY’S SALS* f CHINA. §'26 A tea and coffee service , richly gilt in diamonds, consisting of 12 cup* ami saucers, 9 coffee cans and saucers, a bason and 2 plates •27 An ELEGANT DESSERT SERVICE, painted in botanical subject % (each piece varied) rich pink and gold border— comprising 5 ice pails, covers and liners, 2 centres, 2 cream bowls, covers, stands and ladles, 12 compotiers and 24 plates §28 A VERY SUPERB AND COSTLY DINNER SERVICE, of DERBY CHINA, RICHLY GILT AND DIAMOND BORDER, consisting of 2 soup tureens, covers and stands, with chased handles, 2 sauce ditto, 2 vegetable dishes for hot water, 4 square dishes and covers, 30 dishes in sizes, 2 fish drainers, 2 cheese stands, 2 py© dishes, a salad bowl, 2 radish trays, 8 custard cups and covers, 8 dozen dinner plates, 23 soup plates and 36 small plates—total pieces §29 A table service of blue and white, consisting of 2 soup tureens, covers and stands, 20 dishes in sizes, 4 sauce tureens, covers and stands, 4 vegetable dishes and covers, 9 dozen plates, 2 baking dishes, a pickle set, and a fish drainer §30 A table service of blue and white, consisting of 2 soup tureens, cover* and stands, 3 sauce ditto, 1 sallad bowl, 6 baking dishes, 4 square dishes and covers, 12 dishes in sizes, 72 dinner plates, 24 soup ditto* 24 small plates and an egg stand SPLENDID CUT GLASS *31 A VERY MAGNIFICENT SERVICE of GLASS, iuchi-t ah* SUPERBLY CUT IN DIAMONDS, consisting of Four pair of quart decanters, with pine apple stoppers Four pair of pint ditto Eighteen monteiths Eighteen finger glasses Eighteen goblets Twenty-four ale glasses Twenty-four champagne glasses Twenty-four wine ditto, and Twelve liqueie glasses 1 34 FIFTH DAY^S SALE, 532 Eighteen (small) richly cut tumblers 533 A pair of very elegant and richly cut salts and stands •34 A pair of superb DIAMOND CUT QUART WATER JUGS •*- MAGNIFICENT OR-MOLU AND BRONZE CANDELA BRAS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, AND MISCELLANEOUS COSTLY EFFECTS. 535 A pair of fine bisquif French figures (1 faulty) and a glass shade to ditto 536 Four biscuit figures of Boys and Girls dancing 537 A beautiful group of Seve bisquit, 3 female figures supporting an urn •38 A pair of MAGNIFICENT OR-MOLU CANDELABRAS for a dinner table , supporting four lights , with rich chased branches from the ANTIQUE, el?borately wrought and finished in OR-MAT, with wainscot case for ditto 539 A pair of superb mahogany tripods , richly carved in oah leaves, and mounted on carved claw feet 540 A brillant toned grand piano-forte , with additional keys by Stodart •41 A MAGNIFICENT PAIR OF CANDELABRAS , a fine EGYPTIAN FEMALE FIGURE IN BRONZE, on a plyntb, supporting a richly chased and gilt or-molu four-light candelabra, 3 feet 6 inches, and a pair of rich carved mahogany pedestals to ditto 542 A fine toned portable organ, by Weeks , with 2 barrels 543 A very BEAUTIFUL ROSE-WOOD TEA POY, fluted body, on rich carved pillar and claw castors, with 2 tea canisters, and 2 richly cut sugar basons, patent lock and key 144 A PAIR OF MAGNIFICENT BRONZE CANDELABRAS, seven feet high, fluted columns, with rich ornaments of rands heads and leaves, on claw feet, supporting a lamp with three burners from the ANTIQUE, and mounted ou pedestals of ebony and mahogany, richly ornamented with chased bronze figures, on daw feet, &?c. §45 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 §57 FIFTH day’s SALE. ££ A V Z™%T TV ? DSlr EIEe ™T OR-MOLU CJNDE- chased t'a!', ^ A^E* U 't* ... An instantaneous light machine pimm, ^ i * . . • , . 0,1 ne > ebony and or-molu mounted case 3 1 "* * braCket d ° Ck ’ Barwise > in » mahogany and ebony A camera obscura A finely carved mahogany pedestal A pair of fine India japan covers, with gilt wires A mahogany box, fitted as a cabinet for seals, and lined wilh purple velvet, patent lock, &c. 1 7atd ST tc. mah0ganj/ CAC,NET ’ 0,1 feet ’ fi,tcd wUh 6 d — A ditto w itL 8 drawers A black morocco jewel case, lined with velvet, lock and key A large red morocco case, lined with velvet, and 2 others A SXr de ‘ " W "’ b * PiCrCy ’ ° f thC ,a ‘ e L ° rd Nels ° n > A model .n way of H. R. H. the Prince Regent, by Poole 658 659 660 661 662 563 CURIOUS ARMS, &c. A curious Indian dagger, inlaid handle, and a French sword curious l punish General’s sword, and a regulation sword : p ^” SI, ;l E : SPlMis ’ and a p airof «•«•«« *«/ <*•«<> A BLAU1IFUL PATENT SWORD, by DEAR IN, „, c „ OIlT an chased handle, copper japanned scabbard, wilh mil,tarn ££?£ “ *“* —«r Z ^z; a A s ' v Ti r" hiit ’ chased ° n steei wi jgg' *fft«»T --s-ictw ANTIQUE BRONZES, CANDELABRAS, &c. LOT A 6*02 Small bronze of Venus, and a ditto of a Cavalier 603 A bronze of a boy dancing, and a ditto of Seneca 604 A bust of Minerva, and a stand 605 A figure of Apollo on a marble stand, and a ditto of Jupiter 606 A Venus de Medici on a stand, and a small figure of Mercury 607 A pair of bronze single-light candelabras, supported by negro figures kneeling 608 A fine antique bronze of a bull, on ebony stand 609 A very Jine antique bronze of a flying dragon , on ebony plinth 610 An antique bronze , a figure of a Satyr supporting a lamp 611 A pair of antique bronzes of Wolves, on ebony plinths 612 A curious bronze, an Hindoo’s Idol 613 A pair of Horses, on ebony plinths 614 A small highly finished, bronze of St. Sebastian , on marble pedestal 615 A curious bronze figure (gill) of the Listening Slave 616 A very fine basso relievo, framed, of Bacchanalians 617 A pair of two-light bronze candelabras of boys , on marble pedestals, or-molu mounted 618 A VEliY BEAUTIFUL BRONZE OF THE INFANT BACCHUS by Clodion 619 A pair of antique bronzes of Priestesses, on ebony pedestals 620 A VERY BEAUTIFUL MODERN BRONZE of the Diana of Epliesisy highly finished SIXTH HAY’S SALE. 39 m\ 623 624 625 626 A pair of very fine A]Si j QL E BUSTS of FATP NS , on pedestals A pair of curious Egyptian figures, Sphynx’s A curious antique bronze, a tea kettle, lamp and stand A pair of fine antique sleeping- boys, on ebony pedestals, in case A VERY BEAUTIFUL AND HIGHLY FINISHED MODERN BRONZE of the Diana of Fph esis A pair op BEAUTIFUL and MATCHLESS ANTIQUE BRONZE LAMPS, with handles formed of horses heads, ornamented with mashs , 8?c. 627 An ant que bronze of a Horse, and a ditto of a Bull, mounted on ebony pedestals 628 A very fine antique bronze croup of Mercury , $c. 62,9 A very fine antique bronze of Mars , on ebony pedestals 630 A SUPERB ANTIQUE BRONZE OF AN OWL, on a black ma ble pedestal, formerly in the Collection of the Earl of Besborough 631 A SUPERB ANTIQUE BRONZE OF A WILD BOAR, from the collection of the Earl of Besborough 632 A very curious antique bronze of a Crab , with shells, &c. 633 A curious antique bronze of a Frog 634 A pah of bronze boys, on marble plinths, supporting two-light can¬ dela! >ras 635 A VERY FINE ANTIQUE BRONZE OF THE HEAD OF AN 1TNOUS, as large as life 636 A FINE ANTIQUE BUST OF THE FOOL 0 / A PAIR OF beautiful antique bronze fases , ornamented with Masks 63.S A fuse ANTIQUE group of Venus and Adonis, on marble plinth 639 A fine antique group of BACCHANALIANS, by Fi min rich carved frame—(his gem obtained the Premium at the Royal Institution, Pall Mall A very CURIOUS AND HIGHLY FINISHED A NT! ENT MIN¬ IATURE PAINTING of the lid, a se of the Seven Bishops from the Tower , in the Reign of James II. A SUPERB AND MATCH LESS LARGE ENAMEL by BONE, of LADA HA MI LI ON, in the Character of a Bacchante, in a rich carved and gilt frame, and a mahogany case to ditto, unique A very curious and highly finished Miniature Painting on Vellum, the well-known start/ of William Tell , with numerous figures, beautifully coloured, in or-molu, and gilt frame A beauiifcl miniature, by Cipriani, the Boar that Killed Adonis brought before Venus, black frame A ditto by Cipriani, Mars and Venus , Cupids , #c. very fine A very fine high finished miniature in ivory, of a Bacchanalian A beautiful minialure, representing the Design, by Cipriani A highly finished Italian miniature of a Female head A highly finished Miniature, a Female attended by Cupids, by Cipriani A beautiful imitation of a Female Head, crowned with grapes A beautiful original miniature, of the late Lord Nelson A highly finished miniature of the Emperor Paul, from the hilt of a sword given to Lord Nelson A miniature of a Lady, crowned with Ivy An exquisite miniature of Lady Hamilton, with her hair and initials at the back, worn by the Immortal Nelson at the time of his Death N 50 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE. 831 A fine carving in ivory, of His Royal Highness the Duke of York 832 Six fine and curious carvings in ivory, Poitraits of the Kings and Queens of England, black frames 833 A small portrait in relief of Ihe la e Lord Nelson, and 2 medals framed, and a leaden impression from Oliver CromwelPs Seal 834 A fine miniature by Rubergall 835 A beautiful and highly finished miniature of a Venus and Cupid, by Complen 836 A ditto by ditto 837 A ditto of Hebe 838 A most beautiful enamel, by Birch, of the Regent Duke of Orleans End of the Seventh Day's Sale. See separate Catalogue of the SPEEND iD EIBRARY of BOOKS and PRINTSwhich may be had at 2 s. Gd each on the Premises; at Garraway's> arid of Mr. Farebrother. PRINTED BY SMITH AND DAVY, &UEEN STREET, SEVEN DIALS.