Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofvaluaOOhwbr "r V' 47 ¥3 CATALOGUE OF A Valuable Collection OF OF THE FRENCH, GERMAN, BELGIUM, DUTCH, AND THE DUSSELDORF SCHOOLS, FROM THE SUPERB PRIVATE COLLECTION OF Mr. J. R. 2L BOUCHEZ, THE EMINENT BELGIAN BANKER. THIS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY, WILL BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE ON THE Evenings of Tuesday and Wednesday, February 23d and 24th, Commencing Each Evening at 7i O’Clock. THE PICTURES ARE NOW ON VIEW AT PETTES & LEATHE’S Q - New Fine Art Rooms, o Nos. 606 and 608 Washington Avenue, opposite the Lindell Hotel ^v, until evening of sale. H. W. BROLASKI & BRO., Auctioneers. WM - R. WILLIAMS, ^ SAINT LOUIS: HUGH R. HILDRETH PRINTING COMPANY, OLIVE AND SECOND V* AMONG THE PAINTINGS ARE CHOICE EXAMPLES BY THE FOLLOWING •1\ e x\o wi\e el Ata$tei% Springer, Madou, Verboeckhoven, Stroebel, Schaefels, Lingeman, Hofer, Van Schendel, Koekkoek, Robbe, Lejeune, Verheyden, Becker, Dansaert, De Noter, Fourmois, Bakalowicz, Roffiaen, VandeMaaten, Daiwaille, Lebret Revntjens, Pecrus, Eversen, Marenhaut, Platteel, Menn, Delaroux, Kluyver, Boogaard, Gyselinckx, Wagner, DeVos, Kuwasseg fils, DeBraekeleer, . Riegen, Stevens, De Leub, Jacobs, Sjamaar, Van Lockhorst, Musin Leickert, &rc., &c., &c. CATALOGUE. FIRST EVENIINTG-’S SALE. i. F. DELOROUX, Paris. Pupil of B. C. Koekkoek. F rench Landscape and F igures, c A charming and brilliant Cabinet Painting of the very highest class, superbly finished. 2 . V. DR VOS, Brussels. The Intruders. A line eximple, by one of the best Dog Painters living. 3. KLUYVER, Amsterdam. Winter. A line Cabinet Landscape in treatment and execution, by one of the best Winter View Painters in Europe. 4. HENDRY HULK, London. Marine View. A carefully painted little Marine, quiet in color, yet highly effective— a line specimen of the Artist. \ MOREL. Paris. 6. j French Landscapes and Figures. (COMPANIONS.) Two very fine Cabinet Paintings, beautiful in color and drawing, and finely finished. 7. V. DEVOS, Brussels. King Charles Spaniel. 8. W. J. BOOGAARD, The Hague. The Blacksmith. An admirable specimen of this great Horse Painter’s Work, finished with more than ordinary care, fine in color, and artistic in treat¬ ment. 9. DELEUB, Brussels. Passing Storm. c? Charming in composition, the subject appeals to every one. The story of a mother’s tender love and watchfulness over her children was never more sweetly told. The group is beautiful, and the Painting admirably finished. 10. A. STEVENS, Brussels. Pupil of F. Willems. May Flowers. This Painting has all the charm and effectiveness in arrangement for which this Artist is highly praised. 11. J. J. SPOHLF.R, Amsterdam. Winter. 4 The broad and expressive handling of this work is masterly, and the atmospheric effect of the cold winter well suggested. Paris. 12. FRANCOIS JACOBS. Lady Figure. The works of this eminent Artist are immensely popular with connois¬ seurs, both of this country and Europe. The figure is drawn with great care, strong, vigorous, and beautifully finished. yu fir 0 ’ 13. J. VAN LOKHORST, Brussels iA i Pupil of RoolofF. Environs of Antwerp. This superb Painting is rendered with more than ordinary force, rich in tone, with an earnest, artistic feeling shown in the landscape surroundings. A study from nature. <0 14. A. EVERSEN, Pupil of Springer. Amsterdam. Street View. Brilliant in effect, finely finished, careful in details, and admirable in both perspective and color. 7 j/IA 15. P. G. SJAMAAR, Paris. t Interior.—Candle-Light Effect. ^ j 0 A brilliant example of this admirable Painter, who now, since the // death of Van Schendel, has no successful rival in this class of subv^ - jects. Beautiful in the effect of reflected light. , V l6 ‘ 1 MOREL. f French Landscapes and Figures, ff ~ p ; ri >* rv (COMPANIONS.) 1r Two beautiful examples from this favorite Painter, fine in color and. drawing, and very desirable. f w 18. V. DEVOS, Brussels. At Rest. Remarkable for his masterly handling of these subjects. 19. FERDINAND DE BRAEKELEER, Antwerp. A Slight Misunderstanding. master of great renown, whose merit as an Artist is fully appreciated by art collectors. 20. FRANS LEBRET, Antwerp. Landscape and Sheep. AA magnificent example of a truly great Artist. In the texture of the wool the manipulation appears to be fully equal to Verboeck- hoven. This superb painting in all its details is certainly the best Lebret in America. 21. C. KUWASSEG fils, Paris. Chantiily—near Paris. This exquisite example is painted with the realistic earnestness and minuteness of detail which are always so noticeable in the works of this Artist. The whole is pervaded by a charming effect of sunlight. 22. JAN. VANLOKHORST, Brussels. Pupil of Rooloff. Landscape and Cattle. A splendid Painting by this famous Belgian Master. The cattle are beautifully introduced, and the earnest artistic feeling shown in the landscape is worthy of the highest praise. 2 3 ‘ N. RIEGEN, Amsterdam. Storm in the English Channel. A gray toned marine view, by Holland’s finest Marine Painter, repre¬ senting a storm in the English Channel—of great power and beautv. 24. N. RIEGEN, Amsterdam. Coast and Marine. (COMPANION.) This brilliant and beautifully executed coast and marine view is free and and masterly, with great strength of color, superbly finished. 25. V. DE VOS, Brussels. Norwegian Bull-Dog and Terrier, if / ) A most superb example of a world-renowned Master, who has made a this class of subjects his life study. Vigorous, life-like, and true to nature. 26. B. MENN, Paris. Medals and Decorations. Resting on the Swiss Alps. This is certainly a delightfully treated picture, highly picturesque, and beautifully painted, representing a scene in the Swiss Alps. The figures are charmingly introduced, rich in color treatment, attract¬ ive, and finely finished. 27. KLUYVER, Amsterdam. Bavarian Landscape and Cottage. A fine specimen of this famous Landscape Painter, rich and pure in color and artistic treatment. Z 1 28^ REYNTJENS Paris. Medals and Decorations. The Art Critics. This superb Painting represents one of Reyntjens’ magnificent interior and figures. Admirable in color and beauty of finish, the acces¬ sories are rich and attractive, and the figures charmingly introduced, with a refinement and grace showing the great Artist’s masterly power of composition. < 29. FRANCOIS MUSIN, Brussels. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Marine and Coast View. t ' PORT OF GRAVELIN. Marine view, of extraordinary power and beauty of finish. Musin has become one of the finest marine painters in Europe, and here represents two superb examples, showing great breadth of treat¬ ment, with marvelous brilliancy of color and detail. jo. FRANCOIS MUSIN, Brussels. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. „ Port of Brielle. (COMPANION.) 31. L. BAKALOWICZ, Paris. The Pet Paroquet. The pictures of this great Artist require no introduction. His superb¬ ly drawn and exquisitely finished figure pieces are held high in the estimation of art collectors and connoisseurs. K.-r 32. P. VAN SCHENDEL (deceased), Brussels. Medals 1844 and 1847. Grand Medal of Honor, 1856. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold and the Legion of Honor. One of his famous market scenes by candle-light, rendered in the mas¬ terly manner peculiar to the great Artist. Brilliant and effective. 33* F. STROEBEL, The Hague. Chevalier of the Corrone de Chene, and of the Order of Leopold. The Alms Commissioners. A superb interior, brilliant and beautiful in finish. The figures are splendidly drawn, and the sunlight effect, with which the canvas fairly glows, is exquisitely rendered by the illustrious Master. The Painting is a great work of art. 34. JULES WAGNER, Paris. Composition of Fruit and Flowers. A still life Painting, of the finest quality. The composition masterly, and the color unequaled. 5. L. ROBBE, Brussels. Numerous Medals, and Medal of Flonor, Chevalier of the Or¬ der of Leopold and the Legion of Honor. Sheep in the Barn-Yard. This Painting is pronounced by art critics in Brussels to be the best specimen from the easel of Robbe; rich in color, and fine in its massive effect. It obtained the first premium at the National Exposition in Brussels, 1872. A, Y /, A" j6. C. PECRUS, Medals of Honor and Decorations. Paris. What Will I Answer? An exquisite Painting, of the very highest class, executed with sweet refinement and beauty, and most superbly finished. A rare gem for an art collector. 37. REYNTJENS, Paris. Medals and Decorations. Pleasant News from Absent b nends. Fine in detail, and painted with marvelous care. The figures are beau¬ tifully introduced, and exquisitely finished. Amsterdam. 38. CH. LEICKERT, Winter. A superior specimen of this Master, finished with the utmost delicacy, and very beautiful in color. It is one of the gems of the col¬ lection. r (i) 39. GYSELINCKS, Brussels. Pupil of Theo. Girard. The First Ride. A beautiful and carefully painted little picture, pleasing in subject, and well handled. All the accessories are finely introduced. 40. DAIWAILLE & EUG. VERBOECKHOVEN. Chevaliers of the Order of Leopold. Numerous Medals, etc. 1 t .. *' Landscape and Sheep. iW' y K S // it Jts r is very seldom that an opportunity occurs to obtain works by these famous Artists combined. The landscape by Daiwaille, so ad- mirable in perspective and beauty of finish, is in thorough har- 41, boeckhoven. This picture will no doubt be eagerly sought after. Paris. JN. PLATTEEL, Medal of Honor and Decorations. Coming from Market. i ; (HOLLAND.) is work is painted with great care. The figures are exceedingly natural and life like, and splendidly drawn, and the ice texture is remarkably well suggested. Perhaps no artist through his work gives more general satisfaction than this eminent Master. 42 Paris. A ) P V DAVID DE NOTRE, Medals and Decorations. Still Life. Carefully and elaborately finished in all its details, from a Master well known to connoisseurs and art collectors. It is an exquisite pic¬ ture, full of the finest quality. 43* H. HOFER, Paris. Medal of Honor, Chevalier and Officer of the Legion of Honor. The Young Naturalist. ( From the magnificent private collection of Madame La Baronne Roell, nee Hodgson, The Hague.) A most beautiful, carefully painted and wonderfully finished picture, bv one of the greatest Masters of European fame. A child eagerly watching a chance to catch a lizard. Highly artistic, and charm¬ ing in expression. 44. WM. KOEKKOEK, The Hague. Street View at The Hague. A masterly drawn, brilliant and superbly finished example, from one of Europe’s acknowledged eminent Masters, unrivaled anywhere in the delicacy, beauty and fine effect in his works that Koekkoek only can produce. 45. F. ROFFIAEN, Paris. Medals and Decorations. Scene in the Bavarian Alps. A magnificent picture, representing Bavarian mountain scenery, by an Artist of world-wide renown; broad in treatment and brilliant in color. His works are scarce, and of great value. SECOND EVENING'S SALE. 46. V. DEVOS, ,1 1 DogS. Brussels. A strong and vigorous example of this favorite Artist, showing his masterly ability in the treatment of such subjects. v y U * v r 47- /"V- 48. x KLUYVER, Amsterdam. Landscapes. WINTER AND SUMMER (COMPANIONS). 49. VAN LOCKHORST, Brussels. Pupil of Rooloff". Landscape and Figures. beautiful example of this eminent Artjst. Brilliant in effect, and carefully painted in all its details. VERHEYDEN, The Two Friends. Paris. ca y JV A /A This Painting comes from the easel of one of the greatest Masters of Europe. Its subject is one of simplicity and beauty. The figure of the child has an easy grace and naturalness, while the sheep in form and texture are painted with a realistic power rarely equaled. 51. P. VAN SCHENDEL (deceased), Brussels. Medals, 1844 and 1847. Grand Medal of Honor, 1856. Cheva¬ lier of the Order of Leopold and the Legion of Honor. n/v > 1 V Vegetable Market. * y J n l * 'J >, V .0 ’ 7 £* y KEELHOFF & VERBOECKHOVEN, r - Brussels. Numerous Medals and Decorations. Chevaliers and Commanders of the Order of Leopold. F rench Landscape, with Figures. is seldom that a Keelhoff is found at public sales. The earnest artistic feeling shown in the landscape is worthy of the highest praise. The figures are beautifully introduced by Eug. Verboeckhoven. Works by these two Artists combined cannot be obtained, there- - fore this painting will be a treasure to the person securing it. One of the most valuable pictures in the collection. 76 . V. DE VOS, Brussels. Difference of Opinion. An unusually fine painting of this well-known Artist. 77. FOURMOIS (deceased), Paris. Environs of Lyons, France. This Artist has, by his superb works, obtained a great and lasting repu¬ tation. The execution is artistic and his coloring perfect. It is an attractive picture, containing some of the highest evidences of superior art, and will be appreciated by connoisseurs and collectors of valuable paintings. The finest landscape in the collection. Paris. 78. REYNTJENS, Medals and Decorations. The Chess Players. — Rich Interior. ,1 This magnificent picture is probably one of the most attractive works 7 , (<* in the collection, and certainly the best painting by this Artist. IT It is exceedingly brilliant in color, and the figures are drawn and c\<. grouped in attitudes of remarkable grace and beauty. A gem for ^ ,7 an art collector. y tv 79 . HEEREBAART, Amsterdam. Y Landscape. A luminous picture, from an Artist who ranks among the very finest of .—“ r--- ' European Masters, and stands unrivaled in the delicacy and beauty q, - of his atmospheric effects. (X A { * y 80. HEEREBAART, Amsterdam. Landscape. (COMPANION.) The finest pair of cabinet landscapes in the country. They are beautiful in tone, exceedingly rich and attractive, superbly finished, worthy of great praise. 0 d 81. V. DEVOS, Brussels. Dogs. Hi V A Painter of renown, whose life study has been of the habits of such subjects. y vfv ■r g 2 . H. P. KOEKKOEK, The Hague. Landscape and Figures. A brilliant cabinet example, and a most superior specimen from the illustrious Master, whose works rank very high among the con- ■ -- '/ i r noisseurs of Europe and this country. Paris. 'iP pi S;. ROBENEA, ' Street View. An Artist of well-known repute is here represented by a line archi¬ tectural subject. > y£ L r g 4 ‘ 1 V. DEVOS, r 0 5 ‘ 1 orlcfi Brussels. AW Dogs and Companion. ? I i;