Digitized by the Internet Archive ■in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute httbs://archive.org/details/catalogueofcapitOOchri_0 A Catalogue, &c. At the Great Room, late the Royal Academy, Pall Mall, Firfl Day’s Sale, WEDNESDAY, MARCH tHe //th, 179^ "^^andyck — Seb. Ricci — Guido - — G. Pouffin — Polidore — V. de Velde Mompert de Venice V. der Cabel — P. V eronefe — Chev. Benefiale Guyp Martin Rota Ruyfdael Guerchino Carrache Mola Snyders Cannaletti Carrache Titian Peeters Molinaer 1 rr^HREE portraits of ladies 2 JL Two fketches hiftorical 3 Three ditto heads 4 A pair of landfcapes 5 T wo Iketches hiftorical, 6 T wo fea ftorms, fmall , 7 A pair of landfcapes and figures, circular 8 Two landfcapes cattle and figures 9 Two fketches grand defigns for altar pieces 10 Two, Chrift taken from the crofs and one hiftorical 1 1 A portrait of a child 12 The holy family and a fketch 13 A landfcape and a moonlight, by D, Ryckaert 14 Two heads 15 A peafant boy going to market 16 Two landfcapes and figures, and a ditto Artois, 17 Two, of a bird and animals 18 A pair of views in Venice 19 T 'wo, a fketch hiftorical and a ditto, Baftan 20 The ecce homo and a portrait, by Anthony Moore 21 A fea ft or m 22 A FROST PIECE, a view in Holland, fine^ Ruyfdael / Snyders Seymour C. de Vos RoufTeau P. V eronefTe Bierftraten Snyders Sir G. Kneller Rubens — De Vos — Giorgione Mola •— V andyck Spaniolet Borgonione Teniers Berghem Titian — - Rembrandt Livens Metzu V/ atteau Bafi’an De Vos A. Mantagna Jul. Romano Tintorct Jordaens P. Veronefle 23 A landfcape and figures ditto 24 A STUDY OF DOGS, the firmnefs and truth in tire delineation of thefe animals, exprefs the mafterly hand of SnYDEPvS 25 The DUKE of QUEENSEOROUGH's RACE at NEWPTARKET, 17-50 26 A lady’s portrait 27 A landfcape, ruins and figuies 28 A ftudy for a ceiling 29 A landfcape and figures, view from Nature 30 A CONCERT OE BIRDS. The admirable pencil of this mafter exprefled v/ith truth and facility the cha- rafter of every object he 'painted, but particularly of animals and birds, here he has fucceeded in an eminent degree 31 HIS OWN PORTRAIT, from Dr. MEAD’s COL- LECTION 32 BACCHANALIAN NYMPHS and SATYRS in a LANDSCAPE, the colouring rich and fplcndid 33 A STAG HUNTING 34 The PORTRAIT of an AUTPIOR, engraved BY Hollar 35 VENUS AND ADONIS 36 Jupiter and Antiope 37 Diogenes 38 A battle piece 39 An incantation 40 A landfcape, cattle and figures 41 A portrait of a profeffor of natural hiJlory 42 A view of a city gate in Holland, a very fingular efFedt 43 The .head of an ancient bard 44 A mufical converfation .45 A converfation, Champetre, fine 46 A portrait of an illullrious charafter 47 Ditto 48 CHRIST IN THE GARDEN OF OLIVES, a picture of great antiquity pofieffing much merit, it is a valuable fpecimen of the ftate of the art at the period when it v/as painted 49 THE TRIUMPPI OF VENUS, an undoubted pidlure of this fcarce mafter 50 SA1.MPSON AND DALILAH, compofed and painted with great freedom and fpirit 51 A PIOLY FAMILY with SAINTS, by torch-light 52 St. George with the dragon ^ Albano /| (> Jordaens B. Caftio-lione 3/5 4 Parmeg lano iman Fyt Porbus ^ Huyfn Luca Jordano Titian f^*^Parrocel — Baflan Rembrandt 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 // /I /o ic 2 IC Baffan Rubens A. Schiavoni 65 66 67 1^ ^ Dominichino — 68 ^ ^ Pbuflin Le Mer — 69 Tintoret — — 70 Cj fCj 0 Seb. Bourdon — 71 Guerchino — 72 ^ Rubens — — 73 ^ Ditto — • ^ ^ Dominichino y Carploni •S' S' Holbien and Metza 0 n 74 75 76 77 78 ( 7 ) SALMACIS AND HERMAPHRODITE MERCURY AND ARGUS A heathen facrifice Cupid ftraining his bow, from a defign of Corregio A HAWK AND DEAD GAME A man’s portrait A landfcape and figures The nativity, a pafticio in manner of Baflan HIS OWN PORTRAIT, uncommonly fine A pair of battle pieces full of fpirit and genius The nativity and companion, a pair SIMEON OFFERING THE INFANT CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. This mailer is remarkable for his true expreffion of Jewilh characters, the compofition unites fimplicity with grandeur The angel appearing to the fhepherds Rogero and Angelica — vide Ariolto THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN. This compofition v/as doubtlefs intended for a large altar- piece, it refembles much the flile and manner of Titian, who was his mailer MOUNT PARNASSUS, a very fine copy after Ra- phael A SELECTION of ANCIENT RUINS in the en- virons of Rome A FINE PORTRAIT of a Venetian general in armour The holy family with angels in a landfcape, elegant JOSEPH AND POTIPHAR’s WIFE. In this piRure is difplayed the characlerillic force of Guerchino’s co- louring. It is painted In his lall and bell manner TYGERS IN A LANDSCAPE. While contemplating the great powers of Rubens, the univerfality of his genius mull particularly claim admiration. Fie is here feen excelling in a department of the art, w'hich to have moved in with fuch ability, would alone have fecured him a fuperior reputation. Thefe animals are reprefented in their true and natural character, their colouring is rich and harmonious A SKETCH, a grand delign for a ceiling The magdalen A pair circular. Pan and Syrinx, &c. Two portraits highly finillred The portrait of John, EleClor of Saxony, and one of an old lady, by Holbein 0 // 6^ Lancrett i— Vandyck 1/2-6 Brouwer 3 Pordononi /? f9 W atteau /r / 2 ^ Correglo 1 n 6 Teniers /2> /:> 6 Barroche /L IL c Van Goyen Parrocel Quintus Matzius Guerchino Crefpi Palma Lootens Seb. Ricci /a/t 0 Rubens // // Ditto — 6 Campedoglio // -// ^ Jordaens F. Floris 0 Carravagio ( 8 ) ^9 A converfation, a fmall cabinet pl( 3 :ure 80 TWO STUDIES, a friar’s head and an old man'’s dltt<^ by B ARROCHE. Thefe heads are painted with the fpirit* and judgment, v/hich generally diftinguilh the ftudics of eminent mafters 81 A CONVERSATION 82 Two, a v/arrior, and Jafon, by Sal. Rofa 83 A pair, A MASQUERADE and a MUSICAL CON- VERSATION, beautifully painted. The colouring exhibiting the brilliancy of the Venetian fchool; the pencilling is light, and admirably adapted to the fubjeils 84 St. John, a fmall fketch for a larger pidture 85 A MUSICAL CONVERSATION. The delicate and vivid penciling of this mafter, is admirably difplayed here 86 The madona with Chrift and St. John 87 A fea port in Holland, a pleafing fcene from Nature 88 A battle piece 89 A woman’s head, a humorous charafter 90 ST. JEROME, a noble fimplicity and good tafte is pre- dominant in this pidture 91 A BACCHANALIAN OFFERING, capital 92 The LAST SUPPER, ditto 93 A LARGE AND CAPITAL LANDSCAPE, a woody fcene from Nature 94 The death of ADONIS 95 THE DISCOVERY OF ACHILLES, It is vifible this and the companion were defigns for a fult of lapeftry, by the borders which are painted round them. Thefe compofitions are rated amongfr the nobleft of his works 96 THE COMPANION. THE DEATH OF PATRO- CLES, OF EQUAL MERIT 97 A GIRL WITH FRUIT in a LANDSCAPE, a large and capital picture 98 BACCHANALIAN NYMPHS AND SATYRS DITTO. The harmony and colouring equal the finefr works of Rubens 99 THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. This matter is reputed a fcholar of Raphael’s, it is vifible he ftudied his grand gufto 100 HERODIAS PRESENTING THE HEAD OF ST. JOHN. The various charadlers are tirongly expretled, and painted in a tlile of excellence peculiar to this matter ( 9 ) //f& P, Veronefle vT ^ Titian Sal. Rofa 101 CHRIST AT THE POOL OF BETHESDA. , None of Paulos’s pictures difplay a finer tafte than this, which is of the firft clafs 102 St.John, a whole length. This pidfure bears evident marks, how clofely T itian ftudied nature, and the co- louring fufficiently proves it to be of that great mafter 103 HIS OWN PORTRAIT. A refemblance remark- ably ftriking. The lively and penetrating ex- preffion of the countenance, correfponds with the charadfer and works of this great and eccentric genius. The firmnefs of the drawing, and general fpirit of the execution, difplay the vigorous hand of j Salvator END OF THE FIRST DAY’s SALEo B < JO ) At the Great Room, late the Royal Academy, Pall Mall. ^ 1 II Second Day’s Sale, THURSDAY, MARCH the ^^th, '^ 79 ^ 1 a landscape and figures, and ditto view of A. Tivoli, Poussin 2 A mountebank 3 Two, a friar’s head a ftudy, and a ditto, Guirchino 4 A pair, landfcapes and figures 5 A landfcape 6 Two, the holy family a fludy, and a landfcape, Mol A y Two, Solomon’s judgment and a landfcape, Mol a 8 Two, a bacchant! head and a portrait of a boy. Sir Peter Lely 9 A view of Plympton, Devonfhire 10 A fea view with fhipping and figures 1 1 A landfcape and figures 12 A river, Nymph and cupids 1 3 T wo portraits 14 Two, a landfcape and figures, a ditto by Wotton 15 A landfcape, cattle and figures 16 Two, a landfcape view from Nature, a ditto Fleiniifh 1 7 A landfcape and figures 18 A pair, architeffure, ruins and figures 19 The converfion of St. Paul 20 Venus and Cupid in a landfcape, clrcida'r 21 A pair, landfcapes and figures Fouquier J. Miel Vandyck Mompart Carrache Proccachino Giorgione Rubens ■r/t /X-fL Sfh Tomkins Storck De Loir B. Cafiio;licne P. Veronefle Guerchino Carre Vander Neer G. PoufTin ^ Viviano Rembrandt ^ Titian C?. Pcuflin ( " ) n Zz. 0 J, Hals- Dltto Wilfon ^L— Rembrandt V P- i'erugino // 0 0 Rubens / // _ P. V eronefTe . Scb. Ricci J Albano 4^0 Sal. Rofa 0 ^ ^ Dom. Fetti Giorgione Dominichino Lanfranc Fouquier P. Panini Snyders Imperiali PiBattoni- ^De Vries Rubens ...\'andyck Carrache De Vos Everdingen V. Caftelli Pouffiti Tintoret Guido Mola Giorgione Italian Z% A man’s portrait, humorous charafler, painted with his- ufual vivacity of pencilling and juft expreftion of nature 23 A lady’s portrait 24 A LANDSCAPE 25 The raifing of Lazarus 26 The marriage of St. Catharine, very fine 27 A SKETCH, a grand compofition for the altar of the Auguftine church at Antwerp 28 A ftudy 29 Three door pieces in chiaro puro 30 ERMINIA, FROM Tasso 31 LATONA and metamorphofis of the peafants 32 MELANCHOLY, a duplicate of the fame fubject in the late king'of France’s colledtion 33 The woman ACCUSED of ADULTERY 34 A landfcape with the ftory of Latona 35 St. Jerome 36 A landfcape, the figures Bout 37 The infide of the pantheon at Rome- 38 A landfcape and figures 39 Dead game 40 The death of Adonis 41 A landfcape, view from Nature 42 Silenus and Bacchanti, figures 43 THE EARL OF PEMBROKE, a whole length. It was Van Dyck’s peculiar talent to charadterife with a. graceful dignity the portraits of his nobles, this pidlure happily unites all his great and diftinguifhed merits 44 A LANDSCAPE and FIGURES 45 An eagle and DEAD GAME 46 A view in Norway 47 A faint in adoration of the Virgin and child 48 A landfcape 49 Chrift feeding the multitude- 50 The head of St. Jofeph 5 1 A landfcape with Mary Magdalen . 52 A fubjedl fromfcripture 53 TWO, a landfcape with ruins and a converfation, Brouwer. ( ( 12 ) i ^ ^ And. Sacchi ^ Brughel Vander Hyde t ^ is h Raphael ZG y- Corregio 3 - lU Breemberg fk /4 Mola — ^ Vandyck 2 / /'<* Carrache 6 ^ Rembrandt ?. Rofa Rembrandt < 5 ^ /S ts ( 0 . Guerchino ^ ^ Guido ^ ^ Parmigiano /r/r 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 6 64 59 66 67 68 69 De Wit 70 Teniers 71 Barroccio _ _ 72 V andyck _ 73 THE DEATH OF ABEL, a beautiful ftudy, compofed with a greatnefs of mind which will ever honour the name of this artift A landfcape with birds A view on the Rhyne The head of the madona A HEAD, ftudy for the cupola at Parma, defigned In a claflical grand ftile A landfcape, ruins and figures Ditto with a faint at ^evotion HIS OWN PORTRAIT. It muft be a particular gra- tification, to poffefs an authentic portrait of a great and inimitable artift, when the value which the refem- blance gives it, is fo much increafed by the admirable manner in w'hich it is executed CUPID AND SATYR. xA.n emblem of virtuous and vicious love. Carrache was bold and noble in his contour. This is one of his accurate finlfhed pidlures in which it appears he emulated the grandeur and graces of Corregio A WOMAN’S PORTRAIT, finifhed equal to G. Do uw A landfcape, cattle and figures An INCANTATION TOBIAS WITH THE ANGEL. This piaure is a ftriking proof of the artift’s judgment and knowledge of light and (hade, an excellence which makes his land- fcapes with hiftorical compofitions, highly efteemed by the firft-rate connoifteurs TWO, the infant Chrift and companion HIS OWN PORTRAIT, particularly valuable, as it is the only authentic one known, painted at that early period of his life The HOLY FAMILY The INSIDE of a CHURCH, a reprefentation very accurate and beautiful A LANDSCAPE WITH FISHERMEN, view of his own villa in the diftance, one of thofe brilliant and filvery toned pictures, admired as his choiceft works A ftudy for the head of St. Francis A fleet ch, fmall • w -A •% 1 ^ 6 Oilade y - y ~ ^ J. Miel ^ ^ Watteaux O e^6 Van der Near Tintorct I J? Rembrandt O Con •egio . Titian — Bega // Van der Ncer /6 6 Titian , / 5 ^ ; BafTan Titian F. Mola ^ J. Van Wingen m' Pouffin -Titian L. da Vinci Morillio { '3 ) 74 A converfation 75 TV/O, a ditto and a hermit, G. Douw 76 TWO, the monkey painter and boors finging, Brouwer 77 VIEW OF A VILLAGE IN HOLLAND AT SUN SET WITH CATTLE, &c. This artift’s works are all fimplicity and nature, yet executed witli great freedom of pencil 78 THE FEAST ATCANAAN, a ftudy for the pi£l;ure in the refedory of the Padri crociferi at VTnice, defcribed by Ridolfi in the life of Tintoret 79 A MAN’S PORTRAIT 80 The martyrdom of faints 81 A LANDSCAPE with NYMPFIS BATHING, capital 82 A pubUc-houfe door with ftroHing muficians, &c. 83 A farm yard with cattle 84 VIEW OF A DUTCH TOWN ON FIRE. Vah DER Neer moftly made choice of fubjedts which ad- mitted of great force and effedt, in which he fucceeded beyond all competitors 85 The PORTRAIT of J. B. MARCOTI 86 St. JEROME 87 A MAN’S PORTRAIT 88 A LANDSCAPE WITH HERCULES, DEJANIRA AND THE CEN FAUR. Mola was of the fchool of Carrache. This is one of thofe admirable fcenes animated with magic boldnefs 8g THE LAST SUPPER, a high finiflied antique in great prefervation, painted foon alter the invention of oil colors 90 THE DEATH OF GERMANICUS, after. It is a public lofs when any ingenious works of art are de- ftroyed ; the original, by Poussin, was loll at fea, coming to England. This exquifite copy conveys to the mind all the merit of the original 91 VENUS AND CUPID 92 The holy family 93 A PEASAN'l' BOY. This great artift whofe works are very fcarce, was not only elegant in his hiftorical compofitions, but imitated ruftic charadters with mi- nute attention to Nature. Here is an ample teftimony of his great abilities // 6 P. Cortona D 8 If P. Veroneffe /O 1^ %r f ijo Huyfman Sir Fra. Bourgois Gerrard L. Giordano fl. A. Sciavoni ir Teniers ^ ^ B. Caftiglions 14 s> Ditto l^anfrac tor Rubens ( ^4 ) 94 The birth of the VIRGIN 95 A REPOSO WITH ANGELS, beautifully coloured,., difplaying the fplendour and clearnefs whichvdiftinguifli the works of this eminent mailer 96 A landfcape and cattle 97 A CAPITAL LANDSCAPE, CATTLE and FI- GURES 98 A brewer’s YARD, avery faithful imitation of Nature- 99 THE BATTLE. OF JOSHUA, large and capitaL- Giordano v^as much employed in decorating with, his defigns, large palaces and noble buildings, which gave him a bold and fpirited execution, very fuitable to thefe fubjedls 100 HERCULES AND OMPHALE, capital 101 A VILLAGE FEAST. No. artill ever equalled Te- niers in reprefenting fuch lively feenes of merry-^t^ ment, painted and touched with all the powers and' excellencies of. art, and coloured equal to Rubens whofe manner he Iludied while he was his pupil 102 A SACRIFICE,, a noble and well compofed pidlure 103 A WILD BOAR HUNTING. It is admitted this_; mailer furpalTed Rubens in fpirit and corredlnefs of drawing animals:, in fimilar fubjedls he was often employed by Rubens,, who painted the figures. It is^ impoITible to poITefs two more perfedl, well condi- tioned, noble pidlures than this, and it’s companion 104 A WOLF HUNTING, OF EQUAL MERIT 105 THE ASSUMPTION. OF TH£ VIRGIN. The CARRACHE SCHOOL, has produced more great artills tlran any other ; this pidlure originally was de- figned for an altar piece, and without prefumption is one of his finell works 106 THETIS SUPPLICATING JUPITER. A fingu- lar greatnefs in the mind of Rubens, dillinguilhes all his works ; here he has taken fome hints from Raphael and the antique j the colouring is rich and the whole produces a beautiful elFedl END OF THE SECOND DAY’s SALE.. ( 15 ) At the Great Room, next Cumberland Houfe, Pall MalL Third Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, MARCH the /gth, 179^ La Hire G. Pouilin BafTan Fyt — Rubens Sir Peter Lely Seb. Bourdon ^ Breemberg P. Panini _ , Spagniolet j j ^ V andyck ^Schidoni — Borgo^nione O w ^ Pet. Wouver — ~ Baroccio ^ D. Ryckart ^ Artois L Mariefki mans 1 f I'^HE death of Piramus and Thilbe 2 X A landfcape with the death of Adonis 3 Two, Martha with Mary, and a (ketch, hiftorical, P. Ve- ronefe 4 Two, dead birds, and a flower piece. Van Zon 5 Two, tlie rape of the Sabines, a (ketch, and a ditto of dogs, Snyders 6 Two, the portrait of Admiral Skraggs and a ditto of a clergyman 7 A landfcape and figures 8 A ditto, ruins and figures 9 A pair of ditto, upright^ remarkably fine 10 The head of a poet 11 A man’s portrait j,' ■ 1 2 The repofo in a landfcape 13 Two, a battle piece, and a landfcape and figures, Cra- battie 14 A landfcape with lad-ies and gentlemen returned from hunting 15 The head of Chrifl: 16 A PAIR OF SKETCHES of the facking and burning- of villages 17 A landfcape and figures 18 A view in Venice ( ) 2r/4 6 Rembrandt 7 / 2 . / ^ 6 6 6 6 Borgognione Guido P. Quart Oftade Watteaux Carrac’ie Vandyck De V’^riss Baroccio M. Venufti Wynants Bamboccio Rofalba Carrache Zuccarelli Rofalba Swaneveldt Parmegiano Rembrandt /Lit, // f} b ? Carrache Schut J. Mabeufe De Koning Borgognione Rembrandt P, Veronefie ig SUSANNAH AND THE ELDERS. He made fcveral fludies with variations of this fubjeft. One is in the cabinet of the PRINCE OF ORANGE 20 A battle piece 21 An angel’s head 22 The infide of a Dirtch caberet with humourous charadlers 23 A Dutch butcher’s fhop 24 Three, a pair of conveidations champetre, and a cattle piece, fmall, Rofa Tivoli 25 The holy family in a landfcape 26 Two, a Hcetch, and a ditto, Titian-. 27 A landfcape and figures 28 Two, the lart fupper, a IketcH, and the finding of Mofes,. Italian 29 The Annunciation, from a drawing of Michael An- gelo 30 A landfcape, cattle and figures 31 A mufical converfation 32 Two heads in crayons, elegant 33 Two, his own portrait, and ditto of VESALIO by Ti- tian 34 Two rural landfcapes and figures, upright 35 Two, the portraits of MARCO AND SEBASTIAN RICCI, in crayons 36 A landfcape, cattle and figures 37 The marriage of St. Catharine, accompanied with faints, a mort exquifite cabinet pidlure 38 THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS, a capital ■ fketch of this marter, engraved by Pic art. -A parti- cular account is to be feen on the back of it in Sir Joshua’s hand writing , 39 A birtiop adminittering comfort to a friar ' 40 The ftoneing of St. Stephen, a fine sketch 41 The portrait of JOHN DUKE OF FLANDERS, very V highly finifhed 42 A LANDSCAPE, view in Holland ci 43 A BATTLE PIECE 44 A MAN’S PORTRAIT, half length 45 THE CREATION OF EVE, an excellent well c*>- , loured picture ( >7 ) fSlO BafTati Carrache — Cuyp — • Breughel Titian (• Van der Neer y • — Julio Romano — J. Steen G. Pouffin — — P. Veroneffe — Titian — ■■■“ Ditto — — - Bourdon r' Titian r Dom. Fetti Rofalba ■ Giorgione — — • Le Brun - — — zf' h C. Maratt P. Battoni Crefpi Guerchino Dom. Fetti Giorgione 46 NOAH WITH HIS FAMILY 47 PORTRAITS OF A GENTLEMAN, his LADY AND CHILD 48 A VIEW ON THE RIVER MAES with a variety of Ihipping 4Q A VI E\^ OF A BLEACHING GROUND in FLAN- DERS, with many figures 50 A capital half length portrait of a KNIGHT OF MAL- TA in his robes— a remarkable fine pidture ; one of Titian’s very beft portraits 51 VIEW OF A TOWN IN HOLLAND by moon-light 52 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE 53 MARC ANTONY and CLEOPATRA 54 A PAIR OF LANDSCAPES and FIGURES 55 The MARRIAGE of St. CATHARINE 56 A LANDSCAPE, faid to be an exaPt view of a place near Codore^ a valuable cabinet pidture 57 EUROPA. The defign for the large piaure in the Or- leans colleaion 58 PORTRAITS ofARTISTS IN their STUDY, feene from nature 59 A man’s portrait 60 A fiibjcAfrom Rriptiire 61 A FRAME WITH FIFTEEN ELEGANT SUB- JECTS AND PORTRAITS, fmall, in crayons * 62 A SHEPHERD and SHEPHERDESS in a LAND- SCAPE 63 THE ECCE HOMO. Bought by the late Lord Cholmondeley from Le Brun’s widow, who informed him, it was painted to be prefented to the French Academicians as a piaure of Guido, and that the deception fucceeded 64 TIME’S BOAT. Time at the hielm, the four feafons or ftages of life the rowers. Vanity fleeping, and a boy over her head v/ith this infeription — Tu dormis et tempus tuiim navi gat ^ See. This defirable cabinet piaure is engraved by Picart, and a curious account is wrote on the back of itby Sir Joshua 65 A magdalen’s head 66 ITALIAN PEASANTS, See. inalandfcape 67 The REPOSO in a LANDSCAPE, treated in a grand gufto 68 A fubjea from facred hiftory 69 HIS OWN PORTRAIT, remarkably high finifted C yV ( -i8 ) y ! Titian ■— 6 P F. Hals — ip e Titian I9 -J 6 Rembrandt BafTan P. Veronese J. Steen V Mich. Angelo /^/ 6 L. Carrache JZ O ZC If % 0 la^ t' n li 1 ‘1 i-H i> /b del Vago Sal. Rofa Baffan Rembrandt *TIntorct Bafian Crefpl La Hire Giorgione A. Sclavonl V'^alafques Titian P. Cortona 70 A GENTLEMAN’S PORTRAIT 71 A DITTO 72 TOBIAS WITH THE ANGEL, a ftudy for a large pidlure at Venice. The hand of Titian is traced with eafe and certainty in the graceful defign and mafterly freedom of execution 73 AN ALLEGORICAL DESIGN of the confederation of the United Provinces, a fpirited and fmgular coin- pofition 74 The Nativity 75 EUROPA AND HER ATTENDANTS 76 A DRUNKEN WOMAN EXPOSED in a VIL- LAGE, exhibiting bclides many charadlers of humour and pleafantry 77 CHRIST IN THE GARDEN OF OLIVES. In this picture are two figures of Christ, one in meditation, the other waking his difciples. Mariette in his detail of the works of Michael Angelo, diftinsLuifhes this ; there is alfo a particular account of it, in the Defeription des Tableaux du Palais Royal 78 THE MARRIAGE OF THE VIRGIN, on copper, Malvasia in his life of Ludovico, ....uuons this piiffiTp and nn-cther c>f n msuuna, aS the Only tWO he painted on copper 79 A GRAND DESIGN for a CEILING 80 A landfcape and figures 81 SHEEP-SHEARING, with the facrihee of Isaac on a hill in the diflance 82 RAPHAEL’S PORTRAIT, half length, coloured with great force and good effe<£t 83 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG NOBLEMAN 84 The rich man’s feaft 85 MONKS RELIEVING the POOR 86 The Afiumption of the Virgin 87 PORTRAIT OF A VENETIAN OFFICER of STATE 88 The PENTECOST 89 BALTAZAR, INFANTO OF SPAIN— a capital final I whole length portrait of this fcarce mafter 90 THE, ENTOMBING OF CHRIST. He painted this fubjedl various times, but has never treated it with fo much fuccefs;. it is touched with infinite fpirit, and produces a grand and noble effedl 9T CHRIST WITH THE SAMARITAN WOMAN, compofed with elegance and fimplicity cfd /uydu.'ce L-t , . . - A i ( 19 ) sn'/^ Titian -« u Seb. Bourdon 'bt ^ Snyders Rubens 0) H Guid® - ' tfl 6 Rubens — &if — Jordaens — 7/2 s ' ’Vandyck 2 / BafTan P. Cortona 92 ST. MARGARET AND THE DRAGON— formerly in the royal colle£tion, as appears by the catalogue of King James’s pidtures, and -given probably by his Majesty to Lord Waldegrave, in whofe fale it was bought by Sir Joshua 93 HEROD’S CRUELTY. Bourdon has treated this awful fubje( 5 f in a noble and mafterly ftile ; it is fcar-ce poflible to behold the various incidents of horror, without feeling the mofi: compallionate emotions 94 A STAG HUNTING, a very capital pidture 95 VENUS SLEEPING; CUPID ALARAdED BY THE APPROACH OF SATYRS. Painted when a young man Itudying at Rome — the colouring and drawing have more truth and precifion than is common in his works 96 HEROD’S CRUELTY. A duplicate of the pidure in the church of St. Dominica at Bologna. Tliis j belonged to the late Earl of Cholmondeley 97 THE HOLY FAMILY, WITH S F. ELIZABETH AND ST. JOHN. There is a graceful dignity and noble eafe exprefled fuited to the charaders, the colour- ing is harmonious, and may juftly be rated one of his beft produdions 98 A PAGE HOLDING A HORSE. For boldnefs of re- lief and efPed Jordaens often excelled Rubens his mafter — it is impoflible in the art of colouring to fur- pafs this pidure. Sir Joshua kept it in his painting room as one of his principal and moft favourite fludies 99 SAiMPSON AND DALILAH. This grand and fpi- rited compofition has much of Rubens, but fhews more corrcdnefs of defign. Confiderijig how few hiftorical lubjeds Van Dyck painted, it becomes a real treafure to poffefs a pidure fo capital 100 THE BIRTH OF THE VIRGIN, fine 101 LABAN SEARCHING FOR THE HOUSEHOLD lAIAGES. Cortona’s elegant tafte is exhibited in -this pidure, in its higheft fplendor ( 20 ) J Baroccio 0 '^ i(6o Jordaens Carrache 102 THE ENTOMBING OF CHRIST. Few fubjeas are more calculated for trying the powers of art he has judicioufly reprefented the moment where forrow and anxiety are ftrongly exprefled. Sir Joshua efteemed this as the original defign for a larger picture at Parma 103 PAUL AND BARNABAS AT LYSTRA. A capi- tal and noble compofition, which may vie in richnefs of colouring with Rubens’s beft works 104 A BOY’S HEAD, in fresco — ftudy for the Farnese Gallery in Rome. This fample of that great work is a defirable acquifitlon for an artift, or judge, who would wifh to poffefs a part, replete with the merit univerfally allowed to the whole \ END OF THE THIRD DAY’s SALE, •( 21 ) At the Great Room, next Cumberland Houfe, Pall MalL Fourth Day’s Sale, SATURDAY, MARCH the /4th, i794r Borgognione — Holbein - Carrache - — Raphael — V andyck ■■ Monamy — — Wyck Warteaux — De Vos Guido 1 ■ — N. Pouffin — Wyck V andyck — Battoni De Vos ■ ' Pouffin C. Ggniani — - L. da Vinci — El'Z. Serani — Dominichino — - F. Hals V andyck — — A. Durer and Metzus 1 A Battle piece 2 A portrait 3 Polipheme, after 4 The portrait of Baltazer Caftiglione, after 5 The portrait of lady Ann Cavendifh 6 A fea piece 7 A landfcape and figures 8 A comedy fcene 9 A man’s portrait 10 The ecce homo 11 DIOGENES, a ftudy after Raphael 12 A landfcapfe with a group of lambs 13 ISABLLLA CLARA EUGENIA, infanta of Spain, widow of the Arch Duke Albert 14 Herodias with the head of St. John, after Guido, by 15 A GIRL’S PORTRAIT, fine 16 A fketch of a faint and other figures 17 Ceres with attributes 18 Saint 19 Herodias with the head of St. John 20 A landfcape and figures 21 A man’s portrait 22 Ditto of a nobleman, very fine 23 TWO PORTRAirS of thefe eminent artlfts by them* felves ( 22 ) 12 fX Lucas Van Leyden Brouft'er — A. Vande Velde Elfheimer <— \B Watteaux — (6 U Seb. Bourdon ^ s Van der Neerj.lN»V Parmegiano jrlf^ P. Veronelle 5 ^v-- i-R; 'L, 1 1 O • §-f% iQ Borgognione f r _ ^ Rubens r r mb Ditto /I? / 42. ll //^ nif u r Rubens — — Vander Meulen L. Giordano Dom. Fctti Vandyck ■ — h ffi 6^ •r/iio Teniers Brouwer H. Carrache 24 THE TOOTH DRAWER, a rare and high-finifhei antique, fpoke of by Vasari 25 An alchymill in his ftudy 26 A fmall landfcape with cattle, highly finifhed 27 St. JOHN BAPTISING CHRIST, a fcarce and ex- quifile cabinet picture in high prefervation, on copper 28 A converfation, Champetre 29 TFIE RAPE OF EUROPA, the figures full of taftc and elegance 30 A man’s portrait 31 A view in Holland, moonlight 32 VENUS CROWNING PEGASUS. He made va- rious drawings for this pitflure, of which there are prints, fome etched by himfelf 33 A NEGRO PLAYING ON THE FLUTE, Rudy from Nature, a grand defign, painted with freedom and fpirit. A capital juclure, efteemed by Sir Jofliua as one of the beft in his colledtion 34 A cattle market with variety of figures 35 The march of an army 36 A VERY FINE SKETCH, Rudies for various fubjc* Mich, Angelo f f }S/f~ A. Schiavoni Guido 84 A LANDSCAPE, VIEW NEAR THE CASTLE OF GONDOLFO. This delightful fcene exhibits a calm ferenity towards the clofe of a hot fumhi'er’s^ day — the artift in 'allufion to his fubject, has judi- cioufly introduced on the fore-ground, peafants and cattle retiring. It is unqueftipnably one of his moft capital and finifhed pictures • 85 A M 005 TLIGHT WITH STARS. To give the greater air of nocturnal folitude, this landfcape has no iigures, a horfe only is feen feeding, grand and capital 86 VENUS AND CUPID' — a favourite fubject of the maf- ter, as appears from the many, with variation?, extant of it. In this the may find inftrudtion — it pof- felfes all that freedom, fpirit, and magic colouring, fo much the admiration of his works 87 JUPITER AND LEDA. Of this pidture Ascanio Gondivi^ and after him Vasajii,, give the following account: That it was painted for Alphonso, Duke OF Ferrara, who fending one of his gentlemen to Florence, to enquire what Mic. Angelo had painted, for him, the fubjedb being left to himfelf, on being lliewn this pidturej exclaimed, Oh !' this is but' little. This fpeech fo much offended Mic. Angelo,^ that he turned the gentleman out of his houfe, and de- fired him to tell his mailer he Ihould not have the pidture at all,, for fending fuch an ignorant mefl'enger... He afterwards gave it to one of his fcholars, who fold it to Francis the First. In the year 1746, it was purchafed by the Hon. John Spencer, and came into the pofi'eflion of Sir Joshua, the favour of. the prefent Earl Spencer 88 JOSEPH, VICE-ROY OF EGYPT, RECEIVING HIS BRETHREN— a- fine compofition, poffeffes all^ the richnefs of colouring, admired in the Venetian fchool 89 EUROPA WITH CUPIDS. This capital piaure, RiJ^ DOLFi fays, was painted for the King of Poland ; it was afterwards carried to Spairty and brought from, thaiee by Lord Harrington^ amM^ador at that court ( 27 ) t: to Tintoret 'kik - Palma, Junior I & '■ <- Rubens 7 90 CHRIST WASHING THE FEET OF THE APOS- TLES. Ridolfi in the life of 'F intoret, fays, he painted two piiSIures for the church of St. E?nacora at Venice, which fhewed him learned in his art : this is one of the fubjeAs deferibed j a cojiy of it has been put in its place 91 1 HE BAT 1 LE Ob JOSHUA. Much fpirit and ge- nius is difplayed in this grand compofition ; the late proprietor very jullly eftceined it as the niofl; capita, picture extant of the mailer 92 A WILD BOAR HUNTINCj. A lubject admirably calculated to difplay the unbounded genius of Rubens, who animated all objects by the powers of his. fancy— ■ the compofition is truly noble, and replete with merit, to juftify its being elteemed one of his firft rate per- formances I I n,% Ditto r- v/ Wouvermans \t U -JiV Z y, iT Ra phael — I % 0^ C' L. da Vinci 93 HERCULES AND OMPHALE. Rueens in talin and elegance here furpafled himfclf; the colouring has all that fplendid richnefs, which no painter but himfelf ever yet acquired. From the collection of the late Count Bruhl at Drefden 94 A MOST CAPITAL LANDSCAPE, with a royal chafe and the portraits of the Prince and Princejs of Orange^ If an appeal is made to judgment and tafte, a more beautiful, correft, and extenfive feene cannot be conceived ; the fuperiority of this mafter’s figures com- bine to render it an objedt worthy to grace a princely cabinet. It is in the higheft ftate of prefervation 95 THE AIADONA, INFANT CHRIST, AND ST. JOHN, This pidture fufficiently proves the great fuperiority of Raphael’s admired tafte and elegance; the lovely fweetnefs and attention exprefl'ed in the / madona, the admiration in the St. John, the delicacy and beauty of the infant Jefus fleeping, all combine to render it unique 96 THE PORTRAIT OF MONA LISA, THE WIFE OF FRANCO DEL GIOCONDO. This por- trait, “ SAYS Vasari, muft be feen to form an adequate idea how far art can be carried. When the beautiful C ciy //i cuA/a/c ayf /V- i ' ■■ i' ^ /X / ^ / V ^ X / / a- / eoALV AA(Ai^ A(/ a a a , iiiimitMti ( 28 ) beautiful A-Iona Lisa was fitting for her pi^lurCj, Leonardo took care flie fhould be entertained with mufic and finging, to alleviate the fatigue of fitting, and to give her a chearful countenance ; indeed there is fuch a fweetnefs of expreffion, that it appears rather a divine than a human work. From the fupreme ex- cellence of this pidlure, his fame was fo much increafed, that it was purchafed by Francis King of France, for the fum of four thousand crowns.” How this pidlure came to England is not known : it was given to Sir Joshua Grace the Duke of Leeds 97 THE NATIVITY. It is vifible Poussin had the works of Raphael ftrongly imprefled on his mind in the compofition and charadlers of this pidlure, which are expreifive, chafte, and graceful q8 the WISE MEN’S OFFERING. Poussin ffands unrivalled at the head of the French fchool : his claffical knowledge affifted much to guide his wonderful genius, we therefore find his compofitlons replete with pro- priety of coflume ; his charadlers have much of the antique, chafte, dignified, and expreifive : this .fingular fine picture has more brilliancy than ufual in his works, and always has been efteemed a chef d’ouvre^ It was formerly in the pofteflion of Sir Edwar® Walpole • r