E,MORI-EV. BINDER. UEEDS* A'i he Visijor- shouk: am to Ga! airs to Gall the three Smau. Mr<^i?^^^^^' ntainip.r ^^be Genet ' Yorlt^h Ga'LI.rry o«a the Grand Staircase l)e necessary to ascend to tb<^ Terrace: NATIONAL EXHIBITION OF AT LEEDS, 18 68. OFFICIAL CATALOGUE. UNDER REVISION. PUBLISHED BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEL [Copyright Reserved,'] LEEDS: PRINTED BY EDWARD RAINES AND SONS. 1868. LEEDS : PRINTED BY BDWAED BAINES AND SONS. MM (BM^itim of Works of art LEEDS, 1868. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL FITZWILLIAM, K.G., Lord-Lieutena7it of the West Riding. THE LORD FREDERICK CAVENDISH, M.P., President, EARL STANHOPE, F.R.S. . VISCOUNT MILTON, M.P. VISCOUNT NEVILL. Hon. CECIL BUNCOMBE. SirW. STIRLING MAXWELL, Bart., M.P. Sir FRANCIS GRANT, P.R.A. Very Rev. W. F. HOOK, Dean of Chichester. . A. J. B. BERESFORD HOPE, Esq., M.P. ALEXANDER BARKER, Esq. E. A. BOND, Esq. JOSEPH BONOMI, Esq. EDGAR BOWRING, Esq., C.B. WM. BOXALL, Esq., R.A. . ^ DOMINIC COLNAGHI, Esq. W. HEPWORTH DIXON, Esq. T. FAIR3AIRN, Esq. R. FISHER, Esq. G. GROVE, Esq. OWEN JONES, Esq. J. WINTER JONES, Esq. A. H. LAYARD, Esq., M.P. JOHN MALCOLM, Esq. F. A. MILBANKE, Esq., M.P. EDMUND OLDFIELD, Esq. FRANCIS TURNER PALGRAVE, Esq. R. REDGRAVE, Esq., R.A. G. W. REID, Esq. J. C. ROBINSON, Esq. JOHN RUSKIN, Esq. G. SCHARF, Esq. GEO. GILBERT SCOTT, Esq., R.A. W. SMITH, Esq., F.S.A. TOM TAYLOR, Esq. B. B. WOODWARD, Esq. R. N. WORNUM, Esq. M. DIGBY WYATT, Esq. i^attonal (!Exfit&ttton of SEorfts of ^rt. LEEDS, 1868. ^xmtxbz €ommxikz. WM. BECKETT DENISON, Esq., Chairman. THOS. TOWNEND DIBB, Esq. A. FAIRBAIRN, Esq., Mayor, JAS. KITSON, Esq. JNO. DARNTON LUCCOCK, Esq. THOS. W. STANSFELD, Esq. JOHN RHODES, Esq. HENRY OXLEY, Esq.,) ^ , _ \ Joint Treasurers. JAMES KITSON, Esq.,) RICHARD H. BRAITHWAITE, Esq., Secretary. ART DEPARTMENT. J. B. WARING, Esq., F.R.I.B.A., General Manager and Chief Commissioner. GEO. REDFORD, Esq., F.R.C.S., Assistant Commissioner. WM. CHAFFERS, Esq., F.S.A., Superintendent of the Mu- seum of Ornamental Art. R. C. SAUNDERS, Esq., Superin- tendent OF THE English Gal- leries. L. LEFEVRE, Esq., Superinten- dent OF THE Modern Foreign Gallery. R. N. JAMES, Esq., Superin- tendent OF THE Catalogue of Pictures. H. C. BRANDLING, Esq., Super- intendent of Floral Decora- tions. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. A. WRIGHT, Esq., General Superintendent. ART DEPARTMENT. MRS. HAILSTONE, Lace ; Embroidery Room. DR. FORBES WATSON, Oriental Museum. The WM. SMITH, Esq., F.S.A., En- cravings and Etchings. E. HAILSTONE, Esq., F.S.A., The Gallery of Yorkshire Worthies, and Vice-President. PROFESSOR T. HAYTER LEWIS, F.R.I.B.A., Designer of Mural Decorations. INTRODUCTION. Note. — All the Paintings^ Ihigravings^ and Brawings are numberedin continuous order. In the Museum of Ornamental Art each object is numbered separately in the same way. The Exhibition of Works of Art at Leeds consists of the following Departments, which serve to illustrate the various phases of Pictorial and Ornamental Art from an early period to the commencement of the present century : — 1. A collection of Paintings in Oil by the Old Masters, from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, contained in the Central Saloon, in Galleries A, B, and 0, and in their respective Staircases. 2. A series of Works in Oil by British Artists, down to the present day; the earlier ones in Gallery D, the later ones in Gallery E, and in their respective Staircases. 3. A series of Paintings by Modern Foreign Artists, in Gallery F, and in the adjoining Staircase. 4. A collection of Water-Colour Drawings by British Artists, deceased and living, in Gallery G, and adjoining Staircase. 5. Engravings and Etchings are arranged in Gallery H. 6. Drawings and Sketches by the Old Masters, in Gallery H. 7. A collection of Miniatures in the same Gallery. 8. A Portrait Gallery of Yorkshire Worthies, contained in the Corridors round the Central Court. vi INTRODUCTION. 9. The Museum of Ornamental Art; consisting of Works from the earliest period to the present century, arranged in the Chapel and adjoining Eooms, and in Gallery J, its Stair- case and Corridors. 10. An India Museum, situated on each side of the Western Entrance. ^ The Works of the Old Mastees have been selected and the collection formed by the Chief Commissioner, Mr. Waring, and by Mr. Eedford, the Assistant Commissioner, by whom the Pictures of the Italian, Spanish, and French Schools have been arranged. The three Galleries, containing Paintings by British Artists in Oil and Water- Colours, have been formed under the superin- tendence of Mr. E. C. Saunders. The Gallery of Pictures by Modern Foreign Artists has been formed under the superintendence of Mr. L. Lefevre. The Engravings and Etchings have been collected and arranged by the Honorary Superintendent, Mr. W. Smith, F.S.A., who has also written that section of the Catalogue, and the Introduction to it. The Drawings and Sketches by the Old Masters have been collected by Mr. Waring. To Mr. J. C. Eobinson the Committee are indebted for the selection and description of Mr. Malcolm's Drawings. The Gallery of Yorkshire Worthies has been entirely formed by the Honorary Superintendent, Mr. Hailstone, by whom, also, the descriptive Catalogue of this section has been written. The Museum of Ornamental Art, including Miniatures and Illuminated MSS., together with the Catalogue of that portion of the Exhibition, has been collected and classified by the Superinten- dent of the Museum, Mr. W. Chaffers. INTRODtrCTION. vii The India Museum is due to the co-operation of the Secre- tary of State for India, by whose direction the present selection of examples of Art-Manufactures from the India Museum has been intrusted to Dr. J. Forbes Watson, Eeporter on the Products of India ; by whom, also, this portion of the Catalogue has been furnished. To Mrs. Hailstone, the Committee are indebted for the forma- tion of a collection of Lace akd Embboideey. The Catalogue of Pictuees and the Biogeaphical Notices OF Aetists have been carefully compiled by Mr. E. N. James. The Floeal Decoeations of the Central Hall, Entrance, Corri- dors, &c., with the Statues and Trophies, have been designed and carried out by Mr. H. C. Brandling. All the arrangements connected with the practical working of the Exhibition, apart from Art, have been under the direction of Mr. T. A. Wright, the General Superintendent. CONTENTS. 1. INTRODUCTION . ... 2. PAINTINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS:— ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND FRENCH GERMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. 3. BRITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL 4. BRITISH LIVING PAINTERS IN OIL 5. MODERN FOREIGN ARTISTS 6. BRITISH WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS 7. DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS 8. ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS . 9. LACE, NEEDLEWORK, AND EMBROIDERY 10. MUSEUM OF ORNAMENTAL ART . 11. THE CENTRAL .(DUDLEY) GALLERY 12. YORKSHIRE WORTHIES 13. INDIA MUSEUM U. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES . THE OLD MASTERS. GALLERIES A, B, C, and CENTRAL SALOON. However desirable it might have been, it was not possible to form in the present Exhibition a complete series of works illustrative of the art of oil painting in Europe. The earlier productions of the great masters in Italy, Germany, and Flanders are well known, and are preserved in certain localities, which the student of art must visit before he can form an adequate idea of their value. In the present instance, we have collected such pictures as will serve to illustrate the rise of oil painting in Europe, and give the visitor an idea of the characters of the various Schools from the fifteenth century onwards. For this purpose a certain degree of chronological arrangement has been kept, but our principal object has been to render the collections attractive and interesting. The Old Masters, as they are generally called, in contradistinction to the modem ones, do not include any very long period or extend to any very remote past, being restricted as they are to between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, or not much more than 300 years in all. Those who more justly, perhaps, should be termed the old masters ^^par excellences^ ^ lived in an earlier time, but their works were principally executed in tempera and as mural decoration. The invention or peculiar adaptation of oil colours to painting, first practised by the Van Eycks, about the year 1410, led to a complete change in the style of art, which was quickly adopted by the painters of Flanders, Germany, and Italy. Chiaroscuro^'^ or the power of shadow as well as of light, now first came to be duly appreciated and « practised, owing no doubt to the facilities which the new method afforded for its adoption. The earliest paintings in oil are executed on wood panel, and the use of prepared canvas did not become general till the close of the fifteenth century, but in every instance, imtil within a comparatively late date, when the making of colours became a separate manufacture, the artist prepared his own colours, or employed an assistant to do so for him, under his own guidance. The purity of the material, and the care taken in the process, led in a great measure to the excellent preservation in which old paintings are generally found, unless roughly treated, whilst many of our modern productions fade away or crack to pieces even during the lifetime of the artist, who, regardless of chemical experience or ignorant of the nature of the material he employs, especially in the unfortunate use of asphaltum, produces very perishable works, to his own vexation and the purchaser's loss. From among the preparers of colours for the Old Masters arose many of the very fiirst artists, for it was a task usually assigned to the latest pupil ; each great master had his school, and instructed a number of pupils in his peculiar style, hence so many works of doubtful character are ascribed to the master's own hand, when they are probably the productions of his school. All the great masters pursued this course, and two notable instances may be mentioned in Baffaelle, who was aided 9 b THE OLD MASTERS. by quite a little army of exceUent painters in his great decorative works at the Vatican ; and in Rubens, who, after giving the sketches for his great works of a similar class, had them carried out by pupils, and then gave the finishing touches with his own hand. This is not a system which we advocate, but merely mention it as a fact which accounts for the great number of works ascribed to individual masters, and which it would seem incredible one man could have executed, unaided, during an ordinary lifetime. The Central Gallery, on the grand staircase, contains a selection of paintings belonging to the Earl of Dudley, and other beautiful specimens of painting by the Old Masters. The works of the Italian, Spanish, and French Schools are placed in the Central Gallery, in Gallery A, and in Gallery B, above it. Proceeding hence along the terrace over the Central Hall, the visitor will find the productions of the German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools in Gallery C, for hanging which the committee are indebted to the gratuitous services of Mr. Rutley, jun. Returning to the terrace, the visitor will pass across the court to Gallery D, containing the works of deceased English Painters in Oil. J. B. W. In the Entrance Hall are the Portraits of Her Majesty the Queen and H.R.H. THE LATE Prince Consoet, by Winterhalter. (Nos. 1952 and 1953.) The following Pictures are placed in the Lobby of the Grand Staircase : — ■ AGGAS... Living in 1679. G. Lane Fox, Esq, -1638, Panthers Foxhounds . ROSA... G.... 1591- BuLL Baiting Lion ATTACEJNa a Horse UNKNOWN. Landscape,— Cavaliers and Ladies Going- to the Chase Mrs. Beresford Feirse, Wm. Ingham, Esq, XO Visitors are requested to attend only to the Number placed on each Picture. OLD MASTERS : ITAIilAIsT, SPAIsTISH, AND FRENCH. The Executive Committee do not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the Names of Painters to whom the pictures are assigned. In every case the name is that given by the Contributor. / ORCAGN!^... Andrea... Dea4 in, 1376. , / Contributed by Coronation OF THE ViEGiN CJc.J'^^.'i^^Mt'j^ Alexander Barker, Esq. MASACCIO. . . Tom aso Gnidi... 1402— 1428-9. Portrait of a Youth in a Red Cap . . Wm, Drury Loive, Esq. Purchased from the family of the Marchese Gherardi. ^u^vwi-^vv The receipt for it is said still to exist among the archives 3 of the family. f^. u-^Jt-t | ' BENVENUTI...Di Giovanni Senese... Painted 1455—1500. Virgin and Child Alexander Barker, Esq. Saint Peter on her right ; Saint Nicholas de Bari on her left hand. Inscribed, "Opus Benvenuti Joanes de Senis, 1478." Engraved in Rossini's Storia della Pittura Italiana. Epoca Seconda. GHIRL AND AIO . . . Domenico . . . 1449—1494. Episodes in the Life of St. John These pictures served as models for the frescoes painted by Ghirlandaio for the Tornaboni family, from which they were purchased. See Yasari's Life of Ghir- landaio. FRANCESCA...Pietro deUa... 1419— Living in 1494. HaM , Vwu.^ Portrait in Profile of a Youth . . . Wm. JDriirxj Lowe, Esq. Jk[ASACCIO...Tomaso Guidi... 1402— 1428-9. Saint Lorenzo C-K<>^*X^v . . The Royal Institution of Liverpool. Formerly in the Roscoe Collection. LIPPI. .Filippino.. .1460— 1505. Virgin Adoring the Infant Christ . . Alexander Barker, Esq. Wynn Ellis, Esq. GHIRLANDAIO. ..Domenico.. .1449—1494. \ Virgin and Child , „ -1515. POLLAJUOLO. Virgin and Child . J*^:5^^*-f^^ BOTTICELLI. . .Sandro Filipepi. . .1447- Portrait of the Painter's Wife . On the reverse, the spirit of the deceased bearing the emblems of immortality, and rising to heaven. 11 Gallery A.] OLD MASTERS: Contributed by GENTILE DA FABRIANO... Francesco... About 1365. ..f A Saint, attended by Saints John the Baptist, Paul, , Jav-^ ' -j J ustina of Padua, and Catherine of Alexandria ^ The Royal Listitiition of Liverpool, Formerly in the Collection of J. B.Yates. PINTURICCHIO . . .Bernardino . . . 1454—1513. Scene feom the Histoey of the Family of the PiccoLOMiNi OF Sienna .... Alexander Barker, Esq, CillVELLI . . . Carlo . . .Painted 1468—1495. ^^ONK ^ . . . Saint Catherine , A Monk , Saint Lucy , CRIVELLI...Yittorio... Painted 1480-90. YiRGiN AND Child, with Saints Peteb, Anthony, and others See Antichita Picene. IIPPI . . . Filippino . . . 1460— 1505. YiRaiN Adoring the Infant Jesus . . ,, CRIVELLI. . .Carlo, . .1468. . .1495. A Female Saint „ PINTURICCHIO . . .Bernardino . . . 1454—1513. The Story of Griselda ,, The Marquis of Saluzzo having promised his sub- ^ jects to marry when he found a person who had 12 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ITALIAK, SI^AIsTISH, AND t^EENCH. [aallery A. Contributed by ANGELICO...rra Giovanni da Fiesole... 1387^1455. tLoJU^ The Death of Saint Francis . . , JF. Fuller Maitland, Esq. CRIVELLI... Carlo. ..Painted 1468—1495. CJ^J^k^^l^ . The Crucifixion Alexander Barker^ Esq. PESELLINO... Francesco di Pesello...l422--1457. ( V^t^W<>t^/) St. Bernardino Preaching in the Cathedral of Florence, with portraits of the Medici . The Royal Institution of LiverpooL No. 20 of the Royal Institution Catalogue. Formerly in the Roscoe Collection. GHIRLANDAIO. . .Domenico. . .1449— 1494. Virgin Adoring the Infant Christ . Christ Church College, Oxford. POLLAJUOLO. ToBiT AND THE Angel Alexander Barker, Esq. BENVENUTI...G. B. (L'Ortolano)... 1490... About 1525. iSJiiJM YJiiJM UTi...u-. ±5. (1j urtoiano;...i4:yu...A0out id^d. Saint Demetrius . .(^^^^oV /\ p • ^'\^*^> ^VC^W ) PINTURICCHIO ... B ernardino ... 1454— 1513 . Subject Unknown „ GALLASI...Galasso... 1438— 1488. ^/ ^ 7 Nativity MAZZOLINO...da Ferrara... About 1481—1530. Virgin and Child „ „ PERUZZI...Baldassare.. .1481—1530. The Nativity „ CRIVELLI. . .Yittorio. . .Painted 1480—90. A Canonized Bishop „ BOTTICELLI. . . Sandro Filipepi . . . 1447—1615. Adoration of the Infant Christ . . TVm. Fuller 3faitland, Esq. According to the inscription, this picture was painted >t ^-^ A.D. 1500, by Alessandros. Engraved in Ottley's Floren- tine Masters. FTJNGAI...Bernardino...l4G0— 1516. Virgin and Child Surrounded by Angels . , J. JF. Faulkner, Esq. The journey of the kings by night, and nativity in the -^■iJ. '{ Madonna and Child Sir John Ramsden, Bart, With side pieces representing the Blessed and Condemned. ^-fjj ' ' J TURA...Cosimo... about 1418— Hving in 1481. ^ ' "^^^^7 Allegorical Figure of Spring A, JT. Layard, Esq. Flor 13 The journey of the kings by night, and nativity in tne hf f distance. The bat introduced indicates night. -~ 'ij.f il^ ^ y ANGELICC.Fra Giovanni da Fiesole.. .1387—1455. From the Costabile Gallery at Florence. 1 JSTo. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 A.] OLD MASTERS: Contributed by ALUNNO . . . Niccolo . . . 1458—1499. A MoNE Kneeling . . . ' . . . . Eev. J. M. Heath, In the middle of the picture, Christ and the Virgin supporting a family; above, the Almighty; the Holy Spirit descending. PERUGINO . . . Pietro . . . 1446—1524. Saint Jeeome . F. Cooh^ Esq, LIPPI . . Filippino . . 1460—1580. A PoETRAiT, said to be Lorenzo de' Medici . . A. H. Layard^ Esq, LANINI... Bernardino... 1522— 1578. ViEGiN AND Child and Saint JotiN . . . . JP. Cook, Esq. From the Collection of Count Cesare Saluzzo, of Turin. BARTOLOMMEO...Baccio della Porta, Fra... 1469— 1517. The Viegin and Child The carved frame of this picture is Spanish, 17th Cen- tury work. CONEGLIANO...G. B. Cima da.. .Painted 1489—1517. Head of the Youthful Savioue, or Saint John the Evangelist Bought from the Monte di Pieta in Rome, 1860. SODOMA...G. A. Eazzi.. .1479—1554. Saint Geoeqe and the Deagon From the Alton Towers Collection. Bought at Sienna by the late Earl of Shrewsbury. MORALES... Luis de (el Divino)... 1509— 1586. Cheist bound to the Column GIORGIONE... Giorgio BarbareUi... 1477— 1511. YiEGiN AND Child and St. John CANO. . .Alonzo. . .1601— 1667. The Viegin in Gloey Painted about 1660. Bought at Grenada, in 1863. BELTRAFFIO...Gian Antonio... Painted about 1500. Bust Poeteait of a Young Man . . . . From the Galleria Ercolani. CORREGGIO... Antonio Allegri, or Lieti... 1493-4— 1534. The Inspieation of St. Jeeome Probably painted about 1528. Formerly in the pos- session of the late Sir Thos. Baring. CAGLIARI...Carletto... 1570— 1596. Saint Dominic Instituting the Eosaey . . . » Brought from Venice by Mr. R. Cooke, R.A, ZENALE... Bernardo... Painted about 1480—1510. OuE Savioue aftee the Resubeection Consoled BY an Angel 14 No. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 69a 60 60a 61 62 63 64 ITALIAIJ, SPANISH, AND FRENCH. [Gallery A. Contributed by ANTONELLO. . .Di Messina. . .1414—1493. Head of Our Saviour at the Column . . , . i^. Cook^ Esq, Bought at Granada, in Spain, in 1863. Probably painted about 1475. BORDONE ... Paris ... 1500— 15 71 . Mercury and Bellona Arming Mars . . . . Signed. Mars is apparently a portrait of Ottavio Farnese, From the Solly Collection. . BARTOLOMMEO...Baccio deUa Porta, Fra... 1469— 1517. Saint Jerome (Circular) Wm, Brury Loive^ Esq, SPAGNA...L0... 1507-30. The Flagellation of Our Saviour . . . . i^. Cook, Esq, MANTEGNA. . .Andrea. . . 1430-1—1506. ^ (>^aJ^Zu^ A Martyr . Colonel M^rmam, A Triumphal Procession . . . - ^ S. D, Owen, Esq, Venetian School. Ot*^ • 'V^ • I MILET...Fran9ois... 1644— 1680. Landscape, with Flight of Ahab . ^ . . . F, Cook, Esq, MANTEGNA . . . Andrea . . . 1430-1— 1 506. H.^^vJ^'^l Judith with the Head of Holofernes . . Colonel Markham, VOLTERRA... Danielle Eicciarelli da... About 1491— 15G6. The Crucifixion J, W, Faulkner, Esq, MANTEGNA. . .Andrea. . . 1430-1— 1506. Virgin and Child, surrounded by Scenes in the Life of the Virgin. Triptych. . . . J. W. Faulkner, Esq, Bought from the Museo Borbonico in 1824. Angels Ministering to Christ . . . , R, P. Nichols, Esq. FRANCIA. . .Francesco Eaibolini . . . 1450—1517. Virgin and Child J. Faulkner, Esq, Purchased, in 1826, by the present owner, from the Collection of the Cavaliere Bellanti, of Sienna. GARBO...Raflfaellino del.. .1476— 1524, i K^-^. Portrait of a Girl I . /. Whatman, Esq, UNKNOWN. Virgin and Saints .... The Ft; Eon. W. E, Gladstone. Early Venetian School. The Descent from the Cross .... Wynn Ellis, Esq, School of Valentia. Head of Christ John Walker, Esq, BELLINI . . . Giovanni. . .1426— 1516. The Virgin Seated with the Infant The Royal Institution of Liverpool Jesus attended by St. John the Baptist and St. Jerome. Perhaps by Santa Croce or Carpaccio. See Liverpool Catalogue, No. 32. 15 Gallery A.] OLD MASTEESt Contributed by BASSANO...Leaiidro. Portrait of a Sculptor . . • , . . Eet^ Majesty the Queen, fviVARINI;^. Bartolommeo... Painted U50--1506. Lm^vijL The" CiRCUMcfsioN 1, Vi"tf-w^>V«AM^ ^ ] .... Colonel Oarew, Signed,"and dated 1506. PALMEZZANO...da Forli Marco.. .About 1456—1537. Christ Bearing the Cross . L*»-<1-^ , Maa,^ * . i?. P. Nichols^ Esq, BASSANO. . .Jacopo. . .1510—1592. Jacob's Journey JSer Majesty the Queen, SOL ARIO... Andrea de... Painted about 1530. ViROiN AND Child i?. P. Nichols^ Esq. -^tABHABIr... Sanzio . . . 1483—1520. 6^ crk^^ Uui, The InJ'ant Christ and St. John^^ . "^^TI /. Hope Barton, Esq. The Holy Family Matthew Anderson, Esq. Formerly in the possession of Mr. Abraham Darby. PARMIGIANO... Francesco Maria Mazzola... 1503— 1540. Mercury Presenting Venus to Momus as Faultless Mr, E. Bates. ORIZONTI. . .A^an Bloemend. . .1658—1740. Landscape and Figures W. Ingham, Esq. CARLONE. . .Giovanni. . .1590— 1630. Saint Veronica E. F. Nichols, Esq. TITIAN... Tiziano Vecellio da Cadore... 1477— 1576. Sketch for the St. Peter Martyr . . . . /. Piggott, Esq. GUERCINO...G. F. Barbieri da Cento... 1592— 1666. Joseph Holding the Infant Jesus . . Sir G. Islay Campbell, Bart. UNKNOWN. ^CUXCX^^^ . Prisoner and Female Miss Hartley. B AROCCIO . . .Federigo Barocci. . . 1528—1612. Holy Family /. Taylor, Esq. VINCI... Leonardo da. ..1452— 1519. Saint John's Head on a Tazza . . . Wm. Erury Lowe, Esq. Portrait of a Youth .... Wm. Euller Maitland, Esq. (Jj^ Head of Medusa Sir W. Stirling Maxwell, Bart. Copy after Leonardo, in the Gallery of the UfRzie, Florence. Saint Jerome Wynn Ellis, Esq. DOLCE. . .Carlo. . .1616— 1686. Hagar and the Angel, in a landscape .... Lord JFenlocJc. VINCI.. Leonardo da.. .1452— 1519. The Daughter of Heeodias Beceiving the Head OF Saint John Colonel Marhham. Female Portrait C. E. Legge, Esq. Female Head Sir T. W. Holburne, Bart. CORREGGIO... Antonio Allegri, or Lieti... 1493-4— 1534. Virgin and Dead Christ Wolsey Moreau, Esq. LUINI. ..Bernardino ..About 1460—1530. The Daughter of Herodias . . . . G. Cornwall Legh, Esq. With the executioner holding the head of Saint J ohn the Baptist. 19 Gallery A.] OLD MASTEES: 143 1 a&b < 144 144a 145 Contributed by MICHEL ANGELO...M. A. Buonarotti... 1475—1564. Stxjdy for his Picture of the Dream of Human Life E. F. EoU, Esq, In tempera on panel. Cleopatra W. E. Brahe, Esq, From the Collections of W. Y. Ottley and Dr. Wellesley. P ANNINI . . . Giovanni Paolo ... 16 9 1—1764. The Interior of the Pantheon, Eome . /. Heijwood Hawkins^ Esq, GAIlOFALO...Benvenuto Tisi or Tisio... 1481— 1559. A Sacrifice in Ancient Greece . . . HXx ^The Earl Dudley, BRONZING . . . Agnolo . . .1502—1572. Portrait of Piero de' Medici . . . , W, H, JDrake, Esq. Called *'I1 Gottoso." Died 1469. Son of the elder %t JL Cosmo de' Medici. Father of Lorenzo, II Magnifico." From the Collection of Count Galli-Tasse, of Florence. GUIDO RENI... 1575— 1643. Female Portrait. TINTORETTO. ..1512—1594. A Venetian Senator JR. P. Nichols^ Esq. TIEPOLO. . Giovanni Battista. .1693—1770. Supper at Emmaus Lord Lyttelton, The Adoration of the Maqi J. W. Safe, Esq, UNKNOWN. St. John Mrs. Beresford Peirse, CASTIGLIONE...Gio. B... 1616— 1670. A Woman on a Horse, Goats, &c M. Wyvill, Esq, VERONESE . . . Paolo . . . 1528—1588. Mars and Venus S. A. R.le Due d'Aumale, From the Gallery of the Due d'Orleans (Le Regent). GUIDO RENI... 1575— 1642. Sleeping Cupid Lord Scar sdale, RAPHAEL . . . Sanzio . . . 1483—1520. Holy Family James Marshall, Esq, TIEPOLO... G. B.,.. 1693— 1770. Oil Sketches, for large Pictures .... The Earl of Dudley. M AR ATTI . . . Carlo ... 162 5—1713. Holy Family T. H. Harding, Esq. MARIESCHI. . .J. . . .1711— 1794. St. Mark's Piazza, Venice /. Whatman, Esq, LUCATELLI. .Andrea.. .About 1660—1714. Landscape The Lady BoUe. 20 ITALIAN, SPANISH, ANB PKENCH. [Gallery A. CONTBIBUTED BY BRONZING . . . Agnolo . . . 1502— 15 73. Saint Cathebine (on panel) . . , . . TF. i?. Brake^ Esq, DOLCE. . .Carlo. . .1616— 1C86. Saint Agnes Desteoying HER Idols . . . Robert Napier y Esq, SARTO... Andrea Vannucchi del... 1488— 1530. ViEGiN AND Child and St. John Capt. Preston, LUC ATELLI. .Andrea. .About 1660—1714. Landscape The Lady Rolle. SASSOFERRATO...G. B. Salvi... 1605— 1685. Study OF A Female FiGUEE . . The Royal Institution of Liverpool, VERNET. .Joseph Claude... 1712— 1786. Landscape and Figuees W, Ingham^ Esq, CLAUDE... de Lorraine... 1600— 1682. Landscape Watts Russell^ Esq. VINCI... Leonardo da.. .1452— 1519. Leda . Alexander Barker^ Esq, VERONESE.. .Paolo.. .1528— 1588. The Maeeiage at Cana H. F, Holt^ Esq, ORIZONTI...Van Bloemend... 1658— 1740. Landscape and Figuees w Ingham, Esq, MINGA . . . Andrea del . . . Alive in 156 8. ^ • >C \aJ^ Foetune Seated on a Wheel . . , C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq, FONTORMO. . . Jacopo. . . 1494—1556. Study of a Head R, R. Nichols^ Esq TIEPOLO . . .Giovanni Battista. . . 16 93— 1770. The Mieacle of the Ass R. F. Nichols, Esq. DOLCE. , .Carlo. . .1616— 1686. The Maetyedom of St. Andeew . . , . Lord Fever sham. CAMPIDOGLIO . . M. A. . . 1610—1670. W CMCvv..^v ^ >cCCr . . . H. D. Oweu, JEsq. VERONESE...Paul. ^^L^ ^ Study of a Female Head . . fxl/"^^ ^^(ivl , . j^^^^ Spencer. MICHEL ANGELO...M. A. Biionarotti.. .1475—1564. Minos in Judgment TTm. Dnmj Lowe, Esq. Episode of Francesca da Eimini, from Dante's "In- ferno " (canto quinto). GTJID0...1575-1649. ^ , r. Peter Penitent . . ' vH^/ St. Peter Penitent Major Sill M. Leathes. SEBASTIAN DEL PIOMBO... 1485— 1547. Female Saint T. Emsley, Esq. C ARRACCI . . . Annibale . . . 1560—1609. The Three Maries Wm. Fuller Maitland, Esq. STAIRCASE A-LEADING TO GALLERY B. PANNINI...G. E.... 1691— 1764. Piazza del Popolo, Eome /. Hope Barton^ Esq. LE BRUN... Charles.. .1619— 1690. : j,> ft ^ ,~ ) Battle Piece 2>'"^^' 6'^'' • • • • Major Sill Mi Zeathes, CARAVAGGIO... Michael Angelo da.. .1569—1609. Soldiers Gambling on a Drum Admiral Sir G. iV. Eroke-Middleton, Bart. VALENTIN. . .Moise. . .1600— 1632. Marriage at Cana Miss Hartley. LE BRUN... Charles... 1619— 1690. The Passage of the Granicus .... The Lady Eolle. CARAVAGGIC.Michael An^elo da.. .1569—1609. KoMAN Charity S^i* , Cf^^^^^v.^ O^^^ . • • Miss Hartley. TEMPESTA...Domemco... 1652—1718. An Inundation T. Eagland, Esq. UNKNOWN. Boys and Fruit J. W. Faulkner, Esq. VERONESE. ..Paolo. ..1528— 1588. Portrait of a Man in Armour . . Col. T. E. Plumbe Tempest. UNKNOWN. Isabella of Castille „ • „ „ 23 staircase A,] OLD MASTEBS, No. 180 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 197a 197b 198 199 Contributed by BRANDI...Domenico... 1683—1736, Shepheed and Cattle J, ]r. Faulkmr, Mq. CARAVAGGIO... Michael Angelp da... 1569— 1609. SuppEE AT Emmaijs -f^^^ 'j* ' ^ ' ' . I -r . . Miss Hartley, MOEONE. . .Francesco. . .1474—1529. PoETEAiT OF A VENETIAN Senatoe ... J, W. Faulkner, Esq, Purchased at Naples in 1835. SPANISH SCHOOL. The Vanity of Human Life .... Sir Fitzherhert, Bart, GXJEECINO...G. F. Barbieri da Cento... 1592— 1666. A Sibyl . The Earl Spencer, B ATONI. . . Pompeo . . . 1708— 1 787. Poeteait of Heney Peiese, M.P. 1746—1824 . Mrs, Beresford Feirse, COUETOIS... Jacques (II Borgognone)... 1621— 1676. Battle Piece Sir G, N, Broke-Middleton^ Barf, GTTIDO KENT... 1575— 1642. Modesty and Libeeality Earl Spencer, Engraved by Strange. CANALETTO. A View in Venice T. Eagland^ Esq, GTTIDO EENI. The Bape of Eueopa W, Douglas, Esq, CAEEENO-DE-MIEANDA...Don Juan... 1614— 1685. Poeteait of Chaeles the Second of Spain, when YouNa. The Escurial in the distance . The Et, Hon, the Speaker, From the private Collection of the Escurial. ("^L^. r W( fcT EOMANO...Giulio. Feast of the Gods Capt, Templer. SACCHI... Andrea.. .1598— 1661. Apollo Ceowning a Musician Earl Spencer, Engraved by Aliamet under the title of Orpheus and Pan." For the other Pictures on this Staircase, see No. 410 on leaving Gallery B. 24 OLD MASTERS: ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND FRENCH, CONTINUED. GALLERY B. CoNTHlBtJ^UD BY TINTORETTO.. Jacopo Robusti... 1512— 1594 Baptism of Christ Colonel Marhham, POUSSIN...Guasper Dughet... 1613— 1675. >^ Landscape and Cascade, with Figures . . The JEarl of Dartmouth, P ANNINI . . . Giovanni Paolo ... 16 91—1764. The Interior of the Church of San Paolo Ptfoui LE Mure, Eome /. Heywood Eawhins^ Esq, C AN ALETTO . . . Antonio Canale . . . 1697—1768. Courtyard of a House in Venice . . . . Henry Earvey^ Esq. Purchased in 1812 by the Earl of Oxford, from the Executors of Count Algarotti of St. Petersburg, for whom it was painted by Canaletto. TINTORETTC.Jacopo Robust!.. .1612— 1694. The Entombment , ... . . , . S, JD, Owen^ Esq. Formerly in the Fesch Collection. , VERNET.... Joseph... 1712— 1786. Stormy Weather on THE Coast . . . The l)uke of Devonshire, HtV POUSSIN...Guasper Dughet... 1613— 1675. t ^ Landscape, with Monks Conversing . Sir Wm, Stirling Maxwell^ Bart, TITIAN...Tiziano Vecellio da Cadore... 1477— 1576. LucRETiA Thie Eariof Malmeabury, Formerly in the Collection of Charles I. . . GTTIDO RENI... 1575— 1642. V«^^^* CixBn.A^.^, :^Crtk. f^(f^/ LucRETiA . . • . . . . . i . . Miss Hartley , GIORGIONE...GiorgioBarbarelli.. .1477—1511. ? tftu Xjt^ A Landscape , Sir John Bamsden^ Bart, From the Rogers' Collection. I2^v'?^*^» ' ^U «^if, Landscape, with Figures .... Wentworth IB. Beaumont^ Esq, DOMENICHINO . . .Domenico Zampieri. . .1581—1641. Ctjpid Sleeping /. Hey wood MawkinSj Esq* RAPHAEL. . .Sanzio. . .1483—1520. CAjh^^ 4 v * . The Three Geaces « The Earl Dmley, From the Borghese Gallery at Eome. Said hy PaSSa- vant to have been painted in 1506. Engraved by Slierwin and by Forster. See No. 3666, Engravings, Gallery H. ROSA.. .Salvator... 1615— 1673. St. John Pee aching . . * . . . J. T Knowlea, Esqt Formerly in the Collection of Prince Eupert, GIORGIONE...Giorgio Barbarelli.. .1477— 1511. Pastoeal Life The Earl of Eudley, GTJIDO RENI... 1575-^1642. Cleopatea . . « i Admiral Sir G, N* Broke-Middleton, Bart, CAGNACCI . . . Guido . . .1601— 1681. Andeomeda » » . Lord Zyttelton, GUARDI... Francesco. ..1712— 1793. View of the Chitech op Santa Maeia deLla ~ Salute, at Venice ...... John Samuel, Esq, The Doge's Palace at Venice .... \ „ >, GIORGIONE . . . Giorgio Barbarelli. . . 147 7—1511. The Woman taken in Adulteey . . . S. A. le IkiC d'Aumale, From the Gallery of the Due d'Orleans (Le RegeJit). GUILIO ROMANO. . .1492—1546. Sibyls . . » . R. E, Nichols, Esq, VERONESE.. .Paolo.. .1528— 1588. The Desteuotion op Heeesy .... ELer Majesty the Queen, TITIAN...Tiziano Vecellio da Cadore.. .1477—1576, Landscape, with St. John preaching . . . The Euke of Devmshire, BORDONE...Paris.. .1500—1571. The Eestouation op the Canaanitish Woman . JET. Owen, Esq, CARAVAGGIO.. .Michael Angelo da.. .1569— 1600. The Musician The Eiike of WelUngton, CARRACCI...Annibale... 1560-^1609. Saint Catheeine of Sienna in Ecstasy . . /. JT* fdUlkner, Usq, Bought by the present owner in 1824, of the Arch- bishop of Tarento. 26 ITALIAlSr, SI*A]SriSlI, FEEiSTCH. [O-allery Contributed by TINTORETTO . . .Jacopo Eobusti. . . 1512—1594. Head of a Priest The Rt, Hon. the Speaker. Formerly in the Collection of the Duke de Tallard. IhU, ^ l'^ Vvvw ^^HT^/ Sfr } PIETRO.. .Delia Yecchia... 1605— 1G78. ^ ^ J Italian" Bravo II, B. Owen, Esq. VINCI . . . Leonardo da. . . 1452—1519. Portrait of a Girl Luke of Devonshire, Saint Catherine and Two Angels ^ • - .*> • Howard, Esq, From the Corsi GaUery at Florence. (^LUAV^y ^ POUSSIN. . .Nicolas. . .1591— 1665. Landscape . . . . ■ Lord Fever sham, MOLA...F... .1612— 1686. Landscape . , E, P. Nichols, Esq, Poetical Composition. BARTOLOMMEO...Baccio della Porta, Pra... 1469— 1517. Saint Dominic and Saint Erancis, meeting . . Lord Wenlock, TITIAN.. .Tiziano Vecellio da Cadore...l477— 1576. Portrait of Alessandro de' Medici . . Her Majesty the Queen, CANALETTO...Antonio Canale... 1697— 1768. The Embarkation of the Doge of Venice . , Henry Harvey, Esq, From the Collection of the late Edward Mills. TINTORETTO . . .Jacopo Eobusti . . . 1512—1594. Saint Mark Delivering a Christian Slave about to be Tortured Miss Burdett Coutts, The finished study for Tintoretto's masterpiece, the celebrated picture at Venice. Painted about 1548. Engraved by Matham and by Jackson. Formerly in the , Collections of Ottley and Samuel Kogers, SEBASTIANO...Del Piombo... 1485— 1547. t^n^ Portrait of a Man in a Eed Cap . . V'Gf ' Wynn Ellis, Esq. GAROFALO...BenYenuto Tisi or Tisio... 1481— 1659. -7|,f|l f n i,, , ^1 i f - Virgin AND Child The EarlTf Dartmouth, ' V ARPIN0...I1 Cavaliere d' (Guiseppe Cesari)... 1568— 1640. The Assumption of the Virgin . . . Wm, Dniry Lowe, Esq. SARTO... Andrea Vannucchi del... 1488— 1530. Saint John Sir John Bamsden, Bart, TITIAN... Tiziano Vecellio da Cadore...l477— 1576. The Portrait of Giulio Clovio » » . Charles Towneley, Esq, The celebrated painter in miniature. Born, 1498. Died, 1578. Pupil of Giulio EomanOi VENUSTI...MarceUo...Died about 1585. The Entombment * » ♦ * » . The Duke of Devonshire, See also No. 253. 27 GaUery B.] OLD MASTEES: RAPHAEL . . . Sanzio . . . 1483—1520. The Madonna del Caedellino, of Vallombrosa Painted by Raphael, in 1506-7-8, for the Monastery of Vallombrosa, where it remained till its suppression in 1808, when it was acquired by M. de la Forat, from whose widow it passed into the possession of its present owner. Mentioned in the books and archives of the Monastery, and described by Delia Valle, in Sienna ed. of Vasari (1792), p. 246, Life of Raphael. Transferred from panel to canvas. Never engraved. An ancient copy, taken from Vallombrosa, and mentioned by Passavant, exists in the dep6t of the Palazzo Vecchio, at Florence. POUSSIN...Guasper Dugliet...l613-~1675. Landscape and FiaufiEs Contributed by H, Verity^ Esq, Miss Burdett Coutts, FRANCIA... Francesco Eaibolini Holy PAmLY .... 1450-^1517. The Right Hon. the Speaker, MORONI.. .Giovanni Battista... 1510-^1578. Il Gentile Oavalieee Mn Samuel, Esq. eiORGIONE. . .Giorgio Barbarelli. . .1477— 1511. ViEGiN AND Child, with Monk and Donor . Sir John Ramsden, Bart, From the Collection of Samuel Rogers. CtULv I r i SEBASTIANO. . .Del Piombo. . .1485—1547. ViEGiN AND Child ....... JET. i>. Owen, Esq^ Perhaps by Pontormo. GIORGIONE . . . Giorgio BarbareUi. . .1477— 1511. PoETEAiT OP A VENETIAN GENTLEMAN . . Ser Majesty the Queen, RAPHAEL . . . Sanzio . . . 1483—1520. The Theee Maeies at the Tomb of Jesus . . . Lord Scarsdale, Engraved in Landon, vol. 8, plate 432. Passavant's ^ / t Knnstreise, p. 187. Passavant's Eaphael, vol. 2, p. 481. ^ TITIAN.. .Tiziano VecelHo daCadore...l477— 157C. Ecce Homo S. A, B, ie Due d'Aumale, Purchased from the family of the Arevoldi of Brescia, to a member of which it was presented by Titian, in return for the hospitality shown him during his residence in that place. A Man with a Hawk ...... Lord Chesham. A similar portrait in the possession of the Earl of Carlisle was engraved by Skelton in 1811, and named **A Nobleman of Cyprus." A falcon borne upon the hand is often, in old pictures, a sign of nobility. CORREGGIO... Antonio Allegri, or Lieti... 1493-4— 1534. Head of an Angel Charles Towmley^ Esq, 28 ITALIAN, SPANISH. AND FBENOH. [Gallery B. Contributed by CARRACCI . . .Lodovico . . .1555—1619. Holy Family . . Lord Chesham, Painted on the copperplate of Tarquin and Lucretia, by Ghisi Mantuano. SARTO... Andrea Vannucchi del...U88~- 1530. Virgin and Child Lord Wenkcic, DOMENICHINO...Domemco Zampieri... 1581— 1641. w / Landscape Wentworth JB. Beaumont, Esq. RAPHAEL . . . Sanzio . . . 1483—1520. The Holy Family Sir Wm. Fitzherhert, Bart. A repKca of the picture in the Louvre, painted for Francis the First, in the execution of which Giulio Romano assisted. See Eastlake's Handbook, vol. 2, page 370. UNKNOWN. Head of Christ .... Sir G. M, Broke- Middleton, Bart. CORREGGIO... Antonio AUegri, or Lieti.. .1493-4—1534. The Magdalen The Earl of Dudley, An -©yigiTral repetition of the celebrated picture at Dresden. This picture was the subject of a long legal trial at Rome. Engraved in Landon. Pt. 17. BARTOLOMMEO...Baccio deUa Porta, Era... 1469— 1517. Virgin AND Child The Earl of Fowis. LUINI . . .Bernardino . ^ .About 1460-^1530. Saint John . /. Turner, Esq, TITIAN.. .Tiziano VeceUio da Cadore... 1477— 1576. Portrait of a Nobleman, stated to be the Earl of Surrey Wynn Ellis, Esq, PALMA...Jacopo H Vecchio... About 1475—1523-4. Virgin and Child, and Donatorio . . . . H. D. Owen, Esq. CORREGGIO.. .Antonio AHegri, or Lieti... 1493-4— 1534. The Marriage of St. Catherine . . . . F. H. Soward, ^''sq. From the Pedezzani Gallery at Florence. TIARINI...Alessandro... 1577— 1668. Portrait of a Venetian Lawyer .... James Fulleine, sq-. LTJINI... Bernardino.. .About 1460—1530. fvi^^ fixij^.;; 'i^VW The IMarriage of Saint Catherine . . G. Cornwall Legh, Esq, TITIAN... Tiziano VecelUo da Cadore... 1477— 1576. Portraits of Titian and the Chancellor Andrea Franceschini . . . . . . FLer Majesty the Queen, Formerly in the Collection of Charles the First, where it was called Titian and Are tin. See Mrs. Jame- son's Galleries, and No, 320 in this Gallery. 29 Gallery B.] OLD MASTEES: COEREGGIO... Antonio AUegri, or Lieti... 1493-4— 1534. ViBGiN AND Child J, T, Knowles. Eso, GIOVANNI. ..Da Udine... 1487— 1564. Madonna and Child Enthroned, accompanied by Saints and Martyrs J, Banlfs Stanhope. Esq. LAURI...Filippo.. .1623— 1604. ' ^ * Nymphs Bathing The Duhe of Devonshire. XUCATELLI . . .Andrea . . . 1660—1741. Landscape, with Lance of Children, Fauns, &c. Contributed by Eichd. Booth, Esq. BAROCCIO.,.Federigo Barocci.. .1528—1619. The Holy Family Besting on the Way to Egypt The engraved picture. Lord Wenlock. CORREGGIO... Antonio AUegri, or Lieti...l493-4~1534. The Holy Family Wynn Ellis, Esq, Said to have been formerly in the Collection of Ferdi- nand the Seventh of Spain, in which country it was purchased. ALBANI...Fra„cesco...l578-1660. ^.^LMX^ , ^^6^.H Charity 3fiss Hartley, MORONI... Giovanni Battista... 1510— 1578. Portrait of Count Lupi, of Bergamo . . . A. JS. Layard, Esq, UNKNOWN. '>a£c o^/^'t^r , iiTlMXc^ t^r4 . &{Vvr!^- ^ St. Barbara '%^^x^^j^^ Rev. T. Staniforth. SASSOFEHRATO-.G. B. Salvi.. .1605—1685. The Virgin and Child F. H. Howard, Esq, From the Collection of Cardinal Erskine, Copied, with some slight alterations, from ''La Madonna di Foligno " of Raphael. ALBANO.. .Francesco.. .1578—1060. The Judgment of Paris .... GUERCINO. Eachel at the Well PROCCACCINI. Adoration of the Shepherds Eev, J, Allen Charlton, The Executors of the late John Nicholetts, Esq, Rev. T, Milville Raven, BONIFAZIO...Venetiano, or da Verona.. .1491— 1553. Portrait, in a dress bordered with gold lace . G, Cormvall Legh, Esq. APPIANI . . .Andrea. . . 1754— 181 8. Apollo and the Muses /, Eensman, Esq, 30 ITALIAlSr, SPANISH, AND FRENCH. [GaUery B. Contributed by CANALETTO.. .Antonio Canale... 1697— 1708. Piazza di San Marco, Venice Lord Herries, TITIAN.. .Tiziano Yecellio da Cadore.,. 1477— 1570, PoETBAiT OF Ignatius Loyola . . . Her Majesty the Queen. LUCAS. ..Jean Paul.. .died 1808. Marbiage op Saint Catherine, engraved . P. H, Howard^ Esq, CORREGGIO.,. Antonio Allegri, or Lietj... 1^93^4— 1534. The Assumption of the Virgin . . . Wm. Drury Lowe, Esq. St. Jerome , Wymi Ellis, Esq, Purchased in Madrid, from the family of Haro. Said to have been formerly in the Collection of Ferdinand the Seventh of Spain, GTJIDO RENI... 1575— 1049, St. Catherine Painted on silk. Lord Feversham* FONTANA,..Lavinia... 1552— 1614. The Holy Family, with St. Catherine The Earl of Mahneshury, Signed/' Lavinia Fontana de Zappis, faciebat, 1581." MOLA...Pietro Francesco... 1612- Hagae and Ishmael -1608. W, Bechett Eenison, Esq. MARATTI . . .Carlo . . .1025—1713. A Sleeping Child « The Euhe of Eevonshire. BRONZING . . . Agnolo . . .1502—1572. Portrait of Garzia de' Medici . . University Galleries, Oxford. Sojn of the Grand Duke Cosmo de' Medici and Leonora di Toledo. In 1562, Garzia stabbed his brother the Cardinal Giovanni, they having quarrelled about a roe- buck which each declared he had killed when out shoot- ing. On his return home, Garzia was himself killed by his father Cosmo, who said as he stabbed him, ''I will have no Cain in my family." (See No. 317, on the opposite side of this Gallery.) GUIDO RENI... 1575— 1042. Study for the Large Picture op Aurora' In the RospigUosi Palace at Rome. Saint Agnes S. iT. Mainwaring, Esq. Lord Feversham. GIIERCINO...G. F. Barbieri da Cento. ..1592— 1000. Return of the Prodigal Son ... J. W. Faulkner, Esq. Bought by the present owner in 1820 from the Collec- tion of the Cavaliere Bellanti, of Sienna. GUIDO RENI... 1575— 1042. Magdalen in Adoration Mrs Matheson, Gallery B.] OLD MASTERS: Contributed by MOLA...Pietro Francesco... 1612—1668. CASTEli Gandolfo It, Nichols, Esq, CARRACCI...Annibale...l560— 1609. The Holy Family The lit , Eon. the Speaker, Painted for the Convent of the Nuns of Saint Giovannetta, of Lucca. Cited by Baldinucci. Formerly in the Collection of the Duke of Lucca. GUERCINO...G. F. Barbieri da Cento... 1592— 1666. Saint John in the Wilderness /. Brett, Esq, SIRANI...Elizabeta... 1638— 1664. ViBGiN AND Child Henry F. Holt, Esq, The flowers by Mario dei Fiori. ALBANO... Francesco.. .1678— 1660. Venus and Cupid /. Heywood HawUns, Esq, DOLCE. . .Carlo. . .1616—1686. Saint Agnes . . , Colonel Carew, PARMIGIANO.,. Francesco Maria Mazzola... 1503— 1540. A Dance OF Children The Marquis of Exeter, VASARI. . . Giorgio . . .1512—1574. Saint Petee, Saint Paul, and Saint Jerome. The Eoyal Institution of Liverpool, GUERCINO...G. F. Barbieri da Cento... 1592— 1666. The Holy Family and Angels . . /. Seywood Hawkins, Esq, Belonged to Sir Joshua Reynolds. SIRANI...Elizabeta... 1638— 1664. The Angel Gabriel Henry F. Holt, Esq, The flowers by Mario dei Fiori. MORONI.. .Giovanni Battista... 1510— 1578. Full-length Portrait of a Boy with a Backet Bat and Ball Wm, Drury Lowe, Esq, ROSA. . . Salvator . . .1615—1673. A Battle Piece Wm, Drury Lowe, Esq. From the Gallery of Cardinal Altieri. MURILLO...Bartolome Esteban... 1618— 1682 , The Holy Family iii.^^jC'' "-^-iv • • The Rev. Thos, Staniforth, Engraved by Boydell. GUERCIN0...G.F. Barbieri da Cento.. .1592— 1666. \ \A> KCytJ^ Portrait of Pietro Accolti , , . . C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq, VELASQUEZ . . . Diego . . .1599—1660. A Young Spanish Nobleman. (Full length.) . . Wynn Ellis, Esq, 32 ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND PKENCH. [Gallery B. CONTKIBUTED BY VELASQUEZ . . .Diego. . . 1599—1660. The Miracle of Saint Anthony Whatman, Esq. BRONZING. ..Agnolo... 1502— 1573. Portrait of Leonora di Toledo Col, Tempest. Mother of Garzia de' Medici (see No. 295). She was present when he was stabbed by his father ; died of grief, and was buried at the same time as her sons. One of her daughters had already been poisoned by her own husband, and the other was afterwards stabbed by order of her's, TINTORETTO . . . Jacopo Kobusti, . . 1512—1594. The Supper at Cana in Galilee , . Sir L, M. S, Filkington, Bart, ROSA. . . Salvator . . . 1615—1673. Landscape and Figures Mev. W. S. Vmidry, TITIAN.. .Tiziano VeceUio da Cadore... 1477— 1570. Portrait of Ariosto . . . Sir Wm, Stirling Maxwell, Bart, There are, however, the words " Petrus Aretinus the picture.^ aWi«Iia...Bartolom% Esteban... 1618— 1682. f>U^ U/lycM^cu^. 3j Portrait of a Youth, ^"Jy-^^i^ - . , . . /. Whatman, Esq, SALIMBENI. . .Ventura. . .1557—1613. Saint Catherine of Sienna and Saint Magdalen itinus " on ? t j^M' < POUSSIN. . .Guasper Dughet... 1613— 1675. Landscape Wm, Drury Lowe, Esq, The Luke of Devonshire, PANTOJA...de la Cruz Juan... 1551— 1610. Portrait of Margaret, Wife of Philip III. of Spain Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bart, GRECO... Theotocupoli el... 1548. Portrait of His Daughter . . Sir Wm, Stirling Maxwell, Bart, VELASQUEZ . . .Diego. 1599— 1660. Portrait of the Count-Duke Olivares, Signed, ' ' Diego Velasquez " The Earl Stanhope, Copy, by John Phillip, R.A., of the Portrait of Alonzo Cano, the painter and sculptor, by Velasquez , , The Royal Academy, ROELAS...Juan de las. ..1559— 1625. Portrait of Himself . . . Sir Wm, Stirling Maxwell, Bart. MTIRILL0...Bartolom6 Esteban.., 1618—1683. Laughing Boy . .... The Earl of Warwick, 33 OaUery B.] OLD MASTEES: No. 330 33X 332 833 334 835 336 337 338 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 CONTEIBUTED BY lHTJJ)O...Juan de Navarrete el,,. 1526— 1579. POETEAiT OF Himself . . . tSir Wm, Stirling Maxwell^ Bart^ From the Soult Collection. VELASQUEZ . . . Diego ... 15 9 9— 16 60. GoPYj by John Phillip, R.A., of Velasquez's picture, "Las Meninas," containing the portrait of Velasquez The Royal Academy, COELLC.Alonzo Sanchez.. .1515—1590. PoBTRAiT OF ISABELLA DE Valois . . , Sir John Ramsdm^ Bart, VELASQUEZ...Diego... 1599— 1660. Portrait of a Mait The Earl of Clarendon, GRECO... Theotocupoli el... 1548. PoETRAiT OF PoMPEio LiONi, the Sculptor Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bart, Son of Lione Lioni, of Arezzo, the Sculptor. Both were in the service of Philip the Second of Spain. UNKNOWN. PoETEAiT OF A ScuLPTOR . . Christ Church College^ Oxford, VELASQUEZ...Diego... 1599— 1660. Sleeping Peasant Boy . . . . . E. A. Leatham, Esq. A Spanish Lady .... Sir Wm. Stirling Maxivell^ Bart, Speaking of the enormous quantity of rouge worn by the Spanish ladies of her time, Madame dAulnoy says, "I never saw boiled cray-flsh of a finer red." See Stirling, vol. 1, page 39. POBTEAIT OF DoN JuAN, of Austria . . Banjis Stanhope, Esq. Natural son of Philip the Fourth of Spain, by the A Jbwutifvil actress^ Maria Calderona.j. , - t ^IW^.^^^ ^ m fV^ Col the Eon. C S. VereJcer, COELLO.. Alonzo Sanchez... 1515— 1590. Portrait of Anne of Austria, fourth Queen of Philip the Second of Spain . . . Sir Wm. Stirling Maxtvell, Bart. VELASQUEZ . . .Diego . . .15 99— 16 60. Head of a Dog Edmnnd M. Blood, Esq. MURILLO...Bartolome Esteban...l618— 1682. Portrait of Himself The Earl Speneer, \ MOYA... Pedro de... 1610— 1666. Holy Family Matthew Anderson, Esq. MURILLO. . .Bartolome Esteban . . . 1618—1682. The Holy Family The EuJcc of Eevonshire. UNKNOWN. Silence The Earl of Chesterfield, PANTOJA DE LA CRUZ.... Juan... 1551— 1610. Portrait of Margaret of Austria, Queen of Philip the Third of Spain .... Sir Wm. Stirling Maxwell, Bart, 34 ITALIAN, SPANISH, AND FBENCH. [GaUery B. Contributed by ROSA.. .Salvator... 1615— 1673. Coast and Bat of Salerno, with distant view of the island of Capri J, JF, Faulkner, Esq. MUEILLO . . .Bartolom^ Estehan . . .1618—1689. St. Francis RECEiviNa the STiaMATA , Sir JFm. Fitzherhert, Bart, SAVOLDO...Girolamo... Painted about 1540. A Warrior Her Majesty the Queen » MURILLO . . .Bartolom^ E steban . . .1618—1682. The Marriage of St. Catherine . . . . H, B. Owen, Esq. DOLCE. ..Carlo.. .1616.. 1686. Head of the Yiruin . . . . . Matthew Anderson, Esq, MURILLO. . .Bartolomg Esteban . . . 1618—1689. The Imiviaculate Conception .... The Rev. J. G, Beresford, GTJIDO RENI.. .1575—1649. Head of Saint John . . . Sir JF. Stirling Maxwell, Bart, VELASQUEZ. ..Diego... 1599-^1660. ilv . fH/ y Portrait of a Cardinal . . . F E, A. Leatham, Esq. MURILLO... Bartolom6 Esteban— 1618— 1689. A Landscape, with Saint Teresa at her Devotions Sir JFm, Stirling Maxwell, Bart. ZURBARAN.. .Francisco de...l598— 1669. q^,, -2_x \. > z, Santa Jiusta The Bight Hon. the Speaker. ROSA.. .Salvator.. .1615— 1673. Forest Scene with Banditti . , . The BuJce of Devonshire. CANO...Alonzo.. .1601— 1667. Saint Teresa Penetrated by Divine Love . . M. Verity, Esq. JUAN JUANES. Franciscans adoring- Christ B. P, Nichols, Esq. COELLO...Alonzo Sanchez... 1515— 1590. Portrait of Don John of Austria, natural brother of PhiUp the Second of Spain . Sir JFm. Stirling Maxwell, Bart. Gained the great naval victory of Lepanto over the Turks, in 1571. CLAUDE. . . de Lorraine . . . 1600—1689 . Landscape The Euke of Devonshire. MURILLO . . . Bar tolom6 E steban ... 16 1 8— 16 89 . EcceHomo . . cfc) '-Al - . [f^r.^ . . The Earl of Zetland. St. Anthony of Padua and the Infant Saviour H. H. Gibbs, Esq. Adoration of the Shepherds Br. Be Mey. 35 Gallery B.] OLD MASTERS: ; CANO . . . Alonzo . . . 1601—1667. Saint Cecilia Playing on the Haepsichoed COELLO. . .Alonzo Sanchez.. .1515— 1590. POETEAIT OF THE AeCHDUKE WeNCESLAUS BOTTIlDON...Sebastien... 1616— 1671. Holy Family COUETOIS...Jacqiies II Borgognone... 1621— 1676, Battle Piece ROSA... Salvator... 1615- David and Goliath -1673. MURILLO...Bartolome Esteban... 1618— 1682, The Coeonation of the Viegin VELASQUEZ . . . Diego . . .1599—1660. Poeteait of Philip the Foueth of Spain UNKNOWN. POETEAITS OF A BOY AND GlEL VERNET. . . J. . . .1712— 1786. A Calm . . . , . . CASTILLO.. Juan del... 1584— 16J:0. St. Jeeome, St. Augustin, and St. WATTEAU. . . Antoine. . .1684—1721. Fete Champetee .... GREUZE...Jean Baptiste... 1726— 1805. Giel's Head WATTEAU. . .Antoine. . .1684—1721. GUITAE PlAYEE Contributed by Sir G. Islay Gamphell^ Bt. Ser Majesty the Queen, Lord Feversham. Br. Wright. The Dulce of Devonshire. Wynn Ellis, Esq. The Earl Stanhope. E. Cholmondeley, Esq. The Ei(ke of Devonshire. The Rt. Hon. the Spealcer. The Earl Cathcart, . Capt. D. A. Rogers. J. Heywood Hawkins, Esq. CLAUDE.. .de Lorraine... 1600— 1682. Landscape— The Dancing Dog . . .The Earl of Dartmouth. Formerly in the Collections of De Merle, Smith, and Lord Eadstock. No. 322 of Smith's Catalogue. Engraved by Merriman. WATTEAU.. .Antoine.. .1660— 1713. Fete Champetee ^^^'^ Cathcart BOURDON . . . Sebastien . . . 1616— 167 1 . The Mieacle of the Beazen Seepent .... lord Ghesham. VERONESE. . .Paolo . . .1528— 1588. Poeteait of the Duke of Alva 30 The Marqzcis of Exeter. ITALIAN, SPANISH, ANB FBENCH. [GaUery Contributed by GREITZE...Jean Baptiste... 1726— 1805* L'EcoLiER Eenry Earvey, JEsq. From the Collection o£ the late J. G. tTppleby, Esq., of Leeds. POETEAIT OF A GiEL J, Knotvks, jEsq.,Jm, MURILLO . . .Bar tolom6 E steban . . .1618—1682. Beggar Boys Major Eill M, Leathes. From the Godolphin Collection. COTIRTOIS.. .Jacques II Borgognone... 1621— 1676. Battle Piece . . . Admiral Sir G, K Broke-Middleton^ Bart, VERNET.. . Joseph.. ;i712—i786. A Stoem The Earl of Bowis, LE BRUN... Charles... 1619— 1690. PoEUS AND Alexandee The Lady EoUe, GRETJZE . . .Jean Baptiste. . .1726—1805. La Polonaise . Eenry Earvey, Esq, CLAUDE.. .de Lorraine. ..1600—1682. Landscape Lord Scarsdale, From Dr. Mead's Collection. No. 62 of his sale K^^* ^^ ^-^ Catalogue. Etched by Claude. GREUZE...Jean Baptiste... 1726— 1805. f(:^,^ f^^, ^^^^ PoETEAiT OF A GiEL Mffjor EUl Jf. Leauies. POUSSIN. . .Nicolas. . .1594—1665. The Massacee of the Innocents . . S. A, M.le Due dJAumale. From the Collections of the Palazzo Guistiniani, Lucien Bonaparte, Duke of Lucca, and Mr. Gardner. SUBLEYRAS...Peter-1699— 1749. • Saint and Monks Charles Towneley, Esq. MIGNARD . . .Pierre— 1610— 1695. PoETEAiT OF Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans . . . Earl Spencer, See No. 768 of this Cat^8^ SOLIMENA.,.Fraticesco...rAbate Ciccio... 1657—1747. Fisheemen at a Fountain B. Verity^ Esq, POUSSIN . . .Nicolas . . . 15 94— 1665. Hagae and the Angel The Lady Bolle, LA HIRE... Laurent de... 1696— 1666. Legendary Subject . . . . k . . Lord Chesham, BOUCHER. . .Francois . . . 1704— 176 8. Bacchus and Aeiadne .... Sir T, W* Eolhurne, Bart, 37 Gallery B*l OLD MASTERS? Contributed by VERNET. . Joseph . . .1712— l^'SG. Landscape . Itev. T. Milville Raven. IE BRITN... Charles. ..1619—1090. The Salutation of Elizabeth .... Lord Fever sham. PRINCE.. Jean Baptiste le...l733— 1T81. The Fortune Teller . . . . . . Colonel C. Towneley. LENAIN... Louis.. .died 1648. A Peasant Family ....... Eev. J. 31. Eeath. lARGILLIERE.. .Nicolas de... 1656— 1740. POETEAIT of Le KoTRE, "the gardener of kings" . . Earl Spencer* Born, 1613. Died, 1700. Laid out the gardens at Versailles, the Tuileries, &c. Painted in 1689. No. 304 of Althorp Catalogue. WATTEAU. . . Antoine. . .1684—1721. Summer Henry Earvey, Esq. From the Collections— Beckford, of Fonthill; and Watt, Aston Hall, Birmingham. LANCRET...Nicolas...l690— 1743. Blind Man's Buff . . . . .. » . » Dr.BeMey, CHERON...Louis...l660— 1713. BoAZ AND Ruth ...... The Eiike of Devonshire. WATTEAtr. . .Antoine. . .1684—1721. Winter ......... Eenry Earvey^ Esq. From the Collections— Beckford, of Fonthill; and Watt, Aston Hall, Birmingham. CARRACCI...Lodovico.. .1555—1619. Lot and the Angels E. Owen^ Esq. VEMET. . .Joseph. . .1712—1786. Seaport . . .».».. The Earl of Totvis. ELESSHIER, B.... Living in 1765. Lucy Barlow, alias Walters, Mother of the Duke of Monmouth Zdrd Spencei\ WATTE At . . . Antoine . . . 16 84— 1721 : Fete Champetre Henry Vaughan^ Esq. study for the picture in the Louvre. 3S ITALIA-^, ^PAISTlSIl, AND FEENCH. [Staircase A. CONTINUATION OP STAIRCASE A. LEADING TO GALLERY B. Contributed by ^^^A^ VERNET.. . Joseph.. .1712---1786. TlvoLi Mr§. Danhj Vernon Barmirt, ROSA. . . Salvator. . .1615— 1673. The Peodigal Son Lord Wenloch VALENTIN. . .Moise. . .1600—1632. Peter DEirriNa Chbist Charles Towneley^ Esq* CARRACCI...Annibale... 1560— 1609. Jacob's Dbeam The Earl of Chezter field* POUSSIN. . .Nicolas. . .1594— 1665. Poetic Landscape .... The Royal Liverpool Lnstitution* CHERON. . .Louis. . .1660—1713. The Walk to Emmaus ... /. Bey wood ffawJcins, Esq. BOTCHER... 1704— 1768. juDOMENT OF Paris . . . Admiral Sir G. Broke- Middleton^ Bart* WATTEATT. . . Antoine. . .1684—1721. Pete Champetre Heywood Hawkins, Esq* Negro Page as HARLEQtrii^ . . * Eastland de Michele, Esq, VELASQUEZ...Diego... 1599— 1660. Portrait op the Queen op Philip the Fourth op Spain I£er Majesty the Queen* BRANDI...Domenico... 1683— 1736. A Boar Hunt ....... J. JF. Faulkner, Esq. PANNINI. . . Giovanni Paolo . . .1691—1764. The Interior op the Pantheon at Rome Sir L, if. S, Eilkinyton, Bart. PANTOJA...De la Cruz... 1551— 1610. Portrait op Queen Margaret, wife of Philip the Third of Spain ...... Her Majesty the Queen* BATONI. . .Pompeo. . .1702—1787. Portrait op THE Earl OP Daetmouth . . The Earl of Dartmouth, Tor Central Gallei^y^ 6ld Mast^^^) beginning No. 2901, %qq page 298. ^9 OLD MASTERS: GERMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. GALLERY C. Contributed by EYCK...Jan van.. .Born about 1390-~1|:40. Installation of Thomas a Becket as Abchbishop oi' Canteebury The Duhe of Devonshire* Inscribed " Johes de Eyck fecit, ano. mo. cccczi. 30 Octobris." UNKNOWN. St. Catherine ..... i . . Rev. /. if. Heath St. Barbara , , ditto. MABUSE...Jan de.. .about 1470—1532. A Triptych : The Adoration or the Maqi . . EoheH Napier, Esq> EYCK... Jan Van. ..Born about 1390—1440. _ ( Vl^v The Descent from the Cross . . . S. C. Meynell Ingram, Esq^ BURER. . .Albert. . .1471—1528. The Marriage of Joseph AND Mary . . The Duke of Bevonshirei HOLBEIN ... Hans ... 1494-5— 1543 . Portrait of Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex Admiral Sir G. N, Broke" Middleton, Bart* Son of a blacksmith at Putney. Born about 1490. Secretary to Cardinal Wolsey. Earl of Essex in 1539. Lord Chamberlain to Henry the VIII. Beheaded, 1540. The chief agent in the suppression of the monasteries. OTKNOW. -Tirf I. n Marriage of Henry the Sixth and Margaret oe' VvU-*^ * v / Anjou The i)uke of Sutherland. From the Strawberry-hill Collection. See Walpole, v. 1,, p. 34. BLES... Henri de, or Met de Bles or Civetta... 1480— About 1550. A Triptych : The Descent from the Cross » JSer Majesty the Queen, CRANACH... Lucas.. .1472— 1553. The Woman taken in Adultery . . * . S. F, Eolt, Esq. MABUSE...Jan de... about 1470—1532. PoETEAiT OF Dean Colet . .... The Buke of Manchester* Born in London, 1466. Died, 1519. Founded St. Paul's School, London in 1512. 40 GEKMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c, [Gallery C. Contributed by HOLBEIN . . . Hans . . . 1494-5—1543. PoETKAiT OF Thomas Cromwell, Earl OF EsSEx The Duhe of Manchester, See No. 507. WOLGEMTJTH. . . Michael. . . 1434—1519. Pilate Washing his Hands . . The Royal Institution of Liverpool. DURER, . .Albert . .. 1471—1528. The Birth OF THE Virgin . . The Royal Institution of Liverpool There is an engraving of this subject by Albert Durer, and the picture is of his School. See R. I. of L. Cata- >gue, N0.4I. y pi JTNKNOWN/ . Vvc^Wiv^QW^ . Vanity Rebuked . /. Hope Barton^ Esq, Attributed to Van Eyck, but probably early Italian. Cir?rt^ CCfW MEMLING.. .Hans. ..about 1439— before 1495. Triptych— Descent from the Cross . . . . J. 31. Heathy Esq. Exhibited at Bruges, in 1867. KEERE... Lucas de... 1534— 1584. ^"^^^ Portrait of a Lady . . . F. W. T. Vernon Wentworth^ Esq. GOES... Hugo van der...Died about 1479. St. Augustin — Various Scenes in the Life of . The Marquis of Exeter. ORLEY... Bernard van... 1470-1— 1541. The Holy Family .... The Royal Institution of Liverpool. Formerly in the Collection of Roscoe, who attributed it to Lorenzo di Credi. According to Waagen, by Van Orley, from a composition of Leonardo da Vinci. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN... 1494— 1533. Portrait of a Nobleman, v^^ith the Conversion of St. Hubert in the background The Royal Institution of Liverpool. Formerly in the Fagel and Roscoe Collections ; then called the artist's portrait, mentioned by Descamps and Karl van Mander. • UNKNOWN. Portrait of a Man in a High Crowned Hat . . H. Savile^ Esq. EYCK... Jan van... Born about 1390—1440. Virgin and Child A. J. L. Beresford Hope^ Esq, MEMLING.. .Hans. ..about 1439— before 1495. Virgin and Child Wolsey Iloreau, Esq. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Sir John Cheke .... The I) uJce of Manchester. MEMLING.. .Hans. ..about 1439— before 1495. Portrait of Himself ... . . Wynn Ellis^ Esq, Formerly in the Rogers Collection. 41 d Gallery C] OLD MASTERS: Contributed by HOLBEIN. . .Hans. . .1494-5— 1543. A Man's Head The Duke of Devonshire. CRANACH ... Lucas .. . 1472—1 553. The Young Princes Sir C. TV. Dilke^ Bart, There is a duplicate at Windsor. HOLBEIN . . . Hans . . . 1494-5—1543 . PoETEAiT OF Heney THE EiGHTH, Second Son of Henry the Seventh The Duke of Manchester, Born, 1491. Succeeded his father, 1509. Died, 1547. WEYDEN...Rogier van der (the elder)... Pain ted 1430-60. Triptych. Scenes from the Crucifixion . . . Rev. J, M. Heath, MEMLINa..*Hans... about 1439— before 1495. Triptych Wolsey Moreau^ Esq, Belonged to Francesco Sforza, portraits of the mem- bers of whose family it contains. See Gazette des Beaux Arts, torn, xxiii. HOLBEIN . . . Hans . . . 1494-5—1543 . Portrait of Archbishop Warham . The Archbishop of Canter bury. Born at Walsanger, in Hampshire, about 1456. Died, 1532. Lord Chancellor and Archbishop in 1503. The opponent of "Wolsey, and friend of Erasmus and Sir Thos. More. The latter, or Holbein himself, is beUeved to have presented this picture to the Archbishop. On it are inscribed the date and age. A similar picture is in the Louvre, The Wheel of Fortune The Duke of Devonshire. Signed, with Monogram, ''H, H. 1533." Portrait OF THE Duke OF Norfolk . . The Duke of Devonshire, EYCK ..Jan van... Born about 1390—1440. The Virgin appearing to Saint Bruno . The Marquis of Exeter. HOLBEIN. . .Hans. . .1494-5—1543. Portrait of Thos. Croijiwell (iEtat. 15) . The Duke of Devonshire. ^ MABUSE...Jan de... about 1470—1532. Virgin and Child . . , . . , W, Fuller Maitland, Esq, MORE. ..Sir Antonio. ..1525—1581. Portrait of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk . . , F. H. Howard^ Esq. ORLEY. . .Bernard van . . . 1470-1—1541. The Holy Family Sir J, Famsden, Fart. ^2 VI a^^o. GERMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. [Gallery C. Contributed by MEMLING... Hans. ..about 1439— before 1495. The Entombment TFi/nn Mlisy Esq, CRANACH... Lucas. ..1472— 1553. The Aetist's Wife .... The Royal Institution of Liverpool. Bears the monogram of the artist, a flying dragon with a ring in its mouth, Dated 1534. See R. I. of Catalogue, No. 50. HOLBEIN . . .Hans . . . 1494-5—1543. Portrait OF Edwaed THE Sixth . . . The Duke of Manchester,, Born, 1538. Died, 1553, Son of Henry the Eighth and Jane Seymour. MEMLING... Hans. ..about 1439— before 1495. Adoration of the Magi /. Brett, Esq, From Lord Northwick's Collection. VAN DER MEIRE...De Gand. The Virgin and Child, surrounded by Saints The Rev, J, M, Eeath, HOLBEIN . . . Hans . . . 1494-5—1543 . Portrait of Marguerite de Valois, Sister to Francis the First of France . . The Royal Institution of Liverpool, When in the possession of Roscoe this picture was attributed to Leonardo da Vinci ; since, to Jeannet and Holbein. Dr. Waagen asserts positively that it is by the younger Jeannet, UNKNOWN. Portrait of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk The Duke of Sutherland, ORLEY. . .Bernard van . . . 1470^1—1541. Virgin and Child and Saints . . . Her Majesty the Quern, LUCAS VAN LEYDEN... 1494— 1533. Dentist AND Rustic Patient .... The Duke of Devonshire, : ORLEY... Bernard van... 1470-1— 1541. A Lady Reading JFynn Ellis^ Esq, Purchased at Granada, from a family in whose posses- sion it had been for upwards of a century. HOLBEIN ... Hans .. . 1494-5— 1543. Portrait OF Mary I., Queen OP England . The Marquis of Euter, Born, 1516. Queen in 1553. Died, 1558. Daughter of Henry the VIII. and Catherine of Arragon. Wife of Philip the Second of Spain. Dated at back, 1544. ORLEY... Bernard van.. .1470-1—1541. Donatorio, with St. John and Mary Magdalen. The Royal Institution of Liverpool , Formerly in the Eoscoe Collection. See R. I. of L. Catalogue, No. 62. 43 Gallery CJ OLD MASTEKS: Contributed by BLE3... Henri de, or Met de Bles or Civetta...l480 — About 1550. ViEGiN AND Child . . . . . . . Rev. J. M. Heath. SCHOOEEEL . . . Jan . . . 1495—1562. A Teiptych Earl Spencer, St. Jerome with a skuU. On the wings the donors and the salutation. ORLEY. . .Bernard van. . .1170-1— 1511. Adoeation of the Kings .... Reginald Cholmondeley^ Esq. HOLBEIN ... Hans .. . 1194-5—1543 . PoETEAiT OF De. Linacee . . . Wm. Fuller Maitland^ Esq. Born at Canterbury, 1460. Died, 1524. Celebrated Physician. Founder of the College of Physicians in London ; and, having taken Holy Orders, Prebend of Westminster, &c. MORE.., Sir Antonio... 1525— 1581. Female Head The Duke of Devonshire. HOLBEIN . . . Hans . . .1494-5—1543 . POETEAIT OF A YoUNG MaN F. CooJc^ Esq. Probably painted at Basle, about 1526. VANSOMER. . .Paul. . .1576— 1621. PoETEAiT, LoED Bacon The Royal Society. Born, 1561. Lord Chancellor, 1618. Published his ''Novum Organum," 1620, Died, 1626, BOTH. ..Jan. ..About 1610—1656. Landscape and Cattle . , , . . Major Rill M. Zmthes. MATSYS, METSYS, and MASSYS...Quentin... 1466— 1530-31. The Money Changees TF'y)in Ellisy Esq. Formerly in the Van Ravenstein Collection, MORE . . . Sir Antonio ... 1525— 1581. PoRTEAiT OF Philip THE SECOND, KiNG OF Spain . . Earl Sjmicer, Born, 1527. Died, 1598, Husband of Queen Mary the First of England, who was the second of his four wives. GOES... Hugo van der... 1478^9. Saint Catherine .... The Royal Liverpool Institution. From the Roscoe Collection. HOLBEIN . . . Hans . . . 1494-5—1 543 . Poeteait of a Banker or Merchant . Wm. Fuller Maitland, Esq. Portrait OF A Man Holding A Pink . . The Duke of Devonsh ire. Portrait of Geronimo Deodati . . . J. H. And^rson^ Esq. 44 GBRMAlSr, FliEMISK, DUTCH, LGallery C* Contributed by HOLBEIN. . .Hans. . .1494-5— 1543. PonTEAiT OF Sir Heney Guilfoed . . . Eer Majesty the Queen. PoETEAiT OF A Lady The Earl Spencer. FEIlG...Paul Francis. ..1689—1738-40. Landscape, with figures— A Frost Scene .... Dr. Wright. Signed. OSTADE... Isaac van. ..1017— 1654. Feost Piece, and Figures Skating . . . Major Hill M. Leathes. RtJBENS...Sir Peter Paul.. .1577— 1040. Saint Dominic Matthew Anderson^ Esq. Domingo de Guzman, founder of the Order of Dom- inicans. Born, 1170, at Callahorra, in Spain. Died at Bologna, 1220. This and a companion picture of Saint Francis came from Spain. RtJYSDAEL... Jacob. . .About 1635—1681. Landscape The Biike of Devonshire, WOUVERMANS. . .Philip . . .1020— 1068. Landscape and Figuees C, Egerton Legge^ Esq. BRAXTWER... Adrian. ..1008— 1641. BooES EEQALiNa Sir T. W. Holburne^ Bart. RUYSDAEL . . .Jacob. . .About 1625—1681. A Landscape E. A. Leatham^ Esq. METSU... Gabriel... 1615— Still living in 1667. ^| . . . i f A "Woman holding a Jua and a Man behind hee ^JhxAri^< J The Baron de Ferrih^es. BRECKELENKAMP...Quirin van. ..Painted about 1670. A Conveesation Piecj: E. A. Zeatham, Esq. RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul. ..1577— 1640. (Ua/a^ Landscape, vrith Milkwoman, Sportsman, &c. The Diike of Bevonshire. Engraved by Bolswert. No. 1213 of Smith's Catalogue. r|Y^ VjU * REMBRANDT ..Van Ehyn... 1606-7— 1669. Death of the Virgin . . . . . . Dr. Copland, WEENIX...J. B.... 1621— 1660. ^ ?^\V^' ^ The Dancing Dog W. B. Beaumont^ Esq, WOUVERMANS...Philip.. .1620—1608. ( 7yfrl')<7>| Av< ) The Manege The Buke of kichmond. 45 Gallery C] OLD MASTERS: Contributed by NEER...Aart van der... about 1619— still living 1691. A Moonlight Scene C. Warner^ Esq. From Lord Northwick's Collection. VAN DEN BEEGEN...Dirk van. ..about 1645-- 1689. Landscape Earl of Zetland, VANDERMYN. . .Herman. . .1684—1741. Venus and Cupid Major Rill M. Leathes, SACHTLEVEN.. .Herman.. .1612. ..still living 1682. Eivee Side Scene, with Ducks, &c. . Rev. J. Allen Charlton^ Esq. RUYSDAEL... Jacob... about 1625—1681. View Haaelem E. A. Leatham, Esq. BREUaHEL...Jan or Velvet... 1568— 1625. A Wkeath of Flowees sueeounding the Coeona- TiON of the Viegin, by Franck . . , P. II. Howard^ Esq. POELEMBERG. , . Cornelius . . .1586—1660. Landscape and Figuees C. Egerton Legge, Esq. WOIT VERMANS . . . PhHip . . .1620—1668. The Teumpetee . . . .. . . The Biike of Devonshire, In the Thellusson Collection in 1777. That of Tronchin 1778. No. 141 Smith's Catalogue. Signed. JARDIN...Karel du... about 1625—1678. Landscape and Cattle i?. P. JSfichol^ Esq. MIEREVELT. . .Micbiel. . . 1567—1641. PoETEAiT OF Peince Maueice OF NASSAU . Sir John Raonsden, Bart. ZORG...Heinrich Martin Kokes... 1621— 1682. The Fish Maeket Rohert Napier, Esq. HOOGHE..,Pieter de... still living in 1670. Intbeioe, with figures ,, REMBRANDT... Van Ehyn...l606 or 7—1669. POETEAIT OF A GENTLEMAN .... ,, GELDER... Arnold de... 1645—1727. Head of a Rabbi . . . . The Royal Liverpool Institution. HEEM...Jan Davidz de... 1600— 1674. Still Life C. Winn, Esq. RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul.. .1577—1640. A Macaw H. H. Qihhs, Esq. A finished study. From Schamp's Collection. Smith's | b il l i, !/ Catalogue, No. 884. ^ ' ' ' ' ^ 46 GERMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. [GaUery C. Contributed by HEEM...JanT)avidz de... 1600— 1674. Flower Piece The Lady Rolle. RUBENS.. .Sir Peter Paul.. .1577— 1640. Jesus and Saint John, with attendant angels Sir John Mamsden, JBart> The fruit and flowers by D. Seghers. VANDYCK. . Sir Anthony... 15 99— 1641. POETEAITS OF GeOEGE DiGBY, SeCOND EaEL OF Bristol Earl Spencer, Died, 1676, and William, afterwards First Duke OF Bedford. Born, 1614. Died, 1700. "This example of the art would of itself have been sufficient to have immortalized the painter." See Smith's Catalogue. In 1678-9 Evelyn writes : ''Dined with the Countess of Bristol. There were divers pictures in her house of Titian, Vandyck, and some of Bassano, very good ; especially an Adonis and Venus : and of Vandyck, my Lord of Bristol, with the Earl of Bedford's at length."— Evelyn's Diary. BRAUWER or BROUWER... Adrian... 1608— 1641. BooES Regaling, and old Woman with porridge pot . Dr, De Mey. TENIERS... David the Younger... 1610— 1694. The Caed Playees , . . . . . . Rohert Napier, Esq^ MTTSSCHER.. .Michel van... 1645— 1705. Dutch Inteeioe „ REMBRANDT... Van Ehyn...l606 or 7—1669. POETEAIT or A LaDY ,, PosTRAiT OF A Lady C. Maud, Esq. KOEDYKE— Nicolas... b. 1631. The Barber Surgeon The Baron de Ferrilres. TOL...Dominick van... living in 1680. An Old Woman Reading .... „ „ JBOONEN.. .Arnold van. ..1669— 1729. Girl Cutting a Lemon, dated 1710 . . VAN DE VELDE.. .William, the younger.. .1633—1707. Stormy Weather at Sea Robert Napier, Esq. PYNACKER... Adam.. .1621— 1673. Landscape n 47 Gallery C] OLD MASTEBS: Contributed by CHAMPAGNE... Philippe de...lG02— 1674. PoETEAiT OF EoBEET Aenaud d'Andilly . . The Earl Spencer. Born at Paris, 1589. Died, 1674, at the Abbey of Port Eoyal des Champs, of which he was one of the most distinguished brethren. The brother of Antoine, The great doctor of the Sorbonne." STEEN. . .Jan. . .1626— 1679. CouETSHip Robert Napier^ Esq. VAN DE VELDE... William, the younger.. .1633— 1707. A Sea Piece E. A, Leatham^ Esq. RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul. ..1577— 1640. PoETEAiT OF THE Paintee .... Hcr Majesty the Queen. The gold chain round his neck represents that given him by Charles L, to whom this picture was presented by Lord Danby. VANDYCK. . . Sir Anthony. . .1599— 1641. The Eael of Caeenaevon, when young . . The Earl of Chesterfield. MOOil...Karel de... 1656— 1738. The Duenna The Rev. Thos. Staniforth, VAN DE VELDE... Adrian... 1639— 1672. WiNTEE Scene in Holland Robert Napier, Esq. BRECKELENKAMP...Quirin van... Painted about 1670. An Old Woman Saying Geace . . . The Buhe of Sutherland. POTTER.. .Paul.. .1625— 1654. Cattle in a Landscape Robert Napier, Esq. BRAUWER or BROUWER... Adrian... 1608— 1641. Peasants Caeoitsing The Duke of Devonshire. RUYSDAEL . . .Jacob . . . about 1625—1681. Landscape and Wateefall Robert Napier, Esq. MIERIS.. .William. ..1662—1747. The Huedy Guedy Playee .... The Baron de Ferrih'es. YiEGiN AND Child SLINGEL ANDT . . . Peter van . . . 1640— 16 9 1 . Inteeioe, with Violin Playee ... TENIERS... David the Younger... 1610— 1694. Dutch Inteeioe, with Peasants Robert Napier, Esq. EALENS... Charles van. ..1684— 1733. HoESES AND FiGUEES FoEDiNG A EiVEE . . . Henry Harvey, Esq. From Sir C. M. Lamb's Collection. WOU VERMANS . . . Philip . . . 1620— 166 8. The Halt at the Gipsy Camp .... Robei-t Napier, Esq. 4g GERMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. [Gallery C, Contributed by BERGHEM... Nicolas... 1624— 1683. WiNTEE Scene in Holland R. Napier^ Esq, RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul.. .1577— 1640. PoETEAiT OF ELIZABETH Beandt . . . Her Mojcsiy the Queen, The first wife of Kubens. " One of his finest portraits. " —Mrs. Jameson's Royal Galleries. BOL. . .Ferdinand. . .1609-10— 1681. PoETEAiT OF CouNT ZuLENSTEiN . . Mrs, Danhy Vernon Har court, WYCK.. J....1616— 1686. Inteeioe, with Cradle, and Woman at "Work . . . ifrs. Matheson, BERGHEM. . .Nicolas . . .1624— 1683. Landscape and Cattle Henry Harvey, JEsa, * From the Fesch and Holford Collections. JV?V'^ JARDIN...Karel du... about 1625—1678. Landscape, vrith figures and cattle . . . . From the Earl of Shaftesbury's Collection. VANDYCK. . . Sir Anthony .. .1599— 1641. The Viegin and Child . From the Collection of the late Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. STEEN. . . Jan . . .1626— 1679. The Lean Kitchen The Fat Kitchen The Baron de Eerrilres, TENIERS... David, the younger... 1610— 1604. Landscape and Figuees HeJiry Harvey, Esq, From Cankrine's Collection. 0-allery C] OLD MASTERS : CONTBIBUTED BY WEENIX...Jan Baptist... 1620—1660. Dead Game Henry Harvey y Esq, CAPELLA...Jan van de... 1635— 1677. A RiVEE Scene „ DOES. ..Simon van der... 1653—1717. Sheep, Goats, and Figuees in a Landscape . Signed *'S. V. Does, 1708." From the Collection of the late J. G. Uppleby, of Leeds. HEEM...Jan Davidz de... 1600—16 74. Still Life, Oysters, &c. . . . . . , £. A. Zeatham, Esq, OSTADE... Isaac van... 1617— 1654. A HUEDY GUEDY PlAYER RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul... 1577— 1640. PoETEAiT OF Helena Foeman Henry Harvey, Esq. Second wife of Rubens. From the Collection of Lucien Bonaparte. MOLENAER. . . Jan. . .Painted 1625—1660. BooES REaALiNG Eclmuncl Lewes, Esq, OSTADE... Adrian van. ..1610—1685. The Smokee Henry Harvey, Esq. See Smith's Catalogue, No. 176. NETSCHER..,Gaspar... 1639— 1684. POETEAIT OF A LadY „ From the Collection of the late Robert Field, Esq. OSTADE.. .Adrian van. ..1610—1685. The Inteeioe of a Cottage TERBURG... Gerard. ..1608— 1681. The Sleeping Soldiee From Lord Myddleton's Collection. NETSCHER...Gaspar.. .1639—1684. A Boy Blowing Bubbles C. Warner, Esq. MIERIS . . .William . . .1662—1747. A Boy Blowing Bubbles Henry Harvey, Esq. See Smith's Catalogue. No. 6. EVERDINGEN. . . C^sar van . . .1606— 1679. POETEAIT OF A ChILD HOLDING AN ApPLE IN HER Hand Signed and dated, ''^tatis 2, anno 1664." From J. Corley's Collection. 50 GERMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. [Gallery Contributed by SCHELLINCKS . . . WiUiam . . . 1632^1678. The Departure for the Chase .... Henry JSarvey^ Esq. METSTJ... Gabriel. ..1615— still living in 1667. The Singing Lesson From the Collections— Franks and White, of Edin- burgh. See Smith's Catalogue. CUYP... Albert.. .1605— living in 1683. A EivER Scene HEYDEN...Jan van der... 1637— 1712. View in Amsterdam Figures by Adrian Van de Velde. See Smith's Cata- logue, No. 82. CUYP...Mbeii:...1605— Hvingin 1683. Cows IN A Landscape, a view of Dort in the distance. Smith's Catalogue Supplement, No. 50. HEMSKERCK. . .Egbert. . .1645—1704. Boors Merry-making S. K. Mainwaring^ Esq, WYNANTS . . . Jan . . . 1600— living, 1677. Landscape, and figures Mrs, Matheson, Landscape, and figures ITemy Harvey^ Esq. From the Saltmarsh Collection. See Smith's Cata- logue, No. 11. VAN DE VELDE.. .Adrian. ..1639— 1671. Landscape and Cattle See Smith's Catalogue. No. 65. ASSELYN...Jan, called Crabbetjie... 1610-^1660. The Ponte Molle, on the Tiber ,, „ HEEM...Jan Davidz de... 1600— 1674. Fruit on a Table Signed and dated, ** Utrecht, 1649." Formerly in the Scarisbrick Collection. MOOR...Karel de.. .1656—1738. A BoT Angling From the Cankrine Collection. DOIT . . . Gerard . . .1613—1675. Girl at a Window From the Woodbum Collection. GLAUBER... Johan GottHeb... 1646— 1726. Seaport The figures by Lairesse. 51 Gallery C] OLD MASTERS: Contributed by Henry Harvey^ Esq. M. Anderson^ Esq, Henry Harvey, Esq, JANSEK. . .Cornelius. . .1590— 1665. PORTEAIT OF A GENTLEMAN .... Signed, "Cor. Jonson, V. Ceulen, fecit 1649." There are other pictures which bear this signature. See Waagen, vol. 2, page 464. OS. ..Jan van.. .1744— 1808. Flower Piece GONZALES C0QUES...1618— 1G84. Portrait of a Lady ...... From the Collection of W. Cooper Cooper. TENIERS... David, the younger... 1610— 1694. Shuffle Cap From the Collection of the Duchesse de Berri. See Smith's Catalogue, Supplement, No. 138. HTJYSUM...Jan van. ..1682— 1749 A Group of Flowers MYTENS... Daniel (the elder)... about 1590— still living 1656. Portrait of a Young Girl . . Eeginald Cholmondeley, Esq, 683 BACKHUY2EK. . .Ludolf . . .1631— 1709. Portrait of Himself From the Bernal Collection. SLINGEL ANDT ... Peter van .. . 1640—16 Q 1 . Portrait of a Lawyer TOL...Dominick van... living in 1680. Woman Plucking a Pink . . . . MOOR...Karel de... 1656— 1738. Portrait of a Gentleman. (Signed) VOYS...Ary de... 1641— 1698. A Youth Singing, with his violin MIERIS...WiUiam.. .1662—1747. Portrait of Van der Voogt .... MOUCHERON... Frederick.. 1633— 1686. Italian Landscape The figures and cattle by Adrian van de Velde. EUYSCH. . .Eachel. . . 1664—1750. A Fruit Piece .... Sir /. Emnsden^ Barf, E. A, Leatham, Esq, Br, Jackson, Lancelot JFedderbum, Esq, Eev. J, M. Heath. MattJmo Anderson, Esq. Henry Harvey, Esq. C, Warner, Esq. 52 GEBMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &o. [Gallery C. Contributed by VANDYCK. . . Sir Anthony .. .1599— 1641. PoETRAiT OF SiR KjENELM DiaBT, with his Wife, Lady Yenetia, and Children . . . G. D. W. Bighy^ Esq. Sir Kenelm, born, 1C03. Distinguished as a soldier, scholar, and courtier, and remarkable for his personal strength. Only son of Sir Everard Digby, executed for his share in the Gunpowder Plot. During the civil wars Sir Kenelm retired to France. Died in London, 1665. Lady Venetia, youngest daughter of Sir Edward Stanley, was born in 1600, and found dead in her bed in 1633. Kenelm, their eldest son, was killed during the civil wars. The younger son, though disinherited by his father, succeeded to a portion of the property. POELEMBERG . . . Cornelius . . .1586—1660. The Biposo John Fleming^ Esq. BOL . . .Ferdinand . . . 1 609-10— 1681 . Head of a Youth in a Cap . . . /. Eeytvood Hawkins^ Esq. GRIFFIER... Jan. ..1656— 1718. Return feom Shooting The Lady Rolle- RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul...l57 7—1640, The Holy Family The Earl of Chesterfield, A picture similar in composition is at Vienna. The picture now exhibited has been engraved by Earlom. See Smith's Catalogue, No. 295. BREUGHEL... Jan or Velvet... 1568— 1625. Wreath of Flowers, surrounding a Portrait by Netscher E. H. Howard^ Esq. BALEN...H. van... 1560— 1632. The Holy Family The Lady Eolle. TENIERS... David, the younger... 1610---1694. The Drummer and Outpost M. Anderson^ Esq. BERGHEM . . . Nicolas . . . 1621—1683. Merry-making TVynn Ellis^ Esq. Signed, and dated 1655. TENIERS. ..David, the younger... 1610— 1694. The Death of Leander Earl Spencer. No. 650 of Smith's Catalogue. BERGHEM.. .Nicolas.. .1624— 1683. Landscape, with Figures and Cattle by the river side E, A. Leatham^ Esq. VANDYCK.. .Sir Anthony.. .1599— 1641. Charles the First, his Queen, and Children . . Lord Galway, SCHALCKEN. . .Godfrey. . .1643— 1706. A Boy Blowing a Lighted Brand . . . Earl Spencer. 53 Gallery C] OIiB MASTERS: Contributed by BACKHUYZEN...Ludolf...l631— 1709. A Feesh Breeze. (Signed) Eenry Harvey, Esq, STORCK... Abraham. ..1650—1708 or 13. Seaport . . . . . , . . . . Dr. Wright, UNKNOWN. A ^1 Man IN Armour . . . . . , H. Bavile, Esq, Earl of Essex H, Savile, Esq, BLOEMEN... Peter van...l649-=1719. Horses and Men Capt. Templer, H00GHE...Pieter de., .still living in 1670. The Minuet Wy^in Ellis, Esq, Formerly in Mr. Swaby's Collection. SUSTERMANS . . .Justus . . . 1597—1681. Portrait of General Piccolomini ... W. Drury Lowe, Esq. Killed at the battle of Lutzen, fought by Gustavus • Adolphns, against Wallenstein, in 1632, RUYSCH. . .Kachel. . . 1664—1750. Elower Piece The Baron de Eerrieres, BREUGHEL.. .Jan or Velvet... 1568— 1625. Landscape and Figures Dr. De GOYEN...Jan van.. .1596— 1656. Dutch Scene: The Well . lord Scarsdale. RUYSDAEL . . .Jacob . . . about 1626—1681. Landscape The Marquis of Exeter. SNYDERS. . .Francis. . . 1579—1657. A Boar's Head, Game, &c The Duke of Manchester. BLOEMEN... Peter van. Horses and Men Capt. Templer. STEEN . . . Jan . . . 1626—1679. Twelfth Night H. E. Holt, Esq. No. 143 of Smith's Catalogue. BERGEN... Dirk van... 1645— 1689. Landscape, Cattle, &c B. F. Nichols, Esq. RUBENS.. .Sir Peter Paul.. .1577— 1640. The Conversion of Saint Paul . . . . E. F, Nichols, Esq. This appears to have been a study for the great picture in the possession of Mr. Miles, of Bristol. 54 G-BRMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. [Gallery O. Contributed by STRY.. Jacob van... 1756— 1815. Cows AND Sheep M. F, Nichols^ Esq. CUYLENBORG... Abraham... Born 1639. Women Bathing * Jf. TFi/vill, Usq, HOBBEMA...Minderhout or Meindert... 1638— 1709. Landscape AND Mill. (Signed) . . . The Duke of Devonshire, BRAMER... Leonard. ..Born 1596. The Raising of Lazaeus The JRev, Dr, Hodges, POTTER . . .Paul. . .1625— 1654. Cow's Head Mrs, Morrison, After Potter. OSTADE... Adrian van.. .1610— 1685. The Game of Hot Cockles .... Major Hill M, Leathcs, MIERIS...WiUiam... 1662— 1747. The Foetunb Teller Wynn JEllis, Esq HEEM...Jan Davidz de... 1600— 1674. Still Life ^^V X. M, S. Pilkington^ Bart, BERGHEM . . . Nicolas . . .1624—1683. Landscape and Cattle . . . . . . Wynn Ellis, Esq, A similar picture, now in the Louvre, was engraved by Geissler. No. 147 of Smith's Catalogue, FYT.. .Jan... 1609— 166L Dead Game . . Wynn Ellis, Esq, Formerly in the Collection of Mr. Yates, of Great Yarmouth. ELSHEIMER. . . Adam. . .1574—1620. Venus and Cupid /. Eeywood Hawkins, Esq, TERBURG... Gerard.. .1608— 1681. The Satin Gown Wynn Ellis, Esq, Formerly in Mr. Gurney's Collection. TJDEN... Lucas van... 1595— About 1662. Landscape The Rev, Dr, Hodges, Figures by Teniers. HOBBEMA...Minderhout or Meindert... 1638— 1709. Landscape Eastland de Michele, Esq, BRIL. . .Paul. . .1554— 1626. Landscape Gen, Sir C. Van Straubmzee, 55 Gallery C] OI.D MASTERS : CONTRIBUTBD BY VEHELST. .. Simon .. . 1664—1710. PoETEAiT OF Nell Gwynne .... Alexander Barker^ JEsq. REMBKANDT. . . Yan Ehyn . . .1606 -7— 1669. Solomon in the Temple . . . . Sir George Armytage, Bart. MIERIS . . .William . . .1662—1747. A Market Scene , E, B. Nichols^ Esq, See Supplement to Smith's Cat'«'. No. 38. REMBRANDT.. .Van Ehyn. ..1606 or 7—1669. PoETEAiT OF His Datjghtee Mrs. Morrison, VANDYCK . . . Sir Anthony. . . 1 59 9— 1641. Poeteait of Sie Kenelm Digby . . . Sir Stephen Glynne^ Bart. See No. 684. NEEFS.. .Peter (the elder). ..1570— 1651. Inteeioe View of a Chuech .... T, Eagland, Esq, WATERLOO. . . Antoni. . .about 1618—1679. Poeest Scene /. Heywood Eawkins^ Esq, REMBRANDT.. .Van Ehyn.. .1606 or 7—1669. The Ciecumcision Earl Spencer, RUYSDAEL... Solomon. ..1616— Living in 1673. Eivee Scene JDr, Jackson, From the Marchioness of Hertford's Collection, VANDYCIC.Sir Anthony.. .1599— 1641. The Panthers of Bacchus feeding on Geapes . C. Winn^ Esq, SCHWEICXHARDT. . . Henry William . . . 1746—1797. A Masquerade on the Ice . . . , S. K. Maimvaring, Esq, HUCHTENBIIRG...Joon van. ..1646— 1733. Battle Scene, and Cavaley Halt . . . . Br, Jackson, TERBURG...Gerard.. .1608—1681. A Tea Paety Matthew Anderson^ Esq, HALS. ..Frans... 1584. ..1666. Portrait of an Academician . . . Mrs. Banhy Vernon Har court, VANDYCK . . . Sir Anthony. . .1599— 1641. Portrait of Himself The Buke of Bevonshirc. WYNANTS...Jan Waterloo... 1600— living 1677. Wooded Landscape ...... /. Heywood Hawkins, 56 OEBMAN, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. [aallery C. Contributed by VAN DE VELDE...Wmiam, the younger... 1633— 1707. A Stoem The Earl of Chesterjield. UNKNOWN. The Buildino of the Palace of the Qiteen of Sheba ...... UNKNOWN. 1^ ^ Portrait of General Piccolomini HOOGHE...Pieter de...stm Hving in 1670. Portrait of a Lady MIGNON... Abraham. ..1639-40— 1679. Flower Piece The Rev, J, K Wald^. . Colonel Tempest, . Sir C, W. Dilhe, Bart J, Seywood Eawkins^ Esq, METSU . . . Gabriel . . . 1615—1658. The Pishwoman SEGERS... Daniel.. .1590— 1661. A Fruit Piece .... Rev, J, M. Heath, Sir L, M, S, Rilkington^ Bart, VANDYCK. . . Sir Anthony. . . 1599—1641. Portrait of William Cavendish, Duke of New- castle . Born, 1593. Died, 1676. Painted about 1631. No. 3083. See Yorkshire Worthies. WYNANTS... Jan... 1600— Hving, 1677. A Wooded Landscape ...... Earl Spencer, C, TFinn, Esq. The Duke of Devonshire, NEEFS... Peter (the elder). ..1570—1651. Interior of a Church, with a Procession Signed, Peter Neefs, 1603." MARCELLIS, or MASSEUS...Otho... 1613— 1673. Piece, containing a Thistle, Lizard, Butterflies, &;c. A. W, Eastwood, Esq, HUYSUM...Jan van... 16 82— 1749. Landscape, with Kocky BACzaROUND . . Matthew Anderson, Esq, W. Supplement, page 483. RUBENS.. .Sir Peter Paul...l577— 1640. Portrait of the Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia Daughter of Philip II. of Spain. Wife of the Arch- duke Albert. In the dress of an abbess. Engraved by Pontius. From the Schamp Collection. Smith's Cata- logue, No. 1180. CUYP.. .Jacob Gerritz... 1575— Living in 1640. View op Dort ♦ * 57 if. jB". Gihhs, Esq, The Lady Rolle. Gallery C.l OLD MASTERS : NEEFS.. .Peter (the elder)... 1570— 1651. Interior of a Chuech .... Contributed by The Lady JRolle. HUYSMAN...CorneHus, of Mechlin.. .1648— 1727. Landscape, Evening effect . . . Sir G, Islay Campbell^ Bart, VANDYCK ... Sir Anthony ... 1 599—1641 . Portrait of Don Ferdinando di Toledo . The Earl of Warwick, Dated 1630. Not the Duke of Alva, Governor of the Netherlands. See Smith's Catalogue. RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul.. .1577- Tartars Hunting a Wild Bull -1640. Sir JFm, Fitzherhert Bart, JAIlDIN...Karel du... about 1625—1678. Landscape, Ruins, and Shepherdess . . . Bev. J, M. Seath, EUBENS...Sir Peter Paul... 157 7— 1640. Atalanta and Meleager .... Major Hill M. Leathes, Purchased, about 1700, by Mr. William Leathes, at Brussels, many years British Minister at Brussels, and ancestor of the present owner. VANDYCK.. .Sir Anthony... 1599— 1641. Portrait of Charles the First Sir G. Islay Campbell^ Bart. Dr, Jackson, The Duke of Manchester* BEECKHEYDEN . . . Gerard . . . 1645— 1693 . The Quay, Scene in a Dutch city . MAAS... Dirk... born, 1656. Fete Champetre WATERLOO . . . Antoni. . . 1618—1662. Forest Scene, with figures VANDYCK...Sir Anthony.. .1599— 1641, Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria SACHTLEVEN. ..Herman... 1612— StiU Hving 1682. Landscape Landscape BREUGHEL... Jan or Velvet... 1568— 1625. Vulcan and Venus, with landscape, animals, &c. , . Dr. Jackson, VALKENBURG... Lucas van... Died 1625. Dead Game, &c. C. JFinn, Esq, VANDYCK. . . Sir Anthony . . .1599— 1641. Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria . . Her Majesty th$ Qtieen, Daughter of Henry IV, of France. Wife of Charles I. of England. Born, 1625. Died, 1669. **0f the numerous portraits Vandyck painted of her, this is the most attractive. This picture was hung in Charles's bed- room."— Mrs. Jameson's Galleries. 68 S. K, Mainwaring^ Esq, Earl Spencer, . \ icJ-^. I 0 f ^O) . ^ojor mil M. Leathes. • V ...... . }, aEBMAUr, FLEMISH, BUTCH, &e. [Gallery C. Contributed by ELSHEINER. . .1574— 16^30. The Betrayal of Christ Jacob Brett, Esq. TERBURG. . . Gerard . . . 1008—1681 . Portrait of a Young Lady Wynn Ellis, Esq, ELSHEIMER. . . Adam. . .1574—1620. A Landscape, with Eepose of the Holy Family The Duke of Devonshire, GRIMMER. ..J. ..born about 1510— alive 1546. The Interior of the Church of St. Jacqxhes The Baron de Ferrier^s, DOU... Gerard, ..1613— 1675. Violin Player Sir T. W. Kolhiirne, Bart, GONZALES COQUES... 1618— 1684. i*.JjSU^^ \U (% ) The Duet TTi/nn Ellis, Esq, Exhibited at the British Institution. LINT... Henry van (studio)... living in 1680. A Landscape, with Europa on the Bull . . . Jff. IT. Gibbs, Esq. .MIEL...Jan, called also Bieke... 1599— 1664. Interior, Candlelight WITH Figures . . The Buhe of Devonshire, HALS. ..Frans.. .1584— 1666. The Toper The Earl of Chesterfield, RITYSDAEL. . .Jacob. . .about 1625—1681. Landscape . . 6 . . . J. T. Knoivles, Esq., Junr. GOYEN...Jan van. ..1596— 1656. 3? ^'-^-^^ -rrC^ River Scene Mrs. Danbg Vernon Harcotirt. VANDYCK. . .Sir Anthony. . .1599— 1641. Portrait of Charles L, in three different positions Her Majesty the Qiieen, Painted about 1637, for the purpose of being sent to Rome to Bernini the Sculptor, who made from it a bust in marble. VANDYGK...Sir A....1599— 164L Portrait of a Young Lady . . E, W. T. Vernon Wmtworth, Esq, VALKENBURG... Lucas van... Died 1625. Still Life . * Dr. Jackson, RUYSDAEL. . .Jacob . . . about 1625—1681 . Forest Scene Wm. Fuller Maitland, Esq, HOBBEMA...Minderhout or Meindert... 1638— 1709. A Wooded SOENB, (Signed) . . ♦ . The DuU t^f Devonshire, 59 Gallery C] OLD MASTEES: Contributed by WOTJTERMANS .. .PhiHp ... 1620— 1668. Wateeing Horses ...... The Duke of Devonshire, Engraved by Cochin, in 1761, when in the Collection of Verbeckt. Since in those of Rousseau and Aved. No. 369 of Smith's Catalogue, RUYSDAEL. . Jacob . . .about 1625 . . .1681. Haaelem BLEACHiNa Geounds . . . J. T, Knowles^ Esq.^ Jun> Landscape . iiM^' ./fir;? ..... J. Walter, JEsq. SUSTERMANS...Juster... 1597—1681. Poeteait of a Knight of Malta . . Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. MARCELIIS, or MASSEUS..,Otlio... 1613— 1673. Moths and Butteeflies . . . . . S. K, Mainwaring. Esq, HACKAERT... Jan. ..Bom about 1635. View in a Wood, near the Hague . , . The Duke of Sutherland, Figures by Van de Velde. From the Collection of M. MUller, of Amsterdam. MAAS or MAES.. .Nicolas. ..1632— 1693. Poeteait of an Ecclesiastic . . . ^ E, A. Leatham, Esq, CAPELLA...Jan van de.. .1635—1677. A Calm * Mrs, Danby Vernon Kar court, GLAUBER. . . Joban Gottlieb. . .1646»^1726. Landscape, with figures by Lairesse , ^ i John Fleming, Esq, VANDYCK ... Sir Anthony . 159 9— 1641. Poeteait of the Paintee, David Eyckaeet . The Earl of WarwicJc, Engraved by Neefs and others. No. 741 of Smith's Catalogue. REMBRANDT... Van Ilhyn...l606 or 7—1669. Cheist Disputing with the Doctoes in the Templh Matthevj Anderson, Esq. Engraved by Hess* No. 77 of Smith's Catalogue, WITTE. . .Emanuel de— 1607— 1692, Inteeioe of a Chuech ....**» Dr. Jackson, REMBRANDT... Van Ehyn...l606 or 7—1669. Poeteait of an Eldeely Man, seated in a Chair . . Lord Scarsdale, Engraved by R. Houston and Charles Phillips. No, 352 of Smith's Catalogue. VANDYCK.. .Sir Antbony... 1599— 1641. The Eael of Noethumbeeland in the To wee The Earl of Denbigh, NEER...Aart van der... about 1619— still living 1691. Rotteedam dueing the Faie i?. P. Nichols, Esq, 60 aEBMAKT, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &a [GaUery C. Contributed by OS. ..Jan van... 1744— 1808. Flowee Piece The Rev. Dr. Eodges. RUYSDAEL . . .Jacob. about 1625—1681. LAm)SCAPE 3Irs. Matlmon. NEEE...Aart van der... about 1619--still living 1691. A Moonlight Scene Wynn Ellis^ Esq^ VANDYCK...Sir Anthony...l599— 1641. Portrait of Lady Gainsborough . . . JD. }F, Bighy, Esq, SCHALCKEN. . . Godfrey. . . 1643—1706. Portrait of Rachel Rxjysch, the flower painter . Baron de Ferridres* FEIia...Paul Francis. ..1689— 1738^4:0. Landscape, with Ruins and figures .... John Rhodes^ Esq^ KONINGH...P. de... 1619— 1689. A Scene in Holland . . . . . . , /. Whatman, Esq. TENIERS... David, the younger... 1610— 1694, The Gallery of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Admiral Sir G. iV. Broke- Middleton, Bart, . HONTHORST... Gerard (Gherardo dalle notti)... 1592— 1666-8. The Angel Releasing Saint Peter from Prison Sir G. Islay Campbell, Bart, BREUGHEL.. .Jan or Velvet.. .1568— 1625. Solomon and the Queen of Sheba . . . Richard Booth, Esq, GLAUBER. . , Johan Gottlieb. . ,1646— 1726. Landscape, with nymphs bathing . . . , The figures by Lairesse. CHAMPAGNE.. PhilHp de... 1602— 1674. Portrait of Madame de Longuevillb . . Alexander Barker, Esq, VAND YCK . . . Sir Anthony ... 15 9 9—1641. Study of a White Horse .... 2". Gambier Barry, Esq, POELEMBERG... Cornelius. ..1586— 1660. U HWs^' |(.^ Landscape, with Nymphs Bathing . . JI. Meynell Ingr^, Esq, CALVART.. .Denis.. .1555—1619. Virgin and Child ..... Sir T, JT. Holburne, Bart, ERANCK. Adoration of the Infant -Christ .... Admiral Sir G. N. Broke-Middleton, Bart, RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul... 1577— 1640. The Judgment of Paris Lord Chesham, There is a print of the same size and subject, engraved when the picture was in the possession of Count Bruhl ; and a similar picture, but somewhat smaller, is at Dresden. See Smith's Catalogue, No. 748. The com- position in both differs from that of the picture in the National Gallery. 61 Gallery 0.] OLD MASTEBS : Contributed by POELEMBEKG. . . Cornelius . . .1586— 1660. Landscape, with Nymphs and Satyrs dajicing H. C, MeyneU Ingram^ Esq, EUBENS...Sir Peter Paul... 1577— 1640. Holy Family Eeposing, with Child Angel offering Fruit Mrs, Iforrison. MAAS or MAES. ..Nicolas.. .1032— 1693. NuESE AND Child /. Ileywood Hawkins, Esq. UNKNOWN. PoRTEAiT OF THE Eael OF EsSEX . . . Major Hill M, Leathes. Painted in 1563. HELST...Bartholomeus van der.. .about 1613—1670. PoETEAiT or A Man /. Heywood HawJcimy Esq, A VAN DER NEEE... 1619— 1691. Moonlight, River Scene /. Whatman^ Esq, RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul... 1577— lg^.^ri^^M<- ^Hm^UJ. < • Landscape AND Passing Stoem ' . . The Earl of Dartmouth, Sketch, in oil, for the Vision of the Bed Dragon Edmimd M. Blood, Esq, REMBRANDT. ..Van Ehyn...l606 or 7—1669. Head of an Old Man F. Cook, Esq. JANSSENS... Abraham. ..horn 1^69. The Two Philosophees %; i >. Vb'i. . The Mev, Thomas Stanif or th, JORDAENS... Jacob. ..1593— 1678. Finding the Teibute Money Colonel Morris, From the Collection which Noel Desenfans purchaseii for the King of Poland. LAIRESSE. . .Gerard de. . .1640—1711. The Ceowning of Solomon .... Engraved by the artist himself, in 1668. VANDERMYN. . .Herman. . .1684— -1741. Death of Sophonisba RTJYSDAEL... Solomon. ..1616. ..living in 1673. Landscape HONDEKOETER . . . Melchior de . . . 1636—1695. Dead Bieds, &c. Signed "AMignon (1681)" . VAN DE VELDE.. .Adrian.. .1639—1671. Landscape, and Cattle VAN DER VINNE... Vincent Laurence... 1629—1702. The Temptation of Saint Anthony, signed with M, Anderson, Esq. Major Hill M, Zeathes, Mr. E Bates. The Earl Dudley. 7F. Inghmn, Esq, Monogram D . V. , ' ' ^so anius' ' 62 S. Sharp, Esq. eEBMAN, FLEMISH, PUTOH, &c, [Staircase C. Contributed by RUBENS...Sir Peter Paul... 1577— 1640. The Jardin d' Amour Lord Houghton, The finished sketch for the large picture in the Dresden Gallery. (On screen in Gallery C. ) MIREVELT...M... .1567— 1641. Maiteice, Peince of Oeange B. F. Nichols^ Esq, FERG... P.. ..1689—1738. The Eaising of Lazaeus T. Eagland^ Esq, NEEil...Aart van der... about 1619— still living 1691. "VYintee Scene Mrs. Matheson. PALAMEDES... 1604— 1680. Musical Paety Rev, J. Allan Charlton, BRECKELENKAMP...Guion van... Painted about 1670. Misteess and Servant /. Walter^ Esq, Signed and dated, 1664. DUBOIS. ..Cornelius.. .lived about 1647. Dutch Landscape : The Dunes . . . Wm. Ftiller Maitland, Esq, HUYSUM...Jan van... 1682— 1749. Landscape, with figures Dr. De Mey, STEEN... Jan. ..1626— 1679. Inteeioe or a Dutch Taveen . . . , B. E. Nichols, Esq. HOLBEIN . . . Hans . . . 1494-5—1543. Poeteait of a Man . , H. Holt, Esq, STAIRCASE AT ENTRANCE TO GALLERY C. VAND YCK . . . Sir Anthony ... 1 5 9 9—1641. The Family of Charles the First .... Lord Lyttelton, Copy by Old Stone. See No. 847. BREUGHEL... Peter the Elder.. .1510— 1567. Frost Piece The Lady Bolle. RUBENS.. .Sir Peter Paul... 1577— 1640. Man in Aemoue Sir T, W. Holhourne, Bart, TENIERS... David, the elder... 1582— 1649. ! BoOES Revelling Johnson Brown, Esq, Formerly in the Collection of King Louis Philippe. HEMSKERCK...Egbert-rl645— 1704. Inteeioe : Figures and Dancing Dog . . . Major Hill M, Leathes. VAND YCK ... Sir Anthony ...1599—1641. Family of Chaeles I. . . . Sir N. Broke- Middleton, Bart, Copy by Old Stone. VANDERMYN. . .Herman . . .1684—1741. Poeteait of William Leathes, Ambassador at the Hague, and his Secretaiy . . . Major Hill M. Leathes. 63 Staircased ^ OLD MASTEKS : No. 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 858a 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 867 I ^{^aaAa >*X» Contributed by 3EeA.v.G0riTeiitn5T:^62O~1664. ^ ^^^^ ^Xii A CuLPEiT BEOUGHT TO Trial . \ , ^ . II . SaviU^ Esq, UNKNOWN. PoBTEAiT OF James THE FiEST CoL Tempest, Portrait of Prince Maurice Br. Copland. BREUGHEL... Jan or Velvet... 1568— 1625. Allegoeical Subject, with many birds .... Dr. Be Key. HONTHORST.. .Gerard (Gherardo dalle notti)...1592— 1^66-8.^ 4 Judith and hee Maid with the Head of Holo- jUui^ Lo^ lij-* feenes Miss Hartley, UNKNOWN. Female Saint and Angels Mrs. Beresford Beirse, Dead Swan and Game Lord Lyttelton. RUYSD AEL . . . Jacob . . . about 1625—1681. Landscape, with figures. (Signed.) . , . Matthew Anderson^ Esq. ZEEMAN...B, 1612. Sea Piece . . . The Lady RoUe. HOBBERNA...Minderliout or Meindart... 1638— 1709. Landscape, and Figures T. Eagland^ Esq, BEGA. . . Cornelius . . . 1620—1664. Dutch Interior, and Figures . . . . ' . ,, „ MIEREVELT . . . Michael. . .1567— 1641. Portrait of a Man in Armour .... Joseph Bonomi^ Esq, ROOS.. .Philip Kosa di TivoH...1655— 1705. Landscape and Cattle The Earl of Chesterfield. WYCK...J....1640— 1702. The Cannonier Earl of Bartmouth. WOUVERMANS . . .Philip . . . 1620—1668. Pillaging a Town Matthew Anderson, Esq. See Smith's Catalogue, No. 235, Supplement. CUYP... Albert.. .1605— Living in 1683. RrvER Side, with Cattle /. Hope Barton, Esq. VANDERMYN... Herman. ..1684— 1741. ^ : -\J I ^ ^ ' Danae . •. V 'J '■- Major Kill ^. Lectthes, LAER.. .Peter Van... 1615— 1674. Landscape and Cattle . . . * . . J. W. Faulkner, Esq. Purchased by the present owner, in 1825, from the Cavahere BeUanti, of Sienna. MOUCHERON . . .Frederick . . . 1633—1686. Landscape The Lady Rolle. LINT. ..Peter van... 1609— living in 1675. The Baptism of Our Lord Johnson Brown, Esq. 64 aERMAlT, FLEMISH, DUTCH, &c. [Staircase C. Contributed by RUBENS. ..Sir Peter Paul... 1577—164:0. A Boar Hunt Brett^ Esq, The animals by Snyders. UNKNOWN. Wateefowl The Lady Holle, VANDERMYN. . .Herman.. ,1684— 1741. PoETEAiT OF Caeteeet Leathes (In the Lobby.) Major M, Leathes, LORME . . de . . Painted about 1650. Inteeioe of a Chuech The Earl of Warwick, RUYSDAEL... Solomon... 1616— living in 1673. WiNTEE Scene . ...... . W. Ingham, Esq, VANDY CK . . . Sir Anthony . . . 1599—1 641. Chaeles the Second and his Sistee . . The Duke of Sutherland, TENIERS... David, the elder... 1582— 1649. Dutch MEEEY-MAsiNa, with the May-pole . . John Fleming, Esq. HOLBEIN . . Hans . . 1494-5—1543. PoETEAiT OF Hans Bodmee .... Matthew Anderson, Esq. HEYDEN. .Jan van der.. .1637—1712. Faie in Maeket Place Capt. Templer, OPSTAL... Gasper James van... 1660— 1714. Inteeioe of a Palace, with Bepresentations of Pictures, &c John Rhodes, Esq. From the Beckford Collection. VANDYCK...Sir Anthony... 159 9— 1641. POETEAIT OF Chaeles THE FiEST . . . Major Hill M, Leathes. VANDERMYN.-.Hennan... 1684— 1741. ^ Saint Paux Weiting by CANDLELiaHT . ^^.'^ > ^ -^'- ^ UNKNOWN. PoETEAiT OF Geneeal Monk Col, Tempest, POTTER. .Paul. .1625—1654. PoETEAiT OF P. PoTTEE, and his Young Bull . . . Lord Wenlock, WEENIX. .Jan Baptiste. . 1620— 1660. Dead Game . J. Walter, Esq, UNKNOWN. POETEAiTS OF A GENTLEMAN, in a black dress, with a Lady and two Children in a garden. Admiral Sir G. iV. Eroke-Middleton, Bart, VAND YCK. . . Sir Anthony. . . 1599—1641 . Unfinished Foeteait of a Youno Man , University Galleries, Oxford, 65 BtaircaseO.] OLD MASTEBS : GERMAN, &o. Contributed by UNKNOWN Female Poeteait, said to be that of Jane Sejmour . H, Savile, Esq. LIEVENS . . Jan . . 1607—1663. Poeteait of Johanna Vboots Joseph Bo7iomi, Esq. UNKNOWN. ViEGiN AND Child, enthroned, and Saints . . Captain Tempter. DROOGSLOOT, J. C... .Painted 1616-60. ViLLAGEES REGALiNa James FuUeine, Esq. SUSTERMANS. .Justice. .1597— 1681. Poeteait oe a Senatoe .... Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq. VANDYCK...Sir Anthony...l599-l641. Poeteait of a Lady j, jr, Faulkner, Esq, Copy after Vandyck, made about fifty years since by the brother of the contributor, UNKNOWN. Poeteait of a Lady of the 17th Century . F. W. T. Wentmrth, Esq. VANDERMYN... Herman... 1684- 1741. Yenus and Cupid Major mil M. Leathes. REMBRANDT... Van Ehyn...l606 or 7—1669. De. DeEMAN DEMONSTEATINa FEOM THE DeAD SUBJECT U. D. Owen, Esq. STORCK.. .Abraham. ..1650—1708 or 12. Sea Piece John Fleming, Esq. JARDIN...Karel du. .about 1625—1678. Petee Denying Cheist J. Walter, Esq. MORE. ..Sir Antonio. ..1518—1588. Poeteait Bust /. Whatman, Esq. ROTTENHAMER... 1564— 1606. Last Judgment A. Stowe, Esq. CUYP... Albert.. .1605— Living in 1683. A View of Doet Matthew Anderso?i, Esq. See No. 98, Smith's Catalogue. ASSELYN... 1610— 1660. Landscape Views and Figuees .... Mev. J. M. Heath, JANSSENS... 1590— 1665. Study of a Head T. Eagland, Esq. PALTHE . . . Gerard Jan . . . 1681—1750. Poeteait of Peincess Sophia Doeothea of Zell . Mr. E. Bates. WILLEBORTS. . .Boschaert. . .1613— 1656. Peace: an Allegory The Duke of Sutherland. For Central Gallery, Old Masters, beginnings No. 2901, see page 298. 66 BRITISH PAINTERS IN OIL, GALLERIES D and E. It would be out of place in a Catalogue to enter into any disquisition as to the comparatively modern rise of pictorial art in Great Britain. It is enough simply to state, that whilst other European countries had long been famous in this branch of civilization, England was comparatively inactive. Whatever the cause may have boen, want of ability could have hardly been the primary one, judging from the productions of the Mediaeval period and of the present time. Yet, it is nevertheless true that, as regards painting, we owe our later inspiration to foreign masters. Holbein, Vandyck, Lely, and other well-known names — the models on which our earlier artists formed themselves — bespeak a foreign and not a native motive power, and whatever was done by our countrymen was mostly in portraiture, founded on these models, until the advent of Hogarth, Reynolds, and Gainsborough (the three great masters of English art) gave a distinctive character to our School. Various interesting examples of these artists will be noticed in gallery D. George Morland, a purely English painter of great natural ability, is also well illustrated ; and the diploma pictures from the Royal Academy, or pictures presented by artists on their election as Royal Academicians, serve to show the progress of art from the early part of the century almost to the present day. Most of those who visit the present Exhibition will remember the first appearance of the Pre-Raphaelite School, and the revolution which it undoubtedly effected in English art ; the name was not particularly appropriate, for its two main characteristics, a close study of nature and very minute finish, had characterised the productions of various individual painters and even of certain schools, especially among the Flemish and Dutch, sub- sequent to Raphael. Its primary features were, however, earnestness of purpose and careful workmanship, two qualities which were of the highest importance for our artists to cultivate, led away as they had been by the clever and sketchy productions of men whose genius alone could give value to such half-executed works. The more objectionable features of the school were of only transient duration, and a very beneficial result is discernible both in the practice of landscape and figure subjects, by the amount of thought and labour now required from all who desire to take a high place in art. After having seen Gallery D, the visitor proceeds again on the terrace till he reaches Gallery E, which contains principally the works of Living artists, and returning to the terrace, vnll proceed to Gallery F (Foreign artists). J. B. W. BRITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 GALLERY W. TAVEIlNER...Died 1772. Coxtkibuted by Landscape, with %ures . . . The Royal Institution of Liverpool, B. FLESSHIER... Painted about 1675. Portrait of Lucy Barlow, alias Walters, Mother of the Duke of Monmouth ..... Earl Spencer No. 313 of the Althorp Catalogue. R. WALKER. Portrait of the Artist Taylor Institute, Oxford. R. WILSON, R.A.. .1714—1782. An Italian Landscape j, b. Barton, Esq, THOS. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A... 1727— 1788. A Rocky Landscape ; Sheep in the Foreground The Duke of Sutherland. F. ZUCCARELLI, R.A... About 1710—1788. Landscape and Figures The Lady Rolle. MYTENS... Daniel... Painted before 1000. Portrait of Sir H. Spelman The Royal Society. J. RH0DES...of Leeds. ..1809—184:2. ^^^^T R.W. Cass, Esq. M. GARRARD... 1561— 1635. Portrait of Lucy Harrington, Countess of Bedford A, Barker, Esq. W. DOBSON... 1610— 1646. John Lyttelton, Eldest Son of Sir Thos. Lyttelton . Lord Lyttelton CORNELIUS JANSEN...Born about 1500, died 1665. Portrait of a Gentleman Lord Ravensworth. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Henry Wriothesley, Earl of South!- ^^I'TON G.D.W, Digby, Esq. UNKNOWN. Portrait of Selwyn Col. Carew. W. DOBSON... 1610— 1646. Thomas Lyttelton, Second Son of Sir Thos. Lyttelton . Lord Lyttelton. 68 BRITISH DECEASED I* ALTERS IN OIL. [Gallery D. JSTo. Contributed by SIMON VERELST...1664 — 1710. iUiO "Di^TimTj A Tm rtTi TVTtj't t MA \rVTVTC . Lord Bolton, SIR P. LELY... 1617— 1680. lUlb The Princess Mary, as Diana Her Majesty the Queen, 1017 Portrait of Lady Denham .... Earl Spencer, J. RHODES ... of Leed s ... 1809— 1842 , iUio Landscape with Pigures » • . . W. R, Cass, Esq, SIR B. GERBIER. 1019 Portrait OF EiCHD. Wiseman .... Royal College of Surgeons. WOOTTON... John... Painted about 1720. 1020 Landscape, with Horses and Figures ', Lord Lyttelton, IBBETS0N...J. C... 1759— 1817. 1021 NOLLEKENS...Joseph Francis... 170G— 1748. Biihe of Devonshire, ALLAN RAMSAY.. .1709 or 13—1784, 1023 Portrait of Charles, Eighth Lord Cathcart Earl Cathcart, SIR J. REYNOLDS, R. A... 1723— 1792. 1024 Portrait of a Lady as Diana . /» W. Faulkner^ Esq, SIR H. RAEBURN, R.A... 1756— 1822. 1025 Portrait of John Robinson .... University of Edinburgh. ANGELICA KATJFFMAN, R.A... 1742— 1807, 1026 Armida • . Col the Eon, C. S. Vereker. UNKNOWN. 1027 Portrait of Mrs. Templer . . » . Captain Templer, 1028 Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds G, Phillips, Esq. SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R.A... 1723— 1792. 1029 Portrait of Marchioness of Thomond, in a Hat and Feathers , . /. B, Gioatkin, Esq. G. ROMNEY, R.A... 1734— 1802. 1030 THOS. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A... 1727— 1788. lUol SIR J. REYNOLDS, R.A... 1723— 1792. 1082 Portrait of the Marchioness of Hertford , Sir John Ramsden, Bart, 69 Gallery D.] BBITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IK OIL. No. 1033 Contributed by JEarl of Oharlmont. IteA\ J. E. JValdtj, Wynn Mlis^ Esq, Lord HoughtoHt Colonel Tempest, Col. Careiv, Col. Markkmn, Col. Tempest, B. Marlay^ Esq, J. ZOFFANY... 1735— 1772. PoRTBAiT OF MooDY, in the Part of Father Foigard ANGELICA KAITFFMAN, R.A.. .1742—1807. PORTEAIT OF THE Aetist, holding a palette SIR J. REYNOLDS. R. A.... 1723— 1792. POETEAIT OF NeLLY O'BeIEN a. ROMNEY... 1734— 1802. PoETEAiT OF Hannah Milnes, Sister of Sir R. S. Milnes UNKNOWN. POETEAIT OF ELIZABETH TeMPEST .... SIR P. LELY... 1617— 1680. POETEAIT OF NeLL GwYNNE SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE. POETEAIT OF AdMIEAL J. MaEKHAM MARY BEALE... 1632— 1697. POETEAIT OF THE EaEL OF SANDWICH JOHN HOPPNER... 1759— 1810. PoETEAiT OF A Lady, wearing a broad-brimmed hat G. ROMNEY... 1734— 1802. PoETEAiT OF Lady Feveesham Earl of Eartmotith, THOS. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A... 1727— 1788. POETEAIT OF HiMSELF The Boyal Academy, PoETEAiT OF A GiEL, in a Straw Hat . . Sir JF. Fttzkerbert, Bart, POETEAIT OF THE DuCHESS OF CUMBEELAND . . . lord Weulock, WILLIAM COLLINS... 1788— 1847. Study of Bieds J. H. Hawkins, Esq. SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R.A... 1723— 1792. Head of a Boy . , J. G. Marshall, Esq. His OWN PoETEAiT AS A YouNa Man . . J. E, Gxvutkin, Esq. JOS. HIGHMORE... 1692— 1780. PoETEAiT OF A Lady Jas. Kicholsofi^ Esq. SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.RA... 1723— 1792. The Steawbeeey Giel (Lord Carysfort's Picture) . J. H. Chance, Esq. PoETEAiT OF Lady Powis Earl Eoivis. His own Poeteait at an advanced Age . B. Gtvathn, Esq. The Laughing Giel Bd. Johnston, Esq. G. ROMNEY... 1734— 1802. POBTiuiT OF THE FiEST Baeon Bolton .... Zord Bolton. 70 BRITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. [Gallery Contributed by SIR J. REYNOLDS... 1723— 1792. POETEAIT OF DOEOTHY, DUOHESS OF POETLA^TD F. W, T, Vernon Wentworth^ Usq. PoETEAiT OF KiTTY PiSHEE .... Sir W. Fitzherbert, Bart. A Family Geoxjp, with a Young Lady Playing on the Spinnet H, JB. Beaumont^ Esq, SIR G. KNELLER... About 1048—1723. PoETEAiT OF Lady Paulett Lovd Bolton, HENRY MORLAND...Died 1797. PoETEAiT OF THE DucHESS OF Aegyll ("The Pretty Washerwoman") " Lord Halifax, GEO. M0RLAND...About 1764—1804 Landscape and Figuees /. HargreaveSy Esq, E. PRICE OWEN The Bescue H. B. Oiven^ Esq, JOHN W00T0N...Bied 1765. Hunting Scene Luke of Sutherland, GEO. M0RLAND...About 1764—1804. Inteeioe of a Faemhouse . . . . . /. HargreaveSj Esq* C. R. LESLIE, R.A... 1794— 1859. Peince Heney befoee Falstaff .... Ki/, Vaughan^ Esq. Sketch foe the Pictuee of Sancho Panza, in the Apartment of the Duchess . . . . Now in the Vernon Collection. Cheist and the Phaeisees Poeteait of Miss Leslie F. P. Rickardsy Esq, A. W. DEVIS... 1711-^1817. Poeteait of Admieal Petee Rainiee . . W. S. HalUday, Esq, GEO. SMITH (of Chichester). ..1714— 1766, Landscape— Evening . . . . . . . JE, F, HoU, Esq. THOS. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A... 1727— 1788. Poeteait of Two Little Giels .... Bev, Br. Hodges, E. PRICE OWEN. . FiGUEES ON THE Sea Coast H, B, Oivm, Esq* J. CROME.. .1769—1821. Slate QuAEEiBii F Maitland, Esq, 71 Gallery B.3 BRITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. THOS. HUDSON. ..1701— 1779. PORTEAIT OF MiSS CaREW SIR THOS. LAWRENCE, P.R.A.. POETEAIT OF COL. DaVID MaEEHAM .1769—1830. Contributed by CoL Carew. . Col. Markham, J. P. DE LOUTHERBOURG, R A... 1740— 1812. Landscape and Cattle SIR THOS. LAWRENCE, P.R.A... 1769— 1830. POETEAIT OF THE COUNTESS OF WiLTON . GEO. ROMNEY... 1734— 1802. POETEAIT OF THE HON. MeS. DaMEE P. NASMYTH...1786 or 7—1831. POETEAIT OF BUENS, the Poet J. WILSON, Senr... 1774— 1855. Blackwall Eeach R. B. DAVIS. ..1782— 1854. SlE ROGEE DE COVEELEY GoiNG OUT HUNTING HORACE HONE... Died 1825. A Piping Boy . o . . » » . The Royal Academy » . Barl of Wilton. The LuJce of Richmond. Col. Burns, Br. Wright. J. G. Frith, Esq. 6 » . . J. R. HawhinSj Esq, T. C. HOFLAND... 1777— 1843. Shipweecz, off the Coast of Scarborough . . The Luke of Sutherland. For this picture, which was exhibited at the British Institution in 1814, Hofland was awarded a premium of 100 guineas. GEO. MORLAND... About 1764—1804. Landscape and Figuees Hargreaves, Esq, SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R.A... 1723— 1792. Sketch of Poeteait of the Kev. Me. Mudgb W. H0GARTH...1697 or 8—1764. Poeteait of Majoe Gaedinee C. R. LESLIE, R.A... 1794— 1859. Study foe the Pictuee of Lady Jane Geey and loed guildfoed . . . . . . /. R. Gwatkin, Esq. W. S. jffalliday, Esq. W. HOGARTH... 1697 or 8—1764. Poeteait of James Gibbs, the Architect . SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R.A... 1723— 1792. Poeteait of the Countess of Sutheeland W. HOGARTH... 1697 or 8- Sketch for a Pictuee -1764. . J£y. Vaughan, Esq. St. Martin^ s4n-the-Fields, The Luke of Sutherland* R, Lrake, Esq^ 72 BEITISH DECEASED PAINTEBS IN OIL. [Gallery D. CONTEIBUTED BY W. HOGARTH... 1697 or 8— 1764. POETEAIT OF HiMSELF, painting the Comic Muse . . 7F. Adt/ej Esq, R. WILSON, RA... 1714— 1782. Landscape— Solitude B. F. Nichols, Esq, G. BARRET, R A.... 1728—1784. Landscape and Cattle .... Col, the Hon, G, S. VereJcer, W. HOGARTH... 1697 or 8—1764. Sketch, for a Picture of the Feast of Ahasuerus . D, E. Drake, Esq. R. WILSON, R. A... 1714— 1782. View of Rome Captain Templer, W. ETTY, R. A... 1787— 1849. The Bathee . Jos. Gillotf, Esq, M. LAROON.. .1653—1705. The Maeeiage of the Duke of Montagu . . Rev. J. E. Waldy, SIR G. H. BEAUMONT... 1753— 1827. Landscape, with an Old Tower Duke of Sutherland, B. BARKER. ..1776— 1838. Landscape . , Earl of Dartmouth, W. HOGARTH.. .1697 or 8— 1764. The Gate of Calais Earl of Charlemont. GEO. ROMNEY... 1734— 1802. POETEAIT OF Lady Milnes, wife of Sir R. T. Milnes . Lord Houghton. W. R. BIGG, R.A... 1755— 1828. An English Cottage The Royal Academy. J. OPIE, R.A.. .1761—1807. Poeteait OF Nollekens — ^the Sculptor . . , D. C. Nichols, Esq, Painted for Mary Moser, R.A. ; and at her death given to Mrs. Nichols, mother of the present owner. THOS. GAINSBOROUGH, RA.. .1727—1788. ^"^^ ^ ( ^l^^- (u) Poeteait of Mes. Gaeeick Rev. Dr. Hodges. G. BARRET, RA... 1728— 1784, and S. GILPIN... 1733— 1807. Landscape, with Brood Mare and Foals. Animals by Gilpin . . . J, S. Mansford, Esq. G. ROMNEY, R A... 1734— 1802. Poeteait of Mes. Teimmee . . . . J. H. Anderdon, Esq. From the Rev. Mr. Trimmer's Collection. H. SINGLETON. ..1766— 1839. Nelson Boaeding the San Joseph . . . J. G. Frith, Esq. 73 / Gallery D.j BRITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. No. 11071 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. The Meeting op the Waters (Junction of Thames and Medway) . Contributed by R. WILSON, R.A... 1714— 1782. Landscape, with the Family of Niobe W. BIRD... 1772— 1819. Teistram Shandy G. ROMNEY, RA... 1734— 1802. Lady Hamilton, as "Cassandra" . Jos, Gillotty Esq, Sir Geo, Armytage^ Bart, . ^ Earl Spencer, Zjord Tamton, W. HOGARTH.. .1697 or 8—1764. Portrait of the Duke of Devonshire . . . Lord Chesham, The Lady's Last Stake Earl of Charlemont, Painted for the First Earl of Charlemont, and pre- sented to him by Hogarth. Lord C. presented the painter with 100 guineas. The letter acknowledging this munificence is in the possession of the present Lord Charlemont. SIR THOS. LAWRENCE, P.R. A... 1769— 1830. Portrait of the Countess of Derby (Miss Farren) W. MULREADY, R A.... 1786— 1863. Old Cottages T. STOTHARD, B. A... 1787- CupiD Bound -1821. Earl of Wilton, Eev, T, M. Raven, M. Vaughan, Esq, J. RHODES.. .of Leeds... 1809— 1842. Boy Going to the Hayfield /. ShacJcleton, Esq, SIR W. BEECHEY, R. A... 1753— 1839. Portrait of Mrs. Merry, with a Dog . J. S. COTMAN.. .About 1780—1843. Barges in a Eiver Scene . . . , J. C. IBBETSON...Died 1817. Farm-house Door, with Figures and Donkeys Interior of a Stable, with Pigs for Rill M. Leathes, W, F. Maitlandy Esq, J. n, Andei'don, Esq, Captain Freston, R. WILSON, R.A... 1714— 1782. Landscape— Lake of Albano Matthias Smithy Esq, JOSHUA SHAW... Born 1776. Landscape and Figures 74 Sir T, TF. Eolburne, Bart, BKITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. laallery D. Contributed by GEO. MORLAND...About 1764— 1804. A Winter Scene (7. Warner, Esq. J. CROME... 1769— 1821. Landscape : EvENiNa Her Majesty the Queen, GEO. MORLAND...About 1764— 1804. Stoem on the Coast, with Wreckers Carting away their Spoil Eev* Br, JEodges. J. C. IBBETSON...Died 1817. Bosslyn Castle J. FuUeine, Esq, HY. LIVEESEEGE... 1803— 1832. Captain Macheath W. Slater, Esq. R. WILSON, RA.... 1714— 1782. Italian Landscape and Figuees . ... T. Eagland, Esq. G. STUBBS... 1724— 1806. Bulls FiGHTiNa (The Chillingham Castle breed) . /. H. Barton, Esq. Landscape by Wright, of Derby. J. WILSON, Senr...l774— 1855. Sea Piece Henry BicJcnell, Esq. P. NASMYTH... 1786-7-1831. Landscape Jas. Ashhury, Esq. J. C. IBBETSON... Died 1817. Pigs and Poultet in a Faemtaed .... Captain Freston. T. STOTHARD, RA... 1787— 1821. LoED Russell Taking Leave of his Family . H. Vaughan, Esq. GEO. MORLAND... About 1764—1804. Landscape and Figuees : Appeoaching Stoem . . Miss Starkey. T. UWINS, RA... 1782— 1857. An Italian Mothee, disturbed while mourning for her dead child, by music at her window . TJie Royal Academy. GEO. MORLAND.-.About 1764— 1804. Figuees on the Sea Coast . . . . F. A. MilhanJce, Esq, GEO. LANCE.. .1802— 1864. Feuit C. T. Maud, Esq, J. RHODES.. .of Leeds... 1809— 1842. Childeen in a Landscape Wm. Firth, Esq. W. ETTY, R. A... 1787— 1849. Sketch foe the Pictuee of "Cheist Blessing Little Childeen" Hy. Smith, Esq, 75 Gallery D.] BBITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. Contributed by SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A... 1779— 1844. Coast Scene JF. F. Maitland^ Esq, SIR J. W. GORDON, P.R.S.A...Died 1864. POETRAIT OF Anne, daughter of Sir Walter Scott . . Miss Miller^ SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, RA... 1779— 1844. Town and Beidoe of Eochester .... T. Ashton^ Esq, R. SMIRKE, R.A... 1752— 1845. A - Scene from the "Busybody" . . . /.IT. Hawkins^ Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. Stormy Weather at Sea . . . The Taylor Institute^ Oxford, J. PHILIP, R.A... 1817— 1867. The Balcony A, Collie^ Esq, J. CROME... 1769— 1821. EiVER Scene F. Ilaitland^ Esq. Landscape, with Boats and Windmill , , , W. R. Lrake^ Esq, J. ZOFEANY, R.A.. .1735—1810. Col. Mordaunt and Lord Cornwallis, in the i^re- sence of the Rajah of Oude, at a cock-fight at Lucknow Col, Eaichins, Painted at Lucknow.— Fic^e Walpole's Anecdotes. W. ETTY, R.A... 1787— 1849. Zephyeus and Aueoea C. T, Maud^ Esq, W. COLLINS, R.A... J788— 1848. Childeen on the Sea Shoee JDr, Wright, UNKNOWN. Landscape, with a Water Mill Rev. J. E. Waldij, J. PHILIP, R.A... 1817— 1867. Collecting Alms in a Scotch Kiek ... — . Burton^ Esq, T. STOTHARD, R.A... 1787— 1821. Shakespeeian Chaeactees H, Vaughan, Esq. GEO. SMITH (of Chichester)... 1714— 1766. Landscape Euke of Richmond, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A.. .1775—1851. Saltash Miss Miller, T. STOTHARD, R.A... 1787— 1821. Illusteations of Buens' Poems, with Portrait of the Poet H. Yanqhan, Esq, 76 BRITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. [Gallery D. Contributed by D. EGBERTS, R.A.... 1796— 1864. The Temple of Kouemombos, in Egypt . . . JBT. Bicknell^ Esq. R. WILSON, R. A... 1714—1782. , * Landscape— Cicero's Villa . . ' ^ \ J, H, Hawkins, Esq. SIR D. WILKIE, R. A.... 1785— 1841. Boys DiaaiNG foe Eats The Royal Academy. T. STOTHARD, R.A... 1787— 1821. The "Sans Souci" Picture H. Vaughaii, Esq. GEO. MORLAND.-.About 1764— 1804. Interior of a Stable, with a Horse and Dog . /. H. Anderdon, Esq. Landscape, with Figures Crossing a Bridge . /. Hope Barton, Esq. P. NASMYTH... 1786-7— 1831. Landscape B. Brochlehanlc, Esq. W. MULREADY, R.A,.. 1786— 1863. The Widow W. Holdsworth, Esq. ("So mourned the Dame of Ephesus her love.") W. ETTY, R A... 1787— 1849. The Storm The Royal Institution of Manchester. W. MULREADY, R.A... 1786— 1863. Interior of a Cottage Her Majesty the Queen. SIR D. WILKIE, R.A...1785— 1841. Blind Man's Buff „ Sketch for Blind Man's Buff .... Wynn Ellis, Esq. W. MULREADY, R.A.. 1786—1863. The Wolf and the Lamb .... Her Majesty the Queen. SIR D. WILKIE, R.A...1785— 1641. The Penny Wedding „ J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. The Burning of the Houses of Parliament /. G. Marshall, Esq. D. ROBERTS, RA.... 1796— 1864. Ruins, at Baalbec, in Syria .... The Royal Academy. W. MULREADY, R.A... 1786— 1863. The Village Buffoon W. ETTY, R.A... 1787— 1849. The Last Judgment /. Whitworth, Esq. W. COLLINS, R.A... 1788— 1847. Boys Fishing Miss Atherton. 77 GaUeryD.] BBITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. Contributed by T. S. GOOD. The Singing Lesson /. FuUeine^ Esq. W. HOGARTH.. .1697 or 8—1764. Lady Byron H, Harvey, Esq. J. CONSTABLE, RA... 1776— 1837. The Lock The Moyal Academy. HY. LIVERSEEGE... 1803— 1832. The Enquiey /. Eicky Esq. J. WILSON, Senr... 1774— 1855. Noeth Beewick Law Dr. Wright, A. L. egg, RA... 1816— 1863. Esmond, Eetuened eeom the Waes . . . M. Brocklebank, Esq. B. BARKER. Landscape : Welsh Scenery .... . . /. Barney, Esq. W. J. MULLER... 1812— 1845. Lake Scene J. G. Livingston, Esq. J. PHILIP, R.A. Resting from the Dance A. Collie, Esq. The Senorita Earl Fitzwilliam. A L. egg, RA... 1816— 1863. Esmond, Knighted by Beatrix . . . Thos. Eairbairn, Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, R A... 1775— 1851. Wrecks and Moonlight on the Sea Shore . . W. Ellis, Esq. R. WILSON, RA... 1714— 1782. Temple of Clytumnus, Italy .... J. S. Hawkins, Esq. HY. LIVERSEEGE... 1803— 1832. Lucy Ashton /. Hick, Esq. W. ETTY, RA... 1787— 1849. Venus Attended by her Satellites . . . H. L. Owen, Esq. D. ROBERTS, R A.... 1796— 1864. Edinburgh F. W. Cos&ns, Esq. R. WILSON, R.A... 1714— 1782. Landscape — Sunset .... The Right Hon. TV. E. Gladstone. W. ETTY, R.A... 1787— 1849. Portrait of a Boy in a Blue Dress . . Eev. J. E. Waldy. 78 BBITISH DECEASED PAINTEBS IN OIL. tO-alleryD. Contributed by W. COLLINS, II.A.. .1788—1847. Boys Teying on a Fisheeman's Boots . . . ?r. Marshall, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, R A... 1775— 1851. Conway Castle, North Wales T, Gilbert^ Esq. J. CROME... 1769— 1821. An Old Towee neae Noewich .... M. Johnson, Esq, THOS. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A...1727— 1788. Landscape and Cattle— Evening . . . J, 8, Mansford, Esq, SIR C. L. EASTLAKE, P.R.A... 1793— 1865. Hagae and Ishmael H. C, Marshall, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, RA... 1775— 1851. View neae Luceene ...... Edward Groom, Esq, J. N. RHODES... of Leeds... 1809— 1842. "TuENED Out" L, Wedderburn, Esq, D. ROBERTS, R A.... 1796— 1864. Inteeioe of St. Petee's, at Rome; original sketch painted on the spot JS, Bicknell, Esq, W. COLLINS, R A... 1788... 1847. Rustic Hospitality . . . . . . . W, Marshall, Esq, W. ETTY, R A... 1787-1849. The Theee Geaces /. Singleton, Esq, D. COX. ..1783—1859. A Mountain Scene Miss Miller, F. DANBY, RA... .1793—1861. Landscape and Figuees Ed, Johnston, Esq, J. PHILIP, R.A.... 1817— 1867. The Widow . . Earl Eitzwilliam, W. COLLINS, R.A.. .1788—1847. Figuees at a Convent Dooe W. Marshall, Esq, R. WILSON, R.A... 1714— 1782. L'Anconetta in the Lagunes .... J, H, Mawkins, Esq, T. S. GOOD. Oculae Demonsteation Jas, Eulleine, Esq. SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, RA... 1779— 1844. An Italian Lake JF. Marshall, Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, RA... 1775— 1851. Embarkation of Geoege the Foueth feom Ieeland Angus ILolden, Esq, 79 GaUeryD.] BRITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. No. Contributed by W. ETTY, E.A... 1787— 1849. 1213 A Naiad Gatheeing Flowees in the Garden of THE Hespeeides W. Bowman^ Esq. J. PHILIP, II.A...1817— 18G7. 1214 Faith A. Collie, Esq. W. J. MULLER... 1812— 1845. 1215 A Wateemill and Beidge .... W. Holdsxvorth, Esq. TOM BARKER (of Bath)... 176 9— 1847. 1216 Poeteait of Himself .... Sir T. W. Eolburne, Bart. GEO. LANCE... 1802— 1864. 1217 The Fable of the Peacocks and the Jackdaw . E. L. Owen, Esq. W. HILTON, R.A.. ,1786—1839. 1218 The Rape of Ganymede The Royal Academy. G. STANFIELD, R.A... 1798— 1867. 1219 "HoMEWAED Bound'* Ben Lochwood, Esq. J. RALSTON. 1220 Boats in a Squall M. P. Calvert, Esq. P. NASMYTH...1786 or 7—1831. 1221 Landscape R. Temiant, Esq. C. R. LESLIE R.A ...1794—1859. 1222 Sketch H. E. Owen, Esq. W. J. MULLER.. .1812— 1845. 1223 Inteeioe of Elizabethan House, at Barnes . . Sy. Tomlinson, Esq. 1224 Mont Blanc /. /. Broadhent, Esq. J. F. HERRING, SEN. 1225 The Faemyaed R. Tennant, Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775-1851. 1226 The Mouth of the Thames Earl Grosmior. A. L. EGG, R.A,.. 1816— 1863. 1227 Buckingham Rebuked W. HoJdsworth, Esq. C. STANFIELD, R.A,.. 1798— 1867. 1228 HUEST Castle, Isle of Wight A. W. Lyon, Esq. W. J. MULLER.. .1812—1845. 1229 At Lynmouth, Devonshire I£y. Mason, Esq. COPLEY FIELDING.. .About 1788—1855. 1230 Whaefedale, with Bolton Abbey in the distance /. G. Livingston, Esq. C. STANFIELD, R.A... 1798— 1867. 1231 Fishing Boats on the Texel ... W. Holdsworth, Esq. 80 BKITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. [Gallery D. J. CONSTABLE, R.A... 1776—1837. The Glebe Faem .... Painted for C. R. Leslie, R.A. W. J. MULLER.. .1812—1845. The Chess Playees .... Contributed by IL Vaughan^ Esq, Jos. Gitlott, Esq* STAIRCASE D. W. HOGARTH... 1697 or 8— 1764. Marriage a la Mode — The Marriage Settlement . MORNma AFTER A NlQHT OF DISSIPATION A Music Party in the Countess's Dressing-room The Visit to the Quack Doctor .... The Duel The Death of the Countess .... W. Adye^ Esq. P. J. DE LOUTHERBOURG, R.A... 1740— 1812. The Battle of the Nile J, G. Frith^ Esq, J. D. GLASS. "The Last Beturn from Duty." The Duke of Wellington coming from the Horse Guards, Tin P. J. DE LOUTHERBOURG, R.A... 1740— 1812. The Battle of the First of June T. PHILLIPS. Venus and Adonis A. L. EGG, R.A... 1816— 1863. Cromwell, the Night before Naseby Fight . „ JOHN WOOTON...Die(i 1765. Newmarket Racecourse Lord Chesham, JDuke of Wellington. J. G. Frith, Esq, The Royal Academy, W. ETTY, R.A... 1787— 1849. Satyrs and Sleeping Nymph . W. HOGARTH... 1697 or 8--1764. A Music Party Portrait of a Lady .... The Royal Academy, Br. Copland. Mr. Lake. J. PHILIP, R.A.. .1817—1867. The Confessional . . . . GEO. JAMESONE... 1586— 1644. Portrait of Oliveb^ Saint John . Chief Justice of the Parliament a. p. J. SEYMOUR... 1800— 1836. A Hunter 81 1664. W. Boxall, Esq, The Luke of Manchester. J. E. Hawkinsy Esq. staircase B.] BEITISH DECEASED PAINTEBS IN OIL. Contributed by SIR G. KNELLER..,About 1648— 1723. POETEAiT OF Lady Teelawney, Wife of Bishop Trelawney ^ir J, JS. Trelawmy, Bart SIR G. KNELLER... About 1648—1723. POETEAIT OF Handel . E. Dearie, Esq, E. PRICE OWEN. Landscape and Beidgb D. Owen, Esq, W. H0GARTH...1697 or 8— 1764. POETEAIT OF SiE 0. HAWKINS . . . The Eoyal College of Swrgeons, JAMES WARD, R.A... 1769— 1859. Ludlow Castle xhos. Fairhairn, Esq. J. PHILIP, R.A... 1817— 1867. A Spanish Venta . ^. ^oxall, Esq, R. WILSON, R.A... 1714— 1782. Landscape and Figuees Sir Geo, Armytage, Bart, UNKNOWN. POETEAIT OF WiLSON, " Cheistophee Noeth" Edinburgh University, J. RICHARDSON... About 1665—1745. POETEAIT OF Pope Lord Lyttelton. M. DAHL... 1656— 1743. POETEAIT OF ELIZABETH Teelawney (1697) . . Sir J. Trelawmy, J. JACKSON, R.A.... 1778— 1831. POETEAIT OF HiMSELF . . . . . . . Mr, Ed, Bates, HY. LIVERSEEGE...1803— 1832. POETEAIT OF Mes, Calveet M. S, Calvert, Esq, This picture is particularly referred to in The Life of the Artist/' by C. Swain. OZIAS HUMPHREY.. .1742— 1810. PoETEAiT OF JoHN Belchee , , , The Boijal College of Surgeons, Second Baron Mulgrave. SIR P. LELY...1617— 1680. POETEAIT OF THE DuCHESS OF NEWCASTLE ^ ^ _ F, W, T. Vernon Wentworth. Esq. SIR D. WILKIE... 1785— 1841. POETEAIT OF LoED Melville . . . University of St, Andrews, J. S. COPLEY, R.A... 1737— 1815. The Teibute Money . . . . . . The Royal Academy, ] B. WEST, P.R.A...1738— 1820. 1268 I Cupid and Psyche jr. Esq, ^ 82 BBITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. [Staircase E. Contributed by JOHN HOPPNER... 1759— 1810. POETEAIT OF Lady Stanhope, daughter of the first Earl of Chesterfield; with a dog . . . Earl of Chesterfield, W. HOGARTH.. .1697 or 8—1764. PoETEAiT OF Sir C. Hawkins .... Royal College of Surgeons. W. DOBSON.. .1610—1646. PoBTEAiT OF SiR C. LucAS W, B, Drake, Esq. hj\ \ GEO. ROMNEY.. .1734—1802. POETRAiT OF Mastee Manby, with a Dog. . . . Miss Rowmey. UNKNOWN. PoETEAiT OF LoED Keepee Coventey ... H. 8(wille, Esq. SIR J. REYNOLDS, P.R A.... 1723— 1792. POETEAIT OF Mes. Abingdon, ill the part of Eox^a Major M. H. Leathes. UjUy ^ • Tu^Kx ^^ ^> > tM.x\lv J STAIRCASE E. W. DOBSON.. .1610-1646. PoETEAiT OF MiSTEESS Lemon Earl Spencer. SIR G. KNELLER...About 1648— 1723. POETEAIT OF THE DuCHESS OF BOLTON .... Lovd Bolton. PoETEAiT OF LoED EocHESTEE . . . Sir T. W. Holbume, Bart. R. WILSON, R A... 1714— 1782. Landscape Earl of Dartmouth. W. HILTON, RA... 1786— 1839. Una and the Satyes . . . . . . . Watts Russell, Esq. F. DANBY, RA... .1793—1861. A Classical Landscape Messrs. Agnew % Sons. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN, R A... 1742— 1807. Venus Showing Caethage to -^neas . Col the Eon. G. S. Vereker. R. COOK, RA... 1782— 1857. Ieis Descending to Console Ceees foe the Loss OF hee Daughtee Peoseepine . . . The Royal Academy. SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, RA... 1779— 1844. The To:m:b of Ciceeo W. Marshall, Esq. H. FUSELI, R.A... 1706— 1781. The God Thoe, battering the Serpent Midgard, in the boat of Hymer, the Giant .... The Royal Academy. 83 StaircaseiE.] BEITISH DECEASED PAINTERS IN OIL. No. 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 W. WEST...1801~.186L Contiiibuted by ILFEACOMBE EOCZS ^^^^^^^^ J. SEYMOUR... 1800— 1836. Sketch of -Flying Chilbers" ... /. ^. Jfawkins, Esq J. F. HERRING.. .1795—1865. Gaedenees, preparing for Departure to the Market . Me Mackie, Esq. R. TONGE. Neae Sagqaet, County of Dublin .... J, Miller, Esq. P. REINAGLE, RA...Died 1833. Eagles and Vultuee Disputing theie Peey with ^^^^^^ The Itorjal Academy. W. AIKMAN... 1682— 1731. PoETEAiT OF Wm. Caestaies .... University of EdinhurgJi, J. OPIE, R.A... .1761—1807. The Foetune Tellee jr. ^. ^^^^y B. R. HAYBOK... 1786— 1846. Ithueiel sending Satan to the Eaeth . /. H. Letherbrow, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. l^^^l^^^^ Hy. BucJcnell, Esq. Sea Piece .... SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, RA.... 1779-1844. An English Rivee Scene m. Groom, Esq. THOMSON OF DUDDINGSTONE. Landscape Bev. T. Milville Haven. 84 BRITISH LIVING PAINTERS IN OIL. INCLUDING A FEW LATE SPECIMENS BY DECEASED PAINTERS. No. 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 GALLERY E. CONTBIBUTED BY W. DAVIS. HAEEOWiNa J. Miller, Esq, C. STANFIELD, R.A... 1798— 1867. Vessels off the Dutch Coast .... /. Modes, Esq, J. LINNELL. PoETRAiT OF A GENTLEMAN E, Hargitt, Esq, H. LE JEUNE, A.R.A. The Surprise Joshua Satterfield, Esq, W. DUFFIELD.. .1816—1831. Fruit Fk, Turner, Esq, JAS. LOBLEY. The Dole AIJ. Harris, Esq, D. ROBERTS, R.A... 1796— 1864. Troops on the Piazza, Venice; The Ceremony of Kaising the Host W, Koldsworth, Esq* A. RANKLEY. "The Doctor is Coming" A, Collie, Esq, H. LE JETOE, A.R.A. KuTH AND Naomi Joshua Satterjield, Esq, *'But Ruth clave unto her." W. HOLMAN HUNT. Strayed Sheep C, T. Maud, Esq, W. ETTY, R.A... 1787— 1849. The Bathers . . " W. Koldsworth, Esq, C. STANFIELD, R.A... 1798— 1867. DoRT F. }F, Cosens, Esq, W. J. MULLER... 1812— 1845. Athens ... Jas, Ashhury, Esq, 85 Gallery E.] BBITISH LIVIITG PAINTERS m OIL. Contributed by MISS R. SOLOMON. A Painful Inteelude in the Peofessional Duties OF A Clown Miss Burdett Coutts. D. ROBERTS, R.A... 1796— 1864. Edinbuegh, from the Calton Hill ... J. J, Broadbent, Esq, G. F. HICKS. Ceoquet , . J. Ashhury, Esq, C. STANFIELD, R.A.. .1798—1867. Naples F. W. Cosensy Esq, R. BEAVIS. Caeeying Timbee in Picaedy . . . . /. /. Broadbent, Esq, F. GOODALL, RA. The Song of the Nubian Slave .... The Royal Academy, The Eeceuit's Faeewell /. SicJc^ Esq, J. PHILIP, RA... 1817— 1867. The Couetship: "O, Nanny, wilt thou gang with me?" W. Eoldsworthy Esq, WM. HEMSLEY. The Village School /. Rhodes^ Esq, SPENCER STANHOPE. EiZPAH, THE Daughtee OF AiAH . . , . F, P, Rickards^ Esq, E. HARGITT, JUNR. Retuening feom the Faie— Evening ... E, Hargitt, Esq, JAS. ARCHER, R.S.A. MoETE D'Aethue F, P, Pickardsy Esq, " So these three Queenes set them downe, and in one of their laps King Arthur laide his head. And then that Queene said — Ah, dear Brother, why have ye turned so long from me ? " — Old Romance. J. T. LINNELL. Haevest Time Alf. Harris^ Esq, AR. HUGHES. The Music Paety Geo. Pae, Esq, W. L. WINDTJS. "Too Late" /. Miller ^ Esq, J. PHILIP, R.A.. .1817—1867. Scene feom "The Heart of Midlothian" . . , W. Holdsworth, Esq, C. STANFIELD, RA... 1798— 1867. Weeck off the Geeat Toee, South Wales . Miss Starkey^ 86 BRITISH LIVING PAINTEBS IN OIL. [GaUery E. 1345 1346 1347 Contributed by F. M. BROWN. The Last of England /. Crosdey^ Esq, W. E. FROST, R.A. A Sleeping Bacchante J, Ashbury^ Esq, F. GOODALL, RA. A Village Festival W. Holdsworth, Esq. An Episode in the Happy Days of Chaeles the Fiest W, Bashall^ Esq. A. ELMORE, RA. HOTSPUE AND THE Fop T. Ashton, Esq, W. F. YEAMES, A.RA. The Feench Ambassadoes received by Queen Eliza- beth after the Huguenot Massacre . . . 0. E. Coope^ Esq. E. NICOL, A.RA. The Eejected Tenant Angus Holden, Esq, J. LINNELL. The Sheep Fold Geo, Wostenholme, Esq. P. F. POOLE, R.A. Lighting the Beacon Fiee .... Wm, Holdsworth, Esq, G. 0. THOMAS. H.M. The Queen and H.E.H. Peince Albeet at Aldeeshott Her Majesty the Queen, SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R A. The Indian Tent . . . . , H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. T. CRESWICK, RA. A EoCKY Eavine, near Bettws y Coed . . /. /. Broadbent^ Esq. E. M. WARD, RA. Chaelotte Coeday going to Execution . . . Miss StarJcey, A. SOLOMON. Beunette and Phillis W. Bashall, Esq, Vide Spectator, Vol. 1, p. 323. ''Brunette was now prepared for the insult, and came to a public ball in a plain black silk Mantua, attended by a beautiful negro girl in a petticoat of the same brocade with which Phillis was attired. This drew the attention of the whole com- pany, upon which the unhappy Phillis swooned away and was immediately conveyed to her house." W. DAVIS. Old House at Hale Geo, Bae, Esq, T. S. COOPER, RA. Landscape, with Cattle /. /. Broadbent, Esq, P. H. CALDERON, RA. Hee Most High, Noble, and Puissant Geace , A. Collie^ Esq, 87 Gallery E.] BKITISH LIVINa PAmTERS IN OIL. No. 1348 1349 1350 1351 ^ 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 CONTBIBUTED BY G. F. HICKS. OHANaiNG Homes— The Wedding .... Thos. Gilberty JEsq, F. M. BROWN. Jacob George Bae^ Esq, SIR NOEL PATON, R.S.A. The Puesuit of Pleasuee . . . . T. Graham JBriggs, Esq, MAC CALLUM. The Moening Glow Alf. Morrison^ Esq, C. W. COPE, RA. Contemplation /. BadcUffe, Esq, G. F. WATTS, R.A. Paolo and Peancesca R. Cholmondeley, Esq, G. D. LESLIE. The Defence of Lathom House E, Salt^ Esq, J. WYLD. Venice R. JBrocUebanJc^ Esq, J. R. HERBERT, R.A. Head of a Neapolitan Female . . , P. H, Rathbone^ Esq, G. F, WATTS, RA. Poeteait of Tennyson W, Bowman^ Esq. F. DILLON. The Pyeamids and Sphinx, with the Bums of the Temple nearest the Pyramids The Artist^ HY. O'NIEL, A.R.A. "Home Again" . . . . . . J.Kemp Welch^ Esq, E. NICOL, ARA. ''Miss'd it" Eg. Mason, Esq, SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, RA. Van Ambuegh and the Lions . . , The Euhe of JFellington, J. LINNELL. Reaping the Coen JF. Eoldsworth, Esq, P. F. POOLE, RA. A Best by the Wayside Ed. Eargitt, Esq, R. CROZIER. The Good Little Giel A. JFatkin, Esq. P. F. POOLE, RA. The Tieed Messengee Ed. Eargitt, Esq, 88 BRITISH LIVING PAINTERS IN OIL. tGallery E. E. NICOL, A.R.A. Contributed by A Nibble AT Last . ... . . . . Edwd. Salt, Esq. T. S. COOPER, KA. INTEEIOE, WITH CaTTLE AshhUT^, Esq. J. LINNELL. The Oyster Stall J. Miller, Esq. G. F. WATTS, RA. Study of a Child's Head w. Bowman, Esq. J. C. HOOK, RA. A CoENiSH Gift j^. Eoldsworth, Esq. J. LINNELL. Landscape, with drove of Sheep and Cows . . A. W. Lyon, Esq. SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, RA. Bolton Abbey in the Olden Time . . The Duke of Devonshire. A Distinguished Member of the Hotane Society Mrs. Smith. J. MOGFORD. Sea Coast c. Z. Collard, Esq. SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. Donkey and Foal ....... jg; yaughan, Esq. E. NICOL, A.RA. The Lease Effused ^^y^, jy^^rm, Esq. F. R. PICKERSGILL, RA. The MiEEOE OF Beauty ... . J. Eick, Esq. J. LINNELL. The Disobedient Peophet Messrs. Agnew. F. R. PICKERSGILL, R.A. Ulysses and the Sieens F, P. Rickards, Esq. C. J. LEWIS. ^^^^^^^ The Artist. W. HOLMAN HTTNT. The Eve of St. Agnes Mrs, JK. A. Mmn. R. ANSDELL, A.R.A. The Pet Calf J. Eick, Esq, F. R. PICKERSGILL, RA. Rogeeo and Angelina 89 g Gallery E.] BRITISH LIVING- PAIlSrTERS m OIL. Contributed by F. GOODALL, E.A. A Fete in Noemandy A. Glendinning^ Esq. G. B. O'NIEL. Public Opinion : Scene at the Royal Academy , TT. Asquith, Esq. T. C. HALL. Dean Swift and the Peasant . . . JET^. P. Hughes^ Esq, *'*Sir!* roared out the Dean, as the boy flung the game on the floor, without removing his hat or speaking a word, *is that the way to enter a room? I must teach you a lesson. Here, sir, we will change places ; take my ^ chair My master presents his compliments to Dean Swift, and asks his acceptance of this game. . . . Kow, sir, what would you do? ' Boy : ' Eh, faith ! I'd give him half-a-crown. ' "—Life of Dean Swift. W. DANIELS. The Beggaes JET. Roberts, Esq, G. F. WATTS, RA. Undine ........ C. H. RicJcards, Esq, J. B. PYNE. Rom:e, from the Tibee Geo. Turner, Esq, F. GOODALL, RA. Declaeation ....... E. BrochlehanJc, Esq, EY. WALLIS. The Death of Chatteeton . . . > A. W. McBougall, Esq, C. W. COPE, RA. Evening Peayee ... . . . . i?. Kewsham, Esq, G. F. WATTS, RA. BiANCA S. Eickards, Esq, E. M. WARD, R.A. Johnson and Wilks at Dinnee Ed. Salt, Esq, Vide Bos well's Life of Johnson. GEO. GALE. The Fiest Offeeing ....... Angus Holden, Esq,^ SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. Laying Down THE Law . . . « . The Euke of Eevonshire, E. W. COOKE, R.A. H.M.S. Teeeoe on THE Ice of Peozen Steait, April, 1857 ^arl Grosvenor. F. GOODALL, R.A. Rachel , . * ^ . * . . E. W, E> ^olckoWf Esq. 90 BEITISS LIVINa 1»AINTEES m OIL. [Gallery Contributed by W. E. FROST, R.A. L' Alleged JF, Holdsworth^ Esq, W. P. FRITH, R.A. and T. CRESWICK, R.A. A Squally Day at the Sea Side . . . . R. ANSDELL, A.R.A. Teeading out the Coen in Spain .... The Artist C. W. COPE, R.A. Othello eelating his Adventuees .... /. Ithodes, Esq, W. C. T. DOBSON. The Nativity W. JBoivman, Esq. W. LINNELL. "As A Shepheed Divideth the Sheep eeom the Goats" W. Harrison, Esq. J. PHILIP, R.A... 1817— 1867. The Watee Deinkees Henry McConnell, Esq. SIR EDWIN LANDSEER, R.A. Buck, Hind, and Fawn . . . • • 'S'^V F. Crossley, Bart. C. W. COPE, R.A. The Maetyedom of Laueence Saundees . . 3£rs. Thurhirn. Vide Southey's Book of the Church. C. STANFIELD, R.A... 1798— 1867. The Victoey, towed into Gibraltar after tlie battle of Trafalgar, with, the body of Nelson on board . Sir F. Crossley, Bart. J. PHILIP, R.A... 1817— 1867. La Bomba B. BrocJclebdnh, Esq. R. ANSDELL, A.R.A. The Muleteee . T, A. Titley, Esq. J. C. HORSLEY, R.A. The Bashful Swain C. L. CoUardj Esq. J. T. LINNELL. . Landscape . „ „ E. M. WARD, R.A. The Last Sleep of Aegyll /. Hick, Esq. J. R. HERBERT, R.A. Abduction of the Beides of Venice . . . H. D. Owen, Esq. D. MACLISE, R.A. The Choice of Heecules F> JF. Cosens, Esq. A. ELMORE, R.A. Excelsior 1F> Holdsworth, Esq. 91 C^all6i?yE.i BKI-I^ISH LiVliTGl- PAI]>TTEES IK OIL.1 Contributed by 0. 0. THOMAS. Her Majesty the Queen Disteibuting Ceixean Medals in St, James's Paek attee the Russian Wae ...... JEer Majesty the Queen* ED WD. ARMITAGE/A.E.A. Esthee's Banquet The Artist GEO. SMITH. Seaeching foe the Will Geo, Mason^ Esq* T. FAED, R.A. " Taking AN Oppoetunity " .... J. J, Broadbent, Esq* R. ANSDELL, A.R.A. Ceossing the Mooe : a cold wind .... Be^i Lockwoody Esq* T. FAED, II.A. " Eee Caee Begins " The Royal Academy* J. F. LEWIS, R.A. DooE OF A Cafe in Caieo The Royal Academy* T. FAED, R.A. "Peefectly SatisfACTOEY'^ ... 4 J, J. Broadbenty Esq* J. D. WATSON. The PaeTing C. Bridger^ Esq. T. FAED, R.A. " Feom Dawn to Sunset " » . . . * F, W. Cosensy Esq* JAS. SANT, A.R.A. "Pun OE Mischief?" The Artist* 0. W. COPE, R.A. Mateenal Affection JT. Mason, Esq* R. ANSDELL,^A.R.A. The Rescue A* Holden, Esq* C. W. COPE, R.A. Shylock enteusting the Keys os" his House to Jessica. (F^'t?^ "The Merchant of Venice") . T. A. Titleyy Esq* T. FAED, R.A. The Milkmaid . . . . i » * . A* Earris, Esq* F. R. PICKERSaiLl, R.A. The Foue Seasons Wm* Eoldsworth, Esq* R. HILLINGFORD. JxnJA.'s Mission— Scene from " The Two Gentlemen of Verona" ^ jb'lc* Turner , Esq* 92 BRITISH LIVING PAINTERS IN OIL. [Gallery E, Contributed by J. C. HORSLEY, R.A, A Pleasant Coenee The Royal Academy, P. P. POOLE, RA. Leae and Coedelia Ed, Eargitt, Esq, T. FAED, RA. Cottage Piety W, Roldsworth^ Esq, J. B. PYNE. Floeence , Geo, Taylor^ Esq, R. DUDLEY. The Geeat Easteen Steamship eecoveeing the lost Atlantic Cable on the night of Sep. 1st, 1866 Sir Daniel Gooch^ Bart, F. SANDYS. Judith Edwd, Salt, Esq, E. NICOL, A.R.A " Spake, Daelin," or the Shady Boreen . . . Thos. Shaw, Esq. C. STANFIELD, RA... 1798— 1867. View of Doet — . Burton, Esq, J. LINNELL. Canal Scene A.W, Lyon, Esq, W. DANIELS. The Deatjght Playees /. Miller, Esq, H. LE JEUNE, A.RA. Eaely Love ' . . Joshua Satterjield, Esq. D. MACLISE, R.A. Oedeal by Touch Geo. Hohinson,- Esq, The belief that the corpse of a murdered person would bleed at the touch of the murderer was universal among the Northern nations. It was urged so late as 1688, in the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, as an evidence of guUt. It is a superstitious observance without any ground, either in law or reason. — Sir W. Scott WM. HEMSLEY. In a Fix : Black to Move JF, Smith, Esq. R. HILLINGFORD. The Council of Wae Geo, Wostenholme, Esq. H. O'NIEL, A.R.A Eepose and Pleasant Deeams Thos. Shaw, Esq, W. DYCE, R.A.. .1806—1864. Pegwell Bay James Brand, Esq, 93 aallery E.] BBITISH LIVIUG PAINTEBS IN OIL. CONTHIBUTED BY J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. The Wolf's Den K. Finlmj, Esq, T. S. COOPER, R.A. Canteebuey Meadows, with Cattle . , . /. RadcUffe, Esq. F. SANDYS. Cassandra Edwd. Salt, Esq, J. LINNELL. The Woodcutters W. Holdsworth, Esq, Abraham Entertaining the Angels ... E. Eargitt, Esq, J. C. HORSLEY, RA. Lady Jane G-rey and Boger Ascham . v . . /. Hick, Esq, MARCUS STONE. *'The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon" Thos. A. Titley, Esq. Young Watt Discovering the Condensation of Steam W. H. Wills, Esq. W. HOLMAN HUNT. The Illumination of London Bridge on the Prince of Wales's Wedding Day . . . Cijril Hunt, Esq, J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. Autumn Leaves . /. Leathart, Esq, T. CRESWICK, RA. The Mouth of an English Eiver .... Ben Lockivood, Esq, J. FAED. The Cruel Sister E. Eargitt, Esq. R. HILLINGFORD. Practising the Court Bow W. Smith, Esq, G. F. WATTS, R.A. An Arab B. Cholmondeley, Esq. E. NICOL, A.R.A. Flabbergasted : an Argument in favour of Catholicism Thos, Shaiv, Esq, MARCUS STONE. Young Greuze C. L. Collar d, Esq. R. P. BONINGTON. An Italian Town with Figures .... Rev. J, M. Heath. E. W. COOKE, R.A Ruins of a Eoman Aqueduct at Tangiers . . Earl Grosvenor. J. R. HERBERT, R.A. St. Gregory Teaching the Gregorian Chaunt . The Royal Academy. GEO. STANFIELD. The Castle of Chillon on the Lake of Geneva Geo. Turner, Esq. 94 BEITISH LIVmG PAINTERS IN OIL. [Staircase E. Contributed by E. NICOL, A.R.A. The "Widow Macheeb Ivie MacJcie, Esq. F. W. KEYL. FETCHiNa THE Old Maee Home .... Geo. Turner, Esq. E. ANSDELL, A.R.A. CROSSiNa THE Mountains A. Collie, Esq. F. WALKER. The Lost Path A. Lyon, Esq. E. HARGITT, JTJNR. Moonlight in Midsummer E. Eargitt, Esq, W. Q. ORCHARDSON. Breton Peasants . . . ... . F. A. MilhanJc, Esq. F. WYBURD. Theresa . Geo. Turner, Esq. D. MACLISE, RA. The Woodranger The Royal Academy. J. J. WILSON. Scarborough, erom the Coast McClaren, Esq. W. E. FROST, RA. Cupid Disarmed . A. B. Foster, Esq. T. BROOKS. Head of an Old Man M. Smith, Esq. W. ETTY, R A.... 1787— 1849. Ariadne /. Kar greaves, Esq. R. S. LAUDER, RA. Christ Walking on the Sea . . . Miss Burdett Coutts. F. M. BROWN. Group of Workers and Idlers, near Hampstead Heath J. C. Knight, Esq. Meant to symbolize some varieties of work true and false, either of braiti or arm. Portraits of Mr. Thos. Carlyle and Rev. F. P. Maurice to the right. F. B. BARWELL. The Pit's Mouth; Unaccredited Heroes" . . The Artist. E. W. COOKE, R.A. ScHEVELLiNG " PiNCKS " Running the Anchor off Yarmouth The Royal Academy. ATKINSON GRIMSHAW. The Seal of the Covenant Ediv. Simpson, Esq. The Heron's Haunt „ 96 MODERN FOREIGN ARTISTS. GALLERY P. Nowhere is the effect of early and scientific instruction more to be remarked than in the productions of modem European art, and especially that of France, when compared with those of our own country. With us, everyone works out his own way, proceeds in his own path, and seeks to render his individuality most marked, without much regard to the lessons and advice of those who have gone before him. In the end, no doubt, this is the right course, as being the one most calculated to produce originality and to demand a close study of nature ; but we have to pay the penalty arising from a want of knowledge, and of that discipline which is as essential to success in art as in war. Artistic education may be said to be at a low ebb in this country, whilst in other lands it produces, from mediocre ability, the very highest possible results, owing to the schools opened by the greatest artists, who direct in person the progress of their pupils, and give them all the aid of their valuable expe- rience. Painting in France, after its decay in the eighteenth century, rose in a new form under the Empire, and under the leadership of David produced works of great power, but of a conventional style, founded on classic models not calculated to withstand the growing desire for originality and love of Nature, fostered by all the teaching and the spirit characteristic of the age. The "Classic" and "Bomantic" schools formed thei^^selves into two hostile camps, but the struggle was a brief one, though fierce and bitter in spirit. Without mention- ing those great artists who held an intermediate position, the names of Gericault, Delaroche, Delacroix, Decamps, Scheffer, Vernet, and a host of others hardly less famous, bear witness to the complete triumph of genius over the restrictions sought to be imposed on it. In modern times, one name, however, of the classic school should be held in the highest esteem. Ingres has produced works of a completeness and beauty never, perhaps, surpassed, and which are distinguished by a learning and refinement of taste of the very highest description. A similar contest took place in Germany ; but neither the schools of Munich in the south, nor of Dusseldorf in the north, allied as they were with the great names of Cornelius, Schnorr, Bendemann, &c., nor the religious reaction under Overbeck's leadership, could alter that current of individuality which becomes more and more characteristic of art throughout Europe, and of which an extraordinary and most valuable series of fine works of art from all European countries bore, last year, ample and satisfactory witness at the International Exhibition of Paris. This is the first time that a really important series of works showing the state of pictorial art in Europe has been formed in this country, except in the metropolis ; and a comparison of the pictures here exhibited with those in Gallery E will serve to illustrate the merits and faults of each style of art respectively : only premising that some of the finest of our own productions are to be seen in the English Gallery, whilst the great works of the first foreign artists can only be seen in their own countries, where many are executed on a grand scale in numerous public buildings. On descending this staircase the visitor arrives at the collection of British Water-Colour Drawings, Gallery G. J. B, W, 96 MODERN FOREIGN ARTISTS. GALLERY F. CONTHIBUTED BY VERLAT. . . Chs. (Belgian). Deer Hunting Baron de Ferrieres^ J.F. BODOM. . .E . (Norwegian). A Norwegian Landscape . . . Capt, The Hon. F, Egerton. LAMBINET ..Emile. (French). The Approaching Storm . . . . . . . McLaren, Esq, SCHENK. (German). Sheep Jas, Ashbury, Esq, TRAYER. . Jean Baptiste Jules. (French) . Examining the Work Mrs, Smith, BROWNE . . . Mdme. Henrietta. (French) . A Monk of the Brotherhood of Charitable In- structors Royal Institution, Manchester* MULLER...E. (French). Maeie Antoinette in her Cell before her Execution Sir Wm. A, Rose, PROTAIS...A. (French). The Evening after the Battle . . IL.R,1I. The Fuke d'Atmale, FRERE. . .Edouard. (French). Interior (Children Warming themselves) . . Wm. Ramsden, Esq, PROTAIS...A. (French). The Morning before the Attack . . E.R.H. The Euke d'Aumale. HEYLIGERS...A. F. (Dutch). A Charivari Concert Arnold Raruchson, Esq. ESCOSURA. . .Ignace de Leon. ( Spanish). Lady Sitting for her Portrait . . . Mons. Durand Ruel. LIES . . .Joseph. (Belgian). Columbus explaining to the Queen of Spain his theory of the State of America E. Crawford, Esq. LEHMANN. . .Eudolph. (German). La Lavendeja, Washing Girl at Terraisna . John C. Rowring, Esq. SERRTJRE. . . Auguste. (Belgian) . The Chess Party C. L, Collard, Esq, 97 GaUery P.] MODERN FOREIGN ARTISTS. No, 1715 1716 1716a 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1721a 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1726a 1727 1728 1729 Contributed by VAN SCHANDEL...Petrus. (Dutch). A Maeket Scene George Hodgson^ Esq, MORE AU . . . Charles. (French). The Tired-out Begqae C.J, Clay^ Esq, COUTUilIER..,P. C. (French). Outside of a Farm James Kitson^ Esq, BAUGNIET. . .Charles. (Belgian). Preparing eor Morning Walk /. Bulteel^ Esq, SERRirilE. . . . Auguste. (Belgian). Sale in the Town (China Auction) . . James Ashhury^ Esq, TROYON. . .Constant. (French). Going to the Farm *. John Fender^ Esq, VAN HAANEN...Eenii. (Dutch). The Brook .... The RU Hon, Earl FitzwilUam, K, G, KNARREN. . .Pierre. (Belgian). The Lecture Ja^nes S. Forbes^ Esq, BURGERS. ..H. J. (Dutch). Young Girl Keading Joseph Karris, Esq, DUVERGER. . .Theophile Emmanuel. (French). Grandpapa's Birthday John Mitchell, Esq, COOMANS...Miss Celestine. (French), The Castle Wm. Oliver Eodgson, Esq, CALAME... Alexander. (Swiss). The Welle and Wetterhorn, from Kosenlaui, Switzer- land A, Fairbairn, Esq, BECKER... Charles. Berlin. (German). Beading the Will of a Lady du Moyen-Age W. Keydemann, Esq, FRERE. . .Edouard. (French). Interior op a French Peasant's Cottage . . Hugh Mason, Esq, IE POITTEVIN... Eugene. (French). The Country Postman Joseph Harris, Esq, DUVERGER. . .Theophile Emmanuel. (French) . The Truant Henry Mason, Esq, COOMANS...Miss Celestine. (French). The Windmill 7Fm. Oliver Dodgson, Esq, WIDER... (Roman). Child PREAcmNG at the Ara Cceli . . John C. Boxvring, Esq. 98 MODERN POREIGN ARTISTS. [Gallery P. Contributed by GENTZ,..W. (German). Grand Caeavan Encampment ... 7F, Seydemaom, JSsq. PINELLI... Augusts de. (Swiss). The Mueder of Eizzio Fredk. Turner^ Esq, "Ruthven rose from a sick bed to take part in the assassination of the unfortunate Rizzio. Returning to the Queen's apartment, where the table had been upset in the struggle, and afterwards replaced, he sunk into a seat and asked for wine. Mary Stuart indignantly pro- tested against his insolence. Ruthven replied — 'I am ill ! ' " &c.—Histoire de Marie Stuart.— M. Pargaud. BIERSTADT...A. (American). View op the Wetterhoen and Valley of Gein- DELWALD, Switzerland , . . . . The Artist, KNATTS . . . Ludwig. (German). Village Politicians . . . . . . Bernard Ziebert, Fsq. DESHAYES... Eugene. (French). View in Switzeeland H. Fielder^ Fsq VERBOECKHOVEN. . .Eugene. (Belgian). Scotch Sheep and Lambs H, P, Hughes, Fsq. VIBERT. . . J. Georges. (French). Death Bed /. Anderson Fose, Fsq. CAROLUS...r. (Belgian). The Inteeeuption ....... JFm. Smith, Fsq. VAN SCHANDEL...Petrus. (Dutch). The Last Bid— (Scene in Holland) .... James Ashbury, Fsq. VERBOECKHOVEN... Eugene. (Belgian). Scotch Sheep Fred. M. Williams, Fsq. ARY SCHEFFER. (French), The Peince OF Talleteand . . . E.E.E. The Fuhe d' Aumale. CAROLTJS...F. (Belgian). The Officee's Widow Fielder, Fsq. TRO YON... Constant. (French). Pastoeal Scene C. Butler, Esq. SCHAEFELS. . .Hendrick. (German). Isabella, Infante op Spain, carrying away the First Prize of the Archery Meeting at Brussels, in the year 1621 James Ashbury, Fsq. LAMORINIERE. . .Francois. (Belgian) . The Pond, Burnham Beeches C. J. Furrant, Fsq. VERBOECKHOVEN. . .Eugene. (Belgian). Two Goats in a Stable James S. Forbes, Fsq. 99 Gallery F.] MODERN FOREIGN" ARTISTS. No. 1746 1747 1748 1748a 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 ^ 1761 1762 Contributed by BONHEUR. . .Franpois-Auguste, (French). Cattle and Sea Shoee . . . . . . Wm. Richards, Esq. VERLAT...Chs. (Belgian). Le Bout db L'Oeeille et le Bout de la Queue Baron de Ferri^res, J.F, VEIlVEER...(DutQli). View of Doedeecht James S. Forbes, Esq, DIX, C. F. SCHOONEE ASHOEE IN THE GeeVE DE LA ViLLE, SaEK The Artist. SCHLESINGER...Henri-Guillaume. (Geman). A Lady in Pink Deess Ben Lockwood, Esq. BOH'HETJR...Mdlle. Marie-Eosa. (French.) Landais Peasants' Betuen David Frice, Esq, TIDEMAND. . .A. (Norwegian). The Neighboue's Visit James Cowan, Esq. VAN SCHANDEL...Petrus. (Dutch). Waiting foe Custom John Hiclc, Esq. PECRUS... Charles. (French). Ladies of the Couet Beading to Chaeles I. . Fred. Turner, Esq. PL ASSAN... Antonio Emile. (French). The Moening Toilet Edvjard Salt, Esq. LIES... Joseph. (Belgian). The Laundey, Antwerp James S. Forbes, Esq. DE BRAEKELEER.,. Henri. (Belgian). A Nueseey Gaeden S. Montagu, Esq. BONHEUR...Mdlle. Marie-Eosa. (French). Changing Pastuee Eavid Frice, Esq. WILLEMS...Florent. (Belgian). My Own Foetune VAN KUYCK... (Belgian). Inteeioe of Stable James S. Forbes, Esq. Cniger Miles, Esq. Favid Friee, Esq. SCHLESINGER. . .Henri-Guillaume. (German). A Geeek Giel . . B. S. Carnagie, Esq. WALDORP, A. (Dutch.) The Moeedyk .... BONHEUR...Mdlle. Marie-Eosa. (French.) The Alaem — A Misty Morning .... 100 . James S. Forbes, Esq. MODEEW I'OBl21G-N AETISTS. fGallery 1*. Contributed by CAMPHATTSEN. . .W. (German). ZiETTEN IN Sight of Vienna .... James S, Forbes, Esq, After the battle of Molwitz, on the 10th of April, 1741, when the whole Austrian country was laid open by the army of Frederick the Second, Zietten, the daring Colonel of Hussars, dashed to Stockeran, the next stage to Vienna, and from the heights of Eisamberg pointed out to his jolly horsemen the gates of the old city of Emperors. Where the news spread, it caused a sudden panic (a" Spanish fright"), and the whole population fled to the frontiers of Hungary, until the King, having else- where to go, was obliged to give up his project of attacking Vienna, and recall Zietten. VAN MOER...J. B. (Belgian). Castle of Belem, (Portugal) . . M. M. the King of the Belgians, BROWNE. . .Mdme. Henrietta. (French). A SiSTEE OF Mercy Wm. Bowmm, Esq. VAN KUYCK... (Belgian). Stable Scene Cruger Miles, Esq, RUIPEREZ. . .Luis. (Spanish). The Chess Players T, E. Burnett, Esq, LASSALLE... Louis. (French). The Sledge James S, Forbes, Esq, CALAME... Alexander. (Swiss). Lake op the Four Cantons James S. Forbes, Esq, ACHENBACH... Andre. (German)* Fishing Boats on Sea Coast Henrg Wilson, Esq, POST...MdUe. C. De. (Swedish). Fishing Village in Flanders » . . . Liverpool Free Library, ARY SCHEFFER, (French). Christ's Emtombment . . * . . Thomas Ashton, Esq, VERBOECKHOVEN... Eugene. (Belgian). The Alarm Janm Ashbury, Esq, VAN SCHANDEL...Petrus. (Dutch). Vegetable Stall, Holland .... W, T, Marriott, Esq, HEILBUTH... Ferdinand. (Dutch). The Absolution of the Venial Sin at St. Peter's, Rome ....... Ernest Gambart, Esq, FLAMM. . .Albert. (German). I Bay of Naples ..... 4 * Joseph Harris^ Esq, 101 Gallery F,] MODEBW FOREIGlSr ARTISTS. No. 1777 1778 1779 1780 V 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 il786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 Contributed by HERMANN... Ludwig. (Geman). Dutch Haven (7. 7. Longcroft^ Esq. AEY SCHEFFER. (French). Le Roi de Thule (Premiere pensee) . . Madme. MarjoUn Scheffer. VERBOECKHOVEN . . .Eugene. (Belgian). Sheep and Fowls . James S, Forbes^ Esq, ALMA TADEMA. (Dutch). Taequinius Superbus before Galea . . Ernest Gamlart^ Esq» BONHETTR. . .Mdlle. Marie-Ptosa. (French) . Morning in the Highlands CWater-colour drawing) Walter Lunlop, Esq, SALENTIM. (German). The Foundling James 8. Forbes^ Esq, SLINGENEYER...E. (German). Michel Angelo watching over the Sick Bed of HIS Servant S. Montagu, Esq, ACHENBACH. . .Oswald. (German). A Street in Gennazzano (Italy) . . . Thomas Emsley, Esq, BAUaNIET. . . Charles. (Belgian). Guilt and Innocence Eobert Blair, Esq, BONHEUR... Mdlle. Marie-Eosa. (French). A Scottish Raid (Water-colour drawing) . . A. W. Lyon, Esq. CERMAK...Jaroslav. (Danish). Wallachian Shepherd T. H. McConnell, Esq, CARAUD... Joseph. (French). The Ladies of St. Cyr, performing at Versailles before Louis XIV. and Madame de Maintenon (Racine as prompter) .... Arnold Baruchson, Esq* SIEGERT...A. (Belgian). The Surprise . , K Edward Salt, Esq, LEYS..,Le Baron Henri. (Belgian). The Reception Ernest Gambart, Esq. VAN HOVE... Victor. (Belgian). The Goldsmith's Wife Joseph Craven, Esq, HERZOG... Hermann. (German). Cataracts in Norway /. ITarrison, Esq, BIERST ADT ... A. (American ) . Scene in the Western Prairies of America . . The Artist. The Indian tents belong to a tribe called Sioux. 102 MODERN FOREIG-N ARTISTS. [Gallery P. No. 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 Contributed by ACHENBACH... Andre. (German). ScHEVENiNG, near Hague James S. Forbes j Esq. KOEKKOEK...H. (Dutch). Dutch Eiyer Scene, Hauling in the Net . . Ediod, Fleet, Esq, SCHAMPHELEEIl...Edmond De. (Belgian). An Autumn Afternoon, Brussels The Artist. LASSALLE. . .Louis. (French). Wood Gatherers Henry Mason, Esq. ATJFRAY. . .Joseph- Athanase. (French). The Truant E. G, Clarke, Esq. LEU...Adolphe. (German). A Norwegian Fiord . . . . . .Arnold Baruchson, Esq. SCHREYER..Adolphe. (German). Horses Frightened at Fire .... Ernest Qamhart, Esq. VERBOECKHOVEN... Eugene. (Belgian). On the Watch Joseph Harris, Esq. SCHOLTEN...H. J. (Dutch). The Last Moments of Lady Jane Grey . . Joseph Craven, Esq. VERBOECKHOVEN. . .Eugene. (Belgian). Cows AND Sheep ...... Baron de Ferrieres, J. P, LASSALLE . . .Louis. (French). Returning Home George Hodgson, Esq, BEAULIEU...Anatole de. (French). Way to the Desert, Abd-el-Kader at Biskara (Africa) Arnold Baruchson, Esq. GERARD . . .Frangois. (French). Napoleon I Sir JF. Stirling Maxwell. LEHMANN.. .Rudolph. (German). A Serenade in the Piazza Barberina, Rome H.E.H. The Prince of Wales. ISABEY. (French). The Market Place at Honfleur . . . - . C. Butler, Esq. VERSCHUUR. . . W. (Dutch). The Waggon Team , Bailey Langhorn, Esq. LIER...A. (German). Morning C. E. Thornhill, Esq. BTIVERGER. . . Theophile Emmanuel. (French) . Sealing the Letter Wm. Oliver Bodgson, Esq. VERSCHUUR... W. (Dutch). The Halt John Hick, Esq. 103 Gallery F.J MODEEN FOBEIGKT ARTISTS. No. 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1825a 1826 1827 1828 1829 Contributed by TIDEMAND...A. (Norwegian). The Result of a SiNaiTLAn Combat in a Noe- WEGiAN Hut Alfred Morriso'n, Esq. STEVENS... Alfred. (Belgian). Palm Sunday . M. Lassen^ Esq. VAUTIER... Benjamin. (Swiss). The Ceitioal Moment A. B, Foster^ Esq, BOURGES...Mdlle. Leonide-Pauline=Elise. (French). Winding up Skein 7F"m. Oliver Dodgson^ Esq. VERSCHTTUR...W. (Dutch). A Flemish Faem John Sick^ Esq. DUVERGER. . .Theophile Emmanuel. (French). The Student . . . . . . Wm. Oliver Lodgson^ Esq. LIER...A. (German). Night * , C. E, Thornhill^ Esq. DUBASTY. . . Adolphe-Henri. (French). Steolling Playees * . Sir Wm. A. Rose. LEU. . . Adolphe. (German). A NoEWEGiAN Landscape .... The Eonble. Capt. F. Egerton. BONHEUR . . FranQois-Auguste. (French). Landscape and Sheep Robert Crofts^ Esq. ACHENBACH. . .Andre. (German). View in Sweden, Noeway A. B. Foster^ Esq. KINDERMANS...J. (Belgian). Village of Rohanne, near Spa, on the River Ambleve . jthe Artist. FICHEL... Eugene. (French). The Paeting . . . . . . . . E. S. Lassen^ Esq. VAN SCHANDEI...Petrus. (Dutch). Selling Oeanges Joseph Ejarris, Esq. TEN KATE... Hermann. (Dutch). Reading the News Jmnes S. Forbes, Esq. SCHLESINGER* . .Henri-Guillaume. ( German). Lady, Costume Louis XV. C. Z. Collar d, Esq. VAN HOVE AND WILIEMS... (Belgian). The Toilet James S. Forbes, Esq MARCHAL . . . Charles Francois. (French) . The Statute Fair * E. Benzon, Esq, 104 MOBERKT POBEIGN ARTISTS. [GaUery F. KOEKKOEK....B. C. (Dutch). The Calm M AZZOIINI ... a. (Eoman ) . Matebnal Affection SCHLESINGER. . .Henri-Guillaume. (German). A Spanish Senoeita MADOU... (Belgian). A Rat Hunt VERSCHUUR. . . W. (Dutch). Stable Scene (Grooming Horses) .... LEHMANN... Rudolph. (German). Waiting foe the Convent Dole .... BOSSUET...F. (Belgian). The Old Town of Placencia, in Spain, with the Ruins of the Alcazaba, oe the Caliph's Palace Contributed by Joseph Craven^ Esq, John C, Bowring^ Esq, W. Asqiiith, Esq, H.M. the liing of the Belgians, Edwd, Fleet, Esq, E, Eenzon, Esq, GUDE . . . (Norwegian). Landscape and Figuees (Ploughing) LEYS...Le Baron Henri. (Belgian). Inteeioe of an Inn, with Fiddler (Dutch). The Artist, . Henry Wilson^ Esq, Baron de Ferrieres, J,F^ John C. BowringGuillaume. (German). Labour Edivard Salt, Esq. TEN KATE... Hermann. (Dutch). Rich and Poor (Dives and Lazarus) .... Jaims S, Forbes, Esq, KOEKKOEK...B. C. (Dutch V A Land Storm, the river Moselle in the distance Baron de Ferrieres, J.F. NORDGREN ... A. (Swedish) . Sunset in Norway Mrs, Smith. 108 MODERN FOREIGN ARTISTS. [Gallery P. No. 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Contributed by HILDEBRANT...E. (German). Bay op Deontheim, Noeway .... JF, Ileyd^mann^ Esq. HIDDEMAN...F. (German). The Quaetett John Foster^ Esq. CAMPOTOSTO. . .Henry. (Belgian). The Fiest Bath James Forbes^ Esq. LAMORINIERE. . .Francois. (Belgian ) . Maesh Lands in Belgium James S. Forbes, Esq. CHAPLIN . . . Charles. (French) . Castle op Caeds C. Waring, Esq, SCHLESINGER. . . Henri- Guillaume. (German). GiEL Thinking . Joseph Craven, Esq. R0BLES...Juan. (Spanish). The Faem, Aranjuez F, Cosens, Esq. HILDEBRANT...E. (German). The Eeteeat, a Stoemy Day .... Joseph Crossley, Esq. FRERE . . .Edouard. (French). The Conteast John Mitchell, Esq. VERBOECKHOVEN. . .Eugene. (Belgian). Highland Sheep among Heathee and Stones Wm. Jones Lloyd, Esq. FERRANDIZ . . .Bernardo. (Spanish). La Milicia F. Cosens, Esq. LIES... Joseph. (Belgian). The Rendezvous J, Bulteel, Esq. VERBOECKHOVEN. . .Eugene. (Belgian). "AuLD Lang Syne" Wm. Jones Lloyd, Esq. RTJIPEREZ. . .Luis. (Spanish). Chess Playees _ . . Wm. Richards, Esq. TROYON... Constant. (French). Going Home (Evening) Henry Wilson, Esq. CASTELHATJS.. .(Spanish). Spanish Beigands E. Crawford, Esq. SCHERWOOD . . . Voldemar. (Russian) . The Village Lettee Weitee . . . . . Th. McConnell, Esq. ARY SCHEFFER. (French). My Favourite (Girl an<^ Cat) E. A, Leatham, Esq. 109 Gallery F.] MODEEN FOEEIGN AETISTS. No, 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 Contributed by TROYON.. .Constant. (Frencli). IlNLOADiNGt Boats (Low Water) . . Thos. Creswick, Usq., E.A. CHAPLIN... Charles. (French). An Eaely Study . . . . . . . T, R Hiekards, Esq, SWERTSCHKOW... Nicholas. (Eussian). H.K.H. The Pedtce of Wales and the Emperoe OF EiTSSiA IN A Sledge (Winter Scene) H.It.S. The Frince of Wales. PLASSAN. . .Antonio Emile. (French). The Lectuee Sir Wm, A, Rose, MICAS.. .MdUe. (French). Paeteidqes in a Wood Sir Wm, A, Eose, FICHEL.. .Eugene. (French). Indiffeeenoe Thomas Creswick, Usq., E.A. FRERE...Edouard. (French). Wood Gatheeees H. W. F. Bolckow, Esq. SPRINGER.. .C. (Dutch). Ch-qech and Maeketplace of Zwolle in Holland Baron de Ferrieres, J.F. In the convent in the distance, Thomas a Kempis spent the last sixty-four years of his life, and wrote his Imitation of Christ. MAGATJD...C. A. (Dutch). The Musicians George Sodgson, Esq. BR0MEIS...A. (Swiss). The Baths of Coebaea, near Borne ... JS. Fielder, Esq. GALLAIT. . .Louis. (Belgian) . Aet and Libeety Leivis Focock, Esq. CAMPOTOSTO... Henry. (Belgian). Bied's Nest JSiigh Mason, Esq. BONHETJR...Mdlle. Marie-Bosa. (French). Les Patueages . . . . . . Wm. Eoldsworth, Esq, COOMANS... Joseph. (French). En Coupable (or Confusion) James S. Forbes, Esq. PLASSAN . . . Antoine Emile. (French). The Duet Thomas Creswick, Esq., E.A. SCH0LTEN...H. J. (Dutch). The Pets (Lady and Doves) Fielder, Esq. 110 MODEBN FdBEIG-N ABTISTS. [(Gallery Contributed by VERBOECKHOVEN AND VAN HOVE. (Belgian). Childeen Feeding Chicks .... James S. Forbes, Esq, DESHAYES... Eugene. (French). A Swiss Cottage Fielder, Esq, VAN LUPPEN. (Dutch). Scene in Foeest of Fontainebleau . . . Cockhurn Sood, Esq, LAMORINIERE. . .Francois. (Belgian). Avenue in Belgium and Cattle . . . . James S. Forbes, Esq. RIEDEL . . . A. (Roman). MoENiNG Stab John C. Bowring, Esq, ROBERT... Louis Leopold. (French). The Pifeeeaei at Home P. JT. Howard, Esq, BOUTON...Le Chevalier. Inteeioe oe the Debtoes' Peison, Paeis . . U. F, Holt, Esq, VILLAREAL. (Spanish). The whole Scene oe a Bull Fight . . The Earl of Clarendon, KOEKKOEK. . .B. C. (Dutch). WiNTEE Scene Lord Benholm, KLUYVER. (Dutch). Foeest Scene neae IIteecht. (Figures by C. Springer.) Baron de Ferrilres, J,F, GATTI— Cavaliire Annibale. (Italian). Leonaedo da Vinci at the Couet of Ludovico Sfoeza, Duke of Milan (sumamed *'I1 Moro") . R, McTear, Esq, The Duke honoured and munificently patronised art and men of genius. He is seated on the left with his consort, the beautiful Beatrice d'Este. In the centre of the picture Leonardo da Vinci, painter, sculptor, archi- tect, engineer, musician, and author, is represented play- ing on a musical instrument of his own invention. Among those around him may be noted Calcondilla, the celebrated Greek ; the Florentine poet, Bellinzioni ; Fra Paciolo, the restorer of mathematics ; Visconti Gesparo, the poet ; Barbaro, the Venetian ambassador ; Piatti, Gaffario, and other eminent musicians and savants ; Vittoria Colonna, ladies of the court, &c. The portraits are from authentic sources ; and the costumes and accessories were obtained by special permission of the king, from the Museum of Antiquities in Florence. HILLINGFORD...K. (Koman). The Last Niaai of the Carnival . . . John C, Bowring, Esq, 111 Gallery F.] MODEEN FOREiaN ARTISTS. Contributed by ABEMOLLO...Cavaliere Carlo. (Italian). The Parting of TJgo Bassi feom his Sistee, after being sentenced to be shot by the Austrian Court- Mar tial at Bologna i?. McTem\ Esq. '"Ugo Bassi — 'Garibaldi's priest,' as he was affection- ately called — was chaplain to the Italian army during the siege of Rome, and was described by General Gari- baldi as 'highly distinguished for great merit, of un- blemished moral character, of a noble heart and benevo- lent disposition, and of high rank for popular eloquence ; such a man, indeed, as Italy cannot produce without the labour of ages.' He accompanied Garibaldi and his wife and Ciceroacchio, in their flight after the fall of Rome ; and leaving the General attending on his dying wife, Anita, fell into the hands of a patrol of Croats, who con- ducted him to Bologna, where he was condemned to be shot by the Austrian Court-Martial, presided over by General Gorgoski. On receiving his sentence, his sister rushed into his arms in an agony of grief, when Bassi, who was quite calm, thus addressed her: — 'Do not be afflicted, my dear sister. My mission is accomplished. I die innocent, for I never bore arms against the Emperor, to whom I owed no duty, and against whom I have com- mitted no crime. But I have assisted the dying in the field and have never denied help to my wounded ene- mies !' He then turned to the officer of the guard, and said, ' My crime is yours, for I have faithfully served my country, as you do your sovereign !' He was then removed in chains ; and Bedini, the Pope's nuncio at Bologna, ordered that, as Bassi had been an ordained priest, those parts which had been ' consecrated ' should be * desecrated.' And thus was added one of the noblest names to the immortal roll of martyrs for Italian free- dom and unity !" OUDRY.-J. B. (French). The Death of the Wolf . . . H.E.H, The Duke d'Aumale. The Death of the Fox . . . . H.R.H. The JDuTce d'Aumdle. IE BRUN...Madme. (French). Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante . . * . /. Eope Bartoyi^ Esq, VOLKHART...W. (German). Thei Interview of Charles IX. with CoLiaNY . Eenry Fielder, Esq, BODOM...E; (Norwegian). View in Norway Henry Wilson, Esq. KOEKKOEK. . .H. (Dutch). A Heavy Storm AppROACHiNa The Et. Son. Earl Fiizioilliam, K.G, VAN HAANEN...Eemi. (Dutch). WINTER Scene in Holland . The Et. Eon. Earl EitzivilHam, K. G. 112 MODERN FOREIGN ARTISTS. [Gallery P. Contributed by KOEKKOEK...H. (Dutch). A Calm The Mt, Hon. Earl FitzivilUam^ G, YVON...Adolphe. (French). The Ketbeat feom Moscow . . . Eoyal Institution^ Manchester, DELFOSSE . ..Ernest. (Belgian) . The Huedy Gurdy Giel and the Avocat . . H, Eolt^ JEsq, FRANQUESTIN. (French). The Invalid , Br, Be May, FRANCAIS. . .Franpois Louis. (French). A Landscape, and Pond John Fender, Fsq, VATTTIER. . .Benjamin. (Swiss). A Scene on the Laze op Geneva .... Henry Wilson^ Fsq. [17os. 1952 and 1953 transferred to Entrance Hall.] MEISSONIER..J. L. (French). The Chess Playebs IT. Schroeder, Esq. No. 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 I 1954 113 BRITISH WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. . GALLERY G. It was originally intended to keep all the productions of British artists in adjacent Galleries; but it appeared so desirable to have the works in Oil, by our own and by foreign artists, in juxtaposition, so that their differences might be more directly noticed, that the Water-Colour Drawings have been arranged in their present place. It is, indeed, a school of art, in a great measure distinguished by different character- istics, as well in style as in practice, from any other, and is one in which we have taken the lead over other nations. Although practised to a certain degree by the early painters of Europe in the fifteenth or sixteenth century, for sketches and studies, and carried out with no slight amount of finish by the painters of the Dutch School in the seventeenth century ; yet it is, as an art, essentially one of English origin and growth, and in which we have produced the greatest masters, of whom excellent examples will be seen in the present collection, commencing from the simpler style of Sandby, Girtin, Barrett, Varley, &c., through the system founded by Turner, to the large and highly-finished works of living artists, in which every appliance for effect is freely used, and with a success and power which silences the opposition of those who advocate the older system, and object to the present extensive employ- ment of body colour. On leaving this Gallery, and proceeding to the Central Hall, the Portraits of Yorkshire Worthies will be found ranged along the main Corridor. The entire east end of the building, including the Chapel and Gallery J, being occupied by the Museum of Ornamental Art, and Gallery H by the Engravings, Drawings by Old Masters, and Miniatures. J. B. W. 114 BRITISH WATER COLOURS. GALLERY G. P. SANDBY...1732- EiVEE Scene -1809. Contributed by J". K Taylor, Esq, F. WHEATLEY... 1747— 1801. Intekioe of the Shakespeaee Galleby, British Institution J. VARLEY... 1779— 1842. Llanbereis (1803) G. ROBSON.. .1790—1833. Castle Eden Dean THOS. GIRTIN.. .1775—1802. Interior of Julian's Baths, Hotel Cluny J. GLOVER.. .1767— 1849. Distant View of Windsor ..... G. ROBSON... 1790— 1833. "The Curfew Tolls the Knell of Parting Day' J. D. HARDING... 1798- TiNTERN Abbey -1863. W, Smith, Esq. >> 11 11 11 /. E, Taylor, Esq, W, Smith, Esq, Md, Johnson, Wm, Smith, Esq, JOS. G. NASH. Gate House, Kenilworth .... J. VARLEY... 1779— 1842. Beddgelert Bridge (1805) G. BARRETT... 1728— 1784. Classical Landscape, with Figures— Evening THOS. HEARNE... 1744— 1817. Carrying the Hay G. BARRETT... 1728— 1784. Classical Landscape .... THOS. GIRTIN... 1775— 1802. Cottages near Newcastle /. E, Taylor, Esq. Wm. Smith, Esq. 115 Gallery G.] BRITISH WATER COLOURS, No. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Contributed by J. M. WRIGHT.. .1802— 1847. A Reception at Stafford House .... W. Smith, Esq, FRANCIS NICHOLSON.. .1753—1844. View op Yoek /. Fitlleine, Esq. JOS. CRISTALL... 1767- 1847. The Cottage Door T, McConnell, Esq, WELBY PUGIN. View in Oxford . . . . , . . J, E, Taylor^ Esq. J. S. C0TMAN...About 1780— 1843. Dieppe, from the Heights W, Smith, Esq, W. TURNER, of Oxford.. .about 1770—1840. Heath Scene, Figures and Cattle , . , , B. Rathhone, Esq. THOS. GIRTIN... 1775— 1802. Old Cottages T, H, 3IcConnell, Esq, W. HAVELL. KiLGARAN Castle . • Wm, Smith, Esq, C. STANFIELD, RA... 1798— 1867. A Ship on Fire A. W. Lyon, Esq. W. HAVELL. Classical Landscape J. E, Taylor, Esq, View near Florence J, Miller, Esq, W. TURNER, of Oxford...about 1770— 1840. Loch Torringdon . B. Rathbone, Esq. D. ROBERTS, RA... 1796— 1864. St. Pierre, Caen W, Smith, Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, RA... 1775— 1851. The Crypt of Kirkstall Abbey . . . . J. E. Taylor, Esq. GUIDO BACH. Lost in Thought /. /. Broadhent, Esq, COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. View of Ischla on the Simplon Pass, Mont Blanc in the distance Wm, Smith, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, RA... 1775— 1851. Temple of ^gina, Asia Minor . . . . .P. Allen, Esq. Engraved. 116 BBITISH WATER COLOURS. [GaUery G. Contributed by P. DEWINT... 1784— 1849. The Yobkshiee Wolds Rd. Johnson, JEsq, SAML. PROUT.. .about 1784— 1852. Temple of Minerva Medica, Rome ... W. Smith, Esq. D. COX... 1783— 1859. Windsor Park— Life Guards Exercising . . Fcter Allen, Esq, W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Boy Blowing Bubbles.— Painted, 1810 . , . CapU A. D. Bogers, R. P. BONNINGTON... 1801— 1828. Verona .... .... W. Smith, Esq, G. SHERRIN. Dead Partridge „ J. VARLEY... 1779— 1842. Landscape , . Md, Johnson, Esq, C. STANFIELD, R.A... 1798— 1867. Waterloo Bridge Wm» Smith, Esq. G. MAWLEY. The Interior of a Barn . . . . , J, J, Broadbent, Esq, E. A. GOODALL. Venice . Dr. Macturh, BIRKET FOSTER. The Swing E, Gcmbart, Esq, G. ROBSON... 1790— 1833. Ben More J, E, Taylor, Esq, C. BENTLEY...Died 1854. Fishing Boats off the Isle of Wight ... W, Smith, Esq, G. CATTERM0LE...B. 1800...D. Benventjto Cellini requested by the Brigands to Value One of His Own Works ... W, Quilter, Esq, J. F. SEVERN. View of St. Paul's, from the Thames . . , F. H. Eathbone, Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. In Wharfedale— Yorkshire . . . . J. E. Taylor, Esq. C. V. FIELDING.. .1788— 1851. Brougham Hall, near Penrith .... U, Johnson, Esq, NIBBS, R. H. Shoeeham Harbour— Sunset Sir G, F, Lcc, Bart, 117 GaUcry G,] BEITISH WATER COLOURS. 2065 2066 2067 F. GOODALL, RA. Wateb Caebiees at Caieo . WM. MULREADY, R A... 1786— 1863. Study in Chalk of a Female Figueb . J. M. W. TURNER, RA...1776— 1851. On the Whaefe— Yorkshire .... Island of Staffa C. STANFIELD, R A... 1798— 1867. Italian Landscape, with Mule and Driver; the Alps in the distance CROMEE. Inteeioe of the Libeaey at Lupset Hall G. CHAMBERS. ..Died 1840. A Dover Pilot — Luggers returning to the Harbour G. BARRETT... 1728— 1784. Sunset J. W. WHITTAKER. Pass of Nant Feang-an Contributed by /. /. Broadhenty Esq, J, E, Taylor^ Esq, Jn. Naylor^ Esq, D. Gashell^ Esq, W. Smith, Esq. Senry Mason, Esq, W. Leach, Esq, COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Landscape— Evening /. SicJc, Esq, BIRKET FOSTER. The Primrose Gatherers Giles Redmayne, Esq, COPLEY FIELDING.. .1788— 1851. Coast Scene, with Fishing Boats .... B, Rathhone, Esq, MARCUS STONE. Feom Wateeloo to Paeis A. Harris, Esq. SAML. PROUT... about 1784—1852. Sea Piece T, H, McConnell, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, RA... 1775— 1851. View of Thun (Switzerland), with broad river, terrace, and foreground figures . E. LUNDGREN. Choeistees — Interior of Church at Toledo D. ROBERTS, R A... 1796— 1864. Inteeioe of a Cathedeal J. GILBERT. The Itineeant Musician 118 W. Quilter, Esq, L, R, Valpy, Esq. J, Ashhury, Esq, L, R, Valpy, Esq, BRITISH WATER COLOURS. [Gallery G. Contributed by COPLEY FIELDING.. .1788— 1851. Fishing Boats off Fairlight Downs P. Allen, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. View op Geneva, with figures in the foreground and soldiers, with party marching .... W. Quilter, Esq. COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Windsor Castle, from the Park .... Geo, Turner, Esq, CARL HAAG. Baalbec A, Harris, Jm., Esq, BIRKET FOSTER. Ceossing the Bridge G. CATTERM0LE...B. 1800. Old English Hospitality COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Shrimper, and Fishing Boats on the Sands D. COX... 1783— 1859. Fording the Stream, North Wales S. 0WEN...1769— 1825. Coast Scene SAML. PR0TIT...ahout 1784— 1852. The Doge's Palace, Venice J. F. LEWIS, R.A. Turkish Girl and Caged Birds .... F. W. BURTON. Religious Ceremony in the Cathedral of Bamberg, in Bavaria R. P. BONNINGTON... 1801— 1828. Coast Scene in France E. DUNCAN. Fragment of a Wreck on the Goodwin Sands . D. COX.. .1783—1859. Windsor Park— "The Queen is Coming" F. GOODALL, RA. The Swing G, Wostenholme, Esq, T. H. McConnell, Esq, , Sy, Mason, Esq, F, Allen, Esq, . /. E. Taylor, Esq, Thos, Johnson, Esq, W, Quilter, Esq, . W. Leaf, Esq, W, Quilter, Esq, . /. Mhodes, Esq, F, Craven, Esq, W, Eoldsworth, Esq, P. DEWINT... 1784— 1849. View on the Thames at Putney . . . , D, F, Davies, Esq, C. STANFIELD, R A... 1798— 1867. Bridge Over the Doveria, foot of the Simplon , JF, Quilter, Esq, 119 G-allery G.] BBITISH WATER COLOURS. Contributed by C. BRANWHITE. 2086 Feeey on the Thames, at Cookliam . G, Wostenholme, Esq, J. HOLLAND. 2087 The Kivals— Scene in Venice . . . . L» R, Valpij, Esq* C. STANFIELD, RA... 1798— 1867. 2088 EDiNBUEaH in the Olden Time . . . . D, JR. Davies^ Esq, E. DTOCAN. 2089 WiNTEE Scene : Sheep FEEDiNa ... TF. SoMsworth, Esq, G. F. ROBSON... 1790— 1833. 2090 Lake Scene ........ , F. Turner^ Esq, SAML. PROUT...about 1784— 1852. 2091 Steasbueg Cathedeal F, Crmen^ Esq, D. COX... 1783— 1859. 2092 Kenilwoeth W, Quilter, Esq, J BIRKET FOSTER. / 2093 Flying the Kite W» Eoldsworth, Esq, FREDK. TAYLER. V 2094 The Hawking Paety . . . . . . . /. EicJc^ Esq, F. W. TOPHAM. 2095 The YouNa Mothee's Joy F, Craven^ Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, RA.. .1775—1851. 2096 Aetjndel Castle Wm, Moldsworth, Esq. R. P. BONNINGTON... 1801— 1828. 2097 View of a Cathedeal E, Rathhone^ Esq, G. BARRETT... 1728— 1784. 2098 The Waggon— Sunset D. R, Eavies, Esq, LOUIS HAGHE. 2099 Inteeioe of Beussels Cathedeal . . /. /. Broadhent^ Esq, W. HENRY HUNT.. .1790—1804. 2100 '^Fathee's Boots , John Rhodes, Esq, D. ROBERTS, RA... 1796— 1864. 2101 BuiNS Eimlop, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, RA... 1775— 1851. 2102 I^EEDS Taylor, Esq, COPLEY FIELDING.. .1788—1851. 2103 Rough Weathee in the Race of Poetland . JF . Quilter, Esq, 120 BBITISH WATER COLOURS. [G^aUery d^, 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 Contributed by D. COX... 1783-^1859. Golden Vale, Carmarthen Jf^ Quilter, Esq, BIRKET FOSTER. The Donkey Ride Eoldsworth^ Esq, COPLEY FIELDING.. .1788— 1851. Fishing Boats off Scarborough ... A. Harris^ jun,^ Esq, BASIL BRADLEY. Foxhounds P. Richards, Esq, W. L. LEITCH. Scotch Lake G. W, 3foss, Esq, D. COX... 1783— -1859. The Haystack . „ „ FREDK. TAYLER. Weighino the Deer D. COX... 1783— 1859. The Passing Shower W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Grapes and Peach .... W. L. LEITCH. Italian Coast Scene BIRKET FOSTER. Barnard Castle D. COX... 1783— 1859. Landscape, and Bridge COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Loch Lomond Loch Leven D. COX.. .1783—1859. Sunrise on the Beach C. STANFIELD, RA...1798. On the Medway D. ROBERTS, RA... 1796— 1864. Malaga ...... W. HENRpir HUNT... 1796— 1864. Grapes and Plums J. GILBERT. Falstatf Reyiewing His Ragged Staff 121 aallery G.j BBITISH WATER COIiOtJRS. No. 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 D. C0X...1783~1859. Contkibuteb bv Going to the Haytield G, IV, Moss, Esq. E. DUNCAN. FiSHiNa Boats G. CATTEItMOLE...B. 1800. Banditti W. HENEY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Dead Piqeon LOUIS HAGHE. The Murder of Eizzio COPLEY EIELBING... 1788— 1851. Folkestone „ „ Storm at Sea „ „ F. GOODALL, H.A. The Sheik's Grave „ COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Loch Lomond ........ „ D. COX... 1783— 1859. The Hayfield . • „ „ SAML. PR0UT...about 1784— 1852 Verona „ G. A. FEIPP. Glen Rosa, Arran D. COX... 1783— 1859. Haarlech Castle ....... „ „ COPLEY FIELDING.. .1788—1851. Fresh Breeze on the Coast CAEL HAAG. Temple of Jupiter Tonans . . . . . ^ SAML. PEOUT... about 1784—1852. Old Buildings in Berne „ . G. A. FEIPP. Glen Muick • n COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. • Blowing Fresh. » » E. DUNCAN. Shiplakb on the Thames >» » 122 BBITISH WATEB COLOURS. [Gallery G. No. 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 ^ . « Contributed by E. DUNCAN. Welsh Coast . . (?. ;r. Moss, Esq. A. W. HUNT. ScHLOss Elz on the Moselle , . . , „ FREDK. TAYLER. Expectation W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. The Defeat J. M. W. TURNER, RA.. .1775—1851. The Dead Sea LOUIS HAGHE. Milan Cathedral „ E. DUNCAN. Moonlight on the Coast D. COX... 1783—1859. On the Thames „ „ J. M. W. TURNER, R. A... 1775— 1851. ISEAEL IN HOEEB „ ,, W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. The Attack „ E. DUNCAN. Wreck on the Goodwin Sands . . • . „ „ G. A. FRIPP. Nant Feanoan „ „ F. W. TOPHAM. The Caed Playees , „ „ D. COX... 1783— 1859. Bolton Abbey „ „ W. L. LEITCH. View in Scotland „ „ SAML. PROUT... about 1784—1852. SCHAFFHAUSEN . . . , . . , „ „ P. DEWINT... 1784— 1849. The Hatfield „ * E. DUNCAN. rLOADING 123 Oystee Boats Unloading . . . • , „ „ Gallery G.] BBITISH WATEK COLOTOS. W. HENRY HUNT... 1790- Bird's Nest '1864. COPLEY FIELDINa... 1788— 1851. Arundel Castle .... E. DUNCAN. Seaweed Gatheeees . COPLEY FIELDINa...l788- LocH Lomond , . . . -1851. BIEKET FOSTER. The Maeket Caet . W. HENRY HUNT... 1790- The Gleanee -1864. D. COX... 1783— 1859. View on the Seveen J. F. LEWIS, R.A. The Feank Encampment G. A. FRIPP. On the Dee, Aberdeenshire ■1859. D. COX... 1783- A Welsh Lane G. CATTERMOLE...B. 1800. Eetuening Thanks Gr. A. FRIPP. Loch Callatee . E. DUNCAN. Oystee Deedging off Ostend T. M. RICHARDSON. View of the Teossachs — Loch Katrine MARIA HARRISON. Feuit E. DUNCAN. Coast Scene near Swansea G. CATTERMOLE...B. 1800. Grace Befoee Meat • HY. LIVERSEEGE.. .1803—1833. Popping the Question . * * 124 BEITISH WATEB OOLOUBS. [GaUery a. W. J. MULLER.., 1812— 1845. City of Flos, Lycia With Acropolis honeycombed with rock-cut temples and tombs, J. B. PYNE. Lago di Como, from near Tremezzino P. DEWINT... 1784— 1849. View in Wensleydale F. W. TOPHAM. Spanish Muleteees . J. F. LEWIS, R.A. Halt in the Deseet FREDK. TAYLER. Hawking in the Olden Time E. DUNCAN. Boatman on the Look Out J. B. PYNE. Poeto Veneee, in the Gulf of Spezzia W. J. MULLER... 1812— 1845. PiNAEA AcEOPOLiSj Lycia, 1844 Contributed by W. Quilter^ Esq, TF, Holdsworthy Esq, Hy, Mason, Esq, JFostenholme, Esq, . Messrs, Agnew, F. Craven, Esq, W, J)unlopy Esq. W, Eoldsivorih, Esq, W* Quitter ^ Esq, J. F. LEWIS, R.A. School neae Caieo . W. Quilter, Esq, COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Loch Awe, Ben Ceuachan T. UWINS, R.A.., 1782— 1857. A Neapolitan Playing on the Mandoline to his Inamoeato G. BARRETT.. .1728- SUNEISE -1784. W. J. MULLER... 1812— 1845. YuEOOK Huts— Xanthus in Lycia, Dec. 1843 The wandering tribes or Turcomen of Asia Minor, F. T. SHIELDS. One of oue Beead-Watchees F. W. TOPHAM. The Highland Reel 125 W, Quilter, Esq, F, P. Richards, Esq. Henry Mason, Esq. W, Quilter, Esq, T, H, McConnett, Esq, A, W, LyoUy Esq. GaUery G.] BBITISH WATER COLOURS. Contributed by P. DEWINT...1784--1849. Langdalb Pikes, Cumbeeland .... IT?/. Mason, Mq. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. Land's End F, Craven, Esq, Engraved in the England and Wales series. C. V. FIELDING.. .1788^1851. Coast Scene at Scarborough Jn» Naylor, Esq, J. GILBERT. Oliveb Ceomwell's Teumpeter .... Ed, Johnson, Esq, HARRISON WEIR. Geotjse and Paeteidge F, A, Millbanhe, Esq, J. D. WATSON. Playing the Guitae F, J, Frange, Esq, D. COX. ..1783—1859. The Welsh Puneeal ...... F, Craven, Esq, J. LINNELL. The Last Load I>, R, Eavies, Esq, C. V. FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Aeundel Castle Hy, Wilson, Esq, Deewentwatee Jn, Naylor, Esq, LOUIS HAGHE. Inteeioe oe a Chuech in Wurtemburg . . Ky, Mason, Esq, P. F. POOLE. Ceossing the Steeam Thos, Johnson, Esq, G. BARRETT... 1728— 1784. Classical Landscape— Evening ... F, F, Richards, Esq, W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Adam's Ale A, W* Lyon, Esq, R. BEAVIS. "The Lads of Liveehay, that deovb the Ceich- TOiii'Q BEEPy A'WA.Y,'^— Border Minstrelsy , , . F, Turner, Esq, D. COX.. .1783—1859. Richmond, Yorkshire E. R, Lavies, Esq, SKINNER PROUT. Bambeeg, in Bavaeia E Lees, Esq, W. J. MULLER... 1812— 1845. The HAPd'AGus Tomb, Lycia W, Quilier, Esq, The bas-relief sawn off is now in the British Museum. 126 BBITISH WATER COLOURS. [Grallery G. ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. Welcome News D. COX.. .1783—1859. The Beoom Gatheeees — ^Heather in full Bloom W. J. MULLER... 1812— 1845. Sketch foe the Slave Market" W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Bied's Nest, Feuit, and Flo wees . ERSKINE NICOL, A.R.A. "Up Beyant the Blue Sky" T. S. COOPER, R.A. Cattle, in the Canterbury Meadows Ct, CATTERMOLE. Beigands Distuebed D. COX... 1783— 1859. SuMMEE Time . . , C. STANFIELD, RA.... 1798— 1867. The Battle Field .... W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Still Life : — Tankard, Peaches and Grapes SAML. PROUT...about 1784— 1852. The Weeck of an Indiaman, off Plymouth J. HOLLAND. Venice LOUIS HAGHE. Inteeioe of a Cathedeal; Figures Praying D. COX... 1783— 1859. Bolton Woods, with Barden Tower in the distance BIRKET FOSTER. Faiey Tales .... D. COX... 1783— 1859. Landscape, and Figures C. V. FIELDING... 1788— 1851 Lake Scene .... W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864, An Algeeian Tamboueine Giel T. RICHARDSON, Sen. View of Edinbuegh 127 Contributed by W. Smith, Esq, F» Craven, Esq, J, E. Taylor, Esq. J. A, Jones, Esq, F, H, Eathbone, Esq, Messrs, Agnew, Fred. Craven, Esq, F, Allen, Esq. A. W, Lyon, Esq, A, W, Lyon, Esq. J, J. Broadbent, Esq. F, H, Fathbone, Esq. J. Ashbury, Esq, Jn, Naylor, Esq, Angus Holden, Esq. A, W, Lyon, Esq, Jas, Ashbury, Esq. W. Funlop, Esq. A. Fc^irbmni Esq, Gallery &.] BEITISH WATEB COLOUES. No. 2231 2232 2233 2234 / 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 Contributed by H. B. WILLIS, EiVEB Scene in North Wales, with Cattle . , Z. i?. Valpi/, Esq, BIRKET FOSTER. May Day /. /. Broadhent, Esq. COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Daetmouth Harbour Jn, Kaylor^ Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851, Eatts OF THE Ehine .... Alfred EarHs^ Ju72.^ Esq, E. DUNCAN. Bassenthwaite Lake ; Long Pike and Helvellyn in the distance Jas, Ashhury^ Esq, F. GOOD ALL, R.A, Beetonne Couetship . , . . . . L, E, Valpy^ Esq. W. HENRY HUNT.., 1790— 1864. Devotion ........ F, Craven, Esq, W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Eeading the ^'LEAauE" Thos. Johnson, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. ViEGiNiA Water 7F". Soldsworth, Esq, W. GOODALL. Drawing Water at the Well Br, Macturh, COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Landscape— Distant Storm Fk, Turner, Esq, T. M. RICHARDSON. View of San Giorgio, in the Lake of Como . . A. Fairhairn, Esq. S. PALMER. Evening C, L, Collard, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. Derwentwater J, E. Taylor, Esq. BAZIL BRADLEY. Scotch Cattle /. Sick, Esq BIRKET FOSTER. The Homestead Dr, Macturk, F. M. BROWN. Cordelia's Portion F. Craven, Esq, T. S. COOPER, R.A. A Cow AND Two Sheep . . . , , /. Eick, Esq, 128 BBITISH WATER COLOURS. [Gallery (3t, No. 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 Contributed by J. M. W. TURNER, R. A... 1775— 1851. On the Whabfe J, K Taylor, Esq, J. HARDY, Jr. Dead Game F. Turner^ Esq. G. BARRETT.. .1728—1784. Landscape, with a Drove of Cattle — ^Evening . , W, Smithy Esq, J, GILBERT. Scene feom King John : Act 4th, Scene 2nd . . Z. i2. Valp^, Esq, J. HOLLAND. Saint Mark's, Venice F, Craven^ Esq, C. V. FIELDING... 1788— 1851, Bolton Abbey , , A. Fairbairn^ Esq, 0. R. JACOBS. The Falls of Niagaea , Jas, Ashbury^ Esq. W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. Boy at a Stove W, Turquand, Esq, L. DUNCAN. An Eastern Chess Player Studying a Problem . Dr, MacturJc. G. CATTERM0LE...B. 1800. Benvenuto Cellini and the Bobbers . . D. jR. Davtes, Esq, IVLVCBETH AND THE WlTCHES /. Hick, Esq, J. R. HERBERT, R.A. Scene from "The Two Foscari" . . W* Eoldsworth, Esq, J. J. JENKINS. Interior of a Cottage — A Woman teaching her Child the Alphabet Jas, Ashbury^ Esq, COPLEY FIELDING... 1788— 1851. Naworth Castle • /. SicJc^ Flsq, W. HENRY HUNT... 17 90— 1864. The Old Yew Tree in "Our Village" . /. /. Broadbent^ Esq, J. R. HERBERT, R.A. Scene from "Marino Faliero" . . . TT, Soldsworth, Esq, G. CATTERMOLE...B. 1800. The Defence of Lathom House . . . . A, JF. Lyon, Esq, J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. ..1775— 1851. York Minster, from the Eiver . . . , J, E. Taylor, Esq, D. COX... 1783— 1859. Wind and Rain P, Allen, Esq, 129 Gallery G,] BBITISH WATER COLOURS. Contributed bv W. HENRY HUNT.. .1790— 1864. The Cavaliee ofe Duty Dr, Macttirk* F. W. TOPHAM. LoiTEEiNa BY THE Way F, Graven^ Esq, W. HENRY HUNT... 1790—1864. Dead Gull on the Sea Coast ... T. McConnell^ Esq, T. M. RICHARDSON. Baenard Castle Z. J?, Valpy, Esq, COPLEY FIELDING. ..1788—1851. "Wateeloo F. Langton, Esq, Richmond Beidge, Yorkshire . . . , . i. i2. Valpy^ Esq, J. W. WHITTAKER. The Caenaevonshiee Range of Mountains . JBT. Roberts, Esq, T. S. COOPER, R.A. Landscape, with Cattle Jas, Ashbwy, Esq, W. HENRY HUNT.. .1790—1864. Pineapples, Geapes, and Pomegeanates . . TF, QiiiUer, Esq, D. COX. ..1783—1859. Classical Landscape (dated 1828) . . . Z» It. Valpy, Esq, F. W. TOPHAM. The Pet Lamb J. EicJcy Esq. J. WALKER. The New Boy at School W, Qtiilter^ Esq, J. S. COTMAN... About 1780—1843. Landscape — Twilight T, S, McConnell, Esq, W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. The ^'DiNNEE HouE." — Study of an Old Man Boy Blowing Bubbles A. W, Lyon^ Esq, D. COX... 1783— 1859. The Hayfield W, Quiltcr No. 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2314 2345 2346 S. BOUGH. Huntsman and Hounds Coming Home.— Frosty night approacliing LOUIS HAGHE. The Piazza San Salute, Venice WM. MULREADY, R.A.. .1786—1863. Study in Chalk Landscape SARAH SETCHELL. 'And Ye shall Walk in Silk Attiee' W. HENRY HUNT... 1790— 1864. The Ieish Hodman J. M. W. TURNER.. .1775— 1851. Landscape and Biver Scene . C. BENTLEY... Died 1854. Mouth of the Thames F. W. BURTON. Bepose FREDK. TAYLER. Foxhounds . .... F. W. BURTON. Shieeen J. LEECH. ..1817—1864. Childeen's Dialogue .... The original sketch of the woodcut in Punch. T. RICHARDSON, Senr... 1784— 1848. Coast Scene D. COX... 1783— 1859. BoLSOVEE Castle Contributed by F, P. Richards, Esq. JF» Holdsworth, Esq. J, E, Taylor, Esq, Hy, Vaughan, Esq, F. A, Milhanhe, Esq. Hi/. Vaughan, Esq, . ISlr G. P. Lee, Bart. F. J. Frange, Esq. P. H. McConnell, Esq. W. Roldsworth, Esq. Messrs. Agnew ^ tSojts, X. P. Valpg, Esq. Ky. Vaughan, Esq. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A... 1775— 1851. ZioN .......... W. Quilter, Esq. F. W. BURTON. I02TEPHANH . . . . . . . W.Bowman, Esq. MRS. HARRISON. The Histoey of the Peimeose VICAT COLE. Landscape 133 Miss H. Harrison, P. A, Milbanhe, Esq, Gallery G.] BBITISH WATEB COLOUKS. Contributed by J. ABSOLON. The Two Sisters •. /. SicJc^ Esq. SARAH SETCHELI. The Momentous Question . . . . . Sy, Vatighany Esq, J. HOLLAND. South-west Wind after Eain — ^Venice , . X, i2. Valpy^ Esq, FRANCIS NICHOLSON... 1753—1844. Street Scene Lord Ravensworth, Street Scene ,, COPLEY FIELDING. Scene near Ben Cruachan . . » . H. C. Marshall, Esq, Ashdown Forest „ J. P. KNIGHT, R.A. Portrait of Sir Walter Scott Br, MacturJc, G. WHITAKER. Cromwell's Castle, Scilly Island~Sea Fog Clearing Off /. Rogerson, Esq, R. GASTINEAU. Edinburgh Wm, Ingham, Esq. R. GASTINEATT. View in Switzerland „ R. GASTINEAU. Dover— The old Calais Packet leaving the Harbour „ J. LEECH... 1817— 1864. No Consequence "—The Parson in the Ditch Messrs, Agnetv ^ Sons, SAML. PROUT.. .about 1784—1852. View in Verona /. Rhodes, Esq, DAVID ALLAN. The Cottar's Saturday Night: an incident in the early life of the poet Bums Colonel Rums, J. C. SWALLOW. The Dean's Dessert . . ♦ The Artist, J. W. KETTLEWELL. Apple Blossom and Bird's Nest The Artist. T. R. MACQTTOID. CouE DE LA MoNNAiE, CacD, Nomiandy , , . W. Holland, Esq. G. NEEDHAM. Landscape The Artist, T. SUTCLIFFE. The Magpie Wm. Oatee, Esq. Landscape Saml. Hag, Esq, MISS JOY. View of Bichmond Mrs, Pulleine, SAMUEL READ. Interior of the Cathedral at Toledo . . Joshua Bixon, Esq, 134 ENGEAVINGS, DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS, AND MINIATURES. GALLERY H. Wood Engeaving. — The discovery of the art of taking impressions or printing from subjects cut on blocks of hard wood appears to have taken place in Germany, late in the fourteenth or towards the commencement of the fifteenth century, and was first applied to playing-cards. After these, one of the earliest specimens is the well-known representation of St. Christopher carrying the infant Saviour, the only impression being in Lord Spencer's Collection, which bears the date of 1423. The first productions were rude, ill-drawn, and little more than outline. Towards the end of that century renowned painters, especially Albeet Dueee and Lucas Cranach, adopted the process, and by their hands, or under their personal direction, were executed those works which still excite universal admiration. In fact, the former artist may be fairly considered the founder of the art as it is now practised. It was rapidly introduced into all civilized countries, and, principally by the improved mode of printing, has, during the last fifty years, obtained results which are almost marvellous. Line Engeaving. — Considerable difference of opinion exists among those best acquainted with the subject, as to whether the discovery of the mode of taking impressions on paper from engraved plates of metal is to be attributed to Italy or Germany ; the authors of each of these countries naturally claiming the honour for their respective fatherlands. The weight of evidence is, however, in favour of the former ; and though none of his works bear dates, it appears tolerably certain that Maso Finigueeea, a goldsmith of Florence, about the year 1450 made this discovery, which was destined to afford so much instruction and gratification to future ages, as well as to contribute materially towards the civilization of mankind. It was imme- diately adopted both by Italian and German artists ; and during the remainder of that century a large number of engravings was executed by the most eminent painters themselves, especially Andee A Mantegna in Italy, and Maetin Schongauee m Germany, giving a spirit to their productions which no copyist, however skilful, could rival. Occasionally admirable works appeared by artists whose names have long been lost ; an excellent and characteristic specimen of the earliest of these, called the Mastee of 1466, on account of some of his plates bearing that date, will be found in this collection (No. 50). Within a short period, that is to say towards the end of the fifteenth and begin- ning of the sixteenth centuries, appeared contemporaneously two artists — one Italian, Maec Antonio Raimondi (1475 — 1539), the other German, Albeet Dueee (1471 — 1528), whose works are beyond all praise. The former engraved exquisite plates from the designs of Raffaelle, under that immortal painter's personal superin- tendence ; but those by the latter are from his own inspirations. To these may be added Lucas van Leyden, who during a short life (1494 — 1533) executed a large number of exquisite and delicately-engraved works. In the next century, Holland, Flanders, and France produced excellent engravers, a few of the most distinguished being Goltzius, Bolsweet, the Visschees, Suydeehoef, Nanteuil, and Edelinck. In the course of the two following centuries a higher and more elaborate mode of finish has been adopted, as wiU be seen in the works of WiLLE, MoEGHEN, Mulleb, Lonqhi, Desnoyees, Toschi, and many others. 135 IHTKODUCTION TO ENGRAVINGS, &c. The limits of an introduction of this description render it impossible to enter into further details respecting the history and progress of this beautiful art. It may, however, be stated that as far as this country is concerned, scarcely any attempt seems to have been made till about the middle of the sixteenth century, when certain foreigners, chiefly Flemings, obtained employment in London, in engraving portraits, frontispieces, and illustrations to books. In the following century, William Faith- OENE, a native of London (1620—1691), having, from his adherence to the cause of Charles I., been compelled to live for some time in Paris, and having probably worked with some of the great engravers before mentioned, attained remarkable excellence. His plates are executed with consummate skill (see 101, 102, 103), and have a brilliant and powerful effect. Several years later, Hogaeth (1698—1764) again introduced the practice of the painter engraving his own works; and the English School reached its highest position when Steange, Woollett, and Shaep produced their well-known works, which, especially in the landscapes engraved by the second, are still unrivalled. Etching.— In order of time the next discovery was that of the art of tracing with a needle, on a properly prepared copperplate, and by a well-known process burning in,^ by means of an acid, the lines so traced. In this way the painter is enabled to rint the exact drawing he has made, and to produce any effects of light and shade e may require. Attention is particularly directed to the examples by Caeeacci, Claude, Vandyck, Rembeandt, Hollae, Ostade, and Beeghem. Mezzotint. — Towards the middle of the seventeenth century, Louis voN Siegen (1609 — 1650), a native of Holland, but of German extraction, subse- quently a lieutenant-colonel in the Hessian service, invented a new mode of engraving, called on the Continent the black style, or black art fmaniere noire, schwartze Kunst, zwartehunst) , Up to a comparatively recent period. Prince Rupert, on the authority of John Evelyn, had the honour of the discovery : there is, however, no doubt that it is really due to Siegen, no plate by the Prince bearino- an earlier date than 1657, while that of 1642 appears on first state of the portrait of the Landgravine of Hesse by the former (158). Moreover, Leon Laborde, in his history of mezzotint engraving, gives a f ac-simile of a letter written by Siegen to her son the Landgrave, dated 1642, in which he states that he had recently made the discovery, but gives no account of his process. Prince Rupert must have learned the secret from him or some of his friends, and introduced the art into England when he returned with Charles II. It became at once a peculiarly English one, and up to the present day the works of our native artists admit of no corn-petition with those of other countries ; in fact, it has frequently been termed manure Anglaise, A very few years after Prince Rupert had made it known, John Smith (1652—1742) engraved plates, generally after portraits painted by Kneller, which engravers of more recent times have not surpassed (see 163, 164). The prin- cipal artists since his time are McAedell, Doughty, Pethee, J. R. Smith, Geeen, Eaelom, Waed, and others, whose best works are here exhibited. Those after Sir J oshua Reynolds are perfect triumphs of art. In our limited space we have sought to exhibit the best works of the most renowned artists of all ages and countries. In nearly all cases these are of the highest quality; and considering the risks to which most of them have been exposed during a long series of years, their condition is wonderful. The etchings have been placed first, on account of their being the nearest approach to original drawings. It was intended to have added a few notes respecting the enormous increase in the \ pecuniary value of works of art of this description during the last few years, but one or two examples will perhaps be sufficient. An impression of Rembrandt's Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple, called the Hundred Guilder Piece, on account of its being traditionally stated that he once sold an impression for that sum f little more thmi eight poimdsj^ corresponding in every respect with No. 13 in this collection, has been twice sold by auction. On the first occasion at Amsterdam, in 1847, it pro- duced £140, and on the second in London, in 1867, £1,180. In 1788 one exactly similar sold at the Hague for 84 guilders (seven pounds)^ and there is good reason for believing it to be the one now in this Exhibition. W. SMITH, F.S,A, 136 DRAWmdS BY THE OLD MASTERS. GALLERY H. Nothing affords a more conclusive evidence of the artistic ability and know- ledge of the painter than those sketches and deawings which have been done off-hand from the subject or model which he wished to note or to study. They are invariably forcible and truthful, and have ever been held in high esteem by all ^ admirers of art. A distinction should be made between those sketches which are merely notes of particular objects which struck the artist's fancy, as seen in many of the present examples by L. da Vinci, and those more or less finished studies made for the arrangement or completion of a large work, such as are most of Raffaelle's; whilst another series consist of the study of the work itself in chalk, (fee, completely carried out on a small scale to serve as a model for the large and finished painting. The attention paid by the Old Masters to this system of study was no doubt one of the main reasons of their success in works on a large scale, and the studies themselves have a value and importance which places them amongst the most treasured remaius of the different masters that the amateur possesses. MiNiATiTEES. — The miniature painter's art is, as its name denotes, only a develop- ment of that practised by the book illustrators, or ''miniatori " of the middle ages, so called from the use of "minium," or red lead. When the introduction of printiag in the fifteenth century led to the gradual decay of colouruig illustrated books by hand, the "miniatore," debarred from this practice of his art, became a paiater of portraits, principally on a small scale ; and taking the name now of miniature painter, produced works which, whilst frequently vieing with our present photo- graphs for fidelity of delineation, surpassed them greatly in point of art and in I delicacy of treatment. Our own countrymen have always held a high place in this art, and in the sixteenth century the names of Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac OUver are of especial celebrity. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the number of miniaturists greatly increased, but with varying merit in the productions of the artists; amongst whom are to be particularly noticed Peter Oliver and Samuel Cooper. Amongst the most admirable artists were several foreigners, who settled in or visited England — especially in enamel portraits — e. g. , Petitot, Bordier, Liotard, and Zincke. The earlier miniatures were executed on vellum or card: in the seventeenth century enamel was brought to perfection ; and in the eighteenth century ivory came into vogue, and was the material principally used by the Cosways, Chalon, and the miniature ainters of the present century. Celebrated paiuters in oil did not, however, dis- ain to work on a smaU scale, and some of the productions of Holbeia, Sir Antonio More, "Walker, and other great artists, are admirable for their close repro- duction of nature and minute finish. For list of Miniatures see Section Z, Museum Catalogue. J. B. W. 137 h DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. GALLEBY H. Contributed bt BRUNELLESCHI . . . Filippo ... 13 7 7—1446. Peespective of an Octagonal Poetico, suemounted BY A Dome. Indian ink, heiglitened with white, on grey paper J. Malcolm^ Esq, From the Tahnan, Lawrence, 'Woodburn; and Robin- son Collections. FIESOLE...Frate Giovanni da (Fra Angelico)...1387— 1455. The Peophet David. Pen, shaded with purple water- coloui*, on vellum ; probably from a choral book of the Convent of San Marco .... From the Wellesley Collection. BOTTICELLI... Sandro... 1447— 1515. AiiLEGOEiCAL FiGUEE OF ABUNDANCE. Pen in bistro, heightened with white, on pale reddish paper . „ From the Eobinson Collection. VINCI... Leonardo da... 1452— 1519. Study of a Head, resembling that of the St. John in the "Cenacolo." Silver point, and bistre wash, on grey prepared ground From the Sir Peter Lely and Eobinson Collections. Pegftle Bust of a Waeeioe. Silver point, on pre- pared ground From the Lawrence, Woodburn, and Eobinson Col- lections. CREDI... Lorenzo da... 1459— 1537. Full-faced Poeteait, Head of a . Boy. Silver point, on prepared ground ,^ From the Eichardson, Sir T. Lawrence, Woodburn, and Eobinson Collections. MICHEL ANGELO... 1475— 1564. Ideal Head (in Peofile) of a Waeeioe, wearing a fantastic Helmet. Black chalk ... „ „ Etched in fac-simile on a small scale, by Tempesta, in 1609. From the Sir Joshua Eeynolds, Sir T. Lawrence, Woodburn, and Eobinson Collections. Ideal Female Head, in profile, known as the " Mar- chioness of Pescar a." Black chalk ... „ Engraved by Antonio Tempesta in 1609, as a com- panion print to the preceding one. From the Buona- rotti Family, Wicar, W. J. Ottley, Lawrence, and Dr. Wellesley Collections. 138 DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [Gallery H. Contributed by MICHEL ANGELO. Study foe the Head of the Saint Baetholomew, in the Fresco of the Last Judgment, in the Sistine Chapel. Black chalk /. Malcolm^ E From the Ottley, Lawrence, and Eobinson Collections. Study of a Eecibibent Nude Fiouee, with several other Studies of the legs and feet of the same figure. Also a Sketch of a head and upper part of another figure. A first design for the recum- bent figure of the stricken St. Paul, in the fresco of the Capella PaoHna in the Vatican. Pen in bistre ......... From the P. H. Lanckrick and Eobinson Collections. The Ceucifixion. Black chalk . . . . From the Buonarotti, Wicar, Lawrence, "Woodburn, and Eobinson Collections. The Ceucifixion ^, „ From the Buonarotti, Wicar, Lawrence, King of Holland, Woodburn, and Eobinson Collections. ERA BARTOLOMMEO...deUa Porta... 1469— 1517. La Veegine della Miseeicoedia. Finished drawing in black chalk, for the celebrated Altar-piece in San Eomano Lucca, the masterpiece of the painter From the Casa NicoUini (Florence), Lord Cowper, Sir T. Lawrence, and Eobinson Collections. Two Studies on the same sheet, — an Angel, and a standing figure of a Virgin. Pen in bistre From the C. Eogers, W. J. Ottley, Sir T. Lawrence, Woodburn and Eobinson Collections. The Peesentation in the Temple. Black and white chalk, on brown tinted paper .... „ From the WeUesley Collection. SARTO... Andrea del... 1488— 1530. His own Poeteait. Black chalk . . . . „ „ From the Wellesley Collection. Study of the Figuee of Joseph, in the Fresco called The Madonna del Sacco." Red chalk . . „ From the Lawrence, King of Holland, and Leem- bniggen Collections. The Paeable of the Husbandmen in the Vine- yaed „ From the Denon, Lawrence, Woodburn, and Eobinson Collections. BANDINELLI. . .Baccio. . .1487— 1559. Noah Inebeiated. Eeed pen in bistre ... 5., From the Sir Peter Lely, Sir T. Lawrence, and Eobin- son Collections. 139 Gallery H.] DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. No. 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2527 2528 AND 2529 Contributed by PERUGINO. . .Pietro. . .1446— 1524. The Nativity. Reed pen in bistre .... /. From the Eichardson, J. Barnard, and Wellesley Collections, PERUGINO... Pietro. The Maeeiage of the Viegin. Study for the cele- brated picture called "Lo Sposalizio" in the Museum at Caen. Silver point, on pale brown prepared ground ....... , From the Wellesley Collection. SANZIO... Giovanni, (the father of Raphael)... Died 1494. The Restjeeection". Pen and bistre wash , . ,, From the Robinson Collection. PINTURICCHIO. . .Bernardino. . .1454— 1513. Study of six seated figures, and eight others standing. Design for a portion of one of the Sienna Library- Frescoes. Silver point, on greenish grey pre- pared ground From the Wellesley Collection. RAPHAEL. . .1483—1520. FOUE Seated Figuees of Caediitals. First study for the opposite side of the same Sienna Library Fresco, painted by Pinturicchio (see the previous drawing). Silver point, on pale buff prepared ground , These two drawings — respectively by the hands of Raphael and Pinturicchio, both preliminary studies for the same fresco — are evidence of the co-operation of the two masters in these great works. — Vide Vasari. From the Wellesley Collection. Study of the Head of a Female, traditionally said to have been Raphael's sister. Silver point, on prepared ground. Engraved in fac-simile in Ottley's "Italian School of Design " . . . , From the W. J. Ottley, Sir T. Lawrence, and Dr. Wellesley Collections. Half-length Poeteait Figuee of a Female, said to have been Raphael's sister. Black chalk From the W. J. Ottley, Sir T. Lawrence, and Dr. Wellesley Collections. Bust Poeteait of a Female, called Raphael's sister. Black chalk Engraved in fac-simile in Woodburn's Collection, after Raphael. From the W. J. Ottley, Sir T. Lawrence, and Dr. WeUesley Collections. Two Deawings for a portion of the Entombment of Our Saviour, in the Borghese GaUery in Rome , From the Timoteo della Vite, Antaldi, Sir T. Lawrence, the King of Holland, and Leembruggen Collections. 140 DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [GaUery H. No. RAPHAEL. 2530 Study of the Head oe the Apostle James the Geeater, in the picture of the Coronation of the Virgin, in the Vatican. Italian chalk From the Lawrence, King of Holland, and Leem- bruggen Collections. 2631 Portrait Head, believed to be of his master Pietro Perugino. Black chalk heightened with white, on pale brown paper From the R. Holditch, Sir T. Lawrence, Woodburn, and Robinson Collections. 2532 Standing Figure op Venus. Study for a portion of the composition (Venus and Cupid) engraved by Marc Antonio. Silver point, on pale reddish buff, prepared ground From the Madrazo (Madrid) and Robinson Collections. 2533 Three Nude Figures of Men standing in a group, with indications of the legs of a fourth. Pen in bistre Engraved in fac-simile by Ryland. From the Rich- ardson, sen., Sir J. Reynolds, Mackintosh, and Robinson Collections. 2534 Venus Reclining on a Couch, surrounded by Amorini. Pen in bistre Engraved in fac-simile by Metz. From the Reveley and Robinson Collections. POLIDORO. . .1496—1543. 2535 Our Saviour Led in Procession after His betrayal in the Garden of Gethsemane. Shaded in bistre, heightened with white, on grey paper From the Robinson Collection. MANTEGNA. . .Andrea. . .1431—1506. 2536 A Roman Emperor Seated on a Triumphal Car, ornamented with trophies, &c. Design for a portion of one of the Mantua Cartoons. Pen and bistre shaded, heightened with white . From the Wellesley Collection. MILANO.-.Bramante da... Living in 1529. 2537 The Virgin Seated, with the Infant Saviour STANDING IN HER Lap. Shaded in dark grey tint, heightened with white, on grey paper From the Robinson Collection. RAZZI...Gian Antonio, (11 So(ioma)...Died 1554. 2538 St. Catherine of Sienna Swooning, upheld by Angels. Study for celebrated Fresco at Sienna. Black chalk, on grey paper, heightened with white From the Mariette, the Comte de Lagoy, Sir T. Law- rence, and Robinson Collections. 141 CONTBIBUTED BY J, Malcolm^ Esq, Gallery H.] DRAWIlsraS BY THE OLD MASTERS. No. 2539 2540 2541 2541a 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 Contributed by TRIVIGLIO... Bernardino Zenale da... Died in 1526. St. Maek, Seated on a Eich Throne, with other figures. Pen and bistre wash .... /, Malcolm^ Esq, From the Lawrence, Esdaile, Woodbum and Kobm- son Collections. CORREGGIO . . . 1493-4—1534. A Group: of a Nude Female FiauEE Seated on Clouds, and an Amorino, probably Venus and Cupid. Bed chalk From the Sir P. Lely, Sir J. Eeynolds (Count Geloso ?), Mr. Hawkins, and Kobinson Collections. "The Sensual Man enchained by the Vices." Study for the tempera picture in the Louvre . > From the Kichardson, Bouverie, and Kobinson Col- lections. ANDREA DEL SARTO... 1488— 1530. Head of a Youth. Black chalk on brown paper Wm. Drury Lowe^ Esq* CORREGGIO ... 1493 ... 1534. Sheet of Studies of Amorini or Boy Angels, pro- bably for the Frescoes in San Giovaimi in Parma. Ked chalk /. Malcolm, E«q, From the Robinson Collection. PARMIGIANO. . .1503—1540. Sheet of Studies of Two Draped Female Figures AND Three Amorini. Pen and bistre washed, heightened with white . . ... ,, From the Hawkins and Robinson Collections. TITIAN... 1477— 1576. A Landscape, with St. Hubert Kneeling before the Miraculous Stag. Pen in bistre . . From the Esdaile and Wellesley Collections. Study foe a Part of the Picture known as the "Peter Martyr." The group of the assassins slaying the prostrate saint. Bistre wash. . . From the Lawrence, Esdaile, and Wellesley Collections. Profile Bust Portrait of a Lady, said to be Isabella Sforza, Duchess of Milan. Eed chalk . . From the W. J. Ottley, Sir T. Lawrence, Esdaile, and Dr. Wellesley Collections. A Group: of a Man Playing a Bass Viol, and a Female with a Flute in Her Hand, in a landscape. Pen drawing in bistre ... Engraved in fac-simile, in the 17th century, by V. Lefebvre. From the Wellesley Collection. The Nativity, or Adoration of the Shepherds. Pen and bistre wash, heightened with white on grey paper . „ „ From the Sir B. West and Robinson Collections. 142 DRAWIlSraS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [GaUery H, Contributed bt CAMPAGNOLA...Domenico... Engraved about 1515—1540. Landscape, with two young men in the foreground. Pen in bistre /, Malcolm, E From the Mariette, de Vries, Durand (?), Lawrence, Woodburn, and Robinson Collections. VERONESE. . .Paolo. . .1528— 1588. The Body of the Saviour after the Crucifixion, extended on a bier, with, the instruments of the Passion around. Shaded in grey tint, heightened with white on grey prepared ground ... From the Comte de Barck, Thibaudeau, and Robinson Collections. TINTORETTO. . .1512— 1594. Jacob Wrestlino- with the Angel. Reed pen and bistre wash, heightened with white on grey paper From the Robinson Collection. CARRACCI. . .Annibale. . .1560— 1609. Holt Family. Pen in bistre „ From the Sir P. Lely, Sir B. West, and Robinson Collections. BAROCCIO. . .1528— 1612. The Flight into Egypt. Pen and bistre shaded, heightened vrith white on brown tinted paper . ,, From the Lawrence, Woodburn, and Robinson Col- lections. GUERCINO. . .1592— 1666. Repose in Egypt. Pen and shaded in bistre . , ,, From the Bouverie Collection. CANALETTO. . .1697— 1768. View of the Arsenal at Venice. Highly finished pen in bistre, shaded with Indian ink . . „ SCHON. . .Martin. . .1441—1488. Standing Figure of St. Margaret. Pen in Indian ink, heightened with white, on green pre- pared ground From the S. Rogers and Robinson Collections. DURER. . .Albert. . . 1471—1528. A Skeleton, with a scythe in his hand, riding on an old half-starved horse, evidently intended as an impersonation of Death. In charcoal . . From the Robinson Collection. Head of the Virgin, obviously a life study from the head of his wife, Agnes Frey. Silver point, heightened with white, on pale red prepared ground „ „ From the Robinson Collection. 143 Gallery H.1 DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. No. 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 Contributed by HOLBEIN. . .1494-5—1643. PoETRAiT OF A Man, full face, wearing a loose felt hat. Silver point, on pale cream tinted paper /. Malcolm^ Esq. From the Robinson Collection. POETEAIT OP THE DuCHESS OF SUFFOLK. Pen, in Indian ink, heightened with coloured chalks, on pale reddish prepared ground . . , ,, From the Eobinson Collection. EYCK. . .John Van. . .about 1390—1440. Portrait of an Aged Monk, his hands joined in prayer. Silver point, on dark grey prepared ground „ „ From the Robinson Collection. GOLTSITrS...Hendrick...Born 1558. Portrait, half length, of the Engraver Matham, wearing a ruff and wide-brimmed hat. Highly finished in silver point, on prepared ground . From the Verstolk Van Soelen and Leembruggen Collections. RUBENS. ..1577— 1640. The Eesuerection. Pen, and shaded in bistre . „ From the Lawrence and Woodburn Collections. VANBYCK.. .1599—1641. Three-quarter Portrait of a Man, wearing a ruff and a skull cap. Black and white chalk, on grey paper „ „ From the Robinson Collection. REMBRANDT.. .1606 or 7—1669. Landscape. A mill, and a group of cottages on the borders of a canal. Pen, washed with bistre, and tinted with water colours „ From the Esdaile and Wellesley Collections. Group of Four Bearded Old Men, in the Persian cos- tume, seated under a tree. Shaded in bistre, on Japan paper „ Engraved in fac-simile by Ryland, From the Richard- son, Willett, T. Dimsdale, Sir T. Lawrence, Esdaile (1835), Woodburn, and Robinson Collections. MAAS. . .Nicholas. . .1632—1693. Interior of a Dutch Cottaoe, with a mother and her infant child. Fu-elight effect. Black and red chalk, washed with bistre and water colours „ From the GoU Van Falkenstein and Esdaile (1835) Collections. RUYSDAEL. . .Jacob. . .1625— 1681. Landscape. Highly finished in black chalk . . „ „ From the Garle, Scarisbrick, and Robinson Collections. A Roadside Scene, the skirts of a wood. Shaded in Indian ink ,, „ From the Garle, Scarisbrick, and Robinson Collections. 144 DBAWIWGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [Gallery H. Contributed by EVERDINGEN...1C21— 1675. A Canal or Biver in the outskirts of a town, with. a church in the distance. Shaded in neutral tint J, Malcolm^ Esq, From the Eobinson Collection. SWANEVELDT. . .Herman . . 1620—1690. iTAiiiAN Landscape, with a bridge in the foreground. Shaded in Indian ink ,, „ From the Lake, Price, and Robinson Collections. BOTH. . . Jan. . .1610—1656. Italian Landscape. Shaded in Indian ink . . From the MuUer and Leembruggen Collections. WOUVERMANS. . .1620— 1668. Halt at a Roadside Inn. Pen drawing in bistre, washed with bistre and neutral tint, on pale brown paper From the Robinson Collection. BERGHEM... 1624— 1683. Italian Landscape, with cattle and peasants fording a river. Finished in water colours ... From the T. Dimsdale and Hawkins Collections. Cattle Piece, Italian landscape, with ruins. Black chalk shaded with bistre 9, From the Verstolk Van Soelen, King of Holland, and Leembruggen Collections. Landscape, with Cattle, a Shepherd seated with his staif on the ground near him on the right. Pen and bistre wash )9 From the Hawkins and Robinson Collections. JARDIN...Karel du... 1625— 1678. Four Cows and a Calf in a Meadow. Black chalk, shaded . • ,9 From the Robinson Collection. CUYP...A....1605— Hving in 1683. A Group of Boats on a River. Black chalk, washed with Indian ink From the GoU Van Falkenstein and Leembruggen Collections. Man Seated on the Bank of a River, Fishing with a Rod. Black chalk, heightened with white and washed with sepia .... From the Wellesley Collection. VAN OSTADE. . .Adrian. . .1610— 1685. The Interior of a "Cabaret" with Peasants Drinking. Highly finished in water colours . „ From the Garle and Robinson Collections. The Exterior of a Cottage with Figures. Highly- finished in water colours ..... „ From the Esdaile, Garle, and Robinson Collections. 145 GaUery H.] DRAWITsTGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. Contributed by DU SART...CorneHus... 1665— 1704. St. Nicholas' Day m Holland, composition of many figures. Highly finished in water colours . . Malcolm^ Esq. From the Esdaile and Eobinson Collections. VAN DE VELDE...W... 1633— 1707. Sea Piece, a SquaU. Highly finished, shaded in Indian ink From the Verstolk and Hawkins Collections. BACKHUYSEN. . .1631—1709. Sea Piece, a fresh breeze, with fishermen in a boat hauling in their net. Finished in bistre . . From the Woodbum, Garle, Scarisbrick, and Eobinson Collections. Ships in a Gale. Bistre pen, washed with Indian ink From the Robinson Collection. Sea Piece, effect of fresh breeze, a rocky coast with a seaport in the background, an EngKsh ship on the left driving before the wind. Finished in Indian ink From the "Verstolk de Soelen and Leembruggen Col- lections. ZEEMAIT . . .Eenier. . .1612. A Sea Piece, a Cahn. Shaded in Indian ink . . From the Hawkins and Eobinson Collections. VAN DER HEYDEN... 1637— 1712. The Buening of the Hotel de Ville of Letden. Highly finished, pen in bistre, washed with neutral tint From the Woodburn and Eobinson Collections. VAN MIEIlIS...Frans... 1662— 1747. A Woman Seated by a Ceadle Watching Her Sleeping Child. Highly finished in black chalk, on vellum From the Eobinson Collection. NETSCHER... Caspar... 1630— 1684. The Letter Writer. Shaded in Indian ink . . ,, From the Eobinson Collection. JANET... (Francois) or Janet Clouet... Painted about 1480—1520. Portrait of the Due de Rohan. Black and red chalk From the Eobinson Collection. POUSSIN... Nicolas... 1594— 1665. A Bacchanalian Subject. Red chalk ... From the Eichardson, Bouverie, and Eobinson Collections. CLAUDE. . .Lorraine. . .1600— 1682. Landscape. The Tiber with the "Ponte Molle'* near Rome. Cattle drinking in the foreground . From the T. Dimsdale, Sir T. Lawrence, Esdaile, and Dr. Wellesley Collections. 146 DBAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTEBS. [Gallery H. CONTRIBUTBD BY CLAUDE.. . Lorraine. . .1600— 1682. Classicaii Landscape. Evening Effect ... /. Malcolm, Esq From the Wellesley Collection. Woody Landscape with Cattle fording a stream, a group of Shepherds on the right. Pen, shaded in bistre WATTEAU. . .Antoine. . .1684— 1721. Studies of Two Female Heads from the life, on the same sheet. Black, red, and white chalk . . ,, From the Utterson and Eobinson Collections. A SiTTiNa Figure of a Lady. Red chalk and lead penca „ „ From the Utterson and Eobinson Collections. VELASQUEZ. . .1599— 1660. A Pope riding on a mule betwixt two Cardinals, also mounted on mules. Pen and bistre washed, heightened with white on brown paper . . ,, ,^ From the Hawkins and Robinson Collections, CANO. . . Alonzo. . .1600—1676. The Assumption of the Viegin. Pen, and shaded in bistre ........ ,^ From the Don Pedro Madrazo (Madrid) and Eobinson Collections. MURILLO... 1618— 1682. St. Joseph with the flowery wand in his hand, kneeling on clouds, adoring the Virgin and CMld, attended by infant angels. In Italian chalk From the Wellesley Collection. PAOLO FARINATO... 1522— 1606. Jupiter CAEEYma a Nymph. Pen and bistre wash, on grey paper James T, KnowUsy Esq^ From the Lely, Eeynolds, and Wellesley (No. 529) Collections. CORREGGIO. . .1493—1534. A Boy Seated, Holding a Book on his Knees. Black chalk, on grey paper .... From Wellesley Collection, No. 346. LODOVICO CARRACCI... 1555— 1619. St. Francis in Ecstasy. Drawn with the point on prepared paper. Painted in oU colours, brown, yellow, and white ,, RAPHAEL. . .Sanzio. . .1483—1520. Sybil; design for the Fresco in Santa Maria della Pace. Pen and bistre wash, heightened with white, on prepared ground ,, From Wellesley Collection, No. 1960. 147 Gallery H.J DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. Contributed by COKREGGIO. . .1493— 1534. Two Boys Seated. Red chalk . . . James T, Knowles^ Esq, From the Count Geloso and Wellesley Collections. No. 340. GUIDO RENI...1575--1642. Bust Portrait of a Boy. Black chalk, heightened with white, on brown paper .... „ „ From the Wellesley Collection, No. 1043. RUBENS... 1577— 1640. A Bacchanalian Procession. Pen and bistre wash, heightened with oil colour, on brown ground , „ From the Lely and Wellesley Collections. No. 1099. RAPHAEL. . . Sanzio . . .1483— 1520. Eloquence. Seated figure, surrounded by nine other figures, also seated. Pen and bistre wash, height- ened with white The University Galleries of Oxford, CORREGGIO.. .1493—1534. Study or Heads, in red chalk . . . . E. A, Leatham, Esq. From the Rogers Collection. MICHEL AN GELO... 1475— 1564. Study of Figure, in Sistine Chapel . . „ „ From the Rogers Collection. JOHN WIRIEX...born at Amsterdam, 1650. Crucifixion. Pen and bistre wash, on vellum James T. Knowles^ Esq. Signed, " Johan Wiriex, Inventor." VINCI . . . Leonardo da. . . 1452— 15 1 9. Mother and Child. Black chalk . . University Galleries, Oxford, MICHEL ANGELO. . .Buonarotti. . .1475—1564. Drawing of the Figure of "The Dawn," on the tomb of Lorenzo de' Medici, at Florence. Black chalk James T, Xnowles, Esq, From the Woodburn Collection. ANDREA DEL SARTO... 1488— 1530. Holy Family. (After Baphael.) Surrounded by illu- minated border. Ascribed to Giulio Clovio. JSir Wm, Fitzkerhert, Bart, RAPHAEL. . . Sanzio . . .1483— 1520. Study of Male Figure Carrying a Basket aitd a Sack. Black chalk E. A. Leatham, Esq, VINCI... Leonardo da.. .1452— 1519. Bust Portrait of a Man in a Cap. Black chalk University Galleries, Oxford, Study of Two Heads, a Mother and her Child. Black chalk on a prepared grey gromid, heightened with white The Duhe of Devonshire, 148 DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [GaUery H. Contributed by VINCI... Leonardo da.. .1462— 1519. Studies of Two Heads. One that of Dante. Pen in bistre The Duke of Devonshire, Caeicatuhes. Pen in bistre Caeicatuees. Pen in bistre Caeicattjees. Pen in bistre A Man's Head. Red chalk .... " MANTEGNA. . .Andrea. . . 1431—1506. Judith, about to place the head of Holof ernes in a sack held by her servant. Bistre, heightened with white Signed, " Andreas Mantinia, 1472. IV." Same Subject. Red rose coloured crayon. Signed '^Andreas Mantinia, 1482" VANNI. . .Francesco. . .1563— 1610. Theee Small Studies op Childeen. Pen in bistre. One of the Almighty and kneeling figures. Black chalk . . . . . PIERC.Da Yinci... 1520— 1550. Bacchanalian Peocession. Pen in bistre >> )> MICHEL ANGELO.. .1475—1564. Head of a Cupid. Red chalk . . University Galleries, Oxford, A Fine Sheet of Studies of Male and Female Heads. In red chalk .... ») )> A Sheet of Studies. A male figure in red chalk ; also a hand, smaller figures, &c. .... From Mariette's Collection. ' ' A Feagment of the Caetoon foe the Feesco Painting of the Conveesion of St. Paul, in the Vatican. In bistre .... >) Theee Full-lenoth Fiouees— One a soldier. Pen in bistre From Sandrart's and Richard's Collection. ' * Five Fine Studies, on one mount, one of which is the Death's Head in the Last Judgment ; three of them in black chalk and one in red, on which is written, " Di Mano di Anton Mini," who was a pupil of M. Angelo RAPHAEL . . . Sanzio . . . 1483—1520. Study foe the Figuee of the Almighty in the Chuech of Santa Maeia, at the Porta del Popolo. Red chalk Study foe a Sonnet, in the handwriting of Raphael Sanzio n ?) MICHEL ANGELO.. .1476— 1564. Male Figuee, seated. Red chalk , , . The Duke of Devonshire. From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. 149 GaUeryH.] DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. Contributed by RAPHAEL . . . Sanzio . . . 1483—1520. The Virgin and the Apostles Motjening- ovee the Dead Body of Oue Loed. Ten figures. Pen in bistre The University Galleries^ Oxford. From Sir Thomas Lawrence's Collection. Study of a Head and Hand. Pen and "bistre wash „ „ From Sir Thomas Lawrence's Collection. BACCIO BANDINELLI... 1487— 1559. Geoup OF Male Figuees. Pen in bistre . The DuJce of Devonshire, From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. RAPHAEL. . .Sanzio. . .1483— 1520. FiGUEE, Flying. Pen in bistre . . University Galleries of Oxford, Saint, with halbert. Red chalk . . . Th^ Duke of Devonshire. Kneeling Figuee. Red chalk. .... „ „ MICHEL ANGELO... 1475— 1564. Geoup of Wounded Men. Black chalk ... „ „ ANDREA MANTEGNA... 1431— 1506. Battle op Rivee Gods „ „ RAPHAEL. .Sanzio. ..1483— 1520. Saint John. Red chalk „ „ Saint Paul. Red chalk „ „ Saint Paul Teaeing his Mantle, from the Cartoon of Panl at Ephesus „ From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. Nude Figuee, with Book. Red chalk ... „ „ From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. Running Figuee. Red chalk „ „ Dated 1513. Study of the Nude foe the Teansfigueation. Red chalk „ Teiumph of Bacchus. Pen and bistre wash on brown paper, heightened with white . University Galleries of Oxford, Head, life size, in black chalk .... The Duke of Devonshire. Meecuey, Hebe, AND Cupid. Red chalk . . . ,, GIULIO ROMANO.. .1492—1546. Feast of the Gods „ „ From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. Cupid in a Chaeiot, deawn by Eagles. Pen in bistre „ ,, From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. BACCIO BANDINELLI... 1487— 1559. The Poeteaits of Baccio and his Two Feiends . „ Inscribed, "Questo 6 11 ritratto di Baccio fatto da se stesso e gli altri d'altri amici suoi fatti al sue solito dopo pranzo." Pen in bistre. PIERINO DEL VAGA... 1500— 1547. Eagles' Heads. Pen in bistre „ GIULIO ROMANO... 1492— 1546. Female Figure, with a Sieve. Pen and bistre wash on grey paper, heightened with white . . „ Female Figure and Deagons. Pen and bistre wash, on grey paper „ „ 160 DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [Gallery H. Contributed by PRIMATICCIO... 1490— 1570. Sttbject feom the Heathen MYTHOLoaT. Pen and bistre The DuJce of Devonshire, BACCIO BANDINELLI... 1487— 1559. Slaughtee of the Innocents PEKING DEL VAG A... 15 00— 1547. The Infant Christ, St. Joseph, and paet of the FiGUEE OF the Viegin. Red chalk . . PAEMIGIANO. . .1503— 1540. Studies of Heads. Pen in bistre .... DANIELLO DA VOLTEREA... 1509— 1566. Study of a Man's Head. Silver point on prepared ground, heightened with white ... ANDREA DEL SARTO... 1488— 1530; Holy Family. Red chalk, on yellowish ground. . „ PRIM ATICCIO . . . 1490—1470. Study of a Boy. Red chalk ANDREA DEL SARTO... 1488— 1530. PoETEAiT OF GiACOMO Sansovino, the Sculptor. Black chalk, on brownish paper Dancing Figuees. Red chalk .... BATTISTA FRANCO. ..1498—1561. Design foe Dish. In centre, portrait of Cosmo de' Medici „ PARMIGIANO. . .1503— 1540. Study of Childeen. Pen in bistre ... Study of a Nude Figuee. Red chalk ... „ Hj:ecules and Ceebeeus. Apparently etchings struck off on prepared paper, or silver point heightened with white ,, The Centaue Receiving Dejaniea feom Heectules „ ANNIBALE CARRACCI... 1560— 1609. Female Head. Red chalk PARMIGIANO . . .1503—1540. Recumbent Male Figuee. Red chalk ... „ From Six Peter Lely's Collection. Female Figuee Spinning. Pen in bistre . . From Sir Peter Liely's Collection. Theee Heads and a Figuee Subject. In red and black chalk and bistre wash .... ANNIBALE CARRACCI... 1560— 1609. TTtt.at) of a Young Man. In red chalk, heightened with white 151 Gallery H.] DBAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. Contributed by BATTISTA FRANCO... 1498— 1561. Design FOE A Dish . . . . . . The Duhe of Devonshire* ANNIBALE CARRACCI... 1560— 1609. Study of Children's Figures. For an arabesque . „ Study of Trees. Pen in bistre .... From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. Petee Denying Christ. Pen and bistre wash, and red. chalk Figuee of a Man Playing the Flageolet. Black chalk ZUCCHERO FEDERIGO... 1543— 1609. Study foe an Altar-piece. Signed and dated 1570 From the Earl of Arunders Collection. ANNIBALE CARRACCI... 1560— 1609. Study of a Feimale Head. Bed chalk. ... „ LODOVICO CARRACCI. ..1555—1619. A Coat of Arms, surrounded with Figures. Pen and red chalk, washed and heightened with white . Study of a Man Pulling a Bope. Black chalk , From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. P ARMIGI ANO . . . 1503—1540. Dead Christ and the Three Marys. Pen and bistre, heightened with white ; and A Man Beading, black chalk, heightened with white, on prepared ground From Sir Peter Lely's and Lancrinck's Collection. AGOSTINO CARACCI... 1558— 1601. POETEAIT OF HiMSELF, with Mask in his hand . The head is engraved ; the figure in black chalk. POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO.. .1495—1543. Design foe a Frieze. Pen and bistre, heightened with white, on grey paper ... . . ,, ,, From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. Figuee Seated, othees Kneeling befoee Him. Bistre, heightened with white, on grey paper . TITIAN... 1477— 1576. Study of a Landscape. Pen and bistre wash . From Lancrinck's Collection. PoETEAiT OF Himself. Black crayon, on blue paper ,, From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO.. .1495—1543. Design FOE A Feieze. Pen and bistre wash , . From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. DOMENICHINO . . .1581—1641. Battle. Pen and bistre wash „ POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO. ..1495—1643. Design foe a Feieze. Pen and bistre wash . ,, From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. 152 DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [Gallery H. Contributed bt GUEECINO. . .159^— 1666. Landscape and Flooded Riyeb. Pen and bistre wash Th e Duke of Devonshire, TITIAN. ..1477— 1576. PoETEAiT. Red chalk ,, BASSANO... 1510— 1592. Studies of Heads. Black chalk .... TITIAN.. .1477—1576. Two Studies, in pen and bistre ; one of a sleeping boy GIORGIONE . . .1477— 1511. A Decapitation. Pen and bistre wash ... „ Two Recumbent Figuees. Pen and bistre wash . TITIAN. ..1477—1576. PoETEAiT OF A PoPE, pen in bistre; and the Viegin and Child and Saint Feancis. Pen and bistre on reddish ground. On the latter is H." in gold (? Nicholas Hilliard) ,, „ Th,e former is from Sir Peter Lely's Collection. GIORGIONE... 1477— 1511. Two Small Poeteaits. Pen and bistre wash . , „ From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. CORREGGIO... 1493— 1534. Thb Almighty and Angels. Red chalk and bibtre wash, heightened with white .... ,, GiriDO RENI...1575— 1640. Four Small Heads. Pen in bistre and chalk . ,^ ANNIBALE CARRACCI... 1560— 1609. Landscape. Pen in bistre ,^ GIRO FERRI... 1634— 1689. Rebekah at the Well. Pen and bistre wash, on grey paper, heightened with white . . . .,, ,^ PIERINO DEL VAGA... 1500— 1547. Bo ae Hunt. Pen and bistre, heightened with white ,, From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. CARLO MARATTI.. .1625—1713. PoETEAiT OF THE Padee Resta. Red chalk . . CARLO DOLCE,. .1616— 1686. Female Figuee, pointing upwards. Red chalk . ,, CARLO MARATTI.. .1625-1730. Maetyedom of a Saint. Pen in bistre . . . „ GHEZZI...D. 1755. Figuees, caricatured in a cottage .... „ „ Signed and dat«d, 1720. 153 / GaUery H.] DBAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. Contributed by GIOVANNI DA UDINE,.. 1487— 1564. Design for a Feieze. In oil colours, on gold ground Wm, JDrury Lowe. Esq. MUZIANO... 1528— 1592. Landscape, Pen and bistre wash, heightened with white The BuJce of Devonshire, BERNINI.. .1598— 1680. PoETEAiT. Pen and bistre wash .... GUERCINO.. .1592—1666. Female FiauEE, writing. Others in the background. Pen and bistre wash D'ARPINO.. .1568—1640. Nude Female Figuee. Red chalk .... „ „ BAROCCIO.. .1528—1612. Allegoeical Subject. Pen and bistre wash on brown paper, heightened with white .... From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. NICOLAS POUSSIN... 1694— 1665. From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. SALVATOR ROSA. ..1615— 1673. Study OF Teees. Pen in bistre . . . . . „ Jacob weestling with the Angel. Pen and bistre wash CAMPAGNOLA D0MENIC0...1543. Childeen Dancing. Pen in bistre .... „ From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. PIETRO DA CORTONA... 1596— 1669. The Pope boene in Peocession. Black chalk ; pen and bistre wash on brown paper, heightened with white Signed and dated, 1636. GIUSEPPE SALVIATI... 1510— 1563. The Pope placing his Foot on the Empeeoe's Head BEFOEE THE Chuech OF St. Maec. Pen and bistre wash, on grey paper, heightened with white „ ,, From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. TINTORETTO.. .1512—1594. The Buening of a City. Pen and bistre wash, heightened with white on brown paper , . ,, PASSIGNANO. . .1560—1638. The Teiumphal Entey of Luceetia Boegia into EsTE. Red chalk, pen and bistre wash . James T, Knowles^ Esq, Signed, ''Passignano." From the Reynolds Collection. BALDASSARE PERUZZI.. .1481—1536. Aechitectueal Design. Pen and bistre wash . The Duke of Devonshire, GUISEPPE SALVIATI.. .1510—1563. The Empeeoe Kissing the Pope's Foot. Pen and bistre wash, on grey paper, heightened with white „ „ From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. 164 DEAWIWGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [Gallery H. Contributed by PAOLO VEKONESE... 1528— 1588. Death of Saint Justina. Pen and bistre wash, on grey ground, heightened with white . . The Duke of Devonshire, From Lancrinck's Collection. PASSEROTTI... 1540— 1595. PoETEAiT OF ScALiaEE. Pen and bistre wash . . „ „ GUIDO RENI... 1575— 1642. Prometheus. Red chalk ,, PERINO DEL VAGA... 1500— 1547. Feast of the Gods. Pen and bistre wash, on grey- paper, heightened with white .... ,, ,, STOTHARD... 1755— 1834. Studies feom the Life The Royal Academy, GUIDO RENI. . .1575— 1642. Group of Angels. • Red chalk . . . The DuJce of Devonshire, CORREGGIO . . . 1493—1534. Design for an Altar Piece. Pen and colours . ,, „ ALBANO... 1578— 1660. Aphrodite. Pen and bistre wash, on red paper. heightened with white STOTHARD... 1755— 1834. Studies from the Life The Royal Academy, TINTORETTO . . . 1512—1594. Historical Design. Pen and bistre wash, on brown paper, heightened with white . . . The Duke of Devonshire, TADDEO ZUCCHERO... 1529— 1566. Christ Sitting in Judgment. Red chalk. Pen and bistre wash ,, CORREGGIO . . . 1493—1534. The Assumption of the Virgin. Red chalk . ,, ,, GXJERCINO. . .1592—1666. A Foot Race. Pen and bistre wash, on brown ground Jf. Dighy Wyatt^ Esq, HOLBEIN. . .1494-5—1543. Design for a Cup ; bearing portrait of Anne Boleyn. Inscribed, " Bound to obey, and bound to serve." Pen and water colour, heightened with gold. The words "Hans Holbein, Inv. Fecit;" and on the back, "This is an original drawing by Hans Holbein; was actually executed, and in the pos- session of Queen Anne Boleyn, A.D. 1534. D. Logan," are in the handwriting of Horace Walpole, to whom this drawing belonged The Bodleian Library. 165 GaUery H.] DBA WINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. Contributed bt GERMAN SCHOOL. A Peasant, a Soldiee, and a Cottage. Pen in bistre The Luke of Be-vonskxre. HOLBEIN. . .1494— 1543. Seven Designs (various.) Pen and ink . . PoETEAiT OF A Man ill a broad-leafed cap. Black and red chalk VANDYCK... 1599— 1641. Studies OF Heads. Chalk and pen ... ADAM ELSHEIMER... 1574— 1620. Three Small Designs. Pen. One on brown paper, heightened with white ,, VANDYCK.. .1599— 1641. Studies of Heads and Feet. Pen in bistre . ,, ,, EUBENS... 1577— 1640. Study fob his Picture of the Last Judgment. Black chalk and bistre wash . . . . ,, ,, Group- of Children. Pen and bistre wash on green ground, heightened with white. Festoon of fruit in pen CAN ALETTO. . .1697— 1768. Studies of Figures, in oil colours .... John Samuel^ Esq. CLAUDE LORRAINE.. .1600— 1682. Landscape. Black chalk and bistre wash . The Luke of Levonshire. RUBENS... 1577— 1640. Studies of the Cripple in Baphael's Cartoon of the Beautiful Gate. Black chalk .... REMBRANDT.. .1607—1669. Interior of a Cottage, with figures. Pen and bistre wash CAN ALETTO . . .1697—1768. Studies of Figures, in oil colours .... John Samttel, Esq. CLAUDE LORRAINE.. .1600— 1682. Landscape. Bed chalk TJ^ Luke of Levonshire. Pen IN Bistre ,, ROTTENHAMER. . . 1564—1606. Four Studies OF Figures. Pen and bistre wash . ,, CLAUDE LORRAINE. ..1600—1682. Landscape. Pen and bistre wash .... 166 DRAWINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [GaUery H. JAQUES CALLOT... 1593— 1635. A Beogab. Pen in bistre . Contributed by The Duke of Devonshire, CLAUDE. . .Lorraine. . .1600—1683. Laijdscape. Bistre wash on red paper Landscape. Pen and bistre wash CANALETTO. . .1697— 1768. Studies of FiaunES, in oil colours . STOTHARD.. .1755—1834. Studies of Figuees, in black chalk . WATTEAU...1684~172L Geoups of Figures. Red chalk STOTHARD. . . 1755—1834. Studies of Figures, in black chalk . Studies of Figuees, in black chalk . Studies of Figuees, in black chalk . SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE.. .1769— 1830. Head of Boy, in oil colours .... JOHN PHILLIP, RA....D. 1867. The Poech The Bull Fight John Samu^lj Esq, The Royal Academy. The jDuhe of Devonshire. The Royal Academy* The Royal Academy. The Royal Academy. James T. Knoivles^ Esq. J. Agnew Jones^ Esq. J. Agnew Jones, Esq. For Central Gallery, Old Masters, beginning No. 2901, see page 298. 157 ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. GALLERY H. I.— ETCHINGS. Contributed by CAKRACCI...Agostino... 1657— 1602. Chbist Presented by Pilate to the People (After Correggio) i?. Fisher, Esq. POETEAIT OF TiTiAN (After Titian) . . . Brodhurst, Esq, CAERACCI. . . Annibale . . . 1560—1609. The Dead Christ of Capeaeola .... CALLOT. . .Jacques. . . 1592—1635. The Temptation of St. Anthony .... VAN DYCK...Sir Anthony.. .1599— 1641. Cheist Ceowned with Thoens His own Portrait Portrait of Lucas Voesteeman .... CLAUDE... 1600— 1682. The Deiver Calling his Cattle .... Landscape with Cattle in a Storm The Dance on the Banks of a River . REMBRANDT . . .1606—1669. Portrait of Himself, Leaning on a Stone Sill . The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds Christ Healing the Sick in the Temple, called the Hundi'ed Guilder piece, state This is precisely the same as the impression sold in Sir Charles Price's sale, last year, for £1,180 Os. Od., which was resold in May, 1868, for £1,100. Only eight are known, five of which are in public collections. The principal difference consists in the absence of some diagonal lines on the neck of the ass on the right, which Eembrandt introduced in the second stat^. Christ Presented to the People The Descent from the Cross St. Jerome View of Amsterdam . Landscape with Three Trees . B, Fisher, Esq, Eevd. J. Griffitlis, jET. Brodhurst, Esq, Brodhurst, Esq, E, Fisheii\ Esq, E. Fisher, Esq, Duke of Buccleiwh. Duke of Buccleuch, jff. Brodhurst, Esq, Luke of Buccletich, S. Brodhurst, Esq, 158 ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVIN-GS. [GaUery H. Contributed by Buh^ of Buccleuch. Eevd. 7. Griffiths. H. Brodhurst^ Esq. Buke of Buccleuch, BL. Brodhurst^ Esq, Buke of Buccleuch, Bevd. J, Griffiths. Buke of Buccleuch. Bevd. J. Griffiths, our Saden^ Esq, 'R'EK'B'RA:S'DT— continued. The Mill poeteait of epheaim bonus OF De. Petee Van Tol .... OF THE ElDEE HaAEING .... OF John Lutma OF De. Faustus of Jantjs Sylvius OF IJYTENBOaAEET *'tHE GOLDWEIGHEE " of THE BUEGOMASTEE SiX .... LIEVENS... Jan.. .1607— 1663. POETEAIT OF THE POET VONDEL .... HOLLAR. . . Wenceslaus . . . 1607—1677. EsTHEE BEFOEE Ahastjeeus, the large plate (After P. Veronese) . View of Antweep Cathedeal . . . . F, Inteeioe of the Eoyal Exchange .... OF St. Geoege's Chapel, Windsoe . Teial and Execution of the Eael of Steaffoed EoBEET Eael op Essex, on Hoeseback . A Chalice (After A. Mantegua) .... OSTADE... Adrian Van. ..1610— 1685. Man and Woman Conveesing SiNGEES AT A WiNDOW „ ,, Woman at the Dooe of a Cottage ... >> >» The Paintee » »> The Village Festival » » The Dance )> » Inteeioe with Peasants Deinking, called Le Goiiter Hollandais H. Brodhurst^ Esq, BERGHEM... Nicolas. ..1624— 1683. The Theee Cows » » The Bagpipee m » B. Fisher, Esq. POTTER. . . Paul. . .1625— 1654. The Piping Shepheed Cattle Descending a Hill VANDEVELDE... Adrian. ..1639— 1672. Cows (two plates) CANAL. . .Antonio (Canaletti) . . . 1697—1768. A LE POETE DEL DOLO, VENICE .... 159 B. Fisher, Esq. G. Smith, Esq, GaUery H.] ETCHINGS AND ENGBAVINGS. II.— LINE ENGEAVINGS. CONTBIBUTED BY THE MASTER OF THE YEAR 1466. A Patine, with St. John the Baptist in the centee Eevd. J. Griffiths, LIPPI . . . FHippo . . . 1400—146 9 . The Coronation of the Yiegin . . . Julian Marshall^ Esq. SCHONGAUER . . .Martin . . . 1420—1488. The Sayioue Appeaeing to Maey Magdalen . B, Fisher^ Esq, The Death of the Viegin ?> The Almighty on his Theone jj The Almighty Ceowning the Viegin ... j> » St. Anthony Toemented by Demons ... n » MEOKEN. . .Israel Van . . . —1503. The Massacee of the Innocents . . . . „ ( The Oegan Player »» >» ( The Caed Playees ...... > MANTEGHA. . .Andrea. . . 1431—1506. The Entombment » The Descent into Hell „ „ MOCETTO . . . Girolamo . . . 1454. The Baptism of Cheist DTTEER. . .Albert. . .1471— 1528. Adam AND Eve Felix Slade^ Esq. St. Eustace Kneeling befoee a Stag . . . Bevel. J. Griffiths. Melancholy JET. Brodhurst, Esq. The Knight of Death F. Seymour Hadeyi, Esq. Coat of Aems, with a Skull .... Bevd. J. Griffiths. RAIMONDI. . . Marc Antonio . . . 1475—1539. Adam and Eve (After Kaffaelle) . . . . E. Brodhurst, Esq. Noah Commanded to Build the Aek (After Eaffaelle) n ?» The Massacee of the Innocents, first plate (After EaffaeUe) Bcvd. J. Griffiths. The Massacee of the Innocents, second plate (After Kaffaelle) n )> St. Cecilia (After EaffaeUe) n The Viegin Ascending the Steps (After Eaffaelle) ,, The Judgment of Paeis (After Eaffaelle) . . K. Brodhurst, Esq. PoETEY (After Eaffaelle) n Young Woman Wateeing a Plant (Unknown) ,, ,, 160 ETCHINGS AWD ENGRAVINGS. [Gallery H. Contributed by CAMPAGN0LA...GiuHo...l481— St. John the Baptist (After Mocetto) . . JR. Fisher, Esq. LEYDEN... Lucas Van... 1494— 1533. The Repose in Egypt ?> Cheist Presented to the People .... >» BONASONE . . . Giulio . . . 1498—1580. The Last Judgment (After M. Angelo) . . n Portrait of Michel Angelo (After M. Angelo) BEHAM...Hans Sebald... 1500— 1550. The Labours of Hercjules, set of twelve . . n PENCZ . . . George . . . 1500—1550. The History of Tobit, set of seven . . . . ALDEGREVER. . .Henry . . .1502—1558. History of Adam aih) Eve, set of six . . . The Justice of Titus Manlius, 1553, the earliest representation of the guillotine (With another by G. Penez) „ „ GHISI . . . George . . .1520—1582. The Holy Family (After Raffaelle) ... n n VICO.. .Eneas. ..1520—1585. Portrait of Charles V Ea'd. J, Griffiths. ROTA.. .Martin.. ,1550— 1586. The Last Judgment (After M. Angelo) . . R. Fisher, Esq. WIERIX... Jerome. ..1553— 1619. 0* History of the Infancy of Our Lord, set of twelve M. Fisher, Esq. GOLTZIUS... Henry.. .1558— 1617. The Boy and Dog Felix Slade, Esq. ELSTRACKE . . .Reginald . . . 1600. James the First and his Queen (Painter unknown) Eevd. J. Griffiths. PASS... Crispin de... 1560— 1643. Queen Elizabeth IN A Rich Dress (After I. Oliver) „ VORSTERM AN . . . Lucas . . . 15 78— St. George Ami the Dragon (After Raffaelle) . R. Fislur, Esq. BOLSWERT...Scheltius A.. .1586— Christ Crowned with Thorns (After Van Dyck) R. Fisher, Esq. The Crucifixion . . . (Ditto) . ,, 161 Gallery H.] ETCHinSTGS AND ElSTaRAVINGS. PONTIUS. ..Paul.. .1596— PoBTEAiT OF BuBENS (After Rubens) MORIN. . . Jean. . . 1600—1666. PoETEAiT OF Caedinal Bentiyoglio (After Van Dyck) SUYDERHGEF. . .Jonas . . . 1600—1670. The Plenipotentiaeies at the Teeaty of Mtjnster (After Terburg) The Buegomastees of Amsteedam RECEiviNa In- telligence OF THE AeEIVAL OF MAIilE DE' Medicis (After De Keyser) .... DALEN. ..Cornelius Yan...l620— PoETEAiT OF Petee Aeetin (After Titian) . POETEAIT OF BoCCACCIO . (Ditto) . FAITHORNE. . .William. . . 1620—1691. Olivee Ceomwell Standing between Two Pillaes poeteait of loed moedaunt PoETEAiT OF Maegaeet Smith (After Van Dyck) . POILLY. . .Francois . . .1622—1693. The Virgin and Child, called La Vierge au Unge (After Raffaelle) SCHUPPEN . . . Pierre Van . . . 1623—1 702 . POETEAIT OF Caedinal Mazaein (After Mignard) VALCK . . . Gerard. . . 1626—1720. PoETEAiT OF THE DucHESS OF Mazaein (After Sir p. Lely) YISSCHER . . . Cornelius . . . 1629—1658. The Rat-Killee poeteait of grellius de bohma .... NANTEUIL . . . Robert . . .1630—1678. PoETEAiT OF PoMPONE DE Bellievee (After Le Brun) MASSON. . Antoine. . .1636— 1700. POETEAIT OF GUILLAUME DE BeISACIEE (After Mignard) VISSCHER. . . Jan . . . 1636— Peasants Deinking (After Ostade) The Ball (After Berghem) EDELINCK. . . Gerard . . . 1639—1707. The Holy Family (After RafPaelle) The Battle of the Standard (After L. da Vinci) 162 Contributed by Felix Slade^ Esq. J, Garle, Esq. Felix 8lade, Esq, JRevd. J. Griffiths, S, Brodhurst^ Esq, Mrs. Noseda, H, Brodhmst^ Esq, E, Fisher^ Esq, Felix iSlade, Esq, Brodhnrst, Esq, >> >> >> )) Felix Slade^ Esq, H. Brodhurst, Esq, Felix Slade, Esq. Eevd. J, O^nffiths, Felix Slade^ Esq. Edw, Bainesj Esq, ETCHINGS AND ENaKAVINGS. [Gallery H. AUDRAN.. .Gerard.. .1640—1703. Moses and the BimNiNa Bush (After Raffaelle) LARMESSIN... Nicolas. ..1684— 1756. PoETEAiT OF Cakdinal Pole (After Raffaelle) DREVET... Pierre Imbert... 1697— 1739. PoETEAiT OF BiSHOP BossuET (After Eigaud) HOTTBRAKEN. . .Jacob, . .1698— 1780. PoETEAiT OF Thomas, Eael OF Steafford (After Contributed by JR. Fishe^', Esq. Felix Slade, Eeq* Van Dyck) PoETEAiT OF WiLLiAM Haevey (After Bemmel) HOGARTH. . . WilHam . . .1698—1764. His own Poeteait An Election Enteetainment . Canyassino the Votees poluna at the hxtstinos CHAIEINa THE MeMBEE MOENINO Noon Evening Night Messrs. Colnaghi ^ Co, Felix Slade^ Esq. /. GarUj Esq. WILLE...Jean Georges... 1717— 1808. Instetjction Pateenelle (After Terburg) Obseevateue Disteait (After Schalcken) STRANGE.. .Sir Robert... 1721— 1792. Holy Family ■with St. Jeeome (After Correggio) Chaeles I. in his Robes (After Van Dyck) . BARTOLOZZI. . .Francesco. . .1730—1813. Clytte (After A. Carracci) WOOLLETT...Wimam.. .1735—1785. Roman Edifices in Ruins (After Claude) Battle of La Hogue (After West) PORPORATI. . .Carlo Antonio. . .1740— 1816. The Viegin with a Rabbit (After Correggio) SHARP . . .WilHam . . . 1749—1824. The Doctoes of the Chuech (After Guido) St. Cecilia (After Domemcliino) .... Poeteait of John Huntee (After Sir J. Reynolds) 163 Mevd. J. GotL Felix 8lade^ Esq, Eevd. J. Gott, Felix iSlade, Esq, G, Smith, Esq, A. McKay, Esq, Eevd. J. Gott. Felix Slade, Esq. G. Smith, Esq. Gallery H.] ETCHINGS AND ENGBAVIMTGS. Contributed by SHEIlWIN...John Keyse... 1751— 1790. The Foettjne Teller (After Sir J. Reynolds) Portrait of Sir J. Reynolds (Ditto) . BERVIC . . . Charles Clement. . .1756—1822. Nessus Carrying away Dejanira (After Guido) Messrs, Colnaghi % Cc MORGHEN...Raffaelle... 1758— 1833. The Transfiguration (After Raffaelle) Aurora (After Guido) ...... CL AESSENS . . . Lambrecht Antonius . . . 1764— 1834 The Descent from the Cross (After Rubens) LONGHI...Guiseppe— 1766— 1831. The Marriage of the Virgin (After Raffaelle) The Reading Magdalen (After Correggio) . DESNOYEIlS...Augustin Boucher.. .1779— 1857 La Belle Jardiniere (After Raffaelle) . La Vierge aux Rochers (After L. da Vinci) MULLEIt. . . Christian Friedrich . . .1783—1816. La Madonna di San Sisto (After Raffaelle) St. John (After Domenichino) ANDERLONI. . . Pietro . . .1784— La Madonna del PAsseggio (After Raffaelle) TOSCHI . . . Paolo. . .1788—1854. The Descent from the Cross (After D. da Volterra) A. Fairhairn, Esq, GARAVAGLIA. . . Giovita. . .1789—1835. Madonna Della Sedia (After Raffaelle) . . Bevd. J. Goti Beatrice Cenci (After Guido) . . . Messrs, Colnaghi % Co, FORSTER.. .Francois. .1790— La Vierge de la Maison d' Orleans (After Raffaelle) Eevd. J, Gott, The Three Graces (After Raffaelle) . . Messrs, Colnaghi ^ Co, Duke of Bticcleuch G. Smith, 1 Mevd, J, Gott Br, NichoU Revd, J, Gott A, Fairhairn, Esq\ Mevd, J. Gott, A, Fairhairn^ Esq, G. Smithy Esq, Mevd, J. Gott, III.— MEZZOTINTS. SIEGEN... Louis Von. .. 1609— 1G80. The Holy Family (After A. Carracci) . . . Revd, J. Gr Portrait of Amelia Landgravine of Hesse , Felix Slade^ FURSTENBERG... Theodore Caspar... —1675. Head of our Saviour Revd, J, Griffiths, St. John the Baptist's Head in a Charger . 164 ETOHmGS AND ENGRAVINGS. [GaUery H. Contributed bt Felisc Slade^ Esq, Mrs, Noseda, A. Mc. Kay, Esq. E, S. Morgan, Esq. Duke of BuccUuch. THOMAS...John.. .1610—1672. PoETEAiT OF TiTiAN (After Titian) . RUPERT. . .Prince. . .1619— 1682. The Standaed-beaeer (After Giorgione) SMITH. . .John. . .1652— 1742. PoETEAiT OF "WiLLiAM III. (After Kneller) . PoETEAiT OF Anthony Leigh (After Kneller) . >> »» HOUSTON . . .Eichard. . .1726 (?)— 1795. An Old Woman PLUCKiNa a Fowl (After Rembrandt) E. S. Morgan, Esq. ARDELL.. .James Mac. ..1729— 1765. POETEAITS OF THE LOEDS JOHN AND BeENAED StUAET (After Van Dyck) Time CuppiNa Cupid's Wings (After Van Dyck) . FISHER...Edward.. .1730—1785. PoiiTEAiT OF Lady Saeah Bunbtjey, the mother of the Napiers (After Sir J. Reynolds) GREEN . . .Valentine . . . 1739—1813. POETEAIT OF THE DuCHESS OF DeYONSHIEE (After Sir J. Reynolds) DIXON . . .John . . . 1740—1780. PoETEAiT OF THE DuKE OF Leinsteb (After Sir J. Reynolds) WATSON. ..James. ..1775. Poeteaits of the Duchess of Buccleuch and Daughtee (After Sir J. Reynolds) . DOUGHTY. . . WilHam . . . 1784. Poeteait of De. Johnson (After Sir J. Reynolds) PETHER . . .William . . . 1741— 1821 . A Jewish Raebi (After Rembrandt) E ARLOM . . .Richard. . . 1742—1822. A Feuit Piece A Flowee Piece (Both after Van Huysum) . . DICKINSON . . .WilHam . . . 1746—1799. Poeteait of Mes. Sheeidan as St. Cecilia (After Sir J. Reynolds) Duke of Buecleuck. SMITH.. .John Raphael... 1747— 1812. Poeteait op Mes. Mustees (After Sir J. Reynolds) 165 E. S. Morgan, Esq. E. Fisher, Esq. Gallery H.] ETCHINaS AND ENGBAVINGS. Contributed by WATSON . . . Thomas . . . 1750—1781. POETEAIT OF Lady Bamppylde (After Sir J. Reynolds) B. Fisher, Esq, JONES . . . John . . . 1760—1797. PoETEAiT OF CHARLES Jaices Fox (After Sir J. Beynolds) Duke of JBucdeuch. WARD . . .WnUam . . .1762—1826. The Snake in the G-rass (After Sir J. Reynolds) „ „ WARD .. . James , . . 1769—1859. The Centurion Cornelius (After Rembrandt) . G. Smith, Esq. TURNER. . . Charles. . . 1773—1857. The Penn Family (After Sir J. Reynolds) . , F, T. Falgrme, Esq. IV.— WOODCUTS. CRANACH. . .Lucas . . . 1472—1553. A Tournament It. Fisher, Esq. A Tournament Portrait of la Bella Sabina, Wife of the Elector of Saxony ?> >» DTJRER.. .Albert. Head of Our Saviour Eevd. J. Gott BEWICK. Various Woodcuts Mev. T. Eugo. 166 MBS. HAILSTONE'S ROOM. LACE, NEEDLEWORK, AND EMBROIDERY. In acceding to the wishes of the Committee of this Exhibition, and to those of many friends, that I should illustrate the art of Needlework, and lend this collection, formed with so much difficulty, my object has been to afford those who admire art- manufacture an opportunity of studying the various kinds of lace. Many of these were designed by celebrated artists, amongst whom may be named Vinciolo and Cesare Vecellio, the Venetians, who lived in the 16th century ; and others in Ger- many and Belgium, as well as in England. The art of Needlework, in its various branches, was formerly an essential part of the education of ladies. The work of J ean de Glen, published at Liege, 1597, was devoted to this subject. In earlier times ladies appropriated the results of their laboui's to the purposes of the church, and to domestic use and ornament. The collection I have formed, a part only of which is now shown, will serve to illustrate the great amount of taste, skill, and neatness of hand required in this beautiful art ; and having myself overcome the technical difficulties of the work, I can safely say that the most delicate lace may be successfully copied, so as to be scarcely dis- tinguishable from the old specimens; it thus becomes an important source of profitable employment. Should this Exhibition inspire others with a share of the delight I have myself experienced in working out the history and technical details of an art so elegant and useful, it will be a gratification to feel that I have «o far contributed to their pleasure and instruction. All the specimens are separately ticketed ; but I would especially call attention to the following, which are a few of the most noteworthy in each case. S. H. LILLA HAILSTONE. CASE A. This contains, amongst many others, — A Piece "Point de Venise," en relief. Date 1600. Very fine and scarce. Point de Venise." Made of silk, and by the needle. Very fine and scarce. 17th Century. A Ctteigtjs Collae on Linen, darned with floss sUk, black, and cord sewn on. Early 17th Century. A Long Lappet. Italian point, double-headed eagle, Maltese cross, and Httle men, edged with cushion lace. Date, late 17th Century. •A Sqtjabe Piece, Point de Bruxelles a l'aigxhlle. Early 18th Century. Fine Piece of Itaxian Needlewoek on Linen, in coloured silks and gold thread* About 1700. A Piece of Lace— Stag Hunt. Very fine. Date about 1600. Valenciennes. 167 LACE, NEEDLEWORK, AND EMBROIDERY. A Deess Skiet, very good Honiton, the ground made on the cushion, belonged to the Princess Charlotte. Date, about 1812, Now used as a christening robe. Ceoss. The finest piece of modem Honiton Lace. 1863. (From Mrs. Tread", , in' s, Exeter.) Presented to Mrs. Hailstone by William Gott, Esq. A Paie Lappets, exquisitely fine, cushion made, birds and butterflies. 1610. English. These lappets have not been washed. A Laege Collae. Exquisite Point a l' aiguille, most probably made at Alenc^on, combining Venice Point and Alen^on. 1670. Cap, Point d'Alen^on, all needlework. 17th century. (This piece of lace waa once in the possession of Queen Marie Antoinette.) A Small Piece, curious. Belonged to "The Peetendee." Cushion. CASE B. A Laege Feontal foe an Altae, representing eight incidents in the Passion of our Lord. In the centre is the doom, the human soul brought up for judgment. Inscriptions in Latin surround the compartments. Apparently the work is done from a design in an early illuminated MS. Length 14 feet, width 4 feet. English. 16th Century. CASE C. An Old English Unbleached Linen Samplee. 1669. Poetion oe an Old English " Cut Woek Samples.'* 1669. Piece of Old English Point Lace. 1700. Old English Waistcoat. Beautiful needlework. Presented by Wm. Gott, Esq. CASE D. Specimen of Tuekish Lace. Two Beazilian Pocket Handkeechiefs. Laege Squaee of Belgian Cushion Lace. In the centre, MAR, surrounded by a wreath of roses. Border consists of figures of the Virgin and Child, double-headed Eagles, and Saints. CASE E. A Beautiful Altae Cloth, consisting of squares of Point Coupe" and linen with "Point Coupe " patterns let in. Vandyke point border. 16th Century. Cardinal's Cape. "Point Coupe," and Guipure. CASE P. CHANTUiLY SCAEF. A Flounce, made at Liverpool. Copy of old Belgian. 1860. Spanish Maittilla. White. ON THE WALLS, IN FRAMES. A Fine Specimen of Old English Needlewoek. Queen of Sheba coming to visit King Solomon. The dresses trimmed with point lace. Early 16th Century. Eaelt English Needlewoek, on satin, representing mythological subjecta. About 1589. A Towel, linen, with "Point Coupe," and coloured floss silk embroidery, silk • fringe. Date I7th Century. Flowees and Feuit. Turkish needlework. 1862. 168 THE MUSEUM OF OENAMENTAL AET. THE CHAPEL AND ROOMS ADJACENT, AND GALLERY J. This important section of the Exhibition contains a series of works remarkable for their artistic merit, from the time of the ancient Egyptians, or some thousands of years before the commencement of our era, down to the present century. An extra- ordinary amount of ingenious and clever adaptation of natural models to the pur- poses of industrial art, and a wonderful power and delicacy of manipulation, are to be remarked in the earliest, equally with the latest, productions of man's hands ; and it is a noticeable fact that, for purity and simplicity of style, for a high and keen appreciation of natural beauty, the ancient Greeks have still the advantage over us of the present day. The contents of the Museum — besides the interesting productions of a comparatively barbaric period, illustrated by flint implements of a date greatly anterior to our own era, and later on by the bronze weapons and ornaments, many of which were found, like most of the flint pieces, buried in the graves of the early inhabitants of these islands — present valuable and interesting examples of almost every branch of art and industry. It is hoped that the artizan, especially, will carefully note the more remarkable examples of that class in which he may be personally interested; and carry away with him, not only many valuable ideas, but an increased sense of the estimation in which the best specimens of artistic industry are held by all educated persons, as affording a high idea of the genius of the people who were able to produce them. On returning to the Central Hall from Gallery J", the visitor will proceed by the corridor containing the portraits of Yorkshire Worthies, until he reaches the western side of the building, in which is situated the Oriental Museum. J. B. W. CONTENTS. PAGE. IOXjU 1 ivylM A. riFTvTTr AN"n ANftTO-SAYON ... Xt ^ J> ■R ... XI 0 J> TT.TO'P'R AVTrT"! O-TT'M'^ 190 !» Tt T TTMTXr A nPTTTl l^/T A ArTTCJP"RT"PTQI ±LiijU JyxiiN AlxLJJ IvXAJN UoL-xllx lo ... ... ... ... ... XJ^ »> in toO uliJr 1 UxvJi — It-LAKisLixli AjNJJ ±Jl/it±lA v^UliA ... ... Loo JJ TP 'OAxiVlJNbrb iJN ±VU±VX ... ... ... ... ... XV ( 5J Cakvings in W^ood J> XT ±1. Art Beonzes Of\4 J J T ±. Metal Work ZOo J> Enamel Z\J\) JJ J-l. Maiolica ... Zxo ?5 TVT IVJ.. nriT'VrnTT TP TT'ATJT'TrtC! 991 ZZ± J> Plate ... 223 J> O. Arms and Armour ... 237 J> P. Glass ... 240 5> Q. Crystal, Agate, &c ... 242 ?> K. Knives, Forks, and Spoons ... 243 3> S. Watches and Clocks ... 246 J» T. Bijouterie ... 248 5» U. Foreign Porcelain ... 258 J> V. English Porcelain ... 266 5J W. English Pottery ... 272 3? X. Oriental ... 279 J> Y. Furniture ... 285 >> Z. Miniatures ... 286 [ Under Revision,'] CATALOGUE OF THE MUSEUM OF OEMMENTAL AET, AT THE 1868, BY W. CHAFFERS, (author of "marks and monograms on pottery and PORCELAIN;" "hall marks on plate ;" ETC.) SUPERINTEJ^'DJJISrT OF THE MUSEUM. Ko. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lUM OF ORNAMENTAL ART. G-ALLEKY J, AND BOOMS ADJACEJSTT. SECTION A. CELTIC AND ANGLO-SAXON. Contributed by C. Bowyer^ Bsq, Celtic GtOLD Toeques, of twisted wire, looped ends, small size. Found at Elgin. Contributed by the Newcastle Museum, Two Beonze Haep-shaped Eibul^. Double-looped Bronze Speae Head. Two Ancient Beitish Uens. Found at Hawkhill. Contributed by J. G, Robertson^ Esq. Beonzb Celt, crescent- shaped end, ridged edges, ornamented with herring- bone pattern. Found in Carrickfergus. Flattened Oval Sling Stone, with an indented line on each side. Found in a rath, at Donbel, County Kilkenny. Polished Geeen Stone Celt, wedge-shaped. Found in Kincraigy Bog, County Donegal. Contributed by the Rev. Francis Shearman, C. C. Eleven Shaped J et Beads, of large size. Found while making a founda- tion over the river Gowel, in Mayne Bog, Cullow Hill, Queen's County. Contributed by the Kilkenny Archceological Society. A Glass Bead, variegated, in form of an interlaced knot. Found at Timahoe, Queen's County. A PEEFECT Stone Mould, for making an ornamental looped celt. Found at Iverk, County Kilkenny. Iron Knife; the handle edged with brass, stamped in relief with small patterns of Saxon character ; the back of the blade inlaid with metal of engravec^ interlaced work. Beonze Hoese's Bit, with large rings at the ends, Beonze Ring Fibula, finely patinated, the ends are triangular, ornamented with the tripartite scroll in relief. FouE OTHER Bronze Ring Fibula, found in a rath, at Donhel, County Kilkenny. Contributed by W. S. For man, Fsq. Saxon Silver Armilla, flat, with open ends, rudely stamped with crosses and crenelated ornaments. Anglo-Saxon Brooch, of bronze, plated strongly with gold ; semicircular top with projecting iDOsses, bowed front, and straight stem, with gold cloisons in patterns, set with flat garnets. 5th or 6th Century. Contributed by W. Fdhins, Fsq. Anglo-Saxon Fibula, of silver gilt, semicircular head with five projecting bosses, set with garnets ; the shank is edged with zigzag lines. Contributed by J. FLeywood FEawkins, Fsq. Anglo-Saxon Silver-gilt Bowl, ornamented outside with four raised scrolls, enclosing square mosaics of minute coloured tesseras, ending on the lip in animals' heads ; at the bottom is a circular medallion and a cross with a blue stone in each of the limbs, the spaces between filled in with gold fiUgree knots and scrolls ; on the interior is a similar medallion, but in the centre is a statuette of some animal. This unique vessel was found in the river Witham. 172 No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 CELTIC AND AISTGLO-SAXOLT. [Section A. Contributed by Sir John Lawson^ Bart. Anglo- Saxon Fibula. Eound at Cataractonium. Anglo-Saxon Fibula. Found at Cataractonium. Contributed by John JSvam, Esq. Three Scandinavian Gold Beacteate Ornaments. Three Merovingian Gold-looped Ornaments. France. Saxon Clasp or Hook of Iron ; the ornamented end inlaid with gold zig- zags, ending in an animal's head. Celtic Gold "Mind" or Head Ornament, crescent-shaped. Found in Ireland. Gold Armilla, twisted, with looped ends. Found at Urquhart, Elgin, Scotland. Celtic Gold Armilla. Found at Beach, near Cambridge. Celtic Gold Fibula, fluted shank, with large plain disks at the ends. Found near Belfast, with the two following. Celtic Gold Fibula, fluted shank, with large plain disks on the ends. Found near Belfast. Small Celtic Gold Fibula or "Eing Money," so-called, with blunted ends. Found near Belfast. Small Celtic Gold Fibula, pointed ends. Found in Westmeath. Small Plain Gold "King Money," inlaid with rings of paler metal, the ends unconnected. Found at Drogheda. Small Plain Gold "Ring Money." Found at Tenbury, Worcester. Two Celtic Gold Armilla. Found in Ireland. Saxon Fibula, richly ornamented with niello and gilt, animals' heads, scrolls, &c., in relief. A copy in silver from the original at Copenhagen. Anglo-Saxon Gold Buckle and Pendent, set with large plain garnets. Found at Tostock, Suffolk. Beautiful Saxon Gold Cross, taking a circular form, with broad ends, set with small garnets between raised fiUets in patterns. Found at Stanton, near Ixworth. Anglo-Saxon Gold Fibula, circular, the field ornamented with filigree scrolls and knots, and settings for five stones. Found at Stanton, near Ixworth. Anglo-Saxon Gold-looped Bracteate Ornament. Found near Canterbury. Anglo-Saxon Circular Gilt Fibula, ornamented with interlaced Zoo*- morphic scrolls, and set with five pieces of shell, a garnet in the centre of each. Found at Alton Hill, Bottisham, Cambridge. Anglo-Saxon Buckle, of brass, plated with silver, the pendent gilt, with raised scrolls and a garnet centre. Found at Fairford, Gloucestershire. Anglo-Saxon Gold Eing. Found at Ixworth. Anglo-Saxon Gold Ring. Found at Coggeshall. Saxon Silver Eings. Found at Ixworth. Antiquities of the close of the Bronze Period, found at Halstatt, viz. :— Pair of Bronze ARMiLL.aE, engraved with crossed lines and annulets. Large and Massive Bronze Armilla. Four Bow-shaped Fibula, with spring pins. Two Bronze Fibula, formed of double coils. Broad Bronze Belt, with repousse annulets. A Collection of Bronze Ornaments and Implements, consisting of knives, tweezers, pins, studs, fibulae, kc. Many beautifully engraved. Found in Denmark. Three Bronze Torcs, of twisted pattern, differing in size. From Denmark. 173 Iecti< No. 53 54 55 56 67 58 59 60 60a 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 A.] CELTIC AND ANGLO-SAXON. Merovingian Gold Ciecular Fibula, set with garnets; gold filigree scrolls in the centre. Merovingian Gold Fibula, set with garnets ; filigree knots in the centre. Saxon Prick Spur, of bronze ; the ends in form of animals' heads. Found at Pakenham, Suffolk. Four Anglo-Saxon Silver-plated Flat Annulets, engraved with scrolls and dotted designs, and two crescent-shaped earrings of similar decoration. Found at Chavenage, Gloucester. A Gilt Saxon Fibula, concave, with a cruciform ornament in the centre and a bronze ring. Found at Cliavenage. Anglo-Saxon Bowl, of bronze, with two handles, the rim at the foot pierced with diagonal ornament. Found at Chilton Hall, Stowmarket. Two Flat Bronze Diadems, each engraved with double bands of spiral scrolls. Found near New Ruppin, Prussia. A Selection of Ancient British Gold Coins. Twenty-four Stone Implements, of fine work. Found in Denmark, Contributed by Tlndall^ Esq. A Selection of Flint Weapons, arranged on cards. Found principally in Yorkshire. Contributed by Bishop Butler of Limerick. "The Limerick Crozier;" a silver-gilt pastoral staff, of admii-able work- manship, of the 15th Century. It consists of a hollow staff, of silver gilt, the head elaborately worked with Gothic canopies, buttresses, and pinnacles, in two stages. The upper has six statuettes of the Blessed Trinity, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Patrick, St. Manchan or Monaghan (the Patron Saint), and the Blessed Virgin, resting upon corbels ; the lower stage has six female Saints, engraved and enamelled on a background of enamel. In the centre of the volute is represented the Annun- ciation, and the crook terminates with a pelican in her piety. About four inches below this head of the staff is a boss, hexagonal, with the following inscription on red and blue enamel: — ''Me fieri fecit; Cornell o deaigh ! eps limiricens : a° d^ M°ccce° xviij consecracionis : sue anno." "The Limerick Mitre;" formed of silver parcel gilt, and jewelled; a broad band runs round the base, up the centre, and along the sloping edges at the sides, jewelled and edged with mouldings, and an elaborate cresting of vine leaves. Round the base is the following inscription on translucent enamel, some portions being lost, "Me fieri fecit Cornelius o Deaygh Episcopus anno domini Mill°." Above the band is engraved "Thomas o Carryd artifex faciens ' Vsic/ Below the apex is a sentence from the breviary : on each side of the central band is an enamelled medallion ; upon the infula are two other translucent enamel ornaments and two crystals. Date, circa 1418. Contributed by Lady 0. Fitzgerald. Celtic Gold Twisted Torc, coiled to form an armilla. Found at Maguires Bridge, County Fermanagh. The Bell of St. Mura, formed of bronze, of quadrangular form, orna- mented in front with a casing of detached silver plates, embossed with interlaced scrolls and curved lines, and in the centre a large crystal and three vacant sockets for stones, one of amber now remaining ; the top is arched, and has three spaces for stones, in which the gold setting only remains. This work is of the 11th Century. By a removal of a portion of the outer casing, we find a series of earlier enrichments, which were probably of the 9th Century, consisting of a tracery of Runic knots, wrought in brass, firmly attached to the bell by a thin plate of gold. From the Abbey of Fahan, near Innishowen, County Donegal. Early British Earthen Cup, with four projections and groove, corded lines and indented zigzag ornaments round the upper part of the vase ; fine work. From Blanch. Early British Urn, with four raised bands, and jagged indentations. Found at Seamer Moor. • Early British Urn, svith three raised bands and zigzag ornaments. From Driffield 174 No. 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 CELTIC AND ANGLO-SAXON. [Section A. Eaely British Urn, with, indented ornament on three rims at the top, tapering towards the bottom. Found at Waiter Wold. 1851. Early British Cup, with bands of zigzag ornaments, and a groove at tlie top with perforated projections for a cord. Found at Blanch. Early British Cup, with incuse ornament on the upper part, and two grooves with perforated projections for suspension. From Seamer Moor. Early British Cup, with indented zigzag ornaments and raised projec- tions. Found at Londesborough. Early British Cup, ornamented with zigzag ornaments. From Warter Wold. Early British Urx, broad mouth, with diagonal and dotted lines. Found at Driffield. Early British Cup, with five projections and groove for a cord, ornamented with diagonal lines. Found at Blanch. Anglo-Saxon Cup, with four channels round outside. Found on Breach Downs. Anglo-Saxon Vase, with fluted sides. From Breach Downs. Elegant Anglo-Saxon Bottle, the neck and upper part ornamented with incuse lines and wavy lines between. Found at Wingham. Anglo-Saxon Fibula, silver gilt, set with garnets, semicircular top, and five projections. Found at Bourg sur Aisne Soissons, in 1843. Contributed hij the Right Rev. Dr. Moriarty^ Bishop of Kerry., Killarney, Early Irish Crozier." The staff is of wood covered with brass, and plates of silver joined on the inner side. The crook is curved, and ends in a piece in shape of a horse's head, which opens as a reliquary, and is ornamented in front with gold filigree Eunic knots, a stone of a ruby colour in the centre ; at top of the frame is a human head, and at bottom a bird ; the head of the staff is orna- mented with interlaced work, and four medallions of gold filigree knots ; the stem has two bosses, and terminates in a square open-work end. Contributed by I. Lentaigne^ Esq. Electrotype Copy oe the Shrine of St. Monaghan; of the 12th Cen- tury, discovered in Ireland, with some of the statuettes which have been found on the same spot, and other portions restored. For a lengthened description of the original, see Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Works of Art, S.K.M., page 47. Contributed by James Milner, Esq. Ancient British Shield or Tarian, of bronze, circular in form, orna- mented with twelve concentric circles, between which are small bosses, struck up from the back of the shield, and a large boss in the centre. Found in the bed of the river Thames, between Hampton and Walton. Contributed by the Rev. Walter Stieyd. Processionalt Cross, of bronze, with large oval crystal cabochons. The figure of our Saviour in full relief is crowned, and wears a sort of kilt, as fre- quently seen on Irish specimens of art of the 11th or 12th Century. Contributed by Robert Hunter of Hunter^ Esq. The "HuNTERSTOn" Brooch, of the same general fonn as the Irish pen- annular fibulae of silver, and ornamented with gold filigree knots and ornaments of fine workmanship, with Runic inscription. Found in Ayrshire. Probably Saxon. Contributed by W. H. For man., Esq. Celtic Gold Flat Ring, formed of seven wires fastened together. Dug up at Rathfarnham, County Dublin, 1855. Silver Penannular Brooch, of the loth Century, inscribed in Gothic capitals, "Ave Maria," &c., chased on the reverse with animals. Curious Silver Bracelet, with an oval seal-shaped medallion in front, chased in relief, with a bishop under a Gothic canopy, and the following legend : •'Sv Thomi Dei Gracia Episcopi Mannencis," twisted shank; supposed to have 175 Section A.] CELTIC AISTD AWG-LO-SAXOlsr. belonged to Thomas Burton, Bishop of Sodor and Man, 1452 — 1480. Found at Rathmines, near Dublin, in 1855. Suite of Two Bracelets, Beooch, and Laege Haie Pin; the former of open work, rosettes enamelled in white, studded with turquoise, garnets, and carbuncles. The pin of similar work has two doves, in white enamel, supporting a heart-shaped shield, on which is the Irish letter Z. Found in the County Kildare, Ireland. Small Celtic Gold Fibula, fluted shank, the ends pointed without cusps. Celtic Gold Binq, of very thick wire, quite plain, not joined at the ends, of hollow metal. Celtic Beonze Daggee, broad-pointed blade, with raised lines engraved between, with triangular designs ; plain handle. Celtic Gold Toeques, of plain semi- cylindrical form, narrowing towards the ends, terminating in small buttons. Celtic Gold Toeques, formed of a flat crescent-shaped piece of gold, the ends turned transversely, devoid of ornament. Found at Newmarket-on-Fergus, County Clare, in 1854. CuEious Flat Gold Oenament, of spiral form, the ends being coils of wire, the upper side engraved and punched with pyramidal ornaments. Of Etruscan work, and similar to the Celtic. Found at Baiae. (Campana Collection.) SiikiALL Celtic Gold Fibula, with flat circular ends turned back obliquely; fluted shank, and engraved border. Commonly called "Eing money." Small Celtic Gold Fibula; fluted shank, and engraved border; flat circular ends turned back obliquely. Called "Ring money." Celtic Gold Aemilla, of triangular wire, not joined at the ends; quite plain. Beonze Blade of a Daggee. Two Beonze Lance Heads, with loops. A Collection of Twelve Beonze Celts, of various forms, some engraved. Beonze Leaf- shaped Swoed. Beonze Leaf-shaped Swoed. Beonze Speae Head. Two Beonze Speae Heads. Beonze Daggee, with handle. Contributed by J. W. Sangster, Esq. Eaely Beitish Uen, indented ornament. Found near Ferrybridge. Contributed by H. Denny, Esq. Eaely Beitish Uen. Found near Thirsk. Contributed by the Drapers' Company. Gold Flat Ceescent-shaped ^'Mind," or diadem, found in Ireland. Coyitributed by the Ashmolean Mtcsezcm. Saxon Cup, of green glass, broad lip. Chatham. Two Coppee-gilt Ceucifoem FiBULiE, square tops; and another with semi-circular top. Chatham. CiECULAE Silvee-gilt Fibula, with a pearl boss in the centre, set with a garnet and three radiating garnets, with three smaller garnets between. Nine Beads, from various localities. Saxon Cup, of green glass. A Caed of Theee Bead Necklaces. Found on Barham Downs. Two Cieculae Gilt Metal Fibulae. Found at Ash. Beonze Speae Head, similar to those found in Ireland, with grooved ornament round the edge. Found in Dorsetshire. 176 CELTIC AND AK-GLO-SAXOKT. [Section A. A Circular Gilt Fibula, set with, garnets. Found at Ash, Kent. Two Amethyst Beads, of a fine purple. A Silver-gilt Fibula, set with garnets. Found at Chatham. Portion of Bronze Harness ; the boss ornamented in relief with the tripartite scroll so frequently found on Irish Celtic objects. Fragment of a Bronze Ornament, with the tripartite scroll, terminating in leaves, Armilla, of green glass. Found in a Saxon grave. Two Bronze Spoons, or slightly hollowed heart-shaped pieces of metal- Found at Penrhyn, Cardiganshire, in a British encampment. A Flat Circular Fibula, Engraved Ornament, with a short acus. Found in the Isle of Mull. A G-ilt Metal Anglo-Saxon Concave Fibula, ornamented with in- dented scrolls. Brighthampton graves. Gilt Metal Cruciform Anglo-Saxon Fibula, ornamented with animals' heads, scrolls, &c. Large Gilt Bronze Cruciform Fibula, embossed with human heads, detached scrolls, &c. Fairford graves (Gloucestershire). Circular Bronze-gilt Fibula, concave, with a star of five points in the centre, zigzag border and scrolls. Circular Gilt-bronze Concave Fibula, human face in the centre, sur- rounded by detached scrolls. A Selection of Flint and Stone Implements, from Denmark. Thirty- five in number, as labelled. Contributed hy Rev, Thomas Sugo^ F.S.A, Saxon Fibula. Found in the Thames, with Merovingian gold coins, and a gold coin of Harold. Saxon Fibula. Saxon Fibula. Possibly Banish. Four Leaden Pilgrims' Signs, of unusual beauty. Found in the Thames in 1856. Bone Skate, used by the London citizens on Moor Fields. A Black Flint Celt. From the Thames, near Teddington. Celt, of green stone. From the Thames, near Battersea Bridge. Celt, of the finest grey flint. From the Thames, before Hampton Court Palace. Bronze Celt, finely ornamented with punch marks From Ireland. Contributed by John Solmes, Esq. Collection, illustrating the Celtic and Romano-British period, and weapons of other Nations, for comparison : — Ancient Welsh Iron Leaf-shaped Sword. Medieval Drinking Cup, of wood, silver-mounted. Two Early Mexican Water Bottles. One painted with a human figure. Egyptian Two-handled Water Cooler. Three Roman Urns. Oriental Cup and Cover, and a Vase, with indented patterns. Indian Ivory Carving of a Military Figure. Two British Celts, of stone. Seven Bronze Celts. 177 Section B.] A3SrTIQUITIE^ : Two Javelin Heads, of flint and Obsidian; the former found at Bridling- ton, the latter used at the present time in Australia. Ten American Aeeow Heads, of flint. Three Roman Unouentaria. Roman Sacrificial Vessel, carved in steatite. Found at Adel, near Leeds. Mexican Mace Head, of stone. Glass Bottle, of the Early English period, and three earthenware jugs. Roman Glass Lachrymatory. African Quiver and Nineteen Arrows. Roman Pin and Needle, of bone. New Zealand Axe Hammer. Modern Egyptian Two-handled Bottle, with ring. Collection of Celtic Bronze "Ring- Money." Modern African Ivory Tusk, carved with figures, &c. Portion of an Anglo-Saxon Stone Cross, ornamented in relief with Runic knot and figures. Nine Elint Elaees and Two Australian Scrapers. Three Fragments of a Painted Mummy Case. Two Egyptian Figures, in alabaster, &c. Portion of an Egyptian Funereal Tablet, of granite, carved in relief with hieroglyphics. Native African Bow, Sheath, and Arrows. War Implements, used by native Australians, showing mode of carving with rude instruments ; and one Kew Zealand Sheath of more advanced carving. Two Modern Mexican Indian Arrows, of wood. Seven Modern Persian Arrows, showing advanced art. ContrihiUed by J. War dell, JEsq. Two Bronze Looped Celts; One Small Bronze Celt; Fifteen Bronze Eings ; Large Bronze Chisel with Socket ; Dagger Blade ; Heawng Hook. Contributed by the Philosophical Hall, Leeds. Two Large Cores of Flint, and Two Flakes of Flint. SECTION B. ANTIQUITIES : EGYPTIAN, GEEEK, AND EOMAN. Contributed by Lady Otho Fitzgerald. Greek Lecythus, black figures on red ground ; a warrior attacking a lion, and two attendants. Early Greek CEnochoe, with compressed trefoil lip and cover, broad handle ; painted with two bands of animals and birds. Early Greek Aj^ipiiora, with human head handles, and cover, borders of birds and animals ; a centre band of antelopes, lions, harpies, and birds. 178 EaYPTIAN, CBEEK, AlSTD JlOMAN. [Section B. Eaely Greek Scypiius, two handles, border of antelopes, lions, birds, and a man. Greek Tazza, in the centre a man carrying a fish, with indistinct characters. Greek Tazza, two handles, with an outside band of stags and lions. Greek Tazza, painted with a warrior holding a lance and round shield, on which is an anchor, between two mantled figures holding branches. Greek Scyphus, with centre band of birds. Greek Tazza, black inside, on the outside a band of warriors in combat. Early Greek Scyphus, painted with two horses gallopping, and antelope. Greek Scyphus, painted with a band of lions and antelopes. Greek Scyphus, on the outside a band with horseman, a figure behind urging the horse, another in front preventing him. Early Greek Vase, painted with a lion, goat, bull, and swan, chequered borders above and below. Early Greek Vase and Cover, painted with a sphinx, lion, birds, and animals. Early Greek Aryballos, a mask in front and a bird at back. Curious Early Greek Vessel, with three perforated handles, projecting from the side, the edge curved inward, painted with antelopes and swans. EoMAN Cinerary Urn, with upper band of crossed lines. Eound in Surrey. EoMAN Bronze Statuette of an Archer, in the act of drawing his bow, silver eyes. Discovered about 15 feet below the present surface in Queen Street, Cheapside, by W. Chaffers, F.S.A. (Archceologia, vol. xxx.) Contributed hy W. Edldns^ JEsq. Homano-British, Circular, Enamelled Bronze Fibula, of most minute work ; in the centre, a chequered pattern of opaque enamel mosaic, in red, blue, and white, surrounded by three bands of delicate mosaic patterns, separated by metal rings, the ground work of the inner one being blue, with red rosettes, the next, red, with blue and white squares, and the outer, of blue enamel, with small white scrolls. Circular Roman Bronze Eibula, enamelled, with a centre and six sur- rounding circles, in red, on green ground, the colours separated by metal fillets. ROiViAN Bronze Fibula, bow-shaped front, finely worked and enamelled in front with two rows of alternate squares of red, blue, and yellow enamel. EoMAN Bow-shaped Bronze Fibula, which has been originally gilt and enamelled in scrolls, with morone and buff colour. Note. — The above specimens were discovered at Chepstow. EoMAN Silver Fibula, cruciform, with plain bow-shaped front, and long shank. Contributed by 7F. Forman^ Esq, Greek Bronze Mirror Case, the cover ornamented in relief with Cupid riding on a goat, and a man placing his hand on his head to retard him. Fine work, but much corroded. Greek Bronze Vase Handle, with male and female figures in relief on the lower part. Greek Bronze Statuette of a Harpy, with a wreath on its head, female head, with a bird's body and feet. 179 Section B.] ANTIQUITIES : Greek Beonze Mirroe Cover, ornamented in relief with the head of Pan, crowned with leaves and flowers. Antique Bronze Statuette of Hercules clad in the skin of the Nemsean lion, which forms a high standing collar round his neck ; in his hand a club. Antique Bronze Sacrificial Instrument, with bone handle, the blade in form of a bull standing on an axe-shaped knife. Antique Bronze Blade of a Sacrificial Implement, in form of a bull bound for sacrifice, and axe-shaped knife, finely patinated. Antique Bronze Steelyard Weight, in form of a female head, with diadem, earrings, and necklace ; the silver or gold eyes have been removed. Pair of Antique Bronze Loop Handles, with reclining figures and dogs on the lower part. Greek Bronze Mirror Case, the cover ornamented in relief with Bacchus carrying the Thyrsus leaning on Cupid, and a woman playing on a harp. Very Fine Etruscan Bronze Standing Mirror, the stem in fonn of a draped female figure, with braided hair, which hangs in loops down her back; two small winged figures stand on her shoulder and support the circular mirror. Antique Bronze Tripod Lamp, supported by a man, who has on his head a fluted column, up which climbs a panther after a bird; at top a terminal figure and square stand for the lamp, with a bird on each corner. Ancient Egyptian Bronze Seated Cat, with a gold scarabceus on its forehead, gold eyes and earrings, round its neck a necklace, with small amulet of Osiris and Horus. Three Greek Bronze Feet of a Tripod ; Mercury and male and female figures seated on scrolls, resting on lions' paws. Roman Bronze Amphora, of Champ leve enamel, in patterns of birds, scrolls, vine leaves, and grapes, filled in with opaque coloured enamels, many of which (except the red and green) are decayed. A very rare specimen. Five Eoman Silver FiBULiE, with long shanks and spring wire pins. Six Roman Silver Armill^, of various foiTus. Six Leaden Slingers' Bullets, of lead, mth Greek names on one side, on the reverse is usually a fulmen, one has a bull's head. These were thrown by means of a leathern thong. Six Greek Leaden Weights, with various stamps, some inscribed, of different sizes. Calpis, red figures on black ground, a lady seated spinning, two attendants and Cupid. Amphora, black on red. Achilles in a quadriga, driven by his charioteer Automedon, dragging the dead body of Hector round the w:alls of Troy, Patro- clus rising from the tomb, Ulysses leading the horses, and Five Amazons on horseback. This fine Vase has the names of the principal figures in Greek characters over their heads. Found at Vulci. From the Prince of Canino's collection. Large and very fine Bowl, with pointed base, red on black, with the victory of Theseus over the Amazons. It originally had the name over each figure, now partially erased. Found at Girgenti (Agrigentum) in 1830. Panathenaic Amphora, given as a prize in Athletic sports, painted in black on red, on one side with Minerva fPromachosJ by the side of a coltimn on which is a cock, on the other a Quadriga. Inscribed. Cylix, red and black painted, with a winged man running and a dog. 180 EayPTIAN, GBEEK, AND ROMAW. [Section B. Amphoea, of Nola Ware, with twisted handles, red on black. A warrior standing, a female offering him a cup of wine, a winged figure bearing his shield. (Enochoe, black on white, a man reclining on a couch, a female before him. Cyathos, black on red, a bearded figure seated with nymphs and satyrs. AsKOS, red on black, a female seated, holding a casket and wreath, with honeysuckle ornament behind. Ceatee, red on black, of late period, a female seated under a canopy painted white, white masks in relief on the handles. Amphoea, black on red. Soldiers playing at dice, with Greek inscriptions. Bhyton, in form of a grif&n's head, a border of red figures on black ground. Ehyton, in form of a fawn's head, border of figures. Rhyton, in form of a greyhound's head, border of figures. Rhyton, in form of a cow's head, border of figures. Calpis, a man in a quadriga, over which is a frieze of smaller figures on horseback fighting. Geeek Bottle in form of a lobster's claw, handle over the top, painted with a reclining figure holding a wine cup, inscribed Kalos. . Pateea of black clay, embossed with four chariots, each drawn by four horses, in which are Minerva, Diana, Mars, and Hercules, of fine work ; stamped from a mould. Eaely Geeek Bottle, with red birds and rings painted on the yellow clay, straight neck. Eaely Geeek Bombylios, painted with a man between two harpies. Eaely Geeek Pyxis, red on black, females carrying caskets, and border of ivy ; on the cover is a metal ring. Eaely Geeek Boat-shaped Vase, the prow in form of a boar's head, a figure seated on the stem, another on the stern, rudely ornamented with brown crossed lines, resting on three straight feet. Eaely Geeek (Enochoe and Covee, trefoil lip ornamented with antelopes, tigers, and other animals, in brown. Amphoea, pointed base, red on black, with two rams butting, wild boars and other animals fighting, round the neck an owl. (Enochoe, black glaze with elegant ornaments of rosettes and leaves in black on red ground, trefoil lip. Canthaeus, with a female head on each side, in red on black. (Enochoe, the lower part in form of a female head with diadem. Geeek Bottle, in form of a leg and foot ; the shoe, iPHOEA, of glass, opaque white, with purple zig-zags round it. Amphoea, of blue glass, with blue and yellow zig-zag ornaments round. (Enochoe, of glass, blue ground, with white wavy ornament and yellow spiral lines. (Enochoe, of glass, brown ground, with yellow lines and zig-zags, edged with white. Alabasteon, of dark blue glass, with white and yellow sheaf ornaments. Egyptian Aeyballos, of semi-vitrified clay, of a light green colour, with small handles, ornamented on the upper part ; of flat circular form. Small Egyptian Aeyballos, of semi-vitrified clay, of globular form, bossed surface. Alabasteon, of green glass, with yellow and white zig-zags. Bottle, of light green glass, with white veins of colourless glass, in which gold is embedded, edged with blue and white lines. Long Glass Bottle, with two handles, continued in crinkled lines down each side. Bottle, of light green glass, in form of a fish. Amphoea, of colourless glass, with light green handles, and spiral line round the neck, pointed base ; of elegant form. Bottle, of glass, with a pointed base, made to imitate the sardonyx. Small Ossuaey Uen, of globular form, with net-work reaching from the lip to the body of the vase. Bottle, of amber-coloured glass, with white looped lines. Basin, of purple glass, ribbed on the exterior. Globulae Uen, of purple glass, splashed with white. PoETiON OF A Feieze, of bluc glass, with two griffins and a vase. Small Bottle, of pressed glass, in form of a bunch of grapes, shewing the beautiful prismatic effects caused by decomposition of the surface. Geeek Teeea Cotta Doll, with jointed arms and legs, well modelled head. Geeek Teeea Cotta Money Box, oval, with a mask of a child's face on the top. Eude Eteuscan Teeea Cotta Figuee of a Man on Hoeseback. Roman Silvee Inkstand, cylindrical, with hexagonal escalloped top, embossed wreath filled in between with nielloed scrolls. Very scarce. Found at Cologne. EoMAJS" SwoED, the handle of bronze in form of an eagle's head and neck. Iron blade. Found at Cologne. Roman Beonze Buckle, found at Cologne, with ornaments in relief. Roman Gold Aemilla, of stout solid wire, plain shank, the ends orna- mented with engraved belts and acanthus leaves, terminating in a pomegranate- shaped boss. 182 EGYPTIAN, greek:, AND BOMAN. [Section B. Roman Gold Armilla, the surface plain, the centre enlarged with a sharp ridge, the ends joined by a twisted spu*al wire, Egyptian Gold Amulet, of oval form, repousse with the lion-headed deity, the disc and asp on its head, and an enamelled collar, filled in with black and white enamel, in patterns. This rare object is strengthened by being lined or filled in at the back with blue glazed frit. Egyptian Gold Necklace, formed of a number of small plain rings, not linked but strung together side by side, and in the centre a large oviform bead. Pair of Geeek Gold Hoop Eaeeings, spirally twisted shanks, increasing in size towards the ends, which terminate in Ibex heads, with the peculiar knotted horns. Of minute work. Found at Olympia, in 1859. EoMAN Gold Bulla, formed of two convex plates, forming when closed a flattened circular case to hold a small parchment or document, united at top by a broad band fastened by rivets, embossed with leaf borders and beaded circles ; across this band is stamped in relief "Host. Hos." (Hostius Hostilius), a Roman general, the head of the Hostilia family. This interesting ornament was discovered about twelve miles from Rome, on the road to Albano, in 1794, from which time it remained in Signer Bellotti's Collection, until 1821, when it waa purchased by Samuel Rogers. Pair of Geeek Gold Hoop Eaeeings, fluted shanks and scroll borders, terminating in Lynx heads of minute highly finished work. Found in the island of Zea, near Athens, in 1860. Paie op Geeek Gold Eaeeings, of exquisitely granulated work, rosettes at top, with pendants of Amphorae, of elegant form. A Geeek Gold Eaeeing, open work drop, the top ornamented with true lovers' knots and a head of Cupid. Geeek Gold Band, of a thin plate of metal, crimped; a medallion in the centre repousse, with the head of Medusa. An Elegant Geeek Gold Amulet, in form of a cylinder, with a loop in the centre for suspension, covered with elaborate granulated designs of honey- suckle pattern, divided by festoons ; having a boss at each end, which opens to contain a small scroll. Found at Milos. Geeek Gold Neck Chain, of 58 links, alternately vtdth small grooved carbuncles, the clasps in form of two calves' heads, to which hooks are attached. Found at Olympia, 1859. Geeek Gold Fibula, in form of a lion couchant on the prow of a galley, the sides ornamented with granulated amulets of hollow beaten work. Geeek Gold Neck Chain, of fine twisted links, terminating in two griffins' heads, with hooks attached. Found at Olympia, 1859. Geeek Gold Neck Oenament, formed of eight flat plates, each beaten or stamped with Victory in a biga ; these are suspended from a chain of eighteen oval cartouches of stamped double honeysuckle ornaments. From Samuel Rogers's Collection. Eteuscan Gold Fibula, with circular disc, ornamented with squares and chain borders, above which is a gold bar, with loose scroll ends, and a bow-shaped twisted fibula. From Xanthus. EoliiAN Beonze Statuette of a Man, holding a strigil in his right hand. Eteuscan Maeble Saecophagus, surmounted by a recumbent female figure, and round the base a veiled lady, probably a bride, in a galley, with attendants, and two men presenting her with a vase. A Case containing Greek terra cotta heads, fragmentary, and in the centre a plaque of Cupid leading two lions. 183 Section B.] ANTIQUITIES: Eaely Geeek Teera Cotta Pateea, painted in red and brown on the yellow clay, with four honeysuckle leaves and tendrils between. BoMAN" Solid Gold Fibula, formed of three statuettes of draped females, with diadems on their heads, holding some undefined objects in their hands. They may be the three Junos worshipped in Gaul, or the Dese Matres. Paie of Geeek Gold Eaeeings, the drops in form of two handled Vases, the tops of rosettes set with carbuncles, twisted ear wires. Found at Athens. Two Geeek Gold Eibul^, of similar pattern, bow shaped, ornamented with granulated honeysuckle ornament, terminating at the lower part with pome- granates. Found at Canusium. Geeek Gold Loop Oenament of plain wire, the ends being in form of griffin's heads with granulated borders and designs. Found at Athens in 1857. Antique Gold Oenament formed of six rosettes round the centre, from which rises a griffin's head of granulated work. Paie or Geeek Gold Eaeeings, the upper parts each set with an emerald and carbuncle, surrounded by bead pearls ; the pendents are in form of winged Cupids dancing, one holding a lyre, the other a pair of castagnettes. Found in the Island of Zea, near Athens, in 1860. Two Geeek Gold Fibula of extraordinary size, formed of hollow beaten or stamped plates of gold ; the upper parts of each are in the form of a griffin couchant, his fore paws resting on an embossed sheath which holds the acus or pin of the brooch, in front of this is a hippo-campus ; the shank terminates in a large and perfectly formed pomegranate. These unique objects were secured for the present owner from Ruvo, where they were discovered. Paie oe Antique Gold Eaeeings, consisting of large globular drops sur- mounted by three hemispherical bosses, ornamented with raised circular com- partments of crossed lines, twisted wire tops. Paie of Elegant Geeek Gold Eaeeings, each consisting of a centre rosette, set with a carbuncle, and pyriform pomegranate blossoms radiating from it. Paie of Geeek Gold Eaeeings, spirally twisted shanks, terminating in calves' heads, with carbuncles set in their foreheads. Paie oe Geeek Gold Eaeeings, spirally fluted shanks, terminating in lions' heads, ornamented with granulated work. Geeek Gold Eaeeing of large size, elaborately ornamented with foliage and granulated work. Paie of Geeek Gold Eaeeings, drum-shaped, ornamented in front with minute granulated bosses in squares and semi-circular tops, one has a rosette at the end. A Geeek Gold Eaeeing, drum- shaped, ornamented in front with minute granulated bosses in squares, the semi-circular top, which moves by a hinge, is also ornamented, and has the head of Cupid, and at the outer end a rosette. This ^ beautiful specimen, being perfect, forms a case for the lobe of the ear, open only next the face. Beautiful Geeek Gold Neck Oenament of twenty-nine beads, of three patterns, alternating thus: — first, a plain round bead; second, a round bead covered with exquisite and minute granulated patterns ; the third, being sus- pended by two loops, is in form of an acorn rcpoussd with honey-suckle ornament, these are again divided by thin pieces of gold with delicate spiral thread borders. Paie of Geeek Gold Aemill^, in form of triple coils, the ends in form of animals' heads. Shall Geeek Gold Bow-shaped Fibula, of minute granulated work. 184 EGYPTIAET, GBEEK, AND EOMAIT. [Section B. Geeek Gold Neck Chain, of beautiful twisted pattern, similar to that called Tritchinopoli. Geeek Gold Eae-deop, boat-shaped, with granulated scrolls. Geeek Gold Eaeeing, twisted wire shank, widening towards the end, which IS set with carbuncle and emerald beads, and terminating in a bull's head Geeek Gold Aemilla, in form of a half hoop, ornamented with granulated and beaded work and projecting bosses, on the ends are loops to fasten round the arm by a ribbon. Geeek Gold Pin, beautifully chased in full relief, with Ganymede carried on an eagle. Gold Pin, with granulated boss, on which is placed a bronze eagle. Ancient Egyptian Ring, solid gold shank, the ends bound with, spiral wires, which hold a cyhnder of lapis-lazuli engraved with diaper ornament. Beautiful Geeek Gold Weeath, composed of myrtle leaves and blossoms, fastened on to a semi-cylindrical hollow band, the ends ornamented with granu- lated work, ana loops for a ribbon to pass through to keep it on the head Geeek oe Roman Gold Stylus, pointed end, the broadest end set with a piece of hard stone, quite plain. Beautiful Geeek Gold Weeath, composed of ivy leaves and clusters of berries fastened on to a gold stem; probably intended to decorate the brow of a large statue of Bacchus. Roman Beonze Geoup, Hercules and Antseus. Roman Beonze Statuette of Venus, holding a garland, with two cupids, on semi-circular pedestal. Roman Beonze Statuette of Bacchus, crowned with vine leaves and grapes, holding a wine skin on his shoulder and an inverted torch in his hand. BoMAJi Beonze Fiouee op a Yoraa Man, nude, holding in his right hand a cup. ^ ETErscAN Beonze Toilet Mikeob, supported by a female and two lions, a sphinx on the top. ' Paie of Antique Eaeeings, of enameHed gold, with three pendants of pearls, forming bunches of grapes and green enamel leaves, in the centre of each yT \Pf^^l> the space filled in with pink and white enamel. Found in the Island of Zea. Elegant Gold Diadem, with borders and leaves of minute granulated work and rosettes, sparingly enamelled in green and blue, and set with emeralds pearls, and carbuncles, crested by a range of delicate leaves ; it is formed of a series of square medallions of exactly similar design, soldered imperceptibly side by side on to a gold band at bottom. This piece de maitrise is a reproduction with the greatest possible exactness of a Greek crown found at Cum^ in of^Ro^^' Campana coUection; and was executed by Signor CasteUani, Geeek Beonze Statuette of Meecuey, nude, except the petasus and talaria, holding in his right hand a full purse, as the tutelary God of Merchants on a circular pedestal. Found at Girgenti (Agrigentum), in Sicily. Geeek Beonze Statuette of Camilla, ''swift of foot," with a fiUet on her head her hair in a knot behind, clothed in a peplum and under vestment reaching to the knees, hanging in graceful folds, blown backward by the wind ornamental sandals; the arms (now separated) have been upraised. Found at byracuse. No pedestal. 185 n Section B.] ANTIQUITIES 1 Bronze Statuette of Mineuva, with a helmet surmounted by a sphinx ; the (Egis as a breastplate, completely draped, the right arm raised, the other by her side. Found at Atripatta, near Avellino. EoMAN Bronze Head of the Emperor Tiberius, small life size, broken off at the neck from the body of the statue ; it is considered to be an excellent likeness, and was discovered in the island of Capri (Caprese), in Campania. Bronze Head of a Youth, life size, his hair bound with a fillet; this, together with the toes and the partly closed hands, are ail that were discovered of this remarkable statue. The natural appearance of these fragments clearly indicate that they were modelled from the human form. Eoman work, of the Augustan Era. Found in Campania. Bronze Statuette of Cupid, in a running attitude, his raised left arm probably held the bow, the right is wanting ; the hair, bound Up in a knot, hangs in small curls behind the head ; the expression of his face is striking, having a sort of arch smile ; the eyes are of silver. Found at Tarentum. Greek Bronze Steelyard Weight, of fine work, in form of a female head, with high head dress, diadem, earrings, and necklace. Beautifully patin- ated. From Vulci. Bronze Instrument for drawing the bow, with two holes for the fingers and three claws to hold the string. KoMAN Bronze Handle of a Situla, terminating in female head* Eoman Bronze Chisel with broad flat end and socket. Long Bronze Pin. Caduceus, the twisted end of bronze, the stem of iron. Six Specimens of small Greek Earthenware Bottles, of early work* Two Terra Cotta Tragic Masks, Greek. Square Egyptian Stone Tablet, champ leve, with coloured enamels in figures and hieroglyphics. Square Egyptian Tablet of wood filled in with coloured stories, lapis lazuli, turquoise, rosso, &c., in Deities and Kilometers. Egyptian Crouching Eigure of an Ethiopian carved in black basalt. Blue Egyptian Earthenware Kneeling Figure, holding before him a canopic vase. Green Glazed Egyptian Kneeling Eigure holding an Urn and a Strigil. Egyptian Glazed Statuette of a Baboon. Egyptian Standing Figure with the Head of an Ibis. Egyptian Earthenware Figure of a Lion-headed Deity. Egyptian Deity with a Eam's Head. Magnificent Greek Gold Funereal Wreath, of three clusters of laui-el and bean leaves. From the collection of Prince S. George of Naples. ^ Eoman Bronze Statuette of Bacchus holding a Thyrsus ; the cone set with small stones, at his side a panther with silver eyes, and a panther's skin over his breast, plated with silver, finely patinated ; of very fine work. Eoman Bronze Libatory Yase, in form of a man's head and bust, opening at the crown, with handle over the top. Greek Bronze Handle of a Vase, of elegant form, terminating with a figure of Victory. Ancient Egyptian Bronze Sistrum, the edges inlaid with silver scrolls, the handle in form of a deity. Eoman Bronze Strigil. 186 EGYPTIAir, GREEK, AND ROMAN. [Section B. EoMAN Bronze EiNa Handle, on the top a panther. Bronze Statuette of a Harpy, with female head, bird's body and legs. Egyptian Male Figure Standing on a Lion, with high feathers on his head. Egyptian Earthenware Cat-headed Deity. Egyptian Seated Deity, with cat's head. Egyptian Statuette of a Nude Figure, with distorted legs. Egyptian Earthenware Hare, with long ears. Egyptian Earthenware Baboon-headed Deity. Egyptian Earthenware Jacea^l, seated. Egyptian Figure of Thoth, with feather head-dress. Egyptian Statuette of a Sphinx. Egyptian Amulet of a semi-circular breastplate, ornamented in relief. Glazed Earthenware Emblem of the Sacred Eye, of large size. Eye, of coloured enamel, set in bronze, with blue enamel eyebrow from a mummy case, Egyptian Earthenware Group of the Amenti. Egyptian Nilometer, of earthenware. Egyptian Figure of a Hawk, in white earth. Egyptian Cat-headed Deity, seated. Egyptian Amulet, in form of a nilometer, with disc and feathers. Egyptian Amulet, with cat-headed Deity, holding an emblem and a reed of the lotus. Square Amulet, of two figures in a boat, between them a scarab^us. Square Amulet, pierced with five deities. Oblong Amulet, pierced with deities, ornamented on both sides. Egyptian Blue Figure of the Bull Apis. Three Scarab^i. Contributed by (7. Bowyer^ JEsq, Antique Bronze Statuette of Jupiter, finely patinated, with silver eyes, on a marble pedestal. This figure has lost the lower part of the right leg. Antique Bronze Youthful Male Nude Figure, holding a branch in his right hand, on green marble plinth. Antique Bronze Bull, with sHver eyes, finely patinated; on square rosso antico stand. Egyptian Bronze Figure of the Bull Apis, the disc between its horns, on square rosso antico pedestal. Egyptian Figure, in Bronze, of Osiris, the necklace, armlets, flail, and crook, inlaid with gold, the back has also been originally plated with gold, on a rosso antico pedestal. Small Egyptian Bronze Head of a Priest, on a rosso antico column. Egyptian Bronze Female Figure, carrying a water jar on her head, on rosso pedestal. Antique and Bare Egyptian Bronze-seated Figure, holding a scroll on his knees, the eyes inlaid with gold. EGYPTLiN Bronze Bearded Mask, with gold eyes^ on rosso antitjo pedestal. Antique Bronze Lion, walking, of fine character, with inlaid gold eyes, on giallo pedestal. 187 Section ANTIQUITIES : Small Antique Beonzb Cupid, running, on a lapis-lazuii ball and greon marble column. Paie of Antique Beonze Vase Handles, with, masks in relief, on rosso pedestals. Laege Antique Beostzb Vase Handles, inlaid with silver, flowers in relief terminating in a mask. Antique Beonze Handle, terminating in a mask. Antique Teipod Lamp, with a long stem, and animals climbing up it, Oil the top are three birds. Antique Beonze Venus, with a diadem on her head, standing naked ; finely patinated, somewhat similar to the Venus de Medicis, on square rosso antico pedestal. Beonze Head and Poee Paet of a Pegasus. Antique full-length Maeble Figuee of a Youth, with his arms raised, resting on the top of his head, in the attitude of contemplation, probably intended for Narcissus. Found at Herculaneum. Antique Maeble Head of a Waeeioe, modern bust and pedestal* Antique Maeble Head of a Senatoe, on modern bust and pedestal. Contributed by J. Heywood Hawhms^ JEsq. Geeee: Beonze Alto Eelievo, group of Anchises and Venus on Mount Ida, two genii or cupids are seated near her, and a dog is at his feet. It formed, probably, the cover of a mirror, and was found at Paramythia, in Epirus, in 17SS. The most exquisite antique bronze extant, some of the defective portions have been restored in wax by Flaxman. Antique Beonze Seated Piguee of Meecuey, found in Greece, the rock restored by Flaxman. EoMAN Beonze Vase, found at Pompeii. Geeek Beonze Helmet, found on the site of the ancient city of Dordona. Geeee Beonze Geeave, or armour for the leg, found in Greece. Contributed by Henry K Holt, Esq, Collection of Twenty-foue Bice op Ivoey, &c., of the Boinan and German times. A Set of Six Koman Beonze Tali, and One in bone. Contributed by S, Sharfje, Esq, A Teay of Boman Beonze Beooches and Peesonal OfiiiAicENTg ; about twenty in number, from Castor, Northamptonshire ; Chesterton, Hafits ; aild other localities. Contributed by Viscount Halifax, Boman Beonzb Swoed, found at Beckthorpe, in 1861. Contributed by J, Brett, Esq. Boman Buonze Venus, with silver eyes» Contributed by Henry Vaughan, Esq.- Athenian" LecyTHUs, painted in outline, with a male and female figure 6il each side of a temple, on white ground. Pbesoo Painting of Bacchus, leaning on a vine stalk, with leaves arid grapes, holding a wine cup, a panther by his sid«. From Naples. 188 EGYPTIAN, GBEEK, AND ROMAN. [Section B. BoiSiAN Maeble Bas-eelief, with male and female scenic masks, a sceptre and a lyre ; on the reverse is the head of Socrates. Used probably as a swinging tablet at a theatre to denote tlie cliaraoter of the entertainment. Roman Maeble Tablet, with alto-relievo tragic mask, between two actresses, of very fine work, for the same purpose as the preceding. Contributed by Mrs. JBurt Seven Babylonian Cylindees, of hematite and lapis lazuli, engraved with figures and inscriptions in arrow-head characters ; mounted as a bracelet. Contributed hy John Gadshy^ Esq. Ancient Egyptian ScAEABOiius, of hard stone, oval seal, engraved with four cartouches, hieroglyphics, &c. Egyptian Tablet, of hone stone, carved on one side with a canopic vase, on the other a deity holding two standards, mounted in an ivory frame. Glazed Case, containing various amulets and sacred emblems worn by the ancient Egyptians, in glazed earthenware, beads, &c. The Hand of a Mummy, with a gold ring on one finger, bearing a cartouche of Thothraes III. Contributed by Signor Castellani, Ancient Geeek Ceown, found at Canusium, in Apulia — a reproduction in gold by the contributor. A Paie of veey Laege Gold Eaeeingg, found at Tarentum, each in form of a patera, with pendent of a candelabrum, now in the museura at I^aples— a reproduction by the contributor, A Small Collection op Engeaved Gems. Contributed by — . MitohcU^ Esq, Roman Maeble Cineeaey Yase, carved with scrolls and leaves, and dedi- catory inscription in front. Contributed by Eev, Thomas Hugo^ F.S.A, Two-looped Celt, of a form of which but other two specimens are known. From Ireland. A Fine Roman Daggee. Found in Barking Creek, below London. Roman Fibula. Found in London. Contributed by L. Menhe^ Esq. Greek Teeea Cotta Vase, in foim of a human head. 189 Section C] ENGBAVED GEMS. SECTION a ENGEAVED GEMS. Contributed hy P. H. Howard^ Esq. Cameo, full-faced portrait of Marie de Medicis, executed on a large sapphii-e, in modern gold setting. From the Arundel Collection. IGth Century. Contributed by Lord Wenlock. Cameo, carved in shell, by Saulini. Contributed by H. F. Holt^ Esq. AaATE Cameo, set round with garnets, of Ferdinand III., Emperor of Germany. Contributed by J. Brett., Esq. A Cinque Cento, Sardonyx Cameo, of two strata; a Priest leading a bull decked with flowers to an altar, the slaughterer has an axe in one hand and a cord in the other twisted round the horns of the victim. (Hertz Collection. ) Sardonyx Cameo, of dark brown and white strata, head of Helios rayed. (Hertz Collection. ) Large Coral Cameo, carved in high relief, with a child and a dove, mounted in a silver gilt frame. Contributed by C. Bowyer^ Esq. Antique Onyx, of three strata, (Edipus and the Sphinx. (Mounted as a ring.) Cinque Cento Onyx Cameo, of three strata, head and bust of Cupid. (Mounted as a ring.) Cinque Cento Onyx Cameo, of two strata, Agrippina seated. (Mounted as a ring. ) Onyx Cameo, representing Mutius Scsevola placing his hand in the flames, before Porsenna seated ; a group of four figures. Malachite Cameo, of the last Century, representing Venus and Cupid. Contributed by W. H. Foronan, Esq. Onyx Cameo of three heads of Pan, full-faced, and Jupiter and Neptune, in profile. Fine cinque-cento work. Antique Onyx Cameo Mask (tragic), with diamond eyes, carved in high relief on an oval back of the same stone. A Set of Thirty-nine Cameos, in Onyx, illustrating in high relief the life of Christ, sixteen of which are small ovals with single figures of angels. Executed for Pope Gregory, and purchased from the Collection of Prince Joachim Murat. A String oe Ten Babylonian Cylinders, with intaglios of full-length figures and arrow-head inscriptions, and eleven Sassanian seals of hemispherical form, engraved with animals, figures, and some having inscriptions in the Fehlevi character, somewhat similar to the legends on the coins of the Sassanian rulers of Parthia. A String of Thirteen Babylonian Cylinders, with intaglios of figures, some with inscriptions ; and twenty Sassanian seals of hemispherical form, all engraved ; and two animals carved in white stone. Four Large Sassanian Seals, engraved; and a head of some animal carved in hematite. 190 ElfGBAVED GEMS. [Section C. Contributed by J, Hey wood KawMns^ JEsq. OWTK. Cameo Mask, of a bearded satyr, white and brown strata. Onyx Cameo ; head of Hercules, of three strata. Onyx Cameo ; helmeted head, of three strata. Agate Intaglio, of large size, white and brown strata ; a Warrior before a column. Onyx Intaglio ; head of Minerva. Onyx Intaglio ; head of Diana. Sard Intaglio; Mars and Mgrcury seated, Venus and Cupid, Diana and Vulcan. Agate Cameo; Hercules seated before a lion, and Cupid pouring the contents of a vase over his head ; Omphale seated behind. Laege Oval Sardonyx Cameo ; a wounded warrior seated on a rock, and two attendants ; Diana approaching him. Agate Cameo ; Hercules and Omphale. Sard Intaglio ; a laureated male head. Onyx Cameo ; conjoined heads of male and female figures. Oriental Onyx Cameo, of a sea monster carrying oif a female. Onyx Group, of Venus and Cupid, the Graces in the background. Onyx Carved Group of four figures. A Collection of Thirty-seven Cameos, of onyx and other stones, mounted in gold as rings. Nine Plain Specimens of Moonstone, Asteria, Cat's-eye, &c. Antique Sardonyx Cameo ; male helmeted head, and a female head with a diadem, mounted in gold. Oval Cameo, of pink and white strata, of the bearded Jupiter, wearing the modius ; set in gold as a locket. Circular Onyx Intaglio ; in the centre a bust of the young Bacchus, sur- rounded by a border of nymphs and fauns. Large Oval Agate Cameo, of two strata, carved in high relief with an Emperor in a quadriga, attended by senators and soldiers. Circular Agate Cameo, of the wolf suckling Bomulus and Eemus, in black enamelled gold frame. Oval Onyx Intaglio, of Bacchus seated, with leopard, faun, and bacchante, mounted in gold. Collection of Forty Intaglios, of sard, amethyst, cornelian, jasper, and other stones, mounted as rings. Large Oval Cameo, in Oriental onyx, of three strata; The Apotheosis of Augustus. It contains fifteen figures ; in the centre Tib'erius and Livia, in front Antonia presenting her son Germanicus, on the left Caligula and Agrippina, on the right Drusus and Livia, &c. Cameo; bust portrait of Queen Elizabeth, in rich costume; in Oriental onyx of three strata. NicoLO Cameo, with a half -figure of Victory, with wreath and palm branch, within a raised border. Contributed by Signor Castellani. Indlvn Burnt Agate Vase, carved with handles of chimeras, elephant j heads, &c. I m Section D.] ILLUMINATED MANUSCBIPTS, SECTION D. ILLUMINATED MANUSCEIPTS. Contributed hy Mrs. Ford. Illumination on Vellum, representing the Crucifixion, loth Century. Illumination on Vellum, representing St. Francis. 15th Century. Contributed by Sir Stephen Glynne, Bart, Illuminated Missal, of the 15th Century. French. Contributed hy Sir John S. Trelaimey, Illuminated Calendae. Early 16th Century. Illuminated "HiSTOiEE Divine." 16th Century. Contributed by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. Littlington's Missal. MS. of the 14th Century, in Two Volumes. Contributed by Captain Careiu. Manusceipt: Commentary on the Gospels, by St. Jerome, copied by Grimbald, a monk of "Winchester. Contributed by J. G. Fanshaive, Esq. Geafton's Chronicles, in black letter, stamped leather cover studded with bosses. Contributed by Sir John Laioson, Bart. MS. Life of St. Cuthbeet, by the Venerable Bede, illuminated by British artists. Date, end of 12th or beginning of 13th Century. Contributed by Henry F. Holt, Esq. Illumination on Vellum, in gold and colours, by Giulio Clovio. In the centre is represented the Martyrdom of St. Blasius (the patron of wool- combers). Scroll borders, and medallions of figures, and crest and arms of the Medici family. 16th Century. A septennial festival is still held in Yorkshire in his honour. Contributed by C. Butler, Esq. HoEiE B.M. ViEGiNis, with Kalender; MS. on vellum, with 16 large minia- tures and leaves bordered with flowers, birds, and insects, in gold and colours. French work. 15th Century. HoEiE B.M. ViEaiNis; MS. on vellum, with 21 large miniatures in gold and colours. 15tli Century, MS."Meditationes in Septem Psalmos Penitentiales," with miniature of David playing on the harp, in gold and colours. 15th Century. ContiHbuted by W. H. Forman, Esq. Theee Leaves of a Laege Illuminated Vellum MS., painted in colour and gold, with numerous figures. History of Saints ; and on the upper part the Resurrection and Ascension ; French text. 15th Century. Contributed by A. J. B. Beresford Hope., Esq., M.P. Illuminated Copy of Vegetius. The Diploma of St. Heemengilda, of Spain. Contributed by A. Barker, Esq. A Seeies of Ten Illuminated Capitals, on vellum, framed and glazed, of the following subjects :— The Holy Family— The Patience of Job— The Virgin in Adoration — The Ascension of Christ — The Four Evangelists — Two Apostles under a portico — Four Saints holding palms — The Virgin and Apostles — A Group of Virgins — Magdalen in the Desert. Early 16tli Century. A Seeies of Eleven Illuminated Capitals, on vellum : — King David — Christ Enthroned — The Ascension — A King Crowned— Christ insulted by the Mob— A Monk holding a Book— Three Bishops— Virgin and Child— The Descent of the Holy Ghost— Virgin and Angels in the letter S— A Saint blessed by the hand of the Almighty. m ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS. [Section D. Contributed hy E. Hailstone, Esq. MS. ON Vellum : Horge, with painted margins of flowers, and scrolls, and large miniatures. Flemish — 15th Century. MS. OX Vellum : Horse, with calendar, miniatures and borders of coloured flowers and animals, covered in red velvet. 16th Century, MS. ON Vellum: Constitutions and Laws of Palermo, large folio, with Initial letters in colours and gold, bound in red velvet. 15th Century. HoE^ Romans, with illuminations in gold and colours, and rich capitals, bound in calf. 14th Century. Service Book: Roman letters, written on vellum, with highly- coloured miniatures, well finished. Folio. 16th Century. Feinted Copy of the Hoe^e, on vellum, large margin, coloured plates, by Simon Vostre, 15th Century. A Selection op Illuminations on Vellum, from Antiphonaria and service books of the 14th and 15th Centuries. Contributed by W. Bragge, Esq, "CHEONiauE de la Pucelle d'Oeleans, Jeanne d'Aec," with painted borders, vellum. Bound in vellum. Date, 1512. Beeviaey, illuminated in gold and colours. Bound in purple velvet. Ger- man — 15th Century. Latin Beeviaey, beautifully painted, with an oblong medallion on each page in gold and colours and miniatures. Bound in calf. 15th Century. "De vij Getuden dee Passion," with calendar, and very fine miniatures, borders and initials, in colours and gold. In a case. 16th Century. Book of Houes; with calendar and fine miniatures in gold and colours. Bound in purple velvet, silver clasps. 16th Century. Beeviaey, with almanack and miniatures, in gold and colours. Bound in red velvet. 15th Century, Officium, B.M.V., written on vellum, with calendar and beautiful minia- tures in gold and colours. Bound in green velvet, silver-gilt clasps and case. 16th Century. The Gospels and Calendae ; borders and miniatures painted on gold ground. Bound in green velvet, silver clasps, and cornices, in a case. 16th Century. Peayees and Calendae, illuminated, in gold and colours. Date, 1537. Peayees and Calendae, with miniatures, painted in gold and colours. Date, about 1380. Officium B.M.V., with fourteen miniatures, illuminated borders, bound in purple velvet and outer case. Officium B.M.V., of early date, with almanack and miniatures in gold and colours, in Latin and French ; in case. Book of Houes, with calendar, and sixteen large miniatures, borders painted with flowers and fruit in gold and colours, in stamped leather binding. 15th Century. Book of Houes; the borders painted with flowers in gold and colours; stamped leather binding. 15th Century. Book of Houes, with Calendar; large miniatures beautifully painted in gold and colours ; bound in blue velvet ; silver corners and clasps. 16th Centuiy. Book of Houes, with miniatures and borders of flowers; bound in red velvet. 15th Century. Heuees de Habeet Du Beeey d'Aetois; a splendid manuscript in Latin and French ; beautifully painted miniatures and borders of flowers, insects, fruit, birds, &c. ; richly gilt ; bound in red velvet, and case. 15th Century. Book of Houes, with miniatures and painted borders; bound in calf. French— 15th Centuiy. 193 Section D.] ILLUMINATED MANIJSCBIPTS, Missal, with Calendar, and illuminations on gold ground. French work of the end of the 13th Century. English Manusceipt, on vellum, with illuminated borders and autograph of Eichard Vowell, Prior of Walsingham. 16th Century. Salisbuey Missal, with illuminated borders, loth Century. Missal, with miniatures and borders in gold and colours, and medallions. Executed for a Cardinal, whose arms are introduced. Italian — 15th Century. A CuEioiJS Missal, of North Holland, with miniatures and illuminated borders. 15th Century. EvANGELiSTAEiUM, with miniatures, and painted borders of flowers and animals, bound in red velvet, silver clasps and corners. German — 1548. Anglo-Noeman Psaltee, with illuminated capitals. 13th Century. Feench Missal, with miniatures, every page bordered with gold and flowers, and elaborately pencilled with subjects — the Dance of Death, &c. KoEAN, of the year 1381, written in Arabic, the headings of chapters in the Cufic character, illuminated title and borders in geometric patterns. Sikh Manusceipt, mythological subject, with illuminations of oblong form. 18th Century. The Epistles of St. Jeeome; beautifully written, with fine illuminated borders. Italian work — 15th Century. LiVEE d'Heuees; printed on vellum, by Guillaume Anabat. Paris, 1508. LiVEE d'Heuees a l' usage de Langees; printed on vellum, by Simon Yostre. Paris, 1502. Uncoloured. Office de l'Eglise; printed on vellum, in imitation of early MS., with miniatures and coloured borders throughout. Paris, 1488. Office de l'Eglise; printed on vellum, by Simon Vostre. Paris, 1508. With miniatures and illuminated borders throughout. Heuees a l' usage db Pome; printed on vellum, by Thielman Kerver. Paris, 1507. Uncoloured woodcuts round each page, in modern Grolier binding. Heuees a l' usage de Pome; printed on vellum, by Antoine Verard. Paris, 1490. Coloured miniatures, woodcut borders. "Gebeden Boeck," or printed book of prayers, with illuminations and painted capitals. Early 15th Century. An Illusteated Cheonicle, painted on vellum; the genealogy of Pope Boniface YIII., from Adam, containing 300 figures of Kings, Popes, &c., in curious costumes. Specimen of Binding, in coloured vellum. Brunswick, in 1712. Specimen of Binding, in vellum, painted with the Crucifixion and King David. A manual of 1742. Specimen of Binding, finely worked in colours and gilt. Dutch, 1663. Italian Binding of the 17th Century covering a MS. of the 14th Century. SiLVEE-GiLT Book Covee, pierced and chased with birds and arabesques over red velvet. I7th Century. Small Book of Houes, of silver filigree, with painted enamel medallions of sacred subjects. I7th Century. Geeman Bible, with chased and perforated steel panels and medallions, enameUed with the Virgin and St. John. 17th Century. Painted Enamel Book Covee, of flowers, &c. ; silver-gilt mounting. 17th Century. SiLVEE Book Covee, the back and sides pierced with scrolls and rosettes. 17th Century. Geeman Book with Silvee Covee, engraved with the Crucifixion and Ascension ; scroll borders and clasps. 17th Century. 194 Gallery J.] SCULPTURE: MARBLE and TERRA COTTA. [Section E. Manuscripts Contributed hy Sampson Hodgkinson, Esq, Roman Missal, with illuminated capitals. 15th Century. Book of Hoites, with twelve miniatures. 15th Century. Small MSS. Bluminated. 15th Century. Illuminated Missal, with miniatures. 15th Century. Contributed by Eev. Thomas JStcgo, F.S.A, HoRZE Beat2E Yirginis, in Usum, Sarum, cum Calendario. 14th Century. Fine M.S. by an English scribe, with numerous capitals, and border in gold and colours. Contributed by the Duke of Manchester, HiGDON' S ' ' POLYCHRONICON. ' ' Clemens Alexandeinus, with Queen Elizabeth's autograph. Eeasmus. Belonged to Sir J. Wooton. Vols, ii., viii., and index, HoE^, of Simon Vostre, printed on vellum, and illuminated. Contributed by Br, Seaton, Russian Illumination of Saints. Russian Illumination of St. Seegius. Contributed by A. H. Layard^ JEsq., M.F. Illumination on Vellum. The tree of Jesse, by Giulio Clovo. 16th century. Contributed by A. Barker, Esq. Illumination on Vellum. The Virgin and Child; with borders of flowers and cameo medallions, by Lorenzo di Credi. Contribitted by Signor Castellafii. Manusceipt on Vellum, with illuminations. 15th Century. Veey Small Manusceipt, with miniatures. 15th Century. Contributed by the Royal Institute, Liverpool. Illumination on Vellum. The bii-th of St. John the Baptist, by Don Silvestro Camaldolese. A.B. 1350. SECTION E. SOULPTUEE: MAEBLE AND TEEEA COTTA, Some of wMch. are in the Corridors. Contributed by Colonel Markham, Four Ciecular Maeble Pedestals. Bust of Homee. Bust of Aechbishop Maekham. Contributed by C. Butler, Esq. Paie of Squaee Oebiculae Geanite Pedestals. Contributed by Henry Vaughan, Esq, Eaely Floeentine Feesco Painting. Contributed by Lord Wenlock, Two Antique Vases, of Oriental Alabaster. Contributed by C Bowyer, Esq. Teeea Cotta Head and Bust of a Young Giel, "Little May," with a wreath of flowers on her head, by J. E. Boehm. 607 I Alabastee Feieze, with a Triumph in relief, on gilt ground; from a I shrine at Tongarloo, erected 1530. 195 Section F.J CARviisrG-s m ivoky. [Gallery J, Contributed by the JEarl of Chesterfield, Teera Cotta Figube of a Bacchante, by Clodion. Teeea Cotta Figuee of a Young Bacchus, by Clodion. Contributed by J. B. Stanhope^ Esq., 31. F. Two Teeea Cotta Plagues, with mythological subjects, in relief. Contributed by Robert Napier., Esq. Eelievo in Teeea Cotta, by Clodion; a Bacchanalian subject of amorini. Signed by the artist. Contributed by Sampson Hodghinson, Esq, SCULPTUEE, Head of Mercury, by Flaxman. Contributed by Isaac FaleJce, Esq. Teeea Cotta Geoup, of Virtue trampling upon Vice, Attributed to John of Bologna, Contributed by J. Brett, Esq. A PoEPHYEY Amphoea, of elegant form, on a marble stand. Antique Head of a Young Faun, true to nature (pedestal restored). Maeble Bust of Julius C^sae, on a marble column. Maeble Bust of Daeius, King of Peesia, on a marble column. (From the Grimani Palace.) Contributed by Er, Heaton, Maeble Bust of Hcmee. Marble Bust of Shakespeaee. Two Maeble Busts; ''Prayer" and "Faith," by Antonio Gralli, of Milan. Maeble Bust of Madekoiselle Mancini, by Bernini. Maeble Bust of Locke. Maeble Bust of G-eoegb IV. when Eegent. Maeble Bust op Dante. Contributed by E. Eavis, Esq. A veey Fine Teeea Cotta Bust op a Laughing Satyr, by Clodion. Contributed by the Ashmolean Museum. Two Piers, or Pilasters, sculptured in marble, with renaissance arabesques and Tudor emblems. English — of delicate work. Contributed by Edward Hailstone, Esq. Two Portrait Busts, in alabaster, on gilt wooden plaques. 16th Century. Contributed by the Royal Academy of Arts, Naecissus, by Gibson. Nymph, by P. McDowell, R.A. Young Satye, by W. C. Marshall, A.E.A. The Young Beothee in Comus, by Foley. ^ Contributed by M. Noble, Esq. De. Faeaday, by M. Noble. The Prince of Wales, by M. Noble. The Princess of Wales, by M. Noble. Contributed by Mrs. E. C. Hill. The Lily Maid of Asolat, by Mrs. D. C. Hill. SiE Galahad, by Mrs. D. C. Hill. For other objects cf Sculpture, received too late for insertion here, see page 296. 190 Gallei^y J.l CAUVmaS I3sr IVORY. * Section F. SEOTIOlSr F. CAEVINGS IN IVOEY. Contributed by A. Joseph^ Esq. CoNStiXAR Tablet, carved in ivory, representing a Consul seated on a Throne, an attendant on each side ; beneath is the arena, with spectators, and gladiators combating animals. On a label at top is inscribed, FL avius. AREOB Indus. DAGAL aiphus. AREOBINDVS. Vir Illustriiis. He was consul about A.D. 506. CoNSULAE Tablet, carved in walrus tusk, representing a Consul seated on a Throne, and two attendants ; beneath is a division, with two men pouring largesse of coins out of sacks into vases. On a label above is inscribed, ARA- GONTI. DEO. VOTA. Roman— 5th or 6th Century. Contributed by W. S. For man, Esq. IVOBY CAHViNa : David Playing before Saul. lOth Century. Ivory Taxkabd, carved with a Bacchanalian subject, mounted in silver gilt. Flemish — 17th Century. IvoEY Cylixdrical SALTCELLAR, the sidcs pierccd, and ornamented with two figures of amorini holding shields, and two draped caryatides. Flemish — 17th Century. Obloxg Ivory Casket : on the top are carved six saints under canopies — St. Agnes, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John Baptist, St. Stephen, and St. Catherine ; on the sides, legends of saints ; silver lock and bands, enamelled with monsters. 14th Century. Casket, composed of pieces of narrow carved bone, set in marqueterie of wood and ivory ; round the side are love scenes. Venetian work — 15th Century. Elegant Dagger of the 16th Century. The handle is of ivory, carved with a statuette of Venus holding the apple ; the ivory sheath, which is semi- cylindrical, is beautifully carved in front with the Judgment of Paris, and on the back with Cupid shooting an arrow, and a shield of arms ; mounted in silver nielloed with arabesques. The damascened blade is inscribed, " Be merciful to the pure" (sic.) Italian work — circa 1520. Contributed by Lord Cheshmt. Oval Ivory Medallion, carved in high rehef, with bust of the Duke of Marlborough. Inscribed D. L. M. Contributed by Isaac FaleJce, Esq. IVOEY Tankard, carved with a frieze of sea nymphs and tritons. Flemish work— circa 1650. Contributed by Farquhar Matheson, Esq. Ivory Tankard, carved in bold relief with battle pieces, the handle of a terminal figure and mask, on the cover a helmet, shield, and swords. 17th Century. Contributed by Messrs. Fhillips Brothers. IvOEY Statitette OF St. John, with flowing drapery. Early 17th Century. Contributed by X. Wedderburn, Esq. Ivory Bust op Voltaire, by J. Eosset, cn black circular pedestal. 18th Century. Contributed by Mrs. Banby Vernon JEarcourt. Ivory Carving, in Relief, of the Crucifixion, attributed to Benvenuto Cellini. Contributed by P. E. Howard, Esq. Gilt Hunting Horn, covered with interlacing arabesques, the broad end hexagonal, silver mouthpiece; the whole has been grounded with green and crimson composition. It is said to have belonged to Count Eaymond of Toulouse. The Grace Cup of St» Thomas ^ Becket, of ivory, mounted in silver-gilt, inscribed Vinum tuum bibe cum gaudio." 197 Section F.] CABVINGS IN IVOB-Y. [G-aliery J. 662 663 IvOEY Ceozier Head : on one side is represented the Virgin and Child, and below diminutive figures of the three kings, on the other the Saviour seated in Judgment. The crook is pierced and carved with foliage, on the knop the twelve Apostles under canopies. English work — 14th Century. Contributed by S. F. SoU, Esq. FotTE IvoEY Chessmen, formerly belonging to Tippo Sahib* Vaeious Peesian Ivoey Chessmen. IvoEY Tankaed, representing in high relief the battle between Otto the Great and Henry the Lion, in 1180 ; silver base, chased with birds and reptiles, surmounted by an equestrian figure. IvoEY Pestle and Moetae, elaborately carved with dragons, animals, (fee. Indian work. (From the Eattier Collection.) Paet oe a Set of Eaely Peesian Ivoey Chessmen, painted and gilt, carved in elephants, soldiers, '&c. IvOEY Fan, painted on chicken's skin with ruins and Pompeian ornaments. Given by the Princess Charlotte to Lady Elgin. IvOEY Bas-eeliefs of Monsicur and Madame EoUin. Ivoey Medallion, carved in bas-relief with the Empress Maria Theresa in helmet and corslet ; pierced border, laid on wood. IvOEY Tusk, or cylindrical cup, engraved with Chinese subjects in land- scapes, figures, and animals, the lines filled with Indian ink and inscription. Contributed by the Marquis of Northampton, The Clephane Hoen. This horn belonged originally to the Scottish Clan Clephane ; it is of ivory carved with chariot races and combats of men and animals —9th Century. Contributed by Charles Butler^ Esq, Venetian Maeeiage Coffee, hexagonal, with ivory plaques of Bukes of Lombardy (the names attached), marqueterie borders — 15th Century. Contributed by John Rhodes, Esq. Ivory Statuette of a Koman Empeess holding a Soeptee, on a square ebony plinth. Contributed by Messrs. Sunt ^ Eoskell. Pair of Ivoey Busts of Childeen by Fiammingo, on black pedestals. Contributed by Edward Mutter^ Esq. A Carved Ivory Comb. 16th Century. Contributed by C, Boioyer, Esq, Ivory Statuette of Saint Maegaeet, with a crown on her head, holding the lower part of a cross— 14th Century. IvoEY Tablet, carved in relief, in the centre with Our Saviour in the act of benediction, in the angles the emblems of the four Evangelists — 11th Century. IvOEY Bas-eelief OF A Satyr AND TWO YouNG Fauns, attributed to Fiammingo. Small Ivory Head aitd Bust of a Boy, the hair gilt — 16th Century. Ivory Statuette of the Infant Saviour with arms upraised. Italian — 16th Centiury. Fine Work. 198 • C3-ailery j.1 CARVINGS IN IVORY. tSection 3?*. Contributed hy Hohert Napier, Esq. IvoEY Triptych, the centre representing saints under Grotliic tracery, the wings carved with scriptural subjects. 14th Century. IvoEY Plaque, perforated ; on the upper part the, Virgin and Saviour seated, on the lower four figures of saints. Ivory Group of Christ led by Soldiers to Pilate. 14th Century. Ivory Statuette of the Virgin and Child, seated. 14th Century. Ivory Group, in full relief, consisting of eight figures, representing the Descent from the Cross, by Algardi, 1653. Ivory Memento Mori, elaborately carved, in form of a skull. German — 17th Century. Ivory Relievo of Three Amorini Supporting Papal Emblems; by Fiammingo, in his best manner. Ivory Carving, in Full Belief, of Abraham Sending Away Hagar and Ishmael ; Flemish, signed "H. Baur Euremonde, 1790." Ivory Carving, in high relief ; the rape of the Sabines, attributed to Lucas Faydherbe ; circa 1640. Ivory Allegorical Group of Four Figures; Death carrying off an infant from its mother, German — 17th Century. Carved Ivory Tankard and Cover, mounted in silver gilt. The subject is a Bacchanalian assemblage of the gods with amorini on the cover, surmounted by a seated amorino, With a basket of fruit. Very fine work. German— l7th Century. Contributed by J. Brett, Esq, Pair of Ivory Tablets, quadrangular. 14th Century. Small Ivory Mirror Case ; subject, in relief, a female placing a wreath on the head of a kneeling figure, four animals at the angles. 14th Century. Antique Ivory Chessman, an elephant with figures on its back. (Oriental.) A Pair of Pierced Ivory Plaques or Book Covers, carved with Evangelical emblems. Saints, Angels, &c., in the centres. Spanish— 16th Century. Contributed by A. J, B. Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P. Ivory Crozier, plain stem, the head carved with the Coronation of the Virgin and scrolls. 15th Century. Ebony Chaplet of fifty-four beads, with a jet figui'e of St. James of Com- postella, mounted in silver. 16th Century. Large Carved Ivory Bambino, or infant in swaddling clothes, opening as a casket. Contributed by T, Q, Parry, Esq. Pair of very pine Bevotionax Tablets, carved in ivory, in six compart- ments, of the fife of Christ, under Gothic arcades. Early 14th Century. Oblong Ivory Tlaque, subject, the Crucifixion, vrith numerous figures; framed and glazed. 17th Century. Ivory Casket, in its original silver-gilt mountings of clamps and lock, carved with love scenes, under Gothic arcades. 15th Century. Silver-gilt Casket, with ivory panels carved with our Saviour and the Apostles in high relief. 10th Century. Ivoby Mirror Cover, circular, carved with a lady and gentlemen seated at a table, playing at chess. 14th Century. 199 Section P.] tG^allery ;r. SauAEE IvoEY Plaque, with two circular medallions of the Creation of Eve and the Annunciation, supported by angels. Six Pieces of Ancient Carving in Ivoey, arranged in form of a triptych, laid on red velvet. 14th and 15th Centuries. Contribtcted hij the Rev. Walter Sneyd» HoEN BooE CoVEE, carved with open vrork pattern of interlaced foliage, fret border. 10th Century. Teiangulae Plaque of Ivoey, portion of a casket; carved with three figures in high relief. IvoEY Diptych, carved with the Crucifixion and Virgin and Child under trefoil canopies ; between are angels. 14th Century. Oblong Ivoey Panel of a Teiptych, in two compartments; an angel with a censer, and the Two Maries. IvoEY Tablet of the 11th Centuey. Panel of a book cover, represent- ing our Saviour between the Virgin and St. John, under an open work canopy. IvoEY Panel of a Casket, with figures in relief of Love Scenes, and Playing at Chess ; in two divisions. IvoEY MiEEOE Covee, with figures in relief and dragons at the corners. Ivoey Statuette of the Viegin and Child holding a Globe. 14th Century. IvOEY Handle, beautifully carved with scrolls and female terminal figures, festoons, &c. ; the cross guard terminating in lions' heads, bearing the shield of the Mocenigo family. Italian — 16th Century. Five Panels, carved in walrus tusk, representing the Flagellation, Cruci- fixion, Christ in Glory, and the Twelve Apostles (seated). German — lltll Century. Cylindeical Pyx, carved in high relief with seven figures. Apparently a religious subject. 6th or 7th Century. C&ntributed by F. S. Mosely^ Esq,. An Ivoey and Wood Caeyjid Geoup, representing a male and female mendicant and child. Contributed by the Newcastle Museum. Ivoey Head of a Pastoeal Staff. An Ivoey Caeved Pyx, or Cup, with hanging snakes. Contributed by Dr. E. Charlton. Ivoey Cahvino: St. John. Ivoey Caeving: St. Joseph. Ivoey Diptych : The Crucifi:sion. Ivoey Caeving : Death of St. Ann. Contributed by JBaron de Triqueti. Ivoey Statuette of Icaeus, seated, placing wings oh his feet, whispering to a swallow perched on his shoulder, Jeune hirondelle, comment ton aUe te soutient-elle au haut des airs ! " Executed by himself. Ivoey Geoup, representing Divine Mercy welcoming Bepentance. Executed by himself. 200 Gallery J,l CABVINGS IN WOOD. [Section G. Contributed hy J. Malcolm^ Esq, IvoBY Diptych, carved with subjects from the Life of Christ, in six com- partments under Gothic canopies. 15th Century. Leat of an Ivoey Diptych, carved with the Crucifixion, and St. John and Mary. 14th Century. Leaf of an Ivoey Diptych, carved with the death of the "Virgin Mary, in three compartments. 15th Century. Ivoey Comb, carved with the "Massacre of the Innocents'* and "Offerings of the Magi. " 16th Century. Ivoey Comb, carved with scroUs and busts. 16th Century. Caeved Ivoey Swoed Handle, in low relief, with children, dogs, birds, and lions. 17th Century. Two Ivoey Geoups of boys holding garlands of flowers, seated on trunks of trees. 17th Century. IvoEY Pedestal, carved with Pan and boys binding a lion, mounted in silver gilt. Early — I7th Century. IvoEY Taneaed, carved with marine deities, surmounted by a boy on a dolphin, mounted in silver gilt. 17th Century, Contributed by the Ashmolean Museum, The Head or an Ivoey Ceoziee, carved in a volute from the solid material ; in the centre a lamb, below a cross. The involution of the staff forms a serpent. At a later period, a series of crockets, a crucifix, and a silver figure have been added. 13th Century. The Ivoey Covee of a Mieeoe, circular, with monsters carved on the outer edge, forming a square. The centre represents two youthful lovers joining hands, standing between two conventional trees. 15th Century. CiECULAE Waleus-tusk Table Man, rudely carved with St. Martin dividing his cloak, perforated border. 12th Century. Ivoey Geoup, of two armed knights on horseback, with foliage, &c., between. Perhaps a chess-piece. 13th Century. Ivoey Tablet, carved with the Adoration of the Magi, and the Angel appearing to the Three Women. 15th Century. Contributed by the Marquis of Ailesbury, The Beuce Hoen, or Tenure Horn of Savernake forest, of ivory, mounted with silver bands, enamelled with arms and belt. 14th Century, Contributed by Charles Winn, Esq. Paie or Caeved Ivoey Medallions, of Hagar and Ishmael, and Lot and his Daughters. 17th Century. Contributed by W. H. G. Bagshawe, Esq, The Tutbuey Hoen, or Tenure Horn of Tutbury, in Staffordshire; it is of plain ivory, with a belt of black silk and silver mountings, and a silver buckle with the Arms of France and England, quarterly differenced by a label ermine, and impaling Terriers, Earl of Derby. Early— 15th Century. SECTION G. CAEYINGS IN WOOD. Contributed by J. B, Stanhope, Esq., M.P, Boxwood Caeving of Heecules and Ant^us. A PoETEAiT, carved in wood, of Maeia Theeesa, Empress of Austria* A PoETEAiT OP Paul, Emperor of Russia, in carved frame, oval. 201 0 Section G.] CABVI3SrGS m WOOD. [Gallery J, Contributed hy Isaac Falche, Esq. Boxwood Statuette of St. Sebastian. A carving of the 16th Century. Italian. Boxwood Statuette op the Madonna holding a Vase. German— 16th Century. Contributed by A. Joseph^ Esq. Gothic Sheine, 'with elaborately carved canopy of scrolls and tracery, enclosing a group of the Virgin and Child. 15th Century. In glazed frame. Boxwood Cup, mounted on an elk's foot, carved with strap work, supported by a man. German — 16th Century. Paie of Boxwood Vases, elaborately carved with figures, masks, and festoons. Italian— 16th Century. Contributed by Henry F. Kolt^ Esq. Caeving in Wood of the Visitation, by Albert Durer. 1494. Boxwood Caeving of the Eood, representing the Trinity and Purgatory. 16th Century. Peg Tankaed, of carved wood, with animals and trees in relief, on the cover a peacock. 17th Century. Old Caeved Boxwood Pipe Case in f oim of a lion, said to have belonged to Admiral Van Tromp. Dutch work — 17th Century. Caeved Hazelwood Handle, with full-length figure of Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland. Bas-eelief, by Hans Springinklee, of Nuremberg, friend of Albert Durer, representing Prudence, pointing out that tlie friendship of Margaret of Austria was not worth a feather. 16th Century. Bas-eelief, by Hans Springinklee, of Nurember representing Albert Durer and Agnes his wife, as Adam and Eve in Paradise before the fall. Exe- cuted in 1523. Bas-eelief, with symbolical representation of a man and woman seated under a tree, crowned by an angel, &c., and German inscription. 17th Century. Contributed by 'Robert Napier.^ Esq. Cedae Wood Caeving of the Stoey of Jezebel. Italian — 17th Century. PowDEE Flask, in carved wood, mounted in silver ; the body formed by a group of two dogs attacking a stag. German — 17th Century. Alto-Kelievo, in carved wood, the Conversion of Saul, a composition of numerous figures. Italian — 17th Century, Bellows, of carved walnut wood, with strap work and figures picked out in gold ; chiselled bronze nozzle. Venetian— 16th Century. Bellows, elaborately carved, with Mutius Scsevola supported by two kneel- ing figures ; a border of Cupids holding festoons. Venetian — 16th Century. Contributed by Sampson Kodghinson^ Esq. Clog Almanack. Contributed by J. Brett^ Esq. ^ A Caeved Boxwood Geoup of Abeaham offeeing up Isaac, on a black plinth. Contributed by E. Greaves^ Esq. Boxwood Caeving of a Woman and Two Childeen, on the lower part two rams' heads and a mask. 16th Century. Contributed by Miss Turner. Laege Caeved Wood Altaepiece, folding as a triptych. The centre sub ject representing the death of the Virgin surrounded by Saints, in full relief the doors represent the birth of Our Saviour and the birth of a noble chil coloured and gilt. 15th Century. 202 3-allery J.] CARVmaS IN WOOD. [Section G. 785 786 Contrihited hy W. S. Forman, Esq. Pair of Caeved Wood Bellows, the Judgment of Paris ; male figures at the side, Cupid on the handles. 16th Century. Contributed hy C. Winn, Esq. Caeved Wood Statuette of a Wounded Soldiee Walking, supported by a stick, accompanied by a dog. Flemish — l7th Century. Contrihuted hy Dr. Charlton. Modeen Noewegian Caeved Ale Tankaed. MODEEN NOEW^lGIAN CaEVED WoOD KnIFE AND ShEATH. PoETioN OF A Caeved Wood Modeen Noewegian Hest oe Hoese, for fulling cloth. Oblong Kunic Kalendae, of the 17th Century, from Norway. Contributed hy Henry Vaughan, Usq. Venetian Caeved Feame, of exquisite and elaborate design, of scrolls, amorini, and small figures of lizards, birds, &c. The work of Antonio Barili, born 1453, died 1516. PouE Walnut Wood Panels, cai'ved with heads in high relief, surrounded witli scrolls dehcately executed. German work— circa 1530. Framed and glazed. Contributed hy E. Hailstone, Esq. Maequeteeib Backgammon Boaed, inlaid inside and out with scrolls and designs. Itahan — 17th Century. Casket of Wood, with leather panels, on which are laid plaques of ivory ; on the top St. George and the Dragon, and on the sides emblems of the Evange- lists. 15th Century. Casket of Wood, gold ground with composition of white putty work, pro- cessions of figures. 16th Century. Contributed by the Netvcastle Museum, EuNic SwoED Calendae. A Pastoeal Staff, complete. Contributed by J. Malcolm, Esq. Boxwood Teiptyck, carved with the Virgin and Child in the centre, and a Saint on each wing. On gilt stand. 15th Century. Contributed hy the Ashmolean Museum, A Paie of Bellows, ornamented with embossed silver ; formerly belonging to King Charles II. Caeved Wood Nutceackees, in form of a man in costume of the time. Date, 1574. An An'Cient Peg Tankaed, of maple-wood, carved on the cover with Abraham and the Angels, and inscription, and round the body various scriptural subjects, and explanatory labels under. Danish work— early 17th Century. Contributed hy John Rhodes, Esq. Caeving in Wood, of birds and berries, by Perry. Contributed hy Edward Hailstone, Esq. Laege Boxwood Comb, carved with geometrical designs, loth Century. 203 Section H.j BROKZES. [Gallery J. SECTIOlSr H. AET BEONZES. Contrihuted by Henry F. Holt, Esq. Beonze Head of Maximilian I. in high relief, by Peter Vischer, m wood frame. Paie of well-executed Bronze fitll-length Figuees of Bousseau AND Voltaire, on square marble pedestals. Contributed by Jacob Brett, Esq. Beonze Figtjee of a Giel Playing at Moeea ; on a marble plinth. Beonze Seated Piguee of a Female Feeding a Snake, on a marble plinth. Contributed by C. Bowyer^ Esq. CiNauE Cento Beonze Nude Female Figuee, her hands raised hiding her face, on giallo pedestal. Beonze Statuette of Venus Coming feom the Bath. Florentine— 17th Century. Cinque Cento Italian Beonze Geoup, a man on a horse attacked by a lion. Cinque Cento Beonze Statuette of a Female Dancing. Floeentine Beonze of Young Bacchus, holding bunches of grapes, a panther by his side. CiNauE Cento Italian Beonze Hoese. Floeentine Beonze Statuette of Meecuey. Floeentine Beonze Statuette of Antinous. Contributed by Charles Butler, Esq. Beonze Figuee of an Aceobat, with head downwards, resting his hands on the ground and feet in the air. 17th Century. Beonze Statuette of Heecules in repose, resting on his club, clothed with lion's skin. 16tli Century. Beonze Female Figuee, draped, with an eagle at her feet. French — 17th Century. Small Beonze Statuette of Heecules, with club on his shoulder. Florentine — 17th Century. Beonze Laueeated Bust of an Empeeoe, with Jleurs de lis on his belt, on fluted white marble pedestal. 16th Century. Beonze Statuette of the Infant Heecules strangling the sei-pents, on square marble phnth. Beonze, Antinous, by Zoffoli, on porphyry pedestal. Beonze, Cupid and Psyche, by Zoffoli, on porphyry pedestal. Beonze, bas-relief, of a male figure holdiag a wreath. Small Beonze Geoup of a man and woman joining hands, two Cupids above. Contributed by A. Barker, Esq. Pair of Lofty Italian Beonze Candlesticks, on triangular pedestals with Chimerae, boys, masks, and scrolls in relief. 16th Century. Paie of Italian Beonze Candlesticks resting on three claws, with boys in the centre, masks, &c., in relief, 16th Century. Beonze Statuette, allegorical of Religious Zeal, with Latin inscription. Italian— 16th Century. 204 ART BROITZES. tSection H!* Beonze Statuette, allegorical of Humility, with Latin inscription. Italian — 16th Century. Beonze Teipod or foot of a Candlestick, with decoupe scrolls and grotesque figures. 13th Century. Gilt Beonze Statuette or the Viegin and Child. Italian— 16th Century. Contributed by Mobert Napier] Usq. Italian Beonze Dooe Knockee, Cupid standing on two dragons. 17th Century. Italian Beonze Dooe Knockee, Jupiter holding a thunderbolt, standing between two lions. 16th Century. Italian Beonze Dooe Knockee, JSTeptune standing between two sea-horses. 16th Century. Ema OF A Weought-ieon Dooe Knockee, the knob chiselled with a gro- tesque mask. Weought-ieon Dooe Knockee, the scutcheon in form of a grotesque head, a dragon's head on the knob. German— 17th Century. Ieon Dooe Knockee, at top a grotesque female bust, on the lower part a dolphin's head. 17th Century. Contributed by M. JD. Wyatt^ JEsq. Beonze Bust of James Wyatt, P.E.A., by Eossi. Contributed by E. Greaves^ Usq. A Set of Foue Gilt Beonzes, Italian work, representing carnival figures, on black pedestals. 17th Century. A Bust of Cheist; beneath is a cherub's head. Italian. Contributed by J. Filleau^ Esq. A Beonze Bust, in alto-relievo, of Cosmo III., the Sixth Grand Duke of Tuscany, Attributed to Bernini. In a marble frame. Contributed by Isaac Falcke^ Esq. QuATTEO Cento Beonze Inkstand, in form of a griffin, or monster with lion's body, eagle's claws, and female head. Beonze Statuette of David; attributed to Michael Angelo. Florentine work. Beonze Plaque, of figures in relief, of high finish; on a tablet is inscribed " Valerius de Bellis K. Fa." Contributed hy Colonel Markham. Laege Life-size Beonze Bust of Napoleon, and pedestal. Contributed by M. Raffaele Finti. Beonze Statuette of Apollo, attributed to Michel Angelo. Contributed by Emerson Crawford^ Esq. Paie of Beonze Busts of African Negro and Negress. Modern. Contributed by W. R. BraJce^ Esq. Beonze Vase, with Triton handles, the body with classical subjects in relief. Contributed by the Baron de Triqueti. Beonze Geoup, three-quarter, life-size, of Dante and Virgil. By the Con- tributor. Contributed by J. ILeywood Hawkins. Beonze Models of Pillaes, in the Choultry of Trimal Naig, at Madura. Contributed by Earl Spencer. Beonze Statuette of "Beoavn Stout," by E. J. Boehm. Contributed by Brinsley Ifarlay^ Esq. Cinque Cento Floeentine Beonze Statuette of Bacchus, holding up a bunch of grapes, on square pedestal. 205 Section 1.J METAL WOBK. [Gallery J. 855 SECTIOIsr I. METAL WOEK. Contributed by T. G. Farry^ Esq, Gilt Metal Pax, with the head of Christ in high relief. 16th Century. Oeiental Damascened Casket, inlaid with gold and silver, and elaborate medallions of figures, birds, &c. Venetian Engeaved Beass Plateau, chased with scrolls and arabesques, inlaid with silver escutcheons, &c. ; in the centre a shield of arms. Peesian Silvee Sceptee of pierced and chased scrolls, the knop in shape of a fir cone. Oeiental Damascened Bowl and Covee, richly and elaborately inlaid with silver. Contributed by i?. /. Spiers, JEsq, The Covee of a Pyx, of bronze, oval escalloped form, repousse with Christ seated holding a book, round tlie edge is written, ''Intus quod latet cuncto nos crimine laxet," referring to the holy wafer. Byzantine work of the 12th Century. Found on the site of the Preceptory of Knights Templars, at Sandford, near Oxford. Contributed by Henry Vaughan, Esq. Italian Damascened Steel Hand Mieeoe, with repouss^ scroll border surmounted by two Cupids holding the Arms of France, the handle in form of a female terminal figure. 16th Century — in a case. Contributed by A. Barker, Esq. Gilt Metal Reliqijaet with ceystal Cylindee, gothic ornaments, and centre pinnacle surmounted by a crucifix. 15th Century. Gilt Metal Reliquaey ; in the centre a crystal casket with abutments and pinnacles, on the knob are six Saints under canopies. 15th Century. Contributed by Charles Butler, Esq. Steel Lock, with pierced face plate and applique scrolls, and a key with square handle pierced with geometrical ornaments. The lock inscribed ''Michel Macquer, 1541." Contributed by A. Joseph, Esq. Two Engeaved Venetian Dishes, elaborately designed with battle scenes, scrolls and medallions. 16th Century. Contributed by Messrs. Hunt and EosJccU. Small Ebony Altae Piece, with gilt metal plaques painted with religious subjects. In the centre the entombment, «S:c. Flemish work of the end of the 16th Century. Contributed by the Rev. IValter Sneyd. Beonze Candlestick in form of a grotesque dragon with a human figure on its back, the tail terminating in interlaced foliage. German— 12th Century. Two Gilt Beonze Book Covees, chased vrith the Crucifixion, &c. 14th Century. Contributed by IV. B. Brake, Esq. Case of Deawing Insteuments in Damascened Steel, ornamented with beautiful arabesques in gold and silver. Milanese— 16th Century. (Stowe Coll.) Contributed by II. F. Holt, Esq. A Collection of Seventeen Candlesticks, Four Lanteens, and Six Patrs of Snuffers. 206 Gallery J.J METAL WORK. L Section I. Veey Cueious and Eaely Brass Telescope, rudely put together, in a case of repousse ornaments. Brass Vessel, in f onn of a lion, with a tap in front, to hold water on the altar. 15th Century. Pair of Brass Altar Cruets, in the fomi of lions, for wine and water respectively. 15th Century. Brazier: brass drum, engraved with arms and scrolls, and vertical iron supports. 17th Century. Collection of Fifteen Gilt Chamberlains' Keys, the bows orna,mented with arms, coronets, and ciphers. Brass Flat Iron, on ornamental stand. 17th Century. Contributed hy Hailstone^ Esq. Bronze Pricket Candlestick, the stand in form of a dragon. 12th Century. Steel Casket, divided by columns into eight compartments, engraved with full-length female allegorical figures, with fleurs-de-lis and gilt heads in relief. 16th Century. The lock has 36 bolts. Steel Lock, of pierced Gothic tracery, on the hasp a statuette. 15th Century. Steel Lock, shield-shaped, ornamented with open scroll work, on the toj) frieze is the monogram, Gr. M. A. 17th Century. Steel Lock, with three bolts, the action enclosed by iron plates, fastened by a small lock and key ; open scroll border round. Large Persian Gilt Metal Salver, engraved with foliage and inscrip- tions ; originally damascened with gold and silver. Early 15th Century. Large Nuremberg Gilt Bronze Salver, with the creation of Eve in relief, border of animals and flowers. Large Gilt Metal Dish, with heads of Boman emperors and large scrolls. Three Small Pewter Plates, by Briot, with figures of saints, horsemen, scrolls, &c., in relief. Contributed by A, J. B. Bercsford Ilope^ Esq., M.F. Shrine, or tablet of gilt metal, set with pieces of coral, and three coral statuettes in the centre, surrounded by white enamel ornaments. Venetian— 17th Century. Chef, or reliquary of gilt metal, in form of a monk's head. 15th Century. Head of a Crozier, in gilt metal, with applique silver figures of saints, and a dragon and leaves, in the centre the Virgin and Child. 15th Century. Crozier Head, of enamelled copper ; in the volute St. Michael and the Dragon, on the boss, dragons in relief. Limoges work — 13th Century. Contributed by Lady Otho Fitzgerald. Head of a Crozier, of gilt metal, set with red, blue, and green stones ; in the volute is represented the combat of St. Michael and the Dragon, dragons on the knop and upper part of the stem. 13th Centu^J^ Contributed hy Robert Naxncr, Esq. Small Steel Key, with open-work bow. . Steel Key, with elaborate open-work bow and interlaced cipher, the shaft elegantly moulded and reeded. A fine specimen of English work, circa 1700. Steel Key, the bow of Gothic wheel pattern, 207 Section I.] METAL WORK. [Gallery J. Nine other Steel Keys, various. Massive Steel Lock and Key, ornamented with open scroll work and a cipher. German — 18th Century. Padlock and Key in chiselled steel, ornamented with a lion's head; the key has a stem in the bow. Chiselled Steel Lock and Key, the lock with panels of open tracery, and a scutcheon of arms with lions rampant and royal crown, the key with square shaft decorated with open-work and elaborately chiselled mouldings. 17th Century. Chiselled Steel Lock and Key, open-work border, a scutcheon of arms in the centre of a castle, crowned key with square shaft finely worked. I7th Century. Desk Seal, chiselled steel handle. Italian — 17th Century. Chiselled Steel Spring Swivel Hook, to carry a powder flask or other accoutrement. I7th Century. CuiR BouiLLi Casket, elegantly mounted with gilt metal clamps and pierced trefoil borders, the handle at top in form of two dragons, and on the cover six round medallions with a Gothic letter in each, reading "det" twice over; lock, &c., complete. 15th Century. Contributed by W. H. Forman^ Esq. Brass Salver, engraved with subjects from Roman history, in cartouches surrounded by elaborate strap work and arabesques. It bears the signature of the artist, "Horatio Fortezza, fece in Sebenico del 1 x i j " (1562), Iron Lock, with four bolts and a pierced brass plate engraved with the sacred monogram. 17th Century. Two Steel Keys of cross pieces, geometrical circles, and square open-work handles ; although apparently of earlier date, one is dated 1725. Iron Door oe an Ambry or Locker, the background is of open flamboyant tracery ; in the centre the crucifixion under Gothic canopies. 15th Century. (From the De Bruge Collection.) Iron Door of an Ambry, the background of flamboyant tracery, on each side are twisted and knotted pillars, ending in pinnacles and slender columns supporting an ogee arch, underneath is a rich canopy and Our Saviour holding the wafer and a chalice. 15th Century. (From the De Bruge Collection.) A Steel Key, elaborately chased with leaves in relief damascened with gold and silver, the wards in form of the letters A F. C O., the pipe in form of a star. French work — 18th Century. Frame, containing numerous steel plaques, damascened with gold, figures in relief, fee. Italian — 16th Century. Steel Casket, richly damascened with gold, round the sides are heathen deities under arches in relief, on the cover the arms of France between twisted columns and motto, "Pietate et Justitia." Italian — 16th Century. Contributed by J. Malcolm^ Esq. Steel Casket, of square form, with elegant renaissance pilasters and scrolls, in front two panels of Mars and Minerva in relief, the cover surmounted by a crown. 16th Century. Brass Door Lock, of the 17th Century, with richly- worked steel key. Contributed by Edward Butter^ Esq. Damascened Iron Purse Clasp, of the time of Henry II. Milanese work. 208 G-allery J.j EWAMEIi. [Section If. Contributed hj Br. JE. Charlton. Matrix of the Eeverse of the Seal of Dunfermline Abbey. Contributed by Rohde Haivkins^ Esq. Pair of Venetian Brass Candlesticks, elaborately chased with scrolls and arabesques, masks, &c. Oriental Damascened Bowl Ai>rD Cover, elaborately chased with diaper ornament, inlaid with silver. ^ Oriental Damascened Bowl and Cover, elaborately chased with diaper ornament, inlaid with silver. ^ Oriental Damascened Cup, inlaid with silver, of seated figures in medal- lions ; round the top and bottom, Arabic inscriptions. Persian work. Oriental Damascened Casket, inlaid with gold and silver, resting on four teet, with a figure of a king and two attendants on the cover ; other figures round the sides, and elaborate diaper work. Persian work. - Long Narrow Pen-case, Oriental damascened, with rounded ends, elaborately ornaniented and inlaid with gold and silver inside and out. Made by Mahmud Ben Sonkor, in the year 680. a.d. 1281. Venetian D.UMASCENED Plateau, elaborately chased with scrolls, inlaid with silver ; m the centre a coat of arms supported by two eagles. Venetian Damascened Plateau, elaborately chased with small diapered ornament ^ Contributed by the Kilkenny Archceological Society. Bronze Head of a Pastoral Staff, of rare form, shaped like a crutch, the ends turned upwards, terminating in dragons' heads ; the boss on the stera has four bosses, with interlaced knots between. Bronze Matrix of the Seal of Kilkenny, of the 14th century, with the west front of the Cathedral of St. Kennis, and the legend "Sigillum comtin civium Kilkenn Sedis Ossore." Contributed hy the Rev. J. Beck. Six Locks, of 16th and 17th Centuries, A Collection of Forty-six Keys, of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Five Iron Escutcheons, and one handle. Contributed hy Colonel Markham. Russo-Greek Triptych, silver gilt, relief subjects of Life of Christ, faces and extremities in colour. ^ Contributed by Messrs. Hunt Contributed by Chris fs College^ Cambridge, SiLVEE Gilt Cup and Cover, called the Foundress' Cup. 15th Century. Silver Gilt Cup and Cover, in form of a rose, given by the Countess of Richmond. 1507. Pair of Silver Gilt Salts, hour-glass shape. English. 1507. Silveb Gilt Saltcellar. English. 1487. Six Silver Gilt Apostle Spoons. 16th Century. Silver Gilt Cup and Cover. English. 1540. Pair of Silver Gilt Tazza, baluster stems, punched with dots. English. IGth Century. Contributed by A. Joseph^ Esq. A Drinzinq Cup, in form of a man in armour of the time of Cromwell. Contributed by J. J. Leivis^ Esq. Silver Repousse Dish. Chiron and Achilles. Contributed by the Mayor and Corporation of Rip on. The Wakeman's Horn of Ripon, made of buffalo horn, covered with blue velvet : it has five silver bands, apparently of the beginning of the 16th Century, suspended by three loops and chains to a belt of blue velvet, upon which are fastened a number of silver badges of the Vigilarii, orWakemen and Mayors, from the year 15'26: some of these are in the form of a horse shoe, pair of shears, an axe, stag, tun, cross, &c. From a chain in the centre are suspended a silver spur and a crossbow. Gold Chain of Office, with enamelled badges similar to the Ripon horn and belt: presented in 1859 to the Mayor of Ripon. Contributed by the Mayor and Corporation of Preston. Large Silver Gilt Mace, of the time of Aane, repousse wither oyal arms, &c. Two Silver Sergeants' Maces, of the time of George I. Contributed by James Kitson^ Esq. Silver Gilt and Enamelled Trowel, with bosses of amethysts and topaz, crystal pomel, presented on laying the first stone of the New Infirmary, Leeds, 29th March, 18G4, to the contributor, and A MalleTj with ivory handle, used on the same occasion. Contributed by Brinsley Marlay^ Esq. Silver Gilt Tane^ird, repousse in bold relief, with a fawn and hounds, on the cover a fox, English hall mark of 1716. Silver Gilt Plateau, repousse v/ith [shepherd and shepherdess, and dog. English work. 18th Century. Contributed by the Mayor and Corporation of Leeds, Large Silver Gilt Mace, with long stem engraved with scrolls, repousse with rose, harp, and thistle ; cup-shaped end, surmounted by an open crown, inscribed W. M. E,. li. — William and Mary, Eex Regina. SECTION O. AEMS AND AEMOUE. Contributed by Robert Napier., Esq. A VERY Small Cross Bow, the stock of ebony, mounted in silver. A scut- cheon of arms indicates that it belonged to a member of the Medici family. Short Hunting Sword, the grip and cross guard in chiselled steel, the grip representing a figure of Hercules clad in the lion's skin, the cross guard of two dragons. Italian— 17th Century. 237 Section O.] AKMS AISTD ABMOtJB. tGallery Chiselled Steel Swoed PoMivrEL; a man's head with heard, frilled ruff and flat cap. Spanish— 16th Century. Chiselled Steel Swoed Pommel, with masks, cartouches, amorini, &c. 16th Century. Steel Pommel with battle subject. 17th Century. Steel Pommel, a helmeted head damascened with silver. 17th Century. Chiselled Steel Hilt of a Hunting Sword, the grip in form of a lion rampant. 17th Century. Chiselled Steel Hilt oe a Swoed, decorated with acanthus leaves and dragon's head pommel. Italian — 17th Century. Chiselled Steel Windee for a wheel lock rifle, ornamented with foliage. A fine specimen of German work. 17th Century. Steel Stiletto, triangular blade, finely chiselled scroll work grip and hilt. Italian — l7th Century. Steel Stiletto, the grip chiselled with a monkey and ornaments. 17th Century. Steel Stiletto, the grip elaborately chiselled with amorini slaying a dragon, steel sheath chased with scroll foliage and figures. Italian — 17th Century, Stiletto and Pistol combined, the hilt and lock elaborately chiselled with foliage, the barrel also beautifully chased. A beautiful specimen of Italian armourers' work of the I7th Century. Lock of a Rifle, chiselled and perforated steel work in foliage, &c. Ger- man — I7th Century. Laege Lock for a Doijble-baeeelled Eiflb, chiselled and perforated with foliage. German — 17th Century. Pine Steel-mounted Pistol, the barrel by Lazarino Cominazzo and mounts by Andrea Medicina. 17th Century. Italian Holstee Pistol with elaborately chiselled lock. 17th Century. A Steel Pistol, chiselled with raised foliage and engraved, the barrel signed by Pietro Palin, the lock by Pietro Fiorentin. Very fine work of the 17th Century. Paie of Pistols with elaborately chased steel mounts. Paie of Pistols with ivory mounts in form of a helmeted head pommel, the lock signed L. Yan Mersen a Maestricht. An Old Albanian Pistol, mounted with ^bands of nielloed silver, ivory pommel, and gold damascened lock. Shoet Hunting Swoed with chiselled steel hilt, ornamented with Hons, dragons, and other animals, the pommel a lion's head. Italian — I7th Century. Fine Old Italian Fowling Piece, the lock signed Pietro Manani in Bres- cia, walnut stock carved with the death of Adonis and flowers, the barrel by Lazarino Cominazzo. Beautiful Long Indian Flint Lock Gun, the stock and other portions ornamented with elaborately chiselled steel floriated work, Veey Fine Spanish Eapiee with chased and pierced steel cup-hilt, twisted cross piece and guard ; Toledo blade. 17th Century. Veey Fine Spanish RjlPIEE, with chased and pierced hilt. 17th Century. Contributed hy the Toiver Armoury. Five Sets of Pikemen, in armour. FiGUEE OF A Lanciee, early part of 17th Century, with bayonet, helmet, &c. Moeion, combed, second half of 16th Century. Plain Helmet, with two-part vizors, and spring door on right side. Steel Chamfeein, of the middle of 16th Century. 238 GaUery J.] AKMS AND ARMOUR. [Section O. No. 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1558 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 Halbeet, of pierced work. 17th Century, Mace, head of steel, handle richly chased with scroll work. Contributed by W. H. Forman^ Esq. Cap a Pie Stht op Armour, embossed with the crest of the Visconti family on the breastplate and shield, and on the top of the helmet, of a dragc n swallow- ing a man ; lions' heads on the genouillieres ; square steel toes ; complete. Date about 1520. Morion, richly damascened with gold on repousse iron, with oval medallions on the sides of classical subjects. 16th Century. A Pair of Stirrups, of iron, plated with silver, parcel gilt, the sides are semi-circular, connected at the bottom by a flat piece for the foot, and a bar over the top With a loop ; on each side is inserted a plate of silver, fastened by silver rivets, ornamented with an exquisite border or trandacent cloisonne enamel, in gold, divided into comi)artments, the spaces being filled in with plates of fine niello work of rich foliated arabesques. Italian — 1600. Pair of Curious Iron Spurs, engraved all over, with a cluster of five lar^^e wheel rowels, each having eight smaller revolving rowels on the points. Spanish— 17th Century. Pair of Silver Spurs, engraved with knights on horseback and large rowel, the inside engraved with Latin inscriptions. 17th Century. One Large Iron Spur, with rowel. 17th Century. Circular Powder Flask, of boxwood, carved in high relief, with Venus and Cupid. 16th Century. Contributed by Messrs. Hunt ^ Roskell. Gun : the stock inlaid with silver wire scrolls, and engraved silver plates of Fame, Diana, and hunting subjects; the barrel is entirely covered with minute chasings of military subjects, on gold ground. Date, 1766. German work. Contributed by C Winn, Esq, Double Flint-lock Gun, in case : the stock carved with a ram's head and chased silver mounts, an eagle carrying a hare ; the barrels and lock inlaid with gold ; and maker's name— Le Page, Paris, 1807. Said to have belonged to Napoleon I. Contributed by J, B. Stanhope, Esq., M.F, Inlaid Iyoey Matchlock Gun. Contributed by Her Majesty the Queen. The "Cellini" Shield. A circular iron shield in repousse work, of slightly convex form. From the centre springs an ornamental boss, terminating in a spike. Most of the details are richly damascened in gold and silver, with minute patterns of arabetique scroll-work and imbrications. The surface is divided by male and female terminal figures into four compartments, each containing a buDject iliustraiive of ti:e lite of Julius Caisar, executed in relief, the armour and accessories being damascened with gold in the most elaborate manner ; above and below these panels are bands of oval cartouches, containing scroll- work, connected by square links with exquisite smaller guiiloche and fret borders, ail ricniy damabcened. Sword, said to have belonged to John Hampden. The guard, handle, and pommel are beautifully chiselled in steel, with scenes from tne life of King liavid. The ciOas hilt terminates in figures of i'ame and Time, and other parts are chiselled with satyrs, nude figures, therms, and foliage of mobt minute and exquisite design. The Sword of King Charles I., entirely covered with gold damascened work of emblems, Latin sentences, mottoes, and ornamentation ; one of the inscriptions has the date liil9. The pommel is of open scroU-work, and the guard is chased with trophies of arms and foliage. 239 Section PJ GLASS. [Gallery J. SECTIOlKr p. GLASS. Contributed hy W. Edhins, Esq, Bristol Glass. A peculiar kind of white opaque glass enamelled in colours was made by Messrs. Little and Longman, and their successors Vigor and Stevens, at Redclyffe Backs; the principal enameller was Michael Edkins, the grandfather of the contributor. The accounts in the ledger from 1762 to 1787 are preserved. Beaker, of opaque white glass, painted with birds and insects, in colours, and bouquets of flowers. Square Tea Canister, of opaque white glass, enamelled with flowers and birds, the cover of enamelled copper. Two Small Opaque White Bottles, long necks, enamelled with Chinese figures. Oval Glass Bottle, opaque white, painted with insects, &:c. KoTE. — There was another Manufactory of Glass at Bristol, carried on where the Phoenix Glass Works now stand. The glass was colourless, with canes of coloured threads spirally twisted, en- closed in the stems of vessels, in imitation of the Venetian and German. 17th and 18th Century. A Specimen of Pattern Canes, of coloured glass threads fused in colour- less glass, with twisted handle, mounted in silver with the initials E. C, 1716. A Wine Glass, with coloured spiral canes of glass inserted in the stem, white, blue, and red threads. Contributed by Henry F. IIoU^ Esq. EoMAN Mosaic of Landscape and Euins ; of fine modern work. Roman Mosaic of a Boy Seated under a Tree ; of fine modern work. EoMAN Mosaic of a Duck and Ducklings ; of fine modern work. Tassie's Medallion Portraits, in arsenicated glass: — Major McAllister (1795) — Anne Elizabeth, Countess of Aldborough (1786) — Col. Laurie (1795)— Admiral Keppel — Admiral Lord Viscount Duncan (1793) — King George III, — Xenophon. Contributed by C W. JFilshere, Esq. Tee ^'Eecupero" Collection, consisting of Eleven Specimens of Early- Christian Glass, found in the cemeteries of the primitive Christians, near Eome. They consist of circular medallions, which have originally formed the bases of paterae or bowls, and being double folds of glass, have been preserved, while the more fragile sides of the vessels have perished. They are ornamented with figures animals, &c., cut out in gold leaf, the outlines of features and draperies being etched with a steel point, and in some instances filled in with a red back- ground. They are figured and described in "Vetri ornati di figure in oro," by Garucci. The date of these extremely rare and interesting objects may be fixed at about the commencement of the 4th Century. Portion of a Glass Patera, representing in the centre the busts of St. Peter and St. Paul, between them the sacred monogram, surrounded by six compartments of scriptural subjects, and round the border an imperfect legend beginning "Dignitas amicorum," &c. Three of the subjects are perfect, the rest wanting. Glass Patera ; in the centre the busts of a man and his wife ; above is written "Pie zeses" (May you live happily); around is a series of scriptural subjects. The Centre of a Glass Patera, representing Christ seated on a throne surrounded by Apostles and martyrs ; inscribed above Cristus, Paulus, Petrus, and below Timoteus, Justus, Simon, Florus ; the names of others, and a portion of the subject, are deficient. Tee Half of a Patera, with a bust of Christ in the centre and thi-ee saints, inscribed Petrus, Lucas, Justus. The Centre of a Patera, representing two youthful figures in the tunic and pallium, with a column between them supporting a tablet inscribed, "Genesius, Lucas/' in a square border. 240 GaUery OT.] GLASS. [Section P. The Centre of a Patera, the subject divided into two compartments, each with two busts : in the upper Peter and Paul, in the lower Julius and Justus ; in a square border. The Centre of a Patera, representing a priest in prayer vested in alb, chasuble, and stole, on his right a veiled throne surmounted by the sacred monogram, and on his left a female, also in prayer ; round the border an imper- fect legend, " Digntias amic " (sic.) The Centre of a Patera, with two male busts, bare headed, face to face, clad in tunic and pallium, and the names Ursus and Dion ; in a circular border. The Base of a Olass Cup, with circular medallion of Hercules over- coming the Arcadian Stag ; behind in the field, his club. The Base of a Glass Cup; in an octagonal border is the head of a leopard with open jaws. Fragment of Glass, representing four fish swimming, and above, the lower part of a man, perhaps the "Mira^culous Draught." Fragment of Glass, with a slight sketch of some uncertain object, and a portion of the sentence, "Dignitas amicorum," &c. Contributed by Robert Napier^ Esq. Veneti^vn Frosted Glass, barrel mug, with white bands Curious Venetian Glass, the bowl in form of a double scallop shell, with a circular fiat disc above, placed upright, having blue wings. Venetian Glass Vessel, in form of a lobster, with six blue claws and short blue stem. A Curious Venetian Glass, in form of a chimera. Venetian Glass : large bowl, with twisted stem, a flower in the centre. Tall Venetian Glass, with syphon inside the bowl ; the boss of the stem has three spikes, with blue glass ornaments between. Tall Venetian Glass, ornamented ; twisted stem. Venetian Tazza, on an elegant ornamental stem, with yellow lines and two flowers, red and white. Large Venetian Frosted Bowl, with handle, blue line on rim. Oval Amber Cup mounted in gilt metal, circa 1600. A Vitro di Trina Dish. A Vitro di Trina Tall Goblet and Coyer, A Vitro di Trina Elegant Vase and Cover, two handles. A Vitro ,di Trina Tall Goblet, with embossed surface. A Vitro di Trina Vase, in form of a lion, on silver chased foot. A Vitro di Trina Elegant Low Tazza. A Lapis Colour Globular Bottle, with silver figure on the top. Small Bocale, with upright stripes, wave, and cross. A Schmeltz Bowl. A Schmeltz Globular Glass, on shaped foot. Millefiori Fluted Tumbler, flat form. Tall Fluted Flat Pilgrim's Bottle, coloured to imitate tortoiseshell. Dark Blue Plate, white scroll border and ornaments. Tall Vase, of elegant form (handle wanting), oviform, with broad indented lip, ornamented with enamel scrolls and devices in light green, blue, and white — in imitation of Persian design. Vase and Goa^r, representing an owl, the head and wings blue, with inscription and date, 1G05. Bottle, with long neck, thread stripes, and a line of red on the rim. 241 Section P.] GLASS. [Gallery J. Tall Bell-shaped Goblet, with moulded diamon l. pattern. Opaque White Flat Oblong Bottle, with blue and black stripes, gilt mounting, and stopper, Laege Geeman Bocale, with double eagle and ccats of arms in coloured enamel. German Tumbler, with medallions, coronet and cipher, on red ground inlaid, a small border of flowers on the top. A Hock Glass, with landscapes, shipping, &c., finely pencilled in Indian ink. German Goblet and Cover, engraved in panels, trophies, &c. German Goblet, richly engraved, octagonal form. Tall German Glass and Cover, the bowl etched with ornaments. Tall German Glass and Cover, finely engraved. Large and Finely-engraved German Tumbler, with royal portraits. Tall German Bocale, with diagonal stripes of latticinio. Tall German Ewer, with alternate white and red stripes on the body, ornamental handle, blue line on the spout. Contributed by J. Rainey^ Esq. Pair of Roman Mosaics, elaborately and minutely stippled, representing the interior of St. Paul's Church at Rome before and after its demolition by fire. Signed D. Capoani. Contributed by Dr. Seaton. Mosaic Plaque of coloured glass tesserse; subject — Visiting the Sick, by Salviati of Venice. Presented to the Chapel by the contributor. Contributed by J. B. Stanhope^ Esq., M. P. Two Ruby Bottles, mounted in silver gilt, chased with masks and scrolls, figures at the top. German — 17th Century. Contributed by Farquhar MatJieson, Esq. Pair of Ruby Glass Pilgrims' Bottles, mounted in silver gilt, pierced scrolls, medallions in centre of marine deities ; the stoppers in form of warriors. Contributed by the Rev. Greville J. Chester. Arabic Glass Lamp, with inscription of the 13th Century. From the very ancient Coptic convent of Mar Thaddeo, near Cairo. Contributed by Signor Radi, of Venice. Ten Specimens of Modern Glass, in imitation of old Venetian cups of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Contributed by Dr. Salviati, of Venice. Twelve Specimens of Modern Glass, in imitation of old Venetian glass of the 16th and I7th Centuries. Contributed by Mr. Bryan. A Pair of Medallions, carved in Whitby jet, with head of Bacchus and a stag. Contributed by Miss Hartley. Three Paintings on Glass, figures of boys. Carlo Maratti, with flowers by Mario Dei Fiori. // i\ ■ ^ . ir^i ,t i SECTION Q. CEYSTAL, AGATE, &c. Contributed by A. Josci^h, Esq. SaUAEE Crystal Casket, formed of shaped plaques, mounted in gilt metal. 242 Gallery J.] CBYSTAIi, AGATE, &e. [Section Ci. Contributed hy Messrs. Hunt Roskell. Crystal Cttp, carved with scrolls, the foot and stem mounted in silver gilt. Crystal Casket, formed of plain plaques, bevelled edges, triangular raised cover, mounted in gold, with black enamelled leaves. Contributed by Robert Napier, Esq. Large Cup or Oval Boat-shaped Bowl, of rock crystal, on tall baluster stem, mounted in silver-gilt and gold, richly enamelled, the handle in form of a dragon, a satyr's mask at the spout, at each side festoons of flowers. Circular Crystal Plaque, set in gold, elaborately engraved in intaglio, with Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helicon. 16th Century. Contrihutecl by J. Banks Stanhope^ JEsq., 3LF. Engraved Crystal Dish, in silver-gilt enamelled border. Pair of Crystal Candlesticks, silver-gilt mounts, with heads and masks in relief. Engraved Crystal Casket, barrel-shaped, with silver-gilt and enamel frame. A Bird in Eock Crystal, mounted in silver-gilt, and enamelled in imita- tion of precious stones. Carved Crystal Circular Cup, of Indian work, with two handles, silver- gilt stem of Atlas, the foot resting on four statuettes. Crystal Cup, on square pedestal of smoked topaz colour, silver-gilt mounts. Set of Four Crystal Spoons, silver-gilt and enamel shanks, in a case. Engraved Crystal Dish, with deep enamelled metal border, painted with birds in lake camaieu. Chased Silver-gilt Casket, set with plaques of rock crystal, four crystal columns, enamelled frames. Engraved Crystal Nef, decorated in silver-gilt, with a statuette of Neptune under a canopy, set with garnets and turquoises. Engraved Crystal Tazza, the stem flanked with crystal wings, silver-gilt dragon handles set with stones. Carved Crystal Shell- shaped Cup, with leaves in relief, silver-gilt stem and foot. Contributed by W» McKay ^ Esq, A Large Oval Agate, painted in oil with "Jupiter and Semele." 17th Century. Contributed by J, Seyivood Sawkins. Agate Cup, on gilt enamelled stem. Agate Cup, on gilt stem. Agate Cup and Cover, silver gilt mounts. Contributed by Mrs, Burt. Crystal Statuette of the Infant Saviour, with a gilt nimbus, and a circular gilt and enamelled stand. 16th Century. SECTION R. KNIVES, rOEKS, AND SPOONS. Contributed by Robert Napier, Esq. Boxwood Spoon, elaborately carved with cinque- cento designs, &c. Persian Stylus, of steel inlaid with silver, open work handle. Knife and Fork, the handles carved in boxwood, with male and female allegorical figures. Italian— 17th Century. 243 Section B.] KHIVES, PORKS, AKB SPOOKS. [Gallery J. No. 1675 1676 1677 1078 1G79 1697 1698 1699 Sheath op a Knife, of boxwood, carved with numerous scriptural subjects in ova medallions. (Bernal Coll.) Dutch — 16th Centurj^ Sheath of a Knife, carved in boxwood with scriptural subjects and Dutch inscriptions. 16th Century, Case containing Theee Knives and Three Fobes, with ivory handles, beautifully carved with wild animals devouring each other. German— Early 17th Century. Boxwood Spoon, richly carved with cinque-cento ornaments, masks, cornu- copia and acanthus leaves. Boxwood Spoon, carved with scenes from Christ's Passion and Dutch inscriptions. 17th Century. Boxwood Spoon, carved with grotesque scrolls, heads, Szo. Dutch — 17th Cent. Boxwood Spoon, carved with scrolls, masks, &c. 17th Century. EocK Crystal Spoon, mounted with silver-gilt. 17th Century. Silver Parcel-gilt Spoon, wide bowl and crown-shaped knob with rings. Denmark. Silver-gilt Spoon, the bowl engraved with floral scrolls, the end of the stem has a small figure of Bacchus on a barrel, holding a cup and grapes- German— 16th Century. Apostle Spoon, maple-wood bowl, silver gilt stem elaborately ornamented with renaissance designs, surmounted by a figure of St. James. 16th Century. Apostle Spoon, similar, with figure of St. John. Knife and Fork, silver-gilt open work handles ornamented with tulips,. flowers, and Cupids, in shagreen case. 17th Century. Pair of Boxwood Ha^tdles for Imife and fork, carved with spirited com- positions of distorted faces. Pair of Ivory Handles of knife and fork, carved with animals fighting. German— I7th Century. Ivory Knife Handle, exquisitely carved with amorini by Fiammingo. Pair of Ivory Knife Handles, beautifully carved, the summits crownad by groups of amorini. Flemish— 17th Century. Carved Ivory Spoon, the handle surmounted by a statuette of Pomona. Fine work of the l7th Century. Knife, Fork, and Spoon, carved ivory handles; on the knife a Triton blowing a shell : on the fork and spoon, amorini, scroll work, &g. ; in a shagreen case. 17th Century. Large Steel Carving Fork, the handle of mother-of-pearl, terminating in an eagle's head. Italian— 16th Century. Contrihcted by Messrs. Hunt ^ EoskcU. Knife and Fork with carved ivory handles of a gentleman and lady in costume of the reign of Charles II. Contrihutecl hy the Rev. JFalter Sncyd. Knife and Fork, silver handles, finely engraved with the four elements- Early l7th Century, in a shagreen case. Contrihutecl hy E. Greaves^ ILsq. Boxwood Knife Handle, carved with St. Crispin, and on the reverse a cobbler and his wife. A Knife and Fork with steel handles in form of IS^egro busts and scrolls, in an elaborately carved boxwood case, mounted in silver. Dated 1552. A Scribe's Knife. Italian— 16th Century. 244 GaUery J.J KNIVES, PORKS, AISTD SPOONS. [Section R Contributed hj Henry F. Holt^ JEsq. Three Pairs of Knives and Forks. Wooden Spoon and Whistle, with chain for suspension at the girdle. Worn by the monks. Ivory Spoon, the handle carved with male and female figures seated under a tree. Used by the mendicant friars, who were not allowed to use silver. Ivory "PLANtJLA," for smootliing vellum — used by illuminators ; engraved with hunting scenes. German — IGtli Century. Carved Wood Spoon, with scrolls, female terminal figures holding shields. Italian — 16th Century. Carved "Pointer," or Reading Stick, with a boy seated on the handle. Boxwood Spoon, elaborately carved with Scriptural subjects, and German inscriptions. Commencement of 17th Century. A Knife, Pork, Pipe, Tinder Box, &c., contained in one frame. Bock Crystal Fork-Spoon, silver gilt mounting. Six Carved Wood Spoons, various. Contributed by W. H. For man, Fsq. Knife and Fork, with carved ivory handles of children with fruit. Knife and Fork, ivory handles of two children holding drapeiy over their shoulders. 17th Century. Pair of Steel Scissors, in a sheath, with chased and gilt emblems, musical instruments, birds, arms, &c. Knife and Fork, with silver handles, figures of Mars and Yenus, in a fish- skin case, tipped with silver, which also contains a silver pencil holder. 18th Century. Knife and Fork, with enamelled scroll handles, open pommels in a fish- skin case, with loops for suspension. I7th Century. Small Knife and Fork, the handles ornamented with enamelled flowers, birds, and portrait of Charles I. and his Queen, in a silk case. Knife and Fork, with enamelled flower handles. 17th Century. Knife and Case, of silver, blue enamel ground, shield of arms, and portraits. Knife and Fork, with slender silver handles, nielloed flowers. 17th Century. Two-pronged Fork, with carved ivory handle of a group of three boys and wreaths of flowers. 17th Century. Contributed by Br, F. Charlton. Ancient Knife and Sheath, brass, with copper band and belt. From Eomsdel, Norway. Ancient Double Knife Sheath, in cuir bouilli, ornamented brass swivel, and a belt made of early chain armour. ICth Century. From Tellemarken, Norway. Contributed by F. Hailstone, Fsq. Boxwood Case, carved with Scriptural subjects, and inscription, enclosing knife and fork, with ivory handles of birds. 245 Section S.] V^TATCHES AND CLOCKS. [GaUery J« SECTIOlSr S. WATCHES AND CLOCKS. Contributed by Lady Otlio Fitzgerald. Silver Watch, in form of a duck, the feathers chased. Of the time of Elizabeth. Silver Watch, in form of a bird. 17th Century. Contributed by J. Rainey^ Esq. Melon-shaped Watch, ornamented with blue enamel and gold stars. Made by Amalric Fr^res. Gold leaf -shaped key attached. 18th Century. Small Gold Shield-shaped Watch, set round with pearls, on the back a,n enamelled bouquet of flowers. By Singleton, Paris. 18th Century. Contributed by Mrs. M. Digby Wyatt. Gold Watch: the ground-work of rubies, and diamond bouquet in the centre. Maker — Isaac Larpent. Gold Watch: painted enamel centre of pastoral figures, border of dia- monds. Maker — Lepine, Paris. Ei^AMELLED Watch Case, bluc ground, painted enamel centre of vases and flowers. Small Blue Enamelled Watch, perforated border ; heart-shaped. Contributed by Messrs. Hunt S; Roskell. Gold Watch, ornamented with champ leve translucent enamel flowers. Gold Enamelled Watch, painted with battle scenes by Huand, a Geneve ; in gold pique case. Gold Watch Case, painted enamel, the Eape of Europa, after Boucher. Gold Watch Case, painted with the Holy Family on enamel. Contributed by A. Barker, Esq. Gilt Metal AuGSBUEa Clock, square, with columns at the angles, dome top, engraved with scrolls. 16th Century. Gilt Metal AuasBUEG Clock, square, with pilasters at the angles, dome top, eng^raved with scrolls. 16th Century. Contributed by E. Hailstone, Esq. Silvee Clock- Watch, pierced and chased, with alarum, &c. ; engraved with the arms of the Prince Bishop of Freiburg. 17th Century. Small Silvee Watch, in form of a skull. 16th Century. Contributed by Lady EoUe. Small Ceystal Octagonal Watch, gilt mounting. 16th Century. Maker — Conradt Kreizor. Contributed by H. T. Holt, Esq. Chased Silvee Watch, representing the victory of Joseph I. at Loudon in 1702 ; and a medal of the same event. Contributed by C. Winn, Esq. Bbass Cylindrical Clock, 4 in. diameter, working on an inclined plane 2 ft. 6 in. long, the dials on the ends. Dresden, anno 1671, with inscription. 246 0allery J.] WATCHES AND CLOCKS. [Section Contributed by /. B, Stanhope, Esq., M.F, Gold Watch, in enamelled case, painted with classical subject and rococo scrolls ; in an outer shagreen case. Maker— Joseph Potts Golborne. Contributed by Mobert Napier, JEsq. Small Watch in gold mounted striped onyx case and white enamel dial. Maker— W. iMlan, London. Small Watch with gold mounted onyx case set with diamonds, in an outer tortoiseshell case. Maker — Fd. Vigne, London. A Small Watch in form of a luto, ornamented with enamel. Gold Watch, china case painted with Watteau subjects. Maker— Jul, Lq Roy, Paris. Silver Watoit in form of a pigeon. Maker — Gando. Silver Watch in form of a cross. Maker — George Coques, a Ath, Antique Octaoon-shaped Watch, rock crystal case in silver gilt mounting. (Soltykoff CoUection.) Antique Oval Watch, parcel gilt, chased and engraved, cut rock crystal case. (Soltykoff Collection. ) Maker— Marc Girard, Eicis. Antique Oval Watch of silver, gilt, with shaped rock crystal over the dial. Maker— P. Lagisse. Antique Gold Watch, with enamelled case painted with the Grecian Daughter by Huat. Maker — John Gott Urich, Hamburg. Antique Silver AVatch, parcel gilt dial, shewing also the days of the month, in an outer leather case piqu6 with silver. Maker — Richd. Lyons, Londini. Antique Silver Watch, glass back set round with brilliants and an enamel of a lady and gentleman, the pendulum over their heads set with a ruby. Maker— Lulin, London. Antique Silver Watch, chased outer case, engraved with foliage and birds, the hours revolving under a chasing of Time drawing the Chariot of the Sun. Maker— Fromentin. Gold Watch, rock ciystal on both sides, mounted with a diamond button, two dials. Maker — Tavernier, Paris. Said to have been worn by Louis XVI. Gold Watch set with diamonds, the centre enamelled with cupids on a pink ground, and border of foliage in blue enamel. Maker— Baillon, Paris. Gold Watch chased and set with diamonds, on the back the portrait of a lady in enamel. Maker— Lange, Valenciennes. Gold Watch, ornamented with plaques of Dresden porcelain, white enamel dial. Maker— Baillon, Paris. Small Oval Escalloped Watch, with gilt dial. Maker — Pierre Lagisse. Early 17th Century. Small Antique Gilt Watch, finely engraved case and enamelled dial with female portrait. Maker— Jean Hubert, Rouen. Egg-shaped Watch, in old leather outer case, engraved silver dial, rock crystals back and front. Maker— Robert Hubert, Rouen. Small Nuremberg Egg-shaped Watch, with oval crystals on three sides. Maker— Serman. 16th Century. Oval Watch, in closed metal case, with engraved silver border, face elaborately engraved. Maker— R. Grinkin. 16th Century. Gold Watch, repousse back with a warrior and a lady, Cupid between holding a crown. Maker— Fladgate, London, 247 Section T.j BIJOUTERIE. [O-allery J. Gold Watch, repouss6 with figures, white enamel face, diamond hands, shagreen case. Maker — J. Curtis, liOndon. GoLP Watch, green enamelled, with the outer edge of green and white cloisonn6 enamels. Maker — Theodore Girard, Blois. 17th Century. Enamelled Watch, with figures outside and landscape within, dial enamelled; subject, the Annunciation. Maker — G. Ferrier, a Paris. 17th Century, Antique Oval Watch, crystal case, showing the works, engraved dial with figures. Maker— J. Fieret, a Montpeher. Early part of l7th Century. Small English Gold Watch, inner case of jasper, crystal front, an engraving of Cupid on the dial, gold pique outer case. Maker — R. Halsted, London. 18th Century. Silver Watch, finely engraved with scrolls, blue and white enamel dial, gilt Cupid for the hands, outer silver pique case. Maker — Jean Eousseau. 17th Century, SECTIOIf T. BIJOUTEEIE. Contrihitted by J. B. Stanhope^ Usq.y M.P. Squaee Pietra Dura Snuef Box, inlaid in colours vrith flowers and insects, mounted in gold. Oval Dresden China Snuff Box, gold ground, painted with figures in the Watteau style. Oval Dresden China Box, with medallions of Cupids, raised scroll borders. Dresden China Basket-shaped Snuff Box, painted with Chinese figures, richly gilt border. Oblong Snuff Box of ribbon jasper, mounted in gold. Egg-shaped Bonbonniere, of tortoiseshell and gold pique. Circular Yernis Martin Snuff Box, painted with Cupids. Oval Vernis Martin Snuff Box, painted with amorini on green ground. Veenis Martin Etui, painted with Cupids. Vernis Martin Etui, painted with Cupids on gray ground. Vernis Martin Etui, painted with children on gray ground. Enamelled Miniature Case, painted on each side with St. Catherine and the Virgin and Child. Rock Crystal Locket, painted with the Virgin and Magdalen. A Slab of Rare Marble, with pietra dura work in imitation of fniit. Eussian work. Tortoiseshell Box, ornamented with gold pique, and inlaid with mother- of-pearl. Contributed by Robert Napier^ Esq. Oblong Capo di Monte Porcelain Box, with small relievi heads of Boman Emperors and Empresses ; Cleopatra inside the lid, and a landscape. Octagonal Gold Box, formed of mosaics, with raised pearls on the lid, in which is an oval enamel. Veenis Martin Circular Box, painted with a pastoral subject. 248 ' Gallery J.] BIJOUTERIE. [Section T. ToETOiSESHELL Box, boat-shapsd, pique, with gold stars. Circular Box, enamelled on gold with the Holy Family, the Virgin and Child inside the lid. French — 17th century. Dresden Etui, in form of a bambino, china head and silver case. German —18th century. Vernis Martin Needle Case, painted with Cupids, mounted in gold. Vernis Martin Work Case, or Etui for needles Red Lac Circular Box, with gold rims; on the lid a painted subject in Vernis Martin, of a woman accusing a soldier before a Homan general. Vernis Martin Circular Box, with gold rims; on the lid a pastoral subject of children, pale blue ground. Large Oblonq Snuff Box, of white enamel on copper, painted en grisaille with Eoman edifices and ruins. Lac Japan Snuff Box, of deep circular form, mosaic ground of mother- of-pearl, with fans in gold lac. Circular White China Snuff Box, piqu6, with gold and mother-of- pearl in Chinese garden scenes and flowers. Horn Snuff Box, ornamented with gold pique, and inlaid with gold scrolls and mother-of-pearl ; in the centre a cartouche of horseman, attendant, and dog. Gold and Blue Enamelled Snuff Box, the cover opening in half, representing a butterfly, set with diamonds and pearls. Dresden Porcelain Snuff Box, gold mounted, set with diamonds and ruby; six subjects painted outside, with a portrait of Augustus king of Saxony. 18th century. Oblong Box, gilt, with six enamelled plaques of classical subjects. Circular Box, of gold enamel ; the Holy Family, and inside the Virgin and Child. French. Oval Box, gold mounted, in mosaic of striated agates, carnehans, &c., with gold fillets interlaced and fret patterns ; on the lid an enamel in brown camaieu of a bust of Plato. Contributed by /. Eainey^ Esq. Memorial Locket of Charles L, carved in peach stone. After the king's execution the Knights of the Garter wore a crystal case, mounted in gold, con- taining a likeness of the king and the insignia of the order, carved in peach stone. Contributed by E. Greaves, Esq. Squahe Mother- o' -Pearl Box, of Florentine work, inlaid with stones, representing Perseus and Andromeda, Orpheus, Juno, &c. Square Dresden China Snuff Box, inlaid with coloured mother-of-pearl and gold, nymphs bathing, set in gold* Square Snuff Box, avanturine ground, inlaid with stones and mother-of- pearl, ivory, &c., in the Chinese style. Oval Bloodstone Snuff Box, inlaid with coloured mother-of«pearl and stones. Contributed by /. Seywood Sawkins, Esq. A Collection of Filigree Silver Vessels and Agate Cups^ Square Gold Box, inlaid with striped agates and coloured stones, a portrait of a gentleman on the cover. 249 r Section T.J No. 18^7 Bloodstone Etxti, mounted in gold, with gilt metal hook, and two small pendant boxes. Agate Etui, gold scroll mountings. Agate Etui, gold scroll mountings. Bloodstone Etui, mounted in gold. Moss Agate Etui, mounted in gold. Gold Etui, with repousse scrolls. Gold Etui, with vertical lines, chased flowers and ornaments. Oval Lapis Lazuli Snuff Box, mounted in gold. Crystal Snuff Box, diamond cut, gold rim and hinge. Square Agate Snuff Box, a cluster of diamonds on the cover. Square Carnelian Snuff Box, with a piece of moss agate on the lid, mounted in gold and cut steel, in imitation of diamonds. Octagonal Lapis Lazuli Snuff Box, gold mounted, enamel borders. Oval Gold Box, engine turned, enamelled with a bouquet of flowers, and leaves and insects, mother-of-pearl cover. Circular Oriental Agate Box, gold rim, jewelled; on the lid a cluster of diamonds. Circular Striped or Festooned Agate Box, mounted in gold. Oval Shaped Mocha Agate Snuff Box, mounted in gold. • Oval Lapis Lazuli Box, chased gold mounts. Oval Amethyst Spa Box, with jiietra dura flowers and insects, mounted by MonniSre, Paris. Square Moss Agate Snuff Box, gold mounts. Basket-shaped Amber Snuff Box, mounted in gold. Square Gold Box, with applique steel chasings of a King and Queen habited as Venus and Adonis, rococo work. Quadrangular Agate Basket-shaped Box, mounted in gold. Circular Tortoiseshell Box, with three vases and flowers, inlaid with lapis lazuli and other stones, green leaf border. Octagonal Agate Snuff Box, with gold mounts. Amber-coloured Horn Snuff Box, mounted in coloured gold, and inlaid with green leaves in parallel lines. Circular Oriental Agate Snuff Box, gold rim. Oval Crystal Snuff Box, gold rim, chased with flowers. Agate Smelling Bottle, with applique gold scrolls and birds. Bed Agate Smelling Bottle, with applique gold scrolls and Cupid. Oval Gold and Blue Enamel Snuff Box, rich jewelled borders;' a painting on the cover of two females before an altar, and statue of Tim© and Cupid. Contributed hy Hailstone^ Esq. Oval Tortoiseshell Snuff Box, inlaid with fine gold pique work. Contributed by C. Bowyer, Esq, Modern Italian Mosaic Box, with two plaques : a horse attacked a lion, and a leopard devouring a kid ; a frieze of flowers round the sides. 250 Gallery J.3 [Section No. 1884 1885 ILLIJSTEATma THE USE OF TOBACCO, ETC. Contributed hy W, Bragge, Esq. Hindu Pipe Case of Ivory, elaborately carved with deities, scrolls, and fioweis ; silver mounted. Hindu Tobacco Box, elaborately carved^to match. Chinese Opium Pipe, painted porcelain stem and carved ebony bowl. Chinese Opium Pipe, stem of enamelled copper, blue ground with flowers, Circassian Pipe, the stem inlaid with mother-of-pearl and metal; silver mounted. A Steinq of Seven CYLiNDHiCiL Tubes, of chalcedony inlaid with gold, and four knobs, for the stems of Persian pipes. FouE Chinese Poecelain Snuff Bottles, with figures and ornaments in high relief. FouE Chinese Poecelain Snuff Bottles, one painted with a grasshopper by a celebrated native girl. FouE Chinese Coloueed Glass Snuff Bottles. Twelve Chinese Haed Stone Snuff Bottles, carved in agate, chalce- dony, turquoise, lapis lazuli, malachite, crystal, amethyst, jade, and amber. Six Chinese Coppee Enamelled Snuff Bottles, of various patterns. Two Chinese Enamel Snuff Bottles, one of European, the other of native work. Japanese Pipe, of silver, with shaped applique plaques of fine lac pencilled in gold, with landscapes and figures, and inlaid with gold and other metals. Japanese Tobacco Pipe, with silver ends and decoupe scrolls, the stem of steel, elaborately damascened with gold. Theee Japanese Pipes, with silver ends, and figures of men and animals in relief, inlaid with gold and silver. Japanese Caeved Wood Pipe Case, with men playing on the flute, &c., partly inlaid with silver. Japanese Ivoey Pipe Case, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and metal in flowers and insects, containing a silver pipe. Silvee Pipe, beautifully damascened with gold rosettes and designs, in a plaited bamboo case ; and an embroidered pouch : of Japanese work. Deesden Poecelain Pipe Bowl, elaborately painted with emblems, and inscriptions in every language. Beelin Poecelain Pipe, elaborately painted with heads and costume figures of every nation. Japanese Silvee Pipe, minutely inlaid with gold in birds and flowers, in a leather case, and a pouch attached by ivory buttons, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. IvoEY Rappe a Tabac oe Snuff Geatee, elaborately carved in relief with Jason attacking the Dragon ; on the lid a peasant smoking, and coats of arms. IVOEY Rappe, carved with a gentleman and lady smoking. Ivoey Rappe, vrith peasant holding a pipe and jug. LiMOOES Enamel Rappe, pamted with a nun and an angel, and French inscription. Boxwood Snuff Geatee, carved with a lady and motto, and on the reverse the arms of France. Beonze Snuff Geatee, repousse with a man rasping a roll of tobacco on a similar utensil. 251 Section T.I No. 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Steel Eappe, damascened with gold. Chinese Oval Silvee Tobacco Box, carved in higli relief with flowers, birds, cottages ; and a Silver Cigar Case to match. Indian Silver Cigae Case, carved with fakirs, trees, &;c. Boxwood Snitef Mill, carved with children and animals. Peesian Mouth-piece, silver-mounted, with a tube of lapis lazuli dama- scened with gold. Silvee Mouth-piece, of fine niello work in scrolls. SiBEEiAN Cigae Tube, formed of beads of agate, aqua marine, and jasper, silver mouth-piece. GouED Cup, mounted in silver, to contain mate and a silver tube — from Paraguay ; and another of commoner description. Italian Caeved Ivoey Pipe, with figures and scrolls in high relief. Contributed by A. Joseph^ JEsq. Squaee DeesdeN China Snuef Box, painted with subjects after Watteau, Oval Deesden China Box, painted with figures and garden scenes after Watteau. Contributed by Lady Molle. Silvee Gilt Sheine, ornamented with diamonds and garnets, and two fine miniatures representing the Adoration of the Shepherds and the Last Supper ; on the altar is a tabernacle with garnet doors, surmounted by a crucifix, two vases and candlesticks, set with stones and enamelled ; above is a canopy supported by two lapis lazuli columns. 16th Century. (De Bruge Collection.) Contributed by E. Napier^ Esq. Gold Bing, beautifully enamelled inside and outside the shank, and raised collet forming a box, the cover of an intaglio engraved with arms. 16th Century Contributed by Thomas Woolner^ Esq. Hoen Box, with perforated silver plaques. 17th Century. Contributed by JR. J. Spiers, Esq. Gold Enamelled Gimmal Bing of the 16th Century, set with a ruby and diamond, below the settings love tokens, and the following inscription in black enamel round the hoops, " Got bwar uns beid in lieb, und leid." Contributed by P. H. Hoivard, Esq. The Gold Eosaet and Ceucifix of Mary Queen of Scots, of large gold beads, originally enamelled, pendent pearls attached to the crucifix. Contributed by J. Brett, Esq. Enamelled Gold Bing of the 16th Century. Fine work, female figures and scrolls, set with a ruby. Contributed by Messrs. Ehilips Brothers. Silvee Snuff Box, the cover of steel, repousse with the battle of the Centaurs and Lapithse.— By Vechte. Contributed by Lady Otho Fitzgerald, SiLYEE PoMANDEE, to contain scents, opening in divisions like an orange^ ornameuted outsid© with niello scrolls. I6th Century. m BIJOUTERIE. [Section T. No. 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 a918 1919 1920 .Silver Memento Mori, in form of an apple, outside the apple is I. E., a crown, and the date 1623, and a scriptural quotation. Contributed by J. Rainey^ Esq. Enamelled Square Scroll Locket, with pendent pearls. Spanish work — 17th Century. BiNG, enamelled shank, white, with red and green flowers, and swivel seal with the letters A. D,, and a skull. 16th Century. Found at Stone Easton, near Bath. Contributed by /. G. Fanshaive, Esq. Dresden Porcelain Snuff Box, painted in pink camaieu, with Jupiter, J uno, and Cupids. Vernis Martin Etui, gilt ground, painted with birds. Square Tortoiseshell Snuff Box, with raised gold ornaments on the top, and dancing figures. Contributed by the Earl of Chesterfield. Silver Gilt Pastille Burner, open work sides and top, round which is a balustrade and crown-shaped cover, elaborately chased and engraved. French work. 17th Century. Contributed by the Countess of Chesterfield. Cabinet de Toilette, formed of pieces of striped agate, mounted with gold column and scrolls, time of Louis XV. The front set with precious stones in bouquets of flowers, surmounted by a watch, &c. Contributed by W. H. Forman^ Esq. Hooarth's Gold Ticket of Admission to Vauxhall, embossed in front with two female figures : Virtus, as Minerva taking Voluptas by the hand, in- scribed "Felices una." A red sealing-wax seal attached by a string. Hogarth's name on the back. Pendent Ornament, formed of a pearl baroque in the shape of clouds, enclosing enamelled figures of Jupiter, Juno, and Hebe ; above is the eagle in gold ; the back engraved, and painted with festoons of flowers. St. George and the Dragon, formed of large pearls baroque, mounted in silver and gold, with turquoise studs ; the horse of silver, standing on bronze rock work. Modern work. An Elephant, formed of pearls baroque mounted in gold and enamelled, with a castle on its back and man driving ; the trappings of translucent enamel, the eyes set with rubies, gold trunk and silyer tusks, the castle opening for scent ; resting on a crystal base which opens, set in gold, and enamelled with f mit and flowers in relief, and garnets in the centre of each. Partly Cinque Cento work. (From Marshal Soult's collection.) Gold Pendent of St. George and the Dragon, enamelled with pearl drops. Circular Gold Pendent, of flattened hemispherical form; the concave part in front enamelled with four female figures adoring the Infant Saviour^ in the back-ground a temple, round the edge enamel ribbons enclosing gems ; the back enamelled white with quatrefoils in red. 17th Century. Pendent, in gold filigree and white and black enamel, with jewels and loose pearls, in the centre a ruby surrounded by four brilliants, with a drop of the same work. 17th Century. Pendent Ornament of Gold, enamelled and jewelled, the top in form of an arcade, in which is a white enamel figure of a child holding the orb and cross, beneath is suspended by two chains an enamel dolphin studded with emeralds and rubies, and a small statuette of Neptune riding on its back. 16th Century. 253 Section T.] BIJOUTERIE. [Gallery J. 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1344 1945 1946 Contributed hj Messrs, Munt ^ EosMl, Egg-shaped Bonbonnibee of orange-coloured enamel, with gold animals, birds, and ornaments. Sgtjaee Gold Box, witli a view of tlie palace of Schonbrunn, separate views on the bottom and sides. SauAEE KooT OF Amethyst Box, with flowers, fruit, and insects applique, in pietra dura in natural colours. SauAEE Gold Box, inlaid with mother-of -pearl and gold figures emblem- atical of Peace and War, colonnades, scrolls, &c. Octagonal Onyx Box, with gold frame and jewelled borders, by Vachette , Sqtjare^^Gold Box, with repousse ornaments and scrolls, on the top a pedestal within an architectural composition, and bust of George III. in front of the Prince of Wales' feathers and motto. Oval Translucent Pine: Enamel Box, arborise, with opaque enamel medallion at top of a lady and Cupid. CiECULAK Toetoiseshell Snufe Box, with the portrait of a lady. CiECULAE Toetoiseshell Box, with portrait of Lady George Seymour. CiECULAE Box, with a painting on the cover—view of a city, with river, boats, and figures. Gold Box, red lac ground, with medallions of fine gold pique work of birds on tortoiseshell. Chased Steel Box, gold ground, with rococo scrolls, and a warrior in classical costume. CiECULAE Gold Box, with painting of Venus and Cupid, after Boucher. Yeenis Maetin Snuff Box, with two lids, painted with children by Boucher. Toetoiseshell Box, painted with sea view and figures, after Claude, CiECULAE Gold Enamel Box, with landscapes and shipping painted in lake camaieu. Gold Enamelled Desk Seal, the handle in form of Atlas holding a globe of lapis lazuli, the seal set with stones and enamelled scrolls. Modern German. Jewish Beteothal Eing, enamelled, bearing the name of Jehovah in Hebrew characters. 16th Century. Tablet Book with Silvee Covee, engraved with the Adoration of the Magi and of the Shepherds. EngUsh— iemi?. Charles II. Oval Miniatuee Case, set with jewels; the lid is of turquoise enamel, pencilled with black designs. 17th Century. FouE Enamelled Oenaments feom a Swoed and Sheath, with the arms of Carl Caspar Von der Leyens, elector of Treves. C. 1660. Squaee Gold Etui, chased with scrolls of the time of Louis XV., au(i enamelled ; inscribed "Kien n'est trop bonne pour ce qu' on aime." Contributed by Farqiihar Mathcson^ Esq. CiECULAE BoMAN MOSAIC OF A Eox AND A Hawk, in gilt frame. Batteesea Enamel Snuff Box, painted with landscapes, flower borders, and gold scrolls, mounted in gold. Gold Snuff Box, chased, on the hd a painting of a woman and children. CiECULAE Gold Snuff Box, enamelled at top and bottom with landscapes after Claude, and small sea pieces round the sides, bordered with translucent enamel flowers, 2p4 Gallery J.] BIJOUTEEIE. [Section T, Squaee Tortoiseshell Snuff Box, on the cover a beautifully-finished Eoman mosaic of a view in Italy. Silver Gilt Seal- shaped Ornament for Relics, chased with saints and enamel borders, opening in six divisions, each marked with a day of the week. German wQrk. Contributed by 3Irs. Hailstone, Gold Cross, set with emeralds, the sides enamelled in black and white, with pendent pearls, enamelled back. 16th Century. Gold Enamelled Sevigne, with statuette of ISTeptune in the centre, set with emeralds, rubies, and pearls ; 16th Century ; attached to a necklace set with stones. Gold Sevigne, enamelled, and set with clusters of pearls in front. Badge, in form of a Spread Eagle, composed of gold filigree set with emeralds, rubies, and pearls. Genoese— 17th Century. Contributed by M. D. Wyatt^ Esq. Vernis Martin Snuff Box, painted with nymph and amorini, by Boucher. Contributed by Mrs. M. Bigby Wyatt. Gold Chatelaine, with bloodstone pendent. A Collection of 52 Fans, of various countries, painted principally in the last century. Four Gilt Chatelaines, with figures in relief and scrolls ; no pendents. Gilt Chatelaine, with five pendents (Etuis, &c.) Moss Agate Etui, mounted in gold, and a chatelaine en suite. Two Striped Agate Etuis and a Chatelaine, mounted in gold. Silver Chatelaine, with pendents. Glass Scent Bottle, encased with chased and perforated gold of Watteau subjects and flowers. Smelling Bottle of turquoise enamel, overlaid with gold in birds and flowers. Contributed hy the Rev. James Beclc. Silver Gimmal, or Puzzle Eing, clasped hands, nine hoops. Silver- GILT Eing, four hoops. Gold Eing, two hoops. English Gold Eing, set with carbuncle bead. 14th Century. Found at Pulboro, Sussex. Italian Enamelled Betrothal Eing, of the 16th Century, set with ruby. Gold Eing, two hearts, ensigned with a crown and set with marcasites. Gold Eing, set with pink ruby and pierced border. 14th Century. Found at Sullington, Sussex. Early Intaglio, in modern setting, to represent ^'posthumous" Fame. A skeleton, with a palm branch in one hand, is holding the lid of a funeral urn with the other ; his sword, helmet, and shield are at the foot of the urn. Early English Eing. Found at Godstone Priory. Gold Posie Eing. ''As God decreed, soe wee agreed." 17th Century, German Silver Eing. Gold Celtic Torc Eing. From the Isle of Gottland. Two Silver- gilt Eings. From Gottland. One with representation of tho Crucifixion, Section T.] BIJOUTERIE. [Gallery J. No. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Two SiLYEE-c iLT RiNGS. Made by Dalecarlian peasants. Thuee Norwegian Kings. Made by the peasants in Thelemarken. Two Gold Studs; Two Gold Beads; and One Pendent. Frora Copenhagen. Contributed hy W. Whincopp, Esq. No. 1. — Ancient British Period. Four Crystal and Glass Balls. Eae-eino, an Emblem of Eternity. Tone OF Gold. Pair of Silver Bracelets. Head of an Ornament. British Coin. No, 2. — Roman Occupation. EiNGS, in their original settings; two of which are Imperial, three of the lower Empire. Silver Ring. Found at Mildenhall. Small Ring, with the figure of a dog. A Gem, with a wolf. Nos. 3 to 6.— Anglo-Saxon. Bracelet and Four Rings, of wire work; one set with a ruby, another has the Saxon annulet on the hoop. Seven Rings ; a ring with a carbuncle. A Silver Ring, with a horse ; apparently Danish. Brooch, with uncut rubies and turquoise; seven rings and an ornament, probably of Norman work. One Ring, of an unusual size, with an ornamental Saxon E. A Ring, with a glass enamelled bead of the Crucifixion. A Ring, with amulets ; found with Saxon C9ins. Three Gold and Three Silver Rings; one is set with an unpolished emerald, another has the Saxon capital F. Nos. 7 and 8. — Mediae val. Six Early English Rings; one set with the bone of a Saint, another is a sahitation ring. Gilt Ring, from Framlingham, inscribed with the names of the three kings of Cologne. Ring, of the 13th Century, with I.H.S. Thumb Ring (salutation). Two Espousal Gold Rings, of fine engraved work, inscribed inside, "Honeur et joye," and "Por bon amour." Two Gold Rings, one with a ruby and sapphire. One, with the emblem of piety, a pelican, &c. A Gold Ring, with three stones, setting of the Dagmar pattern. Nos. 9 to 17. — Renaissance and later periods. Eight Enamelled Gold Rings. Four Decade Rings. Nine Silver Rings, of the Mediaeval and Renaissance periods. Four Rings, used for Cabalistic purposes, having the sun (on the hoop), moon, and stars, with other devices. 256 Gallery J.] BIJOUTEBIE. [Section T, No. 2008 A ITemento, of gold work. 2009 An Ornament, of crystal and gold, worn on the belt or girdle; two of the loops cut Oi?. 2010 A Silver Buckle. Found at Dunwich ; inscribed on both sideg. 2011 A GiMMAL Ring; and Head of our Saviour on an ornamental Pin. 2012 Two Reliquaries, of silver-gilt; the upper one a chasing of an early period; the lower has the Crucifixion on both sides. 2013 Five Brooches and Ornaments; two of the former appear to be of early date. A Ring, with a lieart, has been added. 2014 Brooches, Stl^ds, and Buckles, mounted in silver; from the time of Charles I. to the last century ; two, in the form of a heart, were probably memo- rials of Charles I. Nos. 18 and 19. — Various. 2015 Two Fibula, from Colchester; one of which has been gilt. 2016 Anglo-Saxon Fibula. From Dovercourt, near Harwich. 2017 Handle, two bronzes, Saxon pin and two buttons. 2018 Six Seals and Rings. 2019 Three Roman and Saxon Silver Fibula. 2020 Two Roman Bronzes. 2021 Silver- HANDLED EInife, originally enamelled. 2022 Two Thimbles; one silver. '"Rose Derriche, 1583." 2023 Five Strings of very Curious and Interesting Beads. 2024 Engraved Key, inscribed "Rt. Hon^^^* Countess of Suffolk." 2025 Two Metal Boxes ; one is enamelled, one carved St. Stephen stoned, &c, 2026 Badge, reverse a rose. 2027 Two Curious Mortars; inscribed. 2028 Early English Mug, and a Tea Strainer. 2029 Chatelaine, with two objects for scents and a seal, CQntributed by Sir John Lawson, Bart 2030 Gold Filigree Pectoral Cross, set with amethysts and pearls, and enamelled in the centre with a figure of Christ; on the back the Evangelists. 16th Century. 2031 Silver-gilt Pectoral Cross; chased and enamelled, with Christ crucified, in relief. 16th Century. Contribtited by Rev. Thomas Hiigo^ F.S.A. 2032 English Betrothal Ring, hands clasped. 15th Century. 2033 GriLT Papal Ring, set with a crystal, inscribed, "episc. lvgdvn." 2034 GriLT Papal Ring. Formerly in the possession of the Argyle family. 2035 GrOLD MemoriaTj Ring of Charles I., with ornaments in blue enamel, and a portrait of the king, 2036 Buckle, with an enamelled portrait of Charles I., inscribed, ^'Sic transit gloria mundi." Contributed by Signor Castellani. 2037 Dresden Oval Snuff Box, painted with figures, and portrait inside. 2038 Six Pairs of Gold Earrings, of various patterns, worn by the peasants of Magna Greecia at the present day. 2039 Two Large Pairs of Earrings, with pendents of pearls and garnets, and a cross. Worn by the peasants of Central Italy. Contributed by F. Ayerst, Esq, 2040 ToETOiSESHELL GoLD PiQUE Case:et. 257 Section U.] [Gallery J, Contriluted hy Sig. A. Castellani. Pair of Eaurings, of five concentric rings of pearls, emerald centres. Italian work. Contributed hy Lady Margaret Beaumont. Gold Snuff Box, exquisitely and minutely painted with eight panels of landscapes and. figures, on the cover a boar hunt of the time of the Empress Maria Theresa. Battles, Arcadian scenes, and allegories by Blarenberg. I7th Century. Contributed by Wentworth B. Beaumont^ Esq. Two Gold Studs, formed of pearls and enamel, in the shape of ducks. Indian work. Pair of Gold Earrings (Mavicelli), worn by the peasants of Ischia. PouE Paxes of Earrings (Orecchini), worn by the peasants of Southern Italy* SECTIOlSr u. FOEEIGN POECELAIN. Contributed by E. Hailstone^ Esq. Pair of Dresden Porcelain Candlesticks, of rococo scrolls and flowers in relief and pierced. Avignon Ewer, chocolate coloured glaze. Pair of Nevers Ware Bottles, blue ground, splashed with white. Nevers Ware, boat- shaped flower vase, blue ground with white and yellow flowers. Pair of Dresden enamelled Silver G-ilt Cups and Saucers, painted v/ith classical subjects, Venus, cupids, &c. 18th Century. Dresden enamelled Silver Gilt Cup and Saucer, white ground, gold relief, borders and medallions of landscapes and figures. 18th Century. Contribitted by Lord Chcsham. Dresden Ewer and Basin, painted with "Watteau" figures and land- scapes in medallions, flowers and insects between. Ewer with silver gilt rim and purchase. Dresden Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, May-flower pattern in relief, medal- lions of Watteau figures and landscapes : bouquet of coloured flowers on top. Pair of Oval Sevres Plateaux with blue interlaced pattern, enclosing flowers and medallions of birds. S^iVRES Cup and Saucer, bleu de Eoi ground with small dotted gold annulets and bouquets of flowers, painted in brilliant coloui's with birds in medal- lions. Small Vincennes Jug and Basin, bleu de Boi ground, white medallions, gold bands and rich gilt borders. Two Old Dresden Groups, figures emblematical of the Seasons. Contributed by J. B. StanJiope^ Esq.^ M.P. Pair of Sevres Vases, cylindrical, on stems and feet, with angular handles and covers, green ground and richly gilt borders, painted with roses in compart- ments, ormolu plinths. (Bernal Coll.) Sevres Cup and Saucer, gros bleu ground, painted by Morin, with figures and shipping after Lingelback. (Bernal Coll.) Sevres Cup and Saucer, green ground, richly gilt, painted with baskets of flowers, vases, &c. (Bernal Coll.) Pair of Capo di Monte Porcelain Fountains, the stems formed of Nereids and dolphins supporting shells, surmounted by Tritons, on ormolu stands. Capo di Monte Cup and Saucer, with groups of figures in relief and coloured, and festoons of flowers. Vienna Porcelain Cabaret, consisting of plateau, coitce pot, milk jug, sucrier, and two cups and saucers. This exquisite service is decorated with compartments of green, Rose du Barry, and platines of gold with raised borders, 258 Gallery J.] FOREiaiT PORCELAm. [Section XT. Vienna Poecelain Suceiee, Cup, and Satjceb, in imitation of lac Japan. BuEN Eetieo Tea Pot, painted with a battle. Oval Dresden Suceiee and Ceeam Jug, richly gilt borders painted with landscapes, figures, and shipping. Deesden Suceiee, Covee and Stand, gold ground, with blue fiowers and compartments of Watteau subjects. .(^Grnal Coll.) Deesden Cup and Saucee, richly-pencilled gold border, blue ground, painted with flowers. Deesden Tea Caddy, Covee and Stand, and a Cup and Saucee, raised scroll borders enclosing Watteau subjects, Deesden Tea Pot, blue ground, with flowers and white compartments of Watteau subjects, silver gilt mounts and chain to cover. Deesden Ceeam Jug-, white ground and medallions of Oriental figures, gold borders. Deesden Ecuelle, Covee and Stand, gold ground, with white medallions of figures. (Bernal Coll.) Deesden Tea Pot, of the Marcolini period, gilt borders. Two Maecolini Deesden Cups and Saucees, white medallions of figures in Indian ink and colours ; part of a service. Deesden Ceeam Jua and Suceiee, mottled blue ground, with compart- ments of Watteau figures. Deesden Suceiee, Ceeam Jug, and Cup and Saucee, canary colour ground, with Watteau subjects of garden scenes and figures ; part of a service. Deesden Tueeen, Covee and Stand, blue scale borders, with pastoral figures, sheep, &c. ; specimen of a complete dinner service. A Set of Theee Deesden Vases, with May flowers in relief, and Watteau figures in compartments, painted on gold ground. Contributed hy Sir T. W. JEolhurne^ Bart. Nyons Poecelain : a large vase or wine cooler, blue ground, richly gilt, with medallions of views in Italy, swan-necked handles and three plates of tho same service with figures and views. FouE Nyons Desseet Plates painted with views in Italy. Vienna Poecelain Plate, white ground, with rich gold borders and two zones of dark blue. Deesden Cup and Saucee, embossed borders, painted with landscapes and figures after Teniers. HocHST Cup and Saucee, painted with cattle and sheep. Old Deesden Cup and Saucee, painted with landscapes and figures, gilt borders, vine leaves and grapes in relief outside. Contributed by Robert Napier^ Usq, Theee Specimens of the Boyal Seevice of Louis XVI., blue ground, with medallion subjects from Ovid and Homer. The greater portion of it is now at Windsor Castle, viz. : — A SiiVEES Seau oe Wine Coolee with two medallions. A Sevees Seau oe Wine Coolee with two medallions. A S^)VEES Cake Plate on a I'oot, five medallions. Sevees Plate, part of the service made for the Empress Catherine of Russia. 259 Section U.] FOKEIQW PORCELAIlsr. [q-allery J. No. 8106 A S:^VEES Plats, turquoise ground with, cipher in the centre and cameo subjects all round the border. 2107 SJiVEES Ewer and Basin, white ground with medallions of landscapes painted hj Viellard, dated 1766. Paie of Squaee Sevres Jardinieres, white ground with cupids painted in red camaieu, by Michel, in 1765. Sevres Ecuelle op Violet "ceiil de perdrix," decorated with medal- lions of trophies by Buteux— 1772. Sevres Ecuelle, white ground with chintz decorations, dated 1769, and marked with a comet which appeared in that year. Sevres Cup and Saucer, green and white ground with decorations of flowers— 1757. Sevres Coffee Cup and Saucer, Rose du Barry ground, and medallions of children by Theodore. Sevres Cup and Saucer, "trembleuse" white ground, painted with, the fable of the fox and the stork, by Baudouin and Vavasseur — 1777. Sevres Cabaret, consisting of oval-shaped tray, cup and saucer, coffee pot and sugar basin, gros bleu ground, and boys painted in red camaieu. Sevres Ecuelle, white ground, Eose du Barry border, and centre decoration of flowers — 1758. Large Sevres Cup and Saucer, gros bleu and gold vermicelli ground, medallion subject after Teniers. Sevres Cup and Saucer, gros bleu and gold vermicelli ground with painted medallion — 1753. Sevres Cup and Saucer, green ground, painted with cupids — 1758. Sevres Cup and Saucer, white ground, blue line, painted medallion of a shepherd and shepherdess. Sevres Cup and Saucer, turquoise ground, with medallions of flowers and ribbons, by Theodore and Boulanger — 1757. Sevres Coffee Cup and Saucer, gros bleu, with painted medallion of a female with a dog — 1765. Sevres Coffee Cup and Saucer, gros bleu, with painted medallion of a female with a vase. Sevres Coffee Cup and Saucer, gros bleu, painted with a subject after Vernet, by Morin— 1779. Sevres Cabaret, consisting of triangular plateau, tea pot, sucrier, and two-handled cup and saucer, turquoise ground painted with white flowers. 2125 Sevres Ecuelle, Cover and Dish, white ground, with blue interlacings and flowers. 2126 Sevres Ecuelle, Cover and Oval Dish, white ground with gold spots, painted with boys in red camaieu. 2127 Sevres Ecuelle, Cover and Oval Plateau, gros bleu ground, with medallions after Vernet. 2128 Large Sevres Coffee Cup and Saucer, white ground painted with figure subjects in red camaieu. 2129 Sevres Cup and Saucer and Cover, ^'trembleuse," Eose du Barry ground, painted with goats and sheep in medallions by Fontaine — 1756. 2130 Large Oviform Dresden Vase, enamelled with birds and flowers ; mono- gram of Augustus Eex. 260 Gallery J.] POREiaN POECilLAIN. tSection tf. Deesden Gold Enamelled Cttp and Saucer, the cup ornamented with medallions of equestrian figures, scroll work, and trophies between ; the saucer with a battle subject ; a fine specimen ; early 18th century. Bottcher Ware Cofeee Pot (imitation of) ; made in England, with silver mounts. Marseilles Enamelled Fayence Cruche, painted with Galatea and nymphs, arabesques and flowers, inscribed on two small flags carried by amorini " Vive la joye, la paix est faite," with chased silver mounts. 18th century. BOTTCHER "Ware Tanea.rd, of red stoneware, engraved with a device and motto, silver gilt mounts. Bottcher Stoneware Tankard, plain polished surface, with pewter mounts. Bottcher Ware Tankard, ornamented with gilt Chinese figures and scrolls, silver gilt cover. Bottcher Ware Tankard, ornamented in silver ; dated 1756. • Dresden Cup, blue ground, and medallion painted with portraits of a lady and gentleman, mounted in gold, with chased base and two handles ; a fine specimen of Marcolini. Dresden Cup and Saucer, painted with Watteau subjects in compartments and rich gilding ; a beautiful cabinet specimen. Early Dresden Vase, painted with Chinese flowers, with the mark of Augustus Rex. Grotesque Capo di Monte Tea Pot, of whiteware, the handle formed of two nude figures, dolphin spout. Dihl's French China Ecuelle, cover and stand in imitation of marble, gilt edges, and handle. Pair of Madrid (Buen Betiro) Cups, resting on three feet formed of cherubs, on a saucer in white porcelain, with cartouche work, &c. , in relief. Pair of Capo di Monte Porcelain Candlesticks, with rococo scroll work in relief, picked out in colours and gold, cupids climbing up the stems. Tournat Porcelain Cup and Saucer, landscapes and figures in crimson and fine gilding. Vienna Cup and Saucer, with medallion of a sportsman and his dog, fine gilding. Vienna Cabaret, consisting of oval octagonal plateau tea pot, milk pot, sugar basin, and two cups and saucers, purple lustre ground, decorated with gold arabesques. Vienna Plate, painted with a stag and landscape, scroll foliage border, trophies and dogs. Vienna Plate, gros bleu and white ground, the blue border pencilled with white enamel scrolls and rich gilding. Vienna Plate, painted with the Judgment of Paris, by Nigg. Marcolini Dresden Cabaret ; a plateau, tea pot, milk pot, sugar basin, four cups, two saucers, and two spoons ; gros bleu and gold, painted with medal- lions of pastoral subjects, shepherd and shepherdesses, sheep, &c. Old Berlin Cabaret, gros bleu, richly gilt, painted with medallions of classical figures amid clouds, &c. Large Hochst Cup and Saucer, gros bleu, and medallions of amorini, &c., in brown camaieu. Large Vienna Cup and Satjoee, medallion portrait of a nobleman in brown camaieu, richly gilt. 261 SSction U.] td-aiiery ^. Vienna Cup, painted with the portrait of a lady. Berlin Cup and Saucer, painted medallion of Telemachus and Calypso. Maecolini Dresden Ecuelle, cover and stand, gros bleu, with medallions of conversation subjects, and rich gilding. Large and very pine Dresden Bowl and Ewer; painted with battle subjects, and decorated with rich gilding, gilt inside ; of an early period. Vienna Cabaret, decorated in relief, with classical subjects in relief, on blue biscuit medallions, in imitation of Wedgwood's jasper ware ; consisting of plateau, coffee pot, milk jug, sugar basin, and two cups and saucers. Old Pate Tendre Pot and Cover, decorated with raised gold scrolls, figures, busts, &c. , and spots of green translucent enamel ; mounted in silver gilt ; an unusual specimen. Old Pate Tendre Porcelain Cup, with gilt arabesques, figures, and birds. Capo di Monte Cup and Saucer, painted with classical figures and beautiful cartouche work and trophies on white ground ; a rare specimen. A Beautiful Old Capo di Monte Porcelain Bottle, with ancient silver gilt mounts and cover, painted with classical subjects en grisaille, surrounded with rich cartouche scroll work and amorini, in brilliant colours, on the white ground. Two Old Capo di Monte Cups, white ground, the lower parts fluted, the upper painted with a continuous frieze of battle subjects, in brilliant colours. Pair of Cups and Saucers of Capo di Monte, painted with bird?;. Mark, R. F. (B,ex Ferdinandus), crowned. Capo di Monte Ecuelle, cover and plateau, painted with landscapes and circular medallions of birds. GiNORi (Doccia) Bowl and Cover, painted with Pompeian figures, inscribed ''Ercolano." Pair of Old Pate Tendre "White Cups and Saucers, with raised Chinese flowers, the ground picked out with gold spots. Doccia Porcelain Saucer, painted with Pompeian figures on pale lilac ground, and compartments in white and gold. Copenhagen Cup and Saucer, painted with dog and stag. Delft Earthenware Plate, painted in blue camaieu, with a scriptural subject, infant angels on the border. Signed on the reverse "Eoos." 17th Century. Contributed hy Lady Eolle. Two S^iVRES Vases, oviform, and a centre piece boat-shaped, bleu de Boi ground sem^e with small gold flowers. Two Dresden Bottles, with flowers in full relief applique in colours on white ground. Contrihuted by Col. the Hon. C. S. Verelcer. Vienna Cream Jua and Cover, ornamented -with green ribbon and gold, and painted with bouquets of flowers on white, below the lip a coronet and the letters C. A. Cup and Saucer with Cover, deep blue -with gold borders, and oval medallions painted with views of Dresden; Dresden Ecuelle, cover and stand, white, ornamented with vine branches and grapes in relief, with insects and butterflies painted. The cover surmounted by a bust of Minerva. 262 Gl-allery J.] [Section IT» Contrihded by Eev. T, Staniforth. Cabahet of Copenhagen Porcelain, with medallions of celebrated painterf?, painted in brown camaieu, and richly gilt borders, with coloured flowers. Vienna Porcelain Coffee Cup and Saucer, white ground, painted with children at play, richly gilt borders. Maecolini Dresden Cup and Saucer, bleu de Roi ground, and white medallions of flowers : the peculiarity of the design consists in the outlines of the flowers forming profile portraits of celebrated persons. Carl Theodore (Frankenthal) Plate, painted with bouquets in all the colours employed in the manufactory ; round the border an inscription and chronogram of the year 1775. Pulda Porcelain Cup, Cover and Saucer, painted with peasants, raised and gilt leaf borders. Menecy Porcelain, gourd-shaped vase, painted with flowers and medallions of cupids, pierced cover. Cabaret of Berlin Porcelain, painted in red camaieu, with Watteau subjects, richly gilt borders. German Gres Tankard, slate colour, incuse pattern, engine turned, borders of light blue, and white enamel leaves ; mounted in silver. 17th Century. Teinitz (Hungary) Porcelain Plate, painted in brown camaieu, with Diana and Cal3T)so, gilt border. Contributed by Mr, KumpJirey Mberts. Dresden Basin and Cover, yellow ground, with compartments of landscapes and figures. Contributed by Francis Ferns, Fsq, Vienna Sauce Boat, with masks in relief, in the Capo di Monte style, richly gilt and painted medallion of Venus and Cupid. Contributed by John Mortlock, Fsq. Dresden TtiAY, octagonal, painted with landscape and figures, "afterTeniers* Marcobni period. Contributed by A, Barker, Fsq, Sevres Porcelain Soup Tureen, cover and stand ; turquoise ground and medallions of flowers on white ground ; apple on the cover. Contributed by the Countess Bowager of Lichfield, Eight Specimens of a Dresden Porcelain Breakfast Service, of the old manufacture, painted with landscapes and figures, viz. :— tea pot, milk pot, sugar basin, slop basin, and two cups and saucers. Contributed by M. Bigby Wyatt, Fsq, Three Delft Ware Vases, enamelled in colours, with scrolls and flowers, and medallions of Chinese landscapes and figures, by Van Domelaar. Contributed by Mr. Millar, Two Capo di Monte Vases. Two Berlin Maiolica Plates. Large Capo di Monte Ewer^ Two Dresden Jars and Covers, Cabaret of Berlin China. Cabaret of Dresden China, Dresden Ewer, 263 Section TT.I FOREiair POUOELAIN. Contributed by Emerson Norman^ Esq, Dresden Tea Service, gold ground with figures ; tea pot, caddy, sucrier, and two cups and saucers. Contributed by Frederick Eavis^ Esq, Splendid Dresden Group, of Apollo and the Nine Muses witli Pegastis, on rock work and flowers in relief ; on gilt stand. Two White Dresden China Stoee;s. Life size. Contributed by C. W. Reynolds^ Esq, Lofty Le ^N'ove Porcelain Vase and Cover, with terminal female figure handles, painted in colours, with a continuous classical subject round the body. Lofty Le Nove Fayence Vase and Cover, with square perforated handles, dark blue ground enriched with gold, painted with classical subjects, after Lq Brun, on circular pedestal, marked "Fab Baroni Nove." Le Nove Fayence Vase and Cover, with female terminal handles, blue and gold ground, white leaves and scrolls in relief, painted with classical subjects, Marcolini Dresden Cup and Saucer, with gold scale ground, painted classical subjects. Perseus and Andromedaj &c. Contributed by /. Mainey^ Esq, Pair of German Enamel Cups, on silver gilt, with paintings of amorini, emblematical of War, Peace, and Love, in medaiUons on brown ground, flowera between. 17th Century. Contributed by Lady Amcotts Ingilby. A Dejeuner Service, of Sevres porcelain of eight pieces. ^ A Pair of Dresden Pastille Burners. Contributed by A. Joseph^ Esq. Pair of Vienna Porcelain Vases, oviform, pink ground with medallions of pastoral figures ; richly-gilt borders. Painted by J. Wech. Vienna Porcelain Plate. Historical subject. Eich gold borders on green ground. Vienna Porcelain Plate, blue and gold border, painted with male and female figures. Dresden Porcelain Tureen ; painted medallions of battle subjects ; gilt borders and mask handles. Dresden Ecuelle, cover and stand; medallions painted with subjects after Ostade. Dresden Ecuelle, cover and stand ; painted with battle subjects. Pair of Vienna Cups ; beautiful borders of coloured scrolls on gold, edged with green, painted medalUons of figures. Sevres Porcelain Cup and Saucer, dark blue gfound, centre medallion painted by Dodin and Tandart. 1759. Contributed by Sir T. W, Etolburne, Bart. Two Old Tournay Plates, painted with birds in t]\3 centre. Sevres Plate ; green oval and border of flowers. Sevres Plate ; Turquoise basket-work border, painted figure in centre* NANTaARW Plate ; medallions of landscapes and mask centre4 264 Gallery J.] FOBEIGN POBCELAI^T. [Section U. No. 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 Sevees Plate ; gold vermicelli on mazarine blue ground ; painted fruit and flower centre. Sevees Plate ; gold border, mazarine blue ground, painted with birds. Two Deesden Cups and Saucees, landscape and gUt borders. MENE9Y Tea Pot and Covee, painted birds. Contributed by the Eev. T, Staniforth. Deesden Bottle, oviform, long neck, white ground, painted with garlands of flowers enclosing birds, of the time of Augustus King of Poland. Seevice of Buen Retieo Poecelain, painted with continuous landscape and battles, gilt borders. Contributed by F. Davis, Esq. Vienna Cabaeet, painted in subjects after Angelica Kaufmann, date, 1799 ; consisting of plateau, coffee pot, milk pot, and cup and saucer. Collection of Old Sevees China, illustrating the best epoch of Sevres, from its commencement at Vincennes, letter A, 1753, to the letter Z, 1777, with the names of the painters and gilders, with date affixed to each article Turquoise Plateau, flowers. Fontaine. 1753 A. Turquoise Cup and Saucer, flowers. Leve frSre. 1754 B. Turquoise Tea Pot, flowers. Taillandier. 1755 C. Green and White Cup and Saucer, flowers. Leve frgre. 1756 D. Ewer and Basin, Cupids and trophies, gros bleu. Dodin. 1757 E. Turquoise Plateau, flowers. Taillandier. 1758 F. Green and "White Cup and Saucer, birds. Evans. 1759 G. Rose Pompadour Ecuelle, cover and stand, flowers. Leve frSre. 1760 H. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, subjects after Boucher by Viellard. 1761 L Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, pastoral subject, gilding by Brand. 1762 J. Green Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, birds — cup by Evans, and saucer by Aloncle. 1763 K. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, Watteau subjects. Unknown. 1764 L. Sea-green Teapot and Cover, birds. Evans. 1765 M. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, figures. Chabry. 1766 N. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, landscapes. Bouillat. 1767 O. Green Cup and Saucer, birds. Chapuis, sen. 1768 P. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, landscape, gilding by Le Guay. 1769 Q. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, gilding by Chauvaux, sen. ; soldiers playing, painting by Gerrard. 1770 R. White Cup and Saucer, flowers. Vautrin. 1771 S. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, fishing. Chabry. 1772 T. Bleu du roi Cup and Saucer, flowers. Binet. 1773 U. Bleu du roi Cup and Saucer, cupids. Hilkin. 1774 "V, Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, subjects. Dodin. 1775 X. Gros Bleu Cup and Saucer, jewelled by Le Guay. (First Year of Jewelled Sevres J 1776 Y. Bleu du roi Tasse 'a la reine, trophies. Aloncle. 1777 Z. Contributed by A. Barker, Esq. TTmQUOiSE Sevres Vereieee, painted with birds. Pair of White Sevres Verrieres, painted with festoons of flowers and the monogram of Madame Du Barry. Contributed by L. Menke, Esq. Paie of Capo di Monte Plaques, with subjects in relief —Heathen deities. 265 s Section V.] EITGLISH PORCELAIN. [Gallery J. SECTION V. ENGLISH POECELAIN. Contrihuted hy Robert Napier^ Esq. Pair of Chelsea Bell-shaped Cups, painted with flowers on gold ground. Chelsea Tall Bulb-shaped Bottle, pale turquoise ground, with vertical panels in white, painted with birds ; scroll handles. Chelsea Peak-shaped Vase and Coyer, surmounted by raised flowers, richly decorated with scrolls in high relief, morone ground, white compart' ments painted with emblematical figures of the Seasons ; the Cover perforated. Geand Ovifoem Chelsea Vase, mounted in ormolu ; the body exquisitely painted with a continuous subject of a Bacchanalian procession of amorini, animals, &;c. ; the upper part is of morone colour and gold, with satyrs, masks, lions' and goats' heads in relief. Probably unique. Chelsea Beaker and Cover, dome-shaped, pierced, and enriched with raised flowers ; the body of the Vase grounded in gold, with bouquets of coloured flowers painted in reserved spaces. Fine Chelsea Oviform Vase, with elaborate scroll handles ; crimson and white ground, painted on the body with peacocks and foliage on gold ground. Pair of Chelsea Vases and Covers, oviform, in morone colour and white, on pedestal feet : the body of each Vase flanked by three terminal female figures, and decorated with raised flowers. Contributed by Lady RoUe. Fine Chelsea Vase and Cover, crimson ground, with medallions of land- scapes and birds ; the neck and cover pierced in scrolls, surmounted by a bunch of flowers. Pair of Hexagonal Chelsea Vases, painted with flowers. Pair of Chelsea Cups, Covers, and Saucers, white overlapping leaves in relief, painted with fruit and flowers. Contributed by Francis Fry, Esq. A Pair of Plymouth Porcelain Vases and Covers, of hexagonal form, ornamented with festoons of raised flowers fastened by ribbons, painted with butterflies and insects. Bristol Porcelain Vase, hexagonal, painted alternately in green, blue, and pink camaieu, with trees, &c. ; open work top, gilt borders. Bristol Porcelain Vase, hexagonal, painted in blue, with a landscape on each side ; the handles of female masks, and festoons of raised flowers round the body. rRiCTCL Porcelain Vase, hexagonal, green ground in imitation of shagreen, end white panels painted with flowers, birds, and insects, in the Oriental style. Bristol Porcelain Oval Bowl, with Two Handles, Cover, and Dish, printed with green wreaths and gold lines. Note. — These Vases were obtained by Mr. Fry's father from the Bristol Works, of which he was part proprietor. Contributed by J. Rainey, Esq. Chelsea Vase and Cover, oviform, claret coloured ground, painted in the centre with Venus and Adonis, white borders, festoons, and broad folded bands bossed with gold along the edges. 266 Gallery J.J ENGLISH POBCELAIN. [Section V. Old Chelsea Milk Ewer, Cover, and Dish, fluted, and painted with bouquets of flowers, green border, and gilt scrolls. Chelsea Cup and Saucee, claret coloured ground, covered with dotted circles and white medallions of cameo portraits. Pair of Crown Derby Vases, with white raised festoons of roses, and the letter C crowned. Made for Queen Charlotte. Crown Derby Chocolate Cup, Cover, and Saucer, with festoons of roses in low relief, blue and gold borders. Pair of Worcester Cups and Saucers, fluted alternately blue and white, decorated with gilt branches of roses. Contrihided hy Sir T. TT. Solburne, Bart, Swansea Coffee Cup and Saucer, group of flowers, gilt borders. Swansea Coffee Cup and Saucer, detached flowers, gilt borders. Old Chelsea Plate, basket pattern, raised and coloured leaves and fruit, pierced border. Chelsea Saucer, gros bleu, with centre medallion of flowers and two medallions of seaports on the borders. Pair of old Chelsea Plates, white ground, raised scroU borders and paintings illustrating fables. Chelsea Seau, gros bleu ground with gold vermicelli pattern, with medal- lions painted in lake camaieu of the rape of Proserpine, and on the reverse Cupids. Pair of Worcester Vases, bleu de Koi ground and medallions of birds, scroll handles. Worcester Dish, painted with flowers. Worcester Cup and Saucer, in imitation of Oriental. Two Worcester Plates, blue ground, painted medallions of birds on white. Crown Derby Cup and Saucer, yellow ground, pearl borders, and medal- lions of views in Derbyshire. Contributed hy W. Mkins^ Esq. Plymouth Porcelain Bust, small life-size of George II., with Eoman armour and mantle ; supposed to be modelled by Michael Eysbrach. A similar specimen is in the possession of Dr. Cookworthy, of Plymouth, nephew of the founder of the works. White Plymouth Porcelain Statuette of an Actor (perhaps Garrick), in a cocked hat, his hands in his pockets, with the usual mark incised under the glaze. Erroneously attributed usually to Bow. Plymouth Pigure of a Peasant Playing on a Bagpipe, on scroll pedestal, not coloured. Plymouth Figure of a Shepherdess, holding a crook and bunch of flowers, on scroll pedestal. Companion to the last, but coloured. Plymouth Porcelain Centre Piece, with three tiers of shells, three in each for condiments, with rock work, coral and shells between, in high relief, of pyramidal form, Bristol Jug, with gold borders, and painted with festoons of flowers. Bristol Tea Pot, painted with Chinese figures in medallions, richly gilt scroll between. Marked with a X and the crossed swords. Bristol Tea Pot, decorated with gold lines and festoons of green laurel leaves, ranunculus on the cover. % 267 Section V.] ENGLISH POBCELAm. [Gallery J No. 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 Beistol Suceier and Covee, red and gold scrolls, with green sprigs entwined, rose knop. Mark, the crossed swords. Beistol Figuee of a Lady, with coloured jacket and round hat, holding! a pouch in her hand. Beistol Suceiee, Dish, and Covee, oval, with rams' head handles, rich double line border entwined with red and lilac ribbons, rosettes in the spaces, festoons of flowers and bouquets, gilt raised leaf pattern at bottom. Beistol Cup and Saijcee, gold scroll border, and festoons of roses and small red flowers. Mark, the crossed swords. Beistol Cup and Saucee, three gold lines interlaced by blue ribbons and detached flowers. Usual mark. Beistol Cltp and Saucee, green wreaths tied by pink and gold ribbons, and festoons of flowers. Mark, the crossed swords. Deeby Chelsea Chocolate Cup and Saucee, with two handles, painted with roses. Two WoECESTEE Plates, escalloped edges, blue scale ground, gold bordered medallions of exotic birds and insects. Small Old Chelsea. Saucee, octagonal, with coloured landscape in thej centre. Mark, a raised anchor. Veey fine Hexagonal Woecestee Vase and Covee, blue ground, richly pencilled with gold scrolls and diaper work, and six white medallions of exotic birds of rich plumage, and trees. Batteesea Enamel Oval Plaque Teansfee Poeteait, in blue camaieu, OF THE Countess of Suffolk. A Beistol Coffee Cup, with initial, and date 1774. (Very rare with date*) Contributed hy John Jthodes, JEsq. KocKiNGHAM Feuit BASKET, resting on a branch of coral, flowers in relief round the top. Old Deeby Dejeunee Seevice, painted with butterflies, • A Feame containing Poue Oval Batteesea Enamels of Landscapes, in colours. Contributed by Lord Chesham, Set of Pive Chelsea Vases, with gold Hne ground and blue borders, gold scrolls, and medallions painted m grisaille, with landscapes and figures. Ceown Deeby Cabaeet, painted with roses, lake borders, with small yellow: and white flowers. Tea pot, sucrier, milk jug, cup and saucer, and plateau. Ceown Deeby Two-handled Cup, Covee, and Saucee, in the Japanese style, with red and green compartments and flowers. Contributed by J. J, Bagshawe^ Esq, PouE Batteesea Enamel Wine Labels, painted with children in transfer colours. Paie op Batteesea Enamel Candlesticks, white ground, with colours and gilding. Batteesea Enamel Oval Medallion Poeteait of Geoege II. Paie of Eockingham China Vases, hexagonal, painted with flowers, gilt monkey on the cover. 26^ G-allery J.] [Section V, Contributed hy E. Hailstone^ JEsq. Pair of Poecelain Ewers, from Wedgwood's design, with satyrs at top, round the drum festoons of grapes, coloured with gold flowers between. Of uncertain manufacture, probably Derby. Pair of Battersea Enamel Candlesticks, dark blue ground with white rosettes, square pedestals. Co7itributed by J, B. Stanhope^ Esq,^ if. P. Pair of Chelsea Vases and Covers, oviform, with lake borders, the white ground painted with festoons of flowers. (Earl Cadogan's Coll.) Pair of Chelsea Vases, mottled blue ground, with raised and gilt vine leaves and grapes, chameleons on the stems ; white handles. Chelsea Vase, on circular pedestal, blue ground, with white compartments of Watteau figures ; two handles. Chelsea Cup, two handles, blue ground, gold borders, with white compart- ments of Watteau figures. Chelsea Cup, Cover, and Stand, dark blue ground, white compartments of Watteau figures. Contributed hy J. W. Jeans^ Esq» Rockingham Vase, snake handles, and raised flowers in green, blue, and gold. Pair of Eockingham Plates, with views in centre. Contributed by J. Haivkins, JEsq, Brown Rockingham Tea Pot, with gilt classical figures, A Pair of Derby Plaques, painted with fruit. Large White Chelsea Tea Pot. Chelsea -Jug, Dr. Johnson and literary friends. Derby Vase, with pierced cover and landscapes. Two White Derby Figures, of a shepherd and shepherdess. Contributed by Emerson Norman, Esq. Rockingham China Centre Piece, light blue ground, oak leaves in relief, stalk handles, painted medallions of the ''Tight Shoe," and the "Young Soldier." Pair of Rockingham China Tazzas, blue ground and landscapes, mulberries and leaves on stem. Plymouth Porcelain Stand, of rock work and shells, painted with insects. Pair of Chelsea Vases and Covers, moulded with leaves in relief, edged with green. Chelsea Statuette of Justice, holding sword and scales. Worcester Tea Pot ; with transfer of the Prussian hero. Worcester Mug, painted with bu-ds and flowers ; mask on spout. Chelsea Barrel-shaped Mug, painted in lake camaieu flowers. Pair of Plymouth Vases, painted with birds and flowers. Bow Porcelain Mug, painted with flowers and crest; a dog on the cover. Bristol Mug, painted with flowers. Rockingham Square Card Basket, with view of WoUaston Castle. Chelsea Flower Vase, green ground and birds. Two Chelsea Dishes, coloured leaves in rehef . Rockingham Sugar Basin, Cream Jug, and Cxjp and Saxtceb, convolvolus pattern. ^ 269 Section V.] ENGLISH POROELAm. [Gallery J. EOCKINGHAM InKSTAND. EOCKINGHAM SUGAE BaSIN, CeEAM JuG, AND TWO CuPS AND SaUCEES, painted green. Leeds Waee Coffee Pot. Lofty China Vase, painted in subjects, raised flowers, and scroll handles. Contributed by Thomas Nunneley^ JEsq.^ M.D. EocKiNGHAM Centee Piece, blue ground with gilt trellis, medallions of birds, the plateau bordered with roses in reUef, stem of oak branches. A side dish and plate, part of a service in Mr. Nunneley's possession. EoCKiNGHAM Centee Piece, light blue and gold trellis, with medallions of landscapes, gold oak and acorn borders, leaf cluster stem. Two EocKiNGHAM China Plates, escalloped borders, blue and gold trellis, with views in Scotland — snow scenes. EocKiNGHAM BiscuiT FiGUEE OF A BoY WITH A DovE, on pedestal. Paie of Eockingham Biscuit Figuees, peasant boy and girl. EocKiNGHAM China Cup, in form of a foxhound's head, with gold collar. EocKiNGHAM IcE PAiL, dark blue ground, with gilt flowers, lion handles, and lion on the cover. EOCKINGHAM CoFFEE PoT, chocolato grouud, with gold Chinese figures. EOCKINGHAM CoFFEE PoT, chocolate grouud, with flowers in relief, in imitation of Oriental. WoECESTEE Patteen Plate, dark blue ground, with medallions of the Orders of Knighthood, Eoyal Arms in centre. Contributed by G. T. Young^ Esq. Model of a Eockingham Vase, octagonal, called the Dragon Vase, dragon handles, resting on four dolphins ; recent painting. Contributed by FrederieJc Davis, Esq. Lofty Chelsea Vase, hexagonal, blue ground and white bands of birds, gilt borders. Contributed by the Earl of Chesterfield. Lofty Chelsea Vase ; similar to that preserved in the Foundling Hospital ; blue ground, ornamented with gold and medallions, painted with birds on one side, and figures of shepherds and shepherdesses on the other, elaborate scroll handles, and lid with scroll on the top. Contributed by the Rev. T. Staniforth. Swansea Plate, painted with flowers and fruit, by Baxter, on brown ground ; deep gilt border. Bow PoECELAiN MiLK JuG, in form of goats, painted with flowers, and a^ bee in relief. (Marryat Collection. ) Contributed by C. Winn, Esq. Eockingham Waee Vase, chocolate-coloured ground, painted with views in Lincolnshire, and made of clay found on Mr. Winn's estate. Eockingham Poecelain Vase, painted with flowers. Made at the manu- factory for the contributor, and bearing his coat of arms. Contributed by Mr. Humphrey Roberts. Chelsea Mug, painted with birds. Chelsea Tea Pot and Basin, fluted aiid painted with flowers. 270 Gallery J.] ENGLISH POBOEIiAm. [Section V. Contributed hy Sir T. W, Solhirne^ Bart. Old Chelsea Plate, painted with caterpillar in the centre. Nantgarw Plate, painted with the horse named Poulton. Old Worcester Plate, gold on mazarine blue, medallion with birds, flower centre. Old Worcester Plate, flowers in medallions, butterfly centre. Two Worcester Cups and Saucers, blue ground, and medallions with birds. Worcester Tea Cup and Saucer, imitation Oriental. Worcester Coffee Cup and Saucer, imitation Oriental. Worcester Tea Pot, cover and stand, imitation Oriental. Contributed by John Ilortlock^ Esq. Lofty Eockingham Porcelain Vase, painted with flowers and landscapes, three handles of gilt oak branches, leaves, and acorns ; the cover surmounted by a rhinoceros ; resting on three lions' paws, morone coloured plinth. Mark, a Griffin, " Brameld Eockingham," MiNTON Plate, pierced borders, in the centre Cupids and warriors. A Rose Dubarry Compotier, fruit in the centre. Eockingham Tea Pot, brown and gold. Eockingham Ice Pail, with cover, white and gold. Two Modern Wedgwood Plates, painted with subjects. CoALBROOK Dale Fruit Tray, two handles, painted with Cupids and goat, turquoise and gold border, made by J. Eose and Co. , about 1830, in imitation of Sevres. Contributed by H. W, Diamond, Esq., M.D. Porcelain Model of a Lion Walking. Old English. Early Swansea Tea Pot, cream-colour, rudely painted with cottage and landscape, twisted handles. Early Swansea Tea Canister, painted with flowers; " Cambrian pottery." Cabaret of Crown Derby Porcelain, blue and gold, in imitation of old Chelsea. Eight pieces. Worcester Porcelain Tea Canister, oviform, fluted, ornamented with green festoons and gold loops, dark blue and gold border. Worcester China Bowl, fluted, painted with Chinese flowers. Plymouth Porcelain Scent Yase, perforated cover, flowers in relief. Swansea China Flower Vase, painted with roses on gold ground. Chelsea Dish, painted with birds and flowers. Two Nantgarw Plates, painted with birds, butterflies, and insects. Contributed by John Manning, Esq, Eockingham Porcelain Tea Pot, Sugar Basin, and Milk Pot, white ground, painted with birds, insects, and flowers in relief. Eockingham Porcelain Compotier, of three tiers, blue and gold trellis, bordered with flowers in full relief, gold sheaf stem, on the foot a view of Lowther Castle, &c., surmounted by a vase. Part of the dessert service made for William IV., in 1832, and which is said to have caused the ruin of the firm from its expensive character. A Plate, of the same service, with the Royal Arms in the centre. 271 Section W;j [Gallery Lotus-shaped Rockingham China Vase, formed of overlapping or clustered leaves, green with white stalks, the veins in relief with coloured butterflies, insects, &c. ; resting on a curled leaf, and small aquatic plants in relief. Contributed by 8ir Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks^ Bart.^ M.F, Seven very fine Chelsea Vases and Covers, claret colour, with medallions in front painted with mythological subjects, on the back with birds. Three beautiful Gros Bleu Chelsea Vases and Covers, and medallions of birds painted on gold ground. Contributed by Lady Amcotts Ingilby. Pair of Oval Chelsea Dishes, painted with flowers, escalloped edges. Pair of Large Circular Chelsea Dishes, raised flowers and fruit. Contributed by Brinsley M'arlay^ J^sq. Wedgwood Jasper Vase, blue ground, with white reliefs of a classical subject, after Maxman ; leaf borders. SECTION W. ENGLISH POTTEEY. Contributed by C. W. Reynolds^ JEsq. PuLHAM Stoneware Bust of Charles II. Fulham Stoneware Bust of James II. FuLHAM Stoneware Figure of a Girl holding a vase of flowers. Fulham Stoneware Bust of a Dead Female Child,' on a pillow, clasping a bouquet of flowers. On the back is inscribed, '* Lydia Dwight, Dyed March 3, 1672." Fulham Brown Stoneware Statuette of Mars. Fulham Brown Stoneware Statuette of Jupiter. Large Fulham Ware Plateau, rich blctc de Perse ground, with white scrolls, flowers and birds ; in the centre the Eoyal Arms of Charles II. Contributed by L. JFedderburn, Esq. An Open-work Vase and Cover, of Leeds pottery. Contributed by Mr. Humjyhrey Roberts. Staffordshire Tortoiseshell Ware Plate, raised border. Contributed by John Mortlock^ Esq. Modern Wedgwood Coffee Can, with flowers in high relief, white on light blue ground. Contributed by John Manning^ Esq. Leeds Pottery Chestnut Bowl, cover and stand, perforated, twisted handles, a fruit on the cover. Leeds Pottery Oval Bowl, dish and cover, perforated, sunnounted by a pomegranate. Leeds Pottery Centre Ornament, with escallop shells in three tiers, the lower tier supported by dolpliins, perforated stand, surmounted by a female holding a cornucopia. Leeds Pottery Compotier, circular base, with four scrolls supporting shells and perforated baskets, surmounted by an ornamental handle. Contributed by the Rev. T. Stani forth. Large Staffordshire Tyg, of brown and yellow mottled glaze, with the name of Joseph Glass. Early 18th Century. Stoneware Jug, painted in enamel colours, with gentleman seated. Inscribed, ''Success to Mr. John Calverley, of Leeds," Mayor 1772-85-98. 272 G-allery J.] EIsTG-LISS P0a7TERY. [Sdction Contrihiitecl ly JEL. W. Diamond^ JEsq.^ M.I). Set op Thuee Fulham Gees or Stonewaee Figuees, of a gentleman and two ladies habited in costume of the time of William III. Wedqwood Waee Cup and Saucee, black and silver plated. Leeds Potteey Centee Piece, with wicker work in relief, painted with small blue flowers ; cover and stand. Leeds Potteey Centee Piece, Covee and Stand, perforated borders. Neale's Staffoedshiee Waee Basket and Dish. Wedgwood Amphoea and Covee, of jasper ware, blue ground, with white figures in relief of the Muses. Wedgwood Jaspee Plaque, blue ground, with classical figures in relief. Wedgwood Jaspee Pedestal, sage green ground, with white festoons of flowers in high relief, lions' heads and trophies between. Wedgwood Jaspee Compotiee and Covee, light green ground, white figures in relief. Wedgwood Waee Nautilus Shell, with iridescent glaze. ContrihUed hy Sir T, IF. Holhiirne^ Bart. Wedgwood Deinking Mug, imitation marble, metallic lustre. Leeds Dish, perforated and traced in colour. Contributed hy Francis Ferns, Fsq. Wedgwood Blackwaee Tea Pot, with festoons in relief. Leeds Waee Basket, of blue Nankin pattern. Leeds Waee Basket, deep perforated border, and fluted base. Leeds Waee Sugae Basin, cover, stand, and ladle, perforated borders. Leeds Waee Sugae Basin, cover, stand, and ladle, perforated borders. Contributed hy Isaac FalcJce, Fsq. Paie of White Wedgwood Jaspee Geiffins, supporting blue nozzels for candles on blue plinths. A Set of Jaspee Wedgwood Oenaments, green ground, with white figures, friezes, scrolls, and festoons, consisting of three vases and pedestals, two square jardinieres (eight pieces). A Set of W edgwood Jaspee Oenaments, black ground, with white classi- cal friezes, festoons, &c., consisting of six pieces, three vases, circular centre stand, and two square jardinieres. A Set of Wedgv/ood J aspee Oenaments, blue ground, with white figures and borders in rehef, of eight pieces, viz., one centre vase on square pedestal, two boat-shaped candlesticks on square pedestals, and two jardinieres. Wedgwood Jaspee Cabaeet, pink ground, with white scroll borders and medallions, five pieces of different patterns, oval tray, tea pot, cup and saucer, sucrier and cover, and milk pot. Paie of Blue and White Wedgwood Jasper Salts, circular, with dancing figures, from a drawing at Herculaneum. Paie of Wedgwood Black Basalt Salts, circular, with figures of Cupids and festoons in relief. Paie of Wedgwood Jaspee Candlesticks, white female figures support- ing blue cornucopia for candles. Wedgwood Black Basalt Oval Plateau, ornamented with silver border and flowers. 273 Section W.I ENGLISH POTTERY. [Gallery J. Pair of Blue and White Wedgwood Jasper Candlesticks, with friezes of Cupids, and scroll borders. Blue and White Wedgwood Jasper Bouillon Basin, cover and stand, with festoons and aquatic plants, two handles. Eight Wedgwood Plates, various, of cream colour and other ware, being patterns of services. Wedgwood Queen's Ware Tea Pot, with Chinese flowers, in bright enamel colours. Wedgwood Red Terra Cotta Tea Pot, Sucrier, Basin, and Cream Jug, plain, with perforated silver mounts.' (From the Queen Dowager's Collection.) Wedgwood Bamboo Ware Oviform Vase, of Greek form, two handles, painted with enamel figures. Wedgwood Black Basalt Ehyton, in form of a female head, trefoil lip. Wedgwood Bronzed Basalt Bust of Marcus Aurelius, small life size, on circular pedestal. Original Model, in red wax on slate, a design for a plaque of Cupids in chariots driving in a race round the circus, in a frame. Wedgwood Jasper Plaque, green ground, white figures in relief, Priam begging the body of Hector from Achilles, framed. Wedgwood Jasper Plaque, black ground, white figures of Achilles defending the daughters of Lycomedes, framed. Wedgwood Jasper Blue and White Plaque, the apotheosis of Homer, framed. Wedgwood Jasper Blue and White Plaque, the apotheosis of Yirgil, framed. Wedgwood's Copy of the Portland Vase, white figures on black ground. Set of Twenty-six Pieces op Wedgwood's Chessmen, designed by Flaxman. Pair of Wedgwood Jasper Wine Coolers, white on blue, with children as Bacchanals, between columns and drapery. Wedgwood Jasper Milk Pot, and Cup and Saucer, white ground, with festoons of green vine leaves and grapes, cameos of classical subjects on lilac, and border of green flowers. Wedgwood Cup and Saucer, blue ground, elaborately ornamented in relief with white rams' heads, festoons of flowers and fruit, lilac cameos, trophies, &c. Gold Watch, with Wedgwood convex plaque of three figures in white on blue ground. Pair of Wedgwood Cups, light green ground, with white scrolls. Wedgwood Vase, in imitation of granite, with white and gold festoons, goat's head handles. Pair of Wedgwood Vases, in imitation of agate, goat's head handles. A Frame, containing nine specimens of Wedgwood's jasper medallions of white figures on coloured grounds. Contributed by W. Udkins, Esq. Wedgwood Jasper Plaque, blue ground, white figures in relief ; Penelope seated with her four attendants, behind them a statue of Minerva on a pedestal, three Greek warriors approaching. In gilt frame. Pair of Oval Wedgwood Jasper Plaques, blue ground, with white busts in high relief of Locke and Newton. Signed, " Wedgwood & Bentley." 274 G-allery J.] EIsTGliISH POTTEEY. [Section W. Wedgwood Blue Jasper Poeteait Bust of Josiah Wedgwood. An Oval Jasper Wedgwood Portrait Medallion of Bentley, white on blue. Wedgwood Blue Jasper Portra.it of Byerley. Pair of Wedgwood Black Basaltes Portrait Busts of Wedgwood and Bentley. Turner's Jasper Oviform Vase, blue ground, white figures. On one side Jupiter and Ganymede ; on the other, Venus on a shell drawn by dolphins, and Cupid on a dolphin. Black Egyptian Figure of Cleopatra Eeclining, holding the asp to her breast. Inscribed "G. Bentley. Swansea, 22nd May, 1791." Contributed by Sir T. W. Kolburne^ Bart. Wedgwood Jasper Blue Oviform Vase, with white classical figures and mask handles, on square plinth. Wedgwood Vase and Cover, in imitation of porphyry. Wedgwood Jasper Plate, pink ground, with Sir Joshua Eeynolds's Infant Academy in the centre ; pink and white radii, and acanthus leaf border. Wedgwood Jasper Coffee Pot, blue ground, and white figures in relief of Venus in a shell on the sea drawn by dolphins, and Cupid riding on a dolphin ; on the reverse Cybele. Wedgwood Oval Gilt Plaque, with figures in high relief of Silenus, nymph, and young fauns. Wedgwood Jasper Circular Plaque of Venus and Cupid before an altar. Wedgwood Tea Set of Jasper, Cupids at play, on blue ground. (Five pieces.) Wedgwood Jasper Blue and White Crocus Pot, with lilies and leaves. Set of Three Wedgwood Jasper Vases, oviform, white and blue, with Cupids leading a lion, women and children. Pair of Wedgwood Jasper Circular Pedestals, with medallions of white classical figures on blue. Pair of Wedgwood Jasper Quadrangular Pedestals, white on blue. Wedgwood Vase and Cover, in imitation of green porphyry, gilt festoons. Wedgwood Tea Service, of four pieces, black ground, white cameos of women and children. Wedgwood Ewer, in imitation of green marble, gilt handle and borders. Wedgwood Ewer, in imitation of green jasper, white handle and borders. Low Bowl and Cover, of Wedgwood's red ware, resting on three dolphins, triangular plinth with black ornaments. Two Wedgwood Vases, in imitation of green porphyry, gilt handles. Wedgwood's Nankin Cream Jug, brown figures and ornaments. Pair of Wedgwood's Black Basaltes Statuettes of Apollo and Bacchus. Black Basaltes Vase, finely sculptured on the front and back with Pro- metheus attacked by a vulture ; the handles of female terminal figures with hands raised (now damaged); beneath the subject is written, ''I. Voyez, sculpebat, 1769," and on the square plinth, " H. Palmer, Hanley, Staffordshire." Two Black Basaltes Mugs, with figures in relief, mounted in silver. Leeds Ware Oval Dish, pierced border, pink scroll edge, in the centre a portrait of the Duke of Marlborough. Leeds Ware Oval Dish, pierced border, pink and green scroll edge, in the centre a bust of Alexander the Great. 275 Section W.3 EISTGLISH POTTERY. [Gallery :f* Contributed by JRobert Napier, Esq. Wedgwood Plaqite, blue with white figures in relief ; subject — the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Wedgwood Plaqite, Cupids sacrificing to Hymen. A Glazed Case containing Thiety-four Wedgwood Plaques, cameos, &c., of various sizes, all in old steel mountings. Pair of Circular blue and white Wedgwood Pedestals, mounted in Ormolu, of classical figures, chain borders. Wedgwood Coffee Pot, blue, with figures of women and children, Cupid on the cover. Wedgwood Flower Vase, semi-oval form, sago green ground, with white acanthus leaf ornament. Oviform Wedgwood Vase, interlaced in lilac, sage green and white basket pattern. Wedgwood Cup and Saucer, blue and white, fluted ; the upper part of the former ornamented with cameos of amorini, the latter with acanthus leaves. Wedgwood Dejeuner Service of six pieces, viz. : — oval plateau, tea pot, sugar basin, cream jug, and two cups and saucers, lilac and white, cameo figures of children, &c., acanthus leaf border, Wedgwood Butter Dish, Cover and Stand, blue and white, amorini and acanthus leaf borders. Wedgwood Saucer Plate, pale blue and white, with amorini and a bird, acanthus leaf border. Wedgwood Plaque with white Figures in high relief, on blue ground ; three Muses, after the antique. Selection from a Wedgwood Tea Service op thirty pieces, white figures on blue ground ; tea pot, cream jug, two plates, and cup and saucer of very fine quality, decorated with classical cameo figures, acanthus and olive leaf borders. Wedgwood Wine Cooler, blue and white, of rustic figures and children, the handles formed by two trees. Set of three Oviform Vases, in imitation of Wedgwood, by Turner; greenish blue ground, white cameo figures, the centre vase has a seated figure of Cybele, a cupid with lion and a female flying figure, and a cupid and eagle on the reverse, highly finished. Contributed by /. /. Bagshawc, JEsq. Blue and White Wedgwood Jasper Tablet, a Bacchanalian sacrifice. Wedgwood Jasper Tablet, blue and white, a group of six boys with a goat. Pair of Oval Wedgwood Jasper Plaques, blue and white, of Hercules and the Nemsean Lion, and Hercules carrying the Boar. Wedgwood Jasper Dip, blue and white plaque, with the choice of Hercules, framed and glazed. Wedgwood Jasper Medallion, blue and white, portrait of Wedgwood himself. Pair of Black Basaltes, oval medallions, with classical subjects in relief. Jupiter destroying the Titans. Blub and White Wedgwood Jasper Vase, with the Muses, after Flaxman. 276 Gallery JO ENGLISH POTTERY. [Section W. Paib op Blub and White WEDawooD Jasper Vases, oviform, with classical subjects in relief. Six Wedgwood Jasper Buttons, with classical subjects in blue and white, mounted in steel. Wedowood Terra Cotta Vase, in imitation of green marble, with gilt festoons and handles. Wedgwood Cup and Saucer, of black basaltes, bordered with silver, Greek fret pattern. Wedgwood Tea Pot, white ground with blue scrolls, and rose, shamrock, and thistle in high relief. Oval Yellow Wedgwood Terra Cotta Pastry Dish, with ornaments in relief. Wedgwood Cup and Saucer, glazed white ground with enamelled flowers. Wedgwood Cup and Saucer, chocolate-coloured ground, with enamelled flowers. Two Wedgwood Slabs, slate coloured ground, with oval medallions of Diana and Melpomene, e^i grisaille on black. Wedgwood Jasper Medallion, blue ground and white, portrait of Prince Edward. Wedgwood Jasper Medallion, blue and white, portrait of Prince Ernest. Leeds Ware Centre Piece with masks in relief, surmounted by a pine apple. Contributed hy E. Sailstone, Esq. Horn Snuff Box, bordered with steel ; on the lid a medallion of Wedg- wood's jasper, in the centre white figure of a female before an altar on pink ground, and border of signs of the Zodiac on blue. Pair of Wedgwood Mottled-ware Vases, in imitation of marble, gilt handles. Black Basaltes Mug, with bold scrolls in relief, silver mounted. Leeds Ware Fountain with figures in relief, dolphin spout. Leeds Ware Cornucopia, scrolls and masks in relief. Elers Red Ware Coffee Pot, with small figures and rococo scrolls in relief. Pair of Mottled Ware Vases, in imitation of marble by J. Voyez, white handles and leaves in relief. Contributed by George Briggs^ Esq. Wedgwood Smelling Bottle, white figures on blue ground. Contributed by Charles Butler^ Esq. Pair of Wedgwood Oval Plaques, Terpsichore and Faun playing on tho double flute. Contributed by John Rhodes, Esq. Wedgwood Vase, blue and white relief, Silenus on an Ass and Bacchanals; reverse, boys and goat. Contributed by Emerson Norman, Esq. Leeds Basket and Tray, coloured border and perforated. Leeds Dish; perforated border. Ivory Tea Caddy, with Wedgwood medallion of female figure and Cupid. Old English Coffee Pot ; black glaze, mounted in silver. Don Pottery Tea Caddy ; drab ground, with chocolate figures in relief. Maorked, (rreen, Don Pottery. 277 Section W.] EITGLISH POTTEBY. [Gallery J. 2612 Contributed by Thos. Nimneley^ Usq.^ M.D, Lofty Leeds Centre Piece, of four tiers of shells and brackets, snr- monnted by Venus and Cupid on rockwork stand. Leeds Pottery Plate ; pierced border and festoons in relief. Contributed by R. Verity.^ Esq, Wedgwood Medallion of Georoe IV. when Prince of Wales. Wedgwood Medallion of the Prince of Wales. Contribitted by S, C. Hall^ Esq., F.S.A, Swansea Globular Vase, blue ground, painted with passion flower, &c., inscribed ''Cambrian." Swansea Oviform Vase and Cover, yellow ground, and blue borders and handles, brown scrolls at the top. Swansea Flower Vase, on a tripod, blue, with white border, painted with acanthus scroll, on the cover a bouquet of flowers in full relief. Swansea Cup-shaped Vase, blue ground, black border, with white classical figures at top. Swansea Cup-shaped Vase, blue ground, black border, with white classical figures at top. Swansea Lamp, resting on a pedestal, and triangular foot, the handle in form of a female holding a pitcher; blue ground, white border at top with coloured scrolls. Contributed by J. ffaivkins, Esq. PiNXTON Tureen, Cover, and Stand, with views and churches. PiNXTON J UG, painted with a dog, after Morland. Two Leeds Butter Boats, swan-shaped, white and green. Equestrian Figure of Hudibras, in English pottery. Two Mottled Jugs, Don pottery. Two Barrels, imitation of Wedgwood, by J. Lockett. Contributed by J. W. Jeans, Esq. Leeds Waeb Butter Boat, buff colour, and twisted handle. Contributed by J. Malcolm Esq. Oval Wedgwood Plaque, blue ground, Bacchus and Ariadne. Contributed by Emerson Crawford, Esq. Lofty Wedgwood Vase, blue ground, with figures in relief representing a Roman sacrifice. Contributed by L. Menhe, Esq. Pair of Large Wedgwood Vases, in imitation of the Etruscan. Wedgwood Plaque. A Sacrifice to Flora. A Set of Three Wedgwood Vases. Two Wedgwood Cups and Saucers. Wedgwood Tea Pot. Contributed by J. J. Lewis, Esq. Large Iron Stoneware Vase, with Cupids in imitation bronze, and painted with landscapes. Made at Leek, in Staffordshire, by Mason and Co. Large Lowestoft Fountain. Contributed by Thomas Eagland, Esq. Leeds Pottery Fruit Basket and Stand. Contributed by Mrs. Jordan. Two Early English Plates (Delft ware), with rude portraits and initials of King William III. and Queen Mary. 278 Gallery J.] ORIEISTTAL. [Section X. Contributed by Edward Hailstone, . Model of a Coble Boat. Stockton Pottery. SECTIO]Sr X. OEIENTAL. Contributed by Lady RoUe. Two Oriental Bottles, hexagonal, with painted medallions of Chines® figures. Contributed by Col. the Hon. C. S, Vereker. A Japanese Vase, deep blue, with scroll pattern in gold, and strips of flowers painted on white and heart-shaped medallions on the sides, painted with landscapes and figures. Contributed by H. Greaves^ Esq. Japanese Box, of Ivory, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and stones. Contributed by Henry F. Holt^ Esq. Ancient Hundred-ring Bronze Vase or Incense Burner, supported by three Atlantes, handles of Saurian lizards, the surface covered with moveable rings ; wooden cover. Ancient Hundred-ring Bronze Vase, resting on three Hons, elephant- head handles, and a band of early siao tchouan or seal characters. Ancient Hundred-ring Bronze Vase, with kylin handles, on wood stand. Ancient Bronze Incense Vase, resting on three elephants' heads; loop handles, surmounted by a kylin ; fifty rings round the lower part. Ancient Bronze Stand, with hollow cylindrical tubes, through which the darts were thrown, or target, called by the Chinese Tow Hoo ; four figures seated on the upper, and four others on the lower part ; wood stand. Very Early Bronze Cylindrical Vase, with four Buddhist deities and dolphin handles : diapered band at top for holding the slips of bamboo for casting lots, called "Sticks of Fate." Early Bronze Cylindrical Vase (the companion), with a Buddhist temple and pilgrims in relief. Earthenware Alcarazza or Water Jug, of white clay, with minute ornamentation ; within the mouth, a pierced rosette covers the orifice. Morocco. Three Gilt-bronze Indian Chessmen. Pair of Ivory Bangles, ornamented with silver pique work; worn by Indian women. Bronze Bell, from the Temple of Ava, in Burmah, with extraordinary vibration of sound. Metal Pastille Burner, opening in form of a lotus flower, from Arabia. (From Lady Hester Stanhope's Collection.) Modern Chinese Parure, formed of the kingfisher's feathers, of turquoise in form of leaves, with a fret between of lapis lazuli coloured feathers, mounted in gold, with silver hair-pins, brooch, &c. ' Modern Chinese Box, of crimson lac, representing on the cover the bridge of Foo Chow, where it was made ; bordered with finely-gilt open scrolls of carved wood. A Collection of Chinese Coins, in silver and bronze (see MSS. list). Two Modern Chinese Wedding Cards, describing the good qualities of the bride and bridegroom. 279 Section X.] ORIEITTAL. [G-allery J. Contributed by John Gadsby, Esq. SiLVEE Anklet, worn by a Nubian woman, hollow, with small pebbles to make a tinkling noise, ornamented with punched designs. Silver Hoen, worn by a Jewess of Algiers, of scrolls. Contributed by Emerson Nor man ^ Esq, Chinese Enai^el Pastille Buhner. Contributed by the Bev. T. Staniforth. Oriental Bottle, brown mottled ground, globular form, long neck. Oriental Bottle of Turquoise Crackle. Oriental Crackle Bottle, covered with bronze-coloured composition. Contributed by Gilson Homan^ Esq. Pair op Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Incense Burners and Covers, with gilt dragon handles and knob, resting on three elephants' heads of white enamel, the body of turquoise colour, inlaid with birds and flowers, on carved wood stands. Pair of White Jade Cylinders, elaborately carved with Chinese pilgrims and landscapes, enclosed on a pagoda of enamelled metal. Chinese Screen, formed of a circular slab of porcelain, richly enamelled in colours, with a representation of the buildings forming the Summer Palace at Pekin, on a carved wood stand, resting on a recumbent bull. Japanese Bronze Incense Burner, with dragons in high relief, resting on elephants' heads ; the cover surmounted by a figure seated on a Kylin ; chased bronzed stand. A Japanese Bronze Junk, with figures seated. Contributed by Mr. Humphrey Moberts. Oriental China Tea Pot, dark green diapered ground, with coloured enamel flowers. Contributed by H. W. Eiamond, Esq.y M.D. Satsuma (Japan) Pottery Cup, of cream-colour, painted with flowers. Satsuma Pottery Match Pot, painted with flowers. Contributed by M. E. TTyatt, Esq. Chinese Silver Piligree Scent Bottle, of delicate work, partly- enamelled ; with pendents. Ivory Box, of early Indian work, elaborately carved and perforated on ruby foil. Carved Wood Box, of Indian work, with scrolls in relief. Square Gold-enamelled Paun Box, painted with the Iris and other flowers, and the miniature of a lady richly dressed. Persian work— 17th Century. Contrihuted by Isaac Falcke^ Esq. Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Duck, on stand. Chinese Bird, carved in crystal, on stand. Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Vase, elegant design; water-lilies and blue leaves on dark blue ground. Chinese Enamel, gourd- shaped, blue ground, with white and red flowers, mounted with gilt handle and spout. Chinese Enamel Double Flat Bottle, one blue, the other black ground, with vases of flowers. 280 Section X.] OBIEITTAL. [Gallery J. Chinese Porcelain Bottle; imperial yellow ground, with coloured enamel dragons of five claws j globular top, on stand. EuBY AND Blue Splash Bottle, of Chinese porcelain, and stand. Pair of Chinese Porcelain Bottles ; turquoise ground, with flowers in relief ; leaf border, on stands. Oriental Green Crackle Bottle. Chinese Porcelain Bottle, of fine claret colour, with stand* Chinese Porcelain Bottle, of green crackle, on stand. Pair of Pink Chinese Porcelain Bottles, on stands^ Chinese Porcelain Blue Splash, on stand. . Chinese Porcelain Bottle ; gourd-shaped, of yellow colour, with dragons in relief, on blue stand. Chinese Pale Lavender Celadon Bottle, with belts of ornaments in relief, on stand. Chinese Bottle, of fine ruby splash colour. Pair of Pekin Porcelain Bottles, gourd-shaped, pale green with coloured flowers^ on stands. Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Gourd-shaped Bottle ; blue ground, with hare and flowers ; on gilt stand. Oriental Light-blue Bottle, with scrolls and flowers in relief, on stand. Chinese Porcelain Bottle; brick-red ground, painted with water-fowl; and standi Contributed by Messrs. Fhillips Brothers. Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Bottle, of scale pattern, with blue, yellow, and red escutcheon border, gilt dragon handles. Contributed by Sir T. W. Holburne^ BarU Oriental Plate, cocks in centre. Two Oriental Plates, crimson border, figure centre* Persian Ware Basin, with striped pattern of flowers in green, red, and yellow ; blue check border. Persian Ware Cup, blue ground, brown flowers and green leaves. Persian Ware Cup and Saucer, white, with coloured leaves. Contributed by C Bowyer, Esq. Eartheware Cup and Saucer, decorated with metallic lustre. Contributed by Robert Napier, Esq. Persian Ware Bowl and Cover, of the 18th Century. A fine example. Persian Ware Bowl. Persian Ware Cup and Saucer. A Large Circular Pilgrim's Bottle, of Japan porcelain, pure white ground, painted with flowers and shrubs, loop fretwork handles in rose-coloured enamel. Contributed by J. B. Stanhope^ Esq., M.P. Pair of Lofty Oriental Porcelain Jars, lapis lazuli, blue ground, with gold veins and white compartments of flowers. Pair of Lofty Oriental Porcelain Jabs, in blue and white Nankia pattern, with Chinese figures, on pedestals. Csii^BSS Enamslled Ya6£, of flattened circular form, two handles. 281 t section OHIElSTTAli. No. 2893 2694 Contribtifed by U. Hailstone^ Esq. Pair op Chinese Porcelain Vases, globular, black ground, (Enamelled with dragons and flowers in colours. Pair oe Eed Japanese Lao Cups, with birds and fiowers in relief, lined with silver. Contributed by Bragge^ Esq, A Selection oe about Fifty Carved "Nutchsies,*' or Japanese ivory buttons, of humorous subjects. Contributed by Dr, Ileaton, Gold Filigree Scent Bottle. Indian. 18th Century. Indian Amber Cup and Stand. Two Japanese Vases and Stands. (From Sii- B. Alcock.) Contributed by Jno, Ehodes^' Esq. ^ Japanese Miniature Cabinet. Japanese Medicine Case, Japanese Tortoise. Japanese Ivory Box, duck-sbaped. J apanese Circular Ivory Box, ialaid with mother-of -pearl, stones, insects, trees, &;c. Japanese Bronze Toad and Serpent. Japanese Green Jade Cylindrical Vase, carved in relief with landscapes and figures, on metal gilt stand. J APANESE Tortoiseshell Medicine Chest, with two ivory boxes and tray. Square Japanese Ivory Box, inlaid with insects. Japanese Gold Lac Tray, with flowers. Black Lao Cup and Saucer, with gold flowers. Japanese Ivory Group oe Male and Female Ballad Singers. Japanese Ivory Group op DRiNEiNa Figures. Japanese Ivory Bivalve Shell Button, the interior carved with land- scape and buildings. Japanese Ivory Elephant, inlaid with metal and pearl trappings. Japanese Bronze Flower Holder, with stork handle. Japanese Bronze Incense Vase, in form of a sunflower. Japanese Bronze Cup, two handles, gnt relief of dragon and flowers. Contributed by Jacob Brctt^ Esq. An Oriental Crimson Jar, splashed with blue, with small stone-coloured neck ; and a carved wood stand. Contributed hy Farquhar Matheson^ Esq. Oblong- Chinese Copper Enamelled Box, painted with figures and interiors. Indian Silver Bracelet, richly chased with leaves and minute designs. Goojerat Bracelet, of steel, damascened with gold scrolls, &c. Contributed by E. Temple Frcre^ Esq, Twenty Ivory "Nutchkies," or buttons of Japanese work. 282 Gallerjr J.] [Section X Contributed hy Viscount FoUin^ton. Helmet, ornamented in low relief, with medallions of figures on horseback, damascened gold borders. Ispahan. Steel Baton of Office, damascened with gold, the mace end in form of a bull's head. Ispahan. Steel Battleaxe, damascened blade. Ispahan. Steel Speae Head, damascened with gold. Ispahan* Steel Speae Head, with double-pronged end. Ispahan. CiECULAR Shield, damascened with gold scrolls, bordered with medallions of figures and inscriptions, and four bosses in the front. Ispahan. A Set of Four Elaboeately-cIrved Wood Spoons, for Sherbet. Teheran. SiLVEE-aiLT Necexace, oe Toeques, twisted, with plain hook and eye, from the centre of which hang six chain pendents, with balls, &c., attached, to hang on the breast. Koordish. Six Babylonian Cylinders, engraved with cuneiform inscriptions and full- length figures. CiECAssiAN Sile: Belt, with enamelled rosettes and clasp. KooEDiSH SiLVEE NECKLACE, Ornamented with filigree tablets and beads, and piastres, suspended by chains. Cylindeical Amulet, set all over with turquoises, carbuncles at the ends, opening to contain a written document. Bagdad. Paie of Gold Eaerings, circular, with perforated scrolls, bearded border. Teheran. CiECULAE Gold Nose Bing, with granulated scrolls and bosses, set with turquoises. Bagdad. Pair of Gold Eaeeings, crescent-shaped, enamelled centre, bordered with pearls. Teheran. Gold Clasp, of two circular discs of open filigree scrolls, turquoises in the centre. Fine work. Teheran. Ebony Tube, moimted in silver, and inlaid with silver pique work. Contributed hy Her Majesty the Queen. Two Oriental Guns, inlaid with coral and silver. Two Oriental Battleaxes, silver-gilt handles. Two Silver*gilt Persian Essence Bottles, with chains and coral beads, Oriental Sword, silver handle and repousse scabbard with scrolls. Oriental Sword, silver-gilt handle, ebony pommel. Oriental Sword, silver-gilt handle and scabbard. Oriental Sword, silver-gilt sheath and Jade handle. Two Oriental Daggers, the blades chased with elephants, the forked handles elaborately damascened with gold* Contributed by Lieutenant N, Spencer Percimly H.A, Desk, ornamented in relief with gold lac, in birds, rocks, &c. Modern Canton work. Writing Desk, of gold lac, elaborately pencilled with figures. Japanese, Two Tazze, of gold lac, ornamented with hand screens, Japanese. Ivory Cabinet, carved in low relief with figures and fish, &c,, coloured^ inlaid with toother-of-pearl. Japanese. 283 Section X. OBIENTAL. tG-allery J. No. 2751 IvoEY Cabinet, ornamented with gold lac, mounted in silver, on gold lac stand, with ivory panels. J apanese. Squaee Ivory Box, ornamented with gold lac, inlaid with metal figures. Square Ivory Box, ornamented with gold lac and metal figures in relief. Two Ivory Boxes, circular, ornamented with gold lac. Japanese. Pair of Oval Ivory Boxes, ornamented in gold lac with ships and mountainous scenery, Japanese. Gold Lac Box, in form of a native junk. Japanese. Gold Lac Vase and Stand, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and coral. Square Writing Case, of gold lac, with bridge, trees, &c. Japanese* Two Square Gold Lac Boxes. Two Glove Boxes, of tortoiseshell, gold lac birds and flowers. Japanese. Pair of Tortoiseshell Trays, ornamented in gold lac with toads and serpents. Japanese. Square Tortoiseshell Tray, ornamented in gold lac with birds and flowers. Japanese. Gold Lac Tray, in form of the segment of a circle, with landscapes. Tortoiseshell Cabinet, gold lac ornaments, mounted in silver, and a gold lac stand. Japanese. Small Cabinet, of three drawers, gold lac and metal figures. Japanese. Gold Lac Medicine Case, cord and ivory button in form of a tortoise. Two Oval Bronze Incense Vases and Covers, with animals in high relief, surmounted by animals. Vase-shaped Ornament, of Chinese enamel, turquoise ground, and coloured flowers. Pair of Bronze Vases, with foliage in high relief. Japanese. A Ferry Boat, of gold lac, with five carved ivory figures, a monkey and a chest, two principal inlaid with pearl. Japanese. Pair of Large Square Screens, pierced ebony borders, circular centres. richly embroidered with birds and flowers. Japanese. Five Japanese Porcelain Eggshell Cups and Saucers. Ivory Medicine Case, ornamented with birds in pearl and gold lac. Gold Lac Box, two drawers, with ships and rocks. Japanese* Three Boxes and Covers, of gold lac. Japanese. Square Gold Lao Box, with landscapes and figures. Japanese* Circular Wood Box, with three gold lac fans on the cover. Japanese. Ivory Bonbonniere, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and stones in flowers, containing four lac boxes and lac stand. J apanese. A Bowl, of plain black and grey mottled marble. J apanese. Small Ivory Cabinet, with an elephant in relief, coloured, inlaid with mother-of-pearl in birds and flowers. Japanese. Small Cabinet and Stand, with elephant in relief, coloured, inlaid with mother-of-pearl flowers. Japanese. Small Gold Lac Cabinet, three drawers, in form of a table, with designs of hand screens. Japanese. Small Gold Lac Cabinet, of three drawers* J apanese. Square Gold Lac Box, black medallions of landscapes. Japanese* Gold Lao Cabinet, inlaid with ivory panels and tortoiseshell* Japanese. 284 Gallery J".] rXTRNITURE. [Section Y. Leather Pottch, embroidered and ornamented ^with animals in relief, surmounted by a jointed metal man, in armour, inlaid with gold, ivory head; from his belt hangs a smaller pouch. Japanese. Gold Tablet, with granulated ornaments, inlaid with lapis lazuli and turquoise. Chinese work. Ivory Casket, elaborately carved in high relief with a procession of figures, round the sides panels of flowers. Modern Canton work. Pair of Large Oriental Porcelain Vases, red ground, ornamented with flowers and scrolls ; carved stands. Two Small Upright Tables, of black wood. Ebony Cabinet, with perforated panels, and carved in relief with vases. Contributed by Major Burt, F.R.S. An Amulet, enclosed in an octagonal silver box, ornamented in niello, with Arabic inscription, containing a book with extracts from the Koran. Contributed by J. Heyioood Hawkins, Esq, Pair of Filigree Candlesticks. Two Oriental Filigree Silver Pistols and Sword. Pair of. Silver Filigree Crabs. Contributed by Henry Durlacher, Esq. Persian Ware Dish, white and blue turquoise, with figures of animals. Persian Ware Plate, green and white, with animals. •Persian Ware Plate, white ground, red and green flowers. Persian Ware Jug, white and green, with animals. Pair of Lofty Cloisonne Enamel Pilgrims' Bottles, of flat circular form, dark blue and black ground, with flowers and birds, and stands. Contributed by Dr. Heaton. Indian Silver Filigree Cup and Stand. Carved Ivory Cup, with flowers. Contributed by Geo. F. Hall, Esq. Indian Silver Girdle. Indian Silver Girdle. Contributed by John Gadsby, Esq. Bedouin Sheik's Powder Flask, mounted in silver, with chased borders of minute work, ivory primer ; and a Jewish Sash, embroidered with gold. Contributed by Gilson Homan, Esq. A Carved Ivory Box, with figures and flowers in relief; a Carved Ivory Mirror Case ; a Pair of Carved Ivory Brush Handles, with border of flowers in relief ; a Carved Ivory Card Case. Contributed by Mrs. Wood. Two China Plates, with landscapes and flowers. Two Plates, with flowers, &c. SECTIOlsr Y. FUENITUEE. Contributed by Charles Mills, Esq. A Tambour Frame. Formerly belonged to Madame de Pompadour, French Marquetry Commode. Reading Desk, of Italian marquetry. 285 Section Y.3 [Gallery J. Contributed by 8. Hodgkinso^i^ Esq, Carved Wood Coffer, decorated with geometrical tracery and richly mounted with clamps, lock, &c., in gilt bronze ; on the top are champl6ve enamel medallions bearing arms azure, a fess between six estoilles of five points or Gothic work. Date, about 1370. Contributed by W, H. Forman, Esq, Two Ebony Chairs, elaborately carved, inlaid with ivory. Part of a set in possession of W. H. Forman, Esq. Contributed by C. Winn, Esq. Ebony Cabinet, inlaid with ivory in geometrical patterns. Contributed by W. B. Beaumont, Esq. An Italian Benaissance Cassone or Marriage Coffer, and the front of another, both painted in oil with figure subjects of the latter end of tho 15th Century. Contributed by the Earl of Chesterfield. Two Chairs in Style of Louis XV., gilt, with seats and backs covered in fine needlework, one with falcon on pale blue ground surrounded with border, the other birds and flowers on maize colour. Contributed by J. B. Stanhope, Esq., M.P. Cabinet of Tortoiseshell, inlaid with engra^ved white metal in subjects, resting on four legs. (Earl Cadogan's Collection.) Buhl Clock of Tortoiseshell ai^d Brass, mounted in ormolu, on a buhl pedestal. Pair of Bronze and Ormolu Hand- chased Candelabra. Pair of Pedestals, of silver buhl, on blue ground, mounted in ormolu. Maroueterie Table, oval toj) inlaid in scrolls, twisted pillar restmg on three dragons. Silver Buhl Cabinet, mounted in ormolu. Contributed by the Rev. W, Eandall. Handsome Cabinet, entirely faced with specimens of jasper, onyx, and rare stones ; lapis lazuli columns, and gilt metal mounts. I7th Centurv. SECTION Z. GALLEBY H. MINIATUEES. Contributed by G. E. W. Eigby, Esq, Vv^illiam, Lord DiGBY. About 1720. Enamel, in agate case. Venetia, Lady Digby. Bepresented as found dead in her bed. After Vandyck, 1633. P. Oliver. A Lady of the Family of Digby. Beginning of the ISth Century. Enamel. Lady Arabella Stuart. Card. Ascribed to P. Oliver, Lady Arabella Stuart. Signed "I. O." Isaac Oliver. Lady Katharine Howard. First wife of Sir John, son of Sir Kenelm Digby. Card. S. Cooper. A Lady of the Digby Family. Card. E. Oliver. Sir Kenelm Digby, and Lady Venetia Stanley his Wife. With mottoes, after Vandyck. P. Oliver. Lady Venetia Stanley. Afterwards wife of Sir K. Digby, (From Straw- berry Hill.) Card, Isaac Oliver. 286 Gallery H.l MIWIATimES. Section Z. Son of Sir Kenelm DiasT. Painted on card. P. Oliver. Portrait, perhaps of George Lord Digby, Earl of Bristol. Enamel. John, Lord Digby. Afterwards Earl of Bristol. Painted about 1670. Card. Ascribed to S. Cooper. Lady Lucy Percy, mother of Lady Venetia Digby. (From Strawberry Hill.) Card. Contributed by J. Heywood JSaivkins^ Esq, Portrait of a Lady. Oil. Vander Heist. Portrait of a Lady. Dated 1600, iEtatis 23. Oil. Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford. Oil. Jacob Hall, the Eope Dancer and Comedian. Temp. Charles II. Oil. Portrait of a- Gentleman. Oil. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. Card. /. JlosJdns. Sir Philip Sidney. Dated 1586. JEtatis 19. Ascribed to I. Oliver. . Alicia, Wife of Sir Thomas More. Card. Hans Holbein. Henry, Earl of Arundel. Card. F. Oliver. Henry, Prince of Wales, eldest son of James I. Signed ''G. B. " By Sir Balthazar Gerbier. Portrait of a Lady. Card. /. Hoshins. Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Card. /. Hoshins. Portrait of a Young Man. Oil. C. Folemberg. Charles II. Oil. Gerard Dow, painter. Oil. By Slingelandt. Portrait of a Gentleman, in a ruff. Dated 1604. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. By C. Janson. Eembrandt, Dutch painter. Oil. By Rembrandt. D. Teniers, Dutch painter. Oil. 8ir. B. Gerbier. Louis, Prince de Conde. Madame de Maintenon. Dated 1656. Madame de la Valliere Lord Burleigh. Card. Frances Howard, wife of the Earl of Essex. Card. P. Oliver. Portrait of a Lady. Oil. By C. Janson. The Wife of D. Teniers. Dated, 1627. Sir B. Gerbier. Sir Harry Vane. Oil. Henri Due de Montmorency, Oil. Dr. J. G.iNDY. Oil. Portrait of a Lady. Oil. ADMIRiiL DE RUYTER. Oil. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. Henri II. of France. Oil. Duke of Saxony, the friend of Luther. Oil. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. Portrait of a Young Man, in a buff jerkin. Oil, Sir George Wharton, the astrologer. Oil, 287 Section Z.] MmiATUilES. [Gallery H. POETEAIT OF A YoUTH. Portrait of a Youth. ViLLiERS, Duke of Buckingham, Portrait of a Divine. Oil. Portrait of a Divine. Oil. Portrait. Unknown. Oil. Portrait. Unknown. Oil. Queen Anne. Oil. Portrait. Unknown. Oil. Portrait. Unknown. Oil. Portrait. Unknown. Portra.it. Unknown. Portrait. Unknown. Duke of Newcastle. Oil. Sir God/ret/ Kneller, Portrait. Unknown. Portrait. Unknown. Portrait of a Young Man. Oil. By S. Bourdm, ^ Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. T. Flatman. Artist. By himself. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. Sir Francis Drake, when young. Thomas Hobbes, philosopher. By Sir R. Feake, Galileo, astronomer. Oil. By Titian. Sir Elias Ashmole, antiquary. Oil. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. Bartolomeo Gonzales, painter. Oil. By Gonzales, The Emperor Ferdinand II. of Germany. Portrait of a Gentleman. Oil. Portrait of a Lady. Unknown. Oil. Portrait of a Gentleman. Unknown. Oil. Portrait of a Gentleman, in a rulf. Oil. By C, Jamison. Andrew Marvell. Oil. By S. Cooper. Bernini, the sculptor. Oil. Van Harp, painter. Oil. By Van Harp. Portrait of a Young Man; Cupids in the background holding a curtain. Oil. By Valasquez. Portrait. Unknown. Oil. By C. Janson. Portrait. Unknown. Oil. By C. Janson. John, Lord Digby. Oil. By TF. Bobson. Portrait. Unknown. Oil. Ditto. Ditto. Oil. Ditto. Ditto. Oil. Ditto. Ditto. Oil. Ditto. Ditto. on. Ditto. Ditto. Oil. Ditto. Ditto. Oil. Sir John Suckling. Oil. 288 Gallery H.] MIN-IATUBES. [Section Z, PoETEAiT OF A GENTLEMAN. Temp. Charles I. Oil. POETEAIT OF A LADY. Oil. POETEAIT OF A LaDY. Oil. Due d'Alen^on. Oil. poeteait of a gentleman. oil. Duke of Monmouth. Katheeinb, Peincess of Cleves. POETEAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Card. PoETEAiT OF A Lady. Dated 1577. Card. POETEAIT OF A Lady. Temp. Charles II. PoETEAiT OF A GENTLEMAN, in armour. 17th Century. PoETEAiT OF A GENTLEMAN, in a black dress. 17th Century. PoETEAiT OF A Lady, in a close cap and ruff. Dated 1575. PoETEAiT OF A Lady. 17th Century. PoETRAiT OF A Lady. Unknown. Painted on the obverse of a silyer coin of Louis XIV. PoETEAiT OF A Lady. Unknown. Painted on the reverse of a silver coin of Louis XIV. PoETRAiT. Unknown. Oil. PoETEAiT. Unknown. Oil. PoETRAiT. Unknown. Oil. PoETEAiT. Unlmown. Oil. Duchess of St. Alban's. By Richard Gibson. Vandee Weef, the painter. By /. 8. Liotard, POETEAIT OF A GENTLEMAN. Poeteait of a Young- Man, in Armour. 17th Century. PoETEAiT OF A GENTLEMAN. By /. Meyer, It. A. Poeteait of a Lady. Painted by /. S,, 1765. KoTZEBUE. By Sene. Poeteait of a Lady, in an Eastern dress. Ivory. , Poeteait of a Lady. Painted on Card. By Holbein. His Eoyal Highness Geoege, Peince of Wales. By P. Violet. Thuelow, Secretary to Oliver Cromwell. Enamel. By Bordier. Addison. Enamel. Geoege II. Ivory, in jewelled frame. Duke of Richmond. Killed by the bite of a fox. Ivory. Peg Woffington. Enamel. Signed "N. H." 1749. iV. Rone. Lady, in a blue dress. By C. Boit. Contributed by Sir C. W. Bil^e, Bart. Poeteait of a Lady. Cosway. Son of Sie Kenelm Digby. Cooper. Heney VII. (From the Strawberry Hill Collection.) Unknown. Contributed by J. G. Fanshawe, Esq. A MiNiATUEE Poeteait of John Milton. Oil. By S. Cooper, Contributed by Sir John S. Trelawney, Bart, Poeteait of Sie W. Teelawney. Barry. 289 Section Z.] MUTIATUHES. [Gallery H. Portrait of Sir Harry Trelawney. Contributed by the Rev, J. Waldy. BOSSUET. Oil. Prince Kupert. Contributed by Isaac Falche^ Esq. Miniature of Lord Byron. Painted by James Holmes, Contributed by Miss Collins, Mrs. Alcoce, of Skipton. Mrs. Lamplvgh. By H, Be Janvy. Contributed by Mrs, M, Digby Wyati, Miniature of Garrick. Miniature of Mrs. Garricz. Contributed by S. Sharp, Esq, A Miniature of Lady Jane Grey, contemporaneous; on vellum, in a case. Contributed by C. Butler, Esq. Miniature of a Girl's Head and Bust, in gold frame. By Greuze, Contributed by A. Joseph, Esq. A Prame, containing Fifteen Sketches of Portraits. By i?. Cosway, B.A. 1. Hon. Me,s. Damer. — 2. Phincess of Wales. — 3. Princess Eliza- beth. — 4. Princess Charlotte. — 5. Lady Lyttelton. — 6. Lady Eolle. — 7. Duo de Montpensier.— 8. Richard Cosway, E.A.— 9. Duke of Ham- ilton. — 10. Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire. — 11. Countess Menoses. — 12. Countess of Pembroke. — 13. Lady Lucy Barry. — 14. Comtesse de Vandrist. — 15. Madame de Pinto. A Frame, containing Sixteen Sketches of Portraits. By R. Cosway, B.A. 16. MissLiNwooD. — 17. SiGNORA Allegranti.— 18. Lady (unknown). —19. Mrs. Cowley.— 20. Mrs. Harding.— 21. Mrs. Crouch (Actress).— 22. Lewis (Actor). — 23. Miss Elliott (Actress). — 24. Maria Cosway. — 25. Mademoiselle Laubwinski. — 26. Ganducci (Singer). — 27. Herr Schroder. — 28. Signor d'Argenio. — 29. Vincent Lunardi (iEronaut). — 30. Count Soderini.— 31. D'Hauteville. Contributed by H. Verity, Esq. Portrait oe Hans Holbein. Painted by himself. Oil. A Frame op Miniatures, in wax, of the Third Duke of Rutland, 1746; and Lord George and Robert Manners. Contributed by J. SawJcins, Esq. Miniature on Ivory of the Empress Josephine. Contributed by A. Stowe, Esq. The late Duze oe Wellington. Painted at Madrid. Contributed by the Earl of Chesterfield. Portrait of a Lawyer. Eobson. The Earl of Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope. Author of tho celebrated ieiicrs. Set with pearls. (169-4—1773.) Unknoim. James, Duke of Monmouth. ;S'. Cooper, Peter the Great. Eussian Worlc. Full-length Portraits of the Countess of Chesterfield and Lady Evelyn STANiiorE. (1846.) — -. Thorburn, B.A. Contributed by Jacob Brett, Esq. Miniature, in Oil, of Rudolph II. Miniature of his Wife. 290 G-allery BC.l MINIATUKES. [Section 3, MiNIATUBE OP PEINCE ReGENT. MiNIATUEB OF DUKE OF YOEK. MiNIATUEE OF SlE EOBEET PeEL. Contributed by Messrs. Hunt ^' Eoslcell. MiNIATUBE OF JoHN RoBiNSON Knight, of Gosfield Hall. By ZincJce. MiNiATUEE OF A GENTLEMAN; Burke? By Vige, MiNIATUEE OF OlIVEE CeOMWELL. Contributed by Sir T. W. Holburne, Bart, Twelve Miniatuees, in pencil, on vellum, viz. : — Commissaey Ceatvfoed ; Dr. Richard Adams : Isaac Pereyre, 1696 ; Dr. Peter Birch ; George Clarke ; Lady Clarke, 1695 ; Lord Lucas ; Archbishop Usher, 1698 ; Colonel Edward Purcell ; Major-General Trelawney ; Lord Chief Justice Hely ; John Holworthy. T. Foster. POETEAIT OP A GENTLEMAN, in a scarlet coat. Poeteait of a Gentleman, in armour. Inscribed on the background, Vestigia nullia retrorsum, F.S.H." Poeteait of a Lady, in a blue dress. Poeteait of a Lady, seated, with Cupid at her side. Poeteait of a Lady, in costume of the 18th Century. Poeteait of a Gentleman, in Windsor unifoim. Signed "J. R.'* Classical Subject. Poeteait of a Lady. Poeteait of a Gentleman, in a blue coat. Ivory. Signed '^T. C." Poeteait of an Officee, in scarlet coat. Classical Subject. Poeteait of a Lady, in black hat and feathers. Poeteait of the Eael of Steaffoed. Poeteait of a Gentleman, in rufp and leather doublet. Oil. Duke of Monmouth. Oil. Eael of Pembeoke. Oil. SiE Philip Sidney. Oil. Countess of Pembeoke. Oil. SiE Feancis Deake. Oil. CoMPTESSE de Toues et Tassi. (After Vandyck.) Poeteait op a Lady, with flowers in her hair. Oil. Poeteait op a Gentleman. Period of King Charles I, Unknown Poeteait. Unknown Poeteait. Unknown Poeteait. Unknown Poeteait. Saeah Jennings, Duchess op ^Iaelboeough. Fean^ois, Peince Eugene of Savoie Caeignan, 1663-1736. Sir G. KnelUr, Poeteait op a Lady, in costume of the end of 18th Century. Geoege, Peince op Wales; afterwards George IV. Miss C. Jones, Louis XIII. op Feance. Ivory. Elizabeth Faeeen, Countess of Deeby. Died, 1829. Ivory. Poeteait op a Lady. Ivory. LoED William Russell. Medal op the Pitt Club. Poeteait of a Ladt. Latter part of 18th Century, Ivory. 291 Section Z,l MIN-IATUBES. [GaXlery H. POETRAIT OF AN OfFICEE. Ivory. General Geoege Washington. Duchess of Newcastle. Ascribed to S. Cooper. PoETEAiT OF A Lady. Ivory. Mrs, Cosway, Jacopo Bassano, painter. PoETEAiT OF A Lajdy. Ivory. Mrs. Cosway. Madame de Toueielle. Ivory. Comtesse de Steasboueo. POETEAIT OF AN ElDEELY MaN. Peofile OF A Lady, in a white hat. Ivory. Mrs, Cosway. POETEAIT of a GeNTLEMAN. Oil. PoETEAiT. Named, * ' Joseph Addison. ' ' James, Dukb of Yoek; afterwards James II. Aechbishop of Canteebuey (Hon. C. Manners Sutton) . Enamel. Boae. The Geeat Duke of Maelboeough. Oil. Poeteait of an Ofpicee. Signed ^'J.B., 1790." Poeteait of a Gentleman. End of 18th Century. Poeteait of a Gentleman. Middle of 17th Century. Oil, Madame de Loeeaine. Inscribed. Samuel Butlee, Author of Hudibras. Poeteait of a Lady, in a blue dress. End of 18th Century, Poeteait of a Cleegyman, as Doctor of Divinity. John Deyden, the Poet. Oil. Poeteait of a Gentleman. Early part of 18th Century. Poeteait of a Cleegyman. Poeteait of a Gentleman. Poeteait of an Eldeely Lady, in purple dress. Poeteait of a Gentleman. End of 18th Century. Poeteait of a Giel, with a kitten. Peofile Poeteait of a Lady. Poeteait of a Gentleman, in uniform. End of 18th Century Poeteait of a Lady, in black. Contributed by J. Banks Stanhope^ Usq., M,F. Maeeschal Bieon. Painted on Card. Gay, the poet. Enamel. By JBordier. Louis XIV. Enamel. By Fetitot. Miss Bellenden ; afterwards Duchess of Argyll, Madame D'Abeantes. By Lamy. Elise Buonapaete. By Hummel. Contributed by Dr. Heaton, Pius VII. Maequis db Chaslalet. 29^ Gallery H.l MINIATTTRES. [Section Z. Contributed by P. H, Eoward, Esq, Thos. Howaed, Fourth Duke of Norfolk. Sir A. Moor 9, Heney Feedeeick, Earl of Arundel. 8. Cooper, Heney Howaed, Sixth Duke of Norfolk. Flatman, Chaeles, Eleventh Duke of Norfolk. ZincTce. Feances Scudamoee ; second wife of the above. Zinche. Heney Howabd, of Corby Castle. Author of Howard Memorials, Shelley, The Honoueablb Maeia Aechee; "Wife of the above. Shelley, SiE Heney Aitdley, of Brerechurch, Essex. Thos. Audley, of Dagenham, Essex. Contributed by S, F. Solt^ Esq, Waltee Scott Lockhaet Scott, of Abbotsford; grandson of Sir Walter Scott. By William Hopkins. Heneietta Sontao, Co"c;kTes3 Rossi, the celebrated Singer. By ^4. de Salome. Anne de Rohan Chabot, Peincesse de Saubise. Mistress of Louis XIV. By Pierre Mignard. Rosalie Duoazon, of the Opera Comique. Ivory. By Simon Chardin, Captain Pateick DetjmMond, R.A. By /. Smart, Feancis Bacon, Viscount St. Alban's. Lord High Chancellor. Ascribed to Peter Oliver. Maequise de Pompadoue. Mistress of Louis XV. Ascribed to F. Voucher, King Edwaed VL, set in a case. Enamelled in gold. By I£ans Eolbein, Ambeose Paee, the celebrated Surgeon. Maec Antonio Colonna, Duke of Palliano. Poeteait of a Lady. By P. JDe Rossi. Cheistina, Queen of Sweden. By A. Cooper. MiNiATUEE OF Cheistian IV., KiNQ OF Denmaee. Brother of Anne the Queen of James I. Oil. Contributed by the Eev. Et. E. Bramley, Miniatuee of Eichaed Ramsden Beamley, Esq. Twice Mayor of Leeds. Contributed by the Luke of Buccleuch, La Belle Stuaet. By Samuel Cooper. Cheistophee Monk, Second Duke of Albemarle. Eixon, Feances Waed, Baeoness Dudley. S. Cooper, Catheeine of Aeeagon. Attributed to Holbein. Walpole, Duchess of Poetsmouth. By Samuel Cooper, Anne of Denmaek. By Cornelius Jansen, SiE William Temple. LoED Bacon. Milliard, 293 Section 2.] [Gallery fi. Philip, Eael op Pembeoee. Admiral Churchill. By Boit. Louis XVI. Eall. Thos. Howard, Viscount Bindon, Isaac Oliver t Sir John Maynard. Samuel Cooper. Mademoiselle de Montpensier. A Girl. (Unknown.) Signed P.O. (1668.) Edward, Duke of Somerset. Thomas, Lord Seymour. Feter Oliver. Bishop Hall. John Hoslcins. Sir John Suckling. John EosJcins. Lady Shirley. Michel de Montaigne. Madame de Montespan. Sir Bobert Walpole. Freweff. Sir Thomas Brown. Horace Walpole. Frewett. A Spanish Infanta. Swift. JBindon. Catherine Shorter, Lady Walfole. William III. Sir Sacheverell. Prince Eugene. Duchess op Orleans, wife of Eegent. Sir John Clench. Isaac Oliver, Lady Mary Fairfax. S. Cooper. Otway. Algernon Sydney. Penelope, Lady Herbert, Earl op Essex. Eilliard. Nell Gwynne. Boucher. Fernet. Lady Ealconberg^ bobespierre. Admiral Byng. Enamel, ^igiied <'G.S., 1752.'' Marquis of Csandos. Zinche. Countess of Bridgewatee. Lady Shirley. Joseph Vernet. John, Lord Bellasis, 8. Cooper, 294 d-allery !Bt.] MmiATtTRES. [Section Lady Maey Fairfax, Duchess of Buckingham. /S, Cooper, Lady Penelope Compton. aV. Cooper. Lady Heydon. Sir Egbert Gayer. General Dayison. John Hoskins, Earl of Chesterfield. S. Cooper* General Monk. Dixon. Catherine Sedley, Countess op Dorchester. Marshal Saxe. Talleyrand. By S. Ferrye. 1812. Mary, Princess of Orange. HosJcins. Queen Mary, Wife of William III. Enamel. Ann, Countess of Derby. Catherine de Medicis. Sir John Harrington. Hoshms. Contributed by Edward EiUter^ Esq, Portrait of Henry II., King of Prance, on vellum. Portrait of LotTiSE de Lorraine, wife of Henry III., King of France. Janet, Contributed by Joseph Wormald, Esq. MiNlAWRE, on ivory; Mother and Child. Carter. Contributed by J. Hey wood SawJcins. Frances Howard, Duchess of Norfole:. A Gentleman, in armour. Marked C, 1641.'* BachiSl, Countess of Middlesex. Gentleman. Time, Charles II. Gentleman, in armour. I. H., 1656, Gentleman, in armour, Nell Gwynne. Anns of Cleves. Lady Huntingdon. Earl Darnley. Devereux, Earl of Essex. Earl Darnley. Portrait of a Lady. Unknown. Lady Catherine Grey. Algernon Sidney. Cooper. Gentleman. Unknown. Divine. Unknown. Divine. 1656. Unknovm. By Coo, Lady Derby. By Lely. Lady. Unknown. 295 Section 2.i No. 3188 Laby. Unknown. 3189 Duchess of Poetsmouth. 3190 POETEAIT. Unknown. 3191 Duchess of Maelboeough. 3192 Lucy, Countess of CAELiSLEi 3193 A Lady. Unknown. 3194 A Lady. Unknown. 3195 A Lady. Unknown. Contributed hy ii. S. Sol ford, Esa^ 3196 The Comtesse d' Olonne, in an enamelled frame. Enamel by Fetitoti 3197 SiE Nicholas Poyntz. By Holbein. 3198 DUCHESSE DE LONGUEVILLE. By Fotitot. 3199 The Speakee Lenthal. By Cooper. 3200 Cowley, the poet, when young. Enamel by Zincke, Contributed by Earl Cathcart, 3201 Duke of WELLiNaTON. By Isabeij. 3202 Vandyke. By Cooper. 3203 Alexandee Pope. By Bernard Lens. Contributed by W. Entry Zowe, Esq, 3204 Maegaeita Qonzaga. E. Veronese. Contributed by Mrs. Lee Ward, 3205 Caedinal Piccolomini. Oil. Contributed by E. F. S. Figgott, Esq, 3206 Madame dE SevigiJe, on an ivory box. Contributed by the Eodleian Library* 3207 PoETEAiT James Stuaet. By T. Belle. PoETEAiT OF Maeia Clementina. By T. Belle. SCULPTURE.-CContinued from page 196.) Contributed by Sir Francis Crossley^ Bart, e27g Peedita, by J. Durham, A.EA. 62811 Ophelia, by J. Durham, A.R.A* Contributed by J. Metcalfe Smith, Esq* 6291 Sabeina, by Spence* Contributed by Her Majesty the Queen. 630j Bust of Hee Majesty, by Baron Marochetti. 631k The Peinoe Consoet, modelled by H.R.H. the Princess of Prussia* Contributed by Mrs. Thorny croft. 6321 The Peincess Royal, by Mrs. Thorny croft. 633m The Peincess Alice, by Mrs. Thornycroft. Contributed by J. Burham, Esq., A.B.Ai 634n Her Majesty the Queen, by J. Durham, A.E.A. 6350 Peace, by J. Durham, A.E.A. Contributed by A.. B. Joy, Esq. Bbateice, by a. B. Joy* Coniribuied hy Bilioskii 637CL Modesty, by Bilioski, m SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. The following important and valuable objects belonging to the South Kensington Museum will be exhibited, one or more at a time, during the period of the Leeds Exhibition. Thomas a Becket's Candlestick, made for Gloucester Abbey, A.D. about iioo. — Bought for ^651. The Steel Mirror of Diane de Poitiers, Mistress of Henry II. of France A.D. 1540-50. — Bought for ;^i,28i. The Harp , of Marie Antoinette, Queen of Louis XVI. of France. — Presented by Professor Sir C. Wheatstone. The Milanese Spinette, ornamented with precious stones, made A.D. 1577 by Annibale de Rossi.— Bought at the Paris Exhibition for ^1,200. The Embroidered Cope of the Abbots of Syon, a.d. about 1250.— Bought for no. A Collection of Ancient Ornamental Knives, Forks, and Spoons. A Selection from the Jewellery worn by the Peasants of Italy. — Bought at the Paris Exhibition for ;^i,2oo. A Selection of Spanish Statuettes, by Alonzo Cano and other artists. A Selection from the Objects of Ornamental Art presented by the Rev. Richard Brooke, of Gateforth Hall, Selby, Yorkshire. The Sculptured Ivory Vase by Baron Triqueti. — Bought at the International Exhibition of 1862 for ;^8oo. The REPOUSSi: Shield by Morel-Ladeuil, produced for Messrs. Elkington, exhibited at Paris, 1867. — Bought for ;^2,ooo. Sculptured Wood Cabinet by Fourdinois,— Bought from the Paris Exhibition of 1 867 for ;^2,8oo. 297 . ti THE CENTRAL (DUDLEY) GALLERY. Contributed by MTTEILLO . . . Bartolome E steban . . . 1618—16 82. The Death of Santa Claea The Earl of Dudley, Painted for the Franciscan Convent at Seville. The inscription explains the subject. ''Among the remark- able favours which the glorious Saint Clara received during her life from our Lord Christ, was that of his being present at her death, with his blessed mother, accom- panied by virgins wearing golden crowns and white dresses, with palms in their hands, who covered her holy body with a mantle brought from Heaven. A miraculous event, which only the eyes of St. Clara and those of one of her religious companions were worthy to enjoy." From the Soult and Aguado Collections. PERUGINO. . .Pietro. . .1446—1524. Holy Family » VELASQUEZ . . .Diego . . .1599— 1660. POBTRAIT OF A LaDY „ From the Martinez Gallery, No. 18, of the Salamanca Catalogue. LIPPI. . .Filippino. . . 1460—1505. POETKAIT OF A LaDY OF THE TOENABUONI FAMILY „ PERUGINO. . .Pietro. . .1446—1524. The Adoration of Joseph and Maey . . , The Baptism op Cheist Cheist and the Woman of Samaeia at the Well „ The Restjeeection n ?> Noli me Tanoeee »» These five pictures were exhibited at the British Insti' tution in 1852. ANGELICO...Fra Giovanni da Fiesole... 1387— 1455. ViEGiN AND Child with Saints . . . . „ MURILLO . . .Bartolome Esteban . . .1618—1682. Santa Jiusta j> BONIFAZIO.-.Venetiano, or da Verona... 1491— 1553. ViEGiN AND Child with Saints . . ^ U^v > t Aw^ff ■ The Holy Family, Saint John, and Saints . „ CREDI.. .Lorenzo di... 1459— 1537. ViEGiN AND Child, and Saint John . . . . „ DAVID . . .Jacques Louis . . . 1748—1825. POETEAITS OF PlUS THE SEVENTH AND CaEDINAL CaPEEEA „ PALMA...Jacopo II Vecchio... about 1475—1523-4. The Holy Family, with Saints „ MURILLO . . .Bartolome Esteban . . . 1618—1682. The Stoey of the Peodigal Son „ „ A series of five pictures, the sixth of which is in the Vatican, having been presented to the Pope by the King of Spain. No. 13 H seq. of the Salamanca Catalogue. 298 THE CENTRAIi (DUDLEY) GALLEKY. Contributed by BREUGHEL... Jan or Velvet... 1668— 1625. Water The Earl of Dudley, Eaeth „ „ ^^IRE „ „ „ „ . MirRILL0...Bartolom6 Esteban... 1618— 1682. The Old Gipsy Woman )> From the Martinez Gallery. No. 32 of the Salamanca Catalogue. FRANCIA. . .Francesco Kaibolini. . . 1450—1517. Virgin and Child Jacobus Gambarus Bon per Franciam auriferum hoc opus fieri curavit, 1495. GREUZE. . .Jean Baptiste. . .1726—1805. A Young Girl Eeginald Ghohnondeley^ Esq, CLAUDE...De Lorraine.. .1600— 1682. Landscape . . . Lord Feversham, Landscape „ B AROCCIO . . .Frederico . . . 1528—1612. The Virgin adoring the Infant Christ . . „ „ TITIAN... Tiziano Vecchio da Cadore... 1477— 1576. Portrait of one of the Geimani Family . . ZURBARAN . . .Francisco . . .1598—1662. The Annunciation The Earl of Dudley, BELLINI. . . Giovanni. . . 1422—1512. Portrait of a Man with a Black Cap . . . Virgin and Child and Two Saints . . . MTJRILLO. . .Bartolom^ Esteban. . .1618—1682. St. John and the Lamb >> „ From the Salamanca Collection. BASAITI... Marco... Painted from 1470 to 1620. Holy Family and Saint Catherine . . . . UNKNOWN. Portrait of a Youth » TINTORETTO . . . Jacopo Eobusti. . . 1512—1594. Portrait of Pope Paul the 4th . . . C. Brinsley Marlay, Esq, OUTSIDE THE DOOR OP CENTRAL GALLERY. CARRACCI . . . Agostino . . . 1 568— 1601. Christ Raising the Widow's Son . . . , E. S. Eolford, Esq, CARRACCI...Lodovico... 1565— 1619. OuE Savioub Hbalxng the Blind Man . • »> », CATALOGUE OF *^Our County, as the curious observe, is the epitome of England; whatsoever is excellent in the whole land being to be found in proportion thereto." "Besides, God hath been pleased to make it the birthplace and nursery of many great men." — Dr. George Hickes' Sermon, preached at the Yorkshire Feast, in, Bow Church, London, June 11th, 1682. EDWARD HAILSTONE, Honorary Superintendent. THOMAS FISHER, Assistant Superintendent 300 YORKSHIRE WORTHIES. No. 8001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 CORBIDOR AT THE TOP OF GBAND STAIRCASE. Contributed by Savile, Sir Henry, Knight. B. at Bradley, W. R., 1549. Tutor to Queen Elizabeth. Provost of Eton, etc. Founded the Savilian Professor- ships at Oxford. D. 1622. Full length . . Eton College. (See No. 3264.) Carlisle, James Hay, Earl of. B. 1615. Created Baron Hay of Sawley, County of York. Ambassador to France. 1622, advanced to Baron Doncaster and Earl of Carlisle, K.G. By VaivXyck. Lord lAjttelton. Wicliffe, or Wycliffe, John. B. near Richmond, 1324. In 1360 Master of Baliol Hall. In 1375 Rector of Lutterworth. D.1384. Divine and Reformer. 1. Earl Denbigh. 2 BaUiol College, Oxford. TONSTAL, or TUNSTALL, CUTHBERT. B. at Hackforth, N. R., 1474. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Dean of Salisbury. Master of the Rolls. Bishop of London, 1622. Bishop of Durham, 1530. Deprived, 1552. Restored, 1553. Deprived again, 1559. D. 1560. /. T. Darey Huff on, Esq. Alcock, John. B. at Beverley. Filled many high offices. Bishop of Rochester, 1472. Lord. Chancellor, 1475. Bishop of Worcester, 1476. Bishop of Ely, 1486. Founded Jesus College, Cambridge. D. 1500. Jesiis College, Cambridge. GowER, John. B. in Yorkshire, 1320. The great poet. Author of Confessio Amantis. D. 1402. Bodleian Library, Oxford. Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Lord Wentworth. B. . Served in France in Henry VIII. 's expedition in 1523. Created Lord Wentworth of Nettleden, 1529. Lord Cliamberlain and Privy Councillor to Edward VI. D. 1550. rhilosophical Society, YorJc. 301 Corridors.] YOBKSHIBE WORTHIES. No. 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 Contributed by Wentwoeth, Thomas, Lord Wentworth. Second Lord Wentworth (eldest son of the first Lord). Governor of Calais under Edward VI. and Mary. Sur- rendered Calais to the Duke of Guise, 1558. W, Vernon Wentworth^ Esq» Montagu, Sib Edward, Kt. Lawyer. Ancestor of several Yorkshire families. Chief Justice of K.B., 1539. Eemoved to CP., 1545. Knighted. One of the Executors of Henry VIII. 's wiU. Sent to the Tower on Queen Mary's Accession, D. 1557. — By Holbein. A. Montagu^ Esq, Harrison-, John. ♦ B. at Leeds, 1579. Great benefactor to Leeds. D. 1652. Full length. . . . Mayor and Corporation of Leeds. (See No. 3037.) Gee, William. B. 1523. Sheriff of Hull, in 1560. Mayor of Hull, in 1562, 1573, 1583. Founded Gee's Hospital in Chapel Lane, Hull (near St. Mary's Church), and in 3578 subscribed £80 and 20,000 bricks towards rebuilding the Grammar School at Hull (originally founded by John Alcock, Bishop of Ely, a.b. 1486). D. 1602. In the Grammar School^ Suit, ScROPE, Henry le, Lord Scrope. Ninth Baron. B.1536. Summoned to Parliament, 1555- 1589. One of the Tilters at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth. Governor of the Castle of Carlisle. Warden of the West Marches towards Scotland. Marshal of the army at the siege of Leith, 1568. Served in arms against the insurgents under the Earls of Northumber- land and Westmoreland. Had the care of Mary Queen of Scots at Bolton Castle, from July, 1568, to January, 1569. Made K.G. D. 1591. Painted Mi. 22, Anno 1558. Lord Bolton, HoLGATE, Robert. B. at Hemsworth. Bishop of Llandaff, 1537. Arch- bishop of York, 1544. Founded the Hospital and School at Hemsworth. rr .i i Governors of Hemsworth MospitaL Northumberland, Thomas Percy, Seventh Earl op. Beheaded at York, 22nd August, 1572. Chief Con- spirator in the Norton Kebellion, in Yorkshire. Temp. Eliz. Pull length, kneeling, ^t. 58, dated 1566. JSir Charles Sling sby, Bt, Chaloner, Sir Thomas. Poet, and Ambassador to Spain. B. 1515. B. 1565. —By Sir Antonio More. Mrs. M. G. Edgar. Mathew, Tobie, or Tobias. Dean of Durham. Bishop of Durham, 1595. Trans- lated to York, 1606. D. 1628. The Lean and Chapter^ York. 302 YOEKSHIRE WORTHIES. [Corridors. NoETON, Richard. Of Norton. Patriarch of the Hebellion of 1569. Governor of Norham Castle, 1555. One of the Council of the North. Temp. Henry VIII., and Elizabeth. Died abroad. NoETON, Thomas. His brother. B. . Who joined the Rebellion, and, with his nephew Christopher, executed May, 1570, NoETON, Cheistophee. Son of Richard Norton. B. 1570. Contributed by Executed May, Lord Grmtley, Lord Qrantley, Lord Grantley. Savile, Sie John, Kt. B. at Over Bradley, 1545. Commoner at Brazenose College, Oxford, 1561. Reader in Middle Temple, 1586. Sergeant at Law, 1592. Baron of Exchequer, 1598. Sat in that Court till the Queen's death. Patent renewed by James I. Knighted, 1603. D. 1607. The Earl of Mexhorough, LiSTEE OE Lystee, Sie Richaed, Kt. Of the ancient family in Craven. Of the Middle Temple, 1516. Solicitor-General, 1521. Chief Baron of Exchequer, 1529. Commissioner on Trial of Bishop Fisher and Sir T. More. Chief Justice, K.B., 1545. Attested confession of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, 1547. Resigned office, 1552. D. 1554. — By Zucchero. LiSTEE, Lady Elizabeth. "Wife of above.— By Zucchero, Lord RibbUsdale, Lord Itibblesdale, INGLEBY, Sie William, Kt. B. . Of Ripley. Treasurer of Berwick-upon- Tweed, temp. Edward VI. and Elizabeth. D. 1578. Hevd. Sir H. T. Ingilby^ Bart, Danby, Sie Robeet, Kt. B. 14—. Of the old Yorkshire family. Serjeant-at- Law, 1443. Raised to the Bench of Common Pleas, 1452. Chief Justice of Common Pleas, 1461. Mentioned as an excellent Judge. Accidentally shot at Thorpe Perrow. D. Mrs, Banby Harcourt, Weay, Sie Cheistophee, Kt. B. 1524, at Bedale. Educated at Magdalen College, Cambridge. M.P., 1553. Speaker, 1571. Judge, 1572. Ch. first, and Knighted, 1574. D. 1592. 1. Small, on panel Master's Lodge, Trinity College, Cambridge, 2. John Balton, Esq, 3. . . Mr, Snoswellj Norland Flace, Notting Hilly W, Weay, Teances. Daughter of Sir Christopher. B. 1576. 303 John Bolton, Esq, Corridors.] YORKSHIKE WORTHIES. No. 3030 £031 3032 8033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3938 3039 Contributed by DoLBEN, Eevd. John, D.D. B. in Northamptonshire, Educated at Westminster. Scholar of Christ Church. Served as Ensign at the siege of York, and at Marston Moor. Returned to the University. Canon of Christ Church, afterwards Arch- deacon of London. Clerk of the Closet. Bishop of Rochester, 1666. Archbishop of York, 1683. D. 1686. Bcdliol College, Oxford, Ingram, Sir Arthur, Kt. High Sheriff of the County to Charles I. Builder of Temple-Newsam. I). 1655. Full length. H, C. Meynell Ingram, Esq. Ingleby, Sampson. Fifth son of the Treasurer. B. 1569. Steward to Henry Percy, ninth Earl of Northumberland, at Spof- forth Manor. D. 1604. Date 1594. Mi. 25. Mevd. Sir H. Ingilhy, Barf. LoFTus, Rev. Adaji, D.D. B. . Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Archbishop of Armagh, 1562. Resigned. Became Archbishop of Dublin, 1567. D. His Grace the Lord Primate of Ireland. Heath, Revd. Nicholas, D.D. B. 1503. Almoner to King Henry VIII. Bishop of Llandaff and Rochester, 1589. Bishop of Worcester, 1553. Deprived by Edward VI. Restored by Queen Mary. Archbishop of York, 1555. Deprived, 1558. D . Painted ^t. 63, a.d. 1566;. Lieut-Colonel Akroyd. Sanderson, Revd. Robert, D.D. B. at Rotherham, 1587. Divine. Much esteemed by Charles I. Deprived of his preferments. After the Restoration, made Bishop of Lincoln. D. 1662-3. 1 Lord Mayor and Corporation of London, 2 Christ CJmrch, Oxford. (See No. 3267.) Harrison, John. From Th or esby's Museum .... Mrs. Coo J: son, (See No. 8011.) Howard, Sir Charles. Second Baron Howard of Effingham. B. 1536. K.G. 1574. One of the Commissioners for the trial of the Queen of Scots, 1586. Lord High Admiral of England. Celebrated for his defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588. Created Earl of Nottingham, 1590. Resigned the office of Lord High Admiral, 1619. D. 1624. Mi. 88. Hon, and Revd. W. Howard. HuTTON, Matthew, Revd., D.D. B. 1529. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. Lady Margaret's Professor, 1561. Held preferments. Dean of York, 1567. Bishop of Durham, 1589. Arch- bishop of York, 1595. President of the Council of the North, 1596. D. 1605. The Archbishop of York. 804 YORKSHIEE WOETHIES. [Corridor^. No. 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 Contributed by Wandesforde, Christophee, Lord Castlecomee. B. 1592, at Bishop Burton. Son of Sir George "Wandesforde, of Kirklington. Educated Clare Hall, Cambridge. M.P. 1628. A manager of the impeach- ment of the Duke of Buckingham. Accompanied Lord Wentworth to Ireland as Master of the EoUs, 1633. Knighted, 1636. Lord Deputy, 1640. Created Baron Mowbray and Viscount Castlecomer. D. 1640. His works published by his descendant, Dr. Comber. Revd. m G, W, Cornier, Lister, Sir Martin. Lord Rihhlesdale. ScROPE, Emmanuel lb, Lord Scrope. Tenth and last Baron Scrope of Bolton, K.G, Sum- moned to Parliament, 1614-25. Lord President of the King's Council of the North. Created by Charles I. Earl of Sunderland. Lord Bolton, EoBiNSON, William M. B. . Of Newby. Merchant in York. Lord Mayor, 1619. Ancestor of the Earl de Grey. D. 1626. The Governor of the Merchants' Company, York. FiTzwiLLiAM, Lord. 17th Century.— By Cornelius Jansen. Sir G. jBrohe-Middleton, Simon, Abraham, B. at Leeds. Modeller and medallist. Worked in France and Holland. Designed the medal for the Knights of the] Boyal Oak. D. in poverty, some time after the Eestoration.— By Sir Godfrey Kneller. Henry Musyrave, Esq. TiLSON, Henry, Bevd., D.D. B. at Heptonstall, 1575. Student at Baliol College, Oxon, 159—. Chaplain to Thomas, Earl of Strafford. Dean of Christ Church, Dublin. Bishop of Elphin, 1639. Ejected. Died at Soothill ; buried at Dewsbury, 1655. TiLSON, Nathaniel, and Family. B. Son of the above. D. —By Henry Tilson. TiLSON, Nathaniel. By H. Tilson, T. Shaen Carter, Esq. T. Shaen Carter, Esq. T. Shaen Carter, Esq. TiLSON, Henry. Son of Nathaniel. B. in Yorkshire, 1619. Pupil of Sir Peter Lely. A skilful artist in portraiture.— By himself. T. Shaen Carter, Esq. 3050 DoLBEN, Sir Gilbert, Bart. B. Eldest son of the Archbishop of York. Became one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas in Ireland. By Wm. III. created a Baronet, 1704. Died 1722. A great friend of Dryden's. Full length Bodleian Library, Oxford. 30o Corridors.] YOBKSHIBE WOKTHIES. Contributed by Williams, John, Rev., D.D. B. 1582. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, Made Chaplain to James I., and several ecclesiastical preferments. Keeper of the Seals, 1621. Bishop of Lincoln. Accused in the Star Chamber, fined £10,000 and impri- soned. Archbishop of York, 1641. Deprived and sent to the Tower. Released, and D. 1650. The Archbishop of York, Baltimore, Geoege Calveet, Fiest Loed. B. at Kiplin, KR., 1582. Under-Secretary of State to King James the First, who first obtained a grant of the colony of Maryland. D. 1632. Duke of Devomhire, Bolton Abbey, Stillingeleet, Edwaed, Eevd., D.D. B. 1635. Of a Yorkshire family. Bishop of Worces- ter, 1689. D. 1699. A divine of great learning. Bev. A, L. JF, Bean» Steene, Bevd. Eichaed, D.D. B. Educated at Cambridge. Master of Jesus College. Imprisoned in the Tower. Turned out of College, 1643. Chaplain to Archbishop Laud ; with him on the scaffold. Bishop of Carlisle, 1660. Archbishop Of York, 1644. D. 1683. Jesus College^ Cambridge, FOUNTAYNE, JOHN. B. . Called to Bar, 1629. Called ''Turncoat" Foun- tayne, being alternately Royalist and Parliamentarian. Appointed by the Parliament to report on the Law, 1652. Made Serjeant-at-Law, 1658. One of Commissioners of Great Seal in the Long Parliament, 1659. Survived the Restoration. D. 1671. A. Montagu y Esq, Heebeet, Sie Thomas. B. 1610. D. 1682. Oriental Traveller, and author of Threnodia Carolina. — By Walker. Robert Williamson, Esq, HowAED, Loed, K.B. Married the heiress of Lord Knevit of Escrick. . Created Baron Howard of Escrick, 1628. Acquired an infamous immortality by his betrayal of the patriots Lord Russell and Algernon Sidney. D. 1675. Sir Reginald H, Graham, Bart, Steai^foed, Thomas Wentwoeth, Fiest Eael of. B. 1593. Son of Sir P. Wentworth, of Wentworth Woodhouse. Became Lord President of the North. Impeached and beheaded on Tower Hill, 1641. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Beamhall, Eevd. John, D.D. B. at Pontefract, 1593. Educated at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Archdeacon of Meath. Bishop of Derry, 1634. Became Archbishop of Armagh, 1661. D. 1663. Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 306 CJorridors.] YOBKSHIBE WOETSIES. No. 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 Contributed by Parkee, Edwaed. B. Hereditary Bowbearer of the B^orest of BoUand. Bated 1689. /. Goulboum barker. Esq, EoKEBY, Sir Thomas, Knight. B. about 1622. Educated at Cambridge. Called to the Bar, 1657. Lived at York. Favoured Prince of Orange. Justice CP., 1689. Justice K.B., 1689.— By Schalkcn. Eevd. 8. Buxton Smyth. Maegetson, Eev. James. B. at Drighlington. Treasurer of St. Patrick's. Arch- bishop of Dublin, 1660. Translated to Armagh, 1663. D. 1678. His Grace the Lord Frimate of Ireland. Eatoon, Sie Maemaduke, Knight. Of a Yorkshire family. Baptized at Brandsbey, 20th March, 1582. Knighted by Charles I., for his loyal services. D. 1646. Andrew Fairhairn, Esq. Maeyell, Andeew. B. at Hull, 1620. PoUtical writer. D. 1678. /. Rhodes^ Esq. LuMLEY, John, Loed Lumley. B. . C. 1534. Only son of George Lumley, of Thwing. His father indicted at York with Thomas, Lord Darcy, and others, for treason; condemned and executed, 1544. On decease of grandfather, became Lord Lumley. Educated in the Court of Edward VI. Friend of succeeding sovereigns. A most distinguished man and author, patron of literature. D. 1609. The Earl of Scarborough. Feobishee, Sie Maetin. B. at Doncaster, 1535. Naval hero and discoverer. D. 1594. FuU length. Bodleian Library^ Oxford. ElCHMOND, LODOWICK StUAET, DuKE OP. B. 1574. Created Baron Settrington, 161S. Duke of Richmond, 1623. D. 1624. Held many important ofl&ces. The Lord Mayor and Corporation of the City of York. Calveeley, Anne, Lady. B. 1534. Daughter of Sir Christopher Danby, Knight, ofFarnley. High Sheriff of Yorkshire. 37. Henry VIIL, and great benefactor to Leeds Church. Married Sir Walter Calverley, Knight, of Calverley. Living 1568. Dated 1571. Sir W. Calverley Trevelyan^ Bart. Calveeley, William. B. 1557. Her son and heir. D. Dated 1571. -^t. 14. Sir W. Calverley Trevelyan, Bart. 307 Corridors.] YORKSHIRE WORTHIES. No. 3070 3071 3072 3073 8074 3075 3076 3077 3078 Contributed by Calveeley, Henry. B. 1604. Son of Walter Calverley, who stabbed his wife and children, and suffered death by the peine forte et dure, at York, in 1605. This portrait represents the "Brat at Nurse" of the " Yorkshire Tragedy " ascribed to Shakspeare. D. 1661. Dated 1638. Sir Walter Calverley Trevelyan, Barf. Kamsden, Sir John. Of Byram and Longley. B. . A distinguished Cavalier officer. D. .—By Mireveldt. ^. _. _„ , ^ Sir J. W. Ramsaen, Bart, Buckingham, Second Duke op, George Villiers. B. 1627-8. Fought in the Civil Wars, and had a com- mand in the royal army at Worcester, 1651. Escaped to Holland. Kode uncovered before Charles II. at his entry into London at the Restoration. Made K.G. One of King Charles's ministers. Known as the profligate nobleman. Satirized by Dryden and Pope. Married the heiress of Thomas, Lord Fairfax. Died at Kirkby Moorside, 1687. Full length.— By Vandych The Earl of Chesterfield. Fairfax, Sir Thomas, 5t- B. 1560. Son of Sir Thomas Fairfax, of Denton. Knighted before Rouen for his bravery, 1591. Served in Germany. Ambassador from Queen Elizabeth to King James. Created Lord Fairfax of Cameron, 1627. D. 1640. Fairfax, Perdinando. B. . Son of the above. An active Parliamentary General. Defeated Earl of Newcastle, 1642, and others. Commanded at Marston Moor, 1644. D. 1648.— By Bower. Faiufax, Thomas. B. 1611, at Denton. Son of above. Served in Holland. Distinguished himself as a Parliamentary general, as Sir Thomas Fairfax under his father at Marston Moor. Generalissimo of Parliamentary army. Refused to act on trial of Charles 1. A commissioner for promoting the Restoration. Represented the County of York. D. 1671. Thomas Fairfax., Esq, Thomas Fairfax^ Esq. 2. By Walker Fairfax, Sir Thomas, Kt. Of Denton. Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1571. Said to have been with the Duke of Bourbon at the sacking of Rome. Father of the first Baron Fairfax, and of Edward Fair- fax, of Newhall, the poet. D. 1599. Fairfax, Sir William, Kt. B. . Son of Sir P. Fairfax, of Steeton. A Parlia- mentary officer, in command of a regiment at Edge Hill, 1642. Killed at Montgomery Castle, 1644. Full length. 308 Thomas Fairfax^ Esq. Earl Spencer. Thomas Fairfax, Esq, Thomas Fairfax, Esq. YORKSHIRE WORTHIES. [Corridors. No. 3079 3081 3082 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 Contributed by Fairfax, Thomas. Fifth Baron. B, . Colonel in the Guards, and M.P. for the County of York, which he was obliged to relinquish at the Union with Scotland. Married the , heiress of Lord Colepepper and settled at Leeds Castle. r>. 1710. C. Wykeliam Mar tiny Esq,^ R,A. Fairfax, Henry. Fourth Baron of Denton, whose grandson established ^ himself in America. — Copy. Lieut. 'CoL Akroyd, Note.— The original portrait was brought lately from America by a daughter of the ninth Baron, and two copies only made. Fairfax, Mary. Duchess of Buckingham. B. 1639. Daughter and heiress of Thomas, third Lord Fairfax. Married to George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham. D. 1705. C. Wykeham Martin^ Esq. Fairfax, Kobert. B. . Of Newton Kyme. Vice-Admiral of the Blue. Commanded the Tor Bay, at the taking of Gibraltar. M.P. for York. Lord Mayor, 1715, the year of the Scots' rising. D. 1725. Thomas Fairfax.^ Esq. Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of. B. at Handsworth, near Sheffield, 1593. Made Earl of Newcastle, 1627. Fought at Adwalton in the Parlia- mentary wars in Yorkshire, on the King's side. Eetired abroad. Keturned at the Restoration, and made Duke, 1665. D. 1676. 1. Full length, by Vandyck, (In Gallery C.) 2. By Bobson Langdale, Sir Harm a duke, Kt. Knighted by Charles I., 1627. During the Civil Wars one of the most distinguished Cavalier generals. Made prisoner in Scotland and escaped. One of the atten- dants of Charles II. at the Restoration. Created, 1658, Baron Langdale, of Holme-on-Spalding-Moor. Hon. Mrs. Stourton. Lambert, John, Lieut. -General. Son of Josias Lambert, of Calton-in-Craven. B. 1619. Became the celebrated Parliamentarian general. Ban- ished to Guernsey, 1667. Died on St. Nicholas Island, Plymouth Sound, 1682-3. 1. M. Wilson^ Esq. 2. Lord RibUesdale. Lambert, Josias, Esq. Of Calton-in-Craven. B. in 1554. Resided at Calton Hall. Father of the Parliamentary general, by his second wife. Buried at Kirkby Malhamdale. Earl Spencer. Col, Tempest. 309 Lord Rihhlesdale. Corridors.] YOBKSHIBE WORTHIES. 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 8097 LiSTEE, Thomas. Of Gisbum Park. B, By Lambert. LiSTEE, JOHIT. Of Arnoldsbiggin. John Lambert, Esq, B. 1641. D. 1774. Dated a.d. 1670, Painted by Contributed by Zord RihbUsddle, Lord EihhUsdale, Beaumont, Sie Eichaed, Knight. Of Whitley Beaumont. B. 1574. Knighted by King James I., 1609, Held a Commission in the King's service, and other offices, M.P. for Pontefract, 1625. Created a baronet, 1628. J>. 1631. S. B. Beatmonfy Esq., M.F, Beaumont, Sie Thomas, Knight. Baptized at Mirfield, 1606, Some time of the Middle Temple, Sergeant-Major of Sir William Savile's regiments. Afterwards Governor of Sheffield Castle, 1642, Lieutenant-Colonel of the Yorkshire Militia, Knighted by King Charles II,, 1660, His correspon- dence with Sir William Savile during the Civil Wars is in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. D. 1668. MoNCKTON, Sie Philip, Kt. B. at Heck, Knighted, 1644, Royalist. Marston Moor, and other places. P, 1678. TT. j?. Wrightson, Esq, Fought at Lord Viscomt Galway, M,F, Slingsby, Sie Heney, Kt. Knighted by Queen Elizabeth, and held offices under the Duchy of Lancaster, of which he was deprived and imprisoned for two years in the Fleet, High Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1611-12, Fined for non-attendance, D. 1634. He was father of Sir Henry Slingsby, who was beheaded, FuU length. Sir C, Slingsby, Bart, Slingsby, Sie Heney. B. 1601. Created a Baronet by King Charles I, A staunch Royalist, beheaded 1658. Author of a Father's Best Legacy. Sir C. Slingsby, Bart, Slingsby, Heney. B. 1620. Master of the Mint to King Charles II. Quarter, having inscription — Henry Slyngsbye, Esq., *'of Slingsbye House, in the Strand, and Kippax, "Master of the Mint to King Charles IL, 1670, Only " son of Sir William." Sir C. Slingsby, Bart, Slingsby, Sie William, Kt. Of Kippax, B. 1562, (Father of Henry Slingsby, Master of the Mint to Charles II.) Discoverer of the Spa at Harrogate, Commissioner-General, under Lord Howard of Effingham, in the fleet that took Cadiz. Honorary carver to Anne of Denmark, 1603. D. 1624. Sir Reginald E. Graham, Bart. 310 YOBKSHIBE WORTHIES. [Corridors. ^ _ CONTHIBUTED BT CXTSOEELAND, HeNEY CLIFFORD. Fifth and last Earl. B. at Londesborough, 1592. Raised forces to assist Charles I. in Yorkshire. An active Eoyalist. D. at York, 1643. 1 -^w^e of Devonshire^ Bolton Abbey, 2 Lieut. -Col. Akroyd. Clifford, Anne. Sole heiress of George, third Earl of Cumberland. B. 1590. Married, 1st, Eichard, third Earl of Dorset ; 2nd, Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Cele- brated in history as owner of Skipton, Barden, Bolton Abbey, and other places. D. 1675. See Whitaker's History of Craven. 1st, in youth .... Sir M. Tufton, Skipton Castle. 2nd, in advanqed years . Duke of Devonshire, Bolton Abbey. Cumberland, Third Earl or, George Clifford. B. 1558. Educated at Cambridge. Eminent as a naval commander. K.G,, 1592. Made nine voyages by sea at his own expense. Distinguished himself in the attack on the Spanish Armada. Appointed by Queen Elizabeth her champion in tournaments. Described " as a skilful navigator, an intrepid commander, and a disinterested patriot, but moreover an accomplished courtier." Sat on the trial of Mary Queen of Scots. D, 1605. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Cumberland, Francis Clifford, 4th Earl of. B. at Skipton Castle, 1559. In the Commission with the Lord President of the North against Border rob- beries. D. 1641. On Panel, as a Child. Sir M. Tufton, Bart, Cumberland, George, 3rd Earl of, His Countess, AND Two Sons. This is the centre of the large family picture kept at Skipton Castle. The inscription is said to be Sir Matthew Hale's. The portraits are copies from the originals, and finished by the appointment of Ann Clifford, Countess of Pembroke, Dorset, and Mont- gomery, A. D. 1646. For a full description see Whitaker's History of Craven. The arches or wings are nearly destroyed. Sir B. Tufton, Barf., Skipton Castle. Lawson, Sir John, Kt. Vice- Admiral of England. B. at Hull. Had many distinguished commands. Assisted Monk in bringing back Charles II. Vice-Admiral under the Duke of York. Wounded in action with the Dutch. D. 1665. —By Sir Peter Lely. Greenwich HospitaL 311 ^ Corridors.] YORKSHIRE WORTHIES. No. 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 Contributed by Malloey, Sir John, Kt. B. at Studley. M.P. for Eipon, 1640. Royalist. Governor of Skipton Castle, which he held for three years against the Parliamentary forces ; at length com- pelled to surrender it on the 21st December, 1645, to Colonel Eichard Thornton. D. 1655. Full length, with his wife and child . Earl de Grey and Bipon, Halifax, Eael of, Hon. C. Montagu. B. 1661. First Lord of the Treasury, 1670. Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, 1694. Created Baron Halifax, 1700. Commissioner for the Union between England and Scotland. Earl of Halifax, 1714. K.G. One of the most eminent statesmen of the time of William III. Author of several works. D. 1715.— By Kneller. Andrew Montagu^ Esq, Lamplugh, Revd. Thomas, D.D. Born at Thwing, 1615. Bishop of Exeter, 1676. Arch- bishop of York, 1688. Crowned William IH. Pied 1691.— By Sir Godfrey Kneller Queen^s College^ Oxford. HiCKES, Geoege, D.D. B. at Newsham, near Kirkby Wiske, 1642. A learned divine and philologist. After many preferments became Dean of Worcester, 1683. Refused to take the oaths to William III., and deprived, 1690. Resided abroad. Became the Nonjuring Suffragan Bishop of Thetford. D. 1715. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Frankland, Revd. Richaed, M.A. B. at Rathmell, in Giggleswick, 1630. Went to Christ's College, Cambridge, 1647. Ordained a Pres- byterian minister, 1653. Presented to the living of Bishop Auckland by Sir A. Haselrigg. Tutor at Durham College. Declined to ctjnform, and lost his preferments. Returned to Rathmell, and kept a school. D. 1698. Dr. Williams' Library, Micklethwaite, Sir John, M.D. Of a Yorkshire family. B. 1612. Fellow of the Col- lege of Physicians, 1643. President from 1676 to 1681. Physician in ordinary to King Charles II. D. 1682. College of Physicians, London* DoLBEN, Sir Wm., Kt. Of a Yorkshire family. B. . Educated for the Law. Bencher of Inner Temple, 1672. Recorder of the City of London, 1676. Judge of K.B., 1678. Dis- tinguished for his independence. D. 1694. The Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London, 3L2 ^^ORKSHIRE ' WORTHIES. [Corridors. No. 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 Contributed by Gale, Revd. Thomas, D.D., F.R.S. B. at Scruton, 1630. Educated at 'Westminster and Trinity College, Cambridge. Greek Professor, 1666. Master of St. Paul's School, 1672. Dean of York, 1697. Distinguished author. D. 1702. Trinity College^ Cambridge, (See No. 3124.) D'Aecy, Sir Conyers. First Baron D'Arcy. B. . Created Lord D'Arcy, 1641. D. 1653.— By Kneller. J. jPuUeine, Esq. FOTHERGILL, ReVD. MaRMADUKE. B. in York, 1652. The pious and learned nonjuror. D. 1731 or 1778.— By Parmentier. The Minster Library, York* Thoresby, Ralph. B. at Leeds, 1658. Antiquary. Author of the Ducatus Leodiensis and Vicaria Leodiensis. D. 1725. — By Parmentier, Society of Antiquaries, London. Sanderson, Nicolas. B. at Thurlstone, 1682. Lost his sight at twelve years of age. Educated at Penistone, Sheffield, and Christ's College, Cambridge. Lucasian professor, 1711 and 1728. Author. Celebrated as the Blind Professor of Algebra. D. 1739. The Public Library, Cambridge. MiLNER, William. B. 1662. Of an old Yorkshire family. Mayor of Leeds, 1697. His son was advanced to a Baronetcy, 1716. D. C. 1720. Lady Georgiana Milmr, Nm Appleton. Bowles, The Revd. Edward. B. 1613. Chaplain to the Earl of Manchester, and Lord Fairfax. Resided at York during the civil wars. Was Canon there. Assisted in the Restoration. Accom- panied Lord Fairfax to Breda. Author of the Catechism known by his name. Distinguished Presbyterian Divine. D. 1662. Leonard X* Sartley, Esq* Baynes, Adam. B. at Knostrop, Leeds, 1620. Became the first repre- k sentative to Parliament under the Commonwealth. Was an active Parliamentary Officer > D. 1713.— By SiT Peter Lely. E. B. Eayneig, Esq, Aislabie, John, Right HoNoimABLE. B. 1671. Chancellor of Exchequer, 1718-20. Director of the South Sea Company. Compelled to resign, ex- pelled the House of Commons. Committed to the Tower. Laid out Studley Royal, D. 1724. Full length. —By KmlUr, Earl de Grey and Bipon* 813 X Corridors.] YORKSHIRE WORI'HIII^* CONTKIBUTED BY BiNGLEY, LOED, EOBEET BeNSON. Of Wrenthorn. B. . M.P. for York. Lord Mayor, 1707. Commissioner and Chancellor of the Exchequer, temp. Queen Anne. Elevated to the Peerage, 1713. Ambassador to Madrid. D. 1730. Lord Mayor and Corporation of YorJc, Deeing, Eevd. Heneage, LL.D. B. . Chaplain to Archbishop Sharp. Prebendary of York. Archdeacon of the East Biding. Dean of Ripon, 1710. Author of many works. D. 1750. Gale, Eevd. Thomas, D.D., F.E.S. (See No. 3118.) Q-ale, Bogee. His son. B. 1672. Educated at St. Paul'^ and Trinity College, Cambridge. Fellow, 1697. M.P. for Northallerton. Commissioner of Excise. First V. P. of the Society of Antiquaries. Author of Honor de Richmond. D. 1744. Shaep, Eevd. John, D.D. B. at Bradford, 1644. After many preferments be- came Archbishop of York, 1691. D. 1714. C. E. Elsley, Esq. Henry Coore, Esq, H. Coorej Esq* a. H, ElsUy, Esq, BuENET, Eevd. Thomas, D.D. B. at Croft, 1655. Chaplain to King WilUam III. Master of the Charter House. A distinguished author. Boyle Lecturer. D. 1715. The Master of the Charter House, London, Gyll, Thomas. B. at Barton. Barrister at Law, and distinguished Antiquary. Solicitor -General to Bishop of Durham. D. 1780. Zeomrd L, KartUy, Esq, TiLLOTsoN, Eevd. John, D.D. B.at Sowerby Bridge, 1630. Held many distinguished ecclesiastical preferments. Became Archbishop of Canterbury, 1691. D. 1694. Revd, /. Z. Bean, Eadcliffe, Dr. John, M.D. B. at Wakefield, 1650. Fellow of College of Pliysi- cians, 1687. Foundei* Of Kadcliffe Library, Oxford. D. 1714.— By iTneWer. College of Physicians, Zondon, (See No. 3266.) Hawkeswoeth, Sib Waltee, Baet. Of the old Yorkshire family, at Hawkesworth, B, 1680. High Sheriff of the county, 1735. D. 1735. Sir W Calverley Trevelyai^, Bart, 314 YOIllS:SHIitE WOHTEtlES. [Corridors. No. 3132 3133 3134 3135 Richardson, Richard, M.D. B. at Bierley, 1708. Celebrated botanist, antiquary, and classical scholar. D. 1781. Contributed by M. JFilson, Esq, Second Foundress of Catherine 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 Ramsden, Mrs. Mary. B. at Norton. D. Hall, Cambridge. Catherine Hall, Cambridge, Sharp, Revd. Thomas B. at Horton Hall, 1633. Educated at Clare Hall, Cambridge. Eector of Adel. Cousin to Archbishop. Declined to conform, and ejected. Calamy mentions him "as a universal scholar, a solid logician, a good linguist, a fluent orator, a profound philosopher, and a very skilful mathematician." D. 1693. Edward Hailstone, Esq, Sharp, Abraham. B. 1658. A younger brother of the above. Educated at Bradford. Became an assistant in the Koyal Obser- vatory at Greenwich. Afterwards resided at Horton Hall, and assisted Elamstead in multifarious calcula- tions. Became a distinguished mathematician. D. 1742. Edward Hailstone, Esq, Kaye, Sir John Lister, Bart. Of Grange. B. 1697. M.P. for York, 1734. Lord Mayor, 1737. D. 1752. ^t. 55. Full length. Mansion House, York, Hastings, The Lady Elizabeth. B. 1682. Daughter to the Seventh Earl of Hunt- ingdon. A great benefactor to schools and charities in Yorkshire. D. 1739. 1. . . * E. E. Baynes, Esq, 2. Queen's ColL, Oxford. Turner, John. Eldest son of Sir William Turner, of Kirkleatham. Brought up to the law. Eecorder of York, 1661. Ser- geant-at-LaW, 1669. D. H, Van Straubenzee, Esq, Dawes, Revd. Sir Wm., Bart., D.D. Prebend of Worcester. Bishop of Chester, 1707. Archbishop of York, 1714. D. 1724. Lord Wenlock, Bayes, Revd. Joshua. B. 1671. Of a Yorkshire family. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1692. An eminent Presbyterian divine. D. 1746. Er, Williams' Library. Graham, Sir Reginald, Bart. Fourth Baronet, of I^ortori ConySrs. B. 1704. Died, by poison, 1755. Taken at 12 years of age. Sir Reginald H, Graham, Bart, 315 Corridors.] No. 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 Contributed by Cotton', Eevd. Thomas, M.A. B. near Workley, 1653. Educated at Hotherham. M.A., 1677. Distinguished Presbyterian Divine. D. 1730. Br. WilUctms* Library. D'Aecy, Sib Conyehs. B. . M.P. for Yorkshire, 1707. Master of the Horse to Queen Anne and George I. Held other oflBlces of State. Full length.— By Richardson. J. Fulleine^ Esq. Pbeston, Edwaed Geaham, Viscount. Second Viscount. B. 1678. D. 1719.— By Kneller. Sir 2t. H. Graham, Bart, Geaham, Sie Beginald, Baet. ♦ B. 1670. Sometime Page of Honour to King James 11. D. 1728.— By Verelst Sir H. H. Graham, Bart. Geaham, Colonel Metcalee. B. at Pickill, 1680. Nephew of the first Lord Preston. Aide-de-Camp and Adjutant-General to the Duke of Marlborough at the battle of Blenheim. D. 1758.— By Paling. Dated 1704. Sir R. H. Graham, Bart, Blackbuen-, Lancelot, Eevd., D.D. B. . Dean of Exeter. Bishop of Exeter, 1716. Archbishop of York, 1724. D. 1743.— By Zeeman. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Beadbttey, Eevd. Thoimas. B. at Wakefield, 1677. Facetious Dissenting Divine and Author. Preached at Newcastle-on-Tyn© and Stepney. D. 1759. W. F. Maitland, Esq. Heeeing, Bevd. Thomas, B.D. B. 1693. Dean of Rochester, . Bishop of Bangor, 1737. Translated to York, 1743. While at York pre- sided at a meeting of the nobility and gentry of the county, and mainly instrumental in arresting the pro- gress of the Rebellion of 1745. Translated to Canterbury, 1747. D. 1757.— Ascribed to Hogarth. Archbishop of York. Aislabie, William. Son of the Rt. Hon. John Aislabie. B. 1700. Added Fountains Abbey to the Studley Estate. Many years one of the Auditors of His Majesty's Imprest. D. Earl de Grey and Bipon. MONCKTON, Gen., the HonblS). BoBEet. B. 1728. One of the Brigadiers who took command when Wolfe fell at Quebec, 1759. Governor and Com- mander in Chief of New York, 1761. D. 1782. Full length.— By West, Vimimt Gahvay. 816 YOBKSHIBE WORTHIES. [Corridors. No. 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 Drake, Francis. B. at Pontefract, 1695. F.R.S. of York. P. 1771.— By Mercier. Contributed by Historian of the City The Lord Mayor and Corporation of YorJc, Beckwith, Thomas. B. at Eothwell, 1730 — 1. Painter and antiquary at York. D. 1761.— -By John Maurice Hauch. Dated 1761. YorJcshire FhilosopMcal Society, HuTTON, Matthew, Revd., D.D. B. at Marske, 1692. At school at Kirkby Hill and Ripon. At Jesus College, Cambridge. Attended King George to Hanover. Prebend of Windsor, 1736; of Westminster, 1739. Bishop of Bangor, 1743. Arch- bishop of York, 1747. Archbishop of Canterbury, 1757. D. 1758. The Archbishop of York. Denison, Sir Thomas, Knight. B. at Leeds, 1699. A lawyer of eminence. Became Judge, K.B., 1741. Knighted, 1745. Resigned in 1765. Buried at Harewood. Epitaph written by Lord Mans- field. 3159 3160 3161 Constable, Sir Marmaduke, Bart. B. 1656. The last in male descent of the old knightly family. D. 1746, aet. 90. Denison, Esq. The Lord Herries. Wentworth, Thomas, Earl of Strafford. Third Baron Raby. B. . An eminent military com- mander under Wm. III. in Flanders, particularly at the battles of Steinkirk and Landen. Shared in the cam- paigns under Marlborough. Ambassador to Berlin, Vienna, and the States General. Minister at the Peace of Utrecht. Created, 1711, Viscount Wentworth, and Earl of Strafford. Built part of Wentworth Castle, and laid out grounds. K.G. D. 1739. W. Vernon Wentworth^ Esq, Burlington, Richard, Earl of. Fourth Earl of Cork, K.G. B. 1695. Privy Councillor to George 1. Lord Treasurer of Ireland, 1715. Amateur , Architect and patron of Art. Built the Assembly Room at York, and Farfield House, near Addingham. Half length. Duke of Devonshire^ Bolton Abbey. Hawke, Edward Lord. B. 1715. Created Baron Hawke, of Towton, for great naval services. D. 1781. Full length, by Cotes, Cook, Capt. James. Circumnavigator, 11*14:.— By Vance. B. at Marton, N.R., 1728. Killed (See Nos. 3242-43.) 317 Greenwich Hospital. Greenwich Mospital. Corridors.] YORICSHIBE WORTHIER. No Contributed by 3162 Calverley, Sir Walter. B. 1708. Married Elizabeth, heiress of Sir William Blackett, Bart., of Wallington. Assumed the name of Blackett. M.P. for Newcastle in seven Parliaments. D, 1777.— By Sir jQshua, Meynolds. Sir Win. Calverleij Trevelyan^ Bart. (See No. 3263.) 3163 Grantley, Lord, Sir Fletcher Norton, Kt. B. at Grantley, 17I6. Appointed Solicitor-General, 1761. Knighted, 1762, Attorney-General, 1763. Speaker of the House of Commons, X769-82. Created Lord Grantley, 1782. Lord Grantley, 3164 Eamsden, Jesse. B. at Salterhebble, near Halifax, 1735. Elected F.R.S., 1786. Celebrated philosophical instrum.ent maker. D. 1800.— By Edward Home. Hoyal Society, London. 3165 Palliser, Admiral Sir Hugh, Bart. B. 1721, at Kirkby Wiske. Distinguished naval com- mander. Accused Admiral Keppel of neglect of duty. D. 1798. Full length, after Dance. Greemvich Hospital. 3166 Robinson, Rev. Richard, D.D. B. at Rokeby, 1709. Bishop of Killalee, 1752. Ferns and Leighlin, 1759. Kildare, 1761. Archbishop of Armagh, 1765. Created Lord Rokeby, of Armagh, 1777. D. 1794.— 'By Sir Joshua RGynolds. His Grace the Lord Frimate of Lreland. 3167 Baynes, John. Of Embsay Kirk, in Craven. B. 1758. Educated at Richmond, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Second Wrangler, 1777. M.A., 1780. Took a leading part in politics with Sir S. Romilly. Author of political works. Collected materials for a History of Craven. As a boy, with his sister. D. 1787.— By Nathan Drake. 3168 3169 3170 Miss Finder. Montagu, Edward AVortley. Son of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, B. 1713. D. 1776. In Turkish dress . , , , IF. Vernon Wentworth, Esq. Savile, Sir George, M.P. B. 1725. Celebrated M.P. House destroyed in the Gordon Riots. D. 1784. Trinity House, Hull. Rockingham, Chas. Watson Wentworth, Marquess of Earl of Malton. Second Marquess of Rockingham. B. 1734, Premier of the Rockingham Administration. "Esteemed for his purity of principle and his patriot- ism." K.G. 17C0. Died, 1782— Full length, by P/iii//p5. Mayor and Corporation of Doncastcr. (See No. 3196.) 318 yORKSHIBE WOBTHIES. [Corridors. No. 3171 8173 3173 8174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 Contributed by Blackburne, Eevd. Feancis, D.D. Born at Richmond, 1705. Of Catherine Hall, Cam- bridge. Rector of Richmond, 1739. Archdeacon of Cleveland, 1750. Author of many tracts and works in Divinity. D. 1787.— By Zeeman. St. Catherine's College^ Cambridge. FOUNTAYNE, ReVD. JoHN, D.D. B. at Melton-on-tbe-Hill, 1715. Held many ecclesias- tical preferments. Dean of York, 1747, which office he held for 55 years. With wife and family. D. 1802. Peiestley, Joseph, LL.D. Born at Field Head, near Birstal, 1733. Natural philosopher. Author of many works. D. 1804. 1. By John Opie^ Ji.A. 9 A. Montagu, Esq. Standidge, Sie Samuel, Kt. B. 1726, at Bridlington- Navigator. Knighted by George III. Author. Manchester New College. Dr. Williams' Library. Trinity House, Hull. GooDEiCKE, Sie John, Baet. , Fifth Baronet of Ribstone. A Privy Councillor. M.P. for Ripon, temp. George II. Resided at Stock- holm as Envoy Extraordinary from Great Britain. D, 1789.— By Rigaucl James Nicholson, Esq. Maekham, Rev. Wm., D.D. B. 1719. Prebendary of Durham, 1759, &c. Bishop of Chester, 1771. Archbishop of York, 1777. Some time preceptor to the Prince of Wales. D. 1807.— By Sir Joshua Reynolds. Dean of Christ Church, Oxford. (See No. 3241.) Aemytage, Sie John, Baet. B. , at Kirklees. M.P. for the City of York. Served as a volunteer against the French at Cherbourg and St. Malo. Killed at St. Cas, 1758. Sir G. Armytage, Bart. Steene, Revd. Laweence. B. at Clonmel, 1713, of a Yorkshire family. Educated at Halifax. Held preferment at York. Author, &g. D. 1768.— By Northcote. ? Mrs. TFallis. Fotheegill, John, M.D., F.R.S., S.A. B. at Carr End, Askrigg, 1712. Served his time with Benjamin Bartlett, a celebrated apothecary at Brad- ford. Removed to London. Became the distinguished Quaker physician. D. 1780.— By Hogarth. College of Physicians. Radcliffe, Sie Joseph, Baet. Of Milnsbridge House. B. 1744. Created a Baronet, 1813, for his public services at the time of the Luddite riots in the W. R. of Yorkshire. D. 1819. Full length. —By Owen. From the Court House at Wakefield. The Justices of the W.E. 319 Corridors.] YOBKBHIRE WOBTHIES. No. 8182 3183 3184 3185 318a 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 Contributed by Zetland, Laweence, Earl of. B. 1766. Succeeded his father as Second Baron Dundas. Lord Mayor of York. Created Earl of Zet- land, 1838. D. 1839. The Lord Mayor and Corporation of York, Paley, Eevd. William, D.D. B. 1743, of a Yorkshire family in Craven, Educated at Christ's College, Cambridge. Archdeacon of Carlisle, 1782. Eminent and distinguished divine. D, 1805. Scott, Revd. James, D.D. B. at Leeds,' 1733. Eloquent preacher. Wrote under the title of " Anti Sejanus." D. 1814, jRev. R, V. Law, Mrs. Cookson. Thompson, Edwaed, Commodoee E.N. B. at Hull, 1738. D. 17th January, 1786, Edited the works of Andrew Marvell, Oldham, and Paul Whitehead. Author of some sea songs and sailors' letters, published in 1766. Trinity Eouse^ Hull HoTHAM, Eey. Sie John, Eaet., D.D. B. 1735. Second son of Sir Beaumont Hotham, Bart. Archdeacon of Middlesex. Bishop of Ossory, 1779. Bishop of Clogher, 1782. D. 1795. His Grace the Archbishop of Armagh^ Lord Primate of Ireland. CoMBEE, Eev. Thomas, LL.D. Educated at Jesus College, Cambridge. Eector of Kirkby Misperton. A man of considerable learning, and author of many learned works. D. 1778. Rev. E. G. W, Comber, Hebee, Eichaed. B. . M.P. for University of Oxford. A dis- tinguished scholar, and celebrated for his library. D. 1833. Full length. By Copley.— As a youth of 13. Wilson, Et. Eevd. Cheistophee, D.D. Third son of Mr. Wilson, Recorder of Leeds. Edu- cated at Leeds Grammar School. Of Catherine Hall, Cambridge. Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, 1758. Bishop of Bristol, 1792. Muloeaye, Constantine John Phipps, Loed. Second Baron of Ireland. First Baron Mulgrave of England. B. 1744. D. 1792. Distinguished navigator. —By Ozias Humphrey, RA. Peoctee, Thomas. B. at Settle, 1753. A painter of considerable eminence as well as sculptor. The first sculptor of the Engliih School. D. 1791. 320 R. Cholmondeley, Esq. A^ Montagu^ Esq. Greenwich Hospital. Mr. J. F. Calvert. YORKSHIIIE WORTHIES. [Corridors. No. 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 Contributed by BiaLAND, John. B. at Skirlaugh, in Holderness. Engaged as a village schoolmaster till 50 years of age. Wrote the History of Yorkshire, being the 16th Vol. of Beauties of England and Wales. Author of other Works. D. at Finning- ley, 1832.— By Raphael Smith. HiGGiNS, Godfrey. Of Skellow Grange. B. 1770. Author of Anacalypsis, and other learned works. Distinguished for his philan- thropic exertions j^ the county. J). 1833.— Miniature. Ibbetson, Julius C^sar. B. 1759, by the Ceesarian operation, at Masham. Edu- cated at Leeds in 1788. Draughtsman for the embassy to China, with Capt. Sir E. S. Strachan, in the Vestal frigate. D. 1817. In Crayons, by Raphael Smith. W, Sheardown^ Esq. Mr. S. Hatfield. Revd. J. Green. Wharncliffe, J. A. Stuart VTortley, Lord. First Lord. B. 1776. Filled many official places. Created a peer, 1826. Lord Lieutenant of the West Eiding. D. 1845. Full length.— By Grant. From the W.E. Court House, Pontefract. The Justices of the West Riding. Rockingham, Chas. Watson Wentwortii, Marquess o'f. As a young man (at the age of 16), — Copy from Hoppner. Lady Dorothy Wentworth FitzwiUiam. (See No. 3170.) Smeaton, John. B. at Austhorpe, near Leeds, 1724. Civil Engineer. Builder of the Eddystone Lighthouse. D. 1792. 1. . . . . The Bistiiitte of Civil Engineers, London. 2. Royal Society. MiCHELL, John, Revd., M.A. B. . . Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge. Rector of Thornhill. Eminent philosopher. D. 178 Heber, Revd. Reginald, D.D. Of the Yorkshire family at Marton, W. E. B. 1729. Father of the distinguished Bishop of Calcutta. D. 1804.— By Hoppner. Graham, Sir Bellingham, Bart. Sixth Baronet. B, 1764. D. 1796, Lady Amcotts Ingilhy. R. Cholmondeley, Esq. Hey, William. B. at Pudsey, 1736. D. 1819. at Leeds, and author. — By Allen. Sir Reginald H. Graham, Bart. Celebrated surgeon (See No. 3240.) 321 Leeds Infirmary, Corridors.] rOBKSHIBE WORTHIES, Contributed by NiCHOLSoisr, John. B. 1790, at Weardley, near Harewood. Author of several poems. Known as the Airedale Poet. D. 1843. — By Rhodes, of Leeds. JEdivard Kailstme^ Usq. KOBINSON, W. B. B. at Leeds. Portrait painter. Resided for many years at Richmond, Yorkshire, where he kept a book- seller's shop. — By himself. HOFLAND, BaEBAEA. B. at Sheffield, 1770. D. at Richmond, 1844. Author of many works.— By Birch. jr. Legg, Esq. Francis JEoole, Esq, SCATCHEED, NOEEISON, F.S.A. B. 1780. Author of the History of Morlcy. D. 1853. Mr. William Scatcherd. Wallis, Geoege. B. at Hull, 1731. Antiquary. D. 1803. By Harrison. Trinity Hottse, Hull. Wyvill, Eevd. Cheistophee. Celebrated for his political writings in connection with Reform in Parliament and the association in the county of York. D. 1822.— ByiTopimer. M. Wyvill, Esq. Flaxi^an, John, B.A. B. at York, 1755. Distinguished sculptor. D. 1826. — By Romney. The Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery^ London. Whitakee, Eevd. Thomas Dunham, LL.D. B. 1759. Author of History of Craven., Loidis and mmete,&o. B. lS21.-^By Fryer. T. IL Whitaher, Esq. MiLNES, Sir Bobeet Shoee, Baet. B. 1747, at Wakefield. In the army. Governor of Martinique, 1795. Lieut. -Governor of Canada, 1798. Created a Baronet, 1801. D. . — Full length. By Romney. Lord Houghton. PoTTEE, Bevd. John, D.D. B. at Wakefield, 1674. Bishop of Oxford, 1715. Arch- bishop of Canterbury, 1737. Author.— Full length, by Hudson. Bodleian Library., Oxford. Smyth, The Bight Honoueable John. B. 1748, at Heath, near AYakefield. M.P. for Ponte- fract. A Lord of the Admiralty. Of the Treasury. Master of the Mint. One of His Majesty's Privy Council. D. 1811.— By 5(i«07ii. Lieut. -Colonel Smyths 322 yOBKSHIBE WORTHIES, [Corridors. Contributed by Smyth, Johjt Henby. Of Heath. B. 1780. M.P. for the University of Cambridge. D. 1822.— By Hoppner. Lieut. 'Colonel Smyth. Montagu, Lady Maey Wortley'. B. 1690. Married E. W. Montagu, 1712. Author and distinguished lady. D. 1 762.— At 16 years of age. Matthias Smithy Esq. Montgomery, James. B. at Irvine, KB., 1771. Settled in Sheffield. Became proprietor of the Sheffield Iris. Author of political and other poems. Was prosecuted and confined in York Castle. D. 1854.— By Gainsford. B. Bayley.^ Esq. Wilson, John. B. at Bromhead Hall, near Sheffield, 1719. A dis- tinguished Antiquary and Collector of MSS. D. 1783. W. Mar era JFilson, Esq. Danby, William. B. 1752. Of Swinton, in Mashamshire. High Sheriff of the county, 1784. Author of several works. D. 1833. —By Jackson. Mrs. Danby Har court. Schwanfelder, Charles Henry. Born at Leeds, 1773. Animal painter to King George III. Painted landscapes and portraits. D. 1837.— By himself. Mayor and Corporation of Leeds. Jackson, John, R.A. B. at Lastingham, 1778. Celebrated painter. D. 1831. — By himself. G. T. JCnaggs^ Esq. BOCKINGHAM, MaRY, MaBCHIONESS OF. B. at Badsworth. Heiress of T. Bright, Esq. Sir J. IF. Itamsden, Bart. Eaine, Bevd. James, M.A., D.C.L. B. at Wycliffe, 1791. Held Church preferment. Librarian to the Dean and Chapter of Durham. Vice- Chancellor of the Diocese. Author of the History of North Durham, History of St. CiUhhert, and other works. Bevd, Canon Maine. Dawson, John. B. at Baygill, near Sedbergh, 1734. Educated for the medical profession. Mathematician and Author. Itevd. M. Earring ton. Elliot, Ebenezer. B. 1781. Author of many poetical works. Known as the *' Com Law Rhymer." D. 1849. — By Birch. J. Guest. Esq. 323 Corridors.] YOUKSHIRE WORTHIES. No. 3225 3226 3227 Ehodes, Joseph. B. at Leeds, general subjects.- An Artist. -By himself. Painted portraits and Contributed by W. Fickering^ Esq, Atkinson, John. B. 1759. Celebrated snrgeon at York, and one of the founders of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. — By W, Etty, R.A. TorJcshire Fhiloso2)htcal Society, Wbllbeloved, Eevd. C. B. 1772. Minister at St. Saviour's Chapel, York. F.S.A. Author of Eburacum and other works rela- ting to- the History of York. Curator of Antiquities in the Philosophical Society. D. 1862 ; yet. 90. Yorkshire Philosophical Society. Wallis, Geoeg-e, M.D. B. at York, 1740. P. 1802. Physician and satirist. Maekham, William. B. 1760. Private Secretary to Warren Hastings. Resident at Benares, India. D. 1815. By Gainsborough. WlLBERFOaCE, WlLLIAM. B. at Hull, 1759. D.1833. Became M. P. for Yorkshire. Distinguished for his philanthropy. — By Wm. Russell. G. B. Lambert, Esq, Col. Markham, Town Council, Leeds, Ehodes, Ebenezee. B. at Masbro', 1762. D. 1839. Author of Sketches of Peak Scenery, and other works. — By Poole. The Master Cutler, Sheffield, ■ Geaham, Sie Bellingham, Baet. Fifth Baronet. B. 1729. High Sheriff, 1770. D. 1790. ^By Zoffany. Sir JReginald H. Graham, Bart. Locke, Joseph. Civil Engineer. B. at Attercliffe, near Barnsley, 1805. Celebrated for railway engineering. D. 1860. Full length. — By Grant. Institute of Civil Engineers, BlEKBECK, GeOEGE, M.D. B. at Settle, 1776. Educated for the medical profession, and practised in London. Celebrated as the founder and promoter of Mechanics' Institutes. D. 1841. — By Lane. W, Lloyd Birkheck, Esq, Walkee, Geoege. B. at Killingbeck Hall, 1781. Author of a work on Yorkshire Costumes. D. 1856. William Walker, Esq, Fitzwilliam, Chaeles, Fifth Eael. B. 1786. Took an active part in politics. Elected M.P. for the County, after the memorable contest of 1807, till 1834. At the age of 16.— By Tornlinson, after Hoppner. Lady Dorothy H. Wentworth Fitztvilliam, 324 YOKKSHIBS WORTHIES. [Corridors. :no. 3237 Contributed by 3238 3239 3240 3241 8242 B243 8244 3245 3246 8247 EiPON, Eael of, Eeed. John Eobinson. B. 1782. Became prominent Politician and States- man, and Premier, 1828. Named ''Prosperity Eobin- son." Created Viscount Goderich, 1827. Secretary of State for Colonies, and Lord Privy Seal. Advanced to Earldom of Ripon, 1833. D. 1859.— By W. R. Robinson. ScoEESBY, William. B. at Cropton, 1760. Celebrated for his exploits in the northern whale fishery, in Greenland and elsewhere. Effected the nearest approach to the North Pole. D. 1829. ScoEESBY, William, The Revd., D.D., T.R.S. Son of the above. B. at Cropton, 1789. After passing his early life at sea, was ordained, 1826. Became Vicar of Bradford, 1839. Resigned 1846. Celebrated for his scientific acquirements, especially in magnetism and electricity. D. 1857. — By William Cooper. Hey, William. John Burton, Esq, Mrs, VlarJce, Mrs, Clarke, William Key., Esq, Col, Marhham, Trinity House, Hull, (See No. 3202.) MaekHam, Bev. Wm., B.I). By West, when Bishop of Chester (See No. 3177.) Cook, Capt. James. 1. By Webber, R.A, 2. By Webber, E.A H, Bolckow, Esq, (See No. 3161.) Tate, Eevd. James. B. 1771. Became Master of the Grammar School in Richmond, 1799. A distinguished Greek Scholar and Teacher. Made Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, 1833. D. 1843.— By Fickersgill Eevd, J. Tate, Caelisle, Geoege Wm. Feedeeice, Seventh Eael o^, K.G. B. 1802. A distinguished Statesman, Orator, and Author. Held many offices of State. Lord-Lieu- tenant of Ireland, 1858-1864. D. 1864. As a Young Man. The Erovost of Eton College, Haecouet, Hon. and Eevd. E. V:eENON. B. 1757. Educated at Westminster, and Christchurch, Oxford. Canon Mere, 1785. Bishop of Carlisle, 1791. Archbishop of York, 1807. D. 1847.— By The Archbishop of York, Beckett, Sie John, Baet. B. 1775. Educated at Leeds, Trinity College, Cam- bridge. Under-Secretary of State, 1806. A P.C., 1817. Judge-Advocate-General, 1820, J). 1847. Lady Anne Beckett^ 325 Corridors.] YOBKSHIBE WOBTHIES. Contributed by Knight, Heney Gally, Esa. B. . Author of several Architectural and Fine Art works. D. 1846.— By Sir M. A. Shee, P.R.A. Sir Willi cm Fltzherhert, Bart. Hunter, Joseph. B. at Sheffield, 1783. At one time an Unitarian minister. Author of the History of Hallamshire, of South Yorkshire, and many other works. Assistant Keeper of the Public Kecords. D. 1861. — By Pickersgill. The Master Cutler, Sheffield. Walker, Samuel. B. 1716. Founder of the Masbro' Ironworks about 1746. D. 1782. Supp. Z off any. Arthur A. Walker, Esq. Haerison, ThOjMAS. B. at EichmOnd, 1744. D. 1829. Designer of the bridge over the River Dee, at Chester, and other works. Celebrated Architect. — By Wyatt. Grand Jury JRoom, Chester Castle. Thompson, Thomas. B. 1754. Eesided at Cottingham. Author of a His- tory of Swine and Ravenspurne. D. 1828. The Hull Dock Company. FiTzwiLLiAM, William, Fourth Earl. In the peerage of Ireland, and second in England. B. 1748. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1795. Lord Lieutenant of the West Riding, and dismissed there- from by George III. in consequence of a toast at a public dinner. D. 1833. — By Owen. The Ladies Wentworth FitzwilUam* Harewood, Henry, Second Earl of. B. 1767. M.P. for Yorkshire, 1796. Contested the great election in 1807, and defeated. Succeeded to the Earldom, 1820. Lord Lieutenant of the W. R. from 1819 to his death,. 1841.— By Jackson. The Earl of Hareivood. Philips, John. Gentleman. B. in Cleveland, 1625. Resided at Thorner, near Bramham Park. D. at the age of 117, 1741-2.— Full length. By P. Mercicr, 1741. H. C. Meynell Ingram, Esq. Tancred, Sir Eichard, Knight. Knighted by King Charles, for his services in the Civil Wars. Oovei'nors of Whixley Hospital. Tancred, Christopher. B. . D.1754. Founder of the Hospital and Charities ftt "Whixley. Governors of Whixley Hospital. Pouter, Thomas. Swineherd to Sir Richard Tancred, Knight Banneret. Dated 1664. Governors of Whixley Eoapital. 326 YOKKSHIRE WORTHIES. [Corridor^, No. 8259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 8265 3266 3267 8268 3269 3^70 3271 3272 Contributed by Calverley, Joice. Second wife of Henry Calverley. Daughter of Sir Wm. Pye, Knight, Attorney of the Court of Wards and Liveries. /S/r JK Calverley Tre'oelyan^ Bart. Calverley, Prances. Wife of Sir Walter Calverley, who was created Knight of the Royal Oak for his loyalty to King Charles II. , and heiress of Henry Thompson, of Esholt. Sir W. Calverley Trevelyan^ Bart. Calverley, Sir Walter. Son of the above. Created a Baronet, 1711. Builder of Esholt, and !>. 1749. Calverley, Julia, Lady. AVife of the above. D. 1736. Calverley, Sir Walter. As an Infant. Savile, Sir Henry, Knight. Full length. Sir W. Calverley Trevelyan, Bart. Sir W. Calverley Trevelyan, Bart. (See No. 3162.) (See No. 3001.) Bodleian Library. Fleming, or Flemmynge, Bichard. Born at Crofton. Educated at University College, Oxford. A zealous Wycliffite ; then a convert of Pre- bend of Langtoft, 1415. Bishop of Lincoln, 1420. Founder of Lincoln College, Oxford. Bodleian Library^ Oxford. Radcliffe, Dr. John, M.D. Bv Kneller Radcliffe Library^ Oxford. ^ (See No. 3130.) Saitdeeson, Revd. Kobeet, D.D. (See Nos. 3035-30.) Bishop of Lincoln. Ingleby, Sir William, Kt. Son of Sampson Ingleby. Created a Bart, by Charles I., 1642. A volunteer at the battle of Marston Moor. D. 1652. Revd. Sir H. Ingilby^ Bart. Clifford, Charles, Lord. B. 1669. In the costume of the **Boy of Egremont." ^t. 5, 12th July, 1674. See the story of the Foundation of Bolton Abbey. j^^j^^ Devonshire, Bolton Abbey. Fawcett, General, Sir Wm., K.B. B. at Shibden Hall, Halifax, 1728. Governor of Chelsea Hospital. D. 1804. At his funeral the Prince of Wales was principal pall-bearer. — Print, by Ward, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Baines, Edward. B. 1774. Author of History of Lancashire. ."Proprietor of the Leeds Mercury. M.P. for Leeds in three Parlia- ments. D. 1848. Miniature. Sandys, Edwin. B. in Lancashire, 1519. Bishop of Warcester, 1558— of London, 1570. Archbishop of York, 1576. One of the Translators of the Bishops' Bible. D. 1588. 327 Jb/m Lister, Esq, Mrs. Talbot Baines. Bishop of London. Corridors.] YORKSIilllE WOBTHIES. No. 3373 3274 3275 3276 3277 8278 3279 3291 3282 Contributed by Shrewsbuey, Geoege Talbot, Sixth Earl of. B. . Resided chiefly at Sheffield Manor; served in the Border Wars; made K.G., Lieutenant-General for Yorkshire, &c., 1565. Earl Marshal of England. Much trusted by Queen Elizabeth ; had charge of Mary, Queen of Scots, at Sheffield Manor; died there, 1590; buried at Sheffield.— Full length. Savile, Sir William, Third Baronet. Of ThornhiU. B. 1605. M.P. for Yorkshire. A de- voted Royalist, for whose fidelity to the Royal cause his son, Sir George, t^iis created Baron Savile, of Eland, and First Marquis of Halifax. D. 1643. Inscribed and dated "^ta: 30. 1635." Savile, Lady Anne. Daughter of Lord Keeper Coventry, B. 1607. Wife of Sir William Savile, and mother of Sir George, who was created Baron Savile of Halifax. A lady noted for her loyalty and devotion, dated "^ta: 22. 1629." Savile, Sir George, M.P. B. 1725. D. 1784. Maevell, Andrew. B. 1620. D. 1678. Inscribed and (See No. 3169.) (See No. 3064.) Eenry SaDite^ Esq. Senry Savile^ Bsq, Henry Savile^ JEsq. Eenry Savile^ Esq. Ed. Bell, Esq. TiLLOTsoN, Eev. John, B.I). B. 1630. D. 1694. Inscribed and dated 1691.— By Sir G. Kneller. (See No. 3129.) Mis Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Robinson, Revd. John, D.D. B. at Cleasby, 1650. Bishop of Bristol, 1710. First Plenipotentiary for the Peace of Utrecht. Bishop of London, 1714. Inscribed and dated, 1713.— By Dahl. The Bishop of London. Wilson, Benjamin, F.R.S. B. at Leeds, 1721. Established himself in London as a portrait painter, 1750. F.R.S., 1756. D. 1788. Ipse Peiestlet, Joseph, LL.D. B. 1733. D. 1804. (See No. 3173-4.) Lee, John. B. at Leeds, 1753. Followed the Law. K.C. Solicitoif General, 1782. Attorney General, . 1783. Under the Administration of the Duke of Rockingham, refused Knighthood. Known as "Honest Jack Lee." D. 1793. Engraved by Hodges, after Sii' J. Reynolds. A Selection op 110 Engraved Poetraits oe York- SHiEE Worthies « . . . c . 328 Earl Spencer, Mist Bilbrough. Leonard Lee, Esq. E. Hailstone, Esq. 41 THE INDIA MUSEUM. EACH SIDE OF THE WESTERN ENTRANCE. Examples of Aet-Manufactuees, fbom the India Museum, London, Selected AND FOBWAEDED BY De. FoEBES WaTSON, UNDEE THE AUTHOEITY OF THE Seceetary of State foe India in Council. There is hardly any branch of art applied to industry in which the Indian artisan does not produce works of the very highest excellence — works which, in colour, design, and execution, may serve as models to our own students and manufacturers, and which are, indeed, in many respects, unapproached by the highest efforts of European skill. A careful inspection of the collection now presented is earnestly recommended. 329 y INDIA MUSEUM. EXAMPLES OF ART-MANUFACTURES t PEOM THE INDIA MUSEUM, LONDON. A.— TEXTILES. Ko. 1. — Hakd Am> Loom Embeoidebed Articles m Gold, SlLYER, &c. 1 Oap rtv " n^nmpfi " PTnTrrnirl pvpfl wifiTi oTjlfl anrl ■npovl \J± JLVJJOCf ^:l^LK/^^J^\X^^L\:^ TTJ.UJJL dXlU. UtJOiXx • Agra. 2 Kj i\ -L J dliUXUXUCXCLl Wi.ulX ^VJi.U. LIXXvl/ClvX CilLKX. liXIibtJX • . Lucknow. 3 Cap, satin, emTDroidered. with, gold, &c. jVIade by girls Si^c^'oo7ic^a" brass Kathmandoo, Nepal. 267 268 269 270 271 Vessel, to contain holy water from the Ganges ; sacri- ficial oil lamp attached ; ornamented with mytho- 272 273 274 275 276 277-8 Pair of Goglets, brass and zinc, engraved Madras. C— AET-MANUPACTUEES IN MAEBLE, STONE, &c. (1) MOSAICS IlSr MARBLE. 279 Agra, N. W. Provinces* 280 Agra, N. W. Provinces* 281 Agraj N. W. Provinces, 338 13SrDIA MUSEUM. No. 282-3 284-5 286 287 288-90 291 (2) SCULPTUKES IN MARBLE. Figures or Musician and Wife .... Oodeypore, Bengal. Bull and a Cow, black marble Bengal, Teat, in coloured marble Bengal. Dish, white marble \ \ \ Gyah, Bengal. Three Goglets, white marble Gyah, Bengal. Goglet, black marble jsr, Arcot, Madras. (3) CARviisras in soapstojste. Box, stajr-shaped ^gra, N. W. Pr(yvinces. Box, with cover j^^ Provinces. Agra, JSr.W. Provinces. Z^^^ Agra, N. W. Provinces. Flower Vase and Stand Madras. (4) ARTICLES IN AGATE, BLOODSTONE, AISTD CRYSTAL. Vase, moss agate Ahmedahad. Cup and Saucer, moss agate Ahmedahad. Two Cups and Saucers, agate Ahmedahad. Cup and Saucer, bloodstone Ahmedahad. Four Crystal Cups, or Vases. Three with covers . . Lahore, Punjab. (5) POTTERY. Water Vessel and Goglet, painted . . . Jhallawar, Bengal. ^^^^^^ Kotah, Bengal Drinking Vessel ^^j^^^^^ Goglet, painted and gilt Sewan, Bengal. Vessel and Cover, painted and gilt .... Sewan. Goglet, black, ornamented with a white amalgam . . Sarun, Patna. Drinking Cup and Cover, ornamented with white amalgam . • Sarun, Patna. Two Halla Tiles, glazed Hyderabad, Smd. D.— AET-MANUFACTUEES IN IVOEY, HOEN, AND WOOD. 1. — Cabyings, &c., in Ivory. Mythological Subject Berhampore, Bengal. Model of a State Barge .... Berhampore, Bengal. Model of an Elephant, in state trappings . Berhampore, Bengal. Walking Stick, engraved and painted . . . Jodhpore, Bengal. ^^^^ ^^s^ Umritmr, Punjab. Statuette, coloured and gilt ; Krishna playing the „ Poona, Bombay. Bust of Mahomedan Noble Poona, Bombay. Paper Knife Travancore, Madras. 339 INDIA MUSEUM. No. Travancore, Madras. 324 Box Travancore, Madras. 325 Chessboard, ivory and buffalo horn, ornamented with open-work carvings in ivory . . . Vizagapatam, Madras. 326 2. — Carvings in Horn. TipperaJiy BeniQal, 327 AV A T TTTXr/T. SlTTr/ o, ju Zr ivy \mV . 328-9 Two Horns, with covers, engraved, used for sprinkling 330-1 Two Tazzas, mounted on lions, engraved Madras. 332 Horn, used for sprinkling idols, engraved, and Belgaiim, Bombay, 333 Box, Cylindrical ("^wm^Ms^a"), engraved 3. — Cartings in Ebony. Belgaum. 334 Model of the "jfiToo^a/; Ifmar" . . . Ahmedahad, Bombay. 335 Portfolio Bijnour, Bengal. 336 Bijnour, Bengal. 337 Bijnour, Bengal. 338 Portfolio, mounted with silver .... Bijnour, Bengal. 339 Walking Stick, mounted with silver Bijnour, Bengal. 4. — Carvings in Sandalwood. 340 Model of Temple, with silver mountings Benares, N. W. Provinces. 341 Surat, Bombay. 342 343 Jewel Box Goompta, Ganara. 844 Card Case Mysore. 5. — Sandalwood, Ivory, &c., Carved AND Inlaid, 345 Portfolio, carved sandal and inlaid ivory, with five miniatures of kings and queens of Delhi, painted Surat, Bombay. 346 Cover for Photograph Album, carved sandal and 347 Cover for Photograph Album, sandalwood and ivory inlaid ....... Bombay. 348 Writing Desk, carved sandalwood and ivory inlaid . Bombay. 349 WoRKBOX, sandalwood and ivory inlaid Bombay. 350 Glove Box, carved sandalwood and ivory inlaid Bombay. 351 Paper Knife, sandalwood, with carved ivory openwork Vizagapatam. 6. — Ivory, &c., Carved and Inlaid. 352 Work Box, ivory inlaid Bombay. 353-4 Two Card Baskets, ivory inlaid .... Bo7nbay. 355 Book Stand Bombay, OOKj Paper Knife, ivory inlaid Bombay. 357 Portfolio, ebony inlaid Bombay. 358 Glove Box, wood, inlaid with brass .... Mynpooree^ Bengal. 340 INDIA MUSEUM. No. E.— PAINTING ON IVOEY, PAPIEE MACHE, WOOD, &c. 1. — Painting on Iyory. 359 Ddhi, 360 Delhi, 361 Delhi. 2. — Painting on Papier Mache, Wood, &C. 362 Cashmere. 363 Cashmere. 364 Cashmere. 365 Cashmere. 366 Cashmere. 367 Sind. 368 Box, with flowers, &c., in relief, painted .... Sind. 369 Map Case, gold lacquered and painted . . . Sind. 370-1 Two Boxes, cylindrical, lac on a cane base, painted Burmah. 372 Bowl, cylindrical, lac on a cane base, painted Burmah. 373 374 Punjab. 375 Flower Vase, wood, turned and painted .... Punjab. 376 Goblet, with Cover, wood, turned and painted Punjab. 377 Walking Stick, wood, painted, and inlaid with ivory Bengal. 378 Pen Box, bamboo, painted, and inlaid with glass Sylhet. 379 Box, painted, containing pack of playing cards . Saivunt Warree, Bombay, 380 Box, painted, containing pack of playing cards . Cashmere. 381 Figure of an Idol (Guadama), of papier mache, gilt Burmah. 382-4 Three Mythological Paintings, on leather . Kurnool, Madras, F.— MISCELLANEOUS AETICLES. 386 Chourie, or Fly Whisk, formed of the barbs of pea- Jeypore. 387 Chourie, formed of the barbs of peacocks' feathers. Jeypore. 388 Chourie, Yak's tail. Silver-plated handle Indore, 389 Chourie, formed entirely of Sandalwood. Carved handle , Mysore. 390 Handscreen, or Fan. Peacocks' feathers . . Nuddea^ Bengal. 391 Ditto. ditto. Madras. 392 An Emblem of State. Gold embroidery and peacocks' Jeypore. 393 Hookah Snake. Gold embroidery. Cover of green velvet, embroidered with gold and coloured beads Agra, N, TT. Provinces, 341 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF THE OLD MASTERS AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. BY E. JAMES. THOSE OF THE MODEBN FOREIGN AETISTS BY L. LEFEVEE, ACHENBACH, Andre. — Born at Cassel (Hesse Electorale), September, 1815. Pupil of Shirmer. Eeceived the Gold Medals of Prussia and Belgium, and one from France. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Member of the Berlin, Amsterdam, and Antwerp Academies. Germsin School, ACHENBACH, OSWALD. — ^Bom in Dusseldorf (Prussia). Pupil of M. Andre Achenbaeh. Received the 2nd Class Medal ; Order of Leopold ; and 1st Class Medal, Paris and Berlin. German School. Abemollo, C. Italian School, Abbani, rEANCESCO. — Born at Bologna, 1578. Died at Bologna, 1660. The friend and fellow-pupil of Guido in the schools of Denis Calvart and the Car- racci. Worked under Annibale Carracci at the Farnese Palace, Rome, about 1602. Executed the frescoes in the Verospi (now Torlonia) Palace, Rome, in 1625. Many of the figures in his pictures are studies from his wife and children, all remarkable for their beauty. Bolognese School. Auma-Tajdema, Latjeens. — Pupil of Baron Henri Leys. Received the 1st Class Medal, in Paris, 1864 ; the Order of Leopold, 1866. Dutch School. Alunno, ISTicoLO. — Born at Foligno. Painted from 1458 to 1499. Said by Rumohr to be the master who signed, "Nicolai Fulginatis opus," and by Mariotti, to have instructed Pietro Perugino. Roman School. Angelico, Fea; see Fiesolb. Anguisciola, Sofonisba. — ^Bom at Cremona, in 1530. Died at Cremona, in 1620. Pupil of B. Campi and II. Soiaro. Celebrated for her portraits. Blind for many years before her death. Her three sisters excelled also in por- traiture. School of Cremoma. Antonello di Messina.^ — Bom at Messina, about 1414. Living in 1493. After studying painting in Italy, visited Flanders, and learned from Van Eyck to paint in oil colours, and on his return introduced that style of painting into Italy. Neapolitan School. Appiani, Andeea. — ^Bom, 1754. Died, 1818. An Italian painter, whose principal performances are at Milan. Roman School. Aepino ; see Cesaei. Aetois, Jacques D'.--Bom at Brussels, in 1613. Died, 1665. Scholar of John Wildens. A good landscape painter, many of whose pictures are rendered more valuable by the figures which David Teniers inserted in them. Flemish School. Aey, Soheffee.— Bom at Dordrecht, in 1795. Died at Argenteuil, near Paris, June 15th, 1858. French School. 342 BIOGHlAPHIOAIi NOTICES. AsSELYN, Jan.— Bom at Biepen, near Amsterdam, in 1610. Died, 1660, Scholar of Esaias Van de Velde and Jan Miel. An excellent landscape painter. Studied many years in Italy. Dutch School. AuFEAY, Joseph- Athanase. — Bom in Paris. Pupil of Mr. Barrias. French School. Bakhuizen, Ludolph.— Bom at Embden, 1631. Died at Amsterdam, 1709. Pupil of Albert van Everdingen and H. Dubbels. Now thought to have repre- sented rough seas on a large scale more successfully than any other Dutch painter. His nephew, of the same name, painted battle pieces. Dutch School. Baptiste, J. B. MoNNOYER ; called Baptists. — ^Born at Lisle, 1635. Died, 1699. Studied at Antwerp and Paris. Came to England, and painted here many fine flower pieces. Flemish School. Barbaeelli, Gigegio, called Gioegione.*— Bom at Castel Franco, 1477. Died 1511. Pupil of Giovanni Bellini. Remarkable for his height, personal beauty, and dignified manners. Most of the heads painted by him are strongly expressive of melancholy, but have little of the religious sentiment to be found in those by older masters. He sought principally to produce a good general effect ; and was the first who introduced that free style of painting which Titian and other Venetians carried to so high a degree of perfection. Venetian School. Baekee, B. Baekee, Thomas; called "Baekee of Bath. "—Born, 1769, near Ponty- pool, in Monmouthshire. Died in 1847. Self-taught. Painted in various styles, even in fresco. English School. Baeoccio, Fedeeigo. — ^Born at Urbino, 1528. Died at Urbino, 1612. Son of a sculptor. Studied painting under Battista Franco, but formed his style from the works of Raphael and Correggio. Roman School. Baeeet, G., K.A. — ^Bom in DubHn, 1728. Died in London, 1784. Pupil of West. Patronized by Edmund Burke. Came to England in 1762. Landscape painter. English School. Baetolommeo, Fea, di San Maeco ; known also as Baccio Della Poeta. Born at Savignano in 1469. Died a Dominican friar in the Convent of Saint Mark, at Florence, 1517. Pupil of Cosimo Rosselli. Friend of Savonarola and Raphael d'Urbino. Cotemporary with L. da Vinci, Michael Angelo, and Raphael. His works combine much of that portion of art in which each of these great masters excelled. Florentine School. Basaiti, Maeco. — ^Bom in Friuli, of Greek parents. He painted from 1470 until 1520. One of the early Venetian painters in oil. There is a very beautiful picture by him in the National Gallery in London. Venetian School. Bassano ; see Pontb. Bassano (Leandeo).— Bom 1558. The third son of Jacopo Bassano, in whose style he painted. His best works are portraits. Venetian School. Bassano, (Jacopo da Ponte, called).— Born at Bassano, 1502. Died, 1592. Son and scholar of the elder Francesco da Ponte. The originator of that style by which the works of the family are known. Venetian School. Batoni, Pompeo.— Bom at Lucca, 1708. Died at Rome, 1787. Painted many portraits of Englishmen who visited Rome in his time. Battaolie; Cebquozzi. 343 BIOGKAPHICAIi NOTICES. Baijgniet, Chaeles. — Bom in Brussels. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Belgian School. Beachy, T. Beale, Maey.— Born in Suffolk, in 1632. Died, 1697. Studied under Sir P. Lely, and copied Vandyck. Painted manyj portraits of the clergy of her tim§. British School. Beaulieu, Anatole de. — Pupil of Eugene Delacroix. French School, Beckee, Chaeles. — Berlin. German School. Beechey, Sie William, E.A. — Born at Burford, in Oxfordshire, 1753. Died, 1839. Painted almost exclusively portraits. English School. Beeeesteaten. — ^Died in 1687. A good painter, who excelled in repre^ senting winter scenes, in some of which Adrian Van de Velde painted the figures. Dutch School. Bega, Coenelius. — ^Born at Haarlem, in 1620. Died in 1664. Pupil of Adrian van Ostade. Painted in the same style as his master, but his colouring is not equal to that of Ostade. Dutch School. Belle, Nicolas Simon Alexis, of Paris.— Died at Paris in 1734, aged 60, French School. Bellini, Giovanni. — Born at Venice, 1426. Died, 1516. Brother of Gentile. Both pupils of their father, Jacopo Bellini. Their sister married Andrea Mantegna. Giovanni was the master of Giorgione and Titian. Venetian School. Bellini, Gentile. — Born at Venice, in 1421. Died, 1501. Son of Jacopo and brother of Giovanni BeUini. Named after Gentile da Fabriano, who was the master of Jacopo. Sent, at the request of Mahomet the Second, by the Venetian Senate to Constantinople, where he painted the portrait of Mahomet, and struck a medal bearing the head of that Emperor and the three crowns on the reverse. Venetian School. Belteaffig, Gig Antonig. — Born at Milan in 1467. Died there in 1516. An amateur artist, and pupil of Leonardo da Vinci. School of Milan. Benvenuti di Giovanni, di Meg del Guasta Senese. — ^Painted from 1466 to 1517, but adhered to the old style of the 15th Century. School of Sienna. Benvenuti, Gig. B.; called L'Oetglang. — Born at Perrara. Died about 1525. His pictures are often mistaken for those of Garofalo. School of Ferrara. Beechem or Beeghem, Nicholas. — Bom at Haarlem, 1624. Died there, 1683. Pupil of Van Goyen, Weenix, and others. Painted in various styles, but chiefly landscapes. His etchings are rare and masterly. Dutch School. Beegen, Diek Van. — ^Born at Haarlem, in 1645. Died in 1689. Pupil of Adrian Van de Velde, whom he approached very nearly in some of his best works. Came to London in 1673. Dutch School. Beekheyden, Geeit. — Bom at Haarlem, 1645. Died there, 1698. JDutch School. Beschey, BalthASAE.— Born at Antwerp, 1708. Died, 1776. Painted landscapes in the style of Jan Breughel, and historical pictures in that of Gaspard de Craeyer. Flemish School. BiEESTADT, A. American School, BiGG, W. R.— Born, 1755. Died, 1828. Became E.A. in 1814. His pictures are generally of domestic subjects. Several have been engraved. British School, 344 BlOCMlAPHICAIi NOTICES. Bird, William.— Bom at Wolverhampton in 1772. Died in Bristol in 1819. Self-taught, but became a member of the Koyal Academy. English School. Bles, David (La H aye).— Officer of the Order of the Couronne de Chene at La Haye. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Medal, 3rd Class ; Paris, 1855. Butch School. Bles, Henri de, or Met de Bles.— In Italy known as "Civetta," from the owl in his pictures. Born at Bonvignes, 1480. Died at Liege about 1550. Pupil of Patinier. Flemish School. Bloeman, Peter Yan; called Standaart. — ^Born at Antwerp, about 1649. Died, 1719. Spent many years in Rome ; and his landscapes have generally an Italian character. Flemish School. Bloemen, Jan, Frans, Van; called Orizonti. — Bom at Antwerp, in 1658. Died very old, at Eome, where ho resided for many years. He received his name of Orizonti from the delicacy of the gradations of the distances in his pictures. Flemish School. Bloemart, Abraham. — Born at Gorcum, in 1514. Died at Utrecht, 1647. Better known as aa engraver than as a painter. Dutch School. BoDOM, E. Norwegian School, BoL, Ferdinand. — Bom at Dort, 1609-10. Died at Amsterdam, 1681* Pupil of Rembrandt. Best known as a portrait painter. Dutch SchooL BoNHEUR, Fran(^ois-At:guste. — Bom at Bordeaux. Pupil of Baymond Bonheur (his father). Received 3rd Class Medal, 1852 and 1857 ; 2nd Class, 1859 ; 1st, 1861, and honourably mentioned in 1863. French School. BoNHEUR, Mdlle. IVIarie-Eosa. — ^Bom at Bordeaux. Pupil of Eaymond Bonheur (her father). Received the 3rd Class Medal, in 1845 ; the 1st Class Medal (landscape and cattle), 1848 ; and the 1st Class Medal, at the Universal Exhibition, 1855 ; received the Cross of the Legion of Honour from the hands of Her Majesty the Empress of the French, in 1865. French School. BoNiFAZio Yeneziano, or Da Verona. — Bom, 1491. Died, 1553. Said to have been a pupil of the elder Palma or Titian, but little is known of his life, and his works are inferior to those of either of those masters. It is even supposed that there were two painters of this name. Venetian School. BoNNTNGTON, EiCHARD Parker. — Born at Amold, near Nottiagham, 1801. Died, 1828. Self-taught. Went at the age of nineteen to France, where, and in Italy, his works were much admired. Since his death they have been eagerly sought for, and many imitations of them sold as being by him. British School. BoNViciNO, Alessandro. — Known as II Moretto da Brescia, in which place he was born near the end of the 15th Century. Scholar of Ferramola and Titian. Lived between 1490 and 1560, and was one of the best of the great masters who flourished at that time. His best works (in fresco) are at Brescia ; and others, equally remarkable (in oil), are in London and Vienna. He seems to have adopted the name of Moretto, as he has signed a picture Alex : Moretto. Brix: F., 1548. Was also a good portrait painter, and master of Moroni. Venetian School. BooNEN, Arnold van. — Born at Dordrecht, 1669. Died, 1729. Scholar of Schalcken. Dutch School. BoRDONE, Paris. —Bom of a noble family of Treviso, 1500. Died at Venice, 1571. Pupil of Titian, Celebrated for his female portraits. Was invited to France by Francis the Firstj 1538, where h© painted many of the 345 z ladies of the French Court. His masterpiece is "The Ring of St. Mark/' at Venice. Venetian School. BoEGOGNONE ; see Couetois. BossuET, F. — ^Professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Brussels. Belgian School Both, Jan or John. — Born at Utrecht, 1610. Died, 1656. He and his brother Andrew were sons of a glass-painter, and pupils of A. Bloemart. They resided long at Rome. The etchings by John are good and rare. Dutch School. Botticelli, Sandeo or Alessandeo. — Bom at Florence in 1447. Died in 1515. Scholar of Filippo Lippi. Painted at Rome and Florence both sacred and profane subjects, also portraits of the Medici family. Known likewise as the designer of a series of subjects chosen from Dante, and which were engraved by Baldini. Florentine School. Bouchee, Fean^ois. — Born at Paris, 1704. Died at Paris, 1768. French School. BouEDON, Sebastien. — Bom at Montpelier, 1616. Died at Paris, 1671. Pupil of his father, and studied at Rome. Painter to Queen Christina, of Sweden ; and Rector of the Academy of Painting in Paris. French School. BouEGES, Mdlle. Leonide-Pauline-Elise. — Bom in Paris. Pupil of Mr. Th. Salmon and Edouard Frdre. French School. Bout, and Boudewyns. — About 1700, they painted conjointly a large number of landscapes. Flemish School. BouTON, Le Chevaliee. Beaekeleee, Henei de.' — Pupil of Baron Henri Leys. Belgian School. Beamee, Leonaed. — Born, 1596. Little is known of his life, but he was one of the followers of Rembrandt. Dutch School. Beandi, Domenico. — Born at Naples, 1683. Died, 1736. Painted piinci- pally animals. Neapolitan School. Beekeleneamp, Quibin. — ^Painted about 1650-70. A native of Holland, and disciple of Gerard Dou. Imitated Rembrandt. Dutch School. Beeughel, John, called Velvet Beeughel, from his usual dress. — ^Bom at Brussels, 1568. Died, 1625. Pupil of his father, Peter Breughel. Painted fruit and flowers ; but, after visiting Italy, principally landscapes, in which the figures are by Rubens and other masters. Flemish School. Beeughel, Petee, the Eldee. — Born about 1520. Visited Eome about 1553. Died at Antwerp, 1569. Flemish School. Beil, Paul. — ^He and his elder brother Matthew were born at Antwerp—- the former in 1556, and died in 1626. One of the best Flemish landscape painters of his time. Both the brothers resided long at Rome ; and Annibale Carracci frequently introduced figures into their pictures. Flemish School. Beomeis, a. Swiss School, Beonzino, Agnolo. — Bom at Monticelli, near Florence, 1502. Died at Florence, 1572. Pupil of Raffaelino del Garbo and Pontormo. Most celebrated, and much employed by Cosmo dei Medici as a portrait painter. Florentine School. Beown, Mathee or Matthew. — Died, 1810. An historical and portrait painter. Painted many naval and military officers of his time. British School. 346 BIOGRAPHICAIi JSrOTICES. Browne, Mdme. Henrietta. — Born in Paris. Pupil of M. Chaplin. Received the 3rd Class Medal, 1855, 1857, and 1859 ; 2nd Class, 1861 ; 3rd Class (engravings), 1863. French School. Beottwer or Bea-uwer, Adrian. — Born at Haarlem, in 1608. Died, 1641. Pupil of Frans Hals. Settled at Antwerp, where Eubens bought many of his works, and afforded him much assistance. Dutch School. BuoNAROTTi, Michelangelo. — Born at Castel Caprese, near Arezzo, 1475. Died at Rome, 1564. Pupil of Domenico Ghirlandaio. Painter, sculptor, engi- neer, architect, and poet. Up to 1500 worked principally at sculpture. Finished painting the frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 1512, and the Last Judgment in 1541. In 1529 acted as engineer in the defence of Florence. Architect of St. Peter's at Rome from 1546 until his death. Wrote also some good poetry. Florentine School. Burgers, H. J. — Medal, at Amsterdam. Dutch School. Cagnacci, Guido. — ^Bom at St. Arcangelo, 1601. Died, 1681. Pupil of Guido Reni. Resided principally in Germany, where he was much employed by the Emperor Leopold the First. Bolognese School. Calaime, Alexander. — Born at Yevay. Pupil of M. Diday, Member of the Brussels and St. Petersburg Academies. Medal, 2nd Class, 1839, 1st Class, 1840 ; Legion of Honour in 1842. Swiss School. Caliari or Cagliari, Paul; called Paul Veronese. — ^Born at Verona, 1528. Died at Venice, 1588. Pupil of his father (a sculptor), and of Antonio Badile. The "Marriage at Cana," in the Louvre, and the "Family of Darius at the feet of Alexander," in the National Gallery in London, are two of the finest examples of the splendid pictures with which he decorated so many public buildings in Venice and its neighbourhood. Venetian School. Callcott, Sir A. W., E.A. — ^Bom at Kensington, 1779. Died there, 1844. Brother of Dr. Callcott, and studied music in early life. Afterwards a pupil of Hoppner; but abandoning portraiture became celebrated as a landscape and historical painter. British School. Calvart or Calvaert, Denis. — Born at Antwerp, 1555. Died at Bologna, 1619. Pupil of Prospero Fontana and Lorenzo Sabbatini. Calvaert was the first master of Domenichino, Guido, and Albano. Flemish and Bolognese Schools. Camphausen, W. — Bom at Dusseldorf. Professor at the Academy of Dusseldorf. German School. Campidoglio, M. a. — Bom at Rome, Flourished about 1600. Celebrated for his masterly grouping of fruits and flowers. Roman School. Campotosto, Henry. — ^Bom in Bmssels. Eeceived the 1st Class Medal at the Academy of Brussels ; honourably mentioned at the Paris Exhibition, 1860. Belgian School. Canaletto; called Antonio Canal. — Born at Venice, 1697. Died at Venice, 1768. Pupil of his father, a scene painter. Tiepolo occasionally painted the figures in his pictures. Came to England in 1746, and remained here two years. Many pictures attributed to him are by his nephew and pupil, Bernardo Bellotto. Venetian School. Cano, Alonzo. — Born at Grenada, 1601. Died at Grenada, 1667. Son of an architect. Studied sculpture under Montaiies, and painting in the Schools of Pacheco and J. del Castillo. Appointed, in 1561, a minor canon in the Cathedral. One of the most remarkable artists in the Spanish School. 347 BIOaBAPHIOAIi NOTlCilS. Cabjlub, Joseph. —Born at Cluny (Sadne et Loire). Pupil of Abel de Pujol, and C. L. Muller. Beceived 3rd Class Medal, 1859; 2nd Class, 1861 and 1863. French School. CAEAVAGaio, Michelangelo Merigi; called da Caravaggio. — Bom at Caravaggio, 1569. Died at Porto Eroole, in 1609. Began life as a mason, who prepared the walls for fresco painters, and was almost self-taught. The chief of the Naturalist!," so called from their supposed servile imitation of nature, from which, however, they departed so widely by the unnatural blackness of the shadows in their pictures. Boman School. Caelone, Giovanni. — Born at Geneva, 1590. Died at Milan, 1630* Pupil of Passignano, at Florence. Caeolus, F. Belgian School. Caebacci, Agostino. — Bom at Bologna, 1558. Died at Parma, 1601. Brother of Annibale Carracci. Studied painting under P. Fontana and D. Tibaldi ; engraving under C. Cort. He was the most active teacher in the cele- brated school of the Carracci ; and not only a painter, but also a poet, musician^ and one of the best engravers of his time. Bolognesc School. Caeeacci, Annibale. — ^Bom at Bologna, 1560. Died at Eome, 1609. Pupil of his cousin Lodovico Carracci. Studied the works of Correggio at Parma. Painted, with the assistance of Domenichino, Lanfranco, and his brother Agos- tino, the celebrated frescoes in the Farnese Palace at Rome, which were finished in 1604. Bolognesc School. Caeeacci, Lodovico. — Bom at Bologna, 1555. Died, 1619. Pupil of Prosper© Fontana. Studied the works of Correggio at Parma. He, with the assistance of his cousins, Agostino and Annibale, founded the School of the Carracci at Bologna, in 1589, which sought, and to a certain extent succeeded, in adding to the glory of Italian art, by combining the different merits of the older masters. Bolognesc School. Caeeeno de Mieanda, JiTAN. — Bom at Aviles, 1614. Died at Madrid, 1685. Scholar of Pedro de las Cuevas, Painted many portraits in the reign of Philip IV. Spanish School. Caeeucci; Pontoemo. Caepaccio, Vittoee. — Born at Venice. A distinguished painter among the early Venetian masters. Many of his works perished when the Ducal Palace of Venice was burnt, in 1576. His known works are dated up to 1520, and his portrait, by himself, 1522. Venetian School. Castelhatjs. Spanish School. Castiglionb, Giovanni Benedetto; called The GEECHETTO.—Born at Gene%'^a, 1616. Died at Mantua, 1670. Studied under Paggi, Ferrari, and Vandyck. Executed some spirited etchings. His brother Salvatore, and his son San Francesco, painted in a similar style. Genoese School. Castillo, Juan del. — ^Bom in 1584, at Seville. Died at Cadiz, 1640. Pupil of Luis Fernandez. Cano and Murillo studied under Castillo. Spamsh School. Ceemak, Jaeoslav.— Pupil of Louis Gallait and Bobert Heury. Received the 2nd Class Medal, 1861. Danish School. Ceeqitozzi, Michel Angelo; called M. A. dalle Ba^^agLie.— Bom at Rome, 1602. Died 1660* Best known as a battle painter. Jioman School, 348 BIOGEAPHIOAIi WOTICES. CeSARI, Guiseppb; called II Cavalieee d'Arpino.'— Bom at Arpino about 1568. Died, 1640. One of the best of the mannerists of the Roma/n Sdvool. Chambers, George. — Son of a seaman of Whitby, in Yorkshire, where he was born at the close of the last century. Died, 1840. "While still a cabin boy- shewed a talent for painting, and received some instruction from Bird, a drawing- master of Whitby. Came to London and was employed in painting the great Panorama of London at the Colosseum. When scene painter at the Pavilion Theatre, was introduced by Admiral Lord Mark Keir to William the Fourth, but an early death prevented Chambers deriving much profit from the fair prospect of success then before^him. British School. Champagne, Philippe de. — ^Bom at Brussels, 1602. Died at Paris, 1674. Went in 1621 to Paris, where he painted in the Luxembourg, and was patronized by Marie de Medicis and Cardinal Richelieu. His masterpiece is the ''Adam and Eve bewailing the death of Abel," now at Vienna ; but he is best known as a portrait painter of great merit. He was Hector of the Paris Academy of painting. Flemish School, Chaplin, Charles. — Bom at Andely (Eure). Pupil of Drolling. French School. Ghavet, Victor. — ^Bom at Aix (Bouches du Ehone). Pupil of P. Kevoil and C. Eoqueplan. Received the 3rd Class Medal, 1853; and the 2nd Class Medal, at the Universal Exhibition, 1855. French School. Cheron, Louis. — ^Bom at Paris in 1660. Died in London, 1723. Came to England in 1695. French School CiVETTA ; see Bles. Claude, Gille or Gele]^ ; called Le Lorrain or De Lorraine. — ^Bom at Chateau de Chamagno on the Moselle, near Charmes, in 1600. Died at Rome, 1682. Apprenticed to a man-cook, and travelled to Rome, where in that capacity he entered the service of Agostino Tassi, a landscape painter, from whom, and his friend Sandrart, he learned the rudiments of the art which he afterwards carried to so high a degree of perfection by an incessant study of nature. His drawings and etchings are also, like his pictures, very masterly and valuable. See those in this Exhibition. French School. Cleef, Jo as van, of Antwerp. — Painted about 1530 to 1550. An excel- lent portrait painter, in a style between that of Holbein and Antonio Moro. His pictures are frequently mistaken for those of Holbein. Flemish School. Clouet.' — There were three painters of this name. Jehannet or Jeannet Clouet, father and son, the elder of whom was living in Brussels in 1475, and settled at Tours, in France, in the neighbourhood of which were then the prin- cipal residences of the French Court, about 1480. The son was painter to Francis the First in 1518, and died in Paris in 1541. Many of the French portraits of that date are by him, and have been attributed to Holbein. Francois Clouet, his son, born about 1510, died about 1574, succeeded him as painter to Francis the First. There was a fourth Clouet, a brother of the younger Jeannet, who was employed about 1529 by Francis and his sister, the Queen of Navarre. The name Jeannet or Janet appears to have become a surname. Flemish School. Clovio, Giulio.' — ^Born, 1498. Died, 1578. Pupil of Giulio Romano. The celebrated painter in miniature. Some of his works are among the finest that have been executed on vellum in that style. Roman School. CoBLLO, Alonzo Sanchez. — Bom at Benifayro, in Valencia, early in the 16th Century. Died in 1590. Copied the works of Titian. The first of the great Spanish portrait painters. Spanish School. 349 BIOaBAPHICAL NOTICES. Collins, William, E.A.— Bom in London, 1788. Died, 1847. Son of a picture dealer, author of the "Life of Morland." Painted a large number of interesting pictures, mostly of English scenery and country life. British School. CoNEGLiANO, GiAMBATTiSTA Cenia DA.— His pictures are dated from 1489 to 1517. Pupil of Giovanni Bellini, whom he in some respects excelled, particu- larly in his landscape backgrounds, many of which represent his native place, CasteUo de Conegliano. His son Carlo Cenia imitated his works. Venetian School. CONSTA-BLE, J., E.A.— Born, 1776. Died, 1837. Son of a miller. Pupil of Farington. The well-known landscape painter ; some of whose works have been engraved by D. Lucas, and his life written by Leslie. British School. Cook, R., R. A.— Born in London, 1782. Died, 1857. Studied at the Royal Academy, and became E.A. in 1822. British School. CoOMANS, Joseph. — Born in Brussels. Received the Bronze Medal, at Brussels, 1848 ; Gold Medal, at La Haye, 1859 ; 1st Class Medal, at Metz, 1861 . and the Silver Medal, at Eouen, 1863. French School. CooMANS, Miss Celestine. French SchooL Copley, J. S., R.A.^ — Born at Boston, in America, 1787. Died in London, 1815. Exhibited his first picture at the Academy in London, in 1760. Painted many fine historical pictures. The father of the late Lord Lyndhurst. British School. CoauES, Gonzales. — Born at Antwerp, 1618. Died, 1684. Pupil of David Kyckaert. Celebrated for groups of small portraits, which generally represent persons of the wealthier classes in the I7th Century. Flemish School. CoENELiTZ, Lucas.— Born at Leyden, 1493. Died, probably, 1552. Visited England in the reign of Henry VIII. Butch School. CoEEEGGio, Antonio Allegei, or Lieto ; commonly called Coeeegoio. — Born at Correggio, near Modena, in 1493, or early in 1494. Died there in 1534. Said to have been the pupil of Bartolotto, a painter in his native place, but was at Mantua as early as 1511 or 1512, and a master of established reputation at Parma in 1519. There he then painted in the convent of San Paolo, and subse- quently, about 1522, the " Assumption of the Virgin " and other works, which are, in many respects, the most admirable that modern art has produced. School of Parma. CoETONA, PiETEO Beeeettini DA. — Born at Cortona in 1596. Died at Rome, 1669. The elegant but incorrect style which he introduced led to the rapid decline of painting in Italy. Florentine School. Costa, Loeenzo. — Born at Perrara, 1460. Died at Mantua, 1535. Studied under Benozzo Gozzoli, at Florence, and assisted Francesco Francia, at Bologna. Settled at Mantua, and died in the service of the Duke Francesco Gonzaga. He left two sons, Ippolito and Girolamo, the latter the father of the younger Lorenzo Costa, who died in 1583, at the age of 46. School of Ferrara. COTMAN, J. S. — Bom at Norwich about 1780. Died, 1843. Eminent as a water-colour painter and engraver of architectural subjects. British School. CouETOis, JAcauES ; called II Boegognone or Le Boueguegnon, and by the Italians, Cortese. — Born at St. Hippolyte in Franche Comte, in 1621. Died at Eome, 1676. Eemarkable for his spirited battle-pieces. He became a Jesuit and lived principally in Italy. French School. Cox, David. — Born in 1783. Died at Harborne Heath, near Birmingham, in 1859. Son of a whitesmith. Self-taught. Employed as a scene painter in London in 1803, and rose gradually to be one of the most admired landscape painters of his time, particularly in water-colours. British SchooL 350 BIOaHAPHICAIi ITOTICES. Ceanach, Lucas Stindee; known as Lucas Ceanach. — Born at Cranach, in Bavaria, in 1472. Died at Weimar in 1552. The intimate friend of Luther, whose portrait he painted several times. He marked his pictures with a crowned serpent. German School. Ceedi, Loeenzo di Ceedi. — Born at Florence, 1459. Died at Florence, 1537. The fellow-pupil of Leonardo da Vinci, in the school of Verocchio. Sculptor and painter, but best known as the latter. Although he was much influenced by the works of Da Vinci, his own are most remarkable for the elaborate manner in which they are finished. Florentine School. Ceivelli, Caelo. — The dates of his birth and death are not known, but he was of a Venetian family, and lived and worked principally at Ascoli, or in its neighbourhood. His known pictures are dated from 1468 to 1495. He painted in tempera. Venetian School. Ceivelli, Vittoeio. Ceiyelli, Vittoeia. — Lanzi thinks it probable that he was of the family and School of Carlo Crivelli. His known works were executed about 1489-90. Venetian School. Ceome, JoflN. — Born in Norwich, 1769. Died there in 1821. Self-taught. Apprenticed to a coach painter ; but, by an incessant study of nature, rose to be one of the best English landscape painters. Several of his pupils have followed his style. British School. CuYLENBUEG, Abeahah VAN. — Born at Utrecht in 1639. His pictures are often sold for those of Poelemburg, whom he imitated. Dutch School. CuYP, Albeet. — Born at Dort, 1605. Still living in 1683. Pupil of his father, Jacob Gerritz Cuyp. Excelled in painting everything he saw around him, and representing it at the moment when it appeared to the greatest advantage. In this respect he surpassed even Claude Lorraine, whose fame rests entirely on his landscapes ; whereas Cuyp painted also portraits, animals, birds, fish, flowers, fruit, and stilMife, in a manner little inferior to the best Dutch painters of those subjects. Dutch School. Dadd, E. Dahl. — Bom at Stockholm, 1656. Died in London, 1743. Pupil of Ern- straen Klocke, who had been in England. Came to England in 1678, and again in 1688, and remained here until his death. His son, the younger Dahl, was an inferior painter. British School. Danby, Feancis, A. E. a.— Born in the county of Wexford, 1793. Died, 1861. British School. Dance (Holland), Sie Nathaniel. — Born in London, 1734-. Died at Win- chester, 1811. Originally an artist by profession. Inherited a fortune and took the name of Holland. Pupil of Francis Hayman. British School. David, JAcauES Louis.— Born at Paris, 1748. Died at Brussels, 1825. Pupil of Vien. The principal painter in France in the reign of Napoleon I. French School. Davies, E. B.— Bom at Watford in 1782. Died, 1854. A good painter, who was much patronized by George the Third. British School. Delfosse, Eenest. — Born in Brussels. Pupil of C. Eoqueplan. Belgian School. Dennee, Balthazae.— Bom at Hamburg, 1685. Died, 1749. His pictures are remarkable for the labour bestowed upon them. German School. Deshayes, Eugene.— Born in Paris. Pupil of his father. French School 351 BIOaBAPHICAI, NOTICES. BOBSON, "William.— Born in London, 1610. Died there, 1646. Worked under Sir Eobert Peake and Franz Cleyn, but improved himself by studying the works of Titian and Vandyck. The latter was so much pleased with a copy by Dobson of one of his own pictures, that he introduced him to Charles the First, who appointed him his Serjeant painter after the death of Vandyck. The civil war was, however, fatal to Dobson's prosperity, and he died in poverty. He painted some good historical pieces as well as portraits. British School. Does, Simon- van dee.— Bom, 1653. Died, 1717. Painted Italian scenery. His early pictures are the best. Butch School. / DOLCi, Caelo, or Caelino.— Born at Florence, 1616. Died, 1686. Scholar of Jacopo Vignali. Most successful in female figures, for which his delicate and highly-finished style was best adapted. His daughter Agnese oopied many of his works. Florentine School. DoMENiCHiNO ; see Zampieei. DOTJ, Geeaed or Geeeit. — Bom at Leyden, 1613. Died there, 1675. Son of a glazier, or rather glass painter ; he was bred to the same business, but entered the school of Eembrandt in 1628, and studied under him about three years. He became famous for the delicate execution and correctness of his works, which, even in his life-time, sold for very high prices. One of his most celebrated pictures is " The Schoolmaster," in the Museum at Amsterdam. Dutch School. Deoost. — ^Born at Amsterdam in 1638. Died in 1690. Studied under Rem- brandt. Went to Eome, where he improved greatly in design. A very able artist. Dutch School. DuBASTY, Adolphe-Henei. — Bom in Paris. Pupil of M. Ingres. Eeceived the 3rd Class Medal, in 1846. French School. DuFEiELD, William. — Born at Bath, 1816. Died, 1831. Pupil of Lance and Baron Wappers. British School. DuEEE, Albeet or Albeecht. — Bom in Nuremberg in 1471, and died there in 1528. Pupil of M. Wolgemuth. Son of a Hungarian goldsmith ; settled at Nuremberg. He early turned his attention to painting and engraving both on wood and copper, and soon became as celebrated north of the Alps as Raphael in Italy. Went to Venice in 1506, and Flanders in 1520. His diary written during the latter journey is still preserved. There is a fine specimen of his skill in carving, in the British Museum. His best pictures are at Vienna. Author also of several works on Geometry and Design. German School. DuvEEaEE, Theophilb Eioianuel. — Bom at Bordeaux. Received 3rd Class Medal, 1861, 1863, and 1865. French School. Dyce, William, R.A. — ^Born at Aberdeen, 1806. Died in 1864. Received > the degree of M.A., at Marischal College at the age of 16. Went to Rome, and returned to Scotland about 1826. Painted in various styles. British School, Dyck, Sie Anthony Van. — Born at Antwerp, 1599. Died in London, 1641. His father was a merchant at Antwerp, and his mother remarkable for her skill in embroidery. Vandyck showed early a taste for drawing, and was placed under H. Van Balen ; the pupil of Eubens, about 1615, and worked under him till 1620. First came to England in 1621. In 1623 visited Italy, where he remained for four or five years. He returned to Antwerp about 1628. Came to England in 1630 or 31, and finally settled in London in 1632 ; where, or at Eltham, he, 352 BIOGRAPHICAL ISTOTICES. remained almost constantly untU Jxis death. As a portrait painter he is considered only second to Titian, and many of his historical pictures are equal to the finest works that the art of painting has produced. Flemish School. Dyckmans, Joseph Laweens. — ^Born at Antwerp. Pupil of De Tielmans and Wappers. Belgian School. Eastlake, SirC. L., P.R.A.— Born at Plymouth, 1793. Died, 1865. Student at the Royal Academy in 1809. About 1816 went to Italy and Greece. Elected President of Royal Academy in 1850. Author of several well-known works on the fine arts. British School. Egg, a. L., B.A.— Born in 1816. Died in Algeria, in 1863. Son of the celebrated gun maker. A student at the Royal Academy in 1836. Painted principally historical subjects. British School. Elzheimer, Adam; also known as Adam of Feancfoet. — Bom at Francfort, 1574. Died at Rome, 1620. — At Bome, as Adamo Tedesco, he became distinguished for small, highly-finished pictures, particularly such as represented night and moonlight effects, some of which were engraved by Count Goudt. German School. EscosuEA, Ignace de Leon. — Born in the Asturies (Spain). Pupil of M. GerOme, Spanish School. Ettt, William, R.A.— Bom at York, 1787. Died in York, 1849. Son of a miller and baker. Showed early a taste for drawing. Apprenticed in 1798 as a compositor, to a printer at Hull. Remained there seven years. Arrived in London, 1806. Became a student at the Royal Academy and pupil of Sir Thomas Lawrence. His progress in painting was very slow, but he at length became one of the best colourists of the British School. EvEEDiNGEN, C^aESAE VAN. — Born at Alkmaer in 1606. Died in 1679. Scholar of John van Bronkhorst. He painted history and portraits, and was also eminent as an architect. Dutch School, Etck, Van. — There were three, if not four, painters of this name, who came originally from the small village of Eyck, in Limbourg. After residing in Bruges, they settled in Ghent, about 1421. Hubert, the eldest, was born about 1366, and died at Ghent in 1426 ; John born about 1390, and died 1440-41. The other two Van Eycks were Lambert, of whose history little is known, and their sister Margaret, whom de Heere and Van Mander mention as an excellent painter. She died about 1430. Hubert is now generally admitted to have been, if not strictly speaking the inventor, the great improver of painting in oil. Of the lives of the other Van Eycks little is known, but John was in the service of the Dukes of Burgundy, and sent by Philippe le Bon into Portugal, Spain, and elsewhere, between 1428 and 1436, where, like Rubens, he was employed not only as a painter, but as a diplomatist. Flemish School. Falens, Chaeles van. — Born at Antwerp, 1684. Died in Paris, 1733. Imitator of Philip Wouvermans. Flemish School. Fahinato, Paolo degh TJbeeti. — Bom at Verona, 1522. Died, 1606. Probably studied under Giulio Romano. His principal works are at Verona. Venetian School. Feeg, Paul Francis. — Bom at Vienna, 1689. Died about 1738. Pupil of Orient. Studied Callot. German School. Feeeandiz, Beenaedo. — Bom in Valencia (Spain), Pupil of Francisco Martinez and of Buret. Spanish School. 3o3 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. FiCHEL, Eugene. — Born in Paris. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Medal, 3rd Class. 1857 and 1861. French School. FiESOLE, Pea Giovanni da; best known as Pea Angelico. He was christened Guido. — Born near Castello di Viccliio, in the Mugello, in 1387. Died in Rome, 1455. Pupil of his brother, Fra Benedetto, an illuminator of manuscripts, who taught Giovanni his art, in which the latter excelled. Giovanni entered the Order of the Predicants, at Fiesole, in 1407. He painted in Fresco about 1409, at Cortona, where some of his best works still exist ; at Florence, about 1436 ; and at Eome, in the Chapel of San Lorenzo, in the Vatican, about 1445. His works are remarkable for a strong expression of the religious senti- ment, with which he sought to inspire himself by prayer before he commenced painting. Florentine School. Plamm, Albeet. German School. Plesshiee, B. — Little is known of this painter except that he lived in Lon- • don about 1765, and painted fruit and small sea pieces. English School. PoLiNGSBY, G. P. — ^Pupil of Professor Charles Piloty. bavarian School. PoNTANA, Lavinia. — Born at Bologna, in 1552. Died at Eome in 1614. Daughter of Prospero Fontana, under whom she studied. Celebrated for her portraits and the line historical pictures which she painted at Eome. Bolognese School. Peancesca, Pieteo della. — Born at Borgo San Sepolcro, about 1410, and was still living in 1494. The most distinguished of the early Umbrian painters, and is said by Vasari to have instructed Pietro Perugino. Author of a " Treatise on Perspective." Roman School. Peanceschini. Peancia, Peancesco Baibolini ; commonly called Peancia, from the name of his first master, a goldsmith. — Born at Bologna, 1450. Died there, 1517, Son of a carpenter. Excelled as a goldsmith and painter. Said to have studied painting under Marco Zoppo. The greatest of the early Bolognese masters. His works were much studied by the Carracci, and some of them have been attri- buted to Raphael, who valued highly the talents of Francia. Bolognese School. Peancia, Giacomo. — Born, . Died, 1557. Son and pupil of P. Prancia. His works, in which he was assisted by his brother Guilio, are often confounded with those of his father. Bolognese School. Prancais (Pran(^ois- Louis). — Born at Plombieres (Yosges). Pupil of Cigoux and Corot. Received 3rd Class Medal, 1841 ; 1st Class, 1848 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1853 ; received 1st Class Medal, 1855. Peanquestin. French School. Peeee, Chaeles Theodoee. — Bom in Paris. Pupil of J. Coignet and of C. Roqueplan. Received 2nd Class Medal, 1848 ; Medal, 1865. French School. Peeee, Edouaed.— Bom in Paris. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Received 3rd Class Medal, 1851 ; 2nd Class, 1852 ; 3rd Class, at the Universal Exhibition, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1855. Member of the Royal Dutch Academy at Amsterdam. French School. PuNGAi, Beenaedino. — Born, 1460. Died, 1516. Pupil of Benvenuto di Giovanni Senese. School of Sienna. 354 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. FuSELi, H., K.A. — Bom, 1741. Died in 1825. Author of good criticisms on art. Designed better than he coloured. British School. Fyt, Jan. — Bom at Antwerp, 1609. Died, 1661. Scholar of Jan van den Besch. After Snyders, the best animal painter of the Flemish School. GAiNSBOEOuaH, Thomas, R.A. — Bom at Sudbury, Suffolk, 1727. Died in 1788. Self-taught. At sixteen years of age established himself in London as a portrait painter ; from which time he improved so rapidly that he became equally excellent in portraiture and landscape painting. British School. Galasso Galassi. — Born at "Ferrara about 1436. Died, 1488. According to Vasari, he was the first Ferrarese artist who painted in oil colours. School of Ferrara. Gallait, Louis. — Born at Toumay, Belgium, in 1810. Member of the Institute of France ; of the Royal Belgian Academy ; Chevalier of the Order of Merit, of Prussia ; Commander of the Oak, of Holland ; Officer of the Legion of Honour ; and Commander of the Order of Leopold. Belgian School. Gabbo, Eaffaellino del.— a Florentine. Born, 1476. Died, 1534. Scholar of Filippino Lippi. ^ Florentine School, Gaudenzio; see Feeeaei. Gaeofalo, Benyentjto Tisio ; so called from his monogram, a gilliflower. — Born near Ferrara, in 1481. Died there, in 1559. Studied under D. Panetti and B. Boccaccino, at Cremona. Went to Rome in 1500. Worked with Lorenzo Costa at Mantua, and under Raphael in Rome, from 1515, of whom, in his smaller works, he was a most successful imitator. The head of the Ferrarese School, His large works are scarce ; one of the principal is in the National Gallery in London. School of Ferrara. Gaeeaed, Maec. — Bom at Bruges in 1561. Died in England, 1635. Son of a good painter of animals, the younger Garrard came to England about 1585, and not only painted in various styles, but also engraved illuminated manuscripts and designed for glass painters. British School. Gaevey, Edmund. — A landscape painter who lived at the end of the last Century, and imitated Wilson. British School. Gatti. Italian School. Geldee, Aeent or Aenold van.— Born at Dort, in 1645. Died, 1727. Pupil of Rembrandt, and close imitator of his style. Dutch School. Gellee and Gelee; see Claude de Loeeaine. Gentile, di Niccolo di Giovanni Massi da Fabeiano. — Probably born at Fabriano about 1365. Died in Rome before 1450. Pupil of Allegretto Nuzi. Roman School. Gentz, W. German School. Geraed, Feancois.— Born at Rome, 1770. Died, 1830. One of the best scholars of David. French School. Geeaed, Theodoee. Belgian School. 355 BIOaBAFHICAL NOTICES, Geebiee d'Oevilly, Sie B., of Antwerp.— Bom, 1591. Died at Hempstead Marshall in 1667. A very remarkable man, who came to England young, and besides practising several arts, was much employed in intrigues and diplomacy in the reign of Charles the First. British School. Geeome, Jean Leon. — Born at Vesoul. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Received 3rd Class Medal 1847 ; 2nd Class, 1848 and 1855 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour 1855 ; Member of the Institute 1865. French School. Ghielandaio, Domenico Bigoedi ; so called from his father, a goldsmith, famed for his garlands.— Born at Florence, 1449. Died, 1495. Pupil of Baldovi- netti. One of the best painters of his time, who left many great works in fresco and tempera at Florence. One of the painters employed in the decoration of the Sistine Chapel at Rome, in 1480-4. Master of several great painters, among others Michelangelo Buonarotti, who was articled to him in 1488. Ghirlandaio worked also in mosaic. Among his assistants were his two brothers, David and Benedetto. Florentine School. Ghielandaio, Bidolpho Coeeado del, son of Domenico. — Born at Florence, 1483, Died, 1560. After his father's death, pupil of his uncle David. Studied the works of Masaccio ; also with Fra Bartolommeo and Raphael. His finest works are at Florence, where he constantly resided. Florentine School. Gilpin, Sa-weey.— Bom at Carlisle, 1733. Died, 1807. A good painter of animals. Often painted in conjunction with Barret, the landscape painter. British School. GiOEDANO, LucA; called "Fa Peesto," from the rapidity with which he worked, and his father urging him on with those words. — Born at Naples, 1632. Died there, 1705. Pupil of Spagnoletto and P. de Cortona. Painted both in fresco and oil with wonderful freedom. Employed in Spain, in the Escurial, about 1690. His works are very numerous, and many of them on a large scale. Neapolitan School, GiOEGiONE ; see Baebaeelli. GiOTTiNO, ToMMASO Di Stefano Fioeentino ; caUed. — Bom at Florence, 1324. Died, 1356. Pupil of his father, Stefano, but received his name, *'Fiorentino," from the close manlier in which he followed the style of Giotto. Florentine School. Giovanni da TJdine; seelJmNB, Glaubee, Jan. — ^Bom at Utrecht. Died at Amsterdam. Scholar of Berchem. Went to Italy. Lairesse often painted the figures in his landscapes. Dutch School. Goes, Hugo Yandee. The Hugo d'Anverza of the Italians. — He painted from 1467 to 1479, in which year he died in the Augustine Convent, at Eoaden Closter, near Brussels. Scholar and imitator of Van Eyck. His works are rare, but there is still an altar-piece by him at Florence, and smaller works in the various galleries of Europe. Flemish School. GOEDON, SiE J. W., B.A. — Bom at Edinburgh, and died there, 1864. President of the Royal Scottish Academy. The fellow-pupil of Wilkie under Graham. Best known as a portrait painter. British School. GossAEET, Jan; best known as Jan de Mabuse, now Maubeuge on the Sambre.— Was born about 1470, and died at Antwerp in 1632. Went to Italy, and was in England in 1495. One of his finest works is the Adoration of the Kings," at Castle Howard. Flemish School. 356 BioG^SAi^HiCAL isroTicieg* GOYEN, Jan van.— Bom at Leyden, 1596. Died at the Hague, 1656. Scholar of Esaias Van de Velde. Those pictures by him in which the colours have not changed, are remarkable for simplicity and truth. Dutch School. Goya, Feancisco.— Born at Madrid, in 1760. Died, 1830. Pupil of Martinez. Celebrated for his di'oU sketches. Spanish School. Geandi, Ercole (commonly caUed Ercole da Ferrara) .—Bom at Ferrara, about 1462. Died at Ferrara, 1531. Contemporary and friend of Lorenzo Co.sta. His works are very rare. School of Ferrara. Greco, II; see Theotooupoli. Greenhill, J.— Bom at Salisbury, 164^; Died in London, 1692. The best pupil of Sir Peter Lely. Copied Vandydk admirably. Drew in crayons and engraved. British School Geetjze, Jean Baptiste. — Born at I'ourrius, 1726. Died at Paris, 1805. Received some instruction from a painter named Landon ; but may be said to have been almost self-taught, and to haVe formed his very original style by the study of the best masters in France and Italy, where he resided several years. He endeavoured, in almost all his works, to teach some lesson in morahty, and his pictures are among the most attractive in the French School. GrIffier, Jan. Bom, 1656. Living in 1720. Supposed to have been the scholar of Philip Wouvermans, but imitated Satchleven. Dutch School. Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco ; called II Boloonese. — Bom at Bologna, 1606. Died in 1680. Studied under Annibale Carracoi. Excelled principally in landscapes, but was also a good historical painter. His son, Alessandro, painted in the same style. School of Bologna. Grimmer, Hans. — Scholar of Matthew Grunewalo. German SchooL Grimmer, Jacob or James.— Bom at Antwerp, in 1510. Alive in 1546. Pupil of M. Cock and C. Queburg. An excellent landscape painter^ whose works are little known out of his own country. Flemish School, Gr<3nland, T. Danish SchooL GuARDi, Francesco.— Bom at Venice, 1712. Died, 1793. Pupil of Cana- letto. His works are inferior to those of his master. Venetian SchooL GuDE. Norwegian SchooL GxjERCiNO, Francesco Barbieri; called II GuerciNo, from his squint.— Born at Cento, 1592. Died at Bologna, 1666. Said to havfe been self-taught until he became acquainted with Caravaggio, whose style he ihiitated. He returned to Cento, and after the death of Guido, in 1642, settled at Bologna, where he remained until his death. His masterpiece, " The body of Santa Petronilla raised from the tomb to be shown to her betrothed husband, Flaccns," is considered one of the great pictures in Rome. School of Bologna. GuiDO, Keni; see Keni. Hackaert, John. — Bom at Amsterdam, 1635. A good landscape painter. A. Van de Velde and Berghem often assisted him by painting the figures in his pictures. Dutch School. Hals, F.— Bom at Malines, 1584. Died at Haerlem, 1666. Pupil of Vaii Mander. One of the great Flemish portrait painters. His son painted in the same style. Dutch SchooL 357 biographicaij notices. HANNEMAii, Adrian. — Born at the Hague, 1610. Died, 1680. Pupil of John Eavensteyn. Came to this country in the reign of Charles the First, about the same time as Vandyck, v/hose style he imitated. British School. Hansen, H. Danish School. Haydon, B. R.— Born at Plymouth, 1786. Died, 1846. His efforts to create a taste in this country for what is termed high art, and his melancholy fate, are generally known. British School. Heem, Johan Davidsz de. — Born at Utrecht, 1600. Died at Antwerp, 1674. One of the most celebrated of the Dutch flower painters. Son of David de Heem, a good flower and fruit painter, but inferior to his son Johan Davidsz. The son of the latter, named Cornelius, painted similar subjects. They signed their name Heem and de Heem. Butch School. Heemskerck, EaBEET, the younger. — Bom at Haerlem, in 1645. Died in London, 1704. Son of a painter of the same name but of superior talents. Dutch School. Heere, Lucas de.— Born at Ghent, 1534. Died there, 1584. His father and mother were artists. Studied under F. Floris. Was in England in the reign of Elizabeth, if not in that of Mary, as a portrait of the latter is said to be by him. Flemish School. Heilbuth, Perdinand. — Bom at Hamburg. Received 2nd Class Medal, 1857 and 1859 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour. Dutch School. Helst, Bartholomew Vander. — Born at Haerlem about 1613. Died at Amsterdam about 1670. One of the best of the Dutch portrait painters. Speaking of Vanderhelst's picture of the Civic Banquet of 1648 at Amsterdam, Su' Joshua Reynolds says : *' This is perhaps the first picture of portraits in the world, com- prehending more of the qualities which make a perfect portrait than any other I have ever seen." Dutch School. Hemling; see Memling. H.¥;bm:ann, L. German School. Hearing, J. F.— Born in Surrey, 1795. Died, 1865. Self-taught. An ex- cellent painter of animals. British School. HfTRzoG, Hermann. German School. Heyden, Jan Yander. — Born at Grorcum, 1687. Died at Amsterdam, 1712. A distinguished painter of views, in which architecture usually forms the principal feature. A. Van de Velde, Eglon Vander Neer, and Lingelbach, painted the figures in his pictures. Dutch School. Heyligers, a. F. Dutch School. HiDDEMAN, F. German School. HiLDEBRANT, E. German School HiLLiARD, Nicholas.— Bom at Exeter, 1547. Died in Westminster, 1619. Studied the works of Holbein. Painted in miniature, besides portraits, a view of the Spanish Armada and the battle of Bosworth. British School. Hillingford, R. British and JRoman Schools. 358 BlOaHAlPHICAIi ITOTICES, Hilton, William, R.A. — Bom at Lincoln, 1786. Died, 1839. Son of an artist. Studied at the Royal Academy. One of the best painters the modern English School has produced. Unfortunately, many of his pictures are already in a very bad state. British School. HoBBEMA, Meindeet. — Born in 1638, probably at Amsterdam. Died in 1709. Studied under Jacob Ruysdael. The earliest known date on any of his works is 1G50. One of the best Dutch landscape painters. Berchem, A. Van de Velde, and Lingelbach, painted the figures in some of his pictures, most of which are now in this country. Dutch School. HoFLAND, T. C. — Bom at Worksop, 1777. Died at Leamington, 1843. Pupil of Rathbone. British School. Hogarth, William. — Bom in London, in 1697 or 1698. Died in London, 1764. Son of a schoolmaster. Bound apprentice to an engraver of arms on plate. His earliest engraving is dated 1720. Many small portraits by him were done about the same time. In painting he was almost self-taught. Most of his works were painted between 1730 and 1760. The Marriage a la Mode, in 1745. British School. Holbein, Haks. — Bom at Augsburg in 1494 or 5. Died in London, 1543. Pupil of his father and uncle Burgkmair. Resided in Basle about 1516 ; became acquainted there with Erasmus, who recommended him to Sir Thomas More in 1526, when Holbein first came to England. Returned to Basle in 1529, and came again to England in 1532. Entered the service of Henry the Eighth in 1537-8, and remained mostly in England from that time until his death. The best artist of the German School. Painted in oil and water colour, excelled also as an architect and designer of ornaments. German School. HoNDEKOETEE, Melchior DE. — Bom at Utrecht, 1636. Died, 1695. Pupil of his father Gysbert de Hondekoeter, and his uncle J. B. Weenix. Celebrated for his pictures of poultry, game, &c. Butch School. Hone, Horace. — ^Died, 1825. Miniature painter to George IV., when Prince of Wales. British School. HoNTHORST or HoNDHORST, Gerhard. — Bom at Utrecht, 1592. Died at the Hague, 1666-8. Scholar of Abraham Bloemart. Went to Rome, where he imitated Caravaggio ; and was known as Gerhardo dalle Notti, from frequently painting the effects of torchlight at night. Was also a good portrait painter. Came to England in the reign of Charles the First, and painted several allegorical pictures, into which he introduced portraits of Charles the First and his other patrons. Settled afterwards at the Hague, where he left two sons, likewise painters. Dutch School. HoOGE, PiETER DE. — Little is known of the circumstances of his life, but he painted about 1658 — 1670, and is said to have been a pupil of Berghem. His pictures are well coloured, and remarkable for the effects of sunshine in court- yards and interiors. He was also a good painter of figures. Dutch School. HoPPNER, John. — Born, 1759. Died, 1810. Studied the works of Eeynolds, and excelled in painting children. British School. HucHTENBURGH, JooN Van.— Bom at Haarlem, 1646. Died, 1733. Pupil of Jan Wyck and Van der Meulen. Was employed by Prince Eugene and William the Third, to paint the battles at which they were present. Dutch School. Hudson, T.— Bom, 1701.— Died, 1779. The scholar and son-in-law of Richardson. A good portrait painter. British School. 359 BIOGRAPHICAli IsTOTICES. HuMPHEEY, OsiAS, E.A.—Bom at Honiton, 1742. Died, 1810. Painted in miniature and crayons more frequently than in oils. British School. Htjysman, Cornelius (known as Huysman of Mechlin). — Born at Antwerp, 1648. Died in 1727. Studied under Van Artois. Flemish School, HuYSUM, Jan van. — Born at Amsterdam, 1682. Died in 1749. Son and pupil of Justus van Huysum. One of the l)est painters of flowers, of which he is said to have been passionately fond. His landscapes, into which he generally introduced old Roman ruins, are delicately painted, and very lightly finished. Dutch School. Ibbetson, J. C. — Born, 1759. Died, 1817. Painted landscapes and figures. British School: Imola, Innocenzio Francxtcci (called da Imola).— Resided principally at Bologna, where he worked under F. Francia. His known pictures are dated from 1527 to 1549. School of Bologna. ISABEY. French /School. Jamesone, Geo. — Born at Aberdeen in 1586, Died, 1644. Fellow-pupil at Antwerp, in the school of Rubens, with Vandyck, whose style he adopted. Janet, Jeannet and Jehannet; see Cloitet. Jansen, Cornelius. — Bom probably at Amsterdam, in 1590. Died there, in 1665. Came to England in the reign of James the First, and remained herd until 1648, when he went to Midelburg and Amsterdam, where he died. The great rival of Vandyck during the time the latter was in England. He had a son of the same name, also a painter. Bryan makes Cornelius Jansen and Jonson Van Ceulen two different artists, but this is doubtful, as C. Jansen resided near Cologne after leaving this country. Dutch School. Janssens, Abeaham. — Born at Antwerp, 1569. Died in 1631. The great rival of Rubens, in the Flemish School. Many fine altar-pieces by Janssens are still preserved in Belgium ; and at Vienna there are also several large pictures of classical subjects by him, treated in a striking and masterly style. Flemish School. Jaedin or Gardin, Karel bit. — ^Bom at Amsterdam, about 1625. Died, 1678. Scholar of N. Berchem. Resided s ome time at Rome. Painted in various styles, in all of which he excelled. His etchings also are among the best of those by painters of the Dutch School. .Dutch School. Jones, A. B. — Pupil of E. Verboeckhoven. Belgian School. JoEDEANS, Jacob. — Bom at Antvrerp, 1593. Died at the vUlage of Putten, in Flanders, 1678. Scholar and son-in-law of Adam van Noort. One of the principal assistants of Rubens, but painted in a coarser style. Excelled in painting animals struggling together, and such scenes as required vigorous rather than delicate execution. Flemish School. Kapella or Capella, Jan van de. — I>orn, 1635. Died, 1677. A good Diitch painter of marine subjects, somev/hat in the style of William Vandevelde. Dutch School. Kaeel du Jaedin; see Jaedin. ELa-Uffman, Maeia Angelica, R. A.— Born at Coire, 1742. Died at Rome in 1807. Daughter of a Swiss portrait painter. A most accomplished woman, who came to this country in 1765, and r emained until 1782. British School. KiNDEEMANS, J. Belgian School. KInaeeen, Pieeee. — Received Medals at Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam; honotlrably mentioned at the Universal Exhibition, 1855. Belgian School. Knaus, Ludwig. — Professor at V^ies'baden. Received 2nd Class Medal, 1853 ; 1st Class Medal, 1855 and 1857 ; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1859. German School. Knellee, Sie Godfeey. — ^Bom at Lnbeck, 1648. Died in England, 1723. Scholar of F. Bol and Rembrandt. Aftemards visited Italy, 1672, and stayed some time at Venice. Came to England in 1674, and painted an immense num- ber of portraits; among others, those of ten Sovereigns. Knighted in 1692. British School. 360 BIOGRAPHICAL -KTOTICES. KoEKKOEK, B. C. Belgian School. KoEKKOEK, H. Dutch School. KoNiNGH, Philip DE. — Born, 1619. Died, 1689. Painted landscapes, mostly representing extensive views over the flat country of HoUand. The figures are generally by Lingelbach. Dutch School. KoLLER, GuiLLAUME. Belgian School. Laer, Petee van; called Bamboccio. — Born at Laaren in 1613. Died at Haarlem in 1674-75. Went young to Rome, and lived on friendly terms with Claude and Poussin. Butch School. Laegilliere, Nicolas. — Born at Paris, 1656. Died, 1746. Studied at Antwerp, under Qoubeau. Came to England and painted James II. French School. Laieesse, Geeaed DE. — Born, 1640. Died, 1711. Pupil of his father and Flemael. Historical painter. He often introduced figures into landscapes by other artists. Dutch School. Lambinet, Emile. — Bom in Versailles. Pupil of Horace Vernet, Drolling, and Boiselier. Received 3rd Class Medal (landscape), 1843 ; 2nd Class Medal, 1853. Honourably mentioned at the Universal Exhibition, 1855. French School. Lamoeinieee, FeanCois. — Eeceived the Gold Medal in 1857; made Cheva- lier of the Order of Leopold, 1861. Belgian School. Lance, Geoege. — Born near Colchester in 1802. Died, 1864. Sent in early- life to Leeds to foUow commercial pursuits, but his decided taste for painting induced his friends to allow him to visit London, where he became the pupil of Haydon. Success in painting fruit and still life induced him to adopt that as his favourite style, in which he became one of our best artists. British School. Lanceet, Nicolas. — Born in Paris, 1690. Died, 1743. Pupil of Pierre d'Ulin, and imitated Watteau. French School. Lanini, Beenadino. — Born at VercelLi. Died about 1578. Scholar of Gaudenzio Ferrari. School of Milan. Lassalle, Louis. — Born in Paris. Pupil of Messrs. Paris and C. L. MuUer. French School. Latjei, Filippc— Born at Borne, 1623. Died 1694. Pupil of Caroselli. He must not be confounded with his brother Francesco, who was a better painter, and the pupil of Sacchi. Eoman School. Laweence, Sie Thomas, P.B.A.— Born at Bristol, 1769. Died, 1830. Pupil of Hoare, of Bath. Came to London in 1787. bied President of the Royal Academy. British School. Le Beun, Madme. French School, Lebetin-, Chaeles. — Born in Paris, 1619. Died, 1690. Son of a sculptor, whose family was of Scotch origin. Pupil of Simon Vouet. One of the great painters in the reign of Louis XIV., and Director of the Academy at Paris. French School. Lebehn", Madame E. L. — Living in 1828. She received some instruct! n from Vernet and Greuze. French School. Lehmaitn, Rudolph. Boman School, Lelt, Sie Petee. — Born at Soest, in Westphalia, 1618. Died in London, 1680. His father's name was Van der Vaas, but he took the name of Lely. Pupil of de Grebber, and imitated Van Dyck. Besides an immense number of portraits, he painted some historical pictures during his stay in England, which are little known. British School. Lenain, Loms. — There were three brothers of the Lenains — Louis, Antoinc, and Mathieu. They were all admitted into the French Academy in the year 1648. Louis and Antoine died in that year, Mathieu in 1677, and ]j; oi .i j!7 most of the smaller works which bear their name are by him. French Srhnal. 361 aa BIOGKAPHICAIi JSTOTICES. Le Poittevin, Eugene. — Received 3rd Class Medal (genre and marine), 1855 ; 2nd Class Medal, 1831 and 1848 ; 1st Class Medal, 1836. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, June, 1843. French School. Leslie, C. R., E,.A. — Born in London, 1794. Died in London, 1859. Went young to the United States. Pupil of West and Washington Alston. Returned to England in 1811. In 1833 was Professor of Drawing at West Point, but came back to England in 1834. Author of the Life of Constable, and other useful works. British School. Leu, Adolphe. German School. Levy, Emile. — Born in Paris. Pupil of Abel-de-Pujol and M. Picot. Won the Roman Prize for History, 1854. Medal, 3rd Class, 1859 ; Medal, 1864. French School. Leyden. See Lucas van. Leys, Le Baeon Henri. — Officer of the Legion of Honour, 1847. Keceived one of the nine Great Medals of Honour at the Universal Exhibition, 1855 ; Officer of the Order of Leopold ; Chevalier of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria. Belgian School. LiCINIO. LiEB, A. German School, Lies, Joseph. — Pupil of Baron Henri Leys. Belgian School. Leevens, Jan. LiNGELBACH, Jahann. — Born at Frankfort, 1625. Died in Amsterdam, where he had settled, in 1687. Visited Italy, and painted many scenes in that country. Much employed by landscape painters to insert figures in their pictures. Butch School. Lint, Heney van ; called Studio. — Son of P. van Lint. Went young to Rome ; and painted in the style of L'Orizonti. Flemish School. Lint, Peter van. — Born in Antwerp, 1609, still living in 1675. Passed several years at Pome. Some of his large compositions are painted in the style of Vandyck. Flemish School. LiPPl. Leppi, Filippino. — ^Born at Florence, in 1460. Died there in 1505. Son of Filippo Lippi. Scholar of Sandro Botticelli. Completed the frescoes in the Brancacci Chapel, which had bean left unfinished by Masolino da Panicale and Masaccio. Subsequently executed other fine frescoes at Florence and Rome, which he visited in 1492. Painted in fresco and tempera. Florentine School. Leverseege, Henry. — Bom at Manchester, 1803. Died there, 1832. Self- taught. A very remarkable painter of both serious and humorous scenes. British School. ' Lotto, Lorenzo. — Bom at Treviso, about 1480. Is supposed to have died at Loretto, about 1558. Studied under G. Bellini and Giorgione. His portraits are among the finest by painters of the Venetian School. L'Orbetto, — See Turchi. Lorenzo, di Bicci. — Vasari's account of this artist is incorrect, and little is known of his life, except that he painted from 1370 to 1499. Florentine School. LORME, A. DE. — There appear to have been two painters of this name, one a Frenchman, the oth°r a Dutch artist, by whom is the picture in this collection. He lived in the latter half of the I7th century, and his best works represent the interior of churches, in which Brackenborg painted the figures. Dutch School. Lorraine; see Claude. LouTHERBOURa, J. P. DE, E,.A. — ^Bom at Strasbourg about 1740. Died in 1812. Pupil of F. Casanova. British School. Lucas, Je^^n Paul.— Died at Toulouse in 1806. Founder and Director of the Museum there. French School, 862 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Lucas van Leyden (Luc Jacobez called). — Bom, 1494. Died, 1533. Scholar of Engelbreclitzen. An admirable painter and engraver. Pictures bj him are rare. Dutch School. LuCATELLi, Andrea. — A Eroman landscape painter, who was contemporaiy with Orizonti, and painted in the same style. Roman School. Ludens, Gerrit or Gerard. — ^Painted about 1650-70, in the style of Molenaer. Flemish School. LuiNi, Bernadino. — Born at Luino, on the Lage Maggiore, about 1460, and was still living in 1530. Supposed to have been a scholar of Leonardo da Vinci, whom he imitated very successfully. School of Milan. Maas, Dirk. — Born at Haarlem in 1656. Pupil of Berchem and Huchtem- burg. Came to England and painted the Battle of the Boyne for William the Third. Dutch School. Mabuse; see Gossaert. Madou. — (Jean Baptiste), Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Eeceived the 2nd Class Medal, 1855 ; and Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1855. Belgian School. Maes, Nicolas. — Born at Dort, 1632. Died at Amsterdam, 1693. Scholar of Rembrandt. An excellent painter of portraits and interior views with small full length figures. Dutch School. Magaud, C. a. Butch School, Mantegna, Andrea. — Born near Padua, in 1430-1. Died at Mantua, 1506. Pupil of Squarcione. Settled at Mantua about 1468. Painted in the Chapel of Innocent VIII., in Rome, in 1488-90. The " Triumph of Julius Ctesar" is said by Vasari to have been his best work. His engravings are among the earliest of the ItaUan school; and he was, moreover, a poet, sculptor, and architect. School of Mantua. Maratti, Carlo. — Born at Camerino, near Ancona, in 1625. Died, 1713. Scholar of Andrea Sacchi. His works are most remarkable for an absence of faults, and seldom rise above an insipid mediocrity. Roman School. Marcellis, Otho ; who signed O. Masseus, and whose name is said to have been Snuffelaer. — Born at Amsterdam in 1613. Died there in 1673. Dutch School. Marchal, Charles Francois. — Born in Paris. Pupil of Drolling. Medal, 1864. French School. Marieschi, Jacopo.— Bom at Venice, 1711. Died, 1794. Son of an artist, Michele Marieschi. He was a close imitator of Canaletto. Venetian School. Martin, J. — Born near Hexham, in 1789. Died, 1854. Pupil of Boniface Musso, an Italian artist, resident at Newcastle, with whom Martin came to Lon- don. From 1812 became a most popular designer of subjects which from their nature required to be treated in a grand manner. British School. Masaccio, Tommaso Guidi ; caUed Masaccio, from being so intent upon art as to neglect his dress. — Born at Castel San Giovanni in the upper Valdarno, in 1402. Died in Rome, in 1428 or 1429. Supposed to have been the pupil of Masolino da Panicale. His famous frescoes in tlie Brancacci Chapel, at Florence, were executed between 1425 and 1427, and have ever since rendered his nickname one of the most famous in the annals of Italian art. Florentine School. Matsts, Qufntin. — Born at Antwerp, in 1466. Died in 1530-31. Origi- nally a blacksmith, and some good specimens of his skill in iron-work are still preserved. Falling in love with the daughter of an artist named Floris, he studied painting, and became one of the great masters of the Flemish School. Flemish School. Mazzola or Mazzuoli, Francesco Maria; commonly called Parmigiano and Parmigianino, from his having been born at Parma, in 1503. Died at Casal Maggiore, near Cremona, in 1540. Pupil of his father and uncles Michele and Pietro Ilario. Studied the works of Correggio. Excelled in design : his drawings being among the most valuable of those by the old masters. One of tho 363 BIOGKAPHICAIi NOTICES. first of the Italians who etched, and is said to have executed several woodcuts. School of Parma. JklAZZOLiNi, G. Rommt School. Mazzolin"0 da Fereara, Lodovico. — Bom at Ferrara about 1481. Died there, 1530. Pupil of Lorenzo Costa. The architecture introduced into his pictures is remarkable. School of Ferrara. Metre, Gerard van der. — Probably born at G-hent after 1410. Was aUve in 1474. Said to be a scholar of Hubert van Eyck. Flemish School. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. (French). — Pupil of Leon Coquiet. Received the 3rd Class Medal in 1840 ; 2nd Class Medal, 1841 ; 1st Class Medals, 1843 and 1848. Created Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1846 ; Officer of the same Order, 1848. Received one of the Nine Great Medals of Honour at the Universal Exhibition of 1855. French School. Memling, Hans; called, also, improperly, Hemling. — Born about 1439. Died before 1495. Said to have been born at Bruges, and the pupil of Roger Van der Weyden. In 1479 he was a painter of established reputation at Bruges, and executed there his best works. After the Van Eycks, one of the best of the early Flemish painters. Flemish School. Metstj, Gabriel. — Born at Leyden, 1615. Still living in Amsterdam, 1667. His pictures are rare, and those which represent small interior scenes are remark- able for finish and delicate execution. He painted, however, occasionally on a larger scale and in a bolder manner. Dutch School. Micas, Mdlle. — Pupil of Rosa Bonheur. French School. Michelangelo ; see Buonarroti, Cerquozzi, and CARAVAGaio. MiERiS, Frans Van; called the ^'Old," to distinguish him from his grand- son. — Was born at Leyden, 1635. Died, 1681. Pupil of Gerard Dou. His works are among the best of the Dutch liighly-finished pictures. Butch School. MiERiS, WiLLEM Van; son of old Francis Mieris, and often called *'the young Mieris." — Was born at Leyden in 1682. Died, 1747. Painted in the same style as his father, but his pictures are generally not equal to those of the "old Mieris." Dutch School. MiGNARD, Nicolas. MiGNARD, Pierre. — Bom at Troyes in 1610. Died in Paris, 1695. Pupil of Boucher, of Bourges. Studied at Fontainebleau. French School. MiNGA, Andrea del.— Living in 1568. A Florentine artist, who was one of the last pupils of Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio. Florentine School. Miranda; see Carreno. MiREVELT or Mirevelde, Michiel "of Delft. — Born, 1567. Died, 1641. A most laborious Dutch artist, who is said to have painted no less than 5,000 por- traits. He seldom, however, painted more than the head. His two sons were likewise artists. Dutch School. MoLA, PiETRO Francesco. — ^Bom in or near Milan, in 1612. Died in Rome, 1668. Son of an architect. Studied at Rome under d'Arpino, and imitated Albano. Painted both large and small figures, but excelled chiefly in landscapes. President of the Academy of St. Luke, in Rome. Roman School. MoLENAER, Jan. — ^Painted between 1625 and 1660. A clever painter of both open air and interior scenes. Flemish School. MoNAMY, p. — Born in Jersey in 1670. Died in Westminster in 1749. British School. MoNCHERON, Frederick. — ^Born at Guiden, 1633. Died at Amsterdam, 1686. Pupil of Jan Asselyn. A. Van de Velde sometimes painted the figures in his landscapes. German School. MoinjOYER; see Baptistb. S64 BIOGBAPHICAIi IsTOTICES. Moor, Kaeel de. — Bom at Leyden, 1656. Died, 1738. Studied under G-. Don, F. Mieris, and Schalcken. Excelled in portraiture, and painted some of the most remarkable men of his time. At Leyden, in the Council Hall, is a fine picture by de Moor, of " Brutus Condemning his Sons." Dutch School. Morales, Luis; called El Diving. — Born at Badajoz about 1509. Died at Madrid, 1586. It is not known under whom he studied, but he was employed bj Philip II. in 1564, at the Escorial. His pictures are remarkable for the expres- sion in the heads, and careful finish. Spanisli School. More, or Moro, Sir Antonio. — Born, 1518. Died, 1588. Pupil of Schooreel. Entered the service of Charles V. Came to England to paint Queen Mary. One of the best portrait painters of his time. Flemish School. MoREAu, Charles. — Bom at Chateau Eenard (Bouches du Ehone). French School. MoRETTO ; see Bonyicino. MoRLAND, George, — Born in 1764. Died, 1804. Son and pupil of the artist Henry Morland. His pictures, although very clever, are many of them very carelessly, not to say coarsely, painted. English School. MoRONE, Francesco. — Born at Verona, 1474. Died there, 1529. Pupil of his father Domenico Morone. Painted in fresco and oil, but more in the style of the artists who preceded him than in that of his contemporaries. Venetian School. Moroni, Giovanni Battista. — Born at Albino, near Bergamo, about 1510. Died at Bergamo, in 1578. One of the most celebrated Italian portrait painters. Venetian ScJwol. MoYA, Pedro de. — Bom at Granada. Died, 1666. Scholar of Juan del Castillo. In 1641 came to England, and studied a short time under Vandyck. Spanish School. MuDO, J. Fernandez Navarrette ; called El Mudo, or the dumb painter. Born in 1526, at Logrono. Died, 1579. Said to have studied in Italy under Titian. Spanish School. Muller, W. J. — Born at Bristol, 1812. Died, 1845. Son of a German, who was curator of the Bristol Museum. Pupil of J. B. Pyne. After visiting Greece and Egypt, settled in London in 1839, where his pictures found ready purchasers. Went with the expedition to Lycia. Since his death, the value of his works has caused innumerable imitations of his pictures to be sold as being by him. British School. Mulreadt, William, R.A. — Born at Ennis, in Ireland, 1786. Died in 1863. Entered the Poyal Academy, London, at fourteen years of age, and became an academician in 1816. The merit of his works is so self-evident that it is universally admitted. British School. MuRiLLO, Bartolome Estavan. — Born at Seville, 1617. Died, 1682. Studied under J. del Castillo, and subsequently at Madrid, under Velasquez. Returned to Seville in 1644, where he resided almost constantly until his death. Spanish School. Mtjsscher, Michiel van. — Born at Rotterdam, in 1645. Died at Amster- dam, in 1705. Scholar of a Van Tempel, Metsu, and Ostade. He painted princi- pally portraits on a small size. Dutch School. Myn, Herman van der. — Born at Amsterdam, 1684. Died in London, 1741. Pupil of Ernest Stuven. Came to England about the year 1772. His sister Agatha came with him, and painted fruit, flowers, &c. Dutch School. Mytens, Daniel (the Elder). — Born at the Hague, 1590. Still living in 1656. Came to England in the reign of James the First, and remained in this country until 1630, when he returned to Holland. Dutch School. Nasmyth, p.— Born at Edinburgh in 1786 or 1787. Died in London, 1831, during a thunderstorm which, at his own desire, he was raised in bed to see. One of the best painters of English scenery. British School. 365 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Neefs, Peter.— Born at Antwerp, 1570. Died, 1651. The best of Steen- wyck's scholars. The figures in his pictures are mostly by other artists. His son, of the same name, was an inferior painter. Flemish School. Neee, Aetus van dee. — Born at Amsterdam, 1619. Died there, 1683. His best known works are moonlight scenes, but he painted equally well land- scapes lighted by the sun. Albert Cuyp sometimes painted the figures in his pictures. Dutch School. Netscher, Caspar. — Born at Heidelberg, 1639. Died at the Hague, 1684. He formed himself after Terburg and Metsu, and, though inferior to them in some respects, surpasses them in beauty of form, especially in children. Dutch School. Newton, G. S., E.A. — Born at Halifax, in Nova Scotia, in 1794 or 1795. Died at Chelsea, 1835. Studied under his maternal uncle Gilbert Stuart, of Boston, and in the Eoyal Academy in London. British School. NoRDGEEN, A. Swedish School. NoRTHCOTE, J., R.A. — Born at Davenport, 1746. Died, 1831. Bred by his father, who was a watchmaker, to his business. Pupil of Sir Joshua Reynolds. Author of several books. British School. Opie, John, E.A. — Born at St. Agnes, in Cornwall, 1761. Died, 1807. Son of a carpenter. Almost self-taught. His pictures are often very powerful, but he frequently carried freedom of handling to excess. English School. , Opstal, Gaspae J. VAN Opstal. — Born at Antwerp, 1660. Died, 1714. Painted history and portraits. Flemish School. Oecagna, Andrea di Cione Aecagnuolo; called Orcagna. — ^Bom at Florence about 1315. Died before 1376. Painter, sculptor, and architect. Pupil of Andrea Pisano. One of the most eminent of the early artists. Florentine School. Oeizonti. — See Yanbloemen. Oelay, Bernhard van. — Bom at Brussels, 1471. Died there, 1541. Resided long in Italy. Imitated Eaphael. Flemish School. Os, Jan van. — Born at Middelharnis, 1744. Died, 1808. The best imitator of Van Huysum, whom he nearly equalled. Dutch School. Ostade, Adrian van. — Born at Lubeck in 1610. Died in Amsterdam in 1685. Scholar of Frank Hals. His pictures are remarkable for the effects of light and air in the scenes they represent. Dutch School. Ostade, Isaac van. — Born, 1617. Died, 1654 or 1671 ; these dates are, however, doubtful. Brother and scholar of Adrian van Ostade. His pictures are usually browner than those of Adrian. Dutch School. Otto Thorn. Austrian School. OuDRT, Jean Baptiste. — Born at Paris, 1686. Died at Beanvais, 1755. The best animal and bird painter in France, until recent times. Superintendent of the Manufactory of Tapestry at Beauvais. French School. Padovanino, Alessandro Varotari ; called II Padovanino, from his having been born at Padua, in 1590. Died in 1650. Son of Dario Varotari, a Veronese painter. Studied the works of Titian, at Venice. Venetian School. Paggi, Giovanni Battista.' — Born at Genoa, 1554. Died, 1627. Scholar of Luca Cangiagio, whose manner he adopted. Genoese School. PAiiAMEDES, A. G. Staevaerts, Called. — Born at Delft, 1604. Died, 1680. Painted a vast number of pictures, representing small interior scenes. Dutch Sdiool. Palma, Jacopo; called II Vecchio, the old. Born at Serinalta, near Bergamo, about 1475. Died about 1523-4. The friend of Lorenzo Lotto. Studied the works of Titian and Giorgione. Many of his beautiful female figures are studies from his daughter, Violante. The great uncle of the younger Palma. Venetian School. Palma, Jacopo, the younger. — Bom at Venice, 1544. Died, 1628. Great nephew of the "old" Palma. The younger Palma was the last of the great Venetian painters. Venetian School. 366 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Palmezzajjo, Maeco. — Born at Forli about 1456; and still living in 1537. Excelled in perspective, but his works are generally hard and badly coloured. Roman ScJiooL Palthe, Geeard Jan.— Bom at Degenkamp, in 1681. Died about 1760, Scholar of Jurian Pool. There were other artists of the same name. JDufch School. Pannini, Giovanni Paolo. — Bom at Piacenza, 1691. Died at Eome, 1764. Pupil of Lucatelli. Studied the works of Ghisolfi. Excelled in painting ruins, but his colouring is often too yellow, and his figures too large. Roman School. Pantoja de la Cruz, Juan. — Bom at Madrid, 1551. Died about 1609. PupD. of Alonzo Sanchez Coello. Spanish School. Paemigiano ; see Mazzola. Passignano, Domenico Ceesti, called. — The date of his birth and death, are usually given, 1560 — 1638, but if he was the master of Lodovico Carracci he must have lived earlier. Florentine School. Pater, J. B. — Born at Valenciennes. Died in Paris, 1736. Imitator of Watteau. French School. Peceus, Charles. — Born at Limoges. Freneh ScJiool, Perugino, Pieteo Vannucci II. — Bom at Citta della Pieve about 1446. Died in 1524. Studied under Andrea Verocchio, in Florence. The master of Raphael Sanzio, and one of the principal painters among those who adhered to the old Quattrocento style. Many of his pictures are richly coloured. Rotimn School. Peruzzi, Baldassaee; called, also, Baldassaee da Sienna. — Born at Acca- jano near Sienna, in 1481. Died at Rome in 1^36. Architect as well as painter. Built the Villa Earnesina for Agostino Chigi. Appointed in 1520, after the death of Raphael, architect of St. Peter's. Buried in the Pantheon near Raphael. School of Sienna. Pesellino, Feancesco di Pesello ; called Pesellino. — Born at Florence in 1422. Died there in 1457. Grandson of the elder Pesellino, under whom he studied. Imitator of Fra Filippo Lippi. Florentine School. Peteol, Madme. — Bom at Paris. Pupil of Eaymond Bonheur (her father). French School. Phillip, John, E.A. — Bom at Aberdeen in 1817. Died, 1867. Pan away from home to London when only seventeen, to see the Exhibition at the Royal Academy. Became a pupil there in 1837, and painted scenes in Scotland until 1851, when he went to Spain, from which country he returned to England in 1856. British School. PiNELLi, AuGUSTE DE. — Born in Geneva (Switzerland). Pupil of P. Dela- roche and M. C. Jacquard. Swiss School. PiNTUEiccHio, Beenaedino DI Betto ; called Pintueicchio. — Bom at Perugia, in 1454. Died at Sienna, 1513. Probably the scholar of P. Perugino, under whom he painted in Rome in 1484. Employed by the Cardinal Picco- lommini, at Sienna, from 1502 to 1509, during part of which time Raphael was one of his assistants. Roman School. PiOMBo; see Sebastiano. Plassan, Antoine Emile. Bom in Bordeaux. Received 3rd Class Medal, 1852, 1857, and 1859. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1859. French School. PoELEMBEEO, KoENELis. — Born at Utrecht, 1585. Died there, 1660. Studied under A. Bloemart. Went to Italy. He had many imitators. Dutch School. PoLLAJUOLO. — The family name of several Florentine artists, who were painters, sculptors, goldsmiths, and engravers. Antonio, the most celebrated, was born 1433, and died in 1498. Piero was born 1443. Florentine School. PONTOEMO, Jacopo ; Caeeucci, called. — Bom, 1494. Died at Florence, 1556. Scholar of Andrea del Sarto. He was the master of Angelo Bronzino, and himself an excellent portrait painter. Florentine School. 367 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. PoKDENONE, GiovANNi Antonio Licinio ; Called from his birthplace PoE- DENONE. Born, 1483. Died at Ferrara in 1539. Scholar of P. da San Daniele, and follower of Giorgione. Venetian School. Post, Mdlle. C. De. Swedish School. Potter, Paul. — Born at Enckhuysen, 1625. Died at Amsterdam, 1654. Scholar of his father, Pieter Potter, whom he greatly surpassed. One of the best animal painters. His finest works were painted about 1644. Butch School. PoussiN, Gaspae. — Born at Rome, of French parents, 1613. Died in Rome, 1675. His name was Dughet, but he became the pupil of Nicolas Poussin, who married his sister, and took his name. One of the most celebrated landscape painters. French School. PoussiN, Nicolas. — Born at Andely, in Nonnandy, about 1594. Died at Rome, 1665. Studied under Quentin Varin, a painter of Andely, but was almost self-taught. The greatest painter France has produced. French School. Peotais, a. Paul. — Born in Paris. Pupil of Desmoulins. Received 3rd Class Medal, 1863 ; Medal, 1864 and 1865. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1865. French School. PULIGO, DoMENico. — This Florentine painter was born about 1475, and died 1527. He was so close an imitator of Andrea del Sarto, that his works are often mistaken for those of Andrea Florentine School. Pynackee, Adam.— Born, 1621. Died, 1673. Went youn^to Italy. An excellent landscape painter, who painted well both figures and animals. Dutch School. Raeburn, Henry, R.A. — ^Bom near Edinburgh in 1756. Died, 1823. His first master was a local portrait painter, named Martin. Went to Italy in 1778. His portraits are said to have been striking likenesses. British School. Raphael, Santi, or Raffaello Sanzio. — Born at Urbino, the 6th of April, 1483. Died on the 6th of April, 1520. His father, Giovanni Santi, although a good painter, died when Eaphael was only twelve years of age ; the latter is, therefore, generally said to have had Pietro Perugino for his first master. Under him he painted until 1504, and Paphael's earliest works were executed in the style of Perugino. Visited Florence in that year, and resided there princi- pally until 1507. Went to Pome in 1508, where he remained almost constantly until his death. By general consent esteemed the greatest painter among the moderns ; as no other artist has excelled, to the same degree, in all those portions of the art of painting which must be combined to form a perfect picture. Excelled also as an architect, and modelled a few works for sculpture. Boman School. Reinagle, Philip. — Died in 1834. Pupil of AUen Ramsay. A capital painter of animals. Celebrated for his imitations of the old Dutch masters. English School. Reinagle, Richard Ramsay, R.A. — Born in 1775. Died, 1862. Son of Philip Peinagle. Remarkable as a landscape and cattle painter. English School. Rembeandt, Heemanzoon van Ryn. — Born at Ley den, 1606-7. Died at Amsterdam, 1669. Scholar of Swarenburg, Lastonan, and Pinas, under whom he studied about four years. Nature, however, appears to have taught him more than all these masters. Settled at Amsterdam in 1630, and remained there until his death. His etchings, of which the finest examples are in this Collection, are very valuable. Butch School. Reni, Guido. — Born at Calvenzani, near Bologna, in 1575. Son of a musician. The celebrated pupil of Denis Calvart, and the Carracci. A sketch of his greatest work, "The Aurora," is in this collection. School of Bologna. Reynolds, Sie J., P.R.A.— Born at Plymton, in Devonshire, 1723. Died, 1792. Son of a clergyman. Pupil of Hudson in 1740. Visited Italy in 1749, and the Netherlands in 1781 and 1783. The first President of the Royal Academy . 368 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Bhodes, J. N". — Bom at Leeds in 1809. Died in 1842. Showed from his earliest years a very decided taste for painting. Many of his pictures were exhibited both in Provincial and London exhibitions. British School. EiCHABDSON, J. — ^Bom about 1665. Died, 1745. Pupil of Riley. Author of several very able criticisms on art and other works. British School. Eeedel, a. Moman School. Egbert, Louis Leopold. French School. KoBEETS, D., R.A. — Bom near Edinburgh, 1796. Died in 1864. Appren- ticed to a house painter. Painted scenes for theatres, and although entirely self- taught, rose to be one of the best architectural and landscape painters the English School has produced. British School. Eoelas, Juan de las. Bom at Seville. Studied Titian. Spanish School. EoMNET, Gr., R.A. — ^Bom at Furness or Beckside, near Dalton, Lancashire, in 1734. Died in 1802. Son of a cabinet-maker. After residing at York, came to London in 1762. Went to Italy, and returned to London in 1775, where he remained until a short time before his death. British School. EoMANO, GuiLio PiPPi, whose family name was Giannuzzi ; best known as GiULio EoMANO. — Born at Rome in 1492 or 1498. Died at Mantua in 1546. Pupil of Raphael Sanzio, and finished some of the works left incomplete at his death. Painted others after Raphael's designs. Went in 1524 to Mantua, where he executed his great frescoes in the Palazzo del Te. In some of his best works he approached very closely to Raphael. Eminent also as an architect. Eoman School. Eoos, Philip; called Rosa di Tivoli. — Born at Frankfort, 1665. Died at Rome, 1705. Landscape and animal painter. Resided many years in Italy. German School. EoSA, G. S. — Born at Antwerp, 1591. Died at Genoa in 1638. Resided long at Rome. Celebrated as a painter of animals. He must not be confounded with Rosa di Tivoli. Roman School. EoSA Salvatoe. — ^Born at Renella, near Naples, in 1615. Died at Rome, 1673. Son of an architect, and pupil of Fracanzano, a relative, who was a painter. Encouraged by the praises of Lanfranco, he went to Rome in 1635, and settled there in 1638. His landscapes are superior to his historical pictures, some of which, however, are remarkable for composition and expression. Neapolitan School. EOSALBA, Caeeieea. — Bom near Venice, in 1678. Died at Venice, in 1757. Pupil of Diamentini. Painted in oil and miniature, but principally in coloured chalks, in which branch of arts she attained the highest perfection. Venetian School. EUBENS, Petee Paul. — ^Born at Siegen, in Westphalia, 1577. Died at Antwerp, 1640. His principal master was Van Veen. In 1600 went to Italy, and from thence, in 1605, to Spain. Returned to Italy, and afterwards, in 1608, to Antwerp. In 1620 was at Paris. Came to England in 1630. Twice married ; the portraits of his wives are No. 627 and No. 647 of this Collection. Taking into consideration the various styles in which he excelled, Rubens was the greatest painter of the Flemish School. There are at least twelve hundred engravings after his works. Flemish School. EuiPEEEZ, Luis. — Bom at Murue (Spain). Pupil of Meissonier. Spanish School. EuYSDAEL, Jacob. — ^Born at Haarlem about 1625. Died there, 1681. Supposed to have studied under his friend Berchem. The figures in his pictures are often painted by A. Van de Velde, Wouvermans, and Lingelbach. Dutch School. EuYSDAEL, Solomon. — Bom at Haarlem, 1616. Alive in 1673. Scholar of Van Goyen. Their works are very similar. The elder brother of Jacob Ruys- dael. Dutch School. 369 BIOGRAPHICAL WOTICES. BtnrscH, Rachel. — ^Bom at Amsterdam, 1664. Died there, 1750. Daughter of the celebrated medical professor. Scholar of Willem van Aelst. Dutch School. Ryckaert, Dayid. — Born at Antwerp, 1615. Died there in 1661-2. Son a painter, but a superior artist to his father. His best pictures are at Vienna, many of which represent fire-light effects. Flemish School. Sacchi, Andrea. — Bom near Rome, 1598. Died in Rome, 1661. Pupil of Albano, and one of the best painters of the Eoman School. Equally great as a designer and colourist. His picture of St. E-omualdo is one of the four most celebrated pictures in Rome. Roman School. Salentim. — Pupil of Tidemand. Norwegian School. Saiimbeni, Ventijea; called II Cav Bevilacqua. — Bom, 1557. Died, 1613. Pupil of his father ArcangioH. Studied Correggio's works. Sienese School. Santafede, Fabrizio. Bom, 1560. Died, 1634. Pupil of his father Fran- cesco Santafede, of the Neapolitan School. Saeto, Andrea Yannucchi d'Agnolo ; commonly called Andrea del Sarto. — Born at Florence, 1488. Died at Florence, of the plague, in 1530. Pupil of Pietro di Cosimo. One of the great painters, both in fresco and oil, of the Florentine School. Florentine School. Sassoeerrato, Giovanni Battista Salyi; called Sassoferrato, from having been born at that place in 1605. Died in Eome, 1685. Scholar of his father, who was also a painter. Roman School. Satchleyen, Cornelis. — Born, 1612. Living in 1682. Painted in the style of Ostade, but was inferior to that painter. Dutch School. Savoldo, Geronimo, of Brescia. — Flourished about 1540. Was among the best artists of his time, and in works on a small scale rivalled Titian. He died at Venice. Venetian School. ScHAEFELS, Hendrick. German School. ScHALCKEN, GoDEFRiED. — Bom at Dort, 1643. Died at the Hague, 1706. Scholar of Gerard Dou. Though best known by his small pictures lighted by a candle, he occasionally painted on a larger scale. Dutch School. ScHAMPHELEER, Edmond de. — Bom in Brussels. Belgian School. ScHELLiNCKS, WiLLiAM. — Born at Amsterdam in 1632. Died, 1678. Scholar of J. Lingelbach. Painted a celebrated picture of the embarkation of Charles II. , at the time of the Restoration. Dutch School. SCHELLiNCKS, or ScHELLiiTGS, WiLLiAM. — Born at Amsterdam, 1632. Died, 1678. Supposed to have been a pupil of Lingelbach. He was in England in 1662. An excellent landscape and marine and figure painter, Dutch School, ScHENK, AuGusTE F. A. — Born in Duchy of Holstein. Pupil of Leon Coginet. Medal, 1865. German School. ScHERWOOD, VoLDEMAR. Mussiau School. ScHLESiNGER, HENRi-GinLLAUiyiE. — Born at Frankfort-on-Mein. Eeceived the 3rd Class Medal, 1840 ; 2nd Class Medal, 1847. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1866, German School. ScHOFTEN, H. J. — Received Gold Medal at Amsterdam. Dutch School, ScHOOREEL, Jan. — Born, 1495. Died at Utrecht, 1562. Pupil of Mabuse. The first who introduced the Italian style of painting into his own country. Dutch School. SCHREYER, Adolphe. — Bom at Frankfort-on-Mein. Received 1st Class Medal, 1864 ; do. 1865, Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, German School. SCHWEICZHARDT, H. W.— Born at Brandenbourg, in 1746. Died in London, 1707. Came to England in 1786. Resided long at the Hague. Dutch School. 370 BIOGRAPHICAL TsTOTICES. Sbbastiano del Piombo, Sebastian Luciano ; called Fra Sebastiano del PiOMBO, from his office, "Keeper of Leaden Seals." — Born in Venice, 1485. Died in Eome, 1547. Pupil of Giovanni Bellini and Giorgione. Came to Rome about 1512, and painted in the Farnesina. The friend of Michelangelo, who assisted him in some of his pictures, more particularly those he painted in competition with Raphael. Excelled in portrait painting. Venetian School. Segees, Daniel; more properly Zegees. — Born, 1590. Died in the Jesuit Convent at Antwerp, in 1661. Studied painting under Jan Breughel. Flemish School. Seignac, Paul. — Bom at Bordeaux. Pupil of M. Picot. French ScJiooL Serres, Dominic, R:A. — Born at Auch, in Prance. Died, 1793. Came to England in 1765. Painted many marine pieces, among others Lord Howe's Victory in 1782. British School. Seerttee, Auguste. Belgian School, Seymoue, J. — Born in London, 1702. Died, 1752. Son of a banker, who was intimate with Sir Peter Lely. A good painter of racehorses, English School. Scheffee; see Aey. SiCHEL, J. Siegee, a. Belgian School. Singleton, Heney. — Bom in London, 1766. Died in 1839. Por more than fifty years he was a constant exhibitor in the Royal Academy, but never arrived at any of its honours. British School. SiRANi, Elizabetta.— Born at Bologna, 1638. Died, 1664. Daughter and pupil of G. A. Sirani. Imitated Guido. School of Bologna. SiRANi, Gr. A.— Born at Bologna, 1610. Died, 1670. One of the favourite scholars of Guido Reni, and finished several of his master works after his death. School of Bologna. Slingelandt, Peter van. — Born at Leyden, 1640. Died, 1691. Scholar and close imitator of Gerard Dou. Dutch School. Slingeneyee, E. German School. Smieke, p., p. a. — Bom at Wigton in 1752. Died, 1845. Better known as a designer than painter. British School. Smith, Geoege. — Born at Chichester in 1714. Died, 1766. Self-taught. An excellent landscape painter, some of whose works have been engraved by Woollett. His two brothers, William and John, were, as artists, inferior to George. British School. Snydees, Peans. — Born at Antwerp, 1579. Died there, 1657. Studied under Breughel and Van Balen. Painted much with Rubens, whom, as a painter of animals, he nearly equalled. Flemish School. SoDOMA, Gian ANTONIO Pazzi (called II Sodoma). — Bom at Vercelli about 1480. Died, 1554. According to Lanzi, the scholar of Giovenone. One of the greatest masters of the School of Sienna. SoLAEio, Andeea da, or Milanese. — Born aborut 1458, at Solario, near Milan, and was still living in 1515. Said to have been a pupil of Leonardo da Vinci. School of Milan. SoLiMENA, Feancesco; called also L'abbate Ciccio. — Bom at Nocera de' Pagani, in 1657. Died at Naples, 1747. One of the most remarkable among the ItaUan painters whose works are of an ornamental character. Neapolitan School. Spagna, Giovanni di Pieteo (called Lo Spagna). — Living in 1516. Next to Raphael Sanzio, the most distinguished pupil of Perugino. Barnaul School. Speingee, C. — Chevalier of the Couronne de Chene, and the Order of Leopold, at Amsterdam. Dutch School. 371 BIOaRAPHICAIi ]SrOTICES. Stanfield, Clarkson, R.A.— Bom at Sunderland in 1798. Died, 1867. A sailor in early life, and as an artist self-taught. First distinguished him- self as a scene painter, and from that time his works rose rapidly in public estimation. British School. Steen, Jan.— Born at Leyden about 1620. Died, 1679. Studied with Nicolas Knupfer and J an van Goyen, whose daughter Steen married. One of the most original artists of the Dutch School. Stevens, Alfred. — Eeceived 3rd Class Medal, 1853; 2nd Class Medal, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1863. Belgian School. Stone, Frank, A.R.A.— Born at Manchester, 1800. Died, 1859. Son of a cotton-spinner. Was entirely self-taught. Many of his works have been en- graved. British School. Storch, Abraham. — ^Bom at Amsterdam, 1650. Died, 1708. Imitator of Backhuysen. Dutch School. Stothard, Thomas, B.A. — ^Born in London, 1755. Died in 1834. Son of a publican. Educated at Stutton, near Tadcaster, the birthplace of his father. One of the best designers England has produced. British School. Stry, Abraham van, and Jacob. — There were two painters of this name, both born at Dort, 1753-6. They were remarkable for their imitations of Cuyp. Dutch School. Stubbs, George. — Born at Liverpool in 1724. Died in 1806. A celebrated painter of horses and sporting subjects. Published a work on the Anatomy of the Horse. British School. Stjbleyras, Peter. — Born at Usez, in Languedoc, in 1699. Died at Borne, 1749. Scholar of Anthony Rivalz, of Toulouse. He went afterwards to Paris and Rome, where his works were much esteemed. French School. SuSTERMANS, JuSTUS. — Born at Antwerp, 1597. Died at Florence. Went young to Italy, and was much employed by the Tuscan Court. His best works show powerful and clear colours and good drawing. Flemish School. SwERTCHKOEF, NICHOLAS. . Mussian 8chool, Tassi, Agostino ; whose family name was Bijonavinci. — Born at Perugia, in 1566. Died in 1642. Scholar of Paul Bril, and master of Claude Lorraine. Roman School. Taverner, William. — Died in 1772. A proctor in Doctors' Commons, who, although an amateur, painted remarkably well in the style of Gaspard Poussin. British Schou I. Ten Kate, Herman. — Chevalier of the Couronne de Chene, and Chevalier of the Order of Leopold. Dutch School. Teniers, David the Elder. — Born at Antwerp, 1582. Died, 1649. Formed his style, during a long stay at Rome, upon that of Elshsimer. Many of the early productions of his son are attributed to him. Flemish School. Teniers, David the Younger.' — Son of the elder David Teniers. Bom at Antwerp, 1610. Died at Brussels, 1694. Studied under his father and Brauwer. The celebrated Flemish painter whose very numerous and excellent works, are so well known. Flemish School. Terburq, Gerard. — Born at Zwol, 1608. Died, 1681. Learned painting from his father, and while still young visited Germany, Italy, and Spain. Peturning to his own country, he settled at Deventer, where he became Burgomaster. Painted the portrait of our William III. Dutch School. Theotocopuli, Domenico ; known as El Grecho. — Born about 1548. Died at Toledo in 1625. Painter, sculptor, and architect. Said to have studied under Titian. Spanish School. TiARiNi, Alessandro. — Born at Bologna, in 1577. Died in 1668. Scholar of Prospero Fontana, Cesi, and Passignano. One of his best pictures represents Saint Domenic raising a dead person to life ; which Lodovico Carracci pronounced to be superior to most of the productions of his time. Bolognese School. 372 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. TiDEMAND, A. — Eeceived 1st Class Medal, Paris, 1855. Norwegian School, TiEPOLO, Giovanni Battista. — Born at Venice, 1697. Died at Madrid, 1770. Painted in that city, in fresco, with much spirit, in the style of Paul Veronese. His sons also painted in the same manner. Venetian School. Tintoretto, Jacopo Eobusti; called II Tintoretto, or the little dyer, his father working at that trade. — Born at Venice, 1512. Died in Venice, in 1594. Formed himself by imitating Michel Angelo in design, and Titian in colouring. By intense application he became the rival of the latter. His best pictures on a large scale are still at Venice. Particularly successful in portraits. Venetian School. TissoT, Jajies. — ^Born at Nantes. Medal, in Paris, 1866. French School, Titian, Tiziano Vecellio da Cadoee. — Bom at Capo del Cadore, in the Venetian State, in 1477. Died of the plague in 1576. Scholar of the Bellini. The greatest painter in the Venetian School. His works are very numerous, and embrace an almost endless variety of subjects. Venetian School. ToL, DoMiNiCK VAN. — Living in 1680. Imitated Gerard Don so closely that his pictures are often sold for Don's. Dutch School. Trayee, Jean Baptiste Jules. — Born in Paris. Pupil of his father and M. Lequien. Received the 3rd Class Medal, 1853, and the 3rd Class Medal, at the Universal Exhibition, 1855, Member of the Royal Dutch Academy at Amsterdam. French School. Teoyon, Constant. — Born at Sevres (Seine et Oise), August 28th, 1810; Died in Paris, February 21st, ] 865. Pupil of M. Riocreux. Received 3rd Class Medal, 1838 ; 2nd Class, 1840 ; 1st Class, 1846 and 1848. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1849. Medal, 1st Class, at the Universal Exhibition, 1855. French School. TuEA, Cosmo. — Born at Ferrara about 1418. Living in 1481. Scholar of Galasso Galassi. School of Ferrara. TuECHi, Alessandeo (called L'Orbetto). — Born at Verona, in 1582. Died at Rome, in 1648. Named L'Orbetto from having in his early youth led a bUnd man about. Pupil of Brusasorci and C. Cagliari. He endeavoured to combine the Roman taste of design with Venetian colouring. His best pictures are at Verona. Roman Schocl. TuENEE, J. M. W., R.A. Born in London, 1775. Died, 1851. Having early displayed a taste for drawing, he received some instruction in perspective from an artist named Malton, and entered the Royal Academy, as a student, in 1789. His subsequent successful career is well known. British School. Uden, Lucas van. — Born at Antwerp, 1595. Living there in 1662. Pupil of his father. He frequently painted the landscape background of pictures in which Rubens and Teniers painted the figures. Flemish School. TJdine, Giovanni Bicamatoee or Nanni da. — ^Born at Udine, in 1487. Died at Rome, in 1564. Said to have been the pupil of Giorgione. Worked under Raphael, and became celebrated for the arabesque ornaments he painted and executed in stucco. Was buried, at his own request, near Raphael. Roman School. UwiNS, T., R.A. — Born in London, 1782. Died, 1857. Originally an en- graver, but studied, afterwards, painting at the Royal Academy. British School. Valentin, Le. — Bom at Colomiers, in France, 1600. Died at Rome, 1632. Pupil of Vouet. Imitator of Caravaggio. Roman School. Valkenbeeg, Lucas van. — Born at Mechlin, where he died in 1625. He and his two brothers painted scenes in peasant and soldier life, in a gray tone. Flemish School. Van Haanen, Renir. Dutch School. Van Hove aitd Willems. Belgiaoi School. Van Hove, Victoe. — Bom at Renaix (Belgium) . Received 3rd Class Medal, (Sculpture) 1855 ; 3rd Class Medal (Historical Genre), 1863. Belgian School. 373 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Van Kuyck. Belgian School. Van Moee, J. B. Belgian School. Van Muyden. Swiss School. Van Schandel, Peteus. — Bom at Breda (Holland). Pupil of the Academy, Antwerp, and of M. Van Bree. Medal, 3rd Class (Genre), 1844 ; Medal, 2nd Class, 1847. Dutch School. Vankopet. School of Busseldorf. Vanni, Peancesco. — Born at Sienna, in 1563. Died in 1610. Pupil of Passarotti, but improved himself greatly by studying the works of Correggio and Barocci. School of Sienna. Vansomee, Paul. — Born at Antwerp, 1576. Died in London, 1621. Came to England about 1606, and painted many portraits in this country. Flemish School. Vasaei, Gioegio. — Born at Arezzo, 1512. Died at Florence, 1574. The celebrated author of the "Biographies of the old Italian Artists." Florentine School. Vautiee, Benjamin. — Born at Morges (Canton de Vaud, Switzerland). Pupil of the Academy of Dusseldorf and of M. Jordan. Medal, 1865. S^uiss School. Vecchia, Pieteo BELLA. — ^Bom, 1605. Died, 1683. His name is said to have been Muttoni. Follower of II Padovanino. Imitated Giorgione, Titian, and other older masters in a remarkable manner. Venetian School. Velasquez, Diego Rodeiguez de Silva y Velasquez. — Born at Seville, 1599. Died at Madrid, 1660. Pupil of Herrera the Elder, and Pacheco, whose daughter he married. Studied the works of Titian. Painted, besides other celebrated works, many portraits in the reign of Philip IV. Spanish School. Velde, William van de, thh; Youngee. — Born at Amsterdam, 1633. Died at Greenwich, 1707. Scholar of his father and De Vlieger. Came to England in the reign of Charles II. Unquestionably the most able marine painter that Holland has produced. Butch School. Venusti, Maecello ; called Mantuano. — ^Bom at Mantua, in 1515. Died in 1576. Scholar of Perino del Vaga. Painted many beautiful pictures, frequently after the design of Michelangelo. Eoman School. Veeboecehoven and Van Hove, Belgian School. Veeboeckhoven, Eugene. — Officer of the Order of Leopold; Chevalier of the Couronne de Chene ; 3rd Class Medal, 1855 ; 2nd Class Medal, 1824 ; 1st Class, 1841. Belgian School. Veeboom. — A native of Holland, who painted about 1650. He was a goop landscape painter, but little known. Wouvermans and Lingelbach sometimes painted the figures in his pictures. Dutch School. Veeelst, Simon. — Born at Antwerp, 1664. Died, 1710. A painter of flowers and fruit, who subsequently executed, in a laboured style, a number of portraits in this country, in the reign of Charles II. Flemish School Veelat, Chs.— Received 3rd Class Medal, in 1853; 2nd Class, 1855, Hon- ourably mentioned in Paris, 1861. Belgian School. Veenet, Hoeace. French School. Veenet, Joseph.— Born at Avignon, 1712. Died, 1786. Went young to Rome, and became there the pupil of Adrian Manglard. French School.^, Veeonese ; see Caliaei. Veeschuue, W. Butch School. Veeveee. Butch School. Vibeet, J. Geoeges.— Bom in Paris. Pupil of M. Barrias. Medal, 1864. French School. 374 BIOaBAPHICAIi NOTICES. ViLiiAREAii. Spanish School. Vinci, Leonardo da.^ — Born at Florence, in 1452. Died at Cloux, near Amboise, in 1519. Son of a notary, and scholar of Andrea Verocchio. Excelled in most of the arts and sciences known in his time, and carried painting, particularly in oil, to a degree of perfection which it had not reached before his time. Florentine School. ViNNE, VAN DER. — There were several painters of this name who were born and painted at Haarlem between 1620 and 1700, all second-rate artists. Dutch School. VrvARiNi, Bartolommeo. — Lived between 1440 and 1500. One of the earliest painters in oil of the "Venetian School. Cotemporary with the Bellini. Venetian School: VoLKHART, W. German School, VoLTERRA, Daniele Ricciarelli di. — Bom at Volterra, 1509. Died at Eome, 1566. Scholar of II Sodoma and Peruzzi. Follower of Michel Angelo. His most celebrated work is at Rome, " The Descent from the Cross." Florentine School. VoYS, or Vois, Ary b^. — Born, 1641. Died, 1698. Scholar of Knupfer and Van Tempel. His pictures are highly finished, and some approach in that respect . those of Mieris. Dutch School. Waldorp, a. Dutch School. WAiiKER, Robert. — Died about 1660. Painted in the reign of Charles I., at the time when Vandyck was in England, whose works be studied. He painted the portrait of Oliver Cromwell several times, British School. Ward, James, R. A. — Born, 1769. Died, 1859. A very skilful engraver and landscape painter, but more remarkable as a painter of animals. British School. Waterloo, Anthony. — Probably born at Utrecht about 1618. An excellent painter of landscapes, but most celebrated for his etchings, which are truly excellent. Dutch School. Watteau, Antoine.— Bom at Valenciennes in 1684. Died, 1721. French School. Weenix, Jan. — Born at Amsterdam, 1644. Died there, 1719. Pupil of his father. Although he usually painted dead game, and such subjects, there are some good landscapes and flower pieces by him. Dutch School. West, Benjamin, P.R.S. — Born at Springfield, in Pennsylvania, 1738. Died, 1820. Went to Italy, and arrived in London in 1763. He will be always remembered as having been the first who divested the figures in scenes of modem history of the Greek and E-oman costume. British School. Weyben, RoaiER van der, the Elder. — Was born at Toumay or Louvain, and was known as a painter in 1430. He died at Brussels, in 1434. Followed the style of Van Eyck, and visited Italy. The Younger, Van der We y den, was born about 1450, and died 1529. There were other artists of the same name. FlcDiish School. Wider. Boma^i School. Wieschebrink. German School. Wllkie, David, R.A. — Bom in 1785, at Cults, in Fifeshire, of which his father was pastor. Died in 1841. Came to London in 1805, and from that time his pictures were eagerly sought for, and his career unusually successful. British School. Willeborts, Thomas; called Bochaerts. — Born at Bergen-op-Zoom, 1613. Died at Antwerp, 1656. Scholar of G. Segers, and imitator of Vandyck. Flemish School. WiLLEMS, Florent. — Received 3rd Class Medal, 1844; 2nd Class Medal, 1846. ChevaHer of the Order of Leopold, 1851. Legion of Honour, 1853. Belgian School. 375 BIOGRAPHICAL ISrOTICES; Wilson, R., R.A. — Born in Montgomeryshire in 1714. Son of a clergyman who possessed a small benefice in that county. Wilson began his artistic career as a portrait painter ; but going to Rome, he became acquainted with Zuccherelli and Vernet, by whose persuasion he was induced to devote himself entirely to land- scape painting. British School. WiNTEEHALTEE, FeanCois Xaviee. — ^Born at Baden, in 1806. Received a 2nd Class Medal in 1836 ; two 1st Class Medals in 1837 and 1855, and Officer of the Legion of Honour. French School. WiTTE, Emanuel de. — Born at Alkmaar, 1607. Died, 1692. Scholar of Evert Van Aelst. Excelled in painting the interiors of Churches. Dutch School. WOLGEMUTH, MiCHAEL. — Born, 1434. Died, 1519. His pictures are of very unequal merit. German School. WooTTON, John. — Died, 1765. One of the best animal and landscape painters of his time. British School. WouvEEMANS, Philip.' — Born at Haarlem, 1620. Died, 1668. Scholar of Jan "Wynants. One of the most eminent painters of the Dutch School. In delicacy and spirit his works have never been surpassed. Dutch School. Weight, Joseph ; called Weight of Deeby, from the place where he was born, in 1734. Died in 1797. Pupil of Hudson. Most of Wright's works are still in the possession of his townsmen, who know their value. British School. Wynants, Jan.^ — Born at Haarlem, 1600. Still living in 1677. His pictures are in general very carefully painted. The figures in them usually by other artists. Dutch School. YvoN, Alolphe. — Born at Eschwiller (Moselle), in 1817. Pupil of P. Delaroche. Eeceived 1st Class Medal, 1848 ; 2nd Class Medal, 1855. Legion of Honour, 1855. Great Honour Medal, 1857. French School. Zampieei, Domenico; called Doimenichino. ■ — Born at Bologna. Died, probably poisoned, at Naples in 1641. The most able scholar of the Carracci. One of the greatest painters of the Italian School. His landscapes are rare. School of Bologna. Zana. Dusseldorf School. Zeeman, Bemt.— Born at Amsterdam, 1612. A painter of marine subjects. His etchings are numerous. Dutch School. Zenale, Beenadino. — Born at Trevilio. Died in 1526. Pupil of Civerchio. Friend of Leonardo da Vinci, and mentioned by him in his works. Author of books on Perspective. School of Milan. ZoEFANY, JoHAN, R.A. — Born at Erankfort, 1735. Died in 1772. Came to England when about thirty years of age. German School. ZucCAEELLi, Peancesco, R.A. — Born in Italy, about 1710. Died in Florence, 1788. Came to England in 1752, and remained here some years. Florentine School. ZuccHEEO, Fedeeigo. — Born at St. Angelo, in Vado, 1543. Died, 1609. Pupil of his brother, Taddeo Zucchero. Came to England in 1574. jPainted portraits of Queen Elizabeth and her Courtiers ; Mary Queen of Scots also sat to him. Boman School. ZuEBAEAN, Tez: CISCO DE. — Born at Puente de Cantos, 1598. Died, 1662. It is not know:: under whom he studied, but probably his master was a pupil of Morales. His finest works are still in Spain. Spanish School. ZoEa, Hendeik Maetenz Pokes ; called Zoeg. — Bom at Rotterdam, 1612. Died, 1682. Said to have studied under Teniers. Flemish School. EDWARD BAINES AND i OKS, GEhEEAL miKTEflS, LEEDS. I ) GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00105 7385