THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute CATALOGUE OF THE NAPIER COLLECTION WEST SHANDON, DUMBARTONSHIRE. CATALOGUE OF THE ORKS OF R FORMING THE COLLECTION OF ROBERT NAPIER, OF WEST SHANDON, DUMBARTONSHIRE. MAINLY COMPILED BY J. C. ROBINSON, F.S.A. MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS OF FLORENCE, AND OF ST. LUKE AT ROME, ETC; ART REFEREE OF THE SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. LONDON; PRIVATELY PRINTED. 1865. M 52.H7 NZ\ PTTTV k.icfiiM I IQRARY Leitch, Del . Orrin Smith, Sc Weft Shandon Houfe, from the Garden. PREFACE. URING feveral vifits to Weft Shandon, in fuccef- five years, the writer occupied himfelf in making catalogues of different fedtions of this Colledtion. Other friends, whofe names are appended to their refpedtive contributions, did likewife ; but no fyftematic plan for the produdtion of a complete catalogue was formed in the firft inftance ; fome portions of the work have in confequence been executed in greater detail than others. Many errors and fhort- comings will doubtlefs be difcovered — one fource of them has been the practical impoffibility, when points of uncertainty have prefented themfelves, of verifying and comparing again the written defcriptions with the objedts in queftion, the Colledtion being at the other extremity of the kingdom. As it is, however, this catalogue forms a tolerably complete record of an extenfive, varied, and important Collection of works of art, printed for the ufe of the owner, and for prefentation to his friends, as a fouvenir of his art gatherings. J. C. Robinson. Schelly, Del. Or Tin Smith, Sc. General View of Wejl Shandon from the Gareloeh. CONTENTS. Section I. Page Decorative Furniture. No. i to no . . . . . . I Section II. Pittures and Drawings. No. 301 to 588 ...... 10 Section III. Sculpture in Marble, Terra Cotta, &c. No. 702 to 743 ... 62 Section IV. Bronzes (of European origin). No. 802 10922 ..... 66 Section V. Carvings in Wood. No. 951 to 1002 77 Section VI. Carvings in Ivory. No. 1021 to 1127 . . • • • ^3 Section VII. Decorative Plate. Gold and Silver Smiths Work in General. No. 1141 to 1201 94 viii Contents. Section VIII. Mounted Cryitals, and other Objeds in Precious Materials. No. 1242 to 1269 ........... Section IX. Snuff-boxes, Bonbonnieres, Etuis, and fimilar Objeds of Bijouterie. No. 1271 to 1395 ......... Section X. Enamelled and other Miniatures. No. 1501 to 1547 . . . . Section XI. Limoges Enamels and other ancient Enamels of European origin. No. 1581 to 1625 . I Section XII. Watches and Clocks. No. 1651 to 1774 Section XIII. Jewellery, Cameos, Intaglios, &c. No. 1771, a to 1806 Section XIV. Mifcellaneous Objeds of Vertu. No. 1851 to 1871 Page 100 103 1 16 121 1 26 1 40 144 Contents. IX Section XV. P age Decorative Arms and Accoutrements. No. 2051 to 2174 . . . 147 Section XVI. Locks, Keys, &c, and other Ornamental Objefts in Wrought Iron. No. 2180 to 2258 159 Section XVII. Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c. No. 2271 to 2339 . . . . .167 Section XVIII. Various Works in Metal. No. 2342 to 2402 . . . . .174 Section XIX. Venetian and other Glafs Wares. No. 2432 to 2705 . . . .180 Section XX. Antique Greek and other Fidtile Wares. No. 2831 to 2858 . . 205 Section XXI. Majolica and Hilpano-Morelco Wares. No. 2871 to 3077 . . .210 Section XXII. Sculptures in Della Robbia Ware. No. 3102 to 3107 . . . 233 Section XXIII. Bernard Paliffy Ware. No. 3116 to 3127 . . . . . . 235 Section XXIV. Dutch, Flemilh, German and French Stonewares and Enamelled Earthen- wares, and Perfian Faience. No. 3141 to 3190 .... 238 Section XXV. Old Drefden, Vienna, and other German Porcelain Wares. No. 3251 to 3395 244 Section XXVI. Sevres Porcelain. No. 3501 to 3677 ...... 257 Section XXVII. Old Englifh Porcelain Wares, Chelfea, Worcefter, &c. No. 3751 to 3797 276 b X Contents. Section XXV I [I. Page Old Wedgwood Wares. No. 3831 to 3880 ..... 279 Section XXIX. Various European Porcelain. No. 4101 104154 .... 286 Section XXX. Mifcellaneous Objedls. No. 4061 to 4110 . . . . . 291 Section XXXI. Chinefe and Japanefe Porcelain. No. 4301 104502 .... 296 Section XXXII. Chinefe and other Oriental Enamels. No. 4702 to 4745 . . .312 Section XXXIII. Oriental Bronzes, Chinefe, Japanefe, &c. No. 4773 to 4802 . .317 Section XXXIV. Oriental Carvings and other Objefts in Jade, Soapftone, &c. No. 483 1 to 4883 ........... 320 Section XXXV. Oriental Lacquered Work. No. 4891 to 4904 ..... 323 Section XXXVI. Various Obje&s of Oriental Art. No. 4921 to 4937 .... 325 Section I. DECORATIVE FURNITURE.* A In the Drawing Room. i. N UPRIGHT CABINET in red fhell, enriched in front with drawers and panels of boule, in different kinds of metal and mother-of-pearl, white metal at the Tides, the drawers and doors in front, enriched with fubjedts from Roman hiflory, and with twilled columns with Corinthian capitals. The lower part forms an ecritoire, with Hiding top, it Hands on four columns of tortoife-fhell and ebony, alfo enriched with carved and gilt wood. 2 . A Knee-hole Commode, in red {hell and boule (premiere partie), containing feven drawers and cupboard, fupported by eight terminal legs. 3 - An Elliptical Front Console, of mahogany enriched with orna- mental metal frieze and mouldings ; it is fupported by four fluted columns, with lower fhelf, veined marble flab on top furrounded by a brafs gallery. French, period of Louis XVI. 4 ' A Mahogany Console with hollow ends, enriched with plain metal mouldings fupported on fluted columns, folid fhelf at bottom, metal open gallery on top and fhelf. 5 - A Florentine Mosaic Casket, confifting of five “ pietra dura” plaques reprefenting fruit and flowers, enriched with metal mouldings, and inferted in ebony on ornamental Hand of black wood enriched with metal mouldings. * Compiled by John Webb, Efq. and Robert Napier, Efq. B o Decorative Furniture Tulip-wood Casket containing four drawers, with fall-down flap, enriched with five plaques of decorated porcelain, on ftand with fhaped legs and metal ornaments. 7- Upright Venetian Girandole Mirror, the glafs richly engraved, the moulded and fhaped frame is in polifhed walnut wood furrounded with carved and gilt ornaments. The companion Girandole. 9- Another, the fame. 10. An Exquisitely-carved and Gilt Small Venetian Giran- dole Frame, with carved monkeys on the Tides and griffins on the top, contains an oval filvered glafs with cut edge. 1 1 . Another lefs elaborate, with bird on the top of frame. 12 . Another, with a pelican on the top. x 3- Another, with a griffin on the top. 14. An Elaborate and Richly-gilt Upright Girandole Frame, with plate of filvered glafs. *5- The companion Girandole Frame and Glafs. 16. A fine Carved and Gilt Chippendale Glass Frame, with birds at top, filled with filvered plate glafs in the various compartments (fixed over the red (hell cabinet). *7- The companion Frame filled with filvered glafs, and reaching the ceiling, is adapted over the marble chimney-piece. 18, 19. A Pair of Richly-carved and Gilt Torcheres, formed of male caryatides on fcroll fupports. Venetian work. 20. A Massively-carved and Richly-gilt Girandole Frame, by Chippendale, with birds on the Tides, and top filled with one fheet of filvered glafs. Decorative Furniture. 3 21 . A Carved and Gilt Barometer, with medallion-head of Caefar at the bottom, a vafe at the top. Old French work. 22 . An Octagon Table in Red Shell, inlaid with boule work, malfive fcroll metal ornaments to feet, caryatides on pillar and mouldings on edge of top and rim. 23. A Superb Writing Table of red fhell and boule work, on four double fcroll legs and ftretcher, with metal vafe in centre, the fides are ornamented with chafed metal mouldings and mafks, the morocco leather on top has the arms of France richly and finely embofled in the centre, the border alfo is a very fine fpecimen of the art. 24. A Small Ebony Reading Table, inlaid with coloured woods; metal rim, corners, &c. From the Duchefs of Bedford’s collec- tion. 25. A Small Card Table of walnut wood, inlaid with marquetrie. 26. A Fine Circular Centre Table with a rich fcroll border, inter- fperfed with various animals in pearl fhell. 27. A Triangular Card Table in walnut with fhaped legs, the top ornamented with beading, and with funk places for counters. 28. A Carved and Gilt Arm-chair covered in Utrecht velvet. 29. A Large Cut-glass Lustre in diamond pafte. A fplendid old Englifh work of the laft century, of unufually elegant defign, purchafed at the Duke of Buckingham’s fale at Stowe. In the Library. 30 - CYLINDER-FRONTED BUREAU of tulip wood and marquetrie, with an enclofed bookcafe, the doors are filled with elaborate marquetrie of palaces, arcades, &c ; it ftands on fhaped legs enriched with chafed metal orna- ments. JL Decorative Furniture. 3 1 - Another cylinder- fronted Bureau Writing-table, formed of walnut wood, and inlaid with trophies in marquetrie on “ therm” legs. 32 - An Enclosed Commode of walnut wood, inlaid with marquetrie reprefenting vafes, &c ; it has a “ tambour ” front, and the top is enriched with gadrooned metal moulding. 33- A Square Venetian Silvered Glass, with engraved glafs border filvered alfo, and with a richly-engraved and filvered glafs pedi- ment. 34- The companion Venetian Girandole mirror. 35- A Massive and Elaborately-carved Arm-chair, with circular back, in oak ; the cufhion in crimfon morocco. Flemifh or Dutch, 17th century work. 3 6 - The companion Chair. 37- A Fine Writing Table of old marquetrie, with fhaped legs and front, having a fhield with a ftag within, and a coronet above ; and a flag on each fide, the top covered with red morocco. 38 . A Circular Marble Table, inlaid with fpecimens of various Italian marbles, Florentine work, 3 ft. 9 in. diameter. 39 A companion Table, fame fize. 40. Seven FIigh-backed Marquetrie Chairs, the cufhions covered with Utrecht velvet. 41. A Circular Table in centre of room, top about 6 ft. 4 in. diameter, and 2 in. thick, in one piece of beautiful hard wood from one of the South Sea Ulands. In the Entrance Hall. 42. N ELABORATE AND RICHLY-CARVED HALL BENCH, in fine oak, 7 ft. 6 in. long. Flemifh work, circa 1700. Decorative Furniture. 5 Corridor. 43 - N OVAL CARVED AND GILT MIRROR FRAME, with vafe of flowers on the top and rich cartouche work on the Tides, with filvered glafs. 44 - A Carved and Gilt French Pier Table, with white marble flab. ^ 45 - The companion Frame and Glafs to No. 29. 46. The companion Table to No. 30. 47 - A Table compofed of a carved and gilt eagle fupporting a marble flab. 48. A Console Table, fix feet long, fhaped front, in richly-carved walnut, on fhaped legs with lion’s claws, veined marble top. A beau- tiful old Englifh work, circa 1720. 49. A Magnificently-carved and Gilt Cartouche Frame, with barometer in the centre, fufpended on the wall. Old French Louis XVth work. 50. The companion Frame, with clock in the centre, circular frame. 5 1 - An Ebony and Tortoise-shell Boule Therm Pedestal to fupport a bronze group. 5 2 - The companion. 53 - A Massive Ebony and Black Shell Boule “ Gaine ” Pedestal, with rich and mafflve metal ornaments to fupport a bronze group. 54 - The companion Boule Pedeftal. 55 - Four Venetian Hall Chairs in walnut wood, richly ornamented with inlaid marquetrie, with ivory, mother-of-pearl, &c. Late 17th or early 18th century work. (Contributed to the Manchefter Exhibition.) 6 Decorative Furniture. In Picture Gallery and Mujeum. 56. AIR OF BEAUTIFUL OLD FRENCH BRACKETS, in ebony and ormulu, finely chifelled, each with fix fmall {lands attached for cups and faucers, open-work gallery round the fhelves. 57 \ Two Oak Stools ornamented with Gothic vine-leaf carving, &c. Old Englifli Gothic work, circa 1470? faid to have come from Hever Caftle, Kent ; rare and interefting examples of Gothic furniture. 5 8 - A French Commode, with elliptic front, richly inlaid with fine marquetrie reprefenting a view of a chateau with garden, terrace, &c ; with metal panels and other ornaments, veined marble flab on the top. 59 - A French Commode, with marquetrie lefs elaborate, brown marble flab on top. 60. A Tall Ebony Pedestal Cabinet, with metal mouldings and mountings ; the front panel is enriched with raifed “ pietra dura” work, reprefenting a vafe filled with fruit and flowers in high relief, on the ends are metal trophies. 61. A Tulip-wood Cabinet enriched with plaques of decorative porce- lain and metal ornaments and mouldings, veined marble flab on top. 62. The companion Cabinet. 63 - An Ebony Venetian Table, enriched with elaborate Italian mar- quetrie of birds and foliage, many of the flowers are pearl and ivory ; 5 ft. long by 3 ft. 2 in. wide and 3 ft. high. 64. A Smaller Ebony Table on fhaped legs, inlaid with French mar- quetrie. 65 - Six Elaborately-carved High-backed Chairs, fine workman- fhip, covered with old painted and embofled leather. 66 . Six High-backed Chairs in walnut wood, covered with Utrecht velvet. Decorative Fur?titurc. 7 6 7 - An Oblong Table on twifted ebony legs and ftretcher, formed of walnut and fatin wood, and enriched with marquetrie in fatin wood and ebony. 68 . A Small Card Table, walnut wood, inlaid marquetrie. 69. A Large Gallery-organ, with elaborately-carved oak cafe in the Elizabethan ftyle. 70. Small Fire Screen, carved gilt frame, in four compartments, fitted with fine old Gobelins tapeftry. 71 - Small Circular Table, 3 ft. diameter, of marble mofaic work, with fpecimens of the fineft Italian marble inlaid round a circle in the centre, having three variegated butterflies on a black ground furrounding a fly with tranfparent wings on a white ground. 72. A Chinese Table, elaborately carved in rofewood, with marble top. In various other Rooms. 73 - FRENCH COMMODE, with fhaped front, inlaid chequers of tulip wood on the doors. 74. A Carved and Gilt Frame, with plate of filvered 75 - A Small Commode with folding doors of chequered marquetrie and marble top. 76. A fine Louis XVth French Commode, with three drawers, richly inlaid with marquetrie, marble flab on top, metal handles and ornaments. 77 - An Upright Secretaire, with fall-down flap, and cupboard below; the whole richly inlaid with marquetrie, metal efcutcheons, and orna- mental marble top. 78. An Encoignure, with marquetrie door and marble top. 79. The companion Encoignure. Decorative Furniture 80. Six High-backed Chairs, inlaid with marquetrie. 81. A Nest of Nine Drawers, with oval glafs and frames all in ivory, with engraved ornamentation. 82. A Workbox of ivory and Bengal inlaid work. 83. A Writing-desk of the fame ftyle. 84. A Semi-circular shaped Commode, enriched with marquetrie, cupboards at the ends, marble flab. 85. A Marquetrie Commode, with fix drawers, metal ornaments and handles, ftraight legs and marble top. 86 . An Encoignure inlaid with marquetrie in front, and with marble top. 87. A Small Mahogany-topped Table inlaid with marquetrie. 88 . An Ebony and Boule Commode, with three drawers, enriched with elaborate metal handles and ornaments. 89. A Commode, finely fhaped, enriched with inlaid woods, and with metal ornaments and handles. 90. An Upright Secretaire, with chequered marquetrie, a cupboard below . 9 1 - A Satin-Wood Wardrobe, doors above, and four drawers below, metal ornaments and handles. 92. A Marquetrie Encoignure, en fuite with No. 65. 93 - Four Marquetrie Chairs. 94. A Carved and Gilt Frame, with filvered glafs. 95 - A Cabinet, the doors ornamented with monogram of King George the Firft, furmounted by a crown, and all finifhed with rich marquetrie, on fhaped legs and ftretcher. Decorative Furniture. 9 96. A Trellis Marquetrie Commode. 97 - A fmaller ditto, with cupboard. 98 - Two Venetian Marquetrie Chairs, the feats fluffed and covered with emboffed and painted leather. 99. An Upright Marquetrie Secretaire, fimilar to No. 69. 100. A Satin-wood Commode, with drawers ; the panels of the doors in japan lac. 101. Two Small Encoignures with panels of marquetrie. 102. A Cabinet in Three Divisions, the doors of fine floriated Vene- tian marquetrie, each fide door having a complicated monogram, and coronet in the centre above. 103. A Small Card Table of walnut wood, inlaid with marquetrie. 104. A Large and Richly-carved Walnut-wood Buffet, in the French renaiffance ftyle ; modern French work, from the Great Exhibition of 1851. (In the dining-room). 105. An old Venetian Mirror, with frame fimilar to thofe in library, but fmaller, 106. Two Low-backed Marquetrie Chairs. 107. A Carved Gilt-framed Mirror of nearly fimilar fize to No. 73. 108. A Shaped Tulip-wood Commode, with three drawers, marble top and ormulu mountings. 109. A Cabinet of inlaid walnut, in fix divifions, with mirrors at the back. 1 10. A Shaped Cabinet of walnut wood, having two glafs doors above and three drawers below, with a concealed cupboard with fmall drawers at each end. c Section II. PICTURES. Italian Schools. 3°i. OSIMO ROSELLI, (born 1439, ftill living in 1506). Our Saviour after His Resurrection, ftanding in front of the Sepulchre ; His right hand is raifed in the adl of benedidtion ; in His left he holds a banner, charged with a red crofs on a white ground. In the background of the pidture are fmall figures of the Madonna and Child, and St. John. This pidlure may he taken as a typal example of the Florentine fchool of religious painting of the 15th century; the fubjedt itfelf is an imaginative or fymbolical one — the fevere abftradt ftyle of defign, the brilliant, yet unreal colouring, the fymmetrical manner in which the details of the pidture are arranged, are all charadteriftics which, feen in hundreds of pidtures of the fchool and period, muft be ac- cepted with due allowance as genuine evidences of the mode of thought and feeling of the age, and efpecially as a means of rendering pure devotional fentiment. Some knowledge of the hiftory of painting and of the architedlure and other kindred arts of the 15th century is, however, requifite to the full appreciation of pidlures of this clafs. On an arched or femicircular-headed panel. Height 4 ft. 9 in., width 2 ft. 6 in. 3°2. Gaudenzio Ferrari, (born, in the Milanefe, 1484, died 1550). An Entombment or u Pieta.” The dead Chrift feated on the tomb, Italian Schools. 1 1 fupported by the Virgin and St. John; in the background St. Jofeph and the Magdalen lamenting. This little pidture is a charadleriftic if not very important fpeci- men of one of the greateft of the Lombard painters. Gaudenzio Ferrari was one of the numerous artifts of the fchool of Milan, whofe ftyle became influenced by that of Leonardo da Vinci. Gaudenzio, however, whilft he undoubtedly derived from Leonardo many of the admirable qualities which diftinguifh his works, was by no means an imitator of the great Florentine. His productions, indeed, are original and charadteriftic, they difplay a largenefs of manner pre- vioufly unknown, and powerful and brilliant colouring, rivalling in this latter refpedt the greateft of the early Venetian matters, whilft, at the fame time, although diftinguifhed by a tendency to naturalifm or the feledtion of types of charadter from ordinary life, his works have much of the purity and fentiment of the early religious painters. The pradtice of heightening his works with gold was frequent with Gaudenzio and may be feen in this pidture, the high lights of the draperies, &c. being hatched or lined with gold, in a delicate and tafteful manner. On panel. Height 2 ft., width 1 ft. 10 in. From the Palazzo Porta at Vicenza. 3 ° 3 - Parmegiano (Francelco Mazzuoli), born 1503 or 1504, died about 1541- Portrait of a Lady wearing a jewelled turban — with a diminutive fpaniel dog in her lap — faid to be Caterina Cornaro, Queen of Cyprus. Parmegiano, next to Coreggio, whofe difciple he was, is the greateft name of the fchool of Parma. His ftyle perhaps is more familiar to us from his numerous drawings and etchings, than from his pidtures, although the latter, confidering his ftiort life, are numerous. The leading charadteriftics of his works are a certain grace and elegance of defign, combined with light and facile execution, in itfelf full of charm ; thefe charadteriftics, however, became at laft fomewhat of a meretricious manneriffn. With Parmegiano all veftiges of the dignified feverity of the earlier fchools difappeared, and he may be faid to have been one of the really great artifts whofe manner, neverthelefs, led the way to the decline of Italian art. As a portrait painter, however, Parmegiano is entitled to a high rank, fome of his more careful portraits rivalling in excellence even thofe of Titian. On canvas. Height 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. From Mr. Coefveldt’s Colledtion. Engraved in the Coefveldt Gallery. Pi Bures. I 2 3 ° 4 - Daniele da Volterra (Daniele Ricciarelli), born, at Volterra, 1509, died 1566, The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St. John, and various faints. Panel. Height 6 ft., width 4 ft. 3°5 Giovanni Francesco Grimaldi, called II Bolognefe. A Classical Landscape. This artift was one of the moft eminent of the Italian 17th century landfcape painters ; he was born at Bologna in 1606, and died in Rome, where he mainly refided, about 1680. He was allied with the Caracci family, and was an imitator of their ftyle in landfcape painting, and alfo of that of Domenichino. Canvas. Length 1 ft. 6 in., height 1 ft. 2 Jin. 306. Sassoferrato. St. Joseph carrying the Infant Saviour in his arms. The Child, who is clad in a bright red gown, has His right arm round Jofeph’s neck, whilft the latter raifes the child’s left hand to his lips and devoutly kiffes it. The figures are half-lengths. This pleafing compofition is an unufual one in Italian art ; it re- calls, on the other hand, many fubjedts painted about the fame time by Spanifh artifts, and it may therefore have been infpired by fome fimilar compofition of Alonzo Cano or Murillo, fuch adaptations being, it is well known, very frequent with Safloferrato. In Italian art the Infant Saviour is feldom clothed, the beautiful nude forms of infancy having in all periods formed one of its moft graceful themes. Devotional pidtures in which the “ Bambino,” or Infant Saviour, is, contrary to the ufual pradtice, draped, were generally painted for religious women, or for convents of nuns, cuftom having apparently eftablifhed this peculiarity as a rule. On canvas. Height 2 ft. 5 in. , width 1 ft. 11 in. 3 ° 7 - Sassoferrato. Holy Family. The Virgin bending in adoration over the Infant Saviour, who is afieep. An oval. This pidture is a copy or adaptation from an original by Guido Reni. Several other repetitions of this very popular compofition, by the hand of Saffoferrato, are extant; they are fcarcely lefs to be efteemed Italian Schools. 1 3 than if they were the work of Guido himfelf, to whom indeed Saflo- ferrato was apparently indebted for the compofltion or drawing only, the colouring and execution of thefe pictures being entirely his own ; it is probable, therefore, that they were reproduced from a contem- poraneous engraving or drawing after Guido’s pidture, and not copied diredtly from the original itfelf. Giovanni Batifta Salvi, called “ Safloferrato,” was, according to Lanzi, born at Safloferrato, near Urbino, in 1605, and died at Rome in 1685. He is faid to have been a pupil of Domenichino, and his pidtures {how unmiftakeable evidence of the influence of Domenichino’s ftyle. Safloferrato, however, was an original and excellent artifl: ; one of the very few whofe works are exempt from the prevalent mannerifm of the 17th century. On canvas. Length 3 ft. 6 in., height 3 ft. 308. Simone Cantarini da Pesaro, (born 1612, died 1648). The Saviour, reprefented as a child of feven or eight years old, {land- ing on the globe ; He is unclad and holds the crofs in His hand. Simone da Pefaro was the befl: of the numerous imitators of Guido Reni ; he is efpecially known from his many etchings, and alfo from his drawings, ufually in red chalk, the number of which, extant in various colledtions, proves him to have been a rapid and moll induftrious •worker. (From Sir Robert Strange’s Colledtion). Height 2 ft. 11 in., width 2 ft. 1 in. 309. Camillo Gabrielli. A Female Saint, at the point of death, fupported by angels, receiving the viaticum from an aged prieft. Gabrielli was a native of Pifa, his pidlures were executed towards the end of the 17th century, and difplay great technical ability, they fomewhat refemble the better known works of Ciro Ferri and Pietro da Cortona. Canvas. Height 2 ft. 3 in., width 1 ft. gin. 3 10 - Giovanni Paolo Pannini, (born 1691, died 1764?). A Composition of Roman Ruins, with figures. Pannini was profefledly a painter of architedlure and ruins ; his works, though lefs efteemed than thofe of his contemporaries, Canaletto H PiSiures. and Guardi, have always been popular, efpecially in England, where many of his fineft pictures are to be found. On canvas. Height 4 ft., width 3 ft. 6 in. 3 11 * Tintoretto, (born 1512, died 1594). Portrait of a Venetian Nobleman, in the character of David. In the background, the proftrate body of Goliath, and the army of the Philiftines in flight. 3 12 - Palma Vecchio, (born about 1510). The Adoration of the Shepherds, a brilliantly coloured Venetian picture. On panel. 3 1 3 ‘ Italian School. Head of our Saviour. 3H Titian, (born 1477, died 1576). Portrait of his Daughter. Canvas. 3*5- Luca Giordano, (died 1705). The Forge of Vulcan. Canvas. 316. Salvator Rosa, (born 1615, died 1673). A Rocky Mountainous Landscape, with banditti. 3i7- Pannini. Architectural Landscape. A grand gallery picture. From Mr. McLellan’s Collection. Canvas. 3l8. Carlo Dolci, (born 1616, died 1686). Santa Christiana destroying her Idols. Half-length figure of a lady in blue and crimfon drapery, with one hand holding a gilded ftatuette of Minerva, the other placed on a broken figure of Mars. A brilliant and important picture. Length 3 ft. 6 in., height 2 ft. 7 in. Italian Schools. 1 5 3 r 9- Carlo Dolci. Head of a Female in rich coftume, with a plume of coloured feathers in her head, and holding a vafe in her hand. 32 °. Guido Reni, (born 1575, died 1642). Head of the Magdalen, in prayer. Painted on copper. From Lord Chefterfield’s Collection. Height 2 ft., width 9 in. 321. Andrea Mantegna, (born 1431, died 1505). The Nurse saving the Children of Medea from the ruins of the burning palace. An important engraved picture from the gallery of Count Caftellani, of Turin. Height 19 in., width 13^ in. 322. Bonifacio, (born 1491, died 1553). The Last Supper. A gallery work of the Venetian School. 3 2 3- Canaletto, (born 1697, died 1768). View down the Thames, old London Bridge in the middle diftance. From Mr. Dyer’s Collection, Leigh, Somerfet. Height 3 ft. 10 in., width 3 ft. 10 in. 324. Canaletto. The companion PiCture. View of Venice, the dogana in the fore- ground. From the fame Collection. Width 3 ft. 10 in., height 3 ft. 10 in. 3 2 5- L. Caracci, (born 1555, died 1619). Christ’s Agony in the Garden. Copper. Height 13- in., width 10 in. 3 2 6. Venetian School. The Presentation in thf. Temple. i6 Pi Bures. 3 2 7 - Raffaelle, (born 1483, died 1520). Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and St. John. From the Collection of Louis David, the painter. 328. Titian, (born 14 77, died 1576). Grand Woody Landscape. 329 - Sassoferrato. St. Joseph with the Infant Saviour. Height 2 ft. 4iin., width 1 ft. 102 in. 33 °- Bassano (Giacomo?), born 1510, died 1592. St. Francis receiving the Stigmata. From the Gallery of the Count Orfi, of Orvieto. Canvas. Height 1 ft. 8 in., width 1 ft. 6 in. 33 1 - Francesco Vanni, (born 1565, died 1610). The Holy Family with Boy Angels. Sketch in grifaille. On paper. Height 15 in., width iijin. 332 . Annibale Caracci, (born 156c, died 1609). The Pieta, or Entombment of our Saviour. On copper. Height 14 in., width 10 in. 333 - Sol ario, (afcribed to). Head of the Virgin. On an oval panel. Height 18 in., width 12 in. 334 - Guido (afcribed to). Head of our Saviour. On copper. Height 14 in., width njin. 335 - Paris Bordone (afcribed to), (born 1500? died 1570). Portrait of Ariosto. Height 1 ft. 10 in., width 1 ft. 6 in. Italian Schools . 1 7 336 - Mariesky, (born 1711, died 1794). Pair of Small Views in Venice. 337 * Agnolo Bronzino, (born 1511, died 1580). Portrait of an Italian Lady. 33 8 - Francisco Salviati, (born 1510, died 1563). Charity ; an allegorical female figure, with five nude children. 339 - Ludovico Caracci, (born 1555, died 1619). Holy Family. Height 14 in , width 10 in. 340 - Carlo Maratti, (born 1625, died 1713). St. Paul Preaching at Athens. Height 2 ft., width 1 ft. 6 in. 341. Camillo Procaccini, (born 1546, died 1626). Holy Family with St. Catherine. 342 . Paul Veronese, (born 1532? died 1588). The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. 343 - Frederico Baroccio, (born 1528, died 1612). The Repose in Egypt. 344 - Luini, (born about 1480). The Virgin and Child. 345 - Raffaelle. The Virgin. Her head in profile, and in a red drefs, holds the Infant Saviour in her arms; the head of the infant St. John is feen in the background, on the right. 346 - Annibale Caracci. Christ’s Agony in the Garden. D Pi Shares. 347 - Bronzino. Portrait of a Florentine Lady. 348 . Venetian School. Portrait of a Lady, with blue, red, and white drapery. 349 - Ludovico Caracci. Diana Bathing. Painted on wooden plate or trencher. From the “ Guarda-roba” of the Palazzo Pitti, Florence. 350 - Cirro Ferri, (born 1634? died 1698). Christ’s Agony in the Garden. 351 - S. Rosa, (born 1615, died 1673). Classical Ruins, on the borders of a lake, with figures. Dutch, Flemi/h, and German Schools. 352 - JCAS CRANACH, (School of Saxony, born 1470 ? died 1553 ) Portrait of Johann Frederich, Elector of Saxony, on a pale blue background ; underneath the buff of the Elector is a long infcription in the German language ; it is figned with the monogram of Cranach and dated 1532. Panel. Height 8 in., width 5 Jin. 353 - Lucas Cranach. A companion Pidture to the preceding, alfo a Portrait of a Prince of the Houfe of Saxony. Cranach was an ardent Proteftant ; he was the perfonal friend of Luther and Melandthon and of the three Eledtors of Saxony, whom he ferved. He has left us numerous portraits of a fimilar charadter to the prefent, chiefly of eminent hiftorical perfonages of the reformed religion. Panel. Height 8 in., width 5J in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 1 9 354 - Jan de Mabuse, (born in the latter part of the 15th century, died 1532 ?) Picture in three compartments, being the centre and two wings or “ volets” of a circular-topped triptych. The centre fubjedl reprefents the Adoration of the Magi ; the volet on the left, the Virgin crowned, carrying the Infant Saviour, encircled by an oval aureole and (landing on the crefcent moon ; the volet on the right reprefents the Pentecoft. The centre pidture is a mod elaborate compofition of many figures, the background being formed by fantaftical architecture of Gothic or tranfitional character. The three kings form the mod confpicuous figures ; one of them, to the right, a negro in rich golden armour, holds out a hanap ; one in the middle, wearing a rich brocade drefs with a dark green cape, kneels bareheaded before the Child, who dretches out His hand towards him ; on the left, the third king wears a turban and a crimfon gaberdine, and holds in his hand a crydal orb furmounted by a golden fpire or pinnacle. The Virgin in each of the compart- ments is habited in dark blue robes. The exuberance of ornamental detail difplayed in this beautiful work is very remarkable ; the picture is moreover in the mod perfect date of confervation, having retained its original very brilliant and powerful colour apparently without the flighted change. Although on a very much fmaller fcale, it is fimilar in dyle and equal in technical merit to the celebrated picture of the fame fubject, by Mabufe, at Cadle Howard ; it was brought to this country from Portugal for Mr. Farrer, having been obtained from the Collection of Count Palante, of Lifbon. (Exhibited at Mancheder). On panel. Height of centre panel 15 in., width 10 in. 355 - Bernard van Orley, (born, at Bruflels, 1471, died 1541). The Virgin and Child. The Virgin feated, feen down to the knee, within an interior of fantadic femi-Gothic architecture, holds the Infant Saviour ; the latter is naked and in a fomewhat contorted attitude ; an open window in the background difclofes a mountainous country, with cadles, villages, and a wide river, alfo a field with a peafant reaping corn. The Child has His hands full of cherries, and on a flab or architectural moulding in the foreground, to the right, is an apple. This important picture is probably the original of a compofition which appears to have been feveral times repeated by the painter ; it is an admirable example of the early Italo-P lemifli fchool, and 20 Pi Shires. was undoubtedly painted under the influence of Leonardo da Vinci, whofe technical charadteriftics are in many refpedts fuccefsfully imi- tated. In the brilliant forcible colour, light and fhade, and extreme “finefle” of execution, this picture indeed maybe diredtly compared with the highly finilhed pictures of Leonardo’s Milanefe period, whilft the fomewhat overftrained attitudes of the figures, and the idealifed architecture and landfcape background, are evidently Gothic exaggera- tions of the Italian prototype. The picture is on panel, and is in the moil perfect ftate of prefervation. It was obtained from the Collection of the Earl of Chefterfield. (Exhibited at Manchefter, and then attri- buted to Mabufe). Bernard van Orley was one of the numerous Flemilh artifts who, more particularly rather later in the 16th century, purfued their ftudies in Italy. Van Orley is believed to have been a pupil of or afliftant to Raffaelle in Rome ; he appears to have returned to Bruflels before 1520, and was, during the reft of his life, painter to the Imperial or Vice-Regal Court. Height 2 ft. 4 1 in., width 1 ft. 8 l in. 356 - Early Flemish School, afcribed to Joachim Patenier, (born at Dinant towards the end of the 15th century, died about 1548). Virgin and Child and an Angel, in a landfcape. An arched topped picture on panel, formerly the centre of a trip- tych. Height 2 ft. 3 in., width 1 ft. 8 in. 357 - Quentin (or Jan?) Matsys, (beginning of the 16th century). The Rent Day. From the Collection of Mr. Bailey of Hampton Court Palace. On panel. Length 4 ft. 3jin., height 3 ft. 6 1- in. 358 . After Albert Durer. The Virgin and Child, in a landfcape; in the background the Adoration of the Shepherds. Height 132 m., width 10 in. 359 - Holbein, (afcribed to). Portrait of a Gentleman. On panel. Height 9 in., width 7 in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 21 36°. Lucas Van Leyden (afcribed to), (born 1494, died 1533). Series of Twelve Miniature Pictures, in the fame frame, repre- fenting fcenes of the Paffion of our Saviour. Painted on vellum. Height of each pidture 65- in., width 4^ in. 361. David Teniers, (born, at Antwerp, 1610, died 1694). The Fortunetellers, a grand landfcape. This important work of the earlier period of the matter, difplays a landfcape of an Italian or perhaps ideal character. On the left are irregular rocks with water at their bafe, and a fmall cafcade iffuing from them ; on the fummit of the rocks is a cattle with a confpicuous round tower ; on another rocky hillock cloven by a ravine, over which is thrown a bridge, ftands a ftone crofs, before which are two pilgrims, one kneeling in prayer, the other ftanding before it bareheaded with a ftaff in his hands. In the centre of the foreground is a more confpicuous group, it confifts of a gipfey telling the fortunes of a man in a red cap, who holds out his hand to her, whilft a gipfey boy behind him is flyly picking his pocket; on the extreme right two gipfey crones, one of them fuckling a child, and a little girl, are intently watching the robbery of the unwary man. The works of Teniers are perhaps more generally known and ap- preciated than thofe of any other of the Flemifh 17th century painters. The great number of his pidlures produced during his long life has by no means detracted from their value, which, on the contrary, has gone on progreffively increafing ever fince his own time. The ftyle and general charadteriftics of Teniers are too familiar to every one to need illuftrating. His pictures in this colledtion are all excellent examples of their feveral clafles of fubjedts. Teniers appears to have been a man of high character and to have led a happy and profperous life of unceafing occupation. He was held in great efteem by the higheft in his native land, and, like Rubens and Vandyke, was evidently confidered one of the nobles of art. On canvas, Length 4 ft. 6 in., height 3 ft. yin. 362. David Teniers. A Corps de Garde. In the centre, a boy carrying a red mantle advances towards a heap of armour, weapons, &c. amongft which a drum and a helmet with a lofty plume of red, blue, and white feathers are confpicuous ; on the wall a mufket and a fword, with its belt attached, 22 Pi Bures. are hanging ; on the right, more in the background, may be feen a com- pany of foldiers feated round a table playing at cards, near a fireplace. Signed near the centre, at the bottom, D. Teniers, fee.” Brought to this country by Mr. Farrer. (Contributed to the Man- chefter Exhibition). Painted on copper. Length 19 in., height 16 in. 363 - DA VID Teniers. The Card Players. Four peafants or artizans are playing at cards in a cottage or alehoufe ; two others are Handing near a fireplace in the background. The principal group confifts of two players, with two others look- ing on. The one on the left has a cock’s feather in his cap, and near him, on the floor, Hands a large Honeware, pewter-mounted pitcher. The player on the right, probably a butcher or innkeeper, has a white linen cap, which hangs on the top of his chair ; and one of the lookers on wears a red cap. A fhallow arched niche in the wall may be noticed, in it Hands a glafs bocal, half filled with a brown liquid. Signed, in the right-hand lower corner, U D. Teniers, f” This beautiful pidture is painted in the mofl fpirited and vigorous Hyle of the mafler, and was doubtlefs executed at the period of the fulleH development of his talent. It is rich and brilliant in colour, equally re- mote from the cool and fomewhat black tone of his earlier works, as from the pale filvery, and rather fketchy manner of his latter time. From the Collection of the Hungarian Count Schoenbrunn. Painted on panel. Length 20^ in., height 15^ in. 3 6 4 - David Teniers. Landscape and Figures. On the left are two cottages backed with trees ; a rifing knoll occupies the centre of the foreground ; three peafants, one refiing on a Hone, and the two others Handing, are engaged in converfation ; four other peafants are Handing near the door of one of the cottages, probably an alehoufe ; at the opened door of which is feen a woman with a pitcher in her hand ; in the foreground, on the extreme left, is a barrel. The pidture is figned with the monogram of Teniers, on the Hone on which the peafants are fitting. Painted with the utmoH fharpnefs and crifpnefs of touch, in a clear and luminous tone. On panel. Length iouin., height 71 in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools . 2 3 3 6 5 - David Teniers. A Flemish Farmyard. Barns and farm buildings occupy a large portion of the left of the picture, and an open court-yard, in front of thefe, is bounded at the fide by a moat or ditch, beyond which the diftant landfcape is vifible. The figures and animals fcattered over the foreground are as follows : in the centre are three cows, and nearer the front a flock of feven fheep and a goat ; on the extreme left a woman is drawing water from a well, in an earthen pitcher, and at the fame time talking to a boy ; on the right a handfome milkmaid feated with her brass pail on her knee, with a cow {landing near, is converfing with a young man, a fhepherd, who is leaning on his ftaff. A brown and white fpaniel Hands on the right, and in the background, on the left, a farming man carrying a large pail is feen coming through an opened gate. Painted in the artift’s clear “filvery” manner. Defcribed in Smith’s Catalogue raifonne (Supplement, No. 8), then (1842) in the Collection of Mrs. Weft, having been exhibited in the Britifh Gallery in 1832. In 1774, this important picture was in the Collection of Count du Barry, and in 1782, in that of M. le Bceuf. It has been more than once engraved. On copper. Length 3 ft. 2 in., height 2 ft. 3 in. 366. David Teniers. The Skittle Players. On the right is a large cottage or ale- houfe, fituated on the banks of a lake ; in front of it are five boors playing at lkittles, an old woman is coming out of the houfe door with a jug in her hand, and an old man is feen within, looking through the half-opened cafement ; adjoining the houfe is a lofty dark paling of wooden planks ; on the left of the picture the lake, with wooded fhelv- ing banks ftretches out into the diftance, and on the fame fide Hands a tall fign-poft, detached dark againft the fky, which difplays a warm funfet effedl, beautifully reflected in the water. For the better identification of this picture, it may be noticed that the boor who is bowling, is in his ftiirt, and has a cock’s feather in his hat ; near him, relieved againft the dark palings, another man, intently watching the game, has on a fcarlet cap, and a purple or flate-coloured jerkin. It is figned on a ftone or plank underneath the fign-poft, on the left, “ D. Tenters , FT' Defcribed in Smith’s Catalogue raifonne, (No. 427). Panel. Length 2 ft. 1 in., height 1 ft. 4' in. 24 Pi Bures. 367- David Teniers. The Smoker. Interior of a Dutch cabaret, a peafant in the foreground, feated lighting his pipe ; on the right, a group of four peafants drinking near a fireplace. Signed, “A Teniers, f” An example of the higheft quality, of the molt brilliant and fparkling execution. Length 134 in., height 9 in. 368. Philip Wouvermans, (born, at Haerlem, 1620, died 1668). A Combat of Cavalry near a bridge in a mountainous country. The principal adlion is feen on the creft of a hillock or rifing ground on the right, where a deadly ftruggle is going on for the poffeffion of a ftandard. The molt confpicuous group is that of a trooper on horfe- back fhooting a difmounted foldier, who, together with his grey horfe, is rolling on the ground. Nearer to the centre of the picture, a foldier in a buff coat, and wearing a fteel headpiece, is drawing his fword in order to flay a wounded drummer, who is fprawling on his back, with his drum lying near him. On the left, more in the diftance, a party of horfe are riding towards the bridge, where a fight is ftill going on : the road on this fide leads towards a lofty hill in the diftance. An important early pidlure, painted with great precifion and fpirit, but fomewhat tawny in tone, and lefs brilliant in colour than the works of his more mature period. Signed with the monogram of Wouvermans in the right-hand lower corner. Little is known of the life of this admirable artift ; judging, however, from the number of his works, elaborate and highly finifhed as they invariably are, it muff have been one of continuous and unremitting application to his art. His peculiar talent can be beft ftudied in the Drefden Gallery, which is enriched with a confiderable proportion of his fineft performances. On panel. Length 2 ft. 34 in., height 1 ft. 64 in. 3 6 9 - Wouvermans. A Stag Hunt. The fcene of this animated compofition is a wide river on the left, with a high rugged bank, from which, occupying a great portion of the centre of the picture, rifes a pidturefque clump of trees, with many bare branches. Two flags are running down the bank fide into the river, purfued by the hounds, which are clofing round them. On the right a huntfman in a fcarlet coat is endeavouring to reftrain his horfe, which is galloping wildly down the bank : his hat Dutch and FlemiJIo Schools. 2 5 is blown away behind him. Advancing over the creft of the hilly bank appears a lady in yellow fatin, alfo on horfeback : {he is followed by a page. On the left, in the {hallow water, three huntfmen ride forward, one of whom is winding a horn. The oppofite fide of the river is bounded by diftant mountains. On canvas. Length 2 ft. 3 in., height 1 ft. 7 in. 37 °- WoUVERMANS. The Halt at the Gipsey’s Camp. I11 the centre of the pidfure, a cavalier, in a red coat and jack-boots, leading by the hand a forrel grey horfe, holds out his hand to a fwarthy gipfey woman, who is about to tell his fortune. A fecond woman, in a white coif and turban, with a child on her back, forms part of the group, which is completed by a dwarfifti boy, with a grey rug wrapped round him, and wearing a fugar- loaf hat with broad brims : he holds out his hand as if begging. To the right is a fecond cavalier on a bay horfe (feen foreftiortened), with a mufket, and a crimfon plume in his hat ; and underneath, on the fame fide, are two dogs lying down, yoked together. On the oppofite fide a crowd of gipfies, chiefly women, are grouped near a fire, on which a pot is boiling. In the extreme foreground, on the left, is a marfhy pool, overhung by a willow and another {Haggling tree. A wide ex- panfe of varied country forms the diftance, and the fky is filled with grey rolling clouds. An elaborate and highly-finifhed work of the heft time and moft refined “technique” of the mafter. Length 16 in., height 14 in. 37 1 - WoUVERMANS. The Halt. A man dreffed in a buff jacket and a wide-brimmed hat, {landing with his back to the fpedfator, is holding by the bridle a grey horfe, with a red faddle on its back ; he is apparently talking to a man and a woman, who are fitting or reclining on the ground, on the extreme left of the pidlure, near a filed or low building trellifed with vines, a fmall part of which only is feen : two dogs complete the group. The ground leems to be the fummit of a hill or moor. The horizon is very low in the pidfure, and allows of a great expanfe of grey cloudy fky overhead, againft which the horfe and man are in part boldly relieved. This beautiful pidture is painted in the moft brilliant and fpirited manner, in a clear filvery tone. Panel. Length 132-in., height 12 in. E 26 Pi Shires. 372. Adrian Ostade, (born 1610, died 1685). Rustic “Menage.” Interior of a cottage, with figures. On the right an old woman, with a black fhawl and a white linen cap, is feated, fewing. Oppofite to her an old man, in a blue jerkin and a cap trimmed with fur, has a little black fpaniel on his knees ; his feet reft on a ftool or chaufFrette. Behind thefe two figures, but in the back- ground, ftands a ragged ruftic with a pewter flagon, which he raifes to his lips, and looks into with a rueful expreffion of countenance. Behind the old woman is a pump ; numerous utenfils of domeftic ufe, brooms, pitchers, pans, tubs, bafkets, &c. are littered about the floor in pic- turefque confufion. The thatch hangs down pidturefquely through the rafters in many places. The idea of the pidture is apparently that of indoor occupation on a cold rainy afternoon. Carefully painted with a firm and fpirited touch, circa 1650-60. Panel. Height 10’- in., length 9 in. (Engraved). 373 - Adrian Ostade. The Smoker. A peafant or artizan feated in an alehoufe filling his pipe. Before him is a table with pipes, tobacco, &c. The landlord ftands near with a ftoneware canette in his hand, and is apparently jocofely afking his cuftomer to take another jug. In the background is a boarded partition, on which a paper or handbill is nailed, and a cloak is thrown over the top of it. The fmoker wears a brown jerkin and a dull flate-grey cap, and the landlord is dreffed in black, with a black felt fugarloaf hat. The figures are half-lengths. Signed, in the left- hand corner, “/f. V. Oftade .” A fubdued low-toned little pidture, but clear and brilliant in quality, and admirably truthful in expreffion. Panel. Height 71. in., width 6Mn. 374 - Adrian Ostade. Peasants Drinking; compofition of three figures. A brilliant and fpirited little pidture of the fineft quality. Panel. Height ]\ in., width 6y in. 375 - Nicholas Berghem, (born, at Haerlem, 1624, died 1683). An Italian Landscape, with cattle and figures fording a ftream. A wide plain, bounded by a range of flat-topped rocky hills, is inter- fedted by a fhallow winding ftream, which, in the foreground of the Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 2 7 pi£ture, widens out into a pool, wafhing the bafe of a mafs of rocks, furmounted by trees and a long low-roofed building. The pool or balm in the foreground, branches out into two fmaller ftreams, acrofs the fhallow beds of which ftepping-ftones are placed. The figures, which are a confpicuous feature in the picture, are a peafant woman with a dog, walking towards the fpedtator, and driving two cows, whilft a peafant on horfeback, with a dog following him, and likewife driving three cows before him in the oppofite dire&ion, appears in the a£l of flopping to converfe with the woman, who, from her animated expreffion, feems to be exchanging a friendly greeting with him. The woman, who is on the right of the compofition, carries on her head a large wicker bafket of linen, and a fack or bag under her arm. This admirable pifture is a fmgularly clear and lightfome example of the mailer. The diflant hills and the fky, in which large mafles of rolling clouds are floating in the pure liquid ultramarine of a bright fummer’s day, are quivering with light, whilfl the rocks in the fore- ground, down which the flanting rays of the fun are call, leaving their recedes in cool, quiet fhadow, are no lefs admirably rendered. This pidlure is entirely free from that darknefs of tint which time has induced in fo many precious works of Berghem. It was evidently painted in the mofl careful period of the mailer, though not before he had attained to the maturity of his powers. The brilliant enamelled impaflo, and confequent perfeCt prefervation of the picture, are of them- felves very noteworthy. Obtained from the ColleClion of Major Cunningham, of Somerfetfihire. Like Teniers, Berghem was a mofl induflrious and prolific artifl, and in like manner the number of his admirable productions, by ren- dering them univerfally known, has alfo, at the fame time, tended to augment their value. On panel. Length 2 ft. 3^ in., height I ft. n|in. 376 - Berghem. Italian Landscape, with a baggage convoy being attacked by an enemy. The fcene reprefents a mountain road in Italy, leading towards a ruined caflle. The entire foreground is occupied by a convoy of foldiers accompanying a baggage waggon, drawn by four horfes up the fleep rocky road. At the head of the convoy, on the right, are two mounted trumpeters founding the alarm, whilfl on the extreme left the rear is being furioufly attacked by the enemy. In the foreground are numerous fragments of claffical fculpture, the bafes of 28 Pi Shires. marble columns, &c. overgrown with tall broad-leaved docks, thirties, &c. painted in the moft truthful and elaborate manner. The compofi- tion, moreover, is interfered by the ftems of two trees pidlurefquely eroding each other, the decaying branches of one of which are feftooned with vine tendrils. A rnafs of fhapelefs antique ruins flanks the road on the right, and the extreme foreground on the fame fide is formed by a pool of water overhung with rank weeds, amongft which butterflies and other infers are fporting. Nothing can furpafs the admirable vigour of ftyle and technique difplayed in this very important pirure, which is of the later or fully- developed period of the mafter. Purchafed at Cardinal Fefch’s fale in Rome, 23rd April, 1845. On canvas. Length 4 ft. 6 in., height 3 ft. 377 - Berghem. The Lime-Kiln; a winter piece. A frozen canal, or the forte of a fortified town in Holland, is fpanned by a bridge of one large circular arch. On the left of the fperator, on the bridge, is a gateway or bartizan, forming part of the town-wall ; adjoining to it the wall is encumbered with a pirurefque ererion, projering outwards, and carried on corbels. In the middle diftance, feen through the arch, is a burning lime-kiln, emitting flames and a volume of thick rolling rtnoke, which afeends to the right and mingles in a pidfurefque mafs with the dark leaden clouds of the wintry fky ; near the kiln is a cottage The foreground of the picture, formed by the frozen furface of the canal, is enriched with many elaborately detailed figures, horfes, dogs, &c. The principal group is on the right of the fpedfator, and confifts of two horfes feeding from a trough or manger, with two men near them apparently in converfation. Towards the centre of the picture a boor or fervant pufhes a fledge, in which is a woman muffled up in a cloak ; two ipaniels are frifking around them. Under the bridge another man is pufhing a fledge on the ice, laden with three calks, and on the left are three figures, two men and a woman, the latter wafliing linen in a hole made in the ice. This beautiful pidlure is of the beft time of the mafter ; although very brilliant and forcible in colour, it is rather filvery than dark in effedl. The compofition is very animated, full of admirable truth of detail, and whilft admiring the conlummate art difplayed, it is impoffible not to be vividly ftruck with the verifimilitude of the feene. It is painted on panel, in a clear and facile manner, with the utmoft crifpnefs Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 29 of touch. The impafto is thin and tranfparent, and, although highly finifhed and entirely removed from (ketchinefs, it is evident that it was “painted up” at once, with very little after working; the fine “ enamel-like ” furface and perfedt prelervation of the pidture in general, being doubtlefs in great part owing to the unity of impafto thus obtained. Signed, in the right-hand lower corner, “ Berchem.' n Noticed as follows in Smith’s Catalogue, No. 244 : — “ This excellent pidture came from the Lockhorft Colledtion at Rotterdam, from whence it pafl'ed into the hands of — Kinnear, Efq. of Edinburgh, and is now on fale by Mr. Wright, of the fame city, &c. &c.” (1834). On panel. Length 1 ft. 7 in., height 1 ft. 3 in. 37 8 - Berghem. Italian Landscape, with peafant women and cattle. The figures, which, as is ufual with Berghem, form one of the molt important features of the composition, are reprefented as placed on the Hope of a hill, which defcends from a tower or caftle in the middle diftance, perched on a high rock, the higheft point of which is occupied by a confpicuous round tower. The caftle is approached by a road winding along the bottom of a deep ravine betwixt high cliffs. The principal group of figures confifts of an aged peafant woman on an afs, converfing with a young woman, who walks by her fide. On the left hand a man is driving two cows, one of which turns round towards a dog which is barking at it. Panel. Height 1 ia in., width 9L in. 379 - Berghem. A Goat’s Head. An admirable (ketch in oil, on paper. 38°. John Wynants and Adrian Vandevelde. Landscape. In the foreground a road winding along a hill fide. In the middle diftance, towards the left, a chateau or convent, w r ith two lofty trees and a flock of fheep near it ; and in the foreground at the extreme left is the trunk of a large decayed tree. On the right is feen a reach of open country. A pool of water, at which a dog is drinking, is confpicuous in the centre; and on the extreme left a bare withered trunk of a tree grows out of the bank fide. The principal figures and animals may be noted as follows : — A cavalier on a grey horfe is riding up the 3 ° Pi Bures. road, and a bare-legged mendicant is foliciting alms from him. Behind the cavalier are two attendants with guns or ftaves, and feveral dogs. On the bank on the right of the road is a Ihepherd with a flock of Iheep. Signed, on the right, “ J. Wynants , 1664.” From the Collec- tion of Count Schoenbrunn of Hungary. Painted on panel. Length 1 ft. 9 in., height 1 ft. 4 in. 3 81 - Jan Wynants, (born, at Haerlem, 1600, died 1677). Landscape. The centre of the foreground is formed by a winding road with a narrow Itream running befide it ; on the right is a doping hill or rifing ground, crowned by a church or convent, and on the left is feen an open country with diftant hills ; there are two large trees in the centre of the picture, and the ftreamlet is crofled by two plank bridges with gates. By the roadfide, on the right, a man is feated playing a pipe, and near him are a peafant woman with a boy and a dog walking down the road; on the extreme left, in the water, are two ducks. Various other minor figures and animals enliven the compofition. The figures are by Wouvermans. Painted on panel, and figned in the foreground, on the extreme right. Length 182 in., height 15 in. Formerly in the Collection of the celebrated French compofer Boeldieu, and more recently, in that of Mr. Clark, of Chifwick. 382. Jan Wynants. Landscape. A large cottage or farmhoufe furrounded with trees. On the left, in the foreground, are two large decayed trunks of trees growing from a clump of thiftles, docks, brambles, and other weeds ; to the right is feen a ftretch of open country with a church in the diltance. In the centre of the compofition a man is driving four cows down the road pait the cottage, and more to the right a man in a red jacket, leaning againft a boarded fence, is talking to a woman ; near the cottage door is a woman with a tub, and lower down, in front, a brown-and-white fpaniel may be noticed. This very important and beautiful picture is painted in the mailer's bell manner ; nothing can exceed the admirably fpirited and truthful execution, efpecially of the weeds and trees in the foreground. The figures are drawn and painted with great ability, and were probably introduced by fome other eminent contemporary mailer. Signed, in the right-hand corner, u j. Wynants From the Collection of the Earl of Mornington. Length 3 ft. 8 in., height 2 ft. 1 1 in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 3 1 3 8 3- Adrian Vandevelde, (born 1639, died 1672). Sheep in a Meadow. The group confifts of two white and a brown fheep, one of the former is browfing on a tall weed. A long fence, in the middle diftance, divides the meadow from another field, in which three peafants are carting away corn in a waggon ; on the extreme left are fome (heaves ftill Handing. The field is bounded by a wood ; on the extreme right are two leaflefs trees eroding each other. Floating in the clear ultramarine fky is a mafs of carefully modelled white cumulus cloud. Signed, in the left-hand lower corner, “ A. V. Velde, f. 1659.” Height 14 in., width 12 in. 3 g 4- Adrian Vandevelde. A Dutch Winter-piece, with figures. The feene appears to be laid on a dreary dark winter’s afternoon, the fnow lying thick on the ground. A footpath, extending from the foreground towards a wide frozen river, is traverfed by feveral figures which, from their prominence and their animated adlion, form the principal features of the compofition. On the left of the landfcape, in front, is a cottage within an enclofure, and two large leaflefs trees ; and on the diftant bank of the frozen river Hand a church and feveral houfes, apparently the outlkirts of a town. The principal figure, reprefented as walking quickly along the path- way towards the fpedtator, is an old woman in a red gown with a black boddice and cloak and a blue apron, {he is folding her cloak around her to fereen herfelf from the fnowballs, with which two young men, at fome diftance behind, are adtively pelting her. In the centre of the pidture, alfo on the footpath, a cavalier on horfeback is being addrefted by a man, who Hands, cap in hand, carrying a bafket and an axe, and who may be fuppofed to afk for a gratuity for breaking holes in the ice for water. A boy and a dog may alfo be noticed in the foreground, whilft the frozen furface of the river is enlivened by feveral fmall figures, a fledge drawn by a horfe, &c. A beautiful pidture of the beft period of the matter. On canvas. Length 187m., height 15® in. 3 8 5- Jacob Ruysdael, (born, at Haerlem, about 1630, died 1681). A Waterfall. It is feen diredtly in front and is in two heights or falls ; the furrounding country is very wild and mountainous. On the left rifes a high conical rock, crowned by a caftle with a lofty circular 3 2 Pi&ures. tower ; in the centre of the picture, growing in the middle diftance, are five tall pine-trees, and on the right, above the fall, a hut or cottage with three fmall figures near it. Several pine-logs encumber the bed of the upper fall, and a heap of fimilar logs or poles are lying on the rocks on the right ; the Iky, filled with the ufual grey cumulus clouds, is gloomy and lowering. Signed, on a rock in the right-hand lower corner, “ 'J. Ruifdael .” Height 4 ft. 1 in., width, 3 ft. 2iin. This important picture was brought to England, about 1745, by Col. Knight, of Tythexton, Glamorganfhire, and was purchafed from the Knight family in 1845. Ruyfdael’s apparently uneventful life was palled in the mediant pradlice of his art ; his exquifite works did not, in his own day, attain to fo much celebrity as thole of feveral of his contemporaries, who are now all but forgotten. Pofterity, however, has done him ample juftice, and efpecially in this country, where the works of no other painter of pure landfcape are held in higher efteem. Ruyfdael’s works are lefs mannered or artificial than thofe of molt of his great contemporaries ; his pictures difplay the moft literal and truthful rendering of nature, but are, neverthelefs, always replete with an intenfe feeling or exprelfion. Some of the great luminaries of modern landfcape art may have Em- palled him in diverfity of range and in the technical qualities of painting, but it may be doubted if the works of any modern landfcape painter are imbued with the fame enduring charm. 386. Jacob Ruysdael. Bleaching Grounds, near Haerlem. On the right is a flretch of flat meadow with linen fpread out to bleach ; it is bounded by a ftream, flowing towards the foreground. In the centre of the pidlure towards the left, are high broken fandy banks, with a hollow road in front, in which is feen a cavalier on a brown horfe, leading a white one, and accompanied by two dogs ; a hut and a large tree are alfo confpicuous objects in the centre of the compofition, and on the left is a peep of open country, with a large church and the fpires and roofs of Haerlem in the diftance. Noticed in Smith’s Catalogue raifonne, Supplement, No. 16. Smith attributes the figures in the picture to Wouvermans. Although evi- dently painted fomewhat in the manner of Wouvermans, the writer is inclined to think they are the work of Ruyfdael himfelf. Imported by Mr. Chaplin, 1840. On panel Length 2ft. 5 in., height 1 ft. 8 Jin. Dutch a?2d Flemijh Schools. 33 387. Jacob Ruysdael. Landscape ; the fkirts of a wood or foreft. In front is a marfhypond, in which ruihes and yellow water-lilies are growing. In the centre of the picture the brown decayed trunk of an oak, the fcattered branches of which are thinly clad in golden ruffet-tinted foliage, is a confpicuous feature of the compofition ; to the left of it, more in the background, a beech-tree is feen, its lighter Hem and foliage detached, again!! a darker clump. Two ducks are fwimming in the pond on the ex- treme left, and on the right is feen a glimpfe of a more open country. The !ky in this beautiful picture is fomewhat warmer in tone and of more cheerful afpeCt than in mod of Ruyfdael’s pictures. Signed, towards the right, “ J. Ruifdael.” From the Collection of Major Cunningham, of Somerfetfhire. Width 2 ft. 5 in., height 1 ft. 1 1 in. 388. Adam Pynacker, (born 1621, died 1673). An Italian Landscape. A lake, or wide river, from the margin of which (on the right) rife lofty hills, richly clad with groves of trees, and on the left, in the diftance, a range of lower gently Hoping hills. In the front of the compofition are three large barges filled with merchandife and figures, and a fourth is feen further on in the lake. Two tall trees interfeCt the picture near the centre; one of them is broken off in the middle, and the upper part is hanging down. The barge on the right contains a party of feven or eight figures, three of whom (two men and a woman) are feated drinking with a tankard on the table before them. The !ky is croffed by horizontal bars or banks of cloud. The whole picture glows with the vivid light of a funny evening, it is careful in execution, and perhaps fomewhat timid in detail, being evidently an early work of the mailer ; it is, however, entirely free from the blacknefs and heavinefs in the fhadows, which detraCt from fo many of the later performances of this admirable artift. On a package on the barge near the centre of the picture is infcribed, in minute characters, “ A. Pynacker. ” On panel. Length 191 in., height 14.1 in. 389. Adam Pynacker. This picture is defcribed in Smith’s Catalogue raifonne, Supple- ment, No. 9, as follows : “ A man carrying a woman through a ftream. This admirable work of the mafter is compofed, on the right, F 34 Pi Shires. of a lofty mountain, which extends receding into the extreme diftance ; clumps of trees, and bufhes of various hues, adorn its broken acclivities, and a ftream rolls foaming down its fide into the valley, where it is eroded by a fmall bridge, over which are palling fome travellers with their mules. The feene is further remarkable for an old gateway of Hone, which abuts again!! the fide of the mountain, over a road at its bafe. In the foreground is a peafant bearing a woman in his arms through a pool of water, in which are two goats butting each other. The appearance is that of a fine fummer’s evening. Imported on joint account of Robert Hume and John Chaplin. “ In the polfelfion (1842) of Mr. Chaplin, for fale, (from whom it was purchafed by Mr. Napier). A repetition of this pidlure, of a fimilar fize, is in the Bridgwater Colledlion.” On panel. Height 1 ft. 8jin., width 1 ft. 8 in. 39 °- Jan Steen, (born 1636, died 1689). The Challenge. Peafants betting on a cock-fight, a compofition of about twelve figures. The feene is laid in front of a village ale- houfe ; the principal group confifts of two men and a woman, one of the men is feated on a bench or fettle, on the left of the pidlure, with his wife near him, wearing a drefs with a red boddice, fhe holds a duck on her knees, and has a bafket of eggs by her fide ; the hulband is accofted by an old man wearing a fleeple-crowned hat, who holds out his hand, which the other takes in a manner indicative of his being about to accept a bet ; two cocks are beginning to fight in the fore- ground, and feveral lookers-on are Handing about, as if diverted at the feene. This amufing compofition is inimitably true in the charadler and expreffion of the various figures. Formerly in the Colledlion of the Comte de Vrieze, of Stockholm. Signed “ J. Steen” in the right-hand lower corner. On canvas. Height 3 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 10 in. Jan Steen may be called the Hogarth of the 17th century. Although occafionally marred by vulgarity and bad tafte, his pidlures are always replete with character and truthful expreffion ; in his delineation of humorous fubjedls from common life he has never been excelled; his well-known fubjedls indeed refledt the peculiar bias of his own temperament. Like George Morland in our own age, he feems to have been an infpired fot ; good humoured and well difpofed, but utterly unable to refill a fatal propenfity to intemperance and dilfipation, which prematurely dwarfed and obfeured his great genius. 35 Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 39 1 - Jan Steen. A Burlesque Subject. Children pretending to teach a cat to read ; a youth in a brown coat, with a droll expreffion of countenance, holds the cat towards the girl, who with one hand holds a book under the cat’s nofe, and has a birch rod uplifted in the other ; the girl is feated, fhe is dreffed in a yellow filk frock ; on the left of the picture is a little boy with an apple, leaning on a table with a white cloth on it, and on which alfo are a pewter plate, fpoon, and a pitcher ; in the back- ground a young woman is feated. On panel. Height 18 in., width i6in. 392 . Jan Steen. Companion to the preceding picture. A girl is feated holding a kitten in her lap, and feeding it with a fpoon, as if it were a baby ; the fame boys are holding out a blue cloth to warm at a chafing difh ; as in the preceding example, the expreffion of the figures is not lefs truthful than amufing. Smith’s Catalogue raifonne, Nos. 203 and 204: “ Thefe are admir- ably painted and abound in the genuine humour of nature. Now (1833) in the pofieffion of H. Phillips, Efq.” 393 - Jan Steen. The Declaration. A village lawyer making love to the landlady of a cabaret. Compofition of two figures in an arbour, a trellifed fummer- houfe ; a beautiful example of the earlier and fineft time of the mafter ; full of humour and admirable truth of character. On canvas. Pleight 14 in., width 11 in. 394 - Jan Steen. Christ disputing with the Doctors. Although fomewhat larger, this pidture correfponds in every other refpedt with the one noticed in Smith’s Catalogue raifonne, No. 101. Smith’s defcription is as follows : “ Chrifl among the Dodlors. The fcene lies in the interior of a large hall, in which a great many learned dignitaries of the Jewifh hierarchy are affembled. The prefident is feated in a marble chair, adorned with twilled columns, under which Hands a table, covered with a rich carpet ; two doctors are fitting at each fide of the table, and one is in front of it, with his back towards the fpedlator ; the Saviour Hands near the 3 6 Pictures. centre, and by his attitude, appears to be replying to his mother’s inquiry, ‘ Why haft thou thus dealt with us ? ’ The latter is habited in a blue mantle, and is in the add of taking her Son by the arm ; Jofeph ftands on the further fide of her, with his hat off; a large incenfe pot is feen in the foreground, and a book of the laws lies on the right,” Size of Smith’s picture, height 2ft. 4 in., width 2 ft. 10 in. Signed with the monogram of Jan Steen, in the left-hand lower corner. On canvas. Length 3 ft. 4 in., height 2 ft. 8 in. 395 - Van der Heyden, (born 1637, died 1712). View of a Dutch Chateau. A canal forms the front of the piddure. On the other fide of it is a large brick building of contemporary (17th century) architeddure ; it has a pediment in the centre of the facade, and a fmall oddagonal cupola rifes in the middle of the roof. On the right may be feen a detached brick entrance-gateway, with a cavalier on horfeback near it. On the left a fmall bridge appears to fpan the entrance to a branch canal, which forms a moat round the houfe. Several tall ftraggling elm-trees are fcattered about the piddure, pro- minently relieved againft the blue Iky. This exquifitely truthful little work is obvioufly an adtual view, rendered with all the accuracy of a photograph. Panel. Length 104 in., height yin. 396. Van der Heyden. View of an Ancient Fortified City, with ruined walls. In the foreground, figures going out hawking. Signed, and dated 1665. Panel. Width 2 14 in., height 16 in. 397 - P, de Hooge, (born about 1643). Interior of a Room, with two cavaliers feated before a fireplace, and a young woman Handing near them, pledging them in a glafs of wine. The cavalier on the left has on a buff coat, with a cuirafs over it, and on the back of his chair a fcarlet and gold-laced coat is hanging. He holds his helmet, which is adorned with a plume of blue, red, and white oftrich leathers, on his knees. The other gentleman is in black ; he has a long clay pipe in his hand. The lady wears a blue drefs, tied with red bows, a white linen hood or wimple, and a white apron. I hrough an open door on the right is a glimpfe of a ftreet of a Dutch town. 37 Dutch and Flemijh Schools. This fimple and natural lubjedf, depi£ted with the ufual charm of the matter, is probably intended to reprefent a lady drinking to the fuccefs of her relatives, who are about to fet out for the wars. Height 2 ft. 7 in., width 2 ft. 2 in. 39 8 - P. DE HOOGE. A Flemish Interior, with cavaliers pledging each other. Com- pofition of fix figures. A beautiful and important example of the mailer. Canvas. Length 3 ft. 8 in., height 3 ft. 399 - Gaspar Netscher, (born 1636, died 1684). Portrait of a Girl of eight or nine years old, feated in a garden. The child is very handfome, and evidently high born. She is drefled in a fimple but coftly manner ; her drefs is white fatin, with a blue fcarf, lace cap trimmed with blue, and a necklace of pearls : her left hand refts on a bouquet or heap of rofes. On the right of the picture is a fculptured ftone flower vafe, with a rofe-tree in it, Handing on a pedeftal, on which is the fignature of the mailer, “G. NetJ'cher, fecit, a.d. 1680.” This elegant and attradlive little work is devoid of the ufual formality of portraiture, and may be clafled among!! the moft precious cabinet pictures of the Dutch fchool. On canvafs. Height 21 in., width i6tin. 400. Netscher. A Lady at a Window, feeding a parrot. A highly-finifhed example. On panel. Height 13-tin., width 10^ in. 401. Netscher. Portrait of Sophia, wife of King George I. Canvas. 402. Netscher, (born 1639? died 1684). Portrait of a Lady, in a brown drefs with red breaftknots. Painted on copper. Height 6^111., width 5 in. 4 ° 3 - Netscher. Half-length Portrait of a Young Girl, in a garden, gathering rofes. Canvas. Height igin., width 157m. 38 PiElures . 404. Paul Potter, (born 1625, died 1654). Still Life. A hare hanging up by a nail in a wall, near it a difli, or bafin of red earthenware alfo fufpended from a nail. Painted on an odlagonal panel. Height 10 in., width Bin. 405. Paul Potter. A Bull and Two Cows, in a landlcape. Signed, “ P. Potter ,y~.” Canvas. Length 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 1 in. 406. Rembrandt, (born 1606, died 1674). Head of a Young Man, with long flowing hair, wearing a large turban of dark coloured fluff, looped up with a firing of pearls ; he has on a veil in “plaflron” of rich cloth of gold, and a cloak or cope faftened by a broad clafp fet with a jewel. Signed, and dated 1642. Height 2 ft. 10 in., width 2 ft. 6 in. 407. Rembrandt. Portrait of a Man about thirty-five years old, faid to be the Burgomafler Six. Head only; he wears a black drefs, large falling frill collar or ruff, and black flouch wide-brimmed hat. Height 2 ft., width 1 ft. 8 in. 408. Rembrandt. Companion Pidlure. Portrait of the wife of the previous perfonage ; fhe wears a wide frill ruff, a pearl necklace and hairdrops, and has her hair bruflied back and ornamented with a firing of pearls. From Lord Northwick’s Colledlion. Height 2 ft., width 1 ft. 8 in. 409. Jan Lingelbach, (born 1625, died 1687). An Italian Merrymaking. Peafants dancing in front of an ofleria or country inn, to the mufic of a bagpipe, guitar, triangle, &c ; a com- pofition of about thirty figures. To the left is a long table furrounded by various groups ; a man with a drum and a pipe is ftanding on it, a bagpiper alfo is feated on it, near him. Signed, on the right, “ J. L i ngelbach , fecit. ’ ’ Length 3 ft. 4 in., height 2 ft. 10 in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 39 410. Jan Lingelbach. Companion to the previous pidfure. A river or lake fcene, with a team of horfes towing a barge ; in the foreground, on the right, a party of peafants drinking before a hut or cottage. Width 3 ft. 4 in., height 2 ft. 10 in. 41 1. Simon de Vlieger (born 1612), and William Van de Velde. Sea Piece, a frefli gale blowing. On the left is a fifhing fmack, with a fmall flag at the mafthead, on which are the initials of Van de Velde, “ W. V. V.” On the oppofite fide a large three-decker appears to be heavily rolling, and a block-fhip is feen moored in the diftance. Numerous fmall craft are fcudding before the wind; a low line of diftant coaft forms the horizon on the extreme left. The {hipping in this excellent pidture is painted by Van de Velde, who was originally a pupil of De Vlieger, whilft the fea and fky are probably by the latter artift. Canvas. Length 2 ft. 6 in., width 1 ft. gin. 412. William Van de Velde, (born 1633, died 1707). Storm at Sea. An iron-bound coaft (on the right of the picture) is lafhed with the foaming waves, and a (hip is on the point of driving on the rocks ; another fhip, with three-mafts, is endeavouring to weather out the ftorm under bare poles ; her crew have let down two anchors, and are feen filling the deck in wild commotion, fome of them are bufied taking in a fail. The fky is filled with rolling clouds of inky blacknefs, illumined by a burft of lurid light on the left. Signed with the initials of the artift, in the left-hand lower corner. Canvas. Length 184. in., height 134 in. 413- W. Van de Velde. Sea Piece ; a lugger and a boat in a ftormy breeze. A beautiful example of the fine time of the great mafter. Length 167 in. , height 10 in. 414 - Albert Cuyp, (born 1606, living in 1672). Grand Sea Piece, a frefh breeze off the Dutch coaft. On the left the principal objedt is a lugger or galliot crowded with figures, it has a large tricoloured flag at the ftern and another at the mafthead ; near it, on the fame fide, is feen (ftern foremoft) a large three-mafted fhip. 4 o Pi&ures. apparently a man-of-war ; and on the right, in the foreground, a boat full of Tailors. The Iky is filled with rolling tawny-grey clouds. From Mr. Pilgrim’s ColleCfion. Length 5ft. 4 in., height 3ft. gin. 415. Ludolph Backhuyson, (born 1631, died 1709). View within a Dutch Harbour, looking feaward, a brilk breeze blowing. On the right is a large merchant-fhip with her ftern towards the land ; Ihe difplays a tricoloured flag, on which is infcribed “ Lud Back;” on the extreme left is a three-decker hulk at her moorings; and on the right, nearer the centre of the picture, another three-decker man-of-war, feen nearly ftern on, in the act of firing a falute. In the background is the quay or pier, at the extremity of which ftands a windmill, and near it a crowd of fmall craft at anchor. On the right, on the oppofite fide of the harbour is confpicuous a fquare houfe with a high tiled roof, and a few trees, with the foliage blowing about in the breeze, and alfo the mouth of a canal, into which a large barge or tracklhuyt is entering. The principal objeCt in the front of the compofition, on the right, is a ferryboat with a latten fail, crowded with peafants, chiefly women, and on the extreme left is a fiftiing boat, with one man rowing. The clear blue Iky is varied by a mafs of rolling cumulus clouds. Noticed in Smith’s Catalogue raifonne, No. 147. There defcribed as “ a view on the river Y, embracing a portion of the dockyards at Amfterdam, reprefented under the appearance of a light breeze, &c. . . . . Collection of the late Due de Berri ; exhibited at Meflrs. Chriftie and Manfon’s for private fale, in 1834.” Canvas. Length 1 ft., width 1 ft. 5 in. 416. Van der Capella, (born about 1635). A Dutch Winter Scene. A frozen canal occupies the front of the pidture ; over it, near the centre of the compofition, a drawbridge is thrown. On the right is a large hut or liable with a thatched roof, and feveral tall leaflefs trees ; on the oppofite bank, on the extreme left, ftands a cottage backed by a wood. A barge with a mail lies in a little dock, running out of the canal on the fame fide; on the ice are ten figures, one of whom (on the left) is fkating, and two others, more towards the centre, playing at hockey. The iky is filled with a denfe mafs of murky clouds. The pifture is figned, in the right-hand lower corner, “ Cajpella .” On panel. Width 16^ in., height 16 in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools . 4 1 417. Philip de Koning, (born 1619, died 1689). A Grand Landscape. A wide expanfe of flat wooded country, with a canal, hamlets, and villages in the diftance. This fine picture is fimilar in its general features to feveral others of the matter, it may be fpecially identified by obferving that a carriage covered with crimfon cloth, drawn by four horfes, and a man on a white horfe are to be feen on a road which fkirts the canal. On canvas. Length 5 ft. 6 in., height 4 ft. 418. G. Van Aelst, (born 1620, died 1679). A Fruit Piece. On a flab, covered with a dark red velvet tablecloth, ftands a large green glafs goblet or beaker; near it is a filver falver, containing four peaches and fome cheftnuts, and on the right a rich clutter of green and black grapes, with leaves and tendrils ; three butterflies may be noticed in different parts of the picture. Signed, in yellow, on the edge of the tablecloth, on the left, in beautifully written cur five characters, “ Guill me Van Aelft , 1659.” From the Collection of Francois Xavier de Burtin. This beautiful picture is the moft important known work of Van Aelft ; it is defcribed at length by its former pofleflor in his well-known work (De Burtin, “ Sur les Connaiflances neceflaires aux Amateurs de Tableaux, &c. Liege, 1846,”) “ En un mot on peut dire fans exage- ration que non feulement ce morceau eft le chef d’oeuvre par excellence de Van Aelft, mais qu’auffi 1 ’on trouvera difficilement parmi les pro- ductions les plus admirees de Van Huyfum, un tableau qui puifle en fupporter la comparaifon, foit pour le precieux fini, foit pour la verite magique.” (Op. cit. pp. 377, 378.) Height 2 ft. 8 in., width 2 ft. in. 419. Jan van Huysum, (born 1682, died 1729). Flowers and Fruit. A vafe containing a beautiful bouquet of flowers, ftands on a marble flab, on which alfo, at the foot of the vafe, is a group of peaches and grapes ; a carnation lies obliquely acrofs the fruit. In the centre, forming the high light of the bouquet, a cabbage rofe is confpicuous ; amongft the other flowers may be noted tulips, auriculas, irifes, hollyhocks, poppies, French marygolds, &c. This very important work of Van Huyfum may be further diftinguifhed from others of the fame clafs, by noticing a prominent ftriped tulip in the centre of the group, above a rofe, with a fmall infeCt on it ; a red G 42 PiEiures. butterfly is alfo to be feen near the bunch of grapes, at the lower part of the compofition, towards the right. Signed on the edge of the flab, on the right, in carefully-written curfive characters, “ Jan van tiuyfurn, fecit. ’ ’ Brought to this country by Mr. Farrer. On panel. Height 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 420. Jan van Os, (born 1744, died 1808). Fruit and Flowers. An elaborate group of fruit and flowers, piled around the foot of a marble or bronze vafe, on which is fculptured a bacchanalian group of children. A ftatue of Venus, on a pedeftal, is feen in the background. The picture may be identified by noting a group of three peaches in the high light. On the left-hand fide, towards the bottom, is a large bunch of blue grapes, and on the right, in a fimilar pofition, a branch of plum-tree with crimfon fruit. Signed at the bottom, near the centre, “ J. van Os, fecit.” The three flower pieces, Nos. 362, 363, and 364, are of nearly the fame dimenfions ; they are all in the moll perfeCt ftate of confervation, and are maflerpieces of their refpeCtive authors ; as a collective feries they form an admirable and mod precious monument of Dutch 17th century art. Brought to this country by Mr. Farrer. On panel. Height 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 421. Jan Weenix, (born 1644, died 1719). Flower Piece. An elaborate group of rofes, poppies, nafturtiums, funflowers, &c. In the right-hand lower corner, a large red peony is confpicuous, and the picture may be further identified by noting a white butterfly on the oppofite fide. Signed, “ J. Weenix, f. 1691,” in the right-hand lower corner. Canvas. Height 2 ft. 10 in., width 2 ft. 3 in. 422. Jan W eenix. Portraits of Three Children. A boy of twelve or thirteen, and two younger girls ; they are grouped on a garden terrace ; near them are a dog, a parrot, and a monkey, and alfo a bafket of fruit and flowers. Canvas. Height 5 ft., width 4 ft. 6 in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools . 43 423- Antoine Vandyck, (born 1599, died 1641). Portrait of Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. A half- length, in a Handing pofe. The Queen is fimply drefied in black fatin, with linen fleeves or ruffles ; her arms, which are bare nearly up to the elbow, are folded acrofs her waift, and in her right hand {he holds two red rofes. In the background, to the right, is a red curtain. This and the following pidture were formerly in the Colledlion of the Earl of Chefterfield. Canvas. Height 3 ft. 5 in., width 2 ft. 9 in. 424 - Old Stone, (died 1653). An excellent copy of the preceding picture. 425 - Vandyck A Woman embroidering by Lamplight ; a fpirited fketch in grifaille. Width 11 in., height gin. 426. Vandyck. The Virgin and Child and a Female Saint. From the Colledlion of Mr. Bailey, of Hampton Court Palace. Panel. Height 3 ft, 2 in., width 2 ft. 8 in. 427. Vandyck. Charity. An Allegorical group ; a female with three children. A beautiful gallery pidture. 428. Vandyck. The Assumption of St. Catherine. In the lower part, portrait- figures of the Archduke Albert and the Archduchefs Ifabella Clara Eugenia, Governors of the Netherlands. A beautiful fketch in grifaille for a large altar-piece. Height 2 ft., width 1 ft. 6 in. 429. Cornelius Janssens, (born 1590, died 1665). Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour (head fize) ; faid to be the Marquis of Montrofe. On canvas. Height 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 2 in. 44 Pictures . 4 3°- Janssens. Portrait of a Lady, doubtlefs the wife of the preceding perfonage. Canvas. Height 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 2 in. 43 1 - Bartholomew Van der Helst, (born 1613, died 1670). Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman ; faid to be Admiral de Ruyter. A (landing half-length figure in a black fatin drefs ; he holds his gloves in his left hand, and a hat with a gold band in his right. In the back- ground are diftant mountains, and a brilliant blue fky, with clouds. The upper part of the figure is forcibly relieved againft the fky. Signed, and dated 1648. On canvas. Height about 3 ft. 6 in., width about 2 ft. 8 in. 43 2 - Nicolas Maes, (born 1632, died 1693). Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman, half-length. Canvas. Height 3 ft. 5 in., width 2 ft. 1 1 in. 433- Eglon Van der Neer, (born 1643, died I 7°3)- A claffical fubjedl, from the Myth of Medufa. Height 2 ft. 1 in., width 1 ft. 8 in. 434- Nicolas Maes. An Old Woman eating from a Porringer. Panel. Height 9 in., width 7 in. 435- Nicolas Maes. Portrait of a Dutch Gentleman. Canvas. 43 6 - Peter Neefs, (died 1651 ?). Interior of a Cathedral. Signed, Neefs , On panel. Height ioj-in., width 144 in. 1631. 437- Andrew Both, (died 1645). Italian Peasants, at a wine-ftall in the Campo Vaccino, or forum, of Rome. Compofition of fourteen figures, in the ftyle of Bamboccio. On the right, the principal group furrounds a (fall or booth, where a man is ferving out wine to his cuftomers from a large flafk, in the extreme Dutch and Flemifh Schools. 45 foreground. On the fame fide are two men quarrelling, and on the left, a group of three men with an afs. In the background various ruined edifices are feen ; amongft them may be diftinguifhed the temple of Antoninus and Fauftina and the ColofTeum. The effect is that of a funny Italian evening. On canvas. Length 2 ft. 8 in., height 2 ft. 14 in. 43 8 - J. Both, (born 1610, died 1650), with figures by Polemberg. An Italian Landscape, with figures bathing. Length 14^ in., height 11 in. 439 - Adrian Van der Werff, (born 1659, died O 22 )- Samson and Dalilah. A highly-finifhed pi£ture. Signed, on the right-hand lower corner, U V. Werff, fee, 1717.” Panel. Height 2 ft. 2 in., width 1 ft. 8 in. 440. Francois Mieris, (born 1635, died 1681). A Soldier in a Cuirass, feated at a table, a pipe in his hand, and a flagon ftanding near. From Admiral Bligh’s Colle&ion, and formerly in that of Sir Robert Strange. Panel. Height gin., width 74 in. 441. William Van Mieris, (born 1662, died 1747). Interior of a Kitchen, with figures. The compofition is repre- fented as feen through a window or open ftone arcade, and the figures are half-lengths. A countryman or man-fervant is delivering a bafket of fifh, fowls, ducks, a cabbage, &c. to a cook or houfekeeper. In the background, the furniture and various culinary utenfils are detailed in the moft elaborate manner. Confpicuous on the left may be noticed a firing of onions hanging againfl the wall. Signed, on the right-hand upper corner, “ W. Mieris, fecit, a.d. 1736.” Panel. Height J 6 in., width 134 in. 44 2 - William Van Mieris. A Grocer’s Shop ; companion to the previous compofition. The interior is feen, as before, through an oval-arched window or ftone framework, in the lower part of which, under the fill, is a bas-relief of Cupids playing. The figures in the {hop are an old woman felling red 4 6 PiEiures. herrings to a man, who is feledting them from a bafketful which he holds in his hand. In the foreground are a cafk full of dried peas, a cafk of prunes, and a bafket of figs. Scales and weights are lying on the counter, and in the background may be feen the (helves and varied contents of the fhop, painted in the moil minute and highly-finifhed manner. Signed, in the upper left-hand corner, “ W. Mieris, fecit, a.d. 1744.” The earlier of thefe pidtures is the more highly-finilhed, the later one freer in execution, richer in colour, and more luminous in effedt ; both are of the higheft quality of the mailer. They were brought to England by Mr. Niewenhiiys. On panel. Same fize as the previous pidlure. 443 - Jan Hackaert, (born 1635). A Stag-hunt. The flag is being brought to bay by dogs in a pool or river, in the midft of a wood of tall draggling elm-trees. Two horfe- men and a lady are riding forward, and two “ piqueurs ” on foot are running into the water after the dogs. A clear and brilliant example of the mafter. Height 2 ft., width 1 ft. 6 in. 444 - Jan Hackaert. An Italian Landscape, with a brilliant funfet effedl. Peafants with afles in the foreground to the right. Canvas. Length 3 ft. 5 in., height 2 ft. 5 in. 445 - Gerbrant Van der Eeckhout, (born 1621, died 1674). An Allegorical Figure of Pomona, in a garden, furrounded by fruit, &c. Length 6 ft. 3 in., height 4 ft. 9 in. 446. G. Van der Eeckhout. A Family Portrait Group, of four children playing with a goat ; an important and brilliantly-coloured gallery work of the mafter. 447 - Jan Victoor, (died about 1670?). The Angel appearing to Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilder- ness. A large gallery pidlure, arched or circular at the top. From the Colledlion of Mr. King, of Clifton. Canvas. Height 6 ft. 4 in., width 4ft. 1 in. Dutch and Flemijh Schools . 47 448. W. Romeyn (lived during the fecond half of the 17th century). An Italian Landscape, with cattle and peafant women with afles. A compofition in the manner of Berghem. Length 19 in., height 14^ in. 449 - Molinaer (fecond half of the 17th century). A Dutch Winter Piece. The frozen folTe of a fortified town, with numerous figures fkating, fledging, &c. The moll confpicuous objedt is a fledge drawn by a white horfe. Signed in the left-hand lower corner. Panel. Length 3 ft. 6 in., height 2 ft. 4 in. 45 °- Michael van Musscher, (born 1645, died 1705). A Huckster Woman, wheeling a barrow of vegetables. The back- ground, very elaborately painted, reprefents a ftreet in Amfterdam, full of {hops. In the diftance, on the right, is feen one of the city gates, with a fteeple rifing over it. Befides the principal figure is a group, on the left, of a boy blowing a bladder, two little girls, and a brown and white fpaniel dog ; in the diftance are numerous fmall figures. Signed, on the fide of the wheelbarrow, “ M. V. Muffcher , 1668.” Canvas. Height 2 ft. 10 in., width 2 ft. 5 in. 451 - Van Musscher. Interior of a Room, diverfified by many elaborately-painted accef- fories, with a Dutch lady feated near a window, giving a piece of money to a maid-fervant, who has a tin pail hanging on her arm. Signed, on the window fill, on the left, “ M. V. Mujfcher , Pinx 1 . 1669.” This and the preceding fpecimen were probably originally intended as companion pictures, they are important and beautiful works of this rare mafter, in the fineft poffible ftate of confervation. Canvas. Height 2 ft. 10 in., width 2 ft. 5 in. Qo 452. Gerard Douw, (born 1613, died 1674). A Surgeon Dressing a Wound on a peafant’s face. Compofition of four figures in a Dutch interior. Panel. Length 1 ft. 10 in., height 1 ft. 5 in. 4 b Pictures. 453 - Balthasar Denner, (born 1685, died 1747). Head of an Old Man. Height 21 in., width 17 in. 454 - Denner. Half-length Figure of an Old Bearded Man, with a book; in the background a landfcape is feen through an opening on the left. Canvas. Height 18 in., width 134m. 455 - D ENNER. Head of St. Peter Repentant. Panel. Height 84 in., width 7 in. 456. Jan Adrian van Staveren, (circa 1660-1700). Head, or three-quarter bull, of an aged man, with a book in his hand and a gold chain round his neck, called “Galileo.’' On panel. Height 14 in., width 12 in. 457 - Van Busscher. An Interior, with a fervant girl peeling apples. Signed, “ C. Bujfcher , fecit, 1661.” On panel. Height 2 ft. 3 in., width 1 ft. 10 in. 458. Moucheron, (born 1633, died 1686). A Grand Classical Landscape, with figures. Canvas. 459 - Flemish School. Hagar and Ishmael. A grand gallery picture. Canvas, 460 Van der Tempel, (born 1618, died 1672). Portrait of a Dutch Lady, holding a fan in her hand. Canvas. 461. J. Van der Meer, (born 1665, died 1688). A Grand Classical Woody Landscape, with many figures and cattle. Canvas. Dutch and Flemijh Schools . 49 462. Gaspar de Crayer, (born 1582, died 1699). The Infant Saviour. St. John and the Lamb, with Jofeph bending over them in adoration. A fine gallery picture. Defcribed in Smith’s Catalogue, and attributed to Rubens. This pi£lure was formerly in the Colle&ion of the Right Hon. Spencer Percival, Prime Minifter. Canvas. 463- Gerard Berkheyden, (born 1645, died 1693). Interior of a Dutch Church, a fermon being preached to a numerous congregation. An admirable and molt truthful example. Panel Height 2 ft., width 1 ft. 3 in. 464. Van der Meulen, (born 1634, died 1690). The Siege of a City, in the Netherlands; Louis XIV. and his Staff in the foreground. Canvas. Length 2 ft. 7 in., height 2 ft. 465. Isaac Ostade, (born 1617, died 1654?). Dutch Landscape, with a mill. Panel. Length 2 ft. 1 in , height 1 ft. 2 in. 466. Dietrich, (born 1712, died towards the latter part of the century). Head of a Jew Rabbi, in the manner of Rembrandt. Signed, and dated 1741. 467, 468. Besschey, (born 1739, died 1799). Cupids at play. A pair. Panel. Length 11 in. , height gin. 469. Adrian Brouwer, (born 1608, died 1640). Dutch Peasants drinking in a Cabaret. Panel. Length gin., height 77 in. 47°. Rubens. Portrait of his Second Wife, Helena Forman, and his Two Children. h 5 ° Pictures 471. Rubens. The Coronation of the Virgin. An exquifite fketch in colours for the large altar-piece, now in the Gallery at Brufiels. From the Collection of Cardinal Fefch, and latterly of Cardinal de Pietro, in Rome, from whom it was obtained in i860. Height 2 ft. 1 in., width 1 ft. 4 in. 472. Rubens. Holy Family. Compofition of five figures: the Virgin feated holds the Infant Saviour on her lap ; the infant St. John Handing at her knee on the left, prefents a goldfinch led by a firing, which the Saviour holds betwixt the forefinger and thumb of his left hand ; St. Elizabeth, repre- fented as an aged matron, Hands or kneels behind St. John ; and in the background, Jofeph, leaning forward, with his left hand reHing againH the trunk of a tree, contemplates the group. The fcene pafles within a garden ; an arcade of trellifed foliage, through which the fky is feen, forming the background. The figures are three-quarter fize, i.e. feen down to the knees. This pidture has been engraved by Bolfwert, the beautiful print being one of his moH popular works. The compofition is defcribed in Smith’s “Catalogue raifonne,” under the No. 950 (vol. ii. p. 281), evidently from the print only, the whereabouts of the pidture itfelf being at the period of the publication of the work apparently unknown ; at a later period, however, the prefent pidture came into the pofieffion of the Meflrs. Smith, and it was acquired from them by Lord Northwick. A replica exifis in the public Mufeum at Cologne, having been purchafed at the price of 5000 thalers (about 750/.), at the fale of the Colledtion of M. Weyer of Cologne, in 1862. This lafl-named pidture, which for many years had enjoyed great local celebrity, had previoufly to the fale been fold by M. Weyer for a much higher fum, but was returned again to him ; and its purchafe afterwards by the city of Cologne, at the fale, was much debated by connoifieurs from all parts of Europe ; and it was then, and has fince been unanimoufly pronounced, a copy or fchool repetition. Although precifely the fame in compofition and in general fcheme of light and fhade and colour, the two pidtures are very dif- fimilar in afpedt. The Cologne pidture being comparatively pale and chalky in colour, and in every part betraying the careful yet fomewhat feeble handiwork of a fcholar. It is completely eclipfed by the vivid and luminous colouring and brilliant execution of the prefent example, Dutch and Flemijh Schools. 5 1 which has, moreover, the advantage of being in the molt perfedt ftate of confervation, which is not the cafe with the Cologne pidlure. No other repetitions are known to exift. On canvas. Height 4 ft. 1 in., width 3 ft. 8 in. 473 - Rubens. The Holy Family with St. John. 474 - Adam Elsheimer, (born 1574, died 1620). The Last Supper. Painted on copper. Length 4 in., height 3 in. 475 - Qmmeganck, (born 1755, died 1826). A Mountainous Landscape, with cows, goats, and fheep in a meadow on the borders of a lake. A fhepherd and fhepherdefs in the left-hand corner. Signed, “ B. P. Qmmeganck, f. 1781.” An exquifite fpecimen of the matter. On panel. Length 2 ft., height 1 ft. 6 in. 476. Ommeganck. Sheep in a Meadow, brilliant effedt of evening funlight. A beautiful fpecimen. Length 17 in., height 15 in. 477 - K. du Jardin (afcribed to). An Italian Landscape, cattle watering at a pool ; a peafant woman and a child on the right. Panel. Width 20 in., height 1 4J in . 478 - Dirk Stoop, (born about 1612, died about 1686). Landscape, an inn or pofada in a mountainous diftridl, with a traveller baiting his horfe. A brilliant fpecimen of this rare matter. Canvas. Length 2 ft. 1 in.^height 1 ft. 10 in. 479 - Van der Neer, (born i6iq ? died 1683 ?). River View by Moonlight. Length 1 3! in., height 8 t in. 5 2 Pi&ures. 480. Terburg, (born 1608, died 1681). A Flemish Lady, with her maid, at her toilette. Canvas. Height 18 in., width 14' in. 481. Jan Siebrechts, (born at Antwerp, 1625 ; died in London, 1703). A Grand Gallery Landscape. The fcene is laid in the woody environs of a Dutch town ; the foffe and graffy ramparts of which may be feen through the trees on the right ; the centre of the compofition is occupied by a hollow road, which forms a fhallow watercourfe, with a raifed pathway by its fide, fringed on each fide by a copfe of tall ftraggling trees ; a waggon or cart, and a gentleman’s carriage are being driven along through the water, and numerous figures enliven the foreground. On the left is a meadow bordered by trees, with cattle grazing. A chef-d’oeuvre of this little-known but excellent Flemilh mailer ; in admirable truth to nature, and in the technical qualities of art, it yields but little to the works of Hobbima, whofe charadteriftic pecu- liarities it diredtly recalls. Pidlures of Siebrechts (all greatly inferior to the prefent example) may be feen in the public galleries of The Hague, Brulfels, and Lille. Length 7 ft. 9 in., height 5 ft. 5 in. 482. Cuyp (afcribed to). Cows and Sheep in a Meadow, a woman milking. 483 - School of Rembrandt. Christ Disputing with the Doctors. Panel. Length 2 ft. 7 in., height 2 ft. 484. Mytens. Portrait of a Gentleman, with a pointed beard and mouftache, wearing a falling ruff. 485. Flemish School. A Winter Piece, with a man and woman fkating on a frozen canal ; boats in the foreground. Height 2 ft. 1 in., width 144 in. 486. Flemish School. Amorini playing at Ball. French and SpatziJJj Schools , etc . 53 487. Hondecooter, (born 1636, died 1695). Poultry. A cock and hens, a turkey cock, and a young goat. 488. Zorg (Henry Martin Rokes), (born 1621, died 1682). A Market Scene in Amsterdam. The foreground is filled with a bufy compofition of numerous figures ; on the right is confpicuous an old woman at her ftall felling vegetables, and on the left may be noticed a man {looping down with a balket of fifh, whilfl a tray of haddocks and a number of other fifh lie on the ftones near it. In the background is a canal filled with (hipping and bordered by houfes. This beautiful pidlure is one of the fined known works of Zorg ; the fifh, vegetables, and fimilar accefTories in particular being executed with a truth of reprefentation, delicacy and vivacity of touch, truly re- markable. On panel. Length 2 ft. 1 in., height 1 ft. 5 in. 489. Gerard Honthorst, (born 1592, died 1660). The Violin Player. 49°. Rosa di Tivoli, (born 1655, died 1705). Cattle in a Landscape. 491. Van Ekels, (born 1722, died 1781). View of a Place, and a Church, in a Dutch town. 49 2 > 493 - Dutch School. A Pair of Small Oval Landscapes in miniature ; a Dutch fkating fcene and a moonlight piece. French and Spanifh Schools , &c. 494. ^^^LAUDE LORRAINE, (born 1600, died 1682). Classical Landscape, and figures. Canvas. 495 - Le Nain, (died about 1648). The Forge. Panel. Height 10 in., width 8*- in. 54 PiSiures. 496. De L’Orme, (circa 1660). Classical Landscape, and figures. Canvas. 497 - Largilliere, (born 1656, died 1746). Portrait of Mary of Modena, Queen of James II, with her fon, the Old Chevalier, and his filler. An interelling and important contemporary pidlure, doubtlefs painted at St. Germains. Canvas. 498, 499. j. Vernet, (born 1712, died 1789). Pair of Small Sea Pieces. A fea-port in a calm, and a llorm. Length 10 in., height 7 in. 500. j Vernet. Italian Landscape, with a waterfall and with figures filhing. Canvas. Height 18 in., width 14 in. 501. Carl Van Loo, (born 1705, died 1765). A Nymph, with children, in a landfcape. 502. Carl Van Loo. The Companion Pidlure, a fimilar fubjedl. 503 > 504 - De Troy, (born 1645, died 1 73 °)- Pair of Oval “ Sopra Porte.’’ Allegorical figures, females and amorini, (reprefenting architecture and rhetoric). 505. Francois Mile, (born 1644, died 1680). Landscape, with the ftory of Cephalus and Procris. Canvas. Length 2 ft. 10 in., height 1 ft. 6 in. 506. Grimoux. Head of a Lady, with a feather in her hair, and wearing a ruff. Height 1 ft. 10 in., width 1 ft. 6 in. 50 7 , 5 ° 8 - Patel (born 1648, died 1705). A Pair of Landscapes, with ruins and claffical figures. French and Spa?iif}j Schools , etc. 55 509 Greuze, (born 1726, died 1805). A Lady, (the artift’s niece,) painting in a Audio. Length 2 ft. 1 in., height 19 in. 510, 511. French School. A Pair of Small Oval Classical Landscapes. 512. Early Spanish, (School of Valencia). Heads of our Saviour, St. Pedro, and St. Juan. An interefting work by the painter or painters of the famous “ retablo” of the Cathedral at Valencia; either Pablo Aregio, or Francefco de Napoli. Painted circa 1520. , 5I3 ' Early Spanish School. The Entombment. 5 1 4- Murillo, (born 1618, died 1685). Spanish Peasant Boys. From the Colledfion of the Margrave of Anfpach. Canvas. 515- Murillo. Spanish Peasant Boys. The Companion pidlure. From the fame Colledhion. Canvas. 516. Murillo. The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception with Infant Angels. From Major-General Mead’s Collection, Conful-General in Spain. 517. Murillo. The Virgin as the Good Shepherdess. From Major-General Mead’s Collection, 5 , 8 . Hogarth, (born 1697, died 1764). Portrait of Garrick and a Friend, in a landfcape. 519. Hogarth. Portrait of his Wife, in a white fatin drefs. 5 6 Pi Bures 520. Portrait of the Earl of Bute. Prime Minifter under George III. 521. Loutherbourg, (born 1734, died 1812). A Grand Landscape, and figures, with a waterfall. 522. St. Agnes with a Lamb in her Lap. In chiaro fcuro ; the face and hands flightly tinted, in paftel. 523 - Head of a Philosopher, in Roman mofaic. 524 - Portrait of Mary Oueen of Scots, in water colours. Pictures by Modern Artifis. 525. )UIS HAGHE. The Audience Chamber in the Hotel de Ville at Bruges, with Margaret, Governefs of the Netherlands, receiving the burghers of that city ; the celebrated water- coloured drawing, painted in 1852, the chef-d’ceuvre of the artift. (Contributed to the Manchefter Exhibition). Length 5 ft. 6 in., height 3 ft. 10 in. 526. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Portrait of Niel Gow. Height 4 ft. 1 in., width 3 ft. 3 in. 527 - Sir Thomas Lawrence and Simpson. Life-sized Portrait of the Duke of Wellington. Purchafed at Sir Thomas Lawrence’s fale. Height 8 ft. 4 in., width 5 ft. 10 in. 528. Sir David Wilkie, R.A. His own Portrait, painted for Mifs Barnard, of Somerftown. Height 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 1 in. Modern Artifts . 57 529 - Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Portrait of his Mother, a head in profile. Height 17 in., width 144 m. 5 30 - Sir David Wilkie, R.A. Sketch of a Head, a portrait of General Palafox, the defender of Zaragoza. Height 94 in., width 64 in. 53 1 - After Sir David Wilkie. The Village Festival. Copy in water-colours, for the engraving. S3 2 . B. R. Haydon. Portrait of Napoleon, a Handing figure in a landfcape. In the background is feen an obelifk with a golden eagle at the fummit. Height 2 ft. 6 in., width 2 ft. 533 - Rothwell. Portrait of Thorv/aldsen, painted in Rome from the life. 534 - £. Verbockhoven. Scotch Sheep and Colley Dogs. View taken from the top of Loch Lomond, looking down to Ben Lomond in the diftance. 535 - E. Verbockhoven. Peasants of Chamounix, with Cattle. 53 6 - H. Koekkoek, 1854. A Sea Piece ; fifhing-boats getting out of harbour in a fluff" breeze. Length 2 ft. 10 in., height 2 ft. 537 - H. Koekkoek, 1854. Sea Piece ; fifhing-boats getting into harbour. Length 2 ft. 5 in., height 1 fit. 9 in. 53 8 - H. Koekkoek. A Sea Piece. Length 21 1 in., height 154 in. 1 5 « Pi Shires. 539 - B. C. Koekkoek, 1858. Landscape, a foreft fcene. Morning eft'edt. Length 3 ft., height 2 ft. 1 in. 540. B. C Koekkoek, 1858. A Woody Landscape, with the fetting fun. Companion to the previous picture. Length 3 ft. , height 3 ft. 1 in. 54 1 • O’Connor. Landscape ; the mountain and glen of the Oaks near Dublin, efteiSf of ftormy iky. Length 2 ft. 10 in., height 2 ft. 3 in. 542. Creswick, R.A. A View on the Coast of England. 543 - H. P. Parker. Smugglers Fighting on the Deck of their Vessel. (Engraved.) 544 - Parker. Looking Out. 545 - Prentice. The Return of the Prodigal Son. (Engraved.) 546. F. R. Prentice. A River Scene. Drawing in water-colours. 547 - S. W. Buss. “ The Monopolist.” (Engraved.) 548. W. Duffield. A Fruit Piece. Painted for Mr. Napier. 549 - W. Duffield. Fruit and Dead Game. The companion picture. Modern Artijls. 59 550. H. M‘Culloch. Trees by Moonlight, in the Duke of Hamilton’s foreft at Cadzow. 55 1 - H. M‘Culloch, R S.A. Highland Moorland Scenery ; a grand landfcape. 552. P. Van Schendel. Christ and the Two Disciples at Emmaus. Lamplight eft'edt. 553 - P. Van Schendel. A Flemish Market Scene in Rotterdam, by candle-light; a woman felling vegetables. 554 - P. Van Schendel. The Companion Pidture ; a market fcene in Rotterdam, by candle-light ; a poultry feller. 555 - W. Barraud. Shakespeare, when a young man, holding a horfe at the door of the Globe Theatre. 556 - Modern Flemish. “The Young Cavalier;” an interior, with armour, pi£lurefque furniture, &c ; two children, one of whom, a boy, is dreffing and array- ing himfelf as a cavalier. 557 - Jones, R.A. A Prisoner brought before the Tribunal of the Inquisition. (Engraved.) 558. Drummond. A Portrait of Dibdin the Poet. 559 - Portrait of Smeaton, — the Eddyfton Lighthoule feen in the back- ground. Portrait of a Boy. His own Portrait. 560. 561. G. Morland. 6o PiSlures. An Ass in a Stable. A Landscape. 562. G. Morland. 563- G. Morland. 564. Ferdinand de Brackelaer. The Rustic Dinner. Painted for Mr. Napier. 565. Ferdinand de Brackelaer. The Village School. Painted for Mr. Napier. 566. R. Moswell. Dead Game. 567. Patridge. Portrait of Watt, from Dr. Smith’s Collection, 568. T. Stothard, R.A. A Cottage Girl hanging out Clothes to dry. (Engraved). 569. Sir J. Reynolds. Portrait of a Lady and Child, (Mrs. Halbert the aCtrefs), in the character of a nymph, with the infant Bacchus. 570 - Sir J. Reynolds (afcribed to). Portrait of a Lady (Mifs Elizabeth Carter, tranflator of EpiCtetus), in white, with a book. 571 - V ERHEYEN. View in Utrecht. 572 - Caws. Interior of a Highland Cottage, in the Ifle of Arran. 573 . 574 - A Pair ; a Scottifh lake fcene, and entrance to a river ; a boat in the foreground. Modern Artifts. 6 1 575- Brown. View of Dumbarton in the last Century, (howing the glafT- works. 576, 577. A Pair ; books and various objects of ftill life, and painting imple- ments, &c. 578. Shayer. A Coast Scene. 579- Joy. A Sea Piece, with a man-of-war at anchor, &c. Drawing in water- colours. 580. D. McNee, R.S. A. Portrait of C. Stanfield, R.A. 581. G. Harvey, P.R.S.A. The Spinning Wheel; an interior, with a lady, (a portrait of Mrs. Napier. Painted at Shandon). 582. J. Napier. Portrait of David Roberts, R A. Painted from the life at Shandon. 583. J. Napier. Portrait of G. Harvey, Prefident of the Scottifh Royal Academy. Painted from the life at Shandon. 584. C. F. Buckley. A Scottish Landscape, with a girl and two children fording a ftreamlet. Drawing in water-colours. 585. C. F. Buckley. A Scottish Mountainous Landscape. Drawing in water-colours. 586. J. C. SCHETKY. View of Shandon, from the Gareloch. 587, 588. Pair of Drawings in “ Guash Aurora drawn in a car by two horfes, and Ceres in a car drawn by two dragons. Roman or Neapolitan laft century drawings. Section III. SCULPTURE IN MARBLE, TERRA COTTA, &c. 702. OUP IN MARBLE. An amorino with a kid, and holding a bunch of grapes in its hand, at which a bird is pecking. German work, firft half of the 18th century. Height 17 in., length 12 in. 703 - Statue or Group in Marble. A recumbent figure of a boy-angel with a crofs, fymbolical of religion. Italian 18th century work. Length 21 in. 7 ° 4 - Thorwalsden. Marble Bust of a Young Girl, after the antique ; life fize. 7 ° 5 , 706 - Pair of Life-sized Terminal Marble Busts of a Faun and a Bacchante. Italian 1 8th century work. 707. Life-sized Marble Bust of Queen Victoria, by Bailey, R.A. 708. Bas-Relief in Marble, in glazed frame, Hercules and the Nemean lion. Length 14 in., height 13! in. 709. Life-sized Marble Bust of Minerva, after the antique. Height 2 ft. 7 in. Marble , 'Terra Cotta , etc. 6 3 710. Large Life-sized or Colossal Marble Bust of the Duke of Wellington, at about the age of forty. Height 2 ft. 6 in. 710.* Large Life-sized or Colossal Marble Bust of the Duke of Wellington, by M, Noble, 1852. Height 2 ft. 8 in. 711. Life-sized Marble Group of a Mother and Child, or the Virgin with the Infant Saviour, by Fillans. The mafter-piece of the artift. A commiffion from Mr. Napier. 712. Life-sized Marble Bust of a Veiled Vestal, by Raffaelle Monti. 7*3- Marble Head of a Child, in the ftyle of Fiammingo ; fmall life-fize. 7 I 4> 7 I 5- Pair of small Marble Busts of Corneille and J. J. Rousseau. French laft century fculpture. 716. Life-sized Bust of the Sculptor Lemoine, in terra cotta, by himfelf. An admirable and moft life-like work. 717- Marble Statue of a Dancing Bacchante. Italian 18th century work. Height 3 ft. 6 in. 718, 718A. Pair of Marble Statuettes of Greyhounds, by Gott of Rome. Height 18 in., length 15! in. 7 1 9 * Marble Statue of the Infant Bacchus. Italian 17th or early 1 8th century fculpture. Height 3 ft. 720. Life-sized Marble Bust of a King of Denmark, in Roman armour; Flemilh or German fculpture, circa 1700-20. 721. Life-sized Marble Group of Venus and Cupid. An elaborate and important work of Girardon. Signed, 11 Girardon, f. 1668.” 64 Sculpture in 722. Large Tazza, on pedeftal, in polifhed Cornifh Terpentine. Height 21 in., diameter 20 in. 723. Bas-Relief Tablet, in marble, framed and glazed. A group of a female with children or amorini. An allegory of Charity. Italian laft century fculpture. Length 10 in., height 44 in. 723* A small Life-sized Bust of Flora, in ftatuary marble, on pedeftal of coloured marble. A beautiful Italian 17th century work. Height 18 in. 724, 725. Pair of Statuary Marble Busts of the Laughing and Weeping Philosophers. Flemilh early 18th century fculpture. 726. Relievo in Terra Cotta, by Clodion. A Bacchanalian compofi- tion of amorini. Signed by the artift. A fpirited and beautiful work. Length 17 in., height 104 in. 727 - Profile Portrait Head of Thorwaldsen, in high relief, in ftatuary marble, with roflo-antico border. Height 72 m., width 62 in. 728. A Set of Six Casts of Ivory Carvings of Amorini, after Fiammingo ; mounted in an oak frame. 729 - Small Relievo Cameo Bust of “ Archytas,” giallo antico, in white marble ground. Height 7 in., width 6 in. 73 °- Model in High Relief, in terra cotta. A group of three affes. Spanifh 18th century work. Length 172 in., height 8 in. 73 1 - Relievo of the Crucifixion, in alabafter. Spanifh 1 6th century work. Height 62 in , width 54-in. Marble , Terra Cotta , £/c. 65 7 32 - Marble Group of Two Roman Warriors Fighting, one of whom is falling mortally wounded. Italian 17th century fculpture. Height 20 in. 733 > 734 - Pair of small Circular Relievi, in terra cotta. Bacchanalian groups of amorini. 17 th century fculpture, fchool of Fiammingo. Diameter 42 in. 735 - Oval Medallion Portrait of a Young Girl, in full relief; original model in terra cotta, by Flaxman ; a portrait of his young filler. Purchafed at the fale of his drawings and models, at Chrifties’, in 1862. Height 4|in., 3^ in. 7 36 - Marble Statue or Group, small Life-size of Adonis, with a dog. Signed, in the plinth, “ Alex ier Van Pappenboven , fecit.” A beautiful work of German fculpture of circa 1700. 737 A Group in Marble of a Crouching Nymph, with two amorini. A beautiful work of Italian early 18th century fculpture. 738. A Marble Statue of the Infant Hercules, by Van Pap- penhoven. Height 3 ft. 7 in. 739 - The Companion Marble Statue of an Amorino, with a bird’s neft. Signed by Van Pappenhoven. 74°, 741. Two Marble Statuettes of Amorini Fine old Flemifh fculp- ture ; circa 1 700. Height 3 ft. 3 in. 742 - Marble Group of Two q^.morini, with a globe betwixt them, round which a ferpent is twined. Small life-fize Flemilh early 1 8th century fculpture. 743 - Group of Two Amorini, in marble, playing with a bird’s neft. flemilh early 1 8 th century fculpture. K Section IV. BRONZES. 802. EAD OF A HORSE. A Florentine cinque-cento “ cire-perdue ” bronze. Height 32. in. 803. Triangular Inkstand. The fide panels filled in with arabefques ; on the cover a Handing figure of a warrior. Italian, circa 1520. Height 6y in. 804. Triangular Bronze Inkstand. The fides ornamented with ara- befques ; on the cover three fatyrs’ mafks. Florentine early cinque- cento work. Diameter 5 in., heightEy^* 11 - 805. Florentine Bronze Inkstand, in the form of a marine monfter, with a fatyr’s or triton’s head. Cinque-cento work. Length 8 in. 806. The Laocoon. A fplendid Italian, 18th or early 19th century, highly-finifhed bronze, mounted on bronze and ormulu pedeftal. Entire height 2 ft. 3 in., length 194 in. 807. Florentine Bronze Cinque-cento Statuette of a Lion, mounted on Sienna marble plinth. Length 44 in. Bronzes. 67 808. Oblong Bp„onze Inkstand. The Tides ornamented with Medufa heads, centaurs, &c. in high relief ; on the lid, a Medufa head within a wreath, flanked by two amorini. A beautiful Italian bronze, circa 1500. Length 8 in., width \\ in. 809. Statuette. David with the head of Goliath, mounted on verde antique pedeftal. A Florentine quattro-cento bronze. Height, including pedeftal, 15 Lin. 8.10. Bronze Statuette of a Dragon. Italian 1 7th century work, mounted upon a flab of Griotte marble. Length 74. in. 811, 812, 813. Three half-length Bronze Figures of Nude Bearded Men, giants or titans. Fine Italian 18th century bronzes. 814. Bronze Group of Three Figures. King John figning Magna Charta. A highly-finifhed modern bronze Height 17 in., length 19 in. 815 - Bronze Relievo Plaque. The Flagellation of our Saviour. Cinque- cento work. Height 5T in., width 4 in. 816. Small Bronze Mask of a Satyr. AntiqueGreek or Roman work. Height ij- in. 817. Miniature Bronze Bust of Mercury, on blood-ftone pedeftal. Antique Roman work. Height of the buft 1 in. 818. Small Italian Cinque-centoBronze Plaque. Hercules fleeping, with Cacus dragging a cow into his cave. Infcribed “ O. Modern ! . ’ From Baron de Monville’s Collection. Height 2 1 in., width 2 \ in. 819. Bronze Gilt Relievo Plaque. Landfcape. In the foreground an amorino afleep, with a fkull and an hour-glafs at his feet. Length 34 in., height 24 m, 68 Bronzes . 820, 821. Two Italian Cinque-cento Door-knockers. The fcutcheon a half figure of an eagle, the ftriking part formed by two dolphins. Width 5 in. 822. Italian Cinque-cento Bronze Door-knocker. The fcutcheon a rofette, the ring or ftriking part two dolphins, with a pointed ftone betwixt them. Largeft diameter of the ring 8 in. 823. Italian Bronze Cherub’s Head. Length of the outftretched wings 6^ in. 824. Bust of the Infant Bacchus. An Italian cinque-cento door-knob or handle. Height \\ in. 825. Brass Tap. The fpout a dragon’s head, the turning cock a triton or merman holding a fhield. German 16th century. Height 8 in., length 84 in. 826. Statuette of a Roman Lady or Empress, feated in a curule chair. A beautiful Florentine cinque-cento work, in imitation of the antique. Height 3T in., length 3T in. 827. Florentine Bronze Statuette of Venus, on porphyry pedeftal, afcribed to Giovanni Bologna. Height 7L in- 828. Florentine Bronze Statuette of Paris, holding the apple in his hand. A beautiful cinque-cento cire-perdue bronze. Height 4T in. 829. Florentine Bronze Statuette of a Nude Standing Male Figure, probably Mercury. Height 5-Tin. 830. Relievo in Bronze. Repouffe and chafed work. Flemifh, fchool and period of Rubens. Height I2T in., width 1 1 in. Bronzes. 69 831. Bronze Mortar and Pestle, enriched with honeyfuckle fcrolls, acanthus leaves, &c. Italian cinque-cento work. Height 54 in., diameter 54. in. 832, 833. Two Bronze Rams’ Heads ; 18th century work Length 6 in. 834, 835. Two Italian Bronze Door-handles, formed as crouching figures of Pan ; 1 8th century. Height 8 in., width 94 m. 836. Bronze Benitier, the centre reprefenting the Baptifm of our Saviour, the bowl upheld by three infant angels. A Spani(h(?) cire-perdue bronze, circa 1640. Height 134. in., width 64 in. 837 * Italian Bronze Door-knocker. Cupid (landing on two dragons ; 17th century. Height 15 in., width 10 in. 838, 839. Two Italian Bronze Door-knobs, forming buds of Turks wear- ing turbans ; 17th or 1 8th century. Height 6 in. 840. Shield-shaped Scutcheon of an Italian Bronze Door- knocker. Two Cupids joining hands. Height 9 in., width 10 in. 841. Italian Bronze Door-knocker. Jupiter holding a thunderbolt, (landing between two lions. Height 16 in., width ioi in. 842, 843. Pair of Italian Bronze Candlesticks, triangular fhape. At each angle a winged terminal fyren ; the interfpaces filled in with elaborate perforated cartouche work, &c ; fhields of arms bearing a double-headed eagle on the nozzles. Height 7 in. 844. Italian Bronze Door-knocker. Neptune (landing betwixt two 7 ° Bronzes fea-horfes. A fine Venetian bronze of the fchool of Sanfovino. Circa 1560. Height 17 in., width 12 in. 845, 846. A Pair of large Heads of Cherubim. Italian 17th century bronzes, probably knobs or handles of a large door. Height 8 in., width 9 in. ^ 47 - Scutcheon of an Italian 17TH Century Knocker. Two Cupids and a mafk. Height 5 in., width 74 in. 848. Statuette in Bronze. Grotefque figure of a Neapolitan bravo fencing. Modern. Height 5 in. 849. Italian Circular Bronze Inkstand, upheld by three tritons; on the cover a ftatuette of Neptune. Height 1 1 4 in. 850. Italian Cinque-cento Bronze Inkstand, furmounted by a feated figure of St John the Evangelift. Entire height 1 1 in. 851, 852. Pair of Bronze Groups. Silenus upheld by a nymph and fatyr, and a group of a Bacchante, Pan, and a faun. Fine Florentine bronzes, firll half of the laft century. Mounted on ebony pedeftals. Height of the groups 8 in. &53> 854- Pair of Bronzes. Statuettes, refpedtively of Diana and of Meleager holding a boar’s head in his hand ; on ebony pedeftals, inlaid with flabs of variegated onyx. Fine old French Louis XIV. bronzes. Height, including pedeftals, 13 in. 855 - Italian Cinque-cento Bronze Candlestick. A nymph holding a bafket of flowers ; three amorini and bas-reliefs of recum- bent figures on the pedeftal. An exquifite Italian bronze, circa 1550. Height 8 in. 856. Bronze Bust of the Infant Saviour. Florentine, circa 1500. Height 4L in. Bronzes. ji 857. Florentine Bronze Bell. The handle a ftatuette of Venus or Juno. Cinque-cento. Height 7 in. 858. Bronze Bell, enriched with bas-reliefs of equeftrian figures, and infcriptions. Dated 1544. German. Height 5 in. 859. Italian Bronze Hand-bell, richly decorated with arabefques in relief ; infcribed on a fhield, u Jofeph de Levis Ver {Verona), f” Cinque-cento. Height 64 in. 860. Circular Bronze Inkstand, fupported on three fphynxes ; on the cover a feated figure of an amorino. Italian cinque-cento work. Height 74 in. 861. Bronze Bust of Oliver Cromwell. A highly-finifhed contem- porary Englifh bronze. Height 8 in. 862. Bronze Group. Hercules and the Nemaean lion. A fine Florentine bronze, circa 1580; mounted on pedeftal of porphyry and ormulu, of old French work, circa 1700. Height 94 in., length 9 in. 863. Statuette of St. Louis, in bronze, holding a fword in one hand, and the inftruments of the paffion in the other, on a richly-ornamented pedeftal. Italian 17th century. Height 12 in. 864. Group of the Centaur Nessus, carrying off Dejanira. Floren- tine bronze, after Giovanni Bologna. Height 164 in., width 11 in. 865 - Bronze Statuette of the Venus de Medici. Florentine 17th century. Height 1 34 in. 866 . Florentine Bronze Statuette of Adonis; 17th century. Height of the bronze 8 in. 72 Bro7izes 867. Bronze Group of a Nymph and a Triton. Italian cinque-cento. Height 9 in. 868 . Bronze Gilt Statuette of an Italian Bird-catcher. Cinque- cento. Height iol in. 869. Set of Four small Dancing Figures of Children, in the coftume of the prefent century. German or Swifs, gilt bronzes. Height of each 4 in. 870, 871. Pair of Old Florentine Bronze Statuettes, mounted on verde antique pedeftals; Venus fuckling Cupid, and Saturn or Time tearing off Cupid’s wings. Entire height, including pedeftals, 24 in. 872 Life-sized Bronze Bust of Sir Walter Scott. Height 22 in. 873 . 874 - Pair of Bronze Candlesticks. Italian cinque-cento model. Height 9 l in. 875. Venetian Bronze Candlestick, ornamented with delicate inter- laced arabefques damafcened with threads or filets of filver. Circa 1570. Height 72. in. 876, 877. Pair of Bronze Statuettes of Roman Warriors. Italian 1 6th century work. Height 1 34 in. 878, 879. Two Square Plaques, in bronze repouffe work. Buffs of an aged man and an old woman, furmounted by ftrap-work and fcroll foliage. Augfburg work, circa 1680 (?). 9L in. fquare. 880. Large Tobacco-box or Jar, with dome-lhaped cover in bell- metal, ornamented with arabefques and arms, and with the infcription, “ Hans Heinrich Schalch Seckelmeifter , 1635.” German work. Diameter 8 in., height 84. in. Bronzes. 73 88 1. Smaller German Tobacco-pot, of the fame kind, in bell-metal, ornamented with beautiful arabefques ; 17th century. Diameter 54 in. 882. Group of a Satyr and Bacchante. A fine French laft century bronze, after Clodion. Height 15-F in. 883. Large Double Bulb-shaped Bronze Ewer, richly ornamented with arabefques, amorini, &c ; a female mafk under the fpout ; on the handle a dragon and a ferpent fighting. Style of the cinque-cento. Height 2 ft. 4 in. 884. Small Gilt Bronze Figure of a Roman Emperor. Italian 17th century. Height 5 in. 885. Bronze Relievo. Dutch 17th or 1 8th century work. A pedlar difplaying his wares. Executed in repoufle work, carefully chafed. In ebony frame, height 72. in., width 6|- in. 886 . Renaissance Bronze Ewer. Modern French work. Height 14 in. Bronze Group. A peafant, with a jug in his hand, eating a cruft of bread ; a child Handing by him, on a fmaller pedeftal ; 1 8th century. Height 124 in. 888 . Bronze Statue of an Aged Faun, with the infant Bacchus in his arms. A fine 1 8th century Florentine bronze, after the antique. Height 2 ft. 889. Bronze Group of the Wrestlers. A fine Florentine bronze o i the laft century, after the antique. Height 1 ft. 6 in., length 2 ft. 890. Bronze Group of Hercules carrying a Child in his Arms. A fine Florentine reprefentation of the antique laft century work. Height 2 ft. L 74 Bronzes. 891. Bronze Statuette of the Listening Slave. A fine Florentine reduction of the antique. Laft century work. Height, including pedeftal, 17 m. 892. Statuette of Scipio. A fine 1 8th century French bronze. On black marble pedeftal. Height 1 5 yin. ^ 93 - Group ; a Roman warrior on horfeback, fighting with a barbarian, who lies proftrate before him. A fine laft century French bronze. Height 15L in., length 152. in. 894. Group ; a mounted Amazon ftriking down a Greek warrior. Pen- dant to the preceding. Height I5yin., length 15-yin. 895, 896. Pair of fine old French Bronzes : the Marli horfes. Height 2 ft., length 1 ft. 6 in. 897. Bp.onze Statue, the dancing faun. A fine Florentine reduction of the antique. Height 2 ft. 4 in. 898, 899. Pair of Bronze “ Medici ” Vases. Fine Florentine reductions of the antique. 900, 901. Pair of large Oviform Vases, furrounded by figures of Bac- chanalian children, and with maffive wreaths of oak-leaves. Fine old French or Florentine bronze. Height, including figures at top of cover, 2 ft. 6 in. 902, 903. A Pair of Bronze Statuettes, refpeCtively of Charles I. and Cromwell. Height 154 in. 904, 905. A Pair of Grand Flambeaux, or Torchere Candlesticks, formed by lions rampant holding out fhields, and terminal nude male figures. Very fine Italian 17th century work. Height 172-in. Bronzes . 75 906. Mercury, Statue in Bronze. A full-fized copy of the celebrated life-fized ftatue by Giovanni Bologna, in the Florence gallery. A fuperb Florentine laft century bronze. Entire height about 6 ft. 907. Napoleon crossing the Alps. A French contemporary bronze, mounted on boule and ormulu pedeftal. Height 14 in., length 10 in. 908. Baron Marochetti. Equestrian Statuette of the Duke of Wellington. Height lyiin., length 13 in. 9°9- Equestrian Statuette of Frederick the Great, King of Pruffia, in caft iron. 910. Large Relievo Plaque in Gilt Bronze. The adoration of the fhepherds, Italian work, circa 1600. Length 141-in., width lo^in. 911 - Small Oval Bronze Plaque. A peafant drinking. Length 32. in., height 2±in, 912. Gilt Bronze Statuette of Hercules. Italian renaiflance period, on pedeftal of lapis lazuli and malachite ; from the Brett Collection. Height of the ftatuette 3|- in. 9 I 3, 9 I 4- A Pair of fine Old Louis xvth French Bronze Candelabra, of three lights ; claffical draped figures of two nymphs in bronze, holding up vafes, from which fpring lily-branches for the lights ; the latter in ormulu, and the finely-chifeled enriched pedeftals alfo in ormulu. Height 2 ft. , 9*5- Large Oval Repousse Work Plaque, for a fconce or luftre, embofted with claffical buft and fcroll work; 17th century. Height 22 in., width 20 in. 916. Bronze Bust of Corneille. Small life fize. ?6 Bronzes 9 X 7* The Companion Bust of Moliere. 918. Grand Vase in Ormulu, with bas-relief of amorini, &c. on the top a boy fitting on a goat blowing a horn or (hell ; cornucopia handles, &c. On the oppofite fide is a fhield of arms. Height 3 ft. 6 in. 919. A fine Old Circular Salver, in brafs, engraved with minute interlaced arabefque work,damafcened with filver. Old Venetian work, in the Oriental ftyle, circa 1546. Diameter 172. in. 920. A Similar Old Circular Salver, engraved and damafcened. Venetian interlaced ornamentation. Diameter 172. in. 921. Statuette of Napoleon Buonaparte when firft Conful, in pale golden-tinted bright bronze, on pedeftal of vari-coloured marbles, refting on a triangular bafement of ftatuary marble, ornamented with three couchant winged terminal lions. Napoleon is reprefented fimply draped in a claffical toga, holding in his left hand a fcroll, from which he is reading; his right extended in an attitude of command. This beautiful contemporary bronze, in every part elaborated with the utmoft perfection, is an unique work by a great Italian fculptor. It formed part of the celebrated gallery of modern fculpture colleded by the Marquis Sommariva at his villa on the lake of Como. It doubt- lefs reprefents Napoleon as the eftablifher of the Cifalpine republic ; and the bronze was therefore in all probability executed in Italy in 1800, fhortly after the battle of Marengo. Entire height, including pedeftal, 17 in., of the ftatuette alone 8fin. 922. Large Sword Pommel, in gilt bronze ; a grotefque helmeted head grouped with elaborate cinque-cento ftrap-work ornaments finely chifeled. German (?) work, circa 1580. Section V, CARVINGS IN WOOD, 95 1 - OODEN COMB, ornamented with perforated tracery work and infcribed with a motto in old French ; 16th century French work. Length 6|-in., width 41 in. 952 - Similar Comb. Length 74. in., width fin. 953 - Cylindrical Drum of a Tankard, in carved wood, ornamented with figures of amorini, typical of the four elements. Flemifh 17th or 1 8th century work. Height 3iin., diameter 34 in. 954 - Frieze, in carved boxwood, a battle fubjedl of many figures. German 16th century work. Length 6 in., width 2 in. 955 - Circular Medallion, in carved cyprefs wood perforated, in centre a figure of our Saviour feated on a throne, two zones of bulls of faints in fmall circles round it ; 17th century, Greek work. Diameter 4 in. 956 - Portion of a Spindle in carved Boxwood, elaborately decorated with open-work ornaments and figures of fatyrs and nymphs. Italian 1 7th century work. Length 9 in. ?8 Carvings in Wood. 957 - Desk Knife, with long {haft in carved boxwood, ornamented with figures. Italian 17th century work. Length 14 in. 958 - Tobacco Pipe Head, in carved wood, mounted in filver, richly or- namented with a terminal female figure, acanthus foliage, &c. French work, period of Louis XVI. Length 54- in., height 4 in. 959 - Pipe Head, richly carved in ebony, with figures and foliage ; by the fame hand and of the fame period as the preceding. Length 6 in., height 44. in. 960. Carved Boxwood Pipe, ornamented with fcroll-work and figures, infcribed “ Antonio Gufala Beluno.” Italian 1 8th century work. Length 12 in. 961. Pipe, in carved wood, ornamented with nymphs and amorini, foliated fcrolls, and vine-leaves and grapes. Italian 18th century work. Length 184- in. 962. Wooden Pipe Case, carved with the Pruffian Royal Arms, animals, &c. containing a clay tobacco pipe, with the date 1 754. Said to have belonged to Frederick the Great. Length 12 in. 963. Carved Sandal-wood Candlestick, decorated with arabefque foliage and birds, in low relief. Venetian 17th century work. Height 6|- in. 964. Candlestick, of the fame ftyle and origin. 965. Candlestick, of the fame ftyle and origin. 965 * Powder Flask, in carved wood mounted in filver, the body formed by a group of two dogs attacking a flag. German work, circa 1640. Diameter \\ in. 966. Nutcrackers, in the form of agrotefque bearded old man, carved in boxwood. French or German 16th or 17th century work. Height 7T in. Carvings in JVood . 79 967,968. Pair of carved-wood Brackets, reprefenting refpeclively heads or bulls of a boy and a girl, furrounded with rococo fcrolls. German work. Height 1 34. in., width 9 in. 969. Crucifix in carved Boxwood ; an exquifstely truthful and beauti- ful work, by a Spanilh fculptor. Height of the llatuette, 124 m. 970 - Group, carved in Peartree, of the Pieta, or Virgin and dead Chrift, under a canopy fupported by Corinthian columns. This beauti- ful fpecimen of early German fculpture, on a fmall fcale, bears the monogram of u Albert Durer Date, circa 1520 ; it is enclofed in an outer cafe of ebony. 971, 972. Two Circular Medallion Relievo Portraits, in carved box- wood, of Martin Luther and his wife. Diameter 2 \ in. 973 - Circular Powder Flask, carved in wood with rofettes and fcrolls, in the centre of the fide is inferted a compafs covered by a hinged filver plate, engraved with a rofe. German work, circa 1640. Diameter 4§- in 974 - Small Priming Flask, in the lhape of a heart, in carved wood, ornamented with an oval cameo head, furrounded with fcrolls on each fide. Length 2|- in., width 2 in. 975 - Small Priming Flask, formed of an Indian nut, carved with three figures of foldiers laden with plunder. German work, circa 1620. Length 34 in. 9 76 - Statuette in carved Wood of Various Colours. A peafant walking with a pack on his back. Spanilh or Neapolitan 1 8th century work. Height 15 in. 977 - Companion Statuette. Woman with a child on her back. Height 14 in. 8o Carvings in IVood . 978 - Alto-relievo, in carved wood. The Converfion of Saul. Com- pofition of many figures and horfes. Italian 17th century work. Length 15 in., height ioiin. 979 - Group of a Hound pursuing a Stag, in full relief. Modern French or German work. Height 114 in., length 9^ in. 980. Box, in carved fandal wood. Indian work. Length i5Lin., width 7J- in. , height 6^ in. 981. Flat Oblong Casket, in carved fandal wood, ornamented with fcroll-work, birds, &c. in low relief. Venetian, circa 1700. Length 1 ii in., width 9 in., height 41. in. 982, 982A. Pair of Brackets, in carved walnut wood ; amorini furrounded with acanthus leaves. Height 16 1 in. 983- PIead of our Saviour, in carved wood, in rofewood frame, carved with flying figures of infant angels. 984. Pair of Bellows, richly carved in walnut wood, with arabefques, dragons, &c. in the ftyle of the Italian cinque-cento. Length 2 ft. 1 in., width 1 ft. 985. Pair of Italian carved Walnut-wood Bellows, with elaborately chifeled bronze nozzle ; the fides of the bellows richly carved with ftrap-work and figures picked out in gold. Venetian work, circa 1570. Length 2 ft. 5 in., width 12 in. 986. Pair of Italian carved-wood Bellows, with chifeled bronze nozzle, the fides carved with a compofition of Galatea after Rafiaelle. Italian work, circa 1590. Length 2 ft. 2 in., width iopin. 987. Two Pairs of Large Oviform Vases, in carved wood, enriched with acanthus leaves, mafks, feftoons of fruits, &c. Brought from Venice, 1863. Height about 2 ft. 8 1 Carvings in Wood. 988. Pair of Wood Carvings, reprefenting warriors in old German coftume of the period of the Emperor Maximilian ; afcribed to Albert Durer : contained in a box in two compartments, with Hiding lid, on which are circular carved medallions of our Saviour and St. Paul. 989. Long Wooden Box, with the Virgin and Child carved on the Aiding lid. From the Bernal Collection, and containing a wood-carved fpoon. Length 94 in. 990 - Watch- stand or Holder, in carved wood and ivory, the ivory frame elaborately carved with dogs hunting a boar ; the wooden cafe carved with a boar’s head, &c. From the Vifconti Collection, Paris. Length 154- in., width 5 in. 99 1 - Small wooden Box, with Aiding lid, containing a minute figure of our Saviour on the crofs, carved in fandal wood ; 17th century work. Length 24 in. 992 - Statuette, of the Virgin holding the Infant Saviour in her arms, and treading a ferpent under foot. A beautiful Spanifh or Italian 17th century carving in boxwood. Height 1 1 in. 993 Elaborate Alto-relievo Carving of many Figures, in cedar. The ftory of Jezebel. Italian 17th century work. Length 64-in., height 44 in. 994 - Oval Panel in Carved Wood ; a fopra porta. A compofition of four amorini, with a table on which are counters, fymbolical of Arithmetic. Flemifh work, circa 1700. Length 33 in., height 21 in. 995 - Large Oval Wood Carving; a fopra porta. Amorini as black- fmiths at a forge. Flemifh work, circa 1726. Height 3 ft. 8 in., width 2 ft. 10 in. 996 - Group of Two Amorini, one riding on the other’s back. A fine old German 16th century carving in boxwood. Height 54 in., length 4jin. M 82 Ca?"vings in Wood. 997, 998. Pair of Statuettes on carved Wood and Ivory, of a peafant, or mendicant, and his wife. Neapolitan 18th century work. Height 1 1 in 999, 1000. Pair of Groups of Colossal Dimensions, each of two amorini gambolling on the back of a lion. Venetian 17th century fculpture ; faid to have originally formed part of a grand bedftead of a Doge of Venice. Height of groups 4 ft., length of ditto 2 ft. 6 in. 1 001. A Dead Woodcock, fufpended by a firing from a fpray of ivy leaves, carved out of a fingle piece of lime-wood, enclofed in glazed cafe. The work of Thomas W. Wallis, of Louth, 1854. 1002. Group in carved Ivory with Drapery, in carved wood. An aged peafant, or faun, carrying a cupid on his back. Neapolitan 18th century work. Height 194 in. Section VI. CARVINGS IN IVORY. 1021 . IRATER, or “ rape a tabac,” with ivory back carved with Hercules fubduing the Eurifthean bull, fcroll-work, &c. 1 8th century work. 1022 . Similar Grater, in ivory cafe, carved with a Handing figure of Pomona, and with fcroll-work ; i8th century work. 1023. Desk Seal, the handle formed of a group of three cupids carved in ivory; of 17th century Italian work, mounted in gold fet with a blood- ftone feal engraved with the initials, motto, and creft of Robert Napier, Efq. 1024. Handle of a Desk Knife or Stylus, in carved ivory ; a cupid holding up a fhield. Italian 17th century work. 1025 Similar carved Ivory Handle. Companion to the preceding. 1026. Crucifix, in carved ivory, fixed on an ebony crofs, with label, and fkull and crofs-bones in ivory. Spanifh 17th century work. Height of crofs 24 in., heightyof the figure 9A in. 1027. Oval Cameo Portrait ; head of a prince or gentleman in long flowing wig and Roman armour. Dutch; date about 1700. Said to be Peter the Great. Height 3^ in., width 2^ in. 8 4 Carvings in Ivory. 1028. Triptych, in carved ivory, the centre reprefenting faints under canopies, tracery work, &c ; the two wings, or doors, carved with fub- jecfs from the life of our Saviour. Gothic 14th century work. Height 5 in., width, the doors opened, 84 in. 1029. Gothic Ivory Carving ; the Crucifixion, in an ebony cafe, enclofed with folding doors, as a triptych ; 14th century work. 1030- Group, in full relief. Our Saviour bound, led by foldiers — probably a portion of a compofition of our Saviour brought before Pilate. Gothic work, date about 1400. Height 5-I- in. 1031. Fragment of a Relievo 5 fubjedt, fcenes from the Paffion of our Saviour. Gothic 14th century work. 1032. Ivory Carving, a portion of a cafket, reprefenting a knight in armour fighting with a lion — a romance fubjedl. Firft half of 14th century. I0 33> A > B > c > D > E - Six Small Relievi ; fcenes from the life of our Saviour. Portions of a cafket. French Gothic, circa 1480. 1034- Ivory Comb, carved on both fides with romance fubjedts. Italian Gothic work, circa 1370. Length 6iin., height 5 in. I0 34* Alto-relievo of minute Figures ; Mofes and the brazen ferpent ; 17th century work. 10 35- Relievo, in carved ivory; the Entombment. German work, circa 1500. 1036. Group of two infant angels holding up a crofs ; 17th century work. io 37- Statuette ; a dodtor of the Church, probably St. Auguftine, holding an opened book in his hand, two infant angels at his feet, one of whom holds a mitre. Spanifh 17th century work. Height 54 in. Carvings in Ivory. 85 1038. A Skull, moft beautifully and elaborately carved in ivory ; one half the head is reprefented with the fhrivelled fkin ftill adhering to it. German 17th century work. 1039. Statuette, in carved ivory, the arms wanting, probably originally intended for a figure of Atlas fupporting a globe. Fine Italian 17th century fculpture. Height 74 in. 1040. Statuette of the Virgin and Child. Spanifh 17th century work. Height 6 in. 1041. Relievo, in carved ivory, three amorini upholding the papal tiara and crofs keys. An exquifite and moft highly-finifhed work of Francois du Quefnoy, called II Fiammingo. Exhibited at Manchefter, and at the Loan Exhibition at South Kenfington, 1862. Height 74 in., width 44 in. 1042. Portion of the Hilt of a Hunting Sword, in ivory, carved with trophies; the pommel formed by a helmeted head. Italian 17th century work. 1043 - Circular Patch-box, the lid carved with a compofition of Venus and Adonis. Italian 18th century work. 1044. Circular Patch-box or Bonbonniere ; the lid fculptured with an amorino reclining on a feahorfe, in high relief. Italian 17th century work. 1045. Small Gourd-shaped Flagon or Perfume Bottle, in carved ivory, with filver ftopper ; the fides ornamented with fmall amatory groups and cherubs’ heads. Dutch, circa 1700. 1 046 - Small Ivory Pounce Bottle, carved around the fide with Bac- chanalian fubjedfs of children. Dutch, circa 1700, 1047. Ivory Pounce Bottle, carved with fcroll foliage and cupids fighting with lions. Italian 17th century work. 86 Carvings in Ivory. 1048. Small Ivory Pendant Ornament, in form of a heart, entirely carved in open work, with fcriptural fubjedts, fufpended by a chain, alfo carved in ivory, from a figure of a pelican in her piety. Spanifh(?) 1 6th or 17th century work. 1049. Cylindrical Drum or Body of a Tankard, carved in ivory, with tritons and fea- nymphs. Flemifh 17th century work. Diameter 4I- in. 1050. Circular Snuff-box, in carved ivory, with rims of tortoifefhell ; carved in low relief, with figure fubjedts. Dutch 18th century work. 1051. Small Ivory Jewel Casket, with arched cover, mounted with lock and angle plates in filver. German 16th century work. 1052. Small Oval Relievo, in carved ivory, in ebony frame ; fubjedt, Danae receiving the fhower of gold; 17th century work. 1053- Small Oval Relievo, beautifully fculptured with a compofition of Venus and Cupid, nymphs, &c ; 17th or 1 8th century French or Italian work. 1054. Satyr’s Mask, in carved ivory; the pommel of a cane; 17th or 18th century work. I0 55- Carving in Ivory, in full relief. Abraham fending away Hagar and Khmael. Flemifh work. Signed with the name of the artift, “ H. Baur Ruremonde , 1790.” Height 4J- in., width 32- in. 1056. Ivory Carving, in high relief. Samfon and the lion. Fine Flemifh 17th or 1 8th century fculpture. Height 4 in., width 3 in. 1057- Tobacco Stopper, furmounted by a laughing fatyr’s mafk, in carved ivory ; faid to have originally belonged to David Garrick. 1058. Relievo, in carved ivory. Jupiter deftroying the Titans. A fine Italian work of the early part of the 17th century. Length 8 in., width 5 in. Carvings in Ivory. 8 7 1059. Relievo. Companion to the preceding, and by the fame artift. Subject, the ftory of Perfeus. Length 8 in., height 4J in. 1060. Alto-relievo. A faintly or legendary fubjedt, St. Jerome in peni- tence, St. Anthony, and St. Frances (?). A fine Italian carving of the 17th century. Height 74- in., width 5jin. 1061. Ivory Carving, in high relief. The Infant Saviour and St. John in a landfcape. A fine Flemifh 17th century carving. Length 54: in., height 4 in. 1062. Ivory Carving, in high relief. Lot and his daughters. Fine 17th century Italian fculpture. Length 84. in., height 4T in. 1063. Ivory Carving, in high relief. The rape of the Sabines ; probably by Lucas Faydherbe, circa 1640. A fuperb Flemifh carving. Length 94- in., height 5 in. 1064. Ivory Carving, in high relief. The judgment of Solomon. A fine Italian 17th century work. Length 84- in., height 4A in. 1065. Profile Medallion or Cameo Portrait, in carved ivory, of Clement XI. Italian 17th century work. 1 066. Profile Medallion or Cameo Portrait, of Innocent XL Italian 17th century work. 1067. Blotting Book, with covers of carved ivory ; open work of fcroll foliage, and figures of nymphs or mufes and cupids. Modern work. Purchafed from the International Exhibition of 1862. 1068. Crescent or Lenticular shaped Powder Flask, in carved ivory, ornamented with figures of antelopes and other animals. Perfian work. 1069. Similar Persian Ivory Powder Flask. 83 Carvings in Ivory. 1070. Hilt of a Dagger, elaborately carved with beautiful floriated orna- mentation, in the ftyle of the arabefques of the Alhambra. Morefco work(?) 16th century (?). 1071. Cylindrical Box, in carved ivory ; ornamented with zones of foliated ornaments, mermaids, &c. Cingalefe or Batavian 17th or 1 8th century work. 1072. Cylindrical Needle-case, in turned ivory, chain pattern, open work. 10 73- Buckle of a Sword-belt, in walrus ivory, carved with foliated arabefque fcroll-work of the moll rich and elaborate defcription, on a fcale of extreme minutenefs. Perfian 16th or 17th century work. 1074 - Ivory Buckle, elaborately carved with dragons. Old Chinefe work. 1075. Similar Buckle. 1076. Statuette, in carved ivory, of a mendicant with a wooden leg fupporting himfelf on crutches ; on ebony and ivory pedeftal. Dutch 17th or early 18th century work. I0 77- Companion Statuette, of an old beggar woman. Dutch 17th or 1 8th century work. Height of each, including the pedeftals, 8i in. 1078. Statuette of Mars or a warrior in Roman armour, with a lance and fhield ; 17th or early 1 8th century work. Height 7 in. 1079 - Statuette of an amorino or infant Bacchus holding up a bafket of grapes. Flemilh or Dutch 17th century work. Height 7^ in. 1080. Allegorical Group of Four Figures, in carved ivory. Death carrying off an infant from its mother, another child Handing near; an admirably executed work by one of the ableft of the German or Flemifh ivory carvers of the 17th century. Height of the group 5^ in. Carvings in Ivory. 89 1081. Cylindrical Tankard or Drum, in carved ivory. A frieze of dancing amorini, mounted with bafe moulding and cover in filver repoufle work, on the fummit a fmall ftatuette of the Infant Chrift in filver. A beautiful work of Flemifh 17th century art. Entire height 6|- in. 1082. Drum of a Tankard or Pedestal. A Bacchanalian frieze of amorini. Flemifh 18th century work. Diameter 5-L in. 1083. Drum of a Tankard or Pedestal; companion to the previous fpecimen, and by the fame artift. A frieze of children with dogs and flain animals — flags, boars, &c. — emblematic of the chafe. Diameter 5^ in. 1084. Carved Ivory Tankard, with cover alfo in ivory, the handle and other mountings in filver gilt. The fubjeCl of the drum or body repre- fents a feftive or Bacchanalian aflemblage of the gods ; the cover, a Bacchanalian frieze of amorini, and on the knob at the fummit is feated a fmall figure of an amorino with a bafket of fruit. This fplendid tankard, doubtlefs one of the fineft of its kind ever executed, is the work of one of the great Flemifh or German ivory carvers of about 1660-80. The Augfburg pine-cone mark on the filver gilt mountings feem to denote it to have been made in that city. From the Duchefs of Cleveland’s Collection. Exhibited at the Loan Exhibition at the South Kenfington Mufeum, 1862. Height 12 in., greateft diameter of the ivory drum 51. in. 1085. Group, in full relief, in carved ivory, confifting of eight figures reprefenting the defcent from the crofs, executed in the mod admirable and highly-finifhed ftyle of 17th century art. This fplendid carving is entirely executed from a portion of a Angle tufk of enormous fize ; on the bafe is the monogram of the artift CL, and date 1653. ^ * s the work of the celebrated Italian fculptor Algardi. Entire height xyi-in., diameter at bafe 6i-in. 1086. Group of two wreftling amorini. Italo-Flemifh 17th or 1 8th cen- tury work. Height 3|- in. N 90 Carvings in Ivory. 1087. A Peasant seated on the Stump of a Tree, playing the bag- pipes ; ftatuette carved in ivory. Italo-German 17th century work. From the Mufeum of the Green Vaults at Drefden. Height 4 in. 1088. Bust of a Man, wearing a douched hat, his handkerchief blown about by the wind, in carved ivory; figned “ J. C. L. luds. fecit, 1726, London.” A delicately executed and fpirited work. Height 3T in. 1089, A, b, c. Four Small Statuettes, mounted on ivory and ebony pedeftals, allegorical figures of fpring, fummer, autumn, and winter. French 17th or early 1 8th century work. From Lord Shrewfbury’s Colledtion, Alton Towers. Height, including pedeftals, 5Lin. 1090. Group of T wo Amorini, one of whom is fupported on the fhoulders of the other. A fpirited Italo-Flemifh ivory carving of the 17th century. Height 4 in. 1091. Statuette of the Virgin and Child, in carved ivory. Gothic work, ftyle of the 14th century. Height 62 in. 1092. Statuette of St. Francis, holding a crucifix in his hands. A Spanifh 17th century ivory carving. Height 52. in. 1093, A. A Pair of Statuettes, refpedtively of a male and female mendi- cant ; the man with his arm in a fling, the woman carrying two children ; 1 8th century work. Height 6jr in. 1094. Cameo Medallion Portrait, in low relief, of King Louis XVI. 1095. Oval Casket, in carved ivory ; a wreath of oak leaves and buds round the fide, and a group of flowers on the lid. Fine modern work. From the International Exhibition, 1862. Length 5|-in., width 4^ in. , height 4 in. Carvings in Ivory 9 l 1096. Oblong Casket, in carved ivory, with a bunch of roles in full relief on the lid. Fine modern carving. From the International Exhibition of 1862. Length 4|-in., width 3 in., height 4J-in. I 097 - Bust of King Louis Philippe, in carved ivory, on black and gold marble pedeftal. Signed “ Graillon , 1837.” Height of the bull 7 in. 1098. Small Bust of Lord Brougham, in his official robes, mounted on marble pedeftal; reduced by Cheverton’s procefs. Height of the buft 4^ in. 1099 - Miniature Portrait Bust, in carved ivory; reduced from the original by Fillans, by Cheverton’s procefs. 1 100.. Companion Bust ; reduced from the original by Fillans, by Chever- ton’s procefs. I I o 1 . A Set of Chessmen, in carved ivory, on elaborate pedeftal in carved and ftained ivory and rofe-wood. Chinefe work. 1102. Thermometer, on a turned ivory pillar or pedeftal. 1103. Japanese carved Ivory Group; button or pendant of a taflel ; a woman with two children riding on an ox. 1 104. Similar Button ; a woman tying up the mouth of a fack. 1105. Similar Carving ; an old bearded prieft feated, holding a dwarf ftag or other fmall grotefque animal. 1 106.. Similar Carving ; a man with two fwords fitting on a toad. 1 107. Similar Carving; a warrior in an attitude of menace, holding a large fword. 1 108. Similar Carving ; a woman and child in a bath. 1 109. Similar Carving ; a man kneeling on another and pulling the tail of his hair. 92 Carvings in Ivory . I I 10. Similar Carving ; an old bearded prieft with a fan and a child feated. 1 1 1 1 . Similar Carving ; a mendicant with one eye, walking with a ftaff, a dog lying down at his feet. I 1 1 2 . Similar Carving ; a Kylin lying down, inlaid with fmall beads of glafs and coral. 1113 - Bas-relief, in carved ivory. Morning; after the marble relievo by Thorwaldfen. Reduced by Cheverton’s procefs. Length 6 in., height 41 in. 1 1 14. Companion Bas-relief. Night. Reduced by Cheverton’s procefs. Length 6 in., height 4^ in. 1115 - Mercury and Pandora ; relievo in ivory, after Flaxman. A re- duction by Cheverton. Length 6 in., height 4|-in. 1 1 16. Carving in Whale’s Tooth, reprefenting a biblical fubjeCt. 1 1 17. Small Ivory Carving, in the Gothic ftyle ; a half figure praying within a Gothic cufped panel. Length 3 in. 1 1 18, and 1 1 18 a. Two Ivory Carvings, in high relief, in the fame frame. The dying gladiator and a wounded warrior; after the antique. By Andrea Pozzi. 1 1 19. Alto-relievo, in ivory. The Laocoon ; after the celebrated antique group. By Andrea Pozzi. Height 54-in , width \\ in. 1120. Alto-relievo, in ivory. The Farnefe Hercules ; after the antique. By Andrea Pozzi. Height 54- in., width 3T i n - 1 1 2 1 . Alto-relievo, in ivory. The Farnefe Flora; after the antique. By Andrea Pozzi. Height 54: in., width 3 F* n - Carvings in Ivory. 93 1122 . The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, ftatuette in ivory, in frame of ebony and ormulu. Spanifh 17th century work. 1123. Oval Medallion, in carved ivory ; profile portrait of a lady. Period of Oueen Anne. Height 5 in., width 4 in. 1124. Statuette of the Virgin feated with the Infant Chrift on her knee. Old French Gothic work, circa 1330. Height of the group 72. in. 1 125. Leaf of a Diptych ; the angelic falutation, and the birth of our Saviour, under Gothic canopies. French, circa 1340. Height 3 in., width 22 in. 1126. Perforated Plaque, in carved ivory. Gothic 14th century work, in low relief. In the upper part the Virgin and our Saviour feated on thrones, in the lower divifion four Handing figures of faints under canopies. Probably a book-cover plaque. Height 4 in., width 22 in. 1127. A Large Puzzle Ball, mod elaborately carved in open work, and enclofing many other balls, all richly carved and perforated, with ivory chain and filk taflel attached. Chinefe work. Diameter of ball 52 in. Section VII. DECORATIVE PLATE. Gold and Silver Smiths' Work in General. 1 141 . LVER-GILT CHALICE ; the foot, the knob, and lower part of the bowl minutely chifelled with fcrip- tural fubje&s — cherubim and boy angels, and fet with brilliants, emeralds, and rubies ; a fuperb fpecimen of Spanifh goldfmiths’ work, of the firft half of the 17th century. This chalice is very fimilar to one preferved in the Treafury of the Cathedral of Murcia. Exhibited in the Loan Exhibition at the South Kenfington Mufeum, 1862. Height 1 of in. 1 142. Large Chalice, in filver-gilt, enriched with elaborate fcroll-work, cherubs’ heads, boy angels, &c. “ en repouffe,” and with fix oval enamels in colours reprefenting the feenes of the Paffion. Fine German work, circa 1700. Height iof in. 1143 - Large Silver-gilt Chalice, of fimilar ftyle and period to the pre- ceding, alfo enriched with fix enamels. German work, circa 1690-1700. Height nf in. 1144. Italian Fifteenth Century Chalice, the ftem and knobs enriched with champ-leve enamels. Siennefe or Florentine work, circa 1400. Height j\ in. 1145 - Statuette, in filver parcel-gilt “ en repoufife,” a bifhop with a crozier (probably St. Auguftine). Fine Flemifh 17th century work. Height 92 in. Decorative Plate . 95 1146. Silver Statuette of St. Andrew ; on the pedeftal is a cavity containing a relic of the faint. Spanifh 16th or 17th century work. Height 5 V in. 1147 - Cup or Goblet, in filver-gilt ; with balufter-fhaped Item, the bowl ornamented with pundtured work, circa 1600. German or Flemifh. Height 5I- in., diameter of bowl 4A in. 1148. Tankard, the drum or body in plain ivory, the handle and cover, which is furmounted by a pine-apple, in filver-gilt ; old Englifh laft century work. From the Duke of York’s Colledtion. Height 8|-in., diameter 54 in. 1149. German Gothic Silver-gilt Cup, with fpiral boffes and gadroons, an open crown or gallery round the middle of the Hem. Height 8 in. 1150. Silver Cup, formed as a lady fupporting a fmaller cup, which turns on a fwivel handle. German work, parcel-gilt. Height 9L in. 1 1 5 I - Similar Silver Parcel-gilt German Cup ; a man ftanding on a tub. 1 152. Tall Cylindrical Cup or Hanap, in filver-gilt, emboffed with figures of Richard Coeur de Lion, Saladin, Leopold Duke of Auftria, and elaborate renaiffance ftrapwork ornament ; on the cover an equef- trian figure in armour. German work. Height 22 in. 1 153 - Cocoa Nut, filver mounted; the nut carved with three fubjedts of the Temptation, Cain flaying Abel, and Lot and his daughters. Dutch 17th century work. Height 5|-in. 1154. Silver-gilt mounted Cocoa Nut, on balufter ftem, with cover furmounted by a ftatuette of a warrior with a lance and fhield, the mountings engraved with arabefques. A beautiful example of German or Flemifh work, circa 1580. Height lot in. 9 6 Decorative Plate . ri 55- Silver-gilt mounted Cocoa Nut, without cover; the mountings chafed and engraved with fine arabefques. German or Flemifh work, circa 1580. Height 6 \ in. 1156. Silver-gilt mounted Cocoa Nut; the nut beautifully carved with Chrift turning the water into wine, Chrift and the woman of Samaria, &c. German 16th century work. The mountings of later period. Height iiiin. 1157. Carved Cocoa Nut, of ancient Ruffian work; the nut carved with three elaborate religious fubjedts, accompanied with infcriptions in the Ruffian language. It is mounted and lined with filver-gilt ; the mountings enriched with cloifonne enamel in floriated patterns of green, white, and black; 16th or 17th century work. A rare and interefting example. Height 44 in. 1158. Tea Pot, in filver repoufle work, admirably chafed with fcroll foliage ; a moll tafteful and beautiful fpecimen of filverfmiths’ work of the Augfburg fchool of circa 1690. Height 64 in., width 7 in. 11 59- Silver Parcel-gilt Beaker, engraved with a zone of vintage fubjedts and infcriptions in German, circa 1600. Height 34. in. 1 160. Small Cylindrical Silver-gilt Beaker and Cover, {landing on three balls, embofled with tulips and fcroll foliage. Augfburg work. Height 4 in. 1 161 Old English Elizabethan Silver-mounted Mottled Stone- ware Jug; the mountings engraved with arabefques, and a coat of arms with three wool-packs. Date about 1570. Height 94 in. 1162. F lat Circular Parcel-gilt Cup, with ftraight handle, ornamented with antique filver coins and medals, and encircled by an infcription purporting that the cup was made for and by the order of the Abbot of Pechwaradien, 1615. A beautiful fpecimen of old German plate. Diameter 54 in. Decorative Plate. 97 1163. Pear-shaped Sprinkler, in blue Japan porcelain, mounted in filver filigree work ; the mountings Perfian or Turkifh. Length 8 a in. 1164. Small Cup, in copper, richly parcel-gilt, with German infcriptions. 17th century work. Height 2 a in., diameter 2 a in. 1 165. Small Cylindrical Beaker, in filver, engraved with arabefques, and Handing on three lions’ feet, dated 1581. Dutch or Flemifh. Height 3A in. 1 166. Small Silver Counter Box, engraved with trophies, and with a head of Charles I. on the lid. Old Englilh, circa 1630. Height if in., diameter if in. 1 167. Old English Silver-gilt Counter Box, containing a fet of thirteen filver counters, beautifully engraved with portraits of James I, Charles I. and his Queen, and other perfonages, probably by Crifpin, de Pafie ; on the lid of the box is a medallion head of King Charles I, in relief. Circa 1630. 1168. Old English Silver Counter Box, the lid engraved with a rofe, containing five filver counters, engraved by Briot, or Crifpin de Pafl'e. 1 169. Small Silver Counter Box, ornamented with turned or guilloche work. 1170. Silver Parcel-gilt Repousse-work Plaque or Picture, in rococo frame ; the afcenfion of the Virgin furrounded by angels. Flemiih work, circa 1700. Height 13A in., width 9 in. 1 1 7 1 . Small Silver Dish, in centre a nymph reclining, fcroll-work border in ftamped or repoufie work. Dutch, circa 1680. Length 8f in., width 7 a. in. 1172. Oval Silver Parcel-gilt Dish, in centre a woman and child in a landfcape, border ©f fruit and foliage, and medallion of Roman emperors ; repoufie work in high relief. Dutch, circa 1690. Length 1 3 in., width 1 1 in. o 98 Decorative Plate. “ 73 - Oval Dish, in filver, emboffed in centre with William Tell fhooting at the apple on his Ton’s head ; border of fcroll foliage. German work in repouffe. 1174. Small Oval Silver Plaque, perforated arabefque work, from the lid of a fnuff-box. Circa 1720. Length 3 in., width 2 in. “ 75 - Small Silver Bust of Hercules. Height 2 in. 1176. Small Silver-gilt Jewish Circumcision Cup. j 7th century work. Diameter 24- in. “ 77 - Circular Silver-gilt Pedestal, ornamented with amorini in relief. 17th century work. Height 54. in. 1178. Statuette, in filver repouffe-work, of a peafant boy. Height 74. in. “ 79 - Silver Repousse-work Tray, emboffed with the Annunciation jn the centre ; four oval enamels of fcriptural fubjedls at the corners. Flemifh 17th century work. Length 7 in., width 6 in. 1180. Silver Circular Box Reliquary, engraved and chafed with fcroll-work and a monogram. Spanifli 17th century work. Diameter, 24- in. 1181, 1182, 1183. Two Small Pedestal-shaped Boxes, in filver, ornamented with niello-work, and having ftatuettes of Bacchus and Diana on the lids. A tazza “ en fuite” with taper ftand. 1 184. Silver Badge of the Caledonian Society ; a figure of St. Andrew. Height 3 in. 1185, 1186, 1187. Three Small Oval Busts, in filver repouffe-work, in brafs rococo frames ; Alexander, Attila, and Godfrey of Boulogne. Height of each 54- in., width 34- in., including frame. Decorative Plate. 99 1 1 88, 1 189, 1 190. Three Circular Silver Chasings, reprefenting battle fubjedfs, with equeftrian figures of the three previous-named heroes ; alfo in rococo brafs frames. Height, including frame, iof in., width 7 in. 1 19 1. A Chased Silver Sword-hilt. 1 192. A Seated Hindoo Deity, in terra cotta, covered with thin filver plate. Height 7 in. “ 93 - Circular-topped Silver Chasing ; a Roman triumph. Height 3|-in., width 2U in. 1194 - Circular Silver Chasing, of very minute workmanfhip,by Kirftein of Strafbourg; fubjedt, Cincinhatus. Diameter 3^ in. H95. Small Silver Cup, on tall ftem. Height 3^ in. 1196. Silver Inkstand, in the ftyle of the renaiflance, fupported on three terminal fyrens ; on the cover a ftatuette of Cupid. This beautiful piece of Italian plate was formerly the property of the celebrated linguill, Cardinal Mezzofanti, and was purchafed at his fale in Rome. H97. A Silver Peg Tankard, finely chafed and engraved. 1 198, 1199, 1200, 1201. Four Silver-gilt repousse-work Salvers, embofled with figures of the Patriarchs. Section VIII. MOUNTED CRYSTALS, And other Objects in Precious Metals. 1242. ARGE CUP or Oval Boat-shaped Bowl, on tall balufter-fhaped Hem, in rock cryftal, mounted in filver- gilt and gold, richly decorated with tranflucent enamels ; the handle formed by a flying dragon ; a fatyr’s mafk enamelled in proper colours at the other extremity; at each fide are feftoons of coloured flowers. Exhibited at the Man- chefter Exhibition, (No. 326). Height 1 it in., length of the bowl 8 in. 1243- Cylindrical Cup and Cover, in rock cryftal, engraved with ara- befques, and fupported on balufter-fhaped ftem ; filver-gilt mounting. Italian cinque-cento work. Height 8 t in. 1244 - Oval Rock-crystal Cup and Cover, on balufter-fhaped ftem, mounted in filver-gilt, at the fummit of the cover a ftatuette of St. Michael. Height 7 in. 1245. Small Goblet or Cup, in rock cryftal, engraved with arabefques, on balufter-fhaped ftem. Italian 16th century work. Height 3T in. 1246. Seal, Atlas upholding the globe, cut in rock cryftal. Ruffian work, executed in Siberia. Height 31 in. Mounted Cryfials , etc. i o I 1247. Oval Bowl, in blue-tinted onyx. Length 44 in., width 34 in. 1248. Small Oval Bowl, in brown and white onyx. Length 24 in., width 2 in. 1249. Oval Fluted Tray, in rock cryftal, mounted in filver filigree work. Italian or Spanifh 17th century work. Length 9 in., width 7 in. 1250. Small Oval Cup, in brown onyx. Length 2 in. 1251. Small Oval Cup, in yellow onyx. Length 3 in. 1252. Circular Cup, in cornelian. Diameter 3 in. 1253. Flat Tray or Saucer, in red mottled jafper. Diameter 4 in. 1254 - Cup and Saucer, in mofs agate. From Cambay in the Eaft Indies. Diameter of faucer 34 in. 1255. Tazza, in white mofs agate or fpar. Diameter 74 in. 1256. A Ball cut into Facets, in rock cryftal. Diameter 24 in. 1257. Tazza, in “blue John” Derbyfhire fpar. Height 64 in., diameter 8 in. 1258. Small Tazza, in “blue John.” Height 54 in., diameter 54 in. 1259. Smaller Tazza, in the fame material. Height 44 in., diameter 4 4 in. 1260. Smaller Tazza, in the fame material. Height 34 in., diameter 44 in. 102 Mounted Crystals , etc . 1261. Cup or Goblet, on tall Item, in the fame material. Height 5[in., diameter 4 in. 1262. Inkstand, in Agra mofaic of precious ftones, on ground of white alabafter. Length 12 in., width 10 in. 1263. Small Oval Onyx Tazza, upheld by a figure of a negro in enamelled filver; the body formed by a “ perle baroque.” Height 42- in. 1264. Small Oval Tazza, in cornelian, mounted in filver-gilt, with two handles. Length 32. in., width i|- in. 1265. Small Oval Tazza, in red and white German onyx, mounted in filver. Length 32 in., width 22- in., height 22. in. 1266. Crucifix, in rock cryftal, richly mounted in enamelled filver gilt, and fet with garnets, turquoifes, &c. Height iot in. 1267. Small Onyx Cup. Diameter 2j-in. 1268. Small Ewer, in malachite, mounted in filver-gilt. Height 6iin. 1269. Paper Weight, an eagle with a ferpent, in gilt metal, mounted on a flab and pedeftal of malachite. Section IX. SNUFF-BOXES, BONBONNIERES, ETUIS, AND SIMILAR OBJECTS OF BIJOUTERIE.* 1271. ^Snuff-box, in Drefden porcelain, gold, mounted with diamonds and ruby in front, fix fubjedts, painted out- U fide, with a portrait of Auguftus King of Saxony, founder of the Meilfen factory, infide. 1 8th century work. Exhibited at Manchefter, (No. 298.) Length 3L in., width 2J- in. 1272. Enamelled Oblong Box, “Mutius Scsevola," metal mounted. Length 3 in., width 2-‘-in. 1273. Oblong Box, in porcelain, “ Capo di Monte," with fmall relief heads of Roman celebrities, male and female. Subjedts, Cleopatra painted infide the lid, and a landfcape on the reverfe. 18th century work. Length 3 in., width 2L in. 1274 - Box, in Drefden porcelain ; fubjedts illuftrating coquetry. Dia- monds and rubies inferted in front. 18th century work. Exhibited at Manchefter, (No. 299.) Length 3 in., width 24. in. 1275 - Oblong Box, in Drefden porcelain ; filver mounted. Six military fubjedls on the outfide. Family portraits (?) infide, with a view of the chateau. 1 8th century work. Length 3 in., width 2L in. 1276. Oval Box, “ Capo di Monte,” metal mounted. Triumph of Bacchus, on the lid. 18th century work. Length 3 in. Nos. 1271 to 1353, compiled by Henry Cole, El'q , C.B. 1 °4 Snuff-boxes— Bijouterie . 1277 - Oval Box, in Drefden porcelain, with feven fubjedfs, mounted in metal. 18th century work. Length 3 in. 1278. Oblong Box, in Drefden porcelain, metal mounted, ornamented with flowers outfide ; a girl embroidering infide ; delicately and charm- ingly painted. 18th century work. Length 34 in., width 24 in. 1279. Oblong Box, white enamelled, with raifed gilt work, filver mounted. Italian work (?). Length 3 in., width 22 in. 1280. Oelong Box, gilt infide, inlaid with fix enamelled plaques, the prin- cipal fubjedt being a fox caught with hounds ; the bafis of the box is green lac, inlaid with gold and filver fcrolls and flowers. French work. Length 24 in., width 2 in. 1281. Oblong Box, gilt, fix enamelled plaques, claflical fubjedts. 1 8th century work. Exhibited at Manchefter, (No. 293.) Length 32. in., width 2.2 in. 1282. White Enamelled Box, metal mounted, paftoral fubjedts painted infide and out. 18th century work. About 3 in. 1283. Oblong Box, enamelled on metal ; paftoral fubjedts. Female figure with mafk painted infide the lid. 18th century work. Length 34 m., width 22 in. 1284. Circular Tortoise-shell Box, with enamelled oval portrait on the lid, mounted in gold. 18th century work. Diameter 32. in. 1285. Circular Tortoise-shell Box, oval enamelled female head inferted in the lid. 1 8th century work. Diameter 34 in. 1286. Circular Tortoise-shell Box, metal mounted, with a filver oval chafing in the lid by Kirftein of Strafbourg, of flags and landfcape. 19th century work. Diameter 44 in. Snuff- boxes — Bijouterie. 105 1287. Circular Tortoise-shell Box, metal mounted, with an oval enamel of the Nativity let into the lid. Diameter 3 in. 1288. Box, metal mounted avanturine. Length 3 in. 1289. Venetian Glass Box, metal mounted. 17th century work. Length 3 in. 1290. Oval Box, gold, inlaid with cornelian, turquoife, and other Hones in wreaths and fcrolls. 18th century work. A lady’s portrait in fecret Aide under the bottom. Exhibited at Manchefter, (No. 290). About 3 in. 1291. Box, gold, pillar mounted, bottom and Tides of black Vernis Martin work ; lid, a very fine landfcape, with figures in mofaic : the whole in fine condition. Length 3 in., width 2^ in. 1292. Oblong Tortoise-shell Box, gold mounted, with a mofaic of St. Peter on the lid. Length 32. in., width 22. in. 1293. Octagonal Oblong Box, gold, formed of mofaics, with raifed pearls on the lid, in which is inferted an oval enamel. 18th century work. Exhibited at Manchefter. A beautiful fpecimen. Length 3iin., width 22. in. 1294. Rock Crystal Oval Box, mounted with gold and enamel. 18th century work. Length 32. in. I295 ‘ Circular Chinese Box, fculptured tortoife-fhell ; the lid with figured border of flowers in gold pique work. Diameter 32 in, 1296. Oval Tortoise-shell Box, with gilt mounting, inlaid with pique work of gold, filver, and copper ; boy playing a flute, on the lid. Length 32. in. p Snuff-boxes — Bijouterie. 1 06 I297> Oval Box, gold, tortoifefhell mounted pique box, with a beautiful miniature infide the lid of a female preparing to play a flute. Exhi- bited at Manchefter, (No. 287). Length 32. in. 1298. Box, formed of the fhell of a fmall tortoife, with mother-of-pearl top, mounted in metal, the mother-of-pearl with engraved coat of arms and motto “ Spero.” 18th century work. Length 3 2 in, 1299. Oblong Box, made of elephants’ teeth, lined with tortoifefhell, filver mounted. Length 2|. in., width 2 in. 13°°. Gold Oval Box, chafed with hunting fubjedts round the lid and hides, a mofs agate let into the top, pierced foot. Very fine work. Length 32. in. 13 01 . Silver Circular Box, the lid of green jafper, the Tides and bottom niello-work with gilt background. 18th century work. Diameter 32- in. 1 3 ° 2 * Oval Box, gold mounted, made out of the wood of the mulberry tree planted by Shakefpeare, formerly in the pofleflion of David Gar- rick, a gold medal of Shakefpeare let into the lid. Exhibited at Man- chefter, (No. 300). Length 32- in. 1 303 - Oval Box, metal mounted, jafper (?) polifhed petrified wood. Length 2^ in. 1304 - Circular Oak-wood Box, made from the timber faved from York Minfter after the fire, with a filver medal let into the lid. Date 1829. Diameter 42- in. 1305 - Oval Box, from Charles II. ’s oak, filver mounted, portrait of the King in the oak tree. 17th century work. Length 32. in. Snuff-boxes — Bijouterie. 107 1306 - Oval Boxwood Box, with Phoebus, Diana, and Adlaeon, the figns of the Zodiac, &c. fculptured on the lid and arabefques on the Tides. 1 7th century work. About 34 in. 1 307- Oval Box, gold mounted, mofs agates forming the lid and reverfed, with various others inferted in the Tides. 18th century work. Length 2|- in. I3 ° 8 ’ Oblong Box, Japan, gilt mounted with painted enamel infide the lid. Length 34 in. 1 309- Oval Iron Box, repouffe work, cupids and nymphs. 17th cen- tury work. About 34- in. I 3 I °- Circular Iron Box, repouffe work, filver mounted. Subjedts, men fmoking. German work (?), 17th century. Diameter 34- in. 13H. Octagonal Bloodstone Box, gold mounted. Length 3^ in., 24 in. 1 3 1 2 - Oval Amber Box, with the arms of — on the lid. 1 8th century work. About 44 in. I3I 3- Circular Box, fine Vernis Martin work. Paftoral or amatory fubjedt. Diameter 34 in. i3H- Circular Box, Vernis Martin work, metal mounted. Subjedts, cupids painted in brown monochrome. Diameter 34 in. - 1315 - Oblong Box, niello-work. Prefented to Robert Napier, by Lieut. - General Wilfon, Ruffian Service, 1841. Length 34 m. 1316. Oval Box, two onyx ftones ftriated, German-metal mounting (?). Length 3 in. Snuff-boxes — Bijouterie. 1 08 13 * 7 - Oblong Horn Box, mounted with gold pique work. Length 2L in. i3 l8 - Tortoiseshell Box, pique; in the fhape of a (hip. I 3 I 9- Circular Tortoiseshell Box, varnifhed, with gold mountings; portrait of a fpaniel on the lid. Diameter 2 ~ in. 132°. Circular Mosaic Box, confifting of fpecimens of various ftones, each one numbered, fet in gold. Exhibited at Manchefter, (No. 291). Diameter 22 in. 1 321- Circular Box, polifhed pudding-ftone, metal mounted. Diameter 22 in. 1 322 - Rococo-shape Bloodstone Box, with gold mountings. Wide i|- in. 1 323- Circular Box, mofs agate mounted in gold. 18th century work. Diameter 2 ~ in •+ 1324- Circular Box, fluor fpar, or root of the amethyft, gold mounted cameo with a goat, pearls and gold flowers inferted on the lid. Diameter 22 in. 1325- Circular Ivory Box, lined with tortoifefhell, fllver relief head of St. Mark on the lid. Diameter 22 in. 1326. Oval Box, gold, with Sevres plaque for lid. Length 2 \ in. !3 27- Oval Crystal Box, mounted in gold. 18th century work. Length 2 ~- in. 1328. Rococo Oval-shaped Rock-crystal Box. Exhibited at Man- chefter, (No. 297). Length 22 in. Snuff-boxes — Bijouterie. 1 09 1329 - Rock-crystal Box, curioufly cut in two compartments, mounted in gold, paftoral fubje£ts fculptured on the top and fides. Length 3 in. 1 330 - Oval Rock-crystal Box, mounted in gold. Length 2 \ in. 1331 - Box, fluor fpar, or root of amethyft, gold mounted, with a bird fculp- tured on the lid. 18th century work. Length 22 . in. I332 ‘ Octagon Box, limeftone with curious prifmatic ftriations, mounted in gold. Length i|- in. 1 333 - Oblong Box, mofs agate patch-box mounted in gold. About 2 \ in. * 334 - Oblong Mother-of-pearl Box, gold mounted, with railed mother- of-pearl on the outfide. 18th century work. Length 2 \ in. * 335 - Circular Box, pierced iron, Italian work(?), 17th century. Diameter 2~ in. 1336 - Circular Box, made from the yew-tree planted by Mary Queen of Scots at Crookfton Caftle. / 337 - Circular Horn Box, gold pique work. Diameter ii-in. I338, Lady’s Patch-box, ivory, with a Wedgwood cameo on the lid; gold mountings. Length 2 ~ in. I339> Circular Box, enamel on gold, originally a watchcafe, with figures outfide and landfcape infide. 1 8th century work. 1340 - Circular Box, gold enamel, originally a watchcafe. The Virgin, Chrift, and St. John, at the back. Virgin and Child on the infide of the lid. French 17th century work. Very fine fpecimen. I 3 O Snuff- boxes — Bijouterie . 1341 - Box, in Drefden porcelain, reprefenting a leg mounted in gold, in its original cafe. 1342. Etui, in Drefden porcelain, gold mounted. Finely painted. Length 44 in. 1 343- Etui, in metal enamel, mounted in gold. Length 34 in. 1 344- Case, in Drefden porcelain, figures painted in pink with yellow ground. Length 44 in. 1345- Etui, being a Drefden porcelain bambino fet in filver, in its original cafe. German work, 18th century. Length 5 in. 1346. Bloodstone Etui, with a pug dog fculptured on the top, fet in gold with a ruby in front. Length 34 in. 1347- Bloodstone Etui, rococo form, and ornaments fet in gold, contain- ing knife and other implements. Length 34 in. 1348- Egg-shaped Horn Box, ornamented with gold pique work, and fmall gold fpoon infide. Length 24 in. 1 349- Vernis Martin Needle-case, paintings of cupids, mounted in gold. Length 5 in. I350- Vernis Martin Work: Case. Exhibited at Manchefter, (No. 322). Length 64 in., diameter 14 in. 1351- Tortoiseshell Box, with cover, ornamented with pique work. Length 54 in., diameter 34 in. 1352- Silver Snuff-box. Prefented to R. Napier by Lieut. J. Inverarity. Snuff- boxes — Bijo uterie . 1 1 1 * 353 - Ram’s-horn Table Snuff-box, belonging to Rob Roy Macgregor, in the pofleffion of the late Duke of Gordon’s fadtor. 1354 - Shuttle, in gold, encrufted with pique work, in mother-of-pearl and gold, on black lac. 18th century work. 1 355 - Shuttle, fleel open work. 18th century work. 1356. Oval Snuff-box, in liver-coloured jafper, mounted in gold ; on the lid an oval fhell cameo of Pan and Cupid ; a fpray of foliage fet with emeralds and diamonds in front. 1357 - Oval-shaped Snuff-box, in dark red jafper, mounted in gold ; on the lid a cat, carved in relievo as a cameo. ! 358 - Small-shaped Patch-box, in brown mottled agate, with beautiful chafed gold mounts 5 a looking-glafs infide the lid. Length in. 1 359 - Oval Black Shell Patch-box, with a coat of arms and motto, “ Virtute et labore,” in gold pique work on the lid; in the infide a miniature portrait of Mifs Gunning, afterwards Duchefs of Argyle. 1360. Circular Snuff-box, in red lac, with gold rims ; on the lid a painted fubjedt in Vernis, a woman accufing a foldier who is brought prifoner before a Roman general. Diameter 34 in. 136 1 . Oval Box, in mofaic, of ftriated agates, cornelians, &c. with gold filets, difpofed in interlaced and fret patterns ; on the lid is applique an enamel in brown camaieu on gold, reprefenting a buff of Plato, gold lined. Length 3J- in. 1362. Oblong Box, with the corners cut off, enamel on gold ; on the lid and under fide views of Swifs lakes. Geneva work. Length 32. in. I I 2 Snuff-boxes — Bijouterie . 1 363- Circular Box, with chafed gold mounts ; ground, a ftriped pattern of light puce-coloured lacquer and red tinted gold ; in the centre of the lid a fine onyx cameo of Jofgph II. Emperor of Auftria. 1364. Oblong Box, with the corners cut off, gold enamel mounting ; the bottom and lid in Mocha ftone ; the fides filled in with panels of pale filver grey tranflucent enamel. A beautiful French box. Period of Louis XVI. Length 3A_ in. 1365- Circular Vernis Martin Box, with gold rims ; on the lid a paftoral fubje£t of children; pale fky-blue ground. From Lord Har- rington’s Colledfion. 1366. Circular-shaped Snuff-box, root of amethyft, with gold wave- pattern rim. Diameter 2L in. 1367. Oblong Box, with the corners rounded, in dark red glafs pafte ; a Roman mofaic of the cafcade of Tivoli on the lid. Roman 19th century work. Length 4-’- in. 1368. Oblong Octagonal Gold Box, richly chafed ; the top and bot- tom in black fhell, inlaid with hunting fubjedts in gold pique. A beau- tiful French box. Period of Louis XV. In outer cafe of green fifh fkin. Length 3^- in. i 3 6 9- Oval Box, in dark claret-coloured Vernis, painted with cupids in red camaieu. Englifh work. Length 3|- in. T 3 70- Circular Box, in Venetian millefiore or mottled glafs, gold lined and mounted. Diameter 2 t in. I 37 I - Shell Box, covered with a ground of red lac, inlaid with ffripes and rings of lacquered mother-of-pearl; gold rims. Diameter 3 in. Snuff- boxes — B ijou terie . IJ 3 *3 72 - Oval Gold Box, with panels of dark purple tranflucent enamel, the borders beautifully enriched with imitation pearls ; in the centre an oval miniature of a lady, enamelled on gold ; in cafe of green fifh fkin. A fine French Louis XV. box. Diameter 34. in. ’ 373 - Oblong Box, with the corners cut off, in Labrador fpar, lined in the infide with green ferpentine. Length 3J- in. ’ 374 - Oval-shaped Snuff-box, the body filver, the lid inlaid with a panel of polifhed brown wood, on which is a beautiful applique fcroll ornament in gold and filver arabefque, with a clown and a ballet-girl beating a tambourine, birds, vafe of flowers, &c; in the infide of the lid a miniature painting of a peafant giving a neft of birds to two girls. Circa 1730. Length 31. in. ’ 375 - Circular Box, in black fhell, lined with gold, on the lid a circular miniature in guafh of Anne, daughter of the Emprefs Catherine of Ruflia. ’ 376 - Small Rounded Oblong Box, in fteel open work, on a ground of gilt metal. Italian work. Circa 1700. Length 2 ~ in. ’ 377 - Circular Vinaigrette, in the form of a miniature fnuft’-box ; the bottom in foflil madrepore, the lid in a bright emerald green ftone ; gold mounted. Purchafed in Copenhagen. Diameter t in. 1378 - Small Scent Bottle, in mother-of-pearl, the lower part fluted, mounted in filver ; on the ftopper infcribed, “ Nelfon and Bronte to Mrs. Ward.” A prefent from Nelfon to his daughter. 1 37 9 * Cylindrical Cup or Beaker, in papier mache and “Vernis” painting, decorated with Cupid holding a garland or feftoon of flowers, on dark brown ground. Height 3^ in., diameter 3^01. R 1 14 Snuff-boxes — Bijouterie. 1380. Oval Snuff-box, in chafed and perforated fteel, fcroll foliage pattern, alfo “ picked out” with gold. Italian work, circa 1700. Length 3 in. 138 1 . Circular Iron Snuff-box, ornamented with turned fret or bafket- work patterns in compartments. Diameter 3 in. 13 82 - Large Oblong Snuff-box, white enamel on copper, painted with architedtural fubjedts in grifaille. Length 4 4 in., width 34 in., height 2 in. 1383 - Needle-case, in Vernis Martin, painted with birds on pale blue landfcape background. Length 6 in. 1384. Small Pear-shaped Scent Bottle, in enamel, painted with paftoral amatory fubjedts ; mounted in filver gilt. Height 34 in. ! 3 8 5 - Small Flacon, in the form of a plum, with two green leaves ; old Chelfea porcelain ; filver ftopper in the form of a bud. 1386. Similar Flacon, in the form of a plum, with filver leaf-fhaped ftopper. 1387 - Long Oblong Patch-box, ivory ground, gold mounted, on the lid a panel of dark green tranllucent enamel on gold, with an oblong cartouche in the centre, furrounded with fmall brilliants, and the motto, “ Penfez a moi,” in gold open letters. French Louis XV. work. Length 34 in. 1388. Oval Snuff-box, in dark brown lacquered leather, lined with filver, the lid in chafed filver, with an oval ftriated onyx let in. Scottifti or Englifh laft century work. Length 24 in., height 24 in. 1389. Oblong Silver Snuff-box, Chinefe work, chafed with figure fubjedts. Length 24 in. Snuff-boxes — Bijouterie. 1 1 5 I39 °\ Oblong Ivory Patch-box, the lid ornamented with fcrolls in punctured work, in the infide a painting on ivory of a lady and an amorino. Italian work. Length 3Li°- I 39 I - Oblong Silver Snuff-box, on the lid a panel of black tortoife- fhell, with an applique fubjecSt in filver repouffe work, reprefenting Flemifti peafants caroufing. An Englilh laft century box. Length 3|-in. *39 2 - Oval-shaped Mocha Stone Patch-box, mounted in gold, and richly chafed with cartouche work, panels of birds, &c. 1 393- Circular Snuff-box, in oak, from York Minfter, with a filver medal of York Minfter let into the lid. 1 394- Oblong Snuff-box, in carved wood. Purchafed in Copenhagen. I395 ’ Oval Locket-case, enamel on gold, pale blue ground, painted with claffical figures in brown or black. An exquifite fpecimen of old Flemifti 17th century enamel. Height IF in., width 1 in. Section X. ENAMELLED AND OTHER MINIATURES. 1501. OUIS QUATORZE, a beautiful fmall oval enamel miniature on gold, by Petitot. Height -f-in., width Ain. 1502. Oval Enamel Miniature, of a gentleman in a blue coat, by Zincke. Height 1 a in. , width 1 in. 1503 - Large Square Enamel Miniature, by C. Boit, infcribed “Mrs. Helena Fermor, wife of Henry Fermor, Efq., ofTufmore, and mother of Bell Fermor.” Height 44 m., width 34 in. 1504. Silver Ring, with a fwivel tablet, containing miniatures of a clergy- man and an officer. German 18th century work. 005 - Miniature, on vellum, of a lady wearing a ruff and a black drefs ; blue background. Flemifh work, circa 1620. Height 24 in., width ij- in. 1506. Oval Miniature, on vellum, of James Stuart, Earl of Murray. Height 24 in., width 14 in. 1507 - Oval Miniature, on vellum, of James Douglas, Earl of Morton. Height 24 in., width 14 in. Enamelled and other Miniatures. 1 1 7 1 508. Oval Enamel Portrait, of a gentleman in a blue velvet coat, by Zincke. 1509. Oval Enamel, of a lady in a low blue drefs, by Zincke. A very fine example of the mafter. Height 14 in. , width it in. 1510. Oval Enamel Miniature, of a Dutch gentleman, with a purple coat and large wig. Circa 1760. Height 24 in., width 14 in. 1511 - Oval Enamel Portrait, of a lady. Circa 1760. Height 2f- in., width 24 m. 1512. Oval Enamel Miniature, of the Due de Montpenfier. Circa 1740 - Height 14 in., width it in. 1513 - Oval Enamel Miniature, of a gentleman with a blue coat and yellow waiftcoat. Circa 1770. Height 2 in., width 14 in. I5H- Oval Enamel Miniature, of the poet Thomfon, by H. P. Bone, after Aikman. In the Colle&ion of Lord Lyttelton, at Hagley. Height 2f-in., width 14 m. I 5 I 5- Oval Enamel Portrait, of Rembrandt in a fancy coftume, after a picture by himfelf, figned “ jf. Bodemer , 1801.” Height 34- in., width 24 in. 1516. Large Square Miniature, in enamel, by H. P. Bone, after Sir J. Reynolds, from the original at Althorp. Portrait of Lavinia, wife of John, fecond Earl Spencer. Height 54 in., width 44 in, 1 5 1 7 . Portrait, of Inigo Jones, after Vandyk, by H. P. Bone. Height 54 in., width 44 in 1518. Oval Enamel Miniature, head of the Magdalen, after Guido, by H. P. Bone. Height 54 * n -» width 44 in. 1 1 8 Enamelled and other Miniatures. I 5 I 9- Oval Enamel, head of a lady in fancy coftume. An old Englifh enamel, circa 1720. Height 3 in., width 22 in. 1520. Oval Enamel, head of the Earl of Weftmoreland, by H. P. Bone. Height 2 in., width 1-2 in. 1521. Oval Portrait, in enamel, of Mary Villiers, Duchefs of Richmond, after Sely, by H. P, Bone. Height 4 in., width 3 in. 1522. Oval Enamel Portrait, of Mary Fielding, Duchefs of Hamilton, by H. P. Bone, after Lely. Height 4 in., width 32 in. 1523 - Oval Enamel Portrait, of Garrick. Height 3 in., width 2J- in. 1524. Oval Miniature, on ivory, portrait of Napoleon. Height 22. in., width 2 in. 1525 - Oval Enamel Miniature Portrait, of Mireveldt, by H. P. Bone. Height 52 in., width 42 in. 1526. Miniature Portrait, on vellum, of a Queen of Spain, by A. Lapi, in ormulu frame. From the Bernal Collection. Height 6 in., width 42 in. 1527- Circular Enamel Miniature, a lady fmoking a pipe. Diameter 72 in. 1 528. Oval Enamel Miniature, of a gentleman in a blue coat. Circa 1 770- Height ij- in., width ij-in. 1529- Oblong Enamel, on porcelain, a group of amorini, emblematic of painting. Length 42 in., height 4 in. I53 ° - Square Miniature, on ivory, portrait of Sir Walter Scott, by Landfeer. Height 32 in., width 22 in. Enamelled and other Miniatures. 1 19 * 53 1 • Oval Miniature, in “ gua(h,” of a French lady, in ormulu frame. From the Bernal Collection. ! 53 2 - Circular Miniature, in “ guafh,” of a French lady feated in a garden with a fpaniel on her knee. Diameter 2f in. 1 533- Oval Miniature Portrait, of a gentleman, in an ivory gold-lined cafe. Circa 1760. Height if in., width if in. 1534 - Oblong Upright Miniature, a head in profile on ivory, in chafed gold and enamelled frame. Height 2f in., width if in. 1535 - Circular Miniature, in ivory, of a French lady, by Autiffier, 1817. Diameter 3! in. 1536 - Oval Miniature, of a lady, in white fatin, figned u G. Spencer , 1749.” Height 2f in., width if in. 1 537- Oval Miniature Portrait, of a lady, on ivory, in a blue drefs. Englifh work, circa 1740. Height if in., width if in. 1538. Oval Miniature, in ivory, of Piron, by Hall, in gold frame. Height if in., width if in. 1 539- Oval Miniature Portrait, of a gentleman wearing a light blue coat, on ivory, in gold locket fetting, initialled “ J. S. 1777.” Height if in., width if in. Ko 1540. Oval Miniature Portrait, of Sir Chriftopher Wren, by Bernard Lens, initialled il B. L.” Height 3 in., width 2f in. 1541 - Case, containing four fmall circular water-colour miniatures of Francis I, Diane de Poitiers, Henri Deux, and Charles V. I 20 Enamelled and other Miniatures . 1542. Small Oval Miniature, in ivory ; the Virgin and Child. Height 2 in., width i-§. in. 1543 - Small Miniature Picture, painted in gualh ; the flight into Egypt. Height 34 in., width 2^in. 1544 - Circular Miniature Picture in guafh ; a foldier refcuing a female from a gang of brigands. Diameter 24 in. 1545 - Miniature Portrait, in oil, of a lady and gentleman, painted in the infide of a filver box formed from a filver medal hollowed out. Dated 1625. German work. Diameter it in. 1546 - Large Miniature Portrait, in enamel, of Dr. Johnfon, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by W. Eflex. Height 5 in., width 4 in. 1547 - Miniature Portrait, in water colours, of Mary Queen of Scots, in a widow’s drefs, probably by Harding. Height 51. in., width 4^ in. Section XI. LIMOGES AND OTHER ANCIENT ENAMELS OF EUROPEAN ORIGIN. 1581. ARGE PLAQUE, Limoges champleve enamel, with figures in gilt metal in relief. In the centre, the Cruci- fixion ; at the Tides, four figures of faints under femi- circular arcades. The fide of a chafle or reliquary. An interefting fpecimen of very early date; (12th cen- tury ?). Length 14’- in., height 6|-in. 1582. Chasse, or box reliquary, with ridged cover and openwork creft ; Limoges champleve enamel. In front is reprefented the murder of St. Thomas a Becket ; on the lid, the burial of the faint ; at the ends, figures of the Virgin and our Saviour under circular arcades. A rare and beautiful fpecimen of Limoges 13th century enamel. From the Bernal Colledtion. Length 4^ in., height 6^ in. U g 3- Chasse, Limoges champleve enamel decorated with figures of angels in medallions. 92- in , height 6 in. 1 584- Plaque, from a chafie ; fubjedt, the Scribe in the vifion of Ezekiel marking the eledt of Ifrael. Rhenifh Byzantine champleve enamel, 1 2th century work. From the Solti kofP Colledtion. Length 6 in., height 4 in. 15X5. Morse or Brooch of a Cope, with a Limoges painted enamel of St. Michael inferted. R 122 Lirnoges Enamels , etc . 1586. Circular Dish or Bowl, in Limoges enamel; one of a pair of ecclefiaftical or other wafh-hand bowls of the kind termed “ Gemel- liones ” — ufed at the fervice of the mafs. Limoges enamel, on copper, 13th century work. Diameter ()Tin. 1 58 7- Plaque, Limoges Painted Enamel, by Leonard Limofin. A Virgin and Child, in frame of Louis XIII. period ; initialed with the monogram of the maker, and date 1540. Height 8|- in., width 5 in. 1588. Tazza, of Limoges enamel. The gathering of the manna, by Pierre Remond ; dated 1556. An exquifite and moft perfedt fpecimen of the fineft period of the Limoges manufacture. Diameter 8|- in., height 34 in. 1 589- PLATE, by Pierre Remond, en grifaille. The month of Auguft. Ini- tialed and dated 1565. A beautiful fpecimen of Limoges painted enamel. Diameter 8 in. 1590- Casket, Limoges grisaille Enamel, decorated with five plaques reprefenting the labours of Hercules, by a rare anonymous artift of the Penicaud School. Length 7-yin., width 4j-in., height 44 in. 1 59 1 - Casket, Limoges Enamel, mounted in filver. Five plaques in grifaille, clalhcal fubjedls — Hippomenes and Atalanta, Narciffus, Acis and Galatea, Vertumnus and Pomona, Adonis, and other fubjedts. Initialed “ J. A.,” probably by Jean Limofin. Circa 1600. Length 74 in., width 5 in., height 5 in. 1592. Plate, Coloured Enamel of Limoges; fubjedt, fheep-lhearing : reprefenting the month of July. Circa 1570. Diameter q 4 in. I 593> A - Pair of Limoges Enamel Plaques, from a cafket ; Mofes and the burning bufh, and the gathering of the manna. Circa 1550. Length 5 in., height 2fin. I2 3 Limoges Enamels 5 etc. 1594. Limoges, Enamel en grisaille ; paftoral fubjeCl, fhepherd and fhepherdefs with fheep. Infcription in old French. Signed ll P. C.g (Pierre Courtois,) date 1550. Height 5-L in., width 4Ein. I 595- Limoges grisaille Enamel Plaque ; Chrift brought before Pilate. Style of Pierre Courtois. Circa 1550-60. Height 6iin., width 5-tin. 1596. Limoges Coloured Enamel Plaque ; Chrift mocked. Circa I 53°'4°- Height 42 in., width 3 1 - in. J597- Small Circular-headed Plaque ; Limoges grifaille enamel. The Nativity, by Pierre Remond ; originally mounted as a pax. Circa 1540-50. Height 34 in., width 2fin. !59 8 - Tableau, or Series of Four Limoges Plaques, by one of the Penicaud family ; {landing figures of St. Auguftine, St. Gregory, St. Ambrofe, and St. Martin. A fpecimen of the fineft Limoges technique. Circa 1530. Size of each plaque, height 8L-in., width 6^ in. 1599, 1600. Pair of Circular Plaques, in Limoges grifaille enamel, mounted in rich ebony and ormulu frames of the period ; fubjedl reprefenting Hercules and the Hydra, and Hercules flaying NefTus, who is carrying off Dejanira. Diameter of the enamels 7^ in. 1601, 1602. A Pair of Limoges grisaille Enamel Circular Plaques, re- prefenting refpedlively the Almighty appearing to Adam and Eve in Paradife after the fall, and Cain fleeing after the murder of Abel. Circa I 55°- Diameter of each 5|;in. 1603. Oval Limoges Enamel Plaque, in brilliant colours; the Baptifm of our Saviour, by P. Nouailher. Signed at the back, “ P . Nouailher emailleur a Limoges.” From the Bernal Collection. Height 5| in., width 4^ in. Limoges Enamels , etc. 1 24 1604. Oval Plaque Limoges Enamel, “fur paillon.” The Delphic Sybil, in gilt metal frame. Height 64 in., width 54 in. 1605. Limoges Enamel Plaque, in colours. St. Scholaftica, by J. Laudin. Height 34 in., width 34 in. 1605 A. Plaque, by J. Laudin. Venus and Cupid; fame fize and ftyle as the previous piece. 1606. Small Circular-headed Limoges Enamel Plaque, half-figures of three Byzantine faints. Height 34 in., width 24 in. 1607. Small Circular-topped Plaque for a pax, Limoges grifaille enamel, by P. Remond. The Annunciation. Height 34 in., width 24 in. 1608. Small Plaque Limoges Enamel, in colours, “fur paillon,” by j. Limofin. Head of Chrift. Circa 1560. Height 34 in., width 24 in. 1609. Companion Plaque ; head of the Virgin. Height 34 in., width 24 in. 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614, 1615. A Series of Six Limoges grisaille Enamel Plaques ; fubjedts illuftrating the Lord’s Prayer. Circa 1560. Height 44 in., width 34 in. 1616. Small Oblong Coffer, Limoges champleve enamel; angels within circular compartments. Length 34 in., width 24 in. 1617, a, b, c. Set of Four small Oval Limoges Enamel Plaques. Heads of the Casfars, by J. Laudin. Height 5 in., width 2|- in. Limoges Enamels , etc. 125 1618. Circular Bowl, Ruffian enamel on filver, ornamented with flowers, with medallions of feated figures, and with the figns of the Zodiac ; 17th century work. Diameter 6 in. 1619. Cup and Saucer, Drefden enamel on gold ; the cup ornamented with medallions of equeftrian figures, fcroll-work, and trophies betwixt. The faucer with a battle fubjedf. A beautiful fpecimen of 17th or early 18th century work. Diameter of cup 24 m. , and of faucer 44 in. 1620. Small Enamelled Beaker, in filver ; fubjedd, the wife of Darius brought before Alexander. Height 24 m., width 24 m. 1621, A. Pair of Silver-gilt Salt-cellars ; the bowls filled in with enamels, on gold, of mythological fubjedls. Diameter 2^ in. 1622. Small Oval Plaque, Limoges enamel. Our Saviour as the man of forrows, by Penicaud. Height 2^ in., width 2 in. 1623. Small Limoges Enamel Plaque. The Pentecoft, after Albert Durer. Height 4 in., width 34 in. 1624. Oviform Ewer, Limoges grifaille enamel ; painted with a fcripturai fubjedb round the body, and with a frieze of dancing amorini above. Date 1564. Height 104 in. 1625. Limoges Enamel Triptych, by J. Courtois, in its original wooden framework; in centre a large plaque of the Crucifixion, a Francifcan monk kneeling at the foot of the crofs, with a cartouche near him infcribed '•'■Frater Francifcus Gonzaga , Generalis Minijier Franctjcanoru , 1584.” The wings are painted with twelve figures of the fybils (fix on each fide), with old French infcription beneath, A curious and in- terefting fpecimen. Height 1 14 in., width with the doors opened 214 in. Section XII. PART I. WATCHES AND CLOCKS.* 1651. IRCULAR DIAL. Metal gilt cal'e pierced. On the back is engraved the figure of Chrift and a dragon (?). German work No date An early interefting fpecimen. 1652. Small English Gold Watch. The infide cafe of polifhed jafper, front a cryftal. Dial gold, with engraving of Cupid. Outfide cafe fhagreen, with gold pique. Maker, R. Rallied, London. No date ; 18th century work. 1653- English Silver Watch. Dial engraved with a figure of Time, with the legend “ I flay for no man.” Days of the month are fhown on the face, outer cafe of fhagreen, with filver pique work. Maker, Robert Williamfon, Royal Exchange. No date; 18th century work. ^ 54 - Gold English Repeater. Infide cafe engraved and pierced, out- fide cafe engraved and pierced, with inlaid jafper, on which is a filver wreath with precious Hones. Maker, B. Stumbels, London. Num- bered 600. 1655 - Large Metal Gilt Watch, of curious and fine workmanlhip, Blowing the hours, days of the month, moon’s age, rifing and fetting of the fun, the tides, with a variety of other ufeful information. Maker, * The watches from No. 1651 to No. 1679, and the clocks from No. 1747 to No. 1767, were compiled by Henry Cole, Efq., C.B., the remainder by Robert Napier, Efq. JV at ches and Clocks. i 27 George Margetts, London. Number 3042. This watch formerly belonged to the Board of Longitude, and was fold by that Society at Sotheby and Wilkinfon’s, 20th Auguft, 1834. 1656. French Gold Repeater, in three cafes. Firft, or infide one, en- graved and pierced, filver engraved dial. Second cafe, gold engraved and pierced. Third cafe, tortoifefhell with filver mountings. Made by Jacques Patron. No date; 17th century work. 1657 - Oblong Steel-cased Watch. Cryftal top and bottom, filver dial, numerals raifed in filver, hands blue fteel fet on blue fteel furface. Maker, Coupe Anglois, Horlogeur du Roy, Paris. No date; 17th century work. 1658. English Gold Watch, repeater. Inner cafe engraved and pierced. Outer cafe, bloodftone fet in gold, with rubies. Maker, Charles Cabrier, London. No. 2300. 1659. English Gold Watch, with two cafes, the inner one beautifully ornamented with enamels, in the centre of back a (hepherdefs infcribing on a tree, furrounded with a blue border of tranflucent enamel. Maker, Windmills. No date ; 18th century work. 1660. French Gold Watch, attached to cafe. Enamel at back, of chil- dren with mufical inftruments, fet with brilliants. White enamel face and hands, alfo fet with brilliants. Maker, Le Blanc, Paris. No. 2018. No date ; 1 8th century work. 1661. French Gold Watch. Set with brilliants on front and back of cafe, enamel portrait on back. White enamel face, with brilliants in the hands. Maker, Marchand Fils, a Paris. No date ; 1 8th century work. 1662. French Silver Watch. Parcel-gilt engraved cafe, with watch attached to it. Dial engraved and gilt. Maker, R. Grebaunal, a Rouen. No date ; 17th century work. 1663. Silver Watch, with beautiful engraved fcroll-work at the back, being a very fine fpecimen of ornamentation. Dial blue and white enamel, with gilt cupid for the hands. Shagreen cafe, with filver pique work. Maker, Jean Roulfeau. No date ; 17th century work. 128 IF at ches and Clocks . 1664. English Silver Clock-watch, tortoifefhell outer cafe, with filver pique work. Infide pierced and finely engraved. Fine old filver dial with Roman numerals. Maker, J. Barnet, London. 1665. Gold Watch. Centre of face and back of cafe ornamented with foliage, engraved underneath green tranflucent enamel. The outer edges of cafe cloifonne enamels of green and white; a fine fpecimen. Maker, Theodore Girard, Blois. No date; 17th century work. 1666. Watch. Enamelled figures outfide, landfcape infide. The back a beautiful fpecimen of enamel. Works attached to the cafe. Dial enamelled, fubjeCt, the Annunciation. Maker, G. Ferrier, R.A., a Paris. No date ; 1 7th century work. 1667. Antiqjie Oval Watch. Cafe, both fides of oval cryftals fet in filver rims, fmall beading round the lid, enclofing a watch, works open to view. Face engraved with fitting and reclining figures. Numbers in Roman figures on flat gold furface, the centre of which bears an architectural engraving. One blue fleel hand only. On the under fide fome pierced ornamental work. Maker, J. Fieret, a Montpellier. No date. Early part of 17th century work. 1668. Gold Watch, attached to cafe. Front and back enamelled; the face having the hours, enamelled with cupids ; the back Blowing the moon’s age and days of the month enamelled, with the figns of the Zodiac, and rifing and fetting of the moon. 1669. Small Nuremberg Egg-shaped Watch, with gilt metal cafe with oval cryftals on three fides. Dial, figures engraved on a filver rim. No date ; 17th century work. 1670. Small Watch in filver cafe. Back engraved, two figures, a fatyr and a nymph, and arabefque work. Beautiful arabefque work on border. Face of watch, white enamel ; Roman numerals feparated by fmall brilliants; hands of pierced filver; keyhole on face. No date; 16th century work. Maker, Meyer, Paris. Watches and Clocks. 1 29 1671. Oblong-shaped Watch, with alarum. Brafs cafes. Fine old filver dial fhowing the hours and minutes. The alarum bell on back. No maker’s name. No date. 1672. Gold Watch. Outer cafe fhagreen, with glafs over an enamel fet in engraved border of various-coloured gold. Face of watch, white enamel, Roman numerals, with an outer circle of the minute numerals ; hands in pierced filver fet with brilliants, under fide gold furface, filver regulator handfome gold ornamental openwork. Maker, J. B. Baillon, Paris. No date ; 17th century work. *6 73- Oval Watch in clofed metal cafe, a border on the cafe of engraved filver ; infide the lid of cafe an engraved wreath of leaves, face of watch elaborately engraved, a filver circular band with the numbers, fteel hands. Maker, R. Grinkin. No date ; 16th century German work. 1674- Watch. Silver gilt repouffe work. Samfon carrying the gates of Gaza, at the back. Samfon killing the lion, on upper fide. Face of watch filver, plain. Maker, Elias Weckherlin. On back, dated 1563. 1675. Large Silver Watch, with portrait in enamel at the back of Count Peter Andreiwitch Tolftoy, minifter of Peter the Great, Emperor of Ruffia; the portrait is vifible through the outer cafe. Dial emboffed filver. Maker, Henry de Barry. No date ; 17th century work. 1676. Gold Watch. Outer cafe repouffe work, figures in high relief, a cavalier pointing to the head of a dead man at the feet of a lady. Gold dial; the watchwork modern. Maker, J. Scott, London. No. 1538. *6 77- Watch — a repeater, in gold cafe of repoufle and pierced work, fubjeft, Venus and Adonis. Back of watch gold, and border of pierced work. Face of watch white enamel, black figures, with a chatelaine of gold, fine chafed work with two pendant ornaments, one a gold fcent- bottle having at the bottom an engraved agate feal, the other a white cryftal moveable feal, fet in gold ; both attached to the hook part by chains. A very fine example. Works marked George Graham, London. No date ; 17th century work. s 1 3 ° Watches and Clocks . 1678. Watch Case only. Finely chafed gold pierced work, diamond button, and ornamented with mofs agates, &c. ^ 79 - Silver Watch, 4'- inches diameter, pierced and repouffe work, with chafed figures on the back; repeats the quarters and has an alarum bell. Maker, George Abraham Reijer, Dantzic. No date. 1680. Gold Repeating Watch, by Juftin Villamy, London, in a very fine pierced fteel outer cafe, having the monogram “ C. iL,” and the royal crown above ditto. 1681. Large Gold Watch, Outer cafe finely engraved with arabefque work, birds, foliage, and a grotefque mafk fupporting a fhield with a man fifhing, &c. Dial of gold, with Roman numerals, for the hours and days of the month, in figures on filver. Maker, Joh. Oofterwyk, Amfterdam. 1682. Gold Watch. Outer cafe fine repouffe work, Neptune in his car drawn by fea-horfes. Dial of gold with Roman numerals. Maker, Markwick Markham, London. No. 6899. 1683. Gold Repeating Watch, cafes having finely pierced and repouffe work ; fubjedf, Diana with her bow, dogs, &c. Dial gold, with Roman numerals, hands fet with brilliants. The whole enclofed in an outer cafe of green fhagreen with pique work. Maker, John Ellicott, London. No. 3719. 1684. Gold Watch. Cafe repouffe work, a warrior ftanding before a lady, who is feated and holds a fceptre, while Cupid ftands between them, holding up a royal crown on a cufhion. Dial white enamel. Maker, Fladgate, London. No. 1931. 1685. Gold Watch. Cafe repouffe work, two male and two female figures, one of the latter kneeling. Dial white enamel, Roman numerals, hands of filver fet with brilliants, enclofed in green fhagreen with glafs at the back. Maker, J. Curtis, London. No. 5568. Watches and Clocks . 1 3 1 1686. Gold Watch, goes feven days ; the dial very fine Venetian white enamel, divided into twenty-four hours, Roman numerals, fhows the days of the month by figures on an inner circle of the dial. Maker, Grignon, London, 1 777. 1687. Gold Watch worn by Louis XVI. of France, fet with rock-cryftals on both fides of the cafe, which is mounted with fine diamond buttons. Two dials, one of them white enamel, fhows the hours, minutes, and feconds ; the other a gold dial, fhowing in the centre the days of the week ; at the fides the month, and days of the month, &c ; at the top the moon’s age, and an equation of time round the edges of outer cafe. Maker, Tavania, Paris. No. 519. 1688. Gold Watch, originally a repeater; cafes repoufle and pierced work; fubjedl, three figures and Cupid. Dial white enamel with figure numerals. Maker, John Pepys, London. No. 1451. 1689. Gold Repeater Watch, having a fine diamond button to open cafe, which is ornamented with chafed paftoral fubjedls in coloured gold. Dial white enamel, fhowing hours, days of month, and equation of time, hands filver fet with brilliants. Maker, Ageron, Paris. No. 630. 1690. Gold Watch, the cafe ornamented with diamond button and bril- liants between hours. On the centre of cafe an enamel, having three Cupids on a pink ground, and furrounded with foliage of blue enamel. Maker, Baillon, Paris. No. 1182. 1691. Gold Watch, cafe engraved and ornamented with diamond button to open cafe, and an enamel on back reprefenting a fubjedl of children. Maker, Romilly, Paris. No number. 1692. Gold Watch, cafe of varied-coloured gold, chafed and ornamented with a diamond button and brilliants ; on back of cafe portrait of a lady in enamel. Maker, Lange, a Valenciennes. i 6 93 - Gold Watch, cafe chafed, and ornamented with portrait of a lady having a wreath of rofes about her head in enamel, and furrounded by 132 JV at ches and Clods . a wreath of filver fet with brilliants over blue enamel. Dial white enamel, with filver hands fet with brilliants. Outer cafe of red fhagreen, and a glafs on back. Makers, Jacques Coulin, and Amy Bry, Geneva. No. 5398. 1694. Gold Watch, cafe engraved and ornamented with a fhepherdefs re- clining under a tree, with a goat and bafket of flowers at her feet, in enamel. Dial white enamel ; the cafe, dial, and hands ornamented with brilliants. Maker, Le Blanc, Paris. No. 2034. 1695. Gold Watch, cafe engraved and ornamented with an enamel on back, of a lady making a wreath from a bafket of flowers which Cupid has prefented to her. Dial white enamel, with brilliants between the numerals, and on the filver hands. Maker, Freres Melly, Paris. 1696. Gold Watch, cafe having a turquoife button, and the back ena- melled to imitate bloodftone, and a wreath of varied-coloured gold flowers laid over ditto. Dial white enamel, Roman numerals. Maker, Berthond, Paris. No number. 1697. Small Watch in a fine old gold fnuff-box of oval form. Dial white enamel, fet round with diamonds. Maker, Marchand et Fils, Paris. 1698. Small Gold Watch, dial white enamel, Roman numerals, in a black fhagreen cafe, with gold pique work. Maker, Neidlais, Blois. 1699. Gold Watch, cafe finifhed and ornamented with plaques of fine Drefden porcelain in frames of chafed gold. Dial white enamel, Roman numerals. Maker, Baillon, Paris. No. 814. 1700. Small Antique Gold Watch, gold dial, Roman numerals within fquares placed diagonally around the dial. Maker, Charles Gretton, in Fleet Street, London. No number. 1701. Small Antique Watch, with gilt dial and Angle cafe. Maker, Pierre Lagiffe. 1702. Small Antique Gilt Watch, Anely engraved cafe, and enamelled dial with portrait of a lady. Maker, Jean Hubert, Rouen. IV at ches and Clocks. *33 1703. Small Antique Oval Watch, in old leather outer cafe, engraved filver dial, rock-cryftals on back and front. Maker, Robert Hubert, Rouen. 1704. Small Antique Silver Watch, in an outer cafe of leather, and filver pique work. Dial parcel-gilt, with the numerals placed diago- nally on fquares ; alfo a revolving circle for days of the month. Maker, Richard Lyons, Londini. 1705- Silver Alarum-watch, in green fhagreen cafe, with infide cafe finely pierced and engraved. Silver dial with Roman numerals, with gilt ring round ditto. Maker, Dom Williamfon, Cadiz. 1 706. Silver Clock-watch, with pierced cafes, ftrikes the hours and half hours. White enamelled dial, Roman numerals. Maker, Markwick, London. 1707. Antique Silver Alarum-watch, pierced cafes. White enamelled dial, Roman numerals, on raifed oval-fhaped grounds. Maker, Du Quefne, a Paris. 1708. Antique Silver-gilt Repeating Watch, in a black leather filver mounted outer cafe. Infide cafes ilnifhed with repouffe and pierced work. Silver dial with Roman numerals. Maker, Cabrier, London. 1 709- Antique Silver-gilt Watch, cafes chafed and engraved. Dial gilt, and having the Roman numerals placed on oval white enamels. Maker, Gribelin, Paris. 1710. Antique Silver Alarum watch, pierced half cafe, enamelled dial with Roman numerals. Maker, Daniel Mavais. 1 7 1 1. Antique Silver Watch, filver dial with Roman numerals, the cafe having a glafs at the back, and fet round with brilliants, and an enamel with a lady and gentleman in the centre, and the pendulum above their heads fet with a ruby. Maker, Lullier, London. 1 34 Watches and Clocks. 1712. Antique Silver Watch, with very fine chafed and pierced work on outer cafe, the dial filver, having a warlike trophy of gold, and a portrait in gold under glafs, on ditto. The hours in this watch revolve under the dial. Maker, Eltienne Mainadie, a Magdeburgh. 1 7 1 3- Antique Silver Watch, outer cafe chafed, and engraved with foliage and birds. Dial formed fimilar to No. 1712, with the hours revolving under a chafing in filver of Time drawing the chariot of the fun. Maker, Fromantin. 1714 - Antique Silver Watch, cafes plain. Dial formed fimilar to 1712 and 1713, with the hours revolving under a trophy of flags and arms, with a crown above the portrait of a king. Maker, Quare, London. 1715. Antique Gilt Watch, engraved cafe, with curious gilt dial, fhow- ing the hours and days of the month under ditto, on blue fteel circles, and the pendant above ditto. On back of cafe is a trophy of flags and arms, and portrait under a glafs. Maker, Harman, London. 1716. A Gold Watch in a finely chafed and open work inner gold cafe, and a black fhagreen outer cafe, with fome pique work on ditto. White enamel dials, and the hours with figures. Maker, H. Bifh, Royal Ex- change, London. No. 3080. I 7 I 7- A very fine Antique Oval Watch, from the SoltikofF Col- lection. Cafe filver pierced work, and engraved with Scripture fubjeCts from the Book of Either. Maker, Jacques Dudunt, Blois. 1718. A very fine Antique Octagon-shaped Watch, with rock- cryftal cafe in filver-gilt mounting, fine old filver dial, and Ihowing the moon’s age, See. From the SoltikofF Collection. No maker’s name. I 7 I 9- A fine Small Antique Oval Watch, with parcel-gilt filver cafe, finely chafed and engraved, filver band round gilt engraved dial, with cut rock-cryltal over ditto, and over the back of ditto. SoltikofF Col- lection. Maker, Marc Girard, Blois. IV at ches and Clocks. 1 35 1720. A Small Oval-shaped Antique Silver-gilt Watch, with fhaped rock-cryftal over gilt dial, with engraved ftars between the Roman numerals. Maker, P. Lagifie. 1721. Antique Oval Clock-watch, brafs cafe, engraved with grotefque mafks, and a filver pierced border round the middle. Face of watch engraved and gilt, the dial filver, with Roman numerals. 1722. Antique Oval Clock-watch, brafs cafe, with pierced border ; finelv engraved gilt dial, and a place on cafe for a compafs and a fun- dial. Maker, Dollent, Paris. 1723. Antiqjue Oval Silver Clock-watch, cafe with pierced border, having a fhield and a boar’s head engraved on it ; filver dial, Ihowing days of the month, moon’s age, days of the week, and hours of the day, See. Maker, Johann Satler. 1724. Very fine Antique Silver-gilt Oval Watch. 1725. Very Antique Circular Clock-watch, in chafed and pierced brafs cafes. Silver dial engraved with Roman numerals. 1726. Fine Antique Circular Clock-watch, brafs gilt cafes, and dial with pierced work, chafed and engraved with the Crucifixion, & c. on the cafe. Maker, W. Vibeo di Leonardie, fecit. 1727. Antique Gold Watch, with enamelled cafe; fubjedt, the Roman charity, enamelled by Huat. Maker, joh. Gott Ulrich, Hamburgh. 1728. Watch, with cafe of fine Drefden porcelain. Maker, Juln. Le Roy, Paris. 1729. Small Watch, having a gold mounted ftriped onyx cafe, and white enamelled dial. Maker, Wm. Allan, London. No. 339. 136 Watches and Clocks. i? 30- Small Watch, with gold mounted onyx cafe, mounted with dia- monds, white enamelled dial, in an outer cafe of tortoifelhell. Maker, Fd. Vigne, London. No. 1308. I 73 I - Small Watch, with gold mounted dark onyx cafe, diamond button, white enamelled dial. Maker, John Baker, King Street, Covent Garden, London. 1732. Lady’s French Gold Watch, cafe ornamented with pearls, and gold dial. 033; Small Silver Watch, being curious on account of all the wheels being made Ratchet faflfion, by Le Pine, Paris, about 1770. No. 1 7 1 1 . I 734- A very Small Gold Lady’s Locket-watch, in form of a ball, ornamented with black enamels. No. 4993. 1 7 35 • A very Small Gold Locket-watch, in form of an oval ball, ornamented with black and blue enamels. Maker, Le Duchene et Fils. 1736. A very Small Locket-watch, cafe in form of a heart, ornamented with enamel. Maker, Le Duchene et Fils. 1 737- A very Small Watch, in form of a lute, ornamented with enamel. No. 434. D3 8 - Antique Watch, cafe in form of a fquare tower, enamelled orna- ments. 1 739- Antique Oval Brass Clock-watch, pierced work round cafe, face finely engraved with fcroll-work, dial Roman numerals, on a filver circle. 1740. A very Small and Beautifully-made Watch, goes twenty-four hours, in a gold ring fet with diamonds. 1741. A very Small Watch, with feconds’ dial, in an oval gold ring fet round with pearls. IV itches and Clocks *37 1742. A fine Antique Gold Watch, with chatelain, finely engraved, and ornamented with tranflucent enamels, pearls, and brilliants. *743- Antique Watch, in form of a crofs, having cut glafs all around it. 1 744- Silver Watch, old Reel chain and fine antique filver dial. Maker, Smith, Gray’s Inn. No. 393. I 745- Large Antique Silver Clock-watch, in a black leather filver mounted outer cafe, with alarum, filver dial 34 in. diameter, and cafes pierced. Maker, Miroir, London. 1746. Large Silver Clock-watch, fhowing days of month, white enamelled dial 44 in. diameter. Maker, Chriftian Frederich Zacharias, Leipzig. 1747- Square Taele Clock, brafs gilt, filver gilt face, with minutes, and days of the month, has an alarum bell. Maker, Johann Witte, Breflau. Square 44 in. 1748. Ancient Square-shaped Table Clock, in brafs, engraved, in original leather cafe. Square 4 in. I 749- Upright Table Clock, in the form of a pix, frame of dial radiat- ing, and furrounded by coloured precious ftones, and a fmall enamel of St George and the Dragon. Metal bafe with figures in relief, on ebony pedeftal. Face has enamel centre in imitation of mofaics. Maker, F. L. Berg, Augfburg, 1719. 1750. Ancient Table Time-piece. A reclining female figure holding a globe with the figures round the circumference. When the clock ftrikes, the figure moves her head and the hand in which fhe holds the pointer. 1751. Time-piece, in the bread: of a bronze bull of Minerva. Maker, F. S. Godon, Ro de Camera de S.M.C. Spanifh, made at Madrid. Height 2 ft 4 in. T i 3 B IV at ches and Clocks . ’ 752 - Two Astronomical Time-pieces, by A. Janvier, a Paris, 1796. Nos. 222, 223. 1 75 3 - Time-piece or Cartel Clock, in carved and gilt wood frame, figure of Time with outfpread wings — a fand-glafs on his head. ’ 754 - Old English Bracket Clock, with ormulu mouldings ; it chimes the hours and quarters, gives the moon’s age, and days of the month. ’ 755 - Large Bracket Clock, Louis Quatorze ftyle, in tulip wood cafe, with ormulu mountings. ’ 756 - Clock, in carved wood frame, by Muirhead of Glafgow, with a deep-toned bell. ’ 757 - Table Clock, with fine gilt chafed mountings, refting on white marble pedeftal. Made by A. Smith, 3 Duke Street, Manchefter Square, London. 1758. French Clock, fupported by two Bacchanalians, the clock fur- mounted by a Bacchante, the whole finely chafed and richly gilt. On a white marble ftand. ’ 759 - Old French Bracket Clock, in a black buhl cafe, ftrikes the quarters ; figure of Fame on the top. Made by Cloozier, a Paris. 1760. French Bracket Clock, in a cafe of tulip wood, with ormulu mountings. Made by Guenoux, a Paris. 1761. A Remarkable Astronomical Time-piece, of fine workmanfhip, fhowing the mean, folar, and fidereal time. Having celeftial and ter- reftrial globes in motion, with the moon’s age, and days of the month, &c. Made by James Shearer, Devonfhire Street, Queen Square, London, about 1840. 1762. Clock, in mahogany cafe. Maker, J. Ray, Dumbarton. Date, about 1791. W itches and Clocks. *39 1763 - Fine old Pendulum Wall Clock, the works being in the pen- dulum ; carved gilt frame, with thermometer above. Made by Xn. Simons, Paris. 1764. Mantel-piece Clock, ormulu, with a fitting figure of Pfyche on the top. 1765. Sevres Bisque Clock, with two figures crowning a buft with flowers. 1766. Antique English Clock, ebony cafe, with pierced filver ornaments in ormulu mountings. Made by Thomas Mudge, London. 1767. The Turret Clock of the House. Made by James Muirhead, Glafgow. 1768. Old English Bracket Clock, in engraved brafs, infcribed “Henry Bell, in Lothbri, fecit.” This clock belonged to Lord Kil- marnock. 1 769- A Table Clock, pentagonal form, in a wood marquetrie cafe, brafs gilt, with figures at the angles, and feet of filver. Maker, Johann Schmidt, Hamburgh. 1770 - Table Clock, with gilt figure of St. Sebaftian bound to a tree, and pierced with arrows. Standing on an ebony pedeftal. Maker, Johann George Holzapfel, in Kulbach. 1771. Table Clock on feet, and handle on top of cafe for carrying, in a brafs gilt cafe. Strikes the hours and quarters, and has an alarum. About 4L in. fquare. 1772. Antique Brass Clock, with brafs frame. Made to go fix months with one winding up. 1 773 - Clock, in form of a fphere, with the hours round the centre, with a figure of Mercury which points to them. Maker, Jeremias Feldt, London. * 774 - A very fine Clock, in a blue du roi fevres china frame in form of a lyre ; the pendulum ornamented with brilliants, &c. Section XIII. JEWELLERY, CAMEOS, INTAGLIOS, &c. 1771, A. ROSS in enamelled gold, fet with diamonds and cabo- chon rubies. French or Spanifh work, 17th century. 1772, A. Cameo in onyx of two ftrata, fet in gold as a pendant or locket, and with outer black fhagreen cafe. A female head, probably Cleopatra. An exquifite and moil highly-hnifhed work of one of the great Italian cinque-cento gem-engravers. 073 - Cameo in onyx of three ftrata, engraved on both Tides, in enamelled gold fetting, as a pendent jewel fufpended from a gold chain. Italian cinque-cento work. In front the ftone is engraved with a Roman imperial head ; on the reverfe, with a Handing figure of Ceres, with the infcription “Ceres Augufta.” From the lower portion of the fetting hangs a large pearl in fetting enriched with fmall brilliants. 1 774 - Ring, with oval gold tablet fetting, in which is inferted an intaglio head of Socrates. Englifh 18th century work. 1 775 - Ring, with oblong tablet, enriched with minute fubje&s, executed in white wax, of a herdftnan with a herd of cows, on a blue ground, under glafs. Gold fetting. Old Englifh laft century work. 1776 - Similar Ring, with large upright tablet; the fubjedf, alfo modelled in wax on a black ground, is a landfcape with a large tree. Jewellery , Cameos , Intaglios , 1 41 1776A. Intaglio in cornelian. A laureated head, fet in gold as a ring. 1 777 . Intaglio in red fardonyx, fet in gold as a ring. A group of grotefque heads, probably antique Roman work. 1778. Cameo in onyx of two layers, fet in gold as a ring. Venus {landing in the fea on a dolphin, Italian 17th century work. 1779, 1780. Two Intaglios in lapis-lazuli, reprefenting refpedtively Apollo feated with his lyre, and the Judgment of Paris. Italian 17th century work. 1781. Intaglio in gold, fet in gold as a ring. A warrior fighting with two Amazons. Italian 17th or 18th century work. 1782. Intaglio in brown fard. The Greeks iffuing from the Trojan horfe, infcribed “ Karillos,” fet in gold as a ring, from the Poniatowfky Colledlion. 1 783 - Cameo in onyx of two ftrata. A bufl-portrait of a lady in coflume of the 16th century, by an Italian cinque-cento artifl, fet in gold as a ring. 1784. A Gold Ring, with oblong gold tablet, fet with two fmall antique intaglios, and a fmall cameo of a child’s head. 1785. Signet Ring, in bronze, fet with a filver tablet, bearing an infcrip- tion and coat of arms. German 17th century work. 1786. Silver Ring, fet with an intaglio, in lapis-lazuli. 1787. Small Pendent Jewel, an enamelled gold flatuette of the Madonna enclofed between two plates of rock-cryflal. Spanifh (?) 17th century work. 1788. Large Intaglio, in flriated onyx. Venus and Cupid ; 17th cen- tury work. 142 yewellery , Cameos , Intaglios, etc. O s 9- Similar Large Intaglio. Venus {landing, and Cupid with large wings extinguifhing a torch in a pool of water at his feet ; 17th century work. 1790. Large Cameo, in rofto-antico. Head of Silenus. 1 79 l - Large Intaglio, in light brown fard. Combat of a centaur with two Lapithae. A very fine modern Italian engraving. J 7 9 2. A Circular Medallion Plaque of rock-cryftal, fet in gold, moft elaborately engraved with a compofition of many figures, apparently reprefenting the Mufes and the deities of Olympus, engraved in intaglio. A fine and important work of an early Italian gem-engraver of the firft half of the 16th century. 1 793- Cameo, in onyx, the Farnefe Hercules, fet in gold as a ring. 1 794- Finger Ring, fet with a garnet, and fix fmall brilliants ; 17th cen- tury work. 1 795* Silver Ring, fet with a cornelian, and two cabochons ; green glafs paftes. Oriental. r 79 6 - An Upright Octagonal Plaque of rock-cryftal fet in filver, as a pendent ornament, engraved with a figure of a female faint, infcribed “ St. Ottilia 17th or 18th century Italian or Spanifh work. 17 97- Cameo, in onyx of three layers. Head of Ariadne, the work of the modern Roman gem-engraver Santarelli, whofe fignature is appended. 1798. Large Oval Cameo, in rock-cryftal ; buft-portrait of the Emprefs Maria Therefa. A fine contemporary work. 099- Large Circular Cameo, in chalcedony. Head of Diana ; 17th or 1 8th century work, by a German artift. ‘Jewellery, Cameos, Intaglios , etc. H3 1800. Pendent Medallion, in filver-gilt, fet in a wide border of filver filigree work, reprefenting on one fide St. George and the Dragon, and on the other the Flight into Egypt. Spanifh 17th or 18th century work. 1801. Cameo Medallion of W. Pitt, fet in filver-gilt, as a pendent badge of the Pitt Club, formerly pofl'efled by A. Gilmore, Efq. whofe name is infcribed thereon. 1802. Gold Medal, with the arms of the City of Glafgow engraved on it ; this medal was formerly worn by the Lord Provoft, or chief magiftrate of the city. 1803. Gold Finger Ring, fet with brilliants. In the centre a large flat diamond of odtagonal-fhape, covering the monogram “ G . R.” in gold, alfo fet with minute brilliants. This moft beautiful and extraordinary fpecimen of Englifh jewellery belonged to King George I. 1804. Pendent Cross, fet with diamonds and emeralds, in enamelled gold, and with three pendent pearls. A beautiful fpecimen of Spanifh 17th century jewellery. 1805. Brooch, formed of a large “ perle baroque,” mounted in gold, as a fwan, and fet with rubies, emeralds, and diamonds. Modern work, made in Naples for the ex-queen. 1806. Large Circular Brooch, in open work of gold and filver, fet with brilliants and garnets. Spanifh 18th century work. Section XIV. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OF VERTU. 1851 . ISTAFF IN CANE, engraved or carved with figure- fubjedts, views of cities, See. Italian 18th century work. 1852 Cane, with ormulu hook. The cane elaborately engraved with figure-fubjedts and views of cities. Neapolitan or Sicilian work, 17th century. i%S3- Walking-stick, formed of a very fine Malacca cane of immenfe thicknefs. Carved ivory knob, ornamented with an eagle, and a female buft in a cartouche, faid to have belonged to Napoleon the Firft. 1854- LARGE Triptych of RufTo-Greek work, in nickel, enamelled. In the centre our Saviour, and on the wings the Virgin and St. John. Said to have belonged to King Charles I. of England, to whom it was given by a Ruffian traveller. See manufeript account which accompanies it. Width, opened out, 14 in., length 5 in. 1855. Oblong Box, in tortoifefhell, beautifully mounted with angle plates, efcutcheons, key, and other appurtenances, in chifeled open work, in pure gold. A beautiful fpecimen of French or German early laft cen- tury work. Length 7 in., width 5 in., height 3 in. Mifcellaneous Obje&s of Vertu . H5 1856. Tankard, in wood, inlaid with fcroll work in pewter, and with pewter handles and cover. German, dated 1729. Height 9 in. 1857. An Ancient Spanish “ Bota,” or leather wine-bottle; 17th century work. Height 15T in. 1858. Old English Black Jack, or leather tankard lined with filver ; in front is a medallion in filver, engraved with a man-of-war, and a label fcroll infcribed “ Royal George” Ufed at the officers’ mefs. Height 8iin., diameter 5J in. ^ 59 - Grand Vase, in fteel, richly decorated with figures in full relief, in gold, oxydifed filver, ivory, &c, a portion richly decorated with tranflucent enamels. Four feated figures round the centre reprefent the four feafons, and groups in the front are emblematic of air, earth, fire, and water. The vafe is furmounted by a fphere, on which a cupid in carved ivory guides a bronze car, drawn by enamelled butterflies. This remarkable and elaborate work is the foie production of one artift, M. Hubert, of Paris, and was executed for the International Exhi- bition of 1862, where it was noticed as one of the principal works of its kind contributed. Height about 26 in. 1860. Tazza, in black marble, inlaid with a wreath of flowers in “ pietra commefle,” or Florentine Mofaic. A fmall thermometer, &c, at the top. Executed at Buxton. 1861. Picture, in fcagliola, an architectural colonnade, or interior. Italian 17th century work, in marble frame. Length 26 in., height 22 in. 1862, 1863. Pair of Wood Carvings, in pine wood. The Adoration of the King?, and the Judgment of Solomon. Old Englifh or Scottifh 17th century work, in glazed frames. Length 13?- in., height 9J in. 1864. Bell-shaped Vase, in white marble, decorated with applique work of ormulu. A frieze of claffical figures furrounds the body or drum of the u 146 Mifcellaneous Objetis of Vertu. vafe. Italian 1 8th century work. The metal work richly gilt, and carefully chafed. Height I5iin. 1865. A Series of Sixty Bronze Medals, by Daffier, illuftrative of the hiftory of Rome. Contained in a glazed cafe. 1866. A Large and Beautifully executed Model of a Ship-of-War, of the laft century, contained in a mahogany glazed cafe of the Chip- pendale ftyle and period. 1867. Pair of Oval Relievi, in electrotype, battle-fubjedls of Crufaders, by Tuftin. 1868. Draught and Backgammon Board, in marqueterie of coloured woods, with counters in wood ftamped from fteel medal dies, with numerous allegorical and other lubjedts. German work, circa 1700. 1869. Oblong Coffer, in carved bone and marqueterie. Italian 15th century work. Length 114 in., width 6 in., height 8 in. 1870. Measuring Wand, in wood, inlaid with fcroll work in carved ivory. German 16th century work. 1871. “Necessaire du Voyage.” The travelling-cafe of Tippoo Saib, taken at Seringapatam ; confifting of an upright fquare cafe covered with crimfon velvet, and embroidered, and containing a great variety of ufeful implements} knives with jade handles, razors, fmall carpenters’ tools, damafcened fciflors, &c, all of Indian workmanfhip. Section XV, DECORATIVE ARMS AND ACCOUTREMENTS. 2051. RESCENT or Horn-shaped Powder-flask, in tortoifefhell, beautifully mounted with applique fcroll work, and figures, in chifeled and gilt bronze. Ger- man, circa 1700. Length 9 in. 2052. Small Circular or Annular-shaped Powder-flask, in wood pique with brafs wire and ivory ; 17th century work. Diameter 3 in. 2053 - Small Circular or Discoidal Powder-flask, of wood mounted in filver ; 17th century work. Diameter 2 \ in. 2054. Small Circular Priming-flask, decorated, in compartments, with coarfe enamelled work ; 17th century. Diameter 2 in. 2055. Powder-flask, with bullet-bag attached, wood inlaid with brafs and mother-of-pearl ; 17th century work. Length 6 in. 2056. Hunting Sword, the hilt and crofs-guard beautifully carved in ivory, with groups of animals fighting. The fcabbard in black fifh-fkin, with chifeled filver mounts. 148 Decorative Anns and Accoutrements. 2057. A Set of Portable Bright Steel Armourer’s Tools, arranged and attached together as a fingle inftrument, infcribed, “ J. Delpire , armurier du reg u Suijfe de la Garde Roy ale y Paris.” Period of Louis XVI. 2058. Pair of Indian Steel Armlets, richly damafcened with gold. Taken during the Indian Rebellion in i860. 2059. Sword, with pommel in carved flag’s horn, and carved wooden fheath, ornamented with very remarkable interlaced ornamentation. Taken from the Dyaks of Borneo, by Captain Farquhar, R.N. 2060. Circular Wooden Powder-flask, with a filver medallion let into the fide, recording the relief of Vienna by the Polifh army when be- fieged by the Turks, a.d. 1683. 2061. Cross-bow, the flock elaborately inlaid with incifed ivory, mother- of-pearl, See. The fteel winding apparatus accompanies the bow. German work, circa 1600. 2062. Shield, richly adorned with battle-fubjedls in relief. An electrotype caft of the celebrated “ Cellini” fliield at Windfor Caftle. 2063. Shield, in wrought iron, decorated with a battle-fubjeCl of equef- trian figures, animals, & c. 2064. Dagger, with fteel hilt and guard, and circular quiver-fhaped fteel fcabbard, richly ornamented with etched or engraved floriated work. 2065. Steel Spur. Spanifh 17th century work. 2066. Persian Dagger, the hilt of plain narwal tufk, the blade orna- mented at the bafe with rich floriated fcroll work in gold damafquinerie, the fcabbard with fteel and gold damafcened mounts. 2067. Curved Dagger, with a knife alfo inferted in the fheath ; the hilt of carved ivory, ornamented with figures and Oriental inferiptions ; the fheath cf green fifh-fkin. Perfian work. Decorative Arms and Accoutrements. 149 2068, 2069. Two Persian Swords. 2070. Steel Mace, enriched with etched ornaments. Italian work. 2071. Steel Battle Mace, the fhaft fpiral fluted. Italian 15th century work. 2072. Pair of Russian Flint-lock Holster Pistols, brought from the Crimea. 2073. A Russian Musket, brought from the Crimea. 2074. A Beautifully Watered Damascus Sabre-blade, inlaid with Arabic infcriptions, in gold damafcene work. 2075. An Ancient Steel Knife, or Dagger, with fcymetar-fhaped blade, and crofs-guard. Found in the Thames near Old London Bridge. 2076. A “Martel de Fer,” or Military Pickaxe, an Italian 15th century weapon of great rarity, ufed in repelling the attacks of caftles or fortrefles taken by efcalade. Obtained from the Mufeum of the Collegio Romano, or Jefuits’ College in Rome, on the occafion of the fale of a portion of the Mediaeval Collection of that inflitution. 2077. Wrought-iron Mace, pear-fhaped head, ribbed, or fluted, the fhaft alfo ribbed, alternating in fpiral and vertical directions. Ancient Indian or Perflan work. From the Mufeum of the Collegio Romano. 2078. Iron Mace, from the Mufeum of the Collegio Romano. Co 2079. A very Small Cross-bow, for a child or lady, the flock in carved ebony, mounted with filver. Fine old Florentine work, circa 1600. An efcutcheon of arms on the flock indicates it to have been made for a member of the Medici family. Length 17 in. 150 Decorative Artns and Accoutrements. 2080. Short Hunting Sword, the grip and crofs-guard in chifeled fteel, the grip reprelenting a figure of Hercules clad in the lion’s (kin ; the crofs-guard two dragons. Italian 17th century work. 2081. Short Hunting Sword, with chifeled fteel hilt, ornamented with lions, and dragons, and other animals ; the pommel a lion’s head. Italian 17th century work. 2082. . Old English Basket-hilted Cut-and-thrust Sword. Date about 1720. 2083. Dress Rapier, fteel chifeled hilt of interlaced ferpents. Spanifh or Italian 1 8th century work. 2084. A Beautiful Old last Century French Dress Sword, with chifeled fteel hilt, and fcabbard mounts, inlaid with gold figure fubjeits, amorini, &c, white fifh-fkin fcabbard. French, Louis XVth period. 2085. Dress Rapier, without fcabbard, the hilt in blued fteel and gold, richly chifeled with equeftrian figures, trophies, &c. The blade ir.fcribed, “ De la Marquis des Mouchettes a Solingen.” A beautiful German fword, circa 1740. 2086. Presentation Dress Sword, filver-gilt hilt, enriched with four tranflucent enamels on gold. Made by Rundell and Bridge. Prefented (vide infcription) by the merchants of London to Lieutenant John Burn, for his conduit on board H.M.S. the Beaulieu , during the mutiny at the Nore in 1797. A fplendid fpecimen of old Englifh work. 2087. Dress Sword, chifeled fteel and gold, hilt finely enriched with fcroll work, and cameo medallion portraits. Circa 1750. 2088. Old Dress Rapier, the hilt in metal-gilt, and chafed gold dama- fcened work of trophies, &c, the grip in white enamel, the blade engraved with arabefques. German (?), circa 1710. Decorative Arms and Accoutrements. I5 1 2089. Small Oval Steel Mount, for the butt-end of a piftol, engraved and perforated with elaborate floriated pattern. Italian 17th century work. 2090. Another Steel Pistol, mount of the fame defign and origin. 2091. Chiseled Steel Butt-end Mount of a Pistol, chifeled in relief with foliage and two falamanders. Milanefe or Brefcian work, 17th century. 2092. Chiseled and Perforated Steel Horse-bit. Spanifh 17th cen- tury work. 2093. Steel Head of a Halbert, finely chifeled, in the flhape of a fleur- de-lis. French (?), period of Louis XIV, and faid to have belonged to his guard. Height 9^. in. 2094. Head of a Halbert, triangular or lunette-fhaped, two ferpents at the fides. Italian 17th century work. 2095. Chiseled Iron Sheath of a Swifs or German dagger, ornamented with bands of ribbed or puffed work. Date about 1550. 2096. Chiseled Steel Sword Pommel, nude female figures and fyrens. Italian 17th century work. 2097. Chiseled Steel Sword Pommel, a man’s head with beard and mouftache, frilled ruff, and flat cap. Spanifh (?), circa 1560. 2098. Pommel, in chifeled fteel tinned over, mafks, cartouche work, amo- rini, Sic; 16th century work. 2099. Steel Pommel, a battle-fubjedl ; 17th century work. 2100. Pommel, a helmeted head, the eyes of the face and ornaments of the helmet damafcened in filver. Spanifh (?) 17th century work. 2101 . Large Oval Steel Pommel, from a long rapier, a warrior in Roman armour and interlaced compartments ; 1 6th century work. 152 Decorative Arms and Accoutrements. 2102. Large Fluted or Reeded Steel Pommel, grotefque mafks, and acanthus leaves} 16th century work. 2103. Gadrooned and Fluted Vase-shaped Steel Pommel. Circa 1530. 2104. Pommel, in chifeled fteel, in form of a helmeted head, a fleur-de-lis on the back of the helmet. 2105. Circular Pommel, in chifeled fteel open work, mafks, and crefcent- fhaped cartouche fcrolls. A beautiful Italian cinque-cento pommel. Circa 1540. 2106. Egg-shaped Steel Pommel, with raifed cameos or bofles, and inter- laced circles damafcened in filver} 17th century work. 2107. Oval Hexagonal Pommel, beautifully inlaid work, palmette ornaments, &c, in filver damafquinerie. Italian or Spanifh work of Ample but very elegant ftyle ; 16th century work. 2108. Small Chiseled Steel Pommel, equeftrian figures, &c. 2109. Pommel Mount of a Pistol, chifeled fteel mafks, &c ; 17th cen- tury work. 2110. Shell-guard of a Rapier, the figures chifeled in relief, the attack of a fortified town. Italian 17th century work. 21 1 1. Hilt of a Rapier, in blued fteel, with raifed foliage, in filver dama- fcened work. 2112. Shell-guard of a Rapier, in chifeled fteel ornamented with battle- fubjedls of cavalry foldiers. Circa 1730. 2113 - Hilt of a Dress Rapier, chifeled fteel and gold, foliage, and dogs and game, in medallions. An admirable fpecimen of French Louis XV. chifeling. Decorative Arms and Accoutrements. 153 2114 - Hilt of a Dress Rapier, chifeled fteel and gold, dogs and hunt- ing fcenes, trophies, & c, an admirable fpecimen of metal chafing. Louis XVth period. 21 15. Chiseled Steel Hilt of a Hunting Sword, the grip a lion ram- pant; 17th century work. 2116. Chiseled Steel Hilt of a Hunting Sword or Sabre, decorated with acanthus foliage, and dragon’s head pommel. Italian 17th century work. 2117. Chiseled Steel Winder for a Wheel-lock Musket, ornamented with foliage. A very remarkable fpecimen of metal chafing. German 17th century work. 2118. Stiletto, with triangular blade, finely chifeled fcroll-work grip and hilt. Italian 17th century work. 2119. Stiletto, the grip chifeled with monkeys and other ornaments ; 17th century work. „ 2120. Stiletto, the fteel grip and hilt elaborately chifeled with a compofi- tion of amorini flaying a dragon, the fteel fheath chafed with fcroll foliage and figures. Italian early 18th century work. 2121. Stiletto, the hilt damafcened with filver lines. Oriental. 2122. Hilt of a Dress Rapier, in bright fteel open work, net-work pat- tern, with fmall forget-me-not flowers. Old Englifh work, circa 1760. 2123. Stiletto, also forming a Small Pistol, the hilt and lock elabo- rately chifeled with foliage, the barrel alfo beautifully chafed. A mod rare and beautiful fpecimen of Italian 17th century armourer’s work, of Angular elegance in defign, and moft fpirited execution. 2124. Heart-shaped Halberd-head, in chifeled fteel openwork. Italian 1 7th century work. x 154 Decorative Arms attd Accoutrements . 2125. Head of a Small Halberd, enriched with mafks, &c, partly gilded. Italian 17th century work. 2126. Watered or Damascened Damascus Barrel of a Pistol. Turkifh work. 2127. Chiseled Steel Barrel of a Long Holster Pistol, ornamented with figures and fcroll foliage. Brefcian 17th century work. 2128. Bow or Trigger-guard of a fowling-piece, chifeled foliage on gold ground. French, Louis XVth period. 2129. Steel Instrument for meafuring charges of gunpowder (?). 2130 - Large Italian Cinque-cento Powder-flask, of triangular fhape, enriched with foliage and cartouche work, the rim perforated and em- bofled. Circa 1560. 2131. Elaborately Engraved Wheel-lock for a Rifle, decorated with hunting fubjedfs ; infcribed “ P . Lienhart , Milne he.” Bavarian, circa 1670. 2132 - Large Flint-lock for a German Rifle, engraved with ara- befquework, and figures, monftrous animals, &c. A beautiful fpecimen. Circa 1680. 2133 - Chiseled Steel Musket-lock, figures, animals, foliage, &c, in relief. Italian 17th century work. 2134. Chiseled Steel Musket-lock, chafed with a boar-hunt, &c, in relief. German, date 1743. 2135 - Musket-lock, foliage chifeled in relief. Brefcian 17th century work. 2136. Lock of a Turkish or Albanian Gun, in fteel and brafs, chafed with fcroll foliage. 21 37 . Lock of a Turkish or Moorish Gun, fteel inlaid with filver ftriated work. Decorative Arms and Accoutre?nents. 155 2138. Lock of a German Rifle, engraved with trophies, &c. Circa 1 720. 2 1 39- Lock of a German Rifle, chifeled work, perforated foliage, &c. Circa 1660. 2140. Large Lock for a Double-barreled Rifle, ornamented with chifeled and perforated foliage. German, circa 1660. 2141. Lock of a German Rifle, fimilar ftyle, beautifully chifeled with foliage, Sic ; 1 7th century work. 2142. Pauldron or Gorget (?) Plate, a‘ portion of a moll beautiful fuit of engraved and gilded Reel armour, enriched with the devices of the Houfe of Burgundy ; the crofted ftaves, briquet, flames of fire, Sic. Circa 1530. Not improbably a portion of a fuit worn either by the Emperor Charles V, or his fon King Philip II. 2143- Fine Steel Mounted Brescian Pistol, the barrel by Lazarino Cominazzo, the lock and mounts by Andrea Medicina ; 17th century work. 2144. Italian Holster Pistol, with elaborately chifeled lock. Circa 1700. 2145- Pair of Richly Decorated Holster Pistols, blued fteel and gold damafcened barrels, the lower parts chifeled with trophies, mounts in gilt bronze. German (?), circa 1760. 2146. Pair of Old French Holster Pistols, blued fteel and gold dama- fcened barrels, by Dubois. Period of Louis XV. 2147. An Old Brescian Pistol, entirely in fteel, and chifeled with raifed foliage, and engraved, the barrel figned Pietro Palin, the lock Pietro Fiorentin. A fpecimen of the pureft tafte and richeft ornamentation of the fecond half of the 17th century. 2148. A Pair of very Fine Old Brescian Pistols, the barrels figned Geo. Batt. Francino. 156 Decorative Arms and Accoutrements . 2149. A Pair of Old Brescian Pistols, with elaborately chafed fteel mounts. 2150. Holster Pistol, with ivory mounts, a helmeted head in carved ivory forming the pommel, the lock figned L.VanMerfen a Maeftricht. Flemifh. 2151. An Old Turkish or Albanian Pistol, mounted with bands of filver niello work, ivory pommel and gold damafcened lock. A moft elegant and beautiful weapon. 2152. A Long Rapier, the hilt decorated with rofettes and interlaced knot work, in fteel wire. Spanifti or Italian 16th century work. 2153 - An Old Scottish Andrew Ferara Claymore, with balket hilt, the blade infcribed “ Andrew Ferara.” 2154. An Ancient Gun-barrel, with breach-loading apparatus, apparently of Turkilh work ; feemingly an early and curious effay on the breach- loading principle. 2155 - Long Steel Gun-barrel, richly chifeled with foliated ornaments, in oval compartments. Indian work. 2156. A Small German i6th Century Rifle, the ftock inlaid with ivory and mother-of-pearl. 2157. A Small German i6th or 17TH Wheel-lock Rifle, the ftock inlaid with ivory. 2158. A Long Wheel-lock Rifle, the ftock richly inlaid with ftrap work, and cartouche ornaments, hunting figures, & c, in incifed ivory. German or Flemifh, circa 1600. 2159. A Beautiful Old Italian Fowling-piece, the lock figned Pietro Manani in Brefcia, the walnut ftock finely carved with the death of Adonis, and with flowers, the barrel by Lazarino Cominazzo. Decorative Arms and Accoutrements , 157 2160. A Turkish or Albanian Rifle, the flock inlaid with minute mofaic work, of fmall rofettes, in brafs and ivory. 2161. A German Rifle, figned “ Brailes in Ehingen,” filver-gilt mounts, the flock inlaid with fcrolls and mother-of pearl. 2161 A, A Fine Double-Barreled Fowling-piece, en fuite, by the fame maker. 2162. An Old German Wheel-lock Rifle, the lock engraved with Orpheus charming the beafts, the flock and mounts beautifully inlaid with incifed ivory fcroll work, hunting figures, and animals. Circa 1600. 2163. An Old German Rifle with very maffive barrel, the flock inlaid with incifed ivory. 2164. Fowling-piece, the barrel in blued fteel, gold damafcened, and bear- ing an Arabic infcription. Laft century work, probably made in the Eaft, on the model of a European gun. 2165. A Modern French Double-barreled Fowling-piece, the barrel of watered fteel, the hammer, reprefenting lions, chifeled in gold. A fplendid weapon. 2166. A Double-barreled Breach-loading Rifle, by J. O. Dougall of Glafgow. 2167. An Old Spanish Fowling-piece, with rich fluted and gold dama- fcened barrel, figned “ en Madrid 1724,” a prefent to the Emperor of China from the Portuguefe government. 2168. A Fine Modern French Double-earreled Fowling-piece, the mounts richly chafed, and the flock carved with ferpents, oak- branches, &c. 2169. A Long Indian Matchlock, the barrel in ruflet fteel, moft ela- borately chifeled with animals and foliage in relief. This piece for- merly belonged to the King of Oude. i 5 8 Decorative Arms and Accoutrements. 2170. A Beautiful Long Indian Flint-lock Gun, the ftock and other portions ornamented with elaborately chifeled fteel floriated work. 2171. A Long Indian Matchlock, the barrel damafcened with filver. Formerly the King of Oude’s. 2172, 2173, 2174. Rapier, dagger for the left hand, and cut-and-thruft lword, with beautiful pierced and chafed cut and highly polifhed Heel cup hilt, with long croflguards. Fine Spanifh 17th century weapons. Section XVI. LOCKS, KEYS, ETC. And other Ornamental Objedls in Wrought Iron 2180. ||l TEEL KEY, with trefoil-fbaped bow. French gothic, 15th century work. Length \\ in. 2x81. Steel Key, with open-work wheel tracery pattern bow; 16th century work. Length 4L in. 2182. Small Steel Key, with fcroll pattern open-work bow. Italian 16th century work. Length 31 in. 2183. Steel Key, with balufter fcroll open-work bow. German or French 17th century work. Length 44 in. 2184. Steel Key, French renaifiance, the bow in open work, with two terminal figures of fyrens ; 16th century work. Length 51. in. 2x85. Steel Key, the wards opening with a fpring, the open-work bow chifeled with acanthus leaves. French or Italian Louis XIV. period. Length 6 in. 2186. Large Key, the bow in open work of quatrefoils. French or German 17th century work. Length y|- in. 160 Locks , Keys^ etc . 2187. Steel Key, with open-work bow, furmounted by a ducal coronet. French 17th century work. Length 4 in. 2188. Steel Key, the bow in open work, the {haft and barrel ornamented with a fpiral thread 5 17th century work. Length 54 in. 2189. Smaller Steel Key, open-work bow, and reeded or fluted fhaft ; 17th century work. Length 44 in. 2190. Steel Key, with open-work bow ; 17th century work. Length 3j-in. 2191. Small Steel Key with fimilar open-work bow. Length 24 in. 2192. Steel Key, with elaborate open-work bow, ornamented with an intri- cate interlaced cipher, the (haft elegantly moulded and reeded. Englifh work (?), 1700. A beautiful fpecimen. Length 54 in. 2 1 93- Steel Key, the bow ornamented with open-work fcroll foliage and a crown, the fhaft and wards chafed with acanthus leaves. A' highly finifhed and very elegant fpecimen, probably of French 17th century work. Length 34 in. 2x94. Steel Key, with open-work bow, furmounted by a coronet; 17th century work. Length 24 in. 2I 95- Small Steel Key, with open-work fcroll bow. Length 24 in. 2196. Steel Key, with open-work fcroll pattern bow, furmounted by a ducal coronet, the fhaft and wards finely chafed. 2x97. Steel Key, open fcroll pattern bow, the fhaft fluted. Length 44 in. Locks , Keys , etc, 1 6 1 2198. Similar Steel Key. Length 4U in. 2199 - Small Key, fcroll pattern bow ; 17th or early 1 8th century work. Length 3 in. 2200. Small Key, or winder to a mufical inftrument ; open trefoil bow. Length if in. 2201. Steel Key, gothic floriated wheel pattern bow. Length 4 in. 2202. Steel Key, elegant open-work acanthus fcroll and ftrap-work bow. German firft half of 18th century work. Length 5-L in. 2203. Steel Key, of nearly fimilar defign. Length 5§-in. 2204. Steel Key, the (haft triangular, the bow in folid metal, and chafed with acanthus leaves and olive branches. Length 5f in. 2205. Small Key with brafs open-work bow. Length 2f in. 2206. Steel Key, the open-work bow elegantly chifeled with foliage, dra- gons’ heads, and the cipher of a double C including the Roman numerals IV. furmounted by a coronet. Apparently a chamberlain’s key. A beau- tiful fpecimen. Circa 1710. Length 5 in. 2207. Double Steel Key, a “ pafle partout,” elegantly chifeled with open work ornaments. Contained in a wooden box. The work of King Louis XVI, and faid to be the key, which the King ufed to open the three fecret apartments which he had at the Tuileries. On the top of the box are affixed four coat buttons in glafs, in imitation of lapis- lazuli, taken from a coat worn by the monarch. (See defcription and relation of the hiftory of this objedl at the bottom of the box). Y Locks , Key s,, etc. 2208. Steel Key, the bow elegantly chifeled in open work, and partly gilt ; in the centre a wheel furmounted by an electoral crown. A chamberlain’s key of the Eledtor of Mayence ; 17th century work. Length 5L in. 2209. Chamberlain’s Key, in gilt metal, the bow ornamented with a fhield of arms, and electoral crown of the Eleftor of Cologne. German 1 8th century work. Length 6^ in. 2210. Chamberlain’s Key, in gilt metal, the bow ornamented with a cipher and electoral crown. German 1 8th century work. Length 6i in. 2211. Chamberlain’s Key, in gilt metal, furmounted by two crowns. German 18th century work. Length 6 in. 2212. Chamberlain’s Gilt Metal Key. Length b\ in. 2213. Chamberlain’s Gilt Metal Key, the bow with the initial C with fupporters and a crown 5 19th century work. Length 51. in. 2214. Chamberlain’s Key in gilt fteel, open-work bow. Length 5^ in. 2215. Small Steel Lock, the box-plate chifeled with the fable of the wolf and the lamb. French work ; circa 1700. Length 34. in., height 14 in. 2216. Metal Gilt Chamberlain’s Key. 2217. Key, with gilt metal open-work bow. 2218. Key, with gilt metal open-work bow. Similar Key. 2219. Locks, Keys , etc. 163 2220. Small Key, with gilt metal bow. 2221. Small Steel Key, the bow beautifully chafed with open-work foliage. Milanefe or Brefcian work ; circa 1700. Length 2| in. 2222. Steel Key, with open-work bow. Length 4 in. 2223. Steel Key, with open-work bow. Length 3iin. 2224. Steel Key, with open-work floriated bow. Length 3 in. 2225. Steel Key, with open-work bow. Length 41 in. 2226. Small Steel Key, with elegant open fcroll-work bow. Length 2^ in. 2227. Large Key, the bow in open work, French 16th century work. Length 6iin. 2228. Steel Key, plain balufter-fhaped ring-bow. Length 52- in. 2229. Steel Key, floriated open-work bow. Length 3 in. 2230. Key, with open bow, and elaborate trefoil and crefcent-fhaped tubular wards. Length 4T in. 2231. Steel Key, the bow formed by two dolphins. French 17th century work. Length 5|- in. 2232, 2233. Two Iron Chamberlain’s Keys, both of the fame deiign, orna- mented with ciphers and imperial crown. German early 1 8th century work. Length 7F in. Locks ? Keys , p/g 1 64 2234 - Large Key, with portion of the lock attached. French (?) 17th century work. Length 6 in. 2235. Padlock and Key. Ruffian or Oriental work ■, the lock in Reel, inlaid with lines of brafs. 2236. Lock, with elaborate works, with two detached plates belonging to it. German 17th century work. Length n in., width 74 in. 2237. Lock, or Sliding Bolt, ornamented with perforated gothic tracery work. Circa 1490. Length 64 in., width 41 in. 2238. Steel Lock, engraved with a cherub’s head, and floriated fcroll work. French, circa 1700. Length 7 in., height 34 in. 2239. Lock, ornamented with open fcroll work in repoufie, and perforated tinned iron. German, circa 1710. Length 84 in., width 5 in. 2240. Massive Steel Lock and Key, ornamented with open fcroll work, and a cipher. German, circa 1740 (?). Length 84 in., width 54 in. 2241. Lock and Key, the bow of the latter ornamented with interlaced perforated work. French renaiftance, circa 1570. Length of the lock 94 in., width 4 in. 2242. Lock, enriched with cut, open fcroll work, and engraved with inter- laced fcrolls. Swifs or German work, circa 1600. Length 17 in., width 7 in. 2243 - Large German Lock, richly ornamented with open fcroll work cut in the fteel plate, and alfo with fcroll arabefque work in brafs. Circa 1700. 2244. Padlock and Key, in chifeled fteel, the lock ornamented with a large lion’s head mafk, the key with a ftar in the circular bow. Locks , Keys, etc . 1 65 2245. Small Lock and Key, the lock-plate ornamented with open-work fcrolls. German work, circa 1600. Length 4-L in., width 4 in. 2246. Steel Bolt, with elaborately chifeled arabefques, in low relief. French renaiflance work, circa 1530. Height 5 in., width 2|-in. 2247 - Large Steel Lock and Key, the lock-plate enriched with acanthus fcroll foliage, and birds in relief. German work, firft half of 1 8th century. Length 20 in., width 13 in. 2248. Steel Key, with ftar-fhaped barrel, and pierced open-work bow. German or French 18th century work. Length 52. in. 2249. Steel Key, of fimilar ftyle and period. Length 5 in. 2250. Lock and Key, in fteel, with brafs applique rococo fcroll work, the key with fpiral {haft and rococo open-work bow. German 1 8th century work. Length of lock io^in. , width 5^ in. 2251. Large Shield-shaped German Lock, the angles of the plate ornamented with dragons’ heads, and the bolts, &c, with figures of lizards chifeled in full relief. Dated 1535. Length 15 in., width 18 in. 2252. German Lock, with four bolts, in bright fteel. Circa 1700. Lock 13 in., width 6^ in. 2253. Door Lock, the cafe in brafs, ornamented with fcroll foliage in relief, cipher and royal crown alfo elaborately engraved with fcroll foliage, and the royal arms of England, and initials of William III. A lock from one of the royal palaces. Length 8^ in., width 4^ in. Locks , Keys , etc. 1 66 22 54 - A Beautiful German Lock, with five bolts, elaborately mounted with engraved brafs open fcroll work, bearing the initials “ G. B and date 1740. Length 14 in., width Sin. 2255. Chiseled Steel Lock and Key, the lock with panels of open tracery work, and a fcutcheon of arms, with lions rampant as fup- porters, and royal crown in full relief ; the key with fquare {haft decorated with open work, and elaborately chifeled mouldings. A fine fpecimen. French or Flemifh work, circa 1700-30. 2256. Large Steel Key, the bow chifeled with cartouche work, &c ; 1 8th century work. Length 7 in. 2257. Massive Steel Padlock, ornamented with grotefque mafks, and rofettes in brafs applique work. Italian 17th century work. Height 5 in., width 4L in. 2258. A Large Elaborate Lock, with Key, and detached plate for fecuring a ftrong cheft. Length of lock 25 in. Section XVII. KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, ETC. 2271, 2271 , A. nTIFE AND FORK, the hilts formed as male and female allegorical figures, in carved boxwood. Italian 17th century work. 2272. Paper Knife, with fcymetar-fhaped blade in filver gilt, the hilt in carved ivory, forming a group of amorini, with feftoons of fruit. 2273. Sheath of a Knife, in carved boxwood, enriched with numerous fmall fcriptural fubjedls in oval medallions. From the Bernal Collec- tion. Dutch 1 6th century work. 2274 - Sheath of a Knife, in carved wood, enriched with fcriptural fub- je£ts, and infcriptions in the Dutch language. Dutch 16th century work. 2275. Similar Sheath of a Knife in carved wood. Dutch, with fcrip- tural fubjedts, and infcriptions, and with the date 1589. 2276, a, b, c, D, E. Case, containing a Set of Three Knives and Three Forks, with ivory hilts, beautifully carved with groups of wild animals ftruggling together, and devouring each other. German work, firft half of the 17th century. 2277. A Pair of Chinese Chop-sticks, in tortoifefhell cafe, mounted with filver, with ribbon and taflel, from which hangs a medallion in carved green jade. Knives , Forks, Spoons, etc. 1 68 2278. Silver-gilt Spoon, with enamelled handle. Date 1625. 2279. Spoon, richly carved in boxwood, with cinque-cento ornaments, mafks, cornucopia, acanthus leaves, &c. 2280. Spoon, in carved boxwood, ornamented with fcenes from the Paffion of our Saviour, and infcriptions in Dutch. Dutch 17th century work. 2281. Spoon in carved boxwood, ornamented with grotefque fcroll work, heads, &c. Dutch 17th century work. 2282. Similar Carved Boxwood Spoon. 2283. Knife and Fork, mounted in rock-cryftal and filver ; 17th century work. 2284. Rock-crystal Spoon, mounted with fil ver-gilt ; 1 6th or 17th cen- tury work. 2285. Two Carved Ivory Hilts of a Knife and Fork, allegorical figures, cherubs’ heads, &c ; 17th century work. 2286. Silver-gilt Spoon, with beautiful painted enamel hilt, on gold. Dutch or French (?) work, circa 1650 (?). 2287. Silver Tobacco-stopper and Corkscrew, the fummit mounted by a figure of a bull ; 18th century work. 2288. Silver Tobacco-stopper and Corkscrew, the handle furmounted by a figure of a parrot ; 18th century work. 2289. Silver Parcel-gilt Spoon, wide bowl and gothic crown-fhaped pommel, with rings hanging from it. German work, circa 1520(f). Knives , Forks , Spoons , 169 2290. Silver-gilt Spoon, the bowl engraved outfide with floral fcroll work, the end of the Hem furmounted by a frnall figure of Bacchus Handing on a barrel, and holding a wine cup and bunch of grapes in his hands. German 16th century work. 2291. Spoon, the bowl and hilt in rock-cryftal, mounted in filver, the fum- mit of the Hem furmounted by a frnall ftatuette of St. Peter. German, circa 1600. 2292. Massive Silver Spoon, the hilt furmounted by a figure of an Indian carrying a barrel on his fhoulders. Dutch infcription, and date 1609. 2293. Small Spoon, the bowl formed of a fea-ftrell, the {haft in filver foliated work. Dutch 17th century work. 2294. Spoon, in filver gilt, the outfide of the bowl inlaid with floral orna- ments in niello work. Ruffian (?). 2295. Apostle Spoon, the bowl in maple wood, the fhaft in filver gilt, ornamented with renaiffance cartouche work, furmounted by a figure of St. James ; 16th century Germanwork. 2296. Apostle Spoon of fimilar ftyle and materials, furmounted by a figure of St. John the Evangelift. 2297. Apostle Spoon of fimilar ftyle and period, furmounted by a figure of St. James. 2298. Silver Jointed or Hinged Fork and Spoon, the bowl of the fpoon engraved at the back with a (hip in full fail. Dutch work, circa 1600. 2299, A, B. Silver Jointed or Folding Knife, Fork, and Spoon, the hilt in fteel damafcened, with floriated ornaments, birds, &c. in gold. French work, firft half of 1 8th century. 2300, A, B. Knife, Fork, and Spoon, in old leather cafe, the hilts in red agate, mounted in filver gilt. German or Flemifh (?) 17th century work. z Knives , Forks , Spoons , etc. 170 2301, A. Knife and Fork, the hilts in tortoifefhell, ornamented with filver pique work. Dutch, circa 1700. 2302, A. Clasp Knife and Fork, the hilts of horn or tortoifefhell ftudded with filver pique work. Dutch or German 17th century work. 2303, A. Knife and Fork, the fpoon wanting, in ancient fhagreen carved cafe, the hilt of filver-gilt open work, ornamented with tulips and other flowers, and cupids. Dutch 17th century work. 2304, A. Knife and Fork, with hilts of old Bottcher polifhed red-ftone ware. Drefden work (?), circa 1710 (?). 2305, A. Knife and Fork, the hilts in filver, engraved with flowers and fcroll work. Dutch or German 17th century work. 2306, a. Knife and Fork, the hilts in German agate, facet cut, and mounted in filver. German 17th century work. 2307, A. Knife and Fork, with ivory hilts, ftained and engraved with floriated patterns, animals, &c. 2308, A. Knife and Fork, with chafed filver hilts, the pommels formed as bunches of flowers ; 17th century work. 2309, A. Clasp Knife and Fork, the hilts of cut and pierced brafs and iron work. Spanifh (?), circa 1 700. 2310. Knife, with filver hilt and open-work fcroll pommel; 17th century work. 2311. Knife, the hilt formed by a ftanding figure of Venus or a nymph, in chifeled iron ; 17th century work. Knives , Forks , Spoons , 171 2312. Knife, the hilt in lozenge-fhaped marqueterie of mother-of-pearl and black horn, a Negro’s head at the pommel ; 17th century work. 2313 - Clasp Knife, the hilt of blued fleel, open or perforated work, en- graved with foliated ornaments, the blade etched with arabefques. Italian 17th century work. 2 314 . Small Fork, in rock-cryftal, the Hem in cornelian. 23 ! 5 - Small Silver Spoon, the bowl pierced with open work. 2316. Fork, with engraved filver hilt, fur mounted by a figure of an angel with clafped hands; 17th century work. 2 3 1 7- Silver Hilt of a Knife, formed as a human arm, the pommel or upper part a dragon’s head ; 17th century work. 23 18 - Razor, the hilt in ebony, enriched with filver pique work, a Negro’s head at the pommel, fet with garnets, and two fmall diamonds in the eyes. 2319, A. Pair of Hilts of a Knife and Fork, in carved boxwood, intri- cate and fpirited compofitions of diftorted human mafks or faces. Dutch or German work, circa 1650. 2320, A. Pair of Carved Ivory Hilts of a Knife and Fork, beautifully carved compofitions of animals fighting. German 17th century work. 2321. An Exquisitely Carved Ivory Hilt of a Knife, a compofition of amorini ; 17th century work, probably by Francois du Quefnoy, called II Fiammingo. 2322, 2323, A. A Pair of Beautiful Carved Ivory Hilts of a Knife and Fork, the fummits crowned by groups of ftruggling amorini. Ilemifh 17th century work of the higheft excellence. Knives , Forks, Spoons, etc. 1 72 2324. Carved Ivory Spoon, the hilt furmounted by a figure of Venus or Pomona ; 17th century work of the fineft poffible ftyle. 2325, A, B. Knife, Fork, and Spoon, in fhagreen carved cafe, in filver gilt, the hilts in carved ivory, that of the knife reprefenting a Triton blow- ing a fhell; thofe of the fork and fpoon, a compofition of three amorini, fcroll work, &c. All are executed with admirable talle and fpirit, by a firft-rate Flemifh ivory carver of the 17th century. 2326. Desk Penknife, with long Item or handle in carved ivory. Old Italian 17th century work. 2327 - Eraser, with long carved ivory handle, the companion implement to the preceding. 2328. Sheath of a Knife, in ivory, decorated with incifed ornamentation of figure fubjeifs. Italian 17th century work. 2329, A. Carving Knife and Fork, with hilts of chifeled fteel and mother- of-pearl, the pommels terminating in eagles’ heads. Fine Italian work, circa 1540. 233 °- Set of Six Knife and Fork Hilts, in modern millefiori glafs. 233 1 • Set of Twelve Silver Apostle Spoons. German work. 2332 - Set of Five Old German Spoons, in filver parcel gilt, the pommels formed as terminal figures, the outfide of the bowls engraved; 17th century work. 2333 - Spoon, with long ftraight fhaft, a gilt mafk near the bowl. 2334 - Spoon, with engraved bowl, the pommel a cherub’s head. 2335 - Pair of Spoons, with fcroll hilts, ornamented with fatyrs’ and lions’ heads, mafks, and with fluted bowls. Knives , Forks , Spoons , J 73 2336 - Apostle Spoon, with fpiral twifted {haft. 2337 - Spoon, the pommel a terminal figure. 2338 - Spoon, roughly chafed hilt, a mafk at the extremity. 2339 - Large Steel Carving Fork, the handle elaborately chifeled with figures, &c, two birds at the fummit. Italian 16th century work. & Section XVIII. VARIOUS WORKS IN METAL. 2342. R of Old English Cut Steel Shoebuckles. 2343. Medallion Profile Head of a Gentleman, with long flowing hair, in coftume of firft half of 18th century, beautifully chifeled in relief, in fteel, the hair gilded. Diameter 3 in. 2344 - Oval Medal, in fteel, with intaglio portraits of a gentleman and lady, die funk refpedtively in the obverfe and reverfe of the piece. Height 1 in., width |-in. 2345. Two Circular Disks of Iron, engraved in intaglio, or die funk, with various ornaments and figures of amorini. Originally a mould for making cakes or “ galettes.” French 16th century work. Diameter 6^ in. 2346 - Pair of Small Scales, with fteel beam, the clip or handle beauti- fully chifeled in wave fcroll work, with a fhield of arms furmounted by a ducal coronet. German 18th century work. 2347. Plaque, in chifeled iron for a fnufF-box, claflical figures drawn on a car by peacocks ; border of rococo fcroll work. Length 32. in., width 2iin. 2348. Small Plaque, in chifeled or cut fteel ; fubjedf, the family of Darius before Alexander. Length 3 in., width 2^ in. Various Works in Metal. VS 2349. Hookah Bottom, in black metal, damafcened with gold and filver foil. Indian work. 2350. Bell-shaped Vase. Similar work. 235 1 - Ball-shaped Incense Burner, in brafs, engraved and damafcened with elaborate arabefque work, and containing its original infide fittings. Ancient Syrian or Egyptian damafcened 14th or 15th century work. Diameter 5 in. 2352. Candlestick with wide bafe, ancient Saracenic damafcene work ; elaborately decorated with Arabic infcriptions. Height 72 in., diameter 7 in. 2353 - Similar Candlestick, elaborately ornamented with interlaced circles. Height 9 in., diameter 7 in. 2354. Small Steel Coffer, with arched top, damafcened with gold. Milanefe work, circa 1520. 2335. Pair of Brass Snuffers, with fine cinque-cento raifed ornaments on the box. Flemifh (?), circa 1550. 2 35 6 - Pair of Brass Snuffers, a griffin holding a fhield on the box. Flemifh 16th century work. 2357 - Casket, in blued fteel, with ornamental rococo mounts in gilt brafs. French or German firft half of the laft century. Length 5 in., width 3L in. 2358 - White Metal Casket, overlaid with applique open-work tracery in gilt brafs. German, circa 1600. Length 5 in., width 3A- in., height 22 in. 2359. Cover of a Pocket-book, in engraved fteel, parcel gilt, ornamented with paftoral fubjedls and foliage. German work, firft half of the 18th century. Length 42. in., width 2 \ in. V arious W orks in Metal. 1 76 2360, 2361. A Pair of Fine Oval Plaques, in fteel chifeled work, containing medallion portraits of Louis XV. and his Queen, furrounded with car- touche work and flowers. Height 54 in., width 24 in. 2362. Needle Case, in fteel open foliage work. French 17th century work. Length 34 m. 2363 - Ancient Pair of Steel Nut-crackers. 2364. A Pair of Steel Bow Compasses, chafed or engraved ; 17th cen- tury work. Length 124 in. 2365. Small Oval Frame, in cut fteel open work. Italian 17th century work. Height 5^- in., width 4 in. 2366. Oval Frame, in chifeled fteel, probably a portion of a purfe mount, chifeled in relief, with equeftrian figures. Italian cinque-cento work. Length 44 in., width 34 in. 2367. Blued Cut Steel Snuff or Tobacco Box, ornamented with fcallop fhells. Italian 1 7th century work. Length 24 in., width 24 in. 2368. Steel Tobacco-stopper, the ring-bow ornamented with rococo fcroll work. Length 4 in. 2369. Oblong Tobacco-box, in fteel, infcribed “ James Pawls, Birmngb. 1764.” 2370 - Small Upright Plaque, in chifeled iron, Venus and Cupid. Italian cinque-cento. Height 34 in. 2371, A, B. Three Small Plaques, in iron repoufle and damafcened work, figure fubjedls. Milanefe, 1 6th century work. V arious IV orks in Metal. 1 77 2372. Sea-horse, in chifeled iron, probably a foot or fupport to a cabinet or other object. Length 3 in. 2373. Desk Seal, in chifeled fteel, let with a bloodftone, engraved with a coat of arms. Italian 17th century work. Length 32- in. 2374 - Scroll-shaped Brass Door-knocker ; 17th century work. 2735. Pair of Steel Snuffers, with rococo fcrolls in gold damafcene work. French, circa 1730. 2376 - Large Pair of Steel Snuffers. Englifh laft century work. 2377 - Pair of Steel Sugar-breakers ; 16th century work. 2378. Spring Hook, to carry a powder-flafk, or other accoutrement, in chifeled fteel. An admirable fpecimen of Brefcian or Milanefe armourers’ work ; 17th century. Length 54 in., width 4 in. 2379. Etui, in perforated and chifeled fteel, with a globular knop at the end ; 17th century work. Length 3^ in. 2380. Spring Candlestick, (landing on three perforated feet, in wrought iron, gilded. German 17th century work. Height I2i in. 2381. Cover of a Brass Warming pan, in the centre a relievo of the Judgment of Solomon. Flemifh 16th century work. Diameter 1 3 in. 2382. Small Steel Wand or Rod, damafcened with filver in zigzag pat- terns. Hindoo work. Length 13L in. A A Various IV orks in Metal. 173 2383. Plateau, in relief, in centre an allegorical figure of Temperance Eledlro-depofit copy by Elkington, from the well-kown model of Francois Briot. 2384, 2385. Two Life-sized Heads of Amorini, in the ftyle of Fiammingo, repoufle work in very high relief, in iron. 2386. Circular Bowl, in bright bronze or brafs. Arabic or Saracenic engraved work, ornamented with elaborate geometrical tracery work, and long infcriptions in the Arabic charadler. Diameter 8 in. 2387, Brass Bowl, engraved with voluminous infcriptions in the Arabic language, and with fcroll and arabefque ornaments. Diameter 7^ in. 2388. “ Rape A Tabac,” or grater, in blued ileel, with damafcened orna- ments in gold. French 18th century work, with the motto “ donne avec plaifir a mes amis .” 2389. Iron Ring-shaped Door-knocker, ornamented with malks. Swifs or German 17th century work. 2390 - Iron Door-knocker, with open-work fcutcheon, in engraved iron, the ring or linking part ornamented with fcroll foliage, richly chifeled. Swifs or German 17th century work. 2391. Scutcheon of a Door-knocker, pierced and engraved wrought- iron work. Swifs or German 17th century. 2392 - Ring of a Wrought-iron Door-knocker, the knob or llriking part chifeled with a grotefque malk. 2393. Wrought-iron Door-knocker, the fcutcheon in the centre a grotefque human bull, a dragon’s head on the ring. Swifs or German 17th century work. 2394 - Ancient Copper-gilt Thurible or Censer, ornamented with half figures of faints under canopies. Various IVorks in Metal. 179 2395- A Large Lamp in Wrought Brass. Perfian work. 2396. Small Box and Cover, furmounted by a ball and a crefcent. Arabic or Saracenic mediaeval damafcene work. Diameter 4 in. 2397 - Flat Circular Tray, Arabic or Saracenic mediaeval damafcene work. Diameter 5 in. 2397, A. Iron Door-knocker, a grotefque female buft at top, in the lower part a dolphin’s head ; 17th century work. 3398 - Casket, in fteel, richly ornamented with arabefque work, etched or engraved. German work, firft half of 16th century (?). Length 10^ in., width sin., height 5 Lin. 2 399 - Wrought-iron Candlestick, Inkstand, &c, with flint-lock apparatus for ftriking a light, &c ; 17th or 18th century work. 2400. Processional Cross, in engraved gilt bronze. Italian 15th century work. 2401. Processional Cross, in brafs or latten. French or Englilh gothic 15th century work. 2402. Urn or Coffee-pot, in bell-metal, engraved with arabefques. Dutch 17th or 18th century work. Height 10 in. Section XIX. VENETIAN AND OTHER GLASS WARES. INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. ROM a very early period of the Middle Ages the manufacture of glafs wares was an eftablilhed fpeciality of the city of Venice, the actual feat of the induftry being the ifland fuburb of Murano ; and notwith Hand- ing the fragility of the material, glafs wares, in periods when the means of tranfport were of the rudeft kind, formed one of the great ftaple exports of the then commercial metropolis of the world. The earlier exports probably confifted mainly of the more valuable decorative wares, efpecially of the pieces enriched with enamel colours; and there is fufficient evidence to fhow that thefe competed in the various European markets with the very fimilar fabrics of Eaftern manufacture, which mod likely preceded them in point of origin. The art itfelf, “L’Arte Vetraria,” was in the higheft repute in Venice, and it was carefully foftered and protected by the State. It was one of the few arts which perfons of noble birth were allowed to exercife, without forfeiting the privileges of their Ration, and by an anomaly in fmgular contrail with mediaeval ideas in general, the practice of the art of glafs working was even held to confer a fpecies of nobility on the artizan. During the fixteenth and feventeenth centuries a vaft impulfion was given to the glafs manufactures of Venice; increafed facilities of inter- communication, and the numerous other caufes incident on advancing civilization, fpeedily developed into a great national manufacture, what was perhaps in its earlier ftages, ftrictly fpeaking, a fine, or decorative art of limited application. In other words, the glafs wares of Venice were at V enetian and other Glafs IV ares. 1 8 1 laft made tofubferve the purpofes of every-day life. The traditional ele- gance and good tafte, combined with wonderful technical fkill difplayed in them, alone caufed them to beat out of the field the wares cur- rently fabricated in the countries to which they were exported, whilft at the fame time, in all probability, they were fold at a comparatively cheaper rate than thefe ruder products. At all events, during thefe two centuries, Venetian glafs wares became as common in France, England, the Netherlands, and indeed in all civilized countries, as Englifh earthenware and cutlery, &c, are in other countries at the prefent day. They held their pofition till about the middle of the feven- teenth century ; but the manufacture then began to decline from a com- bination of caufes, which may eafily be indicated, the chief of them being perhaps change of fafhion, and the advancing manufacturing fkill and tafte of other countries. Venice, wedded to its ancient ftyles and procefles, took no account of the progrefs made elfewbere. About this time, efpecially in Germany (Bohemia), Holland, and France, the efforts of practical glafs-workers became efpecially directed to the improvement of the material itfelf; they aimed at producing glafs which fhould rival the tranfparency and luftre of rock-cryftal, and thefe qualities of the material naturally fuggefted ftyles of defign efpecially fuitable for their difplay. Cutting and engraving on the wheel became the principal methods of ornamentation, and in confequence the beautiful and infi- nitely varied forms of the Venetian glaffes, their fragile and delicate applique ornamentation, all their charaCferiftic and appropriate ftyles and methods of embellifhment, the laticinio work, tnillefiore, lavoro di trina , and other well-known artiftic procefles, foon fell out of favour as old-fafhioned and unpleafing ; and fo the time-honoured manufacture of Venice fpeedily dwindled and declined. In our own day, however, a new and different appreciation, has in turn, begun to prevail. The ancient glafs wares of Venice, negleCted and defpifed during the laft hundred and fifty years, have become a favourite category with amateurs of art ; they have fallen into the domain of the collector, whilft artifts and manufacturers are alfo gradually becoming alive to the admirable tafte in defign, and the extraordinary and infinitely varied developments of technical fkill manifefted in them. J. C. Robinson. V enetian and other Glafs IV ares. i 82 Venetian and other Glajs Wares* 2432 - FINE Tall Drinking Glass, elaborately twifted ftem, with colours infide, and blue coloured crefts on the heads. Height 14 in. 2433 - A Fine Tall Drinking Glass, the companion, with lefs colour. Height 14 in. 2434 - A Fine Tall Drinking Glass, larger bowl, with projections on ditto, and white flower in centre of ftem. Height 14 in. 2435 - A Tall Glass, of the fame character, formed from two glaffes, and ruby colour in the centre of Items. 2436. A Curious Glass, to hold flowers, the bowl in form of a violin, with blue glafs wings. 2437 - A Curious Glass, the bowl in form of a double fcollop-fhell, with a circular patera above, alfo enriched with blue wings. 2438. A Curious Glass, the companion glafs, different howl, with blue lines in the patera, and blue wings. 2439 - A Curious Glass, in form of a fcollop-fhell, no patera, with blue colour wings and flower. 2440. A Curious Glass, in form of a lobfter, with fix blue claws, and fhort blue ftem. Height 1 3 in. 2441. A Curious Glass, in form of a chimera. Height 13 in. 2442. A Handsome Drinking Glass, large bowl, with rich twifted ftem, a flower in centre. Height 12 in. Compiled by John Webb, Efq. V enetian and other Glafs JV ares. 183 2443- A Handsome Drinking Glass, large bowl, twifted ftem, enriched with blue colour. Height 12 in. 2444- A Smaller Drinking Glass, large bowl, diamond engraving, with rich blue colour in the ftem. Height 7 in. 2445. A Smaller Drinking Glass, the companion, with diamond en- graved arms on the bowl, a coronet above, rich blue on the ftem. Height 7 in. 2446. Another Drinking Glass, twifted ftem, with lighter blue orna- ments, and embofled in trellis-form bowl. Height 7 in. 2447. Another Drinking Glass, bell-fhaped bowl, lefs colour in ftem. Height 7|- in. 2448. Another Drinking Glass, bell-fhaped bowl, fluted, lighter blue in ftem. Height 6 in. 2449. A Small TAzzA,with curious twifted pipe, with blue lines in ditto. Height 44 in. 2450. A Tazza, with cup-form bowl, ornamented ftem, with blue colour, the bowl and foot diamond engraved. Height 5 in. 2451. A Similar Tazza, ornamented ftem, with blue glafs. Height 7 in. 2452. An Elegant Tazza, twifted ftem, with blue glafs embofled bowl. Height 6 in. 2453. A Similar Tazza, embofled bov/1, lighter blue in ftem. Height 6 in. 2454. A Drinking Glass, bell-fhaped bowl, embofled blue on ftem. Height 6 in. 184 Venetian and other Glajs Wares. 2455. A Tazza, ornamented ftem with blue colour, very flat bowl. Height 5 in. 2456. A Tazza, ornamented ftem, blue colour, cup-fhaped bowl. Height 42. in. 2457 - A Tazza, plain ftem, oval-fhape bowl, with blue line on edge, and blue rings fufpended. Height si in. 2458. A Tazza, with bowl, with double layer of glafs, bell-formed foot, with rings of blue ornaments to ditto. Height 5 in. 2459. A Tall Straight Bowl Glass, with blue line on top edge. Height 7 2 in. 2460. A V ase, with opaque ornamentation, and irregular blue line on neck. Height 62 in. 2461. A Biberon, with blue ornamental glafs on handle and fpout. Height 7 in. 2462. A Small Vase, with ornamental handle and fpout, two rows of blue lines on top. Height 54 in. 2463. A Small Vase, the companion piece. Height 54 in. 2464. A Smaller Vase, the fame form, with three mafks, and blue line ornaments at the bafe and edge of fpout. Height 42 in. 2465. A Cup, on low foot, with blue line ornaments on bowl. Height 24 in. 2466. A Drinking Glass, polygonal-flded bowl, the ftem ornamented blue. Height 54 in. 2467. A Liqueur Glass, very fmall bowl, twifted ftem, ornamented in blue. Height 42 in. V met i an and other Glafs lf r ares .85 2468. A Tazza, with ornamented and bent Item, in form of a bird, with blue wings and comb, the bowl o£tagonal, with blue line on the edge. Height 8 in. 2469. A Tall Glass, with fyphon infide the bowl, the bofs of the item has three fpikes, with ornamented blue glafs ornaments between. Height 82. in. 2470. A Tall Champagne Glass, twilled Item, ornamented with blue glafs. Height 13 in. 2471. A Tall Champagne Glass, with ornamented twilled Hem. Height 13 in. 2472. A Glass, for flowers, all blue, with long neck, the lower part in form of a bunch of grapes. Height 82- in. 2473. A Large Tazza, with diamond engraving, and blue line ornament on the top. Height 3 in., diameter 9 in. 2474. A Tazza, with cup-form bowl, an elegant ornamental Hem, with yellow lines and two flowers, red and white. Height 5 in. 2475. An Encrusted Bell-shaped Vase, with handle, blue line on top. Height 32- in. 2476. A Frosted and Fluted Pot, with pewter Hopper. Height 9 in. 2477. A Large Frosted Bowl, with handle, blue line on rim. Height 5 in., diameter 72. im 1 86 Venetian and other Giafs Wares. Vitro di T’rina. 2478. LARGE Vitro di Trina Sweetmeat Bowl and Cover. Height 11 in., diameter 8 in. 2479. A Large Bowl, fcollop Tides. Height 3 in., diameter 10 in. 2480. A Dish, or Large Plate. Diameter 10 in. 2481. A Tall Goblet and Cover. Height 15 in. 2482. An Elegant Vase and Cover, with two handles. Height 8 in. 2483. An Elegant Bowl, of the fineft laticinio thread. Height 2 .r in., diameter 7 in. 2484. A Tazz a, with handfome fcollop edge. Eleight 5 in., diameter 62 in. 2485. A Tazza, with plain edge. Height 4L in., diameter 6 in. 2486. An Elegant Bowl-shaped Tazza. Height 54- in., diameter 5 in. 2487. A Globular Form Bottle, narrow neck. Height 7 in. 2488. Wine Glass, with a loofe cover. 2489. A Drinking Glass, with diagonal crofs ftripes. Height 7 in. Venetian and other Glafs W ares. 1 8 n / 2490. A Drinking Glass, very fine laticinio thread. 2491. A Tall Tazza. Height 7 in., diameter 6 in. 2492. A Tall Tazza. Height 5 in., diameter 7 in. 2 493 - A Tall Tazza, broader ftripes. Height 4 in., diameter 6 ± in. 2494. A Fine Tall Goblet, with embofied furface. Height 8 in., diameter 5 in. 2495. A Flower Vase, fine laticinio thread, the bulb embofied. Height 8 in. 2496. A Flower Vase, in form of a Venetian lion, on filver chafed foot. 2497. A Square Vase, with circular mouth. Height 41 in. 2498. An Elegant Low Tazza. Height 2 in., diameter 7 in. 2499. An Elegant Bowl, with two handles. Height 2 in., diameter 41 in. 2500. A Drinking Glass, in form of a boot, with blue ftripes and railed buttons, gilt. Height 8 in. 2501. A Drinking Glass. Height 7 in. 2502. A Tall Drinking Glass. Height 9 in. 2503. A Tall Drinking Glass, with diagonal crofs ftripes. Height 7-| in. 1 8 8 V enetian and other Glafs IV ares. 2504. A Smaller Drinking Glass, fame pattern, with gilt metal foot. Height 7 in. 2505. A Smaller Drinking Glass, different form, with upright ftripes of plain glafs. Height 7 in. 2506. A Cup-form Drinking Glass, diagonal ftripes. Height 54- in. 2507. A Small Bocale or Tumbler, the fame ftripes. Height 4^ in. 2508. A Small Bocale or Tumbler, with upright ftripes, alternate wave and crofs. Height 44 in. 2509. A Small Ewer, with handle and fpout, alternate ftripes, gold, blue and white, and threads. Height 44 in. 2510. A Small Tumbler, with bands, alternate red, gold, and white, &c, and the white thread. Height 3 in. 2511. A Square Pot, with narrow circular neck, alternate bands of colours. Height 44 in. Coloured Glafs. 2512. STATUETTE of a Negro, with blue drefs, holding a cornucopia. 25I3- A Lapis Lazuli Colour Cup and Saucer. 25 1 4- A Lapis Colour Globular Bottle, with filver figure on top. Venetian and other Glajs JVares. 189 Opaque Glajs and Schmelze . 2515 - DRINKING GLASS, fplafhed blue and red. Height 5 in. 2516. A Small Ewer, with handle the fame. Height 4 in. 2517. A Bottle, with (mail neck, the fame. Height 54^ in. 2518. A Flat-sided Round Bottle, with hole in the centre, red fpots. Height 54 in. 2519. A Tumbler of “ Schmelze ” Glass, with large fpots of gold. Height 4 in. 2520. A Smaller Tumbler of “ Schmelze,” with large fpots of gold. Height 34 in. 2521. A Smaller Tumbler of “ Schmelze,” the companion, with large fpots of gold. Height 34. in. 2522. A Bowl, the fame. Height 24 in., diameter 34 in. 2523. A Bottle, hexagonal form, with fmall circular neck. Height 5 in. 2524. Another, the companion bottle. 2525. A Globular Glass, on fhaped foot. Height 9 in. 2526. A Bowl, the fame, fchmelze. Height 3 in., diameter 7 in. 2527. A Tazza, on clear glafs foot, dark blue ground, and red fpots. Height 24 in., diameter 7 in. Venetiaji a?td other Glafs Wares. 1 90 2528. A Duck, in opaque glafs, blue and red fpots. 2529. A Small Fluted Tumbler, flat form, millefiori. Height 44 in. 2530. A Globular Ball, millefiori. Opal Glafs. 2 53 I - TAZZA, opalized. 2532. An Opalized Fluted Bowl, with two indentations. 2533 - A Small Opalized Fluted Goblet, on foot. Height 2£ in. 2 534 - A Circular Fluted Scent Bottle, with filver top, on three feet. Height 32- in. 2535 - The Companion Bottle. 2536. A Cup, with indented lip, and landfcape in black, pencilled all round. Height 2 in. 2537 - A Large Jar-shaped Bottle, the body fplafhed blue, the foot white. Height 7 in. 2538. A Smaller Jar-shaped Bottle, the whole of the outfide fplafhed blue. Height 32- in. 2539 - A Mug, with handle, a device of hearts and German infcription. Height 44 in. V enetian and other Glafs IV ares i 9 i 2540. A Tall Fluted Flat-sided Pilgrim’s Bottle, coloured to imi- tate tortoifefhell. Height 10 in. 2541. A Tall Fluted Bottle, in fchmelze, with pewter ftopper. Height 9 in. 2542. A Small Cylinder-form Ruby Bottle, on filver-gilt ftand with cover. Height 7 in. 2543 - A Gourd-shape Bottle, light blue. Height 5 in. 2 544 - A Darker Blue Bottle, with narrow neck, with ftripes of gold. Height 5 in. 2545. A Tall Drinking Glass, the body purple, the Hem and rim clear glafs. Height 91 in. 2546. A Hock Glass, the fame colour, the centre bofs clear glafs. Height 6 in. 2547. A Dark Blue Enamelled Plate, with white fcroll border and ornaments. Diameter 8i in. 2548. Another, the Companion Plate. Diameter 8i in. 2549. An Elegant Tall Vase, the handle wanting, oviform with broad indented lip, ornamented with enamelled fcrolls and devices in green, blue, and white. Height 18 in. 2550. A Small Opaque White Vase, with two handles. Height 3 in. 2551. An Opaque White Jug, with handles, mounted with metal cover, and rim at the bottom, with Chinefe fubjedts and ornaments all round. Height 4L in. V enetian and other Glafs JV ares. 1 92 2552 . A Frosted Pot and Cover, in form of a barrel, with bands of white enamel to reprefent hoops. Height 8 in. 2553 - A Frosted Fluted Bottle, with pewter ftopper. Height 5| in. 2554. A Tall Flower Glass, with white ribs, fupported by a mermaid ; on chafed metal foot. Height 1 1 in. 2555 - Another, the Companion, fupported by a ftatuette of a monk ; on metal foot. Height 12 in. 2556. A Vase and Cover, to reprefent an owl, the head and wings enamelled blue, with infcription, and date 1605. German glafs. 2557 - A Jug, with handle, enamelled fcroll painting, and date 1581, with pewter cover. German glafs. Height 7 in. 2558. A Tall Ewer, with handle, and fpout ornamented with blue lines, and a zigzag ornament with fine blue line. Height 92 . in. 2559. A Smaller Ewer, with handle and fpout, with blue line on top, and opaque fcollop ornament on body. Height 51 in. 2560. Another, the Companion, with opaque ftripes, and blue lines. Height 51 in. 2561. A Vase, with opaque fcollop ornament on body, blue wave line round neck. Height 7 in. 2562. Another, the Companion. 2563. A Bottle, with long neck, thread ftripes, and a line of red on the rim. Height 6 in. V enetian and other Gla/s W ares. i93 2564. A Tall Drinking Glass, the bowl indented to form four ftdes, a line of blue on the top edge. Height 8 in. 2565. An Elegant Oviform Vase, richly embofled with projecting lions’ heads, and other ornaments, with a cover, and with bands of blue and white. Height 1 1 in. 2566. An Elegant Vase-shaped Goblet and Cover, fluted. Height 9 in. 2567. A Fluted Goblet and Cover, with embofled ftem, the cover has an elaborate twifted ornament, with birds’ heads, &c. Height 13 in. 2568. An Upright Goblet, embofled ftem, and diagonal fmall flutes. Height 72. in. 2569. An Elegant Taper-shaped Goblet, twifted ftem, and projecting ornaments at bottom. Height 8 in. 257°. A Tall Trumpet-shaped Champagne Glass, fupported on ftem. Height 1 2 in. 2571. A Vase-shaped Bottle, of fine vitro di trina. 2572. A Tall Double Glass, for flowers, three bent fpikes project from the bulb. Height 1 1 in. 2573 - A Tall Bell-shaped Glass, long ftem, with two blue rofettes. Height 8 in. 2574. A Tall Drinking Glass, with tube in centre, to which another attaches, with a horfe’s fore part and head joined to it. Height 1 3 in. 2575 - A Glass, in form of an elephant. Height 54 in. c c 194 V enetian and other Glajs JV ares. 2576. A Drinking Vessel, in form of a bear. Length 9 in. 2577. A Tall Champagne Glass, with embofted ftem. Height 94 in. 2578. A Tall Champagne Glass, with twifted ftem, with colour infide. Height 1 1 in. 2579. A Tall Flower Glass, fluted, bulb at bottom, and indentations at top. Height 94 in. 2580. A Tall Bell-shaped Drinking Goblet, with diagonal flutes. Height 84 in. 2581. A Tall Bell-shaped Drinking Goblet, the Companion Glafs. Height 84- in. 2582. A Small Ewer, with handle, and broad lip, fluted. 2583. A Light Green Embossed Vase, with foot, and three detached rings. Height 54 in. 2584. A Tall Bell-shaped Drinking Glass, with diagonal flutes, the bowl comprefled. Height 6 in. 2585. Another, the Companion. Height 6 in. 2586. An Upright-shaped Vase, with large mouth, and opaque white ftripes. Height 4 in. 2587. An Upright-shaped Vase, the Companion. Height 4 in. 2588. A Goblet, engraved with vine-ftems, &c,with afyphon fixed infide. Height 6 in. V enetian and other Glafs IV ares. 1 95 2589. A Tall Octagonal Drinking Glass, with blue and white orna- ments on ftem. Height 9 in. 259a A Tall Bell-shaped Drinking Glass, with embofled ftem. Height 8iin. 259 1 - A Drinking Glass, with ornamental and fluted bofs ftem. Height 8 in. 2592. A Low Glass, with odtagonal bowl, and ornamented ftem. Height 5^ in. 2593. A Low Glass, with circular mouth, and taper ftem. Height 6 in. 2594. A Glass, with fluted globular ftem. Height 7 in. 2595. A Bell-shaped Bowl, and ornamented ftem. Height 7 in. 2596. A Small Fluted Bowl, with two handles. Diameter 3^ in. 259 7 - A Vase, without foot, with an enamel ball inflde. 2598. A Vase, with embofled ftem. Height 7 in. 2599. A Ruby Glass Bowl, fluted, on chafed metal foot. 2600. A Wine Glass, engraving of grapes, birds, and foliage on bowl. Height 6 in. 2601. A Wine Glass, the Companion. 2602. An Engraved Tumbler, with efcutcheon and flowers. Height 3F in. g6 Venetian and other Glafs Wares. 2603. Another, the Companion. 2604. A Drinking Glass, the bowl clear, the ftem and foot vitro di trina. Another, the lame. Height 5L in. 2605. 2606. An Octagonal Bowl Glass, embolled ftem, a band of white on bowl. Height 6^ in. 2607. A Drinking Glass, with fine engraving. 2608. A Smaller Glass, with fcroll border. Height 5L in. 2609. A Smaller Glass, engraved with flowers. Height 5 -l in. 2610. A Taller Glass, projecting flutes on bottom of bowl, and fluted ftem. Height 6^ in. 2611. A Flat Bowl Drinking Glass. Height 4|- in. 2612. A Drinking Glass, with flight engraving of birds and foliage. Height 5^ in. 2613. A Bottle, long neck, ornamented with opaque feftoons. Height 54 in. 2614. A Wine Glass, with embolled ftem, gilt, the bowl exquifitely enamelled with leaves, birds, and devices. A rare and fine fpecimen. Height 4I in. 2615. A Flat Round Bottle, yellow ground, fplafhed with whites, reds, &c. Height 4 in. Veiietian and other Glafs JVares . l 97 261b. A Flat Oblong Bottle, white opaque glafs, with blue and black ftripes, with gilt mounting and ftopper. Height 6 in. 2617. A Jug of Ruby Glass, mounted with filver handle, and bafe moulding. Height 6 in. 2618. A Tall Tazza, with embofled ftem. Height 8^ in., diameter 52 m. 2619. A Bowl, fluted, the foot embofled, with two handles. Height 6|- in., diameter 4J. in. 2620. A Fine-formed Goblet, with bands, and projecting glafs on bowl, fluted ftem. Height 9 2 in., diameter 42 in. 2621. A Tall “ Vidercome,” with bands of vitro di trina. Height 92 in., diameter 3 in. 2622. An Elegant Vase, three projecting knobs on bowl, the ftem em- bofled. Height 8 in., diameter 32 in. 2623. A Tall Ewer, fluted, with handle, and with ornaments round the neck. Height 82 in. 2624. A Tumbler, with upright white ftripes. Height 6 in., diameter 4 in. 2625. A Tall Bocale, with diagonal ftripes of opaque glafs. Height 82 in., diameter 3 in. 2626. A Flat Pilgrims’ Bottle, blue, with gold fpots. Height 9 in. 198 Venetian and other Glafs Wares. 2627. Another, the Companion. 2628. A Flat Bottle, with fluted diagonal lines, purple colour, and with pewter {topper. Height 92. in. 2629. A Large Ewer, clear glafs with opaque fcollops on ditto, and blue line on fpout. Height 92 in. 2630. A Tall Green Hock Glass, with diamond engraving. Height 8 in. 2631. A Tall Ewer, with handle, with ribs of projecting glafs. Height 72. in. 2632. A Tall Flower Glass, with blue line on lip. 2633. A Tall Vitro di Trina Flower Glass. 2634. A Yellow Colour Fluted Bowl. Height 32. in., diameter 6 in. German Engraved and Enamelled Glafs IVares. 2635 - LARGE BOCALE, with double eagle, and various coats of arms. Height 9 in., diameter 4 in. 2636. Another, with Angle coat of arms, 1685. Height 122. in., diameter 3 in. 2637. Another, with portrait of a lady, and infcription, date 1699. Heigh*- 7 in., diameter 3 in. V enetian and other Glafs IV ares . 1 99 2638. Another, with coat of arms. Height 6^ in., diameter 2^ in. 2639. Another, with fame arms. Height 7! in., diameter 31 in. 2640. A Blue Glass Jug, with handle, and filver-gilt top; date 1590, enamelled with fcroll and pearls, &c. Height 10 in. 2641. A White Hock Glass, with enamel painting of the Agnus Dei on the bowl ; date 1683. 2642. A Small Tumbler, with projecting glafs at bottom. A Cupid in white, and ornaments around; date 1700. Height 3 in. 2643. A Wine Glass, the bowl yellow, with engraved flowers. Height 5 in. 2644. Another, the Companion. 2645. A Tumbler of White Glass, with medallions, with coronet and cypher, on red ground inlaid, a fmall border of flowers on the top. Height 4 in. 2646. Another, the Companion Tumbler. 2647. An Engraved Jug and Cover, with handle, infcription in the centre, landfcape, &c, round the edge of cover. 2648. A Decanter and Stopper, with long neck, exquifitely engraved. Height 1 1 in. 2649. A Hock Glass, with landfcapes, {hipping, &c, finely pencilled. Height 6 in. 2650. A Tumbler, with cover, the fubject of Actaeon very deeply cut in. Height 8 in. 200 V enetian and other Glafs IV ares. e 2651. A Goblet and Cover, very richly engraved, with gold band on dge. Height 9 in. 2652. Another, the fame, arabefque engraving. Height 7 in. 2653. Another, the fame form, engraving in panels, chateau, trophies, &c. Height 7 in. 2654. Another, lefs elaborate, with a fmall circle of ruby. Height 7 in. 2655. Another, odlagonal, the engraving very fine and minute. Height 7 in. 2656. Another, the Companion Goblet, the fame fine engraving. 2657. Another, circular, fine engraving. 2658. Another, circular, lefs elaborate. 2659. Another, circular, with gold rim and gold on cover. 2660. Another, circular, lefs elaborate, with infcription. 2661. Another, oval form, lefs elaborate, with infcripton. 2662. A Mug, with handle and cover, engraved with facred emblems. Height 8 in., diameter 3|-in. 2663. A Drinking Glass, no cover, fine engraving. Height 7 in. 2664. A Tall Glass and Cover, the bowl ornamented with etched or engraved ornaments. Heignt 12 in. V met i an and other Glafs IV ares . 20 1 2665. A Short Glass, thick ftem, gold on edge of glafs, and on rim of cover. Height 9 in. 2666. A Tall Glass and Cover, finely engraved. Height 1 1 in. 2667. A Tall Glass and Cover, tall ftem. Height gj- in. 2668. A Short Glass and Cover, the edge and rim gilt. Height 74. in. 2669. A Tall Glass and Cover. 2670. A Tall Glass and Cover, fhort bowl, and ornamented top to cover ; on the top of ftem are fix projecting arms. Height 15 in. 2671. A Large and Finely-engraved Tumbler, royal portraits fur- mounted by an eagle ; on the oppofite fide is an efcutcheon and crown. Height 6 in. 2672. A Tall Drinking Glass, with rich engraving, with portraits on one fide, and a double eagle and crown on the other. Height 14 in. 2673. A Tall Drinking Glass, with cover, flight engraving. Height 12 in. 2674. A Tall Drinking Glass, without cover. Height 94 in. 2675. A Goblet, with foot and cover, three gilt honeyfuckles on bowl, with fine engraving. Height 84 in. 2676. A Tall Goblet and Cover, the bowl engraved with a boar hunt, the ftem formed of double fluted boffes and projecting ornaments. Height 13 in. D D 202 Veitetian a?id other Glafs Wares . 2677. A Goblet, with cover, the bowl finely engraved, on one fide the head of an emperor, on the other a double eagle and crown above. Height 12 in. 2678. A Finely-engraved Goblet, a large chateau on one fide, a family group in a garden on the other. Height 9 in. 2679. A Large Goblet, engraved with groups of figures. Height 1 1 in. 2680. A Large Double-sided Bottle, to hold flowers ; with two necks. Height 10 in. 2681. A Low Oval-form Tazza Drinking Cup, with initials and coronet, the rim and projedting ornaments are gilt. Height 44 in. 2682. A Flat Bottle, fmall ftraight neck, fhaped body, with raifed figure of a warrior. 2683. A Bell of Ruby Glass, mounted with metal leaves as handle. 2684. A Tall Goblet, with engraved flowers and leaves. 2685. Seven Old English Liqueur Glasses, with thread ftems. 2686. Two Old English Liqueur Glasses, engraved with grapes and vine leaves. 2687. Two Vase-form Glasses, with low feet, engraved borders. 2688. A Tall Bocale and Cover, with portrait and infcription, “ Louis XIV. le grand Roy de France et de Navarre , 1683.” Height 15 in. V enetian- and other Glafs W ares. 203 Vitro di Trina. 2689. TALL Bocale, with diagonal ftripes of vitro di trina. Height ioi in. 2690. A Goblet, with cover, projecting ornaments at bottom, n. 2691. A Tall Ewer, of elegant form, with handle, and indented lip. Height 84- in. 2692. A Vase and Cover, of elegant form, the bands round it and the gadroon ornament and foot are vitro di trina. Height 12 in. 2693. A Tall Drinking Goblet, ornamental white bands, long blue and white gadroons at bottom. Height 8 in. 2694. A Tall and Large Ewer, with ornamental handle, the fpout has a blue line at the end and top, and there are alternate white and red upright ftripes on the body. Height 134 in. 2695. A Bottle, with long neck, covered with opaque fcollop ornamenta" tion. 2696. A Vidercome, with three white and blue alternate diagonal ftripes. Height 7 in. 2697. A Vase Goblet of Crinkled Glass, with cover, and a bird in blue glafs at the top. Height 1 1 in. 2698. A Large Bowl of Rich Blue Glass, with enamelled fcales on the outfide, with foot. Height 54 in., diameter 94 in. 204 Venetian and other Glafs Wares. 2699. Small Two-handled Bottle, opal glafs, lplafhed with blue. Height 4L in. 2700. Shallow Dish or Tazza, greenifh yellow glafs, edged with dark blue. Diameter 94 in. 2701. Bottle, in dark chocolate colour opaque cut glafs. German work. Height 74 in. 2702. Square Bottle, opalized glafs, with enamelled arms and cipher, and date 1681. German work. Height 6 in. 2703. Tall Bohemian Glass Goblet and Cover, beautifully engraved, with a cavalry fkirmifh in a landfcape. Height 14 in. 2704 - Suspension Lamp, of blue V enetian glafs, fufpended by chains formed of firings of glafs beads. 2705 - Large Circular Plateau, with fcolloped edges, richly orna- mented with gilded work, painted alfo at the back in imitation of onyx, the whole enriched with a battle fubjedb, and numerous infcriptions in etched work, having reference to the battles of Frederick the Great. German, circa 1750-60. Diameter 144 in. Section XX. ANTIQUE GREEK AND OTHER FICTILE WARES. INTRODUCTION. r is difficult to realize the facft, that the well-known black and red painted pottery, commonly called an- tique Greek fidbile ware, Etrufcan pottery, &c, con- ftitutes one of the moft ancient and primitive cate- gories of works of art, of the exiftence of which there is now any tangible evidence. As a rule, the fpecimens exhibit no very ftriking external marks of antiquity ; indeed, they are often fo wonderfully preferved, as to appear, literally, as if they had but juft iftued from the potter’s furnace. Yet it is certain that even the moft modern of thefe painted vafes can fcarcely be lefs than two thoufand years old, whilft the moft ancient may be carried fome four or five hundred years further back in point of date. This remarkable confer- vation is to be accounted for by the fimple fa£t, that nearly all the fpecimens have been found undifturbed in the places where they were carefully depofited by the ancient owners, namely, in the fepulchres of the dead. The ancient cuftom of depofiting works of art of various kinds in tombs, has indeed proved a precious legacy to the modern world. Without it, thefe very wares, fo beautiful in themfelves, and fo replete with illuftrations of ancient manners, poetry, and religious belief, would have been all but unknown to us Probably not one fine fpecimen would have come down to us in its entirety, for it is a fingular facft, though one not difficult to account for, that the fragments even, of the myriads of thefe frail pots, which muft have been broken and difperfed during the epoch of their fabrication, feem to have difappeared almoft as completely as if they had been thrown broadcaft into the fea. 206 Antique Greek and Thefe wares then, are found almoft exclufively in the fepulchres of the dead, in the cemeteries of the ancient cities of Greece, Afia Minor, the Mediterranean iflands, and Central and Southern Italy. Wherever, in fhort, the ancient Greek and Etrufcan races held fway. * A great amount of learned illuftration has been devoted to thefe wares by modern archaeologifts. The fpecimens have been claffified and arranged into fucceffive ftyles and epochs of development, and the rela- tive dates of the feveral varieties afcertained with confiderable certainty. Thefe epochs probably comprife a period from about boo or 700, to about 150 years before the Chriftian era. At all events, about the latter period, it appears pretty certain that this peculiar fabrication muft have died out, for the Roman virtuofi and writers, at a period not long after- wards, feem to have regarded the fpecimens as rare and curious anti- quities. The world has probably leen no more truly excellent development of high art in alliance with induftry, than is manifefted in thefe wares. It is fcarcely too much to fay, that every fpecimen is beautiful. The forms or contours of the pieces difplay fuch admirable combinations of beauty and htnefs, that it is difficult to refill the conclufion that they were the refult of an inherent art inftindt in the producer, guided and controlled by abftradf geometrical laws of the profoundeft nature, and yet it is equally difficult to believe that any fuch abftrufe fcientific knowledge can have guided the artizans who produced them. The painted decorations alfo, both in defign and execution, are often exquifitely beautiful. In many of thefe vafes, the work it Ihould be obferved, of manufacturing potters, not great profeffors of “ fine art,” the defign of the human figure and of animals, for inftance, is almoft as perfect as in the great fculptures of Phidias. Finally, it is fair to prefume that in thefe wares we have preferved almoft the only plaftic record of the compofitions of the great painters of antiquity ; often, moreover, technically executed with a fpirit and dex- terity not unworthy of the originals. For thefe reafons, whenever true tafte and knowledge of art is in the afcendant, the category of antique fidlile wares will doubtlefs hold a leading rank. * The Etrufcan diftridls of Central Italy yield us almoft as rich a harveft of painted vafes as thofe of the ancient Greek colonies of the South, or of Greece Proper, and yet it leems almoft certain that the fpecimens there difcovered were the work of Greek and not Etrufcan potters. In fa6i, they were importations into Etruria from the various centres of manufafture amongft the Greeks. The Etrufcans being a com- paratively barbarous race, incapable of producing fuch admirable works of art, though fufficiently advanced in civilization to be able to appreciate their excellence. The term Etrufcan l afe is therefore a mifnomer. other FiElile IV ares. 207 2831. WO-HANDLED Crater, or Hydria, black and red painted Greek ware, painted with a female feated, before whom ftands a nude winged genius, at the back two draped ftanding male figures. Height 184 m., width 16 in. 2832. Tall Cylindrical Vase, with fcroll handles, painted with figures under an architectural portico, a Bacchante with a bunch of grapes, &c, and rich anthemian ornaments. From the Poet Rogers’ Collection. Height 284 m., diameter 9 in. 2833. Crater, or Hydria, painted with a compofition of three figures ; a female feated with a cafket in her hand, and two male figures, each with two fpears, one of them wearing the Phrygian cap. Probably HeCtor reproving Paris in the prefence of Helen ; on the other fide, three ftanding male figures. Height 19 in., diameter 12 in. 2834. Three-handled Oviform CEnochoe, painted with a male figure prefenting a bowl to a draped female. Height j 34 in., diameter 9 in. 2835. Bell-shaped Two-handled Crater, painted with Bacchanalian figures. Height 104 in., diameter 114 m. 2836. Small Oviform Bottle, “ aryballos,” with loop handle, painted with a female profile head, and with anthemian ornaments. Height 7 in., diameter 44 m. 2837 - Small Two-handled Cup, “ fkyphos,” in yellow clay, the ground ornamented with concentric zones of red and black. Height 24 in., diameter 34 in. 2838. Circular Vase, with loop handle, and projecting fpout, at the top a head or mafk of Omphale in relief, black glaze. Height 5 in., diameter 44 in. 2o8 Antique Greek and 2839. “ Rhyton,” or Two-handled Vase, conjoined heads of Hercules and Omphale. Height 6 in. 2840. “ Cylix,” or Tazza Cup, black glaze. Diameter 64 in. 2841. Small Circular “ Skyphos,” or “CEnochoe,” ribbed or fluted, and with loop handle, black glaze. Height 2^ in., diameter 24 in. 2842. Small Two-handled “ Pelike,” painted with two bufts of females. Height 34 in., diameter 24 in. 2843. Two-handled Cylix, or Tazza, black and red, painted with nymphs, and fauns, and large eyes. 2844. Small Fluted Bulb-shaped Bottle, “ alabaftron.” Height 4 in. 2845 - Small Loop-handled Vase, with fpout. Height 24 in. 2846. Small Flat Discoidal Vase, with bafket handle, and projecting fpout, black glaze. Diameter 34 in. 2847. Two-handled “ Amphora,” painted with a large female profile head. Height 1 3 in. 2848. Two-handled “Pelike,” painted with three draped figures of young men. Nolan ware. Height 7 in., diameter 5 in. 2849. * An Elegant “CEnochoe,” with (lender neck and lofty handle, painted with a winged genius holding a mirror. Height 124 in. othei* FiSiile IV ares. 209 2850. Small Two-handled “ Cylix,” or “ Lepaste,” painted with a Handing draped male figure in the centre of the bowl. Diameter 6 in. 2851. The Cover of a Large Vase, painted with recumbent female figures. Diameter 64 in. 2852. “ Amphora,” painted with a warrior with two fpears and a fhield, pouring out a libation before a female draped figure, who holds an cenochoe in her hand. Height 17^ in. 2853. Large Globular Amphora, with handles ornamented with cir- cular difks or bofTes, and painted with two female figures crowning a youth who is feated betwixt them. 2854. Large “ Cyathus,” or Cup with tall handle, painted with harpies. Black and red ground. Height 13 in., diameter 9 in. 2855. Large Discoidal Dish (“pinax”), painted with fifh. Diameter I7fin. 2856. Circular Dish, with two loop handles (“petachnon”), painted with a female and a winged genius. 2857. CEnochoe, an exquifite Nolan vafe of the highefl quality, painted with two female draped figures, one feated with a cafket on her knee, the other Handing and holding a mirror. From the Durand Collection. Height 74 in. 2858. Three-handled GEnochoe, painted with a feated female figure. Nolan ware of the highefl quality, from the Rogers’ Collection. Height 54- in., diameter 4 in. E E Section XXL MAJOLICA AND HISPANO-MORESCO WARES. INTRODUCTION. AJOLICA, formerly called Rajfaelle ware , or Faenxa ware , is an Italian enamel glazed earthenware. It is fuppofed to have had its origin in a very fimilar ware made by the Moors in Spain and the Mediterranean iflands, at an early period of the Middle Ages, and to name from the Ifland of Majorca, whence fpecimens were probably at an early period exported to Italy. During the 15th and 16th, and, in a lefs degree, the 17th century, its manufacture was extenfively carried cn in Italy, efpecially in the central diftriCts, where Faenza, Gubbio, Pefaro, Cartel Durante, Urbino, and other neighbouring towns, gained great reputation for their fine productions. Artifts of celebrity not only furnilhed defigns, but undoubtedly, in fome inftances, aClually painted the more important pieces. The molt remarkable variety is the iridefcent or “ luftred” ware, which refleCts metallic luftrous tints of various colours, according to the angle at which the light ftrikes the furface of the pieces. The fecret of the ruby luftre, which appears to have been ufed principally at Gubbio, was loft even in the 16th century. There are in this collec- tion fome remarkable examples of its application. Giorgio Andreoli, known as “ Maeftro Giorgio,” was one of the molt fuccefsful artiftic manufacturers of the luftred Majolica ware. He lived between 1470 and 1552. Imitations of Majolica ware are now produced both in England and in Italy. Majolica and Hifpano-Morefco IV ares. 21 1 Gubbio and Urbino Lujired Ware. 2871. LATE, Gubbio luftre ware, by Maeftro Giorgio ; dated 1517 and 1518. Border of trophies, &c, in blue, on gold luftre ground. In centre, various devices and initials, pro- bably an anagram or rebus of the name of the proprietor. A plate of identical defign, and evidently a piece of the fame fer- vice, is in the Britifh Mufeum. The date, 1517, is the earlieft yet obferved on any of M. Giorgio’s works (there are, however, many un- dated fpecimens of the Maeftro extant of an earlier time). It is painted in blue on the front of the piece, whilft on the reverfe is the date 1518, in the luftre colour. This apparent anomaly is to be explained by the fail, that the painting of the piece and the application of the luftre colours were two diftindt operations. Thus this plate may have been painted and fired towards the end of the year 1 5 1 7, along with an entire batch of wares, whilft the gold and ruby-luftre tints were moft likely added fome weeks or months afterwards, in the early part of the year 1518. In the Kenfington Mufeum Collection is a plate by Maeftro Giorgio, in like manner dated 1518 and 1519. Diameter 9 in. 2872. Plate, luftred Majolica of Gubbio, by Maeftro Giorgio. Painted by the Maeftro himfelf, in his early timid ftyle. SubjeCt, Europa. Signed on the reverfe “ 1522,” and with the initials “ M°. G°.” Diameter 10 in. 28?3 ‘ Plate, luftred Majolica. Subject, Europa. Dated on the reverfe 1524. An interefting fpecimen. Although oftenfibly the work of Maeftro Giorgio, and certainly luftred in his botega , or workthop, the adtual execution of the painting is moft probably by another hand, being to all appearance the work of Nicola da Urbino. (M. Giorgio is known to have frequently applied his brilliant luftre pigments to the furfaces of pieces painted by other artifts, but whether on their account or his own is uncertain). Diameter 10 in. 28-4. Small Deep Plate, luftred Majolica of Gubbio, by Maeftro Giorgio ; dated 1528, and initialed. The Prodigal Son. A pafticcio, or partial adaptation from an engraving by Albert Durer. A fine fpecimen, carefully painted and brilliantly luftred. Diameter 8^- in. 2 I 2 Majolica and 2875 - Plate, luftred Majolica of Gubbio, by Maeftro Giorgio; dated 1529, and initialed. Vulcan forging arrows for Cupid. Diameter 10J in. 2876. Plate, fabrique of Maeftro Giorgio, richly luftred, and dated on the reverfe 1529, with the fignature, “ M°. G°. Ugubio.” Apollo and Daphne. Although oftenfibly the work of Maeftro Giorgio, there can be no doubt whatever that this piece was really painted by Francefco Xanto of Urbino, during his early time, the luftre tints and fignature having been afterwards added by M. Giorgio. The piece may have been painted by Xanto, working as a journeyman in Giorgio’s ftudio ; the date proving it to be earlier than the majority of Xanto’s productions, no figned piece by the latter matter being known of an earlier date than 1530 - Diameter iof- in. 2877 - Plate, fabrique of Maeftro Giorgio ; dated 1533. The Judgment of Solomon. Remarkable for the copious ufe of the ruby luftre. On the reverfe is a femi-legible infcription, defcriptive of the fubject. Diameter io~in. 2878. Plate, richly luftred, by Maeftro Giorgio. In the centre a child with a banner or pennon marked with a red crofs (probably intended for the infant St. John the Baptift). Border of floriated fcroll-work. Undated, but probably painted about 1525. Diameter 12 Jin. 2879. Small Deep Plate, richly luftred, by Maeftro Giorgio. In centre a female profile portrait detached on a gold luftre background, and in- fcribed on a fcroll, “ Giro/lima bella Border of palmette fcroll-work, in luftre tints, on dark blue ground. Undated, but probably painted circa 1520-30. Diameter 7 in. 2880. Small Deep Plate, by Maeftro Giorgio. The centre painted with an amorino beating a tambourine. On a gold luftre background, border of palmette fcroll-work on dark blue ground. Circa 1526-30. Diameter 62. in. 2881. Plate, richly luftred, fabrique of Maeftro Giorgio (?). The Judgment Hifpano- Morefco Wares. 213 of Paris, in luftre colours. Dated 1538, and with the initials “ C.” or “ a c.” This piece is painted in a ftyle which has fome analogy with that of Orazio Fontana ; it is evidently the work of fome one of the numerous artifts who painted either for Giorgio and his fucceffors, or who, at all events, were in the habit of caufing their pieces to be luftred at Gubbio. There is nothing improbable in the fuppofition, that this is really an early work of O. Fontana, feveral indubitable works of this matter of a later period having been found fo enriched. The monogram on the reverfe, in luftre colours, is particularly interefting, inafmuch as it may be that of Maeftro Cencio, the fon and fucceffor of Giorgio, who in this cafe mutt be fuppofed to have applied the luftre tints. Diameter 10^ in. 2882. Plate, enriched with luftre colours, the work of Francefco Xanto of Urbino ; dated 1532. iEneas carrying off his father Anchifes from Troy. The defign of this fine plate is in great part taken from a contempo- rary engraving by Agoftino Veneziano, after Raffaeile. It is one of the fineft fpecimens extant of the matter (Xanto), and is additionally valu- able from being enriched with luftre colours, only a very fmall per- centage of Xanto’s produ&ions being fo decorated. The iuftring was, however, doubtlefs done in the “ botega” of Maeftro Giorgio or his fuc- ceffor ; and the initial N, in ruby luftre, feen on the reverfe of the piece, is indicative of another hand than Xanto’s. This N, frequently ob- ferved on fimilar pieces, has been thought to be the monogram of Maeftro Cencio (Vincentio), the N reading alfo “YIN.” The pre- fent piece is infcribed in black in Xanto’s ufual handwriting : — “ 1 53 2 - “ Enea col Padre Anchife e /’ figlio AJcanio , nel it. li d F Eneida d V . M. “ Fra Xanto A. da Rovigo i Diameter ioMn. Urbino ^2883. Plaque, Urbino ware. The Virgin and Child in glory, furrounded by boy-angels or amorini, playing mufical inftruments. Enriched with luftre tints. A fplendid fpecimen of the fineft time and moft finilhed execution of Francefco Xanto, painted about 1532, and luftred in the botega of Maeftro Giorgio. Height 10 in., width 8 in. 2 1 4 Majolica and 2884. Lustred Plate, Gubbio ware, by Maeftro Giorgio. Vulcan forging arrows for Cupid. In centre of plate an amorino. Infcribed on the re- 1527 verfe M» G° da ugubio. Diameter ioj-in. 2885. Gubbio Lustred Plate, by M. Giorgio. Hercules flaying the Centaur NefTus, who is carrying off' Dejanira. In the centre of plate 152 7 an amorino. Infcribed M° da ugubio. Diameter 104 in. 2886. Bowl Plate, luftred Majolica of Gubbio. In the centre is an Agnus Dei in relief. The border is ornamented with acanthus leaves, alternating with waved or flaming rays ; alfo in relief, and grounded with luftre tint. This variety of ware, decorated in relief, appears to have been efpe- cially defigned to fhow to beft advantage the varied iridefcent tints of the luftre pigments. Circa 1530. Diameter 10 in. Luftred Majolica of Derut a. 2888. QUARE Wall Tile, luftred Majolica of Deruta. Painted with the facred monogram I H S, within an ornamental border. Circa 1500-10. Square 104 in. 2889. Square Wall Tile, of precifely ftmilar fize and defign. 2890. Large Bacile or Bowl-shaped Dish. St. Francis Handing with a book in his hand, infcribed “ Francefco FauJIino Scrive legie pro- bably “ Francis the Happy indites his rules.” Diameter 1 54 in. 2891. Large Bacile. A dog pulling down a flag. Diameter 164 in. 2892. Large Bacile. Painted with a geometrical fcale pattern. Diameter 1 5 in. Hifpano-Morefco IV ares. 2 1 5 2893. Large Bacile. A female bull portrait. Diameter i6iin. 2894. Large Bacile. An ideal portrait of Seipio Africanus in fantaftic armour, with a label fcroll, infcribed “ Scpion. Afric .” A fimilar piece to No. 2893. Diameter 16 in. 2895. Large Bacile or Grotesque Subject, viz. a man fawing horns oft’ the head of another. Diameter 164 in. 2896. Large Bacile, floriated fcroll pattern, with blue flowers. 2897. Large Bacile. A female figure. Diameter 15 in. 2898. Large Bacile. Virgin and Child, Diameter 154- in. 2899. Large Bacile. St. Anthony holding a crofs in his left hand, with a lion and cardinal’s hat on each fide. # Diameter 16 in. 2900. Plate, A lady with a flowering fcroll before her. Diameter la^in. 2901. Plate. St. Anthony. Diameter 1 1 in. 2902. Plate. Floriated defign. Diameter gy in. 2903. Plate. Similar defign. Diameter 9 in. * The foregoing ten early luftred pieces, from No. 2890 to 2899 inclufive, are of a very well-known and cbaraCteriftic variety. Several hundreds of fimilar fpecimens are probably extant, and fuch is their extreme refemblance one to another, both in ftyle and technique, that it has often been fuggefted, that they were all the work of one indi- vidual. They were formerly believed to be of the fabrique of Pefaro, but are now, by common confent, afcribed to the manufactory of Deruta, near Perugia. Majolica and 2 1 6 2904. Plate, painted with a fhield of arms in medallion centre. Diameter 8 a in. 2905. Bowl Tazza, fimilar to the previous pieces of luftred Deruta ware. Painted with the facred monogram I H S in the centre of the bowl. Height 7 in., diameter 94 in. Ilifpano- Morejco Luftred Ware. 2906. SILATEAU or Salver, having a raifed centre, with leaves of plants in relief round the border. Circa 1490. Diameter 184 in. 2907. Plateau or Salver. A fhield of arms in centre. Diameter 17A in. 2908. Plateau or Salver. In centre, a fhield with the arms of Caftile. Diameter 174 m. 2909. Plateau or Salver. A fhield of arms in centre. Diameter 18 in. 2910. Plateau or Salver. Raifed centre, with a fhield bearing a lion rampant. Diameter 144 in. 2911. Plateau or Salver. Raifed centre, with circular fhield. Diameter 144 in. 2912. Plate. Scroll ornaments, with a bird in the centre; 17th century work. Diameter 94 in. 2913. Plate. Painted with a bird in the centre ; 17th century work. Diameter 8 in. 2914. Plate. Decorated with fcroll ornaments ; 17th century work. Diameter 74 in. 2 9 x 5- Lustred Egg-cup. Spanifh 1 7th century work. Hifpano-Morefco Wares . 2 1 7 Painted Majolica Wares ( without Lujlres). 2916. LATE, Urbino ware, painted by Francefco Xanto. The Story of the Nymph Echo: infcribed, “ 1 535 - “ Echo ch' amado n duro fajfo fejji. “ f. x.” “ Echo , through love became a hard rock.” Diameter ioj-in. 29 1 7. Plate, Urbino ware. Cupid and Pfyche in Olympus, amidft the aflembled Deities. From an engraving, one of the feries of the hiftory of Cupid and Pfyche, by the mafter of the die, after Raffaelle. Dated 1543, and infcribed with a verfe in Italian (copied from the print), which, in fimilar doggerel, may be thus tranflated : — “ See Jove and Cupid, both in marriage fetters bound, Whilft Mercury to heaven bears Pfyche from the ground.” Diameter 1 1 in. 2918. Plate. Alexander vifiting Diogenes. Infcribed, “ De Allefandro Magnio.” Majolica of Urbino or Pefaro (?). Circa 1540. Diameter ioj-in. 2 919 . Plate, Urbino or Caftel-Durante ware. Perillus burnt alive in the brazen bull, which he had conftrudted for the tyrant Phalaris. Infcribed, “ Perillo che fu tnefo in di gela vacha di ratno “ Perillus, who was put infide the brazen cow.” Circa 1535-40. Diameter 1 1 in. 2920. Plate, Urbino or Caftel-Durante ware Abraham bleffing Jacob. Infcribed on reverfe, “ Beneditione de Jacob.” Circa I 54 °- The glaze and colouring of this piece are unufually brilliant and per- fe£t. Diameter 12 in. F F Majolica and 2 1 8 2921. Plate, Urbino or Caftel-Durante ware. Perfeus relcuing Andro- meda. Infcribed on the reverfe, “ Indromeda legata al durro fajfo” “ Andromeda bound to the hard rock.” Circa 1540. Diameter 1 1 in. 2922. Plate, Urbino ware. Bacchus with Silenus (?) riding on a panther. Infcribed on the reverfe, “ El trionfo de Baho ,” “ The triumph of Bac- chus.” Circa 1560. Diameter 12 in. 2923. Plate, Urbino ware. The (lory of Jupiter and Danae. Infcribed on reverfe, cc Glove in pioggia doro ,” “ Jove (transformed) into a fhower of gold.” Circa 1550-60. Diameter 92. in. 2924. Plate, Urbino or Caftel-Durante ware. Subjedt (apparently), Jofeph’s brethren bringing his parti-coloured coat to their father Jacob. Reverfe, decorated with a fhield of arms in the centre, and motto, “ Candor illefus ,” and the margin furrounded with a carefully painted floriated fcroll pattern. Diameter I0|- in. 2925. Large Plateau, Urbino ware, the work of Francefco Xanto. Subject, according to the infeription on the reverfe, “ The Battle of Darius, King of Babylon, againft Gobrius.” An important example 1536 of the mafter, initialed and dated F. X. (*. 3293 - Pair of Vienna Cups, medallions with portraits of ladies. 3294 - Cup and Cover, and Saucer, the cup painted with a profile portrait in black. Cronenberg porcelain. 3296. Cup and Saucer, old Drefden porcelain, infide and out grounded in gold, Chinefe figures painted on referved fpaces. A rare and beautiful fpecimen. K K 2 5 ° Old Drefden , Vienna, and 3297 - Cup and Saucer, fine old Berlin, painted with the fubjedt ofTele- machus and Calypfo in a medallion. 3298. Vienna Cup and Saucer, painted with arabefque fcroll work and cameos. 3299 - Cup and Saucer, old Berlin, the faucer painted with a trophy in brown, the cup with a rich interlaced cipher and motto, “ Le bien dime. ’ ’ 33 00 - Fine Marcolini Dresden Cup and Saucer, rich gilding, in the ftyle of the Vienna porcelain, and medallions in imitation of agates and other ftones. 33 01 - Cup and Saucer, fine old Drefden, painted with a Watteau fubjedt. 33 ° 2 - Ecuelle and Cover, and Stand, Marcolini Drefden, gros bleu ground, with medallions of converfation fubjedts, and rich gilding. A fuperb piece. 33 ° 3 > A > c > D - Set of Three Oviform Vases, with Covers, and Two Beakers of old Berlin porcelain, canary yellow ground, with medallions painted with bouquets of coloured flowers. This beautiful fet of vafes may doubtlefs be clafled amongft the very fineft and mod important pro- ductions of the old Berlin fabrique. Height of vafes 18 in., beakers 14 in. 33 ° 4 > a, b, c, D, E, F, G. Service of Eight Pieces, viz. fugar-bowl, milk ewer, and fix cups and faucers of old Drefden porcelain, admirably painted with paftoral fubjedts. 33 ° 5 - Dresden Porcelain Plate, painted with a medallion of Rinaldo and Armida in brown. 33 ° 6 - Dresden Plate, perforated border, a paftoral fubjedt of children in centre. 33 ° 7 - Dresden Cup and Saucer, brown glaze, with coloured rofettes and gilding. other German Porcelain Wares 2 5 l 33 °7-* Cylindrical Cup, early Drefden, painted with feaport fcenes. 3308 . Cup and Saucer, early Drefden, the faucer painted with an interior with a ftudent drawing, the cup with converfation fubjedts, the infide of the cup and other fpaces grounded in gold. 33°8-* Small Teapot, old Drefden, with the “ K. P. M.” mark, painted with dogs, in red camaieu. 3309, 33°9> A - Large Fluted Bowl, with Ewer, en fuite, of the moft fuperb old Drefden porcelain, painted with battle fubjedts, and decorated with rich gilding, the interior of the bowl grounded with burnifhed gold. A portion of an unique fervice of extraordinary magnificence, perhaps the fineft and richeft Drefden porcelain ever executed. Early period, before O 50- Diameter ioLin., height 5 in. 33 10 ; Oval Tray or Plateau, with raifed rococo handles, painted with landfcapes in medallions, and rich gilding, of the fineft old Drefden. Before 1750. Length 15 in., width ioiin. 33 JI > 33 12 - Pair of Old Vienna Plates, painted with amorini. 33 1 3* Vienna Porcelain Plate, rich gilded claffical fret or key pattern, on lavender ground, in raifed gold. 33H- Berlin Plate, painted with a mythological fubjedt, and rich gilded border of claffical honeyfuckle pattern. -33 1 5- Cup and Cover, and Saucer, old Drefden, painted with rofes in medallions. 33 l6 - Cup and Saucer, early Drefden, gold ground, and medallions of converfation fubjedls. 330- Dresden Plate, painted with a fcriptural fubjedl after Rafifaelle, in imitation of Majolica ware. 2 5 2 Old Drefden , Vienna , 33 18 - Vienna Porcelain Plate, painted with a group of cherubs’ heads, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds. 33 1 9 - Vienna Plate, in centre a fquare medallion of Cupid fharpening his arrows. 33 20 - Cup and Saucer, grained in imitation of wood, and painted with two fmall landfcapes in brown. Gera porcelain. 33 21 - Cup and Saucer, painted with fowls and pigeons. German porce- lain of uncertain fabrique. 33 22 - Cup and Saucer, figure fubjedts in purple. German porcelain of uncertain origin. 33 2 3 > 33 2 4 - A Pair of Old Berlin Oviform Vases, with dome-fhaped per- forated covers, painted with bouquets of flowers in purple. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Colledfion. Height 12 in. 33 2 5 > 3326 - Pair of Old Dresden White Vases and Covers, ornamented with elaborate rococo fcroll work in relief, figures and raifed flowers. Height 13L in. 3327 - Large Cup and Saucer, old Drefden porcelain, painted with my- thological fubjedts in crimfon monochrome. 3328 . Dresden Cup and Saucer, borders of fcale pattern in crimfon, and painted with coloured figures of peafants. 3329 - An Old Dresden Cup and Saucer, painted with Watteau fubjedts, in the fineft ftyle. 333 °- A Most Beautiful Old Dresden Cup and Saucer, gros bleu, with quatrefoil-fhaped medallions painted with feaports and landfcapes and figures, rich gilding. 333 1 • Cup ^nd Saucer, fine old Drefden, landfcapes, and figures, and rich gilding. other German Porcelain Wares . 2 53 3332 . Cup and Saucer, of the fined: old Drefden, painted with Watteau figures. 3333- Dresden Cup and Saucer, painted refpedfively with a fhepherd and fhepherdefs, within fcroll-work borders. 3334- Old Dresden Cup and Saucer, painted with Watteau fubjedts in crimfon, within coloured fcroll work. 3335- Dresden Cup and Saucer, gros bleu with rich gilding, painted with landfcapes and figures in quatrefoil-fhaped medallions. A fpeci- men of the moft beautiful and perfedt technique. 333 6 - Dresden Cup and Saucer, painted with peafant figures in land- fcape, the border of purple fcale work. 3337- Sugar-bowl and Cover, old Drefden, painted with converfation fubjedls of peafants. 333«- Cup and Saucer, Marcolini Drefden, painted with paftoral or con verfation fubjedls, wreaths of forget-me-nots round the margins. 3339- Teapot of the Finest Old Dresden Porcelain, painted with Watteau fubjedls. 3340- Cup and Saucer, old Drefden, painted with battle fubjects in crimfon, within rich gilded cartouche borders. Q 3341- Cup and Saucer, Marcolini Drefden, gros bleu ground, amorini in medallions, and rich gildings. 3342- Cup and Saucer, old Drefden, Chinefe figures, and flowers. 3343- Cup and Saucer, Marcolini Drefden porcelain, painted with alle- gorical figures of time, infcribed “ Le terns.” 254 Old Drefde n, Vienna , and 3344 - Cup and Saucer,, Marcolini Drefden, painted with landfcapes. 3345 - Cup and Saucer, Marcolini Drefden, painted with landfcapes. 3346 . Cup and Saucer, old Drefden, painted with Chinefe figures and landfcapes, in quatrefoil-fhaped compartments. 3347 - Cup and Saucer, Vienna porcelain, painted with a cupid in brown camaieu, and the motto, “ L' Amour canjiant a cipher on the faucer. 3348 . Cup and Saucer, of the fineft old Drefden, painted with Watteau fubjedts. 3349 ; Cup and Saucer, German porcelain, with the mark “TV. «!>.,” finely painted with nude figures of nymphs. 3350 . Oviform Tea-canister with Cover, painted with figures of pea- fants. German porcelain, with a mark of an interfering triangle. 3351 - Cup and Saucer, Vienna porcelain, painted with Watteau figures. 3352 . Cup and Saucer, old Berlin, amorini in crimfon, and rich gilding. 3353 - Cabaret, in fine old Vienna porcelain, decorated in relief with claf- fical figure fubjedts, on blue bifque ground, in imitation of Wedgwood ware. A fplendid and moll interefting fervice, conflicting of Oval Plateau, Coffee Ewer, Milk-jug, Sugar-bowl, and Two Cups and Saucers. 3354 - Old Berlin Porcelain Figure of a Vestal, or Allegorical Figure of Faith, a child praying feated on the ground, and a burning altar behind. Height 104 in. 3355 - Bowl, old Drefden, purple ground, view of a city, in a medallion and coat of arms, ground gold in the infide. Diameter 6410. other German Porcelain Wares. 2 55 3366. Bowl, old Drefden, painted with landfcapes with ruins and figures. Diameter 6 l in. 3367- Bowl, old Drefden, canary yellow ground, two medallions contain- ing a tulip and lily. Diameter 6 l in. 3368 . Bowl, old Drefden, purple fcale pattern ground, medallions of Wat- teau figures, and rich gilding. Diameter 64- in. 3369- Bowl, old Drefden, canary yellow ground, painted with landfcapes and figures in medallions. Diameter in. 3370- Bowl, fine old Drefden, painted with Watteau fubjedts. Diameter 6 l in. 3371- Bowl, fine old Drefden, painted with Watteau converfation fubjedts. Diameter 6A in. 33 / 2 . Bowl, old Drefden, brown glaze with coloured rofettes. Diameter in. 3373- Cup and Saucer, old Drefden, purple ground, and feaports in medal- lions. 3374> a. Bowl and Stand, painted with paftoral groups. Old Nafiau por- celain. 3375- Cup and Saucer, old Drefden, coloured figures of children in relief. 3376, 3377- Pair of Vienna Cups and Saucers, painted with landfcape, in crimfon. 3378- Cup and Cover, and Saucer, painted with gold fcale pattern on blue, and medallions of amorini pencilled in brown. Rudolftadt por- celain. 3379- Cup and Saucer, figure fubjedt and green fcale pattern border. Furftenberg china. 256 Old Drefden Porcelain Wares . 33 So - Cup and Saucer, old Drefden, purple ground, landfcapes in medal- lions. 3381. Cup and Saucer, old Berlin, rich gilding on white ground in ftriped compartments. 3382 . Cupand Saucer, old Drefden, painted with battle fubjeCts in brown camaieu. 3385 - Cup and Saucer, fine old Drefden, painted with Watteau figures. 3386. Cup and Saucer, old Drefden, painted with landfcapes. 3387 - Cup and Saucer, fine old Drefden, Watteau fubjeCts. 3388. Cup and Saucer, Marcolini Drefden, painted with a landfcape and a fea piece. 3389 > 3390 - Pair of Two-handled Cups, old Drefden, painted with medallions of converfation fubjeCts of half-length figures. 339 1 - Cup and Saucer, very early Vienna porcelain, architectural fub- jeCts in yellow. 3392 - Square Tea-canister, fine old Drefden, painted with Watteau groups. 3394 - Square Canister, painted with Chinefe figures. Cronenberg por- celain, Carl Theodor period. 3395 - Octagon al Soup-dish and Cover, painted with a fea-port fcene in black, old Drefden. Section XXVI. SEVRES PORCELAIN. INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. HE great epoch of the porcelain manufacture in Europe was about the middle of the laft century, and it would appear, that this branch of ceramic art was then, or foon afterwards, carried to its utmoft perfection. There is one variety then produced, which, by common con- fent, is admitted to be inimitable and fuper-excellent — it is the porcelain of the famous manufactory of Sevres, not however that all and every fpecimen of the Sevres wares are thus highly valued. Two kinds of porcelain were fucceffively produced at Sevres, and it is the earlier variety, the “ pate tendre,” or porcelain of the “ foft body” only, which is now held in fuch great efteem. This manufactory was in its origin a private eftablifhment, located at Vincennes, but in 1756, it was transferred to Sevres, another village in the environs of Paris, and in 1760, Louis XV, who had previoufly patronifed, and in part fupported the eftablifhment, following the fafhion let by the fovereign princes of Germany, took it entirely into his own hands, and railed it to the rank of a royal manufactory. Through all the chances and changes of fuc- ceeding governments and dynafties in France, the manufactory of Sevres has fince continued to be upheld as a national inftitution, and it is fcarcely neceflary to fay, that the manufactory, and the Ceramic Mufeum attached to it, ftill form one of the moft popular and attractive “lions” of the French capital. The porcelain of Sevres was, from the firft, held in efpecial confideration, from the faCt of its having been manufactured rather for the ufe or pleafure of the fovereign, than for fale as a commercial produCt ; the fineft pieces were, in faCt, nearly always 2 5 8 Sevres Porcelain. referved for the King, and were generally difpofed of as prefents to foreign potentates, ambafladors, and the notabilities of the French Court. The pieces thus diftributed, have, in the lapfe of years frequently changed hands, generally at greatly enhanced prices. And at laft the appreciation of this ware, by the wealthy amateurs of Europe at large, has become fo great, perhaps it may even be faid, fo inordinate, that probably in no other category of works of art are fpecimens fo eagerly fought for, or their pofl’effion fo keenly contefted, — fabulous prices are in confequence given. A hundred pounds for a cup and faucer, and a thoufand pounds for a vafe, for inftance, are ordinary rates of prices for good fpecimens. Dealers not unfrequently make long journeys to fecure the pofteffion of even a fingle fpecimen, and the occafton of fales by audlion of any known collection of Sevres porcelain, calls together the dealers and amateurs of all Europe. Old Sevres porcelain is, in fhort, exceedingly fcarce ; it was always fafhionable, and it is unqueftionably very beau- tiful. There is then confiderable juftification for its extraordinary appreciation at the prefent day, in the intrinfic excellence of the ware itfelf. In all the technical qualities of porcelain, confidered as a decorative produdt or vehicle, it is immeafurably fuperior to any other variety. The body or pate, with its fuperadded glaze, has a tone and texture, which unite the beautiful charadteriftics of fome of the moft pre- cious natural produdts ; the foftnefs and creamy richnefs of ivory, with the depth and luftre of precious onyx ; the fuperadded colours of the enamel painting are admirably brilliant and harmonious, indelible and unchangeable : in depth of tone, and force and purity of tint, they furpafs thofe of all other wares, whilft gold is applied in a manner, which by comparifon with the thin and timid gilding of ceramic wares in general, recalls the folid manipulation of the goldfmith. A fpecial and very excellent fchool of decorative painters and modellers was formed at Sevres, and a national, confiftent, and original ftyle of decorative art in porcelain arofe, and it is perhaps not too much to fay, that in the old “pate tendre” porcelain, the induftrial or ornamental art of the laft century found its higheft expreflion. It is then not a little extra- ordinary, that at the period of the higheft development of this beautiful ware, it was gradually and defignedly fuperfeded by an inferior, at all events by a lefs beautiful, product ; fuch, however, is the fadt. The managers of the Sevres fabrique had always been tormented by a vain regret that their porcelain was not theoretically as perfedt a fubftance as the natural or hard pate wares of China or Germany, and, at laft, when the accidental difcovery, in France, of kaolin, one of the ingredients of hard porcelain, (at St. Yriex, near Limoges, in 1765), furnifhed the Sevres Porcelain. 2 59 means of manufacturing the hard-body ware in fufficient quantity, the far more beautiful “pate tendre” was gradually abandoned. But the only merits of hard porcelain are of an utilitarian kind, it is harder, more durable, and fo, doubtlefs more ferviceable for acftual domeftic ufe ; but, on the other hand, it is far lefs fuitable as a vehicle for artiftic decoration — its colour is grey and cold, the glaze thin and arid, entirely devoid of that richnefs and luftre, that inner light, which gives fuch power and brilliancy of tint to the enamel colours as applied to the “ pate tendre.” The difference in thefe refpeCfs is immediately feen on comparing fpecimens of the two different kinds together ; in the one, the enamel colours will be feen to have funk in, and have become entirely fufed and blended with the glaze, producing a mod foft and beautiful “ impafto,” and in the other the colours are feen to lie on the furface of the glaze in a crude manner, harfti and unblended, and entirely wanting in thofe beautiful qualities, which conftitute the principal charm of the earlier variety. The change, however, was aided by other influences befides the mere unneceffary preference for a new vehicle. About the fame time alfo commenced that pedantic revival of the claflical or antique Roman ftyle, which foon in works of art of every clafs, overwhelmed the original and natural ftyle of the age, fubftituting a cold and colourlefs ecledticifm, without merit, and which was one of the incomprehenflble fymptoms of a revolutionary period, in other refpecfts characterized by intenfe and original energy. Time, however, has eftablifhed a jufter meafure of appreciation. The hard porcelain wares are now of little comparative value ; they have, neverthelefs, ever frnce continued to be manufactured at Sevres, the technical fecrets of the “pate tendre” fabrication, or, at all events, the habit of fuccefsful production, which is equally important, were foon loft, and have never been regained ; for although efforts are now again being made at Sevres to rival the beautiful qualities of the old “ pate tendre,” the fpecimens produced are as yet far from attaining the level of the old excellence. The Sevres wares are ufually marked with various monograms and devices, indicating the dates of the pieces, and the names of the artifts employed in painting and gilding them. Thefe marks are given in feveral well-known works on the ceramic arts, and it need only be ftated here, that the dates are indicated by the letters of the alphabet, com- mencing in 1753 with the letter “ A ,” and when the alphabet came to an end in 1777, a new feries of double letters, (thus “ A. A .” &c,) was 26o Sevres Porcelain. commenced, and the fecond feries continued till 1795, ending with the letters “ R. R.f and compriling the entire period of the fuccefsful fabrication of the “ pate tendre ” ware. J. C. Robinson. Sevres Porcelain.* Nos. 3501 to 3505, portions of the Royal Service of Louis XVI , blue ground with Medallion Subjects from Ovid and Homer (fve pieces. )\ 35 01 - SEAU 3502. A Seau, fmaller fize model, two medallions. 35 ° 3 - A Cake Plate, on foot, five medallions. 35 ° 4 - A Circular Compotier, five medallions. 35 ° 5 - A Circular Compotier, the Companion. 3506. A Fine Plate, turquoife ground, with cipher in centre, and cameo fubjedts all round the border. 35 ° 7 - A Fine Plate, the Companion fpecimen.J , fize of largeft model, with two painted medallions. * Compiled by John Webb, Efq. and R. Napier, Efq. f The greater part of this celebrated fervice, perhaps the moft magnificent ever exe- cuted at Sevres, is now in the collection of Her Majefty at Windfor Caftle, it having been purchafed by King George IV. The fabrication of this fervice was continued during many years; the dates on the Windfor pieces range from 1783 to 1787, whilft one of the prefent feries at Shandon is dated 1790. Six ordinary plates, and four otherminor pieces of the feries, are alfo diftributed in the collection of S. Addington, Efq. W. God- ing, Efq. D. Falcke, Efq. and Mr. Davis, of Bond-ftreet. The figure fubjeCts are painted by Dodin, and the ornamental borders and gilding by Le Guay and Prevoft. J.C.R. \ The fplendid fervice of which thefe two plates formed part, was executed at Sevres for the Emprels Catherine of RufTia; it comprifed a great number of pieces, and it was brought over to this country, nearly in its entirety, in the early part of the prefent century, after the occurrence of a fire at the palace of the Hermitage, in which it w r as fuppofed to have been loft. The fervice was obtained for a very large fum from a noble- man by Mr. John Webb, a few years ago, and by him re-fold to the late Emperor of Ruflia, and thereupon Lent back to that country. The prefent two plates, and one or two others were, however, retained by Mr. Webb, as fouvenirs of the fervice. Sevres Porcelain 261 3508. A Pair of White Ground Largest Model Seau, with red camaieu fubjedt medallions; dated 1753. 35 ° 9 - A Set of Three Vases, white ground, with medallion, fubje£ts and trophies ; two of thefe tulip form, the centre one a pot pourri, with cover, all on metal (lands. 351°. A “ Pot a Eau,” and “ Cuvette,” white ground, with cupids in red camaieu ; dated 1755. 351 1 • A “ Pot a Eau,” and “ Cuvette,” white ground, with medallions of landfcapes, painted by Viellard ; dated 1766, 3512 . A Pair of White Ground Orange Cases, or Square Jardin- ieres, with cupids in red camaieu; dated 1765. Painted by Michel. 3513 - A Very Fine “ Ecuelle,” white ground, with blue camaieu cupids; dated 1763. Painted by Viellard. 35 H- A Red “ CEil de Perdrix” Ecuelle, with medallions of land- fcapes in red camaieu; dated 1766. 3515 - A Violet “ CEil de Perdrix” Ecuelle, decorated with medallions of trophies; dated 1772. Painted by Buteux, fen. 35i6. An Ecuelle, white ground, chintz decorations; dated 1769, and marked with a comet, in remembrance of the famous comet which appeared in that year. 35 1 7 * A White Ground Chintz Pattern Ecuelle, fmall model, with cover and (land. Decorated by Le Guay. 3518. A White Ground Ecuelle, fmall model, with cover and (land, chintz decoration; dated 1774. Painted by Merault, fen. 35 I 9 - A Smaller Ecuelle, turquoife ground, medallions, landfcape fub- je£ls ; dated 1772. Painted by Mutel. 262 Sevres Porcelain . 3520. A Largest Model “Tasse a la Reine,” decoration birds, &c ; dated 1756. 3521. A Smaller Model “ Tasse A la Reine,” white ground, decoration of birds, and blue camaieu flowers; dated 1758. Painted by Catrice. 3522. A Smaller Model “ Tasse A la Reine,” green and white ground, decoration of flowers ; dated 1757. 3523 - A Large Oval-shaped Dish, white ground, decoration of flowers; dated 1771, and figned “ L. B with initials “ D. B.” 3524 - A Small Oval-shaped Tray, medallions of birds, gros blue ground. 3525 - A Small Oval-shaped Tray, decoration of flowers, and a tur- quoife border ; dated 1753. 3526. A Small Oval-shaped Tray, rofe Du Barry ground, medallions of flowers. 352 7 - A Small Oblong Tray, gros blue border, and centre medallion, Cupid ; dated 1 758. 3528. A Plaq_ue (Teniers fubjecl), in black frame. 3529 - A Coffee-can and Saucer, rofe Du Barry ground, medallions of children, the decoration by P. Theodore. 353 °- A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros blue ground, fubjedl medallions ; dated 1785, 353 r * A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros blue ground, medallion fubjedts ; dated 1758. 3532 - A Coffee-can and Saucer, turquoife ground, medallion fubjedts; dated 1792. Painted by Michel. Sevres Porcelain 263 3533 * A Coffee-can and Saucer, turquoife ground, medallions of land- fcapes ; dated 1773. 3534 - A Smaller Coffee-can and Saucer, green ground, medallion of boys. Painted by Chabry. 3535 - A Cup and Saucer, gros blue ground, medallions of birds. 3536 - A Cup and Saucer, green and white, with garlands of flowers. From the Duchefs of Cleveland’s Collection. Painted by Taillandier. ^ 3537 - A Trembleuse Cup and Saucer, white ground, painted with the fable of the fox and the ftork ; dated 1777. Painted by Baudoin and Vavafleur. 353 ^- A White Ground Cup and Saucer, with red camaieu boys ; dated 1 754 * 3539 * A White Ground Cup and Cover, the Companion. 354 °- A Set of Two Cups and Three Saucers, and Teapot, very fmall, white ground, gold flowers ; dated 1753. 3541 - Two Saucers, green ground, with birds. Painted by Aloncle ; dated 1758. 3542 - A Plate, with rofe border, and decoration of birds ; dated 1770. 3543 A White Ground Plate, decoration garlands of flowers, and “ D. B.” in centre ; dated 1 771. Painted by Le Bel. 3544 - A Plate, very late period, light blue border, camaieu fubjeCl in centre. 3545 - A Plate, the Companion, violet border, camaieu fubjeCl in centre. 3546 - A Vase and Cover, turquoife ground, decorated with jewels, and white rofes on ftems in relief. 264 Sevres Porcelain . 3546 * A White Ground Cup, bell-fhape, red camaieu boys. Dated 1770. 3547 - A Cabaret, confiding of large lozenge-fhape plateau, teapot, fugar- pot and cover, cream ewer, and fmall cup and faucer, dark violet ground, and chintz decoration, five pieces; dated 1783. Decoration by Michaud. 3548. A White Ground Oval Plateau, with red camaieu decorations. 3549 - A White Ground Oval Plateau, turquoile border and flowers. 3550 . An Oblong Tray, open fcroll border, white and green, and fruit decoration; dated 1757. Painted by Leve pere. 3551 - An Oblong Tray, open fcroll border, white and blue lines, fubjedf decoration; dated 1763. 3552 - A Plate, with trellis border, and birds in centre, white ground. A Plate, the Companion. 3553 ' 3554 - A Square-shaped Tray, with green ribbon and flowers; dated 1 757 * 3555 - A Small White Ground Tray, decoration of birds. 3556 . A Cabaret of Oval-shapf.d Tray, gros bleu ground, and red camaieu boys, with cup and faucer, fugarpot and cover, fmall coffee-pot and cover, four pieces. 3557 - An Ecuelle, white ground, with rofe Du Barry border, and centre decoration of flowers ; dated 1758. 3558 . An Ecuelle, with circular plateau, white ground, and rofe decora- tion ; dated 1768. Painted by Thevenet, fen. Sevres Porcelain. 26 5 3559 - A Smaller Ecuelle, with Oval Plateau : decoration of flowers ; dated 1761. Painted by Michaud. 3560. A Pair of Orange Cases, green ground, circular medallions of flowers; dated 1785. Painted by Noel. 356i- A Large Model Cup and Saucer, gros bleu, and gold vermicelli ground, medallion fubjedt after Teniers. 3562. A Large Model Cup and Saucer, white ground, medallion child with a lamb. Painted by Gerard. 3563 - A Tasse ala Reine, Cover and Saucer, white ground, chintz decoration; dated 1769. Painted by Merault, fen. 3564 - A Large Model Cup and Saucer, gros bleu and vermicelli, with medallion ; dated 1753. 3565 - A Large Model Cup and Saucer, green ground, with Cupid ; dated 1758. 3566. A Large Model Cup and Saucer, white ground, blue checquers and flowers ; dated 1759. Painted by Vavafleur. 356 7 - A Smaller Model Cup and Saucer, gros blue ground, medallions of children ; dated 1756. 3568. A Smaller Model Cup and Saucer, gros blue and gold vermicelli ground, red camaieu cupids ; dated 1764. XP 3569- A Smaller Model Cup, Saucer, and Cover, gros blue ground, medallions in camaieu of cupids. 357 °- A Smaller Model Cup, Saucer, and Cover, the Companion. 357 1 - A Smaller Model Cup, Saucer, and Cover, gros bleu ground, the medallion a landfcape. M M 266 Sevres Porcelain. 3572. A Small Model Cup, Saucer, and Cover, the Companion. 3573* A Cup and Saucer, fame model, white ground, red camaieu cupids ; dated 1754. Decoration by Michel. 3574- A Ribbed Cup and Saucer, fame model, gros bleu and chintz decorations; dated 1766. Painted by Noel. 3575* A White Ground Cup and Saucer, blue line, the medallion a fhepherd and (hepherdefs. 3576 . A Cup and Saucer, pear-fhape, white ground, turquoife border and chintz decoration. 3577* A Cup and Saucer, the Companion. 357 8 - A Cup and Saucer, white ground, with green rofes. trellis pattern and 3579- A Cup and Saucer, white ground, blue and gold edging, and gar- lands of flowers. 3580. A Cup and Saucer, white ground, blue lines, and birds ; dated 1763. 35 Sl - A Cup and Saucer, rofe edge, with garlands of rofes ; dated 1757. Painted by Fontaine. 3582. A Cup and Saucer, another model, green and gros bleu ground, medallion of flowers. 35 8 3- A Cup and Saucer, the Companion. 35 g 4- A Cup and Saucer, rofe ceil de perdrix, medallion of birds. 3585- A Cup and Saucer, turquoife ground, with medallions of flowers and ribbons ; dated 1757. The decoration by Theodore and Bou- langer. Sevres Porcelain . 267 3586. A Cup and Saucer, the Companion; dated 1759. 3587 - A Cup and Saucer, yellow ground, with medallions of children; dated 1780. Painted by Chulot (?). 3588. A Cup and Saucer, gros blue ground, medallion of birds ; dated 1773. Painted by Aloncle. 3589 - A Cup and Saucer, chintz fcroll border, and blue vermicelli pat- tern ground, fame model as 3575- Dated 1772. Painted by Aloncle. 359 °- A Small Pear-shaped Cup and Saucer, green ground, and me- dallions of birds. 359 1 - A Small Pear-shaped Cup and Saucer, the Companion ; dated 1772. Painted by Aloncle. 3592 - A Small Cup and Saucer, green ground, with medallion of flowers. 3593 - A Small Cup and Saucer, green ground and flowers; dated 175 7. 3594 - A Small Cup and Saucer, gros bleu, medallion of children. 3595 - A Small Cup and Saucer, lighter blue, with gold ceil de perdrix, medallion of birds. 359 6 - A Small Cup and Saucer, rofe Du Barry, flower medallion, two handles; dated 175 7. Painted by Noel. 3597 - A Small Cup and Saucer, turquoife ground, with flowers. 3598 • A Small Cup and Saucer, the Companion. 3599 - A Small Teapot and Cover, of the fame fuite. 3600. A Small Sugarpot, of the fame fuite; dated 1753 - Painted by Bar. 268 Sevres Porcelain. 3 6 °i- A Coffee-can and Saucer, green oeil de perdrix, with cameo heads ; dated 1773. Painted by Fontaine, the gilding by Chauvaux, fen. 3602. A Coffee-can and Saucer, white ground, with gold fcroll bands, and chintz flowers; dated 1753. 3603. A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu, with fine medallion of a female figure with a dog; dated 1765. 3604. ACoffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu, with fine medallion of a female with a vafe. 3 6o 5- A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu, with a “ Vernet” fubject ; dated 1779. Painted by Morin. 3606. A Coffee-can and Saucer, dark violet ground, with arabefque decoration and medallion fubjedl ; dated 1779. 3607. A Coffee-can and Saucer, grey feather decoration ground, and landfcape medallion ; dated 1767. 3608. A White Ground Coffee-can, chintz decoration; dated 1764. Painted by Noel. 3609. A White Ground Coffee-can and Saucer, with upright bands of rofes on light blue ground. 361°. A White Ground Coffee-can and Saucer, blue camaieu decora- tion and children. 36H. A White Ground Coffee-can and Saucer, the Companion. 3612. A White Ground Coffee-can and Saucer, with large medallion fubjedf in red camaieu. 36i3- A White Ground Coffee-can and Saucer, with large medallion fubjedl in red camaieu. Sevres Porcelain . 269 3614. A Coffee-can and Saucer, fmaller model, gros bleu, with medal- lions of figure fubje&s; dated 1787. 3615. A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu, with medallion of a girl and boy with a trumpet; dated 1765. Painted by Leve pere. 3616. A Coffee-can, green ground, with medallion of boys ; dated 1768. Painted by Merault, fen. and by Aflelin. 3617. A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu and white, with birds, jewelled. 3618. A Coffee-can and Saucer, turquoife ground, with medallion of rofes; dated 1753- 3 6 i 9 - A Coffee-can and Saucer, light blue bands, white ground, rofes and forget-me-nots. 3620. A Coffee-can and Saucer, white ground, rofe bands, and fmall medallion fubjefts. 3621. A Coffee-can and Saucer, white ground, fcroll border, and rofe- bud decorations. 3622. A Coffee-can and Saucer, fmaller model, white ground, with birds; dated 1766. Painted by Aloncle. 3 62 3 - A Coffee-can and Saucer, fmaller model, green ground, with wreaths of rofes, &c ; dated 1765. 3624. A Coffee-can and Saucer, fmaller model, gros bleu, wreaths of flowers ; dated 1773. Painted by Tandart. 36 2 5 - A Coffee-can and Saucer, fmaller model, gros bleu, with birds. 3626. A Coffee-can and Saucer, fame model as 3614, gros bleu, with medallion of a fhepherdefs; dated 1780. 2/0 Sevres Porcelain . 3627. A Coffee-can and Saucer, larger model, dark brown ground, gold Chinefe fubjedts. Decoration by Vande. 3628. A Coffee-can and Saucer, white ground, chintz decoration with light blue imbrications ; dated 1775. 3629. A Coffee-can and Saucer, white ground, with gold rofettes and garlands on turquoife ; dated 1776-7. 3 6 3 °- A Small Cup, blue ground, gold ceil de perdrix, medallion of birds ; early period. 3631. A Sucrier and Cover, largeft model, white ground, chequer deco- ration and birds. From Lord Templemore’s Colledtion. 3 6 3 2 - A Sucrier and Cover, fmaller model, turquoife ground, and medal- lion of flowers; dated 1759. 3 6 33 - A Sucrier and Cover, fmaller model, gros bleu, and birds ; dated 1767. 3634 - A Sucrier and Cover, fmalleft model, rofe and blue ground, deco- ration of birds. 3635 - A Sucrier and Cover, larger model, white ground, with turquoife borders and flowers. 3 6 36 . A Pomade-pot and Cover, gros bleu, and jewel decoration. 3637 - A Pomade-pot and Cover, larger, fame decoration. 3 6 3 8 - A Teapot and Cover, green ground, with landfcape medallion; dated 1763. 3 6 39 - A Teapot, white ground, fubjedt, children; dated 1763. 3640. A Milkpot, white ground, turquoife border and flowers; dated 1780. Sevres Porcelain. 27 1 3641. A Milkpot, white ground, and birds ; dated 1763. 3642. A Tulip-shaped Cup, on foot, late period, with jewels, marked “ Sevres ) M. C.” 3643- A Large Double-handled Cup and Saucer, dark ground, with trellis turquoife edge ; dated 1791. 3 6 44 - A Custard-cup, turquoife ground, decoration of flowers ; dated 1764. 3 6 45 - A White Ground Cup and Saucer, red camaieu cupids; dated 1766. 3646. A Triangular Cake Dish, on foot, turquoife and white flowers, 3 6 47 - A Small Teapot and Cover, turquoife and white flowers. 3648. A Small Double-handled Cup and Saucer, with turquoife and white flowers. 3 6 49 - A Sucrier and Cover, en fuite. 3650. A Large Ecuelle, with Circular Plateau, white ground, with blue interlacings and flowers. 3 6 5 i - A Large Ecuelle, with Oval Plateau, gros bleu, and Vernet medallions. 3652. A Large Ecuelle, with Oval Plateau, white ground and gold fpots, red camaieu boys. 3653 - A Large Ecuelle, with Circular Plateau, medallions red camaieu boys. 3654 - A Cabaret, in cafe, confiding of oval-fhaped plateau, gros bleu border, with gold ceil de perdrix, white centre, with garland of flowers; one teapot, one fucrier, one cup and faucer, and one milkpot, five pieces. 2J2. Sevres Porcelain 3 6 55 - A Large Model Coffee-can and Saucer, white ground, with medallions of figure fubjeCts, red camaieu. 3656. A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu, with medallions of fingle birds. Republique fran^aife. 365 7 - A Cabaret, confifting of lozenge-ftiape plateau, teapot, fucrier and cover, cup and faucer, and milkpot, white ground, decoration of rofes and forget-me-nots, in all five pieces ; dated 1772. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Collection. 3658. A Pair of Large Oviform Vases, gros bleu ground, elaborately jewelled, and mounted in ormulu, with antique red porphyry pedeftals. 3659 - A Cabaret, confifting of oblong tray, teapot and cover, fucrier and cover, and cup and faucer, white ground, decoration of landfcapes ; dated 1757 - 3660. A Teapot and Cover, turquoife ground, with medallions of land- fcapes ; dated 1758. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Collection. 3661. A Teapot and Cover, white ground with green, and garlands of flowers, the cover attached by a filver gilt chain ; dated 1780. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Collection. 3662. A Trembleuse Cup, Saucer, and Cover, rofe Du Barry ground, medallions of landfcapes with goats and fheep. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Collection. 3663. A Cup and Saucer, green ground, with medallions bouquets of flowers ; dated 1756. Painted by Fontaine. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Collection. 3664. An Elegant Tall Cup and Large Saucer, rofe oeil de perdrix ground, medallions bafkets of flowers fufpended by ribbons. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Collection. 3665. A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros blue ground decoration, rich gold ornaments and pearls. Sevres Porcelain. 2 73 3666. A Coffee-can, turquoife ground, rich gold fcroll border and jewels. Painted by Vincent. 3667. A Coffee-can, with Saucer, gros bleu ground, and fine Vernet medallions. 3668. A Coffee-can, green ground, with Vernet medallion. Painted by Prevoft. 3669. A Coffee-can and Saucer, blue celefte ground, with landfcape medallions and with birds. 367° A Coffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu ground, with medallions of boys in red camaieu. 3671. A Coffee-can and Saucer, turquoife ground, with landfcape me- dallions and birds. 3672. A Small Coffee-can and Saucer, turquoife ceil de perdrix ground, medallions of birds ; date 1765. 3673. A Small Coffee-can and Saucer, gros bleu ground, ceil de per- drix decoration and flower borders. 3674. A Very Fine Plate, white embofted edging, light green ground, with medallion of cupids on white ground in the centre. Early period. 3675. A Circular Compotier, blue celefte ground, with gold and filver ftars, medallion of birds in centre, and fmall medallion of flowers on border. Decorated by Theodore. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Colledtion. 3676. A Circular Compotier, feuille de choux pattern, with medallions of birds, and decoration of gold and blue fcales. From the Duchefs of Gordon’s Colleftion. 3677 - A Pair of Vases, fourteen inches high, turquoife ground, covered with ftripes of gold, in the centre a deep band, white ground, decorated with arabefque fcrolls and fubjeft medallions in centres, on the fides lions’ heads with rings, late period, on white marble plinths. n n Section XXVII. OLD ENGLISH PORCELAIN WARES, CHELSEA, WORCESTER, &c. INTRODUCTION. HE two principal varieties of old Englifh porcelain are thofe of Chelfea and Worcefter, and the vafes and more important decorative fpecimens of the former ware, are almoft as highly efteemed and as valuable as thofe of the old Sevres “ pate tendre” porcelain. Very little is known of the origin or hiftory of the Chelfea manufactory; it is generally be- lieved to have been commenced about 1730, and it was carried on till 1784, when it was amalgamated with the Derby eftablifhment, and the works and appliances at Chelfea were brought to an end. The fineft fpecimens were probably manufactured betwixt 1750 and 1760. The Worcefter manufactory was founded in 1751, and is ftill con- tinued. The earlier produCts are characterized by a very original ftyle of decoration, but the Worcefter wares never attained to the great technical and artiftic excellence of thofe of Chelfea. 3751 - |AIR of Octagonal Ecuelles and Stands, white por- celain with raifed ornaments, in imitation of Oriental. Old Plymouth porcelain. 3752 - Teapot, old Staffordfhire marbled or agate ware. 3753 - Butter-boat of the fame ware. Old English Porcelain Wares . 275 3754, 3755- Pair of Old Chelsea Plates, painted with birds. 375^ a. Pair of Cups and Saucers, white, with “ gros bleu” borders and fluting, feftoons, fine gilding of olive leaves, &c. Old Chelfea. 3757- Cup, fame pattern and fervice. 3758 . Teacup, fame pattern and fervice. 3759, A - Pair of Cups and Saucers, gros bleu and white, with fmall oval cameos, and rich gilding. Old Chelfea porcelain. 3760 , A. Pair of Large Bell-shaped Cups or Bowls, of the fineft old Chelfea porcelain, painted with flowers on gold ground. Height 4 in. 3761 . A Beautiful Tall Bulb-shaped Bottle, with rococo handles, grounded in pale turquoife, with vertical panels in white, painted with birds. Fine old Chelfea porcelain. Height 12 in. 3762 . Pair of Bottles, turquoife ground, with gold fpots, and medallions of figure fubjedbs. Chelfea porcelain. Height 1 1 in. 3763- Vase, gros bleu, medallion painted with birds. Chelfea-Derby. Height 1 1 in. 3763, a. Pair of Fine Old Chelsea Flat-sided Bottles, painted with amorini, and richly mounted in ormulu. Height 8 a in. 3764- Grand Oviform or Pear-shaped Vase, with Cover, fur- mounted by raifed flowers, richly adorned with rococo fcroll work in high relief, the upper part of the cover perforated, morone crimfon and white ground, exquifitely painted with figure fubje<5ls reprefenting the four feafons. One of the moft beautiful and important pieces of the old Chelfea ware known. Height 1 54 in. 2j6 Old Rnglijh Porcelain W ares. 3765 - Grand Oviform V ase, mounted in ormulu, the body or drum finely painted with a continuous Bacchanalian proceffion of amorini with animals, &c; the upper part of the vafe in morone colour and gold, with fatyrs’ mafks, lions’ and goats’ heads in relief. A fplendid fpecimen of old Chelfea. Height 16 in. 3766. A Rococo Beaker and Cover, of the fineft old Chelfea, with dome-ihaped cover, pierced, and enriched with raifed flowers, the drum or body of the vafe grounded in gold, with beautiful bouquets of coloured flowers, painted in referved fpaces. A magnificent vafe of the fineft ftyle and period of the old Chelfea fabrique. Height 14 in. 3767 - A Splendid Oviform Vase, with elaborate rococo handles, crimfon and white ground, the body painted with peacocks and foliage on bur- nifhed gold ground. A magnificent piece of the fineft old Chelfea. Height 14 in., breadth acrofs the handles 10 in. ^ 3768. Pair of Beautiful Old Chelsea Vases, with Covers, morone and white, oviform, mounted on pedeftal feet, the body of the vafes flanked by three terminal female figures, and decorated with raifed flowers. A rare and beautiful model. Height 1 1 in. 3769 - Large Vase-shaped Ice-pail or Wine Cooler, old Chelfea- Derby porcelain, feftoons of flowers and blue ribbons on white ground, with projecting goats’ head handles. Height 14 in. 3770 - Large Globular Teapot, painted with groups of peacocks and other birds. Fine old Chelfea. Diameter 74- in., height 8^ in. 377 1 - Cabaret, fine old Chelfea-Derby porcelain, with the gold mark, oval plateau teapot, fugar-bowl, cream ewer, and cup and faucer, feftoons of flowers on white. 3772 . Octagonal Bulb-shaped Bottle, gros bleu, with large medallion painted with birds; filver-gilt mount and ftopper. Fine old Wor- cefter porcelain. Chelfea , IVorceJler , A - AIR of Old Eggshell Porcelain Jars with covers, of the fineft poflible quality, painted with medallions of 5 $ landfcape fubjedts in brown, heightened with gold, kylins on the covers. Height 19 in. 4302, A. Pair of Old Eggshell Porcelain Jars, with large oval medal- lions of vividly coloured figure fubjedfs, the ground betwixt enriched with flowering fhrubs on gold ground. Superb examples of unufual fize. Height 22 in. 43 ° 3 > A - Pair of Hexagonal Jars, of the fineft old eggfhell china, with covers, fplendidly painted with panels of landfcape and figures, executed in the molt minute and highly-finifhed manner, the ground betwixt of gold pencilled diaper, with flowers. Magnificent and very extra- ordinary fpecimens. Height 22 in. 43 ° 4 , A - Pair of Large Square or Flat-sided Upright Jars, with fret- work handles and kylin covers, of the fineft old Chinefe eggfhell porce- lain, painted with elaborate landfcapes and figure fubjedts, hunting and converfation pieces, the ground work of minute diapered work, in gold and filver. Thefe fuperb vafes are doubtlefs amongft the fineft known fpecimens of Oriental porcelain ; although of fuch large dimenfions, they are painted with the fame delicacy and minutenefs as the fineft of Chinefe and yapanefe Porcelain. 297 the ruby backed eggfhell plates. They are probably of the 17th or early part of the 1 8th century. Height 27 in. 4305 - Grand Beaker, of fquare fhape, with bulb or knop in the centre, painted with landfcapes and flowers, in panels, enamel ground of pale lavender colour, diapered with coloured flowers ; on fquare bafe or plinth, in imitation of orange coloured marble. A fplendid lpecimen of the fineft old Chinefe eggfhell porcelain. Height 272. in. 4306. Bulb-shaped Bottle, with narrow neck, yellow or buff ground, dragons and marine monfters in green incifed outlines. A fine and rare piece. Height 1 7 in. 4307 - Vase, of rare oviform fhape, with four necks or mouths, fine old grey crackle, A beautiful piece. Height 1 2 in. 4307, a. A very Large Circular Pilgrim’s Bottle, painted with natural flowers and fhrubs, on pure white ground, loop fretwork handles, in rofe-coloured enamel. A moft rare and beautiful piece of the higheft quality. Japan porcelain. Height i6yin., width 13 in. 4308, A, b, c, D. Set ofFive Large V ases (three upright pear-fhaped vafes, with kylin covers, and two trumpet-mouthed beakers), of the fineft old eggfhell por- celain, fplendidly painted with continuous landfcape and figure fubjedts. Height 1 g in. 43 ° 9 - A Beautiful Upright Vase, of rare form, pure white ground, painted with two fprays of fruit. Height 1 1 in. 4310. Large Cylindrical Bottle, painted with a continuous figure fubjedt of Japanefe ladies and children. Fine old Japan porcelain of very unufual fize and ftyle. Height 27 in. 43 11 - Vase or Bottle, painted with grotefque figures of mounted war- riors, & c, on white ground. Height io[ in. 298 Chinefe and JapaneJe Porcelain 43 12 - Oval Jar or Bottle, with trumpet-mouth, and two loop fretwork handles, ground of emerald turquoife enamel, with cartouche medallion, painted with a beautiful compofition of a Chinefe lady playing the flute, before an old bearded mandarin, feated under the boughs of a flowering tree. A fplendid old eggfhell vafe. Height 20 in. 43 1 3- Vase, of rare old apple green crackle. Height 7 in. 43 J 4- Cylindrical Jar, with groups of Chinefe figures modelled in high relief, and brilliantly coloured. A very remarkable fpecimen. Height 18 in. 4315- Small Bulb-shaped Bottle, crimfon enamel. Height 54 in. 4316. A Grand Cylindrical Jar, with lea dragons in relief, in Celadon green, on dark blue enamel ground. Height 25 in. 4317- Small Bulb-shaped Bottle, dark blue enamel. Height 64 in. 43 18 - Pear-shaped Jar, bright yellow ground, with fcroll foliage in dark blue. Height 16 in. 43*9- Small Bulb-shaped Bottle, turquoife enamel. Height 5 J in. 4320. Large Double Bulb or Gourd-shaped Bottle, landfcape and flowering fhrubs in red and gold. Japan. Height 28 in. 43 21 - Bulb-shaped Sprinkler, buff ground, with circular rofettes in blue and white. Old Nankin, mounted in metal gilt. Height 72 in. 43 22 - Jar, emerald green, opaque enamel ground, painted with birds and flowers in brilliant colours. Height 1 34 in. Chinefe and Japanefe Porcelain. 299 4323 - Small Pilgrim’s Bottle, white ground, landfcapes in blackoutline. Japan porcelain. Height 54. in., width 4 in. 4324 - Large Bulb-shaped Bottle, turquoife ground, with incifed fcroll work under the glaze. Height 164 m. 4325 - Grotesque Statuette of a Bonze or Priest, old grey crackle. Height 12 in. 4325, A. Similar Statuette, Celadon green ground. Height 1 1 in. 4326. Large Pilgrim’s Bottle with loop handle, in old grey crackle. A fine fpecimen of unufual fize. Height 18 in., width 144-in. 4327 - Fusiform Upright Vase, old “Celadon” porcelain, incifed diapered ornamentation under the glaze. Height 1 32. in. 4328 . Small Double Bulb-shaped Bottle, old white crackle. Height 5 in. 4329 - Small Bottle, very rare and fine white crackle. Height 6 in. 4330 - Small Bulb-shaped Bottle, olive green ground. Height 6 in. 4331 - Small Turquoise Bottle, with ormulu ftand. Height 6 in. 4332 . An Old Eggshell Jar, white ground, with floriated diaper ornamentation in relief, cut or carved in the “ pate.” A rare and remarkable piece. Height 1 14 in. 4333 - Small Bulb-shaped Vase, bright apple green ground. Height 6 in. 300 Chinefe and Japanefe Porcelain. 4334 - Tall Jar, of rare bluifh green enamel ground. Height 25 in. 4335 - Very Ancient Tall Jar, richly painted with figure fubjedts in brilliant colours, an emperor giving audience, &c. Height 28 in. 433 6 - Vase, fhaped like a pomegranate, with leaves and ftalks, Celadon green, opaque enamel. Height 8 e in. 4337 - Square Beaker, old Nankin, perforated u rice porcelain, with fretwork, &c, in blue. Height 13 in. 4338 - Pair of Groups of a Chinese Lady with a Stag. Height 14 in. 9 9 painted 4339 - Bulb-shaped Perforated Bottle, old Celadon green ground. Height 13 in. 4340 . Vase of rare fhape, ftanding on fix legs, in the ftyle of a bronze, dark brown enamel ground. Height 7 in. 4341 - Jar, old grey crackle, with lizard handles. Height 1 3 in. 4342 - Fine Bulb-shaped Bottle, old turquoife crackle. Height 16 in. 4343 - A Mounted Turquoise Bottle. Height 16 in. 4344 - Large Jar, with elephants’ head handles, ornamented with alter- nating zones of brown crackle, and painted dragons and other ornaments, in morone colour, in outline. Height 23 in. 4345 - Pair of Chinese Buff Terra Cotta Bulb-shaped Vases, a zone of black raifed fretwork diaper round the lower parts. Height 8 in. Chinefe and Japanefe Porcelain. 3°i 4346, 4346, a. Wash-hand Bowl and Ewer, with dragon handle, old Nankin willow pattern. 4347- Flat-sided Vase, mottled opaque turquoife enamel. Height 8 a in. 4348 - Bulb-shaped Bottle, ornamented with zones of crackle and blue fretwork ornamentation. Height 12 in. 4349- Cylindrical Vase, in brown crackle, diapered with butterflies in blue, mounted with bafe and handles in old French ormulu. Height 19 in. 4350- Pilgrim’s Bottle, blue floral decorations. Height 12 in. 4351- Jar, in fine old turquoife crackle, decorated with incifed fretwork in low relief, under the glaze. A fpecimen of the fineft and moft brilliant tint. Height 9 in. 4352 . Jar, on three legs, white ground, incifed ornamentation in low relief. 4353- Oviform Vase, rare opaque brown enamel ground, foliated orna- mentation in opaque blue, yellow, and green enamels. A rare and remarkable piece from Mr. Beckford’s Colledlion at Fonthill. Height 104-in. 4354- Double Bulb-shaped Bottle, wave or fcale diaper pattern in black, with blue wafers or rofettes. Height 104 in. 4355- Pair of Bottles, with two loofe ring handles, grey crackle. Height 10 in. 4356- Jar, white ground, finely painted with coloured figures of Chinefe ladies and children. Height 1 54 in. 3 02 Chineje and Japanefe Porcelain . 4357 - Large Square Jar, with dragons’ head handles, old dark grey Celadon crackle. Height 15 in. 4358 - Pair of Barrel-shaped Garden Seats, painted with flowers, See. Height 18 in. 4359 - A very Ancient Globular Pot and Cover, white, carefully painted with figures of ladies, &c. Height 7L in. 436°. Circular Pot, old Nankin perforated “ rice porcelain,” the bafe and margin enamelled with ornamentation in blue. Height 6 in., diameter 8 in. 4361. Pair of Small Square Jars, variegated ground of blue and light green opaque enamels, a red dragon curled round the upper parts, the bafes in imitation of rofewood. Height 44 in. 4362, A. Pair of very Large Vases, painted with figure fubjedls and flowers in relief ; the handles ftatuettes of Chinefe ladies Handing on lotus flowers. Height 344 in. 43 6 3 ; Bulb-shaped Bottle, blue and crimfon fplafhed enamel. Height 15 in. 43 6 4 - Bulb-shaped Bottle, grey and brown mottled enamel ground. Height 15L in. 4365 - Similar Bottle, mottled or fplafhed ground of crimfon, blue, and brown enamels. Height 15 in. 4365 •* Low Circular Vase, in old Celadon crackle, with carved lotus leaf, rofewood Hand and cover. 4366 - Pair of White Figures of Cocks, of fine quality. Height 1 2L in. Chinefe and yapanefe Porcelain. 303 4367 - Pair of Cylindrical V ases, white ground, with brilliantly coloured figures of Chinefe ladies and children. Height 10 in. 4368. Pair of Square Bottles, old Nankin china, decorated with raifed figures and landfcapes on diapered ground, filled in with the glaze tinted in blue and morone. Rare and curious pieces. 4369 - Circular Cauldron-shaped Vase, in white porcelain, (landing on three legs, enamelled in red, the rofewood cover furmounted by a group of two fitting jofles in turquoife porcelain. A rare and remarkable fpecimen. Height 15 in. 4370 - Pair of Small Bulb-shaped Sprinklers, white ground painted with kylins in dark mulberry colour. Height in. 4371 - Pair of Fine Old Eggshell jARS,paintedwithconverfationfubje£fs of ladies, &c, in large medallions, the interfpaces in geometrical diaper work with flowers. Height 104- in. 4372 - Pair of Fine Eggshell Vases, painted with oval medallions of converfation fubjedts of Chinefe ladies, the interfpaces decorated with raifed flowers. Height 81 in. 4373 - Pair of Hexagonal Vases, with covers; hexagonal medallions of flowering fhrubs on ground of raifed hexagonal diaper pattern. Height 12-4 in- 4374 - Cylindrical Pedestal, mottled blue Japan porcelain, mounted in ormulu. French laft century mounting. Height 7 in. 4375 - Flat Hexagonal Jar, old blue Japan. Height 12^ in. 304 Chinefe and Japanefe Porcelain. 4376. Pair of Square Jardinieres, with perforated covers, decorated with figure fubjedts in colours and gold, the interfpaces enriched with raifed flowers. Height 84 in. 4377 - Old Japan Coffee-pot, with raifed figures, and fupported on three fcroll feet. Height 164 in. 4378 - Pair of Old Chinese Oval, Flat-sided, Tall Jars, with covers, moft brilliantly painted with figure fubjedts in medallions, the outer ground fpaces filled in with raifed flowers and foliage, on dark red ground, pencilled with a gold diaper. Height 184 in. 4379 - Large Bulb-shaped Bottle, white ground, admirably painted with a tree, or branches of a fruit-bearing fhrub. A fplendid fpecimen of Chinefe or Japanefe art. Height 21 in., diameter 17 in. 4380. A Pair of Double Bulb-shaped Flattened Bottles, dark red ground, with white medallions of figure fubjedfs. A rare and beautiful pair. Height 16^ in. 4381. Pair of Cylindrical Eggshell Beakers, or Match-pots, finely painted with numerous figures on white ground. Height 104 in. 4382. Lantern, formed as a figure of a cat, in turquoife porcelain, with glafs eyes. A rare and fine fpecimen. Height 9 in. 4383 - Large Pear-shaped Jar and Cover, (potpourri pot,) mulberry coloured ground, diapered with green and white leaves and flowers. Old Japan. Height 194 in., diameter 14 in. 4384 - Pair of Oviform Blue Japan Vases and Covers, blue, red, and gold on white ground. Height 15 in. 3 °5 Ghinefe and yapanefe Porcelain. 4385 - Old Japan Porcelain Figure of a Lady, the drapery diapered with flowers in dark blue, red, and gold, on white. Height 20 in. 4386. Flat Bowl, turquoife ground. Diameter 5 in. 4387 - Oval Bowl, red and blue enamel, fretwork pattern, light green enamel infide. Length 64 in. 4388. Punch Bowl, finely pencilled with figure fubjedts and with borders of gold fretwork pattern. Diameter 14 in. 4389- Very large Chinese Porcelain Punch Bowl, painted with vine- leaf border, and groups of nymphs and amorini, the decoration executed in Europe, or from European defigns. Height 9L in., diameter 22 in. 4390 - Punch Bowl, white ground with coloured flowers. Diameter 1 1 in. 439 !■ Small Bowl, with two loop-handles, turquoife or malachite green ground. Diameter 4 in. 4392 - Group , a fakir or peafant riding on an ox, Chinefe ftoneware. Length 1 1 \ in. 4393 - Bowl and Cover, and Tray, Mandarin China, apple-green opaque enamel ground, decoration of flowers and fretwork in varied colours and gold. Diameter of bowl 7 in., of tray, 10 in. 4394 - Shallow Bowl, or Tray, old pale fea-green crackle. Diameter 10J in. R R 306 Chinefe and Japaneje Porcelain. 4395 - Hexafoil-shaped Shallow Bowl, diapered with green and red enamels with circular medallions of other colours, green enamel infide. Diameter 74 in. 4396 - Long Oval Bath-shaped Bowl, opaque mottled turquoife enamel. Length io in., width 7 in. 4397 - Oval Bowl, dark red enamel, with medallions in light blue, and Chinefe characters in gold. Green infide. Length 94 in. 4398. Shallow Octagonal Bowl, mottled opaque turquoife enamel, with gold bars in relief, green enamel infide. Diameter 7 in. 4399 - Circular Bowl, red enamel with gold pencilled medallions or wafers, green enamel infide. Diameter 7 in. 4400. Cup and Saucer, tranfparent green enamel ground, pencilled with fea-dragons in black outline ; the reverfe of the faucer and the infide of the cup grounded in opaque rofe-coloured enamel, rare and fine fpe- cimens. 4401. Cu? and Saucer, decorated with perforated gilt ornaments and flowers. 4402, 4403. Pair of Circular Shallow Bowls and Covers, painted with birds and flowering fhrubs. Modern Japan. Diameter 84 in. 44 ° 4 - Fine Chinese Eggshell Plate, painted with a vafe or balket of flowers, ruby back. Diameter 8 in. 4405. Fine Chinese Eggshell Porcelain Plate, painted with flowers pencilled in black and gold, ruby enamel back. From the Beckford Collection, Fonthill. Diameter 84 in. Chinefe and “Japanefe Porcelain. 3 °7 4406. Pair of Eggshell Plates, painted with figure fubjeCts in compart- ments, ruby ground borders. Diameter 8-'- in. 4407. Pair of Oriental Plates, with beautiful borders of blue and gold, and fmall landfcapes in brown. In the centre of each is the name “ Fearon ,” probably executed in the laft century for an Englifh perfon of that name. Diameter ]-\ in. 4408. Pair of Fine Eggshell Plates, painted with flowers, in black and gold pencilled work. Diameter 8^ in. 4409. Pair of Chinese Saucers, green and red foliage. 4410. Chinese Deep Saucer, painted with fea-dragons in apple green. 44 1 1 • Chinese Eggshell Plate, painted with an interior, and with numerous figures. An exquifite fpecimen of the fineft poffible quality, the painting of microfcopic delicacy. From the Beckford Collection. 4412. Octagonal Bowl and Stand, or Dish, of very fine quality, painted with numerous Handing figures, the infide of the bowl and the outfide of the Hand enamelled green. Diameter of bowl in., of Hand 9 i in. 4413- Pair of Small Saucers, raifed fretwork pattern, in dark red and gold infide, outfide green enamel. Diameter \\ in. 4414 Small Funnel or Basket-shape Cup, in pure white porcelain, mounted with rim, and bafket-handle in filver-gilt. 4415- Small Shallow Cup, in modern Japan, pencilled with a boat in full fail, in gold. 3°8 Chmefe and Japanefe Porcelain . 4415, A. Small Shallow Japan Cup, painted with the buft or head of a lady. 4416. Small Cup and Saucer, eggfhell, flowers on white, the outfides ruby enamel. 4417. Oviform Fluted Vase, mottled turquoife ground. Height 7|- in. 4418. Flat Lotus-leaf Tray, old grey crackle, on lotus leaf rofewood ftand. Length 84 in., width 64 in. 4419 - Two Small Cubical Seals, in white porcelain, with kylins feated on them. Height 1 in. 4420. Mug, painted with Chinefe figures. Height 54 in. 4421. Similar Mug. Height 54 in. 4422. Cup or Bowl, and Saucer and Cover, opaque blue enamel ground, medallions of animals, &c, on white, imitation of enamel on copper. 4423 - Small Bowl, Cover, and Stand, ornamented with flowers on white, and compartments in dark red. Japan porcelain. 4424 - Bowl and Cover, old blue and white Nankin. Diameter 54 in. 4425 - Set of Three Small Blue and White Jars, and Two Beakers, old blue and white. Height 42 in. 4426. Mug painted with coloured figures, and blue ornamentation. Height 4 in. 4427 - Flat Bowl or Tray, old brown crackle. Diameter 10 in. Chinefe and Japanefe Porcelain . 3°9 44-28. Small Ribbed or Fluted Melon-shaped Inkstand. Diameter 2^-in. 4429. Small Oviform Vase, blue and red flowers. Japan. Height 37 in. 4430 - Small Bulb-shaped Bottle, mottled blue and brown glaze. Height 5f in. 443 1 • Cruche or Jug, painted with flowers and birds, in white compart- ments, on olive coloured ground. Height 8j;in. 4432 - Two Mugs, painted with coloured figures, blue flowers, and fret- work. Height 44 in. 4433 - Punch-bowl, painted with brilliantly coloured figures, in compart- ments, the interfpaces filled in with granulated pale turquoife enamel ground. A fpecimen of fine quality. Diameter 10 in. 4434 - Small Bowl or Cistern, coloured figures, &c, on white. Height 44 in., diameter 54 in. 4435 - Shallow Circular Bowl, dark blue enamel ground, with foliage in pale green and white, the infide emerald green enamel. Diameter 6|-in. 4436 - Pair of Shallow Bowls, painted with figures and long infcriptions in Chinefe characters. Diameter 7 in. _ 4437 - Bowl, painted with butterflies. Diameter 5-Jin. 4438 - Oval Raised Tray, painted with fea-dragons and clouds, on white enamel and green, on dark blue enamel ground. Length 1 1 l in., width 9 in. 3 IO Chinefe and “Japaneje Porcelain. 4439 Bowl, old white “pate tendre” Chinefe porcelain, with raifed figures. Diameter in. 4440. Cylindrical Beaker, painted with fcroll work in colours, on gold ground. Height io in. 444 H A, B, C, D, E. Set of Six Chinese Eggshell Cups and Saucers, painted with brilliantly coloured flowers, and compartments, pencilled in red. 4442, 4443. Pair of Old Japan Bowls, with filver-gilt feet, painted with a hawk, and with foliage pencilled in red and gold. Diameter 4 in. 4444- Bowl, of rare pattern, filver mounted, with fmall faucer-fhaped cover. Diameter 44 in. 4445 > 4446. Pair of Bell-shaped Eggshell Bowls, with fplayed margins, grounded in opaque pink enamel, the Tides painted with medallions of figure fubjedts, gold foliage betwixt. Diameter in. 4447- Chinese Teapot, painted with buft figures of a gentleman and lady in European coftume, the remainder of the furface painted with coloured fcroll flowers. 4448. Bowl and Stand, or Saucer, old pink crackle, painted with vafes, books, and various other objedls of Chinefe ufe. 4449- Set of Fifteen Pieces, a Chinese Porcelain Dejeune Service, of rare and curious pattern, fluted, and decorated in red and gold, and with lotus leaves and flowers in relief, the Tides pencilled with Chinefe pagodas, &c, in black and gold ; the fervice confifts of teapot, milk ewer, tea vafe, fugarpot, flop-bowl, four fmall cups and faucers, two coffee-cups, and four various fized trays or faucers. Chinefe and Japanefe Porcelain. 3 1 1 4450. Chinese Porcelain Candlestick, the (haft a bamboo ftem, up which two mice are climbing, the handle a dragon or lizard. Height 7P in- 445 1 to 4501. Fifty Various Specimens of Chinese Porcelain, chiefly cups and faucers. 4502. Various Other Specimens of Chinese and Japanese Porce- lain. Section XXXII. CHINESE AND OTHER ORIENTAL ENAMELS. 4702. HR OP' DEEP TRAYS, with dome-fhaped covers. Chinefe champleve enamel, turquoife ground, ornamented with flowers and fretwork. Diameter 6 in., height 32- in. 4703 - Deep Salver, or Dish, cloifonne Chinefe enamel, decorated with birds and animals. Diameter 14 in. 4704 - String of Beads, twenty in number, in cloifonne enamel, Japanefe. 4705 - Similar String of Beads, nineteen in number, Japanefe. 47 ° 5 - # Plate, or Tazza, on three low feet, Chinefe cloifonne enamel, tranflucent blue ground, decorated with fprays of flowering fhrubs and fruit. Diameter 74 in. 4706. Small Saucer, Chinefe cloifonne enamel, white ground, flower in the centre in red and yellow. Diameter 4|- in. 4707. Bulb-shaped Bottle, turquoife ground and flowers. Height 7 in. Chineje and other Oriental Enamels 3 1 3 4708. Globular Tripod Incense Burner, Chinefe cloifonne enamel, with gilt bronze mounts, turquoife ground, decoration of flowers and fretwork. Height 92 in., width 6 in. 47°9- Small Cylindrical Bottle, with three fmall fpoons and other utenfils in it, Chinefe cloifonne enamel, turquoife ground with fret- work fcrolls. Height 4’- in. 4710. Vase, double lozenge-fhaped, Chinefe enamel, turquoife ground, flowers and fretwork, and ornamented with gilt metal knobs. Height 8 in. 47H. Small Salver, or Saucer, on three brafs feet, Chinefe cloifonne enamel, dark blue ground with dragons. Diameter 62- in. 4712. Double Lozenge-shaped Box, with lid, turquoife ground, fret- work and flowers, ornamented with gilt metal knobs, mounted on richly carved rofewood Hand. Length 54 in. 47 I 3- Globular Incense Burner, with handles, fupported on three dragons’ head feet, with rofewood ftand and cover. Entire height 12 in. 47 r 4- Oblong Box, with perforated cover, bafket handle in gilt metal, turquoife ground, ornamented with dragons and kylins. Length 5A in., width 4L in. 47 1 5- Small Bottle, with long cylindrical neck, turquoife ground, with coloured flowers. Height 6 in. 4716, A. Pair of Candelabra Incense Burners, a globular receptacle mounted on tall Item, turquoife ground, decoration of fretwork and flowers. Height 1 1 in. 314 Chinefe and other Oriental Enamels . 47 1 7 - Screen, in carved white jade, with ftand in cloifonne enamel, enriched with cabochon garnets. A fplendid fpecimen of Chinefe art. Entire height 134 in., width 8 in. 47 18 - Small Two-handled Bottle, fcroll decoration in varied colours. Height 6 in. 4719 - Small Saucer, turquoife ground and flowers. Diameter 5 in. 4720. Small Cup, turquoife ground and flowers. Height 14 in., diameter 2 in. 4721. Beaker, with trumpet-fhaped mouth and bulbed centre, turquoife ground with black fretwork fcrolls. Height 8 in. 4722, A. Pair of Trumpet-shaped Beakers, turquoife ground, rich fret- work and fcrolls, on finely-carved ebony ftands. Entire height 16 in. 4723 - Semi-circular Beaker, with flat back ; enamels of varied colours, in the centre bulb a grotefque mafk. Rofewood ftand. Height, with ftand, 12 in. 4724 - Small Bulb-shaped Vase ; with ring handles, turquoife ground, running fcroll pattern. Height 5 in. 4725 - Small Flat Saucer, turquoife ground, running fcroll pattern. Diameter 64 in. 4726. Low Circular Pot, on three feet, with fmall raifed handles, turquoife and fcroll flowers, on finely-carved rofewood pedeftal. Height, including pedeftal, 6 in. 4727 - Low Circular Pot, of fimilar fhape, without handles ; rofewood ftand and cover. Diameter of the pot 54 in. Chinefe and other Oriental Enamels. 3 1 5 4728. Small Plaque, Ihaped like a vafe, turquoife enamel and flowers, enriched with a dragon in gilt brafs in relief. Height 62. in. 4729- Sceptre, or “ Joee,” turquoife enamel, flowers, dragons, &c. Length 154 in. 4730- Double Lozenge-shaped Vase and Cover, of cloifonne enamel, ftanding on four gilt bronze feet, formed as Mandarins ; on the cover a kylin in gilt bronze, on richly-carved rofewood pedeftal. Height 104 in., length 8 in. 4 7 3 1 • Small Cylindrical Jar, rofewood cover, turquoife ground, with running fcroll pattern in bright colours. Diameter 34 in. 4372, A. Tazza, with detached pedeftal of cylindrical form, turquoife ground and fcrolls. Diameter of tazza 74 in., pedeftal 44 in. high. 4733- Small Circular Box, or Jar, enriched with dragons, rofewood ftand and cover. Diameter 44 in. 4734, a. Pair of Pricket Candlesticks, on dragon’s head feet, turquoife enamel, decoration of flowers and fretwork, mounted on carved rofe- wood pedeftals. Entire height, including pedeftals, 18 in. 4735- Square Vase, with dragon’s head loop-handles, and raifed metal ribs, pale turquoife ground and fretwork, on carved rofewood pedeftal. Entire height, including pedeftal, 11 in. 4736- Small Bell-shaped Bowl, on raifed foot, turquoife and flowers, a hfti in the centre of the bowl. Height 44 in., diameter 54 in. 4737- Bell-shaped Bowl, turquoife ground ornamented with kylins. Diameter 74 in. 3 1 6 Chineje and other Oriental Enamels. 47 3^- A Large Incense Burner, cloifonne enamel and gilt bronze, the lower part fupported on three elephants’ heads, dome-fhaped cover en- riched with open work gilt bronze, on the lummit an elephant lying down. Height 2 ft. 2 in., extreme width i ft. 1 1 in. 4739- Large Globular Incense Burner, turquoife ground and flowers, dragon handles and feet in gilt bronze. Entire height, including rofewood Hand and cover, 2 ft. 5 in., width 1 ft. 1 1 in. 4740- Large Globular Incense Burner, with dragon handles and feet, turquoife enamel fcrolls and flowers, and medallions of fretwork. Entire height, including rofewood cover, 18 in., width 14 in. 4741- Screen , turquoife enamel, decoration of flowering fhrubs, &c, mounted in frame and Hand of carved rofewood open work. Entire length 18 in., height 18 in. 4742, A. Pair of Cups, Covers, and Stands, painted Chinefe enamel on copper, dark blue ground, fcrolls and flowers in white. Diameter of cups 4 in. 4743- Circular Pilgrim’s Bottle, Chinefe cloifonne enamel, in a partially fuled and calcined ftate. This fpecimen, with many others, was burnt a few years ago in an accidental fire at the refidence of a gentleman near Shandon. 4744? A- Pair of Bowls, Chinefe painted enamels on copper, lea- dragons on lavender-coloured ground, the infides green enamel. Diameter 42 in. 4745- Bowl, on three feet, with rofewood cover and Hand, Chinefe champleve enamel, the enamel of brown or copper colour, intended to imitate a bronze or copper vafe damafcened with gold. A rare and very curious fpecimen. Height 7 in , width 4L in. Section XXXIII. ORIENTAL BRONZES, CHINESE, JAPANESE, &c. 4773 - NCIENT Chinese Bronze Vase, on three legs, damafcened with lines of filver ; rofewood bafe and cover. Entire height 8 in. 4774 - Very Ancient Chinese Pear-shaped Bronze Vase, with ring handles. Height 9T in. 4775 - Chinese Bronze Vase, with railed handles, and three dragon’s head feet, the body of fretwork pattern, carved rofewood Hand and cover. Entire height 12 in. 4776. A Chinese Bronze Kylin, inlaid or ornamented with portions in gold, and fet with jade, turquoifes and other ftones, mounted on carved rofewood pedeftal. Avery rare and important fpecimen. Height 1 5 ^ in. 4777 - Chinese Oval Bronze Vase, on four legs, with openwork cover, ornamented with dragons. Carved openwork rofewood ftand. Height 15 in. 4778. Chinese Bronze Vase and Cover, three elephant’s head feet, and an elephant lying down on the cover ; lotus leal rofewood ftand. Height 1 1 in. 3 '.« Oriental Bronzes , 4779 > A - Pair of Fall Chinese Bronze Vases, with fea-dragons curled round them, crabs, fifh, &c. Height 1 74 in. 4780. Small Chinese Bronze Vase, with loop handles, and three feet, damafcened with filver lines ; rofewood ftand and cover. Height 44 in. 1. Chinese Bronze Statuette, a fakir with a “joee” in his hand, riding on a grotefque kylin. Height 154 in., length 144 in. 4782. Small Chinese Bulb-shaped Bronze Bottle, damafcened with filver flowers in outline. Height 64 in. 4783 - Circular Chinese Two-handled Bronze Vase, with dragon’s head feet ; openwork rofewood cover. Height 1 84 in. 4784, A. Pair of Small Chinese Bronze Baskets or Boxes, with open- work covers, and two fwivel handles. Height 34 in , diameter 5 in. 4785. Chinese Bronze Kylin, carrying a beaker-fhaped vafe on its back, fet with glafs paftes. Height 21 in. 4786. Chinese Circular Bronze Vase, or Incense Burner, on three feet, dragon handles, openwork cover, with a fakir feated on a flag on the top ; openwork rofewood ftand. Height 204 in. 4787. Chinese Bronze Kylin, with Two Whelps, on carved rock- work bafe, in rofewood or ebony. Length 16 in., height 12 in. 4788. . Chinese Bronze Group, a fakir riding on a flag ; openwork carved rofewood ftand. Height 1 7 in. 4789. Chinese Bronze Circular Vase, on three legs, damafcened with filver lines. Height 84111. Chinefe , JapaneJe , g/c. 3 1 9 4790. Chinese Oblong Rectangular Bronze Vase, with four feet, and loop handles, fretwork pattern, rolewood Hand and cover. Length 74 in., height 8 in. 4791. Chinese Cylindrical Bronze Cup, carrying a difcoidal-lhaped tray, in which is inferted a bottle with dragons round it, the whole fupported on a Hand or pedeftal of fea-dragons. Height 13 in., diameter 11 in. 4792 - Cup and Saucer, in bronze parcel-gilt, chifeled with flowering Ihrubs, &c, in relief. Japanefe. Diameter of faucer 5 in. 4793 - Cup and Saucer, in bronze gilt, of fimilar ftyle. Chinefe or iapanefe. 4794 - A String of Japanese Bronze Beads, in open work, damafcened with gold and filver. 4795 - Chinese Bronze Statuette of a Dragon. Length 7 in. 4796. Chinese Bronze Mandarin Duck, on rofewood pedeftal. Length 8 in. 4797 - A Rude Figure of a Man on Horseback, in bell metal. Bur- mefe (?) work. Height 54 in., length 5 in. 4798. Rude Figure of a Couchant Antelope. Burmefe (?) work. Height 34 in., length 34 in. 4799 - Small Cylindrical Pot, in bell metal, the exterior diapered with a quatrefoil pattern. Hindoo work. Height 3 in. 4800. Circular Bowl or Vase, in bronze, with patches of gold, or other metal inferted, dragon handles, rofewood lotus ftand and cover. Diameter 74 in. Section XXXIV. ORIENTAL CARVINGS AND OTHER OBJECTS IN JADE, SOAPSTONE, &c. 4831. HINESE “JOEE,” carved from a fingle piece of light fea-green jade ornamented with figure fubjedts, with carved rofewood ftand, and glafs (hade mounted alfo in carved rofewood. A rare and remarkable fpecimen. Length of the piece of jade 15L in. 4832. Statuette of a Bonze, or Chinese Priest, carved in obfidian, Handing on a rock or mound of rock cryftal. Height gi- in. 4833 - Circular Bowl, in light grey jade, fet with emeralds and imitation rubies, a rofe in relief carved under the foot of the bowl. Hindoo work. Diameter 53- in. 4834 - A Cylindrical Vase, or “ Seau,” formed of plaques of richly- carved jade, mounted in gilt bronze, enamelled and decorated with turquoifes and other jewels. A very remarkable fpecimen, on carved rofewood ftand, inlaid with filver lines. Chinefe. Height, including ftand, iit in. 4835 - A Circular Discoidal-shaped Bottle, with ring handles and cover, in dark green jade, elaborately carved with foliated work, &c. Chinefe. A fuperb fpecimen of very unufual fize. Height 12 in., width 7 a in. 321 Chinefe Carvings , etc. 4836. Large Pear-shaped Flat-sided Bottle, with twofcroll handles, in dark green jade, elaborately fculptured with foliated fcroll-work. Chinefe. A magnificent example. Height 104 in., width 8 in. 4837 - Small Snuff-bottle, in grey and brown clouded onyx. Chinefe. 4838. Small Snuff-bottle, in cryftal, containing black hair-fhaped cryftals. Chinefe. 4 8 39 - A Toad, carved in a piece of clouded agate, on ftained ivory ftand, reprefenting a lotus leaf and flowers. 4840. Circular Cup, with dolphin or dragon handles, pale green or grey jade. Chinefe. Width acrofs handles 54 in. 4841. Circular Cup, in milk-white jade, carved with fretwork. Chinefe. Diameter 4f- in. 4842, 4843. Pair of Circular Fluted Cups, in grey jade. Indian work. Diameter 4 in. 4844 - Plain Circular Cup, in clouded grey jade. Indian work. Diameter 44 in. 4845. Small Oblong Flat Tray, in pale green jade, fluted edge, and with a rofette in centre. Indian work. Length 4 in., width 32. in. 4846. Flat Grey Jade Cup, with openwork dragon or lizard handles. Chinefe. Length acrofs handles 4-i in. 4847 - Upright Horn-shaped Vase, in pale olive-green jade, the lower part fhaped as a dragon’s head, loofe ring handle, and cover. Chinefe, Height, including ftand, 64 in. 3 22 Chinefe Carvings , etc. 48 48. Statuette of a Chinese Lady, with a flowering fhrub and a couchant flag behind her. Pale fea-green jade. Height 42 in. 4849. Statuette, in pale green jade, a fat old man with a money-bag. Chinefe. Height 4 in. 4850. Cup, furrounded with openwork foliage, in pale green jade. Chinefe. Length 5 in., width 42 in. 485 !• Circular Cup, or Vase, and Cover, in perforated open work of in- tricate flowers and foliage, the handles forming two open bunches of flowering branches, in grey jade. Chinefe. Width acrofs the handles 74 in. 4852. Two-handled Cup, in foapftone. Elaborately carved with Chinefe figures. Height 3f in., diameter 32. in. 4882. Kylin, with a whelp playing on its back, carved in a mafs of rare mineral, apparently blue and mottled green malachite, on carved rofe- wood ftand. Length 72 in. 4883. An Irregular-formed Oval Cup, carved from a large piece of beautifully veined and mottled malachite, on carved rofewood ftand. Height 92 in., width 5 in. Section XXXV. ORIENTAL LACQUERED WORK. 4891. IRCULAR Box, in fine old Japan lac, a dwarf figure of a child feated on the lid. Diameter 4 in. 4892. Puzzle-cup, with fpray of leaves and a large fruit attached, lacquered work on terra cotta. Fine old Japan. Length 64- in. 4 ^ 93 - Circular Box, old Japan lac, mother-of-pearl, mofaic ground, fans and other implements in lac, lined with gold, and mounted as a fnuft- box. Diameter 24 in. 4894. Oval Pill-box, in feveral fegments, gold Japan lac, with flowering fhrubs, &c, in mother-of pearl, &c. Length 34 in., width 24 in. 4895. Small Triptych, in red lac, an idol in carved wood within. Height 3 in., width 24 in. 4896, A. Pair of Small Circular Trays, black lac, with pearl inlaying. Diameter 5 in. 4897. Cup or Bowl, and Cover, black lac, with pearl inlay, in porce- lain. 4898. Cup and Saucer, black lac, with landfcapes in raifed gold. 3 2 4 Oriental Lacquered Work. 4899, 4900. Pair of Heart-shaped Boxes, in carved red Soochoo lac. Length 54 in., width 44 in. 49 ° !• Work-box, in old Japan lac. Length 14 in., width 104 in., height 54 in. 4902, 4903. Pair of Japanese Lacquered Wood Statuettes of a boy and a girl, in animated attitudes, mounted on pedeftals of yellow and red veined marble. 4904 - Oval Japan Lac Tray or Plateau, black ground, landfcape and figures, and foliage in raifed gold. Length 19 in., width 14 in. Section XXXVI. VARIOUS OBJECTS OF ORIENTAL ART. 4921, A. UR of Circular Tray Boxes, with dome covers, in carved wood, inlaid with raifed mofaic of mother-of- pearl, &c. Diameter 5 in., height 4 in. 4921. Japanese Button, a human grotefque mafk, in bronze. Height 2 in. 4922. Japanese Button, in carved wood, a compound group of grotefque human malks. Diameter 1^ in. 4923 - Japanese Button, in carved wood, a kylin with its foot on a ball. Length 22- in. 4924. Japanese Button, in carved wood, a feated bonze. 4925, 4926, 4929. Three Small Japanese Porcelain Cups, encafed outfide with minute wicker work. 493 °- String of Gilded Glass Beads. 493 1 - Slender Wooden Wand, with an ivory hand at the fummit. Indian work. Length 17 in. 3 26 Various ObjeSls of Oriental Art. 49 3 2 - Small Japanese Porcelain Cup, encafed with wicker work. 4933 - Two Small Shell-shaped Enamelled Plaques, on porcelain, painted with Chinefe figures, intended for a fnufF-box. 4934 - Small Oval Miniature Picture, on ivory, under glafs ; a view of the Taj Mehal at Agra, by an Hindoo artift. 4935 - Large Pearl Oyster-shell, finely carved with foliage, figures, &c. Chinefe. Length io in. 4936 - A String of Japanese Beads, red lac and porcelain. 4937 - A Japanese Clock, in wooden cafe, the works in gilt metal. CHISWICK PRESS PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. 6 0 3 7 3 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY MAIN N 5247 N21 R66 BKS c. 1 Robinson. John Chari Catalogue of the works of art forming th 3 3125 00318 9012