/ f I a A CATALOGUE OF THE Genuine, truly Curious, and Capital Colledlon OF Original Pictures^ BY THE MOST CELEBRATED MASTERS, OF THE Italian, Flemifh, Dutch, French, and Englifh Schools, FROM THE Earliest Era of Painting to the present TlmCj COLLECTED AT A VAST EXPENCE, By the late JOHN STRANGE, Esq^ LL.D. F. R. & A. S. Many Years British Resident at Venice, Highly diftinguilhed for his elegant Tafte, and fleady Attach- ment to the liberal Arts. BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS, The Whole will be publicly exhibited and fold by Private Contradl, at THE EUROPEAN MUSEUM, King Street, St. James’s Square, On Monday, May 27, 1799, (^nd following Days, PRICE SIXPENCE. INTRODUCTION. jT he valuable and truly curious Cabinet now offered to the Public, will be found to contain a regular Series of Original Pidures, by the moft celebrated Maffers, from the earlieft Era of Painting to the prefent Times. Few ConnoifTeurs pofTefTed greater Advantages, or enjoyed more favourable Oppor- tunities in colleding, than the late Mr. Strange ; born to an eafy Fortune, bleffed with an elegant Taffe, and a Mind replete with every Branch of clalTical and philofophical Literature, he early be- came enamoured of the liberal Arts, and during more than Half a Century, continued to enrich his Cabinet, with the choiceft Specimens of the Ancient and Modern Schools, Whilft Britifh Refident at Venice, he admired and purchafed the celebrated Works of Giorgione, Titian, Tintoret, Giacomo Baflan, and the C iv ) the other diftinguiflied Mafters of the Venetian and Lombard Schools, and with thefe, this Col- ledion will appear more particularly to abound. By his Will, he has oppointed Mr. Wilson, of the European Museum, to diredl the Sale; and the Proprietors have agreed to appro- priate that National Gallery, during One Month, folely, for the Exhibition and Sale by Private Contract, thus paying a grateful Tribute to his Memory; affording, at the fame Time, a pleafing Gratification to the learned Amateur, and, perhaps, fome rational Amufement to a difcerning Public, CONDITIONS OF SALE I. HE Purchafers mull allow their Pi(flures to remain at the European Museum, during the Exhibition, which will continue till the 29th of June 1799 inclulively. IL The Catalogue being chiefly formed from a Note Book of the late Mr. Strange, it may be prefumed will be found tolerably correct, refpeding the Names of the Authors, &c. yet Mr. Wilson, who diredls the Sale, will not pretend to warrant any Pidure as Original ■ - T he Purchafer mult therefore be guided by his own Judgment, or that of any Friend he may think proper to confult. IIL The Buyer is to depefit Twenty-five per Cent, upon the Amount of the Purchafe, for which ( vi ) which Mr. Wilson will give a Receipt, and will enfure the Pidlure or Pidlures, there fpecified to the Purchafer. IV. For Sums above Fifty Pounds, Three Months Credit will be given upon approved Security. V. The Pidlures will be delivered to the Purchafers at the European Museum, on Monday, July I, 1799, and following Day, from Ten o’Clock in the Morning till Five in the Afternoon ; and if during thefe Two Days, the Purchafer does not clear his Pictures and compleat his Payments, he will forfeit his Right to the Purchafe, and the Earneft Money. EUROPEAN EUROPEAN MUSEUM. 1 TT* HE noble family of Lodole of Spolletto, by Fiamingo, called the Italian Vandyke 2 The Holy Family in a landfcape, Santo Croce 3 A curious and valuable altar piece, reprefenting the Virgin and Child, St.Jofeph and angels, Holbein. The two portals with St. John and a magdalen, by Henry de Blefs of Bohemia. 4 The adoration of the fhcpherds, a pleafing cabinet, Giacomo BaflTan 5 A beautiful Magdalen at her devotion, Schiavone 6 The portrait of the Doge of Venice, Agoftiuo Bar- barigo, Giovanni Bellini ^ Human life from infancy to old age, pleafingly re- prefented, Pietro Vecchia The Doge Niccolo Marcello, Giovanni Bellini ( 8 ) 9 Jnpiter overthrowing the giants, Paul Veronefe, a fketch for a deling 10 The angel appearing to the three Marys, Pietro Liberi 11 St, Agotha, Carlo Dolce 12 St. Carlo Boromeo of Milan, Ditto 13 The death and burial of St. Ephraim the Patriarch, a curious and very ancient fpecimen of Grecian painting, long before the introdudion of that art into Italy - 14 A boy’s head, Frank Hals 15 The madona and child, Antonio Badile 16 Our Saviour delivering the keys to St. Peter, Schia- vone 17 The inhabitants of a Flemifh village amufing them' felves, Jean Stein 18 A grand battle piece, Salvator Rofa 19 The portrait of a Venetian orator, Tintoret 20 The judgment of Solomon, Tiepolo 21 Portrait of Charles II. when a boy, with a dog, Vandyke 22 Portrait of Dante the Italian poet, Gentile Bellini 23 St. Cecilia playing upon the organ, fmall. Carlo Dolce 24 Bacchus and his young companion contending for the tun, Nicolo Pouffin ( 9 ) ^5 The “ Madonna della Pappa”, fmall, Francefco Vanni 26 A ftudy of a cow, Potter 27 A view on the Brenta, Guardi 28 Venus and Cupid, after Weft, by Score 29 A fnrall landfcape with cattle and figures, Berghetn 30 Cupid afteep, a choice cabinet jewel, Guido 31 The Virgin, Child, and faints, Old Palma 32 St. Catharine, a fingle figure, fmall, Paul Veronefe' 33 St. John, ditto, by Ditto 34 Portrait of Pafcal Cicogna Doge of Venice, with a noble Venetian receiving a letter. See. Tintoret 35 Venus and Adonis, Paduanino 36 Time admonifhing Youth, Schiavone 37 Salvator Mundi, Paris Bordone 38 A young woman finging, Rofalba Cariera 39 A Magdalen reading, Guido 40 A Madona and Child, Tiepolo 41 St. Agnes, fmall, Chevalier Liberi 42 A battle piece, Bourguignone 43 The Madona and Child, St. Jofeph and St. John, Paffinelli 44 A lady’s portrait, fuppofed to be a queen of Spain, in a fingular drefs, Tintoret 45 Our Saviour with the crofs, an angel prefenting the cup, Albert Durer ' B ( 10 ) 4^ The Madona and Child in the clouds, tvith St. Catha- rine and other figures, fmall, Andrea Celefti 47 A very fmall landfcape with architedfure, Francefco Guardi 48 An archbilhop at his devotion, whilft a young ca- valier feems preparing todeftroy him, Elfheimar, on copper, very fmall 49 A fuperb chateau in the environs of Padua, Guardi 50 An autumnal paftoral feene, Titian, engraved 51 The holy family with St. Sebaftian and St. John, Giovanni Bellini 52 Danae in the golden Biower, an exquifite copy of Titian’s pidlurein the king of Naples’s colledlion, by Paduanino 53 The entombing our Saviour, Paul Veronefe 54 The holy family with St. Jerome, &:c. from Cor- reggio’s celebrated pidiure, Pietro Liberi 55 The woman of Samaria in a grand landfcape, with our Saviour and other figures, Pordenone 56 Bacchus and Ariadne, with Siienus, and other figures, Bronzino 57 The repofe in Egypt, with a beautiful landfcape, Baroccio 58 A view of the hill and village of Rocca del Papa, near the lake of Nemi, Van Lint 59 A lady’s portrait, moft richly coloured, Titian ho The adoration of the fhepherds, Pietro da Cortona ( ) 61 Jofeph and Potlphar’s wife, Amigoni 62 Titian reflefting his Miftrefs, Schiavone 63 Portrait of the Patrician Grimano, Lorenzo Lotto 64 The Virgin praying over the Bambino, fmall, Bafaiti 65 A fmall landfcape, Wagner of Drefden 66 The falutation, Carlo Dolce, fmall, engraved 67 A fmall landfcape, Wagner of Drefden 68 A fvvan and other birds, dead, Grijef 69 The portrait of La Beatrice di Dante, Gentile Bellini 70 Shells and infedls. Van KeiTel 71 David with his harp, enriched with angels, painted on copper and engraved, Pietro Candido '^'1 A woman’s head, circular and fmall, Serani 73 A fmall portrait, full-length, with two angels placing a crown upon her head, Vicentino 74 A fmall circular female portrait, Carlo Dolce 75 Jofeph’s dream, Romanelli 76 The affumption of Mary Magdalen, Lanfranc 77 A gipfey telling fortunes, Boucher, engraved 78 The Virgin and Child furrounded with angels, and a landfcape beneath, with two Friars, Benevenuto Garofalo 79 The Madona and Child, Correggio go The afcenfion of cur Saviour, Giacomo BafTan gi The repofe in Egypt, oval, Carlo Maratti 82 The holy family, oval, GiambatiRa Tiepolo 83 The apotheous of a pope, Pordenorie ( 12 ) Sd The three Marys at the foot of the crofs, Carlo Cignani 85 Proceffion of the emperor and pope, oval, Giorgione 86 Angels worfnipping our Saviour, Parinegiano 87 The Madona, with the Bambino, and St. John, fmall circular, Schidone 88 The adoration of the Magi, very fmall, Ludovico Carracci 89 The ecce homo, very fmall. Carlo Dolce 90 The holy family with St. Catharine, &c. Parmegiano 91 A view in Venice, Canaletti 92 The woman taken in adultery, Schiavone 93 A man’s portrait, Leandro BalTan 94 Lot and his daughters, Le Seur 95 The martyrdom of St. Peter, allowed to be one of the beft copies of Titian’s celebrated pidlure, Pietro Liberi 96 The Rialto at Venice, Canaletti 97 The adoration of the fhepherds, Giorgione 98 Portrait of an old man, Titian 99 The laft fupper, Titian 100 A man’s portrait, Hudfon 1 01 A fmall laridfcape, German 102 The tooth drawer, Lucas Van Leyden 103 Shells and infeeds. Van Keyfell 104 A fmall landfcape, Cimarolli of Milan 305 A fmall circular landfcape with figures, Elfiieimer ( 13 ) 106 A fmall portrait of Ignatius Loyola, Antonio Zanchi 107 Infedls and (hells. Van Keyfell 108 A fubje£l of fcriptural hiftory, in fmall whole length figures, Bonifaccio 109 The angel appearing to Jofeph in a dream, Arrigoni 110 A Madona and Child, Grecian 111 The Virgin, Chil<^, and faints, a choice little jewel, Titian 1 12 A view in Venice, Canaletti 1 13 The baptifm of our Saviour in a landfcape, a choice cabinet pi6lure of Ludovico Caracci 1 14 Cebes’s table mod learnedly reprefented, with a great variety of elegant little figures, Bonefaccio 1 15 Sophonlfba having drank the poifon, N. Renieri 1 16 The Holy Family with faints, Vincenzo Catena 117 A portrait of the Doge Loretano, Titian 118 A ftudy of two heads, Giorgione 1 19 A deeping infant Jefus, Alefiandro Varottari 120 A view in the vicinity of Venice, Canalletti 1 21 The adoration of the Magi, with groups of Cherubs in the clouds, Pietro da Cortona 122 A fmall lartdfcape, Wagner of Drefden 123 A Holy Family, with the portrait of Cardinal Bembo, Giovanni Bellini 124 The falutation, Vandyke 125 The multitude fpreading palm, branches, Vicentino 126 A fmall landfcape with a female figure, Watteau ( u } E27 A view of thelake of Nemi, and the Pope’s country- feat of Cartel Gondolfo, on the oppofite fide of the lake. Van Lint 128 The Virgin and Child feated upon a cloud, very beautiful, Carlo Maratti 129 The entombing of our Saviour, whilrt in the fore- ground, the Virgin mother appears in a fwoon, fupported by St. John and the other Marys, Paul Veronefe 130 A charming fmall landfcape, Zuccarelli 131 Our Saviour curing the man ftruck -with the Palfy, Sebartian Ricci 132 A fmall landfcape, Zuccarelli 133 A curious compofition of fruit and flowers, Michael Angelo 134 A portrait of the Duchefs of Cleveland, Sir Peter Lely 235 The flight into Egypt, Simone da Peflaro 236 Solomon’s idolatry, Amicone 137 St. Catharine, Giorgione 138 The Ouze Bridge at York, in enamel, and engraved, Birch 139 Portraits of the elder Cornaro and hisfon, Giacomo Eaflan 140 A view in Venice, Guardi 141 A fmall landfcape, Wynants 142 The Annunciation, Maflelletta ( 15 ) 243 Rialto at Venice, Guardi 244 Portraits of a nobleman and his fon, Vandyke- 145 ^ lady’s portrait, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds 146 St. Jerome in a fmall landfcape, Civetta 147 A woman’s head, fmall, Titian 148 A full-length portrait of Senator Gritti, a Venetian nobleman, Paul Veronefe 149 The facrifice of Jephtha, the tender expreffion of Correggio, with Giorgione’s warmth of colour- ing, are united in this valuable picture, Pietro Vecchia 150 A peafant, fmall whole-length, Paul Veronefe 151 A faithful reprefentation of the ceremony of the Doge of Venice wedding the Adriatic Sea, with the Bucentaur, Gondolas, &c. Guardi 152 La Madonna della Rofa, after the celebrated pidture of Parmegiano, Carlo Maratti 153 A view in Venice, Guardi 154 A fmall oval portrait of a man, Tintoret 154 A fmall fquare portrait, Hudfon 155 St. Roch in a landfcape, Tiepolo 156 A devout Magdalen, Saffo Ferrato 157 Charity with three infants, finely painted on copper, Carlo Cignani 158 The madona and child, Lazzarini S£;9 Zephyrus and Jflora, in crayons, Araicone, en- graved ( i6 } 160 Jupiter under the form of Diana, feducing Callftoj Amicone, engraved 161 The Virgin and Child with angels, a friar and two nuns below in the landfcape, Leandro BalTano 162 Old age embracing Youth, emblematic, Pietro Tefta 163 The holy family, with St. Catharine and a bul- finch, in a grand landfcape, Old Palma 164 A Madona and Child in a landfcape, Hieronymus Alibris 165 A view in Venice, Cannalletti 166 Venus and Adonis araufing themfelves in a rich landfcape, whilft Cupid is left in charge of his mother’s car, drawn by doves, Titian 167 The Virgin and Child, Giovanni Bellini 168 The church and ifland of St. Giorgio, Venice, Cannaletti 569 A landfcape, being morning, with the town and lake of Zurich, and the diftant mountains of Claris, &c. Wueft of Zurich 370 Virginias and Virginia, Paduanino 371 Sufanna and the elders, a garden fccne, Paul Ve= ronefe 172 A fuperb altar piece richly ornamented, with St. Sebaftian, St. Catharine and St. Rocco, the Virgin and Child with two friars, form the fe- micircular top, the chef d’oeuvre of Cima du Conegliano, engraved ( 17 ) 1 73 Evening, a rich warm view of the town and lake of Zurich, with the neighbouring hills, Wuelt 174 The Fates, Pietro Liberi 175 The Graces presenting Cupid with flowers. Ditto 176 The Servants of Abraham prefenting Rebecca with the jewels, Le Seur 177 A full length portrait as large as life, of the famous Gallon de Foy, who was killed at the Battle of Ravenna, Giorgione 178 Mars and Venus, a lludy, Titian 179 The Virgin and Child, with a view of the hill and higher part of the little town of Conegliano, towards the Friuli Mountains, Giambatifla Cima da Conegliano 180 The Madona and Child, Andrew Mantegna 181 A view of Chamouny in Savoy, with the Glaciers and Mont Blanc, Webber 182 St. Mark’s place at Venice, Canaletti 183 Tarquin and Lucretia, Aleflandro Varottari 184 The Virgin and Child with the portrait of a noble Venetian and his Son, Leandro Eaflano 185 A fcnall landscape with a waterfall, by Wagner of Drefden 186 A ditto, its companion, by the fame mailer 187 A vietv near Padua, Mr. Strange’s country feat, Guardi 188 An holy family with faints, Polidoro Veneziano 189 A view in Venice, Guardi C ( ) 190 Portrait of a Venetian, Giorgione 191 St. Jerome at his ftudies, Lanfranc 192 A girl’s head, Rofalba 193 Portrait of the Grand Seignior, Tempefta 194 Laura, Bellini 195 A lady’s portrait, a head, Paul Veronefe 196 Head of St. Agnes, Schidoni 197 Our Saviour turning water into wine at the marriage of Cana, Paul Veronefe 198 The baptifm of our Saviour, Paul Veronefe, a choice cabinet jewel 199 T he afcenfion of the Virgin, a fmall cabinet piflure* Vanefcube 200 A view near Padua, Mr. Strange’s country houfe, Guardi 201 The holy family with angels, Bartolomeo Spranger 202 A view in Venice, Domenichino 203 The finding of Mofes, a choice cabinet morceau, Paul Veronefe 204 The youthful David, a beautiful chara£ler, Valentino 205 View' of an arch-way, Guardi 206 A full-length portrait of the lady of Senator Gritti, as large as life, with her little dog, Paul Veronefe 207 The Virgin and Child, with the portraits of Senator Benfon, a noble Venetian and his children, a circular pidure, Giacomo Tintoretto 2 o?t The portrait of Bonchardon, the famous French fculptor, Antonio Milanefe ( 19 ) 2 og St. Rock, a ftudy, Tiepolo 210 A boy’s head, Bombelli *210 A Virgin and Child, fmall, Squarcione 21 1 A Venetian lady, fmall whole-length, Paul Veronefe 212 A view of part of the harbour at Venice, Mariefki 213 A fmall whole-length female figure, Schiavone 214 The miraculous draft of fifhes, with St. Peter walking upon the fea ; a very curious painting in imitation of Mofaic, Giotto, an early mafter of the Florentine School, painted in 1320 215 Portraits of a Venetian nobleman and his fon, Leandro Tintoretto 216 A landfcape and figures, Pedoni, who was the mafter of Zuccarelli 217 The birth of St. John, Meganza 218 Eve prefcnting the fatal apple to A-dam, Albert Durer 219 View of Greenwich Hofpital, Canaletti 220 Portia, Guido 221 The falutation, a cabinet piflure, Paul Veronefe 222 A battle piece on board, fmall oval, Julio Romano 223 A grand view of part of the Adriatic Sea, during the ceremony of the Doge’s marriage, Guardi 224 A grand plealing romantic landfcape, with ruins, an arch-way, horfes, and figures, a chef d’oeuvre pf Marieiki ( 20 ) 225 The infant Saviour, afleep in the manger, with the Virgin and St. Jofeph attentively watching over him, the drefs and other accompaniments appear perfectly in charafter, Giacomo BafTan 226 A fmall Madona and Child, in a pleafing landfcape, one of the moft defirable and pleafing fpecimens of Cima da Conegliano 227 Portrait of Marino Grimano Doge of Venice, with a view of his palace in the country, Tintoretto 228 Diana preparing for the chace, N. Renieri 229 Portrait of a lady, Andrea Mantegna 230 A female figure, Bonefaccio 231 A view in Venice, Canaletti 232 The Virgin and Child, curioufly painted and gilded, with St. Sebaftian, Szc. a moft curious and well preferved piclure of Mantegna, who was the mafter of Correggio 233 A man’s portrait, Holbein 234 A female figure, whole length, fmall, Bonefaccio 235 Venus inftru£ling Cupid, one of the beft coloured and moft pleafing compofitions of Weft 236 Painting emblematically reprefented, Le Febre 237 The Madona and Child, Battoni 238 A Venetian view, Canaletti 239 A pleafing view of the Adriatic, and part of Venice 240 The repofe in Egypt, one of the moft valuable cabi- net piclures of Zucarrelli ( 21 ) 241 The Holy Family with Saints, one of the moft valu- able and beft preferved pi£l;ures of Badile, who was the mailer of Paul Veronefe 242 Hope, emblematically reprefented, Antonio Balellra 243 The Univerfal Deluge, BalTan 244 A view in Venice, Canaletti 245 A fmall landfcape and figures, Swanniveldt 246 A landfcape, with a rivulet, Wagner of Drefden 247 The Madona and Child, Andrea Del Sarto 248 St. Catharine, Celelli 249 Birds in a landfcape, oval, Wagner 250 A fmall landfcape, Swanniveldt 251 A dignified Ecclefiaflic, kneeling before the Madorsa and Child, Santa Croce 252 Cupid and Clytie, an exquifite cabinet jewel of Annlbal Carracci, engraved by Bartolozzi 253 Leda and the fwan, Titian 254 An Italian view, Domenichino 255 The temptation of St. Anthony, in a landfcape, Wagner of Drefden 256 The Madona and Child, Scluavone 257 Lucretia, Paduanino 258 A grand landfcape, with a Cavalier leading his horfe down a declivity, Titian 259 The refurreftion of our Saviour, confidered at Venice, as one of the moll capital and valuable ofodudions of Giorgione, engraved ( 22 } 260 a view on the grand Canal in Venice, Ganalettl 261 A ditto with an aquatic proceffion, Guardi 262 St. John preaching in the Wildernefs, a choice and valuable cabinet piiSlure of Zuccarelli 263 The Madona, Child and St. John, Raphael 264 A view of the Canal, and one of the Bridges at Venice, Canaletti 265 The elements emblematically reprefented in a land- fcape, Pietro Tefta 266 Circe the enchantrefs, N. Renieri 267 The Virgin and Child, very fmall. Carlo Dolce 268 The marriage of St. Catherine, Andrea Vicentino 269 A beautiful Magdalen, worfliipping before the crofs, Chevalier Mengs 270 The prefentation in the temple, Girolomo Santa Croce 271 A pleafing landfcape with architedlural ruins, figures, &c. Mariefki 272 A view of St. Mark’s church, &c. Canaletti 273 The holy family with angels, a pleafing and valua- ble compofition of Guido 274 Vulcan employed in forging arrows for Cupid, BafiTan 275 A Magdalen reclining with a book open before her, after Correggio, Angelica Kauffman 276 The Madona contemplating the fleeping Jefus, SalTo Ferratto ( 23 } 277 The holy family with a group of angels, Marco Bafaite 278 The angel appearing to the Ihepherds, Giacomo Baflan 279 Marcus Antonius Doge of Venice, Old Palma 280 The mother of the Gracchi fhewing her jewels, Dario Varottari 281 A boy’s head, Rofalba 28a A little Cupid repofing, in a landfcape, Francefco Mo 4 a 283 The refurreftion of Lazarus, Rocco Marconi 284 The death of the Virgin, Paul Veronefe • 285 The Madona and Child with a concert of angels, Andrea Celefte 286 A landfcape and figures, Pedoni, the mafter of Zuccarelli 287 Pandora opening her box, N. Renieri 288 Judith with the head of Holofernes, Guido Cag- nacci 289 A lady’s portrait. Carlo Dolce 290 A view near Verona, Guardi 291 A Magdalen adoring the crofs, a moft beautiful and elegant charafter, Angelica Kauffman 292 A view in Venice, Canaletti 293 The holy family with other faints, Alvefius Viva- rinus 294 Sufannah and the elders, Pordonone ( M ) il95 David with the head of Goliah, Giorgione 296 St. Lorenzo diftributing alms, Prete Genoefe 297 A Doge of Venice, Old Palma / 298 The repofe in Egypt, Van Balen, with a beautiful landfcape, by Breughel 299 The Madona and Child, Correggio, fmall 300 The Virgin and Child, with an angel, Leonardi dc Vinci 301 A choice cabinet jetvel of Domenico Fete, repre- fenting the Virgin and Child repofing under a tree, with an angel gathering fruit 302 A girl’s head, Angelica Kauffman 303 St. Agnes, a head, Guido 304. A noble Venetian and his two Tons, Tintoret 305 A Madona and Child, Amicone 306 An hiftorical, with fmall whole-length figures, Bonefaccio 307 A Magdalen reclining upon the crofs, Carlo Cignani 308 The adoration of the fhepherds, Leandro Baffan 309 The Holy Family, with faints. Old Palma 310 St. Jerome in a landfcape, a mofl curious and fin- gularly piSure, Mantegna 31 1 The Madona and Child, with faints, Benevenuto Garafalo 312 A curious altar piece with St. John, and two other faints, Giovanni Bellini 313 Efiher before Ahafuerus, Amigoni ( 25 ) 314 Mofes ftriking the rock, a grand compofitlon, by Marco and Sebaftian Ricci 315 Cleopatra expiring, Guido 316 Jofhua’s vi£lory over the Philiflines, Luca Jordano 317 An upright landfcape and figures. Van Avorlt 318 Zaccheus in the tree to fee our Saviour palling, Schiavone *318 The baptifm of our Saviour, Girolomo da Santa Croce, painted on board, in a beautiful land- fcape: God the Father is reprefented holding a fcroll with this Infcription “ Hie eft filius mens dileHuus in quo mihi bene coplacui”. 319 The model for fome public building with many figures, Paul Veronefe 320 A concert of tnonkies, Gafparo Diziano 321 The Graces amufing themfelves, with Cupid, Pietro Liberi 322 Portrait of a knight of Malta, Rubens 323 The monkies at fupper, Gafparo Diziano 324 The fcourging our Saviour, and other fubje£l.s, with many figures, architedure, &c. Lucas V'an Leyde-n 325 Our Saviour bearing the crofs, finely painted in diftemper, and in high prefervation, Antoni'-jilo da Meftina, the fcholar of John Van Eyck 326 A pleafing landfcape and figures, Loutherbourg 327 Soldiers at the door of the Sutler’s booth, Wouver* mans D ( 26 ) '' 328 A pi6turefque view of the ColofTeum at Rome, with part of the city, and diftant hills of Frefcati, Eufiri 329 A woman’s head in crayons, Rofalba 330 Painting, emblematically reprefented by beautiful female figures, Natorie, Prefident of the French Academy at Rome 331 Venus repofing in a landfcape, Titian 332 A pleafing landfcape and figures, with a waggon going up a hill, from the Orleans Colledlion, Breughel. 333 Jerome at his devotion, in a fmall landfcape, Giovanni Bellini 334 The Madona and Child, Viflor de Crlbellis 335 Mufic, the companion to Painting, Natorie, Prefi- dent of the French Academy at Rome 336 The Adoration of the Shepherds, a choice jewel of Giacomo BalTan 337 The good Samaritan, Domenico Feti 338 St. Benedidl in the thorns, Bronzino 339 A Venetian lawyer, Giorgione 340 An Ecce homo, Titian 341 St. Jerome at his devotion, Annibal Caracci, en- graved 342 The Madona and Child, Andrea Previtali 343 View of Leghorn, from the Ifland Gorgona, Skippe 344 Mrs. Siddons in the Grecian Daughter, Hamilton 345 346 347 348 349 35° 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 ( 27 ) Portraits of Handel and Geminiani, Sir James Thornhill Portrait of Laura, Carpioni Portrait of Petrarch, ditto The baptifm of our Saviour, Paul Veronefe The Madona della Palma of Corregio faithfully co- pied by Paduanino A Magdalen at her devotion, Reniere The falutation, Simon da PelTaro A curious landfcape and figures, Agoftino Tafie, the mafter of Claude Lorraine St. Jofeph, a curious fpecimen of Grecian painting St. Anthony in his cell, Elfiieimar The holy family, Guercino The death of Pompey the Great, Georgione The goddefs Flora with angels, Sebaftian Ricci The refurredlion of our Saviour, with God the Fa- ther, Zelotti Filh well painted, Tempefta A woman’s portrait, German Fifh and fruit, Manlich A man’s portrait, Sir Godfrey Kneller A Venetian lady’s portrait, in a fingular drefs, Paul Veronefe Portrait of Marfhal Turenne on horfeback, Vander- meulen Dogs in a landfcape, Rhutart f 28 ) 366 A lady’s portrait, Damini 367 Love conquers all things, Pietro Liberi 368 The judgment of Paris, Paduanino 369 Portrait of a Venetian, Damini 370 A man’s portrait, Pordenone 371 A noble Venetian with the infignia of office, Lean- dro Baffian 372 An holy family with angels, Tintoret 373 A curious female figure, fubjedl from the Revela- lations, Guido % 374 The falutation, Paul Veronefe 375 The holy family, Francefco Vanni 376 Portrait of a Doge of Venice, Titian 377 Mariana, Queen of Spain, Mengs 378 A hen and chickens, German 379 A ftudy of a woman’s head upon done, Manozzi / 380 Our Saviour addreffing the multitude, Badile 381 The falutation, Lazarini 382 An Italian fea port, De Huyfch 383 Ditto, by ditto 384 A landfcape, view from nature, ditto 385 Portrait of Capt. Wentworth killed at Namur, Sir Peter Lely 386 Portrait of Cornet Wentworth, brother to the Earl of Strafford, and Capt. Wentworth, killed at the ftorming of Liege, Sir Peter Lely 387 Portrait of an old man, Paul Veronefe ( 29 ) 388 A boy’s head, Murillio 389 Portrait of Marchio Lanza, Pietro Liberi 390 Angels fupporting a portrait, Mignard 391 A hawk, German 392 A view near Wentworth Caftle, unknown 393 A ditto ditto, unknown 394 A Doge of Venice, Tiepolo 395 The Doge’s Lady, ditto 396 Our Saviour and the woman at the well, Young Palma 39y A philofopher in his ftudy, Tintoret 398 A man’s portrait, Giorgione 399 The falling of the Quails, Le Seur 400 A cock and a land turtle, German 401 The celeftial reception of the Virgin, Rottenhamei 402 Our Saviour in the garden, Damini 403 Portrait of Palladio, Paris Bordone 404 A child crying for a bird, Amigone 405 A duplicate of the fame, ditto 406 A Doge’s portrait, 1 itian 407 A Madona and Child with angels, Squarcione 408 A man’s portrait, Damini 409 A lady’s ditto, Damini 410 Portrait of a lawyer. Sir Jolhua Reynolds 41 1 A man’s portrait, Oliverius 412 A Magdalen in the defert, Tiepolo 413 Arclutcclure and figures, Carlevaris ( 30 ) 414 ^ fmall portrait, Nazari 415 A faint reading, Grecian 416 An Italian fea port, De Huyfch 417 David and Bathfheba, Le Febre 418 A Iketch, Guarana 419 Ijatona complaining to her children of the infult offered to her by Niobe, Michael Angelo 420 A landfcape and figures, Morland 421 A portrait of Sebaftian Ricci done by himfelf 422 The Holy Family with angels, Pordenone 423 A fmall landfcape, Cimarolli 424 Two men, a ftudy, Velafquez 425 St. Marguerite diftributing alms, Albert Durer 426 A man’s head on ftone, Manozzi 427 An arch- way, Guardi, very fmall 428 Fame, Bonefaccio, very fmall 429 The triumph of Julius Cefar, Giorgione 430 The adoration of the Magi, Le Febre 431 The adoration of the fhepherds, Giulio Carpioni 432 A Doge’s portrait, Vicentino 433 A lady’s portrait, Brefciano 434 An hiftorical fubjedl, Tiepolo 435 A man’s portrait, Baffan 436 Several figures, a curious fpecimen of Grecian, painting F I N I S. 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