Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute v ; j https://archive.org/details/catalogueoflargeOOmess CATALOGUE Of the Large and justly Admired Museum of Curiosi ties, JAMES W E'S T, Elq; SDeceafefc; Late President of the Royal Society: Confiding of a mod extendve Variety of Antique Gems, Bronzes, Bass-Relievos, Urns, and Inscriptions ; Carvings in Wood and Ivory j exquifite fine painted Glass in whole Windows and Pieces; Missals richly illuminated and well preferved ; Miniatures and Enamellings on Gold and Copper; feveral Pieces of the rare old China and Japan, and the mod beautiful Dresden Porcelain ; fome old printed Books extremely fcarce , and divers old Manu- scripts, Grants, and Rolls : TOCETHER WITH His large and fuperb SERVICE of PLATE, amounting to about Six Thousand Ounces: All which (by Order of the ADMINISTRATRIX] Will be fold by AUCTION, By Med. LA N G F 0 R D’S , At' their Houfe in the Great Piazza , Covent Garden , On Saturday the 27th of this Indant February 1773, and the SIX following Days f Sunday excepted.) The fame may be viewed on Thursday and Friday the 25th and 26th of February , and till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day punctually at Twelve 0 Clock. Catalogue.s of which may be had at Med. La\gford ; s aford'aid, at SIX- PENCE each. CONDITIONS of SALE as ufuaL [ 3 ] Firft Day’s Sale, Saturday February 27, 1773, MISCELLANIES. Lot I \ Set of Chintft bafkets, made of the bark of a tree and whale gut* * jljL A prifm, a nautilus Ihell, 1 3 poliihed teeth, a tobacco Hopper, 3 fpecimens of wood, a paper weight, and a box with impreflions in wax 3 A box with a parcel of Roman coins, found in St. Albans, and other places in Britain 4 An ancient fword, an antique crofs, an iron feepter, and the helmet worn by Oliver Cromwell at the battle of Worcejler 5 A large piece of brain Hone, and 3 pieces of white coral 6 A parcel of dried plants and fea fans 7 Twelve Chinefe figures in filk, and 2 maps 8 A fmall box, filver mounted, containing a pair of fmall Hirer feales, and to Hirer weights ^ 9 A convex mirrour 10 A camera obfeura c I I A microfcope, in a mahogany cafe 12 Nine neat frames and glafles, with calls in fulphur of the Gems in the Fhrtntia* gallery 1 3 A fpecimen of variegated marbles, framed and glared 14 Six fpecimens of fpar, on ebony Hand* 1 3 Four ditto, on gilt Hands 16 Sundry fpecimens of fpar, ores, marbles, Sec. 17 Three poliflied wilks 1 8 A tortoifliell double fnufF box, mounted and fludded with gold 19 A ring with a tobacco Hopper 20 Two cameos 21 A jafper falver and Hand 22 A falver of the fine old copper enamel 23 Two dilhes ditto «4 One ditto 15 A large and fine ditto, with a medallion of our Savin* 26 A falver on feet 27 St. Cecilia in Roman ware • ,u tlsrno i‘lbn£; ' J.l / 4 8 A: t 4 1 28 A rhinoceros’s horn, and 2 (lags horns with the anatomy of the fkull 29 T wo India mandrakes, 2 pieces of white coral, and a Cbinefe {lone for India ink 30 A jug of the Roman earthen ware, 2 bowls, and 2 lamps 31 Two urns, and 3 lamps 32 Two fine carts, in wax, of the Farnejian 2nd Capitolian Flora 33 Two ditto of antique vafes 34 Two ditto of Caius Marius 35 Two ditto of the King and Sir John Bernard 36 A fmall head in oyl of Thurloe, fecretary to Oliver Cromwell 37 A ditto of Ben JohnJon, in an oval 38 A ditt'> of Sir Fhomas Grejham , in a round 39 A man’s head, in black drapery, in a fquare black frame CHINA, &c. 40 Three blue and white jars and covers 41 Two burnt-in ditto 42 Two blue and white ottagon garden pots 43 Two ditto 44 Three ditto 43 Two beautiful mazarine blue and gold jars and covert 46 Three blue and white beakers 47 A marble coloured ewer and bowl 48 A large and beautiful enamelled ciftern 49 A ditto 50 Two ChineJe mandarins, 2 feet high 51 Two cows, and a Chinefe lady 52 Two alabafter bowls enrich’d JAPAN, 5 3 A japan bowl and di(h, curioufly ftudded with mother o’pearl 54 Two dirties of the fine old railed and ftudded japan 55 Two ditto 56 Two ditto 37 Four tea cups, 4 faucers, and 4 cups ftudded with mother o’pearl PLATE. 58 A pair of candlefticks 59 A tobacco box 60 A fet of cruets . ti A taper candleftick, and a fnuffer {land t s 1 62 A large fauce'pan 63 A ditto and cover, on feet 64 A two handled fugar dilh and cover 65 A foup ladle, and an orange ftrainer 66 A pair of taper candlefticks, 6 tea fpoons, and 6 faltfpoon, 67 Six table fpoons 68 Two ragout fpoons, and 3 table ditto 69 Twelve tea fpoons, a pair of tongs and ftrainer 70 A fhagreen cafe, with 1 2 filver hafted knives and 1 * forks 71 Ditto 72 A ditto, with 12 defert knives and 1 2 forks 73 Seven filver handled carving knives “•*' > i - CARVINGS in IVORY, WOOD, &c. 74 A moft curious ivory ft and, with antique ba/fo relievos of leveral of the Kings of England , containing a cafe with 7 knives, with gold ftudded mountings and handles in ivory of the ftatues of Henry VII. Henry VIII. Queen Mary, Edward VL James 1612, Queen Elizabeth and P .Charles 1612, in their coronation robes 75 A carving of our Saviour, a fmall medallion, the Virgin and child, and a crofi, ornamented with mother o’pearl 76 Two baffo relievos in ivory, of Sir John Hawkins and Sir Fra, Drake . 77 A boy in ivory, by Fiamingo, and an Apollo, ditto 1 78 Two carvings in wood, of an holy family, and the Virgin, our Saviour and St. John 79 Two upright carvings in bafTo relievo, of our Saviour’s entry into Jerufiolem , and it* companion Antique Basso Relievos, in Marble, Stone, &c: 80 A curious fepulchral marble urn, with an iafcription 8 1 Ditto 82 Two large and elegant vafes, of alabafter 83 An antique group, mutilated 84 A baffo relievo ditto 85 Two antique marble medallion*, and a baffo relievo of cherubs 86 T wo antique bufts 87 Eleven ancient infcriptions, freezes, Sec. 88 Two fine antique bufts, with jafper drapery 89 A baffo relievo, 2 infcriptions, and a piece of wimcote ftone 90 An antique buft 91 A ftatuary marble figure of the dying fybil, finely executed, and moft highly finijbtd B Second [ 6 3 J .,•> •’ > » •' ■ ; • > Second Day's Sale, Monday , March i, 1773. B R O N Z E S, C JJ R I O S I TIES, &c. Lot 1 TH'Ifteen calls in lead from the antique, an antient fpur in bronze, 10 others, and Judith' -L and H olofernes, in wood t , , 2 Two antique figures, in bronze, a lamp, and 26 others 3 A bronze ftilus, 6 antique bells, &c. 4 Two bronze heads, in baflo relievo, in round black framej 5 Two antique celtusj an altar, a cup, and a Jamp ; ' 6 A Ivon, and an u. Egyptian idol , ' ( , 7 Two figures of Jupiter , and a young nobleman, on white marble pedeftals 8 A Roman lady, antique, a young Bacchus, a lady’s head, and a : fatyr’s head 9 An Egyptian figure, in bronze, and 5 others, on pedeftals 10 Two fine black marble buflsof Demofihenes and , with alabafter draperies : , 1 1 A fine antique figure of Diana, with her emblems 12 Two bronze groupes of bacchanalian boys 13 A large and fine group of the Tarro Farnefe, at Rome, highly repaired, and in excellent prefervation 14 Two plaifter figures of Sculpture and Painting 15 A Grecian ezr, in marble, with an infcription, and a bronze baflo relievo ef Hercules , and the lyon 16 A curious branch of white coral, in the neck of a bottle 17 A ftone with Hebrew characters, a fcoup, and an embofled rice cup 18 Thirty engraved copper plates of Hollar's, death’s dance 19 A box with types for printing, (the types ufcd by Simmons the Engraver,) a baflo relievo, t pair of beads, and a Chineft pinculhion , . 20 A curious Egyptian idol, in bronze . • 21 A rofe wood cabinet, with a fucceflion of the Popes, in wax, from Saint Peter to Clement the Eleventh ; containing in all 247, all finely prefierved •, alfo 235 imprclfions from the mod curious Antique Gems and Seals, and a curious collection of Sea Weeds 22 A curious collection of impreflions from antient. gems, in all 136 23 A flick of the true cinnamon wood 24 Apiece of filver ore, and a parcel of coral, petrefaftions, Ihells, Sec.*! 25 Two fleins of the celebrated Brazil coral fnake 36 The bark of a tree, a pair of Cbine/e Ihoes,. and a parcel of flowers in decker wor 27 Eleven [ 7 1 %1 Eleven books of Japanefe Divinity and Chine/e Geography, Aflronomy, Agriculture, Ho^i- culture, Dialling, Chiromancy, Necromancy, Architecture, Sc c. xS A parcel of Cbincfe MSS. PANITED GLAS S. . » . - ' > * 19 Four round pieces 30 Four ditto ■11 Three oval ditto ^ ■> 32 Four ditto, hiftorical ^33 Three ditto 34 Four ditto 35 Five ditto MANU SCRIPTS, 3 - t 36 Papers relating to the Alexandrian Pillar belonging to Mr. Weft ■ ! ) : 37 Drawings of St. Martin's Church and the Monuments therein before its being rebuilt, andalfo of other Churches and Monuments, feveral of Antiquities, &c. 38 A Collection of curious Infcriptions, Specimens of antient and modern Writing, with Buck* inger’s head and Genealogy, idrawn with a Pen by himfelf, in a Port Folio 39 A large Collection of Frontifpieces, &c. relating to Antiquity 40 A curious Collection of Saxon and Englifti antieht Grants, Deeds, Pope’s Bulls, &c. iff a Drawer 41 A Collection of old Surveys MINIATURES, in Water Colours. Cooper 4s A gentleman’s head, in black drapery, finely painted in water colours 43 Prince Eugene's head, in ditto 44 Butler's head, in ditto N. D. 45 A clergyman’s head, in ditto 46 King Getrge I. in ditto 47 Lord Chief Jultice Cole, in ditto Cooper 48 A lady’s head, in blue drapery Ditto 49 Lady Elizabeth Howard, in white drapery, in a filver gilt frame 50 A lady’s head, with a chaplet of flowers 51 Raphael's head, in water colours, and Rubens' s head, in ditto 52 Duke of Somcrfct , in ditto B. Lens 53 Leonardo da Vinci , in ditto PLATE [ 8 ] P L A $4 A pair of fnuffers and ftand 55 A writing (land 56 A hand candleftick 57 A ihavir.g bafon and ewer 58 A large waiter on feet, with the King’s arms 59 Ditto 60 A pair of candleftickc 61 A lhagreen cafe with 12 filver hafted knives, 12 three prong’d forks, 12 fpoons, and a marrow ipcon 62 Ditto 63 Four bottle Aiders mounted with filver 64 A fmall fauce pan, and a toafling fork 65 A tea cheft mounted with filver, and 3 cannijlers 66 A fquare tea table plated with filver 67 Four glafs cruets mounted with filver MISSALS. 68 A very fine Manual of Salisbury, with many beautiful illuminations of the Prayers in EnrliA, printed in 1528, the only one known 69 A moft curious MS. with fine illuminations 70 A curious Prayer Book, in MS. with ditto 7«, A ditto with an Account of the Gofpel, in Englijh 72 A ditto of the EpiftJes of St. Paul, written in the Year 1209 73 A Prayer Book, with many curious illuminations 74 A MS. of Prayers, wrote by P. Moreau, in 1644 75 A MS. with illuminations 76 Wickliffe’t Teftament, wrote about the Time o f Henry VI. in the Year 142 c 77 Amo(! curious MS. of great Antiquity, with various fine illuminations 78 T1 J C Hcurs of the Vir £ in Mar J> of great Variety, find) illuminated 79 A duto, in German, very finely preferved * \\ ' / . r \ CJ < l X T E, &c. • 1 '4 , I Third [ 9 ] Third Day’s Sale, ! Tuefday , March 2> 1773. CURIOSITIES. Lot 1 2 A N amber di(h with 2 handles (broke ) and a load ftone fet in filver A fmall mocha ftone cup with a handle, and a fmall fardonyx eftence box, fet in filver, giJt 3 A fmall agate jar and cover, a cornelian fpoon mounted in enamelled gold, and 2 fine plates of ftone for a fnuft' box 4 A fine intaglia, on a cornelian, of a figure whole length 5 A woman’s head engraved on a fardonyx, and a cameo of ditto, on an agate onyx 6 An intaglia of a woman fetting, on agate, and a brazil pebble feal with a man’s head, unfet 7 A piece of ftripcd agate, a ftone incrufted round, a cherry ftone from the human body, a fmall chryftal block, and 7 fmall piece of agates and mochas -yL 8 A cornelian intaglia of a woman’s head, and a ditto of a Roman emperor 9 A blood ftone ditto of a man’s head, an agate ditto of Hercules , and a blood ftone ditto of a lyon, antique 10 A fmall amethyft feal, and an onyx ditto *10 A fardonyx cameo with a man’s head, and a fmall pebble boat 1 1 A piece of carving in ivory, and a miniature on ditto, of the triumph of Neptune 12 A fmall gold philligree box, with a cornelian top, finely engraved 13 Forty filver gilt (hillings for counters of James II. in a filver gilt box 14 A fmall, but beautiful, cornelian vafe, cover and (land, mounted in gold enamel 15 Two plates of agate, with a Magdalen, and a monk, fet in a filver gilt frame 16 Three fmall antique figures, in bronze, on ebony (lands 17 Five antique fragments, in bronze 18 A book of fpecimens of different forts ef paper, together with the names in Arabic of the holy places in and about Jerufalem, which are vifited by the Turks ; with prayers and thankfgiving in the Turkijb language; and alfo abftrafts of Arabic letters, curious " Ihinefe MS. &c. 19 A large rofevseod cafe glazed, with a beautiful Chirefe houfc of ivory and tortoi(hell 4 (lories high ; in each of ’which are figures of rice reprefenting Mandarins and their ladies, and others in canoes are moved round by clock work ; and the whole decorated with bells, fruit trees , (Ac. in a manner particularly elegant 20 The famous Alexandrian pillar, an undoubted antique 21 A large marble bud of Quettt of Bohemia 22 K. Edvtard ’ s chair of (late C [ >0 1 23 A large concave mirror 14 An antique filver gilt fpoon, and a Goa ftone 25 A fpunge in the form of a hand, curious 26 A piece of plumb pudding ftone, 1 fpecimen, z piece* of fardonyx, 2 petrified fifhe*, and 4 piece* of fpar 27 A piece of white coral, and a wolf’s tooth mounted in filver gilt ^ 28 A Cbintfe gold weigher, and a pair of India fcales 29 A parcel of filver and other coins 30 Two opera glafies 31 Four ditto 32 A large falver enamelled, on copper, with Apolla and Daphne 33 A ditto with Diana and Ad ton 34 A ditto with Juno in her car drawn by peacocks 35 An extraordinary fine flick of the Cinnamon free, 3 feet 4 inches long MINIATURES and ENAMELLINGS. Isaac Olive* HllLIIR. PONCHET Isaac Olives. Isaac Oliver Hillier 36 A fquare enamelling of a lady, in blue drapery, fet in gold 37 An original miniature of the great Lord Arundel 38 A fine ditto of Katherine Parr , wife to Henry VII T, in water colour* 39 A fea triumph, in water colours, in a fhagreen cafe 40 A very fine miniature of Anne of Denmark, wife to James I. 41 A lady’s head, enamelled on gold 42 A ditto of the Emperor Leopold 43 A fmall, but curious miniature, representing a reconciliation betwee® two armies 44 A fine head of Anne, wife to James I. in black drapery 45 A ditto of Mary, Queen of Scots 46 A man’s head, in water colours (fuppofed to be Richard Crom-Mth } 47 A lady’s head in black drapery, with a red curtain CHINA. 48 Eleven nankeen tea cup#, lofaucers, and a philligree red tea pot 49 Two blue and white butter boats with handles 50 A fine old coloured fugar difh, cover and plate, and 2 blue and white balket* 5 1 An old coloured fugar difh and cover, 2 dilhes, and a bafon 52 Twelve fine old coloured japan difhes, fcollopt (of the tree pattern) 53 A beautiful odagon bafon (of the pheafant pattern) with a fcarlet and white border, and brown edge 54 * 54 A ferviceofbluz and white Drefden Porcelain ; confifling of 2 dozen and 1 1 plaits, •with rofes, tulips and various flowers, and fcollopt borders, 10 foup plates ditto, 2 large fcollopt leaves, 4 ditto J, mailer , and 4 others with handles 55 A fine old lea green difh ( of the Dolphin pattern ) 56 A blue and white fcollopt difh, and a tray with handles 57 Six nankeen image chocolate cups and faucers 58 Four Chantilly coffee cups with handles and 5 faucers, and 6 old blue and white image breakfaft cups and 6 faucers ( 1 broke) B O O K S, &c. 59 Hours for the ufc of Sarum, printed by Pynfon, and illuminated with curious borders 60 MS. Account of Vifitations by the Officers of the Herald's Office 61 A mod valuable MS. of Edward the Vi’s own hand writing, proving his Right to the Title of fupreme Head of the Church 62 (^Elizabeth's Prayer Book 63 Petri Carmeliani Carmen ■■■ - — ■ printed by Pynfonl 508 64. A MS. on vellum relative to the Marriage of Henry VIII. with Anne Cleves 65 A MS Dictionary relating to antient Words 66 MS. Dire&ions how to make coloured and gilded letters, fuch as are met with in old MS. by Elizabeth Elflob PLATE. 67 A fbagreen cafe with 12 filver hafted knives, 12 threc-prong’d forks, and 12 defert ditto 68 A pair of fauce boats and ladles 69 Ditto 70 Two pair of falts and fpoons 7 1 One pair ditto 72 A pair of fluted column candle/licks 73 A monteth 74 A bread baflcet 75 A 2-handled cup and cover 76 An embofled tankard and cover 77 Two half pint mugs, a fnuffers (land, and afmall tea cannifter 78 A pair of fauce boats and ladles 79 A pair of candleflicks 80 Ditto g i A box with the arms of the City of Glafgovs 82 A ditto with the arms of the Univerflty of Glafgovi a 12 ] [ 83 A chafed beaker 84 Twelve table fpoons 85 Twelve tea fpoons, and a pair of tongs 86 Nine ditto, pair of tongs, and a drainer 87 An orange drainer, and 6 bottle tickets Fourth Day’s Sale, TVednefday 3 March 3 , 1773. B. Lens Barlow Holbein Wjrix SUNDRIES. Lot 1 A N Head of Mr. Holmes, in wax, and 4 others from the antique 2 X\. Four ditto of the Duke of Orleans , Louis XIV. Dryden and Bridgman 3 Three baflo relievos in wax of Danae and the golden fliower, Diana and Endymion, and the death of Adonis 4 A ditto of a deeping Venus, in box 5 A fmall upright landfcape and figures, in water colours 6 Four of bird', in ditto 7 Arofe tree inlaid in marble 8 A fmall battle piece, Borgcgnone, and a fmall landfcape on copper 9 Two fine impreffions in fuiphur of the Commonwealth Seal 10 Two pieces of flowers embodied 11 Twenty-four round heads, finely carved, of all the fovereign princes who were contemporaries with Henry VIII. 1 2 A large piece of flowers, in a vafe, of curious feed work 13 Five baflo relievo heads in bronze, in one frame 14 A fine baflo relievo, in filver, of Lord Craven 1 5 A ditto of K. Charles I. 16 A ditto of Henrietta his Queen 17 An original whole length drawing with a pen, of the Queen of Scots 1584 18 An antique altar piece, with the virgin in the clouds with angels, painted on a rock emerald, and ornamented with lapiz lazuli, agate and cornelian, and filver capitals to the pillars 1 9 A triangular ebefny frame, with a convex, concave and common glafs 20 A large and beautiful ferpentine ftone difh and ewer, richly ornamented with filver, cut of the Arundel Colkflion PAINTED [ *3 I PAINTED GLASS. a I Four hiftorical pieces 22 Four fquare pieces 23 Three ditto 24 Two ditto 25 Two ditto 26 Two ditto 27 Two ditto ENAMELLINGS on COPPER. 28 A (mail diih with Diana and her dog* 29 A ditto with Juno 30 A ditto with Venus and Cupid 3 1 Four plates, with 4 of the fegns of the Zodiac ANTI d U E BRONZES. 32 A centaur with a lamp 33 A figure of Mars , without arms 34 A ditto of Cleopatra, on an ebony Hand 35 A ditto of a Roman lady MINIATURES, in Water Colours , 36 K. Charles II. fet in filrer gilt 37 Dcftor Mead, in ditto 38 Louis XIV. in his cradle 39 A Venus and Cupid, in water colours, for a fnuff box 40 Judith with the head of Holofernes, in ditto, for a ditto 41 The infide of a church, with figures adminiftring the facrament, in water Colours 42 A lady’s head in ditto, unfinijhed 43 The Earl of Petnbroke in armour, after Cooper 44 Lord Arlington, ditto 45 General Monk, ditto 46 Two fine heads of Milton and his mother, in black draperies, and tortoifhell cafe* 47 A fine enamelling of Nell Gnyynn 48 A head, in oyl, of Mr. John Murray D Ross j Ditto Ditto MANUSCRIPTS, [ 14 ] MANUSCRIPTS, ROLLS, &c. 49 A curious MS. called Chronica Chronicorum 50 An antient Roll with the Arms of feveral Kings and Peers, &c. illuminated 51 A Roll with the Rates of Wages in Peace and War, Expences of Officers, &c. in the Reign of Edward III. and the Names and Arms of the principal Noblemen, Knights, Sic. that were with him at the Siege of Calais 5a A Roll with the New Years Gifts in (^Elizabeth's Reign 53 An Account of the Attendants upon Mary, Daughter of Henry VIII. and their Allowances 54 An original Inllrument, figned by the Archbilhops, Bilhops and Noblemen about the Divorce of Henry VIII. from Anne of C/eves BOOKS , &c. 55 Merveilles Defcofle, printed on vellum, very Jcarce ' ■ — ■ Paris Ij3l 56 Les Ordonnances de l’Ordre de la Thoyfon d’Or, printed on vellum, with MSS. Additions 57 Le Coullumer de Touraine, with illuminations • > — — - — - Paris 1 507 j8 A MS. of Rhymes of the Time Table to the Bible Abftraft of the whole Bible, in monkilh Rhyme, done in the 1 5th Century, with many curious Drawings 59 Horloge de Sapience, with curious illuminations, on vellum Paris 1 500 60 A Collection of Seals, Coats of Arms, Sec. both painted and in MS. with an Account of feveral of them 61 A moll curious MS. with Inscriptions upon vellum, and their Explanations 62 Henry I. Domefday Book for Winchtjler, with an Account thereof, by Bp. Lyttelton, on vellum, very curious M 1 S ' S A L S. 6 5 The Hours of the Virgin Mary, in Latin, highly illuminated and finely pre/erved 64 A Prayer Book, with the Account of the Family of Lyte, and an Encomium upon Swans 65 The Hours, in German, fine 'y illuminated 66 A MS. Prayer Book, with rich borders and illuminations, highly preserved 67 A Book, containing the Genealogy of the Hou/e of Croy ; the figures taken from the Old and New Tefiament, with ihe Arons and Calendar, and 2 heads of the Duchess of Croy and Jenae de Halewin 1571, all defigned by Raphael, and executed under his directions y in all 92 Paintings 63 A A/5. Prayer Book, with letters illuminated 69 A ditto 70 A MilTal, with curious illuminations 7 ! A ditto 72 A [ >S 1 72 A curious MS. with fne illuminations 73 Different Offices, with ditto ; bound in green velvet 74 A fine Prayer Book, with illuminations , highly fnijhed PLATE. 75 A fet of drejjing plate ; confiding of a filver frame for a glafs, a large oval bafon and ewjtr, 2 powder boxes, 2 cafes with bottles, filver mounted, ? patch boxes, a fpunge box, 2 foap boxes, r brufhes, z philiigree boxes, a philligree ink ftand, 4 candleflicks, and a fnuffer pan 76 A fhagmen cafe with 12 filver hafted knives, 12 forks, and 12 defert fpoon* 77 A ditto with j 2 knives, 12 forks, and 10 fpoons 78 A ditto with 1 2 knives and 1 2 forks 79 Ditto So Ditto 81 A chafed tankard GILT PLATE. 82 A ditto cup and cover 83 Six fcollopt’d chocolate faucers and ftand* 84 A tankard Fifth Day’s Sale, ! Thurfday , March 4, 1773. Lot CURIOSITIES. . ' t • • ' ft/ ui A N agate fmelling bottle, a purple fait with 2 covers, filver mounted ; a china fnuff box, and 2 others made of the Zatia of Mount Vefuvius ; all unmounted 2 Two large German agate batons; and an Oriental agate fnuff box, unmounted 3 A triangular bloodftone feal, cut on one fide ; and a Brazil pebble block for a feal 4 A bloodftone feal, and a large topaz feal, both unfet 5 An agate feal with 2 figures, and a cornelian feal with many figures, both unfet 6 A piece of rough emerald, a fmall piece of cornelian, a very fmail load ftone, and an agate feal with a horfe and groom, unfet 7 A z-handled fcollopt dilh of the old Roman earthen ware 8 A large agate cup (crack'd) and a large and fine faucer of flint 9 A large magnifying glafs, with a handle and frame of rich filver philligree 10 An antique cameo in coral of a man’s head, fet in gold 1 1 A large agate onyx cameo of a crucifixion 12 An exceeding fine falvator mundi, od a fardonyx, antique it h t «6 ] 1 3 A large chryftal fpoon, with a rich filver gilt handle 1 3. A fmall cornelian fpoon, and a chryftal fcratch back, both filver mounted 15 Two fine mocha ftone cups and faucers, ribb’d and fcollop’d 16 An agate boat with 2 handles, filver mounted 17 A large piece of amber, in the fhape of a pearl drop, moft remarkably fine, out of the CoU lection of Albertus Seba t 8 A gold cup of rich pbilligree work 1 A large Goa ftone , in a rich gold pbilligree cafe , on a ftand 20 A fine bloodftone feal with a man’s head, antique, fet in geld 21 Two antique filver rings ; one found in the Abby of Evejham, 30th May 1743 22 A fine cornelian feal with the head of Milton, fet in gold ,3 A fmall copper enamelled difh, with Plenty and her Cornucopia 24 A ditto, with 4 figures 25 A ditto, with a Venus and fatyr PLATE, &c. s6 Two fugar caftors 27 Two fquare waiters 28 A difh crofs 29 An hand candleftick and extinguilher 30 A ftandifh 31 Two fcollop’d (hells, and a punch ladle 32 A pair of fluted column candlefticks 33 Ditto 34 Five feuers 35 An epargne compleat, confiding of a bowl for lemons, 4 arms and falve/s, and 4 ftoppert 36 A coffee pot 37 An hand candleftick 38 Tv ■ fyuare waiters 39 x 'coliop’d foup ladles, and an orange ftraiiter 4c A larg-. waiter, on feet 41 A coffee pot 42 A tea vafe 43 A trowel 44 A plate warmer oj French plate , and a pair of double branches for candlefticks of ditto CHINA* t >7 ] CHINA. 45 A fine old japan fea green beaker, with birds and beads 46 Two large blue and white beakers, of the image pat Urn 47 Two ditto, of the landfcafe pattern 48 Two fine old coloured beakers, of the pheafant pattern 49 Two ditto, of the horfe, dolphin , and buffalo pattern ro Two old fea green beakers, of the bird ana tree pattern 5 1 Two blue and white honeycomb bottles and covers with handles, and 2 blue and white jars and covers . , r , r • A l ar ge blue and white fugar difh and cover, and 2 coloured bottles with fcarlet fpngs ^ A large and fine table fervice of blue and white nanqueen china, of the lanafcape pattern ; confiding of 2 tureens, covers and difhes, 12 oblong dilhes, 4 round diflies ( 1 broke) 4 dozen and 1 1 table table plates, and two dozen of foup plates r a Two fine old burnt-in bafons (of the -wheatfheaf pattern ) 2 others, and a tea pot 55 Two coloured teapots and covers, of the raifed japan, a cream ewer, 5 old nbb d chocolate cups, 3 faucers, and a falver Coopbi Ditto Coope#. Ditto Ditto MINIATURES in WATER COLOURS. 56 A fine head of Marie Therefe D'Autriche 57 Ditto of Anne D'Autriche, reine de France, died in Jan, 1666 58 Ditto of the famous Rene Defcartes 59 Gibbs, the architect, in -water colours 60 John Lord Somers, Chancellor of Great Britain, in ditto 61 Prince Rupert, in ditto 62 Queen Anne, in ditto 63 A lady’s head, in blue drapery, in ditto 64 A gentleman’s head, ditto 65 Sir Robert Walpole, in ditto 66 A portrait of Charles I. drawn with a pen, with various curious in- feriptions 67 Portrait de Sainte Louis, a lage de 13, dont l’original peint en 1226, fe garde en la Sainte Chapelle de Paris BOOKS, &C. 68 The Mirroureof Gold for the fynfull Soule, 69 De Poteftate Regia, by Henry VIII. 70 The Vifion of Pierce Plowman printed by Pynfon _ London 1 534 printed by Crowley 1550 71 The t 18 ] 7 ' The Hiftory of the Weft Indies ; containing the Opinions of the' Ancients and Moderns con- cerning the terraqueous Globe ; the Difcovery of the Indus by the Spaniards, Sec. with Drawings of Animals found in America , in Arabic 72 i he Hittory of Guy Earl of Warwick - Paris 1525 73 ^ he Expofition of St. Jerome, Sec. very curious, being the firjl ever printed at Oxford 1468 7 \ L Arcni Heros, Frederic Le Grand, Roy de Prude, a MS. by Ramier, with a Letter from him 75 The Hid. of Tamerlane, a mod curious Book in Arabic M I S S A L S, & c . 76 A Fragment of a Mifl*al, and 18 Illuminations 77 Le Miroir qui ne Flate point, avec Illuminations par Hcnt 78 A Miflal, with curious Illuminations 79 Ditto 80 S turds Common Prayer, engraved, a fine copy 81 A curious MSS. and 2 Cbinefe Poems of Dernvallear in Malabar, part id, and Bal Raman :n Gentues 82 A Chinefe Letter, in a gold atlas bag 83 A Table of the Standards of Weights and Meafures in the Exchequer, illuminated and engraved by the Society of Antiquarians r Sixth Day’s Sale, Friday , March 5, 1773. PAINTED GLASS. Lot 1 /'"XNE very fine fquare piece 2 Nine coats of arms 3 Five fquare pieces 4 Six fmall ditto, and a lyon’s head 5 Seven round ditto (cracked) 6 Eighteen various (ditto) 7 A large parcel (ditto) curiosities. t — * ^ c , k . i 8 Five calls of heads, and a fmall globe 9 A Turkijb fey me ter with an agate handle, and a dilletto 10 A [ 19 ]' 10 A carious fcarrabseus, Egyptian, and an antique fragment 1 1 A piece of architecture and figures, in rice, and 3 carvings in ivory 12 A fteei feal with arms, a marble book, a ferpent ftone, a piece of mother o’pearl, and a plumb pudding (lone Jj- Ap 13 A box with Indian ink, a bird of paradife ; a fatal 1 bird from Jamaica, 3 hummingbirds, and 2 neits 54 A bronze medallion, with the letters L. B. A. P. 15 A cup in the form of a (hell, upon a Hand, filver gilt 16 The head of a Crofier, a paftora! faff, and apiece of worm eaten board 17 A large collection of fulphur impreffions of the King of France’ s gems 18 Four fea fans, and a branch of black coral 19 A Medufa’s head, in a glafs cafe 20 A curious difh with Runick characters ti A glafs cafe with curious difleCted leaves 22 A parcel of the Cbinefe characters ufed at Malabar and Gent* 23 A large and fine porphyry urn and cover 24 A plaifter bull of Sbakefpear, a piece of plumb-pudding (tone, a petrefaCtion, and a brain (tone 25 A curious petrefaCtion of wood, out of Lord Oxford’s Colledion 26 A large parcel of flower lhells 27 An antique bronze of Mars 28 A ditto of Silenus and Cupid by Soldani 29 A large fi ver repeater in a pierced cafe by Bennet , with a filver chain, a (tecl feal, and a compafs 30 An agate cup mounted in filver, gilt, and 15 philligree button* 3 1 A gold egg 32 A wooden box with figures, fet in filver, and a reading glafs ditto 33 A fine fardonyx ring of an empeior’s head, fet in gold 34 A fine cornelian ditto, antique 35 A faphyre ditto 36 A large cat’s eye ditto 37 An onyx ring with a boy’s head, fet in gold, and a (hell head of a magdalen, fet in gold 38 A tortoifhell fnuff box, mounted in gold, with a lady’s head, in water colours by Pompeo 39 A gold fnuff box, with a bloodftone top 40 A round filver fnuff box and cover 41 A large gold toothpick cafe 42 A large gold repeater by Tampion, with a gold chain 43 A pair of gold fleeve buttons, and a filver pencil 44 An exceeding fine and large dijh aad cover of filver gilt, on a (land, enrich’d with a view of the T onjon of Encbufen, a fea fight, and variety of curious baflb relievos ENAMELLINGS on COPPER. * c A fmall difh with the hiftory of Sbadracb, Mejbeck and Abednego 46 A ditto, its companion, with the deliverance of th c Ifreelitcs out of the hands of the Medianites, by Gideon 47 A [ 20 ] 47 A large and fine di(h, with a hiftory of Mofes the law giver, and the Ifraelites in the wildernef*, Exodus the xviiith, finely prefervtd MINIATURES and ENAMELLING S. Vestus Ditto Ditto Ditto Hoik ! ns C. Janssen Cooper 48 An head of Shakefpear , in water colour* 49 Ditto of Dryden 50 Ditto of Cowley 5 1 Ditto of Prince Henry, fon of James I. 5 2 Ditto of Edward VI. 53 Ditto of an old man in black drapery, fet in filver, gilt 54 Ditto of Mr. Monoux, in water colours 55 Five exceeding fine ditto of K. James I. and his Queen, Prince Henry, Prince Charles, and the Queen ofu ohemia ; all richly mounted in gold, and elegantly ornamented with rubies, pearls , Japbyrs, emeralds, ame- tbyfils and garnets 56 A fine head of Gay, fet in filver, gilt 57 An original head of Oliver Cromwell, enamelled on gold 58 Ditto of Shakefipear, ditto 59 The wifemens offering, finely enamelled on gold, and in a gold frame DRESDEN CHINA, &c. 60 Three very fine and perfeft vales, very large 61 Two large figures of a Savoyard man and woman 62 One very large tureen and cover 63 A compleat tea sit os a gold ground, beautifully ornamented with flowers’, containing 12 large tea cups and faucers, 6 large coffee cups and faucers, a large flop bafon, a tea pot and ftand, a fugar difli, cover and Hand, and a cream pot 64 A ccmpleat tea set, on a white ground, ornamented very highly with f.owers, and beautiful landfcapes and figures in compartmen/s ; containing 12 tea cups, 6 cofFee cups and faucers, a large flop bafon, a cofFee pot, cover and Hand, a tea pot, cover and ftand, a cream pot and cover, a canifter and cover, and a fugar difn and cover 65 Twelve Drefden plates 66 Six leaves of the fame, for deferts 67 Four leaves and ene basket for fruit, of the Chtlfea Porcelain PRINTED BOOKS. • . . wV * . „ <. I. , , w 1 „ . . . . J.‘ 6S A MS. Explanation, in French, of Medals relating to Portugal, &c. 69 A MS, Account oiHenry VIII’s Jewels, Plate, &c , figned in J'everal places by h ’mfelf 70 Les [ It ] 70 Les Amours Paftorals de Daphnis & Chloe, publilhed by the Duke of Orleans, of which only 20 Copies were printed 71 A MS. Schedule of the Eftate given by Charles II. to Anne Lady Salton 72 The Chronicle of a celebrated Author, containing the Antiquities of Egypt, fcc. in Arabic 73 Account of Monuments, Infcriptions, old Charters, Seals, &c. MS. 74 Ac count of Manufcript Books at Home and Abroad, entitled W 'alfivgh am' s Table Book 75 A MS. Account of fomeof the Kings and Queens of England, &c. MISSALS. 76 A moll Curious MS. •with fine illuminations and herders, very highly prejervid, bound in erimfen •velvet, with filver gilt clafps 77 A MS. Pfalter in Folio, •with illuminations 78 A very rare and curious Miffal, made by Order of Henry VU. for his daughter Margaret, after- wards Queen of Scetland, whofe Effigies appears in the firft Page after the Kalendar, and before the Prayer to St, Margaret. The King's hand writing is in the Beginning ; the feveral Englijh Arms that oCCur at the Bottom of the larger Illuminations are very fingular, and the Portcullis, the Badge of Henry VII’s, occurring fo frequently, prove the Book to have been made by his Order 79 A moH curious Book of Hours, with Illuminations of the fined colouring, and nothiag inferior to that of Giulio Clovio's belonging to the Earl of Oxford ; — fuppofcd to be the Work of John de Bologna to A Vol. in Folio, in MS. containing the Names of the Brethren and Sifters of the FratCttiity of St. John the Baptifi, at Dunfiable, with a number of fine illuminations 1 1 A very curious MS. on Vel um, upon Hujbandry, Gardening, and old Inglijh Poetry, which be- longed to Humphrey the good Duke of Gloucefier, Founder of the Ox ford Library ; on the Outfide of which is a very curious Head, enamelled on Copper, of Jaquelitte, Duchefs of Bavaria, Countefs of Holland, Zealand, and Henault, Wife to the faid Duke N. B. There are many fingular Obfervations in the Dedication, which were probably wrote, or, at leafl prefented, by him to the Univerfity of Oxford, where he gave a great Col- lection of Books. S2 The Hours for the Ufe of the Church of Rente, illuminated 83 The Hours for the Ufe of Paris, ditto 84 A Book with Sepulchral Infcriptions, Accounts of curious Monuments', Sec. which formerly be- longed to Mr. Anfiis 83 A large and valuable MS. in Folio, of Beceaee, begun to be tranflafed into French before the Year 1409, and finifbed in that Year ; abounding with exceeding fine illuminations relating to the Hiftory ; amongft the reft, at the Beginning of the fourth Book, there is an original Portrait of Boccace, nnder a fine Gothie Skreen, alfc highly illuminated : at the Beginning of the Sixth Book there is another of him when old-, and another of him dying at the Beginning of the eighth Book ; and alfoin Book the Eighth, one of K. Arthur at his Round Table, with his Knights. — — This Book was tnastflated at the Command of J Margaret of Kaltis, Queen of Navarre, only Sifter to Francis I. F Seveath [ ** ] Seventh Day’s Sale, Saturday , March 6, 1773. CURIOSITIES. Lot 1 A N head of Seneca, a fmall death’s head, and z fmall eflence boxes, all in ivory 2 X -L Apiece of fpunge growing on a (hell, a branch of coral ditto, 2 fmall petrefa&ion* of cockles, &c. x curious pieces of ftone, a piece of touch ftone, and a piece of brainftone 3 A large bafon of flint, from the Eajl Indies 4 A large fcollopt bafon of oriental jafper 5 A bead letter cafe, a ring made of fait, a brafs ring with an head engraved, and an antique gold ring, with an infcription ■6 A fine antique jafper feal of Hercules, and the lyon, fet in filver 7 A feal of an emperor’s head on a carbuncle, let in gold € A fmall but curious amber cabinet 9 A piece of amber with mofs in it, and 9 agate, cornelian and pebble tops and bottoms for fnuff boxet ^ to A large and fine ihtaglia of a battle on an amethyft, with a multitude of figure* 1 1 Thirteen fmall pieces of mocha and agate*, a rock amethyft, a load ftone, and a magdalen on a fhell finely carved -f~ 12 A while cornelian feal of George and the dragon, unfet, and a chryftal head, ditto j ; An intaglia of Dryden s head, on a brazil pebble for a feal, unfet, and a ditto of a woman’*, on agate 1 4 A cornelian feal of a figure fitting, and a ditto of an head on a white cornelian block ? 5 A young man’s head on a fardonyx for a feal, antique, unfet 16 Three fmall fcals, unfet, an onyx camteo, and a fmall round ftone with an infcription 17 A balfo relievo of a man’* head in agate, an emperor’s head in ftone, and 2 ditto in (hell 18 A large cup and cover of curious filver philligree work, ornamented with garnets, belonging formerly to Queen Mary, the cover of which i* in the form of a crown 19 A fmall ivory bull of Sir Ifaac Newton, on a ftone pedeftal 20 Two fmall whole length figures in ivory ; one reprefenting the marriage of ourfaviour with the church, the other St. Catharine, both on ivory pedeftals, finely carved 21 A rofary of beads; confifting of plumb and cherry Hones, finely carved with the heads of the emperors, belonging formerly to Henrietta Maria, and bought many years ago in Paris , at which time there was a diamond crofs affixed to it 22 Two fmall red cornelian cups on fee t, and 1 faucer 23 Two rib’d (hells for tops of boxes, 2 round fait* made of Wigan ceal , and a {mall inlaid box with reliques 14 A tortoifhell box, filver mounted, with a medal of Q t Ann« 25 A. f *3 ] 25 A large and very curious bloodftone cup, on a Hand, in the form of a fcollopt Ihell, mounted* with gold, enamelled 26 Two exceeding fine cups, of the old enamel on gold, the hiftories and landfcapes finely painted, and the mounting of filver gilt 27 A curious fnuff box, with hiftories, mounted in gold, richly enamelled 28 Elizabeth’s Prayer Book, wrote by herfelf, on vellum, in Englijh, French , Latin and Greek, with a fine miniature of the Duke D’ Alanfon’% head at the beginning, and another of her own portrait at the end, both by Hillier, in a ftiagreen cafe with ruby clafps 29 An Egyptian pebble top and bottom for a fnuff box, beautifully veined 30 Two fine round agate cups, and another with 2 handles 31 A woman’s head finely cut on flint, an agate ring, and a double reading glafs, in aa Egyptian pebble cafe, filver mounted • 3 2 A curious piece of rock amethyft CHINA. j3 Eight old white japan cups, a tea pot, a marble mortar, and a gumberoon tea cup and faucer, and a bafon 34 A blue and white bafon, 2 cans, and 2 patty pans 35 Two large blue and white faucers, a faffron pot, a teacup, 6 faucers, of different patterns, a falver, and 2 mottled faucers 36 Four brown teacups, (z onjlands ) 1 faucer, 3 image tea cups, 1 faucer, 2 odd Hands, a cofFee cup, 2 milk pots, acannifter, a white charity, and a glafs bottle 37 Ten fi ne nankeen tea cups, 11 faucers, with fcollopt borders and gilt edges, an old fquare honeycomb tea pot, and a fcollopt mahogany tray, with a gallery border 38 Two exceeding fine and large blue and white jars and covers (of the image pattern J on ma^ hogany Hands JAPAN, &c. 39 Two large round difhes, ftudded with gold 40 A large figure of a Mandarin, in a glafs cover fi 41 A ditto of his lady 42 A large and beautiful mother o’pearl Pagoda, with 8 chambers, in a mahogany cafe . ..1 PLATE. 43 Twelve foup plate* 44 Twelve table plates 45 Ditto 46 Ditto 47 Ditto 48 She [ *4 ] 4 1 Six foup plates 49 Two o&agou diflies 50 Ditto 5 1 Ditto 52 Ditto 53 Two oblong ditto 54 Ditto 55 Ditto 56 Ditto 57 Ditto 58 A tureen eover and difti 59 Ditto 60 A foup difli 61 A chafed cup and cover 62 Ditto *3 A chafed falver 64 A fquare ditto with a lamp and trevet 65 A large chafed diih 66 A large oval ditto MINIATURES in WATER COLOURS, &c. Gibson, the dwarf 67 K. James’ 1 Queen Mary 68 P. Le Neve, Efq; Norroy King at arms 69 N ine final! heads, and 4 fmall agates, in a cafe 70 A moft curious limiting of Sir Philip Sidney, in a rich termor, with his ca- partfoned horfe held by his fervant, his helmet with a plum* of feathers, and a long MS. defer ipiion of it by Mr. Vertue 71 The virgin, our faviour and St. John, in water colours, after 72 A converfationof 3 figures, after 73 Mary Magdalen, by old Lens, after 74 A large and remarkable fine head of the Countefs of Somrft 75 The virgin and our faviour, in water colours, from a painting of Ra- phael’s, at Kenfington 76 Mary , Queen of Scots, in water colours, copied from an original in the late Queen’s clofet at Kenfington 77 Chaucer's head, copied like wife from that in the fame clofet 78 An exceeding fine head, in water colours, of Lord Treu/unr Burleigh Isaac Oliver Carlo Dolci Tit i an Ditto Isaac Olivia Lens Virtu* Ditto Isaac Olivir M A N U- [ *5 ] MANUSCRIPTS, ROLLS, &cl 79 An Arabic MS. an ancient Chronicle, and a curiom Roll relating to precious Stones* Colours, &c. to The Confeffion of Faith in 1580, and the National Covenant and folemn League figned by Charles II. at his Coronation in 1651 Si A very ancient Hebrew MS. 8 2 The Hiftory of the Church of St. Peter, by Peter Cher/otti , the Revenue of the Clergy, Chronicle of Kings, an Almanack, all very antient, and an old Roll upon Cookery 83 A Roll relating to the Part of the Dutchy of Cornwall, which is in the Countries of Hertford, Bucks, and Northampton PAINTED GLASS. 84 A large and capital gothic window for a chapel, com pleated in the molt curious and elegant manner by Price 85 A large and capital parcel of fragments of painted glafs 86 A window of mod valuable paintings, in 16 pieces, for a chapel, coihpleated by Price F / N 1 9. f J. 1 ^ k 4 :i QJf ,8 i. <; i : : :j * • ' v , e -:rf.rJ *' 0 .;^q oj ii'vft wichto * la ,v;.‘. . ■.■10 laabas rr .c lt . i *. k -» • '-f at t,L'» %» „ :.. .!tit j s f e«S . . . - ^1 ; •*«•: T cmz’Ct Lis 3.1*3$ ■ . <" „> ?> 1 . -■ •• ••• >\Z) ii. ) . . ■ ' w« Ml _■ a , A i| l 0 5i««s»»a 5/1 .* \6 ,•» -.1 .:2 ’.a •;. ,t: Ji.fj lo rtof-.H T s ? vis-iocO F.chp t?c > r .:o rr bar e •• •/ Jus i IA r.s 1 j " 0 l * i * 8 *0 ni a AM* 1* •. I • ; . . , j «r. A .-. Am;A L t s t Wv v»'A ' v • .2 8 a j o a a t 'n i a n ^ 1,001 9lf: «« ,b