CATALOGUE OF THE Genuine and Curious COLLECTION P I C T U R E & O F Humphry Edwin, Efq; Late of Saville-Row, 3DtCCctS'15* co - - - t i a g o The Works of the moft eminent Italian and Flemijb Masters. Which will be fold by A U C T I O N, By Mr. LANG FO R D, At his Houfe in the Great Piazza, Covent-Garden, On Friday, Mar xh 16, 1749-50. The faid Collection will be exhibited to publick View at the Place of Sale aforefaid, from Wednefday the 1 4th Inflant 'till the Time of Sale ; which will begin at half an Hour after Eleven. Catalogues of which may be had Gratis, at Mr. Longford's, in the Great Piazza, aforefaid, CONDITIONS of SALE as ufual. L**7' From the library of Frank Simpson ( * ) l^a&'l$A^$Jl^l^i^l!^4i^^^®® Friday, March 16. £'~3\ 0F. Hals. %.\ 3-tf Carracci. « » a o Horizonti. 2. -./^Italian. %. \. /± -O-N. Poussin. j~\7\b Vandevelde. / -/ # --Trevisani. ^"-/J^-b SoLIMENE. [Q ^ - . -Vandevelde. jq F.Laura. %K> - £~ — Brueghell. ,^F. Bolognese. ^ /Ditto. /A J . /C: # Cav. Lutti. z"\ y* ^-Backhuysen. Gf ' (J\ £ Vandevelde. iC _ N. Poussin. ■3 ^^;^Ciro Ferri. Zb -~ -p. Panini. ■ » Ditto. £# .!— — Seb. Concha. / C '. /& - Sal. Rosa. C- O - -— N. Poussin. # '_ # •- — Ghisolfi. A3 V/3 *■ Borgognone. J~-:/S^ O Ditto. //j~\J$\-v Vandevelde. Lot ;s I R Prfw If/>'s Head, 3 qrs. 2 k--/ A fmall Hiftory 3 A Landfcape and Figures 4 A fmall Piece of Ruins and Figures 5 An upright Landfcape. 6 A Sea-Piece Jij( Jfc/, ei u %i,^> 7 An Academy Figure 8 Hercules 9 A Sea-Piece 10 Two fmall Landfcapes 1 1 Two ditto — 12 A Landfcape and Figure . 1 3 Its Companion — 14 Diana and Endymion. 15 A Sea-Piece 16 Ditto 17 A Sacrifice 18 Diana and Ail eon 19 A Piece of Architefture and Figures 20 Its Companion 21 St. Cecilia 22 An Hiftory 23 A Philofopher with Boys. 24 A Piece of Architedure and Figures 25 A Battle 26 Its Companion 27 A Sea-Piece. -r ?■■ .re ■ 1 - 6.9:. „ 7 - y y A* J 28 Diana 3/0. X.c ,1^2, Jf. /v'-Gio. Chiari. 24 :/ './6^o Viviano. /£:/£— Ditto. //^ ' ^^-guercino. J^t,-/tf.<7LuCA JORDANO. J-X-tO -Ditto. / 6 2. •/$- - Claude Lorraine. I Q-J ■ Ditto. Titian. ( 3) 28 Diana and Calijlha 29 St. Sebajlian 30 A Battle Piece — 31 Its Companion 32 A View of Naples -f*<4. 33 Nymphs and Satyrs dancing. 34 An Hiftory-Piece. 35 Sufannah and the Elders - 36 The Wifemen offering « — M ■^ 7 3 9- - -3$> 5 r-ps-fi 37 Our Saviour and the Samaritan Woman ~- a < j_ &4 38 A Madonna and Jefus 39 An Holy Family — . 40 Sufannah and the Elders, in an Oval 41 An Holy Family <- - — ■ — ■ 42 An Hiftory-Piece. — — 43 A young Man's Head, 3 qrs. — 44 Our Saviour and Jafeph, in a Round 45 A Galatea ■ 46 A Nativity ~~ * — 47 A Blackfmith, half length 48 A Hiftory Piece 49 A Landfcape and Figures $1* f* If? flt-A^f r i 50 A Piece of Architedure and Figures — I b f. *■ ~*y 51 Its Companion -~ ■/«■. f. //*■/ 52 St. Matthew at the Receipt of Cuftom / frf- f- J 53 Our Saviour, the Virgin and St. John $-t, Q^ 54 Its Companion S~° /' 55 A Landfcape and Figures 56 Its Companion - 57 Figures playing at Chefs FINIS. 4 . J1 fauLadii^- {j2$l< fcfij^ Par fi^