£ U ■ < and h, may be supposed to be a continuation of the prisms g, f y and d, passing through the octagonal prism a. Fig. 104. Fig. 105. Fig. 105 shows fig. 100 as it would appear if cut by one of the inclined diagonal planes of the cube. Fig. 106 shows an octagonal prism standing upon an inclined diagonal plane of a cube. Fig. 106. Fig. 107. 60 ISOMETRIC A L PERSPECTIVE. Fig. 107 represents a mortice in a cube for the frustrum of a pyramid which is cut by an inclined diagonal plane: if such a mortice be put over the frustrum of the pyramid, fig. 102, it would fit it when at its base. Fig. 108 is the plan of a hexagonal prism placed upon a square prism, and fig. 109 is the representation of these objects. Fig. 108. Fig. 109. If one square be drawn within another, as in fig. 86, and if each square be in the same plane, and each the face Fig. no. ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 61 of a cube, as 1-4 the diagonal of the one, and a b the side of the other, in fig. 110, the projections of the corners bac on the plane qp, are the points b' a! c\ the representation of which is given in fig. 111. The line af, and any lines parallel to it on either face of the inner cube, may be measured by the same scale as the plan of the face of the cube, fig. 86. The line ac, and any lines parallel to it on the face acgf, may be measured by the scale of the radii or side of a hexagon, and the diagonals fb , or ah , or any lines parallel to either, may also be measured by the latter scale. The line a b being the representation of a line of the same length as a c , either by a pair of propor¬ tional compasses, or by forming a scale in the proportion of ab to ac, any lines parallel to ab may be measured: or any distance, as ak, being set off on the line af, if a line from that point be drawn parallel to fb, a corresponding distance, al, will be obtained, as measured on the line ab. Fig. 111. Fig. 112. If, as in fig. 110, the position of the small cube be altered, so that the diagonal BC may be parallel, and the diagonal AD perpendicular to the plane of projection, the representation, which may be traced from one fig. to the other by the corresponding letters, is given in fig. 112, in 62 ISO METRICAL PERSPECTIVE. which the two faces of the cube AB and BC are equal right-angled parallelograms. Perhaps a sufficient number of examples have been given to prove that there is no position in which one cube may be placed within another that cannot in this way be readily represented, and that scales may be formed to set off any dimensions, or mea¬ sure lines in any direction, on any face, whatever may be the angle of inclination with respect to the plane of pro¬ jection. Fig. 113 is the end elevation of a pedestal with a drawer, which appears to be taken out of and resting against the plinth, as is represented by fig. 114. The letters and dotted lines on each figure refer to those points and lines which are requisite to determine the inclined position of the drawer in the representation, particularly the points 6, d, and c. Fig. 113. Fig. 114. Fig. 115 will, it is hoped, convey the idea of the appli¬ cation of this perspective to the representation of the in¬ terior of rooms, &c. A is the face of one wall, with a door-way and door open at an angle of 45°; B is the face of another wall with a window opening, the jambs inside being splayed at an angle of 45°; and C is the 1SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 63 ceiling. The thickness of the floor above the ceiling is represented at//. The thickness of the walls at w,w,w,w, Fig. 115. Fig. 116. to show the door opened to an angle of 45° is the most convenient angle to represent. The face of the door is parallel to an inclined diagonal plane, and therefore the dimensions may be ascertained in the same way as has been explained for the diagonal planes in the second paragraph, page 29. Fig. 116 represents a floor and two walls, with a step ladder standing upon the floor and leaning against one of the walls. The shortest line ought to have its correct direction. In these the learner is more likely to err than in longer lines; he is therefore recommended to draw all the exam¬ ples to a larger scale, and he will find it to his advantage to draw parts of these objects, or others which he may have to represent, to a much larger scale. Fig. 117 represents a cube cut by planes to the sides of octagons drawn upon each face. The lines which in this figure, and in some others, are in six different directions, may oe all drawn., or lines parallel to them, by means of 64 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. the triangle of 30°, 60°, and 90°, and a parallel ruler, without altering the direction of the latter; or all the Fig. 117. boundary lines in the representation of a cube, as well as the diagonals, or any lines parallel to them. Fig. 118 represents the position of fig. 102, with respect to the plane of projection qp; the lines ab 9 cd , and ef y in the one corresponding with the lines distinguished by the same letters in the other. Fig. 118. If, in fig. 118, these lines be cut by a plane in the I SO METRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 65 direction of the line ag, which is parallel to the plane of projection, then, if the corresponding lines in fig. 102 be divided in the same proportion, the representation it would have, if cut by a plane parallel to the plane of pro¬ jection, would in that way be obtained. However numerous the variations in the lengths of Fig, 119. any line may be in different projections of it, equal di¬ visions upon one projection will be equal upon another Fig. 120. 66 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. projection, and unequal divisions will be in the proportion of the lines on which they are made. Fig. 121. Figs. 119, 120, and 121, show how this method may be applied in figs. 100, 101, 103, and 104, to obtain the direction of lines or planes parallel to the plane of pro¬ jection. Fig. 122. Fig. 123. Fig. 122 is the representation of a cube cut by a plane referred to in the description of fig. 77, by which a regular hexagon is produced. This plane is parallel to the plane of projection. 1SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 67 Fig. 123 represents the piece cut off the cube in fig. 122; and if laid upon it the representation of that cube would appear perfect. Fig. 124. Fig. 124 is the representation of a cube cut by a plane producing the regular hexagon, when that plane is paral¬ lel to the equilateral triangular sections represented in Fig. 125. fig. 78. The letters of reference show which sides and points correspond with those in figure 122. 68 1SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. Figs. 125, 126, 127, are the representations of irregular Fig. 126. hexagonal sections. The dotted lines in the latter figure, extended to the points g, i, and Jc, show the triangular section that would be formed if the three faces of the cube were produced. In figures 122, 124, 125, and 126, the dotted lines show where the lines ae and dc would meet in g , if the plane by which the cube is cut, and the planes of the faces of the cube were produced in that direction. 1SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 69 Figs. 128 and 129 are the representations of pentagonal sections. As in a regular pentagon one side is not parallel Fig. 128. Fig. 129. to another, a cube cannot be cut by a plane to form such a figure. For if a b and cd , or db and c e , in either of these figures, were not parallel to each other, they could not be in the same plane, as has been explained in the description of figs. 73 and 74. From what has just before been said, the object of extending the dotted lines to the points g will be understood. If fig. 130 be the face or square section of a cube, fig. 131 is the size of the diagonal plane, the longest side a" b" or c" d" being equal to the diagonal c b, fig. 130. 70 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE, Fig. 132 is the size of the largest rhombus, each side of which is equal to e d, fig. 130; the longest diagonal b'd' is equal Fig. 130. Fig. 131. tsa the diagonal a" d", fig. 131; and the shortest diagonal a c is equal the diagonal b c, fig. 130. Fig. 133 is the largest equilateral triangular section, each side being equal ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 71 to the diagonal be, fig. 130; and the perpendicular ac is equal to c e or d" e, fig. 131. Fig. 134 is the largest regular hexagonal section. Each side is equal to ef, fig. 130; the diameter a b is equal to the diagonal b c, fig. 130, to the diagonal a c, fig. 132, and to the side of the triangle, fig. 133 ; and the perpendicular c d is equal to c" e and di' e, fig. 131, and to ac, fig. 133. These last five figures show the relative proportions of the largest and most regular sections of a cube. Fig. 135 is the envelope of a cube. The double diagonal Fig. 135. 72 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. lines a!' b" c" d" show where two faces would be cut by a diagonal plane, the shortest sides of the diagonal plane being the boundary lines b" d and a" c". The dotted lines a c, d c, c b' , and a b', show where a section, pro¬ ducing the largest rhombus, cuts four faces. The single diagonal lines a b, b d, and d a show where the triangular section cuts three faces. The lines 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, and 6-1, partly dotted, show where the hexagonal section cuts six faces. The letters and numbers cor¬ respond with those on the previous figures to which they refer. The learner is recommended to draw envelopes of a cube, showing the lines for each section separately; and also to cut cards of paste-board, so that the faces of the cube may be turned up to show the direction of each section on the solid. He cannot have too clear a com¬ prehension of the sections of a cube, or of their appearance when projected in different positions. Explanation of the examples to illustrate the Application of this Perspective to the representation of Curved Lines and Surfaces . Suppose fig. 136 to be one face of a cube, and the large circle thereon to be the end of a cylinder, into which form it is to be cut. By means of the external and internal squares eight points in the circumference of the circle are given, each of which is marked with a letter. The directions of the several diameters represented in fig. 137 being drawn, the points e,f g, h, marked on the circle with corresponding letters, are obtained. Now make ISOMETR1CAL PERSPECTIVE. 73 a b y the longest diameter of the ellipse, of the same length as a b, the diameter of the circle in fig. 136; then, parallel Fig. 136. Fig. 137. to a radius or side of the cube, draw the lines a c and a d> or be and b d. and the points at the extremities of the shortest diameter will be found. If the end of a cylinder, or any other object is small, these eight points, with a steady hand, may frequently be sufficient to determine the line of the required curve. If the object is large, in a similar way as many additional points may be found, so as to enable the draughtsman to give an accurate representation either of a circle or any other curved or varying line. If the artist has an elliptical instrument, the represen¬ tation of any circle may be drawn by it, after having found points at the extremities of the transverse and conjugate axis. An elliptical instrument, made on the principle of the coiqmon trammel, but without grooves, and so as to draw only one-fourth of the ellipse (which contains all the varia¬ tion of curvature) at one setting, is considered to be the 74 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. best adapted for draughtsmen, and, with a little addition to the construction, also for engravers; taking into con¬ sideration the first cost and liability to get out of order, the various ellipses which may be drawn, the ease and accuracy of adjustment and application, and the least degree of disfiguration in using such instruments. The author has had one made on this principle, which has been very serviceable in preparing this work, and by which he can describe a series of ellipses from the smallest possible size to a circle of four feet diameter. This may be so arranged as to be packed in a case fourteen inches long, and one and a half inch square. On the same principle, instruments, with either a greater or less range, may be made; but small instruments for small ellipses, and larger ones for large ellipses, are unq uestionably best. With a small pair of compasses it is impossible to describe a large circle; and it is equally impossible with a large pair to draw very small circles with accuracy. When the representation of circles is to be drawn on an isometrical plane, a set of isometrical elliptical moulds is the most accurate and readiest method of producing them, either in pencil or ink. Respecting these a further explanation will be given. Again, referring to fig. 137, the lower end of the cylinder is represented by half an ellipse, points in which are obtained by letting perpendiculars, of equal length, fall from the points a , g, d, h , 6. The cylinder is shaded, as if it was hollow; to represent it as a solid cylinder, the end may have a uniform tint. To represent a cone, the same method is followed to find the representation of its base, as already described for ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 75 the end oftlie cylinder, as will be seen in fig. 138. The cone being formed within the cube, and being a right cone, whose perpendicular height is equal to a side of a face, the apex is in the centre of the opposite face of the cube. That point being found by drawing the diagonals, the two right lines representing the sides of the cone are then drawn as tangents to the curve of the base. It will be perceived, that if any other point on the lower face of the cube be taken as the apex, the representation would be that of an oblique cone. Fig. 138. Fig. 139. To represent a cone, as in fig. 139, it will be proper for the learner to draw the whole of the base as if the cone was transparent, and after drawing the sides as tangents to the curve, to rub out that part, which, in an opaque figure, as in this view, is hid. It is almost neces¬ sary to do this in order to find how much of the curve of the base will be seen, and to prevent the learner from supposing, which many have done, that only half the base of the cone, as at the bottom of the cylinder in fig. 137, can be represented. The points at which the sides of the cone are tangents to the curve of the base, vary with 76 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. the altitude. When, in the representation of a cone, the apex falls on or within the circumference of its base, profiles of the sides are not seen. A sphere or globe is represented by a circle. If the diameter of the globe be the same as the side of a face of the cube, the diameter of the circle will be equal to the diameter ab of the circle in fig. 136, or its representation a b y fig. 137. Fig. 140 shows a globe of as large dimen¬ sions as can be placed within the cube represented by the dotted lines. Fig. 140. Fig. 14 . To represent a globe standing upon or fixed at any point, for example, on the centre of each external face of a cube, find the centre of each face, by drawing diagonals (these are not shown in fig. 141;) then from these points, in an outward direction, on the minor diagonal, set off the length of the isometrical representation of the radius, which will be the centres of the representation of the globes. Then around these points, with the original radius of the globe, as in fig. 136, draw the circles, as in fig. 141. If an interior representation of a cube was intended, the centre for describing the globes as projecting from the ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 77 centre of each face, will be between the centre of each face and the meeting of the three radii. Three globes of Fig. 142. Fig. 143. B the same size as those in fig. 141, could not be so placed without intersecting each other. If a cube be cut, as in fig. 142, the centre o*f each quadrant being the angle of the cube, if the form be a prism, its representation will be as in fig. 143; if a pyramid, one representation is given in fig. 144, and an¬ other in fig. 145. If a cube be cut by semicircular lines, the centres of 78 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. each being the centres of the sides of a face, as in fig. 146, a prismatic representation is shown by fig. 147. It is supposed unnecessary, having shown the representations Fig. 146. Fig. 147. B of a cone, and the pyramids, figs. 144 and 145, to show the perspective appearance of a pyramid with a base, as in fig. 146. By leaving out every alternative line in fig. 147, fig. 148 is the appearance. Thus the representation of an O G surface, in different position-s, is produced. Fig. 149 is the end elevation of a semicylinder abc , joined to a rectangular prism, ac, AD. Fig. 148. B Fig. 149. Figs. 150 and 151 are representations of the same, 1SOMETR1CAL PERSPECTIVE. 79 which will show its application to external and internal, upper, under, &c. views of arches for bridges, vaults, &c., if examined in the several positions in which they may be placed. Fig. 150. Fig. 151. Fig. 152 is a plan of the last figure, to show two directions in which it is to be represented as being cut. Fig. 152. Fig. 153. Fig. 153 shows it cut by a vertical plane passing through the line a b on the plan, fig. 152; and fig. 154, if cut by a plane in the direction of the line a c . The corresponding heights from the plane of the base to the arch, in each figure, are marked 1-2 and 3-4. 80 XSOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. Fig. 155 is the exterior representation of a semi-globe> the plane of the section being an isometrical plane. Fig. 154. Fig. 155. Fig. 156 is the interior representation of half a hollow globe. If fig. 155, be placed on fig. 156, a complete globe would be represented. Fig. 156. Fi §' 157 ‘ Fig. 157 represents a hollow globe, with one quarter cut out by a horizontal and a vertical isometrical plane. The sections of a globe, as represented in these figures, are all isometrical ellipses, or portions thereof. When the Isometrical Diameters of the Representation of a Circle are given , to find the Major and Minor Axis . Let a,b y c,d, fig. 158, be the representation of a square, ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 81 then the lines 1-5 and 7-3, being drawn parallel to the sides of the square, they are the isometrical diameters of the greatest circle that can be inscribed within it, which, being supposed to be given, four points, viz. 1, 3, 5, and 7, in the circumference of the representation, are determined. Now draw the diagonals a c and b d. Make ef equal e «, or e c, then af and cf will be equal to the sides of the square of which a d and c d are the representations. Next Fig. 158. make e 8 and e 4 equal/g, or half a /, then 8-4 = a f is the major axis. Draw 8-2 parallel to ad, and cut ed at 2. Then make e 6 equal e 2, and 6-2 will be the minor axis. Thus eight points through which the curve may be drawn are obtained. Or, if the proportions of the diameters of one isometrical ellipse be known, those of any other may be found thus:—Let e T be half an isometrical diameter of another ellipse, then parallel to 8-1 draw 8'-l', and e 8' is half the major axisj and parallel to 8-2 draw 8-2 / , and e-2' is half the minor axis of the ellipse. F 82 1 SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. If the minor axis of an isometrical ellipse be equal to the side of an equilateral triangle, the major axis will be equal to two perpendiculars; or two equilateral triangles, having the minor axis as a side in common to both, may Fig. 159. hO SO 20 10 0 10 20 SO bO be inscribed within an isometrical ellipse; as in the centre of fig. 167. Figs. 159 and 160 show how a circular plane, or circular surface, which, being divided into any number of equal parts, may, by scales of tangents, be thus represented in this perspective. The explanation of the application of scales of tangents which have already been given, perhaps render it unnecessary to say any thing more here than to direct attention to the difference of the application which the numbers and lines, it is hoped, clearly indicate. The principle of the scale of tangents will be found applicable in representing the teeth of wheels, fillets, flutes of columns, floats of water-wheels, voussoirs of arches, &c. ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 83 The several diameters of the ellipse, being the repre¬ sentations of lines which are all of the same length (the diameters of the circle), they are scales of proportions by which any lines in those directions, or parallel to them, may be measured. Fig. 160. Fig. 161 is the plan of a cylindrical ring on a pedestal of two steps. Fig. 162 is an elevation of the same. Fig. 163, section of the cylinder and part of the pe¬ destal. The line a b is the direction of the plane of pro¬ jection. Fig. 164 is an isometrical projection of half the ring and pedestal, the side of the pedestal being next the 84 ISOMETRICAL PEKSPECTIVE. observer. The curved dotted lines, which are the repre¬ sentations of the circular lines on the surface of the ring, Fig. 161. marked with corresponding numbers in the two pieceding figures, are portions of isometrical ellipses. In the repre¬ sentation, the lines marked a , surrounding the cylinder, are also isometrical ellipses; and the diameter of the section 3-7 is in isometrical proportion to the diameter 1-5. The profiles of a cylindrical ring, whether in isometrical or other projection, or any perspective, cannot be an ellipse. This statement will appear evidently correct, by referring to the profiles of the ring in fig. 161, where they are ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 85 circles, and to fig. 126, where the profile is formed of semicircles and right lines. In all other positions, in Fig. 162. which the ring may be projected or viewed, the profiles must partake of both these characteristics. The greater Fig. 163. 3 86 ISOMETRIC A L PERSPECTIVE. the diameter of the cylinder is to that of the ring, the greater the variation of the profile is from the form of an isometrical ellipse. Fig. 164. Fig. 165 is a representation of half the ring and pe¬ destal, the angle of the pedestal being next the observer. The dotted curved lines, the sections of the cylinder, and the line a surrounding it, are isometrical ellipses. The line b is part of an ellipse of the same proportion as the section of the cylinder exhibited on the preceding figure. Fig. 166 is the representation of the whole ring on the pedestal, one side of the latter being next the observer. The letters and numbers of reference correspond with those in the previous figures, in the descriptions of which the several parts have been explained. The minor axis cd of the profile of this ring is about one-fourth greater than that of an isometrical ellipse; the major axis in both being the same. Fig. 167 is a series of isometrical ellipses drawn by moulds; the points showing the terminations of the parti- ISOMETR1CAL PERSPECTIVE, 87 Fig. 165. 88 ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. Fig. 167. O'I cular diameters are marked by numbers corresponding with those of fig. 158. The principle on which these moulds are produced is, that if a cone, a be, fig. 168, be Fig. 168. S cut by a plane d e , to produce an isometrical ellipse, and then, if cut by other planes parallel to d e , these sections will also be isometrical ellipses, the line f g passing through the centre of each. On this principle a series of ellipses, either isometrical or otherwise, circles, parabolas, SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 89 and hyperbolas, may be obtained to any minute degree of variation that can ever be required in the finest drawing or engraving. If one side of the face of a cube be the minor axis of an isometrical ellipse, the diagonal of the face is the isometrical diameter, and the diagonal of the cube is the major axis. Fig. 169 was prepared to illustrate this in the first Fig. 170. Fig. 169. Edition, but the limits would not permit it to be intro¬ duced. If the minor axis AB be made the side of a square, then Be, the diagonal of the square, or BC, to which it is equal, being the longest side of the diagonal plane of a cube, is the isometrical diameter; and AC, the diagonal of a diagonal plane, or a diagonal of a cube, is the major axis. Therefore, by means of the triangle ABC, the lines being produced if necessary, if either the minor axis, the isometrical diameter, or the major axis of an isometrical ellipse be given, the other two may be found. Thus, let Ac" be the major axis of an isometrical ellipse, then draw be" parallel to BC, and be will be the 90 ISOMETRIC A L PERSPECTIVE, isometrieal diameter, and A b the minor axis. Or, let Be' be an isometrieal diameter, then ac' parallel to AC, and B a will be the minor, and ac' the major axis. Here it is obvious, that twice the square of the minor axis is equal to the square of the isometrieal diameter; and the square of the minor axis added to the square of the isometrieal diameter, is equal to the square of the major axis. Mr. Francillon, of Gloucester, Lieut. R. N., having calculated the following table for his own use, has, although the author is unknown to him, most politely sent him a copy, with permission to publish it. SOMETR1CAL PERSPECTIVE 91 Table for drawing Circles in Isometrical Perspective. Minor Axis. Isometrical Diameter. Major Axis. Minor I Axis. Isometrical Diameter. Major Axis. 707 1 1,225 36,062 51 62,462 1,414 2 2,449 36,770 52 63,687 2,121 3 3,674 37,477 53 64,911 2,828 4 4,899 38,184 54 66,136 3,536 5 6,124 38,891 55 67,361 4,243 6 7,348 39,598 56 68,586 4,950 7 8,573 40,305 57 69,810 5,657 8 9,798 41,012 58 71,035 6,364 9 11,023 41,719 59 72,260 7,071 10 12,247 42,426 60 73,485 7,778 11 13,472 43,134 61 74,709 8,485 12 14,697 43,841 62 75,934 9,192 13 15,922 44,548 63 77,159 9,899 14 17,146 45,255 64 78,384 10,607 15 18,371 45,962 65 79,608 11,314 16 19,596 46,669 66 80,833 12,021 17 20,821 47,376 67 82,058 12,728 18 22,045 48,083 68 83,283 13,435 19 23,270 48,790 69 84,507 14,142 20 24,495 49,497 70 85,732 14,849 21 25,720 50,205 71 86,957 15,556 22 26,944 50,912 72 88,182 16,263 23 28,169 51,619 73 89,406 16,971 24 29,394 52,326 74 90,631 17,678 25 30,619 53,033 75 91,856 18,385 26 31,843 53,740 76 93,081 19,092 27 33,068 54,447 77 94,306 19,799 28 34,293 55,154 78 95,530 20,506 29 35,518 55,861 79 96,755 21,213 30 36,742 56,569 80 97,980 21,920 31 37,967 57,276 81 99,204 22,627 32 39,192 57,983 82 100,429 23,335 33 40,417 58,690 83 101,654 24,012 34 41,641 59,397 84 102,879 24,749 35 42,866 60,104 85 104,103 25,456 36 44,091 60,811 86 105,328 26,163 37 45,316 61,518 87 106,553 26,870 38 46,540 62,225 88 107,778 27,577 39 47,765 62,933 89 109,002 28,284 40 48,990 63,640 90 110,227 28,991 41 50,215 64,347 91 111,452 29,698 42 51,439 65,054 92 112,676 30,406 43 52,664 65,761 93 113,901 31,113 44 53,889 66,468 94 115,126 31,820 45 55,114 67,175 95 116,351 32,527 46 56,338 67,882 96 117,576 33,234 47 57,563 68,589 97 118,800 I 33,941 48 58,783 69,297 98 120,025 34,648 49 60,012 70,004 99 121,250 35,355 50 61,237 70,711 100 122,474 1 92 I SO METRICAL PERSPECTIVE. In isometrical drawing, besides the isometrical lines, there are only two other classes of right lines. These may be called First and Second Hypothenusal lines. A First Hypothenuse, as AC, fig. 170, is in the same plane as isometrical lines in two directions, as AD and DC, representing lines at right angles to each other. A Second Hypothenuse, as AB, can only be in the same plane with isometrical lines in one direction, as CB, or lines parallel thereto. Let it be required to calculate the length of a First Hypothenuse , as AC.—-From the extremities A and C, draw two isometrical lines meeting in D, and the lengths of AD and DC being determined by an isometrical scale, AD 8 4- DC 2 = AC 2 V AC 2 = AC, by the same scale that AD and DC were measured. Fig. 171. Fig. 172. Let it be required to obtain the measure of the length of a First Hypothenuse, as AC, fig. 170, by an isometrical scale.— In fig. 171 draw AD and DC at right angles to each other, and make them respectively equal to AD and DC in fig. 170; and AC, in fig. 171, is the length by the isometrical scale. Let it be required to calculate the length of a Second Hypothenuse , as AB, in fig . 170.—Draw the isometrical lines BC, AD, and CD, and measure them by an isome¬ trical scale, then AB 2 + DC 2 = AC 2 and AC 2 + CB“ = AB 2 s/ AB 2 = AB by the isometrical scale. ISOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 93 Let it be required to obtain the measure of the length of a Second Hypothenuse, as AB, fig. 170, by an iso- metrical scale. —Draw A D and D C, fig. 172, at right angles to each other, and equal to A D and D C, fig. 171; then, at right angles to AC, in fig. 172, draw C B equal to C B, fig. 170, and then AB, fig. 172, may be measured by the same isometrical scale as the lines A D, D C, A C, and C B, in the same figure. Let A B, fig. 173, be the section of a plane on which any projection is made, and let it represent any definite measure—say ten feet. If a line, as B C, be perpendicular to A B, it can only be represented by a point on the plane of projection. If the quadrant AC be divided into degrees, then the dotted lines parallel to B C divide the line A B into a scale of sines. This scale represents the lengths of lines equal to A B, at every tenth degree of inclination from A to C. If D B be the length of a line parallel to the plane of projection, then the several divisions on that line show the measure of the projection of any line of the same length, making an angle therewith of any degree numbered thereon. The measure of the length of the projection being taken from B, or if A D be the length of a line parallel to the plane of projection, then the several perpendiculars parallel to A D are the lengths of the projections at the several angles, the line a b being the length of the isometrical line. In the two former scales «B and 6B are the lengths of the isometrical projections of the lines D B and A B respectively. Fig. 174. It cannot, perhaps, be too much enforced on the minds of students, that parts of objects may be represented with advantage in isometrical perspective. It 94 1 SOMETR1CAL PERSPECTIVE. would be impossible to enumerate all the applications; but to represent the plans of buildings, with the walls and partitions a foot or two, or, occasionally, a little more above Fig. 173. the floor, is considered a most important application of this method of drawing. Ascending or descending steps, or any irregularity in the ground, may in this way be made as obvious as by a model—-this will be made manifest by this figure on Plate I. Many drawings required to be SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. 95 laid before Parliament, would be much more intelligible in this way. Fig. 175. A student of isometrical perspective, not having made this first essay, published in the Mechanic's Magazine , representing the Artificers’Tomb at Birmingham, a correct projection, a copy of this figure (Plate II.) was sent to point out the inaccuracies; but, unfortunately, as the person who engraved the wood block did not then understand “ Isometrical Perspective,” the projection was still not quite accurate. Although this engraving has not been made from the actual dimensions of the Artificers’ Tomb, yet, as it is now executed by Mr. Adlard, it is offered as an accurate specimen of projection, and of the manner which it is recommended such objects when represented in isometrical perspective ought to be shaded. Fig. 176, frontispiece, explained at pages 7 and 8. Fig. 177, Plate III., the quarto engraved isometrical representation of a farm-house and outbuildings, first published by the author in “Waistell’s Designs for Agricultural Buildings.” To conclude: if the plane plan, or elevation, of an object be drawn to any particular scale, as an inch, half¬ inch, or quarter of an inch to one foot, or to ten feet, the proportion of the isometrical scale to these cannot be expressed in the same way. The isometrical scale is nearly nine-elevenths of the scale of any object represented of the correct size. But the isometrical scale may be an inch, half-inch, quarter of an inch, or any other proportion to a foot, ten feet, or any other lineal measure; in this case the scale for a plane plan or elevation will be eleven- ninths of the isometrical scale. 96 SOMETRICAL PERSPECTIVE. If an isometrical representation of any object be drawn to the same scale as the plane plans of that object, the only difference it will make is, that it will appear to be drawn to a larger scale. Indeed, it is generally preferable to draw both to the same scale, for it is of much greater advantage to have the isometrical lines of the same scale as the plane plans, elevations, and sections, of any object, than to have only those lines so which are parallel to one diagonal of each face of a cube, whose boundary lines are isometrical. The proportion, 9:11, which the isometrical plan bears to the scale of a plane plan, will be found sufficiently accurate for most purposes, but those who may require greater accuracy may make the proportion 89 to 109, which is very near correct. These proportions are taken from Mr. Francillon’s Table, now given. FINIS. PRINTED BY C. ADLARD, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, TZaU t. /■/„/. 7 -p tJ 'A'L