L£3>A Property of ' Lewis J. LlgtoOj Jr* • * 'i » ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES MINT WITH SHORT HISTORICAL SKETCHES AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE BRANCH MINTS AND ASSAY OFFICES, AND A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF AMERICAN COINAGE From the earliest period to the present time ; the Process of Melting, Refining, Assaying, and Coining Gold and Silver being fully described WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE MINT OFFICERS FROM ITS FOUNDATION TO THE PRESENT TIME. TO WHICH ARE ADDED A GLOSSARY OP MINT TERMS LATEST OFFICIAL TABLES OF THE .Operations of the different Mints and Assay Offices, showing the Annual Products of Gold and Silver in the United States and Foreign Countries, with Monetary Statistics of the World. WITH PHOTO-ILLUSTRATIONS AND FINE ENGRAVINGS AND TWENTY-FOUR PLATES OF RARE COINS. New Revised Edition , Edited by the Publisher. (Ninety-first Thousand). PHILADELPHIA: GEORGE G. EVANS, Publisher, 1.314 Filbert Street. 1893. Copyrighted by George G. Evans, 1885. Beeopyrighted 1885 and 18*. DUNLAP PRINTING CO. Pbintkrs and Book Biivdhks, 1306 - 8-10 Filbkbt Stuhbt Philadelphia* INDEX, PAG 1C Adjusting room.•.*•... 32 American coinage, history of from 1792 to 1890.•. 81 89’ Ancient coining. " “ Greek coins. 44 “ Persian coins. 4 *> *• Koman coins. 4 £ Approximate distribution, gold and silver,from the mines of the different States and Territories for the year 1891. 138 Appropriations, Mint and Assay offices, 1892.- 14? Architecture indebted to coins. * Assav, process of. 2 | Assayers of Mint. Assaying gold. 24 “ silver. “ rooms. 24 Barber, Charles E„ Mint Engraver. “ William, “ “ . Bond of indemnity signed by employees of first Mint, 1799. Booth, James C., Melter and Refiner. Boudinot, Elias... Bosbyshell, Colonel O. C., Coiner. “ “ “ Superintendent. Boyd, N. B., Assistant Melter ad Refiner.. Brazilian coins.... Bullion, delivered on purchases of silver. “ operations, Melting Department, 1891. “ operated upon, 1891. “ delivered on Silver purchases. Burchard, Horatio C., second Director. 128 127 17 123 102 116 110 124 58 143 135 136 144 100 Cabinet of coins and relics. . . Cashiers of the Mint. Childs, George H., Coiner. Chiuese coins. Circulation of silver dollars. Cloud, Joseph. Cobb, Mark H., Chief Clerk. Coinage Act of 1873 . “ and milling rooms . “ fiscal year. “ of first silver dollar. “ fiscal year, 1891. Coiners of Mint. Coin dealers. Coins, classification of.. “ English, of the Commonwealth and Cromwell. “ issued at the Philadelphia Mint from its establishment in 1792 to 1890. “ of Athens. ” of China. “ of Egypt.. of Ferdinand and Isabella. “ of Siam. “ of Switzerland. “ of Syria. Colonial coins. . “ pine tree money. Confederate coins (C.S.A). Copy of paper laid in corner-stone of the Mint. “ old pay-roll. Costumes on coins... Cost of coinage, each Mint, 1891. Cox, Albion. Curator of the Mint.. Curiosities and minerals, . .. ...... 41 129, 130 116 51 lt4 123 123 99,100 35 135 15 132 114-1.8 179 48-68 56-57 81-80 47 51 45 67 50 55 46 59 59 63 18 12 5 142 129 130 4a IV Deliveries on purchases of silver, 1891. “ on purchases of silver, 1890-91. “ on purchases of silver, 1878. Deposit melting room. “ weighing room... Deposits and purchases of gold and silver. DeSaussure, Henry William, Director. Directors and Superintendents of Mints.... Dollar of 1804, history of.. “ standard, history of. “ tra^e, history of. Donations of old coins. Double eagle of 1849, history of.. Du Bois, William E., Assayer. 142 143 143 23 2i 134 101 101-111 04 32 01 09 06 121-123 Earnings of Mints and Assay offices. Eckfeldt, Adam, Coiner.. " “ George N., M. I)., Director.. “ Jacob B., Assayer. English coi ns..... ................ “ silver tokens.. Engravers and die-sinkers at the Mint. Engraving dies.. Egyptian coins. Establishment of the Mint. Estimated value of foreign coins (official table of) .. Exports of silver, 1891........" Extract from Constitution of the United States relating to coining. “ from resolution of Congress relating to Mint. “ from the Director’s last report. 138 115 103 128-120 55, 56 57 125 34 54 13 147-148 139 132 19 WO Family coins (Grecian). 47 First silver dollar.15 First U. S. money coined.............,..........7"V. 15 Foreign coins, value of in United States Money (table of) !!1!!!11111111!11111!1!!1111111111! 147 Fox,Hon. Daniel M„ Superintendent. 108-109 French coins, Marie Antoinette, etc.. . . 54 German coins. Glossary of Mint terms. I".""". Gobrecht, Christian. Gold and silver productions of the world..7.7.'.'.'.'.'ll...... llll.'.'l “ coins ofOliver Cromwell.711.111111!!!!! “ and silver coins manufactured at the Philadelphia Mint since its establish¬ ment in 1792...‘. 81-89 “ and Silver bullion in the Mints and Assay Offices, 1891.......”...!!. .. ... .. ] 4 o “ imports, 1891 . 439 “ exports, 1891 ......!!....!!!.!!!!! !11. .1111.7'.'.'.'..."!!! iks “ and silver bars manufactured.7111 145 “ medalic ducat, head of Luther. !.!!!......!.!!!.! 55 Golden daric of Persia.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'..1117117 45 Grecian coins. ..777.7!!!!77711!77!!111".77'1 44 Greek Republic.■■....!!!!!!."!!!!!!r."!!!.V.V"!!!!""."**."!"J”r"r 46 Gun Money of James II..11111.1.11.llllllllllllllllllllllll 57 Hamilton, Alexander. 92 Head of Jupiter Ammon (a specimen of). 47 “ of Minerva, with Greek helmet.!.... !!!.....! !!!!!! 55 Heraldic emblems. .'.'ll!!!!! 5 Historical sketch of first U. S. Mint.!!!!."..!1!.V!!!!.V.1111 !!!**!!!! 7-10 History of coinage, ancient and modern.7.1111 1-6 “ of present U. S. Mint.1....... ...111.1 18 Highest and lowest price of gold, New York. 149 Humor pictured in medals and coins. 5 Imports of silver, 1891. 449 Incidents of history on coins.'ll..H.H 4 Introduction. . . !!!!...'.".".'."!! 1-2 Japanese coins. 53 Jefferson, Thomas.90 91 “Joe” and half “ Joe ”.1. .1.... .1!!!!.'.'.... 11.1.1..'... 1 ’ 58 Kimball, James Putnam. 93 94 Key, William H., Assistant Engraver.1.!.'.'!!!!.' ’ng Kneass, William, Engraver. )14 Knox, John Jay...!"...... !..!! 95-98 Y Language upon coins and medal9... 6 Leech, Edward O., Director...•• 96 Linderman, Henry Kichard, M. D. 104-108 Longacre, James B., Engraver. 115 List of Superintendents... 164 McClure, R. A., Curator .. 129 McCullough, Richard S. 123 Medals obtained at the Mint. 154-155 Melter and Refiner’s office. 23 Melters and Refiners of the Mint. 123,124 Melting rooms. 26 Metallic stock, Nov. 1 , 1891..- 141 Metallic money in Colonial times.*. 60 Mexican coins. 58 Minor coinage, 1891. 137 Money of Great Britain... 65 “ of the Chinese Empire. 51 “ “ French “ 64 “ “ German “ 55 “ “ Grecian “ 46 “ “ past and present. 1 “ “ Roman Empire. 46 “ “ time of Moses. 46 “ “ Turkish Empire. 46 “ “ United States. 61 Moore, Samuel, M. D„ Director. 102 Morgan, George T., Assistant Engraver. 128 Morris, Robert, diary of. 7 New York doubloon.. 61 Notes on the early history of the Mint . 7-10 Oak tree money. Oliver Cromwell, cast of... Operations, minor assay offices, 1891. Oriental coins. Our gold and silver. Pacific coast coins.. Paper and specie circulation, principal countries, Parting ana refining. Patterson,Robert, LL. D., Director. “ Robert M., Director. Pay-roll of first Mint. Peale, Franklin, Coiner and Assayer. Penny of William the Conqueror. Parisian coins. “ Peter ” the Eagle (Mint bird). Pettit, Thomas M., Director. Pine tree money. Pollock, James, A. M., L.L. D., Director. Portraiture upon coins. Portuguese and Spanish coins.. Pound sterling, Charles First. Product of gold and silver in the world. Profit on silver coinage. Progress in coining. 60 142 35 50, 67 157 62 150 26 102 1U2 12 115 56 45 43 103 59 103 3 58 58 141 137 33 Rarity and condition of coins.. Rare coins. Relics. Resolution of Congress establishing the Mint. Richardson, John, Assayer. “ Joseph, “ . Rittenhouse, David, First Director.. Rolling gold and silver. Rolling room. Roman coin, imperial. Rules and regulations ot first Mint. Rush, Beniamin, Treasurer. Russian coins. “ double rouble, head of Peter the Great. Ryal or ropal of Queen Elizabeth. 178 180 42 11 130 130 101 20 28 46 15, 16 128 55 55 56 Scott, Robert, Engraver. Scotch groat, of Robert Bruce. “ pennies. 125 56 67 VI Selections of rare coins. 66,6f Separating room. 26 Siamese coins..... 5# Silver coins of the United States (see table)." 133 Silver, first American. 14 Snowden, Col. A Loudon, Coiner,Superintendent. 104 “ James Ross, L.L D., Superintendent... 104 Sovereign of Oliver Cromwell. 67 Standard weights. 130,13# Steel, William'S. Coiner. 116 Steel plate of present Mint.. 13 Stock of money, principal countries. 146 Stock of U. S. coin, July 1, 1889. 15* Table showing where the precious metals in the U. S. come from. 133 . “ The temple sweepers,” Grecian coin. 49 The Carson Mint, Carson City, Nev. 17# I he St. Louis Assay office. 164 The gold and silver eras. 151 1 The U. S. Assay office, Helena, Montana. 173 1 Che U. S. Assay office, Boise City, Idaho. 174 trade dollar, history of..’. 62 Twenty dollar gold pieceof 1849. 63 Turkish coins. 54 Tutt-le, Di. David K., Melter and Refiner..... 124 United States coins. 61 “ “ Mint first established. 4 “ Mint, San Francisco, Cal. 169 “ Mint at New Orleans. 163 “ “ Mint test for gold and silver. 153 “ “ Assay office, New York. 158 “ “ Branch Mint, Denver, Col. 17* Visiting the mint. 2f Voigt, Henry Coiner. 114 “ Widow’s mite,” history of.-. 68 World’s coinage. 148 Wright, Joseph, Engraver... 128 ILLUSTRATIONS Ancient coining press... Ancient and modern Japanese gold coins. Ancient Chinese coins. Ancient Greek an