Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/collectionofobjeOOchri CATALOGUE OF THE COLLECTION OF COLLECTED DURING THE LAST FORTY YEARS BY THAT DISTINGUISHED CONNOISSEUR, HENRY FARRER, ESQ., F.S.A., 1) E C E A S E 1); Comprising Figures and Groups in Bronze, Terra-Cotta, and Marble ; Limoges, Byzantine, and other Enamels; Italian and other Carvings in Ivory; Etruscan Vases; a Pair of very fine Cut-Steel Candlesticks, by A. Piccinino; Majolica Plates, &c., by Maestro Georgio and Fra Zanto ; Miniatures ; Silver and Silver-Gilt Cups; Sevres, Dresden, and Oriental Porcelain; Carvings in Jade and Crystal; Japan Lacquer; Specimens of Wedgwood Ware; a few Pieces of Palissy Ware; Venetian and German Glass; Ornamental Cabinets; Tables of Marqueterie, and with Marble Slabs; some very curious German Clocks ; fine Buhl and Or-molu French Clocks; Bijouterie ; Snuff-Boxes, &c.: WHICH S®til be £?oUi bg auction, bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MAN SON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, j_ On TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1866, And following Days, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. -- May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, M ANSON and Woods’ Offices, 8, King Street . * St. James s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. A Em 14 Ai* b •r * - O - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots ro purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any Lot. Y. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, aud the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. C A T A L 0 GUE. First Day’s Sale. -OO^fltJOO- On TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 180 „ 4 J 9 a J JU AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. ^Oo- ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. * ✓ 1 A clip and saucer, with foliage in relief in white and gold, mounted with chased silver gilt. From the Be Bruges Collection 2 A white cup, with foliage in relief, mounted with rim and foot of silver gilt 3 A pink basin, enamelled with flowers in colours in medallions—on tripod stand, of or-molu 4 A vase, enamelled with fruits and flowers in colours on engraved yellow ground—wood cover and stand—12 in. 5 A fluted seagreen crackle vase, mounted with rim and foot of or-molu —6J in. 6 A pair of hexagonal canisters and covers, with pierced panels enamelled with flowers and ornaments in brilliant colours— 5-^ in. high 7 A double vase, of dark-green crackle^ with elephant’s head handles— 8 A curious Oviform Ribbed Yase, splashed with purple, with bosses on the shoulder—wood stand—9 in. s 4 > 9 10 lb ' L> 11 f ' v 12 ^ 13 i . 14 i 6 J £ % ^ „ 15 16 17 I r . f» p 18 19 20 1 ^ *>. 21 22 28 a i ' . 24 •- % 4 dU. 25 L*-* 26 | . S * h 27 28 A bottle, of rare light-green crackle, white inside—carved wood V stand—-74 in. * k A A . A cup and cover, enamelled with flowers on dark-green ground; and one, with flowers on yellow ground A Cat, of Turquoise Crackle —on scroll-pattern stand of or-molu 5 i • i m. < tA An eggshell cup and saucer, pink ground, enamelled with birds in leaf-shaped compartments Another, enamelled with figures and with richly gilt borders A beautiful eggshell plate, enamelled with a lady and children in the centre, flowers in the border, and with crimson back ; and one, similar —imjperfect Two ditto A pair of plates, with figures in landscapes in pink borders One, with a horseman, and a lady playing the guitar, the border gilt and enamelled with fruit, &c. One, enamelled with poultry and flowers A deep dish, enamelled with butterflies and flowers A pair of bottles, with flowers in colours on engraved green ground, mounted with rims and feet of or-molu-—7 in. high A crimson crackle vase, with seagreen neck—wood stand—11J in. A brown crackle bottle, with small neck—wood stand—7 in.; and ] f i a purple bottle—wood stand—5^ in. ' ♦' 1 A turquoise bottle—wood stand 7 tn. * and a green crackle bottle —wood stand— in. *r - - A beaker; and a pair of small jars, on engraved yellow ground, with flowers in colours and landscapes in medallions—7 in. A bottle, enamelled with flowers on engraved green ground— 1 1\ in.; and a smaller ditto, turquoise ground—wood stand—5± in. A fluted vase, of dark-green crackle—wood stand—11 in. f 4 ^ A cup, cover and saucer, enamelled with flowers on engraved green ground; and one, with turquoise ground An Old Japan Urn and Cover, white, red, and blue, mounted with engraved silver rims, lion’s-claw feet, festoons of foliage, the spout formed as a dragon’s head, the lid surmounted by a vase, in fine old taste— 16 in. high iA vA 5 29 A Flat-shaped Bottle, with plants in blue, red, and gold, and figures in heart-shaped compartments, mounted with rims of metal gilt, and mask handles—-12 in. 30 An old Nankin jug, with flowers in blue on white ground, mounted with engraved silver—6J in. high 31 A Pair of Hexagonal Vases, of turquoise crackle, engraved with foliage and flowers, metal-gilt rims—10J- in. 32 A beautiful Eggshell Jar, with domestic subjects in borders encrusted with flowers 33 A curious square jar, for flowers, with perforated sides 33* A blue and white basin, with silver-gilt rim, foot, and chased bands, the handles formed of terminal figures 34 A pair of bracelets, and a necklace, of Etruscan gold 35 A pair of earrings, and a necklace, with pendants of the same 36 A snuff-box, of Dresden enamel, with figures in pink; and one, with f white and gold trellis /'j 37 A box, inlaid’with flowers in white metal and motlier-o pearl; and two chased metal-gilt tops for clocks 38 The Nativity: a relief in marble—in Verona marble frame 39 A black and white marble pedestal 40 James Stuart, Duke of Bichmond, oval enamel by H. P. Bone—in gilt frame 41 A set of four white and gold Venetian enamel cups, with landscapes and sea views in medallions 42 A square-shaped vase, of Chinese enamel, with birds and flowers in colours, the cover shaped as a crown—9J in. 43 A pair of circular bowls, with subjects in relief in the centres 44 A steel casket, with curious lock, engraved with animals 45 Six Italian handles, with figures and masks 46 Five Byzantine prickets, enamelled with coats-of-arms and other ornaments 47 A chalice, with heads of saints in enamel 48 A ditto 6 49 A Byzantine triptych, with figures of saints in relief, and enamelled borders 50 An oblong gilt casket, with plaques o± glass engraved with landscapes 51 A processional cross, with the figure of the Saviour and attendant angels, the figure of the deity and emblems of the Evangelists on the back 52 The Virgin, Child, and St. John: a bronze relief, partly gilt, of Italian work 53 A dagger, with pierced blade, the handle chased with figures 54 Another, the guard formed of animals 55 Another, the handle inlaid with silver, and with heads in medallions 56 Another, with animals on the guard and figures in niches 57 Another, with a sheath chased with masks and figures 58 Another, with pistol-barrel and flint-lock 59 A pair of Highland silver-mounted pistols, by Murdoch, of Doun 60 Three spurs ; a bit; and an Oriental enamelled boss 61 An egg-shaped bonbonniere of enamel, with flowers in gold on light- blue ground 62 A beautiful Agate Etui Case, formed as a telescope, mounted with gold, chased with flowers, and enamelled 63 An egg-shaped box and cover, of silver filigree, on stand of the same, with enamelled ornaments 64 A beautiful Cellini Pendant, enamelled in colours and set with stones 65 A Vase of Lapis Lazuli, with foot, openwork rim, and serpent handles of silver, the cover surmounted by a silver figure of a child —on square lapis-lazuli pedestal—7-J in. 66 A large casket, formed of slabs of agate, mounted with silver gilt— 6J in. by 4| in. and 6 in. high LIMOGES ENAMELS. [' 6 67 The Last Supper : upright plaque in colours and gold—in blackwood frame aj wv la • 68 Christ Beleasing Souls from Purgatory: a curious upright plaque, of early enamel 7 69 The Last Supper: a fine upright plaque, in gold and colours ,by L. Limousin—in blackwood frame. Signed L. L. 70 Two medallions, of niello work, with the Virgin and Child and John the Baptist—in frame of silver gilt 71 A plaque, with arched top, with the Virgin and Child seated on a throne—in gilt frame 72 A wood cross, carved with subjects from the life of Christ, m metal- gilt case, with coral ornaments 73 An episcopal seal, of metal gilt 74 The Death of the Virgin: circular relief carved in ivory in black frame 75 A gold Tara brooch, set with polished stones, and with inscriptions. Engraved 76 A pin, with an enamel hand holding a bouquet 77 An oblong box, with classical subjects in high relief, of cut-steel on gilt ground, and with gold lining 78 A Dresden box, painted with Watteau figures, mounted with metal gilt, set with turquoise, &c. 7 9 A cross containing relics, mounted with metal gilt, set with polished rubies 80 An oblong Dresden box, painted with seven views of Dresden and other cities 81 A tortoiseshell box, inlaid with flowers in gold picque, and with cage mount and lining of gold 82 A crystal scent-bottle, mounted with enamelled silver gilt, with figures of Venus and Cupid 83 An agate snuff-box, inlaid with Chinese figures in gold, and with chased gold mount 84 A beautiful Oblong Box, enamelled with figures after Boucher, and with engraved gold Louis XYI. mount 85 A fine Oval Gold Box, by Neubert, inlaid with coloured jaspers, and with a miniature of the Duke of Marlborough on the lid surrounded by pearls 86 Portrait of George IV. when Prince of Wales: a beautiful immature on ivory in gold frame, with border of blue enamel. Signed 87 A Cellini pendant, with a figure oi a bisnop 88 A figure riding on an elephant, formed of silver and lusus naturae of pearl, by Dinglinger 89 A Cellini jewel, with a dog set with emeralds 90 Bust of Queen Fredigonde, carved in boxwood, with crown of metal gilt and foot of the same, supported by lions. Engraved 91 A handsome large Cellini Jewel, with Medea in the centre,, two armed figures on each side, enamelled and set with stones and pearl pendants 92 A watch, in case, beautifully enamelled with sacred subjects after C. Maratti 93 Portrait of the artist, by W. Mieris: small oval painting, in carved wood frame 94 A Silver-gilt Pax, of Gothic design, with the Virgin and Child, saints and scrolls, with inscriptions 95 A pair of small figures of Jupiter and Juno, enamelled in colours, and mounted on agate pedestals, set with stones 96 An Oblong Gold Snuff-box, with slabs of tortoiseshell, inlaid with birds and flowers in mother-o’pearl 97 A Chatelaine and Watch, in gold case, beautifully enamelled with flowers 98 A gold miniature frame, set with lapis-lazuli, and sunounded by flowers 99 Portrait of William III.—-oval enamel 100 A piece of coral, with two children holding a mask 101 A flower-pattern miniature frame, enamelled in colours 102 A silver-gilt pyx, chased with figures by V. Valerio, and inlaid with a slab of rock-crystal, engraved with the Crucifixion 103 An oblong tortoiseshell box, inlaid with birds and ornaments in gold picque work 104 A beautiful agate etui-case, mounted with gold, chased with scrolls and flowers, and containing implements 105 A small Altar, of silver gilt, with the Virgin and Child under a Gothic canopy, enclosed by folding - doors, enamelled with figures of the twelve Apostles—on square foot, enamelled and set with stones 106 A Cellini jewel, with two figures in the centre 9 SILVER. 107 A curious old medicine-box, of seal skin, with six boxes, a cup and a funnel of silver gilt, ornamented with silver foliage 108 A flat Byzantine box, with figures of St. Michael and St. George in relief 109 A tall Persian vase, partly gilt, ornamented with medallions of heads in enamel jt 110 A fine monstrance, of Gothic pattern, with figures of saints and angels, the foot chased with cherubs’ heads 111 A pair of altar candlesticks, with chased patterns and coats-of-arms in enamel 112 An ewer, with mask at the handle, the bowl fluted and ornamented 113 A set of four candlesticks, with fluted stems and feet, the borders chased with foliage 114 A small circular dish, on feet, beautifully chased with lions’ heads and trophies in high relief 115 A circular cup, on feet, with a handle formed of a terminal figure, with masks and ornaments in high relief 116 A bottle, formed as a lion, with one foot resting on a ball and with ruby eyes 117 A Matty cup, formed of a gourd, beautifully mounted with silver in foliage of openwork 118 A pine-pattern drinking-cup, on a stand, supported by minute figures 119 A curious Cup and Cover, with scalloped bowl, the top and stem indented, the foot supported by three lions bearing shields, the borders chased with ornaments 120 An openwork casket and stand, of Gothic pattern 121 A filigree casket, with columns at the corners 122 A SILVER-GILT CLARET JUG, of fine old Italian work, with figures in medallions and other ornaments in relief, the handle formed of a female terminal figure, the lid surmounted by the figure of a boy 123 A reclining figure of a youth leaning on a globe—partly gilt 10 124 A Gilt Centre-piece, formed of a tazza, of Italian work, chased with masks and other ornaments, supported by a figure of Neptune standing on a dolphin—on a pedestal, chased with ornaments of fine work 125 A Gilt Chalice, with plain bowl, the stem and foot with medallions of saints in enamel, and chased with ornaments 126 A gilt Persian pastile-burner, with animals, birds, and foliage in openwork 127 A model of a three-mast vessel, partly gilt—on wood stand 128 A pastile-burner, formed as a tower—on foot 129 A small filigree casket 130 A set of eleven Apostle spoons, chased with figures and lions’ heads? and engraved with shields of arms 131 A pair of old spoons, chased with foliage; and one engraved with foliage, and date 1662 132 A handsome Pine Cup and Cover, of silver gilt, surmounted by a figure of a child—14 in. 133 A Heart-shaped Silver-gilt Pine Cup, supported on a figure of a Cupid, the cover surmounted by a group of foliage—13 in. 134 A Sceptre, oe Silver, with bands of silver gilt, engraved with ornaments and with small figures of chased silver gilt— 25 in. long 135 A gold knife and fork, with handles beautifully enamelled with figures in pink and fruits in yellow, the ferules formed as animals’ heads— in a case 136 A knife, fork, spoon, and toothpick, with handles of silver gilt, formed as terminal figures—in a case 137 A memorandum-case, inlaid with oval slabs, of old japan lacquer, and mounted with gold 138 A ditto, formed of two slabs of old japan lacquer, with vases of flowers in gold on red ground, mounted with metal gilt, and with pencil-case 139 A Spanish Necklace, of gold filigree, enamelled and set with stones. Engraved in Shaw’s ‘ Mediaeval Ornaments ’ 140 An enamelled filigree pendant ornament, set with stones 141 A GOLD CUP, with a portrait of Queen Elizabeth, Eoyal Arms, inscriptions, and festoons of foliage, chased and enamelled in colours 11 i.. * 142 A Massive Venetian Girdle, of Silver Gilt, elaborately chased with openwork foliage, and set with turquoises, pearls, &c« Exhibited at the Loan Museum 143 A pair of fluted cups and covers, of old ruby glass, mounted on leaf- pattern stems and feet of silver gilt /Uy- . 144 A Bottle, formed as a shepherd with a dog, partly gilt—17 in. 145 A parcel-gilt spoon, with engraved bowl, the handle chased with a figure of St. John 146 A set of twelve fluted cups, with borders chased with shells and scrolls 147 A Gilt Pine Cup and Cover, on stem formed as a tree— 9J in. 148 A Cocoa-nut Cup, mounted, with rim, bands, foot and cover of silver gilt, chased with fruits, masks, and ornaments—11 in. 149 A Set of Eight very Fine Niello Plaques, beautifully engraved, with Tritons and marine deities—in a case 150 A Cocoa-nut Cup, mounted, with bands of silver gilt, chased with terminal figures, on vase-shaped stem, the cover surmounted by a stag—9^- in. 151 A bottle, formed as a monkey seated—8 in. 152 A Silver-gilt Nef, chased with figures, and on wheels—12 in. ORNAMENTAL FURNITURE. 153 A clock, in a case of fine old black buhl, with figures and ornaments of or-molu; and a bracket of the same 154 An octagonal table, inlaid with brass and mother-o’pearl 155 A glazed show-case—on mahogany stand 156 A French clock, by Caron, in a japanned case, mounted with or-molu; and a bracket of the same 157 A clock, with horizontal pendulum, in an or-molu case, enamelled with figures—on Verona marble pedestal, glass shade and stand 158 A small French time-piece, in a case of black buhl, with or-molu ornaments, and surmounted by a figure of Cupid—glass shade and stand 159 A beautiful clock, in a case of Dresden porcelain, with a figure of Cupid, and porcelain festoons i 2 160 A clock, by Lenoir, in or-molu case 161 A circular table, of inlaid marbles—on a carved tripod stand 162 A square marble pedestal—3 feet high 163 A Table, of fine Old Marqueterie of Flowers, mounted with or-molu 164 A girandole, of Venetian glass, engraved with a female figure, with a border of flowers in colours 165 An octagonal show-case, supported by a figure of Cupid 166 A VERY FINE EBONY CABINET, with Diana in a chariot, and other figures and ornaments in or-molu, by Goutier 167 A square oak jardiniere, inlaid with slabs of Persian ware, enamelled with ornaments in brilliant colours 168 A small carved rosewood cabinet, with glazed door, twisted columns at the angles, and lion’s-claw feet 169 A beautiful Cabinet, of walnut, with glazed door, enclosing shelves for China, twisted columns at the angles—on stand with twisted columns. From Fyrgo Parle 170 The Companion Cabinet 171 A fine Bracket Clock, in case of white enamel, with trophies in gold, richly mounted with old French scroll-work of or-molu 172 An Oblong Table, of old marqueterie, the top inlaid with a sea¬ port, Cupids, and arabesques, in coloured woods and slabs of landscape marble, by Maggiolini 173 Portraits of General Kleber, his wife and daughter: a set of three medallions, carved in wood, by Buzinigo, and surrounded by military trophies, flowers, &c.—in glazed case 174 A pair of marble vases, mounted, with rims, masks, feet, and handles of or-molu 175 A terra-cotta bust of Pope 176 A fountain of bronze, chased with masks, foliage, and a figure of a satyr 177 A Venetian Shrine, of Silver Filigree and Enamel, with canopy, supported on twisted columns—glass shade and stand 178 A handsome Louis XVI. Console Table, of steel, chased with festoons of foliage, and with marble slab 179 A Pier Table of Red Buhl, richly mounted, with mouldings and arabesque figures of or-molu, with stretcher 13 180 The Companion Table 181 A PAIR OF VERY HANDSOME TEMPLES, of or-molu, of Italian architectural design, chased with masks, dragons, and winged bulls, and enriched with gems—on stands of carved wood and metal gilt, in similar taste 182 A pair of gilt French candlesticks, by Goutier, with Cupids bearing torches, on veined marble pedestals—mounted with or-molu— glass shades and stands 183 A pair of very handsome or-molu candlesticks, on tripod stems, with openwork feet richly chased with foliage, glass shades and stands 184 A metal-gilt Cellini ewer, chased with figures, masks, flowers, and ornaments 185 A pair of or-molu candlesticks, with infant fauns supporting baskets of flowers 186 A circular carved and gilt frame; and five others 187 Five ditto 188 A frame, carved with military trophies and figures 189 A pair of carved Venetian frames 190 A gilt frame 191 An octagonal silver frame, chased with flowers End of First Day's Sale. Second Day’s Sale. On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1866, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. MAJOLICA. 192 A deep dish with a figure of Cupid in the centre, and arabesque ornaments in white on the fawn-coloured border 193 A circular dish, of coarse ware, with diaper centre and ornamented border—in a black and gold frame 194 Another, with ornaments in metallic lustre—in black and gold frame 195 A smaller ditto, with a female head in the centre, and foliage border in metallic lustre—in black and gold frame 196 A Hispano-Mauro dish, with ivy border, in the centre a shield with a fish 197 A dish in imitation of Schmeltz 198 A plate, with death of Hero and Leander 199 A deep plate, with foliage 200 A scalloped and indented dish on foot, with a female head inscribed Judita, and flowers in colours 201 A dish of coarse ware, with a man with a sword and shield 202 A large dish of coarse ware, with a figure of Bacchus, and coloured border 203 A large dish, with Cupids supporting a coat-of-arms, and ornamented border on a dark-blue ground 204 A pair of medicine jars, with flowers in colours, and inscriptions and date, 1515 205 A ditto, with a Moor’s head and sphinxes; and one with flowers 206 One with ornaments; one with trophies; one with the figure of an angel; and one with a lion 207 A pair of ditto, with female figures in medallions PAL1SSY. 208 An oval dish, with Ceres in a landscape in the centre, and border of ornaments in brilliant colours 209 A pierced tazza, with masks and ornaments in colours 210 A fine large Circular Dish, with fish, reptiles, and plants in relief on blue ground by Palissy—20 in. 211 An oval dish, with two Cupids holding a medallion of an emperor in relief, in colours TERRA COTTAS. 212 A figure of a blind beggar with a staff—12 in. 213 A fine bust of Alessandro Yittoria, the friend of Titian, modelled by himself 214 Hercules and Antaeus 215 A female head 216 A tripod-stand, formed of three terminal figures supporting a small marble slab—24 in. high 217 A female sleeping on a dolphin, by Feuchere, 1844 218 Shakespeare, by Corbett: a copy of the statue by Roubiliac 219 Prometheus and the eagle : a fine group by Corbett 220 Statuette of Locke, holding a book 221 Model for a tomb in Westminster Abbey 222 Model for a tomb in Westminster Abbey 223 The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and St. John—a large group, partly coloured 224 The Four Seasons : a set of statuettes MARBLE, Ac. 225 A frieze of Cupids, and flowered ornaments in high relief in alabaster, in eight compartments—in gilt frames. From the Hertz Collection 226 A small bust of the Duke of Wellington, by Edwards 227 A bust of Turenne, in armour 228 A figure of an elephant—on green marble plinth 229 A small life statue of Antinous—on fluted square marble pedestal- 4 ft. 1 in. high 230 Bust of Sir T. Lawrence, P.R.A., by Bailey 231 A Bust of Sile;nus, carved in rosso-antico 232 Bacchus, the companion—on red marble pedestal—13 in. high 233 A pair of statuettes, after the antique, carved in rosso-antico—on green marble pedestals—11 in. 234 A pair of antique Egyptian figures, carved in rosso-antico—on veined green marble pedestals—10 J in. 235 A beautiful Fluted Cup, of rock crystal, on stem and foot and with cover of the same, mounted with silver gilt, the handles formed as cherubs bearing branches of foliage, the cover sur¬ mounted by a warrior—lOf in. 236 An inkstand, supported by three grotesque animals: a beautiful Chinese carving in rock crystal—on carved ivory stand LIMOGES ENAMELS. 237 Portrait of a gentleman, in a ruff, furred dress, and cap: a large oval enamel, by L. Limousin, inscribed Yigilius. Zvichemus Frisius. L.L.—in a case—84 in. by 6J in. 238 The Crucifixion, and the Descent from the Cross: two plaques in colours and gold—in gilt frame 239 A saint and an angel: oblong plaque by J. Laudin, in grisaille and gold—in gilt frame—4-J in. by 64 in. 240 An upright plaque, with a bishop reading, inscribed Sainc. Fouca- rant.—in gilt frame—8f in. by 6^ in. 241 A plate, with Orpheus charming the brutes, in colours and gold in the centre—10 in. diam. 17 242 The companion plate, with the Rape of Europa 243 A large plaque, hy Limousin, with the Crucifixion attended by the Virgin, St. John, and the Magdalen—17 in. high hy 13 \in. wide 244 A pair of female portraits, in colours on black ground, hy Jean Limousin 245 A pax, with the Crucifixion, in colours—in metal frame 24G A small plaque, with the Descent from the Cross, in colours and gold 247 A VERY FINE DISH, by J. D. Courtois, with the Return of Jason with the Holden Fleece in colours and gold, and on the bade, figures, animals, and masks in a scroll border. Signed 248 A foot of a tazza, with chimmrae, on a blue ground, mounted with or-molu 249 A square plaque, with the Betrayal of Christ, the Exposition, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection in colours, by J. Courtois 250 A plate, with Joseph being conveyed to Prison, the border of masks, &c., and an arabesque ornament on the hack hy J. Courtois 251 A plate., with figures in a boat and arabesque border, cherubs’ heads and other ornaments on the hack hy P. Raymond 252 The Crucifixion: a fine large plaque, of early Italian enamel, in frame of chased metal, with eight smaller subjects from the Life of Christ, and bosses set with stones, formerly the coyer of a book —18 in. hy 13 J in. ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. 253 A Pair of Handsome Jars and Covers, enamelled with large subjects of figures, ornaments and flowers in brilliant colours—on gilt wood stands—35 in. 254 A pair of hexagonal garden seats, enamelled with figures, birds, and flowers 255 A lavender bottle, with small neck, with foliage and ornaments in slight relief—on carved wood stand—19 in. 256 A square bottle, with purple and brown splashes on white ground— carved wood stand—13J in. ' 1 i 257 A blue vase, splashed with purple and red, the handles formed as kylins—on wood stand—104 in. c 18 258 A red crackle vase, nearly similar—on wood stand—111 in . 259 An enamelled figure of a crane—7 in. high 260 A globular bottle, of black ware, inlaid with landscapes and figures in mother-o’pearl—15 in. 261 An old Nankin Dish, with birds and plants in blue, mounted with engraved silver rim and foot, and chased Caryatid figures of old English work, temp. Queen Elizabeth—121 i n% diam. 262 A fine turquoise crackle vase on wood stand—15 in. high 263 A fluted turquoise crackle vase—wood stand—10 J in. 264 A grey crackle gourd-shaped bottle—wood stand 7J in.; and a cylindrical brown crackle bottle—5 in. 265 A small yellow and brown crackle bottle—on turquoise stand 266 A pair of two-handled pink crackle bottles—wood stand—7 in. 267 A turquoise crackle beaker—7-J in. 268 A square yellow crackle bottle—51 in. 269 A lavender bottle, engraved with flowers—wood stand 7 in. 270 A purple crackle bottle—wood stand 61 in. ; and a two-handled grey crackle incense-burner 271 A fluted bottle of rare apple-green crackle—wood stand—5| in. 272 A pair of light-green two-handled vases—7J in. 273 A Turquoise Crackle Yase, splashed with dark blue—wood stand —17 in. 274 A brown crackle bottle, with dragons and waves in blue and white —171 i n ' 275 A Pair of fine large Square-shaped Yases, of fiver-coloured crackle—on carved rosewood stands—25 in. 276 A square dark-blue vase, pencilled with gold, enamelled with flowers in colours on white ground in compartments, on carved rosewood stand—16 in. high 277 A beaker, with scalloped lip, splashed purple and blue—101 278 A fluted jar, of blue crackle on wood stand—13 in. 279 A white vase, with birds and flowers, enamelled in colours—171 i n - 280 A jar, on foot, with ornamental borders, enamelled in colours—14 in. 281 A white crackle bottle—11 in. 282 A small jar, cover and stand, with flowers in compartments on black ground; and a blue milk-pot, silver mounted 19 283 A dark-blue bottle, pencilled with gold, with flowers and animals in compartments on white ground 284 A small cup, splashed with various colours— imperfect 285 A pair of blue and white beakers, with figures in compartments— 10 in. 286 Ajar, with flowers in enamel—11J in., and a gourd-shaped bottle, burnt in—11 in. 287 A pair of enamelled jars—8^ in.; and a jar with plants in blue and white—8j in. 288 A pair of blue and white beakers and covers—10 in. 289 A fine bowl, with dragons and other ornaments in blue and gold on pale-green ground—on wood stand 290 A handsome old japan jar and cover, with flowers and other orna¬ ments—32 J in. high 291 A Bottle, of Oriental Enamel, with small neck, with flowers and ornaments in colours on lapis-lazuli ground—wood stand— 14J in. high 292 A Beaker, with ornaments in colours on turquoise and green ground—wood stand—10 in. 293 A kylin, of lapis-lazuli, green and white enamel and chased metal gilt, supporting a triple vase—on perforated wood stand—12 in. high 294 A bottle, of turquoise enamel, with ornamental borders in colours 295 A border for a book-cover, of pierced silver gilt, chased with cherubs and festoons of flowers 296 A Persian bowl, of copper gilt, with engraved border and bosses enamelled with coloured ornaments 297 An Oblong Chasse, of silver, with a bishop and two warriors in relief, the ground covered with a diaper pattern 298 A Ditto, formed as a G-othic building, of silver, set with coloured stones and engraved with figures 299 A Silver-gilt Cup and Cover, chased with fruits, foliage, and ornaments, the cover surmounted by a figure of a warrior— 114 in. c 2 ♦ 20 300 A leather girdle, with pierced and chased metal-gilt clasps and buckle 301 A snake, of silver gilt, with articulated joints 302 A chased silver girdle, partly gilt 303 An Old Crimson Velvet Girdle, with silver-gilt bosses attached, buckle and clasps of the same, chased with heads in medallions and engraved with foliage 304 An old German table clock, in hexagonal metal-gilt case, engraved with ornaments and chased with masks 305 A Gothic reliquaire, of silver gilt, with glazed sides 306 A large clasp-knife, with steel handle, beautifully inlaid with figures and military trophies in gold and silver—in stamped leather case 307 A small clock, in case of or-molu, chased with figures and ornaments in Renaissance taste—6J in. 308 An Old Steel Powder-flask, chased with a sportsman and lady in a medallion in scroll-pattern border, with a stag’s head, the bottom gilt and engraved with a coat-of-arms 309 A very curious Bowl and Cover, of copper gilt, with hands of chased foliage set with polished stones, the cover surmounted by a bust of the Virgin, carved in ivory. From the Bishop of Ilildersheims Collection 310 A small Table Clock, in hexagonal case, of metal gilt, and with pierced metal-gilt dome top. Formerly the property of Charles I. 311 An Old German Table Clock, in octagonal case, of metal gilt, with pierced dome top, the sides engraved and with pierced 312 A fine Table Clock, in case of metal gilt, engraved with figures, birds, and a coat-of-arms, the top of pierced and engraved metal work 313 An early Byzantine Casket, of copper gilt, with angels chased in silver and coloured gems, an enamelled coat-of-arms on the lock. Exhibited at Manchester 314 Cupid with a Bow : a beautiful statuette in bronze gilt—on wood pedestal—11 in. 21 315 A Table Clock, with chased silver dial, in hexagonal case, covered with silver repousse plates, with flowers and ornaments in high relief 316 An ebony spoon, the handle carved with figures and festoons of foliage 317 A boxwood spoon, the bowl carved with sacred subjects, the handle formed of figures 318 The Virgin and Child, carved in boxwood—4 in. ; and a small gilt metal figure of a child 319 Three silver medallions, engraved with heads of James I., Charles I., and Henrietta Maria, in the style of S. de Pass—in a case 320 A piece of wood, carved with two figures; and a terra-cotta slab, with a Sacrifice to Priapus 321 A Vernis Martin etui-case, with flowers in colours on gold ground; and a blue Chinese porcelain scent-bottle 322 A leaf-shaped stand, of Chinese ivory, carved with flowers and coloured 323 Another, carved with fish 324 Salvator Mundi, and the twelve Apostles: a set of very fine carvings in amber—on pedestals of the same—in green morocco case IVORIES. 325 Vulcan, Venus, and Cupid. Beautifully finished 326 A Comb, carved with the Murder of the Innocents and the Adora¬ tion of the Magi in relief. From the De Bruges and Soltihoff Collections 327 A BEAUTIFUL TANKARD, the body carved with nymphs and Tritons in relief by Fiammingo, mounted and lined with silver gilt, with masks and other ornaments in relief; on the lid is an ivory figure of a boy on a dolphin blowing a horn 328 A mirror-frame, jvith figures storming a castle, in relief, of early work; on the edge are four figures of Hons. From the Soltihoff Collection 329 St. Sebastian, a relief by Georgio Soave. From the Hertz Collection 330 A BOOK COVER, with medallions of Christ and the Evangelists in relief; Byzantine work 331 A beautiful small bust of Diane de Poictiers, of fine old work; the dress most elaborately carved 332 A VEBY FINE TANKABD, with figures escaping from Troy* in high relief, beautifully mounted in silver gilt, the handle chased with grapes; on the lid, which is chased with flowers, is a cavalier on horseback with a dog, and a medallion on the inside, bearing the date 1631 333 An old Italian casket of ivory, the lid and sides carved with animals and foliage 334 St. John with the Lamb: a very fine early Italian carving in ivory —8|- in. 335 The Betrayal of Christ, carved in four pieces, and partly gilt 336 A set of four very early plaques, carved with the Evangelists—4 in. by 2f in. 337 A Diptych, with the Crucifixion and other subjects under Gothic canopies—4^ in. by 3 in. 338 An Upright Plaque, carved with the martyrdom of a saint, coloured and gilt—4J- in. by 3f in. 339 A plaque, with the dead Christ—4 in. by 3^ in. 340 A Draped Figure of a Saint holding a Book —12 in. GLASS. 341 A small fruit-shaped bottle, of Venetian Schmelze, mounted with bands, foot and cover of silver—3J- in. 342 A pair of large two-handled vases, of the same, coloured in imitation of aventurine—12 in.—one imperfect 343 A Circular Bowl, of antique glass, coloured in imitation of agate —in a case 344 A pair of circular Venetian glass buttons, beautifully painted with the Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi in gold and colours —in a case 345 A Fluted Bottle, of Kuby Glass, mounted with bands of silver gilt, chased with trophies and figures, the cover, of silver gilt, surmounted by a figure—12^ in. From Redpath’s Collection 346 Two red glass vases, coloured in imitation of agate—7J in. 347 A Flat-shaped Bottle, of old ruby glass, mounted with engraved silver foot and cover, with chain attached—11 in. 348 A fine large tazza, on foot, with band of coloured ornaments 349 A small ruby glass cup, engraved with flowers—on silver foot; a yellow glass, with fleur-de-lys; and an opalized cup and saucer with green edge 350 A tumbler, with horsemen in gold and colours; and a bottle, with flowers in colours 351 A pair of blue bottles, with white ornaments; and a cup, formed as a bat, with spiral white lines 352 A citron, with stalk and enamelled flower 353 A tumbler, with blue bosses and white lines; and one with coloured lines 354 An ewer, with dark-blue bosses; a small two-handled vase; and a vase in imitation of aventurine 355 A born, of blue glass; and a barrel-shaped bottle, with metal spout and chain 356 A dark-blue barrel-shaped bottle, with gilt ornaments 357 A curious bottle, of Venetian glass, formed as a fish 358 A German glass tankard, enamelled with an emperor and other figures, mounted with chased silver lid—10 in. 359 A tall glass and cover, with twisted stem, engraved with animals 360 A glass, with Cupids bolding a coat-of-arms, buildings, and inscriptions, the foot engraved with birds 361 A pair of tall glasses and covers, with landscapes and figures bunting 362 A pair of tall glasses and covers, with a figure of a saint, and monogram and trophies, the cover of one imperfect 363 A yard drinking glass, formed as a martel 364 A bottle, formed as a pistol, with ornaments in white, and date 1619 DECORATIVE FURNITURE. 365 An octagonal mirror, in a blackwood frame, ornamented with minute carvings and inscriptions in pear tree, by Bouzanigo 366 A pair of girandole mirrors, engraved with figures, in richly carved frames, painted and gilt 367 A rosewater bottle and basin, formed of peail shell 24 368 Three stained glass windows, with figures of Henry VIII., Elizabeth, and Mary 369 An artist’s reflecting glass 370 Juno and Vesta: a pair of colossal busts in plaster—on painted pedestals 371 A mahogany table, with marble slab 372 A walnut bookcase, with folding, glazed, and panelled doors 373 A looking-glass, in oak frame, carved with figures of angels 374 Six chairs, with inlaid backs 375 An arm-chair, covered with leather. Formerly belonging to Napoleon III. 376 A model, in metal gilt, of a Spanish vessel, chased with figures, and with figures on the deck, to move by machinery 377 A Venetian mirror, of metal, in a case, with slides, ornamented with scrolls in colours 378 A ditto casket, with ivory panels, painted with ornaments 379 A ditto box, with figures in relief; and a Gothic box, metal mounted, with inscription 380 A box, with figures, in stamped leather 381 A horn, mounted with silver, beautifully engraved with ornaments 382 A curious Cabinet, with eight drawers, engraved with landscapes and with figures in relief, the doors and panels carved with subjects and figures in relief; on the top a relief of St. George and the Dragon 383 A curious Old Italian Cabinet, the fronts of the drawers and the insides of the doors with figures and subjects in relief in or-molu 384 A FINE OLD CABINET, of marqueterie, the fronts of the drawers with eleven subjects from Boman history, reliefs in steel, and several smaller panels partly gilt, the fall-down front and ends with architectural subjects in marqueterie 385 An Ebony Cabinet, with fall-down front and drawers, inlaid with ivory engraved with scroll ornaments 386 A fine slab, of verde-antique and other marbles and Oriental alabaster—on a gilt stand 387 A French horizontal clock, in a case of or-molu, with figures of a warrior and a child in biscuit \ 25 388 A clock, by Sotian, in a case, with a terra-cotta group of four figures -—glass shade and stand 389 A handsome clock, by Minnheim, in an or-molu case, with festoons of flowers 390 A very fine Ole Clock, by Baltzhazar, in a case of black buhl, with figures and other ornaments in or-molu, and surmounted by a figure of Fame 391 A FINE OLD CLOCK, by Jere Taylor, London, showing the moon’s age, the days of the month and week, with movement for chimes and twelve tunes—in a japanned case 392 A French clock, in a marble case, with figures of Yenus and Cupid, and friezes in or-molu 392* A saddle, ornamented with ivory, carved with figures: Italian work of the 15th century. Exhibited cd Manchester 393 THE SWOKD OF TIBEKIUS On the upper part of the sheath is a group of figures, the object of which is explained fully by two shields; that by the side of the central personage, who is se ited, being inscribed felicitas tiberi ; the other, vie. avg. The principal figure we must therefore consider to be intended to represent the Emperor Tiberius himself, who is also indicated in the inscription upon the second shield, Victoria Augusti. The youthful military figure standing before the emperor, and presenting to him an image of Victory, can hardly be explained to be other than Germanicus, whose military adventures and suc¬ cesses in Germany are so vividly recorded by Tacitus. The name of the hero does not occur; and this omission is an important evidence towards identifying the figure as that of Germanicus. Upon the monument which he erected to commemorate the vanquishment of the nations between the Rhine and the Elbe his name is supplanted by that of Tiberius, to whom he ever carefully ascribed his victories, without naming himself, being apprehensive of the envy of the tyrant, or because he was satisfied in deserving praise: “ De se nihil addidit, metu invidiae, an ratus conscientiam factis satis est.” Behind Tiberius stands a female winged figure holding a hasta pura, or pointless spear, and a shield inscribed vie. avg. This is the goddess Victory ; and the artist seems to have intended to show by her adoption of the hasta pura (the emblem of peace), the termination of the war, while the victoriola, which she often is represented as carrying, is transferred to the hands of Germanicus, who presents it to Tiberius. The armed figure in the background may probably be intended for Mars, to w'hom, in conjunction with Jupiter and Augustus, the monument alluded to above was dedicated. On the lower part of the sheath are two designs, which also seem capable of being explained. The upper of these, two standards, and an eagle within a temple, probably is intended to refer to the recovery of the lost eagles and standards of Varus, an achievement commemorated by coins and a triumphal arch. The female figure in the lower compartment, armed with a bipennis, or double axe, and a light spear, may be considered a personification of Germany, or of those parts of the country in alliance with the Romans during the campaign of Germanicus. End of Second Days Sale. '^Oo- On T H [J RSI) AY, JUNE 14, 1866, AT ONE O’CLOCK PKECISELY. ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. 394 A pair of garden-seats, enamelled with domestic subjects—19 in. 395 A pair of jars; and a bottle, beautifully enamelled with flowers on a white ground 396 A very fine old Japan beaker, with flowers and other ornaments; and a gilt stand—23 in. 397 A pair of very fine japan dishes, with flowers and crimson borders —21 in. diam. 398 An old Japan dish, with flowers—22 in. diam. 399 A candlestick, formed as a small vase; and other pieces of white porcelain, with masks in relief mounted with or-molu 400 An old Japan mug, with silver or metal cover, chased with the subject of Christ and the Woman of Samaria 401 A white incense jar and cover, with ornaments, in slight relief, surmounted by a kylin 402 A curious burnt-in teapot, with figures in colours 403 Another, formed as a fruit 404 A PAIL OF SUPEEB EGGSHELL JAES AND COYEES, with subjects of boats and figures in compartments, and gold borders, the covers surmounted by kylins—22 in. 405 A pair of enamelled beakers, with landscapes and figures in colours —19 in. 406 A pair of hexagonal jardinieres, with landscapes and flower borders— 9 in. 407 A blue and white jar, with flowers and other ornaments—18 in. 408 A grey crackle jar, with imitation bronze rims and lion handles, on carved stand—14-J in. 409 A pair of hexagonal jars, enamelled, with landscapes and figures, on gilt stands—17 in. 410 A pair of square jars, of enamel, with domestic and other subjects— 18 in. 411 A dark-blue jar, with small neck—11 in. 412 A Pair of Beautiful Enamel Jars and Covers, with flowers in compartments, and flower borders, with handles and stands of or-molu—22 in. 413 A pair of square beakers, enamelled with birds and flowers—17 in. 414 A grey crackle jar, with lizard handles—13 in. 415 A beautiful green jar, with landscapes in Indian ink in leaf-shaped compartments—17 in. 416 A crimson-and-yellow splashed jar, fluted, and a stand—10J- in. 417 A pair of jars, enamelled with subjects in compartments, and borders of flowers on a yellow ground—16 J in. 418 A dark turquoise crackle bottle—14 in. 419 A blue and crimson splashed jar, with scalloped lip—11 in. 420 A handsome crimson bottle, and a stand—16 in. 421 A grey crackle bottle, splashed wflth crimson and light-blue—12 in. 422 A set of three blue and white Nankin jars, and covers, with flowers in compartments—24 in. 423 A PAIR OF YERY FINE NANKIN JARS AND COVERS, blue and white, with domestic subjects in compartments, with nobs and stands of wood gilt—4 ft. 10 in. high , including the stands JAPAN LACQUER. 424 An inkstand, formed of twelve plaques of fine old gold lacquer, with landscapes and birds in relief, mounted in or-molu 425 A gold lacquer box and cover 426 A very curious Box and Cover, formed as a tortoise. From Lord Orford sale 427 A Shell-shaped Box and Cover, with plants in gold 428 A pair of tortoise-shell stands, with utensils in gold lacquer 429 A pair of ditto, with landscapes 430 One with a fish, and one with flowers 631 A Pair of Square Boxes and Covers, with landscapes in gold on black ground, mounted with pierced rims and feet of or-molu of old French work 432 A writing-case and cover of wood, lacquered with ornaments in gold 433 A box of fine old japan lacquer, with a drawer and landscapes in relief 434 A Chinese sceptre, of white jade; and one of black japan 435 A small chest of old japan lacquer, with landscapes and animals in gold 436 A small tea-canister and cover, of fine old black and gold japan, with plants in relief. From the I)e Bruges Collection 437 A red lacquer box and cover, with birds in gold—on black and gold ground DRESDEN. 438 A service: consisting of tea-pot, coffee-pot, milk-pot, sugar-basin, canister, slop-basin, and two cups and saucers, with fluted bowls gilt and painted with Chinese figures—in a case 439 A circular glass in a frame, with flowers in white in high relief 440 A sportsman ; and the companion 441 A pair of old Dresden groups of two figures, each representing quarters of the globe, on white and gold scroll-pattern plint h a — glass shades and stands—10 J in. high 442 A figure riding on an elephant, of old Dresden—10J in. high 443 A fluted vase, pink, white, and gold, with satyrs’ mask handles, and foliage in relief—glass shade and stand—13£ in. high 444 A Marcolini figure of a cardinal holding a cross —15 in. high 445 A Marcoiini cabaret: consisting of plateau, tea-pot (imperfect), milk- pot, and two cups and saucers, painted with flowers in blue and gold borders 446 A beautiful clock, in a Marcoiini case, surmounted by a bust and other ornaments, and with a figure of Cupid reading 447 A milk-pot and cover, and a canister painted with Cupids, and a milk-pot and a cup and saucer, with flowers 448 A vase and cover, with gilt female figures at the handles, on three feet, painted with subjects of Cupids in pink 449 A set of three Dresden groups of two figures each. From the Be Bruges Collection 450 A pair of cups and saucers, painted with Watteau figures and flowers 451 A pair of fluted vases, of white biscuit, encrusted with festoons of flowers and Cupids; the covers formed of groups of flowers— 16 in. 452 A pair of small vases and covers on pedestals of Vienna porcelain, painted with subjects after A. Kauffman 453 A gilt cup and saucer of Vienna porcelain, with medallions of Cupids in Indian ink 454 Another crimson and green, with Cupid overcoming a lion 455 Another, with Cupid and Hymen— in grisaille 456 A pair of pink vases and covers, with white spots of Hochst por¬ celain, with medallions of Cupids in pink, men’s heads at the handles, and festoons 457 A Vienna cup and saucer, with a female and Cupid, and ornaments in gold, and colours on a green ground 458 Another, with a nymph and Cupids, and ornaments in gold on a crimson ground. 459 Another, with children and a bird-cage and ornaments in gold on lilac ground 460 Another, with classical figures on blue ground, and gilt ornaments on buff ground 461 Another, with Angelica and Medoro, and ornaments in gold on green and crimson grounds 462 Another, pink and gold, with a nymph and Cupid after Angelica Kauffman, and a frieze of Cupids with a goat ETRUSCAN WARE. 463 A two-handled tazza,with Hercules and the Centaur. From Hopes Collection 464 A ditto, with a female and a female head; and a lamp, with two figures 465 A lecythus, with a winged figure; and one other, black, with red ornaments 466 A very fine Cylix of Nolan ware, with a draped figure, presenting a prize to an athlete inside, and the same subject repeated on the outside—10J in. diam. From Hopes Collection 467 A hydria, with a figure and ornaments, in red on black ground— 9J in. 468 A small ribbed cenochoe, with a mask on the handle—6^ in.; and one with two figures, in red on black ground—6 in. 469 A fine CEnochoe, of Nolan ware, with two draped figures in red— 12 in. From Hope's sale 470 A vase and cover, with upright handles; and with a female head and a figure in red, on black ground 471 A fine amphora, with Achilles arming, and other figures; reverse, Hercules with Cerberus chained—17 in. MAJOLICA. 472 A pair of deep plates, with coats-of-arms, the borders with arabesque ornaments, on a blue ground 473 Another, with a coat-of-arms and Cupids, and border with flowers in colours 474 Another, with diapered ornament 475 Another, with a female holding a mirror, and ornamented border 476 A large Hispano dish, with ornaments 477 Another, with ivy leaves in gold, and a coat-of-arms 478 A smaller deep dish, of the same pattern 479 A large dish, with a female head, inscribed “ Sola in te Spero” 480 Another, with a man’s head, and inscription 31 481 Another, with head of Barharossa, inscribed “Barbarossa B. dalgieri,” with an ornamented border of figures, &c., on orange ground, the hack painted with ornaments 482 A Hispano dish, with damascene ornaments and a bird, with a fleur- de-lis in the centre. 483 A medicine jar, with flowers in metallic lustre, on blue ground 484 A plate, with four figures in brilliant colours—10 J in. 485 A Scalloped Tazza, with a nymph in the centre, and ornaments on blue and yellow ground—12 in. 486 A plate, with Apollo and Daphne—10J in. 487 A plate, with four heads in medallions and ornaments, in colours— 91 in. 488 A dish of coarse ware, with a figure in colours—12J in. 489 A Hispano-Mauro tazza, with a bird and ornaments in lustred colours —9 in. From tlie Bernal Collection 490 A handsome Vase, with mask and serpent handles painted with classical figures—19 in. 491 A fine Byzantine Book Coyer, of engraved metal, gilt and enamel, with the Crucifixion in high relief, and numerous bosses formed of polished stones 492 A figure of the Virgin, carved in wood and gilt—10 in. 493 A small figure of a man in armour 494 Cupid with foliage—a carving in high relief in alabaster—9 in. by 6 in. 495 The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian; a metal-gilt chasing in high relief —in ebonized frame. From Hertz’s Collection 496 Infant Bacchanals with a goat; an oblong relief, beautifully modelled in wax, in the style of Fiammingo—in glazed wood frame 497 A PAIK OF VEBY FINE CANDLESTICKS, of steel, chased with Cupids in medallions, dragons, and arabesque figures, by Antonio Piccinino 498 The Stoning of St. Stephen—a highly finished relief in wax 499 Twelve spoons with wooden bowls, the handles of silver, surmounted by figures of the Apostles ♦ 500 A crystal or glass cup, engraved with a tree with a figure, and mounting of metal gilt 501 A .heart-shaped ornament of glass, painted with the Passion and the Eesurrection—in metal frame 502 A flat crystal bos, mounted with silver gilt 503 A bloodstone double bos, mounted with gold gilt 504 A small silver coffer, engraved with figures and birds 505 Two small silver plaques, engraved with figures of St. Francis, and the Virgin, Child, and St. Anna 506 A small wood cross, carved with figures and mounted with enamelled silver gilt 507 A silver-gilt perpetual almanack by Schmidt 508 A Venetian ditto, silver-gilt case, enamelled and chased with flowers and birds 509 A CUEIOUS OLD ENGLISH WATCH by W. Houllgatt, at Ipswich, in engraved metal case, formerly belonging to DEYDEN, and engraved inside “John Dryden, 1653 ” 510 A beautiful chasing on gold for the lid of a snuff-box, with the Eeconciliation of Agamemnon and Achilles, by Wieland 511 A niello plaque, with the Holy Family and St. John 512 A pounce-box made of a gourd, engraved with Eoman subjects and Cupids on a red ground 513 A pair of minute vases of ivory, carved with boars’ heads and wreaths, and an enamel watch-case with figures 514 A Bacchante cameo onyx mounted as a ring 515 A silver frame for a miniature, with wreaths of flowers 516 A pair of scales and weights for money, of the time of Charles I. 517 A curious old silver brooch, set with pearls and garnets 518 A Spanish pendant of filigree, with garnets and pearls 519 A filigree drop, with portraits in enamel 520 A Spanish bracelet of garnets and enamel 521 A female figure with a tambourine, cameo onyx of cornelian 521* An Old French Service Book, with numerous beautiful miniatures, capital letters, and elaborate borders in colours and gold, on vellum. Circa 1480 D o t } LIMOGES ENAMELS. 522 A tazza on stem, with the Sacrifice of Abraham and other subjects from Genesis, cherubs’ heads underneath, by P. Raymond, on the foot is a coat-of-arms 523 A salt, with a male head and the Creation of Eve and the Temptation on the foot 524 A ditto, with a female head, and subjects from the fable of Cupid and Psyche on the foot 525 A tazza, with Warlike trophies and figures in the bowl, and sphinxes and other figures on the foot, in white on a black ground 526 ANOTHER, WITH COYER ; a legendary subject in the bowl in grisaille, Neptune and Amphitrite and other figures on the stem and foot, male and female heads and figures on the inside and outside of the coyer, signed P. C. (Pierre Courtois) 527 A Candlestick, with figures of Tritons, boys hunting bears, and twelve medallions on the foot, with the Labours of Hercules and other figures in colours by J. Courtois 528 An Ewer, by J. Courtois, with Apollo and the Muses and figures of the Italian poets, satyrs with wreaths on the shoulder; beneath the handle is signed I. C., 1564 529 A Superb Tazza and Coyer, by Courtois, with subjects from the life of Adam and Eye on the inside and out; and chimera and other ornaments in colours—signed I. C. 530 A tazza and coyer, with Moses striking the rock, and other subjects in grisaille; cherubs’ heads and other ornaments on the foot. 531 The Virgin and Child, a plaque in colours 532 A pair of small plaques, with female portraits 533 St. Martin dividing his cloak, a curious early Italian plaque 534 A figure of St. James the Great as a pilgrim of Compostella, by Mouvearni, the ornaments of the cloak in imitation of jewels raised 535 A warrior and Cupid, curious early Italian plaque 536 A plaque, with the Incredulity of St. Thomas, in gold and colours by Penicaud 537 A plaque, with the Virgin in colours, by Laudin D ♦ 34 rr,'.-~r 538 St. Peter and St. Nicholas, a pair, in colours, by Laudin 599 St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, on one plaque; date 1541 540 Acis and Galatea and Vertumnus and Pomona, a pair, by Susan Oourtois BRONZES. 541 A small figure of Venus, cinque-cento work, on a pedestal, with eight panels, with figures of warriors in relief—9 in. high. 542 Venus and Cupid—on Verona marble pedestal—94 in. 543 A bust of a faun 544 A pair of two-handled vases, with classical figures on marble plinths 545 A collection of fifty-two figures: brooches, lamps, fibulae, and other ancient specimens—in a case 546 The Centaurs of the Capitol, on plinths of alabaster and bronze 547 An Indian figure of an elephant supporting a beaker, and set with stones 548 Another smaller 549 A pair of figures of Cupids, holding torches for two lights—each on marble pedestals 550 Bust of Sir Bobert Peel, by L. Gardie, 1851 551 An urceus, finely patinated—7 in. 552 A group of two figures, on oblong plinth, with a mask, in relief— 16 in. 553 An Equestrian Statuette of Lorenzo be Medici, a fine old Elorentine bronze, on ebonized plinth—12 in. 554 The Florentine Boar— 7 in. 555 A bust of the Duke of Wellington—16 in. 556 The Laocoon, a fine group, on black marble plinth—15 in. high 557 Venus and Adonis with Cupid, and the companion, a pair of fine old groups—18J in. high 558 A bust of a child, with gilt drapery, on statuary marble pedestal- 141 in. 559 A pair of small bronze busts, on carved and gilt pedestals—3 in\ high MINIATURES. 560 Portrait of the Duchess of Brabant’s father—in black wood and or-molu frame 561 Portrait of Sir W. Blackett, in oils— on copper —in oval gilt frame 562 Four female heads, small 563 Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots; a lady after Lely; a man’s head — on copper ; and a female portrait, water colours 564 Portrait of the Princess Charlotte, of Belgium, by Sir W. Ross 565 Portrait of the Duchess of Kent, by Sir W. Boss 566 The Agony in the Garden, a curious Venetian painting on glass, in gold and colours—in an ivory and ebony frame 567 POBTBAIT OF OLIVEB CBOMWELL; a beautiful miniature, by Cooper—in metal frame 568 A girl’s head, by Delatour, beautifully finished 569 Portrait of Charles II., by Cooper—in sealskin case 570 Portrait of the Duke of Albemarle, by Sir P. Lely, beauti¬ fully finished, signed, and dated 1680; on the back of the miniature is written, “ This was begun ye 4 of September, 1860, at New Hall—Duke of Albemarle.” 571 Lely—Portrait of Prince Bupert 572 Lely—Portrait of General Monk 573 Lely—Portrait of Lord Ossory 574 Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia, on copper; and a female por¬ trait, on silver 575 A portrait in armour and the Prince of Orange, 1652 ; and a female head IVORIES. 576 The Virgin with the infant Christ—of early Flemish work—34 in. 577 An early Greek plaque, carved with twelve minute subjects from the life of Christ, and friezes of figures on the reverse—3 im by 21 in. 36 578 A circular box and cover, carved with classical figures and a land¬ scape—2^ in. diam. 579 A very Curious Casket, formed of oblong slabs, carved with the Last Supper and other subjects from the life of Christ, mounted with hinges and clasps of gilt bronze—3J in. by 2J in. and 2J in. high 580 An upright plaque, with the Visitation—in black frame; and an early plaque, carved with the Crucifixion 581 An Upright Slab, carved with the Coronation of the Virgin and the Adoration of Magi, under canopies—of fine early Gothic work—5J in. by 3| in. Formerly the door of a triptych 582 A warrior with attendants taking leave of a lady at the doorway of a castle, a fine large plaque—in ebonized frame—3 in. by 5J in. 583 A small diptych, carved with the Crucifixion and the Coronation of the Virgin—2| in. by 1J in. 584 A plaque, with the Crucifixion—mounted with metal back—3f in. by 2 in. 585 A diptych, carved with the Adoration of the Magi and the Cruci¬ fixion—3 in. by 2£ in. 586 A fine large Plaque, with the Crucifixion, under a Gothic canopy partly gilt—9J- in. by 5 in. 587 The Virgin and Child: a fine group of early Italian work— 12 in. 588 A saint, carved in coral—on turned ivory pillar and plinth—6J in. 589 The Head of a Crozier, carved with Gothic foliage and figures of the Virgin and Child and St. Peter—10 in. Exhibited at Manchester 590 Bust of Buffon, the naturalist—on ebonized pedestal—6 in. End of Third Days Sale. Fourth Day’s Sale. On MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1866, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -ao^oo—- VENETIAN GLASS, &c. 591 A goblet, with enamelled and gold border ; and a two-handled cup and cover of green and white glass 592 A vase, with twisted handles and raised ornaments, and raised green lines round the lip 593 A cup and cover on stem, with handles, and masks, and ornaments in relief, partly gilt 594 A goblet, with Vitro de Trina foot, and white ornaments on the bowl, and a bottle of white and green schmeltz 595 A square glass bottle, coloured in imitation of aventurine—on wood- stand—6 in, 596 A casket, composed of plaques of coloured Venetian glass—in chased metal frame 597 A tall blue vase, minutely engraved with flowers, &c., on a metal foot, engraved with flowers—14 in. 598 A tazza of Vitro de Trina, with check and spiral white lines, and a stand with white lines 599 A Vitro di Trina tazza, and a small stand 600 A ditto vase, with check and waved lines 601 A Vitro di Trina horn 602 Two bowls, and a dish of Vitro di Trina 603 A large glass, with figures of Cupid and satyr in high reliet ; a glass, with figures in gold, and a Vitro di Trina bottle— imperfect 604 A workbox, with glass plaques, with classical subjects in gold 605 A tall glass on openwork stem—10 in. 606 A glass on foot, with spiral white lines— 7 in. 607 A blue glass cup and cover, engraved with flowers ; a glass, with a stag-hunt in gold ; and a cover for a vase of Vitro di Trina 608 A large Blue Glass Tumbler, enamelled with a coat-of-arms, cypher, and date, 1678 609 A cup and cover, engraved with figures and ornaments; and two with figures and mottoes— imperfect 610 An ewer of Vitro di Trina, with white lines interlaced—7 in. 611 A German tankard of blue glass, enamelled with a portrait and ornaments in colours, mounted with engraved silver-gilt lid— 7 in. 612 A Venetian glass on blue and white openwork stem; and an ewer with blue handle and spout 613 A German Vidercom, enamelled with equestrian figures of electors 614 A glass and cover, enamelled with a military trophy in colours—■ 8^ in. 615 A purple bottle, with white spots, pewter top; a glass, with white and gold lines— the foot wanting ; and a curious lustred glass vase, and cover MAJOLICA, 616 A cup on foot, painted with figures inside, and with arabesques out¬ side—41 in. high 617 A triple cup, with a figure of Venus inside, and ornaments in white, and masks in relief outside 618 A two-handled vase, with masks in relief, painted with Cupids in medallions, and with foliage in yellow on dark-blue ground— 15 in. high. From Lord Northwick’s sale 619 A curious jug, with a mask in relief, the spout surmounted by a female bust—11-| in. high 620 A bowl and cover, painted with Cupids outside, and figures inside 621 A very fine' Tazza, with the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian—114 in. diam. 622 A dish, with sunk centre, with the Death of Phalaris—lOf in. diam . 623 A very fine Tazza, with a representation of the antique group of the Laocoon before it was restored by M. Agnolo—11J in. diam. 624 A beautiful Lustred Tazza, with a head of St. Jerome, cherubs’ heads and arabesques in blue and white on lustred ground— 9f in. A fine work of Maestro Georgio, dated 1520 625 A fine Plate, with Cupid in the centre, and border of lustred ornaments on dark-blue ground—9 in. 626 A plate, with inscription and ornaments in lustred colours—9 in. 627 A pam of plates, with Diana and Actseon—8| in. 628 A plate, with Cupid in the centre, and border of military trophies in brown on blue ground 629 A dish, with sunk centre, with Cupid in lustred colours, and border of ornaments in white on blue ground—10 in. 630 The Virgin and Child, a beautiful relief in white on blue ground of della Eobbia ware—21 in. by 15J in. 631 A pair of medicine jars, with coats-of-arms and ornaments, in blue on white ground—8 in. 632 A pair of ditto, with figures in landscapes—5£ in. 633 A fine Flat Bottle, with arabesque figures and masks in relief, painted with coats-of-arms and ornaments in colours—12 in. 634 A triangular inkstand, with lions’ masks at the corners, painted with arabesque ornaments and utensils. 635 A plate, with sunk centre, with cherubs’ heads and ornaments, in white on dark-blue ground— in. diam. Dated 1520 636 A Large Dish, with a sacrifice: a curious device and inscription on the back—15| in. 637 Another, with subjects from the life of Christ, and saints in medal¬ lions, fruits, and ornaments, in blue on yellow ground—144 in. CARY INGS. 638 A cocoa-nut, carved with figures and other ornaments, and mounted with silver, enamelled, of Persian work 639 A service: consisting of teapot, milk-pot, basin, and two cups, carved with Diana and Actseon and other figures; and Roman subjects in cocoa-nut 640 A two-handled cup, made from Shakspeare’s mulberry tree, carved with foliage and surmounted by his bust 641 Figure of the Virgin, standing upon the serpent and crescent, in ivory—7 in. high —on wood stand 642 A pair of reliefs, of equestrian and other figures 643 A circular plaque, with the Virgin and Child surrounded by saints. Very minute 644 Cupid pushing down a tree, ivory relief—in a case 645 A pair of female figures, with festoons 646 A small portable triptych altar, with the Nativity in the centre, and the Annunciation and Presentation in the Temple on the doors, and a small subject beneath of the Adoration of the Magi. A beautiful minute carving by Schongauer 647 A cocoa-nut cup, carved with a frieze of figures, the stem, cover, and mounting, of silver exquisitely chased with masks and other ornaments. The cover is surmounted by a copy in silver of one of the groups on the cup 648 A cocoa-nut cup and cover, with nymphs and Cupid, [and other subjects in relief, mounted with metal 649 A pair of miniature frames, beautifully carved with figures and busts in boxwood ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. 650 A beaker, with utensils and flowers in colours, in high relief, on a white ground—144 in. 651 An enamelled jar and two beakers, with landscapes in colours, on a green and crimson ground, enamelled with flowers—14 in. 41 652 A grey crackle jar, with elephant handles—17 in. — imperfect, 653 A crimson and grey splashed bottle—14 in .—on wood stand 654 A pair of bottles, with flowers and insects raised—14 in. 655 An enamelled jar, with flowers—14 in. 656 A crimson jar—8 in .—with carved stand and cover 657 A grey crackle bottle, with gilt collar, enamelled with utensils— 13 in. 658 A gourd-shaped bottle, enamelled with birds and flowers, on a yellow ground—13 J in. 659 A crimson bottle—16 in. 660 A sea-green bottle, with ornaments in slight relief—14 in .—and metal cover 661 A red crackle bottle, with small neck 662 A pair of enamelled cocks—5^ in. 663 A brown crackle bottle, with plants in colours—9 in .; a green bottle, with flowers in colours—7J in. 664 A lavender bottle, engraved with flowers, 5J in .; and a turquoise crackle bottle 665 A green vase, with flowers in colours—10 in. 666 A pair of square bottles, enamelled with flowers, and mounted with necks and feet of or-molu—9 \ in. 667 A paii* of yellow bottles, with kylins in colours—9J in. 668 Two turquoise bottles; and a pink engraved matchpot, enamelled with landscapes 669 A green crackle bowl 670 A seagreen crackle ditto 671 A pair of old enamel beakers, with ornaments in colours—22 \ in. 672 A pair of jars, with landscapes in blue and white, and flowers in colours—18J in. 673 A pair of hexagonal vases, with plants in blue and brown on lavender ground, mounted with rims and feet of or-molu— 12 in. 674 A pair of female figures, enamelled in colours, and bearing nozzles for lights—11^ in. 675 A pair of square bottles and covers, with plants in figures in colours—10 in. ♦ 42 876 A pair of flat-shaped two-handled vases, white and gold ground, with landscapes in blue in medallions 677 A pair of pink crackle bottles—8J in. 678 A pair of two-handled blue vases, with utensils and plants in colours—6 in. 679 A pair of white crackle bottles—6 in. 680 A red crackle bottle, mounted with silver or metal gilt—8^ in. 681 A red crackle bottle—7 J in. —wood stand 682 A white crackle vase, with mask and ring handles—9 in. ; and a sea green ditto, with figures in blue and white, wood stand— 11 in. 688 A globular jar, splashed blue, green, yellow, and red—on rosewood stand 684 A turquoise crackle bottle, splashed with dark blue—13 in. 685 A pair of tall square-shaped vases, enamelled with figures, birds, and flowers—23 in.—one imperfect 686 A small grey crackle vase, mounted with rim and foot of metal gilt —7 in. From Bedford’s • sale. 687 A pair of bamboo-pattern match-pots, with foliage in relief in colours—10^ in. 688 A double vase, with elephant’s-liead handles of grey crackle, splashed, on wood stand—10J in. 689 A turquoise crackle vase—13 in. 690 A pair of fine large dishes, enamelled with flowers and fish in brilliant colours—15J- in. diam. 691 A pair of octagonal dishes, enamelled with flowers in brilliant colours—14 in. 692 An oval-shaped vase of Oriental enamel on metal, with wide mouth, with animals and other ornaments in colours 693 A pair of oblong jardinieres, with flowers in colour on a blue ground —on copper 694 An Oriental metal flower vase, with scalloped lip, the panels inlaid with flowers in silver 695 A Persian metal bowl, minutely engraved with figures and other ornaments 696 Another, smaller * 43 697 An Elephant, carved in green jade, surmounted by a vase of ancient enamel 698 A gourd-shaped bottle, of white jade, carved with a lizard and fruit, in high relief—wood stand—6 in. 699 A beautiful small Cup and Covek, of green aventurine, the handles and top set with lasques—on wood stand. From Lord Canning's sale 700 A mirror-frame, of steel repousse, the handle formed as a mermaid ; on the back is a monogram in enamel 701 A nautilus shell, carved with ornaments in relief on mother-o’pearl, with masks and mountings of or-molu 702 An ornament for a purse of steel, with terminal figures and masks 703 A small iron coffer, with landscapes, &c., inlaid in gold and silver 704 A bloodstone cup, on a foot of the same, mounted with silver or metal gilt 705 A watch, upon a pedestal formed of plaques of agates and jaspers, and containing a musical movement, with bells 706 A small cabinet of ebony, mounted and ornamented with openwork silver, and set with camei and groups of coral 707 A bloodstone box, momited with metal and set with stones 708 A set of six knives and six forks, with plaques of Niello work in the handles—in a curious old leather case formed as a fish BIJOUTERIE, &c. 709 An enamelled jewel, with a figure of the Virgin in the centre, and angels holding candles on each side 710 A bottle, of amber, carved with figures of boys and flowers 711 A pierced silver medallion, with Europa, and figures and flowers 712 A gold cross, the figure partly enamelled 713 An enamelled medallion, with figures of saints in gold in relief 714 A small jewel, formed as a heart, set with stones; and an enamel crown, said to have belonged to Mary Queen of Scots. From the Duke of Sussex's sale 715 An etui, with mother-o’pearl sides and rose-diamond thumb-piece, filled with instruments 44 716 A cinqne-cento jewel, with a minute group of Charity in enamel in the centre, surrounded by ornaments in enamel, and set with stones and pearls 717 A coral ornament, carved with the Flight into Egypt in high relief 718 A jewel, formed of an enamelled bird, set with emeralds, &c. 719 Another, formed as a lizard of lusus nature of pearl, &c. 720 A circular tortoiseshell box, inlaid with picque work, with a Wedg- wood medallion of Cupid on the lid 721 An oblong gold box, chased with ornaments, with a mosaic of ruins 722 A casket, with curious lock and ornaments in relief, of silver ena¬ melled, and set with stones 728 An octagonal box, with heads of Petrarch and Dante on the lid, and eight other panels of ornaments in Niello work 724 Head of Dante, cameo onyx of two strata—in a case 725 Head of Minerva, cameo onyx of four strata, the colour of the stone admirably adapted—in a frame of chased gold. From the Poniatowshi Collection MINIATURES. 726 Portrait of W. Howard, son of the Earl of Arundel, beheaded in 1680. From Strawberry Hill 727 Sir John Danvers— in oils — in engraved frame 728 Portrait of Mat. Prior— enamel 729 Portrait of Horace Walpole, by Zincke, the coat-of-arms at the back engraved by Hogarth. From Strawberry Kill 730 Portrait of Marguerite de France 731 Franpois Due d’Alenpon 732 Antoine de Bourbon, Roy de Navarre 733 Charles IX. 734 Lord Herbert of Cherbury 735 Earl of Pembroke 736 Archduchess of Austria— enamel 737 A patch-box, in seal-skin case, with portrait of the Princess Amelia, daughter of G-eorge II. 738 W. Craft, 1782—Portrait of James Stuart, architect and painter— an enamel 739 The Diploma of Doctor of Laws conferred on Camillo Gindaralli, by the College of Urbino, 1589, with illuminated borders of medallions and figures and coat-of-arms, and the seal of the College attached 740 The Psalms of David, with illuminated initials—bound in velvet 741 A small missal, MS. on vellum, with twelve miniatures of the Months and twenty-four others, and illumined capitals 742 A German Prayer-Book, 1654, the covers and back formed of enamel plaques, painted with figures, and mounted with silver gilt DRESDEN, &c. 743 A group of two children, with flowers 744 A Marcolini cup and saucer, with classical figures in medallions on white ground 745 A plate, with openwork border, with a group of flowers beautifully modelled 746 A Vienna blue and gold cup, with Cupids in chariots with swans and sphinxes 747 Another, with flowers and birds in white on gold and chocolate ground 748 Another, with wreaths in white on blue ground, and gold ornaments in white panels 749 A Berlin cup and saucer, gilt, with medallions of Cupids 750 An oval Vienna plaque, painted with a shepherd and cattle in a landscape: signed “ Zampreel inv. et pinx ” 751 A Vienna plate, with nymphs binding Cupid, and crimson and gold border—on a stand 752 Another, with openwork border, painted .with flowers—on a stand 753 Another, with Cupid and Psyche, and crimson and gold border—on wood stand 754 Another, with Jupiter and Hebe, and green and gold border 755 A Cababet, of Vienna porcelain, with openwork border: consisting of plateau, teapot, milkpot, sugar-basin, and two cups and saucers, beautifully painted with cattle in bistre, by Lampricht, 1796 756 An old jug, of white glazed-ware, painted with a landscape in pink by J. Schaper, mounted with silver-gilt foot, and lid chased with figures— in. 757 A brown stone-ware jug, with a mask, pewter lid—6J in. ; and one nearly similar— 1\ in. 758 A White- ware Jug and Cover, mounted with foot and rims of silver gilt— 8J in. 759 A pair of white biscuit vases and covers, with mask handles, festoons and bouquets of flowers—glass shades and stands 760 A teapot, of white ware, with birds and animals in relief; and a barrel-shaped bottle, of gres-de-Flandres 761 The Crouching Venus: statuette in white glazed ware—on ebonized plinth—18 in. high 762 A pair of green and gold vases and covers, painted with Watteau figures and flowers in medallions, the handles formed as fish 763 A very fine green Sevres vase, massively mounted with or-molu— 4//. 3 in. high. From Versailles 764 A milkpot and cover, pencilled with blue on gros-bleu ground 766 A French snuff-box, with Venus and Cupids on the lid, and a border of Cupids; on the inside of the lid, a group of females bathing WEDGWOOD WARE. 767 A vase, with Cupids in relief in white on dark-blue ground—6 in. high 768 A beautiful Cabaret, with minute figures in medallions and foliage in relief in white on light-blue ground: consisting of plateau, teapot, sugar-basin and cover, milkjug, basin, and two cups and saucers 769 A pair of candlesticks, with figures of Cupids representing Autumn and Winter » 770 A pair "of vases, with satyrs, masks, and groups of classical figures, white on blue ground 771 A smelling bottle, silver mounted, with classical figures 772 Thirteen medallions, with classical subjects in white on black ground 773 A bust of young Marcus Aurelius, in black ware 774 A globe on pedestal, with Cupids in white on a blue ground 7/5 A pair ol seaux, with figures in medallions and festoons in white on light-blue ground 776 An oval inkstand, on stand, with foliage in white on blue ground 777 A Cabaret, with children in relief in white on light-blue ground: consisting of oval plateau, teapot and coyer, milk-jug, sugar-basin and cover, basin, and two cups and saucers 778 A beautiful Ewer, with triple lip and fluted basin, with a water- god and festoons of bullrushes in relief in white on light-blue ground. Purchased at Mr. Marshall’s sale 779 An Oblong Plaque, with five Cupids in relief in white on light- blue ground—in blackwood frame—10 in. by 5J in. 780 A small two-handled vase, with figures before altars, in relief in white on blue ground—on circular pedestal, with festoons of foliage 781 A basin, with figures in white on blue ground 782 A black ewer, with a mask at the spout, the handle formed as a dolphin—12 in. 783 An Oval Bulbstand, with foliage and festoons in relief in white on blue ground 784 A very fine Flower-stand, formed as a double Roman lamp—on square pedestal, with classical figures and festoons in relief in white on blue ground—13 in. Exhibited at Kensington 785 A pair of two-handled vases and covers, with classical figures and foliage in relief in white on sage-green ground 786 A pair of circular pedestals, with classical figures in relief in white on black ground, mounted with metal gilt as candlesticks 787 A pair of Wedgwood ewers, with rams’ heads and foliage in relief in white on dark-blue ground—10| in. ENGLISH PORCELAIN. 788 A white teapot, with shells of Bow-ware 789 A pair of stands for bulbs, of Turner-ware, with figures in relief in medallions 48 790 A Cologne-ware jug, with metal cover and stopper, and ornaments in colours 791 A ditto mug, with metal cover, and medallion of Cardinal Mazarin 792 A Delft jug, with metal top and flowers in blue, and a female with basket in colours 793 A gres-de-Flandres jug, with soldiers in relief on a blue ground— 11 in. 794 A curious gres-de-Flandres jug, with an openwork ornament front and back, and a mask beneath the lip—10 in. 795 Another, with indented ornaments, and a cherub and other orna¬ ments on the neck in blue—9 in. 796 Another bottle, with metal lid and ornaments in blue—19^ in. high 797 An old English jug, of glazed brown-ware, with metal cover engraved with arabesques and surmounted by the figure of a boy 798 A crown Derby vase and cover, painted with a figure of Una and a landscape, with gold spots and blue borders 799 A pair of old Chelsea vases, painted with birds and encrusted with wreaths of flowers on feet 800 A crown Derby ewer, with a girl dancing, and a landscape in medal¬ lions, with gold spots and blue borders 801 An old Worcester cup and saucer, painted with flowers and blue borders; and a cup and saucer: part of a service presented to Lord Nelson by the ladies of England 802 A pair of crown Derby cups and saucers, with blue and gold borders, and ornaments in colours on a white ground 803 A fine large Salopian vase and cover, coloured in imitation of agate, the handles formed of groups of silvered figures, and the cover surmounted by a figure of Neptune—26 in. 804 A Pair of fine Old Chelsea Vases, of scroll-pattern design, painted with figures, birds, and flowers, and with masks and flowers in relief, the handles formed as dolphins—10 in. high FINIS. London: Printed by W. Clowes & Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. "I • \ S j '