CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE COLLECTION CF OF THE 'flBB MOST ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONS ^^ ^ OF BRITISH HISTORY, ^, CONSISTING OF THE DRAWINGS MADE {fFiih Permission) FROM THE ORIGINAL PICTURES IN THE THE GALLERIES OF THE NOBILITY & GENTRY, AND THE PUBLIC COLLECTIONS THROUGHOUT THE KINGDOM, ALSO, Sixteen selected Copies of the Great Wwh of Lodge, of the largest Paper and with additional Proofs, all on India Paper, tg>tj(t>) toHt i>t gfeoia tj? gutttow, i)B Messrs. CHRISTIE AND MANSON^ AT TKSIXt GXtSAT TLOQ-SA, KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, the M of MAY, 1838. AND FOLLOWING DAY, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. The Collection may be Piibilcly viewed two clays preceding, and Catalogues had at Messrs. Christie and Hanson's Office, King Street, St. James's Sqvnre. GENTLEMEN RESIDING IN THE COUNTRY, OR WHO CANNOT ATTEND THE SALE, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by Messrs. Christie ami Manson, who will forwavd Catalogues upon application. To avoid mistakes, it is requested that Commissions may refer both to Number and Name in the Catalogue when particular Portraits are desired, but when the object is to secure one or mure Specimens out of the Collection, generally, Gentlemen by so stating their instructions, will enable Messrs. Christie and Manson to execute them with greater certainty. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is. — above Five Pounds, 5s. — and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5^. in the Pound, in part of Payment of the Purchase-Money if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults and rrors of Description, at the Buyers' Expense and Risk, within Two Days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie and Manson not considering themselves answerable for the correct description or authenticity of any Picture. y. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of Payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the lime aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. NOTICE. This Collection of Historical Portraits surpasses, as well in extent as in interest, any that has ever been formed, and is altogether matchless, containing, as it does, thf Portraits of Persons distinguished for the most eminent Rank, Wisdom, and historical interest in the annals of our Country — "of those great men," in the language of a contemporary critic, " whose names are as familiar as household words to every one who thinks as he ought of the past glories of his country ; Warriors and Sages Avhose menioiy is associated with all that is dear and most glorious to Englishmen, whose embodied principles have made Britain that which until their names are forgotten, she will ever continue to be." Such a collection could not have been formed Ijy any other combination of circumstances than those under which this has been brought together, depending, as it did, entirely upon the patronage and favour of the highest Nobility, in granting the loan of their most valuable Family and Historical Portraits for the object of pro- ducing a great National Work, which was to commemorate to the latest posterity, the most Illustrious Members of their Houses. Hence has arisen this unique Series, the fruit of more than twenty years' research. In it are comprised whatever is most valuable from the Royal and Noble Houses, and Public Collections in every quarter of the Empire, which have been visited for the object of obtaining their choicest Portraits, and thus concentrating within itself whatever was most valuable in all. Wherever Pictures were found, suited by their excellence and authenticity to the objects of the undertaking, thither were Artists despatched, without regard to expense or remoteness of situation, to execute them in the respective Galleries where they have been preserved, frequently under the critical inspection and judgment of the noble Proprietors, themselves the descendants, in most cases, of the Illustrious characters depicted. It is upon this fact that the high reputation awarded to these works has been established : for in addition to the beauty and finish of Enamel Paintings, they possess the high quality of being faith- ful transcripts of the Originals, an advantage so frequently lost by the rotundity of surface acquired in the uncertain process of enamelling. These Cabinet Portraits will now, in consequence of the completion of the Great Work for which they were executed, be submitted, individually, to public compe- tition, unless an acceptable offer for the entire Collection, including the Pair of Splendid Cabinets built expressly for their reception, be made to Messrs. Christie AND Manson, prior to the Sale. The Galleries and Collections of Pictures from whence the Portraits have been selected are those of — HER MAJESTY. The Archbishop of Canter- bury. The Duke of Norfolk. The Duke of Richmond. The Duke of Beaufort. The Duke of Leeds. The Duke of Bedford. The Duke of Devonshire. The Duke of Marlborough. The Duke of Hamilton. The Duke of Dorset. The Duke of Newcastle. The Duke of Northumberland. The Duke of Buccleuch. The Duke of Gordon. The Duke of Argyle. The Duke of Montrose. The Duke of Sutherland. The Marquess of VVinchester. The Marquess of Salisbury. The Marquess of Bath. The Marquess of Hertford. The Marquess of Bute. The Marquess of Exeter. The Marquess of Lothian. The Marquess of Lansdowne. The Marqviess of Anglesey. The Marquessof Northampton The Marquess Camden. The Earl of Shrewsbury. The Earl of Derby. The Earl of Pembroke. The Earl of Stamford. The Countess of Sandwich. The Earl of Esse.x. The Earl of Carlisle. The Earl of Warwick. The Earl Fitzwilliam. The Earl of Mansfield. The Earl of Egremont. The Earl of Guildford. The Earl of Hardwicke. The Earl of Radnor. The Earl Spencer. The Earl of Clarendon. The Earl of Craven. The late Earl of Rothes. The Earl of Morton. The Earl of Strathmore. The Earl of Lauderdale. The Earl of Liverpool. The Earl of Leicester. The Earl of Upper Ossory. The Earl of Verulam. The Earl of Seaforth. Earl Amherst. The Earl of Plymouth. Viscount Dillon. Viscoimt Clive. The late Viscountess Bridport Lord Willoughby D'Eresby. Lord de Clifford. Lord Willoughby de Broke. Lord Holland. Lord Clifford. Lord Northwick. Lord Bagot. Lord Carrington. Lord Arundell. Lord Dover. Lord Francis Egerton. The Right Hon. James Aber- croniby, M. P. Dawson Turner, Esq. A. M., F. R. A., and L. S. Rev. Dr. Ridley. Thomas Walpole, Esq. Edward Hawke Locker, Esq. The National Gallery. Holy rood Palace, Edinburgh. Government House, Calcutta. British Museum. Bodleian Gallery, Oxford. The Naval Gallery, Green- wich. Town Hall, Exeter. Christ Church, Oxford. The Guildhall, London. The Trinity House, London. Mercers' Hall, London. Goldsmiths' Hall, London. Lincoln's Inn Library. A CATALOGUE OP ILLUSTRIOUS PORTRAITS. TImrsday i May 3rd, 1838. The Sale will commence at One o'clock each Day precisely. TJie entire Collection, with the Cabinets complete, will be fii'st offered in One Lot, and if not disposed of, the Sale will proceed according to the order of the Catalogue. The Pai7iters' Names, and the Collections whence the Portraits have been obtained, are attached to each subject. The Drawings, which are all framed and protected with plate-glass, are executed by Mr. Hilton, R.A., the late Mr. Jackson, R.A., Mr. Uwins, R.A. Mr. Derby, jyir. Knight, Mr. Haines, the late Mr. Satchwell, and Mr. Lewis, and occa- sional testimonials of their correctness and authenticity are attached, from the communications of Proprietors of Pictures. " The Drawings are extremely beautiful and very accurate, and I admire them very much. " Your obedient servant, " Egremont.'' 1. HENRY PERCY, Ninth Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND, ob. 1632. Vandyck. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. R. W. Satchwell. This nobleman was unjustly accused of participating in that monstrous scheme " the Gunpowder Plot ;" he was committed to the Tower, fined an enormous sum of money, and condemned to close imprisonment for life. 2. ALGERNON PERCY, Tenth Earl of NORTHUMBERLAND, ob. 1688. Vandyck. Earl of Essex, Cashiobury. Derby. Lord High Admiral of England in the reign of Charles the First. The royal children were confided to his custody by the Parliament, and he retained that charge until the murder of their father. He is represented leaning upon an anchor. One of Vandyck's finest portraits 3. ELIZABETH of YORK, Wife to KING HENRY VH. ob. 1502. Earl of Essex's Collection, Cashiobury. Elizabeth Plantagenet, the passive instrument in terminating the mighty contest between the houses of York and Lancaster. She was courted by the tyrant Richard, and was sub- sequently esjjoused to the Earl of Richmond, after the battle of Bosworth. An early and curious specimen. 4. MARGARET of LANCASTER. ob. 1609. Earl of Derby's Collection, Knowsley. R. W. Satchwell. This illustrious lady was mother of King Henry the Seventh, and wife to Thomas Stanley, First Earl of Derby. 5. THOMAS STANLEY, First Earl of DERBY. ob. 1504. Earl of Derby's Collection, Knowsley. R. W. Satchwell. The Earl of Derby married Margaret of Lancaster, mother of King Henry the Seventh by her first husband. The active part he took in the decisive battle at Bosworth firmly fixed the crown in the house of Tudor. Margaret of Lancaster and the Earl of Derby are highly curious portraits, not less on account of the eminence of the persons than for the early period at which they were executed in the infancy of portrait Painting. 6. JAMES STANLEY, Seventh Earl of DERBY. ob. 1651. Vandyck. Earl of Derby's Collection, Knowsley. R. W. Satchwell. A nobleman distinguished for loyalty and eminent services to Charles the First. Falling into the hands of Cromwell, he was beheaded 1651. 7. CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE, Countess of DERBY, ob. 1663. Vandyck. Earl of Derby's Collection, Knowsley. Derby. Wife of James Stanley, Earl of Derby. She defended Latham House against the Par- liamentary army; and, to Fairfax's summons for capitulation, the Countess answered, " She had not forgotten what she owed to the Church of England, to her Prince, and to her Lord ; and that till she had lost her honour or her life, she would defend that place." See also Peveril of the Peak. S. JOHN GRAHAM, Viscount DUNDEE. ob. 1689. Sir P. Lely. Earl of Strathmore's Collection, Glammis Castle, N. B. W. Hiltmi, R. A. " Grahame of Claverhouse," the hero of Sir Walter Scott's Tales of My Landlord. He fell at the battle of Killicrankie, after obtaining a splendid victory. When wounded, he hastily inquired " How things went," and, on being answered " All was well," " Then," said he, " I am well," and expired. " The portraits of the Duke of Ormond and Earl of Dundee are admirably well-executed. I write this after having taken them to the Castle and looked at them beside the pictures. " Your obedient servant, " Pat. Proctor, Glammis." {The Earl of Sirathmore' s Factor at Glammis Castle.) 9. HENEAGE FINCH, Earl of NOTTINGHAM. ob. 1682. Sir P. Leiy. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorhambury. R. W. Satchcell. Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, and Lord High Chancellor of England. 10. SIR MATTHEW HALE. ob. 1676. Collection of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. W. Hilton, R.A. This eminent lawyer was counsel for Strafford, Laud, Hamilton, Holland, Capel, Craven, and eventually, for King Charles himself, at the trials which preceded their respective executions. 11. CHARLES MORDAUNT, Earl of PETERBOROUGH. ob. 1735. Dahl. The late Earl of Liverpool's Collection, Coombe Wood. Derby. He was First Lord of the Treasury, and also commanded the English army in Spain and Portugal. A highly interesting portrait. 12. JOHN MANNERS, Marquess of GRANBY. ob. 1770. Sir J . Reynolds. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. A splendid drawing of the great picture, presented by George the Fourth, when Prince of Wales, to the Earl of Egremont. 13. LORD HEATHFIELD. ob. 1790. Sir J. Reynolds. From the National Gallery. Derby. He is represented with the keys of Gibraltar, of which fortress he was Governor. A very powerful drawing. 14. EDWARD MONTAGU, Earl of SANDWICH. ob. 1672. Sir P. Lely. Countess of Sandwich's Collection, Hinchinbroke. Derby. Lord Sandwich served with distinguished bravery in the Royal army during the Great Rebellion, and equally so, as Vice- Admiral of the Fleet, in the reign of Charles the Second, 8 15. WILLIAM, First Lord PAGET. ob. 1505. Holbein. Marquis of Anglesey's Collection, Beaudesert. R. W. Satchwell. Founder of the noble family of Anglesey. Temp. Henry the Eighth. 16. HENRY FITZALAN, Earl of ARUNDEL. ob. 1580. Holbein. Marquess of Bath's Collection, Longleat. W. Hilton, R. A. Lord Hi<^h Chamberlain to King Henry the Eighth, Guardian to Edward the Sixth, President of the Council in the reign of Mary, High Constable and High Steward at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth. The last Earl of his family. 17. HENRY SOMERSET, First Marquess of WORCESTER. ob. 1646. Jansen. Duke of Beaufort's Collection, Badminton. Derby. The Marquess of Worcester formed a splendid example of steady devotion to his unfor- tunate master, Charles, and his sufferings and privations in the service of his sovereign were exceeded only by his loyalty. In a white satin dress, hat and feather. 18. EDWARD SOMERSET, Second Marquess of WORCESTER, ob. 1667. Vandyck. Duke of Beaufort's Collection, Badminton. Derby. This nobleman is memorable for having possessed the most inventive and mechanical genius of any man, either of his own, or of a later period. He was the author of " A Century of the Names and Scantlings of Inventions," which has led, among other discoveries in later times, to that most important one of the application of steam to the purposes of mechanical power. 19. THOMAS, First Lord CLIFFORD, of CHUDLEIGH. ob. 1673. Sir P. Lely. Lord Clifford's Collection, Ugbrooke. The most confidential adviser of Charles the Second, and President of that Cabinet which, from the initials of its various members, was designated The Cabal. 20. WILLIAM VILLIERS, Viscount GRANDISON. ob. 1645. Vandyck. Earl of Clarendon's Collection, The Grove. Viscount Grandison commanded the infantry in the Royal army which besieged Bristol, where he fell. 21. HENRY PRINCE of WALES. ob. 1612. Mytens. The late Duke of Dorset's Collection, Knole. fV. Haines. The elder brother of Charles the First ; he died at the age of eighteen. 9 22. KING CHARLES I. beheaded 1648. Vandyck. Earl of Pembroke's Collection, Wilton House. Derby. He is represented in armour, melancholy and care-woruj the left hand resting on his helmet. One of the most interesting portraits of this monarch. 23. HENRIETTA MARIA, QUEEN of CHARLES I. ob. 1669. Vandyck. Earl of Clarendon's Collection, The Grove. Derby. Daughter of Henry IV. of France, by Mary de Medicis : one of the most beautiful women of her age. She is habited in white satin, with the crown and jewels on a table beside her. A lovely portrait. 24. PRINCE RUPERT. ob. 1682. Vandyck. Earl of Craven's Collection, Combe Abbey. Derby. Nephew to King Charles the First, and General of his Horse. He is dressed in a body of buff" leather armour with gorget and helmet beside him, rich slashed satin sleeves. " Lady Craven thinks the portrait of Prince Rupert is extremely beautiful, and very like the picture." 25. WILLIAM LAUD, Archbishop of CANTERBURY. beheaded 1644. Vandyck. Archbishop of Canterbury's Collection, Lambeth Palace. W. Haines-. One of the most interesting of the Archiepiscopal series of portraits at Lambeth Palace. 26. THOMAS WENTWORTH, Earl of STRAFFORD, beheaded 1641. Vandyck. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. R. W. SatckwelL In armour : an exquisite drawing from the finest portrait in existence of the eminent person represented. He was the most powerful and faithful of Charles's adherents, whom that monarch was compelled to sacrifice to the machinations of his enemies. 27. JAMES BUTLER, Duke of ORMOND. ob. 1688. Sir G. Kneller. Earl of Strathmore's Collection, Glammis Castle, N. B. W. Hilton, R.A. One of the most truly loyal and illustrious ornaments of the court of Charles the First. By his eminent services he acquired the distinguished designation of The Great Dukk OF Ormond. In armour, very fine. " The portraits of the Duke of Ormond and Earl of Dundee are admirably well executed. I write tiiis after having taken them to the Castle and looked at them beside the pictures. " Your obedient servant, " Pat. Proctor, Glammis." ( The Earl of Strathmore's Factor at Glammis Castle, N. B.) 28. JAMES BUTLER, Second Duke of ORMOND. ob 1745 Sir G. Kneller. Duke of Devonshire's Collection, Chatsworth. Derby. Son of the First Duke. By his strenuous opposition to the despotic measures of James the Second, he was mainly instrumental in promoting the Revolution of 1688. 10 29. OLIVER CROMWELL. ob. 1658. Walker. Earl Spencer's Collection, Althorp. Derby. In armour : a page is occupied attaching his sash to his dress. The finest portrait of the Protector. 30. ROBERT RICH, Earl of WARWICK. ob. 1658. I'andyck. Earl of Hardwicke's Collection, Wimpole. Derby. In a splendid suit of armour. Lord High Admiral under the Parliament, and possessed more of the confidence of Cromwell than any other man of his time. 31. HENRY RICH, Earl of HOLLAND. Fandyck. Duke of Buccleuch's Collection, Montagu House. Derby. Brother to the Earl of Warwick, ^nd beheaded 1649. 32. WALTER, First Lord ASTON. ob. 1639. Collection of Thomas Blount, Esq., Bellamour. R. W. Satchwell. The frequent ambassador of James and Charles the First at the court of Spain. 33. ARTHUR, Lord CAPEL. ob. 1648. Jansen. Earl of Essex's Collection, Cashiobury. W. Haines. Beheaded by the Parliament's order upon the surrender of Colchester to Fairfax. 34. JOHN CHURCHILL, Duke of MARLBOROUGH. ob. 1722. Kneller. Duke of Marlborough's Collection, Blenheim. Derby. This portrait of the great Duke of Marlborough was originally a small oval, consisting of little more than the head, sent from the Duke when in command of the allied armies in Germany, to his Duchess in England. The portrait was so faithful a likeness, and became in consequence so great a favourite with her Grace, that Sir Godfrey Kneller was commissioned to let it into a larger canvas, in which state it remains at this time at Blenheim. b 35. SARAH JENNINGS, Duchess of MARLBOROUGH. ob. 1744. Lely. Duke of Marlborough's Collection, Blenheim. Derby. The present Duke, in approval of the correctness of these drawings of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, has testified his approbation upon the margins of each, thus, " Perfect, M. M." " I am very well satisfied with the portraits of John Duke of Marlborough and the Duchess. " Your obedient servant, " Marlborough." 11 36. EDWARD SEYMOUR, Duke of SOMERSET. beheaded 1551. Holbein. Marquis of Bath's Collection, Longleat. W. Hilton, R.A. Brother to Queen Jane Seymour, Protector of the Realm, and Guardian to King Edward the Sixth in his minority. The most powerful peer of his time. 37. THOMAS, Lord SEYMOUR of SUDELEY. beheaded 1549. Holbein. Marquess of Bath's Collection, Longleat, W. Hilton, R.A. Brother to the Protector Somerset, and Lord High Admiral of England. He married Queen Catharine Parr, the widow of Henry the Eighth. 38. CARDINAL POLE. ob. 1557. Titian. Lord Arundel's Collection, Wardour Castle. Pole stood the most powerful obstacle to the gratification of Henry the Eighth's unjusti- fiable and disgraceful persecution of Queen Catharine. He withdrew himself from the king- dom, and Henry offered a reward to any one who should kill him. He died Archbishop of Canterbury, in the reign of Queen Mary. 39. CARDINAL ALLEN. ob. 1594. Holbein. Mr. Mostyn's Collection, Kiddington. W. Haines. A zealous and powerful opponent of the Reformed Church, whose talents and influence combined to render him obnoxious to Elizabeth. He died at Rome. 40. HENRY WRIOTHESLEY, Third Earl of SOUTHAMPTON, ob. 1624. Mirevelt. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. R. W. Satchwell. The friend and patron of Shakspeare. 41. THOMAS WRIOTHESLEY, Fourth Earl of SOUTHAMPTON, ob. 1667. Sir P. Lely. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. Derby. The Lord Treasurer Southampton. Lord Clarendon describes him as one of the most illustrious of the Peers who supported their unfortunate Sovereign, Charles the First. He is sitting, with the Treasurer's staff and jewel of the Garter. 42. ROBERT BERTIE, Earl of LINDSEY. ob. 1642. Vandyck. Lord Willoughby d'Eresby's Collection, Grimsthorpe Castle. Derby. General of King Charles's army, and mortally wounded at the battle of Edge-Hill. In armour. 43. MONTAGU BERTIE, Earl of LINDSEY. ob. 1666 Vandyck. Lord Willoughby d'Eresby's Collection, Grimsthorpe Castle. Derby. Son of the preceding nobleman, also wounded and made prisoner in the battle of Edge-Hill 12 44. LODOWICK STEWART, Duke of RICHMOND. ob. 1624. J'a7i Some)-. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petuorth. Derby. Hereditary Great Chamberlain and High Admiral of Scotland. First cousin to King James the First. 45. FRANCES HOWARD, Duchess of RICHMOND. ob. 1639. Vandyck. Marquess of Bath's Collection, Longleat. W. Hilton, R.A. Widow of Lodowick Stewart, Duke of Richmond. 46. EDWARD SOMERSET, Earl of WORCESTER. ob. 1627. Zucchero. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorhambury. R. W. Satchwell. The great trunk-hose in which the figures of this and the following portrait are habited, exhibit curious specimens of the costume of the time. He was Earl Marshal of England and Master of the Horse to Queen Elizabeth. 47. GEORGE CAREW, Earl of TOTNES. ob. 1629. Zucchero. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorhambury. R. W. Satchwell. Equally eminent as a warrior, a statesman, and a scholar, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James the First, and Charles the First. 48. THOMAS CRANMER, Archbishop of CANTERBURY, burnt 155.5. Flick. From the British Museum. W. Haines. Upon being brought to the stake, Cranmer declared that his right hand, which had so impiously sinned in subscribing the doctrines of the enemies of truth, should be the first to suffer punishment. Highly interesting. 49. NICHOLAS RIDLEY, Bishop of LONDON. burnt 1555. Holbein. Dr. Ridley's Collection. Derby. Ridley was sacrificed with his ancient friend Cranmer. They both suffered at the same stake at Oxford, A.D. 1555. 50. JOHN LOCKE. ob. 1704. Sir G. Kneller. At Christ Church, Oxford. Derby. 51. SIR ISAAC NEWTON. ob. 1727. Sir G. Kneller. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. 13 52. THE HONOURABLE ROBERT BOYLE. ob. IGOL The late Earl of Liverpool's Collection. Derhij. Locke, Newton, Boyle : — Three of the most eminent philosophers produced in this or any other country, in modern times. 53. HENRY SPENCER, Earl of SUNDERLAND. ob. 1643. Walker. Earl Spencer's Collection, Althorp. R. W. Satchwell. The Earl of Sunderland fell at the battle of Newbury, a volunteer in King Charles's army. In armour. 54. DOROTHY SIDNEY, Countess of SUNDERLAND. ob. 1683. Vandyck. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. R. W. Sutchivell. Waller's Saccharissa. Wife of the Earl of Sunderland. 55. LADY JANE GREY. beheaded 1554. Earl of Stamford's Collection, Enville Hall. Derby. " The innocency of childhood, the beauty of youth, the solidity of middle, the gravity of old age, and all at eighteen; the birth of a princess, the learning of a clerk, the life of a saint, and the death of a malefactor for her parent's offences." 56. HENRY GREY, Duke of SUFFOLK. beheaded 1554. Mark Gerard. Marquess of Salisbury's Collection, Hatfield. Derby. Father of Lady Jane Grey, and the instigator of her claim to the crown, which led to the destruction of himself and the innocent instrument of his ambitious project. " The Marquess of Salisbury approves very much of the Portraits of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Suffolk, as correct likenesses." — Hatfield House. 57. THOMAS SACKVILLE, First Earl of Dorset. ob. 1608. Jansen. The late Duke of Dorset's Collection, Knole. fV. Haines. Lord High Treasurer to Queen Elizabeth, Chancellor of the University of O.Kford, K.G. &c. 58. EDWARD SACKVILLE, Fourth Earl of DORSET. ob. 1652. Vandyck. The late Duke of Dorset's Collection, Knole. Derby. At the battle of Edge-Hill, the Earl of Dorset behaved with the greatest bravery, leading on the troops that retook the royal standard. His duel with Lord Bruce of Kinloss, is perhaps the most harrowing recital of a personal feud on record. — (See Guardian). 14 59. ANNE CLIFFORD, Countess of DORSET, PEMBROKE, and MONTGOMERY. ob. 1675. Mytens. The late Duke of Dorset's Collection, Knole. W. Haines. To Sir Joseph Williamson, Secretary of State to Charles the Second, who had presumed to recommend a candidate for her Borough of Appleby, she replied, " I have been bullied by an usurper ; I have been neglected by a court ; but I will not be dictated to by a subject. Your man shan't ttand." 60. GILBERT BURNET, Bishop of SALISBURY. ob. 1715. Sir G. Kneller. Earl of Harduicke's Collection. Deiby. The distinguished author of the " History of the Reformation." In robes, as Chancellor of the order of the Garter. 61. FRANCIS ATTERBURY, Bishop of ROCHESTER. Sir G. Kneller. In the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Derby. Atterbury was deprived of all his dignities and benefices, in consequence of his corres- pondence with the Pretender, and he died in exile, 1732. 62. EDWARD HYDE, Earl of CLARENDON. ob. 1674. Sir Peter Lely. Earl of Clarendon's Collection, The Grove. W. Hilton, R. A. Lord High Chancellor ; the historian of the times in which he lived. 63. ANNE HYDE, Duchess of YORK. ob. 1671. Sir Peter Lely. Earl of Clarendon's Collection, Tlie Grove. Daughter of the Chancellor Clarendon, and married to King James the Second when Duke of York. 64. WILLIAM CAVENDISH, Duke of NEWCASTLE. ob. 1676. Vandyck. Earl Spencer's Collection, Allhorp. Derby. The personal friend of Charles the First, whom he served with great loyalty and fervor of attachment. Very fine. 65. GEORGE, LORD GORING. ob. circa 1650. J'andyck. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. Distinguished for eminent services in the royal cause, during the great civil war. A most interesting portrait, and a beautiful composition. m. ROBERT DEVEREUX, Third Earl of ESSEX. ob. 1646. Walker. Duke of Sutherland's Collection, Trentham. Derby. The Parliament's General in Chief during the great rebellion. A portrait of uncommon vigour and execution. 15 67. ROBERT DORMER, Earl of CAERNARVON. ob. 1643. Vandijck. Earl of Pembroke's Collection, Wilton House. Derby. He fell in the battle of Newbury charging and routing a body of the Parliament's horse, Essex's life-guard. 68. LUCIUS CAREY, Viscount FALKLAND. ob. 1643. Vandyck. Lord Arundel's Collection, Wardour Castle. W. Hilton, R.A. Lord Falkland was slain at the battle of Newbury. For his character, see Lord Clarendon's " History of the Rebellion." A most powerful and spirited drawing. 69. JAMES STUART, Duke of RICHMOND. ob. 1655. Vandyck. Sir J. S. Sidney's Collection, Penshurst. R. W. Satchwell. An eminent loyalist, and the personal friend of Charles the First. He was preserved from assassination by a favourite dog which lay in his chamber, and this portrait strongly alludes to the circumstance. 70. JAMES HAMILTON, Earl of ARRAN, and Duke of CHATEL- HERAULT. ob. 1574. Ketel. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace, N. B. W. Hilton, R.A. Regent of Scotland. It was to the palace of this powerful peer that Mary fled after her escape from Lochleven Castle. 71. JOHN, First Marquess of HAMILTON. ob. 1651, Mark Gerard. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace, N. B. W. Hilton, R.A. Son of the Earl of Arran, Duke of Chatelherault, and, like his father, devotedly attached to the cause of Mary Queen of Scots. 72. JAMES, Marquess of HAMILTON. ob. 1624. Van Somers. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace, N. B. Derby. The Marquess of Hamilton was one of the greatest ornaments of the court of King James the First, in which he filled some of the most important trusts. 73. JAMES, First Duke of HAMILTON. beheaded 1649. Vandyck. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace, N.B. JV. Hilton, R.A. The Duke of Hamilton was the personal friend of Charles the First, and falling into the hands of the Parliament, was sent prisoner to Windsor Castle, where he had the melancholy gratification of meeting his unfortunate prince : the duke suffered on the block a few days after Charles the First. In armour, very fine. 16 74- WILLIAM, Second Duke of HAMILTON. ob. 1651. Mytcns. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace, N. B. W. Hilton, R.A. He commanded the King's troops at the fatal battle of Worcester, where he was mortally wounded, and died in eight days after the action. 75. WILLIAM KERR, Third Earl of LOTHIAN. ob. 1675. Jamieson. Marquess of Lothian's Collection, Newbattle Abbey, N. B. W. Hilton, R.A. Particularly distinguished in the affairs of his country during the great rebellion, and one of the commissioners appointed to wait upon Charles the Second, at Breda, to invite his return to Scotland. In armour ; hand on his helmet. 76. \MLLIAM POWLETT, First Marquess of WINCHESTER, ob. 1572. Holbein. Duke of Northumberland's Collection, Northumberland House. Derby, He flourished throughout the reigns of Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Mary and Elizabeth, and died at the great age of ninety-seven. 77. JOHN POWLETT, Fifth Marquess of WINCHESTER. ob. 1674. P. Oliver. Marquess of Winchester's Collection, Amport House. R. W. Satchwell. In rich armour. The narrative of this nobleman, whose sufferings in the cause of Charles, and his heroic defence at Basing House, obtained him the distinguished title of " the great loyalist," will be found at large in Lord Clarendon's History of those times. 78. EDWARD, Lord HERBERT of CHERBURY. ob. 1648. Viscount Clive's Collection, Powis Castle, N.W. Derby. One of the most romantic and extraordinary persons of his age. 79. CARDINAL WOLSEY. ob. 1530. Holbein. W. Hilton, R.A. From the original picture of Wolsey, preserved in the splendid hall of his college, in the University of Oxford. 80 WILLIAM WARHAM, Archbishop of CANTERBURY, ob. 1532. Holbein. Archbishop of Canterbury's Collection, Lambeth Palace. W. Haines. The antagonist and rival of Wolsey, and the friend and patron of Erasmus. 17 81. KING HENRY VIII. ob. 1547. Holbein. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. Highly characteristic. A portrait decorated with the most lavish profusion of ornamental detail. " I hope you are satisfied with Mr. Derby's Works ; they appear to be the best I ever saw of the kind, both for accuracy of copying, and execution in painting. " Yo\ir humble servant, " Egremont." 82. KING EDWARD VI. ob. 1553. Holbein. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. This and the portrait of King Henry the Eighth, are prohably the two most brilliant specimens of Holbein's pencil. The companion portrait to Henry the Eighth. 83. QUEEN ANN BOLEYN. beheaded 1536. Holbein. Earl of Warwick's Collection, Warwick Castle. W. Hilton, R.A. Second wife to King Henry the Eighth, mother of Queen Elizabeth. 84. QUEEN JANE SEYMOUR. ob. 1537. Holbein. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. R. W. Satchwell. Third wife of King Henry the Eighth, mother of King Edward the Sixth. 85. QUEEN CATHARINE PARR ob. 1548. Holbein. Collection of Dawson Turner, Esq. F. R. A. and L. S. W. Haines. Sixth wife of King Henry the Eighth, whom she survived. Holbein's portraits of three of the queens of Henry the Eighth — that of Jane Seymour is a splendid example of the elaborate richness of the costume of the period. 86. SIR ANTHONY DENNY. ob. 1549. Holbein. Earl of Radnor's Collection, Longford Castle. King Henry the Eighth, " continued to decay," says Bishop Burnet, " and then many signs of his approaching end appearing, none but Sir Anthony Denny had the honesty and courage to desire his master to prepare for death and to remember his former life." 87. MARGARET TUDOR, QUEEN of SCOTLAND. ob. 1541. Holbein. Marquess of Lothian's Collection, Newbattle Abbey, N. B. W. Hilton R.A. Sister to King Henry the Eighth, and queen to James King of Scotland, who fell at the battle of Flodden. 18 88 CHARLES BRANDON, Duke of SUFFOLK. ob. 1545. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbev. R. W. Satchivell. Brotber-in-law to King Henry the Eighth. The following curious scroll is painted upon this picture, " Charles Brandon, Dvke of Svffolke, Lord Great Master to K. Henrye VIII. The fayrest man at armes in his tyme, Leftenant to the Kyng in his grettest warres, voyd of despyte, most fortvnate to the ende, never in displeasvre with his Kynge." 89. EDWARD CLINTON, Earl of LINCOLN. ob. 1584. Ketel. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. W. Hilton, R.A. The Earl of Lincoln was one of the most distinguished persons of his age, and shone equally as a soldier and a sailor ; for, during the reigns of Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Mary, and Elizabeth, there were scarcely any expeditions in which he did not signalize himself. 90. FULKE GREVILLE, Lord BROOKE. ob. 1628. Jansen. Lord Willoughby de Broke's Collection, Compton Verney. W. Hilton, R.A. His monument bears the simple inscription " Fuike Greville, servant to Queen Elizabeth, counsellor to King James, and friend to Sir Philip Sidney." 91. MARY SIDNEY, Countess of PEMBROKE. ob. 1621. Mark Gerard. At Penshurst. R. W. Satchuell. The most illustrious and learned lady of her time. " Sidney's sister, Pembroke's mother." 92. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY. killed at Zutphen, 1586. Sir Ant. More. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. W. Haines. " As they were bearing him from the field of battle, he became faint and thirsty from excessive bleeding, and asked for water, which he was about to drink, when observing the eye of a dying soldier fixed on the glass, he resigned it to him saying, ' Thy necessity is yet greater than mint'.' " 93. CHARLES BLOUNT, Baron MOUNTJOY, Earl of DEVONSHIRE. ob. 1606. Jvan de Pantoxa. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace, N.B. Derby. One of the most accomplished noblemen of the court of Elizabeth, wliose patronage involved him in a quarrel with the powerful favourite the Earl of Essex, whom he engaged and wounded in a personal conflict. ob. 1621. Derby. ob. 1590. fV. Haines. 19 94. WILLIAM CECIL, Lord BURGHLEY. ob. 1598. Mark Gerard. Marquess of Exeter's Collection, Burghley House. W. Hilton, R.A. First miaister of Queen Elizabeth, and founder of the noble houses of Exeter and Salisbury. In robes and collar of the Garter. 95. ROBERT CECIL, Earl of SALISBURY. ob. 1612. Zucchero, Marquess of Salisbury's Collection, Hatfield. W. Hilton, R.A. The son and successor of Lord Burghley, in Elizabeth's ministry. Robes. 96. THOMAS CECIL, First Earl of EXETER. Jansen. Marquess of Exeter's Collection, Burghley House. The eldest son of the Lord Treasurer Burghley. 97. SIR FRANCIS WALSINGHAM. Earl de la Warr's Collection, Knole. One of the most profound of Elizabeth's statesmen, and the friend of Lord Burghley. 98. GEORGE DIGBY, Earl of BRISTOL. ob. 1677. Vandyck. Earl Spencer's Collection, Althorp. Derby. One of the principal Secretaries of State upon the death of Lord Falkland, and High Steward of the University of Oxford. A beautiful portrait. 99. WILLIAM FIELDING, Earl of DENBIGH, and PAGE. ob. 1643, Vandyck. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace, N. B. Derby. Ambassador at the court of Persia in 1631, and adhering stedfastly to Charles the First on the breaking out of the civil war, was mortally wounded in a battle with the Parliament's troops, near Birmingham. He is in a shooting dress, accompanied by an Asiatic page, who is pointing to a parrot resting upon a tree. A portrait full of character. 100. EDWARD MONTAGU, Earl of MANCHESTER. ob. 1671. Sir P. Lely. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. Derby. In robes and collar of the Garter. Lord High Chamberlain in the reign of Charles the Second. 101. SPENCER COM PTON, Earl of NORTHAMPTON. ob. 1643. Marquess of Northampton's Collection, Castle Ashby. R. W. Satchwell. He commanded the royal army at the battle of Hopton Heath, obtaining a splendid triumph over that of the Parliament, and fell in the moment of victory. 20 102. ROBERT GREVILLE, Lord BROOKE. ob. 1643. Earl of Warwick's Collection, Warwick Castle. IV. Hilton, R.A. Lord Brooke held a distinguished command in the Parliament army at the victory which it obtained over the Royalists at Edge-Hill. In buff leather armour. 103. RALPH, LORD HOPTON. ob. 1662. Vandyck. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. Eminent for military skill and distinguished talents in the service of Charles the First, after whose murder he retired to Flanders, and died at Bruges. 104. LIONEL CRANFIELD, Earl of MIDDLESEX, ob. 1645. Mytens. The late Duke of Dorset's Collection, Knole. W. Haines. Lord High Treasurer in the reign of James the First. 105. GEORGE VILLIERS. Duke of BUCKINGHAM. ob. 1628. Jansen. Earl of Clarendon's Collection, The Grove. Murdered by Felton. The following portraits (Lot 106 to 115 inclusive) of the most illustrious Naval Com- manders of modern times, form a series as valuable as it is interesting. It is to those great heroes that England is indebted for the high reputation which the British navy has attained — a position which has made it the envy of all nations. 106. LORD RODNEY. ob. 1792. Sir J. Reynolds. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. The first of our naval heroes who practised the manoeuvre of breaking through an enemy's line. 107. LORD HAWKE. ob. 1781. Cotes. From the Naval Gallery, Greenwich. Derby. Admiral of the Fleet. 108. EARL HOWE. ob. 1799. Gainsborough. From the Trinity House. Derby. Lord Howe's victory of the 1st of June, was the first obtained by the British navy over the revolutionary fleet of France. 109. VISCOUNT DUNCAN. ob. 18(H. The hero of Camperdown. Copley. Guildhall, London. Derby. 21 110. EARL of ST. VINCENT- ob. 1823. Hoppner. Her Majesty's Collection. Derby. It was in the victory off Cape St. Vincent, that Nelson received the swords of three French captains who had struck their colours to his sliip, and Lord St. Vincent attributed the signal victory then obtained, to Nelson's personal heroism. 111. NELSON. Hoppner. Her Majesty's Collection. Derby. The exploits under Nelson are so extraordinary as to eclipse all the previous great deeds of the British navy. He fell in the hour of victory, at Trafalgar, 1805. This, and the preceding portrait of Earl St. Vincent, in the Royal collection, were painted for his late Majesty King George the Fourth. " I have to acknowledge the receipt of two Portraits which you have sent me of the Earl of St. Vincent and Lord Nelson. I consider them excessively well executed, and the likeness as good as any I have seen. " Your obedient servant, " T. M. Hardy." 112. VISCOUNT BRIDPORT. ob. 1814. Abbot. Late Viscountess Bridport's Collection. Derby. Lord Bridport was engaged in many of the brilliant victories which so eminently adorn the naval history of the late war ; and it is to the glorious incident in his life, when he was closely engaged with two of the enemy's first-rates, that the veteran Admiral points with ex- ultation, in the animated portrait before us. 113. VISCOUNT HOOD. ob. 1816. Sir J. Reynolds. Late Viscountess Bridport's Collection. Derby. Lord Hood was brother of Lord Bridport, and equally distinguished in the maritime history of his country. 114. VISCOUNT KEPPEL. ob. 1786. Sir J. Reynolds. Duke of Bedford's Collection. Derby. A highly interesting portrait. 115. VISCOUNT EXMOUTH. ob. Lawrence. Collection of E. H. Locker, Esq. Derby. The last great action of Lord Exmouth's naval career was the reduction of Algiers. 22 116. SIR JOSEPH BANKS. ob. 1820. Sir Thos. Lawrence. British Museum. Derby. It would be difficult to name an institution of science of which Sir Joseph Banks was not one of its most eminent members. He is here represented as presiding at the Royal Society. One of Lawrence's finest portraits. 117. SIR RALPH ABERCROMBY. ob. 1801. Hoppner. Right Hon. James Abercromby's Collection. Derby. The hero of Aboukir, father of the present Lord, and of the Speaker of the House of Commons. 118. SIR WILLIAM JONES. ob. 1794. Sir J. Reynolds. Earl Spencer's Collection. Derby. Perhaps the most distinguished philosopher of the present age. A highly interesting portrait. 119. CHARLES JAMES FOX. ob. 1806. Opie. Earl of Leicester's Collection, Holkham. Derby. " It is by far the most striking likeness of that immortal man I have ever seen. " Your obedient servant, '\Holkham, Dec. 6, 1832." " T. W. Cokb. 120. HENRY FOX, First Lord HOLLAND. ob. 1774. Sir Joshia Reynolds. Lord Holland's Collection, Holland House. Derby. Father of Charles James Fox. End of the First Day's Sak. Second Dai/s Sale, FRIDAY, MAY 4th, 183S. PRECISELY AT ONE o'CLOCK. 121. MATTHEW PARKER, Archbishop of CANTERBURY. ob. 1575. Archbishop of Canterbury's Collection, Lambeth Palace. W. Haines. He lived in the reigns of Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, Mary and Elizabeth ; was one of the very few Reformers whom Mary allowed to escape her demoniacal fury, and was elevated to the primacy by Elizabeth in the succeeding reign. 122. GEORGE ABBOT, Archbishop of CANTERBURY. ob. 1633. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorhambury. R. W. Satchwell. 123. ARCHIBALD, Eighth Earl and First Marquess of ARGYLL. beheaded 1661. Duke of Argyll's Collection, Inverary Castle, N. B. Derby. " The Duke of Arg) 11 will write to Inverary by this day's post, and give directions that Mr. Derby may copy any pictures there which may suit his purpose." 124. ARCHIBALD, Ninth Earl of ARGYLL. beheaded 1685. Duke of Argyll's Collection, Inverary Castle, N. B. Derby. After the defeat of the Royal army at the fatal battle of Worcester in 1651, this noble- man took arms for his Majesty's service, which so incensed Cromwell, that although he granted a free pardon and indemnity to the people of Scotland, this Peer was specially ex- cepted. He was beheaded at the High Cross at Edinburgh in 1685. 125. ARCHIBALD, First Duke of ARGYLL. ob. 1703. Sir P. Lely. Duke of Argyll's Collection, Inverary Castle, N. B. Derby. A highly -finished and elaborate drawing. 126. JOHN CAMPBELL, Duke of ARGYLL and GREENWICH. ob. 174S. Sir G. Kneller. The late Lord Dover's Collection. Derby. The great Duke of Argyll, whose private life was adorned by almost all the most esti- mable qualities, sustained, during the long course of his public services, the most important offices, military as weU as civil. 24 127. SECRETARY SIR WILLIAM MAITLAND, of LETHINGTON. ob. 1573. Earl of Lauderdale's Collection, Thirlestane Castle, N. B. JV. Hilton, R.A. This extraordinary person was the constant friend and adviser of Mary Queen of Scots throusfhout her unfortunate career. 128. JOHN, First Lord MAITLAND of THIRLESTANE. ob. 1595. Earl of Lauderdale's Collection, Thirlestane Castle, N. B. W.Hilton, R.A. Younger brother of Secretary Maitland, and, like him, fervently interested in the fortune and fate of the unhappy Mary Stuart. 129. JOHN MAITLAND, Duke of LAUDERDALE, Earl of MARCH, and Viscount PETERSHAM. ob. 1682. Sir Peter Lely. Earl of Lauderdale's Collection, Thirlestane Castle, N. B. W. Hilton, R.A. This extraordinary man enjoyed all the great offices under the crown, temj}. Charles the Second. 130. FRANCIS LORD COTTINGTON. ob. 1652. Van Somer. Earl of Clarendon's Collection, Tlie Grove. W. Haine*. Lord Cottington was Lord High Treasurer, Constable of the Tower of London, and Master of the Court of Wards, a most important trust in those days. 131. WILLIAM HERBERT, Third Earl of PEMBROKE. ob. 1630. Vandyck. Earl of Pembroke's Collection, Wdtoii. "William Earl of Pembroke," says Lord Clarendon, "was the most universally beloved and esteemed of any man of that age, and having a great office in the Court, he made the Court itself better esteemed, and more reverenced in the country." 132. PHILIP HERBERT, Earl of PEMBROKE and MONTGOMERY. ob. 1650. Vandyck. Earl of Pembroke's Collection, Wilton House. Derby. From Vandyck's great family picture of the Pembroke Family at Wilton House. 133. WILLIAM SEYMOUR, Marquess of HERTFORD. ob. 1660. Vandyck. Earl of Clarendon's Collection, The Grove. The constant counsellor, companion, and one of the firmest friends of King Charles the First. 25 134. RICHARD WESTON, Earl of PORTLAND. ob. 1634. Vandyck. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorhambury. R. W. Satchwell. Distinguished by a zealous attachment to regal power, and by a sedulous application to the affairs of state, he filled for some years the highest office in it, and died Lord High Treasurer, K. G., &c. 135. GEORGE GORDON, Marquess of HUNTLEY. beheaded 1649. Vandyck. Duke of Buccleuch's Collection, Montagu House. R. W. Satchwell, The Marquess of Huntley served Charles the First in the field with the most devoted gallantry, but fell into the hands of the rebels, and was beheaded at the High Cross at Edinburgh. 136. ELIZABETH, Daughter of JAMES I., Queen of BOHEMIA, ob. 1662. Honthorst. Earl of Craven's Collection, Combe Abbey. Derby. As distinguished for accomplishments and talents as for elevation of rank, this eminent lady was known in the army of her husband, the King of Bohemia, by the distinctive title of the " Queen of Hearts," for her virtues had rendered her universally adored. 137. WILLIAM, First Earl of CRAVEN. ob. 1697. Honthorst. Earl of Craven's Collection, Combe Abbey. Derby. Romantically attached to the fortunes of the Queen of Bohemia, to whom he is supposed to have been privately married after the death of her husband. 138. FRANCES THERESA STEWART, Duchess of RICHMOND. ob. 1702. Sir Peter Lely. Duke of Richmond's Collection, Goodwood. Derby. This lady was idolized by Charles the Second, who caused her portrait to be painted in the character of Minerva; and is said to have been the origin of the figure of Britannia, afterwards transferred to the copper coin of the realm. A most interesting and highly curious portrait. " Ample justice has been done to the picture of the Duchess of Richmond. " Your obedient servant, " Richmond." 139. KING CHARLES II. . ob. 1685. Sir P. Lely. Marquess of Hertford's Collection, Ragley. Derby. He is represented in a suit of black armour, the crown of England beside him. Very fine. 26 140. CATHARINE of BRAGANZA. ob. 1705. Sir P. Lely. Duke of Gordon's Collection, Gordon Castle, N. B. Derby. Queen of Charles the Second. 141. THOMAS CROMWELL, Earl of ESSEX. beheaded 1541. Holbein. Sir Thomas Constable's Collection, Tixall. R. W. Satchwell. Cromwell was much employed by Henry the Eighth, and was instrumental in uniting his master with Ann of Cleves, who, it is well known, Henry married with indifference, and immediately abandoned ; from that time he beheld Cromwell with aversion, and sacrificed him to his resentment. 142. SIR THOMAS MORE, Holbein. Mr. Lenthal's Collection, Burford Priory. Derby, Lord High Chancellor of England, beheaded 1535. " I think the portrait of Sir Thomas More, from my picture at Burford, remarkably well executed, both in style and correctness of likeness. " Your obedient humble servant, " William John Lenthall." 145. SIR JOHN MORE. ob. 1533. Holbein. Earl of Pembroke's Collection, Wilton House. He presided in the Court of King's Bench, and was father of the Chancellor. 144. CHARLES HOWARD of EFFINGHAM, Earl of NOTTINGHAM- ob. 1624. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorhambury. R. W. Satchwell. Lord High Admiral of the fleet which defeated the Spanish Armada. 145. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE. ob. 1595. Marquess of Lothian's Collection, Newbattle Abbey, N. B. W. Hilton, R. A. Sir Francis Drake is distinguished as being the first man of his country who achieved the circumnavigation of the whole of the known world. He was Vice-Admiral of England under Lord Howard of Effingham. 146. JOHN SELDEN. ob. 1654. Mytens. In the Bodleian Gallery, Oxford. The most learned man and the most honest patriot of his time. 27 147. SIR KENELM DIGBY. ob. 1665. Vandyck. In the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Sir Kenelm Digby was a scholar, a soldier, a courtier, a divine, a philosopher, an orator, and a politician, and not only his own country, but all Europe, held him in the highest estimation in each of these characters. 148. LADY ARABELLA STUART. ob. 1615. Van Somer. Marquess of Bath's Collection, Longleat. W. Hilton, R. A. This interesting Lady being allied both with the Scottish and English thrones, was equally obnoxious to Queen Elizabeth and to King James, which led to those persecution* which attended her throiish life. 149. THOMAS HOWARD, Third Duke of NORFOLK. ob. 1554. Holbein. Duke of Norfolk's Collection, Arundel Castle. W. Hilton, R. A. Condemned to be beheaded by Henry the Eighth, but preserved through the sudden death of the King. He is represented with his two official staves as Earl Marshal and Lord High Treasurer. A beautiful portrait. 150. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of SURREY. beheaded 1547. Duke of Norfolk's Collection, Arundel Castle. Derby. Son of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk. The Earl of Surrey was tried for high treason, and the principal charge against him was that of quartering the arms of England upon the panel of the picture here preserved. He was sentenced to death, and executed I9th January, 1547. A most interesting and curious portrait. 151. THOMAS HOWARD, Fourth Duke of NORFOLK, beheaded 1572. Duke of Norfolk's Collection, Arundel Castle. Derby. Son of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, beheaded by Henry the Eighth. His ambitious project for marrying Mary Queen of Scots, during her imprisonment in England, in order to unite the succession to both the English and Scottish crowns in his own family, led him to the scaffold. 152. THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of SUFFOLK. ob. 1626. Zucchero. Earl of Carlisle's Collection, Castle Howard. The late J. Jackson, R. A. The eldest son of the Duke of Norfolk. This peer was one of the Commissioneis for executing the office of Earl Marshal and Lord High Treasurer of England. 28 153. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of NORTHAMPTON. ob. 1614. Zucchhro. Earl of Carlisle's Collection, Castle Howard. The late J. Jackson, R. A. He was the second son of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, beheaded by Henry the Eighth. 154. PHILIP HOWARD, Earl of ARUNDEL. ob. 1595. Zucchero. Duke of Norfolk's Collection, Norfolk House. Derby. Son of Tliomas, fourth Duke of Norfolk. When brought to trial in Westminster Hall, and called on to hold up his hand, he raised it high, exclaiming " Here is as true a man's heart and hand as ever came into this Hall." He died a prisoner in the Tower of London, 1595. 155. WILLIAM HOWARD, Viscount STAFFORD. beheaded 1680. Vandyck. Marquess of Bute's Collection, Luton Park. Derby. A \dctim to the perjury of Titus Gates. When asked the usual question, why sentence of death should not be passed upon him, he answered with a grandeur of simplicity but seldom witnessed, " My Lord, I have little to say ; I confess I am surprised at it, for I did not expect it; but God's wiU be done: I will not murmur at it. God forgive them that have sworn falsely against me." A beautiful portrait. 156. THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of ARUNDEL and SURREY, ob. 1646. Rubens. Earl of Warwick's Collection, Warwick Castle. W. Hilton, R. A. In armour. A most splendid drawing from one of Rubens' finest portraits. The Earl of Arundel was the munificent patron of the arts at the period of their lowest depression, during the great rebellion. 157. SIR THOMAS BODLEY. ob. 1612. Jansen. University of Oxford. T. Uwins, R.A. Founder of the Bodleian Library in the University of Oxford. 158. SIR HENRY WOTTON. ob. 1639. Jansen. In the Bodleian Gallery, Oxford. A profound scholar and wit. Tutor to Prince Henry and to King Charles the Fii-st. 159. JOHN RUSSELL, First Earl of BEDFORD. ob. 1555. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. R. IV. Satchwell. The first of his eminent house who was advanced to the honour of the peerage, and con- stituted Lord High Admiral of England. Temp. Henry the Eighth. 29 160. FRANCIS RUSSELL, Fourth Earl of BEDFORD. ob. 164L Vandyck. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. R. W. Satchwell. This nobleman took an active part in the great events which agitated the period in which he lived ; but it was from the stupendous project of draining the immense tract of land which, from him, was named the " Bedford Level," that his memory is justly venerated by his country. 16L WILLIAM RUSSELL, First Duke of BEDFORD. ob. 1700. Vandyck. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. R. W. Satchwell. Father of William, Lord Russell, beheaded in the reign of James the Second. In a crimson velvet dress and richly-worked turnover. 162. LUCY HARINGTON, Countess of BEDFORD. ob. 1628. Honthorst. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. R. W. Satchwell. Sitting in a pensive attitude, splendidly adorned with jewels, with large lace ruff and ruffles. One of the most remarkable ladies of her period. 163. WILLIAM LORD RUSSELL. beheaded 1683. Sir Peter Lely. The late Earl of Upper Ossory's Collection. R. W. Satchwell. Historians were never more at variance than in delineating this eminent person's life ; either by extolling him as an illustrious sacrifice at the altar of abused power, or by defaming a character which commanded the admiration even of his enemies. 164.. RACHAEL, LADY RUSSELL. ob. 1723. Cooper. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. Derby. Lady Russell's character united all the virtues and the talents of both sexes. To a lofty courage and magnanimity, which she displayed to heroism in her attendance upon the trial of her lord, it united the most feminine tenderness and mildness. A beautihil and highly characteristic portrait. " I send you the original miniature of Rachael, Lady Russell, by Samuel Cooper ; and request you will "■eturn it with the same care to my house when the artist has finished his copy. " I am, &c. ' Bedford. 165-. JOHN RUSSELL, Duke of BEDFORD. ob. 1772. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. Derby. In robes. Grandfather of the present duke. 166. FRANCIS RUSSELL, Duke of BEDFORD. ob. 1802. Hoppner. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. Derby. In robes. Brother of the present duke. 30 167. ALGERNON SIDNEY. ob. 1683. At Penshurst. R. IT. SatchweU. Beheaded for his participation in the " Rye-house Plot." 168. JOHN DUDLEY, Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, beheaded 1553. Holbein. At Penshxirst. R. W. SatchweU. High Admiral of England, Lord Great Chamberlain, Steward of the Household and Earl Marshal. He was father of Lord Guildford Dudley, whom he married to Lady Jane Grey. 169. ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl of LEICESTER. ob. 1588. Marquess of Salisbury's Collection, Hatfield. W. Hilton, R.A. The unworthy favourite of Queen Elizabeth, and son of the Duke of Northumberland. 170. AMBROSE DUDLEY, Earl of WARWICK. ob. 1590. Marquess of Salisbury's Collection, Hatfield. W. Hilton, R.A. Master of the Ordnance, and brother to the Earl of Leicester. 171. THOMAS RADCLYFFE, Earl of SUSSEX. ob. 1583. Sir. Ant. More. Collection of William Radclyffe, Esq. This great peer was the rival of Leicester, as well in power as in the favour of Queen Elizabeth. Vide Kenilworth. 172. SIR WALTER RALEIGH. ob. 1618. Zucchero. Marquess of Bath's Collection, Longleat. JV. Hilton, R.A. This very curious portrait represents Sir Walter decorated with the scarf attached to his dress by the hands of Queen Elizabeth. 173. GEORGE CLIFFORD, Earl of CUMBERLAND. ob. 1605. Bodleian Gallery, Oxford. One of the most distinguished naval commanders in the reign of Elizabeth. His hat is decorated with the glove presented to him by the Queen, which he adorned with jewels, and ever wore upon public occasions. 174. SIR NICHOLAS CAREW, K.G. Holbein. Duke of Buccleuch's Collection, Dalkeith, N. B, W. Hilton. R.A. Master of the Horse to King Henry the Eighth. Beheaded 1539. In armour, very fine. 31 175. SIR HUGH MIDDLETON. ob. 1031. Jansen. From Goldsmith's Hall, London, of which Company he was a Member. The projector of that gigantic undertaking for supplying London with water, which acquired the name of, and has since been incorporated under the designation of the " New River Company/' the greatest undertaking ever attempted by an individual. 176. SIR THOMAS GRESHAM. ob. 1579. Holbein. From Mercer's Hall, London, of which Company he was a Member. Sir Thomas Gresham's career is one of unexampled prosperity in mercantile history. He directed the commercial affairs of England from the reign of Henry the Eighth to Elizabeth, when he erected the Royal Exchange of London at his own private charge, and presented it to his country. A splendid and powerful drawing. 177. SIR CHRISTOPHER HATTON. ob. 1.591. Ketel. Viscount Dillon's Collection, Ditchley. W. Hilton, R.A. Hatton was one of the handsomest and most accomphshed men of his time. Lord High Chancellor of England during the reign of Elizabeth, and Knight of the Garter. 178. EDWARD COURTENAY, Earl of DEVONSHIRE. ob. 1556. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. R. W. Satchwell. After an imprisonment of fifteen years in the Tower, he was released by Queen Mary, who is said to have entertained a personal attachment to this nobleman, and designed to marry him. 179. MARY, QUEEN of ENGLAND. ob. 1558. Holbein. Marquess of Exeter's Collection, Burghley House. Derby- A portrait remarkably illustrative of the character of Queen Mary. Exquisitely finished. 180. LORD CHANCELLOR EGERTON, Viscount BRACKLEY. ob. 1617. Lord Francis Egerton's Collection, Cleveland House. R. W. Satchwell. He was successively Solicitor and Attorney-General, Master of the Rolls, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, Lord High Steward, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and Lord High Chancellor of Eng-land. 181. SIR NICHOLAS BACON. Zucchero. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. Lewis. Father of the Chancellor, and Judge in the Court of Common Pleas. To Queen Elizabeth, who told him his house of Gorhambury was too small for him, he replied, " No, madam, but your Majesty has made me too great for my house." 33 182. SIR FRANCIS BACON. ob. 1626. Van Somer. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorliambury. R. W. Satchwell. Lord High Chancellor and Viscount St. Albans. In robes, large rufl", and high- crowned hat. 183. WALTER DEVEREUX, Earl of ESSEX. ob. 1576. Lord Bagot's Collection, Blythfield. R. W. Satchwell. The father of Queen Elizabeth's favourite, Governor and Earl Marshal of Ireland. 184. ROBERT DEVEREUX, Earl of ESSEX. beheaded 1601. Hilliard. Earl of Verulam's Collection, Gorhambury. R. W. Satchwell. This picture was presented by Queen Elizabeth to Lord Bacon as a companion to her own portrait at Gorhambury, where they are companion pictures at the present time. 185. HENRY DANVERS, Earl of DANBY. ob. 1644. Duke of Bedford's Collection, Woburn Abbey. Derby. He is standing in the front of his tent, his helftiet beside him, and a large black patch on his forehead. For his great services he was raised to the peerage by James the First. 186. QUEEN ELIZABETH. ob. 1603. Zucchero. Marquess of Salisbury's Collection, Hatfield House. Derby. The most curious portrait of Ehzabeth in existence, full of allegorical device, and profusely decorated with jewels. Her robe of golden tissue is worked with eyes and ears, denoting vigilance and watchfulness ; on her arm a serpent, the type of wisdom, is embroidered with pearls and rubies; on her ruflF a gauntlet, assuming herself to be the source of honours. A rainbow passes through her hand with a flattering motto comparing her influence to that of the sun, " Non sine sole Iris." Highly interesting and curious, and most elaborately finished. "The Marquess of Salisbury approves very much of the Portraits of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Suffolk, as correct likenesses." — Hatfield House. 187. MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. beheaded 1587. Earl of Morton's Collection, Dalmahoy, N. B. W. Hilton, R. A. It has hitherto been customary to clothe the portraits of Mary Stuart with every attri- bute of female beauty, more particularly when authenticity of subject was not a paramount consideration. She is here represented in mourning, her person almost covered with a large veil, and care and anxiety are depicted upon her countenance. The portrait here preserved is believed to be the only authentic one of her ; it is said to have been painted for George Douglas, who effected Mary's escape from Lochleven Castle, and the near relation of 33 the Regent Morton, whose portrait is likewise preserved in this collection. It has ever since remained in the family of his descendants. The following extract of a letter from the late Earl of Morton, will be sufficient evidence of its correctness. "I have no hesitation in assuring you that the portrait of Mary Queen of Scots, from the original picture in my possession, is a very faithful copy of the picture. '' Your obedient servant, " Morton." 188 HENRY LORD DARNLEY. ob. 1567. Earl of Seaforth's Collection, Brahan Castle, N. B. Derby. The imliappy husband of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland. 189. THE REGENT MURRAY. ob. 1570. Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh. W. Hilton, R. A. The most powerful peer in the turbulent period in which he lived. He fell by the hand of an assassin whilst riding through the town of Linlithgow, a.d. 1570. 190. THE REGENT MORTON. beheaded 1581. Earl of Morton's Collection, Dalmahoy, N. B. W. Hilton, R. A. Equally talented and powerful as his predecessor Murray, the Earl of Morton long ruled the conflicting interests of Scotland with success, as Regent. He was beheaded at Edinburgh, 1581, for his connection with the murder of Darnley fourteen years before. 191. CARDINAL BEATOUN. ob. 1546. , Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh. W. Hilton, R. A. Designated the Wolsey of Scotland, and perhaps the greatest man that his country ever produced : full of character and spirit. 192. JOHN KNOX. ob. 1572. Holyrood Palace, Edinburgh. W. Hilton, R. A. The turbulent reformer of the Scottish Church. 193. THE LORD KEEPER COVENTRY. ob. 1639. Jansen. Earl of Clarendon, The Grove. Lord Clarendon observes, that of all public men, in all times, he seems to have left the most unsullied reputation. In robes. 194. FRANCIS NORTH, Lord Keeper GUILDFORD. ob. 1685. Riley. Earl of Guildford's Collection, Wroxton Abbey. W. Hilton, R. A. Lord Chief Justice, and Lord Keeper of tlie Great Seal. A most powerful drawing from one of the finest of Riley's pictures. 34 195. EDWARD, First Lord NORTH. ob. 1564. Earl of Guildford's Collection, Wroxton Abbey. W. Hilton, R. A. He was one of the executors of Henry the Eighth, a Counsellor of the infant Edward the Sixth, and continued in office through the following reigns of Mary and Elizabeth. 196. JOHN TILLOTSON, Archbishop of CANTERBURY. ob. 1694. Kneller. From Lambeth Palace. Derby. 197. QUEEN ANNE. ob. 1714. Kneller. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. A highly interesting portrait ; from one of Kneller's finest pictures. 198. ROBERT HARLEY, First Earl of OXFORD. ob. 1724. Kneller. From the British Museum. Derby. In robes and collar of the Garter. 199. JOHN MONTAGU, Second Duke of MONTAGU. ob. 174^. Sir G. Kneller. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. 200. CHARLES TALBOT, Duke of SHREWSBURY. ob. 1718. Kneller. Earl of Shrewsbury's Collection, Heythiop. Deiby. The Duke of Shrewsbury was at once Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain, and Lord Commissioner of the Royal Household, three great appointments never before nor since held by one person at the same time. The picture from which this portrait was executed, has recently been destroyed by fire at Heythrop. 201. HENRY ST. JOHN, VISCOUNT BOLING BROKE. ob. 1751. Kneller. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. In robes. Opinions were never more divided than upon the character of this remarkable man, but they all agree that he was one of the most universal geniuses of his age. 202. THOMAS OSBORNE, Duke of LEEDS. ob. 1712. V.Vaart. Duke of Leeds' Collection, Hornby Castle. Derby. This nobleman took an active part in the Prince of Orange's elevation to the throne of England. 203. SIDNEY, Earl of GODOLPHIN. ob. 1712. Kneller. Duke of Marlborough's Collection, Blenheim. Derby. In robes and collar of the Garter. Lord High Treasurer, &c. &c. 35 204.. LORD CHIEF JUSTICE MANSFIELD. ob. 1293. Sir J. Reynolds. Earl of Mansfield's Collection, Kenwood. Derby. In Judge's robes. One of the finest portraits of Sir Joshua Reynolds, and a drawing of great interest. Grand-uncle of the present Earl. 205. LORD CHANCELLOR CAMDEN. ob. 1794. Dance. Marquess Camden's Collection. Derby. Father of the present Marquess. 206. WILLIAM PITT. ob. 1085. Hopjmer. Earl of Carrington's Collection, Deal Castle. Derby. He is represented in his robes of office, addressing the House. One of the finest portraits of him, and powerfully executed. 207. WILLIAM PITT, Earl of CHATHAM. ob. 1778. Hoare. From the late Countess Bridport's Collection. Derby. Father of the Minister. 208. JOHN STUART, Earl of BUTE. ob. 1792. Ramsay. Marquess of Bute's Collection, Luton. Derby. In robes. First Lord of the Treasury. " It is the oristinal picture, which was painted for King George the Third, and presented by him to my grandfather some years afterwards. " Your obedient servant, " Bute." 209. THOMAS HOLLES PELHAM, Duke of NEWCASTLE, ob. 1768. Hoare. Duke of Newcastle's Collection, Clumber. Derby. This nobleman fiUed the highest appointments in the ministry for a period ofsix-and-forty years. This long continuance in office was owing to his great talents and to the high integrity of his character. "I shall most willingly afford every facility to Mr. Derby, whenever he goes to Clumber to copy the portrait of the Duke of Newcastle in his robes. " Yours, " Newcastle." 210. CHARLES SEYMOUR, Duke of SOMERSET. ob. 1748. Kneller. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. Derby. In robes. The unexpected appearance and influence of this nobleman and the Duke of Argyll, at the Council Board a few hours before the death of Queen Anne, interrupted the deUberations of the Jacobite party, and secured the succession to the House of Hanover. 36 211. GEORGE MONK, Duke of ALBEMARLE. ob. 167L Sir Peter Lely. From the Town Hall, Exeter. He achieved the greatest action of any man of his time by the restoration of the Royal Family to the throne of England. ■212. JAMES GRAHAM, Marquess of MONTROSE. beheaded 1650. Vandyck. Duke of Montrose's Collection, Buchanan House, N. B. W. Hilton, R. A. This nobleman was eminent for his loyalty to King Charles. He was at length betrayed into the hands of Cromwell, and ignominiously hanged upon a gibbet, his head being fixed upon the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, and his arms and legs over the gates of Aberdeen, Perth, Stirling, and Glasgow. 213 DAVID LESLEY, First Lord NEWARK. ob. 1682. Sir P. Lely. Duke of Hamilton's Collection, Hamilton Palace. Derby. A General of the Parliament's army of singular ability at the period of the great rebellion, and a conspicuous character in Lord Clarendon's " History." A powerful and brilliant portrait. 214. ELIZABETH CECIL, Countess of Devonshire. ob. 1689. Vandyck. Earl of Egremont's Collection, Petworth. R. W. SatckweU. 215. ANNE CARRE, COUNTESS of BEDFORD. ob. 1684. Vandyck. From the same Collection. R. W. Satchwell. 216. DOROTHY PERCY, Countess of LEICESTER. ob. 1659. Vandyck. From the same Collection. R. W. Satchwell. 217. LUCY PERCY, Countess of CARLISLE. ob. 1660. Vandyck. From the same Collection. R. W. Satchwell. The four preceding subjects represent celebrated beauties of the Court of Charles the First. It was to the custody of the Countess of Leicester that King Charles's children were confided by the Parliament. 218. BLANCH SOMERSET, Baroness ARUNDEL of WARDOUR. ob. 1649. Lord Arundel's Collection, Wardour Castle. IF. Hilton, R. A. Lady Arundel defended Wardour Castle against the Parliament's forces, amounting to 1300 men, although her means of defence consisted of only fifty servants, of whom but twenty- 37 five were fighting men. The original portrait on panel of this Lady was destroyed by fire in the old castle of Wardour, excepting only the head, which Angelica Kauffman carefully copied, and attired in the costume of her own day. 219. WILLIAM CAVENDISH, First Duke of DEVONSHIRE, ob. 1707. Riley. Duke of Devonshire's Collection, Chatsworth. Derby. Statesman, orator, poet, musician, and architect, the Duke of Devonshire may be fairly allowed a place in that constellation of highly-gifted nobles who ornamented, as well as enlightened, the period in which he flourished. In Armour. A powerful and highly finished portrait. 220. LORD CHANCELLOR SOMERS. ob. 1716. Kneller. Earl of Hardwicke's Collection, Wimpole. Derby. He filled the eminent stations of Solicitor and Attorney-General, and Lord High Chan- cellor. The most important feature, however, in the life of this great man, was his plan for the union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland, which was adopted through the pre- ponderance of his influijnce in the Council. 221. HENRY BENNET, Earl of ARLINGTON. ob. 1685. Sir P. Lely. Late Lord de CliflFord's Collection, King's Weston. Derby. Habited in splendid costume — a patch over his nose. 222. JOHN LESLIE, Duke of ROTHES. ob. 1681. Sir P. Lehj. The late Earl of Rothes' Collection, Leslie House, N. B. W. Hilton, R. A. The Duke of Rothes filled the highest posts in the government of Scotland. In a suit of tilting-armour, lance, &c. 223. ROBERT SPENCER, Second Earl of SUNDERLAND. *ob. 1702. Carlo Mar atti. Earl Spencer's Collection, Althorp. R. W. Satchwell The powerful and unprincipled minister of James the Second, to whom William Prince of Orange chiefly owed his elevation to the English Throne. 224. JAMES SCOT, Duke of MONMOUTH. beheaded 1685. Riley. Duke of Buccleuch's Collection, Dalkeith, N. B. W. Hilton, R. A. The natural son of Charles the Second. He was defeated at the battle of Sedffmoor, and shortly after led to execution. 225. ROBERT W^ALPOLE, Earl of ORFORD. ob. 1745. Jarvis. Collection of Thomas Walpole, Esq., Stagbury. Derby. First Minister of the Crown through a period of unusual duration and difficulty. It 38 has been justly remarked that the history of Sir Robert Walpole is the history of England for half a century. " I think Sir Robert Walpole's portrait is a very faithful representation of the original, " Yours very obediently, " Thomas Walpole." 226. HORATIO, LORD WALPOLE. ob. 1757. Vanloo. Collection of Thomas Walpole, Esq. Derby. Younger brother of the Minister; during the whole of whose long administration, he was not only assiduous in fulfilling the duties of his own official appointments, but had a share in directing every negotiation, and superintended the whole system of foreign policy. 227. HORACE WALPOLE, Earl of ORFORD. ob. 1797. Rosalba. Collection of Thomas Walpole, Esq. Derby. An extremely interesting portrait, painted when at Venice with his friend Gray the poet, during the Carnival. He is represented young and very handsome, in a domino and mask. 228. CHARLES WENTWORTH, Marquess of ROCKINGHAM. ob. 1782. Sir J. Reynolds. Earl Fitzwilliam's Collection, Wentworth House. Derby. Chief of the Administration which bore his name, and the friend and patron of Edmund Burke. 229. RICHARD BOYLE, Earl of BURLINGTON. ob. 1753. Duke of Devonshire's Collection, Chatsworth. Derby. Seated near a bust of Inigo Jones. Lord Orford describes him as a nobleman "who had every quality of a genius and an artist, except envy." 230. LORD CHANCELLOR HARDWICKE. ob. 1764. Ramsay. Earl of Hardwicke's Collection, Wimpole. Derby. The integrity and abilities with which he presided in the Court of Chancery, during the space of twenty years, is remarkable from this circumstance- — that only three of his decrees were appealed from, and even those were afterwards affirmed by the House of Lords. 231. WILLIAM, First Marquess of LANSDOWNE. ob. 1805. Sir J. Reynolds. Marquess of Lansdo^vne's Collection. Derby. In robes. Father of the present Marquess. 39 232. WILLIAM PULTENEY, Earl of BATH. ob. 1764 Jervas. Lord Northwick's Collection. Derby. " I shall give directions that the portrait of the Earl of Bath be sent to you without delay. The picture is an heir-loom, having been painted for my grandfather. " Your very obedient servant, " NORTHWICK," 233. FREDERICK NORTH, Earl of GUILDFORD. ob. 1792. Dance. Earl of Guildford's Collection. Derby. The Minister. Ancestor of the present earl. 234. CHARLES, First Marquess CORNWALLIS. ob. 1805. Copley. Derby. Twice Governor-General of India. A most interesting portrait. 235. ROBERT LORD CLIVE. ■Sir /. Reynolds. From the Government House, Calcutta. Founder of the British empire in India. 233. JEFFERY, First Lord AMHERST. Sir J. Reynolds. From Earl Amherst's Collection. In armour. Very fine. 237. H. R. H. the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE, OF WALES, ob. 1817 A. E. Chalon, R. A. Derby. The most interesting portrait of the Princess ever executed. She is splendidly attired reclining upon a sofa. Hat and plume of feathers. 238. ROBERT BANKS JENKINSON, Earl of LIVERPOOL, ob. 1829. Sir T. Lawrence. Earl of Liverpool's Collection. Derby. One of the finest portraits of him, and a drawing of high interest. 239. SIR WALTER SCOTT. ob. 1832. Knight. One of the most interesting portraits of him extant. The picture by Knight, who likewise executed the present drawing from it, was painted at Abbotsford, and has since been destroyed by fire. A highly characteristic portrait. 240. THE DUKE of WELLINGTON. Derby. The head from Sir Thomas Lawrence's chalk sketch. The figure from a picture by Evans. ob. 1774. Derby ob. rby. 1797. 40 241. A MAGNIFICENT CABINET or RECEPTACLE for the COL- LECTION of PORTRAITS. The cabinet is of rosewood, on a stand, carved and gilt in the richest old French taste, the foldinc doors having a plate of looking-glass in each ; in the interior is constructed a set of 20 slides, panelled and covered with velvet ; each slide to receive 6 of the portraits. 242. A DITTO. 243. THE DUKE of V/ELLINGTON. By Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A. The original chalk drawing from which Sir Thomas commenced all his finished pictures. Highly interesting. The Ducal Coronet, surmounting the Frame of this portrait, is carved from apiece of the Waterloo Elm, under which the Duke's personal staff was stationed during the battle of Waterloo. His Majesty George the Fourth, the Duke of Rutland, and the United Service Club had each a Chair made from this tree. The following- are Copies of the Work for which the splendid Series of Portraits, composing the present sale, were executed ; with Memoirs by Edmund Lodge, Esq., Norroy King at Arms, F.S.A. Four volumes, royal folio. They are of the largest paper, and the finest proof impressions of the plates, struck off upon India paper. With Additional Proofs before Letters. The Subscription price of this Work was M\22 10*. Tlais Great Work is admitted to be the finest Collection of Portraits of the Illustrious Persons of our country which the Arts have ever produced. Tlie Engravings combine the first-rate talent, which was engaged upon it at an outlay exceeding Forty Thousand Pounds. No other series approaches it either in execution, extent, or authenticity, com- prising, as it does, all that is great in the annals of our country. The only other Collections of British Portraits are those of Holbein and Houbraken. The former is limited to the sinele reign of Henry the Eighth ; and the number in the latter extends to 108, many of which are spurious. Lodge's Series extends to two hundred and forty ; and the evidences of their authenticity are engraved upon every plate. The sets now submitted are all that remain, or that ever can be made up, for the coppers themselves are destroyed ; and proofs in their defaced state accompany each of the following copies. They were selected and reserved by the proprietor ; and each set is enriched with Twenty Engravers Proofs, which will distinguish these particular copies. 41 The following letter from Sir Walter Scott to the publisher, during the progress of this Work, conveys the opinion of perhaps the highest judge of literary merit extant. " Sir, " I am obliged by your Letter, requesting that I would express to you my sentiments respect- ing Mr. Lodge's splendid Work, consisting of the Portraits of the most celebrated persons of English History, accompanied with Memoirs of their Lives. I was at first disposed to decline offering any opinion on the subject ; not because I had the slightest doubt in my own mind concerning the high value of the Work, but because in expressing sentiments I might be exposed to censure, as if attaching to my own judgment more importance than it could deserve. Mr. Lodge's Work is however one of such vast consequence, that a person attached as I have been for many years to the study of History and Antiquities, may, I think, in a case of this rare and peculiar kind, be justly blamed for refusing his opinion, if required, concerning a Publication ol such value and importance. " Mr. Lodge's talents as a Historian and Antiquary are well known to the public by his admi- rable collection of ancient letters and documents, entitled ' Illustrations of British History', a book which I have very frequently consulted ; and have almost always succeeded in finding not only the information required, but collected a great deal more as I went in search of it. The present Work presents the same talents and industry ; the same patient powers of collecting information from the most obscure and hidden sources, and the same talent for selecting the facts which are the rarest and most interesting, and presenting them to the general reader in a luminous and concise manner. " It is impossible for me to conceive a work which ought to be more interesting to the present age than that which exhibits before our eyes our ' fathers as they lived,' accompanied with such memorials of their lives and characters as enable us to compare their persons and countenances with their sentiments and actions. " I pretend to offer no opinion upon the value of the Work in respect to art — my opinion on that subject is literally worth nothing in addition to that of the numerous judges of paramount authority which have already admitted its high merits. But I may presume to say, that this valuable and extended Series of Portraits of the Illustrious Dead affords to every private gentleman, at a moderate expense, the interest attached to a large Gallery of British Portraits, en a plan more extensive than any collection which exists, and at the same time the essence of a curious library of historical, biblio- graphical, and antiquarian works. It is a Work which, in regard to England, might deserve the noble motto rendered with such dignity by Dryden : '•' ' From hence the line of Alban fathers come And the long glories of majestic Rome.' "I will enlarge no more on the topic, because I am certain that it requires not the voice of an obscure individual to point out to the British Public the merits of a Collection which at once satisfies the imagination and the understanding, shewing us by the pencil how the most distinguished of our ancestors looked, moved, and dressed; and informs us by the pen how they thought, acted, lived, and died. I should in any other case have declined expressing an opinion in this public, and almost intrusive manner ; but I leel that, when called upon to bear evidence in such a cause, it would be unmanly to decline appearing in Court, although expressing an opinion to which, however just, my name can add but little weight. "I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, "WALTER SCOTT. " Abbotstord, 25th March, 1828. " To Mr. Hardino, Bookseller, " London." 42 244. A COPY OF THE WORK AS DESCRIBED, WITH TWENTY ENGRAVERS PROOFS. The Additional PROOFS contained in this COPY are— Vol. I. Margaret of Scotland ; Earl of Surrey ; King Edward VI. ; Lord Darnley ; Lord Burghley. — Vol. II. Queen Elizabeth ; Blount, Earl of Devonshire ; Fielding, Earl of Denbigh; King Charles I.; Rich, Earl of Holland.— Vol. III. Sack- ville. Earl of Dorset; Rich, Earl of Warwick; Queen Henrietta Maria; Digby, Earl of Bristol ; Prince Rupert. — Vol. IV. Roljert Boyle ; Duke of Devonshire ; Lord Hawke ; Sir Joseph Banks ; Duke of Wellington. 245. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS contained in this COPY are— Vol. I. Archbishop Warehatn ; Earl of Surrey ; King Edward VI. ; Grey, Duke of Suffolk ; Regent Murray. — Vol. II. Queen EUzabeth ; James, Marquess Hamilton ; Earl of Strafford; King Charles I.; Rich, Earl of Holland.— Vol. III. Fourth Earl of Southampton ; Rich, Earl of Warwick ; Queen Henrietta Maria ; Leslie, Lord Newark ; Earl of Sandwich. — Vol. IV. Earl of Burlington ; Lord Rodney ; Marquess Cornwallis ; Princess Charlotte ; Duke of Wellington. 246. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Sir Thomas More; King Henry VIII.; Earl of Surrey; Lord Darnley; Cardinal Pole ; Secretary Maitland. — Vol. II. Queen Elizabeth ; Howard, Earl of Nottingham ; Sir Hugh Middleton ; Earl of Carnarvon ; King Charles I. — Vol. III. Sackville, Earl Dorset ; Queen of Bohemia ; Queen Henrietta Maria ; Howard, Viscount Stafford ; Stuart, Duchess of Richmond. — Vol. IV. Robert Boyle ; Bishop Burnet ; Duke of Newcastle ; Admiral Keppel ; Duke of Wellington. 247. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Cardinal Beautoun ; Earl of Surrey ; Grey, Duke of Suffolk ; Mary, Queen of England ; Sir Thomas Gresham. — Vol. II. Queen Elizabeth ; James, Marquess Hamilton; Archbishop Abbott; Fielding, Earl of Denbigh; King Charles I. — Vol. III. William, Duke Hamilton; Rich, Earl of Warwick; Fourth Earl of Southampton; Queen Henrietta Maria; Earl of Arlington. — Vol. IV. Duke of Leeds ; Marquess of Granby ; Earl of Mansfield j Princess Cliarlotte of Wales ;, Duke o£ Weliuigtoiu. 43 248. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Archbishop Cranmer ; Margaret of Scotland ; Lord Darnley ; Earl of Surrey ; Mary Queen of Scots. — Vol. II. Lord Chancellor Bacon ; Queen Elizabeth ; Lord Keeper Coventry ; Third Earl of Essex ; King Charles I. — Vol. III. Sackville, Earl of Dorset ; Queen Henrietta Maria ; Duke of Rothes ; King Charles II. ; Catharine of Braganza. — Vol. IV. Locke; Duke of Shi-evvsbury ; Lord Clive ; Lord Heath- field ; Sir J. Banks ; Duke of Wellington. 249. Another Copy of the Worli in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol.1. Cardinal Wolsey ; Earl of Surrey ; King Edward VI. ; Earl of Arran; Philip, Earl of Arundel. — Vol. II. Clifford, Earl of Cumberland; Queen Elizabeth; Fielding, Earl of Denbigh ; King Charles I. ; First Duke of Hamilton. — Vol. III. Oliver Cromwell ; Rich, Earl of Warwick ; Anne Hyde, Duchess of York ; Duke of Newcastle ; Queen Henrietta Maria. — Vol IV. Sir I. Newton ; Second Duke of Ormond ; Lord Hawke ; Abercromby ; Lord Hood ; Duke of WeUington. 250. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. — King Henry VIII. ; Sir Nicholas Carew ; Bishop Ridley ; Earl of Surrey ; Lord Darnley. — Vol. II. Blount, Earl of Devonshire; Queen Elizabeth; Archbishop Laud; Lord Strafford; King Charles I. — Vol. III. Catharine of Braganza; King Charles II.; Duke of Marlborough; Countess of Devonshire ; Queen Henrietta Maria. — Vol. IV. Duke of Devonshire ; Duke of Wellington ; Princess Charlotte of Wales ; Lord Bridport ; Duke of Newcastle. 251. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Mary, Queen of England ; Grey, Duke of Suffolk ; Lord Burghley ; Earl of Surrey; King Edward VI. — Vol. II. Earl of Dan by ; Queen Elizabeth; Rich, Lord Holland; Marquess of Montrose; King Charles I. — Vol. III. Countess of Derby ; Queen Henrietta Maria ; Earl of Sandwich ; Digby, Earl of Bristol ; Prince Rupert.— Vol IV. Robert Boyle; Harley, Earl of Oxford; Sir Robert Walpole j Lord Nelson ; Duke of Wellington. 44, 252. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Lady Jane Grey; Mary Queen of Scots; Lord Darnley ; Earl of Surrey; Fourth Duke of Norfolk.— Vol. II. Queen Elizabeth ; Lady Arabella Stuart ; Blount, Earl of Devon; King Charles I. ; Lord Goring. — Vol. III. Rich, Earl of Warwick; Lord Hopton; Sackville, Earl of Dorset; Queen Henrietta Maria; Duke of Lauder- dale. — Vol. IV. Duke of Wellington ; Sir Joseph Banks ; Lord Duncan ; Admiral Keppel ; Duke of Newcastle. 253. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol.1. Queen Anne Boleyn ; Regent Murray; Earl of Surrey ; Cardinal Pole; Lord Darnley. — Vol. II. Fielding, Earl Denbigh ; Blount, Earl Devon ; First Marquess of Worcester ; King Charles I. ; Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. — Vol. III. Sack- ville, Earl Dorset ; Queen Henrietta Maria ; Digby, Earl of Bristol ; Algernon Sidney ; Catharine of Braganza. — Vol. IV. Marquess of Rockingham ; Lord Bute ; Duke of Wellington ; Sir Joseph Bankes ; Duke of Devonshire. 254. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. King Henry VIII. ; Third Duke of Norfolk ; Marquess of Winchester ; Howard, Earl of Arundel ; Earl of Surrey. — Vol. II. Frances, Duchess of Richmond ; King Charles I. ; Earl of Salisbury ; Lodowick, Duke of Richmond ; Fielding, Earl Denbigh. — Vol. III. Queen Henrietta Maria; Rich, Lord Holland; Rich, Earl Warwick ; Marquess of Argyll ; Duke of Rothes. — Vol. IV. Duke of Wellington ; Lord Hood ; Lord Chve ; Earl of Burlington ; Earl of Hardwicke. 255. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol I. Archbishop Wareham ; Fourth Duke of Norfolk ; Ambrose Dudley, Earl ol Warwick; Lord Maitland of Thirlestane ; Cardinal Pole. — Vol. II. Blount, Earl of Devonshire; Earl of Exeter; James, Marquess Hamilton; Villiers, Duke of Buck- ingham; King Charles I. — Vol. III. Rich, Earl of Warwick; Sackville, Earl of Dorset ; Queen Henrietta Maria ; Earl of Lothian ; Duke of Rothes. — Vol. IV. Duke of Devonshire ; Duke of Wellington ; Lord Hood ; Sir J. Bankes ; Lord Hawke ; Lord Duncan. 45 256. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Queen Margaret Tudor ; King Edward VI. ; Sir Anthony Denny ; Bishop Ridley ; Lord Darnley.^ — Vol. II. Earl of Northumberland ; James, Marquess of Hamilton ; Howard, Earl Nottingham ; Fielding, Earl of Denbigh ; Kino- Charles I. — Vol. III. Queen of Bohemia ; Queen Henrietta Maria ; Earl of Sandwich ; Di^by, Earl of Bristol ; Fourth Earl of Southampton.— Vol. IV. Lord Walpole ; Lord Clive ; Duke of Wellington ; Lord Heathfield ; Princess Charlotte of Wales. 257. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Archbishop Cranmer ; Mary Queen of Scots ; Lord Darnley ; Archbishop Parker ; Regent Murray. — Vol. II. King Charles I. ; Blount, Earl of Devon ; Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke ; Earl of Portland ; Fielding, Earl Denbigh. — Vol. III. Queen Henrietta Maria ; Catharine of Braganza ; Lord Somers ; Duke of Marlboroutrh • Digby, Earl of Bristol— Vol. IV. Earl of Godolphin ; Duke of Wellington ; Lord Hood ; Lord Keppel ; Earl of Hardwicke. 258 Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol. I. Mary, Queen of England; Marquess of Winchester ; Maitland, of Lethino-fon ; Grey, Duke of Suffolk; Lord Burghley.— Vol. II. Queen Elizabeth ; King Charles I. ; Earl of Worcester; Earl of Carnarvon; Viscount Grandison. — Vol. III. Queen Henrietta Maria ; General Monk ; Earl of Manchester ; Earl of Sandwich ; Alwernou Sydney.— Vol. IV. Duke of Wellington ; Lord Hood ; Sir J. Banks ; Earl of Liver- pool ; Earl Howe. 259. Another Copy of the Work in the same state. The Additional PROOFS in this COPY are— Vol.1. King Edward VI.; Lady Jane Grey; Dudley, Duke of Northumberland; Earl of Sussex; Earl of Darnley. — Vol. II. King Charles I.; First Marquess of Hamilton ; Earl of Portland ; Rich, Earl of Holland ; First Duke of Hamilton.— Vol. III. Queen Henrietta Maria; Digby, Earl of Bristol ; Fourth Earl of South- ampton; Duke of Rothes; Leslie, Lord Newark. — Vol. IV. Duke of WeHintrton • Boyle ; Lord Bridport ; Earl of Bmlington ; Lord Howe. FINIS.