■ ' -t ^>-M ' *»«Vv I C ^'V ^ H- UW., fc J SilEEP ' mmm ^-Jo ike tyyiar rny thresyeans shtrnher c/i.tke £ in. Jews our Lard. w/u ds f theG6d . and Lord, §# . «* »>h*m the Jtnctents Uxikd, \ 'and saw Ais day &ffie Spirit ' 'oT&T^ens^ ^Tberehire ^^J&Zder. Z r* ~ w'hatVou do not approve, ck . - ate. for this? energetic exertuw. aP my tulent, Pleader! . - af hooks.' — affutaven. f And. of that CTpd frgm, wfutm. . -*--r* *m m , a . "Who in. mysterious SmaiS a*&ul omfe . ***■ * To J^ian. t/uz wondrous art aPulfvtzng^ gat** yfoain. he speakf in. thunder anduifwe . <=3Luuier aTTJiouaht. a\, games'. & fierce desire liven dram the depths of Hell Msrvowe I hear 'Within, the un/athomd caserns' of my Ear . t Tnere/ore I J>rutt:nar yarn. Jny types shall be : \JJeafen Earth &. Jf ell. henceforth shall tu>e in. harmony rff&Pttig J*feadi/re . in. *ihitfur>s~> Jr jgmL the foltoM/ing Poent is written, "yfj , "We tvho dwell on. Earth, eon. do nothing oP.ounSetveS. every* thing is condaited. by Spirits, no less than Digestion, or Sleep . - _*-•;-• <%*Vffien. tftisf Vense u>as £nst dictated to me J consider d a. JWanatonous Cadence n lihe that: usredbjf JVfUtow <8c •£ -Spear e. A, all writers aF^ngli^k^UxnJcVense . derive^ front, &te jnodern. bondage ' &r ' Tlhyming '. to be a. necessary and indispensible part: aPl^nse .'*tau£rj~isoon found that: in. the mouth, aP a true. Orator *such Monotony was not. o/Uy aWkward . but as much a bondage, as rMyjne itselp. J. therefore have produced ord ancC every letter cs- studied and put into .its Jut. place; the. ijerrific nurnbens are reserved dor the terrcfic />ares^>r^ i the mud JSt, gentle , for the. mild &. gentle parts, and^l the prcsaec . ror uufertor parts; all are necessary to $!^4\ each,, athen T^Poetry Fetter d . JFettens. die Jfuptan. ^ace & SMattonS 'are. Zies'trpyd. or flourish, uyoroportton. asfJheir ^Poetry Painting ancC Music , are Destroyd or Flourish , "7ke "Primeval •State. aPPlan, . was Yvisdom. y(&ysGrey oF-farrow, enlargd washout dimension,, terrible ' ions jnountcansr ran. With, blood, the. cries at vtar tne Furnaces ^outh9ard &, are etnvenrjortk JVort Qfifuted into Ffale and Female farms time after tuns. From, these jfoelve all the Famouss at JEngUmd spread abroad 'The jfifale is a furnace, of ' beryll : the Female is a golden. Loom. ;\ I behold them, and thew .rushing Ares oVertVnelm. my .Soul , Zn, Londons darAness; agdmy teanf fall day and night., . Vfion tne Emanations of \rXloians j&an& if the^P/utghOars atJU6tan. A s anciently rementberd. but now* ' pantemnd as. fictions .' ugk in. every bosom, tney contrail our vegetative j>oh>enS.y are united into jir^ah. and Aer Sisters', on 2\huat Guead. .1 &■ Gwendolen dc Canwenna, A, Cordelia. oS. uTd^r at -sznafce WfUfung odor into jyen-Bntdy. redot. « cloud reached .caXr outstretchcL. anism.tr t revolve Aee&yy in. the tmgpay Void, amove Coves. & tsans of'J& ett lxns lovely JDc : JVarthi^ard^ Names /Utnoui Start, JFknuzcejsf >ti- vpny warrcfig tn. . , cs tne 2>fyine Body *a? the Z, gnd therm Jerusalem, wanders attracted Jby thetvi/oltttums Immense, atvd. .Jerusalem &.^Vq •zto the Gtu is.afy*i6uut •en, far end.\ Itnatton, ,-sus. Bte m a rm l foe ever) Vala. upon, the mountains. Wheel? the Ctoud.of '^moke 6c daughteos af CUbian, Las Aeard Aer fJncessant beti- _ ''astward toward ytast her lamentations tn the deeps oefuri Ais tsars dull before the. Furnaces '., and Jusr JSmnnataon. diyuled in?, toward the jStanry Wkeels. JBut Westward a tfftb vided in.j>atn. black Horror. mam Fus\ , like a, jfridhted wo6F. and howl oyer the Immortal, in the Solitude and c&u-*^^, dankning Thames, across the whole Jscand. Westward treble Shadow af Death, among the Furnaces V beneath _ polar or folding smoke; and £e &oudkt by cither sneans . ilh cure juts'; by §eans*,J>% arguments SF-seteHce &.£y terrors?; ay rp/vsfJJi. every J^te.^s&tsms 6$ extended, \palns_ Mas ansWerd unterrtfted to Mend, the opahe •action Ta pours $nee 'tntage . v are. Jtlcwd >ctnqr affiis Signs xrwck thee once admired palaces; now. in. ruins ~B or deceit and friendship .' Far JLo &. JVinereh; J&U . J^shth- A *l is etdhuad to*r* /oven, majtue^pfpesti/ence 4e, War.- s' over Me_cleadly deeps' oFuide^mbe Vdan-Jldan, gather of Shem. &. fiaSL. <&,Japhetk-. he- ts the. JVbah, jodar%tuan-AJdan,l(utn ts the Father of die *SeVen, cA_Jo..rXazqm.:SchatSeId..u¥yla^aat. vrfuo Wa&JVew- u. art not moved. f oJ\Mtd>d.ut t i mantle' af j rh their spectrous. cloudy sx a Q / thou, freest not what J tsten. I will tell phee Whatr is ctone in uvah Was vast, tnto the Furnaces or affliction, and seeded, t vala,, ted. at cruel delight. the Furnaces with tire ; vr 7/ri^en. beheld; urtget *-&v necessity to Jbeep he evil dgy amr^and er perchance, with iron power r e might avert Ais ownctespaw.' in we. %nd /Cox- .iKotvpe. <£, Mowen r One en him., a Fourfold. Wander — ikt-j. Siich are the Generations of the Gutnt a-W e. db Jlpwen. r Gne en.- /hJto&d t£e JElegte- Such are the Generations of tne Gcan -j# separate a JZaW of Sin., to punish thee tn thy tnembens 2Los answerd. ^i/tho' I Anew t not this/ 1 Jcnowfnr Ijknaw. that -ffLbiasi -haUh^divtd^t me . and "that. rtastyust Cbmrbrt th cause, to be 'irritated t but in ah 'elf tn my strength, the tune wuj. .«~ -»*^ a/tZXUhtans- uwtrcesr snad .cease, and when. We sAmJZ ..^ 'e Aim- tenfiut aright ■ rusting jfcem. his tamh tn immprtal^r •ye cuviaed^^mskxt/es Ay T&rath . they must he united . God WoulcC^tcox.- upon me a£- xreun. thute awn wUZ. Ust& -Zfaese Aybocrtttc^S v Jjam. esisptrcct y J ool. . /txiw ash wAsit J cum./ a, Juin divtttecL "&f*ctutsrt sne ..Rut: xrt I *S£usc£a'rtAg £%£ Ae^es*JTtv U* cts&t&t stte, en. Shy -terribCe LaZgurs. ^£i> beat rhoocCsf cut. the £tjivUs o/r better JJeath •t not jfyr jnyjre//7/ar -/Zuruuts yaAce^ •ueltiesf eons Jit. *SZre or-ctctisea 'ut'^SaSel £c~SKikc&*. et,~J&ave ctpproao&oi to SZions H*IC. '\V7u/e,£asr spoAe, the terrcAle Spectre /ell Mtutdrtntf More Aim. '.3Mu/tar\ sta.. he. saw the tprCur< J Jpre &aw now jeranx. the otLStae. what Ae before Sa*v o Cbnprarces ufAick. are v *^gubsti&ice is &t%sd.t*ey 'tCPnc txenttney ma&e ait abstrc ontK atmk Substance Jrvirt r aerer artist o*?s?.jBoay:bt eVi en %& every *Da/ate SWstract. tS tAeSP, 7ke3pe< Tjnust Ot T'^'cJXitot Sb J- t O&in.&ry c% S/uutercng tneSbectr* JZe gteunpS around eAe_* Jfe curses Sfeoifen & Afe curstes* Muresft Qttuss* y~ . Good <^EUi. nuxrd&*er *a£jje§ every thing easamngT'oWer' indtZ)esola±u>n.\ r;Crembt v&ari tola. ^ enfeur fremaatS^ aSjcstiem..ar be et&£ga*£ 4r onotAerMans^X 'Cfc&Cbiapare: my busttikss tS to Create j*\ ' rut atcfrgrtqtr'nn. & burning "#*at*L} ls.Azsnoh>Lrtgs terrdv tnentgnt \ 7, beatuta: Slops oTMerrt. despr- Z)ay <£%£&&£ 4Ss.Suut. £^7got S^Iuye^TJesert &. air tesart &*&anv&%fast& oss terrors e^rfAreatnut^jteaJJS\ 'tee &rment fJlAaye Kept Jttlenr/upkerto. f^Z^ ut tftou. Aasp broAen. science*. ^o^T H/c^^eaJtj^mSacrH^ere ts /ny £tie^l^A£tJ*ntotv < -y t ^ ou y A ^ *f^2=K. ttOtere eSJny G>eaCSEn.?j5tttau.my ecr/>etssect:6u£ every moment it $ contmuBS apctmtuzatzng to eten J*e sux#n*tjfeeCnistres&:A& jfeea^pitJSrajcrcKce &. Q&knutg i tips' ^plot/teat en Aoltaess; ■&. SotaucU tr ever &, eVer hfc&tout 'air/Jnant. Xtesoair --, exPAorrar 6c ctspny:alSO eutff _ mare 4£mare.^ tAejoxs aPGod advance ifJlty <&&nt£a££?Lojt,^ leatecCto. 'ccyertsf trout lercy Cb/esi era. Vjrt.i&u. cotttpa&s'ton.: < uilSOMfr. ■nwc/caC t ¥£Zmtur tfte JJectcc , % sruffht: reel J&fie /*■** <** £ra sitcui gna*y>a. Ais o»fn- tende r jterVeS', ^ n* &reA £-am tAe, Fumttcesr, 4c all t&e D< funfuxaes.by JjafJt #u&n£y pother tor %/erc dna n Z>cu Spaces at JSr. ofBetdaJC rcune Jhar&t, in petmctian Lovely . ■starry Jitijttofi.. to the starry cCgjpth . >**IS exAuuLsrted m loving em&ruce. : "€ we clo Ar lately Jerusa/, C tfu>u loveUes? am^*g -Women. ' CL ^sAddcuf anunated by thy tears? O nx^urnhtt^fenascil&m, / m mm> w%ase_ tar WL Body -those td& is bat a Shade ; a shade, ar sweet repose MM 3 WOJVn. \^hy Wt ?* thou gwe to her a • joy and Love, a. shade; _ -''animated aud vegetated, she is a, devoured/* u> stha/Z we do har thee C lovely mild Jerusalem. ZctS seuat. I behold the finger af, without beaming gterwugly SU 'erase ■rry Meighm.. J tt> the - -dole eterjruil labour/ ^errt/Led. at the ^ubUme Wander. Las stooft be/are Ms. J^irnaces. 'f '.irrrififd with adtnerqfien at Jurists S&> froth the starrf /gonoqya; terrt ^l^pt are those golden builders doing.' 'where, Was the burying'plaee fgr-ijSPtsL JStfunMas ? jiedn 'Ty burns fatal Ztree? is that ~ - AZft/ci zc.u)ns AUls most anqtent pjvmotdury ; near rwoutvtnct „ ver weeping jpfrddingfait ? ts that CXalvGfy and Golgotha. ? * buuding^afptty and campas£uw.?jLe'f. . are pity. itnBr.Wie brichs.well wrought? affections ; I wuh 'love A .Kindness, &. the tUes rgngraveu. £fo Id our eTjeuwcatil Austds v the beams £c ratters' are. t ■ChertS, em. 'the Ttfest&rn €xdfe Jour/old. is cfe&d- Aavuig /bur , Ij&. guards, living ,, the < ivark or elemental %ands, laborious t&Sfc f ^ Men.A&nd&ihroditu:. each yrtnged With eight Wings' •» '« tovsotrc&f Generatuan.. tran; Wat toward. JOettlaAT^tcne t toward ^ Uiro. aF deaths and that toward JSadoh jseyen. cuseoses r at the earth are carvedte chat toward! c/Zro. Ja/tms ar War ' srevej-i en that toward Generation. > seven, jgeneradvv Jtnot every jxtrt o/*ehe CXty is-jSxtni&ld/ & _ Onal every Aft &, vessel ^^a^vnene «fc, utensil And every JwicSe^icurroOBU bur the. third Gate cT as" wSth a. tbroenOt curtain* at ivory <5claw „aban stands u*.-teitiddle ortheC'ibr. a Surrounds Luton, JLaSS -Palace tc the & •ur thousand Genii every uthdS&a/d.JSurdold sircar the houses'* 1 • ^-l &%.eve «^vf ■JfWj oat JLoc aT. ofc ertnme , sc^cfy'Jvur thous jsmjy-Jvur ehoust trwttst Sfxty&ur ound Gbt 'usand GrtCL ^fttna, JVy 4M/sa&d rat golden Loam&- or CatJtedrarv t 'J*&? . Ghte. _ r crtA£rn.-Gtx&G . ensv. opens (ike a. sffower jffwn. the JKarths center In vMch isr.Mtemi^'Jt: eypands in. .Shops' to. the Mundane « /tkd there it sn-eat^JPternm' again. 6 of*. n>tbUn asut Without, tract Vbids SitufSen. the Stars are the ^Satanic -fZ/danJldan oa^anen amacuY: Jfaunst • _ ttesr of Fl — ees arJr4ali.ee *j _ CUies or the ttdamanitrute. ut whatever is VCSiAle to the Greneratxa, y*urj% . . ' , ~2s a Grealiatx of mercy &, tope, from, the .Sfatzuzic void JZhe land of darhnels ~3utmed \ out no uslht. 6c no repose : Ike (and af\^i*u>*jjSf oF t tremhUng. £c qftronjuxil incessant s£ tJveir 'inhahaantsr; -ui tfre IWengr-seVen J&aiteJis Sbenet r^riflhtecusnesses conglcunerating against n the Divine , . Cbncave Earth. ^ondrMiS. ChasunalT Ohy&aL, Incoherent . Varirnfrid the Mundane JAett. above; beneath; on, ail sides surra \GotgoMc£a,; Z*as u/alhs round the, wads, ntgfitand day the rsA . andthePats . ,che Ice. valleys: u_ the rtvens. catttructjSe, L, Jtery l.aAes; the 235* y»' and I CZ/f of Go Her He vie*** the **>,, - The X*oemS 6k MalSjSe, Z&ail the thhobitantst lSAadowy,to those *du>d JBut td those, who ent&: iFar every tning 'arih^^ailihd _ JUJt tn them, sneer into them- tttey^eem. G eyistsr &. JUft one ~sigh nor iss.-Jiilitbes'i Oidy ^utstanceSF JStnite x&r p^r w i m i m m y — *• ~m—~^*~_ im v mmmmmmmmmmwuamVm**'****mmm§MMma**mm&m*»~ One Aafr nor jjartxde ct dust, not one can pass? a Way , T JFfe views the Cherub" at the free of Isife. . also the Serpent , Ore the Ttrst bom. codd in the *south ; (Ac Dragon. ■ Urcien ■ "ZAarmas the vegetated Ibngue even the Devourote* Jonj^ue ." -A. ■threefold region, a KUse bratn: a. fhJse heart : _~f* CZstd rftys* bowels : atrvðer composing the false Jangue . JZeneath jBeuXaJt: as a^cvcUry fiaJiie revolving every *r CLrvot as darA. roots and stems.- a JFbrest of amictXc Jn seas of Sorrow. Los t aJso views the /our rent ales- ^ihanta. &*0f IZnion,, and. Vala and , EnUhar/non lovely^., . Chut dram them all the Lovely beanunje Daughters oTsllbuuv . ^slhanta &. Junum, &.J£t£a: . are three evanescent shades : ri^ *** vay-' . growing Jfis JSmanatuui^yet Such are tAe .'Buildings afZos: 6c such are t&e ~Wbats of \Bntthan Sleep of ' death isjoast "jrwn In, \ncC j4sid Los heheld his *Sans. and Ae beheld AtS Daughters- Every one a translucent Wbnde/'.- a Cfniverse wtthM . -~ '-~Z+ }jQtcreasutg -inwards, tnxo length . and breadth . and tet&fvtA . i Sparry A guvxous: and they every, one in their brfelit liins : Have a beautLful &ldea&ate which opens utto pteVe&ettUzve World ypiel every one A'hatm ofruhtes A dul sorts of precBus stones " translucent hearts . nHuch opens into the vegetative world -/ery one agate €tf iron, dre*uz/ul- and wonaerh\d. . thetr^translucenc Jieads. which opens' into the vegetative world "1 d every one Aas the three regcanS C/u/dAood: 7%anJwod:4c. -A.t*e \ Autr the gate of the tongue : the western MaMtng d~wall bu+lded agaenst it; and t_ ■3* £*st *s- Jnwcuvte: fi«c£re. c&Sides cUt/tde. ix *jf*j° ur *uvts Sans Jus Jury be/tds. JorAje Of WtlcC tnAabdant « .22? jrut/ce a. Way Jar tAe Itit 2. as Aimseif nap apjuroaea. jAe JsauaAtenS 1 openly leSt Ae Ae consumed. tAe Ares aftAeir aeau& &aer&cttan dk. in tA^. tortures of repdJset JJe is TAe Spectre at tAe Living pursuing^ tAe Emanations ' attne Deo,d . ut crld cAastity; tne spectre at ttte Living oungucng. tfte. Emanations SAxf'/ctrtJtgi tAey fUeftney AfJe. >en t&e Zkrxud 'Temples SuAduedrby bJe Spectre of one Zivinjg fan untust: compete Aim to obey me wholly.'^ Be cost.- tSL /est J^e sAautu. devour ttu. Piteous tmagi iwul compete. Jvo one Greases' op ^starves ADhseJJ to jnake AimsebTJtt $3r laSour: ?nted h/OA sweet desire Jor tAeSe ieautzes af^/t/lion would never love mypoWer tf tAey dtp! not seeA. to destroy .^htutmon: yiUa. u>*>tfZd never Juzve. SougAc ' e '' ^ntcA is Snvy Jlevenge & CrueSy r^JIfax. tne sinxs jpa/irr t&s ~moutfDJunW: tJce mountains rxnaC left Jvan.a Lcttfe j^cveiustJ'IZaot \ outsute cnTJJuns*. ns trom . J ZJontrarces nru tzt a c{y t^xest : _^ JVZigations J&cist JVbt:£KcepUpns erqga£uin ^am me . an. O&fecnng cfc cruel Spt J^faJSce & &Jt§y;J>ut myJEmanaaon.. £U\aS.}VUL oeconCe .JVaJEce &.e:nl^y.-out myJ^/rutnatLon..ataS.'wtCL oecom. Contrary; O tnou JVegutzan.. J wdt cantxnujaJiy campelt t to be mvLsuiie to any 6ut wAoox. J pieaSe. <£*. wAen jite wierejSk* AoW Ijelease.. amt ne\rer.'riever.'J5rfcode t/tou. as a atcstartea^ &, reverseui J : lefie*:avt. in tne JDarA in tneJVanJS/tttir.nor sAaU tJuxt which, is aJtove oCescend. into e/use iSut tnou s/tult be \Jnose Ae. be ou. tprr. into tAee.tJtou, sJudc Worn is a J/OJI ^Esttny be an TJno-uencAable J>lre, <£e-ZDesp< mutZuzlJy ispcur Jftr Jbr JeJ ever Garmented A. r eyer <£c ev, So Z.os tn. secret witn Acmsebf^coaununeoC €&^n£trutrmon,JtearcC Jn. Aer olarAnesS jfrt, & 'stowing pain_ J^iAStr as a~f*ei Was. &zae jTrert> in, terrors? Aid Jier^irctm. camJurted-^yet stUl s/te dcvUJgd aM>ay oSlr 6oSom. in tJie a^acCJyJvSgJu:,' £\ blood tremblvu* beneatJirAiS Boswru/\ jysrJcne/s A- am. nis Sack devuted 8c GO. _ satn- yyv£d oVi tvitnout tJve. over it: ceasin >ns- m. do tAoM.to, '\Jdftt to Sjysrkne/s A-am, nis Sack divided, in. tsmptations- agonies in tJLreats:SuJungs:&. direJuc Stragglings, ask Aim ifAe is JSatA or iJAe is" Canper&ury Ainx.: JT H*i4£ flense J\A* JYa , dnbious. .Aim, into ^expeuut words HfAere *Bz. ozt wnat tune tAose J* Ante. tJSr . S&xhZeJd tAey are my ntlnistenS of evil can Mate as wel£ as tAey.' M» every -one of, the Four, J torts of Jiunuuv Majesty. . S 'an. Outride Sbready/ttJtdut. Sc an. Outside spread "Wttfurt the- Ouacne oF Identity bom. ways. which. meet en. One : the J&td of doubt. Ctfe Sops' ar /erase f. hunger. o\. Yictv , Jouwtr in. de- fy «w u«n*.««ff« t^midren.. ashamd of her t lcttU - pfU Vala, producd the JBoattes. Jerusalem. Move the Jfculsr) income as- Ikree Immense y&ecls '. tutT" Sr "-— ,«eo J^art-Enpity. ana to jwtraer meet* o¥i/t v*ow ties' 'U* touts', Jerusalem. £>rth\.! The Shadow of delusions. j^herJilSons s$n. and shame/ But Jntngr now no more /eg cons Sfh. Jkatmul raits; nor hatehd peace &. Jove, mm; soft WW" ** *J3 £'t tW3Luntaax,and o% JPalm.. b and * Jo mare the fu* and girl . and animal - ' village, and house Se. . the Vine and J^g-tree.. „ ^Between, lertaes. ?use o-~- To be Jor a -Shame & ox Curse. and to be our ^Slaves far ever ■jtUn >atnensr r q wheels , appear Wtthoutside;_all Ails' ^fans^, £. Cohan.. Cuantak , Jfetu v elcL. jxevc. Kotope o\ Jboyven. are. the /SfoectreS or, the. j vob>e upon, Ais mountains groaning in pain : beneath, dark incessant ,^ky seeKihg for rest and finding none.: against .their ah in. JuS Secret cloud "uscClem. Aisf £jnanaUon shut: urnhm Acs bosom- .* ^C" ten harctend. ggamSt them, mgre, and more; as! Ae budded onwaras. \ -jS" jcotttTd in Jram. J&ersUfy' in Jttbuxns Cliffs _ stand, upon the ends or JBeuZah. and. vvdhoutside . all Ippearot a. yocMy rorm against the JDu/ute sYumanity-. *. ^- ^ ft f^SZrtd yZlbvan, toed inward among the currents or his rivers. )Jfe &und Jerusalem, upon, the TLiver of his C^ safe reposot the .arms at" VaLa. , assimilating in one_*tith Vala /"— ~" — Zsilfy at Jia*>uah\ : and thgr sang, sari thro I* ambeths vales . x a street moony night at silence xlhufc thjey had created tilth, a ouie sky . spread oyer n>ith wmgS and a mild moan.. Dividing ie. uniting into jnanv female £brms : Jerusalem. j Trembling ! then en one conungung in eternal, fieany , XiStghinM *° ***&{£ his Ciant beauty, on the moony ru/er ThfJi .thus'. *Jerus"cuem Spoke , wht'fe Vqla Wcpfe tfui Veil, c yfeeputg uv bLiadingS of L,ove . rn the web of despair. tears .' Wherefore ,JuxSt thou shut: -trie tntc trie Winter oJ /mman life. Ana cloSd 'up the SWeet .regions or^youth .and vugin. mnoxxnce* Where we Uve . jvroettirig erroj' not pondej^mg an evil ; Among my locmhs e\ brooks or water , among j^uy warbling birds ,' A Mnere -W,e delight %rv i/uzocenpe before the face or the Lamb, : Going in ancc out before Aim, in. Acs love and sWeet affection. u Veda replied Weeping &, tremhling, hiding in Aer Veil ^ir% Stfhen. \*jinter S'&'gfc the men try Jxundy .and die SnoW faffs . the paths af\man. and beast \e distant: jar eft; then the slave, groans ai the dungeon afstune in. the. mill of the stranger, jrofcf for Scanty Aire • ecr dormer .ujQ : tney number, moments' ^.'iem,„on their remenxbrtxnee as on. a. th "Zhou arF my sifter and my daugnter : thy shame CZsJc me not or rny griefy?.' tAou AnoWe st a ll my griefs .^. mourns ^"TgSr&jye^A Wanderer / thenlhe repents his Wr. t; tAen, the slave groan' "The captive m. the. mill of the stranger, j 'TTiey view thecr dormer Lire i tney number, jnomentS oveF and over . Stringing them., on. their semenxbrtince as. on. a. thread or borrow -Thou^arV i ze is mine also Jerusalem, answerd with soft tears over the Vcrl/eys >&L me. not my latfe ones' . hefeved •isi outughter of Jiafayion. eauttftil daughtei; of J*4oab\ 'iVe but strive m* ycun, i^wiviL. ,cru. f.tyr t,«r«-«~. «^ ^«,< «, gold and. silver twtAe ; — 'fliou. fuidst Woven ct with, art* thou hadst. caught me at the bands WA Of love ; thou. refusedsl ,to let me go ; Album, befield thy beauty. "~\e*utnfi/i. thro' our Is eyes comeliness . bc/uitdid thro' pd}' - -\ r ie Ifeif shone with thy brightness if' the eyes qF^/ubu>n. . \ecauSe et, incfoSai pcty St. foye. .because, „ We .Lovd one -another c te Z,amo of God r*>cievd me in hit ruy arms made Jne his Bnde u, d*>/t£*Atr en. jtty , O Zove/ydSnatg^you have /prepared. rrtS 1 a disease' at-Shaate covers jttte jtram. head* to A "X Sou. up, — t tirSit * — JSnaate cui'Muzf JFamt/Les froatftSf \rcup: feao hofie\ w ut~ vtorc arxrte. in, Sunder/ JTuvrt: Jled. xny^i*rt&, <£> t/i&n, rrtyZXtupAtens', then. atrUg/d S&uMatuutsfX Cattle next, lajfteva. the'Dog nfsny Gate. ffkc/WOSttr jned (JbrnrJieldfr, &. the Sreathucg Gatttensf, cutsuteseparxtfed, Se&;£^J5tzu&s£feSu&;t/ieJWoan-SartA>rtr&rtfctyjw dutease cs JSt&rzntdZieath. un£e&ycu- can, weave a. chasttie —**■ tdyoycr aft, u**JcAcLs£&.jMuiZ ! Ve^uz./ O that thou. Wert J&re / ' - the d f*>f» utound cdZSka- tn^rht 5e cCa^tup.withthe^Needle, _ Htcth the j^jaom.: to coVerGWendolen. 6bJfaggp with costly Ttobesr QfJVatural VLrtue.Jar theu"J3hcra^U€U, Jarntsf wuhout a. Vet/* ~\\?tther en. 2*uvahg Sepulchkr, V thrust Junt. ±rom, my bresence struct all *ny CZtildre ■Jerusalem. . 'dt&sem&l— J discover thy jpscret: t>L~ « wham T thou^ftc oure. ast the heavens ut innocence AAwr •* ~Ja&eraacle tdfoen. dovon,, thy stecxwztr Cherahun, disclosed Jr tfcou, hrohen,? Ctfo-'n&^fe^ruia.rwsadrtja hy tnyjsjtde f cJuJdfaood what: •%'Gr'tr thout UMUttercuMe 3fcgtZstA.;fZuu*> y cradled tndkncy 1st jruKXr/JC&zou& ', O Aide.. O JiLcfe. ! .* •eir srecret j*gy*densf utere Jtuzcte pathsr. to the. trai/ellen dZJcneW notcS^t/tetn jfearet 'Coves' wdh. tnosfe JAjx. jVhr* that: their every thaaight: wcesfSut. Cc/iestsrJDemxiLt^tra^/J'Ju^arr^Otddt'en^ Pol ~ u£ee t3feu*&tpz0u&J2zceS£t[ecan. out; upanTYAe. cruet p*l- ^~tttti jCtn&iCn, &Jwrw£tt.JpemJEi£uL&ur%Si*i, G^JWautnoi^ —f?t. ac£&utt: from, nvf Soso/gt ^fcourpcC along Z&e jroaxitfX '£- t*v t Wnt t tf s'; J Aear tJkew te*ie£er Voicest. 'cleuZ&s ctafcdeX ^■sfee tsbem. cube. 6eneath\ tne i*x/ufis' aFtAe Gaaa£n&/tn&' agfusv &> Zu^Jth0yi/*a€^ 6e7are Z&ke ^eyncesr: JTAear thecr u2UtC^tmia& Sc the&&e5xty cried ^r« the p&d. cruel? are those who are ia&lded at jmSralZ.OM rtseyeageiut? O that: Death 80 Stsauhdduoa, were the stzsne / x&eii y&Ut. OJt&Hferd spreading Aer srcariet: "Ve'il overy&hian. 22 M VcJ 1 »AJl>utm, tfa> *2t€tsr.fn*2jcfe . €3usJ*,. Jjne '& ftactcC arte. r Sbxc THy tturruc £c &V&tut£'^oo<£ weTe/jr&*cu*d etc J&atUesf atlMe/t, 13fi"eQt?£& t%& cw^tteTJaczt&lsf agJifctu'od, a/pna fne. l^Mey CUT L%srco/c, tngysbewt t&e ocfar afhfer etc tAewxley afVZ^cof*. I S&CJLove && lastir; tewor Succeeds GcTZatrecL cftsteccet afZ,ov* ■^ncCstxm. c£etrt£tsu>Lsr aF/Zcgfa: & &"*¥ uuitepul zfaz/r^. \t £ike stalks' adFJlajc to dry; '.jfroffC tnyctread, etnvttetumce- Se^eaec/uruf eye£\ est tttoeettce- t£t jto J in, e£ J?r cedent? \juie/^utcAoly / UHjcCX 'JGkesc. StCbtan. ttuued Aus •dtic& tontard J&ri&Sialem> te-SpoJce- IT cde tfcotc J&rusrttUm in. etnpa4>a&fe youbtess'. not? to 6e, Hrccc/kfC &y t/u* JuzntZ szar*s'&en,_nrci£ me eye; OJfrupaekm- "5^/5^ ^J^* ^^SsiM.rbefiJtdlum. ucmy Spectre %/st%ts , cU!ssa» t&etcs'&'etakct Aej"j6asuCt»ward tfej&an- & spake. T^s^rdd : H*/t£tfAMen£r t U&atre && V&£ Wt £b fro/cTWeels of War <4&J$ur¥2fcvescess atc^fit: ct= Weave. Wctfi, WiK.jgs? ar€^ercc6urc | JiOUd groattots€£&uifc 4rom JHoutetau* to snoutttnirt & 1/ w deruStU*Jn / Jerusalem. ! deluding shadow of* Jztbton. ! Daughter of my phantasy ! unlawful pleasure .'JtlbwtnS curse / 7" came here with tntrntzon to anntA/late thee .' But ZMy soul is melted a*vay. inwoven. Within, the Veil-. * Jfast. thou again Anitted . the Veil of Vala . which, J. Jar thee. JPityuist rent in asicLesiT tunes . f see it whole and snare .. - ^~\ jPerfhBt. and shining -with, beaufr : But thou! O wretched JQxtherJ Jerusalem. . reply d . like a Voice heard from.^ a .ssepulcher : flacker .'-on.ee pctequs .' Js Pigy.q. Sift? Embalnid m Valas bos Jn. an Eternal Death for ./uhlans' sake, our best beloved . , JAou art my Juxther .&* sny jBrother.' Why Juxst thou, hidden, me.. J^emote from, the divine Vision. : my Lard, and Saviour , . ■—^ gf'Hl Trembling stood ,-AJJnon. other Words ui jealous dark despair }f J. om 'J\ rffS JFIe /elt, that Love rand- Jrtward afjS'oul , \A camp, have erred J 'I am. ashamed fond vtu t/tejsatne\:a. siffi repo&e Self- AnnUuCatzvn- / ~mLgs^ *ill netier 'aefey cm. Eternals fj will give myself Jar my i-^ui ., J behold^ ' JJumanlgy cmd^Pityj Sfo f^Juztie taught my children SacrificeS' m af era I wdl hide it front. JSterna! Which Way soever I turn., Jfe. recoild.' he j-ushd outward&/ Ju* bort fits fires' redound from. Jus Dragon -/x Me drew the. VelU, of JVLarpl virtue., woven. . And cast it into the Atfantut Deep, tp catch, the. Souls 1 af ike Dead, \ Fie stood between, the J^aim. tree& the Oak. af -Keeping | Vi> A. t . r Which stand upon, the edge cf^BeubaA : ahd there Jububp. &ufi/iJ*+\ Down in. stock pallid lung&uir .' JheSe Were Jus .last Words' •relapsing A Jfoaxse from Acs' rocfssTxratn. caverns of JDer&ysAire^&c. WaJesfjK, i tJlnd Scotland,, utter d from the Circumference umference into Eternity ^^PTtMU -Htm. L *M G^m IWW Btf jpus Sons ^rojn, Eterr, ut thou, delttrCtnj, here isJVc feminine deliiSt God children, snows alas eGc •enumne aeutsum./ Lrod m, the dreary V wide separated, from, the Vffuman ^5>oul cu*e by wham, imbu'd the 'Veu J rent 16U - £y - •whole, for a. Law. a. Jprror u. Anve a. trndttian, tAar JVTtut. a n ciently cnntzuna, in. Afsr nugAty t*nta± all tAisteiS in JAeoWen <%.J£artA: tAisvotc reci&i'ecL /ram. trie JDrcUeCs'.. "Sedr 'noW tne •Starry Heaven* ewe. Tied from, tAe migfay limAs a&^ubton 'j^t/Atonj/vas tnel'arentraftneJO'ruicCs,- dfe. inAis C&aotzc. Skate af-SCe&r *S~atnn efc. Stdam s#en. ^tnd fair Jerusalem Atsf3ride : ^^x ytmang tAe tittle Meadows green. W*^ JtAate WasredWuA hitman blood >£e tine:. c-'tood: . ? firesle* Jfe with&rd uf» Jvweet ^Zians JUll. J%rom. every JVnaoTt, aTtne Kartn. : witAidrid up JterusaletnS Gates', in a. dar/cZ.asid gatfe Aer Serin . wdJterd up efe jF£ugnan.fbrjra., Starry sAy. 'u*vs qf^i up trig JzuatanJ' , o. T^ere/tee d&r ~Srn ? rate Aere&oys to 6cdAe delignt:? 1 1 ^SCtlC. uvaS me JFtttmanJ*ona» JOtvfna Oi/hsees sttli tne JFbrja. TAe Heldsjif'doyiis by "W/ul *i ns farm. : JiAina in. iJerteSaAuns pleasant sight; \ JSffte walAs upon our jmeadoneg gfreem 1 lite JLjaaro af^rbd walks &% her side t een trespasses and sins ■Ian. yvc^A_ crt&el Ojg , JFordcvc LesT^ZiaSyAyn. .. TyitA. y^rcdeaxA. ' ^4nd tAau-LamA aF ' t3bd,wfnaat. I i*SlevV ed nty darA setr\rt&kp?oujr pride .' fr£ tAaji retumd to jZUoioiis Ziuid i *d is Jerusalem. tAy Uride ? dune to My armsdk, never more \ y>eaartr;0UiE dwell Jar ever Agre : ' -Create sny Jjif*cre£: Co tAy Lave, r OuAdue my ^Spectre CocAyJ^ear, _, ofJUAlan..' warlike JFeendt tuds aPAfoocL «fe rt*cn J*olld i - Aere reclaim, tnee as my own idVty- Stel/Aood, ,' Satan f drmd i f etll^&e ^Mantu^Modmains sr/boeA. Zoens* or y£ng . injgo, Js tAls tAy^safir JfantUy-lZpyi „cruec J*i ^ IU» ove f^ydoeotts Sfpectre Iran*, his Lou VSrc ArtA. tn. all-tttejoantp of V * mSatMu*. AiS namejin Jlantes ar 7Ye stretrJtd AiS TtruidJPilfarS /ar, Jerusalem. Jell f from. LantoetAs'Vale . JQpwn tAro, ftyolar n began to erect twelve Qfbans , ^ .„isT&$ "rough- unheWn rocks, before ifie potters? Furnace l V^^Fs2*3^*a e nartCd them. ^Justice^, ancl Truth. . jfnd jZbbujnsf, ^SJa/tiS^** 5 ***^??^? . Just Aave become the Jinst Victims' . becna the xlpst trunsqrelsons' \JBut they /led to, the jnounfains to ^eefc ranSauv: buildiha JrxStn • Fortification against the Dwuie JSumanity and J&ercy f J - — ■*— * tin \Sh02ntc <£ -Jealousy to ctnnlAUate &xucu. sceu&ton. in. its', emA^yan. CCtccrct^v-uscoa y^rut tAje.ZJcUin&AaneL wa^-ftpon. tAem. bearing tAem. tAro awycnefs Utdc^aAlta tA^trJJumaha^ asr cCory>o metr\ hfuuton^y ten&Gre tA^^ns'ot^BdenJ^ai^eZ/iV^>nas'^>ec£rs mSosygsi e&tuseAe Jcqcrt £AeZ)uKJzete&um.in-tzfftettF i traLUfe . . -.,— ■* z tntpAxs Centrat V&tcc among JU& < &&Le HMages' ar"l&*£ctles£x S^Surreyj^n^er &kr*xm. Ups^fjuin^er e&tnirs't . iw&nat pfSex : Mfoere&re are. Sexes' tn. MeiUaA. ? - Ti^/rcale lets' cfovgt. Aer.Sefx^Uz/lu.,'7aAjern40u^e i ^entens ' /rtagaitteent oe&**een. Aer CAernoi/n.: wi&i,/tGr nun&ustg. conc£en&'uc.fi$ en. JStetg-tat/e «K- -JH0& Jta&t. erOBrcC cneJLputS the place iMn^arJcntns cot Jj rom. the &ac/c ?& oif.^Be3ra asi'dtcnJieiseAe Great Selflwot/. ' aVutA a 'CwtXp frrovt. "Clg. tp contzsuxal gyrations- th.es Secjunr which Sprang^mrmerous tranches' I'aryS^Jth icuze.mruty^rerirls 'three arseven,cr ten s <&/ to art- lu'tfiellu branches out a-ffeart *§* Jkn^uTteraiLe at v&lljxf the unlortuuiate cvntenlZuvorn W&e becomes his Jood-suchtS ttet^yoTtluiJJevburuigPovtef -SZfid tAisJs the causae a/ "tAe .appearance t ut tfe Jrorim/igCkaoS \IS€l6ums ^ma/uUzon, which he Juyl hidden, tn J'eatousy ^^ \ #aaSjproltrur wonthe~ r C/uuxf . *e*uai/ieasenwgSiermaphjodi£Lc: that appemreSt tn gloomy pomp Is ion, in\ colouj& of auitumn- rudeness e tUL trust tune.Jtor beheld life abstracted yvor aar/cness tmmin^led With light on. my rurrowd JceZd, Whence crimes t thou, '. frho art thou cj loveliest ?thc Divine Vision. Js as Jtothjut.g be/ore thee, faded is" all Ufe andjoy^m^r- ^t ~*yctfja. rep Led in clouds of tears* s / f/!£ions J garment envbractn^ JLwaS a, C£ty t& aTlempte huitr IfySUlfpns CAUareti!^^ TjyaS a. Garden puvtcea With, beauty I allured on hill Sr,\>alUy ZTTte River ctlftfe tntlcw agtunStjiiyvsaUs &<~ among my trees 'UaJba. Waf CllbuinsJBrule &Wife uv gj'eat Eternity ... *Zhe U>veJzespa£the daughters ofEternxp/ u/he/i Lnda.y~t>reak\ ' Towers of Jerusalem, '* ^/uldren o&ertng up y w ^/ one with /^rjn£ri^f^1^^SSt^egu^ WJteretvre cUcl J Loving create Love . which never yet *<, JmmingtedjZod Sc,Mcm,.when. tfou&L hid the JD%,uteViSu>^ wd or secret gloom which beheld involve me round about me new CUbion; loak_upcn me J alone am, Reality *•««*«* Jjz JChcw ^feJmaguu\&vettumanFoj l m.4j! r 6ut a breathing of' IbreatJu* Junx Jortn. JZorsi jFbr CevatB into the JFfegton of3rotherhood WtfA/ny red£res /^ irt 7&*pMtltfi refitted /flhion. ^^na^o^jmyre^ l& ,*oW my members P°W down, VI dewy varment covers tne all over, all t manhoodts A (Xttx/'wVrd 6c at thy Cook, deat/t enrobes *ne abou£' J*\ one J! Tram. head toleet.a garment of death, do eternal, -recur %/ . .. » Is not that Sun thy Ausband S^thatJ^foon thy glimmering red. ; /Ire not theStarSoTAeaVenfaGuulrenlarHhounot Babylon? ' -(%£t thou. JWatune Mother of all i tS Jerusalem, thy Daughter *+ YmyAaive thou elevate uiWarcLi Uctweller of outdare Jrro/n. grot 8c.ca.ve beneath, tne Moon. dim. region, of yvJwrezZ uuxl tnyPloW in the /vat noon, .w/tere my hot tram. yea, I V%ere implement of War art forged. thePloW to go over theAaaonS^ jh.pam&trduig me round Uke. a rib afwon-tn AeaVen: O ValaX In Eternity they neither nuwrynor are gwen, m marriage. ,— - J%Suon tfik /ugh. Cu£Toftne sftfontxc ts become a. b arrenyLqjid £oS Stood at Jus slnvllcAe heard tne contentions ofy^da. t y/fi AeuVdlus tkunjartngJELgllows upon t&e t »aueys ofMuldleSeK lie ope/id AiS Purnacespt/pre ^a^r .then jfU&ion,jroWnit manger Qrt htsJRjock.ereyet the Starry MeaVenS Were rted.anVi \P>omAiS awtuZ7^fem6ens. arultnuS ' JL/»S cr^a aloud, To the. Sons oPdlbion, 8ctvl/and the eldest Sen, of\Al6u>n Sfufar th\e screech afCAUdbirth. Uudpealutg. 6cthegrounS ■Ltr Ueatn.cn, Cilbions clouds oreadnd uttercCover aU tke£iart What jnayytfan be? who can. tell i hut what may UfomanTbe. * , have power overjyanjrom, Oadlc to corruptible Grave th Mbuon.io Wton^Z,i SoZ,assi ^Zne Grdt J R e if^ e ik slept ui,J3asnan 6Jce one Cut olFjffyjfcjZlbcgns mountains &, _ gep^nSbcccm.deZaretun beside While, the Da u g hters aMlPion divi ZcsSendejc^uYJvoSt^lsd^n to J^c^d,'th^2^d^%sA^rrujUiP^ , r?\ Slnd dens, tfey looted on one-another d£ became what tfey beheld) JZeuAen rettirnd toJBasnan.in d&axurhe stebton the Stone . Ihe/v Gwendolen, divided into RahaP dcTfr^a. uij&elve Portion Los rolled, Acs Eyes into, 6*>o narrow circles, men ^entJum. Over Jordan; oMrterr died fled; they became what they beheld . Jf Perceptive Organs vary.-pb/ects of Perception seem, to vary. : yrtne^rcepuv^OrgansCclo^e: tneir Ob/ejSts seem to close also Consider mis O mortal Man :0 Wanm.br sixty Wiatens sautZ. Consider Sexual Orgajujatum dLAide thee in tne ajes t. 1 srJarJoahing over Europe &J%sia nis Jvet Jrom Ireland, to %/apan^ al/tt£aiths summds \ — iStone afJBonan, .*- " JLuiiah, into -three jBodies ^^artA^b%en Sent htm. overj every one that Saw Aim. \j£nd Sen -, Ats£) Winters I. %slept *n,pne Were HarrowcC. <& AtS JtfbSTrilS StentecL tftegi &&: tAat .J35*< Sent Atnt J$r#. ??i£^r%fe* ^^Wef tkeir fyn^Pes * v Je^^^J-e^tuunt^fyakit ret? Ttti&Y 6&ccune w/uxt > dreasrdui. £iu/tti?er / ^v j^ fount: G*£ v*t,.^J Tits' J^artn ajs/HfaJ !Zfe? <$ei*2n.J&&0ns' /fed before Atnv they became iMat they he/te6d fiit/icf.. f&ze &. CZoan fLed; they Secdme wAeat tney SeheCd I 'wcuitvcA 4kJ°e£vc&y kid m&amaScuS SeneaJ&jyzcuat JLebanoa. 'ereton <& l S'u?dk tn JSgtfpt. Sfuttvn. ScSAatzuC gdCcx*^. ctgpngtng&S J^rusa/em. tremMed seeing AerCftdare J/c tne veScdttsorthe dceants otiBeutaA Hand Stood oetwe. ^Sltunds between, the Vegeratwe SJan- So Jus- Jmrnortat Jlfu^utati tie JTourZoas' clouded rage Bast <&West &.Nbrb\ octfouth jey change tfietr situatLons' ,jn &6e U/ccversid jyTan. 5 con gnpartsr. Ae sees the J~ ut England. Who tsBrd&uin rtndZJr&en aSStuneS the JSasCf.JL.uyan- assumes cne *p>oucn 1 Jfe fa& dank .Sjpectre ravening drom, AtS open. Sepcucher ^ 22m _ JOlem.ents dtvede before Ats _ Who t^JBrtftxxnjuaotL^uredutiJjUeruSaLffrt <$cA . en, assumes" the Bas&Xui/aA assumes the South con Mnoans. /ye sees' 1 "■& 'efxune Four Elements generating tro/n. theJCtmbS tdZdlhtotl x&d the ^hur^oas wAo are the 'Jfour Eternal Senses ofJWan JRefxune Eour Elements Sep orating Jfo/n. theEtmhs a/WZlhco, jjuese are metr jtam&s' ut tne J/kMetative C^eneractcn,^ jid 1 J*j>ji2jtfca&nt:&C%^ ■e \?er icon.' y€nd £Aey dkgvded cnttTrour ravening fairies <8c- G&ut S^J^ynijaAs <&. Gnomes oftAe J5c~ *Z7vs.se are >States' J^er^uutenay rcxedSv theJDiycne 7\ ^Jhejtixantze Continent punk*rotuvd ^€u>u>ns i c&J&ys'j ZS&td tne ^eafiqureoi m. aauun. upon, the Gtaniso/\r\^ 0«sr ZrOS bendedtne Senses' aTJxeiu^en. Reuben, is-j^Ter^ ' blaraig the Mtree States o/^luro;0reojzjouii2^edenystzon^^t nner 1 * Ss-artsen. among the Aftrdly. to em6Face M 'i jiuzgyof 'the Sternal C/tes Lxugh\ui cdhmthetr majiner itjfyai'e \youAnpMltt. the.Judgment: that cs. ' ^oas^uFCUAuvk: where a, Juan dare A, \2gcS oWn> >tffe . for the ttprorS ofCkaslitir 15iat they crUL the ruune o/^Jwraltty. tketr JQaiL&k&tg&Werji.oUl Judden decectfff^areM^eiah^^^^^^u^^^ :/lrt €0 Science cannot extfttutbytf^Beaidy dcsgtaykl yfeemstct Be. Sets productive oTthe /nest a^eacc/ul 'Consequences? to thoSe tt> whom, vtsteems, to Be : even at*. '^rmeh^.-2J^pa^r / BternalI>eath- t but the J}cvutej4ercys z/leaeejTiSjyraJv en, the Botfo otZ&susyunerv jYighth again Ol^ttteBpftneJ^ton^atCeLuiak £* 5fe£ 'is /ace «*z^ bos cm vCtxhpetriflc hardness ; and Jus Aands. ^jtd feet. Ust any sAou& enter AiS bosom Sc embrace-*'** -H/s Sudden Jieart,: Jits' JSjttattatLOit, Meat &, trembled within him.: Uttering not his jealousy, but hiding it as with Iron and steel . SarJt andopake. wtth clouds & tempests brooding :t JitS Strong tunas sAudderd upon. Jus mountains high and dark . _ leaning from Uhavensal Love- petrifir as Ae vCent. ./^ If IS cold against the Warmth afEJm tag'd wttA Loud Mtundens of deadly War (the fever af the human, soul) r" JUrfiS and clouds cf rolling smoke. ' but Jnild tkf SaVUJur foUowd him..} -Displaying the eternal Vision,.' the Divine Similitude / . — «* In loves, and tears af bromers.si^tsr^.^ans.leuiiers. atvd friends Which if JMloji cea ses to behold, he ceases t» exist ;_^r-^ Saying. Jruiion/ Our viars are Wars of ii& 4 &. Wounds ar love , With intellectual jjpears, fy long winged, or routs' of .thought : -» -Mutual in one. anothensf love and Wrattc all. renewing J&iff % live aur renewing ^fr infinite Senses ^gr^s . as One lY[an.;far contracting . behold nudtitude. : or expanding? we behold as one ^ " One. J^fan all the Univensal Forney <: and that One J^lan. We, call ifestjS the Christ.: and heinuS f and vje. in him. Live in, petdect Aarmany in, Eden, the land at lite . Offing >. JV 9& M 3*' He is the Good.s He. is the She, \.Xn Mden, : in. Jf we. have -giving each ctkeJiS trespasses. -L^/ifi ts the. Lord and, waster ; , Jitoion.. Ae is all in. all , ~* arden. af Cfodi and in heavenly Jerusalem. * d. forgive its, take not Vengeance against us \ ilhus speaking ' the Eivine fu mdy fe&eW -Albion : I se e them, in. the "Vision of Gov upon, my pleasant valleys', Tl behold London ; a Mumuut as-jfuL ufander af Gad, I T"-*^" i Jrle Says. Jietum,J l uAior., return- J J give, njysetf tor thee : wJtt'sSTreets'. are my. Ideas of Ijruxgtnatian. . «C N* ' sU\>aJte r Clibion, awake .' and let us awake up together. jlls t dceadnui l thrd the Furnaces .cf^i^. and the Mills at -Satan 7.cr JUooons -sake . and /or Jerusalem. thy Emanation . ' give myself, and these my brethren give themselves tor Album. \*S£c spoke London,, immortal Guardian! 1 Aeasv jjr. Lamleths shades ;; In rkuxhajrt J heard and saW the Vivian. 'if ions afion, . what I both, see and hear J write in ^ouphPloitan Afreet. what I both, see ana /u In regions af ffumanity, in Londons opening streets .^ IjSee, thee~aw/ul- Parent Land in Light, behold I see ! •& Ught. ertdaax, /Canteroury t venerable parent of men , trous unmortat Guardian golden clad .' lor Cc 9 J^en, fathers af multitudes \ and fUvers <&. Jyh y r thing is Humnn, . mighty! ', averse expands, as Wings land . and caltd the witvef ] Yer/c. croiVrusL With loving AindnelS-. JLdinbur, 'cites L r cuntins} •e also 'Men; every r thing is Humnn. . mighfy! subUaieJ^ Jjt every bosom. % a Uru-Verse expands, as Wings t< ^^-\ Let dotvn at will around . and callif trig f^n^versal jent^ clothU ■tare jWAo give themselves \Jn GcZgctAa,. vZctuns to Justcep ; where] There is in dllbion. a Gate of precujus stones and g^id- •Seen only Ay Emanations \ by vegetations- viewless'. „ ! JBemoUng across the road. cT Oxford jSlreet ; itjlram J$yde Park JoJybunnS deatJdul shades, admitsl the tVandertng Souls „ f Ot multitudes wJw die from fctrih: this Gate cannot be found, j &A V, 04 i~*os Srutdolsj-d at Lenolding *Jylau7n. .for Jus disease /{rose, upon him. note Upon, the- hols &. valleys, arid the cloudy Oath rolld Jar and wide. '\SUbion is sick / said every Valley , every mournful Jiill i And every Jiiver: our Brother Jtlbion is sick &> death.. »*v«>. J— \a He hath Leagued himself with robbers '.* Jus .hath studied the. arts Ik OF unbelief */ Entry hovers over him .' his Friends are his abhorrence /-I Ukase who give their U'ves Jor Jiim. are despised f -st--***-^-— >*. * ~^e who devour Jus soul,, are taken, into his bosom. ^ ThoSi To a o destroy his Emanation is their intention- " Friends of the Giant Sllb> ■CAi ion. t-£U-ise / ajWake O * ZZhgy Aa-Ve persWaded Aim, of AorrdtleAdshoods J i JrLey have sown errors over all his fruitful Jteldsf ff~* TSa 7*>eJi£y-M>ur heard .' 'they came trembling on. watjyy chariots . Borne by the liymg Creatures of the third procession. 4 ^f Human. J^Ja/eSty. the Living Creatures. Wept aloud. aS they r ent along +/CtbumS roads, till they arru>'d at FUbionS Mouse . O.'hpW tlie torments .cF Eternal Death, waited on Man.. l^And the. loud- rending pars of the Creation, ready to burst: That the wule World might fly from, its hinges. &. the immortal manswn. & J^m..tor ever 6e possessalby monstens.of the deeps': ■:-'i .^j^-j. ^nnd. Man. hunselF become a Fiend, wrap'd in. an. endless curse . \ r.y/*"*"\ 1 Consuming and consumd ror-ever in. Homes' or Moral Just>**>. - J?/^ - -* _ Eer had the Eody of Albion fallh down, and from, its, dreaaful rums t L A et tooSfi the. enormous ^Spectre an the darkness atthe^. deep. *~ — !o«fr enmity wuh the JXerntuE tc.fllld with devouring Ere.. 1 J± nether- world musthaVe^ jreccevdthe Foul, enarmous spirit ._ I Under pretence of Moral Virtue . ft Ud with JXevenge and Dart. I "^AT* to eternUy chatnd down .and .usuing m red Flames hecwens pain consuming A we. ~%sd&SS *L.. 1 7"6^i '"'f/ ° J "i ia g t **? ^cih^ 'SQnS cJuund dpWn ic.EUk with * Merciful • One .Jur.hs is of tender mercies iSind the Divine Fanulr Wept over htm. as One Man? W/uid these the jTwenty-fitur in yiham. the Divine Fa/ni^y" iFtopeard; and. they were One in tfim. . A Jxuman. Vision,, I Human. Dtvuie. . Jesus' die SavtouJ'. blessed for ever and *.Je/sey. true friend ! mho aftervtafbs submitted to be devourd 2Sy tSe wu*>es af Despair, whose Emanation roSe above 'FEus flood, and Was ncund C/ufhester . lovefy mild c\,&p*±- Jfer lambs bleat to the sea-Fowls qry. lamenting stuL lor ever. ton. Submitting' to be calM. the *so/v QfI*oSjthe terrible Winchester stood devoting hZms'ctF tar JlCbian.: Jus' j ot 5£ abu.,- callii fowl mould, J In. &.. and rjnanst where the Dead vision. : i tents bari n, night. &* day. basement . (J call them, by their English names : English, the rough l EpS . built tne .stubborn structure oFtheJLianguage. acp. \ ^llbuinS melancholy -, who must else have been ajjumb Gloaces'ter and Exeter and Salisbury and DristoL; and benevolent JBath W»* stusfiouJf caT other.* isi A" is poJs> cu'srease: irootHstg evil i /nit: *>Afin._£tO& cpesuf tAc Juamaces before yttiiOfi sxtt . „ _ JsAe' on. evil ; /nit: tv/iest jLos operuf tAe J^arsuzres . before Jtisn. : yat+ ' tJatt- tAe accur&ed tfiings were Ais? otvn. eeBecfwp*. .. . X. Afs oWn. Aelovedv: tAen. Ae tursuf. ^t'cA.' Air -*vu/ tOeu. menu* '0 JLosf ^,'icAe «£c. tzmfttuf AcAeld the Jruiznaces? of- fJeaAn. r,*f jnustr Aszve duzsl . Aut tfai DU'ute Jay/anr descended C/jnojief tAe iaAxnt loves' n jfept X tAe evening dew on e>>ery A*zrA upon tAe breathing grousvt 5-te/uf Return- i him. ike evening dent on esery AjbtA upon tA\e Areathuxg Xl&tqn. ^rpo&e in. A. \Varshs/^pis^ *tter£> ^/i/A'iqp spol-e /a. Ais dig/tutl. dreams . €). (Jtou. dececti tnsp/>ayJ mercy en my \re -me. rjr .curse. : , - f ugMass tu atvus -return iAou. Aust j£&ufz.: d.am. tfre JQurtft. r tnolI £%$£■ fun? destroy J*<4 'Aave insroceace^Co u^st&asut , * 'ioar est Jjte/yy fzzfces' ■£&n:e ■ t^ttttne; do tkou. Ae rig*£x?oujr. " , -rjg*r har jnocA £ft&,jLards' rfiy &jBn&'*&* . eyres' *tfi~asa fie k. cn prefsrefvce „&> n, v ^.-jy^-. e &ie£t \ ^f>s" ^rtpod. AeJorq cAasen- ~jJe Jiattcdc&i: £fie*>~, /Jfo £,o& jSffoA-e. : tf/en tztrna'. hue Jace £e rfept Jar y^toiorv . "^ r ^" i ^/tioiaM. repl&ett. CZfo/JHTand- iSc- JFfyte; jrieAe £&e cfAAorred Jtrienct .- , ~£C„tfie T^enJy-Joiw reAeUtausr ivr&>atztade&,- „ __ ■$cs-i£tf3f deiet>£..-jr i ftzHZ2iMif^Ai' deaths of JTfo. ■fan. Jttnne. dfa AJstchley \Z/%ey siaty M6&Z edf t'etry Aia'e'; in£*r2&£ujfK & sne : \~Jo srve enieer Aesue&ctzir cafts a£oud Jar yengeanre dtjqo . Jrtaod 6e/ore fi&f J^arnaoesr atanitrsui tfte Jury af eA^ JJeaxf..' tAe Jjivute .hand f*>as eyan. Aun . jr&renginenaig Asstc jia^fAttfy • C ^-fctr&a- at? pie Ztead cry„ aut from, t/te a*-eun/ Aesie re fuZis- or icl&ian. .■ Oxford, grvune ur. Jtlif ire kt at fiitf cuvt. £t, <;<^ertt;tngy eament; fit tJter. curA'e fAeer fiwttan. AunxCtes& .. oui/d J3aAy/an,. JlaA^rA 6* aunt? <&. all ner srvyJtztudes 1 jYtCn. ner in, pomp and gcary afp'uitpry. Z>&>a*-c *. Jh £i*>enty-four in/t> cte c6sq/oar: let/ usr depart to rffary / ~ lAeer Jfianan. snafesitu: farms? and? up apoft. £&£ir 4sOrtectre4' air tfUrt. tiratt-CtwAst ~" -* " erurture afier^feruJtaj'eat. in. the rejgianO' aP ' tfie dead, tfik-.vou^es of* dtUUX. *nej*., lay' s~carpely c^-cuuifatn . xrctA. csaenf cold oux. their cAuee&jr tftey weagy r^toste . **Aen ^fAafl tAe /rtarnina of* tAe grave appear, axuf wAen aft cur ^'afvafzan. came. !r *vg •" — &..*.*— J ~..~ ..*.+-*. fe- ccesyiot au rafce t auieCour S^o /} V 1 \vefuA. <^fU6to, 'steafA fus-suz.ee ,>->. yon. our vthx^A. ■ae. ut. tftr. forests tAe. M'atzfiesis- .'^ri,4g> m . ajya/ee / anct our £%>£<*&& Jf, ZtAuw, vtAere art tnou, / pd? sr ptaursn p&ey, jCotul «vt* J f urststce& eoT JLas tAiuvcter apt cfprrd& aP JS/urope «fe sXSia. . am&sig tfut Serpent ?esTipfe£,- ' J ^ ,os >»i& e * > ' ■%i* r ,? s ' e K e '*' J^tavutc£iS' around ClfAiansr G/turs' asrClltiatL t>uuit Aufj&&eK . Oltarjr.JLos 6,uft tne J-fundune Shell . fAe ftlnw JZegegns of fTasnapc^ 7 JBast dc }* r est, &. SfartA U oJ* yrafM.. asnone tfut ^Si>< raft. . asnotxg tfie , , f*WUI il .1 l»l Yo/d? of ttuf XsecuC • ^ra-w tnetr ^tYkeels ^ cold &. fSdentcfU: vnasr. urdolejrt s t&at 3k 'tneyf- y^awjEZ^nje 2*am2Ta3*y5ipjc6 be sluin. . ~aarA. &, hitler JLfett+n&tScs arcarrocUsu? Jfell up tn integuments at Jrqfen. science, tts it jfortfi may shatter l&e. r/As Sc Sasram %£* /a tne^terrtble FamlSr CbntEftbLoitS aTtnose Who 72>Ve 'ZTte ^irmtes or J&cautasn. vfee/>~* sto women comejen 2>ecut corsfea. Hew oShnp thent^ 12h**4<[ ns j/t. Wars csTtr, Hey 7i&/tC <&• concerts far,ufe. St, not Jbr esberfta/.. ~ tXe \Sbldt^rstriAres-.'& r a, eCeeul ayjg,^ ^Zster jior V+fotTuer cotn/e zbgtn- to Deat/i. I retnatnsr tn tne em~popc jsstnelt tAe _ ^afea£^jSi^ J% jortx&zoT&ei !Ot43ruli$eng>-/%t.- \rtstol . <3cTzBatA. j&eun <£ unci sJeruSi of,Aeax>enly vol wan . ' •euenvsr < 'JDeatanStratuMS "tven. foceC en. not 'tecu clnscC <*p4trt x four turns A ChnannttB Chapels, built: ttie. t&e JE&yptzan .■ tnto jfoan . %. driven in perrxtr' »M,-r*r **»*& &am, Z,andqns Cures' , J ptlane wttAstundV tri deat/tTT . ~ fne ;jiow su^^&c. pale vote fill \stxzna, round Ttve,' ■ cends- ■&. ^itXien^aSj^Q^mY ccuu&t: tXe uSSctutn. K aF£',uK _ cun tn perunanent: sr£re/r£&n. Or ts aii. XAjls goo ■jtou, tfoty taAx> e&e gneSter vengeance- tnjrour , ■sne ,'pi He you. c ree Hise Vale. .^oved 6b -stern to,jne.„ *unumsrs 9 fip» %u&£r' a ?&\ pOo £*os Jn t£e ^Crnong l ii 111 1* midst JWred rts tSc despair i among tne rootet >ums SSons^ac letyftn obey rase -*hfu L-Woriw ^itia^liwinsr^itnjt a&cenaeag de-de&etuOug* to- tA& Aau^utrVbtal. . ■S& H/e C/ st *fi K ^ calm. &.jTUJttcn6ea£f. ui.zAe outi-atr ^u6Ume . ^* I7»c J^eurtUy Z?tvut& Jujrer around afe <£ankeneC SUhtasv >r~y/\ | SjucA est t&e stature. aftAe. ~UZro: m t/uzt: jtt/bu&stAer estOens 1 ; zcOMeg? JSejazaL.&c, Is- Crefcte4.anal Vk&et&jtecLcuict j3 oFj . that AoWeVer.great.a •cent/, the Jndwufualdx oes. and cities, and/* Ao. >/i. jthe 'ton.. 7b op.en.JBe. ^tfuz fuisd ■&+■ tans ?nte AoWeVi .' but: men Qurba/aoes and cities. In Selfhood , we . are Our .mildneps tS no. 2& .incapable and nothing J none "This, dreajd disease : none but: Sflfrtons "Western Gate is. jcloscL . : Jesus alone .can sraVe Jufn. / Jor How soon Jus let may &e cuir own and glorious .' AoweVer loving JioWevt 'ver fer ffru* Jade How soon /us tfitr may pe oar own . yvnen. .Rose „in the JtigAp. of JBeulaJu. and bound His triends . cat Jus -strong chatnS, t5c oven £tfacJiine& in Jury, &■ tt: before Ais wrc • are our e away, in. mars. Wo ' can _ and save. J is coming apa ce / .can, jfcnoW **p ica^ in sleep . M oSun Silicon .is dark izon, and the JWtm revtviuyg repented He We/ft: before pis wrathful brethren . .thankful dk considerate J
e.nteen cot, vfAqm. the other fen. rtmtlatied and embracd with,. Hath , the m SeventA,. .' ■$e manifest, a. Divine ^risuTti. / 'sternal Death f^r JxfbionS sake " < W mm < * pouter . r infbu±e. HertA. gnild Physician of 2Lixmt&. mysterip, Y/wse^springs pre unsearchable Ac. Jyiowle^ ieres/vrcL. ancient Guardian, tj 7 WeUasf , tvAosta Jtands t iuilded the mountain. jjolaces ap Eden, stupendous warJtS'l I v». oUv. t JDurham. &> CarUs'le. Cbuncellansf cdPEos ' . Ely, Scribe or Eos', whose Jien no other nana. jfiZdE JDare touch : Oxford . amnvortxti feard, ,' Wuh. eloquence Divine.. Jus *tfept pVer rff&iqn, ; speahtni* the. Words aF God Jn. -nuld pengutasion.: bringing leaves of the Tree or JLche • ■■■^\. . art in, Error StfhLon.the Land *, take .then Jointed in the army \ vster . C%e&6er awful. Worcester, \ ^jta£T.ytsaph, Bangor, doctor. 7 wing their heads aei'eted: and the Furnaces' or Eos ie&cui to rage, thundering loud the -storms began, to room the JFltrnaceS. and loud the JFumaces reh&UotO beneath . ttchfieidT, Saint JDewidsr . Et J*--.~r ^Lnd these lite ^ur in whom, the , tiffie . be these of Ju Generation . Erute and Will cot. Jus own fuse, and 'tsntyJour appe.ard Aur-Jotd . . mourning one toviardsf another a. mans: worst enemies' Religion tn a, LJftanement.hapny Jerusalem., d thou art JVot an ^Avenger . - M ,er€ . ■&*•? &*?t U>ords. and the jnercejtd %Savioun. ,m. Jtis arms* Jtet>a Jitm.,tjt. the arms cf tender mercy and reposd **- ^-jr-v^. jR* pale U%J*f o£Ju$r JEternal Individuals ^ZjrC^ V>b\ yon. the Rack of, -/fees. Then* ~sw rounded prtth. « CStoud •' . silence the JOtMutk jC$*rcC SuUded ntttn. xJttm&rtaL labour* told . ecreWeast. a. Sublime .Ornament, et, Oouah, af repose , —V canopied v*ith\ emblems &t .r*rwben. i vetssre,. ^ ret &. measurd, Jrom. whence .tune shall-reyealA .e Decalogue, the hooka of Joshua &c Judges. . nuel .a^double book yKs:aououe across : afflictions t l tS.me^Paie of JtepAusum, ar& e the Jsuman. Jfarvest ufavr JlatnboWaF retvels ana. JSdeK ,yei mBeulah t trembling the 'TiDaudhteits of _ • teams', she ardent emhrapdrher sorrows . .occupied m'lapours sublime, mercy, in, JiephaunS Vale. JPerusinj& JtlbianS 'jfamh au e rtaZki ^trr armpunentsi gf. wtpux, ^urwfce-; HJt upon. Jus s t° Atepare Jorus> worm g *n jnw* t Tfste MHutgncens at afuuuy m, Jtuut arms rectetfd *# JRnds ofl&dah,. »^rel%e~Dead i^attZusiht & in,, night &. day Cheldren.inust 1 3etdahj Wr: omethe facrtXLcs team tSacrxfiee, Lrfnd thus ^ridjgpake Qo the E^ugJ ebs K* c/*Be Jduh d Uts^f^ tan. the %££ "*n* Jus tSons Oc, UauffAtens. *sel wg&o K/erusa/epv a&ay from. „ guts a Place Jar Jledemption, , Bet J.fXt. *aw ' sore. 1 Sastwuroi to JSasAan. ^Sihan, riinad. in. ateJL < Jgounxuercaf- J Judder/, places? ctfl/Gnercca, 's^/^anj^eh wastes, \a/X tife rJcand.; «fc«xfe/ agejpeca* '^^/^^LX^Sai^ ^ttn'r 2 ** t ^ t f y ' s:h r^- art ^ e yrom. SeiT. STtdoJi-tAe Masrcaluxe Ernanatacn. asn^ng e&e J^SvMensf afBecdaA r o^fAUoA eEufeils oyerJQrance.a^^/krusnlent. d*YeUs over v'aZtoa \utltt &,prepare ccjQXx/f <£> Geraunjfbr^^nntartcas'^nare .' afl/TZitfOft. _ -. toJSc ■tastes.' alC tite GuvauraT* (c*M*C;&. CUMutrfence J 'ant. itnt/LercC up . jFJeaven. tn wAjuJL ±cs-4> i_. J&d&toodg. in. sVaOuraJ. &e&ZiiA- Glias&iy to ttane^-A.Jruy „^tua£*J*c^tvanassf.-& i .jbr became Osu> Sreatr Satan Jnslasn* to t&e MoSp/ttttfen&C^Se&noadstD Market' tAeJDt^cneJ^ianaffay Jst wAasre. jrtg/tt aUane <*S A t£e dftStr JZs. wAo cAfu^eift.Jds sf/&ei ^At+Yea/e &£*Ycde asttray.'CZA s/iat: en. stars-oi* 'J&U&X &t*M.' 7 £eeputg in £3- -barcety Aenat JSar. a. H/ICL.A fiirtgvigtv Jttcy aneC wdrx Tf&rr *%%£& '%nel£.tn\s&rc*£E^okt£u>nsf 3tnu£Lng out? STfauvnanceat. i '■ acteuJss' cccnnotr CXuzm. &te>tut£C~aaf Tongue, a. caae MxatsXuttejG&sr. *l*L- '.SarL j*Lacea\ Og S^^fCnaJc.Oie Giants pfttBean. «Gf tnetr Guards ZagYSand, Og JferusaZem ajvuy^rom. Mie Atlantic JWountutns vfhere Giants dwelt in. JnteUect TYcW given to Sin £>r a, reproach ' to let the Sung* In a. remembrance of the Suv: is a. Woe S(. a, f*orTor. A brooiu^^ajTjSvxl Day. and a. Sun. rising tn. blood ^aa^^^ola^uVoK&od «,Z take away the remembrance But fo dvWn.\ ur.' ofSu \1 End «f CAaf>.-7.\ »ri» **$&*; ; [Q, .so. _ \JPfccJt, St*u£- ewe ctf/1 &femaL %zna, to t/t& ^fiUTtan JZace wAo ts> tie JPmacAer _Jya£uraZ JRelgrfiajt.. A& cs coJZatterer wAa jneauts' to Ztyrant; J^rcaie &> tfae -A.4Z.wcy aft/tat: 2&a6ytort MtkccU 6e cCestroyeaC. Wztfc tfe&atrUuaZ. ~&m£ jn.otz *&*%£ '^& a£& ^^fn^d^JutfuzA : wticA Sfaxte must ''ujman.Jlacp. &, e^tJurtr- r be- , wtMuak Aarn **■ -Spectre w.JSatxuv ^GlrAoocL contrjiftauy gamiest; CbJvtnarx. JBtctjivuc Greek otf/ tetizA&sr tJtdA JMiztt, car M -ttcut- J*roA or.^fatnft* wAx> eto mo tst <$Z.wilL Acute. jSotrte Jtp&guuts iPAeAas' rwtr tAe 'ton. aflSSOatn.. <&, will, jsrect tne £fr irence tST^e&cf' Wttr£ec\, CxCcL; euuc ctestroyi. _ Mot **ror^fuJ> S'cOza*, tueuer t&e, Jvame aFGocC. Wi/£ am? < WJtera aretfaa&d t*Ju> waetsAciOjSizjCan, under tn& Jtipone afGodJ are ptgy? JJtstterv./ Every Jteugi*'!? tk&X: JRreacAesr l^sn^eoutoe Jar-zrcsL jJe£S'/tv,ts , t^ce. i ^x^uitaP^e, Gort'&tfasfcorfy &tfae tgfaztrvou, cci/Z. Tyfa/urqc. jR&ft'fftan. aruaC- JAfaizefytJijRkilG&iopMua'&Q* JmariOu^r ar ^e^lUjgA&zousaz&SS. t&e^e&ZkhVZrtues bFi&e -A^- wets' tne jRaci&tosi c^tne. JPAartsee& wAo /nurauertCi/e.- ^rhe tfasS/wrtu*^Re6gious rzy/faprtgy.' 6utr A0*z eu JWpjz/c or ee. JMiptA^acsrt: either, «zan. 6e «v*i£l, t&jZcctststot: cawoevei . T&Pg cwe.JVCe*. ar*7£&/r*ttteonS&a&citn&ZS>l ab£in*£en4Csu?t: to Se Aoteer C/ucn. o&uzny; tnere/are, wAen ct-Jveiegcotcsf J\G*fc JaJcW intptSlut., Ae ouxzAc \n&t &> 6e caUU a, J^yfiocrite. : tnur tZtte. tjf auJ^tayer iyAo Jal&z/tto -5£r : wAose Aro- t*0$ to jfe'^te&fjAnn. at£a^r r e&. cf&nsiat: esi ^4 cU'<:-&A&^*^&fx^0crt£^,J5r_y*>u.ar>e ',$% fJ&en. talAustg aJFtEeWtrt errwszsr^yiotc 6y i can&ssea- AtS '. Jens? start, ein^ r ensr4% are at&^caicsvs oar &eu&,HtntatJBiy& w& to aCb .. arjs'ecpetrtcf/^r' \tfe etfacsc/ly a3.Aor/ fSTLt&are&r-r Maneute Jazows zhfZrcor /tons : alC, eaual s^/tare Otfrupe. JBe&e&olence &>jr2y,j£>r t£e ^^rjtficl^natcrx. ' Sa&cetn. atnanj* our, cttZZZAg /^st A^S J3r-otAe.ns d?^ ' •6*40tJ^.u&&ij!z£:Ve.eZ ^Aa^SaJx^tpatS Between. rye xSc ./J/Xctm. eeeet &n&ccas ~ T5 mm '«■£> figure, ta &nrn die JSferpe/tt a^preciiPus stories -S^jgold leote tjtjeir Vbitccrtiesf Scuts cd^*Jerics'alesn. &. plant- them. text. &.pla/tttftpn. at Ore Jyfaas JCoutS trxyifj<.-&ua? JbsepA. rtaybe 3'olW. . "eel the Say war born. 6c dyui£' j-vruJ.v wSzere tte C&£ra&rol6£ Acs ^eUotindc^^^^nzje . 9 ^^^^ir^v «ras ., J}tt0 JE^ypC/^rJ\le^ateott4 a. Vett the. Say tour born. d£ dyutg reruns ~*ut: otters &M*£i£>e£ usr to Aim- uzio cwtyJSf, <&, uTfea ' among uS,gtv&dects&an..6rif^ttre&allj&terj&~es'/ - eternal cCe ^Sleets? retard, vctt tAeir courses \A*ug/i£r. eA£Scut..'jyfooft/^/e%-Ae. cartas juot. fie Atri, est. s*ll/>LOjts! J-hre&ts ~23iZ2: Jlrr&t: l&ey ^abdC z( dc.t&etr' Wbr-e& ^6oo€C en. Cstar'aXs' est array r~( t j~Auig tftALr'Tygerzs' WUAjgelcOen. &i£sl &. £truiles aflst/s'er «£? tvdjry £,€£ tAe JTTujnart. Oj2*aa& AeAept. tn. tA&s-p&irfect: In sgt: n't//. G>J^ax:ttJ^ t trttBWbrjA!r. qf-JSxpadctuig t{t£p yCrtcC £n&t- t oeAoZcC'GrAttt: as-* iJzjen as fine jrtos-s' upon. tAe «•«,(/;■ u«ot uuv/<- uie «w»- . . m Or-fts Gbe r s f H>ea£ upon, t&e Capourcsu* sAau/cCer.- ar && the. c/uxit C&tfce wAeaf: -Jrfoat' arasftfre drafts' czFtA&^usfeet *^ejrts-j?/-eS's' ^tfcA. qjre t/iese. L/lro Vc-Stans , JBr. Ixou/e SktttaWti wt&Unf ~l7ie.p&oWecC Sutton. Icstnvtg to 66^. ^e^ugtcZofte tUl we , Contract arJZ'xpasutSfrajca air wUl; or tFwe ratSerpuKSteCVBS^ J 'pan tAe c/uwaxts at^&eirt0r#xstg.CoftZreu2iJzgo/»Jifopa^^ very orut /utaws.We are One Jfrmuy; One. McutTXrCessecC . St/ence retnatsui <£a. e.Very osie reScurccC Ai£ ' Zffuman.'Ttfi .since jtrvacsty can^erisea. oft, tnes-e tTttnjZs' as tney la& cart^ ffwe do 6u£ our cUay: LaAoetr >ve££. t/te teeinutg jSartn. . ^s — ' jtAeyPlowcC en. tears, t&e trtunpetsf \goundect oe&re ihe&otde/iPlovir SZncC (fie voices of tfeZ.u>&t$ Creatures WereJtecud at the. caTUds , 4fAeay#ft.\ Cry ens*. Cb/npelL tAe JZeaSo/ter toUeato/tstrate tfttft. unbevmBanoxsa-attorts Ue£ t&e JhsZe&atie. be eyp£orea\asu£. &£ eyeryJVTan. bej'ariged. 23yAui owsl ~WbrJ&,Ze£ aM,Ia*t&ini&zS be tftrown. tnttfZ)e»uVzStrai ~Zo bepounxted to daSt 6c Jme£ted\ tn. tneJ r ur/taces ar^Ttructton. _Afe m&o would dogoodto ano&Ler. jruzst do it t ucj\fuuite Particulars' Gfeneral Good eS me J&r^trZ efc Silence ytfuC not tn. general^,. 2Xe JnArUsalstn^ restates utJDe/cntte & Deten JBstnbUsAatentr aP Truth depat^o/t detraction, of* -5£ creed, t&ey afr tA&JVoty. ^loLoas / JVocA: j^oi^ed. dio^e^-^Tjjr/ A S&td. £Ae &re*t£vbtce df&ter/uty rotted above, terrcbte in c/otufzL ' ■ J?ayurg hfoa wi/l goJortA. z& r us/^mo s/r^vtesend Ae&re our Ja ce . — — ISZ%ex*^& keaved. Ais t&Oidring&euahts on. tA^a/l&'cg/rucuuese, J&ud tkuSke ctuittntedAisSong: tlu> Daugtoers ofSukionrqdg jDfctzat mayiMcut Ze?H>Ju> can tetl/JBut Wkat may Woman, be ? ack into tke CAtuxhJajd/Look^jAreeM^jnen around WkGoJs/Q/fUlo^'v^clulsttkmi ii « W y^erlbuds <*/VfL6tx>ns JPritcdJernples' rage, in the eastern yVfule IsoS^atr t^rft/ted be/voCdtng^rts 'Spectre wJzo '-« ' ^preaoturg u% Aloody Dears' tst. torments overJZurapt. jybjtpetrYarMterZ 6ttt **. wetcAed torment: unJ&nrned _ Jri flastufu* /Lrl ,■ tvtcfat. tAa Jtbjyia-ces cfteHtyme. \ru/^t^ejrtptesr Y£l& r £*%<*»& tAee Jj«n^&J5rco*Zeld,&.tAe Cifuntt^SoflyHlbtoJX Txfcy &pre*/4t Jz>rcA tZsze a. love/}' j*oat cnto -the Car. Iney v/ere aSs+lcCet/n. 6eA?re*ne : wilted into One. ^geey-Stavd tst tsuuxzcsice dfe. their sAxey tent reacAd o. ZpJvtsrtrodS Tower to riant- &. XJ'a.rucuSH. *'a.cA:uu* Wttn. w l/pon- tAe Aterptuxn JVUe. waA solemn. son&SHto €Srecc s&ttz ^ureet rYeSperta. even to Greit^ C^auSSea &, 7ess ZJtis't tAotc SlacAen ^fnd tcjoecu/^ar Jst£o y&LCs' o/^teahr &ncC sorrows O lo*'cZyZf&ti4.Gf~. fus &&£: cct _^C- **'U/c i/te £un£s , ;&er' tears riot aCowtt, Ausf-. \jThe \*/h\cel —^peiy _ sAus^paJce Jferusttlevrt.. <£c ttrus cAjeZsii'tne Vocce replied. ' fUd JSAoufe g^Jtfart.J&Utesc tAau. cies-ej^scans of terror de. hw« / - xrjtotf&rjTtvn. \*n£A~ WtlfCC/rti %ett thou O Ho r delAtsru>n . butjfs Hteitry ' ns tnou, <■*" JftcfrcrjL is tron. . jt a ^fweet wfuiMttee* : t eAotd tnee ftoC; Atfo>/>t*y ve vt/ne .. er wAo Sleef* ou/er tvJt^atLSe _ 'cocarr tfear Jtot j&enoldlut tA&Vestc/tst oY^Eiokim,JeAo^oA. 4 AeAoldJa^epA <&.7fary^ \j4nd 6e comdarbed O Jerusalem, in. tAe Visions oFJeAovaA EboJum. + vS#£ looked. S^Sc^SoSepk tAe Carpenter in-JVagaeetA 3^J^ary*: I His espoused. Wtfe . isihd Mary -Said. J-TtAou-put trie autayJroht t/iee \Z>pst tAoa /tot Mutraerntel 'JcsepA. spake in anger &^try>*Snoidd T *fF&J^'*l£!&ot t&anS2dultere&?Jfcry anStVerd.ArttAou mdrepure Jl^J&JVaAer UfAodorgiVetA Sins' SZ, calls- a&un.T&r tnat tsZost Jno^Ae.Jutces.Aa calls' Ker'affazn en. love, stove-m Polluted. TAeaccL 1 Als Voice ut my \$leep ScZtSjAngel in my dream. : •Saying DotA, ideAovaA Farst'tve aUebt ordy on. condition. tAat it sAall Miter* Oflore could Jiaste tAe *s>veets Ver could AeAaLai tAe teans' anger ut Jumace a/y^e . lst JAat/Jebt is not forgiven ; JAat ■ r-'outiZzon. ts ^oc^rorgevetv^^ SucA esi^7 ; o3^i^erie2safo{eGods,tne^ \^rtuespftke^^y HeatAen. t wAose tender J^ercies^ are Crue^.3tdlfeAoVa/is , ^cd^a^u>n. Js tvdnout Money t tAgn. tojUxke > ^| r u/„ A/i_, +LAt/ft.\ -£r:vA *.«• uj^A CAlld A* t&eMoly GAogt "* like a. Hiver of "po/%, ,/roav -* G&on. to HuldeJaeL. &>to corndieloU &c Villages' &, inJuzttttnnCs //I Upon- J\so/t &c Arrwn &. Jordan, .jAnd I Award die voice a>nong *ne ReapenS Skymg. Am /Jerusalem the lost.jrfddtscelsJ or am,. Haaylon come up 60 Jerusalem ?^4a£^ another voice anSvveral ~jgyf* Deed ine voice of my Lord c^lme~a^<™Lj>^f fe° faJ^i jdnd&fr. Ctm/Aiiome lovely, as a. VZgut at Acs JgAtyAc ictm, JneteetCaTlarlot drunken. hJktklA&Sarrmfe Ofddolsr ctoesrA^f [ CalL Aer pure as" Jus cUd uttAe. a^^ c^AerJi^ojjcy.Jfnen,SAe^ M/aS castr out? & tAe. toatAuyz* a/fter/ienson,. The Cnwdee*nJtooA_ 7*fe Tiom, JnY Croudle TkeAmnfetitB stole me away upatc Jus Camels l Before. iAad ever LeAeld wctA love theFace QtJeAovaQ orJawWn. i th\ere Was? a, God o/lMercy: OJ&rcy O Divine Jiumxuuiy . rgcvenessf 6cFtty (ScCompas^am-lIfj^ereFiavI^uloi ne)>er Have %vouifh Tnee ; dfl were Z^tfioUuted fsfauldneverAoite \*L j Glore/zed tAy 2folute&. or re/otced in. tlvy great ^Salvation. 3r^*\ J%ry leaned Aersiokciga^ * J%eZ/n£nl into Aer Aands in, tAeKsionsr cfJeAoVi&.JunespaJSedor Jenisvlem, ^vtecl over tAe CroJs <^Sefiudcner SkeJceardtAe Votce WUt tAocLmoAenome i^Po^varckDrtud £ofi&M^S oFEarofieA^ Jfa&emenljfan. in, tAe Resurrection, dtangei his SepaxL Caputs at Vw/tj \£\teryJJaclot Was once ayugin-; efery Criminal ajtlnmrtt Love 6z ■%* •; JRefiose art nte ttl£ tAe atorntng ccft&e. drove, J curt tAy IcJk. , ^Jerusalem, replceat. Term, cut outcast.'jflocon. tS ctetuLj _ JLjCun letk Go t/te trampling Jbot tic trie spur/zing Jteet f ^X. Jfcwfotr J curt, cxucdf. J curt sraux. jtrorn. street, txf Street .' T.am. cte&cecC wetA Slows &, r wttA\ tAe curt at the JPrufoJC i StneC We/tr tfariL 6ejccme. ntyJxusoana. O myj^orct , ' .SnnAC Arc tAe. }tte &^Zt2ZaA&.^ S^jcurtar <&,_ <&, JiatAsfveoa, arr. tne Dcut&ntenS c n~a& cZZ&u>n artse*j Jcngw Jue snail artSt iat 'Jcnaw tAatxnK&jflesATsAallsee Ga jtat: wA&tce tney are,Jtar m „ 'US' replied. 1 am, tAe 7teSurre££zon & the JLi/e. ne ^"pass. trie {touts' aPoasstat^uty, ess? do appi /^^aa^^eroej^iua^V^^pJtJxt^6 M ae Cre^ae Saycourj „ , tmedaZsto? tnff T+fr/acut. / ap/voan,. { txtru£ , futr •ygSS.tfte As* auaC /percept ■ l/hfa,; Jar J cannot: Ceas'e. tneat tn £n& j&iaWuiM Grave . - wu^j5reppre ac Wayior J^AantskexC-anes ttTfeturrc e June vntfc jme. utteTtAe V£Uages. t<aj£s j On/y Seunnte «S& trust trt nt&./,o. J^a/n. "ex. '.ILuva/tS t vcC JTerufa- Over tAe /fountains ^ctAe __ CtncC trie Sun. nSfet ut/JyournsA -eAore utrJZfpS ieAdal tAeDa/cae^tonamcwg tne. /lamer a/the . UvecC A. SreatneduiAape. lljutAis eeanfJeu- incessant: G&tlarea. Were ci0SdJratnAwi.eu>art:&.JEntfnaFmoi tVtCUng at Jterce pazn: a/sc t&eVisuut ofGoa, Hits' dxscC in _ fCbfanyJ&Dectresr. tnatXcf en cCe$paur aft Sat, X£i[ury 0* Annanstate Zi'&2 , ,, en e Jaur /zoqjf Os s'u'&wst . tA*JowJLi*'rA* Creatures, tke C/lrrtu>trr£. GC/iiPif'" trr/mhte AeAorp tAeS/rectre.tntAr.f^ryjHarndsoftA^I^^, Uf JYedians'. /but tAetr SVameS are- 16-jjeji &. £cu'aA. StZTfrarmajf d&Vrt/toi*tL-\ Ltt,»aA ^/eWJlharntasr the Angel at" ' tAc 'Tongue. &■ A/hion. hrcupAt: Aim, £o%/*£&Xu!e ui Ais o>\>n. Cay- arj^xras.'&enyt/tj' cheftesurrectton. , — *•— enVVaU the W& of* - * . ufho t.y ''&f!*2?€u*fAter c/*d.ui'€jA. ouAz vengeance TUr^/ye -/old nnvojtg tAe Chaotic • RocAs efjAeZfrtttds - M MLare t%e J/uman. Vf-cttms' A**yA ty> lAe Moon 4c 7A\or ts%* Vh/unt tn the Gates' ofJBtrth in. thj> nuutst or" /YeaMen. e Cities &, ni' or rYeaLVen. r j -. . 'i/lageS' orZ/Uhion. hucar ie JlocJc «fis Sand t/hAunuzni^ecL _ IirutdSons orZ/Z/Aion &: theT/etcVenS a. Void around un/atknmaZle 'iy Jpunuzn faj'm. 6utJ5e?c4Ujd db at. Idde, u)&efi$ng Jn/autt ptde rc/U^cted toys' tn. the l.ocAing Gui&i& finttharm&n . onfall lutes' the cLuids af'tAefenuUe*, on Al6tan£ OUAhf or the d?ead *ucA tA^ appearance in. Cheviot; ut the. Z>tyts?UHzg aP JleuAen \V%+n. tAe JOrucds denutntLed }$*n. t/y» CAeruhim- Aid their heads under theft- Wtng? tn- deep slumlek. ' CAaSfoly jAoiiLWbfnaji £c all y%/as lost, edZ.os' Gjjg .fehoVah, .) uid Crred-JLosr. »^r clouds' and. JA so. ad ar/fumaji VtcitJflS hy the. Daughters' a/yUhcon, Sc Ccutxtuiy\ -£*" *< ~* ir *r -^ — «« me a+^^r *af -^ Z*" "^ -^^^VJ*^ -** -^ *- ir- -m- ^J«<^G#nM£#Afir ' The. Deael beneath. Seu2aA jfrejr of f -eland todapan. 7 Jurcods Aer Li£n~s r ~^7s&*ens v & Wolves! sport he/ore. * os on, tAe"7JiameS 8b Mednfay. Aondon. 35 Canterbury groan. tn,j>eujx 'Aters of/tlAi on., 35! 's o/~£nttha/'/ru>> A.OS" Ar/teut jtot_yetwAat . . Jn Visions' of ehe Dreams _ > "TAereftire the /"Turtler was" put apart aig. ^*T Gfthe Mundane SheU, tvhtcA. fcoje on. alA sudes round Canaan, a/c 7%£ ' Vo^st AZj^anse'.wAere theJOaugJttenS orAlAton, VVeave the Weo "25 OrSigeS &. Generations, folding dfc unfotding it.Lka a. VkU. of ' CneruAuitX And jforrtetutuesr it touaias the Earths summits. So sometimes slpreadsr\ thread cnta the Indefinite Spectre. wAo cs the JiatconalJ^o^er . «js Then. ALL the Daughters ofA'loio/i Aecame. One he/ore L>os. even. Vala. 3 And jfAcput JcrtA. Aer Aastd upon, the juooms m, dreadAit ' AoW&jtgg J TUlsrAe vegetated tnco tx. AusigryStemacA <2c a. devouring "TanjJue.. • >%/- J/and^s a. Court ofl/iistzce . Ajar feet; two Armces in. ^SattCe. . V" Storms &, f\istLtence : ui. Aer £,ocks: &. in, A.er Z.otns' JBaj-tAauaJce Asuf. fire . 6c the Muux. of Cities' <&. svattons' 6cJ^uiniltes 3c- 7Bngues'\ SAe crCesj7ne jHuman Is but a XVZrsn., &, thou. O MaLe.\!7iou. art 7hys'eirlrentafe. a Male; a breeder orStxzd.: a. Son. <5e. JiusAdnd; tSc~Lo\ 'The Jfttmari Divine cS HfimansSAtufotJ, a Vapor en the ^rtcnmeKS Aeat j cLSS'ustve-J^ajouZ dignity ■th/ju.^pectre. tAou Sfa/e Jtardot,' -Arthur I t into t/ie fCutgs oritur ope tn times' remote O Woman,- Aorn, ' Vbma.n,-stourtsAct. 6c )Wonuw. -eaiacateol &. Woman- jrcos-nct .' ~U>%.ereA0re art thou LlvingJSaalXojf. dcJtfan cannot live tn, tAy JDreSence ytj£ fJiott. VctUL tAe Wire afSuSton. O thou Lovely DaugAter ofL,u£>et,A, ' SUuzrnets ayese A-om JZeaso/ustg . the secret J^Tctr^Cer ', a/tcL . _ violent Alan -^Catcghe&r. these cere the Spectres' dbuAle Cave %eS"ex.uaf. Death, Living on. accuscUcon. at-Sin. &. Jtudgnteitt •«. to Jree^e^L'.oiXe £c Jnnoce/tce into the gotd&, stiver ofthe I^TercAant Without Jw-jgiveneAs of'Sin. JLove ts" /^tseLfJzterjzat Death. "TAen. the Spectre drenSValai uvto Aijf Ao^onx sruigntJicefvt terrt/w- GlcfterULg HfUAprec(jOtLS^sto*ifS£agoCd. WttA Gas-mentsr of hlood %•£/•(■> \Jie n>e/Jt tn, daaaUy rtrath. ottne Spectre ■ tn, Self- coritradtcting agony CrunSon With yVretth 8c green, if/ttn JTea.fjousy dajicng wtth. *=£ove ~* 'S%fid.ueaJL>u.zy' inyttmgCed 8c the putyoie <^tAe.vt^CttdczsJcend. deep -,Ov&r tAjePic-WorJVaXwnS thundrmg en. tAe Aand. arAtowns Spectt *s4euv/c /fermaphrodtte they stoodl JrcnSntnz.ru* upon JLondonS JZcvei .slnd the ntstxijf 8o SptnpOf! tn the t Aan£Ls oF^cUa with tAe AYax af" tHuman. JVcsreries Curnd fterce i*>ith ttte Lives afi/Ten. along the l/ailey /is Reuben SUd. 6e£>re the JQcuigAtens criFAlAuui lading tXe jYa&ons^ DerhyJ^eaMyawnjd a. Aprrcd Chasm, at tJt& cries of GwendoCen .&* at "The s~tcunpmg feet of Ragan. u/ion. t'te fLamutg 7recCdles o/"Aer I^oom. Cffuit drop with crimson, gore With t/te J^cVeS n. &> Canaan. Opening along the \/a/£ey orJiephaim, . WectVtng oUer the Caves of'ffacA !C«& TKw'W^W&Sr w44 ^ great decistcn: &. iYGcUt at Taercy. crjixf. • m IKu-'/eC of Justice : tAe World, o^J^ercy jfbr JyalvccUon. . ^ Vj& cast:. £xm jTfro Gxrttirartesr afflumanity' dc tn. tAe JNfar JxegvxMS yJFtw in. tAe deptAs af\/UAions Ito&om. in tAe east^rri.lheaMeft.^ ~Tt#.y sound, tAe, clarions _ Jey c>rfst tAe Mts Yey voiss-, tAe dea Jlo< \^7$tey sCuind AXm. »>itA poigoruius' tlue.tAey tttMWe ten uf cruel roots l^-^^ChJ^rr s-„*.a. ~x+ « \s^t„„ „,„„.-/ «^« v Sound jrotinB waAve/zetcdsjon- *&£ lurl rfas %£xc&*&. ine ttuMui/rolld eiii e^&e^r captaj!/a3 ; &/zr£nf?pur> JTi/3: up &ty A£u£. eyes yala. t& put ^ Ojn^Ca&<^&JWc!gcCalefL SleAoicC ate 'ntettuxsr old ££y •eJt, fifae s-usi rost -« tvatxszF jtram. ~tfty h/mla?; rose &t £*toM'at& jacam. % fara/ting to 6ctttS& w/u> ,%vasr &cjt£: tv 'tf£- ecs" a.. r s'oWer wltn^J/Jst seed, fip (Zrtse O Vizta-.' bring ttee. 60W e^J3r, j&im' rqgcC *&e. golo&n. /torses' aT Z/r CojfU?eu& to leave tAe piow to. tic*, a^ . jfc trtunpie tAe corn. Jfiecct^ in. 6oas&'iu jQ&s' cs no *yar6£tng Aroa/cxzoj- ' srAcuto ifiitoci awst wounds' luza. c&smai c Jheatttsr 6xicC open, to tne. lui/ct _ tpvweisr Aid (A- Aammerd sceet G^j^tApky Mtn/les: aTsafb deceet: We Aear tAy AvgAs" m trumpets #Ar, Aa& j^q JSenojtez, en-Ae St. tecomes^ end ceFnts steep nuben tg* tAe ~Vcc££ms on, Stern Warriojzy; oatft JPrtest:. ft r&td Tesusr Druid their t/MesTtti &l&eeccn^£D*aea&nn. " odours, in. .spiral t/oiut _ jnqautauns.cL^Bmuxute -..• f^J'afcea.t&sjsiPatn. <&. ' yj~ OHitt l^mrgm: the JBnfana6U)it y>jne t&etr J&rpctn*x£um. and tneteZIempL <£y Anew xtot: . tfuS V*da *v*s tnew beloved '2erri/ied n£ tAe sight aftAe'Victxm ZLhe ZrezrtAlejyeLs cufvZda. vtAratse tAro 'Ydl^tAeyjrS/oice over Z,icvaA en sno< ejjdaen."tney Aeoame lifoe tvAar tA.ey £ m ~3pas tremble : tAeiT jnns^iAxr jTAgy Aecom& TDce wAtst: t&ey AeAold'yGtbi tmmm m mt m maE0S0t*i awfiil& <&- golcC.ux. all the precious unhewn stones- a~FJ£den \7jhey Audd a stupendous JBudaUngon the Plain aFSalcsAury.' with, chains- rucks round JLondon Stone. : arTieasonutMs : aFanhewa Zfemonstrations laAyrwthine arches '. FJMtgh&Z/ri$en the^lrchitectj fAro which. teg* YjLaoour impart \JjocAs filed anri isM aFeter* dtu ■ jSttBO> ^am-. Tteayen 1p ferJyyo Coven to pole . pair -Eternity Ae bound to- their chain, a. wondrous rocky world, at cruel dest 'nal deatn.: whoseAropartzens are. eternal < turning tA& iron Spiddle. asF destruction ^:mvisiAle:oat npt invisuyle _ wards named. Voltaire ve &,~Stone aF Torture . ^FroAenjSonsaFthe remimne Taper -nacle of^JBacon .Jvewlon Z.ocAe. jrbr luuvan. is Prance : -the VZctun of the Spectres oF^ilACon . Los heheld in terror,- Jut pourd Ais loud storms on- the furnaces. r C7Ae daughters af^-rtlAioA dothe/ct in garments qFjneedle war/c. 'eau, , Strip JJtjearJlan ,, om, their shoulders •/they^Sitr naked upon, __ uitrpasses over tAe Aowt Sites &, stains .the Fair side aF-the ' ■ out asioCe. Ais cures.- ipev divide fttreAeadV? they hind ni '•put: into Ais Aand.a- r, v ^reven lochs *vttA thorns, Jck^Sq "a/uutn whose arte seven Au/uir&dYcj ottnis vesture whole WdA thew JOtives __ ,tey cut asunder nisr inner Garments ; searching touA, cruel, Juxgers lour Ais Aear£7 &, there they enter mpomp . - ^le un <& tAe Jnoon.ho eye can look upon tnem, alas 'at tAe didht aftneVcctun. &, at sight of those who are sa ™$io seeh&cofne wfiatlXey AeAold. €heirjsyes are coverd vZfiftffiearlsimd^b^^ ^^^ e^benPoQ&vordsTaS^^ u ^F*fr p f n ^f, ancanoueraAleSear.' amutsFaeUghts enS s^unhaway .&_ ivute Vision, opcasntz funst €X. t Aurnina *Z*nte. then a. #^ . e, then, an av>>rul JierX vrfbeel. Surrognautg earth & t'f^S£ en *' *JfepTa^glo6e aF SulSat WagSertng ^stan^^Mu^cnown ^^^^^^l^^^ 7 ^^^^ s Jt K ^^nk^^^^nsor^^A\ ns^o&e auSiSa^eo^liuo the Jni&fcute* J3ea?jxung JPotypuS nanut^^umsJree:-tAey tze the Tyuns -,'es Into pvoJuio£s.- &> the Seed into a oZouhle Anot; *ey looA J&rth/tne *Slun is sArunAitAe Heavens are shrunA . , way ,ut£othe Jar remote i and the \ZreeS cfe J\fountuias .vfitAerd Cato tnaepjute cloudy shadows in a^anfcne&s &. Separation, . Jn^iSiaVe sfatreds ad/'omd, thev seem, remote tout se inert ntjEfht ; v/interi ^ion- other: and yet are, a, Its tAeT&isletoe gnt&S cut-.ihe c jFfe- who Will Aat comingle m Z,o*>e.must: orate us in Che JDeepf STree on JGperAity outd 6y JJatje u>oh &rthJro/nStBhe~-Aende.'Ji-om the. Cave round Londafi. iooA on one another :• the. mountain, calls out to the grtouacuin rton. schrunA owcly: JSnoWdan trentoiedj ^S <4r Scotland Sen run- the, streams ctF^rTCAcon Gwendolen, cast the ^Shuttle cu — -. . — > — T — ry - ~. — » _ ffumSen &, the Severn., are drunk, with the Alpodar. l. - Condon &elssus Aram out round: &ay&uc0hsAeartis. circumSt. York emale is a. JGoLaeJt \c.oonc -. Itockfare opa/ze AaranefSes covering all yegistated. things yind a$ they YvbVe us dcMtsuins SfrerichutgoverJEurope &.>^ t - J&ey cUvcKed. cntp Muzrvy Covt thetT oioot theT2w^Ve 7>augAipns, ct&tio'uvt Je ' Z)6ub£e J^emale. : and tAey drew^put . afZ.de to Weave j^reve- Cbvenan±> in JiaAao A^Tir^ak. the Ilochy Stones a. Golden: Zioorn _„_ tAe "oven. T^TdXe. tn opajee JutrdstesS .,,, vrc tneJtockS grobnaxg ucpaut they Weave, lauc Origins, arzEXLStBitpeji'fSffnycng^ternt^ u^iireanf^JuLySopihy caT^x e d^J^asculcne wXensepi fttDZKLC JSpcciir "acre g«£ 'OC casts'. osrntty jMJan, CVuxos\ ^oay veil. *s^erus%denis -ectresof^uPlon mercdul rfast. JyTzrruzr arZMen.. Souls _ , to the piteous _ x. an .tmoeccLe mochery,: out the. <8c. Jus -revenge, cherish, with the _. gy drinH uoZ)an &,G8d, to Seed WtthJTute*$ko&ui&I<:opope }fy strep aSTUosephs Coat <&. dip it uv the otoooT^datt^e. , 'Tij&ah sipr weeping to h^nr the shrieks of the qbtng/J^Rhife, ^TjffiUtt is ut her Jiand: She passes, ot oVer the ZhP&ZcngViansn. eJpaughtenS weave tnepr Wbr/c tn.lpud cries over. ths~rloc/c \r7oreo. still ^vecag rTUnans Cliffs eagerly seeding <£.£u>, _g threads or~2sal£t &jJcrusalent rxutningjffxutc mountain to mo, Ver the whoCe Zfarth: loud the "VVurrconsrage in. Seth^epr %t/t t/te won whuos aZ"thew Gaptuuns ,TsAazl consfune updn, these Kochs Apr^s^of triune eyes that used, to Spam.,ui distant AeayeaS ifroatote.' fAave JjoundeEowtt vvctA- oc fu>t tron.. . tstrds tAdt^ef^andeoC, Wtth cieliMht en- nuirjicngsJcteS sat aotttmyurd ufoh Lead /ne&edt/rrny roarc/a* Xinnaces' '.fican.; aFcoVje: air sweet aespaw;of ^Sar/nent tfaenduraote rtccfiLon.; carcoite: < ■ soul cs seven. Junnaces ion- my terrLoZy JtUi c/utJznelS thro Jny _, patn.: O the Bangs, t f £,phracm was a. , wilderness [The Jizyer AZmaJt, Want' xfesfeie the boy sprutg „ yCncesscLnt roanst the Jkearp, thg. ptplten. ■ 7WS runs /^ JVot 'A lot the und tA wander d 6y *ihy s'Weetr . "~ Aeavens set 11 my Tojtztssehs Sc 'Jrosrz. my Si , Aeatr at red-hot 3^£ ro jvoap. setcn t?Le t gcrdLe of Strang hrassTheat ctFeattto JreSS, ct around the, to ins - sArLehS because jHTand *& o» /artAdroJti £,e6cuvon.' AtUogi '^^±^ i ^^fMs^i^s%^ a ' ro^^jrtBnsf:we£PjvotSo{JOUra/i. oBepettdSon. t f , ^ 'mercy <&. &%d£ arelftkd awgyjFaoy SAechkm &$ MotuttGueaa /ess my AeZSved cS bound, 'upon the Stems ctiri^getxttwn. ~r ** \And t&uS tJteWtrriarsr cry ut tAe Aot day ceFVcctary, ucSattgS- , WOT —*~ , ' •am. Jleayen. C^ •ecto The. VaMey, aPtAe JebuStee.:J^fo/ech re/occes- en. Aeayen.^ Jfe - sees, the Twelve JDcut&haers naked upon. &Le7Wetye S6cute& IJtemsrelves taaaeftsuig lb rocks &, uzjOq CtelZibs aTa.Jnajt^'Z'xf ineS'^^ &ciWarrtarS "°if£i ^sorJ^emates: %% S'Azm utWas'.-JZus ihe^iBeyS afJEphrcum. «*_ .sn wq/Autg in/vide w ^TJuxce ^Zrdeicect eS Jto more i ~T^~~' 77terets'ju> tune. &r any, thatg hut: tfee torments oF/om Scaescre. "Zfce JFetnifurce &7^ascZdcn^SMzdows \sxtt.rruXd ^fndnoW the Spectres aTtne Dead aWaJce en. BeidaA: all *Z Jalousies, oecome Murderous?: uniting ttgfe&her in JcaAcu> ".Loves . ^- wan aecescon t/ie Internal *edjgroHts in. the disobedient female : j */esus rends roVinc& YourGftcntijesf «zre in. tfie JFour Ccunps ., tnJReu6ensGb&. Gbwaut U%& enZfae&nSGatJe est JOans Gate, LeinSterJSast m J/udanS Gate, Jus , 7 J i//ars- .tAeTvt/elue •o tAeGatesy •emaujzcC 1 'omuuv ,, £ tern. VyZilL. oflferjusa/em.A faes arlrelartja. "TXirty-- TAtrtoghyo Counties' qfjretand are t/cese xr^SjZe&t0iuiL are Lou^JLpngjiircC^ fidfau&A Wex _ CxalM/ay^ JDonsu ZJoWn^ ^UlAeSe. &22F f 3T& are these] Lonao-nde. Turope &.JZsui dfc JQafC^yis/u^ e££ In. Jerorsa/ems' G'a. C? Com&yeJVatupns Came ye J*eop£e Come up tqU&usuL JZe£urnX7erusra/em. nsJomA && wondrous? Crea£u>n7&, trtgrbur-Soiot Gate Ocean TLTtn. loi -<£r iS to ^Sbi ■7dc °uxn k£L aMb\edendeSguls\ ^eud&^ 7/ervey.giuzrd tnatGate: rttfA. ale eAe/fenaeSoute 5^ **. 'siai* \o ?n; >/r* ,3^C T\i \rr>. y si9ffio\ -pise c pet: jtsr _. slot txranoi •teat ' eutcL to dteWbrtU uz. J^tOFWOeage. .cs to Js /Mf t L j .is to Despise ^^rtiStUeavjtSc, Jier^ 'est <£c.jttoc]€s a. JtyentaC StA.cn. . Jnocter^JesQcst t&egtyer-ccr ev* e u&utmnjce-loYing Jzfioocrtte. asr J*uA <* L in.3 m lces engage ^^^ff^^^^ ' tn. hem. r entulju jTutsr..&ut- ^ourJftncL Cxpcu» >•» ¥USi i-^y V; SC 'vet- TA^ *Speetres ccP^AU/tcuts'lwetve Sons J-evodife jnig/ttzly - « LPacnA <3c over tAc Botty .' SHiuni-rug' tz> ifeyoiw —- » — >W> a ^ ! ^42 ^PoxnA difr ©Me/* OLH-g Jfeurtasuty . a£ Goct - 'y tvaA eAecr JWotAer nt/a,. anal. tAey crowtet Aer touA jfpccC : ? ntcmcC Aer SZgAaA. <& stowe Aerpower oner t&e JgarD*,. Concave JSarCn. round VSa t^gM Oa ra ut. JEtttutAan. JBenyt Aar i. . JSV&k. *B me ,stiat*isr exagc£n£f Aer?nrone.&> 6ux/aC AeyonaC t&e^Z™' "V** s*^r Of Gocc ana. tn& *t,a*rU> eo t&estroy t/ie JUanuL ru JAe JHZC6 a/* GcetntsTecltAer &tis*<£x&(uur T Cevelle / vitA. tJte ctusts X* ^Hef Ifaeltte Gates ffewncr in. cAa&tsr; _. Outsrufe . unAyuzmtn. 6*ofc>re i**. 23eu/ccA . «fe cAe twelve ga&zs were \actn. £loo<£; Mrojn, Japcuf eejs&uareC to tne Guuttsr autsway. wesi, I(t JSrutet .Continent: t aswC tferusnalem. **&*£ upcui £, 'upArates ', SaaACS" *vn. rfonUt..' Aer cAildren. carried into captivity Jren>sr JDrttui, ~stru£ enus Aer vocce. n> ■ JVy ArotAer tSt. ewrottfs **t*%& 1 f,er. "e s& Aeurct mare/ Gott Jttrt/i jfirsa/ceA. jne ve jrentttui and aav ' pour upon jn£ tSijny: cAttaresL bectcast J*-oJn ene 27!\>vt£. Jiresence vxftt/ceM cAe/c£rt . t-ran. sfout ut reastcrunMs' amo, is* become a. cruet more tAe jyarifift at" trote ,& FTSUeatJ. JuttArouut — -xS a in. a. UtUe ana*. c£afA urn-Stus" Au£s &,Jus ucuiey< viy~anes eland awe. Juxrderut aguutst: me *5«, ? «2$*^V *4gK despise me ai cast: me. out: *v*vj3M artn., Jgft/guuCct ertcojnpptssrd. tne JKCationS '.• vn, in. the. Cities af> cXuMren-temy ' oaryuusr^ vm my fit Jerusaten l- our Attts /fc valleys'.' tAey -Keep our^JlocAi 'atchputm. uv tAe s^gfit : andcAe Juamb jit GoaC, appears among us *, to my _ cAatnbens JssttjcAcLr: JSpAram,. JWanaSSeA , Gad and- JJan- ~ >cleS <3cAerds? rt. ver ^Severn oure vd Jits' cievd vu^pea-venly Jordan, coarse aC my cornniaruC - 'Watgns. into my basons asvcC 6atAj : J _ vvctJc jF&srftan..' '^Ajfunes' s*< yse me to tne wKole JScer&n. to v* ty tMpait e#evy mousttvujv tt> tieacA .taxLght: t*t&&AtAS aT t/uz £tea. —xZy sictw tne,uc \sfct&/*me ■ tve wtuVmaL ccsr in. otw jrecret _ lofcea. upon, our Cages' •U'ctA, foy. «. •amuresr etrfcaCarate^n. K, i*cubaZ ^tUrltsne to. t&eyi&i t&lctncC 3o trke JVortt. -wooed- my Joo£st&*s~ tftgy ^_ _ g€Mf&s ere cue tAecr ^Mountains de. my ceerOettns" tn.xt£l. tnew Vac ,^cnncetu;e artneer Aausesr Was tfte fjurnttuce.army cAeunbeir ,my ' instr*nvenJbsr qfmtysruz. tngy^SJrOjS'e \ J*ecceva, tnc /tecLvency ^saraan. | •aZM up n.. rasa r M my myrtaicts :ojux ,tfuz Jpbur-J»£oL ~Warui j^/occpl among oris ar\Jet ' u^a/ent. ll J>et3i%'een. my winged, cxkrubim.; *r J\am. cZaSa. out: Jftun obem. tn. tAerjuxnrow pajfrat &&&•* M^destr^cttoJi.. enpo a. eAxnhTlauut aFpttJch~&i _ cAujnS TomSaffaaruC jfrom tAe j£ur-&lcC 'wattdeps: criTGoci to a. suznrow etolenU. mrm tn. the cCaruX. ZaiuZ a^CaAuL ; r JteuAan &, Gout &, JaSepA. ^eattty putstcole appear. ! f^uet XXrci^etJiut ■fatugai&OM. : d_ e&Jvanjaer' tn. _ jyTascutine r\ \ Youth. &-^pfa^clen. . j» .i— C » H H B I I n 'ticohtpdsJk . £y t&e. ^o"ien.JVkt -cuul JLweuJl \See£Hrra tn pcutgS of a. MotA&n. J^y^tZA: in £t&uctuaf ; J tv etesz. JUgAt ttrptun. WOfJtL ro A^ tBMTLeJTt i SXUSl lost m* 'iJlesruCe Aer ^a/oc, Aoh/lct n/ran, tne.„ W/siAs ZLantenttnA among tAe tiMArelsr of die. ~w r 2n cruPjLF%x>une^, aAoC Aer lantejttmjg sqj _ JftrtZast. to JstcnnratHS- t/ieru&ri fee cAjUUren. tn- cafitti/c^-. Ustencu* to . tAe tAicJc ciottU *"yZ.cve ntitrder: VU/ruxn. tAe. JCfing nat Aastf£stfATl w <$-a%*> tx/-rtfiexC. jneZtect wtet pcty <£*. 5s stent Ghent, ^ver tAe. narrow sre&s- m UU* the JFbur J^areStg o/ r J /l/Au3n ey go Jprm. <£c return. s^isS cut a. . ■*»fe trUreSf oV lAKxrrutrS: among _ JhrmraZent, tney rmSe tnro an O fta/v &■ Qrexna-.to JfeAanan. &, ^yerjment Tenarletf tAfp-tAe. JEartA.. f& witA cr&eg ai J^ctznis: sAoutsr . ..antes at cCu^fcy jAre . to -rZmaleA. . KSanacrn, JtaAa/illfce a. cUgmaZ anfiL uutefincte. Aovkrvuf CtaucL -, ustaC tp taAe^tc ctezvutie. jfarin. Jfte Jtaverd over aU. tfa> Eaz^n. ~ ey&y^e/tnttB. Ibiyrx. . Chfpr tAA jrentples'. c£rt*iAen& &reansr a/^vSceuxts- Ufe*f>tna Jes't T6£e tAA : at- V'c^C&.-srtTgtEAxl ou&tntsjygefoor-sgreauot. m. hrecu&A joy*™?™- *te /fSffJ&x&istg 0^^^ksro^Ce^'y^J&^' t pj^' ZffltTLcC f£e£>t: an. *S&u£c£a.ws' ta/aj, e6*a*tn,J>y t/ut ^ve^ ttif' Setfutzful. *n£ ■ o. SCtsugTU:: an> J^tourftauiottst & ■ef^t Art£&£r.&e.cLnuag^ca\. teetA\. yorvect drunK wttA pcty > , Aeconting apparent . roup! Su& ^usgitsys' s-cntutC. ' ; % CooA^rcZ pn. aZgzbnsr oCreetct Jree . ^^tocoiaMtsr -snov, ■ 3^. ^tj^r£a^^J^~^ianl 'ttneSBf t/ke ro' ^sAape af J^orctt^yirOttA affa^ns&'tAe Jla. •'■- one gcvtftg stmt. /x. jmrm. qjccaracn^r to £**&tSt: tAe jL>Bt. to. sweet cntoytLcatuLtXr^^^—z* ttA.Zc?£ oa ' f t. i the. wi« af Covers' en, tne^Yaze -press ar\L.u.»aA. r«fer CJasnAeZ jStXAoZ Gwendolen., as piety fang £ean*2ncf CcgAt: ?7ec£ ctAqve_eAe jntbuntxxin. nrieet s-AtUl we ~&o to AeMb s jAJnits tn. our snfe gemots: custr-a^tsd mm. trem*' ii in— i Aatfe heard %TeruSalesnS /groans?/ &mValasf cfiejf'jte, eaAxentatconsf jajather our eternal Jode i Outtasffsf Jram life, and love i » jZlefs' M» -ttui a. Way to, Acnct. these aw/SZ Forms! to our JBndirace we s&iall aeresA ,aneuntZgte . acsooyerpl our ZtelceSeons . ZooA SAttve #rouj%t ^^J^^^^gjQ^ "oleics ■sstrt— «r— > ~~~=>». *.t.*^y*.d japffetner ,en cups ttnj* acshes~„ ■ *3t AeustCecf clay; the jnc3X&, r§&e cs 6ecom6 a ■we&tuu* enfant: > £>odn yffall th&JSZpeetrvs^&CThe 'JDead Jvlcow jny weare*ra^tnreads . listen, in- secret shades > „ ctnctcng Weth^tahaAsclotcd GwenSzcien- spa/a* to GunAeC^u-ncngsv^^the^ sp^tncng^reel ; ._ o.wcng the.wehgd •jtAutae ; op jaFawenS the , carets \*tfh gmtest jsongsf olden? carets, aTTt&e Zooms- ancmate Bkneath thecr touches jrofL. ^ Gte^J&canu. w/ute. a*ruuv*.t*je Jprctut Jempfes , wAue. Gwendolen to ate Jaau0htens arZs%B>uut -ssunituto- orcSXuuza.w.s top • she toah a. JFetlsAoocC 6c Aed it in. Aer yen; AccncL ; Aer ,Sc&er&, away, taJEfaAylan. an JSuPArates '. __ , , . led Aer. le/h Adhdancl, utfkrcC. A&r J^cls/cood .; . cxf es .or-opAetLCf she AutAdr AaZ^CoeAcnd Aer louts resnacn u„desi > Zpams arJSn *?aZesrt. 4e JsaAi e ic tteSperuc *» J/in*£ass&i/u, CAina «£. JZaan. .'~ . „. ^€n*ercc6. .Jot- a. Curse an SUtur of' Victims «&, a. rfobr rtaxx. & Gxncuuv jls pleasant:, JSgyPt eS M as, the Garden ofjEcten, : desere ^JyTodp our Aath ft Siernmer: r f s. Of? this "Tree, Cet,us pLxntr «£ £gtvre Jerusales. ^tnner&to ctecUh Hftthout the Vkt£: Tx/u*..tp close up Aer -srecreC ar/ef ■Ajqcs-tst: tnTxtetrSWimeu* jpenaugnenir remcu/v 'touts' xtoi/U: e&st&cuxL taSotAylfiit. „ . . esr/Snt- Z,pve :. loa/c: &eho(ic7s : ee \ht*rt. Ice / p est tnuet lovely wayward jOursn, -- ., jk Jusr eogfnfiff& eeneart. sny we*4- s t 7LJUu?ee2- tnilh ^&^cLcrt&te of fZaja&iKusi .• \J&iuj?uzn*ey> the Grrear JJe&u&an. : es tAongaeo ^*6r '«5t *Sbcrcnce i _ ISjiqye jtctUd Acs AantCS on. Beth JZqLbptM A. Alv Aanclsr an- J&soiootisW, O tAat: jT cotcU£ live en, Acs srcgAc-; O tfa*t? Tcould Atncl/ J&o -S'a.Ycrt&i iSXa drew ctscde. AZr~Tfed j&am J\fcun. jr 7cu- to jQLsr&pve&rxg he. our. 5o&am. me -sjwe 'Jen ejeji our contentEotpsr aft, UC. ctrtn. t&MFSgyle J* 's'ern&lcrui <£s yle u'a&'ec w± e. deSartsr tr, drew ctscde A_, 'r own. />en&ct Beauty to .t/te JDaugA&ms aC-SUScy,* winding W4rnc_Zfn£aeh ^v^-^-^c^fsC^-a^ i^i. r^«€?5" ae Acs' wr CamAel trentAled With r etwv j*cut.e%ro c ' tmCel fJertcSaZem-. ._ ngucsAcT upon. JV5 JLos" jftcW^tAe an- Jugnc . Oc Jtot cc wee] 'ingSZnTanB • &*j3ed upon, the wind: •se£r jaemkc£, tn.. Aeacctorj ^» thgy sArtnA. tnemsre&es xn Xe< e trem&led J -s/ie endued! Jloamsr chco the JVeart . ihe -Lama *CV and jrAe also, ut-the •a/t Aer eCplarousf tosh czF cove in, th& rWcne-& " '/re the lAfcmt into a,J3rjn* of love Ay -tears' <&> &ausc ' ■, . grow.' trencturur ran thro their Z. concsr.' ^Sorben/S jncld teW the J^frnayeS opend. &. en tears' eran arjnsr _ a she AopCd ever 6Ae g Wuid -j&Wcne tie A\ ne ows" aA ~ZAe ~$cst£0S grfews trenduruf ran^pnro their Z-ooresr.' ^Sorfienjs jn 'ybwaras' Jtondon./ then, they saw the J^frnaes opend. &. ut tears J&egZen. to gctfe thecr jrouCS' ccway tn the Jfurdayes? orahKcctuut, jSaw <3c Was 1 'com&rted at Atsf J'urnaceS uttercngf thus Acs -J^r* ' <*«* Ziythana..Aeeperar r 'tAe Gapes 'of Ifeavett .. , tS thect S eon. out *>cZt \ elcpaGcatte en th& Cfqroiens fu? AlcstS V fctt 0anjzs"6r^ Cove draw jfie ctewse. to rrty.loeres' Which cere leddnxe at fcccnheecm. aPjJeuty je*/f&s ; O J*tZ&eon. ,'aty Arot/zer / voece ■ MWHUCKtl.IBB.-M' MSS5T _» l&eC&y a. <&! aM the Ct&gs' <&stf&Jifa£HBm?JRa£^JW^ ju&ftpJtete? tfrtcfc Manet co fries jr&m. SlfSian. zsv.Jusr&l rsejf cruo a.JMkg&tfy'-atte. pteJ&ou6feJS£b&>:e&4k.€& w &WJ@ii&br avrJUs &**', m*>JE;as'£ J t& pale «xt Ma< aptpstfe. \ r 7S&R £c Tiezb t&y voice lf&3k£uu-<£. t4»e>jg.jba l p&rates. t&s. sDczugAf&ns' ax £&H&i&i&an..L£suti*g* into Ott& asr she teavea tne won JSpcnzue t^faSsftrucixctc* "2er/'i^ecC at tfie *5bas? ofj&6*wt tAey &«*£ die jFizfeJuxscl w/tlc/c ■JfSrtary sttoocC ^roatJsheffk. en t&e ctefarts ^terrcfced. at ec~. \n*ytii& eacJk. eftn&iyet cte&rtng, ettcUL etevouray* afcmfo,,,,^— r— ii mtn MA Z.0OZSt , ast en tuttia txra *attctruig GT< osjfvnst: ano/te O^CoVe&JEjuGkaiym&:I.66kotdt£Y, graceful Zarjrt^ '*■"". JVovutg be^ute jrce tzXC tAtoxtcuzfecLwtZfL. the woven. CaAyrtntk, tfactt JjteV&iM'4*£- ae triune :ez£sfr tnou. Au£e&t\ZUa, ^ufTtcAer tft&s&jtt&res \sfioct: C&jSnat:m& ut a. Gfrc&e , cut are. M%l6uutsr'Pfx6un . Ae Jkas jfietAisrJ&ajnfteer atjtntr 1U. cfs£ujre£C / never wc^ AeZ.cve.,' Sutwhnutnsf spectre J t. agctatzpns ryi earthquakes <&, consuming hstzuulbotAMale &. J c few^^^'^7^^^a^^^w^^ i then can I ever again, be united &S Man. WitA Man. »^N% - ^ thou my AZmanahon refits est my fi6reS of\ . Souls mingle defend Aer^m. Man, Shrill. Create Secret^pUcces hooting out in SW.eet pleasure Aer, bosom .loWd into the ac/une i AttreS otd^os^yet ct n, pri.de sena^ndtn^Ais AibreS qtier~Tz> Aer the little loVelyJzdegoru: JvtgAt ofl, tch. 'A* "^^ach^trepchit^broa^expand^^ east £cy*eSt &nafi ^TTkro all the World of Arch So oFTtOSSo all them the Ocean. eas&Wari^ >rSe to thySelf, contrarcouS - Weave r -*■ -< •* nul/cyA.oVe . y jo.tny own purposes; jor wnen she began, to We Shooting out inSW.eet pleasure Aer, bosom en. situ*. JFjLoWd into the aching . AAreS orZ.os. yet contending against htm. ecUouSy Sullen Snule broke /rvm. the-Spectre in. mockery GuScorn. cty I owing himself 'the author of thetr dwcsconS ' &snrutkuids,grau> ' ■ their contentions'. Ae wiped his tears he Washd Ais Visage Ian, Who respectslt&man sAafl Ae-ftesptSed SyW^man. >aruy cunhuig demean ahjectnezs, only, shaJLen/ay the, } iH make their places' pfyoy <£r LoVe, eKcre/rtentctious. >nttnua&cCestroying in. FasnzZy&uds rl e dominion oFa/e (fa us female -~^ . jr eyer because of" lope &> /eawu&y~.rv^s " Shall Want all the Mtnxt^ ^artLcula^s o^ piAl y-*^v w Jfat-sjigytt the -Spectre in the dusAy foeS of ZassAtorge , eyeing £nit%armon who at AersAinutg Jjboms smgS lulunS cadences JWAUe Z.OS Stood at AiSStnVil in Wrath. theVictmt oEtheir love \s%rul Aate: dividing the Spate afZoVe With bpegen Compasses * Jn, Grotgonoaza 6c av Udan-^/taanS&uxJSntuthon of clrt^en, w* *• c 2A e 6loWo/%s2/antmerisJustu&.thes& SAe A3rce of tsOSSf/ammer is eternal AorgweneSs; out V T *• r fS rage or Ais mildness were sJaui.she SccSterd Acs love on, the Wu astMtard into her own Center, creating the female yvbml \ ntUd Jerusalem, around the JLamA ofCrod. Loud Aowl tf/lpud roll tAeWieelS of£*niJAarmgn. r all thetr Axded majesty burst out ;en tooA the Cup Which jfcqnuCuilxuassuu an the mountains ait/ye & foody day,-* diticM6te-/>resseS CaFXoi/e SSV/ratk . mi ■■ m urnaces' ofJLos'i ^srot^Ic^gcS &Z utr\aA petvrtcvt&tt emcure. mc\ tte other, couerxxg easf&n. Jtec&en, C/iend ' peteald jnq/es&c mage . off. tfe^&t^frte&*)a»ffiMC azvoara. the rgfectecCTSanse afaeatn k itsJScAiR .htctases tf. _rts/2hctax> uisX*very~jrbeJidu£ '.amatm.&e AruJi-Ailfuf t^JPkarafu in, Jus U sf cavcrdL qte juar&jFt;ntPt>te tal'ote Hits' Hosvtrv .Jtoace t rtjfoffc Hi fas? f 4y JhCoctitscL *** -" the. 9Uuis£r afct. cCeVi -jen- t&qyn, the Cbvetfiu* _ S't/uut &Og-meJri'ti&Jctm So, r'rpfnJEfaj&p/ast. to Rome <& Jsit& tne^fecl aty itta. JaSernacee- aelustoa. &^woe Jrom, &ett( \vu~dr6a£fitry crun. ^ -f eatA fa£>o/tr &0/1 Qfvmrt power •scttuyi upoj^. 2 Nw ^y or 'ope ottoms cure. t&e •so-- wtojdeep a*. &>, *aU* etascend. **, ?ymJ3i/u>nJjes f of turret &*££&* harp , , ne Gtr<&e& v ^J?unerta. Wr'aTo* ^Jjeuiuh fUttotn. J<%£fU £ a> 'and. the. Silent: Grave. + the •Oft &.ctre ah s or Id. in Aenuntne separ-apes jfiam. the 5g* to Ae sris JSnuvtattonS. Z, , «Aue tAey ctrctunscrtAe Jus Z&raen. -JsTcart, *cA&; jtBguder to tocuA, dtpatn&U.; dc t&e ^mArcupe of Cave. &. betake. , rja/&cCu>n,.,tAat st*? mare. _ J'kmcntne. Aut tAe SluAume AowccfiLg torment, to budd stone waZAs af Separatum. jMauAas. to Weave curtains aoFAcdtng secresy Jrastt o&grc <&, GatzWenna, stood on^fcedda, rcJroax CAestersJtuier.'Jo __<&£& . tn/mqer into tAe Art can drank <8c.prtAeAed tn& Z.t e <&JLajica£na*e&?We. estjPaa iny/ennecs^r SAoue; aSf^y, cores a^iWe ou£dram. tAe %xnec AfccC Jus JFurnace on-* Z7b 23rocAZ&J*Uls across. tAe crtcel^/trtcCs. ccct Jxeccpen. c WceA ZtCivaA 3c **fi or Gie JVRdJB is «. J^rxtace. oS crieS.' jVo JA^vtacuui . to Acsr, jExnaitjaGuon.. any a£ ZJcu/id. or tKr^J^ye.. arme ; u/no dare . e t&eJB£a&gi>-- Vegetated. CAfist 6& a/vlrgv ZattA&xty', Ay Acs J^TaternaTx ~ JVcdernal JYumancty 'unereZ. Jronm. wan. in, seaiz* caF~. sAe drew *o£den x« &.. Of JyUVCcft 'acsA. / wdAAot £z.HocA t^ao/n, it: j*eacAya. >/e Boadccea 2 7 emate cS a A to. iHoonc] ien/ajnen. pZojaruete. tc us^ecttoo r- Gte i/suMfiensac-u. yVb/rfacn.cu* oJrpte oftSosattA ar % /ecda JC.O, "iStccS to "udaA cs\Z,evc <&.nuistr Ae ~Arc\ _ J5\se, are tAe JFfer* CtttrcAuteS 'ScrtAAe cs tAatJTvct- \JCest Jfexua/ Generation ^ri* \Coaie X,ard \JksuS tzzAe an tAe* Ae put aJF&ten Jle. TernaUy 'atzan- „ Tcngl .oS cneoi en the Va ^uc^eltkood Afancc. &,jzyi \ Z7cvcrve Jfictnes: seeking to z coroareccL &. ever cxyctig _?&Ag nraAjLUVaA en GtZe \JLpetfL ^scream. tJteJD. \JDgcarous are tAe ctrcnA J^euS, are recc Act rSunnSA 7&nXH%'eVen to QSJ&Ji/asi JkTcaCeCAsseje enj , 4e.j Bo*ten ' xetzzte i fetceton. utr erect tnto y may \2AeSe \So_ UltBJyTcU 'cu£xjc*/ofz%/uppers „ y es &C2xpei»e&¥yoet are tfieZ>< spp/ce.jdib.t&e GSuznts.ct/yflAca axs atunaerous Wants, began Tybrds fj-c&tAtAuneCens Z/aci out. o^ffiasf fod of Cre- te &OXXA ehtAe dfjaty jBupAtyJjajruner iuUcC t/LecC <$c asAajneeL m to aZevGccr„s4&'c0* or tOS. lot. , ct-Jftzatre - the tntaxder aF&os &*accti/ulWte/tcvsx&3 ai '% str* \ttra., VOAS. "ixturt anayJVi^ 9 Coud. db tnus Scan., are gr& c& VcMcc, tneAieetecftaC Crc jccri ^ /^r eascer. to ^rgtve ah'llnemy TTue. /nan. wAorjerMctsyou, to ut/t m§..a£so,wa£ l >i trtou. Acne. 1rtee£' to o6ey _ - murderers: thattfrey* '«nUiS.w.*ucA, a. that CpD cs' i & or calurnruxctes: t Mo{y-oste: Go te&L tnetf ft/Yrr-PrrYej t? 'i age & their oaptuthz,, thetr 6ur*utZ~6c cansecri cCcd /naAse friends' by^eorporeaC ^t/cs Sttt Aase incense fctnetr oa enemies': J" never made fae/vcts 6ut' of fri&ids/ap 3c, the severe j£rSZ ,ui &tends%ip& jfus **rc£c appear; So Ae fees'? s%e &jft cpsJFfuxute iotrsne. J snowy s/nUe. v act wit* Cars'. jzt*iSt see _. ;then.aZ>iyuie to see a. MsEon: ut,\ Tars ; Organise S <& not us 6ioiz / est: thffte *£s a.Z3iSor/*aiuAecC I 6c get , *orjrc,- ice &. Virtue, i tune fetter tvne^ 'MoraZLaxtf; V, ^>J*articiuar , enJ^urtrc/i^ans : <£_ every v : a^. every > Jesus . >-r< H>cthoi£t , we: Genoa c ljr$u. catyS&t^weUd &, Ala ' Generac roratS Aave their vzL-^ ctdar is usftoSe& tfiassrtons suzme tn Aeard, Sne ralsd Aer A&clcL Uce the jniCe£ Moon 'ZgmUtrta GioJttsr aflr^lAton. '/jferujt. was LAe thee JtuitzxtA am&ng JitdaA. Wag uAe PalajfuxJKron. : ' How cojv Shear . OrAoW tyton. the 1%£n Z,eS again, took. u/> At& jpeoCA us Enitharsnon. ceast lb occupy &~ Mygtlsry^aAytonthe Great. "The Druid. Dragon. 6c kiddenZHarlot ^ Js ttJtot thatSignal of the Morning Mfhtch Mas told usr tntAs Beginning "2nuj? they conttensie it/torn. JfonxZ/or. the (Traces thunder under their &et * oleL Lays en Ais.Jiocfc-: stursrvs as closed apart fromriuL JvattonS -_-^£_<* Oyer tftem. r cAe fames 'Ad Eagle sere cutis on. 6c/tey h£jtf*S and around, J*em sign If the Wblf of famine deep heaves the ucenn. ^Cach thundering \ r Xrcund the titormy Garments o£/d6um. : then pausing in. deathujce Silence \ spne u>as 'RnisAed ^y/tc BreatAJDiyine JSreatA^d oVe^yilSipn f jr m T Beneajt/t the Furnaces 6c Starry' Wheels and in. the. Jntmarttd Homb I SiruLJzngfund who is Brittannuz, uWofce from Death p/t^fAtons Aosom. \She awoAe/Jcde &c cotd sAe. faulted seven times on, the Body oflAfAiofi ft Stone -hen^.e J haVeSlctut 7um en O ul/.ye /VatzonS oi _ \~y&r£agle 6i the WoLfdc. O Cfod uWake Jhjayt 'y$ZAuin.:i jJ^furderedJ^AuOLtL. OaJc Gloves ^P/fcUdon. ~ - the Drauf C£n4L -djfe the Jealous }?**&*> Td-eyecQwL&c the Kung ^Priest f *~*»-ii#«, ZjGl J* J*& V &^ "•met '— - !■ _ " '•> ^t. > : *tf" .'"'vvJ^Cv; ".." J/er Voice peered. Anions' clay cold ear \ke jnoVecC The Breath ZJuitne went /5c th upon- the Jrort Opatvthe slock, he opesifi Als eyeluxs in "j £tS *Stiany snemSeszs'. Jke. &aw JEngCand. Dunne. w< Wrath, afi r/ortA. over i ''JbreoJung i imp the TteavensrAej. ,wcth hroad- /lashes' or J tneWb/rts eF-Eti .Rock U?/Z.JTWl>d aut/te. jttovcC -Dead uve agaut, JuUs/fUftpn. ^ose. jflammff on. aUSwesfarounl •jetC clothed. inflames Lxrfitmrtg&L.pUlarS' ittrmsffin. cUreiRcL'* ts 1 on aUL ■s'u/es' ' ui heavy clpudLS lUTting Jianot to JpLS^Sheep&td : ^fcerefcre &tefSbftsprZEcten&yujre Z/rthonas Spectre, in \sangj?^ JZecatcjleAe he/ft the Ziu/ineKstan. uutune oiTtrcdblk ,^£^* } styt^dHyt ScI^fooivCeadjfvrufard. tkejhjfionff of Meat/en. ^jEarth JSngland v\>/u> ijrJSrtXtaanut erJterd^i&tons' bo^oJjtTe/oicxng * *** (otctng uiJuS tnaxgna&anfaaart ie who adoreS nciTj'ourJrcWfUfWi mtm ^A.Moon.UeuC£rt^card. thi &ytea#en&EartA, ujfio tS'JBrutartnia entered bosfom. rftotcatg r *e Idteness de^sancuiut cett/u/- -MarcheS a^aa'uSt.dusejdeceiJtt Jjffeuft-S'cneu.AJfvun Edam. Unto tn&WUderstess cfJlidan- VtlcUmess - fan rouLa ^ts GodrtS JLcve: evety- Axaasvrss In, tAe J?L.yute Jm..ige nor can, tSp saying dr£ Cioud ovenrA\jde yllcuan stx>ad az terror: tu>c Jor Ziafuve. t&delt h»o* fart at the ylnd wander at trie JDiVine. 1*1 arcy JDo 7 sleep amicLSt danger en Friends'. Z)ojou. sieep.'rnu.ye up.roiQe ^osflZ/on. jspoAe. u>rt c ^Scon. all araunaC reatatje. tAc7Iea\ j^nd l/rtXen- ct, JLuVa/t nJ\Bc&cfaiThen,^W>can. s Qr~J*&aven, Juaunrhtd wrw/ig iA ettcA ajt.yfr^ cCreh/. *-an~# rrotV-i (ucfer_ ending I «r tneykge&oW. loua^ot^f&MgWZnds sport cjitAeJVountxu., iJJruuCy^pectre **Lsrj2nntJuLa£E. loudtAiuutrutg s-e/ouunj* terriAc tfxntsnui* -^our&UCMn*u/uXa£u>it8c*> i£teon&Jfev^ne. around'-Eyed as ' f tA^ J^acocfC ■* lyrccordtng to the ^wnan^/l^ues of Sensation,, tAeRurl^ivers aftAeVracerorLih^J Ls&kSS. stood: t3uTMuye£c^D^ [JSxpafiSWe JVostnls^estJUtyd tAe /^arentSen^e e/uz longue. JVcrtA stood Jn. tAe^rour .Senses 'to. the.Oatiute the. Circumference *s" oTSuts wAicA is Se> j-e/occtng in. 2/hcty ddttah-.tr is the Covenant cuP^JeAoVcJi, Jh. JrorgweneSs '7AeJourXtt\>tne _ In. oeautzfuCjftiracCiS'es' >tnd tAeJuaur Paces ofJtumanx±y frc/tting tAe /\otg _ Of 'IfectVen. going jtort^ard torrtard U'reSisttAtexromJSternay to Eterruty jfndl theylcanvensed together in Ifewnary £>vjns dramatic j*>Aich\ bright ^rZedauAaecC jfroirt meirTon&ueS' to. thunajgrous' ma/esty. in Vis tons' • ^ J Creatutt Of JfJumtuC dmagmatw/C. tnrougAout altytie 'J7vree JZegu>jts immense O&ytddfaod.rfiitxAood eVerj? CAsxracter>> ^fajFJIunaOt accoretmi* to tfye^Expanston or Contraction. .tAe Jroarsuxcence. or Q&^*u^orV\iervouffJt&resJUcn ^as tte vaructzon of7Zme,&^~Space }VkteJLyary according a.* tAe Organs' apperception, vary &, they -walked, i fro, In. Ater/uty asr OneMan rerteetlm* each. or. eot% Sc cliarty-^reen A ,-5& e ^ :at i cat W , QJttn&S &> OfVer .Sfncc SAeard^fe&oi'ctA SoeaJc 'tAc jffVm, AJs2tqO'J 3 Ciice Sc^a.n' the Moras' of the J\fa£uxdC5^efT^ntI>t Un-tptaruttst oSgoHt. G^/ewets hfcth. Zti/utg Creatures' spzrcy &, j&vnt™ ^^ S^ZX, C^oZoar.Xi6jz^i^er.J^orse.E^A^^.Sa^jyo^e.r^. Wornt. r* S}*u£ tne aM i^&n4£rou^\SerBent ctptAed ut gems' Scrtch. arrayWumanixe da. tAe JForgcireness* aflStwt according to tAy Covenant JehovaAJTAey Ory 1 ^tf re ^$ A Q t * a ¥p£. o/, 'F i :"yP- femoral Vfrt^ of ZutJ/eatAen., ^ nttf* 1 * '^7s e £S f P°£ a \4c. J 5 v i l g"d rooted, beneath ^ cruel Aeel „. M£ SObuins'.Shectre tkeJPatriarchJZrutatlwAere are odt Acs' MuntcutSacrdic& ^rorStn,. en. War &$ t& the d>ru&d, Temples of*t£j> Accuser o/ZStn./heneath 'dtAe k>hote JEar-tA- heneatA Atsr JSoectte attctn- fcrrc the*iga*>&-iAe ^pedrous" C - -^MmtA^re^b^r^^^^ ^ m ^' Z ^^ Creajzu-*r aftAe E«fth\ fdnd from. tAe7Ztr&tW 9 J/atzons o/ 'the EartA among the jLtVta/f Creature. 00/ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00884 3936