fit O-T' t'LJ ^ o * J / ^ \/h^. <- ( < pY— C^/ — */*<-^>, * - T / % ' I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https ://arc h i ve. o rg/d etai I s/catal og u eof val u aOOc h ri_7 JX S'J-SI C) Xf X 2 - & S I / /•’, ’-* •^'" s/s,- 6 c /< <■ sC/ X^>/C t /Ci ///* z y ^s /?a v /& * c,- 'dCststf &■■**■ , s* / ^ u /.^ _ ^ ;/ ///C / ^ ■W* >y. / / / V2? '*^ 1^1 0~S~r J » s-t C^tf* C 7 - s V ys'~ si ^ /3r . ^ ^yc. /*- «y — >w 7*//?? / 5?-^ y/^ / .^r > SS^_,‘ fl#-l- SI J _/' s ,/ (C- /i_ S> si t) s/ / ^SL e, "C /X J .~ /fpa - / C~jr i' r>= L ^ s*/-^ //,/ c c23 <^' ^y x <*- x s y C^Xyi^^,^ 1 ~ s , /Lc^j, c S/Y? /z /Z /C yfy^~z r '/i > £7-r--r^<^, /-t -y /CCt z i « <^ z' y o -Sz>'/i- 2- ^ ,yti c> * / ^y e?2! /?//'.. Xf#/ CY 2t? '. /ft?/ /?V i y X. // /i y> /fSisss C //^, yt-'\S y y ^ z- ^y £ ». C y^ zi-z & «r y y // y /yyy yr/ r ^ y / v y^' S* Y~ /Xs. r- y /t c ^ ; ^ yy z zy y v z '/yy -—- -- //r s •y ' -1 s **■ S \ /* ^ t / /x ^7 ,/Ss / y SX-l- l xS / c. s z'/y, / ✓ "y^y - y/y V ' ’/ / ! 2/’ , ^ t ' /.. ^ , ^ , 4, _ _ . y y " '/X-y //y x z 7 / / t/^y / YI z.-t^ r/. /’-y *-' /?Si^y* , y //5»/ - y?$? ✓ r S'- x/ssj £- y/ y/ y y / /? r / s >■ c srs e— s yy:. c_ Cfy/ / / ► ,y (~r 9~- / > / '/"y * SSt-x.j SS >'' / °/ t /J-- 2 . /- - / yy ’ ■' ' t Si i f.*s s~r cj i/■ x / ^ yy. i^s { / ill x/ /I cs- ,y'e/ ' Z /St? 2 . >o / w £ S'-z-f ^ t/3^ yy/^ ^ / /3c i i. C/ l2- / / y l- / r S£ t '~r * - ^ 3/y^2y ; ^2 7^5 ^.5/ /./az - «_ y^/si y . ^7 *y- si7 Oj.^r eA.^3ss/tyy /7, Tf# 2 27^ 73^^77/7/^ -°- / 4 r> £.^»-<^ sty/ 6 2 i s */7r^e. y si ^ -cs7y / /!.AsS.,~ ^Jfy.. 1A a f /faZ. 7 ' /l ^y7s77ssy » • y s* ( a 7 ~x •/) ' ^ A ^ ^ 2*C % /r r *' A -?-?-* S3y sx- - ^ 77^7 c. v^ , i / /a ^ /y*z — ^ -*" ^7 72?.1 ✓ TsAs «.. t a %3 # yy^z - *32,b 7 72z «- y 7y / S’ /Z ^S a y s Y y* /s#z - — 33 y ^ 7^27^2 -m S3 y yx- 7 77i «- / sf .Z .—j y ct .> ^*--y y%Jy?. t £ q « <■ o /? -£*-?- Si-/ ** - / ^ /2t/ \ / Ti s/ctA a ^ /t * 'yy* /y^^y y*. / ^ 7 2 * ^/2 *-^ «. - 7?si ss //, //? 2 , —37^ /, . 1 / ’ y, ./ 7 (J y A - ^ «i s~// /s> _ AV * / sy^y < V / ,/ . , ./ '/? v- / as * / yy 7*7s ^77^23 - /S#Z r: // /// r 7/s/, i t-s s* / 7A -1 <■ /-Z a ^ y^ - A si. s/’ 2£ 7 y /y < n 2 '~77 <-._-- y c j t.'s /y y >' l ' Sc-'A 7*7-i t. *s /y <.. *s 2'^ " s' f- i C'T.C c„f />k ^ r/»» A/{j s-& si/ , yi / 77 j v sAt y ^ 7^ , '*y>ts- > /7 7/^2~3^y2 y r j/j* S> /l S 3 %72t'S* 3^7^s2- *' / s..''/"/SZt-t:*2 /7. 2'f$ 2s 3 7/C--t^*~ , i' t . /n ✓ X ' i -XX xx x_ l V 7 ----- mss*. 3&? 7/7 ^3a 72cr* » s* ^ t* s 2'2?<^si^e.s'** s** 2 / ^ 7 / * s/y^y it y 2?>, 2$y 2 - *32b 33/ y2 <2£~s 12/2 ,*-, j s> s^ . sl. 2 21/?, 4z s 2'-'* *s A-yr 2 / 23 0 2 — „X V -Z /L'sSQtas^rAy * 7 / 6 / 3'2~ t 7 C *-< «-/ A 2rS Si/TZ/trsCej ^.-^Ay 22 ^ St?/?2s 3/7 £ y ./ c_x s -S. 9 s* \si sr*ss^‘ t /^i's/cts f / ’ // 7 < 7 ) s X x^ss . f ^ / SS / /■ s/ S^'s w * ft'S / trirc. / 2/ l r 2/3S i t, St 3 7/ti < s2r X - . -* 7. cs- C. C S t s St 7 t-S * - ti- > l * s%- '2~ 2^2 -*' t. s 2t s s ^s/y si ■ < 7 y? c rs*--i s2(j Z c. yi2 , A /' 22-1 -ts/s S 7s‘*'*tx. > // 22^7- ^?2 z:a ■ ( £ i > . , b03 a 4 jtnfeM .. * »ovbA Itosa a ft . *«*0 ft* ' .. ii- ^aiblcii Jpflib.iOJlB Ji'IC :6 » ' • . « .r,:> io in. 3 /? .-// ' r »0 Lr:c ?9'i^ • ' nl ^riihnr.7 n gods b‘j*!*>7 hr - fi ffi' T n- ri 9 ""iC f'.-rrrr in? «r •^Of!zJ3 I 3ClJ -ti -* - '*• * - t O' '■ r : ■) . *5 > £ t % ' { • •' •» - ■. :• . 4 ■ I • • ' l * *1 ' n ts- Z/0 Csitalo 211c \% 0 \ Nov, 13 ‘^.iZ zzzate.. OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH and DUTCH [L r'f - 'v J I i i ^ / V * '.1 • 1 . ril" r.’j 'J»i Ol ' [. 3 i HU * ' * A The Property of A GENTLEMAN, Well known for his Tafte in the Polite Arts, and colle&ed with great Attention, at a moft liberal Expence ; Comprifing SEVERAL CAPITAL WORKS OF THE MOST ESTEEMED MASTERS, IN HIGH PRESERVATION, AMONG WHICH ... ■ ' - ' • ■ I ■ • 1 > ARE THE FOLLOWING- * ^ 4 V. A ... 'Julio Romano, Cangiagio, Rubens, Pollidore, Schidone, Vandyck> . Carravaggio, Carracci, Re?nbrandt, Titian, Guido, Sir J. Reynolds, Morland, Giorgione *- Spagnoletto , —j Parmegiano, Seb. Bourdon, Singleton, &c. 1 ■? t’flC.’iiu;. 0 V 3VC . . liJI .V / : O j ' » j /. r 4 Wpufl WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, • * • - - 1 By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, ^ On Friday, November Y3, 1801, and fottowing Day, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. 2.5 Lo be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had at the RainboW Coffee Houfe, Cornhill, and in Pall Mall. ILAP55 - DS:hg(* V# ■ ,iioz::>n ,z.' " CONDITIONS of SALE. - V . . ' V . . ■ ’ I • I. * I "'HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Two or mor* ■* Bidders, the Lot fo difputed (hall be pat up again and re-fold. • • • • r-» . r • ' ■ ■ > II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds as. 6d. And fo oa in pro» portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and t# pay down 20 I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the- Sale. Y. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depodted in Part of Payment (hall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, 0»all be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deiciency (if any) attending fuch Rc-fale, (hall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. A Catalogue, &c. i:.i j 5 • b.i.. Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER the 13th, 1801. PICTURES. ^ if J \T /, / ■■ O ----- T V ENUS and Cnpid " 2 Two of Bacchanalian Boys s '■ / r?Wootten — 3 Two Landfcapes, Cattle and Figures / " /„ ^BafTan —• 4 Two, St. Jerome in a Landfcape /, ^ Tintorett and Salviofi 5 Two, a Landfcape and a Sea Port / „ ^Molenaer — 6 Two, a Battle Piece and a Landfcape s* /# ^Titian — 7 Diana and Nymphs bathing /../«/ 0 G. Notti — 8 St. Peter denying Chrift / ~ ~ 0 V. de Velde — 9 A Sea Piece with various Shipping • ' Tintorett — 10 The Pool of Bethfefda / r- / . & Carravagio and Kneller 11 Three Heads " 0 Kneller — 12 Two Portraits, Sir R. Steele / " / ~ 4 ?Campadoglio —• n A Pair of Fruit Pieces / /^'-^Lancret — h A Pair, Converfations, Champetre /.. 5 - ^Italian — *5 Two, a Female Saint, and 1, the RefurretSlion / - / 3 ~/?y de Hemeflen, 1557 16 Two, St. Jerome, and a Female Head * // ..O. -- 17 Two Heads /O 6 - - - 18 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell / /. /£ .. O Italian A / 22 O G. Pouftin /O " e Cantarii ini " /& - . O - _ / >■ (ft .. 0 Italian ■ / '• 2 / • <7 Angelica ' • O Italian " yp ,. o —.-- / .. /.. o - ' //• 0 Modern y 22 ■ O De Heem .. yj> . ^Monamy * /a -v - --— /, - " yy . /" /Z , ^ ’• S' " y/ .. 0 Van Loo — 0 Richardfon — O Corregio — . . 4 . 2 .. *> /" /• /- ?> /.. /, / - /?> / .. /o '*<7 / - /o yy 2 " 2 3 *. /&. s.. s. s" s ^SDobfon (JBoulanger TwoDi^fr fl’iti St. Catharine, and a fmall Landfcape A Pair of Flower Pieces A Calm St. JeTdfffS- A Nobleman on Horfeback, a Sketch, in the Style &6 V. Dyck Portrait of the late Duke of Richmond Ditto of Handel, unfinilhed Jupiter and Io, after , - Chrift in the Garden, and a Holy Family St. Jerome Two Heads Portrait of an Artift, humorous A Nobleman’s Portrait The Wifemen’s Offering A Garland of Flowers A Warm Landfcape 37 38 39 40 4 1 42 ■43 44 45 46 47 r. atfv i|;r?l‘ .iV v- * \ \ \ 48 A Landfcape, View from Nature 49 St. Cecilia A Fruit Piece A Female Saint Madona and Child, and St. John A Head of King David A Female Head A Landfcape and Cattle A warm Landfcape, after His own Portrait A Landfcape and Figures. Danae, after 50 5 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 ,58 59 2 r - 8 • -0 Fran. Mille " • - 0 Bartolomeo — 60 61 / •■ // .. 6 Rembrandt — 62 2 Z ' ^Hodges — 6 3 2 * ■ .— Venetiano - «S Z •. /2..<^ arrava gi° — 66 3 - S 5 ~— Stella. 67 7 - // ' ©Gafpar — 68 ,/ / 0 . . ^Tintoret — 69 / 3 ,. /$. 75 2 •• 2 ~ ^Phil. Laura * 76 4 . ■ 0 .. ^yQuillinus < > 77 / . / ..^Italian — 78 '8 .. /P. ^Valentini —■ 79 /0 . /O . ^Paul Veronefe — 80 3-3 0 Carlo Cigniani __ 81 // .. 0 ./ ^Rofalba — 82 2-. /2-^mdo *82 3 , . $ ^ J.ulio Romano — 83 2CL . /-v o Leq. da Vinci ” 84 /0 .. /c „ ^Luca Giordano 85 i j J A Landfcapc and Figures A Landfcape with Rocks The Portrait of'an Artift painting (Tchool of} * ' - A Landfcape with Deer Apollo and Daphne, and Venus appearing to iEneas,, *, a Pair, ovals . r\ Tobit reftorrng his Father’s Sight A Landfcape with Hercules Children at Play y y / Q < r ' » ' > A large Landfcape and Figures (ftile of) The Portrait of a Venetian Senator A Land-Storm—capital—from the Collection of Sir W. Hamilton Two Drawings of Heads Three Ditto, Banditti A grand Piece of Architecture Abraham putting away Agar Venus and Cupid— a Miniature The Trinity , Venus after Bathing Minerva, &c. Peter denying Chrilt A whole length Portrait of a Venetian Senator Hagar and Ifhmael, Venus, in Crayons A Copy of Le Vierge au Pelloton } after Two Heads, Drawings, illuminated in Gold Six* original Heads, Cartoons, for the celebrated Picture of the Lad Supper —very capital —-from Sir W. Hamilton’s Collection The Rape of Helen —a large and capital Picture t r r - >- ■ ■ ' ■' A -- . JD: / (. I End of the Firft Day’s Sale* 22a [ 6 1 .K\J —. — ■ i- i!'i > . 0 .;. itwint / . O.o l 7] Jvi- /. / / • /*. 2 . /. / £ .3 /f. X 5 2 *~ 2 . /,, jy 2. A * a /- / . /.. /T“^ Brown i —• /^. ^ V:* Veltfe'^ - • /- O Martorelli 4 —. //—^ Marielki — /%, ... ^jCarpiofti / ^Rubens —■ ^ S - tfVan Dycfc — .» v > ^ Car. Lotti!* r 4 - .//- Sim. Ppfaro /%, - ^ir G. Kneller r /&,. c?De Vos ' — - / * Van ‘Dyck — pPallamedfes « — *5 ~Ct And: del Sarto. v v. .. ^ ^ ^Tintorett —fi * » ^ ^ ^ Old Stone - /5~*»La Rage — - ^A^feamboccio ■*— i. "<7jart.Li/s — S <*Paul Pan-ini'' v' - 2 , - ^Sir P. Lely . — >. . /•/»* /Sir J. Reynolds 2 " <^angiagio // /o.. /Dom. Fetti £ „/£. /kalian 4jTilborgh 24 A Female Figure rn Frefco, ftyle of the Antique, and 2 Heads in Frefco A Shepherd and Sheep -^Cc^rl * ' ABrifkGaie o6er^ ~*..v , ■ - f >• ° A Pair of Landfcaipes . r * A View in Venice with Figures > The Element Fire • . <5 The Rape of the Sabines, a Sketch . . . » A Senate with. Allegorical Figures, a Sketch f®r * large Pifbure, in the Stile of Titian •> v v Samfon and Dalilah — . 1 v , The Annunciation Half-length Portrait of a General Officer \ A Man’s Portrait, oval' fee */*, . N ,36. v A Ditto with a Ruff . .^pldier’s levying a Contribution in a Convent o^^riV —38 Abraham offering Ifaac ✓ Sv_^/ ° 0\ A Landfcape and. Figures, a fpirited Picture *£r^ts/T-v»u>» Charles the Iff. and his Qiieen % The Bath of Diana, with Califto- Italian Peafants, a Pair , Venus and Satyrs (School of) fe tdklFhJ hi Landfcape and figures. Bile of Gafpar Nymphs and Satyrs 5T Flora and Cupid, a rich Piece of Colouring. 52 Madona and Child, fmall y^ ecr c 53 Ditto 54 A Winter Scene 55. The Raifing of Lazarus, a Sketch, and a high finifhed 1 # % Miniature of St. Anthony, and Infant Chrift 56 A whole-length Portrait of a Lady and Child, unfinifhedi 57 Tarquin and.Lucretia -- 58 Jael and Sifera 59 A Military Exercife of Tuikilh Horfe, a very curious fpirited Picture f 60 The Portraits of Tilborgh and his Family -> 25 26 i 1 .27 —'^8 — 29 — 30 3 l "*■ 32 33 34 — 35 •39 40> 4 '» 42 43 44 ' 45 46 47 48 49 d \ s > r I ^ / 3 A .. /A.. c Tinimctc ... Z •• ' //, ^Rubens • —• Z.. 2 •• Palma ij-a M.. Morland «— / 7 .. JJ' . — 3 .. /T -Decker — - y "j Luca Giordano ‘ —r V. ^7 63 A Landfcape 0^?.^/6u 1 64 i/. Francis, a very capital Pidur c _ Tc/sTJo ocsi^Z .65 A Man’s Portrait, es^&r ii .> •u. ,66 Venus chaftifing Cupid ) — .— 67 A Gentleman’s Portrait, half length-^i^f ^^v-/ 68 Sufannah and the Elders, capital- > 69 A whole length of a Lady js/* *}*-* t^r~^ ; .70 The Converfion of St. Paul, capital '7 i A View of Part of (he City-of London, from the' Gardens of Old Somerfet Houfe- The Laft Judgement ^ •' 1 A Proceffioh to the Virgin and Chrift, a defign for a large Pi&ure - <74 The Lad Supper «— » < U - 7^5 The Poftrait ofa Pointer Dog ■' iA‘. 76 ASpdrtfman Going: Out j! ,mi i l'v> 77 Pope Pius'. Vltii. befo/e the Emperor Charlemagne l 1 ■» ii..->78.. .Queen Matilda before the Emprefs Maud - 79 An Upright Landfcape I . Q.» -72 73 < 5 . / •• J 7 ' ^ Sal Rofa z.n^C Ditto — 3 . -/* - Ditto — /O .. 2b arrett o 4Louis Carracdi a Singleton p-O (80 The Conycrfion-.of St. Paul r -« capital P-i£hire.{\^\ .0 j 81^ A Calm a 4 Sea, fin a IE it' • .t . - 182 * An Incahtiati.on, a Drawing, framed and glazed XZ/Zd^^Ti^ • 83 A Pair of Drawings, Diogenes, &c.. ■ 84 . y!? i ;i»‘ 85 The Angel appearing to llagar icZkt i*i *>?*7 , 86 A Views' of Abbey Os/it) — 87 . A Holy Family J +JJ $/ . *.(2 ^ BalTan — 24 • -A* o>VUf0Q i i r — f D y-,88 A CjDtfVFRsATiON, a beautiful and very high finillied I;, Pi 61 urej .equal to Ger. Douw 89 NoaiE Ektpjiring the Ark, a moft-capital Pichwte )• ... % ^ •of,t!i«!..M4ll^- • • *» i ,{*)0 A LaiidQape, a.beautiful Picture — V-v - . iii 1 Jj i.r 11 hr.; ,v |<-,f iA ir lo itutri, i; 5 . r . : irh.u *!• i :'J I .i; ; s.It b L rioH d ju»l- o ' F I N I S. > . >".V S't . . jionv"' T .* ii2-» . . -,v f.’j'j'. l) \i. v c Tolling ul o'.'i. “ t \ il. 'I .i.I bus I dl T :<• i.i* it. 3.1 oi lo’ , { v-ciiT. j J. Smcclon, Printer, i.jS, St. Martin’s Lane. i t t f mm Wm