t Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_84 O-A-T^ZLOO-TTE OF A COLLECTION OF 1 6 W July li La Cl ENGRAVINGS, CHIEFLY HIS OWN WORK, THE PROPERTY OF THAT WELL-KNOWN ENGRAYER THE LATE LUMB STOCKS, ESQ., R.A. (By Order of the Executors ) ; AND A COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS By and after the Old Masters, Portraits after Sir J. Reynolds, Sir T. Lawrence and others, THE PROPERTY OF JAMES WORTHINGTON, ESQ. Deceased, Late of Sale, near Manchester (By Order of the Executors) : WHICH mil lie “olJ bp auction bp Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON A WOODS, AT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James s Square, S. W. 5 CONDITIONS OF SALE. 0 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. JI No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. Tn the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -— On THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are Sold hy Order of the Executors of the late LUMB STOCKS , Esq., R.A. In the Folio. 9 1 Small Engravings, book illustrations, after Harvey, by Goodyear, y &c .—'proofs 26 2 Small Engravings, by J. B. Allen, &c .—proofs 3L Jf _- 3 Tbe Age of Innocence; and Collina, after Reynolds, by S. W. J? Reynolds; Small Portraits, after Sir T. Lawrence, &c. 1 2 v 4 Landscapes, by J. B. Allen, &c .—proofs 6, 5 Landscapes, by C. Cousen, C. Bentley, J. Saddler, and others- proofs 11 6 A Hound, after Rosa Bonheur, by Lewis; Horses’ Heads, after Herring, &c.— pi-oofs 3 7 Richmond Hill; &c., after J. M. W. Turner, R.A .—proofs Jr- A- 6 ./ < 8 Finden’s Gallery of British Art, fifteen plates— proofs —with Jh - letter-press 16 B 2 4 9 John Knox Preaching, after Wilkie, by G. T. Doo— proof before /? letters; &c. 2 10 Lord Mayor’s Procession, after ©. Roberts, R.A., by Goodall— proof ; &c. 3 11 The Death of Nelson, after Maclise ; and other Art Union Plates 12 St. John and the Lamb, after Murillo, by F. Bacon— artist's ^ proof 13 Mater Purissima ; and Mater Dolorosa, after F. Goodall, R.A., by S. Cousins, R.A.— presentation proofs 2 v. / iZ, $ 14 Sylvia, after Sir J. Reynolds, by ditto— artist's proof, signed & 15 Horses at the Fountain, after Sir E. Landseer— engraver's proof ; The Baron’s Charger, after J. F. Herring— artist's proof 2 ZZ~ g 16 The Twins, after Sir E. Landseer, by T. Landseer, A.R.A.- arlist’8 proof, signed by the painter and engraver Jh> ENGRAVINGS by the late LUMB STOCKS, A.R.A, /■2x’% £ 25 18 16 JjVcpix 17 Designs for bank notes ; &c .—proofs 18 A similar lot —proofs 19 Vignettes, book illustrations, &c.— proofs 20 Small Engravings, after W. P. Frith, R.A., T. Faed, R.A., J. C. Horsley, R.A., and others —proofs 23 y //?* 21 Small Portraits, after Maolise, Howard and others —proofs 17 (Zs fy* , 22 Small Engravings, chiefly book illustrations— proofs 50 23 Robinetta, after Sir J. Reynolds ; Souvenir of Velasquez, after Millais —proofs 3 24 Going to Service, after Frith and Ansdell ; Highland Mary ; and if others, after J. Faed —proofs e 25 £ i 26 '21 28 29 30 31 32 f 33 (34 / 8 C 3 35 Dowie Dens of Yarrow, after Sir N. Paton — a set of five ; and others— proofs Highland Mary, after J. Faed ; A Vintage Scene ; &c.— proofs Tam o’ Shanter, after J. Faed— a set of five—proofs 5 At the Brook, after A. H. Burr ; and others - proofs 6 St. John and the Lamb, after Murillo ; Cupid aud Psyche, after Uwins; Ac . — proofs 5 St. Cecilia, after Domenichiuo; Chapeau de Brigand, after 1 Rubens ; aud others— proofs Spanish Letter Writer, after J. Phillips, R.A.; Perdita, after C. Leslie, R.A. ; and others— proofs 5 Peace ; and War, after Sir E. Landseer ; The Fight Interrupted, after Mulready— proofs ; &c. 4 Marie Antoinette, after E. M. Ward, R.A.— a pair ; Uncle Toby, after Frith— proofs 3 Covenanter’s Baptism, after Harvey; Lady Jane Grey, after Horsley ; Ac.— proofs 4 The Sister’s Kiss, after Lord Leighton— artist's proof - Piping Shepherd, after Sir D. Wilkie; and A River Scene, with cattle, after Sam Bough —proofs before letters 2 y/ A Lady and Monk; and Girl with Corn Sheaf, after Scott Lauder —ditto ^ Spanish Village Scenes, after J. B. Burgess, R.A. ditto 2 f ^ Figure Subjects, after T. Faed, R.A .—proofs before letters 2 ? Rubber of Whist, after T. Webster, R.A .—artist’s proof; and one, after Sir A. Callcott —proof bef ore letters 2 // Children’s Tea Party, after Frith ; and one, after J. E. Lander— proofs before letters 2 The Dame School, after T. Webster, R.A.— artist's proof ; &c. 36 37 f 38 39 /lo \4 41 ^ 42 & 43 Claude Duval; Dr. Johnson, after Frith; and other Art Union j? Plates 4 nCOu-^^z-/' 6 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. ETCHINGS BY REMBRANDT— Unframed. ///f 44 Christ and the Samaritan Woman (W. 74) 45 Jan Antonides Van der Linden (W. 266) l?'„ 46 Travelling Musicians (W. 123); and Man with Moustaches, in high cap (W. 319) 2 47 Jesus Disputing with the Doctors; Our Lord in the Garden of Olives ; and The Circumcision 3 48 Joseph Telling his Dream; Head of Rembrandt; and other Studies; and two others 4 " < • 49 Portrait of an Old Woman ; The Sport of Kolef; and others 5 Jr 7^/ 50 Engravings, by L. Cranach, Vorsterman and others ly ~ 51 Old Drawings, by Ostade, Rembrandt and others - 62 Portrait of A. Legros, after himself £, ^ 53 Nocturue > Venice, by J. M. Whistler , ^54 A Street Scene, by ditto —framed /55 River Scene, with cottage and tree, by A. Legros —ditto 56 Portrait of a Man, by ditto —ditto DRAWINGS. f ( £ ^57 St Peter ; and one other —pen and inlc 2 / 58 Gueroino : Study of a female figure —red chalk / « o9 G. Flinok : Study of a man— charcoal /' / * a 60 Rembrandt : The Death of the Virgin—pen and ink j/ck 7 The Property of JAMES WORTHINGTON, Esq., deceased, late of Sale, near Manchester. PRINTS —In Portfolio. HANS SEBALD BEHAM. /<7 , 1 The Labours of Hercules (B. 96-107) 12 N. BERCHEM. ( f 0 62 The Cow Drinking (B. 1) Ar- S. A. BOLSWERT. 63 The Holy Family, after Vandyck; and An Old Woman and Boy, f by Rubens 2 J. BOTH. r ff* & 64 The Stone Bridge (B. 5); and The Ferry (B. 6 )—before the numbers 2 J. CALLOT. *65 The Miseries of War —compete set 18 A A. D UR Ell. c? The Nativity (B. 2) CORNEL1S DUSA11T "7 67 The Village Inn —first slate 8 A. VANDYCK. /./£. 68 Titian and his Mistress 0 CLAUDE GELLti called LOBRAIN. 69 The Harbour, with a sower (D. 13); Going to the Fields (D.,16) LUS (LL„10 )/ H. GOLTZIUS. JL. & 70 The Son of Fridius W. HOLLAR. A. A■ 2 ' L. VAN LEYDEN. p ^73 Solomon Adoring Idols J. LIEYENS. ^ / & 74 Portrait of Yondel ■a A. VAN OSTADE. /^/ 76 The Woman Spinning ; and The Village Feast G. PEUCZ. aK /o , 0 76 The History of Joseph (B. 9-12) DE POILLY. // *Y* 77 St * John th ° Evangelist, after Le Brun— proo /j &//(<& 9 7 7 PAUL POTTER. 78 The Cowherd (B. 14) /- /I ~Z? MARC ANTONIO RAIMONDI. 79 The Holy Family with St. John, called “Vierge a la kmgue cuisse,” after Raphael REMBRANDT. 80 The Ecce Homo (W. 82) G. F. SCHMIDT. ^7 81 The Smoker, after Ostade —proof SUYDERHOEF. 82 Portrait of Hirus Post, after Frans Hals; and The Burgomasters, after J. De Keyser 2 D. TENIERS. 83 Two Etchings V # & C. VERMEULEN. - z? 84 Countess Tassis, after Vandyck —proof 85 The Gipsy C. VISSCHER. J. VISSCHER. r / m 86 Four Subjects, after Berchem ; and throe prints, by various 7 , J. VAN VL1ET. 7 - 87 St. Jerome, after Rembrandt A. WATERLOO. y, 88 Eli in the Desert (B. 136); and two other upright landscapes 3 — — 10 f / 0 89 Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem, by Rembrandt ^ 90 Rat-Catchers; and A Dutch Interior, by C. Visscher— proofs 2 4 / , C? 91 Interior, with figures dancing, after Berghem, by C. Visscher; and Instruction Paternelle, after Terburg, by J. G. Wille 2 / /rf- jf 92 Concert de Famille, after Schalken, by J. G. Wille; Retour du^7^£j Marche, after Wouvermans ; and two others 4 93 Illustrations to the Gospel of St. Matthew, after Franks —a set of four 94 A Water-mill, after Ruysdael, by De Boissieu— proof 95 The Holy Family, after Rubens, by Vorstermans; &c. 8 96 The Presentation, after Fra Bartolommeo; St. John, after Domenichino; &c. 3 £ 97 The Magdalen, after C. Dolci, by Garavaglia —proof ; The Fornarina, after Raphael —ditto ; &c. l/Az 98 Vierge au Poisson, after Raphael; Fortune, after Guido— A proof ; &c. • 4 99 Flora, after Rivera —proof ; Poesia, after C. Dolci; Magdalen, - after Correggio ; &c. 6 yr*l 100 Holy Family, after C. Dolci— proof-, Cupid Sleeping; &c. 8 — artist's i SA 101 The Immaculate Conception, after Murillo, by Lefevre— artist's proof /^Holy Family, after-Carracci, by Bouilliard —proof ; Parcc somnum rompere, afiter Raphael; &c. 4 ' / ' 103 Virgin in Clouds, after Guido, by W. Sharp— proof if/- 104 The Hol y Famil y> with elephant, after N. Poussin, by R. Morghen proof ; and Charity, after Guercino, by ditto —proof ; & c . 3 if7* 105 Sibylla Sarnia, and Sibylla Cumaea, after Domenichino —proofs 5J before any letters 2 11 106 A 107 Abraham and Hagar, after Guercino, by S. Josi; &c. 4 L’Enlevement de Psyche, after Prudhon, by Muller; and Innocence, after Eigaud 2. & 108 Celadon and Amelia ; and Ceyx and Alcyone, after E. Wilson, ’ S by W. Woollett —proofs « ^ * 109 /I no 2 3 in r^ # 0 112 The same subjects ; and Niobe, after ditto, by ditto The Battle of La Hogue; and Death of Wolfe, after West; and Qy one, after Wilkie— proof; &c. 4 S'' Cromwell Dissolving the Long Parliament, after West; Trial of Charles I.; &c. 7 6 /C 113 >.& H4 The Old “ Temeraire,” after Turner, by Willmore— proof ; and Etching; &c. 3 Landscape, with figures and cattle —mezzotint proof S**-- f"- Pas de Calais, after J. M. W. Turner, E.A., by W. Davison— Syf ^ -proof before letters J , f ,0 11B & 116 y. n7 proof befo e F bef The Fair Nun Unmasked, after H. Morland, by Lowry —proofs /f /* before any letters A Girl’s Head, by T. Frye ^ The Wolf and the Lamb, after Mulready, by J. H. Eobinson— Q * proof , £) 118 Lady and Child, by T. O. Barlow— artist's proof ; &c. H9 ^ 120 42F The Ansidei Madonna, after Eaphael, and others —engraver s a - /y proof ; &c. o The Triumph of Maxmilian —photographs ■ A large purtfolio, witlrica rey—^ > , ^122 /, 123 124 7 r, (; V 125 126 Eaux forts sur Paris, by C. Meryon, 1852 —twelve plates Etchings, by G. Cuitt 11 Etchings of Buildings in Chester and Castles in North Wales, by G. Cuitt 14 Views of Kenilworth, and other lithographs ; Costumes of the Monastic Orders, &c. Portraits of Celebrated Painters and Engravers, in four volumes —some drawings ns—) 12 PORTRAITS / 127 Kiug George III., by P. W.Tomkios ; tlie Same, by D. Ormo— proof-, &c. 3 a^2 ^J 128 Queen Caroline, by M. Marabeck; Lady Jane Grey; &c. 3 129 Due d’Angouleme ; and Marie Therese, after Huet Yilliers, by A C. Turner 2 130 Sir Edward Coke, by J. Cooper; &e. 131 King of Bohemia, after Miereveldt; King James II.; and > / others, after Kneller 4 /. / . * 132 Portraits of Nicholas and Dorothea Wadham, &c. a ^133 Charles I., after Yandyck, by R. Strange a' f ' e y f C> 134 Charles I. and his Family, after ditto, by Massard /(jz zs-'' / * *Z / & 135 Portrait of De Boissieu— proof-, and Portrait of Rubens, by Pontius 2 J. i? <0 136 Portrait of Rembrandt, seated — mezzotint, proof before any letters a 7Z » 7 i & 137 Lord Nelson, whole length— mezzotint — a battle in the back¬ ground— fine proof before any letters V' 138 The Prince Regent, after Hoppner, whole length, by W. Say-^ proof cPV&jtTn* / 4 £ f O 139 Boy in a Venetian Dress, after Sir J. Reynolds, by J. Dean y a' —first state _ 7^ /tz * /iZ , 0 140 James Boswell, of Auchinleck, after ditto, by J. Jones —second ^ state §//*&*■ 141 Andrew Stewart, after ditto, by T. Watson 142 Samuel Cousins, by C. Waltner— artist’s proof ; and one other / » /-Z - 0 1^3 Pope Pius IX., after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. Cousins, R.A.— . proof y/yC- ‘ ‘Z 444 The Countess of Derby, after Sir T. Lawrence, by Bartolozzi fcz / OLD DRAWINGS. 145 A Turk of Syria ; A Woman of Mitelene ; &c. Views of Cyprus, Corsica, Alexandria, &c. Views of the Pyramids, Gibraltar, &c. Views in the Holy Land, &c. J. Flaxman, R.A.: The Judgment of Paris Viows of Cyprus; 6 8 13 7 FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowesi and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.