r?S'i,''A/r}< 17 nii ■ .' i'->«7f >.•>■' S) ,rz. \s .yj. I Ji. ffl "^ilAii^A^MllAMA ss-. A. /T^^i X 6^ /y V T. tk ■v#-i yij. ^:^2M^£i^IZ^pMEi ^ I I I I." 'V INDEX OF THE FIRST VOLUME MABBLE SCULPTURES OF THE MUSEUM OF NAPLES 1 . Group called the Farnese Bull , because it came from that Museum. The subject is the death of Dirce lied to the horns of a furious bull by Zelhus ami Am- phion in order to revenge the injury that she had done to their mother An- tiope. Found in the baths of Caracalia at Rome. 2. A lateral part of the same group. 3. A pedestal , belonging to the same group. 4. A figure on horseback of Marcus Nonius Balbus the father , found at the thea- tre of Herculaneum. 5. A like figure of Marcus Nonius Balbus the son , found at the theatre of Her- culaneum. 6. A Colossal figure of Hercules, found in the baths of Caracalia at Rome. 7. The back side of the same statue. 8. A Colossal figure of Flora , from the Farnese Museum. 9. A Colossal figure of Augustus silling , from the Farnese Museum. 10. A Colossal figure of Apollo silting, in porphyry, from the Farnese Museum. 11. A Colossal figure of Atreus carrying on his shoulder one of the sons of his bro- ther Fhyestes , from the Farnese Museum. 12. A Colossal statue, representing the Genius of Rome, from the Farnese Museum. 13. Group representing Venus Victrix , and Cupid, from Capue. 14. Group , representing Bacchus caressing with his left hand the Genius of wind from the Farnese Museum. 15. Group , representing Hercules and Omphale , from the Farnese Museum. 16. Group, representing Orestes and Eleclra , from the Farnese Museum. 17. Statue of Jupiter from the Farnese Museum, 18. Statue of Juno, from the Farnese Museum. 19. Statue of Minerva , from the Farnese Museum. 20. Statue of Pallas in a fighting altitude, from Herculaneum. 21. Statue of Aesculapius, from the Farnese Museum. 22. Statue of Apollo playing on the lyre , from the Farnese Museum. 23. Statue of Diana huntress , from Herculaneum. 24. Statue in oriental alabaster , representing Diana of Ephesus , from the Farnese Museum. 25. Statue of Isis in gray marble , from the Farnese Museum. 26. Statue of Venus Callipyx, from the Farnese Museum. 27. Statue of Adonis, from ihe Faruese Museum. 28. Statue of Anlinoo , from Capua. 29. Statue of Atlas, from the Farnese Museum. 30. Statue of Aristicles , from Herculaneura. 31. Statue of Homer , from Herculaneum. 32. Statue of Agrippina silling , from the Farnese Museum. 33. Group, of a Faun and the boy B.icchus , from the Farnese Museum. 3i, Statue of a Faun, found at Armenlo ( Basilicala ). 35. Two statues of gladiators , from the Farnese Museum. 36. Group of Ganymede and the eagle, from the Farnese Museum. 37. Cupid entangled in the tail of a dolphin from the Farnese Museum. 38. Group, of a Nereid, sitting upon a marin monster, found in Locullus's villa at Pausilipe. 39. Trunk of a figure supposed to be Psyche , found at Capua. iO. Trunk supposed to be Bacchus, from the Farnese Museum. 41. Trapdzophore representing Scylla in one side, and a Cenlaure in the other. i2. Two busts , the one of Caracalla , ihe other of Lucius Verus, from the Farnese Museum. 13. Two busts , the one of Homer , and the other of an Indian Bacchus , from the Farnese Museum. 44. Two other busts the one of Dcmostenes the other of Solon, from Museum. 4 5. Two other busts the one of Licurgus the other of Euripides, from Museum, 46, Two bas-reliefs, the one represeniing Apollo in three Graces and the other Or- pheus Eurydix and Mercury, from the Farnese Museum. 4-7. Bas-relief representing Venus, advicing Paris to seduce Helen , from the Farnese Museum. 48. Bas-relief representing Hercules, raising the tripod to Apollo, found at Cuma. 49. A crater adorned with a very remarkable bas-relief, where Mercury is delivering Bacchus in his childhood to Nymph Nysa and other personages dancing and celebreting this feast found in the ruins of ancient formies near Gaeta. 50. A puleal with many figures of Gods from the Farnese Museum. 51. A Bacchic (^crater) from the Farnese Museum. 52. The lateral part of the same ( craler ). 53. A Vase, around which is sculptured a bacchanal, from the Farnese Museum, 54. A posterior part of the same vase. 55. A large candlestick, from the Farnese Museum, 56. Another almost like, from the Farnese Museum. 57. A lustral basin, from the Farnese Museum. 58. A large lustral basin in porphyry, from the Farnese Museum. 59. An Antique red basin from Pompei. 60. Tripod in ancient red, from the Farnese Museum. COLLECTION OP THE MOST REMARKABLE MONUMENTS OF THE m PUBLISHED BY RAPHAEL GARGIULO CONTROLLER OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ARCHIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF ROME OF THE ACADEMY OF ATHENS FIRST EDITION ROW PUBLISHED VOL. II. NAPLES 1869 Priee thirl) francs .r '.^^ ^ r / wmmwmm^ mmmBm^mmmmmmmmm.m%. /i. ■q ^ z% •J' I -»'\ /*«'. JA. ?tr u io. I ' ' ' ■■■[-•;■ I rrrm ••'/ "tnur: -T h cli ?>7. r-r^r/y-rVN ^y^fv-j-i^^'^ .3^ .y) ri J /m ^i i5. W (i.UKAAJ m [1.1 IM wkmM '■ vh WrMM I I I -1 — I I I j/K.^^ mm^ '1 d. oo •^ SI ::imMMm^i^^^^^^m:3^ MmMm ims:^ ^ '-'^'''^'^^^^^mE^^^^f^mm ufiimi ■ I i-Tn-n H-J \ ■fUTUTll ""v^- ■ •'9 IXDEX OF THE SECOND VOLUME BRONZE SCULPTURES OF THE MUSEUM OF NAPLES 1. Statue of a drunken Faun , from Herculaneuno. 2. Statue of Mercury at rest from Herculaneum* 3. Statue of Apollo in the act of sibrowing an arrow , from Pompei. 4. Statue of Camillus , or a minister of altar , from Pompei. 5. Two statues of young dancers , from Uerculanem. 6- Two statues of young discoboli , from Porapei. 7. Statue of Faun sitting in the attitude of sleep , from Herculaneum, ] 8. Statue of a Narcise , from Pompei. 9. Another statue of Faun , in the act of dancing , from Pompei. 10. Statue of a Silenus , from Pompei. It. Another small statue of Hercules , from Pompei. 12. Statue of young Hercules in the act of strangling serpents from the Farnese Museum. 13. Posterior part of the same statue. 14. Two statuettes on harseback , the one of Alexander the Great , and the other of an Amazon , from Pompei. 15. Two other statuettes , the one of a Osherman , and the other of a boy , from Pompei. 16. Two other statuettes of two young emperors , from Pompei. 17. Two other statuettes , the one of Venus found at Nocera , and the other of Fortune , from Pompei. 18. Two other statuettes of Fauns sitting , from Pompei. 19. Three other statuettes of boys rising , from Pompei. 20. Two small statuettes the one of Jupiter , and the other of J6no, from Pompei, 21. Two other like statues , the one of Bacchus , and the oiher of a Baccant , from Pompei. 22. Two busts, the one of Seneca, and the other of Ptolomeus, from Herculaneum. 23. Two other like busts , the one of Saphs , and the other of Plato , from Her- culaneum. 24. Small hermes representing two heads of Bacchants , from Pompei. 25. Other like herraes , from Pompei. 26. Two gazelles , from Herculaneum. 27. A horse , Herculatieum. 28. A colossal head of a horse , from the Colombrano Carafa Museum. 29. Bisellium , or a chair of honour , from Pompei. 30. A very fine tripod , from Pompei. 31. Another portable tripod , from Pompei. 32. A magnificent candlestick , found at Pompei in Diomede 's house. 33. Another candlestick , from Herculaoeum. 34. Another smaller with two handles , representing a Faun silling , from Pompei. 35. Another with three steps , representing an Hislrion , from Pompei. 36. Four different candlesticks , from Pompei. 37. Four different supports of lamps , from Pompei. 38. Six different lamps , from Pompei. 39. Two lamps and a lantern , from Pompei. 40. Different pieces of Greek armours , from Pompei. 41. Other Greek armours , from Pompei. 42. Other armours , found at Arniento ( Basilicala ). 43. Several ornaments or horses , from Pompei. 44. Two vases , the one called prefericulum and ihe other rhyton , from Pompei. 45. Two other vases , the one called prefericulum , and the other a cup , from Anzi ( Basilicata ). 46. A Vase called prefericulum of a very elegant form , from Ruvo. 47. Another prefericulum called of the eagle , from Pompei. 48. A vase in the form of a wine skin , from Pompei. 49. A large vase with the handles to volutes , from Ruvo. 50. Another like vase , from Pomarica ( Basilicala ). 51. Vase in the cylindrical form , found at Pomarica (Basilicata). 52. Vase in the conical inverse form , from Uerculaaeum. 53. A Boiler , from Pompei. 54. A portable kitchen , from Pompei. 55. A Brazier in the square form , from Herculaneum. 56. Several vases and utensils for sacrifices , from Pompei. 57. Other vases for sacrifices , from Pompei. 58. Other vases for several uses , from Pompei. 59. Other vases also for several uses , from Pompei. 60. Several objets, that is to say, balances, staderes, compasses currycombs, from Pompei. c^V- COLLECTION OP THE MOST REMARKABLE MONUMENTS OF THK mm ¥ tf^it bUi i iiailJ mi PUBIJSHEl> BY RAPHAEL GAR6IUL0 CONTROLLER OF THE NATIONAL MUSEDM HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ARCHIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF ROME OF THE ACADEMY OF ATHENS FIRST EDITION NOW PUBLISHED VOL. Ill iXAPLES 1869 Price Ihiil) franc* ^ /o // /Pi. 9 |! ! 1 M^ !| -i..^ '^ -"->- ■,-L-^ .WM.:\ 19. \ Xl \ ! J12. X£> ^/. Zb -jj ^ r^ J •7i- H h .7.^. di. .'0 =^^s^^'^^ 4 ;'i 3x,,r /.I //■ f^_ a ., / : ■,# ■~NV-f4 ^'4l I L^^r ^ H. n lli ,fp r i -■^y I . . i . \ ' i \ ^\ ,): . . — ^j — L^ — L^ ' ' ' ■ ' ■ ■ — rrrr; i \L ,,.-■"- ■•:-' ^^o*' '■■ -■ ^*wr^^ -^A ,1.6 V 5 T f' ^ 1^:1 2 .4 < ■ Si) 5- z 1 < § ro ,i'A ^ .''r. ro:M(¥Fi ^ :;^''- ->^, !3^ ^FV^ ^5 #.^^ .rs- 6o IIVDEX OF THE THIRD VOLUME CONTAINING ENGRAVED STONES OBJECTS IN GOLD AND SILVER, MURAL PAINTINGS AND MOSAICS OF THE MUSEUM OF NAPLES ENGRAVED STONES. 1. A large drinking cup in oriental sardonyx of different colours representing within engraved in relief the divinities of Ej^ypt. 2. The exterior part of the same drinking-cup volure on is carved Medusa's head, from F.irnese Museum, 3. Seven precious stones , representing different subjects , from Pompei. 4. Nine precious stones , representmg different subjects , from Pompei. 5. Eight other precious stones aud engravings , from Pompei. 6. Ten other precious stones and engravings : from Pempei. 7. Eight other precious stones and engravings , from different collections. 8. Eight other precious stones and several engravings , from Pompei. ARTICLES /iV GOLD, 9. A very fine neck-lace , and other articles , from Pompei. 10. A neck lace and other articles , from Pompei. It. Another neck-lace and other articles , from Pompei. 12. Another neck-lace and other articles, from Pompei. 13. Another neck-lace in greek arcadian style , and other objects , from Arraento. 14. Another nock-lace in greek arcadian style , and other objects, from Pompei. ARTICLES irt SHYER. 15. A very Gne drinking cup, upon which is seen in relief a Centaur and Centauress, from Pompei. 16. Another drinking-cup with the same subject, from Pompei. 17. A vase in the shape of a drinking glass, on which is seen in bas relief the Apo- theosis of Homer , from Herculaneum, 18. Cup and other articles , from Pompei. 19. Another cup, and several other objects, from Pompei. 20. A sundial , and several other objects , from Pompei. NVRAL PAINTINGS. 21. A picture, representing Chloris asleep, from Pompei, 22. Another picture representing Achilles and Briseis , from Pompei. 23. Anolhcr representing Dirce drawn by a bull i from Pompel. 21. Another representing the sacrifice of Iphigenie , from Pompei. 25. Perseus saving An iroraeda from the sea monster , frooi Pompei. 26. Another representing Venus and Adonis , from Pompei. 27. Another representing Bacchus and Siienus , from Pompei. 2S. Medea musing on the murder of her Children , from Porapei. 29. Another with three Histrions , from Porapei. 30. Another representing three Histrions , and other objects , from Pompei. 31. A woman selling cupids , from Horculaneum. 32. Another representing a painter copying a herraes of Bacchus from Pompei. 33. Another representing a young girl sitting at her dressing table in the middle of three young girls , from Pompei. 34. Another representing the three Graces , from Pompei. 35. Another representing a musical meeting , from Pompei. 36. Another representing a tragic poet , from Pompei. 37. Another representing Achilles , and the Centaur Chiron , from Pompei. 38. Another representing young Bacchus playing with a panter , from Ponjpei. 39. Another representing some Centaurs , and Bacchants , from Porapei. 40. Another picture with the same subjects , from Herculaneum. 41. Another representing some Satyrs and goals , from Pompei. 42. Another representing some Tritons , from Pompei. 43. Another representing some Satyrs dancing oo a rope , from Pompei. 44. Another almost like , from Herculaneum. 45. Another representing three dancing girls , from Herculaneum. 46. Another representing two dancing girls , from Herculaneum, 47. Another representing the same subject , from Herculaneum. 48. Another almost like , from Hercuianeum. 49. Another similar , from Herculaneum. 50. Another similar , from Herculaneum. MOSAICS. 51. Great Mosaic representing the battle of Issus , between Alexander and Darius found in the house of Faun in Pompei. 52. Another representing a Bacchanal , from Pompei. 53. Another representing three Histrions , from Pompei, 54. Another representing a comedy , from Pompei. 55. Another representing the Genius of Bacchus upon a lion , from Pompei. 50. Another representing different species of fish , from Pompei. 57. Another representing the entrance of a house, and a column from Pompei. 58. Another sepresenting an Ediculum , from Pompei. 59. Another representing a cat , and other animals , from Pompei. 60. Another representing a bird and dog , from Pompei. COILECTION OF THE MOST REMARKABLE MONUMENTS OK I HE 11 L 1 1111 Pi BLlSIiED BY RAPHAEL GARGIULO COMUOLLEK OF THE NATIONAL MUSKLM HONOKAIW MF.MBEK OF THE P.OYAl. ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS AISD COKHESPONDlNr, MEMBER OF THE AUCHIOI.OGICAJ. INSTITUTE OF ROME OF THE ACADEMY OF ATHENS FIRST EDITION NOW PUBLISHED VOL. IV MPLES 1869 i'rite lUiilN francs s. )J ---\ ^m^w T .^nr r.r\r r.r-.^r- f(' // ^TTyit i|ltMttWmifIMU88Mt^M ttMt!i> tM»MMMilM »llUnmH9^H»UllUntlMmiH tTmW \ 1 I I . —I — I I " i z^ =d A'y MM .b- ^ - , 21 ^ISks^ //^^^i>^ U'^ Ai- ^:a ''^1)1 i\ T) C-:)' -^ / -> 'f^/f^ - S S I I •^ \l / a^ / =lfz> / 1 — . — , — i — , — . 1 :!^':::!:y _i ! ^^^^^^^^^^M^^^^ n iU'uiUiiu.LVJ TnrW^ _^sj f iHli '/• sr^/' ', 'J ■ u I u ■ uj u I u ■ u ' 1/ u f, u ' Uf y ' u ' u ' u ) u : u I u, u ' u u ' gi u i ujiUi.ui! u ■ u ' u ' o ' u ' y ' u u ' y ' u u ■ u ' y ' u ' 'j ,' u ' u fi u n u ' u inroTTjf y u,'u.MjnjjUiU!UfU,Ufmuiiu.'iu.'u muju u i.u'u u.u u.'ij.u'u u u''J y''y;i:^'y/Uj i^^^'^Sfei n. IU_— ( 1 ^^ fMJ [ ^ \B 'i^^ \^\m\m \^.\\m]iM MMJMJlMnMM^ / T immmr:^im[Mim\':^4mmm\:^im(^m\^imi>^^'i r\ A i i .>KC^[MJf^!•MJ^x;.■:'|f^fMJ[^gj^[MJ^[M^^^jlMJ[ml|^M]^« S3. ^SMS^^^m^^^^mS'S^^ 1^ < < Uj ■e- K < vf-j Q v^ I < iJj W}[\^ m m\ raiir^ ^ elJ Eli mMilM. A !> H ^ ''> ' ^ L r A A A. C ^mmimnmimimBima^f^iss t — r- ','0 pj ' pj 1 1^ ["pH I iytu [ pD [ pH ra [pi|[p] i i< I A I I ■'rrrt ""3IH. ^_C ^^- 1! I [VAyjA^jx^mMy^yM^JAmiJU'mvjuMPJMmm^ sn-^. W\ 'm\f/. ^:;iipWiSBiaKl^^ f^^ Til HIM H ,S"li .ii m HP HiiiiHiiim s C ':pm^JMm^}^^MMS£M:^£^ //.(" «»ilt ^ _ WIF^^^TlM^pTmnT^ S \Mi ^s=wrrr=WT^pTT' r Cc^'. ^T^^Si ^gfts^i- Wi^, -vao. _ . #-^ K^X@\^v^X@\^X@\®:'^\^ o-/^E '^"•••'- ) \^\^\^)Xg\@\(g\^x§\gX (^. ^x©\^\®\#\^\@\^^v®\i^^^ r /■7 L^iS sjM ^ iH] [^ \m\ IS ^ ^ m 1 1 i I m 1 i i I i i t t ij a I i a i 1 i i 1 I 1 i I 1 I i i 1 M 1 1 1 I 1 i 11 1 ^ .fj. ""x?^ I I 'I T — ' s^ iiWiiii^HQPWli c *•"•' ■ - ,fe^' 'i' --^r^u fm 5^U -//[[v ^\ii-_ ■■ iiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiMiiHr ^ . . \ *'« ^ ^ I I — r- INDEX OF THE FOURTH VOLUME COKTAIiMNG TERRA-COTTA SCULPTURES, AND PAINTED ITALO-GREEK VASES OF THE ni U S E U m OF NAPLES ARTICLES TN TERRA-COTTA 1. Slatue of Jupiter 5 from Pompei. 2. Statue representing JAiio , from Pompei. 3. Two statues, representing an actor, and actress, from Pompei. 4. Four statuettes, representing a priestess, and priest, Apollo, and an Etrurian divinity , found at Armento. 5. Two small reliefs, representing two Nymphs on the Tritons, found at Arraento. 6. Two oilier small reliefs, representing a Nymph on a Triton, and a Satyr with a shegoat , found at Armento. 7. Two vases in the form of gourds, from Ruvo. 8. Gutlus, representing a little Silenus lying, from Ruvo. PAINTED VASES 9. A vase called Urceolo, representing a phrygien slave keeping a swan, from Ruvo. 10. Another Urceolo, representing a boy in the spies of a crocodile, from Ruvo. 11. Another Urceolo, representing a head of Racchus's priest, from Ruvo. 12. Another like vase, representing the head of Phrycien, from Rari. 13. Another almost like, in the form of hermes with two heads, the one of a Faun, and the other of a Fauness, from Ruvo. 14. Another like with Ihe head of a Satyr, and Racchant, from Pomarica. 15. A drinking vase, called Rhython, representing the head of a lion, from Pompei. 16. Another Rhython, representing a serpent, from Pomarica. 17. Another Rhython, found at Nola. 18. Another in the form of head of Griphon, from Ruvo. 19. Another in the form of head of Dragon, from Ruvo. 20. Another in the form of head of slag, from Ruvo. 21. Another in the form of head of wild-boar, from Ruvo. 22. Another in the form of head of tiger, from Ruvo. 23. Gutlus in the form of a lobster, from Nola. 24. A vase called Praefericulum, representing the head of a Gryphon, from Pomarica. 25. A vase, representing in bas-relief Priam wear the body of his son Hector , ano other Ggures, from Ruvo. 26. Another representing in bas-relief Astyanax hidden in the Hector's grave , and other Ogures, from Ruvo. PAIXTED ITALO-GREEK VASES. 27. A cup, representing two small quadriges, from Nola. 28. A patera, representing Ulysses, with his friends, from Nola. '29. A vase representing Minerva fighting, from Nola. 30. A like vase, representing Hercules, chaining the Cerber, from Nola. .31. A vase with throe handles, representing the ruins of Troy, from Nola. 32. A. vase called Olfa, representing a libation to Bacchus, from Nola. 33. A vase called Langella, representing Ajax leaving his family, from Nola. 34-. A vase called Campana , representing Bacchus , Comus , and some Bicchants , from S. Agata dei Goli. 35. A vase, representing Hercules in the Hesperides "s garden, from Poeslum. 36. A vase, called Calls representing the tree with the Dragon of the Hesperides's garden, from Pomarica. 37. A vase with three handles, representing two figures swinging, from Ruvo. 38. An urn, representing the Agameonon 's grave, with his two danghters, from Anzi. 39. Vase of parfum, representing Bacchus and Arianna, from Anzi. 40. A vase representing two warriors , from Nola. 41. A vase representing a priestess, from Nola. 42. A vase representing a Faun and a Nymph, from Nola. 43. A large vase, representing the Archemor 's death , from Ruvo. 44. A design of the principal part of the same vase, representing Archemor on the funeral bed, and some figures carrying some gifts. 45. A design of the posterior part of the same vase, representing Atlas keeping the globe, and Hercules helping him. 46. Designs of the pictures of the neck of the same vase. 47. A vase with three handles, representing Apollo sitting, and Cassandra, from Nola, 48. A vase representing the Sun, from Ruvo. 49. .4 vase called Calyx, representing four Fauns, carrying upon their shoulders a great wine skin, from Ruvo. 50. Another like, representing the challenge of Apollo and Marsias, from Ruvo. .51. Another like, representing Diana huntress, from Conversano. 52. A vase of parfurae, representing Orpheo sitting among several figures, from Ruvo. 53. A vase, representing Cybel silting among several figures, from Ruvo. 54. A vase with handles to volute, representing a fight bet^^eeo (Grecians and Ama- zons, from Ruvo. 55. A design of the anterior part of the same vase. 56. A design of the other part of the same vase. 57. A cup representing two fights of Greek, of Troyans, and Amazons, from Nola, 58. A vase 5 representing Hercules raising the. tripod to Apollo, from Pomarica. 59. A vase in the like form, representing a boy riding, from S. Agata dei Goti 60. A vase called Hydria, representing a Phrigian traveller riding on a caojel, from. Nola. End of the fourth Volume. " r "mm iMlisii^Qiii ivVlV M Ml M IMmm s.\,''.:.:',.'^' #5^