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British Portraits and Historic Prints.
Collection of British Portraits
Consisting of
The Sovereigns, Princes and Princesses, Peers and P^resses,
Statesmen, Knights of the Garter, Dignified and Inferior
Clergy, Men who have signalized themselves in the JNavy
OR Army, Gentlemen Commoners, who have been in great
Employments, Patriots who have rendered bERViCE to their
Country, Lord Mayors, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Merchants
OF the City of London, the Costume of the People, Ambas-
sadors from Foreign States to England, the various sove-
reigns of Europe connected with the Political History of
the same, and Illustrious Strangers who have visited bRi-
TAiN, Literary Characters, Artists, remarkable Persons
WHO h we been notorious for their Eccentricities, or evil
Actions; and Historical Prints illustrative of the most
memorable Events of the History of Great Britain, from
the earliest Period of its History, and first Invention of
THE Fine Arts, brought down to the present Time ;
The Works of Delaram, Elstrack, the Faithorne’s, Hollar,
Loggan, Lumley, the Passe’s, Place, Smith, Robert White,
Barra, Vandhtebanc, Rembrandt, Edelinck, Nantueil, Au-
dran, &c. THE Proofs and Variations innumerable, Private
Plates, Unique Prints, and Miniatures, unknown in anv
OTHER Collection, or Public Repository.
Forming the most Splendid and Rare
-Hitherto submitted to Public Sale, and collected with the true Classic Taste of
the Fine Arts, at a most liberal Expence,
By the late Sir James Winter Lake, Baronet-.
(By Direction of his Executors),
At his Auction Room, 194, Piccadilly (opposite Albany
On MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1808, and Eleven following Days,
(Sundays excepted.)
X^atalogues, price 3s. 6d. to be had of Mr. Cooke, Oxford ; Messi's. hnott and
Lloyd, Birmingham; Mr. Deighton, Cambridge; Messrs. Constable and Co.
Edinburgh ; ^tr. Archer, Dublin; and of all Uie Booksellers uillie pruicapal
Towns in England, &c.
1 . The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any Dispute arise
between two or more Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall be imme-
diately put up again, and resold.
2. No Person to advance less than Sixpence ; above One Pound,
One Shilling ; above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Sixpence, and
so in proportion.
3. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode,
and to pay down Twenty per Cent, in part of Payment of the
Purchase Money, in Default of which, the Lot or Lots, so purchased,
ahall be immediately put up again, and resold.
4. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s
Expense, within three Days after the Sale is finished, and the
remainder of the Purchase Money to be paid before the Delivery.
5. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the
Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited; all Lots
uncleared, within the time aforesaid, shall be resold by public or
private Sale, and the Deficiency, if any, attending such Resale, shall
be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale.
Any Lady or Gentleman who cannot attend the Sale, may have
iheir commissions faithfully executed, by their
obliged and most obedient Servant,
XJ PON introducing to the attention of the Lovers of the Fine
Arts a Collection, consisting of the most brilliant Specimens, the rarest
khd most numerous which have been submitted by Public Sale, it
will, I trust, not be thought presumption, in saying something
to explain my motive in printing a Catalogue of this Part
separate (from the other Works of the Great Masters in the art of
Engraving, belonging- to the late Sir James Winter Lake), which
are contained in Forty Volumes, Imperial Folio, inlaid
WITH FINE Dutch Paper, on which the Portraits, &c.
History, and the first invention of the Fine Arts;
beginning with the Sovereign of each period, with every Portrait and
Historical Engraving relative to the Royal Family, Princes, and
Princesses of that reign, the principal Peers and Peeresses, Ministers
©f State; Knights of the Garter; dignified and inferior Clergy of note;
men who have signalized themselves in the Navy or Army ; Gentle*
men Commoners who have been in great employments ; Patriots
who have rendered service to their Country ; Lord Mayors, Aider-
men, Sheris and Merchants of the City of London ; the Costume of
the People ; Ambassador^ from Foreign States to England ; the va*
rious Sovereigns of Europe, connected with the Political History of
the same ; and illustrious Strangers who have visited Britain ; Lite-
rary Characters, Artists, remarkable Persons who have been noto-
rious for their Eccentricities or evil actions; with a summary His-
tory relative to the reign, and a Biographical bketch, many of which
are original matter, in MS. of every person whose portrait is in this
Collection. The First Volume begins with Introductory Matter, the
Britons from the time of Caesar, the Saxon Heptarchy under Egbert
the Great, and the Fortieth Volume with our present and much-
beloved monarch, King George the Third.
The admirers of the History of England and Europe will be
highly gratified with not only our own histoiy^ but the complete
biography of the same from the remotest time, arranged with the
true classic taste of chronology i the collector, amateur, and ad-
mirer of the graven Likenesses of the greatest Heroes, Statesmen,
and others, will not only find a sufficient treat in such precious gems;
but innumerable original Miniatures of the most dignified persons,
specimens of the Arts in the early and Monkish times, which shew
much ability and reflect credit on the artists during the rudest and
darkest period of our history.
On that account, and to keep a Collection of such interest,
magnitude, and excellence, fit for the Repository or Cabinet
OF the Sovereign,^ the Library of the Noble Fami-
Depositums, that future generations may benefit in viewing »
series of engraved British Portraits and Historic Prints, descriptivo
of the rise and glory of our country, with every thing interesting
attached to the same, which should not be divided or tore asunder.
Considering the impossibility that ever such another Collection can.
,be purchased at any price, it containing many never seen by the
late Right Hon. Horace Walpole Earl of Orford, the Rev, Mr.
Grainger, Mr. Ames, See. I will be ready to dispose of the whole
at a fair valuation, v/hich is fixed, at any time on or before the 1st
day of March, 1 808 ; and, if that price is not given, they will then
be fairly submitted by Auction, without the least reserve, in tha
prder in which they are arranged in the Catalogue annexed ; and
it is to be understood, that no answer to amount of price by private
contract will be given, except to principals; and it is hoped na
offence will be taken in not answering any on the subject who may
only wish to gratify curiosity.
To illustrate the innumerable gems and rarities surpasses my abi-
lity, and would extend the present Address to too great a length.
To shew the original rise and progress of the same, the Preface,
as wrote by the late Sir James Winter Lake, is annexed, which ex-
plains more his comprehensive and intelligent mind with regard to
tills part of his Collection than any thing 1 can say on the subject.
^ Heads FOR a Preface to the Collection of Por-
“ A great part of the Materials for this Collection was made during
my stay at Trinity College, Cambridge, where I had collected toge-
“ ther many Engravings of Heads, principally for the beauty of th«
engravings. By the time Mr. Grainger’s book on this subject was
“ published, they had increased considerably ; from his plan I began
“ to methodise them, and pursued his ideas of collecting ; but finding
many and gross impositions both of engravers and modern venders,
“ and finding, also, that to collect merely for the sake of Portraits,
was an endless as well as a very expensive task, I was induced to
make those I had already collected serve as documents of Eng-
lish History, and thought they might be useful to the purpose of il-
lustrating the history of our own country, and therefore adopted
the following plan, viz. to introduce some short history of Eng-
land before every reign, and, having classed the Portraits accord-
ing to Mr, Grainger’s plan, so as to be able to refer to such persons
as are particularized in each reign, to form a short series of memo-
“ randums of English Elistory.
For many valuable portraits in this Collection, I am indebted to
** my worthy and much-lamented friend Mr. Edward Chamberlayne,
and to Mr. Bull, to whose knowledge, in this study of biography,
illustrated by portraits, I must ever acknowledge myself principally
“ indebted for many instructions in forming this Collection.
Prince Eugene is said, by Mr. Grainger, to have been the first
regular collector of English Portraits ; but Mr. Ashby furnished
“ Mr. Grainger with some accounts of Collections earlier than Prince
“ Eugene, from Lister’s Journey to Paris, Vigneul, Marville, &;c.
“ and which he does not appear to have made use of.
“ The Earl of Oxford began the first Collection in this country, ,
“ which afterwards came in part to Mr. M est, and, on his death, met
“ with that fate that too often attends Collections brought together
by infinite labour and large expence ; for that fine Collection was
at last disposed of by the hands of the Auctioneer, and verifies that
motto which was prefixed to a Catalogue of an excellent Library^
“ belonging to A. Motte, Esq. which was soli by Auction, at his
Chambers in Lincoln’s Inn, bjrMr.Cock, and produced 40001. ;
to the Catalogue was affixed the following Greek motto;
TIfsg £t/AeuT«<
The following is the translation given by Mr. Warren extern*
pore :
When the sharp axe assails the aged roots
“ Of some tail grov^, whose tops to heav’n aspirc_j
Each man selects Ivhat best his purpose suits
To frame the house, or feed the blazing fire :
So this Collection^, now in lots expos’d.
To suit each man’s convenience is dispos’d.”
“ An affecting memento to those Collectors who have no othef
means of preserving the monument of their labours but by giving
them to some accessible repository.
^‘John Nichols, a Quaker and Mealman, of Ware in Herts, who died
A.Dv 1745, was also amongst the first regular Collectors of Englislr
Heads. His great Collection, of about 2000 portraits, in 4 vol. folio,
neatly let in, and which furnished Mr. Ames with his valuable Ca-
talogue, came, after his death, into the Library of Dr. Fothergill,
who purchased it for eighty guineas^', together with a collection o§
Tracts which Mr. Nichols had picked up in his pursuits of Portraits;.
“ but this Collection had been formed from'^Moorfields and stalls,
and consequently was not a first-rate one.”
“ It is seldom that we see a Biographical Collection of Portaits'
“ accompanied with a true judgem'ent of the perfections of the art
of Engraving; fine Impressions must always add greatly to the
“ value of a Collection, which, if made with a view to the Portraits
“ only, great and many must be the impositions the Collector has to
* After the death of Dr. Fothergill, his sister applied to a most eminent
Bookseller to purchase her brother’s library ; and upon his looking over the
same, was alarmed at the price of eighty guineas being affixed on the fly-leaf
of the first volume alluded to, shewed more his honesty than his knowledge of
the Fine Arts, by saying it was a great sum for Portraits of which he did not
understand the value, and that he would recommend a person who understood,
the same; and a Printseller, upon this distribution of graven countenances,
calling on Miss F. she consented to let him have the Collection at a price that,
laid a foundation for future grandeur and consequenccr
** encounter with, and great must also be the load of trash wi(h
“ which they must be encumbered, especially if these Collections
are brousrht down to modern times.
‘‘ It must afford great pleasure to a Collector to hand down to
^ posterity, not only the Countenance of different remarkable Cha-
racters, but also the Merit of the Engraver.
Mr. Nichols, in his Anecdotes of the Life of Mr. Bowyer, the
printer, has given us the following Note: ‘ Antony Wood, in his
** * account of Elias Ashmole, tells us, that in Ashmole’s Library he
* saw a large thick paper Book, near a yard long, containing on
* every side of the leaf, three or more Pictures> or Faces of emi-
‘ nent Persons of England and elsewhere (from Copper Cuts)
‘ pasted on them, which Mr. Ashmole had, with great curiosity,
‘ collected ; and he remembers, that Mr. Ashmole told him, that
his mind was so eager to obtain all Faces, that when he could
‘ not get a Face by itself he would buy the Book, tear it out, paste
‘ it in his blank Book, and write under from whence he had
‘ taken it.’
To this Anecdote, Mr. Nichols subjoins the following Obser-
vation ; ‘ an admirable Portrait this of our modern
^ ‘Portrait Collectors, who have sent many a Volume to
‘‘ ‘ the Bookseller’s shop, stripped of its graven honours : a most
“ ‘ noted Collector told a person; at Cambridge, who now and then
“ * sells a head, that his Collection must needs be large and good,
“ ‘ as it rested on six points ; 1st. I buy ; 2d. I borrow ; 3d. I
“ ‘ BEG; 4th. I EXCHANGE ; 5tH. I STEAL; 6tH. 1 SELL.’
“ Notwithstanding, however, the very despicable light in which
‘‘ Modern Collectors seem to stand with Mr. Nichols, and although
** the rage for modern Portrait Collecting, since the publication of
“ Mr. Grainger’s Book, must be allowed to have been carried to an
“ astonishing length ; and although it must also be allowed, that the
“ severe censures passed on those Collections, made from the 'spoils
“ of the graven Honours of many a valuable Book, have been at-
“ tended with too much truth, yet are thei e many Collectors who
could have convinced Mr. Nichols, that those depredations ought
more justly to be laid to the charge of moiJern Vekbers ob
Portraits, than on the Collector in general.
“ In proof of which, 1 can truly say, that of this large Collection
of Portraits, the greatest part of them were ready cut to hand ; and
often have I lamented, that even the little Histories annexed to
many engraved Portraits, have been cut off and irrecoverably lost ;
the scarce Prints of Sir William Dick, Welby, andjennings, arc
scarce ever found perfect, the latter I met with in a mutilated state.
“ With respect to Mr. Nichols’s Six Modes of Collecting, 1 should
think it wmuld, by liberal Judges, be generally allowed, that such
an Information must have come from one well practised in that
mode of Collecting, and is, by him, illiberally laid to the credit
of modern Collectors in general, tiad Mr. Nichols been able
“ to have laid open to us those shameful Impositions practised by
“ the modern Venders of Portraits, and also the gross Impositions
of many of the Engravers themselves, and v/hich has obliged me
to close this Collection, he would have rendered an essential ser-
“ vice to all future Collectors.
“ In this Collection great attention has been paid to good Im-
** pressions, because in them behold the superior merit of the
Art of Engraving, for which, amongst others, the following were
most conspicuous ;
Delaram, Elstrack, the Faithorne’s, Hollar, Log-
can, Lumley, the Passe’s, Place, Smith, Robert White,
Barra, Vandrebanc, Rembrandt, Edelinck, Nan-
•ruEiL, Audran, &c. Many of the Works of these great
Masters may be deemed unique, from the Coppers, Impressions,
Sec. of the same, having been destroyed in the great Conflagration
of London, in 1666 ;* there are likewise of many of the rarest,
not only brilliant Proofs, but variations of the
The Portrait of Arthur Jackson, by Loggan, peculiarly illustrates this
Observation ; the Plate, after having been rescued from the Flames, in tb«
after-impression, shews the injuries sustained; both Impressions are to be
found in this Collection.
The Catalogue has been taken with a faithful degree of Descrip-
tion, as to Impression, &c. and interspersed with Anecdotes of the
Person after the title, or proper name ; and it is begged to be under*
stood, that after the stop or comma, and put by Loggan, or any
other Artist, throughout the Catalogue, means \he Engraver of the
Portrait only, and has no reference to being the Author of the pre-
vious Anecdote; for any other inaccuracies the indulgence of the
Public is particularly solicited, , by their dutiful and most obedient
London, November 26 th, 1807.
first day’s sale. — Monday, April 25th, 1808.
Introductory Matter to General History of England, and Engraved
British Portraits.— From the Time of Egbert the Great to^ King
Edward the Vlth. . ’ Lot i ^ 162
SECOND day’s ^A-LE,~Tiiesday, April 26th, 1808.
Engraved British Portraits.— Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, and
part ot the Reign of King James the Isl - Lot 1G3 to 303
third day’s SALE.— Wednesday, April 27th, 1808.
Engraved British Portraits,— Reign of King James I. continued, from
Lot 304 to 449
fourth day’s sale. — Thursday, April 2Zth, 1808,
Engraved British Portraits.— Reign of King Charles 1., from
Lot 450 to 589
fifth day’s sale. — Friday, April 29th,
Engraved British Portraits.-Reign of King Charles I. continued,
Lot 530 to 738
SIXTH day’s SAh^.— Saturday, April 30th, 1808.
Engraved British Portraits.- During the
RefgTof Charles II. from, the Restoration, from Lot 859 to 885
^SEVENTH day’s saz^.— M onday, May H 1808.
Engraved British Portraits.-Reign of King Chari. H.co^
eighth day’s sa\.%— Tuesday, May 3d, 1808.
from “ " *■
ninth day’s 5 Ah-E.— Wednesday, May ith, 1808.
E.g»..a Bmish of Ki.g _Ctel« ir cc.M
Reign of King James II., from - " Kot 12T8 to 1^17
tenth day’s sale.— Thursday, May 5th, 1808.
Engraved British Portraits.-Reign _of King Jam. Il.^continu^^^^^^
RetgTof King Willi'am and Queen Mary, from LoJ^ 1^396^ to 143^
Heign of Queen Anne, irom
eleventh day’s sale. — Friday, May 6th, 1808.
Engraved British Portraits.— Reign of Queen 14T4.
Reign of King George I. horn - “ Km UT5^ m
Reign of King George 11. froin
twelfth day’s sale.— Saturday, May 7 th , 1808.
En.„..a Bmi.h Pomi...-K.isn of Ki.g Goog^lt
E^JotKiis Georg. 111. fio» - Lot 1S90 » *. enJ-
First Day’s Sale.
And Introductory Matter to General History of England,
AS A Frontispiece to a Collection of British
Portraits and History
2 One, a very highly- finished Drawing of the Arms of the Family
of the Lakes -r. .
3 One, Granger (the Rev. James), a highly-finished Drawing,
with emblematical figures, very fine
- 4 One, Walpole (Horace, afterwards Earl of Orford), by M‘Ar-
dell, private plate
5 One, Musgrave (Sir Wm.) by J. R. Smith, private plate
6 Two, Ames (Joseph), original drawing and etching
1 One, a beautiful Drawing, illustrative or Mr.
Granger’s History, from Egbert to James the
Second inclusive
8 Three, the Rev. James Granger, and two Justus Lipsius, one a
9 Twelve, the Twelve Caesars, by Moncornet
10 Four, Oliver Goldsmith, Mr. Granger, his present Majesty, by
Bartolozzi, &c. i »
11 Fourteen whole lengths of British Characters, occ. from Clarke s
Caesar ^ r d • • '
12 Twelve, Caesar’s Coins, Britannia, and Map of Britain
13 Various Views in England and Wales, by King,
extra rare , . • » TT- - I
14 Fifteen, Antiquities and early Maps of Britain, with Historical
c 0 o IX ri 1 s
15 One, the Royal Genealogy OF England, from Egbert
to his present Majesty George the Third, with
beautiful enamel of the reigning Monarch
16 Alfred (curious Coin of), described by George Vertiie, with his
Portrait, an original Drawing, and the original Manuscript
17 Nine, of Sovereigns, by Vertue, &:c.
18 Monument ^f Edward the Confessor, beautifully coloured to
imitate me original Mosaic, with curious Mb. Note, descri-
bing the same, by George Vertue
19 Thirteen, William the Conqueror and Historical Subjects ot his
2 Engraved British Portraits
20 Tabula Eliensis ; containing the Names, Effigies, and Arms
of the Forty Knights quartered on the Monastery of Ely by
William the Conqueror
21 Eleven, William Rufus and various Historical of his time
22 Seven, Henry the First and his Time, with Historical Account
23 Eight, Stephen and his Time, with ditto
24 Six curious Seals, on six plates, coloured
25 Eleven, Henry the Second and his Time, with Historical Account
26 Seven, Richard the First and his Time, with ditto
27 A Disproof of a pretended Penny of King Richard the First, with
MS. Account, by Mr. Peggc
2S Eleven, King John and his Time, with Historical Account
29 One, Magna Charta, arms emblazoned
30 Fifteen, Henry the Third and his Time, with Historical Account
31 Eleven, Edward the First and his Time, with ditto
32 Eleven, Edward the Second and his Time, with ditto
33 Eight, Edward the Third and his Time, with ditto ^
34 Seven, the brave and celebrated Edward the Black Prince, son of
Edward the Third, by Vertue, &:c.
35 Six, View of Windsor Castle, with Portrait
36 One, Philippa, Queen of Edward the Third
37 One, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, second son
OF Edward the Third, scarce
38 Sandford’s Institution of the most noble Order of the Garter, by
Hollar, fine impressions
39 Twelve, Richard the Second, John of Gaunt, &c. and their Time
40 One, Richard the Second and his Patron Saints, by Hollar, fine
and rare
41 Two, Richard the Second, whole lengths, one beautifully coloured
42 Eleven, Flenry the Fourth and his Time
43 Seven, Henry the Fifth and his Time
44 Six, Henry the Fifth, by Strutt, with MS. Account
45 An Account of an Illuminated Manuscript in the Library of
C. C. C. C. by M. Tyson, with the original etching
46 Seven, Henry the Sixth, the House of York, &c.
47 Five, Charles King of France, the Maid of Orleans, Marriage of
Henry the Sixth, &cc,
48 Five, Margaret of Anjou ; Queen of Henry the Sixth; her
Tomb ; John Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, &c. one
of the greatest men of the time in which he lived ; Uncle to
Henry the Sixth
49 One, Pine’s Copy of the Illumination of a Charter granted to the
Provost and College of Eton, by Henry the Sixth, coloured
by Vertue
50 One, Henry the Sixth, whole length, by Bartolozzi, private plate
5 1 One, Henry the Sixth, by Bretherton, coloured from the window
at Cambridge, by Vertue
From Time of Egbert to Henry VIII, 3
52 One, View of the Old Palace at Greenwich, built by Humphrey,
Duke of Gloucester, a fine and curious drawing by Vertue
53 Two, Jacqueline Duchess of Gloucester and her fourth husband
Frank Van Borselin, fine and rare
54 One, Jaqueline Duchess of Gloucester, unfinished
55 Nine, Edward the Fourth and his Time
56 Six, Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of Edward the Fourth ; Ed-
ward the Fifth, &c.
57 Two, Edward the Fifth and his unnatural Uncle Richard the
' ^ V Third, fine and scarce
Six, Richard the Third and his Time
59 Three, Richard the Third, by Cross and Grlgnion
60 One, Standard of Weights and Measures in the Exchequer,
coloured .
61 Two, the Window of St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster, one
beautifully coloured from the original, by Vertue
62 One, the long View of Greenwich, by Hollar, fine and rare
Dervorgilla, by M. Burghers, fine and rare
^-'^64 Seven, the Scotch Kings, from Johnstoni Inscriptionis
^ 65 One, Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester, by Hollar, fine
^ 66 One, John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, by Cecill,
^ 67 Four, Views of Glastonbury, &c. by Hollar and Callott
68 One, St. Dunstan, by Bockman, fine and rare
6 69 One, St, Thomas a Becket, by Hollar, extra fine
^ 70 One, St. Thomas a Becket, the original Illumination from which
Hollar engraved his plate, a most beautiful Specimen of the
abilities of the Artists in the rude Monkish Times, a great
71 Four, Matthew Paris, Roger Bacon, Dunscotus, See.
^ 72 Nine, Dunscotus, John Jennings, B. Angelus, &c. wdth the
original Drawings from which the Plate was engraved, fine
and very rare
73 One, Dunscotus, by Lucas Kilian, fine and rare
' 74 One, Robert Egglesfield, by Faber, fine
'^—15 Three, John WicklifF, by Van Haickeii, &c.
^-76 One, Henry Chichely, by Bartolozzi, private plate
'^ 6 77 Two, Sir John Fortescue, by Faithorne, fine
78' One, Sir Richard Stackpool, by Watson, fine private plate
6 - 79^ One, Sir Ralph Blackwell, Alderman and Mer*
chant Adventurer of London, extra rare
80 Two,^ Sir Rich.W^hittington, Lord Mayor of London, and curious
View of Newgate, as originally built by him, by Elstrack
81 Seven Portraits of Printers, very curious Draw-
ings, from w’^hich the Wood Blocks in Arne’s Typographical
Antiquities were cut
4f Engraved British Portraits
82 Two Drawings of a Lady, &c. with curious MS. Account of the
same .
83 Two, Jane Shore, one a beautiful drawing ^
/_ — 84 One, Jane Shore, from a picture at Mr. Soley’s, an original
drawing by Dr. Stukely
^ 85 One, Estienne Chevalier, by Langot, fine and rare
86 Two Views, in colours, of the Tower of London and White-
hall, with MS. Account, by G. Thorpe
/ - 87 Two, Henry the Seventh and Family, by Vertue and Hogarth,
one beautifully coloured
^ 88 Sixteen, Henry the Seventh and his Time
- 89 Seventeen, Margaret Countess of Richmond, mother of Henry
the Seventh ; the Children of Henry the Seventh, by Vertue ;
Ludlow Castle ; Birnam Wood and Dunsinnan ; Macbeth,
6cc. with Historical Accounts
90 Fifteen, Scottish Kings, Views, &c. with Historical Accounts
^ 91 Fourteen, John Balliol King of Scotland, Dervogilla, his Mo-
ther ; David the second King of Scotland ; Scottish Views,
arid Historical Accounts ^ e /r j
^ 92 Six, Henry of Monmouth, Duke of Lancaster ; Henry Starrord
Duke of Buckingham ; Bertram Ashburnam, Governor of
Dover Castle at the Conquest, and ancestor of the Earl of Ash-
burnham, &;c. ; Sir John Old Castle, the celebrated Reformer j
Talbot, the great Earl of Shrewsbury, a proof, See.
93 Two, Edwin the Monk of Canterbury and View of me Bene-
dictine Monastry there, coloured, by Vertue, with Historical
Account ^ 1 c
/a -6 94 Ten, St. Dunstan, Venerable Bede, Hadrian the Fourth, occ.
95 Five, Thomas a Becket, his Crown and Tomb ; St. Mau^nus,
by Callott, with MS. Account ; Tuvckatyl, Abbot of Croy-
^ 09 ^^ 96 One, the Papal Crown, beautifully coloured and emblazoned by
"V ertue
^ ^-^97 Six, Hugh Balsam, Bishop of Ely, founder of Peter-House Col-
lege, Cambridge; Walter Merton, Bishop of ^Chester,
founder of the first College in Oxford ; ditto, a Drying ;
Nicholas Trivet, a friar ; Walter Stapledon, Bishop of Exeter,
founder of Exeter College, Oxford ; and William of Wykham,
Bishop of Winchester and founder of New College, Oxford
^ - 98 Six, William Bateman, Bishop of Norwich, founder of Irinity
Hall ; Robert Egglesfield, founder of Queen’s College, Oxford j
Richard Fleming, Bishop of Lincoln, founder of Lincoln Qqfo
lege; William Waynfleet, Bishop of Winchester, founder of
Magdalen College, Oxford; John Lydgate the Monk of
Bury ; and View of Windsor Castle, by Hollar _
^ ^ Seven, John Lydgate, by Strutt ; Robert Woodlark ; Thomas de
Rotheram, Archbishop of York, second founder of
College ; John Rous, historian ; Richard Fox, Bishop of Win-
From Time of Egbert to Henry VIII.
Chester, founder of Corpus Christi College; John Alcock,
Bishop of Ely, founder of Jesus College, Cambridge; and Sir
Gilbert Talbot, son of the celebrated p:arl of Shrewsbury
100 Nine, Judge Littleton ; Sir William Wallace, the brave defender
of his country and Scotland’s rights, cruelly murdered by Ed-
ward the First ; Sir William Delamore, who signalized him-
self at the battle of Poictiers, and for his bravery was made
knight banneret on the field of battle by Edward the Black
Prince, ancestor of the present family of Morehall, in Lanca-
shire; Sir John Hawkwood, Kt. brought up a tailor, after-
1 wards a brave and great general in Italy ; ditto, a wood cut :
Sir Robert Chamberlain, Kt. in the service of Henry the
Fifth, at the battle of Agincourt ; Sir Reginald Bray, archi-
tect of Henry the Seventh’s Chapel ; and Henry Fitzalwine
first Lord Mayor London, &c. with MS. Accounts
101 Nine, Geoffrey Chaucer, the Father of English Poetry; John
Gower, companion and cotemporary of Chaucer, hzc.
102 Four, John Mabuse, a celebrated Artist ; Mary of St. Paul, wife
to the Earl of Pembroke, 1343, and founder of Pembroke
Hall, Cambridge ; Elizabeth de Clare, Countess of Ulster,
and founder of Clare Hall, &c.
/ ^ 103 Seven, Sigismund, Emperor of Germany ; Philip the Good,
Duke of Burgundy ; Maximilian the First, Emperor of Ger-
many ; Albert the Second, ditto ; and ditto, by Suyder-
hoef, &c.
. 104 Six, Lewis the Seventh, King of France ; John, King of ditto ;
View of the old Savoy Palace, by Venue ; Philip the First,
Duke of Austria; and Joanna, his Dutchess, by Suyder^
hoef, See.
6 105 Four, Two of ^Eneas Silvius, afterwards Pope Pius the Se-
cond ; John Froissard, the celebrated Historian ; and Philip
^ Comines, ditto
Engraved British Portraits.' — Reign of Henry VIII.
cP P 106 Six, Henry the Eighth, &c. with History of his time
^ ^ 107 Eight, Henry the Eighth, whole length ditto, with Edward the
Sixth, Catherine of Arragon, Anne Bullen, Margaret Bullen,
her aunt, &c.
^ 108 One, Henry the Eighth, by Cornelius Matsis; extra,
.. 109 One, Henry the Eighth, Iselburg excudit, fine . and
6 110 One, Thi^ solemn Justs in the first year of Henry
THE Eighth, finely coloured
HI Two, Henry the Eighth, Sir Anthony Browne, 5cc. finely
coloured, and curious Manuscript of the same
IS Ejigrawd British Portraits,
y, 112 One, View in Westminster Hall, with Henry the Eighth giving
audience, beautifully emblazoned
113 One, Henry the Eighth giving the Charter to the Company of
Surgeons, after Holbein, by Barron
114 One, Queen Catherine Howard, by Hollar, fine
AND rare
115 One, Anne of Cleves, by Hollar, fine and very
^ • 116 Seven, Queen Jane Seymour, Queen Catherine Howard, Queen
Catherine Parr, the Princess Mary, the Princess Elizabeth,
whole length. Mezzotint, &c.
in Eight, Margaret, Queen of James the Fourth of Scotland,
^ Daughter of Henry the Seventh, from which the House of
Stewart succeeded to the crown of England : Prince Edward,
son of Henry the Eighth ; Mary, Queen of France, sister to
Henry the Eiighth, and Charles Brandon^ Duke of Suffolk,
her second husband ; James the Fifth, King of Scotland ;
View of Falkland Castle, Sir Thomas More, &c. with His-
torical Accounts.
118 One, Edward the Sixth, with the Rattle, fine and
!19 Two, Mary Queen of Scots, one fine and rare
-2^^ 120 One, Sir Thomas Cromwell, Knigitt (afterwards Earl of Essex),
who, from low origin, being the son of a Blacksmith, at
Putney, became Minister and Vicegerent in Ecclesiastical
Matters to Henry the Eighth, but falling into disgrace with
that lustful and fickle Monarch, was beheaded.
121 One, Thomas Lord Cromwell, by Filian, fine and
122 Eight, Thomas Lord Cromwell ; Thomas Howard, Duke of
Norfolk ; View of Greystock Castle in Cumberland; Francis
Russell, the first Earl of Bedford, the favourite of Henry the
Eighth, whom Mr. Burke notices in his address to the late
Duke of Bedford ; Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham,
beheaded by Henry the Eighth, and in his person terminated
the office of Lord High Constable of England, and one of
the greatest Families in the Kingdom; Charles Brandon,
Duke of Suffolk ; his Dutchess, &c.
^ 123 One, Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, with the
Staves as Earl Marshall, by Vosterman, extra
fine and rare
— 124 One, Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (the elegant
Poet) by Hollar, extra fine and rare
125 Four, Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, by Vaughan, Houbra-
ken, &c.
126 One, Whole Sheet outline of Sir Thomas More and Family, by
Cochin, fine and rare
Reign of Henry VIIL 7
— 127 Two, Sir Henry Guildford, Master of the Horse to Henry the
Eighth ; and Lord Denny, by Hollar, very fine
128 Three, Sir Thomas More, by Vosterman ; L. Vives ; and John
Stanbridge, wood cut, scarce
129 Two, Hans Holbein, by Hollar, &c. fine
— 130 Four, Views of Whitehall Gate, two of which are Drawings
— 131 Two, Hans Holbein, his Wife and Children, extremely rare
and curious
^-132 Two, Hans Von-Zurch, by Hollar, with the original Drawino*
by Hans Holbein, extremely fine
-^133 One, Will Somers, King Henry the Eighth’s Jester,
^134 Eight, the Bishops presenting a Translation of the Bible in
English to Henry the Eighth ; Thomas Cranmer, wood cut,
Nicholas Ridley, Bishop Bonnor ^ Stephen Gardner, Bishop
of Winchester, and Bishop Latimer
' ^ 135 Eight, Howard, Earl of Surrey ; Archibald, Earl of Angus ; and
Margaret, Queen Dowager of Scotland, his wife; Cardinal
Wolsey ; View of Hampton Court Palace, built by him, &c.
L36 Ten, Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury ; two Views of Can-
terbury Cathedral, by Hollar; Archbishop Cranmer ; Ton-
stall, Bishop of Durham; Fox, Bishop of Winchester ; Smith,
Bishop of Lmcoln, &c.
^>137 Ten, Dean Colet, founder of St. Paul’s School; Ditto, his
Monument; William Tindal, martyr; Hugh Latimer, ditto ;
John Leland, the celebrated Antiquarian ; Robert Wilkinson*
John Skelton ; Erasmus, by Houston, &c. *
^ 138 Seven, Erasmus, from a Medal ; Ditto whole length ditto ;
Moncornet, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Cardinal Wolsey, &c.
— 139 Seven, Sir Thomas More, by Houbraken ; Richard Sutton, foun-
der of Brazenose College Oxford ; Thomas Dowcre, Knicrht
of St. John of Jerusalem ; William Butts, Sir Thomas Wyatt,
and Ludovicus Vives
— 140 Eight, Mr. Morett, Goldsmith to Henry the Eighth, Winken-
deworde, Richard Pinson, Richard Grafton, Reynold Wolf,
four celebrated Printers, pen and ink Drawings ; Catherine
Bullen, aunt and governess to the unfortunate Queen of that
name; and the Lady Guildford, by Hollar
—141 Six, Charles the Fifth, Emperor of Germany ; Ditto Historical
ditto, with his Empress ; Ditto Ferdinand the First, Emperor
of Germany, and Francis the First, King of France, &c.
—142 Nine, Francis the First, wood cut ; Wilham Posiel, William
De Croy, Simon Gryneus, John Sleidan, Andrew Hyperi-
cus, &c. ^
^ 143 One, Anthony Perrenot, by Werrix, fine and very
144 Four, Cornelius Aggrippa, John Rantzeau, and C. De Longue.i
y. /-
,?. <5
x/ _
8 Engraved British PoiHraits, — Reign of Edward VI-
145 Fourteen, the Life of St. Ignatius Loyola, With his portrait, by
146 Five, Ignatius Loyola, by Wierx, &c.
• 141 Three, Peter Ronsarcl, by Boulonois, 6cc.
Engraved British For traits, —Reign of Edward VI.
148 One, Edward the Sixth, presenting the Charter of Bridewell
Hospital to the Lord Mayor, &c. beautiful proof
149 Six Dresses from the reign of Richard the Second to the end ot
Henry the Eighth, one of which, a Drawing, very curious
150 Nine, Edward the Sixth, and Historical Account of his leign
131 Two, Edward the Sixth presenting the Charter of Bridwell
Hospital, with the Habit of a Blue-coat Boy of Clwist s Hos-
pital, and an Account of the former Picture, by G. Vertue,
both beautifully coloured , / .
152 Five, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, with Historical
Account ; John Russell, Earl of Bedford ; Thomas Seymour,
Baron of Sudley, the unfortunate Lord High Admiral, with
Historical Account ; William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke,
with Historical Account ; and Edward Courtenay, the accom-
plished but unfortunate Earl of Devonshire, &c.
153 Nine, Archbishop Cranmer, Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of Lon-
don ; Hugh Latimer, Bishop of Worcester ; Lhomas Goode-
rick. Bishop of Ely ; Lord Chancellor to Edward the Sixth ;
the burning of Bishop Ridley, &c. .
154 Four of John Bale, Bishop of Ossory, in Ireland, and one ot the
first English Dramatic Writers
155 One Sir Thomas Smith, Dean of Carlisle, wood cut, curious
156 One, Doctor Chambers, Physician to Henry the
Eighth, by Hollar, extra fine and rare
151 Two, Sir Thomas Chaloner, by R. Earlom, one a proof
158 Two, Sir Thomas Chaloner, one a proof
159 Five, Jerome Cardan, Cardinal Beaton, &c. wnth Biographical
160 Ei^^Pemr Martyr, Paul Fagius, the burning of Bucer and
Eaffius’s Bones, Martin Bucer, John Alasco, &c.
^161 Seven, Sir Thomas Smyth, Secretary of State to Edward the
Sixth and Queen Elizabeth ; Sir John Cheke, Tutor to Ea-
ward the Sixth ; Sir Robert Bowes, Master of the Rolls to
Edward the Sixth ; Seymour the Regent, Duke of Somerset;
Sir George Barnes, Lord Mayor of London, 1552; Doctor
Caius, Physician to Edward the Sixth; and George Buchan-
nan, the celebrated Scotch Poet
162 Six, Sir Thomas Smyth, William Hervy N°iToy,
Tchn Cheke, Hans Holbein, very fine ; the Lady Jane Grey
and Henry the Second, King of France, by Monn, very fane
Second Day’s Sale.
Queen Mary^ and the Period in which she reigned.
163 Three, Maiy Queen of England, with Historical Account of
"" her Reign
164 Four, Queen Mary and Fhlip the Second, v/itk MS. Account
165 Six, Henry Fitzallen, Earl of Arundel!, the first Person who
introduced a Coach in England ; Thomas Howard, Earl of
Surrey, afterwards Duke of Norfolk ; Edward Courtnay,
Earl of Devonshire, with Historical Account ; Henry Rad-»
cliff, Earl of Sussex | and Cardinal Pole .
^166 Nine, the five martyred Bishops, in ovals, in a whole sheet ;
Bernard Gilpin, with Historical Account ; John Bradford,
John Rogers, Laurence Saunders, all burnt for the Protestant
Religion, by the bigoted Mary and her persecuting Bishops ;
and John Knox, the Scotch Reformer, who escaped the flames
by a timely flight
— 167 Four, Sir Thomas Pope, founder of Trinity College, Oxford ;
ditto, with a View of the College ; and Thomas White,
founder of St.John’s, in the same University
_ 168 Five, John Caius, founder of Gonnevilie and Caius College,
Cambridge; John Heywood, wood cut; Antonio More,
Joas Van Cieeve, and Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon-
169 Two, of Coins, with curious MS. Letter from Browne Willis
to George Vertue, giving an Account of Scottish Gold and
Silver Coins
170 One, Albert and Isabella, Clara Eugenia, Gover-
nors OF THE Low Country, whole lengths, fine
and very rare
171 Three, Princess Elizabeth (before she was Queen), one of which
is a most beautiful Miniature by Nicholasjtlylliard, the Mas-
ter of the celebrated Isaac Oliver
^ 172 One, Thomas Cranmer, by George Vertue, beautiful proof
<3. —173 One, William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, Gene-
ral OF THE Queen’s Forces and Governor of Ca-
lais, BY S. Passe, extra fine and rare
10 Engramd British Portraits,
^ 17 5
— 179
Two, Lady Jane Grey beheaded by Queen Mary in 1553, one
of them fine and rare
Four, Lady Jane Grey, with her History, and the elegant Poem
by Dr. Young, on the Force of Religion, or Vanquished
Two, the Duke of Alva, Governor of the* Low Country, his
Cruelties there, and Portrait of the Prince of Orange, by
One, William Prince of Orange, by Deeff, fine
AND rare
Five, Dresses in the Reign of Queen Mary, Ferdinand Duke of
Alva, three different, with MS. and Historical Account of
him and his Cruelties
Three, Adrianus Junius, by Allardt, &c.
Evgraved Brit'rh Portraits. — 3^iieen Elizaheth^ and the
Period^ in which she rdgned,
/aS 180 Twelve, Portraits of Queen Elizabeth, View of London as in
her time'. Coins of her reign, her Monument in Westminster
Abbey, Biographical Anecdotes and principal Occurrences
relating to herself and times
^.-41 — 181 One, Queen Elizabeth, by Hondius, fine
182 One, Queen Elizabeth between the Pillars, extra
183 One, Queen Elizabeth in the magnificent Dress
VER, BY Crispin Van Depasse, a most brilliant
Impression, extra rare
— 184 Three, Queen Elizabeth, by Faithorne, Marshall, and Watts
185 One, Queen Elizabeth’s Procession TO Hunsdon House
Herts, beautifully coloured from the original
Picture by Vertue
A. 186 Nine, Queen Elizabeth, by Marshall, &:c. some curious
_ z. — 187 Five, Mary Queen of Scots, by Vertue, 6cc. with two Views of
Dunkeld and BortlTyvick Castle ; also, some curious Histo-
rical Anecdotes relating to her
^ . — 188 One, Mary Queen of Scots, and her Son James the
Sixth, whole length, by Bartqlozzi, fine proof
189 Five, Mary Queen of Scots, by Houbraken ; ditto, from John-
stoni ; ditto w^hole ler|gth, by Bosse ; Francis the Second,
King of France, and James the Sixth of Scotland, wood cut
190 Eight, Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex; Robert Earl of Essex,'
the Parliament General; View of Nonsuch Palace, Le Comte
d’Arundell, 1559 ; Three of Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and
Thomas Ratchfi^ Earl of Sussex
Q. Elizabeth, and the Period m which she reigned. 1 1
191 Eleven, Matthew Stewart Earl of Lenox, with his Countess
and youngest Son ; the Earl of Morton, Regent of Scotland ;
Sir Henry Sidney, Walter Earl of Essex, Robert his son,
Russel Earl of Bedford, the Earl of Pembroke, the Earl of
Warwick, the Earl of Effingham, and Hamilton Earl of
192 One, Mary Queen of Scots and her son James the
Sixth, a most beautiful and highly finished
Drawing from the original Picture by Vertue
193 Two, the Battle of Carberry Hill between the unfortunate and
I beautiful Mary and her unnatural and rebellious Subjects, one
I of which the original Drawing
y , 194 One, Mary Queen of Scots and her infant Son,
6 . 195 One, Mary Queen of Scots, in an oval signature,
! P. M. extra rare and very fine
k— 196 One, Mary Queen of Scots, aged 44, anno 1583, Cross
I ON HER Bosom, C. Visscher excudit, extra fine and
197 One, Mary Queen of Scots, with distant View of her Execu-
;| tion, Cowey sculpit, very fine
198 One, Mary Queen of Scots, Hurer fecit, fine and rare^
199 One, Mary Queen of Scots, Vignettes of her Execution, with
Latin Verses underneath, De Liew fecit, fine and rare
200 Two, Henry Lord Daniley, Holbrock sculp, very rare, ditto by
^ Vertue
- 4 - -- fOl One, an original Drawing, whole lengths, of Henr y
Stewart, Lord Darnley, aged 17, and his Brother
Charles Stewart, aged 6, with the original Pe-
digree of the Branch of the name of Stewart,
Earl of Lenox, in MS. extremely curious
202 One, Lord Darnley’s Cenotaph, or Tomb, beauti-
fully coloured
203 Four, Paulet Marquis of Winchester, Lord Burleigh, from the
Bishop’s Bible, &c.
204 One, the Court of Wards and Liveries, beautifully coloured,
with the Account of the same
yf 205 One, the High and Mightie Prince Thomas Lord Ho-
ward, Duke ofNorfolk4EarleofSurrey,andEarle
Marshall of England, Lord Mowbray Segrave,
and Brusse of Gore, and Knight of the most Ho-
nourable Order of the Garter, and of St. Mi-
chael, HE deceased 1572, THE 2D OF JUNE, UNDER AN
Arch, with his Arms in corresponding Arch, very
fine, and extremely rare
— 206 One, a Tracing from the above of the Portrait only
'6 ■ - 207 One, the Pedigree of the Howard Family, inscribed
IS Engraved British Poi'traitSi
Stock of the Howards, extremely rare and cu-
//. //__ 208 One, the Right Honourable the Earle of Essex,
&c. Earle Marschall of England, &c. and now
Lord General of her Majesties Forces in Ire-
land, with Ornaments, Trophies, &c. William
Rogers, sculp, fine and rare
209 One, the Procession of Queen Elizabeth to Hunsdon House,
Herts, fine
210 One, Illustris Princeps Jacobus Stewart Dux Lenox Comes
March, Dominus Darnley, &c. in an Oval, remarkably fine
and rare, with an Account of the Stewarts, Dukes of Lenox
211 One, George Clifford, Earle of Cumberland, 1586,
armed for a Tournament as Champion foi^ Queen
Elizabeth, whole length, extra fine and very
One, the Right Honourable the Lord Munjoy
Blunt, curious border on extra plate, by M.
213 One, Installation and Procession of the Knights of the Garter,
curious, G. Simpson, sculpit
/ / — 214 Eight, Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury; Edmund
Grindal, ditto ; John Whitgift, ditto ; Sandy’s, Archbishop of
York ; Alymer, Bishop of London ; and John Jewell, Bishop
of Salisbury, &c.
’ 215 Seven, Lesly, Bishop of Ross; William Aubrey, Alexander
, Nowel, Laurence Humphreys, John Reynolds^ and William
Seven, David Whitehead, Edward Deering, two of Doctor
Fulek, Thomas Holland, and two of Richard Hooker, by
^ Faithorne, 6cc.
^ 217 Ten, Two of John More, two of Henry Smith, William Per-
kins, Richard Rogers, Thomas Brightman, Thomas Cart-
wright, John Fox, and John Knox
218 Three, Two of Cardinal Allen and Thomas Staplyton
- 219 Three, Thomas Becon, wood cuts. Sec.
/ S ^6 22 Q One, Hugh Price of Jesus College, Oxford, by G.
Vertue, fine and scarce
^ 221 Thirty-three Portraits of the principal Persons concerned in the
grand Reformation and Separation from the Church of Rome,
with curious original Manuscript History relating to them,
by the Reverend James Grainger, and never publiSied
^ ^ 222 Two, Robert Southwell and Alphonsus Hernandez, Jesuits, fine
and very rare
6 223 Two, Edmundius Campianus and Jo. Cornelius Angl us, Jesuits,
very fine and extra rare
2 . Elizaheih, and the Period in which she reigned. 13
— 224 One, Edmund Campian, half length, a Dutch print, scarce
225 Two, Alexander Briant and Thomas Cottam, Jesuits, veiy fine
and extra rare
-- 226 Twelve, the Life and Death of Mr. Edmund Jennings, Priest,
crowned with Martrydome at London, the 10th Day of No-
vember 1591, with the History, extremely rare and curious
227 Three, Roger Filcox, Francis Page, and Dominick Collins,
Jesuits, extra fine and very rare
228 One, Sir Thomas Smith, Knight, Embassador to the
GREAT Emperor OF Russia, Simon Passe, sculp, fine
^^—229 One, William Barclay, a Scotchman, and famous
Civilian in the Reign of Henry the Fourth of
France, with Eight Coats of Arms, by C. Demal-
230 One, ditto, C. Meilan fecit, scarce
231 One, Sir Philip Sidney, whole length, beautifully coloured from
the original picture
232 Five, Sir Philip Sidney, by R. Elstrack, &c,
/r— 233 Three, Sir Francis and Sir Horace Vere, by Faithorne and Gay-
' wood
234 Three, Sir John Ogle, by Faithorne; Captain Christopher Car-
leill and the same, from* the Horologia
One, Sir Francis Drake, Globe under an Arch,
236 Five, Sir Francis Walsingham, with Historical Account; Sir
Nicholas Throgmorton ; Francis, Lord Bacon,, in a Title-
Page; and Sir Thomas Bodley, founder of the Bodleian
237 Eight, Sir Walter Mildmay, Sir Nicholas Bacon, Sir James
Dyer, Sir Edmund Anderson, John Clench, and Edmund.
i// 238 Six, Sir Philip Sidney, by Houbraken ; ditto, whole length,
by Vertue; Sir James Hales; Sir Walter Rawleigh ; the
Earl of Nottingham ; and Sir Francis Drake, from an original
9 ^ 239 Five, Sir Francis Drake, ditto by Houbraken, Sir John Haw-
kins, Sir Walter Rawleigh, &c.
240 Five, Admiral Sir John Hawkins, Sir Martin Frobisher, Kt. &:c.
by Boissard, and from the Horologia
241 Four, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Kt. and Captain Thomas Caven-
dish, by Boissard, and from the Horologia
242 Three, Captain Thomas Cavendish with the Terrestrial Globes,
Ferdinand Magellan, 5cc. fine and scarce
^ ~ 243 One, Sir Thomas Gresham, by George Vertue, proof
244 One, the Royal Exchange, With Portrait of Sir Thomas Gres-
ham, by Hollar, fine and scarce
}4 Engraved British Portraits.
6 245 One, the Royal Exchange, by Hollar, proof be-
FORE THE Portrait of Gresham was inserted,
extra fine and rare
^^ 6 ^- 246 One, View of the Royal Exchange, byG. Vertue,
/a — 247 Three, Sir Edwin Sandys, proof ; Sir Henry Tirrell ; and Sir
Richard Shelly
248 One, Peter Livens, J. C. sculp, extremely scarce
^ 4 . - 249 One, Tohn Donne the Poet, by Marshall, extremely fine
250 Five, Queen Elizabeth, Richard Hey dock, Maik Ridley, Xho<*
mas Gale and John Hall t
251 Six, Sir George Baker, Edmund Spencer, William bhakspeare.
Sir Philip Sidney, Geoffrey Chaucer, &c.
■32 Four, Sir Philip Sidney (whole length) ; Sir John Harrington ;
George Buchannan ; and James Crichton, the greatest genius
of his age, and, on account of his superior abilities, named the
Admirable Crighton
253 One, Mark Alexander Boyd, with curious emblems oi his va-
rious accomplishments, in a circle, extremely
/(^-6 254 Six portraits in one sheet, the Astrologers, Roger Bacon, ccc,
255 Three, John Blagrave, Roger Ascham, and Thomas Whithorn,
f — 258
y-/— 259
(P 262
— 266
, — 267
3 ^ ^-^268
Four^'^Ralph Brooke, William Lambarde, John Stowe, bjt
Vertue, &c.
One, Humphrey Lloyd, by Faber, very fine and
extremely rare
Two, Sir Thomas Bodley and John Gerrard, fine and scarce
Ten of Artists, Isaac Oliver, &c.
Four of Printers, John Day, &:c. wood cu^
One, Alicia Spencer Countess of Derby, wIth her
Descent and Armorial Bearings, fine and ex-
tremely rare
Four of Ladies, Alice, daughter of John Sherman, Esq. by
Two the upright man Nicholas Blunt, and the Counterfeit
Cranke Nicholas Jennings, Old Scarlet the Grave-Digger
Four, Frances Duchess of Suffolk, and Adrian Stokes her ^cond
husband, Frances Sidney Countess of Sussex, Anne Uston,
and Cicely Wilford, &c.
Three, the Emperor Rudolph, by Wierx, &c. i i u
One, the Due de Biron, Marechal de France, on horseback, by
Adolffz, extremely fine • i 'fc/rc
Four, Duede Biron and Charles the Ninth of France, with MS.
Note and other Historical Anecdotes
Four foreigners. Queen of Navarre, &c. by W.erx, fine and
scarce, with an Account of the Massacre of Pans
Q, Elizabeth^ and the Period in which she reigned, 1 5
269 Two, Caspar Count of Coligny and his Lady, by DelfF, very
i'— 270 Six, Henry the Fourth of France, &c. by Deleu
'I ^ 271 One, Henry the Fourth of France, superbly dressed, overcoming
the Hydra of Faction, by Gaultier, fine and scarce
272 Four, Henry the Fourth of France, &c. by Wierx and Delcu
^- 5 ^- 273 Four, Henry the Fourth of France, by Granthome, &c.
^_274 Four, Henry the Fourth of France, by Simon Passe, bcc.
j»_275 One, Francis Ravillac, the assassin of Henry the
Fourth of France, with curious Vignettes of his
Torture, Execution, &c. rare and curious
276 Two, Henry the Fourth of France and Mary de Medicis
h?--277 One, Henry the Fourth of France hunting in a
Forest, a most superb and beautiful Print, by
Fornezery, extremely brilliant and very rare
278 Three Historical, of Henry the Fourth of France, by Gaultier,
very fine
^ 279 Six foreigners, Duke of Alen^on, &c.
^^^280 One, Christian Friis, Chancellor of Denmark,
extremely fine and rare
-281 Six foreigners, Dubartas, &c.
282 Six ditto, Peter Molineus, &c.
if- 283 Five ditto, Daniel Heinsius, &c.
<'r^ 284 Two, Janus Gruterius, fine and scarce
^ — 2$5 One, Abraham Ortellius, in a curious Map, surrounded with
Erublems from the Sacred History, very curious
^^-'286 One, Mathias de Lobei, by Delaram, fine and very rare
281 Six foreigners, Qharles Ciusius, &c.
Engraved British Portraits,— Reign of James I.
^ 288 Eight, James the First, and Historical Account of his Reign
^^289 One, James the First, Anne of Denmark his Queen,
whole lengths, with Prince Henry and Genea-
logical Tree of the Stewart’s Right to the
Crown of England, from Edward the Fourth and
Margaret Countess of Richmond, mhole sheet,
very fine, and extremely rare and curious
//jj.^7290 One, the Royal Progenie of our most sacred King
James, by the grace of God King of E. S. F, and I,
descended from the victorious King Henry the
Seventh and Elizabeth his Wife, wherein the
two divided Families were united together;
Genealogical Tree of Descent, w'ith Armorial
Bearings, viz. Henry the Seventh, Elizabeth
ti) t:)
15 Engraved British Portraits.
ot* York, James the Fourth, Margaret eldest
Daughter to Henry the Seventh, Archibald
Douglas Earl of Angus, James the Fifth, Mary
Sister to the Duke of Guise, Margaret mar-
ried TO Mathew Steward, Mathew Steward
Earl of Lenox, Mary Queen of Scotland,
Francis the Second, Henry Lord Darnley,
James the First and Anne Daughter to Frede-
rick King of Denmark ; Benjamin Wright fecit.
Comp. Holland excudit 1619, whole sheet, fine
and extra rare r tt •
291 Two, James the First, whole length. With Arms of the Union,
and James the Sixth King of Scotland^ very fine
92 One, James the First, from the Cieling at Whitehall
93 One, James the First, whole length, by Simon Passe, extra
— 294 f One, the high and mighty Prince James, King of
Great Britain, France, and Ireland, 6cc. on
Southwark, and four Verses.
«« Behold the shadow of Great-Britain’s king.
Whose fame throughout the world the Muses sing ;
Heavens grant they happy days may never end,
“ Since, on thy life, millions of lives depend.” ^ ^
Francis Delaram sculpit, Compton Holland cxcudit, Londini,
' 295 Three, James the First, by Crispin Depasse, Kilian, See.
^ 296 Three, James the First, from the Vox Populi, See.; James the
First on his Throne, the people offering up their hearts ;
another, in a triangle, with his Progeny supported by our
Saviour, and a Frontispiece to his Translation of David’s
Psalms V t 1 - rr^-
297 Two, James the First from Truth brought to hght by Time ;
and Frontispiece to Hooker’s Ecclesiastical Politic, with the
Period of Mourning, a curious tract, by Henry Peacham
298 One Historical, James the First, with a View of
A Town in Holland, various Military Figures,
Armorial Trophies, &c. half sheet, rare and
299 One, James the First sitting in Parliament, with
Prince Charles when Duke of York, surrounded
BY the Chancellor, Lord Treasurer and the prin-
cipal Nobility of the Time, with innumerable
Armorial Bearings, whole sheet, Reynold Els-
track sculpit, fine and extra rare
500 Three, James the First, Queen Elizabeth, and Prince Charles ;
Title to Smith’s Virginia i Ditto, James the First, from the
Reign of James /. 17
Discovery of the Gunpowder Plot ; and James the First,
sitting in Parliament, from Time’s Storehouse, fine and rare
^01 One, Anne Regina Scotorum with Prince Henry,
/^--6 302 One, Anne of Denmark, Queen of James the First,
Great Empress of the North, admired Queene,
Like Anne in England, hath not yet been seen.
The daughter, wife, and sister to a king ;
“ Greatness and goodness from thy Grace doth spring.
•T — 303 Six, Anne of Denmark, Queen of James the First, from John-
ston’s Inscriptions, fine
Third Day’s Sale.
Reign of James L continued.
- 304 Four, Prince Henry, son of James, whole lengths, &c. armed
for a Tournament, with curious and original MS. Account
305 One, the Herse and Representation of our late
HIGH and mighty Henry, Prince of Wales, &c.
FOUR Latin and English Verses, byGeorge Chap-
man, William Hole sculpit, half sheet, fine
and extra rare . .
. 306 Three, the Most Illustrious Charles, Prince of Great- Britain and
Ireland, &c. fine and rare
— 307 Five, Charles, Prince of Wales^ &c. by Crispin Passe, occ.
scarce • i •
308 Five by Simon Passe, James the First and Queen with their
Royal Progeny, from silver plates, fine and scarce
309 One, Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, very fine, by DelfF
-310 One, Queen of Bohemia, by Boleswert, superbly dressed, fine
and scarce
^11 One, Queen of Bohemia, superbly dressed, with pearls and
jewels, fine and rare
812 One, Frederick King of Bohemia and Elizabeth his Queen, two
ovals, Moncornet fecit, fine and rare ^
Si3 One, Prince Henry revived, a Poem, by Henry Peacham, With
the Portrait of Henry Frederic Count Palatine, scarce
18 E/ig?'aved British Portraits,
314 Two, the Progeny of the most renowned Prince James King of
Great Britain, Fiance, and Ireland, with English Verses' by
John Webster, fine and very rare
// ^-6 315 One, James the First, Anne of Denmark, Prince
Henry, Prince Charles, the King and Queen of
Bohemia, with their Progeny; half sheet, by
William Passe, extra fine and very rare
«---^’^-S 16 One, Thomas Egerton Baron Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor to
James the First, by Simon Passe, rare
6 317 Four, Robert Cecil Earle of Salisbury, Stock sculp, one from
the Horologia ; and two Views of Hatfield House, Herts
c? 31 g One, View of Audley End, by Winstanley, fine and rare
^ 319 Two, Henry Montague Earle of Manchester, byDelaram, See.
fine and scarce
320 Two, Edward Somerset Marquis of Worcester, by Simon Passe,
&:c. scarce
y - 321 One, Henry Earle of Oxford, Viscount Bulbeck,
6 322 One, Charles Earle of Nottingham, Lord High
Admiral, by Simon Passe, fine and rare
323 Two, George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, William Marshall
sculpit, fine and rare
■7^324 Two, George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, by DelfF, very
325 One, Ludovick Duke of Lenox, by Simon Passe, fine
V. — 326 One, James Hamilton Marquis of Hamilton, whole length, by
Droeschouf, fine and rare
j .< p . / o . o One, Ludovick Duke of Richmond, whole length, by
John Barra, extra fine and very rare
A 328 One, Robert Carr Earle of Somerset and Frances his Wife,
whole lengths, fine and rare
329 One, Francis Manners Earle of Rutland, Baron
Ross; SOLD by Thomas Jenner, fine and scarce
. vr. ^ 330 One, Henry Wriothsley Earle of Southampton
(the Friend and Patron of the immortal Shak-
speare), Simon Passe sculpit, fine and extra
331 One, Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland,
confined fifteen years in the Tower, supposed
TO have been concerned in the Gun-Powder Plot,
by Delaram, fine and rare
332 One, the most noble Robert Earle of Essex and
Ewe, Earle Marshall of England, Viscount He-
reford AND Bourgchier, Lord Ferres of Chart-
ley, &c. &c. 1601, ON horseback. Battle in the
distance, Shipping, &c. a most brilliant Impres-
Reign of James I. 19
335 Three, Philip and Thomas Earles of Arundell, by Moncornet
and Houbraken, fine
— 334. One, Richard Sackville Baron Buckhurst, by Simon
Passe, rare
235 One, John Dicey Earle of Bristol, fine and rare
336 One, Robert Lord Lisle, by Simon Passe, fine and
^ 337 One, William Knollis Viscount Wallingford, sold
BY John Hind, rare
— 338 One, John Lord Lumley, from Sandford, scarce
- 339 Three, Edmund Lord Sheffield ; John Lord Harrington, wood
cut ; and one ditto from the Horologia
^^^340 One, James Lord Hay Baron Seley, by Simon Passe,
fine and rare
7 341 One, Sir Charles Blunt Baron Mountjoy, by Valentine Green,
^ • very fine
342 Six, George Abbot Bp. of Canterbury, Lord Hay, and Lord De-
puty Chichester, See,
^^•■^ 343 Six, Mathew Hutton Arch Bp. of York, and John King Bp.
of London, &c.
- 344 Eleven, George Mountaine Arch Bp. of York, Johnjegon,
See. Sec.
— 345 Four, Henry Robinson, Francis Godwin, Bp. Overal, Sec.
7 .-- 346 Six, Robert Abbott Bp. of Salisbury, Carlton Bp. of ChU
Chester, &c.
' 347 Three, Bp. Williams, by Delaram, Sec.
— 348 Four, John Boys Dean of Canterbury, Doctor Donne, by Droe-
schout, Payne, apd Hollar
— 349 Four, Fancis White, John White, and Antonius de Dominus, by
Coxon, Delff, &c.
-- 350 Four, Richard Middleton, Andrew Willet, and Henry Airey, by
Elstrack, &c.
^ 351 Five, William Slater, Doctor Sutton, John Hart, &c.
^^.__-352 Three, Robert Boulton, Samuel Purchas, from his Pilgrims, &c.
353 Eight, Richard Wightwick, Andrew Scott, Richard Rogers,
y 354 Six, Thomas Wilson, William Pemble, John Dod, and Hugh
Broughton, by Cross, Sec.
-i5c_ 355 Three, William Ames, Abraham Aurelius, and the Jesuits in
356 Two, Edward Oldcorn and Henry Garnet, Jesuits, fine and
357 Four, Sir Ralph Winwood and Toby Mathews, by Hondlus,
Gammon, Sec.
358 One, Sir Thomas Smith, Ambassador from his Ma-
jesty King James the First to the great Empe-
ror OF Russia, fine and scarce
20 Engraved British Poi'traits
359 Four, Sir Dudlej Carleton, Sir Anthony and Robert Shirley,
and Sir William Trumbull, proof
— 360 Jour, Richard Percival, Esq. Sir JohnHanbury, Sir Thomas
Egerton, Sir Francis Bacon, with original from the Rev.
James Grainger
^ 361 Four, Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Coke, and Sir Henry Montagu,
^ scarce
362 One, Sir Julius C^sar, Master of the Rolls to
James the First; Elstrack sculpit, very fine
AND rare
363 Four, Sir Henry Hobart, Sir James Ley, Sir George Croke,
and Sir Francis More, by Payne, Faithorne, &c.
364 Six, Michael Dalton, James Craig, Adam Blackwood, and
Lord Chichester, &c.
365 Two, Sir Horace Vere, by Faithorne, &c.
366 One, Captain William Fairfax, Droeschout sculp.
//■//'O 367 One, Sir Henry Rich, by William Passe, extra fine
368 One, Arthurus Severus Nonsuch Otoole, extra rare
.V - 369 One, Sir Thomas Fairfax, View of a Town and
Shipping, &c. fine and scarce
^ 370 Three, Captain John Smith, scarce
6 371 Two, Sir Hugh Middleton and the Opening of the New River
Head, fine and rare
372 Four, Sir Richard Spencer, Sir Philip Parker, and Sir William
Wedel, fine and rare
/ 373 Six, Sir William Segar, Sir Thomas Harley, Thomas Sutton,
Esq. &c. fine
374 Five, Thomas Sutton, Esq. Nicholas Wadham, Thomas Tes-
dale, &;c.
y, 375 Seven, Alderman Leate, Doctor Butler, &c.
376 Three, Robert Fludd, John Anthony, &c.
377 Three, Gilbert Jack, Helkiah Crooke, and John Milton
378 Six, William Shakspeare, by Droeschout ; the House at Stratford
in which he was born ; and Stratford Church in which he was
- 379 Two, Ben Jonson, by Elder and Vaughan, fine and rare
/f— 380 Four, Ben Jonson, by Vertue ; Francis Beaumont, by ditto;
John Fletcher, by ditto; and Doctor Donne, by Lombart
381 Three, Michael Drayton the Poet, and Samuel Daniel ditto, by
Hole and Cockson
^382 One, SirThomas Overbury, Five Verses, Simon Passe
sculp, very fine and rare
- 383 Five, Sir Thomas Overbury, by Simon Passe, &c.
384 One, George Chapman, from the Title to his Frogs
AND Mice, by William Passe, fine and rare
Reign of James /. 21
— 3S5 Three, Chapman the Poer, Joshua Sylvester, and John Owen
3S6 Two, George Wither, by Hole and Delaram
387 Five, Ralph Ruggle, Taylor, the Water Poet, copie and ori-
388 One, James the First, Four Latin Lines, fine and
— 389 Two, Maria Sidney, Countess of Pembroke, by Courbes, &c.
390 Six, John Barclay and Sir Francis Bacon, &c.
y /-6 391 Three, Sir Walter Rawdeigh, by Venue, with a curious original
Letter of Sir Weaker Rawleigh’s, View of the Towert by
Hollar, &c. ^
— 392 Four, William Camden, by Gaywood, WTite, &c,
393 Two, Sir John Heyward, by Payne and Passe
394 One, Sir John Wynne of Gwidyr, by Vaughan, very^
395 Six, Thomas Allen, Aaron Rathborne, William Burton and
Sir William Segar
396 Six, Sir Thomas Roe, by Vertue, Tom Coryat, by Hole, &c.
.jz- — 397 Four, W. Evats, Sampson Leonard, John Florins, and^John
398 Two, William Ligthgow, the Traveller, with his SufFerings,
wood cuts
399 Six of Artists, Peter Oliver, Window in New College, richly
400 Five of Artists, Francois Quesnel, Hoefneagle, &c.
401 Two of Writing Masters, Davies of Hereford, and Martin Bil-
hngsby, with Seventy- eight curious Autographs of eminent
^ — 402 Thirteen, Portrait of Inigo Jones, View of Whitehall and Old
St. Paul’s, by Hollar, very fine
403 One, Frances Dutchess of Richmond, by Delaram,
One, Frances Dutchess of Richmond, small octavo,
405 One, Catharine M ARCHioNEss OF Buckingham (Wife
OF George ViLLiERs Duke of) in an engraved Bor-
der, BY Magdalena Passe, extra fine and rare
. — 406 Qne, Catharine Marchioness of Buckingham, by De-
407 One, Elizabeth Lady Cavendish, by Vertue, fine
408 One, Lucey Countess of Harrington, by Simon
Passe, fine and rare
409 One, Frances Countess OF Somerset, BY Simon Passe,
410 Five, Elizabeth Drury, Catherine, Daughter of Sir John God-
win, Dorothy Wadham, &c.
411 One, Anne Bill, by Simon Passe, fine and rare
22 Engraved British Portraits.
412 One, Matoaka, alias Rebecca, by Simon Passe, fine
413 One, Lady Arabelea Stewart, G. W. sculp, fine
414 One, the Countess of Desmond, by Hall, a proof
4^5 One, Thomas Perca% the Gun-Powder Conspirator,
by Crispin Depasse, fine and extra rare
Three, two of William Harvey (friend of Cowley the Poet),
and Arthur Godwin, after Vandyck, by Gulst
One, Tames Calthorpe, Gent. Armorial Bearings,
&c. OF Basham in the County of Norfolk, in
1642; brilliant impression, very rare
One, John Lamotte, Esa. Citizen of London born
1st OF May, 1577, and deceased July 13, 1655, most
brilliant impression, extra rare
One ditto ditto, brilliant proof ; probably uNiaUE
One, the Phoenix of these late Times, or the Life
OF Mr. Henry Welby, Esquire, who lived at his
HOUSE IN Grub-Street, forty-four tears, and
was in that space never, seen by any, aged
eighty-four, with his Portrait, extra fine and
Three, Sir William Dick, of Braid,
YOST OF Edinburgh and an eminent Merchant
PiNG, Army and Town in the Back Ground—
THE Officers of Justice— third, Dead in Prison.
Brilliant Impression. Prefixed is a History of
WAS A JUST Punishment on him, for his un^at
RAL Rebellion against one of the best of Kings.
Very rare, and with the Pamphlet, probably
% 2
36 Engraved Bfitish Portraits.
610 One, John Digby Earle of Briistol, described by
Grainger as an anonymous Print of a man, in
HIS OWN Hair, withWiskers and a picked Beard,
A plain Coat resembling buff, a Shoulder-knot
OF STRIPED Ribbon, &c. W. Hollar fecit, 1644.
This Print is not described in the Catalogue
OF Hollar's Works. Extra fine and very rare
611 One, Henry Colhurst, with Helmet by his side.
Hollar fecit, 1644; very fine and extra rare
^ — 612 One, Edward Calver, Gent, who went from South-
wark TO Calais in France, July 17th, 1620, and
in THE Morning, and returned about Eight in
THE Evening ; Hollar fecit ; extra fine
613 Four, Francis Haw^kins, George Wackherlin, Sir Benjamin
Rudyard, by Hollar ; and ditto, by Payne
614 Two, Sir William Balfour? Kt. from Heath's Chronicle ; and
ditto, by Glover
615 One, the true and lively portraiture of Endi-
mion, Porter, of his Majesty's Bed-chamber, Esq.
AFTER Dobson, by Faithorne, very fine and ex-
tra RARE
- 616 Tw^o, James Peter Hunter, by Pontius; and Conradus Ruten,
by Coelmans, fine
617 Two, Charles the First, by Marshall and Smith
618 Six, William Harvey, by Houbraken ; Mayerne, by Faber ; Sir
Thomas Browne, Philemon Holland, and Bastwick, in Ar-
mour, by Cross
619 Five, Bastwick, by Hollar; ditto in Armour, by Cross; Ab-
diah Cole and Doctor Reade, by Marshall and Gaywood,
with MS. Account
620 Seven, two of Culpepper, physician; R, Morton, M. D. John
Woodhall, surgeon; and three of Milton
621 Three Chaucer and eleven Poets, on one sheet ; two of Ccw-
Jcy, by Vaughan, &c,
^ - 622 Eight; four of Cowley ; Sir John Wynne ; two of Ben Jonson,
by Vaughan, &c.
g22 Eight of Poets ; Waller, George Sandys, Cleveland, Suckling,
D'Avenant, and Massinger
— 624 Two, James Shirley, by Marshall; and Richard Browne, by
£125 One, Richard Lovelace, by Hollar, scarce
626 Four, Sir Robert Stapylton, Francis Quarles, John Ogilvy, and
a curious Print, by David Hopfer
627 Four, Robert Hey rick, poet ; Sir Francis Woftley, Robert Bar-
ron, and Nathaniel Richards
Reign of Charles /. 27
' . ^28 Four, Humphrey Mill, poet ; two Captain Weaver^ and George
Wither, by Payne
d 629 Six, Sir George Wharton, three of Arthur Johnston ; and two
of William Drummond, of Hawthorden, the Scotch Poet, by
* 6 — fi30 Six, Alexander, Earle of Stirling, Peter Collins, Lord Falkland,
and Lord Herbert, by Hollar; two of William Hodson, by
Marshall ; and Jertrude More, by R. Lochon
631 Four, Speed, the Historian; Sir Richard Baker, Sir Edward
Walker, and Lord Fairfax, bySavry
632 Seven, Thomas Lord Fairfax, by Houbraken; Captain James,
the Navigator, in an Oval ; two Indian Views, and Map from
his Voyage ; and Sir H. Spelman, by R. W^hite and Faithorne
ya- - 633 Three, Sir Henry Spelman; one, by Faithorne; and two ditto,
, ver fine
^ - 634 Four, William Somner the Antiquarian; John Weever ditto,
: original and copy ; and James Yorke, the Antiquarian Black-
• smith ’
r — 635 Two, Sir Kenelm Digby, after Vandyck ; ditto, by Houbraken;
^ , ditto, Title-page ; two of John Parkinson, the Botanist, by
'Marshall; and Wood Cut
s?. €36 Five, Sir Henry Wooton, from bis Remains; ditto, from his
State of Christendom ; and three of Richard Braithwait, Title-
page ‘ /
637 Four, John Hall, by Marshall; John Davies of Kidwelly; and
I two of Sir William Cornwallyes
^' 638 Two, Lewis Roberts, by Glover; and Gideon Harvey, by
^639 One, JosiAH Ricraft, from his Survey of England’s
Champions, Armorial Bearings, Ship in the Back
' Ground, See. fine and very rare
^ 640 Two, anonymous, by Faithorne and Glover, in Ovals, fine
■ ^ 641 One, James Stenier, Merchant OF London, anno 1643,
BY Hollar, very brilliant and extra rare
^‘—642 Two, James Stenier, by Hollar, fine proof; and Craenhaels,
by ditto, very fine
643 Two, Captain Thompson, by Marshall; and Captain Salton-
stal, in a Title-page, by Marshall
-644 One, Sir Thomas Urquhart, Kt. of Bray and Udal,
6cc. Baron of Fisherie and CloharbY, &:c, Laird
Baron of Cromartie and Heretable Sheriff
Table, Boy presenting a Crown of Laurel. Glo-
ver ad vivum delin. 1645, very fine and rare
^^^ —645 Four, Thomas Neale, by Marshall ; Jervaise Markham and jehn
Bate, by Giffard
— 646 Two, John Babington, by Droeschout ; and Nathaniel Ncy, by
S$ Kngraved British Fortraits.
g47 Three, Colonel John Lilburn, by Hollar ; and JohuThompsoiij
by ditto, FINE ,
648 One> John Dethick, of West Newton, in the County
OF Norfolk, Esquire, in an Oval, Lombart sculp.
649 Five, Marck Gerrard, by Hollar; Mytens, by Bannerman ;
P. Rubens, oval, two of ditto, by Visscher
.V.— .650 Two, after Rubens, Justius, Lipsius, Hugo, Grotius, Rubens,
his son, by Gregorio ; Rubens’s wife, Elliot
651 Three, original Drawings of Helena Forman the wife of Ru-
bens, by Crispin De Passe, with whole length Portrait of a
Lady unknown, most exquisitely finished
z 652 One, AN ORIGINAL Drawing in black and red Chalk,
BY Sir Peter Paul Rubens, of his wife Helena
Forman, a most masterly Performance, and a
great curiosity c r* u »
653 Four, Portraits of Helena Forman, two Views of Rubens s
House and Gardens in Holland, one Landscape and Figures,
after the same Artist, brilliant Impressions
654 Six, of Artists, Vandyck, by Vaillaint; Gerrard Segars, by De
Jode ; Gerrard on thorst, by Dupont, &c. . t *
^ 655 Seven, ditto Palamedes, by Pontius ; Dobson, by White ; Li-
vens, by Voersterman, &c.
// 656 Eight, of Artists, two of David Beck, Vandeiborcht, by Hollarr
Pollenburg, by Weumens, &c. xr j j
657 Eight, ditto, Torrentius, Dieppenbeck, Stalbent, Vanderdort,
Belcamp, Gerbier, Laniere, and Geldorp
653 Ten, ditto. Sir To py Mathews, Petitot, Lasour, Vanderborcht,
Stone, Pierce, Inigo Jones, Rogiers, and Vosterman
^ - 659 Six, ditto, Yoerst, Hollar, Lawes, Laniere, and Gouter
^ 660 Two, Writing Masters, Richard Gethin, with specimens of
Z QQi Two, ditto, Metcalf and Shelton
^ , — 662 One, Elias Allen, a celebrated Mathematician,
BY Hollar, fine and rare i ^ i
— 663 Four, the Tradescants (Gardners to Charles the Fust) father and
son, and James Roelans, by Hollar and Pontius _
664 Two, Mary Dutchess of Richmond, by Bockman ; and Eliza-
beth Dutchess of Richmond, by Hollar
665 One, Elizabeth Villiers, Dutchess of Richmond,
bY Hollar, very fine
666 One, Anne Dacres Countess OF Arundell and Sur-
rey, patch on her Temple, by Hollar, fine and
VERY rare
^ 667 One, Alathea Talbot Countess of Arundell and
Surrey, after Vandyck by Hollar, small oval^
very fine and extra rare
Reign of Charles L 39
§58 One Thomas Howarj> Earle of Arundell and his
LadYj with Terrestrial Globe, after Vandyck
BY Vosterman, brilliant Impression, very rare
669 Three, Elizabeth Countess of Kent, from her Publications on
^ - 670 One, Rachael Countess of Southampton, after Vandyck by
Macardell, fine proof
yj ^ -671 One, Anne Countess of Bedford (daughter of Carr
Earl of Somerset and the celebrated Countess
OF Essex) Mezzotinto proof, after Vandyck, ex-
tremely rare.
^ -672 One, Margaret Elizabeth Countess of Essex, black
Feather in her Ear, by Hollar, scarce
€73 One, Dorothy Countess of Suffolk, white Feather
IN HER Ear, by Hollar, very fine and extra
. <1 -674 Six, Anne Countess of Bedford, by Lombart ; Frances Bridges
Countess of Exeter, by Ogborne ; Elizabeth Countess of
Devon, Lucy Countess of Carlisle, by fiombart ; ditto, by
Ballue ; ditto, by Gunst
<^ €75 One, Frances Bridges Countess of Exeter, after
Vandyck by, Faithorne, very fine and extra
//-.^676 Six, Margaret Countess of Carlisle, Dorothea Countess of Sun*
derland, Sophia Countess of Caernarvon, by Lombart ; ditto,
by Morin ; Frances Countess of Portland, by Hollar ; ditto,
by Alexander Brown
i^/'-677 One, Catharine Howard, grand child to Thomas
Earl of Arundell, aged 13/ Hollar fecit ad
yivum, in an oval, fine and scarce
^€78 Ditto ditto in a square, before the back ground
was inserted, very fine and extra rare
7-^679 Two, Catherine Howard, after Vandyck by Lcmellin; and
ditto, by De Jode, very fine
-680 One, Mary Sole daughter and heiress of the Lord
General Fairfax, and wife of George VillierS
second Duke of Buckingham, oval private plate,
with ms. Account, very rare
€81 Four, Catharine wife to Sir Philip Perceval, Jane daughter to
Arthur Goodwin, afterwards Lady Wharton, by Van Gunst ;
the Marchioness of Wharton, by Earlom and Philidephila,
and Elizabeth Wharton her daughters, after Vandyck by
^ - 682 One, Elizabeth Harvey wife of John Harvey Ick-
worth, Treasurer to Queen Catherine, after
Vandyck by Hollar
^ 683 One, ditto ditto, fine and rare
40 Engraved British Portraits.
€34 One, Susana Temple, the only daughter of Sir
, Alexander Temple, Knight, Ladie Thornhurst,
Ladie Lister, by Robert White, fine and ex-
tremely RARE
€85 One, Lady Elizabeth Shirlea" (improperly named
by Grainger, TERESIA) a Chaplet of Roses on
OF Pearls, NAKED Breasts, Necklace, &c. after
Vandyck by Hollar, very fine and extra rare
^ This Lady was wife to Sir Robert Shirley,
the famous Adventurer and Ambassador,
and was a Relation of the Queen of Persia,
she is said to have fallen in love with Sir
Robert for his Valour, which he signalised
IN several Engagements with the Turks,
DURING his Residence in Persia
^ €86 One, Margaret Smith Vidua, Thomas Cary et uxoa
Edoardi Herbert Ee^uiTis, Faithorne sculpit, a
I MOST brilliant Impression, and esteemed one of
a €87 One, DITTO DITTO, MOST BRiLLi ANT Impression
688 Three, Margaret Smith, by Gunst ; Madame Anne Kirk, by
Becket ; Anna Wake, by Clouwet
- 689 Two, Lucy Sacheverel, by Faithorne, fine and rare
690 Four, Miss Mary Griffith, Margaret Lemon, Mistress to Van-
dyck, Anne Countess of Morton, and Lettice Lady Falkland
— 631 Four, Maria Ruten wife to Vandyck, by Boelswert ; ditto, by
Faithorne ; Lady Castlehaven, by Lombart ; and Anna Ma-
ria Schurman
2 ^' •?' 692 Two, Lady Catherine Gascoigne, and Catherine Lethieullier,
- €93 One, THE Committee of Popery in Masquerade, with
CURIOUS Portrait of Isaac Pennington, the fac-
tious AND regicide MaYOR OF LoNDON, THE ORIGI-
NAL Plate, fine and rare
— 694 One, Archibald Armstrong, Jester to King Charles
THE First, fine and very rare
695 One, Hobson, the celebrated Carrier of Cam-
bridge, BY Payne, fine and rare
€96 Four, President Bradshaw, Old Parr, with French Inscription ;
Young Parr, by White ; and Jeffrey Hudson the Dwarf
697 One, Francis Battalia, an Italian that swallowed
Stones, by Hollar, fine and very rare
^ 4-- 6 698 One, John Baptista Lazarus, with his twin brother
growing out of his Body, by Hollar, fine and
very rare
69j9 One, Alderman Abel, the famous Monolopolizbr
-Z'/- ^
//? —
Reign of Charles /. 41
OF Sweet Wines in the Reign of Charles thb
First, by Hollar, fine and very rare
700 One, Anonymous, by Hollar, with German Verses,
701 One, John Clavel,the penitent Highwayman, very
702 Seven, Mai Cut-Purse, ditto whole length, a Drawing, Richard
Herst, Mathew Hopkins, WilliaiD Holbroke, Edward Burell,
and Catharine Wallmann i
703 Five, by Hollar, &c. of Dresses in the Reign of Charles the
First • t r» •
704 Eight, Habits of Nobility and Judges, by Hollar, in the Reign
of Charles the First
705 Twenty-seven, the several Habits of English Women, from the
Nobility to the Countrywoman, in the time of Charles the
First, by Hollar, VERY FINE
706 Three, Mary de Medici, by Voesterman and Huret, fane and
scarce ^
707 Four, Mary de Medici, by Sadler, Wierx, Hollar and Morin
708 One, Mary de Medici, etched by herself 1587, fine
709 One, Coronation of Mary i>e Medici, by Gaultier,
fine and very rare
710 One, Family of Henry the Fourth of France, by
711 One, THE Burgo Masters, BY SuYDERHOEF, fine and
712 One, the Entry of Henrietta Maria into Amster-
dam, BY KnOLPE, fine and SCARCE
713 One, the Genealogical Branch of the House of
.Bourbon, containing all the Portraits of the
Sovereigns descended from St. Louis and Mar-
garet DE Provence, to Lewis the Thirteenth and
Anne of Austria, fine and very rare
714 Two, William Prince of Orange, whole length, by Hollar ;
ditto, small Mezzotinto after Vandyck, fine and scarce
715 Two, William Prince of Orange, by DelfF ; and Captain Baile}^,
fine and scarce
716 Three, Claude Deloraine Due de Chevreuse, with his Dut-
chess, by Moncornet
717 Three,' Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden, by Kilian,' Bulan-
ger, See.
718 Three, Gustavus Adolphus, whole length, in Armour, and
Christina Queen of Sweden, by Falck
719 One, the Funeral Procession of Gustavus Adol-
phus King of Sweden, whole sheet, fine and rare
42 EiigTaved British Portraits,
720 Two, Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, with his Wife and
Children, by Akeesloot, line and scarce
721 One, Frederick Henry Prince OF Orange, WITH HIS
. Wife AND Family, BA" VisscHER, FINE and rare
722 Four, Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, by Meiham, &c.
723 One, the Death of Henry Frederick Prince of
Orange, by Van Dalen, fine and rare
— '724 Three, the Emperor Ferdinand the Second, by Jelli ; ditto, with
Count Bucquoy, &c.
ycK? 725 Five, Peter de Beruiile, and Francis de Bassompierre, by Hum-
blot, 8cc.
^ 726 Three, Cardinal Rosetii and Henry de Senetere, by Larmissin,
727 One, Henra" Count Harcourt, Ambassador FROM THE
Court OF France to Charles the First, in 1643,
BY Masson, very fine
728 Three, Henry Count Harcourt, by Edeliuck, See.; and Michael
Le Blond, by Metham
— 729 One, Stephen de JeMare (Ambassador froai Spain
to King Charles the First) mmiole length, Troyan
730 Five, Polyander, by Metham and DellF; De Ridde, by Hol-
lar, &c.
— 731 One, Jaura Ben Abdella, Ambassador from the Em-
peror OF Morocco to King Charles the First, sur-
rounded BY Attendants, rare
732 Two, Peter Paul Rubens, by Pontius and Hollar
/S ' — 733 Four, Francis Junius, by Hollar ; Frederick Spanheim, by Suy-
derhoef; and Amos Comenius
734 Four, Vincenr Voiture a^d Renaius Descartes
j735 One, John Banfi, by Hollar, fine and very" rare
2-^ 736 One, a ISiamese Priest, by Captain Baillie
— “737 One, the Dutchess of Chevereuse, celebrated for
swiMMraG across the River Thames in the Reign
OF Charles the First, by Le Blond, fine and very
'^^^‘^738 One, Francis de Yendosme Due de Beaufort, on
Horseback, Battle in the distance, fine and
Sixth Day’s Sale.
0-6 '^ i 39 One, Francis de Vendosme Due de Beaufort, by
<- 2 - 6 — ^ 4.0 One, a Siamese Ambassador, by Captain Baillie r« i j
741 Three, Jacob Schotte, Ambassador from Holland to England,
in the time of Charles the First,, by C. Passe; Ludovicus
Camerarius, by Delff; and Adelbert Eggms, by Velde
Engraved British Portraits — During the Protectorate of
742 Twentv-four, Oliver Cromwell and Medals of the most principal
Actions of his time and Protectorate, with Historical Account
743 Two, Charles the Second when young, by Hollar
744 One, Charles the Second when young, by Vander-
— 745 One, Henrietta Maria, IN the manner of Mellan,
BA' Fa it; HORNE, rare 1 01 1
7"^ 746 Three, Henrietta Maria, by Faithorne, one a proof, and Charles
the Second with Col. Careless _
• 747 One, James Duke of York, in an oval of Palms,
■ 6 ^ 748 Two, the Princess Elizabeth, by Hollar ~ .
-^^^ 749 Three, Charles Lewis, by Moncornct ; and William Prince ot
Orange, by Stent and Conrard
750 Two, William Prince of Orange, by Moncornet ; and one in an
^ — 751 One, Oliver Cromwell, on Horseback, Battle in a
Distance, BY Lombart, FINE AND SCARCE
-4^. — One, Oliver Cromwell, on Horseback, w'ith View
OF London, eight Latin Lines, fine and rare
753 One, Oliver Cromwell standing between the Pil-
lars, inscribed the emblem of England s Distrac-
FELLED Freedom and Happiness, by Faithorne, a
44 Engraved British Portraits,
754 Three, Oliver Cromwell, by Lamborn ; Arms of ditto, -and
ditto sold by Bowles
655 One, Oliver Cromwell, by Veld, inscribed at the
Corners, O. C. P. R. extra fine and rare
756 Three, Oliver Cromwell, with Medals of David, Solomon,
Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, ditto by Waumens,
ditto a Dutch print
757 One, Oliver Cromwell, Medalion reverse, the
Spanish AND French Ambassadors contending FOR
the Honor of kissing his Breech, fine and rare
758 Four, Cromweirs Cabinet Council discovered the Royal Oak
Lion in Cradle, and Cromwell crowned by a Dragon
759 Two, Oliver Cromwell stealing the Crown, and ditto with
Heads of Charles the First and the Loyalists
^ 760 One, Oliver Cromwell in Armour, Page tying on
HIS Sash, said to be Portrait of Peter Temple,
one of the Regicides, Army, previous to the Bat-
^ TLE OF Dunbar, with View of the Sea in the back
761 One, a most elaborate and highly finished Minia-
ture OF Oliver CRaMWELL
762 Three, Oliver Cromwell, by Vertue ; ditto, Trevilian, and
original Receipt given by the Mason, John Lewis, for taking
up the Corps of Oliver, Ireton and Bradshaw, received
May 4, 1661, the Sum of Pifteen Shillings in full, of the
Worshipful Serjeant Norfolk, for taking up the Corpse of,
Cromwell, Ireton, and Bradshaw
^ 763 Six, of the Cromwell Family, Joan his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Claypole, Richard his son, in an octagon, ditto, from Heath’s
Chronicle, and his Wife, an etching
764 Three, Nathaniel Fiennes, by V. Gucht j Ireton and Fleet-
^ wood, by Houbraken >
^ 765 One, Edward Somerset Marquiss of Worcester (the
famous Author of the Century of Inventions)
Faithorne delin. et sculp, a brilliant proof,
^^-/^766 One, William Cavendish, the very loyal and
BRAVE Marquiss of Newcastle, his Marchioness
AND their Family, afterDieppenbeke byClouwet,
prefixed to Nature’s Pictures, drawn Fancy’s
^ Pencil to the Life, most erilliAnt Impression,
extra rare
9 ^ — 767" Three, Earl of Derby, from Clarendon; ditto, from Heath’s
Chronicle ; and the Earl of Bristol, by Houbraken
— 768 One, John Mordaunt Lord Mordaunt, ancestor op
During the Protectorate of Cromwell 45
THE Earl of Peterborough, with Armorial
Bearings, in an oval,, by Faithorne, fi^e and
Foifr, William Duke of Hamilton, by White; the Marquiss of
Montrose, by Ponlius, &c.
vJ— 770 Six, Archibald Marquiss of Ar,gyle, Lord Baltimore, two of
Bishop Usher, Edward Parry, by Dickson; and View of
Inverary Castle
771 Six, Clergy, Bp. Reynolds, Jeremy Taylor, Dr. Gauden,
ditto, by Cross ; and two of Alexander Ross
772 One, Dr. Brian Walton, the celebrated Editor of
thePolyglott Bible, by Lombart,’ extra fine and
'^—773 Four, Dr. Hewett beheaded by Cromwell/ditto in the manner
of Gaywood, Lambroc Thomas, and Sydrach Simpson
---^'-774 Four, Nicholas Lockyer, Chaplain to Cromwell, small oval,
ditto large, both by Hollar ; and Jeremy White, Chaplain to
Cromweri, and compelled by him to marry his Daughter’s
-<^"^775 Four, Clergy, Dinely, by Cross; Oughtred, by Faithorne;
Terry, by Vaughan ; and Trapp, by Gay wood
776 Five, Clergy, Trapp, by Cross ; Benj, Spencer, Cavebeck,
Sami. Fairclough, and Francis Robarts, by Cross
.^^^777 Six, Henry Stubbs, by Hobness ; ditto Anon; Reynolds, by
White and Loggan ; and tw^J of John Goodwin
— 778 Three, Christopher Love, by Conradus ; and Arthur Jackson,
by Loggan, two different states of the plate
6 779 Three, Bridg, by Sherwin Durant ; and Sidenham by Gaywood
;a. — 780 Three, Frost, by Vaughan ; Nalton, by Chantry; and Fron-
. tispiece to F'arewell Sermons
^ — 781 One, Anonym-ous Portrait OF a Clergyman in the
TIME OF Cromwell, most elaborate Miniature
IN Colours
1S2 Four, Clergy, Thomas Coston, O. Sedgwick, H. Holland, and
M urcot
^^-783 Three, John Rogers, by Hollar ; Thomas Larckom, a Draw-
ing, and Mocket, by Cross
- 784 Five, Clergy, Symonds, Moore, Hilder, and two of Hugh
^<^,^785 One, John Pordage, fine and rare
. .2.^786 Three, Clergy, Robert Layton, John D’Espagne, and Richard
-/r^787 Two, Peter Wright, Jesuit, with the Manner of
HIS Execution, fine and extra rare
788 .Two, Alexander More, by Passe, &:c. one a proof
^ ^789 One, Alexander More, by CRii^piN Passe, very fine
Engraved British Bortraits,
if 0-6
^ ^ -
Oke, Oliver Cromwell preaching, with curious
Historical Vignettes ; . ^
A. ---Selling the Goods he stole at Sea
B. — The taking of Worcester
C. — Oliver taught to preach
FINE AND RARE t mi i l xr
191 Three, Secretary Nicholas, by Hertocks ; Thurloe, by Ver-
tue ; and ditto, a Medallion , m, t^mi
792 Two, Edmund Ludlow, by Ravenet ; and Thomas Killegrew,
t Mezzotinto
793 Two, Samuel Morland, by Hollar and Lombart • • •
^ 0^6 794- Two, ditto, by Lombart j and one small octavo, with original
795 Three, Algernon Sidney, a Mezzotinto; ditto, 'Engra^ ing, and
Alexander Erskine, by Galle -
796 Two, Alexander Erskine, by Durr ; and I reaty of Munster, by
SuyderhoefF j t • e
797 Four, Medal of Lenthal and Scobell, two of Prynne and Leigh,
by Savage
798 One, Bulstrode Whitlock, by Gaywood, fine anit
799 Three, Bulstrode Whitlocke, by Hulsburg ; Rolle, by Her*
tochs ; and Fidell, by Cross i A- a
800 Four, two of Fairfax, with the Head of Charles the r irst, occ.
Cromwell, by Houbraken ; Lambert, a Medal
801 Five, Lambert, by Houbraken; Hewson, from Clarendon;
Penruddock, from ditto ; Lilburne, from his trial ; ^itto.
Medallions ; three Sanders De Ireton, by Loggan ; Uavid
Lesly, from Clarendon; and Medals, by Simon ^
8(>2 Three,^ Admiral Blake, by Preston ; and two of Medals, relative
to his Actions, very fine , ^ , n
803 Two, Admiral Penn, a Dutch Print ; and CoL Desbrow, small
804 One, Sir William Paston, Bart, a celebrated i ra-
veller and Founder, by Faitiiorne, rare
805 One, Sir Peter Temple, Kt. (one of the notorious
'regicide Judges), knighted by' Cromwell, by
Gaym’^ood, fine and rare
fi - fp -6 806 One, Sip^ Hugh Cartwright, by Voesterman, fine
and very rare , '
y^..^807 One, Sir Francis Hnglefield, Knight and Baronet
OF Wooton Bassett in the County of Wilts, by
Faithorne, VERY'^ fine and extra rare
(N.B. This is one of the finest and scarcest of ale
our English Portraits.)
-f t. c/)
During the Protectorate of CromxvelL
808 Two, Robert Rawlinson, by Nutting; and John Holt, by
— 809 Five, Sir Harry Klngsby, by Vertue ; Milton, by ditto; Ma-
verne, by Elder ; Charlton, by Loinbart ; and Bennett, by
--2^—810 Two, Tobias Venner, by Faithorne ; and Buiwer, by ditto, the
last a proof
Two, Robert RayhelJ, by Faithorne, with and without the Hat,
fine and rare
--2— - 812 Five, Dr. Everard in his Study, N. Culpepper, R. Tomlinson,
Waller, -and D’Avenant
— 813 Three, Thomas May, Stanley, b}^ Faithorne ; Hugo Grotius,
^^'-<^814 One, Edward Benlowes, by Barlow, scarce
^ 815 Three, View oe London with Parts oi’ Old St.
Paul’s, scarce; and the Ground Plan of ditto
^^^816 Three, William t.Lamberlaine the Earl of Newcastle, from
Heath’s Chronicle; and Sir William Low^erThe Poet
^^"^817 Three, Poets, Francis Goldsmith, by Cross; and two of
John Quarles, by Marshall and Faithorne
818 Three, ditto, George Wither, Crompton, and Tatham ,
819 One, Leonard Willan, by Cross, scarce
820 One, Nim and his man ^unge, scarce
^^ 2—^821 Three, Thomas Peeke, Catherine Phillips, and John Price, by
2'^ <^822 Four, Edw^ard Lee, by Chantry; Hicks, by Loggan ; Chisen-
hale and Francis Rous, by Faithorne
,>'-^^823 One, Francis Rouss, by Faithorne, very fine
824 Three, John Sparrow, by Loggan ; Jacob'Bohme, and curious
Plate of Mystical Divinity, with MS. Note
825 One, Jacob Bohme, with curious embleaiat'ical al-
lusions, Van Verd FECIT, 1677 , fink and rare
- 826 Four, Sir H. Vane, from Clarendon Sir George Strode, and
two W. Sanderson, by Faithorne
-827 Five, three different of James Howell, and two Carey Earl of
Monmouth, by Marshall and Faithorne, with MS. Account
One, Horatia Gonsales, a. singular character,
COVERED W ITH Hair, in an Oval, fine and very
rare , r J
Five, the Seasons, by Hollar, whole lengths, very fine, and one
Beni owes Theophila -
Rcig7i of Charles //, from the Restoration. 49
Engr'aved British Portraits, — Reign of Charles II. from
the Restoration,
S59 Three, Charles the Second’s Entertainment at the Hague; ditto
from the Great Seal, and Henry Tremolle, by Philipe
§60 Two, Menasseh Ben Israel, the Jewish Agent from the Low
Countries to tlie Protector Cromwell, etched by Rembrandt,
with the Variation, very fine
- 2 > - 861 Four, James Catis, by Houbraken; Ben Israel, by Selim Italia,
and two of Christian Ravius
‘ — 862 Three, John Rulitus, Leonard Philares, and Rigep Dandulo
863 One, Catharine Lethieullier, fine and scarce
- 864 One, Blaisii de Manfre, the celebrated Water-
Spouter, by Hollar, fine and rare
865 Three, by Hollar, London before and after the disastrous Fire
of 1666 ; ditto, from HowelPs Londinopolis, and one Survey
of the Streets in 1666
866 Five, Charles the Second with Arms beautifully emblazoned.
Seals, Coins, &c. and Historical i\ccount
— §67 Two, of Charles the Second, whole length, by Faber; ditto, by
Blooteling, 1680
— 868 Three, Charles the Second, by Vandalen, Vertue, and Sherwin,
with Historical Account
869 One, Charles the Second, by the Grace of God,
King of Great Britain, on Horseback, View of
I London, fine and very rare
870 One, Charles the Second, whole length, after
ScHUT, by Hollar, fine and rare
^ — 871 Seven, Charles the Second, his Coronation and Marriage; two
from the present State of Great Britain ; Guildfurd Lord
Keeper ; one Dutch ditto of Charles the Second with Hydra
872 Four, the Triumphal Fntertainment of the King and Queen’s
Majesty by the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and Citizens of
London, at their coming from Hampton Court to Whitehall,
on the RiverThames, anno 1662, by Rod. Stoop, fine and
EXTRA rare
^ 873 Four, Charles the Second’s Fntertainment at the Hague, with an
original Drawing and a MS. Account
874 Six, Sea-Fights in the Reign of Charles the Second, by De
Hooge, &;c. fine
875 Seven, Charles the Second, in an Oval ; ditto, square; two
Medallions ; ditto, Oval, with Star; and two Book-Plates, b}"
Marshall, &:c.
60 Engraved British Portraits.
- 876 One^ Charles the Second, James Duke orYoRk, and
Henra’ Duke of Gloucester, fine and rare
- 877 One, Catharine of Portugal, Queen of Charles
THE Second, in the Dress she came over, by Hol-
lar, FINE and very rare
S7S Two, of Catharine of Portugal, Queen of Charles the Second,
by Blooteling and Arnold de Jode
/j 879 One, Catharine Queen of Charles the Second,
SOLD BY Stent, fine and rare
880 One, Catharine Queen of Charles the Second, in
the Dress she came over, by Faithorne, rare
882 One, Catharine Queen of Charles the Second, by*
Blooteling, very fine
‘'- ^'^—883 One, FIenrietta Maria Queen Mother, Robert
Walthon excudit, very rare
gg^ Two, James Duke of York, by Moncornet and Faithorne,
- -gg5 ‘One, James Duke of York with Trophies, by R.
White, fine and rare
Seventh Day’s Sale.
Reign of Charles II. continued,
Z /^- — 8S6 Two, James Duke of York, whole length, by Loggan ;-ditto, by
^ .-r— 887 Three, the Dutchess of Mazarine, by Lombart, &:c. with MS.
' Account of them
888 Pour, the Dutchess of York, by White, Blooteling, and Williams,
and the Lady Isabella, proof
— 889 One, Henry Duke of Gloucester, by Yandalen,
fine and rare
. 8^0 One, ditto ditto, a most brilliant proof before
the Letters
.-zd — ^891 Three, William Prince of Orange, by Sylvelt ; Mary Princess,
by Blooteling; and the Lady Anne, by Thompson
^^-^ 892 Two, Prince Rupert, by Blooteling ; and the Dutchess of Or-
leans, by Larmissan
^■2^— 894
L^— 900
L//l/ 901
1 /.5
// . -
Reign of Charlies II,
Two, George Prince of Hanover, by Lens; and George Prince
of Denmark, by Cooper
Three, the Earl of Southampton from Clarendon ; ditto, Me-
dal, Earl of Danby, by Blooteling
One, WiNBLEDON House, by Winstanlev, fine and
One, Henry Duke of Norfolke, Earle Marshall of
England, Earl of Arundej.l, Surrey, Norfolk,
and Norwich, Baron of Howard, Mowbraa', Se-
GRAVE, Brews of Gower, Fitz-Allan, Clun, Os-
waldistree, Maltr avers, Greystock and Castle
Rising ; after the Princes of the Royal Family,
FIRST Duke, Earl, and Baron of England, and
chief of the illustrious Family of the Ho-’
WARDS, BY Blooteling, fine and rare
Two, James Duke of Ormond, by Williams and Smith
Two, Bennett Earl of AFiington, by Hoiibraken ; and John
Dewitt, the celebrated Pensionary of Flolland, the great op-
poser of the Measures of the House of Orange, and torn to
pieces by the Mob at the Hague, by Bary
One, the Murder of the 13ewitts (John and Corne-
lius, Brothers), the one Grand Pensionary and
the other Admiral of FIolland, with their Por-
traits, fine and rare
Three, the Earl of Manchester, from Heath's Chronicle ; Geo.
Monck Duke of Albemarle, from ditto ; and ditto, by L.
One, George Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Tor-
rington, Baron Monck of Potheridge, Beau-
champ AND Teyes, Captaine Generall and Com-
mander in Chief of all his Majesty's Forces in
his Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ire-
land, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the
Garter, Master of his Majesty’s Horse, and
ONE OF the Lords of his Majesty’s Privy Council,
Three, George Duke of Albemarle, by Shepherd, an Oval, from
his Life, and one Laying in State, % White
One, James Duke of Monmouth (the unfortunate Son
OF Charles the Second), by Blooteling, fine and
very rare
Three, George Duke of Buckingham, by W bite ; James Duke
of Ormond, by Blooteling ; and Colbert, by Nanteuil
One, Willi am Seymour Duke of Somerset, by Ver-
tue, fine
One, ditto, a most brilliant impression
G 2
Engramd British Portraits.
6 907 One, Charles Lenox Duke of Richmond, natural
Son of Charles the Second, by Louisa de Querre-
Black holding his hat and Feather^ after Gas-
car, PROOF, VERY rare
908 One, Henry Duke of Grafton, natural Son of
Charles the Second, by Barbra Villiers Dutchess
OF Cleveland, by Beckett, fine and rare
— 909 Two, Henry Duke of Grafton, inanOval^ by Beckett; George
Fitzroy Duke of Northumberland, natural Son of Charles the
Second by the Duchess of Cleveland
— 910 One, Henry Duke of Beaufort, Marq-UIs and Earl
OF Worcester, by Williams, fine and rare
911 One, Charles Earl of Derby, by Blooteling, fine
^-^^-<7 912 One, Jocelyn Earl of Northumberland (the last
OF THE illustrious SiRNA^ME OF PeRCY) BY BroWNE,
- 913 One, the Right Hon. John the Lop^d Bup.leigh,
Earl of Exeter (Patron of Prior the Poet), by
Thompson, fine and rare
One, John Egerton Earl of Bridgewater, after
Claret, fine and rare
/^-6 9ij; One, ditto, Smith, very fine
One, John, the celebrated Earl of Rochester, by
R. White, fine and rare
?)- A3-6 917 Two, Edward Montague, the celebrated Admiral, and first Earl
of Sandwich, by Blooteling; Edward his Son and second
Earl, by ditto
— 918 Three, the Earl of Chesterfield, by Woriidge ; Arthur Earl of
Essex, in an Oval, and the Flarl of Carlisle, by Blooteling
—919 Two, Charles Earl of Carlisle, by Faithonie and Blooteling, the
last a proof
^^3— 920 Three, William Earl of Graven ; Don Carlo Earl of Plymouth
(natural Son of Charles the Second by Mrs. Catharine Pegge),
by Smith ; and Charles Beauclerck Duke ot St. Albans, and
James Lord Beauclerck, Earl of Burford, natural Sons of
Charles the Second, by NellGwynn, by White
y ''- 6 921 Two, by Blooteling, the Duke of St. Alban’s and Lord Burford,
very fine
^-^-^ 922 One, John Earl of Tweedale, by Smith, proof, very
FINE, with MS. 'Account
923 One, Robert Earl of Yarmouth, by Vanderbanck,
fine and rare
^ 72^^924 One, ditto, by Luttrel, very rare
s '- ys ^~6 925 One, Thomas Belasyse Lord Viscount Falconberg,
BY Blooteling, fine and rare
Reign of Charles IL 53
926 One, William the great Lord Russell, by Luttrcl,
- 927 Two, Lord Falconberg, by White, and William Lord Russell,
by Houbraken, fine
-^;"-^ 92 S One, the Right Hon. the Lord Grey, by Browne,
/z- 6 929 One, the Lord Ashley, Son of the Lord Chancel-
lor Shaftesbury, by Thompson, fine and rare
930 One, Robert Lord Brooke, by Valck, fine and rare
-/^-^931 One, John Duke of Lauderdale (a profligate Scotch
Nobleman), by Valck, a brilliant proof, very
932 Three, John Lord^^Belasyse, by White ; Denziel Ilollis.by ditto,
and the Duke of Lauderdale, by Becket
933 One, Archibald the second Marquis of Argyle (be-
headed AT Edinburgh in 1683, having landed
FROM Holland to raise forces in Scotland, to aid
THE Duke of Monmouth), Helwegh fecit, fine
'-^—934 One, James Earl of Perth, Lord Drummond Stob-
HALL, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, &c. by
BloNDEAU, fine and PvARE
-//— 935 One, Thomas Earl of Elgin, brother and successor
TO Edward Lord Bruce, who was killed by Sir
Edward Sackville, Faithorne sculpti , very rare
^ ^36 One, ditto ditto, brilliant impression, very' rare
^— 937 One, Richard Lord Maitland, Lord Justice Clerk
OF Scotland, lost his Place fob corresponding
with THE unfortunate SECOND MaRQUIS OF ArGYLE,
WITH Armorial Bearings and Quarterings ; Van-
^-^938 One, Walter Count Leslie (a Scotchman, of the
Leslies of Balquhain in Aberdeenshire, cele-
STEiN, THE Commander of the Imperial Army
against the great Gustavus Adolphus). — See an
Account of this extraordinary Personage from
i THE elegant Pen of Lady M. W. Montague, fine
and rare
-939 One, Walter Count Leslie, by Kilian, very fine
and rare
Four Roger Earl of Orrery, by Mynde; Lord Ossery, by
VAn Hove; Lord Castlemaiiie, by Faithorne; and Lord
Coleraine, by Vertue
941 One, Lord Coleraine a Pi lgrim’s Habit, by Faith-
orne, fine rare
,54 Engraved British Portraits,
942 Humphrey Henchman Bishop of London (instrumen-
Battle of Worcester) after Lely, fine and rare
^ 943 One/ George Morley Bishop of Winchester, half
944 Three, Sheldon, by Vertue ; Cosin, by Dolle ; and Duppa, by
945 One, Peter Mews Bishop of Winchester, by Loggan,
946 One, the Rawlinson Family, by Nutting, fine and
a -0 g^’-j gjx, Sanderson, by Hollar ; ditto, by White ; Nicholas Monck,
two of Bp Hackett, and View of W^ells Cathedral
948 One, Seth Ward Bp. of Salisbury, by Loggan, fine
949 One, John Dolben Lord Bishop of Rochester, by
Thompson, fine and rare
950 One, John Wilkins Bishop of Chichester, by Bloote-
ling, fine and rare
951 One, Peter Gunning Bishop of Lly, by Loggan, fine
AND RARE ^ •, r 1 -o
-052 ^’wo, EdwTHd Rainbow Bishop of Carlisle, and John Pearson,
Bishop of Chester
^co 953 One, John Fell Bishop of Oxford, John Dolben Bishop
" OF Rochester, and Dr. Allestry, on one sheet,
AFTER Lely, fine and very rare
^ 954 Five, Dr. Kenn, Bp. of Bath and Weils, Sharp, Arch Bp. of St.
Andrews, and three of Jeremy J aylor
Three, ]eremy Taylor^ by Lombart, one a proof
956 One, Edward Wettenhall, by Vanderveert, fins
and rare
957 One, John Tillotson Dean of Canterbury (after-
wards Arch Rp.)> by Blooteling, fine and rare
^ ^ 958 Six, Meggot, by White ; Barwick, by Vertue ; two of Bathurst,
by Loggan, &c. Stradiing, by W^hite ; and Love, by Tyson
/.Ti — 959 Four, juhn Spencer, by Vertue j Holder, by Loggan ; Daniel
Whitby, and John Conant
960 Six, Thomas Hyde, Edward Lake,. March Frank, Meyrick
Causobon, and Benjamin Calamy
^ 961 Four, Edward Pocock, Richard Allestry, Robert South, and
Ezekias Burton
962 One, Thomas Fuller, Author of Worthies, &c. by
Loggan, extra fine and rare
963 One, Doctor Puchard Busby, Master of Westmin-
ster School, 58 years, (a celebrated Disciplina-
rian) WITH curious ms. History', very fine
Reign of Charles //. 55
_ Four, Joseph Glanville, by Faithorne ; Lighlfoot, by White ;
Castellus, by Faithorne ; and Helyn, by White
-e* 965 One, Isaac Barrow, after Loggan, most brilliant
966 Four, Outram, Cudworth, Whichcot, and Beaumont, by
■y~ 967 Two, John Wallis, by Faithorne ; and ditto, by Loggan
968 Two, Henry More, by Faithorne and Loggan, fine
— 969 Five, Edward Spark, Richard Sherlock, William Falkner, and
Henry Hibbert (
f-^910 One, Andrew Lortie, Minister of the French Pro-
testant Church in London, by Vansommer, fine
AND extra rare
971 Four, Titus Oates, John Rawlet, William Walker, and Edward
972 Three, Flamstead, by Vertue; Goad, by White ; and Kettle-
well, by Smith
97T Two, Richard Kingston and John Newton, fine and scarce
*^^—-974 Tw'o, Edmund Ellis, by Faithorne ; and Clement Ellis, fine and
‘^- 975 Four, Robert Walwyii, one by Sherwiii; and two of John
Owen, by White and Vertue
-^-^976 Five, Thomas Goodwin, Thomas Manton, William Bates, and
Antony Tuckney, by Faithorne, &c.
977 One, John Collins, quarto, Mezzotinto, fine and rare
978 Four, tlie Frontispiece to Farewell Sermons, Edmund Calamy,
Stephen Charnock, and Humphrey Gower
^r --979 Four, Samuel Cradock, David Clarkson, Alathew Pole, and
John Howe
980 Six, ditto, two of Joseph Caryl ; two of Thomas Doolittle, and
1 two of Thomas Gouge
981 Five, ditto, the Protestant Martyrs, thirteen Portraits on a slieet,
: Frontispiece to Farewell Sermons, Simeon Ashe, Thomas
I Lye, and Stephen Watson
982 Six, ditto, Samuel Clarke, Frontispiece to Clarke’s Works;
ditto to Looking Glass for Saints, three of S. Claike, by
933 Five, ditto, Thomas Wadsworth, Henry Newcome, and three of
Tames Jane way
984 Five, ditto, two of Ralph Vennings Henry Stubbs, Christopher
Ness, and N Vincent.
985 One, ditto, Rogers with six Dogeril Rymes, by IJol-
986 Four, George Griffith, John Rav, Richard Baxter, and Mathew
'- -987 Six, Clergy, John Flavel, Edmond Trench, Isaac Ambrose,
Edward Pierce, and William Sherwin
Ens,7'aved British Poi'traits,
^_//-_ 6
/.‘/.•^ 100
988 Two. Clergy, Benjamin Keach and William Dyer, scarce
989'OxNfE, Nathaniel Partrilge, quarto, M ezzotinto,
990 Tliree, ditto, Hanserd Knollis, Hugh Peters, the notorious Regi-
cide, and Thomas Philip Howard, by C!ou\^t
991 One, Oliver Cromwell, T. HaiTison, Geo. Carew, G.
Ccioke, H. Peters, T. Scott, G. Clement Ad Scroope, T
Tones D. Axteli, and F. Hacker, convicted Malefactors and
Reoieides, all on one sheet with MS. Letter, very rare
992 Three”, of Clergy, Oliver Piunket, die titular Arch Bp. of all
Ireland, executed for a pretended Conspiracy, by R. Collm ,
]ohn Hopwood, and H. Brady
993 One, Bonaventure Baron, by Kilian, half sheet,
994. One, John Young, J esuit, fine and very rare ^
9^ Three,'^l’horaas Harcourt, John Fenwick, and Thomas Picicei-
inv, Jesuits, executed upon Oates’s Evidence
996 Thre'e, William Waring-, two different of, and Careras, Chap-
lain to Queen Catherine . , , , r t ’ „
997 Four, Richard Carpenter, by Marshall; and thiee of Jon
998 Two,'’ Anthony Turner and Charles Baker, Jesuits, executed
1679 , on Oates’s Evidence _ r,
999 Two, John Gavin and Philip Evans, Jesuits, executed on Oates s
1000 Thiee?Sh Edward Nicholas, Secretary of State to Charles the
First and Second, by Hertochs, &c. very fin E
1001 Three, Sir William Morice, biother-in-law to the celebrated
Genl. Monck, by Houbraken ; Sir Lionel Jenkins and Sir
Richard Fanshaw, by Faithorne, all very fine
1000 One Sir William Temple, Baronet (the cf.le-
BRATED Ambassador and Author), by Vanderbancic
Sir Thomas Her-
bol t and Sir William Davidson
100.4 One S R Stephen Fox, Knight, a true and loyal
Servant to Charles the Second in his exile, a
g’eat Patriot, and benevolent Founder, and
1005 Three’ si'DmheTNor.h, a celebrated Merchant and Brother
to Lord Keeper Guildford, by Venue ; Andrew Marvel ,
an uncorrupt Patriot, by Basire ; and ’
Baronet, Ancestor of the present Chancellor, of the Exche-
1006 Twoi’joim “idarvy, Esquire, by Thompson; and the great
Earl of Clarendon, by Loggan
Beign of Chaj'les IT, 57
' ’ 1007 Two, Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chan-
cellor of England, D. Loggan sculp, most brilliant Impression,
fine and rare ; ditto. Medallion, with Historical Account
1008 Two, Sir Orlando Bridgeman, by Faithorne, &c. very fine
1009 One, Sir Antony Ashley Cooper Earl of Shaftes-
bury, Lord President of the Privy Council, &c.
BY R. White, remarkably fine and rare
.^-^1010 One, the Right Honble. Antony Earl of Shaf-
tesbury, Baron Ashley of Wunbourne St. Giles,
and Lord Cooper of Paulet, Lord High Chan-
cellor of England, Lord Lieutenant of the
County of Dorset, and one of the Lords of the
Privy Council (fled to Holland, where he died
FOR being concerned IN THE CELEBRATED CaBAL),
by Blooteling, brilliant Impression, very rare
1011 One, Heneage Finch Earl of Nottingham, Lord
High Chancellor of England, 1681, by R. White,
VERY fine and RARE
3-^ 1012 Three, Francis Lord Guildford, Lord Keeper, Ancestor to the
present Earl of Guildford, Sir Mathew Hale, Lord Chief
Justice, and Sir Francis Pemberton
^1013 One, Sir Richard Rainsford, Lord Chief Justice
of the King’s Bench, by Thompson, fine and very
ir-^1014 One, Sir George Jeffreys, Knight and Baronet,
Lord Chief Justice of England, (a notorious ty-
rannical Judge, and the Instrument of James
i THE Second’s Cruelties in the West of England,
I upon THE suppression OF THE DuKE OF MoNMOUTH’s
Rebellion) by R. White, a most brilliant Im-
pression, VERY RARE
<-<^1015 One, Sir Thomas Jones, one of the Judges of the
King s Bench, by Thompson, fine and rare
One, John King, Knight and Baronet, by Sherwin,
fine and rare
ion Four, Sir John Vaughan, Sir Jeffrey Palmer, and two of Roger
'’^1018 One, William Prynne presenting his celebrated Book, entitled
the Public Records to King Charles the Second, whole sheet,
with Description of the same, very fine
-^1019 Two, Richard Graves, by Vertue ; and Sir George Macken-
zie, by Vanderbanck
• Patrick Lyon of Carse, Knight, Judge of
THE High Court of Admiralty of the Kingdom
OF Scotland, by R. White, fine and extra rare
<1021 Two, Sir James Turner, by R. White, fine j and Sir Giles
Strange ways, a Medallion
Engraved British Portraits.
1022 One, Sir Giles Strangeways or Melberry Samp-
ford IN Dorsetshire, of an ancient Family, a
TRUE Loyalist to the cause of the unfortunate
Charles the First, and a most seasonable Bene-
factor to Charles the Second, after the Battle
of Worcester! by Loggan, most brilliant proof,
^ 1023 C?/e,"*Gbnebal Thomas Dalyell, who served
" 1023 King of Great Britain, as
Major General of his Army at the Battle op
Worcester, and thereafter being taken Br -
mIde his Escape out of the Tower of London,
WENT TO Muscovy, where he served the Esiperor
of Russia as one of the Generals of his Forces
against the Polanders and Tartars, till the
Year i665,when he was recalled by King Charles
THE Second, and thereafter did command his
Majesty’s Forces at the defeat of the Rebels at
Pentland Hills in Scotland, and continued
Lieutenant General in Scotland, when his Ma-
jesty had any standing Forces in that Kingdom,
Tire THE Year of his Death 1685, in the Reign of
Great Britain, France, and Ireland,
Vanderbanc, brilliant Ibipression, extreme y
R A H. G
* For an Account of this singular Personage,
SEE his Character by the celebrated Dean
// ^ 1024 Four, Sir George Rawdon, Baronet, Ancestor of the present
^ ^ 1024 Fouj, Duke of York Lord High
Admiral of England; Prince Rupert by Bretherton ; and
George Monck Duke of Albemarble, by R. White
i025 One, THE most Illustrious and high
Duke of York, &c. on Horseback, Battle and Sea
, j ^ 1026 One, Edward Montagua Viscount Hinchinbrook
‘ ^ lu/o Sandwich. Knight of the most noble
Order of the Garter, one of his Majesty s most
HoXe Privy Council, Captain General of the
Narrow Seas, Vice Admiral England, an
Grand Master of the Great Wardrobe, by
Blooteling, a most brilliant Impression, very
1027 Thre“!' Sir Edward Sprague, Admiral ^
brated Dutch Admiral, by Blooteling ; Sir George Ayscue,
Admiral, with Sea Fight
Reign of Charles IL
1028 One, Saint Cecilia, after Raphael by Marck
Antonio, most brilliant Impression, rare
* See interesting Account of this Print in
Mr. Grainger^s Article of Sir John Lawson
1029 One, Sir Thomas Allen, of Somer Liton in the
County of Suffolk, Knight and Baronet, a true
Loyalist to Charles the First, and a celebrated
brave and successfull Admiral in the Reign of
Charles the Second, by Vanderbanc, fine and
RARE, with ms. relating TO HIS HiSTORY
L 1030 One, Sir Joseph Jordan, Admiral, celebrated in
THE Sea Fight of Solebay, by Thompson, fine and
rare ^
1031 One, Sir William Berkley, Admiral, a cele-
brated Naval Commander, killed in the famous
Sea Fight with the Dutch, June 1st, 1666 , by
Thompson, EXTRA fine and RARE
1032 Two, Thomas Eari of Ossory, and Sir Trctswell Hollis, by
1033 One, Sir John Chicheley, a celebrated Admiral, sold by Browne,
fine and rare
1/7^ 1034 One, Henry Tearne, a celebrated Naval Officer
IN the Sea Fight against the Dutch, June 1st,
1666 , BY Faithorne, very rare
1035 One,ditto ditto, MOST brilliant Impression, raris-
j Eighth Day’s Sale:
t —
Reign of Charles II. continued.
1036 Two, George Prince of Denmark, proof; and James Duke
of Ormond, whole length
1037 One, Robert and Dorothy Sidney, son and daugh-
ter OF Philip Earl of Leicester, by Browne, fine ,
and very rare
^ 1038 Two, Henry Sidney, son to Robert Earl of Leicester, by
Browne ; and Sir Edward Beering, by Glover, fine
H 2
60 Engraved British Portraits.
1039 One, the Honble. William Verney, Esquire, bit
^ Browne, SCARCE
1040 One, Sir Thomas Isham, of Lamport in the County
OF Northampton, extra fine and rare
1041 One, Sir John Lowther, Baronet, of Westmorland
Ancestor of the present Earl of Lonsdale, by
Browne, most beautiful proof, rarissimus
1042 Two, Sir John Webster, by Metham ; and Sir Samuel Bar-
nardiston, of Brightweli in the County of Suffolk, Baronet,
both fine
1043 Two, Sir Edward Harley, Knight of the Bath and Governor
of Dunkirk, Vertue sculp, and Sir Robert Clayton, Lord
Mayor of the City of London in 1680, by Smith, very fine
/^// -6 1044 Two, Sir Thomas Armstrong, a celebrated Royalist in the
time of Charles the Eirst, but afterwards executed for being
engaged in Monmouth’s Rebellion, and Sir Edmond Bury
Godfrey, Knight and Justice of the Peace, who was mur-
dered by Papists, 12th of October 1678, by Nutting, fine
^ ^^ 6 1045 Tw^o, Thomas Thynne, of Longleate in the County of Wilts,
Esquire, who was barbarously murdered on Sunday the 12th
of February 168E2, by Robert White ; ditto, by Eaithorne,
Mezzotint©, both fine
1046 One, John Cotton Bruce, Esquire, founder of the
Celebrated Cottonian Librartt, now in the Bri-
tish Museum, yANDREBRANC sculp, w^hole sheet,
^ .^-<^1047 Four, Daniel Colwell, Esquire, of the Friary near Guildford
in Surrey, founder of the Natural Museum at the Royal
' Society,* by Robert White; Robert Fielding, a Gentleman
of ancient Family in Warwickshire, and a celebrated Beau in
the Reign of Charles the Second, Becket fecit; ditto, Van-
derveert ; ditto, in an oval, sold by Beckett, yery fine
y^-^ 1048 Two, Curwen Rawlinson, of Cark in Lancashire, ^Esquire,
Christopher Rawdinson,' of the same place, Esquire, by
1049 One, Robert Stafford, Esquire, son of Sir Edward
' Stafford, ofBradfield in Berkshire, celebrated
for the Beauty of his person, Loggan sculp, ex-
tra fine and rare
1050 One, William Bluck, Esquire, by White, extra
fine and rare
1051 One, the true and lively Portraiture of Mar-
' maduke Rawdon, of Hodsden, Esquire, second son
to that valiant Colonel and worthy Knight,
Sir Marmaduke Rawdon, of Hadedon, he was
BORN IN London, 16th August, 1621, R. Wnii^,'
Reign of Charles //.
1052 One, John Cockschutt, by Loggan, fine and scarce
1053 0^’E, Edward Backwell, Alderman and Banker of
London, who, upon shutting up the Exchequer,
was obliged to fly his Country to avoid his Cre-
ditors, and died in Holland. He inhabited the
House now occupied by the eminent P'ixim of
Child and Co. most brilliant proof, extra rare
1054 One, John Kenrick, Esquire, an eminent and respectable Mer-
chant of London, Ancesior of the present M r. Kenrick, M . P,
in the present Parliament for Bletchiniy in Surre}^, whole
length, after Kneller by Vertue, fine and rare
^ 1055 One, John Moyser, Esquire, of Beverly in York-
shire, F. Place, fecit, a brilliant proof, fine
^^-^1056 One, Samuel AJ ALINES, Claret P. Lombart sculp,
brilliant Impression, extra rare
^^ '^1051 One, Major WiLDMAN, a distinguished Royalist
DURING the Protectorate of Cromwell, in an
OVAL OF Palms, Motto, Nil Admirari, Hollar
fecit, fine and rare
1058 One, Mr. Philip Woolrich, by Place, fine and
very rare
''~^lo59 One, Thomas Killigrem^ Page of Honor to King
Charles the First, Groom of the Bed Chamber
to King Charles the Second, and his Majesty’s
Resident with the Republic of Venice, in the
Year 1650, by Faithorne, brilliant Impression,
very rare
1060 One, Thomas Killegrew in a Go^vn lined with
Female Heads in a studious Posture, and Mon-
key imitating him, by Bosse, fine and rare
^-^1061 One, Thomas Killigkew, half sheet, Mezzotinto
You see my Face, and if you’d know my Minde,
’Tis this, I hate myself and all Mankind.
extra fine and rare
I ^••^1062 One, Sir Thomas Nott, Knjgiit, one oe the Gentle-
men Ushers in Ordinary" of the Honouraiile
Privy" Chamber to his present Majesty King
, Charles the Second, R. White, sculp, fine and
[^-^1063 One, Thomas Windham, Esquire, Sir Ralph Cole,
[ Baronet, pinxit. fine and rare
|y-^1064 Two, Sir Philin Perceval, Baronet, and Sir John Perceval,
Baronet, Ancestors of the present Earl of ^Egmont, Lord
Arden, &c, &c. Faber fecit, fine and rare
02 Ungramd British Portraits.
o 1065 Two, George Perceval, of Temple House in tlie County of
Sligo, Esquire, and Robert Perceval, Esquire, one of the Fa-
mily of Eginont, (for an Account of the last extraordinary
Person, see Grainger), by Faber, fine and rare
1066 One, Sir Edmund King, a celebrated Physician
TO Charles THE Second, after Lely by Williams,
1067 One, ditto, after Kneller by White, fine and
1068 Six, two of Doctor Scarborough, two of Barwick, and two
of William Ramsay
1069 Three, William Sermon, by gherwin ; John Archer, and
Tobias Whitaker, by Chantry, fine and rare ^
1070 Five, Thomas Sydenham, by Blooteling ; ditto, by Houbra-
ken; Thomas Willis, by Venue; ditto, by White; and
ditto, by Loggan r- t?
^ 107 i Four, Sir Thomas Browne, by Vanhove; George Ent, brancis
Gllsson, and Richard Lower
^ 1072 Three, Walter Charlton, Richard Morton, and Sir William
Petty, one a proof
1073 Three, Robert Morrison, Doctor Grew, and John Mayow
1074 One, Nathaniel Highmore, by Blooteling, fine
and very rare
1075 Three, Everard Mainwaring, Gideon Flarvey, and Geo.
•2 1076 One, Francis Bernard, M. D. fine and rare
1077 Three, Samuel Collins, Samuel Hayworth, and Robert Johnson
1078 Four, William Atkins, William Rowland, Abdiah Cole, in
one sheet, v/ith three others, and Dr. Garencieres
V-/- ^ 1079 Two, John Johnston, M. D. and Sir William Davidson
1080 Four, John Partridge, William Salmon, and two of Lionel
^ 1081 Two, }oseph Blagrave, and Lancelot Coelson
1082 Five, two of James Cook, William Walwyn, and two of John -
1083 One, Valentine Greatorex, by Faithorne, fine
and rare X- . 1
1084 Four, Paul Barbett, Thomas Bruges Milton, by Faithorne;
and ditto, by Basire i ^ i
lOSi Three, Milton, by Faithoine ; and Dryden, by Gunst and
-■'^6 1036 One, John Dryden, by Edelinck, brilliant proof,
very rare
^ 1087 Six,. Samuel Butler, by Vertue ; ditto,by N.xon; two of Cow-
ley, by Faithorne ; Monument of ditto ; aud Edmund W aller,
by Vertue
Reign of Charles II. 63
^ 1088 One, Thomas Otway, by Brown, a most brilliant
Impression, very rare
1089 Two, Sir William Davenant,by Faithorne ; and William Wy-
chcrly, by Smith, with curious original MS. Letter, and Song,
by Sir William Daveriant
-- ^ 1090 One, Thomas Killigrew, by Faithorne, fine ano
- ^ 1091 One, Sir Aston Cockayne, a Poet, and the cele-
brated Sir Kenelm Digby, fine and very rare
1092 Four, John Oldham ; Andrew Marvell ; Charles Cotton, with
Views of his Fishing- House, and Sir Richard Fanshawe
^7 1093 Four, Alexander Brome, Thomas Hobbs, Sir Thomas Browne,
and James Ghibbs, with MS. Account of the last person
1094 Three, Thomas Flatman, and two of John Ogilvy, by Lom-
bartand Faithorne
^ 1095 Four, Thomas Durfey the Elder and Younger ; Mathew Ste-
venson, and Samuel Speed
J096 Two, Richard Head, Author of the English Rogue; and Fran-
ciss Kirkman, Citizen, Poet, and Bookseller of London
- 1097 One, Sir Henry Oxendon de Barham, by Mar-
' 1098 Three, Mrs. Behn, and two of the Dutchess of Newcastle,
from her Plays, very fine
/^-.o jQgg Two, Sir William Waller, by Yates; and the Earl of Claren-
I ^ don, by Loggan
1100 One, Bulstrode Whitlocke, the Historian, bt
; Hulsberg, fine and rare
— 1101 One, ditto, by Bartolozzi, fine and rare
6^— 1 102 Four, John Rushworth, Sir Philip Warwick, John Milton, and
Sir Paul Rycaut
^ 1103 Four, Sir Roger L’ Estrange, Cardinal Bossuet, William Win-
stanley, and Count Hamilton
^^^-^-1104 Two, John Aubrey, Esq. the Antiquarian; and Richard
Atkyns, bySherwin
1105 Four, Laurence Roster, one of the earliest Printers, John Gut-
temberg, ditto William Petyt, Keeper of the Records in the
Tower ; and Edward Waterhouse
1106 Four, Edward Waterhouse, by Loggan ; Jonas Moore, and two
ofWilliam Leybourn
iiQq One, Sir Henry Blount, Knight of Tithenhanger,
Hertfordshire, the great traveller, by Log-
gan, fine and VERY rare
^ 1108 One, Georgf Alsop, six English Lines, fine and
J 1 Q 9 Pour, Vincent Wing, William Leybourne, and two of Joseph
i\ 10 Three, Lord Brouncker, first Piesident of R. S. John Kersey,
and Samuel Sturm y
64* E7igra*ved British Portraits.
1111 Three, Mr. Perkins, Venter Mandy, and William Hunt
1112 One, Henry Greenhill, a celebrated Mathema-
^ ^ 1113 Four, Robert Boyle, two Sir Kenelm Digby, and John Eve-
lyn, by Nantueil
f - ^ 1114 Three, 'Robert Turner, Samuel Gilbert, &c.
AT <2 1115 Three, Sir John Pettus, ofCheston Hall in Suffolk, by Sher-
win : ditto, by White ; and Thomas Hobbs, by Faithorne
^1116 One, Thomas Hobbs, of Malmesbury, by Hollar,.
1117 One, Sir William Temple, by Vanderbanc, very
Ills Three, Sir William Temple, by Hoiibraken j ditto, by Ver-
tue ; and Algernon Sidney, with his Motto
1119 One, Algernon Sidney, with Mourning Achieve-
ment, FINE and very rare ^ !
1120 Four, two of Martin Clifford; Hadrian Beverland, in an Ova H
ditto, with his Mistress, by Schenck
/.f:_ii 21 Two, Hadrian Beverland, with his Mistress, by Beckett;
ditto, drawing from a naked Figure ^ ^
1122 One, John Norton, Author of the Scholar s Vade-
Mecum, BY ShERWIN, fine AND RARE
1123 One, Carew Reynell, by Faithorne, extra fine
/a-0 1124 Three, Andrew Snape, Stephen Montague, and John Mayne
^ 1125 One, Noah Bridges, by^ Faithorne, fine and rare
7 1126 Six, James Hodder, ^ Chamberlayne, Sir William Wood,
/ and three of William Lilly
Six, Sir George Wharton, John Partridge, three of Henry
Coley, and John Aliddleton r T_r i
/'71_!^1128 Four, two of Richard Saunders, and two of John Haydon
X .?-^l 129 One, Jack Adams, the famous Fortune-teller of
Clerkenwell Green, extra rare and very fink
— 1130 Two, Anna Wooley and Sarah Gilley, by Baithorne, fine and
/„/^^1131 B"our, Thomas Binning, — — - Cole, Thomas Powell, and Wil-
liam Austen
1132 Two, Thomas Jones and Samuel Leigh ^ r i i.
/;>. . --1133 B'our, Robert Streter, Antonio Verris, Sir Peter Lely by He
Jode, and ditto by Smith ^
1134 One, Rembrandt Van Ryn, the celebrated Painter on India
Paper, very fine
(1135 One, by Rembrandt, the Three xRees Landscape,
first state, a most brilliant Impression, very
/^-d^lise One, by Rembrandt, the Death of the Virgin,
Reign of Charles IL
1137 One, by Pembrandt, the Angel appearing to the
Shepherds, FIRST state of the Plate, in which
Impression, remarkably scarce
1138 One, Christ healing the Sick, commonly called
THE Hundred Guilder Print, first state of the
Plate, a most brilliant Impression, extra rare
1139 Six, Sir Godfrey Kneller, by Beckett; ditro, by Smith ; Sa-
muel Cooper, Thomas FJatmao, Gerrard Zoost, and John
^'^*^1140 Two, William Wissing, by Smith ; and Nicholas Largelliere
and Family, by Beckett, fine and rare
1141 Five, Gibson the Dwarf, Claud Lefevre, John Hayls, John
Greenhill, and Baptist Caspar
— 1142 One, Sir Ralph Cole, Bart, by Place, fine and
— 1143 Six, Lepiper Vandevelt, Abram Hondius, Gerrard Zoost, John
Wyck, and Thomas Wyck
— 1144 Six, John Riley; Peter Roestraten; ditto, mezzotinto ; Vanson;
and two Specimens of Ostade and Hemskirk
^ 1145 Five, Alexander Browne, Vandiest, Samuel Butler, Mrs. Beale,
and Gabriel Cibber
^^-2.^1146 Four, two of Silvanyus Morgan, Anne Killigrew, and Grinlin
1147 Five, Sir Christopher Wren, Balthazer Gerbier, and three of
Abram Symonds
p-— 1148 One, William Faithorne, the celebrated Engra’
— 1149 Six, two of Hollar, Warner Valliant, Vanderbanc, Robei j
White, and Paul Vansomer
^ — 1150 One, Isaac Beckett, mezzotinto, by Himself, fine
^-1151 One, THE most illustrious and high-born Prince
Rupert, Prince Elector Palatine of the Rhine,
second Son to Frederick King of Bohemia, Gene-
ral of the Horse to his Majesty’s Army, Knight
OF the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c. by
Faithorne, pine and extra rare
1152 Two, the original and copy of the Saracen’s Head, the first
Mezzotinto scraped in this Country; Rupert Prince fecit,
with Title and Account, very rare
'-^1153 One, Prince Rupert, scraped by Himself, date
ON THE Shield, 1658, and Rupert Prince fecit,
fine and extra rare
— 1154 Two, Mrs. Valliant and Son, by Vansomer j and Valliant,
66 Engraved British Portraits.
1155 Five, Francis Place, in a sheet, with three others ; ditto, Wil-
liam Lodge, with curious MS. Account of Lodge, communi-
cated to V ei tue, by Ralph Thoresby, the Antiquarian ; Ma-
ria Schurman ; and Evelyn sitting under a Tree, and a curious
MS. Account of the brothers John, Joseph and Philip Rotier,
Engravers of Coins and Medals
1156 Five, Correlli, by Smith, with MS. Account ; Simpson, by
Faithorne i and three of John Play ford
1157 One, Thomas Mace, by Faithorne, very fine
1158 Three, Betterton the Actor, with Historical Account ; Greet-
ing the Musician ; and one, anonymous, by Faithorne
IJ59 One, Francis Corbetta, a celebrated Musician,
Mezzotinto, after Gascar, fine and very rare
'/-^~^1160 Four, Thomas Weston, by White; Cocker, by Vanhove,
Bottley, and Hopkins
1161 One, Zebelina, a Teacher of Short-Hand, fine
^ and|ver yrare. This is esteemed the rarest of
/a^o 1162 Four, Mason, Short-Hand Writer; Jacob Tonson, the cele-
brated Bookseller, and founder of the Kit-cat Club; and John
Dunton, Father and Son
,r ^ 1163 Two, Cooper the Printseller and Son, by Pelham and
1164 One, Richard Thompson the Print-Seller, by
Place, very fine
1165 One, John Bullfinch the Print-Seller, by Loggan,
1166 Two, Thomas Tompson the Watchniaker, and Richard Col-
lins, Supervisor, by Browne
^_/^-^]167 One, Jane Dutchess of Norfolk, Wife to Henry
Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England, &c.
fine and extra rare
1168 Two, Sarah Dutchess of Somerset, by Vertue; and Frances
Dutchess of Richmond, by Valliant
^ i 169 Three, Mary Dutchess of Buckingham, by Worlidge ; and two,
Anne and Elizabeth Dutch esses of Albemarle
^^ y.^-^ll70 One, THE Portraitures of the Royal Progenie of
King Charles the First, in a GenealogicalTree,
containing the Portraits of Charles the First,
Henrietta Maria, Charles the Second, Catha-
rine of Portugal, Duke and Duchess of York,
Princess of Orange, Lady Elizabeth, Duke of
Gloucester, Duke of Anjou, Princess Henrietta,
Duke and Dutchess of Albemarle, &c. in eight
Ovals, extra fine and very rare
/.//-^? ini One, THE, Dutchess of Monmouth, by Schenck
Reign of Charles II.
1172 OxE, THE Right Hon. Lady Barbara Countess of
Castlemain, afterwards the celebrated Dut-
chess OF Cleveland, Mistress to Charles the
Second, by Faithorne, fine and extra rare
1173 One, the Dutchess of Cleveland (Mistress to
Charles the Second), in the Character of St.
Agnes, fine and rare
1174 Two, the Dutchess of Cleveland, by Williams and Browne
1175 Two, the Dutchess of Cleveland, by Schenck and Lutterell
1176 One, Louisa De Queroville Dutchess of Ports-
mouth, a celebrated French Beauty, sent by
the Queen Mother, Henrietta Maria, to bind
her Son, Charles the Second, to the French In-
terest. (This Lady was one of Charles’s Mis-
tresses, AND Mother to the first Duke of Rich-
mond of the Name of Lenox). Oval, Mezzotinto,
PROOF, fine and rare
1177 Three, the Dutchess of Portsmouth ; and two, anonymous, by
Vansomer, See.
^ 1178 Three, the Dutchess of Grafton, by Verkolie; ditto, Beckett ;
ditto, by Lens
1179 One, the most Noble Mary Dutchess Dowager of
Beaufort, Daughter to the virtuous and loyal
Arthur Lord Capel, murdered by Cromwell
AND his Rebels, 1648, Nutting sgulpit, fine and
very rare
1180 One, ditto, an unfinished Proof, no Engraver’s
Name, very fine and extra rare
Ninth Day’s Sale.
Reign of Charles II. continued. .
L /y
1181 Two, the Countess of Arundell, by White; and Elizabeth
Countess of Northumberland, by Browne
1182 Two, Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland, by Beckett and
I 2
68 Engraved British Portraits.
1183 Three, the Right Hon the Countess of Exeter, by Thompson;
Countess of t^arwick, by White ; and the Countess of Stam-
ford, by Thompson ^
1184 Two; the Right Hon. the Lady Elizabeth Butler Countess of
Chesterfield, by Browne and Beckett
1185 Two, the Dutchess of Buckingham, Daughter of General Sir"
Thomas Fairfax, by Worlidge ; and the Family of Arthur
Lord Essex, who was murdered in the Tower for the pre-
tended Rye-House Plot
1186 One, THE Family OF Arthur Lord Essex, fine and
1187 Two, the Countess of Chesterfield, by Gunst; and the Lady
Arlington, Mezzotinto
1188 One, Isabella of Naussau Countess of Arlington,
FINE and very rare -
X ^^.5^ -1189 One, the Lady Mary Ratcliffe Countess of Der-
Second, and mother of the unfortunate Earl of
IN A HIGH Head-Dress of Ostrich Feathers, and
1190 Two, the Right Hon. the Lady Ashley and the Lady Essex
Finch, by Thompson and Browne
^1191 One Lady Mary Jolliffe, Daughter of the Earl
OF Huntingdon, most brilliant Proof, by R.
White, extra rare
6 o 1192 Two, the Lady Essex Finch, by Vanderveert ; and Mrs. Anne
Montague, by Browne
4j.^^?^1193 One, Lady Catharine Seymour, relicke of the
Lord Francis Seymour Baron of Troubridge,
y"-, ii-^1194 One, the Lady Grey (Wife of Ford Lord Grey,
ter the Lady Henrietta Berkley, and likemhse
FOR HIS Share and History of the Rye House
Plot, very rare j t j
1195 Four, Rachael Paule^ John Evans, Lady Armyne, and Lady
-<^^1196 One, Madame Katharine Neville, by Browne,
extra fine and rare
^ ^1197 One^ the Right Hon. the Lady Bellasis, by Ihomp-
sone, fine and rare
^1198 One, the Lady Elizabeth Jones, by Thompson, fine
and rare -
2 ^ r .- 6 li 99 One, Lady Anne Barrington and Lady Mary dt.
John, after Gascar, fine, and esteemed the scar-
cest Mezzotinto extant
Reign of Charles IL 69
_.o—o 1200 Two, the Lady Mooreland_, by Thompson ; and Lady Warner,
by Vanscuppen
• // ^ 1201 One, the Lady Mary King, by White, fine and
1202 One, the Lady Mary Langham, a most beautiful
and exquisitely finished Minia ruRE, BY Samuel
Cooper, in his best manner
^ 1203 Two, Lady Catharine Sid’ey Countess of Dorchester, and Ma-
dam Mary Kirk, by Browne
1204 Two, the Lady Price, by Browne ; and Madam Middleton, by
1205 One, Miss Jenny Middleton, in the Character of a
Shepherdess, after Gascar, fine and rare
1206 One, Lady Middleton, by Watson, very fine
^-/ 9 - 0 \ 2O1 One, the true and lively Portraiture of that
virtuousGentlewoman Martha Williams, ONE OF
THE Daughters of that valiant Colonel and
WORTHY Knight Sir Marmaduke Rawdon, of
Hodsden in Hertfordshire, and Wife to Thomas
Williams, Gentleman, the fourth Son of Sir
Henry Williams of Givernent in Brecknockshire,
Knight and Baronet, by White, fine and extra
^'^--^1208 One, the true and lively Portraiture of that
virtuous Gentlewoman Sara Rawdon, Wife to
Marmaduke Rawdon, Esq. of Hodsden, fine and
extra rare
— 1209 Three, Elizabeth Rawlinson, by Nutting; Madam Smith, by
White; and Mistress Vos, by Smith
—2.^1210 One, Madam Graham, by Thompson, fine and rare
^ 6 ^ 1211 Two, Madam Philadelphia Saunders, by BrowTie ; and Madam
Parson, by Verkolie
'^/-1212 One, Madam Jane Kellaway, in the Character
^ OF Diana, by Browne, fine and rare
“1213 One, Madam Jane Long, BY J^HOMPsoN, FINE and RARE
— 1214 One, Madam Sophia Bulkeley, after Gascar, fine
and extra rare
^^-—1215 One, Madam Dorothy Rutter, fine and rare
/>' v-1216 Two, the Family of Mr. Coke of Holkham, in Norfolk, bv
Vincent ; and Mrs. Catharine Clarke, by Vanhove
v'^-1217 One, Madam Mary Davis, one of the Mistresses
OF Charles the Second, by Valck, fine and rare
.*^-•^1218 One Madam Eleanore Gwy^nn, the Mistress of
Charles the Second, with her two Children, 1310 One, Wriottesley Lord Russell, son of the un-
fortunate great man William Lord Russell, by
Beckett, fine and extra rare
1311 Three, the Lord Burleigh son to the Earl of Exeter, Henry-
Booth Lord Delamere, and John Lord Churchill, afterwards
the celebrated Duke of Marlborough
^ 1312 One, Patrick Earl of Strathmore, with Armo-^
RIAL Bearings, after Kneller by White, fine
AND rare
^- a-o 1313 One, Lieut. Genl. Douglass, celebrated as one
OF Williams Generals at the Battle of the
Boyne, after Sieve by Renatus Lochon, fine and
_ 1314 Three, Sidney Earl of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer, by
Smith ; the Earl of Melford, by Beckett ; and the Lord
Henry Scott, son to the unfortunate Duke of Monmouth
One, the Right Honble. John Erskine Earl of
Marr, by Vandrebanc, brilliant Impression,
EXTRA rare
1316 One, the most Honble. Kenneth Marquiss and
Earl of Seaforth, Viscount Fort, Lord Macken-
Honble. Privy Council, and Knight of the most
1688, by Robert White, fine and extra rare
1317 One, John Earl of Melfort, Secretary of State
AND Privy Councellor to James the Second,
Bearings, after Kneller by Vandrebanc, finE
Tenth Day’s Sale.
Reign of James //. continued.
^ iMs Three, John Viscount Dundee, the brave and true Loyalist to
the unfortunate James the Second, with Historical Account,
and View of the Pass of Kiliicranky, where he lost his Life
in the moment of Victory
1319 One, Robert Earl of Roxburgh, Lord Ker OE CeS«
July 13th, 1696, after Fatten by Smith, fine and
very rare
4 , — 1320 One, Roger Palmer Earl of Castlemain, kissing
Innocent the XIth’s Foot
^—6 1321 Two, Bp, Sancroft, by IVhite ; and the seven Bishops, by
Vandrebanc, in a whole sheet
0-0 1322 One, Thomas Lampleugh Arch Bp, of York, after
I Kneller by Vandrebanc, fine and rare
1323 Two, Henry Compton Bp. of London, by Beckett j and Nath.
Lord Crew Lord Bishop of Durham, by Faber
ig24 One, Peter Mews Bishop of Winchester, by Log-
GAN, very fine and RARE
Ihree, Doctor Tho. Barlow, by Loggan ; ditto, byAVhite;
and Lloyd Bishop of St. Asaph, by Loggan
^..,^1326 Four, Lloyd Bp. of St. Asaph, by Veitue ; Bp. Turner, Bp.
Kenn, and the seven Bishops, by Schenck
1327 Four, John Lake Bp. of Chichester, the Tryal of Laud, by
Hollar ; Spratt Bp. of Rochester, and the seven Bishops,
sheet, Mezzotinto
6 1328 Four, the seven Bishops, by Vandrebanc, with MS. Letter on
the same to Mr. Vertue ; Trclawnev Bp. of Bristol, and two
Views of Cathedrals, by King, Ac."
/- <9 1329 One, Michael Boyle Arch Bp. of Armagh, by Log-
^^-^1330 Six, Ezek. Hopkins, Bp. Derry, Arch Bp. Tillotson. Dean
Meggot, Dean Sherlock, and Fouler Bishop of Gloucester,
with MS, Account
Engraved British Portraits,
4^-.- 1334
/- 1339
2 1340
I 1344
,1 1345
Four, Bp. Burnett, by Picart; Hooper, Bp. of Bath and Wells,
Sharp Arch Bp. of York, and Burnett Master of the Charter
House, with MS. Accounts, and Copy of a Letter trom
Arch Bp. Housh . , r i-
Two, Dennison Arch Bp. of Canterbury, and Charles Leslie,
A. M. with MS Account _
One, Gilbert Bp. of Salisbury, by Robert White,
One, ditto, by Smith, most brilliant Impression,
Six, Cresentius Mather, Jeremy Collyer, Dionysius Granville,
Anthony Horneck, H. Pnddeaux, and Richd. Baxtei, with
MS. Accounts of them , r
Two, Bonaventure GifFord, by Dubose; and Joseph Garreres,
Four^ Father Peter, Confessor to James the Second, with His-
torical Events relative to his Life • i r»
Three, Francis Couplet, a converted' Chinese ; Daniel Burgess,
and Henry Chatelin
One, Count D’iV.DA, the Pope’s NunCIO to James the
Second, by Smith, fine and rare
One, Pierre Moussard, Minister of the French
Church in London, by Vansomer, fine and rare
Two, Frater Mendicans, a begging Fryar, and John Bunyan,
bv Houston
One, Sir Stephen Fox, Ancestor to the late much
LAMENTED Charles James, and the present Lord
Holland, &c. &c. by Simon, extra fine and rare
Two the Houses of Lords and Commons, with the King
sitting in Parliament, &c. beautifully coloured, scarce
One, a Drawing of Sir Robert Harley, Prime Mi-
nister TO Queen Anne, and afterwards Larl of
Oxford, with Names of all the Speakers op
the House of Commons, from the Conqueror to
Queen Anne -
One,SirJohnHoublon,Knigiit AND Alderman, Lord
Mayor of the City of London, anno 1696, .4.^ at
Court op Admiralty, and first Governor of the
B4Nk op England, aged 68, by Williams, with Mb.
Account, most brilliant Impression, extra rare
One, the Right Honble. George Lord Jeffreys,
Baron of Weim, and Lord High Chancellor op
England, and one of the Lords of his Majesty s
MOST Honourable PriYy Council 1686, before the
Plate was altered, entitling him Earl of flint,
6cc, Mezzotinxo^ fine ajnd extra rare
Reign of James IL 79
_^r-^1347 One, the Right Honele. Sir Georoe Jeffreys,
Knight and Baronet, Lord Chief Justice of Eng-
land, &c. 1684, BY White, A most brilliant Im-
PRESSiaN, extra rare
^ ^1348 One, the Right Honble. Sir Robert Wright,
Knight, Lord Chief Justice of England, &c. by
White, extra fine and rare
- ^-^234^9 One, the Right Honble. George Earl of Linlith-
gow, Lord Livingstone, Lord Justice General of
Scotland, and one of the Lords of His Majesty’s
most Honble. Priv y Council and Exchequer in
that Kingdom, 1688, with Armorial Bearings, by
R. White, a - most brilliant Impression, extra
rare •*
1350 Seven, Sir B. Shower, the Bishop’s Council, Mezzotlnto ; Sir
C. Levins, Sir R. Sawer, H. Poliixfen, Sir G. Treby, and
John Somers
Two, Henry Finch Earl of Nottingham, and Sir John Powell,
Knight, by Sherwin, very fine
^—1332 One, Sir ThOxMas Street, Knight, an honest and
■ upright Judge, and the. only one of the twelve
who gave -Hi's Opinion, against the King’s dis-
pensing' Power, BY White, fine and very rare
^^-A353 One, Sir John Hoskins, Knight and Baronet, of
Herefordshire, and President of the Hoyal So-
ciety, 'BY W-HITE, extra fine AND RARE .
3354 Two, Sir George Mackenzie, Lord Advocate for Scotland, by
WTite and Vaiidrebanc
1355 Four, Lewis Earl of Feversham, by Beckett ; Doke of Schom-
berg, by Gaillard ; View of the Obelisk erected to his iMe-
! mory ; the Battle of the Boyne, whole sheet, by Brooks
^1356 One, the Portsmouth Captains, the Hon. Colonel
j John Beaumont, the Hon. Captain Thomas Paston,
Captain Simon Pack, Captain 1'homas Orme,
Captain. John Port, and Captain W. Cooke, in
Six Ovals, by R. White, ev'tra rare
’’ ' 1357 One, John Lord Cutts, of Childerley^ in the
County of Cambridge, distinguished himself
greatly at the taking of Buda from the Turks,
LiAM THE Third, AT THE Revolution, TO whom he
^ WAS A General and Favourite, by Williams,
I fine and extra rare
’ ^ 1358 Three Sir Cloudsley Shovel, Kt. a celebrated Admiral, who,
from an orphan Cabin-boy, by his bravery and good conduct,
rose to the highest situation in the Navy. He was unfortu-
Engraved British Eortrails,
nately lost oD the Cmst of Scilly, in 1706*— See interesting
MS. Account. John Viscount Dundee, and theHon. William
Cecil, by Smith, &c.
6 1359 Two, Charles Townshend, afterwards Lord Townshend, Se-
cretary of State to George the First, by Smith; and Sir
Charles Cotterell, Kt. Master of the Ceremonies to three
Kings, from 1641 to 1687, aged ,72, and ancestor of the pre-
sent Sir Clement Cotterell, by Williams
1360 Four, Thomas Coulson, Esq. M. P. for Totness in Devon-
shire, by Smith, 1713; Alderman Cornish, executed for the
Rye- blouse Plot, in 1683 ; Benjamin Hewling, executed
for Monmouth’s Rebellion ; and William Richards, Governor
of Wexford for Cromwell, and entrusted by James the Second
with the command of a Regiment, upon the Prince of
Orange invading the Kingdom, by Smith
6 1361 Three, Thomas Maxwell; .Esq. Major-General of the Army,
and commander of the Dragoons in Ireland, by Smith ; and
two, Samuel Pepys, the celebrated Secretary of the Admiralty
in the Reigns of Charles the Second and James the Second,
by White
1362 Four, three of James Bonnell, Accountant General of the
Revenues in Ireland, to Charles the Second, James the Se-
cond, and William the Third, by Robert White, &c. Wil-
liam Musgrave, M . D. by Vander Gutcht
1363 One, Doctor Francis Bernard, Physician to James
THE Second, half sheet, fine and very rare
1364 Four, Sir William Petty, Kt. the celebrated Accountant, and
founder of the Marquis of Lansdowne’s Family, Lord Heni^y
Petty, &c. by Smith; Dr. Kenrick, by White; George
Jones, by Sherwln ; and John Case, by Van Hove
1365 Four, William Atkins, the Gout Doctor; Sir John Chardin,
the celebrated Traveller ; Sir Isaac Newton, the great Astro-
' nomer, by Smith ; Drawing of ditto, from a Medal, with
MS. and Historical Account ^
6^ 1366 Four, Jolm Dryden, by Houbraken , ditto. Monumental Effi-
gy; Sir Robert L’ Estrange and William Winstanley, by
White, &:c. ^ •
1367 Six, Sir Issaac Newton, by Bickham; ditto, a Drawing; and
four of John Locke, the celebrated Author and Philosopher,
with curious Epitaph found in his Study after his death, by
Vandrebanc, &c.
a 1363 Five, Charles Delafosse, Henry Tllson, John Sybrecht, Henry
Giles, John Smith, from Walpole’s Anecdotes, &c,
6 1369 Four Pierce Tempest, Engraver and Printseller ; John Blow ;
Godfrey Finger, Musician; and William Addy, Writing-
Reign of James //. ' 81
1370 Two, the Dutchess of Monmouth and her two Sons the Earl
of Doncaster §ind Lord Henry Scott, by Smith ; the Countess
of Derby, Daughter of the Earl of cSssory, by Williams
- 1371 Two, the Countess of Litchfield, by Beckett; ditto, a French
_ 1372 Three, the Countess of Dorchester, by Smith; the Lady Eliza-
beth Willmot, by ditto ; the Ladies Henrietta and Mary Hide,
by ditto '
1373 One, the Right Hon. the Lady Henrietta Maria
Lady Wentworth Baroness of Nettlestead, the
ONLY Daughter and Heiress of the Right Hon.
Thomas Lord Wentworth, and Grandchild and
Heiress OF the Right Hon. Thomas late Earl of
Cleveland, a Woman of great Beauta", and cele-
brated FOR AN Amour with the unfortunate
Duke OF Monmouth, after Kneller, by Williams,
1374 Two, the Lady Brandon, by Smith-; and the Lord ChurchilBs
two Daughters, by ditto
•^-6 1375 Two, Madam Elizabeth Brownlow, when a Child, by Smith ;
^ and ditto, by Beckett
1376 Two, Madam Jane Skeffington, by Smith ; and Madam Soams,
by Beckett
— 1377 One, Madam Anne Wyndham, after Wissing, by
Beckett, fine and rare
1378 One, Madam Sooms, after Kneller, by Beckett,
1379 Two, Madam Baker, by Beckett ; and Madam Dorothy Ma-
son, by Smith
1380 One, the Countess of Kildare, Daughter of the
Earl of Ranelagh, greatly celebrated by Lord
Lansdowne, in his Progress of Beauty, after
Wissing, by Williams, extra fine and rare
1381 Ditto ditto, fine and rare, by Smith
/_^ 1382 Pwo, Madam Lucy Loftus, by Browne ; ditto, a proof
■A. 1383 Twm, the Lady Brownlow, by Smith ; and Mrs. Yarborough,
by Beckett
— 1384 One, Titus Oates, D. D. Anagrama Testis Ouat
(a notorious Character and perjured Evidence),
after Hauker, bv Thompson, fine and very
1385 One, Titus Oates standing in the Pillory, and
Vignette of his Punishment at the Cart’s 'Pail,
with Seven Portraits, in Ov'als, of the unfori'U-
nate Jesuits who fell Victims through his most
infamous Perjuries, (viz.) Charles Baker, Wil-
Engraved British Portraits,
LIAM Waring, Anthony Turner, John Fenwick,
John Gavin, Thomas Harcourt, and Philip Evans,
13S6 Five, the Squire of Aisatla, celebrated by Shadwell, in his Play
of that name; Hans Biding, a Dutch Mountebank; two of
Phillips the Merry Andrew ; and Hugh Massey, an itinerant
One, John Wormburgh, a Swedish Dwarf, by Gole,
1388 Three, Harry IVI organ, of Lewis in Sussex, aged 105; John
Philips, Gent, of Ihoiner near Bramham Park, in Yorkshire,
aged 1 17 ; and Prince Giolo, Son to the King of Mongais, by
1389 Four, two different of Joseph Clarke, the Posture Master; and
two ditto of the Dutch Woman, the celebrated Rope-Dancer
One, THE true Portraiture of John Wormburgh,
HiS Height not exceeding two feet seven inches,
AGED 38 Years, &c. &c. sold by Oliver, on Ludgate
Hill, fine and very rare
X . — 1391 Sixteen, the Portrait of Valerius, born without iVrms, with the
extraordinary Feats of h'S wonderful Performances, and the
original Hand-Bill of his fCxldbition, inscribed the greatest
Wonder in Nature that ever was seen, tine and extra rare
0 1392 Three, Mathew Buckioger, horn without Hands or Legs;
Elizabeth Hopkins with dreadful Cancer; and Mary Webb,
cured of a Dead Palsy
y, — 1393 Eight, Margaret Patten, aged 141 years; CollyA^olly, PutF-
crier of Poor Jack; Merry Milk-Maid; Roger Teesdale ;
and Mrs. Parker, Seley the Chimney-sweeper ; Nan Mills,
the London Beggar ; and Death’s Dance, by Hollar
^ . — 1394 One, Mary Hobry, a French Midwife ; inscribed
A Representation of the bloody Murder com-
mitted BY Mary Aubry, A French Midwife, which
curious Print was unknown to Granger, fine
AND extra rare '
1395 One, the original Drawing of Mary Hobry, ta-
Engraved British Portraits— Reign ofTVilliani and Mary,
1396 One, William the Third, with Historical Account of his Reign
1397 One, William the Third in his Robes, Crown, Bible, and
Sceptre on the Table, Dutch Mezzodnto, fine proof
‘ • 13^8 One, William the Third on Florseback, emblematical Figures,
• distant View of the Sea, &c, fine
Reigfi of William and Mary, 83
1399 Twoj William the Third and his Queen^ by Jacobus Gole, very
- 1400 Three, Willixun the Third, by Smith ; ditto, when Prince of
Oraneje, by Place ; and the Princess of Orange, by ditto
1401 Two, VVhIli:.m the Toird, by Deleter; ditto, his Coronation,
with Vignettes, by Dc Hooge, fine
1402 One, William the Third on Horseback, View^ of the Battle of
the Boyne, after Wyck, by Faber
1403 One, M ary Queen OF William tiieThird, in her
Coronation Robes, Mezzotinto, brilliant proof,
EXTRA rare
1404 Four, William the Third, whole leng.h, Mezzotinto; Mary
his Queen, by Valck; ditto, by Smith ; and Mary of Este,
Queen of James the Second, by ditto
1405 Four, Maria Beatrix, by Smith ; Tomb of Mary Queen of
William; Queen Mary, by Smith; the Royal Family, by
Lens; and William and Mary, by Vanderguet
1406 One, their Excellencies the Lords Justices of England for the
Administration of the Government during the absence of the
King (viz.) Arch Bp. Tennison, Sir John Somers, Thomas
Earl of Pembroke, William Duke of Devonshire, Charles
Duke of Shrewsbury, Charles Earl of Dorset, and Sidney
Lord Godolphin, by Robert White, fine and rare
1407 Two, William Duke of Bedford, father to the patriotic Lord
William Russell. James 11. addressing him in his misfor-
tunes, said My I.ord, you are a good man, and may do
me some sert^ice.’’ His reply was : Sire, 1 am old ; I had
a son who might have served your Majesty, had he lived P*
by Williams. And John Marquis of Tweedale, Lord High
Chancellor of Scotland, &c. a firm loyalist to the uiifortu-
nate Charles the First,' and held in high favour b y Charles the
Second, James the Second, William and Mary, a great and
virtuous man, and true lover of his country’s independence, by
1408 Three, Patrick Earl of Marchmont, Lord High Commissioner
and Lord High Chancellor of Scotland in 1697, a fac-
tious, intriguing, and base Character, by Smith; the Right
Hon. Edward Russell Earl-of Orford, Viscount Barfleur, &c.
a celebrated Admiral, and Uncle to the unfortunate Lord 7F.
Russell ; George Earl of Melvil, a great supporter of the Re-
volution in Scotland, and twice Lord High Commissioner
from William in that Kingdom, by White
1409 Four, the Lord Buckhurstand Lady Mary Sackvllle his Sister;
Richard Lord Clifford and Lady Jane his Sister ; Lord Vil-
liers and Lady Mary Villiers his Sister ; Edward Lord Hin-
chinbroke ; all by Smith
L %
84 Engraved British Portraits,
1410 Two, the Right Hon. James Earl of Salisbury, and the Lord
Bury, by Smith
— 1411 One, Prince James Edward, Son to James the Se-
cond, WITH SIX Noblemen and others, who suf-
fered IN his unfortunate Cause, whole sheet,
-^-^6 1412 Five, Arch Bp. Sancroft, ditto with William the Third, Spratt
Bp. of Rochester, and Thomas Spratt, Archdeacon ; Richard
Cumberland Lord Bp. of Peterborough, by Smith ; and Arch
Bp. Tillotson, by Houbraken
V 1413 Four, James Daillon Count de Lude, tryed for High Treason,
for preaching a Sermon in the City of London, on the 20th
August 1693, by Pelham ; the Rev. George Walker, the ce-
brated Governor of Londonderry, killed fighting for William
at the Battle of the Boyne, by Gole ; ditto, by Schenck ; and
Edmund Calamy, by G. White
^ ^ - 1414 Four, Samuel Slater, by White ; B. Woodroffe, by ditto ; Ben-
jamin Reach, by Drapintiere ; and Francis Bugg, by Van
41-^6 1415 Three, Thom* s Strickland, by Faber; Jeremy Collier, by
Vande Gucht; and one of an unknown Clergyman, by
1416 Eight, Peter the Great; ditto, Equestrian Figure ; Henry
■ Count Nassau; Charles the Twelfth, King of Sweden,
&;c. &c.
1417 Two, the Right Hon. John Verney, Master of the Rolls ; and
the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Trevor, Kt. by Vertue and
/,r^- 1418 One, Sir Henry Chauncea^, of Yardleybury, in
THE County of Hertford, Knight, Serjeant at
Law, Author of the History and Antiquities of
Hertfordshire, G. Savage sculp, fine and very
^ 1419 One, Sir James Stewart of Goodtrebs, Lord Ad-
vocate OF Scotland to William and Mara", and
Queen Anne, with MS. Account, Vertue sculp.
/_/ 1420 Four, the Right Hon. William Lord North and Grey ; Tho-
mas Lord Herbert, Arnold Earl of Albemarle, Maynard
Duke of Leinster, by Smith and Simon, very fine
//- - 1421 Four, Goddart Baron Ginkle, created Earl of Athlone; Gene-
ral Tolmash^ Admiral Russell, and Sir Richard Haddock, by
Faithorne, Houbraken, and Smith
^ 1422 Two, Charles Napier, Esq. Lieut. General, by Smith; and
Captain Rigby, a Sea-Officer, found guilty, in 1698, of a
crime too odious to be named ; such characters are detestable ;
Reign of William and Mary, 85
and it is a matter of great regret that the fine or graphic art
should ever have been employed upon the likeness of such a
disgraceful member of Society, by Smith, &c.
-^6 1423 Six, Thomas Tryon, Gent. John Disney, Esq. Mordecai
Abbot, Esq. Thomas Dean, Esq. John Ashton, Gent, and
one anonymous, an unfinished proof, by White, &c.
_ 1424 Four, Henry Worster, Samuel Smith, Richard Gomeldon, and
Thomas GiH, by Smith, White, &c.
^ 1425 Three, Thomas Gill, Physician; Devereux Knightley, Esq.
ofFawsley, Northamptonshire; and Sir Henry Goodrickc,
Kt. and Baronet, by Smith, &c.
— 1426 Three, John Locke, the celebrated Philosopher ; John Fryer,
M. D. the Asiatic Traveller ; and Anthony Wood the Anti-
quarian, by Vertue, See,
— 1427 Four, Thomas Lystern, Astrologer ; John Taylor, Mathema-
tician : John Hopkins, Short-hand Writer; and John Lam-
bert, Painter, by Smith, See.
1428 Two, Bidloo, a celebrated Artist, brilliant proof; and Grinlin
Gibbons, the Statuary, and his Wife, by Smith, See.
1429 Four, Daniel Marot, A rchitect, by Gole ; Richard Collin, En-
graver ; Peter de la Moles, by Cooper; and ditto, a Va-
- 1430 Four, Henry Purcell, Christopher Lygon, Archengelius Cor-
relli, and William Croft, by White, See.
14*31 Four, Doctor Blow, William Defason, Mr. Leveridge, and
Harry Carey, by White, &c.
1432 Two, the Countess of Westmoreland and Sir Godfrey Kneller,
by White, &c.
1433 Twelve, the Beauties at Hampton Court, (viz.) Queen Mary,
the Countess of Ranelagh, Countess of Clarendon, Mrs.
Scroop, Countess of Essex, the Dutchess of Marlborough,
Dutchess of Manchester, Dutchess of Grafton, Dutchess of
St. Alban’s, Countess of Peterborough, the Countess of Dor-
set, and Lady Middleton, by Faber, all very fine
1434 Four, the Hon. Mrs. Marianne Herbert, the Lady Grace Ge-
thin. Madam Constantia Hare, and Frances Kynesman, by
Smith, See.
— 1435 One, Madam Frances Kynesman, after Schalken,
BY Smith, brilliant proof, rare
- 1436 Four, Mrs. Conway Hackett, one anonymous, Mrs. Eleanor
Copley, and Mrs. Rachael Love, by Smnh
^ 1437 Five, Mrs. Sarah Chichely ; the Dutchess of Roxburgh, a
proof; Madam D’Averquerke ; one anonymous, from Frank
Haels ; and Madam Knatchbul, by Smith^ Sec.
'/ 1438 One, William Joy the English Samson, with Vi-
gnettes OF his Performances; inscribed Wil-
86 ' "Engraved British Portraits,
Thanet in Kent; he is a man of prodigious
King William the 1'hird at Kensington, and
Princess of Denmark, his Royal Highness the
Duke of Gloucester, and the greatest Nobility
SET Garden, anno 1699, fine and very rare
1439 One, Bernardus Giglia, Italian Giant, shewed
IN London, by Fougeron, fine and rare
Engraved British Portraits, — Reign of Queen Aiind,
1440 One, Queen Anne, with Historical Account of her Reign
C 1441 Three, Queen Anne, with six Ovals of the SteWarts, from
James the First ; ditto, whole length, by Gribelin; and ditto,
by Smith
/f — 1442 Six, two of Queen Anne, by Smith; George Prince of Den-
mark, by ditto ; William Duke of Gloucester, and Mr. Ben-
jamin Bathurst; his Highness the Duke of Gloucester; and
ditto with Lap-Dog, by Smith, &c.
1443 Four, his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, Princess
Sophia of Brunswick, and two of the Princess Clementina,
by Vertue, 8cc.
1444 Four, John Duke of Marlborough, by Temen ; ditto, by Smithy
Noel Earl of Gainsborough, by Faber, &c.
6 — 1445 Four, John Earl of Carberry, Thomas Earl of Strafford, Da-
niel k.arl of Nottingham, and Charles Earl of Peterborough,
by Smith, Houbraken, &c.
41 6 1446 Three, George Earl of Orkney, Sidney Earl of Godolphin,
and Lionel Duke of Dorset, by Vertue and Houbraken
1447 Four, Lionel Duke of Dorset, by Vertue, a beautiful proof ;
James Duke of Ormond, by Smith ; Thomas Earl of Coven
try, by Simon; Henry St.John Lord Viscount Bolingbroke
a..-^^o_i448 One, George Viscount Tarbart, Lord Macleod
and Castlehewen, heritable Sheriff of Crom-
1449 Four, Francis Atterbury, the unfortunate and conscientious
Bp. of Rochester ; Gilbert Burnet, Bp. of Salisbury ; William
Lloyd Bp. of St. Asaph ; and Sir William Dawes, Arch Bp,
of York, by Smith, &c.
1450 Six, Arch Bp. Sharp, Arch Bp. Dawes, Ofspring Blackball,
by V. De Gucht and Sturt ; More Bp. of Norwich, by White
and Williams ; Lancaster Archdeacon of St. Martin’s
Reign of Queen Aime. 87
— 1451 Four, Henry Aldrich, Ralph Battell, Richard Bull, and Charles
Le Cene
— 1452 -Seven, Robert Orme, the celebrated. Non-juring Clergyman;
Hackeringill, Bichard Walton, John Newte, Mathias Ear-
berry, George Trowse, and Mathew Hole, by V. De Gucht,
One, Timothy Halton, Provost of Queen’s Col-
lege, Oxford, in' 1677; he died July, 1704; by
Burghers, extra fine and rare
— 1454 Four, Richard Bentley, John Nesbit, Flenry Dodswell, &:c.
by Vertue, &c.
1453 Four, of the celebrated Dean Swift; one, a whole sheet, by
Vertue, a most brilliant proof
/<^-<^ 1456 Six, Humphry Prideaux, Theoph. Dorrington, Tho. D 3 -che,
James Owen, Robert Warren, and Timothy Rogers, hf Ver-
tue, &c.
1457 Three, Sir Robert Walpole Earl of Orford; John CoiintGallas,
Imperial Ambassador to Queen Anne, ordered to leave the King-
dom for improper Conduct (or more properly, in his public
dispatches pointing our the foibles of the English Ministry) ;
George 'Landgrave of Hesse, by Smith, &c. ; two Charles
the Third King of 3pain, by Smith ; Prince Eugene, the Duke
of Marlborough, and William Prince of Orange, in Ovals,
[ with Military Trophies, in one sheet, very fine
1458 Three, Silvester Petit, by G. White; Sir Peyton Ventries and
Sir Edward Lutwyche, by R. White
1459 Four, the Right Hon. Sir George Rooke, the celebrated
Admiral in the Sea-fight^ of La Hogue, Vigo, &c. Philip
Lockhart, Esq. Robert Knox the Traveller, and Goddard
Baron de Ginkle, by Smith, &c.
1460 Four, the Kentish Petitioners, William Colepper, &c. David
Bruce, miraculously preserved from Shipwreck ; Gabriel
Briscoe ; Sir Robert Howard, by White, Vertue, &c.
• ^ 1461 Two, Christopher Rawlinson, ofCarkHall, in Lancashire,
Esq. and William Dolben, by Smith
Engraved British Portraits.
Eleventh Day’s Sale.
i/’ ^ 1466
^^6 1467
Reig?i of ^ueen Anne coritinued,
Two_, Sir Samuel Barnardiston^ of Brightwell, in the County
of Suffolk, Baronet, by R. White, very fine ; and John
Bridges, late of Lincoln’s Inn, Esq. by Vertue, very fine
Four, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, an etching; Anthony Ash-
ley Earl of Shaftesbury, Author of the Characteristics ; Sir
Richard Steele and toward Southwell, Esq. by Smith, &c.
Four, Henry Sacheverell, the celebrated Non-juring Divine,
with a List of both Houses of Parliament who voted for and
against his Impeachment; William Congreve the Poet; and
two of Dr. Samuel Garth, by Houbraken and Smith
Seven, two of Mrs. Pilkington, two of Dean Swift, William
Cockburn, Thomas Greenhill, and two of Stephen Duck the
Five, Dr. Ratcliffe, the founder, with View of the Ratcliff
Library, Oxford ; William Cowper, Surgeon ; Daniel De-
foe ; and George Shelly, by Smith, &c.
Three, William Watson of Stower, Dorsetshire, M. D. John
Ayers, 'Writing-Master, by White and Sturt
Three, Sir John Vanburgh, celebrated Author and Architect ;
Cosimers, a Musician; Mr. John Bannister, a Musician, by
Williams and Smith
One, Mr. Cave Underhill, a celebrated Perfor-
mer, IN the Habit of Obadiah the Fanatic
Elder, BY Faber, JuN. FINE and rare
Five, Sarah Dutchess of Marlborough, the Dutchess of St.
Alban’s, and the Dutchess of Ormond, by Smith, &c.
Four, the Dutchess of Ormond, the Dutchess of Bolton, and
two of the Countess of Salisbury, one very fine, by Smith
Six, the Lady Copley, Lady Elizabeth Cromwell, the Ladies
Frances and Catharine, Daughters to the Earl of Ranelagh,
Lady Essex Mostyn, Lady Howard, &c. by Smith
Keign of Queen Anne. 89
1473 Two, Jane Scrimschaw the daughter of Thomas Scrlmscha w
a Woolstapler, aged 1 26, Mezzotinto
1474 Three, Henry Evans aged 104 years, John Worley a Green-
wich Pensioner, and James Shepherd, an unfortunate enthu-
siastic Youth of 18, executed for High Treason, for an
Attempt to restore the Stuart Family, anno 1717
Engraved British Portraits.— Reign of George I.
9 -o{ 1475' Two, George the First, with Historical Account of his Reign
) 1478 Four, George the First, by Vande Gucht ; ditto, by Smith,
&:c.; ditto with his Progenie, to his present Majesty, in
twelve Portraits, in ovals, in a whole sheet
1477 Six, George Prince of Wales, Charlotte Princess of ditto, Fre-
derick King of Prussia, Sophia Queen of ditto, by Smith, &c.
1478 Four, her Highness Princess Anne, Frederick King of Prussia,
&c. by Smith and Wille
1479 Six, Hollis Duke of Newcastle, the Marquiss of Wharton,
Walpole Earl of Orford, John Earl of Exeter, Thomas Lord
Torrington, and Charles Duke of Richmond, by Smith,
Houbraken, &c.
<-6 1480 Two, George Smallridge Bishop of Bristol, by.Vettue, ^
the original Drawing ,vith
r— 1481 Four, William Baxter, Edmund Cala my, Jadnes C'm
Postmaster Genl.; ditto his son, principals^ uggs Esquire,
and celebrated as the Friend of Pope -cretary of State,
beautiful Epitaph to his xVlemory, in^ > who wrote a most
‘ in Westminster Abbey, with MS -^cribed on his Monument
! fine Account, by Yertue, very
1482 Five, Sir Peter Lord Kinp-
to the great Locke, ? GIrocer at Exeter, nephew
Sir Thomas Parke’* A! . Chancellor of England,
low'es, a Maste- . . "Y, “'^U^stjce of England ; William Fel-
SS" S'? «<
accused, of Briber
^ -'rtue, See.
genealogical Table of the Law
id illiterate, a dis:
exalted character of a Judge], by
* -'^^rated Naval Com-
and Fabe^ unfortunate Admiral, by Ucubrakeu
Dy Vertue and Smith
-y W oodbridge, Esq*
90 E 7 igraved British Portraits.
1485 Four, Edward Coulston, Esquire, a most munificent founder i
John Morley, of Halsied in Essex; Sir John Perceval, Baro-
net, and the Honble. Philip Perceval, Esquire, by Vertue and
Faber ^ ci -rr
1486 Three, Sir Thomas Rawlinson, Knight, Alderman, Shenft,
and Lord Mayor of London ; Joseph Addison, Esquire, the
celebrated Author *, and W. Stukeley^ M. D., the celebrated
Antiquarian, by Vertue and Smith
d 1487 Three, the Revd. William Whiston, by Wilson and Vertue ;
and Humphrey Wanley, by Smith
1488 Four, Thomas D’Urfey the Poet, Dr. Halley the Astionomer,
a proof; ditto, by Faber ; and Richard Newcourt, by Ver-
tue, &c. . . • • T
1489 Two, Mr. John Law, the celebrated Missisippi Projector, With
Historical Vignettes of his Actions and Bubbles
1490 Four, Thomas Liddiard, William Addy, Mr. Lens, and Johft
Seddon, by Sturt, &c.
1491 One, Mr. Colley Cibber in the character of Lord
Foppington, by Faber, fine and rare
1492 Four, the Dutchess of Dorset, Countess of Rutland, and twof
of the Countess of Rochford, by Williams and Smith
1493 One, the Family of Elliot, of Port-Elliot inCorn-^
1494 Five, the Lady Howard, Lady Elizabeth CromWell, Lady
Anne Torrington, Madam D’Avenant, and Mrs* Sherrardj,
by Smith t i. • 'ir*
/c} —^6 1495 Two, Catharine Countess of Egmont, and Catharine Viscount
tess Perceval, by Faber, fine and rare r i
.66 1496 Two, Prince Charles Edward Stuart, after the Battle of CuU
loden, in the Disguise of a Female, by Williams; and the
March of the King’s Forces and Cannon to Perth, previous
to the Battle of Sherrifmoor, with Historical Vignettes
^ 1497 Two, James the unfortunate Earl of Derwentwater, with his
last Words on the Scaffold on Tower Hill, and View of
Dilston Hall in Cumberland, his Seat
^ ^ 1498 One, James, born Prince of Wales, son of J^mes the Secon^
in an oval, fine and rare
ys — 1499 Two, the Bubler’s Mirror, or England’s Folly, two prints
1500 One, Mary Tofts of Godalming, the pretended
^ * Rabbit Breeder, very rare
1501 Four, Peter the Wild Boy, Petit a French Surgeon, and two ,
of Dicky Dickenson, Governor of Scarsborough Spaw
4502 One, the Revd, Mr. Paul and the Worshipful Johh
Hall, Esquire, both executed, at Tyburn for
High Treason in 1715, with their Speeches a-T
Engraved British Portraits , — Reign of George //.
^ (1503 Four, George ibe Second, with Historical Account of his
“ ' ) Reign
» 1504 Three, George the Second, by Smith, Houston, and Lockley
^505 One, George the Second, with MS. Account, and
1 Verses ON Vellum, VERY RARE
(1506 Four, Queen Caroline, whole length ; ditto, after Amicone, a
proof; Augusta Princess of Wales, by Faber; and William
Duke of Cumberland, by Smith
3 507 Four, William Duke of Cumberland, by Ravenet ; the Chil-
dren of Frederick Prince of Wales, on two sheets, by Riley,
and the Princess Louisa, by Simon
1508 Four, Louisa Maria Princess of Great Britain, Frederick Prince
of Wales, by Faber, Smith, and Worlidge
^ 1509 One, William Duke of Cumberland, by Spooner, very fine
/j-6 1510 Four, Philip Earl of Chesterfield, with Historical Account;
I Edward Harley Earf of Oxford, by Vertue ; William Duke
of Devonshire, by Faber; and William Duke of Portland,
by Houbrakeh
1511 Two, Thomas Duke of Newcastle, by Macardell ; John Duke
of Montagua, by ditto ; fine and rare
/6 - 1512 Three, Thomas Wilson Bp. of Sodor and Man, by Vertue ;
Edmund Gibson Bp. of London, and John Potter Arch Bp. of
Canterbury, by Vertue ; all very fine
1513 Four, Thomas Sherlock Bp. of London, by Ravenet; Wake
Arch Bp. of Canterbury, by V. De Gucht ; and Francis At-
terbury Bp. of Rochester, by ditto and Vertue
1514 Five, Hoadley Bp. of Winchester, by Basire ; Benson Bp. of
Gloucester, by Vertue ; and three of Sharp Arch Bp. of
1515 Five, Samuel Clarke, by Houbraken ; Daniel Waterland, by
Baber ; William Lupton, by Vertue, &c.
1516 Six, James Harvey, by Houbraken; Thomas Stackhouse, by
Vertue; Edward Chandler, by ditto ; Richard Walton, Al-
tar-piece at Whitechapel Church, and Charles Ashton, D,D*
1517 Four, Thomas Shaw, D. D. by Green; two Views of Lam-
beth Palace, ynth Bishops rowing for the Mitre ; and Jere«
miali Seed, by Ravenet ‘
1518 Three, the Right Honble. Horatio Walpole, by Simon; his
Excellency Henry Boyle, and Lord Landsdowne the Poet,
by Vertue
1519 Three, Mahommed a Turkish Merchant, and Hammet his
Companion, by Worlidge; and William. Anlah Sessarakoo,
M 2
92 'Engrowed British Portraits,
an African Prince, sold as a Slave at Barbadoes in the year
. 1744, and redeemed afcer four years Slavery at the Interces-
sion of his Father
^ ' — 1520 Seven, Charles Lord Talbot, Sir William Thompson, Sir Wil-
liam Lee, Boyle Lord Carletcn, Thomas Barnardiston, Sir
John Willes, Sir Joseph Jek}d, and Edward Russell Earl of
Orford, by Houbraken, Faber, &c.
1521 One, the Right Honble, Richard Viscount Moles-
AVORTH, Lieut. Gene, of his Majesta^’s Forces, with
View oE the Arma' under his Command forcing
THE Harbour of Carthegena, fine and rare
1522 Tavo, Philip Earl of Hardwick, the great Chancellor, by
Faber, &c. with Historical Account, very fine
— 1523 Two, the Right Honble. William Pitt, Esquire (the great
Patriot and Statesman, aftenvards Earl of Chatham; Father
ohjthe much lamented Patriot, Statesman, and Luminary, the
late Right Fsonbie. William Pitt, by Houston, very fine ; and
the Right Honble. Henry Fox, Secretary of State, afterwards
Lord Holland, Father to the much lamented Patriot, the
Right Honble. Chas. Jas. by M‘Ardell, very fine
— 1524 Five, Admiral Vernon, Major PMubert, Major Bernardi,
Charles Lord Catchart, and the Flonble. William Shirley,
Captain General of Masechusetts Bay in New England, by
Mac Ardell, &c.
/f—6 1525 Fhve, the Honble. Sir Chaloner Ogle, Kt. the Right Honblejl^
George Anson Lord Viscount Tedworth, Admiral of the
Blue, 5cc. by Johnston; nvo ditto, by Houbraken; and the
Honble. William Biakeney, Lieut. Genl. of his Majesty’s
FArces, and Lieut. Gov. of M inorca, by Riley
/a - — 1526 Tfliree, Lord Ligonier, Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s
Forces, on Horseback, an unfinished Etching; the Lionour-
able EdM’'ard Boscawen, one of the Loras Commissioners of
the Admiralty and Admiral of the' Jliue Squadron, &c. by
Faber, very fine; and Mania Count Schullemburgh and
brother of tire Dutchess of Kendall, M istress of George the
First, by Pitteri, very fine
E.?" — 1527 Four, Sir M^illiam Wyndham, Baronet, by Houbiaken^ Rich-
ard Greaves, byVertue; Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Ba-
ronet, an Etching, by Wilson ; and ditto, by Faber, very
1523 Three, W'^illiam Hucks, Esquire, by Faber ; Mr. Allen, private
plate, by ditto ; and the Right Honble. Sir John Salter, Kt.
Lord Mayor of the City of London, 1739, by Andrew Mil-
lar, very fine
1529 I hiee, Sir John Barqard, Lord Mayor of London, by Faber ;
the Right Honble. Sir John Mertins, Kt. Lord Mayor \ Sir
Reign of George, II .
Samuel Gerrard, Knight, Richard Brocks, Esquire, Humphrey
Parsons, Esq. Francis Child, Esquire, Richard Levet, Escjuire,
and Sir John Wilhams, Knight, all Aldermen and Lord
Mayors of London, fine and rare
1330 Two, the Right Honble. Sir Robert Ladbroke, Lord Mayor of
the City of London, by Faber; and John Milner, Esquire,
by ditto, both very fine
//— 1-531 Two, the Right Honble. Humphrey Parsons, Esquire, Lord
Mayor of London, one of the Representatives of this honour-
able City, and President of the Hospitals of Bridevvadi and
Bethiem, by Faber; ditto, in the Dress he rode at Hunting
with Lewis the XVth King of France, when he gained the
Appellation of Chevalier De Make, both very rare
2^-6 1532 O^sE, Alderman Behns Club, fine and rare
6 1333 Two, John Rudge, by Faber; and the Earl of Orrery, an
Etching, by Wilson
K 6 1533^ Two, the Right Honble. Edward Earl of Oxford, and Earl
Mortimer, by Vertue ; and View of the Harleian Library
1534 One, a Drawing of a Silver Vessel, or Urn, with the parts
made out by George Vertue
One, a Pin or Font of Copper gilt and enamelled,
THE Body is adorned mmth six Rounds, tvhereon
are figured as many Stories, out of the old Tes-
( tament, alluding to the Sacrament, and in the
^ Fascie over the said Rounds, are Inscriptions in
Blue Enamell, explaining such History ; about
August 1717, it was bought at a Brazier’s Shop in-
^—1336 Eight, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Baronet, Charles Seymour Duke
of Somerset, Charles Lenox Duke of Richmond, Charles
Ihtzroy Duke of Grafton, William Cavendish Duke of De-
vonshire, John Churchill Duke of Marlborough, with the
Title and Dedication to the Kit Cat Club, by Faber
6 ^ 1537 Six, John Montagua Duke of Montagua, Evelyn Pierpoint
Duke of Kingston, John Hollis Pelham Duke of Newcastle,
with Henry Clinton Earl of Lincoln, &c. Charles Montagua
Duke of Manchester, Lionel Cranfield Duke t>f Dorst, Tho-
mas Wharton Marquiss Wharton, by Faber
-^1538 Six, Theopiiilus Hastings Earl of Huntingdon, Charles Sack-
ville Earl of Dorset, Algernon Cap el Earl of Essex, Charles
Howard Earl of Carlisle, Richard Boyle Earl of Burlington,
and James Berkeley Earl of Berl^Y'ley ^
Six, Richard Lumley Earl of Scarborough, Francis Godolphin
Earl of Godolphin, Charles .Montagua Earl of Halhfax,
James Stanhope Earl Stanhope, Spencer Compton Earl of
Wilmington, and Richard Temple Viscount Cobham
. —
^ . —
/ ^
S4 Engraved British Portraits,
1540 Six, Charles Mohun Lord Mohun, Charles Cornwallis Lord
Cornwallis, John Vaughan Earl of Carberry, John Somers
Baron of Evesham, Richard Boyle Viscount Shannon, and
William Pulteny, Esqr. by Faber
1541 Six, Sir Robert Walpole, Sir John Vanburgh, Sir Samuel
Garth, Sir Richard Steele, John Tidcomb, Esquire, and Jo-
seph Addison, Esquire
1542 Six, George Stepney, Esquire, Abraham Stanyan Esquire, John
Dormer, Esquire, Edmond Dimch, Esquire, William Walsh,
Esquire, and William Congreve, Esquire
1543 Four, Charles Dartyquenave, Esquire, Thomas Hopkins,
Esquire, Arthur Mainwaring, Esquire, and Mr. Jacob Ton-
son, the celebrated Bookseller
1544 Six, Nicholas Rowe, ditto his Monument, Doctor Mead,
Henry Fox Lord Holland, James Earl of Charlemont, and
Mr. Thomas Chubb
1545 One, Captain Thomas Coram, upon whose Petition
AND Solicitation the Royal Charter for the
Foundling FIospitAl was granted, after Hogarth,
BY Mac Ardell, fine and rare
'1546 Four, George Frederick Handell, by Houbraken ; ditto, by
Schmidt ; ditto, by Faber ; and Doctor Boyce, by Sherwin
1547 Four, Mrs. Centlivre, Alexander Pope, by Faber ; ditto, by
Houbraken ; and Bryan Robinson, by Wilson
154S Five, Riby Mosshe, the Jewish High Priest, Mr. Gay, by
Milvus ; ditto, by Smith ; Rapin the Historian, and Nicholas
Tindal, by Picart, Sec.
1549 Four, George Holmes, Keeper of the Records in the Tower ;
Mr. William Woodward, Daniel Turner, and William Stuke-
ley, by Faber, Smith, &c.
1550 Six, Ambrose Godfrey, Allan Ramsay, the celebrated Scotch
Poet, by White ; ditto, by Vertue; William King, Doctor
Smallbrook, and John Noble
4551 Six, Thomas Fuller, William Croft, Thomas Phelps, John
Bartlett, ]ohn Friend, &c. by Vertue, &c.
1552 Four, Thomas Sadler, by Pond ; John Strype, Doctor Win-
Stanley, and Thomas W'oolston, by Vertue, &c.
]|553 Six, Samuel Pomfret, William Eluggins, Nicholas Saunderson,
Thomas Hearne, Conyers Middleton, and M. T. Cicero
1554 Six, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Frye, the Engraver; James Gibbs,
L. Goupy, Edward Cave, and Charles Snell, by Elder, &c.
1555 Six, Barton Booth, the celebrated Actor; Mrs. Cibber, David
Garrick, by Mac Arckll ; ditto, by W'ood ; Mile. Camargo
and Farineili
1556 Four, James Madot, the celebrated Wire Dancer; ditto, by
Houston ; Performances of Monsr. Brila, and Beau Nash
Reign of George II, 95
iS51 Six, the Dutchess of Montagua, the Hanble. Mrs. Walpole,
the Countess of Ranelagh, the Countess of Orrery, the Miss
Gunnings, and Lady Fenwick, the wife of the unfortunate
Sir John, by Simon, &c,
7-4 5 5S Six, the Osborne Family, Lady Andover, ditto a Drawing,
Miss Hudson, Lady Christian Moray of Abercairny, and
Mrs. Clive as Philida
— 1559 Four, Mrs. Priscilla Cooper, Miss Mary Scott, Margaret Ha-
Jyburton, by Vertue; and Lady Catharine Walpole, by
y_|560 One, the Right Honble, Frances Lady Byron,
One, Sophia Countess Granville, Viscountess
Carteret Baroness Carteret op Hawnes, wifb
TO John Earl Granville, and born Lady Sophia
OF THE Lock, by Vertue, fine and rare •
i5€2 Three, Madam Wright, by Faber ; Lady Carteret, by Vertue 5
and the celebrated Miss Gunning, afterwards Dutchess of
Hamilton, Arg 5 de, &c. by Okey
1563 Six, the Honble. James Annesley, Esquire, Little Will at the
Turks Head Coffee House ; Samuel Wood, whose Arm was
torn off; James Turner, a Beggar, that valued his time ac
One Shilling per Hour ; and two anonymous, one in the PiU
4564 Four, the Effigies of the late Earl of Kilmarnock and the late
Lord Balmerino, who were beheaded on Tower Hill, 1746 ,
, with curious Historical Account I the Highland Visitors, the
Execution of Kilmarnock and Balmerino on Tower Hill, the
Loyal Associators, and Ticket of the Lord High Chamber-
lain for Admission to their Trials
^ ~ T56.5 Five, Simon Lord Lovat, the Earl of Kilmarnock, the Earl of
Cromartie, and Lord Balmerino, with curious View of their
Execution on Tower Hill
5566 One, Simon Lord Lovat, by Hogarth; first state
OF the Plate before the Price was inserted, very
RARE, with ms. Account of the Tryal
i567 One, Lovat’s Ghost on Pilgrimage, Mezzotinto,
,4-4 1568 Six, Miss Flora Mac Donald, celebrated for favouring the
Escape of Prince Charles Edward Stuart ; the Persian and
English Dwarf, Samuel Wood, Orator Henley, and Eldridge
the Norwich Artist
i)6 Engraved British Pojdraits,
y/, — 1569 Seven, C. Browne, the younger ; Heidegger, as an Harpy, Mr.
Duncan Campbell, the Dumb Gentleman ; two of John
Gale, alias Dumb Jack ; and two Abel Rosser, one with his
man Toby
1570 Six, Mr, Jacob' Butler, Counsellor Tanterier, with MS. Ac-
count, Hanna Snell, by Faber ; ditto, whole length ; two of
Miss Chudleigh, afterwards Dutchess of Kingston, in the
Dress she wore at the Masquerade at Ranelagh
//~6 1571 Six, Thomas Brown, the vailiant Dragoon, on Horseback ;
ditto with Vignettes of his retaking a Standard ; Bamfylde
More Care w, King of the Beggars ; Jack Bristow; a View
of the Mall, 1752 ; and curious Characters of the same date
//_ .1572 Six, Edward Bright, the corpulent Butcher of Malden in
Essex, by Mac Ardell ; ditto, by A. Walker ; ditto, with
seven Men buttoned in his Waistcoat ; Mr. Jacob Powell,
of Stebbing in f]ssex, who weighs near forty stone ; John
Dean, the only Survivor of sixteen Men wrecked in the
Sussex East Indiaman ; and O rare Ben Bradley
yr. 1573 Five, Mrs. Grace I'osier, Margaret Patten aged 138, Dickey
Dickenson of Scarborough Spaw, and two of Pretty Sally
of the Chop House
6.— IS74 Six, Mr. Bryan, of Bury, a ridiculous Poet; Ruth Collins,
View of Bear’s-Den Hal! in Surrey, and Antiquity Hall Ox-
ford, by Vertue; and two of Mr. Ferguson, an Eccentric
1575 Five, Anna Mercier, the Painter’s Maid ; Trigonwell Framp-
ton. Keeper of the Running Horses to four Sovereigns; Estr.
Hammerton, Female Sexton of Kingston upon Thames ;
Duncan Mac Donald, a celebrated Scotch Equilibrist ; and
Owen Farrell, the Irish Dwarf
1576 Two, James Figg and George Taylor, celebrated Pugilists, by
Faber, fine and rare
1577 Five, the celebrated Miss Fanny Murray, by Johnston, Mac
Ardell, &c.
1578 One, Captain James Miller, a Prize Fighter, by
1579 Two, Dolly, the founder of the celebrated Chop House, and
Miss Sally King, fine and rare
- 1580 Five, Portrait of a diseased Labourer, John Middleton, High
Sheriff of Denbigh, in Newgate ; John Hanna^ convicted of
wilful Perjury, Captain Cranstoun, and James Macleane,
1581 One, Captain Samuel Goodere, Esqr. late Com-
mander OF HIS Majesty’s Ship the Ruby, Mathew
Mahoney, and Charles White, with the manner
Reign of George //.
HIM, WITH Historical Accohnt, very scarce
1582 Two, the true Lffigies of Lodowic Campbell, as in his Shackles
in the Talbooth of Edinburgh ; and William Dewell, hanged
at Tyburn for Rape and Murder, on Monday, 24th Nov.
1740, who came to Life again at Surgeon’s Hall, and was
remanded back again to Newgate •
Twelfth Day’s Sale.
Reign of George II. continued.
r 1583 Two, Sarah Malcomb, executed for the Murder of Mrs. Dun-
V comb and her Maids : and Miss Molly Blandy, executed for
the Murder of her Father, with Historical Accounts.
11584 Four, John Shepherd, the celebrated House-breaker, by Geo.
IMiite; ditto, whole length, in the Stone Room in Newo-ate,
the manner of his Escape out of the condemned Hole in New-
gate, with an exact Representation of the Holes made in the
Chimney, and of the Locks, Bolts, and Doors, he broke open
m making his wonderful Escape, in eleven Copartments, verv
scarre ’ ^
1585 Eidit, Elizabeth TeffVpvQ an4 i r . .1
r ^ T CIL uic Uixi or uie WIQ Dauey ;
ditto, at the House of Mother Wells, at Enfield Wash ; ditto
View of the House; ditto, by Worlidge ; and ditto, whole
length, from the Life
1S86 Two an exact Representation of Macleane the Hijrhwayman
robbmg Lo^rd Eglingtoun on Hounslow Heath," 1750, and
Mathew Henderson, aged 19, condemned at the Session’s
House in the Old Bailey, for the inhuman Murder of the
Lady Dalrymple, wife of the Honble. William Dalrymple,
Esq with whom he was Livery Servant on March the 25th
1746, scarce
98 Engraved British Portraits.
1587 Two, Jonathan Wild, I hief-taker Gen^’ral of Great Britain
and Ireland, With Vignettes of his Exploits, and Undertaker^
Ticket to a Sermon preached at the Gallows, very rare
1588 One, Henr^ Rogers, Pewtkrlr of the County_of
Cornwall, exfcut*-d for Murder
— 1589 One, Jonathan Wild, whole lenth, with Vignettes
OF HIS Exploits, fine and very rare
Engraved British Portraits . — Eeign of George III,
6 . — 1590 Two, her Majesty Queen Charlotte, after Angelica Kaufman,
brilliant proof; and ditto, by G. Miller
^ 4 1591 Five, Louisa iViatilda, late Queen of Denmark, Mezzotinto ;
ditto, With Christian the Viith ; ditto, from Medals; and
Count Struensee, cxecuied at Copenhagen
1592 Three, Sir Hugh Smithson, afterwards Duke of Northum-
berland, by Firilayson ; John Duxe of Athol, by Thane ; and
George Earl of Bristol, by james Watson
1593 Two, the Mai quiss of Tavistock, after Sir Joshua Reynolds^
by James Watson, brilliant proof; and the Right Honble.
Francis Gteville Earl of Warwick, after Gainsborough, by
Watson, private plate, fine and rare
7'— 1594 Four, Hugh Duke of Northumberland, by Pariset ; ditto, an
Etching ; Richard Grenvdle Earl Temple, by Houston ; and
the Earl of Rochford, by V. Green, a proof
/a — 1595 Four, Simon Earl Harcourt, byMacArdell; two ditto, by
Pariset ; and one an unfinished Etching, with Bishop Hayter
y 1596 Three, William Pitt the great Earl of Chatham, by Cook;
ditto, by Sherwin, without the border, a most brilliant proof ;
his Cenotaph at Guildhall, with Account of his Funeral
1597 Four, John Earl cf Bute, by Hyland and Hall; the Earl of
Chatham, by Houston ; and Robert Lord Clive, by Mac
1598 One, the Earl Macartney presenting his Credentials to Klan
Long, Emperor of China, coloured, with Poem and Histo-
rical Account
-'/o ~ 1599 One, Francis late Duke of Bedford, with his two brothers,
Lords John and William Russell, after Sir Joshua Reynolds,
by V. Green, brilliant proof '
^r-<^yl 600 Three, Lord George Gordon, whole length ; Cornwallis Arch
■j Ep. of Canterbury by Fisher ; and Richard Robinson Arch
Bp. of Armagh, after Reynolds by Houston
— s (i601 One, Drummond Arch Bp. of York, after Reynolds, by Gi
Watson, most brilliant proof
^/■-6 1602 Two, Clergymen, after Reynolds, fine proof
Reign of George III, 99
6 . — 1603 Six, "Richard Walker, by Lambom ; Charles Mason, John
King the late Bishop of i^erry, Bradford Bishop of Rochester,
and Charles Churchiil i!ie Poet
6 — 1604 Six, Edward Young, John Wesley, Macarius, two of George
Whitfield, and the Revd. Mr. Egiin
^ 1605 Five, Mr. John May, Revd. Mr. Thomas Bradbury, William
Carstairs, Mr. Maxfiejd’s Family, Methodists a private plate,
and a Bishop of Cante bury, anonymous
- 1606 Three, the Right Honble. Henry Pelham, and Mr. John Ro-
barts his Secretary, by Houston, a proof ; ditto, by Houston ;
the Right Honble. Henry Biison Legge, by Flousfon
1607 One, the Right Honble. Henry Pelham, Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, &c. a beautiful Drawing, by Mr. Birch, the present
famous Seal Engraver, at the time he was a Waterman’s Ap-
^ - 1608 Three, the Ghost of a Dutchess to William Pitt, Esquire, a
Sight of the Banging bout at Litchfield, and a Collection of
modern Statues or Characters
~ i609 Five, the late Earl of Egmont, whole length, Portrait of a
remarkable Lord Chancedor of Ireland, William Duke of
Cumberland inscribed the Courier, Mr. Pitt, Sir Charles Mor-
daunt, Mr. Kennistoo, and William Pitt Earl of Chatham,
an Etching, whole length
^ — L610 Three, Sir Robert Walpole, by Simon ; Arthur Onslow,
Esquire, the Speaker, by Faber, with MS. Account, and the
Right Honble. Henry Biison Legge, by Houston
1611 Two, the Right Honble. Charles Townshend, after Reynolds,
by Dixon, a pi oof ; and Lord Littleton’s Dream three Nights
j before his Death, both rare
' — 1612 Four, Pratt Earl Camden, Sir William Blackstone, Counsellor
Dunning, and John Lee, Esquire
'^-^1613 One, Edward Lord Thurlow, after Sir Joshua Reic-
r~ 1614 Three, Andrew Mac Dowall, of Banckton, one of the Lords
I of Session in Scotland, by Worlidge ; Arthur Beardmore,
Common Councilman, teaching his Son 5 Magna Charta, by
James Watson ; Dick Swift, Thieftaker of the City of Lon-
don, teaching his Son the Commandment to steal.
!_ 1615 Four, the Arch Duke of Russia, Christian the Seventh King of
Denmark, by Houston ; Frederick Prince of Denmark, by
Trotter ; and Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, reviewino*
his Troops, with Historical Account
’ — 1616 One, Pascal Paoli, the Corsican General, by Tange,
A brilliant proof
^ — I6I7 One, Satirical Print, representing the Division
OF Poland, the Plate of which was bought up as
N 2
Engraved British Portraits.
IN POINT OF Execution
1618 Two,. Cunnishote, the Indian Chief, and Count Romazoft, a
Russian Nobleman, proof
ef * — 1619 Four, Major Genl. Kingsley Cadwalledar, Lord Blaney, Lord
Downe, and Admiral Moysten
1620 Six, Lord George Germaine, the Marquiss of Granby, by
Woriidge ; ditto, an original Drawing ; Plan of the Battle of
Minden, and two Views of Belvoir Castle
1621 Two, Admiral Sir Charles Saunders, after Reynolds, by Mac
^ Ardell ; and Jeffrey Lord Amherst, after ditto, very fine
1622 Three, the brave Captain Farmer, by Murphy, a proof ; and
two of the brave Captain Richard Tyrrell, who in the Buck-
ingham 64, defeated a French 74 gun Ship and two Fri-
gates, by Woriidge
^ 1623 Three, General Burgoyne, very rare, with Historical Ac-
count; Admiral Earl Howe, and General Washington, a
curious Etching, with Historical Account
_ 1624 Two, George Lord Edgcumbe, after Reynolds, by Fisher, with
View of Coxheath Camp, coloured, and Disposition of the
1625 Five, Admiral Keppell, by Dickenson, a proof; ditto, after
Stuart ; and three small ovals, wdth Historical Account
J 1626 Four, Sir Geo. Bridges Rodney, the gallant and brave AdmlraL
by V. Green ; ditto, presenting Monsr. D@ Grasse at Court,
with Portrait of Count De Grasse, and Plan of the glorious
Engagement of the 12th of April, 1782
1627 Seven, General Elliot Lord Heathfield, Sir Roger Curtis and
' Lord Robert Manners, with Views of Gibraltar
1628 Five, the Earl Cornwallis, the unfortunate Major Andre, by
Bartolozzi and Sherwin, proofs; the unfortunate Admiral
Kempenfeldt, by Earlom ? Commodore Fielding, and Captain
1629 Three, Captain Inglefield, with ten of the Crew of the Cen-
taur; Captain Forrest, and the Chevalier Fletcher
1630 Four, Sir Harry Erskine, proof; Sir George Sackville, Bart.
' and two of Sir Jacob Astley, by Woriidge, one an unfinished
1631 Two, after Barrett and Gainsborough, John Stacpoole, Esq.
of Cragbrian Castle in the County of Clare, &c. by Watson
and iVI ac Ardell
1632 One> Mr. Beckford ivith his Masquerade Dress,
AFTER Dance, by Houston, fine and rare
/ jf 1633 Five, William Tempest, F. R. 3. by Wilson ; James Harris,
by Bartolozzi ; Mons. Philidor, by ditto ; two Mezzotinto
Proofs, by Martin, &c.
Reign of George HI.
10 !
2^. 6
r ^.
1634 Sjx, the Rev. Mr. Duche, Preacher at the Asylum; Tames
1 homson, Author of the Seasons ; Mr. Monox, Richard
T\ash, Mr. Derrick_, &c.
1635 p-ive, Gowin Knight, F. R. S. by Wilson ; Joseph Gulston,
y James Watson; ditto^ by Mrs. Gulston; and two anony-
mous ^
1636 Two, Richard Oliver, M. P. for the City of London, by
^Dickenson ; and Sir Richard Perrott, by V. Green, a proof
16J7 Une, Mil. Havard the celebrated Actor, after
1638 Four the Shepherd’s Boy, a proof ; Alderman Kirkman’s Fu-
’ Sir John Barnard, and fohn Hancock, Esq.
1639 bix, pwaidGoldney, Gent. ;■ Augustus Goldney, his fhir-
teenth Chdd ; Mark Akenside, Samuel Richardson ; Thomas
Wright, and Thomas Dimsdale
1640 Six, Doctor Kenrick, Air. Warburton, William Shenstone,
Esq. and John Hawkesworth, Esq.
1641 One, John Hawkesworth, after Reynolds, by
James Watson, a proof
Edmund Buike, and Dr. Oliver Goldsmith, a proof
o, Sir Joshua Reynolds, by James Watson, and one, after
Romney, by V. Green, proofs
1644 IVo, George Lord Lyttleton, by Duncarton ; and Dr. Samuel
Johnson, alter Reynolds, by James Watson
rwo Sir John Fielding, after Hone and Peters, one a proof
1646 Six, mcon Morntt, Esq. Captain Bayley, P. F. Coureyer.
1 Brice, Doctor Young, and Thomas Hearne
inis Edmonson, and Joseph Barretti
1648 Five. T. Morell, Peter Colhnson, William P'rvee, Mr. Gray,
and James Maepherson ^ ^
1649 Fmjr,^Dr. Shebbeare, Laurence Sterne, John Jortin, and John
1650 Seven, Dr Warburton Benjamin Franklin; ditto, and his
vGdfr his Speeches; ditto,
with Lord Bute and Will, am Hogarth; William Beckford,
&c. and two of Serjeant John Glynn
1651 Two, the Right Hon. William Beckford, Esq. byDLxon; and
Samuel Wesley, by Dickenson
1652 Tfoee, Charles James Fox, by Knight; ditto, inscribed the
Soliloquy ; ditto, with Lord North, &c. consulting the Ghost
of Oliver Cromwell ®
1653 Nine, David Hume, Doctor Henry, James Ferguson, Jacques s
Rousseau, Tycho Hoftman, Doctor James, Peter Colinlon,
Doctor Johnson, and John Lloyd
1654 Fourj^Henry Laurens, Doctor Fotherglll, and two anonymous,
1655 O.XE, Sir Joshua Reynold?, by Sherwix, very fixe
^ 6 1656
f — 1658
y. 1659
/a -6 1660
/^ (» 1661
.V.- 1664
r-6 1667
/-v.-^ 1669
-- 1670
/3-^6 1673
Engraved Byitish Portraits.
Twelve, the Set of Artists, after Falconet, by Pariset
Six, Artists, William Hogarth^ F. Zucarelii^ Joseph Cooper,
A. Foulis, and Paul Sandby
Four, Thomas Worlide, Benjamin Wilson^ &:c.
Two, Daniel Race, Cashier of the Bank of England; and
Pow’^ell in the Character of King John
Six, Mr. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Barry; Samuel Foote in
three Characters ; ditto, alias the Devil on two Sticks ; Mr,
Reddish ; and Signora Zampirina
Ten, Cervetti and nine Theatrical, one a drawing
Tw^o, Vestris the celebrated Dancer, 'and a Concert at Cam*
Four, Lady Waldegrave, afterwards Dutchess of Gloucester;
the Dutchess of Ancaster, the Countess of Northumberland,
and Jane Dutchess of Gordon, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by
Dickenson, &c.
Four, the Dutchess of Ancaster, Lady Almiria Carpenter, See,
after Reynolds, by Watson
Four, the Hon. Mrs. Darner, the Miss Crewes, &c. after
Reynolds, by Smith, &c.
Eight, Anne Countess of Cork and Orrery, Elizabeth Dutchess
Dowager of Kingston, Lady Stanhope, Miss Cummings, &c.
Five, Miss Webster, Miss Gunning, Mrs. Parry, &c. after
Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Sherwin, &c.
Four, the Young Mendicant, Emma or the Child of Sorrow,
Mis Ketty Fisher, and Mrs. Gomeldon
One, Miss Kitty Fisher with the Peare, after
Reynolds, by Houston, brilliant proof, extras
Six, Miss Lumsden, Lady Juliana Penn, Miss Conyers, the Fair*
Quaker, Miss Hoare and Miss Elliot
Six, Lady Stanhope, by Worlidge ; Frances Lady Bridges,.
Mrs. Fitzwilliam, the Children in the Wood, after Sir Joshua
Reynolds, &c.
Three, Mrs. Elliot, the fair Circassian ; and Mrs. Sheridan, in
the Character of St. Cecilia, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, &:c.
in colours
Four, the Dutchess of Devonshire, Signora Rosa Alba, &c. in'
Three, the Dutchess of Devonshire, Lady Duncannon, in co-
lours, with View of Cbatsworth House
Five, Lady Catharine Pelham Clinton, Mrs. Swinburne, Miss-^
Ayre, the Dutchess of Devonshire, &c.
Two, Mrs. Wheatley, a small painting in oil ; and the Watcr-
Cresse Girl, in colours''
Five, William Walker, aged 123; Birth-Day Ode; Thomas.
Wood, a Miller ; Captain Hook, and Sir Robert Fagg
'Reign of George III,
- 1632
' 1689
k- 1693
Y /' 1694
y / 1698
Six Caricatures, by Darley, of iemarkable Persons in the Years
1773 and 74
Seven Miller the German Giant, the Corsican- Fairy, Bamfield
and Coen Giant and Dwarf, Foolish Sam, Clerk at King’s
College. Chapel, die Poacher, and Deformed Swordsman
Six, three of Jedidiah Buxton, the Bell-Woman, fohn lefFrevs,
and John Bradley ^ ^
Six, Quakers Meeting, Old Boots, Foster Powell, John
Molesworth, Mrs. Everit and Son, and Thomas Everitt.
^ called the Infant Hercules
Three, Margaret Finch Queen of the Gipsies; Skeg^s, Per-
Acccmn?” ^ and Mrs. Brownrigg, with ifistorical
One, Mrs. Browneigg, etched by Dance, fine inu
Five, Mrs. Rudd ; ditto, by Bartolozzi ; Daniel and Robert
Perieau; Doctor Dodd, with Historical Account and Pam-
phlefs by Vnlette, the Ordinary of Newgate
Hackman, Miss Reay,
William Cox, v_.hristopher Atkinson in the Pillory, &c
I wo. Imperial Atlas, Port Folios, bound nx Ryssi i
AND Double Lettered, according to the Period
of British History, axND Class of engraved Bri-
tish Portraits, being Vol. i and 2
Iwo, DITTO ditto, Vol. 3 and4
Two, ditto ditto, Vol. 7 and 8
Tayo, ditto ditto, Vol. 9 and 10
Two, DITTO ditto, V OL. 11 AND 12
Two, DITTO DITTO, VoL. 15 AND 16
Iwo, DITTO DITTO, VoL. 19 AND 20
Two, DITTO DITTO, VoL. 21 AND 22
Two, DITTO DITTO, VoL. 29 AND 30
< ^ 2^^ 6U
Mr. Stewart begs to inform the Public, Literati,
that the Sale of the rare and invaluable Library of the UUe
Sir James JFtnier Lake, Bart, will take place at his Eoom^
No. 194, Piccadilly (opposite Albany, on Monday, Feb, 8,
1808, and following Days, Sundays excepted.
Catalogues are now prmting, and will be ready for De^
livery on or before January 1, 1808.
Mr. Stewart most respectfully informs the Amateurs of
the Fine Arts, that the Sale will take place at his Room,
No.\94^, Piccadilly, on Monday, February ^29 th. 1808,
and following Days, of the Valuable Collection of English,
Scotch and JVelsh Topography. Foreign and .Miscellaneous
Portraits; the JVorks of Rembrandt, Nantueil, Andran,
Sueyderhoef, Hollar, JVoollett, Bartolozzi, 8pc. Books of
Prints, and Illustrated Books, of the late Sir James Winter
Lake, Bart.
Catalogues are now printing, and will be published on
the Mi ih of December, 1807.
Mr. Stewart most respectfully infoiins the Public, that
the Sale cf the Second Part of the invaluable Library of the
late Rev. John Brand, Felloxv and Secretary of the Aiiti^
quarian Society, Author of the History of N ewcastle, Po^
pular Antiquities, 8pc. will be sold on Monday, Jan. ii,
1808, and folloxving Days.
At the same time wilt be sold the Popular Antiquities,
containing all the Improvements and Additions, in SVoL
made by Mr. B. Copy -light, S§c.
Catalogues are now print mg, and Will be published the
1*2 th of December, 1807.
Printed by P. Da Ponte, 15, Poland-Street.
^ •
.iJL^/".- X.V. 6
^ d? d ^
-^6 —
-^ 7"'^''- ^ —
___ 4~2-d — 7 ^6
-^-2-- ^
.2-^z--^-yd ^ 6
yd -dd- —
_- 7^ — J=^-2-< —
. \
Royal Family — Peers — Gentry — Clergy - — Lawyers — Mi litary — .
Literary — Artists — Actors — Writing Masters — Musicians — Fe-
male Sex-— Phenomena — Convicts — Monsters, &c. &c. from
Egbert to the Revolution, principally collected to illustrate
Granger’s Biographical History of England.
HOGARTH’S WORKS^ Original Impressions i
among which will be found many very rare, collected at a liberal Expence by
The Reverend JOHN BRAND, deceased I
late Fellow and Secretary of the Antiquarian Society.
Together with his Very numerouaand curious Collection of Fac-
simile 'Drawings.
On TUESDAY the 9lh of JUNE, 1807, and the, six folloiving
Days, (Sunday cxccpied), at T wclvs YCl^ck.
To be viewed on Monday and Morrirgs of Sale.
Cata'og'.ies may be iiad of Mr. Ricliaidlon, No. S!, Strand
L Thu higheft Bidder to be tbe Buyer J and if aiiy Difpute
arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed
fliall be immediately put up again and l e-fold.
IL No Perfon to adi^ance lefs than 6d« • above One Pound
IS.; above Five Pounds 2s. (id. and fo in Proportion.
III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of
Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of
Payment of the Purchafe- money ; in Default of which,
the Lot t;r Lots To purchafed to be immediately put up
again and re-fold.
fV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the
Buyer^s E?:pence, within three Days after the Conclufion
of he Sale; and the Remainder of the Purchafe*nioney
to be ablolutely paid on or before Delivery.
V. The Books are prefumed to be perfe^, iinlefs otherwife
expressed ; but if upon collating, at the Place of
Sale, any fliould prove defedPive, the Purchafers will
be at Liberty to take or rejedf them.
VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions,
the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be for-
feited; and all Lots uncleared vv^ithin the Time aforefaid
lhall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Defi-
ciency (if any) attending fuch Re-fala fbali be made good
by the Defaulters at this Sale.
Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their
Commiffions faithfully/executed by their humble Servant,
W. Richardson,
No. 31, Strand.
Firft Day’s Sale.
6. o 1 Fifteen— C harles V. andXI. Maximilian t. Ro-
dolphus II. &c.
^ 9. Seven—Guft^vus Adolphus, on Horfeback, by G. Moun-
' tin, ditto in an oval, by t)fou£[iout, &c.
6 ^ 3 Seven-King Alfred, by Burghers, Robert Duke of
. Normandy, by Bretherton, King Richard III. &c.
4 Four— Frederick King of Bohemia, by jDe/f, Prince
, Rupert, after Vandyck, by Snyers, See.
b Three— Edward 1. III. and Tdward the Black Prince
6 Six — Charles I. by Faithorne, Henrietta Maria, by ditto
Mary of Efte, by R. White, Sec.
'O 7 Seven— Charles I. on Horfeback, by Hollar^ Henrietta
Maria with Princefs Mary, Lady Anna and Lady
Elizabeth, fcarce. Sec.
8 Three— Queen Mary, by Delavam, Mary Queen of
L ^ Scots, by Elftrack, and James 1. by Pavne
^0 9 Eight— Edward the Confeflor, by Smith, &c.
-.• ^0 Three — Henry Count NafTau, after by Pontius.
Albert Count Arcmberg, and Cofmus 'Tertius, bv
( 2 )
II Three — The Duke of Gloucefler in a Cradle, by Lens^
James II. by Smith, and Katharine Queen Dowager,
by ditto, fcarce
: Five— Charles II. on Horfeback, by De Blois, W. Prince
y of Orange, on ditto, by Stent, &c.
13 Six— James Duke of York, by V. Dalen, Edward V. by
Hollar, &c.
14 Th irteen — from the Heroologia, &:c.
^ \5 Eight^ — James I. and Family, &c. from gold plates, by
^ Pafs, &c.
' ty 16 Twenty-one — Scotch Kings,
(P'~ ^ 17 Four-— Henry VIII. and Family, by Bartolozzi, Princefs
Mary, by C. Flail, &c.
5^'- 18 Ten — the Stuart Family
19 Eight — Ditto, by Gay wood, &c.
^ 20 Five— Richard III. by Crojs, James VL,wood cut, Ed-
v;ard Prince of Wales, ^kc. ,
^ 21 Two — W, Prince of Orange, by Beckett, and Prince
James, by Smith
^ ^ 22 Five — Louis XY. &c, '
^ 23 Seven — Charles I. and 11. &c.
o 24 Five — Charles I. in a Hat, by Mar/haU, S\\Xo, in an oval,
by Galle, Henrietta Maria in an Odagon, by Hollar^
25 Four— Charles L with Sir Edward Walker, ditto, with
Loyalifts, ditto, putting hn his Cap, and- Execution,
with View of Whitehall
26 Thirteen — from Larrey’s Hiflory of England, by Giihft,
27 Six — Henry VIII. and Queens by Houbraken
'i'Z^ O 28 Thirty-feven^ — -by Vertue
^ 29 F'our — Chriftian IV. of Denmark, by Elftrack, Frederick
\ King of Bohemia, by C. Pafs, Chriftian Duke of
^ Brunfwick, by Voerji, &c.
30 Five — Roman Emperors, Goliziiis
Flleven — Kings of France, by De Bie, from Mezeray’s
\ Hiftoire de France, fcarce
y—ZZ 32 Eight — Founders, Queen Philippa, See. by Faber
Six— Queen Elizabeth, with Feather Fan, See. fcarce
^34 Two — George of Denmark, by Beckett, and Princefs
\ Ann, by ditto
i3 5 F'ourteen— Marriage of Henry VI. and VIE &c.
yg ^ 36 Sixteen — Harold, John Duke of Somerfet, Richard IL
and the Citizens of London, by Strutt, See.
37 Six— by Hollar, &c. Princefs Mary, Charles II. Mary
Princefs of Orange, See,
^ 38
/ /r. ^ 40
9 -^ 44
• ^ ' ^ 45
•‘ 4^
4 ~-^ 47
^~ 9 49
/ 2.^9 50
^ 51
^ 52
by Thane
^ . o 71 Sixteen— fmall ovals, by Hollar, Earl of Huntington,
Earl Newport, &c.
J 72 Eight — Vifcount Creraorne, Ac. by Knight
73 Three — from Vandyck, Sir Thomas Wharton, by V\
Green^ Lord Chaworth, by Gunft^ Ac.
O- ty y4. Two— Ditto, George Duke of Buckingham with his
Brother, and Lords John and Bernard Stuart, by
yj- — 2/ 7 5 Seven — Due de Sully, J. B. Colbert, by Nantuef Ac.
.2 —y/ 7 0 Twelve — Roger Earl of Orrery, John Earl of Shrewfoury,
George, ditto, Philip Duke of Wharton, by Vertue, Ac.
77 Nine— Earl of Lucan, James Marquis Hamilton, b\'
Dromhout^ Earl of Clarendon, Ac.
^ - 78 Two — Lord Bacon, by Vertue, folio, Ac,
2 ^- 19 Three — ^John Lord Cobham, -Ac,
( 5 )
^ O 80 Five— Count Gondomar, whole length, fron^ the
, PopuLi, Ferdinand Duke of Alva, &c.
81 Eight — Henry Earl of Monmouth, by Marshall^ Lord
, Bacon, by Crofs, James Earl of Marlborough, by
^—4 ^2 Two— Anthony Earl of Shaftfbury, hj Baron, fcarce^
and Lord Herbert of Cher bury ,> by Walker
cff -4^ 83 Nine — by Hollar, Earl of Portland, Lord Bacon, Loid
Brouncker, &c.
84 Two — Lord Burleigh with a Gun, by Smith and John
Earl of Exeter, 1678, by Thornpfon, fcarce
— 85 Five — Henry Earl of Arundel, by Lombart, P. Earl of
Pemb’-oke, by ditto, Marquis of Hamilton, by Life-
he tins, &:e.
86 Three — L'homas Earl of Strafford with his Secretary,
by Fertile, William Lord Wentworth with his
Sifters by ditto, and John Lord Belafyfe, by R- White
87 Two — Carlo Earl of Plymouth, by Smith, jine,' 2 raA the
Earl of Huntingdon, by Williams, fcai^ce
ff — 88 Nine — ^Lord Baltimore, by Blooteling, Duke of Albe-
rnarle, by Le Dams, W. Lord Craven, &c.
' 89 Ten — Lord Burleigh, by Fertile, Robert Earl of Lej-
cefter, Algernon Earl of Northumberland, he,
90 Three— by E'aithorne, Charles Earl of Carlifle, Roger
Earl of CafUemayne, and Henry Earl of Monmouth
Two — ditto, Beviil Lord Granville, and Horace Baroa
92 Two — G. Duke of Buckingham, by Moncornet, and
James Duke of Ormond, bv Loggan, fcarce
— 93 Two — -W. Duke of Newcaftie, by Forfterman, and
Algernon Earl of Northumberland, by Payne, fcarce
94 Three — George Earl of Albemarle, quarto, Thomas
Duke of Norfolk, by Vorfterman, he,
<5^—^ 95 Two — Duke of Newcaftie and Family, Jcarce, andt he
Pembroke Family, by Baron
96 Two — Henry Sidney, by Browne, and Robert with
Dorothy Sidney, ditto, farce
/6 ^ 97 Two — John Fif count Dundee, and Earl Totnes, by
Voerft, farce
98 One — Robert Earl of Yarmouth, Vandrebanck, ditto
99 Seven—from Ricraft, Robert Lord Brooke, Edward ?rl
of Manchefter, &c.
- JOO One — Charles Duke of Somerfet, by Smith, Jcarce
(y-d 101 One — Lord Afliley, by Tompfon, farce
Om— Thomas Earl of Effex, by Hollar, with eight
Latin and Englifh Verfes, very fne and rare
/ // • 6
2 . 4~~0
^ 3 - 6
/ • //. ^
^ /(f)
{ ^ i
}03 One^J'a7nes Em'l of Pei'th, with j^morial Beamings,
by R. WhiiQ, Jirie and fcmxe
lp4, Om-~^Earl oj FeverJJmm, by Bucket, /caret..
1Q5 Qm^Szr Thomas^ or Lord Fairfax y by Glover y from
a Silver plate, rare
'i^ Qm-^WriotheJley Lord RuJf'eUy by. Becket , and
107 One- — Kenneth Earl of Seaforth, by R, White, rarr
108 One — Patrick Earl of Strathmore y with Armorial
Bearings, by R. White, fine and fcarce
100 One-— P. Earl of f ernhrokey by S. Pafs, fcarce
l';10, Two'— Earl of Wa^^jcicky hj Smithy and Charles.
Duke (?f Richmond, by Becket, fcarce
111 One— Henry Duke oF Beaufort, by Picart, large Sheet,
i:15 One— Henry Charles Prince Tarenti, by P. Philippe,
, fine and fcarce
^13 Four— Hor* Earl of Orford, by Evans, Lord Barring-
ton, by Knight, G. Earl of Cumberland and Family,
1 14 Three — ^John Earl of Bute, by Caroline Watfonj/mree,
Lord Mansfield, by JoneSy and Hor» Earl of Orford,
il-S Two— Vif count Moimtfiuarty by Bartolozzi, and
Robert Earl of Kinnoull, by C. Watfon fcarce
Hfi Two— Lord Auckland, proof and George Earl of
Stamford, by Keating, fcarce
Xn Four — Hugh Duke of Northumberland, by Finlayfon,
John Lord Cardiff, by Fifher, &c.
>18 Five — the Percy Family
110 One — Lord Heathfieid, after Sir J. Reynolds, by
1 20 One — Lord Mansfield, after ditto, by Bartolozzi, proof
>21 One — Henry Veere Earl of Oxford, a Facfmiile
Drawing by the Reo. Mr. Bi^and, from the Original
in the Colledlion of James Bindley, Efq.
122 One — Mountague Bertie Earl of Lindfey, a Fac-fimile
Drawing by the Rev. Mr. Brand, from the Original,
bj- Faithorne, in the Colledlion of the Rev. Mr.
123 One — ditto, of Lord George Digbij, from a rare Print,
by Hollar . ^ ^ ^
124 Two — ditto, the Marquis of Gordon, and Arthur Earl
of Donegal from a rare Print, bv Hollar, in the
Britifh Mufeum
i 7 %
22j One— ditto, Lord Napier^ from the very rare Print, by,
Delaram, in the Colledion of the Rev. Mr. Crachrodc
126 One— ditto, John Earl of Radnor^ from the rare Print,
-by White, in the Colledion of Sir W. Mufgrave, Bt.
127 Ov\£— ditto, George Lord Berkeley^ from the rare Print
in the Colle6i:ion of Sir W. Mufgrave, Bart,
_ 128 One— ditto, Lord Dartmouth, from the rare Print, by
Vandrebanc, in the fame Collection
129 One — Charles Lord Gerard from the rare Print, by
Sherwin, in ditto
130 Six — ^Tracings on Oil Paper, George Lord Berkeley,
' ^ Mountague Earl of Lindfey, &:c.
• ^•‘^-6 131 Six — W. Vifcount Stafford, Edward Marquis of Wor*
cefter, &c. on ditto
'^ 0^0 132 Seven — Lord Finch, Lord Zouch, &c. on ditto
133 Seven — Earl of Brentford, Lord Aubigny, &c» ditto
E nd of the Eirfi Day^s Sale. ^
^ ^
Second Day*s Sale.
1 *^JC HIRTEEN— Sir Robert Hltcham, Paul Pindar,
Endvmion Porter, &c.
g; Six— W. Penn, by Hall, Sir John Brockett^ Thomas
Foley, Efq. &c. , -n -i c- t t
3 Six-^Sir Thomas Remington and Family 5 Sir John
Hawkwood, &c.
4 Twelve — Brantome, &Ci
B Iv'ine— Conftantine Huigens, &c.
Six— from Clarendon, Elamden, Lilburne, Pym, &c.
t Six-Thomas Sutton, Sir P. Sydney, Fir F. Wali.ng-
ham, &c.
8 Six— Illuftrious Heads, Houbraken .
a Three— Sir Thomas Grefham, by Thew, ditto, by Michel,
and Sir JV. Brereton, 1579, private plate
JO Ten— Founders, by Faber, he. ^
11 Three— John Cockfnuit, by Loggan, Sir R. Cotton, by
White, and R. Douglas, by Falck, Jcarce
12 Three— W. Richards, by Smith, Sir Robert Soutnweil,
pmi/, and Colonel Fielding, by Beckett
13 Three by Verttie, Trumbull, Sir R. Winryood, and Sir
Thomas Grelham „ , r j ur
14 Two the Honourable Charles Cecil, by LeitSy and W»
Cecil, by Smith
( 9 ).
15 Five-^Arthur Goodwin, by Gunft, J. Hamden^ by
dran^ LeoKn Jenkins, &c.
16 Three— by Vertue, .Sjr P. Sidney, John Graves, aet. I03j
arid John Thurloe
J 7 Three— Sir Richard Siacpoole, by Watfon^ Sir Robert
Clayton^ by Smithy and Sir Thomas Chaloner, by
fine and J car c€
i'S Three — W.,Davl]Fon, hy Lommrt, Sir Aritori Shirley,
by Sadeler, and Sir 'f homas Bodley, by Burners
19 Tvvo— Sir Richard Spencer and Sir Ralph Winw’oodj
from the Sheet of Embafladors C.
20 Eleven— Sir Thomas Chaloner, Sir R. Bulftrode, &c.
21 Three-rby Vertue, Sir N. Throckmorton, Sir Thomas
^ Roe, and John Kenrick,
22 Three — ditto. Sir Robert Harley, Sir Edward Harley,
and Thomas Harley ^ ^
Two-^Sir John Lowtker, by Browiie, aird Thomas Wmd-,
haniy by Tompfon, fcarce
24 One— jS’/r* Thomas Isham, mez. by Loggan, fcarce
•4~ o Q5 Two — Sir W, Petty y by Smith, and Sir Stephen Fox^
I by ^imon, fcarce
\/^r~4 26 John Flervey^ mez. by Tompfon j fcarce
27 Thi ee— Conft. HuyginSj by Dciff, and C, M. Le Tellier^
by Nanteuil, 6cc,
28 One— JV. Segar, by Delaram, fcarce
29 One— iS’zr /F. Temple, by Vandrebanc, fcarce
'/ 30 Two— by Faithorrie, Sir James Harington, and Sir Ri
tp 31 Three — by Hollar, I. H. Craenhals, fcarce, J. Roelans,
and J. de Reede ^
^-<^ 32 One-Sir Thomas Grejham, by Delaram, fcarce ,
Five— Benjamin Rudyerdy by Payne, Sir Edward
i Nicholas, by Hcrtochs, &c.
1 ^**— 34 One— Samuel Barnardifton, by R. V/hite, fcarce
35 Two — Sir Henry Vane, by Faithornt^ and John Pym,
by Glover _ ' ' ■
[’/_ 36 One-— James Calthorp, by Glover, fine (tnd ficarte
j;^-^37 Two— by Hollar, Sir H.' Guildford and' Sir A'llthony
(Lord) Denny
3T *One^ Alderman B a ckzvellf ficarce
38 Thirteen— Sir John PeiTott, by V. Green, Thomas ICil-
legrew, mez. Sir Richard Wittington,
6 39 Three— Hadrian Paw, R. Paw, by and Con-
. tarenry, by Vorflerman, yZ-arcc
6 40 Ont-’^Gihs Siiccngexvays, by Loggan, on' Sattin, tare *
( 10 )
41 0\\z^ljaac Pennington Lord Mayor-, in the Print of
The Committee,” the Original Print, and fcarce
^^0 42. Three — ^AQG2im-A.n?L^hj Me^^ens, J, Puget dela'Serre^
by Lafne, fcarce^ See.
'6 43 Seven— Sir John Moor, Sir Richard Whittington, by
Elftrack, John Talbot, &;c.
44 Seven— Ulfeld^ he. from Hoffman’s Illuflrious
Men of Denmark, Jcarce
^ 45 Sir Thomas Chaloner^ woodcut, Sir H. Morgan.,
Sir Thomas Overbury, by Pafs, and Sir John Hawk-^
^ wood, fcarce
/ 46 Seven— -Sir J. Cheke, by Nutting, Sir T. Smith, Benj.
Hewling, he.
2 47 Three— J . C. Brook, by Bell, proof, Thomas Littledale,
by Hardy, and Phillips Glover, by Watfon
<-^6 43 Five— Gerard Van Fieck, by M‘Ardell, John Henniker.
by Hudfon, he.
49 Two — Thomas Tyrwhitt, by Jones, and Sir W. Muf-
grave, by Faicus
//. 50 Twelve— Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Will. Baillie,
Efq. Ralph Allen, he.
Right Honourable Charles Abbot, after
Noythcote, by C. Picart
^ ' — 52 One — Samuel More, after Weft, by Sharp
/ 53 One — John Ilarrifon of Leeds, a Drawing in Pen and
Ink, by the Rev. Mr. Brand, from the rare Print in
the Colledlion of Sir W. Mufgrave, Bart. ■
54 One— ditto, William Lee of Abington, from the unique
Print in the Colledfion of Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart.
2 ^ -■ 55 One — ditto, Sir Richard Chiverton, Lord Mayor, in the
Colleiffion of Ralph Willett, he.
2' . 56 One— ditto, Sir Herbert Perrott, from the Colledlion of
James Bindley, Efq.
^ 57 One — ditto, Tobias Riifiat, from Sir W, Mufgrave' s
TJ'l 58 One— ditto, John Meeke, from a very rare'Print
59 One — ditto, Ifaac Pennington, from the Colletftion of
Sir W. Mufgrave, Bart.
^ One — ditto, Humphry Curfon of Norfolk, from ditto
01 One — Thomas Gargrave from an Original Pidture in the
Pofteifion of Mr. Thane
S 62 One — I. P. Hunter from the Colledlion of Sir W.
Mufgrave, Bart.
J — _ 63 One — Sir Thomas Lee, Lord Mayor, from the Colledlion
of Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart.*
J. — iS'fT’ TE. Ryder, and Sir W. Harper^ ditto^ ditto
( n )
■/5.^e5 Two-^/r Woljian Dixie, and Sir Nicholas Mojly, ditto,
67 One—*' ^oAer/ F^?^er from the Collcftion of Sir W
Mufgrave, ^ .
/r»^-68 O^SirJohn Wynne, ofGwedur, *t.' 73 , ditto
On.-S^lW^Uus, from.the Colleaion of Sir y«/r„
■X_ 70 Ont-S^ir James Han-ington, from the fcarce Print, by
Fortefcue, from iffr TV. Mufgrave's
72 Oae—Slmgjby Bethell, ditto
"" " e*aio„ .f_
"f *■■'■ »'■
■” “"«» -f
'^--79 One_5fr 2’Aem