C H N T £ AS // _ //,. • / Dear Friend : The Calypso Assembly for 1887 exceeds in popularity . and financial success even the fondest hope of the committee in charge ; and the Executive Committee of the Northampton County Sunday School Association feel that the time has come when the As¬ sembly should accomplish yet more and better things—better lor ourselves in that we shall be able to pay a reasonable sum to the persons addressing us, thereby attaining the dignity of self-support; better for us that we shall be able to invite the foremost of the reli¬ gious writers and speakers of the day, thus affording to many an opportunity not to be secured in any other way. To this end while the Northampton Co. S. S. Association retains oversight of the Assembly, it is thought wise to entirely separate the workings of the two (not however separating the workers.) The Northampton Co. S. S. Association will endeavor to hold five conven¬ tions each year in various parts of the County, and for that work the appeal for each school in the County $o contribute at the rate of a penny a member is continued. There is room for improvement in these meetings, and the committee will endeavor to secure improve¬ ments as you give them the opportunity. But the Calypso Assembly has a wider influence, extending be¬ yond the County in its audiences; it is ambitious for greater things, for more comfortable surroundings. The history of the three years that have passed gives assurance that a wise conservatism will prevent undue haste in these improvements so that we can confi¬ dently make this appeal. In order that the next committee may be able to arrange a proper programme they must begin to plan early in the winter and begin the necessary correspondence with the opening of the year. The Executive Committee are careful not to change the old policy of spending money only when it is well in sight, so that there may be no debts to pay. It is therefore absolutely necessary to know before¬ hand an approximation to the amount of money that can be spent; and while the Calypso Assembly of 1888 is apparently a long way off subscriptions should be made now. We have no doubt that most of the thousands that were present at the last Assembly would be willing to contribute something to the carrying on of the next, if they only had the opportunity. In order to give them an opportunity we are desirous of having a collector in each congregation for the purpose of soliciting subscriptions. Will you kindly inform the Secretary of the Association, tho Rev. J. F. Sheppard, South Easton, Pa., of some one whom you can recommend for this purpose so we can send them the proper papers. All money paid will be receipted for by the Treasurer of the Association, and all contributors will receive by mail the announce¬ ment of the meeting and a financial statement. Yery Respectfully, J. F. SHEPPARD, Sec’y. CHARLES McINTIRE, Jr., Treas. Committee. GEOMJLLER MISHJ1 ®H8KWJUER MISHIT I WORKS ON DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY, AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL AND OTHER INDUSTRIAL DRAWING. By S. EDWARD WARREN, C.E. I. ELEMENTARY WORKS. 1. Primary Geometry. An introduction to geometry ao usually presented; and designed, first , to facilitate an earlier beginning of the subject, and, second, to lead to its graphical applications in manual and other elementary schools. With numerous practical examples and cuts. Large 12mo, cloth, 80c. 2. Free-hand Geometrical Drawing, widely and variously useful in training the eye and hand in accurate sketching of plane and solid figures, lettering, etc. 12 folding plates, many cuts. Large 12mo, cloth, SI. 00. 3. Drafting Instruments and Operations. A full descrip¬ tion of drawing instruments and materials, with applications to useful examples; tile work, wall and arch faces, ovals, etc. 7 folding plates, many cuts. Large 12mo, cloth, SI.25. 4. Elementary Projection Drawing. Fully explaining, in six divisions, the principles and practice of elementary plan and elevation drawing of simple solids ; constructive details ; shadows ; isometrical drawing; elements of machines ; simple structures. 24 folding plates, numerous cuts. Large 12mo, cloth, Si.50. This and No. 3 are especially adapted to scientific, preparatory, and manual-training industrial schools and classes, and to all mechanics for self-instruction. 5. Elementary Perspective. With numerous practical examples, and every step fully explained. Numerous cuts. Large 12mo, cloth, SI.00. 6. Plane Problems on the Point, Straight Line, and Circle. 225 problems. Many on Tangencies, and other useful or curious ones. 150 woodcuts, and plates. Large 12mo, cloth, $1.25. II. HIGHER WORKS. 1. The Elements of Descriptive Geometry, Shadows and Perspective, with brief treatment of Trehedrals; Trans¬ versals; and Spherical, Axonometric, and Oblique Projections; and many examples for practice. 24 folding plates. 8vo, cloth, $3.50. 2. Problems, Theorems, and Examples in Descriptive Geometry. Entirely distinct from the last, with 115 problems, embracing many useful constructions ; 52 theorems, including examples of the demonstration of geometrical properties by the method of projections ; and many examples for practice. 24 fold¬ ing plates. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. 3. General Problems in Shades and Shadows, with practical examples, and including every variety of surface. 15 folding plates. 8vo, cloth, $3.00. 4. General Problems in the Linear Perspective of Form, Shadow, and Reflection. A complete treatise on the principles and practice of perspective by various older and recent methods; in 98 problems, 24 theorems, and with 17 large plates. Detailed contents, and numbered and titled topics in the larger problems, facilitate study and class use. Revised edition, correc¬ tions, changes and additions. 17 folding plates. Svo, cloth, $3.50. 5. Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing. 73 practical examples drawn to scale and of great variety ; besides 30 problems and 31 theorems relating to gearing, belting, valve- motions, screw-propellers, etc. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, one of text, one of 34 folding plates. $7.50. 6. Problems in Stone Cutting. 20 problems, with exam¬ ples for practice under them, arranged according to dominant surface (plane, developable, warped or double-curved) In each, and embracing every variety of structure; gateways, stairs, arches, domes, winding passages, etc. Elegantly printed at the Riverside Press. 10 folding plates. 8vo, cloth, $2.50. STEREOTOMY. PROBLEMS I X STONE CUTTING. IN FOUR CLASSES. I. — PLANE-SIDED STRUCTURES. H. — STRUCTURES CONTAINING DEVELOPABLE SURFACES III. — STRUCTURES CONTAINING WARPED SURFACES. IV. —STRUCTURES CONTAINING DOUBLE-CURVED SUR¬ FACES. FOR STUDENTS OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE. S. EDWARD WARREN O. E. PROFESSOR IN THE MASSACHUSETTS NORMAL ART SCHOOL, ETC., AND FORMERLY IK THE RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY AND SON, 15 Astor Place. 1888. # sSufcered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by S. Edwakd Warrkn, C. E., in the Office of the Librarian «•/ Congress, at Washington. Frcss ofJ.J. Little & Co., Astor Place, New York. THE GETTY LIBRARY To ALL THOSE GRADUATES OF THE RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, IK MANY SUCCESSIVE YEARS; WHO DOUBTLESS STILL RETAIN A CLEAR BBC OLLECTION, AND, I HOPE, A PLEASANT REMEMBRANCE OF THE “ OBLIQUE ARCH,” AND THE “ COMPOUND WING-WALL,” AS DRAWN BY THEM UNDER MY INSTRUCTION; [i V ® p< a ®o ■a ►—* g P © U 2 H O O G H H 5 a w H H Sd K O H O cr p U S3 3* P^ 2 K © S SS 8 o* p -< ^ p^ 1 and tress.* CO CD CD P - -2 co c V p. rt- l w > 3 2 3 jl £ U) CD £T t/1 . «-> tA CD 2 ' W w 03 o o a- ■ cd 75 , aq co; » r CT 3 •*? “ 13 55 P y> 3 ^ o 5 ,?a 3 S3 2- 2- CD J '* 3^ 3T * ■£* * /- N ^ © -p © O PI S'®=5'2.£ 'X’oJSm a zl . sr^- 2 o p s® p H p CD o cr P S3 P S3 Pi 3 Li g. ** P 3 P r*- ^ S- r-r~ CT^ 3 § S-P* p * vF Ok b — -3 © © 3-3 C3 © 3 ^3 CD O. O -4 © s SL^og" 'Js ip ^8 s r' •-? "4 ^P K >g_ 2 3 HJ *1 —• p (fe S r. £L 2 * ** * t-O gaf CD W 2. P CD 3 CD -J (0 £ 5 aq • * 13 O'* o > 3 o cd sr S 8 CA (A t-H o •—t O *o o •-4 o* 5 - CN? i -5 r* o 2.3 2 . •9 5 £ 51 o • P H- p ■ 75 C* JrjQ c - 5 '=. * * 02 *5 3T Cp p S' w r* P GENERAL TABLE — PRACTICAL CLASSIFICATION. CONTENTS PAOB Preface • • • • » • • / Note to Teachers . . . vii STEREOTOMY: Stone-cutting : First Principles . . . ) CLASS I. Plane-Sided Structures. PROBLEM I. — To form plane surfaces of stone, making any angle with each other . •.4 PROBLEM II. — A sloping wall, and truncated pyramidal buttress . 5 PROBLEM III. — The recessed flat arch, or plate-band ... 8 Plane-sided Wing-Walls .... . . . 10 CLASS II. Structures containing Developable Surfaces. Arches. — Definitions.12 Classification.13 Preliminary constructions.14 § Conic Sections .14 1°. — To construct a circle by points, having given its radius . . 14 2°. — To construct an arc of a circle by points, knowing its chord and versed-sine, or rise..15 3°. — To construct an ellipse by points on given axes. Also, nor¬ mals to it (two methods).15 4°. — To construct the arc of a parabola; on a given segment of the axis, and a chord which is perpendicular to the axis. Also, normals to it.16 5°. — To construct an arc of a hyperbola, on a given chord, and seg¬ ment of the axis, perpendicular to the chord . . . 17 §§ Poly central Arch Curves .18 Three-Centred Ovals .18 1°. — To construct the general case of the semi-oval of three centres 18 2°. — First special case. The semi-oval of three centres when the lesser arc is 60°.18 3°. — Second special case. The ratio — to be a minimum . . 19 X CONTENTS. Five-Centred Ovals . . . 20 4°. — To construct a five-centred semi-oval, which shall conform as nearly as possible to a semi-ellipse, on the same axes . 20 5°. —To construct the five-centred oval, by a method applicable to an oval having any number of centres . . .21 Illustrations. PROBLEM IY. — A three-centred arch in a circular wall . . . .22 PROBLEM V. — A semi-cylindrical arch, connecting a larger similar gal¬ lery, perpendicular to it, on the same springing plane; with an en¬ closure which terminates the arch by a sloping skew face . . .25 Groined , and Cloistered Arches .... . . 29 Theorem I. — Having two cylinders of revolution, whose axes intersect, the projection of their intersection, upon the plane of their axes, is a hyperbola. . . 30 PROBLEM YI. — The oblique groined arch.32 PROBLEM VII. — The groined and cloistered, or elbow arch . . .35 Conical, or Trumpet Arches .37 PROBLEM VIII. — A trumpet in the angle between two retaining walla . 37 PROBLEM IX. — A trumpet arched door, on a corner .... 40 PROBLEM X. — An arched oblique descent . . . . 44 CLASS III. Structures containing Warped Surfaces. PROBLEM XI. — The recessed Marseilles gate.49 The Oblique Arch. Preliminary topics .—Elementary mechanics of the arch . . . .53 The resulting standard, or essentially perfect design for an oblique arch.55 PROBLEM XII. — The partial, and trial construction of the orthogonal, or equilibrated arch.50 The Helix .61 Theorem II. — The projection of the helix on a plane parallel to its axis is a sinusoid.62 The Helicoid .62 PROBLEM XIII. — A segmental oblique arch, on the helicoidal system . 63 I. The Projections. (Arts. 81-104).63 II. The Directing Instruments.73 III. The Application.76 Useful Numerical Data .79 Modifications of the Orthogonal and Helicoidal Systems . . .81 Wing- Walls .83 PROBLEM XIV. — The compound, or piano-conical wing-wall . . 85 The Conoid .92 PROBLEM XV. — The conoidal wing-wall.94 CONTENTS. X’, Stairs ...... 97 PROBLEM XVI. — Winding stairs on an irregular ground plan . . 99 Other forms of stairs . . ... CLASS IV. Structures containing Double-Curved Surfaces. PROBLEM XVII. — A trumpet bracket, with basin and niche . . . 103 Theorem III. — The conic section whose principal vertex and point of contact with a known tangent are given, will be a parabola, ellipse, or hyperbola, according as the given vertex bisects the subtangent, or makes its greater segment within or without the curve . .106 PROBLEM XVIII. — The hooded portal.107 PROBLEM XIX. — An oblique lunette in a spherical dome . . 110 Pendentives ........ .114 Spirals ......... 115 PROBLEM XX. — The annular and radiant groined arch , 120 STEREOTOMY. STONE-CUTTING. FIRST PRINCIPLES. 1. Stereotomy is that application of Descriptive Geometry which, comprehensively defined, treats of the cutting or shap¬ ing of forms, whether material or immaterial, so as to suit cer¬ tain given conditions. 2. Stereotomy, thus defined, embraces, either by etymology, or established usage, the following subjects : — 1°. Shades and Shadows , or the cutting of the volume of space from which an opaque body excludes the light, by any given sur¬ face, on which the shadow of the body is thus said to fall. 2°. Perspective, or the cutting of the cone, of which the ap¬ parent limit of a given body is the base, and the eye the ver¬ tex, by any given plane, whose intersection with this cone is called the perspective of the given body. 3°. Dialing , or the cutting of metal plates so that their shad¬ ows upon a given surface shall mark the hours of the day. 4°. Cinematics, or the shaping of mechanical forms , so that by their mutual action they shall produce certain motions. 5°. Structural articulations, or the shaping of the articula¬ tions of wood and iron framings of every kind, with reference to convenience of construction and use. 6°. Carpentry, or the cutting of wooden pieces, so that when united they shall form a self-supporting whole. 7°. Stone-cutting, or the cutting of stone pieces of prescribed form, from the rough block, so that when combined in an as¬ signed order, they shall form a given or predetermined whole. Of these, the last two are the most obviously characteristic ; that is, most clearly illustrative of the definition (1). 3. Stone-cutting as a science embraces three distinct parts: — 1 °. The construction, on large scales in practice, of the pro¬ jections of at least so much of a proposed structure as will per¬ mit— l 2 STEREOTOM Y. 2°. The derivation therefrom of the directing instruments , used by the workman as guides in cutting the rough block to its intended form by the chisel and mallet. 3°. The rules for the application of these directing instru¬ ments in the proper order and manner. 4. The first two of the three parts just mentioned consist of operations of applied descriptive geometry. The number of directing instruments, and the mode of their application, will depend considerably on the ingenuity of the designer. 5. Practical stone-cutting , or the actual formation of the finished stone, belongs to the student, only so far as it may, in the absence of models, serve him in gaining familiarity with those complex masonry forms which cannot be readily imag¬ ined from drawings alone. In such modelling, the intended pieces would be wrought in plaster, by the aid of their wooden, or paper directors, derived from the drawings. 6 . Slopes are variously expressed. 1°. In PI. I., Fig. 1, the T& slope 11" k, for example, may be expressed by the ratio, = the tangent of the angle TH"£. Here <^77 = y ; read, a slope of five to one. 2°. By degrees. Slopes of 30°, 40°, etc., make these angles with the horizontal plane. 3°. A batter of 1 inch to 1 foot, etc., means a horizontal de¬ parture of one inch from a vertical direction, for each foot of altitude. 4°. Nearly level slopes, as of railways, are described as a rise of 1 in 100, etc., 40 feet to the mile, etc. 5°. Once more ; a slope of 45° being naturally described as that of 1 to 1 , every other slope may be described by naming its horizontal component distance first, and by taking its least component as the unit. Thus a slope of 4 horizontal, to 1 ver¬ tical, may be described as a slope of 4 to 1. But one of 1 horizontal, to 7 vertical, for instance, as a slope of 1 to 7; or a batter of 1 in 7. The nature of the case, or a reference to the figure, will show, in each problem, the meaning of any expression of slope that may be used. STONE-CUTTING. 3 Directing instruments. 7. The directing instruments (3) used in stone-cutting are of three kinds, bevels, templets, and patterns. Bevels, as the common steel square, give the relative posi¬ tions of required lines, or surfaces of a stone, by showing the angles between them. In the former case they are plane bev¬ els ; in the latter, diedral bevels. Templets give the forms of required edges, or other distin¬ guishing lines of a surface. Patterns show the forms of plane or of developable surfaces. In the former case, they may be made of any stiff, thin mate¬ rial. In the latter, they must be flexible. These instruments will be designated by numbers in the sub¬ sequent problems, and in every case, No. 1 will be a straight¬ edge, and No. 2 the square. Notation. 8. For the sake of brevity, the horizontal and vertical planes of projection will, on account of the frequent reference which must be made to them, be denoted, respectively, as the planes H and V. The usual rules for inking visible and invisible, given or auxiliary lines and planes (Des. Geom. 45), will be followed, unless in particular cases greater clearness may result from disregarding them. When important lines are hidden by viewing a structure, as usual, vertically downwards from above it, its horizontal pro¬ jection may be inked as if the object were seen by looking at it vertically upward from below it. The greater complexity of some of the figures will make it convenient to adopt the rule of distinguishing invisible lines of the structure from the lines of construction, by dotting the former and marking the latter in short dashes ; a distinction not shown, however, on the plates of this volume. 9. In order to secure a brief, yet comprehensive exhibition of the elements of stone-cutting, that is, one representing every important class of structures, and form of surface, they may be classified as in the General Table, the frontispiece. CLASS I. Plane-Sided Structures. Problem I. To form plane surfaces of stone , making any given angle with each other. This fundamental problem, being of constant occurrence, is here separately explained, in order to avoid repetition. 10. First. Fig. 1. represents the first steps in forming a plane upon a wholly unwrought block. Having two straight¬ edges, AB and CD, of equal width, ledges, asmn and p q, are cut on opposite edges of the stone, until the tops of the straight-edges placed on them, as shown, are found by sight¬ ing, as from E, to be in the same plane. The portion of rough stone between m n and p q is then cut away until found, by frequent test with the straight-edge, ap¬ plied transversely, as at FG, to be wrought down to the plane of m n and p q. Second. Having prepared one plane surface, as shown in Fig. 2, a second plane face, perpendicular to the former, may be formed, as shown, by cutting two or more channels in any direction on the required face, until one arm, BC, of a square will fit any of them, while the other arm, AB, coincides with STONE-CUTTING. 5 the given face, and in a direction perpendicular to the common edge of the two surfaces. The intermediate rough stone is then cut down to the plane of these channels by applying the straight¬ edge transversely to them. For any other than a right angle, use a bevel giving such angle. 11. The principle of the first operation is, that if two lines, m n and p q , are in the same plane, all lines, as FG, which in¬ tersect them, are in that plane also. That of the second operation is, that if two planes are per¬ pendicular to each other, any line, as AB, in one of them, and perpendicular to their intersection, will be perpendicular to all lines, BC, etc., drawn through its foot and in the other plane. Problem II. A sloping wall and truncated pyramidal buttress. I. The Projections (3). — These, PI. I., Fig. 1, are made partly from given linear dimensions, and partly from given slopes of the inclined faces of the buttress and wall. The plan and front elevation can be made wholly from data of the kinds just mentioned ; but an end elevation is added, as a check upon errors, and as showing a different method of operation. Let the wall be 8 ft. in height, and 3 ft. 6 in. thick at its base, and with a slope of 1 to 6 on its front. Let the ver¬ tical height of the buttress at c" be 7 ft. ; the slope of its front 1 to 5, that of its sides 1 to 4, and that of its top 4| to 1 (6). Then — 1°. Construct the end elevation by making G"m = i of G^E", and A"C" parallel to Win ; also E"N = 10 ft., ON = 2 ft., and H "Jc parallel to OE" ; and C"L = 4 ft. 6 in., LM = 1 ft., and a n c n parallel to MC", having made c"e 1 ft. below C ,r E". These operations will give the required slopes seen in the end view. 2°. The construction of the plan and front elevation of the wall is obvious on inspection, all the heights in elevation being de¬ termined by projecting across from the end view, and all the widths in plan, by transferring the horizontal distances, E^C", etc., from the end view to any convenient line of reference, as ejhi, perpendicular to the ground line. 6 STEREOTOM Y. 3°. The projections of the buttress. — The dimensions of its base are, JK = 6 ft.; HI = 4 ft. ; and A^ = 2 ft. 6 in. With these draw the base, whence, by means of the end view and the given slopes, all its lines can be found. Thus, ah and cd , drawn indefinitely at first, are at distances, ejb x and e x d x , from EF respectively equal to a'^and c n e. The slope of the sides being 1 to 4, draw ij parallel to H J, and at a distance, gi, from it, equal to one fourth of G"E". Then Cj and ij , being in the plane of the top of the wall, J j is the intersection of the face of the wall with the left side of the buttress; and c, its intersection with d x d , is a back upper cor¬ ner of the buttress. Drawing the horizontal a"f , and making epq, =fn", draw n Y n parallel to AB, and from n, draw na par¬ allel to JH, and na will meet ab at a. Then draw ac and nH, which will complete the left side of the buttress. Its right side can be laid off from the axis of symmetry UV. The vertical projection of the buttress is made by simply projecting the points of the plan up to the traces H'K 7 , a'h ', and c'd' of the horizontal planes in which they lie, and then joining the points as shown. In constructions like that of J j, the pairs of parallels, AJ and HJ ; Cj and ij, which determine the required line, should be as far apart as possible. II. The Directing Instruments. — These are, besides Nos. 1 and 2 (7), No. 3, a pattern of the base of the upper stone of the buttress, and seen in its true size in plan : No. 4, a bevel containing the diedral angle, shown on the end elevation, be¬ tween the base and the back of the buttress: No. 5, the like angle between the base and front of any buttress stone : No. 6, a bevel giving the angle between the base and either of the sides of the buttress. No. 6 is found by revolving any line of greatest declivity, as R h, perpendicular to JH, until parallel to V, as at RA"— R !h nt ; when it will show the true slope of the side of the buttress. No. 9 gives the angle between the top and back of the but¬ tress. If patterns are used as checks upon the operation of the bev¬ els, they may be found as follows. No. 7 is a pattern of the top of the buttress, and shown in its true form by revolution about cd — c'dj till parallel to V. This is done bv making — a"d' and drawing- a' n h paral- STONE-CUTTING. 7 / lei to a'b' and limited by the vertical projections, a'a'" and b'b"\ perpendicular to c'd', of the arcs described by aa! and bb' in re¬ volving about cd — c'd'. No. 8 is a pattern of the right side of the upper abutment stone, and is shown in its true form by revolving it about PQ — P'Q' till horizontal. Then d" , the revolved position of dd\ may be found by describing an arc with P as a centre and a radius equal to d'P'", shown by the construction to be the true length of P d — P 'd', and noting where it intersects dd" per¬ pendicular to the axis PQ. The point b" being similarly found, PQ b"d" is the required pattern. These patterns would con¬ veniently be open wooden frames. III. The Application. — We will here illustrate this topic by the manner of working the top stone of the buttress. This, being the most irregular stone in the problem, the full explana¬ tion of the manner of forming it will enable the student to de¬ vise means for working any of the others. Having selected a rough block in which the finished stone might be inscribed, first bring the intended base of the stone to a plane by Prob. I. Next scribe the edges of the base by pat¬ tern No. 3. Having thus the bottom edges of all the lateral faces of the stone, these may be wrought from the base, and in their true relative position, by the bevels Nos. 4, 5, and 6. By marking the distances sc" and ra" on bevels Nos. 4 and 5 respectively, the edges ab — a'b' and cd — c'd' will be determined on the stone, which can then be finished by the use of No. 9 and the straight edge. For increased accuracy, patterns Nos. 7 and 8, and others similarly found for the front and rear faces of the stone, can be used in determining the edges of the lateral faces more posi¬ tively than by the natural intersection of these faces as found by the bevels and straight edge. Examples. — 1°. Construct patterns 10 and 11, of the front and rear faces of the top buttress stone. Ex. 2°. Construct a bevel, No. 12, giving the angle between the front, and an adjacent lateral face. Ex. 3°. Show the construction and use of the guides necessary in working the stone below the top one of the buttress. Ex. 4°. Do. for the top stone, supposing its top surfaces to be a pyramid hav¬ ing its vertex at vv'. Ex. 5°. Construct, on a larger scale than in Fig. 5, a plan and front elevation 8 STEREOTOMY. of the wall whose end elevation is there shown, with an isometrical figure of the stone NFEDC< 7 - [The inclined surfaces, as pq, help to prevent sliding in the direo tion of the arrow, from the pressure of materials at the back, AN, of the wall.] Problem III. The recessed flat arch , or plate-hand. 12. An arch is an assemblage of blocks, mutually support¬ ing, by means of radiating joints between them, and side sup¬ ports to confine them laterally. When the arched surface, usually cylindrical, is plane, the structure is called a Plate- hand. I. The Projections. — PI. I., Figs. 2, 3, and 4. The con¬ struction of these will, after a brief description, be sufficiently obvious on inspection of the figures, since, on all of them, the same letter indicates the same point. T£ J j —T'T^J'U', Fig. 2, is the rectangular door-way, or opening through a wall. The door, not shown, folds against the vertical plane surface, U / V'J 7 Q / T // S ,/ S , T', which is in the plane qs. The recess which contains the door when shut, is bounded by the surfaces just pointed out, and by the three surfaces, —V'Q'; Q f a, it affords a greater in¬ terior capacity for the flow of water than does an ellipse on the same axes. For the radius of curvature at a , Fig. 17, of the b 2 ellipse on ab and bg as semi-axes, is r x = - , but ( a — b . a — b .-5- \ —2-T —g— V 3 } Now when b = § a, r x = — a = .444 a. a 9 but r = (l— 1 + 6 v/ ~ 5 ) a = M5 a ■ R 3°. Second special case. The ratio - to be a minimum. 46. From Eq. (2) Art. 43, f = + Differentiating by the rule for fractions (a and 5, constants) dividing by dr, and placing the result = 0, we have d 2L = d ^ = ar 2 — (a 2 + 6 2 ) r + (a 2 + 6 2 ) = 0; dr 20 STEREOTOMY. which solved with respect to r gives, after reducing, and neg¬ lecting that value of r which makes r > ^_ \/« 2 + ^ ( V « 2 + b 2 — (a — b) a V 2 Equating this with (3) and reducing, v. — /V^ = R 2 + ( a —*) 6 V 2 The direct reduction being somewhat tedious, note the sym¬ metry of Eqs. (2) and (3), where (3) is obtained by substitut¬ ing a for b and R, for r in (2) ; and it will be obvious that (6) is obtained from (5) by a like substitution. 47. The construction , which is very simple, is shown in PI. II., Fig. 19. Draw the chord ae, make ef = a — f>, bisect af by the perpendicular gd , meeting eb produced, and ab , at d and c, the required centres for the half curve aoe. For, the similar triangles age , aeb, and gde give r = ac= “ X ag = — and H = de — ~ X eg = — Five-Centred Ovals. 4°. To construct a five-centred semi-oval, which shall con¬ form as nearly as possible to a semi-ellipse on the same axes. 48. Five-centred ovals are preferable to three centred ones, when ~ ^ ; and are generally most pleasing when, as here required, they most nearly resemble an ellipse, described on the same axes. In PI. II., Fig. 21, let fg = \ ag. It is a prop¬ erty of the ellipse that its radius of curvature, at the extremity of the minor axis, is a third proportional to the semi-minor and semi-major axes. Hence make fe — Zga and e is one of the five centres. Again, the radius of curvature at the extremity of the major axis, is a third proportional to the semi-major and semi-minor axes, hence, make ca — c'b = \fg, and c and d will be two other centres. Now, since the radius of curvature of an ellipse is changing continually, a radius may be found which shall be a mean proportional between the radii already found, and such a radius is also a mean proportional between the semi-axes, for/ and let the given thicknesses of the wall be in it; and let the plane V be perpendicular to the axis, 0"0 — O', of the required arch. Let there be five voussoirs, dividing the section A'E'B', of the intrados equally, and let them be completed by horizontal and vertical planes, as C'D' and G'C', through the outer extrem¬ ities, D' and G r , of the radial beds. Then, with a scale of not less than = 2' to 1", in order to be more easily accurate, the given dimensions can be drawn, as shown, where JR is the horizontal trace of the vertical side of the wall. t JR — KR' is one springing line of the gallery, all of whose 26 STEREOTOMY. elements are therefore parallel to JR, in front of the vertical plane JR, and above the plane H, of the springing lines, JR — KR'; and AA" — A', and BB" — B', of the arch. 2°. Declivity of the plane face of the arch. — PQ, at 18° with JR, is the horizontal trace of the plane of this face. Its bat¬ ter, T \ (3 to 10), is perpendicular to PQ. Hence, assume £L, perpendicular to PQ, revolve it about a vertical axis at 6, to bL", parallel to V, make b'p' — 10, from any convenient scale of equal parts, and p’L,’ = 3, from the same scale ; and L ’b’ will be the revolved position of the line of declivity, 6L, showing the real slope of the plane arch face. From this batter we find next, for convenience in projecting points, the slope, taken in vertical planes parallel to the axis, 0"0 — Ob Thus LI, parallel to PQ, is the horizontal projec¬ tion of a horizontal line in the plane face of the arch. Note I, its intersection with the vertical plane bb ", revolve I to I", pro¬ ject it to P, on p'h 1 , and Vb r is the vertical projection of IJ, and is the declivity of the plane face of the arch, in the vertical plane bb". 3°. Horizontal projection of the plane face. — Draw horizon¬ tals, through all the points of the face, as C'Cj through C' and D'; produce them to meet P b\ as at C 2 ; then, for instance, project C 2 at C 3 , and revolve it to C 4 ; then C 4 C, parallel to PQ, will be the horizontal projection of C'C), and will intersect the pro¬ jecting lines, from C' and D', at C and D, the horizontal pro¬ jections of C' and Db Find other points similarly, or — Otherwise : project k r at k" and revolve it to k , when kC will coincide with C 4 C, whence, as before, etc. Again: as C 4 C 2 is the true distance of C' and D' in front of the vertical plane on PQ, and in the direction of the axis 0"0 — O', make iD =j C = CiQj, and we have C and D as before. The horizontal projections of the radial joints all meet at O. The semi-elliptic face line, AEB, has AB and 20S for a pair of conjugate diameters ; hence it is tangent to A A" and BB" at A and B, and at S has a tangent parallel to AB. 50. The last of the three constructions of CD, etc., just given, namely, by the method of compass transference of known dis¬ tances is advantageous , in avoiding numerous lines of ■ con¬ struction, as all from C 2 to C; yet for the same reason, disad¬ vantageous , in not preserving upon the paper such traces of the construction as would enable any one to recall it from the drawing alone. STONE—CUTTING. 27 4°. Horizontal projection of the cylindrical face. — J Iv J' is a profile plane, which contains a semicircular right section of the cylindrical gallery. Revolving this plane about a vertical axis at J, the centre of that section will appear as at 0 2 by making KO x equal to the given internal radius of the gallery ; and Kc 2 , with 0 2 as a centre, will be the revolved position of the section. Thence the horizontal projection of any points of the cylindri¬ cal face of the arch can be found as before. Thus, produce D'C' to c x , and then either make cC" = c jc 2 , the true distance of C"C r in front of the vertical plane on JR; or, by showing the counter revolution, etc., project c 2 on JR, at c 3 , not shown, counter revolve c 3 to c 4 , not shown, on KJ pro¬ duced, whence project it by a line parallel to JR, till it meets C'C", giving C". In like manner all points of the cylindrical face may be found. The radial joints D"E", etc., of this face are arcs of ellipses, being sections of the cylindrical intrados of the gallery by the planes OO'D', etc., which cut it obliquely. Opposite joints, symmetrical with OO", as D"E" and d x e x . form parts of one ellipse, D"0"c? 2 , in horizontal projection, since d x e x — d\e\ is exactly over that part of the ellipse D"0° — D'O' whose vertical projection is on D'O' produced. All the lines of the cylindrical face are invisible, and hence dotted, except such top and lateral edges, as C"D" and C^G". * II. The directing Instruments. — We may either show to¬ gether the patterns of like faces of all the stones, or the pat¬ terns of all the faces of one stone. Adopting the latter method as clearer, while illustrating all the operations required by the former, let the stone C'D'F' be chosen for detailed representation. Development of the stone C'D'F'. — A right section of this stone is the polygon C'D'E'F'G', which will develop in a straight line as AjBj, Fig. 31. Then, supposing the top face to be the plane of develop¬ ment, and that the faces to the right of D', around to G', are developed to the right of the edge D"D — D', while the face C'G' revolves to the left about the edge C"C — C' into the plane C'D' ; we shall make, in Fig. 31, A 2 —t-r— £ Cl * j 52. An important consequence of the last theorem is, that when the cylinders become equal, the vertices of the curve, of which S" is one, unite at 0 2 . Now when the two vertices of a hyperbola coincide, the curve reduces to the special case of two intersecting straight lines. But the actual intersections of two cylinders (whose axes are not parallel) are curves. Hence if any projection of these curves is straight , they are plane curves , and hence ellipses. 53. A little consideration of the properties of hyperbolas will sufficiently show, what there is not room here to strictly prove: ls£, that a change in the angle between the axes of the cylinders would only cause the curve to become a hy¬ perbola referred to the new axes as conjugate diameters; and 2c?, that the substitution of elliptic for circular cylinders would only yield a general , in place of the equilateral form of the hyperbola. The conclusion of (52) is therefore true of all cylinders whose diameters, measured in a plane perpendicular to that of their axes, are equal. 54. Cylinders, situated as just described, will have a pair of common tangent planes parallel to that of their axes. This fact, added to the last two articles, affords several statements of what is really the same proposition, each statement being ap¬ propriate to certain given conditions. Thus — 1°. If two ellipses intersect in a common semi-axis, of the same kind for each, their other axes being in the same plane P (thus if two ellipses whose transverse axes bisect each other in H have a common vertical semi-conjugate axis), lines join¬ ing points, which are on the two ellipses, and which are at equal distances from P, will be parallel, and will therefore form a pair of cylinders, of which these ellipses will be the intersec¬ tions. 2°. If two cylinders intersect in one plane curve, as an ellipse, there will be a second branch of the intersection, which will also be plane. 3 C . If two cylinders whose axes are in the same plane P, also have two common tangent planes, parallel to P, they will intersect in two plane curves, which will cross each other at 32 STEREOTOMY. the intersections of the elements of contact of the tangent planes. Problem VI. The oblique groined arch. 55. Design. — Suppose that, in the collecting system of cer¬ tain water-works, supplied by several ponds, two conduits, each covered by semi-cylindrical arches of nine feet span, unite at an angle of 67° : 30' and discharge into one of twelve feet span, covered by a semi-elliptic arch, having the same rise and spring¬ ing plane as the former ones. 56. We may note in passing that, supposing the water to be four feet deep in each of the nine-foot conduits, the sum of their water sections is 72 square feet. Then, in the large con¬ duit, if the water be but four feet deep, this conduit should be 18 feet wide. Or, if but 12 feet wide, as in the problem, its floor should be sunk so that the water in it should be six feet deep ; or else its declivity should be increased to give such a velocity to the water in it that its section of 48 square feet would transmit as much water per minute as passes the sec¬ tions of 36 square feet each, of the two nine-foot conduits. I. The Projections. — Three planes of projection are used: the horizontal plane, Hi containing the springing lines, H/ and YN, YM and Y"M", of the two smaller conduits, and HHh and H"H£, of the larger one ; a vertical plane Vi whose ground line is P'Q', and which is perpendicular to the axis OX — X' of one of the smaller conduits ; and a vertical plane V» whose ground line is Il'ilT, and which is perpendicular to the axis O m — 0[ of the larger conduit. The lines in the horizontal plane can be first laid down from the given dimensions and axes, OX and Ora, of the arches; giving the four springing points H, Y, Y", H", of the groin. Then OY and OY" are the horizontal projections of the quar¬ ter ellipses (52), in which the arch whose axis is OR inter¬ sects the right hand half of the one whose axis is OX. Like¬ wise OH and OH" are the projections of the intersections of the arch whose axis is Ora with the left hand half of the one whose axis is OX. Next make the elevation on P'Q( making the spandril stones 40" thick, the thickness 0'I' at the crown 3 ft., and the radius, ' STONE-CUTTING. 33 -f q'V, of the extrados, 9 ft. The radial joints from X' divide the intrados into five equal parts. The elevation on is now made as follows: — 1°. The face line Hj O" IT. — Any point, as a', is the ver¬ tical projection of the element A" A a, or of any point of it. Hence a 1 is horizontally projected upon the groin curves at A and A". The projections of these points on Vi will then be at a[ and a", at heights above HjH^ equal to that of a' above PQ. 2°. Other points of the elevation on Vi* — As the extrados is seldom a finished surface, we need not construct the groin curves of the extrados, but may proceed as follows, to find ex¬ tremities of radial joint lines ; these joints being normal to the intrados in both elevations. To find f\ for example. Draw the tangent g'V perpendic¬ ular to Xy, project V at l in the vertical plane OH of the groin, when Gl will be the horizontal projection of g'V, considered as the tangent to the groin HO at G g’. Then projecting G at g\ and l at l[, gives g[l[ as the new vertical projection of this tangent, and mg\, perpendicular to it, as the like projection of the joint in the face of the main arch, corresponding to X!g' on that of the arch H'O'Yh Finally f[ is the intersection of the joint mgi with e[f [ parallel to the ground line HiH^, and at a height from it elF" — e'P'. In like manner, other points may be found, as may be seen at/i, extremity of an auxiliary joint X!j' — ni 1 j[. 8°. The curve b"I'"c[, right section of the extrados of the elliptic arch is not, as might be supposed, an ellipse, derived from b'j' as 0"Hj was from OH; since the two conditions of normal joints, and equal heights of like joints on both eleva¬ tions prevent this. That is, i [, for example, determined from V by projecting i’ upon DO as the straight horizontal projection of the outer groin, and thence to i[, as g\ was found from g’ would not co¬ incide with i[ of the figure, found on the given normal mg x and at the same height as i’ ; since each determination is complete in itself and hence independent of the other. Points, as B, C, etc., of the horizontal projection of the outer groin, are at the intersection of projecting lines from b' and b [; o’ and c[, etc. ; and are not in a straight line with O; thus showing that the outer groin is not, in space, a plane curve. 3 84 STEREOTOMY. 4°. The Projections of a Stone. —The stones of a groined arch in jointed masonry are partly in each arch. Hence, tak¬ ing the most irregular stone as an example, it is that whose sec¬ tion in the front elevation is a'h'c'd'ef'g'. The side elevation of the end in the elliptic arch is a' x b' x d' x e\g' x , and its plan is lim¬ ited by the figure AadT)d x a x . II. The Directing Instruments. — Passing by Nos. 1 and 2, the straight-edge and square, which are of constant use (7), there are the following : — No. 3, = the pattern a'b'd'.... g' ot the end in the vertical plane at ad. No. 4, = the pattern, dcCc x d x , of the plane portion of the top. No. 5 = the pattern ¥fdd x f x of the plane portion of the under side. Fig. 34 shows, together, the patterns, Nos. 6, 7, 8, and 9, of the principal lateral faces within the circular arch. There, ab = a'b'; be — the arc b'd ; ag — the arc a’g' ; oi\dfg =f'g'. Also C Detailed description of the analogous patterns, Nos. 10, 11, 12, and 13, Fig. 35, of the corresponding lateral faces of that part of the stone lying in the elliptic arch, is unnecessary, as the construction of Fig. 35 is entirely similar to that of Fig. 34. Thus, a x p x , Fig. 35 = a x p x from the elliptical elevation; and A a x Pp x , etc., Fig. 35, = Aa x P p x , etc., from the plan ; hence AGa^ is the pattern of the soffit AGa^ — a\g x . As a further aid to accuracy, there should be one or more right section bevels, as Nos. 14 and 15, to test the relative po¬ sition of the lateral faces. No. 16 is the pattern of the end in the plane a x d x . III. Application. — Choosing a block of the thickness hk y and in the plan of which A add x a x can be inscribed, first work the end in the plane ad , and complete it by the pattern No. 3. From this, by means of No. 2, the square, determine the direc¬ tion of all the lateral faces, including the upper and under ones; and the back, whose horizontal projection is Dcf and Dc? x ; and finish them by their patterns, Nos. 4-9, and the arch¬ square, No. 14. STONE-CUTTING. 35 This done, the three edges, c x d x , f x d x , and d x —e x d[ of the end in the plane a x d x will be known, whence this end can be wrought square with the top and bottom plane surfaces, and completed by its pattern, No. 16. Thence the remaining lateral surfaces within the elliptic arch can be directed by the square, and com¬ pleted by their patterns, Nos. 10-13, and No. 15. Examples.—1°. Let the cylinders (having a common springing plane, and equal heights in every case) be equal. Ex. 2°. Let them be at right angles. Ex. 3°. Construct the patterns for the key-stone (which will extend in one piece from O, on all the cylinders). Ex. 4°. The arches being at right angles, let the circular cylinder be real be¬ tween OH and OH", and the elliptic one, between OH and OT, forming a clois¬ tered arch. Ex. 5°. In Ex. 4°, construct the patterns for the groin stone corresponding to the one described in the groined arch (A a will be real from A forward, and A a, will be real from A to the right). Ex. 6°. In Exs. 2° and 4®, let the extrados be finished as in PI. IV., Fig. 30. , Problem VII. The groined and cloistered, or elbow arch. 57. This problem is designed to illustrate very compactly, that is, without repetition of similar parts, first , the difference between a groined and a cloistered arch ; and, second , the mode of proceeding when it is determined that the intersection of the two extrados, that is, the outer , as well as the inner groin curve, shall be a vertical ellipse. I. The Projections. — A gallery, PI. VI., Fig. 47, whose width A'B' is 8 ft., intersects one of 10 ft. in width, each of them end¬ ing at its intersection, ADB, with the other. These galleries are covered by arches of equal rise, C'D' = C^D'', and whose axes, C'D and C"D, are in the same plane. They therefore in¬ tersect in a vertical ellipse (52), whose horizontal projection is ADB. The radius, E'Cj, of the given extrados is 5 r : 3'h The portion A'C'DC^A'' thus forms one quarter of a right- angled groined arch ; while B'C'DC^B" forms one quarter of a right-angled cloistered arch. The construction will mostly be obvious on inspection, by comparison with PI. IV., Fig. 33. A stone of the cloister. — MPRr—M'P' is its circular intrados; OPRQ—O'P' is a radial joint; NOQg — N'O'is its circular extrados; MNjr—M'N' is another radial joint, and MO — 36 STEREOTOMY. M'N'O'P' is its vertical plane end. The like surfaces in the elliptic portion are obvious by reading the drawing. The proposed elliptical outer groin may coincide with the inner one AB, in plan. That is, both may be in the same vertical plane. Then, taking the joint at a'd for illustration, c' will be horizontally projected at n instead of at c ; and n will thence be projected at n", at the same height as c' ; likewise F, at/, on BA produced, and at/" ; and so on for other points. Then E "n"f" will be an ellipse, it being the right section of the cylinder whose oblique section is the vertical ellipse Dm/. Producing the normal joint a"c" to the new extrados E"n"/", we find its new outer extremity o" ; and the other vertical pro¬ jection, o'o'", at the same height as o", of the element of the new extrados, containing o". But o’"o' must be limited by the plane, CV, of the joint a!d, as at o’, whose horizontal projection is o, on the horizontal projection, os, of the element at o". Considering then the stone below the joint a'c', a"c", its radial surfaces are si"ao ; oan, where on — o'd — o"n" is an elliptic arc ; and ui'an. This design is more complex than the usual one, but gives a greater increase of radial thickness toward the springing of the elliptic arch. Indeed, unless the radius CjE' exceeds a certain limit, relative to C'D' and D'E', the joint, or normal e"F" will be less than D"E", which is quite undesirable, relative to sta¬ bility. The joints of the intrados, being the most important, are inked full; that is, as if seen from below ; as it is often convenient to do (8). The outer groin may be elliptical, found, like the inner one, from given extrados, if the consequent deviation of the de¬ rived face joints from a normal direction be only very slight. II. The Directing Instruments. — These can be constructed as in the last problem. III. Application. — See also the last problem. Examples. — 1°. Let both arches he circular. 2°. Let both be elliptical. 3°. Let their axes intersect at any other than a right angle. 4°. Turn the figure right for left, and ink the plan as seen from above. 5°. Construct the patterns for the key-stone of the groin; and of any other stone, both in the groined and in the cloistered angle. 6°. ylssume an elliptic extrados of suitable proportions on the elliptic arch, and find the corresponding curve joining the corresponding extremities of the normal joints of the circular arch. STONE-CUTTING. 37 Conical or Trumpet Arches. 58. When two walls, whether having vertical or slopmg faces, meet, so as to enclose any angle, it is sometimes desira¬ ble to connect them at or near the top by self-supporting masonry, which may, for example, afford additional area for standing or passage. The original ground room enclosed by the supposed angle at which the walls meet is not encroached upon by the arched connection of the walls, since the latter is self-supporting from the walls. Such arch work, projecting from one or more wall faces, or piercing them, and generally with a conical intrados, has been called a trumpet. Problem VIII. A trumpet in the angle between two retaining walls. I. The Projections. — 1°. Description. Let AC and BC, PI. V., Fig. 36, be the horizontal traces of two walls, enclosing a right angle ; and whose faces, C AdF, and CBeF, have the same slope or batter of 2 to 5. Let FDE be the level top of a quadrantal platform, with a radius of : 10" ; and forming a quarter of the base of an in¬ verted oblique cone, whose axis coincides with FC — J?'C', the line of intersection of the faces of the walls ; and a portion of whose convex surface forms the front face, ADEBJ — A'D'E' B'J', partly broken away on the right, of the platform. This platform is then supported by a trumpet, whose sur¬ face, AJBC — A'J'B'C', is a segment of a cone of revolution whose axis HC — C ' is perpendicular to the plane V, and in the plane H. From this general description, we proceed to the details of the construction. 2°. Outlines of the walls and platform. — Having laid down the traces, AC and BC, of the walls, CC', the horizontal pro¬ jection of their intersection will bisect ACB, because the walls have the same slope. Next draw Cm, and on it lay off from C, five from any scale of equal parts ; and lx, parallel to BC = two from the same scale ; then, by the given conditions, Cx will be the section of the face of the wall AdC', made by the vertical plane, on BC, and revolved about the trace BC, into SB STEREOTOMY. H. Now lay off C f= the height of the platform, and Cm , that of the wall, draw /F" and wM', parallel to lx, project M' at (7, and F" at F, on CC', and draw C'd and C'e for the hori¬ zontal projections of the upper edges of the walls, and FD and FE, respectively parallel to them, and of the given dimensions for the intersections of the platform with the faces of the walls. 3°. Conical front of the platform, and its vertex. — Sup¬ posing it required for good appearance that the conical front face of the platform shall intersect the walls in their lines of declivity, draw DA and EB, perpendicular to AC and BC, as such intersections ; then AKB, with C as its centre, will be the horizontal trace of this conical front: and as DA and EB are two of its elements, their intersection, V, will be the hori¬ zontal projection of its vertex. The projections of YD and YE on the vertical plane BCM, are BCM and B ; which after revolution, as in (2°) will appear at M'C and EB produced, which meet at the point indicated as V". Then, making C'V' = BY", we have V r the vertical pro¬ jection of the vertex of the conical front of the platform. 4°. Outlines and joints of the trumpet. — Let the vertical semicircle, AHB — A'H'B', on the chord, AB, of the horizon¬ tal trace of the inverted cone, be the directrix of the cone of revolution forming the trumpet. Dividing A'H'B' conveniently into equal parts, here three, project i! and f, the points of di¬ vision, at i and j, giving C i — C’i', etc., as elements, and joints, of the trumpet. To find the face line of the trumpet, find where its elements meet the surface of the cone VV'. Since the vertex CC' of the trumpet cone is in the axis, YC —Y'C', of the other one, this is easily done by assuming any element, as C i — C'i 1 , of the trumpet and finding its trace, and that of the axis, YF — Y ; F\ upon the plane D'E' of the upper base of the platform. These traces are N'N and F'F, giving FN as the trace of the plane of these lines upon the top of the platform. FN cuts the circum¬ ference, EID, of the platform at aa', giving aV — a'V' for the element of the cone YV' in the same plane with C i — Ci', and hence intersecting the latter at bb', a point of the required face line. The highest point. — This, JJ', is found by revolving the ele¬ ments VI and CH of the two cones, and in their common ver¬ tical meridian plane YC, about any convenient vertical axis, as STONE-CUTTING. 39 the vertical trace, C'F', of that plane, till they fall in, or par¬ allel to the plane V- Each point revolved moves in a hori¬ zontal arc, at its proper height, as can be read from the figure, giving V'"K"I" and C // H' / as the respective revolved elements. These intersect at J' r ; which, by counter revolution, gives JJ', the required highest point. To give a neater design to the top of the platform, the planes of the joints of the trumpet radiate from the axis of the cone VV', giving the radial lines as a C for the joints of the platform. But to prevent the stones from coming to an edge along that axis, they abut against a conical faced stone whose upper base is gkh, of any convenient assumed radius, and whose intersec¬ tion ucv — u'c'v* with the trumpet cone may be found as A6B — A'6'J 7 was. This stone may be built into the walls, as along the planes Q gu and Jiv P, to any extent desired for stability. Also the side stones, as A'D 'a'b', of the trumpet may be likewise built into the wall to avoid a thin edge along AC — A'C'. The small component of the reactions of the side stones tending to thrust the central one forward would be sufficiently resisted by the adhesion of the cement. Otherwise: the intermediate stones, one or more, could easily be supported by forming the stone ghuv , as indicated in Fig. 37, with a conical step as s. II. The Directing Instruments. — These, taking the central stone for illustration, will consist of patterns of its four lateral faces, with a few bevels. After Nos. 1 and 2, there will be No. 3, the pattern, aJcnp, of the top, No. 4, that of the two equal radial beds, and No. 5, that of the conical intrados ; which are constructed as follows : No. 4 shows the full size, and real form of the radial bed npqr , which is supposed to be revolved about its horizontal upper edge np , till horizontal; when r, its lowest point, will be found at a distance Fig. 42, from np , equal to the hypothenuse of a right angled triangle, of which rs, perpendicular to np , and the vertical distance of r' below n'p', are the other sides. Also, 92 1 s 1 = ns. Finding t x q y in like manner, we have the pattern No. 4, which will serve for both of the radial beds of this stone. No. 5 is the development of the conical intrados, made by describing the arc i r ji = i'j', and with the radius C^H 7 ', = the slant height to the circular directrix AB — A'H'B', and laying 40 STEREOTOMY. off the true lengths of the elements as C^i = C "V" = the true length of C b — C'b' revolved first at Ob" into the vertical plane CC'F' and thence to O'b"'. Bevels, Nos. 6 and 7, set to the angles s^q i and sin^, and held in the plane CC'F', will be useful in giving the positions of the two ends. The latter surfaces, being parts of oblique cones, can be developed only by the usual construction, in which the intersection of such a cone with a sphere whose centre is the vertex (W') of the cone is found ; the development of such intersection being a circle. But these developments are unnecessary. Let rs now be considered as the horizontal trace of a vertical plane, perpendicular to the edge np, and cutting the adjacent radial bed in sr, and the top in a line also horizontally pro¬ jected in sr. By revolving the former sr about the latter till horizontal, the true size of the diedral angle between the top, and the radial bed npr, will be found. A bevel, No. 8, set to this angle will be useful. III. Application. — Having chosen a suitable block, in which the finished stone could be inscribed, first form the top, by No. 1, and by its pattern No. 3 ; next, the radial beds, directing their position by No. 8, and their form by No. 4 ; next the con¬ ical intrados, of which No. 5 is the pattern. All the edges of the two ends will thus be known, and as their radial edges are elements of the cones to which they belong, it is only necessary to transfer to ap and bq , from the drawings, points where ele¬ ments meet those lines, and bring the front end apbq to its proper conical form by cutting away the stone till No. 1 will apply to it, at the corresponding points of division of ap and bg. Hence it is, that, as already said, the tediously found de¬ velopments of these conical ends may be dispensed with. Problem IX. A trumpet arched door on a corner. I. The Projections. 1°. Outlines of the Plan. — PI. V., Fig. 40. The projections are here arranged partly with a view to the greatest compactness. Two walls of an enclosed space, and of the thickness, AC = BD = 4' : 9", meet at right angles. STONE-CUTTING. 41 From a, the equal distances aA and aB, each = 8' : 6" are set off as the external limits of the trumpet as seen in plan. If CD, the width of the door were also given, it would deter¬ mine the angle A/B at the vertex / of the conical surface of the trumpet. We here suppose A/B = 90°, which, with the previous data, makes CD = 5 r : 3%" very nearly. A vertical semicircle, A&B, which, revolved about AB till horizontal, gives AEFB, is taken as the base, or linear directrix of the trumpet. Then CcD is a vertical semicircular section of the trumpet, and also of a second conical zone CEFD whose vertex is c, and which serves to widen the approach, EFH, to the door. To avoid crowding the figure, CD is shown as a single line, which it might, in fact, be, in case of an opening having no gate, or of a thin iron gate ; but in case of a gate of considerable thick¬ ness, the edge at QdD should be cut away giving a narrow cyl¬ indrical band, fitted to the gate top ; or there should be a gate recess as in PI. VI., Fig. 45. 2°. The Elevation in general, and plans of the elements. — The foregoing being the main features as seen in plan, the ele¬ vations are shown on two vertical planes ; one having aB, and the other, A^B" for its ground line. Of these, only the former is necessary for the purposes of the mason, showing as it does the true sizes of the lines in the external face of one of the walls; while the other, on the vertical plane at A^B" is only useful as helping to give an idea of the structure, as seen in looking directly through the doorway, in the direction af. The vertical planes A a and B a, being parallel to the respec¬ tive opposite elements, B/ and Af, cut the trumpet cone ABf in equal parabolas ; hence, to avoid a too great inequality in the sizes of the arch stones as seen in the exterior of the walls, divide the semicircle A/B, or its equal A n b"F", into conven¬ ient unequal parts, the largest, B "l" = BZ' being laid off from the springing at B" of the arch. Project V, or V ; h', or h" ; etc., at l, h, etc., and through l, h, etc., draw flk, fg, etc., hori¬ zontal projections of elements of the trumpet. These at n, i, etc., pass to the conical zone CEFD, as at nm, and thence to the cylindrical band EGHF in parallel elements, as mo. 3°. To find the parabola, A a, in its own plane. 1st. Without the elevation on A^B''. — The trumpet, being a cone of revolution, and its axis af horizontal, its elements fa, f9> etc., revolved about its axis, fx, and towards B, will come 42 STEREOTOM Y. to coincide with the extreme element /B produced, as at fa u fg v , etc.; where aa x , gg x , etc., perpendicular to fx, are the hor¬ izontal projections of the arcs described by a, g, etc. Then a’, g', etc., vertical projections of a, g, etc., extremities of elements of the trumpet, are at the intersections of the perpendiculars aa', gg', etc., to the ground line aB, with the arcs a x a', gig', etc., all having x for their centre, and which being in the vertical plane on aB, are seen in their true size. (The arc k x k', being confused with B k', is not shown.) 2c?. With the use of the elevation on A^B". — Having h", for example, vertical projection of h, draw f"h", the vertical pro¬ jection of the element fh, and project g upon it, at g". Then g' is at a height gg', equal to that of g" above A^B" ; and in like manner other points of Ba', except a', can be found. As before, aa' = aa x . 4°. Determination of the radial beds. — These, if the face joints, as g'V, were made normal to the parabolas, of which B a' is one, would be determined by these joints, with the ele¬ ment joints fg, etc., and hence could not also contain the axis fx of the trumpet, since g'V, etc., if normal to Ba', do not in¬ tersect that axis. But if these radial beds do not contain the axis fx, which is also the axis of the cone cEF, and of the cyl¬ inder EGHF, their planes cannot cut the two latter surfaces in elements, and the stones of the trumpet would properly termi¬ nate in a vertical plane on CD, and be succeeded by others, radiating from the axis fcx, and covering the surfaces named between CD and GH. We therefore choose beds radiating from the common axis fcx and extending from A a and Ba to LH. The top edges of these beds, in the horizontal surfaces as VK' — I"K" will then be parallel to fx; and the face joints g'V — g"V, etc., will radiate from the point x,f" in the plane Ba. II. The Directing Instruments. — These, besides Nos. 1 and 2, (7) will consist of patterns of the surfaces of the stones, with such other bevels besides No. 2, as may be considered use¬ ful as checks. Taking the stone gkinmor — g'VK'J'k '— I"K"J"n"i"r"m", No. 3, the pattern of its back, is I"K"J"r"w", which is in the vertical plane LH. No. 4, is the pattern of its front, VK'J'k'g'. Nos. 5 and 6, are the patterns of the radial beds on f" J", STONE-CUTTING. 43 and on/"! 7 '. These are both shown as revolved about the axis fx of the trumpet, till they become horizontal. Thus HI 2 = I "r" ; g 1 J 1 = g'V ; Dgi shows the true length of ig — i"g" ; etc. No.. 7, the pattern of the top, is a trapezoid of altitude F'K" and bases equal to J ie T 2 and I 1 I 2 . No. 8, is a pattern of the conical intrados, gink, found, if flexible, as in previous similar constructions by developing the cone whose vertex is /. But as it is only the elements of the intrados that must be found, it is enough to develop the pyra¬ mid whose edges coincide with these elements. Hence in Fig. 41, the chords B£ and Ih are equal to the chords B "1" and V'h", Fig. 40 and nikg is the pattern required. Flexible patterns 9 and 10 of inm, and srom can obviously be found. The vertical surface on K'J', forming No. 11, is simply a rectangle, = K'J 7 X JiJ 2 . Nos, 12,13, and 14, will be bevels set to the respective angles Iv "I"g", between the top and a radial bed; K"J"k" ; and HFD, between a vertical side as J'K' and the front, and taken in a horizontal plane. Fig. 44, is an oblique projection of the stone just described, made intelligible by means of the like letters at like points. III. The Application. —First, work the back by No. 1, and mark its form by No. 3. Second, all the lateral faces adjacent to the back are made square with it by No. 2. Also, the top and the vertical side on J'K' are at right angles. Third, the forms of the faces just mentioned can then be marked by their patterns (5-7), 10, and 11 ; and the bevels, 12 and 13, can be used as checks on their position. Fourth, make the front square with the top, or at the angle HFD with the vertical side, holding No. 14 perpendicular to the edge J'K'. Fifth, mark the elements, gi and nk by No. 9, whence inm can be wrought by No. 1, placed upon corresponding points of division of in and ms into equal parts. The upper joints of the trumpet stones being parallel to fx, there will be some three-cornered stones adjacent to them in the wall, where the joints are parallel to AC and BD. Examples. — 1°. Let the walls include any other than a right angle. 2°. Let their exterior be a vertical tangent cylinder from A to B. 3°. Let the cone be other than right angled at its vertex f. 4°. Let FH be increased till LLj shall be long enough to embrace the back ends of all the trumpet stones. 44 STEREOTOMY. 5°. Let LLi be ;i sloping wall. 6°. Let there be a batter to the exterior faces A a and Br/, of the wall. 7°. Let there be no opening at CD, and describe with an oblique or isometric projection, the stone GECDFH —f necessary to fill the opening, and admit the extension of the trumpet surface to its vertex f PROBLEM X. An arched oblique descent. I. The Projections. —Various conditions may give occasion for a structure of this kind. Thus it might lead from a side walk to an underground railway ; or from a hydraulic canal to a turbine wheel pit; or it might cover an arched stairway lead¬ ing to an arched gallery. 1°. The perpendicular projections. —ABCD, PI. V, Fig. 43, is the horizontal projection of the section in the springing plane. A vertical plane on AC here makes an angle of 28° with a ver¬ tical plane on A x A perpendicular to AB. The line CD — D' is one springing line of the intrados of a semi-cylindrical gallery, of radius MD = 11' : 6" ; the perpendicular length, AA,, of the horizontal projection is 7 ft.; and AB and EF are re¬ spectively 15 ft. and 9 ft. Two principal vertical planes of projection are used ; V, that of the head, on AB, and one Vi whose ground line is BD. The line AB is at a height, BB X , = 3' : 3 " above CD, and hence, strictly, the diameter AB of the vertical projection, APB, of the head should be a line A'B' (not shown) parallel to AB and 3': 3" above it. But to condense the figure, and because this position of APB is not essential, the vertical plane, V, of the head is revolved about its trace on the springing plane B X DC, instead of about its horizontal trace. 2°. The oblique projections. —The projection of the arch upon the vertical plane, Vn on BD, might be made in the usual way, by projecting lines perpendicular to that plane. But, as may be seen by trial, the result would be a much more com¬ plicated, but no more useful figure than the present projection on BD ; which is an oblique projection, formed by projecting lines parallel to AB. Thus, since the plane V is vertical, B j" perpendicular to BD, is its trace on the vertical plane Vi, and is also the oblique pro¬ jection of the head, on Vi« Likewise, the quadrant DV, being STONE-CUTTING. 4f> the revolved semi-right section of the gallery reached by the descent, MJ) is the oblique projection of its horizontal radius, MD, and similarly S, T, etc., are obliquely projected on Vi at Si, T 1? etc. Then making = Ss ; = T£, etc., is an arc of the section of the gallery by the plane Vn and D/ 2 , where j"j a is parallel to I^D, is the oblique projection of the cylindrical face of the descent. That is, B lt /"/ 2 D is the oblique projection of the outlines of the descent. Laying off the heights of the several points of the semicir¬ cular face above AB, from B x on B x j", and drawing lines par¬ allel to BJD and limited by D/ 2 , through the points so found, we find the elements and edges parallel to them, of the descend¬ ing arch. Thus, B^" = BB' by drawing Wb parallel to BBj and the arc bb" with centre Bi; then b u i% is parallel to B t D, and all the other parallels to B X D are similarly found, as may be seen by the figure. 3°. The right section. — This is in any plane perpendicular to the elements of the arch. To condense the figure (though at the expense of confusing it somewhat, having first sought to make it on the largest scale possible), assume XY, perpendicu¬ lar to BD, and XIj, perpendicular to B^, as the traces of such a plane. Then as usual, choose auxiliary planes parallel to the axis of the cylinder; here, vertical planes, parallel to Vi- Each of these will contain an element of the arch ; and a line of the plane YXIj, whose horizontal trace will be on XY and whose vertical projection will be parallel to XIj. Thus the plane PPI", cuts from the arch the element at P"— P I", and from the cutting plane YXI t the line whose horizontal trace is p" (intersection of the horizontal traces XY, and P p"') and whose vertical projection is pp’, parallel to X^ through p the projection of p" on XD. Having found, as above, b"i 2 also p’q ', by making B,*/ = B^ = BQ = PP', as shown ; p r , and i\ the intersections of pp ' with q’p' and b"i 2 are two points of the ob¬ lique projection of the right section. Then making p" P" = pp' and p"l" = pi 1 , as shown by revolving p' and i l to p x and I 2 , about p as a centre, and projecting p x , and I 2 by the lines pj?" and I 2 P' to P" and I" on PP", we have the position of the points p' and i' when revolved about XY into the horizontal plane. All other points, both of the oblique projection and the re¬ volved position of the right section, are similarly found, as is sufficiently indicated by the lettering of other points. 46 STEREOTOMY. Making Xe — XeJ, and drawing eY to Y, the intersection of XY with DC, the horizontal trace of the springing plane ; eY is the revolved position of the intersection of the plane, YXI, of right section, with the springing plane B X DY. 4°. Special Constructions. — Ye is made to pass through F, in order to compare FO'E and FO"'E more nearly, though this is not necessary. Ye is thus placed by first assuming YX^ at pleasure, and finding the corresponding position of eY ; when, if this position does not contain F, draw a parallel to it that will, viz., eY as on the figure, which will meet DC at that posi tion of Y whence the corresponding desired position of YX can be drawn. The tangent to FO m E, parallel to AB. Considering AB for a moment as a line in the revolved plane of right section and parallel to such a tangent, its horizontal trace would be y ; and its vertical trace B 2 would be found by making XB 2 = XB. Then making the height B5 3 = B 2 b 2 , we get b 3 y, its projection on V, and the parallel tangent at K7 gives K'K two projections of the point of contact of the required tangent from which K' f the point of contact on the revolved right section, of a tangent parallel to CD is found as in (3°). II. The directing Instruments. — Taking the springing stone, FBBTR', these will be as follows, besides Nos. 1 and 2. No. 3, the top, is a parallelogram of width B'T", and length b"i 2 . Then with centre B, and radius b"i 2 cut DM at i 3i and Bi 3 will be the position of b\ — B', after revolving till horizontal, about AB as an axis, since i 2 is in that right section of the gallery whose horizontal projection is MD. Then i 3 B and BP will be two sides of the parallelogram, No. 3. No. 4, the pattern of the vertical side of the stone, is of per¬ pendicular width = eB", bottom length = BjD, and top length = b"i 2 . One end is the vertical line BB', the other the arc Dii of DY (2°) corresponding to D i 2 . No. 5 is the pattern of the right section gB"I ,! R"F, used in one method of working the stone. No. 6, = I'B'BFR', is the pattern of the plane end. No. 7, the pattern of the opposite cylindrical end, dif¬ fers from No. 6, in that BB' would be replaced by the develop¬ ment of the arc D i t ; and RR', by that part of DY, correspond¬ ing to Dw 2 , while the developed joint R'F would be curved, as STONE—CUTTING. 47 found by means of an intermediate point u, as in Prob. V., etc. The remaining patterns require the construction of other de¬ velopments. Making F"R/'N"E ,/ , Fig. 43 (taken on CD, only to bring the figure within the plate), equal to the right section FR^N^E, Fig. 42 ; note that the real distances, estimated on elements, from the right'section, e'o'f j, to the heads of the arch, are seen on the oblique projection. Then make F''F, Fig. 43, =/iBi, Fig. 42, and in like manner passing from one figure to the other, make R"R = p'q' ; 0"0 — o'o'" ; N"N = ji'Ni, and E"E = g'Bj; and FRNE will be the development of the face line , FO'E, of the plane end of the arch. Next, make FH, Fig. 43, = BJ), Fig. 42 (i. e. F^H^/xD), and likewise, RR X — q'r 2 ; NN X = Npi 2 , and EG = BjD ; and HR^iG, will be the development of the face line of the cylin¬ drical end of the descent. Then No. 8 = FRRxH, the devel¬ oped intrados of the stone considered. Finally, the centre, 00 : , of the plane end, to which its joints radiate, is at the distance OiBi from the centre 0i(0") of the right section ; hence in Figs. 43 and 42, respectively, make 0 x 02 , at this distance, OxBi from the right section F^E" ; make R0 2 = R'O ; or r0 2 = R^O", and 0 2 RI = OR'I'. Then, in the two figures, make IIj = b"i 2 , and O 2 o 2 = BiD, and IxRiO, will be the developed joint on the cylindrical end, cor¬ responding to RT'O, Fig. 42, on the plane end. Hence No. 9, = RIIjRi, is the pattern of the radial bed on R'F. No. 10, = FBHD, Fig. 43, and similarly found, is the pat¬ tern of the springing surface whose horizontal projection is FBHD, Fig. 42. Besides these patterns, bevels, Nos. 11 and 12, set to the angles WI"0" and i 2 b" B , respectively, will be useful in one method of working the stone. Also No. 13, giving the angle, BB'T", between the side and top of the stone, in a plane of right section. III. Application. — 1°. The method by squaring. — Choose a stone on which a right section can be formed, exterior to the finished stone, by No. 1, and No. 5 = eB^P'R^F. Next, make all the lateral surfaces square with this right section, by Nos. 1 and 2, and mark their edges by their patterns, Nos. 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10. This operation will give all the edges of both ends , which 48 STEREOTOMY. can thus be formed by cutting away the rough stone on the ends down to them, applying No. l,in a direction parallel to AB on both ends. This method is simple and accurate, but wasteful of the atone between the actual plane end and the exterior provisional right section, and of the labor of making the plane surface of this right section. It may, however, be employed in all cases, like many of the preceding, ’(Vhere the actual ends are curved, or oblique to the right section. 2°. The method by oblique angled bevels. — Choosing a block in which the finished stone can be inscribed, work first the ver¬ tical side, that being the largest, and mark its edges by No. 4. Second, work the top square with the former, if the arm of the square in the top be guided by a small plane bevel , laid in the top, and set to the angle «' 3 BF. Otherwise, use the level, No. 13, held perpendicularly to the top edge B i (BD — b”if). Thence, finish the top, by No. 3. Likewise work the under side, and the radial bed on R/F — R/'I", the latter by No. 11, held per¬ pendicular to the top edge, IIj, Fig. 43. Next proceed with the plane end, using No. 12 to give its position relative to the top. From the finished plane end, the lengths at all points being known from the side elevation, the remaining sides and the cylindrical end can be easily and accurately wrought. Examples. — 1°. Make the side elevation in perpendicular projection 2°. Let the arch ascend from the plane end to the gallery. 3°. Construct the indicated pattern, No. 7. 4°. Let the descent be direct, BD perpendicular to AB. 5°. Construct the patterns for the key-stone. 6°. To avoid confusion, take X to the right of B. CLASS III. Structures containing Warped Surfaces. 59. Warped faced wing ivalls. — Suppose that the inner faces, as bm — b'm', Pl. I., Fig. 7, instead of being vertical, were sloping, but in such a way that the lowest lines of the fronts of the walls should be, as seen in plan, parallel to bm and np. Thus let them be as at h'h". The rate of slope at mh, where the wall is highest, would then be less than at bh", where the wall is lowest. The face of the wall would therefore be a warped surface, and would be a portion of a hyperbolic para¬ boloid ; generated either by hh" , moving on bh" and mh so as to remain horizontal; or by bh", moving on bm and hh", and parallel to the vertical plane on mn. Example. — Construct the case just described in a large figure, with an aux¬ iliary elevation showing the face of one of the wing-walls ; and take the joints to coincide with positions of hh" and bh". Problem XI. The recessed Marseilles Crate. I. The Projections. — 1°. The problem is this. Given a straight wall in which is a recess with diverging sides, and in the recess a round topped portal, closed by gates of like form; it is required to cover the top of the recess by a surface which shall be agreeable, easily constructed, and practicable in not interfering with the turning of the gate. Thus, having a vertical straight wall, PI. VI., Fig. 45, bounded in thickness by the parallel planes AB and C"D ; and in which is the pas¬ sage EF, having a semicircular top, E'G'F', and covered by gates of like form, fitted to the recess EFHI — HtE'G'G^F'P; it is required to cover the diverging recess or embrasure re¬ maining between the vertical planes HI and AB, in the man¬ ner enunciated. It will be agreeable that AH should be not less than HG, tne width of the gate; and that the front top edge, AB— 50 STEREOTOMT. AI'B', of the recess should be arched, in which case the vertical height, G"K', and the radius, AO — A'O", should be so adjusted that A' and B' shall not be lower than G", the highest point of the gate. So much being fixed, let the axis, OY — O", of the arch, and the face lines, H'G'T', of the gate recess, and A'K'B', of the embrasure, be the three given directrices of a warped surface, generated by the motion of a straight line upon them. (De3. Geom. 251.) One of these directrices, OY — 0", being straight, any de¬ sired elements of the proposed warped surface may readily be found by noting the points in which any plane containing OY — O" cuts the other two directrices. Thus 00"A' is a plane containing OY — O", the point AA' of the front face line, and cutting HI — H'GH' at L/L, giving ALY — A'UO" for an element of the warped surface. But the limited directrices limit this warped surface by the elements AL — A'L/ and BM — B'M', so as to still leave undetermined the surfaces projected in ALH and BMI. On extending the warped surface just formed, by producing the directrix A'K'B', it will generally intersect the sides, AH and BI, of the recess in curves, which would prevent the full opening of the gates. We therefore proceed to complete the proposed top of the recess by means of warped surfaces having the two direc¬ trices, OY—O", and H'G'T', in common with the preceding warped surface, and for a new third directrix a curve through II' and BB', so formed as not to interfere with the full open¬ ing of the gate. This third directrix is conveniently shown, first, in its real form, by revolving the face, BI, to a position parallel to the plane V, when BB' will appear at GB'". 2°. Determining conditions of the neiv third directrix. These are: — lsi. That it should enclose I'G", and be tangent to it at V. 2 cl. That it should also contain the point' B'". 3 d. That the new warped surface directed by it should be tangent to the preceding one along the common element, MB — M'B', in order to avoid any visible edge of transition, or break, in passing this common limit of the two surfaces. The hist condition will be fulfilled if the two warped sur¬ faces be made to touch each other at any three points of their ST ONE—CUTTING. 51 common element, YMB — 0"M'B'. But this they evidently do at the two points, YO", and MM', since there the linear directrices are the same for both surfaces. Let BB' be the third point of YMB — O^M'B', at which the two warped surfaces shall be tangent. For this purpose, they must there have a common tangent plane. Such a plane will be determined by two tangent lines at BB', of which the most convenient are YMB — O^M'B', which is tangent to itself; and B'T 7 , the tangent, at BB', to the directrix A'K'Bh Now M'N', parallel to B'T', is the trace of this tangent plane on the plane HI; and N', where it meets the intersection, I — FN', of the planes HI and IB, is one point of its trace on the plane IB. But BB' is another point of the same trace, which is, therefore, in revolved position, N'B^. The third directrix of the new warped surface is therefore, as seen in the revolved position, a curve which shall be tangent at I' to I'G", and at B'" to N'B'". 3°. Choice of curves. — Preferring a natural, to an artificial curve for the directrix now determined, we may attempt an ellipse having either FO'' produced for its transverse axis; or a line from F, parallel to N'B"' for a diameter. But in either case, unless its radius of curvature at I' be not less than 0"F, it will intersect FG", and thus be impracticable. Hence the choice must generally lie between a curve of two centres com¬ posed of a part of I'G'', and an arc, tangent to it and to N'B" at W n ; or a tangent line to FG ;/ from B"', with the portion of FB'" from I' to the point of contact. Preferring the former, draw B"'P, perpendicular to B'N', and equal to FO" ; draw 0"P, and a perpendicular to it at its middle point will meet B^'P produced at the centre of the required arc. But this centre will generally be quite remote, and too acutely determined for accuracy; hence proceed as follows. The contact, f", of the two arcs may be found by an application of the problem : To draw a line through a given point, which shall pass through the intersection of two given lines. Thus, construct any triangle, as 0 ;/ Pl, of which O" shall be one vertex; the two others being on B m P and li, the perpendicular at the middle of 0"P. Then draw 2, 3, parallel to OP ; 3, 4, parallel to PI; and 4, 2, parallel to 0"1, will meet 3, 2, in a point, 2, of the required radius, 0"2, which lim¬ its the arc W'g'" at g"'. Having thus found g'", we can, when, 52 STEREOTOMY. as in practice, making the drawings on a very large scale, find the arc B '"g"' by points as in (80). 4°. Test for Interference. The next step is to ascertain whether the surface, generated by the gate-top in opening, in¬ terferes with the top of the recess. The former surface is, for the left-hand gate, for example, a portion of the annular torus generated by the revolution of the circle of radius O^H' around H — H'H 7 ' as an axis. In such a torus, the gorge or interior opening reduces to nothing, and the portion used in the prob¬ lem is generated by the quadrant H'GA The proposed test is made by taking horizorital planes, as Q 'a', and finding whether their intersections with the two surfaces intersect within or without the jamb AH. Thus the plane Q 'a' cuts the gate torus in the horizontal circle of radius HQ, and the top of the recess in the curve ab Q, found by projecting a', V, etc., upon the horizontal projections, Ic , LA, etc., of the elements which contain them. When the circles as QtZ, described by points, as QQ' of the gate, everywhere intersect the curves, like Q ba, cut from the recess roof by the respective planes of these circles, outside of AH, as at S 1 = OS; which last will tend to produce slipping in the direction jf?S x . 64. In applying this principle to the design of the joints seen on the intrados (19) of an oblique arch, the “ transverse ,” “ heading ,” or “ broken' 1 '’ joints are made in planes parallel to the faces, and thus represent on the arch itself the direction of its thrust. The “ longitudinal ,” “ coursing ,” or “ continuous ” joints are then made so that each shall intersect at right angles all the transverse joints which it meets. 65. On account of the rectangular intersections of the joints, arches thus designed are often described as forming the orthog¬ onal system. On account of the equilibrium of the pressures thus acting in them, they are also often called equilibrated arches. The coursing joint is also often called the trajectory. Problem XII. The partial, and trial construction of the orthogonal or equili¬ brated arch. 66. Construction of a coursing joint. — ls£. In vertical projection. Let the plane \J, PL VI., Fig. 48, be considered as parallel to the faces ABC and DEF of the arch. These semicircles, with the equal ones having any convenient number of equidistant points o , tq, o 2 , etc., on DC, as centres, represent the vertical projections of sections of the arch parallel to its transverse joints (64). Now, first, a line is normal to a curve at a point, when it is perpendicular to the tangent at that point; and, second, as wc learn from descriptive geometry, if STONE-CUTTING. 57 one side only of a right angle be parallel to a plane, the projec¬ tion of the angle on that plane will be a right angle. Hence in the figure, as the tangents to the circles ABC, etc., are parallel to V, the vertical projection of the normal curve to all these circles will be perpendicular to the projections of their tangents at its intersections with these circles. Thus, if a 0 ac l represent an arc of the curve, it will be perpendicular at a to the tangent aT, and therefore tangent at a to the radius ao. Hence we have the following construction : — Let a be one of the points of division of one face, ABC, of the arch, through which a coursing joint is to pass. Draw the radius ao ; from a x , its intersection with circle o x , the radius a 1 o l ; • from d 2 = a 3 v ; and the angle at D 2 is 90°. Hence, we see that parallel coursing joints, quite nearly perpendicular to the face line between C and D x , as is desirable,— become more and more oblique to it as we approach Do on D : D 2 . Moreover, as can readily be imagined with a given case in view, the greater the obliquity, that is the more acute the angle CAB, the less should be the segment taken to form the intrados. 88. The extrados. — While the outer surface of the actual arch would be left rough, yet it is convenient to represent an ideal extrados, or extrados of construction, to aid in forming the voussoirs. Such an ideal extrados is a cylindrical surface having the same axis as the intrados, and terminated by the same vertical planes of the faces. Its projections are, therefore, AiB 2 C 1 D 2 , and the arc A 2 F'B 2 concentric with A'E'B'. Then A 2 C 2 and B 2 D 2 are the outer springing lines. The intrados and extrados being thus concentric cylinders, the point, as qV> 2 , in which the generatrix, Q q — B'B 2 , per¬ pendicular to the axis EF — O" (79), of any of the helicoids intersects the extrados, will generate helices upon the extra¬ dos, whose developments and horizontal projections will be found in the same manner as has now been explained for the intrados. 89. Development of the extrados. — As the helicoidal sur¬ faces of the voussoirs are right helicoids (79), their elements are perpendicular to the axis EF — O" ; hence K k and Qq, perpendicular to EF, are such elements, and the outer helix (helix on the extrados) corresponding to the inner helix (helix on the intrados) KPQ will extend from k to q. Hence, making n 9 a 2 = A 2 FB 2 = 20'.9I (77, 3°) a 2 c x , parallel to B 2 D 3 is the developed position of A 2 c ; and, carrying k across to this STONE-CUTTING. 67 lino at &!, gives qk x as the development of the helix from q to k. The other developed transverse helices, as ba x and dc x , are parallel to qJc x , and are similarly divided, to give the developed extradosal coursing helices bd 4 , and the parallels to it, corre¬ sponding to BJV, and its parallels on the intrados. 90. Contrast between the intrados and extrados. — Here we meet with two points of difference. First — As the pitch, Q& 3 , is the same for both of the helices, KQ X and qk x , while the latter is longer, the angles o x qo and o x oq are greater than the corresponding angles 0 4 QiOi and QiChCh of the intrados. Hence qo x o and its equals at all the intersections of helices on the extrados, are less than Qi0 4 0i, and all like angles on the intrados. Second — As the outer helix , corresponding to an inner one from C to D, connects c with d, while the outer face line is C 2 D 2 , corresponding to the inner one CD, the developed extra¬ dosal face line, D 2 c 2 , and extreme helix, dc x , do not terminate at the same points, as they do on the intrados where the like lines are CvnDi and C7D 2 . 91. An interesting consequence of the first of the preceding differences is, that to equalize the angles qo x o, and Qj0 4 0i, so that the helicoidal surfaces should be normal to each other somewhere between the intrados and the extrados, the initial coursing joint, Bjiv, should be drawn to a point, IV, on the side towards D 1? next to a?, the foot of the perpendicular from Bj to CDj, whenever x does not coincide with one of the points of division of CD X . 92. The construction of the developed face lines. — This may be either as at 1'", etc., by projection from 1", etc., to 1, etc., on CD, and transference thence, by perpendiculars, to BD, to elements through ri 2 , etc.; or as at B 2 etc., the successive values of the radius 0"R( and calling the consequent positions of the focus, U', U", etc. we have, K - etc 0"U 7 — 0"U" — Then putting qt^j, = c, we find O'U 7 ' = - whence CV'U" is found simply as a third proportional. Thus having drawn U'Aq, and A 0 T, perpendicular to it, gives 0 ,r T (on 0"F' produced) = c ; since R^ = (CV'Ao) 2 = 0"U" X 0"T. Then c being constant, draw for example TA 4 , and A 4 U" per¬ pendicular to it, and U" will be the focus of A 4 F'B 2 , which is chosen for illustration, to save additional lines. For, (0"A 4 ) 2 = 0"U"X 0"T (0"U") = as above. In this simple way we finally find the focus for any cylinder, and thence as many tangents as we please to each face joint in making an exact working drawing on a large scale. In the figure, then, the face joint RV will be a curve, tangent to U'R' at R' and to U'V at r'. 102. Curves of the Face-joints. — To get an idea of these, see Fig. 50 again, where PQP', PiQiPj (PiQi not shown) and P 2 Q 2 P 2 are three parallel planes cutting the right helicoid shown by the shaded area of the figure. Auxiliary horizontal planes will intersect both the helicoid and any one of the given planes in straight lines, whose inter¬ section, in each of the auxiliary planes, will be a point of the required curve. Thus, taking the plane PQP', the horizontal plane O'Q cuts from the helicoid the element oO —O', and from the plane, the line PQ. These being parallel, meet only at infinity; 72 STEREOTOMY. hence PQ is an asymptote to the curve. The plane b'V cuts from the helicoid the element o 1 — b'V , and from the plane, the perpendicular to V at c', which meets the element at c'c. Likewise, project d' at d , etc. Then at o' the intermediate plane o'a’ cuts from the helicoid the element oa — o'a', and from the plane, the line oO — o' which meet at oo', showing that the horizontal projection of the curve passes through the centre of the circle 0-3-6-12. Next, the plane 6'q' cuts the helicoid and the given plane in parallels at 6' and q' respectively, which only meet at infinity, hence qr is another asymptote. The branch, cdoq, meets this asymptote at infinity towards q ; while the new branch projected from s', t',u'... . e', f at s,t,u .... e,/meets the same asymptote at infinity towards r, and the asymptote/&, in the plane, 12'/, at infinity towards/. Thus we see that the entire intersection consists of two branches ; and that when the given plane, PQP', as here placed, cuts the helix twice on the same side of the axis , as at h' and v', the curve is shaped as at s t e, and does not pass through o ; but that when it thus cuts the helix but once, as at the point a little below c', the curve does pass through o, in the horizontal pro¬ jection. 103. Applying this construction to the arch ; AB represents the plane PQP ; of Fig. 50, and each coursing helicoid, in suc¬ cession, will represent the helicoid of Fig. 50. Taking the helicoid, RrS, for illustration, the intersection of AB with suc¬ cessive elements parallel to Rr would, when projected upon the vertical projections, B^B' ; 1"1', etc., of these elements, be the vertical projections of points of the indefinite face joint R'r'; and a parallel to EF, at s 2 , the intersection of the plane AB with the plane Ss l5 would be an asymptote to this curve which would resemble cdoq in Fig. 50. 104. Other projections. — In finished drawings for exhibition or other purposes, elevations on planes parallel to the face, or to the axis, may be desired. These are easily made, as shown in Fig. 51, a fragment of the vertical section through the axis. A"E"B" is the right section of the intrados, and the parallels to A"B" through its points of equal division 1, 2, 3, etc., are the vertical projections of the elements at 1', 2', 3', etc., on the new plane. The portion, RS, of the inner helix, RST, is then projected ; R, at Rj; R 2 , at Rj; S, at Sj, etc. Other helices could be STONE-CUTTING. 73 similarly projected. The projections of the half face lines, ER and FD, would be elliptical arcs. 1 II. The directing Instruments. — These are — No. 1. The straight edge, applicable to any ruled surface, in the direction of its straight elements. No. 2. The mason’s square, applied wherever two lines, or two surfaces are to be perpendicular to each other. No. 3. The pattern, MmZ^O, of the bed of a top stone of the abutment; also called an impost stone , or springer. No. 4. The modification of No. 3, applicable to the bed, DdZ 4 z, of the springer at the obtuse corner, D, of the abut¬ ment. No. 5. The second modification of No. 3, for marking the bed, MmZB, of the springer at the acute corner, B, of the abut¬ ment. No. 6. The bevel, A 2 ,A'T, for marking the joints I i, K&, etc., of the skew-back (19) in the plane, U'0"A[. No. 7. The internal impost arch square, D"B'l', for marking right sections of the intrados of the springers, in their proper positions relative to the face of the abutment. No. 8. The external impost arch square, 18Ajt 7 , which de¬ termines right sections of the extrados, in case they are wrought of a cylindrical form, in their true relation to the level tops, as J Yi, of the springers. No. 9. The flexible pattern, CfiO.jQ!, of the intrados, II 2 J, of a springer. No. 10. The corresponding flexible pattern, iiYia u of the extrados, ii 2 j, of a springer. Nos. 11 and 12. The modifications of No. 10, which, put together, equal No. 10, and which apply to the partial extra- dosal surfaces of the two end springers ; which exist in conse¬ quence of the different points, a x and a 2 , at which the developed face line, B 2 a 2 and helix ba a , terminate. No. 13. The twisting frame, 20, 21,22 — 20', 21', 22'. This consists of three rulers, lying in three planes of right section, and, as shown by the drawing, coinciding with three elements, 1 While writing these pages, an article on skew arches, by E. W. Hyde, C. E., has appeared in Van Nostrand’s Magazine, Feb.-April, 1875; which may be read with much interest by those who have acquired a sufficient knowledge of De¬ scriptive Geometry, of its applications to the problem as exemplified in the mainly graphical construction which I have here given ; and of higher mathematics. 74 STEREOTOMY. 20 — 20'; 21 — 21', and 22 — 22', of a coursing helicoid, C^Sj. Their perpendicular distances apart in a direction parallel to the axis , are given in plan. Their angles with the horizontal plane are given in the elevation. From these data they can be rigidly framed together ; and can then be used to deter¬ mine elements, in their true relative position upon a helicoidal side of a voussoir ; having first notched upon their edges their intersections with the helix C S 2 . In order that No. 13 may be shifted along to determine successive elements, the perpendicu¬ lar from 20 to 22 should be less than the length of the side of the stone taken in the direction of the axis, and hence called its axial length. No. 14. The soffit frame. — This, used in case the intrados of a stone is wrought first, consists of three parallel pieces, 23, 24, 25, framed together in planes of right section and giving arcs of right section of the intrados, as R 3 SPr ,/ ', of a stone. Their circular edges can be notched, by the aid of the draw¬ ings, so as to show their intersections with the inner helical edges, as R 3 S, of the voussoir. No. 15. The arch square , e 3 We^ used in giving the cylindri¬ cal intrados of a stone from its helicoidal side when the latter is wrought first. No. 16. A small, plane bevel, of the angle between a cours¬ ing joint and an arc of right section ; and held against the curved arm of No. 15, in the intrados, in order to guide No. 15 in a plane of right section. No. 17. The helix templet, 5 4 <7 4 J, of the ends of the stone. 4°. Work the conical front, square with the top, by No. 2, the square, as shown, placing its arms to coincide with elements of both surfaces, and mark the vertical joints, sq and rp , by No. 11, placed as shown. 5°. The bottom edge, rs, is equidistant from pq , measured on elements, or it may be marked by one of the set No. 9, or by one of No. 11, or yet again by No. 15 (not shown, but readily found) the development of the entire front face, rspq — 92 STEREOTOMY. r's'p'q' considered as on the convex surface of the cone, VV f , of the face of the conical wall. 6°. The ends are wrought simply by the straight-edge, from their edges, already found, as directrices. The bottom bed is square with the front, and also tested by the suitable form of the set, No. 10. 7°. The top of the wall. — Having finished the body of the wall, except the top, its front edge, BTa— B 'a', can be imme¬ diately located by measuring on the heading joints, from any one coursing joint, as a'b ', or from a firm platform built at any suitable level, as a horizontal reference plane. Having thus the edge, B r a r , as a directrix, any number of level chisel lines can be cut in the top of the wall, by the aid of a spirit-level, till the top of the wall is finished. Then, having wrought the top of the coping , by the forms of Nos. 5 and 12, suited to each stone, gauge the coping every¬ where of a uniform vertical thickness, which may be done by forms of No. 13, suited to different positions along FLc. The under surface may then be wrought, either by suitable forms of Nos. 5 and 12, or even by No. 1 only. When material and labor are cheap enough, the somewhat difficult stones of the coping of the conical wall might be wrought by the method of squaring (105) from a completely finished circumscribing rectangular prism. Examples.— 1. Construct a front elevation of the wing-wall. 2. Construct an isometric drawing of a stone from the body of the conic ■wall. 3. Construct an isometric view, and an oblique projection of a coping stone, to illustrate the cutting of it by squaring. 4. Work out the entire problem for the opposite wing-wall, CiB, Fig. 55. 5. Work out the problem of the vertical quarter cylindrical wing-wall with a right helicoidal top (whose elements will therefore be horizontal). The Conoid. 114. The conoid is a warped surface, which is generated by a straight line which moves upon a straight line and a curve as directrices , and always parallel to a given plane, called its plane-director. In its simplest form, partly shown in PI. VIII., Fig. 58, which is an oblique projection, the directrices are a straight line, OF, and a circle as that on AC, both perpendicular to the plane director, RCO, the plane, FOQ, being also perpendicular to that of the circle. The plane RCO is Hi and RBC is V* STONE-CUTTING. 93 115. Elliptic sections. — Every plane section parallel to ABC is an ellipse. Let atb indicate such a section. Since te = dq, and TE = DQ, we have from this, and the triangle OAQ, TE : AQ : : te : aq, which expresses a property of two ellipses having an axis in each, equal. Hence atb is an ellipse. 116. Tangents. — If a line moves upon three fixed lines, it can have but one position at each point of any one of these lines. But a hyperbolic paraboloid consists of two sets of ele¬ ments, all those of each set parallel to one plane, and each element of each set intersecting all; and hence, any three of the other set. Hence, if we take any three lines, as RK, rk, and OF, tangent at points on the same element, as TH, of the conoid, and parallel to one plane, \/, they will be elements of one generation of a hyperbolic paraboloid, whose other genera¬ tion is formed by moving TH, upon these tangents. TH being parallel to H, will remain so, and hence RrO is one of its posi tions, and KF another. That is KQ=FO. Thus RTKFHO is a hyperbolic paraboloid, tangent to the conoid along TH, and having H and V for the plane directors of its two genera¬ tions. 117. Normal surface. — But as we could, in the last article, have taken any other tangent at T, and parallels to it at all points of TH, there may be an indefinite number of tangent hy¬ perbolic paraboloids along TH. Of these, one will contain all those tangents which are perpendicular to TH. Now, let all these latter tangents be revolved 90°, about TH as an axis, and they will all become normals to the conoid on TH. But as they do not thus change their position relative to each other, they will still form a hyperbolic paraboloid, which is thus the normal sur¬ face along a given element. 118. General conclusion. — No distinctive property of the co¬ noid, but only those of the hyperbolic paraboloid, having been employed in this demonstration, this shows that the result is gen¬ eral ; viz., that the normal surface to any warped surface at a given element, is a hyperbolic paraboloid. 94 STEREOTOMY. Problem XV. The conoidal wing-wall. I. The Projections. — This novel form of wing-wall is founded in the idea, that, at the foot, FC, of the -wall, where the pressure of earth from behind is slight, no batter would be necessary to give increased stability by increased thickness at the base ; while, on the other hand, at AB — A'B( where the height is greatest, the need o' a slope or batter to the front would also be greatest. 1°. To fulfill these conditions, let the face of the wall be a quarter of a right conoid having the quadrant EF — E'F' for its curved direction ; the perpendicular, OF — O', to the plane V, for its straight directrix (O' being the intersection of FO with B'E', produced, where B'E' has a slope of 3 to 10), and the plane V for its plane director. Hence, divide E/aF, a quadrant of 9 ft. radius, into any convenient number of parts, and OE, O ig, 0 2 7a, etc., drawn through the points of division, and parallel to the ground-linE D'F', will be the horizontal projection of elements of the co¬ noidal face of the wall. 2°. The vertical projections of these elements will be found by projecting E at E', g at g', etc., and drawing E'O' with a batter, JL'b ! , of 3 to 10, then g’ O', etc. But, in this figure, O' is thus made inaccessible ; hence proceed as follows : — Draw A'B' at the intended height, 10 ft., of the wall, and produce it as the vertical trace, A'e', of a horizontal plane, in which is the quadrant B ae, whose centre is O. Divide this quadrant in the same manner as EF, as at a, c , etc., project a, c, etc., at a', c ', etc., and as a'g 1 , c'h ', etc., necessarily pass through O' (being identical with the vertical projections of the elements of a cone whose vertex is 00', and base E/aF) they are the vertical projections of the element of the conoid. 3°. The front top edge , BXF — B'C', is assumed to be the intersection of the conoidal front-face of the wall with a plane, parallel to the straight directrix OF, and having a slope of 3 to 2. BF is then found by projecting down B', y\ X', etc., intersections of B'C' with given elements, upon the horizontal projections of the same elements, as at B, y, X, etc. The hack of the wall , made of the given top thickness AB, STONE-CUTTING. 95 may then be made concentric with BF, as seen in plan, by making it tangent to any sufficient number of arcs, of radius AB, and with their centres on BXF. The top edge of the back is here assumed to be the intersec¬ tion of the vertical cylindrical surface of the back, with a plane perpendicular to V ? and whose vertical trace is A'C'. The top surface of the wall will thus naturally be a warped surface, having BF — B'F' and AC — A'C' for directrices, and H for its plane director. The face-joints. —These shall be the elements just found, for the heading joints; while the coursing joints shall be equi¬ distant horizontal sections, mF — w! T', etc., which (115) are ellipses. The joint surfaces. — With the quick curvatures arising from small dimensions and large batter, as in the present example, these surfaces should be normal to the face of the wall along the lines just fixed upon as the joints of the face. The coursing surfaces , or beds , will thus be warped surfaces, which, for the joint mF — m'T', for example, will be generated by a line mA — m'B", normal to EB — E'B', and moving upon wzF — m'T! as a directrix, so as to continue normal to the face of the wall. Now, since there can be but one tangent plane at any one point of a surface, and but one perpendicular to a plane at any one point, there can be but one normal line to a surface at any one point; hence, the warped surface thus generated is determinate. The heading surfaces will be the normal hyperbolic para¬ boloids along the elements of the conoid (117). 5°. Construction of the joint surfaces. — If two lines are perpendicular to each other, and one of them be parallel to a plane of projection, their projections on that plane will be perpendicular to each other. Now the elements , as lu — Vu\ of the conoid, are parallel to V ; hence, the vertical projections, rV, n'q' , etc., of the normals to the conoid, along lu — Vu will be perpendicular to l'u'. And the like is true for the other elements. Again, the normals at points of the ellipses mF, etc., are perpendicular to the tangents to those ellipses at the same points ; hence, rs , nq , etc., oQ, etc., are perpendicular to the tangents at r, w, o , etc., respectively, to the ellipses HrF, wwF, etc. Projecting A, Q, R, etc., upon the vertical projections, 96 STEREOTOMY. m'W ! , o r Q r , k'R', etc., normals at m r , o’, lc f , etc., we Lave .... T', tangent to w! T' at C,T', for the vertical projection of a coursing joint on the back of the wall; and raAFC — as the normal coursing surface contain¬ ing the ellipse mF — m’F’. Likewise, projecting p, q , s, etc., upon the perpendiculars to Vu l at V , n’, r etc., we find p’q’t r , a heading joint, upon the back of the wall. 6°. The tangents at o, n , r, etc., to the ellipses wF, etc., and to which the normals oQ, etc., are made perpendicular, may be drawn in various ways, as most convenient for each point. 1$Z. That at zz\ to the ellipse wF, is here drawn by the method of bisecting the angle MzN included by lines from z to the foci, one of which, f, is shown, and both of which are at the intersections of an arc with radius Ora, and centre F, with the transverse axis mO ; produced to find the other focus f. 2 d. That at n, to the same ellipse, is drawn by the method of revolution ; the quadrant, EF, being the projection of raF after a certain revolution about OF. Then n appears at Z, and IG is the revolved position of the required tangent, which, by counter-revolution, appears at Gn. 8 d. The tangent, Jr, is likewise found from JZ, where the revolution of the ellipse, HF, take place about HO, till it ap¬ pears as a circle of radius OH. 4 th. If adjacent figures were not in the way, so that other quadrants of each ellipse could be shown, we might proceed as follows, by the method of conjugate diameters. Thus, at o, for example, draw Oo and any chord , parallel to it, and the tangent at o to moF would then be parallel to the line from O to the middle point of this chord, for such line would be the diameter conjugate to Oo. 7°. Approximate joint surfaces. —With the considerably larger dimensions, and less declivity of face, which would be generally found in practice, the part from X to F would be nearly a vertical plane, and from BE to X, nearly a conical, or even an almost vertical cylindrical surface. Hence, in such a case the coursing surfaces could be safely horizontal planes ; and the heading surfaces could be planes. That through the element lu — l'u', for example, might be a plane, determined by the element together with the horizontal element, at K , of the top surface. STONE-CUTTING. 97 II. The Directing Instruments and their Application. As every surface, except the back, which would generally be left rough, of all the stones between UU 7 and gg' is warped, no patterns can be used. It would therefore be best to begin , at least, by working some one surface by the method of squaring (105) from the sides of a circumscribing prism, so far finished as to admit of the application of this method. Having the front, for example, thus wrought, beds could be made square with it by keeping one arm of the square (No. 2) on an element of the front, and the other on an element of the bed. With the often admissible approximate plane joints, already described, the operations would be much easier, as patterns of all the faces except the conoidal front could be easily found and applied. These general guiding observations, added to previous exam¬ ples, will enable the student to construct whatever instruments may be necessary. Examples. = 1°. Construct the front elevation of this wall, and an isometric, or oblique projection of one of its stones. 2°. Construct the wall when OE is less than OF. STAIRS. 119. Stairs vary in form ; first, as a whole , depending on the form of the space which they occupy ; second, in detail , that is, in the form and arrangement of the separate steps. Certain practical conditions and geometrical principles are, however, common to all cases ; hence, a single example of a general case, fully explained, will serve as a standard, from which variations may be made to any particular forms. 120. General Geometrical Principles. — All stairs may be divided into two principal kinds. 1st. Straight stairs; in which the height, or rise , and the width, or tread , are each uniform, on each and all of the steps. 2d. Winding stairs; in which the rise remains uniform, while the tread is variable at different points of each step. In this sense, winding stairs which consist only of successive short flights of straight stairs running in different directions, are not included. 7 98 STEREOTOMY. 121. Winding stairs are, again, of two species : — First, those which wind around a single vertical axis from which the edges of the steps radiate. Second, those which radiate around no single central axis from which the steps radiate. In the former, the tread is uniform on a line of ascent taken at any given distance from the axis. In the latter, there is but one such line, and it is taken at that distance from the hand-rail which any one would naturally choose in passing up or down the stairs, and may be called the line of passage. Stairs mostly straight are often partly winding, at one or both ends, and will then be classed under one or the other of the varieties just indicated. 122. In winding stairs of the first species, the natural line of passage upon them is obviously a common or circular helix , as in PI. VII., Fig. 50; where, if a horizontal and a vertical plane be passed through each element, they would evidently intersect each other so as to form the steps of such stairs as would wind around the axis of a cylindrical pit. In winding stairs of the second species, the horizontal projec¬ tion of the line of passage will not be a circle as in PI. VII., Fig. 50, but some other curve, as LP, Fig. 8, better conformed to the ground area covered by the stairs. 123. Now let LP, Fig. 8, be the horizontal trace of a verti¬ cal cylinder, on which a point, m , moves so that the horizontal and vertical components of its motion are equal, that is, so that if mm x = etc., the heights of m l above m; of m 2 above etc., will be equal. The point m will thus generate a helix , A, but of a more general kind than the circular helix, PI. VII., Fig. 50. 124. Also if a horizontal straight line taken as a generatrix G, move upon this new helix LP, in the same manner as in PI. VII., Fig. 50, the resulting surface will still be a helicoid, H, but of a more general form than the usual particular form shown in that figure. But as the plan, LP, of h is no longer a circle, while the line G continues perpendicular to it as seen in plan, Fig. 8, the lines g, g^g-i'i etc., horizontal projections of successive positions of G, will not pass through any one point, as at o in PI. VII., Fig. 50, but will intersect each other, as in Fig. 8, so that when g, g-ii . g n i and thence their intersections, p, q , r, etc.. STONE-CUTTING. 99 become consecutive, p, q, r, . r n , will form a curve to which g, g v g 2 , g n .will be tangent. 125.. We thus reach the following important conclusions 4 , foundation of the design of stairs of every form. 1°. The curve pqr is the horizontal projection of a vertical cylinder , C, which replaces the vertical straight line (axis) o — 012' in PI. VII., Fig. 50. 2°. The curve LP is the horizontal projection of a general form of a helix, A, (123). 3°. The straight line g, then moves upon the helix A, and remains horizontal and tangent to the cylinder C. It thus gen¬ erates a general form of helicoidal surface, H; such as forms the under surface of the stairs, and such as will contain the similar radial edges of all the steps. Problem XVI. Winding stairs on an irregular ground plan. I. The Projections. Let a landing at AdE, PI. VIII., Fig. 60, provided for a door in the wall ES, be connected with a floor three feet higher at CH, by a flight of five steps, counting the upper level. And let these steps be built three inches into the wall, whose base is the segment HGFE of an irregular polygon. 100 STEREOTOMY. Let the line of passage (121) be tlie arc CD of the ellipse, whose semi-axes, OA, and OB, are determined by convenience. The tread of each step, measured from D on AC, is 12 ins. giving I, J, K, C. At these points draw normals to the ellipse, AC, as Dff, etc., which will be edges of steps. On these nor¬ mals lay off 18 ins. inward from CD, to locate the inner end, cff, of the steps, or the circumference of the well , as it is called. For firmer support , let each step extend as at Ky, or J k (J 2 &,) and K^, 7 ins. under the next upper one ; and then normals to CD at k and g, will be the under edges of the step JK, and, see k 2 and g 2 , in the general under surface of the steps. This under surface of the steps is a right helicoid, LI, gen¬ erated by Q icq moving upon a helix whose horizontal pro¬ jection is CD, normal to it, and parallel to H as its plane director. Normal joints. — These, perpendicular on Q q, etc., toffhe helicoid, H, should (by 118) be hyperbolic paraboloids. But it is a sufficient approximation to make them normal planes at some suitable mean point. They are here made normal at g , k , etc., points on the helix CD, for two principal reasons. 1st. Only the helix CD will be straight in development, it alone having equal arcs for equal ascents (123). Hence, normals at its points can be more easily drawn. 2d. All the curvatures are quicker within than without CD ; hence the warped, and plane normal surfaces, will differ less if the normals be nearer cd than to the wall. The development. —Proceeding as just indicated, make C 2 D a = CD, and CgCj = the total rise = 3 ft. and CiDiWill be the development of the helix over CD, and which cuts the front edges of the steps. Next, after dividing CiD x into four equal parts, make \ C X C 2 ; J x Ki = JIv ; J 2 ki = J& ; = Kg ; and g x g 2 and k x k 2 , each, for example equal to ^ JiJ 2 , when g 2 s x parallel to CjDj, will be the development of that helix, projected in CD, which is in the helicoid H. Finally, at g 2 , k 2 , etc., draw g 2 fi , k 2 h^ etc., perpendicular to CjDx, and they will be lines of the required normal planes to H, at g , k , etc. Do the same for the other steps, and the figure D^ifiJ! will be the complete development of the section of the steps made by the vertical cylinder whose base is CD. STONE-CUTTING. 101 Then, to complete the plan, make gf = kh = g x f^ etc., and the lines as M hm, parallel to Q kq, etc., will be the traces of the normal planes to H upon the treads. II. The directing instruments , besides Nos. 1 and 2, are these: — No. 8, the pattern, ML ml, of the top of a step. No. 4, the pattern, M'L'R', of the wall end of a step. This is found by projecting the outer end, QL, of a step upon a par¬ allel plane, as shown ; making all the vertical distances equal to the like ones on the development; Q' = g x g 2 ; P'P X = KiKj (greater than JiJ 2 , since is greater than k'k 2 ). No. 5, the pattern, of the inner end of a step. This, for the step E<2rR, is the development of its inner end. Then rgii ; r^i; etc., equal rn, rl, rd , etc., on the plan ; and the heights, l x l 2 , etc., equal those on the delopment KjK 2 , etc. No. 6 is a normal joint bevel, giving the constant angle J 2 h\k-2‘ III. Application. — Having chosen a sufficient block, bring its intended top to a plane, and mark its form by No. 3. Work the rise and the end, square with the top, using Nos. 4 and 5 to give the forms of the ends. Work the normal joints by No. 6, and the helicoidal under side by No. 1, ap¬ plied on points transferred from the drawing, where elements would meet ql and QL, for the step IJ, for example. Other Forms of Stairs. 126. Other stairs are, for want of space, merely suggested bj the steps, illustrated in Figs. 61, 62, which are both adapted to circular stairs ; that is, those placed in a cylindrical case. They are contrasted in the manner of support. In Fig. 61, which shows a plan,, elevation of the back edges, and a development of the cylindrical outer end BD, the central open cylinder, or well, is filled by a core, composed of the cylindrical wings, or ears, O, solid with the inner end of each step. The core is sometimes larger, and then solid, and with the steps indented into it, as at the outer ends in Fig. 60. Fig. 62 is an oblique projection of one step of circular stair with an open well; and the steps are supported by an ear CE 102 STEREOTOM Y at the outer end whose whole thickness, Fe, is indented into the wall, giving them a wide horizontal support. Examples. — 1°. Observing that the curves, CDA and XY, PI. VIII., Fig. 60, have the relation of involute and evolute to each other, represent, with the pat¬ terns, stairs in which XY shall be assumed. 2°. Stairs in which cd shall be assumed. 3°. Construct stairs whose steps shall be formed as indicated in Fig. 62. 4°. Construct circular stairs in a cylindrical case, with a central post formed of steps like that of Fig. 61. 5°. In a flight of five, or more, steps against one reach of wall, as GF, Fig. 60, construct the intersection of that wall with the helicoid, H, of the under surface of the stairs. CLASS IV. Structures containing Double-Curved Surfaces. Problem XVII. A trumpet bracket with basin and niche. I. The Projections. These are a plan, RrE ; a front eleva¬ tion A'B'E" ; and a sectional side elevation, 0"'R"E"". 1°. The outlines of the bracket. PL IX. Fig. 63, is a wall of the general thickness QK; but, where the bracket is attached, of the additional thickness, r^s. The front of the bracket is composed of two cylindrical surfaces; one vertical, with the radius OA; the other horizontal, with its elements, AB, wa, etc., parallel to the ground line A'B'. The form of the latter cylinder is made to depend on the given curve, AEB — A'E'B', of their intersection, where A'E'B' is a semicircle. This curve would be the intersection of the vertical cylinder, with a cylinder of revolution whose vertical projection would be A'E'B', as shown more clearly in the aux¬ iliary Fig. 64, where AEB — A'E'B' is the intersection of the vertical cylinder, CD — C'D', with the cylinder, UT — A'E'B', which is perpendicular to the vertical plane. By Theorem I., the projection, E'"0'", of the intersection AEB —A'E'B', on a plane, as 0"'X, parallel to the plane, EF, of the axes of the cyl¬ inders of revolution, is a hyperbola. The vertical cylinder is then cut away to this hyperbolic profile, E'"0'"; so that the face of the bracket within A'E'B' is a cylinder parallel to the ground line and with a hyperbolic right section, or base O'E'— 0"'E'". The top of the bracket is a plane annular surface, between AEB —A"B" and the circular edge, of radius OH, of the hem¬ ispherical basin, H'G'I' — J'G"J". 2°. The joints of the bracket. — Having found 0"'E'", as may be seen by inspection, divide A'E'B' into equal parts, here five, and draw the radial joints, as h! O'; dO', etc., limited, to avoid thin edges, by a semi-cylindrical stone of radius UT— O'T', = R'V". Then — 104 STEREOTOMY. To find intermediate points in the joints on the vertical cylin¬ der. — Assume b' as such a point. Its horizontal projection is b , and auxiliary projection b x , which by revolution appears at b", intersection of b 2 b" and b'b". To find intermediate points in the joints on the horizontal cyl¬ inder. — Here it is the horizontal projection of the point that needs construction. Assuming d’, for example, project it at d", on O^'E', thence to sX. and revolve upon Xm; whence pro¬ ject upon d'd at d. Or, by the method of transference , make d x d = d"'d" (50). By the same method, applied to b", make b'"b" = ob, to find b". Also, make h"e"' = hli'", to find h". In similar ways the points of all the joints of the bracket can be found; as at e'"h'{ = h"%, in finding 7q, a point of the basin joint, h x gk — h!g '— Kg<%'. The horizontal projections, as hgjk, of the basin joints, above gg' , on the vertical semicircle, H'G'P, of the basin, are found by horizontal circles, as that with radius j'l', each of which will contain four points of the two basin joints, of which points if is one. 3°. The Niche. — The niche is a vertical semi-cylinder, CFD — C'C^D'D", covered by the quarter sphere included between the horizontal semicircle, CFD — C^D", and the vertical one, CD — C^E^D". The joints of the spherical part are circular, and in planes which radiate from the diameter, OF — O" — 0""F"; and are limited by the cylindrical stone, O^L'P". Intermediate points of these joints, as N', are readily found on the plan and side elevation, in various ways. Thus, MMj — M'N'Mj — M"N" is a vertical circle through N', which point is thence projected upon MMj at N, and upon at W. This circle might have been made horizontal through N'; or the plane of the joint might have been revolved about OK — OHC as an axis, when the circular joint would have fallen on K'E" and N 7 at n". Then make WjN = n"W, which will give N, as before. Varied constructions are useful, in case some one of them does not conveniently apply to certain points. Points, as K', being projected at Iv, and K", and U at L, and L", KNL and K"N"L"are the other two projections of the circular joint K'L\ II. The Directing Instruments. — These will consist of pat- STONE-CUTTING. 105 terns of the plane and developable faces of all the stones, with a sufficient number of bevels to insure the correct relative po¬ sitions of all the surfaces. After the numerous preceding examples of developing the convex surfaces of stones of irregular shape, the construction of the required patterns can be made from the following general directions. Take the stone, A "h' Y'v't', of the bracket, and h'K r p' of the niche, as being the most irregular ones. Let each extend to the vertical plane back, Rr — R"Q", of the wall. Develop the entire convex surface, both lateral and end faces, of each, as in previous examples. The following, including the necessary bevels, will thus be found. No. 1, the straight edge. No. 2, the square. Then for the bracket stone alone — No. 3, the pattern of the back, = A" h'Y'v't'. No. 4, that of the top, = A'"h 2 h^lh ] hA. No. 5, that of the radial joint, hiYuh.^h^ghy — Y'h 1 . No. 6, that of the opposite radial joint, AA ,n v x vn. No. 7, that of the surface, Yvv x u. No. 8, the development of the vertical cylindrical surface, AM — A "h'i'tf. No. 9, the development of the portion, nivY — n'i’v'Y' — i'f”, of the horizontal hyperbolic cylinder of the front. Nos. 10 and 11, as shown on the figure. The corresponding guides for the niche stone can readily be found. To avoid the too acute angle at h x in the bracket stone, H'GT' might have been an arc of 120° or less ; or the portion of the bracket above E' might have been a single stone thick enough to contain the basin. III. The Application. This is, in the main, sufficiently ob¬ vious, from the description of the patterns, and the previous essentially similar cases. The back of both the bracket and the niche stone may properly be wrought first, since all the lat¬ eral faces are perpendicular to it. The order and manner of using the remaining guides may be left to the workman. Examples. — 1°. Construct the niche alone. 2 °. Construct the bracket alone, and without the basin. 106 STEREOTOM Y. Theorem III. The conic section whose principal vertex and point of contact with a known tangent are given, will he a parabola, ellipse , or hyperbola; according as the given vertex bisects the sub¬ tangent, or makes its greater segment without, or within, the curve. In both the ellipse and the hyperbola, referred to their cen¬ tres and axes, the subtangent is a fourth proportional to the abscissa of contact, and those segments of the transverse axis which meet on the ordinate of contact. That is, in Figs. 9 and 10, CO :Oa:: OA : OT ; whence, by division, CO : O a — CO :: OA : OT—OA • or CO : CA :: OA : TA —^ 3 o \ o 1 Ia t Now, always, in the ellipse, • • But in the hyperbola, • • In the parabola, CA>CO TA>OA CAM'A', but P'O' < PV. Hence, by Theor. III., the joint M'L' should be elliptical, and P'Q' hyperbolic; but the differences, M'O' — M'/i' and P'O' — P'r', are so small, that they are here made with sufficient accuracy as circular arcs, whose centres are on O'X. The horizontal projections of the joints are found by pro¬ jecting down their intersections with the contours of the sur¬ face, made by the vertical planes, pa and /A, as is fully shown for the joint K'I'H'G'; whose horizontal projection is KIHG. II. The Directing Instruments. — Most of these can be sufficiently indicated by a description of the most irregular stone of the structure; that whose vertical projection is RY?/'F'K'G', and which is more clearly exhibited in the oblique projection, Fig. 67, like points having like letters in both figures. The many surfaces of this stone are: — STONE-CU ITING. 109 1°. The vertical rectangular plane side, YyUYh 2°. The vertical plane back, Y'U&. 3°. The vertical plane front, GRYt/Z. 4°. The horizontal plane base, XJkK. n c' r zZy. 5°, 6°. The horizontal plane top, RYR'Y'; and small hori¬ zontal plane surface, Kcc' K\ 7°, 8°, 9°, 10°. The four minor vertical plane faces, K f K'7c, K'K'W, czc ", and AZz, respectively, in the portal, gate recess, and jamb. 11°. The oblique plane surface, GRG'Rh 12°. The elliptic cylindrical surface, G'&'KHG. Fig. 68, is the development of the like surface on M'L', joined with the plane portion on L'J. 13°. The double-curved surface, AcKHG. The last surface being non-developable, no pattern of it can be made, but templets fitted to any of its vertical sections , parallel to C"e ", or to f'b\ or to its horizontal sections, can be made. These templets, with patterns, easily made, of the other sur¬ faces, and the square and straight edge, will be ample guides in working this stone. III. Application. — First form the surface, YY'Uy, it being the largest and simplest; next the back; and then the base and front, and all the other plane surfaces, each of which is square with one or more of the others. The cylindrical surface, GG'K&', may then be wrought square with the back upon G 'Tc', as a given edge, or directrix, previously found by the pattern of the back. Or it may be wrought by templets fitted to the profile, R'G'F. Its edges may then be scored on the stone by a pattern corresponding to that of the cylindrical joint on M'L/, shown in Fig. 68. These operations will give all the bounding edges of the one remaining surface, which is double-curved. After approx¬ imately hewing out this portion of each of the stones, they can be accurately put in place, since all the other surfaces of each will have been previously completed. The total double-curved surface of the recess can then be wrought at once, by means of the templets, last described in the list of guiding instruments. Examples. — 1°. Construct the figure with two centred joints in the front elevation. 110 STEREOTOM Y. 2°. Make an isometrical or an oblique projection showing the under side of the stone shown in Fig. 67. 3°. Make like projections of the stone M'JTR. Problem XIX. An oblique lunette in a spherical dome. I. The Projections. — A lunette is formed by tbe intersection of two arched spaces, both of stone, and of unequal heights, so that the groin curves will be of double curvature. 1°. Arrangement of projections. — PL X., Fig. 69. These are a plan, and two elevations, on two vertical planes, V and Vi» at right angles to each other, and whose ground lines are respec¬ tively O'X and 0"X. As in all similar cases, the projections of any point on V and on Vu will then be at equal heights above O'X and 0"X. Given parts and dimensions. — In the plan, the circles, OA of 11 ft. radius, and OH of 13': 6" radius, are the horizontal traces of the interior and exterior surfaces of the dome. The former is a hemisphere ; the latter, partly cylindrical, as indi¬ cated in the section shown on the plane 0"X, is there gener¬ ated by H'H", 6': 10" high. The radius, D"x, of the extrados, is 16 ft., where # is 3 ft. below the centre, 0", of the intrados. The elevation on O'X shows a right section of the arch, its inner radius 4 ft., its outer one 8 ft., its thickness at the crown 1': 6" ; and the perpendicular distance of its axis, o x o\ from the diameter, HO, 6': 3". From these data all the remaining constructions are made. 2°. The groin. — Any horizontal plane will cut a horizontal circle from the sphere, and two elements from the arch, which will meet that circle in two points of the groin. Thus, the plane, a[m(m x v ), cuts from the sphere the circle of radius Oa x (= vy') and from the arch the two elements, of which one at a[, being projected on H, intersects circle O a^ at a x , as shown, and thence gives its side elevation a x on vy. Other points being found in the same manner, give the groin curve aca 6 — a!da\ — a"c"a £. 3°. The horizontal projection of the groin is an arc of a parabola. — To prove this, refer the intrados of the sphere and cylinder to the three rectangular coordinate axes : OH u as the axis of X; OH, as the axis of Y; and the vertical at O, as STONE-CUTTING. Ill the axis of Z. Then, neglecting the usual negative sign of or¬ dinates to the left of the origin, O, as not relating to the form of the line sought, we have for the point a x a\, for example, (Ohy + (H ) 2 + (h'a\y = r 2 where R = the radius, OA, of the sphere. That is x 2 -f- y 2 -j- z 2 = R 2 . (1) And as the like is true for every point of the sphere, (1) is called the equation of the sphere, referred to its centre. Again, (o'A') 2 -j- ( h!a{f = ( o’af) 2 = r 2 . That is, calling O'o'=a, (a — xy -j- z 2 = r 2 . (2) and as the like is true for every point of the cylinder, this is called the equation of the cylinder for the given axes of reference. Now that points, as a x a' v may be common to both surfaces, and hence be points of their intersection, the x , y, and z of (1) and (2) must be the same. That is, (1) and (2) will both be true at once for the same point, so that we can substitute any term in one for the like term in the other. Then, from (1), y 2 = R 2 — ( x 2 -f- z 2 ~) and from (2), (x -f- 3 2 ) = (f 2 -j- % ax — a2 ) whence, y 2 = — 2ax -f- (R 2 — r 2 a ) (3) which, since z is eliminated, is the equation of the curve aa b , in the plane XY. Also, the term in the parenthesis is constant, being made up of constants, and as a is a part of it, it may be written 2wa, and (3) then becomes y 2 = — 2 ax -f- 2 na = — 2 a(x — ri) (4). If now we shift the origin O to the left, on the axis of X, so as to make x — x w, (4) will become, £/ 2 = — 2aa; (5). Restoring now the neglected sign of x, we finally have y 2 =2ax (6) the usual form of the equation of a parabola lying, as a b a does, to the right of its vertex taken as the origin. The curve aa b is, therefore the arc of a parabola, of which HO is the axis. 4°. Joint-lines and surfaces of the sphere. — The coursing joints on that part of the sphere which is independent of the lunette, are horizontal circles, IQ — I^Q'', OR — G"R", 112 STEREOTOMY. etc., found by dividing the meridian of radius 0"A" into an odd number of equal parts, — here eleven. The broken joints, RQ — R"Q", etc., are arcs of meridians. The beds of the dome voussoirs are the conical surfaces, as P"Q"I"J", having the centre, 00", of the sphere for a com¬ mon vertex, and intersecting the spherical surfaces in the horizontal circles, as I"Q" and J"P". 5°. Radial joint-surfaces of the lunette. — These are wholly plane, and their edges are the intersections of these planes with the several surfaces of the dome and arch. Divide the arc a'doL*, so that a[ shall be lower than E", the corresponding first one from A", of the eleven equal divis¬ ions, on the dome section; here, into five equal parts. The reason for this will soon appear. The lunette joints in the spherical intrados. — lb 2 is the trace on V of the plane, R%, of the horizontal circle GR — G"R". This plane cuts the plane of the joint o'd 2 in a horizontal line at b 2 , which, by projection, gives 5 2 , and thence b 2 . Hence, a 2 b 2 — a 2 b 2 — a 2 b 2 is one of these joints, showing that must be lower than E", in order that there should be such a joint. The others are found in the same way. 6°. The lunette joints in the conical beds of the dome. — One of these is the intersection of the plane o'd 2 , with the conical bed, C"G"R"R'". To find it, draw qd 2 , at the height of C"^, to give qd 2 , the trace of the horizontal plane of C d 2 — C "q l upon V- As before, this plane cuts from the plane o'd 2 a per¬ pendicular to V at d 2 , which, in horizontal projection, gives e? 2 , on the horizontal projection, C d 2 (C being projected from C"), of the circle considered ; and thence d 2 . The joint sought is evidently a hyperbola , it being the intersection of the plane o x o'd' 2 with the cone whose axis is the vertical at O, and whose slant is that of G"0". Hence, make p'O'o' = G"0"A", and Op — O'p' is that element whose intersection with the plane, op'd'i, is the vertex, p r p , of this hyperbola ; whose horizontal projection pb 2 d 2 can now be more accurately drawn than with¬ out the aid of the vertex p. Finally, make 0"p"=the height of p\ and p"b 2 d 2 is the vertical projection of the same hyper¬ bolic joint, of which only b 2 dr — b 2 d 2 — b 2 d 2 is real. Any other hyperbolic joints are found in the same way. Other lunette lines. — These are, for the same joint plane o'd 2 , the circular arc d 2 e — d 2 e! — d 2 e'\ on the spherical extrados • STONE-CUTTING. 113 efo — e' , on the horizontal ledge, generated by — e'g 2 on the cylindrical back of the dome ; g 2 u l — g 2 , on the extrados of the arch ; u x u — g 2 a 2 , a radial edge in the arch; and ua 2 — a 2 , on the intrados of the arch. The large diameter of the arch, as compared with the radius OA x , carries the point tt't" nearly out of the quadrant, OAAj, unless, as shown at t't", it be taken lower than the correspond¬ ing point bb\. II. The directing Instruments. — These, besides Nos. 1 and 2, are patterns of all the plane, cylindrical, and conical surfaces of voussoirs, with certain bevels, as follows, taking for illustra¬ tions the stone between o'd 2 and o'g[ of the lunette, and the stone R^Q^S^T", of the dome. No. 3 shows the real form, a[g[a 2 g' 2 , of the plane end of the lunette stone, which is in the plane V. Nos. 4, 5, and 6, Fig. 70, are patterns of the intrados (No. 5) of the same stone, and of the two radial plane joints when folded into the paper. Their construction is obvious, since like points have like letters with Fig. 69, and are found by ordi¬ nates from the vertical plane end, No. 3, in the plane V- Useful bevels (not shown), would be No. 7, giving the angle Jc"B"Fi"; and Nos. 8 and 9, giving the positions of the plane beds on ct^d* and a\g[, relative to the intrados a[a 2 . No. 10, the pattern of that plane end, MNW, of this stone, which is in the dome, is G"C"D"H"FB"E". From MN to a 2 b 2 is a spherical zone. From N5 to b x d x is a conical zone, No. 11. From 5W in the plane B "k" to d x f Xi is a horizontal plane surface, No. 12. From the vertical line, W — extends the vertical cyl¬ indrical back, No. 13, of the dome, intersected by those sur¬ faces of the lunette which are parallel to its axis o'o x . The three remaining surfaces of the part of the stone in the dome, are the plane annular portion, No. 14, generated by D^H"; the spherical portion generated by D^C", and a conical portion, No. 15, generated by C"G"; all starting from the plane OW, and all limited at their intersections with that portion of the stone which is in the arch. Patterns of these surfaces, so far as developable, may readily 8 114 STEREOTOMY. be made ; also bevels, conveniently giving the position of tlieii horizontal edges, relative to the end in the plane OW. Thus this very irregular stone has thirteen faces , plane, cylindrical, conical, and spherical. To gain as full an idea of it as drawings alone can give, com¬ plete its projection on V ; and make two or more isometrical, or oblique projections of it. For the proposed stone of the dome , the pattern, No. 16, of its vertical plane end will be needed ; and those of its conical beds, as P^Q^V^S", Nos. 17 and 18. No. 17, for example, Fig. 71, is the development of R ,, R ,/, U // T", found by describing the arcs from O, with radii equal to 0"G" and 0"C", and by making R^'T" = RT from the plan. Finally, bevels like No. 19, will be useful, giving the rela¬ tive positions of elements of the conical beds, and great circles of either the intrados or extrados of the dome. And a tem¬ plet, No. 20, should be cut to an arc of a great circle of thr spherical intrados. III. Application. — For a stone as irregular as that of tha lunette, the method by squaring (105) is preferable, if not in¬ dispensable. Then form a right prism, the pattern of whose base shall be the horizontal projection, b i a 2 uxg i WM, of this stone; and upon whose rear and lateral faces the two plane heads can be marked by Nos. 3 and 16. Next, the intrados and plane joints of the arch portion of the stone can readily be made square with the back by No. 2, and formed by Nos. 4, 5, and 6. The plane, W/^5, is readily made; square with the end on MW, and marked by No. 12 ; the cylindrical back, square with the last surface, and marked by No. 13; and the spher¬ ical surface, MNcqa^, by Nos. 19 and 20. Pendentives. 127. In connection with domes, the related subject of square areas, covered by spherical surfaces, may be noticed; though detailed figures must be omitted for want of room. PI. X., Fig. 72, shows a skeleton sketch of such a design, which is some¬ times adopted on account of the stately appearance of a dome¬ like ceiling. Here let ABCD be the half of a square floor, of STONE-CUTTING. 115 which the circumscribed circle, of radius OB, is the base of a hemisphere. The four walls of the room will then be bounded by vertical small semicircles, as BC — A'Q'D' ; the ceiling F'H'E', within the circle of radius OA will be a spherical seg¬ ment ; and the four areas like ABI will be covered by spherical gores, shown more clearly at A r 'B"l' r , in the elevation made on a vertical plane, whose ground line is mq, perpendicular to the diagonal BO. 128. Two j oint-sy stems. —The joints of the spherical surface may then be either (a) horizontal small circles , and vertical meridians', or (6) vertical small circles , and meridians, all having BO —B" for a common diameter; the beds bounded by the small circle joints being conical in both cases. Examples.— 1°. Make figure 69, on a scale of or larger, and with the arch smaller in proportion. 2°. The same with the two elevations side by side. 3°. The same, with the axis of the arch coinciding with a horizontal diameter of the dome. 4°. Complete the projection of the dome on V* 5. Construct the dome with pendentives, Fig. 72, in detail on a large scale, and by each joint-system. SPIRALS. 129. A few observations on the spirals found in the next problem are here added, as they may not be conveniently acces¬ sible elsewhere. A SPIRAL is a plane curve , generated by a point which has two simultaneous motions, or, more precisely, whose actual motion can be revolved into two components ; one, a rotary mo¬ tion, around a central point called the pole ; the other, a radial motion, outward from the pole. 130. Illustrations. The spiral of Archimedes.—This is the simplest of all the spirals ; since each of the component motions Fig. 11. 116 STEREOTOMY. of the generatrix is uniform. Thus in Fig. 11, let O be the pole, and OA, the initial line , so-called, on which the successive equal increments of the radial movement are laid off. Then divide aiiy circle, having O for its centre, into equal parts, as at 1, 2, 3, etc., and make 0&j=0 b; Oc 1 z=Oc; 0d x = 0 A, etc., and Oa x b x c x .tangent to OA at O, will be a spiral of Archimedes. The distance of any point of the curve from the pole is called its radius vector. In this example the circle is divided in 16 equal parts; hence, a circle of a radius, which we will call OAi, comprising 16 of the parts of OA, from O, would be divided into the same number of parts as OA^ As OA and any fractional part of the circle of radius OA may be divided into the same number of equal parts there may be an infinite variety of spirals of Archimedes. Let the —th part of circle OA be divided into the same n r number of parts as the radius OA. Then, calling the radius vector = r ; OA = a , and the arc, as A3, corresponding to any radius vector, as Oc, = 6 , we have, directly from the definition, r:a:: 0 : ~.2na : n whence r aO 6 —Ana ( 1 ) n n which is the general equation of the spiral in the form most convenient for use in drawing tangents to it by the method of resultants. 131. Tangent to the spiral of Archimedes. Differentiating (1) = - 2tt ; where or — ^ is the ratio of the rotary and dr n dr n * the radial components of the motion of the generatrix, the former being referred to the circumference of the circle whose radius is a. The application will be better understood by an example. As we may generally make m = 1, write at once ^ ^ Then let it be required to construct the tangent at b x , in Fig 12. Here, n = 4, since 1 of the circle OA is divided into the same number of parts as are found on the line OA. Then lay off on P b x produced, b x n — 1, on any convenient scale; and 2 j9 = 2tt, by the same scale, on the tangent at 2 to the circle OA; reduce the rotary component as estimated with the radius P2, STONE-CUTTING. 117 to its actual value, ^s, parallel to 2 \p, at b x , by drawing the radius P p. Then, 5,f, the diagonal of the parallelogram on the components, b x n and b x s, is the required tangent at 6*. If n = 1, Pc?, and the circle of radius Pc? will be divided into the same number of equal parts, ^ and 2 p would be 4 times 2p, or b x n would have been called 1 instead of 4. 132. The subnormal method. — Draw PQ perpendicular to P6i, and limited at Q by the normal JjQ. Then PQ is the sub¬ normal. Now the triangles PQ5i and b x nt are similar, and give, PQ: b x n :: P b x : b x s (= nt ) whence PQ = JjW X b x s But if b x n is made constant for each point, 2 p will be so also; and hence, as we see from the figure, b x s will vary as P?^; that Pb is, the ratio — will be constant. Thus PQ is constant. Hence, O^S having any one tangent, any other can be found as follows. Take, for example, the point e x . Draw a perpendicular, PQi, not shown, to its radius vector P^; at P, and equal to PQ. Then Q^ will be the normal at e x , where the tangent will then be perpendicular to Q^. 133. The tangentoid spiral. — This is one of a series of curves known as the trigonometrical spirals, in each of which the radius vector, r, is some trigonometrical function of the angle, #, between it and the fixed initial line. 118 STEREOTOMY. The tangentoid spiral is that in which the increments of the radius vectors are equal, or proportional, to the increments of the vectorial angle, 0. Thus, let P, Fig. 18, be the pole, and Pa = a, the initial line. Divide the circle Pa at pleasure as at 1, 2, etc., then on Fb, for example, make r=PB = a6 = PaX the tangent of BPa, and B will be a point of a tangentoid spiral, whose equation, simply expressing the construction, is, r= a. tan 0 ; or, if a = 1, then r = tan 6 ; that is, r is equal to the tangent of 6. But if, having drawn either a x b x . or a 2 b 2 parallel to ab, we should make PBj (not shown), z=a x b x ; or, PB 2 = aj> 2 , we should find new forms of the spiral; where if Pa! = a x and Pa 2 = a 2 , their equations would be r — a x . tan 6 ; and r = a 2 . tan 0, and r would be proportional to tan 6. 134. Initial line a secant. — In Fig. 13, the initial line, Pa, is evidently tangent to the spiral at the pole, P. This is not always so. Fig. 14. STONE-CUTTING. 119 Thus, Fig. 14, let Ea and EP include any angle whatever, and let them he divided proportionally by parallels as A a, B5 etc., including PL. Then arcs from A, B, etc., will meet the corresponding radials, Pa, P6, etc., in points etc., of a curve which will still be a tangentoid spiral. For the incre¬ ments, CD, CB, etc., of the radius vector, r, estimated from the circle Cwhere P^c is perpendicular to Ea, are proportional to the increments, cd , cb, etc., of the tangents of 6 , where 9 is estimated from Pc. Evidently P is the pole, and PL the tangent at P. Then, in order to write r = tan 6 ; make ML =: Pcj; and take 6 — MPL. Then ML —: tan 9 ; and MP = r = 1. Also the tangent increment Mm = the radial increment cji = CA, where Pm is the radius vector drawn through the point a x . Likewise, M n = CE, etc. • dv 185. The tangent line. — From r — tan 9 , gg— sec 2 0 = sec 2 9 Now at a 15 for example, Pm = sec 9 , and PM = 1. Then a third proportional ( x ) to PM, and Pm, will be the fonger side of a rectangle ; equal to (Pm) 2 , and whose other side equals PM. That is PMx#= (Pm) 2 . Buttliefigures PMXa? and PM 2 (= l 2 ) having the common altitude PM, are to each other as J r>T\r rpi i • dr sec 2 9 (Pm 2 ) PMXa; x x and PM. lhat is, -r n = -r-j- = - — _. dd l 2 (PM 2 ) PM a Hence, make a x H = the 3 d proportional, x , for the radial component of the motion of the generatrix ; and M& = MP = 1 for the rotatory component, referred to the line on which tan 9 is estimated, and which will be reduced by the line P& to its value, A&J, for the circle of radius P a x . Then, making HK = M x , K a x is the required tangent at a v We now close with the following, which, besides its interest as a structure, embraces, as appropriate for a final problem, representatives of all the four classes of surfaces which form the main divisions of descriptive geometry, and of its applica¬ tion in this volume. 120 STEREOTOMY. Problem XX. The annular and radiant groined arch. 136. Supposed conditions. — Suppose that a building for private library or cabinet, or, if of suitable dimensions, for locomotive engine house, is to consist of a gallery, annular in plan, and inclosing a central circular area. Also let the gallery be divided into seven compartments by arches, whose straight elements shall radiate from a vertical line at the centre of the central area. I. The Projections. 1°. — Let a vertical line at O, Plate X., Fig. 73, be the axis of four concentric vertical cylinders gener¬ ated by the revolution about this axis of vertical lines at A, a, 5, and B, where OA is 27 ft. 6 in. ; OB, 12 ft. 6 in. ; AB 15 feet; and ab 9 feet, making the thickness of the walls A a and B6, 3 feet. Let the circular gallery between the walls be covered by an arch, whose intrados is the half annular torus generated by the revolution of the vertical semicircle aob , of 4 ft. 6 in. radius, shown at acjb on the plane V- Let this gallery be divided into seven equal compartments, one of which is bounded by the arc AD, of 24.68 ft., and the radials, OA and OD. This arc, AD, may be accurately determined by laying off any suitable fractional part, as — of it, n times. Or, from a 71 / table of sides of inscribed regular polygons, we can find the length (here 23.86 ft.) of the chord equal to one side of the regular polygon (here a heptagon), indicated by the number of compartments. Setting off each way from A, D, etc., 3 ft. on the outer cir¬ cumference, as at AE and AF, and drawing the radii, as OE and OF, we have the piers, as shown at Ee/F, and L'AH ; and the area GFIJ which is to be covered by the radiant arch. This arch is here represented as closed at its ends by twelve inch walls ; which, with the piers, form alcoves. 2°. The intrados of the radiant arch will, in any case, natur¬ ally be a right conoid (114), extending from OF to OG, and whose springing plane will be the same as that of the annular arch; viz., the horizontal plane containing the diameter ab. The conoid will then be generated by the straight line OF, STONE—CUTTING. 121 moving so as to be parallel to the springing plane as a plane director, while moving upon the vertical line at O, and some curve of a height equal to oc 2 , and included symmetrically be¬ tween OF and OG. 3°. Two systems. — At this point, there is a choice between the two methods, one or the other of which would be most naturally chosen. First. The curved directrix may be the ellipse whose trans¬ verse axis is the chord of any arc, as oo x , or GF, included be¬ tween OG and OF, and whose semi-conjugate axis is a verti¬ cal, equal to oc 2 at the middle point of such chord. Second. The curved directrix, may, instead, be the curve of double curvature, formed by wrapping upon some of the vertical cylinders, as DGA, a semi-ellipse whose transverse axis is the true length of the corresponding arc , as GF, and whose semi-conjugate axis equals oc 2 . as before. 4°. Adopting the second system. — KG^ is the curved directrix of the conoidal intrados; where KG), tangent to GKF at K, equals the arc IvG, and KK X perpendicular to KG) equals oc 2 . The method of concentric circles on the given axes , is adopted, as shown, for constructing this eclipse, on ac¬ count of its convenience in affording, at the same time, an easy construction of any desired tangents, as also shown. 5°. The groin curves. — These are found by auxiliary hori¬ zontal planes, taken for convenience though the inner extremi¬ ties a l5 etc., of the radial joints of the annular arch, where ac 2 b is divided here into five equal parts. Each plane will then cut two horizontal circles, centred at O, from the torus, and two elements from the conoid, whose intersections with the circles will be four points of the groin curves. Thus g , /, i, j, are the points determined by the springing plane ; c x the apex of the groin, is the intersection of the circle Oc with the element KO. Then, for example, making b'{, at the height, b x x 2 , = b x q ; and Ka^, = Ka; 2 = KM, the two circles with radii, Op and Oq, will intersect the corresponding elements Oaq and OM, at the four points, l , ? x , m, and m x of the groin curves. 6°. Nature of the horizontal projections of the groin curves .— Each of those just found is an arc of a spiral of Archimedes (130), for, from the properties of ellipses having an axis in each equal (oc 2 = KK X ) we have, 122 STEREOTOMY. oa 3 : op :: IvX 2 : Ivz 2 ; or, by the substitution of equal terms, n 2 n : m 2 m :: KN : KM. That is, the increments, n 2 n and m 2 m, of the radius vectors, are proportional to the corresponding increments, KN and KM of the arc which marks their angular movement. The pole and the initial line. — O, the given intersection of the radius vectors, is th & pole; and, knowing the character of the curve, find a fourth proportional to jg (= ah') GF (= 2G t K) andj’O (= 50) and lay it off from G to the left , or from F to the right, on the circle OK, and points will be found, where the radii to O will be the initial lines of the spirals, fc x j and gcj, respectively ; and hence, tangent to them at O. The portions of these spirals beyond ^7 and/, and within i and j, as at /CO, being projections of no actual lines of the structure, are called parasites. 7°. The tangentoid system. — Turning to this (3°) for a mo¬ ment, for comparison, suppose that the vertical ellipse, of trans¬ verse axis, gf, and vertical semi-conjugate axis at o 2 , = oc 2 , had been chosen as the curved directrix of the conoid. Then, as o x and o 2 are at equal heights, lines parallel to o x o 2 , as y x y 2 , would give elements ; circular, with radius O y x , through y x on the torus, and straight at y£) on the conoid, which would meet as at y, a point of the curve of intersection of the torus and the new conoid; a curve whose horizontal projection, gyc x , etc., would be an arc of a tangentoid spiral (133). For evidently the increments, as o x y x , y x g, etc., of the radius vectors, are pro¬ portional to the increments, as o 2 y 2 , yyg, etc., of the tangents of the angles made by these radius vectors with Oo 2 as an initial line (134). 8 °. Section and joints of the annular arch. — Let the figure AViV^B be the section of the annular arch. By revolution about the vertical axis at O, this figure, being in the vertical plane on OA, will generate the volume of masonry, covering the annular arch ; and its radial lines, as a x v x , will generate the coursing surfaces, or beds, of the voussoirs. These beds will obviously be conical surfaces, as at N'wajV, all having the ver¬ tical line at O for their common axis. The heads, or transverse joints, as at YZ, are in vertical planes through O. 9°. The joints of the conoidal arch. — The bed surfaces STONE-CUTTING. 123 should, strictly, be normal to the conoidal intrados, along the elements, as MM b which are the coursing joints. They will therefore be hyperbolic-paraboloids (117). But at the highest element, the conoidal surface is develop¬ able along one element, KO, since a horizontal tangent plane will evidently there be tangent all along that element. Hence, the normal surface on KO will also be a plane, and the normal surfaces on elements near KO will therefore be very nearly plane. Hence, the bed surface on NN x may properly be plane. 10°. Construction of the warped bed on MMj. — Assume at V 2 a vertical plane of projection, L/T', perpendicular to MM,; on which MM X is therefore projected in the point m', at the height L 'm' = pa x = b'ix 2 on Vi> Drawing the tangent b x li n , as shown, make MT, tangent at M, equal to x{£", and by project¬ ing T at T', m' T' will be its vertical projection. Then (116) TO will be an element of one generation, and the horizontal trace of the tangent hyperbolic paraboloid, generated by the motion, parallel to H, of MO,upon MT — m'T' and O — L/M'. Hence, mt , m x u, M^, and Ss, are elements of the other gener¬ ation of the same tangent surface ; and m't', m’u', etc., are their vertical projections. Taking, now, a horizontal plane, M'sj, at a height, L/M', equal to v x q x ; perpendiculars m' R( m'r', etc., to m' T', m't', etc., and limited by M'sj, will be those elements of the normal hy¬ perbolic paraboloid, which are the lines MT — m'T', etc., re¬ volved 90° about MM! — m' as an axis (117). Hence, project B/ on MT at R; r' on mt at r, etc., and MwMjR^R will be the horizontal projection of the required normal bed on MM L . The actual limits of this bed are at its intersections mp 2 Q, and wqQx, with the corresponding conical beds, Q q x pm, and Q x m x q, of the annular arch. These are found as follows : As¬ sume any intermediate point P on the joint a x v x , makers" at the height from L/T', equal to P p x , and project r" at r'" on MT; z' at z , on mt; s" at s'", etc., and r'"zs'" will be the intersection of the normal joint on MMj, with the plane r"s"; limited at p 2 by p\p 2 , the corresponding horizontal section of the torus. Therefore, MRQp 2 m is a definite normal joint. MiWqQiRi ia another. 11°. The outer edge, RR^ of the warped bed on MM X is a hy¬ perbola. —This we know from the properties of the normal sur¬ face, since any plane which cuts the intersection of the twc 124 STEBEOTOMY. plane directors cuts the surface in a hyperbola; and as the tan¬ gent hyperbolic paraboloid on MM ls revolves 90° on MMj to become the normal one, its former plane director, of the gener¬ ation MMj, which is Hi becomes a vertical plane, parallel to MM X . The other plane director is perpendicular to MM X . The intersection of the two is thence a vertical line, which accord¬ ingly cuts the horizontal plane M'sj, containing the curve RR l5 which is therefore a hyperbola. Otherwise ; by direct demonstration. The triangles T'L'm' and m'M'R/, and other like pairs, are similar, and give L'T' : Wm' :: L'm' : M'R' Also, Ju't r : M 'm' :: Um': MV whence L'T' X M'R'^:^'^ x MV. That is, MT X MR = mt X ntr. Substituting for MT and mt , the proportionals to them, MO and mO, we have MO X MR = mO X mr ; which may be written, xy = xJy ’; if the curve be referred to OM, and a perpendicular, 00 2 , to it at O, as axes. At the point equidistant from the axes, x’ — y', and putting x'y' — J&, we have xy = Jc' 2 ; which is the equation of the hyperbola , referred to its asymptotes. At the point for example, x= OS, y = S» x . The mean proportional to these is SI — Jc ; whence 2, the vertex, is found, as shown, on the transverse axis, 02, of the curve, which bisects the angle, S00 1? between the asymptotes. This being here a right angle, the hyperbola is of the form called equilateral. 12°. Construction of an approximate plane-normal joint, on NNj. — The point N is symmetrical with X 1? hence the tangent at X x is symmetrical with that at N. Then draw the tangent Ujk. Make Vi tangent to the cylinder DKA at X 1? then X^ (= X 2 K) will be the horizontal projection of this tangent. But b'ik being straight, and oblique to the elements, as K& of the cylinder, will, when wrapped upon the cylinder DKA, be transformed into a helix, whose projection, and that of its tan¬ gent, on Vi, will in the vicinity of Jc, be sensibly WJc produced. Hence, make arc X&" = X : x, project x" on b'{Jc produced, and x"Jc±, will be the true height at which the tangents at X x (bj) and at N, will pierce the plane OK. STONE-CUTTING. 125 This found, take x r v r for the ground line of a new vertical plane V 3 ; project N upon it at the height a 3 n' (= a 3 a 2 ), and x at k x at the height x"h x ; when n’ k x will be the element at N?i f of the tangent hyperbolic paraboloid on NN 4 ; and n'Y' perpendic¬ ular to it, an element of the normal hyperbolic paraboloid on NN X , where v'Y' =vY. Hence, projecting Y' at N 2 (on the tangent at N) N 2 N", parallel to NN X , will be the trace, on the horizontal plane Y'Y" of the top of the annular arch, of the tangent plane at Nw/ to the normal hyperbolic paraboloid ; that is, of the approximate plane joint. In fact, two such planes should have been similarly made; one tangent at the middle point of Nw, for the bed NN 2 N'w ; and one at the middle point of Npq, for the bed N^N". II. The Directing Instruments. — After the previous thorough working up of all the lines and surfaces composing the required structure, these can now be summarily described. Besides Nos. 1 and 2 (7), there should be, for the stone W"Wna 3 qi , for example, — No. 3. The pattern W'Wvq x , of the horizontal plane top. No. 4. The pattern of the cylindrical back, which, to the the right of Q£, is temporary. In No. 4, qfi = q 2 N " 7 ; 5 4 6 == w 1 V / , both in length and direction ; b 4 4 = X 3 6 2 ; 4 5, and 5b 3 are respectively equal to the like spaces on the plan ; and q 3 q 4 = Y x v x . No. 5 is a pattern of the end,YV x v x a ^ in the arch. No. 6 is the development of the conical bed, Q q x pm. The vertex of this cone is found after revolution, at O', the inter¬ section of 00' perpendicular to OA, with v x a x produced. Hence with O' as a centre draw a x m 3 =pm, and v 1 Q 1 = ^ 1 Q; likewise W x =pip 2 , and Q x v x a x m 3 will be the required pattern. No. 7 is the pattern found in the same way as was No. 6 , of the conical bed N'wa 3 w. No. 8 , which could exist only for a plane bed, is the pattern N 5 N 4 4 w, of the plane joint N'^'N'^ ; hence N 4 4 = Y'n’. Nos. 9 and 10, bevels giving respectively the angles VjVcq, and Y a 2 a x , will be useful in determining the relative position of the top, and the conical bed Wva 3 n ; and of this bed and the annular intrados ; both 9 and 10, being held in meridian planes of the torus. No. 11, set to the angle n'Y 1 n", will, in like manner, serve to fix the proper position of N'N" r 4w, relative to the plane top. 126 STEREOTOMY. III. Application. — Choosing a sufficient block, bring it pro¬ visionally to the form of a prism, whose base is 7ia 3 g 2 4, except that the vertical cylindrical face on na need not be wrought. Then, mark the intended top by No. 3, and the back by No. 4. The lines thus given, with the form of the end given by No. 5, will guide the cutting out of the portion Q,tqiq 2 . The lower conical bed can then be directed from the end, and from the vertical surface on Vm, and shaped by No. 6. The upper conical bed will then be determined by No. 9 and No. T. The remaining work is obvious enough, the construction of No. 4 showing the ordinates from the base of the provisional prism in the plane 45 3 to the edges w4 and na 3 . 137. St. Griles 1 Screw. — This term is applied to circular stairs with solid central core, or column, where the surface seen overhead in ascending the stairs is a double-curved helicoidal surface, such as would be generated by the section, AaV'B6, of an annular arch, PI. X., Fig. 73, were it to move so that every point of it should describe a helix about the vertical axis at O ; the course of stones generated by being solid with the core. The coursing surfaces of such an arch would be oblique helicoids, generated by a y v^ etc. ; and the method of cutting of the stone may be sufficiently understood from the cutting of the voussoirs of the oblique arch. Examples. — 1°. Make the full construction of Fig. 73 on the tangentoid system. 2°. Make drawings of a key-stone, extending both ways from ci in each arch. 3°. Also of an inner pier groin stone, as MimiQi. 4°. Construct the plane joints indicated in 12°. 5°. Make the necessary illustrative drawings of the douhle-curved arched cover¬ ing of circular stairs, known as the St. Giles’ screw (137). The coursing joints are oblique helicoids, generated by radii of the semicircle ac^b, Fig. 73. The heading joints are in planes perpendicular to the helix generated by the highest point, C 2 , of the same semicircle. The coursing joints thus generated are not quite normal to the double-curved arch surface, but are nearly enough so. To be perfectly so, they should be generated by normals to that intrados, that is, by lines, not only perpendicular to the tangents to the semicircle, as at its points of division, etc., but also to the tangents to the helices at the same points. The construction would be too laborious, and thence more apt to be inexact. THE END. • I V A. fr c\ 31017 Pi.l 3 Io.S, M- 3¥. ,m o.’’ - »» •jici... -+-i—F-tt-T-^ ; ic- LVi i . -RTF7 •1 \ 3Tol. Vp» “* t%r* -Til —; ry // u / s? / i to 1 7 #n \ B j N 1 1 Mp* 8 ’lTaa | /f°? jr J -Mr j 4 ' i k_U 3 7*U' Y, £* i* : \ 1 \ \ \ TH » \ \ \ \ M \ \ $ \ \ \ \ % * * b \\ \ < S' 0 2 . «i 1 -J - 1 ivL. V--*''"' * J j \JJL. H ! / y "tl'VW WALL & BUTTRESS “1 plate: -band SCv-3: l" \ I pim #■" / «' Am k h' M A A A* /i pi.'vn % * PITS. W or o" w ;J. o" • : ; • ;r ; mi . .. 1 t 1 ! 4' H’ ft ei ’JJtxlO K 1’ L UL IB' iE’ 3) 1 i _' \ \ 1 V ' S ' Vi" \\ D" |° 9 fe'9* CA • .J6SS& .