CA-T^rjoa-TJE / /rrr^fc,. ■) W. MULLER j ^ _ 36 The Settee; and Market Women A J. NEEDHAM. 37 A River Scene, witk bridge ^ '<^6 C. STANFIELD, R.A. 38 The Blind Highland Boy ; and Studies of Figures ^ /■2-- W. L. LEITCH. 39 An Italian Lake Scene /' — 40 Evening ; and A Coast Scene ' 7 V 7 '^ 41 The Flight f ~ 42 In Arran W. S. COLEMAN. 3yV J. A. HOUSTON, R.S.A. / ‘> . 0 - C . f / - /■ /43 Mercury J. CRIST ALL, R.A. C. DUNCAN. 1,44 Queen Mary’s Audience Chamber /3 /V 7 PICTURES. SIR W. FETTES DOUGLAS, P.R.S.A. 45 Head of a Girl ; and Studies of Heads, &c. T. GAINSBOROUGH. 'i 3^ - . 46 A Landscape : Sunset; and Sketch, by Muller 7 ' 2 - I PAUL SOYER. 47 The Reading Lesson /' 2 ~ v J “• 48 The Acolyte j v 2 ^ ^ 49 The Artist’s Daughter (> % O ! t AUGUSTE BONHEUR. 50 A Breton Peasant . '/'v o Presented by the painter .>0 G. F. HARGITT. ^ . 51 The Summit of Goat Fell, Arran T. DUNCAN, R.S.A. 7^- 52 A Man’s Head— a study; and A Girl, in a fur cloak, by W. Boehm 53 Studies of Arabs R. P. BONINGTON. TURNER. ^ 54 La Chaire db Gaegantua SIR W. FETTES DOUGLAS, P.R.S.A. V'2 55 Head of a Girl— oval >< 8 3 ^ a 2 n 3 A/ R. TONGE. 56 A Study of Dock Leaves •^- ■> J. W. BOTTOMLEY. 57 Deer Hounds ; and A Newfoundland Dog s/' 2- J. WOLF. 58 The Woodcock’s Home— circle 'S- A. H. BURR. 59 Queen Henrietta in Captivity fP /O J. FAED, R.S.A. 60 The Brocade q ^ ’ J. LINNELL, Sen. 61 Before the Crucifixion W. ETTY, R.A. 62 Judas /-^ o W. MULREADY, R.A. 63 The Lamb , - ^ Study of the head in the picture of ‘ The Wolf and the Lamb ’ From the Artist's Sale P. F. POOLE, R.A., 1875. 64 Oberon and Titania : The Reconciliation .■ /r > J. PHILLIP, R.A. /} 65 An Old Scotchwoman o i ' v (/ / W. HUNT. i/ ^0 . 1 66 Portrait of Miss Jane Varlet / C K. S. LAUDEK, E.S.A. 67 Peter Denying Christ 2 H. LAZERGES, 1842. 68 The Dead Christ, with the Marys Painted for the private chapel of Louis Philippe -'.2 SIR J. REYNOLDS. 69 Portrait op Miss Cholmondeley L /s!- 2 ., — A- / / /i- ' 3,M' /- 3 The Works of EDWARD HARGITT, R.L WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. 70 On the Banks op Looh Leven; and An Irish Peasant h V /V i 70a Raiding; and Road to the Moor 71 A Cornfield, Basingstoke ^ - /"i 72 A Coast Scene, with Shetland ponies i- 73 A Stream Side, Derbyshire /i 74 The Cragsman’s Daughter,^ ^ ^ V, ' / -2. / 75 Looh Duioh, Rosshire 76 On Rusthall Common 77 SoAPA Bay, Orkney 78 Dovedale, Derbyshire ^ 79 A Quiet Pool ^ 80 Evening 81 Homeward Bound : Evening — sepia 82 Highland Cattle in a Storm— se^ia rf /. / 10 ( 1' '' t- 3 -7 .i' ' 6' t- I / / 83 The Eoad by the Sea— sejp/a ^ ? I 84 Looh Ness *> - ^ 85 A Mountain Stkeamj?^? 86 A Highland Pass ^ j ' ^ 87 A Coast Eoad > - . '■ 88 A Eat of Sunshine-^ 89 A Scotch Lake 90 Near Euffoed, Lancashire i~i /P 91 Carting Seaweed 92 The Eainbow /jk, ^ 93 Scotch Cattle 94 The Blind Peasant - - 95 A Grey Day on the Eiver 96 Deer: Early Morning 97 Fisher Girls Gathering Bait 98 In the Forest, Fontainebleau ' Z '^ 'S 99 A Summer Evening / 100 Startled 101 Shikl House, Head of Loch Duich 1 102 Near Shiel 103 Cattle in the Loch -r 104 Duddingstone Loch - - S 105 Millersdale, Derbyshire .. v./cP 106 Loch Long, Eosshire 107 In the Isle of Arran rA 108 Soldiers Fording a Eiver— sepia cU 109 Arundel Castle, from the Park// v ’’<> 110 The Lake, Arundel Park C -•' - C e- fi i,C€ Ct '\ 4r^C i'\ fr " / ^ r f # • \,ir :S. ✓ f • ^ e/j y, ,, Cra r"- ’*>- l^>/\ n ' ' ' O .'V.' f/ 'L mi Mfiil .. . ... 11 ''f; i'/v c i f /S' 'I ■ /t.-. PICTURES. 111 Salmon Leap, on the Liffey > ^ 112 The Ardgodb Hills, near Ballahulish 113 A Scotch Moos, with peat gatherers • x'Z 114 Driving Home the Flock 115 Cattle Watering / ^ i o 116 Pio DU Midi D’Ossau, Pyrenees Z- 123 The Downs, from Broadwater, Worthing S V ' 124 Off to the Moor j- 125 A Woody Lane, with sheep /, /ly. i.i- 1 h- I -\ 126 127 128 \129 130 131 ^32 133 134 V./^'-135 (P 136 WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. Sundown ^ On the Canal, Eufford / 2- v Cattle Ford —sepia A Grey Morning On the Banks of a Stream j'" Near Inverness : Evening Among the Barley On the Hills near Eydal Water ^ ru On the Loddon at Basing, Hants. / t. ^ Near Innisnadamph, Sutherlandshiro The Black Hill, Isle of Arran I?' --- V I / . ti If/.- 12 .f jtn ’' ' / A f % r> ^ /'* * ■i c C i j /j //' 4 /-? 1. 4 ^ O 137 On the Canal, near Eufford 138 Evening in the North 139 After a Shower 140 A Wild Evening on the Moor 141 A Misty Day in a Deer Forest ^ T 142 Culver Cliff, Isle of Wight - 143 Coming from the Mill - r- 144 Ben Ledi .'Z . ^ a' 145 In the Glen ? 2 S 146 Eire Valley, County Kerry 147 A Hill Stream after Rain n 148 The Highlander’s Home / / ^ 149 Arundel Castle, from the east 150 Evening on the Moor 151 Sunshine and Shower ^ 152 Harvest in the Highlands 153 A Highland Glen 154 Sunlit Waves 155 A Quiet River 156 St. Catherine’s Point, Isle of Wight 157 Maogillicuddy Reeks " 158 Loch Ling, Ross-shire 159 Eridge Park Exhibited at Chicago, 1893 160 The Underoliff near Puckaste'r^Cove, Isle of Wight 161 Caim ne Calliach, Arran - „ ^ 162 In an Enemy’s Land -* 1 -^ V 163 The Underoliff, near Ventnor, Isle of Wight Exhibited at Chicago, 1893 SUiil .t ^ CAJ f c -:< - fat: h r-' V / ! t / ; A /• n cAma * / ftf 164 Cheedale, Derbyshire / 13 PICTURES. / 165 A Bit in Leixlip ; and Leixlip, on the Liffey It' ^ ^ 166 Leixlip, on the Liffey yr^ * 167 A Eiveb Scene, with cows X. “^168 Neab Coeeib, Isle of Arran ^ 169 Ceaiglookhabt, near Edinburgly^ ^ ^ sS- 170 A SuMMEB Aptebnoon aftbe Eain / ^ T 171 On the Bobdees in the Olden Time i h /r 172 Ben Lomond feom the Lake of Menteith : Evening • 173 Lake of Menteith - / I- -- -174 Neab Coebie, Isle of Arran / 175 On the Thames, near Goring . 176 A Beeak in the Weathee 6 dr 178 Looking up Loch Long /o f9 ’ 179 The Black Valley, County Kerry 5;., 180 A Bit of Mooeland ' - y 181 On the Wae Path / f t. * ■ 182 Eetuening feom the Hatfield * 183 On the Thames ^ i» ^ ■ , - 1 1 \1 184 In a Dbee Foeest : Early morning , 2. 185 Tantallon Castle, East Lothian /jLy 186 Hillside Pastuee - ” ^ 187 A Gleam op Sunshine - " ' f 14 o /I 3 ^ '• r. 3^. 3 n.f. ■' • K / ,- /-• / .. / 7 S' o/ iS / /S TP. 188 Neab Steeatlet, Berks, /vy , 189 Near Kilmdn, Argyllskire /s.r'^o Xc. / 190 A Grey Day on the Marsh V 191 A Highland Glen / 194 Isle op Skye, from the mainland v ^ Exhibited at Chicago, 1893 195 Arran, from Cantyre 196 On the Upper Lake, Killarney y tCr 197 A Mountain Stream 198 On the Wye, near Buxton 199 Highland Loch: Evening / o / - f A Tp 200 My Eecollection of the Sheffield Moors 201 The Eoad across the Moor » 202 Moonlight in Midsummer /O' 203 Near Capel Curig, North Wales ^ 204 The Stones op Stennis, Orkney 205 A Summer Evening 206 Sands : Twilight " *' f'y J ^ 207 Cattle on the Eoad '4> L' 208 A French Peasant Girl and Sheep iv-'J C 209 Loch Duich, Eoss-shire / / 210 Looking up the Tay, near Dunkeld /t', tA 211 A Highland Cottage 212 Arundel from the South SS\^S Q %k c ^ tm V< 15 213 A Welsh Stronghold : Harlech Castle 214 Loosoaunagh Lake, County Kerry 215 A Moorland Road i, ^ 216 Peat Gathering in the Highlands 217 An Old English Home 'End of First Days Sale. Second Day’s Sale. On MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1896, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. 220 Miscellaneous Prints, Lithographs, &c. 50 221 After Calame, Decamps, &c.— lithographs 33 222 Le Kepos dans la Prairie ; Fenaison ; &c., after Kosa Bonheur— lithographs 16 223 After Kosa Bonheur— lithographs 18 224 Lithographs, after E. P. Bonington, J. Nash, J. D. Harding, G. Cattermole, &c.— in a folio, half calf 39 DRAWINGS AND STUDIES IN WATER-COLOURS. EDWAED HAEGITT, E.I. 225 Studies op Landscape ; &c. 100 226 Studies op Landscapes in Scotland 20 227 Studies op Landscapes 80 228 Niton ; and Other Studies in the Isle of Wight 26 17 229 Sketches in Orkney; Shetland; &c. 75 231 Sketches in Scotland— pencil 150 232 Studies of English Landscape 27 233 Studies of English and Scotch La.ndscape 30 234 Near Portobello ; and other Studies ’ 16 235 Studies of Landscape and Figures, Fontainebleau 36 236 Landscapes, with cattle and figures— sepia ; &c. 28 237 The Canongate; and other Studies— pencil 23 238 Figures, in pencil and colour 10 239 Studies of Figures and Landscapes in France and Spain 52 210 Landscapes, &c., in Scotland 60 241 Landscapes and Studies in Wales 80 242 English Landscape Studies— pencil about 150 243 Studies of Landscapes 27 244 English and Scotch Landscape Studies 50 245 Studies at Hastings 26 216 Studies of Landscapes in Ireland 40 247 Studies of Figures ; Deer ; &c. 60 248 EiiNNouLL Hill; &c. 27 249 Studies of Horses 250 Studies of Sheep and Goats 57 251 Studies op Landscapes, Animals, &c. (Scotland) 50 252 Studies op Cattle about 70 253 Studies of Poultry, Dogs, &c. 62 254 Studies of Horses, Donkeys and Mules 66 c W 18 255 Studies op Cows 75 256 Studies of Animals and Birds 14 257 Studies of Cows, Sheep, &c. 16 258 Studies op Trees and Plants 70 259 Ditto, ditto 25 260 Ditto, ditto 70 261 Ditto, ditto 35 262 Landscapes, Cattle, Figures, &c. 40 263 On the Spanish Frontier 40 264 Peiranerre, Pyrenees 15 265 Port de Yeneve, Pyrenees 23 266 A Cottage at Pau; &c. 18 267 Pyrenees; Pan; &c. 16 268 Pic du Midi; &c. 12 269 Studies of Landscapes 28 270 Ditto, ditto 26 271 Sketches of Costumes 13 272 Studies op Skies 32 273 Studies of Skies : Day and night effects 100 274 Sketches of Skies 100 275 Studies op Skies: Evening effect 46 276 Studies op Boats and Shipping SO 277 Studies of Figures and Landscapes 160 278 Poultry and Sheep Studies 60 279 Scotch; and other Figure Studies 120 280 Zoological Studies 42 281 Sketches of Land and Water 35 282 In Arundel Park; and other Studies 11 283 Studies of Landscapes and Figures 72 284 Studies op Landscapes— in oil 86 285 Studies at Hastings; &c. 7 286 At Ventnoe ; SLanklin; Boncliurch ; &c, 16 287 Broadwater ; Rusthall Common; &c. 16 288 Broadwater ; &c. 20 289 Harlech ; &c. 9 290 Beeston Castle, Cheshire; &c. 14 291 Nithersdale ; Millersdale ; &c. 10 292 Haddon Hall ; &c, 6 293 Hastings ; &c. 7 294 Hoylake ; Morton ; &c. ^ 295 Bridge Park ; &e. 9 296 Studies op Landscape in England and Wales— pencil, about 70 297 Cottages by the Sea 3 298 A CORNPIELD ; &c. 3 299 Studies op Eocks ; &c. 3 300 Beneath the Clipps ; &c. 3 301 Barley Field ; Fording Cattle; &c. 3 302 Moreton, Cheshire; &c. ^ 303 Tunbridge Wells; Groombridge; &c. 3 304 Groombridge Place ; &c. 3 305 PooK Hill; &c. 3 q 306 In Derbyshire; &c. 307 Rusthall Common ; Bridge Park ; &c. 3 q 308 Poole Harbour; &c. ^ 809 The Day is Done; &c. 3 310 Shanklin; &c. ^ 311 In Derbyshire; &c. ^ 20 312 Matlock, Bath ; &c. 8 313 Basingstoke ; &c. 3 314 Culver Cliffs, Isle of Wight ; &c. 3 315 Watching the Lifeboat; &c. 3 316 Barton Locks, on the Irwell 3 317 Bradinq Haven, Isle of Wight 3 318 Chee-Tor ; &c. 6 319 Hastings ; Monksdale ; &c. 6 320 Conway Castle; &c. 6 321 On the Tyne ; Dysart; &c. 5 SCOTLAND, 322 Letterfeaen, Eoss-shire; &c, 3 323 Loch Ling, Eoss-shire; &c. 3 824 Glen Shiel ; Loch Duich ; &c, 3 325 Burning Kelp, Orkney; &c. 3 326 Near Lerwick, Shetland 3 327 Glenelg ; Skye in the distance ; &€. 3 328 Cattle Attacked by Wolves; &c. 3 329 On the Spean, &c. 3 330 The Eaiders; &c, 3 831 Kirkwall, Orkney 3 332 Near Balmagarra ; (See. 3 333 Shetland Ponies on the Shore; &c. 3 334 The Bar of Bressay ;