THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 A CATALOGUE RAI SONNE OF THE WORKS OF THE MOST EMINENT % REPRINTED FOR SANDS AND COMPANY, LONDON AND EDINBURGH: MCMVIII. This Edition is limited to 1250 Copies. £e*W Oo W vm.x '. j M . Smith' del} From aPictuTe m the Coll ecUon of Lord Levison Gower A CATALOGUE RAISONNE OP THE WORKS OF THE MOST EMINENT DUTCH, FLEMISH, AND FRENCH PAINTERS ; En fofntfj is mcIutieU a sfjort fttograpfjtcal Notice of tfje Artists, WITH A COPIOUS DESCRIPTION OF THEIR PRINCIPAL PICTURES; A STATEMENT OF THE PRICES AT WHICH SUCH PICTURES HAVE BEEN SOLD AT PUBLIC SALES ON THE CONTINENT AND IN ENGLAND ; A REFERENCE TO THE GALLERIES AND PRIVATE COLLECTIONS, IN WHICH A LARGE PORTION ARE AT PRESENT ; AND THE NAMES OF THE ARTISTS BY WHOM THEY HAVE BEEN ENGRAVED ; TO WHICH IS ADDED, A BRIEF NOTICE OF THE SCHOLARS & IMITATORS OF THE GREAT MASTERS OF THE ABOVE SCHOOLS : BY JOHN SMITH, DEALER IN PICTURES, LATE OF G RE AT MARLBOROUGH STREET. PART THE FIRST. Hontron : PUBLISHED BY SMITH A.ND SON, 137, NEW BONO STREET. MDCCCXXIX. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY JAMES SKINNER & CO., 27 THISTLE STREET. GE1TV CENTER LIBRARY TO THE RIGHT HON. ROBERT PEEL, &C. &C. &C. Sir, The natural suggestions of grati- tude prompted me to inscribe this Book to you ; not from the vanity of supposing it to contain any literary merit, but from a belief that the contents, and the motives that induced me to compile it, would be found deserving of your approbation, and that I might attest, by the dedication of a work that has cost me much labour and application, the obligations I am under to one of the greatest patrons of the Fine Arts of the present day. vi DEDICATION. The permission you so kindly gave, to place your name at the head of it, is an honour most gratifying to my feelings, and marks, by the condescending kindness with which it was communicated, your approbation of my conduct as a Tradesman during the twenty years I have been employed in your service ; — of which 1 feel deeply sensible. The primary object, Sir, of the work is, to convey such information to amateurs of Pictorial Art as may prevent, in a great measure, the success of the frauds and impositions too much practised, and to enable them to pursue the objects of their taste with more certainty of attainment than hitherto ; to unmask the means used for deception, and to obtain for the honest Tradesman in works of Art, their confidence, and the reward due to his knowledge and integrity. These intentions, Sir, I feel persuaded will meet with your approbation and support. If I might presume to adduce other motives that influenced me to address the result of my observations and labours to your protection, they would be the superior judgment you possess in the matters to which the work refers, and the generous feeling you have manifested, on all occasions, for the encouragement of the Fine Arts : the proofs are to be found not more DEDICATION. vii in the select and valuable collection of Dutch and Flemish Pictures that adorns your Gallery, than in the choice examples of the talents of living Native Artists whose works will be lasting memorials of the taste and liberality of the Collector. With unfeigned respect, and grateful acknowledgment of your uniform kindness, I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient, and very obliged Servant, JOHN SMITH. INTRODUCTION. THE present work was commenced rather as an amusement, and for the gratification of the writers curiosity, than with any intention of presenting it to the public : subsequent circumstances, however, have afforded so many favourable opportunities of advan- tageously increasing it, that he is induced to believe it may be acceptable to those who feel interested in the support of the Fine Arts. Impressed with this opinion, he has ventured to sub- mit his observations to the public ; in doing which, he is fully sensible that the work has no claim to general notice as a literary production, or as an entertaining compilation. Its chief merit consists in the quantity of information, collected with a practical knowledge of the subject, and the persevering assiduity by which such knowledge was obtained. The possessors of pictures of the first class will find many of them recorded in this work, with a reference to the catalogues of the celebrated collections through which they have passed. Those who are forming cabinets, will receive such useful information as may spare them considerable trouble, and, occasionally, much vexatious disappointment. The author is not so presumptuous as to suppose that these volumes will be, in all cases, certain guides to a correct knowledge, either as to the originality or the X INTRODUCTION. value of a picture ; such knowledge can only be ac- quired by many years of study, and great experience in the commerce of pictures of the first class ; by continual and close examination ; and by a careful comparison of the works of each master. This application should be accompanied by a natural taste for, and an enthusiastic love of the art, without which all acquired knowledge will scarcely extend beyond that of the mere trader, whose admiration of a picture is according to the cele- brity of the master, and who regards it for the time being only as an article of commerce in demand, and by which he is likely to realise a profit. There are always to be found numerous self-styled connoisseurs, who have great success in the selling of pictures, but who, having neither esteem for the art nor regard to their own reputation, make no scruple to take advantage of the inexperience, and to impose on the credulity, of purchasers. Some instances of such misconduct have been exposed and punished ; it would be well for the respectable part of the profession if this were more frequently done ; and, in the end, the fair dealer would receive the confidence and encouragement due to his honest exertions. Those whose business is the purchase and sale of works of art, and who are stimulated in the pursuit by feelings superior to the mere expectation of gain, must be incited by a desire to distinguish themselves in their profession by a correct knowledge of the principles of Painting, not confined to the capabilhVv of discriminating the hand of the different masters, and the value of their works, but by that erudition in art which will enable them to judge of the various degrees of excellence in the INTRODUCTION. xi several branches of it which each eminent master pos- sesses exclusively ; for no artist has ever yet united in his works all the requisites that constitute perfection. The same master, at different periods of his life, has produced pictures not only dissimilar to his generally recognised style, but also as belonging to a totally dis- tinct branch of the art. Few, however, have done this successfully : Berghem painted historical subjects, so did Karil du Jardin, Adrian Vandervelde, and Cuyp, but their pictures in this line are of comparatively little value. Masters have also changed their manner of painting, and have varied the predominant tones of colour in their pictures from black to brown, and lastly to gray, or vice versa ; similar variations occur in their execution, from the most laboured and exquisite finishing to the greatest freedom and masterly effect. These transitions have not always been for the better ; but they call for the study of those who would become connoisseurs, and require much practical experience to distinguish them. There is, perhaps, less merit in ascertaining the hand of a master and the originality of a picture, than in know- ing whether it is of the painter's best and most esteemed time, or how nearly it approximates to that period. It is a very important object to investigate the con- dition of a picture, in order to discover whether it be pure and free from injury, or what is called restoration. The unfortunate propensity of some collectors to clean their own pictures, and the imprudence of others in trusting to ignorant and adventurous picture cleaners, have occasioned the destruction of many gems of art. The result of an effectual cleaning by such injudicious xii INTRODUCTION. persons is, that coldness and crudity pervade the picture, instead of those sweet and harmonizing tones which the softening pencil of time produces, by blending the various tints, and covering, as with a veil, the imperfections of newness, which, by this imprudent system, are exposed to view ; and a picture of one or two hundred years' exist- ence is made to show the freshness of a work of yesterday. There are some collectors, well known in the circle of connoisseurs, who cannot endure the sight of the smallest grain of dirt, or the slightest tinge of yellow varnish upon a picture ; to remove these, the painting must undergo an operation by which, even in skilful hands, it is exposed to injury, and may lose many of its precious tints or tender glazings, although the injury be not perceptible to the unpractised eye. Many hun- dred pictures have been deteriorated by this barbarous practice, and many thousands of pounds, in their in- trinsic value, have been heedlessly sacrificed by the unwary proprietors. It is not meant to be said, that " pictures are never to be cleaned," for their preservation depends on judicious cleaning. If they be neglected for many years, and are exposed to a powerful light, to the heat of the sun, or to a moist atmosphere, the varnish, which protects the painting, will decompose, and the colour, thus unprotected, will perish, unless the old corroded in- crustation be carefully removed, and fresh varnish applied. Accumulated varnish, and with it oftentimes dust and dirt, particularly in the atmosphere of large cities, will, in a few years, if not frequently wiped, so obscure a picture, that its beauties will be concealed ; damp INTRODUCTION. xiii walls also injure paintings most seriously, by causing them to crack and scale off : these last evils may often be remedied by lining, an operation which is now brought to great perfection, and which has proved the salvation of numerous works of art. In reference to this operation of lining, it may here be proper to ob- serve, that great skill and prudence are required in its execution, otherwise a fine picture may be so pressed, in order to obtain a glassy surface, so as to destroy, in a measure, the spirited touch of the Painter. In all cases, pictures should be placed in the hands of those only who have given ample proofs of their carefulness, and their ability to clean and restore them. The desire which the writer has always felt, that the commerce in works of art should, be conducted on fair and honourable terms, accompanied by a sincere respect and esteem for amateurs, and becoming zeal in support of those dealers who purchase, at large prices, geauine and fine pictures, induces him to give a brief statement of the dangers to which collectors are exposed, in the hope that timely caution may prevent many from be- coming the victims of such knavery. In doing this, it is more than probable that he will give offence to some persons who may suppose that they are alluded to ; no one, perhaps, will be hardy enough openly to avow his displeasure ; and if a little shock be given to the feelings of such persons, by an exposition of their practices, he will scarcely regret it, while he is consoled with the reflection that he is rendering a service to the real friends of art. In exhibiting the various deceptions and manoeuvres of designing dealers, it will be proper to commence xiv INTRODUCTION. with that which is most common ; namely, placing the name of a first-rate master upon a picture by an imi- tator, or on a copy, which is frequently disguised by dirt and varnish, &c. ; but a copy (if modern) maybe easily detected by its newness, as, on being pressed by the nail, the colour will be found to be still soft. These fabrica- tors disguise a copy by dirt and varnish, using especial care to have it painted upon an old canvas or panel, to which seals and other documents are attached at the back, so that unguarded purchasers are often deceived by apparently the most authentic evidences of origin- ality. Amateurs are frequently invited to look at cases of pictures, which are said to be just arrived from the Continent. This invitation is accompanied by a plaus- ible history of the collection, from whence they are said to be derived ; perhaps that of " some ancient family in Italy or Holland." There assurances are occasionally strengthened by invoices, letters, and other corroborative documents ; thus suspicion is so lulled, that the gentleman intended to be duped readily accompanies the agent (for principals are rarely seen in these matters) to the custom house, or wareroom, where he sees the foreign case opened ; is full of confidence and buys a Van Stry for a Cuyp ; a Begyn for a Berghem or Both ; and a Camphuysen for a Paul Potter ; or the works of any other imitator or analogous painter, for those of the first-rate masters ! Another artful method, which frequently misleads amateurs, is a plausible tale or history of a picture, accompanied by high encomiums of its excellence and value ; this is followed by the demand of an enormous price, which is lowered gradually, until the wary dealer INTRODUCTION. XV catches at an offer, which he, with some specious excuse and apparent difficulty, accepts, although it be but a third, or even a quarter, of the sum asked ; and the purchaser ultimately discovers that he has bought a copy, or an imitation, instead of an original picture ; and that a painting, for which he has given five or six hundred pounds, is barely worth one hundred. Another scheme is, to place pictures in an auction, and to run them up to large sums, in order to give them a fictitious value, with the hope of entrapping some unwary bidder ; should this fail, the picture is after- wards put up at some other auction, with an observa- tion that it was formerly sold for the sum at which it had been knocked down at a previous sale, and the sacrifice of half, or two-thirds, of that apparent purchase- money, is perhaps an inducement to an unsuspecting spectator to bid, and to become the unfortunate buyer. Gentlemen are frequently beguiled to purchase a pic- ture which is stated to be by some first-rate master, and is partly confirmed as such, by having been in some distinguished collection, and as having been exhibited in the British Gallery ; nay, more, engraved : still the picture is a mere copy, or a good imitation, at best. The writer could point out pictures of this sort, which, having passed through his hands with the name of the artist upon them, have afterwards been sold and exhibited under a different appellation ; of course, one of higher request in the market. Another plan, very extensively practised by certain dealers, and by which one or two apparently knowing ones have been duped, as well as less cautious gentle- men who do not buy with a view to profit, is, the XVI INTRODUCTION. placing of old, or purposely dirtied pictures, at brokers 7 , or old clothes' and other shops, where the venders appear to know nothing whatever about them ; but they tell some simple story of having bought them at an " old Mansion in the Country;" or, of " an antiquated lady, in whose family they are said to have been for the last two centuries." A tale of this description, related in a plain and seemingly artless manner, is listened to with avidity by many, who would show less credulity if treating with one whom they supposed conversant with the value of pictures. The purchaser imagines that he is buying a great bargain of a poor ignorant man, but ultimately discovers which has been the dupe ; but those who are so duped have scarcely a right to complain, for it is well known that some that have bought sad trash in this way, will not buy of one whom they know to be well acquainted with the value of works of art, as supposing that they cannot obtain a bargain. To guard against the above impositions, and others equally mortifying, the writer would recommend ama- teurs, previously to purchasing pictures of value, to obtain the opinion of some one conversant with works of art, whom they may safely consult, or to apply to a Dealer of acknowledged respectability. The writer strongly recommends these precautions, as the best means of avoiding imposition, and of preventing that disgust which gentlemen invariably feel on discovering that they have been duped, by the purchase of copies instead of the originals ; a disgust so powerful, that many, in the warmth of their just displeasure, have sold off their pictures, and turned away for ever from the delightful pursuits of collecting works of art. To pre- INTRODUCTION. xvii vent such results in future, to rescue the respectable part of the profession from the disgrace of being classed with fraudulent charlatans, and to prevent, as much as possible, the loss which the arts must suffer when ama- teurs cease to purchase, the writer has ventured to point out some of the most prominent tricks of those who disgrace the commerce of pictures. Before closing this unpleasant subject, it may not be considered altogether inappropriate to glance at a system of dealing, in which a certain class of pictures is found to be a most convenient medium, on account of their indefinite value : the writer alludes to the traffic of bill discounting, and the purchase of post obits. The necessitous applicants to these unmerciful and ruinous accommodaters, are usually compelled to take a third, and sometimes one-half, the amount of their bonds, or bills, in pictures, which, of course, are ascribed to the best masters, and valued accordingly at enormous prices. By this nefarious practice some have enriched them- selves, and are now living in affluence. An instance of this sort of dealing occurred very lately, in which a collection of pictures, valued to the needy gentleman at £.5000, did not net at auction £.500 ! An Amateur of Paintings usually commences by the purchase of examples of little value, and, as his taste improves, he discovers their defects, and changes them for better, which, in their turn, if his fortune will allow it, give place to others by the best masters ; ultimately, the choicest works are sought after and selected to compose his Cabinet. The following hints, therefore, on this subject, are vol. [. b xviii INTRODUCTION. submitted for the reader's consideration, and, perhaps, will not be deemed misplaced. In general, an artist has several manners of painting, which, in terms of the art, are usually confined to three. The first partakes of the school in which the Painter received his early instruction ; his style at this period is commonly neat and careful, finished with a servile imi- tation of the manner of his master, and an observance of the minutiae of objects ; a gradual advance leads to a second manner, which, being the result of more expe- rienced study, is considered the best period ; the third proceeds from long practice, by which great facility of handling and execution are acquired, and this is often attended by negligence in drawing, and a dependence upon the memory for a recollection of objects, instead of consulting nature ; and the artist not unfrequently degenerates into what is termed mannerism. Painters not only have what is called their best time, but they have also successful moments, in which they surpass their general productions, either in subject, composition, expression, colour, or effect ; so that some- times a felicitous union of all these grand desiderata is attained, as will be exemplified in the copious Catalogue of Original Pictures, which is the main object of this work. Pictures of this kind are rarely found in the market, and when they do appear for sale, are readily purchased by the real connoisseur, at very liberal prices. Some painters, whose works in general are but little esteemed, and whose names even are almost unknown in commerce, have occasionally produced pictures equal to those of acknowledged first-rate masters ; such INTRODUCTION. xix instances will be found noticed in this work, and they would more frequently occur, did not interested motives induce the removal of their names and the substitution of others, as it has been before stated. It is worthy of observation, that Pictures of the first class of the Dutch and Flemish Schools have constantly increased in value, and even in the public sales have not fluctuated in price more than ten or fifteen per cent, (that is, when such sales have been honourably conducted, and no undue influence or combination taken place) : but this steadiness in price is by no means the case with second-class pictures, or those of the doubtful kind; the latter will occasionally vary, from thirty to fifty per cent. The same remarks are not applicable to pictures of the Italian schools, which are exceedingly uncertain in their marketable value : they have been known to fluctuate from fifty to five hundred per cent. This arises from several cir- cumstances, namely, the questionable originality of the pictures, the absence of buyers of Italian works, or a combination between two or more persons to buy, or an agreement not to bid against each other. This system of uniting is not confined to the trade ; for gentlemen have been known to agree for the same object.* These combinations are most injurious to the value of property, * It is but fair to notice, that the stigma of Picture Dealer has not prevented some gentlemen from engaging very largely in the commerce ; and such have not scrupled to use as much intrigue and artifice as any designing dealers, although it may have been in a different manner ; and many, from the peculiar advantages they possess, have made it a profitable speculation. XX INTRODUCTION. when offered for sale, and often reduces the amount to half of what it otherwise would have been. It may be observed, that pictures sell much higher at a sale when sanctioned by the name of a distinguished proprietor, or as being from some celebrated collection. The Purchaser then buys with confidence, and bids with spirit, not to say with judgment, for if this were the case, good pictures would sell equally well under any circumstances : but here the want of knowledge is appa- rent ; for these soi-disant connoisseurs, who give high prices under such circumstances, would hardly be pre- vailed on to buy the same pictures at half the sum, without such recommendations. It must, however, be owned, that there are times when works of art suffer a great depression, from various local or political causes. This was the case in England in the years 1814, 1815, and 1816, when first-rate pictures were sold at a great depreciation/" The numerous works already published upon pictorial art, render critical dissertation unnecessary ; nor is it possible to lay down rules that will enable every one to acquire the knowledge necessary to constitute a connois- seur. For the best information upon this subject, the reader may be referred to Richardson's excellent Trea- tise on Art ; Sir Joshua Reynolds Tour in Flanders ; and to the late Mr. Fuseli's admirable Discourses on Art. * There is a curious circumstance mentioned by M. Gault, in his Guide des Amateurs: "A capital collection of pictures was sold at Paris on the 28th of March 1814, and two following days; on the second day of the sale, the Allies arrived before Paris, yet the sale continued, with very little diminution of prices." INTRODUCTION. xxl Dictionaries of the Lives of the Painters are already sufficiently numerous, and answer their purpose as books of reference, though none of them are perfect ; * but there is no work, in the English Language, similar to the present. The memoranda from which this work is composed, are the results of the observation of many years collect- ing, in France, Holland, Germany, and England. Ex- amples of the works of the most esteemed masters of the Dutch, Flemish, and French Schools will be found cited, from all the public and private collections in those countries. It will be observed, that much genuine information has been derived from the Dutch and French sale cata- logues of pictures ; and here the author desires to render justice to the talents of their writers, as well for their perspicuity and intelligence, as the correctness and veracity with which they are generally written. The detailed descriptions which they give of pictures are sufficient, in most instances, to enable the reader to recognise them, and reasonable confidence may be placed in the encomiums bestowed upon their merits. In Holland, the catalogues are written under the direction of several persons conversant in the arts, and signed by them, to attest their correctness. In France, until very lately, the director of a sale was equally scrupulous in assigning the several pictures to * Bryan's Dictionary is decidedly the best, as, in addition to the lives of the painters and a list of their etchings, it contains a bio- graphy of the engravers and their principal works, with the ciphers, monograms, and marks generally used by them. xxii INTRODUCTION. the true painters, as any attempt to the contrary would have been exposed, and a stigma cast upon the judg- ment of the writer ; in cases of doubt, the picture was classed under the head Attribue. The ancient Dutch, Flemish, and French collections were composed (with few exceptions) of pictures painted by the first-rate masters ; and, in several of the Dutch cabinets, the very choicest only of their works were admitted : the Linden, Van Slingelandt, Lubbeling, Lormier, Bisschop, d'Acosta, Van Heteren, Bicker, Van Zwieten, Van Wassenaar, Cauwerwen, Verhulst, Van Winter, Robyn, Braamcamp, De Smeth, Gelder- meester, Van Leyden, the Countess de Verrue, Randon de Boisset, Gaillard de Gagnat, Blondel de Gagny, Choiseul, and Praslin, may be adduced as instances. The present work is confined to the first-rate and most esteemed masters only of the several schools already noticed ; those of the second class are men- tioned incidentally, as imitators, or analogous painters. The introduction of a work exclusively confined to the arts, affords an opportunity to the writer to indulge in a few observations, upon the state and progress of painting in this country, and of its importance in a political view ; and although this subject has already attracted the notice of several able writers, yet it will still admit of being revived and reconsidered, and the more frequently this is done, the more correctly will the true weight and measure of its utility be ascer- tained. England may be considered as the last among civilised nations that has encouraged the arts, by fostering I INTRODUCTION. xxiii native talent, and establishing a national gallery. Taste and genius for the fine arts in this country had long lain dormant, and the development of native power is modern, compared with that of Italy, Holland, or Spain. The causes of this tardiness were not those assigned by Winkelman, " the cold humidity of the country, and the consequent phlegmatic dulness of its inhabitants/' for such aspersions have long since been proved unjust ; and it must be obvious to every one who has paid attention to the progress of the arts, that the knowledge and admiration of them have increased in proportion to the dissemination of learning, and the accumulation of wealth. Never was more liberal en- couragement given by individuals to native talent, than at the present period ; and in no country have artists ever possessed greater opportunities for study and improvement, than of late years have been offered to those of our own country. The galleries of the rich have been thrown open for their inspection, and a selection of the choicest pictures, from them and private collections, have been annually exhibited ; in addition to this, a number of excellent pictures have been lent, by the proprietors, for the students to copy, 4 '" and it is a pleasure to add that the progress has been commensurate. That such has been the case, must be obvious to every * It will readily be allowed, that the literary productions of learned men are of inestimable value to rising generations, as works of instruction and example ; of equal utility and importance are pictures, by eminent masters, to students and artists, in the progress of their profession ; and a patron cannot more effectually serve a young man of genius, in the study of the arts, than by repeatedly placing before him the productions of distinguished painters. Xxiv INTRODUCTION. man of taste and j ud gment, and proves the fallacy of the opinion hazarded by Winkelman and others, respecting the effect of climate on the genius and capabilities of English artists practising in their own country. For these important benefits to the arts, the best thanks of the country are due to those noblemen and gentlemen who founded, under the patronage of His Majesty, The British Gallery, and under whose generous aus- pices pictorial art has been fostered, and raised to the highly-flourishing state in which it now is ; and but for whose patronage many artists of merit would have been lost in obscurity and indigence. England can now boast of possessing productions of native talent superior, in many branches of the art, to other civilised nations ; for, among modern painters, where will be found the parallel of Reynolds, whose powerful genius raised the art from obscurity to a splendour which it had never before attained in this country % To his distinguished name may be added those of a Barry, a Wilson, a Gainsborough, and the in- comparable Hogarth. These are worthily succeeded by others now living, whose names will immortalise the epoch of this illustrious reign. Farther progress, it is still fondly hoped, will be made, by the talents and exertions of rising students, who have so many and excellent examples before them. Let the genius of historic painting receive the foster- ing aid of national liberality, seconded by munificent patrons, and it will, doubtless, gradually expand, and ultimately attain the same splendour that adorned, and still distinguishes the pontificates of Julius II., Leo X., and the governments of Ferdinand and Albert, of INTRODUCTION. XXV Belgium. It has already shown itself in many ex- cellent and highly promising productions, but it has yet vast efforts to make, before it reaches the glorious excellence of Raffaelle and Michael Angelo, or the lesser glories of the Caracci, Correggio, Titian, and other distinguished names of Italy. Historic painting is acknowledged to be the highest and noblest branch of the art, yet the difficulties op- posed to its attainment appear to be too often over- looked, or not sufficiently understood ; but it should be known, that the half of life is required to prepare the painter with the necessary knowledge and material, during which long period the artist must toil day and night, silently, and, it may be, totally unknown. Should he reflect, during his arduous studies, upon his future prospects, as to what are the rewards and honours that await him, and what are his hopes of support, beyond the casual and uncertain orders of private individuals — sources of support much too feeble and uncertain, to keep alive the necessary energies of mind, and to do justice to the merits of a first-rate historical painter. And what are the honours that await him ? Perhaps an academical wreath ; a poor encouragement to struggling genius, when the same reward may be obtained by the production of a few good portraits, and the suffrages of R.A.'s, too often acquired by obsequious solicitations. Let the munifi- cent encouragement of the French government be kept in mind ; the rewards and honours it has bestowed upon artists in this branch, from the time of Louis XIII. to the present day, and more particularly under the reign of Napoleon, who well knew the value of great XXVI INTRODUCTION. painters, as being one of the most effectual means of immortalising himself and his epoch. Good policy would justify the British government in extending a similar liberality towards the encourage- ment of native talent in painting and sculpture. The glory and wealth of a country are mainly advanced by them — their importance and utility are incalculable ; for out of materials of little value, the artist creates an article of great interest and worth. 4 " A single picture, even in modern times, has paid half the contribution of a city.t In the Augustan age of the arts, a picture was esteemed a gift as valuable as could be presented, and no honour was thought too great for the artist. Kings, emperors, and popes, have given and received them as the most highly-esteemed presents. Would it be derogatory to a sovereign to present to foreign noble- men and ambassadors the choicest productions of British artists, instead of costly and useless snuff boxes, however splendidly adorned with diamonds and other gems % The adoption of such presents would, indeed, be a substantial resource, well calculated to excite a laudable emulation in the breast of every artist. A small collection of pictures, saved from the wreck of a revolution, has been sufficient to support the unfortunate refugee in exile. It would be highly curious and interesting, if it were * Vide Richardson on Painting. t The writer has been informed, that when the French took Turin, during the reign of Napoleon, a large sum was levied on the city, and a picture, by Gerard Dow, representing La Femme Hydropique, was taken at half a million of francs, in part pay- ment of the contribution. I INTRODUCTION. XXvii possible to ascertain the value of the numerous collec- tions of pictures which were broken up and dispersed during the war on the continent, the chief part of which, with numerous isolated pictures, have since been imported to England. The proceeds of these sales must have been a source of immense wealth to the proprietors, and, consequently, to the countries in which they were sold. Should not considerations of this nature influence a government to award annual bounties to distinguished artists, whose works would not only adorn the present age, but also be a store of wealth to future genera- tions ? OBSERVATIONS. The numerous difficulties which the writer has had to con- tend with, in the compilation of the present Work, have fre- quently induced him to relinquish the idea of offering it to the public. It has now grown to such a magnitude, that whatever inclination he might have to publish his observations, it would be folly for him, as an individual, to encounter the expense, with the great uncertainty of remuneration, without first ascer- taining the sort of reception the work is likely to receive from the public ; with this view he puts forth the first part, trusting that, with all its defects, it will be found to contain much interesting and valuable information. The difficulties alluded to, have chierly arisen from the im- possibility of identifying Pictures, in some catalogues, where xxviii OBSERVATIONS. the sizes and descriptions are so nearly similar, and in others so defective and unintelligible, that when the pictures were not known by the writer, he had no remedy but the one he has adopted, which is, to note them several times, rather than determine upon an uncertainty. This re-duplication of entries principally occurs in extracts from English catalogues. The reader is also informed, that where the size of Pictures have the guess word about added, those descriptions are some- times written from recollection, and consequently may be im- perfect. Again, many defects must unavoidably occur from the inaccuracies of the measurements, and the variations of the scale of measures according to the country in which the cata- logue has been made, whether French, Dutch, or German ; these vary from each other, and all of them from the English. The old French foot is 12 f inches English. The old Dutch or Rynland foot is 12J inches full English. The Amsterdam foot is 12| inches English. The Bavarian and Saxon foot is about 12 J inches English. The Vienna foot is about 12f inches English. The French have occasionally used the mUre of 240 parts to a foot, and the Dutch have recently given their measures in palms and fractional parts, the foot being divided into 320 metres; the inch being f full English; the palm 3 \ T V, and the aune or elle, 3 feet 3h inches. Discrepancies of sizes will also occur from accidents, and the caprice of the owners of Pictures, in having them enlarged or diminished ; these alterations very frequently happen, as well to those on panel as on canvas. With reference to prices : — the sums for which each Picture has been sold, is entered in the currency of the country where the sale took place, and the reduction into English value made upon a general scale : for instance, the rate of exchange in France is calculated at 25 francs for a pound sterling ; this is probably too high for a general scale, as it has been as low as 20, and even 16 J upon England. The rate of exchange in Holland, is calculated on an average OBSERVATIONS. Xxix of 1 1 florins ; this is perhaps taken at too low a rate, but it has happened that the writer has received no more than that sum for a pound sterling, and it has, in unfavourable times, been even less; so that with the addition of 7 J per cent. opgelt, which purchasers are compelled to pay upon the general amount of their lots, and the incidental expenses attending sales, this valuation will not be found very far from the mark : but in these inquiries, those who wish to be quite accurate, can calculate for themselves. It sometimes happens that Pictures suffer alteration, objec- tionable parts are expunged, or additions made, either by the introduction of figures, animals, or inanimate objects, according to the conceit of the owner, or the presumption of the artist who may happen to be engaged to clean and restore them. It may be proper to observe, that Prints do not always correctly correspond with the Pictures from which they are taken : the engraver will frequently leave out parts, make additions, or alter, as may best assist the effect of the Print, or suit the caprice of himself or of others. The relative proportions are also very frequently changed. When describing a Picture, the writer has considered the right and left of it to be the reverse to the hands of the spectators ; but this rule will be found so frequently falsified, arising from the incorrectness of the writers of catalogues, and the various descriptions taken from old Prints, that it must not be depended upon as a certain guide. Before concluding the introduction, the author begs par- ticularly to observe, that he has scrupulously abstained from observations upon Pictures which might tend to injure their value, and thereby occasion a loss to the individual holders of them ; but he does not feel that the same forbearance is necessary with respect to Pictures in public galleries ; the latter are open to fair criticism, and the writer has not hesitated to make remarks upon them whenever he thought they would conduce to the information of the amateur. To conclude ; he feels that he would be guilty of a serious XXX OBSERVATIONS. omission, were he to fail in acknowledging, with sincere thanks the ready assistance he has received in compiling the present work, from every gentleman to whom he has had occasion to apply : the same thanks are also due to several of the most eminent in the trade of Picture dealing, who have shown an equal readiness to give him information, but whose kindness he will (with their permission) more dis- tinctly acknowledge in a future volume, should he receive encouragement to continue the work. EXPLANATION of the ABBEEVIATIONS. P.... a... Cop. .Panel Canvas Copper C. P Canvas on Panel flo. A- Florins .Francs In the measurements, the height of the Pictures is given first, but this must not be depended upon as an unerring rule. PART THE FIRST CONTAINS SHORT BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, AND A DESCBIPTION OF THE WORKS, OF GERARD DOW PETER VAN SLINGELANDT FRANCIS VAN MIERIS WILLIAM VAN MIERIS ADRIAN OSTADE ISAAC OSTADE AND PHILIP WOUWERMANS. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Frontispiece — Reproduced from the Original Lithograph. La Femme Hydropique, by Gerard Dow, . , 32 A Dutch Family, by Peter Van Slingelandt, - r >6 A Lady in a Crimson Jacket, by F. Mieris, . .70 The Alchymist, by Adrian Ostade, . .ill The Halt, by Isaac Ostade, .... 196 Halt of Officers, by P. Wouwermans, A CATALOGUE RAISONNE OF THE WORKS OF THE MOST EMINENT DUTCH PAINTERS. GERARD DOW. This admirable artist was born at Leyclen, on the 7th of April, 1613. His father, who was a glazier, perceiving his decided inclination for the arts, placed him with Bartholomew Dolendo, an engraver, with whom he remained a few months, and then studied under Peter Rouwhorn, a painter on glass. In two years he surpassed his master, and at the age of fifteen entered the school of Rembrandt. Three years of study under this excellent painter were sufficient to enable Dow to take his future instructions from nature. Gerard Dow commenced his career in art by painting portraits : but this pursuit was not to his taste ; and his success in it was not only uncertain, but cost him so much time and trouble that he soon relinquished it, as he found it entailed two difficulties instead of one ; namely, first making a likeness, and then painting it well : but perhaps the truth is, that he so tired all his sitters that they lost their patience, and he the likeness. VOL. 1. J 5 2 GERARD DOW. An author states, that he was occupied five days in painting the hand of Mad. Spierings, and above three in painting a broomstick. If this statement be correct, it is not difficult to account for his ill-success in por- traiture. Dow, therefore, confined himself to familiar and fancy subjects, in which he could indulge his inclination for laborious finish, and his taste in the choice of subjects. Having liberated himself from the trammels of portraiture, he pursued freely the natural bent of his mind, which led him to dwell with inexhaustible patience upon all the wiinutice of his art, and whatever conduced to its perfection. The anxious care which he took to preserve the purity of his colours is almost incredible. He prepared and ground them himself, shut his palette and pencils up in a box, made the window of his room almost air tight to prevent the entrance of dust, always entered his room as slowly and as quietly as possible, and seated himself gently in his chair, where he paused to let all the dust subside pre- vious to taking out his palette : the result of all which care was the acquisition of an extraordinary purity of colour. It would seem as though this ingenious painter had studied the works of his master, Rembrandt, through the medium of a convex lens ; for if his (Rem- brandt's) pictures are seen in this manner, a striking resemblance is produced to those of Dow. It has been observed by writers that he painted from objects reflected in a convex lens ; but had he not previously acquired a perfect knowledge of the chiaroscuro of his masters works, his pictures would have the same feeble effect which nature presents when viewed through that medium. GERARD DOW. 3 Many artists have finished their pictures as highly as Dow ; but there are none who have preserved the same breadth and powerful effect, with such brilliancy of colour. He was a perfect master of all the prin- ciples of art ; which, united with consummate skill and labour, enabled him to produce the most perfect speci- mens that ever came from the easel of a painter. Con- trary to the usual practice of artists, Dow's latter pictures are more highly finished than his early ones. La Femme Hydropique, now in the Louvre, is dated 1655 ; and Le Menage, now in the Musee at the Hague, 1658. These two very capital pictures are finished in the most wonderful manner ; indeed it is im- possible for finishing to be carried to higher perfection. The Marquess of Stafford's Violin Player is another example of beautiful painting with exquisite finish. The fine pictures of this master are exceedingly rare, and consequently of immense value. Even in his life- time, he had one thousand florins per annum allowed him by a wealthy Dutchman, for the privilege of the first refusal of all his pictures at his own price. He died in 1674, aged 61. A DESCRIPTION OF HIS PRINCIPAL PICTURES. 1. The Interior of a room, with a groined ceiling and arched windows. An interesting old woman, habited in the costume of the time, stands in front, occupied in scraping car- rots upon the top of a cask ; at her right is a boy, with a mouse-trap in his hand, which he is holding up to the light of a large window, in order to see the little prisoner : this object appears to have drawn him from his studies, as he still holds a 4 GERARD DOW. palette of colours on his hand. On the opposite side (or left of the picture), is a hencoop, with a bright brass can and a red cabbage on it, over which are a dead cock, some partridges, and other objects hanging against the wall, and upon a shelf still higher are some jugs and plates ; various other objects are distributed about the room, and at the further end is seen an old man reading by candlelight. This is in every respect an admirable picture, both in composition and exquisite finish, and has, besides, the advantage of clearness throughout, it being illumined by two large windows. Collection of M. Jan Van Orvielle, Amst. 1705. 1 100 flo, 99/. M. A. Bout .... 1733. 2065 /o. 186/. The Widow Keuver, Amst. 1 736. When it was sold, with the entire collection, to the Prince of Hesse, for 40,000 flo. — From the latter gallery it was transferred, with many other fine pictures, by the chances of war, into the collection of Josephine, at Malmaison ; at the distribution of which collection it was purchased by the present proprietor, Monsieur Valdow, at Paris, and is now worth 1200 gs. 18 in. by 13 in. — P. 2. The Interior of a room by candlelight, in which are an old man seated, a woman with a lantern in her hand, and a second man entering with a candle in his hand. Collection of M. J. Van Orvielle, Amst. 1705. 1000 flo. 90/. 3. An arched-top window, at which are a young woman with a fish in her hand, and a youth holding up a hare ; a milk pot, a red cabbage, a brass mortar, and other objects are on the sill, the under part of which is decorated with a bas- relief of boys. A basket of salad is on the right side of the window, and a fowl hanging by the legs on the left. This very excellent picture was painted in 1652, when the artist was thirty-nine years of age. It is mentioned by Descamps, in Lo, Vie des Peintres, and was then in the GERARD DOW. 5 Collection of Van Hoeck Janz, Amst. 1706. . 770 fio. 69/. Bout 1733. . 1405 fio. 126/. Van Zwieten . . . 1741. . 1290 fio. 116/. M. de Gaignat . . 1768. . 6220 fs. 249/. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. 4. A Schoolmaster, with four scholars. The composition exhibits a venerable old man seated, with a table and desk before him, holding in his left hand a ferula, and in the other a pencil, with which he is directing a youth in reading ; another youth stands opposite to him, with a book in his hand. The figures are seen to the knees. This picture is painted with surprising care and beautiful finish. Collection of Van Loo .... 1713. . 1030 fio. 92/. The present value is about 250/. Now in the Fitzwilliam col- lection at Cambridge, the whole of which was bequeathed by the late Lord Fitzwilliam to the University. 12 in. by 6 in. — P. 5. Two children, with a pot of sweetmeats, and an old woman playing with a cat. Mentioned by Descamps, being then in the Collection of M. de Wassenaar, 1757. G. A girl caressing a dog, and giving it something to drink ; mentioned by Descamps. Collection of M. Fagel 1753. 7. A young woman at an arched-top window, with a rabbit in one hand, and the other leaning on a basket of apples which is placed before her ; at her side stands a boy, who appears to be bargaining for some fruit, and in a familiar way has put his hand upon her shoulder ; on the sill of the window are a brass 6 GERARD DOW. can, a bunch of carrots, a red cabbage, a dead cock, and a pumpkin, and at the side hangs a lantern. This admirable picture is of the choicest quality and perfection. Collection of Van Sanvoort Amst. 1758. . 2500 flo. 2257. Fifteen hundred guineas would be the writer's estimation of this bijou. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815. 20 in. by 15 in. — P. 8. A young woman consulting a doctor. Collection of M. Valkenburg Rott. 1731. . 1130 flo. 102Z. 13 in, by 9 in. — P. 9. A portrait of the artist. He is represented at a window, enjoying the pleasure of a pipe. Collection of H. V. Slingelandt, Hague, 1750. 17| in. by 13 J in. — P. 10. An Interior, with a company of three persons playing at cards. Collection of Beunengen . Amst. 1716. . 1310 /to. 118?. 13J in. by 10 in. — P. 11. An old woman, in a fur cloak. Collection of Lormier . . Hague, 1763. . 1^0 flo. 111. 7 in. by 6 in. — P. 12. A youth, wearing a bonnet decked with feathers. Collection of Lormier .... 1763. . 400 flo. 361. 7 in. by 6 in. — P. GERARD DOW. 13. An old man reading a book. Collection of Van Heteren . Hague, 1756. 12 in. by 9| in. — P. 14. A girl at a window, with a lamp in her hand. Engraved by Valck. Collection of Van Heteren, 1756. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 12 in. by 9f in. — P. 15. A boy in a cellar, with a mouse- trap in his hand ; by candlelight. Collection of Lormier .... 1763. . 1000 flo. 90Z. Again in the collection of Lubelling. 10 in. by in. — P. 16. A man playing a bagpipe, and a woman standing near him listening to the music. Collection of Lormier .... 1763. . 605 flo. 54Z. 11 in. by 8 \ in. — P. 17. A hermit in meditation. Collection of Lormier .... 1763. . 130 flo. 121. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 18. A man mending a pen. Collection of Lormier .... 1763. . 331 flo. 30/. 10 in. by 8 J in. — P. 19. An old man seated at a table, mending a pen by the light of a lamp, which stands on his right ; an hour glass, some 8 GERARD DOW. papers, and a lantern are on the table ; in front of which is seated an old woman, with her back to the spectator. This is probably the above picture. Now in the possession of Messrs. Woodburns. 12 J in. by 8 \ in. — P. (arched top.) 20. The head of a beautiful infant. Collection of B. da Costa Hague, 1764. . 100 flo. 9/. 7 in. by 6 in. — P. 21. Two persons engaged in prayer. Collection of B. da Costa . . . 1764. . 400 ffo. 36/. 26 in. by 23 in. — P. 22. An Interior, by candlelight, in which are several figures, among whom is a woman witli a large wine-glass in her hand. Collection of Anthony Grill Amst. 1728. . 700 flo. 63/. 23. A grocer's shop (viewed through an archecl-top window), in which are five figures ; the most conspicuous of whom is a woman behind the counter, lifting up a pair of scales with her left hand, whilst with the other she seems to be about to take some raisins from a basket lying on the sill of the window ; towards which a young girl, standing on the opposite side of the counter, is pointing. Some sugar in the lump, a plate of lemons, a glass jar of sweets, and some gingerbread, are lying on the sill ; and in the back part of the shop is another woman behind a counter, serving a man ; near the latter is a woman quitting the shop : numerous objects appropriate to the trade complete the subject. A bird-cage, a bas-relief of infants, and a pot of flowers, decorate the exterior of the window. Dated, 1672. GERARD DOW. 9 Collection of Count de Choiseul, 1756. Noticed in Descamps. This picture differs very materially from one representing the same subject in the Louvre. Now in the collection of His Majesty. Exhibited in the British Gallery 1826-7. Estimated at 1200gs. 18 in. by 13 in.— P. {arched top.) 24. An old woman at an arched-top window, with a herring in her hand, wdiich she appears to have taken from a tub standing on the sill before her, and is holding it up to a youth who is close to her side, apparently bargaining for some ; a red cabbage, a bunch of carrots, some onions, and an old cloth, lie on the sill ; a pair of scales and a basket of eggs hang against the side of the window. In the back-ground, are seen two women in conversation, uear a window, &c. &c. &c. Engraved by Moitte. Collection of Count de Bruhl, 1750. 161 i nm by 12 in. — P. 25. The Dentist. A peasant seated in a chair, leaning his head back in a convenient position to the operator, who stands behind him, holding the patient's mouth open with one hand, and extracting the tooth with the other: a straw hat and a basket of eggs are on the ground by the side of the chair. A skull and various other objects are seen on a table in the back of the room, near an arched-top window. Engraved. In the Musee Francais. — Now in the Louvre. Valued by the Experts du Musee, 1816 . . 5000 fs. 2001. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. 26. The Dentist. This picture represents the doctor ex- amining the teeth of a peasant, whose wife stands near a window watching the operation. Taken from the Louvre, in 1815. 10 GERARD DOW. 27. The bust of an old woman with an embroidered mantle over her shoulders. Engraved by Wille. Collection of M. W., 1743. 4j in. by 3 in. — P. (arched top.) 28. An old woman at a window, with spectacles on, occupied winding flax on a reel. Engraved by Wille, under the title of La Divideuse. Mentioned by Descamps. Collection of M. Hasselaar Amst. 1742. . 465 flo. ill. Count de Vence 1750. . 2560 fs. 103Z. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 29. An old woman, with spectacles, reading. Engraved by Wille, and called La Liseuse. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Julienne .... 1767. . 3101 fs. 124?. 9 J in. by 7 in. — P. 30. The portrait of a lady, with a handkerchief in one hand, the other hand resting upon a table, which is covered with a red carpet. Mentioned by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Julienne .... 1767. . 2401 fs. 96Z. Bandville .... 1787. . 1800 fs. 72Z. 9 in. by 7| in. — P. 31. An artist seated, drawing from a Fiamingo figure of a child; by lamplight. An hour-glass, some books, and a globe, are upon the table, which is covered with a turkey carpet ; and an easel, and other implements of the artist, are placed in the back-ground. Collection of Julienne . . . 1767. . 1161 fs. 47/. M. Horion Brussels, 1788. . 1500 flo. 135Z. GERARD DOW. 11 This little picture is rather too dark, but it is beautifully drawn and finished. Descamps mentions it in his work, vol. ii. p. 222 ; but, judging from the price it brought in the first sale, there must have been a doubt of its originality. Another of the same subject was in the collection of M. Van Slingelandt, at Dort, and is men- tioned in his sale, 1785. 32. A picture of precisely the same subject as the last, but differing in size, was sold in the Collection of Prince Galitskin Paris, 1825. . 5300 fs. 212/. Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres, mentions a second picture of a man drawing in a book, then in the collection of a M. Van Heteren. 33. A girl chopping onions in a tub, and a boy near her, holding one of the onions in his hand. Mentioned by Descamps. Painted in 1646. Gildermeester . . . 1800. . 4000 flo. 360/. Now in His Majesty's collection. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826-27. 8 in. by 6| in. — P. 34. A female, sitting on the bank of a river : she appears to be just quitting the bath, having her chemise under her, and one foot still in the water, and is occupied in adjusting her long hair. A tree is on the right ; the front is enriched with plants : some houses are seen through an arcade in the back- ground; and the distant mountains are illumined by the full moon. This picture is noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. 13 J in. by 10 \ in. — P. (arched top.) 10J in. by 8 J in. — P. (arched top.) Collection of Gaignat . P. de Conti . Praslin . 1768. 1777. 1793. 5145/s. 206Z. 7300 fs. 292/. 8000 fs. 320/. 12 GERARD DOW. Collection of Ferd. Count Plettenberg, 1743. . 380 fl(h 34/. 9 in. by 7 in. 35. The companion to the last. A young man, sitting naked on the bank of a river. On the left and front are his hat and feathers, habits, and sword. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Ferd. Count de Plettenberg, 1743. . 310 flo. 28/. Gaignat (the pair) . 1768. . 5145 fs. 206/. 9 in. by 7 in.— P. 36. A woman, preparing to enter the bath ; she is sitting upon a bank near a tree, with her chemise about her waist, and the other part of her dress lying by her side. A landscape forms the back-ground of the subject. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Gaignat, 1768. 13,205 fs. bought for the King of France 528/. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 37. A young man, playing on the flute at a window ; on the sill of which lies an open book. Engraved by I. V. Kauperz in mezzotinto. Collection of M. de la Live de Jiilly 1769. 1204/*. 48/. This picture is noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres, and was then in the collection of the Elector of Palatine, 1754. 7 in. by 5 \ in. — P. 38. The Interior of a handsome apartment, in which is a lady dressed in a purple velvet corset, bordered with ermine, and a yellow satin petticoat embroidered with silver ; seated with an infant in her lap, which she appears to have just taken from a cradle standing near her ; a table covered with a Turkey GERARD DOW. 13 carpet (on which are an open book and a ewer) is placed by her side. The view extends through an open door, into an adjoin- ing room, where a doctor is seen, performing an operation on a patient, to which a pupil, who is standing by his side, is paying great attention ; behind them is a woman, apparently much affected at the sight. This capital picture was enclosed by two doors, painted on the insides also, by Dow ; the subject of one of the pictures represented an evening school ; the other a man mending a pen. The outside of the doors was decorated with allegorical subjects, relating to the arts, by Coxie. Collection Amst. 1701. . 4025 flo. 362Z. Van Hoeck . Am st. 1719. . 6000 flo. 540Z. Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres, mentions this picture, which was then in the possession of the widow Van Hoeck, 1754, and was probably bought by one of the family in the latter sale. It was subsequently in the splendid collection of M. Braamcamp, at whose sale, in 1771, it was knocked down at 14,100 flo. 1269/. This precious picture was sold to the Empress of Russia, with several others of great value ; the whole of which were lost at sea. 27 in. by 32 in. — P. 39. The interior of a doctor's shop, by candlelight, in which is a young man, examining the mouth of a female, who is sitting in an arm chair. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of M. Six . . . Amst 1734. . 1005 flo. 90/. Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 700 flo. 63/. 19 in. by 14 \ in. — P. 40. A pretty young female, at a window, with a basket of fruit in one hand, and putting aside a curtain with the other. A dead cock lies on the window sill by her side : the back part of the room is illumined by a window, near which are a man playing on a violin, and a woman singing. A beautiful bas- 14 GERARD DOW. relief of boys at play adorns the under part of the sill of the window. Collection of M. Valkenburg Rott. 1731. . 1350 flo. 12U Loot Van Sanvoort . 1757. . 2225 flo. 200/. Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 4000 flo. 360/. M. de Bruyn . Amst. 1798. . 8000 flo. 720/. Now in the collection of M. Six Van Winter, of Amsterdam. This picture is of superlative beauty and excellence. 14J in. by 12 in. — P. 41. A man, richly dressed in blue silk, sitting at a window, blowing a trumpet ; in the back-ground is seen a company of smokers and drinkers enjoying themselves ; a curtain, drawn on one side, is suspended from the upper part of the window, and a bas-relief of boys is under the sill. Collection of M. Loot Van Sanvoort 1757. . 1925 flo. 17 SI. Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 3120/0. 281/. Mr, P. Locquet . . 1783. . 7000 flo. 630/. Valued by the Experts du Musee . 1816. . 15,000 fs. 600/. Now in the Louvre. 141 i nt by 12 in. — P. 42. The Interior of a cellar, with a man holding the candle for a young woman, whilst she draws some wine ; in the back- ground is an old man warming himself. Engraved by Beau- varlet. This picture is cited by Descamps. Collection of M. Grill . Amst. 1728. . 810 flo. 731. Braamcamp ... 1771. . 845 flo. 76/. Now in the collection of M. Six Van Winter. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 43. A pretty woman standing near a pump, cleaning a saucepan ; she is seen through an arched-top window, at the side of which hangs a cage, and a brass pot stands on GERARD DOW. 15 the sill in front. Engraved by Wille, under the title of La Mdnagdre. Collection of M. Lempereur . . 1773. . 3100 fs. 124/. Prince de Conti . . 1777. . 3500 fs. 140/. — _ Beaujon 2501 fs. 100/. — Geldermeester . . . 1800. . 1950 flo. 176/. Now in his Majesty's collection. Exhibited at the British Gallery, 1826-27. in. by 5 in. — P. 44. The Poulterer's Shop. An old woman at an arched- top window, holding up a hare, which a young damsel seems to be cheapening; behind her is a man who has just entered the door, and near him is a woman ; a dead pea-hen, a duck, and a fowl, are lying on the sill in front, near a white metal pail, on the handle of which the young woman is resting her hand ; an old carpet is thrown over the window sill, below which is seen a beautiful bas-relief of boys playing, at the side of which stands a wicker cage with a cock in it ; a bird-cage is hanging above ; another is suspended from the ceiling; the under side of a winding staircase, and a shelf with poultry on it, are seen in the back of the room. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres ; then in the collection of the Marquess de Voyer, 1754. This capital picture was sold in the Choiseul collection, in 1772 (engraved, No. 50) for 17,300 fs. . 692/. Collection of Prince de Conti, 1777. . . 20,000 fs. . 800/. Due de Chabot, 1787. . . 20,800 fs. . 832/. Coupry Dupre, 1801, 26,000 fs. (bought in) 1024/. Again in the sale at Fonthill Abbey, 1823, by Mr. Phillips, (bought by the Writer) 1270 gs. Now in the collection of the Right Honourable Robert Peel. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1818. 22 in. by 17 \ in. — P. 16 GERARD DOW. 45. A lady, elegantly dressed in a green silk corset, bor- dered with fur, seated, playing on a virginal, which is placed on a table covered with a Persian carpet ; some music books lie on the table, and a violoncello stands against it in front. The lady is represented sitting at a window, the curtain of which is drawn up on one side. A company of three persons and a servant waiting on them, are seen in the back of the room. Descamps mentions this picture, which was then in the collection of the Marechal d'Issenhein, 1754. Collection of Count du Bary . . 1774. . 5100 fs. 2047. Prince de Conti . . 1777. . 5000 fs. 200/. Geldermeester . . 1800. . 975 flo. 88/. N. Desenfans, Esq. . 1801 17® gs. Now in the collection of William Wells, Esq. of Redleaf. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1821. 15| in. by 121 fe._p. 46. A young woman at a window, with a parrot in one hand and the other resting on the cage. Collection of M. de Gagny . . . 1776. . 7000 fs. 280/. 8 in. by 6 in. — P. {arched top.) 47. The portrait of a young officer, with a high collar and a hussar hat and feathers. Collection of M. de Gagny . . . 1776. . 1320 /a. 53/. LeBoeuf .... 1782. . 951 fs. 38/. 101 i nm by 81 in. — P. (oval.) 48. A Grocer's Shop, called La Marchande L'piciere du Village. The mistress of the shop is seen behind the counter with the scales in her hand ; and three persons are on the opposite side, the nearest of whom is an old woman, sitting down reckoning her money on the counter ; a young female GERARD DOW. 17 with a pail of water is beyond her ; and further on is a boy ; a bunch of carrots, and onions, and an oil jar are in front ; and above hangs a basket of eggs : the other parts of the shop are filled with various articles belonging to the business. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. This picture is of the finest quality, and may be rated about the seventh best of this master's productions. It is dated 1647. , Collection of Beunengen . Anst. 1716. . U00 flo. 108/. Mad. C. Backer, Let/den, 1766. . 7150>. 643/. Randon de Boisset . 1777. 15,500/6'. 620/. Count de Vaudreuil . 1784. 16,901 /s-. 670/. DucdePraslin . . 1793. 34,850 fs. 1494/. Valued by the Experts du Musee 1816. 55,000 fs. 2200/. Now in the Louvre, and engraved in the Musee. 14 in. by 10J in. — P. 49. A young woman at an arched window pouring milk from a pitcher into a bowl, which stands on the window sill, where are also a lantern, a skimmer, a bunch of carrots, a reel cabbage, and other objects ; a cage and a fowl are hanging on the left and further side of the window ; on the opposite side is a curtain ; and above is suspended a bird-cage. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Wassenaar Obdam . 1750. . 1710 /o. 154/. M. Lormier . . . 1754. Randon de Boisset . 1777. . 9000 fs. 360/ — Poulain Gallery . . 1780. 10,700 fs. 428/. Valued by the Experts du Musee 1816. 10,000 fs. 400/ Engraved by P. E. Moiette, and by Lips. In the Musee Francais. — Now in the Louvre. 13 in. by 10 in. — P. 50. A woman at an arched-top window, with a pitcher in her hand ; she appears to have been watering a pot of pinks, vol. I. C 18 GERARD DOW. which stands on the outside. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Engraved by A. Marcenay. Collection of Randon de Boisset . 1777. . 6300 fa. '2521 — Le Boeuf .... 1782 . 4900 fs. 200Z. This picture is of exquisite beauty, and now in His Majesty's collection at Windsor. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. A picture of the same subject occurs in the Vienna gallery. 11 in. by 8f in. — P. 51. A Pair. One represents a portrait of the painter when about forty-five years of age ; the face is seen in nearly a front view ; a low bonnet or cap covers the head, and the dress con- sists of a loose gown bordered with fur. He appears to have quitted his easel, which is seen in the back-ground, and to have approached a window, upon the sill of which his right arm reclines ; his left hand still holds his palette and pencils. Engraved by Oortman. Valued by the Experts du Musee 1816. . 8000 fa. 320/. Now in the Louvre. 11 \ in. by 7 J in. — P. 52. Companion. A pretty young woman at a window, gathering a pink from a pot of flowers, which stands in front. A Turkey carpet lies over the sill of the window, and a bird- cage hangs up at the side. Dated 1656. Engraved by Marcenay. This picture was formerly in the cabinet of Van Slingelandt. Collection of Randon de Boisset 1777. (the pair) 13,000 fa. 520Z. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri, Palais Bourbon. 11 J in. by 7 J in. — P. GERARD DOW. 19 53. An astronomer standing before a globe, with a pair of compasses in one hand and a lighted candle in the other. In front are an hour-glass, a glass bottle, and two books, one of which is lying open. Collection of A. V. Hoeck Jantz . 1706. . 505 jio. 45/. Prince de Conti . . 1777. . 1300 fs. 52/, St. Victor .... 1822. . 1600 fs. 64/. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. 54. Two hermits in meditation. Collection of Prince de Conti . . 1777. . 1300 fa. 52/. 12J in. by 10J in.— P. 55. The portrait of an old man, with a black velvet bonnet. Collection of Du Barry .... 1777. . 426 fa. 17/. 6J in. by 5J in. — P. 56. The Water Doctor. The Interior of a room (viewed through an arch-top window), in which are seen a doctor inspecting the contents of a urinal, whilst a woman stands near him, apparently waiting with great anxiety the result of his examination. A great variety of objects, amongst them a large open book, a globe, a skull, and many other things appertain- ing to the profession, are lying on tables before the doctor ; fronting him is a window, the lower part of which is open ; over his head are some large curtains, which are drawn aside ; and a Cupid, in allusion to the subject of the piece, is suspended from the ceiling. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres, then in the possession of M. Van Hoeck, 1754. Collection of Choiseul, 1779 (engraved, No. 49) 19,158 fa. 766/. A picture corresponding in description with the above was sold in the collection of Hart Davies, Esq. 1814, for 255 gs., and is probably the one now in the collection of P. J. Mills, Esq. 22 in. by 1 7 J in. — P. 20 GERARD DOW. 57. A woman at a window, with a sort of brass pail con- taining vegetables on her right arm, and her left resting upon the shoulder of a boy, who has a sparrow bottle in his hand ; they appear to be looking at a cage, which is hanging up. A brass chandelier and a greenish curtain are suspended above, and a bas-relief of two boys is seen below the window. Collection of M. d'Orvielle Amst 1705. . 1100 flo. 99/. Chev.Yerlmlst, Brussels, 1779. . 2520 flo. 226?. 9 in. by 6 in. — P. 58. La Double Surprise. A woman, entering a cellar with a lighted candle in her hand, discovers her husband with the maid ; the latter is standing before a cask, from which she has just drawn a glass of wine to present to her master, who is leaning against the cask, with one hand on the girl's shoulder : dead poultry, and various other objects fill up the picture. Engraved by J. F. Beauvarlet, under the above title. Mentioned by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres ; then in the collection of M. Lubbeling. Collection of Ponlain .... 1780. . 4700/6'. 188Z. Tolozan .... 1801. . 7350 fs. 294/. Montaleau .... 1802. . 10,500 fs. 420/. M. Emler .... 1809. . 16,000 fs. 640/. Now in the collection of Alexander Baring, Esq. 15 J in by 12 in. — P. 59. A yellow and white dog sleeping on a table, near which are a faggot, an earthen pot, and a basket. It is impossible for painting to be carried to higher perfection than that dis- played in this exquisite little picture. Dated 1664. Collection of M. Pompe Van Meerdervoort, Leyden, 1780, 800 flo. 72/. M. Cremer . . . 1816. . 900 flo. 81/. M. Jurians . Amst 1817. . 1200 flo. 108/. Now in the collection of The Baron Van Brienen Vande Grootelindt. 6 J in. by 8 in. — P. I GERARD DOW. 21 60. A boy, with a brown bonnet on his head and a frill round his neck, eating hasty-pudding ; a table stands before him, on which are a lantern and a coffee-pot. This picture is known by the name of Le Mangeur de Bouillie. Collection of M. Nogaret . . . 1780. . 2000/*. 80/. Destouches . . . 1794. 5 J in. by 4 \ in. — P. 61. An old woman sitting in a room paring apples, some of which are lying in her lap ; she has a cap on her head, and is dressed in a mantle, lined with fur. The accessories consist of a chair with a cushion, and two copper kettles, one of which is on the fire. Collection of M. Tak . . Leyden, 1781. . 1110 /fo. 100/. Now in the collection of Madame Hoffman, Haerlem. 15J in. by 13 \ in. — P. 62. A girl at a window with a mouse in a trap, which she is showing to a kitten held under her arm. A duck is hanging up on the left side, and a pewter jug lies on the sill ; the sides of the window are adorned with ivy. Dated 1645. Collection of Count de Merle . . 1783. . 900 >•. 36/. Now in the collection of the Chevalier Erard, Paris. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. 63. A young woman at an arched window, hanging up it dead cock. A brass market-pail, on which she rests her left arm, stands on the sill ; a silver coffee-pot and a candlestick are by her side, and a bird-cage is suspended above. Dated 1650. Collection of M. Montribloud . . 1784. . 2000/*. 80/. M. de Calonne . . 1788. . {withdrawn.) 22 GERARD DOW. Collection of Tolozan .... 1801. . 2320 fs. 93?. Valued by the Experts du Musee . 1816. 18,000 fs. 720Z. Engraved in the Musee, by Geraut. — Now in the Louvre. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 64. An old woman sitting at a table covered with a green cloth ; she has a fur bonnet bordered with striped muslin on her head, and is dressed in violet- coloured velvet, lined with fur ; her arms are extended, and her hands clasped together ; a book lies open before her. Collection of Count de Vaudreuil, 1784. Sold with a Schalken for 2500 fs. 104?. This is probably the picture now in the Louvre, entitled An Old Woman Reading, which was valued by the Experts du Musee in 1816, at 2500 fs. 100Z. •~>J in. by 4 in. — P. 65. A young man sitting at a table by candlelight, and drawing from a plaster figure. Various objects used in the study of geometry are lying on the table, and a curtain hangs above. Collection of Van Slingelandt Dort, 1785. . 4000 flo. 360/. M. Dubois . Paris, 1785. . 7600 fs. 304/. M. Smeth Van Alpen 1810. . 2500 flo. 2251. 12J in. by 9| in. — P. A picture of the same subject as the above, but differing in size, was sold in the Collection of M. Muller . Amst. 1827. . 770 flo. 68/. Now in the collection of M. Six Van Winter. 10J in. by 1\ in.—V. 66. A woman drawing water from a cistern, near the vault of a house, part of which is overspread with a vine. A dog I GERARD DOW. 23 with a bone, a brass pot, and a polished kettle, are lying on a bench in front. Collection of M. de Calonne . . 1788. . 4400/*. 1767. Ditto . . London, 1795 92/. 9 J in. by 7 \ in. — P. 67. A portrait of the artist himself, at a window, playing on the violin. Engraved by Ingouf. Collection of Coders .... 1788. . 2100 fs. 84/. 15 in. by 10 in. — P. 68. A sailor (seen to the knees) in a room, with a fur bonnet on his head, and a pot of beer in his right hand. Collection of Due de Praslin . . 1793. . 1100/k 44/. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 69. A magdalen in a cave, in the attitude of prayer, a large book lies open before her ; and on the left is an old trunk of an oak, with a lamp suspended from one of its branches. Collection of Due de Praslin ( formerly in the Lubbeling collection.) 1793. . 3010 fs. 120/. Choiseul Praslin . . 1808. . 1200 fs. 48/. 9 J in by 9 in. — P. 70. The Nursery. A handsome apartment, in which are a youthful mother seated in an arm chair, offering the breast to a child in her lap, from which the infant's attention is diverted by a girl showing it a coral ; in front of this group is a cradle, and at the side stands a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on which the girl is leaning ; a silver candlestick and an open book are on the table. A brass chandelier, and a richly embroidered curtain, drawn on one side, are suspended from the ceiling. An open door, at the end of the apartment, shows an adjoining 24 GERARD DOW. room, in which are two persons in conversation. This capital picture is admirably composed, and finished in the artist's most elaborate manner. It is probably the fifth in quality and excellence of the painter's productions. Collection of Due de Praslin . . 1793. . 33,500 /s. 1340Z. Choiseul Praslin . 1808. . 18,000/*. 720/. Xow in the collection of Earl Grosvenor. A picture answering the above description is mentioned by Descamps, then in the possession of M. de Bie, 1653, of whom it was purchased by the Dutch East India Company, for the sum of 4000 flo., and presented to Charles II., upon his embarkation for England. It subsequently became the property of King William III., who took it back to Holland, and placed it in the Chateau of Loo. 19 in. by 15 in. — P. 71. The portrait of a lady, of a fair complexion, with her face turned in a three-quarter position ; she is dressed in a lace cap, tied under her chin with a rose-coloured riband, a black corset, and a gauze kerchief over her shoulders, the latter of which she is adjusting with her left hand. Collection of Destouches . . . 1794. 72. The portrait of a young woman, known as La belle Juive (seen in nearly front face), with her hair in curls, orna- mented with pearls and a feather ; and her shoulders covered with a mantle of gold cloth, fastened by a brooch. Collection of Destouches . . . 1794. 5J in. by 4J in. — P. 73. The Interior of a room. A pretty woman is standing near a table with a lantern in her hand, out of which she has just taken the candle, in order to light it by another, which is burning on the table ; a market-pail, a dead duck, a can, and other objects, are distributed in different parts of the piece. GERARD DOW. 25 Collection of Danser Nyman. Amst. 1797. . 2450^0. 120/. Now in the collection of M. Hodgshon. Amsterdam. 10J i ?L by 9 in. — P. 74. The Violin- player. A man at a window, playing on a violin, from a music book which lies open before him on the sill, over a portion of which hangs a carpet, partially covering a beautiful bas-relief of children playing with a goat. A man grinding colours, and another looking at him, are in the back of the room. This picture was most probably intended for the portrait of an artist ; dated 1651. It is noticed by Descamps, in La Vie, de Peintres. Engraved by Delvaux and Ingouf. Orleans Gallery 1798. valued at 300^. Collection of Robert Strange, Esq. 1800 327 gs. Collection of J. Davenport, Esq. 1801, at Mr. Christie's 290^/s. Mr. Phillips's . . . 1815 330<7S. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri, Palais Bourbon. 12 in. by 7 in. — P. (arched top.) 75. A old woman (said to be the painter's mother), seated in a chair, eating some soup, a spoonful of which she is in the act of raising to her mouth ; a lamp stands burning by her side. Orleans Gallery 1798. — Engraved. 76. A young woman, leaning upon the balcony in front of a house. A Turkey carpet, carelessly thrown over the wall, hangs down in front ; a canal flows below ; and the tops of some houses are seen in the distance. Again the same year Richard Walker, Esq. 1803, 290fjs. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. Orleans Gallery 1 798. — Engraved. 14 in. by 11 in. — P. 26 GERARD DOW. 77. A Hermit at prayer, looking steadfastly at a crucifix, which he holds with both his hands. He is dressed as one of the order of Capuchins, has a venerable white beard, a few gray hairs on his bald head, and wears spectacles ; his clasped hands rest upon a large book, before which stands an hour glass ; and in a corner lie his beads, on which is written the name of the artist, with the date of the picture. Collection of M. Wierman . Amd. 1762. . 655 /o. 59/. Crawford (Mr. Christie) 1801 19008. LeBrun 1811. . 3610/*. 144/. Sold with the entire collection of Prince Talleyrand, in 1817. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 78. A venerable hermit in his cell, kneeling in adoration before a crucifix, an open Bible and a skull are placed on bank before him ; near which is a basket with a lighted candle on it. The trunk of an old tree stands at the side, and a barrel and a lantern (the latter thrown down) are in the fore- ground, near a fine flourishing thistle. This capital picture is painted throughout with the most elaborate finish. It was always justly esteemed to be the chef-d'muvre of the master in this class of subject. Collection of Mad. C. Backer, Leyden, 1766. . 5000 Ho. 450/. Van Leyden, 1804. (bought by Paillet). 32,000 fs. 1228/. Paillet 1814. . 15,000/*. 600/. Now in the collection of Alexander Baring, Esq. Exhibited at the British Gallery, 1819. 26 J in. by 19 J in. — P. (arched top.) 79. A School-room, by candlelight. The master of the seminary is seen sitting at his desk, in the act of threatening a boy, who is standing near him in a submissive attitude ; a little girl is reading her book ; and near her are an hour glass and a lighted candle, which illumines the group : further to the right / GERARD DOW. 27 is another girl, with a candle in her hand, apparently talking to a boy, who is sitting down, with a slate in his hand. Several more of the scholars are in the background, studying at a table, on which is a third candle : another boy is descending a staircase, with a candle in his hand; and on the fore-ground is a lantern, with another lighted candle in it. A large curtain, suspended from above and drawn up, developes the scene and forms a fine contrast in the picture. The compo- sition consists of twelve figures and five lights. Nothing in art can surpass the magical effect of light and shade in this painting ; the master appears to have chosen difficulties, in order to show how well his superior talents could overcome them. Some connoisseurs consider this as the most capital of his works, since the loss of the famous Braamcamp picture, called La Chamhve cle r AccoucMe, which was bought at that sale for the Imperial Collection at St. Petersburg ; but the writer is not of this opinion, as several of the artist's pictures possess much higher finishing, and are more agreeable both in composition and effect. It is to be regretted that this capital picture has become a little darker from age — a circumstance very much against it. Collection of Mad. C. Backer, Leyden, 1766 . 4000 yfo. 360?. M. Yanderpots. . . 1808 .17,500/0.1585/ Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 20 in. by 15 in. — P. 80. St. Jerome at his Devotions. He is represented kneel- ing, near the entrance to an amphitheatre ; an umbrella is placed above him, the reflection from which sheds a pleasing effect over the picture ; a leafless tree, a lantern, and a rosary, complete the composition. Collection of Crawford, Esq. 1806 190.7*. 81. A Hermit in a cave, in an attitude of devotion, with a 28 GERARD DOW. rosary in his hands and a crucifix before him (the figure is seen to the knees). Collection of Vanderpots . . . 1808. . 1100 flo. 99/. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 9£ in. by 7J in. — P. 82. A young woman scouring at a table, and a young man standing by her side ; a cat, a spinning-wheel, a chair, and various other objects are in the composition. Collection of M. Smeth Van Alpen, Amst. 1810. . 1050 flo. 94/. 12J in. by 11 in. — P. {arched top.) 83. An old woman at a window, with a lighted candle in one hand and the other resting upon the handle of a pail ; some poultry are at her side ; a bird-cage is suspended above : and two figures are seen in conversation together in an inner room. Painted with powerful effect, but not with his usual precious finish. Dated 1671. Collection of Walsh Porter, Esq. 1810 200gs. _ Lord Eadstock . 1826 \b0gs. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 84. A venerable hermit in a cell, perusing a large book, which lies on a bench before him ; in his left hand he holds a pair of spectacles, and with his right is raising the leaves of the book, as if about to turn over the page ; the trunk of a withered tree fills up the left of the subject. This picture has been considerably enlarged, its original size being merely the head of the hermit, which is painted with extraordinary care and fine effect ; this no doubt induced the artist to increase its size. Collection of M. Tronchien . 1801. . 1950^. 78/. M. Sereville . 1811. . 1750 fs. 70/. 10s. Now in the possession of Messrs. Woodburns. 16 in. by 12 in. — P. GERARD DOW. 29 85. The Interior of a room, with an old woman sitting in an arm-chair, reading the Bible ; and near her a boy leaning against a table, covered with a green cloth ; a bottle, a leg of mutton in a plate, and some bread, are lying on the table ; and a spaniel dog is at the side. Engraved. Collection of Solirene .... 1812. . 2500 ft 1007. 14 in. by 17 in. — P. 86. The portrait of a gentleman, dressed in the ancient Dutch costume, sitting in his chamber, and resting his arm on a table covered with a green velvet carpet ; he has a glove in his right hand, and his hat lies near him, on the table. Collection of Muilmans .... 1813. . 580 flo. oOgs. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. 87. A Philosopher, seated in his study, writing. An open book, a globe, a skull, and various other objects are lying on a table before him. Collection of His Excellency Baron Nagel 1795. \lbgs. Creed, Esq 1813. . . 125gs. Since the writer's, who sold it for 250gs. Now in the collection of Edward Gray, Esq. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. (oval) 88. An old woman, consulting a water doctor. The doctor's study is furnished with everything appropriate to his profession. Collection of Hart Davis, Esq. ... 1814. . . 25ogs. A picture corresponding in description with the above, was sold in the Choiseul collection. See page 19. 89. The Interior of a Dentist's Shop. An elderly man is having his tooth extracted, and an old woman, leaning upon her basket, seems to be waiting the issue in the back of the 30 GERARD DOW. room ; a pot of pinks, a barber's basin, a skull, and a bottle, are on the sill in front. Engraved by I. Taylor. In the Forster Gallery. Collection of Hart Davis, Esq., 1814 77fys. 16 j in. by 13£ in. — P. A picture, entitled U Arracheur de Dents, is mentioned by Descamps, in La Vies des Peintres, and was at that time in the Collection of M. Bouxiere, 1754. 90. The Interior of a large and lofty room, with a window on the right, near which a pretty woman, in a morning dress, is sitting at work ; and before her is a girl on her knees, leaning on a cradle and looking attentively at a child lying in it. A little removed from this group is a table, with various objects on it, amongst others, a silver coffee-pot, lying on its side, and a small brass market-pail ; an antique arm-chair stands in the corner and front, and between that and the lady is a work-basket lying on the ground. The opposite side is occupied by a great variety of objects : viz. — a table with vegetables, poultry, and a candlestick on it ; a hare hanging above ; and on the ground are a hen-coop, a pot, a pail, with a plate containing a fish, a lantern, an earthen pot, a bunch of carrots, and a broom. On the side where the figures are, and a little beyond them, is a pillar carved with cupids, in bas-relief ; a sword, a cloak, and a bird-cage, are hanging against it ; a winding staircase is in the back of the room, and from a kind of gallery, over which some drapery is thrown, is suspended a brass chandelier. A woman at the fire, and a little farther, an old man, are in the kitchen, which is seen through a sort of archway, at the end of the apartment : this part of the picture is illumined by a fire and two windows. The light and shade are finely distributed in this piece, and produce the most pleasing and natural effect, and the finishing throughout is most elaborate. It is dated 1658, when the artist was forty-five years old, and is, in the writer's opinion, the second best picture amongst the artist's works. GERARD DOW. 31 It was formerly in the collection of the Stadtliolder, from whence it was taken by the French and placed in the Louvre, where it remained until the second capitulation of that city in 1815, when it was restored to Holland, and is now in the Hague Gallery. 27 in, by 20 § in. — P. {arched top.) 91. An old woman standing at a window, and leaning one hand upon the sill ; she is habited in a brown dress, with a slouched woollen bonnet on her head. A stand for a draw- water bird is hanging at the side of the window. This little picture is exquisitely finished. Now in the collection of The Baron Van Brienen Vande Grootelindt. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 92. A young woman standing at a window, with one arm leaning upon the sill, and the other passed through the handle of a brass market-pail. A carpet falls over the front, and a dead pheasant lies on the sill. The window is adorned with vine branches, and a curtain drawn up ; a bird-cage hangs on one side ; a stand for a draw-water bird, on the other ; and a pot of flowers stands under the window. Collection of M. Le Brun. — Engraved in his Gallery. 6 J in. by 5 \ in. 93. A young woman at an arched window, with a lighted candle in her hand, before which she holds her other hand, to protect it from the wind. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1800. . 575 flo. 521. Now in the possession of Mr. Ernmerson. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 94. An old woman spinning : she is dressed in a furred neglige, a black cap, and a blue apron ; before her stands her 32 GERARD DOW. spinning-wheel ; in the room is a table with bread and cheese on it, &c. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1800. . 1220^0. 1101. 8 in. by 7 in. — P. 95. La Femme Hydropique. This capital picture represents the interior of a large and lofty room, with an arched window on the right, and a circular one above it ; in the opposite side of the apartment is suspended a rich piece of tapestry, which is drawn up, and forms a pleasing object, both from the tasteful cast of the folds, and the angle which it makes in the picture. The composition exhibits a group of four figures, disposed near the window, the centre one is a lady of middle age, seated in an arm-chair, evidently suffering under a severe malady, her affliction is affectionately deplored by her daughter, a beautiful girl, who is kneeling by the side of her parent, holding one of her hands ; a doctor, in a purple silk robe, and a scarf round his waist, stands on the left of the lady, attentively examining a urinal, while a female attendant, who is behind her chair, is offering her some refreshment in a spoon. The accessories consist of a handsome brass chandelier, suspended from the ceiling ; a reading stand, with a book lying open on it, placed on the right and front ; and on the opposite side, a marble wine-cooler ; farther in the room is an arm-chair, and in the back of the apartment, a dome-bedstead. The elegance of the dresses, and the taste displayed in the furniture, denote the rank and opulence of the family. This surprising production is no less excellent for its precious finish in all the details, than for the strong natural expression of each figure ; the patient resignation of the lady, the filial affection of the daughter, the anxious attention of the nurse, and the ominous gesture of the doctor, are portrayed with a refinement of feeling that would do honour to the best Italian masters. This magnificent chef-d'oeuvre of the artist was purchased by the Elector Palatine for 30,000 flo., and by him presented to MERARD DOW. jom is a table with bread and cheese. 1800. -P. 122 11 .wod4^ irere P resents o with an arched window Ai the right, and a circular mm *l>ove 15 ; in the opposite side of the apartment is suspended a rick g*i#e*i <>f Upeatrv, which is drawn up, and forms a pleasing object, both jfro*n the tasteful of the folds, and the angle which it makes in the picture. ',1 position exhibits a group of four figures, disposed near window, the centre one is a lady of middle age, seated fan iir, evidently suffering under a severe malady, her "•• Uonately ;l-],!"r^' ; , ; ov liter, a beautiful :■.!;;•;.•! by ! )<■■■ -i - •" • . b«-Iding one of her hands ; a doctor, in a purple Wfcte, and a scarf round bis waist, stands on the left of the lady, a&tfliftWely examining a urinal, while a female attendant, who is l»ehind her chair, is Bering h«r some refreshment in a spoon. The accessories of a handsome brass chandelier, gu^fietided from the r:e*!i%; a reading stand, with a book lying open on it, placed mi the right and front ; and on the opposite side, a marble wine cooler ; farther in the room is an ami -chair, and in the back ot the apartment, a dome- bedstead. The elegance of the dresses, and the taste displayed in the furniture, denote the rank and opulence of the family. -^urprisihig production is no less excellent for its precious ;.-iads, than fo.« 1. he sir ng natural expression i ■■ nt re* ignatiou oi i.i:- 1 lady, the filial affection of the daughter, the anxious attention of the nurse, s'mre of the doctor, are portrayed with a .. that would do honour to the best Italian and the ominous g< refinement of feelii masters. This magnificent chef-d'wuvre of the Elector Palatine for 30,000 ftp rtist Avas purchased bi . by him presented U GERARD DOW. 33 Prince Eugene, at whose death it became the property of the House of Savoy, and was placed in the Royal Gallery, at Turin ; from whence it was transferred to the Louvre, by the French, where it still remains, they having redeemed it, by paying 100,000 fs. at the restoration of claimed property, in 1815. It is engraved, both in the large and small Musee ; in the latter by Eosseyeux, and also in a superior manner, by Claessins. Valued by the Experts du Musee, 1816 . 120,000 /,*. 4800/. }\ T ow in the Louvre. 31 h in. by 25 in. — P. 96. An Astrologer at a window, attentively reading a book, which lies open on the sill, upon which he leans his right arm, holding a lighted candle in that hand, and in his left a pair of compasses, which he is lightly placing on the top of a celestial globe ; a bottle half-full of liquor, and an hour-glass placed upon a book, are on the sill of the window ; on the right of which is a pillar, adorned with a cupid ; and on the left, a curtain, drawn in a festoon against another pillar, and sus- pended from above. Collection of M. Six . . . Amsf. 1734. . 905 flo. 811. LaPerrier .... 1817. . 7000 fs. 2801. J. Barchard, Esq. 182G (at Mr. Christie's). 3(%$. Bought by the writer, who sold it to W. Beckford, Esq. who has since parted with it in exchange to Mr. Hume. The luminous effect, which emanates from a single candle, is so admirably distributed throughout this little picture, that the most perfect illusion is produced. The quality and texture of every object are described with astonishing truth and beauty; and although the finishing is of the most exquisite kind, yet the artist has preserved a breadth of effect, with a purity and brilliancy of colour far surpassing any other painter in this line of art. It is a jewel of the highest estimation and beauty. A picture of a similar subject is in the collection of Madam Six Van Winter, of Amsterdam. 12 1 in. by 8} in. — P. vol. i. n 34 GERARD DOW. 97. The portrait of the artist himself, when about the age of twenty-two ; he wears mustachios, has a little tuft of beard under his lip, and is dressed in a dark gray slashed bonnet, with red edges, and a cloak of nearly the same colour, with a plain, narrow, white collar. It would seem, from the pro- jection in front, that he was carrying something under his mantle ; probably he intended to represent himself in the character of the Spartan youth. This picture is painted upon the principle of his master, Rem- brandt, with the addition of his own light touch. Bought at a Sale, at the Hague, 1819. Sold, by the writer, to Lord Francis Leveson Gower, for 70gs. 6 \ in. by 5 in. — P. 98. Two portraits. One of himself. 7 in. by 5 in. — P. (oval.) 99. The companion. That of his father. Collection of Paignon Dijouval, 1821, bought en bloc, by Mr. Emmerson. 100. A portrait of the artist himself, when about twenty - five years old ; he is represented at a window, with a palette on his hand ; a plaster bust lies on the window sill, &c. This picture is painted in the broad free manner of Rembrandt, with a prevailing brown tone of colour, which gives it considerable force and richness. It is executed in lithography, for a French work now publishing, of the Lives of the Painter*. ]\ T ow in the collection of Edward Gray, Esq. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. (arched top.) 101. A portrait of the artist himself, when about forty ; he is represented standing at a window, holding his palette and GERARD DOW. 35 pencils in his left hand, and turning over, with his right, the leaves of a large book, which lies on the sill. His dress consists of a brownish-coloured waistcoat with sleeves, and a dark blue mantle embroidered with gold lace ; a lightish blue bonnet covers his head ; a piece of striped cloth hangs over the sill, and partly covers a bas-relief of boys playing with a goat. A pot of marigolds stands in front, and a rich luxuriant vine spreads itself over one side of the window, to which is suspended a cage with a bird in it. In the back-ground is seen an easel with an open umbrella attached to the top of it, to shelter the careful artist's picture from dust. This very beautiful and interesting picture was purchased by the present possessor, the Chev. Erard, in 1825, for 25,000 fs. 1000/. 19 in. by 15 J in. — P. 102. The Interior of a room with a large arched-top window at its side, near which is seated a youth wearing a cap and feather, and habited in the picturesque costume of the time - t he holds a violin in his lap, which he appears to have just ceased playing, and is looking round towards the spectator ; his right arm rests upon a covered table, on which are a globe, a music book lying open, a candlestick, and an ember pot ; and upon the floor, in front, are a coffee-pot, a large book with clasps, and other objects : a boarded partition separates the room from a winding staircase seen in the back part of it ; against the former is attached a shelf with books on it ; a cloak also hangs against it, a basket is at the side of the window, and a brass chandelier is suspended from above. Dated 1647. This little bijou is perhaps, as a whole, the most perfect work that the master ever produced ; to the most exquisite and incom- parable finishing, he has added elegance and taste in design and arrangement, a skilful distribution of light and shade, and a purity and richness of colour that are truly admirable. Engraved by Finden ; also by J. Matan, in the Forster Gallery. Now in the collection of the Marquess of Stafford. 12| in. by 9f iih — P. (arched top.) 36 GERARD DOW. 103. The Interior of a room with an arched window on the right, near which is seated an old man, in an antique arm-chair, drawing in a large book, which he holds on his knees ; an easel, with a picture on it, is placed before him ; a drum, a helmet, and a shield, lie on the floor in front : at the extremity of the apartment are two steps, and upon the upper one stands a covered table, on which are a globe, a candlestick, and a book ; and a fiddle hangs against a pillar at the side of the window. This little jewel was formerly in the possession of King William III. Sold by the Directors of the Musee at Amsterdam, in a public sale, 1828, for 5 10 flo., 46/. well worth three times that sum. Now in the collection of Mr. Emmerson. 12^ in. by 9| in. — P. 104. A Philosopher in deep meditation. He is represented sitting before a window in a large apartment, with a staircase at the back of it. Valued by the Experts du Musee 1816. . 10,000 fs. 400/. Noav in the Louvre. 105. La Lecture de la Sainte Bible. The Interior of a room with an arched-top window on the right, near which are an old woman with spectacles on, seated in a low chair reading in a large book, placed on her lap ; and a venerable man with a gray beard sitting opposite to her, and leaning forward on a stick, in a listening position. A little triangular table, on which are the remains of their frugal repast, stands in the centre of the room, and a spinning-wheel and other objects are on the left side. The Figures in this picture are said to be the portraits of Gerard Dow's father and mother. Engraved in the Musee Fran^ais. Valued by the Experts du Musee 1816. . 25,000 fs. 1000/ Now in the Louvre. 19 in. by 27 in. — P. GERARD DOW. 37 106. An old man occupied weighing money. Signed, and dated 1664. Valued by the Experts du Musee 1816. . 8000/6*. 320/. Now in the Louvre. 107. A young woman at a window, with a bunch of grapes in her hand, which she appears to have gathered from a vine growing on the surrounding w T all, and is about to close the casement, which she holds open with her left hand. It is agreed, by connoisseurs, that this agreeable little picture is not entirely the work of Gerard Dow; he may probably have touched upon the face, the rest of it is by the pencil of Van Tol. Engraved by Massard ; and also in the Musee, by Forster. Taken from the Louvre, in 1815. — Now in the Gallery at Turin. U in. by 10J in. — P. 108. A Quack-doctor holding forth on the virtues and ex- cellence of his drugs, to a numerous assemblage of people. This is considered the most capital picture by the artist, so far as relates to size, and number of figures. In every other re- spect it is greatly inferior to many of his works ; its colour is inclining to brown, the composition is by no means pleasing, added to which there are some very objectionable parts in it. Signed, and dated 1652. This picture has suffered from injudicious cleaning and restoring, Wille has given a very elaborate engraving of it. It is also engraved by C. Hess. Now in the Munich Gallery. 42 in. by 31 in. — P. 109. A portrait of the artist himself, when about fifty years old. He is represented standing at a window under a gothic arcade, holding a stick in his left hand, and leaning his right 38 GERARD DOW. arm upon a table, covered in part by a Turkey carpet, upon which lies a sketch book. His dress consists of a loose morning gown, and a yellowish waistcoat ; a furred bonnet covers his head. This very excellent picture is dated 1663, which would make the artist fifty years of age when he painted it ; but the strong marks of application and study, in his countenance, give him the air of a man of sixty. Now in the Munich Gallery. 20 in. by 13J in. — P. 110. An elderly artist occupied at his easel; upon a table, which stands at his side, are a plaster bust, a dead peacock, a brass milk-can, a book, and a large shell. Dated 1649. A slight and freely painted picture. Now in the Munich Gallery. 25| i nm by 20 in. — P. 111. A venerable hermit upon his knees in prayer, his clasped hands resting upon a book, and his eyes fixed upon a •crucifix, which is placed against a basket before him ; a skull, an hour-glass, a piece of carpet, a leather bottle, and a jug, lie on a rustic table ; and upon the branch of an old tree hangs a lantern. Dated 1670. Now in the Munich Gallery. 17 in. by 13 in. — P. 112. A woman selling vegetables. Near her stall, on the right, stands a girl, and on the opposite side is a man with a bundle at his back, and a stick in his hand. Now in the Munich Gallery. 171 in. by 22 in. — P. 113. The Pancake Woman. A candlelight piece. She GERARD DOW. 39 appears to have just served a customer, and is holding a candle in one hand, and taking money with the other. In the back-ground are seen three other figures. Now in the Munich Gallery. 22 \ in. by 17 J in. — P. 114. A venerable hermit on his knees, with a crucifix in his hands, and a leather keg at his side. Upon a rustic table, near him, lie a skull, an hour-glass, a rosary, two closed books, and a large Bible, which is open in Isaiah ; and upon a branch of an old tree hangs a curious lantern. Now in the Munich Gallery. 13 in. by 11 in. — P. 115. The Interior of a room with a window on the right, against which hangs a rope of onions. In the middle of the apartment is seated an old woman, occupied combing a boy's hair ; and a little farther stands another boy, amusing himself blowing a bladder : on the left and front are a barrow with vegetables in it, and an earthen pan ; and on the right stands a cask, a pan, and a pewter jug. This is an exquisitely painted picture. Now in the Munich Gallery. 14 in. by 11 J in. — P. 116. The supper table ; at which is an old woman occupied cutting bread and butter for two boys. A candlelight piece. Now in the Munich Gallery. 10J in. by 8 in. — P. 117. A young woman at a window with a lighted candle in her hand, which she is about to put into a lantern. Dated 1658. Now in the Munich Gallery. 11 J in. by 7 J in. — P. [arched top.) 40 GERARD DOW. 1 18. An Interior, with an arched-top window on the right, near which is seated an old woman with her back towards it, in the act of saying grace over a frugal repast, consisting of ham and bread, which are placed on a table before her ; a spinning-wheel stands near her, and in the fore-ground are a white dog sleeping, and a variety of culinary and other house- hold objects. This is an admirable example of the master. Now in the Munich Gallery. 10J i n , by 101 in.—V. 119. An old woman seated, engaged paring apples over a pan. Upon a stool, near her, are a tub full of herrings, a roll, and some leeks ; and against the side of the room hangs a bird- cage, and some dried fish. Dated 1667. Now in the Munich Gallery. 11 J in. by 9 in. — P. 120. A hermit on his knees, with his hands clasped together. Upon a rude (earth) table before him are a crucifix, an open book, an hour-glass, a rosary, a basket, a skull, and a candlestick. Now in the Munich Gallery. 141 in . by 10i in. —P. 121. A young woman at a window, emptying water out of a brass milk-can ; a pot of flowers, and a piece of carpet are upon the sill ; at the side hangs a bird-cage ; and near a window, in the back of the room, is seen another female, cutting a slice of bread for a boy. Drawn in Lithography. — Now in the Munich Gallery. 141 i n , by 101 in.—Y. I GERARD DOW. 41 122. An old woman standing at the half-door of a house ; she is dressed in a white cap, a ruff, and a gown with a gray body and scarlet sleeves. Drawn in Lithography. — Now in the Munich Gallery. 11 in. by 8J in. — P. 123. The Interior of a room, with a lady seated at her toilet, arranging a curl of her hair, which a maid, who stands behind her, is dressing. The lady is attired in a scarlet furred corset, and a yellow satin petticoat ; upon the table before her (which is covered with a carpet), are a looking-glass, a silver ewer and salver; a large window with one of the casements open, and a blue curtain hanging at its side, is at the back of the table, and a chair covered with scarlet velvet stands against its side ; on the left front is a wine-cooler, with a bottle in it : and, to complete the composition, a large rich curtain is suspended from the ceiling, and drawn aside to show the interior of the room. This very capital and beautifully-finished picture may be numbered amongst the choicest of this artist's works. Dated 1667. Now in the Munich Gallery. 28 in. by 22 in. — P. 124. The Water Doctor. The interior of a room viewed through an arched-top window, in which is a doctor examining, with attention, a urinal, while an elderly female stands weep- ing at his side. Upon the sill of the window, on the left, are a globe, and a large book, relating to anatomy, lying open ; and before the doctor are placed, upon a rich Turkey carpet, a silver flagon, a barber's basin, and other objects. The under part of the window is adorned with a bas-relief of boys, after Fia- mingo. This very excellent picture is signed, and dated 1653. The composition of the above picture corresponds nearly with one already described in the Choiseul collection. Page 19. Now in the Vienna Gallery. 18 in. by 14 in. — P. {arched top.) 42 GERARD DOW. 125. A wounded soldier reposing upon some chairs near a bed ; a female supports him behind, while a doctor examines his wounds. Now in the Vienna Gallery. 16 in. by 13 in. — P. 1 26. Small whole-length portraits of a lady and gentleman, in a landscape. The lady is represented habited in the rich costume of the time, and holding a fan of feathers in her hand, sitting under the shadow of a large tree ; and the gentleman, who is dressed in a corresponding costume, standing near her. The Landscape is painted by Berghem. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 32 in. by 24 in. — P. 127. A man playing a flute, seated near a table, on which are a variety of objects. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 128. A dentist standing at an arched-top window, with his hand upon the head of a boy, whose tooth he has just drawn, and is exhibiting, as a proof of his dexterity. Dated 1672. Collection of M. Bout . . . 1733. . . 1850 flo. 160/. A picture of this subject was sold in the collection of N. Bayley, 1798 105/. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 13 in. by 9 in. — P. 129. A girl at an arched-top window, with a lighted candle in her hand ; she appears to be about to gather a bunch of grapes from a vine which grows round the window. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 15 in. by 13 in. — P. GERARD DOW. 43 130. A portrait of the artist himself, standing at an arched- top window, playing the violin ; an open music book lies before him on the sill. In the background is seen a picture upon a easel, and the under part of the window is decorated with a bas-relief of infants. Dated 1665. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 17 in. by 12 in. — P. 131. An old woman seated at a table, occupied in winding a skein of thread. The subject is illumined by a lamp, which stands on a table. Collection of Mad. C. Backer, Leyden, 1766. . . 29C/o. 26/. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 14 in. by 11 J in. — P. 132. A Pair. Portraits of the painter and his wife, when young ; they are represented seated in arm-chairs. Now in the collection of M. Steingracht, Hague. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. 133. The Dentist. A candlelight piece. The subject is composed of three figures at a window, the nearest of whom is an elderly woman, holding the hand of an old man, who is seated : at his side stands the operator, with a candle in his hand, examining with attention his patient's mouth. A brass shaving basin, a basket, and a bottle, are upon the sill of the window. This picture, although darkened by time, is of the most precious quality. Now in the collection of Madame Hoffman, Haerlem, 1827. 15 in. by 11 in. — P. (arched top.) 134. The Interior of a room with three figures, the nearest of whom is a young man leaning forwards on a table, to light 44 GERARD DOW. his pipe at a candle ; on the right is seated a fat woman in a sound sleep, whom a man sitting on the farther side of the table is teazing, by placing a lighted match to her nose ; another female is seen entering the room with a lighted candle in her hand ; and on the floor in front stands a lantern, with a light in it. This picture is exquisitely finished. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. {arched top.) 135. Tobit and his Family. The interior of a large room with an open casement at the side, near which are the venerable Tobit, seated in an arm-chair, and Tobias standing by his side anointing his father's eyes, while the old woman (his mother) sits near, watching the operation ; and the angel, clad in white, stands behind Tobit's chair, awaiting the completion of the cure : two youths are also in the group, looking on. A dog lies by the side of the old man's chair ; and near the front and right are a tub, a pewter jug, and other objects on the floor : in the opposite side stands a covered table, with a piece of roast beef on it ; a brass can and a copper pot are on the ground, close to the table. Collection of William Smith, Esq. 1819. Mr. Emmerson 100 gs. Cost the present proprietor 300 gs. Now in the collection of George Morant, Esq. 20 in. by 27 in. — P. 136. A composition representing a family party, in which are introduced the portraits of M. Spierenger and his wife and children. M. Spierenger is represented seated at a table covered with a Turkey carpet ; his lady also, seated in an arm-chair, is at his side, while their eldest daughter is standing, and in the act of presenting them a book. This picture was painted for the King of Sweden. It is mentioned by Descamps, in La Vie cles Peintres ; and also by Houbraken. / GERARD DOW. 45 137. Descamps describes a picture which was then in the church of Santa Maria della Scala, at Rome, representing the decollation of St. John, in which the figures are of the size of life. 138. The portrait of an elderly female, said to be the mother of the artist. This picture is painted the size of nature, and is evidently the work of Dow, when in the school of Rembrandt. Collection of W. Wells, Esq. •26 in. by 21 in. — P. 139. A venerable old man, with a bald head, and a gray bushy beard ; clothed in a brown mantle, bordered with fur, seated in an arm-chair, with his left hand on its elbow, and the right hand (in which he holds a pen) placed upon a large open book, lying on a table before him : his head inclines a little forward, and his countenance expresses thoughtful meditation. This excellent example of the master is now in the collection of the Marquess of Bute. 1 1 1 in, by 9 in. — P. 140. Le Brun, in his gallery of Les Peintres Flamands, mentions a picture by this master (which was done soon after he quitted Rembrandt), representing Tobias in the presence of his father, the size of which was unusually large, being 42 in. by 52 in. — The same author states, that it passed from the Braarncamp collection to England. (46) SCHOLARS AND ANALOGOUS PAINTERS. Feancis Mieris, born 1635, died 1681. This eminent artist was a scholar of Dow, and, while under his tuition, was so close a copyist and imitator of his master's works, that they deceived good judges. Peter Van Slingelandt, born in 1640, died 1691. This artist was also a scholar, and a close imitator of Dow, under whose name the best works of Slingelandt are frequently sold ; but although they are equally exquisite in the manual part, they have always a tameness in the drawing, are meagre in colour, and feeble in effect ; in short, they have neither the handling nor the energy of Dow. Mathys Neveu, born at Ley den, in 1647, died aged. This artist studied under Dow, and frequently copied his works successfully. Dominick Van Tol. He was a nephew, and probably a scholar of Dow ; and it appears to have been the height of this painter's ambition to copy and imitate the works of his uncle, in which he was successfully engaged all his life. One of this master's copies, representing a girl at a window gathering a pink, was sold under his own name, at the sale of M. Midler's collection Amst. 1827, for . . . 1700 flo. 150/. Another, known as La Faiseuse de Dentelle, was sold in the Duke d'Alberg's collection, 1817, for 335 gs. Slabbard. This almost unknown painter was a scholar and imitator of Dow, whose style and manner he strongly resembles in his works, particularly in colour and effect ; but SCHOLARS AND ANALOGOUS PAINTERS. 47 although the accessories of his pictures are neatly finished, his figures are so ill drawn, that his original pictures are of little worth. John Van Staveren. Hu was a pupil of Dow, and an accurate copyist and imitator of his works ; the subjects in which he chiefly excelled, were hermits at prayer or contem- plating a book ; these he finished with the most exquisite neatness, and usually adorned them with the trunk of an old tree, covered with moss. Godfrey Schalken. He was born in 1643, and died in 1706. This artist finished his studies in the school of Dow, and afterwards formed to himself a style which is peculiarly his own. — Vide Schalken. Maton. This painter has frequently copied the works of Dow, particularly those of his candlelight subjects, in which he succeeded extremely well, giving them great force and brilliancy of effect, but with less finish than those of Dow. Joost Van Gaasbeek painted fancy subjects and portraits, in the style of Dow. From the preceding catalogue, it is evident that Dow fre- quently repeated the same subject ; but in no one instance has it occurred to the writer to see duplicate pictures. I PETER VAN SLINGE LANDT Was born at Leyden, in the year 1640, and became a disciple of Gerard Dow, whose style of painting ac- corded so well with the patient application of his pupil, that, previous to leaving him, it was difficult to discover the works of the scholar from those of the master. His patience surpassed even that of Dow ; and, if possible, his finishing was still more elaborate. This imposing qualification had at that period many ad- mirers, so that immediately on his quitting his master, an abundant supply of orders were given him. His method of working was so tedious, that he could only satisfy the wishes of a few, and those at very high prices. It is said that he was occupied three years in painting the portraits of the family of Meerman ; and that he worked a whole month upon a lace frill. This practice of excessive finishing excited the astonishment of the beholders of the pictures, but was attended with nothing but praise and poverty to the painter. He died in the year 1691, aged 51. In consequence of the slow and patient procedure of this artist in painting, his pictures are but few in num- ber ; and even those few are reduced, by interested persons ascribing many of them to Gerard Dow. VOL. I E 50 PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. It has been justly observed, that excessive attention to minutiae, is not only incompatible with genius, but also fails in its intended object ; namely, a faithful representation of nature : and the works of this painter verify the truth of this opinion ; — they are curiosities, so far as regards the finishing and the purity of colour — but, as pictures, are feeble in drawing, expression, and effect, and require to be viewed near, in order to see their merit. Their peculiar qualities have, however, always found admirers ; and their rarity will always command suitable prices from the amateur. A DESCRIPTION OF HIS PRINCIPAL PICTURES. 1. An Interior, with a company of five figures. Collection of M. Bout . Amst, 1733. . 1050 flo. 94/. 20£ in. by Vl\ in.— P. 2. The Puppet-show Man. Collection of M. Bout .... 1733. . 600 flo. 54/. 8. The Interior of a kitchen, with a woman occupied in washing. Collection of Schonbom . . . 1738. . 690 ffo. 62/. 17 in. by 14 in. — P. 4. An Interior, with a woman suckling a child. Collection of Schonbom . . . 1738. . 410 flo. 371. 20 in. by 16 in. — P. PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. 51 5. The Interior of a room with a large window on the right, near which is seated a young woman, occupied at needlework ; and at her side stands a cradle, w T ith a child in it : various other objects are distributed about the room. Formerly in the collection at Hesse Cassel, and subsequently at Malmaison. At the sale of the latter, it was bought by a dealer, and sold to the late king of Bavaria, as a picture by G. Dow, in whose collection it was sold (under that name), at Munich, in 1826. 17 in, by 14 in.— P. 6. The Interior of an apartment, in which are a woman seated, making lace ; a child in a chair, and another child standing by its side. A table, on which are bread and other objects, is on the opposite side of the room. Mentioned by Descamps. Collections of M. Bierens . Amst. 1747. . 1250 flo. 112/. 18 in. by 15 in. — P. 7. A child with a bird bottle, and a goldfinch perched on its finger : a variety of other objects enrich the composition. Collection of M. Zaamens . . . 1767. . 400 flo. 36/. M. Braamcamp . . 1771. . 560 flo. 50/. M. Locquet . . . 1783. . 630 flo. 57/. 13 in. by 10J in. — P. 8. An Interior, with a female standing, and two men seated ; and at the door of the apartment are three children. Men- tioned by Descamps. Collection of M. Lormier, Hague, 1763. . 1400 flo. 126/. 15 in. by 12 in. — P. 0. An Interior, with figures : amongst them are a woman 52 PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. seated near a window, sewing ; a little boy, sitting with his hand on a cradle, in which is a child asleep ; and another little fellow on the ground, playing with balls : a quantity of furni- ture, and various other accessories, complete the composition. 19 in. by 16 in. 10. The Companion : also an Interior, with figures ; among whom are a woman, suckling a child, and a little boy behind her, with his hat in one hand and a turnip in the other : on the right is a fowl upon a basket ; and near the window, which is open, stands a table, covered with a cloth, upon which are some artichokes, and a basket of turnips and cumcubers. Collection of G. de Gagny, 1762. . 1430 /*. (the pair) 53/. 11. A young lady, seated at a table, upon which is a bottle, with flowers in it, apparently giving money and orders to a servant, who stands with a market-pail on her arm : in front is a little dog ; and in the back-ground, a violin, hanging up against the wall. Mentioned by Descamps. Collection of M. du Bois . . . . 1785. . 720/*. 29/. Van Slingelandt Dort, 1785. . 410/o. 37/. 13 in. by 11 in. — P. (arched top.) 12. An Interior, with three figures ; one of whom (a woman) is seated in front, peeling oranges, and speaking to a man, who is presenting her with some partridges ; and beyond them is the cook with a spit : various accessories are distributed about the room ; amongst which, and in front, is a cat playing with a mouse. Engraved by C. Warren. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 2010 flo. 180/. M. Marin . . . 1790. . 3000 ft. 120/. Geldermeester . . 1800. . 910 flo. 82/. This exquisitely finished picture is now worth . . . 350 gs- Now in the Stafford Gallery. 18 in. by 15 in. — P. PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. 53 13. A youth, seated in a landscape, amusing himself with a mouse, which he holds in his left hand. Engraved. Collection of M. Destouches, 1794. 7 \ in. by 6 in. 14. A young lady, seated at a table, looking over a music- paper, and holding a guitar in her left hand ; her hair is decked with pearls, and her dress consists of a violet-coloured corset, and a yellow petticoat, enriched with black lace : a vase of flowers and a carpet form the accessories. Dated 1677. Collection of Marechal de Noailles. Duruey .... 1797. . 1300/s. 52Z. 8 in. by 7 in. — P. 15. An Interior, with two figures : a pretty young woman, standing at a table, cleaning fish ; and an officer behind the table, resting one hand on her shoulder, and holding a glass of wine in the other : near the girl are a pewter pot and a tureen ; and in different parts of the room various other kitchen utensils. Collection of Coders .... 1799. . 600 ft. 24Z. 15 J in. by 12 \ in. 16. An assemblage of objects of still life : amongst them are a basket of red cabbage ; another, full of eggs ; some carrots, two plucked ducks, and a dead cock. Most exquisitely finished. Collection of Paillet 1799. . 201 ft. 81. M. Steinkruys, Anticerp, 1817 (sold privately) 30Z. 8 in. by 7 in. — P. 17. An Interior ; in the middle of which is a little boy, with light hair, dressed in green, and wearing a black velvet cap, 54 PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. with white feathers, holding a bird, perched upon one of his fingers ; and in the back of the room is a servant entering. Collection of Tolozan 1801. . 500 fa. 20/. Sereville 1811. . 1196 fa. 48/. This is probably the one already noticed, or a copy of it. 12$ in. by 8± in. — P. 18. A boy fishing. Collection of M. Lormier . Hague, 1763. . 115 flo. 10 gs. Holdemess collection 1802. 73 gs. 10 J in. by 8 J in. — P. 19. An Interior, with a woman scouring irons. Collection of Mrs. Gordon .... 1808. . . . 46 J- gs. 20. An Interior, with figures : the principal group consists of two persons seated at a table, covered with a striped carpet ; one of whom is dressed in a cap and feathers, and a loose purple robe, holding a silver cup in one hand, and a pipe in the other, while his companion is playing on a violin ; near the chimney stands a young woman, leaning on the back of a chair ; through a door, at the end of the room, are seen two children and a young girl ; and in front lies a dog. Mentioned by Descamps ; then in the cabinet of M. Van Heteren. Collection of M. de Clos . . . . 1812. . 5000 fa. 200/. LePerrier .... 1817. . 6300/*. 252/. 14 in. by 12 in. — P. 21. A Dutch lady, seated, making lace ; she is dressed in a black cap and a dark gray jacket, with a red skirt, which is PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. 55 partly concealed by her apron : a table, covered with a green cloth, on which stands a vase of flowers, and other accessories complete the composition. Collection of Le Perrier .... 1817. . 990 fs. 40/. n in, by 8J in. — P. 22. The Interior of a cottage, with figures ; the principal one of whom is a child, saying grace : a dog, and a variety of other objects, are in the room. This is an exception to the artist's usual manner of painting, being freely handled, and vigorous in colour and effect. Collection of R. Bernal, Esq. . . 1824. 70 gs. Xow in the collection of the Right Honourable Robert Peel. 16 in. by 12 in. — P. 23. An Interior, with a young woman seated near the chim- ney, holding an earthen pan in her lap, apparently eating soup ; behind her stands a table, covered with a carpet, upon which are a basket, a bottle, a spoon, and a pestle and mortar. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1800. . 310/O. 28/. M. Lapeyriere . . 1825. . 2005 fs. 80/. 12 in. by 14 in. — P. 24. The Interior of a Dutch family room. An interesting woman is seated near the fire suckling her child, and a little girl stands by her side warming herself by a comfortable fire, over which hangs a pot ; a favourite gray cat is also enjoying the warmth ; and on the opposite side of the room is placed a cradle : various other objects, suitable to the apartment, are introduced, and complete a faithful picture of Dutch neatness and simplicity. Collection of M. Van Huls, Hague, 1737. . 1090 flo. 98/. The best praise that can be given to this picture is, that its superior beauty and excellence has caused it to be attributed to 56 PETER VAN SL1NGELANDT. Gerard Dow, under whose name it was exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826. Now in His Majesty's collection, and worth . . . 450 gs. 16 in. by 13 J in. — P. 25. An Interior, with figures : on the right, and front, are two men, seated at a table ; one with a pipe and jug in his hands ; behind the chair of the latter stands a pretty young woman ; some cards are lying on the table ; in front lies a dog ; on the opposite side are some carrots on a tub ; and in the back of the room is seen a woman with a child. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri. 18 in. by 12 in. — P. 26. A candlelight piece. A young man seated at the side of a table, upon which he is leaning to light his pipe at a candle, which he holds in his left hand. This is an admirably painted picture, signed, and dated 1684. Collection of M. Paignon Dijonval. Bought by Mr. Emmerson. 8 in. by 6J in. — P. 27. The portrait of a very fair lady ; she is dressed in a scarlet velvet neglige, or corset. Exquisitely finished. Now in the collection of M. Hoffman, at Haerlem. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 28. A Dutch family. The scene presents the interior of a handsome apartment, suitably furnished, in which are a lady and a gentleman, and their two children. The lady, elegantly attired in a scarlet corset, bordered with ermine, and an em- broidered satin petticoat, is seated in front, with a child at her side, holding a bird's-nest in its hand ; on the left of the lady is a youth, dressed in the rich costume of the period, with a stick in his hand, apparently approaching his mother. The PETER VAN SL1NGELANDT. Oerard Dow, under whose name it was exhibit tni in th« ; Britkl Gallery, 1826. Now in His Majesty's collection, and worth . . 450 g& 16 in. by 13| in.—?. :iAmk r \ H'jT'jd A 25. An Interior. s^\Y^W^%%% ffgK?, and front , M two men, seated at a table ; with a pipe and jug in M hands; behind the chaii of tift* latter stands a pretty youn woman; some cards are iv 1:1.-4 on th« i&bte; ainted picture, signed, and dated \ ("liection of M. Paignon Dijonval. 8 in. by 6£ in,- iated at the side trait of a very fail et nodi; or corset. in the collection of M. Hoffman, ( ' 9 in. by 7 in. — 1 28. A Dutch family. The scene previa the interior of a handsome apartment, suitably furnisl • bich are a lady and a gentleman, and their two chihlr- tbfi lady, elegantly attired in a scarlet corset, bordered witfe ermine, and an em- broidered satin petticoat, is seated in front, with a child at her side, holding a bird's-nest in its hand ; on the left of the lady is a youth, dressed in the rich costume of the period, with a stick in hie hand, apparently approaching his mother. The PETER VAN SLINGE L ANDT. 57 father of the family, habited in a plain morning robe, stands on the farther side of a table, extending his left hand to take a letter from a negro servant; his right hand is placed on a book, lying on the table, which is covered with a rich Turkey carpet; a vase, containing flowers, is on the table, and an antique arm- chair stands in front of it; a spaniel lies asleep at the lady's feet. This is the most consequential picture which the writer knows, by this painter ; and it is probably the one mentioned by Deseamps, representing the family of M. Meerman ; in the execution of which, the artist was engaged three years, he having devoted a whole month to the painting of the ruffles and frill only of the young gentleman ; and, indeed, such is the extraordinary finishing of this picture, that it requires the aid of a magnifying glass to discover the delicacy of its pencilling. It was bought by Monsieur D. Angevelliers, of an English brewer, for the sum of 12,000 fs. 480/. It is now in the Louvre, and was valued by the Experts du Musee, in 1816, at 20,000 fs. 800/. 19 J in. by 16 J in. — P. 29. The Interior of a handsome apartment, in which is a young female engaged making lace ; her attention is attracted by an elderly woman, who stands at the outside of the window, with a dead cock in her hand, which she appears to be offering for sale to the young lady. The same subject occurs in the works of Francis Mieris. In the Dresden Gallery. 15 in. by 13 in. — P. 30. An Interior, with a young woman seated before a chim- ney, holding a little dog in her lap, which a man, who stands at her side, is teasing : a violin lies upon a chair in front. A similar subject, painted by Francis Mieris, is noticed in the catalogue of his works. In the Dresden Gallery. 16 in. by 13 in. — P. 58 PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. 31. A boy and a girl amusing themselves blowing bubbles ; on a table, which stands before them, are an earthen pan held by the girl, a chaufferet, dibbs, and a top ; and upon a chair, at the side, lies a blown bladder. Engraved by Forster. 32. An Interior, in which are an old man playing on a violin, and a boy accompanying the music with his voice ; while a female appears to be engaged preparing for dinner. This beautiful example of the master is in the Musee at Am- sterdam. 18 in. by 24 in. — P. 33. The Interior of a Doctor's shop. The medical operator is engaged dressing a wound of a villager, who is seated in an arm-chair, and held by two assistants : various utensils, books, a globe, a copper pot, and other objects, are distributed about the apartment, which is illumined by arched windows. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 34. A portrait of a gentleman : finished with surprising delicacy. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 35. A small oval portrait of a gentleman. Valued by the Experts du Musee, in 1816. . 1000 /*. 40/. Now in the Louvre. 36. A group of culinary utensils, and other objects. Valued by the Experts du Mus^e, in 1816. . 600/*. 24Z. Now in the Louvre. PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. 59 37. A shopkeeper, at his counter. This picture is mentioned by Descamps, and was then in the collection of M. Cauwerwen, at Middleburg. 38. The Interior of a tailor's shop, with men at work. In the Munich Gallery. 20 J in. by 16} in. — P. 39. Houbraken mentions two pictures by this master, in high terms of commendation, for the surprising finishing. One represents a young girl holding a mouse by the tail, which a cat is watching to seize. The other is a sailor, with a worsted cap on. The labour bestowed upon the animals, and the man's cap, is described as being incredible in the minutiae. 40. The Interior of a kitchen, with a pretty young woman, wearing a dark gray gown, a white kerchief, and a small neat cap, standing at a table, scouring a brass pot ; a basket and a lantern lie on the floor, and various culinary objects are suitably introduced. This little picture possesses unusual vigour and freedom, and induces a regret, that the master has not more frequently painted in this style. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Bute. 8 in. by 7 in. — P. ( 60) SCHOLAES AND IMITATOKS OF PETER VAN SLINGELANDT. Jacob Vander Sluys. This painter was first placed under the care of Ary de Voys, but he was indebted to Slingelandt for the valuable instruction which accomplished him as an artist. While under the tuition of the latter, he copied his works with surprising care and exactness ; and he afterwards produced a variety of conversational subjects, in the style of his master, which gained him many admirers. He was born at Leyden, in 1660, and died in 1736. John Filicus. He was born at Bois le Due, in 1660, and was instructed in the art of painting by Slingelandt, whose style and manner he imitated ; and, like him, he painted conversations, and portraits of a small size, which were well composed and coloured, but not so exquisitely finished as those of his master. He died in 1719. FRANCIS MIERIS This exquisite painter, who was born at Leyden, in 1635, from his childhood gave the most manifest proofs of a talent for drawing, and, contrary to the wishes of his parents, made choice of the arts for his profession. He was first placed with Toornevliet, who was con- sidered a good draughtsman and painter on glass, and so rapid was his progress under that master, that his father became reconciled to his following entirely the bent of his inclination. He afterwards entered the school of Gerard Dow, where he so highly distin- guished himself, that he surpassed all his fellow-students, and acquired from his master the honourable appellation of the prince of his disciples. His friends now became fearful, lest he should confine himself to painting only in small ; to prevent which, they sent him to the school of Vanden Temple, with whom, however, he remained but a few months, and then returned to his friend Dow, whose taste and genius corresponded more nearly with his own, and with him he shortly afterwards completed his studies. The subjects which Mieris painted are similar to those of Dow, whom he equalled in exquisite finish- ing, and excelled in elegance of character. His colour is often more fresh and clear than his master's, and the 62 FRANCIS MIERIS quality of the stuffs in the dresses of the figures more distinctly delineated ; indeed nothing in art can surpass the beauty of his silks, satins, and velvets ; and if he had ]ess power and richness of colour than his master, he amply compensated for his deficiency in that respect, by superior clearness and brilliancy. Mieris valued his time at a ducat per hour, and was paid at that rate by his friend Cornelius Plaats, for whom he painted a capital picture, representing a lady fainting, and a physician applying remedies to relieve her. This picture cost 1500 florins. The works of this master are extremely rare and precious, and always sell at very high prices : they are mostly of very small size. He was much engaged in painting portraits, which are also very exquisite. Mieris took great delight in the company of Jan Steen, and often spent the greater part of the night with him and his associates, until a serious accident happened to him, in returning home late one night, which so injured his health, that he died shortly afterwards, in the vear 1681, a^ed 46. A DESCRIPTION OF HIS PRINCIPAL PICTURES. 1. A doctor feeling the pulse of a young lady, who is seated at her bedside, with a book open on her lap ; near her stands a table, on which are a basin, a sponge, and a phial of medicine ; through a door- way, at the end of the chamber, is seen another room. Dated 1657. Collection of De la Coort . Arnst 1707. . 650 flo. 581. Published in Lithography, 1827. Now in the Vienna Gallery. 12 in. by 10 in. — Cop. FRANCIS MIERIS. 63 2. The Interior of a handsome apartment, in which is a young lady dressed in a scarlet corset, seated near a table, with a lace cushion and bobbins in her lap ; her attention appears to be drawn from her work by an elderly woman, who has put her head in at an open window, and is offering a dead fowl for sale ; a little white dog is behind her chair, and a basket of linen stands on the ground before her. Engraved by Basan ; then in the collection of M. de Henekin, at Dresden. A duplicate of the above, of a larger size, and painted by Slingelandt, is in the Dresden gallery. 11 1 in. by 8| in. — P. 3. The Interior of a bed-room, with an elegantly-dressed lady standing near her toilet, looking at a little dog dancing before her ; an arm-chair stands behind her, and in the back of the room is a young woman making a bed. Engraved by Basan. Then in the collection of Count de Bruhl. Xow in the gallery of the Hermitage, St. Petersburgh. 19 in. by 15 in. — P. 4. A lady seated, with a puppy in her lap, and a gentleman standing at her side pinching its ear, in order to tease the bitch, which is jumping up against the lady's knees. Collection of Baron Droste . . . 1734. . 725 flo. 65/. YanZwieten . . . 1741, . 910 flo. 821 Xow worth 450 gs. Descamps mentions a picture of the same subject as the above, which was then in the collection of Van Slingelandt, and is probably the one now in his Majesty's collection, which was exhibited at the British Gallery, 1826. Engraved in Mezzotinto, by Greenwood; also by Audouin, in the Musee. The above picture was removed from the Louvre, in 1815, to the Hague gallery. 10 J in. by 8 in. — P. 64 FRANCIS MIERIS. 5. A beautiful boy at a window, blowing bubbles. In the back-ground is a young woman with a dog in her arms, and on the sill of the window are a cap adorned with feathers, and a bottle with a sun-flower in it. Dated 1663. Engraved by Pigeot, in the Musee Francais. Collection of Schonborn . . . 1738. . 620 flo. 56/. Lormier .... 1763. . 1560 flo. 140/. Taken from the Louvre, in 1815, and restored to the Hague gallery ; now worth 300 gs. 9 in. by Qh in, — P. (arched top.) 6. A boy blowing bubbles at a window. A duplicate of the above, and marked with the same date. Descamps mentions this picture, which was then in the collection of the Due d'Orleans, 1754. Collection of M. de Calonne Lond. 1795 48/. Lord Rendlesham . 1806 189/. Again, in the same collection . 1809 131 gs. Engraved in the Le Brim gallery, and also by Ingouf. A fourth picture, of great beauty and exquisite finishing, is in the collection of G. Morant, Esq. also dated 1663. There is also a duplicate, in the collection of Earl Mulgrave. 10 in. by 7 in. — P. 7. A lady, dressed in a purple velvet corset and a greenish satin petticoat, sitting at her toilet arranging her hair ; a negro servant stands behind her with a silver salver and vase. The back-ground represents a kind of vestibule, supported by columns. Collection of Count de Fraula Brussels, 1738. 630 /o. 57/. M. Hoeck . . Hague, 1745. 1300 flo. 117/. Marquis de Yoyer, vide Descamps, 1754. M. Montribloud . . . 1784. 10 in. by 8 in. % or 12 in. by 9 in. — P. FRANCIS MIERIS. 65 8. A representation of the painter himself, seated at his easel, painting the portrait of his wife, who is standing before him richly dressed in white satin. Collection of Count de Frank . . 1738. . 2700 fio. 243/. Descamps mentions this picture, which was then in the collec- tion of M. Bouxiere, 1754. 251 i n . by 18 in. — P. 9. An Interior, with a young lady playing the piano, and two gentlemen listening to the music. Collection of M. Bout . . Amst. 1733. . 3000 fio. 270/. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. 10. Lucre tia expiring, and an elderly female standing near her overcome with grief. Cited in Descamps. Collection of Van Zwieteu . . . 1741. . 875 flo. 83/. Lormier 1763. . 625 fio. 56/. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 151 i n , by 1Q1 in. — P. 11. A conversational subject, in which the artist has intro- duced the portraits of himself and his wife ; a servant is seen in the back of the room bringing refreshments. Descamps mentions this picture, which was then in the collection of Prince Charles. Collection of Van Zwieten Hague, 1741. . 2500 fio. 225/. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 221 i nt by 17 in. — P. 12. A magdalen with a skull. Noticed by Descamps. Collection of Van Huls . Hague, 1737. . 800 fio. 72/. — Lormier .... 1763. . 460 /o. 41/. 13 in. by 9 \ in. — P. VOL. I. F 66 FRANCIS MIERIS. 13. KingCandaules in bed, and his wife standingnaked at the side of it, in order that his minister Gyges might see her beauty. Collection of Schonborn . . . 1738. . 905 flo. 81/. 14. L'CEuf casse. A female peasant seated near a building, with a basket of eggs at her side, one of which lies broken on the ground. Engraved by Moitte, then in the collection of Count de Bruhl. 9 in. by 7 \ in. — P. 15. The Interior of an elegant apartment, in which are five persons; amongst whom is a lady, seated in front, with a glass of wine in her hand, whose attention is directed towards a gentleman habited in the rich costume of the time, stand- ing close to the front, in the act of presenting her a dish of oysters; a servant is behind her chair filling a glass with wine; the remaining two figures (a lady and gentleman) are seated at the end of the room, and two others are seen enter- ing a door on the left. Engraved by Basan. Collection of Count de Bruhl. Now in the Hermitage at St. Petersburgh. 19 in. by 15 in. — P. {arched top.) 16. An Interior by candlelight, with several figures; amongst whom is a lady playing on the guitar. Collection of Lormier {vide Descamps) 1763. . 635 t /Zo. 57/. 6f in. by 6| in. — P. 17. A lady at her toilet, attended by a negress, who is pouring Tier out some water from a silver ewer. Cited by Descamps. Collection of Lormier . . Hague, 1763. . 830 flo. 751. Afterwards in the collection of the King of France ; and now in the Louvre. Valued by the Experts du Musee . 1816. . 4000 fs. 160/. 101 in. by 8| in. — P. FRANCIS MIERLS. 67 18. An Interior, with a lady and a gentleman taking wine together ; the latter holds a goblet in his hand. Collection of Da Costa . . Hague, 1764. . 615 flo. 55/. 13 in. by 11 in. — P. 19. The Companion. A young lady reading the gazette, and a gentleman listening to her : a servant is seen in the background. These are mentioned by Descamps. Collection of Van Huls .... 1761. . 615 .//o. 55/. 13 in. by 11 in. — P. 20. An Interior, exhibiting a pretty female in her shop, occupied in showing a variety of silks to a gentleman, who appears to be more interested with the beauty of the fair shop-keeper than with that of her silks. A man is seated in the back of the room, and various picturesque objects of furniture are disposed in front. This very exquisite picture was painted for the Archduke of Austria, who paid the painter 1000 florins for it, in 1660. Pilkington, in his Dictionary of Painters, mentions this picture in high terms ; it is also noticed by other writers on art. Now in the Vienna gallery. 21 in. by 16 in. — P. (arched top.) 21. An Interior, with a composition of four figures, the nearest of whom is a handsome lady, dressed in white satin, standing with a lute in her hands ; behind her sits another lady, in an arm-chair, in the act of raising a glass of wine to her lips, while a page waits at her side with a silver salver ready to take the empty glass ; the fourth figure is a gentleman in a black velvet mantle, near a table covered with a Turkey carpet ; his attention is taken by a monkey eating sweetmeats. A silk curtain, drawn aside in the back of the room, presents a view 68 FRANCIS MIERIS. of a gallery, formed of beautiful architecture, in which are two other figures. Descamps states, that this capital picture was painted for the grand Duke of Florence, at the price of 100 rix dollars. 22. An Interior, with a musical party composed of six figures : the apartment is enriched with various suitable accessories. Descamps mentions this picture, as being one of the artist's most capital performances. Collection of M. Lubbeling, 1760. 23. The artist's own Portrait. He is represented richly habited in the elegant costume of the time, seated in a chair, with a guitar in his lap ; his back towards the spectator, and his face turned over his right shoulder : a view of the distant landscape is seen through a window in the back of the room. Engraved by Marais. Now in the Palazzo Pitti, at Florence. in. by 6 in. — P. {arched top.) 24. The Interior of a room, in front of which is a young lady, richly dressed in a crimson corset and a satin petticoat, seated, and leaning back against pillows, fast asleep, with her bosom exposed; on the further side of a table (which is covered with a Turkey carpet, and having on it a guitar, a jug, and a glass) is an old woman receiving money from a man, who has just entered the room : the figures are seen to the knees. Engraved by Vellain. Now in the Palazzo Pitti, at Florence. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 25. Two Bacchantes and two Satyrs, playing the flute. Noticed in Descamps, Yol. III., 1754, then in the collection of the Due d'Orleans. FRANCIS MIERIS. 69 26. Two women selling vegetables, and two other figures near them. Descamps' Vie des Peintres, Vol. III. Collection of Prince de Hesse, 1754. 27. The Interior of a room, with four figures ; the principal of whom is a lady, in front, very richly dressed in satin, who has fallen on the ground, apparently in a fainting fit, and is supported by another female, who stands behind her. The painter probably intended to intimate the cause of her malady by the introduction of a letter, which lies on the ground, sealed with black wax. Collection of M. Pasquier, Rouen, 1756. This picture was ascribed in the catalogue to Adrian Vander Werf ; but the composition corresponds so exactly with two pictures noticed in this catalogue, of the works of Mieris, that it is probably a third one by his hand. 17J in. by 11 J in, — P. {arched top.) 28. A composition of the attributes of painting and music ; amongst them is the figure of an infant, in white marble, upon a pedestal ; and in the right corner of the picture is a man reading. M. Descamps takes notice of this picture, under the title of La Melancolie, Yol. III. Collection of Julienne .... 1767. . 144/s. 6/. Again in the sale of Tronchien . . 1801. . 303 fs. 12/. This was probably painted by William Mieris. 19 in. by 17 in. — P. 29. A young lady seated at a window, amusing herself feeding a gray parrot, which is perched on a stand before her ; the tasteful dress of the lady is composed of a crimson loose corset bordered with ermine, and a yellowish silk petticoat; 70 FRANCIS MIERIS. her hair is braided with a red riband, and falls in ringlets round the forehead. Mentioned by Descamps. Collection of M. de Gaignat . . 1768. . 3100/*. 124/. Due de Praslin . . 1793. . 9451/*. 378/. Prince Talleyrand . . 1817. (bought privately). W. Beckford, Esq. Fonthill, 1823. 305 gs. Now in the collection of the Right Honourable Robert Peel. A duplicate of the preceding picture, of the most exquisite quality, is in the Munich gallery ; and a third picture is in His Majesty's collection, and is probably the one sold in the Slingelandt collection, at Dort, 1785, for 420,/fo. 38/. 8^ in. by 6 in. — Cop. 30. A man, with a hat and feathers, at a window, holding a large glass in one hand, and a pipe in the other. Collection of M. de Gaignat . . 1768. . 484/y. 20/. 6| in. by 5 \ in. — P. 31. A beautiful lady, dressed in yellow satin, seated at a table, writing ; a crimson velvet carpet covers the table, on which is a musical instrument : the lady is attended by a page, who stands near her, waiting her orders ; and a dog lies asleep on a pillow upon a stool, covered with green velvet. Mentioned in Descamps, Vol. III. Collection of M. Cauwerwen . . 1765. . 2100/O. 190/. — Braamcamp 1771. . 3610/o. 325/. — R. de Boisset . 1777. . 8100 fs. 324/. — M. Beaujon 1787. . 7000 fs. 280/. — M. Destouches . . 1794. Vancler Potts Rott. 1808. . 2025 flo. 182/. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 9| in. by 8 in.- -P. 32. A gentleman, dressed in red velvet, with a cane in his hand, standing in a garden, leaning his arm on a pedestal ; near him is a sporting dog, and a negro servant stands on his left. FRANCIS MIERIS. air is braided with a red riband, and falls in ringiefes round the forehead. Mentioned by Descamps. Collection of M. de Gaismat . . 1768. . 3100 U. 124/. .t^oai, xoaiflao a m au A • Prince Talleyrand. , 1817. (bought . priYsti-.M. W. Beckford, kuq. FonthiU, 1823. $0$ ^. Now in the collection of the Kight Honourable Robert Peel. A duplicate of the preceding piotaus^af the most exquisite qiaalily, is in the Munich gallery ; and a third picture i« in His Majesty's collection, and is probably the one wrtd in ,tl» 81 ingelandt collection, at Dort, 1785, for . • . . . , 420 /to. 38/. 30. A, man, with a hat and feathers, at a window, holding a large glass in one hand, and a pipe in the other. Collection of M. de Gaignai . . 1768. . '48 4 f§. 20/. 31. A beautiful lady, dressed in yellow satin, seated at a table, writing ; a crimson velvet carpet covers the table, r«i. '■ ■ ■ a dog lies asleep on a pillow upon a stool, covered mth wmn velvet. Mentioned in Descamps, Vol. Til. Collection of M. Cauwerwen . . 1765 'ilt*)tio. 190/. Braumcamp . , . 1771 &$$QJfo. 325/. — : R. de Boisset . . . 1777. * 100 /*. 324/. M. Beaujon . . , 17$! -^HlOO fs. 280/. — - M. Destouches . . ]7£4 Vander Potts Rott i • ' 2025 fla. 182/. Now in the Musee at Amsterdam. 9f in. by 8 in. -\\ 32. A gentleman, dressed in red velvet, with a cane in his hand, standing in a garden, leaning his arm on a pedestal ; near him is a sporting dog, and a negro servant stands on his left. FRANCIS MIERIS. 71 Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 1206 Jio. 108/. Valued by the Experts du Musee in 1816 at 3000 /*. 120/ ^ T ow in the Louvre. 10 in. by 7£ in. — P. 33. Two Portraits. One of a lady, the other, of a gentle- man ; represented at arched windows. Mentioned in Descamps, Vol. III. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 300 flo. 211. These are probably the pictures now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri, and worth 150 gs. 8 in. by 7 in. — P. 34. A blind man, led by his dog under a gate-way, and a little boy at his side, looking up at him. Engraved. Collection of Choiseul (bought for the Prince de Conti), 1772, 610 fs. 24/. 10s. 181 i n . by 14 in. — P. 35. A lady seated, leaning upon a table, with a music-book in her hand, and a guitar before her. Collection of Trouard . . . 1779. . 730 fs. 29/. 8 in. by 7 in. — P. 36. A young lady at a window, with a palette and pencils in her hand, a plaster figure on her arm, and a mask suspended to a gold chain round her neck. From the Lubbeling collection. Poulain gallery (engraved, Xo. 59) . 1780. . 3300 fs. 132/. Collection of M. Cochu . . . . 1783. . 3400 fs. 136/. M. Destouches . . 1794. This exquisitely painted picture is noticed by Lairess, in his work on the Art. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri, Palais Bourbon. 4| in. by 3 J in. — P. 72 FRANCIS MIERIS. 37. A gentleman, dressed in a brown cap, with blue feathers, and an olive-coloured silk waistcoat, with velvet sleeves, seated at a table, on which are a glass and some prawns ; and a young girl, with her back turned, is on the other side, writing on a slate ; a violin lies upon the sill of the window. Dated 1660. Collection of M. Cauwerwen, Ley den, 1765. . 1100 flo. 99/. Nogaret .... 1780. . 2102 ft. 84/. Now in the choice collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. worth 300 gs. 10} in. by 8 in. — P. 38. A portrait of a gentleman, wearing a velvet cap, adorned with feathers, and a brown mantle. Collection of Nogaret 1780. 361 ft. 14/. 10s. 4^ in. by 3 J in. — P. 39. A portrait of the artist himself, dressed in a black velvet cap, and a mantle ; he has a palette in one hand, the other is resting upon a stone balustrade, and an easel stands in the back-ground. Signed, and dated 1667 ; aged 32. This picture is mentioned by Descamps, Vol. III., and was then in the collection of M. Van Slingelandt. Collection of Marquis Menares, 1781. Now in the collection of M. Goll, Amsterdam, and worth 1 30 gs. 6 J in. by 5 in. — P. 40. A portrait of a gentleman in a gray satin night-gown, with a red belt round his waist ; he is leaning upon a balustrade, with a letter in his hand : a library occupies the back-ground. Collection of M. Jan. Tak . Leyden, 1781. . 460 flo. 41/. 9 in. by 6 J in.- — P. 41. A young lady standing in a chamber, dressed in a FRANCIS MIERIS. 73 peach-coloured satin jacket, and a muslin lace kerchief: another room is seen through an open door at the back. Collection of M. Jan. Tak, Leyden, 1781. . 475 flo. 42/. 9 in. by 6 J in. 42. A gentleman, richly dressed, sitting in a chair, with a pipe in his right hand, and laughing with a pretty woman, who stands behind him, holding a jug and a glass. Collection of Van Slingelandt, Dort, 1785. . 376 flo. 34/. 8J in. by 6f in. — P. 43. A lady, with a little dog on her left arm ; her bosom is partly concealed by a muslin kerchief ; a straw hat, lined with satin, and surmounted by a plume of feathers, covers her head ; and a blue mantle envelopes her body. From the Lubbeling collection. Collection of Morelli 1786. . 901 fs. 36/. Calonne (engraved) 1788. . 1404 fs. 56/. Sereville 1811. . 1500 fs. 60/. 5 J in. by 4 in. — P. (oval.) 44. A lady, richly dressed, reclining on a Turkey carpet, apparently in distress ; a girl upon her kness, in tears ; and a gipsy standing behind them. Collection of Lambert .... 1787. . 2250 fs. 90/. De Clos .... 1812. . 2201 fs. 88/. 18f in. by 16 J in. — P. 45. A portrait of the artist himself, with a guitar in his hands. Collection of Calonne Angelot . 1789. . 350 fs. 14/. 7 in. by 5 in. — P. (oval.) 74 FRANCIS MIERIS. 46. An artist, studying a statue of a man, by candlelight, and a gentleman at his side, looking on : two youths (one of whom has a candle in his hand), are in the back-ground. Collection of Praslin .... 1793. . 2261 fs. 90/. 6 J in. by 5 h in. — P. 47. A portrait of Gerard Dow's mother, with an orange in her hand. Collection of Destouches, 1794. 5 in. by 4 in. — P. 48. A peasant girl, offering fruit for sale to an old woman. A very exquisitely-finished picture (from the cabinet of M. D'Averley.) Collection of Calonne, 1795. 49. The Chemist. An old man sitting in a room near a window, attentively watching the effect of the fire (which his assistant, a young man, is blowing) upon his crucible : various suitable accessories are distributed about the room. Noticed in Descamps, Vol. III. Engraved. Orleans Gallery, 1798. Valued at 150 gs. 18 in. by 13 in.- — P. 50. A young lady, elegantly dressed in a scarlet corset, bordered with ermine, seated, with a glass of wine in her right hand, and with the other hand is about to take an oyster from off a silver plate, which a gentleman, standing by her side, is presenting her ; a table, covered with a Turkey carpet, on which is a china jug, is placed near her. This beautiful picture is noticed by Descamps ; it was then in FRANCIS MIERIS. 75 the Orleans Gallery ; which collection was imported into this country, and sold in 1798. Engraved. Now in the collection of Lady Mildmay. A duplicate of the above picture was sold in the collection of M. Geldermeester 1800. . 850 flo. 76/. Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and G. Hibbert, Esq. 1802. 145 gs. A third picture, of exquisite beauty, is in the Munich Gallery. 10J in. by 7 J in. — P. {arched top.) 51. A young lady seated at her toilet, tieing her cap under her chin ; her dress consists of a red corset, bordered with ermine, and a blue satin petticoat. This is a beautiful example of the master. Engraved by Warren. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1880. . 850 flo. 76/. Now in the gallery of the Marquis of Stafford, and worth 250 gs. A picture of a similar subject to the above, of fine quality, is in the collection of M. Van Sassegem, at Ghent. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. 52. An old man, with gray hair and beard, sleeping in his chair; his left arm reclines upon a table, which is in part covered by a Turkey carpet ; and on it are a hurdy-gurdy, a brass ember pot, and a jug of beer. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1800. . 600 flo. 54/. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. 53. The Interior of a room, in which is a female scouring a saucepan, and a child near her, with a whip in one hand and a brass skillet in the other ; at the side lies a dog, on a mat : a variety of culinary and other household objects are distributed about the room. Engraved by Warren. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1800. . 405 flo. 36/. Now in the Stafford Gallery. 16 in. by 14 in. — P. 76 FRANCIS MIERLS. 54. Am mon putting away Tamar. This picture is said to be finished in the most elaborate manner. Collection of Robert Strange, Esq. . 1800. . . . 210 gs. 55. A young lady, dressed in a scarlet corset, bordered with ermine, and a light blue satin petticoat, seated, with her right elbow leaning on a marble table, upon which stands a bottle, with flowers in it ; she has a music-book lying open on her knees, and is in the act of turning round to a gentleman, who is presenting her with a glass of wine ; a little spaniel lies on a stool, covered with green velvet, in front of the table. Signed, and dated 1671. The figures are said to be the portraits of the painter and his daughter. Collection of Tronchien . . . 1801. . 1200. fs. 48/. Solirene .... 1812. . 2802 fs. 112/. This little picture is of the first quality, both in colour and finish. The writer bought it in Paris, and sold it to Mr. Barchard for 500/. in whose collection it has since been sold (1826) for 414/. 15s. Xow in the collection of Count Peregaux, Paris. 10 in. by 7 J in. — P. 56. The Holy Family. The Virgin, dressed in green, is sitting with a book open upon her knees, and a spaniel sleeping on the skirt of her robe ; while the infant Saviour is measuring a cross with a pair of compasses ; and St. Joseph is meditating in the back-ground : some bread and cheese are on a table at the Virgin's right side. This picture, which was painted for the Marquise Be theme, is said to have been left unfinished by this master, and to have been completed by his son, William Mieris, to whom it is attributed. It came from the cabinet of Desoubrie, and is noticed in Des- camps' Vie des Pei?itres, Vol. III. Collection of Tronchien . . . 1801. . 1301 /*. 52/. ■VanderPots. . . 1808. . 1000 flo. 90/. 13^ in. by 16 J in. — P. FRANCIS MIERIS. 77 57. A portrait of a gentleman, dressed in black silk. Collection of Greffier Fagel . . 1801 61 gs. 58. Jacob's Dream. Collection of Greffier Fagel 1801 70 gs. 59. Lesbia, with her sparrow ; she is in the act of letting the little prisoner escape out of a tortoise-shell box. Signed, and dated 1667. Again in the sale of P. Panne, Esq. 1819 57| gs. Now in the writer's possession. 7 in. by 5 in. — P. 60. L'Enfileuse de Perles. The Interior of a room : a beautiful young lady, dressed in a red corset, embroidered in silver, a large frill and a pearl necklace ; she is sitting at a table, covered with a Turkey carpet, stringing pearls from a japan box ; and a young woman is seen in the back- ground, bringing in a silver salver and ewer. Signed, and dated 1658. Collection of Van Leyden . . 1804. . 12,001/6'. 480/. Again in a sale at Mr. Christie's, 1807. (bought in) 390 gs. Collection of Sereville .... 1811. . 14,000 fs. 560/. La Fontain's sale, at Mr. Christie's, 1811. (bought in) 280 gs. This is one of the most beautiful examples of the master : it was bought by the Marquis of Hertford, who afterwards exchanged it for another with M. La Fontain ; from whom it passed into the collection of Prince Talleyrand, on the sale of whose collection, in 1817, it was bought by the Chevalier Bonnemaison ; and by him sold, with a small P. Potter, to Mr. Valdou, for 22,000 fs., in whose collection it now is. Collection of Greffier Fagel 1801 32 8J in. by 6£ in. — P. 78 FRANCIS MIERIS. 61. A portrait of a beautiful woman, with her neck and breast uncovered, dressed in white satin, with slashed sleeves ; she is holding up her robe with one hand, and with the other taking a peach from a basket, which is presented to her by a page. Dated 1665. Collection of Van Leyden . . 1804. . 9930 fs. 397/. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 62. Boys at a window, amusing themselves with a cat, that is endeavouring to get at a bird in a cage, which hangs at the side. This beautiful picture is noticed by Descamps, and was then in the collection of Van Slingelandt, 1751. Collection of Sir George Yonge, Bart. 1806. . . . 325 gs. Now in the possession of Robert Biscoe, Esq. 63. A portrait of Grefher Fagel. Mentioned by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres, Vol. III. Collection of Sereville .... 1811. . 2010/*. 80/. LePerrier . . . 1817. . 1600/s. 64/. 8 in. by 6 in. — Cop. 64. The Water Doctor. Most exquisitely finished. Mr. Hill's sale 1811. . . . 100 p*. 65. A Lady in a swoon. In the Interior of a room are five figures, the principal of whom is a lady, who has fallen on the floor in a fainting fit, and is supported by an elderly female, at whose left side stands a doctor, examining a urinal, and on her right is a young woman ; another young female is at the further end of the room, near the chimney, weeping ; a chair, a silver candlestick, and a china vase, complete the subject. One of the chief attractions of this picture is / FRANCIS MIERIS. 79 the exquisite finish of the lady's dress, which consists of a fawn-coloured satin petticoat, and a loose crimson velvet jacket bordered with ermine. Formerly in the possession of Mr. Gillows, who is said to have refused 1000/. for it. Sold in Mr. Zachary's collection, at Mr. Phillips's, 1826, 331 gs. A picture of a similar subject, but with the additional feature of a letter sealed with black wax, has already been described. A third picture of this subject, painted for the Elector Palatine, and now in the Munich Gallery, is noticed in Descamps, Vol. III. p. 20. (Engraved.) The same writer also mentions a second (p. 16), which was painted for the artist's friend and patron, M. Cornelius Plaats, and for the painting of which he was paid a ducat per hour, amounting in the whole to 1500 florins. The Grand Duke of Florence, who was then in Holland, offered 3000 flo. for it. This is most probably the one described above, and now in the possession of Mr. Artis. 17J in. by 12J in. — P. (arched top.) 66. A Cave, in which a bald-headed old man is seated, with a book lying open before him on a sort of bank, on which are also a skull, a lantern, and an hour-glass. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri. 67. The Interior of ,a large room, with a young female seated, and an elderly female bending over her ; they are both very richly habited. In the back of the room is a group of three persons, and a fourth is seen entering a door : a rich Turkey carpet lies in front. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri. 16 in by 12 in. — P. (about.) 68. A young female holding up an infant, which a boy, who stands on the further side of her, is kissing. A table 80 FRANCIS MIERIS. is in front, on which is a cake. Engraved in the Musee Francois. Taken from the Louvre in 1815, and restored to Turin. 5 1 in. by 4 J in. — P. (arched top.) 69. A gentleman habited in the Spanish costume, playing the hurdy-gurdy. Engraved in the Musee. This picture was taken from the Louvre in 1815, and restored to the claimants. 5-f in. by 4§ in. — P. (arched top.) 70. The Interior of a saloon, with two ladies taking tea together ; they are both richly dressed in satin, &c. Valued by the Experts du Musee, 1816. . 2500 fs. 100/. Now in the Louvre. 71. The Interior of a room, with a woman suckling her child. Valued 1816. . 4000 fs. 1607. Now in the Louvre. 72. The portrait of Horatius Schuy], Professor of Botany, at Leyden. This exquisitely-painted picture is dated 1666. Now in the Hague Gallery. 73. The Tinker. This travelling artisan is represented in front of a cottage, busy in examining an old pot, the owner of which appears to be waiting for his opinion upon it ; behind him is a boy seated ; and further are two other boys, preparing a trap for birds : a cask and a variety of utensils are in front Now in the Dresden Gallery. 23 in. by 20 in. — P. FRANCIS MIERIS. 81 74. A young lady, with a little dog in her lap, seated before a looking-glass, cleaning her teeth. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 12 in. by 9^ in. — P. 75. An old Woman, seated at a table, occupied in planting a pink in a flower-pot. Painted with unusual power and effect. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 12J in. by 9 in. — P. 76. A cavalier, seated at a table, smoking his pipe : a wine- glass and other objects are on the table, and a sword hangs on the back of his chair. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 77. The portrait of a young lady. Collection of Leendort de Neufville 1765. . 425 fio. 38/. 44 in. by 3| in. — Cop. 78. A portrait of the artist himself, habited in a black velvet mantle, and a poppy-colour velvet cap, with a feather in it. Collection of Sieur Victor . . . 1822. . 735 fs. 30/. Now in the collection of Lord F. Leveson Gower. There is a duplicate of this picture in the Munich Gallery. 4 in. by 3 in. — P. 79. A traveller seated upon a bank, with his hat off, and a knapsack lying by his side. This is said to be a portrait of the artist when young ; and is an admirable production of the master. Now in the collection of William Wells, Esq. of Eedleaf. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1819. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. VOL. i. G 82 FRANCIS MIERIS. 80. A portrait of a lady. Collection of Lord de Dunstanville. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815. 81. An old woman reading. Collection of William Smith, Esq. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1818. 82. An Interior, with a soldier drinking. Now in the collection of the Duke of Wellington. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1819. 83. A young lady, in a yellow jacket and a dark blue skirt, seated at a table with a music-paper in her hand, which she appears to be looking at with great attention. At her side is her master with a violin, and on the table stands a white jug and a glass. This picture is unusually rich, and brilliant in colour. Collection of Smeth Van Alpen . 1810. . 1320 flo. 1187. iSTow in the collection of Mad. Six Van Winter, Amsterdam, 1826. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 84. The Interior of a room, with a large deal table on the right, upon which lie a bundle of old clothes, a book, a pistol, a wine-glass, and a tobacco-box : two figures are faintly seen in the back-ground. This picture is painted with surprising truth and exquisite finish. Now in the Munich Gallery. 10J in. by 6| in. — P. {arched top.) 85. An Interior, with two men seated at a table, one of whom is in the act of drinking out of a stoop ; on the farther FRANCIS MIERIS. 83 side of the table stands a woman, who appears to be serving them ; and in front are a cask, and a pan with mussels in it. Now in the Munich Gallery. 14 in. by 11 in. — P. 86. Two beautiful children at a window, dressed in the habits of a drummer and a fifer ; the former of whom is in front, decked with a red velvet cap and feathers, and wearing a yellow satin dress. This is a picture of exquisite beauty. Now in the Munich Gallery, worth 300 gs. 6£ in. by 5J in. — P. 87. A soldier, with a pipe in his hand, seated at a table' upon which he leans his right arm ; he has a furred cap on his head, and is armed with a cuirass. Done in lithography. Now in the Munich Gallery. 7J in. by 6 in. — P. 88. A portrait of a gentleman, dressed in rich slashed satin, and wearing a hat and feathers : he holds a goblet in his hand, and is standing against the side of a table, on which he rests his left elbow. This is dated 1668. Done in lithography. Now in the Munich Gallery. 6 \ in. by 5 in. — P. 89. An Interior, with four figures, the most distinguished of whom is a lady, who has sunk on the floor in a fainting fit, &c. &c. This picture is a duplicate of one already described. They are both equally excellent. See page 78. Now in the Munich Gallery. 16 1 in. by llf in. — P. (arched top.) 90. An Interior, with a young lady seated, playing on a 84 FRANCIS MIERIS. guitar ; her right elbow rests upon a table, upon which lies a music-book. Now in the Munich Gallery. 8 in. by 6 J in. — P. 91. An Interior, in which is a lady elegantly attired, and adorned with a plume of feathers in her hair, standing with her back to the spectator, viewing herself in a glass, which hangs against a pillar ; a little spaniel is lying at her feet, and in front are a pair of green velvet slippers, and an antique arm-chair. An admirable performance. Now in the Munich Gallery, worth 400 gs. 13 in. by 11 in. — P. 92. An Interior with three figures, which occupy the right of the picture ; the nearest is a gentleman seated, fast asleep, with his hat and feathers in his right hand dangling on the ground : at his side sits a sharper, who appears to have robbed him, as he holds some money in one hand, while the fingers of the other are placed on his lips, by way of sign to a young woman, who stands behind the gentleman's chair : a table with various objects on it, and a saddle on the ground, fill up the other side of the composition. This picture is of the highest excellence. Now in the Munich Gallery, worth 450 gs. 16 in. by 12 in. — P. 93. A cavalier with a pipe in his hand ; he is armed with a cuirass, and has on a cap decked with feathers, and a red sash round his waist. Now in the Munich Gallery. 5 J in. by 4 in. — P. FRANCIS MIERIS. 85 94. The Interior of a room, with a lady, elegantly dressed in white satin, standing before a looking-glass, which is in a richly-carved frame, suspended against the wall ; her maid is on the farther side of her, attaching her waistband ; on the opposite side of the room stands her toilet table, with the usual objects upon it. Now in the collection of M. Goll, Amsterdam. 28 in. by 23 in.— C. (about). 95. A girl, in a scarlet bodice, at an archecl-top window, with a pewter jug in her hand. Now in the collection of M. Goll, Amsterdam. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. (about.) 96. A lady, dressed in white satin, attended by a page carrying a basket of fruit. Now in the collection of M. Van Loone, Amsterdam. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. (about.) 97. An old woman, at an arched-top window, throwing water from a pot. Engraved by H. Bary; entitled Gave VEau. 98. A young female asleep by the side of a table, behind whom is a youth laughing. Engraved by H. Bary. 99. A young gentleman with a fur cap on, and habited in a purple dress, standing at an arched window, playing a violin ; a carpet lies across the sill, and in front is placed an ornamented garden-pot, with a plant of beautiful blue flowers in it. This is an exquisitely painted picture. Now in the collection of George Morant, Esq. 10 in. by 7 in. — P. 86 FRANCIS MIERIS. 100. The Letter detected. A young lady, dressed in a crimson corset, standing at the side of a table, weeping ; the cause of which is explained by an old woman (who is behind her) having discovered a letter, for which she is upbraiding her : a tortoise-shell box is on the table. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Bute. 5| in. by in. — P. (87) SCHOLARS AND IMITATORS OF FRANCIS MIERIS. William Mieris, surnamed the younger, was born at Ley den, in 1662 : he received his instructions in painting from his father, whose works he at first copied and ever afterwards imitated ; but his best productions (although finished with infinite care) are greatly inferior to those of his father. He died in 1747. Francis Van Mieris. He was a grandson of the elder Mieris, and learnt the art of painting under his father ; but, unhappily, nature had neither endowed him with taste or talents requisite for an artist, and his pictures are merely the efforts of manual labour. Karel de Moor was born at Ley den, in 1656. He was at first a pupil of Gerard Dow, and afterwards of Vanden Temple ; and, lastly, of Francis Mieris : in the school of the latter he distinguished himself by his superior talents, and, ultimately, formed a style of his own. He possessed a ready invention, with correct drawing and good colour. He died in 1738. WILLIAM VAN MIERIS "Was born at Ley den, in 1662. He was the son and scholar of the distinguished painter, Francis Van Mieris, under whose careful tuition his early productions gave his father satisfactory promise of future success ; but, unfortunately, these hopes were blighted by the death of his parent, and he was left to depend upon his own resources, at the early age of nineteen. A knowledge of the mechanical department of his art, was all he had acquired from his father ; but furnished with this, and influenced by an ardent affection for his profession, his incessant application and study, ultimately, overcame every difficulty, and acquired him a reputation which commanded him a constant employment. The first ambition of Mieris was, to imitate successfully the works of his father ; to attain this, he copied a great number of his pictures, and afterwards composed others in a similar style ; but in this pursuit it does not appear that he continued long, and it is probable that his riper judgment showed him the futility of competing with his father : his good taste, therefore, led him to invent subjects in which he could indulge his disposition for elaborate finishing ; these were his fruit, fish, and vege- table stalls, or shops ; he also painted a few landscapes, 90 WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. in which he introduced subjects from the heathen mythology : these latter pictures, being novel in their kind, found many admirers. As an artist, he was in every respect greatly inferior to his father, and the chief excellence of his pictures consists exclusively in the elaborate finishing bestowed upon them ; so that when viewed in the detail they surprise into fleeting admiration, and even this transi- tory pleasure must be confined to the accessories, as his figures present unchangeably the same faces, destitute of expression, and but feebly drawn. These defects are not compensated, either by colour or effect ; still this master's pictures have always found ready buyers, at good prices, and are therefore marketable commodities. Mieris lived in comfortable affluence, highly respected for his talents and private virtues, and died at the venerable age of 85, in 1747. A DESCRIPTION OF HIS PRINCIPAL PICTURES. 1. An Interior, with several figures ; among whom are a woman winding flax, another making pancakes, and a child in a cradle. Collection of M. Bout .... 1733. . 670 flo. 60/. A picture corresponding with the above was sold in the collection of Lord Crewe 1811 WOgs. 2. A man and woman at a window selling fish, and a variety of other articles. Collection of M. Wassenaar Obdam, Hague, 1750. 500 flo. 45/. 19 in. by 16 in. — P. WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 91 3. The Companion. A fruit shop, with two figures. Collection of M. Wassenaar Obdam 1733. . 546 flo. 49/. 19 in. by 16 in. — P. 4. A fat rosy man, with a rummer of liquor in his hand. Collection of M. Hoffman, Haerlem, 1827. 7 J in. by 6 in. — P. (about.) 5. Bathsheba attended by her maidens, seated at a fountain. Signed, and dated 1708. Collection of M. Cauwerwen . . 1765. . 400 flo. 36/. A picture corresponding with the above, was sold in the collec- tion of H. Hope, Esq 1811 1 bOgs. This is probably the one now in the collection of T. Hope, Esq. 141 i n , by 12 J in.— P. 6. A lady at a window ; she is represented leaning on a velvet cushion, with a peach in one hand and a bunch of grapes in the other, which she appears to have taken from a basket of fruit, which a youth is holding before her. Collection of M. Cauwerwen . . 1765. . 400 flo. 36/. This is probably the picture now in the collection of T. Hope, Esq. 11 in. by 9 J in. — P. 7. Timon of Athens, in love with the Nymphs of Diana. Collection of Count Dubarri . . 1774. . 761 fs. 30/. P. deConti . . . 1777. . 1031 fs. 41/. 24 in. by 20 in. — P. 8. A trumpeter and a standard-bearer (both richly dressed), at a window, under which is a bas-relief. 92 WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. Collection of Paillet 1777. . 1405 fs. 56/. In the sale of Helsleuter . . . 1801. . 1401 fs. 56/. Collection of M. Sereville . . . 1811. . 1500 /s. 60/. M. Schimmelpenninck Amst. 1819. 849/o. 76/. Formerly in the cabinets of Nyman and Conde. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 9. An officer, dressed in the costume of the old city guard of Amsterdam, sitting in a room, with a glass of wine in one hand, and the other hand placed on his breast. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 510 flo. 46/. Praslin (engraved) . 1793. . 751 fs. 301. Kobit 1810. . 1005 fs. 40/. Le Perrier .... 1817. . 2501 fs. 100/. 15 in. by 12 in., or 10 in. by 8 J in. — P. 10. Two pictures. One representing a man with a bonnet on his head, and a roll of drawings in his hand. 5 1 in. by 4 in. — P. (oval.) 11. The Companion. A sailor, with his hat turned up, and a glass in his hand (seen half way). Collection of P. de Conti . . . 1777. . . 400/8. 16/. 12. A sailor, with baskets of fish on his arms, and two little boys, buying prawns of him. (Engraved, No. 112, Choiseul Gallery.) Collection of P. de Conti . . . 1777. . 1800/s. 72/. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 13. A woman, with an orange in her hand. Collection of P. de Conti, 1777, 426 fs. (bought by Destouches) 17/. 4| in. by 3 J in. — P. WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 93 14. The Interior of a bed-chamber, in which is a sick lady sitting in a fauteuil, with her head reclining on a pillow, and a doctor standing by her side ; her mother is also near her with a handkerchief in her hand : a table, covered with a Turkey carpet (on which are a glass and a brush), and other acces- sories, fill up the composition. Dated 1709. Collection of M. de Gaignat . . 1768. . 2760 fs. 105?. K. de Boisset . . . 1777. . 6000 fs. 240Z. Poulain (engraved, No. 57) 1780. 6811 fs. 2721. Destouches . . . 1794. Tolozan . . . . 1801. . 5000 fs. 2001. DePreuil .... 1811. . 6000 fs. 240Z. The above picture lias been ascribed to the pencil of Francis Van Mieris, and sold as such in several collections ; but the date proves the contrary of this opinion. 17 in. by 14 in., or 16 J in. by 14 in. — P. 15. The rape of the Sabines. Collection of K. de Boisset . . 1777. . 2400 fs. 961. M. le Boeuf . . . 1782. . 1000 f s . 40/. 14 in. by 19 in. — P. 16. A youth admiring the beauty of a shepherdess, who is sleeping under an oak. Engraved in the Le Brun Gallery. Collection of M. le Gros . . . 1778. . 680 fs. 271. Destouches . . 1794. 8 in. by 6J in., or 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 17. A man sleeping in a chair, by the side of a table, on which are a herring, some bread, a can, a knife, and a dried flat-fish ; a woman, with a purse of money in her hand, stands laughing behind him ; and beyond her are two men, drinking. Dated 1690. 94 WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. Collection of M. Pompe Van Meerdervoort Leyden, 1780. . 520 flo. 47/. 9J in. by 8 in. — P. 18. Susannah at the Bath, surprised by the Elders. Collection of Due de la Yaliere. . 1781. . 600 fs. 24/. M. le Boeuf .... 1782. . 722 fs. 29/. 131 i nm b y ii in.—V. 19. A Pair. One represents a young lady, dressed in a peach- coloured jacket and petticoat, with her hair and neck decked with jewels ; she is sitting at a table covered with a green velvet cloth, reading a paper to a gentleman who is on the other side of the table, listening to her ; and a boy is entering the room, with a guitar and a music-book in his hand. 9j in. by 6| in. — P. 20. The Companion. A gentleman, habited in the Spanish costume, with a black velvet belt round his waist, he is seated, with a green wine-glass in his hand ; his red velvet cap and feathers are lying on the top of a wine cask. Collection of M. J. Tak . Leyden, 1781. . 555 flo. 50/. 21. A subject taken from Bocaccio, representing three naked females asleep, and a clown, leaning upon a stick, gazing at them with wonder. Dated 1698. Collection of M. Cauwerwen . . 1765, . 180 flo. 16/. P. V. Tak . Leyden, 1781. . 505 flo. 45/. 101 i n . by 13 in. — P. 22. A musician sitting by the side of a table, covered with a green carpet, upon which he rests his right arm ; a violin lies WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 95 near him, the bow of which is in his hand ; and a woman stands by his side, with a glass in one hand and a can in the other. Engraved by Warren. Collection of P. Loequet, Amsterdam, 1781. . llttflo. 105/. Now in the Stafford Gallery. 13 in. by 11 in. — P. 23. The Interior of a handsome room, with a composition of several figures, amongst whom are two ladies ; one of them, dressed in white satin, holds a guitar, which rests upon the ground, near some music-paper ; the other lady is habited in yellow silk, playing with a dog ; a gentleman, in his morning gown, is standing behind the last-mentioned lady ; and near the group is a table, with a tea-service on it ; a female servant is quitting the room ; and another is entering it with refresh- ments ; and a rich carpet, part of which is thrown over a chair, lies on the foreground. Collection of Yan Slingelandt Dort, 1785. . 550 /o. 49/. 15 in by 19 in. — P. 24. A man, with a bottle and a glass, at a window; a hurdy- gurdy lies on the sill. This was sold with a picture by Slingelandt. Collection of Beaujon . 1787. . (the pair) 1605 fs. 64/. 5 in. by 6 in. — P. 25. The Death of Cleopatra. The heroine is represented reclining upon a Turkey carpet, and expiring in the arms of her women. Collection of Calonne .... 1788. . 600 fs. 24/. 13J in. by 17 in. — P. 26. A Doctor visiting a Patient. A composition of three 96 WILLIAxM VAN MIERIS. figures in a bed-room ; the principal of whom is a lady, sitting in an arm-chair, with her head reclining on a pillow, and apparently very seriously indisposed ; the source of her malady is indicated by the position of her hand, which is placed on her heart ; the doctor stands considering her case with great gravity, and feeling her pulse, whilst an elderly woman is deeply affected, and in tears. Collection of M. Destouches, 1794. Paignot Dijonval, 1821, and bought with the entire collection by Mr. Emmerson. A picture, strongly resembling this, has already been described ; but, if we consider the disparity between the two pictures in size, they cannot be the same, unless there has been a gross error in the admeasurement of one of them ; most probably this is a repetition of the same subject. 13J in. by 11 in. — P. 27. Meleager presenting the boar's head to Atalanta. The figures are relieved by a landscape background. Collection of M. Destouches, 1794. 6 in. by 7 J in. — P. 28. Diana, with a quiver lying at her side, seated upon blue drapery. Collection of M. Destouches, 1794. 6 J in. by 5 in. — P. 29. A Hermit, at prayers. Collection of Calonne .... 1795 46/. 30. A View of the Interior of a Kitchen. A maid servant is standing beating up eggs by the side of a covered table, on which are various culinary utensils ; another servant is approaching her with a basket of apples ; and a dead cock, a WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 97 dish with meat on it, and other objects, are in the fore-ground. Dated 1735. Collection of Danser Nyman Amst. 1797. . 505 flo. 45/. 21 in. by 18 in. — P. 31. A portrait of a gentleman ; he is represented examining- a phial, which he holds in his hands. Collection of Robit .... . " 1801. . 840 fs. 34/. 7 in. by 6 in. — P. 32. The Emblem of Peace, under the similitude of a beau- tiful female, crowned with laurel, and dressed in white satin, and a blue scarf; she has a caduceus in her right hand, and a cornucopia in her left ; an old man on his knees, two women, and two children, complete the picture. Collection of Tronchien .... 1801. . 1600 fs. 64/. 17£ in. by 22| in. — P. 33. An Interior, with a party partaking of refreshments, consisting of oysters, &c". &c. Collection of Greffier Fagel . . 1801 137 gs, 34. The Interior of a kitchen. A young woman is putting down to the fire a leg of mutton, which she has just spitted ; another woman is seated, scraping carrots upon a board on her knees ; and near her, on the ground, are some artichokes and red cabbages, with other vegetables, and a pail half-full of water ; a man is behind her, sharpening some knives ; a cat,, creeping towards a dish of fish, and a great variety of provisions and other objects, are distributed about the room. Collection of Holderness .... 1802.. . . SI gs.. R. Heathcote, Esq. . . 1807. . . . 195 gs. Lord Crewe 1810. . . . 170 gs. Again in the sale of A. De la Haute, Esq. 1821. . . . 285 gs. Collection of M. Lapeyriere .... 1825. 6000 fs. 240Z. 19J in. by 16 in. — P. VOL. I. H 98 WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 35. An itinerant showman, exhibiting his raree-show to a Dutch family, who are grouped around his cabinet. Every part of this picture is exquisitely finished : it was painted for the Holderness family, and was sold in that collection, in 1802, for 200 gs. Again, in the sale of J. F. Tuffin, Esq. 1818 350 gs. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815. 23 in. by 19± in. — P. 36. An Interior, with a group of four figures, the principal of whom is a woman suckling a child. Collection of Holderness 1802. ... 95 gs. 37. A Fruit Shop, with an old Dutch woman selling chestnuts to a boy. Collection of Holderness 1802. . . . 145 38. A female seated with a reel in her hand, and a child in a cradle by her side ; a table stands on the left, on which are bread and cheese, &c. &c. Painted with extraordinary delicacy and finish. Collection of Holderness .... 1802. ... 195 gs. A picture, corresponding in description- with the above, was sold in the collection of Henry Pope, Esq. . 1816. . . . 130 gs. Now in the collection of Lady Mildmay. 39. The Poulterer's Shop. Collection of Holderness 1802. . . 145 gs. 40. Lot and his daughters, in a cavern. The burning of Sodom is seen in the distance. Collection of Van Layden . . . . 1804. . 720 fa. 29/. 14 in. by 12 in. — P. WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 99 41. A woman weighing chesnuts for a boy, who stands near her ; the shop contains various objects for sale, among which are herrings and onions. A candlelight piece. Collection of Geldermeester . . . 1800. . 110 flo. 10/. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 42. The Pancake Woman. Collection of Lord Crewe . . . 1810. . . . 160 gs. 43. David and Bathsheba. Collection of Henry Hope, Esq. . 1811. . . . 160 gs. 44. A conversational subject. Collection of Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and G. Hibbert, Esq. 1802. . . . 180 $». 45. An arched window, at which is a young woman, whose attention is directed to a man near her, with a basket of fish in his hands, and another basket at his back ; on the sill of the window are two cabbages, two ducks, a basket of small birds, and a dish of crimped fish ; and at the side hang two rabbits and a pheasant ; the under part of the window is adorned with a frieze, in bas-relief, of nymphs, tritons, and cupids ; and upon a step, beneath it, are a tortoise-shell cat and a basket of apples. This is, unquestionably, one of the choicest examples of this master's works. Engraved by Burnet. Collection of Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and G. Hibbert, Esq. 1802. . . . 354 0*. John Dent, Esq. . . 1827. (Smith) . 370 gs. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815 & 1824. Kow in the collection of the Bight Honourable Robert Peel. 19J fa -f 3 y 13 ^._p. 100 WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 46. A Trumpeter, wearing a cuirass, seated, and leaning upon a cask, which serves for a table, on which are dried fish ; he holds in one hand a trumpet, and in the other a can of beer ; by his side is a dog. Collection of Smeth Van Alpen . 1810. . 700 flo. 63 gs. 11 in. by 91 in. — P. 47. A man seated, with a glass of liquor in his hand, near a table, which is in part covered with a Turkey carpet ; on it are a pot of embers, a pipe, and a bottle. Collection of Smeth Van Alpen . 1810. . 620 flo.. 55/. 11 in. by 9 J in. — P. 48. A man seated, leaning upon a tub, with a knife in his left hand and an oyster in the other ; some more oysters are upon a table near him. Collection of Vander Pots . . . 1808. . 500 flo. 45/. 8 in. by 7 in. — P. 49. The Judgment of Solomon. A composition, consisting of nineteen figures. Signed, and dated 1709. Collection of Sabatier .... 1809. . 2500 fs. 100Z. Fonthill .... 1823 245/. Now in the collection of W. D. Acraman, Esq. Bristol. 25 in. by 20 in. — P. 50. Tarquin and Lucretia. Collection of M. Clos 1812. . 1045 fs. 42/. Lord Crewe . . . 1810 98 gs. 16 in. by 14 in. — P. 51. A Drummer, richly dressed, standing at a window, with WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 101 one hand upon a drum, and holding the stick in the other ; near him are a pretty girl, and a young man bearing a flag : the under part of the window is enriched with a bas-relief. Collection of Muilman . . . 1813. . 480 flo. 42/. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri. 13J in by 11 in. — P. 52. The Interior of an Apothecary's Shop, seen through an arched window, under which is a bas-relief : the apothecary is giving a bottle to a young woman, who is paying him for it. Collection of M. Cremer . Bott. 1816. . 1030 flo. 921. 15 h in. by 13 in. — P. 53. The Interior of a room, with three figures ; one of whom is a lady, apparently labouring under severe indisposition. Sale of Edward Astle, Esq. . . 1817 275 gs. 54. The Interior of a room. A cavalier and a lady are in conversation at a table, covered with a carpet ; a negro with a guitar and a parrot, is approaching from the back of the room. Sale of Edward Astle, Esq. . . 1817 205Z. 55. A Landscape, with Diana and her nymphs, accompanied by cupicls. Sale at Mr. Christie's .... 1818 72 gs. 56. A Landscape, with a Bacchante and a Satyr. Engraved in the Orleans Gallery. Sale at Mr. Christie's .... 1818 48 gs. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Hertford. 10J in. by 8 \ in. — Cop. 102 WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 57. Jupiter and Antiope. Collection of Matthew Mitchell, Esq. 1818 S3fgs 58. A portrait of the painter himself, represented before his easel, leaning on the sill of a window, which is partly covered with a Turkey carpet, with a pipe in his hand and a glass by his side. Collection of Rynders . Brussels, 1821. . 710 Jfo. 64/. 6 J in. by 5 J in. — P. 59. A soldier, with a glass in one hand, a pipe in the other, and a bottle and a paper of tobacco upon a table near him. Collection of Kynders . Brussels, 1821. . 500 flo. 45/. 5 J in. by 4 in. — P. 60. A group of children ; consisting of a boy richly dressed, and with a blue scarf round him, leaning upon a drum ; a girl playing with a doll, and another carrying a flag. Collection of Brentano, Amst. 1822. 545 flo. and 6 per cent. 50/. 12J in. by 10 in. — P. 61. The Interior of a saloon, with a lady seated at a table covered with a Turkey carpet, in the act of receiving a letter from an old woman ; and near her is a parrot in a cage. Collection of Brentano . . Amst. 1822. . 424 flo. 381. 12J in. by 10 in. — P. 62. The Interior of a Fruiterer's Shop, with a bas-relief on the under part of the window. Collection of K. Bernal, Esq. . . 1824 107 gs. WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 103 63. The Companion to the last. A Grocer's Shop, with figures, &c. and a bas-relief under the window. Collection of R. Bernal, Esq. . . 1824 112 gs. 64. An Interior, with a man seated at a table in front, pre- paring to light his pipe at a pot of embers ; his attention is attracted by the entrance of a young woman with a glass and a jug of beer. A hurdy-gurdy lies upon the table near him. Collection of Le Brun. Engraved in his gallery. Now in the collection of M. Hoffman, Haerlem, 1827. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. (about.) 65. A man and a woman at an arched window, exhibiting for sale a variety of fruit, among which are a basket of herrings and some gingerbread, besides these are numerous other objects consistent with their trade. Now in His Majesty's collection. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826. 18 in. by li in.— P. (about.) 66. The Interior of a handsome apartment, with an ele- gantly-dressed lady seated near a table, on which are oysters and other objects ; she is attended by a female servant, who stands on her right : a beautiful Turkey carpet and various accessories complete the composition. Xow in His Majesty's collection. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826. 20 in. by 15 in. — P. (about.) 67. A woman at an arched-top window, with poultry, and a great variety of other objects, for sale. 18 in. by 13 in. — P. (about.) 104 WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 68. The Companion. A man at a window exposing goods for sale. Now in the collection of M. Six Van Winter. 69. A naked female, seated near a fountain, attended by an •old woman with a casket of jewels ; at a little distance from them is another female. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 1 1 in. by 8 J in. — P. (about.) 70. An elegantly-dressed lady, seated in a room, to whom a black page is offering a dish of fruit, which a gentleman, who is behind, appears to be recommending her to take. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 14 in. by 12 in. — P. {about.) 71. A man and a woman at an arched window, before which are distributed a variety of vegetables and other objects for sale. 16 in. by 13 in. — P. (about). 72. The Companion is a similar subject. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 73. A young female and a boy playing with a ball and •dibbs on a table, which stands before them. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 8 in. by 6 in. — P. (about.) 74. A hilly and richly- wooded landscape, with fauns, nymphs, and cupids. The two principal figures appear to represent Bacchus and Ariadne ; they are seated at the foot of a large tree in the middle of the landscape, a silver vase stands between them, on which the nymph rests one arm, and holds an empty cup in her left hand ; near them is a group of five cupids, two of whom conduct a goat, on which one of them is riding, sup- WILLIAM VAN MIERIS. 105 ported by the remaining two ; a sixth little fellow lies sleeping on the ground. On the left front is a nymph in the arms of a faun, and among the trees in the back-ground are two nymphs and two fauns dancing in a ring. Collection of Sir Walter Stirling, Bart., sold by Mr. Robins, 1826, for 190»i which ascends a large projecting chimney ; his pipe h<.*o stw.n.-twdes are upon a form near him, and a large book, wif& the words " Et oleum et operam perdis " written in it, m lying open on the floor ; a woman is sitting before a window, at the end of the i oin, apparently looking for something in a basket (an alteration has been made in this part of the picture, the woman being originally represented < • a?th;g a child). A little girl, followed by a dog, seems to be 5 «>kiag in a cupboard for something to eat; and a little boy ?>■ sitting on the ground, eating a piece of bread. Dated 1(161 Collection of M. Huls . . Hague, VtVI. . 600 flo. 54Z. J±& Count Wassenaar . 910 flo. 82/. : ~ ' — M. de la Live de J nil. 1769. (with » companion) 4105 fs. 1 64/. L'Abbe" Gevigny . . 1778. (withdrawn.) ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 115 Collection of M. Lenglier . . . 1778. (withdrawn.) De la Hante, Esq., 1821, (at Mr. Phillips's) 395 gs. It was subsequently sold to Joseph Barchard, Esq. from whom it was purchased by Mr. Emmerson, at the price of 800 gs. This picture is of the most precious quality, and is unquestionably one of the choicest of this artist's productions. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1821. Now in the collection of the Right Honourable Robert Peel. 121 in. by 16J in. — P. 29. The Interior of a cottage, with a company of four men in front, one of whom is standing with his hat in his hand, and his back to the chimney ; whilst another, who is sitting down, appears to be offering him a glass of beer ; near the latter are a child, eating soup out of a basin on a chair, and a dog watching it ; two persons are in the back-ground, playing at tric-trac; and a third is looking on. Dated 1668. Collection of P. de Conti . . . 1777. . 6000 fs. 240/. Poulain Gallery (engraved No. 66), 1780. 5700-/*. 228/. M. Proly .... 1786. . 6400 fs. 256/. T. F. Tuffins, Esq. . 1818. ...... 357/. Sold with a companion, in the Braamcamp collection, 1771, for 2560 flo. 231/. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815. Now in the collection of Sir Simon Clarke, Bart. 14 in. by 13 in. — P. 30. The Proposal. A woman leaning upon the half-door of a house, on the inside, apparently in conversation with a man, who stands on the outside ; their mutual expression evidently implies that a subject of delicate importance is in agitation. The surrounding walls of the house are overspread with a vine (half figures). Signed, and dated 1667. Collection of M. Braamcamp . . 1771. . 17 '60 flo. 158/. P. de Conti . . . 1777. . 4801 .ft. 192/. Due de Chabot . . 1787. . 4222 fs. 169/. 116 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Collection of Le Brim . . . 1791. . 3601/*. 144?. Helsleuter . . . . 1802. . 7000/* 2807. The figures are unusually large for this master, yet they are'full of expression, and most beautifully coloured and finished. Engraved by Fittler. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Stafford. 161 fa by 141 ^.--P. 31. The Interior of a cottage, with six figures ; one of them is arranging the draughts for tric-trac, whilst his adversary (who is dressed in yellow) is about to drink out of a jug, which he holds in his hand ; a man, dressed in blue, is on the right, talking to a woman ; and two other persons are at the end of the table. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 700 flo. 63/. Calonne .... 1788. . 2020 fs. 811 In the same collection, in London 1795 1151. 131 in. by 12 in. — P. 32. A Dutch cook in front of a house, cleaning some fish : various other objects enliven the picture. Signed, and dated 1665. Cited by Descamps, Vol. II. (From the Braamcamp collection, 1771). Collection of M. Marigny, with a companion, 1781. Destouches .... 1794. Wattier 1797. . 1001/* 40/. Mr. Hill's Sale . . . 1811 59 gs. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 33. A Guinguette, or country ale-house ; in front of which are assembled ten figures, enjoying their usual amusement of drinking and smoking. One of them appears to be showing great attention to a pretty woman, with a pot of beer in her hand. Cited by Descamps, Vol. II. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 2525 //o. 237/. 27 in. by 23J in. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 117 34. The Interior of a rustic cottage, or barn, with a large com- pany of persons (about twenty in number) amusing themselves with dancing, singing, &c. The master of the assembly is on the left fore-ground, with a jug of beer in his hand, of which he is giving a glass to a man, who is taking off his hat to thank him for it ; a child is sitting down, with a spoon in its hand. The room is illumined from a large door, which is open at the side. Dated 1652. This picture is noticed by Descamps. Collection of Cauwerwen. . . . 1765. . 1650 iio. 148/. — Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 1700,//o. 153/. Clos 1812. . 6051 fs. 212/. In a sale of Dufresne .... 1816. . 12,000 fs. 480/. A. De la Hante, Esq. (at Mr. Phillips's), 1821, 470 gs. Collection of M. Lapeyriere . . 1825. . 15,320 fs. 613/. A picture representing peasants dancing, &c. &c. is engraved by Suyderhoef. Now in the collection of M. Boursault, Paris. 25 in. by 23 in. — P. 35. The Connoisseur. An Interior, with a man sitting at a table, covered with a carpet, on which are some books and prints ; and a map of Europe is hanging against the wall. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 1700 t //o. 153/. 18 in. by 14 in. — P. 36. A Guinguette, or country ale-house, with a vine over- spreading the front, before which two peasants are sitting down, whilst a woman is pouring them out some beer; a long-handled broom stands by her side ; a child is near her ; and a man and a woman are sitting on the steps of the door. This picture is known under the title of Le gros Manche a Balai. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 1405 t //o. 116/. In the sale of Walsh Porter, Esq. 1810 260 gs. A picture, corresponding in description with the above, is engraved by Suyderhoef. 15 J in. by 14 in. — P. 118 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 37. The Interior of a cottage, with five figures : one of them has a glass in his hand, and appears to be addressing the rest ; and another is leaning on the back of a chair, apparently listening to him with great attention ; at the end of the room are a man and a woman in conversation. Mentioned by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Braamcamp, 1771, sold with a companion already described for 2560 flo. 231Z. Singly in that of Geldermeester, Amst, 1800 2700 flo. 213/. 14 in. by 13 in. — P. 38. A Pair. One represents a man and a woman sitting at a table, the latter holding a glass in one hand and a jug in the other, and an old fellow, behind a boarded partition in the background, listening to what is passing. Signed, and dated 1661. Noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. 10 J in. by 9 in. — P. 39. The Companion. An Interior, with a window ; two peasants are sitting at a little table, with a tobacco pipe, a bottle, and some cards on it ; one of them is pouring out wine, the other smoking ; and another man is standing with a bottle in his hand. Dated 1661. The figures are larger than usual, and are seen to the knees. Noticed by Descamps, Yol. II. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . WOO flo. 99/. M. Solirene . . . 1812. . 3320 fs. 133/. The pair are now in the collection of Alexander Baring, Esq. 40. A man playing on the violin, and accompanying it with his voice ; two children are on the right. The figures are seen half-way. Mentioned by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Braamcamp . . 1771. . \0b flo. 9/. 10s. Engraved by Le Bas, from the cabinet of the Count de Boudouin. A similiar subject is engraved by Snyderhoef. 101 fa. by 9 in. — P. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 119 41. A Pair. One is the portrait of a man : the companion, that of a woman. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 33//o. 31. 4 in. — P. {square.) 42. A Fish-market. Among the busy scene which the subject presents, is a woman, standing at a stall, placed under a low shed, supported by pillars, occupied scraping a haddock ; three other fish of the same kind, a crab, and a piece of salmon, are lying on the bench ; near her, and on the right of the stall, is a boy, with a basket on his arm. This excellent picture is of the choicest quality. Dated 1667. Collection of Braamcamp . . .1771. . 1705.//o. 153Z. Smeth Van Alpen . 1810. .3010/0. 271/. Now in the collection of M. Six Van Winter, Amsterdam. 13 J in. by 15J in. 43. The Interior of a room, with four peasants seated at a table, playing at tric-trac ; a fifth is behind, looking on with great attention ; and a woman is presenting a glass of beer to one of them. Cited by Descamps, Vol. II. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 700 flo. 63/. 14 in. by I2| in. — P. 44. The Interior of a cottage, with a company of seven figures ; three of whom are seated at a table ; a fourth is standing, and apparently attending to what is passing ; and the other three are sitting farther in the room, near a chimney. Cited by Descamps, Vol. II. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 550,/Zo. 50/. 14 in. by V2\ in. 45. A Pair. One is the portrait of an old man (seen half-way). 11 in. by 9 in. — P. 120 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 46. The Companion. That of a woman at a window. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 340 flo. 30/. Engraved by Le Bas, from the cabinet of the Count de Boudouin. 47. An Interior, with three figures : a woman, seated near a large window, with a gazette in her hand, pointing out the title to her husband ; and a man, standing between them, is putting on his spectacles. The figures are half-length. Mentioned by Descamps, in La Vie cles Peintres. Engraved in the Le Brun Gallery, by Le Bas. Collection of Braamcamp . . . 1771. . 340 flo. 30/. Prasiin .... 1793. . 3800 /s. 152/ M. Helsleuter . . 1802. . 4400 fs. 176/. 11 in. by 8 J in. — P. 48. A Dutch advocate or doctor of law, seated in his study, with spectacles on, perusing a paper which he holds in his left hand, leaning his head on his right, the elbow of which rests upon a large book placed on a table covered with a Turkey carpet ; his dress consists of a brown gown over a black coat, and a black hat covers his head; an ink-stand and a variety of papers are on the table, and a bundle of papers is suspended at the side of a window which illumines the apart- ment. Dated 1671. This excellent picture is finely engraved by Beauvarlet, under the title of Le Bourgmestre. Collection of Baron de Borcke, A rust 1771. . 365 flo. 32/. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Bute, and worth 1 50 gs. 14$ in. by 12 in. — P. 49. The Interior of a large room, with a party of six figures before the fire-place; amongst them is a man with a jug in his hand, standing immediately in front of the fire, with his back turned towards it ; an old fellow is seated before him, filling his pipe, and by his side sits a child, eating some porridge out ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 121 of a basin, which stands on a three-legged stool, whilst a dog is looking wistfully at each mouthful ; five persons (some sitting at a table, and the rest standing), are before a window in the back of the room, about which various other objects are dispersed. Dated 1661. Cited by Descamps, Vol. II. Collection of M. Lormier . . . 1763. . 1000 flo. 90/. Choiseul (engraved, No. 16), 1772. 8800 fs. 352Z. Dubarri .... 1777. . 7250 fs. 290/. . Tolozan .... 1801. . 7055 fs. 282/. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri, Palais Bourbon. 131 fa b y 17 in.-V. 50. An Interior, with two men seated at a table ; one is smoking, the other filling his pipe. Engraved by Wille, under the title of Les Bons Amis, The figures are seen to the knees. Collection of Choiseul .... 1772. . 600 fs. 24/. Count de Merle . . 1783. . 600/*. 24/. Again, in the sale of Mr. W . 1784. 7 in. by 6 in. — P. 51. The Interior of a cottage, illumined by a window : the occupants of the room consist of a man seated in an arm-chair, near the chimney; a woman is on the ground, dressing a child; near her are a cradle and other accessories ; and a man is on a ladder to the right. Collection of Le Brim .... 1773. . 3120 fs. 125/. Count de Vaudreuil . 1784. . 1201./*. 48/. 12 in. by 16 in. — P. 52. The Interior of a rustic chamber, with three men sitting- round a sort of stool in front, playing at cards ; one of them is in the act of dealing his opposite comrade three cards. Engraved by Greenwood, from a picture in the possession of W. Baillie, Esq. Collection of Count Dubarri . . . 1774. . 501 fs. 20/. LeBrun 1806. . 700 fs. 28/. 122 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. A picture corresponding with the above is in the collection of Ridley Colbourne, Esq. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1818. 12J in. by 10J in.— C. on P. 53. A boor seated at a table, lighting his pipe in a pot of embers. Half-length figure. Sale, at Paris 1771. . 201 fs. 8/. Collection of Du Lac 1778. . 337 fs. 13/. 10s. 5| in. by 5 in. — P. 54. A pair. One represents a peasant, dressed in a violet- coloured waistcoat and a gray mantle, with a jug in his right hand and a pipe in the other ; a dog is lying at his feet, gnawing a bone; and beyond him is a sailor, sitting at a table, smoking ; the back-ground is terminated by houses. 5 1 in. by 4 in. — P. 55. The Companion. A peasant with his hat on, and dressed in a brown waistcoat and a gray mantle ; near him is a dog ; and three figures, close to a bridge, are seen in the distance. Collection of Count Dubarri . . 1771. . 500 fs. 20L L' Abbe le Blanc . . 1781. . 500 fs. 20/. 56. A strolling musician at the door of a cottage, on which a boor, with a red cap on and a pipe in his hand, is leaning, and two children standing by, listening. Half-length figures. Collection of Wassenaar . Hague, 1750. . 335 flo. 30/. Lord Radstock . . 1826 90 gs. 12J in. by 10 \ in. 57. The Interior of a large room, with an arched door at the end of it; among a company (of about twenty-six persons) ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 123 are two couple dancing to the sound of a fiddle, played by a man who stands near the door ; in the left and front is a woman at a fire making cakes, and a little boy watching her. Near them is a man with his arm round a woman's waist ; on the opposite side is a man reclining upon a form, with his elbow resting on a cask. Every figure appears to be occupied with the hilarity of the passing scene ; and a variety of incidental objects complete the composition. Le Brun, in whose gallery it is engraved, mentions this picture as being one of the most perfect of the master's works. Collection of Wassenaar . Hague, 1750. . 2160 //o. 194/. 6940 /*. 278/. 5600 /*. 224/. 2550 flo. 229/. . . . 490 gs. Randon de Boisset . 1777. Beaujon .... 1787. Geldermeester . . 1800. Crauford, Esq. . . 1806. Now an heirloom in the Penryce family at Yarmouth. 16 in. by 21 in., or 17 in. by 23 in. — P. 58. Le Vielleur Hollandois. A merry fellow, dressed in a hat and feathers, and a loose cloak, standing at the outer side of a window, playing a hurdy-gurdy. Engraved by Chenu, under the above title. Collection of Count de Boudouin, 1772. 10 in. by 7h in.— P. 59. A view of a high road leading through a village, with cottages on both sides of it, and terminating with the tower of a church : a tilted cart, drawn by a white horse, is standing near a well towards the middle ; and thirteen small figures, with pigs and poultry, are distributed at various distances throughout the scene. This little picture is remarkable for its close resemblance to nature, and the daylight effect which pervades it. It is noticed by Descamps, and was then in the Collection of Blondel de Gagny . 1760. Trouard .... 1779. . 3301 fs. 1327. 124 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Collection of Praslin 1793. . 2861 fs. 114/. Solirene . . . . 1812. . 1801 fs. 72/. This little bijou is at present worth 250Z. Now in the collection of Alexander Baring, Esq. 9 in. by 12 in. — C. 60. The Tric-trac Players. The Interior of a room with a large window, near which are three men, two of whom are engaged in a game of tric-trac, while the third, leaning upon the sill of the window, is looking on. The figures are seen to the knees. Dated 1664. Mentioned by Descamps. Engraved by Fittler. Collection of Blondel de Gagny . 1776. . 3000 fs. 120/. Count de Merle . . 1783. . 3350 fs. 134/. This picture would at present be esteemed at ... 400/. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Stafford. 13 in. by 15 in. — P. 61. The Interior of a room in which are about ten persons, among whom is a party engaged at the game of tric-trac. Collection of Van Bierens . Amst. 1747. . 180 flo. 16/. R. de Boisset . . . 1777. . 3410 fs. 136/. Beaujon .... 1787. . 2600 fs. 104/. lOf in. by 9 in. — P. 62. A view in the back court of a cabaret, with peasants playing the game of gallet, under a shed ; a youth seated, smoking, and two children playing near him, occupy the middle and front ; and a company of boors, smoking and drinking, are before the house at the end of the court. Engraved, No. 17, Choiseul Gallery. Collection of Choiseul .... 1772. . 4600 /a 184/. P. de Conti . . . 1777. . 5000 fs. 200/. Chevalier Lambert . 1787. . 4200 fs. 175/. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 125 Collection of Coders 1789. . 6000/k 240/. • Smeth Van Alpen . 1810. . 1200/o. 108/. Le Perrier . . . . 1817. . 5450 fs. 218Z. Now in the collection of the Duke of Wellington. 13 in. by 17J in — P. 63. The Interior of a tabagie, with an assemblage of twelve persons, some of whom are playing at tric-trac, others at cards, and the rest drinking and smoking ; the room is illumined by a large window on the right. Signed, and dated 1669. Collection of Wassenaar . Hague, 1750. . 320 flo. 29/. P. de Conti . . . 1777. . 2550 fs. 102/. Chevalier Lambert . 1787. . 2555 102/. Again in the collection of Prince Talleyrand, 1817 ; bought with his entire collection. Now in the possession of Edward Gray, Esq. 11J in. by 9f in. — P. 64. The Interior of a cottager's room, with a man and a woman sitting before a large projecting chimney, and three children near a large window on the right ; one of whom is looking out, another is endeavouring to get upon the window- seat, and the third is seated in a chair : a flax wheel is stand- ing in front, and various accessories are distributed about the room. This picture is of first-rate quality and excellence. Engraved, No. 14, Choiseul Gallery. Collection of Choiseul .... 1777. . 3000 fs. 120/. Beaujon .... 1787. . 3000 fs. 120/. This exquisite little bijou is at present worth ... 450 gs. Now in the collection of Alexander Baring, Esq. Exhibited at the British Gallery, 1819. 13^ in. by 12 in. — P. 65. The Interior of a peasant's cottage, in front of which are four men and a woman, four of whom are seated at a table • the nearest one to the spectator is playing a fiddle, while a man 126 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. on his left, with a paper in his hand, accompanies him with the voice ; the fifth figure stands opposite the fiddler, with a glass of liquor in his hand ; a stool, with a jug on it, stands behind him. Engraved by Liart. Formerly in the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 141 i nm by 1H in,—Y. 66. A woman, with a child in her arms, standing at the half-door of a house, the front of which is partly covered with vine branches. Signed, and dated 1667. Noticed by Descamps, then in the Collection of the Marquis de Voyer, 1674. P. de Conti . . . 1777. . 7251 290/. Praslin 1793. . 7950/*. 318/. Choiseul Praslin . . 1808. . 4990/*. 200/. M. Sereville . . . 1811. . 5020 fs. 201/. Dufresne .... 1816. . 12,000/*. 480/. P.Talleyrand. . . 181 7, bought with the entire collection, for Messrs. Gray and Allnut. This excellent picture now adorns the collection of Edward Gray, Esq., to whom it was valued at 500 gs., but would probably sell much higher. 131 i m by 101 i tL —l\ 67. An Interior, with six figures ; the principal one of whom is a man standing in front, holding a pipe in his left hand, with his back towards the spectator, and his foot on the bar of a chair ; another is sitting upon a tub ; a third is at the side of it, drinking ; on the opposite side is a dog, licking an earthen pot ; the remaining three persons are in the back of the room. Collection of du Lac 1768. . 1000/*. 40/. Now worth 200 gs. In His Majesty's collection. Exhibited at the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. 10 in. by 9 in. ADKIAN VAN OSTADE. 127 68. An Interior. Two peasants, one with a pot of beer, the other lighting his pipe, are sitting near a barrel, which serves them for a table ; a paper of tobacco, and a pot of embers, are npon the barrel. Engraved by Schmidt. Collection of M. Gros .... 1778. . 360 fs. 14/. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 69. A Dutchman, seated, holding a pewter jng in one hand and a glass in the other. Signed, and dated 1667. Engraved by David, under the title of Le Vieillard joyeux. Collection of M. Le Due de Cosse, 1774. Valued by the Experts du Musee, in 1816. . 600/*. 24/. Now in the Louvre. 7 in. by 5 in. — P. 70. A School. The scene offers the Interior of a large old building, with a thatch covering, in which are assembled about eighteen boys and girls, the master of whom is seated in a rustic-chair, with a desk before him, placed on a platform of boards. Engraved by Che. Collection of Count de Boulbon. 6 in. by 8 \ in. — P. 71. The Interior of a room, with a company of ten persons, four of whom are disposed around a table in front, two of them seated, and two standing, a fifth sits in the middle of the room playing on the violin ; and under a large projecting chimney is seen a boy stirring the fire ; three others are placed near a window in the back of the room playing at cards : a jug and other objects are distributed on the foreground. Dated 1663, the most successful period of the master. Collection of M. Trouard . . . 1779. . 3700 fs. 148/. Due d'Alberg . . . 1817 350 gs. Now in the collection of Alexander Baring, Esq. 15 in. by 18 in. — P. 128 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 72. A Village Fete. Numerous figures are drinking and smoking in front of some houses ; and others are playing at skittles towards the left ; a woman is reposing under a beautiful tree on the middle ground ; and the spire of a church, surrounded by houses, is seen in the distance. Collection of C. Verhulst Brussels, 1779. . 750 flo. 68/. Now worth 300 gs. 27J in. by 2U in.—C. 73. The Interior of a room : two men are seated near the chimney, one offering the other a glass of beer ; a view of the adjacent country is seen through a window on the left ; and various utensils are distributed about the room. Collection of M. Nogaret . . . 1780. . 900 fs. 36/ 12 in. by 13J in. — P. 74. Three boors at a window, one of whom is playing on a violin, and another is offering him a glass of liquor ; the sur- rounding wall is overspread with a vine. Etched by Ostade. Collection of M. Nogaret . . . 1780. . 490/* 20/. 9 h in. by 7 in. — P. 75. The Interior of a farm-house, with an assemblage of about twenty-four persons partaking of the various recrea- tions of the country ; amongst them are a man and a woman in the middle, dancing to the music of a fiddle, whilst others are standing round, looking on ; another room, in which others are engaged in similar amusements, is seen on the left ; and a dog and various accessories occupy the front-ground. Signed, and dated 1645. Collection of M. Regaris Brussels, 1775. . 510 flo. 461 M. J. Pompe Yan Meerdervoort, Leyden, 1780, 1900 flo. 170/. Now in the collection of M. Delaserre, Paris. 18 in. by 28 in. — P. / ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 129 76. The Interior of a public-house, with a company of six figures : one is playing on the violin in front ; two are singing . and a fourth stands before the chimney, with the tongs in one hand, and a pipe in the other. Collection of Due de la Valliere . 1781. . 1600/s. 64/. Calonne 1788. . 1202 fa. 48/. 13J by 11 J in. — P. 77. A view of the court-yard of a country inn, with various groups of figures (eighteen in number) disposed at different distances : amongst them is a man sitting in front, by the side of a barrel, which serves for a table ; and before him stands a girl, with a jug and a large glass in her hand. Collection of Due de la Valliere . 1781. . 1500 fa, 60/. This is probably the picture which was sold in the collection of M. Robit, 1801 (size 15 in. by 14 in. — P.), for 1712 fa. 68/. 13Jt». by 11 J in. — P. 78. A doctor in his study, seated at a table, covered with a Turkey carpet, on which some books and a paper are lying ; he is engaged examining the contents of a urinal. Dated 1665. Collection of Mad. Backer Leyden, 1766. . 500 flo. 45/. Marigny . . . . 1781. (Sold with a com- panion already described.) Collection of Tolozan (separately) 1801. . 810/s. 32/. M. Sereville . , . 1811. . 1500 fa. 60/. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. 79. The Interior of a cabaret, with two men seated in front, the nearest of whom, dressed in a blue coat and a red cap, with a knife attached to a belt, sits on a triangular chair, leaning forward, with his elbow on his knee, and a pipe in his hand ; while his companion, dressed in a puce-coloured waistcoat and blue sleeves, an apron, and his hat cocked on one side, is seated in the centre of the room, with a jug in his hand ; a stool, on vol. I. K 130 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. which are cards, pipes, and a pot of embers, stands before them, and a dog lies asleep at their side. In the back of the room are two men at cards, and a man and a boy looking on, near a large window. This is an excellent example of the master. Collection of M. Tak . . Leyden, 1781. . 525 flo. 47/. Proley 1787. . 1420 /* 57/. Montesquiou . . . 1788. . 2230 fs. 89/. The writer has been informed, that this picture has since been sold for 350 gs. Now in the possession of Mr. Peacock, 14 J in. by 13 in. — P. 80. A peasant seated at a table, with a glass in one hand, and a pipe in the other. Half-length figure. Collection of Count de Merle . . 1783. . 600 fs. 24/. 5 in. by 4 J in. — P. 81. A view of the Exterior of a cabaret, in front of which are a peasant, with a jug in one hand, and a glass in the other ; another filling his pipe; a third smoking; and a woman standing near the house, with a can and a glass in her hands ; several boors are amusing themselves at the game of golf, under a covered place, at a little distance from the house ; and two children are near them. Collection of M. P. V. Locquet . . 1783. . 925 flo. 83/. 17 in. by 15 in. — P. 82. Three boors in front of a country inn, smoking and drinking, one of whom has a glass in one hand, and a can ifc the other. Collection of M. P. V. Locquet, Amst. 1783. . 220 20/. Calonne .... . 1789. . 700 fs. 287. - — London ...... 1795. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 131 83. The Interior of a rustic cottage, with a party of four boors disposed round a table, at cards ; the nearest of whom, to the spectator, wears a sheep-skin jacket ; another of the company appears to be talking to a woman, who stands on the farther side of the table ; and a third is seated on a triangular stool ; three other figures are seen in the back of the room. A dog lying in front, and a great variety of objects distributed about the place, complete the picturesque effect of this admirable picture. Signed, and dated 1655. Collection of M. Montribloud . . 1784. . 2000 fs. 801 Now in the collection of William Wells, Esq., of Redleaf, and worth 300Z. 19 in. by 16^ in. — P. 84. A Pair. One represents a woman, pouring out beer for a man, who is sitting down ; a child, on the steps of a door, and four other figures are in the composition. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 85. The Companion. A group of three figures at a table, with cards on it ; three others are near a chimney ; and the same number are near a window in the back of the room. Collection of Dubois 6100 fs. 2UI. 86. A boor, dressed in a black bonnet, and a waistcoat, with gray sleeves, holding a jug in one hand, and a pipe in the other. Half-length figure. Collection of Count de Vaudreuil . 1784. . 300 /s. 12/. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 87. An old lawyer, dressed in a loose black gown, and a brown mantle, without sleeves, and wearing a sort of night cap, sitting in his study near a table (on which are parchments, a 132 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. register, and other objects), reading a paper, which he holds with both his hands : a curtain is suspended on the right, near a window. Half-length figure. Cited by Descamps, Vol. II. Collection of M. Backer Leyden, 1766. . . 630 flo. digs. Montribloud . . . 1784. W. Champion, Esq. . 1810 bOgs. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 88. Le Jeu de Courte-boule. The view offers the bowling ground of a country ale-house, on the right of which are two men striking a ball through a ring, and a little boy watching them ; on the opposite side are five men disposed round a table, smoking and drinking under the shade of an umbrageous tree. The scene is rendered highly picturesque by the rustic buildings which enclose the ground, and a view of the distant country. Engraved by Benezech, from a picture then in the collection of M. de Bourdonne. Collection of M. Montribloud, . . 1784. M. Geldermeester . 1800. . 675 flo. 61Z. Baron Thebaut . . 1817. . 1006 fs. 40Z. From the smallness of the above prices, one would infer that the picture was either a copy, or a damaged original. 12J in. by 16 in. — P. 89. A man, with a high-crowned hat on, sitting in an arm-chair, reading the gazette : a book-case occupies the back- ground. Sale M. W. 1784. 6 in. by 5 in. — P. 90. The Interior of a cottage, with several figures, seated at a table in the middle, smoking and drinking : one of them, who appears to be singing, has a can in his right hand, and is lifting up his glass with the other ; another is looking on ; a third lighting his pipe ; and a fourth puffing the smoke from his ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 133 mouth ; a boy stands near, filling his pipe ; and a man and a woman are behind them, talking together on the hearth : various household objects hang against the walls ; and a chair, a can, and a dog, lying down, occupy the fore-ground. The effect is clear and brilliant. Dated 1665. This is noticed by Descamps, in La Vie des Peintres. Collection of Van Slingelandt Dort, 1785. . 3000 flo. 270/. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. Now in His Majesty's Collection. 14 in. by 12J in. 91. The Interior of a cottage, with three peasants sitting near a stool, which serves for a table : one of them is presenting a jug of beer to another, who is smoking with great composure, whilst the third is filling his pipe. The subject is brightly illumined by two large windows in the back of the room. Collection of Van Slingelandt Dort, 1785. . 1905 flo. 171/. 14J fa by 12-| in. — P. 92. The Interior of a cottage. A boor, with a jug in his hand, is leaning upon the shoulder of another, who is seated, filling his pipe ; and a pipe and a paper of tobacco are lying on a small table near them. Collection of Van Slingelandt Dort, 1785. . 500 flo. 45/. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 93. A chemist, seated in his laboratory, stirring the fire ; he is surrounded by chemical apparatus and utensils ; and the back -ground is occupied by a woman and three children. Collection of Van Slingelandt Dort, 1785. . 400 flo. 36/. 15 in. by 20 in. — P. 94. The Interior of a tabagie, with nine figures : two men are sitting at an octagon table in the middle of the room, one (with his back to the spectator) is pouring out beer ; an old man stands behind them ; three peasants are talking together, 134 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. near the chimney ; and three others are playing at tric-trac at a window in the back of the room Collection of Count de Vismes . 1786. . 3601 ts. 144/. m in. by 12§ in, — P. 95. A Pair. One representing a water doctor. 10-J in. by 8J in. — P. 96. The Companion. A man reading a letter. Collection of Bandville .... 1786. . 1455 fs. 58?. M. Destouches . . 1794. 97. The Interior of a tabagie, with a party of three men seated at a table, drinking, &c. ; one of them has his hand upon some newspapers, and is pouring out beer; and a woman, leaning upon a table, is in the back-ground. 8 J in. by 7 J in. — P. 98. The Companion. Two men in a room, one of whom is seated at a table, with a gazette in his hand ; the other is stand- ing, leaning on the back of a chair : a pipe, some tobacco, and a blue and white earthen pot, are on the table. Half-length figures. Collection of Count de Wassenaar, Hague, 1750, 247 ,//o. 22/. M. Cleve . 1786. . 2000 /*. (the pair.) 80/. 8|- in. by 7 \ in. 99. The Interior of a cottage, with a company of three men and a woman ; one of the former is seated at a triangular table, lighting his pipe ; the other two men are at cards, by the side of a window in the back of the room, and the woman stands near them, watching their play. Engraved by Dupreel, in the Musee. Collection of M. Proly .... 1787. . 1206/s. 48/. Valued, in 1816, by the Experts du Musee, at . 3500 fs. 140/. Now in the Louvre. lOJ in. by 8£ in. — P. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 135 100. The Interior of a country inn, with a company of seven figures ; three peasants are smoking and drinking in front, near the chimney, at the side of which is a boy, caressing a dog ; and two other men are farther in the room, paying the landlady their reckoning. The subject is illumined by a window on the right, through which a cottage, and some vine- foliage are seen. Signed, and dated 1648. Collection of Beaujon .... 1787. . 3000 fs. 120?. M. Sabatier . . . 1809. . 9001 fs. 360?. In a sale at Mr. Christie's . . . 1827. (bought in.) 165 gs. Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, has recently disposed of this picture to Mr. Thomas Barnett, 1828. Exhibited in the British Gallery, in 1815. 16 in. by 14 in., or 17 in. by 14 h in. — P. 101. The Interior of a large rustic room, in which are assembled eleven persons, several of whom are drinking and smoking, round a table ; and among them is a man in a green jacket and a red cap, seated with his back to the spectator ; another, sitting on a form, is leaning across a woman, to light his pipe ; near this group are a man playing on a hurdy-gurdy, and a boy accompanying him on the violin. Signed, and dated 1643. Collection of Calonne .... 1788. . .965/*. 39/. Montaleau 1802. . 1500 fs. 60/. Mr. Christie's . . 1807. . . . 105 gs. 16 in. by 22 in. — P. 102. Two boors : one is lighting his pipe in an earthen pot of embers, the other is holding a glass of liquor in one hand, and a jug in the other. Half-length figures. Dated 1667. Engraved by Smith, under the title of Des bons Amis. .. Collection of Calonne .... 1788. . 500/5. 20/. Sabatier .... 1809. . 501 fs. 20Z. 136 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Collection of Dufresne .... 1816. . 1050 fs. 42/. j^ow in the possession of Mr. Artis. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 103. Peasants at a cottage door, refreshing. Collection of Sir Laurence Dundas, Bart. . 1794. . . 42 gs. 16 in. by 14 in. — P. 104. The Interior of a cottage, with a peasant family, who appear to have just finished their frugal repast ; the father of the family is still seated at a table, upon which he leans, and is looking affectionately towards the mother, who is amusing a child with a pepper-box. This scene attracts the attention of a young man, standing near them, with a pipe in his hand. In the opposite side of the room, are a girl playing with a dog, and a boy leaning on the sill of a large window, looking at her; an old cradle, a tlax-winder, and a great variety of household objects are distributed throughout the room. Signed, and dated 1661. Cited by Descamps, Vol. II. ; then in the Collection of M. Wassenaar . . 1760. Praslin 1793. . 10,001 fs. 400/. M. Duruey . . . 1797. . 7125 fs. 285/. M. Montaleau . . . 1802. . 8500 fs. 340/. Now in the collection of Jeremiah Harman, Esq., of Woodford. It is impossible to speak too highly of this gem • in luminous effect, and brilliancy of colour and finish, it has never been sur- passed. Engraved by Le Bas, when in the Praslin Gallery, under the title of Le Menage Hollandois. Mr. Tresham has introduced a print from it (engraved by Bond), in his British Gallery, and Forster has one (engraved by J. Fittler) in his collection of engravings. 13 in. by 11 in. — P. 105. A Pair of portraits of youths, the two sons of the painter. Collection of Praslin .... 1793. . 1001/*. 40/. — Saint Victor . . . 1822. . 1205/s. 48/. 7 J in. by 5| in. — P. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 137 106. The Interior of a Weaver's Eoom. The industrious artizans of the apartment are placed on the left, and appear to have just finished their repast ; a brick wall, with a little window in it, occupies the right ; and a loom, and various suitable accessories, fill up the picture. The figures only are by Ostade, the rest is painted by Decker. Formerly in the Lubbeling and Boisset collections. Collection of Praslin .... 1793. . 3000/5. 120Z. A picture corresponding with the above is now in the collection of M. Van Loone, Amsterdam. 16 in. by 20 in. — P. 107. A view of three Cottages, surrounded by trees. A woman, with a child near her, is on the fore-ground, scouring on a tub ; and some poultry, a barrow, and other objects, complete the picture. An excellent study from nature. Collection of M. Destouches . . 1794. . 1150./*. 46Z. 10s. Baron Denon . . 1826. . 1120/s. 45/. 10J in. by 14 in.— C. 108. Two peasants sitting before a stool, with a glass and a pipe on it ; one of them has a pot of embers in his hand, and is about to light his pipe. Half-length figures. Collection of Count de Merle . . 1784. . 500 /*. 20Z. M. Destouches . . 1794. 6 J in. by 5 J in. — P. 109. The Interior of a cabaret, with a numerous assemblage of peasantry dancing, drinking, &c. Collection of Calonne .... 1795 350 gs. In a sale at Mr. Brian's . . . 1798 390 gs. Now in the collection of G. Hibbert, Esq. 110. The Fish Market. A composition of twenty-seven 138 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. figures; the most conspicuous of whom is a man with mustachios and a short beard, dressed in a red waistcoat and a violet- coloured jacket, seated on a tub behind his stall (on the left and front), holding a fine fish in his right hand ; several other fish are lying on his stall ; and a group of four figures is seen behind another stall, with three soles on it. Engraved in the Musee Francois, by Classins. Collection of Coders and Paillet . 1799. . 3051 /& 122/. Valued by the Experts du Musee 1816. . 6000 fs. 240/. Now in the Louvre. 14f in. by 12 in. — P. 111. A woman, dressed in a violet-coloured dishabille, with a white kerchief on her head, sitting with a child in her lap ; a bed, with curtains of a greenish colour, occupies the back-ground. The figure is seen to the knees. Collection of Paillet 1799. . 830 fs. 34/. lOf in. by 9J in. — P. 112. Dutch Courtship. The Interior of a room, with a man and a woman sitting at a little table, the former of whom is on its farther side, with a long glass of liquor in one hand, while the other is placed on the hand of the female, to whom he appears to have said something gallant, which has induced her to hold down her head. A cupboard and a large window, are in the back of the room. The figures are seen to the knees. Signed, and dated 1653. This excellent example of the master is engraved by C. Yisscher. Collection of M. Martin .... 1800. . 2420/* 97/. Now in the collection of Win. Wells, Esq., of Redleaf. 10 in. by 9 in. — P. 113. A Peasant's Family. The scene presents the Interior of a kitchen, with a female surrounded by her children, sitting near a little table, on the right ; towards the left are two men, ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 139 who appear to be bargaining for a dead pig, which is sus- pended to a ladder near them (this object has been judiciously obliterated, and a piece of beef substituted). The composi- tion consists of eight figures, and a variety of accessories : amongst the latter is a spinning-wheel. The picture is dated 1658. It is mentioned by Descamps, and was then in the collection of M. Van Bremen. Collection of M. Tolozan . . 1801. . 2000 fs. . 801. M. Sereville . . 1811. . 2910 fs,, . 116/. Now in the possession of Messrs. Woodburns. 12 J- in. by 14 J in. — Cop. 114. The Interior of a tahagie, or public-house, in which are several sailors ; three of whom are sitting round a table, drinking, and playing at cards ; and a group of women is seen in front of the chimney. Collection of M. Tolozan . . 1801. . 2500 fs. . 100/. Formerly in the collection of Sir G. Page Turner, Bart. 131 i n% b y 22J in. — P. 115. The Skittle Players. A country ale-house, at the door of which is a woman with a child in her arms ; her attention is directed to a peasant, who is seated with a can in his hand : other figures are variously engaged, a party of whom are play- ing at skittles, or nine pins. A village is seen in the distance. Signed, and dated 1676. Engraved in the Stafford Gallery. Collection of M. Geldermeester 1800. . 1820/0. . 164/. There is also a coloured print, after a drawing, dated 1643, the composition of which corresponds with the above. Engraved by Janinet. Vanden Steen has also etched a similar composition. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Stafford. 17 in. by 20 in. — C. 116. A Fish Market. In front is a man at his stall, with a fish in his hand, and some turbot and other fish lying near him ; 140 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. beyond this group is a woman receiving some money from another woman : numerous figures occupy the back-ground. Collection of M. Geldermeester . 1800. . 375 jio. 34Z. 16 in. by 14 in. — C. 117. A view on a canal in winter, on which are sledges and numerous figures ; a village and the spire of a church are seen in the distance. Collection of M. Geldermeester . 1800. . 400 flo. 36Z. This is probably by Isaac Ostade. 16 in. by 19 in. — P. 118. A Tabagie. In front are three peasants, disposed round a three-legged table, smoking ; a fourth appears to be in high argument with them ; in the back part of the room are four other figures at a table. The subject is illumined by a window. Collection of M. Geldermeester . 1800. . 875 /o. 79Z. 11 in. by 10 in — P. 119. A company of three boors, the nearest of whom is a jovial fellow, in his shirt, holding a long glass of liquor in one hand, and lifting off his hat with the other ; an old cask serves them for a table, on the farther side of which are his two companions, one of whom is playing a fiddle, and the other beating time to the music. The figures are seen half way. Dated 1659. Now in the collection of M. Steengracht, Hague. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. {about.) 120. A village ale-house, in front of which are peasants playing at bowls : two of them are engaged in the game, and a third looking on ; nearer the front are two more rustics, one of whom is seated, and near them are two children at play ; ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 141 various other villagers are amusing themselves in front of the house, and in the distance is seen a bleaching ground. Collection of Smeth Van Alpen . 1810. . 1200/fl. 108/. 13 in. by 18 in. — P. 121. A lawyer, with a desk before him, seated in his study, perusing a paper ; he is dressed in a gown, and wears a green velvet bonnet, under which his gray hairs are seen. Noticed by Descamps, in La Via des Peintres. Collection of Robit 1801. . 1620 fs 65/. 9| in. by H in. —P. 122. The Interior of a cottage, with a party of four peasants round the fire, the nearest of whom is seated with his back to the spectator ; the second stands leaning on the back of a chair, on which is a jug; and the other two are seated at his side : beyond this group are a woman and a child. Engraved by J. Taylor. Collection of M. Geldermeester, Amst. 1800. . 800 Jlo. 72/. Greffier Fagel . . 1801 IbOgs. Now in the Marquis of Stafford's Gallery. 14 in. by 12 in. — P. 123. An Interior, with eight figures variously occupied. Collection of M. Pauwels, Brussels, 1803. . . 933 Jlo. 84Z. 12 in. by 12 in. — P. 124. The Interior of a room, with an arched-top window on the right, the casement of which is open, and a pleasing land- scape is seen through it ; at the side of the window is seated a middle-aged man, with a glass of liquor in his hand ; nearly opposite to him is an old woman (also seated), with a pewter jug in one hand, and a glass in the other. 142 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Collection of Noel Desenfans, Esq. 1802 lObgs. Now in the Dulwich Gallery. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 125. An Interior, with three boors arranged round a little table : the one on the left, seated on a low stool, is amusing the others with a riddle; and appears to be accompanied in the tune by his companion, who is seated opposite to him, holding a glass of liquor in his hand. Dated 1652. Engraved by Suyderhoef ; the print is known under the title of Jan de Moff. Now in the Dulwich Gallery, and worth 300^. 9 in. by 8 in. — P. (about.) 126. A Doctor of Physic. An old gentleman, dressed in a brown gown over a black habit, and a striped velvet cap on his head, seated in his study, examining a urinal, which he holds in one hand, the other is tucked in the breast of his gown ; at his side stands a table, on which are a book, lying open, another shut, and a gallipot : a door, half open, in the back of the room, shows another chamber. Engraved by Walker. Collection of W. Beckford, Esq. 1802 (at Mr. Christie's) I3gs. 12 in. by 9 in. — -P. (about.) 1 27. A Doctor of Law. An old gentleman, dressed in a brown gown over a black vest, and a black hat on his head, seated in his study, perusing a paper which he holds with one hand, the other is placed on the arm of his chair; a table (on which are a quantity of papers, an ink-stand, and a book) stands by his side, and various bundles of paper are attached to a wall behind him. Engraved by Walker, from pictures then in the collection of Alderman Beckford. Collection of W. Beckford, Esq. 1802 4=8gs. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. (about.) ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 143 128. Dutch peasants regaling. Collection of Sir S. Clarke, Bart., & G. Hibbert, Esq., 1802, 105/. 129. The Interior of a cabaret. Collection of Sir S. Clarke, Bart., & G. Hibbert, Esq., 1802, 290#s. 130. The Interior of a room, with a company of five boors disposed round a table, which stands near a projecting chimney; two of them are engaged at tric-trac, the others are looking on ; the nearest of the former is seated with his back to the spec- tator, wearing a cap, and dressed in a yellow jacket ; his adversary stands on the opposite side of the table : a man and a woman, talking together, are seen in the back of the room ; a dog is in front. Engraved by Suyderhoef. , Collection of Sir S. Clarke, Bart., & G. Hibbert, Esq., 1802, V20gs. Now in the collection of C. Bredel, Esq. 121 by 10 in. — P. 131. An Interior, with boors regaling. Collection of Walsh Porter, Esq. . . 1803. . . . I70^s\ 132. A Dutch advocate perusing a deed, which he holds in his hands ; and a servant waiting to present him some game when at leisure. Dated 1671. Engraved in the Stafford Gallery. Collection of Greffier Fagel .... 1801. . . . 320^-. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Stafford. 12 in. by 10| in. — P. 133. The Interior of a cottage, with a company of six persons assembled round a little table ; the nearest of whom is an old 144 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. man in his shirt, and a cap on, sitting cross-legged on a stool, with a pipe in his hand ; his left-hand companion is leaning back in his chair, smoking, and apparently conversing with a woman, who stands on his left ; a third sits at the farther end of the table, filling his pipe ; and a fat fellow, with an apron on, is sitting in the middle, with a dog lying at his feet ; he seems to have just taken the pipe from his lips, to speak to a fellow-tradesman, who stands on his left, leaning upon the back of a chair : a step-ladder, a partition and a screen, occupy the right ; and a projecting chimney is in the back of the room, on the left. This picture was painted in the master's best time, 1663, and possesses all those properties for which he is so justly esteemed : the composition is excellent ; the drawing correct ; the colouring brilliant and clear throughout, and of the highest excellence in the finishing. ^kf^uA Collection of Holderness .... 1802. . Sir G. Page Turner, Bt. 1815. . Lord Charles Townshend, 1819. . In the sale of A. De la Hante, Esq. . 1821. . Sold by the writer to William Beckford, Esq. 1824 Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1818. Now in the collection of William Beckford, Esq. 12|- in. by 16 in. — P. 305 gs. 335 gs. 410 gs. 400 gs. 134. An Interior, with boors drinking. Collection of Holderness . . 1802 (Lord Gower) . 21 gs. 135. The Interior of a tabagie, with a company of ten figures : two men and a woman are before a chimney on the right ; and one of the former is sitting, with his hat in one hand, and a glass of wine in the other, which he offers to the woman, who is leaning on a table, at which five persons, and an old fellow playing on the hurdy-gurdy, are seated ; the room is illumined by a window with vine branches before it : and a ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 145 stool, with a cushion on it ; a pipe, &c. are amongst the accessories. Signed, and dated 1653. Collection of Van Leyden . 1804 \ 5001 fs. . . 200/. 14 in. by 19§ in. — P. 136. The Interior of Ostade's painting room. The master has introduced his own portrait, and represented himself sitting before his easel, dressed in a high bonnet, with his palette on his hand ; two boys are in the background, grinding and pre- paring colours ; and various objects relating to the art are scattered about the room, which is illumined by a large window on the right. Etched by the artist himself. This picture has become a little dark from time, and was evidently painted in the artist's old age. Descamps mentions this picture, which was then in the collection of M. Bouxiere ; and also a second, of a similar subject, in the Amsterdam Gallery ; and a third is in the Dresden Gallery. Collection of Grand Pre . 1809. . 2901 fs. . . 116/. Hfl f&f i ft Count Pourtales 1826 105/. i £m/#Hj lg in by 13 in _ p 137. The schoolmaster. Collection of Mrs. Gordon . 1808 40 gs. 138. The Interior of a room, with a numerous assemblage of peasantry, among whom, and in the middle, are a man and a woman dancing (the former without shoes) to the music of a violin, played by a man mounted on a bench ; on the right side and front are a boy playing with a dog, and a girl with a doll : a variety of incidents corresponding with a festive meeting is depicted throughout the company. An open door, at the end of the apartment, affords a view of the distant landscape. Signed, and dated 1675. This capital picture is remarkable for its powerful colouring and effect ; and VOL. T. J- 146 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. although it was painted in the sixty-fifth year of the artist's age, yet the same careful finishing pervades every part, as any of his earlier works possess. Collection of Monsieur de Calonne. 139. A Country Fair. This pleasing scene exhibits a per- spective view of the street of a Dutch village, with detached cottages on each side, the nearest of which to the spectator stands on the right, with a company of peasants in front of it, smoking and drinking ; among them may be observed a boor, in a pink jacket, sitting on a form, and another standing behind him, with his foot on the seat, smoking his pipe ; their attention is directed to an old man at their left, playing a hurdy-gurdy, accompanied by a boy on a fiddle : on the right of the two peasants is a jovial fellow, seated in an arm-chair ; a woman leading a child is at the door of the house, and a peasant is seated at its side, near whom is a boy, amusing him- self with a dog. On the opposite side of the picture the eye looks up the street to the booths of the fair, around which are assembled groups of figures. This capital picture possesses, in a high degree, the rich harmonious tones of colour and truth of gradation which distinguish his best works. Collection of Lord Rendlesham . . 1806. . . . 150 ^75. Now worth 350 gs. In the collection of William Wells, Esq. of Redleaf. Edward Coxe, Esq. . 1807. John Dent, Esq. . . 1827. 355 gs. 465 gs. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815. Now in the possession of Richard Foster, Esq. 18 in. by 15J in. — P. 17 J in. by 24 in. 140. An Interior, with boors drinking, &c. Collection of Lord Rendlesham . . 1806 , . , 175 gs. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 147 141. A peasant, leaning on his elbow at a window, with a pipe in his hand. Collection of M. D. Jongh, Rotterdam, 1810. Count Pourtales, 1826, (by Mr. Phillips) 17 gs. 10 in. by 8J in. — P. 142. Dutch boors. Collection of W. Champion, Esq. . 1810. . . . 41 gs. 143. An Interior of a cabaret, with boors. Collection of Lucien Buonaparte . . 1816. ... 63 gs. 15 in. by 13 in. — P. 144. A view in front of a village estaminei, or ale-house, with a covered way of trellis- work, and a vine growing over it. The company consists of a man sitting on the fore-ground, with a pipe in his right hand, and his hat in the other, apparently talking to a woman, who is standing with a jug in one hand, and the other resting upon a tub, which serves for a table, and on it are a pipe, a glass, and a handkerchief ; another man is approaching, with an earthen pot of embers in one hand, and a pipe in the other ; and six other figures (men, women, and children) are distributed about the picture, in which are also introduced fowls, dogs, bird-cages, and a distant landscape. Collection of M. Smeth Van Alpen 1810. . 4600 /<>. 414Z Again in a sale by Le Bran . . 1811. 12,001/$. 480Z. 26 in. by 23 in. — P. 145. The Interior of a peasant's cottage, with two men seated before the chimney ; one of them is offering a child a glass of liquor, the other arranging the fire with the tongs ; and another man is standing in the corner of the room, smoking his pipe near a window, which illumines the chamber. This picture 148 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. is distinguished for its brilliant effect. Signed, and dated 1G55. Sale of Laneuville 1811. . 2500 /*. 100/. Sold by the Writer 1825 250 gs. Now in the collection of William Beckford, Esq. 14 in. by 12J in. — P. 146. The Interior of a Peasant's Cottage. The peasant father is seated at the side of a table, on which are bread and cheese, &c, and looking with pleasure at his child, whilst the mother is amusing it in her lap with a doll ; a boy, standing in front, is eating a mess of pottage, and a dog, with his feet on a stool, appears to be petitioning for a part of it : the light is admitted at a large window on the right, with vine foliage before it. Signed, and dated 1668. Collection of M. S. Van Alpen, Eott. 1810. . 5000 flo. 450Z. Again in La Fontain's sale, 1811, (at Mr. Christie's.) 1000 gs. The latter sum is an artificial price, the picture having been pre- viously sold. This excellent picture is remarkable for its brilliant display of chiaro-scuro, and its extraordinary power of colour. The window is indeed a magical deception in art. It might, however, be wished that the artist had not placed his point of sight so high, as it gives the appearance of an ascent to the apartment. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. Now in His Majesty's Collection. 21 in. by 16 in. — P. (about.) 147. The Interior of a public-house, with a company of ten figures, two of whom are playing at tric-trac, and two others are looking on, and smoking their pipes. Collection of Solirene .... 1812. . 2400 fs. 96/. 11 in. by 14 in. — P. 148. The Interior of a room, with two peasants seated near ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 149 the chimney ; one of them is holding a glass and a jug, the other stooping, and smoking his pipe. Dated 1666. Collection of Solirene .... 1812. . 1765 /*. 70/. Now in the collection of M. Valdou, Paris. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. 149. An Interior, with boors playing at cards. Sale of John Parke, Esq. . . . 1812 170 150. The Interior of a cottage, with several boors seated round the chimney ; one of them is apparently speaking to a woman, who is standing near him ; and a boy stands before the tire, warming himself : this part of the picture is illumined by a lighted lamp, which stands in the chimney corner ; and the back-ground by the moon shining through the window. Collection of Mnilman . . Arnst 1813. . 425 flo. 38/. 16 in. by 13 J in. — P. 151. A pair of Interiors. In one are some villagers, seated round a table (on which are a pot of embers and a glass), smoking and drinking. 71 in. by 6J in. — P. 152. The Companion. Three peasants sitting before the fire, and a fourth standing in front near a table, on which are a jug of beer, a pot of embers, and a glass. Collection of M. Muilmans . . . 1813. . 255 flo. 22/. 1\ in. by 6| in. — P. 153. An Interior, with three boors smoking, drinking, and playing at cards : the middle figure lias a red cap on his head. Collection of Hart Davis, Esq. . . 1814. . . . 150 gs. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815; and then the property of J. Graves, Esq. 150 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 154. The Bustic Concert. An Interior, with two men and a woman grouped round a little table ; the latter is singing from a music book, which she holds with both hands, and is accompanied by one of the former, who sits opposite to her, touching the violin with his fingers ; the other man stands between them, playing on the violoncello. A freely-painted picture. Dated 1673. Collection of Baroness Thorns, Leyd, 1816. . 1010 jio. 91/. Eynders .... 1821. . 370/o. 33/. It was afterwards purchased by the Writer for ... 92/. Now in the possession of Edmund Wood, Esq. of Chichester. 10J fa by 9h in.— P. 155. A cobbler in his stall, surrounded by the implements of his trade ; and a man seated near him, smoking his pipe : the stall stands against a picturesque house, which is covered with vine foliage. Engraved under the title of Le Savetier. Collection of Dufresne .... 1816. . 1510/*. 60/. 14 in. by 12 in. 156. The Interior of a cabaret, with a company of eight persons : near the middle and front stands a rustic table, with a plate of ham and a pot of embers on it ; and at the right of the table are seated a fat Dutch woman and a jovial fellow, who is taking liberties with her. Opposite this couple stands a short stout man, who, in rising from his seat, has thrown it over ; two rustics are at a little distance from the table, one of whom is about to drink, the other is smoking ; and two others are paying their reckoning. Collection of Baron Thibaut, Paris, 1817. 2500 fs. . 100/. 9 J in. by 11 \ in. — Cop. 157. The Interior of a room, with a company of two women and three men, seated at a table, which stands on the right of the picture, near a boarded partition; the attention of the party is directed to one of the women, who is in front, and appears to ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 151 be singing from a music-paper, which she holds in her hand, accompanied by a fiddler, who stands on her right ; in front are a three-legged stool and a pot ; and in the back-ground are seen four other figures. Dated 1655. Collection of W. Smith, Esq. M.P. 1819 (sold privately.) 250 gs. The Writer has since offered 350 gs. for it, which was refused. Now in the collection of Chevalier Erard, Paris. 20 J in. by 18 J in. — P. 158. A Landscape with Cottages. In front of the latter are assembled about ten peasants, some of whom are playing at skittles, and one of them is in the act of throwing the ball ; another is lolling on a form, at the left of the player ; while a third stands at the half-door of a house, looking on : a picturesque pump is seen in the middle distance. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1819. Now in the collection of George Hibbert, Esq. 161 in. by 19 J in. — P. 159. The Interior of a cottage, with a party of peasants sitting round the chimney, in conversation, and drinking ; amongst them stands a woman, with a can in her hand. Collection of M. Schimmelpenninck, Amst. 1819, 549 i( /?o. 49/. 16 m. by 13 J in. — P. 160. A landscape, with figures playing at bowls, and others looking on. Collection of Willett Willett, Esq. 1813, (bought in) 88 gs. Again, in a sale at Mr. Christie's . 1819. .... 77 gs. 161. A peasant, in a violet-coloured vest, and a black hat, leaning upon the sill of a window, with a pipe in his hand. Collection of Le Rouge .... 1818. 1650 fs. 66/. Count Pourtales, London, 1826. ... 20 gs. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. 152 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 162. The Companion to the last. A sailor at a window, with a paper in one hand, and his spectacles in the other. Collection of Le Eouge .... 1818. . 1005 fs. 40/. 12 in. by 9 in. — P. 163. An Interior, with boors playing at draughts, or tric-trac. Sale of Kobert Norman, Esq. 1818, (at Mr. Christie's) 133 gs. 164. The Interior of a room, with a shoemaker seated in front, with a cask by his side ; he appears to have just taken the cup from his lip, to speak to a man, who has a pipe in his hand, and stands leaning against the chimney, in the corner of which a cat is sleeping ; two boors, at a table, and a girl serving them, are in the back of the room. Collection of St. Victor .... 1822. . 1361 fs. tel. From the collection of the Duke de Cosse. 9 in. by 7 in. — P. 165. A Village Fair. A row of cottages, and several stalls and booths, occupy the right, and numerous figures are dis- persed throughout the busy scene ; amongst them is an old woman, sitting in a chair by the side of a cask, and distribut- ing drink to those around her. Collection of St. Victor .... 1822. . 1520 fs. 61/. 9 in. — P. (round.) 166. Five boors at a window, which is divided in the middle; two of them are leaning upon the sill; another has a cap in one hand, and a glass in the other, and appears to have said something which has excited the laughter of one of them. Collection of St. Victor .... 1822. . 2400 fs. 96/. Now in the possession of Chevalier Claussins, Paris. 13 in. by 15 in. — P. (about.) ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 153 167. The Interior of a room. A piece of red cloth, a blanket and a white hat, are lying upon an old chair ; a plate of meat, an old pair of shoes, and a jug, are on the ground ; and an old woman is seen in the back of the room. Collection of St. Victor .... 1822. . 600 fs. 24/. Now in the collection of Lord Wharncliffe. 11 in. by 8 in. — P. 168. The Companion. A study from nature, being a view taken from the back court of a cottage, with a vine growing against it; a pump, a pail, a wooden bench, and various other objects of still life, are in the middle ; and a garden gate, with a figure near it, is seen in the distance. Collection of St. Victor .... 1822. . 421 fs. Ill The Writer . 1828, (sold by Mr. Stanley) 28 gs. Now in the possession of Slater, Esq. 11 in. by 8 in. — P. 169. A Dutchman standing to read some bills, which are stuck up against a house, holding his spectacles up with his left hand ; a wooden bench, with a plate on it, is near the building; and some small figures are seen in the distance. This is a picture of very good quality. Collection of St. Victor .... 1822 . 850 fs. 34Z. Count Pourtales, 1826, (by Mr. Phillips) 45 gs. 5 in. by 4 in. — P. 170. The Interior of a tabayie, with a company of eight figures ; the most conspicuous of whom is a jovial fellow, in a blue jacket, seated on a stool in the middle and front, throwing himself back in mirthful hilarity, and apparently singing some favourite ditty, to which he gives expression by raising his glass ; an old fiddler is on his left, seemingly wait- ing to take up the chorus ; and near him is a child in a 154 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. white hat, lolling on a stool ; the rest of the company are disposed round a table, joining in the song ; and amongst them is an old woman, with a can in her hand : various accessories are distributed about the room, in which are a chimney (with doors on each side of it), shelves, cupboards, and other objects. Signed, and dated 1656. Collection of Prince Galitskin, Paris, 1825 . 13,030 /*. 521Z. Joseph Barchard, Esq. 1826 (Mr. Christie's) 545 gs. 11 in. by 14 in. — P. 171. The Interior of a cottage, with two peasants sitting opposite each other at a table, drinking a bottle of wine ; a child stands at the end of the table, looking at them ; and the mistress of the house is busy at the fire. Collection of M. Lapeyriere . . 1825. . 4205 fs. 168/ 16 in. by 13J in. — P. 172. A portrait of the painter himself, dressed in a cap and a cloak, with a plain white collar falling over it, and his right hand raised to his breast ; a bust of Adrianus (probably introduced in allusion to the painter's name) stands by his side. This is the only picture, by the master, of the size of life, that the writer has seen. Collection of Lord Eadstock . 1826, (at Mr. Christie's) 170/. Now in the collection of Mr. Emmerson. 301 i nt by 26 in.— C. 173. Three boors at a table, smoking and drinking; one of them (intended for the artist himself) is in the act of fill- ing his glass with liquor ; the interior of the apartment represents a shop ; and a woman is employed at the counter. Collection of Lord Eadstock . 1826, (Mr. Emmerson) 88 gs. Now in the collection of Mr. Emmerson. 9 in. by 7 \ in.— P. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 155 1 74. A view in the back court of a house, rendered picturesque by the introduction of various accessories ; amongst them are a pantry window, with weather boarding over it, and a pump on one side and a vine on the other ; close to the front, and on the ground is an earthen colander, with two fine haddocks in it ; a little farther are two others, lying upon a board, which is placed across a pail ; and near them is a large wash- ing tub, set up to drain, with a flannel lying at the top of it, and a pitcher inside : other objects are distributed about the place, to perfect the composition. It is difficult to conceive how a picture composed of materials like those just described could be made interesting, yet such is the fact ; and however insignificant the objects may be, if they are skilfully arranged, faithfully expressed in drawing and colour, and well relieved by a happy display of chiaro-scuro, the picture will always possess a charm, and an attraction sufficient to satisfy the real amateur of art. Of this class is the Ostade in question, which may be cited as a model of perfection in objects of still life. Collection of M. Le Baron Denon 1826. . 7410 fa. 296/. Bought by Mr. Emmerson, who has since sold it to William Wells, Esq. of Kedleaf, in whose choice collection it now is. 18 in. by 14 in. — P. 175. A Pair. One represents a young woman seated near a window, crossed on the outside by vine branches, she has one hand on the knob of her chair, and is taking a glass of beer from a table with the other. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 176. Companion. A peasant seated near a table, rilling his pipe ; he is dressed in a violet-coloured waistcoat, and a gray mantle. Collection of M. Le Baron Denon 1826. . 3005 fs. 120/. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 156 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 177. The Interior of a cabaret, with a group of four figures disposed round a table, near a side window ; two other boors i are seen in the back of the room. Collection of M. Zachary, Esq. . 1828 128 gs. 12 in. by lOf in. — P. 178. The Interior of a rustic cottage, with a variety of picturesque objects distributed in every part ; and near a pro- jecting chimney on the left, are a woman seated in a low chair, suckling a child ; a man standing by, cutting a slice of bread, and two boys at a table ; the nearest of whom, in a yellow jacket, is drinking, and the other is playing with a dog. Dated 1647. Etched by Ostade. 179. An Interior with a group of three boors and a female, disposed around a little stool, the nearest of whom is a jovial fellow with a pitcher and a pipe in his hands ; his companion sits in a tub chair opposite, leaning forward to light his pipe at a pot of embers ; the woman is seated on the farther side of the stool, and the remaining figure stands behind her, with a glass of liquor in his hand. Engraved by Suyderhoef. 180. A Woman buying fish, at the door of a cottage. The composition consists of a female with a child in her arms, whose attention is directed towards a man occupied cleaning a haddock on a form, another fish of the same kind lies near him, and on the farther side of the bench are a youth and a child looking on. The figures are seen to the knees. This picture is distinguished for its breadth of effect and brilliancy of colour. Dated 1669. It is probably the one noticed in the sale of the Leendort de Neufville's collection, 1765. Now in the collection of W. D. Acraman, Esq. Bristol. Now in the collection of G. Morant, Esq. 18 in. by 13 in. — P. (about) 15 J in. by 13 in. — C. ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 157 181. The Interior of a rustic cottage, in the centre of which are a man, a woman, and a child ; the former is seated on a stool, winding flax ; his awkwardness appears to excite the laughter of the woman, who is spinning ; a dog lies asleep near her. Engraved by J. de Visscher. 1 82. An Interior, with two men and a woman, the nearest of whom is a merry fellow, dressed in a jacket, and a large cap. seated on a cask, holding a long glass of liquor in his hand, and is apparently giving the health of his comrade, who sits by his side ; a pipe, and a paper of tobacco, lie on a little table before them ; the female is busy near a chimney in the back-ground. The figures are seen to the knees. Engraved by J. Suyderhoef. 183. A company of six men and two children, in front of a cottage ; the principal group consists of four men assembled round a table in the middle and front ; two of them are play- ing at backgammon, while a third, leaning both hands on the table, stands watching the game ; a light thatch covering ex- tends over them. Engraved by J. de Visscher, and also by Marrebeek. — The same, with variations, is engraved by Janinet, from a drawing by Ostade. 184. The Interior of a rustic cottage, with a company of four men and a woman arranged at a table in the middle ; the nearest of the former is seated with his back to the spectator, his opposite companion (also seated) holds a jug and a glass in his hands, and appears to be inviting the woman to drink ; near the latter is a dog, and in the opposite side are two children at a little stool. Etched by Ostade. (oblong.) 185. The Interior of a large barn, with a company of about nineteen figures (apparently beggars) : amongst them are a boy 158 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. playing the hurdy-gurdy, and a man the fiddle ; the latter has his back towards the spectator. Engraved by J. de Visscher. 186. The Interior of a cabaret, with a company of six men, a woman, and a child ; the nearest of the former sits in a triangular chair, with a glass of liquor in his hand, and is turned towards an old fellow, who has his arms round the woman, both her hands being engaged in holding the child, which stands by her side ; opposite to this group are two men seated on a form, one of whom is smoking, the other filling his pipe. Engraved by W. Baillie. 187. The Interior of a cottage, with a company of four men and a woman, disposed round a table : one of the former is seated on a form, with his back to the spectator, leaning his elbow on a table, smoking a pipe ; another sits in a chair, resting his hand on the table, in which he holds a long glass of liquor : the woman is in the act of taking a glass from a man who stands by her side scratching his head. Engraved by W. Baillie. (upright shape.) 188. A view in the back court of a picturesque cottage, with a vine growing against it, and a hen-coop attached to the wall : the figures, which enliven it, consist of two children playing with a dog ; an old woman opening mussels ; and two children and a man at the entrance door, looking at her. Dated 1675. There is a print by Janinet, in colours, done from the original drawing for this picture. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1815. Now in the Collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 18 in. by 15 in. — P. 189. A country ale-house, by the road-side, against which is attached some trellis- work, overspread with a vine : at this end ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 159 of it are four peasants, ranged round a table, smoking ; their attention is directed to a poor piper, who stands near them, and close to whom is a little boy : various other figures are distri- buted over the scene. Dated 1659. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 10 in. by 12 in. — P. (about.) 190. A woman leaning on the half-door of a house, con- versing with a peasant, who appears to have said something which pleases her, and is presenting her a piece of gingerbread ; the front of the house is adorned with a vine. The figures are seen to the knees. Now in the collection of Thomas Hope, Esq. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. (about.) 191. Ostade, with his wife and family. This interesting picture represents the Interior of a handsome apartment ; on the right and front of which is seated the artist, with his wife by his side, whose hand he affectionately holds ; before them are distributed five girls, two of whom are seated, while their only son stands respectfully behind his father's chair. A young man and a woman, supposed to be the painter's brother and his wife, stand on the farther side of the group, in the centre of the room. The dresses of the whole (with the exception of two of the children, who are in gray) are composed of black silk, relieved by white tippets, caps, and collars. This uniformity of colour and dress exhibits the grave simplicity of the Dutch character and manners, and shows how scrupulously correct the artist has been in portraying the general as well as the individual likeness of his family, and, consequently, of the costume of the period. Engraved in the Musee. This capital picture was valued by the Experts du Musee, in 1816, at 25,000 fs. . 1000Z. Now in the Louvre. 24 in. by 28^ in. — P. 160 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 192. Peasants assembled under a vine-trellis, in front of a guingwette, or ale-house. The principal group is composed of two men, and a woman ; the former appear to have been gambling, and a dispute has arisen, which has induced one of them to rise hastily from his seat (a form), which has, in con- sequence, fallen over ; several cards lie scattered on the ground, and others are on a tub, which serves for a table ; on the far- ther side of it is seated the female, who, in the bustle, has care- fully caught up the jug of liquor and glass. The quarrel attracts the attention of a man, seated on a basket near them ; while a fiddler, standing at a distance, continues to scrape his instrument. Three men and a woman are near the door of the house ; an old pump and a pail are on the same side and front. Engraved in the Musee. Formerly in the Louvre. 12 in. by 14 J in.— P 193. The Interior of an estaminet, with a company of ten persons : the nearest of whom to the spectator is a woman with a long glass of liquor in her hand, seated in a chair, and appa- rently speaking to a man, who stands before her, with one hand to his hat ; behind her is a man drawing liquor from a cask ; and near him another, with a fiddle : on the opposite side are a man (seen in a hinder view) and a woman with a child in her lap, sitting on a form ; three more figures are at an arched- top door, at the end of the room. Engraved in the Musee. 18 in. by ] 4 in. — P. 194. An Exterior. A company of five men and a woman, disposed round a table, under a vine-trellis, in the court or gar- den of a guinguette ; one of the former, who is seated on a stool, in front, is in the act of taking a glass of liquor from his comrade, who has risen from a form, with a pewter jug in his hand, to present it : beyond these are four others, near a shed ; ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 161 and at the side is seen a bagpiper, playing his instrument ; and two persons, at the half-door of the house, listening to the music. Engraved in the Musee Francois. This, and the two preceding pictures, were obtained by conquest in 1806 ; and restored by the same means in 1815. 18 in. by 15 in. — P. 195. Le Menage rustique. The interior of a room, with a woman rocking a child in a cradle. Valued by the Experts du Musee, in 1816, at 3000 fs. 1207. Now in the Louvre. 196. The Interior of a peasant's cottage, with a company of four boors, and a woman : one of the former, seated on a stool, in front, with his back to the spectator, is playing a fiddle ; a table is placed near him, on the farther side of which are seated a man and a woman, and another man stands behind them : the attention of the two former is directed towards a merry fellow, who appears disposed to dance, and has a glass of liquor and a jug in his hands, The room is illumined by a large window, on the right ; under which is a boy looking into a cupboard : a dog lying asleep, in front, and a variety of picturesque objects add to the interest of the piece. Now in the collection of Paul Methuen, Esq. 11 in. by 14 in. — P. 197. Companion to the above, represents boors quarrelling. The composition consists of live men and two women, in a cottage : two of the former have been gambling, and a quarrel has ensued ; in the scuffle, a cask (which has served for a table) is overturned, and one of them has seized his adversary by the collar, and is about to strike him with his fist ; a third man is interfering, to prevent mischief; while a fourth, who seems vol. i. M 162 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. eager to join in the fray, is held on his seat by a woman ; the hubbub has attracted the attention of a man and a woman, who are entering the room at a door in the middle : a dog barking, and numerous objects, contribute to complete the picturesque effect of the whole. These pictures are dated 1647. Now in the collection of Paul Methuen, Esq. Corsham House, and worth (the pair) 500 gs. 11 in. by 14 in. — P. 198. An Interior, with a group of three figures : a woman, with a child in her arms, sits on the right, with her back towards a window ; and opposite to her is a boor, seated on a tub, with a basin of soup in his hand ; the third figure stands on the right of the woman, leaning his hand upon the window sill. The figures are seen to the knees. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1800. . 4325 flo. 119/. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. Now in the collection of 4Iis Majesty. 13 in. by 12 in. — P. 199. The Interior of a room, on the right of which are five men and a woman round a table ; the nearest of whom (to the spectator) has a jug in one hand and a glass in the other, and seems to be talking to his opposite neighbour, who has a pipe in his mouth ; beyond the former is a fellow in the act of blowing his nose, near him are two children playing at a stool ; and behind the chair of the nearest boor is a dog gnawing a bone. Dated 1656. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. Now in the collection of His Majesty. 15 in. by 12 in. — P. (about.) 200. An Interior, with a party of three men and a woman round a table on the right : the nearest man is seated with his back to the spectator ; the next to him is standing, playing on ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 163 the fiddle ; the third man and the woman are seated on the opposite side of the table, singing from a music-paper, which they hold in their hands ; behind them stands a boor with a pipe, and farther in the room are two children. Dated 1656. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. Now in the collection of His Majesty. 18 in. by 22 in.— V. (about) 201. Peasants regaling in front of a country ale-house; several of them are ranged round a table, while others are dancing ; and amongst the company is a jovial fellow, seated in a corner, with a jug in his hand, looking at a boor dancing : there are about fifteen figures in the composition, besides others in the back-ground. Dated 1670. Collection of M. Wassenaar Obdam, Hague, 1750. 2160//o 194/. Now in the collection of Van Loone, Amst. and worth . 350/. 17 in. by 22 in.~F. 202. The Interior of a room with a large projecting chimney, round which are disposed nine persons ; one of them is seated in front of the fire, with a pipe in his hand ; his attention is directed to a man, who stands with his back towards it ; next to whom, and close to the chimney, is seated a child, a woman with a glass in her hand, and a child standing by her, is seated on the opposite side of the fire-place ; a variety of pic- turesque objects complete the composition of this picture, which is illumined by a window at the side of the chimney. Dated 1656. Engraved by Visscher. Now in the collection of M. Six Van Winter, Amd. worth 450 gs. 17 in. by 13 J in. — P. 203. The Adoration of the Shepherds. The view exhibits the Interior of a stable, in front of which, and on the right, is seated the Virgin, looking with affectionate attention at the 164 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. infant, who lies in a crib near her, around whom are assembled four men, a woman, and a child in adoration; St. Joseph is seated behind the Virgin with a book in his hand ; and near an arched door in the back of the stable are seen two figures with an ass. Signed, and dated 16G7. This admirable picture was painted in the artist's most successful time, and is finished with extraordinary care and brilliancy of colour ; in addition to these charms, it possesses the singular interest of representing the portraits of the painter and his wife, in the characters of J oseph and Mary ; the other figures personate members of his family. This picture was formerly in the possession of Madame de Reuver, of Haerlem, 1736, when it was sold, with a small collection, for 40,000 florins, to the Prince of Hesse Cassel, from whose gallery the chances of war in 1808, transferred it, with many others, into the apartments of Josephine, at Malmaison ; at the distribution of which collection it was purchased by Mr. Delahante, and sold to J. Webb, Esq. ; from whom it passed to the present proprietor (in 1823), Chevalier Erard, Paris, and is correctly valued at 1000 gs. 18 in. by 16} in. — G. 204. The Interior of a room, in front of which, on the left, are four peasants round a table, two of whom are engaged at a game of tric-trac, while the other two stand watching the play ; a little farther in the room is seated a fifth, leaning his elbow on a chopping-block, and lighting his pipe; close to him stands another, apparently talking to two women ; at the farther end of the room are three persons round a fire ; and in front lies a three-legged stool. Dated 1674. Now in the collection of Count Perigaux, 1825, Paris. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. (about.) 205. Companion. An Interior, with a large chimney on the left, in front of which are four figures ; the nearest of whom is seated on a low stool, with his back towards the spectator ; ADRIAN VAN OSTAUE. 165 another is standing facing the fire with his pipe, and the remaining two are seated ; in the opposite side of the room is a long table, parallel with two windows ; near this end of the table is a child with some cake in its hand, at which a dog is wistfully looking; a little farther are two men playing at tric-trac, and two others looking on ; and at the farther end of the table are two more at cards. Dated 1674. Now in the collection of Count Perigaux, 1825, Paris. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. {about.) 206. Under the shadow of some trees are seated two peasants, one of whom is smoking, and the other preparing to drink ; their attention is directed to a woman, who is leaning on the back of one of the seats ; a gun and a pouch are lying on the seat near them ; in the distance are four other figures' and beyond them some picturesque cottages. This excellent picture is dated 1671. Now in the Mnsee at Amsterdam. 16 in. by 12 in. — P. 207. The Interior of a cabaret with three boors, two of whom are seated at a three-legged stool, which serves as a table ; one of them has a jug and glass in his hands, the other is lighting his pipe, and a third is standing near a buffet, filling his pipe. Collection of Amsterdam Musee, sold by order of the Directors, in a public sale 1828. . 1505 jio. 135/. 151 i n , by 12 J in. — P. 208. The Interior of a rustic room, with an arched-top door at the side, and a company of eight persons, the nearest of whom to the spectator are three men disposed round a table in the middle and front ; one of them holds a jug in his hand, and appears to be speaking to his opposite comrade, who is lighting a pipe at a pot of embers ; the third is on the farther 166 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. side of the table, tuning a fiddle; a child sits by the door eating a cake, and a dog is watching her ; a woman, leaning on a chair, stands near the table, and three other figures are at the end of the room. This superlative picture is dated 1662. Engraved in the Musee Erancais, by Bovinet. Now in the Hague Gallery. 17 in. by 14 in. — P. 209. The Exterior of a picturesque cottage, overspread with a vine, in front of which is a poor fiddler conducted by a boy ; his music attracts the attention of a woman and two men, who stand within the half- door of the house, and appears also to delight a jovial fellow sitting by the side of the door, with a jug in his hand ; three children and a dog are also near it, and two other children are at the extremity of the group. Dated 1673 ; also a perfect example of the master. This and the preceding are engraved in the Musee Napoleon, and by Bovinet, in the Musee FranQais ; they were removed from the Louvre in 1815. The above pair are worth 1200 gs. Now in the Hague Gallery. 16 in. by 15 in. — P. 210. The Interior of a cabaret, with a company of peasants assembled at a round table, amongst whom may be distin- guished a butcher and a miller drinking together ; a mechanic lighting his pipe ; and another sitting behind him asleep, near a large window, which illumines the room ; in the back part of which is a second company, and an old woman waiting on them. This picture is dated 1662, and may be classed among the best works of the master ; its present value is about . . . 500 gs. The above is probably the picture which was sold in the collection of M. Hasselaar, at Amsterdam, in 1742, for . . 430 flo. 38Z. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 15 in. by 13 in. — P. (about.) ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 167 211. The Interior of Ostade's painting room, in which he has introduced a portrait of himself, occupied before his easel. Numerous objects appropriate to the art are distributed about the room, which is brightly illumined by a large window ; an ascent of a few steps, at the end of the apartment, leads to a cabinet, in which is seen a man preparing colours. This picture is dated 1663, and is of equal excellence with the above, to which it forms a companion. A similar subject occurs twice in the Catalogue. Drawn in Lithography, by E. Allesson ; value about . 500 gs. Now in the Dresden Gallery. 15 in. by 13 in. — P. (about.) 212. An Interior, with a company of sixteen figures, most of whom are quarrelling and fighting; amongst them is a woman pulling away a man, who has got his adversary under him ; and near this group are a woman and a boy, holding a man who is struggling, with a knife in his hand, to join in the fray. Dated 1656. Engraved by Suyderhoef. Now in the Munich Gallery. 16| in. by 13J in. — P. 213. A company of thirteen persons in a room, partaking of the usual recreations of the Country ; the festive hilarity of the scene is kept up by a fiddler, who is mounted upon an elevated chair in the centre, and to whose music a couple are dancing ; amongst the rest of the party may be observed a man seated on a stool, pouring out a glass of liquor ; behind whom are a man with his hat under his arm, and a woman with a long glass of wine in her hand, sitting together ; and another man standing by their side, with his hands behind him : a second group are at a table, near a large window, at the end of the room. Dated 1647. Engraved by Suyderhoef, and also by Euters. Now in the Munich Gallery. 16 J in. by \ i\ in.—Y. 168 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 214. A party of two men and a woman, drinking together ; one of the former is seated in front (with his back to the spectator), holding a pitcher in his hand; the latter sits opposite him, holding up a glass of liquor, and apparently giving a toast ; the other boor stands on the farther side of them. Half-length figures. Engraved by C. Visscher. 9 in. by 8 in. 215. A company of two men and a woman, the latter is seated in front, with a music-paper in her hand, singing, while one of the men accompanies her on a pipe. Half- length figures. Collection of M. Bruyn .... 1798. . 400 flo. 36/. ^sow in the collection of Van Loone, Amsterdam. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 216. A group of seven peasants assembled before a cottage, under a lofty shed, at the door of which stand the hostess and a man, and on each side of it are seated peasants smoking ; four others are ranged round a table, which occupies the middle ; two of them are seated playing at tric-trac, the other two stand leaning on the table ; some cottages, and a group of four figures in conversation, are seen in the distance. This is described from a coloured print after a drawing by Ostade. 217. The Interior of a room, on the right of which are a large window, and a door at the side of it ; between these is a counter, at which a woman is occupied weighing something for a man who stands opposite to her, and near whom are two women and three children ; three other children, playing with dolls, are on the left and front. Engraved by Chalon. 218. An Interior with two figures ; the nearest of them is seated in front of a fire (which is burning on the hearth), holding a pair of tongs in one hand, and a glass of liquor in ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 169 the other, while his companion stands by his side smoking. Engraved by Basan, entitled Le Passe-temps de VHiver. 9] in. by 7h in. — P. 219. The Itinerant Musicians. The composition consists of six figures : the centre one is a boy playing on a fiddle, he is accompanied by a man, who stands behind him, playing on a hurdy-gurdy ; two youths and two children are by their side, listening to the music. Half-length figures. Engraved by Visscher. Collection of His Excellency Baron Xagel. . 1795. 105 gs. 12| in. by 11 in. — P. 220. The Interior of a rustic cottage, with a window at the side, an upper casement of which is open : a company of five men, two women, and a child, occupy the room ; two of the men appear to have been gambling at cards, which has ended in a quarrel, and their knives are drawn, which they are only prevented using by a woman and a man, who hold them apart, whilst a third has seized a pair of tongs, to prevent farther mischief. Engraved by Suyderhoef, entitled the Schnicker Snee ; and also by A. F. David. 15 J in. by 13 J in. — P. 221. Les Bons Voisins. An Interior, with a party of three mechanics, two of whom are seated at a little table, on which are a glass, a pack of cards, and a pitcher ; the one nearest the spectator wears an apron, and is leaning forward with his hand on the table, in which he holds the glass, apparently listening to his opposite friend, who has withdrawn the pipe from his lips to speak to him ; the third figure stands between them, rilling his pipe : in the back of the room is a man standing at the half-door of the house, viewing the distant landscape. The figures are seen to the knees. Engraved by Basan, under the above title. 11 J in. by 9 \ in. 170 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 222. A cottage, at the door of which is a woman teaching a child to walk ; a peasant standing before her, about to drink ; and another (peasant) seated with a pipe in one hand, and a pot of embers in the other ; at a little distance from these, is a party of five persons at a table, smoking and drinking. Done in lithography, 1827. Now in the Yienna Gallery. 13 in. by 10J in. — P. 223. The Interior of a cabaret, illumined by a large window ; a company of thirteen figures, of both sexes, are variously engaged, in smoking, drinking, and feasting, &c. &c. Now in the collection of M. Van Sasseghem, Ghent. 17 in. by 22 in. — P. (about.) 224. Three old women feasting and drinking. Half-length figures. Engraved by Suyderhoef. (oval.) 225. An Interior, with two boors and a woman : one of the former, seated in an arm-chair, has one arm round the neck of the female, and the other hand on her bosom ; a little table, on which are a cup, a pipe, a pot of embers, and a cloth, is at his side ; the third figure stands behind. Engraved by J. Visscher. 226. A female seated with a glass in her hand, which she appears disposed to fill from a jug, held by a boor, who stands at her side ; the gesture of the latter indicates that she has already had enough : upon a table before them are a pipe and a pot of embers. The figures are seen to the knees. Engraved by Suyderhoef. 227. An Exterior view of a cottage, from a window of which ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 171 a woman appears to be listening to three men, who are in close conference below, while a fourth is entering the door. Engraved by Vanden Steen. 228. Les Buveurs. A group of three Dutch topers, two of them are seated by the side of a barrel, which serves for a table, on which are a tobacco-box, a paper, and a pipe ; the one nearest to the spectator is seated, with one hand on his hip, and a glass of liquor in the other, and appears to be in conversation with his opposite comrade, who has one hand tucked in his breast ; the third figure stands on the farther side of them. The figures are seen to the ankles. Engraved by Basan, under the above title. 10 J in. by 8| in. 229. An old fellow habited in a cloak, with a hat on, lean- ing upon a window sill, with a pipe in one hand, and a jug in the other. Etched by 7 in. by 6 in. — P. (about.) 230. La Tabagie Hollandoise. The Interior of a large room with an assemblage of fourteen figures, the nearest of whom to (the spectator) is a mechanic, who has risen from his seat (a form), and is pouring out a glass of liquor for a jovial fellow, sitting near him with his hat on his knee ; nearer the side are three men, two of them are seated close to a fire ; a second group, composed of four figures, is farther in the room, at the foot of a step-ladder ; and beyond these is a party of five, three of them are playing at cards. This capital composition is engraved by Janinet, from a coloured drawing by Ostade. Dated 1673. 10^ in. by 13^ in. 231. A company of about sixteen peasants, assembled in 172 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. front of a country ale-house ; amongst whom are a man and a woman, dancing to the music of a hautboy and hurdy- gurdy ; and nearer the front sits a jovial fellow, with his back to the spectator, holding up his glass in one hand, and his cap in the other ; another party is seen in the middle distance. Engraved by Visscher. 8£ in. by 12| in. — P. 232. A view of a rustic cottage, built of boards, near the door of which is seated a woman, suckling a child, and a man standing near her, with a spade in his hand ; and at a little distance from them are two children at play. Engraved by Masquelier. 8 in. by 10 J in. — P. 233. The Interior of a rustic cottage, with a woman scouring a pot, &c. &c. Engraved by J. Louys. 234. The Interior of a cottage with a large arched-top door at the side, near which are a man (seated) reading a newspaper, a woman (also seated) feeding a child, and another man lean- ing on the half door (which is open), listening to the news. Engraved by Janinet, from a coloured drawing by Ostade. Dated 1.673. It is also engraved by William Baillie, 1768. 9 J in. by 8 in. 235. An Interior with two boors, one of whom stands with his back to the fire, holding a pipe in one hand, and the other hand tucked in his breast ; his companion is seated, leaning his arm on the back of a chair, in the hand of which he holds a jug. Engraved by W. Baillie. 236. The Interior of a room, with a window at the side, ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. 173 near which are two men and a woman round a table ; one of the former, seated in a chair, appears to be reasoning with his comrade, who sits on a form opposite to him, holding a jug in one hand, and a glass in the other ; some cards lie on the table. The woman is occupied winding flax; a triangular stool stands in front, on which are a pipe and a pot of embers. Engraved by Heudelot, entitled Le Jeu Interrompu. 11 in. by 9 in. — P. (about.) 237. Les Musiciens. An Interior with a party of two men and a woman, one of the former (a merry toper, sitting in front, with his foot on a cask, which serves for a table) is play- ing a fiddle, and appears to be accompanied in the music by a fat woman, seated on the opposite side of the tub, with a paper in her hand ; the third figure stands between them, holding a jug. The figures are seen to the knees. Engraved, under the above title, by Basan. 12 in. by 10 in. (about.) 238. A picturesque country inn, in front of which are two boors, the nearest of whom (to the spectator) is seated on a stool, the other in a chair ; the former leans forward, to take a glass of liquor, which the landlady, who stands before him,, is pouring out ; behind her is a child : on the upper step of the door are three other figures, two of whom, seated at a tub table, are seen at the end of the house. Engraved by Suyderhoef. 15| in. by 14 in. 239. A peasant driving a pig from market ; in the distance is seen a cottage, and several figures near it. Engraved by Lewis. 240. A schoolmaster, habited in a black gown, and wearing 174 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. a gray hat, seated in an arm-chair, with a table before him, hearing a boy his lesson ; the child stands in front of the table, with his back to the spectator, and another boy, seen in a front view, with a book in his hands, is on the left side of him. The composition consists of three figures, seen to the knees. This excellent little picture is worth 120 gs. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Bute. 8j in. by 7 J in.— P. 241. A group of three boors, round a little table, two of whom are playing at backgammon, or tric-trac ; the one nearest to the spectator, dressed in a red jacket, with gray sleeves, and a red cap on his head, is standing up, and making a move in the game, while his adversary sits opposite to him, smoking his pipe, and watching his motions ; the third figure stands on the farther side of the table, opening his tobacco-box. This picture is of equal excellence with the preceding. Now in the collection of the Marquis of Bute. 9-|- in. by 8 in. — P. 242. A landscape, with a lofty old building in front, the entrance to which is by a flight of steps ; at the foot of these are a woman with a child in her arms, seated on a form ; a man standing before her, with his hands behind him ; another man lolling on the form, and two children at play ; behind the woman, are two men sitting on the steps, &c. Engraved by Germain. 243. The Interior of a large barn, near the entrance to which are three men and a boy ; two of the former are engaged at cards, and one of them has risen from his seat to play ; the boy is seated with an earthen pan in his hands ; the fourth figure is on the farther side of the player, with a pipe in his / ADRIAN VAN OSTADE 175 hand : a dog, a pig, and a great variety of suitable objects are introduced. Engraved by Germain. 244. The interior of a large and lofty room, like a barn, with a small window at the side, near which are a woman sitting with a chaufferelte in her lap, and two children, one of whom sits on the ground : three fowls and a pig are in the front, and numerous picturesque objects are distributed about the place. Engraved. 245. A lawyer in his study, perusing a deed. Valued by the Experts du Musee, in 1816, at 2500 /*. 100Z. Xow in the Louvre. 246. A Dutch toper at a window, with a pitcher in his hand. 247. The Companion. A woman at a window, with a flax- winder in her hands. Engraved by Facius, from pictures formerly in the collection of the Rev. Mr. Balme. 248. A Concert. A company of four men and a woman, disposed round a table, four of them are seated, and the fifth has risen from his seat (a form), with a glass of liquor in his hand, and appears to be waiting to compliment the musicians, who are opposite to him ; the nearest to the spectator (seen in a hinder view) is playing on a violin, while his left- hand companion accompanies him with the voice ; the back of the room is furnished with a bed, in a recess, and an ascent of steps to another apartment. Engraved by J. de Visscher. A similar subject, engraved by Liart and Heudelot, is described, No. 65. 176 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Adrian Ostade painted a considerable number of draw- ings in semi-opaque water-colours, finished with great delicacy and care, and with a brilliancy and effect little short of his pictures ; these are so highly esteemed by his countrymen, and also by the refined connoisseur in this class of art, that they bring prices equal to some of his pictures : one of his finest productions in this style is in the possession of Messrs. Woodburns, who are distinguished for their taste and judg- ment in works of art, particularly for their rich collection of drawings by the old masters. The drawing alluded to represents the Interior of a room, with a company of twenty-five figures, the nearest of whom (to the spectator) is a woman seated on the right, with a child standing by her ; she has turned round to a man, who sits near, with a long glass of liquor in his hand ; towards the back part of the room is a couple dancing to the sound of a fiddle, played by a man elevated at the side, behind a happy group of both sexes ; in the fore-ground are a few culinary utensils, and a cat. A window illumines the end of the apartment. Dated 1673. Valued at 130 guineas. Some of this artist's drawings have been imitated in aqua- tinta, coloured by Janinet, and more successfully by Ploos Van Amstel. Ostade etched fifty plates, the subjects of which are very accurately described by Bartsch, in Le Peintre Graveur, ( 177 ) SCHOLARS AND IMITATORS OF ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Isaac Van Ostade was a scholar of his brother, Adrian Van Ostade, whose manner he at first imitated, but afterwards acquired a style of his own, which is perfectly original. Cornelius Dusart was a scholar and continual imitator of the style and manner of Adrian Van Ostade ; he represented precisely the same scenes, and treated them in every way so like the works of Ostade, that they are frequently sold under that master's name ; indeed, some of the best pictures of Dusart approach so near the quality of Ostade's, that they require the experienced eye of a good connoisseur to discriminate them. Cornelius Bega. This clever artist was a disciple of Adrian Van Ostade, and was probably at first a close imitator of his master, but he subsequently distinguished himself by his tasteful compositions and superiority of drawing ; his colouring is also very unlike his master's, being generally cold, and of a leaden tone ; but, notwithstanding this defect, his pictures are full of talent, and merit a place in the best collections. Hendrick Martin Sorgh. He was born at Rotterdam, in 1621 ; it is said that he learned the art of painting under Teniers the younger, and that he sometimes imitated Brauwer. VOL. I. N 178 IMITATORS OF ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Be this as it may, the writer has seen some of this master's pictures, which approached sufficiently near to those of Ostade's to induce a belief that he attempted an imitation of them. Sorgh was an excellent draftsman, and always disposed his compositions in a most picturesque manner. The various objects of still life, which he introduced in his subjects, are painted with great truth, and masterly handling ; his colouring, however, is weak, and his gradations imperfect, and in every way vastly inferior to Ostade. ISAAC VAN OSTADE W AS born at Lubeck, about the year 1617. He was a disciple of his brother Adrian, whose style and manner he at first pursued, and represented similar subjects ; such as boors smoking and drinking, playing at cards, quarrelling and fighting ; these he touched with great freedom and spirit, and good effect ; but being generally slight, and brown in colour, they are considered of little value. He afterwards changed his style of painting, and acquired one peculiarly his own, and at the same time selected different subjects for representation ; such as travellers halting to bait, with their cattle, &c. at country inns, or views in villages, and canal scenes under the aspect of winter ; these he composed with picturesque effect, and painted with infinite care, always expressing the detail of each object with great truth to nature : his figures and cattle are correctly drawn, and tastefully grouped; the colour- ing rich, full, and sparkling. Pictures of the first quality, by this master, are exceedingly rare, and pro- portionably high in price, their excellence placing him in the same rank with his brother ; and had he lived a few years longer, he might possibly have acquired an equally extended reputation. He died about 1654. 180 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. A DESCRIPTION OF HIS PRINCIPAL PICTURES. 1. A Pair. One represents an estaminet. Engraved by Pelletier, under the title of Les Plaisirs des Buveurs. 15 in. by 23 in. — P. 2. The Companion. A similar subject. Engraved under the title of La GoUre des Buveurs. Collection of Count de Yence . . 1760. . 260 fs. 111. 3. A view of the entrance to a village. On the right stands a picturesque house with a tree at its side, near which a gentle- man on a gray horse (seen in a hinder view) is passing, followed by two dogs, one of which a boy is carressing ; and on the opposite side are two pigs, near a rustic hovel : in the middle distance are a number of villagers, and amongst them may be observed a man examining a bullock, and a woman with a yoke and pails, in conversation witli a peasant ; the spire of a church rises in the distance. Collection of Choiseul .... 1772. . 6700 fs. 288/. This is unquestionably the chef-d'anivre of the artist : the colouring is singularly rich and beautiful, and the composition and drawing are perfect ; in execution it resembles the sparkling and spirited pencil- ing of the best works of Paul Potter. The writer bought it of Mr. Erard, at Paris, in 1823, and sold it to the Eight Honourable Robert Peel, for 400 ys. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1824. 21 in. by 18 in. — P. 4. A view of a country inn, with adjacent houses. A woman seated, spinning ; two men (one of whom is seated) ; a cavalier, a woman leading a child, and other figures, are distributed about the picture. Collection of Count Dubarri . 1774. . 2310/k 92/. 10*. — — R. de Eoisset . . 1777. . 3605 fs. 144/. M. Boeuf (bought by Le Brun), 1782, 1200 fs. 48/. 38 in. by 49 in.— C. / ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 181 5. A view of a village, with numerous figures (about twenty- six in all), chiefly consisting of men with waggons, and cavaliers on horseback, stopping at an inn to bait : amongst them are a woman, sitting in a four-wheel waggon, drawn by two horses, and a man bringing a pail of water for the cattle. Collection of R. de Boisset . . . 1777. . 14,999 fs. 600/. M. Duruey (bought by Robit), 1791, 7401/k 2961. M. Robit .... 1801. . 9020 fs. 361/. 28 in. by 40 in. — P. 6. A view of an inn on the roadside. A waggon, drawn by a white horse, which is feeding at a trough, stands in front ; and several men (amongst whom is an old fellow playing on the flute), and a woman, with three children. Collection of R. de Boisset . . . 1777. . 3645 fs. 146/. M. de Calonne . . 1788. . 3600 fs. 144/. 19 in. by 22 in. — P. 7. A view of a public-house, at the door of which stands the host, pouring out liquor for some travellers, who have halted with their cattle to bait. A composition of more than twenty figures. Collection of P. de Conti . . . 1779. . 1220 fs. 49/. M. Destouches . . 1794. Valued by the Experts du Musee . 1816. . 20,000 fs. 800/. Now in the Louvre. 40 in. by 52 in. — C. 8. The interior of a cottage, with a woman rocking a child ; and a boor sitting near her. Collection of P. de Conti . . 1779. . 712 fs. 28/. 10*. 16 in. by 13 in. — P. 9. A Pair. One represents a woman soaping linen ; and a man warming himself. 12 1 in. by 16 in. — P. 182 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 10. The Companion. An old man at the fire ; and a woman washing a child. Collection of P. de Conti. . . 1779. . 1300 fs. 52/. 11. A Landscape, with a road skirted by a bushy hedge ; at the side of which is a peasant lying down asleep, and a white horse standing by him ; the trunk of an old tree rises among the bushes on the right. Collection of Nogaret .... 1780. . 900 fs. 36/. St. Victor (by Smith) . 1822. . 1240 fs. 50/. Now in the collection of William Beckford, Esq. This little picture was painted in the artist's best time : it is beautifully brode in colour, and carefully finished : the old tree is remarkably natural. There is a copy of it in the Louvre. 12 in. by 10 in. — P. 12. A Landscape, with a high road traversing it, and a little brook with reeds growing in it, running in front. A man on horseback, and a boy on foot, are driving some cows and sheep along the road, by the side of which two peasants are sitting ; and masses of trees and groups of figures are seen in the distance. Collection of Nogaret .... 1780. . 366 fs. 15/. 9 in. by 12 in. — P. 13. A peasant at the half-door of a thatched cottage, talking to a traveller, who stands on the outer side of it, dressed in a purple-coloured jacket, with a little bundle at his back, and a leathern bag attached to his waist; a woman, with a child, leaning upon her, is seated on the left ; and near her are a reel, and a dog asleep. Engraved by J. Fittler. Collection of Count de Merle . 1783. . 3140/*. 126/. M. Destouches . . 1794. ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 183 Collection of M. Robit .... 1801. . 2540 fs. 102Z. Valued, to Mr. Hibbert, at 250 gs. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1821. Now in the collection of William Wells, Esq., of Redleaf. 18 in. by 13 in. — P. 14. A view on a canal in winter. A sledge, with a man and a woman on it, drawn by a white horse, and driven by a man at the side, is passing along on the right; and beyond it are three persons on foot, and a cavalier on horseback, coming down a road ; a man pushing along another sledge, with a basket and barrel in it, is in the middle and front ; and near him is another man : a large tree, stripped of its foliage, stands on the left, near a house, against the door of which a man is leaning. Collection of Count de Vaudreuil . 1784. . 6001 fs. 240/. R. Jaubert, Esq. London, 1806 190/. Now in the collection of Chevalier Erard, Paris. 43 in. by 45 in. — C. 15. A picturesque cottage, with a vine- trellis and some trees in front. A peasant is holding a calf at the door, whilst another is preparing to kill it ; and about a dozen children are standing round, looking on. Engraved in the Poulain Gallery. Collection of M. La Borde . . . 1784. . 800 fs. 32/. Chevalier Lambert . 1787. . 900 fs. 36/. 14 in. by 16 J in. — P. 16. A Landscape. The foreground is occupied by a youth, dragging forward a calf ; beyond him are a man on horseback, accompanied by a woman carrying milk pails, through some water, and a man driving a horse and cart : some buildings and trees are seen in the distance. Collection of Van Slingelandt, Dort, 1785. . 445 flo. 40/. 15 in. by 19 in. — P. 184 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 17. A peasant seated, smoking his pipe, with a jug before him. Collection of Van Slingelandt, Dort, 1785. . 297 flo. '211. 10 in. by 8 in. — P. 18. A view before the door of a country inn. A woman, with a child in her lap, is sitting on a flight of steps outside the door ; a man, pumping water into a pail, and two children playing near him, are on the left and front ; five men (one a soldier, seen behind) are seated in different positions in the middle, smoking and drinking; and beyond this group are two carts, with the horses baiting; two men are taking baggage out of one of the carts, in which a woman is seated ; and another man is leading a cow towards the front. Collection of Chevalier Lambert . 1787. . 1701 fs. Q81. Now in the collection of Chevalier Erard, Paris. 38 in. by 48 in.— C. 19. A view of a village on the banks of a canal, in winter. A man with a hatchet, a child with a stick, and a woman with a basket, occupy the left fore-ground ; a sledge, with a woman and a child in it, drawn by a white horse, is in the second distance ; and on this side of it is a boy, pushing along a little sledge : numerous other figures, skating, &c, complete the composition. Collection of Madame Bandville, 1787. — Sold, with a Berghem, for . 7602 fs. 304/. 44 in. by 42 in. — C. 20. A view of a village inn, before which some travellers are baiting : amongst them are two men and a woman in a cart, drawn by a white horse, which they are watering ; and two cavaliers, and other figures, are variously engaged. Engraved by Longueil. ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 185 Collection of Beaujon .... 1787. ■ 1421 /*. 57/. Again in the sale of Montaleau . 1802. . 2221 fs. 89/. 18 in. by 19 in. — P. 21. A view of a picturesque thatched barn, with vine foliage growing about it. A man is sweeping within the door; and a woman is seated before it, winding flax from a reel; she appears to have just turned her head to speak to a man, who is standing before her, with his hands behind him ; a dog, lying down, is between them ; and a pig behind the man. Engraved in the Le Brun Gallery. Collection of Chevalier Lambert . 1787. . 4000 fs. 160/. M. de Calonne . . 1788. . 3600/*. 144/. 16 in. by 14 in. — P. 22. A view of a road, with a country inn on the right, at which some travellers are stopping to refresh themselves and their horses ; and amongst them is a cavalier, mounted on a gray dappled horse. Collection of M. de Calonne . . 1788. . 2601/*. 104/. 18 in. by 24 in. — P. 23. A view of a road, with several houses on the left of it ; and amongst them is a country inn, at which a post waggon, drawn by two horses (one white), and a number of travellers, with their cattle, have stopped to bait : a man warming him- self, and three travellers reposing under a hedge, occupy the fore-ground ; and two cavaliers are seen in the distance. Collection of M. de Calonne . . 1788. . 4802 fs. 192/. 18 \ in. by 19 in. — P. 24. A Landscape. A coach, drawn by two horses, is seen coming out of the gates of an hotel, on the right ; near which are several figures. Collection of M. de Calonne . . 1788. . 600/*. 24/. 9 in. by 11 J in. — P. 186 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 25. A view on a canal in winter. Several people, with sledges, drawn by horses, and laden with merchandize, are near some buildings on the right ; two figures, with a dog, are on the left ; beyond them is a windmill ; and numerous skaters are distributed at various distances on the canal. Collection of M. Lenglier, 1788. 18 in. by 24 in. — P. 26. A Landscape, with a group of figures reposing on a bank in front ; they consist of a woman with a child in her lap, a boy seated by her side, and a man lying behind her ; a donkey stands near them : about the centre of the piece are a man carrying a dead cock, and a boy with a basket; and nearer the front is a dog lapping at a puddle: on the right side, and second distance, stands a cottage upon a hill, before which are some travellers on horseback. Collection of Due de Praslin . . 1793. . 5801 fs. 232Z. Now in the collection of Chevalier Erard, Paris. 22 in. by 18 in. — P. 27. A view of a country inn, before which several travellers are stopping to refresh themselves ; and amongst them are a boy, with a basket on his arm ; and a lady on a black horse, apparently speaking to some men. Collection of Due de Praslin . . 1793. . 1363 /s. 55Z. 27 in. by 32 in. — P. 28. A Pair of Interiors. One with a peasant's family. 7 in. — P. (round.) 29. The Companion. A school of boys and girls. Collection of M. Destouches, 1794. ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 187 30. A view on the shore at Scheveling ; with various figures on the fore-ground : amongst them is a man, with his hands crossed, looking at a woman, who is putting fish into a basket. Collection of Wattier . . . . 1797. . 406 fs. 16/. 13 in. by 10J in. — P. 31. A view upon a canal in winter ; the banks of which are enlivened with cottages and trees : numerous figures are dis- tributed, at various distances, on the canal ; and amongst them is a man, making a hole in the ice ; and near him are a woman, a boy, and a sledge, drawn by a single horse. Collection of M. Danser Nyman . 1797. . 1625 flo. 146/. 46 in. by 47 in. — C. 32. A view on a canal, in winter ; with a great variety of figures skating : some trees, a rustic bridge, and four persons in a sledge, drawn by a white horse, occupy the left ; and the spire of a church is seen in the distance. Collection of Marigny. - Tolozan ... 1801. . . 3700 fs. 148/. 13 in. by 18 in. — P. 33. A view in a village, with a picturesque well in the middle, and a variety of figures on the fore-ground, some of which are playing at bowls. Collection of Robit 1801.. . 4260 fs. 170/. G. Hibbert, Esq. Now in the collection of Chevalier Erard, Paris. 13 in. by 17 in. — P. 34. A view of a canal, in winter ; enriched with a variety of figures, skating, &c. Collection of Baron Nagel . . . 1795. . . .100 gs. 188 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 35. A view on a high road, with a large inn on the left, at which travellers, with their cattle, have stopped to bait ; and amongst them are a Dutch post- waggon, drawn by a white horse, before which is a trough, and near it a man, with a sack of provender : a lady seems disposed to enter the carriage ; and a gentleman at her side stands ready to assist her ; a poor cripple is near them, begging ; and at the side of the house and near the front, is a group of four peasants, and a woman standing in the middle of them, with a jug in her hand, &c. &c. &c. Collection of Geldermeester . . 1800. . 1400 fio. 126/. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. Now in the collection of His Majesty. 23 in. by 33 in. — P. 36. A view of some picturesque cottages, standing on the summit of a hill on the left, with an ascent of rustic stone steps to the top of it ; a brick wall forms a fence to the embankment of the hill, and an archway of the same materials crosses a road, and abuts against the wall ; at the side of which, and near the front, are an old woman, keeping a stall with fruit and vegetables ; another woman stands with a basket on her arm ; behind whom are two boys and a girl, at play ; and upon the hill above her is a woman seated, spinning ; a man, carrying a basket, is descending the steps : a pig-sty, and various rustic objects, are in the right side. An excellent picture, painted in the artist's best time. Collection of Van Leyden . . . 1804. . 2950 /s. 118/. M. Eynders, Brussels, 1821. . 2056 fio. 185/. Now in the possession of Mr. Emmerson. 23 in by 18 in. — P. 37. A Landscape, with travellers. Collection of Sir S. Clarke, Bt. and G. Hibbert, Esq. 1802, 86 gs. ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 189 38. A view on a canal in winter. Collection of Sir S. Clarke, Bt. and G. Hibbert Esq. 1802, 155 gs. 39. Travellers halting at a country inn ; amongst them are a lady and gentleman mounted, a boy busy with three dogs, a man sitting at the side of a skittle fence, with a glass of liquor in his hand, and a woman, with two children, standing close to him ; there are four horses, one of which is gray, feeding out of a basket. Engraved by Wright. Xow in the Stafford Gallery. 23 in. by 33 in. — P. 40. A village scene, with a great number of peasants, and a waggon halting to refresh : amongst them is a fiddler, stand- ing under a cluster of trees, playing his instrument. Engraved by Finden. Now in the Stafford Gallery. 21 in. by 29| in. — P. 41. A boy leading a calf. This is probably the picture noticed in the Lambert collection. Collection of Lord Rendlesham . . 1809. ... 47 gs. 42. A Landscape and figures. Collection of Lord Rendlesham . . 1809. ... 58 gs. 43. A Landscape, with a large picturesque inn by the road- side, at which numerous travellers have halted to bait ; and among them may be observed two men on horseback, one of whom, seen in a hinder view, is on a gray horse, the other on a bay : nearer the front are two travellers, seated at a table, and a woman attending them ; their attention is directed to an old 190 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. fellow playing on the hurdy-gurdy, accompanied by a boy on a fiddle ; their music has attracted together a group of children. In the middle of the fore-ground are two hogs near a trough, lying on its side. This capital picture of the master may be estimated at 500 gs. In the collection of Paul Methuen, Esq., Corsham-house. 32 in. by 48 in. — P. 44. A Landscape, with a picturesque inn on the left, at which a great number of travellers, with their cattle, have stopped to bait ; the nearest of these (to the spectator) are a man lying on the ground, another seated on the shaft of a tilted cart, and a woman standing close to him ; farther are three children at play, and beyond them a cart and white horse, and two men behind it busy with luggage ; in the middle, and close to the front, are a child in a pond, and a dog near it, &c. &c. This picture is not only of the choicest quality, but is also remarkably rich in figures and variety of scenery. Collection of Prince Talleyrand, who gave for it 14,000 fs. 560/. This was bought, together with the whole collection, in 1817, for Messrs. Gray and Allnut. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1819. Now in the choice collection of Alexander Baring, Esq. 33 in. by 43 in. — P. 45. A view of a canal and surrounding country, under the aspect of winter. Two men are in front, one of them pushing a sledge, laden with merchandize, and some children are playing near them : numerous other figures are on the second-ground, and amongst them is a man driving some persons in a sledge, drawn by a white horse; close to which is a man tying up a sack. Collection of General Verdier, 1810, (bought in) 8000 fs. 320/. Now in the collection of Chevalier Erard, Paris. 36 in. by 48 in. — C. (about.) ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 191 46. A Landscape, exhibiting a busy scene. A girl is milking a ewe by the side of a road on the fore-ground, near her are two sheep, and beyond them, and near a pond, are a pig and a four-wheeled waggon, from which the driver has just taken the horse (a white one, with its harness on) to be fed, and for which a boy appears to be getting some corn ready, close to him stands a man, looking on ; a cluster of three trees is in the middle of the picture : the left, which is partly in shadow, is composed of a piece of water, in which a dog is drinking, and near it is a child. Beyond the water is a group of four figures ; and still farther, a village inn, with two travellers before it : a waggon drawn by one horse, and attended by a driver, is going along the road, at the side of which a woman is seated. Collection of M. S. Van Alpen, Rott. 1810. . 5050 jto. 454/. Again in a sale, by Le Brim . . 1811. 13,000 fs. 520Z. 28 in. by 36 in. — P. 47. A winter scene, presenting a view on a river, with houses and trees on its banks : sledges with horses, and numerous figures, are distributed over the ice, &c. Collection of M. Smeth Van Alpen, 1810. . 520 flo. ill. 42 in. by 57 in.—C. 48. A large Landscape. Numerous travellers, with their waggons and horses, are stopping to bait at a country inn, a short distance from a road on the right ; others are loading a covered cart with baggage, which is drawn by a white horse. Several figures are reposing near another cart, on the right, and a milk-woman is standing by its side ; a young man and a dog are on the left ; and some men loading a waggon, which is drawn by four horses, occupy the second and third grounds. Collection of Muilman . . Amst. 1813. . 5050 flo. 454/. 32 in. by 42 in. — P. 192 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 49. A view of the country inn and some adjoining houses, situate at a little distance towards the right from a high road in the middle stands a cart, drawn by a white horse, which is eating out of a trough, into which a man is cutting bread ; a man in the cart is letting down a package to another man, who stands at the back of it ; a little farther, and nearer to the inn, is another cart, with three figures in it, drawn by two horses, which an ostler is watering ; three men and a woman, and a man lifting up a trough, are close to the inn ; and two boys are on the road : the view terminates with the steeple of the village church. Signed, and dated 1645. Collection of Luc. Buonaparte (sold by Mr. Stanley), 1816, 231 gs>. It was afterwards taken to Paris, and sold to M. Eynard, for 15,000 fs. 600/. It then passed into the hands of the Count Pourtales, for the same price ; and was bought with the Count's whole collection, by the Writer, in conjunction with Mr. Emmerson, in 1826, and by them sold to the present possessor for the same sum. Monsieur Boursault 600/. 30 in. by 44 in. — P. 50. A large Landscape, with figures. Collection of Henry Hope, Esq. . . 1816 99gs. 51. A Landscape. Two men are upon a hill in front, one holding a white speckled horse, the other sitting near some trunks of trees • and a man, with a waggon, and a black dog running before it, are on the opposite side, in the distance. Collection of Le Perrier .... 1817. . 2000 fs. 80/. 13 in. by 12 in. — P. 52. A view of the Exterior of a public-house. A woman and a child are at the door ; three boors are drinking at the ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 193 bottom of a flight of steps ; a fourth is behind them ; and beyond him is a white horse, baiting. Sale of J . F. Tiiffin, Esq. . . . 1818 200 gs. Now in the collection of Count Perigaux. 20 in. by 14 in. — P. (about.) 53. A view on a canal in winter. A man splitting wood is on the right, several persons are near a cottage, and the artist's brother (Adrian Ostade) and his family are sitting in a waggon drawn by a white horse. Collection of M. D'Aubert . . . 1820. . 3510 fa. 140/. 37 in. by 44 in. — C. 54. A view on a canal in winter, with numerous figures playing at some rural game. The masts of several vessels are seen behind a village on the right ; and a man is driving a sledge, drawn by a white horse, up the bank of the canal towards a road, on which are two boys. Signed, and dated 1644 Collection of St. Victor (Smith.) . 1822. . 1005 fa. 40/. 12 in. by 16 in. — P. 55. A Landscape. A peasant, with a package at his back, is standing talking to a woman and two men, who are sitting by the side of a high road ; and beyond them are two travellers, one of whom is mounted upon a white horse. Collection of M. Lapeyriere . . 1825. . 1405 fa. 56/. Now in the collection of M. Boursault, Paris. 18 in. by 13 in.— P. 56. A view of a little country inn, at which a gentleman has just arrived, and dismounted from a gray cob horse ; his back is turned towards the spectator, and he appears to be vol. i. o 194 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. giving his orders to a man, who stands before him, with a can in his hand ; a trough, with hay in it, is placed before the horse ; the hostess is at the door, taking up a child, which has clung to her knees, as if frightened ; and a peasant sits on the other side of the door, rilling his pipe : at the end of the house, and leading to an adjoining cottage, is a flight of stone stairs with two children at the foot, and a woman sitting down spinning, and a man standing by her side, at the top of them ; a pig, a dog, and some fowls are near some rude buildings or sheds, on the opposite side : in front is a basket, lying on its side ; the steeple of a church rises above the second cottage, and some trees are standing at the end of the buildings. Signed, and dated 1649. Collection of Prince Galitschin, Paris, 1825. 13,150 fs. 526/. t Joseph Barchard, Esq. 1826, (at Mr. Christie's) 545^s. This excellent picture now adorns the choice collection of William Wells, Esq., of Redleaf. 30 in. by 24 in.— C. 57. A view of a picturesque cottage on the banks of a canal, in winter, with figures, &c. upon the ice. Collection of Van Kronenburg, Loenen, 1825. . 855 flo. 77 7. 15 in by 18 in. — P. (about.) 58. An inn, of a picturesque appearance, by a road-side, at which a higgler with a cart, drawn by an old gray horse, has stopped to bait ; several travellers are seated at a table, under a vine-trellis close to the house ; and a woman with a jug in her hand stands near them ; in the opposite side is a boy with two dogs ; beyond the cart are seen three other figures approaching. Collection of Mr. Smith . . 1828, (by Mr. Stanley) 135gs. 22 ml by 18$ in. — P. ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 195 59. A winter scene, representing a view on a canal, with numerous figures skating, and otherways amusing themselves ; several sledges laden with merchandize are on its banks ; and in front of a public-house, standing on an eminence, are travellers taking refreshments. Signed, and dated 1645. Collection of the King of Bavaria . 1826. . 3000 flo. 227/. 24 in. by 32| in. — P. 60. An Out-door Scene. Near the side of a rustic cottage are two boors, seated, and a woman, leaning upon a partition behind them, listening to an old fellow who is playing the fiddle ; on the right is a group of three children, also listening to the music ; and close to the front are two dogs. Exhibited in the British Gallery, 1826 and 1827. Now in his Majesty's collection. 15 in. by 12 in. — P. {about.) 61. A view of a country inn, by a road-side, at which numerous travellers, with their cattle, have stopped to bait ; and amongst them is a waggon with a female in it, of whom a cripple on the ground, with wooden legs, appears to be beg- ging. The writer esteems this the second best picture that he has seen by the master. It is dated 1654. Now in the collection of the Duchess de Berri. 27 in. by 34 in. — P. {about.) 62. A view on a canal, in winter, over which are distributed a variety of figures and cattle : on the right and front is a sledge, drawn by a gray horse, which the driver is preparing for a company to enter; farther is another sledge, with four persons in it, drawn by a brown horse ; and in the middle and front is a third sledge, with a boy in it, and another boy push- ing it along. Dated 1644. Now in the collection of Chevalier Erard, Paris. 23 in. by 30 in.— P, 196 ISAAC VAN OSTADE. 63. Travellers, with cattle baiting at a country inn, which stands on an elevation on the right, from which a road descends towards the front ground ; on the opposite side is a high square- shaped hill, covered with brush-wood, &c. &c. This is an excellent example of the master, full of luminous effect. Now in the collection of M. Van Loone, Amsterdam. 64. A Village Fair. The view offers the street of a village, with large booths placed in front of the houses , amongst the numerous villagers, who are distributed through the scene, is a woman with a basket on her head, her hands upon her hips, and her back to the spectator, in chat with two men ; near whom is an old fellow being led away tipsy ; approaching the front is a man with a barrow, selling mussels and dried fish ; and on the opposite side are two men and a horse, near a trough : a mountebank, holding forth to a numerous audience, is seen in the distance ; and in the intermediate space is a poor cripple without legs. Now in the collection of Mr. Emmerson. 32 in. by 26 in. — P. {about) 65. A country inn, by a road-side, at which a man, in a cart drawn by a gray horse, has stopped to bait ; a trough of provender is placed before the beast, and the driver,, with a glass in one hand and a jug in the other, is seated on a cask in the cart; at the side of the house are two men and a woman, one of the former sits on a tub, and a man stands at the door of the house, in conversation with two others within it. Engraved in the Musee Napoleon. Valued by the Experts du Musee, in 1816, at 8000 fs. 320?. Now in the Louvre. 21 in. by 17 in. — P. 66, A view on a canal in Holland, during a severe frost ; in THE HALT. ISAJLC OSTADE. 196 fSAAC VAN OSTADK. 63. Travellers, with cattle baiting at a country um, which stands on an elevation on the right, from which a rofiul descends towards the front ground ; on the opposite side is a high square- ; ii 11, covere^^^MTOush-wood, &c. &c. 3K i i lent example .