Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofveryc00chri_5 C A. T _A_ O O XX 53 //S' . w VERY CHOICE COLLECTION OF ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, AFTER THE WORKS OF Of Wolverhampton; WHICH Mill b* ^olb bjr ^urtton by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT film GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, MansoN and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Square, S. JP. ^-Ln t S90j -ZZGW / 'O CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE Second Day’s Sale. -- On TUESDAY. MAY 18, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ■-«K>5- The Property of T. H. BIRCH,, Esq., of Ashleigh, near Wolverhampton. 0 After J. L. E. MEISSONIER. F. H. ALASONIERE. 175 La Vedette ; and Le Bnveur —remarque proofs 2 /y 'Ey 176 Rembrandt in bis Studio; and Tete d^Officier Superieur —vellum proofs 2 177 Rembrandt in bis Studio; and Tete d’Officier Superieur —proofs on Japan paper 2 X E. ABOT. 178 Gcntilbomme Louis XIII .—vellum proof; and tbe Same— on Japan paper 2 BICHARD. 179 Lo Peintre —Japan proof /ro B 2 "A 4 •C. BLANC. ^180 L’Homme a l’Epee— Japan proof 181 Un Cavalier (horseback)— ditto / A. BLANCHARD. _ ^ 182 The Chess Players— first slate, signed X 7 / 6 / V 183 Les ■ Bons Amis — artist ' s p r00 f > si 9 ned by painter and etcher - ^ 0 184 Le Connoisseur— remarque proof /*/* A. BOILOT. 185 Le Liseur ; and L’Hommes d’Armes— remarque proofs 186 Le Liseur Rose — remarque proof; and Polichinelle proof Japan 2 E. BOIL YIN. '1» /l , O 187 Moreau et Dessoles (Hohenlinden)— remarque proof 'v L :% A. BOULARD. 188 Solferino —remarque proof / (189 Partie Piquet — ditto, signed hy painter and etcher / i/ f /2 / O 190 Le Voyageur— ditto, ditto X/ / Jy , & 191 Le Dragon— ditto, ditto /£ , / 2> f o 192 Dimanohe— ditto, ditto /■2'/* 193 L’Attente —vellum proof *^2 /J& F. BRACQUEMOND. //0 * S t & 194 La Rixe —remarque proof, signed by painter and etcher ^ X Xr V , & 195 La Partie Perdue —remarque proof J-7T- C. CAREY. f /2- , * 196 L’Audience; and Le Liseur —first India proofs 5 • CIIARON. 0.97 Charlemagne —first India proof CLENAY. q \198 La Rixe —first state CHAMPOLLION. 499 Le Dejeuner —remarque proof 200 La Confidence ; and Le Rieur —vellum proofs H. COPPIER. * d 201 Napoleon and his Staff —remarque proof _ f & 202 La Rixe —ditto COUSIN. 203 St. Paul —lithograph CP £ % C. COURTRY. ^204 Le Cavalier j and Les Amateurs d’Estampes —remarque proofs 2 205 La Reconnaissance— remarque proof J- ■v ——" 206 “ 1814 ” (single figure)— ditto ^ ^207 “ 1814 "—ditto '^ 7r 208 Portrait of Meissonier; and L’Aquafortiste— vellum proofs 2 Jrrrf 209 Un Peintre: and Etude de Cuirassier— ditto 2 /J 210 Sous le Balcon ; and Un Fumeur— ditto 2^^ 211 La Chaine; and Le Marechal Ferrant— ditto 212 Solimon ; Charles I.; and Un Soup<;on— ditto DARBICBE. ^ 213 The Brothers Van der Velde —first state 6 DESCLAUX. 214 Les Deux Van der Velde ; and Le Hallebardier —;first state 2. DUFOURMANTELLE. 215 Hommes d’Armes —lithograph l./o ■ O J. DE MAKE. 216 Le Convoi; and La Barricade —first state , on vellum 217 Louis in Prison— ditto , with inscription hy painter x 218 La Boree —first state 2 DUVIV1ER. 219 Arquebusier —first state F. DUPONT. 220 Porte Drapeau —first state O FAIVRE. 221 Le Sormniel —Japan artist's proof 222 fitude de Dragon ; and L’Ammone —vellum proof 2 / 223 “ 1870 and 1871 "—ditto / < / 0,0 ? L# flameng. 224 La Halte ; and The Studio —Japan proofs A ^ 225 Deux Lansquenets ; and La Lecture —ditto / (J/ + 226 Le Porte Drapeau— artist’s proof signed FOURNIER. 227 Les Joueurs de Cartes; and La Forge —Japan proofs Jlp- // , FOCILLON. ^228 Un Canal a Venise ; and Un Uncroyable —vellum proofs th o 7 6 FACSIMILE. 229 Les Joueurs de Cartes L. GAUCHEREL. 230 “1794” (a sentry )—remarque proof ; and Lo Causerie —first Japan proof GAUTIER. /+ 231 “1814 ”—remarque proof L, o ' , o A. GILBERT. 232 Le Duelliste; and Sous le Balcon —remarque proofs 233 Le Joueur de Guitare —ditto 234 Le Gentilhomme ; and Dans l’Escalier —ditto HEDOUIN. 235 Lo Sergent Recruteur —India proof A. JACQUET. / , & 236 The Sign Painter— first remarque proof signed by the painter f / ° 237 Les Renseignments— ditto, ditto f , ° 238 Le Guide— ditto, ditto J. JACQUET. 0 239 The Sergeant’s Portrait —first remarque proof, signed by the painter /> y . O 240 “ 1805 ”—first remarque proof f t// ( 9,0 241 “ 1806 ” (Jena )—ditto , o 242 “ 1807 ” (Friedland )—ditto ff- 0 243 “ 1814 ditto, signed by the painter (only 50 printed) ^ p 8 4 / proof LACOUR. 280 Corneille —lithograph L. MARGELILON. . 281 Sign Painter —remarque proof 282 La Halte ; and La Chanson —remarque proofs jhs- 2 A. MATHEY. 283 Le Violincellist e—remarque proof 4 Madame Sabatier; and Un Yoltigeur —vellum proofs^ MANESSE. 285 M. Hetzel —Japan yroof 286 Etude de Cuirassier —vellum proof A. MASSE. 287 Le Pbilosophe —remarque proof MONZIES. a 288 Une Lecture chez Diderot —remarque proof', signed by the painter 0 289 Gentilkomme Louis XIII.— remarque proof O 290 Marechal Duroc— vellum proof,first state ft yy /y o 291 Post Horses — remarque proof, signed by the painter ^ yy~ t yS*~ £ 292 Poliohinelle a la Rose —remarque proof ', on satin, signed by / / painter C. NANTEUIL. 293 Le Liseur— lithograph OUDART. / 1 294 Le Porte Drapeau —remarqueproof, rare / y ff 0 295 Le Fumeur —remarque proof PHOTOGRAVURES. 296 Un Gentilhomme ; and A Trumpeter 297 A Head ; aud Le Bravo ^298 Annibal; and Sous le Balcon 299 Le Cbeval Blanc; and Man Standing 11 PIGEOT. 300 Le Docteur Anglais, first state MEISSONIER. Original Etchings. 301 Signor Annibal — first state, signed 302 L’Homme a l’^pee — ditto, ditto 303 Le Grand Fumeur— first state 304 Les Reitres— ditto 305 Polichinelle— ditto 06 Le Sergent Rapporteur— ditto , & 307 Le Pecheurs a la Ligne— ditto, signed, rare 0 , <^308 Le Sergent —first state r . O 309 Meissonier on horseback— ditto MANCHON. ' ~ 310 La Halte ; Le bon Hostelier; and Antibes— vellum proofs 3 jh - - A. MIGNON. 311 Napoleon, 1814 —remarque proof on vellum 312 Pascuale —proof on vellum & A. MONGIN. 313 L Estafette— artist’s proof, signed (only 10 printed) 314 La Lecture cbez Diderot —remarque proof on vellum /) f 315 Dumas Fils —first state 316 La Chanson— remarque proof 317 Sergeant’s Portrait —India proof 318 L’Ecrivain— artist’s proof, signed (only 25 printed) 12 MOEDAUNT. ✓ 319 General Championnet; and Eglise Marc— vellum proofs MOUILLERON. 320 Le Joueur de Mandolin —lithograph L. H. POTERLET. 321 Le Baiser d’Adieu —remarque proof 322 Cavalier sur Veille —ditto J'/O . ° (f / & , 0 L. RUET. 323 “ 1814 ” (small) ; and Polichinelle (small) —remar que proofs 2 324 La Partie Perdue— remarque proof 325 La Halte ; and L’Empereur— ditto M % P. RAJON. f O , O 326 Le Fumeur Flamand —first state /327 Polichinelle; and Gentilhomme Louis XIIL — ditto 2 / / ( 328 Le Liseur debout —ditto sL , JL , d ^29 Le Peintre —first state (330 Le Graveur ; and Le Liseur —ditto 2 / * (331 Portrait of Meissonier —ditto ; and Le Liseur— engraver'sjpr oof 2 J7, LO RIVOS. 332 “ 1806 ” —vellum proof RODRIGUEZ. /* 333 Le Yin du Cure —remarque proof REGNAULT. Poftj^ulujOI-eiasonie x^ - Japan p ro o f A. ROBAUT. 335 La Causerie— lithograph, with, inscription by painter SPINELLT. zza: 336 Le Lisenr— artist's proof, signed W. STEELINK. 337 The Last Prayer —first state SIRONY. 338 Les Lansquenets —Japan proof TEYSSONIERE3. 339 Le Pont de Poissy —vellum proof H. TOUSSAINT. 340 Man at Arms— remarque proof 341 La Convalescente; Le Chant; and Etude de Paysage— vellum proofs »-/ , 3 H. YION, 342 La Confidence — remarque proof', signed by the painter 343 La Chanson — ditto, ditto 344 Les Connoisseurs— Japan proof - C. A. WALKER. 345 Le Rieur— remarque proof VOGEL. 346 Un Cavalier —unpublished plate—very rare 14 // . o f - 6 WALLET. 347 Les Joueurs tie Des —first state 348 Le Bibliophile —trial proof C. WALTNER. 349 Portrait of Meissonier —vellum proof FINIS. London : Printed by WiLliAm Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.