Historic views ^ ^ ••• OF LEXINGTON PHOTOGRAPHED AND PUBLISHED BY — C. F. LAWRENCE, LEXINGTON, MASS. i8qo. REPRODUCED AND PRINTED BY THE BOSTON PHOTOGRAVURE CO. ^ J. ^ OJh I «( ‘fV VIEW OF THE BATTLEGROUND, NOW KNOWN AS THE COMMON. LOOKING NORTH. VIEW OF THE BATTLEGROUND, LOOKING EAST. I*' AC simile of Inscription on Monument. WRITTEN BY REV. JONAS CLARK. Sacred to Liberty & the Rights of Mankind!!! The Freedom & Inde|>cndence of America, Scaled & defended with the Blood of her Sons. This Monument is erected By the inhabitants of Lexington, under the Patronage & at the expense of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, To the memory of their Fellow Citizens, Ensign Robert Munroe, and Messrs. Jonas Parker, Samuel Hadley. Jonathan Harrington. Junr., Isaac Muzzy, Caleb Harrington and John lirovjn Of Lexington, & A sahel Porter, of Woburn, Who fell on this Field, the First Victims to the Sword of British Tyranny & Oppression, On the morning of the ever memorable Nineteenth of April, An. Dom. 1775. The Die was cast!!! The Blood of these Martyr’s In the cause of God & their country Was the cement of the Union of these States, then Colonies, & gave the spring to the spirit. Firmness And resolution of their Fellow Citizens. They rose as one Man to revenge their brethren’s Blood, and at the Point of the Sword, to assert & Defend their native Rights. They nobly dar’d to be free !! The contest was long, bloody & affecting. Righteous Heaven approved the solemn appeal, Victory crowned their arms and The Peace, Liberty, & Independence of the United States of America, was their glorious Reward. Built in the year 1799. SITE OF THE FIRST THREE MEETING HOUSES IN LEXINGTON. I BUILT 1092, WHEN THE TOWN WAS A PARISH OF CAMBRIDGE. I I BUILT 1713, ON THE INCORPORATION OF LEXINGTON. Ill BUILT 1794; BURNED 1846. THIS SPOT IS THUS IDENTIFIED WITH THE TOWN’8 HISTORY FOR 150 YEARS. PASTORATES. BENJAMIN ESTABROOK, 1692— 16^7 JOHN HANCOCK, 1698— i7OUTH WAS PLANTED ME OF THE e-RITI-.H HELAplEOIS APR". 19 1775 TO COMMAND THE VILE ACE AND _ S APPROACHES AND NEAR THIS PLACE : EVERAL 8UILDINCS WERE CU ’MUD THE MONROE TAVERN. BUILT 1695. EARL PERCY'S HEADQUARTERS AND HOSPITAL, APRIL 19, 1775. sa; BIRTHPLACE OF THEODORE PARKER. THE OLD BELFRY ON THE RIGHT. ■