M. LOTZ-BRISSONNEAU COLLECTION ETCHINGS BY AUGUSTE LEPERE (18491918) 1921 CATALOGUE OF THE ETCHINGS BY AUGUSTE LEPERE Comprising the Collection assembled by the noted amateur and author M. Lotz-Rrissonneau Galleries of M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-558 Fifth Avenue New York Commencing December 5th, 1921 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofetchiOOIepe FOREWORD AUGUSTE LEPERE Bora Nov. 30, 1849; Died Nov. 20, 1918 EARLY two years ago, we gave an exhibition of etchings by Auguste Lepere. It contained a large num¬ ber of fine impressions which had been brought together by the well known amateur M. Georges Petit- Didier, of Paris. It is now our pleasure to present a larger number of subjects, em¬ bracing nearly every etching done by this artist. They belonged to the compiler of the catalogue raisonne of all of the Lepere etchings and wood- engravings published before 1905. M. A. Lotz-Bris- sonneau, the compiler, was an intimate friend of the artist, who gave him direct information regarding states and impressions, also assisting him in selecting desirable proofs. One feels in examining each individual subject that the collector has displayed sensitive and sympathetic knowledge in its choice. The collection expresses the certainty of an amateur’s vision, aesthetic apprecia¬ tion, and “un penchant” for the beautiful. Not every one is able to exercise this power though any one may learn to discriminate, yet many lack the gift which is truly unconscious instinct. Lotz-Brisson- neau had it to a marked degree. M. Gabriel Hono- 3 teux in “Le Figaro” Dec. 2, 1918, just after the artist’s death, describes in a delightful way his idea of the artist. We take the liberty of quoting a trans¬ lation of the article: “Lepere is the master of original engraving which has been too neglected since the great period of its florescence, the 17th and 18th centuries. Truly he excelled in no matter what medium of interpretation he used, whether painting, drawing, wood-engraving, etchings, or color etchings. “Among the older artists he can be compared with Durer, Rembrandt and Callot, and with the modern artists such as, Meryon, Rops, Bracquemond, and above all Vierge. Technique was really the only thing he learned from others; his art was always his own: spontaneous, abundant, manifold, always new, Lepere was a great, an inexhaustible creator. “The ingenious fertility of his mind, his under¬ standing if nature, his intelligence, his penetration, his sincere, and in a sense religious, nature, in short all the subtleties of his genius and his conscience were served by a firm hand, admirably adaptable yet always sure.” In presenting these etchings for your consideration we do so with the firm conviction that they represent the best impressions from each and every subject. They have the endorsement of both etcher and col¬ lector. In the catalogue of our previous exhibition of Lepere’s etchings we gave a short biographical sketch of the artist and therefore refrain from doing so now. 4 CATALO GUE Note: — L. B. indicates M. Lotz-Brissonneau Cata¬ logue. 1. Le Jeu de Quilles a Montmartre 1875 First State L. B. 1 One of three impressions. 2. The Same 1875 Second State L. B. 1 One of ten impressions. 3. Le Jeu de Quilles a Montmartre 1875 First State Undescribed 4. Maison au ees Genereaux Clement Thomas et Lecomte ont ete Fuselees en 1871 1875 First State L. B. 2 Only two impressions known. 5. The Same 1875 Second State L. B. 2 Only two impressions known. From an original painting made in 1872, which was refused at the Salon in 1873. 6. Bords de ea Bievre a Codran Undescribed Unique impression of an early plate. 7. Eglise de Jouy-le-Comte 1879 6 Undescribed 1879 8. Rue de Jouy-le-Comte Only State L. B. 3 No. 1 of two impressions. 9. The Same Only State L. B. 3 One of two impressions. 10. Rue de Jouy-le-Comte Only State L. B. 4 One of four impressions. 11. Le Remouleur First State L. B. 5 Only two impressions known in 1st State. 12. The Same First State L. B. 5 Only two impressions known in 1st State. 13. The Same Second State L. B. 5 One of thirty impressions in four states. 14. The Same Third State L. B. 5 One of thirty impressions in four states. 15. The Same Fourth State L. B. 5 One of thirty impressions in four states. 1879 1880 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 6 16. 1889 Sur x.a Seine, ea Nutt First State L. B. 6 Only known impression in first state. 17. The Same Second State L. B. No. 2 of two impressions. 6 1889 18. The Same Third State L. B. No. 1 of two impressions. 6 1889 19. The Same Fourth State L. B. No. 2 of two impressions. 6 1889 20 . The Same Fifth State L. B. No. 1 of three impressions. 6 1889 21 . The Same Sixth State L. B. 6 1889 22 . Les Images First State L. B. No. 2 of two impressions. 7 1889 23. The Same 1889 Second State L. No. 3 of six impressions. B. 7 24. The Same Third State L. B. 7 No. 2 of twenty-five impressions. 1889 25. The Same (Bistre) Third State L. B. 7 No. 7 of twenty-five impressions. 1889 7 26. Paris vu de Montmartre First State L. B. No. 2 of two impressions. 8 1889 27. The Same Second State L. B. One of four impressions. 8 1889 28. Les Toits de Saint-Severin Second State L. B. No. 1 of two impressions. 9 1889 29. The Same Third State L. B. One of two impressions. 9 1889 30. The Same Fourth State L. B. No. 29 of thirty impressions. 9 1889 31. Dans ee Ruisseau, a Montmartre Only State L. B. 10 One of four impressions. 1890 32. Giboulees First State L. B. No. 1 of two impressions. 11 1890 33. The Same Second State L. B. No. 4 of five impressions. 11 1890 34. The Same Fourth State L. B. 11 1890 No. 4 of twenty impressions. 35. Marchandes de Poissons, Rue Pirouette 1890 First State L. B. 12 One of very few impressions. 8 36. The Same Second State L. B. One of five impressions. 12 1890 37. The Same Second State L. B. No. 3 of five impressions. 12 1890 39. The Same Third State L. B. No. 24 of thirty impressions. 12 1890 40. La Lecture First State L. B. One of thirteen impressions. 13 1890 41. The Same Second State L. B. One of twelve impressions. 13 1890 42. The Same Second State L. B. One of twelve impressions. 13 1890 43. Niveeeement de ea Peace Maubert First State L. B. 14 One of six impressions. 1890 44. The Same Second State L. B. No. 7 of thirty impressions 14 1890 45. En Bateau-Mouche First State L. B. No. 1 of two impressions. 15 1890 46. The Same Second State L. B. No. 1 of three impressions. 15 1890 9 47 . The Same 1890 Third State L. B. 15 No. 1 of three impressions. 48. The Same 1890 Fourth State L. B. 15 No. 1 of three impressions. 49. The Same 1890 Fifth State L. B. 15 One of three impressions. 50. The Same 1890 Sixth State L. B. 15 One of thirty impressions. 51. The Same (Plate reduced) 1890 Sixth State L. B. 15 One of thirty impression's. 52. L’Appel des Balayeurs, la Nuit 1890 First State L. B. 16 No. 1 of three impressions. 53. The Same 1890 Second State L. B. 16 No. 2 of five impressions. 54. The Same 1890 Third State L. B. 16 One of thirty impressions. 55. The Same 1890 Third State L. B. 16 One of thirty impressions. 56. The Same 1890 Third State L. B. 16 One of thirty impressions. 10 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Combat contre la Neige, quai axjx Fleurs 1890 First State L. B. 17 One of very few impressions. The Same 1890 First State L. B. 17 One of very few impressions. CoUCHER DE SoLEIL AU PONT MARIE Only State L. B. 18 One of thirty impressions. La Rue du Croissant First State L. B. 19 No. 1 of two impressions. The Same Second State L. B. 19 No. 1 of five impressions. 1890 1890 1890 CaRDEUSES DE MaTELAS AU PONT MARIE 1891 First State L. B. 20 No. 1 of five impressions. The Same 1891 First State L. B. 20 No. 2 of five impressions. The Same 1891 Second State L. B. 20 No. 4 of ten impressions. The Same 1891 Third State L. B. 20 One of thirty impressions. 11 66 . COUVERTURE POUR LA PETITE SeRIE d’EaUX- Fortes, “Coins de Paris” First State L. B. One of six impressions. 21 1891 67. The Same Second State L. B. One of very few impressions. 21 1891 68. The Same Third State L. B. One of twenty impressions. 21 1891 69. Un 14 de Juillet, rue Galande, le DE COOAGNE Only State L. B. 22 One of twenty-five impressions. Mat 1891 70. Le Lavoir First State L. B. One of six impressions. 23 1891 71. The Same First State L. B. No. 2 of six impressions. 23 1891 72. The Same Second State L. B. No. 8 of thirty impressions. 23 1891 73. The Same Second State L. B. No. 4 of thirty impressions. 23 1891 74. The Same Second State L. B. One of thirty impressions. 23 1891 12 75. Au Luxembourg First State L. B. No. 1 of two impressions. 24 1891 76. The Same Second State L. B. No. 16 of thirty impressions. 24 1891 77. The Same Second State L. B. One of thirty impressions. 24 1891 78. Embarcadeke, quai de Bercy S econd State L. B. No. 15 of thirty impressions. 26 1891 79. Flaneurs sur un Banc Only State L. B. No. 8 of ten impressions. 27 1891 80. The Same (retouched) Only State L. B. One of ten impressions. 27 1891 81. The Same Only State L. B. No. 4 of ten impressions. 27 1891 82. PoRTRAT DE MmE. B. B. Only State L. B. One of fifteen impressions. 28 1891 88. The Same (in bistre) Only State L. B. One of fifteen impressions. 28 1891 84. Le Bassin des Tuilieres Only State L. B. No. 2 of two impressions. 29 1891 13 85. Depart pour Greenwich 1891 First State L. B. 30 One of two impressions. 86 . The Same 1891 Second State L. B. 30 No. 1 of five impressions. 87. The Same 1891 Third State L. B. 30 No. 13 of twenty-five impressions. 88 . The Same 1891 Fourth State L. B. 30 Twenty-five impressions in four states. 89. Retour de Greenwich, la Nuit (large plate) 1891 Second State L. B, 31 One of ten impressions. 90. The Same 1891 Second State L. B. 31 One of ten impressions. 91. Retour de Greenwich, la Nuit (small plate) 1891 First State L. B. 32 One of five impressions. 92. The Same 1891 Second State L. B. 32 One of five impressions. 93. The Same 1891 Second State L. B. 32 No. 4 of five impressions. 14 94. Dans la Nuit, sur la Tamise Only State L. B. 33 No. 3 of three impressions. 1891 95. Embakcadere sue. la Tamise First State L. B. 34 One of three impressions. 1891 96. The Same Second State L. B. 34 One of twenty-seven impressions. 1891 97. The Same Second State L. B. 34 One of twenty-seven impressions. 1891 98. Etique pour, un Fabricant de Rhum First State L. B. 36 One of five impressions. 1891 99. La Nuit First State L. B. 37 No. 2 of three impressions. 1892 100 . The Same Second State L. B. 37 One of three impressions. 1892 101 . L’Hiver First State L. B. 38 No. 4 of five impressions. 1892 102 . The Same Between I and II State, before the name of Lepere L. B. 38 No. 3 of thirty impressions. 1892 15 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. The Same 1892 Second State L. B. 38 No. 11 of thirty impressions. Chemin dans ee Marais, Vendee 1892 Only State L. B. 39 One of thirty impressions. The Same 1892 Only State L. B. 39 No. 4 of thirty impressions. Maison de Pecheurs, St.-Jean-de-Mont 1892 Only State L. B. 40 No. 14 of thirty impressions. The Same 1892 Only State L. B. 40 No. 11 of thirty impressions. 108. Ramassettses de Pignons 1892 Only State L. B. 41 No. 2 of thirty impressions. 109. Joueurs d’Aluette, Vendee 1892 Only State L. B. 42 No. 2 of thirty impressions. 110. Sortie de e’Ecole, Marais Vendeens 1892 First State L. B. 43 One of very few impressions. Ill The Same 1892 Second State L. B. 43 No. 7 of thirty impressions. 16 112 . i} 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120 . CoUCHER DE SOLEIE, St.- JeAN-DE-MoNT 1892 Only State L. B. 43 bis One of twenty-five impressions. Rochers de Sion, Vendee 1892 Only State L. B. 44 No. 2 of thirty impressions. The Same 1892 Only State L. B. 44 No. 11 of thirty impressions. Chardons sur ea Dune, Vendee 1892 Only State L. B. 45 No. 7 of thirty impressions. Vieieee Bourrine, Maison du Marais Ven- DEEN 1892 Only State L. B. 46 No. 12 of thirty impressions. The Same 1892 Only State L. B. 46 One of thirty impressions. Marche a ea Voeaieee, a St. -Jean-de-Mont 1892 Second State L. B. 47 One of six impressions. Vue de St.-Jean-de-Mont, Vendee 1892 Only State L. B. 48 One of thirty impressions. Pecheurs fuyant devant e’Orage 1892 First State L. B. 49 No. 3 of five impressions. 17 & 121 . 122 . 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129 . The Same 1892 Second State L. B. 49 No. 2 of five impressions. Essais de Moesue.es 1892 Only State L. B. 50 Unique impression. Sue la Plage, Ceoquis, Essais de Moesuees 1892 Only State L. B. 51 One of twenty-five impressions. The Same 1892 Only State L. B. 51 One of twenty-five impressions. La Pointe de l’Ile St.-Louls et le Quai de l’Hotel-de-Ville 1892 First State L. B. 52 No. 1 of five impressions. The Same 1892 Second State L. B. 52 No. 1 of five impressions. The Same 1892 Third State L. B. 52 One of thirty impressions. The Same 1892 Third State L. B. 52 One of thirty impressions. Tombeeeau des Boueux, quai de la Gaee 1892 First State L. B. 53 Ten Impressions in two states. 18 1892 180. The Same Second States L. B. 58 Ten impressions in two states. 181. On Dechiffre 1892 Only State L. B. 51 No. 1 of thirty impressions. 182. Programme pour une Matinee d’Enfants 1892 Second State L. B. 55 188. One of fifty impressions. Coupeurs de Bouts de Cigares 1892 First State L. B. 56 184. No. 1 of five impressions. The Same 1892 Second State L. B. 56 185. One of five impressions. The Same 1892 Third State L. B. 56 186. One of five impressions. The Same 1892 Fourth State L. B. 56 137. One of ten impressions. Au Pont Sulxy 1892 First State L. B. 57 138. No. 3 of five impressions. The Same 1892 First State L. B. 57 139. One of five impressions. The Same 1892 Second State L. B. 57 One of five impressions. 19 140. The Same Third State L. B. One of thirty impressions. 57 1892 141. I/Abreuvoir atj Pont Sully Second State L. B. One of thirty impressions. 58 1892 142. The Same Second State L. B. One of thirty impressions. 58 1892 143. The Same Second State L. B. No. 29 of thirty impressions. 58 1892 144. Femme Couchee Sommeillant First State L. B. One of four impressions. 59 1892 145. The Same Second State L. B. One of six impressions. 59 1892 146. Lecon de Solfege First State L. B. No. 3 of six impressions. 60 1892 147. Cronstadt Only State L. B. One of ten impressions. 61 1892 148. Devant l’Atre Only State L. B. No. 6 of thirty impressions. 62 1893 149. Le Verger Only State L. B. One of thirty impressions. 63 1893 20 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. The Same Only State L. B. No. 8 of thirty impressions. La Lecon de Crochet First State L. B. No. 2 of six impressions. The Same Second State L. B. No. 7 of nineteen impressions. Interieur d’Omnibus First State L. B. One of very few impressions. The Same Second State L. B. One of very few impressions. The Same Third State L. B. One of twenty-five impressions The Same Third State L. B. 65 One of twenty-five impressions. Bourgeoises a ea Campagne, a Vaureae 63 1893 64 1893 64 1893 65 1893 65 1893 65 1893 1893 1893 Only State L. B. 66 No. 8 of thirty impressions. The Same 1893 Only State L. B. 66 No. 3 of thirty impressions. Chemin creux a Vaureal, pres Jouy-ee- Moutier 1893 Only State L. B. 67 No. 3 of thirty impressions. 21 160. The Same 1893 Only State L. B. 67 No. 4 of thirty impressions. 161. Menu poue le Diner des Glands 1893 Only State L. B. 68 One of very few impressions. 162. Moulin a Vaugirard 1893 Only State L. B. 69 No. 6 of thirty impressions. 163. Vallee de l’Oise, pres Pontoise 1893 Only State L. B. 70 One of thirty impressions. 164. The Same 1893 Only State L. B. 70 No. 7 of thirty impressions. 165. Au coin du Pont-aux-Doubles 1893 First State L. B. 71 *No. 2 of three impressions. 166. Au coin du Pont-aux-Doubles 1893 Second State L. B. 71 No. 2 of three impressions. 167. The Same 1893 Second State L. B. 71 No. 3 of three impressions. 168. The Same 1893 Third State L. B. 71 No. 8 of thirty impressions. 169. CoUCHER DE SoLEIL ORAGEUX, A JoUY-LE- Moutier 1893 Only State L. B. 71 bis One of twenty-five impressions. 22 170. The Same 1893 Only State L. B. 71 bis One of twenty-five impressions. 171. Mon Atelier, a Jouy-le-Mqtjtier 1893 Only State L. B. 73 No. 2 of thirty impressions. 172. Au Chat Noir 1893 First State L. B. 74 No. 2 of two impressions. 173. The Same 1893 First State with remarque. L. B. 74 One of very few impressions. 174. The Same 1893 First State without remarque L. B. 74 One of very few impressions. 175. The Same 1893 Second State L. B. 74 One of six impressions. 176. The Same 1893 Published State L. B. 74 177. Sur les Toits, pres Notre-Dame 1893 First State L. B. 75 One of five impressions. 178. The Same 1893 Second State L. B. 75 One of three impressions. 179. The Same 1893 Fourth State L. B. 75 One of seven impressions. 23 180. 1893 The Same Fifth State L. B. 75 One of ten impressions. 181. Le Marche atjx Pommes vtr dtj Pont Louis-Philippe First State L. B. No. 6 of fifteen imperssions. 76 1893 182. The Same First State L. B. One of fifteen impressions. 76 1893 183. The Same Second State L. B. 76 1893 184. Vue de Jouy-le-Moutier Only State L. B. 77 No. 8 of thirty-five impressions. 1893 185. The Same Only State L. B. 77 1893 One of thirty-five impressions. 186. Un Lundi, Porte des Pres-Saint-Gervais 1893 First State L. B. 78 No. 1 of four impressions. 187. The Same 1893 Second State L. B. 78 Only three or four impressions. 188. The Same 1893 Third State L. B. 78 No. 1 of two impressions. 189. The Same 1893 Fourth State L. B. 78 No. 1 of six impressions. 24 190. 1893 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. The Same Fifth State L. B. 78 One of five impressions. The Same Sixth State L. B. 78 No. 11 of thirty impressions. 1893 L’Eglise de Jouy-le-Moutier, S.-et-O. 1893 Only State L. B. 79 One of thirty impressions. The Same 1893 Only State L. B. 79 One of thirty impressions. Enfants a ea porte d’une Ferme Only State L. B. 80 No. 7 of eight impressions. The Same Only State L. B. 80 One of eight impressions. The Same Only State L. B. 80 One of eight impressions. L’Ete Only State L. B. 81 No. 8 of ten impressions in bis¬ tre. 1893 1893 1893 1893 The Same 1893 Only State L. B. 81 No. 11 of thirty impressions in color. 25 1893 199. 200 . 201 . 202 . 203. 204. 205. 206. Paris, L’Ete First State L. B. 82 No. 5 of five impressions. The Same Second State L. B. 82 No. 6 of eleven impressions. Au Mur, Episode de la Commune First State L. B. 83 One of two impressions. The Same Second State L. B. 83 One of two impressions. The Same Third State L. B. 83 No. 2 of thirty impressions. The Same (bistre) Third State L. B. 83 No. 8 of thirty impressions. Les Deux Bossus Only State L. B. 84 No. 1 of thirty-five impressions. 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 Dans le Jardin de l’Imprimeur Delatre, a Montmartre 1893 Second State L. B. 85 No. 4 of five impressions in two states. 207. Apprets pour le Dejeuner du Matin 1893 Only State L. B. 86 No. 3 of thirty impressions. 26 208. Route de Billancourt 1894 Only State L. B. 87 No. 4 of thirty impressions. 209. Diner a Bellevue 1894 Only State L. B. 88 No. 1 of thirty-five impressions. 210. Station d’Omnibus a Vaugirard 1894 Only State L. B. 89 No. 1 of thirty impressions. 211. Sous le Pont le Bercy 1894 Only State L. B. 90 No. 7 of thirty-five impressions. 212. Les Laveuses (set of four, in color) 1894 L. B. 91 Thirty impressions. 213. La Maison neuve 1894 Only State L. B. 92 No. 2 of thirty-five impressions. 214. Le Debardeur, quai de la Gare 1894 First State L. B. 93 One of three impressions. 215. The Same 1894 Second State L. B. 93 216. The Same 1894 Third State L. B. 93 One of thirty impressions. 217. Menu 1895 First State L. B. 94 218. The Same 1895 Second State L. B. 94 27 219. Menu pour le Diner des Glands 1895 Second State L. B. 95 220. Le Quartier des Gobelins 1893 First State L. B. 96 No. 8 of nine impressions. 221. The Same 1893 Second State L. B. 96 One of fifteen impressions. 222. The Same 1893 Third State L. B. 96 One of ten impressions. 223. The Same 1893 Fourth State L. B. 96 One of thirty impressions. 224. A Saint-Cloud 1895 Only State L. B. 98 No. 3 of thirty-five impressions. 225. La’ Cite vue du pont des Arts 1895 First State L. B. 99 No. 4 of eight impressions. 226. The Same 1895 First State L. B. 99 No. 8 of eight impressions. 227. L’Ecluse de la Monnaie 1895 Only State L. B. 100 No. 3 of thirty-five impressions. 228. Programme pour Guignol 1895 Only State L. B. 101 One of thirty impressions. 28 229. 1895 Cite des Chiffoniers Undescribed First State L. B. 102 No. 8 of thirty-five impressions in two states. 230. The Same Second State L. B. 102 No. 2 of thirty-five impressions. 231. The Same Second State L. B. 102 No. 5 of thirty-five impressions. 232. Le Pont des Arts First State L. B. 103 No. 1 of two impressions. 233. The Same Second State L. B. 103 No. 3 of three impressions. 234. The Same Third State L. B. 103 No. 2 of five impressions. 235. The Same Fourth State L. B. 103 No. 4 of five impressions. 236. The Same Fifth State L. B. 103 No. 13 of thirty impressions. 237. The Same Fifth State L. B. 103 No. 30 of thirty impressions. 1895 1895 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 29 238. Travaux pour le Nouveau Champ de Manoeuvre a Issy 1896 Only State L. B. 104 No. 4 of thirty-five impressions. 239. The Same 1896 Only State L. B. 104 One of thirty-five impressions. 240. Menu pour le Diner des Glands 1896 First State L. B. 105 One of very few impressions. 241. CoLLOQUE SENTIMENTAL DE PAUL VeR- laine 1897 First State L. B. 107 One of six impressions. 242. The Same 1897 Second State L. B. 107 One of very few impressions. 243. The Same 1897 Third State L. B. 107 One of ten impressions. 244. Carrieres d’Amerique, pres Paris 1898 First State L. B. 108 No. 2 of six impressions. 245. The Same 1898 First State L. B. 108 No. 1 of six impressions. 246. The Same 1898 Second State L. B. 108 No. 5 of twenty-five impressions. 247. Ex-Lirris Pierre Dauze 1899 Only State L. B. 109 30 248. Aux Fortifications, Porte de Versailles 1898 First State L. B.110 249. No. 3 of five impressions. The Same 1898 Second State L. B.110 250. One of twenty-five The Same impressions. 1898 Second State L. B.110 251. One of twenty-five impressions. Ex-Libris Lotz-Brissonneau 1898 Second State L. B. Ill 252. Le Passeur 1899 First State L. B. 112 253. No. 1 of six impressions. The Same 1899 Second State L. B.112 One of twenty-five impressions. 254. Suite de Nantes 1900 Second State L. B. 113 bis Unique impression touched by Lepere. 255. The Same 1900 Third State L. B. 113 bis Only two impressions known. 256. The Same 1900 Third State L. B. 113 bis Only two impressions known. 257. The Same 1900 Fourth State L. B. 113 bis SI 258. Suite de Nantes 1900 First State L. B. 113 ter 259. The Same 1900 Second State L. B. 113 ter 260. The Same 1900 Second State L. B. 113 ter 261. The Same 1900 Third State L. B. 113 ter 262. Suite de Nantes 1900 First State L. B. 113 4 Unique impression 263. The Same 1900 Second State L. B.113 4 Only two impressions known. 264. The Same 1900 Third State L. B. 113 265. The Same 1900 Third State L. B. 113 4 266. Suite de Nantes 1900 First State L. B.113 5 267. The Same 1900 First State L. B. 113 5 268. La Legende doree 1901 Only State L. B. 115 No. 1 of three impressions 269. Amsterdam vue de Victoria Hotee 1901 First State L. B. 116 No. 1 of five impressions. 270. The Same 1901 Second State L. B. 116 No. 1 of thirty-five impressions. 32 271. Bords de l^Amstee 1901 First State L. B. 117 No. 1 of five impressions (Dedicated) 272. The Same 1901 Second State L. B. 117 No. 1 of thirty-five impressions. 273. Zwanen Burgwall, Amsterdam 1901 First State L. B. 118 One of four impressions (Dedicated) 274. The Same 1901 Second State L. B. 118 No. 1 of three impressions. 275. Une Rue du Quartxer Juif a Am¬ sterdam 1901 First State L. B. 119 No. 1 of seven impressions. 276. The Same 1901 Second State L. B. 119 No. 1 of thirty-five impressions. 277. Le Nys, Amsterdam 1901 First State L. B. 120 One of four impressions (Dedicated) 278. Haareem 1901 First State L. B. 121 No. 1 of three impressions. 279. The Same 1901 First State L. B. 121 No. 3 of three impressions. 280. The Same 1901 Second State L. B. 121 One of thirty-five impressions. 33 £81. 1901 £ 8 £. £83. £84. £85. £ 86 . £87. £ 88 . £89. The Same Second State L. B. 1£1 No. 7 of thirty-five impressions. The Same Second State L. B. 1£1 No. 1£ of thirty-five impressions. Entree du Begulnage, Bruges First State L. B. 1££ No. £ of very few impressions. The Same Second State L. B. 1££ No. 16 of thirty-five impressions. Hentree de la Procession a la Ca- THEDRALE DE NaNTES First State L. B. 1£3 One of very few impressions. (Dedicated) The Same Second State L. B. 1£3 No. £ of thirty impressions. Le Pont-Neuf First State L. B. 1£4 No. 4 of ten impressions. Notre-Dame vue du quai de Monte¬ bello First State L. B. 1£5 No. 1 of three impressions. The Same Second State L. B. 1£5 No. 1 of forty impressions. 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 .34 1901 290. The Same Second State L. B. 125 No. 2 of forty impressions. 291. Un Enteeeemekt dans ee Marais Vendeen 1901 First State L. B. 126 292. Serie de 12 Eaux-Fortes 1901 First State L. B. 126 bis One of ten sets in first edition. 293. The Same 1901 L. B. 126 bis No. 51 of eighty sets in three editions. 294. Faire-part de la Naissance Petite-Fille de l’Auteur DE LA 1902 Second State L. B. 127 295. One of ten impressions. The Same 1902 Third State L. B. 127 296. One of forty impressions. The Same 1902 Third State L. B. 127 297. One of forty impressions. The Same 1902 Third State L. B. 127 298. One of forty impressions. The Same 1902 Third State L. B. 127 299. One of forty impressions. L’Arreuvoir au Pont Marie 1902 First State L. B. 128 No. 1 of five impressions. 300 . L’Abreuvoir au Pont Marie (2nd Plate) First State L. B. 129 No. 1 of seven impressions. 1902 301. The Same Second State L. B. 129 No. 6 of six impressions. 1902 302. The Same Published State L. B. 129 Studio Reproduction. 1902 303. Printemps First State i L. B. 130 One of two impressions. 1903 304. The Same First State L. B. 130 No. 2 of two impressions. 1903 305. VlEIEEES ChAUMIERES, A ApREMONT Only State L. B. 131 No. 2 of thirty-five impressions. 1903 306. Le Radis-Noir, Invitation a Diner > Only State L. B. 131 bis 1881 307. Une Ruelle au Pied de la Cathe- DRALE DE BeAUVAIS First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 1906 308. The Same First State No. 1 of eight impressions. 1906 309. The Same Second State No. 8 of twelve impressions. 36 1906 310. The Same 1906 Third State 311. The Same Unsigned 312. La Seine pees du Canae St. Martin au Pont d’Austerlitz 1906 First State No. 2 of four impressions. 313. The Same 1906 Second State No. 4 of seven impressions. 314. The Same 1906 Fourth State 315. Le Ballon qui Tombe 1906 First State No. 2 of seven impressions. 316. The Same 1906 Finished State No. 8 of thirty-five impressions. 317. The Same 1906 Finished State No. 35 of thirty-five impressions. 318. Rue de la Montagne St. Genevieve, Paris 1906 First State One of six impressions. 319. The Same 1906 First State No. 6 of six impressions. 320. The Same 1906 Second State 37 321. A la Foire de St. Jean-de-Mont 1907 First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 322. The Same 1907 Second State No. 7 of thirty-five impressions. 323. Arrivee au Moulin 1908 First State No. 7 of eight impressions. 324. The Same 1908 First State No. 8 of eight impression. 325. Chemin au Mabais 1907 First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 326. Dimanche au Cabaret 1907 First State No. 5 of ter. impressions. 327. The Same 1907 Finished State No. 9 of thirty-five impressions. 328. The Same 1908 Finished State No. 14 of thirty-five impressions. 329. Moulin de la Chapelle 1908 From the Artist’s private collection. 330. Le Poulailler 1907 First State No. 2 of nine impressions. 38 1907 331. Sous Bois LA Rigonette First State No. 1 of nine impressions. 332. Village de la Meule 1907 First State No. 1 of nine impressions. 333. The Same 1907 Finished State No. 18 of thirty-five impressions. 334. Vue du Poet de la Meule 1907 First State No. 1 of nine impressions. 335. Demolition de la Maison de Sabra 1907 First State No. 3 of nine impressions. 336. The Same 1907 Finished State No. 11 of thirty-five impressions. 337. Bords de la Somme, Amiens 1907 First State No. 7 of nine impressions. 338. The Same 1907 First State From the Artist’s private collection. One of nine impressions. 339. La Petite Mare 1908 First State No. 6 of nine impressions. 39 1908 340. The Same Second State One of thirty-five impressions. (Dedicated) 341. The Same 1908 Finished State (Plate cut) No. 1 of three impressions. 342. La Cathedrale d’Amiens 1908 First State No. 2 of six impressions. 343. The Same 1908 Second State No. 5 of six impressions. 344. The Same 1908 Second State No. 6 of six impressions. 345. Decharge Pijblique, Qtjai de ea Gare 1908 Second State One of twenty impressions. 346. Bords de la Vie 1909 First State No. 4 of six impressions. 347. The Same 1909 Second State No. 3 of four impressions. 348. CoUCHER DE SoLIEL DANS LES ArBRES 1909 First State No. 3 of six impressions. 349. The Same 1909 Second State No. 4 of four impressions. 40 350. The Same 1909 Finished State 351. Marche aux Legumes a Amiens 1909 Third State No. 2 of six impressions. 352 . Portrait de Lafont 1909 353. The Same 1909 354. Ruines du Donjon de Montagne 1909 First State No. 3 of six impressions. 355. The Same 1909 Finished State No. 3 of thirty-five impressions. 356. Les 100 Bibliophiles 1908 First State No. 4 of six impressions. 357. The Same 1908 Second State 358. Les Yieux Lavoirs, Pont de Grenelle 1909 First State No. 2 of six impressions. 359. The Same 1909 Second State No. 6 of thirty-five impressions. 360. L’Orage sur la Dune 1909 First State No. 1 of five impressions. 361. The Same 1909 First State No. 2 of five impressions. 41 362 . The Same 1909 Second State No. 5 of five impressions. 363. The Same 1909 Third State No. 1 of six impressions. 364. The Same 1909 Fourth State No. 1 of five impressions. 365. The Same 1909 Finished State No. 5 of thirty-five impressions. 366. Eglise be Jouy-le-Motitier 1909 First State No. 4 of eight impressions. 367. The Same 1909 Finished State (retouched) 368. Juillet en Picaedie 1909 First State No. 2 of six impressions. 369. The Same 1909 First State No. 4 of six impressions. 370. The Same 1909 Finished State No. 26 of forty impressions. 371. The Same ‘ 1909 Finished State. No. 32 of forty impressions. 372 . Vieill.es Maisons a Amiens 1909 No. 3 of eight impressions. 373. La Guingette, Route de Billancourt 1909 Finished State. No. 45 of fifty impressions. 374. Le Calvaike, St. Jean-de-Mont First State No. 1 of nine impressions. 1909 375. The Same First State No. 5 of nine impressions. 1909 376. Clisson First State No. 5 of nine impressions. 1909 377. La Masure First State No. 3 of ten impressions. 1909 378. The Same First State No. 5 of ten impressions. 1909 379. L’Ondee First State No. 1 of eight impressions. 1909 380. The Same First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 1909 381. The Same First State No. 6 of eight impressions. 1909 382. The Same 1909 First State From the Artist’s private collection. 43 383. Peovins 1909 First State No. 8 of ten impressions. 384. The Same 1909 Finished State From the Artist’s private collection. 385. The Same 1909 Plate cut 386. L’Enfant Prodigue 1910 First State No. 5 of six impressions. 387. La Bourrine aux Cinq Enfants 1910 First State No. 2 of five impressions. 388. The Same 1910 First State No. 5 of five impressions. 389. La Chaumieres de Yieux Pecheurs 1910 First State No. 2 of six impressions. 390. The Same 1910 First State No. 4 of six impressions. 391. The Same 1910 Finished State No. 35 of thirty-five impressions. 392. Les Deux Bourrines 1910 First State No. 3 of five impressions. 1910 393. The Same First State No. 5 of five impresisons. 394. Le Petit Gardeur de Vaches 1910 First State No. 3 of four impressions. 395. The Same 1910 First State No. 4 of four impressions. 396. The Same 1910 Hors Tirage No. 3 of five impressions. 397. Retour du Marche de St. Jean 1910 Finished State No. 6 of thirty-five impressions. 398. Grande Maree, Rochers de Sion 1910 First State No. 6 of nine impressions. 399. The Same 1910 First State No. 7 of nine impressions. 400. The Same 1910 First State No. 8 of nine impressions. 401. The Same 1910 Second State No. 5 of eight impressions. 402. Le Jeu du Reposoir 1911 First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 45 1911 403. La Cathedrale de Rheims First State No. 8 of ten impressions. 404. The Same 1911 Fourth State No. 3 of eight impressions. 405. The Same 1911 Published State Japan Proof before numbers. 406. A Gentilly 1911 First State No. 6 of ten impressions. 407. Bourrine dans les Peupliers 1911 First State No. 8 of ten impressions. 408. La Route de St. Gilles 1911 First State No. 5 of ten impressions. 409. The Same 1911 First State No. 6 of ten impressions. 410. The Same 1911 Third State No. 2 of five impressions. 411. The Same 1911 Third No. 4 of five impressions. 412. Pont de St. Cloud 1910 First State No. 3 of five impressions. 46 1912 413. L’Arc-en-Ciel First State No. 3 of eight impressions. 414. The Same 1912 Second State No. 3 of six impressions. 415. The Same 1912 Second State No. 4 of six impressions. 416. Au Puits 1912 First State No. 2 of eight impressions. 417. The Same 1912 First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 418. The Same 1912 First State No. 8 of eight impressions. 419. Ciel Marine 1912 First State No. 5 of six impressions. 420. The Same 1912 Third State No. 1 of four impressions. 421. The Same 1912 Third State No. 2 of four impressions. 422. The Same 1912 Third State No. 4 of four impressions. 47 1912 423. Le Crepuscule Fourth State No. 1 of two impressions. 424. Peupliers Tetard 1912 First State No. 7 of nine impressions. 425. The Same 1912 First State No. 9 of nine impressions. 426. The Same 1912 Hors Tirage No. 1 of very few impressions. 427. Chaumiere a Rousseau 1912 First State No. 1 of eight impressions. 428. The Same 1912 First State No. 3 of eight impressions. 429. The Same 1912 First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 430. Ete de ea St. Martin : La Noce Qui Passe 1912 First State No. 5 of seven impressions. 431. The Same 1912 First State From the Artist’s private collec¬ tion. No. 7 of seven impressions. 48 432. L’Etang de St. Nicholas, Angers 1913 First State No. 2 of eight impressions. 433. The Same 1913 First State No. 3 of eight impressions. 434. The Same 1913 Finished State No. 31 of thirty-five impressions. 435. Angers, La Maison du Roi de Poeogne 1912 First State No. 2 of eight impressions. 436. The Same First State No. 7 of eight impressions. 437. Angers, La Montee de ea Cathedrale 1912 Second State No. 5 of six impressions. 438. L’Egeise de St. Prix, Montmorency 1912 First State No. 3 of nine impressions. 439. The Same 1912 First State No. 6 of nine impressions. 440. La Mare de ea Prairie, Crevecoeur 1913 First State No. 1 of eight impressions. 441. The Same 1913 First State No. 6 of eight impressions. 49 1913 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. The Same Second State No. 3 of three impressions. The Same Finished State No. 5 of thirty-five impressions. Le Pommier Mort, Crevecoeur First State No. 3 of nine impressions. Le Pommier Renverse, Crevecoeur First State No. 2 of eight impressions. Le Bout-Genet, Crevecoeur First State No. 6 of eight impressions. Promenade du Dimanche, Crevecoeur 1913 First State No. 7 of eight impressions. The Same First State No. 8 of eight impressions. The Same 1913 Second State No. 1 of six impressions. Retour du Troupeau, Crevecoeur 1913 First State No. 2 of eight impressions. The Same 1913 First State No. 8 of eight impressions. 1913 1913 1913 1913 50 452. The Same 1913 Finished State No. 4 of fifty impressions. 453. Route de la Houssaye 1913 First State No. 2 of nine impressions. 454. The Same 1913 Second State No. 4 of four impressions. 455. The Same 1913 Finished State No. 40 of fifty impressions. 456. The Same 1913 Finished State No. 42 of fifty impressions. 457. Javelles de Seigle, Crevecoeur 1915 Finished State No. 4 of fifty impressions. 458. Le Chemin de la Briqueterie, Crevecoeur 1915 First State No. 1 of eight impressions. 459. The Same 1915 First State No. 3 of eight impressions. 460. The Same 1915 First State No. 5 of eight impressions. 461. The Same 1915 First State No. 7 of eight impressions. 51 462. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 9 of fifty impressions. 463. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 47 of fifty impressions. 464. Le Moulin a Lidoe, Crevecoeur 1913 First State No. 1 of eight impressions. 465. The Same 1913 First State No. 4 of eight impressions. 466. Souvenir de St. Denis 1915 First State No. 1 of nine impressions. 467. The Same 1915 First State No. 5 of nine impressions. 468. The Same 1915 First State No. 8 of nine impressions. 469. Les Arbres Tordus 1915 First State No. 8 of eight impressions. 470. The Same 1915 Hors Tirage No. 3 of five impressions. 471. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 18 of fifty impressions. 52 1915 172. Au Marais Inonde, ee Berger First State No. 3 of eight impressions. 473. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 44 of fifty impressions. 474. La Masure Inondee First State No. 7 of eight impressions. 475. The Same 1915 Second State No. 4 of four impressions. 476. The Same 1915 Hors Tirage No. 3 of five impressions. 477. Le Petit Pont 1915 First State No. 1 of eight impressions. 478. The Same 1915 First State From the Artist’s private collec¬ tion. No. 6 of eight impressions. 479. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 29 of fifty impressions. 480. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 40 of fifty impressions. 481. Quartier de Pecheurs 1915 Finished State No. 46 of fifty impressions. 53 1915 482. Rideau de Peuplieks Hors Tirage No. 1 of five impressions. 483. Soir d’Hiver 1915 First State No. 1 of seven impressions. 484. A Beli.ot, Seine et Marne 1915 Hors Tirage No. 1 of five impressions. 485. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 28 of fifty impressions. 486. Au Bord du Petit-Morin, a Verdeeot 1915 First State No. 1 of nine impressions. 487. The Same 1915 First State No. 7 of nine impressions. 488. Dans ee Verger 1915 First State No. 6 of eight impressions. 489. L’Egeise de Vileeneuve-sur-Beelot 1915 First State No. 1 of nine impressions. 490. The Same 1915 First State From the Artist’s private collec¬ tion. No. 4 of nine impressions. 54 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. La Vieiexxe Passerexle, Ferme de la Fee 1915 First State From the Artist’s private collec¬ tion. One of very few impres¬ sions. Vixxage de Villeneuve-sur-Bellot 1915 First State No. 6 of nine impressions. La Maison dtj Bucheron 1915 Finished State No. 29 of fifty impressions. The Same 1915 Finished State No. 37 of fifty impressions. Vue de Saint-Servan Finished State No. 12 of fifty impressions. The Same Finished State No. 22 of fifty impressions. Le Pont de Poissy Finished State No. 35 of fifty impressions. Matin des Rameaux First State One of very few impressions. Le Grand Marche aux Pommes 1917 Finished State. 55 ^Arranged <3$. Printed by- Lewis W. Goerck 925 Sixth tAve., N. Y. City- PRINT ROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR