CATALOGUE OF THE Remaining Works OF THE CELEBRATED ARTIST H. STACY MAMS, R.A. DECEASED; also rHE REMAINING WOT K S OF THE WELL-KNOWN FIGURE PAINTER J. B. BURGESS, R.A. DECEASED : WHICH &2&UI i )t jroltJ fcu Auction tip Messrs, CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TMIB ©BEAT BOOMS. 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, MARCH 25, And SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, k Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 Ring Street, J James’s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. On FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1808, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The Collection and Remaining Work* of II. STACY MARKS, R.A., deceased. ENGRAVINGS, Etc,— In the Folio. 1 A collection of old Prints, in an album 2 Anatomy for Artists, one volume 3 One hundred and twenty old Prints, in a folio 4 Mr. West and Family, after B. West, by Facius —framed 5 Study, after Lord Leighton, by T. L. Atkinson— artist's proof—y, signed by painter and engraver , ditto 6 John Rusldn, by H. Herkomer, R..A.— presentation proof ditto 7 Portraits of Lawreuce, Eastlake and Grant, by Doo ; and a litho- ✓ graph— ditto 8 The Fish Shop, after F. Walker, by R. W. Macbeth— presenla- — tionprof c* 5 9 A Wet Day at Hakone, Japan, by Alfred East; Ac. X 4 ENGRAVINGS AFTER H. S. MARKS 10 A Good Story, by E. Gaujean— artist's proof 11 A similar lot 12 A similar lot 13 The Jolly Post Boys, by Lhuillier— artist's proof 14 Two ditto O 15 The Two Dromeos, by F. Atkinson & 16 A similar lot 17 The Episcopal Visitation 18 Ditto 19 Ditto , R.A. /3^t ^ 7 > 20 Ditto 21 The Old Clock ^^ 22 Thirty-two Japanese Books, with illustrations of birds, &c. 32 /' o 23 Lines to Mr. Gray on A Near Prospect of Stoke Pogis, manu¬ script verses by Walker Hodgson ^& 24 Nineteen Studies, by Walker Hodgson; and Poems, dedicated to ^ H. S. Marks, R.A. It7 ? 25 A Collection of Book Plates, Armorial Bearings and Monograms f &c., by H. S. Marks, R.A., and others, in four volumes VfA /; j- t O 26 R. Beavis : An Errand of Charity ; and Christmas— water-colour drawings 2 ' / 27 C. Keene : Sketches of the Artist on board ship —pen and ink 2 ^ DRAWINGS IN PEN AND INK, Etc. H. S. MARKS, R.A. 28 A Scrap Book, containing numerous Landscape and Marine Studies, in pencil 29 A Book, containing Designs of Costumes of the 14th, 15th and ff 16th centuries (LyZi 30 Specimens of some extinct buyers ; &c. 31 The Oldest Inhabitant; &c. 32 Design for an “ At Home ” card ; &c. 33 “ Good Morrow, Gaffer ! ”; &c. 7 34 Three Cranes by a Pond > 35 From Sunny Seas ; &c. 7 36 Pears’ Soap Advertisements 37 Design for a New Year’s Card ; &c. 38 The Great Auk’s Egg 39 An Odd Volume ; &c. 40 A Message from the Sea ; &c.— Indian ink 41 Up Before the Beak ; &c.— ditto 42 Penshurst— pencil 43 Sketches of Birds ; &c. 44 Tracings for Friezes ; &c. 45 Little Boy Blue; &c. 46 Sketches of Birds and Animals 47 Designs for Mural Painting at Preston; &c. in red 13 ' r~) /7~^ 10 ZTlxX? /ut~K 2 17 3 5 A— 12 9 22 18 TTi^c 10 48 A Frieze representing Agriculture, Navigation, Astronomy, &c. ditto—designed for the Albert Hall ^ // f- 49 Scarlet Macaw; and Drawings of other Birds 15 17/ 50 A Slender-Billed Parrot; &c. 51 A Ring-Necked Parrakeet; &c. nr /, /0,0 /,/<*,# /*/' L , 2- . o /. 2- . 0 52 Studies of Monts ; &c .—pencil and sepia 53 Sketches of Figures, &c .—ditto 54 Landscapes, buildings, &c .—ditto 55 Designs for Stained Glass Windows —coloured 56 Sketches at Sandwich, Barapton, &c. DRAWINGS IN CHALK. /. /O , * 57 /, 58 ///. 59 /* /. * 60 ?'f /> 62 /?/• 63 /, £ .ff 7 64 /, 3 t 65 /9/m 66 - 4^67 /' // , 0 68 /3/. 69 /, in. 134 Asi ) Awake ■ • in. by 6f in. by 7 in. 2 % 134a Qi 10 ?' 4 * & 4 * £ > o ijf / d r 0 if ' J , o / 0 * / 0 ' o 135 8WAN and Sheldrakes 7f in. by 11 in. 136 Imperial Eagle 9f in. by 12£ in. 137 A Sulphur-Breasted Toucan 9^ in. by 6| in. 138 Swans 6£ in. by 9j in. 139 Looking for Truth 12£ in. by 8^ in. 140 Terns by a Cliff 17 in. by 6^ in. ^ ^ . O 141 ' 4 142 /' /^~ ' O 143 — 7~lp 144 ^ * & 145 J- /J X 146 /(/« / * 147 4/' Af • & 148 Jj. £ . * 149 Sheldrakes and Duck 9f in. by 14 in. A Bittern among Heeds 14 in. by 5 in. The Dingles 8£ in. by 14 in. Interior of the Bensington Mill, 8^ in. by 13 in. A Puffin 7£ in. by 5^ in. A Pelican 9 in. by 6 in. Flamingoes on the Sea Shork 7£ in. by 15 in. The Angler 17^ in. by 113* in. A Green Parrot 10£ in. by 13 in. Oxou yb —' /#*/# . o 150 Storks and Tortoise 9^ in. by 16 in. 11 s > 151 In the Fish House 8^ in. by 6f in. C 152 A Brazilian Caracara 12 in. by 6f in. > 153 The Oldest Inhabitant 12 in. by 8J in. 154 A Heron in a Pool 14 in. by 13| in. 0 155 A Misty Morning 7 in. by 10 in. O 156 Dick Whittington 13 in. by in. o 157 Swans and Brent Goose 10 in. by 14J in. 158 Sheldrake and Ducks 9 in. by 14£ in. 159 Two Swans 8-j- in. by 9 in. 160 The Spider and the Fly— original sketch, charcoal 15^ in. by 21^ in. 161 The Miller 18 in. by 13J in. H. S. MARKS, R.A. 162 Demoisel Cranes 29 in. by 20 in. oJ?T H. S. MARKS, R.A. * 163 TWO STORKS 29 in. by 19^ in. 12 H. S. MARKS, R.A. //fP 164 VULTURINE EAGLE 29 in . by 20 ' in . 7 , tT, v H. S. MARKS, R.A. IG5 THE TOILET: Pelicans 15 in . by 28 in . / J . £.6 H.. S. MARKS, R.A. 166 THE KING’S TOMB 191, in . by 231 in . SKETCHES IN' OILS. / 7 - ( V 167 (fe 8 (l69 170 171 72 173 174 % ,75 7 ' / 4 ?- t a A Fisherman’s Shed; and A Wood A Lady Reclining ; and A Landscape, with windmill A Girl Playing a Piano An Old Man Seated at a Table Cottages, with river and ducks A Brook ; A Wood Scene ; and A Barn- Head of a Gentleman, in brown coat A Common Scene A Tree Trunk ; and A Pasture Landscape and River Studies —six in one frame Lake, Landscape and River Studies —six in one frame IS. 7 2 t 2: 7 13 PICTURES. 178 A Garden, with terraces 10 in. by 17 in. 179 The Studio 12^ in. by 13^ in. H. S. MARKS, R.A. 180 Falling Barometer 20 in. by 11^ in. H. S. MARKS, R.A., 1887. 181 THE MINSTREL O 50 in. bv 40 in. «/ Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1887 Exhibited at Manchester WORKS BY OTHER ARTISTS. DRAWINGS. MRS. ALLINGHAM. 182 A Hat Field R. BE AVIS. 183 Donkeys f ^ V G. CLAUSEN, A.R.A., 1875. 184 French Peasant Girls Kneeling at an Altar G. G. FRASER. $, 3 t 185 On the Ouse, Kempstone Y'f ^ •/ 0 . H. HERKOMER, R.A. 186 Portraits op P. H. Calderon, R.A., H. S. Marks, R.A., and Charles Keene —three in one frame, charcoal C. KEENE. r / O t o 187 The Tired Cavalier ; and The Companion —charcoal __ 2 7^t C. KEENE. J. J. O 188 A Sketch, with autograph letter —fen and ink (iA^i if' &, C. KEENE. O 189 The Squire and the Farmer —pen and ink if - / if , ^ 190 The Review— C. KEENE. ditto d~xr C. KEENE. > 191 A Cavalry Officer of the Last Century A. C. H. LUXMOORE, 1879. A $ 0 192 The Old Neptune Inn, Ipswich * 0^1 f* A. C. H. LUXMOORE. ' f ° 193 Leal Sovvenir, after Van Eyck 15 A. C. H. LUXMOORE. 94 Head of a Man, after Van Eyck HAMILTON MACALLUM, 1873. L95 Airdlamont Point 10^ in. by 22 in. SIE E. J. POYNTER, P.R.A., 1861. 196 Revenge —charcoal 12 in. by 8J> in. 197 An Angler F. J. SKILL, A. STEVENS 198 Study of Figures— red chalk f ‘UNKNOWN. 199 Velasquez Painting the Royal Children F. WALTON. 200 Sheep on a Cliff f J. D. WATSON. 201 Portrait of H. S. Marks, H.A.—pencil 16 /J/. J - . l?, / 0 . v /* U/Jt . ^—ro /£/. tjj. yi , c PICTURES. L. ALMA-TADEMA, E.A. 202 A Lady Standing by a Window 94 in. by 5 in. Exhibited at the New Gallery , 1891 203 A Monk E. BEAYIS, 1871. DUTCH SCHOOL. 206 Domestic Poultry 24 in. by 29 in. H. MACALLUM. 207 A Mountainous Landscape, with sheep Jr— E. C. LESLIE. 208 The Mouth op a Eiver J. PETTIE, E.A. 209 Head op a Soldier, with helmet 17^ in. by 13^ in. 17 E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A., 1887. 210 An Ibish Landscape, with pigs and geese E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. 211 A Landscape : Korth Wales VANDYCK (After). 212 An Italian General, in armour and ruff, by A. J. Foster 41 in. by 29 in. B. VAN ORLEY. 213 The Feast of the Gods 33 in. by 48 in. 18 The Remaining Works of J. D. BURGESS , R.A., deceased. Sold by Order of the Executors. STUDIES BY J. B. BURGESS, R. A.—U framed. r, /s. t t, :L . * 214 The Entrance to a Palace ; and An Interior of a Church, with tombs 2 215 The Chain Library ; and The Staircase outside a House, 2 .6 '*r, V", ° /j./J, o />.//,£ / J ' l / S ’. * f*f.e 216 Interior of a Church, with pulpit; and A Norman Door¬ way f > t.o iy 7. 0 k//-//T o /. e /?■/?•* 4-4 ■ o 10 77 ' 217 Cloisters, with bird-cages, &c. 218 A Man Seated in a Church Porch 219 The Crypt of a Spanish Church 220 The Sculptor’s Studio 221 A Spanish Girl, carrying a water vessel 222 A Greek Girl 223 A Spanish Girl, in pink dress 224 A Spanish Gipsy 225 Tns Penitent 226 Spanish Love-Making 227 A Lady Seated 228 Portrait of a Girl, in white dress and blue scarf 229 A Greek Girl, in white and gold dress 230 A Girl, in pale blue dress, with string of pearls 2 2 t A Jtcl