Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2015 li ttps ://a rc li i ve . 0 rg/d etail s/m e n wo m e n m i rt li 0 0 1 if e Men, Women and Mirth What more than mirth The cheerful man is a ivould mortals have ? King. I. BICKERSTAFF. NEW YORK LIFE PUBLISHING COMPANY Copyright. 1909, by LIFE PUBLISHING COMPANY New York City British Copyright Secured All i :i;llls mrin-il Uniform with this volume THE SOCIAL COMEDY THE COMEDY OF LIFE Price of each, $2.00 Men, Wo m en and ]\I i r t h "TO MEN, WOMEN AND MIRTH!' DraiL'ii by CliarU's Dana Gibson. Men, Women and Mirth ANTI-SPECULATION. "Papa put up a hundred thousand to secure the Duke, and now he's married some one else." "You should have bought him outright. Serves you right for trading on a margin." Men, W omen and Mirth She: You'll be glad to learn, dear, that I've gotten out of visiting our relatives. He: Grand! splendid! It hung over me like a cloud. How did you manage it? "Oh, I asked them here!" Men, W omen and ]\I i r t h MAKING HER FORTUNE. 'Whnt is your fortune, my pretty maid? 'My face is my fortune, sir," she said. Men, W o m e n A N D ]\I I R T II "He's a wonderful mind-reader. He told me everything in my mind in four or five minutes." She: Yes — fine mind-reader — but slow. Men, Women and jNI i r t h Yes, Dick is gone, and here's poor Molly left destitute with only her face and the life insurance which ran into seven figures. However, she has many friends and may get on. After bringing him out here she wonder^ whether he will have sand enough to propose. Men, W o m en and AI i r t ii He: Did you tell your father, darling? She: I told him I was engaged, dear, but not to whom. He is not well and I thought I would break it to him gradually. Men, Wo m en and Mirth THE FLOWER AND THE MONEY-BEES. Men, \V o m e n and Mirth LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM. ]\I E N , Women and Mirth A series of depredations committed by summer residents have been annoying our citizens for some weeks past, the latest outrage occurring on Wednesday last, when the residence of Hiram Hornet was violently attacked by miscreants armed with an umbrella. With the assistance of the Yellow Jacket Volunteers and a detachment of the local Stinging Corps the vandals were driven away before serious damage resulted. — News item from the StingviUe Daily Bugle. Men, Women and ]\I i r t h Mrs. Hcnfcqne: Mr. Hcnpcque : Our new pastor will preach a sermon on "Home" in the morning and on ■"Hell" in the evening. Why twice on the same subject? Men, Women and Mirth Copjrigbt 1»')S bj Ufe Pub. Co. THE HUNTER'S ^lOON. AN ACCIDENT IN PH-L-D-LPH-A. Mrs. Manhattan: What! Hurt by an auto! Dear me, a lame octogenarian could get out of the way! Mr. Manhattan: He wasn't struck by it. He was leaning up against it asleep, and when it started he fell. Men, W o m e X and Mir t h Copyright 19(>8 hj Life Pub. Co. FOUND. Men, W o ii e n and ]\I i r t h THE POWER OF THE PRESS. Men, \V omen AND M I R T 11 THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. ]\I E N , Women and Mirth HIS IMPORTAN'CE. Men, Women and Mirth HUSBANDS. The American. Men, OMEN AND ]M I R T H HUSBANDS. The German. Men, W o m e x a x d AI i r i h HUSBANDS. The English. M E N , W 0 M E N AND M I R T H HUSBANDS. The French. Men, Women and AI i r t h .1 SISTERS IN AFFLICTION. "How can you sleep so late in the morning?" "Just will power, mother.'' M EX, Women and Mirth CONSTANT DOUBT. {In the background) : "She has a fine mind, hasn't slie?" "Remarkable. One of those minds that, when ymi are with her, you can't decide which makes you the more happy — to listen or to realize that you are not married to her." M E N , W O M E X A X D ]\ I I R T H THE NORTH POLE. When the United States has annexed it. Men, Women and Mirth FOR EXCHANGE. A clever conversationalist for a dancing-man. ST. PATRICK'S DAY IN THE EVENING. Men, W o m e n and Mir t ii LITTLE EPISODES. Leaves from lier diary. Men, W omen and Mirth Copjtleht lOO- bj Uft Pub. Co. IN THE CONSERVATORY. As he remembered it. Men, Women and Mirth APRIL FIRST. Men. \\' o M E N AND Mirth A MANY-SIDED MAN. Men, W omen and Mir t h "Jane, is that kitten a tom-cat?" "Course. Its mother was a tom-cat and so was its grandmother. M E X . W () M !■ N A X D AI I R T TI "Oh, mercy ! George, do take your arm away, quick ! Something seems to tell me that papa is approaching." Men, W o 51 e n a n d Mirth MUCH ADIEU ABOUT NOTHING. Men, \V omen and Mirth "(3h mother, do I have to take a bath? .\rrs. .M.irris told me especially the party was very informal." M E N , OMEN AND M I R T H THE QUIET LIFE. Anywhere in the vicinity of blasting. SPRING IS COMING. ]\I E N , Women A N D ]\I I R T H Impecunious Visitor: Your butler seems like a fastidious and superior chap. "That's only his way. After you have given him a couple of hundred, old fellow, he"ll begin to thaw out." ]\r E X , W O M F. X A N D AI I R T H TO EXCHANGE. A husband with a past for one with a future M E N , W O M E X A N D ]\I I R 1 II HOME FROM HARVARD. The automobile is approved by the old man. M E X , W O M F. X A X D .Ml U T II THE WIDOW'S MIGHT. "She's got a future." "Can she act?" "No, but she can work her eyes better than any lady in tlu- Imsiiu-s';, and as for wearing swell clothes — gee ! she couldn't do better if she was twins." M E N , W OMEN A N D j\I I R T H INVIDIOUS. Husband: How much do you pay that new cook of yours? '"Sixty dollars a month. Don't you wish you could earn as much? AI F. X , \\" () M E X A X D I\[ I R T H Men, \\ o u e x AND Mirth Men, A\" o m ex and Mirth BAYARD JQf€^ THE HEADLESS VICTORY. Men, Women and M i r t h OUR FIRST INTERNATIONAL MATCH. When Captain Rolfe married Pocahontas. Men, W o m en and M i r t n Grandmamma : Never marry a man who drinks, smokes, swears, goes to prize-fights, plays the races or tells falsehoods. "But I don't want to be an old maid." AI E N , \X OMEN AND ]\I I R T II EXTRACT FROM A LETTER. — ichat has only been a misguided fascination. The return of your letters, and the gifts n'ith 'ivliicli you have honored uic, has been intrusted to Jane, n'ifh instructions to avoid all unnecessary delay. Very sincerely, May first, nineteen hundred Marguerite Denning, nine. Mr. H. Billings Lee, Central Park West, New York City. EASY WRITING'S. Men, W OMEN" and M i r t h EXTRACT FROM A LETTER. — zi'isdoiii of tcniiinatiiig at once our unforiiinatc acquaintance. As Kipling has it: " 'Tzias idleness zve took for Fate, That bound light bonds on you and me." Your photograph has already been mailed to you. Your letters, I regret to say, have not been preserved. Very truly yours. H. Billings Lee. May 2, 1909. Marguerite Denning, 104 Rochelle Park, Hartford, Conn. Copyright IQ* hj Life I'ub, Co. CURST HARD READING. Men, Women and Mirth T(, EXCIIAXCE— A LOWER lUiKTII FOR AN UPl'ER. Men, W omen A N D ]\I I R T H THE REGATTA OF THE FUTURE. M EN, Women and j\I i r t h "Surprised ter see me, loidy? Lenime recall de woids of de poet, who said, 'full many's de guy of purest nerve serene de deep, imfadonied caves of ocean bear.' See?" Men, W omen A N D I R T H Men, W omen and ]\I i r t h MY DOG. 'Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth !' ^[ EN, Women a n d i r t h M E N , W OMEN A N I) AI I R T H FOR EXCHANGE. Wedding presents for good table board. M !•: X W I) M I-: x and AT i r t ii "Cice ! AiiTt that tough? Here comes a cop, an' to-morrer's Mag's birt'day!" ]M E N , Women and j\I i r t h Not enough men? How many does it require to escort iier in to supper? Oh, it's not that. There are men enough. Difficult to choose, perhaps? Oh, no. She knows which is the one. Maybe she's not hungry? Oh, yes, she is, but — sh ! her gown has become unhooked in the bacl< ! ]\1 E N . W () iM K X A N 15 Ml R T H "How peaceful it looks in there Men, Women and Mirth Copjri-ht 1007 bj Life Pub. Co. THE GRAVE OF OUR DREAMS. Men, Women and Mirth SLIPPING EARTHWARD. A'l EN, \V OMEN A N D AI I R T ir QUEEN OF THE MAY. Copyright lOUtj by Life I'ub. Co, A CHOICE SPOT TO LOCATE. Men, Women and Mirth Jolm's Wife: Oh, no! John wouldn't think of taking it. He never plays for money. Men, Women and Mirth THE FISHING SEASON OPENS IN BEETLEBURGH. M E N , W O M EN AND ]\I I R T II THE NEW WAY. Men, Women and Mirth "Is this papa's little boy or mamma's little boy? "Dunno; the Judge hasn't decided yet.' Men, W o e n and ]M i r t h THE VOICE. Deacon Dewlap gets a call. Men, Women and Mirth THE tIARVEST MOON. The last summer-boarder leaves for town. Men, W o m k n and ]\[ i r t h MISTLETOE PICTURE PUZZLE. Get the right people together. Men, W o :\i e n A N D ]M I R T H Men, Women and Mirth THEIR RICH UNCLE UNEXPECTEDLY INTRODUCES HIS BRIDE. Men, Women and Mirth Men, \V o m e n and Mirth Cul>jri(!ht IM ^ by 1 ifc I' ll.- C.. RUNNING DOWN RELICIUN. Men, W omen A N D M I R T II WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Men, Women and Mirth A SHEPHERD LOOKING FOR HIS FLOCK. Men, Women and Mirth NEWS ITEM. William Boodlecinch, of New York, passed through our quiet little village on Tuesday last. Come again, Willie. — Mullinsznlle Clarion. Men, OMEN AND Mirth "What's the meanin" ot this picture, Mum?" "That, Bridget, is a Christian Martyr in the days of Nero.' "They seemed to know little enough about cookin'." Men, Women and Mirth MARIONETTES. Men, W omen and Mirth A REDUCED PRICE. Prospective Bridegroom: How much will you charge to marry us? Minister: Twenty-five dollars. "All right. By the way, sir, I'm of a jealous nature. Would you mind not kissing the bride?" "Very well, sir. The charge in that case will only be five dollars." ]\I E N , Women and Mirth WHAT THE NEW SENSATION SYNDICATE MIGHT DO WHEN CONEY ISLAND CEASES TO ATTRACT: POUR NIAGARA DOWN VESUVIUS. Men, Womex and Mirth TILL DEATH DO US PART. I\I E N , W OMEN AND AI I R T H Copyright 1008 by Life PubliBhing Company '*Hey. there! Want any help?" 18^' Century iQ^'^Century ZO^^Ccntury THE ADVANCEMENT OF WOMAN. Men, W o e n a x d Mirth BUGBEARS. Your athletic friend with the hearty handshake. Men, \\ o M E X a x d Mirth THE FOURTH IN OUR VILLAGE. Men, Women and Mirth CASTLES IN THE AIR. Men, Women and Mirth THE IRRESISTIBLE ARGUMENT. Adam: How did that old snake manage to worm himself into your good graces? "He told me that I was the prettiest and best-dressed woman in the world." - ^ EVEN UNTO DEATH. Fancy portrait of an American financier. Men, OMEN AND ;M I R T H BUGBEARS. The stout gentleman who always tilts back in your frailest chair. Men, Women and Mirth FISHERMAN'S LUCK. Men, Women and Mirth DELIRIUM TRIMMINS. TELEPHONE EXPRESSIONS. Men, W omen and IM i r t ir AMERICA EXPECTS EVERY GIRL TO DO HER DUTY. Copyright 1908 bj Ufa Pub. Co. HER WINDOW. M EN, Women a n d Mirth "HURRAH! THE FIRST POTATO VINE IS UP. M E N , W OMEN AND M I R T H DANGER ! Men, Women and Mirth THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES OF THE EASTER PARADE. "My dear, will it bother you if I ask a question about our club bookkeeping? You know I'm treasurer." "No; delighted, I'm sure." "Well, we gave a Charity Euchre for the benefit of the Old Ladies' Home. It cost our club $300, and we only took in $250. Now I figure it out that the old ladies owe us $50. Am I right?" A! li N , Wo M IC iV AND M I R T II WHY NOT? A statue to the ruler of the world. Men, W omen and i r t h COWARDS Men, Women AND Mirth "A MAN'S A MAN FOR A' THAT." M EN, Women and Mirth EASTER THOUGHTS. Men, Women and ]\I i r t h Old Man Winter I see my finisli. i\I E N , W O M E N AND Mirth BUGBEARS. 'J lif guest wlio draws diagrams on yi>ur very best tablecloth. Men, Women and Mirth THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. Mme. Venus, the star of the evening, appeared to great advantage in conjunction with Signer Mercuruso, who showed great artistic temperature. Mme. Luna eclipsed herself in a shadow dance and the other planets did well in their minor rolls. FLOTSAM. Men, Women and Mirth M E X . W I ) M E X A X D ]\I I R T H No Penalties, Men, Women and Mirth BEETLEBURG CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS. Men, Women and Mirth FATHER READS FROM HIS FAVORITE AUTHOR. Men, W omen a n d ]\ I i r t h M li N, W () M I-: X AND Ml K T II Men, Women and Mirth THE CHAUFFEUR'S DREAM OF HEAVEN. Copjrlsht lOOr bj Lire Pub. Co. AN ANTIQUE SOFA. How things have changed. A! EN, Women and Mirth LE PENSEUR. (Russia. ) Men, Women and Mirth Men, Women and Mirth "Throw up your hands!" "Not on j'our life !"' M E N , W' OMEN AND M J R T H THE DAY JONAH MOVED OUT. A LONG STORY. M E .V , W O M EN AND M I R T H Shade of Her First Husband : Poor Devil ! Men, Women and Mirth THE PSYCHICAL KiiSEARCHERS. Miss Flight: Don't you think that a deficient being, who does not yield to ethical or therapeutic suggestions from extraneous sources, is merely a subliminal consciousness, not yet attracted by the sweep of cosmic currents? Matter-of-fact Gentleman (trying to make the best of an evening of torture): Well, yes — (thinks for a moment for a word) — in the concrete. M K X , W () M E X A X D Mir t h 49 <^ "A WOMAX'S WORK IS XEX'EU DOXE." Culiyriglit liiDS lij Life Pull. & '•WORKIXG TO BEAT HELL.' Men, W" omen and Mirth Isabel, I can't find my keys anywhere. I wish you'd just feel in baby's mouth." M E N ^ Women and Mirth THE ORIGINAL THANKSGIVING DINNER IN OLD PLYMOUTH. Men, \V omen and Mirth "Is this your bargain counter?"' Floorwalker: Yes, sir. "I'm looking for my wife." "Well, sir, take your pick." Men, W o m k n AND AI I R T H THE GETTY CENTER