INVESTIGATIONS AT ASSOS COINS By H. W. BELL BOSTON, 1921 INVESTIGATIONS AT ASSOS GOINS By H. W. BELL BOSTON, 192 PAGE 297 COINS FROM ASSOS Edited by H. W. HELL INTRODUCTION The coins from Assos, which I have been asked to edit, were not all found in the excavations. Some of them were purchased from natives of the surround¬ ing district; and, except in the few cases in which cer¬ tain coins have been noted by the excavators as coming from a particular spot, it is impossible to distin¬ guish between the coins which were purchased and tliose which were discovered during the excavations. These indications have been supplied in footnotes in the Catalogue. In the general introduction to the publication of the Assos Excavations, it is said that 408 coins became the property of tlie excavators under the then existing Ottoman Law concerning antiquities. Of these, 270 have been turned over to me fur publication. The whereabouts of the others does not seem to be known. There were 4 coins, among these 270, which proved to be quite illegible; one was a modern for¬ gery ; the remaining 265 are now published. Some of them, chiefly Assos types of the Imperial period,are new. In describing the coins, the forms used in the volumes of the various British Museum Catalogues have, in general, been followed. The position of inscriptions has in every case been noted, unless they read ‘from 1., upwards’ i.e. in the usual modern fashion. I’he numbers in the Indices (as well as on the Plates, and in the footnotes) refer to the numbers ot the coins in their order in the Catalogue; and the prac¬ tice has been adopted of printing references to obverses in heavy type. References are given in the foot-notes in the Catalogue to the following books: GREEiK Coins: A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum : The Eiiuric Chersonese, Sarnuitia, Dacici, "JiCoesia, Thrace, etc., by B. V. Mead and Percy Gardner, J877. Crete and the Aegean Islands, by W. Wroth, 1886. Mysia, by W. Wroth, 1892. Ionia, by B. V. Plead, 1892. Troas, Aeolis, and Lesbos, by W. Wroth, 1894. Caria, Cos, Rhodes, etc., by B. V. Mead, 1897. Lydia, by B. V. Plead, 1901. E. Babelon: Invenfaire sominaire de la Collec¬ tion Waddington, 1897. -: Traite de monnaies grecqnes et romaines, 1907-10. B. V. Head : Histona Nuinorum, and ed., 1911. P'. Imhoof-Blumcr: Lydische Stadtmunzen, Gent und Leipzig, 1897. -: Kleinasiastische Mfinzen, 2 vols.—,Wien, 1901. G. Macdonald: Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection, 3 vols,, Glasgow, 1899-190J. T. E. Mionnet: De.ccripfion de medailles an¬ tiques grccqucs et romaines, 7 vols., 1806-13. Supplement, 9 vols., 1819-37. I'. Miinzer und M. L. Strack: Lie antike Munzen von Thrakien, Berlin, 1912. ROMAN Coins : H. Cohen : Monnaies frappees sous !empire romain, 8 vols,, 1880-92. J. Maurice: Numismatique constantinienne, 3 vols., 1908-12. T. Rohde: Die Munzen des Kaizers Aureli- anus, seiner Frau Severina und die Fiirsten von Palmyra, Wien, 1881. J. Tolstoi: Monnaies byzantines {yn un¬ finished), St. Petersburg, 1912 ff. BYZANTINE Coins: Catalogue of the hnperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum, by W. Wroth, 2 vols., 1 908. LATIN Coins: G. Schlumberger : Numismatique de I'Orient Latin, 1878. When, in the case of Greek coins, no references are given in the footnotes, exactly similar coins will be found published in the volumes of the British Museum Catalogues (The 3 coins of Alexander III may readily be traced in the Plunter Catalogue or in Muller’s indispensable work). Other coins are de¬ scribed summarily. I wish to express my thanks to Mr. Howland Wood, of the American Numismatic Society, in New York, for help with two coins, as well as for under¬ taking the casting of the coins to be illustrated. Mr. G. P'. Hill, of the British Museum, has, with his usual kindness, helped me with the inscription of No 151. 11 . w. Bell. Cambridge, Mass., 1st March, 1917. PAGE 298 ATTICA -MACEDON - THRACE-THRACIAN CHERSONESUS-TROAS 3.08 3-71 /R 20.5 T M 16.5 \ M 19.0 r JR 19.0 T 6.94 JE 23 .c T JE. 18.5 10.5 T ATTICA 196-87 B. C. SILVER Attic Standard Drachm Head of Athena Parthenos r., wearing earring and A 0E (in field, 1. and r.) 1 1 ■ ornamented, triple-crested helmet. Border of dots. Owl r., wings closed, standing on amphora lying on its side; to 1 . and r., magistrates’ names and symbol; whole within olive wreath. TA EXE AY Bust of Helios facing, radiate; on t uncertain letter. nphora. MACEDON ALEXANDER III 336-323 B. C. SILVER Attic Standard Drachms Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin, AAEZANAPoY (to r., downwards) Zeus Aetophoros, naked to waist, seated throne without back (Type IV). Beneath seat, I (Obscure.) Border of dots. Head of Apollo r., laur. THRACE ABDERA Circa 200 B. C. BRONZE I [AB]AHPTQ[N] (above) Griffin recumbent 1. Below, [E]rMsA[ropoY] THRACIAN CHERSONESUS COELA Caracalla MAVRANTON INVSPIVAV Bust of Caracaila r., laur. Border of dots. AELM[VNI]I P COIL (in ex.) Prow r.; above, cornucopiae. Border of dots. Head of Apollo r., laur. TROAS ALEXANDRIA TROAS BRONZE Third and Second Centuries B. C. AAE (above) Horse feeding 1. Beneath, uncertain monogram. I. From SARCOPHAGUS 16. 2. From THEATRE. Thrace; see Munzcr unil Srmck; Die anlike Miinvn vo coins of Caracalla from Coda in B. M. Cat. Thrace ; for re: (Horse r.). 3. I'rom SARC. 120. 4. From SARC. 121. 5. Not in B. M. Cat. Thrakien. Teil I, Hft. i, p. 115, no. 239; pi. iii., 34, 6. No cf. no. 2 (Commodus); inset, differs. 7. B. M. Cat. Troar, no. 10 TROAS PAGE 299 WEIGHT OBVERSE REVERSE Colonial Coinage a.)Without heads or names oj Emperors Caracalla Gallienus AL [EXTjRO Bust of Alexandria Troas r., turreted; behind, vexillum inscribed CO Border of dots. AV COLAVC TRO fin ex.) Horse feeding r. Border of dots. 8 3-92 M 20.5 T AV COTRO Similar. CO[L AVjTRO Eagle r., holding bull’s head in talons. Border of dots. 9 5-74 M 20.5 T CO LTROAD Similar. COLA VCOTRO[A) Eagle facing, head 1., holding bull’s head in tdons. Border of dots. 10 4.15 JE 19.5 \ Inscr. Similar. Inscr. Wolf r., suckling twins. Border of dots. 5.78 M 23.0 T CO ALEX-TRO COLAVCO (above) TROAD (in ex.) 12 4.94 JE 21.0 T AL EXTRO COLAVC (above) TRO (in ex.) ^)lVith heads and names of Emper'ors Commodus AVRCOM [MODVS] Bust of young Commodus r., wearing cuirass and paludamentiim. Border of dots. [COLAVC TROA] Statue of Apollo Smintheus r., on pedestal, wearing himation with quiver at shoulder; in r., patera; in 1., bow. Border of dots? 13 5-77 M 23.0 T Caracalla MAVRANTONINVSPIVSAV Bust of young Cara- calia r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Border of dots. COLALEXA (above) AVC (in ex.) Horse feeding r. on tuft of grass. Border of dots 14 5-44 M 22.0 / Severus Alexander Inscr. Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. COLALEX (above) AVC (in ex.) Horse feeding r. 15 16 5-72 3.66 JE 22.5 y IE 20.5 / AVRSEVERVS ALE[XANDRV SAVC(?)] [MAVR(?)]SEVAL EXANDR — Maximus Caesar IVLVMAXIMVSC Bust of Maximus Caesar r., head bare, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. COLAVC (above) TRO (in ex.) Wolf r., suckling twins. 17 5-65 ^ 22.5 i [PLATE] Voiusian — VIBI— Bust of Voiusian r., laur., wearing cuir¬ ass and paludamentum. Border of dots. [CO]LAV--- (above) TROA (in ex.) Similar. 18 1-33 (broken) 2E 18.5 i 8. B- M. Cat. Troas, nos. 46-50 {Oho. inscr. differs). 10. Ib., no. 57 (Obo. insa.: CO TROAD). 11. Ib., nos. 58-61 {Ohv and rn. inscrr. differ). 12. Ib., nos. 58-61 {Oho. inscr. differs; A for A in rev. insert.). 15. Ib.. no. 62 {Obv. inscr.; COM MOD). 14- Ib., no. 96 {Obo. and rn. insert, differ). 15-6. Ib., nos. 125-9 {Oho. and rev. insert, differ). 17. Not in B. M. Cat. Traas: ef Mionnet, Supp. v, p. 540, no. 293 (on rn. TROA). PAGE }oo TROAS NO. WEIGHT Tilf OBVERSE REVERSE Valerian I IMPLICVALERIAN — Bust of Valerian I r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Border of dots. COLAVC[ ] (above) TRO (in ex.) Horse feeding r. Border of dots. '9 4-43 /E 20.5 20 4.88 7E 20.5 (TROA) IMPLICI VALERIAN Similar. CO AVC T[RO] Eagle r., holding bull’s head in talons. Border of dots. 21 3-44 (pierced) 20.0 T IMPLiCVALERIANVS Similar. COLAVC (above) TRO (in ex.) Wolf r., suckling twins. Border of dots. 6.66 JE 20.0 23 4-03 Ai 20.5 \ Gallienus [IM]PLICINCALLIENVS Bust of Gallienus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. CO LAVC (above) TRO (in ex.) Horse feeding r.; behind him, horseman standing r., wearing chlamys; in r., pedum. 24 3-24 (broken) ^ 19.0 \ IMPCLICICALLieNVS Similar. Border of dots. CO AV TRO Eagle r., holding bull’s head in talons. Border of dots. 25 5.88 JE 21.0 \ IMPC — Similar. COL — Eagle facing, head r. 26 ..76 JE 15.5 T ---LLIEN Similar. Border of dots. COL — Wolf r., suckling twins. Border of dots. 27 1.76 ^ (?) T (Only one-quarter of this coin remains) ASSOS Circa 479 B. C. — Circa 450 B. C. SILVER Griffin recumbent r.; !. forepaw raised. Linear border. ASS (above) Lion’s head r., within incuse square. 28 0.60 Ai 9,0 [PLATE] 1 Similar. Similar. (No inscr.) 29 30 0.92 0-77 7R 10.5 7R lo.o \ /R. 9.0 S, Ai 9.0 / [PLATE] 31 32 0-55 0.47 BRONZE Similar. Lion’s head r. Linear border. 33 34 0.85 0.37 q q [PLATE] 11, 13. M. Cat. rrcflj, no. 164 (w-inscr.: AVC TRO). 22-3. lb., nos, 167-8 (Oii- inscr iliffpr.l Tk /^i_ • lacks S; .. inscr.: C OL AV TRO), 15. lb., no. .77 (rr,. inset, has AVC for AV . 18 NoSf th s''t!pe with inii b b" m' Cat. (but cf. no. 2). 33-4. No bronze coins of this type in B, M. Cat. TROAS PAGE ^oi WEIGHT OBVERSE REVERSE Circa 400 B. C. — - Circa 241 B. C. SILVER Head of .Athena r., wearing crested helmet wreathed As (ro 1., upwards) with olive. SI (above) ON (to r., downwards) Bull’s head, facing. .15 1.19 A t [PL.ATE] In field r., bunch of grapes BRONZE Head of Athena r., wearing crested helmet. As SI (in field, 1. and r. Bull’s head facing. 36 0.99 lO.O .Above, APTA 37 0.94 /E I!.0 / 38 1.19 .E lo.o lion’s head r. 39 1.04 M lo.o \ 40 0.86 M 10.5 41 1.41 iE lo.o “ kantharos. 1.23 iE lo.o “ bunch of grapes. y 43 i.36 JE 10.5 [?1 \ I 11 9-5 “ “ (Obscure) ^(?) 45 1.06 yE lO.O / I.O JE 9-5 / 47 0.87 yE^g.5 Female head r., wearing stephane. ASSI (above) Ihimderbolt, within incuse circle. 48 2.0 JE 13.0 T [PI..ATE1 Head of .Athena r., wearing crested helmet wreathed AssI (above) with laurel. Griffin recumbent 1. 49 7,64 /E 19.0 In ex., swan flying 1. 50 7-75 ,«19.S 51 7.58 .E 21.0 [PLATE] 52 6.88 JE. i9.<: (Countermark: Griffin recumbent 1.; below, " caduceus (Countermark: owl facing.) / lAlssIH) 53 7-57 ■*' 19-5 In ex., thunderbolt. 54 7.61 A'. 20.5 '■ thyrsos. 55 8.13 yE 19.5 “ cornucopiae. 56 7.52 ^E 21.0 In ex., one-handled cup. 57 7.09 .E 20.; (Countermark: Griffin recumbent 1.; below, “ prow 1. (Countermark: Owl r., within T [Als2[l]) [PLATE! oval incuse.) 5S 9.24 .E 20.5 [PL.ATE] In ex., prow 1. 59 6.18 •E 19.; T ■■ [?] (Countermark: Owl r., within oval incuse.) 60 7.29 .E 22.0 (Countermark: Bull’s head facing.) In ex., [?i 5-83 t JE 19.0 (Countermark: [?] within oval incuse.) “ “ (Obscure) (!) Similar. Similar. 62 3-9- .E 17-5 In ex., swan flying 1. \ 35. B. .M. Cat. Trnas. no. 5 (bunch of Rrapes in field 1.). 39. From SARC. 81. 41. For symbol, see HunlerCat. ii, p. 299 no 6- nut in B. M. Cat- TVoiir. 42. Not in B-M. Cat. 48. //iri. p. 542- 49. From 8ARC. 111- 51. From .fiARC. in ;2-t. These symbols not in B. M- Cat. Troas. 52. For symbol, see IliinlerCa!. ii. p. 2i;9, no. l. 53. For symbol, ib., no. 3. 55 For symbol, see Mionnet, Sapp. V. p. 295, no. 86. 56-61. flics symbols not in B. M. Cut. 1 roar- PAGE ^u2 TROAS METAL NO. WEIGHT 63 3-38 JF. 14.< r /F, 16.5 f'H ,3-71 (>s 3-'i Ai n-S / 66 3’i3 JF. 15.5 \ 67 3-47 M 14.S 68 4-30 fa 0 69 3-9' 70 4.09 JE 14-5 T JE 16.0 i 71 3-13 72 4.25 JE 14.5 J 73 4.0 * >4-5 74 3-71 JE. 54-5 \ 75 2.89 JE 15.0 \(?) 76 3-9* JF. 16.0 77 3-37 JE 16.0 \ 78 5.09 JE 15.0 79 3-5 IF. r6.o 80 2.59 JE. 16.0 81 3-64 JE. 16.5 r 82 3-” JE 15.5 83 3-7 JF. 15.0 (?) 84 2.63 JE 13.0 T 85 0.67 JE. 9-0 T JE 9.5 f 86 0.82 87- 0.89 JF. 8.0 88 I.O iP) lO.O \ 89 0.85 /F. lo.o 90 0.84 ip. 9.0 J 91 0.55 til b b 92 0.76 93 0.40 JE 9.0 r 94 0.71 9.5 / 95 0.86 /E lo.o r 96 0.91 JE lo.o 97 J-3 7E 13.0 r 98 0.71 tE io.o 99 1.19 f JE II.s ! OavERSE (Coiiiuermark: Owl I., within circular incuse.) | In (Countermark: Owl r., within circular incuse.) (Countermark: Owl r., within circular incuse.) (PLATE) (Countermark: Owl r., within circular incuse.) (Countermark: Owl r., within circular incuse.) [PLATE] (Countermark: Owl r., within circular incuse.) (Countermark: Bull’s head [?] facing, within ci cular incuse.) ex., ear of corn. bunch of grapes- (Countermark: Owl r., within circular incuse.) . spear-head. thunderbolt. “ (Obscure) (Obscure) Similar. In ex., ear of corn bunch of grapes. [PLATE] caduceus. thyrsos. laurel-branch. bull’s head, club. thunderbolt. 64- From ROAD-TOWER. 68-78. These symbols r 70-1. For symbol, ib., no. 2. 72-3. For symbol, lb., no. 70. 92-101- Tlicse symbols not in li. M. Cat. Trcos. in B. M. Cat. Troat, 68-9. For symbol, see Ilunler Cat. ii, p. 299, no. i 79-80. These symbols not in B. M. Cat. Troas. 81. From SARC. 12-3. For symbol, seeliunter Cat. ii, p. 299, no. i. 95-6. For symbol. TROAS PAGE 303 NO. WEIGHT 1- ----- ' AXIS OBVERSE REVERSE 100 ! 1.07 jf. 9.5 i In ex., thunderbolt. lOI , 1.05 aE II.5 102 ■ 0.84 •T. 1 0.0 " [?] 103 0.91 9.0 In ex., [?] ro4 1.32 10.5 \ 105 0.67 JE 9.5 106 1.05 JE 10.0 .. .. r 107 I.II JE 9.5 / 108 0.67 S. 9.5 T 109 i.i q q (Type 1.) no : 0-53 / in 0.81 /E 10.0 0.84 ^^9.5 9.5 ”3 1 0-7^ (Obscure) ! J (?) 114 0.74 * 9-5 115 0.89 lE 9.5 r 116 1.63 ."E ii.o (Obscure) t (!) 117 0.94 iE 9.0 / 118 0.80 JE 8.0 (Obscure) (?) 119 I.O M 12.0 (broken) T 120 0.64 JE 12.0 (broken) / Head of Athena, three-quarter face towards r., [AssI] (above)] Griffin standing )., 1. foreleg wearing crested helmet wreathed with laurel. raised. 121 6.49 IE. 21.0 (Countermarks: Owl I., and uncertain object, each (Countermark: Head of Athena r., within circular T within circular incuse.) incuse.) [PLATE] Head of Medusa, three-quarter face towards 1., A22I (above) Griffin standing !., r. foreleg with waving hair; two serpents tied under chin. raised. 122 8.9 /F. 21.5 tE 23.0 (Countermark: Owl 1., within circular incuse.) )23 7.61 (Countermark: Owl 1., within circular incuse.) T 124 7.92 tE 21.0 T (Countermark: Owl 1., within circular incuse.) 125 7-35 iE 21.0 t (Countermark: Owl J., within circular incuse.) Imperial Coinage Augustus sEBAs TO 2 (from L, downwards) Head of An- AS2I (above) gustus r., bare. Border of dots. Griffin recumbent r. 126 3-31 JE 16.5 (No border.) [PL.ATE] 127 4-34 JF. 18.0 128 3-43 lE 18.0 [PLATE] 129 3-4'’ lE ^17.5 A\ 18.0 T 130 ' 4.50 (No border.) 122-5. M- Cat. Troas, no. 23 (forw-). 124. From R()AO-T( )WER. 126-30. Not in h. M Cat.' see Miunnet. 11, p. 523, no. 58 (uiw. inscr. difters). PAGE ^04 TROAS WEIGHT OBVERSE REVERSE sEBAsTOS (to r., upwards) Similar. Assi (above) Griffin recumbent 1 ., in ex.. ■3^ 3-78 /E i<:.s r' A'. 15.0 [PT..ATE1 13- 3-i7 133 2.44 A'. 15.5 >34 2.5J A^, 15.5 f Claudius TIKAAYAIO 2 EBAST 03 (from r., downwards) Head of Claudius r., laur. A22l (to 1., upwards) Head of Athena r., wearing helmet. Border of pellets. >35 3-85 A'. 16.0 T [P! ,ATE] Similar. A22I (above) Griffin recumbent r.; in ex., thun¬ derbolt. Border of dots. nf’ 3-77 .a: 18.0 [PLATE] \ >37 3-49 .E 18.0 '3« 3-9'’ ■E 17.5 '3'J 5.K .E 18.0 Border of dots. \ 140 4.01 /E, 18.0 1 141 3.80 E. 19.5 >4- 3.02 .E 17.5 >43 3-34 .E 17.0 \ Titus and Domitian TATOC(j/f) AOK[AI] CAP (from r., downwards) ASSIQN (in ex.) Griffin recumbent 1 .; in field r.. Busts of Titus r., and of Domitian, 1 ., both laur., face to face. wreath. Border of dots. >44 3-79 ■E 17.0 [PL.ATE] >45 4.22 E 18.0 Trajan A[VT0lKKAITPA1APCerG[PAf?)] Bust of Trajan i ASSIGN (to r., downwards) Bust of .Athena r., r., laur. wearing crested .Athenian helmet. Border of pellets. 146 16.63 32.0 I [PLATE] Commodus AVKAAV KOMOAOC of Commodus r., laur.. KPINAK lAHE wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Border of ACEIfiN (in ex.) dots. Altar, on which coiled serpent. Border of dots. >47 8.25 •E 23. ? [PLATE] \ .48 6-35 .i; 53.S \ AVKAI KOMOAO Similar. ACC IQN Telesphoros standing facing. Border of dors. >49 348 E' 16.5 [PI..ATEI AVKAI KOMOAO Similar. ACCI QN Tyche standing 1 ., wearing modius, and C holding in outstretched r., rudder; in 1., cortiuco- 150 3-^5 ,E 18.5 [PLATE] piae; at her feet, reeds growing. Border of dots. i lti-4. Not in B. M. Cat. II5. H.M.Cat.,no. 24, tfc. (co Cat. 139. from S.ARC. iii. 141-6. Nut in B. M. Cat. 147- . Cf, 13 - M- Cat.,nu, 35 (oto, inscr.: AVKAAI, etc.; ex. inscr. on w. should he printed with final N —see pi. vii, 17). 149. Nut ends witli C). in 15 . M. Can; see Miimnet, Descr. ii, p, 534, no. 62 (ufc. inscr. TROAS PAGE 30J »o. WEIGHT OBVERSE • • • KOM, .. . Similar (No border). GTTICTPA[P IjCTOAAO [V] ACCI£5N (in ex.) Asklepios wearing himation over lower limbs, seated 1. on throne without back; in outstretched r., patera; with 1. he leans on tall staff entwined - with serpent. Border of dots. 151 *■34 Ji. 22.5 i [PLATE] Septimius Severus AVKAC6TTCG0V HP[OCTTePTI] Bust of Septimius Severus r., laur. Border of dots. ACC IQN Asklepios, wearing himation, standing to front, looking i.; holds in r. serpent-encircled staff. Border of dots. 152 2.66 M 18.0 i [PLATE] * Geta TTCGUrGT ACKAICAP Bust of Geta r., draped. Border of dots. ACC IfJN Female figure wearing stola, standing 1., holding in outstretched r., vase. Border of dots. 153 4.76 20.0 i 4^; 18.0 i [PLATE] '54 2.68 (broken) CEBREN Fifth Century, B. C. {The attribution of this coin to Cebren, while probable, is not certain) SILVER Head of ram I. Incuse square of rude form. '55 1.27 iR 9-5 GARGARA Circa 400 B C. — 284 B. C. BRONZE Head of Apollo r., laur. TAP (above) galloping r. 156 157 - 3-59 5.48 ^ 17-5 /E 17.5 T [PLATE] GERGIS Circa 400 B. C. — 350 B. C. BRONZE Head of the Sibyl Herophile, laur., three-quarter face towards r. PEP (above) Sphinx seated r.; whole within in¬ cuse square. 158 0.69 JE 8-5 1 NEANDRIA Circa 400 B. C. — Circa 310 B. C. SILVER Head of Apollo r., laur. MEAN (above) Horse feeding r.; whole within in¬ cuse square. 159 1.81 7R 12.0 i 150. Not in B. M. Cat.; see Mionnec. Sufp. v. p. 295, no. 90. 151, Not In B. M. Cat. Traas; W cf. p. 206. no. 202 {rev.), pi. Ixi, 4 (Mytilene — M. Aurelius). See F. Imhoof-Bkimer. KUinasialische M iinun, i. p. 37, no. 2; and Inf. If’add., no. 665. for an apparen^tly similar magistrate’s name (APIC.,..AAAA, and A-ICTO-A6[?|). Among the Assos coins was a rubbing of a coin la¬ belled ■' Smyrna, Evangelical School,” presenting the same types, with the following rev. inscr.: |G|TTICTPZQI 0 V TOVZfilAOV; exergue as above; size: 31.0. 152. Not in B. M. Cat.; but cf. .similar rev. on coins of .Antandrus, Aegae, Came, Cyme, Elaea, and Pordosilene iq3-4- Not in B. M. Cat.; rev. resembles Miiinnct, Descr. ii, p. 524, no. 65 (Sev. Alexander). 155. B. M. Cat. rroor,no.i'isalargercoin,cf./fimfrrCfl/.ii,p.300,no.i(headr.). 136. From UNDER TEMPLE MOSAIC. 158. B. M, Cat. Troas, nos. 2-4 (no incuse). PAGE p6 TROAS - AEOLIS - LESBOS NO- WEIGHT AXIS OBVERSE BRONZK Similar. Similar. (No incuse square) i6o 4.19 M 15.5 SCEPSIS Circa 400 H. C. — Circa 310 B. C. BRONZE Forepart of Pegasos r., body ending in horn. 2 K (in field, 1. and r.) Fir-tree within linear square. i6i 0.81 JE 8.5 To 1., outside square, thyrsos (?) T AEOLIS LARISSA PHRICONIS Fourth Century B. C. BRONZE Female head 1., wearing sphendone and earring. AA PI (in field, 1. and r.) Amphora. 162 4-45 JE 17.5 [PLATE] In field L, caduceus; in field r., bunch of grapes; / above, AP; beneath, club. LESBOS Circa 550 B. C. — 440 B. C. BILLON Head of Orpheus (?) 1., wearing Thracian (?) headdress. Lion’s head 1., within incuse square. 163 1.85 Bll. II.5 i Circa 330 B. C. — 280 B. C.? Struck at Methymna? BRONZE HeadofHera (?) r., wearing stephane, earring, and necklace. AlOAE (above) Thunderbolt. 164 4.05 (broken) JE 16.0 Beneath, bunch of grapes. 165 4.11 JE 15.0 “ “ 166 2.88 M 15.5 167 3-Si Ai 18.0 caduceus. 16S /E 11.5 169 0.84 ■iE 9.0 .. —♦ 170 o.8j /E 9.5 METHYMNA Second and First Centuries B. C. BRONZE Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion’s skin. AA A (in field, 1. and r.) Kantharos. J7I 0-53 JE 9.5 In fieldivy-leaf. l6j. Cf. B. M. Cat. TVoflj, no. 20 {otrv. type 1.), and nos. 12-3 exactly similar). 171. Ib., no. 35 (oto.). and no, 34 {rev.)- MYSIA -- IONIA PAGE ^07 IJ2 1.40 .^R II.5 173 1-39 .^R 10.5 174 1.19 Al 10.5 175 r-39 /R ii.j 176 0.80 177 0.78 4.60 M 9.5 I ^^9.5 * 17.0 ■ T El. 6.0 T 4.48 M 19.5 \ 4.09 M /7-5 3-99 /R 17-5 MYSIA PERGAMUM a) Before the establishment of the Pergamene Kingdom. 310 — 283 B. C. SILVER Attic Standard Diobols Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion’s skin. TEPrAM (to I., upwards.) The Palladiiini, brandishing in r.,spear; in I., shield, from which hangs fillet; on the head, kalathos; drapery over each arm. PEP (below) Head of Athena r., wearing crested helmet. Head of Athena ) with griffin. Royal Period ATTALUS II 159 — 138 B. C. BRONZE , wearing helmet ornamented 4>IAETAIP°Y (to , downwards) Serpent coiled, IONIA Seventh and Sixth Centuries B. C. ELECTRUM Phoca'/c Standard 1/24-Stater Irregular incuse square. EPHESUS Circa 202 — 133 B. C. SILVER Attic Standard Drachms E t (in field, 1. and r.) Bee. Border of dors. ! Stag standing r. before a date-palm tree. AKPoMEN (to r., downwards) BIANQP (“ “ ) 179. B. M. Cat. Ionia, p. 5, no. 21 (/s-Stater, Phoenician Standard); Babelon, Traile , I. I, pi. V, 37 (,'j-Stater, Phncaic Standard). 180-1. Neither of these magistrate's nan onnet, Descr. iii, p. 86, no. 178. PAGE ^oB IONIA »o WEIGHT METAL OBVERSE REVERSE Imperial Times Augustus and Livia Heads of Augustus, laur., and of Livia, jugate, r. inscr. Stag standing r.; above, quiver. ■8j 4.69 '9-5 t Inscr. illeg. ERYTHRAE Circa 387 — 300 B. C. BRONZE Head of young Herakles r., wearing lion's skin. EPY (above) Club and bow in case. 184 2.03 11.5 PANTAN^Yfs] (between club and bow). SMYRNA Second and First Centuries B. C. BRONZE Head of Apollo r., laur. IMYPNAinN (to r., downwards) Tripod. ■8S . ‘•57 JE 13.0 . H 5 (to downwards). 1 Similar. [I]MVP (to r., downwards) Lyre. 186 1.02 10.5 T To 1 ., downwards, magistrate's name, illeg. Imperial Times Julia Domna ceBACTH lOVMA Bust of Julia Domna r., draped. rNeQKOP QN l/iniAM CMYP (in ex.) Tetrastyle temple-front, within which, statue of Tyche standing 1 ., wearing modius, and holding in r., rudder, in 1 ., cornucopiae. In pediment, pellet. Border of dots. 187 9-^3 /E 24.0 \ Severus Alexander A K-M AVPCe OVAAeZANAPOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and paluda- mentum. Border of dots. CMVPNAIQNrNefiKOPON ) , . TTPSTONA (Above C 1 A C 1 '"■■'""B) eiTCTPANT 1 1 OXOV 1 Three temples, the central one seen in front view, the others cornerwise. Border of dots. 188 20.20 JE 35.0 \ CHIOS After 84 B. C. BRONZE Sphinx seated 1. X 0 [1] s (in field, 1. and r.) Amphora. 189 0.58 JE. 7.0 Imperial Times Tetrachalkon XI £5 N Sphinx seated 1 ., r. forepaw raised. Border of dots. i T 0 TPA XAAKON Bunch of grapes. Border of dots. 190 2.17 JE 15.0 \ in front, prow 1. 18+- This magistrate's name not in B, M. Cat. l88. Not in B. M. Cat. Jonia (but cf. no. 455, rtv. [Valerian], and nos. 434-6 formagistrate’s name [Julia Mamaeal). Mionnet, Descr. iii, p. 246, no. 1390 (C 60 VHP for C 60 V.) 189. Nothing exactly similar In B. M. Cat.; but cf. nos. 98-ror. IONIA - CARIA - LYDIA PAGE 309 WEIGHT OBVERSE REVERSE SAMOS Plotina CeBAC TTAOTeiNA Bust of Plotina r., draped. Border of dots. [CA]M [l]fi[N] (from 1., downwards) Nemesis standing facing, wearing long chiton, and peplos as veil; her r. arm is bent and couches her breast. Border of pellets. I9I 4.76 18.5 \ CARIA TABAE Julia Domna C6BACTH [IOVaIA]. Bust of Julia Domna r., draped. Border of dots. TABH NfJN. Tyche standing 1., holding rudder and cornucopiae. Border of dots. 192 11.79 JE 26.0 i COS Uncertain Emperor Inscr. obscure. Head of Emperor r., laur. KnifiN (to 1., downwards) Bust of Athena 1., helmeted. 193 3-44 M 16.0 t LYDIA ATTALEA Commodus AVKAIMAV PHKOMMOAOC. Bust of Commodus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. CTPCerHP[0]V APTeM[l]AQPOV [AT] TA } a[0] at f (in field, 1. and r.) Q N ) Zeus Lydios, naked to the waist, standing to front, looking 1.; holds in outstretched r., eagle; in 1., short-shafted sceptre. Border of dots. 194 15.22 M 30.0 i [PLATE] TRALLES Under the name Seleucia 300 — 250 B. C. Head of Zeus r., laur. [sjEAEVKEnN (above.) Bull standing 1., head to front; in ex., magistrate's name; all within en¬ circling maeander border. 195 3-77 S. ^17.5 [AP]TEMIA£IP[os] jgi. NotinB-M. Cat./onio; butcf.nos.24l(FaustinaJun.), and 359 (Etruscilla). 193. Cf- B.M. Cat. Cana, no. 243 (rro.), a coin of Hadrian. 194. Not in B. M. Cat. Lydia; Mionnet, Discr. iv, p. 13, no. 66 (CeiTHPOV). 195. Not in B. M. Cat. Lydia; F- Imhoof-Blumer, Lydische Sladtmunun, p. 169, no. l; pi. vii. 7. PAGE }io ROMAN COINS WEIGHT METAL ROMAN COINS 196 2-55 JE 19.0 Augustus. Rev.: Pegasus, and name of P. Petronius Turpilianus. 197 2.38 M 14.S — Rev.: Capricorn. ■ 9 i 1 3-32 19.0 Trajan. Rev.: Abundancia. C. ii, p. 18, no. 9. '99 1.03 Ai 8.5 Antoninus Pius. Rev.: Victory. C. ii, p. 278, no. 86; or p. 279, no. 99. 200 3-54 Bill. 23.5 Otacilia Severa. Rev.: Concordia. C. v, p. I44, no. 9. 20. 3-43 JE 23.0 Claudius II. Rev.: Fortuna. C. vi, p. 140, no. loi. 2.89 21.0 — Rev.: Trophy. C. vi, p. 160, no. 308. 203 2.87 Bill. 22 Aurelian. Rev.: Victory. C. vi, p. 204, no. 259; R. p. 208, no. 384. 204 3-19 JE 19.5 Diocletian. Rev.: Jupiter and Emperor. (Heraclea mint, off. f). C. vi, p. 419, no. 34. 205 3.08 JE 21.0 — Rev.: Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. A). 20^ 3-34 4 ^; 21.5 Maximian I. Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. A). C. vi, p. 499, no. 54. 207 3-40 JE 21.0 -Rev.: Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. 6). 20E 2.14 JE 21.0 Constantins I, Cssar. Rev.: Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. B). C. vii, p. 60, no. 20. 20t ^ 14.0 Helena. Rev.: Pax. (Constantinople mint, off. ?; 5th emission). M. ii, p. 535; C. vii, p. 95, no. 4. 2!0 3-89 JE 22.0 Licinius I. Rev.: Jupiter holding Victory. (Siscia mint, off.?; 6th emission). M. ii, p. 324; C. vii, p. 196, no. 67. 211 3-04 JE 24.0 — Rev.: Similar. (Thessalonica mint, off. A; 4th emission). M. ii, p. 431; C. vii, p. 201, nos. 124-5. 212 2.42 JE. 19.0 — Rev.: Similar. (Nicomedia mint. off. A; 8th emission). M. iii, p. 44; C. vii, p. 196, no. 74. 6.1; .E =4.0 Maximian II. Genius August!. (Cyzicus mint, off. €; 2nd emission). M. iii, p. 97; C. vii, p. 106, nos. 40-1. 214 4.78 JE 21.5 Maximia II. Rev.: Similar. (Nicomedia mint, off. A; 3rd emission). M. iii, p. 19; C. vii, p. 145, no. 31. 215 2.86 JE 18.5 Constantine I. Rev.: VOT XXX (Heraclea mint, off. d; 9th emission). M. ii, p. 599; C. vii, p. 243, no. 129. 216 2-57 M 23.S — Rev.: Jupiter holding Victory. (Nicomedia mint, off.?; 3rd emission). M. iii, p. 20; C. vii, p. 261, no. 283. 217 2.40 JE. 18.5 — Rev.: Fortified portal. (Cyzicus mint, off. A or A; 9th emission). M. iii, p. 126; C. vii, p. 281, no. 454. 218 1.91 JE 17.0 (Constantine I) Urbs Roma. Rev.: Wolf and twins. (Cyzicus mint, off. f; loth emission). M. iii, p. 132; C. vii, p. 330, no. 17. 219 '•35 /€ 14.5 — Similar. Rev.: Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. r?; loth emission). 22c '•34 /e. 17.5 — Constantinople. Rev.: Victory. (Cyzicus mint, off.?; loth emission). M. iii, p. 133; C. vii, p. 326, no. 21. 221 >•73 JE 18.5 Crispus Csesar. Rev.: Victory. (Sirmium mint, off.?; ist emission). M. ii, p. 390; C. vii, p. 340-1, no. I. 222 3'09 JE 19.0 — Rev.: Fortified portal. (Cyzicus mint, off. T; 9th emission). M. iii, p. 127; C. vii, p. 352, no. 125. 223 3.62 JE 19.0 — Rev.: Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. A; 9th emission). 224 1.96 JE 16.0 Constantins II. Rev.: Soldier spearing enemy. (? mint). C. vii, p. 447, no. 45. 225 2-73 JE 16.0 — Rev.: Similar. (? mint). C. vii, p. 447, no. 46. 226 2.66 7 E 15.5 — Rev.; Similar. (? mint). 22- 1.78 JE 17.0 --Rev.: Similar. (? mint). 22 1.29 JE 13.0 - Rev.: VOT XX MVLT XXX (? mint). C. vii, p. 492, no. 335. 22t 1.19 15.0 Constans. Rev.: Two Victories (Antioch mint, off. 6). C. vii, p. 431, no. 176. 23c '•'3 JE. 13.5 — Rev.; VOT XX MVLT XXX (? mint). C. vii, p. 435, no. 197. 23 3-09 M 17.5 Julian 11 . Rev.: VOT X MVLT XX (?mint). C. viii, p. 62, no. 151. 23 '•54 M 17.S Valentinian I, Emperor and captive. (Thessalonica mint, off. B). C. viii, p. 88, no. 12. ROMAN AND BYZANTINE COINS PAGE 3 I I WEIGHT m 1.90 JE 17.5 Valentinian I. Rev.: Victory. (Thessalonica mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 92, no. 37. 234 2.48 JE 17.0 Valens. Rev.: Victory. (Siscia mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 110, no. 47. 23 s 2.62 JE 17-5 — Rev.: Emperor and captive. (Cyziciis mint, off. T). C. viii, p. 103, no. 11. 236 1.98 JE 17.5 Gratian. Rev.: Victory. (Constantinople mint, off. ?). C. viii, p. 130, no. 34. 237 2.99 JE 17-5 Rev.: Constantinople or Roma. (Antioch mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 125, no. 3. 238 0.92 JE 14.0 Rev.: VOT XX MVLT XXX (Antioch mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 135, no. 77. 239 0.80 JE 14.0 Theodosius I. Rev.: Victory. (Heraclea mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 158, no. 30. 240 2.75 JE 18.0 — Rev.: Constantinople or Roma. (Constantinople mint, off, A). C. viii, p. 155, no. 14. 241 3.61 JE ai.o — Rev.: Emperor and Victory on ship. (Constantinople mint, off. ?). C. viii, p. 156, no. 19. 242 2.05 JE 14.5 — Rev.: Emperor on horseback, (Constantinople mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 156, no. 21. 243 5.18 JE 24.0 — Rev.: Emperor standing, and seated captive. (Constantinople mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 161, no. 54. 244 4.87 JE. 21.5 — Rev.: Emperor standing. (Nicomedia mint, off. A or A). C. viii, p. 155, no. 18. 245 1.42 JE 18.0 Honorius. Rev.: Emperor and Victory. (Cyzicus mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 186, no. 56. 246 1-34 JE 17-5 — Rev.: Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. A). 247 5-83 JE 45.0 — Rev.: Emperor standing. (Antioch mint, off. A). C. viii, p. 181, no. 20. 248 1.54 JE 14.0 — Rev.: Honorius and Arcadius standing. (? mint). C. viii, p. 181, no. 26. 249 1-13 JE 13.0 Arcadius. Reti.; Victory and captive. (Constantinople mint, off. T). T., no. 105; S., no. 41. 250 0.97 JE 13.0 — Rev.: Similar. (Constantinople mint, off. A). 251 2.59 JE I7-S — Rev.: Emperor and Victory. (Cyzicus mint, off. ?). T., no. 128; not in S. 252 2.IS JE 18.0 — Rev.: Constantinople or Roma. (Antioch mint.^ off. ?). T., nos. 73-5; S., no. 31 (rev.) BYZANTINE COINS 253 15.14 JE 33-0 Justin I. Rev.: M (Constantinople mint, off. A). B. M. Cat., no. 20. 254 4.61 JE 23.0 — Rev.: 1 (Constantinople mint). B. M. Cat., no. 38. 255 1.65 JE 12.0 — Rev.: ^ > on r. 6 (Constantinople mint, off. A). B. M. Cat., no. 40. 256 16.21 JE 34-0 Justinian I. Rev.: M (Constantinople mint, off. A; year 28 = A. D. 554-5). B. M. Cat., 89. 257 3-5° JE 16.0 — Rev.: 1 (Cyzicus mint; year 23 = A. D. 549-50). Not in B. M. Cat.; S., no. 99. 25a 5.88 M 19.0 Tiberius H and Anastasia. Rev.: K (Thessalonica mint; year 5). B. M. Cat., no. 60. 259 9.89 JE 34-‘5 Phocas. Rev.: XXXX (Constantinople mint, off. ?; year ?). B. M. Cat., nos. 40-47. 260 5.69 JE 21.0 — Rev.: XX (Cyzicus mint, off. A). B. M. Cat., no. 100. 261 5.21 JE 25.0 — Rev.: Similar. (Cyzicus mint, off. .’). 262 12.58 JE 32.0 Heraclius I and Heraclius II. Rev.: M (Constantinople mint, off. B; year 3 A. D. 612-3). B. M. Cat., no. 1 19 (Restruck on M coin of Tiberius II and Anastasia, Antioch mint, off. ?; year 6; cf. B. M. Cat., nos. 193-212). 263 4.56 JE 27.0 (Romanus IV.) Oiv. Bust of Christ. Rev.: C R P A in angles of cross. (Constantinople mint). B. M. BARBARIAN COIN Danube District ? Time of Hadrian ? 264 1.36 JE 13.0 IMPH (to 1., downwards) .NVN (to r., downwards) Head of Emperor, beardless, r., laur., wearing palu- 1., downwards) .ALNS S (to r., upwards) Female figure standing 1., holding in r., Victory (?); in !., cornucopiae. Border of dots. [PLATE] COIN OF THE LA1TN EAST Mytilene Dorino Gattilusio 265 1.32 JE 16.5 4-D0M[NVS]*MeTen+* surrounding the arms of the Palaeologi. , ^ Rev.: Double-headed eagle displayed, bearing euc oeur the arms of the Gattilusn; to I. and r., D M Schlumberger, p. 442. PAGE JI2 INDICES TO THE GREEK COINS Numbers in heavy t\pe rejer to obverses 1. GEOGRAPHICAL A. Abdera: 5. Alexandria Troas: 7-27. Assos: 28-154. Athens: I. Attalea: 194. C. Cehren: 155. Chios: 189-90. Coela: 6. Cos: 193. E. Ephesus: 180-3. Erythrae: 184. G. Gargara: 156-7. Gergis: 158. Ionia (early electriim): 179. L. Larissa Phriconis: 162. Lesbos: 163-70. M. Macedon: 2-4. Methymna: 171. N. Neandria: 159. P. Pergamum: 172-8. S. Samos: 191. Scepsis: 160. Seleucia, see Tralles. Smyrna: 185-8. T. Tabae: 194. Tralles: 195. llA. TYPES. A. Alexandria Troas, bust of, turreled; Alexandria Troas, 8-12. Altar: Assos, 147-8- Amphora: Chios, 189; Larissa Phriconis, 162. .Apollo, head of, laur.: Abdera, 5; Alexandria Troas, 7; Gargara, 156-7; Neandria, 159; Smyrna 185-6. — Smintheus, statue of: Alexandria Troas, 13. •Askepios, seated: Assos, 151. — standing: Assos, 152. Athena, head of: Assos, 35-47; 49-121; 135; 146; Cos, 193; Pergamum, 176-7; 178. — Parthenos, head of: Athens, i. B. Bee: Ephesus, 180-2. Bow in case, and club: Erythrae, 184. Bull, head of: Assos, 35-47- — standing: Tralles, 195. C. Club, and bow in case: F.rythrae, 184. E. Ragle: Alexandria Troas, 26. — holding bull's head in talons: Alexandria Troas, 9-10; 21; 25. F. p’emale figure, standing: Assos, 153-4. — head: Assos, 48; Larissa Phriconis, 162. Fir-tree: Scepsis, 161. G. Grapes, bunch of; Chios, 190. Griffin, recumbent: Abdera, 5; Assos, 28-34; 49- 120; 126-34; 136-45- — standing: Assos, 121-5. H. Head, female: Assos, 48; Larissa Phriconis, 162. Hera,/itW 0/; Lesbos, 164-70. Herakles, young head of, wearing lion's skin: Elrythrae, 184; Macedon, 2-4; Methymna, 171; Pergamum, 172-7. Herophilc,o/.- Gergis, 158. Horse, and horseman: Alexandria Troas, 24. — feeding: Alexandria Troas, 7-8; 14-6; 19-20; Neandria, 159. — galloping: Assos, 156-7. I. Incuse square: Cebren, 155; Ionia, 179. K. Kantharos: Methymna, 171. L. Lion, head of: Assos, 28-34; Lesbos, 163. Lyre: Smyrna, 186. M. Medusa, head of: Assos, 122-5. N. Nemesis, standing: Samos, 191. O . Orpheus {?), head of: Lesbos, 163. P. Palladium: Pergamum, 173-5. Y'tgViSOS, forepart of: Scepsis, 161. Prow; Coela, 6. R. Ram, head of: Cebren, 155. S. Serpent, coiled: Ephesus, 178. Sphinx, Chios, 189-90; Gergis, 158. Stag, standing: Ephesus, 180-3. Swastika: Ionia, 179. T. Telesphoros, standing: Assos, 149. Temple-front,/e/rfli/y/e; Smyrna, 187. Temples, three: Smyrna, 188. Tripod: Smyrna, 185. Tyche, standing: Assos, 150; Tabae, 192. W. Wolf suckling twins: Alexandria Troas, 11-2; 17-8; 22-3; 27. Z. Zeus, head of: Tralles, 195. — Aetophoros, seated: Macedon, 2-4. — Lydios, standing: Attalea, 194. PAGE Pi IIB. EMPERORS AND Augustus: Assos, 126 - 34 . — and, jugate: Ephesus, 183 . Claudius: Assos, 135 - 43 . Titus and Dom\i:\a.r\,/ace to/ace: Assos, 144 - 5 . Trajan: .Assos, 146 . Piatina; Samos, 191 . Commodus: .Alexandria Troas, 13 ; Assos, 147 - 51 ; Attaiea, 194 . Septimus Severus: Assos, 152 . Julia Domna: Smyrna, 187 ; Tabae, 192 . IMPERIAL PERSONS. Caracalla; Alexandria Troas, 13 ; Coda, 6. Geta: .Assos, 153 - 4 . Severus Alexander: Alexandria Troas, 15 - 6 ; Smyrna, 188 . Maximus Caesar: .Alexandria Troas, 17 . Volusian; .Alexandria Troas, 18 . Valerian I: .Alexandria Troas, 19 - 23 . Gallienus: Alexandria Troas, 24 - 7 . Uncertain Emperor: Cos, 193 . IIIA. SYMBOLS B. K. Bee: Assos, 90-1. Bull, head of: Assos, 77; 79. Kantharos: Assos, 41. L, C. Caduceus: Assos, 52; 55; 68-9; 92-3; Larissa Phriconis, 162; Lesbos, 167-70. Club: Assos, 98; Larissa Phriconis, 162. Corn, ear of: Assos, 63; 85-6. Corn-grain: Neandria, 160. Cornucopiae: Coela, 6. Cup, one-handled: Assos, 56. Laurel-branch: Assos, 72-3; 95-6. Lion, head of: Assos, 38—40. P. Prow: Assos, 57-8. Q- guiver: Ephesus, 183. G. Grapes, bunch of: Assos, 35; 42; 87-g; Larissa Phriconis, 162; Lesbos, 164-6. S. Spear-head: Assos, 70-1. S'nslX\, flying: Assos, 49-51 ; 62. H. Helios, bust of: Athens, 1. T. Thunderbolt: Assos, 53, 74-6; 94; 99-101; 136- 1. Ivy-leaf: Methymna, 171. 43 - Thyrsos: Assos, 54; Scepsis, 161. IIIB. COUNTERMARKS. A. 0 . Athena, head of: within circular incuse: Assos, 121. Owl: .Assos, 52. — within circular incuse: Assos, 63 ; 68; 71 ; 74 - 5 ; B. Bull, head of: Assos, 60 . 80 - 1 ; 83 ; 121 - 5 . — within oval incuse: Assos, 57; 59. G. Gnffm, recumbent: below, Assi: Assos, 52 ; 57 . IVA. MAGISTRATES’ NAMES: AUTONOMOUS COINS. 'AKpnfieu.: Ephesus, 180. 'Ap.: Larissa Phriconis, 162. 'Apra..-. .Assos, 36. [’A/3]T€/itS£op[os]: Tralles, 195. ’E^e.: Athens, i. ’l(Ta[_y 6 pov] ([jejrrl): Abdera, 5. r. B. Btavwp.: Ephesus, 181. r'avTai'voi>[s] Erythrae, 184. ILl.EGIBT.E. r. r\ V.: Athens, i. Ephesus, 182; Smyrna, 185-6. IVB. MAGISTU.ATES’ NAMES: IMPERIAL COINS. A. K. 'Ai^i 6 \ov (in. cxTp.): Sev. Alexander, Smyrna, 188. ’A[pi]oToXdo[u] (in'i orp.): Commodus, Assos, 151. Z. Zcui'Xou Tov Z(oL>^ov ([e]rri orp.):Commodus, Assos, 151 7 iote. KpifaKt'Srj?: Commodus, .Assos, 147-8. 2. Seyrjp[o]u ’\pT€p\_i]8wpov ([«Vi] orp.): Com¬ modus, Attaiea, 194. V. REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS. A. AtOAE: Lesbos, 164-70. lEnEYKEfiN: Tralles, 195. CMVPNAIDN r NEfiKOPON TTPQTfiN ACIAC: Smvrna, 188. r. r NEOKOPQN CMYPNAinN: Smyrna, 187. T. TETPAXAAKON: Chios, igo. 2. 2EBAST02: Assos, 126 - 34 . . 4 >IAETAIPoY: Pergamum, 178.