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S * ( 7 ) A Dutch Conversation Ostade. 9 (8) Landscape. Extensive prospect over a flat country (a.d. 1695). De Koninck. 2 CATALOGUE . to- il, 12 . 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 . 19 , 20 , 21 . (9) Flower Piece. Group of flowers in a glass vase . . .J. Baptiste. (10) A Sea Fight. — Between the Dutch and English. Companion to Nos. 2 and 4 W. Van de Velde. (11) A Flower Piece. Companion to No. 10 J. Baptiste. (12) A Sea Fight. Companion to Nos. 2, 4 and n. W. Van de Velde. (13) An Old Man, resting his hand on a Skull Lievens. (14) Landscape Claude Lorraine. (15) “San Giacomo Della Marca ” Spagnoletto. (16) The Marriage of St. Catherine F. Verdier. (17) The Fortress of Konigstein II Canalettino. (18) James Butler, First Duke of Ormond, K.G. (ibio-1688). After Sir Peter Lely. (19) Landscape and Figures. Travellers attacked by Banditti in front of a ruined Castle P. F. Ferg. (20) A Riposo. The Holy Family, resting beneath trees. Francesco Mola. CATALOGUE. 3 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 . 31 . 32 , (21) Landscape and Figures. Companion to No. 20 ...P. F. Ferg. (22) Portrait of a Young Man. (Frank Hals?) Probably by Le Ducq. (23) Nicodemus visiting Jesus by Night. (St. John iii. 2.) Tintoretto. (24) Charlotte De La Tremoille, Countess of Derby. Wife of James, 7th Earl of Derby H. Bone , after Van Dyck. (25) The Vision of St. Anthony of Padna Carlo Maratti. (26) James, 7th Earl of Derby. Companion to No. 25. H. Bone , after Van Dyck. (27) Fortress of Konigstein. Companion to No. 18. II Canalettino. (28) Portrait of Maria Verelst. (This Picture was at one time erroneously attributed to Leonardo da Vinci) Verelst. (29) Portrait of a Cardinal. (Supposed to represent the Eveque de Lu^on, Cardinal Richelieu) Unknown. (30) Sea Piece. Ships in a storm W. Van de Velde. (31) Sunrise. A Haven with shipping and many Figures ...Manglard. 4 CATALOGUE . 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , (32) Sea Piece. Companion to No. 31 W. Van de Velde. (33) A Dutch Burgomaster.— S aid to be Tilborgh’s Portrait. Tilborgh. (34) A French Nobleman. — Countenance very similar to that of Antoine de Bourbon Janet. (35) The Triumph of Venus Albano. (36) Sea Piece. A Fresh Breeze Backhuysen. (37) The Forest of Ardennes C. Huysman. (38) Interior of a Guard-Room. Principal Figure in front on right hand is said to be a Portrait of Teniers Teniers. (39) Battle Piece Graziani. (40) Battle Piece. (Similar to the preceding picture) Graziani. (184) Edward, Lord Stanley, afterwards 13TH Earl of Derby, b. 1775, m. 1798, succeeded 1834, K.G. 1839, d. 1851. Sir Thomas Lawrence. (41) Battle Piece. Companion to Nos. 40 and 41 Graziani. (42) Battle Piece. Companion to No. 43 Graziani. CATALOGUE. 5 45. ( 45 ) Portrait of Lope De Vega. — 1562-1635. fcX. ScLJ. ceJUb. Attributed to Velasquez. (_,cvV t iv'a ; Ntxvu. tCc - & V/_ U-o . 45. (46) Portrait of a Gentleman unknown. A very fine Painting. Attributed to Sir A. More. 47 , (47) Angel’s Head Guido. 48. (48) The Magdalen Luca Giordano , in imitation of Guido. 49. ( 49 ) Landscape and Stormy Sea Salvator Rosa. 50 . ( 5 °) Ruins of a Temple.— Figures Bathing John Griffier. 51. ( 5 1 ) Paris. The Tower of Nesle, Palais Nevers and Louvre (looking West) with a Water Tournament. Attributed to Baut and Boudewyns . 52. (52) Dutchmen Skating Isaac Ostade. 53. ( 53 ) Eagles and Dead Lamb. A Chef d’ oeuvre ...M. Hondecoeter. 54. ( 54 ) Landscape and Figures Teniers. 55. ( 55 ) Landscape Herman Zachtleven. 56. (56) Landscape. Companion to No. 55 ..Herman Zachtleven. 6 CATALOGUE . 57 . 53 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . 63 . 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 63 . (57) Hermit in a Cave Teniers. (58) Christ giving the keys to St. Peter. A grand Picture. Van Dyck. (59) Boar Hunt Rubens and Snyders. (60) A Farrier’s Shop Peter de Laer (. Bamboccio ). (61) Landscape Breughel. (62) A Caravan. A delicate and minutely finished Picture. Breughel. (63) Landscape. Companion to No. 61 Breughel. (64) A Dutch Wake Teniers. (65) Landscape G. Poussin. (66) Paris. The Tower of Nesle and the River Seine looking East. Buildings and Figures. Companion to No. 51. Baut and Boudewyns. (67) Landscape ■ G. Poussin. (68) A Halt of Cavaliers Wouwermans. CATALOGUE. 7 €»0* (69) Lot and His Daughters. Attributed to Pietro da Cortona ( probably by Sebastian Bourdon .) 70 a (70) Belshazzar’s Feast. A grand and very impressive Picture. Rembrandt. 71 , (31 1 ) Hon. James Stanley, 2nd Son of Edward, 12th Earl of Derby Westall. 72 . (71) Diana Asleep.— Nymphs Bathing Poelemburg. 73, (72) Two MEN CHEATING A THIRD MAN AT CARDS Jan Miel. 74, (73) Dutch Officers and Drummer Palamedes. 7 5, (43) James, 7th Earl of Derby, Charlotte De La Tremoille, his Countess, and their Daughter. The Isle of Man in the distance W. Derby. 70, (44) The Duchess of Orleans. Daughter of Charles I. Jervas , after Lely. 77a (75) Hagar and Ishmael Salvator Rosa. 73 , (76) Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland. Waller the Poet celebrated her under the name of “ Sacharissa.” G. Scharf Jarvis. ( Copied by Jarvis from Van Dyck.) 79. (77) A Woman of Megara gathering the ashes of Phocion Nicholas Poussin . 8 CATALOGUE . 80. (78) An Oriental Battle Piece Borgognone. 81. (79) Fruit Piece Boreman or Van Heem. 82. (80) Young Lady’s Portrait Attributed to Mireveldt. 82a. The Expulsion from Paradise A. Vander Werff '. 83. (81) Two Sheep Castiglione. 84. (82) Holy Family surrounded by a Wreath of Flowers. Probably by Rottenhamer. 85. (83) Portrait of a Lady Unknown . 86 . (84) Love of the Arts. Van Dyck and Snyders , more probably by Seghers. 87. ( 85 ) The Return of Telemachus Angelica Kauffman. 88 . (86) Interior of a Church by Night De Lorme. 89. (87) A Piet a. The Dead Body of our Saviour with the Virgin and Mary Magdalen Van Dyck. 90. (88) The Parting of Ulysses and Penelope. Angelica Kauffman. CATALOGUE. 9 01. ( 89 ) Italian Sea Port ..Lingelbach. 92. ( 90 ) A Sea Haven Manglard. 93* ( 91 ) Landscape and Figures Berchem . 94* ( 92 ) Seneca in the Bath Rubens . 95. (93) Monks in Retirement Heemskerk. 96. (94) A Sea Haven. Companion to No. 92 Manglard. 97. (95) Landscape Wynants. 98. ( 96 ) Peacock and Hen Hondekoeter. 99. (97) The Three Graces and Cupid Giulio Romana. 100. ( 98 ) The Nativity ...Caravaggio. 101. (99) A Man’s Head Ryckaert. 102. ( 100 ) A Doctor Dressing a Patient’s Leg Lingelbach. 103. ( 101 ) Jacob’s Journey Castiglione . B CATALOGUE. 16 104. (102) A Boy’s Head Attributed to Holbein. 105. (103) Man’s Head Hanneman. 106. ( I0 4 ) The Circumcision. Companion to No. 1 13... Luca Giordano. 107. (105) Noah and his Family preparing to enter the Ark. M. Carree. 108. (106) St. William of Aquitaine taking the Monastic Habit from St. Benedict of Anian After Guercino. 109. ( I0 7 ) Interior of a Church De Lorme. 110 . (108) Hercules and Antaeus Rubens. 111. (109) The Virgin Mary and the Eleven Bassano. 112. ( II0 ) Glaucus and Scylla Salvator Rosa. 113. (hi) Adoration of the Shepherds. Companion to No. 106. Luca Giordano. 114 . ( 1 1 2) J onah Salvator R osa. 115. (1 13) Diana and Calisto Rubens , after Titian. CATALOGUE. n tlGs (114) The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew Spagnoletto. 117, (ns) An Old Man’s Head Mola . 118, (n6) Noli Me Tangere School of Albani. 119, (H7) Parnassus and the Muses Rottenhamer . 120, (h8) Head of St. Peter. A Cartoon Rubens . 121 , ( IX 9) Flowers. — White and Blue in a Red Jar Guiseppe Recco. 122, (120) Pharaoh and his host Old Franck. 123. (i2i) Landscape Style of Gaspar Poussin. 124, ( I22 ) King William III. on Horseback at the Siege of Maestricht, 1676 John Wyck. 125, ( I2 3) Four Dogs. “ A well painted Picture.” (G. S.) Stubbs. 126, (124) An Artist Drawing by Candlelight Schalcken. 127, (125) Jacob with Laban’s Sheep Spagnoletto. 1 28, ( 1 26) An Elderly Man, probably Ned Coppock , Unknown , 12 CATALOGUE. 129, 130, 131, 132 , 133 , (127) Moses and the Brazen Serpent Rubens. (128) The Arts demanding of the Genius of New Rome WHY THEY DO NOT FLOURISH AS IN THE OLDEN TIME. Nicholas Poussin. (129) Horses feeding in Camp Peter Van Bloemen. (130) Holy Family and Saints Titian. (131) Troopers shoeing Horses. Companion to No. 131. Peter Van Bloemen. 134 , (133) Henry, 4TH Earl of Derby, b. 1531, m. 1574, d. 1592. Zucharo. 135 . (134) Sir Robert Cecil, K.G. Afterwards 1st Earl of Salisbury, i^-ibi 2 . Principal Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth. Unknown. 136, (135) George Stanley, Lord Strange, K.G. 137, (136) Thomas, 2nd Lord Stanley and ist Earl of Derby. Created Earl of Derby 1485, after the Battle of Bosworth Field. 138 , (137) Edward, 3RD Earl of Derby.— “E dward the Bountiful.” B. 1506, d. 1572. CATALOGUE . i3 139 . 140 . 141 . 142 . 143 . 144 . 145 . 146 . 147 . 148 . (138) Thomas, 2nd Earl of Derby, K.G. Succeeded 1504, d. 1521. (139) Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, b. 1441, d. 1509. “King Harry the 7th’s Mother.” (140) Robert Deyereux, Earl of Essex, K.G. The favourite of Queen Elizabeth Unknown. (141) Ferdinando, 5TH Earl of Derby. Succeeded 1592, d. 1594. (142) James, 7th Earl of Derby. B. 1596, m. 1626, beheaded 1651 Van Dyck. (143) Alice Spencer, Countess of Derby. Afterwards Lady Egerton and Viscountess Brackley, 1556-1636. (144) Charlotte De La Tremoille, Countess of Derby 1601-1664 V° n Dyck. (145) Anne Stanley, Countess of Ancram. Daughter of 6th Earl of Derby Honthorst. (146) Sir William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby, K.G. B. 1561, m. 1594, d. 1642. (147) William, afterwards 9TH Earl of Derby, in an Academic Dress. B. 1665, s. 1672, d. 1702. 14 CATALOGUE . 149 , (148) Charlotte Brabantine De Nassau. Mother of Charlotte de la Tremoille, Countess of Derby Unknown . 150 , (149) Robert, brother of William, 9th Earl of Derby, 1656-1686. “ Killed in a Duel by Henry, Duke of Grafton.” G. S. 151 , (150) Viscountess Colchester, daughter of Charles, 8 th Earl of Derby. “ A pleasing and well executed Portrait.” G. S. 152 , (151) Charles Stanley, 8th Earl op Derby. B. 1627, s. 1651, d. 1672 Sir Peter Lely . 153 , (152) Charlotte De La Tremoille, widow of the 7th Earl, in mourning. (1601-1664) Sir Peter Lely (1657). 154 , (153) Dorothea Helena Von Rupa, wife of Charles, 8th Earl of Derby. 155 , (154) James, 7th Earl of Derby. Beheaded 15th October, 1651. Van Dyck. 156 , (i 55 ) Amelia, Countess of Athol. Daughter of James, 7th Earl of Derby Mrs. Beale. 157 , (156) Katherine, Marchioness of Dorchester. Daughter of James, 7th Earl of Derby. 158 , (157) Henrietta Maria, Viscountess Molyneux, afterwards Countess of Strafford, Daughter of James, 7th Earl of Derby. CATALOGUE. 15 159. (158) Henrietta, Countess of Anglesea and Lady Ashburnham. Daughter of the 9th Earl of Derby (1687-1718) .Sir Godfrey Kneller. 160. (i 59 ) Sir Charles Stanley, K.B., of Chelsea. Nephew to the 7th Earl of Derby Probably by Walker. 161. (160) The Hon. Charlotte Savage, Daughter of Lord Colchester Sir Godfrey Kneller. 162. (161) Hon. James Stanley, Brother to the 9th, and afterwards 10th, Earl of Derby Sir Godfrey Kneller. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. (162) Lady Elizabeth Stanley, Daughter of the 9th Earl. Sir Godfrey Kneller. (163) The Hon. Charles Stanley, Brother to the 9th and 10th Earls of Derby Sir Godfrey Kneller. (164) James, ioth Earl of Derby (1664-1736) ...H. Winstanley. (165) James, Lord Strange, Son of the 9th Earl of Derby (1680-1698). (166) Henry Stanley, Esq., of Aughton (1515— 1591). (167) Mary Egerton, Lady Stanley, Wife to 2nd Baronet. (168) Margaret Stanley, Heiress of Bickerstaffe. Wife of Henry Stanley, Esq. — No. 167. i6 CATALOGUE. 170. (169) Sir Edward Stanley, 3rd Baronet Hodges. 171. (170) Elizabeth Bosville, Wife of the preceding. 172. (171) Sir Thomas Stanley, 4TH Baronet. 173. (172) Sir Edward Stanley, 5TH Baronet and iith Earl of Derby Winstanley. 174. ( 173 ) Elizabeth Hesketh, Wife of the nth Earl of Derby. Winstanley. 175. (174) Margaret Holcroft, Lady Stanley. 2nd Wife and Widow of the 4th Baronet. Lived nearly 100 years. 176. (175) Elizabeth Patten, 1st Wife of Sir Thomas Stanley, 4th Baronet. 177. (176) The Rev. John Stanley, Brother to Edward, nth Earl of Derby. 178. (177) Edward, afterwards 12th Earl of Derby, with his two Brothers, Thomas and James, Sons of James, Lord Strange Cranke. 170. (178) James, Lord Stanley, Son of the nth Earl, and Father of the 12th Earl of Derby Hudson. 180. ( J 79 ) James, Lord Stanley, Son of Edward, nth Earl of Derby H. Winstanley. CATALOGUE . 17 iai, 182 . 183 . 184 . 185 . 186 . 187 . 188 . 189 . 190 . (180) Lucy Smith, Wife of James, Lord Stanley (1730-1759). Sir Joshua Reynolds . (181) Edward, 12TH Earl of Derby Gainsborough . (182) Elizabeth Farren, afterwards Countess of Derby. A Copy by Stevenson , from T. Lawrence. (183) Edward, Lord Stanley, afterwards 13TH Earl of Derby, with his Sister, Lady Charlotte Stanley ( i 775- i 85i) Romney. (185) The Hon. Thomas Stanley, Brother to the 12th Earl of Derby Cranke. (186) Lady Charlotte Hornby, Sister to the 13th Earl of Derby T. Lawrence. (187) Edward, 12TH Earl of Derby, with Lady Elizabeth Hamilton his first Wife, and their Infant Son, afterwards the 13th Earl Angelica Kauffman. (188) Henrietta, Lady Horton, Sister to the 12th Earl of Derby. D. 1830 Romney. (189) Charlotte Hornby, Lady Stanley, Wife of Edward Stanley, afterwards 13th Earl of Derby Lawrence. (190) Edward Smith, Lord Stanley, afterwards 13th Earl of Derby, K.G William Derby. C i8 CATALOGUE , 191, (I9 1 ) Edward, 12th Earl of Derby G. Romney . 192, (195) Pea Fowl and other Birds.., Peter Casteels. 193, (196) Venus. A fine Academic Study Cheron. 194, (197) The Expulsion from Paradise Dennis Calvert. 195, (1 98) Rape of the Sabines G. G. del Sole. 196 , (199) Cupid and Pysche Cheron. 197 , ( 20 °) A Flower Piece. 198 , (201) St. Sebastian exhorting and encouraging Marcus AND MARCELLINUS AS THEY ARE LED TO DEATH. Paul Veronese. 199 , (202) The Battle between Amalek and the Israelites in Rephidim. Moses, Aaron, and Hur on the Hill. (Exodus xvii. 9-13) Borgognone. 200 , ( 20 3 ) The Feast at the House of Levi Paolo Veronese. 201 , ( 20 4 ) La Turbana. Peasants bringing their Offerings to St. Benedict at Subiaco After Guido. 202 , (205) John, ist Marquis of Hamilton William Derby. CATALOGUE . 19 203 . 204 . 205 . 206 . 207 . 208 . 209 . 210 . 211 . 212 . 213 . 214 . (206) James, 2nd Marquis of Hamilton William Derby. (207) The Archduchess Isabella (?) (208) Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland. Copied in Water Colours by R. W. Satchwell. (209) The Virgin and Child. An illuminated drawing. (210) A Tyrolese Girl Copied by Carlevares from Rosalba. (21 1) A Small Head Unknown. (212) Henry Spencer, ist Earl of Sunderland. Copy in Water Colours by R. W. Satchwell. (213) Andrew Marvell. (214) Sir Godfrey Kneller By himself when young. ( 21 5 ) Queen Mary ist of England. Copied in Water Colours by William Derby. (216) Arthur, Prince of Wales, Elder Brother to Henry VIII. Copied in Water Colours by E. Edwards. (217) Earl Rivers, with Caxton presenting his Book to Edward IV, his Queen, and the Prince. A Water Colour Copy by Muntz. 20 CATALOGUE . 215 . (218) A Frame containing Nine Miniatures, viz. — 215 a. (219) Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, Daughter of James I. Isaac Oliver. 215 b. (220) Mrs. Beale. A celebrated Portrait Painter. Attributed to Samuel Cooper. 215c. (221) Queen Elizabeth Nicholas Hilliard. 215 d. (222) Marie D’Autriche Petitot. 215 e. (223) Queen Henrietta Maria John Hoskins. 215 f. (224) Sir Francis Drake Hilliard. 215 g. (225) Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex Isaac Oliver. 215 h. (226) Ben Johnson. 215 i. (227) Sir Robert Walpole, ist Earl of Orford. Painted in 1 744 by C. F. Zincke. 216 . (228) A Frame containing Five Miniatures, viz. — 216 a. (229) Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke. CATALOGUE. 21 216b. (230) Charlotte De La Tremoille, Countess of Derby. Cornelius Jonson. 216c. (231) Tintoretto, when young By himself . 216d. (232) John Law of Lauriston. Projector of the Mississippi Scheme Coaler. 216e. (233) Andrew Marvell Van Dyck. 217. (234) Frances Howard, Countess of Essex and Somerset. Isaac Oliver. 218. (235) Admiral Viscount Nelson William Derby. 219. (236) The Right Hon. C. J. Fox William Derby. 220. (237) The Right Hon. William Pitt William Derby. 221. (238) Queen Jane Seymour R. W. Satchwell. 222. (239) Mary Queen of Scots William Hilton. 223. (240) King Charles I William Derby. 224. (241) Queen Elizabeth William Derby. 22 CATALOGUE. 225. ( 242 ) Oliver Cromwell William Derby. 226. ( 243 ) Princess Charlotte of Wales William Derby. 22 H « (244) Elizabeth of York, Queen of Henry VII. William Derby. 228. ( 2 4S) James Hamilton, Earl of Arran and Duke of Chatelperault William Hilton. 229. (246) Thomas Stanley, Brother of the 12th Earl of Derby. H. D. Hamilton. 230. (247) The Rev. John Stanley, Brother to the nth Earl of Derby Unknown. 231. (248) The Hon. Elizabeth Stanley, afterwards Lady Horton, Sister to the 12 th Earl of Derby ...H. D. Hamilton. 232. ( 249 ) Lady Jane Stanley, Daughter of the nth Earl of Derby. f Peter Oliver, the Miniature Painter » 233. ( 250 ) } His WlFE } Peter Oliver. 234. (251) Edward, 12th Earl of Derby H. D. Hamilton. 235 (252) James, Lord Stanley, Father to the 12th Earl of Derby. CATALOGUE . 23 236, (253) Charlotte De La Tremoille tearing the Parlia- mentary Summons to surrender Lathom House. Unknown . 237, ( 2 54 ) The Emperor Theodosius refused admission into the Cathedral at Milan by St. Ambrose Copy. 238, (255) King Charles I. and his Queen Henrietta Maria ABOUT TO RIDE Daniel Mitens. 239, (256) The Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne. Copied by Winstanley from Annibale Caracci. 240, (257) A Sea Piece, with the English and Dutch Fleets ANCHORED AT SPITHEAD IN 1 729 Mollineux. 241, (258) The English and Dutch Fleets at Spithead in 1729 Mollineux. 242, (259) View of Knowsley from Watton Winstanley. 243, (260) Landscape Winstanley. 243a. (261) Great Irish Wolf Dog. 243b. (262) A Horse, “Roger O’Coverley” Tillemans. 244, (263) White Cock, Monkey, &c. Hondecoeter. 24 CATALOGUE. 245= (326) Knowsley Racecourse, from Riding Hill ...Tillemans. 246* ( 265 ) Starting Point of B. C., Newmarket Tillemans. 247* ( 3 2 7 ) View of Knowsley from Riding Hill Tillemans. 243* ( 266 ) End of B. C., Newmarket Tillemans. 249* ( 264 ) Cock, Hen, and Chickens Hondecoeter. 250* (328) Knowsley Park from Riding Hill, looking towards Prescot Tillemans. 251* (267) Thracian Women Stoning Orpheus Romanelli. 252* (268) Pots and Pans. The Supper at Emmaus in an Inner Chamber Peter Aertsens. 253 , ( 325 ) Hercules and Omphale Romanelli. 254* (269) Alpheus and Arethusa P. Francesco Mola. 255* (270) Triumph of Galatea Romanelli. 256* ( 27 1 ) Ruins Pannini. 257* (272) Sacrifice to Jupiter F. Bol. CATALOGUE . 25 258 , 259a 260* 261* 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. (454) South East Front of Knowsley. (273) The West Front of Knowsley in 1776, (274) The South Front of Knowsley Mollineux . (275) Portrait of a Merchant ....Attributed to Pombus, (449) Continence of Scipio Pellegrini , (324) Lot and his Daughters Pellegrini , (448) Judith with the Head of Holofernes Pellegrini, (278) The Passage of the Red Sea Borgognone . (279) The Hon. H. Stanley, 2nd Son of the 13th Earl of Derby Briggs. (280) Fanny, Wife of Colonel Stanley, youngest Son of the 13th Earl of Derby W. Derby . (281) Edward, Lord Stanley, afterwards 14th Earl of Derby, K.G Briggs. (282) Lady Ellinor Hopwood, 3rd Daughter of the 13th Earl of Derby ,...W. Derby. D 26 CATALOGUE. 270, (283) Colonel the Hon. C. Stanley, 3rd Son of the 13th Earl of Derby Pickers gill. 271. (284) Horn. The King’s Chestnut Arabian Wootton . 272. (285) Ladies Charlotte Louisa and Ellinor Stanley, Daughters of the 13 th Earl of Derby G. Hay ter. 273. (366) The Head of St. Januarius. Attributed to Domenichino and F. di Maria. 1 274, (312) St. Jerome in the Desert Attributed to Titian. 275, (313) Temptation of St. Anthony Vander Venne. 276, (314) The Good Samaritan Salvator Rosa. 277, (315) The Temptation of Christ Salvator Rosa. 278, (438) Portrait of a Child with a Dog Unknown. 279, (287) Cincinnatus Copied by H. Winstanley from Ciro Ferri. 280, (316) Cow’s Head Paul Potter. 281, (276) The Borromean Islands By Mollineux after Tillemans. CATALOGUE . 27 282 . 283 . 284 . 285 . 286 . 287 . 288 . 289 . 290 . 291 . 292 . 293 . 294 . (317) Still Life Probably by Bogdani. (288) A Battle Piece Bourguignon. (289) A Battle Piece. Companion to No. 283 Bourguignon. (382) Christ Fainting under the Cross Morales. (294) Ruins, with the Story of Belisarius Pannini. (437) Dead Swan and Game... Weenix. (295) SciPIO AMONG THE RUINS OF CARTHAGE Pannini. (296) A Battle Piece TillemanSy after Borgognone. (277) Chinese Landscape Chinnery. (444) Picture of Insects Maria Sybilla Merian. (445) Loaded Camel and Cattle Rosa da Tivoli. {297) A Fish Stall Peter Angelis. (298) A Stable Yard ; with a Cart, and a Woman paring Turnips Painted in Oil by J. H. Muntz. 28 CATALOGUE. 295 . 296 . 297 . 298 . 299 . 300 . 301 . 302 . 303 . 304 . 305 . 306 . (299) A Vegetable Stall or Herb Market. Companion to No. 293 Peter Angelis. (300) Battle between Turks and Christians. Companion to No. 289 Hughtenburg. (301) View of Macao. Companion to No. 290 Chinnery. (443) Picture of Insects. Companion to No. 291. Maria Sybilla Merian. (302) Various Birds Snyders. (303) Four Children with Fruit John Peter Gillemans. (442) Priests of Bel Feasting in a Church ...Henry Steenwyck. (304) Battle between Turks and Germans. Apparently by Tillemans , after Borgognone. (305) A Landscape Attributed to Huysman of Malines. (306) Children with Fruit. Companion to No. 300... Gillemans. (441) Interior of a Guard-room Henry Steenwyck. (286) Flowers Baptiste. CATALOGUE . 2 9 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. (383) Landscape Countess of Wilton , when a girl. (384) Landscape in the style of Salvator Rosa. Possibly a Copy by Chr . Lee. (342) Samuel Rutter, D.D., afterwards Archdeacon and Bishop of Sodor and Man Dobson . (343) A Lady of the Cave Family, aged 84. Painted in the style of Sir Antonio More. (344) Captain Humphrey Baggerley Unknown. (318) Frank Hals Himself. (345) Battle Piece between Turks and Christians. Companion to No. 296. Apparently by Tillemans , after Borgognone. (319) A Monkey and Fruit Campidoglio. (320) A Fishmonger and his Wife Simon de Vos. (307) A Fruit Piece Unknown . (321) Plucked Fowl and Bundle of Asparagus Unknown 4 (322) Festoon of Fruit Seghers . 30 CATALOGUE . 319 * 320 * 321 . 322 . 323 . 324 * 325 . 326 * 327 . 328 . 329 . (467-8) Ananias Goupy , Copy from Raphael's Cartoons. (469) Healing the Cripple at the Beautiful Gate. Goupy , from Raphael's Cartoons. (470) Feed My Sheep. Christ’s Charge to Peter. Goupy, from Raphael's Cartoons. (471) The Sacrifice at Lystra. . . Goupy , from Raphael's Cartoons. (472) Elymas Goupy, from Raphael's Cartoons. (473) The Miraculous Draught. Goupy, from Raphael's Cartoons. (474) Paul preaching at Athens. Goupy , from Raphael's Cartoons. (385) Distant View of Constantinople Mayer. (386) View of Boxgrove Church, Sussex Lusini. (387) Ancient Round Tower in the Island of Lipari. Unknown. (475) Fruit Piece Mezzotint by Erlom, after Van Huysum. CATALOGUE . 3i 330* (388) 331* (389) 332* (390) 333* ( 459 ) 334, ( 459 ) 335, ( 459 ) 336, ( 459 ) 337, ( 458 ) 338-343. 344, ( 45 6 ) 345* ( 457 ) The Port of Brindisi. A Water Colour Drawing. Unknown. Plymouth Lighthouse. A Water Colour Drawing. Unknown. Seaport and Shipping. A Water Colour Drawing... Atkins. Landscape. Winter Tillemans . Landscape. Summer Tiltonans. Landscape. Spring Tillemans. Landscape. Autumn Tillemans. Engraving of the Agricultural County Meeting. After Ansdell. (460-466) Six Grand Duchesses of Florence. By an Italian Artist. Mountain of Lilianstein on the Elbe. A Water Colour Drawing. View of Dresden from the F.oad to Budissin. A Water Colour Drawing. 32 CATALOGUE. 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, (3^7) James Starkey, Esq., in his 87 th year. A Glazed Print. ( 476 ) Fruit Piece. Companion to No. 329 . A Mezzotint Engraving. (455) Monkeys and Birds Hondecoeter, (192) Edward, 14TH Earl of Derby, when a Boy, 1799-1851. Harlow. (329) Wild Ass, Zebras, and Half-bred Produce Ansdell. ( 331 ) Small Italian Landscape E. Lear. ( 332 ) Landscape Wilson. (333) View of Windsor Castle from St. Leonard’s Hill E. Lear. ( 334 ) Fete at the Oaks.— The Supper Room Zucci , 1773 . ( 335 ) Athens. Distant View of the Acropolis. Painted in 1851 E. Lear. ( 336 ) Heads of Cervus Munjac. A Sketch Ansdell. 357 (337) Mount Vesuvius in Eruption Wright of Derby. CATALOGUE. 33 353b (338) Fete at the Oaks. — The Ball Room. Companion to No. 354 A. Zucchi , 1777 . 350 e (339) Cavern Scene by Moonlight William Marlow. 360b (34°) Italian Landscape E. Lear. 361. ( 341 ) Fruit Piece Campidoglio. 302* ( 348 ) King Charles II Jarvis. 363b ( 323 ) King Richard III. Unknown. 364. (349) Portrait of a Young Man holding a Book. Attributed to Quentin Matsys. 305b ( 35 o) Sir Peter Lely, when young. In Crayons Himself. 360b ( 351 ) John Dryden Maubert. 307b (35 2 ) Sir Godfrey Kneller, when young Himself. 368b (353) Hamlet Winstanley Himself. 360b (354) Monamy the Painter, exhibiting a Sea Piece to Mr. Thomas Walker, his Patron Hogarth. E 34 CATALOGUE. 370. (33°) Bontibok and Kid, bred at Knowsley Huggins . 371. (355) Thomas Wilson, D.D., Bishop of Sodor and Man. C. Philips. 372. (356) Democritus and Heraclitus Attributed to Bruggins. 373. (357) Edward, Lord Stanley, afterwards 14TH Earl of Derby William Derby. 37 4 1 (44°) Landscape Abraham Begyn. 375, ( 2 90) Landscape Attributed to Artois. 376, (291) Landscape with many Figures Boel Baudwyns. 377, (360) Landscape . * Wootton. 378, (361) Battle Piece ..Borgognone. 379, (391) Landscape Reinagle. 380, (39 2 ) Landscape Both. 381, (308) Edward, Charlotte, and Henry, Three Eldest Children of the 13TH Earl of Derby Shelley. CATALOGUE . 35 382 . 383 . 384 . 385 . 386 . 387 . 388 . 389 . 390 . 391 . 392 . 393 . (362) View in the Gardens of the Villa Medici at Rome Orizonti. (363) Landscape, with Banditti Attributed to Velasquez . (364) Sacrifice to the Lamb Pietro da Cortona . (365) View of the Capitol at Rome Orizonti. (367) The Marriage of the Virgin Mary. Attributed to Van Eyck. (368) St. Jerome and the Angel Spagnoletto. (369) View of Greenwich and the Observatory Griffier. (370) The Last Supper By an Italian Artist. (74) Head of Van Tromp Lievens. (371) Christ Riding into Jerusalem By an Italian Artist. (372) King Charles I. on Horseback. Copied by Old Stone from Van Dyck. (373) Angel appearing to the Shepherds Giacomo Bassano. 36 CATALOGUE. 394. (i) South-East View of Knowsley Unknown . (374) Horse (“Sir Peter Teazle”) and Stud-Groom, Matthew Story J. Boultbie. 396k (3°9) Stag of Twenty- Six Years, Knowsley Park ...Ansdell. 397> ( 2 ) Peel Castle, Isle of Man -...Unknown. 398 h (375) Grey Horse (“Bloodshoulder”) J. Wootton , 1724 . 399k (376) Canezou and F. Butler H. Hall. 400h (377) Dead Snipe Killingbeck. 401. (378) Dead Quail Killingleck. 402, ( 379 ) Edward and Emma, Son and Daughter of the 14 th Earl of Derby W. Derby. 403b ( 381 ) “Longbow” and Stud- Groom, Timothy Forshaw. H. Hall. 404k (393) Christ in the House of Simon the Pharisee. S. Bourdon. 405k (394) Landscape, Temple and Lake Gaspar Poussin. CATALOGUE . 37 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, (395) Sketch for a Ceiling Cheron. (396) Raising of Lazarus. Companion to No. 404 ...S. Bourdon. (397) Remains of a Fort Nicholas Verkolje. (398) Lady Anne Cavendish, Wife of Robert Lord Rich After Van Dyck. (399) The Agony in the Garden Filippo Lauri. (400) Flowers John Van Huy sum, in 1720 . (401) The Magdalen Reading. Copied by Rosalba in Crayons from Correggio. (402) Portrait of a Young Lady. Said to be one of the Patten or Doughty Family Honthorst. (403) Ruins Poelemburg. (404) A Haven Bartolomeo or Torrigiano. (405) Poultry, Ducks, & c. Luke Cradock. (406) A Man’s Head. Very poor Unknown. 38 CATALOGUE . 418 * 419 * 420 , 421 * 422 * 423 * 424 * 425 . 426 * 427 * 428 . 429 . 430 . (407) Landscape Domenichino. (408) Landscape Philip G. Rugendas. (409) Flower Piece. Attributed to Jean Baptiste Monnoyer , or Baptiste. (410) Thomas, ist Earl of Derby Copy by Cranke. (41 1) Poultry. Companion to 446 Nicolas Dupre. (412) Madonna and Child Cignani. (419) The Boat of Life Filippo Lauri. (414) The Virgin Mary Unknown. (415) Small Landscape Gonzales Ruitz. (416) Battle Piece and Trumpeter Salvator Rosa. (417) Landscape Gonzales Ruitz . (418) A Boy’s Head Christoforo Allori. (413) The Baptism of our Saviour. Attributed to Ludovico Caracci. CATALOGUE. 39 431 . (420) The Descent from the Cross Burney. 432. ( 4 21 ) Ruins Probably by Havelaer. 433. (422) Narcissus Francesco Mola. 434. (423) Lady Charlotte Burgoyne, 6th Daughter to the nth Earl of Derby Heatley. 435. (424) “ Ecce Homo” Unknown. 436. (425) Landscape and Waterfall ...Attributed to A. Everdingen. 437. (426) The Infant Hercules strangling the Serpents. Annibale Caracci. 438. (427) A Pieta. The Virgin and Dead Christ. 438. (428) A Small Water Colour Drawing. 440. (429) Ducks, Pigeons, &c Casteels. 441. (430) A Lady Reading Le Due. 442. (431) Noli Me Tangere Cesare d'Arpino. 443. (432) The Head of our Saviour T. Hargreaves. 40 CATALOGUE . 444, ( 433 ) 445, ( 434 ) 440, ( 435 ) 447, ( 436 ) 448, (292) 449, (293) 450, ( 439 ) 451, ( 446 ) 452, ( 447 ) 453, (310) 454, (450) 455, ( 45 r ) Parrot and other Birds Baltasar di Caro. Whale Fishing A. Storck. Poultry. Companion to No. 422 Nicolas Dupre. Diana and Sleeping Nymphs. . John Van Bockhorst, called Langen Jan. Brahmin Cattle and Goats Ansdell. Antelopes Ansdell. Flower Piece. Jean Baptiste Monnoyer , commonly called Baptiste. Classical Landscape, with Polyphemus. After Nicolas Poussin. Flower Piece. Jean Baptiste Monnoyer , commonly called Baptiste. Group of Antelopes Ansdell. A Flemish Dentist After Gerard Douw. Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still. Borgognone. CATALOGUE. 4i 456. ( 45 2 ) The Death of the Stag Abraham Hondius . 457* ( 453 ) Entrance of the Israelites into the Promised Land Borgognone . 458k (London) Emma Caroline, Countess of Derby, with her Son Hurlstone. 450 k (194) Edward Henry Smith-Stanley, 15TH Earl of Derby Sir Francis Grant , P.R.A. 480, Mary, Marchioness of Salisbury, Wife of Edward Henry, 15TH Earl of Derby. Jane Hawkins, after Swinton . 481, (193) Edward Geoffery Smith-Stanley, 14TH Earl of Derby, K.G Sir Francis Grant , P.R.A. 462, Edward Henry Smith-Stanley, 15TH Earl of Derby. G. Richmond. 463 b Margaret Clifford, Countess of Derby, Wife of Henry the 4TH Earl. 464, Souvenir d’ Ardennes J. J. Onvert. 465, A Summer Afternoon from Nature Nevil O. Lupton . 466, PHILiE ,E. Lear. F 42 CATALOGUE , 467. Pasco E. Lear. 468. Corfu E. Lear. 469. View from Phil^: E. Lear. 470. Catarro, in Dalmatia E. Lear. 471. Bonifacio, in Corsica E. Lear. 472. View from Dinas Island, Killarney N. E. Green. 473. Environs of Basel H. D. Cock. 474. Environs of Antwerp H . D. Cock. 475. Corfu E. Lear. 476. Our Village T. G. Naish. 477. Penshurst, Kent. Winter G. A. Williams . 478. George John Sackville West, 5th Earl De La Warr, born 1 792 Weigall. 479. One of the Family of the 3RD Earl of De La Warr. CATALOGUE, . 43 480, Edward Geoffery, 14TH Earl of Derby (after a severe attack of Gout) and Child J. Leslie. 481, Lord Sackyille Arthur Cecil, born 1848 Eu. U. Eddis. 482, Edward Henry, Son of the 14TH Earl of Derby, born 1826 Shoesmith. 483, Lady Mary Arthur Araballa Cecil, Daughter of James, 2nd Marquis of Salisbury, born 1850 ...Laura Russell. 484, Elizabeth Sackville, 5TH Countess De La Warr and Baroness Buckhurst, born 1796 Weigall . 485, Donagh, Earl of Clancarty, died 1714. 486, De S. A. el S. mo Sr. Ynfante Du Antonio De Borbon. 487, Charles Richard Sackville West, 6th Earl De La Warr Jane Hawkins , 1874. 488, Old Avenue, Hatfield House Margaret Brodie. 489, House in the Wood. The Hague T. J. Best, 1865. 490, A Small Portrait of St. Cecilia Copied by Pitrini. 491. Lady Elizabeth Hamilton, when a Child Unknown . 44 CATALOGUE . 492 . A Sea Haven Bartolomeo . 493 . Two Female Figures. 49 4 a Portrait of a Young Man. 495. A Small Etching Rembrandt f 490. An Eastern Bagnio Wolfaerts. 497. Hog’s Head Reinagle. 49S. Meleager and Atalanta P. Tibaldi. 499, Battle Piece Leandro. 500. Battle Piece Leandro .