THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY H' v^^k, ' i|^9^ \ .-f / / k A ya y^y«-y ^2/, •^/^?iy. y^' z^ /t A /^:^^/,-t' -tr A^'A'^^AA^ A^^ < A A2~3^ c/eOi^jA^ r /A^2y3 — S3 ' ' ^ A~ SS /.t^t/' S~er x^ ^ /A, AA^ A — ^3 A/ A^jA/n^p-?-t^j^y ^i^- ^A i-i xtA^ ^-A Wyjcy /y^ _ ✓ St9^ AA^-/ - 2J/ / A'f'^/ - ^-J 0 // ::- 2' 2 ^ A-//>^-^ Jy:li>^ <^(!i>-^/-^ /'Xz- A^'-’ - //^7 . PA^, , , y^-^jf/ - -' //y - ^yP /Cp. '/SZy^ y,' ^ • / X PpP- ^ '^- /'^^Z z/j 2r/ ZfP Jy jy Jzr 3/P -Jf/ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute A CATALOGUE L OF THE \t:ry select and truly precious cabinet OF THIRTY-SEVEN HIGHLY FINISHED DUTCH OF THE FINEST CLASS, AND IN THE PUREST STATE OF PRESERVATION, OP RALPH BERNAL, Esquire, M.P. Removing from his Mansion in Bryanstone Square. THIS VERY VALUABLE ASSEMBLAGE, WHICH HAS BEEN FORMED WITH THE BEST JUDGMENT, AND AT A TRULY LIBERAL EXPENSE, COMPRISES, A noble chef d’oeuvre of Jan Steen, from the Collection of M. Schimmelpenninck, of Amster- dam ; a Calm by W. V. de Velde ; Sea-Pieces by Backhuysen and V. der Capella ; and charming Landscapes by Both, Cuyp, Ruysdael, Pynacker, and Lingelback ; an Interior by the rare Master old Mieris, and others by Slingelandt, G. Dow, V. Tol, Netscher, De Hooge, Maas, Dusart, W. Mieris, and Palamedes; the Fish-Market of Rotterdam by Zorg, a chef d’ceuvre ; and others by Teniers, Brauwer, &c. AT HIS GREAT ROOM, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MAY the 8th, 1824, AT TWO o’clock PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues may be had at Mu. Christie’s Offices, 8, King Street, St, James's Square. lAp- ' Conditions of Sale I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No Person to advance less than Is. — Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion. 111. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money, if required, in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. TV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expense, within Four Days from the Sale. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Pur- chases, no one lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the deficiency (if any) attending such Re- sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, A Catalogue of 5^tctuteil> On SATURDAY, MAY, the 8th, 1824, AT TWO O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ' V "N' \ — ^ Trevisani 1 23. Mommers 2 Patel 3 N. Maas 4 JS — Hackert 5 Maas 6 V, der Meer, of Delft 7 4^ -G. Poussin 8 43 ^ A. V. de Velde ... 9 Head of a Madonna Landscape and Figures, — Italian subject Landscape and Figures, — the subject being our Saviour and his Disciples going to Emmaus Portrait of an old Woman. This painting is treated very much with the spirit of this artist’s master — Rembrandt Landscape with Figures Interior, a Girl rocking a Cradle, &c. A Winter Scene, Figures skaiting, &c. View of the Gate and Walls of Haerlem. This is a very animated painting by a scarce master Landscape and Figures. A pure and delightful small specimen of this master A Winter Scene, Figures with a Sledge, &c. \ \ I / 4 G. Dow 10 A Boy with Kitchen Utensils, &c. A fine, but small, speci- / . ' men of this rare master ^ N. Maas ...... 11 Interior, a Female paring Apples, &c. A charming and perfect specimen of this esteemed master, possessing all the rich- ness of colouring and strength of effect for which he Avas celebrated — . C. Dolce .12 Head of a Madonna. A true and beautiful picture of this master der Heist .... 13 Portrait (Male) in velvet and silk dress, supposed to be the Portrait of Berghem, the painter. A fine and superior production of this distinguished artist j painted in his best style ^ Linglebaoh ..... 14 Landscape, with Figures, Dogs, Horses, &c. This beautiful^ cabinet painting may, with truth, be noticed as one of those s^^j^en■or specimens of this master, which are so rarely to be met with — . Dusart 15 Interior, with Figures, a Child in a Cradle, &c. &c. A highly , y finished and pure specimen of the master \". Tol 16 Interior, Children with a Cat, &c. at a WindoAV, very genuine and pure. This picture was formerly in the cabinet of the Empress Josephine, at Malmaison. This and the following . Lot may be justly prized as being from the pencil of the two most celebrated pupils of G. Dow 7J — Slingelandt ..... 17 Interior, Figures, a Dog, &c. ; a Child saying grace before his^ ■ meal, &c. This extraordinary specimen of a very rare master, is in the piu’est state of preservation, and pos- sesses all that force, and brilliancy of tone and colour, which adorned the works of this artist Pynacker 18 A Landscape, Cattle, and Figures. A charming chef d’oeuvre \ \ .1 f/t/ ^ 5 J / ^ — Brauwer . . . . . . 19 A Landscape, with Figures, and Sheep, &c. This rare speci- men of a rare master, may with justice be pointed out a!» W. Mieris . . . an ‘‘Artist’s” picture of the first merit . . 20 Interior of a Fruiterer’s Shop, with Figures, &c. ; a Bas Relie* under the Window. This painting is in the purest state of preservation. This and the next Lot are singular specimens //2 — Ditto of the high finishing of this master . . 21 Interior of a Grocer’s Shop, with Figures, &c.; and a Bas Relief under a Window. This painting is in a similar state of preservation J. Ruysdael . . . . 22 View of the Sea- shore at Scheveling, Figures, &c. This charming picture possesses singular force, and displays. — Teniers at the same time, a most faithful adherence to nature . . 23 Interior with Figures. Painted in the artist’s best time, of a real Argentine quality, and in the purest condition 22^ ^ - . . . . . . 24 Interior of a Kitchen, with Figures, various Utensils, &c. A very superior picture of this distinguished master, and painted with great depth and richness of colouring, and as- ^^'^org tonishing force of effect . . 25 The Fish-Market of Rotterdam, with Figures, &c. &c. This very superior picture was originally purchased in Hol- land for the King of the Netherlands, though the purchase was never completed for the Royal collection. It is a most surprising performance for truth and fidelity, and for beauty of finishing and colour : a specimen of this quality is most rare Raysdael . . . . 26 A Landscape with Figures j and a Rainbow, &c. A most beautiful and perfect specimen of this delightful master, and of the choicest quality 6 /SS^- G,Netscher .... 27 Conversation; a Lady, Cavalier, and a Page with Dog, &e. ; justly to he noticed for the extraordinary beauty and har- mony of the colouring, combined with elegance of design. The subject evidently refers to a Lady expressing, through the medium of a bouquet of flowers, her sentiments to her Lover, while the Page in attendance, who amuses himself with bloudng soap bubbles, is enforcing, with the most careless air, the moral, ‘^All is vanity.” V. der Capella ... 28 Sea View, Vessels, &c. ; the Sun rising in a Mist. Painted in the best time of the master, and forming one of those beautiful and superior productions of his talent, which are now so rarely to be met with. The effect of Sun in this bijou, is really surprising .Palamedes 29 Interior with many Figui'es, a Burgomaster’s Family. A genuine and superior production of this rare and distin- guished artist, and painted with the greatest care and attention, and wdth the most skilful finishing. /J/ — V'. Mieris 30 Interior, a Cavalier, and Lady, &c. &c. This most charming specimen, from its elegance of design, yet nicety of finishing, and depth of colouring, may certainly be classed as being very superior to the high-finished productions which generally occur of this singular master, and it also is to be prized for its perfect preservation {)ld Francis Mieris . 31 A Lady at her Harpsichord, receiving instructions from her Music Master, with a Dog, &c. This beautiful cabinet chef d’oeuvre of a very rare master, deserves particular notice. The works which generally occur of Francis Mieris, the elder, are for the most part confined to small Portraits, «■ ✓ % V%\ Backhuysen /fa ^ De Hooge 2^^— Cuyp and are not extended to subjects of any size : perhaps there is no artist of the Dutch school whose paintings arc to be so seldom met with. His force, tone, beauty of finishing, depth of effect, and brilliancy of colouring, justly place him in the first rank : the painting of the carpet in this picture, is of itself a master-piece. . . 32 Sea View, Vessels with a Sea Beach and Figures, &c. This charming picture is of the first quality, and is painted in the hest time of this master. The faithful adherence to nature observed in the delineation of the surge rolling in upon the shore, with the beauty of colouring prevailing throughout the whole picture, and its genuine and pure state, render it highly desirable . . 33 An Out-door Scene, with Figures conversing. This pure and genuine production of an artist, (whose perfect specimens occur so rarely) is entitled to the noticeofall connoisseurs. The force and effect of the bright sunny sky, are charm- ingly pourtrayed . . 34 Landscape, Cattle, &c. A pure and delightful specimen of the first quality, and of the best time of this distinguished master, possessing all those requisites (for its size) which the admirers of Cuyp can so readily appreciate . . 35 Landscape, Figures, &c. being the Ferry of the Tiber.” This beautiful View of Italian Scenery, is of that brilliant and superior quality, which is so eagerly coveted by the amateurs, and so rarely to be obtained. It has nothing of the monotonous tone of colouring which sometimes, even in the superior productions of Both, is to be lamented. This picture is sparkling and brilliant in all its parts. This 8 \\. V. dc Velde J. STEEN subject was a favourite one of Both, who has left an etching of this picture, with variations in the position of some of the Figures, &c. 36 A Sea View, Calm, Vessels, Figures, &c. This noble and de- lightful specimen is to be recommended, not merely for its brilliant and confessedly superior quality, but for its desirable parity of condition and preservation ; points in which, unfortunately, genuine pictures of this master are often found wanting : nothing can surpass the beauty of the Sky in this picture 37 A FESTIVAL. This surprising and noble chef d’oeuvre of an admired master, was formerly in the celebrated collection of M. Schimmelpenninck, of Amsterdam. It may, with the greatest confidence, challenge competition with any known production of this artist. The subject itself is decidedly superior to those generally introduced in his pictures, though the most animated humour reigns throughout the group. The pure state and preservation of it, tend to render its force and brilliancy of colouring more striking and remarkable, while the correct and careful attention to drawing throughout the picture, must excite the admiration of every able artist. V - \ FINIS. i .^1