Os /02.. /o€'- //^ /■^^- uU-UtM^ /3C /5 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_41 /Z2 . /S. Cy -^9 . /3 3 . /sL OL,C /OQ. //J . /Z/. i - /^ < 7 . /3/. /-^4^ /5'5. 3 , /7 /CJ. 2^ .3 o .3i-/-.3t,. 3o d~t. 6'9 ■ ^S> . l>7. . ^C. 7¥- -73- fr=- ^ / fUotCcc^ ! / ^ Ff 'Q2, 9i>' >, /o^^/os Sj/a'^^OLci . /ft£^£$cU^ / 7 / 0 . //^ /2 5 : 73 L 7739 /^ 0 . / 4 ^ 2 ., Gl.C^- V*; * «4a »■ f ut.^j| *^B ^ - *5*?“ ? l^gl Jl If J ■'^ -••■'.vl v.. . •.rj’-v' -?^ .■''< ■; r 4i^Bl T * slfc». . 'V? - ■ ‘^■' Imm^H ' « {■ Jl ihi . ia V ^-' ’i'l. CL-t^L u. So. SQ 91- /S2. . SUcC^. /fcOcsd^ . /3^ G^C-^-ctC , —■■■■' / yljuCS olMj^S / i/. /3d. /+■- /O . /3. 30. . 6'. Cj^L. ^6^ H^ U(scX<^ UJ-CJj-cL^ cl.cL , , cfp , pi.cc*.*A- /013- . /2 2 , / f'lS. /2^. /3o /30 . /3j> — CX^XZ^-CyCC, /s/. /3^, / 4 ^ 2 , . / 5 '/ . /O^ . /3o. * / S./. Z3 .0.^. 3 o. 5^, 3 ^. 3 U-O. ifS'. i^q . J~o. 37^ €^.> 33 u.J^ S-o. Sf>. ■ . , , /O'Z. . /OS- /oS. //C>-/2.o. /2b. /Sz- ^"PtcfT3t^c33>i /sL ^^9. /^^- /y-^- ■ Oi^jL^clc . /^ S^. Z. S'. //. /f-.21 . 26 3/ ,36' JS^ 'h,a^. H-l. uz. i,-/. ^TZ .ST , ^ ^ .6^- J6 . TS '. j. *U-^Cc.cC^, , 9^, 99 , /oo ^ ^ /2^ . /?r _ /SiA- ^SiZ-ry, /3 6 ' , /4^ / . /4i 2. . TlScCey^ /iTo. V 3, yy". /Sz^.. /szZ>. 'in».c4 l^.zr. iia ■ / / ^ ' - 2 . 96 - ‘fL. /o3. '/O^, cl(So£ .■t;' k ^.2/. Z^.3o. 3^ . 37. ^t/. . ^3-. sL ff . 3 . -/v- ■ ZSc^rykrlAy - S^'^^CU tC . /^(UiScJ^i-^ , 9^. /oZ. /oS ■ /^7 - /^T-. //<:? ./^4J- / y' ' /^2. /3J . /4^o. /4^v’^cf-,i OA.T^Z^OOTTE tx> C{a VJ OF THE COLLECTION OF # Hncient anb ^obem PICTURES AND OF THE EEV. H. E. WADMOEE, P Deceased; and L neAA PICTURES From Numerous Private Collections and Different Sources: M'HICH MtU bg Ruction bu Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIB GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1897, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Office.s, 8 King Street. St. James s Square, S. W. -U \ CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IL No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 18;)7, AT ONE o’clock PBBCISELY. The following are the Property of Rev. TI. R. WADMORE^ deceased. DRAWINGS. E. DUNCAN, 1863. gf 1 Great Ormes Head E. DUJSCAN. ^ 2 Windermere B 2 Q 4 Madrid LEWIS. 4 MxYCKENZIE. ^ ^ O 5 Yobk Minstbk ; and Westminster Abbey J. NASH. 2 / ^ iJ • ^ 6 A Church Porch, with figures PROUT. O ^ ^ ^ 7 Scene in Wales, with cattle on a road i0y~ T. ROWLANDSON. 8 Smithfield Market /o/. P. SANDBY. 9 Views of Country Houses 10 A Landscape, with castle f ■' Easton Lodge J'. T. STOTHARD, R.A. f } /, D 12 Adam and Eve J. WILSON. — 13 View on the Exe /'/ /■ O o H. M. WADMORE. 14 Palms at Toulouse ; and A River Scene 15 Fishing Boats; and Toulouse Cathedral 16 Guernsey Rook; and A Church \ 17 A Coast Scene ; and A River Scene A . IB A Book containing Sketches by different Artists 5 PICTURES. 19 -o 20 ^ 21 22 ' 23 ^ 24 ^ 25 O 26 r 27 28 ^ 29 H. M. WADMOEE. Tintern Abbey ; &c. CoAsi Scenes -- 6 Mountain Scenes; &c. ^ 6 Coast Scenes ; &c. ^ 7 A View in a Town; &c. -> 7 Landscapes and Coast Scenes; &c. ^ 8 Landscapes —a pair , circles ; and one, after Turner -- 3 A Chapel by a Kiveb; and Fishing Boats - 2 A Eiver Scene, with barge Madonna and Child Enthroned The Grecian Daughter J. BUENET, E.A., 1815. a 30 Breaking the Ice —on panel BUENET. ^ 31 A Eiver Scene, with windmill; and The Companion —a pair 2 A. CAEEACCl. ^ 32 Madonna and Child —circle Jf-, T- -> CAEEACCl. O 33 Cupid —on marble G. CHAMBEES. o 34 Shrimpers off Holyhead; and The Companion —a pair /3^.2 CEOME (After). ^ 35 A Cottage and Cows POWELL. /' ^ . o 40 Fishing Boats and Man-of-War K. EEINAGLE, R.A. O 41 A Landscape, with peasants and cows EEMBRANDT. l/. /tT. D 42 A Jewess, in brown dress, with pearl necklace and earrings; and The Engraving 28 in . by 22^ in . //, yC-U'. o SNYDEES. 43 Dead Game and a Dog J. STAEK. 44 A Fisherman, with eel pots TITIAN. , O 46 A Landscape, with figures VANDYCK. - 46 The Infant Christ 7 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. 47 Old Buildings BONINGTON. VICKEES. 48 A Landscape, with windmill DUTCH SCHOOL. ^ 49 A Man in big Hat VANDYCK. • O 50 Head op a Man, in brown dress —circle 1 E. WILSON, E.A. ^51 Discovery of Peedita, on the sea shore UNKNOWN. ,~'V 52 A Eoad Scene, with cattle, a castle in the distance IBBETSON. 53 A Eiver Scene, with a cottage and figures —oval NIEMANN. 54 A Woody Landscape : Evening SIE J. EEYNOLDS. 55 Master Harry Eeynolds, in brown dress, with 8 t), /J COTMAN. 56 A Coast Scene, with fishing boat TENIEES. hi K Woody Kiveu Scene, with figures FIELDING. ^ 58 A Lake Scene, with figures DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. E. HAYES. . . ^ 59 A Coast Scene, with shipping : Low tide —drawing ^— t7./J T. H. KOEKKOEK. Coast Scene, with boats VAN DEE NEEE. Frozen Eiver Scene, with skaters DUTCH SCHOOL. 'f 62 A Eiver Scene, with figures and goats f. 63 Horsemen and Figures, halting HOBBEMA. IF 64 A Woody Landscape, with watermill 0 REMBEANDT (After). ^65 Head of an Old Man i ) 66 A Country Fair H. PARK, 1851. G. FLINGK. ~ 67 Abraham and Isaac : and Jacob with Joseph’s coat — a pair 2 MURILLO (After). ^ 68 The Assumption of the Virgin P. VAN BLOEMEN. ^ 69 A Brigand Cavalcade HOPPNER. 70 Portrait of Sir Sydney Smith, in uniform JAN SONJE. ^ 71 An Italian Landscape, with ruins, figures and animals ; and The Companion Signed, and dated 1677 C 73 Peace; and War— a pair 2 10 BERCHEM. // y X 74 A Farm Scene, with figures and animals FILIPPO LIPPI. ^ The Madonna and Child, enthroned with saints and angel^ on ^ C gold ground —on panel MONAMY. 76 Night on the Tagus WOnVEKMAN. tf 7 , r , O 77 Horsemen Halting before a Booth /• /^ . a JAN WYCK. 78 William the Third, in armour X R. LEFEVRE, 1819. 79 Portrait of Louis XVIII. /a r ^ 80 Queen Elizabeth ^ 81 The Earl of Portland, K.G. ^ Sir Robert Walpole, K.G., in brown dre VAN HE VELDE. O 83 Men-of-War Becalmed DUTCH SCHOOL. o 84 A Guard Room, with soldiers drinking GIULIO ROMANO. ^ Q 85 The Virgin, with Infant Christ and St. Anthony 11 nONDECOETEE. ^ 86 A Peacock and Poultry 0. MAECELLUS. 87 Foliage and Eeptiles UNKNOWN. ^ 88 A Battle Piece SIE P. LELY. ^ 89 Portrait of a Lady, in blue dress, with lilac-coloured cloa KNELLEE. ^ 90 Portrait of a Gentleman, in red cloak and wig EAELY ENGLISH. ^ 91 Portrait of a Lady, in blue dress, with bunch of flop MIGNAED. ^ 92 Portrait of a Lady, in red and grey dress —oval dutch school. y ^ 93 Portrait of Queen Mary I 12 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. PICTURES, 94 Monks in a Church ^ 95 Soldiers on Horseback ^ ■ - , _ . . - I 96 View of St. Paul’s, cattle in the foreground BEKCHEM. 97 A Peasant Woman and Cow A . Cf 98 Ruins, with cattle and goats CAMPIDOGLIO. ^ 99 Fruit and Flowers —unframed DUTCH SCHOOL. ^ 100 A Sandy Lane, with figures ^101 A Girl, with poultry, at a window f . --7:7102 Storming a Town 6 f ^ , GAINSBOROUGH. ^ 103 A Lady, in white muslin dress and cap GUIDO. 104 The Virgin, writing (L (zy/ HOLBEIN. ^105 Portrait of Marguerite Hazelben, of Basle, in black di^s and white cap — on panel 13 106 A Boy, with a jug E. HUGHES. 107 Boaz and Edth MOCHI. Of A. NASMYTH, 108 A Waterfall, with figures 35 in. by 47 in. 1810. O i L. M0NTHB, 1877. 109 A Forest Scene, with sportsmen and dogs: Winter 32 in. by 25 in. i I T. MOKGHEN. 1 P 110 A Kiver Scene, with cottage and figures P 111 A Woody Lank NASMYTH. OSTADE. 112 An Interior, with figures and utensils T. F. SCHUTZ. I ^ 113 A Calm, with shipping t I F. SOLIMENA. O 114 King David Composing the Fifty-First Psalm S ii 14 a/T J , o A. VAN DER NEER. 115 A Conflagration at Night /, ^ .o EE VOS. 116 Waiting foe his Master ZEEMAN. 17 Men-of-War, off a Dutch town ANOTHER PROPERTY. /. a J’. ^ ZUCCHERO. 118 Robert Cecil, first Earl of Salisbury ZUCCHERO. 119 Sir W. Raleigh Af. ZUCCHERO. O 120 Robert Dudley^ Earl of Leicester tJ* O SWANEVELDT. 121 A River Scene, with cattle and figures 122 Cardinal Dubois RIGAUD. REYNOLDS. 123 Sir Charles Bunburt 15 REYNOLDS. 124 Sir George Yonge f LELY. 125 Portrait of Nell Gwynn KNELLEE. ' 0 126 Miss Slingsby, with a crook .J'Zf '— MRS. MARY BEALE. 127 Portrait of the Artist BARKER (of Bath). ' 128 A Flower Girl The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN, received from abroad. SOLARIO. . o 129 Portrait of a Gentleman, in black dress and hat, holdii^a skull —on panel FRANCESCO DAL PRATO FIORENTINO, 1554. c;i30 A Grand Battle Piece, with numerous figures and ho^es —oh panel 16 CAKLO DOLCI. o 131 Astronomy— octagonal From the Marquis D’Onghe’s Collection BRONZINO. 132 Portrait op Catherine de Medici, in red dress with ruff BOTTICELLI. Madonna and Infant Saviour, surrounded by angels- circle, on panel Purchased from Dr. Bianchi, Director of the Uffizi Gallery, Florence D. RYCKAERT. l //' .. O 134 A Peasant Family, before a cottage VAN LOO. Q 135 Portrait of Marie Leozinska, in gold-braided dress and blue robe, seated CESARE DA SESTO. ^^ Portrait of Visconti, in black dress— on panel FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 0