as 1896 May LoChH £^ yl # 4^ }^i ^ ^0y 'H\ V. -ss?" THE Remaining Works AND THE COLLECTION OF OF THE LATE RIGHT HON. LORD LEIGHTON OF STRETTON, P.H.A. PRICE SIXPENCE. Sold for the Benefit of the Artists' General Benevolent Institution. w^ OF THE U.vJ \_- Remaining Works c.\ AND THE COLLECTION OF AND WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS OF THE LATE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD LEIGHTON OF STRETTON, P.R.A., D.C.L., LL.D., HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH AND HIBERNIAN ACADEMIES, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ACADEMIES OF ANTWERP, BELGIUM, BERLIN, FLORENCE, GENOA, PERUGIA, ROME, TURIN, AND VIENNA, ASSOCIATE OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, COMMANDER OF THE LEGION OF HONOUR, COMMANDER OF THE ORDER OF LEOPOLD, KNIGHT OF THE PRUSSIAN ORDER " POUR LE MERITE," KNIGHT OF THE COBURG ORDER " DEM VERDIENSTE " : WHICH (62^ Order of the Executors) MiiU tt ^olti bp auction i)j) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JULY 11, And on MONDAY, JULY 13, 1896, AND FOLLOAVIlSra DAY, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. 11. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. Til. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put np again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1896, AT ONE CLOCK PRECISELY. STUDIES IN OIL BY LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 1 Head of A Gibl ; and Head op a Boy 2 2 A Sttjdt of Houses, Venice Exhibited at Dublin 3 The Coast of Asia Minok, from Rhodes 4 A Street Scene _,; 5 Houses in Capbi , ."^ ^^V^ Exhibited at Dublin 6 The Coast of Asia Minob, from Rhodes 7 A Garden Scene *o^/'v /W^ 8 A Fortress, Egypt 9 Tombs of Muslim Saints at Assouan, First Cataract Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1895 f > />^ B 2 /j) ^ cGa' 10 A Bay, Asia Minor, from Rhodes /A^-.^iyvCC^ c^ C 11 The Bay of Lindos ^/t^t ^ 12 In the Campagna, Italy V; CCfVU^< /<" 13 A Town, Capri ^^ ^ ^q 14 Mountains near Ronda Puerta de los Vientcs . , rf [ i^/c L-UjCx, Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1895 / Jt * j§ */ 15 A View in the Campagna ^ i t^i 16 A Covered Street in Algiers / *^ 17 A Doorway, Algiers t^^'^^ 18 Head of a Girl 6 X6 19 Head of a Man Exhibited at Oldham, 1889 <^ -^ ' 20 Head of a Girl ^ /) 21 Head of a Girl , ' f^ f t 5 c^T' 22 Street in Algiers 23 St. Maek's, Venice ^ ^ ^ Exhibited at York Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1892 24 Interior of St. Mark's, Venice Exhibited at Newcastle Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1892 /j. • 25 The Doorway, North Aisle, St. Mark's, Venice Exhibited at Torh Exhibited at BlacJcburn Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1892 '^.'\ 26 A Bay Scene, Island of Rhodes 27 A View on the Coast, Lindos '^"^ 28 Denderah 29 The Roman Campagna, Monte Soracte in the distance Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1894 '^ 30 A Study in the Campaqna • ' ' 31 AoQUA Cetosa, Rome Exhibited at the Royal Society of British Artists, 1895 32 A View of the Town of Lindos 33 The Acropolis of Lindos, where stood the Temple of Athena - ; Pallas Exhibited at the Royal Society of British Artists, 1894 34 A Study in the Campagna, with Monte Soracte 35 Study of a Man's Head 36 An Arab's Head 37 A Sheikh 38 An Arab ^)' 39 Head of an Old Lady /Sx/t- /J /t/ lA^l^ 40 A Turkish Boatman ' ■- ■ "^ 41 FiUME MoRTo, Gombo, Pisa Exhibited at the Royal Society of British Artists, 1894 42 The Citadel, Cairo :. 43 A View in Damascus ^s it . Exhibited at Newcastle f^ 44 A View in Capri J ^ ^ Exhibited at BlacTchurn 45 BoooA d'Arno 46 The City of Tombs, Assiout, Egypt Exhibited at Newcastle Exhibited at the Royal Society of British Artists 47 Buildings, Siout, Egypt 48 A Mountainous Landscape, Spain -•^•z/'" 49 A Street Scene, Capri Exhibited at the Mansion House, 1882 50 A Coast Scene, Isle ofWight •' ^ ''- /• . 51 Barren Land iC ^' j.^ 52 A Town in Spain /, 53 Bosco Sacro, Campagna ' "^ ^ (^ , /6 H^b 54 Villa Malta, Rome 6, / n Exhibited at Dublin Exhibited at Torh <-/ 55 The Rocks of the Sieens, Capri/^/ 3/^ 56 A View in Spain 57 A Valley, Spain 58 On the Coast, Isle of Wight 59 Garden at Genebalifb, Granada /A y, / ." .\ / / 60 The Baths at Cabacalla - <> ^ -> a j^/^ Exhibited at Dublin ^ ; 61 A House, Capri ^^^i^c/C^i Ar^ 62 In St. Maek's, Venice - A iirA 63 The Staiecase of a House, Capri jif l^ 64 The Garden of a House, Capri - ^^,^ ^^ 4) A 65 Study of a Male Figuhe, carrying a pitcher 66 Head of a Girl ^ Exhibited at Oldham _ t '. 67 The Coast of Asia Minor from Rhodes : / 7 68 Chain of Hills seen from Ronda Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1895 it".^ 69 The Coast of Asia Minor ; y\^ Study for the background in the picture of " Perseus " //) 70 A Pool, FindhornRiver, N.B./ .^y ^7 Study of the background of ^^ Solitude " ^ 71 A Cave A study of rocks for the picture of " Solitude " 72 A Woman Seated in a Landscape -^ / U J^t. ^ A study for the picture of " Simaetha the Sorcerqss " tfl 73 Taoemina, Sicily ULM^I^*? I ■ Sketch for the background of ''Wedded" " / 74 A Pool on the Findhorn River, Forres, N.B. V /"^ A study for the background of " Solitude " 75 Taormina, Sicily ^->^% Study for the background of " Wedded " 76 Interior of a House, at Lindos :;, , Study for the picture of " Cleohoulos " 77 Study of a Woman's Head, Capri : Moonlight Study for the effect in " Clytemnestra " 78 Buildings, Capri : Moonlight A study for the same 79 An Allegorical Design for a Mural Decoration 80 Head of a Lady and Gentleman of the XVth Century Oval — 16 in. by 14 J in. Painted in 1853 (^ 81 Head of a Lady, white on brown ground ^ 82 A Study from Velasquez 7 ^ LORD EEIGHTON, P.R.Ar*^ ^ ' 83 A Girl Feeding Peacocks -'^ . • , ^> •tX A drawing of the big picture LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 8i The Departure for the War -^.x : '' A design for a mural decoration in water-colours LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. ^ 85 A Study of Sky iy/X ' Painted in Donegal , The original sketch for the picture of " Clytie " LORD LEIGH TON, P.R. A. / r* 1 ^ /^ ^ **" ^ X 86 Cypress Trees /^'y^ / '^ Study for the landscape in the Daphnephoria u 8 LOKD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. / ^ ^ t,^^ 87 Rocks : Malin Head, Donegal / / y ? Study of the landscape for the picture of " Perseus and Andromeda " Exhibited at the Mansion House, 1882 Exhibited at the Society of British Artists, 1895 LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 88 Invocation 55 in. by 34 in. Large study for the exhibited picture LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 89 A Stddy for the Pictdre of Dante in Exile 6 in. by 9 in. LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 90 A Study for the Picture of the Mosaicists in St. Mark's, Venice 7^ m. by 9| in. This picture loas never carried out LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. / Stracusan Bride, leading wild beasts in procession to the temple of Diana / " And for her then many other wild beasta were going in procession round about, and among them a lioness." Subject suggested by a passage in the Second Idyll of Theocritus Study for the large picture n LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 92 Perseus and Pegasus Circular — 10 in. diam. Study for the large picture LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 93 RizPAH 7 in. by 7 in. The original study for the large picture Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1894: LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 94 VlTTORIA 8^ in. by 6^ in. LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 95 PhBTNB AT THE BaTH 24 in. by 12 in. The study for the finished picture Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1892 97 LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. " And the sea gave up the dead which were in it." — Revelations, xx. 13. Circular — 33 in. diam. Original study for the large picture LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 98 The Light op the Habeem '--.'^- ^^--v 48 in. by 32 in. / Study for the exhibited picture LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 98a The Triumph op Musio " Orpheus by the power of hie art redeems his wife from Hades." 80 in. by 110 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1856 f 10 LOED LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 99 A Persian Wateb-Carkieb 40 in. by 21 in. LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 100 TuE Study of a Young Girl, seated 24 in. by 20 in. LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 101 The Head op a Girl, in white dress 15 in. by 10^ in. LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 2 y 102 Clytie yl Lc.^:^ ^" 22 in. by 26 in. Jr Large sketch for the exhibited picture of 1892 ^ LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 103 Cimabue finding Giotto in the Fields of Florence 50 in. by 35 in. -, . ^ ' 'Exhibited at the Steinle Institute, Frankfort Painted at the age of nineteen LORD LEIGHTON, P.E.A. /i7 104 An Italian Crossbow-Man ^ ^l in. by 21^ in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1863 LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 105 The Duel between Eomeo and Tybalt 37 in. by 50 in. Padnted at the age of twenty ^,. rt' 11 LOED LEIGHTON, RE. A. -^ OA 106 THE FAIE PEESIAN J "^ 25i in. by 20 fn. ^- y LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 107 A BACCHANTE 271 in. by 21 m. LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. y /s 108 THE VESTAL 27 in. by 20^ f». fO LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 109 EIZPAH 86 in. by 52 in. Exhibited at the Moyal Academy, 1893 Exhibited at Munich Exhibited at Buda-Pesth, 1896 Engraved LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 110 PHEYNE AT ELEUSIS 86 in. by 48 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1882 Exhibited at Melbourne, 1888 LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 111 Sheleh Exhibited at Antwerp, 1896 LOED LEIGHTON, P.E.A. 112 CANDIDA ^ f/ 21 in. by 14^ in. Exhibited at Southport, 1896 12 LOKD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 113 WIDE WONDERING EYES y O ^ 20 in. by 151 in. Exhibited at Manchester, 1895 Exhibited at Leeds, 1896 LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. J 114 CLYTIE 32^ in. by 54^ in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1892 LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. . c^ n 115 PERSEUS AND PEGASUS, with the Head of Medusa, COMING TO THE ReSCUE OF AnDEOMEDA Circular, 72 in. diam. LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 116 'TWIXT HOPE AND FEAR 431 in. by 33 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1895 Exhibited at Bradford, 1896 LOED LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 117 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA 91 in. by 50 in. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1891 Exhibited at Oldham Exhibited at Munich Exhibited at the Chicago Exhibition, 1894 Exhibited at Brussels, 1896 Engraved End of First Day's Sale, Second Day's Sale. On MONDAY, JULY 13, 1896, AT ONB O CLOCK PRECISELY. STUDIES IN OIL BY LORD LEIGHTON, P.R.A. 118 A Landscape; and A Study of Sky at Malinmore; and one other 3 119 A KocKY Coast, Malinmore, Donegal 120 A Mountainous Landscape Q 121 A View in Scotland ^ ^ ^-(/kh^x? 122 A Landscape, Italy 123 Fishing Boats on the Coast, Capri — French School '»? j it '^' 124 A Village on a Hill, Capri ^ f-f ^^. , 125 A Scene in the Desert, by G. Mason, A.K.A, .■ i^ , LJ'^k^I L ly *> t 126 The Coast of Geeece, by V. M. WilliamB;^^>t*^<} Ak ^ik^f-^' IZ^ 127 Head of a Man 2C 2- 128 A Scotch Lake _ . -•> ' i y-i^ 129 Near Kynance Cove ^ I' 130 Carrara Mountains 131 A View in Algiers ^^ '? rt 14 /^ 6' /J /I • ) 132 TLEM9EN, Algeria Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1895 Exhihited at Yorh / 133 The Damascus Gate, Jerusalem '^ t 134 The Eriotheum '^^^ 5 ^ 135 A Street in Lerici, near where Shelley was drowned 136 A Study of Trees ; and A Landscape 137 Head op a Gondolier ; and An Irish Peasant Girl 138 Head of an Italian Peasant 139 A Common ; and A Landscape, with cottages 140 A Kooky Coast, Kynance j^ >7 141 Granite Boulders, Forres, N.B. 142 A Sunny Cornfield 143 A Courtyard, Tangiers 144 A Courtyard, Tangiers ^ "7 145 A Sketch of Albano r.-^ 146 A Coast Scene, Ireland 147 A Scotch Scene j-^xd 148 A Study of Books - ' 149 The Steeple Bock, Kynance Cove 150 A Sandy Bay, Ireland 151 Kynance Cove 152 Holy Island, Bamborough in the distance 153 A Coast Scene, Ischia 154 Glen Columbkill, Ireland 162 A Landscape, Eonda •. v/",) 163 A Spanish Town 164 The Baths of Caracalla /^> 165 The Street op the Knights, Ehodes . ,.0 166 The Coast op Asia Minor, seen from Rhodes ^y/d 167 LONGSOR 168 A Mountain Scene, witli temple and figure, Egypt 169 A Study, on the coast of Ireland 170 A EivER Scene, Scotland 171 MiCKLEOUR, Scotland 172 A Ska Piece - 173 The Coast op Asia Minor 174 On The Nile ; and A View in Spain 175 A Temple on the Nile : and A Spanish View 176 Malinmore, Donegal 177 The Bay op Cadiz, Moonlight and Palazzo Eezzonico 178 A View of Athens ^ \^ Ck iiW. 179 Scotch Mountains : Sunset ; and A Coast Scene, Ehodes 180 Vittoria ., _^ Exhibited at the Boyal Society of British Artists, 1873 181 A Classical Head — monochrome ; and The Head of a Man ■7 c 182 A Study of Pine Trees ' 183 The Village op Cervara on a Hill 2 ')>< tuj f) \ 16 A/ "^ / -^ ^^y 184 A EuiNED Mosque at Beoitssa /^«;V '-^x^^^^ <-C_ Q 185 A WooDT Bank ' ■■'^ ^ ry '■^ 186 EuiNS OP A MooBisH Aboh, Spain " • - "^ / ^ 187 A View in Italy, with a cornfield / * c « •^ r v 2J^.- 189 MiMBAB OP THE GeEAT MoSQUE AT DAMASCUS ^^**47 ^(^ 190 KocKS, Capri; and A Fortress, Spain /?«^ ^ 191 Studies of Landscapes, Scotland ^w' 2 /5 192 The Red Mountains, Desert, Egypt i3V/4fc Q. /'X' 193 A Sketch, near Cairo 3 . ^ "3/ 194 A Fountain in the Couetyaed of a Jew's HoubE, Spain 195 A House in Tangiees Exhibited at the Mansion House, 1882 196 A Stebet Scene, Cairo y^, '^d-tiolA-^' 197 A Mooeish Steeet . (u^tivi ^^ A," ^' 198 A Study of Eocks, Scotland ' ' ^ / / 199 The Gaeden of the House, of the man who built the Alhambia ..^'-^ 200 A Spanish Donkey -* 201 A Donkey and Aeab Deivee rd, /4» 202 Mena Donkey 3 /^'/-^ 203 A Study of Hills "2 t^L-/J ^|^* / 204 The Temple of Phylje /t^->-|!^1;!> rj^t**^ / J" 205 Damascus : Night ^^ ^ ' / jj ^*v 206 A Mountainous Landscape, with a cavern fo 207 A Wood Scene y^ . zjQ 208 Head of an Italian Giel ^ -^ ' ; > ^ 209 The Dungeons op a Castle f^L i r Q 210 A Castle Keep ^ T^Vt-^^^liH / 211 Entbancb to a House, Capri ^9-^ ? \//iX^i,^^S& L 212 A Coast Scene, Ireland : storm effort ^~^^o ^^ ^VuA^K^ypCV^ ? ■■ .. ' / 213 LONGSOB " / 17 214 The Nile at Thebes k-^S ^ / 220 A Wood Scene 3 ^." 221 Near Dendebah ^ 215 A View neak Damascus ^ , ^/7>^vp^ /' C^ 216 A Mountainous Landscape, Scotland ' - ^'£i'^^!nxA,-*iy i 217 Capri by Night 8 f\_ 218 A FoETEESS in the CAMPAGNA/^?y/«/'^ /^^r^i^^ 7 219 A Landscape, with sand hills ' *^^ ^^^ ^^ 222 A Landscape -^ // - '^ f^ r^ >6 C^-^ 223 Athens, with the Genoese Tower, Pnix in the foreground /f « t^tt «-<- Exhibited at Newcastle *■ 224 A Landscape, near Cairo ; l^^c^^^ci 225 On the Nile *^^ r^j&-<' 226 Pasture, Egypt f7 227 Eed Mountains, Desert, Egypt S 228 An Egyptian Village - -" ^0 fC 229 The Island of ^gina i^^^ 1/ 230 Thebes v-^ ^4^ ^/ 231 The Coast of ^gina, Pnix in the foreground 5 232 Buildings on the Coast, Island of Rhodes ^ 233 Assouan, Egypt -" ( .^^ 234 A Vineyabd, Capri /, ^ d^^. V ^ 235 The Temple of Phyl^, looking up the Nile 236 The Nile at Esukh 3 7^ -. ' iMC .^■;^' J 237 The Cathedral, Capri 7^ '^ y 238 A Square in Cadiz 7^^ 239 On the Nile r3 240 In the Nile Valley 241 A View across the Nile v/ 18 242 A Woody Hill Side 243 KooKS OF THE SiBBNs, Capri 244 A Farm 244a Looking Aceoss the Nile S bK -w J\ trc i COPIES BY LOED LEIGHTON, P.R.A. ^io u^-ft/^V^^ 245 Peace and War, after Eubens 8 in. by 13 in. 246 The Massacre of the Innocents, after Bonifazio 13 in. by 12 in. 247 A Martyrdom, after Veronese /^^i^\ 8^ in. by 10 in. 248 The Last Supper, after P. Veronese 7^ in. by 11 J in. End of Second Day's Sale. Third Day's Sale. On TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1896, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. The Collection of LORD LEIGHTON, P.E.A. DRAWINGS BY DIFFERENT ARTISTS. ALFEED STEVENS. 249 Studies op Female Figures — red chalk — Studies on the reverse 2 9^ in. by 12 in. ALFRED STEVENS. 250 Studies of Wrestlers ; &c. — in red chalk 2 12 in. by 9^ in. G. P. R. BOYCE. 251 The Nile at Gizeh / 8 in. by 8^ in, 252 At Giornico Ih in. by 10 iw. /-s /I /' ^/ li J 253 The Eed Mountains, Cairo i .■■■\c,-^f}'l'^'P^^ Z\ in. by 10| in. G 2 / 20 '' ^f E. DE LA CROIX. 254 Heeottles and the Bull ; and the Companion — in tohite on hrovm ^ ground 2 4^ in. by 6 in. T. F. DIELMANN. 255 Studies of Fiqubes — two in one frame — pencil 'J 4^1 (MJ T. GAINSBOEOUGH, R.A. 256 A Lady, in a landscape — -whole length 19 in. by 12 in. A study in hlach and white chalk See history on the hack KATE GKEENAWAY. 257 The Promenade ; and one other y. UNKNOWN. 258 FiLLE DE Larbuns — histre W. HAVELL. 259 A View in Yorkshikk 7^ in. by 8 in. W. HAVELL. 260 A Classical Landscape — charcoal Aj^v^ c/V H. HEEKOMER, E.A., 1891. 261 The Statue op St. George, Florence 14 in, by 10 in. .^ l^ J. E. HODGSON, E.A., 1864. 262 Returning fbom the Wars 21 J. E. HODGSON, R.A. 263 Shbbp Sheaeing 6 in. by 9J in. GERALD HORSLEY, 1886. "^ /. ^ 264 PoBTioN OP Ancient Rbtablb, Westminster Abbey ^ '-{y'Ct^^ GERALD HORSLEY, 1886. 265 CoMPAETMBNTs OF THE VAULTED Ceiling, Vatican, Rome, after Pinturiccliio — a fair 2 J. A. D. INGRES. /^ 266 Studies op Female Figures for the " Odalisque " — pencil 7 in. by 14 in. SIR E. BURNE-JONES, 1865. 267 Chaucer's Dream op Good Women " And from a ferre came walking in the mede The God of Love, and in his band a queen, | And she was clad in Royal habite green." From the prologue to the legend of ' Crcod Women.' 9- \\\ in, by 15^ in. SIR B. BURNE-JONES. r ^ *" 268 Three Girls Dancing — in blue, white and gold lOJ in. by 9^ in. Presented hy the Artist C\ ^ SIMEON SOLOMON. //7 r/~ (^Ur 269 The Study op a Female Figure / ^^^^•V''' ' ' • 9 in. by 3 in. / 22 n SIR E. BURNE-JONES. ^ .ttA aJ mdscape, a mill in the distance 1\ in. by 6^ in. 270 A Lady, seated in a landscape, a mill in the distance "^ SIR E. BURNE-JONES. 271 Two Female Figures, seated — study in white chalk on red ground 12 in. by 9 in. SIR E. BURNE-JONES. 272 The Study of Three Female Figures, in blue and brown 36 in. bv 78 in. J. LEECH. /? . / 273 A Drawing for ' Punch ' — pencil / M. MEMPES. 274 A Tea Garden, Japan ALBERT MOORE. 275 CoMUS — study in hlach and white chalk on brown paper 9J in. by 13 in. ALBERT MOORE. 276 Nymphs Dancing — study in black and white chalk on brown paper 8 in. by 15 in. W. MtJLLER. 277 Genoa 6^ in. by 12 in. .^.. / /^ 278 Seville From the Artists' Sale 23 J. PHILLIP, K.A. WALTEK CKANE. y /I 279 Designs for the Mosaic in the Damascus Eoom f G. F. WATTS, R.A. 280 Achilles and Bbiseis — pencil sketch 4 in. by 8 in. D. COX. 281 A BiVEB Scene, with a boat 6 in. by 9^ in. ^! i^ 306 Nettuno '^^-^^ i>5 9 in. by 14 in. G. COSTA. 307 An Italian Landscape, with goats 1\ in. by 13^ in. DAVID COX. 308 Cottages 7 in. by 10^ in. y 27 EUGENE DE LA CROIX. 309 The First Sketch for the Ceiling op the Galbrie D'Apollon op the Louvre — circular DAUBIGNY. r P 310 A EivER Scene : Moonrise 12| in. by 21 in. DAUBIGNY. 311 A Landscape, with cottages 9^ in. by 16 in. E. DE LA CROIX. 3 312 A Sleeping Figure 1/6^^ Hexagonal — 7^ in. R. FLEURY. "7 313 Figures on a Balcony — inscribed ' Souvenir d'Amitie ' 6f in. by 9^ in. FROMENTIN. 314 A Landscape, with horses, near the coast 10^ in. by 14 in. '^ y SIR F. GRANT, P.R.A. 315 Portrait op Lord Chief Justice Campbell 12 in. by 9J in. From the Artists' Sale, 1879 SIR F. GRANT, P.R.A. 316 Portrait op the Earl op Portsmouth 17 in. by 8 in. From the Artists Sale, 1879 ^ / 28 C. VAN HAANEN, 1883. 317 Head of a Venetian Gibl 21 in. by 14^ in. C. VAN HAANEN. 318 A Venetian Gibl 12 in. by 8 in. 'Presented hy the Artist A. HEEVIER, 1851. 319 A Village Scene 18 in. by 12 in. Presented hy the Artist ^ P. F. POOLE, R.A. \~^ ^-^ ^ 320 Bbouqht to the Stake From the Artists' Sale, 1880 ^ A. LE GROS. ^ 321 Inteeiob of a Chueoh, with a monk and novices 32 in. by 27 in. 1 ^6 A. LE GROS. 322 Head of a Male Peasant — a sTcetch 11^ in, by 16 in. G. MASON, A.R.A. 323 A LANDSCAPE, with girl and calves 11^ in. by 21^ ifi. • ^^^ ^ Q MASON, A.R.A. 324 Geapes in a Basket i\ in. by 7 in. // <^ ^tt^. yl / ,, /} PAEIS BORDONE. ^ 349 Hbph^stits and Thetis. Thetis bearing off the newly-forged arms for her son Achilles ; on the right Hephaestus ; opposite him is Thetis in armotir, with a shield at her back and holding a sword in her left hand ; she is turning towards Hephaestus, who is placing his right hand on her arm ; clouds behind ; forge on the right Signed " 0. Paridis Bordono " 55 in. by 50 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1882 ALBERT DURER. 350 PoBTBAiT ov A Lady, in black dress and white head dress, holding a rosary 16^ in. by 12 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1876 A. W. G. 351 A Fete Champetbe, in the gardens of an old Flemish chateau, with ladies and gentlemen playing musical instruments 25 in. by 35^ in. GIORGIONE. 352 The Resueeection 12 in. by 9^ in. / GUIDO. / V 353 A Nymph — a fresco on piaster 36 in. by 35 in. i EARLY ITALIAN. 354 The Madonna and Child, on gold ground 31 in. by 22 in. / 33 ,^ ( rs SAXO DI PIETEO DA SIENA. 355 The Virgin and Chilp, with Saints. Half-length figure of the Virgin, holding the Child with her right arm ; in His right hand He hoMs a goldfinch, and in His left two pomegranates ; on the right is St. Bernardino of Sienna ; on the left, St. John the Baptist ; above is a half figure of God the Father in the act of blessing, and four heads of angels on either side ; gold background Arched top — 27 in. by 19 in. — on panel Exhihitedat Burlington House, 1882 S. DEL PIOMBO. 356 The Flagellation. A finished sketch for the picture in the church of St. Pietro in Montorio, Rome 14^ in. by 11^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1876 EEMBRANDT (After). 357 A Male Figure, whole length 281 in. by 23 in. B. DI SIENA. / i/'t/l 358 Christ Bearing His Cross. A small full-length figure of Christ, clothed in red, bearing the cross ; behind Him kneels a monk in adoration ; gold background. The kneeling figure is said to be a portrait of Era Giordano di Rivalta, founder of the Order of the Great Cross On panel — 12 in. by 8^ in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1882 Exhibited at the Italian Exhibition, 1893 D 34 SCHIAVONE. 359 Venus and Cupid 42 in. by 34 in. ,^ SCHIAYONE. 360 Heeoules and a Stag 6 in. by 12^ in. SCHIAVONE. wood and mountainous landscape, classical 361 A Cassone Front subject in the foreground 9 in. by 46 in. Exhibited at Burlington Home, 1886 Exhibited at Leeds, 1889 SCHIAVONE. 362 Jupiter and Semele 9 in. by 25 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1876 TINTOBETTO. -^ /" V /^ ^ -■^ ^ '^ 363 Portrait op Paolo Paruta, Italian historian, born at Venice in 1540 ; held several important offices in the Eepublic ; wrote many historical works, among others a " Storia di Venezia," translated into English by Henry Gary, Earl of Monmouth ; was called the Cato of Venice ; died 1598. Three-quarter length, seated ; dark fur-lined robe, glove in left hand ; curtain background inscribed at the top " P. Paruta Nob. Ven., 1590 " 37 in. by 30 in. Exhibited at Burlington House, 1895 35 TINTORETTO. 364 A Man's Head 15^ in. by 12^ in. TINTORETTO. 365 The Descent from the Cross — a sketch TINTORETTO. 366 A Study fob a Picture of Samson — a fragment 17^ in. by 22 ^ in. 367 Another Study, for the same 26 in. by 16 in. 368 Another Study, for the same 10 in. by 10 in. TINTORETTO. 369 The Death op Ananias 14^ in. by 11 in. TITIAN (After). V^ 370 Pbtbr Martyr 31 in. by 19 in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. V 371 Soldiers, with the head of John the Baptist 21i in. by 22^ in. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 372 An Alegorioal Picture, with a doge and other figures 93 in. by 78 in. Cfi^' / 36 VENETIAN SCHOOL. 373 The Companion Picture VENETIAN SCHOOL. 374 EuEOPA— a sketch VENETIAN SCHOOL. 375 A Male Figure 10 in. by 4 in. VERONESE (After). 376 Fortune, by W. Etty, R.A. 12|^ in. by 14 in. 7 t t^y I FINIS. London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. "• '-if ^ imT^ ^ v^ ^u PM ak \ A^ tv '^ Ih'^ ..v'^v wu^^ ^m ''? 'ml^^'^ Ti 9im ^.# L Hw5^ ^ 'J jH^l^r^y^ ^ " ^ i ^^>^ ir^ ^'"*' 4_^ S^ ^^KK/B^k ^^ %^ ^^^^:X ^ «" . *. !Sl£k - '"i* '^>'^ W^^M^ fc\ J m ^ 7^^^ 0^^ iE:* «•>: ^^ ' ; . ; ■" ,r".:-f*>^ .#^^i?^ 1 ^\ 1.^ \ 1 .'::^M^^\Wi^ AiA ^^1 IW % 1 m J^BT -!h i^^ ffi I GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132 ;/^