(T€LV v (\)ripX yevio-Qai,
ov8' 'A^tX^a TToO' c55e y' ibeibiixev, opyaiiov avbpQv, wvv^
ov irep (pao-l Oeas e/x/xemt* dXA' oSe Xlt^i; 100
IxaiveraLy ovbi ny ol Svi^arat [xivos lorocjyapL^eLvy
^£ls €(paO\ '^Ektcop 8' ov tl Kao-iyvrjTi^ airtdrjo-ev-
avTLm 8' 6^ 6)(i(iiv avv rev)(^€(TLV aXro ^ctM^^e,
ttclXXoov 6' d^ea bovpa Kara a-rparbv <^X^^^ Trairr/,
oTpvvoiv ixayjE(Ta(TdaL, eyetpe Se (pvXoTTLV alvrfv* 105
ot 8' kX€Xi\6r](Tav koI kvavrioL ecrrav ^A\aLQv'
^ApyeloL 8' VTT€X(opr](Tav, krj^av be (povoLO,
(pav be Tiv aOavcLTCDV ovpavov aarepoevTos
Tpooalv ake^rjaovTa KareXOepieVj ekikix^Oev, '
"E/crcop 86 Tp(i€(T(Tiv eKeKXero [xaKpov avaas' iio
TpcSes vTripOvjjLOL Tr]X.eKX€LTOL r eiTLKOvpoL,
avepes eore, (piXoL, pLvrjcrao-Qe be Oovpibos olAk^s,
0(/)p' av eyo) ^rjO) Trporl "^IXlov, rjbe yepovcrLV
eLTTOd ^ovXevrfjcTL kol rjixereprjs akoxoio-t
batpioa-Lv aprjaaaOaL, VTTOcryeo-Qai 8' eKaroix^as*^ ' 115
*I2s apa (poovrjcras a7:e(3rj KopvOaioKos ''EKTcop'
apicj)! be jXLv (T dXXa be & vXrj
rrjXeOoodcra (pveL, eapos 6' eiTLyLyveraL coprj'
&s dvbpQiV yever] rj pev ^veL rj 5' aTToXriyeL,
el 5' eOeXeLS Kal ravTa barjpievaL, ocpp' ev elbfjs 150
rjpLereprjv yei'erjv, iroXXol be p.Lv dvbpes tcrao-LV*
I 2
6. IAIAA02 Z.
€v brfixov i/cco/xat. 225
ey\ea 8' aXXrjXcov aXedpeOa kol bi opLiXoV
TToXXoi fxev yap 6/xol Tpcoes KXeiToi r eirUovpoiy
KTeiveiv ov k€ 6e69 ye TToprj kol iroarcrl KixeLco,
TToXXol 8' av (Tol 'A)(atol evaipepiev ov Ke bvvi]ai.
Tev\ea 8' aWrjAots enaixeolroixev, ocppa kol otbe 23c
yv(0(TLV on ^elvoi Trarpd'CoL evyopieO' elvai,'^
^£ls dpa (l)oovri(TavTe, Ka0* tinTayv at^avre^
\eipas T aXXrjXdiv Xa^errjv Koi incrTcoo-avTo'
evB^ avTe TXavK(f Kpovibrjs (ppevas e^eXero ZevSy
89 TTpbs Tvbetbrjv Atojtx7]8ea revx^' ajJietjBe 235
y^pvaea yaXKeio^v, eKaropi^oi evvea^otodv,
"E/crcop 8' 0)9 ^Kaids re irvXas kol (l)rjybv tKavev,
apLcj) apa jxlv Tpcdcov aXo)(^oi Oeov i]be Ovyarpes
tMc^iuAu.^ elp6\xevai nalbds re KacnyvriTovs re eras re r
KOL TTocnas' 6 8' eireira Oeols ev\eo-6aL dvdiyei 240
TTacra? e^eCrjs' iroXXfjcrL be Krjbe^ ecprjiTTo.
'AAA.' ore brj ITptajototo bopLov TrepLKaXXe tnave^
^eo-Trjs aWovo-rja-L reTvyp^evov — avrap ev avT(S
TrevTrfKovT evecrav 6dXapL0L ^ecTTolo XlOolo,
ttXtjctlov aXXrjXoiv bebpr]pevoL' ev0a be TToibes 245
KOipOdVTO npidpOiO TTapa pvr](TTf]9 dX6)(^0i(TL*
Kovpdoiv 8' erepoodev evavrioi evboOev avXris
hcabeK ecrav riyeoi OaXajjiOL ^€(ttoio XlOoio,
ttXtjo-lov aXXriX(i)v bebix-qixevoL' €V0a be yafilSpol
KOLfJLcavTO Opta/xoto Trap' aiboLr]^ aXo)(ot(rtz;. 250
€v6a ol rjiTiobcjopos evavrin] -qXvOe fjuffrrip
AaobtKTjv €(Tdyov(ra, Ovyarpcov eTbos apicrrriv'
€V T apa OL (pv x^^P^ ^'^^^ ^ ccpar €k t ovoixa^e
" TeKvov, TLTTTe XiTTo^v TTokeiJLov OpacTvv dXriXovOas ;
?7 IxdXa brj reipovcri bvadwixoi vies 'A)(aio)z; 255
ixapvafjievoi irepX d(TTV* (re 5' evOabe Ovixos dvrjKev
ekOovT e^ aKpr]9 ttoXlos Au xeHpas dvao-xelv,
aWct [Jiiv, 0(1) pa Ke rot {xeXirjbea dlvov evetKco,
0)9 (TiTeLo-rjs Att irarpl kol clWols dOavdroKri
'npSiTov, eireira be Kavrbs 6vi]creat, at Ke Trirja-Oa. 260
avbpl be KeKixrjcaTL [xevos [xeya oXvos de^eiy
o)S TvvT] KeK\xr]Kas afJLVVoyv croia-iv eTr\(Tu'
Ty]v 6' riixei^er eireLTa [xeyas KopvOaioXos '^Ektoop*
"jtx?] fJiOL oTvov aeipe jieXicfypova, irorvLa pLrjrepy
fxrj fji dTToyvL(i(Tr}9, p^iveos 6' dXKrjs re XdOcofjiaL* 265
)(6pcrt 6' dvLTTTOicriv Ail Xeif^eiv aWoira oTvov
aCofxaf ovbe ttt] eari KeXaLvecjyi'C KpovLcovi
aipLan kol XvOp(^ ireTraXayfJiivov evyerdaa-Oai.
aXXa av fiev irpbs vr]ov ^A0r]va[r]9 dyeXeLr]s
epxeo o-vv Oveecra-LV, doXXio-cracra yepaids' 270
TTei^Xov b\ 09 Tis Toi yapieo-Taros r]be [liyio-ros
ecTTiv evl fJLeydp(o Kai roi ttoXv (piXraros avrfj,
TOP Oes ^ kOrivairis eirl yovvaa-iv r\vK6ixoio,
Kai 01 viToa-yeo-Oai bvoKaibeKa jSovs evl vr]io
rjvLS rjKecFTas lepevcrepLev^ al k eXei](rrj 275
dcTTV re Kai Tpdcov aXo^ovs Kai vi]7TLa reKva,
at Kev Tvbeos vlov dirdo-xj} 'lAtou tprj9,
dypiov alxpLy-jTriv, Kparepbv fjLrj(TT(opa s Ke ot avOi
yaia x«z^ot' jixeya ya/) [xiv ^OXvixttlos ^rpecfy^ TrrJ/xa
Tp60(7i re Kttl nptajotci) pi€ya\r\Topi rolo re naio-iv,
€t K€iv6v ye t6ot/xt Kar^XOovr *'At8os eto-co,
(pairjv K€ (ppiv arepiTov oC^vos iKXeXaOia-Oai/' 285
*X2y €(^a&' , 7j be [xoKovo-a ttotl [xiyap aixcl) it: oKokti
KiKXeTO* Toi 5' ap' doAXtcro-ai; Kara acrru yepatay.
ai^r^ 8' es OdXapiov KaTefirjcreTO Kr](ievTa,
eV^* ecrai; ot TriirXoL TraixiroLKLXoL, epya yvvaiK^v
^ihovloov, ra? airo? ^AXi^avbpos deoeibrjs 290
Tjyaye 'EibovLrjOev, eTrtTrXcoy eipea ttovtov^
TTjv obov fjv ^EXevrjv irep avrjyayev evirarlpeiav*
T(ov ev aeipapiivr] ^EKajBrj (t)€p€ bcopov ^AOrjvrj,
OS kclXXio-tos €r]v TTOiKLXixaa-Lv ?58e ixiyio-ros,
acrTi]p 6' aTreXa/XTrez^' €K€Lto be vetaros aXXcov, 295
^7] 5' t€z/at, TToXXat Se [xereo-o-evovTo yepatat.
At 8' ore rrjoi; iKavov ^AOrjvrjs kv TroAet a/cpj/,
rr}o-t fli;pas wt£e 0ea2;c«) KaXXn:apr\09^
Kkto-tiU) aXoxos ^AvTTjvopos LTnrobdiJLOLO*
Tr}v yap Tpwes e6r]Kav ^Adrjvairjs Upetav, 300
at 8' oAoXvyrJ Trao-at ^Adrjvrj )(etpas dviayov*
7] 8' apa iriirXov eXovaa Qeavi) KaXXLTrdprjos
67]K€v ^AOr]vair]S evrt yoT^rao-tz; 7]i;/co'/xoto,
evxoixevr] 8' T]paro Atos KOiJpr] iieydXoLO'
" TTOTVL ^A07]va[rj, pvo-LTTToXL, 8ta ^edo)!/, 305
S^oz; 8^ eyxoy Atop,rj8eo9, 7]8e Kat airoi;
TTpTjvia bos necieiv ^Kaidv irpoirdpoLOe irvXaoiv,
o(f>pa rot avrUa vvv bvoKaibeKa l3ovs evl vr}(^
rjvLS TjKeaTas Upevorojxev, at k iXerjo-rfs
acTTv re Kat Tpcocov dXoxovs koI vrjirta TeKva,^ 310
^'ils ecpar evxoixivr]y dviveve be UaXXas ^A6rivy].
6. IAIAA02 Z.
&>9 at iiiv p' €v\ovTO Ato9 Kovprj /xeyaAoto,
''Ektco/) 56 Trpoy 5a)/xar' 'AA6^az;5/)oto /36/3?]K€t
KaAa, ra p' avroy erev^e cri/z; avhpaaLv ot ror' apLCTOL
rjaav evl Tpoir} ipilSdkaKL riKTOves avhpeSi 315
ot ol €7T0ir]crav OdXajJLOv kol bco^xa kol avXriv
lyyvQi re Ilptd/xoto Kat ''EKropo?, ez; ^roAet aKpry.
€i;^' ^'E/crcop ela-rjkOe bucpiXos, iv 6' apa x^^P^
lyxo? €)(' ei^SeKaTTT^x.^' Trapot^c 6e Xa/xTrero Sovpoy
OLixiir] x^^'^^^lf TTepl 6e xp^^-^o? iropKrjs. 320
roz; 5' eCp' ez; ^aXap-o) TrepiKaWia revx^" eirovTa^
ao-TTiba KOL OdprjKa, koI ayKvKa t6^^ acjyoodVTa' ^tt^Wx^c^
'ApyeCr] 6* 'EAeVrj fxer^ apa 5juia)rJ(n yvvai^lv
rjo-To, KOL aix(f)L7TckoL(TL TT€pLKXvTa €pya K^Xeve.
TOP 6' ''EKrcop veLK€(T(T€V lb(bv alar)(^pois kTii^crcrc 325
^'baipLovL, ov piev Ka\a )(^6kov rovb^ evOeo ^v/x(3.
Aaot [xev (pOivvOovo-L irepl tttoXlv amv re retx^^
papvdpievoL* aio 5' eti^e/c' diirr] re uToXepios re
albioixat Tpcoas koL TpwdSas kkKecnTriirXovs,
al K€ KaKos &s v6(r(f)iv aXvo-Kafco TroXe/xoto*
ovbe /x€ ^D/xo? avcoyev, iirel fxdOov €fx/x€i;at ecrOXbs
ahl Koi TTpdroKTL jxera Tpdeaai ixayecrOaiy 445
apvv[X€vos 'Karpos re [xiya KXios ^6' iixov avrov.
€V yap eyo) To8e ot6a Kara (^pera kol Kara OvixoV
l(T(T€Tai rjfjiap or av ttot dXdkrj ^'lAto? Ipr]
Kal UpiapLOS Kol Xabs ivpLfxeXCo} ITpta/xoto.
d\V ov fxot Tpcocov t6(tCXov oyj/LV arvx^eCsy
TaplBrjo-as x^^f^^v re J8e X6(j)ov LTTTnoxa^Trjv,
beivbv aiT CLKporaT'qs KopvOos vevovra voricra^. 47o
e/c 8' iyiXaao-e irarrip re <|)^Aos Kal iroTVLa ^nqp'
avTLK airb Kparbs KopvG* €lX.€To (paibiixos ''EKrcop,
Koi TTjV fjikv KariOrjKev iirl xOovl Trajut^az; ocoo-ai;'
avrap 6 y ov ipiKov vlov eTret kv(T€ irijke re xepcrtv,
elirev eirev^dixevos Aa t oXXoktiv re 6eoi(TC 475
" ZeO aXkoi re ^eot, hore hr] koI rovhe yevicrQai
TTolh^ ipLov, ct)9 Koi eycJ irep, apiiTpeiria Tpdea-aLV^
S)be ^LTjv T ayaOoVi koX 'lAtou c<^t avaaoreiv*
Koi Tiori TLs eliTOL ' TTarpos y She ttoWov afxeivcov
€K TToXipiov aviovra' p(Tev.
al piev en C^ov yoov "^EtKTopa w evl olk(^' 500
ov ydp piLv er e(l)avTO virorpoTTOv e/c iroXep^oio
L^eo-Qai, 7Tpo.-^^j»^u^
€l(o6(i)s Xoveo-QaL €vppei09 iroTafiolo^
Kvhiooov* v\j/ov be Kaprj e^ct, ajjicpl be )(a6rat
wpiOLS atcro-ovTaL' 6 6' dyAatij^t TreTroiOds, 510
pL}ji(f)a € yovva (jjipet ixerd r ijOea kol vopiov ltt7to}v'
&s vibs YIpidfJiOLO rrdpts" Kara Ylepydpiov ccKprj^
Tevx^o-i 7TaiJi(j)aLvo)v coy r rjXeKToop ijSelBriKet " - -
KayxaXoooVy rax^es be irobes (l)epov' aixj/a 6' eireira
"EiKTopa blov ererpLev dbeX(j)e6v, evr dp epieXXe 515
aTpe-yjrecrO^ €/c x^P^^ ^'^^ 2? ^d/5t^e yvvaLKU
Tov irporepos TTpoo-eeLirev ^ AXe^aubpos Oeoetbris'
" rj6ei\ Tf pidXa brj ere /cal eaavpLevov KarepvKO)
br]6vvo)v, ovb^ riXQov ivaiG-tpiov, eKeXeves ; "
Tbv 5' aTTap^eL^opievos 7Tpocre(pr} KOpvOaioXos ''EKTcop'
^'baipLOVi, ovK dv TLs rot dvrjp, bs evaLo-ip^os etr], 521
epyov drip.riG'eie jutd^^y, eTret dXKip.6s eo-cn'
dXXa eKOJV pLeOiels re kol ovk eOeXeis* ro 5' e/xoi^
dxvvrai ev Ovp.^, oO^ vnep crtOev aLcrxe clkovo)
TTpbs Tp(i(ji)v, ol exovo-i t^oXvv itovov etveKa creio, 525
dXX^ lop.ev' TCL 5' oTno-Qev dpe(T(T6p.eQ\ at Ke ttoOl Zei/y
bdrj eTiovpavLOLCFL deols aleiyeveTrjcn
KprjTrjpa cmqcraadai eXevOepov ev pieydpOLcnv,
eK Tpoirj^ eXdaavras evKvrfpLLbas 'A^citovs/'
T(3 6' a[Ji ^AXi^avbpos kC abeXclyeos' Iv 8* apa ^v/x<3
aix(f)6T€poL ixiixaaav noXeixiC^iv 7786 ixd^^o-daL,
0) 9 ^€0S vavrrjcTLV ^eKbopLivoLcnv ebcoK^v
OVpOVy €77€t K€ KCLpiaXTLV iv^^GTTrjs ^XdrrjcTL 5
TTovTov i\avvovT€^, KafxcLTiD 8' VTTo yvta AeAwrat,
1) S apa ro) Tpcoecro-tz; eeXbofxivoLCL (f)avriTr]v,
'^EvO^ kXiTiqv 6 ix€v vlbv ^ Apr] iO 6010 avaKTOS^
"kpvri vai^TCLOvra Meveadiov^ ov KopvvrjTrjs '^^^ ^ ^^^^
y^Lvar ^Apr]i6oos /cat *$>v\opi€bovo-a (Soc^ttls' 10
'^Ektcop 8' ^H'Covija l3a)C eyx^'t o^voevTL
av\iv VTTO o-Tecfyavrfs €V)(^d\KOV, Xvae 86 yvla, "^'U^h' >^
TXavKos 8' 'iTTTToXo^oto Traty, Avklcov ayoy avbpcav,
'I^tVooz; j3aA.6 8oi;pl Kara Kpareprjv vo-pLivriv
Ae^idbrjv, LTTircdv iiTLdXjJLevov coKetacoi^, 15
S)pLOV* 6 8' 6^ cTTTTCoz^ x^F^^^^ TTeVe, Xvz^ro 8^ yma.
Tois 8' 0)9 oSz; ivorjore 6€a yAav/cwTrt? 'A^tJi^i]
*Apy€tovs okeKovTas ivl Kparepfj vo-piLvrj,
pr] pa Kar OvXvjJLTTOLO Kaprjvcdv dt^aa-a
'^IXlov eh Up-qv* rrj 8' dvTLOS (opvvr 'AttoAXwi^ 20
Uepydixov iKKaTibdv, TpdecraL be ^ovkeTo vUiqv*
dXXrjkoLo-L be rco ye crvvavTia-0r]v irapa ^T]y<{).
TTjv TTporepos 'npocriemev ava^ Ato? vlbs ^AirokKoiV'
"tl7TT€ (TV br} av jutefxama, Atoj Ovyarep [xeyaXoLO,
-^kOes air Ovkvixnoio, fjiiyas be ere Ovixbs avr]K€V ; 2
ri iva brj Aavaoio-L /xax.^? krepakKea vlktjv
b(2s ; €7rel ov tl Tpcoas airoXkvixivovs eAeatpety.
dAA' eX [JLOL TL TTlOoLO, to K€V TToXv KipblOV €67] •
vvv fiev 7Tav(T0)iJL€v TToAe/xoz; kol brj'CoTrjTa
ariixepov' vorTepov avre p^ayjiaovT, ds o k€ rcK/xcop
'lAtov €vpo)(rLVy €7T€l S)S (^ikov eVAero OvikZ
Vfjuv aOavcLTTjo-L, biaiTpaOieiv Tobe clcftv.^^
Tbv 6' avT€ irpocrieine 6ea ykavKo^ins ^AOrjvr]*
" eoTco, eKaepye* ra yap (ppoviovora kol avTj]
riXOov aTT* Ovkvp^iTOLO /x€ra T/3tt5es 'A)(atot
otoi^ €TT6p(T€Lav TTokepiCCeLv ''E/cropt 6ta)."
'""H? €^ar', o{'§' diTiO-qo-e Oea y\avK0)7ns ^ A6r\V7],
Tcav 5' ''EAei^o?, riptttjototo (j)L\os irais, avvOeTO Bvp.^
ISovXrjv, 7] pa Oeoiaiv icfyrjvbave p-qTLOOLxn' 4
(TTTj be Trap* '^Ektop' i(i)v KaL p.iv Tipos p^vQov eemev'
"''Ektop, vie Ylpidpoio, Au pltjtlv drdAaz^re,
7] pd vv pLOL TL TiiOoio, Ka(TLyvr]Tos bi ToL elp^C
&\Xov9 pkv Kddidov Tpcoa? Kal irdvTas 'A)(atov9,
avTos be TrpoKdkeo-o-aL 'Ax^atcoi; os tls dpLdTos 5
avTL^iov p^a^ea-ao-QaL ev alvrj brjLOTrjTL'
ov ydp Tid TOL p.olpa Oavelv Kal iroTpLOV enLcyneiv*
&)S yap eyo)v ott' cLKOVcra decov aleLyeveTacov/'
^Q^s €^a^', "Ektcop 6' avT i^dpr] p.eya pLvOov aKOVoras
Kai p ' es pLeaaov lojv Tpdoov aveepye (pdXayyas, 5
7..IAIAA02 H.
}xi(T(Tov hovpos k\(iv ol 8' ibpvv6r](Tav aTrarrej.
Kah 8' ap ^AOrjvaCr] re Koi apyvpoTo^os ^AiroWoov
kC^a-OrjV OpVLCTLV €0Lk6t€S alyVTTLOLCrL
(f>rjy^ icj) v\lfr]\f] iraTpbs Aibs aiyioyoiOy
avbpdcTL rep-nofjievoL' tQ>v h\ crri^e^ rjaro irvKvaC, ^<^'
el jxev Kev efxe Kelvos e\rj TavarjKeC xctA'^'p, Icw^
Tevx^(^ crvXrj(ras (pepirco KOiXas eirl vrjas,
(Tw/xa 8e OLKaS* epibv bop^evai irdXiv, ocppa TTVpos /xe
Tpcoes Koi Tpdodv dXoxoL kekdxo)crL Oavovra.
el be K eyo) rbv e'Ao), b(£>rj be jxoL evx^os 'AttoAAcoz^,
Tevx^CL avkrjaas ol(T(o Trporl "^IXlov lpr\v,
KOL Kpep.6(o TTpOTL vTjbv ^AttoWcovos e/caroto,
rbv be veKVv em vrjas ev(T(re\p.ovs diTobiocro)^
o^pa e Tap^(T(£i(TL Kdprj KopiocovTes ^Ayaioi,
Grrjpid re ol x^''^^^^^ ^'^^ TiAaret ^E\kr](nr6vTs TTori tls ipiet' to 6' ipibv Kkios ov tiot dAttrat."
'^ils epoi,
4>etay Trap reiyea-a-iv, ^lapbdvov dpiipl peeOpa. 135
Tola-L 8' ^EpevOakicov upopios tVraro, iaodeos (p(os,
T€VXe €XOl>V COpiOiO-LV ^Apr]W6oLO dvQKTOS,
blov ^AprjWooVy TOV iTTLKkrjo'LV KopvvriTiqv
dvbpes KLKkrjo-Kov Kakki^ojvoL re yvvoiKes,
OVV^K ap OV TO^OLCTL pLa)(^io'K€TO boVpC T€ pLUKpCO, I4O
dkka (TLbr]p€Lrj Kopvvrj prjyvvo-K^ (j)dkayyas.
TOV AvKOopyos eTre^i^e 8oA(p, ov tl KpaTe't ye,
(rretz^coTTO) Iv 66<5, o&* dp^ ov Kopvvr] oi okeOpov
yj)ai(Tp.€ (TibrjpeCr]' irplv yap AvKoopyos if7TO(pOds
bovpl piio-ov 7T€p6vr}G-ev, 6 d' vtttlos oiJSet epeCo-Or]' 145
T€V)(^€a 8' i^€vdpL^€, TCL ol TTOp^ ^^^'^^^^ ''ApTJS.
Kal TCL piev avTos eTretra (popeL pL^Ta piQkov ''Apr]os'
avTap iirel AvKoopyos ivl pLeydpoiatv iyrjpa)
b(OK€ 8' ^Ep€vdakL(jovL ^tAo) OepdiTovTL (^oprivaC
TOV o ye TevyjE €)(0)v irpoKakC^eTo irdvTas dpLcrTovs. 150
ol 8e /ucaA' hpopieov Kal ibeibto-av, ovbi tls erAr]'
7. lAIAAOD H. 133
6dp(T€i (2* yevefi he vedraros eo-KOv aTrdvrcov'
Kol [xaxojJLrjv ot eyco, bo)K€V be [jlol ev)(^09 ^AOrjvr]*
T^oXXos yap tls eKeiro iraprjopos evOa kol evOa,
el6^ 0)9 fjl3(ioi}JLL, ^[rj be ixoi ep^irebos €??]•
TO) Ke Ta^ auTTjo-eLe p-iiyjqs KopvOatoXos ''EKToyp.
vixecov 8' 06 uep eaciv apio-Trjes ITamx^ata)!;,
0^5' ot 7Tpo(f)povem ixepLaO^ ''EKTopos avriov eXOeiv/' i6o
^12? veiKe(T(T 6 yepoiv, ol 6' evvea iravres avicrrav,
Sipro TToXv TTpQiTOs piv dva^ avbpcov ^Ayapep^vcov,
r(S 8' eirl Tvbeibr]s S)pTo Kparepos ALopr}br]Sf
ToicTL 8' eTr' AtavreSy Bovpiv eTTieipevoi clXkitiv,
TOLO'L 8' €77* ^Ibopievevs Kal OTTOLcov ^lbop.evrjo9j 165
MrjpLovrj^y aToXavros 'Ei^vaXtw dvbpeicjyovrrjy
roicTi 8' €7r' EvpvirvXos, FiVaCpiovos ayXabs vlos,
av be Qoas ^AvbpaipovCbrjs kol 8109 ^Obvo-aevs'
Trdvres ap^ ol y eOeXov TToXepL^eiv "Y^KTopi bico.
rot? 8' avTL9 p^ereei-ne Veprivios linTOTa NcVrcop* 170
" KXrip(d vvv TTeirdXacrOe btapTrepis, 09 k€ Xaxria-LV' ^
ovTos yap br] ovrjaei evKvrjpibas 'A)(atov9,
Kal 8^ avTos ov Ovpbv ovrjo-erai, at Ke (f)vyrj(rt,
br]tov eK TToXepiOLo Kal alvrjs brjLOTrjros.'^
^12? e(f)aO\ ol be KXrjpov e(Tr]pirivavTO eKao-TOS, 175
ev 8' e^aXov Kvvej} ^ Ayapepvovos ^Arpe'lbao.
Xaol 8' Tjprjo-avTO, deoicn be )(6tpa9 dvecryov*
&be be TLS elirecKev Ibi^v els ovpavov evpvv'
" Zed TTCLTep, 7) Alavra Xa^elv, rj Tvbeos vlov,
rj avTov j3a(TLXrja TToXyxpya-OLO MvKriviqsy 180
^£ls ap^ e(f>av, irdXXev be TeprivLos LTTTTora Neorco/),
6K 8' eOope KXrjpos Kvverjs, ov dp^ ijOeXov avroC,
AlavTOS' Krjpv^ be (jyepoiv dv opiXov dTrdvTrj
Set^' evhi^ia iracrLV apio-rrjea-o'LV 'Axatwr.
ol 8' ov yiyvdiCTKOVTes airrjvrivavTo e/caoro?. 185
dW ore 8r) roi' LKav€ (})€p(ov av o\xiKov airoiVTrj,
o? fiLV €7Tiypd\j/a9 Kvvirj fidXe, <^at§t/xo9 Ata?,
7] rot VTiia-yjeOe X^^P^> ^ ^' ^Mi^ciXez; ayx^ TTapaa-rds,
yvco be KXripov arfixa Ibdv, yrjOrjce he OvfJLio,
rov jjiev Trap 7708' kov x^l^dbi^ [BdXe (pdvirjo-iv re* 190
" S) (^tXot, rj rot K\r]po9 e/xoy, x^atpco be kol avros
0vii(2, eirel boKeco vLKrja-efjLev ''E/cropa 6toz;.
dXA.' ayer', o(/)/)' ctv eyo) TToXefXTjCa revx^ci bvca,
Tocpp^ vfxeLS evxecrOe Att KpoviayvL avaKTi,
(TLyf] vfjLemv, Lva ixrj Tpwej ye 7Tv9o)VTaL, 195
rje KOL aix(f)abLr]v, eTrel ov riva beCbipiev epLTTTjs*
ov yap rt? fxe jBir] ye eKG)v aeKovra btrjTat,
ovbi rt ibpetrj, eirel 01J8' e/x^ vrjibd y ovt(09
eXiTOfxai ev 'EaXafjuvL yeveaOai re rpatpifxev re.^'
^£ls e(pa9\ ol 8' evxovro Att Kpovtayvi dvaKn* 200
(j)be be rt? e'LirearKev Ibo^v els ovpavov evpvV
Zev irdrep, ''IbrjOev [xebecov, KvbicrTe pLeyLare,
bos VLKrjv AtavTL kol dykaov evxos dpicrOai' ^^^^^
el be KOL "FiKTOpd irep (piXeeLS kol KrjbeaL avrov,
XcrjV apL(f)OTepoL(rL (Birjv kol Kvbos oiracrcrov,^^ 205
^^Is ap^ e(f)av, Alas be Kopvo-crero vcapoin
avrap eirel 8r) Trdvra irepl xpot ecrcraTO Tevxea,
aevar eireiO^ olos Te ireXcopios epxerai "^Ap-qs,
(is T elcTLV iToXepLovbe pier avepas, ovs re KpovLcov
ist^J (^^^-^^^^^ Ovpo^opov epibos fJieveC ^vver]Ke p^dxecrOai, K/^ \ 210
roto9 ap' Ataj Spro TreXcopLOS, epKOS 'Axcttwr,
pLeibLocov ^Xo(Tvpol(Ti 77 pocrdirao'L' vepOe be iroo-crlv
ij'Ce jtxa/cpa j3t/3a9, Kpabdoav boXtxoo-Kiov eyxos,
rov be Kal ^Apyeloi ptev ey-qOeov elcTopocovres,
Tpcaas be rpopLos alvos VTTrjXvOe yvia eKaa-rov, 215
7. IAIAA02 H.
"EKTopt avr(2 Ovjxos hi (rrrjOecra-i -Kara&crev'
aX\' ov 770)9 €71 elx^v vTTOTpio-aL oi8' avabvvai
ayj/ ka(ov h o\xiXov, iirel TrpoKaXio-aaTO xap\xr].
Alas kyyvOev rjXOe ^ipcov (tolkos rjore iivpyov,
Xa\K€OV eTTTajBoeiov, 6 ol Tvxios Ka/xe revxf^v, 220
(TKVTOToixcov OX apL(TT09, ''TXry hi OLKta vaiO)V,
OS 06 €7To[r}(rev acLKOs aiokov kiTTajBoeLov ' Wv^^
ravpcov CaTpe(j)€0)v, cttI 8' 076001; ijXacre xo-Xkov.
TO TTpoaOe (TT€pvoLO (l)€pa)v TeXafidvLos Alas
o-rr) pa [xaX' "E/cropo9 eyyvs, aT:eiXr](Tas he TTpo(Tr}vba' 225
**''EKrop, vvv i^h 8r) o-acpa daeat olodev otoj
oloi Kol Aavaolo-LV api(TTT]€S [xeriacrL,
Kal /xef 'AxtXXr]a piq^rivopa Ovp-oXiovra. ^
aXA' 6 ixh h V7]€(r(n Kopcortcrt iTOVT07;6poL(n ^
K€tr aTTOjX'qvio'as ^AyapiiixvovL, iroLfxhi Xacav' 230
^jut€t9 5' etjutez; rotot ot ai^ o-e^ez; avTido-aLfxev
KOL TToXies' aXX' apxe /xax^? vbe TrroXe/xoto/'
Toi; 8' aire TipoaUme [liyas KopvOatoXos "EKTOip*
" ATai; bioyevh TeXa/xcoz^te, KoLpave Xac^v,
firj Ti fX€V rjvTe TTathbs a(t)avpov T:eipr\TiC^, 235
7]k yvvaiKOS, fj ovk olhev iroXeixri'Ca epya.
avrap iyiiv ev oT8a fxaxa? avhpoKradias re'
ot5' €7rt 8e^ta, 016' ctt' apio-repa rco/x^o-at /3a)i;
aCaXcr^r, ro /xot eori raXavpivov TToXefXiCetv*
olba 8' €7rat£at fJioOov Utto^v wKetacoz;* 240
ot8a 8' €i;l o-raStT] 8r]La) ixiXnecrOai ^Apr]t.
aXX' ou yap 0-' e^eXco ^aXieiv tolovtov kovra
Xdeprj oinTTevo-as, dXX' dfx(f)ab6v, at k6 ri^x^o/xt "
pa, Kal a/x7r€7raXa)i; Trpotei boXixoo-Kiov eyxo?,
Kal jSaXez; Atai^ro? beivov ctclkos eTrra^oetoz; ^ 24=
aKpoVaroi; Kara xct^Koi;, 09 oyboos v^v Itt' air(3.
If 8e 8ta tttvxO'S r]\(9e SatC^i^ x^^^^^^ ar6tp7?9,
136 7- IAIAA02 II.
f.v rfj 8' k^hojxarri pLV(S (T)(^eTo' bevrepos avre
Alas bioyevrjs irpo'Ui hoKiyocrKiov ey^o?,
Ka\ pdXe n/3ta/xt6ao Kar ao-iriba ttolvtoct €tcrr]v. 250
biCL [xev aoTTTibos rjXOe (^aeivris o^pipLOv ^yxps,
Koi bia 6(ipr]Kos iToXvba^bdXov rjprip€i(TTo'
avTLKpv be TTapal Xairdpriv Std/xr/cre x^^^^^ C^^^o^
eyxos* 6 8' €K\Lv6r] kol akevaro Krjpa [xiXaivav.
TO) 8' eKo-TTao-crafiivco boXCx ^yX^^ xepcrlv ap! dpLcjyco 255
(TVV p' €7Te(T0V XeiOVCLV €OLk6t€9 0)p,0^eis' rov 8' at\/^' &p9(jii(rev ^ AiroXXoiv.
KaC vv K6 brj fic^eecra-' avToaxebov ovrd^ovro,
el prj KTipVKes, Ato? ayyeXoi -qbe Kal dvbpu>v,
f)X6ov, 6 p!ev Tpdcov, 6 8' ^Axatcov x^^f^oxtTcovo^v^ 275
TaXOv^Los re Kal ^Ibaios, TreirvvpLevoy a/x<^a)* J^ Vt.c^
pLecro-cd 8' dpLcfjoTepaiv o-KrjTTrpa axeOov, eiTre re pivOov
Krjpv^ 'I8ato?, Treirvvp^eva pLTjbea elbds'
pLrjKeTL, TTaibe (fyiXo), TroXepLi^eTe pirjbe pLdxecrOov'
7. IAIAA02 H.
afJL(f)OT€p(jd yap (K^Qii <^iXei vecfieXrjyepira Zevs, 280
afjL(j)(o 5' alxfJirjTa' to ye brj kol Xbfjiev airavTes*
vv^ 5' i]br] TeXiOeL* ayaObv kol vvktI iriOio-Oau^
Tov 5' airapiei^oixevos irpoa-it^ri TeXaixdvLos Alas*
" 'I5at', ''EKTopa ravra KeXevere fjivOrfo-aa-Oai'
avTos yap X^PI^V '^poKaXiaoraro iravras apicrrovs, 285
apx^T^' CLVTCLp iyo) fidXa TretVo/xat r] irep av ovtos^
Tov 6' avre Trpocreenre \xiyas KopvOaioXos ''Ektco/)*
AtaZ/, 67761 TOl b0)K€ ^609 [xiyeOoS T€ ^ir]V 76
Kal TTti^vrT^r, irepl 6' 6yx6t 'Axatcoz; cfyipraros ecro-L,
vvv ixkv irava-coixeo-Oa fJ-dxV^ '^^'^ b7]'CoTrjros 290
ariixepov' vcrrepov avT€ ixaxr](T6ixe6\ els o k€ 5at/xcoy
a/xjU6 btaKpLvrj, hdrj 5' kripoLcri ye vlktjv.
vv^ 5' reXiOei' ayaOov Kal vvktI TnOiaOai,
0)9 (TV T evcpprjvrjs iravTas irapa vrjvcrlv 'AxciL0V9,
(Tovs re \xaXi(TTa has Kal kraipovs, ol tol eacriv' 295
avrap eyo) Kara darv ixiya Ylpidixoio avaKTos
Tpwaj iv(j)pave(o Kal Tpcoabas eXKecmTeTrXovs,
at T€ fiOL evxoyievai Oeiov hvaovrai ay^va,
b(apa 6' ay dXXrjXoKn TTepiKXvrd bdoixev afx^co,
ocfypa TLS elTrrjo-iv ^ A.xaiQ)V re Tp(i(ov re* 300
' rifxev €iJLapvd(r6r]v epthos irepL OvixojBopoLO,
7)5' avT €v (j)iX6Tr]TL hdTpiayev apOiir\(TavT€y^
^^Is dpa ^(nvria-as hOiKe ^i(f)os dpyvp6r]Xov,
^ (Tvv KoX6(I) T€ (f)€p(ov Kal 6i;V/jLr]r(i) reXaixQivC
Alas be Cd^arrjpa bibov (fyoCviKL (I)aeiv6v. 3^5
TO) be biaKpivOevre 0 jxev fxera Xabv 'Axatwi;
6 6' es Tpcocov ofxabov de* rol 5' exdprjaav,
0)9 elbov C(^6v re Kal aprefj^ea irpoo-LovTa,
AtavTos TTpocpvyovTa fxevos Kal x^^^pas adirrovs'
Kai p' riyov irpoTl aarv, aeXiTTeovTes croov eivai, 3^0
AUvT avO' erepcfiOev evKvrnxibes 'Axaiol
els ^ Aya[ilixvova hlov ayov, Kexaprjora vlktj,
01 ore brj kXio-ltjo-lv iv ^Arpdbao yivovTO,
TOLo-i he povv Upevcrev ava^ avbpcav 'Aya/xe/xrcoz;
apceva TTevTairrjpov viiepixevi'i KpovCcovL. 315
Tov bipov aiJi(PL 0^ €7Tov, KaL [XLV biex^vav airavra, dcJt u j-
fjLi(TTvXX6v T ap €7Ti(TTaixivm irdpav r djSeXoia-LV, Ij^^^'^^^
&7TTr](rdv re TrepLcppabecos, epvcravTo re iravra. ^^->o-»-^ cjts
avrap iirel iravcravTo ttovov rervKovro re batra,
baivvvTy ovbi Ti BvpLOS ebevero baiTos eto-r;?' 320
vdroLo-LV 6' Atavra biiqveKiecrcri yipaipev
ijpCDS ^Arpetb-qs, evpvKpeioov 'Aya/xe/xrcoi^.
avrap eirel ttoclos Kal ibrjrvos e^ epov evro,
rot? 6 yepcdv Train: pooros v(})aLV€LV ^ipyjeTo fjLrjriv
NeVrcop, ov Kal irpoo-Qev apirrrr] (paivero jSovXrj' 325
o o-(j)iv €v
TTCLPT iOiXco b6p.€vaL KOL €T oUoOev aXX' eTTiOelvau^
'"H TOL 6 y etTTwz; Kar dp e'Cero* rolcri b' dvia-TT]
Aapbavibrjs UpCapios, 6e6(\>LV pLrja-Toop drdkavroSi 3^6
o (r(j)LV €V(\)povioiv dyoprjo-aro Koi /xereetTre*
" K^KkvTi |ot€U, Tpwe? KOL AdpbavoL 778' k-nUovpoi^
ocjyp^ €6770) rd pL€ Ovpib^ €vl (TTTiOeo-o-L K€\eV€L,
vvv pi€V bopTTOV €\€(t6€ KaTCL TTToXlVy 0)9 TO irdpOS TT^p,
KOL (fyvXaKTjS fxrr/o-acr^e kol eyprjyopOe enaaTOS' 37^
TjcaOev 8' 'I8ato? tro) Kotkas iirl vrjas
dirip^ev ^ATpeibrj^, 'Ayap.ip.vovi koX Mei^eXao),
/u,{}^oz; ' AXe^dvbpoiOy tov etveKa v€Lkos opoipe*
Koi be Tob' d'nip.evai ttvklvov ctto?, at k iOikcoa-i 375
7. IAIAA02 H.
Tfavo-aa-eaL TToXefioLO bv(Tr]x^os, eh o k€ V€Kpov9
K^oixev ^o-repov aire ixaxwoiiee\ ds 5 haifxo^v
afxfxe hiaKpivri, bdrj 8' krepoKri ye vUriv/'
""0.9 €(f)a6\ ol a' Spa Tov fxdXa fxev kKvov rib' eTriOovTo
[hopiTov €7766(9' e'lXovTo Kara (rrparov iv reXeeo-o-Lv] 38
-nc^Oev 8' 'IboLOs €l3r] Koikas eirl vrjas'
Tovs b' €vp elv ayopfj Aavaov9 OepdirovTas ""Aprjos
VT]): TTapa TTpviivrj ' Ayajiiixvovos* avrap 6 tolq-l
(TTas h jiicro-OLo-iv fX€T€(f)(6v€€v rjTTVTa Krjpv^' '
'Arpdbr] re /cat aXXot apio-rrjes Uavaxaioiv, 385
-nvdyei UpCaixos re Kal HXXol Tpcoes ayavol
eiTTeiv, at /ce irep vpiixi (j)i\ov koX rjbv yivoiro,
fxvOov 'Ake^dvbpoLO, rod etveKa veiKos opoope'
KTrjixara fxev 0(t' 'A\i^avbpo9 kolXtjs hi vrjva-lv
-nydyero Tpoirjvb—m irplv cSc^eXV aTroAcWat— 39c
-navT keiXei bojievai Kai er OLKoOev aW eTTteeLvai'
Kovpibij]v V aXoxov MeveXdov KvbakiiJLOLO
ov (i)y](riv bdo-eiv 77 ixr]v Tpwey ye Kikovrai.
Kol 8e ro8' rjvcoyeov elireiv eiros, at k' iOikrjre
TTava-ao-Oat TTokijxoio bva-rjx^o^, eb o k€ v€Kpov9 395
KYjofxev' varepov avre iJiaxr](r6ixe6\ eh o k€ baipicov
afifxe biaKpivri, bdrj 8' erepoLCTL ye vlktjv.''
""Xl? e(j)a6\ ol 8' apa iravTes clktjv eyivovTO (nodirfj'
oxf/e be bj] ixereenre jBorjv dyaObs Ato/x^'S/;?-
''liTfT ap TL9 vvv KTriixaT 'Ake^dvbpoio bex^oSco 400
liriO' "Ekevr]v' yvcorbv be Kal 6y [xdka vrjinos eariv,
0)9 r/877 Tpcoea-o-Lv SkeOpov ireipar ecprjirTai/'
""D^s ecpaO', ol 8' dpa Trdvres emaxov vies 'Axatwi;, -"'^ ^
fxvdov dyaoro-dixevoL Aio/xr^8eoy 67r7ro8a/>toto'
Kal TOT dp' 'Ibatov 7Tpo(Te(f)rj Kpeioav 'AyapLepivcav' 405
" 'lbai\ ^ TOL fxvOov 'AxaiQ^v avTos aKoveis,
m TOL vnoKpivovTac efxol 8' ei^iavbdvei ovTm.
7- lAlAAOS H.
afM(f)l be veKpoiaLV KaraKaLefxev ov tl /xeyatpco* c^^Cx"
ov yap TLS (peibo) veKVcov KaraT^OvrjdToov
opKLa b€ Zeis torco, ipuyboviTos ttoctls "Hprjs/^
eliicov TO (TKrjTTTpov aveax^eOe iraa-L Qeoicnv^
arj/oppov 5' ^IboLOS ejSrj upOTL "Wiov Iprjv,
OL 5' ear^ dv ayopfj Tpcoey /cal AapSaz/tcoz^es,
TiavT^s ojjirjyepieS) noTibiyiievoL bnnor ap' eA^ot 415
'I6atos* 6 5' a/)' ^A0e Kal ayyeXtrjv aTreetTre
oras €z; p^iaaoLCTLV' toI 5' iTrAt^oiro jutdA' S/ca,
d/x^oVe/joz/, viKvds r dyeixev, €T€poL be /x€^' i;A/]z;*
'Apyetot 6' krepo^Bev evo-aiXfJLoov dirb vrjojv
orpvvovTo veKvs r dyifjiev, erepoi be [xeO^ vX-qv. 420
'HeAtos ixev eneira veov irpoae^akkev dpovpas,
e^ CLKaXappeLTao ^aOvppoov '^iKeavoio '
ovpavbv elo-avLCjp' ol 6' ijvTeov dWrjXoLo-LV,
evda biayvQivaL yjiXenQiS rjv dvbpa eKaarov*
dAA' vbaTL vi^ovTes duo (Bporov alpiaToevTa, 425
bdKpva Oeppid )(^iovTe^ d/xa^dcoz; endeipav,
ovb^ eta KkaieLv YIpLapios [xeyas' ol be (ncoTrfj
veKpovs TTVpKa'Crjs e-neviqveov dxyvyievoL Krjp,
ev be TTvpl irpriaavTes ejSav irporl "IXlov Ipriv.
$)S 8' avTO)s erepooOev evKv/jixibes ^ Amatol 43^
veKpovs TTVpKa'Lrjs enevriveov dyvvixevoi Krjp,
ev be TTVpl Trprjo-avTes e^av KoLXas eiii vrjas,
^H/XOS 8' OVT dp TTO) Tjds, eTL 5' dlX(l)L\.VKr] vv^,
dtu, rry/xos ap' d/x(/)t uvp^v KpLTos eypero Xabs ^AyaiQ>v, C . t ^ -
tvijl[3ov 5' d/x(^' avrrjv eva ttoUov e^ayayovres 435
aKpLTOv eK TTebiov, 77076 5' avTov TeL^os ebeifiav
TTvpyov9 6^ v\jrr}Xovs, elkap vrjo^v re kol avTcov.
ev b' avTOLCTL TTvkas evenoieov ev dpapvlaSy
6(f)pa bi avrdcov LTnrrjkaaLr] obbs etr]'
142 7- IA1AA02 H. ^
€kto(t6€v be ^adelav €7r' airo) ra^pov opv^av^ 440
evpelav pieydkrjr, iv be (TKoXoiras KaTeirrj^av,
OL pL^V TTOVeOVTO KCLpTJ KopocovTes ^ AyjoLLoi'
ol be 6eoL nap Zr]vl Ka6i]pLevoL ao-repon'qTfj ^,4r^6^-^^^^>^^
OrjevvTO pLeya epyov ' AyjOiiQiv \akKO^iT(!)vo^v.
Toi(Ti be pivOcov Tjpx^ Ho(TeLbdo)v evoG-iy6(x>v' 445
Z,ev Trdrep, rj pd tls earri ^poTcov eir' dneipova yaiav
OS TLS er aOavdroicn voov koX p.7]TLV evi^ei ; cXj c> O^-^^
ovx opdas OTL br] avre Kdprj Kop^oo^vres 'A^atot
Telxp^ ereiyJio-G-avTo vecov VTrep, dp^cj)! be Tacppov
rjXacrav, ovbe Oeoicn bocrav KkeLTas eKaTopijBas ; 450
Tov 6' ?5 TOL Kkios ea-rai oaov r eniKibvaTai rjcas'
Tov 6' e7;L\i](T0VTai to eyo) kol 4>or/3oy ^Airokkajv
ijpio Aaop.ibovTL Tiokiddap.ev dOkrjaavTe/^
Tov be p.iy 6xOr}cras irpoa-icpr] ve(f)ekr]yepiTa Zevs'
" o) TTOTTOL, evvoaiyaC eypvaOeveSy olov Genres. 455
dkkos Kev TLS TovTo Oecov beL(reLe vorjpay
OS (Jeo TTokkov dcpavpoTepos x^^^pa? re p.evos re*
abv 8' ri tol Kkeos ecrTaL oaov t eitLKLbvaTaL 1)00 s*
dypeL pidvy or' av avTe Kdprj Kop.6o)VTes 'Amatol
OLX^covTaL avv vqvcrl (j)Lkr]v es naTpiba yalav, 460
761X09 dvappi]^as to p!ev els aka ndv KaraxeOat,
avTLS 8' rilova pieydkr]v \l/apid6oL(TL Kakvyj/aL,
&s Kev TOL p.eya Telyos dpiakbvvr]TaL 'Axcttwz;/'
^Q.s oi p.ev TOLavTa Trpbs dkkrjkovs dyopevov,
bvoreTO 6' rjekLOSy TeTekea-To be epyov 'Axatcoz/, 465
Pov(j)6veov be Kara KkLaCas kol bopirov ekovTo.
vrjes 8' €k Arip^voLO TrapeaTacrav dlvov dyovcraL
TTokkaC, TCLS TTpoirjKev ^lr](T0VLbr]S Evv'rjoSi
TOV /5' ^rex' ^Ty^LTrvkrj vir^ 'IrjaovL, TioLpi^vL kacov*
Xoopls 8' ^ATpetbrjs, ^ Ayap^ipLVOVL koX Mei^eAdtp, 470
b^Kev ^Irjaovibrjs ayep^ev p.e6v, yJikLa piiTpa,
7. IA1AA02 H.
tvOev ap^ oIvlCovto Kapr] KoiJi6a>vTes 'Axatot,
aWoL piv )(^a\K(2, akXoL 6' aWoavL (TihripcOy
akkoL be pLVOLSj aWoL 6' avrfjcn [Boecraiv,
aXXoL avbpaiTobecro-L' tLO^vto h\ balra OoXeiav, 475
T^avvvxioi p\v CTretra Kapn] KopLooovres 'Ax^atol
baLvvvTo, Tpcoe? §6 Kara Trrokiv rjb^ eiTLKOVpoL'
'navvv)(j.os bk a(f)LV KaKu pi7]b€To pL-qrUra Zevs
a-pepbakia KTvueoav* tov9 be )(\a)pov bios fipei"
OLVOV 6' €K be7Tdo}v X^^^f ^^^^ "^^^ ^'^^1 4^^
TTplv Tiieeiv, uplv kev^ai vireppLeveC KpovLoovt,
KOLpLTjaavT ap^ eneLTa koL vttvov boopov ekovro.
IAIAA02 0.
'Ha)y ix€V KpoKOireirXos kKihvaro irao-av €7r' aiaVm
Zevs 6e Oecav ayoprjv iroLrjo-aTo repTTiKipavvos
CLKpOTCLTr] KOpV(f)f] 7ToXvb€Lpdbo9 OvkVfJLTTOLO'
avTos be (T^^ ayopeve, Oeol 5' vtto irdvTes clkovov*
" KeKXvri piev, iravTes re deol nacrai re Oiatvat,
o^p* 66770) rd /X6 6vp.os IvL (TTrjOeo-aL Kekevec.
IxrjTe rt9 ovv OrjXeia ^eoy to ye pLrjTe rty aparjv
TTeLpoLTco hiaKepcrai epiov eiros, dAA.' d/xa Trdi^re?
ati^etr', o(Ppa rdxtcrra TeXevrrjo-o) rdbe epya,
ov 6' av eyis)v dirdvevde Oecov iOeXovra vorjaco
ekOovT rj Tpdeo-aLV dprjyipiev rj AavaolaL^
TrXriyel^ ov Kara Koapiov eXevo-eraL OvkvpLirovhe'
rj p.iv eXcbv p[\l/a) €9 Tdprapov rjepoevra,
TrjXe ixdK\ rj^i ^dOiarov virb yOovos Icrri ^epeOpov^
€v6a crihripeiai re nvXaL koX \dXK€Os ovbos,
Toacrov evepO^ 'AiSeco ocrov ovpavos kaT dirb yat-qs'
yvdcrer eireiO^ oaov et/xl Oeo^v KdpTLo-Tos airdvTOJV,
€L ^' dye TTeiprio'ao-Oe, Oeoi, tva etSere Trdz^res*
(Teipr\v y^pv(Teir]v e^ ovpavoOev KpepLdcravres
7rdvT€9 T e^diTTecrOe Beol Traaat re OiaivaC
dAA.' ovK av epvcraLT e£ ovpavoOev ireblovbe
Uqv v-narov pLrjcrToip^ ovb' el /xdAa iroXXa Kdjioire,
dAX' ore brj kol eyw irpocfipcov eOekoipLL epva-aai,
8. 1AIAA02 0.
avrfj K€V yciij] Ipvcraiix avrfj re OaXacrcrr}*
(T€Lp7]V [liv K€V €7TeLTa TT€pl pLOV OvkvpiTTOLO 25
bTjo-aipLrjv, ra hi k avre fierrjopa irdvTa yivoiro,
Toaa-ov eyo) Trept r €lpX 0€O)v irepC r et/x' avOpdiroiv,"
^12? €(l)aO^, ol 5' apa iravres clktjv kyivovro cnooTTr]
IxvOov ayao-o-afievoi* /xdXa yap KparepQiS ayopevo-ev.
6\J/€ be br] /xereetTre 0€a y\avK(^TTLS ^A6r)vr]' 30
S) TTCLTep ripiirepe Kpovibr], virare Kpeiovrcov,
€v vv KoX 77/xet9 tbpiev 6 tol crOivos ovk iTneiKTov'
dAA.' ejJLTTrjs Aavao^v oXocpvpopieO^ alyji-qraoiVy
ot K€V br} KaKov oTtov avaTrXrja-avres okoovTai, C^t^^
dXX' rj TOL TToXefjLOV p.€v acj^e^opieO^, av KeXeveis' 35
l3ovXr]v 5' ^ApyeiOLS v7To6r}cr6ix€6\ ij rt? ovrfcreL,
fXTj TTCLvres oXoivrai obvcroraixivoio reoto."
Tr]v 8' i7TLix€ibrj(ras 7Tpoo-i(j)r] v€(f)€Xr]y€piTa Zevs'
" Oapaei, TpiToyiveia, (^tAor riKos* ov vv tl ^u/x(5
7rp6(ppovi ixv6io}xaiy eOeXo) be tol 7)17109 etrat.'* 40
*129 eliTcbv vii oyjecT^i titv(tk€To yjaXKOHob^ ittttco,
iiKVirira, \pV(T€ri(Tiv kOeipricnv KOfjLooovre,
Xpvo'ov 8' avTos ebvve irepl xpoi, yivro 8' Lpido-OXrjv
\pv(Teir]v evTVKTOVf kov 8' eire^rjcreTO bi(^pov,
fxao-TL^ev 8' eXdav' ro) 8' ovk deKOvre TTereaO-qv 45
li€(rcrr]yvs yair]s re kol ovpavov do-repoevros*
*'lbr]V 8' LKavev iroXviribaKa, iJLrjrepa 6r]po)v,
rdpyapov' evOa be ol rifxevos /3co/xos re 6vri€L9»
€VB^ LTTTTOVS €(TTr}(r€ 7TaTl]p dvbpQiV T€ 6€(0V T€
Xvcras e^ oxeoov, Kara 8' rjepa ttovXvv e^evev, 50
avTos 8' €v Kopvcpffcri KaOi^eTO KvbeC yaiiov,
elaopooov Tpcoodv re iroXtv Koi vrjas 'A)(ata)z;.
01 8' dpa beiTTvov eXovro Kdpr] KopLooovres 'A)(atol
pipLCpa Kara KXicrCa^, diro 8^ avrov 6copr\(T(T0VT0,
Tpojes 8' avO'' kripcoOev dva tttoXlv iinXL^ovro, 55
8. IAIAA02 0.
iravpoTepoi* fx^fjiacrav be kol vo-iuvl ixayea-Oai,
Xpetot avayKatrj, irpo re Traibcov kol irpb yvvaiKQiv.
irao'aL 6' iityvvvro irvXat, €k 8' ecro-vro Xaos.
ireCoC & tinrrjis re' ttoXvs 6^ opvpiaybbs opcopet.
t 0 ore or] p e? ^oopov eva ^vviovres ikovto, do
(n;r p' €^aXov pLvovSi arvv 8' ^yx^^ '^^^ p-eVe' avbpQv
)(^a\K€oOa)priK(ov* arap ao-TTtbes dpi^aXoea-crai
eiTkrjvT aWrjXrjo-L, ttoXvs b' dpvfxaybbs 6p(ip€U
evOa b^ ap! olpLcoyrf re kol evxooXr] iriXev avbpcov
okXvvTOiv re kol oXXvp^ivoav, pee 8' aip^ari yaia, 65
KJ(ppa pi€V 7)0)9 rjV Kai a€^€TO L€pOV Tjpiap,
Tocppa p,a\' ap^^oripoiv jSeAe' rjiTTeroj TrtTrre 8e Xao?.
77P<09 8' 'HeXtoy pLea-ov ovpavbv apL(})Ll3e[3riK€L,
Koi Tore brj \pv(T€ia Trarrjp ertratre raXavra*
€V 8' iriOeL bvo Krjpe ravrjXeyeos Oavdroio, 70
€Xk€ be piea-cra Xa/Bdv' peire 8' ato-Lpiov ^piap ^AyaiQiV,
ai pukv ^ AyaiQiv Krjpes eirl yOovl irovXv^oTeLpr]
kCecrOrjv, Tp(ia)v be irpbs ovpavbv evpvv aepOev*
avrbs 8^ e^ ^'18779 pieydX'^ eKTvire, baiopievov be 75
riKe ceXas piera Xabv ^A^aiQiv' 01 be Ibovres
6dpl37](rav, kol iravTas virb X'^copoz^ 8€09 elXev,
'^KvO^ ovT ^JbopLevev9 rXrj pLtpiveLv ovr^ ^AyapLepLVcov,
ovre bv Atavres peverrjv, OepaTtovres '^Aprjos'
^earcop otoy epupive TeprjVLOS, ovpo9 ^ AyaiSiv, 80
ov Ti eK(ov, aXX^ 1777709 ereLpero, rbv /BdXev t(3
8to9 'AXe^avbpos, ^EXevrjs ttoo-ls rjVKopoLO,
aKprjv KCLK. Kopv(l)riv, oOi re irpcoTat TpL^e^ ittttcov
KpavL(D epTTecpvacTLy pidXio-ra be KaCptov ecrriv.
aXyricras 8' dveiraXro, /BeXos 8' et9 eyKe(j)aXov bv, 85
(Tvv 8' t77770?;9 erdpa^e KvXivbopievos irepl )(^aXK(o.
oi\)p 6 yepcov lttttolo irap-qopias direTapLve
8. IAIAA02 0,
rjXOov av ibiyjxov Opacrvv r]vio\ov (popiovres
"EKTopa' Kai vv K€V €vO^ 6 yipcov airb dvpibv ok^craeVi 90
€t [JLtj ap d^v v6r]o-e ^orjv ayaObs ALOixrjbrj^*
(TixepbaXiov 6' €l36r](r€v eiroTpyvajv ^Ohvo-rja*
" hioyeves AaepTidbr], T:oXvixr})(av ^Ohvaa-ev,
Trfi (l)evy€L9 /xera rwra l3aXo)v KaKoy ev o/xtAo) ;
/XT] TLS TOL (t)^vyovTi ix€Ta(^ph(3^ €v bopv TTTI^rj, 95
dA^a /xeV, o(f)pa yipovros aT^coo-Ofjiev aypiov dvhpa.^^
^£ls €(^ar', ovh* iadKOvcre TTokvrkas bios ^Obvo-aevs,
aXka TTapri'C^ev KoCkas €ttI vrjas 'Ax^cll^v.
Tvbetbrjs 8' avTos irep lo)v TipoiidyoKTiv epiLx^Or],
aTT] be TrpodO^ lttttcov Nrjkr]'Cdbao yepovTos, 100
Kai pLLv (fxavria-as eirea irrepoevTa Trpoo-qvba'
" S yipoVi y] ixdka bri ere vioi Teipovdi pLayjirai,
crrj be (Bir] AeAurat, x^^^"^^^ yrjpas OTra^et,
riTTebavbs be vv tol Oepdiroov, iBpabees be tol tiriroL,
dAA' dy epcav oxeo^v €7rt/3ry(reo, o^pa Ibiqai 1C5
oloi TpmoL LTTTTOL, eTTLardpievoL TTebioLo
KpaLTTvd /xdX' evOa kol evOa bLcoKepiev rjbe (fyej^ecrOai^
ovs TTOT aTT^ Alvelav ek6pi]v, piri(TTO)pe (po^oLO,
TOVTO) pkv OepdiTovre KopLeCrcov, rdbe be vQii
Tpoacrlv LTTiTobdpiOLS lOvvopev, o(f>pa KaVEKToop 110
eXo-eraL el kol epibv bopv paiveraL ev Trakdpirjo-Lv.''
*^129 e^ar ^ ovb' aTTLOrja-e TeprjVLos LTTTTora NtVrco/}.
NecTTopeas p^ev eVet^' lttttovs OepdnovTe KopeLTr]v
L(j)6LpiOL, ^Oevekos re kol Kvpvpeboav dyaTrrfViop. \^ O-c-
TO) 8' eis dpLCporepo) ALopL-qbeos appiara ^rjrrjv' 115
NeWcop 5' ev x^^P^^^^ Ad/3' r]vLa aiyakoevra^
pidaTL^ev 6' lttttovs' rd^a 8' "EKTOpos dy^t ytvovro.
Tov 8' Wvs pepiacoTos aKOVTLcre Tvbeos vios'
KOLL TOV pev p' dcpdpapTev, 6 b' rjvCoxov OepdirovTa,
8. IAIAA02 0.
vlov VTTepOvjJLOv ©rj^aiov ^HvLOTrrja, 120
177770)2/ rjvC e^ovra jBdXe (TTrjdos Trapa fxa(6v,
^pt776 8"' 6^ oxicov, V77€p(or]arav he ol lttttol
o)KV7rob€S' Tov 8' audi XvOrj '^v)(ji re fievos re.
*'KKTopa 8' alvov a)(os' irvKao'e cj)pivas rjvL6)(^OLo'
TOV [xev e776tr eiao-e, kol ayj)viiev6s irep kratpov, 125
Keio-Oai^ 6 8' 7JVL0X0V jxiOeire Opacrvv' ovb* ap €TL brjv
177770) beviaOrjv (rrjixavTopos* aTyj/a yap evpev
'I(^trt8ryz/ ^ ApyjEHTokeixov Opacrvv, ov pa t66^ lttttoov ^
d)KV7T6bo)v €77e^?7(r6, 8t8ov 8e ol 7]via y^epcriv^
"^vOa K€ Xotybs erjv koI aixr\yava epya yevovro, 130
KaC vv K€ anfiKacrdev Kara '^Wlov rjire apves,
€t jjirj ap 6^1) vorjcre iraTrjp avbpcov re Oecav re*
^povTrjcras 8^ apa beLvbv a(l)r]K apyrjra Kepavvov,
Kab 8e TTpoaO^ lttttcov Ato)ut7]8eo? rjKe )(a/>ta^e*
beivT} be v cl)vyov rjvia aLyaXoevra,
Seto-e 8' o y kv OvpiiS, Aio/x7]8ea 8e 77poo-eet77e*
"Tvbetbr], aye brj avre (\>6^ovb^ eyj. ixd^vvyjis lttttovs.
77 ov yiyv(!>(TKeis o tol e/c Atbs ovk eirer dX/c?] ; 140
vvv pi€v yap tovt(o Kpovibrjs Zevs Kvbos dird^eL
(Triixepov' varepov avre Koi rjfuv, at k eOeXrjo-L,
8o)(ref avrjp be Kev ov n Ato? voov eipvo-craiTo
ovbe /xa\' X(f)9L}JL0S, eirel rj ttoXv (peprepos ecvTU^
Toz/ 8' riixei^er eneira ^07]V ayaObs ALopLrjbrjs' 145
rat brj ravrd ye TTavra, yepov, Kara [xoipav eeiires'
dXXa ro8' alvbv a)(09 KpabCrjv Kal Ovfjibv LKavei'
'^Ekto^p yap irore (prjcrei evl Tpdecra dyopevcov*
^Tvbetbrjs vit* e/xeto (fyo^evixevos iKero vrjas^
&s 77or d77etX?5(ref rore /xot x&voi evpeia )(^a)z;." 150
Tbv 8' TjfJLeLlBeT eireira Teprivios liTTTora NeVro)p*
8. 1A1AA02 0. 149
" w/xot, Ti>6eos* vie batcppovos, olov eetTre?.
€L TT€p yap (T ''EKToyp ye KaKov koL avakKiba (l)ri(reL)
aW' ov TT€L(rovTaL Tpwey koL AapbavCcoves
KOL Tp(io)v aXoxot [xeyaOviJLOtiv acrina-Tdaiv, 155
TCLcov iv KovLTjo-L jBdkes OaXepovs TrapaKotra?."
'""H? apa (f)0}vrj(ra9 ^vyaV hpaire ixiivvyas lttttovs
avTLS dv Idiyjxov €7rt 5e TjOcSe? re koX ''Ektco^
VXV ^^(^^^^'^11 i3eA.ea o-rovoevra xiovro.
5' eTil [laKpbv dv(r€ /xeyas KopvOaiokos '^Enroip' 160
" Ti;5et5?7j Trept /xez; ere rtoi^ Aavaol raxyTrooXoL
ebprj re KpiacLV re t5e TrAetots 6e7raeo"crt*
6e drLpirio-ovcn' yvvatKos dp^ dvrl rirv^o,
eppe, KaKTj yXrjvr]^ iirel ovk eX^avros eju-eto
TTVpyodv fjiJi€Tip(ov eiTilBrjo-eaL, ovbe yvvaiKas 165
d^ets iv vrjecTOTL' Tidpos tol baifJiova Scoo-co."
^^Is (pdro, Tvb€ibr}9 be bLdvbi^a [xepixripi^ev^
L7T7T0V9 Te aTpeyjraL Koi evavTi^iov ixayJ.aa(TOai,
rpls ixev [xepfjiripL^e Kara (ppeva kol Kara dvpLov,
Tph 6' a/)' dir* ^Ibatoiv dpea^v KTVire [x-qrieTa Zevs 170
o-rj/xa TiOeh Tpweo-crt, p-dyjis erepakKea vUr]v,
"EiKToyp be Tpdeo-aLV e/ceKAero piaKpbv dvcras'
"T/)G)e9 KOL AvKiOL Kttt AdpbavoL dyyjLixa)(r]Tal^
dvepes eare, cfiiXoL, iivria-acrOe be Oovpibos dXKrfs,
yiyv(si(JK(£> 5' ort /xot TTpocppcov Karevevcre KpovLcjov 175
VLKTjv KOL jxeya Kybos, drdp AavaolaL ye TrrjjjLa'
vy^TTLot, OL dpa brj rdbe reixea ixrjxo.vdo)VTo
dj^Xrixp^ ovbevocrcopa* rd b' ov p.evo9 djibv epv^eC
L7T7TOL be pea rdcppov vnepOopeovrai opvKrriv.
dAA' ore Kev br} vrjvo-lv e-ni y\a(pvpfjcrL yeVco/xai, iSo
fjLvrjpLOoijvrj tl9 eireira irvpos brjtoLo yeveo-Ooo,
0)9 TTVpl vrjas evLTrprjcro), KTeivo) be Kal avT0V9
^ApyeLOVS irapd vrivalv drvCopievovs viid Kain'ov^.^'
8. IAIAA02 0.
^X2y diTchv LTTTTOicnv eKefcAero (pdvrjcrev re'
" 'EavBe T€ Koi av^ Uobapye, Kal AWcov Aa/x7re re 816,
vvv fxoL rrjv Kofjubrjv airoTLverov, rjv fxdXa ttoXXijv 186
Avhpoixayr] Ovyar-qp fjLeyaXrjTopos 'HenWos
vpiiv Trap TTporepoKTL ixeki(})pova irvpov iOrjKev
oTvov r eyKepdaacra Tneiv, ore 6v}ibs dvdyoL,
rj 6/xot, 09 Trip ol OaXepos ttoo-ls €V\^oixai elvat, 190
dA.A' k^oixapreiTov koX cnrevb^Tov, o}iouv Ato)UL7]5eoy 67r7ro8d/xo6o
baibaXeov OdprjKay tov "HcjyaLo-Tos KUfxe re^^x^^* ^95
€t ro?;r£o K6 Xd/BoLfjiev, keXiroiinqv k€V 'A^cttoi^
^X2s €)ar' evyoyi^vos^ vepLeo-rjae TTorvta'^Hpr], (L<^'^\
(T€L(raTo 8' etrt 0p6v<^, iXiXi^e be [xaKpov "^OXvfJLTTOV,
Kai pa Yloaetbdcova [xeyav Oeov dvriov rjvba' 200
o) TTOTTot, evvoatyai evpvcrOevisj ovbi vv oroi irep
6XXvpL€V(ji)v AavaQv oXocfyvperai iv (f)p€G'l Ovixos.
01 8e TOL ds ^EXCktjv re koX Atyas* 8a)p' dvdyov(TL
TToXXd T€ Koi yapUvra* crv bi (T^t(rt ^ovXeo VLKrjv,
€L 7T€p yap K iOiXoLfxev, o(tol Aavaoicnv dpcoyoCy 205
TpS>as aTTcicracrOaL Kal epvi^fxev evpvoira Zrjv,
avTov K €v6^ aKa^oiTo KaOrfpievos otos iv *'I877."
Trjv be piiy d^^^o-as 7Tpo(res drpvvai ^Axaf-ov^.
^7] 5' levai TTapd re KXiaias kol vrjas 'Axatcoz;
'KOp4>vpeov ixeya (j)apos ex^oz; h x^tpt Traxet?],
ari] 6' 67r' ^Obv(T(TrjOS ii€yaKr\Tei vr]C \xeXaivr\^
rj p^ €v fxeo-o-driD €(tk€ yeyoivep^ev aix(j)OTep(0(r€,
[rjfjiev €7r' AXavTOS KXio-ias Tekaixoyvtdbao
€7r' 'Axt^^^o?, 'rot p' eVxara z;r)a9 eto-a?
eCpvo-av, rj^opirj -niavvoi kol Kaprei x^tpwi;-]
r/iJo-ez; btaTipvo-LOV Aavaolo-i yeycovcos'
" at5a)9, 'ApyeiOL, kAk eXeyx^a, eZSo? ayr/rot*
irfj e^av eix^^^^at, ore 6r) cfyajxev ehat apio-roL,
as 6t;6t €V Arj/xi/o) Keveav^^^^ riyopda(T0€,
eo-Oovres Kpia iroXXa ^oo)v 6p6oKpaLpd(ov,
TTivovTes KprjTrjpas eTTLCTTecpias olvoto,
Tpdoyv dvO' eKarov re bLr]KO(TLO}v re eKaarros
o-TTjo-ea-e' ev 7:okep.(^' vvv 5' ovb' evos d^ioi elixev
"EKTopos, OS raxa vrias evn:pr](Tei irvpl Kr^Aeo).
Zev irdrep, rj pd riv ijbr] vnepixevUv /3acrtA7]coz;
r7}5' arr/ daaas Kat pnv p.eya Kvbos diri^vpas ;
ov ixev brj nore (jy-qp^L reov nepiKoKXea jBcup^bv
vr]l TToXvKXri'CbL napeXOlpev evOdbe eppcav,
dXX' eirl iraa-L ^oQ>v br]pbv kol p^iqpi eiarja,
Up^evos Tpoir]v evreixeov e^aXaTid^ai,
aXXd, Zev, Tobe irep /xot einKprir^vov eeXbo^p'
avTOVs brj Trep eaaov vireKcfyvyeeiV kol dXv^ai,
pr]0 ovTO) Tpcoea-o-LV ea bdp.va(T6aL 'Axatovs''
''12s (jydTO, Tov be irari^p oXocjyvpaTO bdKpv x^ovra,
vevo-e be oi Xabv ao^v ep^pevai ovb' d-noXea-Oai,
avrUa b' alerov r]Ke, reXeioraTov Trererjvcav,
8. IA1AA02 0.
vefBpbv €yovT dvv\€(T(Ti^ tIkos eXacpoLO Tayjeirjs'
TTCip be Aibs ^co/x<3 irepLKaWii KajB/Bake vejBpov,
evda 7TavoiJL(f)aL(o Zrjvl pi^ecTKOv ^AyaioL -^c/^c^^l 250
01 6' i>s ovv etbovO^ o r ap €/c Atos rjXvOev opi;LS,
jjiaWov 67rl Tpciecra-L 66pov, ixvrjaavro be \apiiiqs,
^'YavQ' ov Tis TTporepos Aavao^v, TTo\X(av irep eovTcov,
ev^aro Tvbetbao napos ayepiev i>Kias lttttovs
TCLippov T e^ekacrai kol evavrC^tov p^ayecraaO aiy 255
akXa TToXv TrpQros Tpdoov eXev avbpa Kopvo-rrjv,
^pabpiovCbrjv ^AyeXaov' 6 piev iv eXao-aev'
ijpLTTe 5' e^ 6)(^ecjoVy dpd[3r](Te be Tev\e 67r' aircl). 260
Tov be pier ^ATpetbai, ^AyapiepLvoiv kol MeveXaoSy
TOLCTL 6' €7r' AtavTes Oovpiv eTneip^evoi dXKrjv, O ^
Tolai 8' 677* ^Ibopievevs kol OTrdoov ^Ibopievfjos r '
MrjpLOvqS) drdXavros 'Eri^aXtw dvbpeKpovrrj,
TolcTL 8' €7r' FiVpVTTvXos, Ftvaipiovos dyXabs vlos' 265
TevKpos 8' eXvaros ^XOe, TraXCvrova ro^a riraivoaVy
arrj 8' ap' vtt' Atavros crdKe'C TeXapLcovidbao.
evO^ AXas p^ev vTre^ecjyepev adKOs' avrdp o y rjpcxis
TTaTTTrjvas, eTTel dp riv oicrTevaas ev 6/xtAo)
j3e[3XriKOL, 6 p.ev avOi ireacov d-no Ovpibv oXeo-Kev, 270
avrdp 6 avTLS 1(j)v ttuCs S)S VTrb pLrjrepa bvaKev
els AiavO^* 6 be pnv adKei KpyTrrao-Ke (f)aeLV<2,
^'EvOa TLva irpQiTov Tpdo^v eXe TevKpos dpLvpLoov ;
'OpcriXoxov pkv TTpcara kol "Opp.evov ?)8' ^OcjyeXecrrrjv
AaLTopd Te 'KpopiLov re kol avrtOeov AvKovpas,
rj TLS KOL Tp(io)v KopieL Kvvas ^8' olo^vovs
br]fjL(^ KOL (rdpKecro-L, 7r€(r(i)V eirl v-qvcrlv ^A\aLO)v/^
rj [xkv kiTOixpixivr] xpvo-dixTTVKas €vtv€V lttttovs
''Hp?7, TTpio-^a Oed, Ovydrrip ixeyaKoio KpovoLO*
avrap ^A9r]vaLr] Kovpr] Ato? alyioxoio
TTiirXov ixkv Karix^vev eavbv irarpbs eTr' ovbei
TTOLKikoVf ov p avTT} TTOtrjaaTO KOL Kajute yjep(rLi^y
7] be x^rQiv ivbdaa Atoy vecjyeXrjyepirao
revxecTiv es noXeiiov Ocoprja-ceTo baKpvoevra,
es 8' o)(^ea (f)X6yea iroorl (Brjcrero, kd^ero 8' ^yx^^
(SptOv [xeya cm^apov, rco bdpLvqcTi crTixas dvbpQ>v
fjpdoiiv, Toio-Lv re KOTeo-crerai o^piixoTidTpr].
''HpT] be ixdcTTiyi Ooo^s enep.aier dp lttttovs'
avToixarai be irvkaL pjVKOv ovpavov, as e^ov ^llpat,
rfjs eTnTerpaiTTaL pLeyas ovpavos OvkvpLiros re,
rjpiev dvaKklvai tivklvov vecjyos rjb^ eriiOeivai.
TTj pa bi' avrdcov KevrprjveKeas e^ov lttttovs,
Zevs be TTarrjp ""IbrjOev eirel tbe )(co(rar dp" alvws,
"^Ipip 8' corpvve xp'^^diTTepov dyyekeovcrav'
^d(TK Wl, ^Ipt raxeia, iidXiv rpeire pi-qb^ ea dvrrjv
epxecrO^' ov yap /caXa crvvoLaopieOa TiroKep^ovbe.
S)be yap e^epea), to be /cat rereXeo-pievov ecrrai'
Ouo-^ yutwo-co piev acpco'Cv vcj) app^aatv o)Keas lttttovs,
avTCLS 8' e/c bC(l)pov ^aXea) Kara 6^ appLara afca*
ovbe Kev es beKdrovs TTepLTekXopievovs eviavTovs
ekKe^ CLTTaXOrjo-eo-OoVj a Kev pidpTTTrjo-L nepavvos'
o(f>p elbfj yXavK&TTLS or av (S rrarpX /xax^rai.
"HpH 8' ov Ti Toaov vep^ecri^opLaL ovbe x.oAo{;/xaf
8. IAIAA02 0.
ahl yap jjlol eooOev kviKkav ottl k€v etTrco."
^Sls €(j)aT, S)pTo be ^Ipt9 aeXXoTTO^ ayyeXiovora^
^' €^^lhaL(ov Speodv €9 ixaKpov'^OXvixiTov, 410
irpdrrjo-LV be TTvkrja-i ttoXvtttv^ov OvX-vixiioio
avTOfjiivr] KarepvKe, Atos be crcj)^ evveire ijlvOov'
r . " TTr/ pLepLarov ; tl (T(f)mv evl (ppeal p^aiverai rirop ;
ovK eda Kpovibrjs eirap^vvepiev ^ Apyeioia-iv,
Zbe yap rjireiXrio-e Kpovov irah, fj reXeet irep, 415
yvidxreiv piev (r(pmv vcp^ appiao-LV co/cea? lttttovs,
avras 8' e/c bi(j)pov (BaXeeiv Kara 0^ appiara a^eiv*
ovbe K€v es beKarovs TTepireXXopievovs eviavTovs
eXKe^ aTTaXOrja-ecrOov, a Kev pLapTTTrjo-i Kepavvos*
o^p elbfjs, yXavKcoTTL, or av cr^ Trarpl p.a)(r]ai. 420
"Hpry 8' ov Tl Tocrov vepLecrL^eraL ovbe xp^ovraL'
alel yap ol ecoOev eviKXav ottl Kev etTrrj*
aXXa (TV y alvoTaTt], kvov dbees, el eTeov ye
ToXpLTjo-eis Atos dvTa ireXcopiov ey^os aelpau^
*H piev ap &s elTTOvcr aTrejSr] TTobas coKea ^IpLS) 425
avTap 'A6r]vaLr]v ''Hprj irpbs pivOov eenrev
"o) TTOTTOt, aiyi6yj[)io Ato? TeKOs, ovKeT eycoye
vQii €0) Acqs' dvTa ppoTQiv eveKa TTToXep^C^etv'
T(ov aXXos piev aTro^^tcr^co, dXXos be /3to5ra),
09 K€ TvxjJ' Keivos be TCL a (f)pov(o)v evl 6vpL(S 430
Tpcoo-L Te Kal AavaoXaL biKa^eToo, eTTtet/ce?."
^I2y apa (jxavrjo-ao-a ttclXlv Tpeire picovvyas lttttovs'
TrjaLV 8' ^^IpaL piev Xvcrav KoXXLTpiyas lttttovs,
Kal Tovs piev KaTebrjaav eTT apL^poo-irjo-L KCLTTrjo-iv,
appiaTa 8* eKXivav TTpos evcaTTia TrapicpavoayvTa' 435
avTal be ^pvaeoio-Lv eTTl kXlo-plolctl KaOl^ov
/xiy8' aXXoLOTL OeoLciy (^iXov TeTLr]p.evaL riTop,
Xevs be TTaTTjp "^IbrjOev evTpoyov appa Kal lttttovs
OvXvpLTTovbe biooKe, Oecov 8' e^LKeTo O^kovs*
rw be Koi lttttovs jJiev Xva-e kXvtos kwocrtyaios^ 440
apixara 6' a/x ^coixoicri rCOeL, Kara Xlra Trerdcrcras'
avrbs he ^^pvcreiov em Opovov evpvoTra Zev9
e^ero, 6' virb iroo-o-l fxeyas TreAe/xt^er' "OXvjJLTTo^.
al 6' olai Atoj a/x(j()ly ^AOrfvaCr] re koI ''Hpr;
rjo-Oriv, ovbe tl jjllv TTpocrecfydveov ovb^ epeovro' 445
avrap 6 eyvco ficLV evl (ppeal (f)(ivr](rev re'
" TicfyO^ ovTco TeTLrjcrOov, 'AOrjvaCr] re kol '^Hpr] ;
ov ixev 6rjv Kafxerov ye iJ-axV Kvbiaveipr\ ^^ Ci
oXXvaaL Tpcoay, roidiv kotov aivov eOecrOe.
7TdvT(i}S, olov efJLov ye [xevos koX x^^P^^ aaTrrot, 450
ovK dv fxe Tpixj/etav oaoi OeoC etcr' ev 'OXtJ/xttw.
a^mv be uplv irep rpojios eWajSe (^atSt/xa yma,
TTplv TTokepLov T IbieLv TTokifjiOLo re fiepixepa epya.
(x)be yap e^epeo)^ to be Kev rerekeo-fxevov rjev'
OVK hv €(/)' vfJLeTepoiv 6x^(*^v irX-qyevre Kepavv<^ 455
a\l/ es ^^OXvfJiTTOv LKeaOov, tv dOavdrcov ebos eo-rivP
e({)a0\ al 5' eireixv^av ^AOiqvair] re Kal ''Hprj'
uK-qoriai al y rja-Qrjv, KaKcc be TpcoeaaL ixebe(r9r]v,
^ TOL ^AOrjvaLY] d/cecoz/ rjv ovbe tl etire,
(TKV^oixivy] Ati irarpL, )(oA.oy be [xiv dypios '^per 460
'evyeiv oppLrjo-aiVTaL eir evpea vcora 6aXdo'(rrj9.
pLT] pJav dcnrovbi ye veOiV ein^aiev eKrjXoL,
dXX^ (OS TLS TovT(ov ye ^eXos kol olkoOl '7Te(r(rrj,
jBXrjpievos rj l(o rj eyx^*^ o^voevTL
vr]os e7nOp(o(TK(ov^ Xva ris (TTvyerfcri Ka\ aXXos 515
Tpcocriz; lT:7:obdp.oicri ^epeiv iroXvbaKpvv ^'Ap'qa.
KTjpvKes 5' dva dcrrv 6tt(/)tAo6 dyyeXX6vT(ov
TTOibas irpcoOrjjBas iroXiOKpordcpovs Te yepovras
tJ^K,^'^'- Xe^aadai irepl dcTv 6eobp.riT(ov eiil irvpycov*
OrjXvrepaL be yvvaiKes evl pieydpoLcnv eKd(rTrj 520
TTVp pLeya Kai6vr(ov' ^vXaKT] be ris epmebos e(TT(o,
fjLT} X6\os el(reX6r}(n ttoXiv Xaiov a7re6vT(ov.
c58' eVrco, Tpcoe? pLeyaXrjTopes^ o)? dyopev(o'
pJvOos 5' OS piev vvv vyi-qs elprjpLevos lorco,
rov 8' Tjovs Tp(oe(r(ri p,e6* liniobdpois dyopev(T(o. 525
evyop^ai eX-nop.evos Au r oXXoktLv re Oeoicriv
e^eXdav evOevbe Kvvas Kr]pe(rai(popriTovs^
ovs Krjpes (j)opeov(TL p.eXaivd(ov em rrjwz/.
dAX' 77 TOL 6776 vvktL (pvXd^opiev rjpLe as avrovs,
TTpo)L 8' vi:r]OLOi (Tvv revyjecTL 6(opr]y0evTes 530
vr]V(rlv eiTL yXa(t)vpfjcrLV eyeupopiev o^vv *^Apr]a.
66(ro/xat i] Ke fx' 6 Tvbetbrjs Kparepbs Aioprjbrjs
Trap vr}(ov irpos relxos airdcreTaL, rj Kev eyo) rbv
-)(^aXK(o brjdcras evapa (BpoToevra c^epco/xat.
avpiov rjv dperr^v biaeiaerai^ el k epov ey\os 535
8. IAIAA02 0.
tieivr] €7T€px6}jLevov' dW' iv TTpc^TOLcnv, oto},
KetVerat ovrrjOeLS, TroAee? 5' d/x(^' avTov kTolpOL,
rjeXiov avLovTOs e? avpiov* d yap eyojv $)s
€L7]V aOavaros koX ayrjpois yjiaTa iravTa,
TLOLp.r]v 5' 0)9 Tier 'AOrjvaCri Koi 'AttoXXcoz;, 540
o)S vvv f)fjL€pr] rjbe KaKov (pepeu 'Apyetotcrtz;."
^12? '^Ektcop ay6p€v\ €776 Tpwe? KeXabrjo-av.
ol 5' cTTTTOi;? iJL€v kvcrav VTTo Cvyov ihpdiovTas^
brjaav 5' IpidvTeo-a-L Trap' appLao-LV olcriv ^Kacrros*
€K TToAto? 6' a^ovTo jSoas koL tcpia pLrjXa 545
KapTTakipioys, otvov h\ /xeXtcjbpoi/a oIvlCovto,
(TiTov T €K pieydpcov, CTTt 56 £?;Xa iroXka Xiyovro.
ov 5' aOavaroKTi TeXrjiacras €/caro/^/3a9.]
Kvi(Tr\v 6' 6fc TTeStov avepiOL (l)ipov ovpavbv elcro}
^f)b€iav* Trjs 6' r6 ^eot piUKapes bariovro, 550
el's' eOeXov' /xaXa yap crc^tz^ d7r77)(^ero *'IAto9 tp?)
KOL Ylpiapios KOL Xabs ivpLp^eXio) ITpta/xoto.]
Ot piiya (j)pov€OVT€S iirl uroXipiOio y€cf)vpa9
rjaro T:avvv\LOi^ nvpa bi crcpLcn KaUro noXKa,
0)5 6' or ev ovpav<2 darpa (^aeiV7]V dpi(pl aeXrivriv 555
(jyaCver apiTTpeiria, ore t eirXero vrjvepLos aWrfp*
€K t' €(j)aV€V TTCLO-aL (TKOTlloX Kal 7Tp(ioV€9 CLKpOL
Kol vdirai' ovpavoOev 6' cip' VTreppdyrj dcnr^TOS alQr\py
TTCLVTa bi T etberai aarpa, yiyTjOe bi re (\)pha noip^riV
rocrcra p^^aqyv veOiV 7766 SdvOoLO podo)v 560
Tpdoov KaiovTCOv irvpa (patvero ^IXloOl irpo,
XiXi dp' €V irebiCD TTvpa KaUrOy Trap be eKaoro)
^aro TTevTrjKOvra (reXat Trvpos alOopievoLO,
LTTiTOL be Kpi XevKOV epeiTTop^evoi kol dXvpa9
ecTTaoTes nap o\e(j^iv evOpovov 'Ho)./xtp-z;oz;. 565
*12s ol fxev TpQoes cjyvXaKas exov avrap 'Axatovy
6€cnr€6^ov Kpvoevros kraCpr],
TTevOe'C 5' drXrJro) jBejSoXrjaro Travres apLo-rou
0)9 6' avepiOL bvo ttovtov opiveTov lyOvoevra^
Boperjs kol Zecpvpos, rco re QpffKyjOev arjTov,
kXOovT i^aiTLvri^' apLvbis be re Kvpia KeXaivov
KopOveraL, ttoXXov be Trape^ aXa (f)VK09 €)(^€V€V'
0)9 ebatCero Ovpios ivl o-TrjOeo-o-LV 'A)(atd)z;.
'ArpetSr/S" 8' a^ei fxeydAo) (BejBoXrjpiivos rjTop
(potra KrjpvK€(r(Ti XLyv(t)66yyoi(TL KeXevcov
KXribr]v els ayopy]v KiKXri(TKeiv avbpa eKaarov,
pLifbe IBoav' avrbs be /xerd irpdroLcn novelTO,
l^ov 5' eiv ayopfj reTL-qores' av 8' ^ AyapLepLvcov
tcrraro bcLKpv yecov &s re Kprjvr] pieXdvvbpos,
rj re Kar alyiXnios Trerpris bvo(f)epov x^^^ vbcap'
W9 6 I3apv (TTevayodv ^ Apyeioicn pLeTr]vba'
S) (fyiXoL, 'ApyeCcov fjyrjTopes rjbe piebovres,
Zevs pie pieya KpovCbrjs arr] evebrjae /Bapeirj,
(tx^tXlos, 09 rore piev pLOL VTrecrx^ro koL Karevevcrev
'^IXlov eKTTepcravT evTei)(eov aTTOveecrOai,
vvv be KaKTjV airdrriv iSovXevo-aro, Kai pie KeXevei
bvcricXea ''Apyos iKeaOaL, eirel ttoXvv wXeo-a Xaov,
ovTO) TTov Au pieXXei vireppLevei (f)iXov etz;at,
9. IAIAA02 I. 163
OS 8r) 7ToWda)v ttoXlcov Karikvo-e Kaprjva
776' €TL Koi Kv(Tei* Tov yap Kpdros icrrl [xiyLo-rov. 25
dAX' ay€0\ o)s av iyo) etiroi, TreiOcopieOa iravres'
(l)€vy(ji)lJL€v (Tvv vr]V(Ti (j)LK7]v is TTaTpCba yaiav'
ov yap €TL TpoLTjv alpYfo-ofjiev evpvdyvtavJ^
^Q^s €(pa6\ ol 8' dpa iravres clktjv iyivovTo (Ticoiirf.
hr]V 5' az^eo) 7]G-av rerLrjores vUs 'A)(ata)2;* 30
oxf/e be brj /xereetTre jSorjv ayaOos Aiopirjbrjs'
" ^Arpdbrj, (toI Trpwra ixayjio-oixai dLkrjv es iraTpiba yaLav'
2/0)1* b\ €yo) ^OeveXos Te, ixayr]G-6\xeO^ els 6 Ke TeKfJioop
'IXlov evpoofiev' avv yap 9(<^ elkriXov6yi.evJ^
^'Q.s €0a^', ol 6' dpa TidvTes eiriaxov vies 'A^atwi/, 50
IxvOov dyao-adpLevoL ALopLrjbeos 67r7ro5a//oto.
TOLCTL 5' dvLo-Tdpievos pieTecjydveev LTTTTOTa NeoTO)^*
Tvbeibr], irepL p.ev iroXepLCd evL KapTepos eo-crL,
Kal l^ovXfj pieTCL ndvTas 6fJi7]XLKas eirXev dpLaTos,
ov TLS TOL TOV [JLvOov ovodcreTaL^ ocro-QL ^AycLLol, 55
M 'Z
9. IAIAA02 I.
ovbe ttclXlv epiet' arap ov riXos t/ceo pLvdoiv.
rj fiev Koi vios kcro-iy efxos hi k€ koL ttclls €Lr]9
oTrAoVaro? y€V€7](f)Lv* arap TreTTWixiva jSafet?
^ApyeCcov /3ao'tX^tt9, €7r€t Kara \xoipav eemes,
aXX' ay eywr, os (reio yepaCrepos €V\o\xai ^Ivaiy 60
e^etTTco KoX TTCiVTa bu^oixai* ovbi k€ tls fxoi
[jivOov aTiixr\(reC , ovhe KpeLcov 'Ayafxifjivoov,
a(f)priTcop aOifXLCTTOs avicmos €(ttlv €Keivo9
09 TToXifjiov eparat iTTibrjfjLLov OKpvoevros.
a\X! rj TOL vvv fxev TTeiOdfjLeOa vvktl fji^XaCvr] 65
bopira r ^cpoTrXtcroiJieo-Oa' (pvXaKTrjpes be eKacroL
Xe^do-Qcov irapa Td(f)pov opvKTTjv retx^os €Kro9.
KOVpOLCTLV ll€V TaVT eTTtTeAAcjUiaf aVTCLp €7T€lTa,
^ATpetbr], (TV fxev dp\e av yap ^acrikevraTos iao-i.
baivv baira yipovcriv eoiKi rot, ov rot aetKej. 70
TrXetat rot otz^ou KXicriai, tov vrjes ^AyaiQ>v
TiixaTiai @pr\Kr]6€v €7r' evpia ttovtov dyovcL'
TTCLo-d TOL icrO^ VTTobe^Lr], TTokieco-L 5' di^ao-o-et?.
TToXXcav 6' dypofxivoiv r(3 TretVeat os Kev apL(TT7]v
l3ovXr}v [3ov\€Vv
is kKlo-Lyiv, TTapa be (T(I)l rCOeL ixevoeiKea baira, 90
ol 6' eTr' oveiaO^ erot/xa irpoKeiixeva yjeipas laXXov.
avTCLp eirel TroVtos kol ebrjrvos e^ epov evTO,
TOis 6 yepcov Tra/XTrpcoroy v(j)aLveLV '^]pxeTo jjLrjTLV,
NeoTcop, ov KOL TTpoo-Qev apto-rr] (paivero IBovXrj'
o (T({)iv ev(j)poveo)i' ayoprjcraTo kol p^ereemev' 95
'ATpetbrj Kvbio-Te, ava^ avbpcov ^Aydp^epivov,
iv (Tol piev Xrj^o), areo 6' ap^opiai, ovveKa 7toXXC)v
Xa&v ecrorl ava^ Kai tol Zevs eyyvdXi^e
(TK-rjiTTpov T Tjbe Oipao-ras, tva (rcjyLo-L (BovXevrjcrOa.
rw (re XPV "T^epi piev (j^dcrOaL eiros 7]5' eTraKovo-aL^ 100
Kprjijvai be kol aXX(d, or av riva Ovpos dvdyrj
eiirelv els ayaOov aeo 6' e^erai ottl Kev dpxjj*
avrap eywz/ epicd &s fxot boKel etvai dpio-ra,
ov yap TLS voov dXXos dpLeivova rovbe voi](TeLi
olov eyo) voeo), rjpev irdXai rjb^ en kol vvv, 105
en rod ore, btoyevis, BpLcrrjiba Kovprjv
yjixiop^evov 'A)(tA.^09 €^r]s KXtcrirjOev airovpas
ov n KaO^ fjpieTepov ye voov' pidXa yap tol eyoyye
TToXX' CLTTepivOeopirjv' av be o-w pieyaXrjTopL 6vp.(S
el^as avbpa (jyepLo-Tov, ov aOdvaToi irep eTL(ro.?j^ 110
r\TLp^r] eras' eXo)v yap e)(^eLS ye pas' aXX^ eTL Kal vvv
(j>paC(ipe(TO' &s Kev piLv apeo-ardpievoL TienLOcop.ev
bdpoLCTLV 7' dyavoioTLV eTreo-o-L re pLeLXLX^OLaL"
Tor 8' avTe irpoaieLirev dva^ avlpS>v ^Ayapiipvcov'
yepov, ov tl "^evbos epias aTas KaTiXe^as' 115
aaadpiriv, ovb^ avTos dvaCvopaL. clvtL vv noXXQiv
XaQiV eaTLV dvrjp ov re Zevs KjjpL (j^LXrjGrrj,
ws vvv TOVTOV eTLcre, bdpLao-ae be Xaov 'A^atwi/,
aXX' eirel dao-dpirjv cf)pe(Tl XevyaXerjaL TTLQ-qa-as,
a\/r l^eXo) apiorai bofxevaC aTrep^iai airoLva, 1 20.
vfXLV b' €v TTCLVTeorcTL TTepLKXvTa bcop' ovofxrivo),
€TiT aiTupovs TpiTiohas, h^Ka be \pva-oio rakavra
aXOoxvas be Xe/Srjras eeUocri^ b(ab€Ka 8' tTnrovs
TTTj-yovs a6Xo(l)6pov9, oi aiOKia ttoo-g-Xv apovTO.
ov K€V akrj'Cos etrj avrjp v ribe yvvaLK&v.
Tavra jxev avTiKa irdvTa irapicro-eTaL' el be Kev avre 135
acrrv [xeya YlpiapiOLO 6eol ^cocoo*' dXaTra^at,
vrja akL9 XP^^^ou kol )(^akKOV vrj-qadaOo}
elcrekOdv, ore Kev baTedfxeOa krjtb^ ^AyjoLiol^
Tpmdbas be yvvaiKas eeiKOcriv avTos ekeo-Qco,
at K6 fxeT ^Apyetrjv ^Fikevrjv KaXXtorat ecofrtz^. 140
el be Kev '^Apyos l/cot/xe^' ^Ax^auKOV, ovOap apovprjs,
yafx/Bpos Kev ixoi eoi' tlcfo) be [xiv Icroz; 'Opeorr;,
09 [XOL TTjkvyeTos Tpe(f)eTaL OakCr] evi TTokkfj.
Tpeis be pLOL elcTL Ovyarpes evl pieyap(^ ev7TrjKT(Oy
^pvcroOefXLS kol AaobiKrj kol ^Icfytdvao-a-a, 145
TCLdiv rjv K eOekrjcn (pikrjv dvdebvov dyea-Qco
TTpos oTkov Ilr]kr]os' eyo) 5' eirl pLeCkta bcocro)
TTokka piaX\ o(T(T^ ov ttco rty ki] eirebooKe OvyaTpL*
eiTTa be ol bcocro) ev vaiopieva TTTokUOpa,
Kapbap.vkr]v 'Evon-qv re kol ^Iprjv TTOLTjeo-crav^ 150
^r]pds T€ (aOeas rjb^ '^AvOetav jBaOvkeiixov,
Kakriv T Atireiav koL Uribao-ov afjiireXoea-o-av.
TvacraL 6' eyyvs aXos, viarai Ylvkov rjixaOoevTos'
iv 6' avbpes vaCovcn TToXvpprjves TToXvjBovTaL,
OL K€ € boyTCvrjcTi Oebv rt/xryo-oixrt 155
ravTa Ke ol reXeo-at/xt fieTaWrj^avTL )(oAoto.
bp.r}9rjTa) — ^Atbrj^ tol d/X6tAt)(09 7]8' abdixacTos'
TovveKa Kai re (BpoTolo-L Oecav €)(^tcrro9 aTrdvroov —
Kttt fJiOL VTTOo-TrjTO}, o(T(TOv ^acnXevTepos d\xL 160
178' oacrov yevefj irpoyeviorrepos ^vyoixai elvat.'^
Tov 8' rjijLeC^€T kireira Teprjvio^ iTTirora Neorcop'
"^Arpdhr] KvbLo-re, ava^ avbpcov 'Aya/xejotror,
bcdpa fxev ovKer ovoa-ra btbo'is 'A)(tX7)6 avaKTi*
a\)C ay€T€, kXtjtovs orpvvoixev, ot Ke rdyj^a-ra 165
€\6(ii(T €S KkL(Tirjv UrjXrj'idbeoi 'A)(tAr)o?.
ei 5' aye, tovs av kyi^v iTnoxj/ofjiaL, ol be TTiOiaOodv,
^oiVL^ likv TTpdiTKTTa bu(})L\o9 rjyrjcrdaOa),
avrap eireiT Alas re fxiyas kol bios ^Obvora-evs'
KTjpvKOiv 5' '06t09 re kol FiVpvlBdrrjs dp! knicrOoiv. 170
(f>ipT€ be x^pcrlv vboop, €V(t)rjp,r]craL re KeAeo-^e,
6(ppa All KpovCbrj dpr](r6p,€6\ at k ikerio-rjy
^£ls )aro, TOLo-L be ttclo-lv kabora p.v6ov eetTrer.
avrUa KrjpVKes p!ev vbo)p eirl x^tpo^? e^evai;,
KOvpoL be Kpr}Tripas eireo-Teyj/avTo ttotoIo, 175
v(i[jL7](rav 8' apa ttclo-lv eirap^dixevoL beirdecro-LV.
avrap eirel a-Treladv t eiTLOv 6^ ocrov ijOeXe Ovp^os,
0)p[JiS>vT e/c KXLo-irjs ^ Ayap^epivovos ^Arpetbao,
TOLo-L be TToAX' eTTereXXe TeprjVLOs iTTTTora NeVrcop,
bevbCXXcov es eKaarov, 'Obvcro-rj'L be /ixaXto-ra, 180
TreLpav ws TreiTLOoLev dpivp^ova YlrjXetodva.
To) 8^ ^dr-qv irapa Olva tioXv^Xolo-^olo OaXdo-o-rfS
iroXXa jutaX' ev^op-evo) yai7joxp^ ^Ayap^epivoov'
eiTT anvpovs TpLirobas, beKa be xpva-OLO TaXavra,
aWcovas be Xe[3riTa9 eetKocrt, bcabeKa b' lttttov^ 265
TTTjyovs a6Xo(f)6pov9, ot aeOXta ttoo-q-Iv apovTO,
ov Kev aXrj'Cos etrj avi]p roo-cra yevoLTO,
ovbe Kev aKrripLOdv epiTip.010 ypvo-olo^
ocra ^AyapLepLvovos lttttol aeOXia ttoo-o-Iv &povTO.
bdo-ei 8' eTira yvvaiKas ap.vp.ova epya IbvtaSy 270
Aeo-jBibas, as ore Aeo-^ov evKnpievrjv eXes avTos
e^eXe9\ at rore KaXXet evtKOJV (pvXa yvvaiKcav.
ray piiv tol bdcet, /xera 8' eo-o-erai rjv tot aiT'qvpa^
Kovpy] BptcTTjos* eTTt 8e p.eyav opKOv d/xetrat
/XT] TTore Tfjs evvrjs eiii^ripLevai 7]be pLLyrjvai, 275
rj OepLLS e(TTLV, ava^, tjt avbpo^v i]Te yvvatKo^v,
TavTa piev avTLKa iravTa TTapecra-eTaC el be Kev aSre
aa-TV piiya ITpta/xoto Oeol 8a)co(r' aXaird^aL^
vrja dXis XP'^^ov Kal x,aXK0V vqrjo-ao-OaL
9. IAIAA02 I.
€l(TeX6(ov, oT€ K€V bareoofJieOa Xr]t8' ^kyaioi^ 28<
Tpmahas he yvvaiKas €€Lko(tlv avrbs €\4(rOaL,
at K€ fxer ^ApyeC-qv ^Ekivrjv KaAAtorat €0)(tlv.
€6 hi K€V '^Apyos iKOLfxeO^ ^AyaiiKov, ovOap apovpr]^,
yapL^pos k4v ol eots' tl(T€L hi cre laov ^OpiorTrjy
09 ol TiqXvyeTos rpi^erai OaXirj €vi iroWfj. 28
rp€t9 bi 01 €l(TL Ovyarpes evl p^eydpco evuriKTi^y
XpiJo-o^e/xts Kttt AaobiKT] Koi 'Ic^taz^aao-a,
TCLOiv rjv K k0iXr\(j6a (f)iXr]v avdebvov ayeaOai
irpbs oXkov YlriXrjos' 6 5' avT 67rl peiXia Scocret
TToXXa juiaX', oVo-' ov ttco 7t9 Ir) CTreScoKe Ovyarpi* 290
67rra rot hdcrei ev vaiopiepa uToXUOpay
KapbapLvX-qv ^Kvoir-qv re koL ^IprjV Tioiiqeo-crav
^iqpas T€ CaOeas rjb^ ''AvOeiav /BaOvXetpLOv,
KaXrjv T AtireLav kol YlrjbaGrov dpLireXoeo-orav,
irao-at 8' €yyv9 aXos, viarai YivXov rjpaOoevros' 295
€v 8' dvbpes vaiovcri TToXvpprjve^ TToXv^ovTai,
OL K€ ce bcoTLvrjcTL Oeov 0)9 Tiprj(rov(TL
Kai TOL virb o-KrjTTTpco XiTTapa^ reXeovo-L Oipia-ras.
ravTCL K€ TOL reXeVeie peTaXXrj^avTL ^6X010.
et bi TOL ^ATpetb-qs pi€v airrixOeTo KrjpoOi piaXXov, 300
011709 Koi Tov bcopa, o~u 8' aXXovs irep nava)(^aLovs
T€ipopL€vovs iXeaipe KaTa o-TpaTov, ol cre Oeov 0)9
Ticrovcr* 77 yap Ke o-(j)L pdXa pLeya Kvbos dpoio,
vvv yap )(' "Ektop' eXoLS, eirel av pdXa tol o-^ebov eXOoL
XvG-crav e^ayv oXorjv, eirel ov TLvd (I>i(](tlv opolov 30-
ol epevaL Aamwr, ovs evOdbe vrjes eveLKav,"
Tbv 8' d'napeL^op.evos irpoaecj)!] TTobas o)kv^ ^A)(^LXXevs
*' bLoyeves AaepTLdbrj, 'noXvprwav^ ^Obvcraev^
Xpr] pev by] Tbv pvOov diTrjXeyeois aTToei-neiv,
fi irep br] (ppoveoi re Kal o)9 TeTeXecrpevov ecTaL, 31
0)9 puff piOL Tpv^rjTe TiapripevoL dXXoOev dXXos.
ijl 9. IAIAA02 1.
ky6pos yap /xot Keivo^ 6[jlQs 'At6ao TTvkrjcrLV
OS X ^Tepov iikv K€vOrj kvl (ppeo-Lv, aXko be etirrj,
avrap iycbv epeco &s piOL boK€i etvai apLcrra'
ovT epiey^ 'Arpetbrjv ^Ayapiipvova Treto-e/xer otco 3
ovT aXXov9 Aavaovs, eirel ovk apa ns X^P^^ V^^
p^apvaaOaL biftoLo-Lv €7r' avbpda-L voiXepies aUL
LCTT] pLOLpa p^ivOVTL, KOL d pidXa TiS TToXepii^OL'
iv be Ifj TLpfj rjpL€v KaKos rjbe kol eaOXos'
KarOav 6po}s o r aepybs avrjp 0 re iroXXa eopyds. 3
ovbi TL pLOL TrepLKeLTai, iirel irdOov dXyea 6vpi(^,
aid €p.i]v xl/vxrjv irapajBaXXopievos TToXepLiCetv. ^
0)9 8' opvis aiTTrja-L veoara-oidi 'npo(f)iprj(rL
pido-TOiKy €7T€L K€ Xdj3rj(TLy KUKCos 8' dpa oi iriXeL avrfj,
o)S KOL iyo) TToXXas piev dvirvovs vvKTas cavov, 3
{jpLara 8' alpLaroevra bUTTprjo-o-ov TToXepLi^cov^
dvbpdcTL pLapvdpievos odpcov eveKa (r({)€T€pd(i)v.
bdbeKa bh avv vrjval TtoXets dXdira^^ dvOpdiTcoVf
TTe^bs 8' evbeKd (f)rjpiL Kara Tpoirfv ipi/BoiiXov'
rdcdv €K Traaecov K€LpL7]XLa ttoXXcl kol iaOXa 3
e^eXopi-qv, kol irdvTa (j)ipoi)v 'Ayafxe/xrort boa-KOV
^Arpeibrj' 6 8' omaOe piivoiv Trapa vtjvcfl Oofjon
be^dp.€Vos bta iravpa bao-dcrKerOj iroXXa 8' e^ecKev,
dXXa 8' dpLaTi]€(T(TL bibov yepa Kai /SacrtXeOcrt,
toIgtl pJev epLTTeba Keirat, e/xeu 8' aTrb piovvov ^AyaiQiv 3
elXeT, e^ei 8' dXoxov OvpLapia' rfj irapLavoiV
TepTTeaOco. tl be bel TToXepa^epievaL Tpdecra-LV
^ApyeLovs ; tl be Xabv dvriyayev evOdb^ dyeCpas
^Arpe'tbris ; fj ovx ^^Xevqs eveK rjVK6p.0L0 ;
rj pLOvvoL (j)LXeova dXoxovs pLepoiroiv dvOpdircov 3
^ATpetbai ; eTrel oy tls dvj]p dyaObs kol eyJ(t)po)v
T7]v avTov (piXeet kol KrjberaL, kol eyo) r-qv
e/c OvpLov (piXeov, bovpLK.TrjTrjv irep eovaav.
9. TATAA02 I.
vvv 8' eirei €k •)(jEipQ>v y^pas etXero /cat jjl a7ra7)]o-e,
fxri iX€V TTetparo) ev elboros' ovbe /xe TretVet. 345
dAA', '06i»(76i;. crvv aoi re Kat aXXoicriv jBacnXevcn
(l)paCi(r6(o vr]€crcriv aXe^ifievat brjiov irvp,
fj jjiev br] [xaXa ttoXXcl irovrja-aro v6(T(f)iv e/xeto,
Koi brj relx^s cSet/xe, kol ijXacre rdcjypov e7r' avT(2
evpeiav ixeydXrjVy ev be (TKoXoiras KareiTrj^ev' 350
aXX^ ovb^ S)9 bvvarai crOevos ''^KTopos dvbpo(f)6voLO
L(r)(^eLv' ocppa 8' eyco [xer ^ KyjOLioicriv 7ToXefjLL(ov
ovK eOiXeo-Ke p^dxrjv dirb reC^eos dpvvjjiev "EKTcop,
aXX^ ocrov es '^Katds re irvXas kol (^yrjyov iKavev
evOa TTOT olov ejut/xre, /xoyts be fiev eKcpvyev 6piir\v. 355
vvv 8' 67766 OVK eOeXco TToXefxtCejiev "EKTopt 8ta)j
avpiov tpa All pe^a? kol ttclctl OeoLcrt,
v'ip](ras ev vrjas, eTTi]v dXabe 77poepv(T(T(o,
oylreai, rjv eOeXrj(T0a kol aX kIv tol rd [xefiriXv,
ripi ixdX^ ^EXXrjo-TTOVTov en lyOvoevra irXeovcras 360
vrias 6/xa?, ev 8' avbpas epecraeixevaL fjLepiaojras'
el be Kev evnXoiriv bdrj kXvtos evvoa-LyaLOS,
TjixarL K6 rptrdro) ^Oiiqv epl^oyXov iKOLfj^rfv.
eorn be [jlol fxdXa iroXXd, ra KdXXLirov evOdbe eppa^v'
dXXov 8' evOevbe \pv(Tov koX yaXKov epvOpov 365
9786 yvvoLKas evCcavovs ttoXlov re CLbrjpov
d^opiaL, dcrcr eXa^ov ye' ye pas be /xot, 09 7r6p ebodKev,
avTLS e^v^pL^oiv eXero Kpeiodv ^Ayapiepivcov
^Arpetbrjs' roJ irdrr dyopevepiev, o)s eiTLTeXXo),
dpi(pab6v, o(j)pa kol dXXot eTTKTKV^o^vrai ^ kyjoLLoi, 370
el TLvd 7T0V Aavao)v erL eXirerai e^aTrarrio-eLV,
alev dvaibei7]v eineLpLevos' ovb^ av epioiye
TerXaLT] Kvveos irep eo)v els ooira IbecrdaL'
ovbe tL 01 IBovXds o-vpLcppdao-oixai, ovbe fxev epyov*
6K yap brj \x aTrdTrjcre Kal '^XLTeV ovb' &v er avTLS Zlff
9. IA1AA02 I.
€^a'nd(poiT kirkecrcnv' aXis be ol* aWa €Kr]Xos
ippirco' €K yap eS (ppivas etXero /xr^rtera Zevs,
€xOpa bi pLOi Tov boypa, rtco bi ynv iv Kapbs alcrry.
Ovb^ €6 [XOL beKCLKLS T€ KOL €tKO(raKtS TOCa bOLl]
ocrcra t€ ot vvv eort, koX et iroOev aXXa yivotTo, 380
ovb^ oa is ^Op^ojievov TTOTiVLo-G-erai, ovb^ oaa 0i7/3as
AlyvTTTLas, oOi nXeicrTa bofjLOLS ev KTrniara Ketrat,
at 6^ kKarofJLTTvXoi etcrt, bLrjKoo-iOi 6' av^ eKaoray
avepes e^oi^vevai avv iTiiroicnv kol 6yjecF(\)iv'
ovb^ €L pLOi Toaa boLT] oaa yj/dpiaOos re kovls re, 385
ovbe Kev ^S" eri Ovpibv epibv neicrei ^AyapiepLvoov,
TTpLv y dirb Traaav e/xol bopievai OvpaXyea X(!>^y]v,
Kovprjv 6' ov ya/xeo) ^Ayapiepivovos ^Arpetbao,
ovb^ el xpvaeLrj ^ A^pobiTr\ kolXXos epi^oL,
epya b' ^AOrjvairj yXavKdiribi l(ro(l)apL(oL* 390
ovbe pLiv 0)9 yapieo)' 6 8' 'A)(ata)/; aXXov eXeorOo),
OS TLS ol T eireoLKe Kal os (Sao-LXevrepos eariv,
T]v yap brj pie crococn Oeol Kal otKaS' ?Kco/xat,
Jlr]Xevs Orjv piOL eiieiTa yvvalKOL ye /xaorcrerat avros*
TToXXal ^Axadbes elcrlv dv^ *EAXa6a re ^OCrjv Te, 395
Kovpat dpLo-rrjoov, ol re UToXieOpa pvovraL,
rdcdv rjv k eOeXcopa (f)LXr]v TTOirjcropJ clkoltlv.
evOa be /xot pidXa iroXXbv eTreacrvTo Ovpbs dyi^vcop
yr\pLavTi pivr](JTr]v dXoyov^ eiKvlav olkoitlv,
KTrfpacTL repneo-Bai ra yepcov eKTrjcraro UrjXevs' 400
ov yap ep.0L yj/vxv^ dvrd^iov ovb' ocra (^aalv
"IXiov eKTrjorOai, ev vai6p.evov irToXieOpov,
rb TTplv eir elprjvrjSy Trplv eXOelv vlas 'A^aL^v,
ovb^ oaa Xaivos ovbbs dot/3ou 'A7roAAa)i;o9, IlvOoi evi iTeTprjeo-a-rj.^ 405
Xr]'C(TTol p,ev ydp re ^oes Kal t^ta /x^Xa,
KTTjTol be rpLTTobes re Kal LiTiTUiv ^avda Kdprjva*
9. IAIAA02 1. 175
avbpb^ be "v/^fx^ ttclXlv ikOelv ovre XeiVr?)
ov6^ kkerrj, iirel ap k€v afjLeLxjfeTaL epKOs* obovTOiv.
M'^VP y^P '^^ (prjo-L Oea Sins apyvpoireCa . 410
bLxOabCas Krjpas (l)€pi\xev Oavaroio rikocrbe.
el fxev K avOi [xevoiv Tpdcov irokiv a/x^t/xa)(w/xat,
&keTo [xev fjioi voaros, arap Kkios acfyOtTov ecFTaC
el be Kev otKaS"* LKoopa (f)Lkr]v es Trarpiba yalav,
ojkeTO \xoi Kkeos eo-Qkov, eirl brjpbv be {jlol aicov 415
eaaeraij ovbe /ce p! S)Ka rikos Oavaroio KL\eir]»
Kal y av Tols akkoioriv eyco iTapap.v6rjo-atpir]v
otKaS' aTTOTrkeUiv, eirel ovKen brjere TeKp^cop
'Ikiov alireivrjs' pidka yap eOev evpvoTra Zevs
)(€tpa erjv VTrepecrx^e, TeOapcTriKacn be kaoi. 420
dXA.' ip.eis p^ev lovres dpLcrrrieo-G-iv ^AyaiQiv
ayyekir]v aTToc^acrOe — to yap ye pas eo-rl yepovrcov —
oipp' 6,kkr]v (jypd^oovTaL evl (^peal p^rfTiv dpLeivo),
rj Ke (T(piv vrjds re (roo) Kal kaov ^Axatwr
vrivalv eiTL yka(f)vpfjs, eirel ov o-cpLonv rjbe y eroCpLr], 425
fjv vvv e<^pd(T(ravTO ykp^ev diropirivLo-avTos'
^olvL^ 8' avOi Trap'' dpLpa p.ev(x>v KaraKOLpi-qOriTOD,
6(ppa piOi ev vr\ea-(n ^Lkriv es irarpib'' eirrjTaL
avpLOv, rjv eoekrjo-iv avayKrj 0 ov n pav a^co.
^£ls e(f)a6\ ol 5' dpa navres aKrjv eyevovro crtcoTrrJ 430
pivOov dyaaro-dpievoL' pidka yap Kparepois diiee.i'nev'
6y\re be brj pLereetTre yepcov linTrjkdTa ^olvl^
bdKpv dvaTTprjo-as' irepl yap bte vrjvcrlv ^A)(atQiv'
ei piev br] v6(ttov ye pLera (fypecri, (^at5t/x' ^AyjXkev,
Qdkkeai, ovbe tl Trdpurav dpLVveiv vqval Oofjai 435
TTVp eOekeLs atb-qkov, eirel x^kos e/XTreo-e OvpCd,
TTcSs av eireiT dirb creto, (/)tAof reKOS, avOi kiiroLpL-qv
olos ; AaKa, [xrjT^pa fxriXcov,
is n-qXrja dvayff' 0 bi /xe 7rp6(f)p()dv viribeKTO, 480
KaL p! l(\)i\r](T 0)9 et re TraTrjp ov Tralba (\)ikr\(Tri
pLOVpov TrjXvyeTOv ttoXXo'lo-lv iirl /creareo-a-t,
xat pf capveibv eOrjKe, ttoXvv be /xot wTrao-e AaoV
vaiov b' iax^oiTLrjv ^Birjs, AoXoirecra-LV avd(T(T(i)v.
KaL (re toctovtov eOrjKa, ^eots eTTteiKeA.' ^Ax^tXAev, 485
e/c OvpLov )tAea)i;, eTret oi/c e^e'Aeo-Kes a/x** aXXo)
oi!r' es Sair' lei^at oiJr' ev pLeydpoLcn Tracrao-^at,
Trptz; y' ore 6?/ cr' evr' ipLolo-Lv eyco yo?;2^ecr(rt KaOLaraas
oxj/ov t' acrat/xt irpoTapio^v kol olvov luicryjidv,
TToWaKi pLOL KaTebevaas eirl aTJ]d€G-cn yjLTSiva 490
olvov a7:o[3\vCo)v Iv vrjirUrj akeyeivfj.
&>s €1tI col pidka TTokk'' eiraOov kol irokk* €pi6yr](Tay
TCL (fypovicov, o jtxot ov rt Oeol yovov i^eTikecov
e^ €pL€v' akka (re TToiba, Oeols eTTtei/ceX' 'A)(tAAei),
7T0L€vpiriVy Lva p.oL HOT det/cea Xotyoz; dp.vvrjs. 495
dAX', 'A)(tXei}, Sa/xao-Qz; OvpLov piiyaV ovbi tl ore XP'H
vrjkees rjTop eyjeiv* aTpeiTTol be re kol Oeol avToi,
To^v TTep KOL p^ei^div dpeTT] TLpLTj Te jBirj re.
Kol piev Toifs dveeorai kol evx^Xfjs ayavfjo'L
koL[3fi Te KVLo-Yj Te TraparpcoTTwo-' avOpoiiroL goo
kLo-aopLevoL, ore Kev tls VTTepl37]rj kol apidpTr],
Kot yap Te Atrai etcrt Alos Kovpai, pieydkoio,
X^coAat re pvo-ai Te Tiapa^kQ>T:es t ocpOakpd,
at pa re kolL ix^roTncrff* Arris oXiyovci Kiovcau
rj 6' '^Att] o-Qevapri re Koi apTLTros, ovveKa Trdcras 505
TToXXov vireKirpoOeeL, cl)6dv€L hi re Tracrav eir^ atav
^XaTtTov(T avOpdiTovs' al 6' i^aKeovrai ottlo-o-o).
OS ixev T alhio-erai Kovpas Atos acrcrov lovcras,
TOP 6e ixiy cjvqcrav KaC €kXvov €vyopAvoio'
OS 8e K* avrjvrjraL KaC re o-repecos aTroeiiTrj, 510
\Cor(TovTaL 8^ apa rat ye Ata KpovLcova Kiovo-ai
rw "^Arrjv aix eirecrOaL, tva jBXacfiOels airoTLo-rj,
dXk\ 'A)(tA.ei;, Trope Kal av Alos Kovprjcnv '^-necrQai
TLfjLrjVi rj T aXkcov irep eTrtyra/xTrret voov ko-OXGiVo
et /xer yap /xr) hcapa (pipoL, ra 8' ottktQ^ ovop^a^oi 515
'Arpet8?79, dXX' aikv kin^a^eXQis xaX^iraivoi,
OVK av €y(oy€ ere ixrjviv airoppLyj/avra KeXoiiirjv
^ApyeCoKTLV afjiVvipievaL yar^ovo-L Trep e/xTrr]?*
vvv 8' a/xa r' avriKa ttoXXcl 8t8ot, ra 8' oTriadev VTriaTr],
dvbpas be Xia-aecrOaL iinTTpoirjKev dpiarrovs 520
KpLvapievos Kara Xabv ^AyauKOv, 01 re croi airco
(piXraroL 'Apyeicoz;* rwz; /x^ cru ye pivOov iXey^rjs
fX7y8e 7ro8a9* Trptr 8' oi! rt vepLeo-o-qrov KeyoXo^o-O ai.
ovTco Kal T(av TrpocrOev iirevdoiieOa KXea dvhpQiV
rjpdoiv, ore k€V tlv^ iinCdcpeXos x^^^^ lkol' 525
booprjToC re iriXovTo TTapdpprjTOL r eTreecrcrt.
\ik\ijvy\\iai ro'8e epyoz^ eyo) TraAat, oi; rt z^eoz^ ye,
0)? 7)/^' ez/ 8' vpXv ipio) TTavTecraL (\>iXoi(tu
KovpT]T€s r' eiidyovTO koX AlrctiXoX [xeveyapiiai
dpLcfn ttoXlv KaXvbo^va Kal aXXrjXovs kvdpi^ov, 530
AtrcaXol jixei' apLvvopievoL KaXvbojvos epavvrjs^
Kovp^res 8e biairpaOieLv /xe/xawre? *'Apr]L
KoX yap TOLCTL KaKov )(jpV(T66povos *'Apre/xts Spere,
XOdaapiivr] o ol ov ri OaXvaia yovv^ dXo^rjs
Olvevs pc^'' aAAoi 8e Oeol baivvvd' kKarop^jSaSy 535
9. IAIAA02 L
olrj 5' ovK €pp€^€ Atos Kovprj ixeydXoLO,
Tj kdO^T rj OVK ivorjcreV ddo-aro be fxiya dvixco,
7] be yj[)Xoi)G-aixevif] blov yevos lo\eaipa
S)p(r€V €7rt yXovvr]v crvv dypiov apyiobovTa,
OS KaKCL TToAA.' epbecTKev e6o)v Olvrjos dXo)7]v* 540
TToWa 6' o ye irpoOeKviiva yaixal ^dke bivbpea [xaKpa
avrfjcTiv pf'Cli^^ '^^^ avTols dvOeai pLrfkoov.
Tov 5' vlos Olvrjos diriKTeLvev Mekiaypos,
TioXkeoyv iic TToXiOiv QiqpriTopas dvbpas dyeipas
Koi Kvvas' ov [xev yap k ebdpLr] navpoKTi ^poroicrC 545
t6(T(jos er]v, iroKXovs be irvprjs eirefBrjo-' aXeyeLvrjs.
7] 5' a/x(^' airw OrfKe iroXvv Kekabov kol dvrriVf
dp.(\)\ (Tvos Ke(paKfj kol beppLan XayviqevTiy
KovprjTOJV Te piecrrjyv kol AItooXcov iieyaOvpLOiv.
o(\)pa fxev ovv MeXeaypos apr]i(l)LXos TToAe/xtfe, 550
ro^pa 66 KovprjTecro-L KaKw? ^z^, ovb^ ebvvavro
Teiyeos eKTOQ-Oev piCpiveLv iroXees Trep eovres'
dAA.' ore brj MeXeaypov ebv \6X09, 09 re Kal dXXoiv
olbdvei ev o-TrjOeo-o'L voov irvKa irep cj)pove6vTO)V,
17 TOL 6 pirjTpl (j)iXrj ^AXOaCrj ^(coo/xei^o? Krjp 555
KeLTO irapa pLvqcrTrj dX6)(^(D, KaXfj KXeoirdrprj^
Koijpr} MapTTrj(T(Tr]S KaXXi(r(l)vpov HvrjVLvqs
'^Ibed 0\ OS" KdpTLCTTOs eTiiyOovLdiv ykver dvbpdv
T(xiv Tore — KaC pa dvaKTos evavriov etXero ro^ov
oL^ov ^AttoXXoovos KaXXLo-cjyvpov elveKa vvpL(pr]9' 560
Tr}v be TOT ev pLeydpoLcru 7TaTr]p K.al noTVia pt^rjTrjp
^AXkvovtjv KaXeecTKOv eTrdvvpLOv, ovveK dp^ avTrjs
pLrjTrip clXkvovos iroXvirevOeos oItov e^ovcra
KXai\ oTe [xiv eKdepyos avrfpTTacre ^o'l/Sos ^AttoXXcov —
TTj 6 ye TrapKaTeXeKTO x^Xov 6vp.aXyea Treoro-ODV, 565
e^ dpeoiv pLtjTpbs KexoX(op.evos, rj pa Oeolcri
TToXX^ dxeovo-^ rjpaTO Kao-LyvrjTOLO )oz;oto,
N 2
9. IA1AA02 I.
TToXXa 86 Kot yaiav 7roXv(f)6p^r]v yepcrXv aXoCa
KiKXTjCTKOva 'ALbr]v Koi eiratvrjv TlepaecfyoveiaVj
TTpoxvv KaOeCofJiivr], bevovro 8e haKpvcri koXttol, 570
TTaibl bojiev Odvarov' ttjs 8' rjepotpoiTLS ^Epivvs
€KX.vev ^Ep€^€(rvos irapaKOiTLS 590
XL(T(TeT obvpopievr], KaC ol KaTeXe^ev diiavTa
Kr]be\ OCT dvOpcoTTOKTL TTeXei tc^v aaTV aXdrj*
dvbpas piev KTeivov(n, ttoXiv be re T^vp apiaOvvei,
Ttxva be r' dXXoL dyovcn ^a6v^(ovovs re yvvaiKa^,
tov 8' 0)pLveT0 Ovpb^ clkovovtos KaKa epya, 595
^rj 8' levai, xpot 8' eWe' €8i;crero 7ra/x<^aroa)i;ra.
&s 6 piev AItcoXo'lo-lv airrjpvvev KaKov rjpiap
et^as (S dvp(^' r(3 8' ovKeTi bQ)p eTeXe(Tz/." 605
Tbv 5' aiiaixeifioixevos 7Tpo(Te(j)r] TTobas o)kvs ^A)(^LX\evs'
^^^OLVL^, arra yepate, 6torp€<|)?9, ov tL /xe ravTr]^
Xpeo) rt/xrjs* (fypovecd he TeTipLrjo-Qai Aibs ata-r],
Tj IX e^ei irapa vrjvcrl KopodVLo-iv, els o k avrpirj
iv aTTfOecra-L fxevrj Kau pLOi (fyika yovvar dpdprj, 610
aWo he tol epeo), av 6' evl (f)pe(Tl (SdXXeo crfjcrL'
ixri fJLOL (Tvyyjei Ovpiov ohvpopievos koL a\ev(ov,
^ATpethrj ijpm (j)ep(ov 'yapiv* ovhe tl ere XPV
Tov (piXeetVi iva fxri fiot airex^drjaL (\)iXeovTi.
KaXov TOL avv 6/xol TOV KTiheiv 09 K 6/x€ KTjhrj' 615
Lcrov efMOL [3acriXeve koL rjfxto-v fxeipeo rt/x^?.
ovTOL 8' ayyeXeova-L, o-v 6' avToOi Xe^eo fxCixvcov
evvfj evL ixaXaKrj' ajxa 5' rjoL (jyaLvofxevrjcfyL
(f)pa(Ta6iJieO^ ij k6 vedp^eO^ fjpieTep\ ^ Ke pLevcop^evJ*
'H, KOL narpoKAo) o y €7r' d(f)pvT09'
KaC p ' 6 fiev €v brjiJico fjLtv^L avrov ttoAA' aTTOTLcra^,
Tov be r' eprjTveraL KpabCr] kol Ovpibs ayrjvaip 635
iroLVTjv b€^aiJL€V(o' aol 8' dXXrjKTov re KaKov re
OvpLov €vl (TTrjOeo-a-i Oeol Oio-av etW/ca Kovprjs
0LT]9' vvv be rot e-^rra napia-yoixev e^oy^ apiaras,
aXXa re ttoAA.' eirl Trja-L' crv 8' tXaov evOeo OvixoVy
aLbecTcraL be fieXaOpov' v7T(op6(pioL be roL elfxev 640
i:Xr]Ovos eK Aavacav, fjiefxapLev be rot e^oyov aXXoov
KrjbiGrroi t eixevai koX )tArarot, ocraoi 'A)(atot."
Tov b'' aiiaixei^oixevos irpoo-icfyr] irobas o)kvs ''A)(^LXXevs'
Atav bioyeves TeXapidvie, Koipave Aawz/,
Tiavra tL [xoi Kara Ovpibv eeicrao fjivdrjo-acrOaL' 6^5
aXXd ixoL oibdveTaL KpabCrj X^^^> oTTiroTe Ketvoov
livrjo-opLat, CO? [i d(ru(f)r]Xov ev ' ApyeioiG-iv epe^ev
'Arpet8i79, et rtz;* aTLpL-qrov pLeTavdo-rriv,
aXX^ vpieLS epx^ecrde kol ayyeXirjv dirocjiacrOe'
ov yap TTplv TToXepiOLO pLebrjo-opiaL atpiaToevTos, 650
TTpLV y vlov npta/xoto bai^povos^ "^KTopa blovy
Mvpptbovodv eiTL re KAtcrtas Kal vrjas t/ceV^at
KTeivovT ^Apyeiovs, Kara re (rp/v^ai uvpl vrjas,
dp.(\>\ be TOL Trj ep.fl kXig-ltj Kal vrjl pLeXaivrj
'^EKTOpa Kal pepaOiTa p^dxrjs crx/jorecrOai otco." 655
^Xl? e(j)aO\ ol be eKacros eAcbz; 8e7ra9 dpcbLKVireXXov
(TTTeLcravTes napd vijas Xcav ttclXlV ^px^ ^' ^Obvoraevs.
UdrpoKXos b^ erdpoLo-Lv Ibe bpLoofjcn KeXevcre
4>otz^iKt (TTopecrai irvKLvbv Xeyos ottl rd^iO'Ta,
at 8' eni'neiOop.evai aropecrav Xeyos o>s eKeXevo-e, 660
Kcied re prjyos re Xlvolo re Xeirrbv d(s^TOv>
evO' 6 yepoyv KartXeKTo Kal 'H(S blav epupivev,
avrap ^AyiXXevs evbe pvx<^ KXiadfjs evTTrjKTOv*
9. IAIAA02 I.
T(2 5' apa TrapKareXeKTO yvvrj, r-qv Kea-^oOev T^ye,
^op^avTOS Ovydrrjp, Aiopiribr] KaWiiTaprjOS. 66
TJdrpoKkos 6' iripodOev eXe^aro' Trap 6' dpa kol rco
^I<^t9 ivCoivos, rrjv ol iiope btos 'AxtAAei/?
^Kvpov €\o)v alirdav^ ^Evvrjos irroXUBpov.
01 6' ore 6r) kKlo-ltjo-lv ev 'Arpetbao yivovro,
Tovs fjikv apa y^pvo-ioio-i KvirikXoLS vies ^KyaiQiV 67
beLbi^ar' dXXoOev dWos avao-rabov, €k t epeovro'
TTp^Tos 5' k^epieivev dva^ dvbpQiv ^AyajiepLvajV
" eiTi' aye /x', S TioXvaiv ^ObvceVy jxeya Kvbos 'A)(ata)i;,
^ p' iOikeu vrjea-cTLV dXe^ejievai br\iov irvp,
ri aTreetTre, )(oAos 5' eV ex^et ixeyakrjTopa OvpLov 67
Toz; 8' avT€ TrpocreetTre TToXvrXas bios 'Obvo-crevs*
** ^Arpdbr] KvbL(TT€^ dva^ dvbpQiv 'Aya/xe/xi^oz;,
Ketvos y ovK e^eAet a^ecro-aL yoXoVj dXX! ert fxaXXov
7niJ.Tr).dv€TaL /xereo?, (re 5' dvaiverai 9]8e era bcopa,
avrov (T€ (f)pd(€o-6ai iv ^ ApyeiOKTiv dvoiyev 68
07T7T0)9 K€v vTjds T€ (TOO)? /cttl Xttoz^ 'A;(ata)z;'
ai^ros y riTT€LXrj(T€V a/x' 7)01 va,
t:o(T(t\ 6' VTio XLirapoicnv ibrjo-aTo KaXd iribtXa,
d/x)l 6' eVetra baipoivbv kiaaaro beppia Xiovros
10. IAIAA02 K.
aXOoivos fJLeydXoLO TTohr]V€K€Sf etXero 5' 6y;(09.
^^Is 6' avTcos Mevekaov e^e rpojios — ovbe yap aiurcp 25
^ApyetoL, Tol br) eOev etveKa ttovXvv e(/)' vyprjif
rjkvOov €s Tpoirjv TroAe/xoi/ Opaavv opixaivovres.
iraphdkiri p!kv Trpcora pLerdcjypevov €vpv KaXyxfre
TTOLKiXrj, aVTCLp 6776 (TT€(f)dv7JV K€(l)a\T](j)LV detptt? 30
OrjKaro xa\K€Lr]v, bopv 8' eikero x^^P^ ^<^X^^?7'
'ApyeCoov rjvacra-e, Oeos 8' rtero 877/xa).
roz; 8' eSp' d/x)' &ixoLcn riOrnx^vov evrea KaXa
VTj): irdpa TTpviJivrj' r(3 8' do-TrdcrLos yiver iXOdv. 35
rbv irporepos TTpoa-ienie (Borjv dyaOos Mez/eAaoj*
TL(f)6^ ovT009y 77^666, KOpv(T(T€ai / 17 Ttz/' kraipoiv
orpvvieLS Tpdeaa-tv eirtaKOTTov ; dWa /xaA' alv(DS
beCbo) /xr) ov tls tol VT:6(Tyr]Tai ro8e €pyov, vx^-^^ -
dvbpa^ bv(TpL€via9 o-KOTTta^efxev olos €7T€\6(t)V 40
z;i;Kra bi dfjLjBpoo-irjv' [xdXa tls OpacrvKdpbios ^(rrai,^^
Tor 8' dirapLeLpofJievos 7rp0(re(f)r] Kpetodv 'Aya/^e/xz^coz;*
"XP^^ /3ovX?j9 6/X6 Kttt 0-6^ biOTpecjyes S MereAae,
K€pba\4r]S, rj tls k€V ipvcrcreraL rjbe o-acocret
'Apyetovs Kai z/rja?, 67ret A toy erpdirero (ppriv. 45
*F.KTOpioi$ dpa jJidkXov eirl (ppiva Oriy^ UpolcrLV* Q'> c\.^., ct^
ov ydp TTO) Ibofirjv, ovb^ €kXvov avbrjo-avros,
dvbp^ €va Toacrdbe /xep/xep' eir ?;/xart ixrjricrao-Oaif
oacr '^Ektcjop eppe^e 8tt>tXos vlas ^Ayai(aVf
avro)?, ovT€ B^ds vlos (\)iXos ovre Oeolo, 50
Ipya 8' ep6^' oVa )77/xt ixeX-qarepiev ^Apyeiotcn
br]6d T€ Koi boXtx^i^' Toaa yap KaKa pLrjcrar 'Axcttovy.
dXX^ X0L vvv Atavra Kal ^Ibopievrja KdXeo-aov
pt/x^a Oioiv irapa vrja^' eyo) 8' em NeVropa 8toi;
eifJLLj Kal oTpvvio) di^oTT^/xerat, at k idiXr](TLV 55
lo. IAIAA02 K.
ikOeiv 69 (PvXcLKOiv tepov reXos rjb^ kiriTeiXai,
K€LV(a yap K6 ix6Xi(TTa 7n6o(aTo' tolo yap vlb^
cqixaiveL ([)v\aK€(To-L, Kal ^IbofJievijos dirdcov
MrjpLovrjs' roicriv yap ineTpairoixiv ye ixakicrra^^
Tov ^ rjiJL€i[3€T €7T€LTa IBorjv ayaOos MeviXaos' 60
" TTwy yap jutot jutt^^o) cTrtreAXeat r]he K^Xeveis ;
avOi pL€V(i> fxera tolctl, bebeyiiivos et? o k€v ekOrj9,
rj^ Oio) {jLera cr avrts, iir-qv €V rot? eTrtretAco
Tbv 6' avT€ TTpoo'iei'nev ava^ avbpcov ^Ayajiifj^vo^v'
" avBi pL€V€Lv, fJLTi 77609 a^poTa^opiev aKKr\\oiiv 65
€px^opL€V(o' TToWal ycLp ava arparov elcn KeXevdoi.
(I)6iyy€0 6' ^7 K€V trjo-Qa, kol iyprfyopdat avodyOii
TTarpoOev €k y ever} 9 ovopid^oov avhpa eKaarov,
Tiavras Kvbaivodv* /xr^Se pieyaXiCeo 6vpL^,
aXXa Kal avroi irep irovedp^eOa' o)bi irov apju 70
Zevs €776 ytyvopevoLo-iv tet KaKOTrjra ^ap^iavr
^Xly elTTcbv d77€77€/X77€Z^ abeXipeov ev 677tr€tAa9*
avrap 6 ^rj p livai piera NeVropa, noipiva Xacov*
TOV b^ evpev Trapd re kXlo-ltj Kal vql peXaLvrj
€vvfj €VL pLaXaKT]' irapa 6' e'i'rea ttolklX"^ €K€lto, 75
do-irls Kal bvo bovpe (jyaeivrj re TpvcjydXeia,
Trap be fcoarr^p /cetro TravaioXos, p o yepaios
^(ovvvO^^ OT es TToXepiOV (j)6io-rivopa 6oip7](To-OLTO
Xabv dycov^ iirel ov piev e77€Vpe77e yr\pal Xvyp^,
dpOcoOeh 6' ap' €77* dyKQvo9, KecfyaXr^v eTraeipas, 80
^Arpdbrjv irpoa-ieme koX e^epeetVero p.v6(d'
" tLs 5' oSro? Kara vrjas ava o-Tparov epyjeai oto?
vvKTa bi 6p'* ^5
Tbv b^ 9]jutet/3er' eVetra dva^ dvbpC^v ^ kyapipvoiv'
*' S l^eo-Top NrjArjtaS?], piya Kvbos 'A}(aicor,
10. 1AIAA02 K.
yvda-eai ^ krpdhriv ^ kyaixiyLVOva, top TTept ttclvtcov
Zevs €vir]K€ ttovolo-l Sta/xTrepe?, els o k avrixj}
€v (TTTiOeo-o-L fxevT} KaL \xoi cj)i\a yovvar dpdprj, go
irXa^oixai o)b\ iiTet ov jjlol iir oixfxa(TL vrfbvfJLOs virvos
alvo^s yap Aavacav TreptSetSta, ovbi [xoi fjTop
efJLTTebov, dXA.' aXaXvKTr]jjLai, Kpahlr] bi [jlol efo)
(TTYjOioov €K6p(p(TK€i, Tpo[ji€€i 6' ^770 )at6tjuta yvia. 95
aX)C €L TL bpaiveis, eirei ovbe ere y vttvos LKavet,
bevp* €s rovs (f)v\aKa9 Kara^rjOfxev, o(ppa XboyfJiev,
pLT] Tol ixev KafjiCLTid abrjKOTes rjbk Koi v7TV(d
KOLixTjo-covTai^ CLTCLp (j)vKaKrjs im Trdyxy XaOoavrau
,\j^\}J^ bvo-fxevies 8' avbpes crx^bov rjarai' ovbe ri ibyiev loc
[xri 770)9 Kai bia vvKTa jJLevoivrfcroixrL pLoyjecrOaif^
Tbv 8' TjixeilBeT cVetra TeprjVLOs linTOTa Neorcop*
^Arpdbr] Ki^Store, ava^ avbpQiV ^ AydpLefJivov,
ov 6r]v "'E/cropt iravTa vor^ixara ixryrUra Z,evs
eKTeXiei, oo-a ttov vvv ieXireraf aXXa pnv oXco 105
Krjbea-L ixoyOrio-eiv koll TrXetocrti;, el Kev ^kyjXXevs
eK yoXov apyaXeoio fxeTaaTpe\lrrj (pCXov rjTop.
opS* kill (ravpcoTrjpos ^Xrjkaro, TrjXe 6e x.ct^'^oy
Xa/x<^' &s T€ (TTepoirrj iraTpos Aios' avrap 6 y rjpa)S
evb\ VTTO 6' €(TTpo)To pivov ^oos aypavXoLO, 155
aVTCtp V7T0 KpdT€(Ta6\ 6 6' e£ v-nvoio /xdAa KpanrvGis avopovcre,
KUL fJiiv (fxovrjo-as eTrea Trrepoevra Trpoo-qvba'
" (Tx^eVXtoj ecr(7i, yepati' crv pikv ttovov ov TTore XrjyeLS.
ov vv Ka\ dXkoL eacTL vecorepoL vle^ 'Axcttwr, 165
OL K€v eTTetra eKaorrov eyeCpeiav IBao-LXrjcov
iravTrj liioiyjopuevoi ; av 6' dpiriyavos icro-t, yepate."
Tbv 5' avre TrpoaienTe TeprjVLos linTOTa NeVrcop*
"i;al 8^ raCrd ye Trdi/ra, (piXos, Kara pioipav eetTres.
eto-ii' juteV /^ot 7rat8e9 dpLvpioves, elcrl be Xaol 170
Kal TToXees", tcov k€v tls eTioi^opLevos KaXiaeiev*
aXXa ixaXa jJieydXri XP^^^ ^e^iriKev ^ Ayaiovs.
vvv yap by] irdvTecrcrLv evrt ^vpov tcrrarat aK/x^y
rj jjidXa Xvypbs oXeOpos 'Axatoiy, rje ^iQivaL,
aXX! lOl vvv Atavra rayyv Kal ^vXios vlov 175
dv(TTr](Tov — (TV ydp k(T(Ti vedrepos — et [x eXeatpet?."
*12s (I)d0\ 6 6' d/xc/)' &iJLOL(TLv kicFo-aro 8ep/xa Xiovros
aWoivos pieydXoLO TTobrjveKes, etXero 5' eyxos.
firj 5' teVat, roi/9 8' ez^^ez^ dz^aorr^o-aj ayei' rfpo^s.
01 8' ore 8^ (pvXdKeao-LV kv dypop^ivoLcnv ep^iyOev, 180
oi8e iikv evbovras (f)vXdKO)v rjyriTopas evpov,
aXX^ kypriyopTL avv Tevyecnv rjaro Trdvres*
8e Kvv€s Tiepl fxriXa bv(T(iipri(T(0(Tiv iv avXrj
10. IAIAA02 K.
Orjpos cLKOvo-avTes KpaT€p6(l)povo9, 09 re KaO^ vXr]v
epx.^rat hi ope(T(\)L' ttoXvs 6' dpvfjiayhos €tt' avT(^ 185
avhpQiv 7756 KVvQiv, airo ri ^(pLo-iv vttvos o\o}\ev'
&s Tcov vribvpios vttvos airb ^X^^apouv oXcoXei
vvKTa (f)v\a(ro-opiivoLpos
TTLTTTovTOiv' oOev avTis dTTeTpdiTeT o^piixos "FaKTo^p 200
dXkvs ^Apyeiovs, ore brj Trepl vv^ €KdXv\l/ev.
€vOa KaOe^ofxevoL €77 e' dWrikoLo-L TTicpavaKov*
Toiai be [xvOodv rjpxe TeprivLos linTOTa NeVrcop*
" S) (j)L\oL, ovK hv brj tls dvrjp 7:€7tl6ol6^ eo) avTov
Ovfi(^ ToXixTjevTL [xera Tpcoay ixeyaQvp^ovs 205
iXOeiVy €6 TLvd 7T0V br]to)v eXoL io-xarooovra,
Tj Tivd 7T0V Kal (jyrjfJiLv ivl Tpdecrai ttvOolto,
ao-aa re pnqrioodo-i fiera (Tcj)i(TLv, rj pLejidao-LV
avOi ixiveiv irapa vrjvcrlv diTOTTpoOev, ^6 iroXivbe
axj/ dvaxo)pri(rov(TLV, iirel baixdcravTo y ^ k.y^aiovs\ 210
ramd k€ irdvra ttvOolto, Kai ayj/ eh rjpiias eXOoL
d(TKr]6ris* [xeya Kev ol vnovpdviov kXIos etrj
TrdvTas ki: dvOpdirovs, Kai ol boais eVcrerat ia-OXrj'
oo-aroL yap vrjeao-Lv iirLKpariovG-Lv dpLcrTOL,
To^v 7rdvT(jL>v ol eKaaros oiv bdaovcn ^xiXaivav 215
10. IAIAA02 K.
OrjXvv VTTopprjvov Tjj [xev Kripas ovh\v 6\xoiov9
aU\ 5' ev baLTTjo-L kol dXaiTLvrjo-L TrapiaraL,'^
^^29 €(})a6\ ol 5' apa iravTes clktjv kyivovro o-tcoTTj].
Toicri 6e koX pL^rieLire ^orjv ayaObs AtoiMrjbrjs'
"NeoTopj 6/x' orpvvei Kpahir] kol Ovfibs ayrjvoip 220
avhpSiV bvo-fjievicov bvvai arpaTov iyyvs iovroov,
Tp(o(ov' aXA.' €t TLS [xol avr}p a/x' eTrotro kol aXAoy,
[xaWov OakiTOiiprj kol OapcrakedTepov eo-rai.
crvv re hv^ epx^o/xeVco, KaC re irpo 0 tov evorja-ev
OTTTTCjOS K€pb0S €7}' [XOVVOS 5' €L 776/) VOrjO-JJ, 225
aWd ri ol ^pacrcroyv re voos^ Xenrr] 8e re ^ititlsP
^Q.s €v ^AyaixefjLva>v*
''Tvbetbr] Aiofjirjbes, e/xo) Keyapicriieve ^v/x(3,
rbv \xev br] erapov y alprjcreaL, ov k e6eXrj(r0a, 235
(paLvopievo^v rbv apLcrrov, eirel ixefxdao-l ye ttoWol,
ixr]be (TV y albofxevos afjaL (\>pe(Ti rbv [xev apeioa
KakkeLTTeLV, av be xeipov oirdcro'eaL alboi el/ccor,
€9 yeverjv opooov, /xr]8' el (Bao-iXevrepos eariv*^
*12s 60ar', ebeiaev be irepl ^av6<2 Mez^eXao). 240
roT? 8' avTLs pLereeLire ^orjv ayaObs Ato/x7]8r]9'
" el piev br] erapov ye KeXevere [x avrbv lAeV^at,
770)9 av eiretr ^Obvarjos eyo) Oeioio \a9oLpLr]v,
ov ire pi p!ev r:p6(f)pcjdv KpabCr] Kal Ovpibs ayrjvoop
ev TTCLvreao-L ttovolctl, (fyiXel be e HaWas ^AOrjvr], 245
rovrov y ecriropLevoLO Kal eK rrvpbs alOop^evoio
apLcpo) voo-rricraiixeVi eneX nepioibe vorjcrai^*
lo. lAIAAOS K.
TOV 6' aVT€ 7TpOCr€€L7T€ TToXvTXaS blOS ^Ohv(T(T€VS*
^'Tvbetbr], IxrjT ap /xe /xaX' alv^e [xriTe tl v€LK€L'
€i5o(r6 yap tol Tavra [xer 'Apyetot? ayopeveis. 250
aAA.' LopLeV p^dka yap vv^ dverai^ iyyvOi 6' rjm,
ao-rpa be brj irpolBi^rjKe, irapi^^aoKev b\ iikio^v vv^
T(ov bvo p^OLpdodv, rpLTarr] b' en pioipa AeAetTrrat."
^^1$ eliTOvO^ ottXoktlv €vl beLvoi(Tiv ibvrrjv,
Tvbeibrj piev SwKe p^eueirroXepos @pa(Tvpi]bri9 255
(fydayavov dp(l)r]Kes — to 5' kbv irapa vr]l AeAetTrro- — ^
Kal craKOS' dpLaX6v re Kal dXXocpov, ij re Karalrv^
KeKkrjrai, pverai be Kapiq OakepGiV al^rjcav,
MrjpLOvrjs 6' ^Obvcrrji bibov /Blov rjbe (paperprjv 260
Kal ^t^os, dpi(l)l be ol Kvverjv Ke 8' eTTel ovv ottXolctlv evi beivolcriv ebvTrjv,
I3dv p' levaLy XmeTriv be KaT avToOu irdvTas dpiaTovs.
Tolac be be^Lov rjKev epoobibv eyyvs obolo
TiaXXas ^AOrjvaLr]' toI 5' ovk Ibov 6^9aXp.olcn 275
vvKTa bi 6p(j)vaLr]v, dXXd KXdy^avTos CLKOVo-av,
)(atpe 56 T<2 6pvi6* ^Obvo-evs^ rjpaTo 5' ^AOrjvrj'
" kXv6l piev, aiyioyoLO Ato? re/co?, rf re poi aieX
ev 7TdvTe(T(TL TTOVOKTL TiapLaTacraL, ovbe ae XrjOoi
lo. IAIAA02 K.
KLvviJL€vos' vvv ovTe ixoXicTTa /x€ ^tXttt, ^AOrjvr], 280
609 be ttclXlv iirl vrjas eiiKAeiay a(f)LKi(r9aLj
pi^avTas /xeya epyov, 6 k€ Tpdecro-L pLeXYjo-rj,^^
AeuTepos avr rjparo ^orjv ayaOos Aiopirjhrjs*
" K€KkvOL VVV Kol e/xeto, Ato9 T€K09, ^ ArpvTcivrj'
(TTTeto pot 0)9 ore irarpl apC ea-ireo TvbeC btio 285
69 @r]^as, ore re irpo 'A)(ata)i; ayyeXos f\ei,
Tovs 8' ap k-n 'Ao-coTrw AtTie yoXKo^LTOi>vas ^ Kyaiovs,
avrap 6 p^eiXixiov pivOov (pipe KabpLeLOLCL
Kelcr' arctp ayjr a7n(i)V pidXa pipp^epa pLTjo-aro epya
crvv (TOL, bla Oed, ore ol TTpocppaccra Trapia-Trjs* 290
&s vvv pLOL eOeXovaa napio-Taao Kat pie (pyXao-ae,
(Tol 8' av eyo) pefco jBovv rjvtv evpvpLeTcoiTov,
dbpiriT7]Vf Tfv ov 770) VTTo (vyov ijyayev dvr\p'
Trjv TOL eyts) pe^co xpvaov Kepacriv T:epi\evas,^^
^ils ecpav ev\6pievoL, rOiv 8' eKKve YlaXKas ^AOrjvr], 29 &
06 8' eTTel riprjo-avTo Ato? Kovprj peydXoLO,
^dv p' Xpiev (09 re Keovre bvoo bta vvKTa pLeXatvav,
apt, (povovy av veKvas, bid r evrea kol p.eXav alp.a,
Kjvoe piev ovoe ipcaas ayrjvopas eiaor tiKToop
evbeiv, dkX* dpybis KiK\r](TKeTo irdvras dpia-rovs, 300
0(T(TOi ecrav Tpdoiv fjyrjropes rjbe piebovres'
TOVS 6 ye (TvyKoKecras TTVKLvrjv riprvvero ^ovkrjv*
" rt9 Kev pLOL Tobe epyov viroo^opievos reXeaeie
bdpcd eiTL /xeyaXo) ; pLKrObs be ol dpKLos eo-raL,
bo)(T(o yap bicppov re bvo) r epiav^evas Ititiovs^ 305
01 Kev apKTTOL ecoo-t Oofjs eTrl vqvo-lv 'A)(ata>z/,
09 rt9 Ke rXaCrj, ol r airw Kvbos dpotro^
vr](3iv 0)KviT6pa)v ax^ebov ekOep^ev, eK re irvOeaOai
fie (pvXda-aovrai vrjes Ooal 0)9 to irdpos Trep,
fj rjbrj yeipeo-a-iv vevyo)v es vrjas, roVe 8^ pievos e/x^aX' ^AOrjvrj
Tvbe'tbrj, Lva pirj tls ^ Ayjai^v yjaKKoyirdvo^v
(j)9aL7] eirev^dpLevos jBakeeiv, 6 be bevrepos ekOoL.
bovpl 8' eiraLcro'cov 'npoo'e(f)r] Kparepos ALopirjbrjs'
" rj^ liev\ Tie ere bovpl Kiyji(Top.ai, ovbe ae (prjpLL 370
brjpov e/xrjs airb ^etpos akv^eiv alirvv oXeOpov.^
paj kolL eyxps a(j)rjKev, eKG)v 8' rjpidpTave (fxnTOS'
be^LTepov 8' VTrep S/xoz; ev^ov bovpbs a/ccoKr) O fkj>A
ev yairi eirdyT]* 6 8' ap' eo-rr] rdp^ricrev re
^ajJilBaLVcov — dpajSos be bih o-ro/xa yLyver obovrcov — 375
lo. IA1AA02 K.
XXwpo? VTToi beiovs' to) 6' ao-OyLaivovre KiyriTr]v,
\€LpSiv 5' axj/dcrOrjv' 6 hi baKpva-as Itto? r]vba'
" ^(oypelr, avrap €yoi)v €/xe Xvo-opiaL* €(ttl yap evbov
)(aXK09 re XP^^^'^ TToXvKfxrjTos re (Tibrjpos,
TCOV K VpLpiLV X.^pi(TaiTO TTaTTjp aTT€p€L(TC dlTOLVa, 380
Tbv 5' a7TaiJL€Lf36lJL€VOS TTpO(T€(l)r] TToXvjJiriTLS ^Obv(T(T€VS'
" 6dp(r€i, fxrjhi tl tol Odvaros KaraBvixios €(rT(o.
aW' aye fJiOL robe elire Kal arjoe/ceco? KardXe^ov'
7777 6r) ovTCiis 6776 i^?Ja9 d770 crrparov epyjeai oXos 385
vvKTa bi 6p(j)vaLr]v, ore 6^ evbovort ^porol dWot ;
fj Tiva o-vXrjcrodv veKVcov KaTareOvrjciroyv ;
rj cr ^FiKT(x)p TTpo€r]K€ biao-KOTT Lao's at eKacrra
vrjas €776 y\a(j)vpds ; ^ cr avrov 6v}xos dvrjKe
Tbv 5' Tjixei^eT eTretra AoXoyv, vtto 6' erpe/xe yvla' 390
" TToWfjcTLV II drrjo-L irapeK voov rjyayev ''EKrcop,
OS piOL UrjXetoovos dyavov pL(!ivvyas lttttovs
boL>(repL€vai Karevevo-e Kal dpixara iroLKiXa )(ctXK(3,
rjvdyei be pC lovra 6or]v bia vvKva p^eXaivav
dvbpcov bv(Tpiev€0)v crx^ebbv eXOepiev, etc re irvOecrOaL 395
rje (f)vXd(To-ovTaL vrjes 6oal o)? ro irdpos 77ep,
V 1^1 X^^P^^^^^ ripLereprja-L bapevres
(f)V^LV ^ovXevovo-L jutera cr<^to-tr, ovb^ eOeXovai
vvKTa (l)vXa(r(repievai, Kapbdrco dbr]K6Tes atz/w."
Tbv 5' eTTLpLeLbrjo-as irpoo-ecjyr] iroXvpL-qTLS ^Obvcraevs' 400
rj pd vv Toi pieydXoiv bcopcov eirepLaCeTo OvpioSy
trriTCtiv AlaKibao batcjypovos' ol 8' dXeyeivol
dvbpdcTL ye dvrjroio-L baprjpevai 778' oxeea-Qaiy
dXXco y Tj ^Ax('XrjL, rbv dOavdrrj reKe prjrrjp.
dX)C aye piOi robe eliie Kal drpeKioys KardXe^ov' 405
7701; vvv bevpo Ktoyv XiTres ''E/cropa, TTOipLeva Xa(av ;
770O be ol evrea Kelrai ^Aprfiay ttov be ol lttttol ;
10. IAIAA02 K.
TTO)? 8' at T(ov aWcov Tpdcdv (fyvXaKai re kol evvaC ;
ao-aa re }xr]Ti6(£KTi jjiera (rcfyCo-LV, rj fieixdao-iv
avOi [xevetv irapa vqvcrlv airoiTpoOeVj 776 iroKivbe 410
ayjr avaxcoprivXa(T(Tei.
oa-orai ixev Tpcaoov irvpos la-yapai^ olcriv avdyKrj,
ol 8' eypriyopOacFi (fyvXacrcrepLeval re K^Xovrai
dXXriXoLS' drap aSre ttoXvkXtjtol eiTLKovpoL 420
evbovcTL' Tpoicrlv yap eirLTpaTriovo-L Kipae rivovre*
cj^Oeyyopiivov b' dpa rov ye Kdprj Koviyaiv ipLL^Or],
Tov b dub pL€V KTiberiv Kvvirjv Ke(j)ak7](pLv ekovro
KOL kvK€r]v KOL To^a TTakiVTOva Kal bopv piaKpov'
Kal rd y ^AQ-qvairj kyjinbi bXos ^Obvcrcrevs 46
v\lr6(T dvecry^eOe xeipl Kal €v\6p.evos euos rjvba'
X^'-P^' ^^^^ TOicrbeo-o-L' ae yap TTpdr-qv ev ^OkvpL7T(d
TrdvToov dOavdroiv iTTibo^cropLeO^' dkkd Kal avTLS
7Tepi\l/ov iirl SprjKwv dvbpcov lttttovs re Kal evvds.^^
dp* i(f)(ovrjcr€v, Kal dirb eOev v\j/6G-^ deLpas 46
OrjKev dva pLVpiK7]v' biekov 6' iirl crrjpid r eOrjKe,
(rvppidp\j/as bovaKas pivpLKrjs r epiOrjkeas oXovs,
/XT/ kdOoL avTLs l6vT€ 6oi]v bid vvKTa piikaivav,
TO) ^dr-qv irporipco bid r evrea Kal piikav alpa,
alyfra 5' iirl SprjKcov dvbpQiv rikos l^ov lovres. 47'
ol 5' evbov Ka/xaro) a5?]Kor69, evrea be o-cI)lv
lo. IA1AA02 K.
KaXa Trap* avroicn x^ovl K€/cXtro ev Kara Kooryiov
TpiaroiyL' irapa be a^iv kKacms^ hi^vyes lttttol.
'Prj(TOS 8' iv [xiaiji eSSe, Trap' avT^ 5' w/cees tTTTTOt
€7nbi(j)pidbos Tru/xarr;? t/xacrt 6€6€z;ro. 475
Tov 5' 'O8uo-€i'9 TTpoTTapoLOev lb(i)v ALopLrjbeL bei^ev*
" oCros rot, Ai6[Jir]be9, avrjp, ovtol be rot tTTTTOt,
ovs vco'lv 7TLy 480
rje (TV y dvbpas evatpe, peXrjcrovo-LV 8' epol lttttol/^
(fydro, rw 8' epurveva-e pievos yXau/cwTrt? ^AOrfvi],
KTeive 8' eincrTpoipdbi^v' tQv be cttovos Sapwr decK-qs
dopL OeivopievcoV) epvOatvero 8' aipLari yaia,
o)? b\ keodv purjkoLCTLV d(Tr]pidvToi(Tiv eireXOdv, 4S5
atyeo-tz; rj otecrcri, KaKa (jypovioiv evopovo-rj,
ct>s piev SprjiKas avbpas €7ra);(€ro Tvbeos VI69,
o(f)pa bvcibeK eirecfyveV drap iroXvp.iqTis ^Obvcrcrevs^
ov TLva Tvbetbr]9 dopt TiKri^eie Trapao-rds,
TOV 8' ^Obvcrevs pLeroTTco-Oe KajBodv TTobbs e^epvcraorKe, 490
ra (jypovecov Kara 6vp6v, ottco^ KaXXCrpLxes tinroL
peia bieXOoLev pirfbe rpopLeoiaro dvpL(S
veKpols dpL^aivovTes' drjOecrcrov yap er avTcov,
dXV ore brj jSaaiXija Kt^T^o-aro Tvbeos vlos,
TOV Tpi(TKaibeKaTov pLeXLr]bea Ovpov dir-qvpa 495
d(T6p.aivovTa' KaKov yap ovap Ke(paXrj(piv eireorTTj
Tr}v VVKT, Olvetbao 7rat9, 8ta pLrjTLV ^AOrivrjs.
Tocjypa 8' ap' 6 TX-qpicov ^Obv(Tevs Xve p(!)vv\as litttovs,
avv 8' ffeipev l/xao-t Kat e^r\Xavvev opLiXov
ro^o) eTTiTTXria-a-oov, eirel ov p^dcrTiya (paeLvrjv 500
TiOiKiXov 6K bL(pp0L0 voTjCTaTo x^palv eXe(r6aL*
poi^rjo-ev 8' apa 7TL(f)avo-K0)v Ato/xr]8et 8ta).
Avrdp 6 p^epp^ripi^e pievcov 6 tl kvvtutov epboL,
10. IAIAA02 K.
rj o ye bicppov kXdv, oOi iroLKiXa T€V\e €K€ltOj
pvfxov e^epvoL rj €K(p€poL v\j/6(r aetpas, 505
7} €TL tQ)v irXeovoiV SprjKQv cltto Ovpiov eXotro.
r]09 6 ravO^ copiiaive Kara (ppiva, rocjypo. 6' ^Adrjvrj
iyyvOev lo-rapLevrj irpoo-icpr] ALopLrjbea blov'
*^ vocFTov hr] pivrjcrai, [xeyaOvpLov Tvheos vU,
vrjas €771 yXacpvpds, /xr) kol 7:e^o(^r]\iivos eXOrjg, 510
IxTj TTov TLS Kol Tpcoa? eyeLprjcTLV Oebs aXXo?."
(j)aO\ 6 h\ ^vv€r}K€ Oeas oira (poovqa-acrriSi
KapiraXiiJicos 6' lttttcov €T:€^r](T€To' Koxj/e 5' 'Obva-o-evs
t6^(d' Tol 6' euirovTo Boas €7rt vrias ^kyaiQiv.
Ovb^ aXaocTKOTnrjv et^ apyvporo^os ^AiToXXodv, 515
0)5 t5' ^Adr]va[r]v /xera Tvbios vlbv eirovo-av*
rf] Korecov Tpdcov Karebvo-ero ttovXvv o\xiXov^
odpcrev be ©prjKCov ^ovXr](l)6pov ^linTOKOoyvTa,
(WUK^^Prjcrov aveyjnbv ecOXov' 6 b^ e^ vttvov avopovcras,
0)9 Xbe yjdpov eprjfjLOv, oO^ eo-racrav w/cee? lttttol, 520
v<' v.. avbpas T aaTTaipovras ev apyaXerjo-i (povfjcriv,
iSfjiOti^ev r ap^ eneira (jyiXov r dv6}jLr]vev krolpov.
Tpdonv be KXayyf] re kol ao-jreros oipro Kvboiixos
6vv6vTOi)v afjLvbis' OrjevvTO be jieppiepa epya,
6(T(T avbpes pe^avres e[3av KOiXas em vrjas. 525
01 5' ore br] p iKavov oOi aKOirbv "EKropo? eKTav,
evB^ ^Obv(Tevs ixev epv^e bucj^iXos o)Keas lttttovs,
Tvbetbrjs be )(ajuta^€ Oopcbv evapa (BpoToevra
ev yeipeacT^ ^Obvorrj'i TtOei, eTre^rjcreTO 5' lttitoov' ■
liacTTL^ev 8' iTTTTOuy, 70) 5' ovK aeKOvre irereadrjv 530
vrjas eiTi yXa(l)Vpds' rfj yap ^iXov eirXero Ovpi^,
^earoop be Trpwro? ktvuov ale (j)(ivr)(Tev re'
S (^tXot, 'ApyeLO)v rjyrjTopes rjbe jiebovres,
y\rev(Topiai, rj ervpiov epeco ; KeXerai be pie dvpLOS.
LTTTTcov IX o)KV7T6b(jov cipcj)! KTV7T0S ovaTa ^(xXXeL, 535
lo. lAIAAOE K.
at yap 8^ ^Ohvcrevs re /cat 6 Kparepos Ato/xr]8r]s
a^ap 6K Tpdcov iXao-alaro ixdvvyjois lttttovs'
dXX* alv6)s beiboLKa Kara (jypeva [xr] ri naOoia-LV
^Apyetoiv oi apio-roL vtto Tpdcov opvfjiaybov.^^
Ov 770) TTCiv €Xpr]To eTTOS OT cip^ rjKvOov avToL 540
Kttt p Oi fjL€v KarilBrjcrav €7tI yOova, rot §6 yapivres
be^if] rj(r7Td^ovro eirecro-L re /x€tAt)(totcrt*
TTpcoTos 5' e^epieive TeprjVios tTTTTora Necrrcdp'
" €t7r' aye fx', S iroXvaiv 'Obva-^Vy piiya Kvbos 'A)(ata)r,
077710)9 ro7;(r8' t77770U9 \d^€TOp, KaTabvvT€9 opLikov
Tpcoo)!;, 17 rt9 (T(j)(jo€ iTopev $€09 dvTi^oXr\(j as*
alvodS dKTive(T(Tiv koLKores T^eAtoto.
alel fji€v Tpco€(r(r eiriiJiLo-yopLat, ovbe rt (/)?7/xt
pLLfjivd^eLV irapa vrjva-l yipo^v 77ep lidv 77oXejutt(rr?]9*
dAA.' ov 770) Totou? iTTiTovs Ibov ovb^ ev6r](Ta. 550
dXXd Tiv vfjifi dto) bofievat Oebv avnao-avTa'
diJicf)OT€p(i} yap o-cpm (piXei vecfyeXrjyepera Zei?
Kovprf T atyto)(Oto At09 yAavKC077ts' ^AOrjvrj,^^
Tbv 5' aTTapLeilBofJievos '7Tpoae(l)r] TTokvfJirjTLs ^Obvao-evs'
NeVrop NrjKrj'Cdbrj, ixiya Kvbos ^AyaiSiV^ 555
peta ^eos" y eOikcov Kal ap^eivovas rji irep otSe
t77770i;9 bcoprfo-aiT , e77et 77 770X1; (peprepol elmv,
t7777ot 5' ot8e, yepaii, verjXvbes, ov9 epeetz/et?,
QprfiKioi' TOP be (T(^iv avaKT dyaOos ^ioiiribr]S
€KTav€, Trap 5' krdpovs bvoKaCbeKa Trdvras dpio-rovs, 560
roz; rpLCTKaibeKaTov (tkottov etAo/xez; eyy^^^t vrjcov^
rov pa biOTTTrjpa arparov eptpievaL yjixeTepoio
"YiKTcop re irpoerjKe Kal dXXoi Tpwe? dyavoC*
et77G)z; Td(j)poLO ^tiyAao-e pidvv^as lttttovs
KayxaXoooV a/xa 5' dXXoi icrav xatpovres 'A;(atot. 565
ot 8' ore Ti;8et8eo) kXktltjv €vtvktov iKOVTOy
LTTTTOVS }x\v KaTibr\(Tav €VTiJLriTOL(nv lixaa-L
10. lAIAAOS K.
(jxXTVrj e)' 177776 try, 06 L 776/) AtO/X775609 177770 1
eorracrav GiKVirobes iJieXirjbia irvpov ^hovres*
vr]C TTpyfJivrj €vapa ^poroevra A6\(ovo9
OrjK ^Obv(r€V9, o(pp^ Ipbv kroiixaa-a-alaT^ ^AOrjvr],
avTol Ibpco TToXXbv airevLCoifTo OaXacrorr]
eor/Bavres Kvrijxas re Ibe Xocpov aiJLcf)L t€ [xrjpovg.
avrap eireC (rcpiv Kvpia OaXaacnqs lbpQ> ttoKKov
vCyjrev airb xP^tos koL aviyj/vx^ev (piXov rjrop,
€S p a(TafJLLv6ov9 ^avres ev^io-ra^ Xovcravro,
TO) §6 Xoecraaixivo^ Koi aXeLxj/afjiivoi XtV iXaL(o
beiTTVco €(j)i^aveTr]v, airo b'k Kprjrrjpo^ ^AOrfvrj
irXeiov a(l)V(r(T6iJL€V0L AeijSoz; [xeXiribia olvov.
'Ha)s 8' €K Xexioiv irap ayavov Tt^coroto
&pvv0\ iv' aOavcLTOLo-L (f)6m (f)ipoi r]h€ ^poToicrC
7j€vs 8' ''Ept8a TrpotaWe 6oas eirl vrjas 'A;(at5z;
apyaXirjv, iroXiixoLO repas [xera x^po'ti^ eyovcrav.
arrj 8' iir ^Obvo-crrjo^ ixeyaKrirei vrfC fJieXaivrj,
rj p €v ixeo-crdriD ecTKe yeycovEfjiev aixiporepcocre,
riixkv 67r' Puavros Kkio-las TeXafxcovLabao
978' 67r' 'AxtA-XrJo?, tol p ^a-yara vrjas eto-as
eXpvaav, rjvoperj iTLcrvvoi kol Kaprei yjEipQ^v.
€v6a (TTacr^ ijvcre Oea fxiya re beivov re
opOi, ^ Axaioicnv he fxiya arOevos efx/BaX* e/caoro)
Kaphirj, aWrjKTov iroXefxiCeiv rjbe iiayeo-Qai,
TOiCTL 8' acpap TToXe/xo? yXvKicov yever rj^ vkecrQai
€v vrjV(rl yXacfyvpfjo-L (piXrjv is Tiarpiha yaiav.
^ATpetbrjs 8' efSorjaev Ibe C^vvvadai avcoyev
^Apyeiovs' iv 8' avrbs ebijcreTO vc^poira x^-Xkov,
Kvqixibas jJikv TTpQra Trepl KvrjjJirjo-Lv eOrjKe
KaXdS} apyvpioLCTiv iTTLo-cjyvpLOLS dpapvias*
bevrepov av OcaprjKa irepl o-TrjOeo-o-Lv ebvvCj
Tov TTori ol Kivvprjs 8(3/c6 ^eLvrjiov eTvat,
TTevOero yap Kvirpovbe [xiya KXios, ovv€k 'Amatol
ks TpoLTjv vr\€(T(TLv avairXevo'ecrOaL epieXXov*
TovveKCL ol TOV b(OK€ yapi^6yL€vos ^acTLXrjC
II. 1A1AA02 A.
Tov 8^ rj TOL biKa olixoi ecrav [xiXavos kvclvolo,
bdbeKa be \pv(Toio koX €lko(tl KacrcriTepoio' 25
Kvaveoi be bpoLKOvTes opo^pexaTo irporl beipr}v
rpeis €KdT€p9\ Ipia-aiv eoLKoreSy as re KpovLcav
€V vi(peL (TTrjpL^e, repay jxepOTTcov avOpdircov.
apLcj)! 5' ap'' &pLOL(TLv j3d\eT0 ^t(^os* ev be ol rjXot
Xpva-eLOL TrdfjiipaivoVi arap irepl KovXeov rjev 30
apyvpeov, xpvo-eoLo-iv doprripecro-iv dprjpos.
av 8' eXeT dpL(j)L[3p6Tr]v TroXvbaCbaXov doriTiba Oovpiv,
Kakrjv, rjv irepL [xev kvkAol beK.a )(aAKeot '^crav,
iv be oi 6p(f)akol -qcrav eeiKoai Kaara-irepoLO
Xev/cot, ev be [leo-OLcnv er]v ixekavos Kvdvoio, 35
r^ b^ eTTt p.ev Topyci) /3Ao(n;p&>7rts e(TTe(f)dvoiTo
beivov bepKopLevrjy ixepl be Aet/xos re ^o/3o9 re.
TT]s 8^ ef dpyvpeos TeXaix(i)v rjv' avrdp eTr' avTov
Kvdveos eXeXiKTo bpdKoov, KecpaXal be ol rjaav
Tpeis diJL(l)L(rTpe6L irpo, 50
(pOdv be ixey Ittttt^coz/ eiil rdcj^pc^ KoapLrjOevreSy
linTijes 8' oXiyov pLereKiaOov ev be Kvboipibv
o)p(re KaKov KpovLbr]s, Kara 8' vyj/oOev rjKev eepaas
at/xart pvbaXeas e^ alOepos, ovveK e/xeAAe
TioXXds iTrXLcr(TaTo belirvov
ovpeos kv l3rj(ro"rj(rLP^ iirei r iKOpicraaro xelpas
TCLixvcov bivbpea [xaKpa, abos re fjiiv ik€To Ovfxov,
(TLTov T€ ykvK^poLO 7r€pl (^pez^ttj t/xepos atpet,
rrjixos (T(f)fj aperfj Aavaol prj^avro (pdkayyas, 90
KeKXoixevoi krapoKTL Kara crTLyas' iv b' ^AyaixipLVoov
TTpQiTos opovcr, eXe 5' avbpa Birjvopa, iroifjieva kaQv,
avTov, €7T€LTa 6' kraipov ^O'ikrja ttXti^litttov,
rj TOi o y 6^ LinToov KareTrdKixevos avrlos ecrrrj'
TOP 5' lOvs /x£/xact)7a [leTdinov d^i'C bovpl 95
vv^\ ovbe (rT€(j)dvr] bopv ol ayiOe xakKO^dpeiay
akXa bC avTT]s '^kOe kol darriov, ey/ce^aXo9 66
€vbov airas TreirdkaKTO' bdixao-a^ be pnv /xe/xawra.
KOL Toiis [xkv \ltt€V avOi dva^ dvbpQ>v ^Ayafxifivcov
arrjOeo'L irafjicpaLvovTas, iirel Trepibvcre yjiTo^vas' 100
avrap 6 fBrj p^ '^laov re kol " KvTKpov i^evapL^oiv^
vie bvo) npta/xoto, vodov koX yvrjaiov, djJL
o)S be kecov k\dt ^cooi/s TTeirvOoLT eirl vrjvcrlv 'A^ato)!^." 135
^XIj rco ye KXaiovre Trpoo-avbrjTrjv jBacnXrja
MetAt^tot? €7reea-ortz^* apLeiXiKTov 8' 6V aKOvaav*
" et jutez; 6^ 'Az;rt/xa)(oto baLs re Kis, e/c 8' dpa x.^tpo?
(TTidcro-aTo' tov 8' dopL ttAtJ^' av^iva, Xvae be yvla, 240
o)S 6 piev avOi Trecrcbz; KOipijaraTO x^dkKeov vttvov
olKTpos, dirb pLvqo-TTjs dXoxov, aarTOiaiv dprjyojv^
KOVpibCris, rjs ov tl ydpiv \be, noXKa 8' ebo)Ke'
TTpQO^ eKaTov [3ovs bo)Kev, eueiTa be x^'^^* ifiricrTrj,
atyas o/xoO Kal oiSy ra ol den: era noip.aivovTO, 245
87) rore y ^ATpetbrjs ^Ayapiepvoiv e^evdpt^e,
8e (l)epo)v dv opuXov ^Axatcoz; Tev^ea KaXd,
Tbv 5* 0)? ovv evorjo-e K6o)v, apib^LKeros avbpcov,
TTpecrjBvyevrjs ^AvryjvopibrjSi Kpar^pov pa k irivOos
6(l)6aXpiovs €Kd\v\j/e Kao-iyvrjTOLo TieaovTos. 250
arrj 6' evpa^ (rvv bovpl XaOtav 'Ayajiipivova blov,
vv^e hi [JLLV Kara X'^^P^ ixi(Tr]v ayKStvos ^vepOe,
avTiKpv h\ bUa^e (paeivov bovpbs aKooKrj.
pCyrjcrev t ap' €7retra ava^ avbpcov 'Aya/xe/xrcoz;*
dAA' ovb' 0)9 airiXrjye p^cLxrjs rjb€ urokiixoiOy 255
aXX' iiropovo-e Koooi^t excov avepcoTpecpes ^y\os»
7} rot 6 ^IcpibdpavTa Kao-iyvrjrov koI oirarpov
€\k€ TTobbs pLepadsy /cat dvT€L iravras dpCaTovs'
Tov 5' €\kovt'' av opiXov vtt da-iTibos 6pL(paKoi(T(Tr]s
ovTr](T€ ^voTO) xaXKripeC, Xvae be yvia' 260
roto 6' 67r' 'I(/)t6a/xaz;rt KCtpr] airiKO'^e TrapaaTas.
€v6' ^AvTrjvopos vies vtt' ^ATpdbrj [3a(rtXr]i
iTorpov avaTrXrjO'avTes ebvv bopov " Aibos eto-co.
Avrap 6 rcav dXXcov €7re7rcoA€tro aTiyas avbpQv
eyxet T aopL T€ pL€ydXoi(TL T€ xeppLabiOLo-Lv, 265
ocppa oi atjix' ert Oeppbv avrjvoOev e£ coreiA^?.
avTCLp 67rel ro p.\v eXKOs iripcreTo, TravaaTo 6' al/xa,
o^etat 5' d5?;mt 6i;z^oi; pevos ^Arpetbao,
0)9 6' or av iibivovaav e^j? /3eAos d£i/ yvvaiKa,
bpipLV, TO T€ TTpoUlcri pLoyocTTOKOL ElXeiOviatj 270
"Hp?] 9 6vyaT€p€S iTLKpas o^blvas eyovo-ai^
o)S d£et' obvvai bvvov p.ivos ^ Arpetbao.
€s biv eXev, avrap eireira
ttXtjOvv, 0)9 OTTore vecfyea Zc^upo? crTvcpeXt^rj 305
apyecTTao ISloroLOy ^aOeCr} XaiXain tvtttoov*
TToXXov be Tp6(t)i Kvpia KvXLvberai, vyj/ocre 8' ax^^
cTKibvarai e^ avifxoio TToXvirXdyKTOLO lo)rj9'
o)9 dpa TTVKva KaprjaO^ v(})' ''E/cropt bdixvaro Xao)V,
"^YivOa K€ Xoiyo9 erjv kol d}xriyava epya yevovro^ 310
Kat vv Kev ev vrjecrcn Tricrov (f)evyovTe9 'A^atot,
''Tvbetbri, Ti TraOovre XeXdo-fieOa Oovpibos aXKrj^ ,*
dX\' aye Set^po, iriirov, irap eji to-rao-o* br] yap eXey^o?
€(T(r€TaL €L K€V vrjas eXr] KopvOatoXos ''Efcrcop/' 315
Tbv 6' aiTaixei^6iX€vos TTpoo-ecf)!^ Kparepbs Ato/x7]8rjs'
rj Toi eyo) jievico kol TXrio-ofxai' aWa [XivvvOa
fjpiiaiv eaaeTaL ^809, eirel v€(i>€kr]yepiTa Tjevs
Tpoicnv 8r) ^oXerai bovvai Kparos rji irep rjixlvJ'
^H, KOL &v}Ji^paLOv ix€v acf)" lttttcov S)(T€ xctjixafe, 320
bovpl ^aXcbv Kara [xa^ov apLCTepov' avrap ^Ohvaa-evs
avTiOeov Oepairovra MoXtoz;a roio avaKTos.
Tovs fi€v €7retr etao-av, eirel TroXe/xou aTreTravorav'
TO) 8' aV^ OpuXoV 16VT€ KvbOL[JL€OV, 0)? 0T€ KCLTTpO)
€v Kval OT^pevTrjcL [xeya (j^poviovre ireo-r^Tov' 325
0)9 o\€KOV Tpwa? TTakLv opfjiivod' avrap 'A)(atot
aairao-LOis (fyevyovres aviirveov "Y^KTopa blov.
''EvO^ kXir'qv bi(j)pov re Kal avepe brjiJiov apiaroa,
vie bvoi MipoTTOS IJepKooo-LOV, 09 irepl iravToyv
77866 iiavT0(TVva9, ovbe ovs Tralbas eacKe 330
(TTei\eiv 69 TTokepiov (^yOKTrivopa* ro) 86 01 ov ri
TT€i6i(T6y]v' K7]p€9 yap ayov fxiXavos OavdroLo,
Tovs fJi€v Tvbetbr]^ bovpiKXeiToi Ato/x?]8r/9
Ovpiov Kal yl/vxv^ KeKaboov KXvra rev^^^ diTiqvpa'
^iTTTTobafxov 8' '08ucr6i;9 /cat ^^Tir^ipoyov e^evdpi^ev, 335
'^EvOa a^iv Kara tea ixdyr]v irdvvcrcre KpovLcov
6^*'I8r]9 Ka6opS>v' Tol 8' dkXrikovs evdpiCov.
r\ TOL Ti>8609 vlbs ^Ayda-rpocfyov ovraa-e bovpl
YlatovLbrjv rjpcoa Kar i(T\iov' ov ydp ol lttttol
6yyi;9 €(Tav 7Tpo(j)vy€iv, dacraro 86 juteya ^u/xo). 340
Tovs fxev ydp Oepdircov airdvevO^ ^X^^» avrap 6 ire^bs
Ovve bia TTpoixdyjixiv^ rjo^ (j)ikov ojXeo-e Ovfiov.
"Efcrcop 8' o^v vorjcre Kara (rrt)(a9, oopro 8^ 67r' avrovs
KeKXrjycos' a\xa he Tpcocov eiTTOvTo (paXayyes*
Tov h\ lh(s)v piyr](T€ l3oi]v ayaOos Ato/x7j6r]y, 34
al^a 5' ^Oov(T(Tria irpocrecfxiveev eyyvs kovra'
" vQi'Lv hr] Tobe TrrjfjLa KvXLvberai, ojBpLjjLOs ''E/crojp'
aXX^ aye brj (TTecofxev kol aXe^dip^ecrOa p.ivovT€9."
pa, KOL api77€7:aXo)v irpo'Cei hoXiyjicrKiov eyyj)s,
KOLL jSdXev, ovb' a(j)dpLapT€, TiTV(TK6p.evos K€(t)aXr](j)iv, 35
CLKprjv KCLK KopvOa' TiXayyOr] 6' oltto xotX/co^t yaXKOs,
ovh^ LK€TO xpoa KaXov' epvKaKe yap rpvcpdXeia
rpi-nrvyjos avX6)iTLS, T-qv ol Trope $ot^o? 'AiroXXcov,
"Efcrcop 5' S)K cLTTeXeOpov avibpapte, pllkto 5' o/xtAo),
aTT] be yvv^ epL7T0)v Kal epeia-aro x^^P^^ '^^X^'^V
yairjs' apL(f)l be ocrae KeXaivrj vv^ eKaXv^ev.
o(\)pa be Tvbi'ibr]s [xera bovparos <^X^^' epco-qv
TrjXe bia Trpo/jcd^coz/, oOl ol KaraeCo-aTO yair\s,
Tocpp^ ''E/crcop apLTTvvTo, Kal a\J/ es bi^pov opovcras
e^eXao-^ ttXtjOvv, Kal dXevaTo Kijpa p.iXaivav» 36
bovpl 5' e7Tat(T(ro)v irpoo-ecprj Kparepos Aiopiribris'
" €^ av vvv e(f)vyes Oavarov, kvov' ri re tol dyx^
rjXOe KaKoV vvv avre cr epvo-aro 4>ot/3o9 ^AttoXXoov,
w [xeXXeis evx^o-Oat lo)v 69 bovTTOv clkovto^v,
77 6r\v (T e^avv(i> ye Kal varepov dvTijSoXrio-as, 36
ec 7T0V rt? Kal epiotye 6eo)v enirappoOos ecrrt.
vvv av Tovs dXXovs eTneLaop.ai^ ov Ke /ct)(6t6o."
^H, Kal UaLov[br]v bovpLKXvrbv e^evdpi^ev,
avrap ^AXe^avbpos, ^EXevrj^ ttootls rjvKopiOLO,
Tvbetbrj eiri ro^a TLraivero, uoip^ivi XaQiV, 3
(TTrjXrj KeKXipiivos dvbpoKpLTjTc^ eirl Tvp.[3(o
"IXov Aapbavibao, iraXaLov br]p.oyepovTOs,
fj TOi 6 piev 6o)pr]Ka ^AyacrTp6(f)ov l(pQip.oio
aXvvT dirb crTrjOeo-cpL iravaioXov dcniba r ot)picov
Kal KopvOa l3pLapi]v' 6 be to^ov Trrjxw aveXKe 3
li. lAIAAOS A.
Kol ^d\€v, ovb^ apa fxiv aXiov [BeXos eKcpvye x^tpo?,
rapcTov be^LTepoio irobos' bia 5' afxirepes lbs
iv yaCrj KaT€7TrjKT0* 6 be fidXa rjbv yeXdcroras
6/c X6)(^ov dp^TTrfbrjo-e kol ev^opevos eiios iqvba'
^'y3€/3X?7at, ovb^ dXiov ^iXos €K(j)vy€v' ocfyeXov rot 380
veiarov ks KeveQva jSaXcov e/c Ovpibv kXiarOai.
ovTco K€v KoX Tp(o€9 dviiTvevcrav KaKorrjTos,
OL re (T€ 7T€(l)p(KacrL XeovO^ pir]Kdb€S atye?/^
Tbv 6' ov rap/Bria'as 'npoaiclyr] Kparepbs Aiopribrjs'
" To^ora, Xoy[3riTi]p, Kepai dyXae, irapOevomTia, 385
€t pL€V br] dvTijSLOV (TVV T€Vxe(TL TTCtpTy^etr]?,
OVK dv TOL Xpa[(Tprj(TL /3t09 KOL Tap(})€€9 loL'
vvv be pi eTTiypdyj/as rapabv irobbs evy^eai avrco?.
OVK dXeyoi, 5)9 et pie yvvr] (BdXoL rj nais ac^pcoz;'
K(jd(f)bv yap l3eXos avbpbs avdXKibo9 ovribavoio, 390
rj T dXXcos vtt' epielo, koX el k oXiyov irep eiravprj^
o^v [3eXos 'neXerai, kol aKripLOv at\\ra tlOtjo-l,
Tov be yvvaiKbs pev r dpcfyibpvcpOL el(TL irapeiai^
TTalbes T dpcfyavLKOL* 6 be 6' atpiart yatav epev6(ov
TTvOerai, oloyvol be irepl irXees rje yvrai/ce?." 395
'^Xl? (pdrOf TOV 5' ^Obvcrevs bovpiKXvrbs eyyvdev eXOoyv
ecTTrj TTpocrO^' 6 8' oiricBe KaOe^opevos [3eXo9 o)kv
6.K TTobbs eXK.\ obvvr] be bta xpobs rjXO^ dXeyeivrj.
es bicppov 8' dv6pov(re, kol rjviox^^^ eirereXXe
vrjvcrlv Itti yXacpvpfjcriv eXavvepeV rj^Qero yap Krjp, 400
OldOr] 8' ^Obvo-evs bovpLKXvro^, ovbe tls avT(2
WpyeCcov irapepieLvev, eirel (f)6^09 eXXa[3e Trdvras'
oy^Oricas 5' apa etire irpbs bv p^eyaX-qTopa Ovpov'
" w /xot eydy TL irdOco ; /xeya pev KaKbv at Ke ^s/3a)/xat
7TXr}6vv Tap^r\(Tas' rb be piyiov al Kev aXdco 405
piovvos' Tovs 8' dXXov9 Aavaovs eKvs oicftos^
ct)ixo(f)dyoL fJLLV 6(a€9 €V ovpeo-L hapbdirrovcnv
€V viji^i crKt€p(5' 6776 76 Kiv 7]yay€ balfxcov 480
(TLVTTJV* 6 0)69 \xiv T€ bUTp€(TaV, aVTCLp 6 bdlTTeL'
COS pa TOT^ apLcf)^ ^Ohvcrrja batcppova iroiKiKoixriTiqv
Tpa)6S 67roz/ ttoXXol t€ koL dXKifjLOi, avrap o y rjpcos
ai(T(T(i}v (p 6y)(6t dfJivveTO vr]\ee9 ri\xap,
Alas 6' iyyvOev rjkOe (f)ipa)v craKos rjire irvpyov, 4S5
CTT] he irapi^' TpQes be hiirpeaav dXXvhis aXXos.
?7 TOL rov MeveXao^ ^Aprj'Cos e^ay 6}ilXov
X6tpo9 6X0)2/, r]09 OepdiTOdv (T)(^€hov ijXao-ev lttttovs,
Atas be Tpcoeo-o-tv endXixevos elXe AopvKXov
llpLaiJLibr]v, voOov vlov^ eireira be HdvboKOv ovra^ 490
ovra be Avcravbpov kol Ilvpacrov rjbe YlvXdprrjv.
£)S 5' 077076 7rXri6a)v noraixhs irebiovbe Kdreia-i
yeiiidppovs Kar opecrcfyLVi dira^ofxevos Ato? o/x^pw,
TToXXas be bpvs d^aXea^, iroXXas be re TievKas
eccpepeTat, ttoXXov be r cKpva-yeTov els dXa ^dXXet, 495
0)9 6(jf)6776 KXovioov TTebiov TOTe (paibijios Atas,
batCoiv t77770U9 7*6 Kal avepas* ovbe ttco ^'Ekto)p
irevOeT, eiret pa j^^x^^ otpto-repa [idpvaTo Trda-qs,
o)(6as Trap iioTaiioio ^Kapidvbpov, Trj pa pLdXicrra
dvbpQ>v 77t77T6 KdpTjva, ^07} b' do-jSeo-Tos opdpei 500
NeVropa t dpicpl [xeyav Kal dpri'Lov ^Ibop^evrja,
''FiKTcop ixev fxera rolaiv o/xtAet pLepjiepa pe^o)v
6yx6t 6^ liTTroo-vvr} re, veoov 5' dAa77a^6 c^dXayyas'
ovb^ av TTO) )(^dCovTo K^Xevdov 5 tot 'A)(atot,
€t [XTj ^A\i^avbpo9^ ^FiXevqs ttocls rjvKoixoio, 505
iravcrev apio-revovra Ma\aova^ TTOLfxiva XaQv,
1(5 TpiyXdy^ivi l3aX(t)v Kara be^Lov ZyyLOV.
TO) pa TTepCbeLo-av fxevea TrveCovres ^A)(^aLol,
pLTj 7T(09 jJiiv TToXifJiOio {jLeTaKXivOivTos eXoteV'
avrUa b' ^Ibopievevs Tipoo-ec/xyz^ee Neoropa btov' 510
" S) NeVrop 'N-qXrj'Cdbr], fjieya Kvbos 'A^atwr,
aypet, (t6)v 6\i(iiv einlSrio-eo, nap b^ ^laxdo^v
^aiviroi^ €S vrias be Tayj^cTT €\e ixdivvyjas tiTTTOVS'
Irjrpos yap avr]p iroXXQiv avrd^tos dXXo)V
loTJS T iKTapLveiv 6776 T TjTTia (fydpfxaKa Trao-cretr." 515
^D.s €(paT\ ovb^ CLTTiO-qo-e TeprjvLOS LTTTTora NeVrcop.
avTLKa 6' &v oyioiv €T:e^r\(T€To^ Trap be Ma)(^dcov
j^alv , ^AaKXrjTTLOV vlbs afxi'/xoro? ir]Tr]pos*
[xdcTTL^ev 8' LTTTTOvs, TO) 8' ovK deKOVTe irerecrOiqv
VTjas eiTL yXa(f)vpds' rfj yap (piXov eirXeTO Ovp.^. 520
Kel3pi6vr]S be Tpcoa? opivopievovs evorjcev
''EKTOpL TTap/SelBaco^y Kai utv irpbs [ivdov eei-nev'
^^''^KTOpy uCiiL ixev evOdb' oixiXeopiev ^avaoicnv
eo^anfj TToXepiOio bv(Tr]\^eo9' ol be brj dXXoL
Tpcoey oplvovrai 67rt/xt^, lttttol re Ka\ avroL 525
Alas be KXoveei TeXaixdvios' ev be pnv eyvoov*
evpv yap afxcf)^ S^ixoktiv e^ei cdKOs' dXXa Kal fjixels
Keicr LTTTTOvs re Kal dpp! lOvvopiev, evOa jidXidTa
177777)69 776^0t 76, KaK7]V eplba TTpO^aXoVTeS,
aXXrfXovs oXeKOVo-L, /Borj 8' da-^ea-ros opcdpev.^^ 530
^12? dpa (pcovrjo-as tixaorev Ka/\AtVpt)(a9 1777701;?
fido-TtyL Xiyvpfi* rot 86 TTXrjyrj^ aiovres
pifjicj)^ ev Ovve piecrrjyv 570
Icrrdixevos' ra be bovpa Opacreidcov dirb yjeipQiV
oXKa ixev ev doLKei pieydXco irdyev opfxeva Trpocrcrco,
TToWa be kol [xeo-o-qyVy ndpos XP^^ kevKov enavpelv,
ev yaCrj LaravTO, XiKai6p.eva \poos acrai.
Tbv 5' 0)9 ovv ev6r](r EvaCfjiovos dykabs vlbs 575
EvpvTTvXos TTVKivoio-L jSLa^opievov ^eXeeoro-i,
aTTj pa Trap' avrbv idv, Koi dKovTLae bovpl (paeLP<2,
KOL jSdXe ^avo-idbrjv ^AirLo-dova, TTOLjJieva Xaodv,
rjnap virb upa-nLbo^Vy etOap 8' virb yovvar ekvaev'
EvpvTTvXos b' eiTopovo-e kol atvvTO rev^e d-n wjucoz^, 580
rbv 8' i)S ovv evorjaev ^AXe^avbpos OeoeLb't]^
Tev\e diiaivvixevov ^ A-nio-dovos^ avTiKa to^ov
e^Ker ei: EvpvTTvXco, Kai [xiv jSdXe iirjpbv ol(tt(2
be^LOV eKkdaOy] be bova^, efSdpvve be fjirjpov.
ayjr 8' erdpoiv els eOvos eydCero Krjp^ dXeeLvoi)V, 585
ijvcrev be biairpvaiov ^avaoiai yeyo^vds'
S) (piXoi, ^ApyeLO)v '^yrjTopes rjbe pLebovTes,
(TTrjT ekeXixO^vTes kol dpLVvere vi]kees rjpLap
Alavd\ OS jSekeeao-L ^td^eraL' ovbe e (jyrjpLL
(pev^eaO^ eK TioAe/xoto bv(Tr]xeoS) dkXa /xaA' dvT-qv 590
to-TacrO^- dp.(f)^ Atavra p^eyav^ TeXap^cavLOv vtoV."
^Sls e(paT EvpvTTvXos ^e^kr]pL€vos' ol be Trap* avrbv
7T\r](TL0L e(TTr](Tav, adKe^ ^poi(Ti KXCvavTes,
bovpar dvacrxopievoL' rOiv 8' avrios ijkvOev Atas.
cTTrj be pLeraaTpecpOeLSi eirel LKero eOvos eraipcov. 595
'^ll? oE pLev pidpvavTo bepLas Trvpbs aWopievoLO'
NeoTopa 8' eK TToXepLOio (f)ipov NrjkrjLaL ittttoc
Ibpo^aai, riyov be ^a^dova, noip.eva kaQv.
rbv be ibo^v evorjae irobdpKrjs bios ^A^LXKevs*
II. IAIAA02 A. 223
k(TTriK€L yap eirl TrpVfjLvrj [jL^yaKriTeC vrjt, 600
el(Top6o)v TTovov amvv twKa re baKpvoeacrav.
aX^lra 8' kraipov kbv YlaTpoKkrja irpoo-ieiTre,
(f^Oey^djievos irapa vrjos' 6 be kXl(tl7]6€v aKovcras
€K[JLo\€v t(TOS "^Aprj'C, KaKOV 5' apa ol irikev ap\r],
rov TTporepos Tipocrieiire yievoirLov olKklixo^ vlos' 605
" riTrre /xe KiKkr](TK€is^ 'AxtAei; ; tL hi (re XP^^ e^xeio
Tov 5' anap^ei^oixevos Trpoo-ecjyr] iroba^ o)kvs 'AxtAAei^s*
" ble MevoLTidbr], e/xw Kexapio-ixeve 6v\x(^,
vvv oto) irepl yovvar epLct o-rrjcreo-daL 'A)(atoi;?
Xi(Tv 6epdiT0)v kve roio yepovTos 620
e^ dx^^V Tot 6' IbpQt dTTe\j/vxovTo x''T^^^^>
(TTdvTe ttotI TTvoii]v irapa 6lv akos' avrap eneira
es KkLo-irjv ekOovres eirl Kkio-pLOicrL KaOl(ov,
TolcTL be Tevx'^ KVKeiQ> evirkoKapos *EKa/x7]8r7,
T7]v aper e/c Tevibow yepo^v, ore Trepaev ^Ax^kkevs, 62=)
Ovyarep^ ^Apcnvoov peyakr]Topos, rjv oi ^Axatol
e^ekoVj ovveKa ^ovkfj dpi(TTeve(TKev aTravToov.
7] acjymv irpcoTov pev eTTLTrpotrjke rpdire^av
Kakrjv KvavoTTeCav ev^oov, avrap eir^ avTrjs
xdkKeLov Kdveov, eirl be Kpopivov ttoto) 6\l/ov, 630
Tjbe pieki xXoopdv, irapa 5' dkc^irov lepov aKTrjv,
II. IA1AA02 A.
Trap be biiras irepLKaWis, o oiKoOev riy 6 yepaioSi
Xpvcrdois rj\oL(rL neTiapixivoV ovara 5' avrov
riacrap ecrav, boLol be ireXeLabes apLC^ls eKaarop
Xpvo-eLaL veiiiOovTOy bvoo 6' virb ttvO peeves riarav. 635
aXXos pev pioyioov aTroKivrjaao-Ke rpairiCl^
TiXeiov eovy Necrrcop 8' 6 yepo^v apoyrjrl aeipev.
€v pd (Tv
eK TToX^jJiov e(Tdo)(re, KaXvxj/as rjepu iroXXfj,
evOa Xevs YlvXLoicri fxeya Kpdros eyyvdXi^e
T6(j)pa yap ovv eTTOjiecrOa bta aiTLbeos TrebiOLO,
KTeivovTes t avrovs dvd r evrea KaXa Xeyovres, 755
o(^p' €776 Boi>77pa(76oi; TToXvTTvpov (Briaapiev lttttovs
ireTprjs r ^^IXevCrjs, Kal ^AXiaCov evOa KoXdvq
KeKXrjTai' oOev avrcs aireTpaire Xabv ^AOrjvr],
evO^ dvbpa KTeivas 'nvp.arov Xltiov* avrap 'A;(a6oi
Q 2
a\l/ aiTo BovTTpacrCoLo TlvXovb^ ^X^^ WKca? lttttovs, 760
7rdvT€9 5' €vx^t6o)vto OeQv Au Neoropt r' avbpS>v,
&s €0v, €L TTOT €ov y€, \X€T avbpdcTLv. aVTCLp 'A)(tAA.€is
6109 Trjs aperrjs dirovrio-eTai' rj re [xiv otco
TToXXa ixeraKkavcrecrO ai^ CTree k cltto Aao? o\r]Tau
S) uiiiovy rj fJL€v (Toi ye MevoiTLOs c58' eTreVeXAei; 765
ijfxaTL r(5 ore o-' eK ^Oi-q^ ^ Aya\xiixvovi Trifxire,
vm be ivbov eovres, eyo) koL bios ^Obvcra-evs,
TTCLvra /xaA' iv jieydpoLS rjKOVOfxev d)? eTrcreXXe.
UrjXrjos 8' Uo/xeo-^a bofiovs ev vateTaovTas
Xaov ayeipovTes /car 'A)(att5a irovXv^oTeLpav. 770
ez/^a 8^ eTiet^' ^'pcoa Merotrioz; evpofxev evbov
Tjbe ori, Trap 8' 'Axt^^ct* yepcdv 8' iTTTrryXara ITr^Xei?
TTLOva fJirjpC eKttte /^oo? Atl T€p7nK€pavv(a
avkrjs Iv x6pT(3^' e^e 8e xpycreiov akeicrov,
(Tirivboov aXOoira olvov iir aWofxivois lepOLcrL, 775
o-)a)t />ter a/x(^t ^8009 eVeroz/ Kpe'a, z^co't 8' eTretra
crrriixev evl irpoOvpoKrC racjyoyv 8' dvopovcrev ''A)(t\Xevy,
es 8' aye xeipos kXdv, Kara 8' kbpidaa-OaL dvcoye,
^eivid €v 7TapiOr}K€V, a re ^eivois Oipus eo-rtr.
avTCLp eirel Tdpirrjfjiev ibr]TVOs rjbe iroTrjTOS, 780
ripxov eyo) ixvOoio, KeXevcov vpLfx a\x eirecrOaC
(r(f)i) 8e juiaX' rjOiXerov, ro) 8' dfxcjxo ttoXX^ iiriTeXXov.
JJ-qXevs fxev w 7rat8l yipoiv eTreVeAX' ^A)(tX^l'
atei^ dpL(rT€V€Lv kol v-neipoyov e/x/xez/at dXXcvv'
col 8' a£>^' (38' eTTeVeXXe Mei^otrto?, '^AKTopos vlos' 785
* tIkvov epiov, yevefj fxev vTiiprepos io-TLV ^AxtXXev?,
TTpeo-^vTepos be aij ecrcrt' ^tr; 8' o ye ttoXXoz/ a/xeti^cor.
dAA.' eS ol (j)d(rdaL tivkivov euos rjb^ v-noOicrOai
Kai ol crqixaCveLV' 6 be 7ret(7erat eh dyaOov irep*
&s eTre'reW' 6 yepoov, av be Xr\6eaC dXX' en kol vvv 790
raOr eXirois 'A}(tArjt batcjyporL, at Ke TTiOrjraL*
II. IAIAA02 A. 229
TLS 5' ot5' €6 K€V oi (Tvv haiyiovi Bvjjibv opLvats
TTapenrdv ; ayaO-q be Trapatc^acrts €(ttlv kraipov.
€6 be Tiva (ppecrlv fieri deoTrpoirirjv akeeivei
Kai Tiva oi irap Zrjvbs eiricfypabe irorvia fJiriTrjp, 795
aWa cri irep irpoiroi}, a/xa 6' aXXos Aaos kiricrOoi
MvppiLbovooV) at Kev tl (f)6a)s Aavaolo-i yivrjau'
KaL TOL Tevyjea KaXa 6oVco TroXepiovbe (pepecrOai,
al Ke (re ™ taKOvres aTioayoiVTai TroXepLoio
Tpa)69, avaiTveva-coaL 6' aprj'Coi vies 'Ax^atwz; 800
Teipofjievoi' dXCy-q be r avairveva-LS TToXepiOLO.
pela be k aKpirjTes KeKpLrjoras avbpas amy
SicraicrOe Trporl acrrv vecov airo Kal KXicriao^v!^
*I29 (/)aro, TO) 6' apa Ovp-ov evX orrrjOeo-cnv opive^
j3r] be Oeeiv napa vrjas eir AlaKibrjv 'AxtArJa. 805
dAA.' ore br} Kara vrjas ^Obvo-arjos OeLoio
l^e 6eo)v UdrpoKkos, iva acf) ayoprf re OepLis re
i]r]v^ ry brj Kal cnpL 6eo)v ererevx^aro jSoifiOi,
evOa oi EvpvTTvXos ^e^X-^ixevos avTe^6ki](re
btoyevrjs EvaLixovLbr]s Kara pi-qpov otoTO), 810
v' 840
dAA' ovh^ COS Trep o-elo fxeOrjo-o) reipoixivotoJ^
*H, Kal V7rb a-repvoLO Aa^coz/ aye iroLpieva Xacav
€9 KXKTirjv* Oepdirodv be lbo)v virex^ve jSoeta?.
evda fXLv eKTavvcras eK. p.r]pov rdfjive fxaxaCprj
6^v ^eXos TrepLirevKes, air avrov 6' atjuta KeXaivbv 845
rtf' vbari Xiap^, eirl be pi^av /BdXe TTLKprjv
)(6p(Tt bLarpiyjras, 6bvvri(t)arov, rj ol aTrda-as
€(r)(' obvvas' rb piev eXKOs erepaero, riavcraro 5' aXpa.
*X29 6 [jkv €V KKi(TLr\(Ti Merotrtou aXKLfJLOS vlo^
IcLT KvpvTTvXov ^€^Kr]iiivov' ol 5' kixayovTO
^ ApyeloL Ka\ TpQies oixiXahov' ovb^ ap^ e/xeXAe
TCLcfypos €TL (T)(ricr€Lv Aavao)v kol retx^^ virepOev
€vpv, TO TTOirjo-avTo ves 8' or' ai; ei; re Kvvecra-i koL dvbpdcri 6r]pevTy(Ti
KdiTpios r\k Xeoiv (TTp€(})€TaL crOiveL [BXepLeaivoov'
01 be re TTVpyy]bov acjyias avrovs dprvvavres
avTiov tcrravTai kol aKOVTi^ova-L 6ap.€ias
at)(/xas 6/c yjeipQiv* rov 8' ov irore KvbdXijJiov Krjp 45
TapjBei ovbe (l)0^eiTaiy dy-qvopCri be jxiv eKra*
rapcfyea re a-Tpec^erai (rriyjOLS dvbpQ>v TT€Lpr]TL^(iJV'
077777] T Idvar], rrj t e^Kovcn o-rt)(es dvbp(av'
"EKrcop di;' opuXov lo)v elXiarceS' kraLpovs
Td(f)pov eiiOTpvvoiv bia^aiveixeV ovbi ol lttttol 50
ToXpLcov coKVTTobes, pidXa be y^peixeri^ov eir aKpco
XeCXeL ecjyecTTaores' dirb yap beibio-o-ero Td(f)pos
evpei\ ovT ap virepOopeeiv (T)(^ebov ovre TreprjaaL
pr]'Lbir]' KprjfjLvol yap e7Tr]pe(f)ee9 irepl Traaav
earaaav diJi(l)OTepo)6eVy VT^epOev be o-KoXoireo-aLV 55
12. IAIAA02 M.
6^i(riv riprjpei, tovs taracrav vies ^ AyjOLiQiV
TTVKVovs Kol fjieyaXovs, brjio^v avhpQiV ake(opr\v*
€vO^ ov K€v pia tTTTTo? kvTpoyov apixa Tiraivo^v
€(T^air], TTe^oi 6e pievoiveov el reXiovo-i,
br] t6t€ Ylovkvbdpias Bpacrvv "^KTopa etire Trapaa-rds' 60
^'^FiKTOp T 976' aXXoi Tpcocov dyol 776' einKovpodv,
d(f)pab€(i)9 bia rdcfypov eXavvop^ev o)K€as tiTTTovs*
rj be /xaA' apyaXerj irepdav* (TKoXoires yap ev avrfj
o^ees eo-TacTLV, ttotI 5' avrovs retxo? 'A^ato)!'.
evO^ ov TTcos eanv KaTajBrj pievai ovbe pdyjEo-Qai 65
LT^neva-C cTTeivos yap, o6l rpdio-ecrQai dta>.
el \xev yap rovs T:dyyy KaKa (j)povio)v dXaird^ei
Zevs vyj/i^pepieTrjSj Tpcoeo-ai be ler dpriyeiv,
-q r' av eyo)y* eOiXoLpa Kal avriKa tovto yeveo-Qai,
voivvpivovs cLTToXeo-QaL Att' ^'Apyeo? evOdb^ ^A)(^aLovs' 70
€t be )(' V7TO(TTpi\lro)(Ti, TTttAtco^t? be yeviqrai
6/c vr]Qiv Ka\ Td(pp(o evmXr]^c£>pev opvKrfj,
ovKer eireLT otco ovo ayyeXov airoveecrdai
a\jroppov TTpoTL a(TTV eXv)(6evT(iiv vir ^A)(^aLO)v*
aX)C dye6\ o)S av eyo) eLTTOi, ireLOdpeOa Trdvres* 75
tiriTOVS piev OepdirovTes epvKovroiv eirl Td(l)p(o,
avTol be iTpvXees (tvv revyjecri 6(xipriy6evTes
"EKTOpL TTCLvres eirdpieO^ doXXees' avrap ^Axaiol
ov pieveovcr^y el brj o-^iv oXeOpov ire [par ev be rpLTOiv ''EAero? kol Arjtcj^o^os OeoeibriSy
vie bvo) YIpLdpioto' rpiros 8' riv '^Actios rjp(t)9, 95
"Ao-io? 'TpraKibrjs, ov ^ Api(T^r]6ev v
?(rTav yevero laxri re (pajBos re,
efc 6e ro) dt^avre TivXdoov upocrOe iiayicyOriVy
dypoTepoici crvea-criv ioiKore, rd r ev opecraiv
dvbpQiv r]be kvvo^v 5e)(ara6 KoXocrvpTov lovra,
So^fxct) r al(T(T0VTe irepl o-(/)t(7ti; dyvvTov vXrfv
TTpvpLV'qv eKTdfJLVovres, viral be re KOfxiros obovTcov
yiyverai, els 6 fce r69 re [BaXodv e/c Ovpibv eXr]Tai'
&s rOtv KOjjLTTei )(aAKOj e77t o-TriOeo-a-L cfyaetvos
12. lATAAOS M.
avTYjv l3a\Xoixivo}v* [xoXa yap Kparepcos €ixd)(^ovTo,
kaoicTiv KaOvirepOe TTeiroiOoTes rjde ^tri^iv.
ol 5' apa yjEpixahiOLcriv Ivhynfironv cltto irvpyoyv
pdWov, afJLVvofjLevoL (r(f)(ov t avTcov koL KXio-Laoyv 155
Vr](aV T 0)KV7T6p(OV' VKpdbeS 6' 0)9 TTLTTTOV €pa(€,
as T avepLOS C^^rjs, vicjyea (TKioevra hovriaraSi
Tap(p€Las Karix^vev iirl xOovl TTovXv^oTeipr^*
&s rOiv €K \€ipQ)v jSiXea peov, rjpi^v ^ k\aiQiV
r]h\ Ka\ €K Tpdcov' KopvOes 6' djot(^' avov avrevv 160
^akXopievaL pvXaKeo-crL Kal da-T^ibes dpcpaXo^crcrau
677 pa TOT (Dpo)^ev T€ Kal 0) 7T€7TXriy€T0 /^tr^po)
"Acrtos ^TpTaKibrj^i Kal dAaoTTjcras €ttos rjvba'
Z^v irdTep, rj pd vv Kal av (jyiko-^evb-qs kT^TV^o
Ttdy^v pidk^' ov yap eyody €(f)dpir]v rjpodas 'Ax^atoij 165
(T)(ria-€Lv rjp.iT€p6v ye /xero? Kal \eLpas ddiTTOVS*
ol b\ &s T€ (r(/)^K€9 piiaov alokoL rje pLikicaak
oiKia TTOLTjO-oiVTai 65(0 eiTi TiaLTTakoicrcrrj^
Ovb^ dTTOkeLTTOV(TiV KolkoV bopOV, dkka p€V0VT€S
avbpas OrjprjTrjpas dpvvovTai Tiepl TeKvo^v, 170
0)9 ot y ovK iOikovo-L irvkdoiv Kal bv eovTe
^dao-ao-OaL Trpiv y rje KaTaKTdpev rje akOivai,^
e(f)aT\ ovbe Atbs ireWe (jipiva TavT dyopevcov'
""EKTopL ydp ol Ovpbs i^ovkeTo Kvbos dpi^au
"^AkkoL 6' dpcf) dkkr]crL pdyr]v ipdyovTO TTvkrjcnv' 175
dpyakiov be pie TavTa Oeov TidvT dyopevaaC
TrdvTT] ydp irepl Tetxos opdpeL 6e(nnbaes irvp
kaivov* ^KpyeiOL be Kal dxvvpevoC irep dvdyKy
vr](av ripvvovTO* Oeol 6' aKax/jaTO Ovpov
TidvTeSi ocroL Aavaoiai pidxrjs einTdppoOoL ^aav, 180
a-uv 5' e^akov Aa'niOai TTokepLOV Kal brj'CoTrjTa.
"EvO^ av YleipiOoov vlos, KpaTepos UokviTOLTrjs,
bovpl pdkev Adpao-ov Kvverjs bia x.ciA.K07rap7/OD*
12. IAIAA02 M. 237
oi5' apa ^a^Ketr] Kopvs ^(rxeOev, aWa biairpo
alXM X^^*^^*-^ P^^' dcrriov, eyKecjiaXos be 185
^vhov anas 7T€7rd\aKT0* haixacrcre be \xiv jjiepiao^Ta'
avrap eireira Ylvko^va Kal ''Opjxevov i^evapt^ev,
vlov b^ ^ AvTipiayoio Aeovrevs^ o^os ''Aprjos,
^liTiTopLaxov jSake bovpl Kara (o)(rTrjpa Tvx^cras*
avTLS 8' €K Kokeoio epvcraraixevos ^i(\)os 6^v 190
^AvTL(f)dTr]v pikv irpcoTov, eTrat^aj bt o/xtAou,
ttA^^' avToa-y^ebiriv* 6 5' ap vtttlos ovbet epeCcrdrj*
avrdp 67T€tra Mevoova Kal 'la/xeroi' Kal ^Op€(rTr]v
TTCiVTas eirao-o-vTipovs ireXaore yOovl TrovXv^oTeCprj.
*'0^p ol Tovs evapi^ov aii evrea fxappiaipovra, 195
T6(j)p* di YlovXvbdjjiavTL Kal ''EKTopt Kovpoi enovro,
0% TrAetoTot Kal dpicrroi eaav^ [xiixao-av be [idkco-Ta
retxos re prj^etv Kal evmpricTeiv nvpl vrjas,
OL p' €71 iJ.epixi]pL(ov eipecrraoTes irapa rdcppc^,
opvis ydp (r(j)iv eirrjXOe TTeprjorefievai [xeixaSicnv, 200
aleros vylrnienqs e-n dpiaTepa Xabv eipyo)v,
(f)OLvrievTa bpdKOvra s fjpLeis, el irep re irvkas koL retxos ^AyjxiQiv
pr]^6pe6a (rOeveC /xeyaAo), et^coo-i 8' 'A)(atot,
ov Koo-pio Trapa vav(l)iv ekeva-opieO^ avra KeXevBa" 225
noXXovs yap Tpdcov KaTa\eL\jropiev, ovs Kev ^ KyaioX
)(a\K(2 br}(6(rOi)(rLv apvvopLevoL nepX vqcov.
&be X vTTOKpLvaLTO OeoTTpoTTOs, 09 crd(j)a OvpQ
elbeLr] repdcov KaL ol ueidoLaro Aaot."
Tov 8' apvuobpa ib(»>v TTpo(re(j)r] KopvOaCoXos^'EKToop' 230
YlovXvbdpa, av p,ev ovKer epol (fyiXa ravr dyopeveis*
olorOa Kal aXXov pivOov dp^elvova rovbe vorjo-ai.
el 8' erebv br] tovtov cltto cnrovbijs dyopeveis^
e^ dpa bi] rot eireiTa Oeol ^pevas SiXeorav avToC,
OS KiXeat Zi]vbs p^ev epLyboviroLO XaOeaOai 235
^ovXecov, as re /xot avTos vTiea-yero koI Karevevcre'
TvvT] 8' olcovoLCTL ravv7TTepvye(raL KeXeveis
TieiOecrOai, rOiv ov tl pLeraTpiiropi ovb^ dXeyL^oi,
eiT €776 oe^L lcjoctl TTpos Tjco T i]eXiov re,
elr eiT apLcrrepa roi ye ttotI ^6(f)0v rjepoevra* 240
rjpieLS be pLeydXoio Alos 'neiOdp.eOa /BovXfj,
OS Tiaai OurjTolcTL Kal dOavdroicriv dvd(T(reL»
els olo)vos dpKTTos dpiVvecrOai irepl Trdrp-qs*
TLTTTe (TV beCboLKas TToXepLOv Kal b-q'iOTrjra ;
ct irep ydp t clXXol ye irepl KTeivdpieOa irdvTes 245
vrjvcrlv eii ^Apyeicov, aol 8' ov beos ear anoXeaOaC
ov ydp TOL KpabiK] pievebrjCos ovbe pLaxrjpoyv*
12. IAIAA02 M.
ct o-i brj'CoTrjTos acfyi^eai, rji riv akXov
TTapcfxxfjievos iirieo-o-Lv cm or pi-\\r€ is TroAe/xoto,
avTLK ijjL^ virb bovpl Tvirels anb Ovfiov dAeVo-cty." 250
^^2s apa ^aivricras rjyrio-aTOy toI 5' afx eirovro
rixfl O^cyn^airi' luX h\ Z,^vs repinKipavvos
Sjpcrev OLTT 'ISatcoz; 6pio)v avipLOio OveWav,
rj p lOvs vrjQv kovltjv (\)epev* avrap 'Axatwr
OiXye voov, Tpooalv be kol ''FiKTopt Kvbos oira^e, 255
Tov irep br] Tepdeao-L TreTTOiOores rjbe ^Liq^L
priyvvcrOaL fxeya r€t)(09 'A^^atcoz; 7!€ipr]TL^ov*
Kpoacras fJi^v irvpyoov ^pvov, koL epemov eTiaAfety,
aTr]\as re upo^kriTas eiJi6)(k€ov, as ap ^ AyaioX
TTpdras ycL^Jj Oicrav ejipLevai 'iyjxara Tivpyojv. 260
ray ot y avepvov, ^Xttovto be relxos ^A^atwz;
pTj^eiV ovbi vv ttco Aavaol x^C^^'^^ Kek^vOov,
dAA' OL ye pivola-i j^ocov (^pd^avres endX^eis
jBdXXov d-n avrdoov brjLOvs vtto Tei^os iovras*
^Afxcj^oTepoo 5' Atavre KeXevTLOoDVT eirl TTVpyo)v 265
TTavToo-e (\)0iTriTr]v^ ixevos drpvvovres ^ Ayaioiv.
dXkov iieiXixioLS, dXXov arepeols eireeo-o-L
veLKeov, ov nva i:dyxy y^dyjis p^eOUvra Iboiev*
S) <^tAot, ^ApyeL(i)v 6s r' e^o^os os re \xecrrieis
OS T€ }(6/)6toV€pO?^ ilTel OV TTO) TtdvTeS OpLOLOL 270
dvepes ev TroAe/xo), vvv eirXeTO epyov airacri'
KOL 6' avTol Tobe ttov yiyvdo-nere, pLrj tls onLcrcroci
TerpdcpOay ttotI vrjas ojJLOKXrjrrjpos aKOvaas,
dXXa TrpoVco teo-Qe kol dXXrjXoLo-L KeXeo-Qe,
at Ke Zevs bcorjcnv 'OA^/xTrto? do-re poirrjTrjs 275
veliKOs dircoaaixevovs brj'tovs irporl darv bLeaOau^*
^Q.s rct) ye irpo/SoojvTe lJ^dyj]v &Tpvvov 'A^atwz;.
rcor b\ a>s re vLcpdbes x^^vos TTLTrrcocn OafxeLal
ijpLari )(€t/x6pt(p, ore t (opero [xrjTLera Zevs
12. IAIAA02 M.
VL(l>i[X€v, avOpdiroLCTi Tncj^ava-Koixevos ra a KrjXa* 2S0
KOLinrjo-as 5' aveyiovs X'^^i ^iiirebov, 6(f)pa KaXyxj/rj
v\jrr}kwv opioav Kopv(l)as Koi irpdovas CLKpovs
Koi TTehia koorevvra kol avhpQiV Trtova epya,
KaL T €(p^ akbs TTokirjs KiyyTai Xiixiaiv re koX d/cratj,
Kvyia hi [xiv TTpoa-nXa^ov kpvKerac dkXa re iravTa 285
elKvraL Ka6v7T€p6\ or' kiii^picrri Ato? ofi^pos*
0)9 Tcov aixpriKTdcov'
* ov ixav aKXr]eis AvKiiqv Kara KOtpaviovcnv
r]fjL€TepoL Pao-iXrjes, ebovorC T€ irtova fxrjXa
olvov T e^aiTov fJLeXirjbea' ak)C apa kol t? 320
ecrOXri, eirel AvkColo-l [xera TTpdroKn ixdyovrau
o) TTeTTOv, el [xev yap TioKepiov ire pi Tovbe (ftvyovre
alel br] /xeXXot/xer dyrfpco t aOavdro) re
eor(re(T$\ ovre Kev avros evl TTpdroio-L iiaxoiixr\v
ovre Ke ere areXXot/xt fxdxrjv h Kvbidveipav' 325
vvv 6' efJiTTrjs yap Krjpes eipeo-rao-iv Oavdroio
pLvpiat, 0,9 ovK ecTTL (pvyelv ^porov ovb' vTraXv^ai,
tofjiev, rje ro) ev^os ope^opiev, rji tls r]pxv>^
*129 e(f)aT\ ovbe TkavKos aTrerpaTTer ovb^ aTTLdrjae'
TO) 5' I6v9 ^rjTr^v AvKLcov pieya e6vo9 dyovre. 33^
T0V9 be ibo)v pCyrjcr vlbs Ilerewo Meveo-Qevs'
Tov yap br] irpos irvpyov icrav KaKOTrjra (pepovres*
TrdiTT-qvev 6* dva irvpyov 'A}(at&)r, et riv Iboiro
fjyepiovcov, 09 tls ol aprjv erdpOLo-Lv apLVvai'
es 6' evorjcr Mavre bvo), TToXefiov dKoprjroo, 335
ecTTaoTas, TevKpov re veov KXia-CrjOev lovra,
eyyvOev* dXX' ov ttco? ol er]v ^dxravri yey(sivelv*
Toao-os yap ktvitos rjev, avrr] 6' ovpavbv I/ce,
^aWopievoyv aaKeoiv re koI iTTTroKopioov rpvcfyaXeidv
Kol TTvXecoV TTCLo-ai yap €7ro);(aro, rot bi kot avras 340
ia-rdpievoL ireipQiVTO /3try prj^avres eaeXOeiv,
aixj/a 5' eiT Alavra irpotei KrjpvKa Godrrjv'
" epxeo, ble ©oaJra, 6eo)v AXavra KaXecrcrov^
242 12. IATAA02 M.
aiJL(f)OT€p(ji) [xev jj^aXXov' o ydp k apiaTOV anavrmf
€17], iirel ra^a rfjbe rerev^eraL aiirvs oXeOpos* 345
&b€ yap e/SpLo-av Avklcov ayoL, oi to irdpos Trep
faxpi7€t9 TekiOovo-L Kara Kparepas vcrpiivas*
el be (T(pLv KOL KeWt ttovos koI veiKOs opoipev,
aWd 7T€p OL09 LTO) TekapLdvLOs aA.Kt/xo9 Ata?,
KaC ol TevKpo^ a/x' ka-ireo-Oo) To^odv ev etScoy.**' 350
^^l9 e(/)ar , ovb^ apa oi KTjpv^ airiOrjcrev aKovcra^,
I3rj be Beeiv irapa reixos ^AyaiQiv yoXKoy^iT(!iiVOiV^
(TTrj he Tiap AiavTecro-i klcov, eWap be Trpocrrivba'
" AiavT, ^Apyeioav Tjyrjrope yaXKO\iT(!)V(£iVi
rjvdyet ITerewo bLOTpe(f>eos ^tAos vlbs 355
Kela tpiev, o(f)pa ttovolo fXivvvOd Trep airrLdo-rjTov,
djji(poTepco p!ev fxakXov' 0 ydp k o^ dpicTTov airdvrodv
elr], eirel ra^a KeWi Terev^erai oItivs okeOpos'
&be yap ejBpLcrav Avkiohv dyoC, oi to irdpos Trep
^a}(pr]et9 TekeOovcn KaTa KpaTepas vo-p^ivas* 360
el be Kal evBdbe irep irokepios Kal reiKO? opoipev,
akXd Trep 0I09 lto) TekafidvLOS aAKt/xoy Atas,
Kai oi TevKpos aix eairecrOo} to^oov ev €t5coy."
^12? e(f)aT\ ovb^ diriOrjo-e \xeyas Tekapidvios Atas*
avTiK ^O'Ckidb-qv eTrea TiTepoevTa Trpocrrivba' 365
" Alav, cr(f)(ol piev avOi, av Kal KpaTepbs AvKOjxribrjs,
ea-TaoTes Aavaovs OTpvveTOv t)t p.d\e(TOaC
avTCLp 6ya) Keto*' elpn Kal clvtlooj TTokepLOLO'
alyj/a 8' ekevcropiai avTis, eir-qv ev rot? eirapLVva).^^
*X2? apa (l>(jdvr](Tas aTre^r] TekapidvLOS Atas, 370
Kat oi TevKpos api f]e Ka AvKLOL, TL T ap <386 ijl€6Ut€ Bovpibos aXKrjs ;
apyaXiov be fxoC eort kol IcpOifxco irep kovri 410
fxovv(o prj^afJLev(^ OicrQai irapa vrjvcrl KeXevOov*
aAX' €(f)oiJiapT€iT€' irXeovcov be tol epyov ap^eivovy
*129 e(j)aO', oi be avaKTos virobeLo-avres 6fJL0K\i]v
fxaWov eTTe^pLo-av l3ov\r](f)6pov a\x(f)l avaKTa.
^ApyeloL 8' erepuiOev eKaprvvavro (l)akayyas 415
Teixeos evTOcrOev, fxeya be (r(f)Lcn (f)aLveTO epyov'
ovre yap L(j)0LjJLOL Avklol Aavacov ebvvavro
Teiyps prf^dpievoL OecrOai Trapa vrjvcrl KekevOov^
ovre HOT alxfxrjral Aavaol Avklovs ebvvavro
Teiyeos iiyj/ (ocracrOai, eirel ra iipQiTa TteXaaOev, 420
ciAX' &s T d/x(/)' ovpoLOTL bv avepe brjpidacrOov,
juteVp' ev yepcriv eyjovres, eiii^vvd^ ev apovprj,
& T oAtyw evl X^PV epC^riTov Trepl L(rr]9,
&9 apa T0V9 bieepyov eirdX^Les* oi 8' viiep avrioiv
brjovv dXXriXcov aiKpl cTrjOecraL fioeCas 425
a<77rt8as evKVKXovs Xaicrrfia re Tirepoevra.
TToXXoX 8' ovrd^ovTo Kara xpoa viqXei )(aXK(3,
7\iiev oTe(d (rTpe(^6evTL fxerdcfypeva yvixv(o6€Lr]
fxapvafjievodv, ttoXXol be biapiTrepes dorTTibos avTrjs.
iravTY] 8r) irvpyoi KaX eTidX^ies at/xart ^coroSz; 430
eppdbar dpiv, or ecrdXro irvXas' irvpl 8' oo-ae bebrjei,
KeKXeTO be Tpcoeo-aLv eXt^dpLevos KaO^ opaXov
Teixos vTTep^aLvetv' toI 8' OTpvvovTi ttlOovto.
avrlKa 8' ol piev Tel^os virepfiao-av, ol be Kar avrds
TTOLTjTas eo-iyyvTO irvXas' Aavaol 8' e(\)6^r]0ev 470
vrias dvd yXacpvpds, opiabos 8' aAtaoroy erv^Br].
The numbers with the mark § rejer to the 'Homeric Grammar,'
The subject of the Iliad is an episode of the siege of Troy — a
quarrel between Agamemnon, the supreme king of the Greek army, and
Achilles, their greatest warrior. When the poem opens, the Greeks are
encamped on the coast near Troy : nine years have passed, and many
Trojan towns have been taken and plundered, but the city itself still
holds out.
The poet begins by announcing his subject (11. 1-7), and then re-
lates shortly the events which led to the fatal quarrel (11. 8-53). The
remainder of the first book may be divided into four parts, according to
the changes of scene : —
1. The debate in the Assembly and quarrel (11. 54-317).
2. In the camp of Achilles — the taking of Briseis, and complaint of
Achilles to Thetis (11. 318-430).
3. Interval of twelve days — restoration of Chryseis (11. 430-492).
4. On Olympus — the prayer of Thetis for the defeat of the Greeks,
and the scene between Zeus, Here, and Hephaestus (11. 493-611),
1. 0€d, the Muse, who sings by the mouth of the poet.
nT]\T]'Ca8€a). The two Patronymic Endings -ib-q-s and -ladTj-s. with
the doubtful vowel of the Stem {U7]\€hs, Gen. UrjXTj-os and UTjXi-os),
give the forms n-qXTj-iddrj-s and IlrjXe-tdrj-s. -Scco is scanned as one
syllable, by 'Synizesis,' § 51, 7.
2. ovi/\6p.€vos is an Epic variety of the Part. 6\6fX€vos, meaning
'miserable.' 'accursed'; as 6\oio is a form of curse. Cp. ov-qix^vos,
*blessed ' (Od. 2. 33), and ovaio, a form of blessing.
€6i]K€, 'made,' 'brought about' ; cp. 11. 3. 321 raSt epya . . 'dOrjfcc.
3. "'Ai5i, heteroclite Dat. of'Atdrjs, § 22, 2. 'Aidrjsis usually a person
in Homer; but cp. II. 23. 244*'At5t KevOojfxai, *I shall be hid in Hades.'
Here the sense of place is required, * hurled forth to Hades.'
4. T€Ox€. The Impf. shows that this Clause is really subordinate,
* while it made,' &c., § 27. av^rovs, i. e. their bodies, § 46.
5. ircto-i, ' of all kinds ' ; cp. 5. 52 a'^pia irdvTa, ' all kinds of game,' also
2. 823 jJ-dxr]s €V eidore irdarj^, 5. 60 daiSaKa -ndvTa, Od. 5. 196 irdaav kbajd-qv.
Here vultures are especially meant. According to Athenaeus (p. 12 f.)
Zenodotus read oiajvoiai re Saira, which Aristarchus altered because 5ais
is properly used only of men. Saira has been adopted by several editors,
and is thought to be supported by the imitation in ^sch. Suppl. 800 —
But in the Venetian scholia — the chief authority on such a point— we are
only told that Zenodotus rejected the two lines 4, 5. Hence the state-
ment in Athenaeus is doubtless a mere figment (see on 18. 604). The
phrase * a banquet for vultures ' is in the manner of ^schylus, and
suited to an impassioned context, but hardly to the prologue of the
Iliad. Sophocles also imitates the passnge, Aj. 830 pi(pOw Kva\v irpo-
P\rjTos oiojvois 6' 'iX-cop, but does not introduce the notion of a * banquet.*
Aios 8' 6T€X€i€TO |3ouXt| docs not imply any particular purpose of
Zeus, but is a passing recognition of his providence : cp. 18. 292, Od.
8. 82., II. 297, Hes. Th. 1002.
6. €^ OX) goes with a€i5€ (1. i), the poet wishing to mark exactly the
part of the Trojan story which he has taken for his subject, viz. the
quarrel of Achilles and Agamemnon. So Demodocus in the Odyssey
(8. 500) sings €v6€v k\wv ojs k.t.X. ' taking up the story from the point
where' &c. And the Odyssey itself opens in the same way, with a
prayer to the Muse to begin * from some point ' (d/^o^ci/, Od. i. 20).
8. cpt8t, with ^vvirjK€, 'brought together in strife.' fAdx^crOat, 'for
fighting,' 'so that they fought'; § 36, i.
10. cXIkovto 84 XaoL is subordinate in sense (see on 1. 4). A prose
writer would have said v6(Xov /ca/crjv Koi rois Xaois oKedpiaVy or the like.
11. Tov Xpvarjv. This use of the Article is scarcely to be paralleled
in Homer. In other examples with a Proper Name it is used with an
adversative Particle (avrap, p,iv, Se), and only of a person already
mentioned : e.g. 2. 105 avrdp 6 avre HkXoxp.
13. \w6ji€vos. The Act. means simply ' to release ' : the Mid. means
' to obtain the release for oneself,' * to ransom.' The notion of ' getting
a thing done,' as opposed to doing it oneself, is not the essential one:
see Riddell's Digest, § 87.
14. (rT€jjLp,aTa (from (XTecpaj^, * a chaplet ' of wool, his symbol as
priest of Apollo, which as a suppliant he does not wear, but carries on
his staff (Ameis). Note that aT^fxixara and areppLa (I. 28) are used without
distinction : so to£ov and tJ£o, &c. On the a of 'AttoWojvoSj § 53, 2.
18. ='May the gods grant you victory, &c., you release my
daughter/ QioL is scanned as one syllable.
19. iroXtv. On the scanning of the second syllable, § 53, 3.
20. \vo-aiT€. The Opt. is a gentle form of Imperative, § 30, 2.
rd 8' diTOiva. The Art. points the contrast : not ' take this
lansom,' but 'take the other, the ransom,' = ' take instead the ransom,'
§ 47, 2 d.
8€X€(r0at, Inf. used as an Imperative, § 36, 3. The Pres. Ux^aOat
brings the act into connexion with Xvaane ('release her, while you
receive ransom for so doing'), see on 1. 10. Conversely in 1. 23 the
Aor. SexOat is the main verb, the Pres. aidcicrOaL is subordinate.
22. €'n-€va, § 49, 3.
57. ii7€p0€v, 3 Plur., § 2.
58. Toio-t 5'. This de is not to be translated ; it marks the ' apcdosis/
i.e. the Clause completing the sentence introduced by hei.
59. a\L\L€, = 'Qfxds, § 23. 'iTa\ip.'n'\a'yx^^V'''°'S> ' driven back ' ; tt \a^aj is
* to send adrift.' irdXiv, ' back ' (never ' a second time ').
Oo. €1 K€v . . Js)f * that thou
wilt be forward in succouring me.*
78. xo^"0"^H'*v, 'that I shall enrage.'
79. Kai ot K.T.X. ' and whom the Greeks obey/ The second member
of the sentence is independent of the Relative ; § 58.
80. 81. xwo'^Tai, Subj. with short vowel, § 13, A. X^P^h ^ shorter
form for x^P^^^^h * inferior.' xtaaerai and KaTaircij/T) are instances of
Subj. without dV in a general reflexion, § 33, i, a. x6\ov ye, ^his fit of
^^ge,' Y€ shows that it is opposed to kotos, ' resentment,^ ' spite.'
82. aWa marks the apodosis, = ' yet.'
88. {wvTos Kal . . 8€pKojjLcvoio, a pleonasm, used for the sake of
solemnity: cp. ^ojvtojv ml optqjv 'AOijuaioov (Demosth.) ; cp. also 1. 99
dnpidTTjv dvdrroLVov =^ ' without money and without price.*
90. o-vjxirdvTcov Aavawv, Gen. with ov tls in 1. 88.
92. 0apo-r]o-€, ' took courage,' Aor.
97. Aavaoio-tv deiKca Xoi-yov ctTrwo-ei. This is the reading of Aris-
tarchus, adopted by Bekker and recent editors. The MSS. have Xot|xoLo
Papetas x^^P^^s d€j€i, which can hardly mean either * withhold his
hands from [sending] the plague' (like Od. 22. 316 KaKcjjv dird x^ipas
or ' keep away the hands of the plague,* i. e. stay it. The
latter explanation might be defended by Od. 20. 263 Kcprofxias toi
avTos kyoj Kal x^'^P^^ dcpe^cu trdvToov fivrjdTrjpojv : but this would imply
a personification of the plague, which would not be in place when it has
been so emphatically ascribed to the direct agency of Apollo.
98. IXiKcomSa, probably * with well-rounded face.* The Masc. occurs
at V. 389 kKLKooTTis 'Axatoi. €\i^ always implies a bent or twisted form :
thus, ve€s dfjL(pi€\iacrai, ^ ships roUnded at both ends.*
99. dirpidTqv is an Adv. in Od. 14. 317, and so perhaps here, § 37, 3.
103. dp,<|)l |X€\aivai, to be so written (not dp-cpifxeKaivai), and both the
words to be taken with the Verb mixirXavTo, — ' were filled (so as to be)
black (with rage) on both sides.' d/jKpi is used in this way of various
feelings, e. g. II. 3. 442 epojs (ppivas dp^cpfKaXv^pev^ 6. 355 -novos cppeuas
dfxcpiPepTjKev, Od. 8. 541 d'xos cppevas dpcpiPifirjKev. Similarly nepi in II.
II. 89 irepl cppevas ifiepos aipu. Also of sound heard, II. 2. 41 Oeirj 5e p.LV
dpcpexvT dpfrj, Od. I. 352. The Preposition expresses the complete sway
of the feeling over the mind. (Niigelsbach's Anmerku7igert, ed. 1864.)
105. KdK' do-o-6|jL€vos, * with mischief in his look.'
107. 'Evil is dear to you to prophesy,' i.e. it is your pleasure to
prophesy evil, § 36, 2. On the Art. see § 47, 2, d.
lie. 8V| gives a shade of irony, like our 'really.'
112, 113. TToXvi povXop.at, * I greatly prefer ' ; cp. 1. 117. avTTjv, ' her-
self (rather than any ransom). On the Pf. Trpope'PouXa, ' I prefer,' § 26.
114. KovpiSC-ris, 'wedded,' ' lawful,' probably from Kovpd^ the lock of
hair which the bride cut off before marriage. For the form cp. jxoip'idios,
vvpcplhios (Curt. Stud. I. i. 253).
1 20. X€vo-o-€T6 is emphatic, ' it is in full view of all that my prize
is going from me.' o = *that' (used as a Conj., not in agreement
with ^kpas)^ see § 48, 2.
123. 7dp. The speech begins (somewhat abruptly) with the reason
for the proposal which is already in the speaker's mind.
124. JvvT|iov is 'a piece of common property/ from ^vvos, ' common'
(like ^€Lvr]'CoVy the gift of a ^uvos).
l8)Jl€V K€ip.€Va = t5/^€I/ OTL K€lTai^ § 37, 7*
125. TO. p.€v. The Art. has the force of a Rel. ; but see § 47, 3.
cIcirpdOoiJLCv, ' have taken by sack from.*
126. iraXCWoYa goes closely with €Tra'y€tpciv, * to collect back.'
The notion of ' collecting ' is given both in ira\i\-\oya and kir ayeipciVf
Achilles dwelling on it with rhetorical variety of phrase. Xaovs in this
position is emphatic : ' it is not seemly that the whole people should
have to bring back their shares again* into the common slock. It
might also be taken (as Mr. Paley suggests) after knayeipeiv, which
on this view is to be construed as a Verb of 'asking' or 'taking
from,' with a double Acc.
128. On the force of k€v, see § 33, i, e,
129. 8^0-1, 3 Sing. Subj., § 2.
131. ji^i 8iq ovTws, § 51, 6.
132. kXctttc vocp, 'do not seek to trick by scheming,* = do not try to
contrive a trick. irapcXcucreat, ' will get beyond,' ' get the better ' : so
'7Tap€^€K6€iv A(oy vuov (Od. 5. 104^ ' to outwit Jove.*
133* 134- * Do you mean, in order that you may have a prize for your-
self, that I should sit down tamely in want of one — and accordingly tell me
to give back this maiden ' ? avrdp marks the apodosis (as II. 3. 290) :
KcXeai 84 K.T.X. would be in Prose /c€\€vojv or oti /£€\€v€is: ' (is this what
you want) when you bid me' ; § 57. On avTws see § 46, 2.
135. €1 p,€v K.T.X. The apodosis is left unexpressed because it is only
on the second of the two alternatives ('if they do not give'), that any-
thing is to follow.
136. Qpo-avT€s, ' making it fitting,* pleasing, to my mind ; cp. the Adj.
OvfXTjpTjs, ' pleasant.* avrd^iov, ' an equivalent,' for Chryseis.
137. 8w-a)0'iv, § 13. On the second 84, see on 1. 58. The Subj.
t\Q)[iai gives a peremptory tone ( = 1 am resolved to take), § 29, i.
139. djto cXcov returns to an independent construction, § 58, i.
For K€v with the Fut. KcxoXcocrcTai, see § 35.
140. ^ Toi (also written ijToi) is a strong affirmative, § 49, i ; distinct
from ijToi, 'either.*
141. €pvo-o-op.€v, Aor. Subj., § 13, A : so aYcCpojicv, 0€top,€v, pTjo-op,€v.
144. The order is, th tls, dvTjp fiov\r}(p6pos, iaroj dpxos.
148. "UTToSpa iSwv, 'with a scowl*; properly 'looking from beneath*
(his eye-brows).
1 49. €m6ip.€v€, ' that dost wear ' as a coat of armour ; (ivvvfxi, § 11, 4.
150. iTp6<()po)v, cp. 1. 77. TTciOi^Tai, Subj., § 29, 3, 'how shall any
one obey words for thee/ = obey thy words.
154. ovhk |JL€v, ' nor yet/ = Attic ov firju ouSe, d\\' ouSe.
155. ^0iT), in Thessaly, the home of Achilles.
157. ovp€d T€ K.T.\. is epexegetic of iroWd, * there is much between,*
mountains &c.' : cp. Od. 7. 264 iroWa 5' €bQ)K€, oltov kol ^jJOv rjhv.
The hiatus before TjxTjeao-a is excused by the Bucolic diaeresis, § 51,
8 : it is not certain that yxh had the f in Homer.
158. jxeya, 'very.' Xo-^PTIS, for the sequence of Tenses see § 34, 2, c.
159. Ti|JLT|v, * vengeance/ lit. payment; cp. II. 3. 286-288.
160. Twv, Neut. ; Gen. with Verbs of emotion, as in 11. 180, 429.
162. 86(Tav 84, * and which they gave,' cp. 1. 79. -uies, § 22, 2.
164. Tpwcov TTToXCcOpov, uot Troy itself, but any Trojan town (such
as Chryse, Thebe) ; hence the Subj. without dV, § 33, i. c.
165. iroXvdiKos, i. e. full of rapid movement, onset, flight, &c. (dtcraoj),
167. TO, Art. of contrast, § 47, 2, ' you have your prize.'
168. Kdp,co. The Aor. expresses the access of weariness.
170. KopcovCcriv, * curved,' rising in a curve at the ends.
170, 171. otiSc a Old), a' is for aoi ; oi'oj is ironical, ' I do not fancy,' * I
have no notion/ cp. 1. 296. a^v^€iv, Act., of drawing for another's benefit.
Achilles declines to be the humble minister to Agamemnon's avarice.
173. cTT-co-cru-Tai, Pres. eiri-craevoj : Reduplication, § 11, 2.
175. K€, as 1. 139, ' will honour me ' (if you do not). \Lr\TUra, § 17.
180. MvpfiiSoves, the Thessalian people of whom Achilles was chief.
184. irffAvj/o), Fut. Ind., of what he is obliged to do : ayw, Subj., of
what he does of his own will ; k€ shows that the latter depends on the
former, ' I in that case will* &c., § 31, i.
186. o-rxjytd) is the usual word in Homer for the feeling of fear :
cpo^eofxai and rpeoj properly express flight.
187. Literally, ' to think (of himself) alike with me ' : icrov is a Neut.
used adverbially, cp. Taa in Od. 15, 520 rov vvv laa ddw 'lOaKrjaioi elao'
poQjffL, * look upon him equally with a god,' i.e. as equal to a god.
6jjLOi(o9T||ji€vai uvTT]v, * to put himsclf in comparison with me face to
face.' The Aor. in -Otjv is here Reflexive, like the Middle.
188. 189. €v is adverbial, o-TT)0€crcrL a locatival Dat., 'his heart within
debated in his breast.'
1 90-19 2. o y€ gives point to the alternatives, r\ — tj€, see § 47, i.
Similarly in 1. J 91 6 (8c) marks the contrast with rovs |X€V k.t.X.
191. c.vacrTi;creL€v, *make them rise,' i. e. break up the assembly, tovs
means *the others,' the rest of the assembly.
194. \\C€ 8' is the apodosis to t^os 6 k.t.X. ; see on 1. 58. The
change from the Impf. to the Aor. makes this clear.
197. aT-Tj, ' came and stood,' cp. 1. 6. Kcp.Tr)s, 'by the hair.'
2CO. ot, Athene, ' her eyes gleamed terrible.'
201. TTTcpocvTa. Words are imagined to fly from the speaker to the
hearer, jiiv, with Trpoarjvha. <|)cavTicras, Aor. ' raising his voice.'
203. l5t], Mid.: cp. opaTo, 1. 56. Some ancient critics read %?.
205. . • oXcWt], a solemn threat, § 29, 4. Tclxa, 'quickly.'
206. ^XavKwrns, probably * gleaming-eyed,' cp. 1. 200.
211. 6v€l5io-ov ws €(r€TaC ircp, 'revile him (by telling him) how it
will be*; ws eaerai irtp standing as object to dveiSiaov : cp. Od. 21. 212
(Tcpwiv 5' civ €(T€Tai TT€p aX-qOeL'qv KaraXe^Q}, ' I will tell you the truth as to
how it will be ; also 19. 312 dUrai us 'iaerai ircp.
216. Tr€CJo|xat, Fut.with el 617, cp. 1. 61.
296. oio), cp. 1. 170. Achilles echoes 1. 289, mockingly.
299. y€ points the contrast between acpeXeaOe and Soi/rcs, ' since you
have but taken away what you gave.'
302. €L 8€ has generally been explained by supposing an Ellipse (d he
Povkei dye, &c.), but this is unlikely. Probably el was originally a kind
of interjection, and the use has survived in this group of phrases : cp.
Lat. eia age. yvco-cocti, § 13.
306. €icras, an Epic variety /or i'cras, used in certain phrases only.
307. MevoiTidST), Patroclus.
311. €v is adverbial, ' went among/ i. e. with them.
314. Xv^iara, = Attic «a^a/)/xaTa, ' off-scourings.'
317. €\to-o-o|jL€VT] irepl KaiTvcp, * eddying round the smoke,' i. e. borne
up in the smoke-wreaths. So in II. 22. 95 eXiaaoixevos irepl x^^Vy
a serpent * coiling himself round (the inside of) his nest.'
320. TaXOvPtov. A family of heralds claiming descent from him
existed in historical times in Sparta (Hdt. 7. 134).
322. K\L(rLT]v, Acc. with a Verb of motion, § 37, 6.
323. aye\iev, Inf. = Imperative, § 36, 3.
324. 8a)T]criv, more usually hdj-rj, § 2. cXcojjtai, 1. 137.
326. €171 \lvQ0V €T€\\€, 1. 25.
331. TappTjo-avTC, * struck with awe' ; cp. Oaparjaas, 1. 85.
338. TO) 8' aviTw K.T.X. 'they themselves.'
340. Kal irpos Tot), not 'the king,' but ^ him too, the king,' § 47, 2, b.
8t| avTC, Synizesis, § 51, 6.
341. YcvTjTai, Subj. with €i, § 33, i, c.
342. 6XoLfjo"i, oAoos, § 51, 3, c.
343. irpocrcrco Kal oirCcro-o), i.e. 'backwards as well as forwards':
he sees only irpoacroj, does not look round and consider the whole case.
* 344. jjiax€OtvTO is an impossible form, § 2 : read jiaxcoCaT' or (better)
jiaxcovrai, the Fut. as II. 8. no, Od. i. 57., 4. 163., 17.6.
349. Irdpcov, join with v6a€XX€v, Homeric form for wcpeiKev.
354. Join ovi8€ tvtGov, * not even a little.'
356. atiTos, by his own act, § 46, i. dirovpas. Part oi a-rr-qvpcxjv. The
word should probably be airovpas^ for atro-fpas, 3 Sing. Indie, dnevpa
for dir-efpa : cp. Kar-eKTa, Part. Kara-KTCis.
362. ere ^oj/ 1. 283.
470. €TT€crT€v|;avTO, * filled up ' : vtna coronant in Virgil's imitation
(vEn. I. 723 f.) is a curious mistake, ttotoio. Gen. of Material, § 39, 4.
47 1 . €TTap|d|x€vot 6€Trd€crcnv, * having given first drops all round into the
cups ' (to be poured out as libations before the cups were filled). The
Verb dpx^(^Oo,i may be applied to any preliminary ritual, and em gives the
notion of going ' over ' or round the company, as in k-nwx^To (1. 50),
knayeLpeiv (1. 126) ; see Merry and Riddell on Od. 3. 340.
473. KaXov, used as an Adv. = Attic /taAws, § 37, i. iraiTjova, the
song of rejoicing.
474. <|)p€va, Acc. of the seat of feeling, § 37, 4.
475. 4m, in Tmesis, =KU€(pas kirriKde.
478. Kat, here used to mark the apodosis : so in 1. 494.
479. iK-p.€vov, ' favouring,' Lat. secimdus ; 2 Aor. Part., § 3, A.
482. TTpfiaev, TTprjOoj has the meanings * blow ' and * burn.'
KOjxa is the broken surface of the sea ; cp. 1. 483 * the ship coursed
through the Kvpca ' ; also 1. 496.
481, 482. d|jiC is used adverbially, o-TtCpT] is a locative Dat. ; cp.
NOTES. LINES 454-552.
alyiaXcy /3p€fi€Tai (II. 2. 210), also the note on 1. 188 (above), vtjos, with
cTTcipT), * on the stem of a ship as it sj^ed along.* iTop(|)vp6ov expresses
a dark and turbid quality of colour.
484. e-n-CL pa, § 49, 3. Kara o-Tpaxov, ' off the camp.'
486. €pp,aTa, ' stays/ ' props.' vtto. Adv., ' under it.'
490. ovT€ -rror' k.t.X. These words are an explanation of p.T|VL6 :
hence the asyndeton.
493. €K Toio, i. e. from the meeting with Thetis. S-ucoSeKarT], 1. 425.
Note the dramatic skill with which the blank caused by the twelve
days' delay is filled by the episode of the restoration of Chryseis, so that
there is no sense of pause in the action.
495. ov \rfi€r, Impf. ' did not meanwhile forget,' § 27.
496. dW r\ y\ Art. as in 1. 320, § 47, i. dv€5\jo-€To, § 9, 3.
497. T|€pLT), 'in the early morning,' cp.^pi, 'early,' also avpiov. For the
use of the Adj. of time, cp. \.^2^x^^C^^ '^^1> ^-47^ TravijfjLipiOL ikdaKovro, &c.
498. evpvoira, * looking far and wide,' here an Ace, as if from
€vpvoi// : more commonly it is a Nom., § 17.
508. a-v 7T€p, ' you at least,' as Agamemnon will not.
509. cm . . Tt0€i, Tmesis, ' bestow on' ; riOrjixL as in 1. 2.
510. 6pv(Ti being an Instrumental Dat. § 38, 3.
529. €7r€pp(wcravTO. The Verb pojopai is used of quick, springing
movement : here of the hair tossing forward with the nod.
533. Zeijs 8€, sc. €^r], understood out of aXro (Zeugma\
536, 537. fjLiv, with T|YV0LT]cr€v, ' she was not unaware (about him)
that he,' &c , Ace, § 37, 7. ISoOcra, 'when she saw him' : on seeing
him she divined what had happened.
540. Tis . . 0€wv, ' which of the gods.' 5t| av, § 51, 6.
541. covra, Acc. because it goes with 8LKai;c|X€v : see on 2. 113.
546. xo-XcTTOL K.T.X. = ' it will bc difficult for you to know them.'
550. TaOra cKatrra, 'all these questions of yours,' § 45.
552. TToiov Tov (xtiOov, Art., § 47,/, * what is the word which,' &c.
S 2
26o ILIAD. BOOK I. LINES 553-6 10.
553. Kal XCt]v, * assuredly ' : \irjv (like fidXa, 11. 85, 173) is used to
strengthen the affirmation, irctpos, with a Pres., ^ I have not hitherto
been in the habit of asking you.'
555. p,T| a€ TrapcCtrT], * lest she have gained thee over/ i.e. lest she
prove to have done so. Trap^nrHv, like Trapdcprjfjii in 1. 577 (Attic irapa-
yopevctj)^ ' to talk over.'
558, 559. ws . . Ti|xT)o-r)s, ^ that thou wilt honour.' The Subj. (not Opt.)
after KaravcOcrai because the event is still future, § 34, 2, c,
561. 8aip,ovCii, * unaccountable,' * infatuated,' implying a blindness or
perversity caused by a god : as we say ' what possesses you ' ?
oteai, ' art foreboding, suspecting.'
562. aiTo Ovjjiov, * away from my heart,' i. e. out of favour.
567, 568. aaaov i6v8\ i.e. ioura, Acc. after xptticrixaxri, 'avail not
against the assault.' XP"^<''M^"' usually takes an Acc. of the t/iin£ kept
off ; here aacrou lovra (^€) = * my coming on,' § 37, 7. dairrovs, * not to
be touched,' * irresistible.' €€pcov, by Tmesis for liTKpepojv 'qpa, ' offering pleasing
service,' = * making himself agreeable.' The ancient reading was cmtjpa:
see Mr. Merry's note on Od. 3. 164.
575. KoXcpov, 'noise,' ' a wrangle ' : hence /^oAo^ao;, 2. 212.
€XatJV€TOv, ' carry on,' ' keep going.'
579. ativ . . Tapa^T], Tmesis ; cp. co7t- in coriftmdo.
580. €t TTcp K.T.X., ' for suppose he chooses,' &c. No apodosis is
expressed, but the sort of clause to be supplied is suggested by the words
6 "ydp TT0\t» fpTaT6s €0-Tt.
582. KaGdiTTeo-Oai, 'take him in hand': Inf., § 36, 3.
584. 8€Tras djjL<))iKijiT€XXov, ' a two-handled cup ; ' cp. the d\eicrov
d^cpQjTov, ' two-eared goblet,' Od. 22. 10 (Helbig, Das homerische Epos,
p. 260).
586. T€T\a0w, Pf. Imperative, 6, 2. dvd(rx€o, ' bear up,' ' endure.'
589. GpyaAcos dvTi<()€p€o-6at, ' hard to set oneself against,' 1. 546.
591. TCTaYcuv, a Reduplicated Aor., § 4, § 28, 2 : cp. Lat. tango.
593. The island o{ Le?mtos is volcanic ; hence the mythical connexion
with Hephaestus.
596. iraiSos, ablatival Gen., * from her son.' X^'-P^ ' her hand.'
598. OLvoxoci is applied to ' nectar,' by a slight extension of use.
600. 8id with the Acc. of motion ' through,' § 42, 3. irotirvvo) is an
Intensive, formed by reduplication from irvioj (root irvv-).
603. ov» p,€v, ' nor yet,' § 49, 4.
606. KaKK6iovT€s. The form kcCco is probably a Desiderative of
cKao-Tos. Note the Sing. ; ' they went — each one.'
610. iKdvoi, Opt. of indefinite frequency, § 34, i, c.
The second book begins with an apparent contradiction of the last
line of the first book. Zeus, according to i. 611, went to bed and slept :
we are now told that ' sleep held him not.' This may mean that sleep
did not keep its hold of him— that while others slept all night {^vhov
vavvvxioi) Zeus presently awoke. Compare Soph. Aj. 676 vttvos \ \v€i
webrjaas ovb' dd Xa^ojv ^x^i. More probably, however, the contradiction
arises from the inartificial way in which the story is told. The poet
ends his scene on Olympus by all the gods going home to sleep, Zeus
with the rest : then, after a pause, he takes up the story again by correct-
ing himself, and explaining that Zeus did not sleep. There is a similar
inaccuracy in Odyss. 1 5. 4-8 :
€vp€ hi TrjK^fxaxov Kai NcVropos dyXaov vJbv
(v5ovt' €V npobofxo) MeveXdov fcvdaXifjiOLO'
y rot 'N€(rTopibr]v fiaKoKcy b€h/xrjfX€voy vttvo),
TrjKipLaxov 5' ovx vttvos €X€ yXvfcvs, d\\' hi Ovficp
vvKTa hi dfi^poairjv pLeXebrj fxara irarpbs ey^ipf.
Here it is first said that Telemachus and Nestor's son were both sleep-
ing {€vdovT€), then that Telemachus could not sleep. In the present
instance the contradiction is more direct ; but on the other hand the
pause between the statements is longer. Cp. also 10. 25 (with the note).
In any case it is clear that the second book of the Iliad takes up the
story at the exact time and place where the first book left it, viz. night-
fall on Olympus. And the incident of the Dream makes an excellent
transition to the renewal of the war, after the lull caused by the Plague
and the quarrel of the chiefs.
The value of the second book, as an integral part of the Iliad, consists
mainly in the picture which it gives of the Greek dyopTj, or assembly of
all the fighting men. In the first book the only actors are the gods
and a few of the chiefs. The poet now lets us4ee the temper and spirit
of the army as it was affected by the long siege (the ten years are now
mentioned for the first time), and by the events of the first book.
1. liTiTOKopvcrTaC, lit. * horse-helmeted,' i.e. wearers of helmets
with horse-hair plumes : cp. xa^^'^o/fo/jucrTa/, * brazen-helmeted.'
2. vT|5vi|xos. The ancient grammarians doubted, in this and similar
places, between the forms vq^vjios and ijbupos, Aristarchus deciding for
vrjdvfjLos. His authority has banished rjhvpios from our texts of Homer,
though it was used by Hesiod, Simonides, Alcman, &c. Buttmann con-
jectured with great probability that vrjdvfxos is only an old mistake for
ijdvpLos. In seven out of the twelve places where it occurs the preceding
word ends with v, and this v Buttmann supposed to have been attached
to the following word (tSju ^bvfios thus passing into tmv VTjdv/xos, €x^^
ij5v/xos into ex^ yrjdvfxos, &c.). The fictitious vrjdvfjcos was then put for
rjhvixos everywhere, probably by the Alexandrian critics.
4. Tip.T|or€t' 6\€o-ai 8€. The MSS., except Ven. A, have ti|xt)o-t|
oXccTT] 8€. The form tijjlt|o-€i' is supported by the scholia, and by the
reading rifXTjarj in Ven. A. For the Optative cp. 24. 680 oppLalvovT
ava Ovjxbv ottojs . . kKire^ipm. The Subj. after a past Tense is rare in
Homer : see § 34, 2, b.
6. otiXov, 'destructive,' i.e. misleading. On the two kinds of
dreams, true and false, see Od. 19. 562 ff.
10. irdvTa p,dX', to be taken together, = ' quite all.'
dY0p6V€p,€v, Inf. for the Imperative, § 36, 3.
12. iravcrvSiT], 'in full muster,' (lit. * with urging forth of all'),
Zenodotus wrote 'rrao-o-vSir], perhaps rightly.
13. dp,(j)is . . <|)p(iJovTau, 'are of opposite minds': so 15. 345 d/i(^ts
(l>pov€ovT€. But in 18. 254 d/xcpi /xaAa (ppd^fcOe means ' consider looking
both ways,' i.e. carefully. Cp. ^sch. Ag. 815 dixoppoirus.
15. ii\'nrai, *are fastened upon,' made sure to.
19. dp,pp6crios, 'divine.' So 1. 57 dfi^poairjv did vvKTa.
20. Nir]Xir]ta> vu, * son of Neleus' : so 4. 237 Kairav-fjios vlos, &c.
21. -yepovTcuv, 'of the chiefs,' who were not necessarily old men.
22. Join p,iv TTpoo-ccJxovce.
27. o-cO, to be taken with KTjScTai.
36. €p,€XXov, so Aristarchus; most MSS. have €p,€XX€. With a
Neut. Plur. the Verb is more commonly Singular in Homer : but ex-
ceptions are numerous. TcXccaOai is Fut. Inf. : cp. 1. 116.
37. 4)Tj, ' he thought* ; cp. 5. 473 T], see the note on i. 103. The word 6jjiT| always
implies a divine utterance.
43. vT)"ydT€ov. The old derivation from vko-s and y'lyvofiai (root
y€v, yd) is untenable. The word is probably an adjective of material,
like 5oupdT€09, 'wooden' (see the Journal of Philology, vol. xi. p. 61).
49. aip,€v, 'we should have thought;' the Opt. with
K(:V used of an unfulfilled condition in the past, see § 30, 6.
jjidWov, 'rather' (than attend to it).
76-83 are perhaps an interpolation. If they stand, the next two
lines cbs apa (pojvqaras k.tX.. must refer to Nestor, whereas Agamemnon
would be the person to lead the way, and the words tt€l9ovt6 t€ Troifxivi
Xaojv naturally refer to him. The Article tov (1. 80) and the neglect of
the Digamma (§ 54) in vvv 6' id€v (1. 82) are also suspicious. Some
scholars, again, have doubted the whole passage about the Pov\t|
•ycpovTcov (53-86), which consists chiefly of a repetition (for the third
time) of the passage about the Dream.
89. PoTpvSov, * in clusters.* The comparison to a bunch of grapes
applies best to bees swarming, and so Virgil uses it in his imitation,
Georg. 4. 558 (lentis uvam demittere ramis). In Homer, however, the
bees are streaming out in their ordinary quest of honey.
90. ircTTOTTiaTai, ' are on the wing,' § 26.
93. 8€8t|€i, ^ was blazing,' i.e. made itself felt in all its strength.
95. T€TpTjx€i, ' was in disorder,' Plupf. of rapaaaoj.
96. Xawv, governed by viro in the preceding line.
loi. KT|, 'as/ a word read by Zenodotus here and in 14. 429.
145. TTovTos, lit. *way' (cp. LaX. pons)^ is used when a particular
tract of sea is meant. ddXacrcra is the sea generally.
148. IttC t* T|p,iJ€i, sc. Krj'iov, 'bends with the wind.*
153. ovpovs, the channels by which the ships were drawn up and
launched again.
154. cpjiara, props or stays for keeping the ships upright when
drawn up on shore.
165. ap,<|)i€\icro-as (€\(^, Fem. tXiaaa) probably means 'rounded
on both sides,' evenly built at the bows.
179. |X7)8€ T* €pu)€i, i.e. do not give way, fail in your efforts, tpcoeot
is especially used of a recoil or reaction, from the strain of war/ &c.
Probably the true reading is fi-qb' er kpijju, for t€ is out of place here
(§ 49, 9).
182. oira, with ^vvctjkc, not 4)a)VT)o-s 8€L8Co'€Os Paorw-
\r\os, possibly on account of the Sing. € in the next line. But an abrupt
change of number in a passage of this kind is not unusual : cp. Od. 4. 692
^ r' €JTL diKTj Oeiojv ^aaiK-qcxiv \ aWov k ^x^^^PV^'- Pporufi/, dWov k€
(piXoiij, 'which is the manner of kings : he (a king) will,' &c.
198. 8T|}xot; T*. The t€ — re connect i'Soi with Poooovra Ic^^ivpoi.
But some good MSS. have 8T|p,ov dvSpa.
NOTES. LINES 129-250.
206. No good MS. has this verse, which seems to have crept into
this place from 9. 99.
212. 0€paLTT]s, the 'bold' insolent iaXker (Odpaos) ; cp. Od. 22. 287
IloKv6(pa(idrjs o\k6s, probably 'bandy-legged,' Lat. /a/x. tw 86 ol wjxa),
• and then his shoulders,' § 47, 2, d.
218. o-vvoxccKOTC, 'stooping together,* a-vv-ixa. The form cvv-
oK0i\6r€ (given by Hesychius) is more correct ; cp. OKOJxh^ ^ stay or
219. (f)o£6s, said by the Schol. to be a term applied to earthen-ware
spoilt in the burning ; ' out of shape.' €Tr€VTjvo0€, ' had its place thereon,'
Plupf. of a supposed *€i'€^cy, pf. kvrivoda (diftinct from "^aviOoj, dvrjvoOa).
222. k€k\t]yws, 'screaming,' § 26. Xcye, 'recounted' ; Xe7cu in Homer
means ' to count ' (not simply say) : Thersites poured out a string of
insulting things. tfy in 1. 297, dWd Kai 'iinr-qs k.t.X.
294. ciXccocriv, 'hem in,' 'keep back.'
303. X^^lci T€ Kai irpcuij' or 4s AvXiSa k.t.X. Literally, 'yesterday
or the day before (from the time) when the ships were gathering to
Aulis,' i.e. a day or two after the ships assembled. In this use of x^*C« '''^
Kai rrpcvL^a the speaker puts himself at the point of view of the event which
he is going to relate : ' it was, as one might say, but yesterday that the
ships were gathering.' For the use of ot€ = 'since,' 'after,' cp. II. 21.
80 ^a;? 5€ fioi kariv | rjde bvcodcKOLTTj or ks ''Wiov elk-qkovOa, and Od. 3. 180
T€TpaTov rjixap trjv or kv^Apyei vijas I'icras | Ti/Sf/'Secu irapoi . . | laraaav.
The passage is generally explained as a bold hyperbole ; the event
being supposed to be so fresh in the recollection of the Greeks that it
seems to be only ' the other day.' This is defended by places where the
phrase is used of a long period. But in all these the time is relatively
NOTES. LINES 266-^^6.
short, or at least the writer wishes to make light of it. Here, on the
contrary, Ulysses dwells on the length of time that has passed; cp.
especially 1. 298 drjpov re fi€V€iv, and 1. 325 oipifxov oipLTeKearuv. More-
over, there is a special reason for a note of time which will fix the sign
of the sparrows to the Beginning of the war : for if the sign were later,
the end of the nine years which it signified would be proportionately
distant. Others again take x^^t*^ ^^^^ irpcoijd with €j3av in the preceding
line ; but this gives a poor sense, and moreover it is not Homeric to
begin a fresh sentence by ot€ without any particle of transition.
314. «\€€iva, 'piteously,' to be taken with rcrpiYwras.
315. Join d[JLtv, * apart from the rest of the Achaeans.'
347. dvvCTis, ' result,' ' attainment ' ; i. e. they will come to naught.
auTwv is Masc, referring to rovcrh^ in 1. 346.
348. Uvai depends on PovKevcuai in the last line.
349. €1 T€ . . €1 T6, so the bcst MSS. : others have t|€ Kal ovki.
\|;€\i8os, ' false,* cp. 9. 115 ou Ti if/cvdos k^as dras KareXe^as.
353. do-TpdiTTcov K.T.X. The line is a kind of exclamation : hence the
Nom. without a construction, cp. 10. 437, 547» S^-
356. *EX€V"i]s opjJLTjixaTd T6 cTTovaxds T€, ' thc stir and groaning about
Helen.' This 'objective ' use of the Genitive is very common in Homer ;
e. g. Tpduojv dXyos, ' sorrow for the Trojans,' x'^^os vios, ' anger on account
of his son,' &c. Cp. also II. 3. 206 (T€v dyyeXirj^ 'a message about you/
and the genitives quoted on 1. 397. The word opp.'qp.a does not elsewhere
occur, but its meaning may be inferred from that of opfxdaj and op^aivoa
(cp. 10. 28 TToKuxov Bpaavv 6pixaivovr€s), Nestor seeks to rouse the
Greeks by the thought of havmg done and sutfered so much, and all
about Helen. This is a standing topic in the Iliad; see 2. 39, 177;
3. 99, 126 ff. The common interpretation — ' the longings and groans of
Helen' — makes Nestor insist on a circumstance which could not be
known to Greeks, and by which we can hardly suppose them moved.
359. *That he may be the foremost to perish/ i.e. he will be put to
death at once. On kiriair^iv see l^tdii, Journ. of Philology, xiv. p. 249.
363. <))pi|TpT]4)iv, used as a Dat. : see § 40.
The <))pT|TpT| (Attic €as, ' by themselves,* cp. i. 271.
376. aiTpT|KTO\;s, ' in which nothing is done,' ' fruitless.'
379. €S 7€ p,Cav (sc. /3oi;A?p), ' take counsel to one purpose.'
381.. SciTTVov, in Homeric times a forenoon or midday meal : 8. 53.
382. 0€cr0a), 'put in order,' 'set right.'
384. apjiaros dp.<}>ls iStov, 'seeing to his chariot.'
385. Kpvvcofi€0a, ' bring matters to an issue,' Lat. decerno,
392. p,ip,v€6v, Acc. de quo, § 37, 7.
410. ouXoxtiTas, see the note on i. 449.
413. cir' . . Svvai, *set upon (the battle),' i.e. so as to interrupt the
battle. For the Inf. cp. 7. 179 ZeO -ndr^p, rj Atavra Kax^lv k.t.X.
414. irp-qvcs, with PaXcciv, proleptically, 'cast down headlong.'
415. aiOaXocv, 'blackened with smoke,* as in Od. 22. 239. irvpos,
'with fire,' Gen. of material, § 39, 4.
420. djAcyapTOv, 'unenviable.* Aristarchus read dXtaarrov.
421-432 repeat i. 45*^-469, except 425-6.
435. X€Ywp.€0a, 'talk together' : the Middle has the reciprocal force.
446. 0{ivov, ' made hot haste,' ' bustled.'
452. TroX€p,i{€iv, Inf. of consequence, 'wherewith to fight.*
455. diSrjXov, 'consuming,' lit. 'making unseen' {d-pi5-7j\os).
NOTES. LINES 359-486.
457. Twv, with xo-^KoO, 'from their armour as they came on.'
459. Twv 8*, taken up by ujs tcjv in 464. So 474 tovs 5' — cts tovs.
463. irpoKaOiJovTwv, ' as they settle ' : join with opvCOcov (459). T^po =
'one before another/ as in TrpoOiXvjxvos, irpofjLvqaTiuoi.
469. dStvawv, ' thickly swarming.'
470. TjXdo-Koucriv, 'rush about,' 'dart to and fro.'
474. irXarca, 'broad,' i.e. 'numerous'; or perhaps ' wide-ranging.'
479. {a)VT]v, 'the waist,' as in ev^wi/os, 0aOv(ajuos, &c.
480. dY€XT]o|jL€v, ' have heard,' know by hearing: cp. 14. 125, Od. 15.
403. The passage is imitated by Sophocles, Aj. 23 la/JLcv yap ovbev
T paves J dAA' d\ctjpi€da, and Plato, Phaedr. p. 96 aKo-qv y' ex^J Kiyeiv rojv
TTpoT€pQjv, TO 5* d\7]9€S avTol (ot 6€oi) laaai.
The MSS. of the Iliad generally give the remainder of this book
under a separate title, BoiojTta or KardXcyos twv v€wv. The last part,
8i6 ff., was known as the TpoiKos StdKoo-jjios. The two lists furnish
materials for a tolerably complete sketch, ethnographic and political, of
the Greece and Asia Minor of Homeric times (see the map at the end
of this volume). It will be useful to notice some of the points in which
it differs from the later map of the same countries.
The common national names of historical Greece — *E\Xds and'^EX-
Xt]V€S — are confined in Homer to the district of Thessaly afterwards
called Phthiotis. The Dorians do not yet appear in the Peloponnesus, or
even in the ' Doris ' of northern Greece. The lonians are almost equally
obscure. 'Idoves are not mentioned in the Catalogue, and only occur
in one passage of the Iliad (13. 685), where they seem to be the same
as the Athenians. In the Catalogue, as in the Iliad and Odyssey gene-
rally, the great national names are 'Axaioi, 'ApyeioL, Aavaoi. Of the
Ionian colonies there is no trace. The eastern coast of the Aegean is
still in possession of the 'barbarous* allies of Troy — Mysians, Maeo-
nians, and Carians. Miletus, which is the only site mentioned, is ex-
pressly said to belong to the Carians. What is still more remarkable,
the islands which afterwards became seats of Ionian civilisation — Chios,
Samos, Pares, Naxos, los, and the rest — are unknown to the Iliad.
The only passage in which we trace the beginnings of Greek colonisa-
tion is the account of the (perhaps Dorian) se4:tlement of Rhodes.
These facts seem to show that the Homeric Catalogue represents a
state of things earlier than the two great movements which mark the
beginning of Greek history — the Dorian conquest of Peloponnesus, and
the Ionian colonisation of Asia Minor. ' Other differences between the
Homeric and the later map point to similar conclusions. The name
0€pT]5, an epithet at variance with 13. 719, where the armour
of Ajax is described as eVrea baiddKea.
530. IlaveXXiQvas, a form which only occurs here; cp. 1. 684. It has
been supposed, with some reason, that the two lines 529, 530 are an
535. TTcpT]v lepTjs EvPoCt]s, 'over against Euboea'; cp. Aesch. Ag.
190 XaXKidos Ttipav. So too in Hdt. 8. 44 77 irfpaia rrjs BoiojTi'qs, 'the
country opposite (across the sea from) Boeotia.' Heyne and others
took the word to mean ' beyond Euboea' (as in 1. 626 -n^pr^v dAos), and
inferred that the poet's point of view was to the east, viz. in Asia Minor.
This is to suppose a degree of geographical knowledge scarcely possible
at the time.
542. OTTiOcv Kop.6a)VT€S, opposcd to the usual Kaprj KopLocupres, hence =
* wearing hair onfy behind' : cp. also aKpuKopoi (4. 533).
548. T€K€ ^eCScupos cipovpa. In this respect Erechtheus represents
the claim of the Athenians to be avroxOoufs,
550. p,tv, viz. Erechtheus. The reference is doubtless to the annual
festival afterwards known as the Lesser Panathenaea.
553~5- These three lines were rejected by Zenodotus. The Athenian
envoy sent to Syracuse at the beginning of the Second Persian War is
said by Herodotus (7. 161) to have appealed to them in support of his
refusal to allow Gelon to have the command of the Greek forces.
558. This line is wanting in A (the Cod. Venetus) and some other
MSS. It was thought by the ancient critics to have been interpolated
by Solon or Pisistratus, in order to support the Athenian claim to
Salamis against the Megarians. Elsewhere in the Iliad we do not find
the Telamonian Ajax associated with Menestheus and the Athenians ;
see II. II. 7 and 13. 681 (where the ships of Ajax are coupled with
those of Protesilaus) ; also the kTn-n6j\T)ais of Agamemnon, where the
Telamonian and the Locrian Ajax are together (4. 273), and separated
by a considerable interval from Menestheus (4. 327). The difficulty,
however, is hardly met by leaving out 1. 558. If Ajax is independent,
he cannot well be dismissed in a single line. The Megarians, accord-
in|T to Strabo (p. 394), read as follows : — Aia? 5* ktc ^aXaiiiuos dy(v p4as
€K T6 TloXlx^Tjs I €fc T AlyetpovaaTjs 'Siaairjs t€ Tpinodouv t€, thus connect-
ing Salamis with places in the Megarid. These lines may be ancient,
but they omit the number of the ships, which is given in every other
instance. On the whole it seems most probable that the original form
of the passage is hopelessly lost.
572. 'TrpwTa= ' formerly.' Sicyon appears to have been recently added
to the empire of Agamemnon. So too Corinth, the ancient *E€XovTO is an explanation of
TT-qpov 0€(rav, but from an opposite point of view ; he became 'ur]p6s be-
cause deprived of aoihi]. avrdp or drdp often indicates this kind of
NOTES. LINES 572-653.
quasi-opposition (which in fact is epexegesis in a negative or privative
form) cp. II. 2. 214 fiaip arap ov Kara tcoafiov: 5. 204 cjs Kitrov (imrovs),
avTCLp TTcfos K.T.X, '. lo. 99 KOLjJiTjacouTai, drcLp (pvXaKrjs km irdyx^ XdBuvTai:
15. 241 veov 5' €(Tay€'ip€To 6vfi6y \ . . dTapdaOpia kol idpojs \ iraviTo. Some
take TTTjpos to mean * blind,' in accordance with a later story. But
blindness appears to be the common lot of singers in Homeric times ;
cp. Demodocus (Od. 8. 63 ff.), and the author of the hymn to the Delian
Apollo (h. Ap. 172). Moreover there is no authority for such a use of
60J. The Arcadians and their leader Agapenor are not elsewhere
mentioned in the Iliad.
616. oaa-ov c<|>* *Tp|jL{vT| . . ccpyct, 'over so much space as Hyrmine
&c. confine,' i. e. within the bounds marked by these places.
625. The identification of Dulichium is a problem of old standing.
It can hardly be one of the islands here called 'Exivai — the later Echi-
nades — which are small by comparison even with Ithaca ; for Dulichium
and the Echinades send forty ships, against twelve from the whole
kingdom of Ulysses. In the Odyssey it is one of the three chief islands
adjoining Ithaca — Aov\ixiou t€ 'Xdp.r] t€ fcai v\-f)€acra Za/cvvOo^ — and Mr.
Bunbury {Hist, of Ancient Geogj-aphy, \. pp. 69, 81) shows strong reasons
for taking it to be Leucadia, the modern Santa Maura. His theory is
less happy when applied to the passage in the text, since the *Extvai
are rather too far from Leucadia to form part of the same contingent ;
especially as the coast of Acarnania (the ijireipos of 1. 635) goes with
Ithaca and Cephallenia.
627-9. '^^^ banishment of Phyleus is ignored in other passages of
the Iliad (13. 691 ; 15. 519), where his son Meges appears as one of
three commanders of the 'Ettcioi,
632. NripLTOv is a mountain in Ithaca; KpoKvXcta and AiyiXiv|; are
probably also places in the same island. 2d|xos (in the Odyssey also
2a|XT|) is the later Cephallenia.
635. T^ircipos, * the mainland/ and avTiircpaia, * the opposite coast,'
are not definitely proper names. They must refer to parts of the later
Acarnania : or the avTiirepaLa may be Elis, cp. Od. 4. 635.
639. n\€upu)v, Strabo tells us (p. 451), was the city of the KovpijTes
who are mentioned in II. 9. 529 ff. as neighbours of the Aetolians.
643. irdvTa goes with dvao-cr€[X€v, ' to bear all rule.'
646 ff. The places here mentioned seem all to be in the middle part
of Crete — perhaps the only part then occupied by Greeks.
653 ff. Tlepolemus occurs again in the IHad (5. 628), but Khodes
is only mentioned here. The warriors who belong to the smaller islands
near Rhodes — Nireus, Pheidippus, Anliphus— are not otherwise known.
Hence, as Mr. Freeman has observed {Co77iparative Politics, p. 347),
this passage probably marks the limit which the Hellenic movement
towards Asia Minor had reached at the time of the Catalogue. The
Dorian character of these colonies may be traced in the Heracleid
leaders (653, 679) and in the division into three tribes (655, 668).
659. 'E<))vp'r| is a common city-name (cp. 6. 152). The Ephyre taken
by Heracles is placed by Apollodorus (2. 7. 6) in Thesprotia, by Strabo
(p. 338) in Elis. ^ ^
661. Authorities are divided between TpTj €v (as in 3. 202., 11.222),
and Tpd<)>* €vt. For the intransitive Aor. €TpaT|s, 'with both cheeks torn in mourning'; perhaps
with a play on rjtxiT€\r,s il. 701).
709. TToOeov Y€ jjL€v €vXT»,
' with the plummet/ i. e. when measured with it.
770. iirirot 8', sc. ito\v iv, for the Gen. ( = an Ablative).
795. jjiLv, i. e. Priam ; governed by 'irpoLos is the son of ^€\ayos (not Mepo^),
and dwells in Xlato-Js.
840. IIcXao-Ywv. These Pelasgi seem to be to the south of the Troad,
on the coast of Aeolis, Adpio-a being the place of that name near Kvfxrj.
851. Xdo-iov, * shaggy,' an epithet that properly applies to the breast
((TTTjOfa, cp. I. 189). Here however IlvXaijxeveos kt;p is not meant,
literally, but is simply = ni»Aat/^€V7;s, like Upid/jLoio plrj, &c.
857. 'AXijPtjs. The name seems to be the same as that of the people:
known as XaKvPcs. They were famous for their mines, but in historical,
times these were only of iron.
872. xpvaov cxojv K.T.X., 'with gold (i.e. golden ornaments) like a,
maiden,' cp. 17. 52.
The main incident of the third book of the Iliad is a duel between
Paris and Menelaus. The book opens with the meeting of the two
armies on the Trojan plain, and the challenge given by Paris. By means
of a message sent by Hector the scene changes to the interior of
the city: first to the house of Paris (121-140), then to the tower over
the gate (141-263'). After the famous TeixocKoma, the story returns to
the plain in order to describe the making of a Treaty, which is then
followed by the Duel (264-382). The escape of Paris from the scene of
combat brings us once more into Troy (383-447), but in the last lines
of the book the main subject is resumed, and the result — the victory of
Menelaus — is proclaimed by Agamemnon (448-461).
If we keep in mind that in the Iliad the true subject, that on which
the unity of the poem depends, is the quarrel of Achilles with Aga-
memnon, and that the Trojan War as a whole is (poetically speaking)
subordinate to the quarrel, in the sense in which the occasion and
circumstances of an action are subordinate to the action itself — if we
keep this in mind, we shall have little difficulty in appreciating the
poetical value of the third book. It is, in fact, our introduction to the
story of the Trojan War, as we have it in the Iliad. It brings before us
the origin and motives of the War : Plelen herself, the seducer Paris,
the injured Menelaus, and the prime mover Aphrodite. And it supple-
ments the second book by presenting the Trojan side of the general
picture — Hector, Priam with his Elders, the palace and the Scaean
1. avTclp cTTcl K.T.X. The narrative is resumed from the description
of the marshalling of the armies, 2. 474 ff. cKaaroi, 'each division.'
2. The same difference between the Greeks and the Trojans is dwelt
upon in 4. 422 ff., where it is attributed to the variety of languages
spoken by the Trojan allies. On the Datives K\a77fj, Ivoirfj, see § 38, 3.
3. ov»pav60t TTpo, 'in the front of heaven'; the sound rises to the
outskirts, as it were, of the sky.
The migration of the cranes is mentioned by Herodotus, with
evident reference to this passage, 2. 22 yepavoi 5e cfyevyovaai tIv x^^-H-^^^
rbv kv TT} ^KvOiKT) x^PV ytyopLCPov (poirkwai ks x^'A^^o't^^ ks tovs toitovs
rovTovs. The rTv^fjiaioi, or ' men a cubit high,' are variously located
by later writers (see Helbig, Horn. jEjos, p. 15).
4. d0co'<()aTov, lit. * not according to an utterance of the gods,' hence
(vaguely) 'portentous,' 'unblest.'
5. raC -y^. The Article serves to repeat the Subject at t€ (1. 4), after
the interposition of the clause ktrei k.t.X.
kiri expresses direction, ' bearing on,' as 5. 700 km vr]ajv.
7. T|€piai, ' at dawn,' i. 497.
'irpo<|>(povTai, 'bear forth with them,' come forthwith: so 5. 506
^kvos x^'-P^^ '■^^^ v, 10. 479 'irp6(p€p€ Kparepov /xeVos, li. 529 Kafc^v
epiSa npo^a\6vT€s. The temper in which a man advances is spoken of
as if it were something literally carried by him.
10. €VT€, here = T|ijT€; so 19. 386. Buttmann wished to read TjiJTf,
but this is needless, since t|i5t6 might pass into cOtc in the same way
that T|i5s ' good ' yields the Adverb €v.
12. €m\€vo-o-€i, 'sees over' so much distance. We should perhaps
write €itI Xcwact (with Yen. A), taking the construction to be eirl
Toaov XcWcrcL. On the use of t€ (in a simile), see § 49, 9.
16. Tpcuo-iv, 'with, among, the Trojans,' a locatival Dative, § 38.
18. avTotp conti asts the two spears — the weapons of close conflict —
with the bow and leopard's skin just mentioned. Paris has no defen-
sive armour at hand : in the duel (l. 333) he borrows the cuirass of his
brother Lycaon (La Roche).
22. jjiaKpd pLpdvra, subordinate to €px6fJL€vov, 'coming on with long
23-26. The word o-wp-a, as Aristarchus 6bserved, means a. dead body.
The idea of the simile seems to be that a lion has come upon a stag or
goat jrst killed by hunters, and seizes it in spite of them. Cp. the scene
described in 11. 474-481 — ^jackals have been devouring wounded game,
when a lion drives them away and devours it himself.
28. Several MSS. have rCcraaOai : see the notes on 1. 112 and 1. 366.
37. Seio-as. The Aor. expresses the single act, 'quailing before'
39. Avo-irapi, cp. Od. 18. 73 "^Ipos "Aipos, Od. 19. 260 KafcoiKiov ovk
dvofiaffTrfv, Od. 23. 97 firjTcp kfiTj duff/JLTjrcp. The significance of these
compounds lies in their expressing a feeling that the name should
answer to the character of its bearer. Cp. i. 403 (note).
40. ayovos, * without offspring, ' barren ' : wedlock and begetting
children are naturally coupled together, as in Od. 4. 208 ya/xiovTi t€
yeivofiivco t€. Others take it to mean ' unborn * ; but this gives a harsh
combination with dtYajios r aTroXco-Oai.
44. <|)dvT€S, = 01 €(pa(Tav, * who supposed thee to be a champion of the
first rank, because thy form is fair outside, but (as they now see) there
is no strength in thy heart nor any valour.' cm, =€rr€(7Tt, ' there is on
thee,' ' thou ait furnished with.'
46. -rj Toi6cr8€ Iwv k.t.X., i.e. 'was it for such a one as you now show
yourself to,' &c. : cp. Eur. Heracl. 816 elra tolovtos yeyws tovs 'Hpaic-
\€iovs ^\9€ bovXojactJV yovovs.
49. diriTjs, see on 1. 270.
vvov dv5pu)v alxfATiTdtov. By an idiom, often found with words of
affinity, Helen is styled daughter-in-law of the nation to which she
belonged by marriage, viz. the Greeks. So Boreas having carried off
Oreithyia was ^yap-ppos of the Athenians (Hdt. 7. 189). Cp. also Hor.
Od. 3. 5. 8 co7isenuit soceroi'uni in armis, i. e. in the armour of his wife's
people ; Virg. ^n. 11, 105 hospitibus quondam socerisque vocatis.
50. TT'fip.a, x^'PH'^j KaTT]<))€tT]v, Accusatives expressing the result of
the foregoing sentence : cp. 4. 207, Od. 6. 184.
54. otiK dv TOi xpotio-p.T]. On the Subj. with dv, see § 31, 2.
Tu T€ 8u)p' K.T.X. The Article gives a contemptuous emphasis, like
ovTos in Attic, Latin iste : cp. 2. 275.
57. €crcro, for €-€0"(ro, * else hadst thou put on a shirt of stone,' i.e.
been stoned by the people ; the commonest ancient form of ' lynch-law '
(^sch. Ag. 1615, Soph. Aj. 253).
59 ff. The connexion of thought is : * Your rebuke is just — indeed you
are above all weakness or failing — so I will only pray you not to contemn
my gifts, and I will fight with Menelaus.' The apodosis to €tt€l k.t.X.
is not expressed : it is supplied in sense by the speech itself. The full
grammatical form appears in 6. 333 —
"EKTop, €n€i /x6 Kar aJcrav kvei/cfaas ov5' virlp alaav,
TovveKCL 701 kpioj.
62. €po>T|v, 'the force,' lit. the rusk or spring" of his movement.
65. diropXfjTa : cp. l Tim. iv. 4 ndv KTiap-a &€ov KaXov, koX ovhlv
66. cKcov, * by his own will.' The exact meaning is not ' no one can
get them by wishing,' but 'no one can take them as a matter of choice,'
by willing or not willing : a man is wholly passive in regard to them.
70. o-vp,pdX€T€, Plur. because both parties are engaged in the matter.
74. vaioiT€, Opt., because Paris puts this as a thing which he accepts,
a consequential incident of his proposal: cp. 1. 102 reOyairj, dWoi 8e
diaKpivOiiTe TCLXtOTa.
78. p.€(ro-ov 8ovp6s cXwv, ' taking his spear by the middle.'
79, 80. €Tr€To£dJovTO . . loiaiv T€ TLTVCTKojJievoi Xd€cr(rC t' €j3aX\ov.
There is a slight ' anacoluthon * (§ 58) ; the sentence begins as if the
attack described by cTTCToJafovTO were made in two ways, viz. loio-iv t€
Xdscrat t€. The two Datives therefore should have gone with kire-
To^d^ovTo. But then the feeling that throwing stones is not properly
To^dj€cr0at suggested a new independent Verb, e'PaXXov, Compare
Demosthenes, Fals. Leg. § 76 ov5' 'dypaipcv ovt ds ^Tno'ToKrjv oubifnav
ovT€ TrpeaPiVTTjs ovdeis €Itt€ twv Trap kKiivov, where eypaipcv is placed
before ovre — ovt€ as though it included both letters and embassies, and
the inaccuracy is then corrected by changing to Trp€o-p€i;TT|S clirc (see
Mr. Shilleto's note, a./.). Cp. also Hdt. €70; ovSeVa kqj dvOp'jjTtoiv biiaas
€(l>vyov ovT€ irpoTepov ovre vvv a\ ({>€vyaj { = ovt€ €,
138. Tcp viKT](ravTt, ' to the one who shall have conquered.' The Art.
points the implied contrast, § 47, 2, d. k€ goes with k€k\t)o-t), § 35.
14^. According to later poets, Aethra, the daughter of Pittheus and
mother of Theseus, was taken captive by the Dioscuri when they in-
vaded Attica in order to recover Helen from The.^eus. When Helen
was carried off (for the second time) by Paris, Aethi a followed her to
Troy, and at the end of the siege was found among the captives and
rescued by her grandsons, Demophon and Acamas. This st( ry, how-
ever, like most legends of Theseus (see II. i. 265), is unknown to
Homer, and accordingly there seem to be only two possible explanations
of the present passage. Either it is an interpolation, as Aristarchus
thought, inserted in order to introduce a reference to the later story of
Aethra : or (what seems more probable) the names At'Opi] and KXvjjlcvt}
are brought in here merely to give an air of reality to the narrative, and
the coincidence of name with the Aethra of Attic tradition is a mere
accident. If we adopt the latter view it is easy to suppose that the
coincidence led to the strange fancy of turning the mother of Theseus
into a handmaid of Helen.
146-148. The phrase oX a\xa\fj cp. 16S.
196. cVnTcoXeiTai, ' passes along,' as in review.
2c6. o-cO €V€k' aYYcXiTjs, * on account of a message about you.' For
€V€Ka, cp. Od. 16. 334 T^s avrrjs €V€k' ayy^Xir^s, kpeovre yvvaiKi : for the
Gen., Od. 10. 245 dyyeXi-qv krapcuv epeojv, 'to tell the news of his
companions.' The ancients supposed a Masc. d-y'yeXi'ns (formed like
TapLirjs, virjvlrjs), but this is needless and improbable (I.uttm. Lex. s. v.).
210. oTavTccv probably refers to the whole assembly (as Paley thinks) ;
• overtopped them when they stood up with his broad shoulders.'
wjxovs is an Acc. of the * part concerned,' as in 1. 227 e^oxf^J *Apy€i(uv
Kea) 8* €^ojjL€vco, in the Nominative, owing to the partial ap-
position of '08vo-v. 8ap,€i6v, ' be made subject,' i, e. brought into slavery.
308. TO -yc anticipates the clause which follows : * knows that,
namely to which of the two,' &c.
310. According to the Schol., if the oath was one taken by a native
of the country, the victims were buried ; if by a foreigner, they were cast
into the sea. There is an instance of the latter in Agamemnon's
oath, II. 19. 249 ff.
313. dij/oppoi, used adverbially, 'back again.'
317. oTTiroTCpos . . dTfj, taking it
of the helmet.
366. Tio-ao-Gat, 'that I had taken vengeance': Aor. as in 1. 112.
Menelaus had thought his victory secure when he delivered his blow on
the helmet of Paris.
366. KaKOTTjTOs, 'for his foul deeds' : Gen. of price.
368. iTaXdjjLT]4>iv, an ablatival Gen., § 40.
370. €mpos denotes a seat of a simple kind, used in sleeping rooms, &c.
428. T]Xv0€s, ' so you have come,' said in a surprised half-interrogative
tone : see on 4. 243.
430. T) p,€v, 'yet surely,' *you must admit that,' cp. 1. 215.
433. dXXd €K6L\v\\f€, cp. II. 1. 103, with the note.
453. * They were not hiding Paris ' [implies that they would not have
kept him hid] ' if any one had seen him,' non celabant^ si quis vidisset ;
like me?nim numeros si verba teneretn (Virg. E. 9. 45).
In the fourth book the episode of the duel between Paris and
Menelaus is brought to a conclusion, and the main action of the poem
is resumed. According to the treaty just made, the victory of Menelaus
ought to have ended the war ; but this is prevented by the interference
of the gods, who induce Pandarus, the Trojan archer, to shoot at and
wound Menelaus (11. 1-2 19). This act of treachery causes both sides
to prepare anew for battle. Agamemnon passes along the Greek lines,
distributing encouragement and rebuke (11. 220-421). At length the
armies meet, and the first combats are described (11. 422-544").
Thus the contents of the book are fairly described by the ancient
titles opKitov CTvyx^^'-s and 'AYajjicjxvovos €Tri7rco\"r]o-LS. The latter, it
will be seen, is of value in bringing some new figures on the scene, and
generally in completing the picture of the Greek army. On the con-
nexion between the two parts, see the note on 1. 220.
References to this book may be found in the fifth, where Pandarus
alludes to his attempt against Menelaus (5. 206), and in the seventh,
where Hector, in his challenge to the Greek leaders, observes that the
treaty has come to nought (7. 69) ; and again where Antenor urges the
Trojans to restore Helen (7, 351). The main thread of the story is
kept in view by a mention of the absence of.Achilles (4. 512, 513). On
the other hand, there is no reference to the treachery of Pandarus in the
speeches of Diomede (5. 115 ff.) and Sthenelus (5. 243 ff), or in Hector's
speeches to his mother (6. 264 ff.) and Paris (6. 3266".).
I. ot 8€ 0€oi, 'but the others, the gods': the Art. shows that we are
turning away from the plain, § 47, 2, b. -viYopocovTO, * held debate.'
4. 8€i8€xaTO, ' pledged,' 3 Plur. Plpf. of dixof^ai or de/cofiai. The true
Homeric form is probably StjScxcito, with i] instead of € in the reduplica-
tion : and so drjKvvixivos, * welcoming,' ZrjKavoojvTo, &c. The Pf. ex-
presses attitude J viz. that proper to the act of pledging, § 26, 2.
5. avTiKa, viz. as soon as Agamemnon had made the demand at the
end of the third book.
6. ^irapap\T|ST]v, ^sideways,' hence * ironically,' 'sarcastically.' The
point of the sarcasm is that Here and Athene do not desire the victory
of Menelaus and restoration of Helen, because it would prevent their
real object, which is the destruction of Troy. Jupiter affects not to
know this, and to be surprised that they do not support Menelaus. His
proposal is not sincere (for it would prevent him from fulfilling the
Prayer of Thetis), and is only made in order to throw on Here and
Athene the responsibility of breaking the treaty.
II. Trap|xcfJLj3\a)K€, * places herself,* ' takes her stand by him' : § 26.
13. Cp. the words of Agamemnon, 3. 457.
17. YcvoiTo, cp. 7. 387. Aristarchus read ircXoito.
18. oiKcotTo is an Opt. of willingness or concession, expressing what
the speaker agrees to : § 30, 4.
22. dK€cov is here indeclinable, and used as an Adverb, like dfcrjv.
24. ovK €xa8€, ' did not contain,' i. e. her anger boiled over.
28. KaKci, Acc. expressing the sum or result of the action, § 37, 3.
32. o t[€] expresses the ground of the preceding question : * how do
they do you such harm (as it seems they do) since you are eager,' &c.
So OTi in Od. 5. 339 Kafi/xopc, TiTrre roi cDSe no(T€i8dajv kvooixOoiV dj^vaar
€Ktra'yXoJs, on toi KaKa iroWa iv, ' their people had not yet heard the battle cry *
(which had not yet been raised), but the troops were only now getting
into movement, and so they were waiting. On aKovoj see 2. 486.
334. oTTTTOTf, with p,€vovT€s, ' Waiting [for the time] when.'
335- dpjeiav, sc. 'Axa/o/, understood out of ir-upYos 'Axaitov (La R.\
or more generally, the two armies. Ameis supposes a change of subject:
'waiting till another company should advance and they (themselves)
should begin,' = o7ror€ dWov -nvpyov IveXSovTos ap^€iav. This however
is too harsh. Perhaps we should read dp^€i€v (with one MS.).
341. covras. Ace, see the note on 2. 113.
342. Kavo-TcCp-qs presupposes mvcrrTjp, Fem. Kavcmipa. Such a form
properly denotes an agent (like df^.Tfreipa, 'vanquisher/ dp7)(TT€Lpa, &c.),
NOTES, LINES 286-389.
its use here involves a sort of personification of /JLCLxrj. For the metaphor,
cp. the phrases Se/xaj irvpoSj cpKoyl cifceXos olXktjv, &c.
343. SaiTos dKovdf€O-0ov €|X€io^ ' hear of the banquet (i. e. hear the
summons to it) from me.' Elsewhere aKovdJojiai is used of listening to
a singer (Od. 9. 7., 13. 9) ; hence it may be meant to have a con-
temptuous force here ; '-you are the first whose ears are tickled with
news of the banquet.'
344. Agamemnon speaks in the plural, since these feasts were public,
and were maintained from a common store {d-fjfjLia, cp. 17. 250).
345. Kp€a is Nom.; 'roast flesh is dear to you to eat,' = 'you are
glad to eat roast flesh.'
347. <))C\cos alludes to <\tL\a of 1. 345 ; 'now you would be no less
glad to see,' &c.
351. Most editors make the question end at fi€6i€[X€v, and take
ottttot' . . ''Apirja with what follows, = ' when there is a battle you will
see,' &c. But the use of the Subj. (cYcipojicv) without d'v or k€v shows
that the reference in that clause is not to a future event, but is quite
general, §33, i. Moreover, it is unlike Homer to begin a fresh sentence
with oTTiroTC, without any Particle of transition, and in the middle of a
line: cp. i. 163. On the other hand, the asyndeton at 6\\f€ai k.t.X. is
natural (cp. 3. 406, with the note) : * nay, you will see,' &c.
357. yvu} \(i30\ji€voio. The Gen. is used because yiyvaxXKco expresses
Agamemnon's observing a /act about Ulysses, viz. that he was angry.
With the Acc. it means to know a person, esp. to know who he is.
361. T]TTia 8T|V€a, not KaKol doXoi, as he had called them before
G- 339)j but 'gentle wisdom.'
362. dp€cro-6p<€0', Subj., ' we shall make good, make amends for.' The
Pres. dp€(TKQ} is not Homeric.
371. dmircveis, the reading of the best MSS., is closer to the stem
omm] (seen in TrapOev-omnrj-s) than the usual reading diriTrTcvcis.
7roX€(xoio Y€(|)iJpas. The word Y€vpa means a dyke or mound,
such as were used to protect arable land from floods : see the simile
5. 87-94. The 'dykes of war' may mean the ranks or squadrons,
thought of as stemming the tide of war. So a squadron is called
irvpyos, and Nestor places his foot-soldiers epfcos 'dfi^v ttoX^plolo (1. 299).
But the phrase is used in so conventional a way that it is doubtful
whether its meaning was really present to the poet's mind. Cp. 8. 533.
376. oLTCp TToXcp-ov, ' on uo Warlike crraud ' ; Agamemnon therefore
had never met him as an enemy.
380. ot 8', sc. the people of Mycenae.
382. TTpo 680V, ' forward on the way,' a partitive Gen.
384. Q.yy^\l'x\w is a ' cognate Acc' with 4m . . o-T€i\av, ' sent on a
message.' On dYY^XiTj see the note on 3. 206.
389. irdvTa is an adverbial Acc, § 37, i.
U 2
392. d\|/ ap' dv€pxofJi€vcp. This reading was taken by Bentley from
the similar line 6. 187. Most MSS. have dv|; dvaepxojJLcvcp. irvKtvov,
' closely packed/ because numerous.
399. Tov. The Alt. points the contrast : ' but his so1^^'' § 47, 2, ^.
400. x^'p^*"^ (so Aristarchus, others read xip-x\a)j = x^P^''-^''^^ '• cp. irXeas
for TrXeovas, 2. 129. For dp,€Lva) Aristarchus read q|ji€ivcov, sc. cct/.
405. Imitated by Aristophanes, Thesm. 810 —
OVTQJS Tjfl^Ts TTOXV Pe^TLOVS TU}V cLj/dpoiv €vxojjLeO' (ivai.
407. aYaYovTc, Dual, meaning Diomede and himself.
ap€Lov, ^ belonging to Ares,' made for war : cp. dprjia nvx^o-.
Some take it as the Comparative, * a stronger wall.'
410. jjLOi is a dat. ethicus, Mo not tell me that you put our fathers,'
&c. €V0€O, an Aor. Imper. after jjlt), contrary to the well-known rule.
6|xoCt] should perhaps be op-otiT), see the note on 1. 315.
417. 'Axaicov, an ' objective' Gen., ' grief for the Greeks when they
are made the prey of their foes.' See on 2. 356.
421. -UTTO, i. e. * in the ki>ees ' ; cp. 3. 34 vtt6 re rpo/xos ek\a(3€ yvTa.
423. Ze<^vpov vTTO KivT|cravTos, ' by the stirring of the West wind' :
cp. 1. 276 VTTu Z€p€vcp a locatival Dat. irpwro)
with o-Tp€i\ai. This Aor. is always used of the favour of a god.
118. 80s 8€ T€ p.'. There was another ancient reading tovSc tc p,',
which is perhaps better, since Se t€ is not in place here (§ 49, 9).
cXOeiv, sc. Tov dvdpa, with change of Subject. 6pp,Tjv, ' range,' lit.
impetus, thence distance to which the impetus carries it. There is an
apparent varcpov Trporepov, because the 7nain object of the prayer is put
first: cp. 1. 359 and Virg. ^n. 2. 353 moriavmr et ifi media arma
ruamus (with Conington's note).
125. Toi, a ' true ' Dat. (not governed by €v) : cp. 3. 338.
127 ff. Cp. Virgil's adaptation, ^n. 2. 604 ff. —
Aspice ; namque onineni quae mmc ohdticta ttienti
Mortales hebctat visus tibi et hu7tiida circu7n
Caligat nubem eripiain.
It is instructive to contrast this highly wrought sentence with the sivn-
plicity and directness of Homer.
128. Yi-yvwo-KTis, Subj. allowed after a past Tense, because the thing
purposed is still future, § 34, 2, c. But many MSS. have the Opt.
135. Kai is not 'and,' but strengthens ircp, so that Kal irpLV 'ir6p =
' although already.* Accordingly p.€p,aa)s is in apposition to Tv8€'i8t]s,
and St| t6t€ begins a fresh sentence (^ — tum vero), as in 1. 114, 1. 454,
&c. Recent editors have generally put a colon at cfxCxOT], and made the
fresh sentence begin at Kal irpiv ircp, with a change of construction, as
at 6. 510. But a clause with Kal — ircp seems always to follow the main
clause: cp. II. i. 217., 11. 721., 24. 423, 570., Od. 8. 316., 24. 499,
&c. There is a similar passage (perhaps an imitation) in Hdt. 7. 1
kiril 17 dyyeX'iTj dmfceTo . . irapd ^aaiXea Aapeiov Toy 'TaTd(nr€os, fcal
TTplv fxeydXcvs K^xoLpayixivov roTai 'AOrji/aLOKTi did ttjv ks ^dpbis ea/3oK7jv,
Kal drj Kal t6t€ ttoWo) re deivorepa kiroiee, k.t.X.
137 ff. The picture seems to be of a shepherd in lone country (dypCoi)
who finds a lion in the fold (a{)\T|) where the sheep are, and wounds
him, and then retires into his farm-house in fear. The lion works his
will on the sheep, but without appeasing his rage.
138. -uTTcpdXixevov, *when he has leaped over,' Aor. Part.
140. Kara o-Ta0|xot»s 8ti€Tai, 'gets inside the steading,* i.e. the
buildings of the sheep-station, to, 8' €pt]|jLa, ' and they [the flock], left
unprotected, are chased ' (by the lion). For this use of the Neuter Plural,
cp. II. 244 X'^*' ^T^^cfTTj, aiyas 6/jlov Kal ois, rd ol daneTa Trot/xa'ivovTO.
141. ctyx^'O'Ttvai, ' each close on the next,' ' thick and fast *: so 17. 361
Tol 5' dyxKTTLVOL €TTnT70V. Cp. irpo/xvrjffTivoL (Od. II. 233., 21. 230).
150. €pxop,€vois, 'when they were coming' (to Troy): so 1. 19S
kpxopLivw €ir€T€X\€. Aristarchus took it to mean * returning * (enaviovai),
i. e. that ' they never returned to have any more dreams explained.' But
the reflexion that their father's interpretation of dreams did not avail
them is more in Homer's manner : cp. 5. 53., 6. 16.
^53- TT|\vy€Ta).. Buttmann (Lexil. s.v.) showed that TrjXvyeros means
a favourite son (or daughter, see II. 3. 175). The present case, in which
there are two such sons, is evidently an exception. The word was
doubtless more or less technical, implying some special status or
privilege of the son so styled. As to the etymology nothing is known.
Apparently it is one of the Adjectives in -€tos (as drpvy-eros, epibeiK-
ero?, €pir-€T6s, &c.) ; if so, the derivations from the root yd- (-ycv-) must
be set aside.
158- X'np'»^o"TaC are the heirs who come in when the owner dies XVP^^
{ordus), = Attic bp(pavioTai. 8ia, with 8aT€ovTo.
162. PocrKop,€vda)v, partitive, ' one of those feeding.'
164. p-rjo-e KttKws, ' set them down in evil plight ' : a kind of oxymoron
as P"f{o-€ properly means ' set on their feet * : see § 60.
172. s, 'a. stranger/ i.e. an enemy.
215. 0€LT]v, Opt. in harmony with the principal Verb rdjiot : § 34, i, a.
218. ovK €or(r€Tat dXXcos, = ' things will be no better': cp. Od. 8. 176
ovdi K€v dWojs ovde 6ebs t€v^€L€. This is a kind of litotes, saying less
than is meant (§ 59).
222. Tpco'ioi, ' of Tros,' as explained in 1. 265 ff. : cp. 23. 291.
227. diroPiqcrop.ai, so Aristarchus and the best MSS. The common
reading is €Trij3T|GrojjLai. The two lines 226-7 recur at 17. 479-480, where
diropTjo-oiJiai is certainly the right word. £mpT|' Linrcuv for the ter?ninus ad quern of motion is the same in principle
as that of the locatival Dative (ttcS/o; -neoe^fell on the plain, &c.).
252. <|>6pov8' dyopcvc, * advise towards flight': cp. 16. 697 (pvyade
fivojovTo, ' bethought them of flight.'
253. dXvaKdJovTt is the emphatic word : ' to shrink in the combat.'
So fxepLvrjixevos in 1. 263.
255. a-uTcos, *as I am,' i. e. without chariot.
263. Join cTTailai ittttcov, *make a rush — do not forget — for the
horses of ^neas,' = * remember to make a rush': cp. 19. 53 ojhk ris
v^eiojv fjL€fxv7jiJL€Vos dvdpL jxaxkoOcx). So in prose, Demosth. p. 386 irpos
6€cov kpajTr)(TaT^ avTou fjL€fjLV7]/j,€voi. Other participles used in this way
are, <|>9d(ji€vos (5. 119, &c.), tuxwv (see on 1. 98).
265. TTjs Yap TOL K.T.X. The sentence is taken up again at 1. 268,
* of that breed' (I say), tjs is partitive, ' of which (breed) Zeus gave
(horses).' So in 1. 268, 'stole (a strain) from that breed,' &c.
270. "ycveOXT], as a predicate with cy^vovTO, 'were the brood that was
bred therefrom.'
271. TOTJs, for this use of the Art. with Numerals, see § 47, 2, d.
272. p,T|(rTcop€ ()>6|3oio, cp. 2. 767 (po^ov" Kp-qos (popeovaas. p,T)(TTcop6
is the reading of the best MSS. here and at 8. 108 : others have |XT)crTcopi
(ixTjCTTcopa 8. 108), thus applying the term to iEneas, cp. 4. 328. As the
horses are the main subject here, the epithet probably belongs to them.
273. For K€, which is hardly in place here, Bekker reads ye.
288. diroiravjcjOai. Most MSS. have d-rro'iTavo-aaOai : see on 3. 112.
289. TaXavpivos, 'with stout (shield of) hide,' for TaAQ-/^/)ii/o? : cp-
Ta\d-LTpvia)vos, Heracles, who in Homer is still a mortal
(here emphatically so), and an archer. The club is a later attribute.
394. Kat belongs to dvT|K€crTOv, not to the enclitic p-iv.
395. €v Toicri, ' in that number,' viz. of gods who have suffered at the
hands of men.
396. cavTos, for 6 avros, is only found here.
397. €v IlvXa) €v vcK-uecrcn. Aristarchus regarded iruXos as a Homeric
form for ttviXt], and took it here to mean the gate of the infernal regions.
The gate of Hades is a familiar idea in Homer: see 5. 646., 9. 312., and
cp. the epithet 7rv\apT7]s applied to Hades. The expression, however,
is rather forced : * in the gate among the dead ' for * in the gate of the
place of the dead.* On the other hand, when Hades is in question €v
v€Kvi€o-crL naturally means his kingdom: cp. 15. 251., Od. 12. 383. The
alternative is to take II-uXos to be the place of that name, and to refer
€v v€K\j€o-cri to the dead on a battle-field, comparing the words of Ares,
5. 886 avTOv TTTjpLaT eiraaxov €v aivyaiv veKadeaaiv, and 15. 118 K€i(j6at
ofiov v€Kv€aai. La Roche suggests that the wounding of Hades was an
incident of the expedition of Heracles to Pylos mentioned by Xestor
in II. 689 ff. The point is not one which we can hope to clear up
403. ax^TXtos, 6ppi\LOipy6s. The Nom. is used in exclamations; so
VTjmos in 406: cp. i. 231 drjuolSopos ^aai\€vs, also 2. 353 (note).
405. Crol 8' €771, — €7ri aoL,
410. Tw, 'therefore.'
414. KOvpCSiov, 'wedded,' 'lawful': see on i. 114.
416. ixw, as if from a Nom. t'xft'?, declined like t5/)a;y.
417. a\0€TO x€ip. The asyndeton may express suddenness.
422. KtJTTpLs, a name for Aphrodite, only in this book.
424. Twav TLvd .. 'Axaiia8o)v, repeated from 422.
433. 7tYva>o-Kcov, i. e. ' although he knew.' Cp. (jtavrts, 3. 44.
434. ovhi, ' not even.'
448. dSiJTcp, 'sanctuary': the word only occurs in Homer in this
passage (here and 1. 512).
450. aviTw, opposed to r€v\€craio, ' withdraw': for the Opt. with ovk dv, cp. 1. 32.
465. 'Axatois may be construed with €dcr€T€, or (as Dat. of tiie agent)
with KT€Cv€cr0ai.
473. <|)"f]S rrov, 'you thought, it seems.' IJc^jlcv, ' would hold,' defend:
the word may be chosen in allusion to the name "E/trcu/).
475. T{iis may allude especially to the absence of Paris.
477. 6V€HJi€v, 'are in (the city) as allies.'
481. Kd8 8€, sc. €\nrov: cp. 3. 268.
485. drdp, cp. the note on 2. 599.
486. wp€(r€TT]V . . Tdp<|>€ortv seems a play on words : the root
is the same.
559. Aiv€Lao, governed by x^'^P^^^^^> 3,nd so in 1. 564.
566. TTcpi . . 8C€, ' he was in fear over, on account of — .' Some take
TTcpi to be an Adverb, = ' exceedingly'; but a Preposition is wanted to
govern the Dat.
567. d'rroo-<()T|X€i€, ' baulk them,' ' cause them to fail.'
582. dYKwva is governed by pdXc in 1. 580 ; t^x^v as in 1. 98.
586. KiifjLpaxos seems to mean 'headlong': in 15. 536 it is a sub-
stantive, = the top of the helmet.
593. Kv5oip,6v, ' tumult,' is here a thing in the hands of Enyo, as the
spear is wielded by Ares. Cp. the description of Eris in 11. 4 iroXefJLoio
T€pas |X€Td X€paiv i\ova-av.
597. dirdXajjLvos, ' helpless.'
601. olov is an adverbial Acc. Neut. : oiov 8t| expresses surprise,
*to think how we wondered.' So 13. 633., 15. 287., 17. 587., Od. i.
32 (Ameis).
604. K€Lvos, 'yonder/ as 3. 391 kuvo^ 6 ye k.t.K. So o8€, 1. 175.
607. auTwv, sc. the Greeks, as the context shows.
612. Ilaicros, called 'Airaiaos in 2. 828.
621. dWa .. TCiix^a-, 'the arms as weir-, cp. 2. 191.
623. dp.<|>iPacriv, 'bestriding,' in defence: cp. 1. 21.
634. TTTucro-civ €v0d5', 'what compulsion is on you to cower here'?
= 'what obliges you to be here where you shrink from the battle'?
covTi, 'that art,' = ' since thou art.'
638. dW oiov — . The force of this phrase is somewhat clearer in
two similar places in the Odyssey — •
4. 240 travra yt.\v ovk av kyob fjLv9rjpa, as 4. 465.
693. 4>TiYT]6Ta,
' sorely spent in spirit.'
70D. €m VT](X)V, ' towards,* i. e. so as to bear do\\Ti upon : Gen. as 3. 5
TT^TOVTai €7r' 'ClK^avoio podojv.
702. p,6Td Tpu)€or(riv "'Ap'qa, 'that Ares was among the Trojans.'
This refers back to the speech of Diomede, 11. 601-6.
708. *"rXT], with V (as also in 7. 221), but v in the Catalogue (2. 500).
Zenodotus read 'T8t), perhaps supposing a different place to be intended.
There is a''T57 in Lydia (20. 3S5).
709. k€kXlp,€vos, lit. ' resting upon,' perhaps to describe a lake-village :
cp. Od. 4. 6o8 vijactjv . .ai 6' d\i KeKXiarai. Kt]4>io-i3 was the old name
of the lake Copais, from the river KrupLaos.
711. Tovs 8', sc. Hector and Ares.
715. Tov. The Art. refers to the following clause: 'we made the
promise, viz. that he should,' &c.
720. ciroLXoixcvT], 'going about the work'
723. o-tB-qpccj) djovt dp,Cs, * on the axle at each end/ explains dp.'
727. \pv § ^7, I. Cp. Od. 14.
284 V€fX€(T(TCLTai /cafccL epya.
758. c€Tai, which is defensible, the whole clause
p.dXa 8' wKa k. t. X. being epexegetic of circfyop-cvos.
906. KvScl* yaCcov, perhaps with allusion to 1. 869 irdp hi At* Kpoviwvi
The sixth book is not separated from the fifth by any appreciable
break in the narrative, indeed we can hardly place a full stop between
them. The plan of the book is as follows : —
After some unimportant combats, in which most of the Greek
leaders figure (1-72), Helenus advises Hector to return to the city,
and to bid their mother Hecuba and the other matrons offer a peplos
to Athene, with a prayer for deliverance from the hand of Diomede
(73-118). During Hector's absence from the battle occurs the
episode of the meeting of Diomede and Glaucus (119-236). Hector
delivers his message, and the solemn prayer against Diomede is offered
accordingly (237-311).
Hector then goes to the house of Paris, and urges him to return to
the field. Helen speaks to the same effect, and laments the disgrace
and misery into which she has fallen (312-369). Hector passes on
to his own house, and thence to the tower at the gate, where he has
heard that Andromache has gone with their child. He there takes
leave of her in the famous scene from which this book has its title
("EKTOpos Kal 'Av8pop,dxt]s cfjLiXCa), and returns with Paris to the
field of battle (370-529).
The division of the book at 1. 31 1 is justified by the form of transition,
which marks a pause, and the opening of a new subject, —
QJS €(paT* €vxofi€vrjy dvev€V€ be HaKKas 'AOrjvrj.
ojs at /j,€V ^' evxoPTO,
(cp. 9. I., 12. I., 16. I., 17. 424., 18. 1., 20. I., 22. I., 23. I., Od. 13. 185),
and also by the circumstance (already noticed in the introduction to
the last book, p. 295), that after this point we hear no more of the
dpto-TcCa of Diomede. He is once mentioned (1. 437), but in a way
that shows no trace of his superiority to other chiefs. On the other
hand, the two scenes which finish Hector's visit to Troy take up the
story exactly as it was left at the end of the third book. Paris had
then fled from Menelaus : now, after some dallying at home, he is
recalled to his duty by Hector. The speeches of Helen are in the
same tone as before, and serve to bring out her character more fully.
Finally the picture is completed by the passage between Hector and
Andromache, the effect of which is heightened (if that is possible) by
the artistic contrast which it makes to the preceding scene.
A word remains to be said as to the structure of this part of the
Iliad. It has been maintained that the Aristeia of Diomede is in fact
a separate poem, incorporated into the Iliad either by the original
author (if there was one author), or by an interpolator or arranger.
Such a view may seem to be confirmed by the circumstance that the
points at which the prominence of Diomede begins and ends can be so
clearly traced. These points, however, cannot be regarded as preserving
for us the limits of an originally independent poem. The first half of
the sixth book (1-311) concludes nothing, and is an integral part of a
new episode, the visit of Hector to Troy. The real question is, how
are we to account for the fact that of the three scenes which make up
this new episode the first — the meeting with Hecuba— recognises and
indeed turns upon the exceptional prowess of Diomede, while the other
two ignore it ? The explanation seems to be that the poet was obliged
in the sixth book to disguise the want of any definite result, such as
could bring the career of Diomede to a fitting close. He had also to
take up the narrative of the third book, and put an end to the situation
created by the defeat and consequent inaction of Paris. Both these
dramatic requirements are met by Hector's visit. At first Diomede is
kept in mind, both by his meeting with Glaucus and by the terror
which he excites in Troy. But with Hector's progress he is forgotten.
The sound of his exploits is allowed to die away, as it were, in the
distance : and the main thread of the story is resumed with the return
of Hector and Paris.
If this analysis is correct, we may still believe in an original ' Aristeia
of Diomede,' from which the existing Aristeia was in substance
derived. But we cannot suppose the 'for??i to be preserved. And we
must regard the sixth book as pre-supposing, not only the actual fifth
book, but also the preceding books (especially the third). That is to
say, it pre-supposes a fifth book which has its present place in the
context of the Iliad.
1 . oIwOt], * was left alone,* viz. by the gods.
2. I'Ovcre, 'aimed its course,' 'swept'; from I6vs 'aim,' 'direction,*
'effort' (1. 79). TTcSioio, gen. oi space, § 39, 3.
3. dX\T|\a)v, governed by I0t;vop.€vcov, * aiming at one another'; which
again is to be taken with y.a.\'X] in the last line.
4. Here the first reading of Aristarchus is said to have been —
fX(a(Tr]'jvs TToraixoTo XKa/jia.vdpov kol 'SiTOfMaXifxvrjs.
And another ancient reading was —
fi€(r(Trjyvs TTOTafioio ^fcajJLavbpov Kal ^ifxacvros.
The ^TOjjLaXijivT] must have been one of the shallow lakes often formed
at the mouths of rivers (like Lake Mareotis at Alexandria). The
reading which preserves such a name may be taken at least to represent
an ancient tradition.
5-72. This passage, in which most of the Greek leaders figure, may
be compared with the introduction to the Aristeia. Cp. especially
5. 37 €\€ 5' dvbpa 'iKaaros ^yefjLovctJv' npcuTos k.t.K.
15. <|>iX€€(rK€v, 'was kind to,' 'entertained' (as guests).
17. viravTLCLcras, 'meeting' [the enemy]: vtrd as in v-nofxlvcu, &c.
19. {>(j)T]vCoxos, formed like vno-bfiws, viro-^prjaTrjpy vTTO-^rjTr^Sy Sec:
* the chariot-driver under' [the chief warrior].
39. p\a'
oXcOpoi; TTcCpar', ' the ending of (i. e. the ending that consists in)
destruction'; like reXos eaj/droio, 3. 309., 5. 553, &c. On irctpap mean-
ing 'rope's end' see the note on Od. 12. 51 in Riddell and Merry's
148. copt], the reading of Aristophanes (predecessor of Aristarchus)
gives the best sense : ' and they (the leaves) come on in the spring
season.' Cp. 2. 468 oaraa re cpvWa Koi dvOea y'lyverai cupy. The word
cm^iYveTat expresses the /res/i growth of leaves : cp. e-rriyovoi = ' the
7ie2i/ generation.' Aristarchus himself read wpr], taking the clause to be
= kmyiyuofX€V7]s rrjs ojprjs. The passage is usually quoted with this
reading as an example of 'parataxis' (§ 57).
149. <|>iJ€i may be transitive, as in the j5receding line: 'bears,' 'is
fruitful,' = ' flourishes.'
1) jjL€v — fj 5' is the reading now generally adopted. It is in
harmony with the to, (x€v — dXXd 8e of 1. I47. The other reading
Ti'ip.ev — v|S' gives a fair sense: 'the race of men at one time bears, at
another ceases.' The correlatives T|p,€v — t|8€ are especially used of
alternate acts or events, cp. 5. 751, Od. 2. 69.
150. The apodosis to el eOcXets 8aTjp.€vat is understood, or rather it
is supplied by the story which follows in 1. 152 tern k.r.X.: 'if you
wish to learn these things — there is a city,' &c. Some take 8aT||xevai
as an Imperative : * if you will, then learn — ' : but this is extremely
harsh. Cp. 7. 375 at kOeKooaL iravaaaOai k.t.X. A similar ellipse is
found with cttci, as 3. 59 Itt^l fxe Kar aiaav heiKcoas (see the note).
151. 7€V€T|v. The Acc. with eiScvai is used when it means 'knowing
about ' generally : the object itself (not this or that fact about it) being
the thing known. So /xifxvTjfJLaL, 6. 222., 9. '527., 23. 361 : and e'ipofxai,
6. 239., 10. 416 , 24. 390.
152. 'E<|)vpT], the old name of Corinth, which might be said to be in
a corner (|jlvx^) the country of Argos {^rjfjios 'Apyeiouv, cp. 11. 158-9).
Possibly however ''Ap-yos heie means the Peloponnesus.
159. 'Ap-yctcov, to be taken with 8Tip,ov (1. 158). Note the order of
the narrative ; the poet first gives the main fact (11. 158-9), then goes
back a little way for the details and causes (11. 160 ff.).
lha\ia.(T06pa, 'life-destroying,' as Od. 2. 329 ^. <^np/ia/ra, = 'poisons * :
or perhaps ' corrupting the mind,' i. e. instilling fear or hatred ; cp. Od
4. 716., 10. 363., 19. 323.
177. €poLTO, Mid. ' brought with him,' as his credential.
1 79. ap,aip.aK€TT)v, probably a kind of intensive form of fxaKpos, cp.
(CTToy dfxaifxdK€Tos (Od. 14. 311) 'a monstrously tall mast.'
182. 8€iv6v may go with jjl€vos, or (better) as an adverb with diro-
irvcCowa, * breathing a terrible breath, the fury of blazing fire ' : cp.
1. 470 dcivop . . pevovra 'nodding fearfully/ also Od. 4. 406 triKpov
diTOirueiovaai d\6s troXv^fvOios odfjLrjv.
184. SoXvjioKTL. The early inhabitants ofLycia, according to Hero-
dotus (i. 173), were the Mt Aua(, anciently called ^6\vfj,oi. Cp. Od. 5. 283.
186. dvTLav€ipas, ' a match for men,' cp. 3. 189.
187. TTVKivov, 'closely wrought,' hence 'crafty.'
192. 8180V 8* K.T.X. is subordinate in sense : 'he kept him in Lycia,
giving him his daughter to wife ' : cp. 8180^ in 1. 219, and see § 27.
195. pcvas c'leXcTo Zevs. Any strange thought was attributed to
the direct agency of some god : cp. 7. 360., 9. 377., 12. 234., Od. 23. 11.,
&c. The notion of romantic generosity is foreign to the Iliad.
237. For <(>'r]Yov some good MSS. have injpYcv : perhaps rightly, since
the oak was too far out in the plain for the women to come.
239. €ip6p,€vai, 'asking about' (generally), cp. 1. 151.
240. He bade them pray,' which was the main object of his coming.
By this answer he evaded their questions.
241. KTjSc* e(i)f^'irTO, cp. 2. 15.
242. dXX' 0T6 8t|, the apodosis is in 1. 251, €vOa k.t.X.
243. aiOo\3(rT|(ri, the Instrumental Dat., in the comitative use, § 38, 3.
248. T€Y€oi, ' with roofs ' ; doubtless of some particular kind.
251. '!]'rrtc8a>pos, * gracious giver,' cp. 1. 394.
252. The ancienls took €adYovo-a = * going to visit ' : but there is no
support for this sense of d'70;.
255. Hecuba answers her own question: rj |jiap ttov, ' straightway,' is
attractive. pcva may be the subject of €K\€\a0€o-0at (or better) Acc.
of the seat of feeling, § 37, 4. Zenodotus read i\ov r\rop.
289. irajiTTOiKiXoi, ' all covered with embroidery,' cp. 1. 294.
The four lines 289-292 are quoted by Herodotus (2. 116) as helping
to show that Homer knew of the story according to which Paris went
with Helen to Egypt, where she remained during the war : whereas
according to the Cypria (an epic anciently ascribed to Homer) the
journey from Sparta was accomplished in three days. Probably Homer
had an imperfect notion of the distance of Phoenicia. It is worth
notice that he mentions Sidon several times, but not Tyre.
291. cTrnrXcos, 2 Aor. Part. ; the Indie. kn-cnXcos occurs in Od. 3. 15.
292. 636v, with r\yayG as a 'cognate' Acc.
301. cXoX-uYf], a cry raised by women at a sacred rite, cp. Od. 3. 450.
305. pvo-iiTToXi, 'shielder of the city.'
311. dv€V€V€. Nodding the reverse way, by throwing back the head,
is still in the East the gesture answering to our shake of the head.
316. We have here the three principal parts of a house, the a\)\-{] or
court-yard, the 8(o(xa, i. e. the chief hall (also called ^(yapov), and the
OdXap,os, the women's apartment. See Mr. Gardner's paper on 'the
palaces of Komer,' /ourfi. of Hell. Stud. III. p. 264.
319. 8ovp6s. to be taken with irdpotOe, 'at the head of the spear,'
rather than with aixfJLT| in the next line.
321. cirovra, ' busy with ' : this is the only certain instance of the simple
Verb cVcu. The original meaning is probably 'to handle,' as Mr. Leaf
has shown {Jour^i. of Philology, xiv. p. 23 1) : cp. d6(ovTa in the next line.
326. 8aip,6vi'. This address expresses painful surprise: see i. 561.
NOTES, LINES 255-396.
o\i \ih Ka\a K.T.X. * it is not well that you have,' &c. The assump-
tion that the inactivity of Paris is due to anger at the Trojans is made
in ironical politeness, to avoid imputing cowardice.
331. TTvpos, Gen. of material, § 39, 4.
335. Tpwcjv \ok^, 'anger at the Trojans see § 39, i.
336. ax€t TrpoTpaTT€o-0ai, 'to give way to vexation.* In these words,
and again in 1. 339 vikt) 8' €ira(X€ij3€Tai av8pas, 'victory takes men in
turn,' Paris alludes to the events of the third book ; cp. especially
3- 439- For CTrap-eCpcTai cp. 15. 684 aWor aXKov dfjLH/Seiai.
340. Sijo), Aor. Subj., expressing /z^r/^i-^ or resolution, § 31, i.
344. 6Kpvo€cro-r]S, 'a thing of horror'; from Kpvos 'chill.' The
proper form of the word is Kpvofis, not oKpvons : the original reading
here must have been KaKop.T]xavoo Kpvoco-o-ris, § 19, 3.
348. dTr6€po-€, 'would have swept me away,' the Aor. Indie, express-
ing a subordinate part or consequence of the unfulfilled wish ws jx' o€\'
K.T.X. Cp. Od. I. 218, and the Attic use after ws and I'va.
349. T€K|xT|pavTO, 'have arranged,' 'ordained,' esp. used of divine
counsels, as 7. 70 (Kpoi/idrjs) fcaKoi (ppoveojv TeKp,a'ip€Tai afKpoiTepoiaL : Od.
10. 563 dW-qv 5' TiiXLV ohuv TiKpirjpaTO KipK-q.
35 T. OS fjST], Indie, as in 1. 348: 'one that had been alive to the
indignation and many reproaches of men.* For the wide use of oi8a,
cp. 2. 213., 5. 326 oTi 01 cf)p€alv dpTia rjdr].
361. circo-crvTai 6<|>pa, see 4. 465.
368. 8a|x6a)criv, Fut , § 12, 3 : ' the time is come (t^St)) that they will
subdue me, cause me to fall.'
370. €\) vaierdovTas, 'good to dwell in,' cp. Od. I. 404 'IOclktjs €ti
vauTowa-qSy 'while Ithaca is still a dwelling-place.'
376. €1 8' d^e, see i. 302. The 8' may be for 8t|, § 51, 6.
378, 379. The main question put is, ' has she gone to the house of a
sister-in-law or to the temple' ? The first member of the question is
again subdivided by the alternatives 4s ya-Xoccv r\ clvarcpajv. Thus the
first T|€ is answered by tj in 1. 379, the r\ of 1. 378 being subordinate.
382. eirel k.t.X. The apodosis is unexpressed, see on 3. 59., 6. 150.
394. 'iro\ij8copos, 'bountiful giver,' like 7j-ni6^copos, 1. 251. So Ameis :
older explanations are, ' earned by many gifts ' {fivpia Uva, see 22. 471),
and ' furnished with many gifts ' (such as Agamemnon promises, 9. 147
€70; 5' cnl ixeiKia dwaaj ttoWcl fxaX\ oVa' cv -naj ris efj kirebojKe Ovyarpi).
The first of these answers to the ordinary custom of the time, which
was that the bride was bought by the husband, but is hardly a natural
meaning for the word, especially as the price of a bride is not called 8wpa.
396. 'HcTitov, Nom. to suit the following clause (§ 58, 3), cp. 14. 75
yrjfs oaai .. eXKojjx^v: and especially Od. 8. 74 —
Mouo"' dp' doihbv dvrjfccv deiZepLdvai KXia dvhpwv,
oifjLTjs Tjjs TOT dpa k\€OS ovpavov evpvv 'Uave.
See also on 2. 232. But possibly it is of the nature of an exclamation,
like the Nominatives noticed on 2. 353 : cp. Od. i. 50, 51 —
vrjQw kv dpKpipvTTi, 6O1 r 6/z0a\os Icrri OaXdaarj^'
vrjcros Bev^prjcaaa, OecL 6* kv dujuara vaUi.
397. These Kl\lk€s seem to be in Mysia : the historical Cilicia is
much too distant for a raiding expedition from the Troad.
400. vi?|mov avTOJS, ' an infant and no more.'
403. €piJ€To, 'shielded,' * was champion/ the proper office of an dVa£.
407. C cp. 3. 146. The omission of Achilles here is worth
notice. It seems to show that Andromache is speaking of attacks made
in the course of the same day. On the other hand, she ignores the
dpicTTeia of Diomede ; see the introduction to Book V (p. 294).
438. OcoTTpomcov. This is merely a conventional way of accounting
for knowledge: cp. Od. 16. 356 rj tis a(piv to5' 'ienr^ 6(cuv, ^ etatbov
avToi. The words probably suggested the later story told by Pindar
(Ol. 8. 40 ff.), according to which Apollo prophesied that Troy would
NOTES. LINES 397-478.
be taken through the part of the walls built by ^acus, the mortal who
had helped Apollo and Poseidon in the work.
450. Tpco'jov aX^os, 'sorrow for the Trojans,' § 39, i.
452. The difference between the Opt. 01 k€v .. ttco-oicv and the Subj.
oT€ K€v . . a-yirjTai evidently is that the first is the case which the speaker
does not care about, and therefore treats as comparatively remote.
456. irpos aWrjs, * at the beck of another.'
457. A fountain *TiTfp€ia, in the north of Thessaly, is mentioned in
the Catalogue (2. 734). Pausanias saw one called Mcctcttjis at Therapne
in Laconia : but Strabo tells us that the inhabitants of Pharsalus pointed
out both these fountains near their city, on the site (as they believed) of
the Homeric 'EAAds. Such identifications are of course valuable only as
showing the popular interest in Homer. We may observe that the
knowledge of Greek localities here ascribed to Hector is somewhat
unlikely. This is a natural piece of forgetfulness 011 the part of a poet
who was doubtless familiar with the names himself.
459. Kai iTOTc TLS eiTTTicri, Subj. of confident prediction, § 29, 4. Cp.
again the close imitation in the speech of Tecmessa, Soph. Aj. 500 —
:caL Tts TTiKpou TTpoacpOey/xa deaTroTiuv hpii
\6yois idwTOJV, i'Sere rfjv 6ix^vv€tlv
AiavTOSj OS jxiyiaTOV lax^o'f: CTpaTov,
oias KaTpcias duO' otov CrjXov rpicpei'
roiaiiT kp(i Tis.
463. The Inf. djivvciv goes with the whole phrase X'h'^^'^ toioCS' dvSpos
{ = 6ti ovk tariv dvrjp roiuade) rather than with TOtoOSe alone : cp. Od. 2.
58 ov yap €7r' dvrjp, oios 'Odvaaevs €crK€v, dprjv diro oikov dfivpai^with the
note in Riddell and Merry's edition. Cp. also II. 15. 254 —
6dp(T€i vvv ' roLQV 701 doacrjTTjpa Kpoviojv
1^ ''idrjS TTp0€7JK€ TTap^GTapLivm Kot dpLVUtlV^
where the Infinitives evidently depend upon npoerjice.
465. Some read Trptv iVt, 'before ever I hear,' tri being used as
with negatives (cp. 1. 367). But irpiv yk ri is simpler, and is supported
by the MSS.
'TTvOco-Oat properly suits xO€is gives the reason of €kXiv0t] idxwv : Top-
PT|cras is a further explanation of drvxOeis : and voTjcras gives the reason
of Tapj3T)(ras, * frightened when he perceived.'
470. 8€ivov is an Adv., with vcvovra, cp. 3. 337.
478. The meaning is, as the t€ shows, 'to be like me (wSc) both
mighty and a ruler of Troy.' But, by an anacoluthon of the kind noticed
on 3. 80, dvdo-o-civ reverts to the main construction, thus standing instead
oi [y^yiadai'] duaKra. See § 58, i.
479. Most MSS. have €iirr](Tw (as 1. 459), but citroi is required by the
general sense, cp. <|)«poi in the next line. The first syllable of Trarpos
could not be made short in Homer, § 52.
480. dviovra. The Acc. is used with €iit€iv, ' to say' [a thing about a
person] : the thing said being irarpos 7' 08c iroWov dp,eCva>v : § 37, 7.
483. KiqcoSci, ' fragrant.'
484. -^^Kacrada, ^ with a smile/ * breaking into a smile.'
486. 8aip,ovi7] is a word of rebuke, here of course softened by the tone
of the speaker. Cp. the two uses, 2. 190, 200.
488. 'rr€())i;Y|x€vov, ' out of reach of,' in a state of safety.
489. Toi TTpwra. On the Art. see 4. 424. Cp. also Hdt. 7. 203 ^tvai
h\ 6vr}Tov ovhiva ..to) KaKov dpx'^s Yivop.€vco ov avvefxixOr] : Cic. Balb.
§ 18 *in qua fortuna est nascendi initio constitutus.'
492. iroXeixos 8' avSpccro-i p-eXTjcrci. Cp. Aesch. Sept. 200 —
fi€\(i yap dvdpi, jx^ yvv^ /3ov\€V€Tcu,
rd^ooBiV €v5ov 5' ovaa pirj PXdPrjv riOn.
Also Eur. Heracl. 711 dvhpwv yap dXfcrj- aol be xp^ tovtwv piiKup, The
words are quoted in Ar. Lys. 520.
496. GaXepov, cp. 2. 266.
500. Yoov, probably Aor., related to yodoj as earvyov to aTvyioj, &c.
506. dKocTTTjo-as, ' having fed on barley': d/coarrj is said to have been
a word for barley in some dialects (Buttm. Lex. s.v.).
507. KpoaCvcov, * clattering,' apparently a sort of frequentative of
Kpovou, Join 0€tT] ircSCoio, § 39, 3.
508. iroraixoio, Gen. as 5. 6 Xekovfiei^os 'ClKcavoTo.
510-11. 6 8'.. <|>€p€i. An anacoluthon of a kind unusual in Homer.
The object is to give the effect of a quick and abrupt movement.
511. T]0€a, 'abode,* 'haunts.'
513. 'TTap,ct)aCva)v, ' glittering,' see 5. 6. TiXcKTwp, ^ the sun.*
518. T|0€i€, a form of address customary between brothers and intimate
friends ; said to be especially used to an elder brother.
-rj p,dXa K.T. \. The speech is ironical, as Paris wishes to boast of
his quickness. It may be taken interrogatively: 'have I kept you
waiting '?
523. TO may be taken with cjjlov Krjp, or (better) as an adverbial Acc.
with dxvvTai, * is grieved thereat,' cp. 3. 176.
524. €v OvjjLcp can hardly be taken as a description of the place of the
Ktjp (like ^Top kul (ppeoi, Krjp kv OTrjOeaai), since 0vp.6s is the least /oca/
of the words of this kind. Rather cfxov Kfip axvurai is a periphrasis for
axvvfiai, and ev 0v|jl(S means 'deeply,' 'heartily': cp. 3. 9 kv 6vpLa>
fiffiaoLiTcs. As Ameis points out, the Homeric way of saying that a
person speaks to Aimset/, thinks within hiinself, &c., is to use a peri-
phrasis with Qvp.i)S or a similar word : a hero speaks irpos ov pL^yaX-qTopa
6vfi6v, &c.
NOTES, LINES 479-529.
aicrxca, 'reproaches,' cp. 1. 351. virkp atOev, * on your account/
i. e. for which you are answerable.
528. KpTjTT^pa cXetiOcpov, 'a bowl in honour of deliverance.'
529. cXdo-avTas, Acc. in spite of Swt), cp. 2. 113 (^with the note).
The long day of debate and battle that begins with the second book
is now brought to a close by the duel of Hector and Ajax. This is
followed by a pause in the war. The Trojans offer to restore the
possessions which Paris had carried off along with Helen, and propose
a truce for burying the dead. The truce is accepted. The Greeks
raise a mound over their dead, and fortify their camp with a rampart
and ditch.
The seventh book takes rp the slory of the war in harmony with the
conclusion of Book VI. Hector and Paris appear on the scene, and
the Trojans are gaining some advantage when Hector is led to propose
the duel. The events of the earlier part of the day — the treaty and its
violation — are referred to in his challenge (1. 69 ff.), and again by
Antenor in the Trojan assembly, as a reason for restoring Helen
(1. 351 ff.). Achilles is twice mentioned (11. 113, 22cS), and his absence
is conspicuous throughout ; especially (e. g.) in the list of Greek
champions in 11. 162-168. On the other hand, as in the later part of
Book VI (p. 309), the Aristeia of Diomede is ignored. Ajax is the hero
uf the day, not only after his doubtful victory over Hector (1. 321), but
also in the estimation of the Greeks before the combat takes place
(11. 1 79, 183). There is some awkwardness, too, in the second occurrence,
on the same day, of such an incident as a duel between champions of the
two contending parties : and after the breach of faith with which the
first ended it seems strange that a second should be jToposed by
Hector, and readily accepted. It has been asked, further, why the
Trojan assembly should meet in a panic, to discuss the restoration of
Helen, while the Greeks for the first time feel the need of fortifying
their camp.
With regard to the two last points, we may fairly answer that the
day's fighting has been on the whole indecisive, and discouraging to
both sides. It is true that this is not the impression given us by the
fifth book. But that is merely part of the genei al want of reference to
the fifth book already noticed. Moreover, the readiness of the Trojans
to purchase peace by sacrificing Helen has been already shown by the
speech of the elders (3. 159, 160), and therefore needs no new explana-
tion. And the building of the wall round the camp may be intended as
an anticipation of the battles of which it is the scene, and also as a mark
of the difference made by the absence of Achilles (cp. his words, 9. 348-
355). As to the repetition of the duel episode, it may be enough to say
that the two occasions differ in almost every respect, and that they are
separated by the long interval (poetically speaking) of the Aristeia of
Diomede. It is strange, however, that Paris, whose return to the war is
described with so much circumstance, should do nothing of importance.
And generally it must be admitted that in dramatic interest, and perhaps
also in style and treatment, the seventh book falls below the general
level of the Iliad.
5. cTTCi K€ Kd|ia)o-i, cp. I. 168.
6. vTTo is adverbial, ' beneath them.*
7. €€\5o|jL€vow(n gives the point of the comparison : for the Dat. cp.
the common phrases ^ovXofxivo) fioi kcTi, &c.
11. *'EKTCDp 8' K.T.X., the apodosis to 1. 8 6 ji€v k.t.X., but no longer
construed with €X€tt]v : cp. 3. 80 (§57).
12. dvT)s, the 'rim' of the helmet, which passed round the back
of the head. Or it may here mean the helmet itself, as in 10. 30.
15. €md\p.€vov, * when he had leaped up into ' [his chariot].
21. nepYdjxov, where Apollo usually was, cp. 4 508., 5. 460. For
cKKaTiSwv (which ignores the f , § 54) read cKKaricov.
26. IrcpaXKca vCkt|v. The common interpretations are (i) 'victory
that gives strength to one of the two sides,' * decisive victory ' (trcpos as
in 1. 378 60/77 8' kripoiai ye vU-qv), and (2) 'victory that gives strength
to the other side,' that changes the fortune of a battle. But in 15. 738
(the only place where the epithet is not applied to 'victory') krepaXKia
dq/xov €XovT€s seems to mean 'having a people to gain fresh help from':
and this sense fits the other places. Hence ' victory of other strength '
= ' a victory not won by themselves.' Here the ' other strength ' is that of
Athene herself ; and Apollo means to hint that the victory so given
would not be a fair one. So in 17. 627-630 Ajax perceives that Zeus
is giving kr^paXKea vIktjv to the Trojans, and cries out that plainly
Tpujeaai iraTrjp Zivs avrbs dprjyci. And in Od. 22. 236 Athene —
oij TTOJ irdyxv 5/5ou krepaXKea vifcrjv,
dXX* €T dpa aOcufos t€ nal dXKrjs 'n€ip7]ri(€v
rjiilv *O^vaari0Sf Tjd' vlov Kv^aXifioio,
i. e. she did not yet bring her own might (dXKrj) to decide the victory,
but still tried the strength and dXK-rj of Ulysses and his son.
The use of €T€paXKr]s pLaxr] in Herodotus (9. 103, cp. 8. 11) for 'in-
decisive battle,' pugna anceps, may be a reminiscence of Homer; but
this sense does not suit the Homeric passages.
NOTES, LINES 5-80. 321
30. jAaxVovT[ai]. The Fut. is used of what will follow as a matter
of course, and thus implies indiffere7tce, in contrast to the Subj. iravicroj-
|i,€v: cp. 6. 71., 7. 116.
T€KjAwp, lit. 'contriving/ « making/ hence the * settlement con-
trived ' by a superior power, esp. a final, definite 'settlement,' Moom,' &c.
The TiKixcop of Troy is the winding up, the final crisis, of its history.
39. irpoKaXco-o-CTai. is 1 Aor. Subj.
ol60€v otos, ' singly and alone ' ( = avrbs md' aviov). The meaning
/xoVoy TTpbs fxSvop (Schol.) does not suit 1. 226. The phrase can hardly
be explained logically: it is an imitation of aWoOcv oiXXos and similar
pairs (in which the repetition has a definite meaning). Cp. ahoOeu
aivws in 1. 97. Such forms are rare in Homer ; hence it is singular that
there are three instances in this book.
42. €iT6po-€Lav. The Opt. expresses the remoter expected result ; the
purpose having been given by the Subj. irpoKaXcWcrai, § 34, 2, a.
44. o-uvOero, 'understood.'
46. Trap' *'EKTop[a], Acc. as 8. 280 GTT] h\ Trap* avTov iojv,
48. T) pd vv» jAot Ti mOolo, need not be a question : cp. 4. 93.
52. emo-Treiv, ^ to deal with,' 'go through with,' Lat. obire.
53. The gods did not say explicitly that Hector would not be slain ;
but Helenus may be supposed to infer this. He ' understood their
purpose,' which was simply to stop the battle for the day, and he put it
in as encouraging a form as possible.
55. \kk(T(Tov 8ovpos IXwv, a sign of truce, cp. 3. 76-78.
59. opvio-Lv €oik6t€s al^v iTioipov€cov : cp. 6. 349 knel
rdde 7' wde 6(01 Ka/cd refc^rjpavTo (with the note).
73. v^ilv 8', the apodosis to op/cia [jlIv — (1. 69). The ydp, however,
indicates that the reason is put first, so that 1. 73 is parenthetical in
sense, and the real apodosis is given in 11. 74, 75.
76. €mp,dpTvpos, 'a present witness,' a compound like km^ov/coAOs,
79. 86p,€vai. The Inf. for the Third Person Imperative: so 6. 92.
80. \c\dxwo-i, 'give me my portion,' i. e. duly bum the body : § 28, 2.
83. €KaTOS is a short form equivalent to kKarrj^oKos, * far-shooting.'
87. KaC iTOT€ Tis eiiTxio-t, a recurring formula, see 6. 459.
89. cTTjjjLa. There are mounds on the coast of the Troad, called by
tradition the tombs of Achilles, Ajax, Antilochus, Patroclus.
95. vciK€i, 'with railing,' sharp rebuke.
96. Cp. Virgil's imitation, ^n. 9. 617 O vere Fhrygiae, neque enifn
97. aiv60€v alvus, a phrase like oldOw oTos (1. 39), a kind of 'second
power ' of aivus.
99, -uScup Kal 7ata, the elements of which men were supposed to be
formed : Hesiod, Op. 61 yaiav vdn (pvpeiv (of the creation of woman).
100. aKTjptoi, 'lifeless,' cp. 21. 466 (pOivvdovaiv aK-qpLoi, 'waste away
and have no life in them'; also 5. 812. oLkXccs, by hyphaeresis, for
clkX^Us : cp. diroaipco (i. 275). Or it may be a Neut., used adverbially.
102. vCktjs TTcipaT' cxovrat. There is a play on the double meaning
ofirctpap: the 'end,' i.e. decision, consummation, of victory, and the
* end ' in the literal sense, as of a rope. The word €XovTai is chosen
because it suits the latter: so 7. 402 oXiOpov TTcipar €(l)r]irTai, *the ends
of destruction are fastened^
no. dvd 8€ o-X€0, ' but bear up,' ' put a check on yourself.*
III. The €pis is the strife or rivalry out which the combat arises;
hence €^ €ptSos p-dx^cr^O't is practically ' to fight a match,' ' to pit your-
self against . . in fighting': cp. Od. 4. 343 \^ epidos ^i\oix7]\ddri kird\ai is the
regular word for smith's work, cp. 12. 296., 20. 270. Tychius indeed
was a worker in leather (1. 221) : but the division of labour had not then
been carried far.
226. OLoOcv oios, 'alone for yourself,' significant repetition from 1. 39.
228. \L€r 'AxiXX-fja, 'after Achilles ' (in order).
229, 230. See 2. 771, 772.
232. Kai emphasises iroXces, 'not one, but manyJ*
apx€, ' begin,' i. e. take the first spear-throw, cp. 1. 244.
235. ireipTiTtJc, 'try me,' i.e. try to frighten me.
238. Pwv, 'an ox-hide shield,* cp. 12. 105 Tv/cTrjai Poccrcri, and 12. 137
fioas avas. Pwv is said to be Doric for jSouv : it is probably the original
form, cp. Sanskrit gaus, Acc. g-dm. It was read in this place by Aris-
tarchus : other ancient readings are PoOv (Aristoph.), pji (Herodian).
239. TO \ioi co-Tt raXavptvov iroXep-iJciv. The chief question here is
whether to is Nom. or Acc. If Nom., it refers either to the shield, or
(more probably) to the whole fact just asserted: 'which thing (viz.
the skill to use a shield) is mine wherewith to be a stout-shielded
warrior.' If to is an Acc, it is used adverbially (as in 3-176 to kuI
KXaiovaa riTrjKa, &c.), and the sense is, ' wherefore I have wherewith to
be a stout-shielded warrior.' For this use of the Inf. after eo-Tt cp.
2. 291 (with the note). Cp. also 2. 451 kv b\ aOevos wpa^v kKaffrq)
KapdiTj dWrjKToy iroXf/xi^civ ride /xdx^aOai.
With TaXavpivov ttoXcijli j|€iv is to be compared the phrase raXavpivos
iro\€fJiiaTr]s, applied in the Iliad to Ares (5. 289, &c.), meaning 'a shield-
enduring warrior,' one stubborn in the use of his shield: TaXa-fpivos
like Ta\a-iT€v$rj^, TaXa-ircipios, Ta\a-epy6s, all of which express endu7^
ance. Here TaXavpivov may be an Adjective used predicatively, ' to
fight as a sturdy wielder of the shield,' or an Adverb with much the
same force ( cp. aWrjKTov iroKefii^dv).
240. ciraijai, 'to dash on through^: liri as in kiroix^ffOai, kcpiTiuv,
241. 87]ia) p,€X'iT€o-0ai *'ApT] t, 'to sing and dance, make sport, for Ares
the destroyer.' Cp. Tyrtaeus, fr. 16 ay€T w ^-napras 'ivonXoi Kovpoi ttotI
TOLv "Apcos KLvaaiv (Dod.). Notice the oxymoron in ixcXireo-Oai : § 60.
242. The Yotp introduces the reason for giving notice that he is about
to strike ; viz. unwillingness to take Ajax at a disadvantage.
243. XdOpT], with PaXcciv (1. 242),
6miT€V(ras, 'watching his advantage.' On the form see 4. 371.
249-254 are repeated from the former combat, 3. 355-360.
259. See 3. 348.
261. o-Tv[i€(TOa k.t.X,
296. avrdp e-yw k.t.X. After av t' kvipp-qvrjs . . 'Axcttov? we expect
€70; T€ (or KoX (yoj) Tpuas ev(ppr]vco, but an independent sentence is
substituted: see § 58, and the notes on 3. 80, 6. 478., 7. 11, 418.,
8. 346., 12. 237, 447. ^
298. at T€ |xoi €v\6[ji€vai K.T X. These words seem to imply some
sort of divine honours: cp. 11. 761 trdvTfs 5' (vx^tocovto Ofwu Ail
"SicTTopi T dvdpcuv, 22. 394 a) TpcDc? fcaTci darv Oecp ojs cvx^tooijvto.
0€iov S-uo-ovrat dywva, 'will enter the assembly of the gods/ i.e.
held in their honour ; perhaps with the notion of their presence at the
festival. In 18. 376 the same phrase is applied to the meetings of the
gods themselves. Cp. 15. 428 vcwv Iv dycvvi, ' in the gathering-place of
the ships,' i. e. the camp.
301. €pt8os TTcpL, lit. 'over strife/ i.e. with nothing in dispute apart
from the contest itself. Thus the meaning is practically the same as 1^
€pi8os (1. Ill), viz. 'in pure combativeness ' : cp. and crnovbTjs, 1. 359.
305. 8l8ov, Impf. ' gave at the same time/ ' gave in return,' § 27.
310. ctcX 7rT€ovT€s, = ort deXiTToi rjaav, 'not having had hope.'
313. -ycvovTO, ' came to be/ 'got to/ cp. 8. 117.
316. d}jLls coOo-a, * being round it.'
343. cmPpCo-p, ' press in with overwhelming weight.'
346. T€TpT)Xvia, 'disordered,' cp. 2. 95 rcTprjx^i 5' dyopri. The two
epithets Scivi^ t. supplement each other, = * in fearful disorder.'
npidp,oio Gvp-flo-i, see 2. 788.
352. \l/€vo-iXa is the predicate in sense: ' this that you now say is not
pleasing to me.'
358. |x09ov, a proposal, a 'thing to say.'
359. dird o-Trov8T]S, ' in earnest.' •
362. dir6(|>T]p,i, 'I say right out,' 'declare,* cp. 9. 309 XP^ '''^^
fivOov dTrr]\€y€iv, an Instrumental or ' comitative ' form, see § 40.
371. €YpT|Yop0€, Pf. Mid., ' keep awake,' cp. eyp-qyopOai (10. 67).
375. at K* cOcXcoo-i iraijo-acrOai k.t.X. The apodosis is not expressed; |
= ' if they will — , let it be so.' Cp. 6. 150 (note). ^
376. Swrixeos, 'evil-sounding.'
380. This line is not in the best MSS., and is doubtless an interpola-
tion. The phrase Kard arpaTov €v T€X6€cro-Lv is not appropriate ; it
should be Kard tttoXiv, as in 1. 370. The line is doubtless taken from
18. 298, where Kara arparov is rightly used.
387. ai K€ iTcp . . 7€voiTO is probably a courteous formula, ' an it
please you.' The Opt. is due to the past Tense i^vwy^*"
393- "n H-V* be sure the Trojans bid h.\m,' although they bid
400. 'AXcJdvSpoio, with 86X€o-9Ti'n'Tai, cp. 1. 102.
NOTES. LINES 334-467.
403. €maxov, * shouted therewith,' in assent.
408. a\i<^Lt • about,' of a matter at issue between ^wo parties.
409. ov ydp Tis €L8a) v€Kva)v k.tA. ' there is (i. e. there should be)
no grudging, as to the dead, in regard to soothing them with fire,' i.e.
* no one should be unwilling to appease the dead with fire.' ov <))€i8co =
ov xp^ (peideaOai (like ov vefx^ais, ' it is not a case for anger,' &c.).
TTvpos is Gen. of material, as irpTjaat irvpus, &c.
411. opKia Z\ Zctis icTTco, ' to the treaty (i. e. about the burning of the
dead) let Zeus be witness.'
418. v€Kvds T dY(p,€v, €T€pov 8c, a slight anacoluthon : instead of
v^Kvas T€ vkrjv re (or V€Kvas t€ Kal v\t)j/) dyijjiev, the second object is
expressed by an independent clause (§ 58).
421-3. irpoo-cPaXXcv . . ol 8' tJvtcov, i.e. 'as the sun was striking
with his darts, they began to meet.' This is still the day which began
at 1.381: the embassy being over at or soon after day-break. It appears
to end at 1. 432, though the coming on of night is not mentioned.
425. The dead were taken home by their friends, so that d|xafdo)v
€7rd€ipav implies 8i€Yvo)K€v ayt\k€v, ' gave to be brought to the
473 ff. The Greeks pay with their spoil — raw material and slaves.
478. o-povi, 'with serious mind,' i. e. meaning it seriously.
48. rdpYapov, Acc. of the part, in x\pposition to the whole (^I8tiv).
53. SciTTvov, the mid-day meal, see 11. 84-86. It is commonly taken
before a battle, cp. 2. 381., 19. 171. The evening meal is hopnov, cp.
7. 370, 466., 8. 503., 9. 88, &c. In Attic the dopnov disappears, and the
BeiTTvov takes its place : just as the modern ' dinner ' takes the place of
the old-fashioned 'supper.'
54. diro 8' avTov, ' and thereupon,' ' straightway.'
58, 59. Repetition of 2. 809, 810 : and 11. 60-65 4- 44^-451 ; 11. 66,
67 of II. 84, 85.
67. T|'TTT€To, 'took hold,' i.e. hit their aim, told on the enemy.
68. dfJL<|)ij3€pT|K€i, 'bestrode/ i. e. stood at the middle and highest point.
70. 81J0 Kfjpe, 'two fates,' i.e. two lots signifying death. The dual
cJco-O-qv in 1. 74 would show that there were two lots for each side. But
the two lines 73, 74 were rejected by Aristarchus. TavT|\€Y€os, an
unexplained word, probably from dXeyoj, like Sva-rjXfyrjs, ' grievous,'
d7r-7;\€7€c«;y, ' without recking,' vrjKeyrjs, * reckless ' (Alcm.). It may mean
'causing long care.'
72. €\k€, 'drew up,' so as to give the scales free play, cp. 12. 434.
75. a^TOS, i.e. as his own act, in contradistinction to the result of the
77. viTo, * beneath,* i. e. in their knees.
81. €T€Cp€TO, 'was in trouble.* There was also a reading eSdjivaro.
83. iTpwrai Tpix€S, * the foremost hair ' (of the mane), iiriraiv, * of a
horse*: Plural as 4. 142 naprjiov €fjLfi€vat lttttojv.
84. KaCpiov, a vital place: cp. it. 439.
85. d\"yT|o-as, Aor. of the access of pain. dv-ciraXro, from irdWofiai,
86. iiriTovs, * the chariot and horses.'
KvXtv86fji€vos ir€pl x^i-Xkco, ' writhing round the arrow point ' : cp.
13. 441 €p€iK6fJi€vos n€pl dovpt, also 13. 570., 18. 231, &c.
87. irap-qopCas, the wounded horse being a iraprjopos, see on 7. 156.
88. <|>ao"ydva) dicrpova
irupov €0T]K€, ic.T.X. This is an anacoluthon of a kind unusual in
189. Rejected by the aacients/on account of the strangeness of giving
wine to horses, which is spoken of here as if it were the ordinary
190. r[ l\Loi, Here we must supply out of irvpov IOiqkcv k.tX, the
more general idea ' set food before,' * attended to * (Zeugma).
193. irdcrav xpvor€iT]v €jji€vai, * that it is all of gold,' Inf. depending
on kXcos ov>pavov ikcl ( = it is reported). No such shield is mentioned
197. €mpT]cr€p,€v, Fut. Inf. ' that I shall force to embark.*
198. v€p.€crT]o-€, Aor. ' was moved to indignation.'
200. avTiov T]\j8a, ' addressed,' ' bespoke.* Elsewhere these words
generally mean ' spoke against,' or ' in reply.'
204. j3ovX€o, * you used to wish.* So Heyne : most editors take it as
an Imperative, ' do you wish,' * you on your part ought to wish.'
206. Zfjv, an old form of the Ace, related to Zeuj nearly as ^ibv to
^ovs (7. 238).
207. aKaxoiTO KaOTjp.€vos, ' he would have the vexation of sitting
quiet,' i. e. he would have to sit idle, however vexed he might be.
209. dTrTO-circs. The first part of the word is probably from a root
meaning to 'throw' or 'dash' (whence also kapos €€pY€. Thc spacc described
is probably the interval between the fortification (the wall with the
outer trench) and the ships. Some (as Hentze, following Giseke and
La Roche) take diro irvpYov Tdpos cepye to be the important words, =
* the space from the wall to the trench,' and understand Ik vtjwv to
mean merely ' outside the ships ' (cp. 15. 391 nix^os df^pe^jLaxovro Oodwv
€fCTo6i VTjcbv). This seems forced, and it is not likely that the trench was
at any distance from the wall. Faesi, on the other hand, joins irvp-
yov Tdva)S. The Pf. is regularly used of the tone or pitch of the
voice : § 26, 3.
229. 0T6 8t| <{)ap.€v, explaining €vixt»\ai, * the boasting of the time
when we thought.'
230. ottot' €v At|p,vcj), sc. t}T€. The ellipse is certainly harsh. Others
join ottot'.. T|Yopdao-0€, supposing that the Verb which, should govern as
is forgotten, or understood out of T|Yopdacr9€.
233. av9', for avra, 'opposite,' ' facing.'
234. djiot, in the literal sense, ' the counterpoise to,* *a match for.'
236. ='has any king ever been befooled like me'?
239. €v0d8€ €ppcov, 'as I came on this quest.' The proper sense of
€ppco {feppoj) is obscure. It may have meant ' to go,' or 'to turn ' (root
var). In general, however, it has a distinctly unfavourable force ; note
esp. the Imperative t/jpe, 'be off,' 'go about your business,' Ippirco
(9-377, &c.).
-243. aiuTovs 8t| TTcp, * ourselves at least,' if we are not to conquer the
247. TeXetoraTov, i. e. the surest to make the sign good, to bring
fulfilment. The sign is the escape of the fawn by falling near the altar
of Zeus.
250. 'Travop,4)aicp, ' from whom all voices (i. e. omens) come.'
254. irdpos, ' before,* ' in front of: the only instance of ndpos govern-
ing a Gen. ctx^p-cv, ' to have held,' i. e. ' guided,* 'driven.'
257. eTpairev, ' had turned,' when the blow was struck.
261. Tov 8€ |X€t', sc. k^rikaaav, understood out of 11. 253-5 > °^ '^'-s
-jTpOTCpos . . €v|aTO . . cJcXdo-ai being = TrpcDros k^rfKaoe.
The list of nine chiefs differs from that of 7. 162-8, by including
Teucer and Menelaus, and leaving out Thoas and Ulysses. As to
Ulysses, cp. 8. 92-98.
266. iraXivTOva. This is either a general epithet of the bow, ' bending
back,' ' elastic,' or (more probably) it denotes a particular kind of bow
(so certainly in Hdt. 7. 69, where it is used to distinguish the bows of
the Arabians), viz. those with the ends curving in the opposite way
to the centre, ^'^^^—..^'^ ^''^ ^
268. 'U7r€|€ 80 (note).
348. dp,nr€piorTpcua, * wheeled about this way and that.'
349. TopYovs ofAjiar , ' eyes [as the eyes] of the Gorgon/ cp. 11. 36.
NOTES. LINES 270-439.
355- ^•''"Ti» '^y the onset/ the * swing* of his attack.
358. ovTos 7€, emphasised in contrast to irarTip ov\l6s in 1. 360, Zeus
being the real enemy.
361. cp.wv p,€V€a>v dTr€po)€t»s, lit, * one that causes the starting back,'
the collapse or recoil, * of my furious efforts.'
363. It is best to join T6tp6ji€vov vtto, 'when in distress under (by
reason of) the tasks,' &c.
367. 'rrpovTT^\L\\f€v, sc. EvpvaOivs. The story may be the same as the
one told by Dione, 5. 395-402.
368. Ktiva. The name Kep^epos is not Homeric.
369. alird, ' steep-falling,' rapid.
373. ot' &v . . ei'iTT], 'when he s/iall call me,' Subj. of confident
prophecy, § 31, 2.
376. 0copT|Jo|iat, Aor. Subj.
378. Join 7Ti0T|cr€i vwL 'irpo<|)av€VT€, 'will be glad at our appearing.*
It is in sense an Acc. of the thing \ cp. 13. 352 tjx^^to yap pa Tpouaip
dafivafxevovs, 'he was vexed at their being conquered by the Trojans':
see § 37, 7. irpoi serving as an
475 > 476. Rejected by Aristarchus, because (i) TjixartTcp would not be
used of the very next day, and (2) they did not fight over Patroclus by
the ships, but in the open plain. Moreover, there is no apodosis to
01 |Jl€V.
482. oi»8' T^v €V0' repeats ovi8' €i k€, 1. 478, there being no full stop at
1. 481 : cp. 6. 58 }n)h' .. /Z7;5' os . . , and 9. 385-391.
487. dcKouo-iv is the important word ; cp. 7. 7.
491. vcKticov 8i€c|)aiv€T0, 'appeared clear among the dead,' between
the spaces covered with dead.
500. o viiv €crda)cr€ p.d\icrTa, ' which this time has done most in saving.*
503. €cj>oiT\io-6p,€(r0a, i Aor. Subj. 'let us furnish forth.'
505. dj€(r0€ (so Aristarchus), Aor. like e-n^aov, l^ov (§9, 3). The
MSS. generally have dJacrOc : cp. d^ovro (1. 545), and d^cre (3. 105).
507. o-LTov T€, sc. Ko^ii^^aOe or the like, understood out of otvifcaOc :
a Zeugma.
€171, ' with,' to accompany the corn and wine.
512. jJiT| p,dv .. cmPaicv, a strong assertion under the form of a wish:
' they will not embark, let us not think it,* &c. Cp. Od. 7. 316 //^ tovto
^ a\a, and thus Agamem-
non is to know his folly — i. e. not merely to confess it, which Mr. Grote
would think enough, but to feel all its bitter consequences.
These considerations, however, do not do more than show that the
ninth book, if it is an addition, is a skilful and effective one. Other
arguments have been found in peculiarities of language, and in allu-
sions indicating a more advanced state of knowledge than is found
elsewhere in the Iliad. With regard to the language, see the notes ^
11. 42, 143, 337, 417, 684. Traces of a later geography may be seen in
the mention of Egypt (1. 382), and of Delphi (under the older name
TLvQoi, 1. 405), the use of the name 'EXXds (11. 447, 478), the Dolopes
(1. 484), and the seven towns of Pylus (in 11. 150 ff., cp. 2. 591). See
also the notes on the division of the spoil (1. 333), the destiny of
Achilles (1. 410), and the allegorical or quasi-allegorical passage,
11. 502 ff.
The style of the ninth book is unequal. The scene in the tent of
Achilles is exceptionally fine : it may be doubted, however, whether the
sustained rhetoric of the speeches is quite Homeric. The earlier part
of the book is much below this level, though not perhaps inferior to
most of the seventh and eighth books. Of this fact (if it be one) various
explanations might be given. In any case, if the ninth book is pro-
nounced to be a later accretion, the eighth can hardly stand as part of
the original scheme. The disasters which it relates serve no dramatic
purpose except to prepare for the great scene of the embassy.
2. ijja, 'panic': no clear distinction is to be drawn between \;\aKT'f]pas, so that the sense would be, 'let each division post its
watch.' XcJdo-OoLV, cp. 8. 519.
68. cireira, 'after that,' i. e. as to the next step to be taken.
69. apx€, ' lead the way,' ' take action explained by 8aCvu k.t.X.
70. Nestor's language is curiously emphatic, considering that it was
customary for the chiefs to feast in Agamemnon's tent (4. 343., 7- 3'3)'
Possibly Nestor wishes in this way to hint at the importance of the
proposal which he intends to make.
72. T|p,aTCat, 'daily.' 0pT)KT]0€v, Lemnos, from which the Greeks
were said in 7. 467 to get wine, is doubtless included under the term
' Thrace.' Cp. however Od. 9. 196 ff.
73. ■uTToSeJCtj, 'means of entertainment': collective rather than
75. xp^w, a shorter form of XP^*-*^* 'need,' used with the Acc. owing
to a peculiar ellipse of ikclvci or the like (cp. XP^^^ iKaverai, 10. 118.,
II. 609, also X- i'^^'j 10. 1 4 2). The ellipse is so far forgotten that we
even find x- ^otl, x- yiyvcrai, but still with an Acc. of the person.
77. Td8€ YT]0T|o-€i€v, Acc. § 37, I.
89. doXXcas TjYc, ' brought to a meeting together.'
97. €V 'whatever it is in which he (the one whose advice
you take) leads the way': crco cjcrat, ' will attach to you,' i.e. you will
be (regarded as) the author of it : cp. Od. 1 1 . 346 'PiKKivoov V \k tov5'
€X€Tat ipyov T€ €7roy re (depends upon).
106. k% €Ti ToO oT€, ' ever from the time that,' &c.
107. 'AxiX-fjos, with kXi(tit]0€v.
TIG. €Tio-av, viz. by the defeat of the Greeks, as 1. 118.
115. ij/eOBos, a kind of cognate Acc. with KarcXc^as, 'no false tale
hast thou told of,' &c. : cp. Od. 7. 297 ravra .. dXrjOcirjv KariXe^a.
aras, ' acts of drrj/ i. e. blindness or infatuation.
117. 4>iXt|o"q, 'has come to love,' Aor., as 3. 415.
NOTES. LINES 64-160.
118. Sdp.aaac Be, i.e. in having subdued.
121. 6vop,T|vca, 'I will set forth,' i.e. state the particulars: Subj. of
purpose, § 29, i.
122. dinjpovs, ^untouched by fire/ i.e. not yet used : cp. 23. 267.
TdXavra, much smaller than the talents of historical times ; cp. 23.
269, where two talents are less than the value of a \k^r]T]p.'fja-ai, liitguis favere,^' to observe silence.' The word
does not occur elsewhere in Homer.
1 76. cTrapldjjLcvoi 86Trc5L€o-€ai dXKTjv, ' put on prowess/ as though it was a garment or
piece of armour, i. e. make ready to exert your strength.
235. o-XTio'€cr9ai, 'that they will be kept back.'
€v vr\v(Tl . . TtecrUcrBai, said here of the Trojan attack, as 13. 742 ;
elsewhere of the flight of the Greeks, as 2. 175., 12. 126.
241. o-TeOrai, see 2. 597., 3. 83.
243. 6pivop.€vo\;s, 'driven about,' ' confounded': cp. 8. 183.
245. cI't], Opt. of the further consequence, in contrast to €KT€\€crco fi'^ay.
261. djia, 'sufficient,' outweighing the wrong done, cp. 8. 234.
262. €1 8c, with an Imper, as in 1. 46. KaraXcJco, Aor. Subj.
263. €v KXiaCrjcri, i. e. of things already in his possession : when Troy
is taken (1. 277) he will add much more.
264-299 repeat 11. 122-157 with little change.
279. VT]T|o-a€T6pda)V can
only refer to dv8pd(ri : it is an emphatic Possessive — 'their wives, not
ours.' For this use of the Reflexive Pronoun cp. 6. 500 at yi\v crt ^(mov
yOOV '^FiKTOpa W €1/1 OLKCO.
333. 8id . . 8ao"dcrK€TO, Tmesis. The representation of Agamemnon
dividing the spoil at his own will does not agree with what is said else-
where : cp. especially i. 161, 162 —
Kol 677 ixoi ycpas avros dcpaiprjCcaOai dndX^rs,
' there only,' ' there and no further ' : but there is
no clear instance of such an adverbial use. €}jlijjlv€, * used to await.'
359. There is here a change of construction : after the Participles
p€|as and VT]T|cras we expect a Verb such as irXevao/jLai, for which the
more picturesque o\|/€at . . vfjas €(xds is substituted. The change is saved
from harshness, however, by the clause €7rT|v aXaSe Trpocpvo-o-co, with
which pcjas and vT|T|cras can be construed : cp. 8. 269.
364. €v0d8€ cppcov, see 8. 239; cp. cppcrco {infra, 1. 377).
367. cXaxov Y€, ' got as my share' in the general division : the 76
points the contrast to Y€pas, the prize which (as he here says) Aga-
memnon had given. See 1. 3.^3 (note).
374. oti5€ p<€v €pYov, ' nor assuredly in a deed,' i. e. still less in action
than in counsel. With cp-yov we must understand (out of crvp,c|>pa.' atiTcp, * round myself.' vvKxas, Acc. of time, 'during the nights.'
As to i'avov see on 1. 325.
472. aiGovo-T), the colonnade inside the entrance of the av\r\ or court-
yard: cp. Od. 22. 449 (with Mr. Merry's note).
473. TrpoBoixo), a portico at the entrance of the house.
478. 8t' *E\Xd8os, see 1. 447.
482. TT]\ti7€Tov, see 5. 153. cm, 'furnished with.*
484. AoXoTTCo-o-iv, not elsewhere mentioned in Homer.
489. TTpoTaficov, i. e. giving you the first piece cut.
493. o, ' that,* see § 48, 2.
498. dp€TT|, the most comprehensive word, • worth,' * power,' &c.
499. KaC emphasises tov»s, 'even they, surely' (|Ji.€v).
500. irapaTpcaTTcocr', * turn from their purpose ' : rpcondou is to rpi-noj
as (TTpoocpdoj, vcofiao) to arpicpoj, vijJLOJ. But see H, G. § 55, 9.
502. Kai yap k.t.X., explaining Xio-or6p.€vot : 'men pray — for there are
such beings as Prayers/ &c.
The description that follows is in accordance with the primitive
habit of thought which regards every agency or influence as personal in
its nature. Compare the passage about Ate in II. 19. 91 ff- —
Upia^a Aios dv^drrjp" hrr), rj iravras daTai
ouXopievrj' rrj fjiev 6' dTra\ol vodes, ov yap kir* ovdci
niXvaTai^ dAA.' dpa ij y€ Kar dvhpuv Kpdara fiaivci.
Cp. also the picture of Strife, II. 4. 441 ff., and of such powers as
Flight, Tumult, &c. (II. 9. 2., 18. 535). In this instance the personifica-
tion is drawn out with more detail than usual, and in a style that suggests
allegorising — that is to say, a process in which the poet was fully con-
scious of the difference between the thing prayer and the persons that
he was imagining. Whether such a mental process as this is one
which can be attributed to a poet of the Homeric age is a difficult
historical question. Mr. Grote at one time regarded the passage as
allegorical, but afterwards changed his mind, being convinced 'that the
idea of allegory in reference to the construction of the mythes was alto-
gether inadmissible.' See Grote, Hist, of Greece, I. p. 570 (ed. 1846),
with the note on p. 574 (ed. 1851), and Mill, Dissertations and Dis-
cussions, vol. ii. p. 305.
504. dXcYovcri, ' look to ' the mischief Ate does.
508. ai8€VT]v, a word of unknown meaning.
540. cOcov has the force of an Adverb, * after its wont * {^looOoTm), cp.
16. 260 ovs TTaTdes kpih^aivojaiv eOovr^s.
541. TTpoOcXvp.va, 'in layers/ i.e. so thickly that they overlapped as
they lay; so of shields, 13. 130 (ppd^avres .. golkos aaK^'C irpoOeXv^vw : cp.
T€Tpa0€Xv|jLvos, 'made of four layers of hide.' In later poets (and
perhaps in 10. 15) it is used 2.s = 7Tp6ppi(os.
547. d[jL' aiiTw, ' over it,' viz. the boar.
552. The Curetes were the besiegers, according to 1. 531 : hence the
T€ixos mentioned here must be the fortification of their camp. The
Greeks were at the time in the same position.
554. OL8av€i, Transitive, ' causes to swell.'
557. EuTjvivT] is a Fem. patronymic, 'daughter of Euenus.'
559. €i\€To t6£ov, ' took up his bow,' viz. when Apollo took Marpessa
from him (1. 564).
561. TT|v 8c, viz. Cleopatra. For the name given to commemorate
the mother's story, cp. ' Megapenthes ' son of Menelaus (Od. 4. 11), and
' Odysseus ' (Od. 19. 407 ff.) The story of Alcyone as told by later poets
seems to be unknown to Homer.
566. 45 dp€0)v, ' in consequence of the curses.'
567. KacriYVT|Toto. In the later form of the story Althaea had several
brothers, who were killed by Meleager. <|>6voio, ' on account of the
slaughter,' with dxcowa.
568. yaiav . . dXoCa, the form of invoking the gods under the earth.
570. Trpoxvu Ka0€jo(ji€VT], 'sinking down on her knees.'
571. 8cp,€v, with T|pdTO and dXoia, ' that they should give.'
573. Twv 84, sc. the Curetes, with op,a8os.
580. 'n"€8toLo is a partitive Gen., like the Gen. of materiaL
TajjL€o-0ai is parallel in construction to cXeaOai, instead of depend-
ing on it : cp. 3. 79, 80.
583. KoXXiiTds, 'knit together/ 'well made fast.' o-avi8as, 'folding-
doors.' YOVV01JJJL6VOS, lit. 'clasping the knees,' but here in the derived
sense, ' as he entreated '; since Oeneus was outside the door of the room.
589. Paivov. . €V€'Trp7]0ov, Impf. 'were now mounting,' &c.
593. dv8pas |JL€v K.T.X., subordinate in sense, 'how they slay the men,*
&c. dp,a0ijv€i, ' levels with the ground.'
594. dXXoi, 'others,' i.e. 'strangers': cp. 3. 301 d'Xoxot 5' dWoiai
bafieiev, 6. 456 irpos dWrjs larov v(paivois.
598. ci'Jas a Qv\ico, i. e. not for the gifts, but moved by this appeal.
599. Kal aureus, i. e. without them.
601. KaKiov, * less well,' sc. than now, when you are offered gifts.
602. Ctrl 8(opois, 'on the terms of receiving gifts.'
605. TijjLf,s, generally taken to be contracted from rifirf^i^, as Tt(XTivTa
(18. 475) for ri/xrj€VTa, T€\yi\cr(Tai {Od. 7. 1 10) for rfx^Tjeaaai.
608. <))pov€Ci), nearly = 5o«€r ftot, ' my mind is,' ' I choose.' Atos aio-rj,
'in the award of Zeus.' The phrase generally means simply the
'destiny assigned by Zeus' (as 17. 321., Od. 9. 52) ; but here there is a
play on the other sense of ato-a, viz. ' estimation,' * place in a scale of
honour,' cp. hv fcapbs atari (1. 378).
609. T) [A* €^€1, 'which (aio-a) shall abide with me,' cp. 17. 143 § c'
avToos k\€Os kaOKov ex^i'
613. *Atp€l5t| . . ()>€pct)v xcip'-v, 'doing the pleasure of Atrides.'
615. KaXov Toi, 'it is well for you,' i. e. your duty rather is.
617. auToOu, * where you are.' § 9, 3.
619. Achilles is now so far moved as to doubt about returning.
620. €Tr' 64)p^ari v€0o-€, cp. I. 528.
625. T€\€VTT|, 'accomplishment,' i.e. result. jivGoio, 'of our speech,'
i.e. of the message which we bring {ryde y' obw).
629. a^piov is predicative: 'has made his spirit cruel within him,'
i. e. hardened his heart to be cruel. With 0€to, cp. 1. 637 Ov/jlov . . dcol
632. s which attached to guests.
642. KTiSio-TOL, 'the most valued,' 'nearest.'
645. Ti, with €€LD-ao, qualifies the admission, =' what you have said
is all in a manner to my liking, but — '; cp. Od. 9. 11 tovto ri /jloi kolK-
Xiarov kvi (pp€(Tiy eideTai thai, aoi 5' l/xa KrjSca 6vp.6s €iT€Tparr€TO arovo-
cvTa e'lpeffO', i. e. * everything is here to make me happy, but — .'
647. dcrij<|)T]\ov, Acc. Neut., seems to mean 'an insulting thing':
but the derivation of the word is unknown. i'pfjev takes a double
648. p.6Tavdo-TY]v, 'a sojourner,' one who has no rights of citizenship,
and may therefore be outraged with impunity.
650. The dyyikiTj follows, introduced by -ydp = ' namely.'
654. d|X(j5i, 'round,' 'in the neighbourhood of.'
655. 11(1X115, with crxT|cr€crOai, 'will refrain himself from the battle.'
657. o-TreCo-avTCS. A libation was usual as a parting ceremony, cp. 1.
712, also Od. 7. 138 (2 TTUfxcLTq) anhbeaKov ore pLvrjaaiaTo koitov.
661. dcoTov, * the flock.*
671. 8€i8€xaT[o], cp. 4. 4.
673. \l\ i.e. p.0L, §51, 5. iroXmivos, 'worthy of much praise'; or
(as Buttm. Lex. s. v. alvos) ' of much wise speech.*
68 r. (TOCOS, see 1. 424.
684. Kai 8' dv . . irapajivOTio-ao-Oai, the only instance of dv with an
NOTES. LINES 609-698.
Inf. in Homer: the result of turning 1. 417 nal 5' dv. . irapafxyOrjaaifirji/
into the oratio obliqua.
691. €mr]Tai, Subj. because the event is future, § 34, 2, c.
698. yA\ 6<|)€X6s, 'would that you had not — ' : logically the jiT| belongs
to Xio-o'ccrOai.
The tenth book, entitled AoXcovcCa, forms a detached episode of the
Iliad. During the night which follows the unsuccessful embassy Diomede
and Ulysses sally forth to reconnoitre the enemy's position. From the
spy Dolon, who has been sent forth by Hector with a similar object,
they hear of the newly come Thracian king Rhesus, whose horses and
armour are of more than mortal beauty. They kill Rhesus with many
of his followers, and ride the horses back to the Greek camp.
The relation of the Doloneia to the rest of the Iliad has long been
matter of discussion. The Greek commentators mention a tradition
(not noticed however in the oldest scholia) that it was originally a
separate poem, and was inserted in its present place by Pisistratus.
This tradition has no value as evidence, since it cannot rest on any
other ground than the intrinsic probabilities of the case : but it shows
that these had excited the attention of ancient scholars. It is not likely,
indeed, that the book ever existed as a separate poem : but that it is
later than the bulk of the Iliad is almost certain. The following are the
chief reasons for this opinion : —
1. The tenth book comes in awkwardly after the ninth. That there
should be some episode to occupy the night before books xi-xvii is
natural, and dramatically appropriate. But the ninth book satisfies
this want completely. A second quite distinct episode interferes with
the effect of the first.
2. The introductory part of the book is cumbrous, and out of pro-
portion to the adventure of the two heroes. First Agamemnon and
Menelaus are awake with anxiety : then they go and waken the other
chiefs in succession — all being fully described (1-179). The chiefs then
go together to visit the watch, and hold a council on the battlefield of
the day before, to concert measures in the desperate position of affairs.
Nestor proposes that some one should go and try to find out what the
Trojans are doing. Diomede volunteers to go, and chooses Ulysses as
his companion (180-253). The real story of the book then begins.
3. There is no trace of Rhesus and his Thracians in any other part of
the Iliad.
4. The language shows exceptionally numerous traces of later forma-
tion. Such are,— the Perfects in -Ka from derivative Verbs, P€PCt)K€v,
irapcpxoJKcv, dBtjKOTCS : the Aor. 0T|KaTO (for eOcTo, § 5, 2) : the 3 Sing.
Pres! jjL€ei€i (1. 121) : the Second Fut. Pass. iJL\,y'X]0ai'r]O'L (see
on 1. 346), the Gen. or Dat. Sing. Kpvjts (11. 31 1, 398, 447), Slottttjp, 'a spy,' and SioirTciia),
aPpordfco, dir]0€cro-a>, Bpatvo), BccXos. We may add oirXa in the sense of
*arms,' w^hich is only found in II. 18. 613., 19. 21. Some words in this
book are common in the Odyssey, but not found in the Iliad : as 86o-is,
4)Tip,is, 8aCTT], 86Ja : to which may be added the rarer dwreco, d8T]K6T€S,
6p<\>vaij] (vv^), and the forms €io-0a and ToiGr8€0"crL.
8. The style and tone of the book is unlike that of the Iliad. It is
rather akin to comedy, not in the vein which sometimes appears in the
Iliad (e.g. in the Olympic scenes), but of a rough, practical kind. The
whole incident has the character of a farcical interlude, and as such it is
out of harmony with the tragic elevation of the Iliad.
4. 6p(xaCvovTa, 'stirring,' 'turning over': so 1. 28 * stirring up' war.
6. d0€oiviK6€i,.
160. 0pa)o-|xcp ireSCoio, * the springing of the plain,' i.e. the rising
ground, apparently near the Greek camp : cp. 11. 56 with 8. 560.
164. dpottv, 'from their eyelids.*
188. vuKTa, Acc. oi duration of time.
ij^Lv, ' flight/ a word only found in this book (11. 398, 447).
324. diro 86^T)S, 'away from expectation/ 'disappointing.'
326. jjL€\XowL . . pov\eiJ€iv, 'are likely to be holding counsel.'
330. H-'H H-^^ • • fiTroxTjo-cTat. For |xt| with the Indie, in oaths, cp.
9. 133. Tois iTTTTOtcriv, ' that chariot,' Art. referring to 1. 322.
344. iTcSCoio, partitive Gen., like oSou in 4. 382.
346. 7rapa4>0aC'r]cri. This is the best attested reading : it is meant for
an Opt., the -ai being added in imitation of the Subj. in --go-i (for -xi).
Thus it is a ' pseudo-archaism.'
350. d(t)pa8CT|Ci;XaKds, Acc. by attraction to the Relatival clause ds etpeai.
417. K€Kpip,€VT], 'told off,' posted expressly as a watch.
418. oio-iv dvaYKT], 'who needs must,' as they are defending their
homes, cp. 1. 422. Tpwcov is emphatic, opposed to WiKovpoi.
424. irws ydp — , ' nay, how — * ? But we should probably read (with
Cobet) TTcos rdp, see 1. 61. Some MSS. have ttws t' dp.
428. Trpos with the Gen. means 'in the direction of,' without imply-
"ing motion either io or from.
429. The A€\€Y€s and KavKcoves are not in the Catalogue.
431. tiriTOKopvcrTai, see 2. i (note).
434. oi8€, used adverbially, 'here are the Thracians.*
437. The Nom. is used as a kind of exclamation, cp. i. 231., 2. 353.
442. 'Tr€\d(rcr€TOv, Aor. in -crov, § 9, 3.
447. (xoi, Dat. ethicus^ used ironically.
457. <|)0€Y'yop,€vov, 'as he cried aloud' (not 'spoke,' as Aen. 10. 554^
463. cTTiSoxTOfJicO' is the reading of Aristarchus ; most MSS. have
€mPa)cr6|jie9'. From 22. 254 —
dA.\' 076 Seupo ^€ous (mScO/xe^a, roX yap dpiaroi
jxdpTVpoi 'iaaovrai kol kiriaKoiroi dpfjLovidojv,
it may be inferred that €m8co€p€, * bring out,' *show'; cp. Od. 6. 92 Qoois epida wpo-
(pepovaai, = ' in keen rivalry.'
480. p,€\€ov, 'idly,' an Adverb, as 16. 336 fxiKcov 5' TjKovTiaav.
482. Tw, i.e. Diomede.
483. €7Tia8T]v, • turning from one to another.'
485. dcnr]jjiavTOio-LV, cp. 15. 325 arj^avropos ov irapcovros.
487. cTTcpxcTO, 'went over or round ^ [destroying].
489. ttXti^cic, Opt. of indefinite frequency, § 34, i,d.
493. dT|6€(r(rov, ' were unaccustomed.'
495. TOY TpLcrKai8€KaT0v, 'him for the thirteenth.*
496. KaKov ovap, *an evil sort of dream,' i.e. not a dream at all, but
the real Diomede : a good example of oxymoron (§ 60).
497. Tfjv vvKra, * for that night.' But neither the Article nor the Acc.
of duration is in place here. This line is probably spurious.
499. ortiv 8' i]€ip€v, 'he coupled them,' 'harnessed them together'; cp.
15. 680 €7r€i \k iToXkojv niavpas avvacipfTai i'mrovs, also the derivative
o"vvT]opos, 'yoke-fellow.' He must at the same time have bridled them
(perhaps this is implied by the word avvaeipco), and mounted one : cp.
11. 514, 527. ^
502. movfj(ri. This word is only used in the Plural, here and 15. 633.
It has a more concrete sense than (povos ; * the act or circu7nstances of
524. OvvovTcov, 'as they came in hot haste.*
528. €vapa, of Dolon, 1. 458 ff.
531. This line is wanting in some of the best MSS. It occurs in
II. 520, where it is more appropriate.
534. \|;€iJcro|jLai t) iVvp-ov €p€a) ; shall I deceive (i.e. be wrong) or
speak the truth (be right) ? ' The doubt refers not to the next line,
but to the hope expressed in 1. 536, that the horses heard may prove
to be driven by Ulysses and Diomede. KcXerai 8c p,€ 0v|x6s is an
apology for speaking when he was not sure. The line occurs also in
Od. 4. 140.
535. djji4)C, because the sound was in both ears : cp. 2. 41, also the
note on 1. 103.
537. cXao-aiaro, 'may have driven': cp. 1. 538, also Od. 21. 395.
538. yA\t\. iraOwo-Lv, * lest they have suffered,' cp. i. 555.
544. Cp. 9. 673.
547. For the Nom. cp. 1. 437.
548. o{(8€ TL is a sufficient hint of the new course
which the action of the poem is destined to take — viz. that the de-
struction of the Greeks will be averted, and that the death of Patroclus
will put an end to the 'wrath,' and bring Achilles once more into the
field. Indeed the sending of Patroclus is itself an anticipation of this
all-important change in the temper of the hero. Thus it prepares us
for that development of the story which we have in books xvi-xxii, and
upon which the incomparable dramatic interest of the Iliad mainly
It is worth notice that the change from the battle on the plain to the
tent of Nestor, like other changes of scene in the Iliad, is so managed
as to cause the least possible break in the action. The interval during
which Nestor is on his way to the ships (521-595) is filled by incidents :
Hector who had been in the same part of the field goes to resist Ajax :
Eurypylus, in supporting Ajax, receives his wound : Achilles sends
Patroclus. Similarly the conversation of Nestor with Patroclus gives
time for Eurypylus to reach the camp : and the meeting of Patroclus
and Eurypylus keeps us in mind of the battle still drawing nearer, and
thus leads on to the reixofJiaxicL of the next book. Cp. the notes on
I. 493., 3. 121.. 6. 119.
It is true that some of the details in this part of the Iliad are not free
from difficulty. It is strange (e. g.) that Patroclus should delay so long
with Eurypylus, and that when he returns to Achilles (at the beginning
of book xvi) he should not have a word to say about Machaon. There
is some want of clearness, too, in the movements of the heroes during
the battle, especially on the Trojan side. In 11. 343-346 Hector is
opposed to Diomede and Ulysses, and he is presently put hors de combat
for a time by Diomede (355 f). But in 11. 497-501 he appears in a
different part of the field (/«ix^y dpLffTcpd), where he has been doing
great deeds against Nestor, Idomeneus, and Machaon, — and whence he
is recalled in order to oppose Ajax. Similarly Paris is first near Hector,
where he wounds Diomede ; then he is on the left, and wounds Machaon ;
and finally he is near Ajax, and wounds Eurypylus. But these difficul-
ties are not removed by Lachmann's separate ' lays,* or indeed by any
theory of the Iliad.
The story which Nestor tells of the war between the Pylians and
Eleans (670-762) is probably a later addition. It is quite out of
keeping with the situation, and spoils the effect of the characteristic
story which follows (765-790). See the notes on 11. 671, 699, 704.
4. TToXcixoio Tcpas, ' a sign of war.' The nature of this sign which
Strife holds in her hands has been variously guessed at. The aegis is
once called Aids ripas (5. 742); the rainbow is a rcpas iroXifJioio (17.
548) ; lightning is an omen of war (10. 5). Strife is described as hold-
ing 'the tumult of fighting' (5.593). But the explanations suggested
by these passages are not satisfactory.
5-9. These verses are a repetition of 8. 222-226.
II. op9ia, *in shrill tones.'
13, 14 also occur in 2. 453, 454, where they are more appropriate.
Here there has been no talk of returning.
i6ff. The arming of Agamemnon is described here because his
Aristeia is about to follow.
21. KijupovSc, * as far as Cyprus,* cp 4. 455.
22. dvaiT\€\Jo-€dva)T0, 'was set in a ring/ i.e. the Gorgon head was in a
circular form, occupying (cttC) the centre of the shield, round the
6fi(pa\69. FopYO), called Topyeir] K€(pa\rj, 5. 741.
37. 8€ip.6s T€ 4)oPos T€, i.e. figures representing Terror and Flight;
see on 5. 739.
40. djidav . .