Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofverycOOpete THE ' f • - K I * (■ •' ■ r ~ O' ia.- OF rf' A VERY CHOICE AND HIGHLY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF CAPITAL PICTURES, OF THE ITALIAN,ENGLISH,DUTCH,FLEMISHandFRENCH SCHOOLS, THE PROPERTY OF 33erson0 of ijigl) Bistmction, ; The major Part of known Celebrity, defervedly eftimated as the molt perfect Works thofe great Mafters ; ‘i i JULIO ROMANO, BASSANO, SNEYDERS, TITIANO VECELLI, RUBENS, VERNET, PERINO DEL VAGA, VAN DYCK, JACOB RUYSDAEL, TINTORETTO, PAUL POTTER, JOHN BOTH, POALO VERONESE, CLAUDE LORRAINE, M'EENIX, GUERCINO, KARIL DU JARDIN, DE HEEM, ANNIBALI CARACCI, VANDER IIEYDEN, Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS, LUDOVICO CARACCI, DAVID TENTERS, Jun. VEST, SCHIAVONI, ALBERT CUYP, GAINSBOROUGH, GASFAR POUSSIN, VTLLIAM VAN DE VELDE, &c. &c. &c. BOLOGNESE, REMBRANDT, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY PETER COXE, BURRELL, & FOSTER, AT MR. SQUIBB’s ROOM, SAVILLE PASSAGE, On Wednesday, May 12,1 802, and following Day, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had (at One Shilling each) at .,the. Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Peter. Cox£, Burrell, and Foster, Throgmorton Street. ContJftiottS of §>ale* I That the highest Bidder be the Purchaser ; but should any Dispute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot or Lots, to be put up again and refold. II. That no Person advance less than Two Shillings and Sixpence. Above Five Pounds, Five Shillings. Above Ten Pounds, Ten SJiillings and Sixpence, and fo on in Proportion. ilL That the Purchasers give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and pay down immediately Twenty Pounds per Cent, in Part of the Pur- chase Money ; and the Remainder on or before the Delivery iV. That the Lots fliall be abfolutely taken away within Two Days after the Sale, with all Faults, and under all Descriptions, and at the Expence of the Purchafen And Laftly. That upon Failure of complying with these Conditions, the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited : all Lots uncleared after the Time limited shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale ; and the Deficiency, if any, attending such Re-sale, together with aH Charges, be made good by the Defaulter of the present Sale. m. THE CATALOGUE, &c. &c. Firft Day’s Sale, WEDNESDAY MAY the \2th, 1802. PICTURES, Anderson 1 Italian 2 Ostade 3 Bamboccio 4 D. Teniers 5 Permagiano 6 Teniers 7 Rathbone & Ibbet- 8 son Teniers 9 P. Wouvermans 10 A Sea piece, a highly esteemed modern painter Nymphs and Satyrs bathing Butchers regaling, after Figures in an interior, a small upright A winter piece A madona with St. John, after A pair, landscape and figures, upright, stile of A pair, landscape and figures, and coal pit, compa- nion Landscape and figures, a pair A winter scene { 4 ) Teniers 11 A landscape, and figures playing at bowls, a pleasing performance, after Van Dyck 12 A boy’s head Teniers 13 Dutch boors reading and smoaking Guido 14 The head of a magdalen, after \^an Dyck 15 King Charles I, and family, a sketch Cannaletti 16 A view in Venice Van Goyen 17 A small sea view, upright Marco Ricci 18 A land storm Schidone 19 The charity, after Andrea Sacchi 20 The vision of the AVhIte Friars, after R. Cleveley 21 A sea view, Dutch boat Cuyp 22 Cattle piece, after Flemish 23 A boy playing on a guitar Francisco Mile 24 A small landscape and figures Vanderelst 25 A portrait Vanderelst 26 A portrait of himself Morland 27 Landscape with cattle and figures Cuylenburg 28 Figures and landscape, historical Ruysdael 29 The extremity of a rich wood, with a waterfall, a most desirable specimen of the master Sal. Rosa SO Tlie holy soldier !Mompert 31 Figures in a landscape Gasper Poussin 32 Landscape and figures, a grand sketch Georgione 33 Equestrian figure, very spirited Hobbima 34 A landscape with building and figures, a fine light on the building ^lichael Angelo de 35 Battaille An army, with the attack of the baggage in the distance t 5 ) Cuylenburg 36 Nymphs in a landscape, upright Van Brussel 37 Flowers and fruit, beautifully finished Van Brussel 38 Flowers with a bird’s nest, the. companion 'Vander Does 39 Figures and cattle, in a landscape, upright Julio Romano 40 The triumph of Venus, from the collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds ISIorillio 41 lire shepherds’ olfering, with angels hovering over Peter de Neef 42 The interior of a church, with figures, a high finished performance Carpioni 43 Figures sitting at a table, a repast La Croix 44 A sea port with a castle and shipping, painted in the stile, and with the excellence of Vernet La Croix 45 A storm, the companion, of equal merit De Marne 46 A landscape with cattle and figures, a very high finished and beautiful performance Raphael 47 Holy family, a very fine and early copy — this picture was presented by the Cardinal Aldobrandini, at Rome, to Monsieur Bethune, Ambassador at that time from France Caspar Poussin 48 A landscape with buildings and figures,, a capital performance Rubens 8c Sneyder 49 A market scene, finely coloured and designed, an admirable performance, the fruit true to nature and beautifully painted Bolognese 50 Holy family, in a landscape Luca Giordano 51 Jupiter and Leda, a rich and glowing colored picture De Heusch 52 A grand interesting picture, landscape and figures, a rich extended and mountainous scene Ruysdael 53 A village, with a mountainous scene, and a grand sky in the horizon ( 6 ) Old Teniers 54 Vander Heyden 55 ’^^’’y’^ants 56 De Vlieger 57 A. y // ^ B. C. D. David Teniers, Jun. 58 Titian 59 V/. Van. de Velde 60 Van Dyck 6i The monkey corps de garde, a humorous picture, full of life and spirit, excellently managed with respect to characters, and completely enter- taining A beautltul small cabinet landscape, in which the light under the Arch is judiciously introduced, the distant scenery delightful, the very per- fection of the master A capital landscape, an upright, with forest trees, rich and beautiful foreground, a distant country in perspective, figures by Lingieback A beautiful sea view, a fresh gale, a very capital perforin ance A Mithridate Italian alabaster vase, elegant form and exquisite workmanship, Vv kh snake handles T1 le companion A small copy in beautiml marble, of the Venus de Medici, executed at Rome A capital antique bust of a Vestal, found near Virgil’s Tomb, Naples A laboratory, a favorite subject of the master, and finely executed A Holy Family, a work of uncommon excellence and colour A sea shore, with figures, boats and vessels, pushing off and getting under weigh with a man of war, in the offing, a cabinet picture of infinite merit The Saviour crowned with thorns, the arms across and hands bound, the muscles beautifully marked and the v hole figure finely coloured ( 7 ) Karil du Jardin 62 The flight into Egypt, the holy family represented passing a ford, a scarce subject of this esteemed master, beautifully finished, a grand country with rocky scene in the distance C^uyp 63 A frost piece, a view in Holland, with buildings. Perino del Vaga 64 Titian 65 'Cainsborough 66 DavidTeniers, Jun, 67 Tintoretto 63 horses and figures, a valuable performance, from this interesting master’s pencil, in perfect condition A grand and finely composed picture of the Virgin,. Joseph, the Saviour and St. John,' — the heads admirable, full of expression, the folds of the drapery chaste, and the extremities accu-- rately drawn and sweetly coloured The Emperor Charles the Vth, in armour, on horse- back; the portrait of a great sovereign, by a a great master, an esteemed and highly valued picture from tlie Orleans collection A landscape with cattle and figures, a rich and enchanting morning scene, wherein this great artist has discovered all that eharm of simplL? city and nature for which he stands unrivalled. An interior of a corps de garde, a most capital and important picture of the master, — an ani- mated and busy scene of soldiers amusing themselves, the armour, ensigns and martial, instruments most exquisitely finished, a fime rare performance The last judgment, a most capital sketch of this great master, from the Orleans Collection^ a perfor mance that cannot be spoken of too highly END OF THE FIRST DAY’S SALE. Second Day’s Sale, THURSDAY, M A Y the 13///, 1802. PICTURES, Ruben 1 A HE ascension, a sketch • Te'nier 2 A pair of small landscapes and figures, upright De Winter 3 A pair of uprights, boors regaling Decker 4 A view in Flanders with numerous fioures O Keerings 5 A landscape, an extensive scene P. de Neef 6 The exterior of a cathedral in ruins Guido 7 Guido’s Mother Nicolo Poussin 8 Architecture in a landscape with figures, a pair circular Vogelsand 9 An upright landscape and figures, a warm glowdng scene Angelica Kauffman 10 The holy family, an elegant composition Backhuyson 1 1 A severe gale with a ship in distress Brower 12 The pen cutter Kalf 13 A girl’s head painted with all the strength and effect of coloring of Rembrandt, from the Orleans collection Teniers 14 An interior, school of { 9 )’ Old Franks 15 A pair, Christ in the garden and the nailing the Sa- viour to the cross Ditto 16 A pair, the Saviour bearing the cross, and the Saviour before Pontius Pilate Berchem 17 An upright landscape with figures, a beautiful little picture Sebastian Ricci 18 The holy family with angels, a repose, oval Raffael 19 A very fine old copy Madona and child, after Caspar Poussin 20 Landscape and building Van Brussel 21 Fruit and Flowers with a bird’s nest, a highly finished elaborate performance Ditto 22 A landscape, with buildings in the middle distance^ a delightful cabinet performance Caspar Poussin 23 The companion, with figures by Nicolo Poussin Carlo Cignani 24 Magdalen’s head ' Dominichino 25 The flight into Egypt, with a landscape and castle on the summit Lignano 26 Virgin and child, this master was the favourite scho- lar of Carlo Cignani, who has produced a pic- ture deserving of his master’s pencil Van Cassel 27 A rich woody scene with an admirable effect o light Old Weenix 23 A water gate with a feny boat coming to the stairs full of figures and animals, capital painted Backhuysen 29 A beautiful sea view with boats and ships in various directions, the agitation of the water uncom- monly fine and transparent West 30 The children presented to the Saviour in the Temple, a sketch from which the plate for Macklin’s bible was engraven B ( lo ) Uander Neer 31 Village scene by moonlight, a picture of still, solemn, captivating effect Bassano 32 The birth, a domestic scene Ruysdael r33 A rich woody landscape with water, representing a stag hunt, the figures by Adrian Vandeveld Sneyders 34 The stag hunt, a most noble and faithful represen- tation of animated nature Vernet 35 A land storm with a bridge and torrent, a grand effective scene Ruysdael 36 A beautiful landscape, a most delightful little cabinet picture, figures by Adrian Vandevelde, a most exquisite performance John Van Eyck 37 The wise men’s offering, a most extraordinary elabo« rate and highly finished work of that early day, the gold drapery happily managed, archi- tecture in the fore ground, and figures and buildings in the distance, a rare, curious, and covetable specimen of the art Jan Both 38 A landscape and figures, a warm glowing picture, the distance beautiful de Heem. 39 Fruit ani flowers, beautifully drawn and highly finished and coloured Detriece 40 A pair of beautiful upright landscapes, with princi- pal figures and cattle of matchless excellencej an uncommonly excellent work of the master Jachimo Bassano 41 A^rich glowing picture, the representation of autum- nal Iruits with figures and animals, a erand landscape in the background with Ceres tra- versing the heavens, a capital performance ( >I ) Ludovico Caracci 42 The saviour crowned with thorns, there is an expres- ion throughout of sorrow in the countenance that cannot be surpassed, — from the Orleans w- collection Annibal Caracci 43 Angels crowning a saint, a beautiful cabinet Vernet picture of the great master, purchased by the Duke of Orleans from the cabinet of 7 the Duke de Noailis, and from the Orlean collection 44 The morning, sun rise, with shipping and figures, a view in the Mediterranean, nothing can be ’ more happily managed Vernet 45 A river with figures, rocks and waterfall, the compa- nion, full of beauty L. Caracci 46 The act of crowning the Saviour with thorns, a favo- rite subject of this great master, accomplished with his usual excellence Vander Heyden & 47 The gate of Utrecht, a picture in which the two A. Vandervelde masters have united all their excellence to [• M, ! a- produce a performance of uncommon merit, a most valuable picture Rembrandt 48 A portrait of the finest quality, the countenance pleasing, the effect of light and shade most admirable, few pictures of this master will stand in competition with it J ulio Romano 49 The continence of Scipio ; a most admirable per- formance of this great master, the story well told, painted with spirit, and harmoniously colored ; one of the six celebrated pictures in the Orleans collection ( 12 ) Julio Romano Julio Romano Julio Romano Julio Romano Julio Romano Titian Rubens Paul Potter 50 Scipio rewarding the soldiers after the siege of Car- thage, another capital performance, and the companion; from the Orleans collection 5 1 The rape of the Sabines, another of the same excel- lent quality, and out of the same celebrated collection 52 The Family of Coriolanus deprecating his wrath, another equally admirable, and from the same collection 53 The taking of Carthage by Scipio, another noble and spirited performance, equally excellent, and from the same collection 54 The battle, and subsequent reconciliation between the Romans and Sabines, another of equal merit, and from the same collection 55 The Noli me Tangere; a cabinet picture of exquisite perfection, and of rare and uncommon merit throughout: a distinguished feature in the Orleans collection 56 A grand and capital performance of this great master, the story of Hercules and Omphale : a picture highly valued by that great judge. Sir Joshua Reynolds 57 A most beautiful, high finished and captivating picture of this very esteemed and scarce master ; the subject, a landscape, figures and cattle, a rich autumnal scene : a performance entitled to a distinguished situation in the first cabinet in the kingdom ( 13 ) Sirjosh. Reynolds 58 Cupid and Psyche ; a night scene, with the happiest effect of light and shade, uncommonly beauti- fully treated, a performance of singular perfec- tion, In which a combination of excellence is brought together which none but the hand of a very great master would have been able to have accomplished, and ranks this inimitable English painter an ornament not only to his own country, but to the age in which he flourished DavidTeniers, Jun. 59 The temptation of St. Anthony, a picture of match- less excellence, inimitable throughout, in his silvery tone, beautiful, and finely managed; and the whole scene with his usual fancy, and is not to be excelled even by the powers of his owm unrivalled pencil Schiavoni 60 The dead Christ upheld by an angel, a picture of uncommon effect, great solemnity of subject joined to the richest harmony and finest effect of colouring : from the Orleans collection Claude 61 A grand and capital sea view with shipping and figures, a fresh breeze upon the water ; the weaves beau- tifully scattered ; trees on the shore finely anima- ted, and in his best stile ofpertection and beauty Paolo Veronese 62 Jupiter and Leda. On this well-knovr n classical subject, this great artist has bestow ed perfection of draw'ing, wdth true and delightful effect of harmony of colouring ; a picture of the greatest celebrity in the Orleans collection. This per- formance is judiciously protected from Indiscrimi- nate observation, bv a copy from Van Dyck, of the Daedalus and Icarus ( >4 ) Guercino 63 The presentation in the temple, a capital cabinet per- formance of the very first consideration, in this great master’s best time and manner, highly finished, and perfection itself : one of the chief ornaments in the Orleans collection FINIS.