A CATALOGUE OF AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS, The chief Part of which are Framed ; Among which are a Variety of CELEBRATED PRODUCTIONS, BY WOOLLETT, H OGART H, PETHER, DUFLOS, 8CC, Also a Number of ' „ Views in Swisserland and Italy , 2-f A g. ALL IN COLOURS ; / MINIATUR ES AND MINIATURE FRAMES, - ~ paintings, ANCIENT AND MODERN; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Colours 8g excellent Implements for Artists , A PAINTER’S THRONE AND C HAIR. LAY FIGURE , &c. ©ante eeceiientpatatec Casts, BOXES, NESTS OF DRAWERS; Together with a large HANDSOME CABINET, Containing Forty Drawers, Covered with Glass, suitable for a Collection of Insects or Shells, ZWtl) brill be ©oib bp auaion. By Mr. T. DODD, AT HIS AUCTION ROOM, No. 101, St. Martin’s Lane , On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1809, And Two following Days, at Twelve o’Clock. To be Viewed on Monday the 20th. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higheft Bidder to be the Purchafer, and if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d.—above One Pound, is.—above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d.—and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers are to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purcbafe Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafcd to be immediately re-fold. IV. The Lots to be collated and taken away within Two Days after the Conclufion of the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchale Money to b g abfolutely paid on the Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the aforefaid Conditions, the Depofit Money fhall be forfeited, and all Lots uncleared within the Time fpecified fhall be re-fold, by public or private Sale, and ail Deficiences and Expences attendant thereon, fhal! be made good by the Defaulters at this pre- ienc Sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Coramiflions faithfully executed, by their humble Servant, , y THOMAS DODD. Printed by c f. ire£lura! (ketches 217 Birth and Triumph of Cupid, by Tomkins, hom paper cuttings by Lady L-alh wood, elegant designs 218 Four tranfparencies 219 Eight of Stags, by Riiinger 220 Six, hunting fcenes, auto 221 Seven of royal peonages, George II. <$cc. on holdback, by uiito 222 Seven of landfcape , after Wouveimans, ty Moy- reau 223 Eight ditto 224 pjgnt ditto 10 0/i o dfifi- 225 Eight ditto 226 Eight ditto 227 Eight ditto 228 A view of-Winchefter and a drawing of Dogs, by Howitt 229 A group of Horfes, feeding near a Farm Houfe, by Towne 230 A ditto of Dogs by Morland 231 Seven fine Landfcapes in Italy, by Dunker, after Hackart, &c. very fine 232 Seven ditto 233 Eight ditto 234 Twenty-feven etchings by Hackart and Sandby 235 Thirteen of Battles and Sieges, by Le Clerc 236 Five the Lion Hunt, &c. Rubens 237 One, St. Jerome at Devotion, Albert Durer, fine 238 Ten, Mayer’s Views in Egypt, colours 239 A capital poptfolio with leaves 240 Nine portfolios 241 A beok of Le Brun’s Fountains 242 A ditto of 13 Architectural defigns 243 A coloured ceiling, an illuminated Deed of Honor, time of Elizabeth, apd 20 architectural defigns 244 A pair of prints and a print Liberality and Modelty 245 A pair ditto and 2 drawings 246 A book of Anatomical Studies with MS. notes, 20 Academical Studies and fundry maps 247 Eight portraits 248 Fourteen ditto, Kings of England, &c. 249 Thirty-three prints and drawings, various 250 Four books of defigns for plate and a portfolio 251 Twenty caricatuies, coloured 252 Twenty ditto 253 Twenty ditto 254 Thirty Howitt’s Quadrupeds 255 A parcel of drawing books 256 A parcel, various 257 Twenty-five, Woollett, &c. 258 Nineteen drawings of flowers ''v 11 - ' ; - l 259 Sixteen, Bartolozzi, Sic. 260 Seven by ditto 261 Fifteen ftudies in chalic 262 A fet cf Reeve’s colours with materials 263 Weftminfter Bridge and a parcel Arch te&ural 264 Four Landfcapes and Figures in oil 265 Ten, Plan and Elevation of the Rood Loft in St. Georges Chapel, Windfor 266 A book, containing; a great number of laadfcapes 267 Twenty-four, Old Matters 268 Two portraits, by Nixon and lo drawings 269 Twenty ditto, butts 270 Sixteen ditto, hands and feet End of the Second Day’s Sale Third Day’s Sale, THURSDAY, 23 d Day cf NOVEMBER, 1809 . 275 A Boole, containing a great number of prints, various 272 Forty ditto 273 Kecuii des Planches des Arts, many plates 274 Two ('mail prints, Bartolozzi and 80 various 275 Two books on Perfpedlive and a parcel of ditto 276 hree portfolios, one with leaves 277 Seven landfcapes, after Rubens 278 Five, by Dankerts, after Wouveimans 279 I ur, Canot, Backhuvfen, &c. 280 Seven, Pouffin, by Chatelm 28? bright after Claude, ditto 282 Six etchings, by CariaLtti, &c. 283 Six dint , after Titian 284 Seven ditto after S Bourdon 287 Six landfcapes, after RoufTeau, &c. 286 Eleven hiftorical 287 Eleven, A. Carracci and Guido, rare 288 Seventeen landfcapes, Rogtnan, Hollar, &c. 289 Twelve, alter Titian 290 A mahogany miniature eafel 29.' Two miniature fiames, elegantly mounted 292 Two dr to 293 i wo ditto 294 Two ditto 2Q5 Three ditto 29b Two ditto 297 Two fine original fludies, Gainfborough 208 One ditto of pigs, by Morland, original, fine 299 One ditto, by Mortimer, ditto 300 Shipping on p-umel, Peters 301 A fmall lantilcape, Ward 302 Lan 1 Rape, by Moliter of Vienna 303 A capital barometer 303* 1 hirty-fsx Hicks of India ink FINE PRINTS, FRAMED. 304 Four freezes, by Bartolozzi, after Cipiiani 305 Four of heads, Houbraken and 2 othets, byPether and Drevet 13 306 Two drawees of Ladies, Luttrell 307 Two fine itudies of head?, by Piazetti 308 Two ditto 309 Pair, Le£tures on the Orrery and Air Pump, by Pether, fine 310 The Silence, by Hainzelman 311 The Holy Family, after N. Pouffin, by Natalis 312 Portrait of Colbert, by Audran and St. Cecelia, by Duflos 313 Midnight Modern Converfation, Hogarth 314. Jacob and Laban, by Bartolozzi, fint 315 Six fine Views in Switzerland, by Woollett 3x6 The Fifnery, by ditto, ’very fine. 317 The Death of General Wolfe, ditto 318 A drawing, RufTell, framed and 3 frames, glazed 319 A large parcel of {training and other frames 320 A ditto 32 1 A ditto, large fize 322 Twelve ditto with canvas 323 Fourteen ditto 324 Thirteen ditto 325 Ten ditto 326 Eight large ditto ‘ 327 Twenty-two oval ditto 328 Sundry back boards, pannels, &c. 329 A Aiding cafe with 8 {trainers, on canvas 330 Two rolls of antiquarian paper 331 Three window blinds 332 Five paintings of portraits 333 Twelve pieces of copper 334 Twelve pieces of ditto, 4 of them engraved 335 A box, containing bags of difFerent coloured chalks and 3 bottles with ditto 336 A box, containing various engraver’s and other tools, &c. 337 An inllrument for ftriking meridians on globes 338 Seventeen ivories for miniatures 339 Seventeen ditto, fome large 340 A box, containing a very large quantity of co¬ lours in bags 341 Two pallets, a rule and fundiies 14 34-? A pannel primed in a frame 343 A mahogany drawing board 344 A large gilt frame with a back board 345 Four fine heads in crayons, by Rofalba ) 346 Three ditto 347 Two frames, glazed, 1 with plate glafs 348 Three glafs globes 349 Three (heets of Italian plate glafs 350 A refleiStor, rulers, &c. 351 Two landfcapes in crayons 45 2 A Lady and Family, a painting. Romney 2 s 3" A Magdale n,. SO T Reynoids 354 Sufanna and the Elders, from Rubens and 2 others Breughel, &c. 355 Tne Virgin with the Infant and 2 others 356 Two {ketches of heads, one a fine chara&er, Romney, and a whole length primed canvas 357 A looking glafs 358 A quanti:y of globe paper 359 A fet of military accoutrements and a knapfack 360 An excellent (how miniature cafe, lined with vel¬ vet, plate glafs 361 A mahogany fite fereen 362 Two miniature frames, elegantly mounted 363 Two ditto 364 Two ditto 365 Two ditto 366 Two ditto 367 Turee ditto 368 A large View of London, nearly 12 feet long, in colours 369 Flower piece, Verelft 370 A drawing of Shipping, by Earlom, from Van- dervelde 371 An high finifhed miniature, Mrs. Pechell 372 Two ditto, Mtfs Monfon, &c. 373 A volume of fine etchings, by Mortimer 374 Charlotte at the Tomb of Werter, Morland, ori¬ ginal 375 A collection of 72 fine Landfcapes, Gainfborough 376 A cafe of mathematical Inftruments and a roll of drawing paper 15 377 Three black, and gold frames for miniatures, glazed 378 Nine black oval ditto 379 One hundred and eighty quills and 14 (ticks offeal- ing wax 080 A fmali painting, after Rembrandt, gih frame 381 Four ditto landscapes 382 Portrait of Francis Couplet 383 Two fmali paintings, Berghem 384 A landfcape and a fea view 385 A Dutch Piper, Goltzius 386 Two portraits, Qjeen Ann and Prince Henry 387 Three portraits. King of Pruffia, &c. 388 A landfcape and I hiltorical 389 Two Sea Pieces, one by Anderfon 390 The AiTumption of the Virgin, Guid > 39 1 4 capital cabinet , containing 40 drawers, inlaid with satin and other fine woods , with glass covers to each , suited to preserve a collection of Insects or Shells 392 A capital mahogany Aiding eafel with brafs rack 393 A painter's throne, covered with green baize 394 A painter's fketching chair and (land 395 A«can with drying oil, a muller, a large bottle, a ditto with drying linfeed oil, 2 fieves and a fmali crucible 396 Small picture and other frames and a deal eafel 397 Three large pieces of primed canvas 398 A mahogany Ionic pedelial 399 A handfome gilt chair with fuperfine fcarlet cloth and cufhion 400 A mahogany oil box with apparatus 401 A capital half-length lay figure, fize of life 402 A mu licet, by Parker 403 A guittar and cafe 404 A ditto with additional bafs firings 405 A nefl with 16 drawers, containing colours 406 A ditto with 48 drawers 407 A ditto ditto 408 A ditto 409 An Indian cabinet with 3 drawers, containing Chinefe and other colours 410 A fketch in crayons, Angelica Kauffman 411 A drawing in ted chalk and portrait of Mr. Glover 412 A large (qua ;- giafs cafe 4 * 3 A m; hogany box with a fee of enamel colours in botries 414 A final! box with fundry bottles, with a line p;.lifted agate (tone and muller, arid a book in manulcript, containing the Elements compleat of Enamel Painting 415 A parcel of mimature glafie« and cafes in a box 416 Five miniature cafes, ! containing a large mini¬ ature of Euphrofyne PAINTINGS. 417 A landfcape in Italy, enriched with Cattle and Figures, very fine, Asselyn 418$A Lcndcfspe with Figures, Gaspar Poussin 419 A portait of Charles V. Emperor iof Germany, Titian 4^0 A Mackma feated in a landfcape, highly finished , Albert Durer 421 Portrait of Mifs Kitty Fifher^ Sir ]■ Reynol ds 422 Landfcape, very fine , in t he manner o H-XAnAUnE CAPITAL PLAISTER CASTS and BUSTS.^ 423 A quantity of hands, forne very fine 424 Ditto of feet and limbs 425 Atlas 426 Two fine calls of Rubens and Vandyke, by Rys- b ack 427 Two anatomical 428 Marfyas and a Boy, Fiamingo, both very fine 429 Pyramis and Thisbe and Diana 430 Sarurn with 2 faturn’s legs, from the antique 431 A number of antique figures 432 Buft of the Venus de Media, and ditto of Niobe 433 A mask of Alexander and a ditto of Venus 434 A variety of bulls, Sufanna, &c. with feveral bas reliefs 435 Bacchanalian Boys in terra cota, very fine FINIS.