/• 2v- .3 6 . 3 r S~. 1 (s>- / 39 ■ Sotcl/l , Ct ,(2^~CytyC - 9s /on. . A? 6'- //^ / 3 2 -. dte^U'C ■ /$& /S t £v~CsCC. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofolden00chri_5 9 2 - /22 . /20. / 33 . /zL WJ- /s * ■ ' s 2- Ci,C2~ ./OS'. /4P 757. OU'ls'L u. fO. fG < 92 . /S2, . SMc // *~f~ ' /33 Ah- /O . /3. 3 2 . 6 ' 6 . Cj £.. ^iT U-c U(Scl<-M UJ&d-ehj- chcL ' 7 ^~r ' /Oth- ■ / -2 2. / / 2 < 5 ' /2 S’. /3o / 32 . /3G 7 ^ — ytt Sf. (o3 .bb. ocf' < ~*~ C> s^LtJb . ffeUesc/u ^ (t ^uU^et-cL /r,o /OS. /OS. //O./Zo. /25. /O 2 • /'rZxSl // 33 ^. / 3 Q , /&. /£-/- P~' - /3 3~- CtsC C. /ftt*-*- . /■. /o 3. /°y~. S/^u-c^. /ftcMScM^ ■ Cvtdl^dc^cL /ZZ . /2S-- / 3o . /3& / 3 r ' /44 ^ ' 744 3 - Cl. (9-tM - /9-9 ‘ /&/■ 3 . C. /X -//- 3d. 3 if-. 3& . 3 (f-LA- lfS~. fro. &G 3 3 . 3 3 ■ /> 7 3g. 7fr. fro. /._■ < h 3 uZCc ^4 / / -t' iflu— lMux—Z ??■ 3ocl ,/oS /j3 /OS', //o. //g. /2o. /35. /3 3. ZZGcsr-cAO , OZ. XLc-C^L. /$G. /y-O. /fAS-. /3 6 . /fr 9 9 • 7 3. 7Z / * 3 3 o - 3 . 3 *3, 44* £-/~ * ^' 6 b. 6 9 6 3. o b . 37 g / ' H^U/tc, fldelLk^Lty . **-»*%■ ■ ■ ■ 9 - cr 7 7 / -V ; .i9 , f/ tc£iScb-t^Z , ^ C -*99J- 9 ^ / - / J* - /^2. /3J . / 9 - 0 . /i/-f~. /SiT■■ /5/. 3 /Ol- ■ /33. /SS ■ 7 /O //O - . Q2, ffel&UsohuA ■ /3 7 /U-b. /£* * a uu n . i > iV v ; I < I ' CATALOGUE 23 . 1 ^ OF ENGLISH SILVER PLATE, INCLUDING A SMALL COLLECTION THE PROPERTY OF SURGEON-GENERAL J. LUISDAINE; PLATE & PLATED ARTICLES, Sold by Order of the Executors of GENERAL WALTON, Deceased; a Collection of Specimen Precious Stones, Sold by Order of the Court of Bankruptcy ; OLD FRENCH SNUFF-BOXES, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; AND Jihids, (ffiatdjcs, JKhuatnws, Jfatts, Ha«, Sec. FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH Mill be %olb bt[ ^uriicn tm Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. JV. ^< 0 ‘T CONDITIONS OF SALE. - C - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or ^ private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. — * O t — i On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. JEWELLERY. ^ 1 A ruby and brilliant crescent brooch ^ 0 2 A half-hoop ring, with five brilliants ^ * 3 A ruby and brilliant cluster ring 27 4 A flexible gold band necklet; and a ditto bracelet —weight 3 oz. 12 dwt. j' 30 Fifteen lapis lazuli, onyx, agate and jasper ball handle \) 31 Seventeen ditto ; and eleven other pieces O 32 Specimens of agates, jasper, onyx, and various other stones, &c large 'parcel Ot 0 33 Twenty amber bead necklaces 0 34 Twenty ditto / 35 A silver and paste diamond necklet; four other pieces of silver ; numerous gilt watch chains and studs; and a quantity,, of y mounted coral and stone jewellery, &c. sf c y ^ 7 ^36 Nine carved ivory reliefs of Apostles ; seven shell camei —in case ; two engraved and gilt Persian turquoises ; twenty-five Wedg¬ wood seals, of blue jasper ; and twenty other pieces, camei, &c. ^ MINIATURES. /37Portrait of a lady, in lace-trimmed dress and head-dress, wearing l large blue bows of ribbon— signed Perdreau Defert—in oval. frame of chased or-molu, with ribbon loop 38 Portrait of a lady, in crimson and white dress and hat, holding wild flowers—in oval locket; and a large miniature of a youth—in oval locket with blue enamel back c 39 A circular tortoiseshell box, the lid inlaid with a miniature portrait £ of a lady ; and two ivory ditto, with miniatures of ladies n 40 Four miniatures of ladies—in gilt frames ; and one, mounted in a, brooch 41 Portrait of a lady, in blue dress—in oval gold locket with monogram/ and hair ; portrait of a gentleman, in black coat and white cravat —in gold locket; two portraits of officers ; and a portrait of a lady—in clasp O 42 Portrait of a gentleman—in oval locket; a lady—in ditto ; a gentle¬ man— i n chased or-molu frame ; an enamel of a lady ; six unframed miniatures ; and five ditto— in oils 43 Portrait of a gentleman, in curling wig and grey coat—oval enamel, by Zincke; and five other miniature portraits of ladies an^ -1 Jtr gentlemcn- -mounted in one frame 6 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. OLD FRENCH SNUFF-BOXES, Etc. tf#* AT y 4 V 7>.r, 44 A Louis XV. Shell-Shaped Bonbonniere, of grey agate, with gold cage mount delicately chased with Cupid playing the flute, seated on a musical trophy, and border of arabesque foliage, masks, birds, flowers and scroll ornament 45 A Louis XVI Oval Gold Box, with panels of translucent green enamel in chased and jewelled borders, an oval enamel on the^ o #-7. lid, painted with a nymph and Cupid in a garden fAZ/zL 46 An Old French Octagonal-Shaped Gold Box, with chased - borders, inlaid with ten miniatures in water-colours, painted with a camp scene and fete, and small landscapes, with hunting and. other subjects round the sides a j , ^ 47 A Circular Box, of lapis lazuli, mounted with gold, the lid inlaid / t mill J n ^ i-1, .. 1 . ."1 n ... X n Anlni.wA^ 7 / 4 0 , 2JZ & if • //* // with a subject of Cupids with a hound at a fountain in coloured // mother-o’-pearl, ivory, &c., in high relief 48 A circular fluted silver box, the lid formed of a plaque of old French enamel, painted with a garden scene and three figures in colours in white and gold border 49 A small ootagonal-shaped gold box, with panels of pale pink, white and blue enamel, the lid painted with a youth and nymph in n y landscape 50 An Octagonal-Shaped Gold Box, inlaid with panels of dark blue enamel and white lines, an enamel on the lid, painted with a classical subject in chased gold borders, inlaid with dark blue enamel 51 A Larger Ditto, the borders chased with arabesque foliage and flowers in relief, the lid inlaid with an oval enamel painted wit nymphs and sleeping Cupid ( imperfect ) 52 An Oblong-Shaped Chased Gold Box, the lid enamelled in colours with a shield-of-arms in laurel wreath, and inscription, * the border chased in relief 7 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES . BOXES, WATCHES, Etc. 53 An Oblong Silver-Gilt Musical Snuff-Box, with engine-turned * panels, lined and mounted with gold, and with gold plaque form- O ing the lid, chased with a river scene, sportsman and dogs, in relief, fitted with musical movement, with gold casing engraved^/ with figures playing the harp and flute 54 A Pair of Small Burmese Bowls, of pure gold, chased with the signs of the Zodiac in panels, and borders of ornaments— weight, . 2 oz. 18 dwt.— in leather cases ^ 7 £5 An old German silver-gilt box, the lid chased with St. George and the Dragon ; and a shell-shaped box, with figures and scrolls 56 A parcel-gilt Scandinavian crucifix, forming a reliquaire ; and a ,/> t , medal, forming a box containing paper rondels painted with historical subjects 57 An oblong tortoiseshell snuff-box, the lid inlaid with a small Roman mosaic of a dog in a landscape; and a small oval ditto, inlaid / with foliage in silver 58 A tortoiseshell and box-wood snuff-box, inlaid with discs and lines ; and an oblong box, painted with trellis pattern ^ 59 An octagonal snuff-box, of carved mother-o -pearl and silver; and an old English set of goldsmith’s scales and weights—in tin case / 60 Six plaques, of Battersea enamel, painted with a portrait of Lord Nelson, a lady in large hat and feathers, and landscapes, &c., mounted in handles; and a coloured wax relief of negro in? s chains-in glazed frame ' 6i ^Eneas Carrying Anchises : an old Italian marble carving in alto relievo—5£ in. high— in glazed black and gold frame _ 62 A small watch, by Maniglie, Geneve- in gold case enamelled with ^ flowers in colours on black ground « 8 ^ 63 A watch, by E. Brandt et Cie., in engraved gold case, the h&ck enamelled with Yenns with the apple watch, by Samson, in silver-gilt case and outer case chased in the style of Louis XV. * (7* & 65 A old French ivory fan, pierced and inlaid with gold and silver^with chicken-skin mount painted with busts, columns and flowersc ^7? at 7 /' 0 64 tf * 77 1 o 65 I./#, o 66 /J7* / 67 o 68 o 69 * / ■» & > 7 70 /&, 0 . * 71 0 . * 72 (73 J ( 1^74 o 75 7 ,, / 76 4. ^ , * 77 Jt , * 78 and worked with gold thread and tinsel ivory fan, pierced and carved with figures ai painted with Chinese figures in a landscape J LACE. A Black Chantilly Lace Skirt t - e \ A fine Honiton lace dress, partly Guipure, partly applique A Brussels lace half shawl Brussels point lace flouncing—5^ yds. tr t&At An old Flemish berthe ^2) -* Two narrow lace flounces— each 6 yds. long ; another—4^ yds.: . and two small pieces of black lace An Indian scarf, of blue gauze, embroidered with white silk and with silk fringe A Limerick cape; a Moravian fichu ; and a white lace scarf Three pieces of old English point lace —about 7^ yds. An Empire dress, of brocaded white silk with flowers in pink; a collar ; and two pieces of the same A pair of Louis X\. lady’s shoes, of pink, green and white flowered silk brocade; and yds. of figured yellow silk C 9 MINIATURES. |> 79 Lady Hamilton, after Romney : a large miniature, on ivory, by H. Bone—in glazed frame ( ' ■ ' 80 Portrait of a lady, in white dress and pink head-dress ■) 81 The Pretender, painted in oils on tortoiseshell, and mounted with silver crown, and inscription at the back, “James VIII. of . Scotland, nat. 10th June, 1688 ” y 82 Portrait of a lady, with powdered hair—in oval locket with pearl border 1 83 Portrait of a gentleman, in powdered wig and crimson coat— signed? A. R. ; and portraits of a lady and gentleman—in oval gold locket 84 Lady Hamilton, holding a dog in her arms: a large oval miniature , /i- — —in gold locket and leather case , ’ 85 Lady Palgrave—in smaller locket and case, similar 086 Lady Una Lynn: a large circular miniature—in gold locket and^ case 9 87 The Princess Elizabeth—in oval silver locket, the border and set with old paste diamonds, and gold rim 88 Miniature of Catherine de Medici, by Hans Bol, on vellum —signed in pencil on the back— in black shagreen case, silver mounted From the Baring Collection 1 89 Interior of a chamber, with two figures: a French miniature, on ivory—in case 90 A Nymph bathing: oval miniature, on ivory—in carved and gilt f frame 91 The Larder Invaded: a painting in body colours—in carved and A •• gilt frame ^92 Four old English miniature portraits, in pen and sepia—in oval gilt frames ; and two others 10 *£ , , /# . ' 4 - The following are the Property of SURGEON-GENERAL J. LUMSDAINE , of Mowbray House , Victoria Embankment. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. dwt. 4 17 93 Six old English coffee-spoons, with shell bowls and feathered-edge handles; a pair of small sugar-tongs; a mulberry-spoon; four salt-spoons ; two caddy- spoons ; and two other small spoons 94 A plain table-spoon; a dessert-spoon, with marrow-spoon handle; a small ladle; and a pair of silver-gilt table¬ spoons, with chased bowls . . . Ay 6 . 95 A William III. rat-tailed table-spoon, with flatmandle engraved with scrolls—1700— all at ° 96 A Jacobean seal-top spoon—1611; and one, the howl engraved with a figure and date 1616— mark, a seeded rose 97 An Apostle spoon —1772; and a seal-top spoon—- Edinburgh hall mark / 98 A pair of circular dishes, the borders fluted and repousse with fruit and foliage . . . • 27,3 From the Duke of York's Collection ' 99 A plain chocolate-pot ..... V/fs 10 5/< 7 17 Of 100 A cream-jug, with engraved hand, reeded border and handle.4 101 A cream-jug, spirally fluted and chased with flowery on round gadrooned foot .... xx .X? 4 ' fix 102 A small oval pierced and engraved mustard-pot; *md a small Dutch mustard-pot, pierced and chased with figures, blue glass liners .... 103 A Pair of Small Ewers and Stands, chased with figures and arabesque ornament in the style of Cellinj, and partly gilt. 4/4 :/;• 52 15 11 oz. 8 104 A pair of Dutch ladles, with chased scroll and figure handles; a folding fork and spoon —dated 1751 ; and w 105 Six silver-gilt spoons, the handles surmounted by figures of eagles; a pair of ditto, the handles enamelled in colours ; seven silver spoons, with twisted handles, the bowls formed as coins ; and three others —foreign 8 106 A small oval fluted stand; a mate-pot; a Dutch silver model of a dog-cart; and two other small pieces —all ^ at dwt. 5 107 A punch-ladle, the bowl chased with flowers and inlaid with a gilt coin of George II., and bone handle 108 A goblet, formed of an emu’s egg, lined, and mounted with silver., stem and foot PLATED. 109 A O 110 A d gadrooned tea-pot, cream-jug and pair of decanter-stands; a plain sauce-boat, cream-jug, pair of pierced salt-cellars, and pair of snuffers and tray boat-shaped ink-stand, with glass bottle; a metal-gilt knife and fork ; six small ditto spoons ; a ditto medal of Elizabeth; a of small brass dishes ; and six other pieces a f» / 123 Four circular entree-dishes, and covers, en suite (two with divisions) 124 Two plain oval dish-covers; and a mahogany plate chest ) DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. SILVER— At per Oz. 125 A plain helmet-shaped cream-jug, on square foot 126 A cream-jug, the border chased with flowers and gadrooned ...... pT?-, 127 A vase-shaped caster, chased with flowers . . * 128 An oval tea-caddy, with engraved borders and beaded, edges—1776 ...••• 129 An oblong-shaped tea-pot, on ball feet, partly fluted and with gadroon border chased with shells and foliage^^. 130 An oblong-shaped sugar-basin and cream-jug, on ball met with band of fluting ..... y V- 131 A plain vase-shaped hot-water jug and cover, with reeded border and round foot .... 132 A plain circular salver, on three feet, with gadrooned border, the centre engraved with a shield-of-arms—- 16 in. diam. ....*♦ y& 133 A tankard and cover, with scroll handle and billet and spout, chased with foliage, flowers and scrolls . / ■" / oz. dwt. 4 9 4 2 19 10 0 '& r ~ 23 15 19 10 27 12 63 13 23 10 14 134 A plain cream-jug, with scroll handle—1727 . 135 A small plain bowl, with scroll handles, on reeded 6 3 /* /9, & y handles, and shells in relief —weight 6 oz.—all at (148 Two pairs of ditto, similar V/ IS c 1764 . 136 An oval faceted bowl—on open stand r with engraved festoons, fluted legs and claw feet—1787 . 10 0 yi 137 A Large Portuguese Silver Censer, repousse with bands of laurel and other foliage and ornaments, and suspended by chains with flat oval links. . 40 18/;} 138 Four plain table-spoons ; one, with marrow-spoon handle ; a sauce-ladle ; and a skewer . . . 13 16 / 139 Five dessert-spoons, with engraved handles; and a pair of engraved sugar-tongs .... 140 A pair of circular salt-cellars, chased with flowers; ami a pair of fiddle-pattern salt-spoons 141 A cream-jug, on round foot, chased with flowers . 2 142 A small plain tea-pot, with reeded band, on ball feet/J^''" 8 143 A circular salver, with shell and scroll border, the centre chased with foliage and flowers—9^ in. diam. —*1750^ 15 144 A pair of oblong-shaped sauce-tureens and covers, partly/ fluted, and with gadroon borders and reeded handles / - o 145 A pair of plated ditto, similar p 146 A tea-caddy, of pale tortoiseshell, with inlaid ivory bor¬ ders and silver caddy-spoon ; and a pair of plated grape-scissors '147 (p wo p a i rs 0 f snuffers, with chased foliage and gadroon V nnnrJlpQ nnrl oViolla in _ anoasih-f ft _ nil + 15 t 17 ^ *44 14 /‘f.o 149 A punch-ladle bowl, chased with flowers and inlaid with a coin of 1762, fitted for a pin-cushion; a counter box, with a portrait of Queen Anne; and a cover, chased with Cupid on a lion 15 / 150 Five metal-gilt dessert-knives and forks, with porcelain handles painted withj'birds and flowers; and five plated knives, with nearly similar handles 151 Eleven dinner-knives, with porcelain handles painted with figures, flowers and insects ; and eleven small steel knives, the handles painted with birds and flowers PLATED. 0 152 A cruet-frame, with two cut-glass bottles and silver-mounted mustard-pot; a soy-frame, similar, with three glasses ; an egg- stand ; a toast-rack; a breakfast-cruet; a glass me-paiL (imperfect) and pair of ice-tongs : > 153 Six plated shell salt-spoons, with dolphin and figure handles; a Dutch silver embossed sugar-spoon ; and a cut-glass cream-jug / 154 A pair of candelabra, on vase-shaped stems and sexafoil-shaped feet, 2 ? repousse with shells at the corners, with branches entwined by serpents for three lights each—19 in. high; and a pair of table / . candlesticks, en suite ' ' 155 A pair of candelabra, on partly fluted stems and round feet with , & widely gadrooned borders chased with shells, bearing spiral J j> branches with vase-shaped nozzles for three lights each—23 in. f ^ high 156 A pair of candelabra, on plain stems and round feet, with spiral branches for three lights each ; and a pair of table candlesticks, . ✓ en suite —in box / 157 A pair of plain fluted table candlesticks; and a pair of chamber y candlesticks, with gadrooded borders and extinguishers ? ^ ^ 158 A pair of plain partly fluted ice-pails, with ring handles FINIS. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.