iSPis ■iiii Sales in this volume are hound in chronologically from Dec. 18, 1802, through Apr. 23, 1807, except Mar. 21, 1806, which is the fourth from the end and June 12, 1806, which is at the end. aH^wA-ri -l > j r- -ix —r 7rr "OJ t V zQ\Zii ' “irf 7 \ * jl/ hub y'4^^ uirK' i -* r <^2'iiYi N • _ - ■• t a t }-j a2*rI/£§ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from . Getty Research Institute I * ' / / < \ . - ✓ * > r 4 0-2 / l //*t $ e /' & * & j /7 A Wc'fA /£ 'V 2 Z-2 J ^ * ^ A e J c?^ * s / 2 fit Z> SZt ■/#/>/ V y c '7 . <' * I A;-.-4 erf* ay / xi s s/e /tl fsr /’/?*’ 22 . 2222 — • y / «- 2/’ TPs-i’c/Y Y'Z-A t' it* si , y 2/7 c ' 22. Y233 — / . y z Ya< 2 t'f* tj'i i>rn 22 c- . 72. yy37 - 2$ " Y A ^Y/* x-PP/eYe '■’) A 2 £ 3i z e-crYe c y , t- 22 . s733 -— 4- 7 Pc -e Ya 3) 32'sZ //Css- eY?? -'Y c>e r'£~r*,y;/t/1 SZ ic^/cts W 23z teY y '. /Y3J} _ 2)2 ‘ ' 2 y YA Y/Y i / //7///' /Pe/7 // s*~r **2 *" z r a 3 szY *. Yaz.s' Y.c%S 4 f a z i 2' 22 Y233 - « " s y ^ -Y / 7 7 c A YccS «_ Y/z- C-'C- y 22 . 2232 - ?A *9 ■4- Z^ saz s^y a. 2 / 2* n * 2c. * sYf2t _ 6k.y y/z z r A 2c C 4 ^Y/Ay 2# . 2233 y l ejc-t-/i y Ys, / y/. y 2Y cc x2ccx *■— 7 /x~ ^r s S* c- /? y _ *-•< z c Ys2c s- 2-e>xz -j' l 2, tss-, /£ y Y' r - 22 .22 Z? 2s - .c 7 Z crYYc aYz IS St Yt- c,J *t- v /-A 2y — } £<-y i^-'/Y' r Z Yz 2fl cJ C < 7- ~2 . 223’2/ -- / L,' 7 ^ . /. t-sTlc 2s esT^.' y'/'U,,,./ Z27 l/a / ; / ^ c/ X /<■ ^ Y/set tY 22. 2232/ Y' K^Y ^.Y' r 2Y3 a*sYa - 2 a y Y, 2232/ ■—— — ^ /Ys c-e 'Yci aY . 2 i s s 2 e^r - ^'Ya. y 23 ', 22/72/ - - jY / Y /Ya-^ 2<-z *2 sZcj^c ^ £ ^ ^ r ^ f - // - ^ - y/ /z>g / ^ y/r / -zZr /2y xrs 77 2 /3 /// J fy'/t//***€> * y/ /sjC*'-' «- ” ^ /2 . /r /^ y y**y*-^ y. /y/?y - — —— 2Zf y_ yy/Y ^ ^, *y yy-z-t^y r* y^u^ y? /# - yf^j - —-— - 22,y $L' y y / * L '*^y* r *~ r ^ t j *y yy^ yy^yy. //&/ $3/ zYL yf*-c ■ /"r -r *s . — y? /*-'z-- r^Cs z/ ■ yy & 2 — — 2 2 y y^c^j %,y? y yyy 2^ /fajr — tyf yy^^, ^y*yy^ £j>y Yy YYy yy^j y^^^j /y. yy. /?., 7. 2 / 2 . 7../,. y - /. //». 2.-A- 7-7 ■ /" /z /,. o » y. x. / v - «/L /.. >ar. 7. 7 S~.. 6 2 .. 2 2~ 2 / / / ,./ i The Aflumption of the Virgin *_ -// T /r/*i 7' Four Portraits /7*>e7 TWO DittO An Incantation J/a-rT*7 Two Portraits of Gentlemen *-^ Two half Length Portraits of Gentlemen '7// A large plate repfefenting a Heathen Sacrifice, blue Roman ware * 2la 2 /t-r *- St. John in the Wildernefs of A Head of a Tutkifh Nobleman 's/<77' _ Salmacis and Hermaphrodittis The Library . Holbein —■ — ^ Edema — S. P. Lely <3 Ditto — - *- Van Dyck — — Ditto — - - G. Pouflin — »- Wyck — - ^ Steenwyck — -- F. Lauri — — Imperiale — - Baftano — 4* 42 43 44 /O y 32 Two fmall Portraits and a Drawing .— /&*'sr^as/i 33 A Man’s Portrait, ditto a Lady’s, fmall, and a ftudy of a Boy’s Head, Corregio 77n /2*ytJ Three Landfcapes, door pieces z? 77 <-'szJ Lord Godolphin and Duchefs of Cleveland, half Lengths X) Two half Lengths of Ladies and Head of a Nun The celebrated Killegrew, a half Length, Style of A Lady’s Portrait half Length, very elegant and a true Pi&ure of the Mafter ._ 7^ /> A Landfcape, a grand Italian Scene T wo, A group of Horfes and fmall Landfcape, P. Brill ^77^/%* Interior of a Gothic Church ^7(727 The Stoning of St. Stephen ^7/r Q/2*? Mercury, Argus and lo ^ -/T*'Q/*.2*7 „ Rembraadt 'S'.. S' ~ Porbus - — ‘I .1 >/ J.. J.. / - /O . 3 /*. /d>. *> I 5 i ll:. f. 2o7. & — Edema —

S3o ^ p. Veronefe 2 2. - Van Dyck — / W - 2 2 .. 2 „Z ~ /,. J>„ ~ S~ - Raphael Rottenhamer C. Marratti Flemilh Ditto — / 45 A Man’s Portrait, 3 quarters, a very capital fine Picture C .. /S' r y' 46 A ditto, very fine SScS Ibe 'Study . 47 Three Landfcapes, door Pieces 48 The Pantheon at Rome, after — 49 }5° 51 52 53 ,«*■ 55 5 6 ... 57 58 Two miniature Portraits of Ladies, I ditto in Oil . t / The Madona, a fmall beautiful Head, highly finilhed /3-t Three of Flowers and Infe£ls One of Fruit and 4 Prints and Drawings The Schoolmafter *5/ 2 Two fmall Portraits ^ 59 r The Transfiguration, highly finifhed, on Copper, after St. Catharine, a very capital Pi&ure yd Jacob and Rachael at the Well, a very elegant Pifture ^ Spanilh Beggar Boys, painted with great Force and Effect.—One of thofe Subjedts fo much the Ad¬ miration of this celebrated Artift. /*o } The Companion, of equal Merit with the preceding Lot - . ,, j — 60 A female Saint in a Vifion and Angels defcending with the Holy Crofs, a very capital and elegant Pi£ture, one of the fineft Works of this great Mailer Breakfaji Room . 61 A Study of Heads and a fmall Pi 6 lure of a Boor fmoakins Q ^ //,. a Rubens — *— 62 6 3 64 6 5 66 67 *2* A fine Drawing of St. Cecilia, after The Crucifixion The Offering in the Temple An Incantation a Two Portraits of Gentlemen. ts The Defcent from the Crofs, a fine Copy, from the celebrated Picture now at Paris full Length Portrait of Lord Godolphin, and an Head of Caidmal de Fleuri L Sir. G. Knellex *,68 A ^2 / X- /ST- _ // , / Rofa di Tivoli - De Heetn /S // - Ilolbein „ — / A Balket with Fruit A Man’s Portrait, finely finilhed and in high Prefer* vation A Pupil of Rembrandt, his own Portrait, a Pidure of great Effed of Nature A Fox in a Poultry Yard, finely painted An Hermit at Devotion, a beautiful Cabinet Pidure of this admired matter A View of Windfor Caftle and Eton College, a very interefting and accurate Reprefentation, finifh equal to Vander Heyden, on Copper The Laundry . Three Landscapes A Pair ^ A Pair Fruit and Dead Game, Two Heads of Men, and * Landscape j.^ End of tbe Fir ft Day's Sals, E 7 ) 9? i '.\ 5 l Second Day’s Sale, TUESDAY, JUNE the 7th, 1803. Wi it t .c v H PICTURES. 2 •--> Honthorfl: / . / Titian —• / -■ SS-■ 0 Hondikooter J -T v- Vandyck A. -2 ___ /J ■ // - Sir P. Lely / /«5 o p. Veronefe 3.. Italian A, £ '.3 Ditto — S. Ruyfdael — L. Van Leyden — 2/ 3 - A. del Sarto — «3itto — — / Mompert &c Breughel 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 to 11 12 *3 15 ‘Hte Htf// St air cafe. A Head, and Herodias, Italian - DW/; c^tcr-- A Venus, after 26 awi Two of Live Poultry, Fruit and Herbage A Study of Heads, and a Boy holding a Candle /J ti j £t Two, a fmall Fruit Piece and a Flower Piece ^ Three Heads y A Sampfon and Dalilah, after r C-C-^y Three, St. Jerome, the Defcent from the Crofs, and View of a City r 3 A Groupe, 2 Females Embracing, allegorical . A View on a Dyke in Holland, with Cottages, &c. The Wifemen’s Offering The Holy Family, Style of Raphael Sophonifba, a grand compofed Pi&ure A Wild Boar Hunting, Capital 2*3 ^ A Larder, with a variety of Dead Game and Fruit 15 * A Froft Piece, View in Flanders ^ A , <9 . <5 Edema .2 .. /J? „ -__ Principal tltd Chamber . 16 Three Landfcapes, Door Pieces 17 Four of Flowers, &c. ft Kneller b "aSA* / /SS■ • 6 Ditto ,, 3 > ~ Sclialken 2 5 ~ ~ Hcetnfkerk A - A ~ Terburgh 2 ,■ /

■ A -.Guido /3 .. 2 _ 'bV . Bordone ~ 22 - Bafiano , // . ’2> <■ Edema — / ‘ 2 * Eglon V. D, Neer /A ~ 22 . Titian — 2.. 2Z , At. Der Helft 2y .. yy - BalTano mm S - • Tintorotto — 2>~ - P. Vejjonefe « *9 ,,r 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 [ 8 ] 18 Three Half-Length Portraits, King William, Queen . - Mary, and Princefs of Denmark • The Room fronting the Green Park. A fmall Whole-Length of Queen Anne, in her Robes* ^ ' and a Door Piece Landfcape, by Edema A Courtezan playing on a Guitar, Candle-Light Monks at Devotion, and 1 of Boors Drinking A Porter bringing a Letter to a Lady Three, a Partridge, a fmall Portrait in Crayons, and r by Zuccaro /5o & vf The Nativity j An Interior with Boors Smoking, fine Three Heads, Ancient Portraits A Landfcape with a Farrier and various Horfes and Figures, a very pleafing Pidture 03^, asesfa***- Two Portraits of Gentlemen >~A%-' ffci//imA Two, a Lady and Gentleman Two ditto, very fine Judith with her Attendant A Sybil, a very graceful elegant Pi£lure C Lucretia, Engraved by Sir Robert Strange ^A3 ^1^22 The Holy Family, with St. Catharine, equal to the fined works of Titian, and in perfeft prefervation The Shepherd’s Offering, a very fpirited and capital" Pi £lure \—' -for f/2 The Small Bed Room « 3 6 37 38 39 40 4t 42 '2? Three Landfcapes, Door Pieces The Judgement of Paris The Shepherd’s Offering ..^2^ yyyj& Three Heads, Portraits Jacob’s Journey ^22*' The Shepherd’s Offering The Madona with Infant Chrift, diflributing the • J Paternofter Beads —i 9 * J7/ <5Carravaggio //# Titian y 0 .. // ~ Tintoretto 5~ ~ 5T7 L. Da Vinci 7 ,.72,-6 f)omenichino /A.. // - Raphael .■ 7(9. ^Baflano ■fA .. 72 -Teniers — [ 9 ] — 43 A a fine bold Effe£l, with t_ -/A J i 7^2 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Mufical Conversion, rich glow of Colouring The Entombing of Chrift, prefumed one of the fined Compofitions of this great Mailer, full of Cha- rafter and Exprellon, capital 7 V an Dyck //.. y Ditto y.. A - Kneller Rubens <35 . .AA ..Van Dyck 5* 52 53 54 55 5 6 57 58 59 60 61 62 6 3 ✓