Furniture AND Decoration. 18th. Century. -- J. Aldam Heaton. VO L, II. Part. ii. WYATT. HEPPELWHITE. WALLIS. W.JONES. KENT, &c. furniture auk ^Decoration 5n Bnglanfc IDming tbe Eighteenth Century furniture anb IDecoratton 3n Englanb ^During tbe JCigbteentb Century facsimile IReprobuctions of tbe Choicest examples from tbe Works of CHIPPENDALE, ADAM, RICHARDSON, HEPPELWHITE, SHERATON, PERGOLESI, and OTHERS Edited by JOHN ALDAM HEATON TWO VOLUMES.—EACH IN TWO PARTS VOL. II.—PART II. LONDON JOHN & E. BUMPUS, LIMITED, 350 OXFORD STREET Booksellers b\> Special appointment to Ib.flb. tbe Iking Plate CLL (James Wyatt. “ Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels,” &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate IV.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. Plate CLI. | „ VIA . , • »»>V>XSVC <->>vV. AVXXCt VU t-.X VX. Ct- x x X. LJ Plate CLII. (James Wyatt. “Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels,” &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate VII.) Ceiling Ornament. Plate CLIII. (James Wyatt. “Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels,” &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XVIII.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. Plate CLIV. (James Wyatt. “ Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels," &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XX.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. Plate CLIV. wry* , j »P Mau i !-' , iaH i Plate CLV. (James Wyatt. “Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels,” &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XXVI.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. Plate CLV. Plate CLVI. (James Wyatt. “Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels, &c.” Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XXVIII.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. Plate CLVI. ¥¥¥ ¥■ Plate CLVII. (James Wyatt. “ Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels,” &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XXXII.) A Ceiling Ornament. Plate CLVIII. (James Wyatt. “ Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels,’ &c. Folio. Loncl. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XXXIII.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. Plate CLIX. (James Wyatt. “Forty-I wo Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels, &c.” Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XXXVI.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. Plate CLX. (James Wyatt. “Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale. Ceilings, Panels,” &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XXXVIII.) A Ceiling Ornament. Plate CLXI. ames Wyatt. “ Forty-Two Original Coloured Drawings of Ornaments to Scale, Ceilings, Panels,” &c. Folio. Lond. No title-page or date. (1770-1785.) Plate XL.) Arrangement for a Ceiling. . ' ■ Plate CLXII. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plates VII. and IX.) Four Chairs. ■ . Plate CLXIII. PI eppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plates X. and XII.) Four Chairs. Plate CLXIV. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate XX.) Two PVindow Stools . Plate CLXV. (A. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plates XXI., XXIV., XXVI.) Three Sofas. Plate CLXVI. Heppelwhite. Repository of Lond. 1789. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Plate XXX.) Sideboard Table. - . - Plate CLXVII. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plates XXIX. and XXXIV.) Two Tables. Sideboard Table. Consul Table. LW; Plate CLXVIII. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plates XLIII. and XL 1 V.) Chest of Drawers and Cabinet . ' . ' Plate CLXVIII. Plate CLXIX. (A. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or. Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate XLVII.) Litei'ary Case. . . . Plate CLXX. (A. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer's Guide; or, Repository of Designs for eveiy Article of Household Furniture. Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate LIX.) Tea Trays. Plate CLXXI. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate LX I.) Tops for Card Tables . Plate CLXXII. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate LXIII.) Ornamented Tops for Pembroke Tables. Plate CLXXIII. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate LXVI.) Tops for Pier Tables. Plate CLXXIV. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plates LXX. and LXXI.) Four Dressing Glasses. Plate CLXXV. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plates LXXVII. and LXXVIII.) Two Literary Cases, with Tambour Writing Cases. Plate CLXXVI. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate LXXVIII.*) Tops for Tables. Plate CLXXVI. Plate CLXXVII. (A. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for eveiy Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate CVIII.) Curtains for Beds or IVindows. Plate CLXXVIII. (A. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household' Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate CXVII.) Three Mirrors. Plate CLXXVIII. Plate CLXXIX. Heppelwhite. “The Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide; or, Repository of Designs for every Article of Household Furniture.” Folio. Lond. 1789. Plate CXVI 1 I.) Three Mirrors. Plate CLXXIX. Plate CLXXX. (“The Cabinet Makers’ London Book of Prices.” 29 Plates. 4to. Lond. 1 793 - Plates I. and II.) Library Book Case, Writing Table, and Cellaret (combined). Sideboard Table. Library Table. Plate CLXXXI. (“The Cabinet Makers’ London Book of Prices.” 29 Plates. 4to. Lond. 1793. Plates V. and XX.) Two Chests of Drawers and Two Cellaret Sideboards. Plate CLXXXII. ‘The Cabinet Makers’ London Book of Prices." 29 Plates. 4to. Lond. 1793. Plates X. and XIV.) Harlequin Table, Pier Table, Commode, and Two Small MTriting Tables. Plate CLXXXIII. (Thos. Johnson (Carver). One Hundred and Fifty New Designs. 4to. Lond. 1761. Plates VII. and IX.) Mirrors. Plate CLXXXIV. (“Genteel Household Furniture, &c., by a Society of Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers, and Others.” 350 Designs on 120 copper plates. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. Lond. (Circa 1780.) Plates LI., LVII., LXII., LXVII., LXX.) Library Table. Pediment Bookcases. Open Pediment Btireau and Bookcase. Plate CLXXXV. (“Genteel Household Furniture, &c., by a Society of Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers, and Others.” 350 Designs on 120 copper plates. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. Lond. (Circa 1780.) Plates C., C 1 11 .. CVII., CVIII.) Commode. Grates. Fenders. Plate CLXXXVI. (“Genteel Household Furniture,” &c., by a Society of Upholsterers, Cabinet- Makers, and Others. 350 Designs on 120 Copper plates. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. Lond. (Circa 1780.) Plates CXI., CXII., CXIII., CXVI., CXVII., CXIX.) 1, 2, 3, 4. Scroll Balconies and Ironwork Balconies. 5. Iron Railing. 6, 7, 8.JSign Irons. 9. Branch. SC.SS Plate CLXXXVII. (N. Wallis. The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c." Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates I. and II.) Chimney-pieces and Cornices. Plate CLXXXVII Plate CLXXXVIIL (N. Wallis. “The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c.” Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates IV. and VII.) Ch imney-pieces. Plate CLXXXIX. (N. Wallis. " The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, . &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c.” Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates VIII. and XIV.) Cornices and Chimney-piece. Plate CXC. (N. Wallis. “The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c.” Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates XVI. and XVII.) Chimney-piece and Cornices. Plate CXCI. (N. Wallis. “The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c.” Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates XVIII. and XX.) Ceiling Ornaments and Friezes. Plate CXCII. (N. Wallis. ‘'The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c." Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plate XXXV.) Cornices. Plate CXCIII. (N. Wallis. “The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c.” Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates XXIII. and XXVI.) Four Doors. JE Plate CXCIV. (N. Wallis. “The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c.” Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates XXIV., XXV., and XXVII.) Cornices. Plate CXCV. (N. Wallis. “The Complete Modern Joiner; Designs for Chimney-pieces and Door-cases, with their Mouldings, &c., Friezes, Tablets, &c." Oblong 4to. Lond. 1772. Plates XIX. and XXXVI.) Cornices and Friezes. Plate CXCV. Plate CXCVI. (William Jones. Plates. Post “ The Gentlemen’s or Builders’ Companion.” 6o Copper 4-to. Lond. 1739. Plates XXXIII. and XXXVI.) Chimney Pieces. ' ' ■ - ■ - Plate CXCVII. (William Jones. “The plates. Post 4to. Gentlemen s or Builders Companion. 6o Copper Lond. 1739. Plates XLII. and XL 1 V.) Four Mirrors. - Plate CXCVIII. illiam Jones. “The Gentlemen’s or Builders’ Companion.” 6o Copper plates. Post 4to. Lond. 1739. Plates XLVII., XLVIIL, and XLIX.) Three Mirrors. Plate CXCIX. (Inigo Jones and William Kent. Folio. Lond. 1744. “ Some Designs.” 50 Copper plates. Plates XII. and XIV.) Two Chimney-pieces. Plate CC. (Inigo Jones and William Kent. “Some Designs.” 50 Copper plates. Folio. Lond. 1744. Plates XV. and XVI.) Two Chimney-pieces,