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ZJ*aZ — 37/ //^47/l/t 7//^ z*'? /j#z _- 3/3 /Z r t/Zs ity <&/ /f -l r y/rSZy y^- '/-/TL ^' yy x , - /- /f/ i t_ s' /4 < \ ,s i f f- /* s * y~2 rSS > • / / fZcs 2z 7 s '/ 'ft 2 - 3tf ZV*« , ?• >» <■ i V? rss>‘ /2(jz-c, fZ , si 2- /2 * er /4 s' 7'x^t*. j /Z /f&2, I OK The Valuable and Choice Collection OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH, © DUTCH A n> 1 M Capital Drawings, and fome Fine Prints, CAMEOS and INTAGLIOS, OP THE LATE JOHN DAVENPORT, Efq. Dec. Being a Selection of mod perfed CABINET PIQTURES in the feveral Schools, formed with great Tafte and Liberality during Ins feveral Jour- nies on the Continent ; comprifing the Works of Giorgione, Schiavone , PaduaninOy Domenichino, Carracci , Parmigiano 9 N. Boufin, Guidoy Baroccioy S. FerratOy Rubens , Rembrandt , WouvermanSy Du 'Jardiriy A. V. de Veldey Oftade, Bega, Poe/emberg, Waterlooy Palamedes . PARTICULARLY Three exquifite CABINET PICTURES by Domenichino ; the MUSICIAN, by G- Douw; and a beautiful PICTURE, by Wouvermans, from the Orleans’ Col- ledion : and a fine PORTRAIT by Giorgione, in the higheft Prefeivation. Alfoy a few fine Specimens of Modern Artifis . am** (By Order of the Executors,) Will be Sold by Auction, without the leajl Referee, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On Friday, February 20, 1801, ajjJ following Day, ' L'^ol AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. To be Viewed, and Catalogues had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, Cornhill, and in Pall Mall. ,\S0\ LoCbD !LAPft5-D5W2. CONDITIONS of SALE I. * I 'HE highefl Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more -*• Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be put up again and re-fold. ' v II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds zs. 6 d. And fo on in pro. portion, III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchaled, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforelaid, fhall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending Inch Re-fale, fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. 0 *> / A Catalogue, &c. ■ - — '■MW———— — , , , ... Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY the 20th, 1801. Prints. 1 ^^INE, Bartolozzi, he. fame curious 2 4, Captain Baillie, &c. fine 3 4, Mark Antonio, fine old imprefiions 4 8, Schweichardt’s Etchings of Cows, proofs 5 4, Bartolozzi one extremely rare, on -which is engraved: “ Bartolozzi fculp. for the last ’* 6 8, Bartolozzi, fome proofs, very fine 7 24, Portraits of Ruffians, See. 8 1, The Portrait of Lord Heathfield, after Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Earlom, a proof 9 2 After Guido and Sal. Rofa, by Strange, fine 10 4, Etchings by St. Non 11 8 Ditto of Plorfes, by Gilpin 12 10 Views in Rome by Hackert 13 7 Ditto by ditto 14 8 coloured views of Cities in Germany 15 3 by Walker, Sec. 16 2 from Rubens, fine 17 8 portraits by Walker ( 4 > 18 8 Hiftorical by Walker 19 5 Views of Petersburgh 20 25 of Animals 21 4 from Rembrandt, proofs 22 6 from Sir J. Reynolds by Walker 23 3 from Gilpin and Barret, fine 24 3 Landfcapes, Berghem, fine 25 10 After Rembrandt, &c. 26 4 Landfcapes after Webber, &c» 27 37, Various Masters 28 20 Etchings, by de Non 29 20, Van Uden, See. 30 16, After, and by Dufart. &c. 31 6 Etchings by De Non, after Rembrandt, See. 32 4 Views of Rome, by Hackert 33 6 Etchings by De Non 34 3 Views of Rome by Hackert 35 5, the Infant Hercules, &c. from Sir J» Reynolds by Walker 36 27, Pietro Telta, &c. 37 6 by Wille, Strange, &c. 38 Two Portfolios 39 An eafel, and a deal box for Prints 40 / 41 42 43 44 45 46 4T 48 49 CameoSy Intaglios , &c. 50 A Cameo (onyx) infant Hercules ftrangling the ferpents j antique: 51 A Lion Cameo ditto 52 A Cock’s head 53 A Jupiter, Intaglio, elegantly mounted in gold 54 A fmall head, fardonyx, mounted as a feal *54 A Jupiter, (antique) intaglio, arid a call of ditto / '.is ( S ) 55 A fpecimen of curious Agate for a fnuff box, and 3 intaglios (compofition); a bull, a Medufa and a Jupiter 56 An ivory fnuff box mounted with gold, and ornamented with a miniature 57 A fafhionable gold fnuff box, or Bonbonniere 58 An elegant fnuff box compofed of porphyry, and Egyptian Agate, lined with gold 59 Sixty-eight pieces of modern gold and filver coin 60 An elegant fteel-bilted fword 61 A beautiful fmall copy of the Venus de Medicis in alabafter, with glafs fhade *61 A Refle&ing Telefcope and ftand, by Bird, in a mahogany cafe Drawings .. 62 5, Watteau, Sic. 63 13, Hodges, views in India 64 3, Callot, Rembrandt and Tiepolo 65 2, Ruyfdael and Paul Potter 66 1, Ostade, in Water Colours, very fine 67 5, John Flaxman, R. A. Sculptor to His Majefty 68 7, Wilfon, views near Rome, with his Portrait 69 1, Berghem of Cows, very fine and rare 70 5, Rowlandson, Schweichardt, &c. 71 2, Gilpin of Cattle, in water colours, extremely fine 72 14, Drawings in water colours, views in Ruflia 73 14, A curious view of Malta, and 13 others 74 2 Views in India after Hodges 75 2 Ditto on India paper 76 1 D\tto on red India paper 77 2 Ditto, with a Letter-prefs differtation 78 30 Etchings from Corregio, &c. 79 10 Maps of Ruflia, Rome, &c. &c. Drawings Framed and Glazed . 80 A Magdalen, fmall, in enamel 81 Three, fmall, a view of the Piazza, Covent Garden, a fea port and 1 more 82 A portrait of Melina, by R. Cofway, and print of ditto 83 A pair of landfcapes by Wagner 84 A pair of ditto 85 A pair of ditto 86 A Bolognefe Peafant by Londoni and 2 by Dufart 87 A. fmall landfcape, by Barrett ( 6 ) 88 The Rat-Trap, a capital drawing by Wheatley 89 View of a Maufoleum in India by Hodges Books of Prints . 90 J. T. Smith’s Antiquities of London, 9 numbers, containing 72 plates, views of houfes, monuments, ftatues, &c. to illuftrate Stow, Weever, Maitland and Pennant 91 Another copy N. B. Ihefie are early fubfcription copies , and very fine impreffions. 92 J. T. Smith’s Rural Scenery, containing 20 plates of landfcapes a fubfcription copy 93 Views of Rome, 3 vols. fmall book, containing 22 plates, large book, containing 100 plates, 1ft. part, and 50 fecond part 94 Antiquities of Rome fine imprejfions 95 Hogarth’s Works 96 A book containing 52 etchings by Tiepolo 97 A ditto containing 37, by and after Oftade 98 A book containing 105 etchings by Rembrandt, Schmidt, Worlidge, De Non, See. many very curious and rare 99 A ditto containing 141 etchings by Callot, Della Bella, and-Le Clerk, fine old imprejfions 100 Two books containing etchings by the following matters, viz. 10 by Both, 19, Berghem, 2, Claude, 52, Du Jardin, 8, Dietrich, 3, Everdingen, 10, Geflher, 22, Count Haggerdine, 10, Londonio, 2, Paul Potter, 1, De Laer, 4, F. Miel, 15, Swane- veldt, 3, Rogman, 4, Ruyfdael, 6, Roufleau, 5, Smith, of Chichefter, 10, Stoop, 7, Weirotter, and 9, Waterloo— colletted by Mr. Davenport with great tafile and expence End of the Firft Day’s Sale. ( 7 ) Second Day’s Sale, ' ' » 1 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY the 21st, i 8 ot. /3? / . \ r\ «*• Pictures. 13 Q - ' / Cofway '//» /- /O ~ Terry ^ *~ Hodges - /3 ' 6 Dietrich 1 2 3 4 5 JL WO, a fmall Landfcape and a Cupid Two of Horfes A pair of Landfcapes, ftile of Hobbima 4 Two Landfcapes <• v- -> A Pair of Ditto ST — Hackert — 6 Dogs roufing a Wild Boar * V? - 0 *“ Brown - — 7 * A Pair of fmall Landfcapes - Locatelli — 8 An Italian Peafant, and companion to ditto, by Schweick- ' hardt '■ ? Gilpin 9 A Landfcape, moonlight ' " // — - Morland — 10 A fmall Landfcape, a woody fcene — Sir J. Reynolds 11 A Profile, a ftudy ^ - — Cafanova — 12 Banditti in a Landfcape IV Morland — 13 A Storm '^S ->• Ditto 14 A fmall Landfcape with a Horfeman demounted '* ^ . -» Steenwyck — 15 A Prifon Scene - Mortimer — 16 Banditti with a Female Captive f ^ „ Morland _ 17 A Sea-fliore with Fifhermen - ---- —- - — 18 A Landfcape, the Figures by Morland 1 - /# ft.. Kauffman _ 19 Twoovais « > - 2 -o Webber _ 20 A View of Mont-blanc in Switzerland » \P tv V, V ^ * 4 " /- -2 - / - •2 - /Z - &~ 7 ~ y Barrett — /A Hackert — y' c v '~- Hodges and Gilpin — 7f — Italian — .2 «~- Martorelli and Haufman - Vernet — v ~ Braamer — Z> Mortimer — Cignani — 2 Z\Vilfon — /& — V. Goyen — >2 ✓ Schweickhardt *5~ — Ditto ^ “ Rembrandt /O ^ Spagnoletto /Z ^7 Ghifolfl i3 Zeeman •—--Luinez /Z. 7?. Neefs jr -_ /2 .. /Z 3 ~ A 7 - 7 , A -VA¬ X' -2, - 2 - 2 4 - S - -2 ~ /S 2 - /*5 . ^ ^ - /-/*> 2 - M - 2 : $ . A - A Van der Meulen - V. Dyck — - Titian — ~ Tintoretto — 6D. Port — - Keyfer — - S. Ruyfdael - Martorelli — - E. Sirani — O Rubens — - P. Molyn — Moucheron — - Nogari — ~ Lanfranc ^ - - Sirani —* *- Mieris . ' —• 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 * 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48’ 49 50 51 52 53 . 54 55 *55 ( 8 ) ' A warm Landfcape and Figures, fun fet tAm’/A A Pair of Italian Landlcapes, view of the Bay of Naple* and companion A Cottage Scene, the horfes by Gilpin Two, a Female head, and a Cupid with a Dolphin Two fmall Landlcapes A Storm An upright Landfcape with Ruins, moon-light Apollo, a Iketch , A Boy fleeping 2 A Pair of fmall Landfcapes with Figures A Landfcape, ditto A fmall Landfcape, and a Shipwreck A Pair of Landfcapes A pair of fmall Views of Scheveling, in the ftile of De Vlieger Hermits St. Jerome Archite&ure A fmall Sea Port on the Coafl of Norway A Female Portrait Interior of a Church, with figure of the Rich Man and the Publican A pair of fmall Battle Pieces Two Portraits i. A Portrait The Annunciation A Landfcape A Man’s Portrait, on copper A• View on a River, with boats > A high finifhed Landfcape, with Bacchanalian figures Head of a Danae A fine Head A Landfcape and Figures An elegant Landfcape A Female Portrait St. Peter St. Paul A Boy blowing Bubbles, after ( 9 ) r/ ,3 - • JO ~ Barocio — 56 JJ *' // *- W. Romyn - 57 ^ — — Domenichino — 1 58 JJ'' JO, Barochio 59 * - Jf '• /^De Koning 60 *3/ " /O V. der Neer 61 J+ • • Jff ~ Schiavoni -- 62 " J *).. <^N. Pouffin 63 /o •* V. der Neer mmam 64 Jf ’ * -4 N. Pouffin — C. Dolce — 65 66 l *5“ — *- J. Oftade 67 S~ " S' Palamedes — 68 J* " J/ — Schweikhardt _ 69 S '• /ff ^ Titian — 70 — />£ * Solimeni — 71 3*'-'- Agricola " /5"-vo Guido — 72 — 73 /3 -. 2 -^SafTo Ferrato — 74 .. /£ '.JC. Maratti — 75 /Jf " JJ/ •- Schlingeland — 76 2 Caravagio _ 77 ^ *• Domenichino — 78 .. — Vanni /££ - ^Rembrandt — 79 — 80 // ,.// ■— Raphael — 81 * • S *— Lud. Caracci — 82 ^ - Van Dyck — 83 6P /, /£ — Paduanino — 84 3Z «'/^*— Giorgione .- 85 r 2> tt /ft ^ Mommers — 86 fo - -- Car du Jardin — 87 !& *--—-Wouvermans 88 A beautiful (ketch for the figure of Our Saviour in the picture of the Laft Supper *~ A Landfcape with Cattle The Apotheofis of St. Cecilia, a model for the deling in the Chapel of the Church of S. Luigi di Parigi, at Rome Sw, — A Madona ’ 2 /Z .. o A View in Holland An Evening Scene, from Baron Nagel’s Colle&ion A Landfcape A fine Stud/, for the pi£ture of the Plague A Moon Light, a very pleafing Landfcape A Landfcape with Hermits, ftyle of A Female Head, with a funeral urn iJ Boors finging and regaling A Corps du Garde A Landfcape, ftyle of Wynants S. Girolamo The Continence of Scipio A beautiful fcene, near Rome Sophonifba with the cup A Madona A Holy Family A Dutch Kitchen Lucretia St. Cecilia St. Jerome A Man’s Portrait, very capital The Transfiguration, a fine old copy St. Catharine, fine A Jeweller’s portrait The Triumph of Galatea A Portrait of a Venetian Senator An Italian Market with Peafants A Landfcape, an Italian fcene, with peafants returning from market, out of M. Calonne’s Colle&ion & r S Going out Hawking, a very capital and elegant pidlure, a .rich fcene, from the Orleans Colle&ion u B ( »° ) ^ l/Q $9/s * ~ A. V. de Velde — 89 ,, /o ^ Gerard Douw — % 90 .^^r/ Q)a, ■**/ — - - Domenichino —— 91 /4/ -- /T— Ditto - 92 A Landfcape with Cattle and Figures, exquifitely finilhed, a beautiful picture His own Portrait touching a Violin, a moft fpirited, elegant ar.d high finifhed picture, in perfeCl prefervation, from the Orleans Collection A capital Cabinet PiCture reprefenting Two Saints, %■ jewel of the fir ft clafs Ditto the companion, of equal merit *> F I N I «1 \ J. Smeetun, Printer, 14S, St. Martin’s Lane. 1 mm* ->V - ' /A 4 bC v V> i ^ v ■ sw-w