CA-T^LOOXJE THE CHOICE COLLECTION OF OLD MEZZOTINT AND OTHER ENGRAVINGS, fllMntatuues anb Enamels OF DECEASED, LATE OF 9 KENSINGTON PALACE GARDENS , Comprising Portraits in the best states after Sir J, Reynolds, J. Hoppner, R.A., T. Gainsborough, R.A., G. Romney and others; Mezzotints after G. Morland ; Proofs from Constable’s ‘English Landscape 5 ; Artists’ Proofs after Sir E. Landseer, Sir D. Wilkie, &c., &c.: L which (by Order of the Executors) Mill be irolii Auction Di> Messes. CHRISTIE, M ANSON > & WOODS, AT TKEER GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1895, AND FOLLOWING DAY, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Wools’ O Rices, S King Street } St. Jd iuess Square, S .) V. ZtVHH i CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. ---- On WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. +o MINIATURES. *2 i ?0 2 ?a 3 C/6o. ■ - 5 6 fe .-- 7 '3A 3 -9 f/trv -. -10 James I., by N. Hilliard Anne of Denmark, by N. Hilliard Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, by I. Oliver George Yilliers, Duke of Buckingham, by I. Oliver Edward, Earl of Dorset, by J. Hoskins —signed William III. : oval enamel John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, by Zincko: oval enamel John Gay : oval enamel, by ditto Lord Chesterfield : oval enamel, by ditto Joseph Addison : oval enamel B 2 4 ii /J0 12 /// 13 /JT 14 15 42 16 ft 17 ZO:- • - 18 19 43 20 P^ 21 22 23 24 25 Richard Steele : oval enamel—in chased metal-gilt frame Mrs. Fitzherbert, by R. Cosway, E.A. From the Ricketts Collection Portrait of a Lady, in orange-coloured dress, by J. Smart —/ signed J. S. 1780—in gold locket Portrait of a Lady, in white dress with blue ribbon, powdered hair—in oval locket Portrait of George IV., when Prince Regent, by Cosway—in oval gold locket The Same, in lilac-coloured dress, with broad white collar /P444 Portrait of a Lady, in white dress, and white scarf in her hair —in oval locket enamelled dark blue, with white border Portrait of a Lady, in white dress, with gold neck chain antf^*^^* pearl pendant—gold frame Portrait of a Lady, in blue dress and pearl necklace—in gold locket Margaret Caroline, Daughter of the First Marquis Stafford, half-length, seated in a landscape : large miniature in or-molu frame —signed R. Cosway, 1772 Portrait of a Lady, in lilac-coloured dress and large hat, 4 wearing a bunch of flowers, by F. Dumont H.R.H. The Prince Consort, after Hayter, enamel by H. P. Bone The Duke of Wellington, after Sir T. Lawrence, oval enamel by W. Essex Sir Isaac Newton, after Van der Bank, enamel by H. P. Bone Napoleon I. : onyx cameo ; and A Head of a Negro : onyx cameo 5 ENGRAVINGS— In the Folio. AFTER J. CONSTABLE, R.A., BY DAVID LUCAS. Engraver's Proofs. 26 Constable’s House, East Bergholt (1) 27 Spring : Hail Squalls (2) 28 Autumnal Sunset (3) 29 Noon (4) 30 Yarmouth Pier (5) 31 Summer Morning (6) 32 Summer Evening (7) 33 Dell at Helmington (8) 34 A Heath (9) 35 Stoke by Neyland Church (10) 36 Sea Beach, Brighton (11) 37 River Stour (12) 38 Lock on the Stour (13) 39 Old Sarum (14) 40 A Summerland (15) 41 A Mill (17) 42 Weymouth Bay (18) 43 Summer Afternoon after a Shower (19) 44 The Glebe Farm (20) 45 Hadleigh Castle (21) 46 Vignette, Hampstead Heath (22) 47 Tail of the Mill (23) 48 A Suffolk Windmill ^24) 49 Salisbury Cathedral (25) 50 Porch of East Bsrgholt Church (27) 51 Gillingham Mill (28) 52 Sir R. Steele’s Cottage (29) 53 Jacques and the Stag (30) 54 Cornfield near Brighton (31) 55 Willie Lott’s House (33) 56 A Cottage in a Cornfield (34) 57 Hampstead Heath : Harrow in distance (35) 58 Flatford (36) 59 Castle Acre Priory (37) 60 View on the Orwell (38) 61 Windmill near Colchester (39) 62 Arundel Castle (40) 63 Young Waltonians, after J. Constablo, R.A., by D. Lucas— proof 64 The Same 65 After pictures in the Aguado Gallery —proofs 12 66 After pictures in the National Gallery 26 67 Boys Fishing, after W. Collins, R.A., by W. Ward— proof; Sterne and the Grisette, after Newton; &c. 6 68 The Golden Age, after B. West, by V. Green, &c. 3 69 Niobe, after Y\ ilson, by Sharpe and Smith ; &c. 4 70 The Watermill, after Sir A. W. Callcott, by C. Turner— proof and print 2 71 Rubens’ Son and his Nurse, after Rubens; and A Watermill, after Hobbema, by R. Earlom— proofs 2 72 La Belle Jardiniere, after Rafi'aelle, by Desnoyers— proof 73 La Madonna del Cardellino, after ditto, by Martinet ; and La Vierge aux Candelabres, by Bridoux— proofs 2 74 The Assumption op the Virgin, after Murillo, by Lefevre ; The Last Supper, after L. da Vinci, by Wagner ; and Charles I., after Vaudyck 3 AFTER SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A. 75 The Sanctuary, after Sir E. Landseer, R.A., by T. Landseer, A.R.A.— before all letters 76 Horses at a Fountain, after ditto, by J. H. Watt — ditto 77 Midsummer Night’s Dream, after ditto, by S. Cousins, R.A.— artist's proof 78 H.M. The Queen and Children, after ditto, by S. Cousins, R.A. —before all letters 79 The Mantilla, after ditto, by J. H. Robinson— proof before letters AFTER SIR D. WILKIE, R.A. 80 The Village Festival, by C. G. Lewis— before all letters 81 Village Recruit, by C. Fox— first proof; and The Only Daughter, by Engleheart 2 82 Reading of a Will, by J. Burnet— proof with arms 83 Village Politicians, by A. Raimbach— open letter proof 84 The Blind Fiddler, by J. Burnet— open letter proof 85 Distraining for Rent, by A. Raimbach— proof 86 The Errand Boy and the Cut Finger, by A. Raimbach 87 Duncan Gray, by F. Engleheart; and The Letter of Introduction, by J. Burnet —proofs 88 The Rabbit on the Wall, by Burnet; Spanish Mother; and First Earring —proofs 3 89 A Scotch Wedding, by J. Stewart— proof before letters 8 90 Parish Beadle, by Kaimbacb; Highlauder’s Home, by W. Finden— proof ; and Card Players, by C. G. Lewis 3 91 Abbotsford Family, by Graves ; Digging for Rats, by Mitcbell; and Pedlar, by Stewart —proofs 3 4 / 92 The Choice of Paris; and The Companion, after A. Kauffman, by W. Ryland— proofs , printed in red ; &c. 3 93 Maria, after ditto, by ditto; and Cleone, by Bartolozzi —in red 2 91 Queen Eleanor ; and The Companion, after ditto, by W. Ryland — proofs, printed in red 2 95 Lovers, after Wheatley —a pair, in brown ; Lingo and Cowslip, after Singleton ; and Nature, after Hoppner 4 96 The Milk Girl; and The Companion, after F. Wheatley, R.A./^^s^ — before all letters, framed AFTER G. MORLAND. 97 The Cottage Door; The Young Dealer; and The Alehouse Door, by T. Williamson 3 98 Portrait of G. Morland, by Gaugain ; Tired Gipsies; and Summer’s Evening, by Williamson 3 99 The Bell; The Turnpike; &c., by Fittler 6 100 Shipwrecked Smugglers; and Fishermen after Storm, by Reynolds; dc. 3 101 Interior of a Stable, with postillion— proof 102 Sportsman’s Hall, by W. Ward 103 The Alehouse Kitchen, by R. S. Syer; A Bear Hunt, by Reynolds; and Setters, by W. Ward 3 104 The Fleecy Charge; and The Woodcutter— first proofs 2 105 Louisa, by T. Gaugain— a pair a 9 106 Rabbits and Guinea-Pigs, by W. Ward 2 107 Watering the Cart-Horse; and Rubbing down the Post-borse, by J. R. Smith 2 108 The Corn-Bin, by J. R. Smith 109 The Cottager’s Wealth, by G. Keating 110 Juvenile Navigators, by W. Ward— proof 111 The Happy Cottagers, by J. Grozer— ditto 112 The Farmer’s Stable, by W. Ward 113 Travellers, by W. Ward— proof 114 Cottagers, by ditto 115 The Farmyard, by W. Ward 116 The Return From Market, by J. R. Smith 117 Feeding the Pigs, by ditto 118 The Fisherman’s Hut, by ditto 119 Innocence Alarmed, by J. R. Smith; and the Companion— proofs 2 AFTER T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. FANCY SUBJECTS, Etc. 120 The Milk Girl; and the Cottage Girl, by Lupton and C. Turner; &c. 4 121 The Same— proofs % 122 Shepherd Boy in a Storm, by R. Earlom— -first state 123 Girl and Pigs, by R. Earlom— first state 124 The Same (without title) ; and The Watering Placo, by D. Rymer 2 125 Interior op a Cottage ; and The Little Cottager, by ^ C. Turner— first states 2 126 Girl in a Landscape, by W. Barnard— proof 10 127 Cottage Children; and Boys and Dogs, by II. Birche —second states 2 128 Gipsy Mother and Children —before any inscription 129 Lavinia, by Bartolozzi —proof before any inscription 130 The Same; and Hobbinol and Ganderetta, by Tomkins 2 131 The Woodman, by P. Simon— -proof —&c. 2 132 The Cottage Girl; and the Young Cottager, by J. Whessell 2 133 Road Scene, with Peasants on Horseback, by Bartolozzi; &c. 3 134 Rural Lovers, by Vivares; Gipsies, by J. Wood; &c. 7 135 The Windmill, by Middiman; Studies from Nature, by ,T. Browne ; &c. 12 136 The Cottage, by S. W. Reynolds; &c. 8 137 Landscapes and Portraits, by W. Miller, &c. 7 137a Repose, lithographed by R. Lane PORTRAITS. 138 The Rt. Hon. William Pitt, by J. K. Sherwin— first state 139 The Same, by W. Bromley 140 The Duke of Norfolk ; and the Earl of Sandwich, by J. K. Sherwin— first states 2 141 The Marquis of Buckingham,by ditto— first state ; Earl Camden, by Bartolozzi; &c. 4 142 Thomas Gainsborough, R.A., by Bartolozzi; and the Same, by H. Meyer 2 143 Georgiana, Countess Spencer, by Bartolozzi— in red 144 The Marquess of Lansdowne, by Bartolozzi— proof; and The Earl of Bute, by C. Watson • 2 145 The Same, with title; and other small portraits 146 The Duchess of Devonshire, by J. Jackson; Prince Octavius, by Ckcoseman ; &c. 3 II MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS. 147 John, Duke of Argyll, by J. Watson; and The Et. Hon. Augustus Hervey, by ditto 2 148 James, Earl of Abercorn, by J. Dean— proof before any in¬ scription 149 The Hon. G. C. Berkeley, by H. Bircke— first state 150 Henry Beaufoy, by W. Ward 151 Mark Beaufoy, by V. Green— first state ; and Sir E. Perryn, by G. Dupont 2 152 The Earl of Carnarvon, by W. Ward— first state ; and The Earl of Derby, by G. Keating 2 153 Sir H. Harbord, by J. E. Smith ; and The Et. Hon. H. J. Conway, by G. Dupont 2 154 John Henderson, by J. Jones— first state; and Admiral Sir Charles Thompson, by E. Earlom 2 155 Joshua Kirby, by J. Dixon— first state ; and Francis Seymour Conway 2 156 Sir Edward Turner, by J. McArdell— first state 157 Prince William Henry; and Lord Frederic Campbell, by G. Dupont; Portrait of Pitt; &c. 4 158 George, Lord Kodney, by G. Dupont— first state 159 Colonel St. Leger, by G. Dupont— ditto 160 Eichard Warren, M.D., by J. Jones; and the Earl of Carnarvon, by W. Ward 2 161 George, Prince of Wales, by J. E. Smith— second state 162 The Et. Hon. Francis Greville, Earl of Warwick; and Lord Viscount Howe, by J. Watson 2 12 1G3 Admiral Vernon; Sir E. Turner; and Dr. Garnett, by J. McArdell 3 1G4 Mrs. Kichards, by J. Spilsbury— second state 1G5 Queen Charlotte, by G. Dupont— second state 166 George III., by ditto— first state Framed. 167 David Garrick, by V. Green— first state 168 Henry, Duke of Buccleuch, by J. Dixon — first state 169 Mrs. Elliot, by J. Dean 170 King George III.; and Queen Charlotte, by G. Dupont 2 171 The Eldest Princesses, by ditto 172 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, by W. Barney 173 Signora Giovanna Baoelli, by J. Jones— third stale 174 A large portfolio, with leaves End of First Day's Sale. Second Day’s Sale. On THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1895, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ■+o*- MISCELLANEOUS PORTRAITS. 175 The Duke of Wellington, after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. Cousins, E.A.; &c. 4 176 Frances, Lady Byron, after Hogarth, by J. Faber— 'printed in broivn 177 Peg Woffington as Mrs. Ford, after Haytlcy, by ditto 178 David Garrick as Richard III., after N. Dance, by J. Dixon— second state 179 George III., after Northcote, by W. Say— proof 180 The Life School at the Academy, after Zoffany, by R. Earloni— proof 181 Sir Francis and Charles Baring, and Mr. Wall, after Sir T. Lawrence, by J. Ward —first state 182 Sir D. Wilkie, R A., after A. Geddes, by W. Ward— proof 183 ILR.H. the Duke of Clarence, after Sir M. A. Shee, by J. Ward ; &c. 2 184 Lavinia, Countess Spencer, after ditto— before any letters 14 185 Queen Charlotte and Princess Royal; and Younger Children of George III., after B. West, by Y. Green —first states 2 186 Queen Charlotte, after Zoffany; and Portrait of a Gentleman, in robes of the Garter 2 187 Lady Kinnaird, by H. Meyer — proof , framed 188 Master Lambton, after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. Cousins, It.A.— engraver's proof 189 Miss Farren (Countess of Derby), after ditto, by Bartolozzi Framed. 190 Miss Farren (Countess of Derby), after Sir T. Lawrence, by Bartolozzi —proof 191 The Marquis of Salisbury, after Sir W. Beecliey, by W. Say— proof before any inscription 192 George III., after Northcote, by ditto —ditto AFTER J. HOPPNER, R.A. In the Folio . 193 The Rt, Hon. W. Pitt, by G. Clint 194 The Duke of York ; and The Duke of Clarence, by C. Hodges 2 195 Earl Camden, by W. Ward; and The Rt. Hon. Adam Duncan, by J. Ward 2 196 The Duke of Rutland ; and Lord Grey de Wilton, by C. Turner —proofs before any letters 2 197 Sir Richard Carr Glyn, by W. Say; and Sir Samuel Hood, by G. Clint —proof 2 198 The Rt. Hon. George Canning, by J. Young— first state 199 Lord Hervey, by ditto; &c. 3 200 TIjc Duke of Grafton ; The Earl of Essex ; &c., by G. Turner 5 201 Vernon, Archbishop of York ; Randolph, Bishop of London ; &c., by C. Turner and S. W. Reynolds, &c. 7 202 Miss Bover, by C. Watson— printed in bruwn 203 Lady Charlotte Dun combe ; and Viscountess Andover, by C. Wilkin 2 204 Viscountess St. Asaph ; and Lady Langham, by ditto 2 205 Lady Langham, by ditto ; &c. 2 206 The Princess Mary ; and Princess Sophia, by C. Watson— proofs 2 207 Psyche, by H. Meyer; &c. 2 208 Pick-a-Back, by S. Nugent— proof ; A Lady in Character, by H. Cook —proofs &c. 3 209 Mrs. Arbuthnot, by S. W. Reynolds— proof 210 Mrs. Hibbert, by J. Ward 211 Lady Louisa Manners, by C. Turner 212 Lady Mulgrave; and Miss Arabella Wilmot, by G. Clint 2 Fiamed. 213 Phiebe Hoppner, by J. R. Smith— -first state 214 Mrs. Gwyn, by J. Young— ditto 215 Miss Crockatt, by J. Dean— first slate 216 Mbs. Jordan, by J. Jones— first state 217 Eliza (Mrs. Hoppner), by J. Young— ditto 218 Elizabeth, Countess of Mexborough, by W. Ward — first state 219 Lady Charlotte Greville, by J. Young— first state 220 Lady Anne Lambton and Family, by ditto— ditto 221 Mrs. Orby Hunter, by ditto— ditto 16 /' j-j' J